Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd drwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:29 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met by video-conference at 13:29 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da. Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y cyfarfod, ac mae'r rheini wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. A dwi eisiau atgoffa Aelodau am y Rheolau Sefydlog sydd yn ymwneud â threfn mewn Cyfarfod Llawn, ac mae'r rheini'n berthnasol i'r cyfarfod yma, wrth gwrs.
Good afternoon, and welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. A Plenary meeting held by video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary, and those are noted on your agenda. And I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting, of course.
Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyllid a'r Trefnydd yw'r eitem gyntaf, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mick Antoniw.
The first item is questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd, and the first question is from Mick Antoniw.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gyllid ychwanegol a ddyranwyd i'r portffolio addysg i gefnogi rhaglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain yn Rhondda Cynon Taf? OQ56450
1. Will the Minister make a statement on additional funding allocated to the education portfolio to support the twenty-first century schools programme in Rhondda Cynon Taf? OQ56450

We are providing an additional £70 million to support delivery of the band B programme next year. This money will bring the total invested over the life of the twenty-first century schools programme to £3.7 billion, of which nearly £400 million will be invested in Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Rydym yn darparu £70 miliwn ychwanegol i gefnogi’r gwaith o gyflwyno rhaglen band B y flwyddyn nesaf. Bydd yr arian hwn yn dod â'r cyfanswm a fuddsoddwyd dros oes rhaglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain i £3.7 biliwn, a bydd bron i £400 miliwn o hynny'n cael ei fuddsoddi yn Rhondda Cynon Taf.
Minister, by the end of this year, and over the past 10 years, Rhondda Cynon Taf Labour council, with support from a Welsh Labour Government, has invested or committed nearly £0.75 billion in our local education infrastructure, building new schools, renovating buildings, providing our children with the most modern facilities anywhere in Wales and the UK. And what we can see developing is quite remarkable: a new £23 million school at Y Pant in Pontyclun; a new £43 million three to 19 community school in Tonyrefail; new schools at Penrhiwfer—£7.4 million; Llwyncrwn at Beddau—£3.5 million; investment in Coleg y Cymoedd; and new schools planned at Pontypridd High, Hawthorn; Bryn Celynnog 3G and running track—£1.3 million; and much, much more. Minister, already I can see the impact of these investments on our students, their morale, their confidence, and pride in their schools. Can you confirm that, in the next Senedd, a Welsh Labour Government will continue to invest in education and provide our students with the world-class educational facilities they deserve?
Weinidog, erbyn diwedd eleni, a thros y 10 mlynedd diwethaf, mae cyngor Llafur Rhondda Cynon Taf, gyda chymorth Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru, wedi buddsoddi neu ymrwymo bron i £0.75 biliwn yn ein seilwaith addysg lleol, yn adeiladu ysgolion newydd, adnewyddu adeiladau, a darparu'r cyfleusterau mwyaf modern i'n plant yn unrhyw le yng Nghymru a'r DU. Ac mae'r hyn y gallwn ei weld yn datblygu yn eithaf rhyfeddol: ysgol newydd gwerth £23 miliwn yn y Pant ym Mhont-y-clun; ysgol gymunedol newydd gwerth £43 miliwn i ddisgyblion tair i 19 oed yn Nhonyrefail; ysgolion newydd ym Mhenrhiwfer—£7.4 miliwn; Llwyncrwn yn y Beddau—£3.5 miliwn; buddsoddiad yng Ngholeg y Cymoedd; ac ysgolion newydd ar y gweill yn ysgol uwchradd Pontypridd, ysgol Hawthorn; cae 3G a thrac rhedeg ysgol gyfun Bryn Celynnog—£1.3 miliwn; a llawer iawn mwy. Weinidog, gallaf eisoes weld effaith y buddsoddiadau hyn ar ein myfyrwyr, eu morâl, eu hyder, a'u balchder yn eu hysgolion. A allwch gadarnhau y bydd Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru, yn y Senedd nesaf, yn parhau i fuddsoddi mewn addysg ac yn darparu'r cyfleusterau addysgol o'r radd flaenaf y mae ein myfyrwyr yn eu haeddu?
Yes, I will absolutely provide that reassurance and confidence to Mick Antoniw this afternoon. And just listing the investment that's gone into Rhondda Cynon Taf, I think, really shows the scale of the ambition that we've shown so far, but also gives an indication of the kind of investment that we would want to make in future. So, Welsh Government will continue to invest in the school estate through the twenty-first century schools and colleges programme. Of the £3.7 billion lifetime investment, £2.3 billion of this will be invested in band B over the coming years. And band B of the programme was, of course, launched in April 2019, with an indicative five-year delivery reporting period. And the investment of £2.3 billion is a combination of traditional capital and revenue under the mutual investment model. Its aim, of course, is to deliver 200 new build and major refurbishments across Wales, which I think sets out the level of ambition for the future and a really exciting period continuing in the years ahead.
Yn sicr, gallaf ddarparu'r sicrwydd a'r hyder hwnnw i Mick Antoniw y prynhawn yma. Ac rwy'n credu bod dim ond rhestru'r buddsoddiad a wnaed yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn dangos pa mor uchelgeisiol rydym wedi bod hyd yn hyn, ond mae hefyd yn rhoi syniad o'r math o fuddsoddiad y byddem yn awyddus i’w wneud yn y dyfodol. Felly, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i fuddsoddi yn yr ystâd ysgolion drwy raglen ysgolion a cholegau'r unfed ganrif ar hugain. O'r cyfanswm o £3.7 biliwn o fuddsoddiad, bydd £2.3 biliwn yn cael ei fuddsoddi ym mand B dros y blynyddoedd i ddod. A lansiwyd band B y rhaglen, wrth gwrs, ym mis Ebrill 2019, gyda chyfnod adrodd dangosol o bum mlynedd. Ac mae'r buddsoddiad o £2.3 biliwn yn gyfuniad o refeniw a chyfalaf traddodiadol o dan y model buddsoddi cydfuddiannol. Ei nod, wrth gwrs, yw darparu 200 o adeiladau newydd a phrosiectau adnewyddu mawr ledled Cymru, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn nodi lefel yr uchelgais ar gyfer y dyfodol, a chyfnod hynod gyffrous yn y blynyddoedd i ddod.
Minister, I'm sure you'll be relieved to hear I'm not a candidate for the election, so I'll not read out my election address; I'll just move to an appropriate question. When large sums of money are given for public use, I think we need the maximum value for the Welsh pound. And here, I do commend RCT council for the way they've used some of these moneys to promote, through the schools programme, ecological habitat, the imaginative use of technologies, connectedness to other priorities like Welsh-language childcare settings in Welsh-medium primary schools, and also dual use of sports facilities so that they're also available to the community. And we do need to use our public expenditure in this way, to get the maximum value from them.
Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn rhyddhad ichi glywed nad wyf yn ymgeisydd yn yr etholiad, felly nid wyf am ddarllen fy anerchiad etholiadol; af ymlaen at gwestiwn priodol. Pan roddir symiau mawr o arian at ddefnydd y cyhoedd, credaf ein bod angen y gwerth mwyaf am y bunt Gymreig. Ac yma, rwy'n canmol cyngor RhCT am y ffordd y maent wedi defnyddio peth o'r arian hwn i hyrwyddo, drwy raglen yr ysgolion, cynefin ecolegol, y defnydd dychmygus o dechnolegau, cysylltedd â blaenoriaethau eraill fel lleoliadau gofal plant Cymraeg eu hiaith mewn ysgolion cynradd cyfrwng Cymraeg, yn ogystal â’r defnydd deublyg o gyfleusterau chwaraeon fel eu bod ar gael i'r gymuned hefyd. Ac mae angen inni ddefnyddio ein gwariant cyhoeddus yn y modd hwn, er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn cael y gwerth mwyaf posibl amdano.
I absolutely couldn't agree more with David Melding on that point, because, of course, when we're investing in our school estate and our college estate, we're investing in the futures of those young people, which is absolutely the priority. But there are so many more benefits that we enjoy as well—for example, the investment that we're making in decarbonisation, in terms of supporting biodiversity, and all of that is very central to our approach. And the mutual investment model will be very important in the next steps of our school building programme here in Wales. And that model is very much focused on delivering those additional benefits—those community benefits—be they ambitious decarbonisation or biodiversity targets, or those other benefits, including ensuring that local communities are able to benefit from apprenticeship opportunities and learning opportunities. So, absolutely, this isn't just about the bricks and mortar; it's about everything that goes around that.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â David Melding ar y pwynt hwnnw, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, pan fyddwn yn buddsoddi yn ein hystâd ysgolion ac yn ein hystâd colegau, rydym yn buddsoddi yn nyfodol y bobl ifanc hynny, a dyna’n sicr yw’r flaenoriaeth. Ond mae cymaint yn fwy o fuddion rydym yn eu mwynhau hefyd—er enghraifft, y buddsoddiad rydym yn ei wneud mewn datgarboneiddio, i gefnogi bioamrywiaeth, ac mae hynny oll yn ganolog i'n hymagwedd. A bydd y model buddsoddi cydfuddiannol yn bwysig iawn yng nghamau nesaf ein rhaglen adeiladu ysgolion yma yng Nghymru. Ac mae'r model hwnnw'n canolbwyntio'n gryf ar sicrhau’r buddion ychwanegol hynny—y buddion cymunedol hynny—boed yn dargedau datgarboneiddio neu fioamrywiaeth uchelgeisiol, neu'r buddion eraill hynny, gan gynnwys sicrhau bod cymunedau lleol yn gallu elwa ar gyfleoedd prentisiaeth a chyfleoedd dysgu. Felly, yn sicr, nid oes a wnelo hyn â brics a morter yn unig; mae'n ymwneud â phopeth sydd ynghlwm wrth hynny.
2. Beth yw goblygiadau cyllideb derfynol Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2021-22 i Orllewin Casnewydd? OQ56464
2. What are the implications of the Welsh Government's 2021-22 final budget for Newport West? OQ56464
Newport City Council will see an increase of £12.8 million in its settlement, the largest increase in funding of any local authority, at 5.6 per cent. I've also announced today £1.5 million to drive forward an £11.9 million joint investment for the major renovation of the Newport transporter bridge. [Laughter.] I'm very excited about that, as you can see, Llywydd. Sorry, I was struggling to say it.
Bydd Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd yn cael cynnydd o £12.8 miliwn yn ei setliad, y cynnydd mwyaf yng nghyllid unrhyw awdurdod lleol, sef 5.6 y cant. Rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi £1.5 miliwn heddiw er mwyn bwrw ymlaen â buddsoddiad ar y cyd o £11.9 miliwn ar gyfer gwaith adnewyddu sylweddol ar bont gludo Casnewydd. [Chwerthin.] Rwy'n gyffrous iawn ynglŷn â hynny, fel y gallwch weld, Lywydd. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, roeddwn yn cael trafferth ei ddweud.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. It's an incredibly challenging year, and it's good to see that Welsh Government have recognised the significant pressures on local government and, specifically, Newport City Council receiving the largest settlement in Wales. As a vice-president of the Friends of Newport Transporter Bridge, I'm genuinely delighted at today's announcement that Welsh Government will provide the shortfall in capital spending so that restoration work on Newport's treasured transporter bridge can begin. The plan to safeguard the bridge will create a new tourist centre to welcome visitors, and a visit to travel across the gondola, or walk across the top, is one of the must-visits here in Wales. It's been such a hard year for heritage and culture, but to see this commitment to one of Newport's and Wales's most iconic landmarks is a great step forward, and I'd like to pay tribute to all who have helped make this happen.
Investment in our cultural and heritage sectors is so important and will be part of our economic recovery. Can the Minister assure me that the Welsh Government are committed to investing in finding creative ways to support projects like this for the benefit of local communities and to boost our tourism sector?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Mae'n flwyddyn anhygoel o heriol, ac mae'n dda gweld bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cydnabod y pwysau sylweddol ar lywodraeth leol, ac yn benodol, Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd yn derbyn y setliad mwyaf yng Nghymru. Fel is-lywydd Cyfeillion Pont Gludo Casnewydd, rwy'n wirioneddol falch o'r cyhoeddiad heddiw y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu'r diffyg yn y gwariant cyfalaf fel y gellir dechrau’r gwaith o adfer pont gludo werthfawr Casnewydd. Bydd y cynllun i ddiogelu'r bont yn creu canolfan dwristiaid newydd i groesawu ymwelwyr, ac mae ymweliad i deithio ar draws y gondola, neu gerdded dros ran uchaf y bont, yn un o'r pethau y mae’n rhaid eu gwneud wrth ymweld â Chymru. Mae hi wedi bod yn flwyddyn mor anodd i dreftadaeth a diwylliant, ond mae gweld yr ymrwymiad hwn i un o dirnodau mwyaf eiconig Casnewydd a Chymru yn gam gwych ymlaen, a hoffwn dalu teyrnged i bawb sydd wedi helpu i sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd.
Mae buddsoddi yn ein sectorau diwylliannol a threftadaeth mor bwysig, a bydd yn rhan o'n hadferiad economaidd. A all y Gweinidog roi sicrwydd i mi fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i fuddsoddi er mwyn dod o hyd i ffyrdd creadigol o gefnogi prosiectau fel hyn er budd cymunedau lleol ac i hybu ein sector twristiaeth?
I very much share Jayne Bryant's enthusiasm for the announcement today, and also pay tribute to the work that she and John Griffiths have done jointly to ensure that this particular project stays very much at the top of the agenda. And it's great that we've been able to bring things across the line, because I think that the transporter bridge really does provide an opportunity to act as a gateway to south-east Wales, connecting south-east Wales with elsewhere, and symbolising both the region's heritage and culture, and the people, actually, who pioneered the development and the innovation as well. And it is, I know, part of a wider vision for Newport and a significant part of the city's plan to create more confidence and excitement around its heritage, and also to develop its leisure and tourism offer. So, the multimillion-pound makeover is forecast to attract more than 46,000 visitors each year, and I think that that will be fantastic both in terms of setting Newport on the map as a tourist destination, but also creating jobs and opportunities for the community. So, a great announcement today, and, of course, we do see culture and tourism very much at the heart of our recovery efforts as we move forward from COVID.
Rhannaf frwdfrydedd Jayne Bryant ynghylch y cyhoeddiad heddiw, ac rwy'n talu deyrnged hefyd i’r gwaith y mae hi a John Griffiths wedi’i wneud ar y cyd i sicrhau bod y prosiect penodol hwn yn parhau i fod ar frig yr agenda. Ac mae'n wych ein bod wedi gallu sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd, gan y credaf fod y bont gludo yn darparu cyfle gwirioneddol i weithredu fel porth i dde-ddwyrain Cymru, gan gysylltu de-ddwyrain Cymru â mannau eraill, a symboleiddio treftadaeth a diwylliant y rhanbarth yn ogystal â'r bobl arloesol a’i datblygodd a'r arloesedd hefyd. A gwn ei bod yn rhan o weledigaeth ehangach ar gyfer Casnewydd ac yn rhan sylweddol o gynllun y ddinas i greu mwy o hyder a chyffro o amgylch ei threftadaeth, a hefyd i ddatblygu ei chynnig hamdden a thwristiaeth. Felly, rhagwelir y bydd y gwaith adnewyddu gwerth miliynau o bunnoedd yn denu mwy na 46,000 o ymwelwyr bob blwyddyn, a chredaf y bydd hynny'n wych, o ran rhoi Casnewydd ar y map fel cyrchfan i dwristiaid, ond hefyd wrth greu swyddi a chyfleoedd i'r gymuned. Felly, cyhoeddiad gwych heddiw, ac wrth gwrs, mae pob un ohonom o’r farn fod diwylliant a thwristiaeth yn ganolog i'n hymdrechion i adfer wrth inni symud ymlaen wedi COVID.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefaryddion y pleidiau. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch, Llywydd. Yn yr wythnosau diwethaf, mae cynghorau Cymru wedi bod yn gwneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn ynglŷn â lefel treth cyngor ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, a hynny ar amser mor anodd i gymaint o bobl y maen nhw yn eu gwasanaethu. Ydy'r Gweinidog yn gallu dweud wrthyf i a ydy hi'n credu bod treth cyngor yn decach rŵan nag oedd hi pan ddaeth hi'n Weinidog cyllid yn 2018?
Thank you, Llywydd. Over the past few weeks, Welsh councils have been making very difficult decisions on the level of council tax for next year, at such a difficult time for so many of the people that they serve. Can the Minister tell me whether she believes council tax is fairer now than it was when she became Minister for finance in 2018?
Council tax is fairer than it's been across the period of devolution because of the sheer work that we've put into making the agenda more fair. I'll give some examples as to how we've achieved that. For example, we've ensured that young people leaving care are now exempt from paying council tax to the age of 25. We've ensured that the sanction of imprisonment has been removed for people who have been unable to pay their council tax. Clearly, being unable to pay your council tax does not make you a criminal; it means that you're in very difficult circumstances. We've worked with local government across Wales to develop a protocol that means that they will work with people who are unable to pay their council tax rather than go to court summons as a first step. So, we've made those steps. We've also ensured that we have the council tax reduction scheme in place, which is a much better scheme than that which is across the border, and it supports more than 220,000 households across Wales with their council tax bills.
Mae'r dreth gyngor yn decach nag y bu drwy gydol y cyfnod datganoli oherwydd y gwaith aruthrol rydym wedi'i wneud i sicrhau bod yr agenda'n fwy teg. Rhoddaf rai enghreifftiau o sut rydym wedi cyflawni hynny. Er enghraifft, rydym wedi sicrhau bod pobl ifanc sy'n gadael gofal bellach wedi'u heithrio rhag talu’r dreth gyngor tan eu bod yn 25 oed. Rydym wedi sicrhau na fydd carchar yn gosb i bobl nad ydynt wedi talu’r dreth gyngor. Yn amlwg, nid yw methu talu’r dreth gyngor yn eich gwneud yn droseddwr; mae'n golygu eich bod mewn amgylchiadau anodd iawn. Rydym wedi gweithio gyda llywodraeth leol ledled Cymru i ddatblygu protocol sy'n golygu y byddant yn gweithio gyda phobl na allant dalu’r dreth gyngor yn hytrach gwŷs i'r llys fel cam cyntaf. Felly, rydym wedi cymryd y camau hynny. Rydym hefyd wedi sicrhau bod gennym gynllun gostyngiadau’r dreth gyngor ar waith, sy'n gynllun llawer gwell na'r un sydd i’w gael dros y ffin, ac mae'n cefnogi mwy na 220,000 o aelwydydd ledled Cymru gyda biliau’r dreth gyngor.
Dwi'n gwerthfawrogi ymdrechion y Gweinidog i roi sglein ar bethau, ond beth dwi'n ei weld yn fanna ydy cyfaddefiad bod angen cymaint o gamau lliniaru mewn lle oherwydd nad yw treth cyngor yn deg yn sylfaenol. Yr ateb—os oes yna ffasiwn beth ag ateb cywir—ydy doedd treth cyngor ddim yn deg pan ddaeth hi i'r swydd, a dydy o'n dal ddim yn deg heddiw. Oherwydd y sefyllfa amhosib y mae cynghorau ynddyn nhw, a'r ffordd mae treth cyngor yn ffitio mewn i'r gwasgu cyffredinol sydd wedi bod ar gyllid cyhoeddus, mae biliau treth cyngor eto yn mynd i fyny i ddwbl chwyddiant a mwy eto ar draws Cymru, yn amrywio o ryw 2.65 y cant o gynnydd yn Rhondda Cynon Taf i bron 7 y cant yn Wrecsam. Dwi a Phlaid Cymru wedi dadlau y gallai ac y dylai hyn fod wedi cael ei osgoi eleni. Buasai gwario, o bosib, ryw £100 miliwn o arian sydd ddim wedi cael ei glustnodi i rewi treth cyngor i bawb ar yr amser anodd yma wedi bod yn gam gwerthfawr o ran helpu pobl efo'r ymateb i COVID. A gallaf i ddim honni ei fod o'n rhywbeth arloesol iawn gen i; mae Llywodraeth yr Alban yn gwneud hyn. Pam y gwnaeth Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru benderfynu peidio?
I appreciate the Minister's efforts to put a spin on things, but what I see there is an admission that we need so many mitigation steps in place because council tax is fundamentally unfair. And the right answer—if there is such a thing—is that council tax wasn't fair when she came to post, and it's still not fair today. Because of the impossible situation that councils find themselves in and the way in which council tax fits into the general squeeze on public expenditure, council tax bills will again go up by twice the rate of inflation and more again across Wales, varying from 2.65 per cent in Rhondda Cynon Taf to almost 7 per cent in Wrexham. I and Plaid Cymru have argued that this could and should have been avoided this year. Spending around £100 million of unallocated funds to freeze council tax at this difficult time would have been a valuable step in terms of helping people with the response to COVID. And I can't claim that it's a particularly innovative thing from me; the Scottish Government are doing this. Why did the Welsh Labour Government decide not to?
Well, the question that Rhun ap Iorwerth posed in his first question was, 'Is council tax fairer than it was when I came into post?' and the answer to that is, undeniably, yes, it is. The question he didn't ask me was, 'Is council tax fair?', because I would have answered that council tax is actually a regressive tax, and that's why we've been working very hard over the past couple of years to undertake a series of research projects in terms of reforming local government finance. I published the findings of that on 24 February, and that drew together all of the work that we've been doing across the past couple of years to explore reforms to council tax and, actually, non-domestic rates and the wider local government system. It considers alternative approaches to local revenue raising, such as land value tax and local income tax, as well as options for keeping and significantly improving the existing systems. It also sets out aspirations for how future funding systems should work, and those are systems that should be fairer and more progressive, strengthening local accountability and providing a sustainable footing for local services, and, of course, to be simple and to be understood. So, clearly, this isn't the end of the road in terms of making council tax fairer. We have set out research that will inform the next Government in terms of steps it might want to take, some of which are quite radical steps but nonetheless do provide, I think, a significant opportunity to improve the system.
Wel, y cwestiwn a ofynnodd Rhun ap Iorwerth yn ei gwestiwn cyntaf oedd ‘A yw'r dreth gyngor yn decach nag yr oedd pan ddeuthum i'r swydd?’ a'r ateb i hynny, yn ddiymwad, yw ydy. Y cwestiwn na ofynnodd i mi oedd 'A yw treth gyngor yn deg?’, gan y byddwn wedi ateb drwy ddweud bod y dreth gyngor yn dreth atchwel mewn gwirionedd, a dyna pam ein bod wedi gweithio'n galed iawn dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf i gyflawni cyfres o brosiectau ymchwil ar ddiwygio cyllid llywodraeth leol. Cyhoeddais ganfyddiadau’r gwaith hwnnw ar 24 Chwefror, ac roedd yn crynhoi’r holl waith rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf i archwilio diwygiadau i’r dreth gyngor, ac mewn gwirionedd, i ardrethi annomestig a'r system lywodraeth leol ehangach. Mae'n ystyried dulliau amgen o godi refeniw yn lleol, megis treth gwerth tir a threth incwm leol, yn ogystal ag opsiynau ar gyfer cadw’r systemau presennol a’u gwella’n sylweddol. Mae hefyd yn nodi dyheadau ar gyfer sut y dylai systemau cyllido weithio yn y dyfodol, ac mae'r rheini'n systemau a ddylai fod yn decach ac yn fwy blaengar, sy’n cryfhau atebolrwydd lleol ac yn darparu sylfaen gynaliadwy i wasanaethau lleol, ac wrth gwrs, dylent fod yn syml fel y gall pobl eu deall. Felly, yn amlwg, nid dyma ddiwedd y daith o ran sicrhau bod y dreth gyngor yn decach. Rydym wedi cychwyn gwaith ymchwil a fydd yn llywio’r Llywodraeth nesaf o ran y camau y gallai fod eisiau eu cymryd, ac mae rhai ohonynt yn gamau eithaf radical, ond serch hynny, maent yn darparu cyfle arwyddocaol i wella'r system yn fy marn i.
Diolch. Doedd yna ddim cyfeiriad at y rhewi treth cyngor yn y fan honno. Rydym ni wedi gwneud ein barn ni yn glir ar hynny. Cam dros dro ydy hynny, wrth gwrs, ac mae eisiau meddwl yn ofalus iawn sut i ddiwygio trethi lleol ar gyfer yr hirdymor. Dydy o ddim yn beth gwleidyddol hawdd i'w wneud, ond rydym ni yn sôn fan hyn am drio mynd i'r afael efo anghydraddoldebau mawr, a, hyd yn oed efo camau lliniaru, rydyn ni'n gwybod, yn ôl yr Institute for Fiscal Studies, fod 10 y cant tlotaf cymdeithas yn talu rhyw 8 y cant o'u hincwm mewn treth cyngor, trwch y boblogaeth—y 50 y cant wedyn—yn talu rhyw 5 y cant o'u hincwm, a'r 40 y cant cyfoethocaf dim ond yn talu rhyw 2 y cant. Rŵan, mae'r Gweinidog wedi dweud eu bod nhw wedi bod yn cael trafodaeth ynglŷn â hyn. Rydych chi mewn grym ers 1999. Sut mae Llywodraeth Lafur ar ôl Llywodraeth Lafur wedi bod mor barod i ganiatáu i'r anghydraddoldebau yma barhau?
Thank you. There was no mention of the freezing of council tax there. We've made our views clear on that. That's a temporary step, of course, and we need to think carefully about how to reform local taxation for the longer term. It's not a politically easy thing to do, but we are talking here about tackling major inequalities, and, even with mitigation steps in place, we know that, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the poorest 10 per cent in society pay some 8 per cent of their income in council tax, the next 50 per cent of the population pay around 5 per cent of their income, and the wealthiest 40 per cent only pay around 2 per cent. Now, the Minister's said that they've been having discussions on this. Well, you've been in power since 1999. How has Labour Government after Labour Government been so willing to allow these inequalities to continue?
Well, I set out in my first answer some of the steps that we have undertaken in order to make council tax fairer, and they are significant steps. The protocol, which we agreed with local authorities, has been very significant in ensuring that people get the support that they need should they be unable to pay their council tax or struggling with it. We worked with MoneySavingExpert.com to ensure that people who have conditions, which might include dementia, for example, are able to access support for council tax. So, we've done significant work to make council tax fairer over the course of this Senedd term.
And I know that Rhun ap Iorwerth recognises how significant and huge a task reforming local government finance is. It would take probably, potentially, a whole term in order to completely change the system were we to go down some of those more difficult avenues, which I've described and which we've explored, such as the land value tax, for example. That's a major undertaking. So, clearly, there are options for the future. I'm sure that parties will set out their views on how the future system should look. But none of these things are easy to do and all of them will require significant work over a long period of time.
Wel, yn fy ateb cyntaf, nodais rai o'r camau rydym wedi'u cymryd er mwyn gwneud y dreth gyngor yn decach, ac maent yn gamau sylweddol. Mae'r protocol, y gwnaethom gytuno arno gydag awdurdodau lleol, wedi bod yn hollbwysig i sicrhau bod pobl yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt os na allant dalu’r dreth gyngor, neu os ydynt yn cael trafferth gwneud hynny. Buom yn gweithio gyda MoneySavingExpert.com i sicrhau bod pobl a chanddynt gyflyrau, a allai gynnwys dementia er enghraifft, yn gallu cael cymorth i dalu’r dreth gyngor. Felly, rydym wedi gwneud cryn dipyn o waith i sicrhau bod y dreth gyngor yn decach yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon.
A gwn fod Rhun ap Iorwerth yn cydnabod pa mor sylweddol ac enfawr yw’r dasg o ddiwygio cyllid llywodraeth leol. Mae'n debyg y byddai'n cymryd tymor cyfan o bosibl i newid y system yn llwyr pe baem yn dilyn rhai o'r llwybrau anos rwyf wedi'u disgrifio ac a archwiliwyd gennym, megis y dreth gwerth tir, er enghraifft. Mae honno'n gryn fenter. Felly, yn amlwg, mae opsiynau i’w cael ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd y pleidiau’n nodi eu barn ar sut system y dylid ei chael yn y dyfodol. Ond nid oes un o'r pethau hyn yn hawdd i'w gwneud, a bydd angen cryn dipyn o waith er mwyn gwneud pob un ohonynt dros gyfnod hir o amser.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Mark Isherwood.
The Conservative spokesperson, Mark Isherwood.
Diolch, Llywydd. This month's Wales fiscal analysis report on the implications for Wales and the Welsh budget of the UK budget 2021 states that the Welsh Government,
'left £610 million of unallocated day-to-day spending in Final Budget plans. With additional consequentials from the UK Budget and changes to projected devolved revenues...this means the Welsh Government currently has approximately £1.3 billion to allocate at future supplementary budgets.'
However, your written statement on 10 March, announcing an additional £380 million of non-domestic rates relief for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses in 2021-22 directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic states that this,
'makes full use of the consequential funding for Wales resulting from the Chancellor's Budget on 3 March.'
How do you therefore explain this apparent difference and what consideration have you given to wider provision for businesses within a road map out of lockdown from the remaining carried-forward budget available to you?
Diolch, Lywydd. Mae adroddiad dadansoddi cyllid Cymru y mis hwn ar oblygiadau cyllideb y DU ar gyfer 2021 i Gymru a chyllideb Cymru yn nodi bod Llywodraeth Cymru,
wedi gadael £610 miliwn o wariant dydd i ddydd heb ei ddyrannu yng nghynlluniau’r Gyllideb Derfynol. Gyda chyllid canlyniadol ychwanegol o Gyllideb y DU a newidiadau i refeniw datganoledig rhagamcanol…golyga hyn fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru oddeutu £1.3 biliwn ar hyn o bryd i'w ddyrannu mewn cyllidebau atodol yn y dyfodol.
Fodd bynnag, mae eich datganiad ysgrifenedig ar 10 Mawrth, sy’n cyhoeddi £380 miliwn yn ychwanegol o ryddhad ardrethi annomestig ar gyfer busnesau manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch yr effeithiwyd arnynt yn uniongyrchol gan bandemig COVID-19 yn 2021-22 yn nodi bod hyn yn,
‘gwneud defnydd llawn o’r cyllid canlyniadol ar gyfer Cymru a ddeilliodd o Gyllideb y Canghellor ar 3 Mawrth.’
Sut rydych chi'n esbonio'r gwahaniaeth ymddangosiadol hwn felly, a pha ystyriaeth rydych wedi'i rhoi i ddarpariaeth ehangach i fusnesau o fewn cynllun ar gyfer dod allan o’r cyfyngiadau symud o'r gyllideb a gariwyd ymlaen sy'n weddill ac sydd ar gael i chi?
I can explain that very easily, because the funding available to us next year includes both the funding that was announced in the UK Government's budget on 3 March and also the more than £600 million that we're able to carry forward into the next financial year from this year, because of the good budget management decisions that we have taken. So, across the border, you'll have seen the absolutely scandalous approach that UK Government has taken to contact tracing. Here in Wales, it's been a localised service delivered by health boards, by local authorities, getting value for money for the Welsh taxpayer and also ensuring that those workers are employed on good terms and conditions. And that has meant that our system has been much cheaper and is much more effective, I have to say, and also that money is able to be freed up for us to spend next year, giving local authorities the certainty that they need, and health the certainty that it needs, and, importantly, allowing me to earmark £200 million in reserves for business support.
Gallaf egluro hynny'n hawdd iawn, oherwydd mae'r cyllid sydd ar gael i ni y flwyddyn nesaf yn cynnwys y cyllid a gyhoeddwyd yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth y DU ar 3 Mawrth, yn ogystal â’r mwy na £600 miliwn y gallwn ei gario ymlaen i’r flwyddyn ariannol nesaf o eleni, oherwydd y penderfyniadau da rydym wedi'u gwneud wrth reoli’r gyllideb. Felly, dros y ffin, fe fyddwch wedi gweld dull cwbl warthus Llywodraeth y DU o fynd ati i olrhain cysylltiadau. Yma yng Nghymru, mae wedi bod yn wasanaeth lleol a ddarperir gan fyrddau iechyd, gan awdurdodau lleol, gan sicrhau gwerth am arian i drethdalwyr Cymru a sicrhau hefyd fod y gweithwyr hynny'n cael eu cyflogi ar delerau ac amodau da. Ac mae hynny wedi golygu bod ein system wedi bod yn rhatach o lawer ac yn fwy effeithiol o lawer, mae’n rhaid imi ddweud, a hefyd fod modd rhyddhau arian i ni ei wario y flwyddyn nesaf, gan roi’r sicrwydd y maent ei angen i awdurdodau lleol, a’r sicrwydd y mae ei angen i iechyd, ac yn bwysig, i ganiatáu imi glustnodi £200 miliwn mewn cronfeydd wrth gefn ar gyfer cymorth i fusnesau.
I'm very happy to debate the comparative performance during the pandemic of Governments on health issues, but my question was about support for businesses and the apparent gap between your statement, that full use of the consequential funding for Wales had been made, when the figures from Wales Fiscal Analysis suggested that the figures were far greater.
After the Welsh Government issued revised grant eligibility criteria for self-catering businesses last April, Isle of Anglesey County Council's chief executive told me that the change in the guidance was designed to ensure that councils did not pay grants to people who had simply switched their property from the council tax register to business rates in order to avoid paying the council tax premium on second homes, and that the council is using the discretion allowed by the guidance to make sure that they pay genuine self-catering businesses and are not automatically disqualifying applications simply because the businesses could not show that the property generates at least 50 per cent of the owner's annual income.
When I previously wrote to you regarding eligibility, you also confirmed in writing that local authorities are not obligated to withhold payment, if they're otherwise satisfied that the application is from a legitimate self-catering business. However, a view has recently been expressed to me that local authorities should only use discretion on whether or not to award a grant where a self-catering business applicant falls just short of one of the three criteria, and they would expect local authorities to use their discretion only in such circumstances. For clarity, will you therefore confirm that both your original response to me and that of Anglesey's chief executive still stand?
Rwy'n fwy na pharod i drafod perfformiad cymharol y Llywodraethau ar faterion iechyd yn ystod y pandemig, ond roedd fy nghwestiwn yn ymwneud â chymorth i fusnesau a'r bwlch ymddangosiadol rhwng eich datganiad, fod y cyllid canlyniadol i Gymru wedi'i ddefnyddio’n llawn, pan fo ffigurau Dadansoddi Cyllid Cymru yn awgrymu bod y ffigurau'n uwch o lawer.
Ar ôl i Lywodraeth Cymru gyhoeddi’r meini prawf cymhwysedd diwygiedig ar gyfer grantiau i fusnesau llety hunanddarpar fis Ebrill diwethaf, dywedodd prif weithredwr Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn wrthyf fod y newid yn y canllawiau wedi'i gynllunio i sicrhau nad oedd cynghorau'n talu grantiau i bobl a oedd wedi tynnu eu heiddo oddi ar gofrestr y dreth gyngor a newid i dalu ardrethi busnes er mwyn osgoi talu premiwm y dreth gyngor ar ail gartrefi, a bod y cyngor yn defnyddio'r disgresiwn a ganiateir gan y canllawiau i sicrhau eu bod yn talu busnesau llety hunanddarpar dilys ac nad ydynt yn gwahardd ceisiadau yn awtomatig pan na all y busnesau ddangos bod yr eiddo'n cynhyrchu o leiaf 50 y cant o incwm blynyddol y perchennog.
Pan ysgrifennais atoch o'r blaen ynglŷn â chymhwysedd, fe wnaethoch gadarnhau yn ysgrifenedig hefyd nad oes rheidrwydd ar awdurdodau lleol i gadw taliadau yn ôl, os ydynt yn fodlon fel arall fod y cais wedi’i wneud gan fusnes llety hunanddarpar dilys. Fodd bynnag, mynegwyd barn wrthyf yn ddiweddar na ddylai awdurdodau lleol ddefnyddio disgresiwn ynglŷn â dyfarnu grant ai peidio heblaw bod busnes hunanddarpar yn gwneud cais sydd ond ychydig yn fyr o fodloni un o'r tri maen prawf, a byddent yn disgwyl i awdurdod lleol ddefnyddio ei ddisgresiwn mewn amgylchiadau o'r fath yn unig. Er eglurder, a wnewch chi gadarnhau felly nad yw eich ymateb gwreiddiol i mi ac ymateb prif weithredwr Ynys Môn wedi newid?
The whole point of the discretionary fund is that it puts discretion in the hands of local authorities to be able to allocate grants to those businesses that haven't been able to access funding through the NDR business grant scheme. And it does give local authorities wide discretion to make those allocations to businesses that they think are important to the local community and that they feel have a genuine case to be made for financial support. It's not for the Welsh Government to direct local authorities as to how they exercise the discretion that we've given them within the fund.
Holl bwynt y gronfa ddewisol yw ei bod yn rhoi disgresiwn i awdurdodau lleol allu dyrannu grantiau i fusnesau nad ydynt wedi gallu cael cyllid drwy’r cynllun grantiau busnes ardrethi annomestig. Ac mae'n rhoi cryn dipyn o ddisgresiwn i awdurdodau lleol wneud y dyraniadau hynny i fusnesau y credant eu bod yn bwysig i'r gymuned leol ac y teimlant fod ganddynt sail ddilys dros gael cymorth ariannol. Nid lle Llywodraeth Cymru yw cyfarwyddo awdurdodau lleol ynglŷn â sut y maent yn arfer y disgresiwn rydym wedi'i roi iddynt o fewn y gronfa.
No, precisely, and the question wasn't about directing local authorities; it's simply acknowledging that they have the discretion for them to exercise. So, thank you for confirming that.
In a question to you last month, I stated that although the Welsh Government initially allocated £6.3 million for the hospice emergency fund, this was less generous than equivalent funds in all other UK nations and fell significantly short of the total allocated to the Welsh Government in consequential funding from the UK Government support for hospices in England. However, our hospices and palliative community care sector has continued to provide vital care and essential services throughout the pandemic.
Hospices in Wales were facing a combined shortfall of £4.2 million by this month, but after I led the debate on palliative and end-of-life care here last month, the Welsh Government only announced £3 million extra to support them. Further, there was no indication in your draft budget for 2021-22 of continued support for hospices to maintain their essential services, despite their estimated combined shortfall of £6.1 million during 2021-22.
In response to a Labour MP last month, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury stated that the £249 million new UK Government funding for hospices generated £47 million in consequentials for the devolved administrations, including £15 million for the Welsh Government. Why, therefore, have you not allocated and even topped up the missing £5.7 million for hospices in Wales, both to respond to their urgent funding needs and to enable them to deliver more, thereby generating greater cost reductions for NHS Wales?
Na, yn hollol, ac nid oedd y cwestiwn yn ymwneud â chyfarwyddo awdurdodau lleol; dim ond cydnabod bod y disgresiwn ganddynt i’w arfer. Felly, diolch am gadarnhau hynny.
Nodais mewn cwestiwn i chi y mis diwethaf, er i Lywodraeth Cymru ddyrannu £6.3 miliwn yn wreiddiol i gronfa argyfwng yr hosbisau, fod hyn yn llai hael na chronfeydd cyfatebol ym mhob un o wledydd eraill y DU ac yn sylweddol is na'r cyfanswm a ddyrannwyd i Lywodraeth Cymru mewn cyllid canlyniadol o gymorth Llywodraeth y DU i hosbisau yn Lloegr. Fodd bynnag, mae ein hosbisau a’n sector gofal lliniarol cymunedol wedi parhau i ddarparu gofal a gwasanaethau hanfodol drwy gydol y pandemig.
Roedd hosbisau yng Nghymru yn wynebu diffyg cyfunol o £4.2 miliwn erbyn y mis hwn, ond ar ôl imi arwain y ddadl ar ofal lliniarol a gofal diwedd oes yma fis diwethaf, dim ond £3 miliwn yn ychwanegol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i ddarparu i’w cefnogi. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, nid oedd unrhyw arwydd yn eich cyllideb ddrafft ar gyfer 2021-22 o gymorth parhaus i hosbisau allu cynnal eu gwasanaethau hanfodol, er gwaethaf eu diffyg cyfunol amcangyfrifedig o £6.1 miliwn yn ystod 2021-22.
Mewn ymateb i AS Llafur y mis diwethaf, nododd Prif Ysgrifennydd y Trysorlys fod y gwerth £249 miliwn o gyllid newydd gan Lywodraeth y DU ar gyfer hosbisau wedi cynhyrchu £47 miliwn mewn cyllid canlyniadol ar gyfer y gweinyddiaethau datganoledig, gan gynnwys £15 miliwn i Lywodraeth Cymru. Pam, felly, nad ydych wedi dyrannu neu hyd yn oed wedi ychwanegu at y £5.7 miliwn coll ar gyfer hosbisau yng Nghymru, i ymateb i'w hanghenion cyllido brys a'u galluogi i gyflawni mwy, a chynhyrchu gostyngiadau mwy drwy hynny yn y costau i GIG Cymru?
Well, Welsh Government receives consequentials from the UK Government on all areas of spend that fall within the devolved context, and I'll give you, as an example, the fact that the Welsh Government has distributed more funding to business than we've received as a result of consequential funding from the UK Government.
Wel, mae Llywodraeth Cymru’n derbyn cyllid canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU ym mhob maes gwariant sy’n rhan o’r cyd-destun datganoledig, ac er enghraifft, fe roddaf i chi'r ffaith bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi dosbarthu mwy o arian i fusnesau nag rydym wedi'i dderbyn mewn cyllid canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU.
I'm demonstrating to Mark Isherwood that we are not a post box for consequential funding from the UK Government. The consequential funding comes in a block of funding that we are then able to allocate as per the needs here in Wales.
Now, the funding that we allocated to hospices here in Wales was on the basis that we had discussions with the hospice sector to understand the financial need that they identified, and the pot of funding was allocated accordingly. And those are the discussions that my colleague the health Minister's department were having with the hospice sector here in Wales. And, of course, our hospice sector here in Wales is smaller than the sector across the border. So, it's not the case that every penny of consequential funding we receive goes to exactly the same spending area.
Now, if it is the case that hospices are telling you that the funding that they receive isn't meeting the needs, then obviously we would want to have those discussions with the hospice sector, and I'm sure that my colleague the health Minister will pick that up with the sector, to understand their needs for the next financial year. But, as I say, the funding package that we did put in place for the sector was done so in discussion and consultation with the sector.
Rwy'n dangos i Mark Isherwood nad blwch postio ar gyfer cyllid canlyniadol gan Lywodraeth y DU ydym ni. Daw'r cyllid canlyniadol mewn bloc o gyllid y gallwn ei ddyrannu wedyn yn unol â'r anghenion yma yng Nghymru.
Nawr, dyrannwyd cyllid gennym i hosbisau yma yng Nghymru ar sail trafodaethau a gawsom gyda'r sector hosbisau i ddeall yr angen ariannol a nodwyd ganddynt, a dyrannwyd y pot o arian yn unol â hynny. A dyna'r trafodaethau a gafodd adran fy nghyd-Aelod y Gweinidog iechyd gyda'r sector hosbis yma yng Nghymru. Ac wrth gwrs, mae ein sector hosbisau yma yng Nghymru yn llai na'r sector dros y ffin. Felly, nid yw'n wir fod pob ceiniog o gyllid canlyniadol a gawn yn mynd i'r un maes gwariant yn union.
Nawr, os yw’r hosbisau'n dweud wrthych nad yw'r cyllid y maent yn ei dderbyn yn diwallu eu hanghenion, yna yn amlwg, byddem yn awyddus i gael y trafodaethau hynny gyda'r sector hosbisau, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd fy nghyd-Aelod y Gweinidog iechyd yn trafod hynny gyda'r sector er mwyn deall eu hanghenion ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Ond fel y dywedaf, rhoddwyd pecyn cyllido ar waith gennym ar gyfer y sector drwy drafod ac ymgynghori â'r sector.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddiddymu'n raddol band cyfradd sero y dreth trafodion tir ar drafodion eiddo preswyl hyd at £250,000? OQ56456
3. Will the Minister make a statement on the phasing out of the nil rate band of land transaction tax on residential property transactions up to £250,000? OQ56456
Yes. The land transaction tax temporary reduction period has been extended to 30 June to help those taxpayers who may have encountered delays in completing their home purchases before 1 April. From 1 July, the standard rates of land transaction tax will apply.
Gwnaf. Mae’r gostyngiad dros dro yn y dreth trafodiadau tir wedi'i ymestyn i 30 Mehefin i gynorthwyo trethdalwyr a allai fod wedi wynebu oedi wrth gwblhau pryniant eu cartrefi cyn 1 Ebrill. O 1 Gorffennaf, bydd cyfraddau safonol y dreth trafodiadau tir yn weithredol.
I refer to phasing out, but, unlike what the UK Government is doing in England and Northern Ireland, we don't have any taper in Wales. Why has the Minister made that decision, and why does she consider it right that people buying houses between £180,000 and £250,000 in Wales should pay 3.5 per cent on that part of the transaction, when those same purchases would be nil rated in England or Northern Ireland?
Cyfeiriaf at ddiddymu’n raddol, ond yn wahanol i'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ei wneud yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon, nid oes gennym dapr yng Nghymru. Pam fod y Gweinidog wedi gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw, a pham ei bod yn meddwl ei bod yn iawn y dylai pobl sy'n prynu tai gwerth rhwng £180,000 a £250,000 yng Nghymru dalu 3.5 y cant ar y rhan honno o'r trafodiad, pan fyddai'r un pryniannau ar gyfradd sero yn Lloegr neu Ogledd Iwerddon?
Well, we have a different housing market here in Wales, and we've shown that, actually, in terms of transactions and revenues from land transaction tax, the market is much more buoyant here than it is across the border. The increase in the zero-rate band for those paying the main residential rates to £250,000 from £180,000 will, as I say, come to an end in July. But, even then, we will still have the most generous and progressive form of support for house buyers, which isn't, of course, limited to first-time house buyers here in Wales either. We took those decisions because the housing market is different here in Wales, and we've reflected that within the decisions that we've taken. House prices in England are very different, so that means, on average, the benefit can be up to, or increasing up to or above £12,000, whereas here the maximum is £2,500. So, I think that the kind of scale of the challenge in terms of house prices is very different.
Wel, mae gennym farchnad dai wahanol yma yng Nghymru, ac rydym wedi dangos, o ran trafodiadau a refeniw o’r dreth trafodiadau tir, fod y farchnad yn llawer mwy bywiog yma nag y mae dros y ffin. Fel y dywedaf, bydd y cynnydd yn y band cyfradd sero ar gyfer y rheini sy'n talu'r prif gyfraddau preswyl rhwng £180,000 a £250,000 yn dod i ben ym mis Gorffennaf. Ond hyd yn oed wedyn, bydd gennym y ffurf fwyaf hael a blaengar ar gymorth i brynwyr tai, nad yw, wrth gwrs, wedi'i gyfyngu i brynwyr tro cyntaf yma yng Nghymru chwaith. Gwnaethom y penderfyniadau hynny am fod y farchnad dai'n wahanol yma yng Nghymru, ac rydym wedi adlewyrchu hynny yn y penderfyniadau rydym wedi'u gwneud. Mae prisiau tai yn Lloegr yn wahanol iawn, felly golyga hynny, ar gyfartaledd, y gall y budd fod hyd at, neu gynyddu hyd at neu'n uwch na £12,000, ond yma, yr uchafswm yw £2,500. Felly, credaf fod graddau'r her o ran prisiau tai yn wahanol iawn.
Thanks for that answer, Minister. I think Mark Reckless has raised a very good point in terms of how we get the housing market going in Wales. I hear what you're saying about the housing market being different here from across the border, but nonetheless it still needs that stimulus that the UK Government are seeking to do by applying the nil rate band until the end of 2021. Can I ask you, Minister, that you look at this again and keep it under review and act on the evidence? Because I am concerned that, certainly in some parts of Wales, this policy may have more of a negative impact than in others, and I do think that there is a case for extending relief as long as possible until the economy gets back on its feet.
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Credaf fod Mark Reckless wedi codi pwynt da iawn o ran sut rydym yn bywiogi’r farchnad dai yng Nghymru. Clywaf yr hyn a ddywedwch ynglŷn â’r ffaith bod y farchnad dai yn wahanol yma i'r ochr draw i'r ffin, ond serch hynny, mae arni angen yr ysgogiad y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ceisio'i sicrhau drwy gymhwyso’r band cyfradd sero tan ddiwedd 2021. Weinidog, a gaf fi ofyn i chi edrych eto ar hyn a’i gadw dan arolwg a gweithredu'n unol â’r dystiolaeth? Oherwydd mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru yn sicr, rwy'n pryderu y gallai'r polisi hwn gael effaith fwy negyddol nag mewn rhannau eraill, a chredaf fod achos i’w wneud dros ymestyn y rhyddhad tan y bydd yr economi mewn gwell cyflwr.
Well, all of these rates and bands across the Welsh taxes are kept constantly under review. The extension of the LTT reduction is expected to benefit around 4,000 additional homebuyers here in Wales, and up to and including January, around 10,000 homebuyers have already benefited from the temporary reduction that I announced last year. So, a significant number of households have already benefited from it, and actually only around a quarter of house buyers at the moment are actually paying any land transaction tax as a result of the decisions taken last year in this respect. But, as I say, when the normal—if you like—rates do return, we will still have a relatively generous situation here in Wales.
Wel, mae'r holl gyfraddau a’r bandiau hyn yn nhrethi Cymru yn cael eu hadolygu'n gyson. Disgwylir i’r estyniad i’r gostyngiad yn y dreth trafodiadau tir fod o fudd i oddeutu 4,000 yn ychwanegol o brynwyr cartrefi yma yng Nghymru, a hyd at a chan gynnwys mis Ionawr, mae oddeutu 10,000 o brynwyr cartrefi eisoes wedi elwa o'r gostyngiad dros dro a gyhoeddais y llynedd. Felly, mae nifer sylweddol o aelwydydd eisoes wedi elwa ohono, a dim ond oddeutu chwarter yr holl brynwyr tai ar hyn o bryd sy'n talu unrhyw dreth trafodiadau tir o ganlyniad i'r penderfyniadau a wnaed y llynedd ar hyn. Ond fel rwy'n dweud, pan fydd y cyfraddau arferol—os mynnwch—yn dychwelyd, bydd gennym sefyllfa gymharol hael yma yng Nghymru o hyd.
4. Pa ystyriaeth a roddodd y Gweinidog i'r sector gwasanaethau ariannol yng Nghymru wrth ddyrannu cyllideb derfynol 2021-22? OQ56431
4. What consideration did the Minister give to the financial services sector in Wales when allocating the 2021-22 final budget? OQ56431
Over £14 million has been allocated to 870 businesses within the financial and professional service sectors from the economic resilience fund during 2020-21. We are also investing £270 million in the Development Bank of Wales to support businesses, and will continue to work with all sectors to consider what support is needed into 2021-22.
Mae dros £14 miliwn wedi'i ddyrannu i 870 o fusnesau yn y sectorau cyllid a gwasanaethau proffesiynol o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd yn 2020-21. Rydym hefyd yn buddsoddi £270 miliwn ym Manc Datblygu Cymru i gefnogi busnesau, a byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda phob sector i ystyried pa gymorth sydd ei angen yn 2021-22.
Well, Purple Shoots is a charity that helps people in Wales who can't otherwise access the affordable finance they need to start a business. They also work with self-reliant groups, creating opportunities for people furthest from employment or work. They're supporting or have supported many hundreds of small businesses right across Wales. However, they advise that although just £2 million of the hundreds of millions provided to the Development Bank of Wales would keep them lending for six years and create more than 1,500 jobs and 1,300 businesses, that funding excludes completely the client group they work with. What, if any, plans do you therefore have to make funds available for these brave, budding entrepreneurs, otherwise trapped at the starting line, where, as Purple Shoots say, 'It is so frustrating because we've seen such incredible courage, resilience and entrepreneurial thinking amongst our clients; they've kept going in the face of incredible hardship, many with no help at all, apart from the repayment holiday'?
Wel, mae Purple Shoots yn elusen sy'n rhoi cymorth i bobl yng Nghymru na allant gael gafael ar gyllid fforddiadwy sydd ei angen arnynt i ddechrau busnes. Maent hefyd yn gweithio gyda grwpiau hunanddibynnol, gan greu cyfleoedd i'r bobl sydd bellaf o gyflogaeth neu waith. Maent yn cefnogi neu wedi cefnogi cannoedd o fusnesau bach ledled Cymru. Fodd bynnag, er y byddai dim ond £2 filiwn o'r cannoedd o filiynau a ddarparwyd i Fanc Datblygu Cymru yn golygu y gallent barhau i fenthyca am chwe blynedd a chreu mwy na 1,500 o swyddi a 1,300 o fusnesau, maent yn dweud bod y cyllid hwnnw'n cau’r grŵp cleientiaid y maent yn gweithio gydag ef allan yn gyfan gwbl. Pa gynlluniau, os o gwbl, sydd gennych felly i sicrhau bod arian ar gael ar gyfer yr egin entrepreneuriaid dewr hyn, sydd fel arall wedi'u clymu yn y man cychwyn, ac fel y dywed Purple Shoots, 'Mae hi mor rhwystredig oherwydd rydym wedi gweld dewrder, gwytnwch a syniadau entrepreneuraidd mor anhygoel gan ein cleientiaid; maent wedi dal ati yn wyneb caledi anhygoel, a llawer ohonynt heb unrhyw gymorth o gwbl, ar wahân i ohirio ad-daliadau dros dro'?
