Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd drwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi angen nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y cyfarfod yma. Mae'r rheini wedi nodi ar eich agenda chi.
Welcome, everyone, to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting and these are set out on your agenda.
Yr eitem gyntaf, felly, yw cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Economi ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Jayne Bryant.
The first item is questions to the Minister for Economy and the first question is from Jayne Bryant.
1. Sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn defnyddio datblygu economaidd i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw DU gyfan yng Nghymru? OQ57477
1. How will the Welsh Government use economic development to tackle the UK-wide cost-of-living crisis in Wales? OQ57477
Thank you for the question. Our economic mission, alongside our upcoming employability strategy, sets out our policies to increase skills, productivity and earnings to help boost living standards here in Wales. Many of the key levers, of course, and responsibility around the cost-of-living crisis, rest with the UK Government, but the Welsh Government has already announced a £51 million household support fund and the £10 million tenancy hardship grant, which shows this Welsh Government’s commitment to support the people of Wales.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae ein cenhadaeth economaidd, ochr yn ochr â’n strategaeth cyflogadwyedd sydd ar y ffordd, yn nodi ein polisïau i gynyddu sgiliau, cynhyrchiant ac enillion i helpu i godi safonau byw yma yng Nghymru. Llywodraeth y DU sy’n gyfrifol am lawer o’r ysgogiadau allweddol a mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw wrth gwrs, ond mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi cyhoeddi cronfa gymorth i aelwydydd gwerth £51 miliwn a grant caledi i denantiaid gwerth £10 miliwn, sy’n dangos ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi pobl Cymru.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. The cost of living in the UK is dramatically increasing. Worryingly, energy price rises are only the tip of the iceberg with the news today that inflation has hit a 30-year high and still set to increase. Financial pressures will become very real to very many people. Thousands more will be driven into poverty, forced into stark choices of heating or eating. The Westminster Tory Government have all the powers and the finance to address this, but at a time when they should be doing all they can to protect people, they're into diverting more of their energy into propping up their leader. I'm glad to hear of the measures you've mentioned here in Wales, Minister, but it's imperative that we use every lever at our disposal to help those who need it, from supporting local food supply chains to ensuring that people have the skills and employment opportunities. Can you ensure that no stone is left unturned to protect the residents of Newport West and Wales throughout this difficult time?
Diolch am eich ateb, Weinidog. Mae costau byw yn y DU yn cynyddu'n aruthrol. Mae'n destun pryder mai crib y rhewfryn yn unig yw codiadau mewn prisiau ynni gyda'r newyddion heddiw fod chwyddiant wedi cyrraedd y lefel uchaf ers 30 mlynedd, ac yn mynd i ddal i godi. Bydd pwysau ariannol yn dod yn real iawn i lawer iawn o bobl. Bydd miloedd yn rhagor yn cael eu gwthio i fyw mewn tlodi, yn cael eu gorfodi i ddewis rhwng gwresogi neu fwyta. Mae gan Lywodraeth Dorïaidd San Steffan yr holl bwerau a’r cyllid i fynd i’r afael â hyn, ond ar adeg pan ddylent fod yn gwneud popeth a allant i ddiogelu pobl, mae'n well ganddynt ddefnyddio mwy o’u hegni i gynnal eu harweinydd. Rwy’n falch o glywed am y mesurau rydych wedi’u crybwyll yma yng Nghymru, Weinidog, ond mae’n hollbwysig ein bod yn defnyddio pob ysgogiad sydd gennym i helpu’r rheini sydd angen cymorth, o gefnogi cadwyni cyflenwi bwyd lleol i sicrhau bod gan bobl sgiliau a chyfleoedd cyflogaeth. A allwch roi sicrwydd inni y byddwch yn gwneud popeth a allwch i ddiogelu trigolion Gorllewin Casnewydd a Chymru drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn?
Yes, thank you. I certainly can give you that assurance. I worry a great deal about my own constituents, as indeed I know Members in constituencies and regions will do as well, in particular due to the stark warning from the Resolution Foundation of a cost-of-living catastrophe coming up in April that would affect over half of households in the country. And of course, pre pandemic we really had made progress. So, the Resolution Foundation report in November 2020 highlighted that, before the pandemic, Wales had halved the employment gap with the UK over the devolution period and we had more jobs in the top half of the income spectrum rather than in the bottom half. So, we were already making progress.
Of course, now we are undertaking a number of measures. So, from the backing local firms fund to supporting people to gain more from their local economies, the work we're doing more broadly on the foundational economy, on supply chains, is going to create more jobs closer to home, in addition to, of course, the young person's guarantee and the employability strategy. This Welsh Government will continue to act to try to protect the citizens of Wales and to give people real hope for the future so that people really can plan a prosperous future here in Wales.
Ie, diolch. Yn sicr, gallaf roi’r sicrwydd hwnnw i chi. Rwy’n poeni’n fawr am fy etholwyr fy hun, fel Aelodau etholaethau a rhanbarthau eraill wrth gwrs, yn enwedig yn sgil y rhybudd llym gan Sefydliad Resolution am drychineb costau byw ym mis Ebrill a fyddai'n effeithio ar dros hanner aelwydydd y wlad. Ac wrth gwrs, cyn y pandemig, roeddem wedi gwneud cynnydd pendant. Felly, amlygodd adroddiad Sefydliad Resolution ym mis Tachwedd 2020 fod Cymru, cyn y pandemig, wedi haneru’r bwlch cyflogaeth gyda’r DU dros y cyfnod datganoli a bod gennym fwy o swyddi yn hanner uchaf y sbectrwm incwm nag yn yr hanner gwaelod. Felly, roeddem eisoes yn gwneud cynnydd.
Wrth gwrs, rydym bellach yn cyflawni nifer o fesurau. Felly, o'r gronfa cefnogi cwmnïau lleol i gefnogi pobl i elwa mwy o'u heconomïau lleol, mae'r gwaith rydym yn ei wneud yn ehangach ar yr economi sylfaenol, ar gadwyni cyflenwi, yn mynd i greu mwy o swyddi yn nes at adref, yn ogystal, wrth gwrs, â’r warant i bobl ifanc a’r strategaeth cyflogadwyedd. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i weithredu i geisio diogelu dinasyddion Cymru ac i roi gobaith gwirioneddol i bobl ar gyfer y dyfodol fel y gall pobl gynllunio dyfodol llewyrchus yma yng Nghymru.
Minister, what we've heard the last couple of weeks from Members and you is that you like to berate the UK Government with the usual mantra of, 'We don't get enough money', but the fact of the matter is you've had more money than ever before. The UK Government provided furlough for workers during COVID. The UK Government is increasing the national living wage by 6.6 per cent this April. The real issue here is that the economy in Wales has been failing for over 20 years. Wales has the lowest gross disposable income in the UK. Wales lost 6 per cent of its businesses whilst Scotland and Northern Ireland went up by 10 per cent and 19 per cent respectively. We have the worst gross value added growth out of all of the four nations across the United Kingdom since 1999 and just one business in the FTSE 100. So, Minister, with the cost-of-living crisis coming, and we all are concerned about that, what further economic levers can you and the Welsh Government use to ensure that, in Wales, we're creating a high-wage, high-skilled economy?
Weinidog, yr hyn rydym wedi’i glywed dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf gan Aelodau a chithau yw eich bod yn hoffi grwgnach am Lywodraeth y DU â’r mantra arferol o, 'Nid ydym yn cael digon o arian’, ond y gwir amdani yw eich bod wedi cael mwy o arian nag erioed o'r blaen. Darparodd Llywodraeth y DU ffyrlo i weithwyr yn ystod COVID. Mae Llywodraeth y DU yn cynyddu’r cyflog byw cenedlaethol 6.6 y cant ym mis Ebrill eleni. Y broblem go iawn yma yw bod economi Cymru wedi bod yn methu ers dros 20 mlynedd. Incwm gwario gros aelwydydd Cymru yw'r isaf yn y DU. Collodd Cymru 6 y cant o'i busnesau wrth i fusnesau yn yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon gynyddu 10 y cant ac 19 y cant. Gennym ni y mae’r twf gwaethaf mewn gwerth ychwanegol gros o bob un o bedair gwlad y Deyrnas Unedig ers 1999 ac un busnes yn unig sydd gennym yng nghan cwmni'r FTSE. Felly, Weinidog, gyda’r argyfwng costau byw ar y ffordd, ac mae pob un ohonom yn bryderus ynghylch hwnnw, pa ysgogiadau economaidd pellach y gallwch chi a Llywodraeth Cymru eu defnyddio i sicrhau ein bod, yng Nghymru, yn creu economi sgiliau uwch a chyflogau uchel?
Well, yet again, another Conservative politician who wants to divest the Conservative Government of any responsibility for the UK-wide cost-of-living crisis. The near 30-year high in inflation figures are not matters that rest with the Welsh Government. You'd have to take an extraordinary view on matters to say that that's our direct responsibility. And, as you recognise in talking about interventions like furlough, which I do think is one of the better things that the UK Government has done during the pandemic, the biggest levers and the biggest firepower rest with the UK Government. They could resolve issues around VAT. They could resolve issues to better support families rather than choose to take money out of the pockets of our hardest hit families, as they did in cutting universal credit. Each and every choice thus far has made life harder for normal working people and, actually, I think it's high time the UK Government looked again at what it could and should do. And I remind you of what I said to Jayne Bryant: pre the pandemic, Wales had halved the employment gap with the UK—still more to do, but halved the employment gap—during the devolution period, and more jobs in the top half of the income spectrum rather than at the bottom half. So real progress has been made and is being made. As you know from me yesterday, we could do so much more if we were able to have money to invest in skills rather than having it taken away from us. It's not just an issue in Wales; you might want to pay attention to the Committee for the Economy scrutiny in the Northern Ireland Assembly, which highlighted the problems they have because of the significant funding gap they too have on skills and innovation because of the broken manifesto promise in 2019.
Wel, unwaith eto, gwleidydd Ceidwadol arall sydd am wadu bod gan y Llywodraeth Geidwadol unrhyw gyfrifoldeb dros argyfwng costau byw y DU. Nid yw’r ffigurau chwyddiant uchaf ers bron 30 mlynedd yn faterion sydd yn nwylo Llywodraeth Cymru. Byddai'n rhaid bod gennych safbwynt eithriadol ar faterion i ddweud mai ein cyfrifoldeb uniongyrchol ni yw hynny. Ac fel rydych yn ei gydnabod wrth sôn am ymyriadau fel ffyrlo, sy'n un o'r pethau da y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi'i wneud yn ystod y pandemig yn fy marn i, Llywodraeth y DU sydd â'r ysgogiadau mwyaf a'r pwerau mwyaf. Gallent ddatrys problemau'n ymwneud â TAW. Gallent ddatrys problemau i gefnogi teuluoedd yn well yn hytrach na dewis mynd ag arian o bocedi'r teuluoedd sydd wedi’u taro galetaf, fel y gwnaethant wrth dorri credyd cynhwysol. Mae pob dewis a wnaed hyd yn hyn wedi gwneud bywyd yn anoddach i bobl gyffredin sy'n gweithio, a chredaf ei bod yn hen bryd i Lywodraeth y DU edrych eto ar yr hyn y gallai ac y dylai ei wneud. Ac fe’ch atgoffaf o’r hyn a ddywedais wrth Jayne Bryant: cyn y pandemig, roedd Cymru wedi haneru’r bwlch cyflogaeth gyda’r DU—mae mwy ar ôl i’w wneud o hyd, ond haneru’r bwlch cyflogaeth—yn ystod y cyfnod datganoli, a mwy o swyddi yn hanner uchaf y sbectrwm incwm nag yn yr hanner isaf. Felly, mae cynnydd gwirioneddol wedi'i wneud ac yn dal i gael ei wneud. Fel y clywsoch gennyf ddoe, gallem wneud cymaint yn rhagor pe baem yn gallu cael arian i fuddsoddi mewn sgiliau yn hytrach na’i fod yn cael ei gymryd oddi wrthym. Nid problem yng Nghymru yn unig yw hon; efallai yr hoffech edrych ar waith craffu Pwyllgor yr Economi yng Nghynulliad Gogledd Iwerddon, a dynnodd sylw at y problemau sydd ganddynt oherwydd y bwlch cyllid sylweddol sydd ganddynt hwythau hefyd o ran sgiliau ac arloesi oherwydd yr addewid a dorrwyd ym maniffesto 2019.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog, ac i Jayne Bryant am ofyn y cwestiwn pwysig yma.
Thank you to the Minister, and to Jayne Bryant for posing this important question.
I'm sure we're all increasingly concerned about the situation in Wales, and particularly about the pressures faced by small businesses. The pile-up of the effects of COVID, Brexit and now of rising energy costs, national insurance increases and inflation is putting huge pressures on small businesses. Labour market statistics out today show that wage increases have been far outstripped by inflation, leading to a fall in actual wages. A 2021 survey by the Federation of Small Businesses found that energy costs are the biggest concern facing its members and warned that they could pose an existential threat to small firms. Just two points from me. Minister, what support could be given to businesses to enable them to invest in energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures? The Welsh Liberal Democrats have put forward plans for a business rate investment relief fund, and I wondered if you had given any consideration to introducing similar financial relief to aid businesses during the energy crisis. Diolch.
Rwy’n siŵr fod pob un ohonom yn fwyfwy pryderus am y sefyllfa yng Nghymru, ac yn enwedig am y pwysau sy'n wynebu busnesau bach. Mae’r cyfuniad o effeithiau COVID, Brexit, ac erbyn hyn y costau ynni cynyddol, cynnydd mewn yswiriant gwladol a chwyddiant, yn rhoi pwysau aruthrol ar fusnesau bach. Mae ystadegau'r farchnad lafur a gyhoeddwyd heddiw yn dangos bod chwyddiant yn llawer mwy na'r cynnydd mewn cyflogau, gan arwain at ostyngiad mewn cyflogau gwirioneddol. Canfu arolwg yn 2021 gan y Ffederasiwn Busnesau Bach mai costau ynni yw’r pryder mwyaf sy’n wynebu ei aelodau a rhybuddiodd y gallent fod yn fygythiad difrifol i gwmnïau bach. Hoffwn godi dau bwynt. Weinidog, pa gymorth y gellid ei roi i fusnesau i’w galluogi i fuddsoddi mewn mesurau effeithlonrwydd ynni a datgarboneiddio? Mae Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru wedi cyflwyno cynlluniau ar gyfer cronfa rhyddhad buddsoddi ardrethi busnes, a thybed a ydych wedi rhoi unrhyw ystyriaeth i gyflwyno rhyddhad ariannol tebyg i gynorthwyo busnesau yn ystod yr argyfwng ynni? Diolch.
Thank you. I agree with you—the challenges of the rise in energy costs, with further rises to come, are a really significant factor in the impact on pretty much all other commodities and goods as well, so, food, and then the national insurance rise on top. All of those link back to a real crisis for homes as well as for businesses. And we've all seen regular coverage now in pretty much all mainstream media of the cost-of-living crisis here, due to get worse.
On your point about a business rate relief fund, the finance Minister has already announced there will be significant business rate relief for the first half of next year. Again, we need to look creatively at what provision there is, because, regardless of the initial spin about the three-year budget settlement, that actually isn't quite as generous as the first headlines might have seemed. Actually, the value of that money will be further denuded by the rises in inflation, having reached a near 30-year high.
And when it comes to what we're looking to do to help businesses move to more energy-efficient ways of working, actually, the investment fund that I announced before the pandemic reappeared in the form of omicron and the latest wave, part of it was actually about how we can help invest alongside businesses to improve energy efficiency. So, I'm keen to get out of this phase in the pandemic and to talk again about how we can work alongside businesses and provide incentives for them to do just that. And it's part of this point about managing a transition to decarbonise our economy. There are gains to be made from greater efficiency as well, but we will need to help businesses and families through that transition.
Diolch. Rwy'n cytuno—mae heriau’r cynnydd mewn costau ynni, gyda chynnydd pellach i ddod, yn ffactor pwysig iawn yn yr effaith ar yr holl nwyddau eraill hefyd, fwy neu lai, felly, bwyd, ac yna’r cynnydd mewn yswiriant gwladol ar ben hynny. Mae’r rheini oll yn cyfrannu at argyfwng gwirioneddol i gartrefi, yn ogystal ag i fusnesau. Ac mae pob un ohonom wedi gweld y sylw rheolaidd bellach yn y rhan fwyaf o'r cyfryngau prif ffrwd i'r argyfwng costau byw yma, sydd ar fin gwaethygu.
Ar eich pwynt ynglŷn â chronfa rhyddhad ardrethi busnes, mae’r Gweinidog cyllid eisoes wedi cyhoeddi rhyddhad ardrethi busnes sylweddol ar gyfer hanner cyntaf y flwyddyn nesaf. Unwaith eto, mae angen inni edrych yn greadigol ar y ddarpariaeth, oherwydd, beth bynnag yw'r honiadau cychwynnol am y setliad cyllideb tair blynedd, nid yw mor hael ag y gallai fod wedi ymddangos yn y penawdau cyntaf. Mewn gwirionedd, bydd gwerth yr arian hwnnw'n llai fyth yn sgil y cynnydd mewn chwyddiant, sydd ar ei uchaf ers bron i 30 mlynedd.
Ac o ran yr hyn rydym yn bwriadu ei wneud i helpu busnesau i newid i ffyrdd o ddefnyddio ynni'n fwy effeithlon, roedd y gronfa fuddsoddi a gyhoeddais cyn i'r pandemig ailymddangos ar ffurf omicron a'r don ddiweddaraf, yn ymwneud yn rhannol â sut y gallwn helpu i fuddsoddi ochr yn ochr â busnesau i wella effeithlonrwydd ynni. Felly, rwy'n awyddus i ddod allan o'r cyfnod hwn yn y pandemig, ac i drafod eto sut y gallwn weithio ochr yn ochr â busnesau a darparu cymelliadau iddynt wneud hynny. Ac mae'n rhan o'r pwynt hwn ynglŷn â rheoli trawsnewid i ddatgarboneiddio ein heconomi. Mae enillion i’w cael o well effeithlonrwydd hefyd, ond bydd angen inni helpu busnesau a theuluoedd drwy’r newid hwnnw.
2. Sut mae'r gronfa cadernid economaidd yn cefnogi busnesau yng Nghymru y mae'r pandemig wedi effeithio arnynt? OQ57453
2. How does the economic resilience fund support Welsh businesses impacted by the pandemic? OQ57453
Thank you for the question. We have made unprecedented levels of funding available to support Welsh businesses through the pandemic, including through the unique, Wales-only economic resilience fund. The latest package of emergency support—just from ER—will provide up to £120 million to those businesses impacted by the latest protective measures to protect public health.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Rydym wedi sicrhau bod lefelau mwy nag erioed o gyllid ar gael i gefnogi busnesau Cymru drwy’r pandemig, gan gynnwys drwy'r gronfa cadernid economaidd unigryw sydd ar gael i Gymru’n unig. Bydd y pecyn cymorth brys diweddaraf—o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd yn unig—yn darparu hyd at £120 miliwn i'r busnesau y mae'r mesurau diogelu diweddaraf i ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd wedi effeithio arnynt.
Minister, can I thank you, first of all, for continuing to support countless businesses and a huge number of workers not just in my constituency but across Wales during the pandemic, whilst also providing essential leadership on the economic mission that the Government is embarked on? Now, there are two particular sectors that have been hard hit during the course of the pandemic and which have enjoyed support that is only available in Wales. They are non-essential retail and taxi drivers. Minister, can you assure us that such sectors will continue to receive Welsh Government support and that you'll go on engaging with the business community and, of course, our trade unions to shape the best possible package of support for businesses?
Weinidog, a gaf fi ddiolch i chi, yn gyntaf oll, am barhau i gefnogi busnesau di-rif a nifer enfawr o weithwyr nid yn unig yn fy etholaeth i ond ledled Cymru yn ystod y pandemig, gan ddarparu arweiniad allweddol hefyd ar genhadaeth economaidd y Llywodraeth? Nawr, mae dau sector penodol wedi cael eu taro’n galed yn ystod y pandemig ac wedi cael cymorth sydd ond ar gael yng Nghymru. Manwerthu nad yw'n hanfodol a gyrwyr tacsi yw'r sectorau hyn. Weinidog, a allwch roi sicrwydd i ni y bydd sectorau o’r fath yn parhau i gael cymorth gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac y byddwch yn parhau i ymgysylltu â’r gymuned fusnes, ac wrth gwrs, ein hundebau llafur i lunio'r pecyn cymorth gorau posibl i fusnesau?
I certainly will. Actually, it's been interesting—a recently published survey from the Cardiff Business School showed that 85 per cent of businesses who responded agreed that the support from the first two phases of the Welsh Government's economic resilience fund was as important as furlough in supporting them during the first year of the pandemic. I think that's a great credit to Welsh Government and, indeed, to the former economy Minister who oversaw those schemes.
When it comes to non-essential retail, there is a deliberate difference between us and England. Non-essential retail is supported by measures here, but hasn't been across the border. And that's a point that was made to me forcibly by representatives of the retail sector when I met with them as part of the regular series of engagements I have with businesses, business organisations, local government and, of course, our trade unions. And, again, the point was made about freelancers, the self-employed and taxi drivers during our recent discussions. When we knew we'd have to take further measures to protect public health, I was keen to make sure that there was a form of support for taxi drivers because we know the trade was directly affected. We recently announced, of course, a doubling in that support to £1,000, showing we're listening to people, working with them and doing everything we can with the resources available to us. We'll go on listening and working with our partners here in Wales, and I believe we get better results by working in exactly that way.
Gallaf, yn sicr. A dweud y gwir, mae wedi bod yn ddiddorol—dangosodd arolwg a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar gan Ysgol Fusnes Caerdydd fod 85 y cant o'r busnesau a ymatebodd yn cytuno bod cymorth dau gam cyntaf cronfa cadernid economaidd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yr un mor bwysig â ffyrlo yn eu cefnogi yn ystod blwyddyn gyntaf y pandemig. Credaf fod hynny'n glod mawr i Lywodraeth Cymru, ac yn wir, i gyn Weinidog yr economi a oruchwyliodd y cynlluniau hynny.
O ran manwerthu nad yw’n hanfodol, mae gwahaniaeth bwriadol rhyngom ni a Lloegr. Ceir mesurau i gefnogi manwerthu nad yw'n hanfodol yma, ond nid yw hynny'n wir dros y ffin. Ac mae hwnnw'n bwynt a wnaed yn rymus i mi gan gynrychiolwyr y sector manwerthu pan gyfarfûm â hwy fel rhan o'r ymgysylltu rheolaidd a wnaf â busnesau, sefydliadau busnes, llywodraeth leol, a'n hundebau llafur wrth gwrs. Ac unwaith eto, gwnaed y pwynt am weithwyr llawrydd, yr hunangyflogedig a gyrwyr tacsi yn ystod ein trafodaethau diweddar. Pan oeddem yn gwybod y byddai'n rhaid inni roi camau pellach ar waith i ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd, roeddwn yn awyddus i sicrhau bod math o gymorth ar gael i yrwyr tacsi gan y gwyddom fod y sector hwnnw wedi'i effeithio'n uniongyrchol. Yn ddiweddar, fe wnaethom ddyblu’r cymorth hwnnw i £1,000 wrth gwrs, gan ddangos ein bod yn gwrando ar bobl, yn gweithio gyda hwy ac yn gwneud popeth a allwn gyda’r adnoddau sydd ar gael i ni. Byddwn yn parhau i wrando a gweithio gyda’n partneriaid yma yng Nghymru, a chredaf ein bod yn cael canlyniadau gwell drwy weithio yn y ffordd honno.
Thank you to the Member for submitting this important question as well. Minister, because of the further restrictions over Christmas and into the new year, the announcement of further financial support from the economic resilience fund is of course welcome for those businesses. However, because of the level and length of these most recent restrictions, for many it is simply not enough. An example of this is from the Night Time Industries Association, who've estimated that, on average, their members have lost around £45,000 over the festive period and into the new year. So, Minister, are those businesses lying when they say that support that they're likely to receive from the Welsh Government is not enough to cover their losses?
Diolch i’r Aelod am gyflwyno’r cwestiwn pwysig hwn hefyd. Weinidog, oherwydd y cyfyngiadau pellach dros y Nadolig ac i mewn i’r flwyddyn newydd, mae’r cyhoeddiad am ragor o gymorth ariannol o’r gronfa cadernid economaidd i’w groesawu ar gyfer y busnesau hynny wrth gwrs. Fodd bynnag, oherwydd lefel a hyd y cyfyngiadau diweddaraf hyn, nid yw'n ddigon i lawer ohonynt. Enghraifft o hyn yw Cymdeithas Diwydiannau'r Nos, sydd wedi amcangyfrif bod eu haelodau, ar gyfartaledd, wedi colli oddeutu £45,000 dros gyfnod y Nadolig ac i mewn i'r flwyddyn newydd. Felly, Weinidog, a yw’r busnesau hynny’n dweud celwydd pan ddywedant nad yw cymorth y maent yn debygol o’i gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn ddigon i wneud iawn am eu colledion?
I think every business sector is looking to gain the greatest amount possible to support their business, and you understand exactly why they would do. When you think about the support that we've provided through the economic resilience fund, through the non-domestic rates-related support—and again, a scheme that is more generous than England—and also through the cultural recovery fund that supports a range of people in the events sector, I think, actually, you can see that we're doing everything we could and should do within the resources available to us to properly support businesses.
Now, I don't think it's helpful to say that people are not being honest about the impact on their operations. What we're looking to do with the support we are providing is to try to make sure that businesses can survive and to support them into the recovery, and a recovery that is taking place at a more rapid pace in Wales because of the action that we took. And if you want to see the evidence for that in the public health issue, you can see that in the differential in the hospitalisation rates, and you can also see that in current case rates today, where they're nearly double in England what they are in Wales. That means we're less likely to have the direct impact those businesses also face when people aren't able to come to work because of COVID and, indeed, their customers who aren't able to come in because of COVID as well. The balance in our approach I think is the right one, and I'm confident that, in time, the further data we expect to get will prove that to be the case.
Rwy'n credu bod pob sector busnes yn awyddus i gael cymaint â phosibl i gefnogi eu busnes, ac rydych yn deall yn union pam. Pan feddyliwch am y cymorth rydym wedi’i ddarparu drwy’r gronfa cadernid economaidd, drwy gymorth mewn perthynas ag ardrethi annomestig—ac unwaith eto, cynllun sy’n fwy hael na Lloegr—a thrwy’r gronfa adferiad diwylliannol hefyd, sy’n cefnogi ystod o bobl yn y sector digwyddiadau, rwy'n credu y gallwch weld ein bod yn gwneud popeth y gallwn ac y dylem ei wneud o fewn yr adnoddau sydd ar gael i ni i gefnogi busnesau'n briodol.
Nawr, ni chredaf ei bod yn ddefnyddiol dweud nad yw pobl yn bod yn onest am yr effaith ar eu gwaith. Yr hyn rydym yn bwriadu ei wneud â’r cymorth a ddarparwn yw ceisio sicrhau bod busnesau’n gallu goroesi a’u cefnogi i mewn i’r adferiad, ac adferiad sy’n digwydd yn gyflymach yng Nghymru oherwydd y camau gweithredu a roesom ar waith. Ac os ydych am weld y dystiolaeth o hynny yn iechyd y cyhoedd, gallwch weld hynny yn y gwahaniaeth yn y cyfraddau o bobl sy'n mynd i'r ysbyty, a gallwch weld hynny hefyd yn y cyfraddau achosion cyfredol heddiw, lle maent bron â bod ddwywaith cymaint yn Lloegr â'r hyn ydynt yng Nghymru. Golyga hynny ein bod yn llai tebygol o gael yr effaith uniongyrchol y mae'r busnesau hynny hefyd yn ei hwynebu pan nad yw pobl yn gallu dod i'r gwaith oherwydd COVID, ac yn wir, pan nad yw eu cwsmeriaid yn gallu dod i mewn oherwydd COVID yn ogystal. Credaf fod cydbwysedd ein dull o weithredu yn iawn, ac rwy'n hyderus, maes o law, y bydd y data pellach rydym yn disgwyl ei gael yn profi hynny.
Mae'r gronfa, wrth gwrs, wedi bod yn un modd o helpu busnesau, ond mi wnaeth rhai busnesau lwyddo i oroesi drwy fod yn rhan o'r ymateb i COVID. Dwi wedi ysgrifennu at y Llywodraeth a'r Gweinidog o'r blaen ynglŷn â'r angen i gynnal y cadwynau cyflenwi gafodd eu creu yn ystod y pandemig. Mi fu Brodwaith yn fy etholaeth i, yn ogystal â chwmnïau fel Elite, y fenter gymdeithasol yn y de-ddwyrain, yn allweddol yn darparu offer PPE, ond rŵan maen nhw'n ffeindio'u hunain yn colli'r cytundebau PPE y buasen nhw'n dal yn gallu ei gyflenwi i'r NHS. Ac mae rhai o'r busnesau yma, drwy droi at gyflenwi PPE, wedi colli rhai o'r hen gytundebau oedd ganddyn nhw. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi ymrwymiad i edrych ar sut i gynnal y cadwynau cyflenwi yma, a allai fod yn rhywbeth positif i ddod allan o'r pandemig yma?
The fund has been one way of helping businesses, but some businesses managed to survive by becoming part of the response to COVID. And I've written to the Minister and to the Government in the past on the need to maintain the supply chains created during the pandemic. Brodwaith in my constituency, as well as companies such as Elite Clothing Solutions, which is a social enterprise in the south-east, were crucial in providing personal protective equipment, but they now find themselves losing those contracts for PPE that they could still supply to the NHS. And some of these businesses, in becoming PPE suppliers, have lost some of the old contracts that they had. So, will the Minister give a commitment to look at how to maintain these supply chains, which could be a positive to come out of this pandemic?
Yes, I'll happily do so. Across the Government, Ministers are interested in the future of procurement, and how we have a properly searching test on the price but also, more importantly I think, on the value of what we are procuring as well, and on the impact on local economies of being able to source more of our goods from local supply chains, but crucially also on the resilience of the supply chains as well, because we found, in the early stages of the pandemic, that supply chains that were long established were cut off very, very quickly as the whole world was competing on a much more rapid and aggressive scale for different sorts of goods. So, yes, that is an active subject. On the particular issue you raised, I'm happy to look for the correspondence, and look to make sure that I, the health Minister and our officials do look at that properly. It is also worth pointing out, of course, that because of the way we successfully worked with Welsh businesses, and the way that our procurement teams worked in an open and transparent manner, we've had none of the scandal of an unlawful VIP lane here in Wales. That also shows that the values the Government have do matter in the choices that governments make and the way that public money is spent and safeguarded.
Gwnaf, rwy'n fwy na pharod i wneud hynny. Ar draws y Llywodraeth, mae gan Weinidogion ddiddordeb yn nyfodol caffael, a sut y mae gennym brawf chwilio priodol ar bris, ond hefyd, yn bwysicach fyth yn fy marn i, ar werth yr hyn rydym yn ei gaffael hefyd, ac ar effaith gallu cael mwy o’n nwyddau o gadwyni cyflenwi lleol ar economïau lleol, ond yn hollbwysig hefyd, ar gadernid y cadwyni cyflenwi, gan ein bod wedi gweld cadwyni cyflenwi hirsefydlog yn cael eu torri'n gyflym iawn yng nghyfnodau cynnar y pandemig wrth i'r byd i gyd gystadlu ar raddfa lawer cyflymach a mwy ymosodol am wahanol fathau o nwyddau. Felly, ydy, mae hwnnw’n bwnc byw. Ar y mater penodol a godwyd gennych, rwy'n fwy na pharod i edrych am yr ohebiaeth, a gwneud yn siŵr fy mod i, y Gweinidog iechyd a'n swyddogion yn edrych ar hynny'n iawn. Mae'n werth nodi hefyd, wrth gwrs, oherwydd y ffordd y gwnaethom weithio'n llwyddiannus gyda busnesau Cymru, a'r ffordd y gweithiodd ein timau caffael mewn modd agored a thryloyw, nad ydym wedi cael sgandal yn gysylltiedig â llwybr anghyfreithlon i bwysigion yma yng Nghymru. Mae hynny hefyd yn dangos bod gwerthoedd y Llywodraeth yn bwysig yn y dewisiadau y mae llywodraethau’n eu gwneud a’r ffordd y caiff arian cyhoeddus ei wario a’i ddiogelu.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Yn gyntaf y prynhawn yma, llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Paul Davies.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. First of all, Conservative spokesperson, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, businesses across Wales, of course, welcomed the announcement on Friday by the Welsh Government to ease COVID restrictions in Wales over the next two weeks. That announcement was particularly welcomed by businesses in the hospitality and night-time sectors who have faced great hardship, not just over the past few weeks, but through the whole pandemic. The struggles still felt by those sectors still exist with the sustainability of some businesses still threatened and the possibility of jobs being lost. Minister, what assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the restrictions on hospitality and night-time industries in Wales? How confident are you that the current package of support from the Welsh Government is sufficient enough to cover the costs borne by businesses as a result of these restrictions?
Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, croesawodd busnesau ledled Cymru y cyhoeddiad ddydd Gwener gan Lywodraeth Cymru y bydd cyfyngiadau COVID yng Nghymru yn cael eu llacio dros y pythefnos nesaf. Cafodd y cyhoeddiad hwnnw ei groesawu’n arbennig gan fusnesau yn y sector lletygarwch a sector y nos sydd wedi wynebu caledi mawr, nid yn unig dros yr ychydig wythnosau diwethaf, ond drwy gydol y pandemig. Mae'r heriau sy'n wynebu'r sectorau hynny'n dal i fodoli gyda chynaliadwyedd rhai busnesau dan fygythiad o hyd yn ogystal â'r posibilrwydd y bydd swyddi'n cael eu colli. Weinidog, pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i wneud o effaith y cyfyngiadau ar y diwydiant lletygarwch a diwydiant y nos yng Nghymru? Pa mor hyderus ydych chi fod y pecyn cymorth presennol gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn ddigon i dalu’r costau y mae busnesau'n eu hwynebu o ganlyniad i’r cyfyngiadau hyn?
