Y Cyfarfod Llawn



Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.

In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.

Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair. 

The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.

1. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru
1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales

Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn o'r Senedd. Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Laura Anne Jones.

Good afternoon, and welcome to this Plenary meeting of the Senedd. The first item this afternoon will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales, and the first question is from Laura Anne Jones.

Gwasanaethau Bws i Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor
Bus Services to the Grange University Hospital

1. Pa gamau y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cymryd i wella gwasanaethau bws i Ysbyty Athrofaol y Faenor yng Nghwmbrân? OQ61694

1. What steps has the Cabinet Secretary taken to improve bus services to the Grange University Hospital in Cwmbran? OQ61694

We recognise the importance of linking communities to key hospitals and healthcare facilities. There are a number of bus services to the Grange Hospital, and Transport for Wales will look to link hospitals and other key public services as part of the bus network planning process for bus reform.

Rydym yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd cysylltu cymunedau â chyfleusterau gofal iechyd ac ysbytai allweddol. Mae nifer o wasanaethau bysiau i Ysbyty’r Faenor, a bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn ceisio cysylltu ysbytai a gwasanaethau cyhoeddus allweddol eraill fel rhan o broses gynllunio'r rhwydwaith bysiau ar gyfer diwygio'r bysiau.

Thank you. Cabinet Secretary, when the Welsh Labour Government decided to close the A&E department at Nevill Hall Hospital in Abergavenny, we were promised that it would still be easily accessible for residents in Abergavenny. Unfortunately, that’s not what happened, because there is no direct bus route now from Abergavenny—quite a significant part of Monmouthshire and the catchment area for the Grange—to the Grange Hospital. And it takes quite a long time, including some walking, for patients or for visitors to go and see their loved ones, or to receive treatment, forcing some people to drive in a not-okay state because that’s the only way that they can get to the hospital. Would you be able to look into that for me, Minister, and assure my residents that they will, if they need to, be able to get to hospital by bus from significant parts of Monmouthshire?

Diolch. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pan benderfynodd Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru gau’r adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys yn Ysbyty Nevill Hall yn y Fenni, cawsom addewid y byddai’n dal i fod yn hawdd i drigolion y Fenni ei gyrraedd. Yn anffodus, nid dyna a ddigwyddodd, gan nad oes llwybr bws uniongyrchol bellach o’r Fenni—rhan go helaeth o sir Fynwy a dalgylch Ysbyty’r Faenor—i’r Faenor. Ac mae'n cymryd amser go hir, gan gynnwys rhywfaint o gerdded, i gleifion neu ymwelwyr fynd i weld eu hanwyliaid, neu i gael triniaeth, gan orfodi rhai pobl nad ydynt mewn cyflwr i yrru i wneud hynny gan mai dyna'r unig ffordd sydd ganddynt o fynd i'r ysbyty. A allech chi edrych ar hynny i mi, Weinidog, a rhoi sicrwydd i fy nhrigolion y byddant, os oes angen, yn gallu cyrraedd yr ysbyty ar fws o rannau helaeth o sir Fynwy?

Well, I’m very grateful to Laura Jones for the question, and I am aware of a petition that is live, calling for a direct bus service between Abergavenny and the Grange. I’ve therefore asked my officials to take a look at the feasibility of such a route, of course, in the context of the availability of budgets, but also to work with Transport for Wales in regard to the mapping exercise that’s taking place as part of the regional transport plans.

Wel, rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i Laura Jones am ei chwestiwn, ac rwy’n ymwybodol o ddeiseb gyfredol sy’n galw am wasanaeth bws uniongyrchol rhwng y Fenni ac Ysbyty’r Faenor. Rwyf wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion edrych felly ar ddichonoldeb llwybr o’r fath, yng nghyd-destun argaeledd cyllidebau wrth gwrs, ond hefyd i weithio gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru ar yr ymarfer mapio sy’n mynd rhagddo fel rhan o’r cynlluniau trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol.

Minister, the promises that were made by Welsh Ministers when the Grange was being established, of course, were that there would be these public transport links in place to enable people across the region to access services and to visit relatives who are in-patients in the Grange. That has not be delivered—it has not been delivered for my constituents in Blaenau Gwent. And if the Welsh Government takes decisions that lead to the centralisation of services and taking services further away from people, I believe that Welsh Ministers have an absolute responsibility to ensure that people are able to access those services.

Cabinet Secretary, do you agree with me that a flexi service, based in the Heads of the Valleys, would be a service that could be provided by the Welsh Government to enable people living in Blaenau Gwent to access services in the Grange and to access relatives who they may wish to visit whilst they are in-patients in the Grange?

Weinidog, yr addewidion a wnaed gan Weinidogion Cymru pan sefydlwyd Ysbyty’r Faenor oedd y byddai’r cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus hyn ar waith i alluogi pobl ar draws y rhanbarth i gael mynediad at wasanaethau ac ymweld â pherthnasau sy’n gleifion mewnol yn Ysbyty’r Faenor. Nid yw hynny wedi’i gyflawni—nid yw wedi’i gyflawni ar ran fy etholwyr ym Mlaenau Gwent. Ac os bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud penderfyniadau sy’n arwain at ganoli gwasanaethau a symud gwasanaethau ymhellach oddi wrth bobl, rwy'n credu bod gan Weinidogion Cymru gyfrifoldeb absoliwt i sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu cael mynediad at y gwasanaethau hynny.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y byddai gwasanaeth fflecsi ym Mlaenau’r Cymoedd yn wasanaeth y gellid ei ddarparu gan Lywodraeth Cymru i alluogi pobl sy’n byw ym Mlaenau Gwent i gael mynediad at wasanaethau yn Ysbyty’r Faenor ac i ymweld â pherthnasau tra'u bod yn gleifion mewnol yn Ysbyty’r Faenor?

That could well be a solution, and that’s why we’ve asked Transport for Wales for review opportunities to improve direct bus links to key hospital sites, like the Grange, as part of regional bus planning. I think it’s important to be measured as well in terms of the support that has been made available for public transport to and from the Grange. There was the pilot scheme, of course, that took patients and their visitors from Pontypool and Newbridge and Blackwood, in partnership with Stagecoach. Now, that pilot scheme did not continue, unfortunately, because Stagecoach did not consider it to be commercially viable, and because passenger patronage was relatively low. Now, in terms of the possible solutions for Blaenau Gwent, it’s not just a flexi service that could be a possible solution; there are other areas of activity that we’re looking to roll out across Wales, which could be applicable to Blaenau Gwent, including flexi and community transport, as well as door-to-door services that patients may be eligible for.

Gallai hynny’n wir fod yn ateb, a dyna pam ein bod wedi gofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru am gyfleoedd adolygu i wella cysylltiadau bws uniongyrchol â safleoedd ysbytai allweddol, fel y Faenor, yn rhan o'r gwaith cynllunio bysiau rhanbarthol. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig ei fesur hefyd o ran y cymorth a ddarparwyd ar gyfer trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i ac o’r Faenor. Cafwyd cynllun peilot lle câi cleifion a’u hymwelwyr eu cludo o Bont-y-pŵl a Threcelyn a Choed-duon, mewn partneriaeth â Stagecoach. Nawr, ni pharhaodd y cynllun peilot hwnnw, yn anffodus, am nad oedd Stagecoach yn ystyried ei fod yn fasnachol hyfyw, ac oherwydd bod y defnydd gan deithwyr yn gymharol isel. Nawr, o ran yr atebion posibl ar gyfer Blaenau Gwent, nid gwasanaeth fflecsi yn unig a allai fod yn ateb posibl; mae meysydd gweithgarwch eraill yr ydym yn bwriadu eu cyflwyno ledled Cymru, a allai fod yn berthnasol i Flaenau Gwent, gan gynnwys trafnidiaeth fflecsi a chymunedol, yn ogystal â gwasanaethau drws i ddrws y gallai cleifion fod yn gymwys ar eu cyfer.

Cysylltiadau Rheilffordd Newydd
New Rail Links

2. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am y cysylltiad rheilffordd newydd rhwng Glyn Ebwy a Chasnewydd? OQ61692

2. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the new rail link between Ebbw Vale and Newport? OQ61692

With pleasure. The £70 million investment in upgrading the Ebbw Vale line has doubled service frequency and introduced direct services to Newport. Forty thousand extra journeys were made in the first half of this year, and I look forward to more people using this service on a daily basis.

 phleser. Mae'r buddsoddiad o £70 miliwn i uwchraddio rheilffordd Glynebwy wedi dyblu amlder y gwasanaethau ac wedi cyflwyno gwasanaethau uniongyrchol i Gasnewydd. Gwnaed 40,000 o deithiau ychwanegol yn ystod hanner cyntaf eleni, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld mwy o bobl yn defnyddio’r gwasanaeth hwn yn ddyddiol.

I’m grateful to you, Cabinet Secretary. Now, I’m the proud owner, of course, of a Transport for Wales concessionary card, and I’ve been making great use of this card. Now, were I to run to Ebbw Vale and catch the train that’s leaving in about 10 seconds from now, then I wouldn’t be able to use this on the train to Newport, but if I waited half an hour and caught the 14:05 train, then I would be able to use the concessionary card. If I waited another half an hour, I wouldn’t be able to use the concessionary card, but I would be able to use the concessionary card half an hour after that. Now, that, I would suggest, Cabinet Secretary, is not the best way to run a railway, and I would suggest that it's not the best way to run a concessionary card scheme either. It is time, Cabinet Secretary, to ensure that the concessionary card is available on all services down the Ebbw valley line, to ensure that my constituents, and others, are able to use their concessionary card on all the services on this new railway, which we're all looking forward to using.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Nawr, rwy’n berchennog balch ar gerdyn teithio rhatach Trafnidiaeth Cymru, ac rwyf wedi bod yn gwneud defnydd gwych o’r cerdyn hwn. Nawr, pe bawn i'n rhedeg i Lynebwy a dal y trên sy'n gadael mewn oddeutu 10 eiliad, ni allwn ei ddefnyddio ar y trên i Gasnewydd, ond pe bawn i'n aros hanner awr ac yn dal trên 14:05, yna gallwn ddefnyddio'r cerdyn teithio rhatach. Pe bawn yn aros hanner awr arall, ni allwn ddefnyddio'r cerdyn teithio rhatach, ond gallwn ddefnyddio'r cerdyn teithio rhatach hanner awr yn ddiweddarach. Nawr, carwn awgrymu, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, nad dyna'r ffordd orau o redeg rheilffordd, a charwn awgrymu nad dyna'r ffordd orau o redeg cynllun cerdyn teithio rhatach ychwaith. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'n bryd sicrhau bod y cerdyn rhatach ar gael ar yr holl wasanaethau ar reilffordd cwm Ebwy, i sicrhau bod fy etholwyr i, ac eraill, yn gallu defnyddio eu cerdyn teithio rhatach ar yr holl wasanaethau ar y rheilffordd newydd hon, y mae pob un ohonom yn edrych ymlaen at ei defnyddio.


Well, I'd very much enjoy seeing the Member run to Ebbw Vale to catch the service—I'm sure it's within his abilities. Look, I'd like to thank the Member for raising this issue, and I've spoken with him in private about it. I have already raised it with Transport for Wales, who are addressing not just anomalies with the concessionary fare scheme, but also fare discrepancies across the network, which have been inherited by Transport for Wales. As the Member rightly knows, these are not of Transport for Wales's making. Transport for Wales is there to solve the problem, and I hope that they'll be able to do that.

Wel, buaswn yn mwynhau gweld yr Aelod yn rhedeg i Lynebwy i ddal y trên—rwy'n siŵr y gallai wneud hynny. Edrychwch, hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelod am godi'r mater hwn, ac rwyf wedi siarad ag ef yn breifat yn ei gylch. Rwyf eisoes wedi ei godi gyda Trafnidiaeth Cymru, sy’n mynd i’r afael nid yn unig ag anghysondebau gyda’r cynllun teithio rhatach, ond anghysondebau hefyd gyda phrisiau siwrneiau ar draws y rhwydwaith, sydd wedi’u hetifeddu gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, nid Trafnidiaeth Cymru sydd wedi creu'r problemau hyn. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yno i ddatrys y broblem, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallant wneud hynny.

Diolch, Cabinet Secretary. Can I just extend that wish from the MS for Blaenau Gwent, and say that a review does need to be done into the pricing and costing of tickets, particularly for the issue that was raised by the MS for Blaenau Gwent, but also what I'm just about to say now? Whereas we all, of course, welcome the opening of the new line between Ebbw Vale and Newport—. The project obviously came to fruition because of funding from Welsh Government and the UK Government—[Interruption.] It's a point that's not often made enough. Will you join me in welcoming the fact that a day-return ticket from Ebbw Vale to Newport costs £8.70? However, a day-return ticket from Abergavenny to Newport costs £13.20. These two journeys are almost exactly the same length, made with exactly the same train operator, yet the residents of one town are paying £5.50 more a day to travel than the residents of the other. Can you explain why that is, please? Thanks.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. A gaf i eilio'r dymuniad gan yr Aelod o'r Senedd dros Flaenau Gwent, a dweud bod angen cynnal adolygiad o bris a chost tocynnau, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â'r mater a godwyd gan yr Aelod o'r Senedd dros Flaenau Gwent, ond hefyd yr hyn rwyf ar fin ei ddweud? Er bod pob un ohonom, wrth gwrs, yn croesawu agor y rheilffordd newydd rhwng Glynebwy a Chasnewydd—. Mae'n amlwg fod y prosiect wedi dwyn ffrwyth oherwydd cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth y DU—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n bwynt nad yw'n cael ei wneud yn ddigon aml. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi i groesawu’r ffaith bod tocyn dwyffordd undydd o Lynebwy i Gasnewydd yn costio £8.70? Fodd bynnag, mae tocyn dwyffordd undydd o'r Fenni i Gasnewydd yn costio £13.20. Mae'r ddwy daith bron yn union yr un hyd, yn cael eu rhedeg gan yr un gweithredwr trenau, ac eto mae trigolion un dref yn talu £5.50 yn fwy y dydd i deithio na thrigolion y llall. A allwch chi egluro pam, os gwelwch yn dda? Diolch.

Llywydd, I believe that a technical briefing is necessary for Members on this complicated matter, because the whole fare discrepancy issue was inherited by Transport for Wales from Arriva Trains Wales—so too the issues with the concessionary fare scheme, as well. So, just in brief, to explain to Members with regard to the core Valleys lines, Arriva Trains Wales introduced the third-off measure as a commercial decision. That was a commercial decision—it was not applicable to the subsidy that was provided. It was then subsequently rolled into the Transport for Wales contract, because withdrawing that sort of measure is very, very difficult, as Members, I'm sure, can imagine. I face calls from across Wales to introduce similar schemes everywhere. I think it's absolutely vital, first and foremost, that we look at the discrepancy in fares, which Transport for Wales has been doing since it took over responsibility for the network, and that we also look to a longer term view of how concessionary bus passes can be used in regard to the one network, one ticket, one timetable objective of the Welsh Government. I don't want to rush into this; I think it's absolutely vital that we have a sustainable solution—and this is something that my predecessor worked hard on—to ensure that we have one network, one timetable, one ticket that is applicable for the whole of Wales.

Lywydd, credaf fod angen briff technegol i’r Aelodau ar y mater cymhleth hwn, gan fod Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi etifeddu mater anghysondebau prisiau siwrneiau gan Trenau Arriva Cymru—yn ogystal â’r materion sy'n ymwneud â’r cynllun tocynnau teithio rhatach. Felly, yn gryno, i egluro i'r Aelodau am linellau craidd y Cymoedd, cyflwynodd Trenau Arriva Cymru y disgownt o draean fel penderfyniad masnachol. Penderfyniad masnachol oedd hwnnw—nid oedd yn berthnasol i’r cymhorthdal ​​a ddarparwyd. Yna, cafodd ei gynnwys yng nghontract Trafnidiaeth Cymru, gan y byddai'n anodd iawn diddymu’r math hwnnw o fesur, fel y gall yr Aelodau ddychmygu, rwy’n siŵr. Rwy’n wynebu galwadau o bob rhan o Gymru i gyflwyno cynlluniau tebyg ym mhobman. Credaf ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol, yn gyntaf oll, ein bod yn edrych ar yr anghysondeb mewn prisiau siwrneiau, sy'n rhywbeth y mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi bod yn ei wneud ers dod yn gyfrifol am y rhwydwaith, a’n bod hefyd yn cael golwg fwy hirdymor ar sut y gellir defnyddio tocynnau bws rhatach mewn perthynas ag amcan Llywodraeth Cymru o gael un rhwydwaith, un amserlen, un tocyn. Nid wyf am ruthro i mewn i hyn; credaf ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol fod gennym ateb cynaliadwy—ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth y gweithiodd fy rhagflaenydd yn galed arno—i sicrhau bod gennym un rhwydwaith, un amserlen, un tocyn sy'n berthnasol i Gymru gyfan.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Natasha Asghar.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservatives' spokesperson, Natasha Asghar.

Thank you so much, Presiding Officer. Cabinet Secretary, as you're well aware, the Senedd rarely votes unanimously on one given topic. However, when it comes to fair funding from high speed 2, it's something that we've all agreed on, that Wales is owed consequentials from HS2 to the tune of roughly £4 billion. However, it has recently been confirmed by the new Secretary of State for Wales, and backed up by this Welsh Government, that £350 million is the figure Labour believes it's currently owed, which was explained by the Cabinet Secretary for finance last week as being calculated through, and I quote, 'money already spent' on the project by the UK Government. But the money Wales receives must not be limited to £350 million; we must continue to receive the funding as it is spent, to meet our country's long-term needs. As far as we can see from recent news stories, the First Minister failed to get a commitment from Sir Keir last weekend that Wales would get its fair share of funding. So, what exactly, Cabinet Secretary, is indeed the current benefit of two Labour Governments working together, as we were indeed promised, and how will you be utilising your role to push this much-needed money for Wales? Thank you.

Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel y gwyddoch, anaml y bydd y Senedd yn pleidleisio'n unfrydol ar unrhyw bwnc penodol. Fodd bynnag, pan ddaw'n fater o gyllid teg yn sgil HS2, mae'n rhywbeth y mae pob un ohonom wedi cytuno arno, fod oddeutu £4 biliwn yn ddyledus i Gymru o gyllid canlyniadol yn sgil HS2. Fodd bynnag, cadarnhawyd yn ddiweddar gan Ysgrifennydd Gwladol newydd Cymru, ac fe'i cefnogwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, mai £350 miliwn yw’r ffigur y mae Llafur yn credu sy’n ddyledus ar hyn o bryd, ffigur a eglurwyd gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid yr wythnos diwethaf fel un a gyfrifwyd drwy 'arian sydd eisoes wedi'i wario' ar y prosiect gan Lywodraeth y DU. Ond mae'n rhaid peidio â chyfyngu'r arian a gaiff Cymru i £350 miliwn; mae'n rhaid inni barhau i gael y cyllid wrth iddo gael ei wario, i ddiwallu anghenion hirdymor ein gwlad. Hyd y gwelwn o straeon newyddion diweddar, methodd y Prif Weinidog gael ymrwymiad gan Syr Keir y penwythnos diwethaf y byddai Cymru’n cael ei chyfran deg o gyllid. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth yn union yw budd cael dwy Lywodraeth Lafur yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd ar hyn o bryd, fel yr addawyd i ni, a sut y byddwch chi'n defnyddio eich rôl i bwyso am yr arian hwn y mae ei angen yn fawr ar Gymru? Diolch.

Well, there are a number of examples that I could point to in regard to Labour Governments working together for the benefit of the people that we serve. As the Cabinet Secretary for north Wales, I'd point possibly first and foremost to the announcement that there will be 50 per cent more train services across north Wales in 2026 as a result of decisions that were made jointly by Ministers here and at Westminster. That’s a huge increase—the biggest that I can recall in north Wales.

I think, with regard to HS2, our position has not changed—it has not changed. The current finance Minister and the finance Minister before him both have outlined why the £350 million is a figure attributed to HS2 consequentials. But focusing purely on £350 million actually risks losing the bigger prize, which is a pipeline of enhancements that could amount to much more. And I am absolutely focused on developing a mutually agreed pipeline of enhancements through the Wales board to ensure that we get improvements right across Wales in rail infrastructure. We’ll be meeting, I’m pleased to say, next month, as a Wales rail board. Ministers from UK Government, and I, will be agreeing on that pipeline of enhancements, and then, once we get legislation through at Westminster, we will see the creation of Great British Railways. And through Great British Railways, and the Wales unit that will be right at the heart of that organisation, we will have control over the funding of enhancements to the Wales network. And I think that is going to be a step change from where we are today.

Wel, mae nifer o enghreifftiau y gallwn dynnu sylw atynt o Lywodraethau Llafur yn cydweithio er budd y bobl yr ydym yn eu gwasanaethu. Fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros ogledd Cymru, hoffwn dynnu sylw yn gyntaf oll, mae'n debyg, at y cyhoeddiad y bydd 50 y cant yn rhagor o wasanaethau trên ar draws gogledd Cymru yn 2026 o ganlyniad i benderfyniadau a wnaed ar y cyd gan Weinidogion yma ac yn San Steffan. Mae hwnnw’n gynnydd enfawr—y mwyaf y gallaf ei gofio yn y gogledd.

Ar HS2, nid wyf yn credu bod ein safbwynt wedi newid—nid yw wedi newid. Mae’r Gweinidog cyllid presennol a’r Gweinidog cyllid blaenorol ill dau wedi amlinellu pam y mae £350 miliwn yn ffigur a briodolir i gyllid canlyniadol yn sgil HS2. Ond mae canolbwyntio’n gyfan gwbl ar £350 miliwn yn mentro colli’r wobr fwy, sef llif o welliannau a allai fod yn werth llawer mwy. Ac rwy’n canolbwyntio'n fawr ar ddatblygu llif o welliannau y cytunwyd arnynt ar y cyd drwy fwrdd Cymru i sicrhau ein bod yn cael gwelliannau ledled Cymru i'r seilwaith rheilffyrdd. Rwy'n falch o ddweud y byddwn yn cyfarfod y mis nesaf fel bwrdd rheilffyrdd Cymru. Bydd gweinidogion o Lywodraeth y DU a minnau'n cytuno ar y llif o welliannau, ac yna, pan gaiff y ddeddfwriaeth ei phasio yn San Steffan, bydd Great British Railways yn cael ei sefydlu. A thrwy Great British Railways ac uned Cymru, a fydd yn rhan ganolog o'r sefydliad hwnnw, bydd gennym reolaeth dros ariannu gwelliannau i rwydwaith Cymru. A chredaf y bydd hynny’n newid sylfaenol o'n sefyllfa ar hyn o bryd.


Thank you for the response, Cabinet Secretary, and I do look forward to those updates as time progresses.

Last week, we heard the exciting news that a Welsh company had made a breakthrough with a new innovative solution to address electric vehicle charging outside terraced housing. For anyone who may have missed the headline, Swansea-based Charge Gully have developed technology that allows electric vehicle owners to safely run charging cables from their homes to their vehicles without obstructing pedestrians, with the cables now able to be placed underground within the pavement itself. This will make a huge difference, particularly to those not able to charge their EV directly outside due to limited space, as approximately 27 per cent of houses in Wales are terraced and residents often face this problem. Charge Gully are offering a safe, secure and cheaper way of charging EVs, with an average of £1,000 extra per year spent by those not being able to charge their EV at home. With this exciting new technology set to be rolled out in trials across Wales, Cabinet Secretary, what is the Welsh Government going to be doing to capitalise on these sorts of innovative breakthroughs all across Wales? Thank you.

Diolch am eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac edrychaf ymlaen at y diweddariadau hynny wrth i amser fynd heibio.

Yr wythnos diwethaf, clywsom y newyddion cyffrous fod cwmni o Gymru wedi gwneud cynnydd sylweddol gyda datrysiad arloesol newydd i fynd i’r afael â gwefru cerbydau trydan y tu allan i dai teras. I unrhyw un na welodd y pennawd, mae Charge Gully o Abertawe wedi datblygu technoleg sy’n galluogi perchnogion cerbydau trydan i redeg ceblau gwefru yn ddiogel o’u cartrefi i’w cerbydau heb rwystro cerddwyr, gyda’r ceblau bellach yn gallu cael eu gosod o dan y ddaear o fewn y palmant ei hun. Bydd hyn yn gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr, yn enwedig i bobl na allant wefru eu cerbydau trydan y tu allan i'w cartrefi oherwydd gofod cyfyngedig, gan fod oddeutu 27 y cant o dai yng Nghymru yn dai teras ac mae trigolion yn aml yn wynebu’r broblem hon. Mae Charge Gully yn cynnig ffordd ddiogel, saff a rhatach o wefru cerbydau trydan, gyda phobl nad ydynt yn gallu gwefru eu cerbydau trydan gartref yn gwario £1,000 y flwyddyn yn ychwanegol ar gyfartaledd. Gyda’r dechnoleg newydd gyffrous hon i’w chyflwyno mewn treialon ledled Cymru, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, beth fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i fanteisio ar y mathau hyn o ddatblygiadau arloesol ledled Cymru? Diolch.

Well, can I thank Natasha Asghar for that question? I’m incredibly interested in new and emerging technologies, especially regarding electric vehicles. I was most impressed recently to read not just of the example from Swansea, but also of the efforts by Toyota, who have a major manufacturing plant in Wales, and their aspirations to produce vehicles with dry solid-state batteries from 2028. That could be a huge, huge benefit not just in environmental terms, but also in terms of range and charging time. I believe that it could lead to ranges of up to 800 or 900 miles from a single charge, which would be astonishing and remove all range anxiety for motorists. But I’m also incredibly interested in the potential of the innovation that the Member has pointed to to address some of the shortfalls in electric vehicle charging at present. And we’re keen to work with any innovators, with research institutions, particularly with the market, because I believe it’s the market that has the innovation and the creativity to solve the sort of problems that the Member has highlighted.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Natasha Asghar am ei chwestiwn? Mae gennyf ddiddordeb aruthrol mewn technolegau newydd a datblygol, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â cherbydau trydan. Yn ddiweddar, cefais fy synnu wrth ddarllen nid yn unig am yr enghraifft o Abertawe ond hefyd am ymdrechion Toyota, sydd â ffatri weithgynhyrchu fawr yng Nghymru, a’u dyheadau i gynhyrchu cerbydau â batris cyflwr solet sych o 2028 ymlaen. Gallai hynny fod o fudd enfawr nid yn unig yn amgylcheddol, ond hefyd o ran cwmpas teithiau ac amseroedd gwefru. Credaf y gallai arwain at gwmpas teithio o hyd at 800 neu 900 milltir cyn gorfod ailwefru, a fyddai'n anhygoel ac yn cael gwared ar unrhyw bryder sydd gan fodurwyr ynghylch pellter teithio cyn ailwefru. Ond mae gennyf gryn ddiddordeb hefyd ym mhotensial yr arloesedd y mae’r Aelod wedi tynnu sylw ato i fynd i’r afael â rhai o’r diffygion sy'n bodoli ar hyn o bryd o ran gwefru cerbydau trydan. Ac rydym yn awyddus i weithio gydag unrhyw arloeswyr, gyda sefydliadau ymchwil, yn enwedig gyda'r farchnad, gan y credaf mai'r farchnad sydd â'r arloesedd a'r creadigrwydd i ddatrys y math o broblemau y mae'r Aelod wedi'u nodi.

Thank you so much for your response, Cabinet Secretary. I think it’s fair to say that west Wales is often deprioritised when it comes to transport projects, particularly, and perhaps due to the rurality of the area and its less densely populated geographical make-up. However, this is by no means an excuse for poor transport networks. And if you want transport, or public transport, to be a truly viable alternative to cars, this must be reflected in network investments right across Wales. Cabinet Secretary, in west Wales, there is currently a severe shortage of existing train carriages, and single railway tracks are still being used on certain main railway lines. For example, there is a two-carriage train running between Cardiff Central and Milford Haven, which takes about three hours, and anyone travelling at peak times regularly has to stand for at least a significant part of the journey. Yet, your recent statement on rail mentioned west Wales not once, despite mentioning poor links between north Wales and London, even though west Wales, amongst many other transport shortfalls, is struggling with the exact same problem. Even the new Labour MP has been criticising the links between Pembrokeshire and London as, in taking this exact route, he was forced off the train at Port Talbot and into his car, which he said, and I quote, ‘He shouldn’t have to rely on’. So, Cabinet Secretary, what discussions are you having with the UK Government and rail operators about increasing carriages and connectivity between west Wales, Cardiff and further afield to ensure that residents aren’t cut off and tourists disincentivised from coming to Wales? Thank you.

Diolch am eich ymateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Credaf ei bod yn deg dweud bod gorllewin Cymru yn aml yn cael ei ddad-flaenoriaethu mewn perthynas â phrosiectau trafnidiaeth, yn enwedig, ac efallai oherwydd natur wledig yr ardal a’i chyfansoddiad daearyddol llai poblog. Fodd bynnag, nid yw hyn yn esgus dros rwydweithiau trafnidiaeth gwael. Ac os ydych chi eisiau i drafnidiaeth, neu drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, fod yn ddewis amgen gwirioneddol hyfyw yn lle ceir, mae'n rhaid adlewyrchu hyn mewn buddsoddiadau rhwydwaith ledled Cymru. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yng ngorllewin Cymru, mae prinder difrifol o gerbydau trên ar hyn o bryd, ac mae traciau sengl yn dal i gael eu defnyddio ar rai o'r prif reilffyrdd. Er enghraifft, mae trên dau gerbyd yn rhedeg rhwng Caerdydd Canolog ac Aberdaugleddau, sy’n cymryd oddeutu tair awr, ac mae’n rhaid i unrhyw un sy’n teithio ar adegau prysur yn rheolaidd sefyll am ran sylweddol o’r daith o leiaf. Fodd bynnag, ni chyfeiriodd eich datganiad diweddar ar y rheilffyrdd at orllewin Cymru unwaith, er iddo grybwyll cysylltiadau gwael rhwng gogledd Cymru a Llundain, er bod gorllewin Cymru, ymhlith llawer o ddiffygion trafnidiaeth eraill, yn cael trafferth gyda’r un broblem yn union. Mae hyd yn oed yr AS Llafur newydd wedi bod yn beirniadu’r cysylltiadau rhwng sir Benfro a Llundain, gan iddo gael ei orfodi wrth deithio ar yr union lwybr hwn i ddod oddi ar y trên ym Mhort Talbot a defnyddio ei gar, y dywedodd 'na ddylai fod yn rhaid iddo ddibynnu arno'. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa drafodaethau rydych chi'n eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU a gweithredwyr rheilffyrdd ynglŷn â chynyddu nifer y cerbydau a chysylltedd rhwng gorllewin Cymru, Caerdydd a thu hwnt i sicrhau nad yw trigolion yn cael eu hynysu a thwristiaid yn cael eu perswadio rhag dod i Gymru? Diolch.

Well, can I assure the Member, first of all, that west Wales is very much in our consideration when it comes to prioritising certain public transport innovations, including, crucially, bus franchising? South-west Wales will go first in the franchising of bus services, and I think that demonstrates our commitment to the region.

In regard to rolling stock, it's an interesting fact that, when we took over the contract in 2018 from Arriva Trains Wales, we inherited 270 train carriages, and by the end of next year, through an £800 million investment, we'll have 484 carriages. We'll go from having one of the oldest fleets to having one of the newest fleets anywhere in Great Britain, and that will be of benefit to every single part of Wales.

Wel, a gaf i roi sicrwydd i'r Aelod, yn gyntaf oll, fod gorllewin Cymru yn rhan fawr iawn o'n hystyriaethau wrth flaenoriaethu arloesedd mewn trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, gan gynnwys, yn hollbwysig, masnachfreinio bysiau? De-orllewin Cymru yw'r ardal gyntaf lle bydd gwasanaethau bysiau'n cael eu masnachfreinio, a chredaf fod hynny’n dangos ein hymrwymiad i’r rhanbarth.

O ran cerbydau trenau, pan ddaeth y contract o ddwylo Trenau Arriva Cymru ac i'n dwylo ninnau yn 2018, mae'n ffaith ddiddorol i ni etifeddu 270 o gerbydau trên, ac erbyn diwedd y flwyddyn nesaf, drwy fuddsoddiad o £800 miliwn, bydd gennym 484 o gerbydau. Byddwn yn mynd o fod ag un o'r fflydoedd hynaf i fod ag un o'r fflydoedd mwyaf newydd yn unrhyw le ym Mhrydain, a bydd hynny o fudd i bob rhan o Gymru.


Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths. 

Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Peredur Owen Griffiths. 

Diolch yn fawr. Cabinet Secretary, we've recently heard from your counterpart in Westminster, the Secretary of State for Transport, Louise Haigh. She said that the HS2 railway line is very likely to run to London Euston and that it would make absolutely no sense to have the high-speed route terminate further out from central London. In March 2023, this stretch of line was estimated to cost around £5 billion. What makes absolutely no sense, Cabinet Secretary, is that this spend in London will result in extra funding for Scotland and Northern Ireland, but not for Wales. I know you agree, Cabinet Secretary, that this is unfair funding for Wales surrounding HS2. We've heard that, we've spoken about that, and Natasha was just talking about the consensus in this place around that. Will you be liaising with the Cabinet Secretary for finance to call on the Treasury to make sure that sense prevails and that we will get the consequential for that bit?

Diolch yn fawr. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, rydym wedi clywed yn ddiweddar gan eich swyddog cyfatebol yn San Steffan, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Drafnidiaeth, Louise Haigh. Dywedodd fod y rheilffordd HS2 yn debygol iawn o ymestyn i Euston Llundain ac na fyddai'n gwneud unrhyw synnwyr o gwbl pe bai'r llwybr cyflym yn dod i ben ymhellach na hynny o ganol Llundain. Ym mis Mawrth 2023, amcangyfrifwyd y byddai’r darn hwn o’r rheilffordd yn costio oddeutu £5 biliwn. Yr hyn nad yw'n gwneud unrhyw synnwyr o gwbl, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yw y bydd y gwariant hwn yn Llundain yn arwain at gyllid ychwanegol i'r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, ond nid i Gymru. Gwn eich bod yn cytuno, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fod hwn yn gyllid annheg i Gymru mewn perthynas â HS2. Rydym wedi clywed hynny, rydym wedi siarad am hynny, ac mae Natasha newydd fod yn siarad am y consensws yn y lle hwn ynghylch hynny. A fyddwch chi'n cysylltu ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid i alw ar y Trysorlys i sicrhau y defnyddir rhywfaint o synnwyr cyffredin ac y byddwn yn cael y cyllid canlyniadol yn sgil y darn hwnnw?

I think the Member raises an important point about the viability of HS2 and the common sense or lack of that's been applied to it. The history of HS2, actually, goes back to when consideration was being made about increasing the number of airport take-offs. The number of flights that were going between Manchester and Heathrow, in particular, was of concern, not least because of the environmental impact. So, when they were looking at introducing additional runways, HS2 was offered up as a solution to that. So, it was originally going to run to Manchester Airport to avoid the need for Manchester-to-London trips by plane. It then bloated. It became an ever grander and an ever bigger project, and ultimately, under the previous Government, it collapsed under its own weight.

What I think the new transport Secretary of State is doing is applying common sense. Equally, though, we need common sense to be applied when it comes to the consequential and it being reclassified as an England-only project. That's why we have been very clear in our discussions with UK Government counterparts that we believe a consequential is applicable. But I would say again that we must be more ambitious than just getting £350 million. We need to make sure that, over the long term, we have the investment in our rail network that brings it up to the standard that we deserve in Wales and that we should expect, the sort of standard that we see in other parts of the UK and other parts of Europe.

Credaf fod yr Aelod yn codi pwynt pwysig am hyfywedd HS2 a'r synnwyr cyffredin neu ddiffyg synnwyr cyffredin yn ei gylch. Mae hanes HS2 yn mynd yn ôl i'r adeg pan oedd ystyriaeth yn cael ei rhoi i gynyddu nifer yr hediadau o feysydd awyr. Roedd nifer yr hediadau rhwng Manceinion a Heathrow, yn arbennig, yn peri pryder, yn bennaf oherwydd yr effaith amgylcheddol. Felly, pan oeddent yn ystyried cyflwyno rhedfeydd ychwanegol, cynigiwyd HS2 fel ateb i hynny. Felly, yn wreiddiol, roedd yn mynd i ymestyn i Faes Awyr Manceinion er mwyn osgoi’r angen am deithiau o Fanceinion i Lundain mewn awyren. Yna, fe chwyddodd. Daeth yn brosiect mwy o faint a mwy mawreddog, ac yn y pen draw, o dan y Llywodraeth flaenorol, fe chwalodd o dan ei bwysau ei hun.

Yr hyn y credaf y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol newydd dros drafnidiaeth yn ei wneud yw defnyddio synnwyr cyffredin. Yn yr un modd, serch hynny, mae angen i ni ddefnyddio synnwyr cyffredin o ran y cyllid canlyniadol a'i ailddosbarthiad fel prosiect i Loegr yn unig. Dyna pam ein bod wedi dweud yn glir iawn yn ein trafodaethau â chymheiriaid yn Llywodraeth y DU ein bod yn credu bod cyllid canlyniadol yn ddyledus. Ond rwy'n dweud eto fod yn rhaid inni fod yn fwy uchelgeisiol na chael £350 miliwn yn unig. Mae angen inni sicrhau, dros y tymor hir, ein bod yn cael buddsoddiad yn ein rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd sy’n codi ei safon i'r hyn yr ydym yn ei haeddu ac y dylem ei ddisgwyl yng Nghymru, y math o safon a welwn mewn rhannau eraill o’r DU a rhannau eraill o Ewrop.

I'm not sure you agree that we should be getting that bit as well. I agree with you on that, but £350 million is very different from £5 billion or £4 billion, and imagining what that could do to help the legacy of underinvestment in our own railway network. With your new partnership with Great British Railways and what you announced recently, and the historic legacy of underfunding our railway system, do you agree with me that the railway should be devolved fully to Wales, so that we've got control? But what mechanisms could be put in place to make sure that that historic underinvestment isn't a liability that we would have to take on? How are you working with your friends in power in London to make sure that, if you agree that we should be devolving rail, it should be fit for purpose today, rather than something that is inherently not working?

Nid wyf yn siŵr a ydych chi'n cytuno y dylem gael y cyllid hwnnw hefyd. Cytunaf â chi ar hynny, ond mae £350 miliwn yn wahanol iawn i £5 biliwn neu £4 biliwn, a dychmygu beth y gallai hynny ei wneud i helpu i unioni'r hanes o danfuddsoddi yn ein rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd ein hunain. Gyda’ch partneriaeth newydd gyda Great British Railways a’r hyn a gyhoeddwyd gennych yn ddiweddar, a’r hanes o danariannu ein system reilffyrdd, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y dylid datganoli’r rheilffyrdd yn llawn i Gymru, fel bod gennym reolaeth? Ond pa fecanweithiau y gellid eu rhoi ar waith i sicrhau nad yw’r hanes o danfuddsoddi yn rhwymedigaeth y byddai’n rhaid i ni ei hysgwyddo? Sut rydych chi'n gweithio gyda’ch ffrindiau sydd mewn grym yn Llundain i sicrhau, os ydych chi'n cytuno y dylem ddatganoli'r rheilffyrdd, y dylent fod yn addas i'r diben heddiw, yn hytrach na rhywbeth nad yw’n gweithio?

I think Peredur makes a really important point about ensuring that when you take ownership of something it is in good condition. I've compared the rail network in Wales to a classic car. By and large, it's almost always less expensive to purchase a fully restored classic car than one that needs restoration, especially a prized car. Similarly, a rail network is far better to adopt once it's been fully restored. What we are proposing with Great British Railways and the Wales business unit that will be at its heart is an ability to have control over enhancements without necessarily having the ownership at the outset. Because the ownership at the outset, in my view, would not be an asset, it would be a liability. We need to see devolution of rail infrastructure as part of a process, and the process begins with getting that pipeline of enhancements, that investment that is required, and over time building up the network to a twenty-first century standard, and at that point transfer ownership.

Credaf fod Peredur yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn ynglŷn â sicrhau, pan fyddwch yn cymryd perchnogaeth ar rywbeth, ei fod mewn cyflwr da. Rwyf wedi cymharu’r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru â hen gar. At ei gilydd, mae bron bob amser yn rhatach prynu hen gar sydd wedi'i atgyweirio'n llawn nag un sydd angen ei atgyweirio, yn enwedig car gwerthfawr. Yn yr un modd, mae'n llawer gwell mabwysiadu rhwydwaith rheilffordd pan fydd wedi'i atgyweirio'n llawn. Yr hyn rydym yn ei gynnig gyda Great British Railways ac uned fusnes Cymru a fydd yn rhan ganolog ohono yw’r gallu i gael rheolaeth dros welliannau heb fod â’r berchnogaeth ar y dechrau, o reidrwydd. Oherwydd ni fyddai’r berchnogaeth ar y dechrau yn ased, yn fy marn i, byddai’n rhwymedigaeth. Mae angen inni ystyried datganoli’r seilwaith rheilffyrdd yn rhan o broses, ac mae’r broses yn dechrau drwy gael y llif o welliannau, y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen, a thros amser, adeiladu’r rhwydwaith i safon yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, a throsglwyddo perchnogaeth ar y pwynt hwnnw.


You talk about a twenty-first century standard; are we going to have to wait until the twenty-second century for it happen? It would be worth knowing what sort of timescales you’re looking at there and what sort of conversations you’re having on that.

The fundamentals of a public transport system, in my mind, are that it needs to be reliable, it needs to be frequent, it needs to be timely, and it needs to have reasonable fares. Less than 4 per cent of our railway is electrified, you cannot get from Aberystwyth to Cardiff on the train without going into England, and we’ve estimated that we’ve lost 10 per cent to 15 per cent of bus services. There are many more examples of how transport networks are failing across Wales. Meanwhile, the cost of bus and rail services is continuing to go up.

Going back to the original question and whether or not we should be getting that Barnett consequential from the £5 billion estimated spend on that London bit, would you advocate for spending any consequential that comes from HS2 or any rail network on the rail network in Wales?

Rydych chi'n sôn am safon yr unfed ganrif ar hugain; a ydym yn mynd i orfod aros tan yr ail ganrif ar hugain i hynny ddigwydd? Byddai'n werth gwybod pa fath o amserlenni rydych chi'n eu hystyried a pha fath o sgyrsiau rydych chi'n eu cael ynghylch hynny.

Hanfodion system drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, yn fy marn i, yw bod angen iddi fod yn ddibynadwy, mae angen iddi fod yn rheolaidd, mae angen iddi fod yn amserol, ac mae angen iddi gael prisiau rhesymol. Mae llai na 4 y cant o’n rheilffyrdd wedi’u trydaneiddio, ni allwch fynd o Aberystwyth i Gaerdydd ar y trên heb fynd i mewn i Loegr, ac rydym wedi amcangyfrif ein bod wedi colli 10 y cant i 15 y cant o wasanaethau bysiau. Mae sawl enghraifft arall o sut y mae rhwydweithiau trafnidiaeth yn methu ledled Cymru. Yn y cyfamser, mae cost gwasanaethau bysiau a threnau yn parhau i godi.

Gan fynd yn ôl at y cwestiwn gwreiddiol ac a ddylem gael cyllid canlyniadol Barnett o’r £5 biliwn o wariant amcangyfrifedig ar y darn hwnnw yn Llundain, a fyddech chi'n dadlau dros wario unrhyw gyllid canlyniadol a ddaw yn sgil HS2 neu unrhyw rwydwaith rheilffyrdd ar y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru?

This is another really interesting question, because it goes to the heart of devolution and the decisions that are made in Wales for Wales. You point to the very fact that, when we get a consequential for whatever portfolio, that money isn’t necessarily then spent on that purpose. It would be for the Welsh Government collectively to decide how a HS2 consequential would be invested in Wales. I could not stand here today and guarantee that all £350 million of that consequential would go into public transport or into rail in particular.

What I think is vitally important, therefore, is that we keep our eyes on the bigger prize, which is that enhancement pipeline of rail investment that will be agreed with Westminster counterparts. I’m hopeful that, as a result of having an ambitious pipeline of investment, we will deliver greater improvements than we have seen in the past 20 years in terms of rail infrastructure in Wales.

But just on the point of why people travel by public transport, you’re absolutely right, reliability is the No. 1 factor. That is why we have seen a huge increase in the number of passengers using Transport for Wales services, because it follows incredible improvements in terms of reliability and punctuality. Ultimately, that has led to a very significant increase in levels of customer satisfaction. I think that should be welcomed on all sides of the Chamber.

Mae hwn yn gwestiwn gwirioneddol ddiddorol arall, gan ei fod yn mynd at wraidd datganoli a’r penderfyniadau a wneir yng Nghymru ar gyfer Cymru. Rydych chi'n tynnu sylw at yr union ffaith, pan gawn gyllid canlyniadol ar gyfer pa bynnag bortffolio, nad yw'r arian hwnnw o reidrwydd yn cael ei wario wedyn at y diben hwnnw. Mater i Lywodraeth Cymru yn gyfunol fyddai penderfynu sut y byddai cyllid canlyniadol yn sgil HS2 yn cael ei fuddsoddi yng Nghymru. Ni allwn sefyll yma heddiw a gwarantu y byddai pob ceiniog o'r £350 miliwn o gyllid canlyniadol yn mynd ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus neu ar y rheilffyrdd yn benodol.

Yr hyn sy’n hanfodol bwysig felly yn fy marn i yw ein bod yn cadw ein llygaid ar y wobr fwy, sef y llif o fuddsoddiad ychwanegol mewn rheilffyrdd y byddwn yn cytuno arni gyda chymheiriaid yn San Steffan. Rwy’n obeithiol, o ganlyniad i gael llif uchelgeisiol o fuddsoddiad, y byddwn yn sicrhau mwy o welliannau nag a welsom yn yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf ar y seilwaith rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru.

Ond ar y pwynt ynghylch pam fod pobl yn teithio ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, dibynadwyedd yw'r prif ffactor. Dyna pam ein bod wedi gweld cynnydd enfawr yn nifer y teithwyr sy’n defnyddio gwasanaethau Trafnidiaeth Cymru, oherwydd y gwelliannau anhygoel o ran dibynadwyedd a phrydlondeb. Yn y pen draw, mae hynny wedi arwain at gynnydd sylweddol iawn i lefelau boddhad cwsmeriaid. Credaf y dylid croesawu hynny ar bob ochr i’r Siambr.

Amserlenni Bysiau TrawsCymru
TrawsCymru Bus Timetables

3. Pa asesiad y mae'r Ysgrifenydd Cabinet wedi ei wneud o lwyddiant newidiadau i amserlenni bysiau TrawsCymru? OQ61711

3. What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the success of the changes made to TrawsCymru bus timetables? OQ61711

We continue to invest heavily in the TrawsCymru bus network in recognition of the key role these services play in providing strategic public transport links across Wales. Transport for Wales are undertaking a strategic review that will examine the effectiveness of existing services and opportunities for further improvements.

Rydym yn parhau i fuddsoddi’n drwm yn rhwydwaith bysiau TrawsCymru i gydnabod y rôl allweddol y mae’r gwasanaethau hyn yn ei chwarae yn darparu cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus strategol ledled Cymru. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cynnal adolygiad strategol a fydd yn archwilio effeithiolrwydd gwasanaethau presennol a chyfleoedd ar gyfer gwelliannau pellach.

Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am yr ateb yna. Byddwch chi yn ymwybodol fod y newidiadau i’r T3, er enghraifft, wedi bod mewn grym rŵan ers tua blwyddyn. Ac yn y flwyddyn ers i’r T3 newid ei amserlen, does dim amheuaeth fod ansawdd bywyd nifer fawr o bobl, o Lanuwchllyn i Gorwen, wedi dirywio yn sylweddol. Mewn gwirionedd, dwi’n gorfod rhoi lifft yn aml iawn i bobl pan dwi’n eu gweld nhw yn y Bala, nôl adre o apwyntiad efo’r meddyg neu o’u gwaith neu o siopa, oherwydd eu bod nhw’n methu â dal y bws neu’n gorfod aros oriau tan y bws nesaf—heb sôn am ddyddiau Sul, pan nad oes yna fws o gwbl. Yn Llanuwchllyn, mae yna bobl oedrannus yn cael eu gadael i ffwrdd ar y briffordd ac yn gorfod cerdded milltir bron i’w cartref nhw, sydd yn afresymol i rywun efo problemau symudedd a phobl mewn oedran, fel dwi’n siŵr y byddech chi'n cytuno. Mae yna bobl ifanc bellach yn methu â mynd i glybiau chwaraeon ar ôl ysgol oherwydd nad ydy'r bws yn caniatáu iddyn nhw wneud hynny, neu eu bod nhw'n ddibynnol ar lifftiau preifat, sydd yn golygu bod defnydd car preifat a defnydd o losgi tanwydd yn cynyddu ac yn gwneud drwg i'r amgylchedd. Felly, mae'n amlwg—

Thank you very much to the Cabinet Secretary for that response. You’ll be aware that the changes to the T3, for example, have been in force now for around about a year. And in the year since the T3 changed its timetable, there is no doubt that the quality of life of a number of people, from Llanuwchllyn to Corwen, has declined significantly. Truth be told, I have to give a lift very often to people when I see them in Bala, back home from a doctor’s appointment or from work or from a shopping trip, because they can't catch the bus or have to wait hours until the next bus—not to mention Sundays, when there is no bus service at all. In Llanuwchllyn, there are older people being left at the side of the road and having to walk almost a mile to their homes, which is unreasonable for those with mobility issues or older people, as I'm sure you would agree. There are young people who can’t attend sports clubs after school because the bus doesn't enable them to do that, or they are dependent on private lifts, which means that the use of private vehicles, with the fuel associated with it, is increasing, and it's damaging to the environment. So, it's clear—


Cwestiwn, os gwelwch yn dda, Mabon ap Gwynfor.

A question, please, Mabon ap Gwynfor.

Mi ddof i at y cwestiwn—diolch, Llywydd. Mae'n amlwg, felly, fod hyn wedi methu ac mae angen asesiad. Felly, a wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddod draw i Landderfel a Llanuwchllyn efo fi i weld hyn, a sicrhau bod y bws yn cael ei adfer ar gyfer yr hen lwybr?

I'll come to my question—thank you, Llywydd. It's clear, therefore, that these changes have failed and we need an assessment. So, will the Cabinet Secretary come to Llandderfel and Llanuwchllyn to see these changes in action, and ensure that the bus service is restored on the old route?

Can I thank Mabon ap Gwynfor for raising this vitally important question for so many communities, not just in his constituency, but beyond? I'll declare an interest in this question in that the T3 service also runs through my constituency of Clwyd South, so I'm well aware of the dissatisfaction with the timetable changes that were made and the reliability issues that too many passengers have had to face. I'd very much enjoy a visit to the Member's constituency with him to look at what has happened since the T3 route was altered, and I can assure him that I've asked Transport for Wales to look again at the route, as part of that wider strategic review that they're doing of the whole network. It will involve further consultation in the coming months, and that will be before any timetable changes, route changes, are agreed. And I'll ensure that all Members with an interest in the T3 service are engaged by TfW to ascertain their views.

A gaf i ddiolch i Mabon ap Gwynfor am godi’r cwestiwn hanfodol bwysig hwn i gynifer o gymunedau, nid yn unig yn ei etholaeth ef, ond y tu hwnt? Hoffwn ddatgan buddiant yn y cwestiwn am fod y gwasanaeth T3 hefyd yn rhedeg drwy fy etholaeth yn Ne Clwyd, felly rwy’n ymwybodol iawn o’r anfodlonrwydd â’r newidiadau a wnaed i’r amserlen a’r materion dibynadwyedd y bu’n rhaid i ormod o deithwyr eu hwynebu. Hoffwn ymweld ag etholaeth yr Aelod gydag ef i edrych ar yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd ers i lwybr y T3 gael ei addasu, a gallaf roi sicrwydd iddo fy mod wedi gofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru edrych eto ar y llwybr, fel rhan o'r adolygiad strategol ehangach y maent yn ei gynnal o'r rhwydwaith cyfan. Bydd yn golygu ymgynghori pellach yn y misoedd nesaf, a bydd hynny cyn cytuno ar unrhyw newidiadau i’r amserlen neu newidiadau i lwybrau. A byddaf yn sicrhau bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cysylltu â'r holl Aelodau sydd â diddordeb yng ngwasanaeth T3 fel y gallant leisio'u barn.

Cabinet Secretary, the T1 bus is an electric bus that runs from Carmarthen to Aberystwyth. It starts its journey from the showground, where it charges its batteries, then it makes its way into Carmarthen for its first pick-up, to pick up patrons. But what used to be a park-and-ride service no longer exists at Carmarthen showground, allowing patrons to park in the showground and get bus access into the town centre. The bus continues to travel that route, yet it's not allowing passengers to travel between the showground and Lammas Street. This is a bit of a weird anomaly, especially when we're advocating for more and more people to use the bus services. Could I ask that you speak with TrawsCymru to see why this is happening? Can we not get patrons onto the bus from the showground, so that they can travel into Carmarthen town, to Lammas Street, or onwards to Aberystwyth, if they so wish?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, bws trydan sy’n rhedeg o Gaerfyrddin i Aberystwyth yw'r bws T1. Mae'n cychwyn ei daith o faes y sioe, lle mae'n gwefru ei fatris, yna'n mynd i mewn i Gaerfyrddin i gasglu ei deithwyr cyntaf. Ond nid yw'r gwasanaeth parcio a theithio ar faes y sioe yng Nghaerfyrddin, a oedd yn caniatáu i gwsmeriaid barcio ar faes y sioe a chael mynediad ar fws i ganol y dref, yn bodoli mwyach. Mae'r bws yn parhau i deithio ar hyd y llwybr hwnnw, ac eto nid yw'n caniatáu i deithwyr deithio rhwng maes y sioe a Heol Awst. Mae hyn yn dipyn o anomaledd, yn enwedig pan ydym yn hyrwyddo mwy a mwy o ddefnydd o'r gwasanaethau bws. A gaf i ofyn ichi siarad â TrawsCymru i weld pam y mae hyn yn digwydd? Oni allwn gludo cwsmeriaid ar y bws o faes y sioe, fel y gallant deithio i dref Caerfyrddin, i Heol Awst, neu ymlaen i Aberystwyth, os ydynt yn dymuno?

I'm very grateful to Sam Kurtz for raising this issue. I can assure him that I will ask officials and Transport for Wales to examine this particular problem.

Rwy’n ddiolchgar iawn i Sam Kurtz am godi’r mater hwn. Gallaf roi sicrwydd iddo y byddaf yn gofyn i swyddogion a Trafnidiaeth Cymru archwilio’r broblem benodol hon.

Llwybrau Diogel i'r Ysgol
Safe Routes to School

4. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad ar y camau mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod yna lwybrau diogel i ddisgyblion cynradd ac uwchradd gyrraedd yr ysgol? OQ61707

4. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on what steps the Welsh Government is taking to ensure there are safe routes for primary and secondary pupils to get to school? OQ61707

The Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008 places duties on local authorities to assess the suitability of travel for learners. For 2024-25, we've allocated over £6 million to local authorities from our Safe Routes in Communities grant for schemes that are specifically aimed at improving conditions for walking, wheeling and cycling to school.

Mae Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008 yn gosod dyletswyddau ar awdurdodau lleol i asesu addasrwydd cludiant i ddysgwyr. Ar gyfer 2024-25, rydym wedi dyrannu dros £6 miliwn i awdurdodau lleol o’n grant Llwybrau Diogel mewn Cymunedau ar gyfer cynlluniau sydd wedi’u hanelu’n benodol at wella amodau cerdded, olwyno a beicio i’r ysgol.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. You'll be aware, with the learner travel Measure, that there had been hope to review and improve the offer. It has led to the fact that many local authorities now are actually changing the eligibility for free home-to-school transport. If you look at Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council, for instance, the council has decided to align the eligible distance with Welsh Government guidance—from 2 miles to 3 miles. There's going to be a protest in Pontypridd, organised by parents from across Rhondda Cynon Taf, this coming Saturday, because they're concerned that secondary school pupils who live just under the 3-mile threshold now face walks of over an hour, or have to pay for two public buses, to get to school. Many of these routes are unlit and unsafe, especially as we head into winter when the days are darker and colder. Things have not changed, despite this issue being raised countless times. More young people in my region are finding it increasingly difficult to get to school, or are missing out all together because there are no buses or they can't afford the price of a ticket. Will the Cabinet Secretary finally take the necessary steps to address this issue and ensure that every pupil has a safe, accessible and affordable route to get to school?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol, gyda’r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr, fod yna obaith wedi bod o weld y cynnig yn cael ei adolygu a'i wella. Mae wedi arwain at y ffaith bod llawer o awdurdodau lleol bellach yn newid y cymhwystra i gael cludiant am ddim rhwng y cartref a'r ysgol. Os edrychwch ar Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Taf, er enghraifft, mae'r cyngor wedi penderfynu alinio'r pellter cymhwystra â chanllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru—o 2 filltir i 3 milltir. Bydd protest ym Mhontypridd, wedi'i threfnu gan rieni o bob rhan o Rondda Cynon Taf, ddydd Sadwrn nesaf, am eu bod yn pryderu bod disgyblion ysgolion uwchradd sy'n byw ychydig o dan y trothwy 3 milltir bellach yn wynebu gorfod cerdded am dros awr, neu orfod talu am ddau fws cyhoeddus, i gyrraedd yr ysgol. Mae llawer o'r llwybrau hyn heb eu goleuo ac yn anniogel, yn enwedig wrth iddi ddod yn aeaf pan fydd y dyddiau'n dywyllach ac yn oerach. Nid yw pethau wedi newid, er i’r mater hwn gael ei godi droeon. Mae mwy o bobl ifanc yn fy rhanbarth i yn ei chael hi’n fwyfwy anodd cyrraedd yr ysgol, neu'n colli ysgol am nad oes bysiau neu am na allant fforddio pris tocyn. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gymryd y camau angenrheidiol o'r diwedd i fynd i’r afael â’r mater hwn a sicrhau bod gan bob disgybl lwybr diogel, hygyrch a fforddiadwy i gyrraedd yr ysgol?

Can I thank Heledd Fychan for her question? I'm minded to propose a debate in Government time on this important subject. It's being raised on numerous occasions in the Chamber, and I think it merits further debate, if Members would agree. Diolch. I think it's important to point to the fact that the transport provision is paid for by councils through the revenue support grant. I think the decisions of local authorities recently demonstrate just how stretched their funds are, they really do, especially when areas of service such as social care are so, so pressing. So, local authorities have my sympathy for the difficult decisions that they're having to make.

Now, reducing the mileage threshold wouldn't necessarily solve many of the problems that Members have raised over this issue, because there are structural challenges that learner transport faces, including the lack of operators that are available, the lack of infrastructure in and around schools as well to cope with an increase in buses that would be required. And of course, it would require a significant sum of money to overcome.

We are taking forward the recommendations of the review. That will improve consistency across Wales, and I'm also looking at convening local authorities, schools, school heads and operators to learn about the good practice that is taking place in Wales. There are examples of schools and local authorities and operators overcoming the challenge of providing provision. Estyn recently highlighted an excellent example, I thought it was, in Swansea. And that example shows what can happen when a secondary school works with a local authority and the local bus operator to negotiate affordable fares for their learners. So, that sort of good practice needs to be not just shared, but rolled out across Wales. So, as I say, I'm looking at convening a summit of local authorities, school heads and operators to do just that. And if Members are in agreement, I think, based on the response I've heard today, I'd be more than happy to bring forward a debate in Government time.

A gaf i ddiolch i Heledd Fychan am ei chwestiwn? Rwy’n ystyried cynnig dadl yn ystod amser y Llywodraeth ar y pwnc pwysig hwn. Mae’n cael ei godi ar sawl achlysur yn y Siambr, a chredaf ei fod yn haeddu dadl bellach, os byddai’r Aelodau’n cytuno. Diolch. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig tynnu sylw at y ffaith mai cynghorau sy’n talu am ddarpariaeth trafnidiaeth drwy’r grant cynnal refeniw. Credaf fod penderfyniadau awdurdodau lleol yn ddiweddar yn dangos o ddifrif cymaint o bwysau sydd ar eu cyllid, yn enwedig pan fo meysydd gwasanaeth fel gofal cymdeithasol yn gwasgu i'r fath raddau. Felly, rwy'n cydymdeimlo gydag awdurdodau lleol a'r penderfyniadau anodd y maent yn gorfod eu gwneud.

Nawr, ni fyddai lleihau’r trothwy milltiredd o reidrwydd yn datrys llawer o’r problemau y mae Aelodau wedi’u codi mewn perthynas â’r mater hwn, gan fod heriau strwythurol y mae cludiant i ddysgwyr yn eu hwynebu, gan gynnwys diffyg gweithredwyr, a'r diffyg seilwaith mewn ysgolion ac o’u cwmpas hefyd i ymdopi â'r bysiau ychwanegol y byddai eu hangen. Ac wrth gwrs, byddai angen swm sylweddol o arian i fynd i'r afael â'r broblem.

Rydym yn bwrw ymlaen ag argymhellion yr adolygiad. Bydd hynny'n gwella cysondeb ledled Cymru, ac rwyf hefyd yn edrych ar gynnull awdurdodau lleol, ysgolion, penaethiaid ysgolion a gweithredwyr i ddysgu am yr arferion da sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru. Ceir enghreifftiau o ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol a gweithredwyr yn goresgyn yr her o ddarparu darpariaeth. Amlygodd Estyn enghraifft wych, yn fy marn i, yn Abertawe yn ddiweddar. Ac mae’r enghraifft honno’n dangos beth a all ddigwydd pan fydd ysgol uwchradd yn gweithio gydag awdurdod lleol a’r gweithredwr bysiau lleol i negodi prisiau siwrneiau fforddiadwy i’w dysgwyr. Felly, mae angen rhannu’r math hwnnw o arfer da, a'i efelychu ledled Cymru. Felly, fel y dywedaf, rwy'n edrych ar gynnull uwchgynhadledd o awdurdodau lleol, penaethiaid ysgolion a gweithredwyr i wneud yn union hynny. Ac os yw'r Aelodau'n cytuno, fel y credaf eu bod, yn seiliedig ar yr ymateb a glywais heddiw, rwy'n fwy na pharod i gyflwyno dadl yn ystod amser y Llywodraeth.


I'm frequently contacted by parents whose children are being left in a vulnerable position by local authorities' strict interpretation of the Welsh Government's Learner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008, which restricts free home-to-school transport to learners of compulsory school age who live 3 miles or further from their nearest suitable school. The measurement they use is often arbitrary. Alternative public transport is often unreliable, leaving children abandoned at bus stops, and practical safe walking routes are usually unavailable.

The most recent example of this, which I've written to you about, applies to pupils from Sychdyn in Flintshire who attend the Alun School in Mold. This is despite the Learner Travel (Wales) Measure stating that, where learners are not entitled to free transport, local authorities have the power to provide transport on a discretionary basis, and defining that a route is only an available route if it is safe for a child without a disability or learning difficulty to walk the route alone, or with an escort if the age of the child would call for the provision of an escort. In addition, therefore, to the actions that you've proposed, which I welcome, how will you monitor and evaluate implementation to ensure, basically, that local authorities have got it, and are doing what they can to assist communities like this?

Rwy'n aml yn clywed gan rieni y mae eu plant yn cael eu gadael mewn sefyllfa fregus gan y ffordd lem y mae awdurdodau lleol yn dehongli Mesur Teithio i Ddysgwyr (Cymru) 2008 Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n cyfyngu ar gludiant am ddim o'r cartref i'r ysgol i ddysgwyr o oedran ysgol gorfodol sy'n byw 3 milltir neu ymhellach o'u hysgol addas agosaf. Mae'r dull o fesur a ddefnyddiant yn aml yn fympwyol. Mae trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus amgen yn aml yn annibynadwy, sy'n golygu bod plant yn cael eu gadael mewn safleoedd bysiau, ac fel arfer nid oes llwybrau cerdded diogel ymarferol ar gael.

Mae'r enghraifft ddiweddaraf o hyn, yr ysgrifennais atoch yn ei chylch, yn ymwneud â disgyblion o Sychdyn yn sir y Fflint sy'n mynychu Ysgol Alun yn yr Wyddgrug. Mae hyn er bod Mesur Teithio gan Ddysgwyr (Cymru) yn datgan, lle nad oes gan ddysgwyr hawl i gludiant am ddim, fod gan awdurdodau lleol bŵer i ddarparu cludiant yn ôl disgresiwn, a diffinio bod llwybr ond yn llwybr sydd ar gael os yw'n ddiogel i blentyn heb anabledd neu anhawster dysgu gerdded ar y llwybr ar ei ben ei hun, neu gyda hebryngwr os byddai oedran y plentyn yn galw am ddarparu hebryngwr. Yn ogystal â'r camau a gynigiwyd gennych felly, ac rwy'n eu croesawu, sut y byddwch chi'n monitro ac yn gwerthuso gweithrediad i sicrhau, yn y bôn, fod awdurdodau lleol yn deall, ac yn gwneud yr hyn a allant i gynorthwyo cymunedau fel hyn?

Can I thank Mark Isherwood for providing that example of an inconsistent approach in Wales? And that's why we are taking forward the recommendations of the review—to address those inconsistencies. In terms of monitoring, this is something that Transport for Wales are keen to ensure that they conduct alongside Welsh Government.

We recognise the challenge right across Wales that many learners face right now. As I say, there are structural problems that need to be overcome in order to address those challenges everywhere. But I would point to the forthcoming bus Bill as part of the solution. Being able to control networks, being able to control routes and timetables, will make a significant difference to the provision of transport for learners. It won't solve every problem in its own right, but it will be part of the package of solutions that we wish to drive forward.

A gaf i ddiolch i Mark Isherwood am ddarparu'r enghraifft honno o weithredu anghyson yng Nghymru? A dyna pam ein bod ni'n bwrw ymlaen ag argymhellion yr adolygiad—i fynd i'r afael â'r anghysonderau hynny. O ran monitro, mae hyn yn rhywbeth y mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn awyddus i sicrhau eu bod yn ei wneud ochr yn ochr â Llywodraeth Cymru.

Rydym yn cydnabod yr her y mae llawer o ddysgwyr yn ei hwynebu ledled Cymru ar hyn o bryd. Fel y dywedais, mae yna broblemau strwythurol sydd angen eu goresgyn er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r heriau hynny ym mhobman. Ond rwyf am gyfeirio at y Bil bysiau sydd ar y ffordd fel rhan o'r ateb. Bydd gallu rheoli rhwydweithiau, gallu rheoli llwybrau ac amserlenni, yn gwneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol i'r ddarpariaeth cludiant i ddysgwyr. Ni fydd yn datrys pob problem, ond fe fydd yn rhan o'r pecyn o atebion yr ydym am ei hyrwyddo.

Cabinet Secretary, in areas of Newport East such as Ringland, Llanwern, Liswerry and Glan Llyn, pupils walk to the two local high schools, Llanwern and Lliswerry High, alongside and sometimes crossing the very busy southern distributor road, which sees high volumes of traffic travelling at high speed. One option for dealing with those issues is to provide safe active travel routes, and I just wonder what discussions you and your officials have with authorities, including Newport City Council, to make sure that, when there are those issues, safe active travel routes are provided. 

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet , mewn ardaloedd yn Nwyrain Casnewydd fel Ringland, Llan-wern, Llyswyry a Glan-llyn, mae disgyblion yn cerdded i'r ddwy ysgol uwchradd leol, Llan-wern ac Ysgol Uwchradd Llyswyry, ar hyd ochr, ac weithiau'n croesi, y ffordd ddosbarthu ddeheuol brysur iawn sy'n cario llawer iawn o draffig yn teithio ar gyflymder uchel. Un opsiwn ar gyfer ymdrin â'r broblem yw darparu llwybrau teithio llesol diogel, a thybed pa drafodaethau rydych chi a'ch swyddogion yn eu cael gydag awdurdodau, gan gynnwys Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd, i sicrhau bod llwybrau teithio llesol diogel yn cael eu darparu lle bydd y materion hyn yn codi.

Can I thank John Griffiths for his question? He makes an essential point, that safety is of paramount importance in considering active travel provision. I'm personally not aware of complaints in regard to Lliswerry or Llanwern high schools and the access to them. However, I will ask my officials to engage with the local authority and the schools to understand the scale of the problem and the possible remedies. If I could, I'd like to point to just one example of intervention that is proving to be very, very successful. I'm very proud of this particular scheme. It's delivered by Living Streets. It's the walk to school programme and it will run for the next two years, with funding available from Welsh Government, and it will cover 170 primary schools and 42 secondary schools. I will seek to find out if the two high schools that the Member has identified today are part of that programme. 

A gaf i ddiolch i John Griffiths am ei gwestiwn? Mae'n gwneud pwynt allweddol, fod diogelwch o'r pwys mwyaf wrth ystyried darpariaeth teithio llesol. Yn bersonol, nid wyf yn ymwybodol o gwynion ynglŷn ag ysgolion uwchradd Llyswyry neu Lan-wern a'r mynediad atynt. Fodd bynnag, fe ofynnaf i fy swyddogion ymgysylltu â'r awdurdod lleol a'r ysgolion i ddeall maint y broblem a'r atebion posibl. Os caf, hoffwn dynnu sylw at un enghraifft yn unig o ymyrraeth sy'n profi'n llwyddiannus iawn. Rwy'n falch iawn o'r cynllun penodol hwn. Fe'i cyflwynir gan Living Streets. Rhaglen gerdded i'r ysgol yw hi ac fe fydd yn weithredol am y ddwy flynedd nesaf, gyda chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a bydd yn cynnwys 170 o ysgolion cynradd a 42 o ysgolion uwchradd. Fe edrychaf i weld a yw'r ddwy ysgol uwchradd y mae'r Aelod wedi'u nodi heddiw yn rhan o'r rhaglen honno. 


Of course, something like a quarter of all school funding goes on the cost of school transport, and one of the recommendations of the review of the learner travel Measure was to look at how more journeys could be made by active travel, and that requires provision of safe routes. And, of course, that has to be part of a network and that needs to be a long-term commitment. It's taken time to build up expertise within Transport for Wales to create a centre of excellence to help local authorities build routes that the local community needs. But there's a danger, if Welsh Government funding for active travel is cut, that all of that progress will be unravelled. Will the Minister commit to making sure there are modal shift targets within the regional transport plans, and that funding for the RTPs are aligned with the modal shift targets that we have in the Wales transport strategy?  