Well, without knowing any more than you've described about the Purple Shoots, I would suggest that a potential avenue to look at would be the Wales flexible investment fund, which is designed to invest and generate new money, including in financial and professional services investment. And that fund has been extended in value to £0.5 billion, with a further injection of £270 million, giving the fund the firepower to maintain investment over the next 10 years. So, in the first instance, I would suggest that Purple Shoots explores that. However, if you were to share with me the contact details of the organisation, then I would be very happy to ask a representative from Business Wales to explore their needs in more depth.
Wel, heb wybod mwy am Purple Shoots na’r hyn rydych wedi'i ddisgrifio, byddwn yn awgrymu mai llwybr posibl i’w ystyried fyddai cronfa buddsoddi hyblyg Cymru, sydd wedi'i chynllunio i fuddsoddi a chynhyrchu arian newydd, gan gynnwys buddsoddiadau mewn cyllid a gwasanaethau proffesiynol. Ac mae'r gronfa honno wedi'i hymestyn yn ei gwerth i £0.5 biliwn, gyda chwistrelliad pellach o £270 miliwn, gan alluogi'r gronfa i gynnal buddsoddiad dros y 10 mlynedd nesaf. Felly, yn y lle cyntaf, byddwn yn awgrymu y dylai Purple Shoots archwilio hynny. Fodd bynnag, pe baech yn rhannu manylion cyswllt y sefydliad gyda mi, byddwn yn fwy na pharod i ofyn i gynrychiolydd o Busnes Cymru archwilio eu hanghenion yn fwy manwl.
Mae cwestiwn 5 [OQ56452] wedi'i dynnu'n ôl. Cwestiwn 6, Paul Davies.
Question 5 [OQ56452] was withdrawn. Question 6, Paul Davies.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am flaenoriaethau cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2021-2022 yn sir Benfro? OQ56433
6. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government’s budget priorities for 2021-2022 in Pembrokeshire? OQ56433
Yes. Our priorities are to provide certainty for our public services, help rebuild a greener economy and to make changes for a fairer, more equal Wales. This includes an increased settlement of £179.4 million for Pembrokeshire County Council and £48.7 million towards a new 11-to-19 secondary school building for Haverfordwest high.
Gwnaf. Ein blaenoriaethau yw darparu sicrwydd ar gyfer ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, helpu i ailadeiladu economi fwy gwyrdd a gwneud newidiadau i sicrhau Cymru decach a mwy cyfartal. Mae hyn yn cynnwys setliad uwch o £179.4 miliwn i Gyngor Sir Penfro a £48.7 miliwn tuag at adeilad ysgol uwchradd newydd i ddisgyblion 11 i 19 oed ysgol uwchradd Hwlffordd.
Thank you for that response. Minister, it is vital that the Welsh Government prioritises its resources to support lives and livelihoods during the COVID pandemic. I've received representations from local businesses and individuals in Pembrokeshire who have slipped through the net in terms of accessing Government support, despite, of course, the funds that you've just said that you've allocated to Pembrokeshire. It is vital that funds designated to support our businesses actually reach those businesses that require support. So, Minister, what processes have you undertaken in your role as finance Minister to monitor the effectiveness of Government spend during the pandemic, and what assurances can you offer the people of Pembrokeshire that the Welsh Government is ensuring that its support reaches those that actually need it?
Diolch am yr ymateb hwnnw. Nawr, Weinidog, mae'n hanfodol fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn blaenoriaethu ei hadnoddau i gynnal bywydau a bywoliaeth pobl yn ystod y pandemig COVID. Rwyf wedi derbyn sylwadau gan fusnesau lleol ac unigolion yn Sir Benfro sydd wedi llithro drwy'r rhwyd o ran cael mynediad at gymorth y Llywodraeth, er gwaethaf, wrth gwrs, yr arian rydych newydd ddweud eich bod wedi'i ddyrannu i Sir Benfro. Mae'n hanfodol fod cronfeydd a ddynodwyd i gefnogi ein busnesau yn cyrraedd y busnesau hynny sydd angen cymorth mewn gwirionedd. Felly, Weinidog, pa brosesau rydych wedi'u rhoi ar waith yn eich rôl fel Gweinidog cyllid i fonitro effeithiolrwydd gwariant y Llywodraeth yn ystod y pandemig, a pha sicrwydd y gallwch ei gynnig i bobl Sir Benfro fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod ei chymorth yn cyrraedd y rhai sydd ei angen mewn gwirionedd?
The Welsh Government put in place some formal evaluation processes, particularly of the non-domestic rates grant support, to ensure that the funding was reaching those businesses that we intended for it to reach, and we've been keen to ensure that we have those monitoring and evaluation points built into our projects. Since the start of the pandemic, businesses in Pembrokeshire have received over £91 million from the economic resilience fund, and our other restriction-based funds. For example, our latest restrictions-based fund has seen 4,380 grants paid to businesses in Pembrokeshire, worth £14.1 million. We've also provided 628 businesses with £10.1 million of support under phases 1 and 2 of the ERF, and that's safeguarded in Pembrokeshire alone 4,585 jobs, which I think is a tremendous achievement in very difficult times. And, of course, through the loan scheme, then, through the DBW, we've provided over £5.4 million to 80 businesses in Pembrokeshire, helping to safeguard a further 915 jobs. So, there certainly is significant funding going into Pembrokeshire, but, again, there will be businesses that we have not yet been able to reach, and I'm always interested and keen to understand where those gaps in provision are. If there is further information that you can share with me about specific businesses, I'd be very interested to receive that.
Sefydlodd Llywodraeth Cymru rai prosesau gwerthuso ffurfiol, yn enwedig y cymorth grant ardrethi annomestig, i sicrhau bod y cyllid yn cyrraedd y busnesau y bwriadwyd iddo eu cyrraedd, ac rydym wedi bod yn awyddus i sicrhau bod y pwyntiau monitro a gwerthuso hynny’n cael eu hymgorffori yn ein prosiectau. Ers dechrau'r pandemig, mae busnesau yn Sir Benfro wedi derbyn dros £91 miliwn o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd, a'n cronfeydd eraill sy'n seiliedig ar gyfyngiadau. Felly, er enghraifft, mae ein cronfa ddiweddaraf sy'n seiliedig ar gyfyngiadau wedi darparu 4,380 o grantiau i fusnesau yn Sir Benfro sy'n werth £14.1 miliwn. Rydym hefyd wedi darparu £10.1 miliwn o gefnogaeth i 628 o fusnesau o dan gamau 1 a 2 y gronfa cadernid economaidd, ac mae hynny wedi diogelu 4,585 o swyddi yn Sir Benfro yn unig, sy'n gyflawniad aruthrol yn fy marn i mewn cyfnod anodd iawn. Ac wrth gwrs, drwy'r cynllun benthyciadau, drwy Fanc Datblygu Cymru, rydym wedi darparu dros £5.4 miliwn i 80 o fusnesau yn Sir Benfro, gan helpu i ddiogelu 915 o swyddi eraill. Felly, yn sicr, mae arian sylweddol yn mynd i Sir Benfro, ond unwaith eto, bydd yna fusnesau nad ydym wedi gallu eu cyrraedd eto, ac mae gennyf ddiddordeb bob amser mewn deall ble mae'r bylchau yn y ddarpariaeth. Os oes gwybodaeth bellach y gallwch ei rhannu â mi am fusnesau penodol, byddwn yn awyddus iawn i’w chael.
7. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cynnal gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y gronfa lefelu? OQ56458
7. What discussions has the Minister held with the UK Government about the levelling-up fund? OQ56458
Last week, ministerial colleagues and I met with the Secretary of State for Wales and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, where they reiterated their intent to run a competitive fund from Westminster, contrary to what was announced in the November spending review.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, cyfarfu cyd-Weinidogion a minnau ag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Dai, Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol lle gwnaethant ailadrodd eu bwriad i weithredu cronfa gystadleuol o San Steffan, yn groes i’r hyn a gyhoeddwyd yn yr adolygiad o wariant ym mis Tachwedd.
It's astonishing, isn't it? The levelling-up fund is a direct affront to Wales's devolution settlement, Minister, I'm sure you'll agree, and it circumvents our democratic institutions. Not only is the Senedd excluded from decisions that will be taken in Whitehall, but the fund ties the success of community projects to representation made by MPs in Westminster, even as the UK Government cuts the number of Welsh MPs by a fifth. Surely, decisions made for Wales should be made in Wales. Given that England's Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government will be overseeing the scheme, what assurances have you received that they will be able to assess accurately Welsh bids, given their complete lack of expertise in devolved areas?
Onid yw’n rhyfeddol? Mae’r gronfa codi’r gwastad yn sarhad uniongyrchol i setliad datganoli Cymru, Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cytuno, ac mae'n mynd heibio i'n sefydliadau democrataidd. Nid yn unig y mae'r Senedd wedi'i heithrio o benderfyniadau a fydd yn cael eu gwneud yn Whitehall, ond mae'r gronfa'n clymu llwyddiant prosiectau cymunedol â sylwadau a wnaed gan Aelodau Seneddol yn San Steffan, hyd yn oed wrth i Lywodraeth y DU dorri un rhan o bump oddi ar nifer yr Aelodau Seneddol o Gymru. Does bosibl na ddylid gwneud penderfyniadau i Gymru yng Nghymru. Felly, o gofio y bydd Gweinyddiaeth Tai, Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol Lloegr yn goruchwylio'r cynllun, pa sicrwydd a gawsoch y byddant yn gallu asesu cynigion Cymru yn gywir, o ystyried eu diffyg arbenigedd llwyr mewn meysydd datganoledig?
I have absolutely no confidence that the MHCLG department in the UK Government will do a good job of this. I take that view because of the record upon which they stand. The UK Parliament's Public Accounts Committee has released its report on the towns fund in England and found a lack of transparency and accusations of political bias in the selection process, lack of consistent or transparent stakeholder engagement, a lack of capacity at local level to effectively implement those proposals and a potential risk to the civil service's reputation for integrity and impartiality. Under any other Government, that would be absolutely shocking, but this just seems to be run-of-the-mill and accepted behaviour. So, I don't have trust that the UK Government will be able to deliver for Wales.
We've only just seen the criteria upon which the levelling-up fund will work, and we have some real concerns about that in terms of the selection methodologies for the fund. The choice of indicators really does omit things that are important to us here in Wales. They don't look at indices of deprivation, for example, and they're not interested in looking at transport data. All of those things will only serve to disadvantage Wales when we are compared to other regions in terms of the bids that are being made to that fund. So, all we have, I think, at the moment, unfortunately, are reasons to be concerned, rather than optimistic.
Wel, nid oes gennyf hyder o gwbl y bydd yr adran Dai, Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol yn Llywodraeth y DU yn gwneud gwaith da o hyn. Rwy'n ffurfio'r farn honno oherwydd eu hanes yn y gorffennol. Mae Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus Llywodraeth y DU wedi rhyddhau ei adroddiad ar y gronfa drefi yn Lloegr ac maent wedi canfod diffyg tryloywder a chyhuddiadau o ragfarn wleidyddol yn y broses ddethol, diffyg ymgysylltiad cyson a thryloyw â rhanddeiliaid, diffyg capasiti ar lefel leol i weithredu'r cynigion hynny’n effeithiol ynghyd a risg bosibl i enw da'r gwasanaeth sifil am fod yn onest ac yn ddiduedd. O dan unrhyw Lywodraeth arall, byddai hynny'n gwbl ysgytwol, ond mae'n ymddangos bod hyn yn ymddygiad arferol a derbyniol. Felly, nid oes gennyf ffydd y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn gallu cyflawni dros Gymru.
Rydym newydd weld meini prawf y gronfa codi’r gwastad ac mae gennym bryderon gwirioneddol ynglŷn â'r methodolegau dethol ar gyfer y gronfa. Mae'r dewis o ddangosyddion yn hepgor pethau sy'n bwysig i ni yma yng Nghymru. Felly, nid ydynt yn edrych ar fynegeion amddifadedd er enghraifft, ac nid oes ganddynt ddiddordeb mewn edrych ar ddata trafnidiaeth. Bydd yr holl bethau hynny'n rhoi Cymru o dan anfantais pan fyddwn yn cael ein cymharu â rhanbarthau eraill mewn perthynas â'r cynigion sy'n cael eu gwneud i'r gronfa honno. Felly, y cyfan sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd, yn anffodus, yw rhesymau dros bryderu, yn hytrach na rhesymau dros fod yn optimistaidd.
8. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o gyllideb Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer 2021 ac effaith debygol ei symiau canlyniadol Barnett ar etholaeth Caerffili? OQ56459
8. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the 2021 UK Government budget and the likely impact of its Barnett consequentials on the Caerphilly constituency? OQ56459
While the additional £735 million revenue is welcome, the majority is time-limited COVID funding and doesn't make up for a decade of austerity. In stark contrast to the £224.5 million capital boost we recently announced, benefiting all parts of Wales including Caerphilly, the UK Government failed to provide any extra capital.
Er bod y refeniw ychwanegol o £735 miliwn i'w groesawu, mae'r mwyafrif yn gyllid COVID sy'n gyfyngedig o ran amser ac nid yw'n gwneud iawn am ddegawd o gyni. Mewn cyferbyniad llwyr â'r hwb cyfalaf o £224.5 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd gennym yn ddiweddar, ac a fydd o fudd i bob rhan o Gymru gan gynnwys Caerffili, methodd Llywodraeth y DU ddarparu unrhyw gyfalaf ychwanegol.
One query I've been getting is about the restart grants that the UK Government announced in its recent budget, as businesses are keen to know if they'll apply in Wales or if something similar will be introduced. Also, those non-essential retail and hospitality businesses that still can't trade but can't claim the additional NDR-linked grant support announced last week as they don't have their own premises are also keen to know if any further discretionary grants are going to be announced. I've had several contacts about that in the last hour or two. Will the Minister therefore discuss this with her colleague the Minister for transport and the economy, but also ensure that every last bit of available business support is accessible to those businesses, and particularly those that don't pay NDR?
Mae un ymholiad rwyf wedi'i gael yn ymwneud â'r grantiau ailgychwyn a gyhoeddodd Llywodraeth y DU yn ei chyllideb ddiweddar, gan fod busnesau'n awyddus i wybod a fyddant yn berthnasol yng Nghymru neu a fydd rhywbeth tebyg yn cael ei gyflwyno. Hefyd, mae'r busnesau manwerthu nwyddau dianghenraid a lletygarwch, nad ydynt yn gallu masnachu o hyd ond na allant hawlio'r cymorth grant ychwanegol sy'n gysylltiedig ag ardrethi annomestig a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf gan nad oes ganddynt eu safle eu hunain hefyd yn awyddus i wybod a fydd unrhyw grantiau dewisol pellach yn cael eu cyhoeddi. Rwyf wedi cael sawl un yn cysylltu â mi ynglŷn â hynny yn yr awr neu ddwy ddiwethaf. Felly, a wnaiff y Gweinidog drafod hyn gyda'i chyd-Aelod, Gweinidog yr economi a thrafnidiaeth, ond sicrhau hefyd fod mynediad gan y busnesau hynny at bob darn o gymorth busnes sydd ar gael, ac yn enwedig busnesau nad ydynt yn talu ardrethi annomestig?
Yes, I'll definitely be having some further discussions with my colleague the Minister for economy and transport. I can say that, in the next financial year, we've already earmarked £200 million of funding for businesses here in Wales. We're still having some discussions with the UK Government because, in terms of the restart grant, all they've announced thus far is the fact it will be in the next financial year, and they've announced the name of the scheme. We don't actually know any of the details that sit under that, so it's very hard at the moment for businesses in Wales to make that comparison, as I know that they would want to do. But for our part, we absolutely commit to continuing to support businesses through this difficult time, having earmarked, as I said, £200 million already for the next financial year. And we look forward to receiving further information about what the UK Government's plans are to consider the packages of support on offer there. But, as I said, I will be having some further discussions with my colleague Ken Skates in order to ensure that we leave this end of term in good shape in terms of giving businesses the confidence that they need.
Byddaf yn bendant yn cael trafodaethau pellach gyda fy nghyd-Weinidog, Gweinidog yr economi a thrafnidiaeth. Gallaf ddweud ein bod eisoes wedi clustnodi £200 miliwn o gyllid yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf ar gyfer busnesau yma yng Nghymru. Rydym yn dal i gael trafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth y DU oherwydd, o ran y grant ailgychwyn, y cyfan y maent wedi'i gyhoeddi hyd yma yw'r ffaith y bydd hynny yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf, ac maent wedi cyhoeddi enw'r cynllun. Mewn gwirionedd, nid ydym yn gwybod am unrhyw fanylion ar wahân i hynny, felly mae'n anodd iawn i fusnesau yng Nghymru wneud y gymhariaeth honno ar hyn o bryd, fel y gwn y byddent eisiau ei wneud. Ond o'n rhan ni, rydym yn ymrwymo'n llwyr i barhau i gefnogi busnesau drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn, ar ôl clustnodi, fel y dywedais, £200 miliwn eisoes ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Ac edrychwn ymlaen at gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gynlluniau Llywodraeth y DU i ystyried y pecynnau cymorth sydd ar gael yno. Ond fel y dywedais, byddaf yn cael trafodaethau pellach gyda fy nghyd-Aelod Ken Skates er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn gadael mewn sefyllfa dda ar ddiwedd y tymor hwn o ran rhoi'r hyder y maent ei angen i fusnesau.
9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog gadarnhau faint y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i godi mewn refeniw ers 2016 drwy ardrethi annomestig? OQ56445
9. Will the Minister confirm how much the Welsh Government has raised in revenue since 2016 through non-domestic rates? OQ56445
Between April 2016 and March 2020, £4.2 billion has been collected in non-domestic rates revenue. Over the same period, the Welsh Government has provided £900 million for rates relief schemes. All the revenue from non-domestic rates in Wales is distributed to local authorities to fund local services in Wales.
Rhwng mis Ebrill 2016 a mis Mawrth 2020, casglwyd £4.2 biliwn mewn refeniw ardrethi annomestig. Dros yr un cyfnod, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu £900 miliwn ar gyfer cynlluniau rhyddhad ardrethi. Dosberthir yr holl refeniw o ardrethi annomestig yng Nghymru i awdurdodau lleol i ariannu gwasanaethau lleol yng Nghymru.
Diolch. Thanks for those answers, Minister. According to the Welsh Retail Consortium, the industry has been losing £100 million in revenue every week during the lockdown. I'm sure you'd agree with me that we cannot underestimate the enormity of the economic hardship that this has caused small businesses—people who've spent a lifetime building up their enterprises, employing local staff and being a big part of local supply chains. In terms of building back better and delivering a strong economic recovery, will you look at the whole non-domestic rates situation and specifically look at whether you could scrap the business rates for small businesses, taking that burden off some of the smallest businesses in our economy, giving them more money to invest in the future, invest in staff and help the process of building back better?
Diolch am yr atebion hynny, Weinidog. Yn ôl Consortiwm Manwerthu Cymru, mae'r diwydiant wedi bod yn colli £100 miliwn mewn refeniw bob wythnos yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud. Rwy'n siŵr y byddech yn cytuno â mi na allwn danbrisio difrifoldeb y caledi economaidd y mae hyn wedi'i achosi i fusnesau bach—pobl sydd wedi treulio oes yn adeiladu eu mentrau, yn cyflogi staff lleol ac yn chwarae rhan fawr mewn cadwyni cyflenwi lleol. O ran adeiladu'n ôl yn well a sicrhau adferiad economaidd cryf, a wnewch chi edrych ar y sefyllfa ardrethi annomestig yn ei chyfanrwydd ac ystyried yn benodol a allech ddileu'r ardrethi busnes ar gyfer busnesau bach, gan dynnu'r baich hwnnw oddi ar ysgwyddau rhai o'r busnesau lleiaf yn ein heconomi, a rhoi mwy o arian iddynt fuddsoddi yn y dyfodol, buddsoddi mewn staff a helpu'r broses o adeiladu'n ôl yn well?
Thank you for raising that issue. I think there are several important things there, including our immediate response in terms of non-domestic rates. You'll be aware that I've frozen the multiplier for next year, and that of course gives small businesses a boost. And also, of course, I've provided the 100 per cent rates relief for retail, leisure and hospitality businesses for next year, and that support in itself provides over £360 million of relief to ratepayers across Wales. Of course, we have taken out of that the large supermarkets, because clearly they don't need that kind of support at this time. We do have a permanent package of rate relief of over £239 million a year and over half of that goes towards the small business rate relief scheme, reducing bills to zero for ratepayers occupying properties with a rateable value of up to £6,000, and on a tapered basis then to £12,000. That is a generous package and a large percentage of businesses benefit from that by paying no rates at all. But as I was describing in my answer to Rhun ap Iorwerth earlier on this afternoon, the Welsh Government has undertaken a major series of research endeavours and commissioned research to ensure that we do have the information that we need to really think properly about the future of local finance. We're looking at non-domestic rates and council tax and what the future should be for both of those in order to ensure that as we move forward, the system is as progressive as possible and to ensure that it does continue, of course, to bring in funding for the Welsh Government to provide local services, but to do so in a way that is progressive and fair.
Diolch ichi am godi'r mater hwnnw. Credaf fod sawl peth pwysig yno, gan gynnwys ein hymateb uniongyrchol o ran ardrethi annomestig. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fy mod wedi rhewi'r lluosydd ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, ac wrth gwrs mae hynny'n rhoi hwb i fusnesau bach. Hefyd, wrth gwrs, rwyf wedi darparu'r rhyddhad ardrethi o 100 y cant i fusnesau manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf, ac mae'r cymorth hwnnw ynddo'i hun yn darparu dros £360 miliwn o ryddhad i drethdalwyr ledled Cymru. Wrth gwrs, rydym wedi eithrio'r archfarchnadoedd mawr, oherwydd mae'n amlwg nad oes angen y math hwnnw o gymorth arnynt hwy ar yr adeg hon. Mae gennym becyn parhaol o ryddhad ardrethi o dros £239 miliwn y flwyddyn ac mae dros ei hanner yn mynd tuag at y cynllun rhyddhad ardrethi i fusnesau bach, gan ostwng biliau i sero ar gyfer trethdalwyr mewn eiddo sydd â gwerth ardrethol o hyd at £6,000, ac ar sail tapr wedyn hyd at £12,000. Mae hwnnw'n becyn hael ac mae canran fawr o fusnesau'n elwa ohono drwy beidio â gorfod talu unrhyw ardrethi o gwbl. Ond fel roeddwn yn ei ddisgrifio yn fy ateb i Rhun ap Iorwerth yn gynharach y prynhawn yma, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflawni cyfres bwysig o fentrau ymchwil ac wedi comisiynu ymchwil i sicrhau bod gennym yr wybodaeth rydym ei hangen i feddwl o ddifrif am ddyfodol cyllid lleol. Rydym yn edrych ar ardrethi annomestig a'r dreth gyngor a sut y dylai'r rheini fod yn y dyfodol er mwyn sicrhau, wrth inni symud ymlaen, fod y system mor flaengar â phosibl a sicrhau ei bod yn parhau, wrth gwrs, i ddod â chyllid i mewn i Lywodraeth Cymru ddarparu gwasanaethau lleol, ond i wneud hynny mewn ffordd sy'n flaengar ac yn deg.
10. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am newidiadau i bolisi trethiant Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi busnesau yn sgil pandemig COVID-19? OQ56462
10. Will the Minister provide an update on changes to the Welsh Government's taxation policy to support businesses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56462
We have taken a series of tax measures to support businesses in Wales during this pandemic. These have included providing NDR relief, freezing the NDR multiplier and raising the threshold at which non-residential property transactions are subject to land transaction tax.
Rydym wedi cymryd cyfres o fesurau treth i gefnogi busnesau yng Nghymru yn ystod y pandemig hwn. Mae'r rhain wedi cynnwys darparu rhyddhad ardrethi annomestig, rhewi'r lluosydd ardrethi annomestig a chodi'r trothwy lle daw trafodiadau eiddo amhreswyl yn ddarostyngedig i dreth trafodiadau tir.
Diolch, Minister. The Welsh Government in its final budget stated it will set aside a further £200 million for businesses from its own reserves. This is additional again to the previous Wales-only additional spend made from its own budget, and further cements Wales as providing the best package of business support in the whole of the UK. What representations therefore has the Welsh Government made to the Tory Chancellor in Westminster to enable the Welsh Government to have the flexibility in the future to continue to help support Welsh business?
Diolch, Weinidog. Nododd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei chyllideb derfynol y bydd yn neilltuo £200 miliwn arall i fusnesau o'i chronfeydd wrth gefn ei hun. Unwaith eto, mae hyn yn ychwanegol at y gwariant ychwanegol blaenorol ar gyfer Cymru'n unig a wnaed o'i chyllideb ei hun, ac mae'n gadarnhad pellach mai Cymru sy'n darparu'r pecyn gorau o gymorth busnes yn y DU gyfan. Pa sylwadau felly y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cyflwyno i'r Canghellor Torïaidd yn San Steffan i alluogi Llywodraeth Cymru i gael hyblygrwydd i barhau i gefnogi busnesau Cymru yn y dyfodol?
We've been making arguments to the UK Government in respect of further flexibilities for the Welsh Government for some time, and I've been really grateful for Rhianon Passmore's support for the work that we've been doing in that area. I know it's something that her colleagues on the Finance Committee are particularly interested in supporting as well. I think that this year has taught us that financial flexibility is so important, both in terms of being able to target our resources effectively, but also to manage our in-year position in a year that has seen so much change. It's important I think that in future, the Welsh Government does have access to its full reserve. It's a small reserve in many ways, but actually having greater flexibility to access more of that would, I think, be useful for a future Government, as would the ability to borrow more in one year and borrow more in the aggregate. Especially now, that will be important, given the very, very poor capital settlement that we've had from the UK Government and also the UK Government's intent to bypass the Welsh Government now in terms of capital spend via the levelling-up fund.
Rydym wedi bod yn cyflwyno dadleuon i Lywodraeth y DU ar hyblygrwydd pellach i Lywodraeth Cymru ers peth amser, ac rwyf wedi bod yn ddiolchgar iawn am gefnogaeth Rhianon Passmore i'r gwaith y buom yn ei wneud yn y maes hwnnw. Rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn rhywbeth y mae gan ei chyd-Aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Cyllid ddiddordeb arbennig yn ei gefnogi hefyd. Credaf fod eleni wedi ein dysgu bod hyblygrwydd ariannol mor bwysig, o ran gallu targedu ein hadnoddau'n effeithiol, ond hefyd er mwyn rheoli ein sefyllfa canol blwyddyn mewn blwyddyn sydd wedi gweld cymaint o newid. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru fynediad llawn at ei chronfa wrth gefn yn y dyfodol. Mae'n gronfa fach mewn sawl ffordd, ond byddai cael mwy o hyblygrwydd i gael mynediad at fwy ohoni'n ddefnyddiol i Lywodraeth yn y dyfodol yn fy marn i, yn ogystal â'r gallu i fenthyca mwy mewn un flwyddyn a benthyca mwy yn ei grynswth. Bydd hynny'n bwysig, yn enwedig yn awr, o ystyried y setliad cyfalaf gwael iawn a gawsom gan Lywodraeth y DU a bwriad Llywodraeth y DU hefyd i fynd heibio i Lywodraeth Cymru yn awr o ran gwariant cyfalaf drwy'r gronfa codi'r gwastad.
11. Pa gamau y mae'r Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i fonitro'r asesiadau a gynhelir gan gyd-Weinidogion wrth ddyrannu gwariant o fewn eu portffolios? OQ56442
11. What steps will you take to monitor the assessments undertaken by ministerial colleagues when allocating expenditure within their portfolios? OQ56442
It's the responsibility of all Ministers to take into account a range of factors, including impact assessments and value for money considerations, in setting detailed spending plans. These plans are monitored through the year as part of our in-year reporting process.
Mae pob Gweinidog yn gyfrifol am ystyried amrywiaeth o ffactorau, gan gynnwys asesiadau effaith ac ystyriaethau gwerth am arian, wrth bennu cynlluniau gwariant manwl. Caiff y cynlluniau hyn eu monitro drwy gydol y flwyddyn fel rhan o'n proses adrodd yn ystod y flwyddyn.
I'd be interested to know, Minister, what steps you take to monitor the expenditure by individual Ministers when you are looking at specific sectors that you wish to develop within Wales. For example, if Wales was to decide to try to become a science superpower, which is where I think we should be heading, and you wanted to put far more investment into research and development, into supporting our thriving research and innovation centres within our universities and within our medical establishments, how would you then tie that back to that principle by ensuring that Ministers that may be involved in that—e.g. health, education—do afford the right sums of money to help support that governmental goal?
Byddai gennyf ddiddordeb mewn gwybod, Weinidog, pa gamau rydych yn eu cymryd i fonitro'r gwariant gan Weinidogion unigol pan fyddwch yn edrych ar sectorau penodol rydych eisiau eu datblygu yng Nghymru. Er enghraifft, pe bai Cymru'n penderfynu ceisio dod yn uwch bŵer mewn gwyddoniaeth, a chredaf y dylem anelu at hynny, a phe baech eisiau buddsoddi llawer mwy mewn ymchwil a datblygu, ar gefnogi ein canolfannau ymchwil ac arloesi ffyniannus yn ein prifysgolion ac yn ein sefydliadau meddygol, sut y byddech wedyn yn dod â hynny'n ôl at yr egwyddor honno drwy sicrhau bod Gweinidogion a allai fod yn rhan o hynny—e.e. iechyd, addysg—yn darparu'r symiau cywir o arian i helpu i gefnogi'r nod llywodraethol hwnnw?
We do this in a number of ways, which are often underpinned by the ministerial sub-committees that we've set up. So, some of them are formal sub-committees of Cabinet and others are committees that are not formally created via Cabinet, but nonetheless operate in an important way. An example would be the work that we're doing on the inter-ministerial group that looks at digital and data—that clearly is a cross-Government agenda, and it's important that all Ministers are bringing to the table what they need to to develop that, to make sure that Wales puts itself on the map in terms of being a destination for digital skills, and also to use all of the investment that we are putting into digital in a way that delivers transformation for public services. So, I think that those structures that we have in place are really important, and from a financial perspective then it allows me to ensure that we create the right funding opportunities.
Within digital, we've worked across Government to pool budgets from different parts of Government to ensure that all Ministers are working to deliver that important agenda. We have similar work now going on in the recently—I say 'recently'; it's a year now—the recently developed land division. So, that's something that I chair, but it looks at all of the land held by Ministers in different portfolios across Government to ensure that we're maximising those for the shared purposes that we have. We have a particularly strong focus at the moment on releasing land for social housing, so we're looking particularly at land that sits in the economy department, what land there is suitable for social housing, and how can we best go about releasing that and building on that land.
So, there are ways in which we're working across Government in a number of areas. Those are two, decarbonisation would be another, and the work that we're doing across Government on support for renewable energy as well is something that really benefits from that structure that we've put in place to enable those cross-ministerial discussions, but also joint work in terms of budget, as well.
Rydym yn gwneud hyn mewn nifer o ffyrdd, sy'n aml yn cael eu hategu gan yr is-bwyllgorau gweinidogol rydym wedi'u sefydlu. Felly, mae rhai ohonynt yn is-bwyllgorau Cabinet ffurfiol ac mae eraill yn bwyllgorau nad ydynt wedi cael eu creu'n ffurfiol drwy'r Cabinet, ond sydd serch hynny'n gweithredu mewn ffordd bwysig. Un enghraifft fyddai'r gwaith rydym yn ei wneud yn y grŵp rhyng-weinidogol sy'n edrych ar y maes digidol a data—mae honno'n amlwg yn agenda draws-Lywodraethol, ac mae'n bwysig fod pob Gweinidog yn cyflwyno'r hyn sydd ei angen arnynt i ddatblygu hynny, er mwyn sicrhau bod Cymru'n rhoi ei hun ar y map fel cyrchfan ar gyfer sgiliau digidol, a hefyd i ddefnyddio'r holl fuddsoddiad rydym yn ei roi i'r maes digidol mewn ffordd sy'n trawsnewid gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Felly, credaf fod y strwythurau sydd gennym ar waith yn bwysig iawn, ac o safbwynt ariannol mae'n caniatáu imi sicrhau ein bod yn creu'r cyfleoedd ariannu cywir.
O fewn y maes digidol, rydym wedi gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth i gyfuno cyllidebau o wahanol rannau o'r Llywodraeth er mwyn sicrhau bod pob Gweinidog yn gweithio i gyflawni'r agenda bwysig honno. Mae gennym waith tebyg yn mynd rhagddo yn awr yn yr adran tir a ddatblygwyd yn ddiweddar—dywedaf 'yn ddiweddar'; mae'n flwyddyn bellach. Felly, mae hwnnw'n rhywbeth rwy'n ei gadeirio, ond mae'n edrych ar yr holl dir a ddelir gan Weinidogion mewn gwahanol bortffolios ar draws y Llywodraeth i sicrhau ein bod yn manteisio i'r eithaf arno at y dibenion a rennir gennym. Mae gennym ffocws arbennig o gryf ar hyn o bryd ar ryddhau tir ar gyfer tai cymdeithasol, felly rydym yn edrych yn benodol ar dir yn adran yr economi, pa dir yno sy'n addas ar gyfer tai cymdeithasol, a sut y gallwn fynd ati i ryddhau'r tir hwnnw ac adeiladu arno.
Felly, mae yna ffyrdd rydym yn gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth mewn nifer o feysydd. Dyna ddau faes, byddai datgarboneiddio yn un arall, ac mae'r gwaith rydym yn ei wneud ar draws y Llywodraeth ar gymorth i ynni adnewyddadwy hefyd yn rhywbeth sy'n elwa'n wirioneddol o'r strwythur rydym wedi'i roi ar waith i alluogi'r trafodaethau traws-weinidogol hynny, yn ogystal â gwaith ar y cyd mewn perthynas â'r gyllideb.
12. Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Gweinidog yn ei rhoi i iechyd meddwl wrth ddyrannu cyllid i'r portffolio iechyd meddwl, llesiant a'r Gymraeg? OQ56461
12. What consideration does the Minister give to mental health when allocating funding to the mental health, wellbeing and Welsh language portfolio? OQ56461
During the pandemic, we've invested an extra £9.9 million to support mental health services. Building on this, we're investing an additional £42 million in mental health next year. This makes our total spending on mental health more than £780 million in 2021-22.
Yn ystod y pandemig, rydym wedi buddsoddi £9.9 miliwn ychwanegol i gefnogi gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl. Gan adeiladu ar hyn, rydym yn buddsoddi £42 miliwn ychwanegol mewn iechyd meddwl y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae hyn yn golygu bod cyfanswm ein gwariant ar iechyd meddwl yn 2021-22 yn fwy na £780 miliwn.
Thank you for that reply. Obviously, during the pandemic and before that, we know that mental health services have been squeezed and have often in the past been seen as cinderella services, but I know elements of that have changed, as you've exemplified in your answer to me today. But I've done a lot with eating disorders over the years, and obviously the service review recommendations will require significant investment, and I've also in the last year or so been doing work on maternal mental health. Some of the changes there will need significant investment. What would you say to a future Government in relation to the allocation of funds for these most important areas of development?
Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw. Yn amlwg, yn ystod y pandemig a chyn hynny, gwyddom fod gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl dan bwysau a'u bod yn aml wedi cael eu hystyried yn wasanaethau sinderela yn y gorffennol, ond gwn fod elfennau o hynny wedi newid, fel rydych wedi dangos yn eich ateb imi heddiw. Ond rwyf wedi gwneud llawer gydag anhwylderau bwyta dros y blynyddoedd, ac yn amlwg bydd angen buddsoddiad sylweddol ar argymhellion yr adolygiad gwasanaeth, ac rwyf hefyd wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith ar iechyd meddwl mamau yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Bydd angen buddsoddiad sylweddol ar rai o'r newidiadau yno. Beth y byddech yn ei ddweud wrth Lywodraeth yn y dyfodol ynglŷn â dyrannu arian ar gyfer y meysydd datblygu pwysig hyn?
In our discussions when we were developing the budget for 2021-22, we were very clear very early on that health had to remain a priority for the Welsh Government in terms of our investment, and that's why we've provided significant additional funding for the core health budget for the next financial year. Now, clearly there will be opportunities for a future Minister to look at prioritising in areas such as those that you've described. I've been very clear and very careful to ensure that our core funding for the NHS is able to do its day-to-day work, and is separate from our additional funding for COVID response. That really is to ensure that those things such as eating disorders, which are important parts of our response, aren't lost in our COVID response, which is clearly at the forefront of many minds at the moment. So, it's important that a future Government does have that clarity between COVID response, and the work that we just have to keep doing. That applies to the eating disorders work, but of course goes on across cancer, diabetes and all of the other important areas of spend as well.
Yn ein trafodaethau pan oeddem yn datblygu'r gyllideb ar gyfer 2021-22, roeddem yn glir iawn yn gynnar iawn fod yn rhaid i iechyd barhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i Lywodraeth Cymru o ran ein buddsoddiad, a dyna pam ein bod wedi darparu cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol ar gyfer y gyllideb iechyd graidd yn y flwyddyn ariannol nesaf. Nawr, mae'n amlwg y bydd cyfleoedd i Weinidog yn y dyfodol ystyried blaenoriaethu mewn meysydd fel y rhai rydych wedi'u disgrifio. Rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn ac yn ofalus iawn i sicrhau bod ein cyllid craidd i'r GIG yn gallu gwneud ei waith o ddydd i ddydd, a'i fod ar wahân i'n cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer yr ymateb i COVID. Mae hynny er mwyn sicrhau nad yw pethau fel anhwylderau bwyta, sy'n rhannau pwysig o'n hymateb, yn cael eu colli yn ein hymateb i COVID, sy'n amlwg ar feddyliau llawer o bobl ar hyn o bryd. Felly, mae'n bwysig fod Llywodraeth yn y dyfodol yn cael yr eglurder hwnnw rhwng yr ymateb i COVID, a'r gwaith y mae'n rhaid i ni barhau i'w wneud. Mae hynny'n berthnasol i'r gwaith ar anhwylderau bwyta, ond wrth gwrs mae'n berthnasol i ganser, diabetes a'r holl feysydd gwariant pwysig eraill hefyd.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Excellent work—all your questions answered in your final questions session in this Senedd. Over to you now, Minister for Education—see if you can keep to that record.
Gwaith rhagorol—rydych wedi ateb eich holl gwestiynau yn eich sesiwn gwestiynau olaf yn y Senedd hon. Trown atoch chi yn awr, Weinidog Addysg—gadewch inni weld a allwch chi wneud cystal.
Questions, then, to the Minister for Education.
Cwestiynau, felly, i'r Gweinidog Addysg.
Y cwestiwn cyntaf, Jayne Bryant.
The first question, Jayne Bryant.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
1. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gefnogi llesiant meddyliol athrawon? OQ56460
1. What action is the Welsh Government taking to support the mental wellbeing of teachers? OQ56460

Welsh Government continues to work with stakeholders to ensure support is available for teachers around Wales during this pandemic. This includes funding a tailored package of mental health and well-being support services for teachers and support staff, and providing additional funding to increase capacity in schools across Wales.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i weithio gyda rhanddeiliaid i sicrhau bod cymorth ar gael i athrawon ledled Cymru yn ystod y pandemig hwn. Mae hyn yn cynnwys ariannu pecyn wedi'i deilwra o wasanaethau cymorth iechyd meddwl a llesiant i athrawon a staff cymorth, a darparu cyllid ychwanegol i gynyddu capasiti mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru.
Thank you very much for that answer, Minister. The education sector has faced the most disruptive year in a lifetime, and time and time again teachers and senior leadership teams have been required to totally transform how they operate: online learning, virtual lessons, year group bubbles, key worker provision, exam grading, mass testing, monitoring well-being and adapting buildings. They've done all that they've done, and they've done that and more on top of their own personal situations. Some who have been doing online classes have also juggled that with home schooling their own children. The education workforce have been outstanding, but we cannot forget the impact on their own health and well-being. What further measures can the Welsh Government take to ensure that teachers and staff feel supported in their jobs over the coming months ahead, and what support is available for them to ensure that their own mental well-being is paramount?
Diolch yn fawr am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Mae'r sector addysg wedi wynebu'r flwyddyn lle gwelwyd mwy o darfu arno na'r un flwyddyn arall yn ein hoes ni, a dro ar ôl tro bu'n ofynnol i athrawon ac uwch dimau arwain drawsnewid yn llwyr y modd y maent yn gweithredu: dysgu ar-lein, gwersi rhithwir, swigod grŵp blwyddyn, darpariaethau gweithwyr allweddol, graddio arholiadau, profi torfol, monitro llesiant ac addasu adeiladau. Maent wedi gwneud popeth y maent wedi'i wneud, ac maent wedi gwneud hynny a mwy ar ben eu hamgylchiadau personol. Mae rhai sydd wedi bod yn gwneud dosbarthiadau ar-lein hefyd wedi bod yn darparu addysg i'w plant eu hunain gartref. Mae'r gweithlu addysg wedi bod yn rhagorol, ond ni allwn anghofio'r effaith ar eu hiechyd a'u llesiant eu hunain. Pa gamau pellach y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i sicrhau bod athrawon a staff yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi yn eu swyddi dros y misoedd nesaf, a pha gymorth sydd ar gael iddynt i sicrhau bod eu llesiant meddyliol eu hunain yn cael blaenoriaeth?
Thank you, Jayne, for recognising the tremendous effort of the education workforce throughout the pandemic. They have shown real innovation and resilience in the most difficult of times, and it is important that we recognise that we need to support them in their mental health and well-being. That's why we have engaged with Education Support, a charity organisation with expertise in supporting the well-being of teachers to deliver a programme of support during this academic year. That has included online facilitation of peer-to-peer support for headteachers, one-to-one support for headteachers delivered by counsellors, a dedicated schools and well-being service being set up, free online learning modules for staff themselves. And, indeed, this very evening there is an online webinar which over 400 education staff have signed up to in preparation for ensuring that they can enjoy their Easter break. I'd also like to commend the work of the National Academy for Education Leadership Wales that run weekly sessions that allow groups of two to three headteachers to provide peer-to-peer support, and to discuss the challenges that they're facing in a safe and secure environment.
Diolch, Jayne, am gydnabod ymdrech aruthrol y gweithlu addysg drwy gydol y pandemig. Maent wedi dangos arloesedd a chadernid gwirioneddol mewn cyfnod anodd, ac mae'n bwysig inni gydnabod bod angen inni eu cefnogi yn eu hiechyd meddwl a'u llesiant. Dyna pam ein bod wedi ymgysylltu â Cymorth Addysg, sefydliad elusennol sydd ag arbenigedd mewn cefnogi llesiant athrawon i gyflwyno rhaglen gymorth yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd hon. Mae hynny wedi cynnwys hwyluso cymorth rhwng cymheiriaid ar-lein i benaethiaid, cymorth un-i-un i benaethiaid a ddarperir gan gwnselwyr, sefydlu gwasanaeth ysgolion a llesiant pwrpasol, modiwlau dysgu ar-lein am ddim i'r staff eu hunain. Ac yn wir, heno, cynhelir gweminar ar-lein y mae dros 400 o staff addysg wedi cofrestru ar ei chyfer i baratoi ar gyfer sicrhau y gallant fwynhau eu gwyliau Pasg. Hoffwn ganmol gwaith yr Academi Genedlaethol ar gyfer Arweinyddiaeth Addysgol hefyd sy'n cynnal sesiynau wythnosol sy'n caniatáu i grwpiau o ddau i dri phennaeth ddarparu cefnogaeth rhwng cymheiriaid, ac i drafod yr heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu mewn amgylchedd diogel.
Jayne Bryant has raised a really important issue. Minister, in November, academics at Cardiff and Swansea universities published the results of a joint survey. They spoke to around 13,000 people; half of those were identifying with some degree of mental health issues, and 20 per cent said they were severely affected. This was particularly relevant to younger people and women and, of course, both of those groups are to be found within our primary school sector where there is a higher number of women involved there as teachers. What discussions have you had with the education system, with the trade unions about ways that these mental health issues can be addressed in future? In terms of recruitment, has any assessment been made about the potential effect on recruitment, because it strikes me that as we come out of the pandemic, the last thing we want is there to be a negative impact on recruitment into our primary schools?
Mae Jayne Bryant wedi nodi mater pwysig iawn. Weinidog, ym mis Tachwedd, cyhoeddodd academyddion ym mhrifysgolion Caerdydd ac Abertawe ganlyniadau arolwg ar y cyd. Buont yn siarad â thua 13,000 o bobl; roedd gan hanner y rheini rywfaint o broblemau iechyd meddwl, a dywedodd 20 y cant eu bod wedi cael eu heffeithio'n ddifrifol. Roedd hyn yn arbennig o berthnasol i bobl iau a menywod ac wrth gwrs, mae'r ddau grŵp i'w gweld yn ein sector ysgolion cynradd lle mae nifer uwch o fenywod yn gweithio fel athrawon. Pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda'r system addysg, gyda'r undebau llafur ynglŷn â ffyrdd y gellir mynd i'r afael â'r materion iechyd meddwl hyn yn y dyfodol? O ran recriwtio, a wnaed unrhyw asesiad o'r effaith bosibl ar recriwtio, oherwydd wrth inni ddod allan o'r pandemig, mae'n fy nharo i mai'r peth olaf rydym ei eisiau yw effaith negyddol ar recriwtio i'n hysgolion cynradd?
Thank you, Nick, for that question. My officials have weekly conversations with the trade unions, discussing a wide range of issues and, clearly, the well-being of school and support staff features strongly. The Welsh Government has had very positive feedback from the services that the Education Support charity has been able to put in place this year, and we will continue to reflect on what more we can do to support the profession throughout the pandemic, and the period following.
With regard to recruitment, what I can say, Nick, is that we have seen this year very strong recruitment to our initial teacher education programmes. I think the spotlight that has been put on the importance of education, and the crucial role that educators play in the life of children and young people and, indeed, supporting communities, has inspired very many people to think about a career in teaching, and I'm very pleased to see that.
Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw, Nick. Mae fy swyddogion yn cael sgyrsiau wythnosol gyda'r undebau llafur i drafod ystod eang o faterion ac yn amlwg, mae llesiant staff ysgol a staff cymorth yn codi'n aml. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael adborth cadarnhaol iawn gan y gwasanaethau y mae'r elusen Cymorth Addysg wedi gallu eu rhoi ar waith eleni, a byddwn yn parhau i ystyried beth arall y gallwn ei wneud i gefnogi'r proffesiwn drwy gydol y pandemig, a'r cyfnod sy'n dilyn.
O ran recriwtio, yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud, Nick, yw ein bod wedi gweld recriwtio cryf iawn eleni i'n rhaglenni addysg gychwynnol i athrawon. Rwy'n credu bod y sbotolau sydd wedi bod ar bwysigrwydd addysg, a'r rôl hollbwysig y mae addysgwyr yn ei chwarae ym mywyd plant a phobl ifanc, ac yn cefnogi cymunedau yn wir, wedi ysbrydoli llawer iawn o bobl i feddwl am yrfa mewn addysgu, ac rwy'n falch iawn o weld hynny.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am wasanaethau cyfrwng Cymraeg i lywodraethwyr ysgol yng Nghymru? OQ56437
2. Will the Minister make a statement on Welsh-medium services for school governors in Wales? OQ56437
Governing bodies have an essential role in improving school performance. Local authorities provide direct support to governors through their governor support services. Under Welsh language standards, all information, advice and guidance provided by the Welsh Government to local authorities is provided bilingually. Local authorities are under the same standard duties.
Mae gan gyrff llywodraethu ran hanfodol i'w chwarae yn gwella perfformiad ysgolion. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn darparu cymorth uniongyrchol i lywodraethwyr drwy eu gwasanaethau cymorth i lywodraethwyr. O dan safonau'r Gymraeg, darperir yr holl wybodaeth, y cyngor a'r arweiniad a ddarperir gan Lywodraeth Cymru i awdurdodau lleol yn ddwyieithog. Mae awdurdodau lleol yn ddarostyngedig i'r un ddyletswydd o dan y safonau.
Dwi'n lywodraethwr fan hyn yn Sir Ddinbych, ac fel sy'n ofynnol ac yn rhesymol, wrth gwrs, i mi wneud, fel pawb arall, mae angen DBS check bob hyn a hyn, i sicrhau fy mod i'n berson addas a chymwys i fod yn lywodraethwr. Nawr, mi ges i wahoddiad i wneud DBS check yn ddiweddar ar lein, ond os ydw i am wneud hynny drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, mae'n rhaid i fi ofyn am ffurflen bapur. Er fy mod i'n siaradwr Cymraeg, yn lywodraethwr ar ysgol gyfrwng Gymraeg â'r corff llywodraethol yn cynnal ei holl gyfarfodydd a'i gweinyddiaeth drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg hefyd, mae'n rhaid i fi setlo am broses israddol. Nawr, mae yna wahaniaethu ar sawl ieithyddol yn fan hyn, a dwi'n deall hefyd bod ceisiadau ar lein fel arfer yn cymryd llai nag wythnos i'w prosesu, ond os ydw i'n gorfod gwneud cais ar bapur mae'n gallu cymryd o leiaf mis i chwe wythnos. Felly, ydych chi'n meddwl bod y math yma o wahaniaethu ar sail iaith yn dderbyniol, ac os nad ŷch chi, yna'r cwestiwn i fi, wrth gwrs, yw beth ŷch chi a'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud er mwyn ceisio cywiro hynny?
I'm a governor here in Denbighshire and as is required and reasonable for me to do, as with everyone else, I need a DBS check every now and again to ensure that I am a fit and proper person to be a governor. Now, I was invited for a DBS check recently and it was undertaken online, but if I want to do that through the medium of Welsh I have to ask for a paper form. Although I am a Welsh speaker, a governor in a Welsh-medium school where the governing body holds all of its meetings and administration through the medium of Welsh, I have to settle for a second-rate process. Now, there is discrimination on a linguistic basis here and I understand, too, that online applications usually take less than a week to process, but if done on paper it can take a month to six weeks. So, do you think that this kind of discrimination on the basis of language is acceptable, and if you don't, then my question is what will you and the Government do to try and put that right?
Well, firstly, Llyr, can I thank you for serving as a governor? They are important roles and I would encourage everybody that is interested in education to think about how they can help our children and young people by doing what you do and serving in the role of governor. Clearly, the situation that you have just described is not acceptable. I'm grateful to you for bringing it to my attention, and I shall raise it with the necessary authorities to ensure that there is equality in the service that is offered to people who have taken the time and trouble to put themselves forward to undertake this important role. Diolch yn fawr.
Wel, yn gyntaf, Llyr, a gaf fi ddiolch i chi am wasanaethu fel llywodraethwr? Maent yn rolau pwysig a byddwn yn annog pawb sydd â diddordeb mewn addysg i feddwl sut y gallant helpu ein plant a'n pobl ifanc drwy wneud yr hyn a wnewch chi a gwasanaethu yn rôl llywodraethwr. Yn amlwg, nid yw'r sefyllfa rydych newydd ei disgrifio yn dderbyniol. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi am dynnu fy sylw at y mater, a byddaf yn ei godi gyda'r awdurdodau angenrheidiol i sicrhau bod cydraddoldeb yn y gwasanaeth a gynigir i bobl sydd wedi rhoi amser ac ymdrech i gynnig eu hunain ar gyfer y rôl bwysig hon. Diolch yn fawr.
Weinidog, rwy'n falch o glywed eich bod chi wedi bod yn rhoi diolch i bawb sydd wedi rhoi o'u hamser a'u sgiliau i fod yn llywodraethwyr yn ein hysgolion, ac mae eu swyddi ar fin dod yn fwy beichus o dan y cwricwlwm newydd, a hyd yn oed yn fwy tebyg i roles ymddiriedolwyr neu gyfarwyddwyr anweithredol elusennau neu fusnesau. Yn sicr, bydd yn rhaid i'w perthynas gyda chymunedau lleol ddod yn fwy agored hefyd oherwydd y cwricwlwm. Sut ydych chi'n sicrhau y bydd llywodraethwyr yn cael yr holl hyfforddiant sydd ei angen arnynt, a pha fesurau ydych chi'n eu cynnig i helpu dysgwyr a'u teuluoedd i ddwyn llywodraethwyr i gyfrif?
Minister, I'm pleased to hear that you have thanked everyone who has given of their time and skills to become governors in our schools, and their jobs are about to become more burdensome under the new curriculum, and more similar to the role of trustees or non-executive directors of businesses or charities. Certainly, their relationships with local communities will have to be more open, too, because of the curriculum. How will you ensure that governors receive all the training they need, and what measures are you putting in place to help learners and their families to hold governors to account?
Well, thank you for that, Suzy. Can I assure you that that training is already being delivered? For instance, even in the midst of the pandemic, GwE, our regional support service in north Wales, is already delivering a comprehensive programme of governor training in anticipation not only of curriculum reform but also ALN reform, and that is a programme of work that is being replicated across Wales. It is absolutely important that governors have the skills necessary to provide that supportive challenge to headteachers and to be able to play a full part in developing new curricula within their schools. You're right; this gives us a new opportunity to be able to explain to parents in the roll-out of the new curriculum the important role that governors will have and how parents themselves can influence that process, and indeed to encourage other parents to take up roles as governors, not just in the slot that is reserved for parents, but actually looking at ways in which they too can contribute, either to their own children's school or to other schools in their area.