As a result of the protective measures, we know that a number of business sectors were not able to trade. And, of course, we required some businesses to close, as well as requiring other parts of hospitality that were open to operate in a different way. That's why we've provided the support we did. We announced that support at the time when those protective measures were being taken and announced. I've had direct engagement with the hospitality sector, including the night-time industry, and they've been very upfront about the challenges they face and the direct impact they have on their businesses, on the people who run and manage those businesses, and, indeed, on their workers. There are some people who are genuinely fearful for the future, because we're at a point where many businesses have challenges about their access to cash, as well as their ability to look forward to a different sort of trading environment. I do take seriously the concerns that are directly put to me and the direct engagement my officials have. That's why we have looked at the way in which we can make the forms of support we have slightly easier to obtain, and slightly more generous. It's also why we're continuing to work with the sector to try to make sure that we are supporting viable businesses as the trading conditions will change, and as I hope the confidence of customers will change, and people will come back to support good local businesses, both those that perhaps younger members of a different age cohort to myself and Mr Davies may want to use more regularly, as well as the wider range of businesses that we know have been directly affected by the necessary measures we've taken at this stage in the pandemic.
O ganlyniad i’r mesurau diogelu, gwyddom nad oedd nifer o sectorau busnes yn gallu masnachu. Ac wrth gwrs, fe'i gwnaethom yn ofynnol i rai busnesau gau, yn ogystal â mynnu bod rhannau eraill o'r sector lletygarwch a oedd ar agor yn gweithredu mewn ffordd wahanol. Dyna pam ein bod wedi darparu’r cymorth y gwnaethom ei ddarparu. Fe wnaethom gyhoeddi’r cymorth hwnnw pan oedd y camau diogelu’n cael eu rhoi ar waith a’u cyhoeddi. Rwyf wedi ymgysylltu’n uniongyrchol â’r sector lletygarwch, gan gynnwys diwydiant y nos, ac maent wedi bod yn onest iawn ynghylch yr heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu a’r effaith uniongyrchol a gânt ar eu busnesau, ar y bobl sy’n rhedeg ac yn rheoli’r busnesau hynny, ac yn wir, ar eu gweithwyr. Mae rhai pobl yn wirioneddol bryderus am y dyfodol, gan ein bod mewn sefyllfa lle mae llawer o fusnesau'n wynebu heriau gyda mynediad at arian parod, yn ogystal â'u gallu i edrych ymlaen at wahanol fath o amgylchedd masnachu. Rwy’n rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol i'r pryderon a glywaf yn uniongyrchol a’r ymgysylltiad uniongyrchol gan fy swyddogion. Dyna pam ein bod wedi edrych ar y ffordd y gallwn ei gwneud ychydig yn haws i gael gafael ar y mathau o gymorth sydd gennym, a'i wneud ychydig yn fwy hael. Dyna pam ein bod hefyd yn parhau i weithio gyda'r sector i geisio sicrhau ein bod yn cefnogi busnesau hyfyw wrth i'r amodau masnachu newid, ac wrth i hyder cwsmeriaid newid, gobeithio, ac y bydd pobl yn dod yn ôl i gefnogi busnesau lleol da, y rheini efallai y bydd aelodau iau o garfan oedran wahanol i mi a Mr Davies am eu defnyddio’n fwy rheolaidd, yn ogystal â’r ystod ehangach o fusnesau y gwyddom fod y mesurau angenrheidiol rydym wedi’u rhoi ar waith ar y cam hwn yn y pandemig wedi effeithio’n uniongyrchol arnynt.
Minister, as we look forward, it is important that the Welsh Government spells out exactly how it's going to support the sustainability of the sector for the future in the form of a specific strategy. As part of that strategy, the Welsh Government should look at some of the underlying challenges facing the sector prior to the pandemic and consider what lessons it can learn from the COVID pandemic, to ensure that the sector's sustainability is not threatened in the future. Of course, as we move out of the pandemic, the Welsh Government must reconsider the need for COVID passes, and, at the very least, confirm what criteria will need to be met before they are scrapped. Minister, given that COVID passes have been proven ineffective in keeping nightclubs and similar settings open, which was the whole basis, incidentally, of the Government introducing these passes in the first place, what steps now are you taking to roll back COVID passes, and instead work up industry-backed solutions to support the hospitality and night-time sectors in the short and medium term?
Weinidog, wrth inni edrych ymlaen, mae’n bwysig fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn nodi sut yn union y mae’n mynd i gefnogi cynaliadwyedd y sector ar gyfer y dyfodol ar ffurf strategaeth benodol. Fel rhan o’r strategaeth honno, dylai Llywodraeth Cymru edrych ar rai o’r heriau sylfaenol a oedd yn wynebu’r sector cyn y pandemig ac ystyried pa wersi y gall eu dysgu o bandemig COVID, er mwyn sicrhau na chaiff cynaliadwyedd y sector ei fygwth yn y dyfodol. Wrth gwrs, wrth inni gefnu ar y pandemig, mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ailystyried yr angen am basys COVID, a chadarnhau, fan lleiaf, pa feini prawf y bydd angen eu bodloni cyn eu diddymu. Weinidog, o ystyried bod pasys COVID wedi’u profi’n aneffeithiol ar gyfer cadw clybiau nos a lleoliadau tebyg ar agor, sef holl sail y Llywodraeth, gyda llaw, dros gyflwyno’r pasys hyn yn y lle cyntaf, pa gamau rydych yn eu cymryd bellach i ddiddymu pasys COVID, a llunio atebion a gefnogir gan y diwydiant yn lle hynny i gefnogi'r sector lletygarwch a sector y nos yn y tymor byr a'r tymor canolig?
When it comes to a future strategy, we are looking at what could take place in a range of different sectors. So, we're looking at a retail strategy, and we're looking at the strategy—to revisit it—for the visitor economy. That in itself will make a difference for a range of people in the hospitality sector. The two sectors are obviously linked to a significant regard. I'm also entirely open to see whether we need to do more around the events section of that, or, indeed, the night-time economy specifically. So, I'm open-minded about where we can have a useful and productive conversation. But we start from a good basis, because we do have regular engagement with people who lead and run those businesses, and there are honest conversations about challenges as well as about the levers available to us to support them.
When it comes to the second part of your question about COVID passes, I think a number of the assertions made by the Member are simply not correct. When it comes to the introduction of COVID passes, it was on the basis that this was a useful way to manage risk and that it would help to keep businesses open for longer, because the alternative was that, to manage the public health position, there would have been further interruption and potential closures in sectors. It was about avoiding those closures and keeping those businesses open. The fact that we nevertheless had to take further steps, including the recent measures, doesn't mean that COVID passes have failed; it actually shows the strength and the impact of the omicron wave in particular in overtopping all of those defences. When you see the eye-wateringly high numbers of cases that came about, I just think it is a wholly erroneous and not terribly intellectually honest argument to say that COVID passes failed because we nevertheless had to take further measures to protect public health. I look forward to engaging with the public health advice on when COVID passes are no longer a proportionate measure to help protect public health, but there's no evidence to date it's had a significant impact on the profitability of businesses where they have been introduced.
O ran strategaeth ar gyfer y dyfodol, rydym yn edrych ar yr hyn a allai ddigwydd mewn ystod o sectorau gwahanol. Felly, rydym yn edrych ar strategaeth fanwerthu, ac rydym yn edrych ar y strategaeth—ailedrych arni—ar gyfer yr economi ymwelwyr. Bydd hynny ynddo’i hun yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i amrywiaeth o bobl yn y sector lletygarwch. Mae'r ddau sector yn amlwg yn gysylltiedig iawn. Rwyf hefyd yn gwbl agored i weld a oes angen inni wneud mwy ynghylch y rhan o hynny sy'n ymwneud â digwyddiadau, neu'n wir, economi'r nos yn benodol. Felly, mae gennyf feddwl agored ynglŷn â lle gallwn gael sgwrs ddefnyddiol a chynhyrchiol. Ond rydym yn dechrau o sylfaen dda, gan ein bod yn ymgysylltu'n rheolaidd â phobl sy'n arwain ac yn rhedeg y busnesau hynny, a cheir sgyrsiau gonest ynglŷn â'r heriau yn ogystal â'r ysgogiadau sydd ar gael i ni i'w cefnogi.
Ar ail ran eich cwestiwn ynglŷn â phasys COVID, rwy'n credu bod nifer o'r honiadau a wnaeth yr Aelod yn anghywir. Cyflwynwyd pasys COVID ar y sail fod hon yn ffordd ddefnyddiol o reoli risg ac y byddai'n helpu i gadw busnesau ar agor am fwy o amser, gan y byddai gwneud fel arall, er mwyn rheoli'r sefyllfa iechyd y cyhoedd, wedi arwain at fwy o darfu a'r perygl o gau mewn sectorau. Roedd yn ymwneud ag osgoi cau busnesau a'u cadw ar agor. Nid yw'r ffaith ein bod, serch hynny, wedi gorfod cymryd camau pellach, gan gynnwys y mesurau diweddar, yn golygu bod pasys COVID wedi methu; mae'n dangos cryfder ac effaith ton omicron, yn enwedig, yn trechu pob un o'r mesurau diogelu hynny. Pan welwch y niferoedd arswydus o uchel o achosion a ddigwyddodd, credaf ei bod yn gwbl anghywir ac yn ddadl braidd yn anonest yn ddeallusol i ddweud bod pasys COVID wedi methu am ein bod er hynny wedi gorfod rhoi camau pellach ar waith i ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd. Edrychaf ymlaen at weld y cyngor iechyd cyhoeddus ynglŷn â pha bryd na fydd pasys COVID yn fesur cymesur i helpu i ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd, ond nid oes unrhyw dystiolaeth hyd yma eu bod wedi cael effaith sylweddol ar broffidioldeb busnesau lle cawsant eu cyflwyno.
Minister, the reality is that COVID passes have had a huge impact on the night-time economy, with some evidence showing that on average the cost to implement COVID passes per week was around £400. This would represent an annual cost of £20,000 per year. And let's not forget that these venues have been forced to shut despite the promise that COVID passes would keep them open. Today, a judicial review is being sought over the continued roll-out of COVID passes in Wales despite there being no evidence that they meet their objectives.
Minister, these sectors are integral to us all. They're important cultural assets that promote and raise awareness of emerging new artists and musicians. They are significant employers to people, in particular many young people, and hospitality settings are often important community assets. Yet, this pandemic has been a hospitality horror story with many businesses struggling for survival and feeling let down by Governments.
The UK Government has published its own strategy for the sector, focusing on reopening, recovery and resilience, and it's vital now that the Welsh Government do the same for the sector here in Wales. So, Minister, can you tell us what the Welsh Government's long-term thinking is for these sectors post pandemic and how you're championing these sectors' roles as hubs for community well-being as we emerge from the pandemic? Can you also confirm exactly how much money the Welsh Government has allocated from the budget to invest in resilience measures for these sectors in the future?
Weinidog, y gwir amdani yw bod pasys COVID wedi cael effaith enfawr ar economi’r nos, gyda pheth tystiolaeth yn dangos bod cost gweithredu pasys COVID oddeutu £400 yr wythnos ar gyfartaledd. Byddai hyn yn golygu cost o £20,000 y flwyddyn. Ac ni ddylem anghofio bod y lleoliadau hyn wedi cael eu gorfodi i gau er gwaethaf yr addewid y byddai pasys COVID yn eu cadw ar agor. Heddiw, gwneir cais am adolygiad barnwrol ynghylch parhau i gyflwyno pasys COVID yng Nghymru er nad oes unrhyw dystiolaeth eu bod yn cyflawni eu hamcanion.
Weinidog, mae’r sectorau hyn yn hollbwysig i bob un ohonom. Maent yn asedau diwylliannol pwysig sy'n hyrwyddo ac yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o artistiaid a cherddorion newydd. Maent yn cyflogi cryn dipyn o bobl, yn enwedig llawer o bobl ifanc, ac mae lleoliadau lletygarwch yn aml yn asedau cymunedol pwysig. Fodd bynnag, mae’r pandemig hwn wedi bod yn arswydus i'r sector lletygarwch gyda llawer o fusnesau’n brwydro i oroesi ac yn teimlo bod Llywodraethau wedi gwneud tro gwael â hwy.
Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi cyhoeddi ei strategaeth ei hun ar gyfer y sector, yn canolbwyntio ar ailagor, adfer a chadernid, ac mae'n hanfodol bellach fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud yr un peth ar gyfer y sector yma yng Nghymru. Felly, Weinidog, a allwch ddweud wrthym beth yw cynlluniau hirdymor Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y sectorau hyn ar ôl y pandemig a sut rydych yn hyrwyddo rolau'r sectorau hyn fel hybiau llesiant cymunedol wrth inni gefnu ar y pandemig? A allwch gadarnhau hefyd faint yn union o arian y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’i ddyrannu o’r gyllideb i’w fuddsoddi mewn mesurau cadernid ar gyfer y sectorau hyn yn y dyfodol?
I think there were three particular questions there. On the first part, I simply don't agree with the Member's view around COVID passes and their impact. They're a measure that has helped us to keep sectors open where we would otherwise have had to introduce further protections that would have affected their ability to trade. We're just not going to agree on that.
When it comes to the future for the sector, I'm optimistic about the future for the sector, because we are looking to come out of this phase of the pandemic, because I look forward to the pandemic being a point of history rather than the day-to-day reality that Ministers still have to manage. But in particular, when you come to the spring and the summer, when conditions have been much more benign, you can look forward to a bounce back in a range of activities. We've seen the way, as I said earlier, the visitor economy has made a really big difference, with more people coming to Wales, more people going into different businesses. The biggest challenge for many of those businesses has been having enough staff to cope with the demand that's come in. That's part of the challenge about having a tighter labour market that is nothing to do with the COVID pass or indeed the choices that this Government has made. I'm keen to have conversations with the sector so I don't try to impose a strategy on them, and that works in tandem with the work we are doing with a range of other businesses. We're in good shape to do that, as I've previously suggested.
When it comes to future funds being allocated, the reality is that if we have a further emergency situation we'll look to further emergency funding measures. We'd actually look for the UK Treasury to step up and do its job if any part of the UK needed to take further steps to protect public health. As the Member knows, in the draft budget unveiled by the finance Minister, it sets out a wide range of spending measures and it also makes clear we're using the maximum amount of resource we have available to help kick-start the economy and to support public services. I look forward to a full debate on the final budget.
Credaf ichi ofyn tri chwestiwn penodol. Ar y rhan gyntaf, nid wyf yn cytuno â barn yr Aelod ynghylch pasys COVID a’u heffaith. Maent yn fesur sydd wedi ein helpu i gadw sectorau ar agor lle byddem fel arall wedi gorfod cyflwyno mesurau diogelu pellach a fyddai wedi effeithio ar eu gallu i fasnachu. Nid ydym yn mynd i gytuno ar hynny.
Ar ddyfodol y sector, rwy'n obeithiol am ddyfodol y sector, oherwydd rydym yn awyddus i ddod allan o'r cam hwn yn y pandemig, gan fy mod yn edrych ymlaen at weld y pandemig yn rhan o hanes yn hytrach na'r realiti dyddiol y mae Gweinidogion yn dal i orfod ei reoli. Ond yn arbennig, pan ddaw'r gwanwyn a’r haf, pan fo’r amodau yn llawer llai difrifol, gallwch edrych ymlaen at adferiad mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau. Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, rydym wedi gweld y ffordd y mae'r economi ymwelwyr wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr iawn, gyda mwy o bobl yn dod i Gymru, mwy o bobl yn mynd i mewn i wahanol fusnesau. Yr her fwyaf i lawer o’r busnesau hynny fu cael digon o staff i ymdopi â’r galw. Mae hynny'n rhan o’r her ynghylch cael marchnad lafur dynnach nad yw’n ymwneud o gwbl â phasys COVID nac yn wir â'r dewisiadau a wnaed gan y Llywodraeth hon. Rwy’n awyddus i gael sgyrsiau gyda’r sector fel nad wyf yn ceisio gorfodi strategaeth arnynt, a strategaeth sy'n gweithio ochr yn ochr â’r gwaith a wnawn gydag ystod o fusnesau eraill. Rydym mewn sefyllfa dda i wneud hynny, fel yr awgrymais eisoes.
O ran dyrannu cyllid yn y dyfodol, y gwir amdani yw, os byddwn yn wynebu argyfwng arall byddwn yn ystyried mesurau cyllido brys pellach. Byddem yn disgwyl i Drysorlys y DU ysgwyddo ei ddyletswydd a gwneud ei waith pe bai'n rhaid i unrhyw ran o'r DU gymryd camau pellach i ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, mae'r gyllideb ddrafft a gyhoeddwyd gan y Gweinidog cyllid yn nodi ystod eang o fesurau gwario ac yn nodi'n glir ein bod yn defnyddio'r holl adnoddau sydd ar gael i ni i helpu i roi hwb i'r economi ac i gefnogi gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Edrychaf ymlaen at ddadl lawn ar y gyllideb derfynol.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru nawr—Luke Fletcher.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson—Luke Fletcher.
Diolch, Llywydd. We know that people and workers in Wales are currently living through a cost-of-living crisis, which is only set to get worse. The UK inflation rate is currently at 5.4 per cent—the highest rate in 30 years—with increases expected to continue, peaking at 6 per cent in spring 2022. These high inflation rates are considerably higher than current wage growth, which has been around 4 per cent in the second half of 2021. This means that real wages are falling and are expected to continue to fall compared to prices. In fact, wages are not expected to grow significantly until the end of 2022, and, even by 2025, real wages will be nearly £800 lower than they would have been if pre-pandemic growth had taken place. This is also disproportionately affecting those on low incomes, with nearly a third of households on low incomes seeing their income fall since May 2021. The Minister touched on this in an answer to a previous question, but given that workers are working the same or more hours, given that workers are earning less money in real terms and have a lower ability to buy the necessities they need, could the Minister set out what the Welsh Government is doing to ensure that workers on the minimum wage see an increase in their wages during this cost-of-living crisis?
Diolch, Lywydd. Gwyddom ar hyn o bryd fod pobl a gweithwyr yng Nghymru yn byw drwy argyfwng costau byw sydd ond yn mynd i waethygu. Mae cyfradd chwyddiant y DU yn 5.4 y cant ar hyn o bryd—y gyfradd uchaf ers 30 mlynedd—a disgwylir i’r cynnydd barhau, gan gyrraedd uchafbwynt o 6 y cant yng ngwanwyn 2022. Mae’r cyfraddau chwyddiant uchel hyn yn sylweddol uwch na thwf cyflogau cyfredol, a oedd oddeutu 4 y cant yn ail hanner 2021. Golyga hyn fod cyflogau gwirioneddol yn gostwng a disgwylir iddynt barhau i ostwng o gymharu â phrisiau. Mewn gwirionedd, nid oes disgwyl i gyflogau dyfu'n sylweddol tan ddiwedd 2022, a hyd yn oed erbyn 2025, bydd cyflogau gwirioneddol bron i £800 yn is nag y byddent wedi bod pe bai twf wedi parhau ar yr un lefel â chyn y pandemig. Mae hyn hefyd yn effeithio’n anghymesur ar bobl ar incwm isel, gydag incwm bron i draean o aelwydydd incwm isel wedi gostwng ers mis Mai 2021. Crybwyllwyd hyn gan y Gweinidog mewn ateb i gwestiwn blaenorol, ond o ystyried bod gweithwyr yn gweithio'r un faint neu fwy o oriau, o ystyried bod gweithwyr yn ennill llai o arian mewn termau real a bod ganddynt lai o allu i brynu’r hanfodion sydd eu hangen arnynt, a allai’r Gweinidog nodi’r hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod cyflogau gweithwyr ar yr isafswm cyflog yn cynyddu yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw hwn?
The Member has highlighted the point that wages have been falling in real terms, and that's a point that, of course, Jayne Bryant highlighted in the first question today—that real wages have fallen. The figures out in the last few days are of real concern. It should be of real concern to all of us. I've highlighted before some of the measures that this Government has taken in areas where we think the UK Government should have acted but we have chosen to act to try to support families. To give you the example of the £51 million that Rebecca Evans and Jane Hutt previously announced, the support we're giving to help people pay up to £100 of their winter fuel household bill should help about 350,000 households in Wales. It's not a small measure; it's got significant reach. So, we are looking at where our powers exist and where our resources exist to allow us to support families.
When it comes to the minimum wage, we're clear that we want Wales to be a high-wage economy. We want to see the living wage adopted in more sectors. You'll see that in the way in which we're working through the public sector. The health Minister will have more to say, of course, about our programme for government commitment to deliver the real living wage in the social care sector. That will make a huge difference to a sector that employs large numbers of women, often in low-paid work. And, of course, that is money that is unlikely to disappear out of the country—it's money that's likely to be recircling and spent on local families and then local jobs as well. So, we are trying to take a leadership role in seeing rises in wages, and we certainly want to see workers' wages keep pace, at the very least, with inflation. But all of those things are under threat if the UK Treasury refuses to act. I hope the distractions on other matters on the other end of the M4 can be resolved, so we can at last have a responsible Government with responsible and decent leadership that recognises that the cost-of-living crisis is here and needs action.
Mae’r Aelod wedi tynnu sylw at y pwynt fod cyflogau wedi bod yn gostwng mewn termau real, ac mae hwnnw’n bwynt y tynnodd Jayne Bryant sylw ato yn y cwestiwn cyntaf heddiw wrth gwrs—fod cyflogau gwirioneddol wedi gostwng. Mae'r ffigurau yn y dyddiau diwethaf yn peri cryn bryder. Dylai fod yn destun cryn bryder i bob un ohonom. Rwyf wedi tynnu sylw eisoes at rai o'r camau y mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi eu cymryd mewn meysydd lle credwn y dylai Llywodraeth y DU fod wedi gweithredu ond rydym ni wedi dewis gweithredu i geisio cefnogi teuluoedd. Os caf roi'r enghraifft o £51 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd gan Rebecca Evans a Jane Hutt, dylai'r cymorth rydym yn ei roi i helpu pobl i dalu hyd at £100 o fil tanwydd eu cartref dros y gaeaf helpu oddeutu 350,000 o gartrefi yng Nghymru. Nid yw'n fesur bach; mae'n rhoi cymorth i gryn dipyn o aelwydydd. Felly, rydym yn edrych ar ble mae gennym bwerau a ble mae ein hadnoddau'n ein galluogi i roi cymorth i deuluoedd.
Ar yr isafswm cyflog, rydym wedi dweud yn glir ein bod am i Gymru fod yn economi cyflog uchel. Rydym am weld y cyflog byw yn cael ei fabwysiadu mewn mwy o sectorau. Fe welwch hynny yn y ffordd y gweithiwn drwy'r sector cyhoeddus. Bydd gan y Gweinidog iechyd fwy i’w ddweud, wrth gwrs, am ymrwymiad ein rhaglen lywodraethu i sicrhau'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol. Bydd hynny’n gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i sector sy’n cyflogi nifer fawr o fenywod, yn aml mewn swyddi ar gyflogau isel. Ac wrth gwrs, mae hwnnw'n arian sy'n annhebygol o ddiflannu o'r wlad—mae'n arian sy'n debygol o gylchredeg a chael ei wario ar deuluoedd lleol ac ar swyddi lleol hefyd. Felly, rydym yn ceisio chwarae rôl arweiniol yn sicrhau bod cyflogau'n codi, ac yn sicr, rydym am weld cyflogau gweithwyr yn codi gyfuwch â chwyddiant, fan lleiaf. Ond mae pob un o’r pethau hynny dan fygythiad os bydd Trysorlys y DU yn gwrthod gweithredu. Rwy'n gobeithio y gellir datrys y materion eraill sy'n tynnu eu sylw ar ben arall yr M4, fel y gallwn gael Llywodraeth gyfrifol o’r diwedd gydag arweinwyr cyfrifol a gweddus sy’n cydnabod bod yr argyfwng costau byw wedi cyrraedd a bod angen gweithredu i fynd i'r afael ag ef.
Of course. There are, of course, many things that can be done to address, specifically, workers' well-being and pay during this cost-of-living crisis, all of which requires swift and decisive actions from Government, not just in Cardiff, but also in Westminster.
Of course, the Minister will be aware of my and a number of cross-party colleagues' support for universal basic income, and I'm sure that the Minister has read, with great interest, the report produced by the Petitions Committee on a proposed UBI trial in Wales. Those of us who are supporting an increased trial for UBI also believe that UBI should be part of a policy package. On Monday, a four-day working week trial was launched by Autonomy, 4 Day Week UK and 4 Day Week Global. There are many known benefits to the four-day working week, such as increased productivity, improved employee well-being, and improvements in gender equality in the workplace. Microsoft trialled the four-day working week in one of their offices and found a 40 per cent increase in productivity. A poll conducted by the Scottish Government found that 80 per cent of the Scottish public thought this would improve their well-being.
What we're seeing globally is a number of trials progressing, both on UBI and the four-day work week, and whilst we have our own UBI trial here in Wales on the cards, we have yet to see the Welsh Government consider a trial for a four-day working week. Whilst I understand that Government wishes to watch closely what happens in other countries first, we are missing an opportunity here—an opportunity to push ahead with progressive policies in a way that means that they will be implemented here in Wales sooner rather than later. Would the Minister agree that we have nothing to lose in conducting our own four-day work week trial here in Wales at the earliest opportunity?
Wrth gwrs. Mae llawer o bethau y gellir eu gwneud i fynd i’r afael, yn benodol, â llesiant a chyflogau gweithwyr yn ystod yr argyfwng costau byw hwn, ac mae pob un ohonynt yn galw am gamau cyflym a phendant gan y Llywodraeth, nid yn unig yng Nghaerdydd, ond yn San Steffan hefyd.
Wrth gwrs, bydd y Gweinidog yn ymwybodol o fy nghefnogaeth i a nifer o fy nghyd-Aelodau trawsbleidiol i incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol, ac rwy’n siŵr fod y Gweinidog wedi darllen, gyda chryn ddiddordeb, yr adroddiad a gynhyrchwyd gan y Pwyllgor Deisebau ar dreial incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol arfaethedig yng Nghymru. Mae'r rhai ohonom sy'n cefnogi treial incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol ar raddfa fwy hefyd yn credu y dylai incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol fod yn rhan o becyn polisi. Ddydd Llun, lansiwyd treial wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod gan Autonomy, 4 Day Week UK a 4 Day Week Global. Mae gan yr wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod lawer o fanteision, megis cynnydd mewn cynhyrchiant, gwelliannau i lesiant gweithwyr, a gwelliannau i gydraddoldeb rhywiol yn y gweithle. Treialodd Microsoft yr wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod yn un o'u swyddfeydd a chanfu gynnydd o 40 y cant mewn cynhyrchiant. Canfu arolwg barn a gynhaliwyd gan Lywodraeth yr Alban fod 80 y cant o’r cyhoedd yn yr Alban yn credu y byddai hyn yn gwella eu llesiant.
Yr hyn rydym yn ei weld ym mhob rhan o'r byd yw nifer o dreialon yn mynd rhagddynt, ar incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol a’r wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod, ac er bod gennym ein treial incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol arfaethedig ein hunain yma yng Nghymru, nid ydym wedi gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried treialu wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod eto. Er fy mod yn deall bod y Llywodraeth yn dymuno gwylio’n ofalus i weld beth sy’n digwydd mewn gwledydd eraill yn gyntaf, rydym yn colli cyfle yma—cyfle i fwrw ymlaen â pholisïau blaengar mewn ffordd sy’n golygu y cânt eu rhoi ar waith yma yng Nghymru yn gynt yn hytrach nag yn hwyrach. A fyddai’r Gweinidog yn cytuno nad oes gennym unrhyw beth i’w golli drwy gynnal ein treial wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod ein hunain yma yng Nghymru cyn gynted â phosibl?
When it comes to both UBI and the four-day working week—and, of course, Jack Sargeant has a question on four-day working week trials coming up later today—we are interested in what is happening. We have nothing to lose from reviewing the evidence in other parts of the world and seeing how comparable it is. We always have challenges about how we prioritise Government resources that are limited, and are undertaking trials that are meaningful and worth while, and can tell us something about what may be able to apply in the future, and how widely spread that opportunity may be as well. It's why the universal basic income pilot is a pilot to learn more, and the First Minister has been very clear—it's a pilot that initially targets a group of people where we know that there are not great outcomes for those people in the wider economy, to learn more about how we can support that group potentially, and then whether it could be successfully applied in a wider area. And, of course, that's the whole point of pilots—to learn what works, sometimes to learn what doesn't work, and then to see if we can apply it more widely and more successfully. So, I retain an open mind and a real interest in learning from action in this country, across these islands and, indeed, from further afield as well.
Ar incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol a'r wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod—ac wrth gwrs, mae gan Jack Sargeant gwestiwn ar dreialon wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod yn nes ymlaen heddiw—mae gennym ddiddordeb yn yr hyn sy'n digwydd. Nid oes gennym unrhyw beth i'w golli drwy adolygu'r dystiolaeth mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd a gweld pa mor gymaradwy ydyw. Mae gennym heriau bob amser ynglŷn â sut rydym yn blaenoriaethu adnoddau cyfyngedig y Llywodraeth, ac yn cynnal treialon sy’n ystyrlon ac yn werth chweil, sy'n gallu dweud rhywbeth wrthym am yr hyn y gellid ei gymhwyso yn y dyfodol, a pha mor eang y gallai’r cyfle hwnnw fod hefyd. Dyna pam fod y cynllun peilot incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol yn beilot i ddysgu mwy, ac mae’r Prif Weinidog wedi dweud yn glir iawn—mae’n beilot sy’n targedu grŵp o bobl i ddechrau, lle gwyddom nad oes canlyniadau gwych i’r bobl hynny yn yr economi ehangach, i ddysgu mwy ynglŷn â sut y gallwn gefnogi’r grŵp hwnnw o bosibl, ac a ellir rhoi hynny ar waith yn llwyddiannus mewn ardal ehangach wedyn. Ac wrth gwrs, dyna holl bwynt cynlluniau peilot—dysgu beth sy'n gweithio, dysgu weithiau beth nad yw'n gweithio, a gweld a ellir ei gymhwyso ar raddfa ehangach ac yn fwy llwyddiannus. Felly, mae gennyf feddwl agored a diddordeb gwirioneddol mewn dysgu o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y wlad hon, ar draws yr ynysoedd hyn, ac ymhellach i ffwrdd hefyd yn wir.
Mae cwestiwn 3 [OQ57461] wedi'i dynnu nôl, felly cwestiwn 4 nesaf, Jack Sargeant.
Question 3 [OQ57461] has been withdrawn, so question 4, Jack Sargeant.
4. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'u cael gyda'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ynghylch cefnogi cyflogwyr sy'n ystyried treialu wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod? OQ57469
4. What discussions has the Minister had with the Minister for Social Justice regarding supporting employers who are considering trialling a four-day working week? OQ57469
Our officials continue to work together on all matters, including this subject. Where employers have viable proposals for a shorter working week, we will consider what we can do to assist them through our business support and advisory services.
Mae ein swyddogion yn parhau i gydweithio ar bob mater, gan gynnwys y pwnc hwn. Lle mae gan gyflogwyr gynigion ymarferol ar gyfer wythnos waith fyrrach, byddwn yn ystyried yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud i'w cynorthwyo drwy ein gwasanaethau cymorth a chyngor i fusnesau.
I'm very grateful for your answer, Minister, and as we've discussed this afternoon, there is a four-day week pilot being launched in the UK, in partnership with the think tank Autonomy and 4 Day Week Global. Could I stress the importance of these trials to learn, and could I ask you, Minister, what conversations both you and the Minister for Social Justice have had with the think tank Autonomy and 4 Day Week Global about supporting Welsh employers who may be interested in this trial? Given your answer to the previous question, Minister, will you also commit to looking at the findings of this trial and reporting back to the Senedd with a view to holding an extended trial here in Wales? Diolch yn fawr.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eich ateb, Weinidog, ac fel rydym wedi'i drafod y prynhawn yma, mae cynllun peilot pedwar diwrnod yn cael ei lansio yn y DU, mewn partneriaeth â'r felin drafod Autonomy a 4 Day Week Global. A gaf fi bwysleisio pwysigrwydd y treialon hyn ar gyfer dysgu, ac a gaf fi ofyn i chi, Weinidog, pa sgyrsiau rydych chi a'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi'u cael gyda'r felin drafod Autonomy a 4 Day Week Global ynghylch cefnogi cyflogwyr Cymru a allai fod â diddordeb yn y treial hwn? O ystyried eich ateb i'r cwestiwn blaenorol, Weinidog, a wnewch chi hefyd ymrwymo i edrych ar ganfyddiadau'r treial hwn ac adrodd yn ôl i'r Senedd gyda golwg ar gynnal treial estynedig yma yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you for the comments. The Minister for Social Justice is leading on this as a policy area of work, and my officials will be working alongside hers in doing so. I think it's worth pointing out that we're interested in a variety of different forms of more flexible working, both the place that people work, the hours that people work and how they work those hours. Now, some businesses are already doing some of this. We know that some countries are already piloting different measures. Some people manage to compress their hours into a shorter number of days without losing any hours or pay; other people are looking at working fewer hours, and whether you can actually get a more productive workforce as a result.