Wrth gwrs, mae rhywbeth fel chwarter yr holl gyllid ysgol yn mynd ar gost trafnidiaeth ysgol, ac un o argymhellion yr adolygiad o'r Mesur teithio gan ddysgwyr oedd edrych ar sut y gellid gwneud mwy o deithiau trwy deithio llesol, ac mae hynny'n galw am ddarparu llwybrau diogel. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i hynny fod yn rhan o rwydwaith ac mae angen iddo fod yn ymrwymiad hirdymor. Mae wedi cymryd amser i ddatblygu arbenigedd yn Trafnidiaeth Cymru i greu canolfan ragoriaeth i helpu awdurdodau lleol i adeiladu llwybrau sydd eu hangen ar y gymuned leol. Ond os yw cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer teithio llesol yn cael ei dorri, mae perygl y bydd yr holl gynnydd hwnnw'n cael ei ddad-wneud. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ymrwymo i sicrhau bod targedau newid dulliau teithio o fewn y cynlluniau trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol, a bod cyllid ar gyfer y cynlluniau yn cyd-fynd â'r targedau newid dulliau teithio sydd gennym yn strategaeth drafnidiaeth Cymru?  

I think Lee Waters makes an important point about maintaining the momentum that we've built over time in regard to modal shift, and corporate joint committees have a statutory requirement to develop regional transport plans that set out policies to implement the Wales transport strategy. And as our guidance makes very, very clear, this includes pursuing modal shift and decarbonisation and, with it, there are targets. Also, my officials and Transport for Wales are supporting corporate joint committees with this work. I think it's vitally important that regional transport plans provide the basis to give local leaders a greater say over how transport funding is spent in their region, but also I would agree that it's vital that we continue to use Transport for Wales and the expertise contained within Transport for Wales to support CJCs and local authorities in delivering their plans against the Wales transport strategy. 

Rwy'n credu bod Lee Waters yn gwneud pwynt pwysig ynghylch cynnal y momentwm a adeiladwyd gennym dros amser o ran newid dulliau teithio, a cheir gofyniad statudol i gyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig ddatblygu cynlluniau trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol sy'n nodi polisïau i weithredu strategaeth drafnidiaeth Cymru. Ac fel y mae ein canllawiau yn dweud yn glir iawn, mae hyn yn cynnwys mynd ar drywydd newid dulliau teithio a datgarboneiddio a cheir targedau i gyd-fynd â hynny. Hefyd, mae fy swyddogion a Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cefnogi cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig gyda'r gwaith hwn. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn hanfodol bwysig fod cynlluniau trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol yn darparu sail i roi mwy o lais i arweinwyr lleol ynghylch sut y caiff cyllid trafnidiaeth ei wario yn eu rhanbarth, ond hefyd rwy'n cytuno ei bod yn hanfodol ein bod yn parhau i ddefnyddio Trafnidiaeth Cymru a'r arbenigedd sydd wedi'i gynnwys yn Trafnidiaeth Cymru i gefnogi cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig ac awdurdodau lleol i gyflawni eu cynlluniau yn erbyn strategaeth drafnidiaeth Cymru. 

Deintyddiaeth yng Ngogledd Cymru
Dentistry in North Wales

5. Pa drafodaethau y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ynghylch deintyddiaeth yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ61715

5. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care regarding dentistry in north Wales? OQ61715

I have recently met with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, and he has assured me that improving access to NHS dental services remains a priority, particularly for new patients, of which more than 73,000 have been seen in Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board since April 2022.

Yn ddiweddar, cyfarfûm ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, ac mae wedi fy sicrhau bod gwella mynediad at wasanaethau deintyddol y GIG yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth, yn enwedig i gleifion newydd, ac mae mwy na 73,000 ohonynt wedi'u gweld ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr ers mis Ebrill 2022.

Thank you for that. You'll be aware, of course, of the closures that we've seen in terms of access to NHS dental services across north Wales of late, and Dant-y-coed in Coedpoeth is the most recent of a long list, sadly. We have a situation now where a family of four potentially will have to pay £400, £500 a year just for check-ups and even more if they need any kind of treatment following that. We know that contracts are an issue. The dentists are telling us that there are issues with the contract between the Government and the sector, but also sufficiency of supply of dentists. You will have heard Plaid Cymru's calls for a dentistry school. I'm wondering whether you support the establishment of that proposition in principle, if not without acknowledging some of the practical challenges. And if you do, then what case are you making within Government to try and realise that ambition? 

Diolch am hynny. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, o'r cau a welsom o ran mynediad at wasanaethau deintyddol y GIG ledled gogledd Cymru yn ddiweddar, a Dant-y-coed yng Nghoed-poeth yw'r diweddaraf o restr hir, yn anffodus. Mae gennym sefyllfa nawr lle bydd teulu o bedwar o bosibl yn gorfod talu £400, £500 y flwyddyn am archwiliadau'n unig a hyd yn oed mwy os oes angen unrhyw driniaeth arnynt yn sgil hynny. Rydym yn gwybod bod contractau'n broblem. Mae'r deintyddion yn dweud wrthym fod problemau gyda'r contract rhwng y Llywodraeth a'r sector, a phroblemau prinder deintyddion hefyd. Fe fyddwch wedi clywed galwadau Plaid Cymru am ysgol ddeintyddiaeth. Tybed a ydych chi'n cefnogi sefydlu'r cynnig hwnnw mewn egwyddor, os nad heb gydnabod rhai o'r heriau ymarferol. Ac os ydych chi, pa achos rydych chi'n ei wneud o fewn y Llywodraeth i geisio gwireddu'r uchelgais hwnnw? 

Can I thank Llyr for his question? First of all, in regard to the Dant-y-coed practice, I should declare an interest because it is in my constituency. I understand that they were operating under the old model not the reformed model, which avoids recycling healthy patients, and I can assure people in the county borough of Wrexham that there are 11 practices that provide NHS provision. There are opportunities sometimes when contracts are handed back, and we've seen that with Betsi Cadwaladr being awarded £1.5 million of funding to support five practices, one of which is a brand-new practice in Flintshire. And the health board is also currently out to tender for the award of a further £4.5 million across the health board. Contract returns do provide, therefore, an opportunity on occasion. For example, in north Wales, the new academy has in part been able to be developed because contracts have been returned. 

And to the second point that the Member makes, I think the prospect of having a dental school is certainly worth consideration. On principle, I would support the creation of a dental school in north Wales, but we do need the universities and the health boards to work together to develop proposals. That, I believe, is what the health Minister is pushing them to do. And then, if funding is available, we'd be able to move quickly.

A gaf i ddiolch i Llyr am ei gwestiwn? Yn gyntaf oll, ynghylch practis Dant-y-coed, dylwn ddatgan diddordeb oherwydd ei fod yn fy etholaeth i. Rwy'n deall eu bod yn gweithredu o dan yr hen fodel nid y model diwygiedig, sy'n osgoi ailgylchu cleifion iach, a gallaf sicrhau pobl ym mwrdeistref sirol Wrecsam fod yna 11 practis sy'n darparu deintyddiaeth y GIG. Mae cyfleoedd weithiau pan fydd contractau'n cael eu dychwelyd, ac rydym wedi gweld hynny gyda Betsi Cadwaladr yn cael £1.5 miliwn o gyllid i gefnogi pum practis, ac mae un ohonynt yn bractis newydd sbon yn sir y Fflint. Ac mae'r bwrdd iechyd hefyd yn cynnig tendr ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer dyfarnu £4.5 miliwn arall ar draws y bwrdd iechyd. Mae dychwelyd contractau'n creu cyfle weithiau. Er enghraifft, yng ngogledd Cymru, mae'r academi newydd wedi gallu cael ei datblygu'n rhannol am fod contractau wedi'u dychwelyd. 

Ac ar yr ail bwynt y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud, credaf fod y posibilrwydd o gael ysgol ddeintyddol yn sicr yn werth ei ystyried. O ran egwyddor, buaswn yn cefnogi creu ysgol ddeintyddol yng ngogledd Cymru, ond mae angen i'r prifysgolion a'r byrddau iechyd weithio gyda'i gilydd i ddatblygu cynigion. Rwy'n credu mai dyna y mae'r Gweinidog iechyd yn pwyso arnynt i'w wneud. Ac os oes arian ar gael, byddem yn gallu symud yn gyflym.


Can I join Llyr Gruffydd in identifying the need for a dental school in north Wales? Because you will know, Cabinet Secretary, the difficulties around recruitment are particularly acute in north Wales. In addition to the opportunities around the dental school, it's been welcome to hear the Labour Government in Westminster calling for more collaboration with health services between England and Wales, and particularly that will impact constituents that I represent across Flintshire and Wrexham, some of whom you may represent as well, Cabinet Secretary. So, I'm interested in understanding your thoughts on how that collaboration, you think, could work for those residents in north Wales, and particularly around dental services, and whether you think, in your role as Cabinet Secretary representing north Wales, there are particular opportunities for residents in north Wales, considering the transport links that take place throughout the region.

A gaf i ategu Llyr Gruffydd a nodi'r angen am ysgol ddeintyddol yng ngogledd Cymru? Oherwydd fel y gwyddoch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'r anawsterau recriwtio yn arbennig o ddifrifol yng ngogledd Cymru. Yn ogystal â'r cyfleoedd mewn perthynas â'r ysgol ddeintyddol, mae wedi bod yn braf clywed y Llywodraeth Lafur yn San Steffan yn galw am fwy o gydweithio gyda gwasanaethau iechyd rhwng Cymru a Lloegr, ac yn fwyaf arbennig bydd hynny'n effeithio ar etholwyr a gynrychiolir gennyf i ar draws sir y Fflint a Wrecsam, a rhai ohonynt yn cael eu cynrychioli gennych chi hefyd, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Felly, hoffwn ddeall eich barn ar sut y gallai'r cydweithio hwnnw weithio i'r trigolion yng ngogledd Cymru, ac yn enwedig gwasanaethau deintyddol, ac os ydych chi'n meddwl, yn eich rôl fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet sy'n cynrychioli gogledd Cymru, fod cyfleoedd arbennig i drigolion yng ngogledd Cymru, gan ystyried y cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth sy'n digwydd ledled y rhanbarth.

Sam Rowlands makes a really important point about the porous border: many patients in Wales are provided service in England, just across the border. So, any collaboration that can take place that would lead to better outcomes for patients, regardless of where they seek their provision, should be welcomed. Now, I'm not an expert in the new contract, but my understanding, my basic understanding, about the reform contract is that it frees up capacity by avoiding the recycling of healthy patients for regular check-ups, and instead it prioritises need over the recycling process that used to take place under the old contract. If that could be applied in England, I think we'd see more capacity released, which, in those cases of people who do seek their service in England, would be very much welcomed.

And I think, in terms of the point made about transport, we're working through the likes of Growth Track 360 to identify how we can improve public transport networks across the Mersey-Dee area.

Mae Sam Rowlands yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn ynglŷn â'r ffin agored: mae llawer o gleifion yng Nghymru yn cael gwasanaeth yn Lloegr, ychydig dros y ffin. Felly, dylid croesawu unrhyw gydweithredu a fyddai'n arwain at ganlyniadau gwell i gleifion, ble bynnag y cânt eu darparu. Nawr, nid wyf yn arbenigwr ar y contract newydd, ond fy nealltwriaeth sylfaenol i ynghylch y contract diwygiedig yw ei fod yn rhyddhau capasiti trwy osgoi ailgylchu cleifion iach ar gyfer archwiliadau rheolaidd, ac yn lle hynny mae'n blaenoriaethu angen dros y broses ailgylchu a arferai ddigwydd o dan yr hen gontract. Pe gellid cymhwyso hynny yn Lloegr, credaf y byddem yn gweld mwy o gapasiti'n cael ei ryddhau, a fyddai, yn achos pobl sy'n chwilio am wasanaeth yn Lloegr, yn cael ei groesawu'n fawr.

Ac ar y pwynt a wnaed am drafnidiaeth, rydym yn gweithio trwy bobl fel Growth Track 360 i nodi sut y gallwn wella rhwydweithiau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ar draws ardal Mersi a'r Ddyfrdwy.

Trafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed
Public Transport in Brecon and Radnorshire

6. Beth yw blaenoriaethau'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ar gyfer trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ym Mrycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed? OQ61682

6. What are the Cabinet Secretary's priorities for public transport in Brecon and Radnorshire? OQ61682

Well, 'Llwybr Newydd', our transport strategy, sets out our vision and priorities for all parts of Wales, including Brecon and Radnorshire, and our national transport delivery plan and the regional transport plans being developed by corporate joint committees will set out how it will be delivered.

Wel, mae 'Llwybr Newydd', ein strategaeth drafnidiaeth, yn nodi ein gweledigaeth a'n blaenoriaethau ar gyfer pob rhan o Gymru, gan gynnwys Brycheiniog a Sir Faesyfed, a bydd ein cynllun cyflawni cenedlaethol ar gyfer trafnidiaeth a'r cynlluniau trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol sy'n cael eu datblygu gan gyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig yn nodi sut y cânt eu cyflawni.

Thank you for that answer, Cabinet Secretary. Many people who live in my part of the world do feel that there is plenty of investment that goes in to the south Wales Valleys, but, actually, no investment into my constituency. We've got a major transport link that links my constituency to Adam Price's constituency between Trecastle and Llandovery—that road does not have any bus service on it whatsoever. That is an actual major tourist link back and forth between west Wales and mid Wales, and I think it would be beneficial to put that transport link in place to actually open up different parts of the country, so people don't have to get in their cars and actually can get on a bus to travel around the country. I've asked previous Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers about this and nothing seems to be happening. So, now you're in post, and you seem a pragmatic gentleman, will you actually step up to the plate and deliver these transport links between my constituency and Adam Price's constituency, because many people are asking for it, and I've got all faith in you, Ken, that you can deliver it?

Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae llawer o bobl sy'n byw yn fy rhan i o'r byd yn teimlo bod digon o fuddsoddiad yn mynd i Gymoedd de Cymru, ond dim buddsoddiad yn fy etholaeth i. Mae gennym gyswllt trafnidiaeth mawr sy'n cysylltu fy etholaeth i ag etholaeth Adam Price rhwng Trecastell a Llanymddyfri—nid oes gan y ffordd honno unrhyw wasanaeth bws arni o gwbl. Mae hwnnw'n gyswllt twristaidd pwysig iawn yn ôl ac ymlaen rhwng gorllewin Cymru a chanolbarth Cymru, ac rwy'n credu y byddai'n fuddiol rhoi'r cyswllt trafnidiaeth hwnnw ar waith i agor gwahanol rannau o'r wlad, fel nad oes rhaid i bobl fynd i'w ceir a gallant fynd ar fws i deithio o amgylch y wlad. Rwyf wedi gofyn i Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet a Gweinidogion blaenorol am hyn ac ymddengys nad oes dim yn digwydd. Felly, gan eich bod chi yn y swydd erbyn hyn, a'ch bod i'ch gweld yn ddyn pragmatig, a wnewch chi gamu i'r adwy a darparu'r cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth hyn rhwng fy etholaeth i ac etholaeth Adam Price, oherwydd mae llawer o bobl yn gofyn amdanynt, ac mae gennyf bob ffydd ynoch chi y gallwch chi ei gyflawni, Ken?

I can't possibly not help the Member after his very kind and generous comments. The bus system is broken at the moment, and that's why we're bringing forward the bus Bill. Operators, they pick off those routes that are commercially attractive and they leave huge gaps elsewhere, including the gap that the Member has rightly identified today. Therefore, I will invite Transport for Wales to work with my officials to look at whether a service could be introduced, perhaps a TrawsCymru service, whether it would be applicable. Of course we're operating in very, very financially straitened times, but I will ask for work to be done and I'll report back to the Member.

Mae'n rhaid imi helpu'r Aelod ar ôl ei sylwadau caredig a hael. Mae'r system fysiau wedi torri ar hyn o bryd, a dyna pam ein bod ni'n cyflwyno'r Bil bysiau. Mae gweithredwyr yn dewis y llwybrau sy'n ddeniadol yn fasnachol ac yn gadael bylchau enfawr mewn mannau eraill, gan gynnwys y bwlch y mae'r Aelod wedi'i nodi heddiw. Felly, byddaf yn gwahodd Trafnidiaeth Cymru i weithio gyda fy swyddogion i ystyried a ellid cyflwyno gwasanaeth, gwasanaeth TrawsCymru efallai, a gweld a fyddai hynny'n gymwys. Wrth gwrs, rydym yn gweithredu mewn cyfnod anodd tu hwnt yn ariannol, ond fe ofynnaf i waith gael ei wneud ac adrodd yn ôl i'r Aelod.

Well, I look forward to it.

Wel, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at hynny.

Y Rhwydwaith Cefnffyrdd
The Trunk Road Network

7. Beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i leddfu problemau teithio sy’n cael eu hachosi gan waith ffordd ar y rhwydwaith cefnffyrdd? OQ61697

7. What is the Welsh Government doing to alleviate disruption caused by road works on the trunk road network? OQ61697

Well, we undertake proactive consultations with key stakeholders before major roadworks, and this is supported by various forms of communications to inform and update the public, particularly on the more disruptive long-term projects. This allows the travelling public to plan their journeys on the strategic road network well in advance.

Wel, rydym yn cynnal ymgynghoriadau rhagweithiol â rhanddeiliaid allweddol cyn i waith ffordd mawr gael ei wneud, a chaiff hyn ei gefnogi gan wahanol fathau o gyfathrebiadau i hysbysu'r cyhoedd a rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf iddynt, yn enwedig am y prosiectau hirdymor mwy aflonyddgar. Mae hyn yn caniatáu i'r cyhoedd sy'n teithio gynllunio eu teithiau ar y rhwydwaith ffyrdd strategol ymhell ymlaen llaw.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, for your answer. We have corresponded, and I know we've spoken, on the issues of the upcoming closure of the A470 at Talerddig for repair works on the retaining wall on the trunk road. Now, the works themselves are very much needed and long overdue, however the concern for me, the community and affected businesses is the complete road closure for up to seven weeks. I appreciate that your officials have liaised with local community leaders in recent weeks, but this plan has only just been made public ahead of the closure at the end of the month. The official diversion is a 70-mile route, which will cause significant disruption, and, of course, further disruption and chaos on smaller roads as well.

So, can I ask, Cabinet Secretary, what options have been considered to keep one lane open during working hours? Can further consideration be given to cutting into the woodland opposite the collapsed wall for a temporary road to be in place? I understand Natural Resources Wales had some issues with this, but I have corresponded with them myself. Can works be carried out 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to complete the work more quickly? And what update can you give on how emergency services and school transport could be supported in this time as well? I look forward to your answer being pragmatic, Cabinet Secretary.

Diolch am eich ateb, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Rydym wedi gohebu ac rwy'n gwybod ein bod wedi siarad am faterion cau'r A470 sydd ar y gweill yn Nhalerddig ar gyfer gwaith atgyweirio ar y wal gynnal ar y gefnffordd. Nawr, mae angen y gwaith ei hun yn fawr iawn ac mae'n hen bryd iddo gael ei wneud, ond y pryder i mi, y gymuned a'r busnesau yr effeithir arnynt yw'r ffaith bod y ffordd gyfan ar gau am hyd at saith wythnos. Rwy'n derbyn bod eich swyddogion wedi cysylltu ag arweinwyr cymunedol lleol yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, ond newydd gael ei wneud yn gyhoeddus y mae'r cynllun cyn cau'r ffordd ddiwedd y mis. Mae'r gwyriad swyddogol yn llwybr 70 milltir, a fydd yn achosi tarfu sylweddol, ac wrth gwrs, tarfu pellach ac anhrefn ar ffyrdd llai hefyd.

Felly, a gaf i ofyn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa opsiynau sydd wedi cael eu hystyried i gadw un lôn ar agor yn ystod oriau gwaith? A ellir rhoi ystyriaeth bellach i dorri i mewn i'r coetir gyferbyn â'r wal sydd wedi cwympo er mwyn sefydlu ffordd dros dro? Rwy'n deall bod gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru broblemau gyda hyn, ond rwyf wedi gohebu â hwy fy hun. A ellir gwneud gwaith 24 awr y dydd, saith diwrnod yr wythnos, i gwblhau'r gwaith yn gynt? A pha ddiweddariad y gallwch chi ei roi ar sut y gellid cefnogi'r gwasanaethau brys a thrafnidiaeth ysgol yn ystod y cyfnod hwn hefyd? Edrychaf ymlaen at ateb pragmatig gennych chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.


Well, can I thank the Member for highlighting this particular challenge and say to his constituents that I fully appreciate the frustration that the work is causing or will cause? It relates to a retaining wall. I'm afraid the work has to be done as an emergency, and I know that the Member would agree and I know that all community leaders would agree. I did interrogate thoroughly the options, I can assure the Member, and also the length of the diversion. I'll provide a full briefing in writing, if I may, and I'll share that with all Members with an interest in this particular route. Unfortunately, we were not able to proceed with the single-lane option for safety reasons, and I understand that the option of cutting into the forest and creating a temporary road was also examined, but ruled out for various reasons. I know that officials are liaising with Powys County Council and other stakeholders to reduce disruption and provide replacement services for public and school transport, but I will provide a detailed response to the Member in writing.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am dynnu sylw at yr her benodol hon a dweud wrth ei etholwyr fy mod yn llwyr ddeall y rhwystredigaeth y mae'r gwaith yn ei achosi neu y bydd yn ei achosi? Mae'n ymwneud â wal gynnal. Rwy'n ofni bod yn rhaid gwneud y gwaith fel mater o frys, a gwn y byddai'r Aelod yn cytuno ac rwy'n gwybod y byddai pob arweinydd cymunedol yn cytuno. Gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod fy mod wedi archwilio'r opsiynau'n drylwyr, a hyd y dargyfeiriad. Byddaf yn darparu briff llawn yn ysgrifenedig, os caf, a byddaf yn rhannu hynny gyda'r holl Aelodau sydd â diddordeb yn y llwybr penodol hwn. Yn anffodus, ni allem fwrw ymlaen â'r opsiwn un lôn am resymau diogelwch, ac rwy'n deall bod yr opsiwn o dorri i mewn i'r goedwig a chreu ffordd dros dro wedi'i archwilio hefyd, ond wedi'i ddiystyru am amryw resymau. Gwn fod swyddogion yn cysylltu â Chyngor Sir Powys a rhanddeiliaid eraill i leihau tarfu a darparu gwasanaethau amgen ar gyfer trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ac ysgol, ond byddaf yn darparu ymateb manwl i'r Aelod yn ysgrifenedig.

Rheilffordd Treherbert yn y Rhondda
The Treherbert Line in the Rhondda

8. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi diweddariad am drawsnewid rheilffordd Treherbert yn y Rhondda? OQ61705

8. Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the transformation of the Treherbert line in Rhondda? OQ61705

Of course. With over £1 billion of investment to upgrade the core Valleys lines, Transport for Wales have transformed the Treherbert line, replacing Victorian-era signalling, installing overhead-line electrification and upgrading stations. Brand-new electric trains will run on the transformed core Valleys lines later this year, making metro-style services a reality.

Wrth gwrs. Gyda dros £1 biliwn o fuddsoddiad i uwchraddio rheilffyrdd craidd y Cymoedd, mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi trawsnewid rheilffordd Treherbert, gan osod signalau newydd yn lle'r signalau oes Fictoria, gosod llinell drydan uwchben ac uwchraddio gorsafoedd. Bydd trenau trydan newydd sbon yn rhedeg ar reilffyrdd craidd y Cymoedd yn ddiweddarach eleni, gan wneud gwasanaethau ar ffurf metro yn realiti.

Thank you. I know that the transformation up until now has been bittersweet for residents. Catching rail replacement buses for months, road closures, and hearing work up and down the line through the nights has been challenging, but the Rhondda railcard, station modifications, and the infrastructure for the electrification, ready for new stock, has more than made up for this. I'd like to place on record my thanks to all the construction workers, Transport for Wales, the Welsh Government and to residents for their patience. I can't wait to see a greener, quicker and more reliable service on the Treherbert line; it's the service that residents deserve. I know residents are eager to know, as I am, when we can expect to see the new stock on the line and whether you have any updates regarding the transport hub in Porth, please.

Diolch. Rwy'n gwybod bod y trawsnewidiad hyd yma wedi bod yn chwerw-felys i breswylwyr. Ers misoedd, mae dal bysiau yn lle gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd, cau ffyrdd, a chlywed gwaith ar hyd y rheilffordd drwy'r nos wedi bod yn heriol, ond mae cerdyn rheilffordd Rhondda, addasiadau i orsafoedd, a'r seilwaith ar gyfer trydaneiddio, sy'n barod ar gyfer stoc newydd, wedi mwy na gwneud iawn am hyn. Hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch i'r holl weithwyr adeiladu, Trafnidiaeth Cymru, Llywodraeth Cymru ac i'r trigolion am eu hamynedd. Ni allaf aros i weld gwasanaeth gwyrddach, cyflymach a mwy dibynadwy ar reilffordd Treherbert; dyma'r gwasanaeth y mae trigolion yn ei haeddu. Rwy'n gwybod bod trigolion yn awyddus i wybod, fel finnau, pryd y gallwn ddisgwyl gweld y stoc newydd ar y rheilffordd ac a oes gennych unrhyw wybodaeth ddiweddar ynghylch yr hyb trafnidiaeth yn Porth, os gwelwch yn dda.

Well, can I thank Buffy for her supplementary question and for the way that she's championed over many years the need to improve public transport in her constituency? Can I also thank residents, who have shown incredible patience over quite a significant period of time when the disruption has taken place? But the prize will be worth it, and I'm pleased to be able to inform Buffy today that the prize will come in time for Christmas, because brand-new electric trains will be coming into service in December on the Treherbert line; they'll be on every service on the line early next year. These new electric trains, they really do offer an enormous upgrade for passengers compared to the legacy fleet that we are replacing. There's more capacity, they're more comfortable, there are far better facilities as well—completely different to what the travelling public have experienced on that particular line. The new trains are planned to begin service on the Aberdare and Merthyr Tydfil lines from this November. Now, I can also assure the Member that Transport for Wales are working very closely with Rhondda Cynon Taf to open Porth interchange as soon as possible, and I'll ask them to provide you with an update on the timescale and the latest position.

Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Buffy am ei chwestiwn atodol ac am y ffordd mae hi, dros nifer o flynyddoedd, wedi hyrwyddo'r angen i wella trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn ei hetholaeth? A gaf i ddiolch i drigolion hefyd, sydd wedi dangos amynedd anhygoel dros gyfnod eithaf sylweddol o amser pan oedd y tarfu'n digwydd? Ond bydd y wobr yn werth chweil, ac rwy'n falch o allu hysbysu Buffy heddiw y daw'r wobr mewn pryd ar gyfer y Nadolig, gan y bydd trenau trydan newydd sbon yn dod yn weithredol ym mis Rhagfyr ar reilffordd Treherbert; byddant ar bob gwasanaeth ar y lein yn gynnar y flwyddyn nesaf. Mae'r trenau trydan newydd hyn yn uwchraddiad enfawr i deithwyr o'i gymharu â'r fflyd etifeddol y mae'n cymryd ei lle. Ceir mwy o gapasiti, maent yn fwy cyfforddus, mae'r cyfleusterau'n llawer gwell hefyd—hollol wahanol i'r hyn y mae'r cyhoedd sy'n teithio wedi'i brofi ar y rheilffordd honno. Mae disgwyl i'r trenau newydd ddechrau gwasanaethu ar reilffyrdd Aberdâr a Merthyr Tudful o fis Tachwedd eleni. Nawr, gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod hefyd fod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Rhondda Cynon Taf i agor cyfnewidfa Porth cyn gynted â phosibl, a byddaf yn gofyn iddynt roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am yr amserlen a'r sefyllfa ddiweddaraf.


Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.

I thank the Cabinet Secretary.

2. Cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, y Trefnydd a'r Prif Chwip
2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip

Yr eitem nesaf fydd y cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Rhun ap Iorwerth.

The next item will be questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, and the first question is from Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Hygyrchedd Trafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus ar Ynys Môn
The Accessibility of Public Transport on Ynys Môn

1. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cael gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru ynghylch sicrhau bod trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yr un mor hygyrch i bawb ar Ynys Môn? OQ61720

1. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales on ensuring equal access for all to public transport on Ynys Môn? OQ61720

Jane Hutt 14:20:30
Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip

Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn. Mae trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn achubiaeth i lawer o bobl ledled Cymru, ac mae’n hanfodol bod y gwasanaethau yn hygyrch i bawb. Rwy’n falch o allu gweithio ochr yn ochr ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru i sicrhau bod hyn yn realiti ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys ar Ynys Môn.

Thank you very much for your question. Public transport is essential for many people the length and breadth of Wales, and it's crucial that the services are accessible to all. I'm pleased to be able to work alongside the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales to ensure that it's a reality across Wales, including on Anglesey.

Gaf i ddiolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am ei hymateb? Mae'n drueni bod yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru ddim wedi sylweddoli bod cwestiwn rhif 1 yn y sesiwn nesaf yn ymwneud ag o, ond dwi'n siŵr bod—

May I thank the Cabinet Secretary for her response? It's a shame that the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales hadn't realised that question number 1 in the next session involved him, but I'm sure that—

Os caf i dorri ar draws yr Aelod, cwestiynau i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, un felly y gwnaethoch chi ei osod ar yr agenda, felly—

If I may interrupt the Member, these are questions for the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, that's the question that you put on the agenda, so—

Mae hynny'n hollol iawn, ynglŷn â’i pherthynas hi efo Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru. Ac wrth annog pobl i ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, mae angen sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Yng ngorsaf drenau Llanfairpwll, yn fy etholaeth i, yr unig ffordd o gyrraedd y platfform i ddal trên tuag at Gaergybi ydy mynd dros bont. Mae yna lwybr hir iawn, tywyll ac anaddas ar gyfer cadeiriau olwynion a phramiau ac ati, ond oes gennych chi goets neu gadair olwyn, does yna ddim modd i gyrraedd, yn ymarferol, y platfform yr ochr arall. Yr ateb syml ydy gosod lifft, a dwi yn gwybod bod yna raglen helaeth ar draws Cymru o osod lifts. Felly, a wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ymrwymo i weithio efo’r Gweinidog dros drafnidiaeth i ddod â’r buddsoddiad yna i Lanfairpwll, fel bod pobl yn gallu cael mynediad at wasanaethau, a hynny yn enw cyfiawnder a thegwch cymdeithasol, yn ogystal â rhesymau ymarferol trafnidiaeth a newid hinsawdd?

That's completely right, yes, with regard to her relationship with the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales. And in encouraging people to use public transport, we have to ensure that people can use public transport. At Llanfairpwll rail station, in my constituency, the only way to reach the platform to catch a train to Holyhead is to go over a bridge. There is a very long, dark path that's inappropriate for wheelchairs and prams and so on, but if you do have a wheelchair or a pram, you can't, practically, get to the platform on the other side. The simple solution is to construct a lift, and I know that there is a broad-ranging programme across Wales of installing lifts. So, will the Cabinet Secretary commit to work with the Minister for transport to bring that investment to Llanfairpwll, so that people can access services, in the name of social justice and fairness, as well as the practical reasons with regard to transport and climate change and so on?

Diolch yn fawr, Rhun ap Iorwerth. Mae yn fater pwysig iawn, dwi'n meddwl. 

Thank you very much, Rhun ap Iorwerth. It's a very important issue, I think.

It is clear that we have to ensure that all people can access a public transport, and the Welsh Government is committed to developing accessible, high-quality, responsive services, particularly, for example, not to just meet the needs of disabled people, but everyone, in terms of access and safety as well, particularly with the description you've made of how to access the local station.

This is something where there is responsibility that is shared between Transport for Wales and Network Rail, in terms of the programme across Wales, particularly for accessible lifts in stations and access to stations. There is £2 million allocated to Cyngor Sir Ynys Môn to invest in their local transport priorities, but, certainly, this is something that the disability equality forum has raised with us. They've had, also, through our disability rights taskforce, a working group on travel, and I will take this back to see what can be done to assist in progressing this important access point for local people.

Mae'n amlwg fod yn rhaid i ni sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu cael mynediad at drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu gwasanaethau hygyrch ac ymatebol o ansawdd uchel, nid yn unig i ddiwallu anghenion pobl anabl, ond pawb, o ran mynediad a diogelwch hefyd, yn enwedig gyda'r disgrifiad rydych chi wedi'i roi o sut i gael mynediad i'r orsaf leol.

Mae hyn yn rhywbeth lle mae cyfrifoldeb yn cael ei rannu rhwng Trafnidiaeth Cymru a Network Rail, o ran y rhaglen ledled Cymru, yn enwedig ar gyfer lifftiau hygyrch mewn gorsafoedd a mynediad i orsafoedd. Mae £2 filiwn wedi'i ddyrannu i Gyngor Sir Ynys Môn i fuddsoddi yn eu blaenoriaethau trafnidiaeth lleol, ond yn sicr, mae hyn yn rhywbeth y mae'r fforwm cydraddoldeb anabledd wedi'i godi gyda ni. Drwy ein tasglu hawliau anabledd, maent hefyd wedi cael gweithgor ar deithio, a byddaf yn mynd â hyn yn ôl i weld beth y gellir ei wneud i helpu i ddatblygu'r pwynt mynediad pwysig hwn i bobl leol.

Diolch, Llywydd, and I'm grateful to Rhun ap Iorwerth for raising this issue, which is particularly impacting his constituents on Ynys Môn, but there are, of course, broader issues around public transport for people with disabilities, because we know that disabled people often are the ones who use public transport and rely on public transport more than others. Indeed, a recent report from the charity Sense said that 72 per cent of people with complex disabilities use some form of public transport on a day-to-day basis. I was really pleased that, earlier this year, the UK Government announced an extensive support for disabled bus users, with almost £5 million being made available to install and improve audible and visual announcements on buses throughout Great Britain. So, Cabinet Secretary, I'd be interested to know how you are ensuring that bus companies in Wales are making the most of that £5 million that's been made available, to ensure that people with disabilities have the ability to access those buses in the best and safest way possible.

Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i Rhun ap Iorwerth am godi'r mater hwn, sy'n effeithio'n arbennig ar ei etholwyr ar Ynys Môn, ond wrth gwrs, mae problemau ehangach yn ymwneud â thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i bobl ag anableddau, oherwydd fe wyddom mai pobl anabl yn aml yw'r rhai sy'n defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ac yn dibynnu ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus fwy nag eraill. Yn wir, nododd adroddiad diweddar gan yr elusen Sense fod 72 y cant o bobl ag anableddau cymhleth yn defnyddio rhyw fath o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ar sail ddyddiol. Roeddwn yn falch iawn fod Llywodraeth y DU, yn gynharach eleni, wedi cyhoeddi cefnogaeth helaeth i ddefnyddwyr bysiau anabl, gyda bron i £5 miliwn ar gael i osod a gwella cyhoeddiadau clywadwy a gweledol ar fysiau ledled Prydain. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, hoffwn wybod sut rydych chi'n sicrhau bod cwmnïau bysiau yng Nghymru yn gwneud y gorau o'r £5 miliwn sydd ar gael, er mwyn sicrhau bod pobl ag anableddau yn gallu defnyddio'r bysiau hynny yn y ffordd orau a mwyaf diogel sy'n bosibl.


Thank you very much, Sam Rowlands. That's also critically important in terms of access for all, but particularly access for disabled people. This, of course, includes access to buses and supportive bus infrastructure. Of course, that includes ramps, raised-kerb bus stops, tactile paths. They really do foster real access for disabled people. But also, I think what's important is that the accessible information regulations were introduced this month, and these new rules actually do make the provision of audible and visible information a requirement on local services across Great Britain, and will help people to travel with confidence. So, it is mandatory for the majority of local bus and coach services to incorporate that information provision, improving that journey experience for all passengers, but including, particularly, as raised today, disabled passengers. And of course, we do have grants and financial support through the infrastructure upgrade work to routes on the TrawsCymru network and those various Welsh Government grants as well. This is all, I would say, part of ensuring that our active travel programmes take into account the needs of disabled people.

Diolch, Sam Rowlands. Mae hynny hefyd yn hanfodol bwysig o ran mynediad i bawb, ond yn enwedig mynediad i bobl anabl. Mae hyn, wrth gwrs, yn cynnwys mynediad at fysiau a seilwaith bysiau cefnogol. Wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n cynnwys rampiau, safleoedd bysiau cyrbiau uwch, palmentydd botymog. Maent yn cymell mynediad go iawn i bobl anabl. Ond hefyd, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig yw bod y rheoliadau gwybodaeth hygyrch wedi'u cyflwyno y mis hwn, ac mae'r rheolau newydd hyn yn gwneud darparu gwybodaeth glywadwy a gweladwy yn ofyniad i wasanaethau lleol ledled Prydain, a byddant yn helpu pobl i deithio'n hyderus. Felly, mae'n orfodol i'r rhan fwyaf o wasanaethau bysiau lleol a choetsys ymgorffori'r ddarpariaeth wybodaeth honno, gan wella profiad teithio i bob teithiwr, ond gan gynnwys teithwyr anabl yn arbennig, fel y gofynnwyd yn ei gylch heddiw. Ac wrth gwrs, mae gennym grantiau a chymorth ariannol drwy'r gwaith uwchraddio seilwaith i lwybrau ar rwydwaith TrawsCymru a'r amrywiol grantiau gan Lywodraeth Cymru hefyd. Mae'r cyfan yn rhan o sicrhau bod ein rhaglenni teithio llesol yn ystyried anghenion pobl anabl.

Hawlio Credyd Pensiwn
The Uptake of Pension Credit

2. Pa drafodaethau y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â nifer y rhai sy’n hawlio credyd pensiwn? OQ61684

2. What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the UK Government regarding the uptake of pension credit? OQ61684

Thank you, Jenny Rathbone, for that question. The Secretary of State for the Department for Work and Pensions has written to me, setting out the range of actions the UK Government are taking to increase take-up of pension credit. We're working with DWP and other key stakeholders in a co-ordinated push to increase take-up in Wales.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Jenny Rathbone. Mae'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau wedi ysgrifennu ataf, yn nodi'r ystod o gamau y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn eu cymryd i gynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar gredyd pensiwn. Rydym yn gweithio gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau a rhanddeiliaid allweddol eraill mewn ymdrech gydlynol i gynyddu'r nifer sy'n manteisio arno yng Nghymru.

Well, that's useful to know, that there is a range of options. Age Cymru are saying that, this year, nearly nine in 10 pensioners in Wales living in poverty will not get a winter fuel payment, and some of them are not aware they're eligible for pension credit, so they of course will doubly lose out, and that research is borne out by the conversations I've been having with constituents. Many of them absolutely don't know what they get and whether it includes pension credit.

So, I was very interested to see that the DWP wrote a letter to a sample of nearly 2,500 pensioner households they thought might be eligible for pensioner credit. It prompted nearly three in 10 to apply for that pension credit. So, I was hoping that this is in the range of options that the UK Government is considering. And can you tell us what steps the Welsh Government is taking, working with the UK Government, to proactively contact these people who are eligible for pension credit and therefore the winter fuel allowance, so that they are applying before the cut-off date of 21 December?

Wel, mae'n ddefnyddiol gwybod bod yna amrywiaeth o opsiynau. Mae Age Cymru yn dweud, eleni, na fydd bron i naw o bob 10 pensiynwr yng Nghymru sy'n byw mewn tlodi yn cael taliad tanwydd y gaeaf, ac nad yw rhai ohonynt yn ymwybodol eu bod yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn, felly byddant hwy'n colli'r ddau beth wrth gwrs, ac mae'r gwaith ymchwil hwnnw wedi ei ategu gan y sgyrsiau a gefais gydag etholwyr. Mae llawer ohonynt yn gwbl anymwybodol o beth a gânt ac a yw'n cynnwys credyd pensiwn.

Felly, roeddwn yn falch iawn o weld bod yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau wedi ysgrifennu llythyr at sampl o bron i 2,500 o aelwydydd pensiynwyr y credent y gallent fod yn gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn. Ysgogodd bron i dri o bob 10 i wneud cais am y credyd pensiwn hwnnw. Felly, roeddwn yn gobeithio bod hyn yn yr ystod o opsiynau y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn eu hystyried. Ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthym pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd, gan weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU, i gysylltu'n rhagweithiol â'r bobl sy'n gymwys i gael credyd pensiwn, a lwfans tanwydd y gaeaf felly, er mwyn iddynt wneud cais cyn y dyddiad cau ar 21 Rhagfyr?

Thank you very much, Jenny Rathbone. It's critically important that we get this information out now, as you say, of the cut-off date of 21 December. When I wrote to the Secretary of State at the Department for Work and Pensions, originally, to say we wanted to engage with them and what were they doing, she replied to say that they were writing directly to 120,000 households across the UK. I then drilled that down: 'Well, what does that mean for Wales?' It includes 6,600 in Wales getting that direct letter. That is using existing data, and of course data sharing is at the heart of tackling this, for those who are entitled to pension credit. Those letters are coming out imminently, and we'll be informed of progress.

I've asked for an inter-ministerial group on work and pensions, which I will be chairing, because it's about inter-governmental agreement between ourselves and the inter-ministerial group. Also, just to say that clearly we're doing a great deal in terms of our 'Claim what's yours' campaign, Citizens Advice, the single advice fund, actually to take up the benefits. We've got pension credit, we've got access information, the pension credit posters in GP surgeries, vaccination centres, pharmacies, and places where people go on a regular basis, and we're doing everything that we can for all family members to also ask the question. I was very interested that, in a recent surgery, someone came to see me about something else, and I just said, 'Have you applied for pension credit?' She said, 'Oh, yes, and my neighbour, and I'm telling everyone else,' so there is word on the street, as well, which is good, because this shows a recognition that this should be an entitlement.

Diolch, Jenny Rathbone. Mae'n hanfodol bwysig ein bod yn cael y wybodaeth hon allan nawr, fel y dywedwch, cyn y dyddiad cau ar 21 Rhagfyr. Pan ysgrifennais at yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn wreiddiol i ddweud ein bod eisiau ymgysylltu â hwy a'r hyn yr oeddent yn ei wneud, atebodd i ddweud eu bod yn ysgrifennu'n uniongyrchol at 120,000 o aelwydydd ledled y DU. Fe holais ymhellach ynglŷn â hynny: 'Wel, beth y mae hynny'n ei olygu i Gymru?' Mae'n cynnwys 6,600 yng Nghymru sy'n cael y llythyr uniongyrchol hwnnw. Mae'n defnyddio data sy'n bodoli eisoes, ac wrth gwrs mae rhannu data yn ganolog i fynd i'r afael â hyn, i'r rhai sydd â hawl i gredyd pensiwn. Daw'r llythyrau hynny allan yn fuan, a byddwn yn cael gwybod am gynnydd.

Rwyf wedi gofyn am grŵp rhyngweinidogol ar waith a phensiynau, y byddaf i'n ei gadeirio, oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â chytundeb rhynglywodraethol rhyngom ni a'r grŵp rhyngweinidogol. Hefyd, rydym yn gwneud llawer iawn ar ein hymgyrch 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi', Cyngor ar Bopeth, y gronfa gynghori sengl, i chwyddo'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar y budd-daliadau. Mae gennym gredyd pensiwn, mae gennym wybodaeth am fynediad, y posteri credyd pensiwn mewn meddygfeydd, canolfannau brechu, fferyllfeydd, a lleoedd lle mae pobl yn mynd yn rheolaidd, ac rydym yn gwneud popeth a allwn i bob aelod o'r teulu ofyn y cwestiwn hefyd. Mewn cymhorthfa yn ddiweddar, daeth rhywun i fy ngweld am rywbeth arall, a dywedais, 'A ydych chi wedi gwneud cais am gredyd pensiwn?' Dywedodd, 'O, do, a fy nghymydog, ac rwy'n dweud wrth bawb arall,' felly mae'r gair ar led, sy'n dda, oherwydd mae'n dangos cydnabyddiaeth y dylai fod yn hawl.


Cabinet Secretary, the perverse decision by the UK Government to axe the winter fuel payment to tackle a fictitious financial black hole will force many older pensioners further into poverty. The only silver lining to Labour's cruel policy will be persuading tens of thousands of pensioners to claim the benefits to which they're entitled. The net effect of this will end up costing the UK Treasury billions rather than saving money. Sadly, this will do little for those just above the benefits threshold who will still face a choice between heating and eating. What actions will your Government take to mitigate the worst impact of UK Labour's raid on pensioners?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, bydd penderfyniad gwrthnysig Llywodraeth y DU i gael gwared ar daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf er mwyn mynd i’r afael â thwll du ariannol ffug yn gorfodi llawer o bensiynwyr hŷn ymhellach i mewn i dlodi. Yr unig ymyl arian i bolisi creulon Llafur fydd perswadio degau o filoedd o bensiynwyr i hawlio'r budd-daliadau y mae ganddynt hawl iddynt. Yn y pen draw, bydd effaith net hyn yn costio biliynau i Drysorlys y DU yn hytrach nag arbed arian. Yn anffodus, ni fydd hyn yn gwneud llawer i'r rheini ychydig uwchlaw'r trothwy budd-daliadau a fydd yn dal i wynebu dewis rhwng gwresogi a bwyta. Pa gamau y bydd eich Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i liniaru effaith waethaf ymosodiad Llafur y DU ar bensiynwyr?

Thank you, Altaf Hussain. I've already outlined quite a few ways in which we are working closely with the UK Government to ensure that people who are eligible do take up the pension credit in order not only to enable them to be eligible for the winter fuel payment, but actually to open the door to other benefits as well. I was pleased to meet with the new Older People's Commissioner for Wales on Monday with the Minister for Children and Social Care. We spent quite a bit of time discussing this, because you’ll recall that the predecessor older people’s commissioner really did take this pension credit campaign—. Quite apart from access to the winter fuel supplement and payment, it really is something where we have too many people—pensioners—who aren’t taking up the benefit themselves.

And I think it is interesting that people are responding to the changes in the winter fuel payment eligibility criteria, as I’ve mentioned—just my anecdotal mention. We’ve got a stakeholder group meeting fortnightly with the Department for Work and Pensions. The older people’s commissioner has got a strong connection with older people, getting that message over. Age Cymru is on that group and the Welsh Local Government Association. And there has been 152 per cent increase in pension credit claims in the eight weeks from July to September, compared with the previous eight weeks. So, I think it’s really important information that those pension credit claims are actually increasing and that will, of course, be a gateway. Because also, it’s a gateway to help with council tax bills, paying rent, free NHS dental treatment and free tv licences for the over-75s, so we need to ensure—. And through our Welsh benefits charter, which is trying to help ensure that there’s one access to benefits, we are working to take this forward, and, of course, learning also the good outcomes from the Neath Port Talbot Policy in Practice case study.

Diolch, Altaf Hussain. Rwyf eisoes wedi amlinellu nifer o ffyrdd rydym yn gweithio’n agos gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau bod pobl sy’n gymwys yn manteisio ar y credyd pensiwn er mwyn eu galluogi nid yn unig i fod yn gymwys ar gyfer taliad tanwydd y gaeaf, ond i agor y drws i fudd-daliadau eraill hefyd mewn gwirionedd. Roeddwn yn falch o gyfarfod â Chomisiynydd Pobl Hŷn newydd Cymru ddydd Llun gyda'r Gweinidog Plant a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Buom yn trafod hyn am beth amser, gan y byddwch yn cofio bod y comisiynydd pobl hŷn blaenorol wedi mynd â'r ymgyrch credyd pensiwn hon—. Heb sôn am fynediad at daliad tanwydd y gaeaf a'r taliad atodol, mae hyn yn rhywbeth lle mae gennym ormod o bobl—pensiynwyr—nad ydynt yn manteisio ar y budd-dal.

A chredaf ei bod yn ddiddorol fod pobl yn ymateb i'r newidiadau yn y meini prawf cymhwysedd ar gyfer taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf, fel rwyf wedi sôn—fel y soniais yn anecdotaidd. Mae gennym grŵp rhanddeiliaid yn cyfarfod bob pythefnos gyda'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau. Mae gan y comisiynydd pobl hŷn gysylltiad cryf â phobl hŷn, ac mae'n cyfleu’r neges honno. Mae Age Cymru yn y grŵp hwnnw, a Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru. A gwelwyd cynnydd o 152 y cant mewn hawliadau credyd pensiwn yn yr wyth wythnos o fis Gorffennaf i fis Medi, o gymharu â'r wyth wythnos flaenorol. Felly, credaf ei bod yn wybodaeth wirioneddol bwysig fod yr hawliadau credyd pensiwn hynny'n cynyddu mewn gwirionedd, a bydd hynny, wrth gwrs, yn ffordd i mewn. Oherwydd hefyd, mae'n ffordd o gael mynediad at gymorth gyda biliau'r dreth gyngor, talu rhent, triniaeth ddeintyddol am ddim gan y GIG a thrwyddedau teledu am ddim i bobl dros 75 oed, felly mae angen inni sicrhau—. A thrwy ein siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, sy'n ceisio helpu i sicrhau un pwynt mynediad at fudd-daliadau, rydym yn gweithio i fwrw ymlaen â hyn, a hefyd wrth gwrs, yn dysgu'r canlyniadau da o astudiaeth achos Policy in Practice yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot.

Cwestiynau Heb Rybudd gan Lefarwyr y Pleidiau
Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople

Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Joel James.

Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Welsh Conservatives' spokesperson, Joel James.

Thank you, Llywydd. Cabinet Secretary, data shows that, in England and Wales, there are almost 3,000 domestic abuse and sexual violence crimes recorded against women and girls daily, making up nearly 20 per cent of all crimes recorded. Worryingly, violence against women and girls has risen by 37 per cent over recent years, and now at least one in every 12 women will be a survivor of domestic violence or sexual abuse, which is a truly horrific statistic. And, sadly, the actual number is likely to be even higher. However, despite this rise in violence against women and girls, it is believed that less than 24 per cent of domestic abuse cases are actually reported to the police. Cabinet Secretary, as outlined by the national policing statement 2024, there is clearly an urgent and critical need to address this and the need for immediate and co-ordinated action across all sectors to help protect women and girls. With this in mind, what is the Welsh Government doing to increase public awareness and to challenge norms and attitudes that perpetuate violence against women and girls? And what is the Welsh Government doing to enforce a coherent and robust whole-system approach that involves collaboration between statutory agencies, charities and the private sector? Thank you.

Diolch, Lywydd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae data’n dangos, yng Nghymru a Lloegr, fod bron i 3,000 o droseddau cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol yn erbyn menywod a merched yn cael eu cofnodi’n ddyddiol, sy'n cyfateb i bron i 20 y cant o’r holl droseddau a gofnodir. Mae trais yn erbyn menywod a merched wedi codi 37 y cant dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, sy'n destun pryder, a nawr, bydd o leiaf un o bob 12 menyw yn oroeswr trais domestig neu gam-drin rhywiol, sy’n ystadegyn gwirioneddol erchyll. Ac yn anffodus, mae'r nifer go iawn yn debygol o fod hyd yn oed yn uwch. Fodd bynnag, er y cynnydd hwn mewn trais yn erbyn menywod a merched, credir bod llai na 24 y cant o'r achosion o gam-drin domestig yn cael eu hadrodd i’r heddlu. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel yr amlinellwyd gan ddatganiad plismona cenedlaethol 2024, mae'n amlwg fod angen dybryd a hanfodol i fynd i'r afael â hyn, yn ogystal â'r angen am gamau gweithredu cydgysylltiedig ar unwaith ar draws pob sector i helpu i ddiogelu menywod a merched. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i gynyddu ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd ac i herio normau ac agweddau sy'n peri i drais yn erbyn menywod a merched barhau? A beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i orfodi dull system gyfan cydlynol a chadarn sy'n cynnwys cydweithredu rhwng asiantaethau statudol, elusennau a'r sector preifat? Diolch.

Well, I thank Joel James very much for that question. I was only reflecting last night that the amount and the extent and the prevalence of domestic violence is just utterly terrible—it's shocking. And, of course, it is a societal problem, which requires societal response. And it is, as you say, about raising awareness, challenging attitudes, changing behaviours of those who behave abusively. Just to reassure you, we have got our Welsh Government violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategy, and what's important about that is that it's got a national partnership board, it's ministerially led—I co-chair it with police and crime commissioner Emma Wools, on behalf of policing in Wales. Because this is where it's important that the criminal justice partners have that power and influence and responsibilities, and link across directly with the Welsh Government in terms of our commitments to funding and policy for social justice. So, we have got that high-level action plan, with a range of ways in which we're not only seeking to improve women's safety, but we've got work streams working on every aspect of domestic violence and abuse. And can I also just acknowledge the work of the Equality and Social Justice Committee on their inquiry into a public health approach to preventing gender-based violence, which, of course, again, is really important in terms of those recommendations—that we look at ways in which we can tackle these issues.

Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn i Joel James am ei gwestiwn. Neithiwr ddiwethaf, roeddwn yn meddwl pa mor ofnadwy yw graddau a chyffredinrwydd trais domestig—mae'n erchyll. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'n broblem gymdeithasol, sy'n galw am ymateb cymdeithasol. Ac fel y dywedwch, mae'n ymwneud â chodi ymwybyddiaeth, herio agweddau, newid ymddygiad y rheini sy'n ymddwyn yn gamdriniol. I roi sicrwydd i chi, mae gennym ein strategaeth trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol Llywodraeth Cymru, a'r hyn sy'n bwysig am honno yw bod ganddi fwrdd partneriaeth cenedlaethol dan arweiniad gweinidogol—rwy'n ei gyd-gadeirio gyda chomisiynydd yr heddlu a throseddu Emma Wools ar ran plismona yng Nghymru. Oherwydd dyma ble mae'n bwysig fod gan y partneriaid cyfiawnder troseddol rym a dylanwad a chyfrifoldebau, a'u bod yn cysylltu'n uniongyrchol â Llywodraeth Cymru ar ein hymrwymiadau i gyllid a pholisi cyfiawnder cymdeithasol. Felly, mae gennym y cynllun gweithredu lefel uchel hwnnw, gydag amrywiaeth o ffyrdd o geisio gwella diogelwch menywod, ac mae gennym ffrydiau gwaith yn gweithio ar bob agwedd ar drais a cham-drin domestig. Ac a gaf i gydnabod gwaith y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol hefyd ar eu hymchwiliad i ddull iechyd y cyhoedd o atal trais ar sail rhywedd, sydd, wrth gwrs, unwaith eto, yn wirioneddol bwysig o ran yr argymhellion hynny—ein bod yn edrych ar ffyrdd y gallwn fynd i’r afael â’r materion hyn.


Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. The recent announcement by the UK Labour Government to release prisoners after serving only 40 per cent of their sentence is a policy that poses serious risks, particularly for abuse survivors, who are already facing a lack of communication within the criminal justice system. Moreover, I believe that this policy sets a dangerous precedent that skews public opinion towards the belief that the UK is soft on criminals, which will, in no doubt, reduce the likelihood of people reporting crime, and, ultimately, lead to increased crime. Welsh Women's Aid have expressed their deep concern about this policy on the grounds that the early release of prisoners, at a time when His Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation is already stretched, leads to the risk that many survivors may not be told when their former abuser is considered for release. Alarmingly, most probation delivery units were classified as 'inadequate' in 2023-24, the lowest possible rating, and only three services were 'sufficient' in assessing the risk of serious harm. Welsh Women's Aid is further urging the Government to carefully reconsider this policy and to prioritise the safety and well-being of survivors. Early release of prisoners could have a devastating consequence for survivors of violence against women and girls. I think it's clear for all to see that this policy risks the safety and well-being of survivors and increases the fear amongst them that their former abusers will be back on the streets. Therefore, Cabinet Secretary, what pressure have you put upon the new Labour UK Government to reverse its policy? Thank you.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae’r cyhoeddiad diweddar gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU ynghylch rhyddhau carcharorion wedi iddynt fwrw 40 y cant yn unig o’u dedfryd yn bolisi sy’n creu risgiau difrifol, yn enwedig i oroeswyr camdriniaeth, sydd eisoes yn wynebu diffyg cyfathrebu o fewn y system cyfiawnder troseddol. Yn ychwanegol at hynny, credaf fod y polisi hwn yn gosod cynsail peryglus sy’n gogwyddo barn y cyhoedd tuag at y gred fod y DU yn rhy faddeugar tuag at droseddwyr, a fydd, yn ddiamau, yn lleihau’r tebygolrwydd y bydd pobl yn rhoi gwybod i'r awdurdodau am droseddau, ac yn y pen draw, yn arwain at fwy o droseddu. Mae Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru wedi mynegi cryn bryder am y polisi hwn ar y sail fod rhyddhau carcharorion yn gynnar, ar adeg pan fo Arolygiaeth Prawf Ei Fawrhydi eisoes o dan bwysau, yn arwain at y risg y bydd llawer o oroeswyr na fyddant yn cael gwybod pan fydd eu cyn-gamdriniwr o dan ystyriaeth i gael eu rhyddhau. Yn frawychus, cafodd y rhan fwyaf o'r unedau cyflawni ar gyfer y gwasanaeth prawf eu dynodi'n 'annigonol' yn 2023-24, y sgôr isaf posibl, a dim ond tri gwasanaeth oedd yn 'ddigonol' wrth asesu'r risg o niwed difrifol. Mae Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru yn annog y Llywodraeth ymhellach i ailystyried y polisi hwn yn ofalus ac i flaenoriaethu diogelwch a lles goroeswyr. Gallai rhyddhau carcharorion yn gynnar arwain at ganlyniadau dinistriol i oroeswyr trais yn erbyn menywod a merched. Credaf ei bod yn amlwg i bawb fod y polisi hwn yn peryglu diogelwch a llesiant goroeswyr ac yn cynyddu’r ofn yn eu plith y bydd eu cyn-gamdrinwyr yn ôl ar y strydoedd. Felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa bwysau a roddwyd gennych ar Lywodraeth Lafur newydd y DU i wrthdroi ei pholisi? Diolch.

Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.

Thank you for that question. Of course, justice is currently a reserved matter, and many of the services that are central to operating our adult and youth justice, in terms of the secure estate, probation services, in terms of the impact of decisions that are made at a criminal justice level, actually, are devolved to us. So, we seek not just to take responsibility, but to work very closely with HMPPS, His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service. So, I have been reassured by meetings that I've held with the Minister, Lord Timpson, and also, most recently, last week, with the Minister Alex Davies-Jones, who's responsible for not only victims, but violence against women and domestic abuse. So, I was very reassured, in terms of the early release scheme, that Alex Davies-Jones met with third sector providers in Wales. Before the September first early release cohort, she met with Welsh Women's Aid and other organisations, and, in fact, I also met with the criminal justice partners, to be reassured that there was going to be every responsibility taken in terms of release, and that there was a victim contact scheme as well. So, it is something where we need to work together, and I have been reassured that, in Wales, people have been protected, particularly in terms of the situation of risk in terms of early release and domestic abusers.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Wrth gwrs, mae cyfiawnder yn fater a gedwir yn ôl ar hyn o bryd, ac mae llawer o’r gwasanaethau sy’n ganolog i'r gwaith o weithredu cyfiawnder oedolion ac ieuenctid, o ran yr ystad ddiogel, gwasanaethau prawf, o ran effaith penderfyniadau a wneir ar lefel cyfiawnder troseddol, wedi'u datganoli i ni mewn gwirionedd. Felly, rydym yn ceisio cymryd cyfrifoldeb, ac yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf Ei Fawrhydi. Felly, mae cyfarfodydd a gynhaliais gyda’r Gweinidog, yr Arglwydd Timpson, a hefyd, yn fwyaf diweddar, yr wythnos diwethaf, gyda’r Gweinidog Alex Davies-Jones, sy’n gyfrifol nid yn unig am ddioddefwyr, ond trais yn erbyn menywod a cham-drin domestig, wedi tawelu fy meddwl. Felly, cefais fy nghalonogi’n fawr, o ran y cynllun rhyddhau cynnar, fod Alex Davies-Jones wedi cyfarfod â darparwyr y trydydd sector yng Nghymru. Cyn rhyddhau'r garfan gyntaf i gael eu rhyddhau'n gynnar ym mis Medi, cyfarfu â Cymorth i Fenywod Cymru a sefydliadau eraill, ac fe gyfarfûm innau hefyd â’r partneriaid cyfiawnder troseddol, i gael sicrwydd y bydd pob cyfrifoldeb yn cael ei gymryd o ran rhyddhau, a bod cynllun cysylltu ar gael ar gyfer dioddefwyr hefyd. Felly, mae’n rhywbeth lle mae angen inni gydweithio, ac rwyf wedi cael sicrwydd fod pobl, yng Nghymru, wedi’u diogelu, yn enwedig o ran y sefyllfa risg yn sgil rhyddhau cynnar a chamdrinwyr domestig.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. The UK Labour Government has announced that legal advocates for female survivors of violence and sexual abuse are going to be in every police force in England and Wales in order to advise survivors from the moment of report to trial. However, as the Cabinet Secretary will be aware, according to their manifesto, Labour plan to fund these legal advocates through the redirecting of police and crime commissioner grants for victims services, meaning that funding will be taken from one area that supports survivors of violence against women and girls and placed into another, and offering no overall improvement to the support survivors receive. Survivors of domestic and sexual abuse face countless challenges at all levels of the civil and criminal justice system, most notably where there is a lack of trust when reporting incidents to authorities, and the delay that survivors often face when waiting for what can be a very traumatic trial, further eroding any trust that they may have in the system. With this in mind, Cabinet Secretary, what conversations has the Welsh Government had with the UK Government on implementing the recommendations from the harm panel report to address the deep-rooted systemic concerns with how the courts identify and respond to domestic abuse? Thank you.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae Llywodraeth Lafur y DU wedi cyhoeddi y bydd eiriolwyr cyfreithiol ar gyfer goroeswyr benywaidd trais a cham-drin rhywiol ym mhob un o heddluoedd Cymru a Lloegr er mwyn cynghori goroeswyr o’r eiliad y maent yn rhoi gwybod am ddigwyddiad i'r achos llys. Fodd bynnag, fel y gŵyr Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn ôl eu maniffesto, mae Llafur yn bwriadu ariannu’r eiriolwyr cyfreithiol hyn drwy ailgyfeirio grantiau comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu ar gyfer gwasanaethau dioddefwyr, sy'n golygu y byddant yn mynd â chyllid o un maes sy’n cefnogi goroeswyr trais yn erbyn menywod a merched ac yn ei roi mewn maes arall, heb gynnig unrhyw welliant cyffredinol i’r cymorth y mae goroeswyr yn ei gael. Mae goroeswyr cam-drin domestig a rhywiol yn wynebu heriau di-rif ar bob lefel o’r system gyfiawnder sifil a throseddol, yn fwyaf nodedig lle ceir diffyg ymddiriedaeth wrth roi gwybod i awdurdodau am ddigwyddiadau, a’r oedi y mae goroeswyr yn aml yn ei wynebu wrth aros am yr hyn a all fod yn achos llys trawmatig iawn, gan erydu unrhyw ymddiriedaeth a allai fod ganddynt yn y system ymhellach. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa sgyrsiau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar weithredu argymhellion adroddiad y panel niwed i fynd i’r afael â’r pryderon systemig dwfn ynghylch y modd y mae’r llysoedd yn canfod ac yn ymateb i gam-drin domestig? Diolch.


Well, thank you for that question. I’ve already met with Alex Davies-Jones, MP, who’s the Minister for victims and tackling domestic violence and violence against women. She’s in the Home Office, and, of course, we also have Jess Phillips in the Ministry of Justice. And, as social justice Cabinet Secretary, I’m working closely with both of those Ministers in the UK Government to address these issues.

Wel, diolch am eich cwestiwn. Rwyf eisoes wedi cyfarfod ag Alex Davies-Jones, AS, y Gweinidog dros ddioddefwyr a mynd i’r afael â thrais domestig a thrais yn erbyn menywod. Mae hi yn y Swyddfa Gartref, ac wrth gwrs, mae gennym Jess Phillips yn y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder hefyd. Ac fel Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyfiawnder cymdeithasol, rwy'n gweithio'n agos gyda'r ddau Weinidog hynny yn Llywodraeth y DU i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn.

Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Sioned Williams. 

The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Sioned Williams. 

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Inequality remains a significant challenge that hinders not only individual potential, but the collective well-being of our country. The most recent report into the well-being of Wales, published at the end of last month, highlighted some very concerning inequalities that continue to exist and to deepen within our society. In it, the chief statistician reports on the evidence that shows that people who experience deprivation are likely to face poorer outcomes. On mental well-being, the gap between the most and least deprived areas has widened, and, perhaps most shockingly, the report states the gap in avoidable mortality between the most and least deprived areas is now at its highest level since 2003 for males, and since the series of the well-being reports began for females. This next year will see us mark 10 years since the passing of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Do you agree with the findings of this report that, in my opinion, demonstrate that the Welsh Government are failing to meet their seven well-being goals, and that the Act has not ensured sufficient action on tackling inequality? And how will this urgent work be prioritised in the forthcoming budget?

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Mae anghydraddoldeb yn parhau i fod yn her sylweddol sy’n amharu nid yn unig ar botensial unigolion, ond ar lesiant cyffredinol ein gwlad. Amlygodd yr adroddiad diweddaraf ar lesiant Cymru, a gyhoeddwyd ddiwedd y mis diwethaf, anghydraddoldebau sy'n peri cryn bryder ac sy’n parhau i fodoli ac i ddyfnhau o fewn ein cymdeithas. Ynddo, mae’r prif ystadegydd yn adrodd ar y dystiolaeth sy’n dangos bod pobl â phrofiad o amddifadedd yn debygol o wynebu canlyniadau gwaeth. Ar les meddyliol, mae’r bwlch rhwng yr ardaloedd mwyaf a lleiaf difreintiedig wedi lledu, ac yn fwyaf syfrdanol o bosibl, mae’r adroddiad yn nodi bod y bwlch rhwng yr ardaloedd mwyaf a lleiaf difreintiedig mewn marwolaethau y gellir eu hosgoi bellach ar ei lefel uchaf ers 2003 ar gyfer dynion, ac ers i'r gyfres o adroddiadau llesiant ddechrau ar gyfer menywod. Bydd y flwyddyn nesaf yn nodi 10 mlynedd ers pasio Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. A ydych chi'n cytuno â chanfyddiadau’r adroddiad hwn sydd, yn fy marn i, yn dangos bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn methu bodloni eu saith nod llesiant, ac nad yw’r Ddeddf wedi sicrhau camau gweithredu digonol ar fynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb? A sut y bydd y gwaith pwysig hwn yn cael ei flaenoriaethu yn y gyllideb sydd ar y ffordd?

Thank you, Sioned Williams, for that really important question, because it is something that I think we can all be proud of in this Senedd, in our Welsh Parliament, that we did bring forward the well-being of future generations Act. And, of course, it is now, six years on from the implementation of that Act, that we are implementing, and responsible for implementing. And, of course, you have to look at that well-being report and see how much needs to be done in terms of ensuring that the well-being of future generations agenda is actually driving continuous improvement across the Government, and how public bodies work, and how they are delivering on those goals and actions. So, I think what is important is that, with our well-being of future generations commissioner, we are now looking at not just future trends in terms of the work that is being undertaken, but, actually, how we are delivering on the UN sustainable development goals, for example. And the future generations commissioner has championed successes and lessons learned from the well-being of future generations Act, and is taking this forward in terms of recognition across the world of what we are seeking to do. But it’s here in Wales that we need to demonstrate that difference.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn gwirioneddol bwysig, Sioned Williams, gan ei fod yn rhywbeth y credaf y gall pob un ohonom fod yn falch ohono yn y Senedd hon, yn Senedd Cymru, ein bod wedi cyflwyno Deddf llesiant cenedlaethau’r dyfodol. Ac wrth gwrs, mae chwe blynedd wedi bod bellach ers cyflwyno'r Ddeddf honno, yr ydym yn ei rhoi ar waith, ac yn gyfrifol am ei rhoi ar waith. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid ichi edrych ar yr adroddiad llesiant a gweld faint sydd angen ei wneud o ran sicrhau bod agenda llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol o ddifrif yn ysgogi gwelliant parhaus ar draws y Llywodraeth, a sut y mae cyrff cyhoeddus yn gweithio, a sut y maent yn cyflawni'r nodau a'r camau gweithredu hynny. Felly, credaf mai’r hyn sy’n bwysig yw ein bod, gyda’n comisiynydd llesiant cenedlaethau’r dyfodol, yn edrych nawr nid yn unig ar dueddiadau’r dyfodol o ran y gwaith sy’n mynd rhagddo, ond ar sut rydym yn cyflawni nodau datblygu cynaliadwy'r Cenhedloedd Unedig, er enghraifft. Ac mae comisiynydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol wedi hyrwyddo llwyddiannau a'r gwersi a ddysgwyd o Ddeddf llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, ac yn ceisio cydnabyddiaeth fyd-eang i'r hyn rydym yn ceisio ei wneud. Ond yma yng Nghymru, mae angen inni ddangos y gwahaniaeth hwnnw.

Diolch. The well-being of Wales report clearly demonstrates for me that tackling poverty is the key to improving inequalities. Trussell’s latest report, published last week, shows that the number of people facing hunger and hardship—that is, the number of people who are likely to need to turn to a foodbank now and who are at high risk of needing foodbanks in the future—is at record levels in Wales: 420,000 people and children most at risk, and 23,000 more people across Wales are projected to face hunger and hardship by 2026-27 if nothing changes. The report also shows that work is not providing a reliable route out of hardship, with the experience of going without the essentials equally common for households receiving universal credit who are in work and out of work. The report analyses a range of policy options available to both the UK and Welsh Governments, and finds one of the most effective would be to remove the two-child limit and benefit cap. This would reduce the number of people at risk of hunger and hardship in Wales by 25,000. It also recommends emulating the Scottish child payment. Trussell say that the discretionary assistance fund, although valuable in a crisis, isn't sufficient to stop families going without food. Do you agree with Trussell that the UK Government must act on the evidence on its options for change? And how will the Welsh Government act to end the rising need for foodbanks in our communities?

Diolch. Mae adroddiad llesiant Cymru yn dangos yn glir i mi fod trechu tlodi yn allweddol er mwyn gwella anghydraddoldebau. Mae adroddiad diweddaraf Trussell, a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf, yn dangos bod nifer y bobl sy’n wynebu llwgu a chaledi—hynny yw, nifer y bobl sy’n debygol o fod angen troi at fanc bwyd nawr ac sydd mewn perygl mawr o fod angen banciau bwyd yn y dyfodol—ar y lefelau uchaf erioed yng Nghymru: 420,000 o bobl a phlant yn y perygl mwyaf, a rhagwelir y bydd 23,000 yn rhagor o bobl ledled Cymru yn wynebu llwgu a chaledi erbyn 2026-27 os na fydd unrhyw beth yn newid. Mae’r adroddiad hefyd yn dangos nad yw swyddi'n darparu llwybr dibynadwy allan o galedi, gyda’r profiad o fynd heb yr hanfodion yr un mor gyffredin i aelwydydd sydd mewn gwaith ac yn derbyn credyd cynhwysol ag y mae i aelwydydd di-waith sy'n derbyn credyd cynhwysol. Mae’r adroddiad yn dadansoddi amrywiaeth o opsiynau polisi sydd ar gael i Lywodraeth y DU a Llywodraeth Cymru, ac yn dod i'r casgliad mai un o’r rhai mwyaf effeithiol fyddai dileu’r terfyn dau blentyn a’r cap ar fudd-daliadau. Byddai hyn yn arwain at 25,000 yn llai o bobl mewn perygl o lwgu a chaledi yng Nghymru. Mae hefyd yn argymell efelychu taliad plant yr Alban. Dywed Trussell nad yw'r gronfa cymorth dewisol, er ei bod yn werthfawr mewn argyfwng, yn ddigon i atal teuluoedd rhag mynd heb fwyd. A ydych chi'n cytuno â Trussell fod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth y DU weithredu ar y dystiolaeth o ran ei hopsiynau ar gyfer newid? A sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu i roi diwedd ar yr angen cynyddol am fanciau bwyd yn ein cymunedau?


Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn pwysig iawn. 

Thank you very much for your very important question. 

Of course, tackling poverty is a key priority of this Government, and it's across Government—all Ministers integrating activity to tackle poverty and how we support vulnerable households to mitigate the impact of poverty. On Monday, I spoke at a child poverty conference. One of the important speakers who I was able to hear was the speaker who spoke about the local food partnerships. Katie Palmer runs Food Sense Wales, which we are funding across the whole of Wales to try and not just fund foodbanks, but, actually, to tackle—. In every constituency and every county there is a food co-ordinator looking at how we tackle food poverty, but also linking it to all of the schemes that have been developed through the curriculum with schools, with community growing, and working with farmers as well to tackle food poverty.

But, of course, what people need—and all these reports are clear—is money in their pockets. I am very glad that I've been doing work, following our co-operation agreement, and, indeed, this year's budget, looking at those child payments made in Scotland. We haven't got the powers, but we are looking at the experience of that. But also, I'm very clear that our Welsh benefits charter is a route to getting our children and families the funding and support they need. Also, in fact, the other speaker on Monday who was important was Councillor Anthony Hunt, talking about the ways in which they are now channelling, through the Welsh benefits charter, one route to accessing free school meals, the school essentials grant, the council tax reduction scheme and the education maintenance allowance. What we need to do is ensure there's one route in to getting the money that people and families need in order to tackle enduring poverty, which, of course, we want to address. We haven't got all the powers, but we want to address it. 

Wrth gwrs, mae trechu tlodi'n flaenoriaeth allweddol i'r Llywodraeth hon, a hynny ar draws y Llywodraeth—mae pob Gweinidog yn integreiddio gweithgarwch er mwyn trechu tlodi a'r ffordd rydym yn cefnogi aelwydydd agored i niwed i liniaru effaith tlodi. Ddydd Llun, siaradais mewn cynhadledd tlodi plant. Un o’r siaradwyr pwysig a glywais oedd y siaradwr a soniodd am y partneriaethau bwyd lleol. Mae Katie Palmer yn rhedeg Synnwyr Bwyd Cymru, yr ydym yn eu hariannu ledled Cymru i geisio ariannu banciau bwyd, ac i fynd i’r afael â—. Ym mhob etholaeth a phob sir, mae cydgysylltydd bwyd yn edrych ar sut yr awn i’r afael â thlodi bwyd, ac yn cysylltu hynny â’r holl gynlluniau sydd wedi’u datblygu drwy’r cwricwlwm gydag ysgolion, gyda thyfu bwyd yn y gymuned, a gweithio gyda ffermwyr hefyd i drechu tlodi bwyd.

Ond wrth gwrs, yr hyn sydd ei angen ar bobl—ac mae'r holl adroddiadau hyn yn glir—yw arian yn eu pocedi. Rwy’n falch iawn fy mod wedi bod yn gwneud gwaith, yn dilyn ein cytundeb cydweithio, a'r gyllideb eleni yn wir, i edrych ar y taliadau plant a wnaed yn yr Alban. Nid oes gennym y pwerau, ond rydym yn edrych ar y profiadau hynny. Ond hefyd, rwy'n sicr fod ein siarter budd-daliadau Cymru yn llwybr i ddarparu'r cyllid a'r cymorth sydd ei angen ar ein plant a'n teuluoedd. Hefyd, y siaradwr arall ddydd Llun a oedd yn bwysig oedd y Cynghorydd Anthony Hunt, a fu'n sôn am y ffyrdd y maent bellach yn sianelu, drwy siarter budd-daliadau Cymru, un llwybr i gael prydau ysgol am ddim, y grant hanfodion ysgol, cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor a'r lwfans cynhaliaeth addysg. Yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud yw sicrhau bod un llwybr i mewn i gael mynediad at yr arian sydd ei angen ar bobl a theuluoedd i drechu tlodi parhaus, sy'n rhywbeth yr hoffem fynd i'r afael ag ef wrth gwrs. Nid yw'r holl bwerau gennym, ond rydym am fynd i’r afael ag ef.

You don't have all the powers, and I take it that you won't be urging the Chancellor to scrap that two-child cap in the forthcoming budget, which is disappointing, considering all this evidence in all these reports.

According to a new report by Citizens Advice Cymru, the demand for crisis support has reached unprecedented levels. Comparing the first eight months of 2022 and the first eight months of 2024, they've seen a 17 per cent rise in the number of people coming to them in crisis situations. An adviser quoted in the report said they used to see maybe 20 foodbank cases a week, and now they are seeing at least 20 a day. 

These recent reports from Trussell and Citizens Advice bring to light the stark and troubling reality of inequality and poverty. What's really concerning is that a significant portion of those struggling are in employment, showing simply having a job doesn't provide protection from hardship without adequate social security support. This directly challenges the assumptions made by the First Minister and the Prime Minister last week. Employment isn't always the key to reducing poverty.

Cabinet Secretary, in the absence of action from the UK Labour Government to reverse Tory welfare policies, which deepen and entrench poverty, will the Welsh Government, in line with the calls made by Citizens Advice Cymru, be protecting funding for the discretionary assistance fund in the forthcoming budget? And will it boost the allocation for the financial year in order to meet the rising need for crisis support?

Nid yw'r holl bwerau gennych, ac rwy’n cymryd na fyddwch yn annog y Canghellor i gael gwared ar y cap dau blentyn hwnnw yn y gyllideb sydd i ddod, sy’n siomedig, o ystyried yr holl dystiolaeth yn yr holl adroddiadau hyn.

Yn ôl adroddiad newydd gan Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru, mae’r galw am gymorth brys wedi cyrraedd lefelau digynsail. O gymharu wyth mis cyntaf 2022 ac wyth mis cyntaf 2024, maent wedi gweld cynnydd o 17 y cant yn nifer y bobl sy'n dod atynt mewn sefyllfaoedd o argyfwng. Dywedodd cynghorydd a ddyfynnwyd yn yr adroddiad eu bod yn arfer gweld 20 o achosion banc bwyd yr wythnos efallai, a bellach maent yn gweld o leiaf 20 y dydd.

Mae’r adroddiadau diweddar hyn gan Trussell a Cyngor ar Bopeth yn amlygu realiti llwm a gofidus anghydraddoldeb a thlodi. Yr hyn sy'n peri pryder gwirioneddol yw bod cyfran sylweddol o'r rheini sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd mewn cyflogaeth, gan ddangos nad yw cael swydd yn eich amddiffyn rhag caledi heb gymorth nawdd cymdeithasol digonol. Mae hyn yn herio’r rhagdybiaethau a wnaed gan y Prif Weinidog a Phrif Weinidog y DU yr wythnos diwethaf yn uniongyrchol. Nid cyflogaeth yw'r allwedd i leihau tlodi bob amser.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn absenoldeb unrhyw gamau gweithredu gan Lywodraeth Lafur y DU i wrthdroi polisïau lles y Torïaid, sy’n dyfnhau ac yn dwysáu tlodi, a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru, yn unol â’r galwadau a wnaed gan Cyngor ar Bopeth Cymru, yn diogelu cyllid ar gyfer y gronfa cymorth dewisol yn y gyllideb sydd i ddod? Ac a fydd yn chwyddo'r dyraniad ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol er mwyn diwallu'r angen cynyddol am gymorth brys?

Thank you for that question. I was very glad that we were discussing these questions yesterday in response to the children's commissioner's report, and answering the questions that were put to me about how we were tackling child poverty. I think one of the important things in terms of the evidence is it is about social security policies that can and do lift children and their families out of poverty. Obviously, that is not within our gift as a Welsh Government, although we’re doing what we can in terms of our access to benefits. I remember meeting with the Bevan Foundation in the early days of my having this portfolio and they were saying, ‘If we could get families to take up the Healthy Start vouchers’. In fact, Lynne Neagle, when she had the role, managed to get health visitors trained and we massively increased access to Healthy Start vouchers—not Welsh Government but UK Government funding. I am pleased that I am, within the next two or three hours, meeting Liz Kendall and Bridget Phillipson. They are co-chairing the child poverty taskforce for the UK Government, and I will be able to then discuss these issues. But I can assure you that I’m doing everything I can to protect the discretionary assistance fund, to look at the impact of it this year in terms of the spend and to protect it for next year as well.

Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Roeddwn yn falch iawn ein bod yn trafod y cwestiynau hyn ddoe mewn ymateb i adroddiad y comisiynydd plant, ac yn ateb y cwestiynau a ofynnwyd i mi ynglŷn â sut roeddem yn trechu tlodi plant. Credaf mai un o'r pethau pwysig o ran y dystiolaeth yw ei bod yn ymwneud â pholisïau nawdd cymdeithasol sy'n gallu ac sydd yn codi plant a'u teuluoedd allan o dlodi. Yn amlwg, nid yw hynny o fewn ein gallu fel Llywodraeth Cymru, er ein bod yn gwneud yr hyn a allwn o ran ein mynediad at fudd-daliadau. Rwy’n cofio cyfarfod â Sefydliad Bevan yn fy nyddiau cynnar yn y portffolio hwn, ac roeddent yn dweud, 'Pe gallem gael teuluoedd i fanteisio ar y talebau Cychwyn Iach’. Mewn gwirionedd, llwyddodd Lynne Neagle, pan oedd hi yn y rôl, i gael hyfforddiant i ymwelwyr iechyd, ac fe wnaethom gynyddu mynediad at dalebau Cychwyn Iach yn aruthrol—nid cyllid Llywodraeth Cymru, ond cyllid Llywodraeth y DU. Rwy’n falch y byddaf yn cyfarfod â Liz Kendall a Bridget Phillipson yn y ddwy neu dair awr nesaf. Maent yn cyd-gadeirio'r tasglu tlodi plant ar gyfer Llywodraeth y DU, a byddaf yn gallu trafod y materion hyn wedyn. Ond gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi fy mod yn gwneud popeth a allaf i ddiogelu’r gronfa cymorth dewisol, i edrych ar ei heffaith eleni o ran y gwariant, a'i diogelu ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf hefyd.

Tlodi Plant
Child Poverty

3. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am lefelau tlodi plant yng Nghymru? OQ61714

3. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the levels of child poverty in Wales? OQ61714

Diolch yn fawr. Yng Nghymru, roedd 29 y cant o blant yn byw mewn tlodi incwm cymharol, ar ôl costau tai, yn y blynyddoedd ariannol a ddaeth i ben rhwng 2021 a 2023. Mae'n rhaid i roi terfyn ar dlodi plant fod yn flaenoriaeth gyffredin. Byddwn ni’n cymryd rôl arweiniol wrth gydlynu’r camau sydd eu hangen i weithio tuag at ddileu tlodi plant a'i effeithiau yma yng Nghymru.

Thank you very much. In Wales, 29 per cent of children were living in relative income poverty, after housing costs, in the financial years ending 2021 to 2023. Ending child poverty must be a shared priority. We will take a leadership role in co-ordinating action to work towards eradicating child poverty and its impacts here in Wales.

Diolch am hynny.

Thank you for that.

I know you're aware of the appalling statistic that was uncovered by the Child Poverty Action Group recently that 10,000 children, as we’ve heard, have fallen into poverty since Labour took power in Westminster just a few short months ago. That, of course, is because of the two-child benefit cap. Human Rights Watch have called it cruel. I don’t wish to make you squirm, Cabinet Secretary, but you just told us that tackling poverty is a key priority of your Government. Will you call, therefore, on the Chancellor of the Exchequer to scrap the two-child benefit cap in the budget? Because it is responsible for plunging over 100 children a day into poverty.

Gwn eich bod yn ymwybodol o'r ystadegyn echrydus a ddatgelwyd yn ddiweddar gan y Grŵp Gweithredu ar Dlodi Plant fod 10,000 o blant, fel y clywsom, wedi disgyn i dlodi ers i Lafur ddod i rym yn San Steffan ychydig fisoedd yn ôl yn unig. Mae hynny, wrth gwrs, oherwydd y cap dau blentyn ar fudd-daliadau. Mae Human Rights Watch wedi ei alw’n greulon. Nid wyf yn ceisio gwneud ichi wingo, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ond rydych chi newydd ddweud wrthym fod trechu tlodi yn flaenoriaeth allweddol i'ch Llywodraeth. A wnewch chi alw, felly, ar Ganghellor y Trysorlys i gael gwared ar y cap dau blentyn ar fudd-daliadau yn y gyllideb? Oherwydd mae'n gyfrifol am roi dros 100 o blant y dydd mewn tlodi.

This is a question that obviously is very current and topical at the moment. Indeed, I know the First Minister has answered this question as well. You will be aware that the UK Government has got a child poverty taskforce, and I’ve just mentioned the fact that I’m meeting with the two Cabinet Secretaries who themselves are co-chairing that taskforce. Clearly, these are issues that we are discussing with the UK Government, but I think the point for us here, and it goes back to the questions from Sioned Williams, is what we are doing with our partners to deliver the child poverty strategy here in Wales. 

I’m very encouraged by the fact that, at our child poverty conference on Monday, not only did we talk about the impact of the single advice fund, which is reaching—. For example, in north Wales, over 19,000 people have access to single advice fund services, and £5 million of extra welfare benefit income. It is getting money in people’s pockets, as you know, that we need to take forward. But also we have made some funding available to organisations to help them tackle child poverty. You’ll be interested to hear that, in north Wales, we’ve got the Actif North Wales place-based approach pilot. It’s a community development approach. This is about communities in Wales, local authorities, third sector—they are all coming to us with these projects and saying, ‘Can you fund them? We think this is going to help tackle child poverty.’ So, we have that responsibility here in Wales to help them take those projects forward.

Mae hwn yn gwestiwn sy'n amlwg yn gyfredol ac yn amserol iawn ar hyn o bryd. Yn wir, gwn fod y Prif Weinidog wedi ateb y cwestiwn hwn hefyd. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod gan Lywodraeth y DU dasglu tlodi plant, ac rwyf newydd sôn fy mod yn cyfarfod â dau Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet sydd eu hunain yn cyd-gadeirio’r tasglu hwnnw. Yn amlwg, mae’r rhain yn faterion yr ydym yn eu trafod gyda Llywodraeth y DU, ond credaf mai’r pwynt i ni yma, ac mae'n mynd yn ôl at y cwestiynau gan Sioned Williams, yw’r hyn a wnawn gyda’n partneriaid i gyflawni’r strategaeth tlodi plant yma yng Nghymru.

Rwyf wedi fy nghalonogi’n fawr gan y ffaith ein bod, yn ein cynhadledd tlodi plant ddydd Llun, wedi trafod effaith y gronfa gynghori sengl, sy’n cyrraedd—. Er enghraifft, yng ngogledd Cymru, mae gan dros 19,000 o bobl fynediad at wasanaethau'r gronfa gynghori sengl, a £5 miliwn o incwm ychwanegol ar ffurf budd-daliadau lles. Fel y gwyddoch, cael arian i bocedi pobl yw'r hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud. Ond hefyd, rydym wedi sicrhau bod rhywfaint o arian ar gael i sefydliadau i'w helpu i fynd i'r afael â thlodi plant. Bydd o ddiddordeb i chi, yn y gogledd, fod gennym gynllun peilot dull seiliedig ar le Gogledd Cymru Actif. Mae'n ddull datblygu cymunedol. Mae'n ymwneud â chymunedau yng Nghymru, awdurdodau lleol, y trydydd sector—mae pob un ohonynt yn dod atom gyda phrosiectau ac yn dweud, 'A allwch eu hariannu? Rydym yn credu bod hyn yn mynd i helpu i drechu tlodi plant.' Felly, mae gennym y cyfrifoldeb hwnnw yma yng Nghymru i’w helpu i fwrw ymlaen â’r prosiectau hynny.

As mentioned during the children’s commissioner debate yesterday, it was regretful that the Welsh Government in 2016 abolished the target for eradicating child poverty by 2020. The Welsh Government has deliberately avoided including measurable targets in the child poverty strategy. Just because the targets have been abolished, it does not mean that Members will not scrutinise the Government on its failure to grapple with child poverty, which is running close to 30 per cent in Wales currently.

There is a dereliction of duty by the standards of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. Wales is behind Scotland and Northern Ireland, and significantly behind many other European countries when it comes to child poverty, and this is not acceptable when we know that we can do better. Like so many other strategies and action plans under successive Welsh Labour Governments, there is consistently a disappointing failure in delivery. After 25 years of a Labour Government in Wales, child poverty levels have not decreased at the rate they should, and therefore new thinking is required. Will the Cabinet Secretary agree to publish a statement on levels of child poverty in Wales that commits to reintroducing measurable targets and sets out a clear plan for delivery? Thank you.

Fel y crybwyllwyd yn ystod dadl y comisiynydd plant ddoe, mae'n drueni fod Llywodraeth Cymru, yn 2016, wedi diddymu’r targed ar gyfer dileu tlodi plant erbyn 2020. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi osgoi cynnwys targedau mesuradwy yn y strategaeth tlodi plant yn fwriadol. Nid yw diddymu targedau’n golygu na fydd yr Aelodau’n craffu ar y Llywodraeth a'i methiant i drechu tlodi plant, sydd ar lefel o bron i 30 y cant yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd.

Mae yma esgeuluso dyletswydd i gyflawni safonau Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. Mae Cymru ar ei hôl hi o gymharu â’r Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, ac yn bell y tu ôl i lawer o wledydd eraill Ewrop o ran tlodi plant, ac nid yw hyn yn dderbyniol a ninnau'n gwybod y gallwn wneud yn well. Fel cymaint o strategaethau a chynlluniau gweithredu eraill o dan Lywodraethau Llafur olynol yng Nghymru, gwelwyd methiant cyson a siomedig i gyflawni. Ar ôl 25 mlynedd o Lywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru, nid yw lefelau tlodi plant wedi gostwng mor gyflym ag y dylent, ac felly mae angen syniadau newydd. A wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gytuno i gyhoeddi datganiad ar lefelau tlodi plant yng Nghymru sy’n ymrwymo i ailgyflwyno targedau mesuradwy ac yn nodi cynllun clir ar gyfer cyflawni? Diolch.


I do find it very hard to keep my cool when we have faced 14 years of austerity and we face a £22 billion black hole, which the new UK Government is now having to deal with. I do find it hard to—[Interruption.]

Rwy'n ei chael hi'n anodd iawn peidio â chynhyrfu a ninnau wedi wynebu 14 mlynedd o gyni ac yn wynebu twll du o £22 biliwn, y mae Llywodraeth newydd y DU yn gorfod ymdrin ag ef nawr. Rwy’n ei chael hi’n anodd—[Torri ar draws.]

Cabinet Secretary, two seconds. I would like to hear the response from the Cabinet Secretary, and there are voices from all sides of the Chamber that are not letting me do so. Please allow me to hear the response. 

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, dwy eiliad. Hoffwn glywed yr ymateb gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac mae lleisiau o bob ochr i’r Siambr nad ydynt yn gadael imi wneud hynny. Gadewch imi glywed yr ymateb.

I just wanted to briefly and quietly say: did we have foodbanks before the coalition Government took over? [Interruption.] We had nothing—nothing compared with the food poverty that our children and young people are facing today. So, yes, we have a long way to go in terms of working with our UK Government. And isn't it good, don't you agree that it's a good sign, that I am meeting the Secretaries of State for work and pensions and education this afternoon? I would never have got near one of your former Ministers to have such a discussion about tackling child poverty.

Hoffwn ddweud yn gryno ac yn dawel: a oedd gennym fanciau bwyd cyn i’r Llywodraeth glymblaid gymryd yr awenau? [Torri ar draws.] Nid oedd gennym unrhyw beth—dim o gymharu â'r tlodi bwyd y mae ein plant a'n pobl ifanc yn ei wynebu heddiw. Felly, oes, mae gennym ffordd bell i fynd o ran gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU. Ac onid yw'n dda, onid ydych yn cytuno ei fod yn arwydd da, fy mod i'n cyfarfod â'r Ysgrifenyddion Gwladol dros waith a phensiynau ac addysg y prynhawn yma? Ni fuaswn byth wedi dod yn agos at un o’ch cyn Weinidogion i gael trafodaeth o’r fath am drechu tlodi plant.

'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol'
'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan'

4. Beth yw asesiad yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet o'r cynnydd a wnaed ar y 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol'? OQ61719

4. What is the Cabinet Secretary's assessment of progress made on the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan'? OQ61719

Diolch, John Griffiths. Since the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan' was launched two years ago, we have laid significant structural foundations for improving outcomes for ethnic minority people in Wales, including an external accountability group, which holds us to account. 

Diolch, John Griffiths. Ers lansio 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol' ddwy flynedd yn ôl, rydym wedi gosod sylfeini strwythurol sylweddol ar gyfer gwella canlyniadau i bobl ethnig leiafrifol yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys grŵp atebolrwydd allanol, sy'n ein dwyn i gyfrif.

Diolch, Cabinet Secretary. In Newport, we're lucky to have Age Alive, a charity that serves as a network for older black and minority ethnic people in the Newport area. This year, they celebrate their tenth anniversary. They organise activities for their members, allowing them to make friendships and connections, and also highlight issues that are faced by their membership with regard to the ongoing prejudice and discrimination that sadly is still with us today. Their chair, Roy Grant, has actually written a book about the history of immigration and community cohesion in Newport, particularly with regard to the Windrush generation and the challenges and experience that they faced. This group, then, Cabinet Secretary, is doing an awful lot of very good work, and I wonder—I'm sure it will—whether Welsh Government will recognise that and look at how it supports groups like Age Alive with the very good work that they do in the community and their plans to do even more. 

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Yng Nghasnewydd, rydym yn ffodus fod gennym Age Alive, elusen sy'n gwasanaethu fel rhwydwaith ar gyfer pobl ddu ac ethnig leiafrifol hŷn yn ardal Casnewydd. Eleni, maent yn dathlu eu degfed pen-blwydd. Maent yn trefnu gweithgareddau ar gyfer eu haelodau, gan ganiatáu iddynt wneud ffrindiau a chysylltiadau, a thynnu sylw hefyd at faterion a wynebir gan eu haelodau o ran y rhagfarn a'r gwahaniaethu parhaus sydd, yn anffodus, yn dal i fod gyda ni heddiw. Mae eu cadeirydd, Roy Grant, wedi ysgrifennu llyfr am hanes mewnfudo a chydlyniant cymunedol yng Nghasnewydd, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â chenhedlaeth Windrush a’u heriau a’u profiadau. Mae’r grŵp hwn, felly, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn gwneud llawer iawn o waith da iawn, a thybed a fydd Llywodraeth Cymru—rwy’n siŵr y bydd—yn cydnabod hynny ac yn edrych ar sut y mae’n cefnogi grwpiau fel Age Alive gyda’r gwaith da iawn a wnânt yn y gymuned a'u cynlluniau i wneud mwy eto.

Thank you very much for drawing this to our attention today. This is just one example of many across Wales of ways in which organisations and community groups like Age Alive in Newport are actually working so effectively to champion diversity, tackle prejudice and discrimination and promote social inclusion for black, Asian and minority ethnic people over 50 in the area. I'd like to hear more about their work. I'd also like to have a look at that book as well. But can I also just draw attention to the fact that, earlier on today, I visited a minority ethnic community health fair here in Cardiff, and very similar projects have been developed in Cardiff as well. And I think, across Wales, it is useful to see how the third sector, particularly, I have to say, initiatives like Age Alive in Newport, are doing such tremendous work that is at the forefront of how we deliver our 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan'.

Diolch am dynnu ein sylw at hyn heddiw. Dyma un enghraifft yn unig o lawer ledled Cymru o ffyrdd y mae sefydliadau a grwpiau cymunedol fel Age Alive yng Nghasnewydd yn gweithio mor effeithiol i hyrwyddo amrywiaeth, mynd i’r afael â rhagfarn a gwahaniaethu a hyrwyddo cynhwysiant cymdeithasol ar gyfer pobl ddu, Asiaidd ac ethnig leiafrifol dros 50 oed yn yr ardal. Hoffwn glywed mwy am eu gwaith. Hoffwn gael golwg ar y llyfr hwnnw hefyd. Ond a gaf i dynnu sylw hefyd at y ffaith fy mod, yn gynharach heddiw, wedi ymweld â ffair iechyd cymunedau ethnig leiafrifol yma yng Nghaerdydd, a bod prosiectau tebyg iawn wedi'u datblygu yng Nghaerdydd hefyd. A ledled Cymru, mae'n ddefnyddiol gweld sut y mae’r trydydd sector, yn enwedig, mae’n rhaid imi ddweud, mentrau fel Age Alive yng Nghasnewydd, yn gwneud gwaith mor aruthrol sydd ar y blaen yn y modd yr awn ati i gyflawni ein ‘Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol'.

Thank you for that question, John. Firstly, I want to say that the Welsh Conservatives are firmly against racism and all forms of hate and bigotry. This has no place in society, and there should be zero tolerance for antisemitism, Islamophobia and all hate crimes.

The escalating crisis in the middle east has led to the horrific deaths of thousands of innocent people. The situation is catastrophic and, sadly, also affects many people in Wales who have friends and relatives in the region affected. Furthermore, this has escalated extreme hate and appalling racism directed towards Jewish and Muslim people in their Welsh communities, simply because of their faith. The Welsh Government attempted many times over the last 25 years to end discrimination, but ordinary Jewish and Muslim people continue to feel anxious, concerned for their safety, and, unfortunately, believe that this is just a part of normal life.

My question is: what is the Welsh Government doing to tackle prejudice and foster good relations between the Jewish and Muslim communities in Wales? How is the Welsh Government supporting Jewish and Muslim faith leaders and grass-roots charities?

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, John. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ddweud bod y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn gadarn yn erbyn hiliaeth a phob math o gasineb a rhagfarn. Nid oes lle i hyn mewn cymdeithas, a dylai fod dim goddefgarwch ar gyfer gwrth-semitiaeth, Islamoffobia a phob math o droseddau casineb.

Mae'r argyfwng cynyddol yn y dwyrain canol wedi arwain at farwolaethau erchyll miloedd o bobl ddiniwed. Mae’r sefyllfa’n drychinebus, ac yn anffodus, mae hefyd yn effeithio ar lawer o bobl yng Nghymru sydd â ffrindiau a pherthnasau yn yr ardal yr effeithir arni. Yn ogystal, mae hyn wedi dwysáu casineb eithafol a hiliaeth echrydus wedi'i gyfeirio at Iddewon a Mwslimiaid yn eu cymunedau yng Nghymru oherwydd eu ffydd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ceisio rhoi diwedd ar wahaniaethu droeon dros y 25 mlynedd diwethaf, ond mae Iddewon a Mwslimiaid cyffredin yn parhau i deimlo'n bryderus, yn poeni am eu diogelwch, ac yn anffodus, yn credu mai rhan o fywyd normal yw hyn.

Fy nghwestiwn yw: beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i fynd i’r afael â rhagfarn a meithrin cysylltiadau da rhwng cymunedau Iddewig a Mwslimaidd yng Nghymru? Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi arweinwyr ffydd Iddewig a Mwslimaidd ac elusennau llawr gwlad?


Diolch yn fawr am y cwestiwn pwysig iawn.

Thank you very much for the important question.

It’s so important, and we also recognise that that’s a very important question, because we are in Wales hate crime week this week. In fact, I spoke at the Wales hate crime support network yesterday and I spoke at that event about the fact that, arguably, 2024’s been a year like no other in recent memory. We saw the riots in England and Northern Ireland having an impact on people in Wales, people from different ethnic minorities, backgrounds—Muslims, in particular, are feeling fearful they will become targets, from the summer events, but also the heart-wrenching conflict, as you say, across the middle east has also left Welsh community members from different groups feeling very fearful, and, in fact, there has been an uplift, unfortunately, of hate crime based on one’s faith and religion.

So, it’s really important, as I said yesterday, that Wales has no place for hate, and I think this is where we can come together to express that. We do know there are reports of hate crime targeted towards Jewish and Muslim communities in Wales. The key point yesterday we were making at the Wales Hate Support Centre is that people encourage people to report any hate incidents and they can contact the police or the Wales Hate Support Centre, run by Victim Support, but I’m grateful for that question.

Mae mor bwysig, ac rydym ni hefyd yn cydnabod bod hwnnw'n gwestiwn pwysig iawn, gan ei bod yn wythnos troseddau casineb Cymru yr wythnos hon. Mewn gwirionedd, siaradais yn rhwydwaith cymorth troseddau casineb Cymru ddoe am y ffaith y gellid dadlau bod 2024 wedi bod flwyddyn wahanol i bob un arall yn y cyfnod diweddar. Gwelsom y terfysgoedd yn Lloegr a Gogledd Iwerddon yn cael effaith ar bobl yng Nghymru, pobl o wahanol leiafrifoedd ethnig, cefndiroedd—mae Mwslimiaid yn enwedig yn teimlo'n ofnus y byddant yn dod yn dargedau, yn sgil digwyddiadau'r haf, ond hefyd, fel y dywedwch, mae'r gwrthdaro torcalonnus ar draws y dwyrain canol wedi gadael aelodau yng nghymunedau Cymru o wahanol grwpiau'n teimlo'n ofnus iawn, ac yn anffodus, gwelwyd cynnydd yn nifer y troseddau casineb ar sail ffydd a chrefydd.

Felly, fel y dywedais ddoe, mae'n bwysig iawn nad oes lle yng Nghymru i gasineb, a chredaf mai dyma lle gallwn ddod at ein gilydd i fynegi hynny. Gwyddom fod adroddiadau o droseddau casineb wedi'u targedu at gymunedau Iddewig a Mwslimaidd yng Nghymru. Y pwynt allweddol yr oeddem yn ei wneud ddoe yng Nghanolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru yw y dylai pobl annog pobl i roi gwybod am unrhyw ddigwyddiadau casineb a gallant gysylltu â'r heddlu neu Ganolfan Cymorth Casineb Cymru, sy'n cael ei rhedeg gan Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr, ond rwy'n ddiolchgar am y cwestiwn hwnnw.

Grwpiau sydd wedi'u Tangynrychioli mewn Gwleidyddiaeth
Under-represented Groups in Politics

5. Pa gamau fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i annog mwy o bobl o grwpiau sydd yn draddodiadol wedi eu tangynrychioli, fel y gymuned LHDT+, i gymryd rhan mewn gwleidyddiaeth? OQ61689

5. What steps will the Welsh Government take to encourage more people from traditionally under-represented groups, such as the LGBT+ community, to take part in politics? OQ61689

Diolch yn fawr, Adam Price. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cymryd llawer o gamau i gefnogi amrywiaeth a sicrhau amrywiaeth mewn gwleidyddiaeth. Cyfrifoldeb pawb yw cynyddu amrywiaeth, a byddwn ni'n parhau i weithio gyda phartneriaid i sicrhau democratiaeth fwy amrywiol.

Thank you very much, Adam Price. The Welsh Government has taken many steps to support diversity and increase participation in politics. Increasing diversity is everyone’s responsibility, and we will continue to work with partners to deliver a more diverse democracy.

Dros y penwythnos yng nghynhadledd Plaid Cymru, mi oedd yn bleser i mi i fedru anrhydeddu Stuart Neale, sef y person LHDT agored cyntaf i sefyll etholiad yn enw Plaid Cymru nôl yn 1972. Cymerodd hi 29 o flynyddoedd wedi hynny i ni ethol y person LHDT cyntaf ar lefel genedlaethol—sef fi—ac wedi hynny, 23 o flynyddoedd wedi hynny, dal i fod fi ydy'r unig un erioed i gael ei ethol fel dyn hoyw agored ym Mhlaid Cymru, sy’n dangos pa mor bwysig ydy'r gwaith yma.

Nawr, gan fod y Llywodraeth yn edrych ar ganllawiau ar ethol mwy o amrywiaeth o bobl i’r lle yma, a hefyd, o dan y pwerau newydd o dan y Ddeddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) 2024, i annog a chefnogi grwpiau tangynrychioliedig, a fyddai'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn fodlon cwrdd ag adran Plaid Pride, sy’n cynrychioli’r gymuned LHDT yn fy mhlaid i, ond hefyd yr adrannau eraill, anableddau, BME, adran y merched, ac adrannau cyfatebol o fewn pleidiau eraill, er mwyn sicrhau y gallwn ni gael yr amrywiaeth mwyaf eang i gael ei gynrychioli yn ein democratiaeth ni?

Over the weekend at the Plaid Cymru conference, it was a pleasure for me to be able to honour Stuart Neale, who was the first openly LGBT+ person to stand for election in the name of Plaid Cymru, in 1972. It took 29 years, then, for us to elect the first LGBT+ person on a national level—namely me—and then, 23 years after that, I’m still the only one ever to be elected as an openly gay man in Plaid Cymru, which shows how important this work is.

Now, as the Government is looking at guidance on the election of a diverse range of people to this place and, under the new powers under the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act 2024, to encourage and support underrepresented groups, will the Cabinet Secretary be willing to meet Plaid Pride, which represents the LGBT+ community in my party, but also the other groups, in terms of disability, BME, the women’s group, and equivalent groups in other parties, to ensure that we can have the greatest possible diversity represented in our democracy? 


Diolch yn fawr, Adam Price, a diolch yn fawr am gofio Stuart Neale.

Thank you very much, Adam Price, and thank you for marking the contribution of Stuart Neale.

It is important that we share that and that you shared that with us today. Just to reassure you and Members that, with the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act 2024 requiring us to issue guidance to support all political parties in considering the actions that they can take to improve diversity of candidates at the next election, we are already meeting with LGBT+, Gypsy, Roma and Traveller, black, Asian and ethnic minority communities to work with them to draft the guidance. That includes Pride, it includes Stonewall Cymru, Disability Wales and all of those who are representing black, minority ethnic groups as well. There is an opportunity, and I hope everyone across this Chamber will engage in that consultation. In fact, I look forward, with the First Minister, to attending the women's caucus, chaired by Joyce Watson, and attended by women across the Chamber, next week to discuss this.

Mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n rhannu hynny a'ch bod chi wedi rhannu hynny gyda ni heddiw. Er mwyn eich sicrhau chi a'r Aelodau, gyda Deddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) 2024 yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ni gyhoeddi canllawiau i gefnogi pob plaid wleidyddol i ystyried y camau y gallant eu cymryd i wella amrywiaeth ymgeiswyr yn yr etholiad nesaf, rydym eisoes yn cyfarfod â LHDT+, Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr, cymunedau du, Asiaidd ac ethnig leiafrifol i weithio gyda nhw i ddrafftio'r canllawiau. Mae hynny'n cynnwys Pride, mae'n cynnwys Stonewall Cymru, Anabledd Cymru a phawb sy'n cynrychioli grwpiau du a lleiafrifol ethnig hefyd. Mae yna gyfle, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pawb ar draws y Siambr hon yn cymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad hwnnw. Mewn gwirionedd, rwy'n edrych ymlaen, gyda'r Prif Weinidog, at fynychu'r cawcws i fenywod dan gadeiryddiaeth Joyce Watson, ac a fynychir gan fenywod ar draws y Siambr yr wythnos nesaf i drafod hyn.

Taliadau Tanwydd y Gaeaf
Winter Fuel Payments

6. Pa gamau y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi'u cymryd i liniaru’r effaith ar drigolion yng Nghonwy a sir Ddinbych yn sgil penderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i ddileu taliadau tanwydd y gaeaf? OQ61690

6. What action has the Cabinet Secretary taken to mitigate the impact on residents in Conwy and Denbighshire of the UK Government’s decision to scrap winter fuel payments? OQ61690

Thank you, Darren Millar. We're working to ensure people in Conwy and Denbighshire, and throughout Wales, claim every £1 to which they're entitled. Our 'Claim what's yours' Advicelink Cymru helpline is helping pensioners to find out and access financial support, including pension credit.

Diolch, Darren Millar. Rydym yn gweithio i sicrhau bod pobl yng Nghonwy a sir Ddinbych, a ledled Cymru, yn hawlio pob £1 y mae ganddynt hawl iddi. Mae ein llinell gymorth 'Hawliwch yr hyn sy'n ddyledus i chi' Advicelink Cymru yn helpu pensiynwyr i ddarganfod a chael gafael ar gymorth ariannol, gan gynnwys credyd pensiwn.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, but I'm afraid that that answer does not satisfy the people in Conwy and Denbighshire that I represent. Some 30,000 people across those two local authority areas are expected to lose out on winter fuel payments this year, and, frankly, they are bitterly disappointed in the response of the Welsh Government to this crisis, and it is a crisis for many of them, who will struggle to pay their bills. They feel let down. They feel let down by you, Cabinet Secretary, personally, and by the UK Government. You haven't been calling sufficiently well on the UK Government to reverse the impact of these cuts, you don't seem to be able to find money within your own budgets to create a Welsh Government fuel payment to replace the impact of the payments that are being lost, yet you seem to have plenty of money for all sorts of other things that we don't need to spend money on. Back in August, you actually said yourself that pensioners risk being pushed into fuel poverty by the cut, and we know that that is the case. Why aren't you making any progress in addressing this issue and when can we expect you to be rattling the cage at the doors of the Treasury to make sure that pensioners in Wales don't face these terrible and cruel cuts this winter?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ond mae arnaf ofn nad yw'r ateb hwnnw'n bodloni'r bobl yng Nghonwy a sir Ddinbych rwy'n eu cynrychioli. Mae disgwyl y bydd tua 30,000 o bobl ar draws y ddwy ardal awdurdod lleol yn cael eu hamddifadu o daliadau tanwydd y gaeaf eleni, ac a dweud y gwir, maent yn siomedig iawn ynghylch ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i'r argyfwng hwn, ac mae'n argyfwng i lawer ohonynt a fydd yn ei chael hi'n anodd talu eu biliau. Maent yn siomedig. Maent yn teimlo eich bod chi wedi gwneud cam â nhw, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, chi'n bersonol, a Llywodraeth y DU. Nid ydych wedi bod yn galw'n ddigon da ar Lywodraeth y DU i wyrdroi effaith y toriadau hyn, nid yw'n ymddangos eich bod yn gallu dod o hyd i arian yn eich cyllidebau eich hun i greu taliad tanwydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn lle'r taliadau sy'n cael eu colli, ond eto mae'n ymddangos bod gennych ddigon o arian ar gyfer pob math o bethau eraill nad oes angen i ni wario arian arnynt. Yn ôl ym mis Awst, fe ddywedoch chi eich hun fod pensiynwyr mewn perygl o gael eu gwthio i dlodi tanwydd gan y toriad, ac fe wyddom fod hynny'n wir. Pam nad ydych chi'n gwneud unrhyw gynnydd ar fynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn a phryd y gallwn ni ddisgwyl i chi fynd i guro ar ddrysau'r Trysorlys i wneud yn siŵr nad yw pensiynwyr yng Nghymru yn wynebu'r toriadau ofnadwy a chreulon hyn y gaeaf hwn?

Well, Dirprwy Lywydd, I don't intend to go over all of the actions that we've already taken. I've answered this question more than once, but I'm going to add a couple more points and ways in which we are trying to help people. The one key thing, I think, is the unique partnership we've got with the Fuel Bank Foundation, since June 2022. Your Government, the UK Government, never entertained a partnership with the Fuel Bank Foundation, I have to say. They did in Scotland, they did in Wales, not in England. That heat fund helps off-grid households in crisis with the bulk purchase of fuel, and it is important for people to know about the Fuel Bank Foundation. It's grown a network of more than 126 referral partners based in Wales, 13 partners who provide UK services, such as Macmillan and Scope. It gives fuel vouchers, heated throws and helps households receive help to purchase off-grid fuel. That is a Welsh-based initiative with the Fuel Bank Foundation, and, in fact, they came to the child poverty conference on Monday to talk about that work.

But also, I've met with all the energy suppliers in Wales this month. I've encouraged them to help their customers with their energy bills, and they're all signed up to helping their energy customers. And let's remember it is actually about how we invest £30 million in the Warm Homes Nest scheme to tackle fuel poverty. I think that's the way in which we are—as well as all the other responses I've given this afternoon in terms of take-up of the pension credit to enable them to access the winter fuel payment—helping pensioners in your constituency and in Wales, I have to say, with your local authority working very closely with us, Darren Millar, and local authorities are on board.

Wel, Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid wyf yn bwriadu mynd dros yr holl gamau yr ydym eisoes wedi'u cymryd. Rwyf wedi ateb y cwestiwn hwn fwy nag unwaith, ond rwy'n mynd i ychwanegu ychydig mwy o bwyntiau a ffyrdd rydym yn ceisio helpu pobl. Yr un peth allweddol, rwy'n credu, yw'r bartneriaeth unigryw sydd gennym gyda'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd ers mis Mehefin 2022. Ni wnaeth eich Llywodraeth chi, Llywodraeth y DU, gynnal partneriaeth gyda'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd erioed, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud. Fe wnaethant hynny yn yr Alban, fe wnaethant hynny yng Nghymru, nid yn Lloegr. Mae'r gronfa wres honno yn helpu aelwydydd oddi ar y grid sy'n wynebu argyfwng gyda swmpbrynu tanwydd, ac mae'n bwysig i bobl wybod am y Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd. Mae wedi tyfu rhwydwaith o fwy na 126 o bartneriaid atgyfeirio yng Nghymru, 13 partner sy'n darparu gwasanaethau DU, fel Macmillan a Scope. Mae'n rhoi talebau tanwydd, carthenni trydan ac yn helpu cartrefi i gael help i brynu tanwydd oddi ar y grid. Mae'n fenter Gymreig gyda'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd, ac mewn gwirionedd, daethant i'r gynhadledd tlodi plant ddydd Llun i sôn am y gwaith hwnnw.

Ond hefyd, rwyf wedi cyfarfod â'r holl gyflenwyr ynni yng Nghymru y mis hwn. Rwyf wedi eu hannog i helpu eu cwsmeriaid gyda'u biliau ynni, ac maent oll wedi cofrestru i helpu eu cwsmeriaid ynni. A gadewch inni gofio ei fod yn ymwneud â sut rydym yn buddsoddi £30 miliwn yng nghynllun Nyth Cartrefi Clyd i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd. Rwy'n credu mai dyna'r ffordd rydym ni—yn ogystal â'r holl ymatebion eraill a roddais y prynhawn yma o ran y nifer sy'n manteisio ar y credyd pensiwn i'w galluogi i gael taliad tanwydd y gaeaf—yn helpu pensiynwyr yn eich etholaeth chi ac yng Nghymru, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, gyda'ch awdurdod lleol chi'n gweithio'n agos iawn gyda ni, Darren Millar, ac mae awdurdodau lleol yn gefnogol.

Rhwydwaith Trafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus
The Public Transport Network

7. Sut y mae’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn gweithio gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru i sicrhau cyfle cyfartal a chydraddoldeb mynediad ar y rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus? OQ61704

7. How is the Cabinet Secretary working with the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales to ensure there is equality of opportunity and access on the public transport network? OQ61704


Diolch yn fawr, Peredur Owen Griffiths. We are committed to connecting communities across Wales by transforming our railways, delivering a better bus network, fixing our roads and empowering local communities. This will allow us to build an accessible, sustainable and efficient transport service for everyone, in all parts of Wales.

Diolch, Peredur Owen Griffiths. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i gysylltu cymunedau ledled Cymru trwy drawsnewid ein rheilffyrdd, darparu rhwydwaith bysiau gwell, trwsio ein ffyrdd a grymuso cymunedau lleol. Bydd hyn yn ein galluogi i adeiladu gwasanaeth trafnidiaeth hygyrch, cynaliadwy ac effeithlon i bawb, ym mhob rhan o Gymru.

Diolch am yr ateb yna.

Thank you for that response.

One thing that I think we can all agree on is that the public transport network is not where we'd like it to be in Wales. For anyone with a car, this is an inconvenience, if they would prefer to travel by bus or rail. If you are without a car, because you can't afford it or are unable to drive for health reasons, our patchy public transport network becomes an equality issue. For example, Age Cymru surveyed pensioners in Wales and found that 17 per cent of responders found it difficult or very difficult to get about. One person said that the bus service is infrequent and that it would be very difficult to access medical appointments, services and shops without a car. Another added, 'We'd like to use public transport, but access is limited, due to the cuts.' Minister, are these issues on your radar, with your responsibility for equality and human rights? And do you agree that our patchy public transport is a barrier to achieving equality, is a barrier to opening up opportunities in the job market or leisure, and a barrier to combating isolation amongst vulnerable groups?

Un peth y credaf y gallwn i gyd gytuno arno yw nad yw'r rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus lle hoffem iddo fod yng Nghymru. I unrhyw un sydd â char, mae hyn yn anghyfleustra os byddai'n well ganddynt deithio ar fws neu reilffordd. Os ydych chi heb gar, am na allwch ei fforddio neu os na allwch chi yrru am resymau iechyd, mae ein rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus dameidiog yn dod yn fater cydraddoldeb. Er enghraifft, fe wnaeth Age Cymru arolygu pensiynwyr yng Nghymru a chanfod bod 17 y cant o'r ymatebwyr yn ei chael hi'n anodd neu'n anodd iawn teithio o gwmpas. Dywedodd un person fod y gwasanaeth bws yn anfynych ac y byddai'n anodd iawn cyrraedd apwyntiadau meddygol, gwasanaethau a siopau heb gar. Ychwanegodd un arall, 'Hoffem ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ond mae mynediad yn gyfyngedig, oherwydd y toriadau.' Weinidog, a yw'r materion hyn ar eich radar, gyda'ch cyfrifoldeb dros gydraddoldeb a hawliau dynol? Ac a ydych chi'n cytuno bod ein trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus dameidiog yn rhwystr rhag cyflawni cydraddoldeb, yn rhwystr rhag agor cyfleoedd yn y farchnad swyddi neu hamdden, ac yn rhwystr i wrthsefyll ynysu ymhlith grwpiau bregus?

Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn.

Thank you very much for your question.

Of course, it's the national transport delivery plan that sets out the range of actions we're taking to improve the accessibility, reliability, safety and frequency of public transport. It is crucial that we have an integrated public transport service in Wales. And it is important to also recognise that, in south-east Wales, we've awarded £54 million in funding to local authorities to invest in their local transport priorities.

I just want to make one point—I'm testing the patience of the Dirprwy Lywydd. Don't forget that we're maintaining in Wales—. The Welsh Government is maintaining our concessionary travel scheme, which is crucial for older and disabled people, enabling people to travel for free on most bus services in Wales and get discounted or free travel on many rail services.

Wrth gwrs, y cynllun cyflawni cenedlaethol ar gyfer trafnidiaeth sy'n nodi'r ystod o gamau rydym yn eu cymryd i wella hygyrchedd, dibynadwyedd, diogelwch ac amlder trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Mae'n hanfodol fod gennym wasanaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus integredig yng Nghymru. Ac mae'n bwysig cydnabod hefyd, yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru, ein bod wedi dyfarnu £54 miliwn mewn cyllid i awdurdodau lleol i'w fuddsoddi yn eu blaenoriaethau trafnidiaeth lleol.

Hoffwn wneud un pwynt—rwy'n profi amynedd y Dirprwy Lywydd. Peidiwch ag anghofio ein bod ni'n cynnal yng Nghymru—. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnal ein cynllun teithio rhatach, sy'n allweddol i bobl hŷn ac anabl, ac yn galluogi pobl i deithio am ddim ar y rhan fwyaf o wasanaethau bysiau yng Nghymru a theithio am bris gostyngol neu am ddim ar lawer o wasanaethau rheilffordd.

Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8. Buffy Williams.

And finally, question 8, Buffy Williams.

Tlodi Plant
Child Poverty

8. Pa gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â thlodi plant dros weddill tymor y Senedd hon? OQ61708

8. What action will the Welsh Government take to tackle child poverty over the rest of this Senedd term? OQ61708

Diolch, Buffy Williams. The child poverty strategy for Wales sets out our long-term ambitions to tackle child poverty and to mitigate the worst impacts of poverty here in Wales. Our strategy includes the actions we are taking across Government and with partners, maximising the impact of the levers available to us.

Diolch, Buffy Williams. Mae strategaeth tlodi plant Cymru yn nodi ein huchelgeisiau hirdymor i fynd i'r afael â thlodi plant ac i liniaru effeithiau gwaethaf tlodi yma yng Nghymru. Mae ein strategaeth yn cynnwys y camau rydym yn eu cymryd ar draws y Llywodraeth a chyda phartneriaid, gan wneud y gorau o effaith y dulliau sydd ar gael i ni.

Thank you. Child poverty in Wales is alarmingly high. Increasing energy bills and mortgage rates will only make this worse. Research from the Trussell Trust indicates that, in 2023-24, over 187,000 crisis food parcels were distributed, with one in 10 parcels going to babies and children under four years old. There is a clear link between poverty and instances of abuse and neglect. The NSPCC report an increase in the numbers of children being taken into care due to families being unable to provide food and clothing. To effectively tackle child poverty, we must simultaneously support families and prevent further crisis. Cabinet Secretary, what action is the Government taking to enhance poverty awareness within child protection practices? How will the Government address the urgent need for emergency food assistance in Wales this winter? And how can we proactively identify and support parents facing crises and poverty, not only at crisis point but into the future, through training, education and employment?

Diolch. Mae tlodi plant yng Nghymru yn frawychus o uchel. Bydd biliau ynni a chyfraddau morgais uwch yn gwaethygu hyn. Mae ymchwil gan Ymddiriedolaeth Trussell yn dangos bod dros 187,000 o barseli bwyd argyfwng wedi'u dosbarthu yn 2023-24, gydag un o bob 10 parsel yn mynd i fabanod a phlant o dan bedair oed. Mae cysylltiad clir rhwng tlodi ac achosion o gamdriniaeth ac esgeulustod. Mae'r NSPCC yn nodi cynnydd yn nifer y plant sy'n cael eu derbyn i ofal am nad yw teuluoedd yn gallu darparu bwyd a dillad. Er mwyn mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant yn effeithiol, rhaid inni gefnogi teuluoedd ac atal argyfwng pellach ar yr un pryd. Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gamau y mae'r Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i wella ymwybyddiaeth o dlodi mewn ymarfer diogelu plant? Sut y bydd y Llywodraeth yn mynd i'r afael â'r angen brys am gymorth bwyd argyfwng yng Nghymru y gaeaf hwn? A sut y gallwn ni fynd ati'n rhagweithiol i nodi a chefnogi rhieni sy'n wynebu argyfyngau a thlodi, nid yn unig ar adeg o argyfwng ond yn y dyfodol, drwy hyfforddiant, addysg a chyflogaeth?

Thank you for that question. I'll just focus on emergency food assistance—this has come up this afternoon already—and confirm that, since 2019, we've allocated more than £22 million to support community food organisations. I know that you support them actively in your constituency, as do many across this Chamber, and that is about tackling food poverty. It is about, also, providing access and signposts to other services and allocating £1 million revenue and £1 million capital to support community food organisations that tackle food poverty. But, as I have said already, those cross-sector food partnerships in each local authority are crucial to get expertise and support from Public Health Wales, local health boards, public sector bodies, third sector, businesses, academics, local farmers, all together, multi-agency. And I mentioned Katie Palmer and Food Sense Wales, talking about the positive impacts of that. So, again, all of the work on Flying Start, input into Families First, the family information service, these are things where we have responsibilities and we are doing our best to deliver, in terms of tackling child poverty.

Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw. Rwyf am ganolbwyntio ar gymorth bwyd argyfwng—mae hyn wedi codi y prynhawn yma yn barod—a chadarnhau, ers 2019, ein bod wedi dyrannu mwy na £22 miliwn i gefnogi sefydliadau bwyd cymunedol. Gwn eich bod yn eu cefnogi'n weithredol yn eich etholaeth, fel y mae llawer ar draws y Siambr hon, ac mae hynny'n ymwneud â mynd i'r afael â thlodi bwyd. Mae hefyd yn ymwneud â darparu mynediad ac chyfeiriadau at wasanaethau eraill a dyrannu refeniw o £1 filiwn a chyfalaf gwerth £1 filiwn i gefnogi sefydliadau bwyd cymunedol sy'n mynd i'r afael â thlodi bwyd. Ond fel y dywedais eisoes, mae'r partneriaethau bwyd traws-sector ym mhob awdurdod lleol yn hanfodol i gael arbenigedd a chefnogaeth gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, byrddau iechyd lleol, cyrff sector cyhoeddus, y trydydd sector, busnesau, academyddion, ffermwyr lleol, gyda'i gilydd, yn amlasiantaethol. A soniais am Katie Palmer a Synnwyr Bwyd Cymru, yn sôn am effeithiau cadarnhaol hynny. Felly, unwaith eto, yr holl waith ar Dechrau'n Deg, mewnbwn i Teuluoedd yn Gyntaf, y gwasanaeth gwybodaeth i deuluoedd, mae'r rhain yn bethau lle mae gennym gyfrifoldebau ac rydym yn gwneud ein gorau i'w cyflawni er mwyn mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant.


Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet. Rwyf wedi cael cais gan Janet Finch-Saunders i godi pwynt o drefn. Janet.

I thank the Cabinet Secretary. I have received a request from Janet Finch-Saunders to raise a point of order. Janet.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I wish for you to rule on a point of order issue. The Cabinet Secretary made a very robust statement here, that there were no foodbanks before the coalition, meaning the Conservative-Labour coalition—

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn i chi ddyfarnu ar bwynt o drefn. Fe wnaeth Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddatganiad cadarn iawn yma, nad oedd banciau bwyd cyn y glymblaid, sy'n golygu'r glymblaid Geidwadol-Lafur—

Aelod o'r Senedd / Member of the Senedd 15:15:44

Conservative-Lib Dems.

Y Ceidwadwyr a'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol.

Yes, the Lib Dems. The point being that foodbanks were introduced in 2000 under a Labour Government. It's there in black and white. Google it. During the financial crash, they accelerated more. So, how has the introduction of foodbanks—

Ie, y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol. Y pwynt yw bod banciau bwyd wedi eu cyflwyno yn 2000 o dan Lywodraeth Lafur. Mae yno mewn du a gwyn. Gallwch ei gwglo. Yn ystod y cwymp ariannol, fe wnaethant gyflymu mwy. Felly, sut y mae cyflwyno banciau bwyd—

A point of order, please, not pointing to the Cabinet Secretary.

Pwynt o drefn, os gwelwch yn dda, peidiwch â phwyntio at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.

—under a Labour Government been twisted here today?

—dan Lywodraeth Lafur wedi cael ei wyrdroi yma heddiw?

Right. It's not for me to rule on the answers given by a Cabinet Secretary, but you have raised this point, and it is on the record. I am sure that the Cabinet Secretary will review the contribution that she has made to ensure that any corrective action, if necessary, would be applied.

Iawn. Nid fy lle i yw dyfarnu ar yr atebion a roddwyd gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ond rydych chi wedi codi'r pwynt, ac mae wedi'i gofnodi. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn adolygu'r cyfraniad a wnaeth i sicrhau y byddai unrhyw gamau cywiro, os oes eu hangen, yn cael eu gweithredu.

I would like her to withdraw the comment.

Hoffwn iddi dynnu'r sylw yn ôl.

3. Cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd
3. Questions to the Senedd Commission

Symudwn ymlaen nawr at eitem 3, sef cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd. Mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf yn cael ei ateb gan y Llywydd, ac yn cael ei ofyn gan Alun Davies.

We will move on now to item 3, questions to the Senedd Commission. The first question is to be answered by the Llywydd and asked by Alun Davies.

Cefnogaeth i Bobl Wcráin
Support for the People of Ukraine

1. Pa gamau y mae'r Comisiwn yn eu cymryd i ddangos cefnogaeth y Senedd i bobl Wcráin? OQ61703

1. What action is the Commission taking to demonstrate the Senedd's support for the people of Ukraine? OQ61703

Yn ystod y ddwy flynedd a hanner diwethaf, mae’r Aelodau wedi defnyddio eu platfform yn aml yn y Siambr hon i dynnu sylw at effaith yr ymosodiad ar bobl Wcráin. Mae gwasanaethau'r Comisiwn wedi cefnogi’r Aelodau i ddangos eu cefnogaeth i Wcráin. Mae baner Wcráin wedi hedfan ar ystâd y Senedd ers 24 Chwefror 2022 fel arwydd o undod parhaus Cymru gydag Wcráin a’i phobl. Rydym hefyd wedi cefnogi llawer o ddigwyddiadau a noddir gan Aelodau i dynnu sylw at effaith barhaus yr argyfwng yn Wcráin.

During the past two and a half years, Members have frequently used their platform in this Siambr to highlight the invasion’s impact on the people of Ukraine. The Commission’s services have supported Members in demonstrating their support for Ukraine. The Ukrainian flag has flown on the Senedd estate since 24 February 2022 as a mark of Wales’s continued solidarity with Ukraine and its people. We’ve also supported many Member-sponsored events to highlight the continued impact of the crisis in Ukraine.

I'm grateful to the Llywydd for that response. We are living in fractious times, but one thing that has united Members on all sides of this Chamber is support for the people of Ukraine. We are now looking at potentially three years since the invasion of Ukraine. We have an all-party group here that has pioneered working to support the people of Ukraine. Myself and the Member for Pontypridd, Mick Antoniw, will again be in Ukraine over half term, delivering medical aid and support for people there. 

As we approach this third anniversary, it's important that we again look at how we can provide support for people who are literally in the front line of Putin's invasion. As we remember the Holodomor genocide in the coming month, it will be important again to bring these matters to this Chamber, so that this Chamber can speak on behalf of the people of Wales.

But also, I hope that the Commission will help, support and facilitate the people of Wales in expressing their view that they want to continue to support the people of Ukraine. And I hope that the Commission will use all of its endeavours to ensure that the voice of the people of Wales is heard loud and clear: that we want an end to this invasion and we want the people of Ukraine to be able to live in peace and freedom. 

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Llywydd am yr ymateb hwnnw. Rydym yn byw mewn cyfnod anynad, ond un peth sydd wedi uno Aelodau ar bob ochr i'r Siambr hon yw cefnogaeth i bobl Wcráin. Rydym bellach yn edrych ar dair blynedd o bosibl ers goresgyniad Wcráin. Mae gennym grŵp hollbleidiol yma sydd wedi arloesi wrth weithio i gefnogi pobl Wcráin. Byddaf i a'r Aelod dros Bontypridd, Mick Antoniw, yn Wcráin eto dros hanner tymor, yn darparu cymorth meddygol a chefnogaeth i bobl yno. 

Wrth i ni agosáu at dair blynedd, mae'n bwysig ein bod unwaith eto yn edrych ar sut y gallwn ddarparu cefnogaeth i bobl sydd yn llythrennol ar y rheng flaen yn wyneb ymosodiad Putin. Wrth i ni gofio am hil-laddiad Holodomor yn y mis nesaf, bydd yn bwysig dod â'r materion hyn i'r Siambr hon eto, fel y gall y Siambr siarad ar ran pobl Cymru.

Ond hefyd, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Comisiwn yn helpu ac yn cefnogi pobl Cymru i fynegi eu barn eu bod am barhau i gefnogi pobl Wcráin. Ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Comisiwn yn defnyddio ei holl ymdrechion i sicrhau bod llais pobl Cymru yn cael ei glywed yn uchel ac yn glir: ein bod am weld diwedd ar y goresgyniad hwn ac rydym am i bobl Wcráin allu byw mewn heddwch a rhyddid. 

I wholeheartedly, as the Llywydd of this Senedd, endorse all of the comments that you have made, and have only praise for you and Mick Antoniw and any and everyone who has gone the extra mile to support the people of Ukraine as they face these atrocities that they are facing. Sometimes it is not such a big deal to fly a flag in support of a people or a cause, but I do consider the fact that we continue to fly the flag of Ukraine proudly on our Senedd estate—. Not once, I believe, have I been requested to remove that flag. I consider that that is solidarity, almost more than anything, that we can show as a Parliament to the Parliament of Ukraine and to the people of Ukraine.

Fel Llywydd y Senedd hon, rwy'n cymeradwyo'n llwyr yr holl sylwadau yr ydych chi wedi'u gwneud, ac yn eich canmol chi a Mick Antoniw ac unrhyw un a phawb sydd wedi mynd y filltir ychwanegol i gefnogi pobl Wcráin wrth iddynt wynebu'r erchyllterau y maent yn eu hwynebu. Weithiau nid yw'n beth mawr i hedfan baner i gefnogi pobl neu achos, ond rwy'n ystyried y ffaith ein bod yn parhau i chwifio baner Wcráin yn falch ar ystad ein Senedd—. Nid oes neb erioed wedi gofyn i mi dynnu'r faner honno. Rwy'n ystyried bod hynny'n dangos yr undod, yn fwy na dim, y gallwn ei ddangos fel Senedd i Senedd Wcráin ac i bobl Wcráin.

Thank you for those comments. Following on from the points that have been made, of course, the next four vehicles, going this half term, will take the total up to 30 that have been delivered on behalf of the cross-party group. There's a famous photograph that's circulating of a Ukrainian solder—one of the ones killed very early on. He'd written on the boarding behind him 'Yma o hyd', and I think that actually represents the attitude of many of the people in Ukraine—that they're still there and still fighting for their independence.

What I'd ask in respect of the Commission is, really, two things. We have 8,000 Ukrainians in Wales since the invasion, 4,000 or so of whom are children, and the support they've had has been tremendous from Wales. But there are two things, I think, that are really important: one is the commemoration of the Holodomor, the famine that resulted in some 4 million plus people being starved, artificially starved by Stalin in the 1930s, which resonates today with events in Ukraine, and whether the Commission can actually give support to that. And the second one is, of course, that I think the time is right now, due to the particular links between Wales and Ukraine, which are quite unique—the establishment of Donetsk, Yuzovka, after John Hughes; the links with Gareth Jones; and also the industrial links—so that now would be appropriate, I think, to look forward, perhaps to next Easter, to a formal parliamentary delegation from this Senedd to Ukraine. I know that the Ukrainian Members of Parliament I've met would very much welcome that, and establishing more formal links between our two Parliaments. 

Diolch am y sylwadau hynny. Yn dilyn y pwyntiau a wnaed, wrth gwrs, bydd y pedwar cerbyd nesaf, sy'n mynd yr hanner tymor hwn, yn golygu bod cyfanswm o 30 wedi eu darparu ar ran y grŵp trawsbleidiol. Mae yna lun enwog sy'n cylchredeg o filwr Wcreineg—un o'r rhai a laddwyd yn gynnar iawn. Roedd wedi ysgrifennu 'Yma o hyd' ar y bordiau y tu ôl iddo, a chredaf fod hynny'n cynrychioli agwedd llawer o'r bobl yn Wcráin mewn gwirionedd—eu bod yn dal yno ac yn dal i frwydro dros eu hannibyniaeth.

Hoffwn ofyn dau beth mewn perthynas â'r Comisiwn mewn gwirionedd. Mae gennym 8,000 o Wcreiniaid yng Nghymru ers y goresgyniad, a 4,000 ohonynt yn blant, ac mae'r gefnogaeth y maent wedi'i chael wedi bod yn aruthrol o Gymru. Ond mae dau beth sy'n bwysig iawn: un yw coffáu'r Holodomor, y newyn a arweiniodd at 4 miliwn a mwy o bobl yn newynu yn sgil newyn artiffisial Stalin yn y 1930au, y ceir adlais ohono heddiw gyda digwyddiadau yn Wcráin, ac a all y Comisiwn roi cefnogaeth i hynny mewn gwirionedd. A'r ail beth, wrth gwrs, yw fy mod yn meddwl bod yr amser yn briodol nawr, oherwydd y cysylltiadau arbennig rhwng Cymru ac Wcráin, sy'n eithaf unigryw—sefydlu Donetsk, Yuzovka, ar ôl John Hughes; y cysylltiadau gyda Gareth Jones; a hefyd y cysylltiadau diwydiannol—fel y byddai'n briodol nawr, rwy'n credu, i edrych ymlaen, y Pasg nesaf efallai, at ddirprwyaeth seneddol ffurfiol o'r Senedd hon i Wcráin. Rwy'n gwybod y byddai Aelodau Senedd Wcráin y cyfarfûm â hwy yn croesawu hynny'n fawr, a sefydlu cysylltiadau mwy ffurfiol rhwng ein dwy Senedd. 


Thank you, Mick, for the questions and the issues that you've raised, and also for your work in supporting your beloved home country, if I can call it that, or the country of your forefathers. You have been a very strong advocate for the cause of Ukraine here in this Senedd and in Wales. And I still remember, as you speak of the 8,000 refugees from Ukraine who continue to live in Wales, one of those refugees coming to sing at our St David's Day event here. She was a soprano. She had been based at the Llangrannog Urdd camp when she first became a refugee here, and she sang in Welsh in our Senedd on St David's Day 2023, I think. She now lives in north Wales, has relocated to north Wales, and is still singing, from what I see on Facebook, in communities in north Wales. So, it's important for us to remember that these 8,000 people and more continue to live a long way from their home, and they will want to return—many of them, I'm sure—in as near a future as possible.

You asked two issues in particular: one on the recognition and support for the holding of a Holodomor memorial here in the Senedd. I'm more than happy for the Commission to work with the cross-party group on facilitating that. On the parliamentary delegation to the Parliament of Ukraine from our Senedd, I heard quite a bit of support across the Chamber for that. I would ask the cross-party group, or however you want to facilitate that, perhaps to think about how that parliamentary delegation would work. We're still in the context of Foreign Office advice to all of us as UK citizens not to travel to Ukraine, so there are issues for us to think about as a Senedd, a Parliament, as a Commission, in terms of facilitating that. But let's see what's possible, and let's talk across parties on how and if that can happen for next Easter.

Diolch, Mick, am y cwestiynau a'r materion rydych chi wedi'u codi, a hefyd am eich gwaith yn cefnogi eich mamwlad annwyl, os caf ei galw'n hynny, neu wlad eich cyndadau. Rydych chi wedi dadlau'n gadarn iawn dros achos Wcráin yma yn y Senedd hon ac yng Nghymru. Ac wrth i chi siarad am yr 8,000 o ffoaduriaid o Wcráin sy'n parhau i fyw yng Nghymru, rwy'n dal i gofio un o'r ffoaduriaid hynny'n dod i ganu yn ein digwyddiad Dydd Gŵyl Dewi yma. Soprano oedd hi. Roedd hi wedi ei lleoli yng ngwersyll yr Urdd Llangrannog pan ddaeth hi'n ffoadur yma gyntaf, ac fe ganodd yn Gymraeg yn ein Senedd ni ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi 2023, rwy'n credu. Mae hi bellach yn byw yng ngogledd Cymru, wedi symud i ogledd Cymru, ac yn dal i ganu, o'r hyn a welaf ar Facebook, mewn cymunedau yng ngogledd Cymru. Felly, mae'n bwysig i ni gofio bod yr 8,000 a mwy o bobl yn parhau i fyw ymhell o'u cartref, a byddant eisiau dychwelyd—lawer ohonynt, rwy'n siŵr—mor fuan â phosibl yn y dyfodol.

Fe ofynnoch chi ynglŷn â dau fater yn benodol: un ar y gydnabyddiaeth a'r gefnogaeth i gynnal digwyddiad coffáu'r Holodomor yma yn y Senedd. Rwy'n fwy na pharod i'r Comisiwn weithio gyda'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar hwyluso hynny. Ar y ddirprwyaeth seneddol i Senedd Wcráin o'n Senedd, clywais gryn dipyn o gefnogaeth ar draws y Siambr i hynny. Hoffwn ofyn i'r grŵp trawsbleidiol, neu sut bynnag yr hoffech chi hwyluso hynny, i feddwl sut y gallai'r ddirprwyaeth seneddol honno weithio. Rydym yn dal i fod yng nghyd-destun cyngor y Swyddfa Dramor i bob un ohonom fel dinasyddion y DU i beidio â theithio i Wcráin, felly mae yna bethau i ni feddwl amdanynt fel Senedd, fel Comisiwn, o ran hwyluso hynny. Ond gadewch inni weld beth sy'n bosibl, a gadewch inni siarad ar draws y pleidiau ynglŷn â sut y gallai hynny ddigwydd, ac a allai ddigwydd y Pasg nesaf.

Trefniadau Gwaith
Working Arrangements

2. A wnaiff y Comisiwn ddatganiad am drefniadau gwaith staff y Comisiwn? OQ61687

2. Will the Commission make a statement on the working arrangements of Commission staff? OQ61687

Mae amrywiaeth o drefniadau a phatrymau gwaith ar waith ar draws y Comisiwn. Mae trefniadau gwaith yn cynnwys gweithio ar safleoedd y Senedd, gweithio o bell, bod yn bresennol mewn digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau ledled Cymru, a gweithio gyda'r nos a gweithio ar benwythnosau. Fel sefydliad sydd wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu cyfle cyfartal ac arferion sy'n cefnogi cydbwysedd bywyd a gwaith, datblygir ein polisïau pobl mewn ymgynghoriad ag undebau llafur a'n rhwydweithiau cydraddoldeb yn y gweithle. Mae gennym bolisi gweithio hyblyg ac rydym yn darparu amrywiaeth o drefniadau gweithio hyblyg, ac mae'r enghreifftiau'n cynnwys oriau rhan amser, oriau cywasgedig, gweithio yn ystod y tymor a rhannu swydd. Mae hyn yn galluogi staff i gydbwyso'u cyfrifoldebau tu allan i'r gwaith tra'n darparu gwasanaeth o ansawdd uchel i'r Comisiwn.

There are a range of working arrangements and patterns in place across the Commission. These include working on the Senedd sites, remote working, attendance at events and activities across Wales, evening and night working and weekend working. As an organisation committed to providing equality of opportunity and practices that support a work-life balance, our people policies are developed in consultation with trade unions and our workplace equality networks. We have a flexible working policy and we provide a range of flexible working arrangements, with examples including part-time hours, compressed hours, term-time working and job shares. This enables staff to balance their responsibilities outside of work whilst delivering a high-quality service to the Commission.

Thank you, Llywydd. Back in May this year, I was sat in my Senedd office in Cardiff, diligently doing my work of scrutinising the Welsh Government, as we all do, when I found that I couldn't get hold of any Senedd Commission support staff whatsoever. I subsequently found out through an FOI that 95 per cent of the Commission workforce had taken a privilege day, which just so happened to fall straight after a bank holiday weekend. I appreciate that the Senedd was in recess, and that staff are entitled to take privilege days of their choosing, but I think it seriously inhibits the ability of Members to carry out their roles when, without notice to us, almost all of the Commission staff take the same day off. With this in mind, do you believe it is appropriate that so many staff members took their privilege day off all at once? And do you agree with me that having this number of staff off in one go seriously hinders the work of Senedd Members? Thank you.