Wel, diolch am hynny, Suzy. A gaf fi eich sicrhau bod yr hyfforddiant hwnnw eisoes yn cael ei ddarparu? Er enghraifft, hyd yn oed ynghanol y pandemig, mae GwE, ein gwasanaeth cymorth rhanbarthol yng ngogledd Cymru, eisoes yn darparu rhaglen gynhwysfawr o hyfforddiant i lywodraethwyr cyn diwygio nid yn unig y cwricwlwm, ond anghenion dysgu ychwanegol hefyd, ac mae honno'n rhaglen waith sy'n cael ei hailadrodd ledled Cymru. Mae'n hollbwysig fod gan lywodraethwyr y sgiliau angenrheidiol i ddarparu'r her gefnogol honno i benaethiaid ac i allu chwarae rhan lawn wrth ddatblygu cwricwla newydd yn eu hysgolion. Rydych yn iawn; mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle newydd inni allu esbonio i rieni wrth gyflwyno'r cwricwlwm newydd y rôl bwysig a fydd gan lywodraethwyr a sut y gall rhieni eu hunain ddylanwadu ar y broses honno, ac yn wir annog rhieni eraill i ymgymryd â rolau llywodraethwyr, nid yn unig yn y slot a gedwir ar gyfer rhieni, ond gan edrych ar ffyrdd y gallant hwythau hefyd gyfrannu mewn gwirionedd, naill ai yn ysgol eu plant eu hunain neu mewn ysgolion eraill yn eu hardal.
We now turn to spokesperson's questions, and the first up this afternoon is the Conservative spokesperson, Suzy Davies.
Trown yn awr at gwestiynau'r llefarwyr, a'r cyntaf y prynhawn yma yw llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Suzy Davies.
Thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd. Well, here we are, Minister—our last spokesperson session together. Dirprwy Lywydd, I hope we will get a chance—. I mean, I'm going to get a chance to thank other Members in this portfolio next week, but I hope you will allow me just a few words at the end for the Minister when we get to my third question.
But I'll start with asking about this, which is that the Education Workforce Council has confirmed that registrations with them are down by 1,000 on last year. Many Members have been contacted by supply teachers, saying how difficult it's been for them to get work this year, yet your Recruit, Recover and Raise Standards programme has apparently found 1,800 new members of staff to help deliver on its intention. That's twice as many as you'd budgeted for, and especially impressive considering you've only spent £17 million this year of the £20 million you'd earmarked for this. If the number of registered staff has dropped, who are these 1,800 new members of staff, and how can you afford them for £17 million? Why is it only in the last 10 days that you've been able to reverse the position of providing only half the catch-up money for Welsh pupils that their peers in other parts of the UK have benefited from throughout the year?
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Wel, dyma ni, Weinidog—ein sesiwn lefarwyr ddiwethaf gyda'n gilydd. Ddirprwy Lywydd, gobeithio y cawn gyfle—. Rwy'n credu y byddaf yn cael cyfle i ddiolch i Aelodau eraill yn y portffolio hwn yr wythnos nesaf, ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn caniatáu imi ddweud ychydig eiriau wrth y Gweinidog ar y diwedd pan ddof at fy nhrydydd cwestiwn.
Ond rwyf am ddechrau drwy ofyn ynglŷn â hyn, sef bod Cyngor y Gweithlu Addysg wedi cadarnhau bod cofrestriadau gyda hwy wedi gostwng 1,000 ers y llynedd. Mae athrawon cyflenwi wedi cysylltu â llawer o'r Aelodau i ddweud pa mor anodd y bu iddynt ddod o hyd i waith eleni, ac eto mae'n debyg bod eich rhaglen Recriwtio, Adfer a Chodi Safonau wedi dod o hyd i 1,800 o aelodau staff newydd i helpu i gyflawni ei bwriad. Mae hynny'n ddwywaith cymaint â'r nifer y gwnaethoch gyllidebu ar eu cyfer, ac yn arbennig o drawiadol o ystyried mai dim ond £17 miliwn rydych chi wedi'i wario eleni o'r £20 miliwn a glustnodwyd gennych ar gyfer hyn. Os yw nifer y staff cofrestredig wedi gostwng, pwy yw'r 1,800 aelod newydd o staff, a sut y gallwch eu fforddio am £17 miliwn? Pam mai dim ond yn ystod y 10 diwrnod diwethaf y llwyddoch chi i wrthdroi'r sefyllfa o ddarparu dim ond hanner yr arian dal i fyny i ddisgyblion Cymru y mae eu cyfoedion mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU wedi elwa arno drwy gydol y flwyddyn?
Well, Deputy Presiding Officer, the Member tried to lull me into a false sense of security, I think, before asking that question. If I had any hopes that she would spare me in this last session, they've been cruelly dashed by that question. Can I just say that the success of the RRRS programme is something to be celebrated? I think it is fair to say that we had initially anticipated that we would have more qualified teachers recruited under the system, but, actually, schools have been given the freedom to recruit professionals as they see fit, and many schools have decided to recruit teaching support staff rather than qualified teacher status staff. Some schools have used the resource to offset redundancies that had been planned and were being taken through the system, and they've been able to retain additional staff that would have been lost to them. In some schools, they've been able to up individuals' hours. So, somebody perhaps that was employed on a part-time contract, the school has felt it was appropriate, because of their familiarity with the school—rather than bringing in additional members of staff, they were happy to increase hours of part-time members of staff. So, the programme has been utilised in a number of ways. Some schools have looked outside traditional staffing roles, and, for instance, have recruited youth worker mentors and those skilled in child well-being and mental health. With regard to additional funding, I am delighted that we have been able to secure additional funds to support the RRRS programme. And I would say to the Member that those funds that we've been able to secure go above and beyond the Barnett consequential that her colleagues in Westminster saw fit to give us.
Wel, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ceisiodd yr Aelod gymell ymdeimlad ffug o ddiogelwch, rwy'n credu, cyn gofyn y cwestiwn hwnnw. Pe bai gennyf unrhyw obeithion y byddai'n fy arbed yn y sesiwn olaf hon, maent wedi cael eu chwalu'n greulon gan y cwestiwn hwnnw. A gaf fi ddweud bod llwyddiant y rhaglen recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau'n rhywbeth i'w ddathlu? Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud ein bod wedi rhagweld i ddechrau y byddai mwy o athrawon cymwysedig yn cael eu recriwtio o dan y system, ond mewn gwirionedd, mae ysgolion wedi cael rhyddid i recriwtio gweithwyr proffesiynol fel y gwelant orau, ac mae llawer o ysgolion wedi penderfynu recriwtio staff cymorth addysgu yn hytrach na staff statws athro cymwysedig. Mae rhai ysgolion wedi defnyddio'r adnodd i wrthbwyso diswyddiadau a oedd wedi'u cynllunio ac a oedd yn mynd drwy'r system, ac maent wedi gallu cadw staff ychwanegol a fyddai wedi'u colli. Mewn rhai ysgolion, maent wedi gallu cynyddu oriau unigolion. Felly, efallai fod yr ysgol wedi teimlo ei bod yn briodol, yn achos rhywun a oedd wedi'i gyflogi ar gontract rhan-amser, oherwydd eu bod yn gyfarwydd â'r ysgol—yn hytrach na dod ag aelodau ychwanegol o staff i mewn, roeddent yn hapus i gynyddu oriau aelodau staff rhan-amser. Felly, mae'r rhaglen wedi cael ei defnyddio mewn nifer o ffyrdd. Mae rhai ysgolion wedi edrych y tu hwnt i rolau staffio traddodiadol, ac er enghraifft, wedi recriwtio mentoriaid gweithwyr ieuenctid a rhai sy'n fedrus ym maes llesiant plant ac iechyd meddwl. Ar gyllid ychwanegol, rwyf wrth fy modd ein bod wedi gallu sicrhau arian ychwanegol i gefnogi'r rhaglen recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau. A byddwn yn dweud wrth yr Aelod fod y cronfeydd rydym wedi gallu eu sicrhau yn mynd y tu hwnt i'r swm canlyniadol Barnett y gwelodd ei chymheiriaid yn San Steffan yn dda i'w roi i ni.
Thank you for that answer. So, what we're talking about here, then, is 1,800 equivalents of teachers, rather than new members of staff. I'm grateful for the clarification. But there's still no doubt at all that we need more teachers, and so I was pleased to have it confirmed that teachers from anywhere in the world will be permitted to apply to teach in Wales now. Newly qualified teachers will need particular support—I know we're going to have new ones, but they will need new support, of course, because of limited classroom experience, and all teachers will need to find time to acquire the knowledge and skills to design and teach the new curriculum. None of the NQT targets, apart from physical education, I think, have been met, and they still won't be, despite the new interest shown in teaching careers during COVID that you alluded to earlier. Do you think that might be because the degree, or the degree plus a PGCE, and of course now the Master's option route to teaching, is squeezing out talent, because the process is too long and too expensive, and maybe still values theory over life experience a bit much? And is part of potential applicants' worry that, despite the shortages that we've just been speaking about, schools won't have enough money to employ them and pay them properly?
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw. Felly, yr hyn rydym yn sôn amdano yma yw 1,800 o rai cyfwerth ag athrawon, yn hytrach nag aelodau newydd o staff. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am yr eglurhad. Ond nid oes amheuaeth o gwbl o hyd fod angen mwy o athrawon arnom, ac felly roeddwn yn falch o'i gael wedi'i gadarnhau y bydd athrawon o unrhyw le yn y byd yn cael gwneud cais i addysgu yng Nghymru yn awr. Bydd angen cymorth penodol ar athrawon newydd gymhwyso—rwy'n gwybod y byddwn yn cael rhai newydd, ond bydd angen cymorth newydd arnynt, wrth gwrs, oherwydd profiad ystafell ddosbarth cyfyngedig, a bydd angen i bob athro ddod o hyd i amser i gaffael gwybodaeth a sgiliau ar gyfer cynllunio ac addysgu'r cwricwlwm newydd. Nid oes yr un o'r targedau ANG, ar wahân i addysg gorfforol, rwy'n credu, wedi'u cyrraedd, ac ni chânt eu cyrraedd, er gwaethaf y diddordeb newydd a ddangoswyd mewn gyrfaoedd addysgu yn ystod COVID y cyfeirioch chi ato'n gynharach. A ydych yn credu efallai mai'r rheswm am hynny yw oherwydd bod y radd, neu'r radd ynghyd â TAR, ac opsiwn y llwybr Meistr i addysgu bellach wrth gwrs, yn gwthio talent allan, am fod y broses yn rhy hir ac yn rhy ddrud, ac efallai'n dal i roi pwyslais ar theori yn hytrach na phrofiad bywyd i ryw raddau? Ac er gwaethaf y prinder rydym newydd fod yn siarad amdano, rhan o bryder ymgeiswyr posibl yw na fydd gan ysgolion ddigon o arian i'w cyflogi a'u talu'n briodol?
Well, Suzy, I'm grateful for your acknowledgement that the Welsh Government has introduced new secondary legislation that allows teachers from across the world to enter into a process, with our Education Workforce Council, to be accredited to teach in this country. I believe those first applicants are already in process, including a new would-be maths teacher who qualified in the United States, who is very keen to take up a role here in one of our secondary schools in the capital.
With regard to ITE, we have reformed initial teacher education to ensure that it gives our teachers the best possible start in a professional career. And we have recognised that the more traditional routes perhaps were putting off those people that had something very valuable to offer our children and young people, but the traditional routes were not appropriate to them. And that's why we've worked with our partners in the Open University, for instance, to develop a distance learning part-time route to qualified teacher status. That makes it much easier, especially in areas of Wales where you and I live, where, actually, accessing a university on a full-time basis is really challenging. And I'm delighted to say that we have seen good and strong recruitment to that part-time distance learning route that is now offered by the Open University.
Wel, Suzy, rwy'n ddiolchgar am eich cydnabyddiaeth fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno is-ddeddfwriaeth newydd sy'n caniatáu i athrawon o bob cwr o'r byd ddechrau proses, gyda'n Cyngor Gweithlu Addysg, i gael eu hachredu i addysgu yn y wlad hon. Rwy'n credu bod yr ymgeiswyr cyntaf eisoes wedi dechrau'r broses, gan gynnwys darpar athro mathemateg newydd a oedd wedi cymhwyso yn yr Unol Daleithiau, sy'n awyddus iawn i ymgymryd â rôl yma yn un o'n hysgolion uwchradd yn y brifddinas.
Mewn perthynas ag addysg gychwynnol i athrawon, rydym wedi ei diwygio i sicrhau ei bod yn rhoi'r dechrau gorau posibl i'n hathrawon mewn gyrfa broffesiynol. Ac rydym wedi cydnabod efallai fod y llwybrau mwy traddodiadol yn methu denu'r bobl a oedd â rhywbeth gwerthfawr iawn i'w gynnig i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc ond nad oedd y llwybrau traddodiadol yn briodol iddynt. A dyna pam ein bod wedi gweithio gyda'n partneriaid yn y Brifysgol Agored, er enghraifft, i ddatblygu llwybr dysgu o bell rhan-amser i statws athro cymwysedig. Mae hynny'n ei gwneud yn llawer haws, yn enwedig yn yr ardaloedd o Gymru lle rydych chi a fi'n byw, lle mae cael mynediad at brifysgol ar sail amser llawn yn heriol iawn mewn gwirionedd. Ac rwy'n falch iawn o ddweud ein bod wedi gweld recriwtio da a chryf i'r llwybr dysgu o bell rhan-amser sydd bellach yn cael ei gynnig gan y Brifysgol Agored.
Thank you. Yes, I'm rather keen on that OU route as well, as indeed I am on teaching apprenticeships; I think there are many ways, different routes to excellence, here that should be explored by the next Government, which, obviously, I hope is a Conservative one.
Kirsty, when we met in 2007, I'd be surprised if either of us thought we'd be doing this today, although I suspect that perhaps you've always hoped you'd get the chance to be the education Minister, because it's evident to everyone, even those who might disagree with you—and that's been my party less often than perhaps the public might imagine—that the life chances of our young people really matter to you, and that accessible education, that education of all Welsh citizens, but particularly children and young people, needs to be an education that they can reach into and grab hold of and create themselves with, on the basis that, of course, if you can transform one child, you transform the world entire.
But I wasn't sure, after my early raid on your territory back in 2007, what my reception would be when I got this shadow role, but what I've found is someone who has goals, is values driven, knows her stuff, and, most shocking of all for us, is open to listening to the views of others. And so I was sorry I couldn't join you for Stage 4 of the curriculum Bill last week to say thank you for specific changes to that Bill, but I also wanted to thank you for the respect and understanding you show to the scrutiny process overall, your willingness to act on committee recommendations, not ducking too many questions, and seeing scrutiny for what it is. I think that's been deeply impressive, because facing scrutiny is not about protecting the party brand in the face of inconvenient questions; it's about recognising that Parliament represents the people, and it's Parliament that legislates for them. And so I do honour you for that. It does leave me with my final, slightly horrible spokesperson's question though, Kirsty: does a period in opposition make people better Ministers?
Diolch. Ydw, rwy'n eithaf hoff o'r llwybr hwnnw gan y Brifysgol Agored hefyd, fel rwy'n hoff o'r llwybr addysgu prentisiaethau; credaf fod llawer o ffyrdd yma, gwahanol lwybrau at ragoriaeth, y dylai'r Llywodraeth nesaf eu harchwilio, ac rwy'n gobeithio mai un Geidwadol fydd hi wrth gwrs.
Kirsty, pan gyfarfuom yn 2007, byddwn yn synnu pe bai'r naill neu'r llall ohonom yn meddwl y byddem yn gwneud hyn heddiw, er fy mod yn amau efallai eich bod bob amser wedi gobeithio y byddech yn cael cyfle i fod yn Weinidog addysg, oherwydd mae'n amlwg i bawb, hyd yn oed y rhai a allai fod yn anghytuno â chi—a fy mhlaid i'n llai aml nag y byddai'r cyhoedd yn ei ddychmygu o bosibl—fod cyfleoedd bywyd ein pobl ifanc yn wirioneddol bwysig i chi, a bod angen i addysg hygyrch, addysg holl ddinasyddion Cymru, ond yn enwedig plant a phobl ifanc, fod yn addysg y gallant ei chyrraedd a dal gafael ynddi eu hunain a chreu eu hunain drwyddi, ar y sail, wrth gwrs, os gallwch drawsnewid un plentyn, y gallwch drawsnewid y byd yn grwn.
Ond ar ôl i mi ymosod ar eich tiriogaeth yn gynnar yn ôl yn 2007, nid oeddwn yn siŵr pa dderbyniad a gawn pan gefais rôl llefarydd yr wrthblaid, ond yr hyn a welais oedd rhywun sydd â nodau, sy'n cael ei gyrru gan werthoedd, sy'n gwybod ei phethau, ac yn fwyaf o syndod na dim i bawb ohonom, rhywun sy'n agored i wrando ar farn pobl eraill. Ac felly roedd yn ddrwg gennyf na allwn ymuno â chi ar gyfer Cyfnod 4 y Bil cwricwlwm yr wythnos diwethaf i ddweud diolch am newidiadau penodol i'r Bil hwnnw, ond roeddwn hefyd am ddiolch i chi am y parch a ddangoswch tuag at y broses graffu yn gyffredinol, a'ch dealltwriaeth ohoni, eich parodrwydd i weithredu ar argymhellion pwyllgorau, heb geisio osgoi gormod o gwestiynau, a gweld craffu am yr hyn ydyw. Rwy'n credu bod hynny wedi creu argraff fawr iawn, oherwydd nid oes a wnelo craffu â diogelu brand y blaid yn wyneb cwestiynau anghyfleus; mae'n ymwneud â chydnabod bod y Senedd yn cynrychioli'r bobl, a'r Senedd sy'n deddfu ar eu cyfer. Ac felly rwy'n eich parchu am hynny. Ond mae'n fy ngadael gyda fy nghwestiwn olaf fel llefarydd, cwestiwn braidd yn ofnadwy er hynny, Kirsty: a yw cyfnod yn yr wrthblaid yn gwneud pobl yn Weinidogion gwell?
Well, Suzy, can I just say thank you very much for your kind words, and thank you for forgiving me? I do remember a certain public meeting in the Strand Hall in Builth Wells—although the subject that day was health—when I suspect that I was particularly mean, not that anybody in the Chamber would ever remember me being mean or sharp or difficult with people, but—. So, I thank you for that.
You're right; it is an absolute dream job for me to become the education Minister, and I suspect an unexpected surprise to everybody, including myself. It's been a joy over the last five years. And I am sorry that you weren't here last week, because, if you had been, you would have heard me say that the Bill that we got to vote on last week was a better Bill for the scrutiny and the legislative process. And I was honoured to present it, not just as the Minister, but as a parliamentarian. And I agree with you, Suzy: there is something particularly interesting to have crossed the aisle, having served a very long apprenticeship on the opposition benches. And all I would say to anybody that finds themselves on the opposition benches and then maybe, or maybe not, might be lucky enough to find themselves in a position of Government is that it's a lot harder than it looks, and it's not as easy as you suggest that it might be when you're sitting on those opposition benches.
Wel, Suzy, a gaf fi ddweud diolch yn fawr am eich geiriau caredig, a diolch ichi am faddau i mi? Cofiaf gyfarfod cyhoeddus penodol yn Neuadd y Strand yn Llanfair-ym-Muallt—er mai iechyd oedd y pwnc y diwrnod hwnnw—pan gredaf fy mod wedi bod yn arbennig o gas, nid y byddai neb yn y Siambr byth yn fy nghofio'n bod yn gas neu'n finiog neu'n anodd gyda phobl, ond—. Felly, diolch ichi am hynny.
Rydych chi'n iawn; fy swydd ddelfrydol oedd dod yn Weinidog addysg, ac rwy'n tybio bod hynny'n syndod annisgwyl i bawb, gan gynnwys i mi fy hun. Mae wedi bod yn bleser dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf. Ac mae'n ddrwg gennyf nad oeddech yma yr wythnos diwethaf, oherwydd, pe baech chi wedi bod, byddech wedi fy nghlywed yn dweud bod y Bil y gwnaethom bleidleisio arno yr wythnos diwethaf yn Fil gwell oherwydd y gwaith craffu a'r broses ddeddfwriaethol. Ac roedd yn anrhydedd cael ei gyflwyno, nid yn unig fel Gweinidog, ond fel seneddwr. Ac rwy'n cytuno, Suzy: mae rhywbeth arbennig o ddiddorol am fod wedi croesi'r llawr, ar ôl treulio prentisiaeth hir iawn ar feinciau'r gwrthbleidiau. A'r cyfan y byddwn yn ei ddweud wrth unrhyw un sydd ar feinciau'r gwrthbleidiau ac yna efallai, neu efallai ddim, yn ddigon ffodus i fod mewn Llywodraeth yw ei fod yn llawer anoddach nag y mae'n edrych, ac nid yw mor hawdd ag yr awgrymwch y gallai fod pan fyddwch yn eistedd ar feinciau'r gwrthbleidiau.
Thank you. Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Siân Gwenllian.
Diolch. Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Siân Gwenllian.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Un o'r materion sy'n pryderu'r mwyafrif o athrawon ydy'r baich gwaith maen nhw'n gorfod delio ag o ar ben y gwaith maen nhw wedi'u hyfforddi i'w wneud, sef addysgu ac arwain addysgu. Yn ôl rhai, mae'r baich gwaith ychwanegol yma, y biwrocratiaeth dyddiol, wedi gwaethygu dros y bum mlynedd diwethaf. Beth ydy'ch ymateb chi i'r honiad hwnnw?
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. One of the issues that is of concern to the majority of teachers is the workload that they are having to deal with in addition to the work that they are trained to do, namely to educate and to lead. According to some, the additional burden, the daily bureaucracy, has got worse over the past five years. What's your response to that claim?
I recognise that we ask an awful lot of our teaching professionals. And now, more than ever, we need to attach even greater weight and greater pace to the managing workload and reducing bureaucracy group. That group is still working, despite the challenges of the pandemic, to identify the pressures facing teachers and implement new solutions. The workload charter has now been published, with the workload and well-being page on Hwb currently in development. The education support charity that I also spoke of earlier is producing a well-being toolkit on Hwb, which will contain a greater range of resources and practical advice, to be published in April, and the Welsh Government continues to work with our partners in regional consortia, in individual local education authorities, and, indeed, with Estyn, to ensure that the demands placed on schools from outside organisations are manageable, proportionate and add value to outcomes for children.
Rwy'n cydnabod ein bod yn gofyn llawer iawn gan ein haddysgwyr proffesiynol. Ac yn awr yn fwy nag erioed, mae angen inni gyflymu a rhoi mwy fyth o bwyslais ar waith y grŵp rheoli llwyth gwaith a lleihau biwrocratiaeth. Mae'r grŵp hwnnw'n dal i weithio, er gwaethaf heriau'r pandemig, ar nodi'r pwysau sy'n wynebu athrawon a gweithredu atebion newydd. Mae'r siarter llwyth gwaith bellach wedi'i chyhoeddi, gyda'r dudalen llwyth gwaith a llesiant ar Hwb yn cael ei datblygu ar hyn o bryd. Mae'r elusen cymorth addysg y siaradais amdani'n gynharach hefyd yn cynhyrchu pecyn cymorth llesiant ar Hwb, a fydd yn cynnwys ystod ehangach o adnoddau a chyngor ymarferol, i'w gyhoeddi ym mis Ebrill, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i weithio gyda'n partneriaid yn y consortia rhanbarthol, mewn awdurdodau addysg lleol unigol, ac yn wir, gydag Estyn, i sicrhau bod y galwadau ar ysgolion gan sefydliadau allanol yn ymarferol, yn gymesur ac yn ychwanegu gwerth at ganlyniadau i blant.
Un mater sydd yn sicr yn ychwanegu'n sylweddol at y baich gwaith ydy gosod cyllidebau, yn enwedig yr adeg yma o'r flwyddyn. Beth sy'n creu cymhlethdod yw pan fo arian yn cyrraedd drwy grant yn hwyr iawn yn y dydd, fel sydd wedi digwydd wythnos yma. Dwi am ddyfynnu un pennaeth a gysylltodd efo fi ddoe. Dyma ddywedodd hi: 'Rydym ni yn treulio mwy o amser yn ysgrifennu am sut i wario'r grantiau nag ydym yn defnyddio'r grantiau yn y lle cyntaf.' Ac mi ddywedodd pennaeth arall wrthyf i, 'Tra dwi, wrth gwrs, ar bob cyfrif, yn croesawu unrhyw gyllid ychwanegol ar unrhyw achlysur, teimlaf fod diffyg cynllunio a threfniadaeth i gyfrif am ryddhau'r arian mor hwyr yn y dydd, ac efallai fod hyn, wrth gwrs, yn rhoi darlun annheg o gyllidebau ysgolion a'r swm sy'n cario drosodd o un flwyddyn i'r llall.'
Rŵan, dwi'n derbyn yn llwyr fod y sefyllfa hyd yn oed yn fwy ansefydlog nag arfer eleni oherwydd y pandemig, ond a ydych chi'n derbyn bod hyn broblem fawr—y grantiau yn cyrraedd yn hwyr iawn yn y dydd? A beth ddylai'r Llywodraeth nesaf ei wneud, yn eich barn chi, i leihau'r baich gwaith ariannol sydd ar ein hathrawon ni, a hynny er mwyn eu rhyddhau nhw i ganolbwyntio ar y dysgu?
One issue that certainly adds significantly to that workload is budgeting, particularly at this time of the year. What creates complexity is when funding is provided via grant very late in the day, as has happened this week. I want to quote one headteacher who contacted me yesterday, and this is what she said: 'We are spending more time writing about how we're going to spend these grants than we spend in actually using the grants in the first place.' And another headteacher told me that, 'Whilst, of course, I always welcome any additional funding on any occasion, I do feel that a lack of planning and arrangements does account for the money being released so late in the day, and perhaps this, of course, gives an unfair picture of school budgets and the amounts carried over from one year to the next.'
Now, I understand entirely and accept entirely that the situation is even more unstable than usual this year because of the pandemic, but do you accept that this is a major problem—the grants arriving very late in the day? And what should the next Government do, in your view, to reduce that workload in terms of budgeting placed on our teachers, so that they can be released to focus on teaching?
The Member is correct: sometimes, we are able to release additional resources to the education system later on in the year. The challenges of operating a budget of the size that we do are not without difficulties, but I will never turn down an opportunity from the finance Minister to spend more money on schools.
With regard to the bureaucracy and the reporting, I would say to Siân Gwenllian that, throughout my period as education Minister, she has often asked me to explain where the money has gone, and, indeed, we've just heard from Suzy Davies wanting to know a detailed breakdown of how the additional money from RRRS has been spent. I can only provide answers to people like yourself, Siân, or Suzy Davies, if we ask teachers to report back on what they're spending money on, otherwise I'm not able to answer the questions you often ask me.
Mae'r Aelod yn gywir: weithiau, gallwn ryddhau adnoddau ychwanegol i'r system addysg yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn. Nid yw'r heriau o weithredu cyllideb o'r maint sydd gennym heb eu hanawsterau, ond ni fyddaf byth yn gwrthod cyfle gan y Gweinidog cyllid i wario mwy o arian ar ysgolion.
O ran y fiwrocratiaeth a'r adrodd, byddwn yn dweud wrth Siân Gwenllian ei bod, drwy gydol fy nghyfnod fel Gweinidog addysg, yn aml wedi gofyn imi egluro i ble mae'r arian wedi mynd, ac yn wir, rydym newydd glywed gan Suzy Davies a oedd eisiau dadansoddiad manwl o sut y mae'r arian ychwanegol ar gyfer recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau wedi'i wario. Ni allaf roi atebion i bobl fel chi, Siân, neu Suzy Davies, heb ofyn i athrawon adrodd yn ôl ar yr hyn y maent yn gwario arian arno, neu fel arall ni allaf ateb y cwestiynau rydych chi'n aml yn eu gofyn i mi.
Dwi'n derbyn y pwynt yna, wrth gwrs, ond mae yna ormodedd o lawer o ddata yn cael ei gasglu, a data yn aml iawn nad ydy'r athrawon eu hunain ddim yn deall pam rydych chi, fel Llywodraeth, eu hangen nhw.
A gaf i droi at fy nghwestiwn olaf i i chi—nid yn unig am heddiw, wrth gwrs—a gaf innau hefyd ddiolch yn fawr i chi am eich cydweithrediad parod yn ystod y Senedd yma, ac yn enwedig am ein cyfarfodydd rheolaidd ni yn ystod y pandemig? Rydym ni'n sicr yn rhannu'r un angerdd dros bwysigrwydd addysg ym mywydau ein plant a'n pobl ifanc, a diolch i chi am eich holl waith caled ar hyd y blynyddoedd, ac yn enwedig am fynnu sylw i blant difreintiedig Cymru. Dwi'n meddwl bod hwnnw wedi bod yn nodwedd amlwg o'ch cyfnod chi fel Gweinidog.
Mae Suzy wedi eich holi chi am brofiadau defnyddiol i ddarpar Weinidog. Dwi am ofyn i chi edrych ymlaen, ac edrych ymlaen tu draw i'r cyfnod COVID, os fedrwch chi. Beth, yn eich tyb chi, ydy'r her fwyaf fydd yn wynebu Gweinidog addysg newydd Cymru dros y blynyddoedd nesaf?
I of course accept that point, but there is far too much data being collected, and it's data that the teachers, very often, don't understand why you, as a Government, would need that data.
If I could turn to my final question to you—not just for today, of course—may I also thank you very much for your willing collaboration through this Senedd, and particularly for our regular meetings during the pandemic? We certainly share the same passion for the importance of education in the lives of our children and young people, and I'd like to thank you for all your hard work over the years, and particularly for focusing on the deprived children of Wales. I think that has been a prominent feature of your period in post.
Suzy has already asked you about useful experiences for prospective Ministers, but I want you to look forward, and look beyond COVID, if you could. What, in your view, is the greatest challenge facing the new education Minister over the next years?
The greatest challenge facing any education Minister is the realisation that education reform and transformation cannot be driven by the will of a single Minister. It has to be done in collaboration and co-operation with the sector. The co-construction of our national mission and our new curriculum has focused on building those strong relationships. I think it will be really important for any incoming education Minister to continue to work in that spirit and not dictate from the centre.
Yr her fwyaf sy'n wynebu unrhyw Weinidog addysg yw sylweddoli nad oes modd i ewyllys un Gweinidog yn unig yrru'r gwaith o ddiwygio a thrawsnewid addysg. Rhaid ei wneud mewn cydweithrediad â'r sector. Mae cydadeiladu ein cenhadaeth genedlaethol a'n cwricwlwm newydd wedi canolbwyntio ar feithrin y cysylltiadau cryf hynny. Credaf y bydd yn bwysig iawn i unrhyw Weinidog addysg newydd barhau i weithio yn yr ysbryd hwnnw a pheidio â gorchymyn o'r canol.
3. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ei gwneud yn orfodol i blant ysgol wisgo masgiau? OQ56451
3. Will the Minister make a statement on the mandatory wearing of face masks for school children? OQ56451
Our operational guidance states that face coverings should be worn by secondary school learners in all parts of the school building if social distancing cannot be maintained, and on dedicated school transport. This is one of a range of measures to keep schools as safe as possible for both staff and learners.
Mae ein canllawiau gweithredol yn nodi y dylai dysgwyr ysgol uwchradd wisgo gorchuddion wyneb ym mhob rhan o adeilad yr ysgol os na ellir cadw pellter cymdeithasol, ac ar gludiant ysgol dynodedig. Mae hwn yn un o ystod o fesurau i gadw ysgolion mor ddiogel â phosibl i staff a dysgwyr.
Thanks, Minister. There's much research that exists on the unhealthiness of prolonged unsupervised mask wearing as there is on the benefit. We need to get all pupils back into the classroom in a positive learning environment. UsforThem Cymru is an example of concerned parents who want clear direction on freedom to choose, because many pupils are being told that the wearing of masks in the classroom over a prolonged period is mandatory, and policing in all senses works best on consensus. There are real physical and mental impairments to mask wearing and the issue of some headteachers mandating the wearing of masks is causing real anxiety, possible future health problems—depending on the mask and what is done with the mask before wearing—and, for many pupils, it is a barrier to learning. So, what I'm looking for here is some kind of responsibility because you omitted to really address the issue of pupils having to wear masks in classrooms over a prolonged period. So, what will you do to support parents, pupils and staff who choose not to wear masks or who want to not wear masks in the classroom over a prolonged period? What are you going to do to support those people?
Diolch, Weinidog. Mae llawer o ymchwil yn bodoli ar afiachusrwydd gwisgo masg am amser hir heb oruchwyliaeth fel sydd i'w gael ar y manteision. Mae angen inni gael pob disgybl yn ôl i'r ystafell ddosbarth mewn amgylchedd dysgu cadarnhaol. Mae UsforThem Cymru yn enghraifft o rieni pryderus sydd am gael cyfeiriad clir ar y rhyddid i ddewis, oherwydd dywedir wrth lawer o ddisgyblion fod gwisgo masgiau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth am gyfnod hir yn orfodol, ac mae plismona ym mhob ystyr yn gweithio orau drwy gonsensws. Mae yna namau corfforol a meddyliol go iawn sy'n deillio o wisgo masgiau ac mae'r ffaith bod rhai penaethiaid yn mynnu bod masgiau'n cael eu gwisgo yn achosi pryder gwirioneddol, problemau iechyd posibl yn y dyfodol—yn dibynnu ar y masg a'r hyn a wneir gyda'r masg cyn ei wisgo—ac i lawer o ddisgyblion, mae'n rhwystr i ddysgu. Felly, yr hyn rwy'n chwilio amdano yma yw rhyw fath o gyfrifoldeb gan eich bod wedi osgoi mynd i'r afael â'r orfodaeth i ddisgyblion wisgo masgiau mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth dros gyfnod hir. Felly, beth fyddwch chi'n ei wneud i gefnogi rhieni, disgyblion a staff sy'n dewis peidio â gwisgo masgiau neu sydd am beidio â gwisgo masgiau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth dros gyfnod estynedig? Beth a wnewch i gefnogi'r bobl hynny?
I'm not aware that we're asking children to wear masks in an unsupervised situation at all. Children are supervised on school transport and when they're in classrooms they are supervised. The advise that we're giving is that when social distancing cannot be maintained, then masks should be worn because that offers a level of protection, as I said, to both staff and learners. There are times when masks are not appropriate, such as at meal times, when outside, when social distancing is possible, when learners are running around, playing active games, and where learners do have indeed a genuine, specific barrier to wearing a mask. What I would say to parents and to pupils is I'm very grateful for their continuing willingness to engage actively with us, as Welsh Government, and with headteachers and recognise the steps that we can all take to minimise disruption to education and to keep them learning. And I'm very grateful for their willingness to continue to do so.
Nid wyf yn ymwybodol ein bod yn gofyn i blant wisgo masgiau mewn sefyllfa heb oruchwyliaeth o gwbl. Mae'r plant yn cael eu goruchwylio ar gludiant ysgol a phan fyddant mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth. Y cyngor a roddwn pan na ellir cynnal mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol, yw y dylid gwisgo masgiau am fod hynny'n cynnig lefel o ddiogelwch i staff a dysgwyr, fel y dywedais. Mae yna adegau pan nad yw masgiau'n briodol, megis adeg prydau bwyd, pan fyddant y tu allan, pan fo'n bosibl cadw pellter cymdeithasol, pan fydd dysgwyr yn rhedeg o gwmpas, yn chwarae gemau corfforol, a lle mae gan ddysgwyr reswm penodol go iawn pam na ddylent wisgo masg. Yr hyn y byddwn yn ei ddweud wrth rieni ac wrth ddisgyblion yw fy mod yn ddiolchgar iawn am eu parodrwydd parhaus i ymwneud yn weithredol â ni, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, a chyda phenaethiaid, a chydnabod y camau y gallwn i gyd eu cymryd i leihau tarfu ar addysg a chadw plant i ddysgu. Ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eu parodrwydd i barhau i wneud hynny.
Can I wish you well for the future, Minister? You have survived five years and prospered, I think, despite having to start under the incubus of a commendation from me—there we are, it obviously, didn't affect your authority and performance.
I do have some sympathy with Neil McEvoy's point here, because I think we need a flexible approach in some respects. And I'm particularly concerned bout the need for effective social communication, especially for those pupils who are hard-of-hearing and also those pupils who have a language learning difficulty and therefore need lip-reading as part of their communication method. So, I do hope that the guidance is flexible enough to address these very real issues that do affect a minority of our pupils.
A gaf fi ddymuno'n dda i chi ar gyfer y dyfodol, Weinidog? Rydych wedi goroesi pum mlynedd ac wedi ffynnu, rwy'n credu, er i chi orfod dechrau o dan faich cymeradwyaeth gennyf fi—dyna fe, mae'n amlwg nad effeithiodd ar eich awdurdod na'ch perfformiad.
Mae gennyf rywfaint o gydymdeimlad â phwynt Neil McEvoy yma, oherwydd credaf fod arnom angen dull hyblyg mewn rhai ffyrdd. Ac rwy'n pryderu'n arbennig am yr angen am gyfathrebu cymdeithasol effeithiol, yn enwedig i'r disgyblion sy'n drwm eu clyw a hefyd y disgyblion sydd ag anhawster dysgu iaith ac angen darllen wefusau o'r herwydd fel rhan o'u dull cyfathrebu. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio bod y canllawiau'n ddigon hyblyg i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau real iawn hyn sy'n effeithio ar leiafrif o'n disgyblion.
Thank you, David, and thank you for your kind words. Coming from you, who I have appreciated working alongside, as a member of the class of 1999, they are worth that much more.
Can I assure the Member that there is flexibility? Where learners have a specific barrier to wearing a face mask, then that should be recognised by schools. That might be in the case of neurodiverse learners or where learners have a communication difficulty. We have provided advice to schools on the appropriate specification of clear face coverings and where those should be worn, especially if there are children for whom lip-reading is absolutely essential to be able to participate within activities in the classroom. And we have provided advice on specification to schools about how those can be obtained and when they should be used.
Diolch, David, a diolch am eich geiriau caredig. Maent yn werth cymaint mwy yn dod gennych chi, gan fy mod wedi gwerthfawrogi'r cyfle i weithio ochr yn ochr â chi fel un o aelodau criw 1999.
A gaf fi sicrhau'r Aelod fod yna hyblygrwydd? Os oes gan ddysgwyr rwystr penodol sy'n ei atal rhag gwisgo masg wyneb, dylai ysgolion gydnabod hynny. Gallai hynny ddigwydd yn achos dysgwyr niwroamrywiol neu lle mae gan ddysgwyr anhawster cyfathrebu. Rydym wedi rhoi cyngor i ysgolion ar y fanyleb briodol ar gyfer gorchuddion wyneb clir a lle dylid gwisgo'r rheini, yn enwedig yn achos plant y mae darllen gwefusau yn gwbl hanfodol iddynt allu cymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Ac rydym wedi rhoi cyngor ar fanyleb i ysgolion ynglŷn â sut y gellir cael gafael ar y rheini a phryd y dylid eu defnyddio.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gymorth i athrawon yn sir Benfro yn ystod pandemig COVID-19? OQ56432
4. Will the Minister make a statement on support for teachers in Pembrokeshire during the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ56432
Welsh Government is working with our stakeholders and employers to ensure that support is available for teachers in Pembrokeshire and, indeed, across Wales during the pandemic. This support includes a tailored package of well-being and mental health support, and additional funding to create capacity within the school workforce.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda'n rhanddeiliaid a'n cyflogwyr i sicrhau bod cymorth ar gael i athrawon yn Sir Benfro a ledled Cymru yn wir yn ystod y pandemig. Mae'r cymorth hwn yn cynnwys pecyn wedi'i deilwra o gymorth llesiant ac iechyd meddwl, a chyllid ychwanegol i greu capasiti o fewn gweithlu'r ysgol.
Now, Minister, you'll be aware of the ongoing concerns faced by local supply teachers in Pembrokeshire, many of whom feel they have been overlooked during the pandemic. The National Procurement Service's supply teachers framework has the potential to improve pay and conditions for supply teachers, but I understand that schools are not required to use agencies that have met the requirements of the framework, which means that there is still a patchwork of support for supply teachers, as not all supply teachers receive the same level of pay from agencies. I appreciate that we've corresponded on this matter over recent months, but I'm still receiving representations from supply teachers. So, can you tell us what the Welsh Government is doing to ensure that all supply teachers are being treated fairly and are adequately supported during this pandemic?
Nawr, Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o'r pryderon parhaus a wynebir gan athrawon cyflenwi lleol yn Sir Benfro, gyda llawer ohonynt yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael eu hanwybyddu yn ystod y pandemig. Mae gan fframwaith athrawon cyflenwi'r Gwasanaeth Caffael Cenedlaethol botensial i wella cyflog ac amodau athrawon cyflenwi, ond deallaf nad yw'n ofynnol i ysgolion ddefnyddio asiantaethau sydd wedi bodloni gofynion y fframwaith, sy'n golygu bod cymorth i athrawon cyflenwi'n dal i fod yn dameidiog, gan nad yw pob athro cyflenwi'n cael yr un lefel o gyflog gan asiantaethau. Rwy'n sylweddoli ein bod wedi gohebu ar y mater hwn dros y misoedd diwethaf, ond rwy'n dal i gael sylwadau gan athrawon cyflenwi. Felly, a allwch ddweud wrthym beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod yr holl athrawon cyflenwi'n cael eu trin yn deg a'u bod yn cael eu cefnogi'n ddigonol yn ystod y pandemig hwn?
Thank you, Paul. The framework does indeed provide a level of assurance that individuals will be treated fairly. And we have come to an agreement with the Welsh Local Government Association to once again communicate with their schools and make it very clear to the schools in their local authorities that schools should only be using those agencies that appear on the framework. I will give a commitment, Paul, that I will ask the WLGA to update me on that work when I next meet with them, but we have an agreement with the WLGA that they will stress the importance of doing that with their own schools.
Diolch, Paul. Mae'r fframwaith yn bendant yn rhoi lefel o sicrwydd y bydd unigolion yn cael eu trin yn deg. Ac rydym wedi dod i gytundeb â Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru i gyfathrebu â'u hysgolion unwaith eto a'i gwneud yn glir iawn i'r ysgolion yn eu hawdurdodau lleol mai dim ond yr asiantaethau sy'n ymddangos yn y fframwaith y dylai ysgolion eu defnyddio. Paul, rwy'n ymrwymo i ofyn i CLlLC roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf imi am y gwaith hwnnw pan fyddaf yn cyfarfod â hwy nesaf, ond mae gennym gytundeb gyda CLlLC y byddant yn pwysleisio pa mor bwysig yw gwneud hynny wrth eu hysgolion eu hunain.
5. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud i fuddsoddi mewn seilwaith ffisegol ysgolion yn Islwyn? OQ56463
5. What has the Welsh Government done to invest in the physical infrastructure of schools in Islwyn? OQ56463
Caerphilly received over £56 million during first wave of twenty-first century schools and colleges programme funding, and, of this, £28 million was spent in the Islwyn constituency. A further £110 million is planned for the second funding wave, and we are working with Caerphilly to make their plans a reality.
Cafodd Caerffili dros £56 miliwn yn ystod y don gyntaf o gyllid rhaglen ysgolion a cholegau'r unfed ganrif ar hugain, ac o'r swm hwn, gwariodd £28 miliwn yn etholaeth Islwyn. Bwriedir cael £110 miliwn arall ar gyfer yr ail don ariannu, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda Chaerffili i wireddu eu cynlluniau.
Diolch, Minister. As I said yesterday in this Chamber, education, apart from love, is the greatest gift that we can give our children. As a society, it speaks to who and what we are, what we prioritise and all that we value as a progressive, vibrant and dynamic nation. As such, I wish to thank you, Minister, for our often robust interactions and I wish to put on record my support for your undoubted positive legacy, going forward. Although, I'm sure you will recall an area of music education discourse.
In Islwyn, the delivery of the groundbreaking and unprecedented £3.7 billion twenty-first century schools programme has seen transformational change. Large-scale projects have been delivered, such as Islwyn High School, large-scale investments to secondary schools in Newbridge and Blackwood have occurred, and major twenty-first century school refurbishments have occurred, and such refurbishments must continue to be rolled out in the future, post 6 May. But, importantly, it is right to put on the record the local leadership of our fantastic education leaders in Islwyn, such as Keri Cole, Christina Harrhy and now Councillor Ross Whiting. Equally, without our most amazing headteachers and governors in Islwyn, the excellent Caerphilly County Borough Council local education authority partnership with Welsh Government would be inoperable, so I want to thank also our education family.
Minister, in my prior roles and as an education cabinet member and now, I've been thrilled, inspired and honoured to open and tour our new schools and see those fantastic facilities first hand. But this is also in direct contrast to prior years when, pre devolution, as a teacher and school governor, schools across Wales were forced to get rid of teachers and our schools were rotting. This is contrasted now with the delivery of this brand-new, state-of-the-art—
Diolch, Weinidog. Fel y dywedais ddoe yn y Siambr hon, addysg, ar wahân i gariad, yw'r rhodd fwyaf y gallwn ei rhoi i'n plant. Fel cymdeithas, mae'n dweud llawer am bwy ydym ni, beth ydym ni, yr hyn a flaenoriaethwn a phob dim sydd o werth i ni fel cenedl flaengar, fywiog a deinamig. Felly, hoffwn ddiolch i chi, Weinidog, am ein trafodaethau sy'n aml yn gadarn a hoffwn gofnodi fy nghefnogaeth i'r waddol ddiamheuol o gadarnhaol y byddwch yn ei gadael ar gyfer y dyfodol. Er hynny, rwy'n siŵr y byddwch yn cofio un drafodaeth am addysg cerddoriaeth.
Yn Islwyn, mae cyflwyno rhaglen arloesol a digynsail ar gyfer ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, rhaglen sy'n werth £3.7 biliwn, wedi arwain at newid trawsnewidiol. Mae prosiectau ar raddfa fawr wedi'u cyflawni, megis Ysgol Uwchradd Islwyn, buddsoddiadau mawr i ysgolion uwchradd yn Nhrecelyn a'r Coed Duon, a gwaith adnewyddu mawr y rhaglen ysgolion ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, a rhaid parhau i wneud gwaith adnewyddu o'r fath yn y dyfodol, ar ôl 6 Mai. Ond yn bwysig, mae'n iawn cofnodi arweinyddiaeth leol ein harweinwyr addysg gwych yn Islwyn, megis Keri Cole, Christina Harrhy a'r Cynghorydd, bellach, Ross Whiting. Yn yr un ffordd, heb ein penaethiaid a'n llywodraethwyr mwyaf anhygoel yn Islwyn, byddai partneriaeth awdurdod addysg lleol rhagorol Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili â Llywodraeth Cymru yn amhosibl, felly hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i'n teulu addysg.
Weinidog, yn fy rolau blaenorol ac fel aelod o'r cabinet addysg ac yn awr, mae wedi bod yn bleser ac yn anrhydedd cael agor a theithio o amgylch ein hysgolion newydd a gweld y cyfleusterau gwych hynny â'm llygaid fy hun. Ond mae hyn hefyd yn gwrthgyferbynnu'n uniongyrchol â blynyddoedd blaenorol, cyn datganoli, fel athro a llywodraethwr ysgol, pan orfodwyd ysgolion ledled Cymru i gael gwared ar athrawon ac roedd ein hysgolion yn pydru. Mae hyn yn cyferbynnu'n awr â chyflwyno'r ysgolion newydd sbon—
Will the Member come to her question, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddod at ei chwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda?
I'm coming to it. Minister, thank you. How will, then, Islwyn communities and schools benefit from this innovative £3.7 billion programme, going forward, and what do you feel is your legacy?
Rwy'n dod ato. Weinidog, diolch. Sut, felly, y bydd cymunedau ac ysgolion Islwyn yn elwa yn y dyfodol o'r rhaglen arloesol hon sy'n werth £3.7 biliwn, a beth y teimlwch chi yw eich gwaddol?
Rhianon, you're right—the twenty-first century schools and colleges programme is a partnership approach and we would not have been able to realise the ambition of the programme without the close collaboration and working that we have with local education authorities. As we discussed at length yesterday, there is a multibillion-pound pot of money within Welsh Government to look to work with our partners to develop even more fantastic facilities, whether they be in the county borough of Caerphilly or, indeed, anywhere else in Wales. That's the beauty of the twenty-first century schools programme; its impact has touched every corner of our nation.
Rhianon, rydych chi'n gywir—mae rhaglen ysgolion a cholegau'r unfed ganrif ar hugain yn ddull partneriaeth ac ni fyddem wedi gallu gwireddu uchelgais y rhaglen heb y cydweithio a'r gweithio agos rhyngom ag awdurdodau addysg lleol. Fel y trafodwyd yn helaeth ddoe, ceir cronfa o arian gwerth biliynau o bunnoedd o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gweithio gyda'n partneriaid i ddatblygu hyd yn oed mwy o gyfleusterau gwych, boed ym mwrdeistref sirol Caerffili, neu yn unman arall yng Nghymru yn wir. Dyna sydd mor wych am raglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain; mae ei heffaith wedi cyffwrdd â phob cwr o'n gwlad.
6. Pa gamau y bydd y Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i hyrwyddo llesiant disgyblion yn y cynlluniau dychwelyd i'r ysgol? OQ56453
6. What steps will the Minister take to promote pupil well-being in the return-to-school plans? OQ56453
On 15 March, we published our framework on embedding a whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being. It places well-being at the heart of learning and, together with funding of £2.8 million to deliver well-being support to learners in the current year, to ensure that their return to education is all that it should be.
Ar 15 Mawrth, cyhoeddwyd ein fframwaith ar sefydlu dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin â llesiant emosiynol a meddyliol. Mae'n gosod llesiant yn ganolog i ddysgu, a chyda chyllid o £2.8 miliwn i ddarparu cymorth llesiant i ddysgwyr yn y flwyddyn gyfredol, mae'n sicrhau bod dychwelyd at addysg yn union fel y dylai fod i'r dysgwyr hynny.
Thank you, Minister. I was delighted to see the framework published yesterday. And I hope to speak next week in the statement and to say some words about you then.
As you know, the Children, Young People and Education Committee recently held a brilliant session on the impact of COVID on the physical and mental health of children and young people, and I would like to thank Professor Ann John, Professor Alka Ahuja, Professor Adrian Edwards and Dr David Tuthill from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health for their very powerful evidence. We were given a very clear message about how vital the focus on well-being is in the return to school, but also how crucial it is that we give children and young people hope. Some of the narrative emerging in public discourse about ensuring children and young people can return to school has been very negative. Terms like 'COVID generation', and even terms like 'catch-up' are indicative of loss, when I think we should be celebrating the phenomenal resilience of children and young people, given what they've been through through this period. So, would you agree with me, Minister, that it is absolutely correct that we not just prioritise well-being as more and more children now return to school, but also that we reject any counsel of despair and make sure that we say to our children and young people, 'We know what you've been through, and our priority now is to help you recover from that in a positive and hopeful way'?
Diolch, Weinidog. Roeddwn wrth fy modd yn gweld y fframwaith yn cael ei gyhoeddi ddoe. A gobeithiaf siarad yn y datganiad yr wythnos nesaf a dweud rhai geiriau amdanoch bryd hynny.
Fel y gwyddoch, cynhaliodd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg sesiwn wych yn ddiweddar ar effaith COVID ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol plant a phobl ifanc, a hoffwn ddiolch i'r Athro Ann John, yr Athro Alka Ahuja, yr Athro Adrian Edwards a Dr David Tuthill o Goleg Brenhinol Pediatreg ac Iechyd Plant am eu tystiolaeth rymus iawn. Cawsom neges glir iawn ynglŷn â pha mor hanfodol yw'r ffocws ar lesiant wrth ddychwelyd i'r ysgol, ond hefyd pa mor hanfodol yw rhoi gobaith i blant a phobl ifanc. Mae peth o'r naratif sydd i'w weld mewn trafodaethau cyhoeddus am sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn gallu dychwelyd i'r ysgol wedi bod yn negyddol iawn. Mae ymadroddion fel 'cenhedlaeth COVID', a hyd yn oed ymadroddion fel 'dal i fyny' yn arwydd o golled, pan gredaf y dylem fod yn dathlu gwydnwch aruthrol plant a phobl ifanc, o ystyried yr hyn y maent wedi bod drwyddo drwy gydol y cyfnod hwn. Felly, a fyddech yn cytuno â mi, Weinidog, ei bod yn gwbl gywir ein bod nid yn unig yn blaenoriaethu llesiant wrth i fwy a mwy o blant ddychwelyd i'r ysgol yn awr, ond hefyd ein bod yn gwrthod unrhyw ymgais i greu anobaith ac yn sicrhau ein bod yn dweud wrth ein plant a'n pobl ifanc, 'Fe wyddom beth rydych chi wedi bod drwyddo, a'n blaenoriaeth yn awr yw eich helpu i wella o hynny mewn ffordd gadarnhaol a gobeithiol'?