Our officials are aware that we're expecting further reports around the four-day week, including the work that Autonomy are undertaking, and I understand some of that work is being done with the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales. So, we remain actively interested in this area of policy formulation, but as I say, if there are businesses that want to trial a four-day working week, we would be interested in having a properly constructive conversation about how that would fit into the work we're already doing, whether we could support them, and how then we take on board the learning that comes from those, to see whether it could be applied more generally, whether in public services or, indeed, the wider economy, but to work alongside our partners in doing so. I should also point out my officials are in contact with the Scottish Government as they themselves are looking to implement a pilot in this area too, as I'm sure the Member's aware.
Diolch am y sylwadau. Mae'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol yn arwain ar hyn fel maes gwaith polisi, a bydd fy swyddogion yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â'i swyddogion hi i wneud hynny. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn werth nodi bod gennym ddiddordeb mewn amrywiaeth o wahanol fathau o weithio mwy hyblyg, o ran lle mae pobl yn gweithio, yr oriau y mae pobl yn eu gweithio a sut y maent yn gweithio'r oriau hynny. Nawr, mae rhai busnesau eisoes yn gwneud rhywfaint o hyn. Gwyddom fod rhai gwledydd eisoes yn treialu gwahanol fesurau. Mae rhai pobl yn llwyddo i gywasgu eu horiau i nifer fyrrach o ddyddiau heb golli unrhyw oriau na thâl; mae pobl eraill yn edrych ar weithio llai o oriau, a gweld a allwch gael gweithlu mwy cynhyrchiol mewn gwirionedd o ganlyniad i hynny.
Mae ein swyddogion yn ymwybodol ein bod yn disgwyl adroddiadau pellach ynglŷn â'r wythnos pedwar diwrnod, gan gynnwys y gwaith y mae Autonomy yn ei wneud, a deallaf fod rhywfaint o'r gwaith hwnnw'n cael ei wneud gyda Chomisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru. Felly, mae gennym ddiddordeb gweithredol o hyd yn y maes polisi hwn, ond fel y dywedais, os yw busnesau am dreialu wythnos waith pedwar diwrnod, byddai gennym ddiddordeb mewn cael sgwrs adeiladol iawn ynglŷn â sut y byddai hynny'n cyd-fynd â'r gwaith rydym eisoes yn ei wneud, gweld a allem eu cefnogi, a sut rydym yn dysgu'r gwersi sy'n deillio o'r rheini wedyn, i weld a ellid ei gymhwyso'n fwy cyffredinol, boed hynny mewn gwasanaethau cyhoeddus neu'n wir, yn yr economi ehangach, ond gan weithio ochr yn ochr â'n partneriaid i wneud hynny. Dylwn hefyd nodi bod fy swyddogion mewn cysylltiad â Llywodraeth yr Alban gan eu bod hwythau'n edrych ar weithredu cynllun peilot yn y maes hwn hefyd, fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, rwy'n siŵr.
Thank you, Minister. Let me take it a little further. Minister, many employers already offer flexible working conditions, recognising that organisations can very often benefit from arrangements that respond to people's lifestyles, family arrangements and responsibilities. Has the Minister reached out to organisations that offer more flexibility to understand the evidence of those benefits, and if so, what does it tell him? Thank you.
Diolch, Weinidog. Gadewch imi fynd ag ef ychydig ymhellach. Weinidog, mae llawer o gyflogwyr eisoes yn cynnig amodau gwaith hyblyg, gan gydnabod y gall sefydliadau elwa'n aml iawn ar drefniadau sy'n ymateb i ffyrdd o fyw pobl, trefniadau teuluol a chyfrifoldebau. A yw'r Gweinidog wedi estyn allan at sefydliadau sy'n cynnig mwy o hyblygrwydd i ddeall tystiolaeth y manteision hynny, ac os felly, beth y mae'n ei ddweud wrtho? Diolch.
Yes, we do have regular conversations with businesses and business organisations around what used to be called agile working and is sometimes called flexible working. But it's about the different working patterns that can suit workers and businesses. It's also worth reminding ourselves that, for some people, that flexibility is a bit of a mirage. There are far too many Welsh workers who work in an environment where they don't have those choices to make, so greater flexibility should benefit all of us, and it's not—. When I was a younger man in the world of work, flexible working was almost always a conversation around women and childcare, and actually, it's a much broader conversation that we should have about the whole workforce and how we can get a more productive workforce to take account of the change that has been accelerated through the pandemic, with many people, men and women, thinking again about the value they get from work and the value they get from other parts of their life, too.
A work-life balance is just as important to me as, indeed, it is to other people in the economy as well. So, I'm interested in what we can do alongside businesses. I'm also interested to see if the UK Government really is going to take a step forward in some of its broader and fluffier manifesto pledges around flexible working, because if flexible working is going to be made easier and more easy to attain, then, actually, the law is one way of doing it. The other, of course, excellent way that the Member will be aware of, I'm sure, as a British Medical Association member in the past, is actually that highly unionised sectors tend to have better terms and conditions and a much better and more enlightened attitude to flexible working, so if you want more flexible working in your workplace, joining a union would be a good place to start.
Ie, rydym yn cael sgyrsiau rheolaidd gyda busnesau a sefydliadau busnes ynghylch yr hyn yr arferid ei alw'n weithio ystwyth ac weithiau fe'i gelwir yn weithio hyblyg. Ond mae'n ymwneud â'r gwahanol batrymau gwaith sy'n gallu gweddu i weithwyr a busnesau. Mae'n werth atgoffa ein hunain hefyd fod hyblygrwydd yn ddim mwy na rhith i rai pobl. Mae llawer gormod o weithwyr Cymru'n gweithio mewn amgylchedd lle nad oes ganddynt y dewisiadau hynny i'w gwneud, felly dylai mwy o hyblygrwydd fod o fudd i bob un ohonom, ac nid—. Pan oeddwn yn ddyn iau ym myd gwaith, roedd gweithio hyblyg bron bob amser yn sgwrs am fenywod a gofal plant, ac mewn gwirionedd, dylem gael sgwrs lawer ehangach am y gweithlu cyfan a sut y gallwn gael gweithlu mwy cynhyrchiol yn sgil y newid sydd wedi'i gyflymu drwy'r pandemig, gyda llawer o bobl, dynion a menywod, yn meddwl eto am y gwerth a gânt o waith a'r gwerth a gânt o rannau eraill o'u bywydau hefyd.
Yn wir, mae cydbwysedd rhwng bywyd a gwaith yr un mor bwysig i mi ag y mae i bobl eraill yn yr economi yn ogystal. Felly, mae gennyf ddiddordeb yn yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud ochr yn ochr â busnesau. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb hefyd mewn gweld a yw Llywodraeth y DU yn mynd i symud ymlaen gyda rhai o'i haddewidion maniffesto ehangach a mwy gwlanog ynghylch gweithio hyblyg, oherwydd os bydd gweithio hyblyg yn cael ei wneud yn haws ac yn haws ei gyflawni, mae'r gyfraith yn un ffordd o'i wneud. Y ffordd ragorol arall, wrth gwrs, y bydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol ohoni, rwy'n siŵr, fel aelod o Gymdeithas Feddygol Prydain yn y gorffennol, yw bod sectorau undebol iawn yn tueddu i fod â gwell telerau ac amodau ac agwedd lawer gwell a mwy goleuedig tuag at weithio hyblyg, felly os ydych am weithio mwy hyblyg yn eich gweithle, byddai ymuno ag undeb yn lle da i ddechrau.
Mae cwestiwn 5 [OQ57475] wedi ei dynnu yn ôl. Cwestiwn 6, Laura Jones.
Question 5 [OQ57475] is withdrawn. Question 6, Laura Jones.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu amserlen a thargedau ar gyfer creu swyddi drwy fewnfuddsoddi yng Nghymru? OQ57462
6. Will the Minister outline a timeline and targets for job creation through inward investment in Wales? OQ57462
We aim to attract quality inward investment to Wales, as set out in the five-year international strategy and the economic mission within our programme for government. These focus on promoting specific economic sectors where Wales is recognised internationally along with critical magnets and assets that are attractive to investors.
Ein nod yw denu mewnfuddsoddiad o ansawdd i Gymru, fel y nodir yn y strategaeth ryngwladol bum mlynedd a'r genhadaeth economaidd yn ein rhaglen lywodraethu. Mae'r rhain yn canolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo sectorau economaidd penodol lle caiff Cymru ei chydnabod yn rhyngwladol, ynghyd ag atyniadau ac asedau allweddol sy'n ddeniadol i fuddsoddwyr.
Thank you for your response, Minister. The chief economist's report in 2020 highlights that the growth in productivity and inward investment has been very sluggish in Wales since the 2008 financial crash. The Welsh Government's approach has focused more on pet projects, with big promises but little return on economic development, for example your disastrous enterprise zones, a failure to invest in transport infrastructure, and the Circuit of Wales project. The former Welsh Development Agency, for all its faults, made significant progress in growing Wales's economy, attracting large levels of investment into Wales. Has any thought been given to re-establishing a body such as this to breathe life back into the Welsh economy, as it is since the WDA's powers were transferred back to the Welsh Government that the problems have begun? The approach to economy in Wales has changed to 'hit and hope', and value for money for taxpayers has become a second thought, a decent transport infrastructure is not on the cards, and investors have now looked elsewhere in the UK. Wales is craving inward investment, Minister. What are you doing to promote Wales as the best place to set up a business, which obviously in turn will create more jobs in prime locations, such as along the M4?
Diolch am eich ymateb, Weinidog. Mae adroddiad y prif economegydd yn 2020 yn nodi bod y twf mewn cynhyrchiant a mewnfuddsoddi wedi bod yn araf iawn yng Nghymru ers cwymp ariannol 2008. Mae dull gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru wedi canolbwyntio mwy ar hoff brosiectau, gydag addewidion mawr ond fawr o elw ar ddatblygu economaidd, er enghraifft eich ardaloedd menter trychinebus, methiant i fuddsoddi mewn seilwaith trafnidiaeth, a phrosiect Cylchffordd Cymru. Gwnaeth yr hen Awdurdod Datblygu Cymru, er ei holl ddiffygion, gynnydd sylweddol yn tyfu economi Cymru, gan ddenu lefelau mawr o fuddsoddiad i Gymru. A roddwyd unrhyw ystyriaeth i ailsefydlu corff o'r fath i anadlu bywyd yn ôl i economi Cymru, gan mai wedi i bwerau'r WDA gael eu trosglwyddo'n ôl i Lywodraeth Cymru y dechreuodd y problemau? Mae'r dull o ymdrin â'r economi yng Nghymru wedi newid i 'daro a gobeithio', ac mae gwerth am arian i drethdalwyr wedi dod yn ystyriaeth eilradd, nid oes bwriad i greu seilwaith trafnidiaeth gweddus, ac mae buddsoddwyr bellach wedi edrych ar fannau eraill yn y DU. Mae Cymru'n crefu am fewnfuddsoddiad, Weinidog. Beth a wnewch i hyrwyddo Cymru fel y lle gorau i sefydlu busnes, a fydd yn amlwg yn creu mwy o swyddi yn ei dro mewn lleoliadau o'r radd flaenaf, megis ar hyd yr M4?
Well, as ever, a certain view on the past that isn't fully reflective of what happened is something that I've come to expect. I just don't accept the entirely rose-tinted view on where the WDA was compared to where things are now. And actually, last year, Wales saw an increase in inward investment, the only UK country to do so. And you'll have seen—or if you haven't, you may want to look at it—the international evidence and forecasts that suggest that, actually, inward investment in the next year or so is unlikely to significantly rebound. Part of the challenge of the pandemic and its global reach is that those inward investment projects are less likely in terms of the number and the scale. Despite that, we have 1,300 foreign-owned companies in Wales that employ, we estimate, over 165,000 people. A range of those are high-value and long-term partners. I, myself, have had regular conversations around trade and around supporting businesses that export and import, around supporting further foreign direct investment. I've had direct conversations with some of those potential investors as well. And the point about what we're trying to do is to be smarter about how we use our resources, to have people who are interested in a long-term future in Wales and a high-value future in Wales. So, we're continuing to pursue areas to attract investment in Wales from across the globe, and that includes working with the Department for International Trade as well. So, I look forward to continuing to see Wales as a good place to invest, whether you're a local, home-grown business—and we want more of those—as well as the potential for inward investment alongside that.
Wel, fel erioed, mae barn benodol ar y gorffennol nad yw'n adlewyrchu'n llawn yr hyn a ddigwyddodd yn rhywbeth rwyf wedi dod i'w ddisgwyl. Nid wyf yn derbyn y farn sy'n edrych drwy sbectol binc ar yr WDA o gymharu â lle mae pethau arni yn awr. Ac mewn gwirionedd, y llynedd, gwelodd Cymru gynnydd mewn mewnfuddsoddiad, yr unig wlad yn y DU i wneud hynny. A byddwch wedi gweld—neu os nad ydych wedi gwneud hynny, efallai yr hoffech edrych arni—y dystiolaeth ryngwladol a'r rhagolygon sy'n awgrymu ei bod hi'n annhebygol y bydd mewnfuddsoddi yn y flwyddyn nesaf yn ymadfer yn sylweddol. Rhan o her y pandemig a'i gyrhaeddiad byd-eang yw bod y prosiectau mewnfuddsoddi hynny'n llai tebygol o ran eu nifer a'u maint. Er hynny, mae gennym 1,300 o gwmnïau tramor yng Nghymru sy'n cyflogi dros 165,000 o bobl, yn ôl yr hyn a amcangyfrifwn. Mae amryw o'r rheini'n bartneriaid gwerth uchel a hirdymor. Rwyf wedi cael sgyrsiau rheolaidd fy hun ynghylch masnach ac ynglŷn â chefnogi busnesau sy'n allforio ac yn mewnforio, ynghylch cefnogi buddsoddiad uniongyrchol pellach o dramor. Rwyf wedi cael sgyrsiau uniongyrchol gyda rhai o'r darpar fuddsoddwyr hynny hefyd. A'r pwynt am yr hyn y ceisiwn ei wneud yw bod yn gallach ynghylch y modd y defnyddiwn ein hadnoddau, i gael pobl sydd â diddordeb mewn dyfodol hirdymor yng Nghymru a dyfodol gwerth uchel yng Nghymru. Felly, rydym yn parhau i fynd ar drywydd meysydd i ddenu buddsoddiad yng Nghymru o bob cwr o'r byd, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys gweithio gyda'r Adran Masnach Ryngwladol hefyd. Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at barhau i weld Cymru fel lle da i fuddsoddi, boed yn fusnes lleol domestig—ac rydym am gael mwy o'r rheini—yn ogystal â'r potensial ar gyfer mewnfuddsoddiad ochr yn ochr â hynny.
Minister, if we were able to have an electric bus manufacturing plant in Wales, that would be very beneficial for our economy, for jobs and for the environment. In Newport East, we have CAF, as you know, who supply trains. They also have a bus manufacturing capability in other European countries, and I wonder if Welsh Government might hold talks with CAF, given I know they have ambitions to establish an electric bus manufacturing plant alongside their train operation on the old Llanwern site in Newport.
Weinidog, pe baem yn gallu cael gwaith gweithgynhyrchu bysiau trydan yng Nghymru, byddai hynny o fudd mawr i'n heconomi, o ran swyddi ac o ran yr amgylchedd. Yn Nwyrain Casnewydd, mae gennym CAF, fel y gwyddoch, sy'n cyflenwi trenau. Mae ganddynt hefyd allu i weithgynhyrchu bysiau mewn gwledydd Ewropeaidd eraill, ac rwy'n meddwl tybed a allai Llywodraeth Cymru gynnal trafodaethau gyda CAF, gan fy mod yn gwybod bod ganddynt uchelgeisiau i sefydlu ffatri gweithgynhyrchu bysiau trydan ochr yn ochr â'u ffatri drenau ar hen safle Llan-wern yng Nghasnewydd.
[Inaudible.]—investment project that has been landed by the Welsh Government, working alongside other partners. And again, going back to the previous tenure of Ken Skates, where I think a significant amount was done to gain high-value inward investment with a company that's now committed to a Welsh footprint. I've visited the CAF site as well in your constituency. As you know, I'm impressed by their commitment to their local workforce, the high-quality nature of the jobs, and it was interesting that I had the meeting at CAF alongside the business and, indeed, the recognised union, the GMB, when I visited. So, I'm open-minded about future investments, and I'm happy to work alongside businesses that have a real commitment to Wales as well. So, if there is a viable proposition around further electric bus manufacture, I'm interested in how that can be done and what that means in terms of resources we have available to help support that. So, I look forward to contacting my officials to see if they've had the same conversation about the potential for future investment from CAF in Wales.
[Anghlywadwy.]—prosiect buddsoddi a enillwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gan weithio ochr yn ochr â phartneriaid eraill. Ac eto, os caf fynd yn ôl at gyfnod blaenorol Ken Skates yn y swydd, pan gredaf fod cryn dipyn wedi'i wneud i gael mewnfuddsoddiad gwerth uchel gyda chwmni sydd bellach wedi ymrwymo i ôl troed yng Nghymru. Rwyf wedi ymweld â safle CAF yn eich etholaeth hefyd. Fel y gwyddoch, mae eu hymrwymiad i'w gweithlu lleol, natur y swyddi ansawdd uchel, wedi creu argraff arnaf ac roedd yn ddiddorol cael cyfarfod yn CAF ochr yn ochr â'r busnes ac yn wir, yr undeb cydnabyddedig, y GMB, pan ymwelais â'r lle. Felly, mae gennyf feddwl agored ynglŷn â buddsoddiadau yn y dyfodol, ac rwy'n hapus i weithio ochr yn ochr â busnesau sydd ag ymrwymiad gwirioneddol i Gymru hefyd. Felly, os oes cynnig ymarferol pellach ynghylch gweithgynhyrchu bysiau trydan, mae gennyf ddiddordeb yn y ffordd y gellir gwneud hynny a beth y mae hynny'n ei olygu o ran adnoddau sydd ar gael gennym i helpu i gefnogi hynny. Felly, edrychaf ymlaen at gysylltu â fy swyddogion i weld a ydynt wedi cael yr un sgwrs am y potensial ar gyfer buddsoddiad CAF yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol.
7. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i helpu busnesau yn Nyffryn Clwyd i adfer o bandemig COVID-19? OQ57464
7. What plans does the Welsh Government have to help businesses in the Vale of Clwyd to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ57464
Thank you. As the Member knows, we are providing significant resources to help recover. We are providing almost £140 million, when you take into account of the £120 million economic resilience fund, the £15.4 million cultural recovery fund, and the initial £3 million put into the spectator sports fund. That's the emergency business support that we've provided. Since April 2020, the Member may wish to know that businesses in Denbighshire have received over £65.7 million in grant support. That does not, though, include the support from the separate cultural recovery fund packages, which compare very well with those available across the border, which I'm sure the Member will be pleased to hear.
Diolch. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, rydym yn darparu adnoddau sylweddol i helpu i adfer. Rydym yn darparu bron i £140 miliwn, pan ystyriwch y gronfa cadernid economaidd gwerth £120 miliwn, y gronfa adferiad diwylliannol gwerth £15.4 miliwn, a'r £3 miliwn cychwynnol a roddwyd i'r gronfa chwaraeon gwylwyr. Dyna'r cymorth brys i fusnesau rydym wedi'i ddarparu. Ers mis Ebrill 2020, efallai yr hoffai'r Aelod wybod bod busnesau yn sir Ddinbych wedi derbyn dros £65.7 miliwn o gymorth grant. Fodd bynnag, nid yw hynny'n cynnwys cymorth pecynnau unigol y gronfa adferiad diwylliannol, sy'n cymharu'n dda iawn â'r rhai sydd ar gael dros y ffin, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd yr Aelod yn falch o glywed hynny.
Yes, I appreciate that response, Minister. A large number of businesses in my constituency rely on the tourism and leisure markets, as do many across the north Wales coastal strip, and the past two years have been pretty disastrous, as you'll be aware. Not only do these businesses need continued help with such things as business rates in order to help with large losses incurred over recent times, but they also need assurances that future restrictions will be the very last resort. So, Minister, with that in mind, what discussions have you had with Cabinet colleagues about ensuring the Vale of Clwyd and, indeed, the whole of Wales, is fully open for business when the tourist season begins in just a few short weeks?
Ie, rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'r ymateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Mae nifer fawr o fusnesau yn fy etholaeth yn dibynnu ar y marchnadoedd twristiaeth a hamdden, fel y mae llawer ar draws llain arfordirol gogledd Cymru, ac mae'r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf wedi bod yn eithaf trychinebus, fel y gwyddoch. Nid yn unig y mae angen cymorth parhaus ar y busnesau hyn gyda phethau fel ardrethi busnes er mwyn helpu gyda cholledion mawr a gafwyd dros y cyfnod diweddar, ond mae angen sicrwydd arnynt hefyd mai dewis olaf un fydd cyfyngiadau yn y dyfodol. Felly, Weinidog, gyda hynny mewn golwg, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch gyda'ch cyd-Weinidogion Cabinet ynghylch sicrhau bod Dyffryn Clwyd a Chymru gyfan yn wir, yn gwbl agored i fusnes pan fydd y tymor twristiaeth yn dechrau mewn cwta wythnosau?
Actually, I think your characterisation that tourism and leisure have been disastrous in the last two years doesn't quite accord with the reality of what's happened. Some businesses really have suffered, but a range of others in the tourism sector have actually done extraordinarily well, and that's because many people have taken their holidays and more time visiting other parts of the UK. And actually, north Wales has done particularly well out of that. We've seen the pressure that's produced in a range of local communities as a result of the extraordinary success of the visitor economy in the last two years. A number of businesses say they've had better years as a result than they previously had expected. That, of course, comes alongside other businesses, especially those that have run events and visitor attractions, individual ones, where it has been much more challenging. So, the picture is more mixed than the Member presents.
And, actually, when it comes to introducing public health protection measures that affect the way businesses can operate, this is never the first option of the Government. And if you had ever had to have the responsibility to consider the impact on public health—the physical impact of COVID, the mental health impact of COVID, and what it means to act or not to act—then I don't think you'd be quite so cavalier in painting restrictions and protective measures as something that Ministers want to do because we like to do it. That's been the broad tenor of many Conservative comments. It is always a balanced approach, recognising the harm that is done to the economy in having public health protections, and the balance of trying to protect people's health and well-being, so that more people are able to go to work, more people are able to spend their hard-earned money in businesses here in Wales. And I believe that our proportionate approach is one that is bearing fruit as we exit the restrictions that we have introduced in better shape than other parts of the United Kingdom, most notably England.
A dweud y gwir, ni chredaf fod y ffordd y dywedwch fod pethau wedi bod yn drychinebus ar dwristiaeth a hamdden yn y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf yn cyd-fynd yn llwyr â realiti'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd. Mae rhai busnesau wedi dioddef yn fawr, ond mae amryw o rai eraill yn y sector twristiaeth wedi gwneud yn eithriadol o dda mewn gwirionedd, a hynny oherwydd bod llawer o bobl wedi mynd ar wyliau i rannau eraill o'r DU a threulio mwy o amser yn ymweld â hwy. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae gogledd Cymru wedi gwneud yn arbennig o dda o ganlyniad i hynny. Rydym wedi gweld y pwysau ar amryw o gymunedau lleol o ganlyniad i lwyddiant eithriadol yr economi ymwelwyr yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. Mae nifer o fusnesau'n dweud eu bod wedi cael blynyddoedd gwell o ganlyniad i hynny nag y byddent wedi'i ddisgwyl yn flaenorol. Ochr yn ochr â hynny, wrth gwrs, mae wedi bod yn llawer mwy heriol i fusnesau eraill, yn enwedig rhai sydd wedi cynnal digwyddiadau ac atyniadau i ymwelwyr, busnesau unigol. Felly, mae'r darlun yn fwy cymysg nag y mae'r Aelod yn ei gyflwyno.
Ac mewn gwirionedd, pan ddaw'n fater o gyflwyno mesurau diogelu iechyd y cyhoedd sy'n effeithio ar y ffordd y gall busnesau weithredu, nid dyma'r opsiwn cyntaf i'r Llywodraeth byth. A phe baech chi erioed wedi gorfod ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb o ystyried yr effaith ar iechyd y cyhoedd—effaith gorfforol COVID, effaith COVID ar iechyd meddwl, a'r hyn y mae'n ei olygu i weithredu neu beidio â gweithredu—nid wyf yn credu y byddech mor ddidaro wrth ddisgrifio cyfyngiadau a mesurau diogelu fel rhywbeth y mae Gweinidogion am ei wneud oherwydd ein bod yn hoffi gwneud hynny. Dyna gywair cyffredinol llawer o sylwadau'r Ceidwadwyr. Mae bob amser yn ddull cytbwys o weithredu, i gydnabod y niwed a wneir i'r economi drwy gael mesurau diogelu iechyd y cyhoedd, a'r cydbwysedd o geisio diogelu iechyd a lles pobl, fel bod mwy o bobl yn gallu mynd i'r gwaith, mwy o bobl yn gallu gwario'r arian y maent wedi gweithio'n galed amdano mewn busnesau yma yng Nghymru. A chredaf fod ein dull cymesur yn un sy'n dwyn ffrwyth wrth inni ddod allan o'r cyfyngiadau a gyflwynwyd gennym mewn cyflwr gwell na rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig, a Lloegr yn fwyaf amlwg.
8. Pa fesurau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u rhoi ar waith i wella rhagolygon cyflogadwyedd pobl ifanc yng Ngogledd Cymru? OQ57466
8. What measures has the Welsh Government put in place to improve employability prospects for young people in North Wales? OQ57466
Thank you. The young person's guarantee has, of course, commenced, and I'll have more to say on the young person's guarantee, moving forward, and its component parts, in the coming months. We're also reviewing our employability strategy as well. We would, of course, be better able to meet the predicted employability needs of young people if we were in a position to have guarantees around receiving full replacement funding for former European Union funds that, of course, supported skills and other interventions to help improve prospects for young people in north Wales and beyond.
If you'll just excuse me for a moment, I'll close the door, as my son doesn't need to join in. [Laughter.]
Diolch. Mae'r warant i bobl ifanc wedi dechrau wrth gwrs, a bydd gennyf fwy i'w ddweud amdani wrth symud ymlaen, a'i chydrannau, yn ystod y misoedd nesaf. Rydym hefyd yn adolygu ein strategaeth cyflogadwyedd hefyd. Wrth gwrs, byddem yn gallu diwallu anghenion cyflogadwyedd disgwyliedig pobl ifanc yn well pe baem mewn sefyllfa i gael sicrwydd o gyllid newydd llawn yn lle hen gronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd a oedd, wrth gwrs, yn cefnogi sgiliau ac ymyriadau eraill i helpu i wella'r rhagolygon i bobl ifanc yng ngogledd Cymru a thu hwnt.
Os gwnewch chi fy esgusodi am eiliad, rwyf am gau'r drws, gan nad oes angen i fy mab ymuno. [Chwerthin.]
Certainly. I saw the door. You have got a blurred background, so that helps. [Laughter.] Thank you, Minister. I recently visited a new community facility called Tŷ Calon in north Wales. It's been part funded by Welsh Government as part a learning hub. It was raised with me that there is a gap that needs filling for some of the young people that they support, in particular those who have dropped out of school and are waiting to go into further education, but need help in building confidence, resilience and some foundational skills for that step up. Is there any funding available for this cohort of young people?
Yn sicr. Gwelais y drws. Mae gennych gefndir aneglur, felly mae hynny'n helpu. [Chwerthin.] Diolch, Weinidog. Yn ddiweddar ymwelais â chyfleuster cymunedol newydd o'r enw Tŷ Calon yng ngogledd Cymru. Cafodd ei ariannu'n rhannol gan Lywodraeth Cymru fel rhan o hyb dysgu. Crybwyllwyd wrthyf fod bwlch y mae angen ei lenwi ar gyfer rhai o'r bobl ifanc y maent yn eu cefnogi, yn enwedig rhai sydd wedi gadael yr ysgol ac sy'n aros i fynd i addysg bellach, ond sydd angen help i feithrin hyder, gwydnwch a rhai sgiliau sylfaenol ar gyfer camu ymlaen. A oes unrhyw gyllid ar gael ar gyfer y garfan hon o bobl ifanc?
Yes. I actually think that, for that group of young people, it's where our traineeship programme should be able to help, and we're looking at how to refine those interventions. The traineeship programme was aimed at helping young people aged 16 to 18 in Wales, and to give those young people the skills they need to progress further, either in further education and apprenticeships or employment. It also supports them with the development of soft skills, and tries to provide purposeful training and work experience opportunities. So, I'd be more than happy for my officials to engage with you around issues with Tŷ Calon to make sure that they get access to the right sort of information to help Tŷ Calon succeed in its mission.
Oes. Ar gyfer y grŵp hwnnw o bobl ifanc, rwy'n credu mai dyma lle dylai ein rhaglen hyfforddeiaeth allu helpu, ac rydym yn edrych ar sut i fireinio'r ymyriadau hynny. Nod y rhaglen hyfforddeiaeth oedd helpu pobl ifanc rhwng 16 a 18 oed yng Nghymru, a rhoi'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar y bobl ifanc hyn i gamu ymlaen ymhellach, naill ai mewn addysg bellach a phrentisiaethau neu gyflogaeth. Mae hefyd yn eu cynorthwyo i ddatblygu sgiliau meddal, ac yn ceisio darparu hyfforddiant pwrpasol a chyfleoedd profiad gwaith. Felly, byddwn yn fwy na pharod i fy swyddogion gysylltu â chi ynghylch materion yn ymwneud â Tŷ Calon i sicrhau eu bod yn cael mynediad at y math cywir o wybodaeth i helpu Tŷ Calon i lwyddo yn ei genhadaeth.
9. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r rhwystrau ariannol sy'n atal dechrau busnesau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru? OQ57451
9. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the financial barriers that stop social enterprise start-ups in Wales? OQ57451
Thank you. We work closely with the social enterprise sector, and finance has been raised as a key barrier for social enterprises to start up. That's why, through WEFO, our Welsh European Funding Office, the New Start programme pilot was approved in 2020. I've also committed a further £235,000 to support the creation of social enterprises, targeting climate change, to help the sector deliver a fairer, greener economic recovery here in Wales.
Diolch. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r sector mentrau cymdeithasol, a nodwyd bod cyllid yn rhwystr allweddol i fentrau cymdeithasol allu dechrau. Dyna pam y cymeradwywyd cynllun peilot y rhaglen Dechrau Newydd drwy Swyddfa Cyllid Ewropeaidd Cymru yn 2020. Rwyf hefyd wedi ymrwymo £235,000 pellach i gefnogi'r gwaith o greu mentrau cymdeithasol, gan dargedu newid hinsawdd, i helpu'r sector i sicrhau adferiad economaidd tecach a gwyrddach yma yng Nghymru.
Thank you. As the Minister will be aware, small-scale social enterprises are a business model that struggles to take hold in the marketplace, with funding being by far the biggest challenge it faces, particularly start-up capital. Since most social entrepreneurs are individuals, the predominance of funding comes from their savings rather than traditional forms of financing, such as bank loans.
Despite the fact that some people are willing to pay more for goods and services that come from a social enterprise, many consumers—particularly those who are among the poorest in society—are price sensitive, and will look to purchase at the most competitive price. The problem that this creates for social enterprises is that it limits their ability to expand, as their business model is not always profitable enough to access the necessary funds.
In Valleys communities, we have a juxtaposition, in that these are the communities most likely to benefit from social enterprises, yet they are the least likely to be able to afford to pay more for goods and services. With this in mind, Minister, what assessment has the Government made of the long-term financial support that is needed for social enterprises in Wales in order for them to expand from being small and medium enterprises? Thank you.
Diolch. Fel y gŵyr y Gweinidog, mae mentrau cymdeithasol ar raddfa fach yn fodel busnes sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd cael troedle yn y farchnad, gyda chyllid yn her fwyaf o bell ffordd, yn enwedig cyfalaf dechrau busnes. Gan mai unigolion yw'r rhan fwyaf o entrepreneuriaid cymdeithasol, daw'r rhan fwyaf o'u cyllid o'u cynilion yn hytrach na mathau traddodiadol o ariannu, megis benthyciadau banc.
Er bod rhai pobl yn barod i dalu mwy am nwyddau a gwasanaethau sy'n dod o fenter gymdeithasol, mae llawer o ddefnyddwyr—yn enwedig rhai sydd ymhlith y tlotaf mewn cymdeithas—yn sensitif i brisiau, a byddant yn ceisio prynu am y pris mwyaf cystadleuol. Y broblem y mae hyn yn ei chreu i fentrau cymdeithasol yw ei fod yn cyfyngu ar eu gallu i ehangu, gan nad yw eu model busnes bob amser yn ddigon proffidiol i gael mynediad at yr arian angenrheidiol.
Yng nghymunedau'r Cymoedd, mae gennym wrthgyferbyniad, yn yr ystyr mai dyma'r cymunedau sydd fwyaf tebygol o elwa ar fentrau cymdeithasol, ac eto hwy yw'r lleiaf tebygol o allu fforddio talu mwy am nwyddau a gwasanaethau. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Weinidog, pa asesiad y mae'r Llywodraeth wedi'i wneud o'r cymorth ariannol hirdymor sydd ei angen ar fentrau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru i allu ehangu o fod yn fentrau bach a chanolig? Diolch.