Diolch, Lywydd. Yn ôl ym mis Mai eleni, roeddwn i'n eistedd yn fy swyddfa yn y Senedd yng Nghaerdydd, yn ddiwyd wrth fy ngwaith yn craffu ar Lywodraeth Cymru, fel y mae pawb ohonom yn ei wneud, pan welais na allwn cael gafael ar unrhyw staff cymorth Comisiwn y Senedd o gwbl. Darganfûm wedyn trwy gais rhyddid gwybodaeth fod 95 y cant o weithlu'r Comisiwn wedi cymryd diwrnod braint, a oedd yn digwydd bod yn syth ar ôl penwythnos gŵyl y banc. Rwy'n derbyn ei bod hi'n doriad ar y Senedd, a bod gan staff hawl i gymryd diwrnodau braint o'u dewis, ond credaf ei fod yn atal gallu'r Aelodau'n fawr rhag gallu cyflawni eu gwaith pan fydd bron bob un o staff y Comisiwn, heb rybudd i ni, i ffwrdd ar yr un diwrnod. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, a ydych chi'n credu ei bod hi'n briodol fod cymaint o aelodau staff wedi cymryd eu diwrnod braint i gyd ar unwaith? Ac a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod cael cymaint o staff yn absennol ar y tro yn rhwystro gwaith Aelodau'r Senedd yn ddifrifol? Diolch.


I don't think it seriously hindered the work of Senedd Members. I'm sorry if it seriously hindered your work that you were unable to get hold of a Senedd Commission member of staff at that time on this estate. I would guess that there are members of our staff on this estate at all times, 24 hours a day. I can't quite answer the detail of your question, of course, because I don't know what kind of support you were looking for on that day in question.

This is the first time in 25 years that I've heard this particular issue raised. I doubt it's the first time that this has been the reality that most members of staff have taken a bank holiday or a privilege day at the same time. I suspect it's a pattern that's developed in the public sector over a very long time. I'm not aware that it's been an issue in the past. Please write to me if you believe that this is an issue that I should take up with our trade union partners and those representing our staff in the way we develop our services in the future. And please let me know as well on that particular date what kind of service you were looking for from Senedd Commission staff that was not available to you.

Nid wyf yn credu ei fod wedi rhwystro gwaith Aelodau'r Senedd yn ddifrifol. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf os yw'r ffaith na alloch chi ddod o hyd i aelod o staff y Comisiwn ar yr adeg honno ar yr ystad wedi llesteirio eich gwaith yn ddifrifol. Rwy'n tybio bod aelodau o'n staff ar yr ystad hon bob amser, 24 awr y dydd. Ni allaf ateb eich cwestiwn yn fanwl iawn, wrth gwrs, oherwydd nid wyf yn gwybod pa fath o gymorth yr oeddech chi'n chwilio amdano ar y diwrnod dan sylw.

Dyma'r tro cyntaf ers 25 mlynedd i mi glywed y mater hwn yn cael ei godi. Rwy'n amau mai dyma'r tro cyntaf i hyn ddigwydd, fod y rhan fwyaf o aelodau staff wedi cymryd gŵyl y banc neu ddiwrnod braint ar yr un pryd. Rwy'n tybio ei fod yn batrwm sydd wedi datblygu yn y sector cyhoeddus dros amser hir iawn. Nid wyf yn ymwybodol ei fod wedi bod yn broblem yn y gorffennol. Ysgrifennwch ataf os credwch fod hwn yn fater y dylwn ei drafod gyda'n partneriaid undebau llafur a'r rhai sy'n cynrychioli ein staff o ran y ffordd y datblygwn ein gwasanaethau yn y dyfodol. A rhowch wybod i mi hefyd ar y dyddiad penodol hwnnw pa fath o wasanaeth roeddech chi'n chwilio amdano gan staff Comisiwn y Senedd nad oedd ar gael i chi.

Mae cwestiwn 3 yn cael ei ateb gan Hefin David. Laura Anne Jones.

Question 3 is being answered by Hefin David. Laura Anne Jones.

Cost Ehangu Siambr y Senedd
Cost of Enlarging the Senedd Chamber

3. A wnaiff y Comisiwn roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am yr amcangyfrif o gostau ehangu Siambr y Senedd i greu lle ar gyfer Aelodau ychwanegol? OQ61693

3. Will the Commission provide an update on the estimated costs of enlarging the Senedd Chamber to accommodate extra Members? OQ61693

The estimated costs of enlarging the Senedd Siambr to accommodate extra Members are included in the Senedd's draft budget for 2025-26 as part of the capital costs associated with Senedd reform. I gave evidence two weeks ago to the Finance Committee, an hour’s evidence session, and there's a lot of detail in there around the question that you've just asked.

The capital costs include physical adaptations to both the Senedd Siambr and Tŷ Hywel, which we are currently estimating at £3.874 million. The capital costs relate to the necessary adaptions to the Siambr to accommodate the enlarged Senedd of 96 Members and completion of Tŷ Hywel adaptations for new Member offices. Both projects will be subject to a competitive tender process to ensure value for money, but disclosing more detailed estimated costs in advance of procurement will of course preclude the Senedd's ability to obtain best value bids.

Mae costau amcangyfrifedig ehangu Siambr y Senedd i ddarparu ar gyfer Aelodau ychwanegol wedi'u cynnwys yng nghyllideb ddrafft y Senedd ar gyfer 2025-26 fel rhan o'r costau cyfalaf sy'n gysylltiedig â diwygio'r Senedd. Rhoddais dystiolaeth bythefnos yn ôl i'r Pwyllgor Cyllid, sesiwn dystiolaeth awr o hyd, ac mae llawer o fanylion yno am y cwestiwn yr ydych chi newydd ei ofyn.

Mae'r costau cyfalaf yn cynnwys addasiadau ffisegol i Siambr y Senedd a Thŷ Hywel, ac rydym yn amcangyfrif eu bod yn £3.874 miliwn ar hyn o bryd. Mae'r costau cyfalaf yn ymwneud â'r addasiadau angenrheidiol i'r Siambr i ddarparu ar gyfer y Senedd ehangach o 96 Aelod a chwblhau addasiadau Tŷ Hywel ar gyfer swyddfeydd Aelodau newydd. Bydd y ddau brosiect yn destun proses dendro gystadleuol i sicrhau gwerth am arian, ond wrth gwrs, bydd datgelu costau amcangyfrifedig manylach cyn caffael yn atal gallu'r Senedd i gael y cynigion sy'n cynnig y gwerth gorau.

Diolch, Commissioner. The costs more generally of Senedd expansion seem to be spiralling as new challenges present themselves to Senedd Commissioners. What steps is the Commission taking to ensure that overall costs are kept to an absolute minimum?

Diolch, Gomisiynydd. Mae'n ymddangos bod y costau mwy cyffredinol o ehangu'r Senedd yn cynyddu wrth i heriau newydd godi i Gomisiynwyr y Senedd. Pa gamau y mae'r Comisiwn yn eu cymryd i sicrhau bod y costau cyffredinol yn cael eu cadw mor isel â phosibl?

I think you might be referring to the resource impact assessment that accompanied the Senedd Bill that my friend Mick Antoniw took through, now the Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Act 2024. The resource impact assessment was lower than the current estimated costs, but only by £400,000. Now, in a project that takes place over two years, that is not a big difference between estimate and reality. The difference was that the capital costs have gone up, mainly because Members in this Chamber were consulted and wanted a specific type of Chamber. You could have expanded this Chamber with benches at the back and squashed everybody in, but that's not what Members wanted. Members wanted a specifically designed Chamber. So, the capital costs have gone up, but the staffing costs have gone down from 59 full-time equivalent staff to 47 full-time equivalent staff, which then accounts for that saving on the capital costs and the reason why the £400,000 figure is there.

We've also got a mechanism called the medium-term resource framework, which came in in 2022 and on a three-year rolling basis analyses costs, 71 per cent of which are staffing costs, and ensures that we are doing exactly as you suggest and making sure that those savings are found on an annual basis.

Rwy'n credu efallai eich bod yn cyfeirio at yr asesiad o'r effaith ar adnoddau a oedd yn cyd-fynd â Bil y Senedd dan arweiniad fy nghyfaill Mick Antoniw, sef Deddf Senedd Cymru (Aelodau ac Etholiadau) 2024. Roedd yr asesiad o'r effaith ar adnoddau yn is na'r amcangyfrif presennol o gostau, ond dim ond o £400,000. Nawr, mewn prosiect sy'n digwydd dros ddwy flynedd, nid yw hwnnw'n wahaniaeth mawr rhwng amcangyfrif a realiti. Y gwahaniaeth oedd bod y costau cyfalaf wedi cynyddu, yn bennaf oherwydd bod ymgynghori wedi digwydd ag Aelodau yn y Siambr hon ac roeddent eisiau math penodol o Siambr. Gallech fod wedi ehangu'r Siambr hon gyda meinciau yn y cefn a gwasgu pawb i mewn, ond nid dyna roedd yr Aelodau ei eisiau. Roedd yr aelodau eisiau Siambr wedi ei chynllunio'n benodol. Felly, mae'r costau cyfalaf wedi codi, ond mae'r costau staffio wedi gostwng o 59 o staff cyfwerth ag amser llawn i 47 o staff cyfwerth ag amser llawn, sef yr arbediad ar y costau cyfalaf a'r rheswm pam y mae'r ffigur o £400,000 yno.

Mae gennym hefyd fecanwaith a elwir yn fframwaith adnoddau tymor canolig, a ddaeth i mewn yn 2022 a chostau dadansoddiadau ar sail dreigl tair blynedd, gyda 71 y cant ohonynt yn gostau staffio, ac sy'n sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud yn union fel yr awgrymwch a gwneud yn siŵr fod yr arbedion hynny'n cael eu canfod yn flynyddol.

I heard you say there was a feeling that Members shouldn't be squashed up on benches at the back, which you said in your evidence to the Finance Committee is one of the capital pressures that are putting the budget up. Given the unease at the significant rise in the Senedd budget, would the Commission look again at providing a minimum viable option for the Senedd Chamber that didn't give everybody a desk? It would be suboptimal, I appreciate, but given the financial pressures, I think it would be appropriate to reconsider that. 

Fe'ch clywais yn dweud yno fod yna deimlad na ddylid gwasgu'r Aelodau i feinciau yn y cefn, y dywedoch chi yn eich tystiolaeth i'r Pwyllgor Cyllid ei fod yn bwysau cyfalaf sy'n codi'r gyllideb. O ystyried yr anesmwythyd ynghylch y cynnydd sylweddol yng nghyllideb y Senedd, a wnaiff y Comisiwn edrych eto ar ddarparu opsiwn ymarferol lleiaf i Siambr y Senedd nad yw'n rhoi desg i bawb? Ni fyddai'n ddelfrydol, rwy'n sylweddoli hynny, ond o ystyried y pwysau ariannol, rwy'n credu y byddai'n briodol ailystyried hynny. 


I think it would be helpful if the Member fed into the Member reference group that exists on this, of which Carolyn Thomas, I think, is a member as well. I think it's perfectly reasonable to make the point, but I think it would also need majority support across the Chamber, and I don't think that that majority support is there for it. 

Having said that, if there is a will in this Chamber to look at it, I'm sure it can be looked at. But one thing I would remind you again is that in my response to Laura Anne Jones I said that the capital costs had gone up, but the staffing costs had gone down. So, there is a balance in there that shows that that £400,000 increase on the RIA is not within the realms of what might be unlikely in such circumstances—it is a likely figure.

Therefore, I would want to keep in dialogue with you. I know I've sent you a copy of the evidence session, and I really appreciate the constructive dialogue that we've had—I genuinely appreciate that. I'll be presenting the Senedd budget in this Chamber on 20 November, I believe. I'm sure that we can have further discussions between now and then, and I'll be happy to do so.

Credaf y byddai’n ddefnyddiol pe bai’r Aelod yn cysylltu â’r grŵp cyfeirio Aelodau sy’n bodoli ar hyn, grŵp y mae Carolyn Thomas yn aelod ohono hefyd. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn gwbl resymol gwneud y pwynt, ond credaf y byddai angen cefnogaeth fwyafrifol ar draws y Siambr hefyd, ac nid wyf yn credu bod y gefnogaeth fwyafrifol honno yno iddo.

Wedi dweud hynny, os oes ewyllys yn y Siambr i edrych ar y mater, rwy’n siŵr y gellir edrych arno. Ond un peth yr hoffwn eich atgoffa ohono eto yw fy mod, yn fy ymateb i Laura Anne Jones, wedi dweud bod y costau cyfalaf wedi codi, ond mae'r costau staffio wedi lleihau. Felly, mae cydbwysedd yno sy’n dangos nad yw’r cynnydd o £400,000 ers yr asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol o fewn cwmpas yr hyn a allai fod yn annhebygol o dan amgylchiadau o’r fath—mae’n ffigur tebygol.

Felly, rwy'n awyddus i barhau i gael deialog â chi. Gwn fy mod wedi anfon copi o'r sesiwn dystiolaeth atoch, ac rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'r ddeialog adeiladol rydym wedi'i chael yn fawr—rwy'n gwerthfawrogi hynny o ddifrif. Byddaf yn cyflwyno cyllideb y Senedd yn y Siambr hon ar 20 Tachwedd, rwy'n credu. Rwy’n siŵr y gallwn gael trafodaethau pellach rhwng nawr a hynny, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i wneud hynny.

Bydd cwestiynau 4 a 5 yn cael eu hateb gan y Llywydd. 

Questions 4 and 5 will be answered by the Llywydd. 

Ymwelwyr ag Ystâd y Senedd
Visitors to the Senedd Estate

4. Sut y mae'r Comisiwn yn hyrwyddo hanes a diwylliant Cymru i ymwelwyr ag ystâd y Senedd? OQ61710

4. How does the Commission promote Welsh history and culture to visitors to the Senedd estate? OQ61710

Rydym yn darparu amrywiaeth o wasanaethau i hyrwyddo hanes a diwylliant Cymru i'r rhai sy'n ymweld ag ystâd y Senedd. Rydym wedi datblygu taith ymwelwyr yn y Senedd a'r Pierhead sy'n rhoi gwybodaeth am rôl a chyfrifoldebau'r Senedd, hanes datganoli yng Nghymru a hanes Bae Caerdydd. Rydym yn cynnig teithiau dyddiol yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg i grwpiau ac unigolion ac maent yn canolbwyntio ar hanes datganoli a rôl a chyfrifoldeb y Senedd a'r Aelodau. Rydym yn gweithio gydag amrywiaeth o grwpiau a sefydliadau cymunedol ledled Cymru i ddarparu rhaglen newidiol o arddangosfeydd yn y Senedd a'r Pierhead sy'n arddangos cyfrifoldebau'r Senedd a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol Cymru.

We provide a variety of services to promote Welsh history and culture to visitors to the Senedd estate. We've developed a visitor tour in both the Senedd and the Pierhead that provides information about the role and responsibilities of the Senedd, the history of Welsh devolution and the history of Cardiff Bay. We also offer daily tours in both Welsh and English to groups and individuals that focus on the history of Welsh devolution and the role and responsibility of the Senedd and its Members. We work with a variety of community groups and organisations across Wales to deliver a changing programme of exhibitions in the Senedd and the Pierhead that showcase the Senedd's responsibilities and the cultural heritage of Wales.

Thank you for that answer. This has come from the fact that we went as a committee to Ireland and we saw the history there of their wonderful buildings and how they link to the past.

I brought my mum on a visit to the Bay and I asked her where would she like to visit, and she said, 'Tiger Bay'—we're here. I just think that Tiger Bay, here in Cardiff, has such a rich history and cultural heritage. It's home to Wales's oldest multicultural community, with sailors and workers from 50 different countries settling here from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. At one stage, Cardiff was the world's busiest dock for exports, dispatching 11 million tonnes of coal from the Valleys. And it just feels so new here. 

So, I was just wondering, because the home of the Senedd has such an impressive history to tell, if we could maybe improve signage to show the history of the past here, which is huge, isn't it, the multicultural history. I listened to a podcast about the Casablanca Club, which sounded fantastic. I just feel that that's the bit that's missing sometimes in the Bay. Thank you.

Diolch am eich ateb. Mae hyn wedi deillio o’r ffaith inni fynd fel pwyllgor i Iwerddon a gweld hanes eu hadeiladau gwych yno a sut y maent yn cysylltu â’r gorffennol.

Deuthum â fy mam ar ymweliad â'r Bae a gofynnais iddi ble yr hoffai ymweld ag ef, a dywedodd, 'Tiger Bay'—rydym ni yma. Credaf fod gan Tiger Bay, yma yng Nghaerdydd, hanes a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol mor gyfoethog. Mae’n gartref i gymuned amlddiwylliannol hynaf Cymru, gyda morwyr a gweithwyr o 50 o wahanol wledydd yn ymgartrefu yma o ganol y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg ymlaen. Ar un adeg, Caerdydd oedd y doc prysuraf yn y byd ar gyfer allforion, gan anfon 11 miliwn tunnell o lo o'r Cymoedd. Ac mae'n teimlo mor newydd yma.

Felly, gan fod hanes mor drawiadol i'w adrodd gan gartref y Senedd, tybed a allem wella'r arwyddion i ddangos hanes y gorffennol yma, sy'n enfawr, onid yw, yr hanes amlddiwylliannol. Gwrandewais ar bodlediad am glwb Casablanca, a oedd yn swnio'n wych. Rwy'n teimlo mai dyna'r un darn sydd ar goll weithiau yn y Bae. Diolch.

I think Tiger Bay is much changed. I remember tweeting once that I'd quite like to change the address of this place from 'Senedd Cymru, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff' to 'Senedd Cymru, Tiger Bay, Cardiff'. I still haven't quite managed to do that, but Tiger Bay is how many people fondly remember this area and the communities that live here. There's a long discussion as to how Tiger Bay became Cardiff Bay and how different the community that we inhabit as a Senedd is to the communities where people around us live.

It's quite a complex, interesting, varied history. We tell part of that story here. We probably, as your mother encountered, don't tell enough of that story here. If your mother would like to be an adviser to us on how we can improve the telling of that story and what maybe we should develop further in terms of how we are able to properly reflect where this Senedd, as a building, has arisen from, not just in its political history throughout Wales, but also in the heart of this community that we now inhabit, we can look to take on new ideas, and work with communities locally here as well, as to how they want to reflect their history and their current situation in our Senedd building. So, thank you for the challenge, and we'll give that some more thought. And thank your mother too.

Rwy'n credu bod Tiger Bay wedi newid llawer. Rwy'n cofio trydar un tro yr hoffwn newid cyfeiriad y lle hwn o 'Senedd Cymru, Bae Caerdydd, Caerdydd' i 'Senedd Cymru, Tiger Bay, Caerdydd'. Nid wyf wedi llwyddo i wneud hynny, ond Tiger Bay yw sut y mae llawer o bobl yn cofio’r ardal hon a’r cymunedau sy’n byw yma. Mae trafodaeth hir i'w chael ynghylch sut y daeth Tiger Bay yn Fae Caerdydd a pha mor wahanol yw’r gymuned rydym yn rhan ohoni fel Senedd i’r cymunedau lle mae pobl o’n cwmpas yn byw.

Mae'n hanes cymhleth, diddorol ac amrywiol iawn. Rydym yn adrodd rhan o'r stori honno yma. Mae'n debyg nad ydym, fel y gwelodd eich mam, yn adrodd digon o'r stori honno yma. Os hoffai eich mam ein cynghori ar sut y gallwn wella’r ffordd y caiff y stori honno ei hadrodd a beth efallai y dylem ei ddatblygu ymhellach i adlewyrchu’n llawn o ble y mae’r Senedd hon, fel adeilad, wedi dod, nid yn unig ei hanes gwleidyddol ledled Cymru, ond hefyd yng nghanol y gymuned hon rydym yn rhan ohoni bellach, gallwn ystyried mabwysiadu syniadau newydd, a gweithio gyda chymunedau lleol yma hefyd, ar sut yr hoffent adlewyrchu eu hanes a'u sefyllfa bresennol yn adeilad ein Senedd. Felly, diolch am yr her, a byddwn yn rhoi mwy o ystyriaeth i hynny. A diolch i'ch mam hefyd.

Llety Preswyl i Aelodau o'r Senedd yng Nghaerdydd
Residential Accommodation for Senedd Members in Cardiff

5. Pa drafodaethau y mae’r Comisiwn wedi’u cael â’r Bwrdd Taliadau am opsiynau gwahanol ar gyfer llety preswyl i Aelodau o'r Senedd yng Nghaerdydd? OQ61712

5. What discussions has the Commission had with the Remuneration Board about different options for residential accommodation for Senedd Members in Cardiff? OQ61712

Swyddogaeth Bwrdd Taliadau Annibynnol y Senedd yw darparu lwfansau i'r Aelodau. Y bwrdd taliadau sy'n penderfynu pa gostau llety y gall yr Aelodau eu hawlio o'r lwfans ar gyfer gwariant ar lety preswyl. Mae hwn yn darparu ar gyfer costau llety yng Nghaerdydd ar gyfer Aelodau nad yw eu prif gartref o fewn pellter cymudo rhesymol i'r Senedd. Mae'r bwrdd yn cynnal adolygiadau i lunio’r penderfyniad newydd ar gyfer y seithfed Senedd, yng nghyd-destun diwygio’r Senedd arfaethedig, a bydd yr ymgynghoriad ar wariant llety preswyl yn cychwyn yn ystod y tymor yma. Dwi'n annog yr Aelod, felly, i gymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad yna.

It’s the role of the Independent Remuneration Board of the Senedd to provide allowances to Members. The board determines which accommodation costs Members are able to claim from the allowance for residential accommodation expenditure. This provides for accommodation costs in Cardiff for Members whose main home is not within a reasonable commuting distance of the Senedd. The board is undertaking reviews to shape the new determination for the seventh Senedd, set in the context of proposed Senedd reform, and the consultation on residential accommodation expenditure will begin during this term. I encourage the Member, therefore, to take part in that consultation.

Diolch. Mi wnaf i hynny, yn sicr. Yn ôl yr hyn dwi'n ei ddeall, mae yna tua £250,000 o bres y Comisiwn yn cael ei wario ar rent, yn bennaf i landlordiaid preifat. Dros gyfnod y Senedd, mi fydd hwnna'n golygu bod y rhan helaethaf o £1 miliwn o bres cyhoeddus y Comisiwn yn cael ei wario ar landlordiaid preifat mewn rent. Ac wrth gwrs, mi rydyn ni wedi gweld rhenti yn cynyddu'n sylweddol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, yn arbennig felly ym Mae Caerdydd, efo rhenti'n cynyddu'n fwy ym Mae Caerdydd nag yn unrhyw ran arall. Mae hyn yn golygu, felly, bod yna fygythiad cyson i'r Aelodau hynny sydd yn gorfod cael llety o'r fath o gael eu troi allan yn ddi-fai. Felly, oes yna ystyriaeth wedi cael ei rhoi er mwyn datblygu trefn fwy sefydlog o ddarparu llety ar gyfer Aelodau Seneddol? Dwi'n cymryd yr hyn y mae'r Llywydd newydd ei ddweud, bod yna ymgynghoriad, ac mi fyddaf i'n cymryd rhan yn hynny, ond pa ystyriaeth bellach sydd wedi cael ei rhoi dros y blynyddoedd i'r perwyl hwnnw? Diolch.

Thank you. I will certainly do that. As I understand it, around £250,000 of Commission funding is spent on rent, mainly to private landlords. Over the period of a Senedd, that would mean that as near as dammit to £1 million of Commission public funding will be paid to private landlords. And of course, we’ve seen rents increasing significantly over recent years, particularly in Cardiff Bay, with rents increasing quicker in Cardiff Bay than in any other part. This means, therefore, that there is a constant threat to those Members who do have to access such accommodation of being evicted without fault. So, has consideration been given to develop a more stable system of providing accommodation for Senedd Members? I accept what the Llywydd has just said, that there will be a consultation, and I will participate in that, but what further consideration has been given over the years to that end? Thank you.

Ar wahanol adegau, mae yna grybwyll wedi bod i'r ystyriaeth o ddarparu rhyw fath o neuadd breswyl gyhoeddus i Aelodau o'r Senedd yma, yn hytrach na'r patrwm sydd wedi datblygu, sef bod Aelodau'n gyfrifol am ffeindio eu fflatiau eu hunain—yn bennaf gan landlordiaid preifat, fel y mae'r Aelod yn sôn, ac wedyn yn hawlio yn erbyn y costau hynny. Dwi'n credu y byddai'r bwrdd taliadau'n agored i glywed unrhyw syniadau newydd sydd gan Aelodau ar sut y gellid darparu llety ar gyfer Aelodau sydd yn byw ymhell o adref pan fyddan nhw wrth eu gwaith yma yng Nghaerdydd. Felly, y cyfan a ddywedaf i wrth Aelodau yw, pob un ohonoch chi, wrth i chi ystyried y patrwm ar gyfer gwaith ar gyfer mwy o Aelodau o 2026 ymlaen, gwnewch yn siŵr bod y syniadau sydd gyda chi ar gyfer llety i'r pwrpas hwnnw yn cael eu cynnig i'r bwrdd taliadau. Fe fydd y bwrdd taliadau, fel ni i gyd, yn ymwybodol iawn o fod yn ofalus o gydbwyso'r angen i ddiogelu gwariant cyhoeddus a materion o'r math yma. Ac fe fyddwn ni angen cymryd y penderfyniadau yn sgil hynny, yn ogystal â beth sy'n hwylus i'r Aelodau unigol. 

At various times, there has been consideration given to providing some kind of public hall of residence for Members of the Senedd here, as opposed to the current system, where Members are responsible for sourcing their own flats—primarily from private landlords, as the Member mentions, and then claiming against those costs. I believe that the remuneration board would be open to hearing any new ideas that Members have on how accommodation might be provided for those Members whose main homes are not within a reasonable commuting distance. So, all I’ll say to Members, to each one of you, is, as you consider the pattern for work and for additional Members from 2026 onwards, ensure that the ideas that you have for accommodation to that end are shared with the remuneration board. The board, like all of us, will be very aware of being prudent in balancing the need to ensure responsible public expenditure with these other matters that you’re suggesting. And we’ll have to take the decisions in that regard, as well as what is convenient for individual Members.

4. Cwestiynau Amserol
4. Topical Questions

Eitem 4 heddiw yw'r cwestiynau amserol. Mae dau gwestiwn amserol heddiw, a bydd y cyntaf gan Altaf Hussain.

Item 4 today is the topical questions. There are two topical questions today, and the first is from Altaf Hussain.

Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru
The Princess of Wales Hospital

1. A wnaiff yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddatganiad am faterion llifogydd yn Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru? TQ1210

1. Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on flooding issues at Princess of Wales Hospital? TQ1210

A serious incident was declared by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board on 10 October. Following a detailed structural survey, the health board are developing the strategy to replace the oldest section of the roof at pace. Immediate action to ensure staff and patient safety has been implemented.

Datganwyd digwyddiad difrifol gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg ar 10 Hydref. Yn dilyn arolwg strwythurol manwl, mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn datblygu'r strategaeth i ailosod y rhan hynaf o'r to ar fyrder. Mae camau wedi'u cymryd ar unwaith i sicrhau diogelwch staff a chleifion.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary. The shocking revelations that the roof of the Princess of Wales Hospital was in such a state of disrepair that the roof could collapse are extremely worrying for my constituents. This is the major hospital for Bridgend and the surrounding area, and, whilst the impact on patients and staff is not fully understood at this stage, it will be extremely disruptive to patient care. Thankfully, the rotting joints were discovered before any catastrophic failure occurred, but if the roof had not leaked in the recent storms, it could have been a different story. What additional support is the Welsh Government providing to support the local health board to mitigate the impact the repairs will have on patients in my region? Will the Welsh Government look to set up an inquiry to look into the reasons as to why this issue was not picked up sooner through routine structural surveys and to avoid this heightening situation at other hospitals?

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Mae’r newyddion brawychus fod to Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru mewn cyflwr mor wael fel y gallai’r to ddymchwel yn peri cryn bryder i fy etholwyr. Dyma’r prif ysbyty ar gyfer Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr a’r cyffiniau, ac er nad oes gennym ddealltwriaeth lawn o’r effaith ar gleifion eto, bydd hyn yn tarfu'n sylweddol ar ofal cleifion. Diolch byth, darganfuwyd yr uniadau pydredig cyn i unrhyw beth trychinebus ddigwydd, ond pe na bai’r to wedi gollwng yn ystod y stormydd diweddar, gallai'r stori fod yn wahanol. Pa gymorth ychwanegol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu i gefnogi’r bwrdd iechyd lleol i liniaru’r effaith a gaiff yr atgyweiriadau ar gleifion yn fy rhanbarth i? A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ystyried sefydlu ymchwiliad i edrych ar y rhesymau pam na chodwyd y mater hwn yn gynt drwy arolygon rheolaidd o'r adeilad ac i atal y sefyllfa beryglus hon rhag codi mewn ysbytai eraill?


As the Member will know, health boards are responsible for the safe operation and management of their estate, and this includes identifying key risks in terms of patient and staff safety and building conditions. The health board are now looking at all the options available to them to ensure they can continue to provide care in a safe environment for those patients and staff currently accommodated in ward areas, and, of course, those who will need care in the future. The options that they are considering will need to include the use of the whole health board estate, to make sure that they have the capacity to meet all of their patients’ needs.

The Member asked me specifically in relation to discussions with the Welsh Government, and I hope it’s of some reassurance to him to know that my officials are continuing to engage with the health boards generally in terms of backlog maintenance, which, due to the age of the estate, continues to present a challenge.

Fel y gŵyr yr Aelod, byrddau iechyd sy’n gyfrifol am weithredu a rheoli eu hystad yn ddiogel, ac mae hyn yn cynnwys nodi risgiau allweddol i ddiogelwch cleifion a staff a chyflwr adeiladau. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn edrych ar yr holl opsiynau sydd ar gael iddynt i sicrhau y gallant barhau i ddarparu gofal mewn amgylchedd diogel i'r cleifion a'r staff sydd ar y wardiau ar hyn o bryd, ac wrth gwrs, y rhai y bydd angen gofal arnynt yn y dyfodol. Bydd angen i’r opsiynau y maent yn eu hystyried gynnwys defnyddio ystad gyfan y bwrdd iechyd, i sicrhau bod ganddynt gapasiti i ddiwallu holl anghenion eu cleifion.

Holodd yr Aelod yn benodol ynglŷn â thrafodaethau gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, a gobeithio y bydd yn rhoi rhywfaint o sicrwydd iddo wybod bod fy swyddogion yn parhau i ymgysylltu â’r byrddau iechyd yn gyffredinol ynglŷn ag ôl-groniad gwaith cynnal a chadw, sydd, oherwydd oedran yr ystad, yn parhau i fod yn her.

Residents in my regional constituency of South Wales Central, if they live in the western Vale, basically look to the Princess of Wales Hospital for the bulk of their referrals. I would ask the Cabinet Secretary: when did the Government become aware of this? Because it was my understanding that, with the reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete surveys that were undertaken of all public buildings some two years ago, one would have thought that this type of catastrophic failure in the beams of the hospital could have been identified, or some warning sign given, because, undoubtedly, this is going to have a massive impact on services in the Princess of Wales area.

Could you answer when the Welsh Government were alerted to this, and whether the Welsh Government have made resources available for the utilisation of other parts of the Cwm Taf estate to be made available to patients and clinicians? Because I’m pretty sure this is outside the normal means of the health board to be able to fund such alternative arrangements in a timely manner.

Mae trigolion yn fy etholaeth ranbarthol, Canol De Cymru, os ydynt yn byw yng ngorllewin y Fro, yn defnyddio Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o’u hatgyfeiriadau. Hoffwn ofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet: pryd y daeth y Llywodraeth yn ymwybodol o hyn? Oherwydd gyda’r arolygon concrit awyredig awtoclafiedig cyfnerth a gynhaliwyd o bob adeilad cyhoeddus tua dwy flynedd yn ôl, yr hyn rwy'n ei ddeall yw y byddai rhywun wedi meddwl y gellid bod wedi rhagweld y math hwn o wendid trychinebus yn nhrawstiau’r ysbyty, neu ryw arwydd o rybudd wedi'i roi, oherwydd, heb os, mae hyn yn mynd i gael effaith aruthrol ar wasanaethau yn ardal Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru.

A allech chi ateb pryd y cafodd Llywodraeth Cymru wybod am hyn, ac a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi darparu adnoddau ar gyfer defnyddio rhannau eraill o ystad bwrdd Cwm Taf i fod ar gael i gleifion a chlinigwyr? Oherwydd rwy'n eithaf sicr fod ariannu trefniadau amgen o'r fath mewn modd amserol y tu hwnt i fodd arferol y bwrdd iechyd.

The survey results were made known to the health board shortly before the declaration of the incident was made on 10 October, and my officials are in discussion, through the capital team of the Welsh Government. They’re fully linked in with colleagues at the health board to make sure that any further capital requests are being discussed on an ongoing basis.

Rhoddwyd gwybod i’r bwrdd iechyd am ganlyniadau’r arolwg ychydig cyn i’r digwyddiad gael ei ddatgan ar 10 Hydref, ac mae fy swyddogion wrthi’n trafod, drwy dîm cyfalaf Llywodraeth Cymru. Maent mewn cysylltiad llawn â chydweithwyr yn y bwrdd iechyd i sicrhau bod unrhyw geisiadau cyfalaf pellach yn cael eu trafod ar sail barhaus.

Thank you for the question, Altaf, and it is an excellent question. Of course, this incident also exemplifies the deteriorating condition of the NHS estate more broadly. On the Welsh Government’s watch, the high-risk maintenance backlog alone has reached £0.25 billion, up from £32 million in 2016. It’s a damning indictment of the Welsh Government’s neglect of the very foundations of our health system. Alarmingly, the UK Labour Government’s spending plans imply a further squeeze in resources, at a time when the NHS is literally crumbling before our eyes—

Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Altaf, ac mae’n gwestiwn rhagorol. Wrth gwrs, mae'r digwyddiad hwn hefyd yn enghraifft o gyflwr dirywiol ystad y GIG yn fwy cyffredinol. O dan wyliadwriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, mae'r ôl-groniad o waith cynnal a chadw risg uchel yn unig wedi cyrraedd £0.25 biliwn, i fyny o £32 miliwn yn 2016. Mae'n feirniadaeth hallt o'r modd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn esgeuluso sylfeini ein system iechyd. Yn frawychus, mae cynlluniau gwariant Llywodraeth Lafur y DU yn awgrymu gwasgfa bellach ar adnoddau, ar adeg pan fo’r GIG yn llythrennol yn dadfeilio o flaen ein llygaid—

Mabon, can I ask you to focus on the topical question on the Princess of Wales, please?

Mabon, a gaf i ofyn ichi ganolbwyntio ar y cwestiwn amserol ar Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, os gwelwch yn dda?

Well, my question is around the broader issue of the safety of the hospital estate and the NHS estate, which ties into the question raised by Altaf. Therefore, thinking about the Princess of Wales Hospital as well, will the Cabinet Secretary write to Rachel Reeves to demand that the upcoming autumn statement includes a real-terms increase in Wales’s capital budget over the coming financial year, so that he and the Government can get to grips with issues in this hospital, and the estate more broadly?

Wel, mae fy nghwestiwn yn ymwneud â mater ehangach diogelwch ystad yr ysbyty ac ystad y GIG, sy'n berthnasol i'r cwestiwn a godwyd gan Altaf. Felly, gan feddwl am Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru yn ogystal, a wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ysgrifennu at Rachel Reeves i fynnu bod datganiad yr hydref yn cynnwys cynnydd mewn termau real yng nghyllideb cyfalaf Cymru dros y flwyddyn ariannol sydd i ddod, fel y gall ef a’r Llywodraeth fynd i'r afael â phroblemau yn yr ysbyty hwn, a'r ystad yn fwy cyffredinol?

I will specifically answer the question in relation to the Princess of Wales Hospital, since that is the nature of the question that Members have placed on the floor of the Chamber. What we have seen is the impact of a decade and more of austerity in Westminster, and given the way we are funded, that has had a consequence on the fabric of the NHS estate in all parts of the UK, in relation to the upkeep of the estate—[Interruption.] Dirprwy Lywydd, I can’t quite hear what the leader of the opposition is asking me from the frontbench. 

Fe wnaf ateb y cwestiwn mewn perthynas ag Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru yn benodol, gan mai dyna natur y cwestiwn y mae Aelodau wedi’i osod ar lawr y Siambr. Yr hyn a welsom yw effaith degawd a mwy o gyni yn San Steffan, ac o ystyried y ffordd y cawn ein hariannu, mae hynny wedi cael effaith ar adeiladwaith ystad y GIG ym mhob rhan o’r DU, mewn perthynas â chynnal a chadw'r ystad—[Torri ar draws.] Ddirprwy Lywydd, ni allaf glywed yr hyn y mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid yn ei ofyn i mi o'r fainc flaen.

The leader of the opposition should not be making any comments from a sedentary position; I’m sure he’s allowing you to continue your answer.  

Ni ddylai arweinydd yr wrthblaid fod yn gwneud unrhyw sylwadau o'i sedd; rwy'n siŵr ei fod yn caniatáu ichi barhau â'ch ateb.

I’m grateful to you, Dirprwy Lywydd. The damage to the roof of the Princess of Wales Hospital is, unfortunately, the latest example of that. Our capital budget this year is worth up to around 8 per cent less in real terms than expected at the time of the spending review in 2021. I would say, though, that health boards are provided with a discretionary capital allocation each year to support key risks, and dedicated capital funding of £24 million for infrastructure works has also been made in addition, available over the last two years, to support particular risks across the NHS estate. But Members here will appreciate that, in all parts of the UK, the NHS has been under incredible pressure from capital investment. 

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Y difrod i do Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, yn anffodus, yw’r enghraifft ddiweddaraf o hynny. Mae ein cyllideb gyfalaf eleni hyd at oddeutu 8 y cant yn llai mewn termau real na’r disgwyl ar adeg yr adolygiad o wariant yn 2021. Hoffwn ddweud, serch hynny, fod byrddau iechyd yn cael dyraniad cyfalaf disgresiynol bob blwyddyn i gefnogi risgiau allweddol, a neilltuwyd cyllid cyfalaf penodedig o £24 miliwn ar gyfer gwaith seilwaith hefyd, sydd wedi bod ar gael dros y ddwy flynedd diwethaf, i gefnogi risgiau penodol ar draws ystad y GIG. Ond bydd yr Aelodau yma'n deall bod y GIG, ym mhob rhan o’r DU, wedi bod o dan bwysau anhygoel o ran buddsoddiad cyfalaf.


Two colleagues now have asked you when the Welsh Government first became aware, and in the second answer I heard it was only six days ago, on 10 October, that there was a problem at the Princess of Wales hospital. I've spoken this morning with staff that work and have worked at Princess of Wales Hospital and here are some of the stories that they've been telling me: last year, there was a leak in one of the bays, patients had to be moved, shuffled along, so they were closer together; PCs couldn't be turned on one day because of a leak coming through the roof; patients were routinely being moved; and concerns were even raised about the respiratory ward in Princess of Wales Hospital, where, as you can imagine, a leak would have a severe impact on the well-being of the patients in that ward. It that is true, that the Welsh Government was only aware of this only six days ago, it suggests a heck of a lot of neglect, I think, on the part of this Welsh Labour Government in terms of looking after the estate of the Princess of Wales Hospital. So, can you clarify for the record that you had no concerns about the estate of the Princess of Wales Hospital prior to 10 October? 

Mae dau gyd-Aelod bellach wedi gofyn i chi pryd y daeth Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymwybodol gyntaf, ac yn yr ail ateb, clywais mai dim ond chwe diwrnod yn ôl, ar 10 Hydref, y daeth yn ymwybodol fod problem yn Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru. Rwyf wedi siarad y bore yma â staff sy’n gweithio ac wedi gweithio yn Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, a dyma rai o’r straeon y maent wedi'u hadrodd wrthyf: y llynedd, roedd dŵr yn gollwng yn un o’r baeau, roedd yn rhaid symud cleifion, fel eu bod yn agosach at ei gilydd; nid oedd modd troi cyfrifiaduron ymlaen un diwrnod am fod y to'n gollwng; roedd cleifion yn cael eu symud yn aml; a chodwyd pryderon hyd yn oed am y ward anadlol yn Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, lle byddai dŵr yn gollwng, fel y gallwch ddychmygu, yn cael effaith ddifrifol ar les y cleifion yn y ward honno. Os yw hynny’n wir, mai dim ond chwe diwrnod yn ôl y daeth Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymwybodol o hyn, credaf fod hynny'n awgrymu cryn dipyn o esgeulustod ar ran Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru o ran gofalu am ystad Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru. Felly, a allwch chi egluro ar gyfer y cofnod nad oedd gennych unrhyw bryderon am ystad Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru cyn 10 Hydref?

As I made clear in my answer to the previous question, the responsibility for the condition of the estate that they manage is that of the health board. We make available capital funding to the health boards in order to be able to address key concerns as they arise. I also confirmed that the statement was made by the health board on 10 October in relation to the particular incident affecting the roof of the Princess of Wales hospital, and Welsh Government officials were made aware of the particular situation in the days before that. 

Fel yr eglurais yn fy ateb i’r cwestiwn blaenorol, cyfrifoldeb y bwrdd iechyd yw cyflwr yr ystad y maent yn ei rheoli. Rydym yn darparu cyllid cyfalaf i’r byrddau iechyd allu mynd i’r afael â phryderon allweddol wrth iddynt godi. Cadarnheais hefyd fod y datganiad wedi’i wneud gan y bwrdd iechyd ar 10 Hydref mewn perthynas â’r digwyddiad penodol sy’n effeithio ar do Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru, a chafodd swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru wybod am y sefyllfa benodol yn y dyddiau cyn hynny.

Of course, this is deeply concerning news, and I think it's important that we recognise the stress that this has put on staff and thank them for their professionalism in dealing with the situation. We are, now, in a situation where major traumas can't be dealt with in the emergency department, and many people in Bridgend and the surrounding communities have raised this as an issue with me, either on the doorstep or through getting in direct contact with my office. The main question I'm getting is, 'How long are we going to have to wait for this to be remedied?' So, I wanted to seek an update on the likely timescales of the remedial works today. I appreciate the Cabinet Secretary might not have that detail to hand at the moment, but the main reason for asking for that timeline is so that we, as Members, then, can communicate with our constituents on how long this is roughly going to take and how long they will need to wait for the emergency department to be brought back up to where it should be. 

Wrth gwrs, mae'r newyddion hwn yn beri cryn bryder, a chredaf ei bod yn bwysig inni gydnabod y straen y mae hyn wedi’i achosi i staff a diolch iddynt am eu proffesiynoldeb wrth ymdrin â’r sefyllfa. Rydym bellach mewn sefyllfa lle na ellir ymdrin â thrawma mawr yn yr adran achosion brys, ac mae llawer o bobl ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a’r cymunedau cyfagos wedi codi hyn gyda mi, naill ai ar garreg y drws neu drwy gysylltu’n uniongyrchol â fy swyddfa. Y prif gwestiwn a ofynnir i mi yw, 'Am ba hyd y bydd yn rhaid inni aros i hyn gael ei unioni?' Felly, roeddwn am ofyn am y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch amserlenni tebygol y gwaith adfer heddiw. Rwy’n sylweddoli efallai nad oes gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet y manylion hynny wrth law ar hyn o bryd, ond y prif reswm dros ofyn am yr amserlen honno yw fel y gallwn ni, fel Aelodau, ddweud wrth ein hetholwyr felly pa mor hir y mae hyn yn mynd i gymryd a pha mor hir y bydd angen iddynt aros i'r adran achosion brys gael ei hadfer i'r cyflwr y dylai fod ynddo.

I thank Luke Fletcher for that, and I absolutely endorse the points that he made about thanking the staff for working in these very difficult circumstances not of their making. That is obviously going to be incredibly challenging. And thank you as well to the health board staff, more broadly, making the arrangements that are so crucial to respond to this new challenge. I don't have, I'm afraid, the timescale yet, because that work is still being worked through, but I'll be happy to update Members, as and when that's available. 

Diolch i Luke Fletcher, ac yn sicr, rwy'n cymeradwyo'r pwyntiau a wnaeth ynglŷn â diolch i’r staff am weithio dan yr amgylchiadau anodd hyn nad oeddent yn gyfrifol amdanynt. Mae hynny’n amlwg yn mynd i fod yn anhygoel o heriol. A diolch hefyd i staff y bwrdd iechyd, yn fwy cyffredinol, am wneud y trefniadau sydd mor hanfodol i ymateb i'r her newydd hon. Nid oes amserlen gennyf eto, mae arnaf ofn, gan fod y gwaith hwnnw'n dal i fod ar y gweill, ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau pan fydd ar gael.

Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet. Bydd y cwestiwn amserol nesaf gan Peter Fox. 

I thank the Cabinet Secretary. The next topical question will be asked by Peter Fox. 

Cyllidebau Llywodraeth Leol
Local Government Budgets

2. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn eu cael gyda Chymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru a chynghorau ynghylch diffyg o £540 miliwn yn y gyllideb sy'n wynebu cynghorau a'u gallu i ddarparu gwasanaethau hanfodol, gan arwain at lawer o gynghorau yn wynebu methdaliad? TQ1215

2. What discussions is the Cabinet Secretary having with the Welsh Local Government Association and councils regarding a £540 million budget shortfall facing councils and their ability to deliver essential services, leading to many councils facing bankruptcy? TQ1215

Diolch, Peter. The Welsh Government works closely with local authorities to understand the pressures they face. Ministers meet regularly with leaders individually and through relevant groups. I will be meeting leaders individually over the coming months, with the finance sub-group on 22 October, and the partnership council on 25 November. 

Diolch, Peter. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio’n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol i ddeall y pwysau y maent yn ei wynebu. Mae gweinidogion yn cyfarfod yn rheolaidd ag arweinwyr yn unigol a thrwy grwpiau perthnasol. Byddaf yn cyfarfod ag arweinwyr yn unigol dros y misoedd nesaf, gyda’r is-grŵp cyllid ar 22 Hydref, a chyda’r cyngor partneriaeth ar 25 Tachwedd.

Thank you, Cabinet Secretary, and we have already discussed the pressures that local authorities are facing this year. However, I think the WLGA statement yesterday that came out showed the gravity of the situation even more so, where the local government family is facing an astonishing £540 million-worth of pressures. That is an unprecedented amount. We already have heard from two local authorities concerned that they are facing bankruptcy, and there could be more to follow. I know that there are many on the brink, facing similar situations, and we cannot continue to ignore the situation. It is very real, it is very much growing.

I note that, in a quote from the UK Government yesterday, they said that they are committed to working with you to achieve the best possible funding for local councils in Wales. However, if what we also have heard—the national insurance increases on employers—is coming forward, let’s recognise that there are about 140,000 people employed in local government alone. You can see how the additional pressure will put additional burdens on top of the £540 million as it is.

We know that the public service workforce in Wales is currently between 329,000 and, if you take in private contractors who’d be working with local authorities, it’s more like 480,000. We know, at the lower figure, that even a 1 per cent increase on national insurance for employers would increase the bill for local authorities to a region of £100 million. If it went to 2 per cent, you’re talking of £200 million. That is an additional burden. At the end of the day, councils, we know, provide vital public services for the people of Wales, and financial pressures will force councils to pass on costs down to working families who cannot afford that anymore.

So, to help mitigate this and future pressures, are you considering any funding mechanisms to fend off more council bankruptcies, or potential bankruptcies, things like floors in funding settlements? I’m conscious there must be things you must be thinking of now, ahead of the budget, recognising this huge hole that is opening up and the potential for more pressure to come following the budget on the thirtieth.

Diolch, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac rydym eisoes wedi trafod y pwysau y mae awdurdodau lleol yn ei wynebu eleni. Fodd bynnag, credaf fod y datganiad a gyhoeddwyd ddoe gan CLlLC yn dangos difrifoldeb y sefyllfa hyd yn oed yn gliriach, lle mae'r teulu llywodraeth leol yn wynebu pwysau rhyfeddol o £540 miliwn. Mae hwnnw’n swm digynsail. Rydym eisoes wedi clywed gan ddau awdurdod lleol sy’n pryderu eu bod yn wynebu methdaliad, a gallai fod mwy i ddilyn. Gwn fod llawer ohonynt ar ymyl y dibyn, yn wynebu sefyllfaoedd tebyg, ac ni allwn barhau i anwybyddu’r sefyllfa. Mae'n real iawn, ac mae'n tyfu.

Sylwaf, mewn dyfyniad gan Lywodraeth y DU ddoe, iddynt ddweud eu bod wedi ymrwymo i weithio gyda chi i sicrhau’r cyllid gorau posibl ar gyfer cynghorau lleol yng Nghymru. Fodd bynnag, os bydd yr hyn rydym wedi’i glywed hefyd—y cynnydd mewn yswiriant gwladol i gyflogwyr—yn digwydd, gadewch inni gydnabod bod oddeutu 140,000 o bobl yn cael eu cyflogi mewn llywodraeth leol yn unig. Gallwch weld sut y bydd y pwysau ychwanegol yn rhoi beichiau ychwanegol ar ben y £540 miliwn fel y mae.

Gwyddom fod gweithlu’r gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd rhwng 329,000, ac os ydych chi'n cynnwys contractwyr preifat a fyddai’n gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, mae’n debycach i 480,000. Ar y ffigur is, fe wyddom y byddai hyd yn oed cynnydd o 1 y cant i yswiriant gwladol i gyflogwyr yn cynyddu’r bil i awdurdodau lleol i oddeutu £100 miliwn. Pe bai'n mynd i 2 y cant, rydych chi'n sôn am £200 miliwn. Mae hwnnw’n faich ychwanegol. Yn y pen draw, mae cynghorau, fel y gwyddom, yn darparu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hanfodol i bobl Cymru, a bydd pwysau ariannol yn gorfodi cynghorau i drosglwyddo'r costau i lawr i deuluoedd sy’n gweithio na allant fforddio eu talu mwyach.

Felly, i helpu i liniaru'r pwysau hwn a phwysau yn y dyfodol, a ydych chi'n ystyried unrhyw fecanweithiau ariannu i atal mwy o gynghorau rhag wynebu methdaliad, neu'r posibilrwydd o fethdaliad, pethau fel cyllid gwaelodol mewn setliadau ariannu? Rwy'n ymwybodol fod yn rhaid bod yna bethau rydych chi'n meddwl amdanynt nawr, cyn y gyllideb, gan gydnabod y twll enfawr sy'n agor a'r perygl o fwy o bwysau i ddod yn sgil y gyllideb ar y degfed ar hugain.


Diolch, Peter. Thank you very much for your question. First of all, I’d like to put on record again my thanks to the workforce, who do a tremendous amount within local authorities, who work day in, day out, to provide services that we all value. I acknowledge the challenge that councils are facing. I can assure you that I’m certainly not ignoring the situation.

I welcome the early opportunity for engagement on budget planning with the WLGA and councils. The WLGA will be providing a paper for the finance sub-group at that meeting on 22 October, which I mentioned, outlining the financial and service challenges facing Welsh councils. This is a key part of developing the Welsh Government budget, and I’m pleased that the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language will also join that discussion.

Today, I’ve been out, as I have been, speaking to local authority leaders and to chief executives—I've met with Powys today—and heard directly from them. That’s something that I think is really important, to listen and to hear about the challenges that they face directly.

Councils are balancing key services such as social care and education with other areas like the economy and culture, and they’re facing an increasing demand from that range of services. We know they’ll be planning on a range of budget scenarios, and these will be being updated as they and we get greater clarity from the UK Government. We are, obviously, in those discussions with local authorities, the WLGA as well, and I think working together is really important and to have those conversations and to make sure we’re doing all we can to support local authorities in Wales.

Diolch, Peter. Diolch am eich cwestiwn. Yn gyntaf oll, hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch unwaith eto i'r gweithlu, sy'n gwneud llawer iawn o waith o fewn yr awdurdodau lleol, ac sy'n gweithio'n galed bob dydd i ddarparu gwasanaethau y mae pob un ohonom yn eu gwerthfawrogi. Rwy’n cydnabod yr her y mae cynghorau yn ei hwynebu. Gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi nad wyf yn anwybyddu’r sefyllfa.

Rwy'n croesawu'r cyfle cynnar i ymgysylltu â CLlLC a chynghorau ar gynllunio’r gyllideb. Bydd CLlLC yn darparu papur ar gyfer yr is-grŵp cyllid yn y cyfarfod hwnnw y soniais amdano ar 22 Hydref, yn amlinellu’r heriau ariannol a'r heriau gwasanaeth sy’n wynebu cynghorau Cymru. Mae hyn yn rhan allweddol o'r gwaith o ddatblygu cyllideb Llywodraeth Cymru, ac rwy'n falch y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a'r Gymraeg hefyd yn rhan o'r drafodaeth honno.

Heddiw, rwyf wedi bod allan, fel y bûm yn ei wneud yn ddiweddar, yn siarad ag arweinwyr a phrif weithredwyr awdurdodau lleol— fe gyfarfûm â Phowys heddiw—ac wedi clywed yn uniongyrchol ganddynt. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth sy'n wirioneddol bwysig yn fy marn i, gwrando a chlywed yn uniongyrchol am yr heriau y maent yn eu hwynebu.

Mae cynghorau'n cydbwyso gwasanaethau allweddol megis gofal cymdeithasol ac addysg â meysydd eraill fel yr economi a diwylliant, ac maent yn wynebu galw cynyddol gan yr ystod honno o wasanaethau. Gwyddom y byddant yn cynllunio ar sail ystod o senarios cyllidebol, a bydd y rhain yn cael eu diweddaru wrth iddynt hwy a ninnau gael mwy o eglurder gan Lywodraeth y DU. Yn amlwg, rydym yn cael y trafodaethau hynny gydag awdurdodau lleol, a CLlLC hefyd, a chredaf fod gweithio gyda'n gilydd yn wirioneddol bwysig, ynghyd â chael y sgyrsiau hynny a sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud popeth a allwn i gefnogi awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru.

In 2018, Northamptonshire County Council issued a section 114 notice. Since then, Slough, Croydon, Thurrock, Woking, Birmingham city and Nottingham city have issued notices. In recent months, many other local authorities have reported that they may soon be forced to do the same. As can be seen, size is no protection, with Birmingham, the largest council in Europe, being on this list. Both Labour and Conservative councils are on the list. We have not had a bankruptcy of a council in Wales because of better settlements and also good political management and good departmental management, but that can’t continue forever. Does the Minister agree we need a council settlement for next year that ensures no Welsh council goes bankrupt?

Yn 2018, cyhoeddodd Cyngor Sir Swydd Northampton hysbysiad adran 114. Ers hynny, mae Slough, Croydon, Thurrock, Woking, dinas Birmingham a dinas Nottingham wedi cyhoeddi hysbysiadau. Yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf, mae llawer o awdurdodau lleol eraill wedi adrodd y gallent gael eu gorfodi i wneud yr un peth cyn bo hir. Yn amlwg, nid yw maint yn unrhyw amddiffyniad, gyda Birmingham, y cyngor mwyaf yn Ewrop, ar y rhestr hon. Mae cynghorau Llafur a Cheidwadol ar y rhestr. Nid ydym wedi cael cyngor yn wynebu methdaliad yng Nghymru oherwydd setliadau gwell yn ogystal â rheolaeth wleidyddol dda a rheolaeth adrannol dda, ond ni all hynny barhau am byth. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno bod arnom angen setliad i gynghorau ar gyfer y flwyddyn nesaf sy'n sicrhau na fydd unrhyw gyngor yng Nghymru yn wynebu methdaliad?

Diolch, Mike. As I said, I fully acknowledge the challenge that councils have been facing over a number of years. Despite the level of support Welsh Government has been able to give over those years, we’ve been through a really long period of public sector austerity, with increasing demands in major services, plus that pandemic and an extraordinary inflationary period. So, there have been huge challenges here but also, as you mentioned, huge challenges in England as well, and that's something that I've been hearing in my discussions with Welsh local authority leaders over the last few months. 

You're right, Mike—there has been no issuing of section 114 notices or no notices of bankruptcy in Wales. We're working hard and we're not taking that for granted, and we've heard of and you've listed some of the local authorities in England that have had to take those significant steps. Issuing a 114 notice is a significant step that no council, I know, in Wales would wish to take. Its immediate effect would be freeze new spending until the council agreed a new financial plan to balance its books. If necessary, I do have powers of intervention but, of course, that would not be a step I would take lightly.

In Wales, we are jointly developing with local authorities—which is really important—a protocol to apply in case of significant financial challenge. Once finalised, this protocol will be agreed through the finance sub-group. The protocol will set out a range of potential options for support. This will not include additional access to additional funding, but rather non-financial and technical steps, including, where appropriate, capitalisation directions. So, for example, a direction could permit the use of capital receipts or borrowing for revenue purposes, and this is consistent with the support available in England.

Diolch, Mike. Fel y dywedais, rwy’n llwyr gydnabod yr her y mae cynghorau wedi bod yn ei hwynebu dros nifer o flynyddoedd. Er gwaethaf y lefel o gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gallu ei roi dros y blynyddoedd hynny, rydym wedi bod drwy gyfnod hir iawn o gyni yn y sector cyhoeddus, gyda galwadau cynyddol ar wasanaethau mawr, ynghyd â’r pandemig a chyfnod o chwyddiant anarferol. Felly, cafwyd heriau enfawr yma ond hefyd, fel y sonioch chi, heriau enfawr yn Lloegr hefyd, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth a glywais yn fy nhrafodaethau gydag arweinwyr awdurdodau lleol Cymru dros y misoedd diwethaf.

Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle, Mike—ni chyhoeddwyd unrhyw hysbysiadau adran 114 na hysbysiadau methdaliad yng Nghymru. Rydym yn gweithio'n galed ac nid ydym yn cymryd hynny'n ganiataol, ac fe glywsom am, ac rydych chi wedi rhestru, rhai o'r awdurdodau lleol yn Lloegr sydd wedi gorfod cymryd y camau difrifol hynny. Mae cyhoeddi hysbysiad 114 yn gam difrifol y gwn na fyddai unrhyw gyngor yng Nghymru yn dymuno ei gymryd. Ei effaith fyddai rhewi gwariant newydd hyd nes bod y cyngor yn cytuno ar gynllun ariannol newydd i fantoli ei gyfrifon. Os oes angen, mae gennyf bwerau i ymyrryd, ond wrth gwrs, ni fyddai hwnnw'n gam y buaswn yn ei gymryd ar chwarae bach.

Yng Nghymru, ar y cyd ag awdurdodau lleol—sy’n wirioneddol bwysig—rydym yn datblygu protocol i’w ddefnyddio lle ceir her ariannol sylweddol. Pan fydd wedi'i gwblhau, bydd yr is-grŵp cyllid yn cytuno ar y protocol hwn. Bydd y protocol yn nodi ystod o opsiynau posibl ar gyfer cymorth. Ni fydd yn cynnwys mynediad ychwanegol at gyllid ychwanegol, ond yn hytrach, camau anariannol a thechnegol, gan gynnwys, lle bo’n briodol, cyfarwyddiadau cyfalafu. Felly, er enghraifft, gallai cyfarwyddyd ganiatáu'r defnydd o dderbyniadau cyfalaf neu fenthyca at ddibenion refeniw, ac mae hyn yn gyson â’r cymorth sydd ar gael yn Lloegr.


Diolch i Peter Fox am y cwestiwn yma. 

I thank Peter Fox for asking this question. 

We've heard from a number of councils that they're going to have to make further cuts to a number of their services that they don't have a legal duty to provide. For example, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council and Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council are planning to withdraw funding from some school transport, and Caerphilly County Borough Council is consulting on the same, not to mention huge cuts in libraries. Cuts like this will have a disproportionate effect on those already most vulnerable in Wales, who have already been facing a historic cost-of-living crisis.

What support is the Welsh Government offering to support the most vulnerable who will be losing services from local government budget cuts, and what discussions has this Government been having with UK Government to ensure that there are consequentials that provide fair funding for our struggling councils in the upcoming budget? How hopeful are you that disaster can be averted? 

Rydym wedi clywed gan nifer o gynghorau eu bod yn mynd i orfod gwneud toriadau pellach i nifer o'u gwasanaethau nad oes dyletswydd gyfreithiol arnynt i'w darparu. Er enghraifft, mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Taf a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful yn bwriadu tynnu cyllid yn ôl o rywfaint o gludiant i'r ysgol, ac mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili yn ymgynghori ar yr un peth, heb sôn am doriadau enfawr i lyfrgelloedd. Bydd toriadau fel hyn yn cael effaith anghymesur ar y bobl fwyaf bregus eisoes yng Nghymru, sydd wedi bod yn wynebu argyfwng costau byw digynsail yn barod.

Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gynnig i gefnogi’r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed a fydd yn colli gwasanaethau o ganlyniad i doriadau i gyllidebau llywodraeth leol, a pha drafodaethau y mae’r Llywodraeth hon wedi eu cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau bod y gyllideb sydd ar y ffordd yn cynnwys cyllid canlyniadol sy’n darparu cyllid teg ar gyfer ein cynghorau sy’n ei chael hi’n anodd? Pa mor obeithiol ydych chi y gellir osgoi trychineb?

Diolch, Peredur. I'll just say that our financial position remains extremely challenging, and we know that we face difficult decisions as we prepare for the 2025-26 budget in the Senedd. We'll have a firm settlement to 2025-26 and a better idea about the likely trajectory of public service funding in future years after the UK Government statement on 30 October. 

As in previous draft budgets, we will protect front-line public services as far as possible, and continue to target support towards those with greatest need. We'll not be able to do all the things that we want to do, so it's vital that we invest in those areas that can have the greatest impact, particularly if there's no additional funding. And I think it's important to note that our relationship with local government is that partnership approach, and that we'll work with local government through this difficult time, as we have done over the last few years as well.  

Diolch, Peredur. Fe ddywedaf fod ein sefyllfa ariannol yn parhau i fod yn hynod heriol, a gwyddom ein bod yn wynebu penderfyniadau anodd wrth inni baratoi ar gyfer cyllideb 2025-26 yn y Senedd. Bydd gennym setliad cadarn hyd at 2025-26 a gwell syniad am lwybr tebygol cyllid gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn y blynyddoedd i ddod ar ôl datganiad Llywodraeth y DU ar 30 Hydref.

Fel rydym wedi'i wneud mewn cyllidebau drafft blaenorol, byddwn yn diogelu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus rheng flaen i'r graddau mwyaf posibl, ac yn parhau i dargedu cymorth at y bobl sydd â’r angen mwyaf. Ni fyddwn yn gallu gwneud yr holl bethau yr hoffem eu gwneud, felly mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn buddsoddi yn y meysydd a all gael yr effaith fwyaf, yn enwedig os nad oes cyllid ychwanegol ar gael. A chredaf ei bod yn bwysig nodi mai dull partneriaeth yw ein perthynas â llywodraeth leol, ac y byddwn yn gweithio gyda llywodraeth leol drwy’r cyfnod anodd hwn, fel y gwnaethom dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd diwethaf.

Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Thai. 

I thank the Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government. 

5. Datganiadau 90 Eiliad
5. 90-second Statements

Eitem 5 sydd nesaf, datganiadau 90 eiliad, ac mae'r un cyntaf gan Mike Hedges.  

Item 5 is next, the 90-second statements, and the first is from Mike Hedges. 

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I want to highlight an initiative being promoted by the High Sheriff of West Glamorgan, Melanie James, of providing critical bleed control kits. The principal aim is to equip public locations with readily accessible bleed control kits that are both highly effective and simple to use. This measure will undoubtedly save lives, providing immediate life-saving assistance before the emergency services can arrive.

While people often associate bleed control kits with knife crime, there are numerous other instances where these kits have been used to control catastrophic bleeding due to accidents, including road traffic collisions, and dog bites. The scheme has adopted the Daniel Baird Foundation kit, which has been provided across England and British territories. Martyn's law is progressing as the Government published its draft legislation outlining requirements for venues and other organisations to ensure public safety, including the provision of bleed control kits. 

Cody's law, currently at the petition stage, also calls for all public venues to have bleed-control kits. The kit includes military-grade equipment, such as Foxseal Celox gauze, Code Red tourniquets, large trauma dressings, emergency shears, gloves, foil, blankets, face shields and a marker pen. The kit has a five-year expiry date and elements can be replaced if required at any time. A training video is widely available and promoted on social media. The aim is to install these kits within current defibrillator boxes in public spaces, such as schools, shops and sports venues. The initiative is supported by the Wales ambulance service, South Wales Police, Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, and others. The support of Heartbeat Trust UK brings invaluable expertise and resources, reinforcing the project's capacity to make a substantial impact. The provision of these critical bleed-control kits, and the associated training, will empower citizens, increase community resilience and help them contribute to a safer environment for everybody in west Glamorgan.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn dynnu sylw at fenter sy’n cael ei hyrwyddo gan Uchel Siryf Gorllewin Morgannwg, Melanie James, sy'n darparu pecynnau rheoli gwaedu critigol. Y prif nod yw rhoi pecynnau rheoli gwaedu hygyrch, sy'n hynod effeithiol ac yn hawdd eu defnyddio, mewn lleoliadau cyhoeddus. Heb os, bydd hyn yn achub bywydau, gan ddarparu cymorth achub bywyd ar unwaith cyn y gall y gwasanaethau brys gyrraedd.

Er bod pobl yn aml yn cysylltu pecynnau rheoli gwaedu â throseddau cyllyll, mae nifer o achosion eraill lle mae'r pecynnau hyn wedi'u defnyddio i reoli gwaedu trychinebus oherwydd damweiniau, gan gynnwys gwrthdrawiadau traffig ar y ffyrdd, a brathiadau gan gŵn. Mae’r cynllun wedi mabwysiadu pecyn Sefydliad Daniel Baird, a ddarparwyd ar draws Lloegr a thiriogaethau Prydain. Mae cyfraith Martyn yn gwneud cynnydd, wrth i’r Llywodraeth gyhoeddi ei deddfwriaeth ddrafft yn amlinellu gofynion ar gyfer lleoliadau a sefydliadau eraill i sicrhau diogelwch y cyhoedd, gan gynnwys darparu pecynnau rheoli gwaedu.

Mae cyfraith Cody, sydd ar y cam deisebu ar hyn o bryd, hefyd yn galw ar bob lleoliad cyhoeddus i gael pecynnau rheoli gwaedu. Mae'r pecyn yn cynnwys offer gradd milwrol, fel lliain rhwyllog Foxseal Celox, rhwymynnau tynhau Code Red, dresinau trawma mawr, siswrn brys, menyg, ffoil, blancedi, amddiffynwyr wyneb a phen marcio. Mae gan y pecyn ddyddiad dod i ben o bum mlynedd, a gellir cael eitemau newydd yn lle'r rhai sydd ynddo ar unrhyw adeg os oes angen. Mae fideo hyfforddi ar gael ac yn cael ei hyrwyddo ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Y nod yw gosod y pecynnau hyn yn y blychau diffibrilwyr sy'n bodoli'n barod mewn mannau cyhoeddus, megis ysgolion, siopau a lleoliadau chwaraeon. Cefnogir y fenter gan wasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru, Heddlu De Cymru, Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru, ac eraill. Mae cefnogaeth Heartbeat Trust UK yn darparu arbenigedd ac adnoddau hynod werthfawr, gan atgyfnerthu gallu'r prosiect i gael effaith sylweddol. Bydd darparu’r pecynnau rheoli gwaedu critigol, a’r hyfforddiant cysylltiedig, yn grymuso dinasyddion, yn cynyddu cadernid cymunedol ac yn eu helpu i gyfrannu at amgylchedd mwy diogel i bawb yng ngorllewin Morgannwg.


Dros y penwythnos a fu, bu bwrlwm ym Mhontypridd a Threfforest wrth i ŵyl gymunedol newydd sbon ddathlu bywyd a gwaddol y gantores a’r gyfansoddwraig Morfydd Owen. I’r rhai sydd ddim yn gyfarwydd â hanes Morfydd, fe’i ganed yn Nhrefforest ar 1 Hydref 1891, a bu farw ychydig wythnosau cyn ei phen-blwydd yn 27 oed, ar 7 Medi 1918. O oed ifanc, roedd yn amlwg bod ganddi dalent cerddorol aruthrol. Astudiodd gerddoriaeth yng Nghaerdydd ac yna yn Academi Gerdd Frenhinol Llundain, lle enillodd wobrau llu am ei gwaith. Fe gyfansoddodd rhyw 180 o ddarnau gwahanol o gerddoriaeth yn ystod ei hoes, a byddwn yn eich annog i ddarllen bywgraffiad Rhian Davies ohoni i ganfod mwy, gan na allaf i wneud cyfiawnder â hi heddiw.

Mae’n amlwg o’r ymateb fu i’w marwolaeth fod galaru mawr amdani gan y rhai oedd wedi eu cyfareddu gan ei thalent, gyda golygydd Y Cerddor ar y pryd, Dr David Evans, yn ysgrifennu:

'Ni chafodd cerddoriaeth Gymreig ergyd trymach yn ei hanes na cholli’r eneth ddisglair ac annwyl hon mor ieuanc.'

Dyna pam bod yr ŵyl wedi bod mor bwysig o ran codi ymwybyddiaeth o Morfydd a defnyddio ei stori i ysgogi y gymuned leol heddiw. Cafwyd rhaglen lawn a phrysur dros amryw o leoliadau, gan ddod â phobl o bob oed ynghyd a llu o sefydliadau gwahanol. Mi fues i'n ddigon lwcus i fynychu’r digwyddiad wnaeth gloi'r ŵyl, yn Parc Arts yn Nhrefforest, hen gapel Morfydd, a chlywed perfformiadau gwefreiddiol Bethan Nia a Jess Morgan, o waith newydd ganddynt wedi ei ysbrydoli gan Morfydd.

Dyma ŵyl wedi ei chreu gan y gymuned i’r gymuned, a mawr obeithiaf y bydd yn parhau i’r dyfodol, gan sicrhau gwaddol barhaus i fywyd a gwaith Morfydd. Llongyfarchiadau i bawb fu’n rhan o'r trefnu.

Over the past weekend, Pontypridd and Treforest were abuzz with excitement as a brand-new community festival celebrated the life and legacy of the singer and composer, Morfydd Owen. For those of you unfamiliar with Morfydd’s story, she was born in Treforest on 1 October 1891, and passed away a few weeks before her twenty-seventh birthday on 7 September 1918. From an early age, it was obvious that she was a prodigious musical talent. She studied music in Cardiff and then the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she won a whole host of awards for her work. She composed around 180 different pieces of music during her life, and I would encourage you all to read Rhian Davies’s biography of her to find out more, as I can't do her justice today.