Thank you very much, Lynne. I, too, am absolutely delighted that the framework has now been published and will be there to support schools in this really, really important aspect of their work, because if we think about the interruption to education that we have all witnessed and our children and young people have experienced, we're not going to be able to move forward from that unless we address well-being, because we know that learning cannot stick without that. And I couldn't agree with you more that a constant reference to a deficit model will help no-one. In fact, it will just add additional stress to the teaching profession. It will add additional stress to our children and young people. So, learning interrupted, yes, but learning lost, never. I understand why parents are concerned, and I understand why older children and students would be concerned. But, as we've demonstrated, with the investment that we're already making, we have an education system and professionals who stand ready to ensure that they can move forward with real confidence in the next steps of their education. And if we engage continually in that mantra of despair, as you have described, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy, because children become what they are told, and therefore we need to change the dialogue and work with our educational professionals to help our children move forward with confidence.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lynne. Rwyf innau hefyd wrth fy modd fod y fframwaith bellach wedi'i gyhoeddi ac y bydd yno i gefnogi ysgolion yn yr agwedd wirioneddol bwysig hon ar eu gwaith, oherwydd os meddyliwn am y tarfu ar addysg rydym i gyd wedi'i weld ac y mae ein plant a'n pobl ifanc wedi'i brofi, ni fyddwn yn gallu symud ymlaen o hynny oni bai ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â llesiant, oherwydd gwyddom na all dysgu ddigwydd heb hynny. Ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi na fydd cyfeirio cyson at fodel diffyg yn helpu neb. Yn wir, bydd yn ychwanegu pwysau ychwanegol ar y proffesiwn addysgu. Bydd yn ychwanegu pwysau ychwanegol ar ein plant a'n pobl ifanc. Felly, torrwyd ar draws eu dysgu, do, ond ni fyddant yn colli dysgu. Deallaf pam y mae rhieni'n pryderu, a deallaf pam y byddai plant a myfyrwyr hŷn yn pryderu. Ond fel rydym wedi dangos, gyda'r buddsoddiad rydym eisoes yn ei wneud, mae gennym system addysg ac addysgwyr proffesiynol sy'n barod i sicrhau y gallant symud ymlaen gyda hyder gwirioneddol drwy gamau nesaf eu haddysg. Ac os byddwn yn ymroi'n barhaus i fantra anobaith, fel rydych wedi'i ddisgrifio, fe wireddir y broffwydoliaeth ohoni ei hun, oherwydd mae plant yn tyfu i fod yr hyn a ddywedir wrthynt, ac felly mae angen inni newid y ddeialog a gweithio gyda'n haddysgwyr proffesiynol i helpu ein plant i symud ymlaen yn hyderus.
I agree wholeheartedly with what Lynne Neagle has been saying about the importance of focusing on empowering young people and giving them hope. Young people have—. I'm trying to recalibrate the way I'm going to word this, actually, because I was going to say, 'They've missed out on so many experiences.' But, actually, young people have so many experiences that they need to regain, then, after the pandemic. Friendships and routines have been disrupted. Many young people have been suffering with isolation and loneliness. Could I ask you, Minister, when the guidance on the whole-school approach to well-being and mental health will be implemented in schools and when will young people be able to feel the benefits of that? I am particularly concerned about very young children—those who should have started school during the pandemic, but because they've got parents who are shielding, maybe they haven't been able to go into school. Those yearly years—the reception classes, the meithrin classes—are so fundamentally important to forming bonds between children. So, what support do you think could be made available to re-establish bonds between young children? And will there be particular help, particularly for children who haven't seen their friends in such a long time?
Cytunaf yn llwyr â'r hyn y mae Lynne Neagle wedi bod yn ei ddweud am bwysigrwydd canolbwyntio ar rymuso pobl ifanc a rhoi gobaith iddynt. Mae gan bobl ifanc—. Rwy'n ceisio ailgyflunio'r ffordd rwy'n mynd i eirio hyn, mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd roeddwn yn mynd i ddweud, 'Maent wedi colli cynifer o brofiadau.' Ond mewn gwirionedd, mae gan bobl ifanc gymaint o brofiadau y mae angen iddynt eu hadennill, felly, ar ôl y pandemig. Amharwyd ar gyfeillgarwch a phatrwm dyddiol. Mae llawer o bobl ifanc wedi bod yn teimlo unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd. Weinidog, a gaf fi ofyn i chi pryd fydd y canllawiau ar y dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin â llesiant ac iechyd meddwl yn cael eu gweithredu mewn ysgolion a phryd y bydd pobl ifanc yn gallu teimlo manteision hynny? Rwy'n pryderu'n arbennig am blant ifanc iawn—y rhai a ddylai fod wedi dechrau yn yr ysgol yn ystod y pandemig, ond oherwydd bod ganddynt rieni sy'n gwarchod eu hunain, efallai nad ydynt wedi gallu mynd i'r ysgol. Mae'r blynyddoedd hynny—y dosbarthiadau derbyn, y dosbarthiadau meithrin—mor sylfaenol bwysig i ffurfio cwlwm rhwng plant. Felly, pa gymorth y credwch y gellid ei ddarparu i ailsefydlu cwlwm rhwng plant ifanc? Ac a fydd cymorth arbennig, yn enwedig i blant nad ydynt wedi gweld eu ffrindiau ers cymaint o amser?
Thank you, Delyth. I think you have hit upon one of the aspects of the interruption to education that has really impacted upon children and young people, and that is a sense of isolation and the inability to spend time with their friends. And that's why schools the length and breadth of Wales have been focusing on that when they have seen the foundation phase return. And, indeed, that interaction and that pedagogy is at the heart of our foundation phase approach, and in that playing together once again, being together, chatting together, children are learning and acquiring the skills that they need for a confident future. That's why we have ensured that there is time and space within the curriculum for that to happen, and that's why we have made additional funding available together to ensure that there are adults there to support children as they re-engage with face-to-face learning and re-establish those relationships with their peers and with their teachers and teaching assistants.
Diolch, Delyth. Credaf eich bod wedi taro ar un o'r agweddau ar y tarfu ar addysg sydd wedi effeithio'n wirioneddol ar blant a phobl ifanc, sef y teimlad o arwahanrwydd ac anallu i dreulio amser gyda'u ffrindiau. A dyna pam y mae ysgolion ar hyd a lled Cymru wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar hynny wrth weld y cyfnod sylfaen yn dychwelyd. Ac yn wir, mae'r rhyngweithio a'r addysgeg honno'n ganolog i'n dull cyfnod sylfaen o weithredu, ac wrth chwarae gyda'i gilydd unwaith eto, bod gyda'i gilydd, sgwrsio gyda'i gilydd, mae plant yn dysgu ac yn caffael sgiliau y maent eu hangen ar gyfer dyfodol hyderus. Dyna pam ein bod wedi sicrhau bod amser a lle o fewn y cwricwlwm i hynny ddigwydd, a dyna pam ein bod wedi sicrhau bod arian ychwanegol ar gael gyda'n gilydd i sicrhau bod oedolion yno i gefnogi plant wrth iddynt ymroi eto i ddysgu wyneb yn wyneb ac ailsefydlu'r berthynas gyda'u cyfoedion a chyda'u hathrawon a'u cynorthwywyr addysgu.
7. Beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i wella safonau ysgolion yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro? OQ56441
7. What is the Welsh Government doing to improve school standards in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire? OQ56441
Thank you, Angela. Welsh Government has so far provided Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire local authorities with £1,649,000 to recruit, recover and raise standards, supporting learners at crucial stages in their education. I recently announced an additional £72 million to support learners, taking our total support for learning—I was going to use the word 'recovery', but after what I've just said, that would be remiss of me—for our learning plan for 2021 to £112 million.
Diolch, Angela. Hyd yn hyn, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu £1,649,000 i awdurdodau lleol Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro ar gyfer recriwtio, adfer a chodi safonau, er mwyn cefnogi dysgwyr ar gamau hanfodol yn eu haddysg. Yn ddiweddar, cyhoeddais £72 miliwn ychwanegol i gefnogi dysgwyr, gan ddod â chyfanswm ein cymorth ar gyfer—roeddwn am ddefnyddio'r gair 'adfer', ond ar ôl yr hyn rwyf newydd ei ddweud, byddai hynny'n esgeulus—ein cynllun dysgu ar gyfer 2021 i £112 miliwn.
Well, thank you for that, but the reality in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire is, over the last decade and a bit, only one out of the five secondary schools in that constituency have not been in some form of special measures or targeted intervention or needing to improve significantly. Now, with education being hit by COVID over the last 12 months, it's inevitable that the schools that were already struggling will struggle to move forward. I'm thinking of schools such as Greenhill, where Estyn report after Estyn report after Estyn report has said there has to be improvement, and improvement we do not really see. So, what action is the Welsh Government going to be able to provide specifically to schools in special measures or that require some kind of significant improvement, to help raise the standards of their educational offering to their pupils? Because this is a problem that seems to be incredibly intractable.
Wel, diolch am hynny, ond y realiti yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro dros y degawd a mwy diwethaf yw mai un yn unig o'r pump ysgol uwchradd yn yr etholaeth honno sydd heb fod yn destun rhyw fath o fesurau arbennig neu ymyrraeth wedi'i thargedu neu angen ei gwella'n sylweddol. Nawr, gydag addysg yn cael ei heffeithio’n wael gan COVID dros y 12 mis diwethaf, mae'n anochel y bydd yr ysgolion a oedd eisoes yn cael trafferth yn ei chael hi’n anodd symud ymlaen. Rwy'n meddwl am ysgolion fel ysgol Greenhill, lle mae un adroddiad Estyn ar ôl y llall yn dweud bod angen gwelliannau, ac nid ydym yn gweld gwelliannau. Felly, pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i allu eu rhoi ar waith yn benodol i ysgolion sy'n destun mesurau arbennig neu sydd angen rhyw fath o welliant sylweddol, i helpu i godi safonau eu cynnig addysgol i'w disgyblion? Oherwydd, yn ôl pob golwg, mae hon yn broblem sy’n anhygoel o anodd mynd i’r afael â hi.
Thank you, Angela. Whilst inspection activities have been suspended during the pandemic, I want to reassure you, and indeed other Members, that Estyn continue to engage with schools that were previously identified as needing an additional level of support. Clearly, that has been done remotely and has been done in a sympathetic way, recognising the conditions under which those schools are working, but that work has not stopped as a result of the pandemic, nor has the work of the regional consortia in ensuring that those schools that have been previously identified as needing additional support continue to receive it.
With regard to schools that are causing concern, the Member may be aware that, prior to COVID, we had piloted a new multi-agency approach, with Estyn having an ongoing role in leading school improvement rather than the previous role, where Estyn came in, decided what they felt was wrong, disappeared and then came back to pass a judgment once again. The new pilot model, prior to COVID, trialled in a number of schools, was proving to be very successful, and in my recent letter to Estyn, I have also agreed to extend funding for that programme. So, that programme will become available to all of Wales, which, I believe, is a different approach to trying to make more rapid progress in those schools where we know extra support is needed.
Diolch, Angela. Er bod gweithgareddau arolygu wedi'u hatal yn ystod y pandemig, hoffwn roi sicrwydd i chi, ac i’r Aelodau eraill yn wir, fod Estyn yn parhau i ymgysylltu ag ysgolion y nodwyd yn flaenorol fod angen lefel ychwanegol o gymorth arnynt. Yn amlwg, gwnaed hynny o bell, ac fe’i gwnaed mewn ffordd sympathetig, sy'n cydnabod yr amodau y mae’r ysgolion hynny yn gweithio ynddynt, ond nid yw’r gwaith hwnnw wedi dod i ben o ganlyniad i’r pandemig, ac mae gwaith y consortia rhanbarthol hefyd yn parhau er mwyn sicrhau bod yr ysgolion y nodwyd eisoes bod angen cymorth ychwanegol arnynt yn parhau i'w dderbyn.
Mewn perthynas â'r ysgolion sy'n peri pryder, efallai y bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol ein bod, cyn COVID, wedi treialu dull amlasiantaethol newydd, gyda rôl barhaus i Estyn yn arwain y gwaith gwella ysgolion yn hytrach na'r rôl flaenorol, lle roedd Estyn yn dod i mewn, yn penderfynu beth oedd yn anghywir yn eu barn hwy, yn diflannu ac yna’n dychwelyd i roi eu barn unwaith eto. Roedd y model peilot newydd a dreialwyd mewn nifer o ysgolion cyn COVID, yn llwyddiannus iawn, ac yn fy llythyr diweddar i Estyn, rwyf hefyd wedi cytuno i ymestyn cyllid ar gyfer y rhaglen honno. Felly, bydd y rhaglen ar gael i Gymru gyfan, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn ddull gwahanol o geisio gwneud cynnydd cyflymach yn yr ysgolion lle gwyddom fod angen cymorth ychwanegol.
8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gyflogi athrawon cyflenwi yng Nghymru? OQ56429
8. Will the Minister make a statement on the employment of supply teachers in Wales? OQ56429
Supply teachers in Wales can be employed either directly via local authorities or schools, or via commercial supply agencies. Headteachers and governing bodies are responsible for all staffing decisions and for ensuring that they have an effective workforce in place under the Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006.
Gellir cyflogi athrawon cyflenwi yng Nghymru naill ai'n uniongyrchol drwy awdurdodau lleol neu ysgolion, neu drwy asiantaethau cyflenwi masnachol. Penaethiaid a chyrff llywodraethu sy’n gyfrifol am yr holl benderfyniadau staffio ac am sicrhau bod ganddynt weithlu effeithiol o dan Reoliadau Staffio Ysgolion a Gynhelir (Cymru) 2006.
Can I thank the Minister for that response? I mean, I, and I'm sure many others, have serious concerns regarding the way supply teachers are treated and paid via agencies. I know it's not the best solution, but councils could recreate the supply register and supply teachers to be directly employed by councils, or a consortia of councils, and then go out into schools rather than having them employed by the agency who top-slice their pay.
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei hymateb? Hynny yw, mae gennyf fi a llawer o bobl eraill rwy'n siŵr, bryderon difrifol ynglŷn â'r ffordd y mae athrawon cyflenwi’n cael eu trin a'u talu drwy asiantaethau. Gwn nad dyma'r ateb gorau, ond gallai cynghorau ail-greu'r gofrestr gyflenwi a chyflenwi athrawon fel eu bod yn cael eu cyflogi'n uniongyrchol gan gynghorau, neu gonsortia o gynghorau, ac yna’n mynd i ysgolion yn hytrach na’u bod yn cael eu cyflogi gan yr asiantaeth sy'n mynd â chyfran o’u cyflog.
Indeed. Mike, as I said in my opening question, there is nothing to stop local authorities creating a supply list of their own, and may I suggest perhaps the best way forward is to discuss that with Councillor Jen Rayner in your own local authority? I'm sure she'll be very happy to oblige.
Yn wir. Mike, fel y dywedais yn fy nghwestiwn agoriadol, nid oes unrhyw beth i rwystro awdurdodau lleol rhag creu rhestr gyflenwi eu hunain, ac a gaf fi awgrymu efallai mai'r ffordd orau ymlaen yw drwy drafod hynny gyda'r Cynghorydd Jen Rayner yn eich awdurdod lleol? Rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn fwy na pharod i wneud hynny.
And finally, question 9, Bethan Sayed.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 9, Bethan Sayed.
9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu effaith diwygiadau cyllid myfyrwyr Llywodraeth Cymru ar addysg uwch ran-amser? OQ56454
9. Will the Minister outline the impact of the Welsh Government's student finance reforms on part-time higher education? OQ56454
Thank you, Bethan, and this is probably the last question that Bethan will ever ask me, so I just want to wish Bethan all the best. Bethan, since the introduction of our student finance reforms, which are unique in Europe, there has been a 40 per cent increase in first degree part-time students in Wales, and we've also seen a 21 per cent increase in Welsh part-time students from the most deprived backgrounds.
Diolch, Bethan, ac mae'n debyg mai hwn yw'r cwestiwn olaf y bydd Bethan yn ei ofyn i mi, felly hoffwn ddymuno'r gorau i Bethan. Bethan, ers cyflwyno ein diwygiadau i gyllid myfyrwyr, sy'n unigryw yn Ewrop, mae cynnydd o 40 y cant wedi bod yn nifer y myfyrwyr rhan-amser sy’n astudio ar gyfer eu gradd gyntaf yng Nghymru, ac rydym hefyd wedi gweld cynnydd o 21 y cant yn nifer y myfyrwyr rhan-amser o Gymru sy'n dod o’r cefndiroedd mwyaf difreintiedig.
Thank you, and all the best for the future; we'll have lives outside of politics yet.
The Minister has made increases in part-time numbers of students a major theme during her time in office. But can you confirm to us that when Open University student number increases are taken out, overall there has been a decline in part-time student numbers in the Welsh HE sector since the start of the implementation of Welsh Government financial reforms, specifically since the start of full Diamond implementations, not the announcement of the policy? So, can you confirm the numbers of part-time students starting at Welsh universities? Thank you.
Diolch, a phob hwyl ar gyfer y dyfodol; bydd gennym fywydau y tu hwnt i wleidyddiaeth eto.
Mae'r Gweinidog wedi sicrhau bod cynyddu niferoedd myfyrwyr rhan-amser yn thema bwysig yn ystod ei chyfnod yn y swydd. Ond a allwch gadarnhau i ni, pan nad yw’r cynnydd yn nifer myfyrwyr y Brifysgol Agored yn cael ei chyfrif, fod gostyngiad cyffredinol wedi bod yn nifer y myfyrwyr rhan-amser yn sector addysg uwch Cymru ers dechrau gweithredu diwygiadau ariannol Llywodraeth Cymru, yn benodol ers dechrau gweithredu argymhellion Diamond yn llawn, nid cyhoeddi’r polisi? Felly, a allwch gadarnhau nifer y myfyrwyr rhan-amser sy'n dechrau ym mhrifysgolion Cymru? Diolch.
Bethan, as I said, actually, in terms of first degrees that are being studied on a part-time basis in Wales, there's been a 40 per cent increase.
Bethan, fel y dywedais, bu cynnydd o 40 y cant yn y graddau cyntaf sy'n cael eu hastudio'n rhan-amser yng Nghymru.
Thank you very much, Minister, for that.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Weinidog.
We move on to item 3, which is questions to the Senedd Commission. Question 1 this afternoon will be answered by Joyce Watson—[Interruption.]
Symudwn ymlaen at eitem 3, sef y cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd. Bydd cwestiwn 1 y prynhawn yma’n cael ei ateb gan Joyce Watson—[Torri ar draws.]
She'll give you her address, and she wants—
Bydd yn rhoi ei chyfeiriad i chi, ac mae arni eisiau—
Janet Finch-Saunders, are you ready to ask your question?
Janet Finch-Saunders, a ydych yn barod i ofyn eich cwestiwn?
Can you do that now?
A allwch wneud hynny nawr?
Right, it's obvious Janet Finch-Saunders isn't ready to ask her question, so we'll move on to question 2, which is to be answered by the Llywydd, and it's Huw Irranca-Davies.
Iawn, mae'n amlwg nad yw Janet Finch-Saunders yn barod i ofyn ei chwestiwn, felly symudwn ymlaen at gwestiwn 2, sydd i'w ateb gan y Llywydd, a Huw Irranca-Davies sydd i’w ofyn.
Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 1 [OQ56466].
Question 1 [OQ56466] not asked.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. And I am, indeed, ready to ask my question.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Ac rwyf fi, yn wir, yn barod i ofyn fy nghwestiwn.
2. Pa gamau sy'n cael eu cymryd i hyrwyddo pleidleisio ymysg pobl ifanc cyn etholiadau'r Senedd? OQ56436
2. What steps are being taken to promote voting among young people ahead of the Senedd elections? OQ56436
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae elfen Pleidlais 16 ymgyrch yr etholiad yn cael ei chyflwyno ledled Cymru ac yn cynnwys talu am hysbysebion, gwaith hyrwyddo ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a digwyddiadau. Rydym yn hysbysebu ar blatfformau cyfryngau cymdeithasol fel Instagram ac YouTube, ac yn cynnal ystod o ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer ysgolion, colegau a grwpiau ieuenctid, a bydd hyn yn parhau drwy fis Ebrill. Ac fe wnaethom ni, wrth gwrs, weithio gydag ystod eang o gyrff yn ystod wythnos olaf mis Chwefror ar gyfer Wythnos Pleidlais 16, a oedd yn cynnwys digwyddiadau fel gwasanaeth ysgol, hyfforddiant i weithwyr addysg proffesiynol, a ffug ddadl etholiad dan arweiniad Teleri Glyn Jones o'r BBC.
Thank you for that question. The Vote 16 strand of the election campaign is being rolled out across Wales and includes paid advertising, social media promotion and events. We are running adverts on social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, and holding a range of events for schools, colleges and youth groups, and this will continue throughout April. And we, of course, worked with a broad range of bodies during the last week of February for Vote 16 Week, which showcased events, including a school assembly, training for education professionals, and the mock election debate hosted by the BBC's Teleri Glyn Jones.
Diolch, Llywydd, and I really appreciate the work that you and the Senedd Commission are doing in terms of promoting the election for first-time and for younger voters, and, of course, this is going to be such a dramatic leap forward for 16 and 17-year-olds in Wales. It's a real leap forward for democracy. But it is, of course, crucial that first-time voters, younger voters, understand the power they have in the ballot box, as well as the practicalities of how to vote, that they have easily accessible information regarding candidates and party policies, and are at ease with the Senedd's hybrid electoral system, but also, I have to say, that they understand, like all of us should understand, that voting itself is a precious right and a privilege that is only made stronger by being exercised regularly. So, would you join me in commending the work of organisations like the Boys and Girls Clubs of Wales, the Urdd, Democracy Box, the Electoral Reform Society in Wales and others who are doing their very best, alongside the work you're doing, to encourage young and first-time voters to register to vote and to use their vote too? This is an exciting time, let's make sure all our younger voters have their voices heard.
Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'n fawr y gwaith rydych chi a Chomisiwn y Senedd yn ei wneud yn hyrwyddo'r etholiad i bleidleiswyr tro cyntaf a phleidleiswyr iau, ac wrth gwrs, bydd hwn yn gam mor ddramatig ymlaen i bobl ifanc 16 a 17 oed yng Nghymru. Mae'n gam ymlaen gwirioneddol i ddemocratiaeth. Ond mae'n hanfodol, wrth gwrs, fod pleidleiswyr tro cyntaf, pleidleiswyr iau, yn deall y pŵer sydd ganddynt yn y blwch pleidleisio, yn ogystal ag ymarferoldeb sut i bleidleisio, fod ganddynt wybodaeth hawdd ei chyrchu ynghylch ymgeiswyr a pholisïau’r pleidiau, a'u bod yn hyderus gyda system etholiadol hybrid y Senedd, ond hefyd, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, eu bod yn deall, fel y dylai pob un ohonom ddeall, fod pleidleisio ynddo’i hun yn hawl werthfawr ac yn fraint a gryfheir o'i harfer yn rheolaidd. Felly, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i ganmol gwaith sefydliadau fel Clybiau Bechgyn a Merched Cymru, yr Urdd, y Blwch Democratiaeth, Cymdeithas Diwygio Etholiadol Cymru ac eraill sy'n gwneud eu gorau glas, ochr yn ochr â'r gwaith rydych chi'n ei wneud, i annog pleidleiswyr ifanc a phleidleiswyr tro cyntaf i gofrestru i bleidleisio ac i ddefnyddio eu pleidlais hefyd? Mae hwn yn amser cyffrous, a gadewch inni sicrhau bod lleisiau pob un o’n pleidleiswyr ifanc yn cael eu clywed.
It is most definitely an exciting time for our young people. Young people, of course, have been affected more than anyone, possibly, during this last year, and will rightly, hopefully, exercise their voice in the ballot box as 16 and 17-year-olds, and do that as the first 16 and 17-year-olds ever in Wales to do so. And you're exactly right as well: the work that the Commission does and Welsh Government does in promoting 16 and 17-year-old voting is indirect towards those young people; there are others who can work with us and on our behalf to work directly with the young people that they work with, and the young people, of course, trust those sources, whether that's in schools or in external organisations. So, we're very keen, have been keen, to support efforts made by third parties to support us in our endeavours to ensure that young people are educated about the new rights that they have, and motivated to do so. And all of us who are standing as candidates in the election in May, as well, have a responsibility, as political parties and as individual candidates, to ensure that our manifestos and our messaging and our means of communication are interesting enough to attract the interest of young people.
Mae'n bendant yn amser cyffrous i'n pobl ifanc. Mae pobl ifanc, wrth gwrs, wedi cael eu heffeithio i raddau mwy nag unrhyw un, o bosibl, yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, a gobeithio y byddant yn defnyddio eu llais yn y blwch pleidleisio fel pobl ifanc 16 a 17 oed, ac yn gwneud hynny fel y bobl ifanc 16 a 17 oed cyntaf erioed yng Nghymru i wneud hynny. Ac rydych yn llygad eich lle hefyd: mae'r gwaith y mae'r Comisiwn a Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud ar hyrwyddo’r bleidlais i bobl ifanc 16 a 17 oed yn anuniongyrchol tuag at y bobl ifanc hynny; mae pobl eraill a all weithio gyda ni ac ar ein rhan i weithio'n uniongyrchol gyda'r bobl ifanc y maent yn gweithio gyda hwy, ac mae'r bobl ifanc, wrth gwrs, yn ymddiried yn y ffynonellau hynny, boed hynny mewn ysgolion neu mewn sefydliadau allanol. Felly, rydym yn awyddus iawn, ac wedi bod yn awyddus i gefnogi ymdrechion trydydd partïon i'n cefnogi gyda’n hymdrechion i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc yn cael eu haddysgu ynglŷn â'r hawliau newydd sydd ganddynt, a'u bod yn cael eu cymell i wneud hynny. Ac mae gan bob un ohonom sy'n sefyll fel ymgeiswyr yn yr etholiad ym mis Mai gyfrifoldeb hefyd, fel pleidiau gwleidyddol ac fel ymgeiswyr unigol, i sicrhau bod ein maniffestos a'n negeseuon a'n dulliau cyfathrebu yn ddigon diddorol i ennyn diddordeb pobl ifanc.
Mae hyn mor bwysig, i gael pobl ifanc yn gallu pleidleisio, ond mae fe'n bwysig hefyd ar gyfer y genhedlaeth sydd ar eu hôl nhw. Mae swyddfa'r comisiynydd plant yn rhedeg etholiad seneddol amgen ar gyfer pobl ifanc rhwng 11 a 15 mlwydd oed. Mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle i bawb fydd yn gallu pleidleisio yn yr etholiad yn 2026 i gael profiad realistaidd o'r profiad o bleidleisio. Mae 85 o ysgolion dros Gymru gyfan wedi arwyddo lan i fod yn rhan o Project Vote yn barod. So, a fyddech chi'n ymuno â fi i annog pob ysgol uwchradd i gymryd rhan yn y prosiect arloesol a hollbwysig yma?
This is so very important, in encouraging young people to vote, but it's also important for the future generations. The children's commissioner is running an alternative election for young people between 11 and 15 years of age, and this gives everyone who'll be able to vote in the 2026 election a real experience of the voting experience. Eighty-five schools across the whole of Wales have signed up to be part of Project Vote already. So, would you join with me in encouraging every secondary school to participate in this innovative and crucial project?
Byddwn i wrth fy modd yn gweld mwy o ysgolion yng Nghymru yn cymryd yr arweiniad a'r cyngor a'r adnoddau sydd gan y comisiynydd plant i fod yn cynnal y digwyddiadau etholiadol yna, yr etholiadau ffug ar gyfer yr ystod oedran yna o bobl ifanc sydd ddim eto yn cael yr hawl i bleidleisio yn y Senedd ond a fydd yn yr etholiadau nesaf, ac o bosib hyd yn oed yn etholiad y cynghorau sir y flwyddyn nesaf wrth gwrs.
Cymryd rhan mewn ffug etholiad yn ysgol uwchradd Llanbed ym 1983 oedd fy mhrofiad cyntaf i yn y byd etholiadol, a dwi'n cofio hynny'n dda hyd heddiw. Dwi'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd y profiad yma y mae'r comisiynydd plant a'i swyddfa hi yn ei roi i bobl ifanc yn yr ysgolion uwchradd hynny yn ennyn diddordeb y bobl yna i bleidleisio ac i gymryd rhan yn ein bywyd democrataidd ni am y blynyddoedd i ddod. Felly, diolch yn fawr i'r comisiynydd plant a'r swyddfa a phawb sy'n gweithio ar y cynllun yma yn yr ysgolion yn hyrwyddo ein democratiaeth ac ymwneud â diddordeb pobl ifanc yn y drafodaeth ddemocrataidd honno.
I would be delighted in seeing more schools in Wales taking and using the leadership, resources and advice provided by the children's commissioner to hold those electoral events, the mock elections for that age group who don't yet have the right to vote in Senedd elections, but will in our next set of Senedd elections, and even possibly in local council elections next year.
Participating in a mock election in Lampeter school in 1983 was my first experience of elections and electioneering, and I remember that well to this day. I very much hope that this experience provided by the children's commissioner and her office to young people in secondary schools will engender the interest of those young people to vote and to participate in our democratic life for years to come. So, thank you very much to the children's commissioner and her office and everyone working on this programme in schools in promoting our democracy and the engagement of young people in that democratic debate.
Thank you. Question 3, which is also to be answered by the Llywydd, Vikki Howells.
Diolch. Cwestiwn 3, sydd hefyd i'w ateb gan y Llywydd, Vikki Howells.
3. Pa asesiad y mae'r Comisiwn wedi'i wneud o'i ymateb i bandemig parhaus y coronafeirws? OQ56444
3. What assessment has the Commission made of its response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic? OQ56444
Mae'r Comisiwn wedi cefnogi'r Senedd, ei phwyllgorau a'i Haelodau i gyflawni eu swyddogaethau yn ystod y pandemig, ac mae'r Comisiwn yn mynd ati yn rheolaidd i adolygu'r ymateb i faterion wrth iddynt godi ac i ddysgu gwersi ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys adborth gan Aelodau, arolygon staff rheolaidd ac adolygiadau llywodraethu a risg.
The Commission has supported the Senedd, its committees and Members to discharge their functions during the pandemic, and the Commission regularly reviews responses to issues as they arise and to learn lessons for the future. This includes feedback from Members, regular staff surveys and governance and risk reviews.
Thank you, Llywydd. I just would like to take a moment to place on record my thanks to the Commission staff for how they've supported Members of the Senedd during the pandemic, and, of course, to MS support staff, who I know have gone above and beyond to help constituents deal with a range of urgent and pressing queries. What assessment has the Commission made of the impact of the pandemic on our superb staff over the last year?
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle i gofnodi fy niolch i staff y Comisiwn am y ffordd y maent wedi cefnogi Aelodau o'r Senedd yn ystod y pandemig, ac wrth gwrs, i staff cymorth yr Aelodau o'r Senedd, gan y gwn eu bod wedi mynd y tu hwnt i bob galw i gynorthwyo etholwyr i ymdrin ag ystod o ymholiadau pwysig. Pa asesiad a wnaed gan y Comisiwn o effaith y pandemig ar ein staff gwych dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf?
Thank you for making sure that our staff know—Commission staff and those staff who work for us as political representatives—that you and, hopefully, all of us are very appreciative of the innovative work that's gone on to respond to the pandemic, to enable this Parliament to continue its work and to enable us as elected Members from all across Wales to provide services and information to our electors. As I said in my previous answer, the Commission does look to engage with staff to learn from their experiences and to think about how the lessons that we've learned over the past year can carry on into the future and enable a more flexible means of working, and that we don't lose sight, as we move out of this pandemic, hopefully, of the many good ways of working that we've probably experienced over the past few months. So, I'm really grateful for your thanks, but also for giving me the opportunity in my last questions as a Llywydd to thank the staff of the Commission, all the staff who work for our contractors and our political party staff. Everybody has been excellent and enabled this Parliament, this Senedd, to carry on its work in the most challenging of circumstances, and to do that on behalf of the people of Wales.
Diolch am sicrhau bod ein staff yn gwybod—staff y Comisiwn a'r staff sy'n gweithio i ni fel cynrychiolwyr gwleidyddol—eich bod chi, a phob un ohonom gobeithio, yn ddiolchgar iawn am y gwaith arloesol a wnaed yn ymateb i'r pandemig, er mwyn galluogi’r Senedd hon i barhau â'i gwaith ac i'n galluogi ni fel Aelodau etholedig o bob rhan o Gymru i ddarparu gwasanaethau a gwybodaeth i'n hetholwyr. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb blaenorol, mae'r Comisiwn yn ceisio ymgysylltu â staff i ddysgu o'u profiadau ac i feddwl sut y gall y gwersi rydym wedi'u dysgu dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf barhau yn y dyfodol a galluogi dull mwy hyblyg o weithio, ac nad ydym yn colli golwg, wrth inni gefnu ar y pandemig hwn, gobeithio, o'r nifer o ffyrdd da o weithio rydym wedi eu profi yn ôl pob tebyg dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf. Felly, rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eich diolch, ond hefyd am roi'r cyfle i mi yn fy nghwestiynau olaf fel Llywydd i ddiolch i staff y Comisiwn, yr holl staff sy'n gweithio i'n contractwyr a staff ein pleidiau gwleidyddol. Mae pawb wedi bod yn rhagorol ac wedi galluogi'r Senedd hon i barhau â’i gwaith yn yr amgylchiadau mwyaf heriol, ac i wneud hynny ar ran pobl Cymru.
Thank you. Question 4 is to be answered by Joyce Watson, and it's question 4, Bethan Sayed.
Diolch. Mae cwestiwn 4 i'w ateb gan Joyce Watson, a dyma gwestiwn 4, Bethan Sayed.
4. Pa ystyriaeth y mae'r Comisiwn wedi'i rhoi i wella gweithio hyblyg a rhannu swyddi? OQ56455
4. What consideration has the Commission given to improving flexible working and job sharing? OQ56455

Thank you for that question, Bethan. Our flexible working culture is supported by a range of policies that include flexible working, job sharing and homeworking, which enable staff to manage their own working hours, balance work and also home commitments. Forty per cent of Commission staff have caring responsibilities for young children, and 15 per cent of staff have regular caring responsibilities. The Commission is committed to ensuring a truly flexible culture that allows all staff to thrive. The Commission is award winning in these efforts, and it has been recognised both as a top 10 employer of working families and a The Times top 50 employer of women. Building on our experience during the pandemic, the Commission is exploring new ways of working and delivering services to extend that flexible culture even further.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Bethan. Cefnogir ein diwylliant gweithio hyblyg gan ystod o bolisïau sy'n cynnwys gweithio hyblyg, rhannu swyddi a gweithio gartref, sy'n galluogi staff i reoli eu horiau gwaith eu hunain, cydbwyso gwaith a hefyd ymrwymiadau yn y cartref. Mae gan 40 y cant o staff y Comisiwn gyfrifoldebau gofalu am blant ifanc, ac mae gan 15 y cant o staff gyfrifoldebau gofalu rheolaidd. Mae'r Comisiwn wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau diwylliant gwirioneddol hyblyg sy'n caniatáu i'r holl staff ffynnu. Mae'r Comisiwn wedi ennill gwobrau yn sgil yr ymdrechion hyn, ac mae wedi cael ei gydnabod fel un o 10 cyflogwr gorau teuluoedd sy'n gweithio ac un o 50 cyflogwr gorau i fenywod The Times. Gan adeiladu ar ein profiad yn ystod y pandemig, mae'r Comisiwn yn archwilio ffyrdd newydd o weithio a darparu gwasanaethau i ymestyn y diwylliant hyblyg hwnnw ymhellach fyth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Joyce Watson am yr ateb cynhwysfawr yna. Fel rwyf wedi amlinellu yn ddiweddar yng nghyd-destun y Bil Senedd ac Etholiadau (Cymru), mae rhannu swyddi yn rhywbeth sydd angen inni edrych arno i greu mwy o gyfleoedd ar gyfer cynrychiolaeth fwy amrywiol ac amgylchedd gwleidyddol sydd yn fwy cyfeillgar i deuluoedd. Gan nad yw hwn nawr ar yr agenda o ran etholiadau, gallai'r Comisiwn, yn wir, sefydlu arweiniad yn yr ardal yma o ran hybu gweithio yn y modd yma. Rydych chi'n sôn bod y Comisiwn yn gwneud gwaith o ran rhannu swyddi, ond dwi ddim wedi clywed unrhyw beth gennych chi o ran data a faint rydych chi'n ei wneud o ran swyddi sy'n cael eu hysbysebu sy'n cynnig yr opsiwn i rannu swyddi. A fydd hwn yn rhywbeth y byddwch chi'n ystyried ei wneud ac edrych i mewn iddo i'r Senedd nesaf er mwyn bod y Senedd yn fwy hyblyg ac yn fwy cyfranogol?
I thank Joyce Watson for that very comprehensive response. As I've outlined recently in the context of the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill, job sharing is something that we need to consider in order to provide further opportunities for more diverse representation and a political environment that is more family friendly. As this isn't now on the agenda in terms of elections, the Commission could take a lead in this area in terms of promoting working in this way. You mentioned that the Commission is doing work in terms of job sharing, but I haven't heard anything from you on data in terms of what you're doing in terms of advertising jobs and offering the opportunity for job sharing. Is this something that you would consider doing and looking at during the next Senedd, so that the Senedd is more flexible?
I thank you for that. I recognise that this is dear to your heart and you've made your feelings known through your statement on having your young son and the challenges of that. They're real challenges, as has been brought home to you, and have, in your own words, made you reconsider your future. And I'm really sad to lose you, as I'm sure other people are, from this institution.
We know that Members cannot currently job share, and we also know that it would be up to the next Senedd to determine legislation to allow that to happen. And I think it's wider than that. I think there's a whole public conversation that needs to happen so that people feel that they can vote for job-sharing politicians, and I'm not sure that we're there at this moment. But I would like to join you in that conversation, because I think it is a conversation that has to be had. It's also, of course, much wider than that and the Electoral Commission would have to allow two names to be on the paper for one position. And again, I think that's a conversation that has to start. I really think that this will be top of the agenda for the Commission—the next Commission, of course, post election. But I think it should be on the top of the agenda of all political parties, women's organisations and wider organisations as well. There are many reasons that people need to job share.
We do have facts and figures, and they are numerous, in terms of how we support our staff and who those staff are, and there is a whole plethora of data that underpins that. I think the best thing in terms of time and understanding of that would be for me not to read it out—I do have it in front of me—but for me to e-mail that to you. But please be assured that there are plenty of sisters around this table today who will support you in your endeavour.
Diolch. Rwy'n cydnabod bod hyn yn bwysig i chi, ac rydych wedi nodi eich teimladau yn eich datganiad ar gael eich mab bach a’r heriau yn sgil hynny. Maent yn heriau go iawn, fel rydych wedi sylweddoli, ac maent, yn eich geiriau eich hun, wedi gwneud i chi ailystyried eich dyfodol. Ac mae’n flin iawn gennyf eich colli, fel sawl un arall, rwy'n siŵr, o'r sefydliad hwn.
Gwyddom na all Aelodau rannu swyddi ar hyn o bryd, a gwyddom hefyd mai mater i'r Senedd nesaf fyddai penderfynu ar ddeddfwriaeth i ganiatáu i hynny ddigwydd. A chredaf ei fod yn ehangach na hynny. Credaf fod angen cael sgwrs gyhoeddus fel bod pobl yn teimlo y gallant bleidleisio dros wleidyddion sy'n rhannu swyddi, ac nid wyf yn siŵr a ydym wedi cyrraedd y pwynt hwnnw eto. Ond hoffwn ymuno â chi yn y sgwrs honno, gan y credaf ei bod yn sgwrs y mae'n rhaid ei chael. Mae’n fater llawer ehangach na hynny hefyd, wrth gwrs, a byddai'n rhaid i'r Comisiwn Etholiadol ganiatáu i ddau enw fod ar y papur ar gyfer un swydd. Ac eto, credaf fod honno'n sgwrs y dylid ei chychwyn. Rwy'n meddwl o ddifrif y bydd hyn ar frig agenda'r Comisiwn—y Comisiwn nesaf, wrth gwrs, ar ôl yr etholiad. Ond credaf y dylai fod ar frig agenda pob plaid wleidyddol, sefydliadau menywod a sefydliadau ehangach hefyd. Mae llawer o resymau pam fod angen i bobl rannu swyddi.
Mae gennym ffeithiau a ffigurau, ac maent yn niferus, o ran sut rydym yn cefnogi ein staff a phwy yw'r staff hynny, a cheir llawer iawn o ddata i ategu hynny. Credaf mai'r peth gorau o ran amser a dealltwriaeth o hynny fyddai i mi, nid eu darllen—maent yma gennyf o fy mlaen—ond i mi eu cynnwys mewn e-bost atoch. Ond cofiwch fod digon o chwiorydd o amgylch y bwrdd hwn heddiw a fydd yn eich cefnogi yn eich ymdrech.
Thank you very much.
Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Item 4 on the agenda is a topical question, to be answered by the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip. Delyth Jewell.
Cwestiwn amserol yw eitem 4 ar yr agenda, i'w ateb gan y Dirprwy Weinidog a'r Prif Chwip. Delyth Jewell.
1. Pa asesiad y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'i wneud o'r effaith y bydd Bil Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a Llysoedd y DU yn ei chael ar ddiogelwch menywod yng Nghymru? TQ548
1. What assessment has the First Minister made of the impact that the UK Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill will have on women's safety in Wales? TQ548

I thank Delyth Jewell for this question. The Welsh Government received the final version of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill upon its introduction, last Tuesday, 9 March. We are considering the provisions in detail and how they will impact on Wales, including the safety of women and girls.
Diolch i Delyth Jewell am ei chwestiwn. Derbyniodd Llywodraeth Cymru fersiwn derfynol y Bil Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd pan gafodd ei gyflwyno, ddydd Mawrth diwethaf, 9 Mawrth. Rydym yn ystyried y darpariaethau'n fanwl a sut y byddant yn effeithio ar Gymru, gan gynnwys diogelwch menywod a merched.
Thank you, Minister. This is a deeply personal issue for me, not least because I am the same age as Sarah Everard, who was so devastatingly killed near London recently, and whose vigil was so horrendously mishandled by the police. At least seven women in Wales this year alone have died at the hands of male violence. We are still counting dead women, including Wenjing Lin, who died in Treorchy. My concern over the policing Bill is rooted not just in the context of assaults on the right to peacefully protest, though these are worrying, but I have grave concerns at the treatment of male violence against women. It is a Bill that doesn't centre on survivors; it places greater sanctions on people who attack statues than on those who attack women. Heavier sentences would be given to fly-tipping than for stalking. I was involved in the inquiry and campaign in 2012 that brought in the new laws on stalking, and Minister, this development is offensive to all of the survivors who played such a crucial role in that campaign.
If the last week has taught us anything, it should be that for women in Wales, as in all of the UK, navigating fear and adapting our behaviours to reduce the risk of violence is a normal occurrence. Women and young girls are taught not to do certain things instead of tackling the underlying reasons why male violence happens. In failing to tackle the prevention of male violence against women, this Bill is not just a missed opportunity; it is a catastrophe that will play out in slow motion. Surely we need a public health approach that focuses on prevention, early intervention, changes to how we educate young girls and boys, changes to how women are portrayed in the media, in magazines. I'd ask you, Minister, how much discretion Welsh police forces will have in how they implement this Bill. I'd also ask you if you agree with the suggestions of Chwarae Teg about using the curriculum to tackle gender stereotypes, ensuring planning guidance specifies women's safety as a central consideration in designing urban spaces, and the need for more funding and awareness-raising campaigns like Ask for Angela, which offers women in bars a way of getting out of dangerous situations.
And finally, Minister, aside from this radically different approach we need to take in Wales, doesn't this Westminster legislation show why we need the devolution of policing and justice? I'll close with this, Dirprwy Lywydd: if we don't do something radical, if this daily horror in our society isn't fixed, we will go on mourning yet more women we never knew.
Diolch, Weinidog. Mae hwn yn fater personol iawn i mi, yn anad dim gan fy mod yr un oedran â Sarah Everard, a gafodd ei lladd mewn modd mor erchyll ger Llundain yn ddiweddar, ac y cafodd yr wylnos i gofio amdani ei drin mewn ffordd mor ofnadwy gan yr heddlu. Lladdwyd o leiaf saith o fenywod gan ddynion yng Nghymru eleni yn unig. Rydym yn dal i gyfrif menywod sydd wedi marw, gan gynnwys Wenjing Lin, a fu farw yn Nhreorci. Mae fy mhryder ynglŷn â'r Bil plismona'n deillio nid yn unig o gyd-destun yr ymosodiadau ar yr hawl i brotestio'n heddychlon, er bod y rheini'n peri pryder, ond mae gennyf bryderon dybryd ynglŷn â sut y caiff trais gan ddynion yn erbyn menywod ei drin. Nid yw'n Fil sy'n canolbwyntio ar oroeswyr; mae'n rhoi cosbau mwy i bobl sy'n ymosod ar gerfluniau na’r rheini sy'n ymosod ar fenywod. Byddai dedfrydau trymach yn cael eu rhoi am dipio anghyfreithlon nag am stelcio. Roeddwn yn rhan o’r ymchwiliad a’r ymgyrch yn 2012 a arweiniodd at gyflwyno deddfau newydd ar stelcio, a Weinidog, mae’r datblygiad hwn yn sarhad ar yr holl oroeswyr a chwaraeodd ran mor hanfodol yn yr ymgyrch honno.
Un peth rydym wedi’i ddysgu yn yr wythnos ddiwethaf yw bod llywio drwy ein hofnau ac addasu ein risg o drais yn weithred normal i fenywod yng Nghymru, fel ym mhob rhan o'r DU. Mae menywod a merched ifanc yn cael eu dysgu i beidio â gwneud rhai pethau penodol yn hytrach na mynd i'r afael â'r rhesymau sylfaenol pam fod trais gan ddynion yn digwydd. Drwy fethu mynd i’r afael ag atal trais gan ddynion yn erbyn menywod, mae’r Bil hwn yn fwy na chyfle a gollwyd; mae'n drychineb a fydd yn digwydd o flaen ein llygaid. Rydym angen dull iechyd y cyhoedd sy'n canolbwyntio ar atal, ymyrraeth gynnar, newidiadau i'r ffordd rydym yn addysgu merched a bechgyn ifanc, newidiadau i'r ffordd y caiff menywod eu portreadu yn y cyfryngau, mewn cylchgronau. Hoffwn ofyn i chi, Weinidog, faint o ddisgresiwn fydd gan heddluoedd Cymru ynglŷn â'r modd y maent yn gweithredu'r Bil hwn. Byddwn hefyd yn gofyn a ydych yn cytuno ag awgrymiadau Chwarae Teg ynglŷn â defnyddio’r cwricwlwm i fynd i’r afael â stereoteipio ar sail rhywedd, sicrhau bod canllawiau cynllunio yn nodi diogelwch menywod fel ystyriaeth ganolog wrth gynllunio gofod trefol, a’r angen am fwy o gyllid ac ymgyrchoedd codi ymwybyddiaeth fel Ask for Angela, sy'n cynnig ffordd i fenywod mewn bariau ddianc rhag sefyllfaoedd peryglus.
Ac yn olaf, Weinidog, ar wahân i’r dull cwbl wahanol hwn y mae'n rhaid i ni ei weithredu yng Nghymru, onid yw'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn San Steffan yn dangos pam fod angen datganoli plismona a chyfiawnder? Rwyf am gloi gyda hyn, Ddirprwy Lywydd: os na wnawn rywbeth radical, os nad yw'r erchylltra beunyddiol hwn yn ein cymdeithas yn cael ei unioni, fe fyddwn yn galaru am fwy fyth o fenywod nad ydym erioed wedi eu hadnabod.
Thank you very much, Delyth Jewell, for that very strong, impassioned and committed speech. As a woman of the age of Sarah Everard, you have enabled us to again remember, as I did yesterday, the recent killing—that senseless, awful killing of Sarah Everard. It has sent a shock wave through us all, it has reignited this national conversation about women's safety, and you'll have seen that reflected in my written statement yesterday. That was a statement on women's safety in Wales, and it's reminded us, of course, as I said in my statement, that violence against women and girls is far too common. It's highlighted again the impact that violence and abuse has on the daily lives of women. And so my recommitment again in terms of our pioneering legislation—and I thank Nick Ramsay; he raised this yesterday, as other Members did across the Senedd—is that it's our commitment in Wales to end violence against women and girls.
I think it's also a wake-up call, isn't it, to us all that we must honour Sarah's life by making changes to society and culture, and that is what I said in my statement. But I think it is very important, as I said yesterday, that I have called on the UK Government, and indeed also call on the UK Parliament, to make sure that this Bill is a Bill that should strengthen the safety of women and girls, and of course, we have the opportunity now to comment on that. I think it's crucial that we recognise that the Bill that's coming forward, the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, should be about strengthening the criminal justice system to protect women and girls, and also—equally strongly, I would say, and I did say this yesterday—enabling people to continue to express their concerns freely.
I also agree with you that this is a public health issue, as did our great national adviser, Yasmin Khan, on Sunday. On many occasions, she talked about the need for a culture change, and she recognised that this was a public health issue, that we had to hold perpetrators to account, that we had to have a trauma-informed system, and also that we cannot be bystanders. That's why we have a strong Don't Be a Bystander campaign as part of our violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence legislation and strategy. I'm also very proud of the fact that we actually do now have in our new curriculum, in the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Bill, that statutory duty to make raising awareness about healthy relationships and sexuality education part of the curriculum for children up to the age of 16. It will help young people to challenge toxic attitudes and behaviours.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Delyth Jewell, am araith gref ac angerddol. Fel menyw yr un oedran â Sarah Everard, rydych wedi ein galluogi i gofio eto, fel y gwneuthum innau ddoe, llofruddiaeth ddiweddar—llofruddiaeth erchyll, ofnadwy Sarah Everard. Mae wedi bod yn ysgytwad i bob un ohonom, ac wedi ailgynnau’r sgwrs genedlaethol ynglŷn â diogelwch menywod, a byddwch wedi gweld hynny’n cael ei adlewyrchu yn fy natganiad ysgrifenedig ddoe. Roedd yn ddatganiad ar ddiogelwch menywod yng Nghymru, ac mae'n ein hatgoffa, wrth gwrs, fel y dywedais yn fy natganiad, fod trais yn erbyn menywod a merched yn rhy gyffredin o lawer. Mae wedi amlygu unwaith eto yr effaith y mae trais a cham-drin yn ei chael ar fywydau bob dydd menywod. Ac felly, fy ailymrwymiad unwaith eto i'n deddfwriaeth arloesol—a diolch i Nick Ramsay; cododd hyn ddoe, fel y gwnaeth Aelodau eraill o bob rhan o’r Senedd—yw mai ein hymrwymiad yng Nghymru yw dod â thrais yn erbyn menywod a merched i ben.
Credaf ei fod hefyd yn rhybudd i bob un ohonom fod yn rhaid inni anrhydeddu bywyd Sarah drwy wneud newidiadau i gymdeithas a diwylliant, a dyna a ddywedais yn fy natganiad. Ond credaf ei bod yn bwysig iawn, fel y dywedais ddoe, fy mod wedi galw ar Lywodraeth y DU, ac ar Senedd y DU yn wir, i sicrhau bod y Bil hwn yn Fil a ddylai gryfhau diogelwch menywod a merched, ac wrth gwrs, dyma gyfle yn awr i wneud sylwadau ar hynny. Credaf ei bod yn hanfodol ein bod yn cydnabod y dylai'r Bil a gyflwynir, y Bil Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd, fynd ati i gryfhau'r system cyfiawnder troseddol i ddiogelu menywod a merched, a hefyd—i’r un graddau, byddwn yn dweud, a dywedais hyn ddoe—yn galluogi pobl i barhau i fynegi eu pryderon yn rhydd.
Rwy'n cytuno â chi hefyd fod hwn yn fater iechyd y cyhoedd, fel y gwnaeth ein cynghorydd cenedlaethol gwych, Yasmin Khan, ddydd Sul. Ar sawl achlysur, soniodd am yr angen i newid diwylliant, a chydnabu fod hwn yn fater iechyd y cyhoedd, fod yn rhaid inni ddwyn troseddwyr i gyfrif, fod yn rhaid inni gael system wedi'i llywio gan drawma, a hefyd na allwn gamu o'r neilltu a gwneud dim. Dyna pam fod gennym ymgyrch gref Paid Cadw'n Dawel fel rhan o'n deddfwriaeth a’n strategaeth trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Rwyf hefyd yn falch iawn o'r ffaith bod gennym bellach, yn ein cwricwlwm newydd, ym Mil Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Cymru), ddyletswydd statudol i sicrhau bod codi ymwybyddiaeth o addysg cydberthynas iach a rhywioldeb yn rhan o'r cwricwlwm i blant hyd at 16 oed. Bydd yn helpu pobl ifanc i herio agweddau ac ymddygiad gwenwynig.
I'll speak, if I may, as the son, brother, husband, father and grandfather of women and girls who I care about and love passionately. The recent tragic cases of Sarah Everard and Wenjing Lin have highlighted the issue of violence against women in a truly shocking way. We in this Welsh Parliament are united, I believe, and determined to make our streets and communities as safe as possible for women and girls. The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill seeks to equip the police with the powers and tools they need to protect the public while overhauling sentencing laws to keep serious sexual and violent offenders behind bars for longer. New powers proposed will halt the automatic release of offenders who pose a danger to the public, end the halfway release of offenders sentenced to between four and seven years in prison for serious violent and sexual offences, and reform criminal records disclosure to reduce the time period in which people have to declare previous non-violent sexual or terrorist convictions to employers. The Bill also imposes a legal duty on local authorities, the police, criminal justice agencies, health, and fire and rescue services to tackle serious violence through data sharing and intelligence. Would you therefore agree that these measures, which complement those included in the Domestic Abuse Bill discussed here yesterday, should make women safer in Wales? And given that the UK Government is seeking views to help inform the development of its next tackling violence against women and girls strategy, how will you engage with this process?