Well, there's an honest challenge there, and I know that the Member won't like it, but it comes back to some of the reasons why we've talked so much about former European funds. A lot of the support that we provided has actually come come from the former European funds that we used to receive. Not having those means that we're compromised in our ability to do that; we have to direct resources from other parts of the Government. I would like to be able to do more and give more certainty, and actually not having certainty about where those funds are coming from is a real problem. The specialist business support that often social enterprises need to move to a position of being generally profitable is something that we do have a range of people that can provide. So, we support Social Business Wales, the Wales Co-operative Centre and others to do just that.
Our challenge will be that, if there isn't the money available, it means that we're having to cut our cloth accordingly, and that is a real problem. I want to carry on supporting this sector. I think that they have a big role to play in communities right across the country. We would be in a much better position to give them the stability that I think they need and deserve if we had greater certainty on how replacement EU funds were going to be used. I would have thought that that point, in itself, should not be one that should in fact be party controversial, but I'd hope we could get rather more agreement on wanting stability in funding coming to Wales to do just what the Member suggests should happen.
Wel, mae'n her go iawn, a gwn na fydd yr Aelod yn ei hoffi, ond daw'n ôl at rai o'r rhesymau pam ein bod wedi siarad cymaint am hen gronfeydd Ewropeaidd. Mae llawer o'r cymorth a ddarparwyd gennym wedi dod o'r hen gronfeydd Ewropeaidd roeddem yn arfer eu derbyn. Mae peidio â chael y rheini'n golygu bod ein gallu i wneud hynny wedi'i beryglu; rhaid inni gyfeirio adnoddau o rannau eraill o'r Llywodraeth. Hoffwn allu gwneud mwy a rhoi mwy o sicrwydd, ac mewn gwirionedd mae peidio â chael sicrwydd ynglŷn ag o ble y daw'r arian yn broblem wirioneddol. Mae gennym amrywiaeth o bobl sy'n gallu darparu'r cymorth busnes arbenigol sydd ei angen ar fentrau cymdeithasol yn aml i symud i sefyllfa o fod yn gyffredinol broffidiol. Felly, rydym yn cefnogi Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru, Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru ac eraill i wneud hynny.
Ein her ni, os nad yw'r arian ar gael, fydd ein bod yn gorfod torri'r got yn ôl y brethyn, ac mae honno'n broblem wirioneddol. Rwyf am barhau i gefnogi'r sector hwn. Credaf fod ganddynt rôl fawr i'w chwarae mewn cymunedau ledled y wlad. Byddem mewn sefyllfa well o lawer i roi'r sefydlogrwydd y credaf eu bod ei angen ac y maent yn ei haeddu pe baem yn cael mwy o sicrwydd ynghylch y modd y byddai arian yn lle cronfeydd yr UE yn cael ei ddefnyddio. Byddwn wedi meddwl na ddylai'r pwynt hwnnw, ynddo'i hun, fod yn un sy'n ddadleuol yn wleidyddol mewn gwirionedd, ond byddwn yn gobeithio y gallem gael mwy o gytundeb ar yr angen am sefydlogrwydd o ran y cyllid a ddaw i Gymru i wneud yr hyn y mae'r Aelod yn awgrymu y dylai ddigwydd.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Ac felly rŷn ni'n mynd ymlaen nesaf i'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol. Mae cwestiwn 1 [OQ57459] wedi ei dynnu nôl. Ac felly cwestiwn 2 fydd gyntaf, sef cwestiwn Rhiannon Passmore.
We now move to questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services. Question 1 [OQ57459] is withdrawn. Question 2 first, therefore, and that is from Rhianon Passmore.
2. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am nifer y cleifion sy'n mynd i'r ysbyty gyda COVID-19 ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan? OQ57479
2. Will the Minister provide an update on the number of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board? OQ57479
As of 12 January, there were 178 COVID-related patients in hospital across the health board area.
Ar 12 Ionawr, roedd 178 o gleifion yn yr ysbyty yn gysylltiedig â COVID ar draws ardal y bwrdd iechyd.
Diolch, Llywydd and Minister. Thank you for that update. Sadly, 1,160 people have died in the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board with deaths relating to COVID-19. The citizens of Islwyn and Wales have sacrificed so much in our continued fight against this vicious virus during the pandemic. The World Health Organization's COVID chief, David Nabarro, this week stated:
'Looking at it from a UK point of view, there does appear to be light at the end of the tunnel',
and it is never too late to be vaccinated in Wales. With COVID restrictions set to be lightened over the next few weeks, what can the Welsh Government do to reach and persuade people who are still to be convinced of the value of vaccination, and does the Welsh Government have any further public information plans to target the unvaccinated sections of our society, either through direct correspondence, or via new public health messaging?
Diolch, Lywydd a Gweinidog. Diolch am y diweddariad hwnnw. Yn anffodus, mae 1,160 o bobl wedi marw ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan gyda marwolaethau'n gysylltiedig â COVID-19. Mae dinasyddion Islwyn a Chymru wedi aberthu cymaint yn ein brwydr barhaus yn erbyn y feirws dieflig hwn yn ystod y pandemig. Dywedodd prif swyddog COVID Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd, David Nabarro, yr wythnos hon:
'O edrych arno o safbwynt y DU, mae'n ymddangos bod golau ar ben draw'r twnnel',
ac nid yw byth yn rhy hwyr i gael eich brechu yng Nghymru. Gyda chyfyngiadau COVID i'w llacio dros yr ychydig wythnosau nesaf, beth y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i gyrraedd a pherswadio pobl sy'n dal heb gael eu hargyhoeddi ynglŷn â gwerth brechiad, ac a oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw gynlluniau gwybodaeth cyhoeddus pellach i dargedu rhannau o'n cymdeithas sydd heb eu brechu, naill ai drwy ohebiaeth uniongyrchol, neu drwy negeseuon iechyd cyhoeddus newydd?
Diolch yn fawr, Rhianon. I think what's really important is that we make it absolutely clear that it's never too late to arrange an appointment for a first or a second vaccine or a booster dose. So, together with our health boards and a wide range of partners, we're encouraging vaccine take-up, making it as easy as possible to get the vaccine, by offering a really flexible service that adapts according to local circumstances. So, obviously, in many places around Wales we have mass vaccination centres. They have extended hours, opening in the evening and on weekends as well. There have also been travel initiatives and pop-up clinics, walk-in centres and mobile services. And of course we've given additional incentives to GPs to take the vaccine into people's homes. And then, on top of that, we've had vaccine clinics in some very unusual places, making sure that people feel comfortable in surroundings where, if we hadn't done it there, they may not have stepped forward, particularly, in faith communities, cultural and community centres.
All of those are areas where we have tried to make a point of making sure that the information and the opportunity to have a vaccine are available, but also that the language issue is something that we're trying to overcome as well. There are details of all of this on the websites of the local health boards, and I would encourage everybody to take the opportunity to take up this vaccine offer. It's never too late to be protected.
Diolch yn fawr, Rhianon. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn dweud yn gwbl glir nad yw hi byth yn rhy hwyr i drefnu apwyntiad i gael brechlyn cyntaf neu ail frechlyn neu ddos atgyfnerthu. Felly, gyda'n byrddau iechyd ac ystod eang o bartneriaid, rydym yn annog pobl i fanteisio ar y brechlyn, gan ei gwneud mor hawdd â phosibl i'w gael, drwy gynnig gwasanaeth hyblyg iawn sy'n addasu yn ôl amgylchiadau lleol. Felly, yn amlwg, mewn llawer o leoedd ledled Cymru mae gennym ganolfannau brechu torfol. Mae ganddynt oriau estynedig, ar agor gyda'r nos ac ar benwythnosau hefyd. Hefyd, cafwyd cynlluniau teithio a chlinigau dros dro, canolfannau galw i mewn a gwasanaethau symudol. Ac wrth gwrs rydym wedi rhoi cymelliadau ychwanegol i feddygon teulu fynd â'r brechlyn i gartrefi pobl. Ac ar ben hynny, rydym wedi cael clinigau brechu mewn mannau anarferol iawn, i sicrhau bod pobl yn teimlo'n gyfforddus mewn amgylchoedd lle na fyddent wedi dod i gael y brechiad o bosibl pe na baem wedi ei wneud yn y mannau hynny, yn enwedig cymunedau ffydd a chanolfannau diwylliannol a chymunedol.
Mae pob un o'r rheini'n fannau lle rydym wedi ceisio gwneud pwynt o sicrhau bod y wybodaeth a chyfle i gael brechlyn ar gael, ond hefyd fod y mater iaith yn rhywbeth rydym yn ceisio'i oresgyn hefyd. Mae manylion am hyn i gyd ar wefannau'r byrddau iechyd lleol, a hoffwn annog pawb i fanteisio ar y cyfle i gael y brechlyn. Nid yw byth yn rhy hwyr i gael eich diogelu.
Minister, whilst I understand that COVID has put the NHS in Wales under immense pressure, as it currently stands, hospitalisations for COVID are stable. With this in mind, Minister—. I'm contacted by constituents on a daily basis, as I'm sure we all are, with constituents in pain wondering how much longer they can go on. Minister, for example, an 83-year-old gentleman with osteoarthritis desperately waiting for a hip operation for three years, living in constant pain, is wondering how much longer he can go on living like this. Minister, we cannot continue to delay; waiting lists were far too long before the pandemic hit. Now that we are seeing COVID numbers falling and hospital rates stable, can you press to get elective surgery started again, to give people some hope? Thank you.
Weinidog, er fy mod yn deall bod COVID wedi rhoi'r GIG yng Nghymru dan bwysau aruthrol, fel y mae ar hyn o bryd mae'r niferoedd sy'n mynd i'r ysbyty oherwydd COVID yn sefydlog. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Weinidog—. Mae etholwyr yn cysylltu â mi bob dydd, fel pawb ohonom mae'n siŵr, gydag etholwyr mewn poen yn meddwl tybed faint yn hwy y gallant ddal ati. Er enghraifft, Weinidog, mae gŵr 83 oed ag osteoarthritis wedi bod yn aros am lawdriniaeth ar y glun ers tair blynedd, ac mae'n byw mewn poen diddiwedd, yn meddwl faint yn hwy y gall ddal ati i fyw fel hyn. Weinidog, ni allwn barhau i oedi; roedd rhestrau aros yn llawer rhy hir cyn i'r pandemig daro. Gan ein bod bellach yn gweld niferoedd COVID yn gostwng a chyfraddau ysbytai'n sefydlog, a allwch bwyso i sicrhau bod llawdriniaeth ddewisol yn ailddechrau, er mwyn rhoi rhywfaint o obaith i bobl? Diolch.
Thanks very much, Laura. I can't tell you how aware I am of the many thousands of people—not just your constituents, but people across the whole of Wales—who are genuinely suffering at the moment and are in a lot of pain. So, it is, after COVID, my first priority to get those waiting lists down. We're already working very hard with the health boards. We've set out some clear guidance in terms of what we expect to happen. We're waiting for them to report with their integrated medium-term plans, so they'll be presenting plans that they would like to bring forward.
I've made it clear to them, for example, that I want to see in those plans an opportunity for us to address some of these issues on a regional basis—so, not just keep them within the footprint of the health boards themselves—because I firmly believe that, if people are in pain, they're actually probably willing to travel a little bit further afield if they can go back and recover and recuperate closer to home. So, I'm very keen to see that kind of new model being developed. We're waiting for these to be presented. I've made it absolutely clear that it's going to be difficult during this period and we all knew that, as omicron was going to work itself through the NHS system, there would have to be a cutback in terms of the number of planned care operations carried out.
We'll be getting the new and latest statistics on waiting lists tomorrow. I've made it absolutely clear that I don't expect us to get back to normal or to get to a place where we're really trying to be really tackling that waiting list until maybe the spring because of the restrictions that we have to put in place due to COVID. So, it's not an easy option. I have absolute empathy for all those people in pain, and I would encourage your constituent to get in touch with their GP just to make sure that they've got some support and some help and some painkillers to get them through to that point where we can offer them that support that we're all desperate to get to them.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Laura. Ni allaf ddweud wrthych pa mor ymwybodol rwyf fi o'r miloedd lawer o bobl—nid eich etholwyr yn unig, ond pobl ledled Cymru gyfan—sy'n dioddef yn enbyd ar hyn o bryd ac sydd mewn llawer o boen. Felly, ar ôl COVID, fy mlaenoriaeth gyntaf yw cael y rhestrau aros i lawr. Rydym eisoes yn gweithio'n galed iawn gyda'r byrddau iechyd. Rydym wedi nodi canllawiau clir ynglŷn â'r hyn y disgwyliwn ei weld yn digwydd. Rydym yn aros iddynt adrodd gyda'u cynlluniau tymor canolig integredig, felly byddant yn cyflwyno cynlluniau y byddent yn dymuno eu rhoi ar waith.
Rwyf wedi dweud yn glir wrthynt, er enghraifft, fy mod am weld cyfle yn y cynlluniau hynny inni fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r materion hyn yn rhanbarthol—felly, nid eu cadw o fewn ôl troed y byrddau iechyd eu hunain yn unig—oherwydd credaf yn gryf, os yw pobl mewn poen, mae'n debyg y byddant yn barod i deithio ychydig ymhellach i ffwrdd os gallant fynd yn ôl a gwella ac ymadfer yn nes at adref. Felly, rwy'n awyddus iawn i weld y math hwnnw o fodel newydd yn cael ei ddatblygu. Rydym yn aros i'r rhain gael eu cyflwyno. Rwyf wedi dweud yn gwbl glir y bydd yn anodd yn ystod y cyfnod hwn ac roeddem i gyd yn gwybod, wrth i omicron weithio'i ffordd drwy system y GIG, y byddai'n rhaid torri'n ôl ar nifer y llawdriniaethau gofal wedi'i gynllunio a gâi eu cyflawni.
Byddwn yn cael yr ystadegau newydd a diweddaraf ar restrau aros yfory. Rwyf wedi dweud yn gwbl glir nad wyf yn disgwyl inni ddychwelyd at y drefn arferol neu gyrraedd man lle rydym yn ceisio mynd i'r afael o ddifrif â'r rhestr aros honno tan y gwanwyn efallai oherwydd y cyfyngiadau sy'n rhaid inni eu rhoi ar waith oherwydd COVID. Felly, nid yw'n opsiwn hawdd. Rwy'n cydymdeimlo'n llwyr â'r holl bobl sydd mewn poen, a hoffwn annog eich etholwr i gysylltu â'u meddyg teulu i sicrhau eu bod yn cael cefnogaeth a chymorth a chyffur lladd poen i'w cynnal tan y gallwn gynnig y cymorth rydym yn dymuno'n daer iddynt ei gael.
One crucial factor in ensuring hospitals can provide care is the level of staff absences. You've said, Minister, that there were around 10,000 staff absences in the Welsh NHS last week, and 98 per cent of British Medical Association Cymru members said they're concerned about staffing levels because of those absences. Last week, I asked the First Minister about providing higher grade masks for NHS staff, and he told me that the Welsh Government's policy was based on the advice of a UK-wide specialist group and, at the time, it wasn't advising making these masks available nationally. Following that exchange, Minister, concerns were relayed to me by doctors who feared that that advice was not scientifically sound in terms of ensuring their safety. I understand that the UK advice has now been updated and new guidance states that FFP3 masks must be worn by staff caring for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID infection. So, could you confirm whether the Welsh Government has received this new advice, and, if so, whether you intend to implement it, and, if you do, finally, could you give us an idea of timescale in terms of how long it'll take to fit-test all remaining front-line staff, to get these respirators to where they're needed, please?
Un ffactor hollbwysig wrth sicrhau y gall ysbytai ddarparu gofal yw lefel absenoldebau staff. Rydych wedi dweud, Weinidog, fod tua 10,000 o absenoldebau staff yn GIG Cymru yr wythnos diwethaf, a dywedodd 98 y cant o aelodau Cymdeithas Feddygol Prydain Cymru eu bod yn pryderu am lefelau staffio oherwydd yr absenoldebau hynny. Yr wythnos diwethaf, gofynnais i'r Prif Weinidog ynglŷn â darparu masgiau gradd uwch i staff y GIG, a dywedodd wrthyf fod polisi Llywodraeth Cymru yn seiliedig ar gyngor grŵp arbenigol ledled y DU ac ar y pryd, nid oedd yn cynghori y dylid sicrhau bod y masgiau hyn ar gael yn genedlaethol. Yn dilyn y drafodaeth honno, Weinidog, clywais bryderon gan feddygon a oedd yn ofni nad oedd y cyngor hwnnw'n wyddonol gadarn mewn perthynas â sicrhau eu diogelwch. Deallaf fod cyngor y DU bellach wedi'i ddiweddaru ac mae canllawiau newydd yn nodi bod rhaid i staff sy'n gofalu am gleifion yr amheuir neu y cadarnhawyd bod COVID arnynt wisgo masgiau FFP3. Felly, a allech gadarnhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi derbyn y cyngor newydd hwn, ac os felly, a ydych yn bwriadu ei weithredu, ac os gwnewch hynny, yn olaf, a allech roi syniad inni o'r amserlen ar gyfer pa mor hir y bydd yn ei gymryd i baratoi'r holl staff rheng flaen sy'n weddill, i gael yr anadlyddion hyn i'r mannau lle mae eu hangen, os gwelwch yn dda?
Thanks very much, Delyth. I'm pleased to say that the sickness levels within the NHS have actually reduced from a week ago, so they were at about 8.3 per cent of staff off a week ago, now down to 7.3 per cent and, of those, around 1.7 per cent were off with COVID, and about 1 per cent of them were off for self-isolation reasons. So, the rest of them were kind of normal sickness that happens to lots of people at this time of year anyway.
In relation to the masks, I haven't seen that advice. I'm very happy to go and see if something's arrived, but I obviously can't give you any commitment on that until I've seen that advice, but I'll make a point of going to ask if we have received any additional update. I know it's something that we're constantly looking at; it's constantly kind of, 'Look, should we be doing this?' And we're waiting for the advice to change. We have been waiting for the advice to change. If the advice has changed, then, obviously, we will have to look at that again, but I haven't seen that updated advice, but I'll make a point of going to look for it now, Delyth.FootnoteLink
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Delyth. Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod y lefelau salwch o fewn y GIG wedi gostwng o wythnos yn ôl, felly roedd tua 8.3 y cant o'r staff yn absennol wythnos yn ôl, ac mae bellach i lawr i 7.3 y cant ac o'r rheini, roedd tua 1.7 y cant yn absennol gyda COVID, ac roedd tua 1 y cant ohonynt yn absennol am resymau'n ymwneud â hunanynysu. Felly, roedd y gweddill ohonynt yn dioddef o'r math o salwch arferol sy'n digwydd i lawer o bobl ar yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn beth bynnag.
Ar y masgiau, nid wyf wedi gweld y cyngor hwnnw. Rwy'n hapus iawn i fynd i weld a oes rhywbeth wedi cyrraedd, ond yn amlwg, ni allaf roi unrhyw ymrwymiad i chi ar hynny nes fy mod wedi gweld y cyngor hwnnw, ond fe wnaf bwynt o fynd i ofyn a ydym wedi derbyn unrhyw ddiweddariad ychwanegol. Rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn rhywbeth rydym yn edrych arno'n gyson; yn gyson mae'n fater o, 'Edrychwch, a ddylem ni fod yn gwneud hyn?' Ac rydym yn aros i'r cyngor newid. Rydym wedi bod yn aros i'r cyngor newid. Os yw'r cyngor wedi newid, yn amlwg, bydd yn rhaid inni edrych ar hynny eto, ond nid wyf wedi gweld y cyngor hwnnw wedi'i ddiweddaru, ond fe wnaf bwynt o fynd i chwilio amdano yn awr, Delyth.FootnoteLink
3. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o'r rhwystrau o ran cael mynediad at ofal iechyd y mae pobl sydd wedi colli eu clyw yn eu hwynebu? OQ57440
3. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the barriers in accessing healthcare that affect people with hearing loss? OQ57440
Thanks very much, Joel. The Welsh Government requires NHS organisations to assess barriers to accessing healthcare that affect people with hearing loss in line with the Equality Act 2010. Annual reports are submitted for assessment, detailing achievements made towards implementation of the all-Wales standards for accessible communication and information for people with sensory loss.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Joel. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i sefydliadau'r GIG asesu rhwystrau i fynediad at ofal iechyd sy'n effeithio ar bobl sy'n drwm eu clyw yn unol â Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010. Cyflwynir adroddiadau blynyddol i'w hasesu, sy'n manylu ar y cyflawniadau a wnaed tuag at weithredu safonau Cymru gyfan ar gyfer darparu gwybodaeth hygyrch i bobl â nam ar eu synhwyrau a chyfathrebu â hwy.
Thank you, Minister, and, as you mentioned, the all-Wales standards for accessible communication and information for people with sensory loss policy provides clear guidance on what GPs and hospitals should do to make their services more accessible for people with hearing and sight loss. It aims to make sure people with sensory loss can understand the health information they're given and have access to qualified British Sign Language interpreters or other forms of communication support during NHS appointments. Disappointingly, patients with sensory loss have reported to the group Action on Hearing Loss Cymru that they're not seeing the increased accessibility they were promised.
In 2018, a Welsh health circular stated that all relevant staff must be made aware of their responsibilities for recording such information, in order to support individuals with information and/or communication needs that are related to or caused by sensory loss. However, a Social Care Institute for Excellence survey found that, in Wales, more than half the people surveyed still leave their GP surgery unclear about their diagnosis or how to take their medication. In addition, 42 per cent of deaf BSL users say that communication at their appointments is inadequate because they don't have an interpreter and 36 per cent of survey respondents have to travel to their GP to book an appointment in person as they can't use the phone. With this in mind, would the Minister outline what action they intend to take to make sure that local health boards have mandatory induction training on sensory loss for NHS staff? And will the Minister outline what the Welsh Government proposes to do to enforce implementation of the current policy? Thank you.
Diolch, Weinidog, ac fel y sonioch chi, mae polisi safonau Cymru gyfan ar gyfer darparu gwybodaeth hygyrch i bobl â nam ar eu synhwyrau a chyfathrebu â hwy yn rhoi arweiniad clir ar yr hyn y dylai meddygon teulu ac ysbytai ei wneud i sicrhau bod eu gwasanaethau'n fwy hygyrch i bobl sydd â nam ar eu clyw a'u golwg. Ei nod yw sicrhau bod pobl sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau yn gallu deall y wybodaeth iechyd a roddir iddynt a chael mynediad at ddehonglwyr Iaith Arwyddion Prydain cymwys neu fathau eraill o gymorth cyfathrebu yn ystod apwyntiadau'r GIG. Mae'n siomedig fod cleifion sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau wedi dweud wrth y grŵp Action on Hearing Loss Cymru nad ydynt yn gweld y cynnydd mewn hygyrchedd a addawyd iddynt.
Yn 2018, nododd cylchlythyr iechyd ar gyfer Cymru fod yn rhaid i'r holl staff perthnasol fod yn ymwybodol o'u cyfrifoldebau i gofnodi gwybodaeth o'r fath, er mwyn cefnogi unigolion ag anghenion gwybodaeth a/neu gyfathrebu sy'n gysylltiedig â nam ar y synhwyrau neu wedi'u hachosi gan nam o'r fath. Fodd bynnag, canfu arolwg gan y Sefydliad Gofal Cymdeithasol er Rhagoriaeth fod mwy na hanner y bobl a holwyd yng Nghymru yn dal i adael eu meddygfa yn aneglur ynglŷn â'u diagnosis neu sut i gymryd eu meddyginiaeth. Yn ogystal, mae 42 y cant o ddefnyddwyr BSL byddar yn dweud bod cyfathrebu yn eu hapwyntiadau yn annigonol gan nad oes ganddynt ddehonglwr a rhaid i 36 y cant o ymatebwyr yr arolwg deithio at eu meddyg teulu i drefnu apwyntiad wyneb yn wyneb am na allant ddefnyddio'r ffôn. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, a wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu pa gamau y maent yn bwriadu eu cymryd i sicrhau bod byrddau iechyd lleol yn cael hyfforddiant cynefino gorfodol ar nam ar y synhwyrau i staff y GIG? Ac a wnaiff y Gweinidog amlinellu'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ei wneud i sicrhau bod y polisi presennol yn cael ei orfodi? Diolch.
Thanks very much, Joel, and it's disappointing to hear what you're setting out there. I know that officials are currently assessing the most recent submissions against those criteria that we set out in those all-Wales standards for communication and information for people with hearing loss. What those standards do is set out what every patient or service user should expect from those standards. And obviously I am concerned if we're not meeting those standards. So, presumably that will come through when those submissions are assessed. So, I'm just waiting for those. They then are going to report their findings to the NHS Wales national executive board and the NHS delivery framework board. And the idea then is to discuss any concerns they have in terms of the implementation of standards with those appropriate organisations, and if you're saying that there's a particular problem with GP surgeries, then obviously we'd expect that to come out in those assessments.
I guess that actually the move to online may be helpful in this regard, that the eConsult process should be easier for people with hearing loss in terms of being able to access GP surgeries. But the key thing is that we do need to learn from best practice, so I'll look forward to seeing that assessment and those submissions when they come in.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Joel, ac mae'n siomedig clywed yr hyn rydych yn ei ddisgrifio. Gwn fod swyddogion ar hyn o bryd yn asesu'r cyflwyniadau diweddaraf yn erbyn y meini prawf a nodwyd gennym yn safonau Cymru gyfan ar gyfer cyfathrebu a gwybodaeth i bobl drwm eu clyw. Yr hyn y mae'r safonau hynny'n ei wneud yw nodi'r hyn y dylai pob claf neu ddefnyddiwr gwasanaeth ei ddisgwyl o'r safonau hynny. Ac yn amlwg, rwy'n bryderus os nad ydym yn bodloni'r safonau hynny. Felly, mae'n debyg y daw hynny i'r amlwg pan asesir y cyflwyniadau hynny. Felly, rwy'n aros am y rheini. Yna, byddant yn adrodd eu canfyddiadau i fwrdd gweithredol cenedlaethol GIG Cymru a bwrdd fframwaith cyflawni'r GIG. A'r syniad wedyn yw trafod unrhyw bryderon sydd ganddynt ynghylch gweithredu safonau gyda'r sefydliadau priodol hynny, ac os ydych yn dweud bod problem benodol gyda meddygfeydd, byddem yn amlwg yn disgwyl gweld hynny yn yr asesiadau.
Rwy'n tybio y gallai'r symud ar-lein fod o gymorth yn hyn o beth, y dylai proses eConsult fod yn haws i bobl drwm eu clyw ei defnyddio i gysylltu â meddygfeydd. Ond y peth allweddol yw bod angen inni ddysgu o arferion gorau, felly edrychaf ymlaen at weld yr asesiad a'r cyflwyniadau pan ddônt i law.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr yn gyntaf, James Evans.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Welsh Conservative spokesperson first, James Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd. Deputy Minister, are you aware that the latest figures from the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre suggest that a staggering 81 per cent of patients confirmed with COVID-19 in Wales had a BMI of over 25, when the healthy range is between 18.5 and 24.9. We're already seeing the stage when nearly two thirds of Welsh adults are overweight or obese, with a quarter of Welsh adults being obese. This is one of the highest rates in the UK. Obesity causes one of the biggest risks to your health, from heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and orthopaedic problems, and this costs the NHS millions of pounds each year. Minister, do you think that 'Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales' has reduced obesity figures over the last few years or is it yet again a Welsh Government strategy that is simply not working?
Diolch, Lywydd. Ddirprwy Weinidog, a ydych yn ymwybodol fod y ffigurau diweddaraf gan Ganolfan Genedlaethol Ymchwil ac Archwilio Gofal Dwys yn awgrymu bod gan gymaint ag 81 y cant o gleifion y cadarnhawyd bod ganddynt COVID-19 yng Nghymru BMI o dros 25, pan fo'r ystod iach rhwng 18.5 a 24.9. Rydym eisoes yn gweld bod bron i ddwy ran o dair o oedolion Cymru dros bwysau neu'n ordew, gyda chwarter oedolion Cymru yn ordew. Dyma un o'r cyfraddau uchaf yn y DU. Gordewdra sy'n achosi un o'r risgiau mwyaf i'ch iechyd, o glefyd y galon, diabetes, colesterol uchel a phroblemau orthopedig, ac mae hyn yn costio miliynau o bunnoedd i'r GIG bob blwyddyn. Weinidog, a ydych yn credu bod 'Pwysau Iach: Cymru Iach' wedi lleihau ffigurau gordewdra dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf neu a yw ond yn strategaeth arall eto gan Lywodraeth Cymru nad yw'n gweithio?
Can the Deputy Minister's microphone be unmuted, please? Lynne Neagle. Yes, there it is; sorry for that. Deputy Minister.
A all y Dirprwy Weinidog ddadfudo'i meicroffon, os gwelwch yn dda? Lynne Neagle. Ie, dyna ni; mae'n ddrwg gennyf am hynny. Ddirprwy Weinidog.
Thank you. Thank you, James, for that question. I haven't seen the study that you have referred to, although of course I'm very well aware of the link between being overweight and increased susceptibility to having serious COVID. But I completely refute your suggestion that our strategy, 'Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales', is just another Welsh Government strategy. We're investing £6.6 million every year in this strategy, which is about to be re-launched and will take account of the fact that the pandemic has actually worsened the problems that we face with obesity. We will have a range of measures in place to drive down the levels of obesity, which are not just a problem in Wales, they are a problem throughout the UK.
Diolch. Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw, James. Nid wyf wedi gweld yr astudiaeth y cyfeirioch chi ati, er fy mod wrth gwrs yn ymwybodol iawn o'r cysylltiad rhwng bod dros bwysau a'r cynnydd yn y risg o gael COVID difrifol. Ond rwy'n anghytuno'n llwyr â'ch awgrym mai dim ond strategaeth arall gan Lywodraeth Cymru yw ein strategaeth 'Pwysau Iach: Cymru Iach'. Rydym yn buddsoddi £6.6 miliwn bob blwyddyn yn y strategaeth hon, sydd ar fin cael ei hail-lansio a byddwn yn ystyried y ffaith bod y pandemig wedi gwaethygu'r problemau sy'n ein hwynebu gyda gordewdra. Bydd gennym amryw o fesurau ar waith i leihau lefelau gordewdra, sy'n broblem nid yn unig yng Nghymru, mae'n broblem ledled y DU.
Thank you, Deputy Minister. And I do appreciate it isn't just a problem in Wales, it is a problem across the UK. You said to myself and colleagues on the Children, Young People and Education Committee that you're due to set out a new delivery plan for 'Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales' between 2022 and 2024 on 1 March, which is due to be a cross-departmental effort, with seven national priority areas. I'd just be interested to know, given that the previous delivery plan was published less than a year ago, how much progress has been made on the eight national priority areas in that plan. And do you think that the £6.6 million in the 2022-24 budget for 'Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales' is enough to carry out your aims in the new delivery plan, considering the rising numbers of people becoming overweight?
Diolch ichi, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Ac rwy'n derbyn nad problem yng Nghymru yn unig yw hi, mae'n broblem ledled y DU. Fe ddywedoch chi wrthyf fi a chyd-aelodau o'r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg y byddwch yn cyflwyno cynllun cyflawni newydd ar gyfer 'Pwysau Iach: Cymru Iach' rhwng 2022 a 2024 ar 1 Mawrth, a disgwylir i hwnnw fod yn ymdrech drawsadrannol, gyda saith maes blaenoriaeth cenedlaethol. Byddai'n dda gennyf wybod, o gofio bod y cynllun cyflawni blaenorol wedi'i gyhoeddi lai na blwyddyn yn ôl, faint o gynnydd a wnaed ar yr wyth maes blaenoriaeth cenedlaethol yn y cynllun hwnnw. Ac a ydych yn credu bod y £6.6 miliwn yng nghyllideb 2022-24 ar gyfer 'Pwysau Iach: Cymru Iach' yn ddigon i gyflawni eich nodau yn y cynllun cyflawni newydd, gan ystyried y cynnydd yn nifer y bobl sydd dros eu pwysau?
Well, in terms of the delivery plan we've been working to, that had to be adapted because of the impact of the pandemic. The pandemic has undoubtedly had an impact on our ability to take action in this area and, as I've already said, has actually worsened the problems with obesity and people being overweight. I set out the figures that we are investing, which are very substantial, in the children's committee last week. But we are keeping the delivery plan under regular review, so that we can actually flex our actions to respond to the outcomes that we're seeing. For instance, I referred in the committee last week to the investment that we're putting in to the children and families pilot. Well, obviously, we'll want to look at the impact of those pilots, identify how we can use the learning, and then, if necessary, will use further funding to take that forward. So, I don't see the document as being set in stone at all. Obviously, it's something that has to be a living document, particularly in light of the impact we've seen the pandemic having on people's physical and mental health; we're all moving less, and that presents more significant challenges.
Wel, o ran y cynllun cyflawni rydym wedi bod yn ei ddilyn, bu'n rhaid ei addasu oherwydd effaith y pandemig. Heb os, mae'r pandemig wedi cael effaith ar ein gallu i weithredu yn y maes hwn ac fel y dywedais eisoes, mae wedi gwaethygu'r problemau gyda gordewdra a phobl dros bwysau. Nodais y ffigurau rydym yn eu buddsoddi, sy'n sylweddol iawn, yng nghyfarfod y pwyllgor plant yr wythnos diwethaf. Ond rydym yn adolygu'r cynllun cyflawni'n rheolaidd, fel y gallwn addasu ein camau gweithredu i ymateb i'r canlyniadau rydym yn eu gweld. Er enghraifft, cyfeiriais yng nghyfarfod y pwyllgor yr wythnos diwethaf at y buddsoddiad rydym yn ei wneud i'r peilot plant a theuluoedd. Wel, yn amlwg, byddwn eisiau edrych ar effaith y cynlluniau peilot hynny, nodi sut y gallwn ddefnyddio'r hyn a ddysgwn, ac os oes angen, byddwn yn defnyddio cyllid pellach i fwrw ymlaen â hynny. Felly, nid wyf yn ystyried y ddogfen fel rhywbeth digyfnewid o gwbl. Yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid iddi fod yn ddogfen fyw, yn enwedig yng ngoleuni'r effaith y gwelwyd y pandemig yn ei chael ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol pobl; rydym i gyd yn symud llai, ac mae hynny'n arwain at heriau mwy sylweddol.