It’s clear from the response to her death that she was very much mourned by those who were spellbound by her talent, with the editor of Y Cerddor at the time, Dr David Evans, writing that:

'Welsh music had never in its history suffered such a blow as the loss of this bright and beloved young woman at such a young age.'

That's why the festival has been so important in terms of raising awareness of Morfydd and using her story to inspire the local community today. A full and varied programme of events was held across a number of venues, bringing people of all ages together as well as a range of different organisations. I was fortunate enough to attend the festival’s closing event at Parc Arts in Treforest, Morfydd’s former chapel, to hear an electrifying performance of new work by Bethan Nia and Jess Morgan, inspired by Morfydd.

This is a festival created by the community for the community, and I very much hope it will continue in future, ensuring an ongoing legacy for Morfydd’s life and work. Congratulations to all of those involved in its organisation.

'Bore da, Maggie Mathias', geiriau anfarwol a glywyd mewn ystafelloedd byw ledled Cymru a thu hwnt am 7.10 p.m. ar 16 Hydref 1974. Ie, dyma ddechrau'r gyfres eiconig honno Pobol y Cwm, sy’n dathlu 50 mlynedd o’i darlledu heddiw; y gyfres opera hiraf a gynhyrchwyd gan y BBC yn ei hanes. Dros y blynyddoedd, mae hynt a helynt trigolion pentref Cwmderi, lle dychmygol rhywle rhwng Llanelli a Chaerfyrddin, wedi sbarduno sgyrsiau ar y stepen drws, dros wal yr ardd, neu dros beint mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru, gan drafod y troeon trwstan cenedlaethau o gymeriadau lliwgar: Reg Harries, Maggie Post, Dai Sgaffalde, Garry Monk, teulu’r Joneses, Megan Harries, Hywel Llywelyn, i enwi dim ond rhai.

Yn ogystal â’r cymeriadau hyn a’r sbardun i sawl gyrfa actio lwyddiannus, daeth y gyfres hefyd yn gyfle i gyflwyno storïau a themâu teimladwy, dirdynnol a rhai oedd yn ddieithr, efallai, i gartrefi Cymru. O ddibyniaeth ar alcohol i drin galar, iechyd meddwl a materion LGBTQ+, does dim gwadu’r cyfraniad chwyldroadol mae Pobol y Cwm wedi’i wneud, nid yn unig adlonni ond hefyd addysgu cymunedau Cymru.

Felly, i gloi, wrth ddathlu’r hanner cant, a sawl syrpreis, efallai, ar y ffordd, hoffwn ddiolch i’r BBC ac S4C am gynnal y gyfres hon ar hyd y blynyddoedd—eicon o raglen sydd wedi bod yn greiddiol i’n hiaith, i ddarlledu a’n hunaniaeth fel cenedl. Hir oes i drigolion Cwmderi.

'Bore da, Maggie Mathias.' These were the legendary words that resounded in living rooms across Wales and beyond at 7.10 p.m. on 16 October 1974. Yes, this was the opening scene of the iconic series, Pobol y Cwm, which is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of this first broadcast today; the longest running soap opera produced by the BBC in its history. Over the years, the comings and goings of the residents of Cwmderi, that imaginary village between Llanelli and Carmarthen, have inspired conversations on the doorstep, over the garden fence or over a pint in communities the length and breadth of Wales, discussing the trials and tribulations of generations of colourful characters: Reg Harries, Maggie Post, Dai Sgaffalde, Garry Monk, the Jones family, Megan Harries, Hywel Llywelyn, to name but a few.

In addition to these characters and being the launchpad for many a successful acting career, the series was also an opportunity to highlight powerful and emotive stories and themes, some of which may have been unfamiliar in some households in Wales. From alcohol dependency to grief, mental health and LGBTQ+ issues, there can be no denying the revolutionary contribution that Pobol y Cwm has made, in not just entertaining but educating communities in Wales.

So, to conclude, in celebrating this anniversary, with possibly several surprises in store, I'd like to thank the BBC and S4C for supporting this series over the years. It's an iconic programme that has been crucial to our language, to broadcasting and to our identity as a nation. Long live the residents of Cwmderi.

6. Cynnig i sefydlu pwyllgor
6. Motion to establish a committee

Eitem 6 heddiw yw'r cynnig i sefydlu pwyllgor, a galwaf ar aelod o'r Pwyllgor Busnes i wneud y cynnig yn ffurfiol.

Item 6 today is a motion to establish a committee, and I call on a member of the Business Committee to formally move the motion.


Cynnig NDM8694 Elin Jones

Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 16.5:

1. Yn sefydlu Pwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol.

2. Yn cytuno mai cylch gwaith y Pwyllgor yw trafod tri mater a chyflwyno adroddiad arnynt erbyn 9 Mai 2025: 

a) trefn busnes yn y Seithfed Senedd, gyda’r nod o ganfod opsiynau sy’n cynyddu effeithiolrwydd ei gwaith craffu, effeithiolrwydd y modd y mae’n darparu busnes o ddydd i ddydd, a hygyrchedd busnes seneddol i’r Aelodau;

b) nodi atebion i rwystrau (gwirioneddol a chanfyddedig) a all amharu ar allu’r Senedd i gynrychioli pobl o bob cefndir, profiad bywyd, dewis a chred, neu sydd â’r potensial i wneud hynny, gan gynnwys ystyried fersiynau drafft a therfynol y canllawiau ar amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ar gyfer pleidiau gwleidyddol; ac

c) trothwyon a osodir ar hyn o bryd yn y Rheolau Sefydlog ar gyfer nifer yr Aelodau sy’n ofynnol at wahanol ddibenion, gan gynnwys (ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i) ffurfio grwpiau gwleidyddol, diswyddo deiliaid swyddi, a chworwm.

3. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.2T, yn penderfynu na fydd Rheolau Sefydlog 17.2A i 17.2S yn gymwys mewn perthynas â Phwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol.

4. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.3, yn ethol:

a) Julie James AS (Llafur Cymru), Alun Davies AS (Llafur Cymru), Darren Millar AS (Ceidwadwyr Cymreig) a Heledd Fychan AS (Plaid Cymru) yn aelodau o Bwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol; a

b) David Rees (y Dirprwy Lywydd) yn Gadeirydd Pwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol.

5. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 33.6, yn atal dros dro ran gyntaf Rheol Sefydlog 17.37 mewn perthynas â Phwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol, ac yn cytuno mai dim ond wrth arfer pleidlais fwrw y caiff cadeirydd y Pwyllgor bleidleisio.

Motion NDM8694 Elin Jones

To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 16.5:

1. Establishes a Future Senedd Committee. 

2. Agrees that the remit of the Committee is to consider and report by 9 May 2025 on three matters:

a) the organisation of business in the Seventh Senedd, with the objective of identifying options that increase the effectiveness of its scrutiny activity, the efficiency of its day-to-day delivery of business, and the accessibility of parliamentary business to Members;

b) solutions to barriers (real and perceived) which may, or have the potential to, impede the Senedd’s ability to represent people of all backgrounds, life experiences, preferences and beliefs, including consideration of the draft and final diversity and inclusion guidance for political parties; and

c) the thresholds currently set in Standing Orders for the number of Members required for various purposes, including (but not restricted to) the formation of political groups, removal of office holders, and quorum.

3. In accordance with Standing Order 17.2T, resolves that Standing Orders 17.2A to 17.2S shall not apply in relation to the Future Senedd Committee.

4. In accordance with Standing Order 17.3, elects:

a) Julie James MS (Welsh Labour), Alun Davies MS (Welsh Labour), Darren Millar MS (Welsh Conservatives) and Heledd Fychan MS (Plaid Cymru) as members of the Future Senedd Committee; and

b) David Rees (Deputy Presiding Officer) as Chair of the Future Senedd Committee.

5. In accordance with Standing Order 33.6, suspends the first part of Standing Order 17.37 in relation to the Future Senedd Committee, and agrees that the chair of the Committee may only vote in the exercise of a casting vote.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, a darpar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor newydd. Dwi'n codi mewn capasiti personol, ond i groesawu'n fawr iawn creu'r pwyllgor yma. Pa deitl gwell a thrawiadol ac ysbrydoledig na Phwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol? Fel un sydd wedi bod yn milwrio, dwi'n meddwl, o blaid creu cerbyd i ni fel Senedd gydio yn y cyfle euraidd sydd gennym ni nawr, gan fod diwygio seneddol yn digwydd, a'n bod ni'n edrych am bob cyfle i ddiwygio ehangach er mwyn sicrhau ein bod ni'n cael y budd mwyaf o'r Senedd fwy a fwy cynrychioliadol y byddwn ni'n ei chreu. Felly, gair o groeso a dymuniadau da i chi, Gadeirydd, a holl aelodau'r pwyllgor. Dwi'n gobeithio y byddaf i a phawb arall yn cael y cyfle i gynnig syniadau er mwyn i chi eu hasesu.

Ond jest ple hefyd gen i—roeddech chi'n disgwyl hynny, Dirprwy Lywydd a darpar Gadeirydd—i chi fod yn radical, i chi fod yn greadigol, ac i ddehongli'r cylch gorchwyl yn y ffordd fwyaf eang posib. Mae'r cylch gorchwyl cychwynnol, o'i rhoi hi fel yna, ychydig bach, i fi, yn fy nharo i ychydig bach yn rhy gul o gymharu â'r drafodaeth hynod ddefnyddiol a diddorol cawsom ni yn ein cyfarfod ar y cyd rhwng y Pwyllgor Busnes a'r Comisiwn. Mae yna le i ehangu; mae yna le i'r pwyllgor yma anadlu, dwi'n credu, wrth i ni edrych ar yr holl gyfleoedd.

Gaf i roi un enghraifft i chi? Does yna ddim sôn ar hyn o bryd yn y cylch gorchwyl am y cyhoedd, ac mae hynny'n bwysig iawn, dwi'n credu, yn arbennig mewn cyd-destun lle mae democratiaeth yn wynebu creisis yn fyd-eang; mae'n rhaid ni edrych y tu allan, onid oes e? Wrth drafod diwygio seneddol, dŷn ni'n methu dim ond cael trafodaeth sydd yn fewnblyg. Mae rhai o'r pethau dŷch chi'n gorfod trafod, o'u hanian, yn rhai technegol, ond mae'r ymwneud â'r cyhoedd yn elfen bwysig, ac wrth gwrs, yn arbennig yng nghyd-destun y Senedd yma, lle mae'r ymwybyddiaeth o'r lle yma, oherwydd y diffyg democrataidd yng nghyd-destun y cyfryngau, mor isel. Felly, mae'r cwestiwn yma o sut ŷn ni, wrth i ni newid y muriau a'r seddi, ein bod ni hefyd yn edrych ar dynnu'r muriau i lawr yn yr ystyr hynny.

Wrth gwrs, roedd hynny'n un o'r awgrymiadau gan y comisiwn cyfansoddiadol, ein bod ni'n edrych ar draws y byd, a dweud y gwir, i edrych ar arfer da ynglŷn â chyfranogiad y cyhoedd mewn prosesau seneddol tu hwnt i'r traddodiadol, sef yr ymgynghoriadau mae'r llywodraeth yn eu trefnu, ond hefyd y deisebau; edrych ar sut mae seneddau yn Taiwan, er enghraifft, seneddau ar draws y byd, yn rhoi'r cyfle i'r cyhoedd awgrymu syniadau a dod yn rhan o'r broses ddeddfu, er enghraifft, mewn ffordd fwy rhyngweithiol, creadigol. Felly, dyma un enghraifft, dwi'n credu, o gyfle i ehangu, i adeiladu rhywfaint o fewn yr amserlen sydd gennych chi, ond sicrhau ein bod ni'n gwneud y gorau o'r cyfle yma.

Felly, gaf i ofyn i chi fod yn radical, yn radical o gynhwysfawr, ond hefyd yn radical o gynhwysol, i sicrhau bod pob Aelod yn fan hyn yn cael cyfle, ond hefyd y cyhoedd, a fydd â syniadau hefyd ynglŷn â sut y gall y Senedd yma gwrdd â'i phriod nod, sef i'w cynrychioli nhw, y dinasyddion, yn fwyaf effeithiol yn y Gymru sydd ohoni?

Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and the proposed Chair of the new committee. I stand in a personal capacity, but I also want to warmly welcome the creation of this committee. What better and striking and more inspiring title could it have than the Future Senedd Committee? As one who has been fighting, I think, for the creation of a vehicle for us as a Senedd to grasp the golden opportunity we have now, as Senedd reform is happening, and for us to look for every opportunity for broader reform in order to ensure that we get the most benefit possible from the larger and more representative Senedd that we are to create. So, I would like to welcome the creation of this committee and I wish you, as Chair, and all members of the committee well. I hope that I and everyone else here will have an opportunity to propose ideas so that you can assess their merit.

But just a plea from me also—I'm sure you were expecting that, Dirprwy Lywydd and prospective Chair—for you to be radical, for you to be creative, and to interpret your remit in the broadest terms possible. The initial remit as it's set out strikes me as being a little too restrictive as compared to the very useful and interesting debate that we had during our joint meeting between the Business Committee and the Commission. There is scope for expansion; there is scope for this committee to breathe, I think, as we look at all those opportunities.

May I give you one example? There is no mention currently in the remit of the public, and it is very important, I think, particularly in a context where democracy is facing a global crisis; we do have to look outside our walls, don't we? In discussing parliamentary reform, we cannot just have an introverted conversation. Some of the things that you will have to discuss, by their very nature, will be technical, but that engagement with the public is an important element, and particularly in the context of this Senedd, where awareness of this place, because of the democratic deficit in terms of the media, is so low. So, there's this question, as we move the walls and seats within this Chamber, that we also look at bringing those walls down, in that sense.

Of course, that was one of the suggestions made by the constitution commission, that we look across the world, to be honest, at good practice in terms of public participation in parliamentary processes beyond the traditional, namely consultations that the government puts in place, but also petitions. We should look at how parliaments in Taiwan, for example, and parliaments across the globe, in fact, provide an opportunity for the public to put forward their ideas and to become part of the legislative process, for example, in a more interactive, creative way. So, this is one example, I think, of an opportunity to expand, to build somewhat within the timetable that you have, but to ensure that we make the most of this opportunity.

So, may I ask you to be radical, radically comprehensive, but also radically inclusive, to ensure that every Member here has an opportunity, but also the public, who will also have ideas as to how this Senedd can meet its primary aim, which is to represent them, the citizens, as effectively as possible in the Wales of today?

Galwaf ar Darren Millar i ymateb i'r ddadl.

I call on Darren Millar to reply to the debate.

I feel, given the oratory we've just heard, it's worth me responding on behalf of the Business Committee to say that the intention of this committee, of course, is to consider the future operation of the Senedd in the seventh Senedd, after the next set of elections. It will be a rather different Senedd, with many more Members, and that provides us with an opportunity to look at how the business of this Senedd works, how we can broaden its appeal, and how, of course, we can improve, most importantly, its scrutiny processes and help to bring down those barriers that have prevented this Senedd from being more diverse than it has been in the past. Those are its principal aims. That doesn't preclude, of course, the committee from looking beyond, within the time frame that has clearly been set today, or is proposed to be set today, by May 2025, so that we can get things done in good and timely fashion ready for the Senedd elections that will follow in 2026. But, of course, it's incumbent upon all of us, as individual Members, to reach beyond the walls of this Senedd, as I know the overwhelming majority of us do, to communicate with the public, to engage with them, to ask them how they want this Senedd to operate in the future.

We all know that we had a debate on the size and shape of the Senedd, but now that that debate is over, and the dust is beginning to settle, it does give us the opportunity to make the most of this opportunity that is presented to us all, and it's incumbent on every one of us in this Chamber to make sure that this is the best Parliament it can possibly be, and the best representative of the public, all of the people of Wales, that it can possibly be in the future. I know that I'm committed to that, I know that all Members of this Chamber, hopefully, are committed to that, and I certainly know that the Business Committee, the Senedd Commission—and it was, of course, from the joint work of both of those committees, that this new Future Senedd Committee emerged—are certainly committed to it. And I know that the Members who will be participating in this committee, once it is established, will certainly ensure that the views of all Members of this Chamber are heard, in addition to the members of the public that we serve.

O ystyried yr araith rydym newydd ei chlywed, rwy'n teimlo ei bod hi'n werth imi ymateb ar ran y Pwyllgor Busnes i ddweud mai bwriad y pwyllgor hwn, wrth gwrs, yw ystyried gweithrediad y Senedd yn y dyfodol yn y seithfed Senedd, ar ôl y set nesaf o etholiadau. Bydd yn Senedd eithaf gwahanol, gyda llawer mwy o Aelodau, ac mae hynny'n rhoi cyfle i ni edrych ar sut y mae busnes y Senedd hon yn gweithio, sut y gallwn ehangu ei hapêl, a sut y gallwn wella, yn bwysicaf oll, ei phrosesau craffu a helpu i leihau'r rhwystrau sydd wedi atal y Senedd hon rhag bod yn fwy amrywiol nag a fu yn y gorffennol. Dyna'i brif amcanion. Nid yw hynny'n atal y pwyllgor rhag edrych y tu hwnt i hynny, o fewn yr amserlen a osodwyd yn glir heddiw, neu y bwriedir ei gosod heddiw, erbyn mis Mai 2025, fel y gallwn gyflawni pethau mewn modd effeithiol ac amserol yn barod ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd a fydd yn dilyn yn 2026. Ond wrth gwrs, mae'n ddyletswydd ar bob un ohonom, fel Aelodau unigol, i estyn y tu hwnt i waliau'r Senedd hon, fel y gwn fod y mwyafrif llethol ohonom yn ei wneud, i gyfathrebu â'r cyhoedd, ymgysylltu â hwy, i ofyn iddynt sut y maent am i'r Senedd hon weithredu yn y dyfodol.

Rydym i gyd yn gwybod ein bod wedi cael dadl ar faint a siâp y Senedd, ond gan fod y ddadl honno drosodd bellach, a'r llwch yn dechrau setlo, mae'n rhoi cyfle inni wneud y gorau o'r cyfle a gyflwynir i bawb ohonom, ac mae'n ddyletswydd arnom oll yn y Siambr hon i sicrhau fod hon y Senedd orau y gall fod, a chynrychiolydd gorau'r cyhoedd, holl bobl Cymru, y gall fod yn y dyfodol. Rwy'n gwybod fy mod i wedi ymrwymo i hynny, gwn fod holl Aelodau'r Siambr hon, gobeithio, wedi ymrwymo i hynny, ac rwy'n sicr yn gwybod bod y Pwyllgor Busnes, Comisiwn y Senedd—ac wrth gwrs, o waith ar y cyd rhwng y ddau bwyllgor hynny y datblygodd y pwyllgor Senedd newydd hwn, Pwyllgor Senedd y Dyfodol—wedi ymrwymo iddo, yn sicr. A gwn y bydd yr Aelodau a fydd yn rhan o'r pwyllgor pan fydd wedi'i sefydlu yn sicrhau bod barn holl Aelodau'r Siambr hon yn cael ei chlywed, yn ogystal â'r aelodau o'r cyhoedd a wasanaethwn.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes, felly derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? There is no objection, therefore the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

7. Dadl ar Gynnig Deddfwriaethol gan Aelod: Bil yn ymwneud â phrosesau cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu chwareli
7. Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal: A Bill relating to planning processes for quarry development

Eitem 7 heddiw yw'r ddadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod: Bil yn ymwneud â phrosesau cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu chwareli, a galwaf ar Heledd Fychan i wneud y cynnig.

Item 7 today is a debate on a Member's legislative proposal: a Bill relating to planning processes for quarry development, and I call on Heledd Fychan to move the motion.

Cynnig NDM8687 Heledd Fychan

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn nodi cynnig ar gyfer Bil ar gyflwyno rhagdybiaeth mewn prosesau cynllunio yn erbyn cymeradwyo datblygu chwareli yn agos at aneddiadau.

2. Yn nodi mai diben y Bil fyddai:

a) ei gwneud yn ofynnol i risgiau i'r amgylchedd a bioamrywiaeth, ac i iechyd y cyhoedd, mewn cysylltiad â safleoedd chwarelyddol arfaethedig gael eu hasesu fel rhan o'r broses gynllunio;

b) gosod parth clustogi gorfodol o 1,000 metr ar gyfer yr holl chwareli newydd a'r rhai presennol; ac

c) darparu mai dim ond Gweinidog perthnasol Llywodraeth Cymru all wneud y penderfyniad ar gais cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu chwarel, gydag ystyriaeth yn cael ei rhoi i Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015.

Motion NDM8687 Heledd Fychan

To propose that the Senedd: 

1. Notes a proposal for a Bill on introducing a presumption in planning processes against approving quarry development in close proximity to settlements.

2. Notes that the purpose of the Bill would be to:

a) require the risks of proposed quarrying sites to the environment and biodiversity, and to public health, to be assessed as part of the planning process;

b) set a mandatory buffer zone of 1,000 metres for all new and existing quarries; and

c) provide that the decision on a planning application for quarry development may only be made by the relevant Welsh Government Minister, with consideration given to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. It's not often that I take inspiration from Westminster, but this legislative proposal echoes similar proposals brought forward by the Labour MP, Matt Western, in 2021, and the Conservative MP, Paul Holmes, in 2023. Both had similar experiences to many of us in this Senedd of supporting residents in their fight against either the opening of or the extension of a quarry in close proximity to residential homes, schools and community facilities. Both also came to realise how inadequate and outdated planning legislation was when deciding on such developments. Communities are left having to fight against large multinationals with plentiful resources at their disposal to quash any local opposition. What's abundantly clear is that it isn't a fair fight.

Using the example of one quarry in my region, Craig-yr-Hesg in Glyncoch on the outskirts of Pontypridd, I hope to persuade all of you today of the need to legislate, so that there is, in future, a presumption against approving quarry development in close proximity to settlements. Further, that there must be a mandatory buffer zone of 1,000m for all new and existing quarries.

Craig-yr-Hesg quarry has operated since 1885, and provides blue pennant sandstone, one of the highest quality skid-resistant surfacing aggregates in the UK, and is used on motorways and airport runways. The extraction and working of minerals or depositing mineral waste at the site was due to end on 31 December 2022, followed by a restoration and aftercare programme. This was a promise made to the local community when that planning application was made. However, that proved to be a broken promise. The company in charge of the quarry subsequently put forward two planning applications to extend both the area quarried as well as the life of the quarry.

Over 400 objections were received from local residents, Pontypridd Town Council and many elected representatives, including myself. Indeed, so compelling were the arguments put forward that the local planning authority, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council, rejected both applications on the basis of the impact of blasting on people's health and well-being. The community breathed a sigh of relief, but this proved to be short lived, as a planning appeal was submitted to Planning and Environment Decisions Wales, which resulted in the Welsh Government's then Minister for Climate Change, Julie James, granting permission. To say the community was devastated is an understatement—

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Nid yn aml y byddaf yn cael fy ysbrydoli gan San Steffan, ond mae'r cynnig deddfwriaethol hwn yn adleisio cynigion tebyg a gyflwynwyd gan yr AS Llafur, Matt Western, yn 2021, a'r AS Ceidwadol, Paul Holmes, yn 2023. Cafodd y ddau brofiad tebyg i lawer ohonom yn y Senedd hon o gefnogi trigolion yn eu brwydr yn erbyn agor neu ymestyn chwarel yn agos at gartrefi preswyl, ysgolion a chyfleusterau cymunedol. Daeth y ddau hefyd i sylweddoli pa mor annigonol a hen ffasiwn oedd deddfwriaeth gynllunio wrth benderfynu ar ddatblygiadau o'r fath. Gadawyd cymunedau'n gorfod ymladd yn erbyn cwmnïau rhyngwladol mawr gydag adnoddau digonol at eu defnydd i ddileu unrhyw wrthwynebiad lleol. Mae'n gwbl amlwg nad yw'n frwydr deg.

Drwy ddefnyddio enghraifft un chwarel yn fy rhanbarth i, Craig-yr-Hesg yng Nglyn-coch ar gyrion Pontypridd, rwy'n gobeithio eich perswadio chi heddiw o'r angen i ddeddfu, fel bod rhagdybiaeth yn y dyfodol yn erbyn cymeradwyo datblygiad chwarel yn agos at aneddiadau. At hynny, rhaid cael parth clustogi gorfodol o 1,000m ar gyfer pob chwarel newydd a rhai presennol.

Mae chwarel Craig-yr-Hesg wedi bod yn weithredol ers 1885, ac mae'n darparu tywodfaen pennant glas, un o'r agregau atal sgidio o'r ansawdd uchaf yn y DU ar gyfer wyneb ffyrdd, ac fe'i defnyddir ar draffyrdd a rhedfeydd maes awyr. Roedd cloddio a gweithio mwynau neu waredu gwastraff mwynau ar y safle i fod i ddod i ben ar 31 Rhagfyr 2022, cyn cyflawni rhaglen adfer ac ôl-ofal. Dyma addewid a wnaed i'r gymuned leol pan gafodd y cais cynllunio ei wneud. Fodd bynnag, roedd yn addewid a dorrwyd. Wedi hynny cyflwynodd y cwmni a oedd yn gyfrifol am y chwarel ddau gais cynllunio i ymestyn ardal y cloddio yn ogystal â hyd oes y chwarel.

Cafwyd dros 400 o wrthwynebiadau gan drigolion lleol, Cyngor Tref Pontypridd a nifer o gynrychiolwyr etholedig, gan fy nghynnwys i. Yn wir, roedd y dadleuon a gyflwynwyd mor gymhellol fel bod yr awdurdod cynllunio lleol, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Taf, wedi gwrthod y ddau gais ar sail effaith ffrwydradau ar iechyd a llesiant pobl. Anadlodd y gymuned ochenaid o ryddhad, ond ni pharodd hynny'n hir, wrth i apêl gynllunio gael ei chyflwyno i Penderfyniadau Cynllunio ac Amgylchedd Cymru, gan arwain at roi caniatâd gan Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd Llywodraeth Cymru ar y pryd, Julie James. Nid yw'n ormod dweud bod y gymuned wedi ei llorio—


Would you take an intervention?

A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?

Just on that point, I think you've made the point that the Minister did what she did, but she did so because she had to minimise the risk of a judicial review, and that judicial review on the current planning grounds would have led to that decision being overturned and the Government having to pay costs. I'm not suggesting you're making any aspersions on the Minister, but she had very little choice in the decision she took.

Ar y pwynt hwnnw, credaf eich bod wedi gwneud y pwynt fod y Gweinidog wedi gwneud yr hyn a wnaeth, ond fe wnaeth hynny am fod yn rhaid iddi leihau'r risg o adolygiad barnwrol, a byddai adolygiad barnwrol ar y seiliau cynllunio presennol wedi arwain at wrthdroi'r penderfyniad hwnnw gan olygu y byddai'r Llywodraeth yn gorfod talu costau. Nid wyf yn awgrymu eich bod yn bwrw sen ar y Gweinidog, ond nid oedd ganddi fawr o ddewis yn y penderfyniad a wnaeth.

But that's the point of the debate, if you will, that the planning process is inadequate to deal with the situation, and that's what the legislation is proposing to rectify.

The main objections from residents can therefore be summarised as follows: health concerns related to dust pollution from the quarry and pollution from the vehicles linked to the quarry; concerns over the impact of blasting on homes and infrastructure, including the highway and flood defence wall on Berw Road—photos of cracks appearing in walls of homes following blasting were submitted as evidence; loss of biodiversity and green spaces in the area the quarry would extend to; and the proximity of the quarry to homes, a school and community facilities, within 150m and within 100m of the crusher.

Although the inspector in the Craig-yr-Hesg appeal accepted that the quarry caused stress and anxiety to local residents, they did not accept that blasting at the quarry had caused any damage, as the photos were not supported by a structural survey. Similarly, though residents submitted photos of large dust clouds above the quarry and cited examples of ill health that they believed were linked to the quarry, they didn't have expert reports to support their opinion. Neither was the loss of biodiversity considered a strong enough argument. Simply put, everything was assumed to be hearsay because residents didn't have at their disposal the hundreds of thousands of pounds they would need to conduct in-depth monitoring and analysis to either prove or disprove their fears, as well as a team of first-rate lawyers and barristers to fight the case.

Simply put, they didn't stand a chance under the current system, which places economic benefit above everything else. This is especially true for communities like Glyncoch, who are in essence then costed out of being able to oppose any development, no matter what impact it may have on them. More and more evidence is now coming to light about the impact of invisible particulates and noxious gases on public health, with the World Health Organization in recent years changing its guidance quite dramatically on this matter. The Environmental Working Group, a US-based group specialising in research and advocacy, has stated that

'none of the air quality standards for silica are adequate to protect people living or working near sand mining sites. The danger of airborne silica is especially acute for children'.

In fact, the group has concerns for any residents living within 1,500m of any excavation site, because of the way the dust particles will disperse, following evidence gathered in open sand mines in Wisconsin and Minnesota, which found that silica levels were at least 10 times higher than the recommended limit of 3 µg per cubic metre. Is it any wonder that the residents are scared?

This legislation would take the onus away from residents to prove or disprove the impact of the quarry, and mean that all factors, including impact on health, were investigated as part of the planning process. I look forward to hearing from other contributors to the debate, and will keep my remaining remarks to close the debate.

Ond dyna bwynt y ddadl, os mynnwch, fod y broses gynllunio yn annigonol i ymdrin â'r sefyllfa, a dyna mae'r ddeddfwriaeth yn cynnig ei unioni.

Gellir crynhoi'r prif wrthwynebiadau gan drigolion fel a ganlyn: pryderon iechyd yn ymwneud â llygredd llwch o'r chwarel a llygredd o'r cerbydau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r chwarel; mynegwyd pryderon ynghylch effaith ffrwydro ar gartrefi a seilwaith, gan gynnwys y briffordd a'r wal amddiffyn rhag llifogydd ar Heol Berw—cyflwynwyd lluniau o graciau'n ymddangos yn waliau cartrefi yn sgil gwaith ffrwydro fel tystiolaeth; colli bioamrywiaeth a mannau gwyrdd yn yr ardal y byddai'r chwarel yn ymestyn iddi; ac agosrwydd y chwarel at gartrefi, ysgol a chyfleusterau cymunedol, o fewn 150m ac o fewn 100m i'r peiriant mathru.

Er i'r arolygydd yn apêl Craig-yr-Hesg dderbyn bod y chwarel wedi achosi straen a phryder i drigolion lleol, nid oeddent yn derbyn bod gwaith ffrwydro yn y chwarel wedi achosi unrhyw ddifrod, gan na chafwyd arolwg strwythurol i gefnogi'r lluniau. Yn yr un modd, er i drigolion gyflwyno lluniau o gymylau llwch mawr uwchben y chwarel a nodi enghreifftiau o afiechyd y credent eu bod yn gysylltiedig â'r chwarel, nid oedd ganddynt adroddiadau arbenigol i gefnogi eu barn. Nid oedd colli bioamrywiaeth yn cael ei hystyried yn ddadl ddigon cryf ychwaith. Tybiwyd mai tystiolaeth achlust oedd popeth am nad oedd gan drigolion y cannoedd o filoedd o bunnoedd y byddai ei angen i gynnal gwaith monitro a dadansoddi manwl i naill ai brofi neu wrthbrofi eu hofnau, yn ogystal â thîm o gyfreithwyr a bargyfreithwyr o'r radd flaenaf i ymladd yr achos.

Nid oedd gobaith ganddynt o dan y system bresennol, sy'n rhoi budd economaidd uwchlaw popeth arall. Mae hyn yn arbennig o wir am gymunedau fel Glyn-coch, sy'n methu fforddio gwrthwynebu unrhyw ddatblygiad, ni waeth pa effaith y gallai ei chael arnynt. Mae mwy a mwy o dystiolaeth bellach yn ymddangos am effaith gronynnau anweledig a nwyon gwenwynig ar iechyd y cyhoedd, gyda Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn newid ei ganllawiau yn eithaf dramatig ar y mater hwn. Mae'r Environmental Working Group, grŵp o'r Unol Daleithiau sy'n arbenigo mewn ymchwil ac eiriolaeth, wedi datgan

'nid oes yr un o'r safonau ansawdd aer ar gyfer silica yn ddigonol i ddiogelu pobl sy'n byw neu'n gweithio ger safleoedd mwyngloddio tywod. Mae'r perygl o silica a drosglwyddir drwy'r aer yn arbennig o ddifrifol i blant.'

Mewn gwirionedd, mae gan y grŵp bryderon ynghylch unrhyw drigolion sy'n byw o fewn 1,500m i unrhyw safle cloddio, oherwydd y ffordd y bydd y gronynnau llwch yn gwasgaru, yn dilyn tystiolaeth a gasglwyd mewn mwyngloddiau tywod agored yn Wisconsin a Minnesota, a ganfu fod lefelau silica o leiaf 10 gwaith yn uwch na'r trothwy a argymhellir o 3 μg fesul metr ciwbig. A yw'n syndod fod y trigolion yn ofnus?

Byddai'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn golygu na fyddai'r baich ar drigolion i brofi neu wrthbrofi effaith y chwarel, a bod pob ffactor, gan gynnwys effaith ar iechyd, yn cael eu harchwilio'n rhan o'r broses gynllunio. Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed gan gyfranwyr eraill yn y ddadl, a byddaf yn cadw'r hyn sydd gennyf yn weddill at fy sylwadau clo.

Thank you to Heledd Fychan for bringing this debate forward. I spent most of Monday afternoon at the Tŷ Penallta council offices for a three-hour meeting of the Bryn Group—. I think it's called the Bryn compost liaison group. The company is called Bryn Group. They have a quarry very close to residents' houses, and part of the discussion is to liaise with them to try and manage their blasting processes. What we've also managed to do through the committee is to get the council to place dust monitoring on residents' houses in Penybryn and Gelligaer, and we've seen through that that the level of silica and level of particulate is at a very safe level, so we've got reassurance in our community. But nonetheless, residents complain about blasting. They complain that it causes their windows to shake, and others have complained about cracks in the wall.

Therefore, I've looked carefully at this Member's legislative proposal and spoken with residents about it. I am concerned about the third item, which is to effectively make quarry developments developments of national significance. What that would do is take away from the community the decision-making process. It would mean that it would be for the Minister to decide these things, rather than the local authorities themselves. So, I have reservations about that. Given the general thrust of the argument that Heledd Fychan put, perhaps it's important to say that I've been convinced by an argument put in this Chamber and therefore I will support the motion, but I do have reservations about certain parts of what the legislative proposal is, particularly that third part. 

Finally, I wanted to say that there is a way around this immediately. I've looked up the—. I've got so many documents in front of me, I can't find it, but I looked up the 'Minerals Technical Advice Note (Wales) 1: Aggregates' 2004 regulation. It hasn't been updated since 2004, it still talks about Welsh Assembly Government and Assembly Members. I think it would be well worth the Minister having a look at that and considering what issues in there could be addressed to address the concerns that I've raised today and that Heledd has raised as well, because there is certainly opportunity to do that. I think legislation, though, may go too far if it is not very carefully designed, and I've mentioned those reservations. A revisit and a review would be important. 

And finally, my last point—this is my last point—is that if you applied it today, it wouldn't be retrospective, so it wouldn't affect previous planning decisions, it wouldn't affect the quarry in Gelligaer, it wouldn't affect the quarry that you were referring to, so there is that problem as well. And perhaps I can suggest to you that we might request together a meeting with the Minister to talk about communities affected by quarrying. I'd be more than happy to do that, and perhaps I could invite Delyth Jewell as well, as a regional Member, to discuss these issues and see if we can have a response from the Minister on it. 

Diolch i Heledd Fychan am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon. Treuliais y rhan fwyaf o brynhawn dydd Llun yn swyddfeydd cyngor Tŷ Penallta ar gyfer cyfarfod tair awr o hyd o grŵp cyswllt compost Bryn. Enw'r cwmni yw Bryn Group. Mae ganddynt chwarel yn agos iawn at dai preswylwyr, a rhan o'r drafodaeth yw ymgysylltu â hwy i geisio rheoli eu prosesau ffrwydro. Rydym hefyd wedi llwyddo drwy'r pwyllgor i gael y cyngor i fonitro llwch yn nhai preswylwyr ym Mhen-y-bryn a Gelligaer, ac rydym wedi gweld yn sgil hynny fod lefel silica a lefel gronynnol ar lefel ddiogel iawn, felly mae hynny wedi tawelu meddyliau yn ein cymuned. Ond er hynny, mae trigolion yn cwyno am ffrwydro. Maent yn cwyno ei fod yn achosi i'w ffenestri ysgwyd, ac mae eraill wedi cwyno am graciau yn y wal.

Felly, rwyf wedi edrych yn ofalus ar gynnig deddfwriaethol yr Aelod ac wedi siarad â thrigolion amdano. Rwy'n pryderu am y drydedd eitem, sef gwneud datblygiadau chwarel yn ddatblygiadau o arwyddocâd cenedlaethol i bob pwrpas. Yr hyn y byddai hynny'n ei wneud yw mynd â'r broses benderfynu oddi wrth y gymuned. Byddai'n golygu mai'r Gweinidog fyddai'n penderfynu ar y pethau hyn, yn hytrach na'r awdurdodau lleol eu hunain. Felly, mae gennyf amheuon ynglŷn â hynny. O ystyried byrdwn cyffredinol y ddadl a roddodd Heledd Fychan, efallai ei bod yn bwysig dweud fy mod wedi cael fy argyhoeddi gan ddadl a gyflwynwyd yn y Siambr hon ac felly byddaf yn cefnogi'r cynnig, ond mae gennyf amheuon ynghylch rhannau o'r cynnig deddfwriaethol, yn enwedig y drydedd ran honno. 

Yn olaf, roeddwn i eisiau dweud bod ffordd o gwmpas hyn ar unwaith. Rwyf wedi edrych—. Mae gennyf gymaint o ddogfennau, ni allaf ddod o hyd iddi, ond edrychais ar reoliad 'Nodyn Cyngor Technegol Mwynau (Cymru) 1: Agregau' 2004. Nid yw wedi cael ei ddiweddaru ers 2004, mae'n dal i sôn am Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru ac Aelodau'r Cynulliad. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n werth i'r Gweinidog edrych ar hwnnw ac ystyried pa faterion ynddo y gellid rhoi sylw iddynt er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r pryderon a godais heddiw ac a godwyd gan Heledd hefyd, oherwydd yn sicr mae cyfle i wneud hynny. Rwy'n credu efallai y byddai deddfwriaeth yn mynd yn rhy bell os nad yw wedi'i chynllunio'n ofalus iawn, ac rwyf wedi sôn am yr amheuon hynny. Byddai ailedrych ac adolygu'n bwysig. 

Ac yn olaf, fy mhwynt olaf—dyma fy mhwynt olaf—yw pe baech chi'n ei chymhwyso heddiw, ni fyddai'n ôl-weithredol, felly ni fyddai'n effeithio ar benderfyniadau cynllunio blaenorol, ni fyddai'n effeithio ar y chwarel yng Nghelligaer, ni fyddai'n effeithio ar y chwarel yr oeddech chi'n cyfeirio ati, felly mae honno'n broblem hefyd. Ac efallai y caf awgrymu i chi y gallem ofyn am gyfarfod gyda'r Gweinidog gyda'n gilydd i siarad am gymunedau y mae chwarela'n effeithio arnynt. Rwy'n fwy na pharod i wneud hynny, ac efallai y gallwn wahodd Delyth Jewell hefyd, fel Aelod rhanbarthol, i drafod y materion hyn a gweld a allwn gael ymateb gan y Gweinidog ar hynny. 


I rise to speak in favour of this motion, particularly on the buffer zones and for greater consideration of the well-being of future generations Act. Members here will know, I'm sure, because I've raised this before, that there are concerns about extending a limestone quarry in Denbigh, which is right on the edge of town. There will be environmental impacts. We know that native trees, broadleaf trees over 100 years old, will be felled. They're home to scarce wildlife—pied flycatchers, redstarts, several species of bats—and you can't replace those trees or recreate that environment overnight. So, there's loss of valuable wildlife.

In terms of economic impacts, it will, yes, allow improved mining yield for Breedon Ltd, the company who are seeking the extension, but there are concerns at the nearby industrial estate about the impact of dust and vibrations from blasting at the quarry on high-end precision operations that are actually being carried out at the industrial site. Social and well-being is something else, of course. We know it's going to have an impact in Denbigh particularly—the rerouting of public footpaths, wider impacts on access to popular walking spots, impacts of increased noise levels, an effect on air quality—all blighting nearby homes, potentially.

I'd also like to draw Members' attention to the fact that, of course, the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee has recently been doing an inquiry on restoring opencast sites, and we've had the earth being promised around restoration at some of these sites, but time and time again, those promises are reneged upon by certain parties. Lessons need to be learned, I would argue, and the voices of local residents need to be considered. I mentioned the well-being of future generations Act, the environmental, the economic, the social—these are the impacts that people are grappling with when faced with these proposals for quarrying and extending quarries. So, let's support the motion, let's learn the lessons from Craig-yr-Hesg, from opencast and elsewhere, and let's not subject other communities like Denbigh to similar risks and impacts in the future. 

Rwy'n codi i siarad o blaid y cynnig hwn, yn enwedig ar y parthau clustogi ac am fwy o ystyriaeth o Ddeddf llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Bydd yr aelodau yma'n gwybod, rwy'n siŵr, gan imi godi hyn o'r blaen, fod yna bryderon am ymestyn chwarel galchfaen ar gyrion tref Dinbych. Bydd yna effeithiau amgylcheddol. Gwyddom y bydd coed brodorol, coed llydanddail dros 100 oed, yn cael eu cwympo. Maent yn gartref i fywyd gwyllt prin—y gwybedog brith, adar tingoch, sawl rhywogaeth o ystlumod—ac ni allwch blannu coed yn lle'r coed hynny nac ail-greu'r amgylchedd hwnnw dros nos. Felly, mae yna golli bywyd gwyllt gwerthfawr.

O ran effeithiau economaidd, fe fydd yn caniatáu mwy o gynnyrch mwyngloddio ar gyfer Breedon Ltd, y cwmni sy'n gwneud cais am yr estyniad, ond mae pryderon yn yr ystad ddiwydiannol gyfagos am effaith llwch a dirgryniadau yn sgil ffrwydro yn y chwarel ar weithgaredd gweithgynhyrchu manwl arbenigol a wneir yn y safle diwydiannol. Mae materion cymdeithasol a llesiant yn rhywbeth arall, wrth gwrs. Fe wyddom y bydd yn cael effaith yn Ninbych yn enwedig—ailgyfeirio llwybrau cyhoeddus, effeithiau ehangach ar fynediad at fannau cerdded poblogaidd, effeithiau lefelau sŵn uwch, effaith ar ansawdd aer—a'r cyfan yn effeithio ar gartrefi cyfagos, o bosibl.

Hoffwn dynnu sylw'r Aelodau hefyd at y ffaith bod y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, Amgylchedd a Seilwaith wedi bod yn cynnal ymchwiliad yn ddiweddar ar adfer safleoedd mwyngloddio brig, ac rydym wedi cael addewidion mawr ynghylch adfer rhai o'r safleoedd hyn, ond dro ar ôl tro, mae'r addewidion hynny'n cael eu torri gan rai partïon. Buaswn yn dadlau bod angen dysgu gwersi, ac mae angen ystyried lleisiau trigolion lleol. Soniais am Ddeddf llesiant cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, yr effeithiau amgylcheddol, economaidd, cymdeithasol—dyma'r effeithiau y mae pobl yn ymrafael â hwy wrth wynebu'r cynigion hyn ar gyfer chwarela ac ymestyn chwareli. Felly, gadewch inni gefnogi'r cynnig, gadewch inni ddysgu'r gwersi o Graig-yr-Hesg, o fwyngloddio brig a mannau eraill, a gadewch inni beidio â gorfodi cymunedau eraill fel Dinbych i wynebu risgiau ac effeithiau tebyg yn y dyfodol. 

There is much in this motion to commend it. As referenced by the proposer, it is taken, in large part, from the Westminster private Member's Planning (Quarries) Bill proposed by Conservative MP Paul Holmes, which had a First Reading in the House of Commons in March last year. It's a Bill, quote, 

'to introduce a presumption in planning decision-making against approving quarry development in close proximity to settlements; to require the risks of proposed quarrying sites to the environment and to public health to be assessed as part of the planning process; to provide that the decision on a planning application for quarry development may only be made by the Secretary of State; and for connected purposes.'

Therefore, there's great similarity. But in a devolved context, of course, the Secretary of State has been replaced with the relevant Welsh Government Minister, with consideration given to the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. We should not, therefore, in my view, vote against this motion.

However, there is concern that the motion before us today also proposes that the Senedd sets a mandatory buffer zone of 1,000m for all new and existing quarries. To apply this to all existing quarries arbitrarily—and without impact assessments—risks impacting negatively on jobs, local economies, and the sustainable supply of key materials. Further, setting a mandatory buffer zone of 1,000m for all new quarries irrespective of local circumstance and demand for the materials arbitrarily and without impact assessments could mean, for example, that materials key to energy transition and energy security located at 990m away from a settlement could not be accessed.

It is therefore prudent to instead focus action on introducing a presumption in planning processes against approving quarry development in close proximity to settlements, as proposed in both the UK Planning (Quarries) Bill considered in 2023 and in the first part of the motion we’re debating today. I would therefore have to reluctantly abstain in a vote on the motion as currently drafted, whilst supporting the general principle.

Mae llawer i'w gymeradwyo yn y cynnig hwn. Fel y nodwyd gan y cynigydd, mae'n cael ei gymryd, i raddau helaeth, o Fil Cynllunio (Chwareli) gan Aelod preifat yn San Steffan a gynigiwyd gan yr AS Ceidwadol Paul Holmes, ac a gafodd ddarlleniad cyntaf yn Nhŷ'r Cyffredin ym mis Mawrth y llynedd. Bil ydyw, 

'i gyflwyno rhagdybiaeth mewn penderfyniadau cynllunio yn erbyn cymeradwyo datblygiad chwareli yn agos at aneddiadau; i'w gwneud yn ofynnol i risgiau safleoedd chwarela arfaethedig i'r amgylchedd ac i iechyd y cyhoedd gael eu hasesu yn rhan o'r broses gynllunio; i ddarparu mai dim ond yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol a all wneud y penderfyniad ar gais cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu chwarel; ac at ddibenion cysylltiedig.'

Felly, mae yna debygrwydd mawr. Ond yng nghyd-destun datganoli, wrth gwrs, mae Gweinidog perthnasol yn Llywodraeth Cymru yn cymryd lle'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol, ac ystyriaeth yn cael ei rhoi i Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. Felly, yn fy marn i, ni ddylem bleidleisio yn erbyn y cynnig hwn.

Fodd bynnag, ceir pryder fod y cynnig sydd ger ein bron heddiw hefyd yn argymell y dylai'r Senedd osod parth clustogi gorfodol o 1,000m ar gyfer pob chwarel newydd a rhai presennol. Mae cymhwyso hyn i'r holl chwareli presennol yn fympwyol—a heb asesiadau effaith—yn creu risg o effeithio'n negyddol ar swyddi, economïau lleol, a chyflenwad cynaliadwy o ddeunyddiau allweddol. Ymhellach, gallai gosod parth clustogi gorfodol o 1,000m yn fympwyol ar gyfer pob chwarel newydd beth bynnag y bo'r amgylchiadau lleol a'r galw am y deunyddiau a heb asesiadau effaith olygu, er enghraifft, na ellid cael mynediad at ddeunyddiau sy'n allweddol i drawsnewid i ynni adnewyddadwy a diogeledd ynni a fyddai wedi'u lleoli 990m i ffwrdd o anheddiad.

Felly, mae'n ddoeth canolbwyntio yn lle hynny ar gyflwyno rhagdybiaeth mewn prosesau cynllunio yn erbyn cymeradwyo datblygiad chwareli yn agos at aneddiadau, fel y cynigiwyd ym Mil Cynllunio (Chwareli) y DU a ystyriwyd yn 2023 ac yn rhan gyntaf y cynnig a drafodwn heddiw. Felly, byddai'n rhaid i mi ymatal mewn pleidlais ar y cynnig fel y mae wedi'i ddrafftio ar hyn o bryd, gwaetha'r modd, er fy mod yn cefnogi'r egwyddor gyffredinol.


I speak in support of this proposal and to highlight the effects being felt by my constituents near two quarry sites: Gelligaer, which has been mentioned, and Ffos-y-fran.

In Gelligaer, the Bryn Group have recently put in an application to expand their quarry. I’ve been contacted by a number of residents who live near the quarry and who suffer daily with noise pollution, with dust, vibrations in their houses, and unpleasant smells. I’m aware that, over a number of years, concerns have also been raised about plastic littering the fields nearby, but the focus of this proposal, of course, is the need to introduce a mandatory buffer zone of 1,000m for all new and existing quarries.

I would argue that that is patently needed to avoid things like this happening again. In Gelligaer and in Penybryn, near this quarry, people living there don’t only suffer with noise; I’ve been sent photos by residents who have complained about structural damage to their properties. They’re worried this will lead to issues with their insurance and that any further extension of that quarry could lead to their homes being devalued.

There is a mental health effect from all this too. Residents have written to explain how their children, their loved ones and family pets have all been frightened by the blasts at the quarry, and residents with no access to social media aren’t able to find out when blasts will occur on different days, so they can’t prepare. This is no way to live. We surely need a buffer zone between quarries and residential properties, not to mention schools and community spaces. There are, of course, also issues around air quality and pollution. This proposal could start to address the risks of quarry sites to the environment and biodiversity, and, of course, to public health.

At Ffos-y-fran, an opencast site is located only 40m from some people’s homes. I’ve raised my concerns about that site and the way it’s been managed many times in the Senedd, and the climate change committee has recently conducted an inquiry into opencast sites. These two phenomena share many different characteristics. Had a buffer zone been in place already to prevent something like Ffos-y-fran happening, it would have saved the anguish of those residents who have also had to put up with noise pollution and dust and disruption.

I am very grateful to Heledd for bringing this idea forward. I really hope that it does pass and that more time can be given to looking at how some of these proposals can be taken forward. I would, as well, pay tribute to my predecessor Jocelyn Davies, who put forward an idea for a buffer zone 19 years ago in 2005. Time and again, the motions that we’ve put forward have been rebuffed by the Welsh Government, and I hope sincerely that that will change today.

Rwy'n siarad i gefnogi'r cynnig ac i dynnu sylw at yr effeithiau y mae fy etholwyr yn eu teimlo ger dau safle chwarel: Gelligaer, sydd wedi'i grybwyll, a Ffos-y-frân.

Yng Ngelligaer, mae Bryn Group wedi cyflwyno cais yn ddiweddar i ymestyn eu chwarel. Mae nifer o drigolion sy'n byw ger y chwarel wedi cysylltu â mi i ddweud eu bod yn dioddef yn ddyddiol oherwydd llygredd sŵn, llwch, dirgryniadau yn eu tai, ac arogleuon annymunol. Rwy'n ymwybodol, dros nifer o flynyddoedd, fod pryderon wedi'u codi hefyd am sbwriel plastig yn y caeau gerllaw, ond ffocws y cynnig hwn, wrth gwrs, yw'r angen i gyflwyno parth clustogi gorfodol o 1,000m ar gyfer pob chwarel newydd a rhai presennol.

Buaswn i'n dadlau ei bod hi'n amlwg fod angen hynny er mwyn atal pethau fel hyn rhag digwydd eto. Yng Ngelligaer ac ym Mhen-y-bryn, ger y chwarel hon, mae pobl sy'n byw yno'n dioddef oherwydd sŵn; cefais luniau gan drigolion sydd wedi cwyno am ddifrod adeileddol i'w heiddo. Maent yn poeni y bydd hyn yn arwain at broblemau gyda'u hyswiriant ac y gallai unrhyw estyniad pellach i'r chwarel honno arwain at ostwng gwerth eu cartrefi.

Mae yna effaith iechyd meddwl o hyn i gyd hefyd. Mae preswylwyr wedi ysgrifennu i egluro sut y mae eu plant, eu hanwyliaid ac anifeiliaid anwes teuluol i gyd wedi cael eu dychryn gan y ffrwydradau yn y chwarel, ac nid yw trigolion heb fynediad at gyfryngau cymdeithasol yn gallu gweld pryd y bydd ffrwydradau'n digwydd ar ddiwrnodau gwahanol, sy'n golygu na allant baratoi. Nid dyma'r ffordd i fyw. Yn sicr, mae angen parth clustogi rhwng chwareli ac eiddo preswyl, heb sôn am ysgolion a mannau cymunedol. Wrth gwrs, mae materion yn codi gydag ansawdd aer a llygredd. Gallai'r cynnig hwn ddechrau mynd i'r afael â risgiau safleoedd chwarel i'r amgylchedd a bioamrywiaeth, ac wrth gwrs, i iechyd y cyhoedd.

Yn Ffos-y-frân, dim ond 40m sydd rhwng cartrefi rhai pobl a safle mwyngloddio brig. Rwyf wedi mynegi fy mhryderon am y safle hwnnw a'r ffordd y cafodd ei reoli sawl gwaith yn y Senedd, ac mae'r pwyllgor newid hinsawdd wedi cynnal ymchwiliad i safleoedd mwyngloddio brig yn ddiweddar. Mae'r ddwy ffenomen yn rhannu llawer o nodweddion gwahanol. Pe bai parth clustogi wedi bod yn ei le eisoes i atal rhywbeth fel Ffos-y-frân rhag digwydd, byddai wedi arbed gofid i drigolion sydd wedi gorfod dioddef llygredd sŵn a llwch ac aflonyddwch.

Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Heledd am gyflwyno'r syniad hwn. Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd yn pasio ac y gellir rhoi mwy o amser i edrych ar sut y gellir bwrw ymlaen â rhai o'r cynigion hyn. Hoffwn dalu teyrnged hefyd i fy rhagflaenydd Jocelyn Davies, a gyflwynodd syniad am barth clustogi 19 mlynedd yn ôl yn 2005. Dro ar ôl tro, mae'r cynigion a gyflwynwyd gennym wedi cael eu gwrthod gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac rwy'n gobeithio'n ddiffuant y bydd hynny'n newid heddiw.

As Chair of the Petitions Committee, I wanted to draw your attention to a petition that will be considered by the committee in a few weeks’ time. The petition has 1,585 signatures, 79 per cent of which come from South Wales Central, showing the concentration of strong feelings in that area. The petition reads:

‘1000 meter mandatory buffer zone for all new and existing quarries

'Ensure mandatory buffer zone for all new and existing quarries in Wales. We propose at least 1,000.00 meters buffer zone from all residential areas, schools, hospitals, and care facilities. Currently the law allows for quarries to be located as close as 200 meters away from residential areas and schools. This is affecting people's health and causing damage to property. The bigger buffer zone we can have the better.'

Clearly, this is an issue that has struck a chord with people in Pontypridd and the Cynon valley, and I look forward to meeting campaigners when they bring their petition to the Senedd in November.

Personally, as a north Walian, we are impacted by a lot of quarries, and I would like to see the aggregates levy fund for Wales reinstated. The impact of noise and vibration from quarries and lorries that are getting bigger is huge on neighbouring communities. Sometimes, you have two or three rattling through at a time, even more. It's non-stop. The fund made a big difference for investment in community assets such as play areas and community facilities, and would be very welcome at a time when other funding is in short supply. I recently wrote to the Cabinet Secretary for finance about this issue and was pleased to hear he is looking at this further, with conversations with UK Government about the possible devolution of the levy. I know I've written to the previous Cabinet Secretary as well on this issue.

From my membership on the climate change and infrastructure committee, I have seen how no single body is willing to take responsibility for compliance with remediation works on former quarries and coal tips. It's concerning that planning applications are being granted for new quarries, as it is thought that this is the only way for remediation to take place, putting us back to square one. Today's debate has provided an opportunity to hear more about the issues such as the impact on residents and all the ecology nearby, and I thank you for the opportunity for this debate today. Thank you.

Fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deisebau, roeddwn am dynnu eich sylw at ddeiseb a fydd yn cael ei hystyried gan y pwyllgor ymhen ychydig wythnosau. Mae gan y ddeiseb 1,585 o lofnodion, gyda 79 y cant ohonynt yn dod o Ganol De Cymru, sy'n dangos y teimladau cryfion yn yr ardal honno. Mae'r ddeiseb yn dweud:

'Clustogfa orfodol 1000 metr ar gyfer yr holl chwareli newydd a phresennol.

'Sicrhau clustogfa orfodol ar gyfer yr holl chwareli newydd a phresennol yng Nghymru. Rydym yn cynnig clustogfa o 1,000.00 metr o leiaf oddi wrth yr holl ardaloedd preswyl, ysgolion, ysbytai a chyfleusterau gofal. Ar hyn o bryd mae'r gyfraith yn caniatáu i chwareli gael eu lleoli mor agos â 200 metr i ffwrdd o ardaloedd preswyl ac ysgolion. Mae hyn yn effeithio ar iechyd pobl ac yn achosi difrod i eiddo. Gorau po fwyaf maint y glustogfa y gallwn ei chael.'

Yn amlwg, mae hwn yn fater sydd wedi taro tant gyda phobl ym Mhontypridd a Chwm Cynon, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gyfarfod ag ymgyrchwyr pan fyddant yn cyflwyno eu deiseb i'r Senedd ym mis Tachwedd.

Yn bersonol, fel rhywun o ogledd Cymru, effeithir arnom gan lawer o chwareli, a hoffwn weld cronfa yr ardoll agregau ar gyfer Cymru yn cael ei hadfer. Mae effaith sŵn a dirgryniad o chwareli a lorïau mwy a mwy o faint ar gymunedau cyfagos yn enfawr. Weithiau, mae gennych ddwy neu dair yn rhuthro drwodd ar y tro, neu hyd yn oed fwy na hynny. Mae'n ddi-stop. Gwnaeth y gronfa wahaniaeth mawr i fuddsoddiad mewn asedau cymunedol fel ardaloedd chwarae a chyfleusterau cymunedol, a byddai croeso mawr iddi ar adeg pan fo cyllid arall yn brin. Yn ddiweddar, ysgrifennais at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros gyllid ynghylch y mater hwn ac roeddwn yn falch o glywed ei fod yn edrych ymhellach ar hyn, gyda sgyrsiau gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y posibilrwydd o ddatganoli'r ardoll. Gwn fy mod wedi ysgrifennu at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet blaenorol ar y mater hwn hefyd.

Yn sgil fy aelodaeth o'r pwyllgor newid hinsawdd a seilwaith, gwelais sut nad oes yr un corff unigol yn fodlon ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb am gydymffurfiaeth â gwaith adfer ar hen chwareli a thomenni glo. Mae'n destun pryder fod ceisiadau cynllunio yn cael eu caniatáu i chwareli newydd am y credir mai dyna'r unig ffordd i waith adfer ddigwydd, gan ein rhoi yn ôl yn sgwâr un. Mae'r ddadl heddiw wedi rhoi cyfle i glywed mwy am y problemau megis yr effaith ar drigolion a'r holl ecoleg gerllaw, a diolch i chi am y cyfle i gael y ddadl hon heddiw. Diolch.


Mae hanes diwydiannol ein cymunedau ni wedi ei naddu yn ein tirwedd, ac mae rhai ohonyn nhw’n gwbl gysylltiedig, bron â bod eu henwau nhw yn gyfystyr ag olion y diwydiannau hynny, yr olion ar y tir sy'n dal i achosi poen i'r pentrefi sydd wedi gorfod byw yng nghysgod, yn llythrennol, cymynrodd y cwar. Achos soniwch am Godre'r Graig ac mae pawb yng Nghwm Tawe yn meddwl yn syth am y tor calon sydd wedi ei achosi gan y ffaith bod y domen a adawyd gan y cwar wedi achosi bygwth bywyd a lles y gymuned islaw ers blynyddoedd lawer. Mae'r domen rwbel sydd uwchben y pentref wedi ei hasesu fel un sy'n peri risg o berygl canolig i'r trigolion, ac mae daeareg y mynydd y mae'n gorwedd arno wedi creu sefyllfa sydd wedi achosi ei bod hi’n hollol amhosib weithiau, ond yn anodd iawn bob tro, i yswirio cartrefi, a rhai teuluoedd wedi gorfod symud o'u haelwydydd.

Ac fe gollodd y pentref ei galon pan, yn 2019, gafwyd bod angen cau yr ysgol gynradd yn dilyn asesiad o risg y domen i'r ysgol. Mae plant wedi gorfod cael eu haddysgu mewn cabanau mewn ysgol filltiroedd i ffwrdd o'r pentref, ac, er bod Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot nawr am agor ysgol newydd yng Ngodre'r Graig, mae'r blynyddoedd diwethaf wedi bod yn rhai hynod o anodd i gymuned yr ysgol.

Nododd yr adroddiad ar y domen a ddarparwyd gan Earth Science Partnership, yr arbenigwyr gafodd eu comisiynu gan y cyngor i archwilio'r safle, fod lefelau dŵr daear yn effeithio ar y risg sy'n gysylltiedig â'r domen rwbel cwar. Mae posibilrwydd y gallai lefelau a phwysedd dŵr yn y domen achosi llithriad. Mae'r gost o waredu ar y risg yna sydd wedi ei gadael gan y cwar uwchben Godre'r Graig dros £6 miliwn, sydd y tu hwnt, wrth gwrs, i adnoddau cyllidol y cyngor, a hyd yma dyw Llywodraethau Cymru na'r Deyrnas Gyfunol wedi cynnig cymorth ariannol.

Felly, rhaid i ni ystyried oblygiadau caniatáu i weithfeydd fel hyn gael eu datblygu, y goblygiadau ar genedlaethau a fydd yn gorfod goddef y canlyniadau. Petai hynny ond wedi digwydd yn achos Godre’r Graig. Rwy'n llwyr gefnogi'r cynnig a fyddai'n rhagdybio yn erbyn datblygu chwareli a allai peri risg i fywyd cymuned—eu cartrefu, eu hysgolion— â'r holl risgiau yn cael eu hasesu yn llawn gyda llygad at y dyfodol, yn unol â Deddf llesiant cenedlaethau’r dyfodol. Ac fe hoffwn weld bod y parth 1,000 m yna yn golygu parth tri dimensiwn, gan gofio am ddaeareg ein Cymoedd. Mae gormod o gymunedau wedi gorfod dioddef yn rhy hir oblygiadau rhoi elw uwchben eu lles. Rhaid dweud dim mwy. A dwi'n meddwl bod y cynnig hwn yn rhan o'r ateb.

The industrial history of our communities is engraved in our landscape, and some of these communities are so inextricably linked with the industry that their names have become synonymous with the traces of those industries, the scars on the land that continue to cause such pain to the villages that have to live in the shadow, literally, of the quarries' legacy. If you mention Godre’r Graig, everyone in Cwm Tawe thinks immediately of the heartbreak caused by the fact that the tip left by the quarry works has threatened the lives, well-being and welfare of the community below for many, many years. The rubble tip above the village has been assessed as one that poses a medium risk to residents, and the geology of the mountain on which it lies has led to a situation where it is difficult, sometimes impossible, to insure homes, with some families having to move from their homes.

And the village lost its heart when, in 2019, it was found that Godre’r Graig Primary School would have to close following an assessment of the risk to the school posed by the tip. Children have had to be taught in cabins at a school miles away from the village, and, although Neath Port Talbot Council now intends to open a new school in Godre’r Graig, the past few years have been particularly difficult for the school community.

The report on the tip drawn up by Earth Science Partnership, the experts commissioned by the council to investigate the site, noted that groundwater levels are having an impact on the risk posed by the quarry rubble tip. It's possible that water levels and water pressure within the tip could cause slippage. The cost of mitigating the risk from the quarry above Godre’r Graig is over £6 million, which is, of course, beyond the council’s financial resources, and to date no financial support has been offered by the Welsh Government or UK Government.

So, we must consider the implications of allowing sites like this to be developed, the implications for the generations that will have to suffer the consequences. If that had only happened in the case of Godre'r Graig. I fully support the motion, which would include a presumption against the development of quarries that could pose a risk to community life—to homes, to schools—with all of the risks being fully assessed with an eye to the future, in accordance with the well-being of future generations Act. I’d also like to see the 1,000 m zone mean a three-dimensional zone, bearing in mind the geography of our Valleys. Too many communities have had to suffer for too long the implications of placing profit above their welfare. We must say 'no more'. And I believe that this motion is part of the solution.


Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi, Ynni a Chynllunio, Rebecca Evans.

I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning, Rebecca Evans.

I thank Heledd Fychan for bringing forward the legislative proposal today and all colleagues for the very sincere series of contributions that we've had this afternoon.

I'm also aware of the petition that has been submitted to the Petitions Committee on the same matter, and I have responded to a letter from the Petitions Committee, setting out the Welsh Government's position. Heledd Fychan particularly referred to the residents who've raised concerns relating to the activities at Craig yr Hesg quarry, although we did hear others mentioned during the course of the debate as well. Local planning authorities have powers to investigate potential breaches of planning control. Responsibility for enforcing planning control, including conditions attached to permission granted following a successful appeal, now lies with the council. So, the possibility of enforcement action also means that the case might again be presented to Welsh Ministers, and, at that time, it would be to determine an enforcement appeal. So, that possibility means that I can't comment on the particular planning merits of this site, because I don't want to prejudice those proceedings. So, I'm going to avoid mentioning particular sites during the response to the debate.

The sustainable supply of minerals and aggregates is essential to support economic development in Wales. It's the role of the planning system to then balance society's need for minerals against the protection of amenity. But I do appreciate that these decisions are often very controversial, but they're also very localised, which is why they are best dealt with locally through the appropriate policies in local development plans. So, I don't agree that new legislation would be appropriate or effective, as circumstances do vary on a case-by-case basis.

'Planning Policy Wales' and 'Minerals Technical Advice Note Wales 1: aggregates' are the principal source of national policy and provide comprehensive and robust guidance about controlling the impacts of quarrying. Planning policy is more nuanced than legislation could be, and it is capable of being more locally place based and sensitive, reflecting local circumstances. And, of course, it is kept under regular review.

Diolch i Heledd Fychan am gyflwyno'r cynnig deddfwriaethol heddiw a'r holl gyd-Aelodau am y gyfres ddiffuant iawn o gyfraniadau a gawsom y prynhawn yma.

Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol o'r ddeiseb a gyflwynwyd i'r Pwyllgor Deisebau ar yr un mater, ac rwyf wedi ymateb i lythyr gan y Pwyllgor Deisebau, yn nodi safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru. Cyfeiriodd Heledd Fychan yn fwyaf arbennig at y trigolion sydd wedi codi pryderon yn ymwneud â'r gweithgareddau yn chwarel Craig-yr-Hesg, er inni glywed eraill yn cael eu crybwyll yn ystod y ddadl hefyd. Mae gan awdurdodau cynllunio lleol bwerau i ymchwilio i achosion posibl o dorri rheolau cynllunio. Y cyngor sy'n gyfrifol am orfodi rheolaeth gynllunio, gan gynnwys amodau sydd ynghlwm wrth ganiatâd a roddwyd yn dilyn apêl lwyddiannus. Felly, mae'r posibilrwydd o gamau gorfodi hefyd yn golygu y gellid cyflwyno'r achos eto i Weinidogion Cymru, a bryd hynny, byddai'n benderfyniad ar apêl orfodaeth. Felly, mae'r posibilrwydd hwnnw'n golygu na allaf wneud sylw ar rinweddau cynllunio penodol y safle hwn, am nad wyf am ragfarnu'r trafodion hynny. Felly, rwy'n mynd i osgoi crybwyll safleoedd penodol yn ystod yr ymateb i'r ddadl.

Mae cyflenwad cynaliadwy o fwynau ac agregau yn hanfodol i gefnogi datblygiad economaidd Cymru. Rôl y system gynllunio yw cydbwyso angen cymdeithas am fwynau yn erbyn diogelu amwynder. Ond rwy'n derbyn bod y penderfyniadau hyn yn aml yn ddadleuol iawn, ond maent hefyd yn lleol iawn, a dyna pam mai ar sail leol drwy'r polisïau priodol mewn cynlluniau datblygu lleol yw'r ffordd orau o ymdrin â hwy. Felly, nid wyf yn cytuno y byddai deddfwriaeth newydd yn briodol nac yn effeithiol, gan fod amgylchiadau'n amrywio fesul achos.

'Polisi Cynllunio Cymru' a 'Nodyn Cyngor Technegol Mwynau Cymru 1: Agregau' yw prif ffynhonnell y polisi cenedlaethol ac maent yn darparu arweiniad cynhwysfawr a chadarn ynghylch rheoli effeithiau chwarela. Mae polisi cynllunio yn fwy manwl nag y gallai deddfwriaeth fod, a gall fod yn fwy seiliedig ar leoedd ac yn fwy sensitif i anghenion lleol, gan adlewyrchu amgylchiadau lleol. Ac wrth gwrs, caiff ei adolygu'n rheolaidd.

Will you take an intervention?

A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?

When I spoke, I mentioned MTAN and the fact that it hasn't been updated since 2004. Is there merit in us asking you to review and update it in the light of some of the issues that have been mentioned today?

Pan siaradais i, fe soniais am y nodyn cyngor technegol mwynau (MTAN) a'r ffaith nad yw wedi cael ei ddiweddaru ers 2004. A oes unrhyw werth i ni ofyn i chi ei adolygu a'i ddiweddaru yng ngoleuni rhai o'r materion a grybwyllwyd heddiw?

I will explore these issues that have been raised in the Chamber this afternoon with officials, and should evidence suggest that that policy or advice is no longer up to date then we'll certainly give consideration to reviewing that guidance. And again, that sort of thing wouldn't be so easily achieved through the legislative route. So, guidance does give us more flexibility to be responsive.

One of the key principles in our policy is to provide for the safeguarding and working of mineral resources to meet society's needs, both now and in the future, encouraging efficient and appropriate use of high-quality materials. The system already requires the consideration of impacts on the environment, biodiversity and public health and they should be assessed as part of the existing planning process for new quarries and for extensions to existing quarries.

The primary purpose of the buffer zones is to limit the impact of mineral working and to protect land uses that are most sensitive to the impact of mineral operations by establishing that separation distance between potentially conflicting land uses. The minimum distances of the buffer zones that are currently set out in MTAN1 of 200m for hard rock, and 100m for sand and gravel, were arrived at after thorough and careful consideration and consultation with a number of interested and informed stakeholders. Introducing a mandatory buffer zone of 1,000m could bring about some unintended consequences, which would prevent the use of land for other uses, prohibiting or adversely impacting on the provision of key infrastructure, such as house building, for example. And I do think that Mark Isherwood really captured those potential unintended consequences really well in his contribution—

Fe archwiliaf y materion a godwyd yn y Siambr y prynhawn yma gyda swyddogion, ac os yw'r dystiolaeth yn awgrymu nad yw'r polisi neu'r cyngor hwnnw'n gyfredol mwyach, byddwn yn sicr yn ystyried adolygu'r canllawiau hynny. Ac unwaith eto, ni fyddai'r math hwnnw o beth mor hawdd i'w gyflawni drwy'r llwybr deddfwriaethol. Felly, mae canllawiau'n rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd i ni fod yn ymatebol.