Rwyf am siarad, os caf, fel mab, brawd, gŵr, tad a thaid i fenywod a merched rwy'n malio amdanynt ac yn eu caru'n angerddol. Mae achosion trasig diweddar Sarah Everard a Wenjing Lin wedi tynnu sylw at fater trais yn erbyn menywod mewn ffordd wirioneddol ysgytwol. Credaf ein bod ni yn Senedd Cymru yn unedig ac yn benderfynol o sicrhau bod ein strydoedd a’n cymunedau mor ddiogel â phosibl i fenywod a merched. Nod y Bil Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd yw arfogi'r heddlu â'r pwerau a'r arfau sydd eu hangen arnynt i ddiogelu'r cyhoedd, gan newid deddfau dedfrydu i gadw troseddwyr rhywiol a threisgar difrifol yn y carchar am gyfnod hirach. Bydd y pwerau newydd arfaethedig yn atal troseddwyr sy'n beryglus i'r cyhoedd rhag cael eu rhyddhau’n awtomatig, yn rhoi diwedd ar ryddhau troseddwyr a ddedfrydwyd i rhwng pedair a saith mlynedd yn y carchar am droseddau treisgar a rhywiol difrifol hanner ffordd drwy eu dedfryd, ac yn diwygio rheolau datgelu cofnodion troseddol i leihau'r cyfnod o amser sydd gan bobl i ddatgan euogfarnau terfysgol neu euogfarnau rhywiol di-drais blaenorol i gyflogwyr. Mae'r Bil hefyd yn gosod dyletswydd gyfreithiol ar awdurdodau lleol, yr heddlu, asiantaethau cyfiawnder troseddol, iechyd, a’r gwasanaethau tân ac achub i fynd i'r afael â thrais difrifol drwy rannu data a gwybodaeth. A fyddech felly’n cytuno y dylai’r mesurau hyn, sy’n ategu’r rheini sydd wedi’u cynnwys yn y Bil Cam-drin Domestig a drafodwyd yma ddoe, wneud menywod yn fwy diogel yng Nghymru? Ac o ystyried bod Llywodraeth y DU yn ceisio barn pobl i’w helpu i lywio datblygiad ei strategaeth nesaf ar gyfer mynd i’r afael â thrais yn erbyn menywod a merched, pa ran fydd gennych yn y broses hon?
Thank you very much, Mark Isherwood. Can I thank you also for speaking up as a father and in terms of all the women in your life? We know that men are standing up, as they do year in, year out. The November International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is an important event. Every year we have our vigil, don't we? Our virtual vigil this year was very much led by Joyce Watson—always led by Joyce Watson—with a cross-party response, as you say, Mark Isherwood. I'd like to pay tribute to all the men across our services who are White Ribbon ambassadors. I think Jack is here today; I know that he is a key White Ribbon ambassador, as are so many, of course, not just here, but represented across Wales.
I just want to say, just on the Bill, that we received, as I said, the final version of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill last week. It is a UK Government Bill, and we are considering its provisions in detail and its impact on Wales, but we are calling on the UK Government to strengthen the Bill to ensure the criminal justice system protects women and girls, because we are concerned about many aspects, just receiving the Bill as it is, and seeking advice in terms of those measures and provisions. It will be important for, obviously, our colleagues in the Westminster Parliament to look, scrutinise this, and there have been many concerns already raised about the Bill. But we need to make sure it is scrutinised effectively. But I would say today that we have got to do, within our powers in Wales, and of course there are powers in terms of the Thomas commission—and Delyth made that point—that we seek to consider, being powers that we would recognise that could enable us to strengthen our responsibilities in this area. But we seek in Wales to work closely with our four police forces, our local authorities, as well as the UK Government, and all our third sector organisations, to ensure that the safety of women and girls can be at the forefront of our powers and our provisions, our priorities, and our budgets.
And that is why, of course, our Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015, our pioneering legislation, is so crucially important, and that we do have our Live Fear Free helpline. And I will use the chance again to say this is a free 24/7 service for all victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. And not only has it remained open, of course, through the coronavirus restrictions being in place, that means that home shouldn't be a place of fear, but it has been extremely concerning to us all in the Senedd about the impact of COVID-19 on people who are restricted because of COVID-19. But we have given additional funding to Live Fear Free, and of course we're working with our Don't Be a Bystander and 'ask and act' training provisions, as well as funding Hafan Cymru's Spectrum Project, which of course is promoting healthier relationships effectively in our schools and with our young people.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mark Isherwood. A gaf fi ddiolch i chi hefyd am godi llais fel tad ac ar ran yr holl fenywod yn eich bywyd? Gwyddom fod dynion yn dangos eu cefnogaeth, fel y gwnânt flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn. Mae Diwrnod Rhyngwladol Diddymu Trais yn erbyn Menywod ym mis Tachwedd yn ddigwyddiad pwysig. Cawn ein gwylnos bob blwyddyn, oni chawn? Cafodd ein rhith-wylnos eleni ei harwain gan Joyce Watson—dan arweiniad Joyce Watson bob amser—gydag ymateb trawsbleidiol, fel y dywedwch, Mark Isherwood. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'r holl ddynion ar draws ein gwasanaethau sy'n llysgenhadon y Rhuban Gwyn. Credaf fod Jack yma heddiw; gwn ei fod yn llysgennad Rhuban Gwyn allweddol, fel cynifer o rai eraill, wrth gwrs, nid yn unig yma, ond ledled Cymru.
Hoffwn ddweud, o ran y Bil, ein bod wedi derbyn fersiwn derfynol o'r Bil Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd yr wythnos diwethaf, fel y dywedais. Mae'n Fil Llywodraeth y DU, ac rydym yn ystyried ei ddarpariaethau'n fanwl a'i effaith ar Gymru, ond rydym yn galw ar Lywodraeth y DU i gryfhau'r Bil i sicrhau bod y system cyfiawnder troseddol yn diogelu menywod a merched, gan ein bod yn poeni am lawer o agweddau, o dderbyn y Bil fel y mae, ac yn ceisio cyngor ar y mesurau a'r darpariaethau hynny. Yn amlwg, fe fydd yn bwysig fod ein swyddogion cyfatebol yn Senedd San Steffan yn edrych, yn craffu arno, ac mae llawer o bryderon eisoes wedi’u codi am y Bil. Ond mae angen inni sicrhau eu bod yn craffu arno'n effeithiol. Ond byddwn yn dweud heddiw fod yn rhaid inni wneud, o fewn ein pwerau yng Nghymru, ac wrth gwrs, ceir pwerau o ran comisiwn Thomas—a gwnaeth Delyth y pwynt hwnnw—rydym yn awyddus i’w hystyried, gan eu bod yn bwerau y byddem yn cydnabod y gallent ein galluogi i gryfhau ein cyfrifoldebau yn y maes hwn. Ond rydym yn awyddus i weithio'n agos iawn yng Nghymru gyda'n pedwar heddlu, ein hawdurdodau lleol, yn ogystal â Llywodraeth y DU, a holl sefydliadau ein trydydd sector, i sicrhau y gall diogelwch menywod a merched fod ar y blaen o ran ein pwerau a’n darpariaethau, ein blaenoriaethau, a'n cyllidebau.
A dyna pam, wrth gwrs, fod ein Deddf Trais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol (Cymru) 2015, ein deddfwriaeth arloesol, mor hanfodol bwysig, a bod gennym ein llinell gymorth Byw Heb Ofn. Ac rwyf am achub ar y cyfle eto i ddweud mai gwasanaeth 24/7 rhad ac am ddim i holl ddioddefwyr a goroeswyr cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol yw hwn. Ac nid yn unig ei fod wedi parhau i fod ar gael, wrth gwrs, drwy gydol y cyfyngiadau coronafeirws, sy’n golygu na ddylai’r cartref fod yn lle i fyw mewn ofn, ond mae wedi bod yn destun cryn bryder i bob un ohonom yn y Senedd mewn perthynas ag effaith COVID-19 ar bobl y cyfyngir arnynt oherwydd COVID-19. Ond rydym wedi rhoi cyllid ychwanegol i Byw Heb Ofn, ac wrth gwrs, rydym yn gweithio gyda'n darpariaethau hyfforddi 'gofyn a gweithredu’ a Paid Cadw'n Dawel, ac yn ariannu Prosiect Sbectrwm Hafan Cymru, sy'n hyrwyddo cydberthynas iachach yn effeithiol yn ein hysgolion ac ymhlith ein pobl ifanc.
Thank you very much, Minister.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Weinidog.
Item 5 on the agenda was the 90-second statements, of which none have been submitted.
Eitem 5 ar yr agenda oedd y datganiadau 90 eiliad, ond ni ddaeth yr un i law.
Therefore, we move to the motion to appoint the Senedd Commissioner for Standards. And I call on the Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee to move that motion, Jayne Bryant.
Felly, symudwn at y cynnig i benodi Comisiynydd Safonau'r Senedd. A galwaf ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad i wneud y cynnig hwnnw, Jayne Bryant.
Cynnig NDM7654 Jayne Bryant
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad: 'Penodi'r Comisiynydd Safonau' a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 10 Mawrth 2021 ('yr adroddiad').
2. O dan adran 1(2) o Fesur Comisiynydd Safonau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2009, yn penodi Douglas Bain CBE TD yn Gomisiynydd Safonau y Senedd o dan y Mesur hwnnw, am gyfnod o chwe blynedd gan ddechrau ar 1 Ebrill 2021.
3. O dan baragraffau 1 a 2 o'r Atodlen i Fesur Comisiynydd Safonau Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru 2009:
a) yn cytuno ar becyn taliadau'r Comisiynydd, yn unol â pharagraff 1(b) o'r Atodlen i'r Mesur hwnnw, fel y nodir yn Atodiad A i'r adroddiad;
b) yn dirprwyo, yn unol â pharagraff 2 o'r Atodlen i'r Mesur hwnnw, y gwaith o wneud penderfyniadau ynghylch addasu pecyn taliadau’r Comisiynydd yn flynyddol i Glerc y Senedd; ac
c) yn dirprwyo, yn unol â pharagraff 2 o'r Atodlen i'r Mesur hwnnw, y gwaith o bennu’r holl delerau eraill y mae penodiad o'r fath i gael effaith arnynt i Glerc y Senedd.
Motion NDM7654 Jayne Bryant
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes the report of the Standards of Conduct Committee: 'Appointment of Commissioner for Standards' laid in the Table Office on 10 March 2021 ('the report').
2. Acting under section 1(2) of the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards Measure 2009, appoints Douglas Bain CBE TD as Senedd Commissioner for Standards under that Measure, for a term of six years starting on 1 April 2021.
3. Acting under paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Schedule to the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards Measure 2009:
a) agrees the remuneration package of the Commissioner, in accordance with paragraph 1(b) of the Schedule to that Measure, as set out in Annex A of the report;
b) delegates, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Schedule to that Measure, the making of decisions in relation to the annual adjustment of the Commissioner’s remuneration package to the Clerk of the Senedd; and
c) delegates, in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Schedule to that Measure, the settling all other terms on which such appointment is to have effect to the Clerk of the Senedd.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Deputy Llywydd. The standards committee recommends that Douglas Bain be appointed Senedd Commissioner for Standards from 1 April 2021 for a six-year term. The commissioner is an independent officeholder whose role is to promote, encourage and safeguard high standards of conduct by Members of the Senedd. This will be the third appointment to the office of commissioner.
Douglas Bain was nominated following an open, transparent and rigorous selection process. The selection panel was chaired by the Chief Executive and Clerk of the Senedd, and comprised of two members of the Standards of Conduct Committee—myself and Rhun ap Iorwerth—and an independent panel member. A number of high-calibre applicants were interviewed; the panel unanimously identified a preferred candidate—Douglas Bain. Douglas Bain has been acting commissioner since November 2019. He was previously the Commissioner for Standards for the Northern Ireland Assembly. Douglas Bain attended a pre-appointment hearing with the standards committee; the standards committee questioned him on his approach to the role, and welcomed his ambition to raise the profile of standards of conduct. We noted his broad experience of dealing with complaints, particularly those falling under the dignity and respect policy. The committee unanimously endorsed the nomination of Douglas Bain as Senedd Commissioner for Standards. Deputy Llywydd, I move the motion.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae'r pwyllgor safonau yn argymell y dylid penodi Douglas Bain yn Gomisiynydd Safonau'r Senedd o 1 Ebrill 2021 am gyfnod o chwe blynedd. Mae'r comisiynydd yn ddeiliad swydd annibynnol sydd â'r rôl o hyrwyddo, annog a diogelu safonau ymddygiad uchel ymhlith yr Aelodau o'r Senedd. Hwn fydd y trydydd penodiad i swydd comisiynydd.
Enwebwyd Douglas Bain yn dilyn proses ddethol agored, dryloyw a thrylwyr. Cadeiriwyd y panel dethol gan Brif Weithredwr a Chlerc y Senedd, ac roedd yn cynnwys dau aelod o'r Pwyllgor Safonau Ymddygiad—Rhun ap Iorwerth a minnau—ac aelod annibynnol o'r panel. Cynhaliwyd cyfweliad â nifer o ymgeiswyr o safon uchel; roedd y panel yn unfrydol yn ei ddewis o ymgeisydd—Douglas Bain. Mae Douglas Bain wedi bod yn gomisiynydd dros dro ers mis Tachwedd 2019. Cyn hynny, ef oedd Comisiynydd Safonau Cynulliad Gogledd Iwerddon. Mynychodd Douglas Bain wrandawiad cyn penodi gyda'r pwyllgor safonau; holodd y pwyllgor safonau ef am ei ymagwedd at y rôl, a chroesawu ei uchelgais i godi proffil safonau ymddygiad. Nodwyd ei brofiad eang o ymdrin â chwynion, yn enwedig y rhai sy'n dod o dan y polisi urddas a pharch. Cymeradwyodd y pwyllgor enwebiad Douglas Bain yn unfrydol fel Comisiynydd Safonau'r Senedd. Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n gwneud y cynnig.
Thank you. There are no speakers to the debate, and therefore the proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No, I don't see objections. Therefore, in accordance with Standing Order 12.36, the motion is agreed.
Diolch. Nid oes siaradwyr yn y ddadl, ac felly'r cwestiwn yw a ddylid derbyn y cynnig. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na, nid wyf yn gweld gwrthwynebiadau. Felly, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36, derbynnir y cynnig.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Item 7 on our agenda this afternoon is a debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report, 'Remote Working: Implications for Wales'. And I call on the Chair of the committee to move that motion, Russell George.
Eitem 7 ar ein hagenda y prynhawn yma yw dadl ar adroddiad Pwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau, 'Gweithio o bell: Y goblygiadau i Gymru'. A galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i gyflwyno'r cynnig hwnnw, Russell George.
Cynnig NDM7653 Russell George
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi adroddiad Pwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau ar ei ymchwiliad, Gweithio o bell: Y goblygiadau i Gymru, a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 10 Mawrth 2021.
Motion NDM7653 Russell George
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the report of the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee on its inquiry, Remote Working: Implications for Wales, which was laid in the Table Office on 10 March 2021.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
I move the motion in my name, Deputy Llywydd. This report was published last week. The implications of radical changes in how we live and work are something that the next Welsh Government is going to have to get to grips with, and hopefully, our report will help in that regard.
First of all, we wanted to know whether the Government's 30 per cent target for remote working is achievable, and the evidence strongly suggested that it is. But, clearly, there are both opportunities and risks to consider. For example, we heard how working from home has been a real game changer for some disabled people, but we also heard about the possibility of remote working creating a two-tiered workforce, as those who can work remotely tend to be, or usually are higher-skilled and higher-paid. The Government needs to use robust definitions of remote working to collect plenty of Wales-specific data, and all the equality impacts need to be considered in the assessment of this policy.
Now, our first recommendation calls for a clear strategy that maps out how remote working policy actions will co-ordinate with other policy areas. It's not just about achieving carbon reduction goals. There are implications for childcare provision, spatial planning and infrastructure plans, regeneration and community cohesion policy, partnership working with local government and the private sector and the third sector, so lots there to co-ordinate with.
I don't think Members would expect me to say anything different on this next point, but closing the digital divide in Wales is also essential for everyone, regardless of their location and background, and the opportunity to benefit from more flexible working practices.
We're all aware, sadly, of the impacts of remote working on health and well-being in the current circumstances, and there's plenty in that regard in our report as well. Different managerial skills, of course, will be needed to manage a remote workforce, and to help mitigate some of these negative impacts.
Recommendations 12 and 13 say that the Welsh Government should use all the levers at its disposal to protect workers' rights. There's a lot of concern in committee from witnesses in regards to those working from home working longer hours, and working in worse environments. And I'm sure we've all got examples, haven't we, of receiving e-mails late at night, or late into the evening, from staff and other bodies, to a different extent than would have been the case pre-pandemic.
We're grateful to Dr Reuschke for helping us better understand the existing network of co-working habits in Wales, and certainly think the Welsh Government need to think about that. We recommend more mapping of the existing provision, and for the incoming Government as well to think about looking at repurposing buildings as well. We've seen dramatic changes in our town and city centres, and there's still a lot of uncertainty unfortunately, of course, about the future for retail. So, we recommend that the Welsh Government has a plan that can adapt and respond to remote working trends, setting a clear path for the sector.
It wasn't all doom and gloom in that area as well. Our witnesses also saw real opportunities to reimagine our cities and town centres. Decarbonisation targets have clearly driven the 30 per cent ambition, but it needs to run alongside other measures to achieve this modal shift.
Wales isn't alone in managing the risks associated with the new normal of increased remote working. We considered international best practice, and we think policy makers here in Wales should consider the evidence from places like Milan, Finland and the Netherlands.
There is an awful lot to think about in this report, Llywydd, and I've tried to skim over it in the short time I've got. I'm hoping that other Members will be able to contribute and dig into specific aspects of this report, but, of course, I welcome views from across the Chamber and the Deputy Minister's response and comments at the end of the debate as well.
Rwy'n cyflwyno'r cynnig yn fy enw i, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Cyhoeddwyd yr adroddiad hwn yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae goblygiadau newidiadau radical yn y ffordd rydym yn byw ac yn gweithio yn rhywbeth y bydd yn rhaid i Lywodraeth nesaf Cymru fynd i'r afael ag ef, a gobeithio y bydd ein hadroddiad yn helpu yn hynny o beth.
Yn gyntaf oll, roeddem eisiau gwybod a yw targed y Llywodraeth o 30 y cant ar gyfer gweithio o bell yn gyraeddadwy, ac awgrymodd y dystiolaeth yn gryf ei fod. Ond yn amlwg, mae cyfleoedd a risgiau i'w hystyried. Er enghraifft, clywsom sut y mae gweithio gartref wedi bod yn newid go iawn i rai pobl anabl, ond clywsom hefyd fod y posibilrwydd o weithio o bell yn creu gweithlu dwy haen, gan fod y rhai sy'n gallu gweithio o bell yn tueddu, neu fel arfer yn tueddu i feddu ar sgiliau uwch ac yn tueddu i ennill cyflog uwch. Mae angen i'r Llywodraeth ddefnyddio diffiniadau cadarn o weithio o bell i gasglu digon o ddata sy'n benodol i Gymru, ac mae angen ystyried yr holl effeithiau ar gydraddoldeb wrth asesu'r polisi hwn.
Nawr, mae ein hargymhelliad cyntaf yn galw am strategaeth glir sy'n mapio sut y bydd camau polisi gweithio o bell yn cydgysylltu â meysydd polisi eraill. Nid yw'n ymwneud â chyflawni nodau lleihau carbon yn unig. Mae goblygiadau o ran darpariaeth gofal plant, cynllunio gofodol a chynlluniau seilwaith, adfywio a pholisi chydlyniant cymunedol, gweithio mewn partneriaeth â llywodraeth leol a'r sector preifat a'r trydydd sector, felly mae llawer yno i'w gydgysylltu.
Nid wyf yn credu y byddai'r Aelodau'n disgwyl i mi ddweud unrhyw beth gwahanol ar y pwynt nesaf hwn, ond mae cau'r gagendor digidol yng Nghymru hefyd yn hanfodol i bawb, ni waeth beth fo'u lleoliad na'u cefndir, a'r cyfle i elwa o arferion gweithio mwy hyblyg.
Rydym i gyd yn ymwybodol, yn anffodus, o effeithiau gweithio o bell ar iechyd a llesiant yn yr amgylchiadau presennol, ac mae digon ar hynny yn ein hadroddiad hefyd. Bydd angen sgiliau rheoli gwahanol, wrth gwrs, i reoli gweithlu o bell, ac i helpu i liniaru rhai o'r effeithiau negyddol hyn.
Mae argymhellion 12 a 13 yn dweud y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio'r holl ysgogiadau sydd ar gael iddi i ddiogelu hawliau gweithwyr. Mae tystion wedi mynegi llawer o bryderon yn y pwyllgor fod y rhai sy'n gweithio gartref yn gweithio oriau hwy, ac yn gweithio mewn amgylcheddau gwaeth. Ac rwy'n siŵr bod gan bob un ohonom enghreifftiau, onid oes, o dderbyn negeseuon e-bost yn hwyr yn y nos, neu'n hwyr gyda'r nos, gan staff a chyrff eraill, i raddau gwahanol i'r hyn a fyddai wedi digwydd cyn y pandemig.
Rydym yn ddiolchgar i Dr Reuschke am ein helpu i ddeall y rhwydwaith presennol o arferion cydweithio yng Nghymru yn well, ac yn sicr credwn fod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru feddwl am hynny. Rydym yn argymell y dylid mapio'r ddarpariaeth bresennol yn well, ac y dylai'r Llywodraeth newydd ystyried addasu adeiladau at ddibenion gwahanol hefyd. Rydym wedi gweld newidiadau dramatig ynghanol ein trefi a'n dinasoedd, ac mae llawer o ansicrwydd o hyd yn anffodus, wrth gwrs, am ddyfodol manwerthu. Felly, rydym yn argymell bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru gynllun sy'n gallu addasu ac ymateb i dueddiadau gweithio o bell, gan osod llwybr clir ar gyfer y sector.
Nid oedd popeth yn anobeithiol yn hynny o beth chwaith. Gwelodd ein tystion gyfleoedd gwirioneddol i ailddychmygu canol ein dinasoedd a'n trefi. Mae'n amlwg bod targedau datgarboneiddio wedi llywio'r uchelgais 30 y cant, ond mae angen iddo gyd-fynd â mesurau eraill i gyflawni'r newid moddol hwn.
Nid Cymru yw'r unig wlad sy'n rheoli'r risgiau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r normal newydd lle mae mwy o bobl yn gweithio o bell. Fe wnaethom ystyried arferion gorau yn rhyngwladol, a chredwn y dylai llunwyr polisi yma yng Nghymru ystyried y dystiolaeth o leoedd fel Milan, y Ffindir a'r Iseldiroedd.
Mae llawer iawn i feddwl amdano yn yr adroddiad hwn, Lywydd, ac rwyf wedi ceisio rhoi brasolwg arno yn yr amser byr sydd gennyf. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Aelodau eraill yn gallu cyfrannu ac edrych yn fanylach ar agweddau penodol ar yr adroddiad hwn, ond wrth gwrs, rwy'n croesawu safbwyntiau o bob rhan o'r Siambr yn ogystal ag ymateb a sylwadau'r Dirprwy Weinidog ar ddiwedd y ddadl.
Rather than treating remote working as an anomaly, we should be seeing it as the new norm. Looking at the following areas of office work, pay and human resources, accounts and audit, in the pre-ICT days, they needed to be done in the office. Pay and personal records had to be manually updated and physically filed, with pay calculated, counted, manually checked and put into envelopes. Income and expenditure had to be recorded in the ledgers, and bills posted and cheques or money collected and banked. Auditing involved the physical checking of ledgers and reconciling with bank statements. With ICT developments, records became electronic. This has been followed by fast broadband, which is the last impediment to working from home. The movement towards homeworking and online meetings was taking place well before COVID. What COVID has done is turbocharged this change. We have seen, in the last year, how well Zoom and Teams work, especially where high-speed broadband is available.
The Welsh Government needs to set a working from home target itself and other publicly funded bodies, but why change what has worked for the last 12 months? The private sector will do what works for each individual company. People, in general, do not want to spend hours a day commuting. Competitive recruitment will mean that to offer a job where you can work mainly at home will be more tempting than one that involves a commute of several hours a week.
The growth of homeworking will be decided by lots of individual decisions, which, when aggregated, will produce the direction of travel. Do not forget the costs of office space and servicing that space. This will have a strong influence on decisions by companies, and saving travel costs will have a strong influence on individuals. The homeworking experiment over the last year has taken place under sub-optimum conditions, with home learning for children alongside homeworking, and no study has shown a substantial drop in productivity, with some showing improved productivity.
This change to mainly homeworking will create huge changes and challenges. We have a transport system based on commuting. People asking for bypasses and relief roads are in the same position as those in the 1900s who asked for more horse troughs. We have evidence of a service sector which depends on commuters and office workers for a substantial part of their trade. The change will not be painless, but it is inevitable. The challenge to governments, as always, is to react to things as they are and as they are becoming, not as they would like it to be. This is the beginning of the post-industrial revolution, a complete full circle from the first, and we must ensure that we win.
Yn hytrach na thrin gweithio o bell fel anomaledd, dylem ei weld fel y norm newydd. O edrych ar y meysydd canlynol o waith swyddfa, cyflogau ac adnoddau dynol, cyfrifon ac archwilio, yn y dyddiau cyn TGCh, roedd angen eu gwneud yn y swyddfa. Roedd yn rhaid diweddaru cyflogau a chofnodion personol â llaw a'u ffeilio'n gorfforol, gyda thâl yn cael ei gyfrifo, ei gyfrif, ei wirio â llaw a'i roi mewn amlenni. Roedd yn rhaid cofnodi incwm a gwariant yn y cyfriflyfrau, a phostio anfonebau a chasglu a bancio sieciau neu arian. Roedd archwilio'n cynnwys gwirio cyfriflyfrau yn gorfforol a chysoni â datganiadau banc. Gyda datblygiadau TGCh, daeth cofnodion yn electronig. Dilynwyd hyn gan fand eang cyflym, sef y rhwystr olaf i weithio gartref. Roedd y symudiad tuag at weithio gartref a chyfarfodydd ar-lein yn digwydd ymhell cyn COVID. Yr hyn y mae COVID wedi'i wneud yw cyflymu'r newid hwn. Rydym wedi gweld, dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, pa mor dda y mae Zoom a Teams yn gweithio, yn enwedig lle mae band eang cyflym ar gael.
Mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru osod targed ar gyfer gweithio gartref iddi ei hun a chyrff eraill a ariennir yn gyhoeddus, ond pam newid yr hyn sydd wedi gweithio dros y 12 mis diwethaf? Bydd y sector preifat yn gwneud yr hyn sy'n gweithio i bob cwmni unigol. Nid yw pobl, yn gyffredinol, eisiau treulio oriau'n cymudo bob dydd. Bydd recriwtio cystadleuol yn golygu y bydd cynnig swydd lle gallwch weithio gartref yn bennaf yn fwy o demtasiwn nag un sy'n golygu cymudo sawl awr yr wythnos.
Bydd twf gweithio gartref yn cael ei benderfynu gan lawer o benderfyniadau unigol, a fydd, gyda'i gilydd, yn llunio'r cyfeiriad teithio. Peidiwch ag anghofio costau gofod swyddfa a gwasanaethu'r gofod hwnnw. Bydd hyn yn dylanwadu'n gryf ar benderfyniadau cwmnïau, a bydd arbed costau teithio yn dylanwadu'n gryf ar unigolion. Nid yw'r arbrawf gweithio gartref dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi digwydd o dan yr amodau gorau, gyda phobl yn gorfod dysgu eu plant gartref yn ogystal â gweithio gartref, ac nid oes unrhyw astudiaeth wedi dangos gostyngiad sylweddol mewn cynhyrchiant, gyda rhai'n dangos gwell cynhyrchiant.
Bydd y newid hwn i weithio gartref yn bennaf yn creu newidiadau a heriau enfawr. Mae gennym system drafnidiaeth sy'n seiliedig ar gymudo. Mae pobl sy'n gofyn am ffyrdd osgoi a ffyrdd lliniaru yn yr un sefyllfa â'r rheini yn y 1900au a ofynnai am fwy o gafnau ceffylau. Mae gennym dystiolaeth o sector gwasanaeth sy'n dibynnu ar gymudwyr a gweithwyr swyddfa am ran sylweddol o'u masnach. Ni fydd y newid yn ddi-boen, ond mae'n anochel. Yr her i lywodraethau, fel bob amser, yw ymateb i bethau fel y maent ac wrth iddynt ddigwydd, nid fel yr hoffent i bethau fod. Dyma ddechrau'r chwyldro ôl-ddiwydiannol, cylch cyflawn o'r cyntaf, ac mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau ein bod yn ennill.
Can I just thank everybody on the committee and the witnesses that gave us evidence? I really enjoyed this session, as a relatively new member of the committee. I think Mike is right. There's no putting this genie back in the bottle now, although, as the report makes clear, we need to be sure what we mean when we're talking about remote working or hybrid working, as the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development call it. And I don't think it would be—. I don't agree with Mike when he suggested that this might be the new normal and a lot more of us will be working more from home. Clearly, if you're serving food in a cafe you can't do that from home, but there are jobs that lend itself to this. If you look at what Admiral has been doing lately, and basically turned the whole of its workforce over to working from home—. I do recommend that Members have a read of this report, and I just want to draw their attention to the later recommendations, which draw attention to how this possibility of working remotely needs to be factored into a bigger jigsaw policy, really. It can't be dealt with in a stand-alone way.
But I'd start by saying that it's too easy to say that we—and who are we in these circumstances—can just set up working hubs in towns and villages throughout Wales without thinking this through. The CIPD isn't actually sure that the call for working from hubs is particularly there, anyway. While the prospect of this would be about reducing the horrors and the environmental damage of commuting, we do need to be clear that the commute isn't just going to be displaced to somewhere else. It's true to say that active travel could play a role here, but it would be quite a step, wouldn't it, to claim that people won't still reach for their car keys when they're still having to deal with dropping children off in school or filling a boot up with shopping.
The other thing perhaps I just want to draw attention to is to watch out for the unintended consequences of this move, some of which we've seen during lockdown, of course. Because, yes, flexible working sounds great in principle, but what it's done is moved a lot of people who are working at home into working late at night in order to accommodate more domestic responsibilities. And as that's still—unsurprisingly—predominantly women, we have to bear in mind the equality impacts of any changes that remote working might bring to the fore.
In short, the report recommends that any great shift in working practice has to be planned for, based on the fullest evidence, and that really none of that is possible, as Russell was saying in his opening remarks, without proper digital infrastructure and physical infrastructure, so there has to be a strategic approach to any major overhaul on how we have working lives. Diolch.
A gaf fi ddiolch i bawb ar y pwyllgor a'r tystion a roddodd dystiolaeth i ni? Mwynheais y sesiwn hon yn fawr, fel aelod cymharol newydd o'r pwyllgor. Rwy'n credu bod Mike yn iawn. Ni ellir dad-wneud hyn yn awr, er, fel y mae'r adroddiad yn ei ddweud, mae angen inni fod yn siŵr beth a olygwn pan fyddwn yn sôn am weithio o bell neu weithio hybrid, fel y mae'r Sefydliad Siartredig Personél a Datblygu yn ei alw. Ac nid wyf yn credu y byddai—. Nid wyf yn cytuno â Mike pan awgrymodd y gallai hwn fod yn normal newydd ac y bydd llawer mwy ohonom yn gweithio mwy o adref. Yn amlwg, os ydych yn gweini bwyd mewn caffi ni allwch wneud hynny o adref, ond mae'n gweddu i rai swyddi. Os edrychwch ar yr hyn y mae Admiral wedi bod yn ei wneud yn ddiweddar, mae ei weithlu cyfan yn y bôn wedi newid i weithio gartref—. Rwy'n argymell bod yr Aelodau'n darllen yr adroddiad hwn, a hoffwn dynnu eu sylw at yr argymhellion diweddarach, sy'n nodi'r modd y mae angen ystyried y posibilrwydd o weithio o bell fel rhan o bolisi jig-so mwy o faint, mewn gwirionedd. Ni ellir ymdrin ag ef ar ei ben ei hun.
Ond hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddweud ei bod yn rhy hawdd dweud y gallwn ni—a phwy ydym ni o dan yr amgylchiadau hyn—sefydlu hybiau gwaith mewn trefi a phentrefi ledled Cymru heb feddwl o ddifrif am hyn. Nid yw'r Sefydliad Siartredig Personél a Datblygu yn siŵr mewn gwirionedd a oes yna alw penodol am weithio o hybiau beth bynnag. Er y byddai'r posibilrwydd o hyn yn ymwneud â lleihau erchyllterau a difrod amgylcheddol cymudo, mae angen inni fod yn glir na fydd y cymudo'n cael ei symud i rywle arall. Mae'n wir dweud y gallai teithio llesol chwarae rhan yma, ond byddai'n dipyn o naid, oni fyddai, i honni na fydd pobl yn dal i estyn am allweddi eu car a hwythau'n dal i orfod ymdopi â mynd a phlant i'r ysgol neu lenwi'r car â bagiau siopa.
Y peth arall rwyf am dynnu sylw ato yw y dylem wylio rhag canlyniadau anfwriadol y newid hwn, a gwelsom rai ohonynt yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud, wrth gwrs. Oherwydd mae gweithio hyblyg yn swnio'n wych mewn egwyddor, ond yr hyn y mae wedi'i wneud yw gwneud i lawer o bobl sy'n gweithio gartref weithio'n hwyr gyda'r nos er mwyn gallu cyflawni rhagor o gyfrifoldebau domestig. A chan fod hynny'n golygu—nid yw'n syndod—menywod yn bennaf, mae'n rhaid inni ystyried yr effeithiau ar gydraddoldeb y gallai gweithio o bell eu hamlygu.
Yn fyr, mae'r adroddiad yn argymell bod yn rhaid cynllunio ar gyfer unrhyw newid mawr mewn arferion gweithio, yn seiliedig ar y dystiolaeth lawnaf, ac nid yw hynny'n bosibl mewn gwirionedd, fel roedd Russell yn ei ddweud yn ei sylwadau agoriadol, heb seilwaith digidol a seilwaith ffisegol priodol, felly bydd yn rhaid meddwl yn strategol am unrhyw newid sylweddol i'r ffordd y mae gennym fywydau gwaith. Diolch.
This is, as usual, a robust and comprehensive report by the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee and I congratulate Russell George, the committee members, and, of course, the Commission staff who have helped to put this report together. Given the limited time I have, I shall concentrate on the overarching principles and the effects on homeworking, but would say that I am in agreement on the recommendations put forward in this report and I would hope the Welsh Government in the sixth Senedd will take on board these recommendations.
The report does not mention—I may have missed it—5G roll-out, but there is no doubt that this new technology will have an exponential impact on the ability to undertake tasks remotely, not least in the health sector. Home or remote working can, as the report suggests, take many forms, but it's primarily understood to mean working from your place of residence. Whilst, in most cases, this is feasible or even desirable, home circumstances can vary to such an extent that, for some, it is difficult or even impossible. Children, housework, food demands can impact to a greater or lesser extent, not just on the female homeworker, though probably to a greater extent, but also on male employees too. It is therefore imperative that we do not reach a position where people are forced to work from home on a permanent basis. Studies seem to indicate that a hybrid system of a few days homeworking and a day or two in the office offers the best solution in avoiding mental issues arising from continued isolation.
The strategy of opening working hubs, particularly in the smaller town centres, should create a number of positive impacts: shorter travel distances, greater town footfall, and the possibility of meeting with other people—a fundamental aspect of human activity. There is a possibility of setting up multiple business offices where different companies rent office space, but where there are shared facilities. These, of course, already exist, but almost all are mostly run by commercial companies. There's much scope for these to be set up by local or national government, with initial low rents and rates, but rising slowly over time. There's much talk in the report of creating inequalities with this form of working. I don't share this view. I believe it creates greater opportunities for the disabled by taking away the obstacle of travel, which, even with better travel accommodation, still creates difficulties for the disabled. A hybrid form would mean that these travel difficulties could be reduced to perhaps once a week. The suggestion that homeworking only benefits the higher skilled and higher paid employees ignores the fact that everyone will benefit from reduced traffic: builders, delivery workers and many more whose work means they have to use the road network; all will be positively affected.
The impact on the environment that less commuting brings is obvious, but setting goals that may mean people being forced to work from home should not be an option. Remote working should be for those who desire it, not an enforced way of working. Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Fel arfer, dyma adroddiad cadarn a chynhwysfawr gan Bwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau ac rwy'n llongyfarch Russell George, aelodau'r pwyllgor, a staff y Comisiwn, wrth gwrs, sydd wedi helpu i lunio'r adroddiad hwn. O ystyried yr amser cyfyngedig sydd gennyf, rwyf am ganolbwyntio ar yr egwyddorion trosfwaol a'r effeithiau ar weithio gartref, ond hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn cytuno ar yr argymhellion a gyflwynwyd yn yr adroddiad hwn a byddwn yn gobeithio y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn y chweched Senedd yn ystyried yr argymhellion hyn.
Nid yw'r adroddiad yn crybwyll—efallai fy mod wedi'i golli—cyflwyno 5G, ond nid oes amheuaeth y bydd y dechnoleg newydd hon yn cael effaith esbonyddol ar y gallu i gyflawni tasgau o bell, yn enwedig yn y sector iechyd. Fel yr awgryma'r adroddiad, gall gweithio gartref neu weithio o bell ddigwydd ar sawl ffurf, ond deellir yn bennaf ei fod yn golygu gweithio o'ch man preswylio. Er bod hyn yn bosibl neu hyd yn oed yn ddymunol yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion, gall amgylchiadau cartref amrywio i'r fath raddau fel ei fod yn anodd i rai, neu'n amhosibl hyd yn oed. Gall plant, gwaith tŷ, gofynion bwyd effeithio i raddau mwy neu lai, nid yn unig ar ddynes sy'n gweithio gartref, er i raddau mwy mae'n debyg, ond hefyd ar weithwyr gwrywaidd. Felly, mae'n hanfodol nad ydym yn cyrraedd sefyllfa lle mae pobl yn cael eu gorfodi i weithio gartref ar sail barhaol. Mae astudiaethau i'w gweld yn dangos mai system hybrid o ychydig ddyddiau o weithio gartref a diwrnod neu ddau yn y swyddfa sy'n cynnig yr ateb gorau o ran osgoi problemau meddyliol sy'n deillio o arwahanrwydd parhaus.
Dylai'r strategaeth o agor hybiau gwaith, yn enwedig ynghanol trefi llai, greu nifer o effeithiau cadarnhaol: pellteroedd teithio byrrach, mwy o ymwelwyr â threfi, a'r posibilrwydd o gyfarfod â phobl eraill—agwedd sylfaenol ar weithgarwch dynol. Ceir y posibilrwydd o sefydlu nifer o swyddfeydd busnes lle mae gwahanol gwmnïau'n rhentu gofod swyddfeydd, ond lle ceir cyfleusterau a rennir. Mae'r rhain eisoes yn bodoli, wrth gwrs, ond mae bron bob un ohonynt yn cael eu rhedeg gan gwmnïau masnachol yn bennaf. Mae llawer o gyfle i'r rhain gael eu sefydlu gan lywodraeth leol neu genedlaethol, gyda rhenti ac ardrethi isel i ddechrau, ond yn codi'n araf dros amser. Mae llawer o sôn yn yr adroddiad am greu anghydraddoldebau gyda'r math hwn o weithio. Nid wyf yn rhannu'r farn hon. Credaf ei fod yn creu mwy o gyfleoedd i bobl anabl drwy ddileu rhwystr teithio, sydd, hyd yn oed gyda mwy o le i deithio, yn dal i greu anawsterau i bobl anabl. Byddai ffurf hybrid yn golygu y gellid lleihau'r anawsterau teithio hyn i unwaith yr wythnos efallai. Mae'r awgrym mai dim ond gweithwyr sgiliau uwch ar gyflogau uwch sy'n cael budd o weithio gartref yn anwybyddu'r ffaith y bydd pawb yn elwa o lai o draffig: adeiladwyr, gweithwyr dosbarthu a llawer mwy y mae eu gwaith yn golygu bod yn rhaid iddynt ddefnyddio'r rhwydwaith ffyrdd; bydd yn effeithio'n gadarnhaol ar bob un ohonynt.
Mae'r effaith ar yr amgylchedd a ddaw yn sgil llai o gymudo yn amlwg, ond ni ddylai gosod nodau a allai olygu bod pobl yn cael eu gorfodi i weithio gartref fod yn opsiwn. Dylai gweithio o bell fod yno ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dymuno gwneud hynny, ac nid yn ffordd orfodol o weithio. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Thank you. Can I call on the Deputy Minister for the Economy and Transport, Lee Waters?
Diolch. A gaf fi alw ar Ddirprwy Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth, Lee Waters?

Yes, thank you very much, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I must thank the committee for their considered report and the way that they conducted the inquiry and everybody who has made a contribution to the debate this afternoon.
As Mike Hedges has put it, what COVID has done has supercharged what was already happening. And we don't want to return by default, simply because we haven't put in place an alternative, to many of the bad old ways that we had before COVID. As Mike also pointed out, why do we want to go back to a situation where we were commuting several hours a week? And I think there has been an acceptance that, before COVID, many employers thought that working from home would not be productive, that employees couldn't be trusted, they couldn't be supervised properly, it simply wouldn't be practical, or the technology wouldn't hold up. And by and large, those concerns have proven not to be the case. As Suzy Davies pointed out, there are significant disbenefits for many from homeworking, and, particularly, there is definitely an equalities point of view. I think all of us in our domestic circumstances have seen the situations that Suzy describes of simply having just ended up doing more and absorbing the domestic chores and moving them around, and this does disproportionately fall on women, I'm sorry to say, even in enlightened households. So, we need to be alert to and aware of the dangers of this, for sure, so let's try and bottle the good but also be alert to the bad and try and deal with it.
Ie, diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddiolch i'r pwyllgor am eu hadroddiad ystyrlon a'r ffordd y gwnaethant gynnal yr ymchwiliad a phawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl y prynhawn yma.
Fel y mae Mike Hedges wedi'i roi, yr hyn y mae COVID wedi'i wneud yw cyflymu'r hyn a oedd eisoes yn digwydd. Ac nid ydym am ddychwelyd yn ddiofyn at lawer o'r hen arferion gwael a oedd gennym cyn COVID am nad ydym wedi rhoi dewis arall ar waith. Fel y nododd Mike hefyd, pam y byddem eisiau dychwelyd at sefyllfa lle'r oeddem yn cymudo am sawl awr yr wythnos? Ac rwy'n credu ein bod yn derbyn bod llawer o gyflogwyr, cyn COVID, o'r farn na fyddai gweithio gartref yn gynhyrchiol, na ellid ymddiried mewn gweithwyr, na ellid eu goruchwylio’n briodol, na fyddai'n ymarferol, neu na fyddai'r dechnoleg yn ddigonol. Ac at ei gilydd, profwyd nad oes sail i'r pryderon hynny. Fel y nododd Suzy Davies, mae gweithio gartref yn creu anfanteision sylweddol i lawer, a hynny'n enwedig o safbwynt cydraddoldeb. Rwy'n credu bod pob un ohonom yn ein hamgylchiadau domestig wedi gweld y sefyllfaoedd y mae Suzy yn eu disgrifio o fod wedi gorfod gwneud mwy yn y pen draw ac amsugno'r gorchwylion domestig a'u symud o gwmpas, ac mae hyn yn effeithio'n anghymesur ar fenywod, mae'n ddrwg gennyf ddweud, hyd yn oed ar aelwydydd goleuedig. Felly, mae angen inni fod yn effro i beryglon hyn a bod yn ymwybodol ohonynt yn sicr, felly gadewch inni geisio cadw'r elfennau da a bod yn effro hefyd i'r elfennau gwael a cheisio ymdrin â hwy.
I'm pleased to say that the report's recommendations were broadly in line with the plans that we are already developing within Government, and we are working on a set of recommendations and a report that will be available—a strategy—for the next Government in September or October. And it is a complex piece of work to think through all of the different elements to it. Today, we have published and announced a series of pilot projects to try and test some of these interventions. This includes Costigan's in Rhyl and HaverHub in Haverfordwest, both of which aim to encourage employers and employees to try working in their local town centres. Another project will focus on how we can use spaces in rural communities across the Swansea valley.
This is in addition to a number of initiatives across the Valleys taskforce area, such as spaces where we can work surrounded by nature as part of the Valleys regional park project in Llyn Llech Owain in Carmarthenshire, and in Parc Bryn Bach in Tredegar, as well as a community-focused co-working space in the Rhondda Housing Association offices in the centre of Tonypandy. And, on top of that, Transport for Wales will be trialling using the space in their new offices in Pontypridd for other people who don't work for them to trial co-working.
So, we'll be using these projects to monitor the appetite for and the feasibility of working locally, giving people the choice and the means to work in a town centre, and this I think represents a major opportunity to support a new economic model outside of large city centres. Of course, cities will remain important, but, for areas like the South Wales Valleys that have battled 40 years of de-industrialisation—and that's true in many parts of Wales—this represents a once-in-a-generation chance to build a new model for small towns and high streets outside of the major cities. With greater and more diverse footfall, it brings with it a chance for jobs, local spend and new vibrancy to come back to these areas, which is particularly important in the context that COVID has accelerated the end of the exclusively retail-based model of our town centres. And our Transforming Towns initiative, some £900 million-worth of investment in the last six or seven years or so, shows that we are very much committed to this, and it works with the grain of much of the policy that we already wanted to achieve.
Of course, working across Government is ever relevant here, and, as was mentioned again in the debate both by David Rowlands and by Suzy Davies, the need for infrastructure to support this is crucial, and digital infrastructure in particular, as we've much rehearsed in this digital Chamber. This is not a devolved responsibility, but we are looking to see what value we can add to make sure that the co-working spaces we set up are fully digitally enabled. And I think there's a great opportunity, through our public sector broadband scheme, to try and link up to existing networks that we have created to make sure that this agenda is meaningful for as many people as possible.
So, as I say, 'choice', I think, is the important word here. We know, for the majority of the employed in Wales, this is not a choice that they are able to exercise; they're not able to work from home. So, this is for a significant minority, but a minority nonetheless, and properly managed it can bring real benefits to people—avoiding a stressful commute, having greater flexibility—to communities, by using it as an opportunity to regenerate the high street, and, of course, for the environmental benefits of cutting down on congestion and unnecessary journeys. And when we debate next week, Dirprwy Lywydd, our new Wales transport strategy, you will see that our target of 30 per cent of people working from home on an ongoing basis will be a key part of our plan to try and reduce our carbon emissions and meet our net-zero targets by 2050.
So, I would say, in conclusion, that this is a response to a crisis that has thrown up opportunities but also presented a series of challenges. We are keen to take our time to think these through, to test and pilot approaches, be acutely conscious of the equalities impacts, and try and navigate this new terrain as carefully as we can to make sure we harness the benefits and mitigate the disbenefits. Diolch.
Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod argymhellion yr adroddiad yn cyd-fynd yn fras â'r cynlluniau rydym eisoes yn eu datblygu o fewn y Llywodraeth, ac rydym yn gweithio ar gyfres o argymhellion ac adroddiad a fydd ar gael—strategaeth—ar gyfer y Llywodraeth nesaf ym mis Medi neu fis Hydref. Ac mae meddwl drwy'r holl wahanol elfennau ynddo yn waith cymhleth. Heddiw, rydym wedi cyhoeddi a chyflwyno cyfres o brosiectau peilot i geisio profi rhai o'r ymyriadau hyn. Mae hyn yn cynnwys Costigan's yn y Rhyl a HaverHub yn Hwlffordd, a nod y ddau yw annog cyflogwyr a gweithwyr i geisio gweithio ynghanol eu trefi lleol. Bydd prosiect arall yn canolbwyntio ar sut y gallwn ddefnyddio gofodau mewn cymunedau gwledig ar draws cwm Tawe.
Mae hyn yn ychwanegol at nifer o fentrau ar draws ardal tasglu'r Cymoedd, megis gofodau lle gallwn weithio wedi ein hamgylchynu gan natur fel rhan o brosiect parc rhanbarthol y Cymoedd yn Llyn Llech Owain yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, ac ym Mharc Bryn Bach yn Nhredegar, yn ogystal â gofod gweithio ar y cyd sy'n canolbwyntio ar y gymuned yn swyddfeydd Cymdeithas Tai Rhondda ynghanol Tonypandy. Ac ar ben hynny, bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn treialu'r defnydd o ofod yn eu swyddfeydd newydd ym Mhontypridd er mwyn i bobl eraill nad ydynt yn gweithio iddynt dreialu gweithio ar y cyd.
Felly, byddwn yn defnyddio'r prosiectau hyn i fonitro ymarferoldeb a'r awydd i weithio'n lleol, gan roi'r dewis a'r modd i bobl weithio yng nghanol y dref, ac rwy'n credu bod hwn yn gyfle pwysig i gefnogi model economaidd newydd y tu allan i ganol dinasoedd mawr. Wrth gwrs, bydd dinasoedd yn parhau i fod yn bwysig, ond i ardaloedd fel Cymoedd De Cymru sydd wedi brwydro yn erbyn 40 mlynedd o ddad-ddiwydiannu—ac mae hynny'n wir mewn sawl rhan o Gymru—dyma gyfle unwaith mewn cenhedlaeth i adeiladu model newydd ar gyfer trefi bach a'r stryd fawr mewn trefi y tu allan i'r dinasoedd mawr. Gyda niferoedd mwy a mwy amrywiol o ymwelwyr, daw â chyfleoedd yn ei sgil i ddenu swyddi, gwariant lleol a bywiogrwydd newydd yn ôl i'r ardaloedd hyn, sy'n arbennig o bwysig yn y cyd-destun fod COVID wedi cyflymu diwedd y model seiliedig ar fanwerthu yn unig a welwyd yn ein trefi. Ac mae ein menter Trawsnewid Trefi, buddsoddiad o tua £900 miliwn yn y chwe neu saith mlynedd ddiwethaf, yn dangos ein bod yn ymrwymedig iawn i hyn, ac mae'n gweithio gyda llawer o'r polisïau roeddem eisiau eu cyflawni eisoes.
Wrth gwrs, mae gweithio ar draws y Llywodraeth bob amser yn berthnasol yma, ac fel y crybwyllwyd eto yn y ddadl gan David Rowlands a chan Suzy Davies, mae'r angen am seilwaith i gefnogi hyn yn hollbwysig, a seilwaith digidol yn enwedig, fel rydym wedi'i ddweud sawl gwaith yn y Siambr ddigidol hon. Nid yw hyn yn gyfrifoldeb datganoledig, ond rydym yn edrych i weld pa werth y gallwn ei ychwanegu i sicrhau bod y gofodau gweithio ar y cyd a sefydlwyd gennym wedi'u galluogi'n ddigidol yn llawn. Ac rwy'n credu bod cyfle gwych, drwy ein cynllun band eang y sector cyhoeddus, i geisio cysylltu â rhwydweithiau rydym eisoes wedi'u creu i sicrhau bod yr agenda hon yn ystyrlon i gynifer o bobl â phosibl.
Felly, fel y dywedaf, 'dewis', rwy'n credu, yw'r gair pwysig yma. I'r rhan fwyaf o'r rhai a gyflogir yng Nghymru, gwyddom nad yw hwn yn ddewis y gallant ei wneud; nid ydynt yn gallu gweithio gartref. Felly, mae hwn yn fater i leiafrif sylweddol, ond lleiafrif serch hynny, a thrwy ei reoli'n briodol, gall ddod â manteision gwirioneddol i bobl—osgoi straen cymudo, cynyddu hyblygrwydd—i gymunedau, drwy ei ddefnyddio fel cyfle i adfywio'r stryd fawr, ac wrth gwrs, y manteision amgylcheddol a ddaw yn sgil cyfyngu ar dagfeydd a theithiau diangen. A phan fyddwn yn trafod ein strategaeth drafnidiaeth newydd i Gymru yr wythnos nesaf, Ddirprwy Lywydd, fe welwch fod ein targed o 30 y cant o bobl yn gweithio gartref ar sail barhaus yn rhan allweddol o'n cynllun i geisio lleihau ein hallyriadau carbon a chyrraedd ein targedau sero net erbyn 2050.
Felly, byddwn yn dweud i gloi fod hwn yn ymateb i argyfwng sydd wedi creu cyfleoedd ond sydd hefyd wedi cyflwyno cyfres o heriau. Rydym yn awyddus i gymryd ein hamser i ystyried y rhain, i brofi a threialu dulliau gweithredu, i fod yn ymwybodol iawn o'r effeithiau ar gydraddoldeb, a cheisio troedio'r tir newydd hwn mor ofalus ag y gallwn er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn harneisio'r manteision ac yn lliniaru'r anfanteision. Diolch.
Thank you. No Member has indicated they want to make an intervention. Therefore, I call on Russell George to reply to the debate. Russell.
Diolch. Nid oes yr un Aelod wedi nodi eu bod eisiau gwneud ymyriad. Felly, galwaf ar Russell George i ymateb i'r ddadl. Russell.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I was in Newtown during the lunch break today buying a light bulb, and I was in a shop with my jeans on and my trainers and a constituent recognised me, even though I had my mask on, and thought I was having a leisurely stroll and not doing my job. I said, 'No, no, I'm out buying a light bulb; I need the light bulb to go back to my office to plug in, otherwise I will be delivering my debate in the Senedd this afternoon in the dark.' It just made me think how bizarre that conversation would have been just 12 months ago.