Thank you, Deputy Minister. And I do agree that these documents should be live, working documents that do change and adapt, but it is nice to see what delivery comes from those sorts of measures that are in those documents.
Finally, you mentioned last week that the diabetes prevention programme was now live in Wales, and I'm really, really pleased to see that. But I am concerned that we have a lot of catching up to do with our neighbours, given that the English NHS launched their own programme in 2016, and the Scottish NHS not long after, in 2017. Current estimates suggest that one in five of the Welsh population are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and this is going to cost the Welsh NHS up to £500 million a year to help manage diabetes and the complications that come with that, so we need to be reassured that this new programme will be a success. So, I want to know what milestones and targets you're working towards in the programme, and how you will ensure that it's reviewed honestly and regularly. Diolch, Llywydd, and thank you very much, Minister.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Ac rwy'n cytuno y dylai'r dogfennau hyn fod yn ddogfennau byw sy'n newid ac yn addasu, ond mae'n braf gweld pa ddarpariaeth sy'n deillio o'r mathau hynny o fesurau sydd yn y dogfennau hynny.
Yn olaf, fe sonioch chi yr wythnos diwethaf fod y rhaglen atal diabetes bellach ar waith yng Nghymru, ac rwy'n falch iawn o weld hynny. Ond rwy'n pryderu bod gennym lawer o waith dal i fyny â'n cymdogion, o gofio bod GIG Lloegr wedi lansio eu rhaglen eu hunain yn 2016, a GIG yr Alban wedi gwneud yr un peth heb fod ymhell ar ôl hynny, yn 2017. Mae amcangyfrifon cyfredol yn awgrymu bod un o bob pump o boblogaeth Cymru mewn perygl o ddatblygu diabetes math 2, a bydd hyn yn costio hyd at £500 miliwn y flwyddyn i GIG Cymru i helpu i reoli diabetes a'r cymhlethdodau sy'n deillio o hynny, felly mae angen inni gael sicrwydd y bydd y rhaglen newydd hon yn llwyddiant. Felly, rwyf eisiau gwybod pa gerrig milltir a thargedau rydych yn gweithio tuag atynt yn y rhaglen, a sut y byddwch yn sicrhau ei bod yn cael ei hadolygu'n onest ac yn rheolaidd. Diolch, Lywydd, a diolch yn fawr iawn, Weinidog.
Thank you, James. As I said last week in the committee, we've been piloting the diabetes prevention programme, and what we're doing now is upscaling that across the whole of Wales. But that is not the only measure that we're taking to prevent type 2 diabetes. We've also got the all-Wales weight management pathway, which covers children and adults, and I think we shouldn't forget that, unfortunately, we're seeing more children now being at risk of type 2 diabetes, which is incredibly worrying. But also, in terms of what we are doing as Ministers to drive delivery in this area, both myself and Eluned Morgan have been very clear that we see this area as a priority for prevention. It has been set out in the measures that have been issued to NHS bodies in Wales by the Minister, and we are both making sure that, in our discussions with the NHS, we continue to drive home the message that we expect them to deliver on this agenda and to make a difference in this agenda. It is challenging to set targets in this area, especially as we come out of, hopefully, the pandemic, because things like the child measurement programme have been affected, but we have been very, very clear that we expect those services to be recovered, and that the expectation of Ministers is that reducing levels of overweight and obesity is a priority for us, and that's something that we will be measuring going forward.
Diolch, James. Fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf yn y pwyllgor, rydym wedi bod yn treialu'r rhaglen atal diabetes, a'r hyn rydym yn ei wneud yn awr yw ehangu'r rhaglen honno ar draws Cymru. Ond nid dyna'r unig fesur rydym yn ei roi ar waith i atal diabetes math 2. Mae gennym hefyd lwybr rheoli pwysau Cymru gyfan, sy'n cynnwys plant ac oedolion, a chredaf na ddylem anghofio ein bod, yn anffodus, yn gweld mwy o blant bellach mewn perygl o ddiabetes math 2, sy'n peri pryder mawr. Ond hefyd, o ran yr hyn a wnawn fel Gweinidogion i sbarduno cyflawniad yn y maes, rwyf fi ac Eluned Morgan wedi bod yn glir iawn ein bod yn ystyried y maes hwn yn flaenoriaeth ar gyfer atal. Mae wedi'i nodi yn y mesurau a roddwyd i gyrff y GIG yng Nghymru gan y Gweinidog, ac mae'r ddwy ohonom yn sicrhau ein bod, yn ein trafodaethau gyda'r GIG, yn parhau i bwysleisio'r hyn rydym yn disgwyl iddynt ei gyflawni ar yr agenda hon ac i wneud gwahaniaeth i'r agenda hon. Mae'n heriol gosod targedau yn y maes, yn enwedig wrth inni gefnu, gobeithio, ar y pandemig, oherwydd mae pethau fel y rhaglen mesur plant wedi cael eu heffeithio, ond rydym wedi bod yn glir iawn ein bod yn disgwyl i'r gwasanaethau hynny gael eu hadfer, a bod Gweinidogion yn disgwyl i leihau lefelau gorbwysau a gordewdra fod yn flaenoriaeth i ni, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y byddwn yn ei fesur wrth symud ymlaen.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru nawr, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Mae 70 y cant o breswylwyr cartrefi gofal yn byw efo dementia, ac mae cyswllt cymdeithasol, yn enwedig efo teulu neu ofalwyr anffurfiol, yn bwysig iawn iddyn nhw o ran dal gafael ar eu sgiliau cognitive ac ati. Mi oedd mesurau diogelwch y cyfnod clo, wrth gwrs, yn allweddol o ran atal lledaeniad COVID, ond o ystyried tystiolaeth fel ymchwil y Gymdeithas Alzheimer's, sy'n awgrymu bod 82 y cant o bobl efo dementia wedi gweld eu cyflwr yn dirywio yn ystod y clo cyntaf a bod lleihad mewn cyswllt cymdeithasol wedi bod yn ffactor fawr yn hynny, a fyddai'r Gweinidog yn cyd-fynd ag egwyddor yr hyn mae John's Campaign yn galw amdano fo, sef bod yn rhaid canfod ffyrdd o warchod y cyswllt yna, hyd yn oed yn wyneb heriau COVID? Ac ydy'r newid yn y ddeddf i wneud hawliau ymweld yn hawl dynol sylfaenol i gleifion dementia, fel galwodd yr Aelod Seneddol Plaid Cymru Liz Saville Roberts amdano fo yn ddiweddar, yn rhywbeth y gallai'r Gweinidog ei gefnogi?
Thank you very much, Llywydd. Seventy per cent of care home residents live with dementia, and social contact, particularly with family or informal carers, is very important to them in terms of keeping hold of their cognitive skills and so on. The safety measures during lockdown were crucial in terms of preventing the spread of COVID, but given the evidence, such as research by the Alzheimer's Society, that suggests that 82 per cent of people with dementia had seen their condition decline during the first lockdown and that the reduction in social contact was a major factor in that, would the Minister agree with the principle of what John's Campaign is calling for, namely that we must find ways of safeguarding those contacts, even in the face of the challenges of COVID? And is the change in legislation to make visiting rights a fundamental human right for patients with dementia, as the Plaid Cymru MP Liz Saville Roberts called for recently, something the Minister could support?
Diolch yn fawr, Rhun. Dwi'n ymwybodol dros ben o'r ffaith bod cymaint o bobl yn dioddef o ddementia ar hyd a lled Cymru, nid jest y rheini mewn cartrefi gofal, ond mae lot o bobl gartref hefyd wedi cael eu hynysu, wedi gweld llai o gysylltiad, ac rŷn ni wedi gweld dirywiad yn ystod y cyfnodau yna ymysg hen bobl yn arbennig. A dyna pam rŷn ni wedi, dro ar ôl tro, gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n edrych yn fanwl ar beth ddylai'r canllawiau fod o ran ymweld â chartrefi gofal. Rŷn ni wedi ceisio cael y balans yn iawn, ac mae yn anodd i gael y balans yn iawn, achos byddai pob un yn dechrau sgrechian pe byddem ni'n gweld system lle byddem ni'n cyflwyno omicron neu COVID mewn i gartrefi gofal. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni gael y balans yn iawn, ac mae e'n anodd.
Mae'r canllawiau sydd gyda ni yn glir. Mae hawl gan bobl i fynd i weld eu hanwyliaid nhw yn y cartrefi gofal, ond y drafferth yw, mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r rhain yn gartrefi preifat sy'n cael eu rhedeg gan bobl sydd yn gorfod talu am yswiriant, ac maen nhw ofn na fyddai eu hyswiriant nhw yn eu diogelu nhw pe bai yna gyflwyniad o COVID i mewn i'r cartref gofal. Felly, o ran newid i'r ddeddf, dwi'n meddwl byddai hwnna'n gam mawr iawn i'w gymryd o ran beth yw hawl dynol. Nawr, mae hawl dynol yn dweud bod hawl gan berson i gael perthynas deuluol neu rywbeth. Felly, mi fyddech chi'n gallu apelio at hynny eisoes, dwi'n cymryd. Felly, y cwestiwn wedyn yw: a fyddai hwnna'n sefyll mewn llys barn? Dwi'n meddwl byddai fe'n anodd iawn i fynd ymhellach na hynny. Dwi ddim yn gwybod os oes yna enghreifftiau mewn llefydd eraill yn y byd, ond mae'r hawl yna eisoes yn bodoli, yr hawl i gael perthynas deuluol.
Thank you very much, Rhun. I am highly aware of the fact that so many people are experiencing dementia the length and breadth of Wales, not just those in care homes, but there are many people living at home too who have been isolated, have had less social contact, and we have seen decline during that period among elderly people particularly. And that is why, time and time again, we have ensured that we look in detail at what the guidance should be in terms of visiting care homes. We have tried to strike the right balance, and it is difficult to do that, because everyone would be screaming and shouting if we had seen a system where we were introducing omicron or COVID into care homes. So, we have to strike the right balance, and it's difficult.
Our guidance is clear. People do have a right to visit a loved one in a care home, but the problem is that most of these are privately run homes, run by people who have to pay for insurance, and they fear that their insurance wouldn't safeguard them if COVID was introduced into their care home. So, in terms of a change in legislation, I think that would be a very major step to take in terms of what constitutes a human right. Now, a human right says that an individual has a right to a family life—I think that's the wording, I'm not sure. So, I'm sure you could appeal to that already. So, the question following on from that is whether that would stand up in a court of law. I think it would be very difficult to go any further than that. I don't know if there are other examples elsewhere in the world, but that right already exists, the right to a family life.
Diolch am yr ymateb yna. Byddai, mi fyddai fo'n gam mawr, ond yn gam pwysig. A'r holl bwynt o'i roi o mewn deddfwriaeth fyddai sicrhau bod yr egwyddor ddim yn gallu cael ei hanwybyddu; byddai'n rhaid gweithredu.
Yng Nghymru, mae yna gamau addawol iawn wedi cael eu cymryd—yr egwyddor o bartneriaid gofal yng nghynllun gweithredu Cymru ar gyfer dementia, er enghraifft—ond mae yna agendor mawr rhwng beth sy'n cael ei ddisgrifio yn y cynllun hwnnw a realiti. Mae yna leoliadau iechyd a gofal lle dydy'r canllawiau ddim yn cael eu dilyn. Fel y cyfeiriodd y Gweinidog, mae yna broblemau ychwanegol efo'r anhawster mewn cael yswiriant ar gyfer materion yn gysylltiedig â COVID mewn cartrefi gofal erbyn hyn, a dwi'n ategu cais Fforwm Gofal Cymru am gynllun indemnity tebyg i un yr NHS ar gyfer y sector gofal. Ond â ninnau rŵan ym mlwyddyn olaf y cynllun dementia presennol—a dyma'r mater allweddol—sut mae'r Llywodraeth am drio sicrhau bod geiriau cadarnhaol yn troi yn realiti?
Thank you for that response. And, yes, it would be a major step, but an important step too. And the whole point of placing it in legislation would be to ensure that the principle couldn't be ignored; one would have to act on that principle.
In Wales, very promising steps have been taken—the principle of care partners in the Wales dementia action plan, for example—but there is a great gulf between what is described in that plan and the reality of the situation. There are health and care settings where guidance isn't followed. As the Minister mentioned, there are additional problems in terms of having insurance for issues related to COVID in care homes, and I echo Care Forum Wales's own request for an indemnity scheme, similar to the NHS's indemnity scheme, for the care sector. But as we are now in the last year of the current dementia plan—and this is the key issue—how will the Government seek to ensure that positive words are made a reality?
Diolch yn fawr. Rydyn ni wedi rhoi'r canllawiau yn glir. Dwi'n gwybod bod Julie Morgan wedi bod yn sicrhau ei bod hi wedi gwneud popeth mae'n gallu i geisio cael pobl i gael yr access maen nhw ei angen i fynd i weld eu teuluoedd nhw. Mae'r cynllun dementia presennol—. Yn amlwg, rydyn ni'n edrych nawr ar fel y bydd y dyfodol yn edrych, a dwi'n meddwl bod yna gyfle yn fanna i weld pa mor bell rydyn ni'n gallu mynd gyda hawliau. Ond buaswn i'n meddwl y byddai hawliau—. Mae hawl yn gam deddfwriaethol eithaf mawr i'w gymryd. Yn amlwg, fe fyddai angen inni wedyn wneud lle yn yr agenda wleidyddol ar gyfer hynny. Mi fyddai fe'n gam mawr iawn. Felly, dwi'n barod i edrych i weld os byddai fe'n gwneud synnwyr, ond dwi'n meddwl mai'r peth gorau fyddai ceisio parhau i ddarbwyllo'r rheini sydd ddim wedi bod yn dilyn y canllawiau ei bod hi'n rhan o'u cyfrifoldeb nhw i ddilyn y canllawiau. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r cartrefi gofal yma yn derbyn arian o gynghorau lleol, o'r Llywodraeth, felly mae yna bosibilrwydd yn fanna efallai i geisio gweld pa effaith rydym ni'n gallu ei chael drwy'r contracts rydym ni'n eu rhoi i'r bobl yma.
Thank you very much. We have set out the guidance clearly. I know that Julie Morgan has ensured that she's done everything in her power to allow people the access they need to go and visit their families. The current dementia plan—. We're looking to the future now, and I think there is an opportunity there to see how far we could go with individual rights. But I would have thought that rights—. A right is a major legislative step to take. Clearly, we would then need to make place in the political agenda to deal with that. It would be a very major step. So, I'm willing to look at the issue and to consider whether it would make sense, but I think the best thing would be to try to continue to convince those who haven't been following guidance that it is part of their responsibility to do so. And, of course, most of these care homes are in receipt of funding from local authorities, from the Government, and therefore there is a possibility there to try and see what impact we could have through the contracts that we provide to these homes.
Mae'r cwestiwn nesaf i'w ateb gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, ac, i ofyn cwestiwn 4, Natasha Asghar.
The next question is to be answered by the Deputy Minister for Social Services and to be asked by Natasha Asghar. That's question 4.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gynlluniau i wella gwasanaethau i bobl ag anhwylder diffyg canolbwyntio a gorfywiogrwydd? OQ57468
4. Will the Minister provide an update on plans to improve services for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? OQ57468
Thank you. It is vital that all children and adults with a neurodevelopmental condition, including those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, can access the services that they need. A demand and capacity review of all neurodevelopmental services will report in March, and we will act on the recommendations it makes for improvement across Wales.
Diolch. Mae'n hanfodol fod pob plentyn ac oedolyn sydd â chyflwr niwroddatblygiadol, gan gynnwys y rhai sydd ag anhwylder diffyg canolbwyntio a gorfywiogrwydd, yn gallu cael y gwasanaethau y maent eu hangen. Bydd adolygiad galw a chapasiti o'r holl wasanaethau niwroddatblygiadol yn adrodd ym mis Mawrth, a byddwn yn gweithredu ar yr argymhellion y mae'n eu gwneud ar gyfer gwella ledled Cymru.
Thank you for your reply, Minister, and also for your prompt reply to my written question on this issue. I'm very pleased to hear that you have plans for a new time framework to improve children's early access to the right support, as well as a collaboration across Government to improve support for people with ADHD. However, as I said during last week's business statement, many adults across Wales are being undiagnosed in their childhood, and we know that a person's personal circumstances can bring about profound change within their mental health. Sufferers go undiagnosed until adulthood, because the diagnostic criteria is based on research that focuses on traits exhibited by young boys. Leading psychologists have warned that gender bias is leaving many women with ADHD undiagnosed, and it's estimated that tens of thousands of women in the UK were actually unaware that they have the condition and are not receiving the help that they need. I was surprised to see with my own eyes the NHS 111 Wales website state, with regard to such services, and I quote,
'Who you are referred to depends on your age and what is available in your local area.'
Minister, this began with a constituent who had contacted me to complain that his doctor's surgery could not do a referral for his wife, as there is no such service available. And since my statement in the Senedd previously, more and more people are writing to me from various areas in Wales expressing the hurdles they have faced personally and for their loved ones. So, can you, please, Deputy Minister, confirm that the planned new framework will address these concerns of those adults who have not yet been diagnosed in their childhood and require support? And will you be able to give some insight as to when your proposals will be published? Thank you.
Diolch ichi am eich ateb, Weinidog, a hefyd am eich ateb prydlon i fy nghwestiwn ysgrifenedig ar y mater hwn. Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed bod gennych gynlluniau ar gyfer amserlen newydd i wella mynediad cynnar plant at y cymorth cywir, yn ogystal â chydweithrediad ar draws y Llywodraeth i wella'r gefnogaeth i bobl ag ADHD. Fodd bynnag, fel y dywedais yn ystod datganiad busnes yr wythnos diwethaf, mae llawer o oedolion ledled Cymru ddim yn cael diagnosis yn ystod eu plentyndod, a gwyddom y gall amgylchiadau personol unigolyn arwain at newid difrifol yn eu hiechyd meddwl. Nid yw dioddefwyr yn cael diagnosis nes eu bod yn oedolion, oherwydd mae'r meini prawf diagnostig yn seiliedig ar ymchwil sy'n canolbwyntio ar nodweddion a arddangosir gan fechgyn ifanc. Mae seicolegwyr blaenllaw wedi rhybuddio bod rhagfarn rhyw yn gadael llawer o fenywod ag ADHD heb ddiagnosis, ac amcangyfrifir bod degau o filoedd o fenywod yn y DU heb fod yn ymwybodol fod ganddynt y cyflwr ac nad ydynt yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Synnais weld gyda fy llygaid fy hun fod gwefan GIG 111 Cymru yn datgan, mewn perthynas â'r cyfryw wasanaethau, ac rwy'n dyfynnu,
'Mae pwy y cewch eich atgyfeirio atynt yn dibynnu ar eich oedran a'r hyn sydd ar gael yn eich ardal leol.'
Weinidog, dechreuodd hyn gydag etholwr a oedd wedi cysylltu â mi i gwyno na allai ei feddygfa atgyfeirio ei wraig, gan nad oes gwasanaeth o'r fath ar gael. Ac ers fy natganiad yn y Senedd yn flaenorol, mae mwy a mwy o bobl yn ysgrifennu ataf o wahanol ardaloedd yng Nghymru yn disgrifio'r rhwystrau y maent wedi'u hwynebu'n bersonol ac ar ran eu hanwyliaid. Felly, os gwelwch yn dda, Ddirprwy Weinidog, a allwch gadarnhau y bydd y fframwaith newydd arfaethedig yn mynd i'r afael â phryderon yr oedolion nad ydynt wedi cael diagnosis yn eu plentyndod ac sydd angen cymorth? Ac a allwch roi gwybodaeth ynghylch pryd y cyhoeddir eich argymhellion? Diolch.
Thank you very much, Natasha, for that question, and thank you very much for the work that you've been doing to raise the profile of ADHD. I think it's been well publicised, and thank you for that. We know how important it is to concentrate on assessment and support for neurodevelopment conditions, which includes, of course, ADHD, and, of course, includes adults. And the review I've already mentioned will cover children and adults. It will report in March and will provide options for service improvements. It will say where the pathway is ahead, and we plan to publish a delivery plan before we go for the summer recess. So, before summer, we will know what the plans are. I'm very aware of the situations that you describe, and I'm aware that many adults were not diagnosed when they were children and that there is a need there amongst the adult population that we're only just beginning to recognise and we're not really aware of the extent of it. So, we need to find out much more about it, and we are looking at the data that we collect in order to do that.
I'm also aware about the issue that Natasha mentions about women and girls and the fact that, with conditions such as ADHD and autism, they are much less likely to receive a diagnosis than men and boys are. I think the reasons for this are very complex, but we're working with our stakeholders, which of course does include women who have ADHD themselves, to consider the impact of this disparity and how we can increase good practice in this area.
So, we're very aware of all those points you make and we have a pathway ahead, and, as I said, thank you for the attention you're giving to this subject.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn hwnnw, Natasha, a diolch yn fawr am y gwaith y buoch yn ei wneud i godi proffil ADHD. Credaf ei fod wedi cael cyhoeddusrwydd da, a diolch am hynny. Gwyddom pa mor bwysig yw canolbwyntio ar asesu a chymorth ar gyfer cyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol, sy'n cynnwys ADHD, ac yn cynnwys oedolion wrth gwrs. A bydd yr adolygiad rwyf eisoes wedi'i grybwyll yn cynnwys plant ac oedolion. Bydd yn adrodd ym mis Mawrth a bydd yn darparu opsiynau ar gyfer gwella gwasanaethau. Bydd yn amlinellu'r llwybr ymlaen, ac rydym yn bwriadu cyhoeddi cynllun cyflawni cyn toriad yr haf. Felly, cyn yr haf, byddwn yn gwybod beth yw'r cynlluniau. Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r sefyllfaoedd rydych yn eu disgrifio, ac rwy'n ymwybodol fod llawer o oedolion heb gael diagnosis pan oeddent yn blant a bod yna angen ymhlith y boblogaeth oedolion nad ydym ond yn dechrau ei gydnabod ac nid ydym yn ymwybodol iawn o'i hyd a'i led. Felly, mae angen inni ddarganfod llawer mwy amdano, ac rydym yn edrych ar y data a gasglwn er mwyn gwneud hynny.
Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol o'r mater y mae Natasha yn ei nodi am fenywod a merched a'r ffaith eu bod, gyda chyflyrau fel ADHD ac awtistiaeth, yn llawer llai tebygol o gael diagnosis na dynion a bechgyn. Credaf fod y rhesymau am hyn yn gymhleth iawn, ond rydym yn gweithio gyda'n rhanddeiliaid, sy'n cynnwys menywod ag ADHD eu hunain wrth gwrs, i ystyried effaith y gwahaniaeth hwn a sut y gallwn gynyddu arferion da yn y maes.
Felly, rydym yn ymwybodol iawn o'r holl bwyntiau a wnewch ac mae gennym lwybr o'n blaenau, ac fel y dywedais, diolch am y sylw rydych yn ei roi i'r pwnc hwn.
5. Pa gamau newydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â lefelau trosglwyddo COVID-19? OQ57467
5. What new steps is the Welsh Government taking to address COVID-19 transmission levels? OQ57467
Rydyn ni’n cefnogi pob ardal i leihau lefelau trosglwyddo yn y gymuned. Mae camau diogelu lleol wedi’u targedu at ardaloedd lle mae cyfraddau ar gynnydd. Mae’r feirws yn lledaenu’n haws mewn ardaloedd trefol lle mae dwysedd y boblogaeth yn uwch.
We are supporting all areas in reducing community transmission. Local action and protections are targeted at areas where rates are increasing. The virus spreads more easily in urban areas where the population density is higher.
Diolch, Weinidog. Rwy'n croesawu'r camau rŷch chi wedi'u hamlinellu yn eich ateb. Mae'r pandemig wedi datgelu'n glir yr anghydraddoldebau sosio-economaidd sy'n bodoli yn ein cymdeithas, ac yn wir wedi gwaethygu'r anghydraddoldebau hyn. Mae'r anghydraddoldebau hyn hefyd yn rhai iechyd, gyda pherthynas glir yn bodoli rhwng sefyllfa sosio-economaidd rhywun ac effaith COVID arnynt. Mae ffigurau o Loegr yn dangos bod pobl sy'n byw mewn cymunedau sy'n cael eu disgrifio fel rhai left behind 46 y cant yn fwy tebygol o farw o COVID o'i gymharu â rhai nad ydynt yn byw yn y cymunedau hyn, ac fe ddatgelodd adroddiad 'Locked Out' yng Nghymru fod ffactorau sosio-economaidd yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn niferoedd uwch y marwolaethau ymhlith pobl anabl a'r effaith ar eu hiechyd a'u gofal o gymharu â gweddill y boblogaeth o ganlyniad i COVID. Mae'n glir felly fod angen i bolisi iechyd y Llywodraeth i'r dyfodol wneud mwy i unioni'r anghydraddoldebau hyn wrth i ni barhau i fynd i'r afael â lefelau COVID a'i effaith, gan gynnwys COVID hir. A all y Llywodraeth felly sicrhau bod unrhyw gamau newydd i daclo trosglwyddiad ac effaith COVID yn ymgorffori strategaethau clir i daclo'r anghydraddoldebau iechyd hyn? Diolch.
Thank you, Minister. I welcome the steps that you have outlined in your respone. The pandemic has clearly revealed the socioeconomic inequalities that exist within our society, and indeed have exacerbated those inequalities. These inequalities are also health inequlaities, with a clear relationship between one's socioeconomic situation and the impact of COVID on them. Figures from England show that those living in communities described as being left behind are 46 per cent more likely to die of COVID as compared to those not living in these communities, and the 'Locked Out' report in Wales noted that socioeconomic factors play a crucial role in the higher level of deaths among disabled people and the impact on their health and care compared to the rest of the population as a result of COVID. It's clear therefore that the Government's health policy for the future needs to do more to deal with these inequalities as we continue to tackle COVID levels and its impact, including long COVID. Could the Government therefore ensure that any new steps to tackle the transmission and impact of COVID incorporate clear strategies to tackle these health inequalities? Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Sioned. Mae hwn yn dilyn o'r drafodaeth gawsom ni yn y Senedd yr wythnos diwethaf. Roeddwn i'n meddwl bod honno'n drafodaeth fanwl a chywir gan bob un oedd wedi cyfrannu. Rŷn ni'n ymwybodol dros ben o'r gwahaniaeth o ran lle mae COVID wedi bwrw, ac mae'n amlwg bod y rheini mewn ardaloedd tlawd, mewn cartrefi tlawd wedi dioddef yn fwy nag ardaloedd eraill. Felly, pan fyddwn ni'n ailgodi ar ôl y pandemig, yn amlwg byddwn ni'n ei ystyried nid jest o safbwynt iechyd ond ar draws y Llywodraeth i gyd, i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n mynd ati i geisio gwneud mwy i sicrhau nad ydym ni'n gweld yr anghydraddoldebau yna yn y dyfodol.
O safbwynt iechyd, dwi wedi ei gwneud hi'n glir iawn i'r byrddau iechyd na fyddwn ni yn gallu—. Byddwn ni'n gweld yr un canlyniad pe byddem ni'n cael pandemig eto os nad ydyn ni'n gwneud rhywbeth yn wahanol. Felly, o'm safbwynt i, dwi wedi bod yn hollol glir gyda'r byrddau iechyd fod rhaid i ni fynd i'r afael gyda prevention. Mae'n rhaid i ni stopio pobl rhag ysmygu. Rŷn ni wedi bod yn trafod gorfwyta. Mae'r holl ffactorau yna yn hollbwysig o ran beth mae iechyd un yn edrych fel yn y dyfodol. Ond, dyw e ddim yn rhywbeth sydd jest wedi'i gyfyngu i fyd iechyd; mae'n hollbwysig ein bod ni'n ystyried addysg, yr economi, a'r holl bethau eraill sydd yn cyfrannu at y ffordd mae pobl yn byw.
Thank you very much, Sioned. This follows on from the discussion we had in the Senedd last week. I thought that was a very detailed and appropriate debate from everyone who contributed. We're highly aware of the difference in terms of where COVID has hit hardest, and it's clear that those in poorer areas, in poorer households have suffered more than other areas. Therefore, as we rebuild from the pandemic, clearly we consider these issues not just in terms of health but across Government in order that we do more to ensure that we don't see those inequalities for the future.
From a health perspective, I have made it very clear to the health boards that we would see the same outcome if we were to have another pandemic, unless we do things differently. So, from my perspective, I've been entirely clear with the health boards that we do have to tackle the issue of prevention. We have to stop people from smoking. We've been discussing obesity too. All of those factors are crucially important in terms of individual health for the future. But it's not something that is limited to health; it is crucial that we consider education, the economy, and all of the other issues that contribute to the way in which people live.
Minister, despite having the most stringent measures in place to curb the transmission of COVID-19, Wales has the highest infection rates of any home nation and one of the highest per capita death rates in the world. Does your Government now accept that the non-pharmaceutical interventions are now doing more harm than good? And with, according to your chief medical officer, over 90 per cent of the Welsh population possessing COVID-19 antibodies, do you accept that we now have to learn to live with COVID, rather than focusing our efforts on how to stop it?
Weinidog, er bod y mesurau mwyaf llym i leihau trosglwyddiad COVID-19 ar waith yma, Cymru sydd â'r cyfraddau heintio uchaf o blith pedair gwlad y DU ac un o'r cyfraddau marwolaeth uchaf yn y byd fesul y pen o'r boblogaeth. A yw eich Llywodraeth bellach yn derbyn bod yr ymyriadau anfferyllol yn gwneud mwy o ddrwg nag o les erbyn hyn? A chyda dros 90 y cant o boblogaeth Cymru, yn ôl eich prif swyddog meddygol, yn cario gwrthgyrff COVID-19, a ydych yn derbyn bod yn rhaid inni ddysgu byw gyda COVID yn awr, yn hytrach na chanolbwyntio ein hymdrechion ar sut i'w atal?
Thanks very much, Gareth. I almost encouraged you, didn't I, yesterday, to ask me this question, so I'm very pleased that you have asked me this question, because it gives me an opportunity to say that, actually, the data we've had so far actually suggests that those restrictions were helpful. We've certainly seen a difference in terms of hospitalisation. We're just waiting for that data to be processed. England certainly had higher rates in terms of hospitalisation compared to all of the other three nations that introduced restrictions. It's still early days, so we'll wait for that final data to be published, hopefully by the end of this week.
I think, also, this is about counting, Gareth. So, the way we count cases is different in all four nations. For example, England doesn't count reinfections, so that could make a considerable difference. Wales does count reinfections if they are 42 days apart. That makes a big difference to the numbers. Our policy on testing changed, of course, so that may have made a difference. Also, I think what you'll find is that people modified their behaviour in England when they heard the chief medical officer, because, obviously, your Prime Minister was not in a position to tell anyone to do anything because of all the parties he'd been holding. So, what happened is that people listened to the chief medical officer in England and they curbed their behaviour. What they didn't have in England was the kind of economic support that we were able to give to our businesses because of the protections that we put in place. I'm pleased to say that the indications so far are that it was helpful to put those restrictions in place, but, obviously, we will need to wait for a few more days just to be absolutely confident that that is the case.
Certainly, the statistics I've seen so far are that we had about 170,000 people with COVID. If we were in the same position as England, we'd have had 40,000 extra people with COVID, and if we were in London, we'd have seen almost 70,000 people additional having COVID. That would be the whole of the millennium stadium being filled additionally on top of the numbers that we had. So, those are some of the early calculations, but, obviously, we wait for that data to be comprehensive.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Gareth. Roeddwn i bron wedi eich annog ddoe, onid oeddwn, i ofyn y cwestiwn hwn i mi, felly rwy'n falch iawn eich bod wedi gofyn y cwestiwn, oherwydd mae'n rhoi cyfle i mi ddweud, mewn gwirionedd, fod y data a gawsom hyd yma yn awgrymu bod y cyfyngiadau wedi helpu. Rydym yn sicr wedi gweld gwahaniaeth yn y nifer sy'n mynd i'r ysbyty. Rydym yn aros i'r data hwnnw gael ei brosesu. Yn sicr, roedd gan Loegr gyfraddau uwch o bobl yn mynd i'r ysbyty o'u cymharu â phob un o'r tair gwlad arall a gyflwynodd gyfyngiadau. Mae'n ddyddiau cynnar o hyd, felly fe arhoswn i'r data terfynol hwnnw gael ei gyhoeddi, erbyn diwedd yr wythnos hon gobeithio.