Un o egwyddorion allweddol ein polisi yw darparu ar gyfer diogelu a gweithio adnoddau mwynol i ddiwallu anghenion cymdeithas, nawr ac yn y dyfodol, gan annog defnydd effeithlon a phriodol o ddeunyddiau o ansawdd uchel. Mae'r system eisoes yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i ystyried yr effeithiau ar yr amgylchedd, bioamrywiaeth ac iechyd y cyhoedd a dylid eu hasesu yn rhan o'r broses gynllunio bresennol ar gyfer chwareli newydd ac estyniadau i chwareli presennol.

Prif bwrpas y parthau clustogi yw cyfyngu ar effaith gwaith mwynol a diogelu defnydd tir sy'n fwyaf sensitif i effaith gweithgaredd mwynol trwy sefydlu'r pellter gwahanu rhwng gwahanol fathau o ddefnydd tir a allai fod yn gwrthdaro. Cyrhaeddwyd pellteroedd gofynnol y parthau clustogi a nodwyd ar hyn o bryd yn MTAN1 sef 200m ar gyfer craig galed, a 100m ar gyfer tywod a gro, ar ôl ystyriaeth drylwyr a gofalus ac ymgynghori â nifer o randdeiliaid gwybodus a oedd â diddordeb. Gallai cyflwyno parth clustogi gorfodol o 1,000m arwain at ganlyniadau anfwriadol, a fyddai'n atal defnyddio tir at ddefnydd arall, gan wahardd neu effeithio'n andwyol ar ddarparu seilwaith allweddol, fel adeiladu tai, er enghraifft. Ac rwy'n credu bod Mark Isherwood wedi nodi'r canlyniadau anfwriadol posibl hynny yn dda iawn yn ei gyfraniad—

Sorry. Would you take an intervention? With those buffer zones, have they taken into account the World Health Organization's updated guidance in terms of what is considered safe at the moment in terms of particles and so on? Guidance has changed significantly there. Also, the fact that we do have the Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Act, the clean air Bill—. Surely, we need to relook at the latest information. The World Health Organization—for them to change their guidance so dramatically, does that not mean that we should be revisiting the latest possible information here?

Mae ddrwg gennyf. A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad? Gyda'r parthau clustogi hynny, a ydynt wedi ystyried canllawiau diwygiedig Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd ar yr hyn sy'n cael ei ystyried yn ddiogel ar hyn o bryd mewn perthynas â gronynnau ac yn y blaen? Mae'r canllawiau wedi newid yn sylweddol yno. Hefyd, y ffaith bod gennym Ddeddf yr Amgylchedd (Ansawdd Aer a Seinweddau) (Cymru), y Bil aer glân—. Yn sicr, mae angen inni edrych eto ar y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf. Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd—onid yw'r ffaith eu bod wedi newid eu canllawiau mor ddramatig yn golygu y dylem ailedrych ar y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf sy'n bosibl yma?


As I said in my response to Hefin David, if the evidence does suggest that we need to review these things, then we will. So, as I said, I will take seriously all of the contributions in the debate this afternoon and explore things further with officials.

But it's also worth recognising as well that what's being proposed today would only apply, I think, to new quarries, rather than existing quarries; it could apply, I think, to those quarries that are seeking to expand as well. But I think that that is part of the issue. What is being proposed today is very blunt and, as Mark Isherwood set out, there are some potential unintended consequences as well.

MTAN 1, though, does make it clear that the potential impact on health must always be considered in relation to proposals for aggregates extraction, and a health impact assessment should be carried out for any proposal for a new quarry or sand and gravel pit located within a kilometre of an existing community, and our policy does recognise that well-established liaison committees also help to give better local understanding of the impacts to be expected from aggregates extraction. 

I know that many quarries have established liaison committees that act as that forum for regular discussion and explanation, and they can be set up on the initiative of either the local planning authority or the operator. I think that we heard, again, from Hefin David of a good example of where those committees have provided some good work, which then gave residents a level of reassurance in terms of the testing that was undertaken. But I think that there's definitely room for more as well. Some of the contributions talked about the lack of communication—for example, when to expect loud noises and so on. So, I think there's definitely space to improve communication as well, so I'll explore that.

As I mentioned earlier, minerals are essential for our continued economic development, and quarries provide the essential raw materials to enable the building of homes, schools, infrastructure and green energy projects. They also play a really vital role in supporting the Welsh construction sector, which represents 6 per cent of the Welsh economy.

I can see the Deputy Presiding Officer looking sternly at me, so I'll—

Fel y dywedais yn fy ymateb i Hefin David, os yw'r dystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod angen i ni adolygu'r pethau hyn, byddwn yn gwneud hynny. Felly, fel y dywedais, byddaf yn rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol i'r holl gyfraniadau yn y ddadl y prynhawn yma ac yn archwilio pethau ymhellach gyda swyddogion.

Ond mae'n werth cydnabod hefyd y byddai'r hyn sy'n cael ei gynnig heddiw ond yn berthnasol i chwareli newydd, yn hytrach na chwareli presennol; gallai fod yn berthnasol i chwareli sy'n ceisio ymestyn hefyd. Ond rwy'n credu bod hynny'n rhan o'r broblem. Mae'r hyn sy'n cael ei gynnig heddiw yn ddi-fin ac fel y nododd Mark Isherwood, ceir rhai canlyniadau anfwriadol posibl hefyd.

Mae MTAN 1, serch hynny, yn dweud yn glir fod yn rhaid ystyried yr effaith bosibl ar iechyd bob amser mewn perthynas â chynigion ar gyfer cloddio am agregau, a dylid cynnal asesiad o'r effaith ar iechyd ar gyfer unrhyw gynnig am chwarel newydd neu bwll tywod a gro sydd wedi'i leoli o fewn cilometr i gymuned bresennol, ac mae ein polisi'n cydnabod bod pwyllgorau cyswllt sefydledig yn help i roi gwell dealltwriaeth leol o'r effeithiau sydd i'w disgwyl o gloddio am agregau. 

Gwn fod llawer o chwareli wedi sefydlu pwyllgorau cyswllt sy'n gweithredu fel fforwm ar gyfer trafod ac esbonio'n rheolaidd, a gall awdurdod cynllunio lleol neu'r gweithredwr eu sefydlu. Rwy'n credu ein bod wedi clywed unwaith eto gan Hefin David am enghraifft dda o ble mae'r pwyllgorau hynny wedi darparu gwaith da, a roddodd lefel o sicrwydd i breswylwyr ynghylch y profion a gynhaliwyd. Ond rwy'n credu bod lle i fwy hefyd, yn bendant. Roedd rhai o'r cyfraniadau'n sôn am y diffyg cyfathrebu—er enghraifft, pryd i ddisgwyl synau uchel ac yn y blaen. Felly, rwy'n credu'n bendant fod lle i wella cyfathrebu hefyd, ac fe edrychaf ar hynny.

Fel y soniais yn gynharach, mae mwynau'n hanfodol ar gyfer ein datblygiad economaidd parhaus, ac mae chwareli'n darparu'r deunyddiau crai hanfodol i'n galluogi i adeiladu cartrefi, ysgolion, seilwaith a phrosiectau ynni gwyrdd. Maent hefyd yn chwarae rhan wirioneddol allweddol yn cefnogi sector adeiladu Cymru, sy'n ffurfio 6 y cant o economi Cymru.

Gallaf weld y Dirprwy Lywydd yn edrych arnaf yn geryddgar, felly fe wnaf—

I've given you the time for the interventions; you need to wind up now.

Rwyf wedi rhoi amser i chi ar gyfer yr ymyriadau; mae angen ichi ddirwyn i ben nawr.

Thank you. I will conclude. So, our policy position is to actively reduce the proportion of primary aggregates used in relation to secondary, recycled or waste materials, and we continue to make progress in that area. Then, finally, to say that so many communities have grown up—and local economies have grown up—around quarries, as the work that was offered there.

Looking ahead, it's really important to recognise that any legislation of the type described today would only apply to those new sites, because the current ones exist under the consents and regulations that were provided at the time. I just want to finally conclude by saying that there will always be an element of tension and conflict where quarrying is concerned, but the system is trying to be responsive to that, and, as I say, these are local issues that I think are best dealt with locally.

Diolch. Rwy'n dod i ben. Felly, ein safbwynt polisi yw mynd ati i leihau cyfran yr agregau sylfaenol a ddefnyddir o gymharu â deunydd eilaidd, deunydd ailgylchu neu ddeunydd gwastraff, ac rydym yn parhau i wneud cynnydd yn hynny o beth. Yna, yn olaf, mae cymaint o gymunedau wedi tyfu—ac economïau lleol wedi tyfu—o gwmpas chwareli, gyda'r gwaith a gâi ei gynnig yno.

Wrth edrych ymlaen, mae'n bwysig iawn cydnabod y byddai unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth o'r math a ddisgrifir heddiw ond yn berthnasol i safleoedd newydd, gan fod y rhai presennol yn bodoli o dan y caniatadau a'r rheoliadau a gafodd eu darparu ar y pryd. Rwyf am orffen trwy ddweud y bydd elfen o densiwn a gwrthdaro bob amser mewn perthynas â chwarela, ond mae'r system yn ceisio bod yn ymatebol i hynny, ac fel y dywedaf, materion lleol yw'r rhain ac rwy'n credu mai'r ffordd orau o ymdrin â hwy yw yn lleol.

Galwaf ar Heledd Fychan i ymateb i'r ddadl.

I call on Heledd Fychan to reply to the debate.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Thank you to all who have contributed to this debate today. I have to say, I am very disappointed by that response. I think that there's a lack of acknowledgement or understanding that these are actually, yes, localised decisions, but a national issue. You can see the spread of contributions. They're everywhere that is impacted by a quarry. People in those communities feel voiceless, are powerless, and are costed out of being able to oppose, of being able to understand the impact and persuade planning authorities. So, I hope that you will listen to what has been said today, in terms of that something is fundamentally broken in that planning system. It can't be fixed by one local authority, and I welcome Hefin David's suggestion that, all of us who are interested in this, if we could perhaps come together, because there is something not working at present.

I'd like to pay tribute to, and record my admiration for, all the individuals and groups who are working hard in all of these communities to highlight their concerns and campaign for change; some from the Craig-yr-Hesg quarry campaign are here today. They are diligently scrutinising decisions, collating evidence that they hope will result in quarrying coming to an end at the site, but they are up against it; they don't have the resources. Many of the communities are extremely poor communities; they just simply can't raise the funds to fight this kind of case or to gather all the research to prove what they know is happening around them. And also, we do have the future generations Act in Wales, yet that's not reflected in the planning processes at the moment. And if you consider local voice, RCT council did oppose this, they agreed with the residents, but they still lost. So, that did not work. So, I would urge us to be able to come together, because communities like Glyncoch, like all of those referenced, are suffering. They're fed up of not being listened to.

And if I can end with Hadley, aged 6, from Glyncoch—we have residents' impact comments. She has said, 'I miss the mountain being green and open. The blasts are loud and scary, and there's always so much dust.' How is she going to be able to influence policies at the moment? She knows what's happening, but we can't prove it, because we don't have the resources. We need to change the planning system; communities need to have their voice. So, I urge Government to reconsider their current position, reflect the future generations Act, listen to all the contributions today. I accept there could be changes, amendments, to the legislation, but we need something to change, because our communities are powerless and voiceless. They need change, and it simply isn't working as it is.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu at y ddadl hon heddiw. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, rwy'n siomedig iawn gyda'r ymateb hwnnw. Rwy'n credu bod diffyg cydnabyddiaeth neu ddealltwriaeth fod y rhain yn faterion cenedlaethol mewn gwirionedd, er yn benderfyniadau lleol. Gallwch weld gwasgariad y cyfraniadau. Maent ym mhobman sy'n cael ei effeithio gan chwarel. Mae pobl yn y cymunedau hynny'n teimlo'n ddi-lais, yn ddi-rym, ac yn methu fforddio gwrthwynebu, sicrhau dealltwriaeth o'r effaith, a pherswadio awdurdodau cynllunio. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi wrando ar yr hyn a ddywedwyd heddiw, fod rhywbeth wedi torri'n sylfaenol yn y system gynllunio. Ni ellir ei drwsio gan un awdurdod lleol, ac rwy'n croesawu awgrym Hefin David y dylai pob un ohonom sydd â diddordeb yn hyn ddod at ein gilydd, oherwydd mae rhywbeth yno nad yw'n gweithio ar hyn o bryd.

Hoffwn gofnodi fy edmygedd a thalu teyrnged i'r holl unigolion a grwpiau sy'n gweithio'n galed ym mhob un o'r cymunedau hyn i dynnu sylw at eu pryderon ac ymgyrchu dros newid; mae rhai o ymgyrch chwarel Craig-yr-Hesg yma heddiw. Maent yn craffu ar benderfyniadau'n ddiwyd, gan gasglu tystiolaeth y gobeithiant y bydd yn arwain at weld chwarela'n dod i ben ar y safle, ond mae'r her yn fawr; nid oes ganddynt adnoddau. Mae llawer o'r cymunedau yn gymunedau hynod o dlawd; ni allant godi'r arian i ymladd yn erbyn y math hwn o achos neu gasglu'r holl ymchwil i brofi'r hyn y gwyddant ei fod yn digwydd o'u cwmpas. Hefyd, mae gennym Ddeddf cenedlaethau'r dyfodol yng Nghymru, ond nid yw honno'n cael ei hadlewyrchu yn y prosesau cynllunio ar hyn o bryd. Ac os ystyriwch lais lleol, fe wnaeth cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf wrthwynebu hyn, roeddent yn cytuno â'r trigolion, ond colli a wnaethant er hynny. Felly, ni weithiodd hynny. Felly, carwn ein hannog i ddod at ein gilydd, oherwydd mae cymunedau fel Glyn-coch, fel pob un o'r rhai y cyfeiriwyd atynt, yn dioddef. Maent wedi blino ar beidio â chael eu clywed.

Ac os caf i orffen gyda Hadley, 6 oed, o Lyn-coch—mae gennym sylwadau ar yr effaith ar drigolion. Mae hi'n dweud, 'Rwy'n colli gweld y mynydd yn wyrdd ac yn agored. Mae'r ffrwydradau'n uchel ac yn frawychus, ac mae cymaint o lwch bob amser.' Sut mae hi'n mynd i allu dylanwadu ar bolisïau ar hyn o bryd? Mae hi'n gwybod beth sy'n digwydd, ond ni allwn ei brofi am nad oes gennym adnoddau i wneud hynny. Mae angen inni newid y system gynllunio; mae angen i gymunedau gael llais. Felly, rwy'n annog y Llywodraeth i ailystyried eu safbwynt presennol, i adlewyrchu Deddf cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, ac i wrando ar yr holl gyfraniadau heddiw. Rwy'n derbyn y gallai fod newidiadau, gwelliannau, i'r ddeddfwriaeth, ond mae angen rhywbeth i'w newid, gan fod ein cymunedau yn ddi-rym ac yn ddi-lais. Maent angen newid, ac yn syml iawn, nid yw'n gweithio fel y mae.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi'r cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, gohiriaf y bleidlais ar yr eitem hon tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

The proposal is to note the proposal. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There are objections. I will, therefore, defer voting under this item until voting time. 

Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

Voting deferred until voting time.

8. Dadl ar Adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, 'Gweithredu diwygiadau addysg: Adroddiad interim'
8. Debate on the Children, Young People and Education Committee Report, 'Implementation of education reforms: Interim report'

Eitem 8 yw dadl ar adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, 'Gweithredu diwygiadau addysg: Adroddiad interim'. Galwaf ar Gadeirydd y pwyllgor i wneud y cynnig, Buffy Williams.

Item 8 is a debate on the Children, Young People and Education Committee report, 'Implementation of education reforms: Interim report'. I call on the Chair of the committee to move the motion, Buffy Williams.

Cynnig NDM8690 Buffy Williams

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

Yn nodi adroddiad y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, sef 'Gweithredu diwygiadau addysg: Adroddiad interim’ a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 16 Gorffennaf 2024.

Motion NDM8690 Buffy Williams

To propose that the Senedd:

Notes the report of the Children, Young People and Education Committee ‘Implementation of education reforms: Interim report’ which was laid in the Table Office on 16 July 2024.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Back in 2021, almost all members of the Children, Young People and Education Committee included the additional learning needs reforms and the Curriculum for Wales amongst our scrutiny priorities. The challenge we faced was that both of these reforms are being rolled out over a number of years. A traditional inquiry would not have told the full story. No matter when we timed it, it would have been both too early or too late, too detailed or not detailed enough. So, we embarked on a Senedd-long investigation, with an open call for evidence and regular scrutiny check-ins. These check-ins have allowed us to follow the story of the implementation of these critical reforms. 

Today, we are debating our interim report. The purpose of this report is to share our findings to date, to shape how these reforms are implemented during the final stretch of the sixth Senedd. However you look at it, this has a been a comprehensive inquiry, even at the interim stage. At the time of our report's publication, we had visited nine schools, received 57 consultation responses, spoken to the families of children with additional learning needs, written to numerous education and health bodies, taken evidence from the president of the Education Tribunal for Wales, and held three ministerial scrutiny sessions.

What are the Welsh Government's stated aims for these reforms? On ALN, the Welsh Government aimed to create a single system for children with additional needs by giving a statutory individual development plan—an IDP—to every learner with ALN. It aimed to promote collaboration between the NHS and local government, and it aimed to reduce disagreement and help resolve disputes. The Curriculum for Wales, meanwhile, moves schools away from the heavily prescribed approach of the old national curriculum. It places more emphasis on the skills needed for adult life, and to teach what matters by giving schools flexibility to design a curriculum that is right for their learners. 

So, what have we found? To be blunt, the ALN reforms are not going as planned. The reforms have led to a 44 per cent reduction in the numbers of learners recorded as having special educational needs or ALN. This reduction appears to be driven by a decrease in the number of pupils identified as having low to moderate SEN or ALN. At no point during the passing of the ALN Bill did the Welsh Government anticipate that the reforms would almost halve the numbers of children identified as having additional needs. In fact, the Welsh Government repeatedly asserted that it would have no impact on the total numbers of children identified as having ALN or SEN.

Why is this happening? One argument is that SEN was previously over-reported. We find this hard to believe. With all the work and resourcing that comes with adding children to the SEN registers, why would schools make that decision if children didn't have SEN? We also heard that so-called 'universal provision'—the provision that is routinely available to any child in school—is so much more inclusive these days that some children with learning difficulties or disabilities don't need additional learning provision. We find this hard to believe too. Our parallel report into disabled access to childcare and education is enough of an explanation why, which we will be debating separately in the coming weeks.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Yn ôl yn 2021, roedd bron bob aelod o'r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yn cynnwys y diwygiadau anghenion dysgu ychwanegol a'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru ymhlith ein blaenoriaethau craffu. Yr her a wynebwyd gennym oedd bod y ddau ddiwygiad yn cael eu cyflwyno dros nifer o flynyddoedd. Ni fyddai ymchwiliad traddodiadol wedi adrodd y stori lawn. Ni waeth pryd y byddem yn ei amseru, byddai wedi bod yn rhy gynnar neu'n rhy hwyr, yn rhy fanwl neu heb fod yn ddigon manwl. Felly, fe wnaethom gychwyn ar ymchwiliad dros oes y Senedd, gyda galwad agored am dystiolaeth ac archwiliadau craffu rheolaidd. Mae'r archwiliadau wedi ein galluogi i ddilyn stori gweithredu'r diwygiadau allweddol hyn.

Heddiw, rydym yn trafod ein hadroddiad interim. Diben yr adroddiad yw rhannu ein canfyddiadau hyd yma, i siapio'r ffordd y caiff y diwygiadau eu gweithredu dros gam olaf y chweched Senedd. Sut bynnag yr edrychwch chi arno, mae hwn wedi bod yn ymchwiliad cynhwysfawr, hyd yn oed ar y cam interim. Adeg cyhoeddi ein hadroddiad, roeddem wedi ymweld â naw ysgol, wedi derbyn 57 o ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad, wedi siarad â theuluoedd plant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, wedi ysgrifennu at nifer o gyrff addysg ac iechyd, wedi cymryd tystiolaeth gan lywydd Tribiwnlys Addysg Cymru, ac wedi cynnal tair sesiwn graffu weinidogol.

Beth yw nodau datganedig Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y diwygiadau hyn? Ar ADY, nod Llywodraeth Cymru oedd creu un system ar gyfer plant ag anghenion ychwanegol trwy roi cynllun datblygu unigol statudol—CDU—i bob dysgwr ag ADY. Ei amcan oedd hyrwyddo cydweithio rhwng y GIG a llywodraeth leol, gan leihau anghytundeb a helpu i ddatrys anghydfodau. Mae'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru, yn y cyfamser, yn symud ysgolion i ffwrdd o ddull rhagnodol iawn yr hen gwricwlwm cenedlaethol. Mae'n rhoi mwy o bwyslais ar y sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer bywyd fel oedolyn, ac addysgu'r hyn sy'n bwysig drwy roi hyblygrwydd i ysgolion lunio cwricwlwm sy'n iawn i'w dysgwyr hwy. 

Felly, beth a welsom? I fod yn ddi-flewyn-ar-dafod, nid yw'r diwygiadau ADY yn datblygu fel a gynlluniwyd. Mae'r diwygiadau wedi arwain at ostyngiad o 44 y cant yn nifer y dysgwyr y cofnodwyd bod ganddynt anghenion addysgol arbennig neu ADY. Mae'n ymddangos bod y gostyngiad hwn wedi ei ysgogi gan ostyngiad yn nifer y disgyblion y nodwyd bod ganddynt lefel isel i gymedrol o AAA neu ADY. Ni ragwelodd Llywodraeth Cymru ar unrhyw adeg yn ystod taith y Bil ADY y byddai'r diwygiadau bron yn haneru nifer y plant y nodwyd bod ganddynt anghenion ychwanegol. Mewn gwirionedd, honnodd Llywodraeth Cymru dro ar ôl tro na fyddai'n cael unrhyw effaith ar gyfanswm y plant y nodwyd bod ganddynt ADY neu AAA.

Pam y mae hyn yn digwydd? Un ddadl yw bod AAA wedi'i or-gofnodi o'r blaen. Rydym yn ei chael hi'n anodd credu hyn. Gyda'r holl waith a'r adnoddau sy'n dod gydag ychwanegu plant at y cofrestri AAA, pam y byddai ysgolion yn gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw os na fyddai gan blant AAA? Clywsom hefyd fod yr hyn a elwir yn 'ddarpariaeth gyffredinol'—y ddarpariaeth sydd ar gael fel mater o drefn i unrhyw blentyn yn yr ysgol—gymaint yn fwy cynhwysol y dyddiau hyn fel nad oes angen darpariaeth ddysgu ychwanegol ar rai plant ag anawsterau neu anableddau dysgu. Mae'n anodd credu hyn hefyd. Mae ein hadroddiad cyfochrog ar fynediad at ofal plant ac addysg i blant anabl yn ddigon o esboniad pam, a byddwn yn ei drafod ar wahân yn yr wythnosau nesaf.

The reason that we find most convincing is that schools and local authorities do not have the resources to give an IDP to every child who had SEN under the old system. This resourcing shortage is the result of years of systematic underfunding of SEN and ALN provision in schools, compounded by the extra demands placed on schools by the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 and code.

The next stated aim of the ALN reforms was to improve collaboration between schools and the NHS. And they have, to an extent. Schools are generally positive about the new designated education clinical lead officer role—the DECLO—that all health boards are required to have in place under the Act. But schools also report that they do not get enough support from DECLOs and health bodies, which are struggling to meet schools’ expectations. When we published our report, there were only four DECLOs in post across the seven health boards, with reports of DECLOs being shared across health boards. We found this remarkable, given the aims of the reforms and schools’ pleas for extra DECLO capacity.

The third aim was to reduce disagreement and help resolve disputes. Although the total number of appeals registered with the tribunal has dropped slightly, the number of claims of disability discrimination has actually risen. And worryingly, the president of the Education Tribunal for Wales has told us that some local authorities’ ALN policies do not comply with the law. This is hardly the right way to reduce disagreement.

We believe that the Cabinet Secretary recognises our concerns. We welcome her commitment to carry out a review of the ALN Act and code. Our report recommended that, as part of the review, the Cabinet Secretary explores what constitutes 'universal provision'. We asked her to work with partners to pin down to what extent routine teaching across mainstream schools should meet the learning needs of children with ALN. We also called for her to consider as part of the review how mainstream schools are funded, and whether funding constraints are, as we suspect, a driver for the reduction in children identified as having ALN.

We are pleased that the Cabinet Secretary accepted, or accepted in part, these recommendations, and we look forward to the outcomes of that valuable piece of work. We are less pleased with the response we received to our recommendation about increasing DECLO capacity. We called for each health board to appoint its own dedicated member of staff to fulfil the DECLO role. The Welsh Government accepted it, arguing that this is already happening. But if there are four DECLOs in post across seven heath boards, this isn't happening.

This inquiry has also considered the Curriculum for Wales. Our scrutiny has mainly focused on the ALN system, mainly because the benefits or otherwise of the new curriculum will take longer to become clear. But we are now at a stage where some themes are emerging.

Overall, schools are positive about the Curriculum for Wales. We heard some wonderful stories about how schools are adapting their curricula to best suit their learners and communities. Teachers value the freedom the new curriculum affords them.

But we also heard some concerns about the potential impact of the new curriculum on school standards. Some felt that the flexibility that schools now have will undermine consistency and outcomes for children. Others argued that schools' varied curricula will poorly prepare students for the new made-in-Wales GCSEs. The results of the 2022 PISA tests didn't provide reassurance to these concerns. The children sitting those tests were not taught under the new curriculum, but some, such as academic Luke Sibieta, argued that declines in school standards have followed every country that has adopted curricula like the Curriculum for Wales.

Cabinet Secretary, these are complex, technical issues, but they have enormous consequences for the lives of children and young people across Wales. So, I would appreciate your response to these questions in particular. Are you concerned about the 44 per cent reduction in children identified as having ALN or SEN? Do you really believe that fewer children have ALN now, or that whole-class teaching is that much more inclusive than it was just a few years ago? Can you clarify whether there are now seven full-time DECLOs in post across Wales—one for each health board—or was this recommendation actually rejected? If so, then why? On the Curriculum for Wales, can you reassure us today that schools teaching under the new curriculum will adequately prepare young people for their key stage 4 examinations, and that we will not see a decline in learners’ standards as a result of the flexibility afforded to schools? I look forward to hearing Members’ contributions today and the Cabinet Secretary’s response.

Y rheswm mwyaf argyhoeddiadol yn ein barn ni yw nad oes gan ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol adnoddau i roi CDU i bob plentyn a oedd ag AAA o dan yr hen system. Mae'r prinder adnoddau yn ganlyniad i flynyddoedd o danariannu systematig i'r ddarpariaeth AAA ac ADY mewn ysgolion, wedi'i waethygu gan y gofynion ychwanegol a roddir ar ysgolion gan Ddeddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a'r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018 a'r cod.

Nod datganedig nesaf y diwygiadau ADY oedd gwella cydweithio rhwng ysgolion a'r GIG. Ac mae wedi gwella, i raddau. Mae ysgolion ar y cyfan yn gadarnhaol ynglŷn â rôl newydd y swyddog arweiniol clinigol dynodedig addysg—y SACDA—y mae'n ofynnol i bob bwrdd iechyd ei llenwi o dan y Ddeddf. Ond mae ysgolion hefyd yn dweud nad ydynt yn cael digon o gefnogaeth gan swyddogion SACDA a chyrff iechyd, sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd bodloni disgwyliadau ysgolion. Pan gyhoeddwyd ein hadroddiad, dim ond pedwar SACDA oedd yn weithredol ar draws y saith bwrdd iechyd, gydag adroddiadau am swyddogion SACDA yn cael eu rhannu ar draws byrddau iechyd. Roedd hyn yn syndod i ni o gofio nodau'r diwygiadau ac apêl ysgolion am gapasiti SACDA ychwanegol.

Y trydydd nod oedd lleihau anghytundeb a helpu i ddatrys anghydfodau. Er bod cyfanswm yr apeliadau sydd wedi'u cofrestru gyda'r tribiwnlys wedi gostwng ychydig, mae nifer yr honiadau o wahaniaethu ar sail anabledd wedi codi mewn gwirionedd. Ac mae'n destun pryder fod llywydd Tribiwnlys Addysg Cymru wedi dweud wrthym nad yw polisïau ADY rhai awdurdodau lleol yn cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith. Go brin mai dyma'r ffordd gywir o leihau anghytundeb.

Credwn fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cydnabod ein pryderon. Rydym yn croesawu ei hymrwymiad i gynnal adolygiad o'r Ddeddf ADY a'r cod. Argymhellodd ein hadroddiad y dylai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, fel rhan o'r adolygiad, archwilio beth yw 'darpariaeth gyffredinol'. Fe wnaethom ofyn iddi weithio gyda phartneriaid i benderfynu i ba raddau y dylai addysgu arferol ar draws ysgolion prif ffrwd ddiwallu anghenion dysgu plant ag ADY. Fe wnaethom alw arni hefyd fel rhan o'r adolygiad i ystyried sut y mae ysgolion prif ffrwd yn cael eu hariannu, ac a yw cyfyngiadau cyllido, fel rydym ni'n amau, yn un o'r pethau sy'n achosi'r gostyngiad yn nifer y plant y nodwyd bod ganddynt ADY.

Rydym yn falch fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi derbyn yr argymhellion hyn, neu eu derbyn yn rhannol, ac edrychwn ymlaen at ganlyniadau'r gwaith gwerthfawr hwnnw. Rydym yn llai bodlon ynghylch yr ymateb a gawsom i'n hargymhelliad ynghylch cynyddu capasiti SACDA. Fe wnaethom alw ar bob bwrdd iechyd i benodi ei aelod staff dynodedig ei hun i gyflawni rôl SACDA. Derbyniodd Llywodraeth Cymru hynny, gan ddadlau bod hyn eisoes yn digwydd. Ond os mai pedwar SACDA sy'n weithredol ar draws saith bwrdd iechyd, nid yw hyn yn digwydd.

Mae'r ymchwiliad wedi ystyried y Cwricwlwm i Gymru hefyd. Mae ein gwaith craffu wedi canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar y system ADY, yn bennaf oherwydd y bydd manteision neu anfanteision y cwricwlwm newydd yn cymryd mwy o amser i ddod yn glir. Ond rydym bellach mewn cyfnod lle mae rhai themâu'n ymddangos.

At ei gilydd, mae ysgolion yn gadarnhaol ynghylch y Cwricwlwm i Gymru. Clywsom straeon gwych ynglŷn â sut y mae ysgolion yn addasu eu cwricwla i weddu orau i'w dysgwyr a'u cymunedau. Mae athrawon yn gwerthfawrogi'r rhyddid y mae'r cwricwlwm newydd yn ei roi iddynt.

Ond fe glywsom rai pryderon hefyd ynghylch effaith bosibl y cwricwlwm newydd ar safonau ysgolion. Roedd rhai yn teimlo y bydd yr hyblygrwydd sydd gan ysgolion nawr yn tanseilio cysondeb a chanlyniadau i blant. Dadleuodd eraill y bydd cwricwla amrywiol ysgolion yn methu paratoi myfyrwyr yn effeithiol ar gyfer y TGAU newydd ar gyfer Cymru. Ni wnaeth canlyniadau profion PISA 2022 dawelu meddyliau yn wyneb y pryderon hyn. Ni chafodd y plant a oedd yn sefyll y profion hynny eu haddysgu o dan y cwricwlwm newydd, ond dadleuodd rhai, fel yr academydd Luke Sibieta, fod dirywiad yn safonau ysgolion wedi dilyn i bob gwlad a fabwysiadodd gwricwla fel y Cwricwlwm i Gymru.

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae'r rhain yn faterion cymhleth, technegol, ond mae ganddynt ganlyniadau enfawr i fywydau plant a phobl ifanc ledled Cymru. Felly, buaswn yn gwerthfawrogi eich ymateb i'r cwestiynau hyn yn arbennig. A ydych chi'n poeni am y gostyngiad o 44 y cant yn nifer y plant y nodwyd bod ganddynt ADY neu AAA? A ydych chi wir yn credu bod gan lai o blant ADY nawr, neu fod addysgu dosbarth cyfan gymaint yn fwy cynhwysol na'r hyn ydoedd ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl yn unig? A allwch chi ddweud pa un a oes saith SACDA llawn amser yn eu lle ar draws Cymru erbyn hyn—un ar gyfer pob bwrdd iechyd—neu a wrthodwyd yr argymhelliad hwn mewn gwirionedd? Os felly, pam? Ar y Cwricwlwm i Gymru, a allwch chi ein sicrhau ni heddiw y bydd ysgolion sy'n addysgu o dan y cwricwlwm newydd yn paratoi pobl ifanc yn ddigonol ar gyfer eu harholiadau cyfnod allweddol 4, ac na fyddwn yn gweld dirywiad yn safonau dysgwyr o ganlyniad i'r hyblygrwydd a roddir i ysgolion? Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed cyfraniadau'r Aelodau heddiw ac at ymateb Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.


Can I thank the committee, which I've just joined, but I know that the majority of the report was done before I joined, by colleagues such as Laura Anne Jones and others? Can I start by saying how nice it is to be on the committee and to have caught the tail end of this? I know that Buffy and I visited a school in Port Talbot to find out more about some of the issues that they were facing, which was really, really insightful, so I'm grateful to Sandfields Primary School for hosting us that day as well. 

The report, as Buffy has already alluded to, focuses on two key elements of the educational reforms: the curriculum and ALN. If I start with the curriculum, I think Buffy's right to say that it is clear that we are very early on in this process with the curriculum, but there was a quote in the report that I just wanted to acknowledge, which said that there is 

'an underlying tension between the inherent flexibility and creativity of the Curriculum for Wales, and the need for both educational consistency...and the development of a standard set of qualifications'.

And I think that rings true in a whole host of ways. I know we've got a Welsh Conservatives' debate later on today about reading, which I would argue would apply to that quote as well, as well as a number of other issues. And look, we sit in a context, I think, in Wales more widely in education, where we have seen some quite poor PISA results. Let's not beat around the bush: these were the worst PISA results ever. We've been the worst at every subject every time that we've been assessed here in Wales. In 2009, Leighton Andrews famously said it was a wake-up call to a complacent system, and 15 years on those results are even worse. So, for all our learners, I worry sometimes that they are not getting the quality standard of education that many pupils and many parents would expect them to get when they enter Welsh schools, and I think the report hits on some of the reasons behind that. 

Moving on to ALN, I welcome some of the reforms that have been made, but what I don't welcome, as the Chair mentioned at the end of her remarks, is the reduction in the number of those recognised as needing additional learning support: a 23.5 per cent reduction in 2020-21 and 18.95 per cent in 2021-22. In 2016-17, there were 92,000 children recognised as having SEN with low to moderate learning difficulties or disabilities. In 2022-23, that's nearly halved. Now, I can't realistically believe that there are fewer young people today with additional learning needs than there were less than a decade ago, so it's clear that there are huge elements of the system that are not working and that causes frustration for parents, for pupils, for teachers and others who care about these young people who are not getting the support they need. 

IDPs are of course crucial to the development of any child with ALN and are legal documents, and that's a welcome change from the old individual education plans, but the IDPs take much longer to develop and, as a result, we see huge increases in staff workloads—we heard about that first-hand—to the point where some parents, some charities are even taking the responsibility to complete them. I think it's absolutely vital that that's something that we sort out, but also to ensure that we support the needs of those with ALN. We can't have a system where those carrying out IDPs are already struggling with that highly intensive workload. Some schools have appointed special educational needs co-ordinators; other schools aren't in the position to do that, and you find teachers having to do that in tandem with other work and other responsibilities. 

What we need is an efficient system—and the report calls for it—one where the criteria is much clearer, where the criteria is much clearer, the right help is offered in the right areas, and those with ALN, whether they have that or not at the moment under this new system, have the support that they require. But, however we look at this, going forward, it's clear that too many of our learners in Wales are being left behind. That is something that the Welsh Government need to urgently address. This could not have been the intention of a number of the reforms pursued by the Welsh Labour Government, and I think the report makes quite clear the reasons why there are some clear asks in there. Hopefully, we will hear from the Cabinet Secretary some clear actions as to the action she will take to sort out some of these long-standing issues in our education system. Diolch yn fawr.

A gaf i ddiolch i'r pwyllgor yr wyf newydd ymuno ag ef, a gwn fod y rhan fwyaf o'r adroddiad wedi'i wneud cyn i mi ymuno, gan gyd-Aelodau fel Laura Anne Jones ac eraill? A gaf i ddechrau drwy ddweud pa mor braf yw bod ar y pwyllgor ac i fod wedi dal pen y gynffon ar hyn? Rwy'n gwybod bod Buffy a minnau wedi ymweld ag ysgol ym Mhort Talbot i glywed mwy am rai o'r problemau yr oeddent yn eu hwynebu, ac roedd hynny'n ddefnyddiol iawn, felly rwy'n ddiolchgar i Ysgol Gynradd Sandfields am eu croeso y diwrnod hwnnw. 

Fel y mae Buffy eisoes wedi nodi, mae'r adroddiad yn canolbwyntio ar ddwy elfen allweddol o'r diwygiadau addysgol: y cwricwlwm ac ADY. Os caf ddechrau gyda'r cwricwlwm, rwy'n credu bod Buffy yn iawn i ddweud ei bod yn amlwg ei bod yn ddyddiau cynnar iawn arnom yn y broses gyda'r cwricwlwm, ond roeddwn eisiau cydnabod un dyfyniad yn yr adroddiad, a ddywedai fod

'tensiwn sylfaenol rhwng hyblygrwydd a chreadigrwydd cynhenid y Cwricwlwm i Gymru, a’r angen am gysondeb addysgol...a datblygu cyfres safonol o gymwysterau'.

Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n wir mewn nifer o ffyrdd. Rwy'n gwybod bod gennym ddadl ar ddarllen gan y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn ddiweddarach heddiw, a buaswn yn dadlau bod y dyfyniad hwnnw'n berthnasol i'r ddadl honno hefyd, yn ogystal ag i nifer o faterion eraill. Ac edrychwch, rwy'n credu ein bod mewn cyd-destun ehangach yng Nghymru ym myd addysg yn fwy cyffredinol, lle rydym wedi gweld canlyniadau PISA gwael. Gadewch inni siarad heb flewyn ar dafod: dyma'r canlyniadau PISA gwaethaf erioed. Ni sydd wedi gwneud waethaf ym mhob pwnc bob tro y cawsom ein hasesu yma yng Nghymru. Yn 2009, dywedodd Leighton Andrews ei fod yn canu larymau ar system hunanfodlon, a 15 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach mae'r canlyniadau hynny hyd yn oed yn waeth. Felly, rwy'n poeni weithiau nad yw ein dysgwyr yn cael addysg o'r ansawdd y byddai llawer o ddisgyblion a llawer o rieni yn disgwyl iddynt ei chael pan fyddant yn mynd i ysgolion Cymru, ac rwy'n meddwl bod yr adroddiad yn nodi rhai o'r rhesymau am hynny. 

Gan symud ymlaen at ADY, rwy'n croesawu rhai o'r diwygiadau a wnaed, ond yr hyn nad wyf yn ei groesawu, fel y soniodd y Cadeirydd ar ddiwedd ei sylwadau, yw'r gostyngiad yn nifer y rhai y cydnabyddir eu bod angen cymorth dysgu ychwanegol: gostyngiad o 23.5 y cant yn 2020-21 a 18.95 y cant yn 2021-22. Yn 2016-17, nodwyd bod gan 92,000 o blant AAA gydag anawsterau neu anableddau dysgu lefel isel i gymedrol. Yn 2022-23, mae'r nifer bron â bod wedi haneru. Nawr, ni allaf gredu'n realistig fod llai o bobl ifanc heddiw ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol nag a oedd ddegawd yn ôl, felly mae'n amlwg fod elfennau enfawr o'r system nad ydynt yn gweithio ac sy'n achosi rhwystredigaeth i rieni, i ddisgyblion, i athrawon ac eraill sy'n poeni am y bobl ifanc hyn nad ydynt yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. 

Mae cynlluniau datblygu unigol (CDU) yn hanfodol i ddatblygiad unrhyw blentyn ag ADY wrth gwrs, ac maent yn ddogfennau cyfreithiol, ac mae hynny'n newid i'w groesawu o'r hen gynlluniau addysg unigol, ond mae CDU yn cymryd llawer mwy o amser i'w ddatblygu ac o ganlyniad, gwelwn gynnydd enfawr yn llwyth gwaith staff—clywsom am hynny'n uniongyrchol—i'r pwynt lle mae rhai rhieni, rhai elusennau hyd yn oed, yn ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb o'u cwblhau. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn gwbl hanfodol ein bod yn datrys hynny, a sicrhau hefyd ein bod yn cefnogi anghenion y rhai ag ADY. Ni allwn gael system lle mae'r rhai sy'n cwblhau cynlluniau datblygu unigol eisoes yn cael trafferth gyda llwyth gwaith hynod o drwm. Mae rhai ysgolion wedi penodi cydlynwyr anghenion addysgol arbennig; ceir ysgolion eraill nad ydynt mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny, ac rydych chi'n gweld athrawon yn gorfod gwneud hynny ochr yn ochr â gwaith arall a chyfrifoldebau eraill. 

Yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom yw system effeithlon—ac mae'r adroddiad yn galw am hyn—lle mae'r meini prawf yn llawer cliriach, lle mae'r cymorth cywir yn cael ei gynnig yn y meysydd cywir, a lle mae'r rhai sydd ag ADY, boed eu bod ganddynt ar hyn o bryd o dan y system newydd hon ai peidio, yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Ond sut bynnag yr edrychwn ar hyn, wrth symud ymlaen, mae'n amlwg fod gormod o'n dysgwyr yng Nghymru'n cael eu gadael ar ôl. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd i'r afael ag ef ar frys. Nid yw'n bosibl mai dyma oedd bwriad y diwygiadau yr aethpwyd ar eu trywydd gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, ac rwy'n credu bod yr adroddiad yn dweud yn hollol glir beth yw'r rhesymau pam fod cwestiynau amlwg yn codi. Gobeithio y cawn glywed yn glir gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am y camau y bydd yn eu cymryd i ddatrys rhai o'r problemau hirsefydlog hyn yn ein system addysg. Diolch yn fawr.


Wel, fel rŷn ni i gyd, dwi'n siŵr, yn cytuno, mae addysg wir yn allweddol i ddyfodol Cymru, ac mae Plaid Cymru eisiau sicrhau ein bod ni'n gweithio gyda'n gilydd fel Senedd i greu system addysg sy'n sicrhau bod ein pobl ifanc ni a'r gweithlu yn llwyddo ac yn ffynnu. 

Rŷm ni'n dal i gredu y gall y cwricwlwm newydd yma weithio a chwarae rhan hanfodol i gyflawni’r weledigaeth hon, ond mae angen inni sicrhau ein bod ni'n cael pethau yn iawn cyn symud ymlaen. Mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau, fel rŷn ni wedi clywed yn barod, nad yw ein plant a'n pobl ifanc sydd angen cefnogaeth anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn dioddef mewn unrhyw ffordd oherwydd y diwygiadau sydd eisoes wedi eu gwneud i’r system. Mae'n fy mhoeni i'n fawr iawn fod 40 y cant o leihad yn nifer y plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn cefnogaeth o ran addysg anghenion arbennig. Felly, mae'n bwysig, wrth inni edrych ar y pwnc arbennig yma, ein bod ni fel pwyllgor—a dwi'n newydd i'r pwyllgor hefyd ac wedi dal jest diwedd y gwaith gafodd ei wneud ar ADY yn benodol—yn parhau i edrych ar yr arhymhellion ac adroddiad interim y pwyllgor.

Nawr, mae’r Cadeirydd eisoes wedi nodi’n fanwl nifer o’r pwyntiau sydd yn deillio o’r adroddiad yma, ac mae Heledd Fychan, a fuodd yn aelod o'r pwyllgor ar ran Plaid Cymru fel llefarydd addysg, wedi nodi nifer o bwyntiau pwysg dros y misoedd diwethaf mewn perthynas â hyn, a'r angen yn benodol am gyllid digonol i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Allwn ni ddim â gadael y plant yma i lawr, felly mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau cyllid digonol, a chyllid digonol hefyd i sicrhau bod y gefnogaeth iddyn nhw ar gael trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Felly, byddwn i'n falch o glywed gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ynglŷn â'r pwyntiau penodol yna. Dwi'n gwybod bod yna ddatganiad wedi cael ei wneud ar hyn yn ddiweddar, ond mi fyddwn ni'n dymuno cadw llygaid barcud ar y Llywodraeth i sicrhau eu bod nhw'n gweithredu yn y maes hwn.

Nawr, o ran y cwricwlwm yn fwy cyffredinol, ac wrth iddo fe ymestyn i flynyddoedd TGAU yn benodol, dwi eisiau gwneud cwpl o bwyntiau. Dwi am ofyn i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet i roi ymateb ar beth sydd wedi digwydd yn y cwricwlwm yn fwy diweddar yn yr Alban a Seland Newydd, achos nhw oedd y modelau roeddem ni'n eu defnyddio fel sail i'r hyn sydd wedi cael ei gyflwyno yma yng Nghymru. Felly, byddwn i eisiau clywed a oes yna newidiadau wedi digwydd yn y gwledydd yna, a beth yw goblygiadau hynny i ni yma yng Nghymru.

Ond, i gloi, Dirprwy Lywydd, dwi eisiau jest rhoi sylw'n benodol i set o gymwysterau newydd, yn benodol yn TGAU hanes Cymru. Dwi wedi clywed nifer o haneswyr ac arbenigwyr yn y maes yma yn nodi bod y fanyleb yn annigonol o safbwynt cyflwyno hanes Cymru i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc. Nawr, bydd rhai ohonoch chi yn gwybod bod cyflwyno hanes Cymru wedi bod yn rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithio a fuodd rhwng Plaid Cymru a'r Llywodraeth, ac roedd hynny'n rhan ganolog o'r newidiadau roeddem ni'n ceisio eu symbylu fel rhan o'r cytundeb hwnnw. Ond, mae'r athro a'r academydd Dr Huw Griffiths wedi gwneud llawer o waith ar hyn yn ddiweddar, ac wedi cymharu faint o hanes Cymru sydd yn y cwricwlwm TGAU o’i gymharu â'r hyn sy'n cael ei ddysgu am hanes yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon yn eu cwricwlwm nhw. Mae'r canlyniadau'n syfrdanol. Dyma beth mae wedi'i ddarganfod: o ran hanes Gogledd Iwerddon yn eu TGAU nhw, mae 40 y cant o'r marc terfynol yn dibynnu ar hanes Gogledd Iwerddon; hanes yr Alban, yn eu national nhw, gradd 5, 35 y cant o'r marc terfynol; hanes Cymru yn y TGAU newydd yma, 21 y cant o'r marc terfynol. Felly, dwi'n siŵr bod hyn yn fater o siom i bob un ohonom ni.

Felly, i gloi, hoffwn i ddiolch i gyd-aelodau'r pwyllgor am eu gwaith, a dwi'n edrych ymlaen i barhau i ymchwilio i ddatblygiadau'r cwricwlwm ac anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn arbennig erbyn diwedd y tymor hwn, er lles ein plant a'n pobl ifanc. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Well, as we all, I'm sure, agree, education is truly vital to Wales’s future, and Plaid Cymru wants to ensure that we work together as a Senedd to create an education system that ensures that our young learners and the workforce succeed and flourish.

We continue to believe that this new curriculum can work and play a vital role in achieving this vision, but we must ensure that we get things right before we move forward. We must, as we've already heard, ensure that our children and young people who require support with their additional learning needs do not suffer in any way because of the reforms that have already been made to the system. And it concerns me a great deal that there's been a 40 per cent reduction in the number of children and young people receiving support when it comes to additional learning needs education. So, that's why it's important, as we look at this particular issue, that we as a committee—and I'm new to the committee too, and I've caught just the very end of the work that was done on ALN specifically—continue to look at the recommendations and the committee's interim report.

Now, the Chair has already detailed a number of the important points emanating from this report, and Heledd Fychan, who was a member of the committee on Plaid Cymru's behalf as education spokesperson, has noted several important points over the past few moths with regard to these issues and the need specifically for adequate funding to support children and young people with additional learning needs. We can't let these children and young people down, so we have to ensure adequate funding, and adequate funding to ensure that the provision and support is available to them through the medium of Welsh. So, I'd be pleased to hear from the Cabinet Secretary about those specific points. I know that a statement has been made on this recently, but we would want to keep a very close eye on the Government to ensure that they are indeed taking action on this issue.

Now, with regard to the curriculum more generally, and as it extends into the GCSE years specifically, I want to make a few points. I'd like to ask the Cabinet Secretary to give a response to what has happened in the curricula more recently in Scotland and in New Zealand, because they, of course, were the models that we used as the basis for what has been introduced here in Wales. So, I'd like to hear whether changes have been made in those nations and whether there are any implications for us in Wales as a result.

But to conclude, Dirprwy Lywydd, I just want to focus on a new set of qualifications, specifically with regard to history GCSE and the aspects of Welsh history. I have heard a number of historians and specialist in this field noting that the specification is inadequate when it comes to presenting Welsh history and teaching it to our children and young people. Now, some of you will know that the inclusion of Welsh history was part of the co-operation agreement between Plaid Cymru and the Government, and that was a central part of the changes that we sought as part of that agreement. The teacher and academic Dr Huw Griffiths has done a great deal of work on this issue and has compared how much Welsh history the GCSE curriculum contains alongside what is taught by the history of Scotland and Northern Ireland in their curricula, and the findings are shocking. This is what he found: in terms of the history of Northern Ireland covered in their GCSE, 40 per cent of the final mark depends on the history of Northern Ireland; the history of Scotland covered in their grade 5 national accounts for 35 per cent of the final mark; the history of Wales in the new GCSE here, 21 per cent of the final mark. So, I'm sure that this is a cause of great disappointment to all of us.

So, to conclude, I'd like to thank my fellow committee members for their work and I look forward to continuing the scrutiny of the curriculum's developments and ALN reforms over the coming year and by the end of this Senedd term, for the benefit of our children and young people. Thank you very much.


I've actually informed the Chief Whip that I wish to stand down from the Children, Young People and Education Committee, and, as far as I'm concerned, I'm awaiting my name to be taken off. I wanted to say that at the outset, but I was part of this committee through part of this discussion that led to this report. I also want to declare an interest: I am the father of a very disabled daughter who benefits from the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018. She has profound needs and has an individual development plan, and I have nothing but praise for the way that she has been looked after in this system. This system has worked for her.

I also want to praise the Cabinet Secretary, because, as a parent of that child, the Cabinet Secretary has listened to me in ways that previous Cabinet Secretaries have not. She has been clearly engaged with the mental health aspect of all of these things, and now she's committed to a review, and I think that is well worth the recognition and gratitude of this Chamber, the fact that she's done that, and it's really important that we feed then into that review.

I want to focus on three recommendations—recommendations 3, 4 and 5—and just explore the Welsh Government's response to some of those. Just before I do, there was a sentence that was going to go into the report that Welsh Government policy was failing all the children of Wales. That's categorically and manifestly not the case. Just to say, about my child, because she is so very clearly diagnosable—she's non-verbal, she has all the communication difficulties typical of autism—she has that support. The difficulty we've got is with children who are in the grey area of diagnosis, who sit just outside the statutory support that's available, and giving them the support is the challenge because their needs are very different and diverse, and often the support for those young people is more complex than for children like my daughter. 

So, to the recommendations. Recommendation 3:

'The Welsh Government should ensure that every health board appoints its own dedicated DECLO',

and the Welsh Government's response says,

'The recommendation is accepted as every Health Board has a designated DECLO'.

Well, as Buffy Williams said in her opening speech, there are four DECLOs and six health boards. It doesn't match up, and we need to know why the Government thinks that's satisfactory when we as a committee feel that it isn't satisfactory.

That leads me on to recommendation 4. I went to Ysgol Gyfun Cymunedol Llangatwg in Neath to visit the team there, and they gave us some really eye-opening stories. One of the problems—. They had a really good ALNCo team; it was almost like an ALNCo department, with an ALNCo leading, a deputy ALNCo, and the teaching assistants were acting in those roles as well. It was almost like an ALNCo department, which was so far removed from my school, my old school, Heolddu Comprehensive School, where I'm a governor, where there's one ALNCo dealing with 71 IDPs, facing a massive, massive challenge there. Llangatwg had managed to move some of their COVID funding into that role, but you do question how sustainable those were.

One of the things they told us was the process is cumbersome to link up with health. So, yes, their DECLO was great, but their DECLO wasn't able to resolve their problems because they had to go through the local authority. So, if they wanted to connect a child with the health board, maybe a diagnosis, it had to go first to the local authority, then to the health board, then back from the health board to the local authority and back to the school. And because of that process, sometimes the responses they got were not the responses they were looking for and, in fact, responses to a different question. So, they had to go back through the process again. So, there's a reason why this system isn't working, and it's not just to do with funding—it's also to do with the way the system is structured, and I'd like the Cabinet Secretary to look at that, and consider how that particular issue can be addressed. And, as I mentioned, the ALNCo—[Interruption.] Yes.

Mewn gwirionedd, rwyf wedi rhoi gwybod i'r Prif Chwip fy mod yn dymuno gadael y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, ac o'm rhan i, rwy'n aros i fy enw gael ei dynnu oddi arno. Roeddwn am ddweud hynny ar y cychwyn, ond roeddwn yn rhan o’r pwyllgor drwy ran o’r drafodaeth hon a arweiniodd at yr adroddiad. Rwyf hefyd am ddatgan buddiant: rwy’n dad i ferch anabl iawn sy’n elwa o Ddeddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a’r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018. Mae ganddi anghenion dwys ac mae ganddi gynllun datblygu unigol, ac nid oes gennyf unrhyw beth ond canmoliaeth am y ffordd y gofalwyd amdani yn y system hon. Mae'r system wedi gweithio iddi.

Hoffwn hefyd ganmol Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, oherwydd, fel rhiant i'r plentyn hwnnw, mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi gwrando arnaf mewn ffyrdd nad yw Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet blaenorol wedi gwneud. Mae hi'n amlwg wedi ymgysylltu ag agwedd iechyd meddwl pob un o'r pethau hyn, ac mae bellach wedi ymrwymo i adolygiad, a chredaf fod hynny'n haeddu cydnabyddiaeth a diolch y Siambr hon, y ffaith ei bod wedi gwneud hynny, ac mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn cyfrannu wedyn at yr adolygiad hwnnw.

Rwyf am ganolbwyntio ar dri argymhelliad—argymhellion 3, 4 a 5—ac archwilio ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i rai o’r rheini. Cyn imi wneud hynny, roedd brawddeg a oedd yn mynd i gael ei chynnwys yn yr adroddiad a ddywedai fod polisi Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud cam â holl blant Cymru. Yn bendant ac yn amlwg, nid yw hynny'n wir. Dylwn ddweud, am fy mhlentyn, gan ei bod mor amlwg y gellir gwneud diagnosis yn ei hachos hi—mae'n ddieiriau, mae ganddi'r holl anawsterau cyfathrebu sy'n nodweddiadol o awtistiaeth—mae hi'n cael y gefnogaeth honno. Yr anhawster sydd gennym yw gyda phlant sydd yn y tir llwyd o ran cael diagnosis, sydd ychydig y tu allan i'r cymorth statudol sydd ar gael, a rhoi cymorth iddynt hwy yw'r her am fod eu hanghenion yn wahanol ac yn amrywiol iawn, ac yn aml, mae cymorth i'r bobl ifanc hynny'n fwy cymhleth nag i blant fel fy merch.

Felly, ymlaen at yr argymhellion. Argymhelliad 3:

'Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod pob bwrdd iechyd yn penodi ei Swyddog Arweiniol Clinigol Dynodedig Addysg (SACDA) pwrpasol ei hun',

a dywed ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru,

'Mae'r argymhelliad yn cael ei dderbyn gan fod gan bob Bwrdd Iechyd eisoes Swyddog Arweiniol Clinigol Dynodedig Addysg'.

Wel, fel y dywedodd Buffy Williams yn ei haraith agoriadol, mae pedwar SACDA a chwe bwrdd iechyd. Nid yw'n cyfateb, ac mae angen inni wybod pam fod Llywodraeth yn credu bod hynny'n foddhaol a ninnau fel pwyllgor yn teimlo nad yw'n foddhaol.

Mae hynny’n fy arwain at argymhelliad 4. Bûm yn Ysgol Gyfun Cymunedol Llangatwg yng Nghastell-nedd i ymweld â’r tîm yno, a chawsom straeon a oedd yn agoriad llygad i ni. Un o'r problemau—. Roedd ganddynt dîm o gydlynwyr ADY arbennig o dda; roedd bron fel adran gydlynwyr ADY, gyda chydlynydd ADY yn arwain, dirprwy gydlynydd ADY, ac roedd y cynorthwywyr addysgu yn gweithredu yn y rolau hynny hefyd. Roedd bron fel adran gydlynwyr ADY, a oedd mor wahanol i fy ysgol i, fy hen ysgol, Ysgol Gyfun Heolddu, lle rwy'n llywodraethwr, lle mae un cydlynydd ADY yng ngofal 71 CDU, ac yn wynebu her enfawr yno. Roedd Llangatwg wedi llwyddo i symud rhywfaint o’u cyllid COVID i’r rôl honno, ond rydych chi'n cwestiynu pa mor gynaliadwy oedd hynny.

Un o'r pethau y dywedasant wrthym oedd bod y broses yn feichus i gysylltu â iechyd. Felly, oedd, roedd eu SACDA yn wych, ond nid oedd eu SACDA yn gallu datrys eu problemau am fod yn rhaid iddynt fynd drwy'r awdurdod lleol. Felly, os oeddent am gysylltu plentyn â’r bwrdd iechyd, i gael diagnosis efallai, roedd yn rhaid iddynt fynd yn gyntaf at yr awdurdod lleol, yna at y bwrdd iechyd, yna yn ôl o’r bwrdd iechyd at yr awdurdod lleol ac yn ôl at yr ysgol. Ac oherwydd y broses honno, weithiau, nid oeddent yn cael yr ymatebion y chwilient amdanynt, ac mewn gwirionedd, roeddent yn ymatebion i gwestiwn gwahanol. Felly, roedd yn rhaid iddynt fynd yn ôl drwy’r broses eto. Felly, mae rheswm pam nad yw'r system hon yn gweithio, ac mae'n ymwneud â mwy na chyllid yn unig—mae'n ymwneud hefyd â'r ffordd y mae'r system wedi'i strwythuro, a hoffwn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet edrych ar hynny, ac ystyried sut y gellir mynd i’r afael â’r broblem honno. Ac fel y soniais, mae'r cydlynydd ADY—[Torri ar draws.] Ie.


Thank you. I'm possibly the only or one of the very few people remaining who sat on the Education and Lifelong Learning Committee from 2005 that produced the reports that eventually led to this legislation. I'm also the parent of what was then a child who had to battle the old system to get the statement, which this replaces. So, I've been there, and taken evidence in the past on this. But, throughout this, do you share the concern I articulated, that without, from the beginning, proactively, the training, engagement and monitoring and evaluation of those who have to implement this, we risk giving the people who got it wrong previously the power to get this even more wrong as it moves forward?

Diolch. Mae’n bosibl mai fi yw’r unig un neu un o’r ychydig iawn o bobl sydd ar ôl a fu’n eistedd ar y Pwyllgor Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes o 2005 ymlaen a gynhyrchodd yr adroddiadau a arweiniodd, yn y pen draw, at y ddeddfwriaeth hon. Rwyf hefyd yn rhiant i rywun a oedd ar y pryd yn blentyn y bu'n rhaid iddynt frwydro yn erbyn yr hen system i gael y datganiad y mae hyn yn ei ddisodli. Felly, rwyf wedi bod yno, ac wedi clywed tystiolaeth ar hyn yn y gorffennol. Ond drwy gydol y broses hon, a ydych chi'n rhannu’r pryder a fynegwyd gennyf, sef heb fynd ati o’r dechrau, yn rhagweithiol, i hyfforddi, ymgysylltu a monitro a gwerthuso’r rhai sy’n gorfod gweithredu hyn, ein bod mewn perygl o roi’r grym i’r bobl a wnaeth bethau'n anghywir yn y gorffennol i wneud pethau hyd yn oed yn fwy anghywir yn y dyfodol?

You've just struck a chord with me there. My daughter was turned down for a statement when she was in mainstream school, on the first occasion, and I find that utterly bizarre. It should not have happened. And I think part of it is that problem—the constant battle that parents feel they're having because of those blocks in the system. Eventually she did get a statement because she was so clearly disabled. But I shouldn’t have had to go through that. So, I think what you're recognising there is what the ALN Act was actually trying to fix. The problem is that the comparison with the number of IDPs with school action and school action plus and statements is, as Buffy says, less than it was previously, so there's clearly an issue there that needs to be addressed.

With regard—. Would you mind if I finished?

Rydych newydd daro nodyn gyda mi yno. Cafodd fy merch ei gwrthod am ddatganiad pan oedd yn yr ysgol brif ffrwd, ar yr achlysur cyntaf, ac roeddwn yn credu bod hynny'n gwbl ryfeddol. Ni ddylai fod wedi digwydd. A chredaf fod y broblem honno'n rhan o hyn—y frwydr gyson y mae rhieni'n teimlo eu bod yn ei chael oherwydd y rhwystrau yn y system. Yn y diwedd, fe gafodd ddatganiad gan ei bod mor amlwg ei bod yn anabl. Ond ni ddylwn fod wedi gorfod mynd drwy hynny. Felly, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn rydych yn ei gydnabod yno yw'r hyn roedd y Ddeddf ADY yn ceisio ei unioni mewn gwirionedd. Y broblem yw bod y gymhariaeth â nifer y CDUau gyda gweithredu gan yr ysgol a gweithredu gan yr ysgol a mwy a datganiadau, fel y dywed Buffy, yn llai nag yr arferai fod, felly mae’n amlwg fod problem yno y mae angen mynd i’r afael â hi.

O ran—. A fyddai ots gennych pe bawn i'n gorffen?

Hefin, I'll give you an extra minute and a half, because you took the intervention.

Hefin, fe roddaf funud a hanner ychwanegol i chi am eich bod wedi derbyn yr ymyriad.

Thank you. With regard to recommendation 5, the Welsh Government should remit the ALNCo task and finish group to undertake further work examining the pay, terms and conditions of teaching staff working wholly or partially as deputy or assistant ALNCos. Now, those were the ones I was thinking of in Llangatwg when I tried to get this recommendation into the report, and the Government has rejected it. But I take it, from discussions with both the Minister and the special adviser, that it is a technical rejection, in that the task and finish group has already reported, so we're a bit behind time. But I think the recommendation still stands, and we need to get parity of esteem for deputy and assistant ALNCos and create those ALNCo departments. So, it's a good report, we've got a very good Cabinet Secretary, and I look forward to hearing her response.

Diolch. Mewn perthynas ag argymhelliad 5, dylai Llywodraeth Cymru ofyn i'r grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen cydlynwyr ADY wneud gwaith pellach i archwilio cyflog a thelerau ac amodau staff addysgu sy’n gweithio’n gyfan gwbl neu’n rhannol fel dirprwy gydlynwyr ADY neu gydlynwyr ADY cynorthwyol. Nawr, dyna’r rhai roeddwn yn meddwl amdanynt yn Llangatwg pan geisiais gael yr argymhelliad hwn wedi ei gynnwys yn yr adroddiad, ac mae’r Llywodraeth wedi ei wrthod. Ond rwy’n cymryd, o drafodaethau gyda’r Gweinidog a’r cynghorydd arbennig, mai gwrthodiad technegol ydyw, yn yr ystyr fod y grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen eisoes wedi adrodd, felly rydym ychydig ar ei hôl hi. Ond credaf fod yr argymhelliad yn dal i sefyll, ac mae angen inni sicrhau y ceir parch cydradd i ddirprwy gydlynwyr ADY a chydlynwyr ADY cynorthwyol a chreu'r adrannau cydlynwyr ADY hynny. Felly, mae'n adroddiad da, mae gennym Ysgrifennydd Cabinet da iawn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed ei hymateb.

I wholeheartedly welcome the report and its recommendations on supporting children with ALN in Wales. This ever increasing number of children deserve the very best education that they can have, and it's our moral and legislative duty to ensure that they receive it. I was pleased to have started this work on this report with fellow MSs when I sat on this committee, and may I therefore also start by thanking the committee clerk, our fantastic Chairs in Jayne Bryant and now Buffy Williams, and all the committee staff and MSs for all their hard work on this, and also thanking the Chairs, past and present, for both picking up my concerns initially and running with them. I think we can all agree that, whilst we all recognised the problem initially when I suggested the review into equality of access to childcare and education, none of us realised just how many barriers there are for children and young people when trying to get the very best education possible, an education that most of us, I believe, took for granted, and just how long children are waiting to be identified and get the right help.

That report, and this, regarding the ALN reforms Bill and curriculum, are intrinsically linked, and we found the new ALN reforms have caused a few problems that I don't think any of us bargained for when voting through these much-needed reforms to ALN. Although they have been very beneficial for many, like you, the Member for Caerphilly and his family, the major problem that the committee have recognised is that the new reforms, perhaps, aren't clear enough and have, unfortunately, resulted in the legislation being interpreted 22 different ways by 22 different local authorities. The result of this being an inequality of provision and services right across the length and breadth of Wales, and I'm sure none of us want to see a postcode lottery when it comes to the provision for and the care or identification of children and young people.

But the Welsh Government must firstly recognise that this is the case and, secondly, ensure that we must do something about it and seek to rectify this situation urgently. Another concern is that children, as has already been mentioned, who have low-to-moderate forms of ALN are falling beneath the radar. They are not getting the support that they need, identifiable in the drastic drop in numbers being identified as ALN. I think that's what those figures that we were talking about earlier represent. I have a deep respect for the dedication and strength of parents of those with ALN, especially rare or severe forms, who are not getting the support that they need. I am in awe of those parents, trying to rise to the challenges they face, day in and day out, to ensure their children get the support that they need. It was abundantly clear from the evidence that we gathered that support to them needs to be far better, far clearer, and more accessible, and schools need to be better equipped. Many felt very isolated and helpless that they didn't know how to get the support that their children needed, and it's quite heartbreaking. I'm thinking of even friends with children with ALN who have been waiting for years to try and get their child identified, and that child has progressively got worse and progressively fallen behind in their class, which has led to bullying and all sorts of other extra problems that didn't need to happen.

The introduction of the ALN reform Bill was a much-needed step in the right direction. It was designed to bring consistency and fairness, ensuring that children with ALN get that support that they require, no matter where they live. But this inconsistency is causing confusion and frustration for parents, carers and even the schools themselves, as nobody is sure what is actually the right thing to do. There are children sitting on waiting lists, as I've said, for extraordinarily long times, waiting to be identified and assessed, and there are some falling under the radar, whilst others on the cusp of having more obvious difficulties are suffering as they wait and falling behind their peers. I have to agree with the Members for Caerphilly and North Wales on that.

These delays are unacceptable, and we need to take action to address this backlog as a matter of urgency. If we are to deliver the best education for every child, we must ensure that funding reaches the schools to be then directed where it's needed most by those that know, within the school, how best it can be used. I fully support the recommendations in this report, and I believe they will help begin to tackle these issues. The Government need to take them seriously and act with haste, as children are suffering unnecessarily across Wales right now. We need to take a more standardised approach across local authorities, have quicker assessment processes, and a commitment to ensuring schools are adequately funded to provide the necessary support for children with ALN.

Let's not forget that these children deserve the very best education, and it is our responsibility to ensure they get it. I urge the Government to act swiftly to implement the changes recognised in this report, and provide the necessary funding and guidance that is so clearly needed. It is time children with ALN get the support they need. The aim that no child should be left behind in Wales cannot be met unless this Welsh Government make a serious financial commitment to all children with all forms of ALN. Thank you.

Rwy'n croesawu'r adroddiad a’i argymhellion ar gefnogi plant ag ADY yng Nghymru yn fawr. Mae’r nifer gynyddol hon o blant yn haeddu’r addysg orau y gallant ei chael, a’n dyletswydd foesol a deddfwriaethol ni yw sicrhau eu bod yn ei chael. Roeddwn yn falch o fod wedi dechrau’r gwaith ar yr adroddiad hwn gyda chyd-Aelodau o'r Senedd pan oeddwn yn aelod o'r pwyllgor hwn, ac a gaf i ddechrau hefyd drwy ddiolch i glerc y pwyllgor, ein Cadeiryddion gwych yn Jayne Bryant a Buffy Williams bellach, a holl staff y pwyllgor a'r Aelodau o'r Senedd am eu holl waith caled ar hyn, a hefyd diolch i’r Cadeiryddion a'r cyn-Gadeiryddion am nodi fy mhryderon i gychwyn ac am fwrw ymlaen â hwy. Credaf y gall pob un ohonom gytuno, er ein bod i gyd wedi cydnabod y broblem yn wreiddiol pan awgrymais yr adolygiad o gydraddoldeb mynediad at ofal plant ac addysg, na sylweddolodd yr un ohonom faint o rwystrau sydd i blant a phobl ifanc wrth geisio cael yr addysg orau bosibl, addysg a gâi ei chymryd yn ganiataol gan y rhan fwyaf ohonom, rwy'n credu, a pha mor hir y mae plant yn aros i gael eu nodi a chael y cymorth cywir.

Mae cysylltiad cynhenid rhwng yr adroddiad hwnnw a hwn o ran y Bil diwygiadau ADY a’r cwricwlwm, a chanfuom fod y diwygiadau ADY newydd wedi achosi rhywfaint o broblemau nad wyf yn credu bod unrhyw un ohonom wedi'u disgwyl wrth bleidleisio o blaid y diwygiadau mawr eu hangen i ADY. Er eu bod wedi bod o fudd mawr iawn i lawer o bobl, fel chi, yr Aelod dros Gaerffili a’i deulu, y broblem fawr y mae’r pwyllgor wedi’i chydnabod yw efallai nad yw’r diwygiadau newydd yn ddigon clir, ac yn anffodus, maent wedi arwain at y ddeddfwriaeth yn cael ei dehongli mewn 22 o wahanol ffyrdd gan y 22 gwahanol awdurdod lleol. Canlyniad hyn yw darpariaeth a gwasanaethau anghyfartal ledled Cymru, ac rwy’n siŵr nad oes yr un ohonom am weld loteri cod post o ran nodi, gofalu a darparu ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc.