But, look, I thank the Members for their contribution this afternoon. I was struck by something Mike Hedges said in terms of the working experiment, in the context of children being in the home as well at the moment. That won't, hopefully, be the norm, so it's difficult to know and properly capture this experience whilst we're currently in this pandemic, of course. Other things that Mike talked about: growth determined by individual decisions—absolutely. And Mike also pointing out that the change will not be painless—I think we recognise that as a committee as well.
Thank you, Suzy, for your contribution. Quite right, homeworking isn't for everyone, and I think it's quite right as well to question what kind of demand there will be for the hubs. We just don't know yet how that is going to pan out and how that's going to fit into remote working more widely. And Suzy also was pointing out that working longer hours, especially, can affect some groups of people as well, such as women, so is something as well to take into account.
I thank David Rowlands for his contribution today. I think the scope for Welsh Government to set up co-working hubs was also discussed as well, and I think there are obviously the traffic issues as well that David Rowlands rightly mentioned.
The Minister—. I thank the Deputy Minister as well. I think that you're right, Deputy Minister, there's a point that we don't go back to the bad old days. I think you're also right that the barriers that were there in the past to homeworking have perhaps been proven wrong. I agree with that. I was interested in your announcement earlier today in regard to co-working pilots—so, interesting to see the progress in that—and of course I'm pleased that you're considering the implications for town centres, which you talked about as well.
So, apart from that, Deputy Llywydd, I would like to say that this is the last committee debate that I shall lead, so, like Kirsty Williams said earlier it was her dream job, I've felt like it's my dream job. I've really enjoyed chairing this committee and we've hit on reports on issues that I've really been passionate about and taken an interest in previously, so I've really enjoyed my time as the Chair of this committee.
But, finally, to thank the clerking team and the wider integrated team for their support—huge support from them—and we're indebted to them as Members, so thank you to them; I'd like to put that on the record. Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Roeddwn yn y Drenewydd yn ystod amser cinio heddiw yn prynu bwlb golau, ac roeddwn mewn siop yn gwisgo jîns a fy esgidiau ymarfer a dyma etholwr yn fy adnabod er fy mod yn gwisgo masg, a meddwl fy mod yn mynd am dro hamddenol yn hytrach na gwneud fy ngwaith. Dywedais, 'Na, na, rwyf allan yn prynu bwlb golau; rwyf angen y bwlb golau ar gyfer fy swyddfa, neu fel arall byddaf yn cyflwyno fy nadl yn y Senedd y prynhawn yma yn y tywyllwch.' Fe wnaeth imi feddwl pa mor rhyfedd y byddai'r sgwrs honno wedi bod cwta 12 mis yn ôl.
Ond edrychwch, diolch i'r Aelodau am eu cyfraniad y prynhawn yma. Fe'm trawyd gan rywbeth a ddywedodd Mike Hedges am yr arbrawf gweithio, yn y cyd-destun fod plant gartref hefyd ar hyn o bryd. Nid dyna fydd y norm, gobeithio, felly mae'n anodd gwybod ac asesu'r profiad yn briodol tra byddwn ynghanol y pandemig wrth gwrs. Pethau eraill y soniodd Mike amdanynt: fod cynnydd i'w bennu gan benderfyniadau unigol—yn hollol. A dywedodd Mike hefyd na fydd y newid yn ddi-boen—credaf ein bod ni'n cydnabod hynny fel pwyllgor hefyd.
Diolch, Suzy, am eich cyfraniad. Rydych yn hollol gywir, nid yw gweithio gartref yn gweddu i bawb, ac rwyf hefyd yn credu ei bod yn hollol gywir inni gwestiynu pa fath o alw a fydd am yr hybiau. Nid ydym yn gwybod eto sut y bydd hynny'n gweithio na sut y bydd yn cyd-fynd â gweithio o bell yn ehangach. Ac roedd Suzy hefyd yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith y gall gweithio oriau hirach, yn enwedig, effeithio ar rai grwpiau o bobl hefyd, megis menywod, felly mae hynny'n rhywbeth i'w ystyried hefyd.
Diolch i David Rowlands am ei gyfraniad heddiw. Rwy'n credu bod y cyfle i Lywodraeth Cymru sefydlu hybiau gweithio ar y cyd wedi cael ei drafod hefyd, ac yn amlwg, rwy'n credu bod yna broblemau o ran traffig y soniodd David Rowlands amdanynt yn briodol hefyd.
Y Gweinidog—. Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog hefyd. Rwy'n credu eich bod yn iawn, Ddirprwy Weinidog, mae yna bwynt na ddylem ddychwelyd at yr hen ddyddiau gwael. Rwy'n credu eich bod hefyd yn iawn fod y rhwystrau a oedd yno yn y gorffennol i weithio gartref wedi'u profi'n anghywir o bosibl. Rwy'n cytuno â hynny. Roedd gennyf ddiddordeb yn eich cyhoeddiad yn gynharach heddiw ar gynlluniau peilot ar gyfer gweithio ar y cyd—felly, mae'n ddiddorol gweld y cynnydd yn hynny o beth—ac wrth gwrs rwy'n falch eich bod yn ystyried y goblygiadau ar gyfer canol trefi, y sonioch chi amdanynt hefyd.
Felly, ar wahân i hynny, Ddirprwy Lywydd, hoffwn ddweud mai hon yw'r ddadl bwyllgor olaf y byddaf yn ei harwain, felly, fel y dywedodd Kirsty Williams yn gynharach am ei swydd ddelfrydol, rwyf wedi teimlo mai hon yw fy swydd ddelfrydol i. Rwyf wedi mwynhau cadeirio'r pwyllgor hwn yn fawr ac rydym wedi llunio adroddiadau ar faterion rwyf wedi teimlo'n angerddol yn eu cylch ac wedi bod â diddordeb ynddynt yn flaenorol, felly rwyf wedi mwynhau fy amser fel Cadeirydd y pwyllgor hwn yn fawr.
Ond yn olaf, diolch i'r tîm clercio a'r tîm integredig ehangach am eu cymorth—cymorth enfawr ganddynt—ac rydym yn ddyledus iddynt fel Aelodau, felly diolch iddynt; hoffwn gofnodi hynny. Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Thank you very much. The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. No, I don't see objections. Therefore, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Y cynnig yw nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na. Na, nid wyf yn gweld gwrthwynebiadau. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Item 8 on the agenda this afternoon is the debate on petition P-05-1056, 'Give Local Authorities powers to control the housing market in rural and tourist areas of Wales', and I call on the Chair of the Petitions Committee to move the motion—Janet Finch-Saunders.
Eitem 8 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw'r ddadl ar ddeiseb P-05-1056, 'Rhowch rymoedd i Awdurdodau Lleol reoli'r farchnad dai yn ardaloedd gwledig a thwristaidd Cymru', a galwaf ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau i gyflwyno'r cynnig—Janet Finch-Saunders.
Cynnig NDM7652 Janet Finch-Saunders
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi’r ddeiseb P-05-1056 'Rhowch rymoedd i Awdurdodau Lleol reoli'r farchnad dai yn ardaloedd gwledig a thwristaidd Cymru' a gasglodd 5,386 o lofnodion.
Motion NDM7652 Janet Finch-Saunders
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the petition P-05-1056 'Give Local Authorities powers to control the housing market in rural and tourist areas of Wales', which received 5,386 signatures.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I am pleased to open this debate on behalf of the Petitions Committee. This petition was submitted by Osian Jones on behalf of Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, having collected 5,386 signatures. It raises an issue of significant concern in many communities across Wales: the availability of housing at prices affordable to local people, particularly for young people who are seeking to find a property in the same community in which they have grown up. The petitioners state that the context behind this petition as being the numbers of second and holiday homes in many rural and tourist areas of Wales, which has the effect of both reducing the available housing stock and increasing house prices.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n falch o agor y ddadl hon ar ran y Pwyllgor Deisebau. Cyflwynwyd y ddeiseb hon gan Osian Jones ar ran Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, ar ôl casglu 5,386 o lofnodion. Mae'n codi mater sy'n peri pryder sylweddol mewn llawer o gymunedau ledled Cymru: argaeledd tai am brisiau sy'n fforddiadwy i bobl leol, yn enwedig i bobl ifanc sy'n ceisio dod o hyd i eiddo yn y gymuned y maent wedi'u magu ynddi. Dywed y deisebwyr mai'r cyd-destun i'r ddeiseb hon yw nifer yr ail gartrefi a chartrefi gwyliau mewn llawer o ardaloedd gwledig a thwristaidd yng Nghymru, sy'n lleihau'r stoc dai sydd ar gael ac yn codi prisiau tai.
This is an issue of very real concern in many communities, and one that I know has been frequently discussed within the Senedd. The petitioners point out that this is a particularly chronic problem in some places due to the level of inequality between local incomes, especially amongst those looking to buy a first home, and the financial means of people seeking to purchase second homes, holiday homes or to make property investments. Whilst this is a long-term trend, the petitioners contend that several factors have recently exacerbated the issue. These include the growth of Airbnb and similar services, as well as more recent changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The shift to more widespread homeworking seems likely to have lasting effects, including, as we heard in the previous debate, a long-term shift in the numbers of people working remotely.
The petitioners point to examples of villages such as Abersoch in Gwynedd, where so many properties are now holiday homes or second homes that it is having knock-on impacts on the sustainability of schools and other public services. They also express concern about the impact that these changes will have on the Welsh language, the character and sustainability of communities, particularly outside of the holiday season.
I want to stress that the petitioners accept that this is not a simple issue to address; they have told the Petitions Committee that they understand that there are no quick or straightforward fixes to these concerns. In their detailed correspondence to the committee, they have acknowledged that the end of this Senedd term is fast approaching and that many of their demands would require consultation and scrutiny before they could be enacted. The Minister for Housing and Local Government has made similar points in her own responses to the petition.
However, the petitioners stress that there is a sense of urgency required in starting to address these issues. They have outlined action they believe to be necessary in the short and long term. In the longer term, they are calling for legislative reform—a property Act for Wales—that would provide for community control over the housing market via local authorities. In the meantime, they call for meaningful discussions with local authorities with the aim of preparing for this and to share good practice. The petitioners cite the Simple Lettings scheme in Carmarthenshire as one of those.
The Minister has also referred to examples, such as some councils making full use of the power to levy council tax premiums on second homes, for example, Pembrokeshire County Council, which has used proceeds to support community land trusts. However, due to their view of the urgency of the situation, the petitioners argue that further immediate action is required. They welcome the increase in the rate of land transaction tax for second homes, but question why it is only 1 per cent. They call for reform to the rules for registering second homes as commercial properties, such as by increasing the number of days in which they must be let, to enable more councils to levy a council tax premium without losing revenue. And finally, they call for the Government to issue urgent advice to local authorities around the local development plan process to emphasise their rights to designate protections in certain communities or to use local ownership clauses.
I'd like to note several recent statements and other work by the Welsh Government on this issue that seek to acknowledge that there is a problem that exists. The Petitions Committee has considered a written statement issued by the Minister that sets a direction of travel, as well as a recent report by Dr Simon Brooks of Swansea University, which scrutinises existing policy on second homes. I have also referred previously to changes to land transaction tax and council tax premiums. The main contention made by the petitioners is that, as welcome as these steps are, they do not go far enough. They are calling for the Government to do more to indicate its desire to tackle this problem, and to help to ensure that people can afford a home within their own community.
To conclude, I think we would all acknowledge that the issues raised by this petition will not be solved through one simple solution. However, I believe that the petitioners have proposed some practical steps to consider, and I hope that this debate can be a step forward towards further consideration of what else can be done. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae hwn yn fater o bryder gwirioneddol mewn llawer o gymunedau, ac yn un y gwn ei fod wedi cael ei drafod yn aml yn y Senedd. Mae'r deisebwyr yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod hon yn broblem arbennig o gronig mewn rhai mannau oherwydd lefel yr anghydraddoldeb rhwng incwm lleol, yn enwedig ymhlith y rhai sy'n dymuno prynu cartref cyntaf, a gallu ariannol pobl sy'n ceisio prynu ail gartrefi, cartrefi gwyliau neu fuddsoddi mewn eiddo. Er bod hon yn duedd hirdymor, mae'r deisebwyr yn honni bod sawl ffactor wedi gwaethygu'r broblem yn ddiweddar. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys twf Airbnb a gwasanaethau tebyg, yn ogystal â newidiadau mwy diweddar a achoswyd gan bandemig COVID-19. Mae'n ymddangos bod y newid i weithio gartref ar raddfa fwy eang yn debygol o gael effeithiau parhaol, gan gynnwys, fel y clywsom yn y ddadl flaenorol, newid hirdymor yn nifer y bobl sy'n gweithio o bell.
Mae'r deisebwyr yn cyfeirio at enghreifftiau o bentrefi fel Abersoch yng Ngwynedd, lle mae cymaint o eiddo bellach yn gartrefi gwyliau neu'n ail gartrefi fel ei fod yn cael sgil-effeithiau ar gynaliadwyedd ysgolion a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill. Maent hefyd yn mynegi pryder am yr effaith y bydd y newidiadau hyn yn ei chael ar y Gymraeg, a chymeriad a chynaliadwyedd cymunedau, yn enwedig oddi allan i'r tymor gwyliau.
Hoffwn bwysleisio bod y deisebwyr yn derbyn nad yw hwn yn fater syml i fynd i'r afael ag ef; maent wedi dweud wrth y Pwyllgor Deisebau eu bod yn deall nad oes atebion cyflym na syml i'r pryderon hyn. Yn eu gohebiaeth fanwl â'r pwyllgor, maent wedi cydnabod bod diwedd tymor y Senedd hon yn prysur agosáu ac y byddai angen ymgynghori a chraffu ar lawer o'u gofynion cyn y gellid eu gweithredu. Mae'r Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol wedi gwneud pwyntiau tebyg yn ei hymatebion ei hun i'r ddeiseb.
Fodd bynnag, mae'r deisebwyr yn pwysleisio bod angen ymdeimlad o frys i ddechrau mynd i'r afael â'r problemau hyn. Maent wedi amlinellu'r camau y credant eu bod yn angenrheidiol yn y tymor byr ac yn hirdymor. Yn hirdymor, maent yn galw am ddiwygio deddfwriaethol—Deddf eiddo i Gymru—a fyddai'n darparu rheolaeth gymunedol ar y farchnad dai drwy gyfrwng yr awdurdodau lleol. Yn y cyfamser, maent yn galw am drafodaethau ystyrlon gydag awdurdodau lleol gyda'r nod o baratoi ar gyfer hyn ac i rannu arferion da. Mae'r deisebwyr yn cyfeirio at gynllun Simple Lettings yn Sir Gaerfyrddin fel un o'r rheini.
Mae'r Gweinidog hefyd wedi cyfeirio at enghreifftiau, megis y ffordd y mae rhai cynghorau'n gwneud defnydd llawn o'r pŵer i godi premiymau'r dreth gyngor ar ail gartrefi, er enghraifft, Cyngor Sir Penfro, sydd wedi defnyddio'r enillion i gefnogi ymddiriedolaethau tir cymunedol. Fodd bynnag, oherwydd eu barn am frys y sefyllfa, mae'r deisebwyr yn dadlau bod angen cymryd camau pellach ar unwaith. Maent yn croesawu'r cynnydd yng nghyfradd y dreth trafodiadau tir ar gyfer ail gartrefi, ond yn cwestiynu pam nad yw'n fwy nag 1 y cant. Maent yn galw am ddiwygio'r rheolau ar gyfer cofrestru ail gartrefi fel eiddo masnachol, megis drwy gynyddu nifer y diwrnodau y mae'n rhaid eu gosod, er mwyn galluogi mwy o gynghorau i godi premiwm y dreth gyngor heb golli refeniw. Ac yn olaf, maent yn galw ar y Llywodraeth i roi cyngor brys i awdurdodau lleol ynghylch proses y cynllun datblygu lleol er mwyn pwysleisio eu hawliau i bennu amddiffyniadau mewn rhai cymunedau neu i ddefnyddio cymalau perchnogaeth leol.
Hoffwn nodi nifer o ddatganiadau diweddar a gwaith arall gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar y mater hwn sy'n ceisio cydnabod bod problem yn bodoli. Mae'r Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi ystyried datganiad ysgrifenedig a gyhoeddwyd gan y Gweinidog sy'n pennu cyfeiriad teithio, yn ogystal ag adroddiad diweddar gan Dr Simon Brooks o Brifysgol Abertawe, sy'n craffu ar bolisi presennol ar ail gartrefi. Rwyf hefyd wedi cyfeirio o'r blaen at newidiadau i'r dreth trafodiadau tir a phremiymau'r dreth gyngor. Y brif ddadl a wneir gan y deisebwyr yw nad yw'r camau hyn yn mynd yn ddigon pell er gwaethaf y croeso sydd iddynt. Maent yn galw ar y Llywodraeth i wneud mwy i ddangos ei hawydd i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem hon, ac i helpu i sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu fforddio cartref yn eu cymuned eu hunain.
I gloi, credaf y byddem i gyd yn cydnabod na fydd modd datrys y problemau sy'n cael sylw yn y ddeiseb hon drwy un ateb syml. Fodd bynnag, credaf fod y deisebwyr wedi argymell camau ymarferol i'w hystyried, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gall y ddadl hon fod yn gam ymlaen tuag at ystyriaeth bellach o beth arall y gellir ei wneud. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae'r sefyllfa ail gartrefi mewn rhai mannau o Gymru yn argyfyngus. Mae hon yn ddadl rŷn ni wedi dod gerbron y Senedd ar gymaint o achlysuron dros y blynyddoedd a misoedd diwethaf, ac mae'r sefyllfa yn un sydd yn gwaethygu. Hyd yn hyn, yn rhy aml, ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru ydy dweud bod angen mwy o ymchwil. Wel, mae hen ddigon o ymchwil wedi digwydd erbyn hyn nes ein bod yn mynd bron yn flinedig. Heb os, y prawf cliriaf o'r angen i weithredu ydy'r dystiolaeth ar lawr gwlad ac effaith ddinistriol problem sydd heb ei daclo yn rhy hir. Mae'r prawf yn y 5,000 o bobl sydd wedi arwyddo'r ddeiseb yma sydd yn gwybod yn iawn beth yw realiti y sefyllfa, a'r prawf ydy pobl sydd ddim yn gallu fforddio tai yn eu cymunedau nhw eu hunain. Dirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n cynrychioli Dwyrain De Cymru yn y Senedd hon, ac mae hon yn broblem ar gyfer trigolion fy ardal i hefyd. Dydw i ddim yn derbyn nad problem Cymru gyfan ydy hon. Mae gorddefnydd, di-reolaeth o ail gartrefi yn effeithio ar gymunedau ledled Cymru. Symptom o wladwriaeth sy'n sylfaenol anghyfartal ydy hwn, ac mae Cymru yn gaeth i'r broblem.
Dydyn ni ddim yn disgwyl i'r Ceidwadwyr gytuno, ond fe ddylai unrhyw Lywodraeth sosialaidd wybod bod sefyllfa lle mae 67,000 o bobl ar restr aros am dŷ, tra bod eraill yn gallu fforddio sawl tŷ, ddim yn iawn. Dylai hyn ein hysgogi ni i gyd i wneud rhywbeth ar frys, dim mwy o ymchwil. Beth sy'n syfrdanol yw nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru, er gwaetha'r geiriau cynnes rŷn ni wedi'u cael—dŷn nhw ddim wedi rhoi unrhyw arwydd clir o'r datrysiadau y byddan nhw'n eu rhoi ar waith. Mae gennym ni lawer o argymhellion, a chytunwn gyda deisebwr y ddeiseb hon bod yn rhaid rhoi rhagor o rymoedd i'n hawdurdodau lleol ym maes cynllunio—mae hynny'n rhywbeth allweddol—fel y mae Cyngor Gwynedd a sawl awdurdod lleol arall o dan arweiniad Plaid Cymru yn eu gwneud.
Ond gwaith Llywodraeth ydy gweithredu argymhellion a chreu newid, ac mae gan ddarpar-Lywodraeth Plaid Cymru gyfan gynllun gweithredu cynhwysfawr, wedi ei gyhoeddi ym mis Medi y llynedd, yn barod i fynd ar ôl yr etholiad ym mis Mai. Mae hynny'n cynnwys newid dosbarthiadau defnydd cynllunio, ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gael caniatâd cynllunio cyn trosi tŷ annedd yn ail gartref, dyblu'r premiwm ail gartrefi eto, a chau'r bylchau yn y gyfraith sy'n caniatáu i rai beidio talu'r un geiniog o dreth ar rai ail gartrefi, a dod â thai o fewn cyrraedd pobl leol. Aros fyddwn ni i'r Blaid Lafur wneud rhywbeth, unrhyw beth cadarnhaol am y peth, felly mae'n rhaid pleidleisio dros newid mewn Llywodraeth ym mis Mai. Allwn ni ddim aros i San Steffan rannu cyfoeth yn deg a chreu gwlad fwy cydradd. Dyw e ddim am ddigwydd.
Mae angen newid yn y ffordd rŷn ni'n ystyried tai, buaswn i'n ei ddweud, i gloi, Dirprwy Lywydd. Nid llefydd ydyn nhw. Nid adeiladau gwag. Nid buddsoddiad. Lloches ydy tŷ. Lle i atgyfnerthu cymunedau. Fe ymddengys taw dim ond un blaid sydd eisiau gwireddau dyheadau pobl am aros yn eu cymunedau, a Phlaid Cymru ydy'r blaid honno.
The second-home situation in some parts of Wales is critical and this is a debate that we’ve brought to the Senedd on so many occasions over the past few months and years, and the situation is getting worse. Too often, the Welsh Government’s response is to say that more research is required. Well, there has been plenty of research undertaken, so much so that it’s almost become tiresome. The clearest proof of the need for action is the evidence on the ground and the critical impact of a problem that’s been left too long untackled. The 5,000 and more people who have signed this petition know the reality of the situation and that is that people can’t afford homes in their own communities. Deputy Presiding Officer, I represent South Wales East in this Senedd, and this is a problem for residents in my area too. I don’t accept that this isn’t an all-Wales problem. The over-use and unregulated use of second homes is having an impact on communities across Wales. It's a symptom of a state that is fundamentally unequal, and Wales is tied to this problem.
We don't expect the Conservatives to agree, but any socialist Government should understand that a situation where 67,000 people are on housing waiting lists while others can afford a number of homes is not right. And this should encourage us all to do something as a matter of urgency. We shouldn't wait for more research. What’s shocking is that the Welsh Government, despite the warm words that we’ve heard, haven’t given any clear signal of the solutions that they would put in place. We have a number of recommendations and we agree with the petitioners that more powers must be provided to our local authorities in planning—that is a key issue—as Gwynedd Council and a number of other local authorities led by Plaid Cymru are currently doing.
But it's the work of Government to implement recommendations and to generate change, and a Plaid Cymru Government has a comprehensive plan that we published in September of last year, and it’s ready to go after the election in May. This includes changing the classification of planning use, making it a requirement to have planning consent before turning a home into a second home, doubling the council tax premium again, and closing the loopholes in the law that allow some not to pay any tax at all on some second homes, and bringing houses back within reach of local people. We will be just waiting for the Labour Party to do something, anything positive to resolve this issue, so you have to vote for a change in Government in May. We can't wait for Westminster to share wealth equally and create an equal nation. That's not going to happen.
We need a change in the way we consider housing, Deputy Presiding Officer. They are not places. They are not empty buildings. They are not an investment. A house is a shelter that should strengthen communities. It appears that there's only one party that would want to actually deliver people's aspirations of staying in their communities, and that party is Plaid Cymru.
Diolch yn fawr i Osian Jones a Chymdeithas yr Iaith am drefnu'r ddeiseb ac i bawb ddaru ei llofnodi hi. Mae sicrhau tai addas yn y llefydd iawn ar gyfer pobl leol yn allweddol. Yng Ngwynedd ar hyn o bryd, mae yna tua 160 o unigolion, sy'n gyplau ac yn deuluoedd hefyd, wedi eu lleoli mewn llety dros dro anaddas am nad oes ganddyn nhw ddim cartref iawn. Mae dros 2,000 o drigolion Gwynedd wedi cofrestru cais am dŷ cymdeithasol. Mae'r amser cyfartalog sydd angen ei ddisgwyl cyn cael tŷ cymdeithasol yn gyson dros 400 diwrnod. Mae llawer iawn o fy ngwaith achos i yn ymwneud â phobl leol yn byw mewn tai a fflatiau anaddas a thamp, mewn tai lle mae yno ormod o bobl, teuluoedd ifanc yn gorfod rhannu cartrefi eu rhieni, a rhai, wrth gwrs, ar y stryd.
Ochr arall y geiniog ydy tai moethus sy'n wag am rannau helaeth o'r flwyddyn. Mae'r stoc tai lleol yn crebachu wrth i eiddo gael ei brynu fel ail gartrefi neu ar gyfer llety gwyliau byr. Yng Ngwynedd erbyn hyn, mae yna 7,000 o ail gartrefi neu lety gwyliau yn y sir—11 y cant o'r stoc. Ar gyfartaledd, pris tŷ yng Ngwynedd yw £155,000. Gydag incwm cyfartalog o £26,000, y gymhareb fforddiadwyedd incwm i brisiau tai yn y sir yw 5.9:1. Mae hyn yn golygu, ar gyfartaledd, fod 60 y cant o bobl leol yn cael eu prisio allan o'r farchnad dai.
Mae gan Blaid Cymru set o fesurau pwrpasol fyddai'n dechrau mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng tai. Mae nifer o fudiadau, gan gynnwys Cymdeithas yr Iaith, yn cyfeirio at fesurau priodol y gellid eu rhoi ar waith. Mae Simon Brooks hefyd wedi sôn am y math o bolisïau sydd angen eu rhoi ar waith. Mae yna gonsensws bod angen diwygiadau i bolisi a deddfwriaeth cyllid a diwygiadau i bolisi cynllunio, ond beth sydd yn gynyddol amlwg ydy mai dim ond un plaid sydd yn bwriadu gweithredu ar y polisïau yma. Geiriau gwag sydd yn dod gan Weinidogion Llafur. Mae'r broblem yn gymhleth, medden nhw. Wel, dydy'r ffaith bod rhywbeth yn gymhleth ddim yn esgus digon da dros beidio â gweithredu dros gymunedau.
Mae cynllun tai uchelgeisiol Cyngor Gwynedd yn dangos beth sy'n bosib dan arweiniad Plaid Cymru wrth i'r cyngor fwrw ati i greu stoc newydd o dai ar gyfer pobl y sir, efo premiwm yr ail gartrefi newydd yn cyfrannu at dalu am y cynllun yma. Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith yn dweud hyn: 'Nid yw'r farchnad agored yn gweithio er budd cymunedau Cymru, a dyma sydd wrth wraidd yr argyfwng. Yr unig fodd y gallwn ddatrys y broblem, mewn gwirionedd, fydd drwy ddeddfu i drawsnewid polisi tai fel ei fod yn blaenoriaethu cartrefi nid cyfalaf.' Cymdeithas yr Iaith sydd yn dweud hynny, a dwi'n cytuno.
I'd like to thank Osian Jones and Cymdeithas yr Iaith for arranging this petition and everyone who signed the petition. Ensuring appropriate housing in the right places for local people is crucially important. In Gwynedd at the moment there are around 160 individuals, couples and families too, who have been placed in temporary accommodation, which is inappropriate, because they don’t have a proper home. Over 2,000 Gwynedd residents have registered an application for social housing. The average waiting time before social housing is provided is consistently over 400 days. Much of my casework relates to young people living in inappropriate and damp homes and flats, in homes where there are too many people, young families having to share their parents' home, and some, of course, living on the street.
The other side of the coin is luxurious homes that are empty for large parts of the year. The local housing stock is shrinking as property is purchased as second homes or for holiday accommodation. In Gwynedd now, there are 7,000 second homes or holiday accommodation in the county—that's 11 per cent of all stock. The average house price in Gwynedd is £155,000. With the average income being £26,000, then the income affordability comparison is 5.9:1. Now, this means, on average, that 60 per cent of local people are priced out of the housing market.
Plaid Cymru has a set of meaningful steps that would start to tackle the housing crisis. A number of organisations, including Cymdeithas yr Iaith, make reference to appropriate steps that could be put in place. Simon Brooks has also talked about the kinds of policies that we need to see implemented. There is consensus that reform to policy and finance legislation is required, and reform to planning legislation too. But what's becoming increasingly obvious is that only one party intends to take action on these policies. We hear only empty rhetoric from Labour Ministers. The problem is complex, they say. Well, the fact that something is complex isn't an adequate excuse for not taking action for our communities.
The ambitious housing plan of Gwynedd Council shows what's possible under Plaid Cymru leadership, as the council generates new housing stock for people living in the county, with the new second-home premium contributing to paying for this plan. Cymdeithas yr Iaith say this: 'The open market doesn't work for the benefit of Welsh communities, and this is what's at the heart of this crisis. The only way we can resolve the problem meaningfully will be through legislating to transform housing policy so that it prioritises homes, not capital.' Those are the words of Cymdeithas yr Iaith, and I agree.
The Member does need to wind up now or she's going to preclude other Members from speaking.
Mae angen i'r Aelod ddirwyn i ben yn awr neu fe fydd hi'n atal Aelodau eraill rhag siarad.
Dwi yn dod i ben, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae yna fesurau y gellid eu rhoi ar waith yfory nesaf, efo'r ewyllys—
Yes, I am drawing my comments to a close, Deputy Llywydd. There are measures that could be put in place tomorrow, with the will—
No, no, you're way over debate, so if you can just finish with one very, very quick sentence, please.
Na, na, rydych chi ymhell dros yr amser, felly os gallwch orffen gydag un frawddeg gyflym iawn, os gwelwch yn dda.
Yr ewyllys sydd ar goll ac, yn y cyfamser, mae'r argyfwng tai yn dwysáu a'n cymunedau ni yn gwegian.
It's the will that's missing and, in the meantime, the housing crisis is intensifying and our communities are creaking.
Thank you. Mark Reckless.
Diolch. Mark Reckless.
Thank you, and I thank the Chair for the introduction of the debate. I certainly think, with the Chair's backdrop, she's doing quite a lot to promote living in tourist areas of Wales. I'm not sure whether that's for second homes or main homes, but she also gave, I thought, a very good description of the petition, which is more nuanced than I'd appreciated from reading the shorter written description that we had. Siân spoke just now about the particular circumstances in Gwynedd and referred to a house-to-price earnings ratio of 5.9, but the average for the UK as a whole is 8. We heard from Delyth about particular difficulties with second homes and holiday homes in south-east Wales that we both represent, but looking at the official data, there's actually a very small number of wards where there is high incidence of that ownership in our region.
And I would say, if you're looking at rural areas, there's been an issue, really, across large swathes of Europe for at least a century in terms of rural depopulation, and some of those areas have seen increasing levels of second-home ownership, partly because some people leave those areas but retain a property there, while also living elsewhere. And I think there's a lot of scapegoating of second-home owners, and we've seen some of that during the COVID crisis. But here also, the wording of the written petition says that people are being priced out because of all these second-home owners coming in. I'm sure that there are some particular localised areas where that does happen, and I think social housing, for rent and shared ownership, where people have to have it as a main residence, is one way of mitigating that. But there is a broader range of issues. The idea that somehow local authorities are going to be able to control the housing market following urgent discussions with the Welsh Government, I think, is probably unrealistic. A whole range of economic influences happen over the housing market, and local government and others influence that market through a range of ways. In Gwynedd, the example given, where I think most of the petitioners are from, a lot of people say that, yes, they'd like to keep their main residence, that they've grown up there, but, actually, it's the dearth of employment opportunities that, in many cases, lead people to leave the area, and then some of those houses are then taken up by second-home owners.
Similarly, in Gwynedd, there's an education policy in terms of the Welsh language where there's 100 mainstream schools, and it says they're all bilingual, but, actually, when they say bilingual, that's how they style it; elsewhere in Wales I think we would call those Welsh-medium schools. In addition, they have this policy of people not having English lessons until they're aged seven or eight. And if you're in that area and there are a lot of Welsh language essential jobs elsewhere in Wales, then disproportionately people who are learning Welsh in those areas through that schooling—perhaps a higher number of those may move to take those Welsh-essential jobs elsewhere. Similarly, if you've got people who want English-medium education for their children, and are unable to get it in Gwynedd—they've got their main residence there and they learnt through English themselves—some of those people, then, move away, and no longer have a main residence there, and some of those homes again are taken up by second-home owners. Other people, who are moving in perhaps from an urban area elsewhere, over time, may be looking to move there permanently, but in some cases won't move there permanently as a main residence until their children have finished school, because it is quite a hurdle for people to get over for their children to have to learn through the medium of Welsh. And I know there are five Welsh language centres where people go for two to three months of immersion, but that doesn't function over year 9, and many people may choose not to do that.
So, I think Gwynedd council and others also need to look at their policies and the impact that has—although I'd like to be clear in Abolish that we do believe that local authorities should be able to determine their policies for Welsh language in school, and we do think there should be funding for free schools to give people and parents a choice if they wish to make a different decision. But I think this is a complex area. I wish the petitioners well, but I don't believe it's right to scapegoat second home owners, and I'm sceptical that the situations they're worried about will be resolved by the policies proposed.
Diolch, a diolch i'r Cadeirydd am gyflwyno'r ddadl. Rwy'n sicr yn meddwl, gyda chefndir y Cadeirydd, ei bod yn gwneud cryn dipyn i hyrwyddo byw mewn ardaloedd twristaidd yng Nghymru. Nid wyf yn siŵr a yw hynny ar gyfer ail gartrefi neu brif gartrefi, ond rhoddodd ddisgrifiad da iawn o'r ddeiseb hefyd yn fy marn i, sy'n fwy manwl nag a ddeallais o ddarllen y disgrifiad ysgrifenedig byrrach a gawsom. Siaradodd Siân yn awr am yr amgylchiadau penodol yng Ngwynedd a chyfeiriodd at gymhareb enillion a phrisiau tai o 5.9, ond y cyfartaledd ar gyfer y DU gyfan yw 8. Clywsom gan Delyth am anawsterau penodol gydag ail gartrefi a chartrefi gwyliau yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru a gynrychiolir gan y ddau ohonom, ond o edrych ar y data swyddogol, dim ond mewn nifer fach iawn o wardiau y ceir y berchnogaeth honno ar raddfa fawr yn ein rhanbarth.
Ac os edrychwch ar ardaloedd gwledig, byddwn yn dweud bod problem wedi bod ar draws rhannau helaeth o Ewrop mewn gwirionedd ers o leiaf ganrif o ran diboblogi gwledig, ac mae rhai o'r ardaloedd hynny wedi gweld lefelau cynyddol o berchnogaeth ail gartref, yn rhannol am fod rhai pobl yn gadael yr ardaloedd ond yn cadw eiddo yno, tra'n byw mewn mannau eraill hefyd. Ac rwy'n credu bod llawer o berchnogion ail gartrefi'n cael eu gwneud yn fychod dihangol, ac rydym wedi gweld rhywfaint o hynny yn ystod argyfwng COVID. Ond yma hefyd, mae geiriad y ddeiseb ysgrifenedig yn dweud bod prisiau y tu hwnt i gyrraedd pobl oherwydd bod yr holl berchnogion ail gartref hyn yn dod i mewn. Rwy'n siŵr bod hynny'n digwydd mewn rhai ardaloedd lleol penodol, ac rwy'n credu bod tai cymdeithasol, wedi'u gosod ar rent a rhanberchenogaeth, lle mae'n rhaid iddynt fod yn brif breswylfa, yn un ffordd o liniaru hynny. Ond mae ystod ehangach o faterion yn codi. Mae'n debyg bod y syniad y bydd awdurdodau lleol rywsut yn gallu rheoli'r farchnad dai yn dilyn trafodaethau brys gyda Llywodraeth Cymru yn afrealistig. Mae ystod eang o ddylanwadau economaidd yn digwydd ar y farchnad dai, ac mae llywodraeth leol ac eraill yn dylanwadu ar y farchnad honno mewn amrywiaeth o ffyrdd. Yng Ngwynedd, yr enghraifft a roddwyd, lle rwy'n credu bod y rhan fwyaf o'r deisebwyr yn byw, mae llawer o bobl yn dweud yr hoffent gadw eu prif breswylfa, eu bod wedi tyfu i fyny yno, ond mewn gwirionedd, prinder cyfleoedd cyflogaeth sy'n arwain pobl, mewn llawer o achosion, i adael yr ardal, ac yna mae rhai o'r tai hynny wedyn yn cael eu prynu gan berchnogion ail gartrefi.
Yn yr un modd, yng Ngwynedd, ceir polisi addysg Gymraeg lle ceir 100 o ysgolion prif ffrwd, ac mae'n dweud eu bod i gyd yn ddwyieithog, ond mewn gwirionedd, pan fyddant yn dweud dwyieithog, dyna sut y maent yn ei ddisgrifio; mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru credaf y byddem yn galw'r rheini'n ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg. Yn ogystal, mae ganddynt bolisi o beidio â rhoi gwersi Saesneg i bobl nes eu bod yn saith neu wyth oed. Ac os ydych yn yr ardal honno a bod llawer o swyddi lle mae'r Gymraeg yn hanfodol mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru, yna i raddau anghymesur bydd pobl sy'n dysgu Cymraeg yn yr ardaloedd hynny drwy'r ysgolion hynny—efallai y bydd nifer uwch o'r rheini'n symud i gymryd y swyddi hynny lle mae'r Gymraeg yn hanfodol mewn mannau eraill. Yn yr un modd, os oes gennych bobl sydd am gael addysg cyfrwng Saesneg i'w plant, ac nad ydynt yn gallu ei chael yng Ngwynedd—mae ganddynt eu prif breswylfa yno a chawsant eu dysgu drwy'r Saesneg eu hunain—bydd rhai o'r bobl hynny wedyn yn symud oddi yno, ac ni fydd ganddynt brif breswylfa yno mwyach, ac mae rhai o'r cartrefi hynny unwaith eto'n cael eu prynu gan berchnogion ail gartrefi. Bydd pobl eraill, sydd efallai'n symud i mewn o ardal drefol mewn mannau eraill, dros amser, yn awyddus i symud yno'n barhaol, ond mewn rhai achosion ni fyddant yn symud yno'n barhaol fel prif breswylfa nes bod eu plant wedi gorffen yr ysgol, oherwydd mae'n dipyn o rwystr i bobl ei oresgyn i'w plant orfod dysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Ac rwy'n gwybod bod yna bum canolfan iaith Gymraeg lle mae pobl yn mynd am ddau i dri mis o drochi, ond nid yw hynny'n gweithio wedi blwyddyn 9, ac efallai y bydd llawer o bobl yn dewis peidio â gwneud hynny.
Felly, rwy'n credu bod angen i gyngor Gwynedd ac eraill hefyd edrych ar eu polisïau a'r effaith y maent yn ei chael—er yr hoffwn fod yn glir yn Diddymu ein bod yn credu y dylai awdurdodau lleol allu penderfynu ar eu polisïau ar gyfer y Gymraeg yn yr ysgol, ac rydym yn credu y dylid cael cyllid ar gyfer ysgolion rhydd i roi dewis i bobl a rhieni os ydynt yn dymuno gwneud penderfyniad gwahanol. Ond rwy'n credu bod hwn yn faes cymhleth. Rwy'n dymuno'n dda i'r deisebwyr, ond nid wyf yn credu ei bod yn iawn inni wneud perchnogion ail gartrefi'n fychod dihangol, ac rwy'n amheus y bydd y sefyllfaoedd y maent yn poeni amdanynt yn cael eu datrys gan y polisïau a gynigir.
Thanks for just giving me a minute or two to make a short contribution—and can I thank Osian Jones for organising the petition? What I want to do is just highlight one of the problems we face, and that's the loophole that I've spoken about on numerous occasions here and elsewhere that allows second home owners to register their homes as businesses, and in so doing, avoid paying council tax, and, through the business rate relief system, avoid paying anything at all.
What I have is a copy of the owners newsletter for March 2021 from Menai Holiday Cottages Limited, now owned by Sykes, one of the biggest players in holidays lets in the UK, and one the headings is, 'Second home tax rise in Gwynedd'. Read on, and you read, 'As of April 2021, the tax premium on second homes in Gwynedd will rise to 100 per cent'. And then it explains that 'now is a better time than any to consider registering your second home as a furnished holiday let to claim tax relief'. Now, that e-mail isn't encouraging law breaking; there is, after all, as I've said many times, a loophole that makes it far too easy, in my view, for a property to be registered as a holiday let business, leading to the payment of no local taxes. And remember, many of those who've gone through that process have received payments of many thousands of pounds as COVID compensation this year.
I think it's pretty disgraceful; here we see one of the UK's biggest holiday let businesses actively encouraging second home owners to avoid paying local taxation—the kind of thing that creates growing inequalities within the housing sector. I'll make it quite clear: holiday lets are an important part of our tourism offer in places like my constituency. Local, well-run tourism businesses make a big contribution to the economy and they should be supported. In fact, this was shared with me by a tourism business owner who was fuming about this. There is a loophole, it's undermining our housing stock and it needs to be closed.
Diolch am roi munud neu ddwy imi wneud cyfraniad byr—ac a gaf fi ddiolch i Osian Jones am drefnu'r ddeiseb? Yr hyn rwyf am ei wneud yw tynnu sylw at un o'r problemau sy'n ein hwynebu, sef y bwlch yn y gyfraith rwyf wedi sôn amdano droeon yma ac mewn mannau eraill, bwlch sy'n caniatáu i berchnogion ail gartrefi gofrestru eu cartrefi fel busnesau, ac wrth wneud hynny, osgoi talu'r dreth gyngor, ac osgoi talu unrhyw beth o gwbl trwy'r system rhyddhad ardrethi busnes.
Yr hyn sydd gennyf yw copi o gylchlythyr y perchnogion ar gyfer Mawrth 2021 gan Menai Holiday Cottages Limited, sydd bellach yn eiddo i Sykes, un o'r cwmnïau llety gwyliau mwyaf yn y DU, ac mae un o'r penawdau'n sôn am godi'r dreth ar ail gartref yng Ngwynedd. Os darllenwch ymlaen, fe welwch hyn, 'Ym mis Ebrill 2021, bydd y premiwm treth ar ail gartrefi yng Ngwynedd yn codi i 100 y cant'. Wedyn mae'n esbonio bod 'yn awr yn adeg well na'r un i ystyried cofrestru eich ail gartref fel llety gwyliau wedi'i ddodrefnu er mwyn hawlio gostyngiad yn y dreth'. Nawr, nid yw'r e-bost hwnnw'n annog neb i dorri'r gyfraith; wedi'r cyfan, fel rwyf wedi dweud droeon, bwlch yn y gyfraith sy'n ei gwneud yn llawer rhy hawdd yn fy marn i, i eiddo gael ei gofrestru fel busnes llety gwyliau, gan arwain at dalu dim trethi lleol. A chofiwch, mae llawer o'r rhai sydd wedi mynd drwy'r broses honno wedi derbyn taliadau o filoedd lawer o bunnoedd o iawndal COVID eleni.
Rwy'n credu ei fod yn eithaf gwarthus; yma gwelwn un o fusnesau llety gwyliau mwyaf y DU yn mynd ati'n weithredol i annog perchnogion ail gartrefi i osgoi talu trethi lleol—y math o beth sy'n creu anghydraddoldebau cynyddol yn y sector tai. Fe'i gwnaf yn eithaf clir: mae llety gwyliau yn rhan bwysig o'n cynnig twristiaeth mewn lleoedd fel fy etholaeth i. Mae busnesau twristiaeth lleol sy'n cael eu rhedeg yn dda yn gwneud cyfraniad mawr i'r economi a dylid eu cefnogi. Yn wir, clywais am hyn gan berchennog busnes twristiaeth a oedd yn flin iawn am y peth. Mae bwlch yn y gyfraith, mae'n tanseilio ein stoc dai ac mae angen ei gau.
Thank you very much. I now call on the Minister for Mental Health, Well-being and Welsh Language, Eluned Morgan.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Galwaf yn awr ar y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl, Llesiant a'r Gymraeg, Eluned Morgan.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn i ddiolch i'r Pwyllgor Deisebau am y gwaith ar y mater yma. Wrth nodi'r cynnig, dwi'n ymwybodol iawn o'r teimladau cryf, yn enwedig mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru, am ail gartrefi. Mae'n amlwg bod rhai o'r teimladau hyn yn fwy dwys o ganlyniad i Brexit, y pandemig ac, fel y nodwyd yn y ddeiseb, o ganlyniad i'r niferoedd sy'n rhentu trwy Airbnb.
Dwi'n siŵr y bydd Aelodau'r Senedd yn ymwybodol ein bod ni wedi cyhoeddi yn ddiweddar adroddiad Dr Simon Brooks ar y mater yma, ac mae'r adroddiad yn rhannu ein safbwynt ni bod hwn yn faes cymhleth, dyw hi ddim syml, ac nad oes yna un ateb i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem. Rŷn ni wedi gweithredu eisoes yn y maes yma, a dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n annheg i Siân Gwenllian ddweud nad ydyn ni wedi. Enghraifft o hyn yw cynyddu'r dreth ar drafodiadau tir. Ond rŷn ni wedi gwneud pethau eraill hefyd. Mae sawl agwedd i'r heriau yma: yr economi, twristiaeth, maes cynllunio a pha mor gynaliadwy mae ein cymunedau ni, yn arbennig ein cymunedau Cymraeg eu hiaith. Ers y pandemig, rŷn ni wedi gweld a chlywed pryderon cynyddol am yr effeithiau y gallai nifer uchel o ail gartrefi eu cael ar rai o'n cymunedau ni, yn enwedig y cadarnleoedd Cymraeg yna.
Fe wnaeth adroddiad Dr Brooks nifer o argymhellion ar gyfer Llywodraeth Cymru, ond mae'r adroddiad hefyd yn annog awdurdodau lleol i ystyried y pwerau sydd eisoes ganddyn nhw ac i ddefnyddio'r darpariaethau presennol hynny. A dwi yn gobeithio, o ganlyniad i ddarllen yr adroddiad hwn, ein bod ni i gyd wedi cael gwell dealltwriaeth o'r pwerau sydd gyda ni. Gobeithio y bydd Delyth Jewell, er enghraifft, yn nodi yn adroddiad Dr Brooks y byddai fe'n anghytuno nad yw hon yn broblem sydd yn genedlaethol, ei bod hi yn nodweddiadol yn lleol, ac mae lot o ystadegau gydag e yn dangos hynny.
Mae pwerau cynllunio wedi eu cyfeirio atyn nhw yn y ddeiseb ac yn adroddiad Dr Brooks. Y cyfraniad allweddol mae ein system cynllunio yn ei wneud i'r ffordd mae marchnadoedd tai lleol yn gweithio yw sicrhau bod cyflenwad digonol o safleoedd ar gael ar gyfer cartrefi i bobl lleol. Mae hyn yn gyfrifoldeb ar yr awdurdodau i asesu anghenion tai eu cymunedau lleol ac i ymateb i'r amgylchiadau penodol yn eu hardaloedd lleol a sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cyflawni'r cyfrifoldebau hyn. Mae hyn yn cael ei wneud mewn rhai awdurdodau eisoes. Er enghraifft, mae gan gynghorau Gwynedd ac Ynys Môn bolisi yn eu cynlluniau datblygu lleol gyda'r bwriad o gyfyngu mynediad i dai marchnad newydd mewn aneddiadau penodedig i bobl lleol. Mae'r polisi yma yn rhan o nodau polisi cymdeithasol ehangach y cynghorau o gynnal a chryfhau cymunedau Cymraeg eu hiaith.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to thank the Petitions Committee for their work on this issue. I am highly aware of the strong feelings, particularly in some parts of Wales, on the issue of second homes, and it's clear that some of these feelings have grown stronger as a result of Brexit, the pandemic, and, as was noted in the petition, as a result of the numbers renting through Airbnb.
I'm sure that Senedd Members will be aware that we recently published Dr Simon Brooks's report on this issue, and the report comes to the same view as us: that this is a complex area, it's not a simple matter and there is no one solution that can tackle this problem. We have already taken action in this area, and I think it's unfair of Siân Gwenllian to say that we haven't done so. An example of this is the increase in land transaction tax, but we've done other things too. There are many aspects to these challenges: the economy, tourism, planning and the sustainability of our communities, particularly our Welsh-speaking communities. Since the pandemic, we've seen and heard increasing concerns about the impacts that a high number of second homes could have on some of our communities, particularly those Welsh-speaking strongholds.
Dr Brooks's report made a number of recommendations for the Welsh Government, but the report also encourages local authorities to consider the powers that they already hold, and to use the current provisions. I do very much hope, as a result of reading this report, that we will all have a better understanding of the powers that we have, and I hope that Delyth Jewell, for example, would note that in Dr Brooks's report he would disagree that this isn't a national problem, and there are number of statistics that he cites that demonstrate that.
Reference has been made to planning powers in the petition and in the report. The key contribution of our planning system to the way that local housing markets work is to ensure that there is sufficient supply of sites and plots available for homes for local people. This is a responsibility for the local authorities to assess local housing needs and to respond to the specific circumstances in their localities and to ensure that they deliver against these responsibilities. This is done already in some local authorities. For example, Gwynedd and Anglesey councils have policies in their local development plans with the intention of limiting access to new-build homes in certain areas to local people. This is part of broader social policies within councils of supporting and sustaining Welsh-speaking communities.
Dr Brooks recommends that Gwynedd and Anglesey should extend these schemes, and we'd be interested to understand why more local authorities don't develop local policies to address local issues, given the clear steer that is in 'Planning Policy Wales'.
We're acutely aware of calls for changes to planning legislation to manage issues associated with second homes and short-term holiday lets. Whilst the planning system can provide a wide-ranging delivery mechanism, I'm afraid when it comes to second homes, it reaches the limits of its usefulness, because the town and country planning system manages the use of land rather than the ownership, and I know the Minister for local government has looked into this in depth. I know she's considered whether the land-use planning system has a role in managing the number of second homes as part of a comprehensive review of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, but I'm afraid that the review identified fundamental practical and legal challenges in defining second homes in planning terms.
Without a clear definition of what a second home is, enforcement would be really difficult and create uncertainty, making planning legislation on this issue ineffective, and that's why we're continuing to explore how we can better define second homes. And I'm afraid that simply changing the use classes Order, which many have suggested, would not be a practical option for managing second homes—partly because we need to differentiate between second homes used principally by their owners and holiday properties let on a commercial basis, because these two distinct uses impact differently on local communities and therefore should be considered separately.
Potentially, short-term holiday lettings could be managed through the planning system, but that would require changes to primary legislation. The Scottish Government has changed its main planning Act to help address the issue of short-term holiday lets, and we're monitoring this to see what we can learn from them. Clearly, it will be up to political parties to determine what they want to put in their manifestos and what will come next. In a planning sense, we're clear that modifying primary legislation to clarify when a change of use requires planning permission is something that could be considered in the next Senedd term.
I've also asked the tourism team in the Welsh Government to consider asking if the incoming Government might want to consider setting up a task and finish group to consider the idea of local community groups or councils buying holiday homes in sensitive areas, which they could then rent out and plough the money back into those communities through housing or community schemes, so that it's the communities themselves who would benefit. That's an idea that was initiated by Cynog Dafis recently. These changes, in conjunction with a change to the use classes Order and mandatory registration of short-term lets, which we're actively working on, are something we think could help manage short-term letting. And whilst we've already provided significant flexibility to respond to the myriad issues, we recognise that more needs to be done in this space. But I repeat: there's no single or quick answer to the challenges that we're facing.
We'll continue to work with partners to build on our strong record of fostering affordable housing solutions and identifying the most balanced and, critically, effective actions to current challenges. We're hugely keen to ensure that young people can continue to live in their local communities and strengthen these communities, and that's why one of the things that we've done recently, picking up on the point that was made by Mark Reckless, is to make sure we understand the link between people being able to stay in their local communities and the economy. That's why we had in our economy round-table last week an action plan that's now been developed to address the issue of developing the economy in those rural communities. I think it's very important that we address this issue. We have already started this, but clearly there is more to be done, and I'm sure we'll all want to look at this in the next Senedd term. Diolch yn fawr.
Mae Dr Brooks yn argymell y dylai Gwynedd ac Ynys Môn ymestyn y cynlluniau hyn, a byddai gennym ddiddordeb mewn deall pam nad oes mwy o awdurdodau lleol yn datblygu polisïau lleol i fynd i'r afael â materion lleol, o ystyried y cyfeirio clir sydd yn 'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru'.
Rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o alwadau am newidiadau i ddeddfwriaeth gynllunio i reoli materion sy'n gysylltiedig ag ail gartrefi a llety gwyliau i'w gosod am gyfnodau byr. Er y gall y system gynllunio ddarparu mecanwaith cyflawni pellgyrhaeddol, mae arnaf ofn ei fod yn cyrraedd terfynau ei ddefnyddioldeb ar gyfer ail gartrefi, am fod y system cynllunio gwlad a thref yn rheoli'r defnydd o dir yn hytrach na pherchnogaeth, a gwn fod y Gweinidog llywodraeth leol wedi ymchwilio'n fanwl i hyn. Rwy'n gwybod ei bod wedi ystyried a oes gan y system cynllunio defnydd tir rôl yn rheoli nifer yr ail gartrefi fel rhan o adolygiad cynhwysfawr o Orchymyn Cynllunio Gwlad a Thref (Dosbarthiadau Defnydd) 1987, ond mae arnaf ofn fod yr adolygiad wedi nodi heriau ymarferol a chyfreithiol sylfaenol gyda diffinio ail gartrefi yn nhermau cynllunio.