Rwy'n credu hefyd fod a wnelo hyn â chyfrif, Gareth. Felly, mae'r ffordd rydym yn cyfrif achosion yn wahanol ym mhob un o'r pedair gwlad. Er enghraifft, nid yw Lloegr yn cyfrif ailheintiadau, felly gallai hynny wneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol. Mae Cymru'n cyfrif ailheintiadau os oes 42 diwrnod rhwng yr heintiadau. Mae hynny'n gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i'r niferoedd. Newidiodd ein polisi ar brofi, wrth gwrs, felly efallai bod hynny wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth. Hefyd, credaf mai'r hyn a welwch yw bod pobl wedi addasu eu hymddygiad yn Lloegr pan glywsant yr hyn a ddywedodd y prif swyddog meddygol, oherwydd, yn amlwg, nid oedd eich Prif Weinidog mewn sefyllfa i ddweud wrth unrhyw un beth i'w wneud oherwydd yr holl bartïon y bu'n eu cynnal. Felly, gwrandawodd pobl ar y prif swyddog meddygol yn Lloegr ac addasu eu hymddygiad. Yr hyn nad oedd ganddynt yn Lloegr oedd y math o gymorth economaidd roeddem yn gallu ei roi i'n busnesau ni oherwydd y mesurau diogelu a roesom ar waith. Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod yr arwyddion hyd yma yn awgrymu bod rhoi'r cyfyngiadau hynny ar waith wedi helpu, ond yn amlwg, bydd angen inni aros am ychydig ddyddiau eto i fod yn gwbl hyderus fod hynny'n wir.
Yn sicr, dengys yr ystadegau a welais hyd yma fod gennym tua 170,000 o bobl â COVID. Pe baem yn yr un sefyllfa â Lloegr, byddem wedi cael 40,000 yn fwy o bobl â COVID, a phe baem yn Llundain, byddem wedi gweld bron i 70,000 yn fwy o bobl â COVID. Byddai hynny'n ddigon i lenwi stadiwm y mileniwm yn ychwanegol at y niferoedd a gawsom. Felly, dyna rai o'r cyfrifiadau cynnar, ond yn amlwg, fe arhoswn i'r data hwnnw fod yn gyflawn.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyflwyno presgripsiynu cymdeithasol yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg? OQ57442
6. Will the Minister provide an update on the roll-out of social prescribing in the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board area? OQ57442
Thank you, Buffy. The community development hubs in Rhondda Cynon Taf are good examples of projects embodying social prescribing principles across the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board area. We are also taking forward our programme for government commitment to develop an all-Wales framework to support social prescribing.
Diolch, Buffy. Mae'r hybiau datblygu cymunedol yn Rhondda Cynon Taf yn enghreifftiau da o brosiectau sy'n ymgorffori egwyddorion presgripsiynu cymdeithasol ar draws ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg. Rydym hefyd yn bwrw ymlaen â'n hymrwymiad yn y rhaglen lywodraethu i ddatblygu fframwaith Cymru gyfan i gefnogi presgripsiynu cymdeithasol.
Thank you, Deputy Minister. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we've seen GP surgeries completely change the way that they operate. In Rhondda, this has meant an astronomical increase to the number of residents that GPs support. Around 20 per cent of these residents won't require medical support and will instead benefit from social prescribing. I recently visited Men's Shed Treorchy, who provide an invaluable service at the top of the Rhondda Fawr, alongside Forest View surgery and a local housing association. We know that social prescribing works and has changed many people's lives. How will the Welsh Government work with multiple agencies to ensure that we see the roll-out of social prescribing right across the Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board area, and not just in small pockets, which so many residents in need of this specific support can benefit from?
Diolch, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Ers dechrau'r pandemig, gwelsom feddygfeydd meddygon teulu yn newid y ffordd y maent yn gweithredu yn llwyr. Yn y Rhondda, mae hyn wedi golygu cynnydd anferth yn nifer y trigolion y mae meddygon teulu yn eu cynnal. Ni fydd angen cymorth meddygol ar tua 20 y cant o'r trigolion hyn ac yn hytrach byddant yn elwa o bresgripsiynu cymdeithasol. Yn ddiweddar, ymwelais â Men's Shed yn Nhreorci, sy'n darparu gwasanaeth amhrisiadwy ar ben uchaf y Rhondda Fawr, ochr yn ochr â meddygfa Forest View a chymdeithas dai leol. Gwyddom fod presgripsiynu cymdeithasol yn gweithio ac wedi newid bywydau llawer o bobl. Sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gydag asiantaethau lluosog i sicrhau bod presgripsiynu cymdeithasol yn cael ei gyflwyno ar draws ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg, ac nid mewn pocedi bach yn unig, fel y gall cymaint o'r trigolion sydd angen y cymorth penodol hwn elwa ohono?
Thank you for that supplementary, Buffy. As you know, we are developing a national framework for social prescribing in Wales, which is designed to make sure that there is good coverage everywhere really, not just in pockets. There are some brilliant examples of social prescribing, and I'm a huge fan of the Men's Shed movement. We've been very clear that, as we take forward this national framework, what we want to do is add value. We're not looking to duplicate what's working well at the moment; we want to add value and augment and support services to ensure that everybody has access to good-quality services. We're already this year investing £89 million through the integrated care fund in social prescribing, but, going forward, our new health and social care regional integration fund will also have set funding for social prescribing. That will be a five-year funding model, so that will provide more sustainability. We're making really good progress with the national framework. There's going to be engagement now over the next few months with stakeholders on a draft framework, and then we'll be going out to consultation. So, the work is proceeding really well. The aim will be to make sure that everywhere in Wales has a good social prescribing offer that is appropriate to local needs.
Diolch ichi am y cwestiwn atodol hwnnw, Buffy. Fel y gwyddoch, rydym yn datblygu fframwaith cenedlaethol ar gyfer presgripsiynu cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, wedi'i gynllunio i sicrhau bod darpariaeth dda ym mhobman mewn gwirionedd, nid mewn pocedi yn unig. Ceir rhai enghreifftiau gwych o bresgripsiynu cymdeithasol, ac rwy'n frwd fy nghefnogaeth i fudiad Men's Shed. Rydym wedi dweud yn glir iawn, wrth inni fwrw ymlaen â'r fframwaith cenedlaethol hwn, mai'r hyn rydym eisiau ei wneud yw ychwanegu gwerth. Nid ydym yn ceisio dyblygu'r hyn sy'n gweithio'n dda ar hyn o bryd; rydym eisiau ychwanegu gwerth ac ymestyn a chefnogi gwasanaethau i sicrhau bod gan bawb fynediad at wasanaethau o ansawdd da. Eleni eisoes, rydym yn buddsoddi £89 miliwn mewn presgripsiynu cymdeithasol drwy'r gronfa gofal integredig, ond wrth symud ymlaen, bydd gan ein cronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol newydd ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol gyllid ar gyfer presgripsiynu cymdeithasol hefyd. Bydd hwnnw'n fodel ariannu pum mlynedd, felly bydd yn darparu mwy o gynaliadwyedd. Rydym yn gwneud cynnydd da iawn gyda'r fframwaith cenedlaethol. Bydd ymgysylltu'n digwydd â rhanddeiliaid ar fframwaith drafft dros y misoedd nesaf, a byddwn yn ymgynghori wedyn. Felly, mae'r gwaith yn mynd rhagddo'n dda iawn. Y nod fydd sicrhau bod gan bob man yng Nghymru gynnig presgripsiynu cymdeithasol da sy'n briodol ar gyfer anghenion lleol.
7. Pa gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau cynnydd cyflymach a theg o ran gwella gwasanaethau anhwylderau bwyta ledled Cymru? OQ57443
7. What action will the Welsh Government take to ensure faster and equitable progress in improving eating disorder services across Wales? OQ57443
Thank you, Mark. We continue to prioritise support for eating disorder services in line with the recommendations in the 2018 independent review. We have increased investment each year since 2017 to support equitable service improvements, including increasing community treatment and support and early intervention services.
Diolch, Mark. Rydym yn parhau i flaenoriaethu cymorth ar gyfer gwasanaethau anhwylderau bwyta yn unol â’r argymhellion yn adolygiad annibynnol 2018. Rydym wedi cynyddu buddsoddiad bob blwyddyn ers 2017 i gefnogi gwelliannau teg i wasanaethau, gan gynnwys cynyddu triniaeth a chymorth cymunedol a gwasanaethau ymyrraeth gynnar.
Thank you. The Welsh Government's eating disorder service review in 2018 set out an ambitious vision based on early intervention, evidence-based treatment and support for families. Eating disorder charity Beat played a key role in this review. Beat's 'The Welsh Eating Disorder Service Review: 3 years on' report, published this week, found that progress towards achieving that vision has varied widely across Wales. Will the Welsh Government, in line with Beat's recommendation, publish a new service model or framework, including timescales that set out what they would expect from health boards? If so, when would you expect this to happen?
Diolch. Nododd adolygiad o wasanaeth anhwylderau bwyta Llywodraeth Cymru yn 2018 weledigaeth uchelgeisiol yn seiliedig ar ymyrraeth gynnar, triniaethau seiliedig ar dystiolaeth a chymorth i deuluoedd. Chwaraeodd yr elusen anhwylderau bwyta Beat ran allweddol yn yr adolygiad hwn. Canfu adolygiad Beat, 'The Welsh Eating Disorder Service Review: 3 years on', a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos hon, fod cynnydd tuag at gyflawni’r weledigaeth honno yn amrywio’n fawr ledled Cymru. A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru, yn unol ag argymhelliad Beat, gyhoeddi model gwasanaeth neu fframwaith newydd, i gynnwys amserlenni sy’n nodi’r hyn y byddent yn ei ddisgwyl gan y byrddau iechyd? Os felly, pryd fyddech yn disgwyl i hyn ddigwydd?
Thank you, Mark. As you highlighted, the 2018 review did set out a radical agenda for change, but we were very clear that that would have to be undertaken in a phased way. The Welsh Government funds Beat; we give Beat £100,000. So, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank Beat for the really important support that they're providing as a third sector organisation. Their report, which I believe was just published today, I've only had a chance to have a very quick look at, but we will be using that report to inform our work going forward. We have invested very substantially in eating disorder services—£3.8 million funding since 2017. Given the very significant additional funding that the Welsh Government is making to mental health services for the next three years, I can also confirm that we will be using some of that money to improve eating disorder services. You rightly highlight the need for there to be clear national direction to ensure equitable services going forward. The national lead for eating disorder services has left to take up a new service, so we're currently looking at a new model to make sure that the improvements we want to see are taken forward on a national basis. I'll be happy to update you further on that in due course.
Diolch, Mark. Fel y dywedoch chi, nododd adolygiad 2018 agenda radical ar gyfer newid, ond roeddem yn glir iawn y byddai’n rhaid gwneud hynny fesul cam. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu Beat; rydym yn rhoi £100,000 i Beat. Felly, hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i Beat am y cymorth hynod bwysig y maent yn ei ddarparu fel sefydliad trydydd sector. Ni chefais gyfle i gael mwy na chipolwg sydyn iawn ar eu hadroddiad, sydd newydd ei gyhoeddi heddiw, rwy'n credu, ond byddwn yn defnyddio’r adroddiad hwnnw i lywio ein gwaith wrth symud ymlaen. Rydym wedi buddsoddi’n sylweddol iawn mewn gwasanaethau anhwylderau bwyta—cyllid o £3.8 miliwn ers 2017. O ystyried y cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol iawn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei roi i wasanaethau iechyd meddwl ar gyfer y tair blynedd nesaf, gallaf gadarnhau hefyd y byddwn yn defnyddio rhywfaint o’r cyllid hwnnw i wella gwasanaethau anhwylderau bwyta. Rydych yn tynnu sylw, yn gwbl briodol, at yr angen am gyfeiriad cenedlaethol clir i sicrhau gwasanaethau teg wrth symud ymlaen. Mae'r arweinydd cenedlaethol ar gyfer gwasanaethau anhwylderau bwyta wedi gadael i ymuno â gwasanaeth newydd, felly rydym yn edrych ar fodel newydd ar hyn o bryd i sicrhau bod y gwelliannau rydym am eu gweld yn cael eu gweithredu ar sail genedlaethol. Rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am hynny maes o law.
8. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro? OQ57470
8. Will the Minister provide an update on the provision of mental health services in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire? OQ57470
Thank you. Mental health support in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire is provided by the NHS and a range of partners. Hywel Dda University Health Board's transforming mental health services programme is providing further benefits.
Diolch. Darperir cymorth iechyd meddwl yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro gan y GIG ac amrywiaeth o bartneriaid. Mae rhaglen drawsnewid gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda yn darparu manteision pellach.
Thank you, Deputy Minister. I recently met with representatives of Dezza's Cabin, a charity set up following the tragic suicide of Derek Brundrett, a pupil at Ysgol Harri Tudur, formerly Pembroke comprehensive school, back in 2013. The charity aims to provide support to reduce the suicide and self-harm risk in young people, as well as offering signposting for mental health support services. Will you join me in praising the work of organisations such as Dezza's Cabin, who provide such a valuable service to the local community? And will you commit to look into what support is available to provide longer term funding to this organisation, so they can continue to grow and expand their service?
Diolch, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Cyfarfûm yn ddiweddar â chynrychiolwyr Dezza's Cabin, elusen a sefydlwyd yn dilyn hunanladdiad trasig Derek Brundrett, disgybl yn Ysgol Harri Tudur, ysgol gyfun Penfro gynt, yn ôl yn 2013. Nod yr elusen yw darparu cymorth i leihau risg o hunanladdiad a hunan-niweidio ymhlith pobl ifanc, yn ogystal â chyfeirio at wasanaethau cymorth iechyd meddwl. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi i ganmol gwaith sefydliadau fel Dezza’s Cabin, sy’n darparu gwasanaeth mor werthfawr i’r gymuned leol? Ac a wnewch chi ymrwymo i ymchwilio i ba gymorth sydd ar gael i ddarparu cyllid mwy hirdymor i'r sefydliad hwn, fel y gallant barhau i dyfu ac ehangu eu gwasanaeth?
Thank you for that question. I'm really sorry to hear about the young person that you referred to. I'm really pleased to see any organisation that is working to support people either affected by suicide or to prevent suicide. I've not come across this organisation myself, but I'm very happy to have a look at the work that they do. We recently closed a bidding round for a significant amount of bereavement support in Wales—some £1 million that I'll be making an announcement on shortly—but I would advise that the organisation makes contact with the health board and the regional partnership board, as there may be funding opportunities through there. But I'd be very happy to have a look at the work that they do and to signpost to further opportunities for support.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae’n ddrwg iawn gennyf glywed am yr unigolyn ifanc y cyfeirioch chi ato. Rwy'n falch iawn o weld unrhyw sefydliad sy'n gweithio i gefnogi pobl sydd naill ai wedi eu heffeithio gan hunanladdiad neu i atal hunanladdiad. Nid wyf yn gyfarwydd â'r sefydliad hwn fy hun, ond rwy’n fwy na pharod i gael golwg ar y gwaith a wnânt. Yn ddiweddar, caeodd cylch ceisiadau am swm sylweddol o gymorth profedigaeth yng Nghymru—oddeutu £1 filiwn y byddaf yn gwneud cyhoeddiad yn ei gylch cyn bo hir—ond byddwn yn cynghori'r sefydliad i gysylltu â’r bwrdd iechyd a’r bwrdd partneriaeth rhanbarthol, gan y gallai fod cyfleoedd ariannu ar gael drwy'r llwybr hwnnw. Ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i gael golwg ar y gwaith y maent yn ei wneud ac i gyfeirio at gyfleoedd pellach am gymorth.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 9, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Finally, question 9, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
9. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ynghylch y cyfrifoldeb dros ddarparu cyfarpar diogelu personol i weithwyr gofal? OQ57473
9. Will the Minister make a statement on responsibility for the provision of personal protective equipment to care workers? OQ57473
Thank you. The Welsh Government has already committed to providing the recommended personal protective equipment to social care workers, free of charge, until the end of the pandemic. This is managed through regular deliveries to local authorities for their onward distribution to public and private services.
Diolch. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu’r cyfarpar diogelu personol a argymhellir i weithwyr gofal cymdeithasol, yn rhad ac am ddim, tan ddiwedd y pandemig. Caiff y gwaith hwn ei reoli drwy gyflenwadau rheolaidd i awdurdodau lleol i'w dosbarthu ymlaen i wasanaethau cyhoeddus a phreifat.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am yr ymateb hwnnw. Mae'n ddifyr iawn, oherwydd mae etholwraig i mi wedi bod mewn cyswllt â'r swyddfa yn sôn ei bod hi bellach, oherwydd problemau anadlu, yn gorfod cael peiriant CPAP yn ei hystafell wely. Oherwydd hyn, mae hi wedi derbyn cyngor gan y tîm anadlu yn yr ysbyty bod angen iddi ddarparu—iddi hi'n bersonol, felly, ddarparu—mygydau FFP3 i'w gofalwyr. Mae hi felly wedi cysylltu â'r meddyg teulu, a'r meddyg teulu wedi dweud wrthi hi mai cyfrifoldeb y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol oedd hyn. Yna, yn eu tro, mae'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol wedi dweud wrthi hi mai cyfrifoldeb y meddyg teulu oedd darparu yr offer yma. Mae'n offer drud iawn i unigolion, a dydy hi ddim yn medru fforddio prynu yr offer yma bob tro mae rhywun yn ymweld. Fedrwch chi felly gadarnhau y cymysgedd yma i fy etholwraig, i sicrhau bod pobl yn gwybod sut maen nhw'n cael yr offer a phwy sydd i fod i'w darparu, os gwelwch yn dda?
Thank you very much to the Deputy Minister for that response. It's interesting, because a constituent of mine has been in touch with the office, mentioning that she now, because of breathing difficulties, needs a CPAP machine in her bedroom. As a result of this, she's received advice from the respiratory team in hospital that she herself needs to provide FFP3 masks to her carers. Now, she has contacted her GP, and the GP has told her that it is the responsibility of social services to provide this equipment. In turn, social services have told her that it's the responsibility of the GP to provide these masks. Now, they're very expensive for individuals, and she can't afford to buy this equipment every time someone visits. So, can you therefore confirm what accounts for this confusion for my constituent and ensure that people know how people should get equipment and who should provide that equipment?
Thank you very much, Mabon, for that question, and, obviously, this is of great importance to your constituent. I think the best way of dealing with the individual situation is perhaps if you write in about that situation. We will take it up to look at the specific circumstances that you're referring to.
Certainly, enhanced PPE, such as FFP3 face masks, is recommended in instances where a member of the health or social care staff may be undertaking an aerosol-generating procedure. And, certainly, I think we need to look at what procedure your constituent is having undertaken. And, certainly, throughout the whole of this pandemic, the Welsh Government has provided items of PPE, free of charge, to hospitals and to social care, to ensure that the protection is there. And, in fact, since March 2020, 514.6 million items of PPE have been issued. So, I think we have certainly got a very good record in terms of delivering PPE, but, obviously, I think this particular incident is one that we should look into.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cwestiwn, Mabon, ac yn amlwg, mae hyn yn bwysig iawn i’ch etholwraig. Rwy'n credu efallai mai'r ffordd orau o ymdrin â'r sefyllfa unigol yw drwy ysgrifennu atom ynghylch y sefyllfa honno. Awn ati i edrych ar yr amgylchiadau penodol y cyfeiriwch atynt.
Yn sicr, argymhellir cyfarpar diogelu personol gwell, fel masgiau wyneb FFP3, mewn achosion lle gallai aelod o'r staff iechyd neu ofal cymdeithasol fod yn cyflawni triniaeth sy'n cynhyrchu aerosol. Ac yn sicr, credaf fod angen inni edrych ar ba driniaeth y mae eich etholwraig yn ei chael. Ac yn sicr, drwy gydol y pandemig hwn, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu cyfarpar diogelu personol, yn rhad ac am ddim, i ysbytai ac i ofal cymdeithasol, er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn ddiogel. Ac mewn gwirionedd, ers mis Mawrth 2020, mae 514.6 miliwn eitem o gyfarpar diogelu personol wedi'u darparu. Felly, credaf fod gennym hanes da iawn yn sicr o ddarparu cyfarpar diogelu personol, ond yn amlwg, credaf fod y digwyddiad penodol hwn yn un y dylem edrych arno.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog a gweddill y Gweinidogion.
I thank the Deputy Minister and the rest of the Ministers.
Y cwestiynau amserol sydd nesaf. Un cwestiwn heddiw, ac mae'r cwestiwn hwnnw gan Heledd Fychan, ac i'w ateb gan Ddirprwy Weinidog y Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon, a’r Prif Chwip. Heledd Fychan.
We now move to topical questions. There is one topical question today—that's from Heledd Fychan, to be answered by the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip. Heledd Fychan
1. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith rhewi ffi'r drwydded ar ddarlledu yng Nghymru? TQ592
1. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the licence fee freeze on Welsh broadcasting? TQ592
Can I thank Heledd Fychan for that question? I met with the BBC yesterday, and we are working with them to understand the impact of the deeply concerning UK Government licence fee announcement and what it means for services and the media sector in Wales.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Heledd Fychan am ei chwestiwn? Cyfarfûm â’r BBC ddoe, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda hwy i ddeall effaith cyhoeddiad Llywodraeth y DU ar ffi’r drwydded, sy’n peri cryn bryder, a’r hyn y mae’n ei olygu i wasanaethau a’r sector cyfryngau yng Nghymru.
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog. Mae cyhoeddiad Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig am ffi'r drwydded ddydd Llun yn brawf pellach na fydd anghenion cyfryngol Cymru byth yn cael eu diwallu dan reolaeth San Steffan, ac mae'n nodi dechrau'r diwedd i'r holl syniad o ddarlledu cyhoeddus ym Mhrydain. Mae rhewi'r ffi drwydded am ddwy flynedd yn arwain at ansicrwydd mawr ar gyfer dyfodol cyfryngau Cymru, yn enwedig ein sianel genedlaethol, S4C, a Radio Cymru, a fydd yn cael eu hariannu yn gyfan gwbl o ffi'r drwydded. Cadarnhaodd Nadine Dorries y bydd y ffi drwydded yn cael ei rhewi am ddwy flynedd, sy'n cynrychioli toriad difrifol mewn termau real yng nghyllid y gorfforaeth.
Mae llawer ar feinciau'r Ceidwadwyr yn San Steffan wedi nodi pwysigrwydd darlledu Cymraeg a'r cyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer S4C. Fodd bynnag, a ydynt yn cydnabod y bydd toriad mewn termau real i setliad y BBC yn anochel yn effeithio ar ddarpariaeth Gymraeg, o gofio bod y BBC yn darparu gwerth tua £20 miliwn o raglenni i S4C bob blwyddyn? Ni all y cynnydd yn y cyllid ar gyfer allbwn digidol S4C wneud iawn am y toriad hwnnw, heb sôn am Radio Cymru. Mae'n gliriach nag erioed bod angen tirwedd cyfryngau iachach yng Nghymru. Mae Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn dangos gelyniaeth gynyddol tuag at y BBC, tra ar yr un pryd mae allbwn newyddion lleol yn gwanhau. Mae hyn yn gwthio Cymru i mewn i gornel o ran diffyg y cyfryngau yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg, sy'n niweidio ein democratiaeth.
Gyda sôn pellach am ddileu ffi'r drwydded yn gyfan gwbl ar ôl 2027, rwy'n croesawu mwy nag erioed y bwriad i wthio am ddatganoli darlledu, sydd wedi ei gynnwys yn y cytundeb cydweithredu. A fyddai'r Dirprwy Weinidog yn cytuno gyda fi bod y datblygiadau diweddar yn tanlinellu pwysigrwydd ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi datganoli cyfathrebu a darlledu i Gymru fel nad ydyn ni'n gaeth mewn ras i'r gwaelod lle mae elw'n clodfori darpariaeth o safon?
Thank you, Deputy Minister. The UK Government announcement on the licence fee on Monday is further proof that Wales's needs with regard to media will never be met while Westminster remains in control of them, and marks the beginning of the end for the whole concept of public broadcasting in the UK. Freezing the licence fee for two years will lead to major uncertainty for the future of the media in Wales, especially for our national channel, S4C, and Radio Cymru, which will be funded entirely from the licence fee. Nadine Dorries confirmed that the licence fee will be frozen for two years, which represents a significant real-terms cut in the corporation's budget.
Many on the Conservative benches in Westminster have noted the importance of Welsh-medium broadcasting and the additional funding for S4C. However, do they acknowledge that a real-terms cut to the BBC settlement will inevitably have an impact on Welsh language provision, bearing in mind that the BBC provides around £20 million-worth of S4C programming every year? An increase in funding for S4C's digital output cannot compensate for that cut, not to mention Radio Cymru. It is clearer than ever that we need a healthier media landscape in Wales. The UK Government is increasingly hostile to the BBC, while, at the same time, local news output is declining. This is pushing Wales into a corner in terms of a media deficit in Welsh and English, which is damaging our democracy.
With further talk of abolishing the licence fee entirely after 2027, I welcome more than ever the intention to call for the devolution of broadcasting that has been included in the co-operation agreement. Would the Deputy Minister agree that recent developments underline the importance of the Welsh Government's commitment to support the devolution of communication and broadcasting to Wales, so that we are not trapped in a race to the bottom where profit trumps quality provision?
Can I thank Heledd Fychan for those further comments? I largely agree with everything that she has said. Public service broadcasters play an incredibly important role in Wales's cultural and economic life, and we're deeply concerned at the reckless UK Government announcement made concerning both their immediate and long-term future. The people of Wales expect and deserve public service broadcasting that reflects Welsh life, supports our diverse creative expressions and promotes the Welsh language. The confirmed real-terms funding cut announced in recent days could threaten all those key elements of existing services, as well as the development of the media industry in Wales. It's simply not credible to believe that the UK Government has prepared longer term plans to take account of these issues.
The manner of these announcements clearly demonstrates that the opposite is true. Although we had an announcement from Nadine Dorries about the abolition of the licence fee, it does appear that Rishi Sunak has rolled back on that somewhat over the last couple of days, when they've seen the backlash from the public on that particular announcement. Because that announcement clearly wasn't credible insofar as any kind of comprehensive plan that was ready to be announced so soon after No. 10 had found itself yet again mired in another political crisis of its own making. What I would say is that the expansion of the BBC operation in Wales has been integral to the remarkable success of the tv and film industry in Wales over recent years, and any threat to this progress would be a visible demonstration of this Government's intent to level down and hold back the Welsh economy.
In relation to the devolution of broadcasting, as Heledd Fychan knows, there is a commitment in the co-operation agreement, which is to jointly explore the creation of a shadow broadcasting and communications authority for Wales, providing additional investment to develop enterprises to improve Welsh-based media and journalism. We're working on plans to pursue the case for devolution of broadcasting and communication powers in readiness for the devolution of those powers to Wales. I think it's true to say that there is a broad consensus that the current broadcasting and communications framework is inadequate. It's hampering the democratic life of our country, it's not serving the needs or the ambitions of the Welsh language, and its latest attack on public service broadcasting is the latest proof that this current system will not deliver that.
I'll just finish by repeating what the First Minister said yesterday, and that is that there is now an urgent need for a coalition of support to defend public funding for public service broadcasting in the UK.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Heledd Fychan am ei sylwadau pellach? Rwy’n cytuno at ei gilydd â phopeth a ddywedodd. Mae darlledwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn chwarae rhan hynod bwysig ym mywyd diwylliannol ac economaidd Cymru, ac rydym yn bryderus iawn ynghylch y cyhoeddiad byrbwyll a wnaed gan Lywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â'u dyfodol yn y tymor byr ac yn hirdymor. Mae pobl Cymru yn disgwyl ac yn haeddu darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus sy'n adlewyrchu bywyd yng Nghymru, yn cefnogi ein mynegiant creadigol amrywiol ac yn hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg. Gallai’r toriad cyllid mewn termau real a gyhoeddwyd yn y dyddiau diwethaf fygwth yr holl elfennau allweddol hynny o’r gwasanaethau presennol, yn ogystal â datblygiad y diwydiant cyfryngau yng Nghymru. Nid yw'r syniad fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi paratoi cynlluniau mwy hirdymor i ystyried y materion hyn yn gredadwy.
Mae'r ffordd y gwnaed y cyhoeddiadau hyn yn dangos yn glir mai'r gwrthwyneb sy'n wir. Er y cawsom gyhoeddiad gan Nadine Dorries ynghylch diddymu ffi'r drwydded, ymddengys bod Rishi Sunak wedi camu'n ôl ar hynny i raddau dros y dyddiau diwethaf, ar ôl iddynt weld adwaith y cyhoedd i'r cyhoeddiad penodol hwnnw. Oherwydd mae'n amlwg nad oedd y cyhoeddiad hwnnw'n gredadwy fel unrhyw fath o gynllun cynhwysfawr a oedd yn barod i gael ei gyhoeddi mor fuan ar ôl i Rif 10 wynebu argyfwng gwleidyddol arall wedi'i achosi ganddynt hwy eu hunain. Yr hyn y byddwn yn ei ddweud yw bod ehangu gweithgarwch y BBC yng Nghymru wedi bod yn rhan annatod o lwyddiant rhyfeddol y diwydiant teledu a ffilm yng Nghymru dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, a byddai unrhyw fygythiad i'r cynnydd hwn yn arddangosiad amlwg o fwriad y Llywodraeth hon i iselhau a llesteirio economi Cymru.
Mewn perthynas â datganoli darlledu, fel y gŵyr Heledd Fychan, mae ymrwymiad yn y cytundeb cydweithio i archwilio, ar y cyd, y posibilrwydd o greu awdurdod darlledu a chyfathrebu cysgodol i Gymru, gan ddarparu buddsoddiad ychwanegol i ddatblygu mentrau i wella cyfryngau a newyddiaduraeth yng Nghymru. Rydym yn gweithio ar gynlluniau i fynd ar drywydd yr achos dros ddatganoli pwerau darlledu a chyfathrebu yn barod ar gyfer datganoli’r pwerau hynny i Gymru. Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud bod consensws eang fod y fframwaith darlledu a chyfathrebu presennol yn annigonol. Mae’n llesteirio bywyd democrataidd ein gwlad, nid yw’n gwasanaethu anghenion nac uchelgeisiau’r Gymraeg, a’i ymosodiad diweddaraf ar ddarlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yw’r dystiolaeth ddiweddaraf na fydd y system bresennol yn cyflawni hynny.
Rwyf am gloi drwy ailadrodd yr hyn a ddywedodd Prif Weinidog Cymru ddoe, sef bod angen brys am glymblaid o gefnogaeth yn awr i amddiffyn cyllid cyhoeddus ar gyfer darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus yn y DU.
Deputy Minister, I wish to welcome the commitment to Welsh language broadcasting that has been realised with the significant extra funding for S4C. Our party established the channel over 40 years ago, and we will always secure its role in Welsh life, regardless of how the BBC is funded and frivolous claims from opposition parties. I joined my colleague Tom Giffard in writing to the then Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport calling for an increased funding settlement for S4C last year, and I'm glad that our calls were heeded. Indeed, I was pleased to see that S4C's senior leadership have also welcomed the extra funding, with S4C's new chief executive Siân Doyle saying
'This is great news for S4C's audience in Wales and beyond'.
And S4C's chair, Rhodri Williams, saying
'This settlement reflects the faith of the DCMS, and the Secretary of State Nadine Dorries, in S4C's vision for the next five years.'
During the meeting I had with the new chief executive last week, the passion for bringing the channel into the digital age was evident. The additional funding of £7.5 million per annum to support digital services is an acknowledgment that online streaming services now play a huge role in our consumption of television shows. Putting S4C up there with the streaming giants such as Netflix and Amazon Prime will bring a new and growing audience to Welsh language content. Will you join not only me but also the senior leadership team of S4C in welcoming this additional funding announcement to support Welsh language broadcasting here in Wales?
Ddirprwy Weinidog, hoffwn groesawu’r ymrwymiad i ddarlledu Cymraeg sydd wedi’i wireddu gyda’r cyllid ychwanegol sylweddol ar gyfer S4C. Ein plaid ni a sefydlodd y sianel dros 40 mlynedd yn ôl, a byddwn bob amser yn diogelu ei rôl ym mywyd Cymru, ni waeth sut y caiff y BBC ei ariannu a honiadau gwamal gan y gwrthbleidiau. Ysgrifennodd fy nghyd-Aelod Tom Giffard a minnau at yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Dechnoleg Ddigidol, Diwylliant, y Cyfryngau a Chwaraeon ar y pryd i alw am gynnydd yn y setliad cyllid ar gyfer S4C y llynedd, ac rwy’n falch eu bod wedi gwrando ar ein galwadau. Yn wir, roeddwn yn falch o weld bod uwch arweinwyr S4C hefyd wedi croesawu’r cyllid ychwanegol, gyda phrif weithredwr newydd S4C, Siân Doyle, yn dweud
'Mae hyn yn newyddion gwych i gynulleidfa S4C yng Nghymru a thu hwnt.'
A dywedodd cadeirydd S4C, Rhodri Williams
'Mae'r setliad yma'n adlewyrchu ffydd y DCMS, a'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Nadine Dorries, yng ngweledigaeth S4C ar gyfer y pum mlynedd nesaf.'
Yn ystod y cyfarfod a gefais gyda’r prif weithredwr newydd yr wythnos diwethaf, roedd yr angerdd dros ddod â’r sianel i’r oes ddigidol yn amlwg. Mae’r cyllid ychwanegol o £7.5 miliwn y flwyddyn i gefnogi gwasanaethau digidol yn gydnabyddiaeth fod gwasanaethau ffrydio ar-lein bellach yn chwarae rhan enfawr yn y ffordd rydym yn gwylio rhaglenni teledu. Bydd rhoi S4C ar yr un llwyfan â chewri ffrydio fel Netflix ac Amazon Prime yn creu cynulleidfa newydd a chynyddol i gynnwys Cymraeg. A wnewch chi ymuno nid yn unig gyda mi ond hefyd gydag uwch dîm arwain S4C i groesawu’r cyhoeddiad hwn o gyllid ychwanegol i gefnogi darlledu Cymraeg yma yng Nghymru?