Ond mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru gydnabod yn gyntaf fod hyn yn digwydd, ac yn ail, sicrhau bod yn rhaid inni wneud rhywbeth yn ei gylch a cheisio unioni’r sefyllfa hon ar fyrder. Pryder arall, fel y crybwyllwyd eisoes, yw bod plant sydd â ffurfiau isel i gymedrol o ADY yn cwympo o dan y radar. Nid ydynt yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt, sy'n amlwg yn y gostyngiad aruthrol yn y niferoedd y nodwyd eu bod yn blant ag ADY. Credaf mai dyna mae’r ffigurau y buom yn sôn amdanynt yn gynharach yn ei gynrychioli. Mae gennyf barch mawr at ymroddiad a chryfder rhieni plant ag ADY, yn enwedig ffurfiau prin neu ddifrifol, nad ydynt yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Rwy'n rhyfeddu at y rhieni hynny sy'n ceisio ymateb i’r heriau a wynebant bob dydd, i sicrhau bod eu plant yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Roedd yn gwbl glir o’r dystiolaeth a gasglwyd gennym fod angen i’r cymorth ar eu cyfer fod yn llawer gwell, yn llawer cliriach, ac yn fwy hygyrch, ac mae angen i ysgolion gael eu harfogi’n well. Roedd llawer yn teimlo'n ynysig iawn ac yn ddiymadferth nad oeddent yn gwybod sut i gael y cymorth yr oedd eu plant ei angen, ac mae'n eithaf torcalonnus. Rwy'n meddwl am ffrindiau sydd â phlant ag ADY sydd wedi bod yn aros ers blynyddoedd i geisio cael eu plentyn wedi'u nodi, ac mae’r plentyn hwnnw wedi gwaethygu’n raddol ac wedi llithro fwyfwy ar ôl yn eu dosbarth, sydd wedi arwain at fwlio a phob math o broblemau ychwanegol eraill nad oedd angen iddynt ddigwydd.

Roedd cyflwyno’r Bil diwygio ADY yn gam mawr ei angen i’r cyfeiriad cywir. Fe’i cynlluniwyd i sicrhau cysondeb a thegwch, gan sicrhau bod plant ag ADY yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt, ni waeth ble maent yn byw. Ond mae’r anghysondeb hwn yn peri dryswch a rhwystredigaeth i rieni, gofalwyr a hyd yn oed yr ysgolion eu hunain, gan nad oes unrhyw un yn siŵr mewn gwirionedd beth yw’r peth iawn i’w wneud. Mae plant ar restrau aros, fel y dywedais, am amser maith iawn, yn aros i gael eu nodi a'u hasesu, ac mae rhai'n cwympo o dan y radar, tra bo eraill sydd ar y ffin o fod ag anawsterau mwy amlwg yn dioddef wrth iddynt aros, ac yn lithro ar ôl o gymharu â'u cyfoedion. Mae’n rhaid imi gytuno â’r Aelodau dros Gaerffili a Gogledd Cymru ynglŷn â hynny.

Mae’r oedi hwn yn annerbyniol, ac mae angen inni gymryd camau i fynd i’r afael â’r ôl-groniad fel mater o frys. Os ydym am ddarparu’r addysg orau i bob plentyn, mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau bod cyllid yn cyrraedd yr ysgolion i’w gyfeirio wedyn at y mannau lle mae ei angen fwyaf gan y rhai sy’n gwybod, yn yr ysgol, beth yw'r ffordd orau o’i ddefnyddio. Rwy’n llwyr gefnogi’r argymhellion yn yr adroddiad, a chredaf y byddant yn helpu i ddechrau mynd i’r afael â’r problemau. Mae angen i’r Llywodraeth fod o ddifrif yn eu cylch a gweithredu ar frys, gan fod plant yn dioddef yn ddiangen ledled Cymru yr eiliad hon. Mae angen inni fabwysiadu dull mwy safonol ar draws awdurdodau lleol, cael prosesau asesu cyflymach, ac ymrwymo i sicrhau bod ysgolion yn cael eu hariannu’n ddigonol i ddarparu’r cymorth angenrheidiol i blant ag ADY.

Gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio bod y plant hyn yn haeddu’r addysg orau oll, a’n cyfrifoldeb ni yw sicrhau eu bod yn ei chael. Rwy'n annog y Llywodraeth i weithredu’n gyflym i roi’r newidiadau a nodwyd yn yr adroddiad ar waith, a darparu’r cyllid a’r canllawiau angenrheidiol sydd eu hangen mor glir. Mae'n bryd i blant ag ADY gael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Ni ellir cyflawni’r nod na ddylai unrhyw blentyn gael ei adael ar ôl yng Nghymru oni bai bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud ymrwymiad ariannol go iawn i bob plentyn sydd â phob math o ADY. Diolch.


Gaf i ategu fy niolch innau i'r clercod, i bawb roddodd dystiolaeth i ni pan oeddwn i'n aelod o'r pwyllgor? Mae Sioned Williams, Cefin Campbell a finnau fel aelodau o'r blaid wedi bod yn rhan o hyn, ond er ein bod ni ddim ar y pwyllgor, finnau a Sioned, erbyn rŵan, mae'n amhosib cerdded i ffwrdd o'r gwaith yma oherwydd faint o waith achos rydyn ni'n ei gael, ond hefyd y mewnwelediad a'r agoriad llygad fuodd o brofiadau byw y plant a'r bobl ifanc efo anghenion dysgu ychwanegol ond hefyd eu teuluoedd. Mi wnaiff o aros efo fi am byth—bod ar risiau'r Senedd hon mewn protest oedd yn cael ei fynychu gan bobl o ledled Cymru, ym mhob un o'n hetholaethau a'n rhanbarthau ni, gan rieni oedd dirfawr angen help, yn dweud dydy'r system ddim yn gweithio iddyn nhw.

Dydy hynna ddim i ddweud bod yna ddim plant yn derbyn y gefnogaeth. Mi gawsom ni enghreifftiau gwych fel rhan o'r ymchwiliad yma o lle mae o'n gweithio'n dda a'r plant a'r bobl ifanc yna yn ffynnu a'u teuluoedd nhw yn ffynnu, felly mae yna arfer da, ond mae loteri cod post yma. Mi oedd yna riant ar risiau'r Senedd yn dweud ei bod hi wedi bod yn ystyried cyflawni hunanladdiad oherwydd y straen aruthrol oedd arni, ei bod hi'n methu â chefnogi ei phlentyn. Dyma pa mor ddifrifol ydy'r sefyllfa yma, bod pobl yn teimlo fel eu bod nhw'n methu eu plant oherwydd nad yw'r system ddim yn gallu rhoi'r gefnogaeth.

Dwi'n falch iawn o'r holl bethau rydyn ni wedi'u clywed gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet o ran hyn ers iddi ddod i'r rôl. Dwi'n falch o weld cymaint o'r argymhellion wedi'u derbyn. Y cwestiwn sydd gen i ydy: beth am y plant yna sydd wedi cael eu methu ers i'r system newydd ddod i rym ac sydd ddim bellach mewn addysg? Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod twf wedi bod yn y nifer sy'n cael eu haddysgu o gartref rŵan. Rydyn ni wedi clywed tystiolaeth gan rieni yn dweud bod ysgolion wedi dweud, 'Fedrwn ni ddim diwallu anghenion eich plentyn chi. Dydyn ni'n methu gwneud dim byd. Does yna ddim byd rydyn ni'n gallu ei wneud', gan olygu nad dewis ydy addysgu o gartref—maen nhw wedi cael eu gorfodi i addysgu o gartref.

Rydyn ni hefyd wedi clywed tystiolaeth drwy'r ymchwiliad hwn o'r trawma mae plant wedi bod yn ei ddioddef oherwydd y diffyg cefnogaeth, a'r ffaith bod absenoldebau yn uchel iawn ymhlith rhai dysgwyr gydag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, a bod mynd i'r ysgol wedi bod yn drawmatig iddyn nhw ac felly bod rhieni yn cael trafferth mawr i'w cael nhw i'r ysgol bellach, oherwydd hefyd dydy'r gefnogaeth ddim ar gael, ond mae'r ymddiriedaeth wedi mynd. Hyd yn oed os ydy'r pecyn yn gallu bod yna rŵan, mae'r ymddiriedaeth wedi mynd. Felly, buaswn i'n hoffi gwybod, yn ogystal â'r pethau rydych chi'n ymrwymo i'w gwneud, sut ydyn ni am sicrhau ein bod ni'n deall faint o blant a phobl ifanc gydag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol sydd ddim yn y system addysg ar y funud, a sut ydyn ni'n eu cefnogi nhw a'u teuluoedd. Oherwydd er bod yna ddatrysiadau y medrwn ni eu rhoi i'r rhai sy'n dechrau mynd drwy'r system neu fydd yn mynd drwy'r system, mae yna genhedlaeth goll rŵan sydd ddim wedi bod yn cael eu cefnogi. Felly, tra'n edrych ar y darlun llawn, dwi'n meddwl fedrwn ni ddim gadael y teuluoedd yma a'r plant a phobl ifanc yma ar eu pennau eu hunain chwaith.  

Rydyn ni'n dal i glywed, yn anffodus, gan rai rhieni sydd â phlant gydag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol sydd efallai ddim yn mynd i'r ysgol neu'n anghyson o ran presenoldeb, eu bod nhw dal yn cael eu bygwth efo dirwy neu fod yna ryw fath o erlyn arnyn nhw gan fod eu plentyn nhw ddim yn yr ysgol. Felly, mae hwn yn llawer mwy cymhleth. Mae yna bwyntiau negyddol yn cael eu rhoi i blant sydd ag ADHD, er enghraifft, mewn rhai o'n hysgolion ni, yn dangos diffyg dealltwriaeth o beth ydy ADHD. Os dydy rhywun ddim, efallai, yn canolbwyntio fel y dylen nhw, pam maen nhw'n cael pwynt negyddol am rywbeth fedran nhw ddim ei reoli? Mae yna bethau y gallwn ni newid. Felly, dwi'n falch bod yna gymaint ohonon ni efo diddordeb ac angerdd am hyn yn y Siambr hon, ond dwi'n gobeithio bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gallu edrych hefyd ar y rhai sydd wedi eu methu hyd yma a sut rydyn ni'n cefnogi nhw a'u teuluoedd. 

May I express my thanks to the clerks, to everyone who gave evidence to us when I was a member of the committee? Sioned Williams, Cefin Campbell and myself as members of the party have been involved in this, but although Sioned and I are no longer on the committee, it's impossible to walk away from this work, because of the amount of casework we deal with, but also because of the insight that we had in terms of the lived experience of the children and young people with additional learning needs, but also their families. It will stay with me forever—when I was on the steps of the Senedd at a protest that was attended by people from all parts of Wales, from all of our constituencies and regions, and those parents desperately needed help, and told us that the system simply isn't working for them.

That's not to say that there are no children receiving support. We had wonderful examples as part of this inquiry of where things are working well and those children and young people are prospering, as are their families, so there is good practice out there, but there is a postcode lottery here. There was a parent on the Senedd steps who said that she had been considering suicide because of the huge stress and pressure on her, in not being able to support her child. This is how serious this situation is, that people feel that they are failing their children because the system can't provide the necessary support.

I'm very pleased about everything that we've heard from the Cabinet Secretary about this issue since she came to post. I'm pleased to see so many of the recommendations accepted, but the question I have is: what about those children who have been failed since the new system came into force and who are no longer in education? We know that there has been a growth in the numbers that are home educated now. We heard evidence from parents, who told us that schools have told them, 'We can't meet the needs of your child. We can't do anything for you. There's nothing we can do', meaning that home education is not a choice, they've been forced into that position. 

We've also heard evidence through this inquiry about the trauma that children have been through because of the lack of support available to them, and the fact that absence levels are very high among some learners with additional learning needs, and that going to school had been traumatic for them, and that parents therefore find it very difficult to get them to school because the support simply isn't there, but the trust is also broken down. Even if the package can be in place, that trust is broken. So, I would like to know, in addition to those things that you've committed to doing, how we can ensure that we understand how many children and young people with ALN are no longer in the education system at the moment, and how we can support them and their families. Because although there are solutions that we can provide for those who are starting to go through the system or will go through the system, there is a lost generation now who haven't been supported. So, whilst looking at the bigger picture, I don't think that we can leave these families and these children alone, either.

We are still hearing from some parents of children with ALN who, perhaps, aren't going to school or are inconsistent in terms of attendance that they are still threatened with penalties or fines because their child isn't attending school. So, this is far more complex. There are negative points given to children with ADHD in some of our schools, which shows a complete lack of understanding of ADHD. If one isn't concentrating as they should, why are they getting a penalty point for something that they can't control? There are things we can change. So, I'm pleased that so many of us are interested and passionate about this in this Chamber, but I very much hope that the Cabinet Secretary can also look at those who have been failed already and how we can support them and their families.  


I'd like to start by thanking the Chair for bringing forward this debate and all Members on the Children, Young People and Education Committee for all their hard work on this important topic. The Petitions Committee has been considering a number of petitions relating to additional learning needs provision. It is an important issue for people in all parts of Wales, reflected in the variety and the popularity of the petitions we have received.

On Monday, we considered updates on five petitions relating to ALN, including the latest response from the Welsh Government on petition P-06-1392, 'Reform of the additional learning needs Code of Wales 2021'. That petition was debated in this Chamber back in May. We noted that, in the Cabinet Secretary for Education's latest correspondence with us, she has thanked the ALN Reform Wales group and Members for their support and commitment to collaborate with Welsh Government officials to ensure that all of the ambitions of ALN reform are realised. We note that some of the petitioners are involved with the ALN Reform Wales group and welcome that engagement in this important policy area. The committee has fed all of the petitioners' views and comments on ALN provision to the CYPE committee for consideration in its comprehensive work on ALN reform and its wider inquiry into access to education and childcare for disabled people.

On Monday, the Petitions Committee agreed to close the five ALN petitions, but in doing so we did note the determination of the Cabinet Secretary to ensure that children receive the support they need, and the high priority that the CYPE committee has given, and continues to give, to scrutinising these issues. Both are essential if we are to ensure that no child misses out on their right to education. Diolch. 

Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i'r Cadeirydd am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon ac i'r holl Aelodau ar y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg am eu holl waith caled ar y pwnc pwysig hwn. Mae’r Pwyllgor Deisebau wedi bod yn ystyried nifer o ddeisebau'n ymwneud â darpariaeth anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Mae’n fater pwysig i bobl ym mhob rhan o Gymru, fel y dynodai amrywiaeth a phoblogrwydd y deisebau a gawsom.

Ddydd Llun, buom yn ystyried y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am bum deiseb yn ymwneud ag ADY, gan gynnwys yr ymateb diweddaraf gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar ddeiseb P-06-1392, 'Diwygio Cod Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol Cymru 2021’. Cafodd y ddeiseb honno ei thrafod yn y Siambr yn ôl ym mis Mai. Yn yr ohebiaeth ddiweddaraf rhyngom ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, fe nododd ei bod wedi diolch i grŵp Diwygio ADY Cymru a’r Aelodau am eu cefnogaeth a’u hymrwymiad i gydweithredu â swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod holl yr uchelgeisiau ar gyfer diwygio ADY yn cael eu gwireddu. Nodwn fod rhai o’r deisebwyr yn gysylltiedig â grŵp Diwygio ADY Cymru ac rydym yn croesawu ymgysylltiad o'r fath yn y maes polisi pwysig hwn. Mae’r pwyllgor wedi trosglwyddo holl safbwyntiau a sylwadau’r deisebwyr ar ddarpariaeth ADY i’r pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg eu hystyried yn ei waith cynhwysfawr ar ddiwygio ADY a’i ymchwiliad ehangach i fynediad at addysg a gofal plant i bobl anabl.

Ddydd Llun, cytunodd y Pwyllgor Deisebau i gau’r pum deiseb ADY, ond wrth wneud hynny, fe wnaethom nodi dyhead Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i sicrhau bod plant yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt, a’r flaenoriaeth uchel y mae’r pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg wedi’i rhoi, ac yn parhau i'w rhoi, i graffu ar y materion hyn. Mae’r ddau beth yn hanfodol os ydym am sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn colli dim o'u hawl i addysg. Diolch.

Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, Lynne Neagle. 

I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle. 


Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. I’m grateful to the Children, Young People and Education Committee for their diligent work in monitoring the implementation of our education reforms throughout this Senedd term. This report demonstrates the committee’s extensive engagement, critical scrutiny and challenge of our reforms in Wales, all of which I welcome. Can I also add my thanks to the Petitions Committee for the extensive work they have done on ALN reform as well?

This report arrives at a significant milestone as we enter the final year of transitioning to the ALN system. This year will be the last for the special educational needs system, which we are replacing after years of careful planning and collaboration. Over the past three years, our dedicated partners have worked tirelessly to establish robust support systems for learners with ALN and to develop individual development plans. While we have seen outstanding examples of local authorities and schools supporting children and young people with ALN, it is clear to me that that support is not yet consistent across Wales. I want to ensure that every learner receives the support they need. The report by the committee includes eight recommendations, and seven of those are in relation to ALN. Therefore, I’ll focus on the ALN recommendations today.

As part of our work in considering the recommendations from the committee, we’ve also listened to the views of the education and health sectors, which have helped shaped our response. I’ve been very open in my evidence to the committee on where the challenges lie and the issues raised by the committee in this report align with the Welsh Government’s own efforts to monitor the implementation of the ALN reforms. We are already actively undertaking work to address those concerns and challenges.

In relation to reviewing the ALN Act and code, I have listened to the feedback and recognise that some parts of the legislation are complex and unclear. So, we are already examining the legislative framework in detail along with our delivery partners to clarify and make the framework more accessible, and identify practical challenges and next steps to ensure consistent delivery.

Alongside this, we’re working with local authorities, schools and other settings to ensure that roles, responsibilities and processes are consistently applied across Wales. We’re also actively working together with parents to review what information and signposting is available for parents, children and young people to improve clear and consistent communication. We’ve already strengthened monitoring and support for implementation so that we can understand delivery challenges and improve consistency. This includes termly meetings with local authorities, as well as developing new national data sets and data collection mechanisms in education, local authorities and health. I have agreed a comprehensive work plan with officials to address the concerns that have been raised with me.

Improving multi-agency collaboration between health and education is a key priority. Long-standing challenges in accessing health services for all learners are being taken forward by DECLOs in health boards. I’m sympathetic to what the committee has said about the number of DECLOs. The health boards have met the requirement in the ALN Act by having a designated DECLO each, but I am looking to discuss with health boards how that is working in practice where those health boards are sharing a DECLO in Wales. We also have an ALN multi-agency collaborative group, which is working to improve collaboration between health, social care and education services, providing clarity on NHS additional learning provision and developing key performance indicators to monitor statutory timelines and highlight effective practices.

We are transitioning to the ALN system with over 20,000 children and young people now having statutory individual development plans, developed through person-centred planning, but we are continuously reviewing ALN implementation to learn and to address challenges. Estyn's second thematic review of the ALN reforms will report this winter, and a comprehensive evaluation programme is under way.

ALN is a national education priority. Since 2020, we've invested over £107 million in revenue support to support ALN implementation, and more than £170 million in capital investment to improve facilities for learners with additional learning needs. The sustainable communities for learning programme will invest over £750 million in the next nine years to continue enhancing and expanding existing facilities and creating new specialist provisions.

As the committee has highlighted in the report, much of the funding for ALN is distributed via the rate support grant to local government, and my officials are currently conducting a review of local authority mainstream school funding formally across Wales. That review will identify the total funding that each local authority delegates to schools to meet the needs of pupils with ALN and the different distribution methods used.

I am particularly pleased that we've been able to take forward the recommendations of the independent Welsh pay review body relating to ALNCO pay, including providing an extra £5 million to invest in our ALNCO workforce. I know how hard ALNCOs work day in, day out.

To build on the work to date, and to address challenges, it is crucial that we continue to listen to families. We are actively working with parent groups and the third sector to improve and provide clear and consistent communication, and, as I said, to review what information and signposting is available to families. An inclusive education system is one where learners' needs are listened to, responded to, and all learners are supported to participate fully in education with a whole-school approach taken to meeting their needs.

Together, the reforms to Curriculum for Wales and the additional learning needs system are acting as a catalyst for change. I've seen this in action in my many visits to schools and have been inspired by the way school leaders and teachers are embracing our reforms. The Curriculum for Wales is designed to break down barriers for all learners, giving teachers more flexibility and a purposeful curriculum to best meet the individual needs of each child.

Dirprwy Lywydd, we are implementing a systemic and cultural change to reform the education system and to improve practice to accurately identify and support the needs of all learners and ensure that those with additional learning needs receive the support they deserve. I recognise that this is a significant reform programme for the sector, having previously outlined in my summer statement how this connects with our curriculum reform programme. I recognise that we have more to do, and I am determined that meeting the needs of learners with ALN remains at the heart of our education reforms. Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Rwy’n ddiolchgar i’r Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg am eu gwaith diwyd yn monitro gweithrediad ein diwygiadau addysg drwy gydol y Senedd hon. Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn dangos ymgysylltiad helaeth y pwyllgor, ei waith craffu beirniadol a’i her i'n diwygiadau yng Nghymru, ac rwy'n croesawu pob un ohonynt. A gaf i ddiolch hefyd i’r Pwyllgor Deisebau am y gwaith helaeth a wnaethant ar ddiwygio ADY?

Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn cyrraedd carreg filltir arwyddocaol wrth inni ddechrau blwyddyn olaf y cyfnod pontio i’r system ADY. Eleni fydd blwyddyn olaf y system anghenion addysgol arbennig, a ddisodlir gennym ar ôl blynyddoedd o gynllunio a chydweithio gofalus. Dros y tair blynedd diwethaf, mae ein partneriaid ymroddedig wedi gweithio’n ddiflino i sefydlu systemau cymorth cadarn ar gyfer dysgwyr ag ADY ac i ddatblygu cynlluniau datblygu unigol. Er ein bod wedi gweld enghreifftiau rhagorol o awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion yn cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc ag ADY, mae’n amlwg i mi nad yw’r cymorth hwnnw’n gyson ledled Cymru eto. Hoffwn sicrhau bod pob dysgwr yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Mae adroddiad y pwyllgor yn cynnwys wyth argymhelliad, ac mae saith o’r rheini'n ymwneud ag ADY. Felly, fe ganolbwyntiaf ar yr argymhellion ADY heddiw.

Fel rhan o'n gwaith yn ystyried argymhellion y pwyllgor, rydym hefyd wedi gwrando ar farn y sectorau addysg ac iechyd, sydd wedi helpu i lunio ein hymateb. Rwyf wedi bod yn agored iawn yn fy nhystiolaeth i’r pwyllgor ynghylch ble mae’r heriau, ac mae’r materion a godwyd gan y pwyllgor yn yr adroddiad hwn yn cyd-fynd ag ymdrechion Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun i fonitro gweithrediad y diwygiadau ADY. Rydym eisoes yn gwneud gwaith i fynd i’r afael â’r pryderon a’r heriau hynny.

Mewn perthynas ag adolygu’r Ddeddf a’r cod ADY, rwyf wedi gwrando ar yr adborth ac yn cydnabod bod rhai rhannau o’r ddeddfwriaeth yn gymhleth ac yn aneglur. Felly, rydym eisoes yn archwilio’r fframwaith deddfwriaethol yn fanwl gyda'n partneriaid cyflawni i wneud y fframwaith yn fwy eglur a hygyrch, a nodi heriau ymarferol a’r camau nesaf i sicrhau darpariaeth gyson.

Ochr yn ochr â hyn, rydym yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, ysgolion a lleoliadau eraill i sicrhau bod rolau, cyfrifoldebau a phrosesau’n cael eu rhoi ar waith yn gyson ledled Cymru. Rydym hefyd yn gweithio gyda rhieni i adolygu pa wybodaeth a chyfeirio sydd ar gael i rieni, plant a phobl ifanc er mwyn gwella cyfathrebu clir a chyson. Rydym eisoes wedi cryfhau prosesau monitro a chymorth gweithredu fel y gallwn ddeall heriau cyflawni a gwella cysondeb. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cyfarfodydd tymhorol gydag awdurdodau lleol, yn ogystal â datblygu setiau data cenedlaethol newydd a mecanweithiau casglu data o fewn addysg, awdurdodau lleol ac iechyd. Rwyf wedi cytuno ar gynllun gwaith cynhwysfawr gyda swyddogion i fynd i’r afael â’r pryderon a godwyd gyda mi.

Mae gwella cydweithredu amlasiantaethol rhwng iechyd ac addysg yn flaenoriaeth allweddol. Mae heriau hirsefydlog ynghylch mynediad at wasanaethau iechyd i bob dysgwr yn cael sylw gan SACDAau mewn byrddau iechyd. Rwy’n cydymdeimlo â’r hyn y mae’r pwyllgor wedi’i ddweud ynglŷn â nifer y SACDAau. Mae’r byrddau iechyd wedi bodloni’r gofyniad yn y Ddeddf ADY drwy gael SACDA dynodedig yr un, ond rwyf am drafod gyda byrddau iechyd sut y mae hynny’n gweithio’n ymarferol lle mae byrddau iechyd yn rhannu SACDA yng Nghymru. Hefyd, mae gennym grŵp cydweithredol amlasiantaethol ADY, sy’n gweithio i wella cydweithio rhwng gwasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol ac addysg, gan roi eglurder ar ddarpariaeth dysgu ychwanegol y GIG a datblygu dangosyddion perfformiad allweddol i fonitro amserlenni statudol a nodi arferion effeithiol.

Rydym yn pontio i’r system ADY a bellach mae gan dros 20,000 o blant a phobl ifanc gynlluniau datblygu unigol statudol, wedi’u datblygu drwy waith cynllunio sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, ond rydym yn adolygu’r broses o weithredu ADY yn barhaus er mwyn dysgu a mynd i’r afael â heriau. Bydd ail adolygiad thematig Estyn o’r diwygiadau ADY yn adrodd y gaeaf hwn, ac mae rhaglen werthuso gynhwysfawr ar y gweill.

Mae ADY yn flaenoriaeth addysg genedlaethol. Ers 2020, rydym wedi buddsoddi dros £107 miliwn mewn cymorth refeniw i gefnogi'r gwaith o weithredu ADY, a mwy na £170 miliwn mewn buddsoddiad cyfalaf i wella cyfleusterau ar gyfer dysgwyr ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Bydd y rhaglen cymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy yn buddsoddi dros £750 miliwn yn y naw mlynedd nesaf i barhau i wella ac ehangu'r cyfleusterau presennol a chreu darpariaethau arbenigol newydd.

Fel y mae’r pwyllgor wedi nodi yn yr adroddiad, mae llawer o’r cyllid ar gyfer ADY yn cael ei ddosbarthu drwy’r grant cynnal ardrethi i lywodraeth leol, ac mae fy swyddogion wrthi’n cynnal adolygiad ffurfiol o gyllid ysgolion prif ffrwd awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru. Bydd yr adolygiad hwnnw’n nodi cyfanswm y cyllid y mae pob awdurdod lleol yn ei ddirprwyo i ysgolion i ddiwallu anghenion disgyblion ag ADY a’r gwahanol ddulliau dosbarthu a ddefnyddir.

Rwy'n arbennig o falch ein bod wedi gallu bwrw ymlaen ag argymhellion corff adolygu cyflogau annibynnol Cymru mewn perthynas â chyflogau cydlynwyr ADY, gan gynnwys darparu £5 miliwn ychwanegol i fuddsoddi yng ngweithlu ein cydlynwyr ADY. Rwy'n gwybod pa mor galed y mae cydlynwyr ADY yn gweithio o un dydd i'r llall.

Er mwyn adeiladu ar y gwaith a wnaed hyd yn hyn, ac i fynd i’r afael â heriau, mae’n hollbwysig ein bod yn parhau i wrando ar deuluoedd. Rydym yn mynd ati'n weithredol i weithio gyda grwpiau rhieni a’r trydydd sector i wella a darparu cyfathrebu clir a chyson, ac fel y dywedais, i adolygu pa wybodaeth a chyfeirio sydd ar gael i deuluoedd. Mae system addysg gynhwysol yn un lle gwrandewir ar anghenion dysgwyr, lle ymatebir iddynt, a lle caiff yr holl ddysgwyr eu cefnogi i gymryd rhan lawn mewn addysg gan ddefnyddio dull ysgol gyfan i ddiwallu eu hanghenion.

At ei gilydd, mae’r diwygiadau i'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru a’r system anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn gweithredu fel catalydd ar gyfer newid. Rwyf wedi gweld hyn ar waith yn fy ymweliadau niferus ag ysgolion a chefais fy ysbrydoli gan y ffordd y mae arweinwyr ysgolion ac athrawon yn croesawu ein diwygiadau. Mae’r Cwricwlwm i Gymru wedi’i gynllunio i chwalu rhwystrau i bob dysgwr, gan roi mwy o hyblygrwydd i athrawon a chwricwlwm pwrpasol i ddiwallu anghenion unigol pob plentyn yn y ffordd orau.

Ddirprwy Lywydd, rydym yn rhoi newid systemig a diwylliannol ar waith i ddiwygio'r system addysg ac i wella ymarfer er mwyn nodi a chefnogi anghenion pob dysgwr yn gywir ac i sicrhau bod unigolion ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol yn cael y cymorth y maent yn ei haeddu. Rwy’n cydnabod bod hon yn rhaglen ddiwygio bwysig i'r sector, ac amlinellais yn fy natganiad yn yr haf sut y mae hyn yn cysylltu â’n rhaglen i ddiwygio’r cwricwlwm. Rwy’n cydnabod bod gennym fwy i’w wneud, ac rwy’n benderfynol o roi lle canolog i ddiwallu anghenion dysgwyr ag ADY yn ein diwygiadau addysg. Diolch yn fawr.


Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.

The Llywydd took the Chair.

Y Cadeirydd nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl. Buffy Williams.

The Chair now to reply to the debate. Buffy Williams.

Diolch, Llywydd. I'd like to thank the Cabinet Secretary for her response today and Members who have contributed. Tom referred to workload for staff, and that's something that we heard as a committee time and time again from schools. Cefin, the committee, I'm sure, would agree that children and young people should not suffer in any way through their education journey. Hefin always speaks passionately about ALN and his personal journey and reminded us about the grey areas of ALN. Children and young people who fall in that area deserve a voice, and I'm sure the committee would agree. Laura, we agree, children and young people deserve the best education they can possibly get, with consistency and fairness. Heledd spoke about lived experience, and the stories we heard, I agree, it's difficult not to be upset and feel so passionately for parents and children who are struggling to get that all-important support they need. As Carolyn has said, there has been a number of petitions for consideration. This is a sign that there are challenges with the implementation of the new ALN Act; it's a clear sign.

I know that these reforms, particularly the ALN reforms, feature heavily in concerns raised by constituents to Members across the Senedd. When we think about just how much the SEN and ALN landscape has changed, that shouldn’t surprise us. The number of learners identified as having SEN or ALN has fallen by 44 per cent in just four years. Education should be as inclusive as possible, and, if this means that fewer children need additional provision, because whole-school class teaching meets the needs of some learners with ALN, that can only be a positive thing. But, if we are honest, we must recognise that we are not there yet, despite the hard work and professionalism of teaching staff across the country. We must recognise that the new system has resulted in a monumental shift in our national response to ALN. We must listen to the parents who are worried that their children are not receiving the support that they need as a result. And we must listen to the teachers and schools who tell us that they're stuck making impossible decisions between staffing and resource.

I would like to thank the many school staff across Wales who supported us with school visits, and organisations that submitted written or oral evidence. I would also like to thank the parents and young people who fed into our work for sharing their experiences. And I thank the Cabinet Secretary and her predecessor for their constructive engagement with us over the course of this inquiry. I believe that they share our commitment to ensuring that both the ALN reforms and the Curriculum for Wales meet the needs of our learners now and in the years to come. We will be continuing our scrutiny work throughout this Senedd to make sure we meet that shared commitment. Diolch yn fawr.

Diolch, Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am ei hymateb heddiw a'r Aelodau sydd wedi cyfrannu. Cyfeiriodd Tom at lwyth gwaith staff, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth a glywsom fel pwyllgor dro ar ôl tro gan ysgolion. Cefin, rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r pwyllgor yn cytuno na ddylai plant a phobl ifanc ddioddef mewn unrhyw ffordd drwy eu taith addysg. Mae Hefin bob amser yn siarad yn angerddol am ADY a'i daith bersonol ac fe'n hatgoffodd am y tir llwyd o fewn ADY. Mae plant a phobl ifanc yn y lle hwnnw yn haeddu llais, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r pwyllgor yn cytuno. Laura, rydym yn cytuno, mae plant a phobl ifanc yn haeddu'r addysg orau y gallant ei chael, gyda chysondeb a thegwch. Siaradodd Heledd am brofiad bywyd, ac rwy'n cytuno, gyda'r straeon a glywsom, ei bod hi'n anodd peidio â gofidio a theimlo mor angerddol dros rieni a phlant sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd cael y cymorth hollbwysig sydd ei angen arnynt. Fel y dywedodd Carolyn, cafwyd nifer o ddeisebau i'w hystyried. Mae hynny'n arwydd bod yna heriau gyda gweithredu'r Ddeddf ADY newydd; mae'n arwydd clir.

Rwy'n gwybod bod y diwygiadau hyn, yn enwedig y diwygiadau ADY, yn rhan fawr o'r pryderon a gaiff eu codi gan etholwyr gydag Aelodau ar draws y Senedd. Pan fyddwn yn meddwl faint y mae'r dirwedd AAA ac ADY wedi newid, ni ddylai hynny ein synnu. Mae nifer y dysgwyr y nodwyd bod ganddynt AAA neu ADY wedi gostwng 44 y cant mewn pedair blynedd yn unig. Dylai addysg fod mor gynhwysol â phosibl, ac os yw hyn yn golygu bod angen darpariaeth ychwanegol ar lai o blant, am fod addysgu dosbarth cyfan yn diwallu anghenion rhai dysgwyr ag ADY, mae hynny o reidrwydd yn gadarnhaol. Ond os ydym yn onest, mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod nad ydym yno eto, er gwaethaf gwaith caled a phroffesiynoldeb staff addysgu ledled y wlad. Mae'n rhaid inni gydnabod bod y system newydd wedi arwain at newid aruthrol yn ein hymateb cenedlaethol i ADY. Mae'n rhaid inni wrando ar y rhieni sy'n poeni nad yw eu plant yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt o ganlyniad. Ac mae'n rhaid inni wrando ar yr athrawon a'r ysgolion sy'n dweud wrthym eu bod yn gorfod gwneud penderfyniadau amhosibl rhwng staffio ac adnoddau.

Hoffwn ddiolch i'r nifer fawr o staff ysgol ledled Cymru a'n cefnogodd ni gydag ymweliadau ysgolion, a sefydliadau a gyflwynodd dystiolaeth yn ysgrifenedig neu ar lafar. Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd i'r rhieni a'r bobl ifanc a gyfrannodd at ein gwaith am rannu eu profiadau. A diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a'i rhagflaenydd am eu hymwneud adeiladol â ni yn ystod yr ymchwiliad hwn. Rwy'n credu eu bod yn rhannu ein hymrwymiad i sicrhau bod diwygiadau ADY a'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn diwallu anghenion ein dysgwyr nawr ac yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Byddwn yn parhau â'n gwaith craffu dros dymor y Senedd hon i sicrhau ein bod yn cyflawni'r cydymrwymiad hwnnw. Diolch yn fawr.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi adroddiad y pwyllgor? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? Nac oes. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i dderbyn.

The proposal is to note the committee's report. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, that motion is agreed.

Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.

Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.

9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: Ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau
9. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Council-owned farms

Detholwyd y gwelliant canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt.

The following amendment has been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt.

Dadl y Ceidwadwyr sydd nesaf: ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Dwi'n galw ar James Evans i wneud y cynnig yma.

The Welsh Conservatives debate is next: council-owned farms. I call on James Evans to move the motion. 

Cynnig NDM8692 Darren Millar

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn cydnabod y cyfraniad gwerthfawr a wneir gan ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau o ran cefnogi cynhyrchiant bwyd a galluogi pobl ifanc i fentro i fyd ffermio.

2. Yn gresynu bod gwerthu ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau yn peryglu diogeledd bwyd Cymru a’i harferion ffermio traddodiadol, gan arwain at newid i arferion llai cynaliadwy.

3. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i roi moratoriwm ar werthu ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau y mae awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn berchen arnynt.

Motion NDM8692 Darren Millar

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises the valuable contribution that council-owned farms play in supporting food production and enabling young entrants into farming.

2. Regrets that selling council-owned farms risks reducing Wales’s food security and traditional farming practices, causing a shifting towards less sustainable practices.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to impose a moratorium on the sale of council-owned farms owned by local authorities in Wales.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch, Llywydd, and I move the motion tabled in the name of my colleague, Darren Millar.

This debate today is a matter of huge importance, which cuts to the very soul of our Welsh countryside—the sale of our council-owned farms. These farms are not just pieces of land, they're the lifeblood of our rural communities. For generations, they have provided opportunities for our young farmers, opportunities to produce food, and supported the communities in rural areas. But, now, these farms are being sold off at an alarming rate. And the consequences can be devastating, not just for farming, but the way of life in our rural countryside.

Council-owned farms offer more than just a livelihood. They provide young people with a chance, a chance to get on that farming ladder. They offer affordable tenancies to those who might be locked out of the agricultural sector. They're a stepping stone for young people with ambition, with drive, to establish themselves in farming. Without them, we risk shutting the door on the next generation of Welsh farmers.

The figures tell us how important these farms are. As of March in 2023, there are a total of 972 council-owned farms across Wales, and that covers 21,000 hectares of land. That's a huge proportion of our farms across Wales. These farms and the families who work them are the backbone of rural communities. They work hard for what they've got. These farms support jobs, local businesses and our wider economy. They help preserve traditional farming practices. They produce food and they protect the natural beauty of our landscape, which has been farmed over generations. If we continue to sell them off, we're playing with fire. We are risking our food security at a time when it's more important to grow what we eat locally. And let's be very clear, Llywydd: once these farms are gone, they are gone for good. We cannot and must not allow this to happen.

This is why this motion we're debating today is so critical. We're calling on the Welsh Government to impose a moratorium on the sale of council-owned farms. We need to pause. We need to take a breath and fully assess the long-term impacts of these sales. It's about giving ourselves time to develop a proper, sustainable strategy for the future of farming in Wales and our council farm estate across Wales.

But, Llywydd, we're already seeing worrying developments. In Powys, the Liberal Democrats have already started selling off council-owned farms to the highest bidder in my colleague Russell George’s constituency. They say that they've set up a working group to look into the future of these farms, but, let’s be honest, they won’t come clean about their real intentions. There has been no transparency, no clear answers, just uncertainty and doubt. Our farming community and council farm tenants deserve better than this. They deserve to know what is coming, and they deserve to be part of the conversation about their futures.

But let’s not also forget that the Welsh Government also owns farms. They own one of the most famous farms across the whole of Wales, Gilestone Farm. I would implore the Cabinet Secretary to make sure that that farm produces agricultural products, it produces food, and supports the next generation of farmers.

But let us not forget that many of these county farms are located in Welsh-speaking communities. Selling them off risks not only our agricultural future, but the survival of the Welsh language as a living, everyday language in these areas. By protecting these farms, we are also protecting our language, our history and our cultural identity.

So, I urge this Welsh Government to act with urgency. We cannot sit back and watch as our council farms disappear one by one. It’s time for action. It’s time to secure a sustainable future for Welsh farming. It’s time to stand up for our rural communities, and it is time to safeguard our food security, protect our environment and preserve our Welsh way of life. Llywydd, I call on every Member of this Senedd to support this motion today, to ensure that the next generation of farmers across our country has a bright and prosperous future, and secures our county farm estate for years to come. Diolch.

Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwy'n gwneud y cynnig a gyflwynwyd yn enw fy nghyd-Aelod, Darren Millar.

Mae'r ddadl hon heddiw yn fater o bwys enfawr, sy'n cyffwrdd ag enaid cefn gwlad Cymru—gwerthu ein ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Nid darnau o dir yn unig yw'r ffermydd hyn, maent yn galonnau ein cymunedau gwledig. Ers cenedlaethau, maent wedi darparu cyfleoedd i'n ffermwyr ifanc, cyfleoedd i gynhyrchu bwyd, ac wedi cefnogi cymunedau mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Ond nawr, mae'r ffermydd hyn yn cael eu gwerthu ar raddfa frawychus. A gall y canlyniadau fod yn ddinistriol, nid yn unig i ffermio, ond i'r ffordd o fyw yn ein hardaloedd gwledig.

Mae ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau'n cynnig mwy na bywoliaeth yn unig. Maent yn rhoi cyfle i bobl ifanc, cyfle i gael troed ar yr ysgol ffermio. Maent yn cynnig tenantiaethau fforddiadwy i rai a allai fod wedi eu cloi allan o'r sector amaethyddol. Maent yn garreg gamu i bobl ifanc sydd ag uchelgais, brwdfrydedd, i sefydlu eu hunain yn y byd ffermio. Hebddynt, rydym mewn perygl o gau'r drws ar y genhedlaeth nesaf o ffermwyr Cymru.

Mae'r ffigurau'n dweud wrthym pa mor bwysig yw'r ffermydd hyn. O fis Mawrth 2023, ceir cyfanswm o 972 o ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau ledled Cymru, a chyfanswm o 21,000 hectar o dir. Mae honno'n gyfran enfawr o'n ffermydd ledled Cymru. Y ffermydd hyn a'r teuluoedd sy'n eu gweithio yw asgwrn cefn cymunedau gwledig. Maent yn gweithio'n galed am yr hyn sydd ganddynt. Mae'r ffermydd hyn yn cynnal swyddi, busnesau lleol a'n heconomi ehangach. Maent yn helpu i gynnal arferion ffermio traddodiadol. Maent yn cynhyrchu bwyd ac yn diogelu harddwch naturiol ein tirwedd a ffarmiwyd dros genedlaethau. Os ydym yn parhau i'w gwerthu, rydym yn chwarae â thân. Rydym yn peryglu ein diogeledd bwyd ar adeg pan fo'n bwysicach tyfu'r hyn rydym yn ei fwyta yn lleol. A gadewch inni fod yn glir iawn, Lywydd: pan fydd y ffermydd hyn wedi mynd, maent wedi mynd am byth. Ni allwn ac ni ddylem ganiatáu i hyn ddigwydd.

Dyma pam y mae'r cynnig a drafodwn heddiw mor dyngedfennol. Rydym yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i osod moratoriwm ar werthu ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Mae angen inni oedi. Mae angen inni gymryd seibiant ac asesu'n llawn beth fydd effeithiau hirdymor y gwerthiannau hyn. Mae'n ymwneud â rhoi amser i ni'n hunain ddatblygu strategaeth gywir, gynaliadwy ar gyfer dyfodol ffermio yng Nghymru a'r ystad ffermydd cyngor ledled Cymru.

Ond Lywydd, rydym eisoes yn gweld datblygiadau pryderus. Ym Mhowys, mae'r Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol eisoes wedi dechrau gwerthu ffermydd sy'n eiddo i'r cyngor i'r sawl sy'n gwneud y cynnig uchaf yn etholaeth fy nghyd-Aelod, Russell George. Maent yn dweud eu bod wedi sefydlu gweithgor i edrych ar ddyfodol y ffermydd hyn, ond gadewch inni fod yn onest, nid ydynt yn datgan eu bwriadau go iawn. Ni chafwyd unrhyw dryloywder nac atebion clir, dim ond ansicrwydd ac amheuaeth. Mae ein cymuned ffermio a thenantiaid ein ffermydd cyngor yn haeddu gwell na hyn. Maent yn haeddu gwybod beth sydd i ddod, ac maent yn haeddu bod yn rhan o'r sgwrs am eu dyfodol.

Ond gadewch inni beidio ag anghofio bod Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn berchen ar ffermydd. Maent yn berchen ar un o'r ffermydd enwocaf trwy Gymru gyfan, Fferm Gilestone. Carwn erfyn ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i sicrhau bod y fferm honno'n cynhyrchu cynhyrchion amaethyddol, ei bod yn cynhyrchu bwyd, ac yn cefnogi'r genhedlaeth nesaf o ffermwyr.

Ond peidiwn ag anghofio bod nifer o'r ffermydd sirol yma wedi eu lleoli mewn cymunedau Cymraeg eu hiaith. Mae eu gwerthu yn peryglu nid yn unig ein dyfodol amaethyddol, ond goroesiad y Gymraeg fel iaith fyw bob dydd yn yr ardaloedd hyn. Drwy ddiogelu'r ffermydd hyn, rydym hefyd yn diogelu ein hiaith, ein hanes a'n hunaniaeth ddiwylliannol.

Felly, rwy'n annog Llywodraeth Cymru i weithredu ar frys. Ni allwn eistedd yn ôl a gwylio wrth i'n ffermydd cyngor ddiflannu o un i un. Mae'n bryd gweithredu. Mae'n bryd sicrhau dyfodol cynaliadwy i ffermio yng Nghymru. Mae'n bryd sefyll dros ein cymunedau gwledig, ac mae'n bryd amddiffyn ein diogeledd bwyd, diogelu ein hamgylchedd a gwarchod ein ffordd Gymreig o fyw. Lywydd, galwaf ar bob Aelod o'r Senedd hon i gefnogi'r cynnig hwn heddiw, i sicrhau dyfodol disglair a llewyrchus i'r genhedlaeth nesaf o ffermwyr ledled ein gwlad, a diogelu ein hystad ffermydd sirol am flynyddoedd i ddod. Diolch.


Rwyf wedi dethol y gwelliant i'r cynnig. Rwy'n galw ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros faterion Gwledig i gynnig yn ffurfiol welliant 1.

I have selected the amendment to the motion. I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs to move formally amendment 1.

Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt

Dileu pwyntiau 2 a 3 a rhoi yn eu lle:

Yn croesawu’r ffaith y bydd y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy ar gael i ffermwyr ar ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau ac y bydd yn cefnogi’r ffermwyr hyn.

Yn nodi mai mater i awdurdodau lleol Cymru yn y pen draw yw rheoli ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau.

Amendment 1—Jane Hutt

Delete points 2 and 3 and replace with:

Welcomes that the proposed sustainable farming scheme will be accessible to and will support farmers on council-owned farms.

Notes that the management of council-owned farms is ultimately a matter for Welsh local authorities.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.

Amendment 1 moved.

Huw Irranca-Davies 17:42:23
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs

Yn ffurfiol.


Mae'r gwelliant wedi'i gynnig yn ffurfiol gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet. Llyr Gruffydd.

It's formally moved by the Cabinet Secretary. Llyr Gruffydd.

Diolch, Lywydd. We'll be supporting the motion today because council-owned farms are, indeed, a vital part of the agricultural landscape, for many of the reasons that have already been outlined. It’s regrettable that it took about 180 seconds for it to become a bit of a party political football, because I think that we all need to hold our hands up as political parties. The biggest irony, maybe, is that much of this is being driven as a result of Conservative-led austerity, which has put—[Interruption.] No, no, no, no, no. That’s the irony of the situation, but I will desist from making that point. So, look, they have been left with no other option, many of these councils. [Interruption.] I support the motion. I support the motion.

The moratorium, of course, as you said, is a pause, isn’t it? It’s not an outright ban. It’s a pause. And it’s a pause, as far as I’m concerned, for us to be able to do something that I called for in this Chamber in 2016. I've still got the press release, actually. I won’t read it out, but it's to call for a national summit to discuss the future of our council farms. We need that collaborative approach, and, of course, the Government are best placed to bring those stakeholders around the table. Local authorities, yes, but other partners as well: farming unions, the young farmers clubs, the Tenant Farmers Association, agricultural colleges also. Let’s bring them all together, so that we can start crafting a strategy to protect our council farms.

Let’s consider more creative use of the opportunities when they arise. I'm particularly inspired by the work that the National Trust did with the young farmers clubs in Wales, to offer bursaries for people who wanted to have an opportunity to farm. They offered Llyndy Isaf in Snowdonia as a venue for that to happen.

So, I'll reiterate my call for the Government to grasp that nettle, instead of—as the amendment does, somewhat—sort of shrug your shoulders and say, ‘Well, it’s a matter for councils.’ That isn’t good enough. We mustn’t just watch a valuable piece of the rural ecosystem being sold off to the highest bidder. Ultimately, yes, the responsibility rests with local authorities, but the Government can’t wash its hands of the problem. These farms are a national asset, and there’s a pressing need for leadership and strategic thinking from the Government to make sure that that happens. And the starting point, in my view, needs to be: let’s get everybody around the table, let’s allow that creative thinking to happen, and let’s have a national summit to discuss the future of our council farms.

Diolch, Lywydd. Byddwn yn cefnogi'r cynnig heddiw am fod ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau yn rhan hanfodol o'r dirwedd amaethyddol, am lawer o'r rhesymau sydd eisoes wedi'u hamlinellu. Mae'n destun gofid iddi gymryd tua 180 eiliad i'r ddadl droi'n wleidyddiaeth bleidiol, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod angen i ni i gyd gyfaddef bai fel pleidiau gwleidyddol. Yr eironi mwyaf, efallai, yw bod llawer o hyn yn cael ei yrru o ganlyniad i gyni o dan y Ceidwadwyr, sydd wedi rhoi—[Torri ar draws.] Na, na, na. Dyna eironi'r sefyllfa, ond fe wnaf ymatal rhag gwneud y pwynt hwnnw. Felly, edrychwch, nid oes gan lawer o'r cynghorau hyn unrhyw opsiwn arall. [Torri ar draws.] Rwy'n cefnogi'r cynnig. Rwy'n cefnogi'r cynnig.

Mae'r moratoriwm, wrth gwrs, fel y dywedoch chi, yn saib, onid yw? Nid yw'n waharddiad llwyr. Mae'n saib. Ac o'm rhan i, mae'n saib er mwyn i ni allu gwneud rhywbeth y gelwais i amdano yn y Siambr hon yn 2016. Mae'r datganiad i'r wasg yn dal i fod gennyf. Nid wyf am ei ddarllen, ond mae'n galw am uwchgynhadledd genedlaethol i drafod dyfodol ein ffermydd cyngor. Mae angen dull cydweithredol arnom, ac wrth gwrs, y Llywodraeth sydd yn y sefyllfa orau i ddod â'r rhanddeiliaid hynny o gwmpas y bwrdd. Awdurdodau lleol, ie, ond partneriaid eraill hefyd: undebau ffermio, clybiau ffermwyr ifanc, Cymdeithas y Ffermwyr Tenant, colegau amaethyddol hefyd. Gadewch inni ddod â nhw ynghyd, er mwyn inni allu dechrau llunio strategaeth i ddiogelu ein ffermydd cyngor.

Gadewch inni ystyried defnydd mwy creadigol o'r cyfleoedd pan fyddant yn codi. Rwy'n cael fy ysbrydoli'n arbennig gan y gwaith a wnaeth yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol gyda'r clybiau ffermwyr ifanc yng Nghymru, a chynnig bwrsariaethau i bobl a oedd am gael cyfle i ffermio. Fe wnaethant gynnig Llyndy Isaf yn Eryri fel lleoliad i hynny ddigwydd.

Felly, fe ailadroddaf fy ngalwad ar y Llywodraeth i fachu'r cyfle, yn lle—fel y mae'r gwelliant yn ei wneud braidd—codi eich ysgwyddau a dweud, 'Wel, mater i gynghorau ydyw.' Nid yw hynny'n ddigon da. Rhaid inni beidio â chamu'n ôl a gwylio darn gwerthfawr o'r ecosystem wledig yn cael ei gwerthu i'r sawl sy'n gwneud y cynnig uchaf. Yn y pen draw, ie, awdurdodau lleol sy'n gyfrifol, ond ni all y Llywodraeth olchi ei dwylo o'r broblem. Mae'r ffermydd hyn yn ased cenedlaethol, ac mae gwir angen arweinyddiaeth a meddwl strategol gan y Llywodraeth i sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd. Ac yn fy marn i y man cychwyn yw: gadewch inni gael pawb o gwmpas y bwrdd, gadewch inni ganiatáu i'r meddylfryd creadigol hwnnw ddigwydd, a gadewch inni gael uwchgynhadledd genedlaethol i drafod dyfodol ein ffermydd cyngor.


I'm very pleased to take part in this debate, and I think, with food security so high on the agenda in this uncertain world, beset by conflict and turbulent and unpredictable weather, we need to follow the just-in-case mantra of Professor Tim Lang, who's speaking on securing sustainable and resilient food systems at the NFU conference in November. Like Welsh Government, local authorities need to plan for disruption to just-in-time supply lines, whether from mainland Europe, or anywhere else. That particularly applies to potential disruption to basic food supplies. If pineapples or avocados don't arrive from Africa or Latin America, it may disappoint those who have acquired a taste for such treats, but it won't disrupt the business of feeding our children in school, or, indeed, the delivery of meals on wheels.

I'm surprised that six of the 22 local authorities have already disposed of their county farms, but I'm pleased to see that the predominantly urban county of Cardiff still has 15.5 hectares, which is roughly the equivalent of just over 38 acres. Some of you may think, 'Well, 38 acres, what can you do with that? It's so insignificant, it's not worth bothering with.' Well, they're wrong. In the economy committee today, we learnt from Edward Morgan of Castell Howell than 10 tonnes of carrots grown on 1 acre of land in Ceredigion are improving the school meals of pupils in Bridgend. We need a lot more carrots and other veg grown in Wales, so that all school meals can be made mainly with fresh local ingredients, rather than relying on them arriving from mainland Europe or further afield. We've just got a lot more work to do to strengthen our foundational economy and become less reliant on imported basic foodstuffs, and seeing the profits going abroad, rather than staying in Wales.

We know we're not short of meat and sea fish, but we're not producing enough of it in our school meals. We are woefully short of fruit and veg, where we only grow a tiny proportion of the needs of the Welsh population, and in terms of our need to clean up the diets of our population, that is a strategic issue. I find it slightly difficult to understand why the Welsh Government is planning to propose that we just leave this to local authorities, so I'm looking forward to hearing what Huw Irranca-Davies has to say on this. In my view, county farms play a strategic role in enabling new entrants into farming, and for being demonstration projects for other farmers who could be incentivised to diversify from monoculture products, which make them so vulnerable to market prices, as well as not being able to supply the needs of their local communities.

I just finally want to mention the case of Bremenda Isaf, a 100 acre lowland farm in the Tywi valley in Carmarthenshire, which is growing high-quality and affordable fruit and veg for the public plate in schools, care homes and cafes. What's not to like about that? And why is this something that the Government doesn't feel is something—? We need to strategically try and safeguard our county farms, because buying them back on the open market is going to be much more expensive.

Rwy'n falch iawn o gymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon, ac rwy'n credu, gyda diogeledd bwyd mor uchel ar yr agenda yn y byd ansicr hwn, sy'n llawn o wrthdaro a thywydd cythryblus ac anrhagweladwy, mae angen inni ddilyn mantra 'rhag ofn' yr Athro Tim Lang, sy'n siarad am sicrhau systemau bwyd cynaliadwy a gwydn yng nghynhadledd yr NFU ym mis Tachwedd. Fel Llywodraeth Cymru, mae angen i awdurdodau lleol gynllunio ar gyfer unrhyw darfu ar linellau cyflenwi mewn union bryd, boed hynny o dir mawr Ewrop, neu unrhyw le arall. Mae hynny'n arbennig o berthnasol i darfu posibl ar gyflenwadau bwyd sylfaenol. Os nad yw pîn-afalau neu afocados yn cyrraedd o Affrica neu America Ladin, efallai y bydd yn siomi'r rhai sydd wedi cael blas ar bethau o'r fath, ond ni fydd yn tarfu ar y gwaith o fwydo ein plant ysgol, na dosbarthu prydau ar glud.

Rwy'n synnu bod chwech o'r 22 awdurdod lleol eisoes wedi cael gwared ar eu ffermydd sirol, ond rwy'n falch o weld bod gan sir Caerdydd, sy'n sir drefol yn bennaf, 15.5 hectar, sef ychydig dros 38 erw. Efallai y bydd rhai ohonoch yn meddwl, 'Wel, 38 erw, beth allwch chi ei wneud â hynny? Mae mor fach, nid yw'n werth trafferthu ag ef.' Maent yn anghywir. Ym mhwyllgor yr economi heddiw, fe ddysgasom gan Edward Morgan o Gastell Howell fod 10 tunnell o foron a dyfir ar 1 erw o dir yng Ngheredigion yn gwella prydau ysgol disgyblion Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae angen tyfu llawer mwy o foron a llysiau eraill yng Nghymru, fel y gellir gwneud pob pryd ysgol gan ddefnyddio cynhwysion lleol ffres yn bennaf, yn hytrach na dibynnu ar eu gweld yn cyrraedd o dir mawr Ewrop neu ymhellach i ffwrdd. Mae gennym lawer mwy o waith i'w wneud i gryfhau ein heconomi sylfaenol a dod yn llai dibynnol ar fwydydd sylfaenol wedi'u mewnforio, a gweld yr elw'n mynd dramor, yn hytrach nag aros yng Nghymru.

Fe wyddom nad ydym yn brin o gig a physgod môr, ond nid ydym yn cynhyrchu digon ohono ar gyfer ein prydau ysgol. Rydym yn druenus o brin o ffrwythau a llysiau, lle rydym ond yn tyfu cyfran fach iawn o anghenion poblogaeth Cymru, ac yng nghyd-destun yr angen i wella deiet ein poblogaeth, mae hwnnw'n fater strategol. Rwy'n ei chael hi'n anodd deall pam y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu argymell ein bod yn gadael hyn i awdurdodau lleol, felly rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed beth sydd gan Huw Irranca-Davies i'w ddweud ar hyn. Yn fy marn i, mae ffermydd sirol yn chwarae rhan strategol drwy alluogi newydd-ddyfodiaid i gamu i mewn i'r byd ffermio, ac i fod yn brosiectau arddangos i ffermwyr eraill y gellid eu cymell i arallgyfeirio oddi wrth gynhyrchion ungnwd, sy'n eu gwneud mor agored i brisiau'r farchnad, yn ogystal â methu cyflenwi'r hyn sydd ei angen ar eu cymunedau lleol.

Yn olaf, hoffwn sôn am achos Bremenda Isaf, fferm 100 erw ar lawr dyffryn Tywi yn sir Gaerfyrddin, sy'n tyfu ffrwythau a llysiau fforddiadwy o ansawdd uchel ar gyfer y plât cyhoeddus mewn ysgolion, cartrefi gofal a chaffis. Beth nad sydd i'w hoffi am hynny? A pham fod hyn yn rhywbeth nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn teimlo ei fod—? Mae angen inni geisio diogelu ein ffermydd sirol yn strategol, oherwydd bydd eu prynu'n ôl ar y farchnad agored yn llawer mwy costus.

I, of course, represent a constituency where the farming community sector is significant, and I proudly wear my Montgomery Young Farmers Club tie today. There are over 600 members of Montgomery young farmers, and what a fantastic organisation it is for young people, and run by young people. Our debate, of course, today is not about the YFC movement, it's about recognising the valuable contribution that council-owned farms play in supporting food production and enabling young entrants into farming.

Some members of the YFC will be part of farming families, are farmers themselves; others will not be and not perhaps interested in a career in farming. And some will be part of a YFC movement and not part of a farming family, but they would really like a career in farming. Council farm estates provide a really valuable means of securing a foothold into the industry for many young farmers and new entrants to the sector, and if the council farm network were not in place, then this avenue for embarking on a career in farming would be shut off to so many people, meaning there would be fewer farmers producing food and looking after the countryside, as others have talked about.

The story, of course, of local farm estates has been one of slow decline in holdings to let, as local authorities have sold off their key assets to meet short-term financial challenges. As Jenny Rathbone pointed out, six of Wales's 22 local authorities no longer have their own farm estate to let, according to the NFU briefing, which obviously Jenny has read as well. And I, like the NFU as well, believe that this represents a very sad state of affairs. In my own local authority area, Powys County Council is fortunate, I think, to have a really strong farm estate. As a county councillor for nine years, the elected members were always absolutely adamant: do not sell our assets. Often, when council officers brought forward those proposals they were shut down by the elected members. That's not the case now with the current administration, as they're considering selling off the assets. Some have already been sold.

I know that my own local authority area, Powys County Council, has a target set to receive £10 million in capital receipts each year. Where are these assets, of course? Farm estates. So, farm estates are a really valuable asset, they should be seen as that, offering a potential ongoing revenue stream for local authorities and providing a really crucial first step into the industry for so many. That's why, because we as Welsh Conservatives have brought forward our motion today, I was particularly disappointed that point 2 of our motion was deleted today. Perhaps the Cabinet Secretary can allude to why that was the case. Welsh Government should be supporting our motion and supporting the future of farming in Wales.

Rwy'n cynrychioli etholaeth lle mae'r sector ffermio cymunedol yn sylweddol, ac rwy'n falch o wisgo fy nhei Clwb Ffermwyr Ifanc sir Drefaldwyn heddiw. Mae dros 600 o aelodau gan y ffermwyr ifanc yn sir Drefaldwyn, ac mae'n sefydliad mor wych i bobl ifanc, ac yn cael ei redeg gan bobl ifanc. Wrth gwrs, nid yw ein dadl heddiw yn ymwneud â mudiad y CFfI, mae'n ymwneud â chydnabod y cyfraniad gwerthfawr y mae ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau yn ei wneud i gefnogi cynhyrchiant bwyd a galluogi newydd-ddyfodiaid ifanc i ddod i mewn i'r byd ffermio.

Bydd rhai o aelodau'r CFfI yn perthyn i deuluoedd ffermio, yn ffermwyr eu hunain; bydd yna rai eraill nad ydynt ac efallai na fyddant yn ymddiddori mewn gyrfa ym myd ffermio. A bydd rhai yn rhan o fudiad CFfI a heb fod yn rhan o deulu ffermio, ond a fyddai'n hoffi gyrfa ym myd ffermio yn fawr. Mae ystadau ffermydd cyngor yn darparu ffordd werthfawr iawn o sicrhau troedle yn y diwydiant i lawer o ffermwyr ifanc a newydd-ddyfodiaid i'r sector, ac os na fyddai'r rhwydwaith ffermydd cyngor ar gael, byddai'r llwybr hwn i ddechrau gyrfa ym myd ffermio yn cau i gymaint o bobl, sy'n golygu y byddai llai o ffermwyr yn cynhyrchu bwyd ac yn gofalu am gefn gwlad, fel y mae eraill wedi sôn.

Mae stori ystadau fferm lleol wedi bod yn un o ddirywiad araf yn nifer y daliadau i'w gosod, wrth i awdurdodau lleol werthu eu hasedau allweddol i ateb heriau ariannol tymor byr. Fel y nododd Jenny Rathbone, nid oes gan chwech o'r 22 awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru eu hystad ffermydd eu hunain i'w gosod mwyach, yn ôl papur briffio'r NFU, y mae Jenny yn amlwg wedi'i ddarllen hefyd. Ac rwyf i, fel yr NFU, yn credu bod hon yn sefyllfa drist iawn. Yn fy awdurdod lleol fy hun, mae Cyngor Sir Powys yn ffodus i fod ag ystad ffermydd gref iawn. Fel cynghorydd sir am naw mlynedd, roedd yr aelodau etholedig bob amser yn gwbl bendant: peidiwch â gwerthu ein hasedau. Yn aml, pan oedd swyddogion y cyngor yn cyflwyno cynigion o'r fath byddai'r aelodau etholedig yn eu gwrthod. Nid yw hynny'n wir nawr gyda'r weinyddiaeth gyfredol, gan eu bod yn ystyried gwerthu'r asedau. Mae rhai eisoes wedi cael eu gwerthu.

Rwy'n gwybod bod gan fy awdurdod lleol fy hun, Cyngor Sir Powys, darged a osodwyd i sicrhau £10 miliwn mewn derbyniadau cyfalaf bob blwyddyn. Lle mae'r asedau hyn, wrth gwrs? Yr ystad ffermydd. Felly, mae'r ystad ffermydd yn ased gwerthfawr iawn, dylid ei hystyried felly, gan gynnig llif refeniw parhaus posibl i awdurdodau lleol a darparu cam cyntaf hanfodol iawn i'r diwydiant i gynifer o bobl. Dyna pam, am ein bod ni Geidwadwyr Cymreig wedi cyflwyno ein cynnig heddiw, fy mod yn arbennig o siomedig fod pwynt 2 o'n cynnig wedi'i ddileu heddiw. Efallai y gall Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet nodi pam fod hynny wedi digwydd. Dylai Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi ein cynnig a chefnogi dyfodol ffermio yng Nghymru.


I was on an agricultural panel when I was a county councillor, and we used to interview new tenants for council farms and also look at any farms that may come up for disposal. Some of the farms we visited needed investment, and I was surprised that they were outside of the HRA, which was the housing revenue account, and did not have to be kept up to Welsh housing quality standards. Rent from the social housing was kept separate from the corporate pot and reused for improvements and investment into housing stock, but that did not happen with money from the council farms. Some of the tenants we met spoke of how the farms needed updating and investment.

When farm tenancies came up for renewal, we were presented with a strategic report as to why some may be sold and some kept. It depended on where they were, how big they were, et cetera. The council needed capital funds to invest in new council housing, in care facilities—Flintshire still has its own care facilities—in the maintenance of roads and other infrastructure. Sometimes it was to match-fund grants from Welsh Government and other sources. It became more and more important as austerity and cuts to funding kicked in. So, we were told, as I said earlier, that sometimes the farms were too small to be farmed profitably. They were too little. As you know, farms need to have grown to be more economically viable. We were told they were too small.

Roeddwn ar banel amaethyddol pan oeddwn yn gynghorydd sir, ac roeddem yn arfer cyfweld tenantiaid newydd ar gyfer ffermydd cyngor ac yn edrych hefyd ar unrhyw ffermydd a allai ddod yn addas ar gyfer eu gwerthu. Roedd angen buddsoddiad ar rai o'r ffermydd y byddem yn ymweld â hwy, ac roeddwn i'n synnu eu bod y tu allan i'r cyfrif refeniw tai ac nad oedd yn rhaid cadw at safonau ansawdd tai Cymru. Câi rhent o dai cymdeithasol ei gadw ar wahân i'r pot corfforaethol a'i ailddefnyddio ar gyfer gwelliannau a buddsoddiad yn y stoc dai, ond ni ddigwyddai hynny gydag arian o'r ffermydd cyngor. Siaradodd rhai o'r tenantiaid y gwnaethom gyfarfod â hwy ynglŷn â sut oedd angen gwneud gwaith adnewyddu ar ffermydd a buddsoddi ynddynt.

Pan ddeuai'n bryd adnewyddu tenantiaethau fferm, byddem yn cael adroddiad strategol yn nodi pam y gellid gwerthu rhai a chadw rhai eraill. Roedd yn dibynnu ar ble roeddent, pa mor fawr oeddent ac yn y blaen. Roedd angen arian cyfalaf ar y cyngor i fuddsoddi mewn tai cyngor newydd, mewn cyfleusterau gofal—mae gan sir y Fflint ei gyfleusterau gofal ei hun o hyd—ar gynnal ffyrdd a seilwaith arall. Weithiau, roedd yn arian cyfatebol yn sgil grantiau gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac o ffynonellau eraill. Daeth yn bwysicach fyth wrth i gyni a thoriadau i gyllid ddechrau brathu. Felly, dywedwyd wrthym, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, fod y ffermydd weithiau'n rhy fach i'w ffermio'n broffidiol. Roeddent yn rhy fach. Fel y gwyddoch, mae angen i ffermydd fod wedi tyfu i fod yn fwy hyfyw yn economaidd. Dywedwyd wrthym eu bod yn rhy fach.

Will you take an intervention? I'm just really interested to know, at the time when you were a councillor, whether you had any discussion about the importance of ensuring that you were going to be able to secure the supply lines that you needed to feed your local population, and that, therefore, county farms had a strategic role in that regard.

A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad? Hoffwn wybod, ar yr adeg pan oeddech chi'n gynghorydd, a gawsoch chi unrhyw drafodaeth am bwysigrwydd sicrhau y gallech ddiogelu'r llinellau cyflenwi yr oedd eu hangen arnoch i fwydo eich poblogaeth leol, a bod gan ffermydd sir rôl strategol yn hynny o beth felly.

At the time—it's going back a few years—that wasn't discussed as part of it. It was strategically whether we could keep them and they could be farmed profitably, and be useful to the farming community, or whether it would be better and more profitable for the council to have that money. Whether they'd be valuable for redevelopment for housing, because we were short of social housing—that land.

We would often say that the council could only sell its silver once. The Tenant Farmers Association echo this, saying value from the local authority estate needs to be harvested rather than mined. As well as financial gain from smallholding estates, there are wider benefits in relation to countryside and environmental issues: food, as has been mentioned; access to the countryside; learning outside the classroom; planning policies; greenbelt management and assisting in the management of flood risk, which is another consideration. Without the retention of the land bank, these benefits will be lost, but we can't escape the reality that local authorities are under a huge amount of financial pressure after years of harsh budget cuts, and are being forced to make extremely tough calls over the next six months, so that is part of the consideration. Thank you.

Ar y pryd—mae rhai blynyddoedd ers hyn—nid oedd hynny'n cael ei drafod yn rhan ohono. Roedd yn ymwneud yn strategol â'n gallu i'w cadw ac a ellid eu ffermio'n broffidiol, a bod yn ddefnyddiol i'r gymuned ffermio, neu a fyddai'n well ac yn fwy proffidiol i'r cyngor gael yr arian hwnnw. A fyddent yn werthfawr ar gyfer ailddatblygu tai, oherwydd roeddem yn brin o dai cymdeithasol—y tir hwnnw.

Byddem yn aml yn dweud mai dim ond unwaith y gallai'r cyngor werthu ei drysor. Mae Cymdeithas y Ffermwyr Tenant yn ategu hyn, gan ddweud bod angen cywain yn hytrach na chloddio ystad yr awdurdod lleol. Yn ogystal ag elw ariannol o ystadau tyddynnod, ceir manteision ehangach mewn perthynas â chefn gwlad a materion amgylcheddol: bwyd, fel y crybwyllwyd; mynediad at gefn gwlad; dysgu y tu allan i'r dosbarth; polisïau cynllunio; rheoli lleiniau glas a chynorthwyo i reoli perygl llifogydd, sy'n ystyriaeth arall. Heb gynnal y banc tir, bydd y manteision hyn yn cael eu colli, ond ni allwn ddianc rhag y realiti fod awdurdodau lleol o dan bwysau ariannol enfawr ar ôl blynyddoedd o doriadau cyllidebol llym, ac yn cael eu gorfodi i wneud penderfyniadau anodd dros ben yn y chwe mis nesaf, felly mae hynny'n rhan o'r ystyriaeth. Diolch.


Of course, council-owned farms are vital for food production and educating our future generations. I want to put on record my thanks to all farmers in Wales, but our tenanted farms and our council-owned farms, they've faced a lot of difficulties over the last few months, especially with the nitrate vulnerable zones issues and things like that. They help in terms of food security, as Jenny Rathbone and others have pointed out, and I can tell you, I feel quite confident to say that if the late Brynle Williams was here today, he'd be thumping this desk and saying, 'You cannot.' Look, we know that Gordon Brown sold off the family silver. It would be a travesty to allow the Welsh Labour Government to support local authorities in selling off the family Welsh gold. Diolch.