Heb ddiffiniad clir o beth yw ail gartref, byddai gorfodaeth yn anodd iawn ac yn creu ansicrwydd, gan wneud deddfwriaeth gynllunio ar y mater hwn yn aneffeithiol, a dyna pam ein bod yn parhau i archwilio sut y gallwn ddiffinio ail gartrefi'n well. Ac mae arnaf ofn na fyddai newid y Gorchymyn dosbarthiadau defnydd, rhywbeth y mae nifer o bobl wedi'i awgrymu, yn opsiwn ymarferol ar gyfer rheoli ail gartrefi—yn rhannol am fod angen i ni wahaniaethu rhwng ail gartrefi a ddefnyddir yn bennaf gan eu perchnogion ac eiddo gwyliau sy'n cael eu gosod ar sail fasnachol, oherwydd mae'r ddau ddefnydd gwahanol yn effeithio'n wahanol ar gymunedau lleol ac felly dylid eu hystyried ar wahân.
Mae'n bosibl y gellid rheoli llety gwyliau i'w osod am gyfnodau byr drwy'r system gynllunio, ond byddai hynny'n galw am newidiadau i ddeddfwriaeth sylfaenol. Mae Llywodraeth yr Alban wedi newid ei phrif Ddeddf gynllunio i helpu i fynd i'r afael â mater gosod llety gwyliau am gyfnodau byr, ac rydym yn monitro hyn i weld beth y gallwn ei ddysgu ganddynt. Yn amlwg, mater i bleidiau gwleidyddol fydd penderfynu beth y maent am ei roi yn eu maniffestos a'r hyn a ddaw nesaf. O safbwynt cynllunio, rydym yn glir fod addasu deddfwriaeth sylfaenol i egluro pryd y mae angen caniatâd cynllunio ar gyfer newid defnydd yn rhywbeth y gellid ei ystyried yn nhymor nesaf y Senedd.
Rwyf hefyd wedi gofyn i'r tîm twristiaeth yn Llywodraeth Cymru ystyried gofyn a allai'r Llywodraeth newydd fod eisiau ystyried sefydlu grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen i ystyried y syniad o grwpiau neu gynghorau cymunedol lleol yn prynu cartrefi gwyliau mewn ardaloedd sensitif, eiddo y gallent ei osod ar rent wedyn a rhoi'r arian yn ôl i'r cymunedau hynny drwy gynlluniau tai neu gynlluniau cymunedol, fel mai'r cymunedau eu hunain a fyddai'n elwa. Dyna syniad a grybwyllwyd gan Cynog Dafis yn ddiweddar. Mae'r newidiadau hyn rydym yn gweithio arnynt, gyda'r newid i'r Gorchymyn dosbarthiadau defnydd a chofrestru gorfodol ar gyfer eiddo i'w osod am gyfnodau byr, yn rhywbeth a allai helpu i reoli eiddo ar osod am gyfnodau byr yn ein barn ni. Ac er ein bod eisoes wedi darparu hyblygrwydd sylweddol i ymateb i'r llu o gwestiynau sy'n codi, rydym yn cydnabod bod angen gwneud mwy yn hyn o beth. Ond rwy'n ailadrodd: nid oes un ateb hawdd i'r heriau sy'n ein hwynebu.
Byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda phartneriaid i adeiladu ar ein hanes cryf o feithrin atebion tai fforddiadwy a nodi'r camau gweithredu mwyaf cytbwys ac effeithiol, sy'n allweddol, i'r heriau presennol. Rydym yn awyddus iawn i sicrhau y gall pobl ifanc barhau i fyw yn eu cymunedau lleol a chryfhau'r cymunedau hyn, a dyna pam mai un o'r pethau rydym wedi'i wneud yn ddiweddar, gan nodi'r pwynt a wnaeth Mark Reckless, yw sicrhau ein bod yn deall y cysylltiad rhwng pobl yn gallu aros yn eu cymunedau lleol a'r economi. Dyna pam y cawsom gynllun gweithredu yn ein cyfarfod bwrdd crwn ar yr economi yr wythnos diwethaf sydd bellach wedi'i ddatblygu i fynd i'r afael â datblygu'r economi yn y cymunedau gwledig. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn. Rydym eisoes wedi dechrau, ond mae'n amlwg bod mwy i'w wneud, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwn i gyd am edrych ar hyn yn nhymor nesaf y Senedd. Diolch yn fawr.
I now call on Janet Finch-Saunders to reply to the debate.
Galwaf yn awr ar Janet Finch-Saunders i ymateb i'r ddadl.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I wish to thank all Members who have contributed to this debate today and thank the Minister for responding. I also wish to thank the petitioners for using the petitions process to draw attention to something that is a major issue and concern in many parts of Wales.
Given the very short time left available in this Senedd, it will be a future petitions committee that will consider the petition following today's discussion. And for Members and members of the public's information, this is the thirtieth and final petition that has been debated during this Senedd term. Many of those have taken place since the introduction of a debate threshold in 2017. I, as Chairman of the Petitions Committee, do hope that the ability to directly debate petitions that matter to the people of Wales has been of some value to petitioners, people who have signed petitions and Members of the Senedd over recent years. I want to close by placing on record my thanks on behalf of the Petitions Committee to everyone who has spoken in these debates, and to the Business Committee for supporting us to be able to table them in a timely fashion. I know, given how busy our Senedd agendas are, that this is not always easy.
Finally, I'd like to thank the clerking team, all the teams that have supported us during the COVID period in terms of the Commission staff and the IT, members of the committee now and previous members of the Petitions Committee—you know who you are—and finally, I thank everyone who has submitted, signed or otherwise provided evidence to the Petitions Committee. I would urge you to continue doing this. I'm a great advocate of the Petitions Committee; I think it's a fantastic mechanism for engagement with the Senedd, or the Welsh Parliament. Keep on doing that. Thank you, diolch.
Diolch yn fawr, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r holl Aelodau sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl hon heddiw a diolch i'r Gweinidog am ymateb. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i'r deisebwyr am ddefnyddio'r broses ddeisebu i dynnu sylw at rywbeth sy'n fater pwysig ac yn destun pryder mawr mewn sawl rhan o Gymru.
O ystyried yr amser byr iawn sydd ar ôl yn y Senedd hon, pwyllgor deisebau yn y dyfodol fydd yn ystyried y ddeiseb yn dilyn y drafodaeth heddiw. Ac er gwybodaeth i'r Aelodau ac aelodau o'r cyhoedd, dyma'r ddegfed ddeiseb ar hugain, a'r ddeiseb olaf i gael ei thrafod yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon. Mae llawer o'r rheini wedi digwydd ers cyflwyno'r trothwy ar gyfer cynnal dadl yn 2017. Fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau, rwy'n gobeithio bod y gallu i drafod deisebau sy'n bwysig i bobl Cymru yn uniongyrchol wedi bod o rywfaint o werth i ddeisebwyr, pobl sydd wedi llofnodi deisebau ac Aelodau o'r Senedd dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Hoffwn gloi drwy gofnodi fy niolch ar ran y Pwyllgor Deisebau i bawb sydd wedi siarad yn y dadleuon hyn, ac i'r Pwyllgor Busnes am ein cynorthwyo i allu eu cyflwyno'n amserol. O ystyried pa mor brysur yw agendâu ein Senedd, gwn nad yw hyn bob amser yn hawdd.
Yn olaf, hoffwn ddiolch i'r tîm clercio, yr holl dimau sydd wedi ein cynorthwyo yn ystod cyfnod COVID, yn staff y Comisiwn a TG, aelodau'r pwyllgor yn awr ac aelodau blaenorol o'r Pwyllgor Deisebau—fe wyddoch pwy ydych—ac yn olaf, diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyflwyno, llofnodi neu ddarparu tystiolaeth fel arall i'r Pwyllgor Deisebau. Hoffwn eich annog i barhau i wneud hyn. Rwy'n frwd iawn fy nghefnogaeth i'r Pwyllgor Deisebau; rwy'n credu ei fod yn fecanwaith gwych ar gyfer ymgysylltu â Senedd Cymru. Daliwch ati i wneud hynny. Diolch.
Thank you. The proposal is to note the petition. Does any Member object? No, I don't see objections. Therefore, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Diolch. Y cynnig yw nodi'r ddeiseb. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Na, nid wyf yn gweld gwrthwynebiadau. Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliannau 1 a 3 yn enw Mark Isherwood a gwelliant 2 yn enw Rebecca Evans. Os derbynnir gwelliant 2, caiff gwelliant 3 ei dad-ddethol.
The following amendments have been selected: amendments 1 and 3 in the name of Mark Isherwood, and amendment 2 in the name of Rebecca Evans. If amendment 2 is agreed, amendment 3 will be deselected.
Item 9 on our agenda this afternoon is the Plaid Cymru debate, NHS pay review. I call on Rhun ap Iorwerth to move the motion. Rhun.
Eitem 9 ar ein hagenda y prynhawn yma yw dadl Plaid Cymru, adolygiad o gyflogau'r GIG. Galwaf ar Rhun ap Iorwerth i wneud y cynnig. Rhun.
Cynnig NDM7655 Siân Gwenllian
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn condemnio argymhelliad Llywodraeth y DU i Gorff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG am godiad cyflog cwbl annigonol o 1 y cant i nyrsys a staff eraill y GIG a fyddai'n golygu toriad mewn termau real yn eu cyflogau.
2. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno sylwadau pellach i Gorff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG yn cefnogi galwadau penodol yr undebau llafur a chyrff eraill sy'n cynrychioli staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru am godiad cyflog teg a haeddiannol i adlewyrchu'r aberth a wnaed yn ystod y pandemig.
3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth nesaf Cymru i ddarparu setliad cyflog a chadw diwygiedig ar gyfer staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys isafswm gwarantedig o £10 yr awr i weithwyr gofal i ddod â'r gwahaniaeth presennol rhwng iechyd a gofal i ben.
Motion NDM7655 Siân Gwenllian
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Condemns the UK Government’s recommendation to the NHS Pay Review Body for a wholly inadequate 1 per cent pay rise to nurses and other NHS staff which would amount to a real terms cut in their wages.
2. Calls on the Welsh Government to make further representations to the NHS Pay Review Body supporting the specific calls of the trade unions and other bodies representing health and social care staff in Wales for a fair and well deserved pay rise to reflect the sacrifices made during the pandemic.
3. Calls on the next Welsh Government to deliver a reformed pay and retention settlement for health and social care staff, including a guaranteed minimum of £10 an hour for care workers to end the current disparity between health and care.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae'n bleser gen i agor y ddadl yma a chyflwyno'n ffurfiol y cynnig yn enw Siân Gwenllian. Faint ohonom ni sydd wedi dweud 'diolch' dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf? Faint ohonom ni sydd wedi sefyll ar garreg drws yn curo dwylo?
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. It's my pleasure to open this debate and to formally move the motion in the name of Siân Gwenllian. How many of us have said 'thank you' over the past 12 months? How many of us have stood on our doorsteps clapping?
How many of us have remembered over the past year the importance of saying 'thank you' to those who work so selflessly across the health and care sectors to look after us? How many of us have stopped to think and realise that care doesn't just happen? We're cared for because people—our friends and neighbours, people we grew up with, went to school with—decided to commit their professional lives to caring as nurses and as physios and domiciliary carers and doctors and speech and language therapists, and it's such a long list, I couldn't possibly name them all; a whole host of health professions.
But saying 'thank you' has to be so much more than a passing act. And so, we're here today talking about something that should be a given. It should be a constant: fair financial reward for the commitment, the hard work, the dedication, the graft, and as I said, the sheer selflessness shown by health and care workers at any time, let alone during this extraordinary past COVID year.
Can I say here how pleased I am with the remarkably coincidental announcements earlier today from Welsh Government about (a), making money available to support the continuation of the payment of the real living wage across the NHS—again, something that should be a given; and (b), the funding of a bonus for all NHS and care staff, a net payment of around £500 for most, and of course, I welcome any reward shown for their work. They deserve every penny. But let me be clear that fair financial rewards should be firmly embedded in the culture of our health and care services at all times, and not settled through one-off bonuses. And though grateful for the announcement, there'll be a rather bitter taste left by the fact that this has been done, frankly, because Welsh Government was put in a corner—by a Plaid Cymru Senedd motion, as it happens—and so, felt compelled to do something.
Faint ohonom sydd wedi cofio dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf pa mor bwysig yw dweud 'diolch' wrth y rhai sy'n gweithio mor anhunanol ar draws y sectorau iechyd a gofal i ofalu amdanom? Faint ohonom sydd wedi meddwl a sylweddoli nad digwydd ohono'i un y mae gofal? Rydym yn derbyn gofal oherwydd bod pobl—ein ffrindiau a'n cymdogion, pobl y cawsom ein magu gyda hwy, rhai yr aethom i'r ysgol gyda hwy—wedi penderfynu ymrwymo eu bywydau proffesiynol i ofalu fel nyrsys ac fel ffisiotherapyddion a gofalwyr yn y cartref a meddygon a therapyddion lleferydd ac iaith, ac mae'n rhestr mor hir, ni allwn byth mo'u henwi i gyd; llu o broffesiynau iechyd.
Ond mae'n rhaid i ddweud 'diolch' fod yn gymaint mwy na gweithred wrth fynd heibio. Ac felly, rydym yma heddiw yn sôn am rywbeth a ddylai fod yn cael ei dderbyn yn ganiataol. Dylai fod yn digwydd yn gyson: tâl ariannol teg am yr ymrwymiad, y gwaith caled, yr ymroddiad, y llafur, ac fel y dywedais, yr anhunanoldeb llwyr a ddangoswyd gan weithwyr iechyd a gofal ar unrhyw adeg, heb sôn am y flwyddyn COVID eithriadol hon a aeth heibio.
A gaf fi ddweud yma pa mor falch yr oeddwn o glywed y cyhoeddiadau hynod gyd-ddigwyddiadol yn gynharach heddiw gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynglŷn ag (a), sicrhau bod arian ar gael i gefnogi parhad talu'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol ar draws y GIG—unwaith eto, rhywbeth a ddylai fod yn digwydd yn ddigwestiwn; a (b), ariannu bonws i'r holl staff GIG a gofal, taliad net o tua £500 i'r rhan fwyaf, ac wrth gwrs, rwy'n croesawu unrhyw wobr a ddangosir am eu gwaith. Maent yn haeddu pob ceiniog. Ond gadewch imi fod yn glir y dylai tâl ariannol teg gael ei ymgorffori'n gadarn yn niwylliant ein gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal bob amser, ac na ddylent gael eu setlo drwy fonws untro. Ac er yn ddiolchgar am y cyhoeddiad, bydd blas braidd yn chwerw wedi'i adael ar ôl gan y ffaith bod hyn wedi'i wneud, a bod yn onest, oherwydd bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i gwthio i gornel—gan gynnig gan Blaid Cymru yn y Senedd, fel y mae'n digwydd—ac felly'n teimlo rheidrwydd i wneud rhywbeth.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
Does dim rhaid i mi egluro llawer am gynnwys y cynnig ei hun. Rydyn ni'n condemnio cynnig Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig i roi codiad cyflog pitw o 1 y cant i nyrsys—dwi'n gweld y Gweinidog yn chwerthin; o bosib gaiff o egluro yn y munud am beth mae o'n chwerthin. Rydyn ni'n condemnio cynnig Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig i roi codiad cyflog pitw o 1 y cant i nyrsys a staff eraill y gwasanaeth iechyd, fyddai’n golygu toriad mewn termau real yn eu cyflogau nhw, er mwyn ei gwneud hi'n gwbl glir na fyddwn ni'n derbyn setliad felly yma. Rydyn ni'n galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno sylwadau pellach i gorff adolygu cyflogau'r gwasanaeth iechyd, yn cefnogi cyflog teg i staff. Rydyn ni hefyd yn ehangu'r cynnig i gynnwys staff gofal. Mae Plaid Cymru eisiau integreiddio iechyd a gofal drwy wasanaeth iechyd a gofal cenedlaethol. Mi fyddwch chi wedi fy nghlywed i'n siarad am hynny o'r blaen, ac mi wnaf i eto dros yr wythnosau nesaf, wrth i'r etholiad nesáu. Un o ganlyniadau hynny fydd dod â staff gofal i mewn i'r un graddfeydd cyflog â staff iechyd dros amser. Mae'r cynnig yma'n galw am wireddu cam cyntaf hynny o sicrhau uchafswm cyflog o £10 yr awr yn syth i weithwyr gofal i ddechrau cau'r gwahaniaeth.
Felly, mae'r nod yn fan hyn yn syml iawn. Mi fyddwch chi i gyd, dwi'n meddwl, wedi derbyn e-bost gan Goleg Brenhinol y Nyrsys heddiw yn dweud eu bod nhw'n croesawu'r ddadl yma heddiw. Felly, dwi eisiau diolch iddyn nhw am gydweithio â mi dros fy nghyfnod i fel llefarydd iechyd Plaid Cymru, a dwi eisiau diolch, wrth gwrs, i'w haelodau nhw i gyd am eu gwaith drwy'r cyfnod diweddar. Mae'r e-bost hwnnw'n gofyn i ni i gyd fel Aelodau: beth ydyn ni'n mynd i'w wneud er mwyn dangos ein gwerthfawrogiad go iawn, a dangos ein cefnogaeth i setliad cyflog iawn ar gyfer ein staff iechyd a gofal ni? Un peth allwch chi wneud ydy cefnogi'r cynnig yma heddiw. Diolch yn fawr.
I don't need to explain too much about the content of the motion itself. We condemn the UK Government's proposal to give a tiny pay increase of 1 per cent for nurses—and I see the Minister laughing; perhaps he can explain why he's laughing in just a moment. We condemn the UK Government's proposal to give a totally inadequate 1 per cent pay rise to nurses and other NHS staff, which would amount to a real-terms cut in their wages, in order to make it entirely clear that we wouldn't accept a settlement such as that here. We are calling on the Welsh Government to make further representations to the NHS pay review body, supporting a fair wage for staff. We're also expanding the motion to include care staff. Plaid Cymru wants to integrate health and care by having a national health and care service. You will have heard me talking about that in the past, and I'll be doing so again over the next few weeks as the election approaches. One of the upshots of that would be to bring care staff into the same pay grades as health staff over time, and this motion calls for the delivery of the first stage of that, with a minimum of £10 an hour immediately for care workers to start to deal with that disparity.
So, the aim here is very simple. You will have all, I think, received an e-mail from the Royal College of Nursing today saying that they welcome this afternoon's debate, so I'd like to thank them for working with me throughout my time as a Plaid Cymru health spokesperson. I'd like to thank all of their members for their work throughout the recent pandemic. That e-mail asks us all as Members what we're going to do in order to show our real appreciation and to show our support for a proper and fair pay settlement for our health and care staff. One thing that you could do is to support this motion this afternoon. Thank you.
Rwyf wedi dethol y tri gwelliant i'r cynnig. Os derbynnir gwelliant 2, bydd gwelliant 3 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Dwi'n galw ar Angela Burns, felly, i gynnig gwelliannau 1 a 3 yn enw Mark Isherwood. Angela Burns.
I have selected the three amendments to the motion. If amendment 2 is agreed, amendment 3 will be deselected. I call on Angela Burns to move amendments 1 and 3, tabled in the name of Mark Isherwood. Angela Burns.
Gwelliant 1—Mark Isherwood
Dileu pwynt 1 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn cydnabod bod cyflogau'r GIG wedi'u datganoli ac yn croesawu'r cynnydd ychwanegol o £2.1 biliwn yng nghyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer 2021-2022.
Amendment 1—Mark Isherwood
Delete point 1 and replace with:
Recognises that NHS pay is devolved and welcomes the additional £2.1 billion increase in the Welsh Government budget for 2021-2022.
Gwelliant 3—Mark Isherwood
Ym mhwynt 3, dileu popeth ar ôl 'Lywodraeth nesaf Cymru' a rhoi yn ei le
a) gweithredu argymhellion y corff adolygu cyflogau;
b) cyflwyno setliad cyflog a chadw diwygiedig ar gyfer staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol;
c) creu pecyn cymorth iechyd meddwl sylweddol ar gyfer staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol sy'n dioddef o effaith y pandemig.
Amendment 3—Mark Isherwood
In point 3, delete all after 'next Welsh Government' and insert:
a) implement the recommendations of the pay review body;
b) introduce a reformed pay and retention settlement for health and social care staff; and
c) create a substantial mental health support package for health and social care staff suffering from the impact of the pandemic.
Cynigiwyd gwelliannau 1 a 3.
Amendments 1 and 3 moved.
Thank you, Presiding Officer. I move amendments 1 and 3, tabled in the name of my colleague Mark Isherwood. The staff of our national health service, and those who provide social care to the people of Wales, have been at the forefront of the fight against the spread of COVID-19. They have kept vital services running, held hands that families could not reach, seen death and suffering on a scale usually associated with conflict, and supported patients and colleagues whilst being under the most intense pressure. I recognise their hard work.
I also recognise that Welsh Government do have the levers to reward health and social care staff appropriately, which is why I find the opening premise of this debate extraordinary from Plaid Cymru, a party whose mantra begins and ends with demanding independence from the UK whilst refusing to take fiscal responsibility. They should accept our first amendment, and recognise that NHS pay in Wales is a devolved matter, and that the Welsh Government have received an additional £2.1 billion increase in their budget for 2021-22, and that same Government have the ability to spend it how they wish. Indeed, earlier today, I heard the Minister for finance loudly proclaiming that the Welsh Government were not a postbox for the UK Government's spending decisions. £2.1 billion is a lot of pounds, and I urge the Welsh Labour Government to use it to support an increase in nurses' pay. Remember, £5.85 billion has been given to the Welsh Government since March last year, with another £602 million yet to be allocated. That's a lot of money, and there is money to rebalance the pay of health professionals.
The Welsh Conservatives have already stated that we would implement in full the recommendations of the pay review body as an absolute minimum, but for those who refuse to hear, let me say it again: if we form the next Welsh Government, the Welsh Conservatives will implement the recommendation of the pay review as a minimum. That would be in tandem with our commitment to introduce a reformed pay and retention settlement for health and social care staff, including on a recruit, retain and retrain policy, and a minimum salary of £10 an hour for care staff.
I note the proposed bonus for staff today and rejoice that Welsh Government have finally learned how to calculate tax. Any chance domiciliary care workers, short-changed by Labour, will receive a top-up? And has the Welsh Government published their response to the pay review board yet? This is vital, because a bonus is welcome, but does not embed a pay uplift on a year-to-year basis.
At the beginning of my contribution, I spoke of the extraordinary service performed by so many, but that extraordinary service has caused untold stress, and mental health has been impacted. We recognise that, and we will work with the staff, employers, unions and royal colleges to create a substantial mental health support package for health and social care staff suffering from the impact of the pandemic.
I commend our amendments to the Chamber, and, Presiding Officer, if I may, as this will be my last debate, probably, on this health subject, I just want to say to those staff out there in health and social care, thank you. I do recognise your commitment and your hard work, and I want to say a truly heartfelt 'thank you' from me, from the people I love who you have helped this year, from my colleagues in the Welsh Conservatives and from my constituents in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire. Thank you.
Diolch i chi am eich ateb, Lywydd. Rwy'n cynnig gwelliannau 1 a 3, a gyflwynwyd yn enw fy nghyd-Aelod Mark Isherwood. Mae staff ein gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol, a'r rhai sy'n darparu gofal cymdeithasol i bobl Cymru, wedi bod ar flaen y gad yn y frwydr yn erbyn lledaeniad COVID-19. Maent wedi cadw gwasanaethau hanfodol i fynd, wedi dal dwylo na allai teuluoedd eu cyrraedd, wedi gweld marwolaeth a dioddefaint ar raddfa sy'n gysylltiedig fel arfer â gwrthdaro, ac wedi cefnogi cleifion a chydweithwyr tra'u bod o dan y pwysau mwyaf dwys. Rwy'n cydnabod eu gwaith caled.
Rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru allu i wobrwyo staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn briodol, a dyna pam fy mod yn ystyried gosodiad agoriadol y ddadl hon yn rhyfeddol gan Blaid Cymru, plaid y mae ei mantra'n dechrau ac yn diwedd gyda mynnu annibyniaeth oddi wrth y DU tra'n gwrthod cymryd cyfrifoldeb cyllidol. Dylent dderbyn ein gwelliant cyntaf, a chydnabod bod cyflogau'r GIG yng Nghymru wedi'u datganoli, a bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael cynnydd ychwanegol o £2.1 biliwn yn eu cyllideb ar gyfer 2021-22, a bod gan y Llywodraeth allu i'w wario fel y dymunant. Yn wir, yn gynharach heddiw, clywais y Gweinidog cyllid yn honni'n groch nad blwch post ar gyfer penderfyniadau gwariant Llywodraeth y DU oedd Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae £2.1 biliwn yn llawer o bunnoedd, ac rwy'n annog Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru i'w ddefnyddio i gefnogi cynnydd yn nhâl nyrsys. Cofiwch, mae £5.85 biliwn wedi'i roi i Lywodraeth Cymru ers mis Mawrth y llynedd, gyda £602 miliwn arall eto i'w ddyrannu. Mae hynny'n llawer o arian, ac mae arian ar gael i ailgydbwyso cyflogau gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol.
Mae'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig eisoes wedi dweud y byddem yn gweithredu argymhellion y corff adolygu cyflogau yn llawn fel lleiafswm absoliwt, ond i'r rhai sy'n gwrthod clywed, gadewch imi ddweud hynny eto: os mai ni fydd yn ffurfio Llywodraeth nesaf Cymru, bydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn gweithredu argymhelliad y corff adolygu cyflogau fan lleiaf. Byddai hynny'n cyd-fynd â'n hymrwymiad i gyflwyno setliad cyflog a chadw diwygiedig ar gyfer staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys polisi recriwtio, cadw ac ailhyfforddi, a lleiafswm cyflog o £10 yr awr i staff gofal.
Nodaf y bonws arfaethedig i staff heddiw ac rwy'n llawenhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru o'r diwedd wedi dysgu sut i gyfrifo treth. A oes unrhyw obaith y bydd gweithwyr gofal cartref, nad ydynt wedi cael digon o dâl gan Lafur, yn cael arian ychwanegol? Ac a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi ei hymateb i'r bwrdd adolygu cyflogau eto? Mae hyn yn hanfodol, oherwydd mae bonws i'w groesawu, ond nid yw'n cynnwys codiad cyflog o flwyddyn i flwyddyn.
Ar ddechrau fy nghyfraniad, soniais am y gwasanaeth eithriadol a gyflawnwyd gan gynifer, ond mae'r gwasanaeth eithriadol hwnnw wedi achosi straen di-ben-draw, ac mae wedi effeithio ar iechyd meddwl pobl. Rydym yn cydnabod hynny, a byddwn yn gweithio gyda'r staff, cyflogwyr, undebau a cholegau brenhinol i greu pecyn cymorth iechyd meddwl sylweddol ar gyfer staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol sy'n dioddef o effaith y pandemig.
Rwy'n cymeradwyo ein gwelliannau i'r Siambr, a Lywydd, os caf, gan mai hon fydd fy nadl olaf mae'n debyg ar y pwnc iechyd hwn, hoffwn ddweud diolch wrth y staff iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol allan yno. Rwy'n cydnabod eich ymrwymiad a'ch gwaith caled, ac rwyf am ddweud diolch o galon gennyf fi, gan y bobl rwy'n eu caru rydych wedi'u helpu eleni, gan fy nghyd-Aelodau yn y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig a fy etholwyr yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro. Diolch.
Dai Lloyd. Na, mae'n ddrwg gyda fi. Y Gweinidog yn gyntaf i symud yn ffurfiol y gwelliant yn enw Rebecca Evans.
Dai Lloyd. I apologise. The Minister to formally move the amendment in the name of Rebecca Evans.
Gwelliant 2—Rebecca Evans
Dileu popeth ar ôl pwynt 1 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi nodi'r safbwynt gwahanol i undeb llafur y GIG o ran yr hyn y credant sy'n godiad cyflog teg a fforddiadwy ac wedi cyflwyno sylwadau pellach i Gorff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG i gadarnhau nad oes cap mympwyol wedi'i bennu.
Yn credu y dylai'r cyrff adolygu cyflogau adrodd yn annibynnol ar dâl sy'n deg ac yn fforddiadwy.
Yn cydnabod bod GIG Cymru yn talu'r Cyflog Byw Gwirioneddol, bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r Cyflog Byw Gwirioneddol fel lleiafswm cyfradd gyflog i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol ac wedi sefydlu'r Fforwm Gwaith Teg Gofal Cymdeithasol sy'n edrych ar sut y gellir gwella telerau ac amodau yn y sector.
Yn cydnabod bod un o themâu allweddol 'Cymru Iachach: Ein Strategaeth Gweithlu ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol' yn canolbwyntio ar wobrwyo a chydnabod staff yn deg.
Amendment 2—Rebecca Evans
Delete all after point 1 and replace with:
Acknowledges that the Welsh Government has noted the different position from the NHS trade union on what they believe is a fair and affordable pay uplift and has made further representations to the NHS Pay Review Body to confirm that no arbitrary cap has been set.
Believes that the pay review bodies should report independently on a pay that is both fair and affordable.
Recognises that NHS Wales pays the Real Living Wage, that the Welsh Government supports the Real Living Wage as the minimum rate of pay for social care workers and has established the Social Care Fair Work Forum which is looking at how to improve terms and conditions in the sector.
Acknowledges that one of the key themes of 'A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care' focusses on fair rewards and recognition for staff.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2.
Amendment 2 moved.

Formally, Llywydd.
Yn ffurfiol, Lywydd.
Diolch. Dai Lloyd nesaf.
Thank you. Dai Lloyd next.
Diolch, Llywydd. I rise in support of the Plaid Cymru motion—no surprise there—in particular point 1:
'Condemns the UK Government’s recommendation to the NHS Pay Review Body for a wholly inadequate 1 per cent pay rise to nurses and other NHS staff which would amount to a real terms cut in their wages.'
That is point 1 of the Plaid Cymru motion, and I wholeheartedly agree with it. And furthermore, I wholeheartedly condemn the Conservative and unionist amendment here today that seeks to delete this point 1 altogether. Clearly, Llywydd, you will be aware of my medical background—I may have mentioned it once or twice over the years—and I have family members working in the NHS today. Colleagues in the British Medical Association, the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Royal College of Nursing have all voiced huge concerns about this derisory pay rise, also huge concerns about a UK Government budget announcement that disinvests in public services and ignores social care.
After the pandemic year we have all had, care staff and NHS staff are exhausted, burnt out, angry and hurt. They bear huge responsibilities daily over matters of life and death, and it's difficult to grasp that level of responsibility unless you have felt personally yourself that total terror that engulfs you when your medical decision—your decision—has resulted in something going wrong, damaging another person even to loss of life. And it's so overwhelmingly busy now, you cannot plan carefully or ask your seniors if they're not available; you've got no control over what's happening. Health services were overstretched before the pandemic. Nurses and doctors are driven by a deep sense of service and duty to their patients, but motivation can really be tested by an occupational disease like COVID. Hundreds of NHS and care staff have died UK wide, hundreds more floored by long COVID.
And personal protective equipment was totally inadequate in the early days, and staff wore bin bags for protection, risking their lives and the lives of patients. When staff die because of catching COVID in the workplace as an occupational disease, their families cannot claim their funeral costs. And a derisory pay offer on top of all that. While UK Government stockpiled tens of millions of unusable PPE items made by companies who had no experience in the field, with contracts worth millions handed to Government chums without scrutiny and without experience in PPE, the High Court found the UK Conservative and unionist Government broke the law here, all while ignoring companies with experience and capacity to provide PPE.
And the £37 billion spent on a UK test and trace system, set up in parallel to what we've got already and private in the middle of a pandemic, from scratch using people with no health or care experience. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? The £37 billion system has made no difference according to Members of Parliament recently. A new £2.6 million press briefing room has just been unveiled in Downing Street, and don't get me going on care staff pay and conditions, because I'm coming to the end, Llywydd—I see you anxiously there—because that's point 3 of our motion.
Finally, health staff see all this that I've outlined. They know all this. They are not taken in by Ministers' insincere claps, and the 1 per cent proposed pay rise shows staff just how much their unbelievable sacrifices are valued by the UK Conservative Government. Do not dismiss the justifiable anger—agree a proper pay rise.
Diolch, Lywydd. Codaf o blaid cynnig Plaid Cymru—dim syndod yno—yn enwedig pwynt 1, sydd:
'Yn condemnio argymhelliad Llywodraeth y DU i Gorff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG am godiad cyflog cwbl annigonol o 1 y cant i nyrsys a staff eraill y GIG a fyddai'n golygu toriad mewn termau real yn eu cyflogau.'
Dyna bwynt 1 cynnig Plaid Cymru, ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr ag ef. Ac ymhellach, rwy'n llwyr gondemnio gwelliant y blaid Geidwadol ac unoliaethol yma heddiw sy'n ceisio dileu'r pwynt 1 hwn yn gyfan gwbl. Yn amlwg, Lywydd, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol o fy nghefndir meddygol—efallai fy mod wedi cyfeirio ato unwaith neu ddwy dros y blynyddoedd—ac mae gennyf aelodau o'r teulu sy'n gweithio yn y GIG heddiw. Mae cydweithwyr yng Nghymdeithas Feddygol Prydain, Coleg Brenhinol yr Ymarferwyr Cyffredinol a'r Coleg Nyrsio Brenhinol i gyd wedi mynegi pryderon enfawr am y codiad cyflog gwarthus hwn, a phryderon enfawr hefyd am gyhoeddiad cyllideb Llywodraeth y DU sy'n dadfuddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ac yn anwybyddu gofal cymdeithasol.
Ar ôl y flwyddyn bandemig rydym i gyd wedi'i chael, mae staff gofal a staff y GIG wedi blino, wedi ymlâdd, yn ddig ac yn brifo. Maent yn ysgwyddo cyfrifoldebau enfawr bob dydd dros faterion bywyd a marwolaeth, ac mae'n anodd amgyffred y lefel honno o gyfrifoldeb oni bai eich bod wedi teimlo'n bersonol eich hun yr arswyd llwyr hwnnw sy'n eich llyncu pan fydd eich penderfyniad meddygol—eich penderfyniad chi—wedi arwain at rywbeth yn mynd o'i le, gan niweidio person arall hyd at golli bywyd hyd yn oed. Ac mae mor eithriadol o brysur yn awr, ni allwch gynllunio'n ofalus na gofyn i'r rhai uwch eich pen os nad ydynt ar gael; nid oes gennych unrhyw reolaeth dros yr hyn sy'n digwydd. Roedd y gwasanaethau iechyd dan bwysau cyn y pandemig. Mae nyrsys a meddygon yn cael eu gyrru gan ymdeimlad dwfn o wasanaeth a dyletswydd tuag at eu cleifion, ond gall clefyd galwedigaethol fel COVID fod yn brawf difrifol ar gymhelliant. Mae cannoedd o staff y GIG a staff gofal wedi marw ledled y DU, a channoedd yn rhagor wedi'u llorio gan COVID hir.
Ac roedd cyfarpar diogelu personol yn gwbl annigonol yn y dyddiau cynnar, ac roedd y staff yn gwisgo bagiau bin i'w diogelu, gan beryglu eu bywydau a bywydau cleifion. Pan fydd staff yn marw oherwydd eu bod wedi dal COVID yn y gweithle fel clefyd galwedigaethol, ni all eu teuluoedd hawlio eu costau angladd. A chynnig cyflog gwarthus ar ben hynny i gyd. Gan fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi stocio degau o filiynau o eitemau o gyfarpar diogelu personol na ellid eu defnyddio, wedi'u cynhyrchu gan gwmnïau heb unrhyw brofiad yn y maes, gyda chontractau gwerth miliynau'n cael eu cynnig i ffrindiau'r Llywodraeth heb eu craffu a heb brofiad mewn cyfarpar diogelu personol, canfu'r Uchel Lys fod Llywodraeth Geidwadol ac unoliaethol y DU wedi torri'r gyfraith, ac wedi anwybyddu cwmnïau â phrofiad a gallu i ddarparu cyfarpar diogelu personol.
A'r £37 biliwn a wariwyd ar system brofi ac olrhain y DU, system breifat a sefydlwyd o ddim ochr yn ochr â'r hyn sydd gennym eisoes a hynny ynghanol pandemig, gan ddefnyddio pobl heb unrhyw brofiad ym maes iechyd a gofal. Hynny yw, beth allai fynd o'i le? Nid yw'r system £37 biliwn wedi gwneud unrhyw wahaniaeth yn ôl Aelodau Seneddol yn ddiweddar. Mae ystafell friffio newydd i'r wasg sy'n werth £2.6 miliwn newydd gael ei dadorchuddio yn Stryd Downing, a pheidiwch â sôn am gyflogau ac amodau staff gofal, oherwydd rwy'n dod at y diwedd, Lywydd—fe'ch gwelaf yn bryderus yno—oherwydd dyna bwynt 3 ein cynnig.
Yn olaf, mae staff iechyd yn gweld y cyfan rwyf wedi'i amlinellu. Maent yn gwybod hyn oll. Ni chânt eu twyllo gan glapio ffuantus Gweinidogion, ac mae'r codiad cyflog arfaethedig o 1 y cant yn dangos i staff cymaint y mae Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU yn gwerthfawrogi eu haberth anghredadwy. Peidiwch â diystyru'r dicter cyfiawn—cytunwch ar godiad cyflog priodol.
My previous life as a Unison official in Wales is well known, and I remain very proud of the fact that I was part of the negotiating team working in partnership with the Welsh Labour Government that delivered the living wage into the NHS in Wales, ahead of the rest of the UK, and at a time when NHS colleagues in England were taking strike action against an intransigent UK Tory Government who would not honour the recommendations of the pay review body. I'm also old enough to remember why the NHS Pay Review Body was set up. It followed the bitter pay dispute of the early 1980s and was an attempt to look at pay independently and to take politics out of it. And that worked well, until, again, the UK Tory Government decided on policies of austerity and brought politics back into the game by interfering with the PRB's independence, insisting that they offered no more than 1 per cent, regardless of the evidence that could lead them to a different conclusion. Well, it's history repeating itself, isn't it, because, once again, the Tory UK Government has said it's only prepared to fund a 1 per cent increase, regardless of what evidence is presented to the PRB and what it recommends. This is a disgrace, given what NHS and other front-line workers have been through over the last year, so I'm pleased that this Welsh Labour Government have set out very clearly in evidence to the pay review body that there should be no arbitrary cap on the offer made to NHS workers; it should be an offer that reflects their worth to the country, and the UK Government must fully fund it. They have, after all, as Dai Lloyd has already been telling us, found money during this pandemic for many other things: billions for a privatised but largely failed track and trace system; a significant pay rise for Dominic Cummings; and is it still three official photographers for the Prime Minister? And, of course, £2 million for that press room in Downing Street. And at that time, NHS workers were working far beyond the normal call of duty to save lives and to keep us safe. They even saved the Prime Minister Boris Johnson's life, and he clapped and then he slammed the door on them. A 1 per cent pay offer brings shame on those who made that decision, but I hope that they will be shamed into doing better, because we can do better, as our Welsh Government has today shown with the announcement of a £500 bonus to all NHS and social care staff, in recognition of their efforts during the pandemic.
Llywydd, can I also say that I'm pleased that, unlike the UK Government, the Welsh Government has not forgotten the social care workforce and is working with trade unions and the sector to deliver improvements to people who look after our nearest and dearest when they're at their most vulnerable? From my own experience, I know that this Welsh Labour Government, the health Minister and the trade unions will work together to show that Wales is a fairer nation, a nation that will reward those who helped us through the darkest of recent times. But let us not for one minute let the UK Government off the hook. They hold the purse strings for this, and they must be held to account and pay up. Actions will speak far louder than any words.
Mae fy mywyd blaenorol fel swyddog Unsain yng Nghymru yn hysbys iawn, ac rwy'n dal i fod yn falch iawn o'r ffaith fy mod yn rhan o'r tîm negodi a weithiodd mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru i gyflwyno'r cyflog byw i'r GIG yng Nghymru, cyn gweddill y DU, ar adeg pan oedd cymheiriaid yn y GIG yn Lloegr yn mynd ar streic yn erbyn Llywodraeth Dorïaidd anhyblyg y DU nad oedd am barchu argymhellion y corff adolygu cyflogau. Rwyf hefyd yn ddigon hen i gofio pam y sefydlwyd Corff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG. Daeth yn sgil anghydfod cyflog chwerw ar ddechrau'r 1980au ac roedd yn ymgais i edrych ar dâl yn annibynnol ac i dynnu gwleidyddiaeth allan ohono. A gweithiodd hynny'n dda, tan i Lywodraeth Dorïaidd y DU, unwaith eto, benderfynu ar bolisïau cyni a dod â gwleidyddiaeth yn ôl i mewn drwy ymyrryd ag annibyniaeth y corff adolygu cyflogau, a mynnu nad oeddent yn cynnig mwy nag 1 y cant, waeth beth fo'r dystiolaeth a allai eu harwain at gasgliad gwahanol. Wel, mae hanes yn ailadrodd ei hun, onid yw, oherwydd, unwaith eto, mae Llywodraeth Dorïaidd y DU wedi dweud ei bod ond yn barod i ariannu cynnydd o 1 y cant, ni waeth pa dystiolaeth a gyflwynir i'r corff adolygu cyflogau a'r hyn y mae'n ei argymell. Mae hyn yn warthus, o ystyried beth mae'r GIG a gweithwyr rheng flaen eraill wedi bod drwyddo dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, felly rwy'n falch bod y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yng Nghymru wedi nodi'n glir iawn mewn tystiolaeth i'r corff adolygu cyflogau na ddylid cael cap mympwyol ar y cynnig a wneir i weithwyr y GIG; dylai fod yn gynnig sy'n adlewyrchu eu gwerth i'r wlad, a rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU ei ariannu'n llawn. Wedi'r cyfan, fel y mae Dai Lloyd eisoes wedi bod yn dweud wrthym, maent wedi dod o hyd i arian yn ystod y pandemig hwn ar gyfer llawer o bethau eraill: biliynau ar gyfer system olrhain wedi'i phreifateiddio ond sydd wedi methu i raddau helaeth; codiad cyflog sylweddol i Dominic Cummings; ac a yw'n dal i fod yn dri ffotograffydd swyddogol i'r Prif Weinidog? Ac wrth gwrs, £2 filiwn ar gyfer ystafell y wasg yn Stryd Downing. Ac ar y pryd, roedd gweithwyr y GIG yn gweithio ymhell y tu hwnt i'w dyletswydd yn achub bywydau ac yn ein cadw'n ddiogel. Gwnaethant achub bywyd y Prif Weinidog Boris Johnson hyd yn oed, ac fe fu yntau'n curo dwylo cyn cau'r drws yn glep arnynt. Mae cynnig cyflog o 1 y cant yn warth ar y rhai a wnaeth y penderfyniad hwnnw, ond rwy'n gobeithio y cânt eu cywilyddio i wneud yn well, oherwydd fe allwn ni wneud yn well, fel y mae ein Llywodraeth yng Nghymru wedi dangos heddiw drwy gyhoeddi bonws o £500 i holl staff y GIG a gofal cymdeithasol, i gydnabod eu hymdrechion yn ystod y pandemig.
Lywydd, a gaf fi ddweud hefyd fy mod yn falch nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru, yn wahanol i Lywodraeth y DU, wedi anghofio'r gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol a'i bod yn gweithio gydag undebau llafur a'r sector i sicrhau gwelliannau i bobl sy'n gofalu am ein hanwyliaid pan fyddant fwyaf agored i niwed? Yn fy mhrofiad i, gwn y bydd y Llywodraeth Lafur hon yng Nghymru, y Gweinidog iechyd a'r undebau llafur yn cydweithio i ddangos bod Cymru'n genedl decach, yn genedl a fydd yn gwobrwyo'r rhai a'n helpodd drwy'r adegau mwyaf tywyll yn diweddar. Ond gadewch inni beidio â'i gwneud yn hawdd i Lywodraeth y DU am un funud. Hwy sy'n dal llinynnau'r pwrs ar gyfer hyn, a rhaid eu dwyn i gyfrif a'u gwneud i dalu. Bydd gweithredu'n siarad yn llawer uwch nag unrhyw eiriau.
I'm pleased to take part in this really important debate. I will begin by doing something I don't usually do, and that is to quote the words of another person, and I'm going to quote the words of Helen, who is a nurse from Llanelli. I've known her and her work for a very long time. She has e-mailed me about a number of healthcare issues, but I want to just quote briefly some of the things she says about nurses' pay: 'As for nurses pay, the misinformation and manipulation of the facts about previous pay increases and that the vast majority of nurses are on salaries of over £30,000 peddled by the Westminster Government needs to be challenged. Many nurses are the main breadwinners in their family, and their income is not secondary to a husband's.' 'It's not just during the COVID crisis that those who provide health and social care in primary, secondary and independent services have been serving our community' she says. 'To stand outside and clap and then offer a below-inflation pay increase is an insult. The retention of health and care staff will be vital to meet the needs of those who have had delays in diagnostics and treatment, and a paltry 1 per cent does not offer much incentive to remain in nursing.' She then says, 'My apologies for the rant, but in 40 years I have never seen morale so low and I personally have never felt more patronised and insulted.'
Now, as I've said, I know Helen, and her commitment and dedication have been inspirational, and it makes me furious to hear how patronised and insulted she feels. And there are hundreds of Helens in all our constituencies—thousands of them in all our constituencies and regions across Wales. Nurse recruitment, of course, has never been a very major issue. There are so many people who are willing to serve and are willing to train, though there are challenges. But nurse retention has been an issue for a very long time, and there are a number of reasons for this. Lack of flexibility is one of them; limited opportunities for career progression another. But low wages are part of this picture. Adding to the almost unbearable strain of working under COVID conditions, I am really genuinely concerned that we will see a haemorrhage of these nurses and other skilled professionals out of our NHS to agency work, or out of health and care altogether, precipitated by unbearable working conditions and just ended up by this gross insult of a pay offer. That leaves me with real concern about the long-term sustainability of services. We know that we need to provide more services close to people's homes, but, if we don't have the professionals, how can we keep hospitals like Prince Philip Hospital in Llanelli or Withybush Hospital in Pembrokeshire going and providing the excellent services that they do?
So, what is the Welsh Government response to this? Well, the bonus—very welcome, but none of the health and care staff that I've spoken to in the region I represent want just an occasional pat on the back. What they want and need is a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, week in, week out. And the Government's response to our motion? Well, it's the usual, 'delete almost everything, and everything we're doing is fine'. Well, it's not fine. To me, Llywydd, this is yet another example of why devolution may be better than nothing, but why it isn't enough. I firmly believe that the majority of Welsh people want to see our health and care staff properly and consistently rewarded.
But our health and care workers, despite health and care being devolved, are still subject to and distressed by the insulting rhetoric of a Conservative Government that we didn't vote for. And even if the Welsh Government wants to provide a more generous pay settlement, they may struggle to afford to do so. Angela Burns is right to say, of course, that this is a devolved matter, but there are questions of resource. Our health and care staff and those who use their services—all of us, Llywydd—deserve better. Sooner rather than later, we need to be an independent nation with a Government that can really and completely reflect our values and our priorities—decisions that affect us made by us.
In the meantime, we must do all we can, including paying a minimum of £10 an hour to all care workers. After May, a Plaid Cymru Government will do just that. I commend the motion, unamended, to the Senedd.
Rwy'n falch o gymryd rhan yn y ddadl bwysig hon. Rwyf am ddechrau drwy wneud rhywbeth nad wyf fel arfer yn ei wneud, sef dyfynnu geiriau person arall, ac rwy'n mynd i ddyfynnu geiriau Helen, sy'n nyrs o Lanelli. Rwy'n ei hadnabod hi a'i gwaith ers amser maith. Mae wedi anfon negeseuon e-bost ataf ynglŷn â nifer o faterion gofal iechyd, ond hoffwn ddyfynnu'n fyr rai o'r pethau y mae'n eu dweud am gyflogau nyrsys: 'Ar gyflogau nyrsys, mae angen herio gwybodaeth anghywir a ffugio ffeithiau am godiadau cyflog blaenorol a bod y mwyafrif llethol o nyrsys ar gyflogau o dros £30,000 fel y mae Llywodraeth San Steffan yn ei bedlera. Yn achos llawer o nyrsys, hwy yw'r prif enillwyr cyflog yn eu teulu, ac nid yw eu hincwm yn eilradd i un y gŵr. Nid dim ond yn ystod argyfwng COVID y mae'r rhai sy'n darparu iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol mewn gwasanaethau sylfaenol, eilaidd ac annibynnol wedi bod yn gwasanaethu ein cymuned' meddai. 'Mae sefyll y tu allan a chlapio cyn cynnig codiad cyflog is na chwyddiant yn sarhaus. Bydd cadw staff iechyd a gofal yn hanfodol i ddiwallu anghenion y rhai sydd wedi wynebu oedi mewn diagnosteg a thriniaethau, ac nid yw 1 y cant pitw yn cynnig llawer o gymhelliant i aros yn y byd nyrsio.' Mae hi'n dweud wedyn, 'Rwy'n ymddiheuro am ei dweud hi, ond mewn 40 mlynedd nid wyf erioed wedi gweld morâl mor isel ac nid wyf fi'n bersonol erioed wedi teimlo fy mod yn cael fy sarhau a fy niraddio i'r fath raddau.'
Nawr, fel y dywedais, rwy'n adnabod Helen, ac mae ei hymrwymiad a'i hymroddiad wedi bod yn ysbrydoledig, ac mae clywed cymaint y mae'n teimlo ei bod wedi'i diraddio a'i sarhau yn fy ngwneud yn gandryll. Ac mae cannoedd o Helenau ym mhob un o'n hetholaethau—miloedd ohonynt ym mhob un o'n hetholaethau a'n rhanbarthau ledled Cymru. Nid yw recriwtio nyrsys, wrth gwrs, erioed wedi bod yn broblem fawr iawn. Mae cymaint o bobl sy'n barod i wasanaethu ac sy'n barod i hyfforddi, er bod yna heriau. Ond mae cadw nyrsys wedi bod yn broblem ers amser maith, ac mae nifer o resymau am hyn. Mae diffyg hyblygrwydd yn un ohonynt; mae prinder cyfleoedd i gamu ymlaen mewn gyrfa yn un arall. Ond mae cyflogau isel yn rhan o'r darlun hwn. Gan ychwanegu at y straen bron yn annioddefol o weithio o dan amodau COVID, rwy'n wirioneddol bryderus y byddwn yn gweld y nyrsys hyn a gweithwyr proffesiynol medrus eraill yn llifo allan o'n GIG i waith asiantaeth, neu allan o iechyd a gofal yn gyfan gwbl, wedi'i achosi gan amodau gwaith annioddefol a sarhad enfawr y cynnig cyflog hwn ar y diwedd. Mae hynny'n fy ngwneud yn wirioneddol bryderus ynghylch cynaliadwyedd hirdymor gwasanaethau. Gwyddom fod angen i ni ddarparu mwy o wasanaethau yn agos at gartrefi pobl, ond os nad yw'r gweithwyr proffesiynol gennym, sut y gallwn gadw ysbytai fel Ysbyty'r Tywysog Philip yn Llanelli neu Ysbyty Llwynhelyg yn Sir Benfro i fynd a darparu'r gwasanaethau rhagorol a gynigir ganddynt?
Felly, beth yw ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i hyn? Wel, y bonws—mae croeso mawr iddo, ond nid pat achlysurol ar y cefn y mae'r staff iechyd a gofal y siaradais â hwy yn y rhanbarth rwy'n ei gynrychioli ei eisiau. Yr hyn y mae arnynt ei eisiau a'i angen yw cyflog teg am ddiwrnod teg o waith, wythnos ar ôl wythnos. Ac ymateb y Llywodraeth i'n cynnig? Wel, y 'dileu bron bopeth, ac mae popeth rydym yn ei wneud yn iawn' arferol. Wel, nid yw'n iawn. I mi, Lywydd, dyma enghraifft arall eto o pam y gallai datganoli fod yn well na dim byd o gwbl, ond pam hefyd nad yw'n ddigon. Credaf yn gryf fod y rhan fwyaf o bobl Cymru am weld ein staff iechyd a gofal yn cael eu talu'n briodol a hynny'n gyson.
Ond er bod iechyd a gofal wedi'u datganoli, mae ein gweithwyr iechyd a gofal yn dal i gael eu tristáu gan rethreg sarhaus Llywodraeth Geidwadol na wnaethom bleidleisio drosti. A hyd yn oed os yw Llywodraeth Cymru am ddarparu setliad cyflog mwy hael, efallai y byddant yn ei chael hi'n anodd fforddio gwneud hynny. Mae Angela Burns yn iawn i ddweud, wrth gwrs, fod hwn yn fater sydd wedi'i ddatganoli, ond mae cwestiynau'n codi ynglŷn ag adnoddau. Mae ein staff iechyd a gofal a'r rhai sy'n defnyddio eu gwasanaethau—pob un ohonom, Lywydd—yn haeddu gwell. Yn gynt yn hytrach nag yn hwyrach, mae angen inni fod yn wlad annibynnol gyda Llywodraeth a all adlewyrchu ein gwerthoedd a'n blaenoriaethau o ddifrif ac yn llwyr—penderfyniadau sy'n effeithio arnom ni a wnaed gennym ni.