Well, can I thank Samuel Kurtz for that further question? He is absolutely right, S4C did have a more favourable settlement than the BBC, and the work that S4C are undertaking in terms of developing Welsh language programming is to be welcomed and I am absolutely happy to do that. However, this question was about funding of the BBC, and the BBC and its wider role in terms of supporting public service broadcasting, not just in Wales but in the UK and across the world. We shouldn't forget the role that the BBC plays in developing and supporting the Welsh language in Wales with BBC Radio Cymru et cetera, and some of the programming that they do for S4C as well. So, whilst I absolutely do welcome the far better settlement that S4C had compared to the BBC, I am not suggesting for one moment that what we have seen here in the announcement on BBC funding is anywhere near adequate, and does present an absolute threat to the future of public service broadcasting unless this is addressed as a matter of urgency.
Wel, a gaf fi ddiolch i Samuel Kurtz am ei gwestiwn pellach? Mae’n llygad ei le, cafodd S4C setliad mwy ffafriol na’r BBC, ac mae’r gwaith y mae S4C yn ei wneud ar ddatblygu rhaglenni Cymraeg i’w groesawu ac rwy’n fwy na pharod i wneud hynny. Fodd bynnag, roedd y cwestiwn hwn yn ymwneud â chyllid y BBC, a'r BBC a'i rôl ehangach yn cefnogi darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, nid yn unig yng Nghymru ond yn y DU ac ar draws y byd. Ni ddylem anghofio’r rhan y mae’r BBC yn ei chwarae yn datblygu a chefnogi’r Gymraeg yng Nghymru gyda BBC Radio Cymru ac ati, a rhai o’r rhaglenni y maent yn eu cynhyrchu ar gyfer S4C hefyd. Felly, er fy mod yn llwyr groesawu'r setliad llawer gwell a gafodd S4C o gymharu â’r BBC, nid wyf yn awgrymu am eiliad fod yr hyn a welsom yma yn y cyhoeddiad ar gyllid y BBC yn agos at ddigon, ac mae'n fygythiad pendant i ddyfodol darlledu gwasanaeth cyhoeddus onid eir i’r afael â hyn fel mater o frys.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog.
I thank the Deputy Minister.
Y datganiadau 90 eiliad sydd nesaf. Dim ond un datganiad heddiw, a hwnnw gan Janet Finch-Saunders.
The 90-second statements are next. There's only one of those, and it comes from Janet Finch-Saunders.
Diolch, Llywydd. I wish to place on record my most sincere congratulations and gratitude to Her Majesty's Coastguard in celebrating their two-hundredth year anniversary of service and dedication to our coastal communities. Originally founded in 1822 to tackle the tax-dodging illicit trade in goods, Her Majesty's Coastguard has evolved into a British institution that ensures our people's safety around UK shores. Working 24 hours a day, the innovative and dedicated organisation now boasts 3,500 volunteers and 310 teams nationwide, and they are supported by 10 search-and-rescue helicopters.
It would be remiss of me, Llywydd, to not take this opportunity to express my particular thanks to the team of the Llandudno coastguard, who working with the Royal National Lifeboat Institution and whose professionalism continues to save lives at sea and among our local coastal areas, such as the Great Orme and the Little Orme. As record numbers of people have holidayed along British shores over recent years, the unassuming sandbanks of the Conwy estuary on the west shore have at times become a regular hotspot for rescues, with the cool-headed co-ordination of our coastguard and the RNLI in conducting their responses remaining a point of local pride. On this important two-hundredth anniversary, Members across the Siambr will, I hope, agree that the selfless bravery shown by its members in the most turbulent of conditions, responding to those in distress, is something that we all remain thankful for.
As we approach 27 January, it will be the very sad anniversary of the sinking of the Nicola Faith, and we lost three members of our community—Ross Ballantine, Alan Minard and Carl McGrath. I hope Members will join me with our thoughts about the members of the family, and also again thank the coastguard for all the work and the two-day search-and-rescue operation that took place there, hoping to bring these fishermen home. Thank you for your time, Llywydd, and diolch.
Diolch, Lywydd. Hoffwn gofnodi fy llongyfarchiadau mwyaf diffuant a fy niolch i Wylwyr y Glannau Ei Mawrhydi ar ddathlu dau gan mlynedd o wasanaeth ac ymroddiad i’n cymunedau arfordirol. Wedi'i sefydlu'n wreiddiol ym 1822 i fynd i'r afael ag osgoi trethi drwy fasnachu nwyddau'n anghyfreithlon, mae Gwylwyr y Glannau Ei Mawrhydi wedi datblygu i fod yn sefydliad Prydeinig sy'n sicrhau diogelwch ein pobl ar lannau'r DU. Gan weithio 24 awr y dydd, bellach mae gan y sefydliad arloesol ac ymroddedig 3,500 o wirfoddolwyr a 310 o dimau ledled y wlad, a chânt eu cefnogi gan 10 hofrennydd chwilio ac achub.
Lywydd, byddwn ar fai yn peidio â manteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch yn benodol i dîm gwylwyr y glannau Llandudno sy'n gweithio gyda Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol y Badau Achub, ac y mae eu proffesiynoldeb yn parhau i achub bywydau ar y môr a'n hardaloedd arfordirol lleol, megis Pen y Gogarth a Thrwyn y Fuwch. Wrth i’r niferoedd uchaf erioed o bobl dreulio gwyliau ar arfordir Prydain dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae banciau tywod dirodres aber afon Conwy ar y lan orllewinol wedi dod yn fan problemus rheolaidd ar gyfer achub, gyda gwaith cydgysylltu penigamp gwylwyr y glannau a Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol y Badau Achub yn parhau i fod yn destun balchder lleol. Ar y deucanmlwyddiant pwysig hwn, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yr Aelodau ar draws y Siambr yn cytuno bod dewrder anhunanol eu haelodau dan yr amodau mwyaf cythryblus, wrth ymateb i'r rheini sydd mewn trybini, yn rhywbeth y mae pob un ohonom yn parhau i fod yn ddiolchgar amdano.
Wrth inni agosáu at 27 Ionawr, bydd yn achlysur trist gan y bydd blwyddyn ers i'r Nicola Faith suddo, a chollasom dri aelod o’n cymuned—Ross Ballantine, Alan Minard a Carl McGrath. Rwy'n gobeithio y gwnaiff yr Aelodau ymuno â mi i gydymdeimlo ag aelodau’r teulu, a diolch unwaith eto i wylwyr y glannau am yr holl waith a’r gweithgarwch chwilio ac achub a ddigwyddodd yno dros ddeuddydd yn y gobaith y gallent ddod â’r pysgotwyr hyn adref. Diolch am eich amser, Lywydd.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cyfraniad yna.
I thank the Member for that contribution.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r ddadl ar ddeiseb ar adfer sgrinio serfigol i bob tair blynedd, a dwi'n galw ar Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau i wneud y cynnig—Jack Sargeant.
The next item, therefore, is the debate on a petition on reinstating cervical screening to every three years, and I call on the Chair of the Petitions Committee to move the motion—Jack Sargeant.
Cynnig NDM7887 Jack Sargeant
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
Yn nodi’r ddeiseb P-06-1243 'Adfer sgrinio serfigol i bob tair blynedd' a gasglodd 30,133 o lofnodion.
Motion NDM7887 Jack Sargeant
To propose that the Senedd:
Notes the petition P-06-1243 'Reinstate cervical screening to every 3 years' which received 30,133 signatures.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Ar ran y Pwyllgor Deisebau, diolch am y cyfle i gyflwyno'r ddadl ar y ddeiseb bwysig hon heddiw.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. On behalf of the committee, thank you very much for the opportunity to present this debate on this important petition.
As Members will know, the recent change in the cervical screening arrangements in Wales has been of significant public interest. This petition to the Senedd, titled 'Reinstate cervical screening to every 3 years' gathered 30,133 signatures in just three days, and a similar petition on the change.org platform has so far received over 1.2 million signatures. Llywydd, to put this into perspective, that is over 100,000 more people than who voted in the Senedd elections last May. This is utterly remarkable and it demonstrates the strength of feeling and concern about women's health in Wales.
I don't pretend to be a medical expert, but what is clear to me is that women right across Wales want and deserve answers. The petitioner, Joanne Stroud, is passionate about the importance of regular screening and is pleased that the Senedd's petitions process has ensured that her voice will be heard on the floor of this Chamber today. Her petition represents thousands of women's fears, disappointment and dismay about how and why this change happened. Therefore, Llywydd, we asked the petitioner to close the petition after just three days, so that it could come forward to the Petitions Committee last week, and they agreed to request it be considered for debate immediately. I'm grateful to the Llywydd and members of the Business Committee for enabling this debate to take place today, and I'm also grateful of the Welsh Conservatives for offering some of their time in today's proceedings. I'd also like to extend my thanks, on behalf of the committee, to Gareth and Mared and the wider clerking team for all their work on this important petition.
At the start of January, Cervical Screening Wales extended the routine screening for 25 to 49-year-olds from three to five years. The change was recommended by the UK National Screening Committee in 2019 due to the success of the human papillomavirus vaccine roll-out and the use of, and I quote, 'more accurate' cervical screening. This was announced on 4 January and a social media storm erupted—challenging, questioning and seeking clarification about why there would be a longer interval between life-saving cervical screenings. Such an important decision and change should have been carefully and fully explained and effectively communicated to all women in Wales. Social media is excellent for many things, but it should not have been used as the way to announce such an important issue.
I do hope that this debate today will provide an opportunity to listen to the concerns women in Wales have, and to hear facts about why the changes to the screening framework have been made. Many women will not have been offered the highly effective HPV vaccine, which was introduced in 2008. For them, the key question is whether it is possible to come into contact with HPV and for problems to develop in the five-year gap between screenings. I know many of you will have read similar concerned e-mails to the ones I have received from women in my constituency who feel they are bearing the brunt of cost-cutting and time-saving measures during a period of extreme pressure on our NHS.
Llywydd, in her petition Joanne states her concerns that these important changes have been made without public consultation, stating that the response to the announcement on 4 January was, and I quote,
'met with anger, sadness and serious concern for the cervical health of Welsh women.'
She shares the concerns and questions of thousands of people in Wales about whether this change would result in later detection of cancers resulting in, and, again, I quote,
'more aggressive, lengthy and costly treatments',
and is it ultimately a risk to life.
These concerns have been widely reported in the media and on social media platforms following the announcement at the beginning of the month. And as I mentioned at the start of my contribution, over a million people have signed a similar petition on change.org, emphasising the genuine concerns, the genuine anxiety and the genuine distress resulting from the announcement, made without sufficient clarity or explanation regarding why the change was made.
I'm glad to see that Public Health Wales apologised on social media, acknowledging that they didn't do enough to explain the changes, which created so much confusion and so much anxiety. They have since provided more information to explain the decision and tried to reassure women. Their communication strategy was clearly flawed to say the least, and I would call on them to carefully reflect and review their policy for the future. Clear, high-quality information is vital when sharing such important information and messages. When communicating with residents, you should do so. Isn't it in everyone's next appointment? Wouldn't that have been much easier, and wouldn't that have been the time to raise this important message?
I must say I was also disappointed that such a significant change in our public health approach was not announced by the Minister for Health and Social Services on the floor of our Parliament in advance of the changes.
All their adult life, women have been told about the dangers of delaying their smear tests, that a quick trip to the doctor every three years could make all the difference. It should come as no surprise that the announcement of a two-year delay via Twitter caused such extreme outrage. We, as Members of the Senedd, as their representatives, should have been given the chance to raise their fears and concerns openly, and for the Minister to explain the reasons behind the change in full.
Gweinidog, I did read with interest the reports this morning from medical professionals, pointing to the vaccine as a crucial development, and I accept this. I would welcome you using your response to update the Chamber on the percentage of women in Wales who have been vaccinated. I would also urge you to use your response to address the information vacuum that was left by the way this was announced, and in that vacuum, I'm aware of young women throughout Wales who have been targeted by Facebook ads encouraging them to pay £500 for the vaccine. This has really troubled me.
Llywydd, before I conclude, I would like to thank Joanne for petitioning the Senedd so that these important concerns about women's health are discussed here in our Parliament today. There are around 166 new cervical cancer cases in Wales every year according to Cancer Research UK. Screening to identify those at risk or who have cancer is essential. It can save lives, ensuring women or people with a cervix receive the treatment they need.
Coincidentally, this debate is taking place during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and I hope it will contribute to raise awareness of the importance and benefits of cervical screening. There are many who don't take up screening opportunities for various reasons. We all need to support that campaign to raise awareness and aim to increase the take-up to protect lives.
Llywydd, I look forward to hearing the Members' contributions this afternoon, and I look forward to the Minister's response, and I trust she will answer the questions of the many women who signed this petition, and those similar petitions out there. Diolch yn fawr.
Fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, mae'r newid diweddar yn y trefniadau sgrinio serfigol yng Nghymru wedi bod o gryn ddiddordeb i'r cyhoedd. Mae'r ddeiseb hon i'r Senedd, 'Adfer sgrinio serfigol i bob tair blynedd' wedi casglu 30,133 o lofnodion mewn tri diwrnod yn unig, ac mae deiseb debyg ar blatfform change.org wedi derbyn dros 1.2 miliwn o lofnodion hyd yn hyn. Lywydd, i roi hyn mewn persbectif, mae hynny dros 100,000 yn fwy o bobl nag a bleidleisiodd yn etholiadau'r Senedd fis Mai diwethaf. Mae hyn yn gwbl ryfeddol ac mae'n dangos cryfder y teimladau a'r pryderon ynghylch iechyd menywod yng Nghymru.
Nid wyf yn esgus bod yn arbenigwr meddygol, ond yr hyn sy'n amlwg i mi yw bod menywod ledled Cymru eisiau ac yn haeddu atebion. Mae’r deisebydd, Joanne Stroud, yn angerddol ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd sgrinio rheolaidd, ac mae’n falch fod proses ddeisebau’r Senedd wedi sicrhau y bydd ei llais yn cael ei glywed ar lawr y Siambr hon heddiw. Mae ei deiseb yn cynrychioli ofnau, siom a gofid miloedd o fenywod ynglŷn â sut a pham y digwyddodd y newid hwn. Felly, Lywydd, fe wnaethom ofyn i’r deisebydd gau’r ddeiseb ar ôl tridiau yn unig, er mwyn ei chyflwyno i'r Pwyllgor Deisebau yr wythnos diwethaf, ac fe wnaethant gytuno i ofyn iddi gael ei hystyried ar gyfer dadl ar unwaith. Rwy’n ddiolchgar i’r Llywydd ac aelodau’r Pwyllgor Busnes am ei gwneud hi'n bosibl cynnal y ddadl hon heddiw, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar hefyd i’r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig am gynnig peth o’u hamser yn y trafodion heddiw. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd, ar ran y pwyllgor, i Gareth a Mared a’r tîm clercio ehangach am eu holl waith ar y ddeiseb bwysig hon.
Ddechrau mis Ionawr, ymestynnodd Sgrinio Serfigol Cymru y cyfnod sgrinio arferol ar gyfer pobl 25 i 49 oed o dair i bum mlynedd. Argymhellwyd y newid gan Bwyllgor Sgrinio Cenedlaethol y DU yn 2019 oherwydd llwyddiant y broses o gyflwyno’r brechlyn feirws papiloma dynol a'r defnydd o, a dyfynnaf, sgrinio serfigol ‘mwy cywir’. Cyhoeddwyd hyn ar 4 Ionawr a ffrwydrodd storm ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol—yn herio, cwestiynu a cheisio eglurhad ynghylch pam y byddai cyfnod hwy rhwng sgriniadau serfigol sy'n gallu achub bywydau. Dylai penderfyniad a newid mor bwysig fod wedi cael ei esbonio’n ofalus ac yn llawn a’i gyfathrebu'n effeithiol i bob menyw yng Nghymru. Mae'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ardderchog ar gyfer llawer o bethau, ond ni ddylid bod wedi'u defnyddio fel y ffordd o gyhoeddi mater mor bwysig.
Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y ddadl hon heddiw yn rhoi cyfle i wrando ar y pryderon sydd gan fenywod yng Nghymru, ac i glywed ffeithiau ynghylch pam fod y newidiadau wedi’u gwneud i’r fframwaith sgrinio. Bydd llawer o fenywod heb gael cynnig y brechlyn feirws papiloma dynol (HPV) hynod effeithiol, a gyflwynwyd yn 2008. Iddynt hwy, y cwestiwn allweddol yw a yw’n bosibl dod i gysylltiad â HPV a bod problemau yn datblygu yn y bwlch pum mlynedd rhwng sgriniadau. Gwn y bydd llawer ohonoch wedi darllen e-byst pryderus tebyg i’r rhai a gefais gan fenywod yn fy etholaeth sy’n teimlo eu bod yn dioddef yn sgil mesurau torri costau ac arbed amser mewn cyfnod o bwysau aruthrol ar ein GIG.
Lywydd, yn ei deiseb, mae Joanne yn datgan ei phryderon fod y newidiadau pwysig hyn wedi’u gwneud heb ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus, gan nodi mai’r ymateb i’r cyhoeddiad ar 4 Ionawr oedd, a dyfynnaf,
'dicter, tristwch a phryderon difrifol am iechyd serfigol menywod Cymru.'
Mae’n rhannu pryderon a chwestiynau miloedd o bobl yng Nghymru ynglŷn ag a fyddai’r newid hwn yn arwain at ganfod canserau yn hwyrach, gan arwain at driniaeth, a dyfynnaf eto,
'fwy ffyrnig, hir a chostus'
a fydd yn bygwth bywydau yn y pen draw.
Mae’r pryderon hyn wedi cael llawer o sylw yn y cyfryngau ac ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad ddechrau’r mis. Ac fel y soniais ar ddechrau fy nghyfraniad, mae dros filiwn o bobl wedi llofnodi deiseb debyg ar change.org, yn pwysleisio’r ofnau gwirioneddol, y pryder gwirioneddol a’r trallod gwirioneddol sy’n deillio o’r cyhoeddiad, a wnaed heb ddigon o eglurder nac esboniad ynghylch pam y gwnaed y newid.
Rwy’n falch o weld bod Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi ymddiheuro ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, gan gydnabod na wnaethant ddigon i egluro’r newidiadau, a greodd gymaint o ddryswch a chymaint o bryder. Ers hynny, maent wedi darparu mwy o wybodaeth i egluro'r penderfyniad ac wedi ceisio tawelu meddyliau menywod. Roedd eu strategaeth gyfathrebu yn amlwg yn ddiffygiol a dweud y lleiaf, a hoffwn alw arnynt i ystyried yn ofalus ac adolygu eu polisi ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae gwybodaeth glir o ansawdd uchel yn hanfodol wrth rannu gwybodaeth a negeseuon mor bwysig. Wrth gyfathrebu â thrigolion, dylech wneud yn union hynny. Onid yw yn apwyntiadau nesaf pawb? Oni fyddai hynny wedi bod yn llawer haws, ac onid dyna'r adeg i rannu'r neges bwysig hon?
Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud fy mod hefyd yn siomedig na chafodd newid mor arwyddocaol o ran iechyd y cyhoedd ei gyhoeddi gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar lawr ein Senedd cyn y newidiadau.
Drwy gydol eu hoes fel oedolion, mae menywod wedi cael gwybod am beryglon gohirio profion ceg y groth, y gallai ymweliad sydyn â'r meddyg bob tair blynedd wneud byd o wahaniaeth. Ni ddylai fod yn syndod fod cyhoeddi oedi o ddwy flynedd drwy Twitter wedi achosi cymaint o ddicter. Dylem ni, fel Aelodau o’r Senedd, fel eu cynrychiolwyr, fod wedi cael cyfle i drafod eu hofnau a’u pryderon yn agored, ac i’r Gweinidog egluro’r rhesymau sy'n sail i’r newid.
Weinidog, darllenais yr adroddiadau gan weithwyr meddygol proffesiynol gyda chryn ddiddordeb y bore yma, ac roeddent yn tynnu sylw at y brechlyn fel datblygiad hollbwysig, ac rwy’n derbyn hyn. Byddwn yn falch pe baech yn defnyddio eich ymateb i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i’r Siambr am ganran y menywod yng Nghymru sydd wedi cael eu brechu. Hoffwn eich annog hefyd i ddefnyddio eich ymateb i fynd i’r afael â’r gwactod gwybodaeth a ddeilliodd o'r ffordd y cafodd hyn ei gyhoeddi, ac yn y gwactod hwnnw, rwy’n ymwybodol o fenywod ifanc ledled Cymru sydd wedi cael eu targedu gan hysbysebion Facebook yn eu hannog i dalu £500 am y brechlyn. Mae hyn wedi fy mhoeni'n fawr.
Lywydd, cyn imi gloi, hoffwn ddiolch i Joanne am gyflwyno'r ddeiseb i’r Senedd fel bod y pryderon pwysig hyn ynglŷn ag iechyd menywod yn cael eu trafod yma yn ein Senedd heddiw. Ceir oddeutu 166 o achosion newydd o ganser ceg y groth yng Nghymru bob blwyddyn yn ôl Cancer Research UK. Mae sgrinio i ganfod pwy sydd mewn perygl neu sydd â chanser yn hanfodol. Gall achub bywydau, gan sicrhau bod menywod neu bobl â serfics yn cael y driniaeth sydd ei hangen arnynt.
Drwy gyd-ddigwyddiad, cynhelir ddadl hon yn ystod Wythnos Atal Canser Ceg y Groth, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn cyfrannu at y gwaith o godi ymwybyddiaeth o bwysigrwydd a manteision sgrinio serfigol. Ceir llawer o bobl nad ydynt yn manteisio ar gyfleoedd sgrinio am wahanol resymau. Mae angen i bob un ohonom gefnogi’r ymgyrch i godi ymwybyddiaeth ac anelu at gynyddu’r niferoedd sy’n manteisio ar gyfleoedd sgrinio er mwyn diogelu bywydau.
Lywydd, edrychaf ymlaen at glywed cyfraniadau’r Aelodau y prynhawn yma, ac edrychaf ymlaen at ymateb y Gweinidog, a hyderaf y bydd yn ateb cwestiynau’r nifer o fenywod a lofnododd y ddeiseb hon, a deisebau tebyg. Diolch yn fawr.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
I welcome the chance to debate this in the Senedd today, particularly during cancer awareness week, as Jack Sargeant has just pointed out, and given the strength of feeling on this from women, and in support of women, on these significant changes that have taken place. And I thank Jack Sargeant and the Petitions Committee, the Government and the Llywydd, for allowing this to come forward at such speed. The strength of feeling has been exceptionally high, as demonstrated by the sheer amount of signatures the petition has gained, as outlined by Jack earlier, with the shocking statistic, as he said, of 100,000 more people signing that than voted in our Senedd elections.
Rwy'n croesawu'r cyfle i gael dadl ar hyn yn y Senedd heddiw, yn enwedig yn ystod wythnos ymwybyddiaeth canser, fel y mae Jack Sargeant newydd ei nodi, ac o ystyried cryfder teimladau menywod ynglŷn â hyn, ac i gefnogi menywod, ar y newidiadau arwyddocaol hyn a wnaed. A diolch i Jack Sargeant a'r Pwyllgor Deisebau, y Llywodraeth a'r Llywydd, am ganiatáu i hyn ddigwydd mor gyflym. Mae'r teimladau a fynegwyd wedi bod yn eithriadol o gryf, fel y dangoswyd gan y nifer fawr o lofnodion ar y ddeiseb, fel y nododd Jack yn gynharach, gyda’r ystadegyn rhyfeddol, fel y nododd, fod 100,000 yn fwy o bobl wedi'i llofnodi nag a bleidleisiodd yn etholiadau ein Senedd.
I find it very concerning that the decision to extend the time between cervical cancer screenings from three to five years wasn't given the right, careful promotion that was needed to ensure that half of the population of Wales were educated properly on these hugely significant changes. The way that the news was broken to women the length and breadth of our country was shameful, with a snappy headline on social media that ensued panic. That's not a bad use of the word; there was panic amongst women and families across Wales because, as Mr Sargeant pointed out earlier, we have been educated for years on the timing and how significant it is at catching cervical cancer as early as possible.
The lack of information following from that snappy headline just assumed everyone knew why this was happening, that everyone would know the move was due to a positive development in science, rather than an alarming extension of two years where women would be unable to be screened as they previously were and any cancerous cells would not be picked up. People know full well that when you're diagnosed can mean the difference between life and death—that's how we've been educated. The lack of information from this Government and Public Health Wales on such an important development and change caused anxiety and distress across our nation, worried about developing cervical cancer and not catching it in time. And for families as well there was panic, particularly those who have lost people to cervical cancer.
It brings me some comfort that both Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and Cancer Research UK are in support of this change, as outlined today. But this and the reasons for it need to be brought to women's attention. Due to the communication being so appalling on this, I must admit my own panic initially when hearing the news. And I can recall the awful situation that Jade Goody endured whilst suffering from cervical cancer, who was a former Big Brother celebrity, for those who don't know. She had a horrendous time from not catching it early enough; she didn't go to her screenings. And as result she lost—oh, it makes me sad—her life, and left behind her two young boys. It was quite emotive. Sorry, I don't mean to cry, but it was quite an emotive campaign and period of time, and what happened from that, the result, was that many, many women, who hadn't even thought about it—it hadn't even been on their radar—came forward and were tested. It was very traumatising at the time, and, obviously, it still rings true. But she was very brave, and used her celebrity status for good, taking everyone on that journey with her until her sad death. It shook a lot of women into action, and the take-up for cervical smears increased substantially. The publicity campaign that followed was a huge success, and I ask that this Welsh Government look at doing something similar.
It is clear that a substantial public awareness campaign is needed now, particularly given the clear message from over a million people signing a petition opposing this change. This tells me there are countless more women out there needing to know about the reasons for this change from three to five years still. An apology from Public Health Wales was great, but there will be many women out there who won't have seen that one social media post and will still not understand why these significant changes have happened and what they mean.
When the reasons for change were relayed to me, it brought me some comfort initially—not totally, because there are examples, as has been posted on social media, as I'm sure others have seen. There are people who still will slip through the net because, with the change, some people will develop those cancerous cells in that time frame that will be missed. But, for the majority, this technological advance will mean that HPV cells will be detected sooner, and that is very welcome. And it will mean for the majority of people that they will have now longer gaps between screenings, which is absolutely fine. We must make absolutely sure that this is not a cost-cutting exercise though, as Jack said, and that it will be 100 per cent safe to do this.
Minister, there are still a lot of concerns, as the virus can, as I said earlier, lay dormant for many years and present no sign or symptom of infection. And although I've seen many e-mails regarding cervical cancer screening from constituents over the last fortnight, one in particular caught my attention. It was from a woman aged 30 who had developed stage 1 cervical cancer, which had thankfully been picked up on her third smear test. If that test would have been delayed another two years further, the cancer would have likely developed and it could have been either infertility for her or death.
There is a lot of work still to be done—
Rwy'n bryderus iawn nad oedd y penderfyniad i ymestyn yr amser rhwng sgriniadau canser ceg y groth o dair i bum mlynedd wedi ei hyrwyddo yn y ffordd gywir a gofalus roedd ei hangen i sicrhau bod hanner poblogaeth Cymru yn cael eu haddysgu'n briodol ar y newidiadau hynod arwyddocaol hyn. Roedd y ffordd y torrwyd y newyddion i fenywod ar hyd a lled ein gwlad yn gywilyddus, gyda phennawd bachog ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn arwain at banig. Nid yw hwnnw'n ddefnydd gwael o'r gair; cafwyd panig ymhlith menywod a theuluoedd ledled Cymru oherwydd, fel y nododd Mr Sargeant yn gynharach, cawsom ein dysgu ers blynyddoedd am yr amseru a pha mor bwysig yw yn dal canser ceg y groth cyn gynted â phosibl.
Roedd y diffyg gwybodaeth a ddilynodd y pennawd bachog hwnnw'n rhagdybio bod pawb yn gwybod pam fod hyn yn digwydd, y byddai pawb yn gwybod bod y newid yn digwydd o ganlyniad i ddatblygiad cadarnhaol mewn gwyddoniaeth, yn hytrach nag estyniad brawychus o ddwy flynedd pan na fyddai modd sgrinio menywod fel y caent eu sgrinio'n flaenorol a phan na fyddai celloedd canser yn cael eu canfod. Mae pobl yn gwybod yn iawn, pan fyddwch yn cael diagnosis, y gall hynny olygu'r gwahaniaeth rhwng bywyd a marwolaeth—dyna sut y cawsom ein dysgu. Achosodd y diffyg gwybodaeth gan y Llywodraeth hon ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar ddatblygiad a newid mor bwysig bryder a gofid ar draws ein gwlad, a phryder am ddatblygu canser ceg y groth a pheidio â'i ddal mewn pryd. Ac i deuluoedd hefyd roedd panig, yn enwedig y rhai sydd wedi colli pobl i ganser ceg y groth.
Mae'n dod â rhywfaint o gysur i mi fod Ymddiriedolaeth Canser Ceg y Groth Jo a Cancer Research UK yn cefnogi'r newid hwn, fel yr amlinellir heddiw. Ond mae angen tynnu sylw menywod at hyn a'r rhesymau drosto. Oherwydd bod y cyfathrebu mor warthus ar hyn, rhaid imi gyfaddef fy mhanig fy hun i ddechrau wrth glywed y newyddion. A gallaf gofio'r sefyllfa ofnadwy a ddioddefodd Jade Goody, un o gyn sêr Big Brother i'r rhai nad ydynt yn gwybod, tra'n dioddef o ganser ceg y groth. Cafodd amser erchyll o fod wedi methu ei ddal yn ddigon cynnar; nid aeth i'w sgriniadau. Ac o ganlyniad bu farw—o, mae'n fy nhristau—gan adael ei dau fachgen ifanc ar ôl. Roedd yn emosiynol iawn. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, nid wyf am grio, ond roedd yn ymgyrch a chyfnod emosiynol, a'r hyn a ddigwyddodd o hynny, o ganlyniad, oedd bod nifer fawr o fenywod, nad oeddent hyd yn oed wedi meddwl amdano—nid oedd wedi bod ar eu radar hyd yn oed—wedi mynd i gael eu profi. Roedd yn drawmatig iawn ar y pryd, ac yn amlwg, mae'n dal i fod felly. Ond roedd hi'n ddewr iawn, a defnyddiodd ei statws fel seren er daioni, ac aeth â phawb ar y daith honno gyda hi tan ei marwolaeth drist. Fe barodd i lawer o fenywod weithredu, a chynyddodd y nifer a aeth am brawf ceg y groth yn sylweddol. Roedd yr ymgyrch gyhoeddusrwydd a ddilynodd yn llwyddiant ysgubol, a gofynnaf i Lywodraeth Cymru ystyried gwneud rhywbeth tebyg.
Mae'n amlwg fod angen ymgyrch sylweddol i godi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd yn awr, yn enwedig o ystyried y neges glir yn sgil y ffaith bod dros filiwn o bobl wedi llofnodi deiseb yn gwrthwynebu'r newid hwn. Mae hyn yn dweud wrthyf fod llawer iawn mwy o fenywod allan yno o hyd sydd angen gwybod y rhesymau am y newid hwn o dair i bum mlynedd. Roedd ymddiheuriad gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn wych, ond bydd llawer o fenywod allan yno na fyddant wedi gweld yr un postiad hwnnw ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a byddant yn dal i fethu deall pam y mae'r newidiadau arwyddocaol hyn wedi digwydd a'r hyn a olygant.
Pan gafodd y rhesymau dros newid eu rhoi i mi, daeth â pheth cysur i mi ar y dechrau—nid yn gyfan gwbl, oherwydd ceir enghreifftiau, fel y gwelwyd ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, fel y mae eraill wedi'u gweld, rwy'n siŵr. Mae yna bobl sy'n dal i lithro drwy'r rhwyd oherwydd, gyda'r newid, bydd rhai pobl yn datblygu celloedd canseraidd na chaiff eu canfod o fewn y ffrâm amser honno. Ond i'r mwyafrif, bydd y datblygiad technolegol hwn yn golygu y bydd celloedd HPV yn cael eu canfod yn gynt, ac mae hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr. A bydd yn golygu i'r rhan fwyaf o bobl y bydd ganddynt fylchau hwy yn awr rhwng sgriniadau, sy'n hollol iawn. Ond mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau'n bendant nad ymarfer torri costau yw hwn, fel y dywedodd Jack, ac y bydd hi 100 y cant yn ddiogel inni wneud hyn.
Weinidog, mae llawer o bryderon o hyd, oherwydd fel y dywedais yn gynharach, gall y feirws orwedd yn segur am flynyddoedd lawer heb fod unrhyw arwydd na symptom o haint. Ac er fy mod wedi gweld llawer o negeseuon e-bost ynghylch sgrinio canser serfigol gan etholwyr dros y pythefnos diwethaf, daliodd un yn arbennig fy sylw. Daeth gan fenyw 30 oed a oedd wedi datblygu canser ceg y groth cam 1, a oedd, diolch byth, wedi ei ganfod yn ei thrydydd prawf ceg y groth. Pe bai'r prawf hwnnw wedi'i ohirio am ddwy flynedd arall, mae'n debyg y byddai'r canser wedi datblygu a gallai fod wedi ei gwneud yn anffrwythlon neu ei lladd.
Mae llawer o waith i'w wneud o hyd—
You need to conclude now.
Mae angen i chi ddod i ben yn awr.
—to improve life chances for women who develop cervical cancer, and I fear that this extension of two years will not contribute towards saving more lives. There's still so much more to be done.
I will reiterate now, Deputy Presiding Officer, the calls I made last week to the First Minister and this Government, and I strongly urge them, and Public Health Wales, to launch a public awareness campaign to help inform our Welsh citizens of the significant developments that have occurred. We need to actively encourage more people to come forward for a cervical screening than have done recently. These new changes will not work and not be effective unless everyone now comes forward for a new screening with this new screening technology. Thank you very much.
—ar wella cyfleoedd bywyd i fenywod sy'n datblygu canser ceg y groth, ac ofnaf na fydd yr estyniad hwn o ddwy flynedd yn cyfrannu at achub mwy o fywydau. Mae cymaint mwy i'w wneud o hyd.
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwyf am ailadrodd yn awr y galwadau a wneuthum yr wythnos diwethaf i'r Prif Weinidog a'r Llywodraeth hon, ac rwy'n eu hannog yn gryf, ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, i lansio ymgyrch ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd i helpu i hysbysu ein dinasyddion yng Nghymru am y datblygiadau sylweddol sydd wedi digwydd. Mae angen inni fynd ati i annog mwy o bobl i fynd am sgriniad serfigol nag a wnaeth hynny yn ddiweddar. Ni fydd y newidiadau newydd hyn yn gweithio ac ni fyddant yn effeithiol oni bai bod pawb bellach yn mynd am sgriniad newydd gyda'r dechnoleg sgrinio newydd hon. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you for the opportunity to make a brief contribution to this debate. And, firstly, let me say how much I sympathise with all those people, the many, many thousands, who have spoken about their deep concerns about the change in the cervical cancer screening regime. Screening has, of course, become a valuable part of the preventative armoury when it comes to women's health, and many, many lives have been saved through early diagnosis stemming from the screening programme. And the sudden announcement that three-year tests would become five left so many people distressed and worried. And my own reaction, I must say, was one of incredulity: could this really be the result of the current pressures on the NHS, another effect of systems under strain?
But, in trying to learn more then about the change, what became apparent is that we are talking not about a downgrading of this invaluable protective health measure, but, in fact, a serious failure to communicate change that is in fact the right change, and one we should celebrate, in fact, as a step forward in preventative healthcare. I'm immensely grateful to those organisations, Cancer Research UK and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust in particular, for stepping in with explanations of why this is a positive change, why advancements in technology means testing for the HPV virus, which causes the vast majority of cervical cancers, allows for earlier identification of what could ultimately lead to increased risk, early enough in fact to allow five years between testing episodes if no evidence of HPV is found. In the past, screening tested for changes in cells, the beginning of cancer; now we can find earlier signs of what might eventually lead to that and so allow for more timely intervention.
Now, can I draw the attention of Members to the statement of opinion I've tabled this week, following discussion with Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, noting that this week is Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, and expressing again how vital screening is? The statement expresses regret that recent changes to the cervical screening programme—the way they were communicated—have caused anxiety and confusion, and urges Ministers and Public Health Wales to prioritise restoring confidence in the programme through clear and direct communication to answer the concerns that so many have. Now, I've written to the health Minister the week before last, I think, to ask for that direct communication to happen. It has to happen. The handling of this change by Welsh Government and its agencies has caused a great amount of anxiety, and it's up to Government and its agencies to put that right.
Now, may this be a real lesson in the importance of getting communication right, and, at the same time, a reminder of the importance of screening. We must encourage more to come forward, so that we can be confident that as many women as possible can be giving themselves the chance of an early diagnosis.
Diolch am y cyfle i wneud cyfraniad byr i'r ddadl hon. Ac yn gyntaf, gadewch imi ddweud cymaint rwy'n cydymdeimlo â'r holl bobl, y miloedd lawer, sydd wedi siarad am eu pryderon dwfn am y newid yn y trefniadau sgrinio canser ceg y groth. Mae sgrinio, wrth gwrs, wedi dod yn rhan werthfawr o'r arfogaeth ataliol ym maes iechyd menywod, ac mae llawer o fywydau wedi'u hachub drwy ddiagnosis cynnar yn deillio o'r rhaglen sgrinio. Ac fe achosodd y cyhoeddiad sydyn y byddai profion bob tair blynedd yn newid yn brofion bob pum mlynedd gymaint o ofid a phryder i bobl. A rhaid imi ddweud, fy ymateb i oedd anghrediniaeth: ai dyma ganlyniad y pwysau presennol ar y GIG, canlyniad arall systemau dan straen?
Ond wrth geisio dysgu mwy am y newid, yr hyn a ddaeth yn amlwg yw ein bod yn sôn nid am israddio'r mesur diogelu iechyd amhrisiadwy hwn, ond am fethiant difrifol i gyfathrebu newid sy'n newid cywir mewn gwirionedd, a newid y dylem ei ddathlu fel cam ymlaen mewn gofal iechyd ataliol. Rwy'n hynod ddiolchgar i'r sefydliadau, Cancer Research UK ac Ymddiriedolaeth Canser Ceg y Groth Jo yn benodol, am gamu i mewn gydag esboniadau ynglŷn â pham y mae'n newid cadarnhaol, pam y mae datblygiadau mewn technoleg yn golygu bod profi am y feirws HPV, sy'n achosi'r mwyafrif llethol o ganserau serfigol, yn caniatáu inni ganfod yr hyn a allai arwain yn y pen draw at fwy o risg, yn ddigon cynnar mewn gwirionedd i ganiatáu pum mlynedd rhwng profion os na cheir tystiolaeth o HPV. Yn y gorffennol, roedd sgrinio'n edrych am newidiadau mewn celloedd, dechrau canser; yn awr gallwn ddod o hyd i arwyddion cynharach o'r hyn a allai arwain ato yn y pen draw a chaniatáu felly ar gyfer ymyrraeth fwy amserol.
Nawr, a gaf fi dynnu sylw'r Aelodau at y datganiad barn a gyflwynais yr wythnos hon, yn dilyn trafodaeth gydag Ymddiriedolaeth Canser Ceg y Groth Jo, i nodi ei bod hi'n Wythnos Atal Canser Ceg y Groth yr wythnos hon, a mynegi eto pa mor hanfodol yw sgrinio? Mae'r datganiad yn mynegi gofid fod newidiadau diweddar i'r rhaglen sgrinio serfigol—y ffordd y cawsant eu cyfathrebu—wedi achosi pryder a dryswch, ac yn annog Gweinidogion ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru i flaenoriaethu gwaith i adfer hyder yn y rhaglen drwy gyfathrebu clir ac uniongyrchol i ateb y pryderon sydd gan gynifer o bobl. Nawr, rwyf wedi ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog iechyd yr wythnos cyn diwethaf, rwy'n credu, i ofyn i'r cyfathrebu uniongyrchol hwnnw ddigwydd. Mae'n rhaid iddo ddigwydd. Mae'r ffordd yr ymdriniwyd â'r newid hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru a'i hasiantaethau wedi achosi cryn dipyn o bryder, a mater i'r Llywodraeth a'i hasiantaethau yw unioni hynny.
Nawr, gobeithio y bydd hon yn wers go iawn ynglŷn â phwysigrwydd cael cyfathrebu'n iawn, ac ar yr un pryd, gobeithio y bydd yn ein hatgoffa ynghylch pwysigrwydd sgrinio. Rhaid inni annog mwy o bobl i ddod i gael eu sgrinio, fel y gallwn fod yn hyderus y gall cynifer o fenywod â phosibl roi cyfle iddynt eu hunain gael diagnosis cynnar.
On 4 January, Public Health Wales announced this important enhancement to the cervical screening service. Whilst it was disappointing that they failed to provide some context as to why this was an improvement, rather than a reduction in service, hindsight is a wonderful thing. And I can see why a change that was introduced nearly two years ago in England and Scotland was not deemed to be controversial in any way. This was following what the experts had told us was the best way of approaching this particular service. Clearly, it's entirely to be regretted that over 30,000 people were sufficiently exercised by what they were persuaded was a cut in service, rather than an enhancement, to sign this petition. But, really, I don't think that persisting with this inaccuracy is at all helpful.
Ar 4 Ionawr, cyhoeddodd Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru y gwelliant pwysig hwn i'r gwasanaeth sgrinio serfigol. Er ei bod yn siomedig na lwyddasant i ddarparu cyd-destun i ddangos pam ei fod yn welliant, yn hytrach na lleihad yn y gwasanaeth, mae'n hawdd edrych yn ôl. A gallaf weld pam na chafodd newid a gyflwynwyd bron i ddwy flynedd yn ôl yn Lloegr a'r Alban ei ystyried yn ddadleuol mewn unrhyw ffordd. Roedd yn dilyn yr hyn roedd yr arbenigwyr wedi dweud wrthym oedd y ffordd orau o weithredu'r gwasanaeth penodol hwn. Yn amlwg, mae'n anffodus iawn fod dros 30,000 o bobl wedi teimlo'n ddigon dig ynglŷn â'r hyn y cawsant eu perswadio ei fod yn doriad i'r gwasanaeth, yn hytrach na gwelliant, i lofnodi'r ddeiseb hon. Ond nid wyf yn credu bod parhau â'r anghywirdeb o unrhyw fudd o gwbl.
This debate takes place on the afternoon when we've all had the opportunity to ask questions of our health Minister. So, we have fresh in our minds the areas of health provision where we can all agree we need to do better, whether that's eating disorders, ADHD, hearing loss, social prescribing, or, earlier, I attended a meeting about ovarian cancer, which was hosted by Mark Isherwood. On all these things we need to do better, and nobody in the Senedd would disagree with that. So, I have to just repeat that no change is not an option for us. It is our duty to ensure that we are constantly reshaping services to better meet the needs of our population, and that we are constantly delivering best value with limited resources. I was born in the era where people routinely had their tonsils and adenoids removed when they were aged seven, and how traumatic was that for a child to be removed from their parents for something that was proved to be a completely pointless intervention, unless there were very particular issues.
So, as with COVID, we need to follow the latest scientific evidence, and the experts tell us really clearly that HPV is what causes 99.7 per cent of cervical cancers. That's why we offer all teenagers the HPV vaccine, so that the HPV virus is going to be put out of business and no longer able to cause cervical cancers in the future, once the people who've benefited from the vaccine have grown up. So, we have to recognise that the cervical screen has changed substantially. It's much more sensitive, much more accurate and it's now checking first for the presence of HPV. And by reducing the period of time when women are screened, it makes it possible to free up time to concentrate on that small minority of the female population who are causes for concern, where they have HPV present in their cells and can be benefiting from even better screens to ensure that, were they to develop cervical cancer, that will be picked up earlier.
I spent many, many years of my life, before I became a Senedd Member, trying to help drive up cervical cancer screening rates. So, I find it extremely disappointing that, despite all the evidence presented by Cancer Research UK and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust, still Laura Jones decided she was going to put out a statement of opinion about the inaccurate information that people had been given. This simply won't do. Yes, this week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week, and a very important week it is too, because the people we need to focus on are the people who never turn up to have a cancer screen. The sort of people that we're talking about are people who have caring responsibilities and have nobody to leave their child with in order to go for a screen, who are in zero-hours work and therefore are unable to take time out from their work in order to go for their screening appointment.
So, one of the ways in which we can benefit from this blast of publicity on a pretty unnecessary story is to focus on how we improve the rates of young women who attend for screening, or who get the cancer screen. And I particularly want to focus on the pilot of home screening that has been going on at King's College London, in an area where there are predictable low levels of presentation for the regular screening because—
Cynhelir y ddadl hon ar y prynhawn pan fo pob un ohonom wedi cael cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau i'n Gweinidog iechyd. Felly, ar flaen ein meddyliau mae gennym y meysydd darpariaeth iechyd lle gallwn i gyd gytuno bod angen inni wneud yn well, boed hynny'n anhwylderau bwyta, ADHD, colli clyw, presgripsiynu cymdeithasol, neu, yn gynharach, mynychais gyfarfod ar ganser yr ofari a gynhaliwyd gan Mark Isherwood. Ar yr holl bethau hyn mae angen inni wneud yn well, ac ni fyddai neb yn y Senedd yn anghytuno â hynny. Felly, rhaid imi ailadrodd nad yw peidio â newid yn opsiwn i ni. Ein dyletswydd yw sicrhau ein bod yn ail-lunio gwasanaethau'n gyson i ddiwallu anghenion ein poblogaeth yn well, a'n bod yn darparu'r gwerth gorau gydag adnoddau cyfyngedig yn gyson. Cefais fy ngeni yn yr oes pan oedd pobl yn cael tynnu eu tonsiliau a'u hadenoidau fel mater o drefn pan oeddent yn saith oed, ac roedd mynd â phlentyn o ofal ei rieni ar gyfer rhywbeth y profwyd ei bod yn ymyrraeth gwbl ddibwrpas, oni bai bod problemau penodol iawn, yn brofiad trawmatig i blentyn.
Felly, fel gyda COVID, mae angen inni ddilyn y dystiolaeth wyddonol ddiweddaraf, ac mae'r arbenigwyr yn dweud wrthym yn glir iawn mai HPV sy'n achosi 99.7 y cant o ganserau serfigol. Dyna pam ein bod yn cynnig y brechlyn HPV i rai yn eu harddegau er mwyn difa'r feirws HPV ac fel na all achosi canserau serfigol yn y dyfodol, pan fydd y bobl sydd wedi elwa o'r brechlyn wedi tyfu'n oedolion. Felly, rhaid inni gydnabod bod y sgriniad serfigol wedi newid yn sylweddol. Mae'n llawer mwy sensitif, yn llawer mwy cywir ac mae bellach yn edrych yn gyntaf am bresenoldeb HPV. A thrwy leihau'r cyfnod o amser pan gaiff menywod eu sgrinio, mae'n ei gwneud yn bosibl rhyddhau amser i ganolbwyntio ar y lleiafrif bach o'r boblogaeth fenywaidd sy'n peri pryder, lle mae ganddynt HPV yn bresennol yn eu celloedd a gallant fod yn elwa o sgriniadau gwell byth i sicrhau, pe baent yn datblygu canser serfigol, y bydd yn cael ei ganfod yn gynharach.
Treuliais flynyddoedd lawer o fy mywyd, cyn imi ddod yn Aelod o'r Senedd, yn ceisio helpu i gynyddu cyfraddau sgriniadau canser ceg y groth. Felly, rwy'n siomedig iawn, er gwaethaf yr holl dystiolaeth a gyflwynwyd gan Cancer Research UK ac Ymddiriedolaeth Canser Ceg y Groth Jo, fod Laura Jones wedi penderfynu ei bod am barhau i gyflwyno datganiad barn am y wybodaeth anghywir a roddwyd i bobl. Nid yw hyn yn iawn. Ydy, mae'n Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Sgrinio Serfigol yr wythnos hon, ac mae'n wythnos bwysig iawn, am mai'r bobl y mae angen inni ganolbwyntio arnynt yw'r bobl nad ydynt byth yn dod am sgriniad canser. Y math o bobl rydym yn sôn amdanynt yw pobl sydd â chyfrifoldebau gofalu ac nad oes ganddynt rywun y gallant adael eu plentyn gyda hwy er mwyn mynd am sgriniad, pobl sydd mewn gwaith ar drefniant dim oriau ac felly'n methu cymryd amser o'u gwaith er mwyn mynd am eu hapwyntiad sgrinio.
Felly, un o'r ffyrdd y gallwn elwa o'r ffrwydrad hwn o gyhoeddusrwydd i stori eithaf diangen yw canolbwyntio ar sut y gallwn wella cyfraddau'r menywod ifanc sy'n dod i gael eu sgrinio, neu sy'n cael sgriniad canser. Ac rwyf am ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar y peilot sgrinio yn y cartref sydd wedi bod ar y gweill yng Ngholeg King's Llundain, mewn ardal lle ceir lefelau rhagweladwy o isel o bobl yn mynd i'r apwyntiad sgrinio rheolaidd oherwydd—
The Member must conclude now.
Rhaid i'r Aelod ddirwyn i ben yn awr.
Okay. I'd like to hear from the Minister how that compares with the bowel screening that takes place in the over-60s, because obviously once again this is something that takes place in people's homes, they don't need to go for an appointment, they don't need to travel to see the nurse who's going to do the screen. This is a very important way of ensuring that cervical cancer is something that is so rare as to be almost non-existent.
O'r gorau. Hoffwn glywed gan y Gweinidog sut y mae hynny'n cymharu â sgrinio coluddion sy'n digwydd gyda phobl dros 60 oed, oherwydd yn amlwg unwaith eto, dyma rywbeth sy'n digwydd yng nghartrefi pobl, nid oes angen iddynt fynd am apwyntiad, nid oes angen iddynt deithio i weld y nyrs sy'n mynd i wneud y sgrinio. Mae hon yn ffordd bwysig iawn o sicrhau bod canser ceg y groth yn rhywbeth sydd mor brin fel nad yw'n bodoli, bron iawn.
As we mark Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, I'd like to make a general point at the outset, and that is that girls don't always get taught enough about their bodies—neither do boys, of course. A mix of embarrassment, a lack of understanding, even body shaming, can coalesce from when girls are really quite young, and those factors surely contribute to the fact that one in three women fail to attend their cervical screening appointment when they're invited. We've heard already in the debate about the thousands of women who'll be told every year that they have cervical cell changes, so surely we have to find better ways of talking about these issues and normalising the process of smear tests.
Specifically on this petition, the changes to routine smear tests, it's already been said that they were communicated very poorly, and that did cause avoidable anxiety. The explanation that we have been given by Public Health Wales has set many minds at rest, but since that change was announced I've been contacted by women who are still nervous. I wanted to raise those concerns here so that I could get some constructive answers for them from the Minister. Some constituents have raised the fact—it's already been rehearsed—that a HPV infection can clear within one or two years, meaning that an infection could have cleared by the time a test is taken. Those constituents have queried how someone looking at the results could then know whether the infection has caused cellular changes if they're not looking for those changes. Another constituent was diagnosed with stage 1 cancer at age 30 in 2021 and the cancer was caught during her three-year smear test. She's worried that, had she waited an additional two years, the cancer could have progressed far more and potentially affected her fertility or something far graver.
Now, as I've said, the new test should work very well for most of those who've had the HPV vaccine, which is obviously something to be very much welcomed, because that will have reduced the incidence of abnormal cell changes. Not everyone will have been offered that vaccine, and I know that women, particularly in their 30s, will have missed out on that opportunity because that's true for me as well. So, I'd equally like to hear more about what could be done to put women's minds at rest about that. A further worry felt by some of my constituents concerns women who could develop cervical cancer that isn't linked to HPV. They would presumably be left without screening, so what provision, please, could be made for them? I've raised these concerns in order to get clarity for those constituents who are still feeling uneasy about this change.
Minister, all of this could, of course, have been avoided had a communication gone out before that graphic was shared on social media. I understand of course that lessons will have been learnt about this, but alongside those specific queries I would ask how Public Health Wales will be seeking to combat any sense that could develop of the wrong message being sent to women—that is, that it isn't as important to keep on top of smear tests. I know that that is in no way what's meant by this change, but again a vacuum could develop for the wrong assumptions to be made, unless that vacuum is filled. One constituent said to me that, like visiting the dentist, even if you don't think you need to go, it's important to go, and it's really important that public health messaging doesn't inadvertently discourage women from attending. So, I'd be grateful for any information the Minister could provide in summing up the debate that could alleviate those concerns of my constituents that I've relayed to you.
But the overwhelming point I would make, just in concluding, Dirprwy Lywydd, is that again we need to make sure that women of all ages get the sense that smear tests are normal, that they're not something to be worried about. When I was in school, they were talked about in this hushed, quite horrified way—not by teachers, I should say, but by other pupils—and I got this impression it was going to be this very painful thing. Actually, for most women, it's totally painless; bit awkward—it needn't be awkward. But I think we need to find ways of countering this narrative, and it comes about because too many of these topics are considered taboo and they're not talked about.
Wrth inni nodi Wythnos Atal Canser Ceg y Groth, hoffwn wneud pwynt cyffredinol ar y dechrau, sef nad yw merched bob amser yn cael digon o addysg am eu cyrff—mae'n wir am fechgyn hefyd, wrth gwrs. Gall cyfuniad o embaras, diffyg dealltwriaeth, cywilyddio corfforol hyd yn oed, ymffurfio o'r adeg pan fydd merched yn eithaf ifanc, ac mae'n sicr fod y ffactorau hynny'n cyfrannu at y ffaith nad yw un o bob tair menyw yn mynd i'w hapwyntiad sgrinio serfigol pan gânt eu gwahodd. Clywsom eisoes yn y ddadl am y miloedd o fenywod a fydd yn cael gwybod bob blwyddyn fod ganddynt newidiadau yng nghelloedd ceg y groth, felly rhaid inni ddod o hyd i ffyrdd gwell o siarad am y materion hyn a normaleiddio'r broses o fynd am brawf ceg y groth.
Ar y ddeiseb hon yn benodol, y newidiadau i brofion ceg y groth rheolaidd, dywedwyd eisoes eu bod wedi cael eu cyfathrebu'n wael iawn, a bod hynny wedi achosi pryder y gellid bod wedi ei osgoi. Mae'r esboniad a roddwyd inni gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi tawelu meddyliau llawer o bobl, ond ers cyhoeddi'r newid hwnnw mae menywod sy'n dal yn nerfus wedi cysylltu â mi. Roeddwn am godi'r pryderon hynny yma fel y gallwn gael atebion adeiladol iddynt gan y Gweinidog. Mae rhai etholwyr wedi codi'r ffaith—mae eisoes wedi'i nodi—y gall haint HPV glirio o fewn blwyddyn neu ddwy, sy'n golygu y gallai haint fod wedi clirio erbyn i brawf gael ei wneud. Mae'r etholwyr hynny wedi holi sut y gallai rhywun sy'n edrych ar y canlyniadau wedyn wybod a yw'r haint wedi achosi newidiadau i gelloedd os nad ydynt yn chwilio am y newidiadau hynny. Cafodd etholwraig arall ddiagnosis o ganser cam 1 yn 30 oed yn 2021 a chafodd y canser ei ganfod yn ystod ei phrawf ceg y groth tair blynedd. Pe bai hi wedi aros am ddwy flynedd ychwanegol, mae hi'n poeni y gallai'r canser fod wedi datblygu llawer mwy ac effeithio ar ei ffrwythlondeb o bosibl, neu rywbeth llawer mwy difrifol.
Nawr, fel y dywedais, dylai'r prawf newydd weithio'n dda iawn i'r rhan fwyaf o'r rhai sydd wedi cael y brechlyn HPV, sy'n amlwg yn rhywbeth i'w groesawu'n fawr, oherwydd bydd hynny wedi lleihau nifer yr achosion o newidiadau celloedd annormal. Ni fydd pawb wedi cael cynnig y brechlyn hwnnw, a gwn y bydd menywod, yn enwedig yn eu 30au, wedi colli'r cyfle hwnnw oherwydd mae hynny'n wir yn fy achos i hefyd. Felly, yn yr un modd, hoffwn glywed mwy am yr hyn y gellid ei wneud i dawelu meddyliau menywod ynglŷn â hynny. Mae pryder arall sydd gan rai o fy etholwyr yn ymwneud â menywod a allai ddatblygu canser ceg y groth nad yw'n gysylltiedig â HPV. Mae'n debyg y byddent yn cael eu gadael heb eu sgrinio, felly pa ddarpariaeth y gellid ei gwneud ar eu cyfer hwy os gwelwch yn dda? Rwyf wedi codi'r pryderon hyn er mwyn cael eglurder i'r etholwyr sy'n dal i deimlo'n anesmwyth ynglŷn â'r newid hwn.
Weinidog, gellid bod wedi osgoi hyn i gyd wrth gwrs pe bai neges wedi mynd allan cyn i'r graffig hwnnw gael ei rannu ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Deallaf wrth gwrs y bydd gwersi wedi'u dysgu ynglŷn â hyn, ond ochr yn ochr â'r ymholiadau penodol hynny hoffwn ofyn sut y bydd Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn ceisio mynd i'r afael ag unrhyw arwydd a allai ddatblygu fod y neges anghywir yn cael ei chyfleu i fenywod—hynny yw, nad yw mor bwysig iddynt fynd i gael prawf ceg y groth. Gwn nad dyna a olygir gyda'r newid hwn mewn unrhyw ffordd, ond unwaith eto gallai gwactod ddatblygu i'r rhagdybiaethau anghywir gael eu gwneud, oni bai ein bod yn llenwi'r gwactod hwnnw. Dywedodd un etholwraig wrthyf ei bod hi'n bwysig mynd hyd yn oed os nad ydych yn credu bod angen i chi fynd, fel ymweld â'r deintydd, ac mae'n bwysig iawn nad yw negeseuon iechyd y cyhoedd yn annog menywod yn anfwriadol i beidio â mynd i gael eu sgrinio. Felly, byddwn yn ddiolchgar am unrhyw wybodaeth y gallai'r Gweinidog ei darparu wrth grynhoi'r ddadl a allai leddfu'r pryderon y soniais amdanynt sydd gan fy etholwyr.
Ond y pwynt hanfodol y byddwn yn ei wneud wrth gloi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, yw bod angen i ni, unwaith eto, sicrhau bod menywod o bob oed yn teimlo bod profion ceg y groth yn normal, nad ydynt yn rhywbeth i boeni yn eu cylch. Pan oeddwn yn yr ysgol, byddai pobl yn sôn amdanynt o dan eu gwynt, fel pe baent yn bethau i arswydo rhagddynt—nid yr athrawon, dylwn ddweud, ond disgyblion eraill—a chefais yr argraff y byddent yn boenus iawn. Mewn gwirionedd, i'r rhan fwyaf o fenywod, mae'n gwbl ddi-boen; ychydig yn lletchwith—nid oes angen iddo fod yn lletchwith. Ond rwy'n credu bod angen inni ddod o hyd i ffyrdd o fynd i'r afael â'r naratif hwn, ac mae'n digwydd am fod gormod o'r pynciau hyn yn cael eu hystyried yn bynciau tabŵ ac am na chânt eu trafod.
Diolch to Jack as Chair of the Petitions Committee for making sure this debate could take place at such short notice.
Cervical screening isn't a pleasant experience to say the least, and I'm sure I'm not the only woman in Wales to have put off or dreaded attending a screening appointment, but we also understand that cervical screening is one of the most important appointments for us to attend as women and, without a doubt, saves lives. The scientific strides that have been made to make sure that the test for HPV is more accurate is fantastic news and should be celebrated. But, the way in which the announcement was made was appalling and left many women feeling anxious, frustrated and confused. For this petition to reach over 30,000 signatures over the space of a couple of days is testament to the strength of feeling out there. Although the announcement was followed by the apology, which was far more informative, many women still feel aggrieved, and I'm one of them.
It has taken generations and generations of women to fight to have control over their own bodies. Women should have the right to decide when they'd like to attend their screening appointment, be it every three years or five years, or anywhere in between, regardless of the improved test. For many women, life just gets in the way, be it due to work or childcare. And I think, if we're being honest with ourselves, more often than not, we let life get in the way. We know that three years between screening appointments then becomes more like four or five. If we are to see a change from three to five years, then for some women this could easily become up to 10 years.
Cervical screening appointments are, first and foremost, to detect HPV, but we all know that when you attend the all-important smear test, the test itself isn't the only thing that we discuss, it's the whole well-being package. Being at our most vulnerable during the smear test, we sometimes feel more able to have the more uncomfortable discussions that are usually left on the back burner. For some women, such as those experiencing domestic abuse, their cervical screening appointment could be the only time they're able to see a healthcare professional alone. These appointments aren't just about screening for HPV, they're about the wider package of checks and care available to them. To increase the duration between these appointments would be detrimental to women and their well-being. Let's acknowledge the huge scientific strides that we have made, but not take a step back on women's right to decide, especially when it comes to their well-being.
Diolch i Jack fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau am sicrhau y gellid cynnal y ddadl hon ar fyr rybudd.
Nid yw sgrinio serfigol yn brofiad dymunol a dweud y lleiaf, ac rwy'n siŵr nad fi yw'r unig fenyw yng Nghymru i fod wedi gohirio neu gasáu mynychu apwyntiad sgrinio, ond rydym hefyd yn deall mai sgrinio serfigol yw un o'r apwyntiadau pwysicaf y gallwn eu mynychu fel menywod ac yn ddi-os, mae'n achub bywydau. Mae'r camau gwyddonol a wnaed i sicrhau bod y prawf ar gyfer HPV yn fwy cywir yn newyddion gwych a dylid ei ddathlu. Ond roedd y ffordd y gwnaed y cyhoeddiad yn warthus a gwnaeth i lawer o fenywod deimlo'n bryderus, yn rhwystredig ac yn ddryslyd. Mae'r ffaith bod y ddeiseb hon wedi cyrraedd dros 30,000 o lofnodion dros gyfnod o ddiwrnod neu ddau yn dyst i gryfder y teimladau. Er y cafwyd yr ymddiheuriad i ddilyn y cyhoeddiad, ymddiheuriad a oedd yn cynnwys llawer mwy o wybodaeth, mae llawer o fenywod yn dal i deimlo'n ddig, ac rwy'n un ohonynt.
Mae wedi cymryd cenedlaethau a chenedlaethau o fenywod i frwydro i gael rheolaeth dros eu cyrff eu hunain. Dylai menywod gael hawl i benderfynu pryd yr hoffent fynychu eu hapwyntiad sgrinio, boed hynny bob tair blynedd neu bum mlynedd, neu unrhyw adeg yn y canol, beth bynnag am y prawf gwell. I lawer o fenywod, mae bywyd yn mynd yn y ffordd, boed hynny oherwydd gwaith neu ofal plant. Ac os ydym yn onest, yn amlach na pheidio, credaf ein bod yn gadael i fywyd fynd yn y ffordd. Gwyddom fod tair blynedd rhwng apwyntiadau sgrinio wedyn yn mynd yn debycach i bedair neu bump. Os ydym am weld newid o dair i bum mlynedd, i rai menywod gallai hyn ddod yn hyd at 10 mlynedd yn hawdd.
Diben apwyntiadau sgrinio serfigol, yn bennaf oll, yw canfod HPV, ond gwyddom i gyd, pan fyddwch yn mynychu'r prawf ceg y groth hollbwysig, nid y prawf ei hun yw'r unig beth y byddwn yn ei drafod, ond y pecyn llesiant cyfan. Gan ein bod ar ein mwyaf hyglwyf yn ystod y prawf ceg y groth, rydym weithiau'n teimlo'n fwy abl i gael y trafodaethau mwy anghyfforddus sydd fel arfer yn cael eu gohirio. I rai menywod, fel y rhai sy'n profi cam-drin domestig, efallai mai eu hapwyntiad sgrinio serfigol yw'r unig adeg y gallant weld gweithiwr gofal iechyd proffesiynol ar eu pen eu hunain. Nid ymwneud â sgriniad ar gyfer HPV yn unig y mae'r apwyntiadau hyn, maent yn ymwneud â'r pecyn ehangach o archwiliadau a gofal sydd ar gael iddynt. Byddai cynyddu'r cyfnod rhwng yr apwyntiadau hyn yn niweidiol i fenywod a'u lles. Gadewch inni gydnabod y camau gwyddonol enfawr rydym wedi'u gwneud, ond heb gamu'n ôl ar hawl menywod i benderfynu, yn enwedig mewn materion yn ymwneud â'u llesiant.
Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Eluned Morgan.
I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services, Eluned Morgan.
Diolch yn fawr. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the debate today. I know that it has really produced some very strong responses from across our communities, and the tone and the passion that we've seen in the debate this afternoon demonstrates that this has touched many, many people. So, I would like to thank people for engaging in the conversation, but clearly there is a need to learn some lessons here.
As you've all pointed out, this follows a petition calling on the Welsh Government to reinstate cervical screening to every three years. This was announced by Public Health Wales on 4 January and the idea was to extend the routine screening interval for people aged 25 to 49 from three to five years if high-risk HPV is not found in their cervical screening test. And that will bring the screening interval into line with those aged 50 to 64.
Many this afternoon have pointed out the calamitous way in which this was communicated. Public Health Wales has apologised and I met with them earlier this week, where they were at pains to tell me that they have learned the lessons, that they understand the anger and the concern that people felt because of their failure to communicate in an adequate way. And it is important, I think, that Public Health Wales is reviewing its approach now to communicating public health messages following that feedback.
It's important to note that the interval change will not apply to those who are found to have high-risk HPV, with or without cell changes, as they will be offered annual screening and further tests as necessary. And that's the point, that's what we're doing here is really focusing on those people who are more at risk. This change is fully supported, as many have pointed out today, by the main cancer charities, and I've got to emphasise that this has not been made to save resources. Investing in preventative services, such as screening, and detecting cancers at earlier stages makes them easier and more cost-effective to treat.
The change has also not been made due to the success of the HPV vaccination programme in schools, although that has been successful, and I was asked by Jack what the rates are. The rates last week in terms of the uptake of vaccine in year 8, which is 12 to 13-year-olds, was around 71 per cent. So, far fewer than we'd hoped, but there will be a catch-up immunisation programme that we'll be looking to roll out—obviously it's a very disruptive year in our schools. And those people who've had the vaccination, they're only now entering the age cohort for the screening programme, although it's expected that in future the combination of vaccination and screening should see cervical cancers decline significantly in the near future.
The Welsh Government follows the advice of the UK National Screening Committee, which recommended that all nations implement the new cervical screening test and interval change because the new testing method is more accurate. The UK National Screening Committee is an independent scientific advisory committee that reports to all four UK chief medical officers, and is recognised globally for its expertise and its academic rigour. It requires a very high level of evidence, and its recommendations are based on years of research and public consultation. And that's, I guess, the frustration with this, that this should have been a good news story and, somehow or other, it's created a real sense of anxiety within our communities.
The aim of the cervical screening programme is to reduce the incidence of and mortality from cervical cancer. This is by detecting and treating changes at the cervix before t