Yn y cyfamser, rhaid inni wneud popeth yn ein gallu, gan gynnwys talu o leiaf £10 yr awr i bob gweithiwr gofal. Ar ôl mis Mai, bydd Llywodraeth Plaid Cymru yn gwneud yn union hynny. Rwy'n cymeradwyo'r cynnig heb ei ddiwygio i'r Senedd.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i gyfrannu i'r ddadl—Vaughan Gething.
I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services to contribute to the debate—Vaughan Gething.

Thank you, Llywydd, and I move the Welsh Government amendment in the name of Rebecca Evans. I'd like to thank Plaid Cymru for choosing this topic for a brief debate today, as it allows me to reiterate the clear view of the Welsh Government on NHS pay, and the direct contrast between ourselves and the UK Conservative Government.
As many of you have said, we regularly say how much we value our NHS staff for their dedication and their compassion, especially in the face of this terrible, unforgiving virus. The last year has been relentless. The pandemic continues to have a significant impact on patients and staff. I recognise the incredible physical and emotional demands faced by our workforce as a result. They have put themselves in harm's way to keep all of us safe. We painted rainbows, we gave thanks and we clapped in the streets. And the response from the UK Conservative Government to recognise that extraordinary service is an attempt to limit the NHS pay rise to 1 per cent. It beggars belief. The UK Conservative Government can find taxpayers' money to spray over private consultants on test and trace in England; the unanswered questions on PPE and the VIP lane; a team of photographers for the Prime Minister; and the new media briefing room we've already heard about today. Yet, when it comes to the NHS, the coffers are bare. Nobody should underestimate the sense of anger and betrayal from our NHS staff. It is a kick in the teeth from the Tories. I understand the strength of feeling from staff and their trade union representatives. I met trade unions, as I regularly do, on the Friday after the UK Government's announcement, and I heard first hand their unified dismay, hurt and disappointment.
I have been very clear since that Tory announcement that this Welsh Labour-led Government has not set an arbitrary cap on NHS pay. I wrote to the NHS pay review bodies on 11 March to confirm that we have not set a cap on NHS pay. We want independent advice from pay review bodies on a fair and affordable uplift for NHS workers here in Wales, in line with the remit that I set in January. The pay review bodies are due to report in May, and NHS staff and the public will have to decide if they want to endorse Tory contempt for our NHS at the ballot box. The contrast with Welsh Labour priorities and action could not be clearer. And the bonus payments announced today are in addition to, not instead of, a fair pay award. I was proud to confirm this payment today after weeks of work with our stakeholders, and it is plainly laughable to suggest that the bonus was somehow a last-minute response to this motion.
I'm equally proud that NHS Wales is a living-wage employer, and Dawn Bowden outlined her role as a trade union officer in negotiating that with a Welsh Labour-led Government, and I have recently decided to implement the new real living wage rate of £9.50 an hour for our NHS staff from 1 April. Welsh Government funding to achieve this is an interim measure whilst we wait on the new pay review body recommendations. We have a long-established commitment to the real living wage as the minimum rate of pay for our social care workforce. Yesterday, I set out our work on paying for care and our priority for raising the pay of social care staff. We're committed to bringing about long-term improvements to the sector that includes pay progression and that goes beyond this minimum.
Social care is complex, with over 1,000 employers and services across the private, third and public sector. Introducing long-term improvements means that we do need to work in partnership, and that's why we established the social care fair work forum. Pay is a key consideration for social care, but so too are good contractual arrangements, terms and conditions, in creating a stable sector where people feel valued. We don't want improved pay to be introduced that is then offset by poorer terms and conditions. The majority of care and support is commissioned, and the current arrangements tend to result in low, minimum wages for our front-line workforce. That's why we propose a new approach in our 'Rebalancing care and support' White Paper. And in that we set out how a new national framework will ensure that quality and value, rather than price, should become the key determinants of success in a market of care provision.
I ask Members to support the Government amendment today and to send a clear message of how much we value our staff, and a clear message to the Conservative Party as well.
Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwy'n cynnig gwelliant Llywodraeth Cymru yn enw Rebecca Evans. Hoffwn ddiolch i Blaid Cymru am ddewis y pwnc hwn ar gyfer dadl fer heddiw, gan ei bod yn caniatáu i mi ailadrodd barn glir Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyflogau'r GIG, a'r gwrthgyferbyniad uniongyrchol rhyngom ni a Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU.
Fel y mae llawer ohonoch wedi sôn, rydym yn dweud yn rheolaidd gymaint y gwerthfawrogwn staff ein GIG am eu hymroddiad a'u tosturi, yn enwedig yn wyneb y feirws ofnadwy a diymwared hwn. Mae'r flwyddyn ddiwethaf wedi bod yn ddi-baid. Mae'r pandemig yn parhau i effeithio'n sylweddol ar gleifion a staff. Rwy'n cydnabod y gofynion corfforol ac emosiynol anhygoel a wynebir gan ein gweithlu o ganlyniad. Maent wedi wynebu niwed er mwyn cadw pob un ohonom yn ddiogel. Fe wnaethom beintio enfysau, fe wnaethom ddiolch ac fe wnaethom guro dwylo yn y strydoedd. Ac ymateb Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU i gydnabod y gwasanaeth eithriadol hwnnw yw ymgais i gyfyngu codiad cyflog y GIG i 1 y cant. Mae'n anghredadwy. Gall Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU ddod o hyd i arian trethdalwyr i'w chwistrellu dros ymgynghorwyr preifat ar brofi ac olrhain yn Lloegr; y cwestiynau heb eu hateb ar gyfarpar diogelu personol a'r llwybr i'r breintiedig; tîm o ffotograffwyr ar gyfer y Prif Weinidog; ac ystafell newydd ar gyfer briffio'r cyfryngau rydym eisoes wedi clywed amdani heddiw. Ac eto, o ran y GIG, mae'r coffrau'n wag. Ni ddylai neb fychanu'r ymdeimlad o ddicter a brad y mae staff y GIG yn ei deimlo. Mae'n gic yn y dannedd gan y Torïaid. Rwy'n deall cryfder teimladau staff a'u cynrychiolwyr yn yr undebau llafur. Cyfarfûm ag undebau llafur, fel y gwnaf yn rheolaidd, ddydd Gwener ar ôl cyhoeddiad Llywodraeth y DU, a chlywais drosof fy hun pa mor siomedig a chlwyfedig y teimlant.
Rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn ers y cyhoeddiad hwnnw gan y Torïaid nad yw'r Llywodraeth hon o dan arweiniad Llafur Cymru wedi gosod cap mympwyol ar gyflogau'r GIG. Ysgrifennais at gyrff adolygu cyflogau'r GIG ar 11 Mawrth i gadarnhau nad ydym wedi gosod cap ar gyflogau'r GIG. Rydym am gael cyngor annibynnol gan gyrff adolygu cyflogau ar godiad teg a fforddiadwy i weithwyr y GIG yma yng Nghymru, yn unol â'r cylch gorchwyl a osodais ym mis Ionawr. Mae'r cyrff adolygu cyflogau i fod i adrodd ym mis Mai, a bydd yn rhaid i staff y GIG a'r cyhoedd benderfynu a ydynt am gymeradwyo dirmyg y Torïaid tuag at ein GIG yn y blwch pleidleisio. Ni allai'r gwrthgyferbyniad â blaenoriaethau a gweithredoedd Llafur Cymru fod yn gliriach. A gwneir y taliadau bonws a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn ychwanegol at ddyfarniad cyflog teg, nid i gymryd lle hynny. Roeddwn yn falch o gadarnhau'r taliad hwn heddiw ar ôl wythnosau o waith gyda'n rhanddeiliaid, ac mae'n amlwg yn chwerthinllyd i awgrymu bod y bonws rywsut yn ymateb munud olaf i'r cynnig hwn.
Rwyf yr un mor falch bod GIG Cymru yn gyflogwr cyflog byw, ac amlinellodd Dawn Bowden ei rôl fel swyddog undeb llafur yn negodi hynny gyda Llywodraeth dan arweiniad Llafur Cymru, ac yn ddiweddar rwyf wedi penderfynu gweithredu'r gyfradd cyflog byw gwirioneddol newydd o £9.50 yr awr ar gyfer staff ein GIG o 1 Ebrill. Mesur dros dro yw cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni hyn wrth i ni aros am argymhellion y corff adolygu cyflogau newydd. Mae gennym ymrwymiad ers amser maith i'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol fel lleiafswm cyfradd gyflog ar gyfer ein gweithlu gofal cymdeithasol. Ddoe, nodais ein gwaith ar dalu am ofal a'n blaenoriaeth i godi cyflogau staff gofal cymdeithasol. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau gwelliannau hirdymor i'r sector sy'n cynnwys datblygiad cyflog ac mae hwnnw'n mynd y tu hwnt i'r lleiafswm hwn.
Mae gofal cymdeithasol yn gymhleth, gyda dros 1,000 o gyflogwyr a gwasanaethau ar draws y sector preifat, y trydydd sector a'r sector cyhoeddus. Mae cyflwyno gwelliannau hirdymor yn golygu bod angen i ni weithio mewn partneriaeth, a dyna pam y gwnaethom sefydlu fforwm gwaith teg gofal cymdeithasol. Mae cyflog yn ystyriaeth allweddol ar gyfer gofal cymdeithasol, ond felly hefyd y mae trefniadau, telerau ac amodau cytundebol da yn y broses o greu sector sefydlog lle mae pobl yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi. Nid ydym am weld cyflwyno cyflog gwell a gaiff ei wrthbwyso wedyn gan delerau ac amodau gwaeth. Comisiynir y rhan fwyaf o'r gofal a'r cymorth, ac mae'r trefniadau presennol yn tueddu i arwain at gyflogau isel, lleiafswm cyflog ar gyfer ein gweithlu rheng flaen. Dyna pam ein bod yn cynnig dull gweithredu newydd yn ein Papur Gwyn, 'Ailgydbwyso gofal a chymorth'. Ac ynddo, rydym yn nodi sut y bydd fframwaith cenedlaethol newydd yn sicrhau y dylai ansawdd a gwerth, yn hytrach na phris, ddod yn benderfynyddion llwyddiant allweddol mewn marchnad sy'n darparu gofal.
Gofynnaf i'r Aelodau gefnogi gwelliant y Llywodraeth heddiw ac anfon neges glir i ddangos faint rydym yn gwerthfawrogi ein staff, a neges glir i'r Blaid Geidwadol hefyd.
Rhun ap Iorwerth nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl. Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Rhun ap Iorwerth to reply to the debate. Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ymateb i'r ddadl yma ac i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan—i Dai a Helen am atgyfnerthu'r hyn sydd yn y cynnig yma o'n blaenau ni heddiw. Diolch i Aelodau o bob plaid a Llywodraeth sydd wedi datgan, fel mater o egwyddor, pa mor bwysig ydy hi ein bod ni yn gwobrwyo ein staff yn iawn ac yn eu talu nhw yn iawn o fewn iechyd a gofal. Ond, wrth gwrs, beth rydym ni yn ei wneud sydd yn bwysig yn y pen draw, yn hytrach na beth rydym ni yn ei ddweud. Dwi'n croesawu geiriau llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, eto, yn cefnogi cyflogau teg. Ond, ar yr un pryd, dwi yn sicr yn cytuno efo Dawn Bowden ynglŷn â track record gywilyddus y Ceidwadwyr yn San Steffan o ran cyflogau a thelerau ac amodau i staff iechyd a gofal, a'r cynnig 1 y cant pitw yma ar gyfer staff yn Lloegr, wrth gwrs, ydy'r cefndir ar gyfer y cynnig yma sydd o'n blaenau ni heddiw.
Tra'n cyfeirio at y sylwadau gan Angela Burns, hefyd mi lwyddodd hi i droi hyn yn rhywbeth ynglŷn â chyfansoddiad ac annibyniaeth, yn dweud ein bod ni'n chwilio am annibyniaeth i Gymru ond ddim yn fodlon cymryd cyfrifoldeb ffisgal. Os caf i gywiro a dweud, yn llythrennol, gofyn am gyfrifoldeb ffisgal ydym ni drwy fynnu annibyniaeth i Gymru, er mwyn gallu rhoi iechyd a gofal a'r holl wasanaethau cyhoeddus eraill yng Nghymru ar seiliau mwy cadarn.
Fel rydym ni'n ei ddweud, beth rydym ni'n ei wneud sy'n bwysig yn fan hyn, ac wrth gwrs mae gweithred fel cynnig bonws i staff iechyd a gofal yn rhywbeth mae Llywodraeth yn gallu ei wneud fel one-off, ac mae o'n dâl fydd yn cael ei werthfawrogi, heb os, gan staff sydd wedi blino ar draws iechyd a gofal. Ond fel dywedodd yr RCN y prynhawn yma:
Thank you very much, Llywydd. I thank the Minister for his response to this debate and everyone who's participated—to Dai and Helen for reinforcing what's contained within this motion before us today. I'd like to thank Members of all parties and of the Government who have declared, as a matter of principle, how important it is that we reward our staff properly and pay them properly within health and care. But it's what we do that's ultimately important, rather than what we say. I welcome the words of the Conservative spokesperson, again, supporting fair wages. But I also agree with Dawn Bowden on the disgraceful track record of the Conservatives in Westminster in terms of health and care staff pay and conditions, and offering that derisory 1 per cent for staff in England is the background for the motion that we're discussing this afternoon.
Whilst referring to comments by Angela Burns, you also managed to turn this into an issue of constitution and independence, stating that we were seeking independence for Wales but weren't willing to take fiscal responsibility. If I could correct you and say that we are literally asking for fiscal responsibility by insisting on independence for Wales, so that we can put health and care and all the other crucial public services in Wales on more robust foundations.
As we say, it's what we do that's important here, and of course an act such as providing a bonus for health and care staff is something that the Government can do as a one-off, and it certainly will be appreciated by staff that are tired across health and social care. But as the RCN said this afternoon:
'Let’s be clear: a one-off COVID-19 bonus is not the significant and substantive pay rise that we have been calling for for our nursing staff. What we want from the Welsh Government is a commitment to ensuring fair pay for nursing, fair pay that addresses the 1,600+ vacancies in Wales, fair pay that encourages nurses to stay in the profession and fair pay that ensures the delivery of excellent patient care.'
Gadewch i ni fod yn glir: nid bonws COVID-19 untro yw'r codiad cyflog mawr a sylweddol y buom yn galw amdano ar gyfer ein staff nyrsio. Yr hyn rydym am ei gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru yw ymrwymiad i sicrhau cyflog teg am nyrsio, cyflog teg sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r 1,600+ o swyddi gwag yng Nghymru, cyflog teg sy'n annog nyrsys i aros yn y proffesiwn a chyflog teg sy'n sicrhau y darperir gofal rhagorol i gleifion.
Dyna yr ydym ni eisiau ei ddelifro o fewn iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru, ac rydym ni eisiau sicrhau bod ein staff gofal ni yn cael eu gwobrwyo am eu gwaith nhwythau. Mae gwelliannau'r Llywodraeth yn tynnu hynny allan o'r cynnig yma heddiw. Mae'r Llywodraeth yn dweud eu bod nhw eisiau talu cyflog byw go iawn, ond yn tynnu oddi wrth ein cynnig ni yr hyn yr ydym ni eisiau ei wneud mewn Llywodraeth, o gynnig lleiafswm o £10 yr awr i weithwyr gofal. Peidiwch â phleidleisio, Aelodau Llafur, dros eich gwelliant chi heddiw. Wedi'r cyfan, wrth groesawu datganiadau o egwyddor gan Aelodau o bob plaid yn y Senedd heddiw ar wthio am gyflog gwell i staff iechyd a gofal, dwi'n eich gwahodd chi i gefnogi cynnig sydd yn mynnu hynny. Felly, dyma fi'n eich gwahodd chi unwaith eto: cefnogwch y cynnig yma heddiw, efallai.
That's what we want to deliver within health and care in Wales, and we want to ensure that our care staff are rewarded for their work. The Government's amendment withdraws that from this motion this afternoon. The Government says that it wants to pay a real living wage, but removes from our motion what we want to do in Government, in providing a minimum of £10 per hour for care staff. So, Labour Members, don't vote for your own amendment this afternoon. After all, in welcoming statements of principle from Members of all parties in the Senedd this afternoon on pushing for better pay and conditions for health and care staff, I invite you to support a motion that insists on that. So, I invite you once again to support this motion today.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu hynny? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad, ac felly fe adawn ni y cynnig yna tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There are objections, and therefore we will defer voting on this item until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Rydym ni'n cyrraedd yr amser pleidleisio nawr, ond fe gymerwn ni doriad byr cyn cychwyn y bleidlais er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer y dechnoleg o hynny. Toriad byr, felly.
And that brings us to voting time, but we'll take a short break before we move to the votes to prepare the technology. A short break.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 17:01.
Plenary was suspended at 17:01.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 17:06, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 17:06, with the Llywydd in the Chair.
Felly, dyma ni'n cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio, ac mae'r bleidlais gyntaf ar ddadl Plaid Cymru ar adolygiad o gyflogau'r gwasanaeth iechyd. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais, felly, ar y cynnig a gyflwynwyd yn enw Siân Gwenllian. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid naw, pedwar yn ymatal, 38 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.
So, that brings us to voting time, and the first vote is on the Plaid Cymru debate, NHS pay review. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Siân Gwenllian. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour nine, four abstentions and 38 against, and therefore the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 9 - Dadl Plaid Cymru - Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 9, Yn erbyn: 38, Ymatal: 4
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig
Item 9 - Plaid Cymru debate - Motion without amendment: For: 9, Against: 38, Abstain: 4
Motion has been rejected
Gwelliant 1 yw'r bleidlais nesaf. Gwelliant 1, felly, yn enw Mark Isherwood. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 12, dau yn ymatal, 37 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i wrthod.
We now move to a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Mark Isherwood. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 12, two abstentions and 37 against, therefore amendment 1 is not agreed.
Eitem 9 - Gwelliant 1 - Cyflwynwyd yn enw Mark Isherwood: O blaid: 12, Yn erbyn: 37, Ymatal: 2
Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant
Item 9 - Amendment 1 - Tabled in the name of Mark Isherwood: For: 12, Against: 37, Abstain: 2
Amendment has been rejected
Gwelliant 2 yw'r gwelliant nesaf. Os bydd hwn yn cael ei dderbyn, bydd gwelliant 3 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Galwaf am bleidlais, felly, ar welliant 2 yn enw Rebecca Evans. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 27, mae pump yn ymatal, 19 yn erbyn, ac felly mae gwelliant 2 wedi'i gymeradwyo ac mae gwelliant 3 yn cwympo.
Our next vote is on amendment 2. If amendment 2 is agreed, amendment 3 will be deselected. I call for a vote on amendment 2, tabled in the name of Rebecca Evans. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 27, five abstentions and 19 against, and therefore amendment 2 is agreed and amendment 3 falls.
Eitem 9 - Gwelliant 2 - Cyflwynwyd yn enw Rebecca Evans: O blaid: 27, Yn erbyn: 19, Ymatal: 5
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant
Item 9 - Amendment 2 - Tabled in the name of Rebecca Evans: For: 27, Against: 19, Abstain: 5
Amendment has been agreed
Cafodd gwelliant 3 ei ddad-ddethol.
Amendment 3 deselected.
Felly, y bleidlais olaf ar y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio.
So, our final vote is on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM7655 fel y’i diwygiwyd:
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn condemnio argymhelliad Llywodraeth y DU i Gorff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG am godiad cyflog cwbl annigonol o 1 y cant i nyrsys a staff eraill y GIG a fyddai'n golygu toriad mewn termau real yn eu cyflogau.
2. Yn cydnabod bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi nodi'r safbwynt gwahanol i undeb llafur y GIG o ran yr hyn y credant sy’n godiad cyflog teg a fforddiadwy ac wedi cyflwyno sylwadau pellach i Gorff Adolygu Cyflogau'r GIG i gadarnhau nad oes cap mympwyol wedi'i bennu.
3. Yn credu y dylai'r cyrff adolygu cyflogau adrodd yn annibynnol ar dâl sy'n deg ac yn fforddiadwy.
4. Yn cydnabod bod GIG Cymru yn talu'r Cyflog Byw Gwirioneddol, bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r Cyflog Byw Gwirioneddol fel lleiafswm cyfradd gyflog i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol ac wedi sefydlu'r Fforwm Gwaith Teg Gofal Cymdeithasol sy'n edrych ar sut y gellir gwella telerau ac amodau yn y sector.
5. Yn cydnabod bod un o themâu allweddol 'Cymru Iachach: Ein Strategaeth Gweithlu ar gyfer Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol' yn canolbwyntio ar wobrwyo a chydnabod staff yn deg.
Motion NDM7655 as amended:
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Condemns the UK Government’s recommendation to the NHS Pay Review Body for a wholly inadequate 1 per cent pay rise to nurses and other NHS staff which would amount to a real terms cut in their wages.
2. Acknowledges that the Welsh Government has noted the different position from the NHS trade union on what they believe is a fair and affordable pay uplift and has made further representations to the NHS Pay Review Body to confirm that no arbitrary cap has been set.
3. Believes that the pay review bodies should report independently on a pay that is both fair and affordable.
4. Recognises that NHS Wales pays the Real Living Wage, that the Welsh Government supports the Real Living Wage as the minimum rate of pay for social care workers and has established the Social Care Fair Work Forum which is looking at how to improve terms and conditions in the sector.
5. Acknowledges that one of the key themes of 'A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care' focusses on fair rewards and recognition for staff.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 29, dau yn ymatal, 20 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 29, two abstentions and 20 against, therefore the motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 9 - Dadl Plaid Cymru - Cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd: O blaid: 29, Yn erbyn: 20, Ymatal: 2
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd
Item 9 - Plaid Cymru debate - Motion as amended: For: 29, Against: 20, Abstain: 2
Motion as amended has been agreed
Dyna ddiwedd ar ein cyfnod pleidleisio ni, ond mae yna un eitem o fusnes yn weddill, a'r eitem hynny yw'r ddadl fer.
That concludes voting time for today, but we have one remaining item of business, and that is the short debate.
Y ddadl fer heddiw i'w chyflwyno gan Caroline Jones.
And the short debate is to be moved by Caroline Jones.
Diolch, Llywydd. The coronavirus pandemic may have begun as a physical health emergency, but it has become a mental health crisis. The fallout from dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 virus has had a profound impact on the mental health of people of all ages and from all walks of life in every corner of Wales. And we are not unique: studies have shown the impact the pandemic has had on mental health across many nations. However, we have been one of the worst affected nations. Earlier this week, the Mental Health Million Project launched their report into the impact the pandemic is having on mental health and well-being around the globe. Their report is based on studies of people from eight English-speaking countries: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and the substantial English-speaking populations of South Africa, India and Singapore. And they found that mental well-being fell dramatically during the past 12 months, and that the UK saw the most dramatic decline.
Diolch, Lywydd. Efallai fod y pandemig coronafeirws wedi dechrau fel argyfwng iechyd corfforol, ond mae wedi dod yn argyfwng iechyd meddwl. Mae canlyniadau ymdrin â feirws SARS-CoV-2 wedi effeithio'n ddwfn ar iechyd meddwl pobl o bob oed ac o bob cefndir ym mhob cwr o Gymru. Ac nid ydym yn unigryw: mae astudiaethau wedi dangos yr effaith y mae'r pandemig wedi'i chael ar iechyd meddwl ar draws llawer o wledydd. Fodd bynnag, rydym wedi bod ymhlith y gwledydd yr effeithiwyd arnynt waethaf. Yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, lansiodd y prosiect Mental Health Million ei adroddiad ar yr effaith y mae'r pandemig yn ei chael ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant ym mhob cwr o'r byd. Mae eu hadroddiad yn seiliedig ar astudiaethau o bobl o wyth gwlad Saesneg eu hiaith: yr Unol Daleithiau, Canada, y Deyrnas Unedig, Awstralia, Seland Newydd a phoblogaethau Saesneg eu hiaith sylweddol De Affrica, India a Singapôr. A gwelsant fod llesiant meddyliol wedi gostwng yn ddramatig yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf, ac mai'r DU a welodd y dirywiad mwyaf dramatig.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.
Here in Wales, we have had some of the longest periods of restrictions on our social activity in the world, so it is little wonder that we have experienced some of the greatest impacts. We are, for the most part, social animals, and spending time with friends and family is a vital part of our emotional and mental well-being. Having to cut all face-to-face contact for a staggering 212 days has seen far greater numbers of people suffering from loneliness and isolation, and those suffering from loneliness have been further isolated.
The halt to care home visits has left many people struggling, and this has been particularly hard for dementia patients. They don't always understand the reason behind the restrictions and feel they've been abandoned by their loved ones. This is also traumatic for the families of those in care. It must be heartbreaking to be unable to visit their loved ones, especially for those on palliative care.
Loneliness and isolation haven't just hit the elderly hard, they've impacted on people across the age spectrum, people from all walks of life, and with many people working from home or furloughed, often the only time they see another human being is over a video link. But a Zoom meeting cannot replicate in-person interactions. This is particularly true for young people—young people who have had not just their ability to go outside and play with their friends curtailed, but their education and development stunted.
What has been more damaging, however, has been the on-again, off-again in-person learning, as well as the inconsistent approach across the age ranges. People do not understand why their siblings can go to school, but they have to stay home. Some school pupils returned to the classroom a few weeks ago and more cohorts returned this week, but others will not return for another month. Children have experienced anxiety about returning, and parents are reporting that their child has developed behavioural issues. And it's a terrible burden for young people to bear. Young people are concerned about their education, their future, and many parents have reported finding their child in tears because they're worried about passing the virus on to their parents or grandparents. I find it heartbreaking that children must deal with such issues and that they must be concerned about their future, rather than being able to enjoy the present.
Yet, they're not alone in being anxious about the future. So, to combat the disease, we shut down large parts of the economy, closed entire sectors, resulting in many people becoming out of work, and, thankfully, we had the job retention scheme that saw millions of people furloughed, rather than laid off. But those people are worried about whether the business they work for will survive post pandemic. Anxiety about future economic stability has pushed many people into mental ill health. Far too many sleepless nights have resulted over people's concerns about providing food and shelter for themselves and their family.
However, mental trauma hasn't been confined just to those out of work. Working during the pandemic has been stressful for many, especially those who could not maintain social distancing. Police officers, prison guards, firefighters and all those on the front line in health and social care have put themselves at risk of contracting a deadly disease in order to keep us all safe. And those working in the NHS and care homes have also had to deal with seeing their patients and sometimes colleagues lose their lives to COVID-19. So, we have seen harrowing tales of doctors and nurses likening work during the pandemic to being in a war zone, so great was the death toll. Nurses had to work for hours in painful PPE, doing physically demanding tasks, such as turning COVID patients so they didn't drown from fluid on their lungs. They then had to sit with patients as they died, so that they wouldn't face their end alone. Witnessing such dreadful things has taken its toll, with staff unable to take time off to recuperate because there's no-one to take their place.
Thankfully, most people do not have to experience that level of mental trauma, but very few have come through the past 12 months unscathed. COVID-19 may have started as the biggest public health challenge in more than a century, but it is now becoming the biggest mental health challenge we have ever faced, also. So, what can we do about it? I welcome the investment by the Welsh Government to offer online cognitive behavioural therapy to everyone in Wales over the age of 16, but we must do so much more. We need to employ an army of therapists and counsellors. We have to put counsellors in every school, encourage every employer to offer emotional and mental health support to their staff. We have to ensure everyone in Wales gets whatever support they need.
We need to encourage landlords to allow tenants to keep their pets. This might seem like a strange request, but it's no coincidence that pet ownership skyrocketed during lockdown. Pets can help us deal with loneliness and isolation, and having a dog can spur people to leave the sofa and go out for a walk, helping to boost our mental health resilience. Unfortunately, a lot of landlords, and particularly social landlords, prevent pet ownership. I've been dealing with Tai Tarian, who refused to allow one of my constituents to get a dog. Thankfully, I learned last night that she has been granted an emotional support dog, following pressure from her GP. But people should not have to fight for emotional support. We must be flexible and provide whatever support is needed. Tai Tarian is no exception, but pleasingly not all social landlords are negative towards pet ownership, as in the case of Hafod Housing, who look at the size of your accommodation and that determines the size of the dog that you can have.
Yesterday, the Royal College of Physicians called upon the Welsh Government to deliver on their commitment to make staff health and well-being a national priority, and I agree with this. Health and care staff looked after us, so we must look after their mental well-being. Unless we tackle the emotional and mental fall-out of the coronavirus pandemic head on and now, we will see a lot more than one in four of us suffering from mental ill health. Diolch yn fawr. Thank you very much.
Yma yng Nghymru, rydym wedi cael rhai o'r cyfnodau hwyaf yn y byd o gyfyngiadau ar ein gweithgaredd cymdeithasol, felly nid yw'n syndod ein bod wedi profi rhai o'r effeithiau mwyaf. At ei gilydd, rydym yn anifeiliaid cymdeithasol, ac mae treulio amser gyda ffrindiau a theulu yn rhan hanfodol o'n llesiant emosiynol a meddyliol. Mae gorfod torri'r holl gyswllt wyneb yn wyneb am 212 diwrnod wedi gweld niferoedd llawer mwy o bobl yn dioddef unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd, ac mae'r rhai sy'n dioddef unigrwydd yn teimlo'n fwy ar wahân.
Mae atal ymweliadau â chartrefi gofal wedi golygu bod llawer o bobl yn ei chael hi'n anodd, ac mae hyn wedi bod yn arbennig o anodd i gleifion dementia. Nid ydynt bob amser yn deall y rheswm dros y cyfyngiadau ac maent yn teimlo eu bod wedi eu hanghofio gan eu hanwyliaid. Mae hyn hefyd yn drawmatig i deuluoedd y rhai mewn gofal. Rhaid bod methu ymweld â'u hanwyliaid yn dorcalonnus, yn enwedig i'r rheini sy'n cael gofal lliniarol.
Nid yr henoed yn unig sydd wedi'u taro'n galed gan unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd, maent wedi effeithio ar bobl ar draws y sbectrwm oedran, pobl o bob cefndir, a chyda llawer o bobl yn gweithio gartref neu ar ffyrlo, yn aml iawn, yr unig dro y gwelant fod dynol arall yw dros gyswllt fideo. Ond ni all cyfarfod Zoom cymryd lle rhyngweithio wyneb yn wyneb. Mae hyn yn arbennig o wir am bobl ifanc—pobl ifanc sydd wedi gweld eu gallu i fynd allan a chwarae gyda'u ffrindiau wedi'i leihau, ond sydd hefyd wedi gweld eu haddysg a'u datblygiad wedi'u grebachu.
Yr hyn sydd wedi bod yn fwy niweidiol, fodd bynnag, yw'r dysgu wyneb yn wyneb ysbeidiol, yn ogystal â'r dull anghyson o weithredu ar draws yr ystodau oedran. Nid yw pobl yn deall pam y caiff eu brodyr a'u chwiorydd fynd i'r ysgol, ond bod yn rhaid iddynt hwy aros gartref. Dychwelodd rhai disgyblion ysgol i'r ystafell ddosbarth ychydig wythnosau'n ôl a dychwelodd mwy o garfannau yr wythnos hon, ond ni fydd eraill yn dychwelyd am fis arall. Mae plant wedi teimlo pryder ynglŷn â dychwelyd, ac mae rhieni'n dweud bod eu plentyn wedi datblygu problemau ymddygiad. Ac mae'n faich ofnadwy i bobl ifanc ei ysgwyddo. Mae pobl ifanc yn poeni am eu haddysg, am eu dyfodol, ac mae llawer o rieni wedi dweud eu bod wedi gweld eu plentyn yn crio oherwydd eu bod yn poeni ynglŷn â throsglwyddo'r feirws i'w rhieni neu neiniau a theidiau. Rwy'n ei chael yn dorcalonnus fod yn rhaid i blant ymdopi â phethau o'r fath a bod yn rhaid iddynt boeni am eu dyfodol, yn hytrach na gallu mwynhau'r presennol.
Ac eto, nid hwy yw'r unig rai sy'n poeni am y dyfodol. Felly, er mwyn ymladd y clefyd, fe wnaethom gau rhannau helaeth o'r economi, cau sectorau cyfan, gan arwain at lawer o bobl yn colli eu gwaith, a diolch byth, cawsom y cynllun cadw swyddi a welodd filiynau o bobl yn cael eu rhoi ar ffyrlo yn hytrach na'u diswyddo. Ond mae'r bobl hynny'n poeni a fydd y busnes y maent yn gweithio iddo yn goroesi ar ôl pandemig. Mae pryder am sefydlogrwydd economaidd yn y dyfodol wedi arwain at salwch meddwl i lawer o bobl. Arweiniodd llawer gormod o nosweithiau di-gwsg at bryderon ynglŷn â darparu bwyd a lloches iddynt hwy a'u teuluoedd.
Fodd bynnag, nid yw trawma meddyliol wedi'i gyfyngu i'r rhai sydd allan o waith yn unig. Mae gweithio yn ystod y pandemig wedi bod yn straen i lawer, yn enwedig y rhai na allent gadw pellter cymdeithasol. Mae swyddogion yr heddlu, swyddogion carchardai, diffoddwyr tân a phawb sydd ar y rheng flaen ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol wedi rhoi eu hunain mewn perygl o ddal clefyd marwol er mwyn ein cadw ni i gyd yn ddiogel. Ac mae'r rhai sy'n gweithio yn y GIG a chartrefi gofal hefyd wedi gorfod ymdopi â gweld eu cleifion, a'u cydweithwyr weithiau, yn colli eu bywydau i COVID-19. Felly, rydym wedi gweld hanesion dirdynnol am feddygon a nyrsys yn dweud bod nifer y marwolaethau wedi golygu bod gwaith yn ystod y pandemig yn debyg i fod ar faes y gad. Bu'n rhaid i nyrsys weithio am oriau mewn cyfarpar diogelu personol poenus, gan wneud tasgau corfforol heriol, fel troi cleifion COVID fel nad oeddent yn boddi yn yr hylif ar eu hysgyfaint. Yna bu'n rhaid iddynt eistedd gyda chleifion wrth iddynt farw, fel na fyddent yn wynebu eu diwedd ar eu pen eu hunain. Mae gweld pethau mor ofnadwy wedi gadael ei ôl, gyda staff yn methu cymryd amser i ffwrdd o'r gwaith i wella gan nad oes neb i gymryd eu lle.
Diolch byth, nid oes raid i'r rhan fwyaf o bobl brofi'r lefel honno o drawma meddyliol, ond ychydig iawn sydd wedi dod drwy'r 12 mis diwethaf heb unrhyw niwed. Efallai fod COVID-19 wedi dechrau fel yr her iechyd cyhoeddus fwyaf mewn mwy na chanrif, ond erbyn hyn dyma'r her iechyd meddwl fwyaf inni ei hwynebu erioed hefyd. Felly, beth y gallwn ei wneud yn ei gylch? Rwy'n croesawu'r buddsoddiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gynnig therapi gwybyddol ymddygiadol ar-lein i bawb yng Nghymru dros 16 oed, ond mae'n rhaid inni wneud cymaint mwy. Mae angen inni gyflogi byddin o therapyddion a chwnselwyr. Mae'n rhaid i ni roi cwnselwyr ym mhob ysgol, annog pob cyflogwr i gynnig cymorth emosiynol ac iechyd meddwl i'w staff. Rhaid inni sicrhau bod pawb yng Nghymru yn cael pa gymorth bynnag sydd ei angen arnynt.
Mae angen inni annog landlordiaid i ganiatáu i denantiaid gadw eu hanifeiliaid anwes. Efallai fod hyn i'w weld yn gais rhyfedd, ond nid yw'n gyd-ddigwyddiad fod perchnogaeth ar anifeiliaid anwes wedi codi i'r entrychion yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud. Gall anifeiliaid anwes ein helpu i ymdopi ag unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd, a gall cael ci sbarduno pobl i adael y soffa a mynd allan am dro, gan helpu i hybu iechyd meddwl. Yn anffodus, mae llawer o landlordiaid, ac yn enwedig landlordiaid cymdeithasol, yn atal perchnogaeth ar anifeiliaid anwes. Rwyf wedi bod yn ymdrin â Tai Tarian, a wrthododd ganiatáu i un o fy etholwyr gael ci. Diolch byth, clywais neithiwr ei bod wedi cael ci cymorth emosiynol, yn dilyn pwysau gan ei meddyg teulu. Ond ni ddylai pobl orfod brwydro am gymorth emosiynol. Rhaid inni fod yn hyblyg a darparu pa gymorth bynnag sydd ei angen. Nid yw Tai Tarian yn eithriad, ond mae'n braf nad yw pob landlord cymdeithasol yn negyddol tuag at berchnogaeth ar anifeiliaid anwes, fel yn achos Tai Hafod, sy'n edrych ar faint eich preswylfa a bydd hynny'n pennu maint y ci y gallwch ei gael.
Ddoe, galwodd Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflawni eu hymrwymiad i wneud iechyd a llesiant staff yn flaenoriaeth genedlaethol, ac rwy'n cytuno â hyn. Fe wnaeth staff iechyd a gofal ofalu amdanom ni, felly mae'n rhaid i ni ofalu am eu llesiant meddyliol hwy. Oni bai ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â niwed emosiynol a meddyliol y pandemig coronafeirws yn uniongyrchol ac ar unwaith, byddwn yn gweld llawer mwy nag un o bob pedwar ohonom yn dioddef o salwch meddwl. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
I now call the Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language to reply to the debate. Eluned Morgan.
Galwaf yn awr ar y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl, Llesiant a'r Gymraeg i ymateb i'r ddadl. Eluned Morgan.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn i ddiolch i Caroline Jones am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon ar bwnc sydd mor bwysig.
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to thank Caroline Jones for bringing this short debate forward on such an important issue.
Thank you very much, Caroline Jones, for introducing this debate in such a compassionate way; you have been full of humanity in the way that you've presented that. So, thank you very much, because it is an issue that is touching so many lives at the moment.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Caroline Jones, am gyflwyno'r ddadl mewn ffordd mor dosturiol; fe wnaethoch ei chyflwyno mewn ffordd ddyngarol iawn. Felly, diolch yn fawr iawn, oherwydd mae'n fater sy'n cyffwrdd â chymaint o fywydau ar hyn o bryd.
Rydyn ni'n aml yn siarad am yr angen i sicrhau bod gan bobl fynediad at wasanaethau iechyd meddwl a bod cymorth yn dal i fod ar gael bob amser, yn arbennig yn ystod adeg sydd mor heriol. Ond mae ein sylw heddiw ar gefnogi pobl sydd yn dioddef o orbryder a sut rydyn ni'n gallu mynd ymlaen ar ôl y pandemig, sut rydyn ni'n edrych i'r dyfodol. Ac er bod lefelau gorbryder wedi parhau'n uwch nag yr oedden nhw cyn y pandemig, rydyn ni wedi'u gweld nhw'n codi a syrthio hefyd. Wrth i'r cyfyngiadau gael eu llacio, mae lefelau gorbryder wedi gostwng. Wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n gwbl ddealladwy. Dwi'n gobeithio y byddwn ni'n gweld lefelau gorbryder yn gostwng ymhellach os bydd pethau'n parhau i wella a'r cyfyngiadau yna'n cael eu codi.
Drwy weld ffrindiau a theulu, a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau rydyn ni'n eu mwynhau, gallwn ni i gyd warchod ein hiechyd meddwl. Ac i lawer o bobl, bydd iechyd meddwl a llesiant yn gwella wrth inni ddychwelyd i fywyd normal. Ond, i bobl eraill, mae effaith y pandemig i'w deimlo'n ddyfnach, a gallai hyn fod oherwydd y trawma mae'r unigolyn wedi ei brofi, efallai trwy salwch neu os bydd yr unigolyn efallai wedi colli aelod o'r teulu neu ffrind i COVID. Mae Caroline wedi sôn am y bobl sy'n gweithio ar y rheng flaen yn y gwasanaeth iechyd; wrth gwrs, maen nhw wedi dioddef trawma yn ystod y cyfnod yma hefyd. Rydym hefyd yn gwybod bod y pandemig yn mynd i gael ac wedi cael effaith ar ein heconomi a'n cymdeithas, nid jest yn y tymor byr, ond mae'n debygol o barhau i'r tymor canolig. Felly, mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n deall yr effaith y bydd cyflogaeth, incwm a thai yn cael ar iechyd meddwl pobl, a deall yr amgylchiadau sydd wedi newid yn ystod y cyfnod yma.
Er mwyn adfer ein hiechyd meddwl ar ôl y pandemig, mae'n gwbl allweddol nad ydym yn ei ystyried fel mater i'w drin trwy ddulliau meddygol yn unig. Wrth gwrs ein bod ni wedi ymrwymo i gynnal gwasanaethau arbenigol i helpu gydag anghenion iechyd meddwl trwy gydol y pandemig sy'n galw am help y gwasanaeth iechyd, ond dwi yn meddwl y bydd angen mynediad at amrywiaeth o gymorth anghlinigol ar nifer o bobl hefyd. Dwi'n falch heddiw fy mod wedi cael y cyfarfod cyntaf o'r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen ar ragnodi cymdeithasol, a dwi'n gobeithio bod hyn yn rhywbeth y gallwn ni edrych mewn iddo yn fwy yn y dyfodol. Dwi hefyd wedi cyflwyno papur i'r Cabinet yn ddiweddar sy'n amlinellu'r materion hyn, a dwi wedi bod yn gwbl glir bod angen mwy o ymdrech drawslywodraethol ac amlasiantaethol eto os ydyn ni am atal y twf sydyn rŷn ni'n ei ragweld o ran anghenion iechyd meddwl—anghenion sy'n seiliedig mewn gwirionedd ar faterion cymdeithasol a llesiant llawer ehangach.
We often talk about the need to ensure that people have access to mental health services and that support continues to be available, particularly during such a challenging time. But our focus today is on supporting people who are suffering anxiety and how we can move on from the pandemic and how we move to the future. And although levels of anxiety have remained higher than they were prior to the pandemic, we have seen them rise and fall, too. As the restrictions are relaxed, levels of anxiety have reduced and, of course, that is totally understandable. I hope that we will see levels of anxiety falling further if things continue to improve and those restrictions are relaxed.
By seeing friends and family, and participating in activities that we enjoy, we can all look after our own mental health and, for many people, mental health and well-being will improve as we return to normality. But, for others, the impact of the pandemic will be felt more deeply, and this could be because of the trauma that the individual has experienced, through illness or if that individual may have lost a family member or a friend to COVID. Caroline mentioned those people who were working on the front-line in our health service; of course, they've suffered trauma during this period too. We also know that the pandemic has had, and will have, an impact on our economy and our society, not just in the short term, but it's likely to continue to the medium term too. So, it is important that we understand the impact of employment, income and housing on people's mental health, and that we understand the circumstances that have changed during this period.
In order to restore our mental health post pandemic, it's crucial that we don't look at this as a matter to be treated by medical means only. Of course, we are committed to maintaining specialist services to help with mental health needs throughout the pandemic that require the help of our national health service, but I also think that we will need access to a variety of non-clinical support for many people. I'm pleased today that I had a first meeting with the task and finish group on social prescribing, and I do hope that this will be something that we can look into for the future. I've also presented a paper to Cabinet recently outlining these issues, and I have been entirely clear that we need more cross-governmental multi-agency work if we are to prevent this spike that we're anticipating in terms of mental health needs—needs that are based on social issues and issues of well-being that go far more broadly.
In terms of understanding the impacts of COVID-19 on mental health, we're continuing to strengthen the arrangements that we put in place at the start of the pandemic. These include analytical support to draw out the latest evidence of outcomes from population surveys, both in Wales and in the wider UK. Caroline was absolutely right to draw attention to the fact that people in Britain seem to have coped with this not as well as in some other countries. I've also recently convened a ministerial oversight and delivery board group, which is providing me with a greater assurance of the progress that's being made in delivering our mental health programme of work, including our continued response to COVID-19.
Public Health Wales are represented on the board and will help to strengthen that analytical support. They're taking forward important work to examine the existing and ongoing impact of COVID-19, in particular on children and young people. Caroline was absolutely right to draw attention to this, because we know that the children's commissioner in her survey 'Coronavirus and Me' found that 67 per cent of children between the age of 12 and 18 said that they were sad some or most of the time. Just think about that figure; it's a huge figure, and we really have got to put measures in place. I'm really pleased that the education Minister has being doing that with her whole-school approach; we've now expanded that to the whole-system approach, and all of that was partly a result of responding to the really terrific report written by the children's committee, 'Mind over matter'. We're currently working on a framework for the renewal of mental health services with the NHS, which will sit within the context of the NHS-wide recovery strategy, which will be published very shortly.
We're continuing to support the Talking is a Lifeline campaign to encourage men to talk about mental health. Some of you may have seen that programme last night; very traumatic watching how men have such difficulty talking about mental health issues. And we are also supporting groups that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, including black, Asian and minority ethnic groups, and people who are on low income, as we look to extend that support. Caroline, you mentioned the responsibility of employers, and of course, they will play a key role in supporting economic recovery and improving the health of the working-age population. Our Healthy Working Wales programme will focus on mental health and well-being, and we will work with employers to understand the current needs, including potential shifts in working patterns, which will inform the future of work. I know that Public Health Wales are currently undertaking a range of interviews with private and public sector employees to just inform our approach on this.
We continue to recognise the potential impact of the pandemic on future employment and health. The chief medical officer chairs a group to consider these issues, and we know that there is a significant impact upon mental health and well-being, particularly due to reduced employment opportunities, and a need to support action across a range of partners and stakeholders. I've spoken previously about the work we've done to strengthen our universal offer for low-level mental health issues, and you referred to that SilverCloud offering, that cognitive behavioural therapy support, which has been used now by about 6,000 in six months. I've committed a further £4 million next year to expand this type of support, and other support—it's not just online, of course. This is part of additional funding of £42 million next year to support mental health services. We know this will strengthen service improvements within health boards, and in particular the out-of-hours response, which is really important when it comes to mental health support.
We've got to remember that this additional funding is against the backdrop of a much larger pot of money that we allocate to local health boards each year. I've been clear that, whilst I understand the need to protect specialist support, I'd really like to see a shift in resources towards prevention and earlier mental health support, and in particular towards the needs of children and young people, because we know 80 per cent of problems relating to mental health generally start when people are children and young people.
In conclusion, I'm clear that, whilst mental health support has been available throughout the pandemic, as we emerge, we need to renew and rebuild that provision in a way that's far more preventative in nature, and which reflects the needs in our population. By working closely with the NHS and other partners, I think that the significant additional funding we've secured will help to do this in a way that will make it sustainable for the future. So, thank you, Caroline, again, for bringing this really important issue to the attention of the Chamber, and certainly I hope that people will try and reach out for the support that is there for them. Diolch yn fawr.
O ran deall effeithiau COVID-19 ar iechyd meddwl, rydym yn parhau i gryfhau'r trefniadau a roddwyd ar waith gennym ar ddechrau'r pandemig. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys cymorth dadansoddol i ganfod y dystiolaeth ddiweddaraf o ganlyniadau arolygon poblogaeth, yng Nghymru ac yn y DU yn ehangach. Roedd Caroline yn llygad ei lle yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith ei bod yn ymddangos nad yw pobl Prydain wedi ymdopi â hyn cystal â rhai gwledydd eraill. Rwyf hefyd wedi cynnull grŵp bwrdd cyflawni a throsolwg y Gweinidog yn ddiweddar, i roi mwy o sicrwydd i mi ynglŷn â'r cynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud ar gyflawni ein rhaglen waith iechyd meddwl, gan gynnwys ein hymateb parhaus i COVID-19.
Cynrychiolir Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar y bwrdd a bydd yn helpu i gryfhau'r cymorth dadansoddol hwnnw. Maent yn bwrw ymlaen â gwaith pwysig i archwilio effaith bresennol a pharhaus COVID-19, yn enwedig ar blant a phobl ifanc. Roedd Caroline yn llygad ei lle yn tynnu sylw at hyn, oherwydd gwyddom fod y comisiynydd plant yn ei harolwg 'Coronafeirws a Fi' wedi canfod bod 67 y cant o blant rhwng 12 a 18 oed wedi dweud eu bod yn drist rywfaint neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser. Meddyliwch am y ffigur hwnnw; mae'n ffigur enfawr, ac mae'n rhaid inni roi mesurau ar waith. Rwy'n falch iawn fod y Gweinidog addysg wedi bod yn gwneud hynny gyda'i dull ysgol gyfan; rydym bellach wedi ehangu hynny i'r dull system gyfan, ac roedd hynny i gyd yn rhannol o ganlyniad i ymateb i'r adroddiad gwirioneddol wych a ysgrifennwyd gan y pwyllgor plant, 'Cadernid meddwl'. Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn gweithio ar fframwaith ar gyfer adnewyddu gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl gyda'r GIG, a fydd yn rhan o gyd-destun strategaeth adfer gyfan y GIG, a gyhoeddir yn fuan iawn.
Rydym yn parhau i gefnogi ymgyrch Mae Siarad yn Hollbwysig i annog dynion i siarad am iechyd meddwl. Efallai fod rhai ohonoch wedi gweld y rhaglen honno neithiwr; roedd hi'n drawmatig iawn gwylio sut y mae dynion yn ei chael hi mor anodd siarad am faterion iechyd meddwl. Ac rydym hefyd yn cefnogi grwpiau yr effeithiwyd arnynt yn anghymesur gan y pandemig, gan gynnwys grwpiau pobl dduon, Asiaidd a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, a phobl sydd ar incwm isel, wrth inni geisio ymestyn y cymorth hwnnw. Caroline, fe sonioch chi am gyfrifoldeb cyflogwyr, ac wrth gwrs, byddant yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn y broses o gefnogi adferiad economaidd a gwella iechyd y boblogaeth oedran gweithio. Bydd ein rhaglen Cymru Iach ar Waith yn canolbwyntio ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant, a byddwn yn gweithio gyda chyflogwyr i ddeall yr anghenion presennol, gan gynnwys newidiadau posibl i batrymau gwaith, a fydd yn llywio dyfodol gwaith. Gwn fod Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wrthi'n cynnal amrywiaeth o gyfweliadau gyda gweithwyr yn y sector preifat a'r sector cyhoeddus i lywio ein dull o weithredu ar hyn.
Rydym yn parhau i gydnabod effaith bosibl y pandemig ar gyflogaeth ac iechyd yn y dyfodol. Mae'r prif swyddog meddygol yn cadeirio grŵp i ystyried y materion hyn, a gwyddom fod effaith sylweddol ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant, yn enwedig yn sgil llai o gyfleoedd cyflogaeth, a'r angen i gefnogi gweithredu ar draws ystod o bartneriaid a rhanddeiliaid. Rwyf wedi siarad o'r blaen am y gwaith rydym wedi'i wneud ar gryfhau ein cynnig cyffredinol ar gyfer problemau iechyd meddwl lefel isel, ac fe gyfeirioch chi at gynnig SilverCloud, cymorth therapi gwybyddol ymddygiadol sydd bellach wedi'i ddefnyddio gan oddeutu 6,000 mewn chwe mis. Rwyf wedi ymrwymo £4 miliwn arall y flwyddyn nesaf i ehangu'r math hwn o gymorth, a chymorth arall—nid ar-lein yn unig, wrth gwrs. Mae'n rhan o gyllid ychwanegol o £42 miliwn y flwyddyn nesaf i gefnogi gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl. Gwyddom y bydd hyn yn cryfhau gwelliannau i wasanaethau o fewn byrddau iechyd, ac yn enwedig yr ymateb y tu allan i oriau, sy'n wirioneddol bwysig yng nghyd-destun cymorth iechyd meddwl.
Mae'n rhaid inni gofio bod yr arian ychwanegol hwn yn dod yn erbyn cefndir y gronfa lawer mwy o arian a ddyrannwn i fyrddau iechyd lleol bob blwyddyn. Er fy mod yn deall yr angen i ddiogelu cymorth arbenigol, rwyf wedi bod yn glir yr hoffwn yn fawr weld newid yn yr adnoddau tuag at atal a chymorth iechyd meddwl cynharach, ac yn arbennig tuag at anghenion plant a phobl ifanc, oherwydd gwyddom at ei gilydd fod 80 y cant o'r problemau sy'n ymwneud ag iechyd meddwl yn dechrau pan fydd pobl yn blant a phobl ifanc.
I gloi, er bod cymorth iechyd meddwl wedi bod ar gael drwy gydol y pandemig, wrth inni ddod allan ohono, rwy'n glir fod angen inni adnewyddu ac ailadeiladu'r ddarpariaeth honno mewn ffordd sy'n llawer mwy ataliol ei natur, ac sy'n adlewyrchu'r anghenion yn ein poblogaeth. Drwy weithio'n agos gyda'r GIG a phartneriaid eraill, credaf y bydd y cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol rydym wedi'i sicrhau yn helpu i wneud hyn mewn ffordd a fydd yn ei wneud yn gynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol. Felly, diolch unwaith eto, Caroline, am ddod â'r mater pwysig hwn i sylw'r Siambr, ac yn sicr rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pobl yn ceisio estyn am y cymorth sydd ar gael iddynt. Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much, Minister. That brings today's proceedings to a close. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Weinidog. Daw hynny â'r trafodion i ben am heddiw. Diolch.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 17:27.
The meeting ended at 17:27.