Wrth gwrs, mae ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau'n hanfodol ar gyfer cynhyrchu bwyd ac addysgu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch i bob ffermwr yng Nghymru, ond mae ein ffermydd tenant a'n ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau, wedi wynebu llawer o anawsterau dros y misoedd diwethaf, yn enwedig gyda pharthau perygl nitradau a phethau felly. Maent yn helpu o ran diogeledd bwyd, fel y mae Jenny Rathbone ac eraill wedi nodi, a gallaf ddweud wrthych fy mod yn teimlo'n eithaf hyderus i ddweud, pe bai'r diweddar Brynle Williams yma heddiw, y byddai'n dyrnu'r ddesg ac yn dweud, 'Ni allwch wneud hyn.' Edrychwch, fe wyddom fod Gordon Brown wedi gwerthu trysorau arian y teulu. Byddai'n drychineb caniatáu i Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru gefnogi awdurdodau lleol i werthu aur Cymreig y teulu. Diolch.

Y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet nawr i gyfrannu i'r ddadl. Huw Irranca-Davies. 

The Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary now to contribute to the debate. Huw Irranca-Davies.

Huw Irranca-Davies 17:56:37
Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Rwy'n falch o'r cyfle i ymateb i'r drafodaeth bwysig hon. Mae ffermydd awdurdodau lleol yn asedau pwysig i'r diwydiant amaethyddol, ac yn rhan allweddol o'r sector denantiaeth yng Nghymru. Er eu bod yn cynrychioli ardal fychan, yn cyfrif am ddim ond 1 y cant o dir amaethyddol Cymru, maent yn parhau i fod yn bwynt mynediad amhrisiadwy i sawl person ifanc yng Nghymru. Mae'r ffermydd yma yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn cefnogi'r economi ym mhob rhan o Gymru.

Thank you very much, Llywydd. I'm very pleased to have the opportunity to respond to this very important discussion. Local authority farms are very important assets to the agricultural industry, and are a key part of the tenanted sector in Wales. Although they represent a small area, accounting for only 1 per cent of agricultural land in Wales, they continue to be an invaluable point of access to agriculture for several young people in Wales. These farms play an important part in supporting the economy in all parts of Wales.

Every year, as part of our statutory duty under the Agriculture Act 1970, Welsh Ministers report on the Welsh Government's activities and the activities of local authorities in relation to smallholdings in Wales. This report provides statistical information on the area and the number of smallholdings held by local authority, and the latest published report, 2022-23, showed that Welsh local authorities held 21,338 hectares of land for smallholding purposes, and that's divided into 972 smallholdings. And of those 972 holdings, there were 959 tenancies.  

Just to be clear, because some of the points being made here are passionate but slightly misunderstand where the legislation is, the Agriculture (Wales) Act 2023 simply does not confer the powers on Welsh Ministers for control over local authorities to sell land—it doesn't exist. The sale of land and decisions about how they approach it is for local authorities, and I heard the objections to selling off any land. I also heard from our colleague here why sometimes, particularly over recent difficult years, local authorities have been in that predicament where they've had to make those local determinations on it, which is within their power to do, and they have to justify that to local stakeholders, to local farmers, but also to the wider taxpayers within their areas as well when justifying on different services. [Interruption.] Indeed, I will give way.

Bob blwyddyn, yn rhan o'n dyletswydd statudol o dan Ddeddf Amaethyddiaeth 1970, mae Gweinidogion Cymru yn adrodd ar weithgareddau Llywodraeth Cymru a gweithgareddau awdurdodau lleol mewn perthynas â thyddynnod yng Nghymru. Mae'r adroddiad hwn yn darparu gwybodaeth ystadegol am yr ardal a nifer y tyddynnod a gedwir gan bob awdurdod lleol, ac mae'r adroddiad diweddaraf a gyhoeddwyd, ar gyfer 2022-23, yn dangos bod awdurdodau lleol Cymru yn dal 21,338 hectar o dir tyddynnod, ac mae hwnnw wedi'i rannu'n 972 o dyddynnod. Ac o'r 972 daliad, roedd 959 o denantiaethau.  

I fod yn glir, oherwydd mae rhai o'r pwyntiau a wneir yma'n angerddol ond maent yn camddeall y ddeddfwriaeth braidd, nid yw Deddf Amaethyddiaeth (Cymru) 2023 yn rhoi pwerau i Weinidogion Cymru gael rheolaeth dros awdurdodau lleol i werthu tir—nid yw'r pŵer hwnnw'n bodoli. Mater i awdurdodau lleol yw gwerthu tir a phenderfyniadau ynglŷn â sut y gwnânt hynny, a chlywais y gwrthwynebiadau i werthu unrhyw dir. Clywais hefyd gan ein cyd-Aelod yma pam fod awdurdodau lleol, weithiau, yn enwedig dros y blynyddoedd anodd diwethaf, wedi wynebu sefyllfa lle bu'n rhaid iddynt wneud y penderfyniadau lleol hynny, ac mae ganddynt bŵer i'w gwneud, ac mae'n rhaid iddynt gyfiawnhau hynny i randdeiliaid lleol, i ffermwyr lleol, ond hefyd i'r trethdalwyr yn fwy cyffredinol yn eu hardaloedd pan fyddant yn cyfiawnhau gwariant ar wahanol wasanaethau. [Torri ar draws.] Fe ildiaf.

I'm grateful to the Minister for taking the intervention. The numbers you just gave—900-odd holdings, 21,000 hectares—is still a significant estate across the whole of Wales, in fairness. But as someone who comes from the Vale of Glamorgan, back in 1997 the then Vale of Glamorgan council sold off its entire smallholding estate—it was 2,500 acres at the time. If you go to county hall now and ask where that money's gone, no-one can point to a tangible benefit of where that money's gone—it just went into day-to-day running of the council. Yet, a significant crown jewel of the local authority was sold in one go and if the Member for the Vale of Glamorgan was here, she'd remember the council leader at the time, Councillor Stringer—she'd most probably break out in a cold sweat at his name, she would—but that's losing—

Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog am dderbyn yr ymyriad. Mae'r niferoedd a roesoch nawr—tua 900 o ddaliadau, 21,000 hectar—yn dal i fod yn ystad sylweddol ar draws Cymru gyfan, a bod yn deg. Ond fel rhywun sy'n dod o Fro Morgannwg, yn ôl yn 1997 fe werthodd cyngor Bro Morgannwg ar y pryd ei ystad gyfan o dyddynnod—roedd yn 2,500 erw ar y pryd. Os ewch chi i neuadd y sir nawr a gofyn i ble'r aeth yr arian hwnnw, ni fydd neb yn gallu pwyntio at unrhyw fudd diriaethol o ganlyniad i wario'r arian hwnnw—fe aeth tuag at redeg y cyngor o ddydd i ddydd. Ac eto, gwerthwyd un o drysorau pwysicaf yr awdurdod lleol ar unwaith a phe bai'r Aelod dros Fro Morgannwg yma, byddai'n cofio arweinydd y cyngor ar y pryd, y Cynghorydd Stringer—byddai'n fwy tebygol o chwysu wrth glywed ei enw—ond mae colli—

This is an intervention and this is a 30-minute debate. 

Ymyriad yw hwn a dadl 30 munud yw hon. 

Sorry. My point is that you're losing the crown jewels of these local authorities, and the Government does have a role to play in safeguarding that, along with local authorities. 

Mae'n ddrwg gennyf. Fy mhwynt yw eich bod yn colli'r trysorau hyn sydd gan awdurdodau lleol, ac mae gan y Llywodraeth rôl i'w chwarae yn diogelu hynny, ochr yn ochr ag awdurdodau lleol. 

We do not have a statutory basis to intervene in the sell-off of land, so the call for a moratorium is misplaced and doesn't understand actually where the legislation is. And can I just say to the gentleman and to his party as well, who often speak very, very strongly for local decision making, this is absolutely the illustration of where people who take those decisions and have to balance the local interest very carefully then also have to justify those decisions as well? The sale of land and decisions about how they approach that is for local authorities. Furthermore, the management of these farms as well—and I'll turn to that in a moment—is ultimately a matter for the local authorities in Wales.

It is, however, very important that we support all of our farmers in Wales, and that's why, indeed, there are things within our gift, and that includes the design of the SFS, so that we can make it eligible to all farmers, including those farmers who farm local authority farms. And, in response to the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee report in September of this year, I put on record once again my commitment to delivering a scheme that was accessible to all farmers and types of farming, and to help farmers for the economic, environmental and social opportunities as well. So, as we finalise the scheme details with stakeholders, we are indeed considering tenant farmers and, as I said in my preamble, the extent to which tenant farmers are part of council-owned farms—how tenant farmers are represented against each element of scheme design, to ensure the tenants can access the SFS. And to further—[Interruption.] James, I'm happy to give way.

Nid oes gennym sail statudol i ymyrryd ynghylch gwerthu tir, felly mae'r alwad am foratoriwm yn gyfeiliornus ac nid yw'n deall y ddeddfwriaeth. Ac a gaf i ddweud wrth y gŵr bonheddig ac wrth ei blaid hefyd, sy'n aml yn siarad yn gryf iawn o blaid gwneud penderfyniadau lleol, fod hwn yn sicr yn ddarlun o ble mae pobl sy'n gwneud y penderfyniadau hyn ac sy'n gorfod cydbwyso'r budd lleol yn ofalus iawn yn gorfod cyfiawnhau'r penderfyniadau hynny wedyn? Mater i awdurdodau lleol yw gwerthu tir a phenderfyniadau ynglŷn â sut y gwnânt hynny. Ar ben hynny, mater i'r awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yw rheoli'r ffermydd hyn yn y pen draw, ac fe drof at hynny mewn eiliad.

Fodd bynnag, mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn cefnogi ein holl ffermwyr yng Nghymru, a dyna pam mae yna bethau y gallwn eu gwneud, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys ffurf y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy, fel y gallwn ei wneud yn gymwys i bob ffermwr, gan gynnwys ffermwyr sy'n ffermio ffermydd awdurdodau lleol. Ac mewn ymateb i adroddiad Pwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig ym mis Medi eleni, rwy'n cofnodi unwaith eto fy ymrwymiad i gyflawni cynllun a fyddai'n yn hygyrch i bob ffermwr a phob math o ffermio, ac i helpu ffermwyr i sicrhau cyfleoedd economaidd, amgylcheddol a chymdeithasol hefyd. Felly, wrth inni gwblhau manylion y cynllun gyda rhanddeiliaid, rydym yn yn sicr yn ystyried ffermwyr tenant ac fel y dywedais yn fy rhagymadrodd, y graddau y mae ffermwyr tenant yn rhan o ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau—sut y caiff ffermwyr tenant eu cynrychioli yn erbyn pob elfen o'r cynllun, er mwyn sicrhau bod y tenantiaid yn gallu cael mynediad at y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy. Ac i hybu—[Torri ar draws.] James, rwy'n hapus i ildio.


A lot of these tenancies are not being renewed, and you say you want to make a scheme accessible for tenant farmers, but if tenant farmers don't know what their future is, because local authorities are going to sell them, why would anybody go into a scheme and commit their land or do capital investment when they don't know what's going to happen to them in the future?

Mae yna lawer o'r tenantiaethau hyn nad ydynt yn cael eu hadnewyddu, ac rydych chi'n dweud eich bod chi eisiau gwneud cynllun yn hygyrch i ffermwyr tenant, ond os nad yw ffermwyr tenant yn gwybod beth yw eu dyfodol, oherwydd bod awdurdodau lleol yn mynd i'w gwerthu, pam y byddai unrhyw un yn ymuno â chynllun ac yn ymrwymo eu tir neu'n gwneud buddsoddiad cyfalaf pan nad ydynt yn gwybod beth fydd yn digwydd iddynt yn y dyfodol?

Well, let me go a little bit further, James, to help you with some of the schemes that we are running and that are highly successful already. So, to further help new entrants into farming as part of the Farming Connect offer, the Welsh Government included a requirement to develop a joint opportunities platform called Start to Farm, which was at the Royal Welsh, and I think some Members opposite will have attended it and spoken to farmers who've been through that, which follows on from the previous successful Venture programme. At this year's Royal Welsh, I spoke to some of those people who've been through this, hearing how, with the support of Farming Connect, they'd been able to establish joint ventures, and new entrants fulfilling long-held dreams of becoming farmers, with Welsh Government support, and providers, fifth-generation farmers, wanting to take a step back from the business but wanting to secure its future by bringing in those new entrants. So, we are very committed to providing the support to empower the next generation of farmers with the skills to run profitable businesses and adapt to future challenges. This supports the wider economy as well, from tourism, which relies on the natural environment, to the Welsh language, and allows our rural communities to thrive.

Now, in relation to the number of local authority-owned farms, it's important that we do respect local authorities' ability to develop their own priorities, as has been pointed out by Members speaking today, and how they manage their assets for which they are responsible on behalf of the communities they represent. And there are some excellent examples, Jenny, I've got to say, on your point of how this is done in Wales. With Sarn farms in Powys, the Our Food 1200 project, with Powys County Council being a key partner, gives opportunities for individuals to start their own agro-ecological fruit and veg enterprise on county-owned land, with an initial five-year tenancy and the potential for a long-term lease. Or Bremenda Isaf farm in Carmarthenshire, supplying Ysgol Bro Dinefwr with fresh local benefits—[Interruption.] Oh, crikey. Am I okay? Diolch.

Wel, gadewch imi fynd ychydig ymhellach, James, i'ch helpu gyda rhai o'r cynlluniau yr ydym yn eu gweithredu ac sy'n hynod lwyddiannus yn barod. Felly, er mwyn helpu newydd-ddyfodiaid ymhellach i mewn i'r byd ffermio fel rhan o'r cynnig Cyswllt Ffermio, fe wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru gynnwys gofyniad i ddatblygu platfform cyfleoedd ar y cyd o'r enw Dechrau Ffermio, a oedd yn y Sioe Frenhinol, ac rwy'n credu y bydd rhai Aelodau gyferbyn wedi ei fynychu a siarad â ffermwyr sydd wedi bod drwy hynny, sy'n dilyn ymlaen o raglen lwyddiannus Menter yn flaenorol. Yn y Sioe Frenhinol eleni, siaradais â rhai o'r bobl sydd wedi bod drwy hyn, a chlywed sut y gallent, gyda chefnogaeth Cyswllt Ffermio, sefydlu mentrau ar y cyd, a sut y gallai newydd-ddyfodiaid wireddu breuddwydion hirsefydlog o ddod yn ffermwyr, gyda chymorth Llywodraeth Cymru, a darparwyr, ffermwyr pumed genhedlaeth, sydd eisiau cymryd cam yn ôl o'r busnes ond sydd eisiau sicrhau ei ddyfodol drwy ddod â newydd-ddyfodiaid i mewn. Felly, rydym wedi ymrwymo'n fawr i ddarparu'r gefnogaeth i rymuso'r genhedlaeth nesaf o ffermwyr â sgiliau i redeg busnesau proffidiol ac addasu i heriau'r dyfodol. Mae hyn yn cefnogi'r economi ehangach hefyd, o dwristiaeth, sy'n dibynnu ar yr amgylchedd naturiol, i'r Gymraeg, ac yn caniatáu i'n cymunedau gwledig ffynnu.

Nawr, mewn perthynas â nifer y ffermydd sy'n eiddo i awdurdodau lleol, mae'n bwysig ein bod yn parchu gallu awdurdodau lleol i ddatblygu eu blaenoriaethau eu hunain, fel y nodwyd gan Aelodau a siaradodd heddiw, a'r ffordd y maent yn rheoli'r asedau y maent yn gyfrifol amdanynt ar ran y cymunedau a gynrychiolant. Ac mae yna enghreifftiau gwych, Jenny, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, ar eich pwynt chi ynglŷn â sut y caiff hyn ei wneud yng Nghymru. Gyda ffermydd Sarn ym Mhowys, mae prosiect Ein Bwyd 1200, gyda Chyngor Sir Powys yn bartner allweddol, yn rhoi cyfleoedd i unigolion ddechrau eu menter ffrwythau a llysiau agro-ecolegol eu hunain ar dir sy'n eiddo i'r sir, gyda thenantiaeth bum mlynedd i ddechrau a'r posibilrwydd o les hirdymor. Neu fferm Bremenda Isaf yn sir Gaerfyrddin, sy'n darparu nwyddau lleol ffres i Ysgol Bro Dinefwr—[Torri ar draws.] O, diar. Ydw i'n iawn? Diolch.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. I really appreciate that, and it's good to hear reference to the farm of the new Plaid Cymru Member of Parliament for Caerfyrddin, but I just want to ask—

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi hynny'n fawr, ac mae'n dda clywed cyfeiriad at fferm Aelod Seneddol newydd Plaid Cymru dros Gaerfyrddin, ond rwyf am ofyn—

I'm ecumenical in my press.

Rwy'n ecwmenaidd yn fy sylwadau.

I wanted to ask about my suggestion of a national summit. Clearly, if you're not happy in imposing, as you portray it, a certain direction to councils, surely there's a role for the Government to bring all stakeholders together to try and come up with a more creative way forward.

Roeddwn i eisiau gofyn ynglŷn â fy awgrym o uwchgynhadledd genedlaethol. Yn amlwg, os nad ydych chi'n hapus i osod cyfeiriad penodol i gynghorau, fel rydych chi'n ei bortreadu, mae'n sicr fod rôl i'r Llywodraeth ddod â'r holl randdeiliaid ynghyd i geisio meddwl am ffordd fwy creadigol ymlaen.

Well, let us think whether there is a will amongst local authorities, some of whom are significant landowners still, to see whether there's a will from them to come together, because we can do this on a voluntary basis. It certainly doesn't require me with my size-10 boots to tell local authorities to do it. If you and the local authorities throughout the land want to come together and talk about how they can better deal with this issue of council-owned farms, it can be done. It doesn't always require a Welsh Government Minister to step in there and look as if I hold the whip hand on this. It can be done.

Wel, gadewch inni feddwl a oes ewyllys ymhlith awdurdodau lleol, gyda rhai ohonynt yn dirfeddianwyr sylweddol o hyd, i weld a oes ewyllys ganddynt i ddod at ei gilydd, oherwydd gallwn wneud hyn yn wirfoddol. Yn sicr, nid oes angen i mi gyda fy esgidiau maint 10 i ddweud wrth awdurdodau lleol am wneud hynny. Os ydych chi a'r awdurdodau lleol drwy Gymru am ddod at eich gilydd i siarad ynglŷn â sut y gallant ymdrin yn well â mater ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau, fe ellir gwneud hynny. Nid oes angen i Weinidog Llywodraeth Cymru gamu i mewn bob amser ac edrych fel pe bawn i'n dal chwip ar hyn. Fe ellir ei wneud.

Llywydd, fel y nodais ar y cychwyn, mae ffermydd awdurdodau lleol yn asedau pwysig iawn i'r diwydiant amaethyddol. Maen nhw'n parhau i fod yn bwynt mynediad amhrisiadwy i sawl person ifanc yng Nghymru. Mae yna opsiynau eraill hefyd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig ateb holistig i'r her—ie, mynediad parhaol i ffermydd awdurdodau lleol, ond hefyd gefnogaeth i'r genhedlaeth nesaf, yn darparu cyngor a hyfforddiant, a chefnogaeth fel Dechrau Ffermio, er mwyn cymryd y cam nesaf tra'n sicrhau bod ffermwyr i gyd yn cael mynediad i grantiau a chynlluniau fel y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy.

I gloi, felly, hoffwn ddiolch i Darren am y cyfle i drafod y mater pwysig yma. Mae cefnogi ffermwyr ifanc a newydd i mewn i'r diwydiant yn rhywbeth rwy'n angerddol iawn amdano. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Llywydd, as I noted at the outset, local authority farms are very important assets for the agricultural industry. They continue to be a point of access that is invaluable for several young people in Wales into the industry. There are other options too. The Welsh Government provides a holistic response to this—yes, access to local authority farms, but also support for the next generation, providing advice and training to them, and support such as Start to Farm, to enable them to take the next steps whilst ensuring that all farmers have access to grants and schemes such as the SFS. 

To conclude, I would like to thank Darren for the opportunity to discuss this important issue. Supporting young farmers and new farmers into the industry is something that I feel passionately about. Thank you very much.


Samuel Kurtz nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl.

Samuel Kurtz to reply to the debate.

Diolch, Llywydd. It's my pleasure to respond to this debate on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives, knowing how important tenant farmers are and knowing how important council farmers are from my time as a councillor on Pembrokeshire County Council.

James Evans, in opening the debate, painted the current picture of why council farms are so very important. On young farmers, and not just young farmers, but new entrants, who could be in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, into agriculture, let's get skilled people into an industry that's incredibly rewarding, and council farms are an opportunity to do that—a chance to have affordable tenancies to get their foot on the tenancy and agricultural ladder. These farmers are very much the backbone of our local economy, and we need a sustainable strategy, as James outlined, on these, and outlined that this is a moratorium, not an outright ban. As Llyr then mentioned in his point on this, this isn't an outright ban; this is Welsh Government giving direction to local authorities, which I think is wholly within the gift of the Welsh Government. They give many a direction on a number of other issues that the Welsh Government can control—[Interruption.]

Diolch, Lywydd. Mae'n bleser gennyf ymateb i'r ddadl hon ar ran y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, gan wybod pa mor bwysig yw ffermwyr tenant a gwybod pa mor bwysig yw ffermwyr cyngor o fy amser fel cynghorydd ar Gyngor Sir Penfro.

Wrth agor y ddadl, paentiodd James Evans y darlun presennol i ddangos pam y mae ffermydd cyngor mor bwysig. Ar gael ffermwyr ifanc, ac nid ffermwyr ifanc yn unig, ond newydd-ddyfodiaid, a allai fod yn eu 30au, 40au, 50au, 60au, i mewn i'r byd amaeth, gadewch inni gael pobl fedrus i mewn i ddiwydiant sy'n rhoi boddhad mawr, ac mae ffermydd cyngor yn gyfle i wneud hynny—cyfle i gael tenantiaethau fforddiadwy i gael eu troed ar yr ysgol denantiaeth ac amaethyddiaeth. Y ffermwyr hyn yw asgwrn cefn ein heconomi leol i raddau helaeth, ac mae angen strategaeth gynaliadwy ar gyfer y rhain, fel y nododd James, ac amlinellodd mai moratoriwm yw hwn, nid gwaharddiad llwyr. Fel y soniodd Llyr wedyn yn ei bwynt ar hyn, nid gwaharddiad llwyr mohono, ond Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi cyfarwyddyd i awdurdodau lleol, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn rhywbeth y mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru hawl i'w wneud. Maent yn rhoi llawer o gyfarwyddiadau ar lawer o faterion eraill y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu rheoli—[Torri ar draws.]

Samuel Kurtz, are you willing to take an intervention from Mabon ap Gwynfor?

Samuel Kurtz, a ydych chi'n fodlon derbyn ymyriad gan Mabon ap Gwynfor?

I will, as he's waving on the screen.

Fe wnaf, gan ei fod yn chwifio llaw ar y sgrin.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Thank you very much. Sam, we heard the Deputy First Minister say earlier that it's up to local authorities how they allocate their resources, suggesting that it's their choice to sell farms off, but, in many instances, we know that local authorities aren't funded properly, and therefore they don't have a choice but to sell the family silver. So, do you agree with me that local authorities should be funded properly in order to maintain these council farms so that they can be retained in public ownership?

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Diolch. Sam, fe glywsom y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog yn dweud yn gynharach mai mater i awdurdodau lleol yw sut y maent yn dyrannu eu hadnoddau, gan awgrymu mai eu dewis hwy yw gwerthu ffermydd, ond mewn sawl achos, fe wyddom nad yw awdurdodau lleol yn cael eu hariannu'n iawn, ac felly nid oes ganddynt ddewis ond gwerthu trysorau'r teulu. Felly, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y dylid ariannu awdurdodau lleol yn iawn er mwyn iddynt allu cynnal y ffermydd cyngor hyn fel y gellir eu cadw mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus?

Diolch, Mabon. There's always a choice to be made, and it's often the rural councils that are unfairly funded and rural constituencies, communities and councils are the ones that tend to have the most amount of council farms as well, so there's a potential disparity there that needs to be explored.

I think that Llyr, in his contribution, raised an important point around a summit, which he's called for before. I'm disappointed by the Deputy First Minister's response to that. I think there is a facilitating role within the Government rather than a dereliction and abdication of duty here on whether we actually see a sustainable future for council farms. Llyr also mentioned the TFA, the YFC, the NFU, the FUW; it was as if the Scrabble board of acronyms had fallen across the Senedd floor here, with so many acronyms. But there are important stakeholders at play here, all of whom are trying to advocate for the benefit of council farms within a holistic approach to Welsh agriculture, which is often ignored.

And Jenny Rathbone I must commend on her work around advocating for sustainable food systems. It's been a joy to have Jenny on the Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee as well, pushing this pressing point, and the just-in-time model that Jenny mentioned as well, and how council farms can feed into, quite literally, our food systems in rural Wales as well, and changing the way there. I think Jenny was right to challenge the Welsh Government on their amendment to this debate.

Russell George, wearing his YFC Montgomeryshire tie—I'm conscious of the time, but I just wanted to plug the YFC once more, as former chair myself—Russell very much recognised the contribution of council farms from his time on Powys County Council and expressed his disdain at what's currently happening in the council area at the moment.

Carolyn Thomas, who's no longer in the Chamber, made the very valuable point that, actually, these are homes as well as farms—these are part of the housing stock within council local authority areas, so it's as much an important point around food production as it is ensuring that there are good-quality homes for people in rural areas where, traditionally, those houses and housing stock are far more difficult to come by.

Janet raised Brynle Williams and, after she sat down, Andrew said, 'Once met, never forgotten'; someone I never met myself, but I'm sure Brynle and his spirit lives on in this Chamber.

But, I close, Llywydd, knowing that I've tested your patience, only by urging all Members to support the Welsh Conservatives this afternoon. Diolch.

Diolch, Mabon. Mae dewis i'w wneud bob amser, ac yn aml, y cynghorau gwledig sy'n cael eu hariannu'n annheg ac etholaethau, cymunedau a chynghorau gwledig yw'r rhai sy'n tueddu i fod â'r nifer fwyaf o ffermydd cyngor hefyd, felly mae gwahaniaeth posibl yno y mae angen ei archwilio.

Rwy'n credu bod Llyr, yn ei gyfraniad, wedi codi pwynt pwysig ynglŷn ag uwchgynhadledd, rhywbeth y galwodd amdano o'r blaen. Rwy'n siomedig ynghylch ymateb y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog i hynny. Rwy'n credu bod rôl hwyluso gan y Llywodraeth yn hytrach nag ymwrthod â dyletswydd yma o ran gweld dyfodol cynaliadwy i ffermydd cyngor. Soniodd Llyr hefyd am Gymdeithas y Ffermwyr Tenant, Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru, y CFfI, yr NFU. Mae rhanddeiliaid pwysig yn weithredol yma, ac mae pob un ohonynt yn ceisio dadlau dros fudd ffermydd cyngor mewn dull cyfannol o ymdrin ag amaethyddiaeth Cymru sy'n aml yn cael ei anwybyddu.

Ac mae'n rhaid imi ganmol Jenny Rathbone am ei gwaith yn dadlau dros systemau bwyd cynaliadwy. Mae hi wedi bod yn bleser cael Jenny ar Bwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig hefyd, i hyrwyddo'r pwynt pwysig hwn, a'r model mewn union bryd y soniodd Jenny amdano hefyd, a sut y gall ffermydd cyngor fwydo i mewn yn llythrennol i'n systemau bwyd yn y Gymru wledig, a newid pethau yno. Rwy'n credu bod Jenny yn iawn i herio Llywodraeth Cymru ar eu gwelliant i'r ddadl hon.

Russell George, yn gwisgo ei dei CFfI sir Drefaldwyn—rwy'n ymwybodol o'r amser, ond roeddwn i eisiau rhoi sylw i'r CFfI unwaith eto, fel cyn-gadeirydd fy hun—roedd Russell yn cydnabod cyfraniad ffermydd cyngor o'i gyfnod ar Gyngor Sir Powys a mynegodd ei ddirmyg tuag at yr hyn sy'n digwydd ar hyn o bryd yn ardal y cyngor.

Fe wnaeth Carolyn Thomas, nad yw bellach yn y Siambr, bwynt gwerthfawr iawn fod y rhain yn gartrefi yn ogystal â ffermydd—mae'r rhain yn rhan o'r stoc dai yn ardaloedd cynghorau'r awdurdodau lleol, felly mae'n bwynt lawn mor bwysig ynghylch cynhyrchiant bwyd ag ynghylch sicrhau bod cartrefi o ansawdd da i bobl mewn ardaloedd gwledig lle mae'r tai a'r stoc dai'n llawer anos i'w chael, yn draddodiadol.

Cyfeiriodd Janet at Brynle Williams, ac ar ôl iddi eistedd, fe ddywedodd Andrew, 'O'i gyfarfod unwaith, ni fyddech chi byth yn ei anghofio'; rhywun na wneuthum i'n bersonol mo'i gyfarfod erioed, ond rwy'n siŵr fod Brynle a'i ysbryd yn fyw o hyd yn y Siambr hon.

Ond rwy'n gorffen, Lywydd, gan wybod fy mod i wedi profi eich amynedd, drwy annog pob Aelod i gefnogi'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig y prynhawn yma. Diolch.

Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? Oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad, felly fe wnawn ni gynnal pleidlais ar yr eitem yma—[Torri ar draws.]

The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There's an objection. We will, therefore, defer voting—[Interruption.]

The point is democracy and the ability to vote and express different opinions. Long live democracy.

Y pwynt yw democratiaeth a'r gallu i bleidleisio a mynegi safbwyntiau gwahanol. Hir oes i ddemocratiaeth.

Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

Voting deferred until voting time.

10. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig: Addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion
10. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Teaching of reading skills in schools

Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Jane Hutt, a gwelliannau 2 a 3 yn enw Heledd Fychan. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliant 2 ei ddad-ddethol.

The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Jane Hutt, and amendments 2 and 3 in the name of Heledd Fychan. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected.

Eitem 10 yw dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion, a dwi'n galw ar Tom Giffard i wneud y cynnig yma.

Item 10 is the Welsh Conservative debate on the teaching of reading skills in schools, and I call on Tom Giffard to move the motion.

Cynnig NDM8693 Darren Millar

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn nodi canlyniadau PISA 2022 a ganfu mai Cymru oedd â’r sgoriau darllen gwaethaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig, a’u bod ymhell islaw cyfartaledd y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd.

2. Yn gresynu bod 20 y cant o blant Cymru yn ymarferol anllythrennog pan fyddant yn dechrau yn yr ysgol uwchradd.

3. Yn cydnabod y cafodd y system o ddefnyddio ciwiau wrth addysgu darllen ei gwahardd yn Lloegr yn 2005, yn sgil pryderon y gallai danseilio ymdrechion i addysgu disgyblion i ddarllen, ond bod hynny dal heb ddigwydd yng Nghymru.

4. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru:

a) i gyhoeddi canllawiau ar unwaith i sicrhau bod ysgolion ac athrawon yn defnyddio'r dull ffoneg o addysgu darllen i wella perfformiad, ac i hyrwyddo hynny; a

b) i gyflwyno cyfundrefn o brofion darllen ar frys, fel y gwelwyd mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig, er mwyn gwella safonau darllen.

Motion NDM8693 Darren Millar

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the 2022 PISA results that found that reading scores in Wales were the worst in the United Kingdom, and well below the OECD average.

2. Regrets that 20 per cent of children in Wales are functionally illiterate at the time they enter secondary school.

3. Recognises that the system of cueing to teach reading was banned in England in 2005, over concerns it could undermine efforts to teach pupils to read, but this has still not happened in Wales.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) immediately issue guidance to ensure and advocate that schools and teachers use the phonics method of teaching reading to improve performance; and

b) urgently bring forward reading testing regimes, as seen in other parts of the United Kingdom, to drive up reading standards.

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that reading in Wales is in a moment of crisis—20 per cent of young people leaving our schools functionally illiterate is something that should keep us all up at night, quite frankly, and the PISA rankings paint a dire picture of the wider state of education in Wales. Time and time again, we are the lowest ranked nation in the United Kingdom on every single subject, and it's been that way every single time that we've been assessed.

But, in terms of reading, we need to ask ourselves why. Why are we the worst readers in the United Kingdom? I don't think our young people in Wales are any less capable of learning to read than young people anywhere else in the United Kingdom, but it is the way that it is being taught in Welsh schools that is the problem. The system of cueing has been internationally panned as a method of teaching young people to read, and yet that is exactly the system that is being pursued in too many schools. Let me read what one Cardiff headteacher said about cueing:

'using picture and context cues can cancel out the benefits of teaching phonics.'

Professor Rhona Stainthorp, one of the UK's leading experts on reading development, said that:

'Cueing is not based on any empirical evidence of how children learn to read, it’s just a wish list'.

And that is exactly the system the Welsh Government is pursuing in too many of our schools right across our country.

Now, when this story broke a few weeks ago, by ITV, how did the Welsh Government respond? It responded, in my view, by blaming teachers, by saying that they were teaching reading incorrectly in our schools, that they never said it in the first place. Well, it is all over references in the Welsh Government's curriculum and there are mentions on local authority websites and school websites. It is clear that this is widespread. Even Estyn have been praising schools for their use of cueing. I'll give you an example: pages 136, 140, 151, 152, 153 of the Curriculum for Wales guidance have references to inferring meaning from text and images, i.e. cueing. It is all over the guidance issued to our teachers. So, it is not the fault of the teachers, as the Welsh Government likes to portray; it is the fault of the Welsh Government itself. It seems that the Welsh Government seems to think that the only thing that teachers can read is the tea leaves.

So, where are we? Well, how the Welsh Government responded would have been comedic if it wasn't so tragic, and what we've seen is an article come up today, actually, from ITV, which has the following quote, which is pretty damning, in my view:

'the official government response...changed three times in three weeks.'

I wrote to the Minister two weeks ago after our exchange in this Senedd Chamber over cueing and its use in our schools, because I felt there were some inaccuracies in what the Minister said in reply, and, in response, I was invited to a technical briefing by the Welsh Government. Now, I'm not being funny, but I have not changed my position three times in three weeks. I know what I think. I follow the evidence. I think it is the Welsh Government that needs to go to a technical briefing to find out exactly what it thinks from one day to the next, because if the Welsh Government doesn't know what it thinks—the guidance it's giving to our teachers, to our young people, to our pupils—how on earth are those teachers expected to know that as well?

In that article, it continues to pan the Welsh Government approach, and, again, the change in message—the latest change in message, if you like—from the Minister now, apparently, is that cueing should be used to teach reading with phonics as the building blocks. That's not what was being said last week, and that is different again to what was being said the week before. Kathy Rastle, in that article, another UK reading expert, said:

'Some children do struggle to learn to read but the appropriate intervention is generally more rather than less phonics,   

'There is certainly no evidence that these children should be engaged in discredited approaches based on the use of "cues" for reading.'

So, if the Welsh Government doesn't know what it thinks from one day to the next, doesn't know how to teach our young people to read, I can assure it that the Welsh Conservatives do. We've got a clear plan. It's backed up by the evidence, backed by the experts, it puts pupils first. When it comes to education in Wales, we follow the evidence, while they follow the ideology, and that's why we've tabled this motion today, and that's why I hope everybody will support it.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, Lywydd. Nid wyf yn credu mai gor-ddweud yw dweud bod darllen yng Nghymru ar bwynt o argyfwng—mae'r ffaith bod 20 y cant o'r bobl ifanc sy'n gadael ein hysgolion yn ymarferol anllythrennog yn rhywbeth a ddylai ein cadw ni i gyd yn effro yn y nos a dweud y gwir, ac mae sgoriau PISA yn cynnig darlun enbyd o gyflwr ehangach addysg yng Nghymru. Dro ar ôl tro, ni yw'r genedl yn y safle isaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig ar bob un pwnc, ac mae wedi bod felly bob tro y cawsom ein hasesu.

Ond o ran darllen, mae angen i ni ofyn i ni'n hunain pam. Pam mai ni yw'r darllenwyr gwaethaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig? Nid wyf yn credu bod ein pobl ifanc yng Nghymru yn llai abl i ddysgu darllen na phobl ifanc yn unman arall yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ond y ffordd y mae'n cael ei addysgu yn ysgolion Cymru yw'r broblem. Mae'r system ciwiau wedi'i beirniadu'n rhyngwladol fel dull o addysgu pobl ifanc i ddarllen, ac eto dyna'r system sy'n cael ei dilyn mewn gormod o ysgolion. Gadewch imi ddarllen yr hyn a ddywedodd un pennaeth yng Nghaerdydd am ddefnyddio ciwiau:

'gall defnyddio ciwiau ar ffurf lluniau a chyd-destun ddileu manteision addysgu ffoneg.'

Dywedodd yr Athro Rhona Stainthorp, un o arbenigwyr mwyaf blaenllaw'r DU ar ddatblygiad darllen:

'Nid yw defnyddio ciwiau'n seiliedig ar unrhyw dystiolaeth empirig am y ffordd y mae plant yn dysgu darllen, nid yw'n ddim mwy na rhestr ddymuniadau'.

A dyna'n union yw'r system y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei dilyn mewn gormod o'n hysgolion ledled ein gwlad.

Nawr, pan dorrodd y stori hon ychydig wythnosau yn ôl gan ITV, beth oedd ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru? Yn ôl yr hyn a welais i, fe ymatebodd trwy feio athrawon, trwy ddweud eu bod yn addysgu darllen yn anghywir yn ein hysgolion, ac nad oeddent erioed wedi ei ddweud yn y lle cyntaf. Wel, fe geir cyfeiriadau lu yng nghwricwlwm Llywodraeth Cymru ac mae cyfeiriadau ato ar wefannau awdurdodau lleol a gwefannau ysgolion. Mae'n amlwg fod hyn yn gyffredin iawn. Mae hyd yn oed Estyn wedi bod yn canmol ysgolion ar eu defnydd o giwiau. Rhoddaf enghraifft i chi: mae tudalennau 136, 140, 151, 152, 153 o ganllawiau Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn cynnwys cyfeiriadau at gasglu ystyr o destun a delweddau, h.y. ciwiau. Mae'n codi'n aml yn y canllawiau a roddir i'n hathrawon. Felly, nid bai'r athrawon yw hynny, fel y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn hoff o ddweud, ond bai Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun. Mae'n ymddangos bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn credu mai'r unig beth y gall athrawon ei ddarllen yw'r dail te.

Felly, lle rydym arni? Wel, byddai'r ffordd yr ymatebodd Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ddoniol pe na bai mor drasig, a'r hyn a welsom yw erthygl yn ymddangos heddiw, gan ITV, gyda'r dyfyniad canlynol, sy'n eithaf damniol yn fy marn i:

'fe newidiodd ymateb swyddogol y Llywodraeth... dair gwaith mewn tair wythnos.'

Ysgrifennais at y Gweinidog bythefnos yn ôl ar ôl ein trafodaeth yn Siambr y Senedd am y defnydd o giwiau yn ein hysgolion, oherwydd roeddwn i'n teimlo bod rhai pethau anghywir yn yr hyn a ddywedodd y Gweinidog wrth ateb, ac mewn ymateb, cefais wahoddiad i sesiwn friffio technegol gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Nawr, nid wyf yn bod yn lletchwith, ond nid fi sydd wedi newid fy safbwynt dair gwaith mewn tair wythnos. Rwy'n gwybod beth rwy'n ei feddwl. Rwy'n dilyn y dystiolaeth. Rwy'n credu mai Llywodraeth Cymru a ddylai fynd i sesiwn friffio technegol i ddarganfod beth yn union y mae hi'n ei feddwl o un diwrnod i'r llall, oherwydd os nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwybod beth y mae'n ei feddwl—y canllawiau y mae'n eu rhoi i'n hathrawon, i'n pobl ifanc, i'n disgyblion—sut ar y ddaear y mae disgwyl i'r athrawon wybod hynny?

Mae'r erthygl yn mynd rhagddi i feirniadu dull Llywodraeth Cymru, ac unwaith eto, y newid yn y neges—y newid diweddaraf yn y neges, os mynnwch—gan y Gweinidog nawr, mae'n debyg, yw y dylid defnyddio ciwiau i ddysgu darllen gyda ffoneg fel y blociau adeiladu. Nid dyna oedd yn cael ei ddweud yr wythnos diwethaf, ac mae hynny'n wahanol eto i'r hyn oedd yn cael ei ddweud yr wythnos cynt. Dywedodd Kathy Rastle, yn yr erthygl honno, arbenigwr arall ar ddarllen yn y DU:

'Mae rhai plant yn ei chael hi'n anodd dysgu darllen, ond mae'r ymyrraeth briodol fel rheol yn galw am fwy yn hytrach na llai o ffoneg,   

'Yn sicr nid oes tystiolaeth y dylai'r plant hyn ddilyn dulliau y bwriwyd amheuon arnynt o ddefnyddio "ciwiau" ar gyfer darllen.'

Felly, os nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwybod beth yw ei barn o un diwrnod i'r llall, na sut i ddysgu ein pobl ifanc i ddarllen, gallaf ei sicrhau bod y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn gwybod. Mae gennym gynllun clir. Mae wedi ei gefnogi gan y dystiolaeth, a chan yr arbenigwyr, ac mae'n rhoi disgyblion yn gyntaf. Mewn addysg yng Nghymru, rydym ni'n dilyn y dystiolaeth, tra byddant hwy'n ddilyn yr ideoleg, a dyna pam ein bod wedi cyflwyno'r cynnig hwn heddiw, a dyna pam rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pawb yn ei gefnogi.


Rwyf wedi dethol y tri gwelliant i'r cynnig. Os bydd gwelliant 1 yn cael ei dderbyn, bydd gwelliant 2 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet dros Addysg i gynnig yn ffurfiol welliant 1.

I have selected the three amendments to the motion. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Education to move formally amendment 1.

Gwelliant 1—Jane Hutt

Dileu popeth a rhoi yn ei le:

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn cefnogi:

a) codi safonau darllen fel rhan o flaenoriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i godi safonau mewn ysgolion a cholegau;

b) ymgorffori llythrennedd ar draws pob maes dysgu fel rhan o'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru;

c) cymryd camau i wella’r broses o addysgu dysgwyr i ddarllen, gan gynnwys gwneud geiriad canllawiau yn gliriach lle bo angen; a

d) defnyddio asesiadau personol i gefnogi cynnydd dysgwyr o ran darllen, ac i gadw llygad ar welliannau yn genedlaethol.

2. Yn nodi bod y disgwyliadau o ran pwysigrwydd ffoneg eisoes wedi’u hamlinellu yng nghanllawiau statudol Cwricwlwm i Gymru.

3. Yn cydnabod bod yn rhaid i benderfyniadau am addysgu dysgwyr i ddarllen gael eu llywio bob amser gan yr hyn sydd orau i’r dysgwr.

Amendment 1—Jane Hutt

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Supports:

a) boosting reading standards as part of the Welsh Government’s priority to boost standards in schools and colleges;

b) embedding literacy across all areas of learning as part of the Curriculum for Wales;

c) taking action to improve the teaching of reading, including making the wording of guidance clearer where needed; and

d) using personalised assessments to support learner progress in reading and to track improvements nationally.

2. Notes that expectations on the importance of phonics are already set out in the Curriculum for Wales statutory guidance.

3. Recognises that decisions about the teaching of reading must always be guided by the best interests of the learner.

Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.

Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.


Diolch. Cefin Campbell i gynnig gwelliannau 2 a 3. 

Thank you. Cefin Campbell to move amendments 2 and 3. 

Gwelliant 2—Heledd Fychan

Dileu pwyntiau 3 a 4 a rhoi yn eu lle:

Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru:

a) i gyhoeddi canllawiau ar unwaith i sicrhau bod y dull ffoneg yn flaenllaw wrth addysgu darllen er mwyn gwella perfformiad;

b) i gynnal adolygiad parhaus o'r dystiolaeth arbenigol ddiweddaraf a chymharu arfer da mewn gwledydd eraill er mwyn sicrhau'r dulliau mwyaf effeithiol o addysgu sgiliau darllen;

c) ailddatgan ei tharged o sicrhau 500 pwynt ym mhob un o’r tri maes a asesir gan PISA, gan gynnwys sgiliau darllen, a chyhoeddi strategaeth o’r newydd, gyda cherrig milltir mesuradwy, er mwyn ei gyrraedd; a

d) asesu pam fod disgyblion mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig yn cael canlyniadau PISA, gan gynnwys sgiliau darllen, is na disgyblion mewn cymunedau tebyg yn Lloegr.

Amendment 2—Heledd Fychan

Delete points 3 and 4 and replace with:

Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) immediately issue guidance to ensure that the phonics method is at the forefront of teaching reading to improve performance;

b) conduct an ongoing review of the latest expert evidence and compare with good practice in other countries to ensure the most effective methods of teaching reading skills;

c) reaffirm its target of achieving 500 points in all three areas assessed by PISA, including reading skills, and publish a new strategy, with measurable milestones, to achieve this; and

d) assess why the PISA results, including reading skills, of pupils in disadvantaged areas are lower than those of pupils in similar communities in England.

Gwelliant 3—Heledd Fychan

Ychwanegu pwynt newydd ar ddiwedd y cynnig:

Yn gresynu bod y Llywodraeth wedi methu â chyrraedd ei tharged mwyaf diweddar o sicrhau 500 pwynt ym mhob un o’r tri maes a asesir gan PISA erbyn 2022, gan gynnwys sgiliau darllen, a hynny yn dilyn methu â chyrraedd y targed gwreiddiol i Gymru fod ymhlith yr 20 o wledydd uchaf ar restr PISA.

Amendment 3—Heledd Fychan

Add as new point at the end of motion:

Regrets that the Government has failed to meet its most recent target of securing 500 points in each of the three areas assessed by PISA by 2022, including reading skills, after failing to meet the original target for Wales to be among the top 20 countries on the PISA list.

Cynigiwyd gwelliannau 2 a 3.

Amendments 2 and 3 moved.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Dwi'n hapus iawn i gyflwyno'r gwelliannau yma, Llywydd, yn enw Heledd Fychan. Ond dyma ni unwaith eto yn trafod sgiliau darllen a chyrhaeddiad plant a phobl ifanc ym mhrofion PISA yng Nghymru, sydd yn arwydd clir bod y Llywodraeth yn methu'n lân a thawelu'r dyfroedd ynglŷn â'r mater penodol yma. Fel rŷn ni wedi clywed yn barod, mae rhoi cyngor anghyson yn rhoi arwydd clir i'r gweithlu addysg nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru ddim yn glir ynglŷn â beth maen nhw'n disgwyl i ysgolion ei wneud o ran darllen. Ac fel rŷn ni wedi clywed hefyd, mae'r profion addysg unwaith eto yn dangos mai Cymru sydd ar waelod y domen o bob un o'r gwledydd yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol, gyda'n canlyniadau gwaethaf ni mewn hanes.

Mae fy nghyfraniad i yn mynd i ffocysu ar dargedau, mewn gwirionedd, ac mae'n rhaid i fi gyfaddef, ers i mi fod yn y Senedd hon—. A dwi'n flin, Llywydd, am swnio ychydig bach fel tôn gron yn fan hyn, ond allwn ni ddim anwybyddu'r berthynas ryfedd sydd rhwng y Llywodraeth â thargedau, yn arbennig yn y maes addysg. Mae'n mynd rhywbeth fel hyn: mae'r Llywodraeth yn gosod targedau, maen nhw wedyn yn methu targedau, wedyn maen nhw'n addasu'r targedau, ac maen nhw'n methu'r targedau unwaith eto. A beth maen nhw'n ei wneud wedyn yw dileu'r targedau, achos eu bod nhw'n gwybod eu bod nhw'n ffaelu cyrraedd y targedau. Mae'n sefyllfa gwbl hurt.

Er enghraifft, yn 2011, gosodwyd targed i Gymru fod ymhlith yr 20 gwlad PISA orau erbyn 2015. Ond yn 2014, addaswyd y targed yna i sicrhau mai cyrraedd 500 pwynt ym mhob un o'r tri maes oedd y nod, sef darllen, mathemateg a gwyddoniaeth, a hynny erbyn 2021. Wel, erbyn 2019, fe ddywedodd y Gweinidog ar y pryd ar y Gymraeg ac addysg nad oedd bwriad gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gadw at y targed hwnnw mwyach. Dyw hyn jest ddim yn ddigon da, a dyna pam rŷn ni'n galw ar y Llywodraeth i ailymrwymo i'r targedau hyn yn ein gwelliant, yn ogystal â galw am asesiad sydd yn edrych i mewn i'r rheswm pam mae disgyblion mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig yn cael canlyniadau PISA, gan gynnwys sgiliau darllen, is o lawer na disgyblion mewn cymunedau tebyg yn Lloegr.

I gloi, os caf i yn sydyn iawn gyfeirio at friffiad cefais i fore ddoe gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac Estyn, a oedd yn ceisio esbonio'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y phonics a'r ciwio yma. Beth roedden nhw'n ei gadarnhau oedd bod yna rywfaint bach o ddatblygu wedi digwydd yn y sector cynradd, ond bod hynny'n cael ei golli'n llwyr wrth i ddisgyblion drosglwyddo o'r cynradd i'r uwchradd. Mae Estyn a Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwybod am hyn ers 10 mlynedd, a does dim byd wedi cael ei wneud i wella'r sefyllfa. Felly, mae'n rhaid i hynny newid, Llywydd, a dwi'n gorffen gyda hyn. Mi fydd Plaid Cymru, os byddwn ni mewn Llywodraeth yn 2026, yn gwbl ddi-ildio yn ein hymdrechion i sicrhau bod ein pobl ifanc ni yn cyrraedd y safonau uchaf posibl yma yng Nghymru. Diolch yn fawr.

Thank you very much. I'm very happy to move these amendments, Llywydd, in the name of Heledd Fychan. But here we are once again discussing reading skills and children and young people's attainment levels in the PISA tests in Wales, which is a clear sign that the Welsh Government is failing to provide reassurance on this specific issue. As we've heard already, providing inconsistent advice gives a clear sign to the education workforce that the Welsh Government isn't clear itself about what it expect schools to do when it comes to reading. And as we've heard also, the educational tests once again demonstrate that Wales is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to all of the nations of the United Kingdom, with our worst results in history.

My contribution today is going to focus on targets, and I have to admit, since becoming a Member of the Senedd—. And I apologise, Llywydd, that I'm starting to sound like a stuck record here, but we can't ignore that strange relationship between the Government and targets, particularly when it comes to education. And it goes something like this: the Government sets targets, the Government fails to hit the targets, then it adapts or amends the targets, and they miss those targets once again. And what they then do is they abolish the targets, because they know that they can't hit those targets. The situation is totally ridiculous.

For example, in 2011, a target was set for Wales to be among the 20 best performing PISA nations by 2015. But in 2014, the target was amended so that achieving 500 points in all of the three areas was the aim, namely reading, mathematics and science, by 2021. Well, by 2019, the then Minister for Welsh and education said that the Welsh Government no longer intended to adhere to that target. So, this isn't good enough, and that's why we are calling on the Government in our amendment to recommit to these targets, as well as calling for an assessment of the reasons why pupils in deprived areas achieve lower PISA scores, including when it comes to reading skills, than pupils in similar communities in England.

To conclude, I will briefly refer to the briefing that I had yesterday from Government officials and Estyn, which sought to explain the difference between phonics and cueing. They mentioned that there has been development in the primary sector, and progress has been made, but that is lost entirely as pupils transition from primary to secondary school. The Government and Estyn have been aware of this issue for a decade, and nothing has been done to improve the situation. So this has to change, Llywydd, and I will end with this. Plaid Cymru, if we are in Government in 2026, will make every effort to ensure that our children and young people achieve the very highest standards possible here in Wales. Thank you.

I call—. There are so many debates this afternoon. [Interruption.] Thank you. Peter Fox.

Rwy'n galw—. Mae cymaint o ddadleuon y prynhawn yma. [Torri ar draws.] Diolch. Peter Fox.

Diolch, Llywydd. There are not many more important debates to have than this one, about the future prospects of our children in Wales. It's such a vital topic, and getting this wrong has dire consequences and will cost future generations to come significantly. As we've heard, the Welsh Government's failure to manage our education system here in Wales is leaving a fifth of our children starting secondary school as functionally illiterate. That is an embarrassing legacy of this Government and will have a devastating impact on our children's prospects. Studies have shown that people who are unable to read are more likely to suffer from mental illness, go to prison and even die younger. Clearly, then, things need to change in Wales in this regard. 

When it comes to our education system here in Wales, we need to make sure that what and how our children are taught is driven by evidence, as we've heard from Tom Giffard—a point that was made by the education Secretary earlier this month, but it's a shame that this has not always been the case. It's incredibly concerning that the Welsh Government still permits the use of a method of teaching that was banned in England almost 20 years ago. It is clear that we need to implement a much better system here in Wales. We must see urgent action from the Welsh Government, ensuring that the system of synthetic phonics is adopted. This method is evidence based and helps children to learn the relationships between letters and the sounds they make. This has been proven to help children both read and spell, both of which are vital for their studies in other subjects. Not only that, but we need to see the Government bring forward reading testing regimes such as those that are in place in other parts of the United Kingdom. When it comes to our children and future generations, we need to ensure we get it right from the beginning, and that is clearly something that the Welsh Government has not been doing. I encourage all Members to support our motion today.

Diolch, Lywydd. Nid oes llawer o ddadleuon pwysicach na hon i'w cael, am ragolygon ein plant yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol. Mae'n bwnc mor allweddol, ac mae cael hyn yn anghywir yn arwain at ganlyniadau enbyd a bydd yn costio'n ddrud i genedlaethau'r dyfodol. Fel y clywsom, mae methiant Llywodraeth Cymru i reoli ein system addysg yma yng Nghymru yn gadael un rhan o bump o'n plant sy'n dechrau yn yr ysgol uwchradd yn ymarferol anllythrennog. Mae hynny'n destun embaras i'r Llywodraeth hon a bydd yn cael effaith ddinistriol ar ragolygon ein plant. Mae astudiaethau wedi dangos bod pobl sy'n methu darllen yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef o salwch meddwl, mynd i'r carchar a hyd yn oed o farw'n iau. Yn amlwg, felly, mae angen i bethau newid yng Nghymru yn hyn o beth. 

O ran ein system addysg yma yng Nghymru, mae angen inni sicrhau bod yr hyn a addysgir i'n plant a'r ffordd y cânt eu haddysgu yn cael eu ysgogi gan dystiolaeth, fel y clywsom gan Tom Giffard—pwynt a wnaed gan yr Ysgrifennydd addysg yn gynharach y mis hwn, ond mae'n drueni nad yw hyn wedi digwydd bob amser. Mae'n hynod bryderus fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn dal i ganiatáu defnydd o ddull o addysgu a waharddwyd yn Lloegr bron i 20 mlynedd yn ôl. Mae'n amlwg fod angen gweithredu system lawer gwell yma yng Nghymru. Rhaid inni weld gweithredu ar frys gan Lywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod y system ffoneg synthetig yn cael ei mabwysiadu. Mae'r dull hwn yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ac yn helpu plant i ddysgu'r berthynas rhwng llythrennau a'r synau a wnânt. Profwyd bod hyn yn helpu plant i ddarllen a sillafu, ac mae'r ddau beth yn hanfodol ar gyfer eu hastudiaethau mewn pynciau eraill. Nid yn unig hynny, ond mae angen inni weld y Llywodraeth yn cyflwyno profion darllen fel y rhai sy'n digwydd mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig. Er mwyn ein plant a chenedlaethau'r dyfodol, mae angen inni sicrhau ein bod yn ei gael yn iawn o'r dechrau, ac mae'n amlwg fod hynny'n rhywbeth nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ei wneud. Rwy'n annog pob Aelod i gefnogi ein cynnig heddiw.


The Welsh Government has already made it clear that there is a need to improve literacy outcomes for learners, and it is for this reason that the Cabinet Secretary has made it clear that this is a top priority. We can't expect to see progress overnight. We need to give time for the steps that the Cabinet Secretary has already set out to embed themselves in our schools before we can see the progress we all know is necessary.

It is my understanding that phonics will be central to this as the building blocks of learning to read by breaking down words into sounds. The teaching of phonics is already included in the statutory expectations that schools are required to comply with. I've been pleased to see the support that the Welsh Government is putting in place to get schools where they need to be, working closely with local authorities to review provision and bring together examples of effective best practice in the classroom. 

Once again, PISA results have been put at the very forefront of this motion. Nowhere does it refer to pupil well-being, confidence or happiness in the classroom; instead, it calls for testing regimes, something we know puts a great deal of stress on the children, who have to take these tests, and teachers who are assessing them. I completely agree with the Welsh Government amendment on this point. Decisions about the teaching of reading must always be guided by the best interests of the learner. 

As I said last week, PISA is just one measure of education and it does not take into consideration the well-being of our pupils. I hope we all agree that the aim of the education system should be to help develop children into well-rounded citizens, ready for adulthood, not simply to be statistics on a page. And I look forward to hearing the Cabinet Secretary's response, detailing the Welsh Government's progress on teaching literacy. Thank you.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi dweud yn glir fod angen gwella canlyniadau llythrennedd i ddysgwyr, ac am y rheswm hwn mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi dweud yn glir fod hon yn brif flaenoriaeth. Ni allwn ddisgwyl gweld cynnydd dros nos. Mae angen inni roi amser i'r camau y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet eisoes wedi eu gosod wreiddio yn ein hysgolion cyn y gallwn weld y cynnydd y gŵyr pawb ohonom eu bod yn angenrheidiol.

Fy nealltwriaeth i yw y bydd ffoneg yn ganolog i hyn fel y blociau adeiladu ar gyfer dysgu darllen trwy hollti geiriau'n synau. Mae addysgu ffoneg eisoes wedi'i gynnwys yn y disgwyliadau statudol y mae'n ofynnol i ysgolion gydymffurfio â hwy. Rwy'n falch o weld y gefnogaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei rhoi i gael ysgolion lle mae angen iddynt fod, gan weithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol i adolygu'r ddarpariaeth a dwyn ynghyd enghreifftiau o ymarfer gorau effeithiol yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. 

Unwaith eto, mae canlyniadau PISA wedi cael eu rhoi ar flaen y cynnig hwn. Nid yw'n cyfeirio yn unman at lesiant, hyder na hapusrwydd disgyblion yn yr ystafell ddosbarth; yn hytrach, mae'n galw am brofion, rhywbeth y gwyddom eu bod yn rhoi llawer iawn o straen ar y plant, sy'n gorfod sefyll y profion hyn, a'r athrawon sy'n eu hasesu. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â gwelliant Llywodraeth Cymru ar y pwynt hwn. Rhaid i benderfyniadau am addysgu darllen gael eu harwain gan les pennaf y dysgwr bob amser. 

Fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf, un mesur addysg yn unig yw PISA ac nid yw'n ystyried llesiant ein disgyblion. Rwy'n gobeithio ein bod i gyd yn cytuno mai'r hyn a ddylai fod yn nod i'r system addysg yw datblygu plant yn ddinasyddion cyflawn, yn barod ar gyfer bywyd fel oedolion, nid ystadegau noeth ar bapur. Ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed ymateb Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, yn manylu ar gynnydd Llywodraeth Cymru ar addysgu llythrennedd. Diolch.

Schools should be places where our children are nurtured and equipped with essential skills to set them up for life, because, after all, they are indeed our country's future. Yet, sadly, as we all know, that isn't often the case here in Wales, with educational outcomes for our youngsters being abysmally poor. And the blame for this sorry and completely avoidable saga lies firmly at the door of this Labour Government, with successive Ministers failing to get to grips with the issue.

Our teachers all across Wales do a tremendous job under immense pressure, and this is by no means a criticism of them, as they can only work with the tools that they are given. It is deeply concerning and shocking, and I must reiterate what my colleague Peter Fox, mentioned in his contribution, that 20 per cent of children in Wales are functionally illiterate at the time that they are entering secondary school. 

Areas in my region of south-east Wales historically have had high levels of illiteracy and innumeracy. A BBC probe in 2015 found that schoolchildren in the Valleys had the lowest reading and numeracy levels within Wales. And a damning report in 2013 found that four out of 10 children in Merthyr are functionally illiterate. This is something that my predecessor raised on countless occasions right here within the Chamber, and, indeed, campaigned for action. Fast forward many years, and it appears that very little progress has been made, as we are standing here today once again talking about the very same issue.

For nearly 20 years, Wales has consistently ranked at the bottom of the PISA table in reading, maths and science, when compared to the four nations in the UK. The effect of these findings will likely have a truly devastating impact on our future generations, and to be quite frank, they deserve a lot better than this. It was particularly troubling to hear of studies finding that people who are unable to read are more likely—as my colleague mentioned—to die younger, go to prison, suffer from mental health problems and experience undue hardships within their lifetime. According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the explanation for lower education performance in Wales is more likely to reflect the Welsh Government's policy and approach.

One area where the Welsh Government is indeed letting Welsh pupils down is its insistence on recommending the cue method, despite it being proven to damage children's ability to learn to read. Following a review into the teaching of early reading, the cue method has been banned in England since 2005. Instead, the UK Government has mandated the teaching of systematic synthetic phonics. Since its abolition and the introduction of a phonics screening check, reading test scores in England have indeed risen. It is clear that Labour's new curriculum here in Wales isn't working, and Ministers must now advocate for schools and teachers to use the phonics method in a bid to improve outcomes for students as today's motion states. And reading testing regimes must also be introduced, bringing Wales in line with other parts of the United Kingdom.

I can't imagine for one second that anyone here today wants our children to be on the back foot from the get-go. We need to all work together collectively to eradicate illiteracy, and I hope that all Members across the Chamber will support our motion this afternoon. Thank you.

Dylai ysgolion fod yn lleoedd lle caiff ein plant eu meithrin a'u paratoi â sgiliau hanfodol i fod yn sylfaen iddynt am oes, oherwydd, wedi'r cyfan, nhw yw dyfodol ein gwlad. Ac eto, yn anffodus, fel y gwyddom i gyd, nid yw hynny'n wir yma yng Nghymru yn aml, gyda chanlyniadau addysgol ar gyfer ein pobl ifanc yn wael iawn. Ac mae'r bai am y saga druenus a hollol ddiangen i'w briodoli'n bendant i'r Llywodraeth Lafur hon, gyda Gweinidogion olynol yn methu mynd i'r afael â'r mater.

Mae ein hathrawon ledled Cymru yn gwneud gwaith aruthrol o dan bwysau enfawr, ac nid yw hyn yn feirniadaeth arnynt hwy mewn unrhyw ffordd, gan mai dim ond gweithio gyda'r offer a roddir iddynt y gallant hwy ei wneud. Mae'n destun pryder ac yn frawychus, a rhaid imi ailadrodd yr hyn a grybwyllodd fy nghyd-Aelod, Peter Fox, yn ei gyfraniad, fod 20 y cant o blant Cymru yn ymarferol anllythrennog pan fyddant yn dechrau yn yr ysgol uwchradd. 

Yn hanesyddol, mae ardaloedd yn fy rhanbarth i yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru wedi bod â lefelau uchel o anllythrennedd ac anrhifogrwydd. Canfu ymchwiliad gan y BBC yn 2015 mai plant ysgol yn y Cymoedd oedd â'r lefelau darllen a rhifedd isaf yng Nghymru. A chanfu adroddiad damniol yn 2013 fod pedwar o bob 10 plentyn ym Merthyr Tudful yn ymarferol anllythrennog. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth a godwyd gan fy rhagflaenydd ar sawl achlysur yma yn y Siambr, ac yn wir, fe ymgyrchodd dros weithredu. Flynyddoedd lawer wedyn, mae'n ymddangos mai ychydig iawn o gynnydd a wnaed, a ninnau'n sefyll yma heddiw unwaith eto yn siarad am yr un peth.

Ers 20 mlynedd bron, mae Cymru wedi bod ar waelod y tabl PISA mewn darllen, mathemateg a gwyddoniaeth yn gyson, o gymharu â phedair gwlad y DU. Mae'n debygol y bydd y canfyddiadau hyn yn cael effaith wirioneddol ddinistriol ar genedlaethau'r dyfodol, ac i fod yn blwmp ac yn blaen, maent yn haeddu llawer gwell na hyn. Roedd yn arbennig o ofidus clywed am astudiaethau yn canfod bod pobl sy'n methu darllen yn fwy tebygol—fel y soniodd fy nghyd-Aelod—o farw'n iau, o fynd i'r carchar, o ddioddef problemau iechyd meddwl ac o brofi mwy o galedi yn ystod eu bywydau. Yn ôl y Sefydliad Astudiaethau Cyllid, mae'r esboniad am berfformiad addysg is yng Nghymru yn fwy tebygol o fod yn adlewyrchiad o bolisi a dull gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru.

Un maes lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud cam gwirioneddol â disgyblion Cymru yw drwy fynnu argymell y defnydd o giwiau, er y profwyd ei fod yn niweidio gallu plant i ddysgu darllen. Yn dilyn adolygiad o addysgu darllen cynnar, mae'r defnydd o giwiau wedi cael ei wahardd yn Lloegr ers 2005. Yn hytrach, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi gwneud addysgu ffoneg synthetig systematig yn ofynnol. Ers ei ddiddymu a chyflwyno gwiriad sgrinio ffoneg, mae sgoriau profion darllen yn Lloegr wedi codi. Mae'n amlwg nad yw cwricwlwm newydd Llafur yma yng Nghymru yn gweithio, a rhaid i Weinidogion gymell y defnydd o'r dull ffoneg i ysgolion ac athrawon er mwyn ceisio gwella canlyniadau i fyfyrwyr fel y mae'r cynnig heddiw yn ei ddatgan. Ac mae'n rhaid cyflwyno profion darllen hefyd, i ddod â Chymru gyfuwch â rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig.

Ni allaf ddychmygu am eiliad fod unrhyw un yma heddiw eisiau i'n plant fod ar y droed ôl o'r dechrau un. Mae angen i bawb ohonom weithio gyda'n gilydd i ddileu anllythrennedd, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd pob Aelod ar draws y Siambr yn cefnogi ein cynnig y prynhawn yma. Diolch.


Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg nawr i gyfrannu. Lynne Neagle.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education now to contribute. Lynne Neagle.

Thank you, Llywydd. Can I begin by stating that the motion as tabled is simply inaccurate? 'Functionally illiterate' is not a term recognised or collected as a data item by the Welsh Government, nor has it been used by Estyn for over a decade. The report being quoted out of context here is from over 12 years ago. Following that report, a huge amount of progress was made. Results in PISA and in our national assessments were improving until the pandemic. Indeed, ahead of the pandemic, Wales was the only country in the UK improving standards in literacy, numeracy and science in PISA tests. Since the pandemic, we are clearly not where we need to be—[Interruption.]

Diolch, Lywydd. A gaf i ddechrau drwy ddweud bod y cynnig fel y'i cyflwynwyd yn anghywir? Nid yw 'ymarferol anllythrennog' yn derm sy'n cael ei gydnabod na'i gasglu fel eitem ddata gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac nid yw wedi cael ei ddefnyddio gan Estyn ers dros ddegawd. Mae dros 12 mlynedd wedi mynd heibio ers yr adroddiad sy'n cael ei ddyfynnu allan o'i gyd-destun yma. Yn dilyn yr adroddiad hwnnw, fe wnaed llawer iawn o gynnydd. Roedd canlyniadau PISA a chanlyniadau ein hasesiadau cenedlaethol yn gwella tan y pandemig. Yn wir, cyn y pandemig, Cymru oedd yr unig wlad yn y DU i wella safonau llythrennedd, rhifedd a gwyddoniaeth mewn profion PISA. Ers y pandemig, mae'n amlwg nad ydym lle mae angen inni fod—[Torri ar draws.]

Are you taking an intervention, Cabinet Secretary, from Janet Finch-Saunders?

Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, a ydych chi'n derbyn ymyriad gan Janet Finch-Saunders?

As the current Cabinet Secretary responsible, how do you think it looks in the media and on the tv whereby 11-year-olds are presenting now with the literacy capability of four-year-olds? Are you proud of that?

Fel yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet presennol sy'n gyfrifol, sut rydych chi'n meddwl y mae'n edrych yn y cyfryngau ac ar y teledu lle mae gan blant 11 oed lefelau llythrennedd plant pedair oed? A ydych chi'n falch o hynny?

Thank you, Janet. I'm not sure if you actually listened to what I just said about the misinformation your group is promoting about functional illiteracy, so maybe you want to go back and review the record on that.

As I was saying, our PISA results have been disappointing, and they tell us that we must act now to improve standards of literacy in Wales. While Estyn reports have indicated—are you listening to this, Janet—that most schools plan effectively to develop pupils' literacy and that many 10 to 14-year-olds use basic reading skills well, it is clear to me that we must do more. Literacy is central to our priority of improving standards in education. We have begun to work with partners to clarify our guidance and support to ensure that our expectations are clear for schools and that the importance of phonics is more explicit.

On that point, let me be absolutely clear: we expect learners to learn to decode words using phonics. This is in line with the latest evidence. However, being able to simply decode words is not enough. Learners may be able to read text aloud, but if they cannot grasp the meaning, they won't become fluent readers. Llywydd, when I learned French, if my teachers had only focused on decoding, I'd be able to read out what was written, but without understanding the meaning; I wouldn't have any idea what I was reading. This is what we mean about taking a balanced approach. Phonics is a vital building block, but we cannot forget the wider strategies that have to come alongside this, and that must be driven by the needs of learners.

Estyn's statement last week on this was clear: our most effective schools use phonics as a key building block, alongside a range of strategies to make sure their learners read with fluency and understanding. Indeed, the article that Tom Giffard has referred to has been clear that you'd be hard pushed to find a school that isn't using phonics. I have accepted that our guidance needs to be clearer on the expectations for schools and how these should be implemented in practice, and that work has begun. In January, we will publish changes to curriculum guidance that clarify our definitions and our expectations around phonics and cues. We are already reviewing our literacy and numeracy framework to support teachers to develop literacy skills across the curriculum, and, as I announced in July, we will place the framework on a statutory footing to ensure greater consistency across schools. That guidance will be complemented by our work to ensure that existing high-quality resources on phonics and literacy are easily accessible to all schools through Hwb. These will be published in the coming weeks.

I also want to recognise the fantastic work and practice happening in this area in schools across Wales—and can I say again to Tom Giffard that at no point have I ever blamed teachers for any of this; all I have done is commend the hard work of our teachers in this Chamber— that I have seen first-hand in my visits to schools, in discussions with headteachers, and a range of case studies are already available to schools on Hwb to support their approaches. I will also ensure that further examples of the effective use of phonics are shared across the education system as soon as possible, and I will be writing to schools this term to highlight these resources.

We're also developing evidence-based national principles for effective literacy teaching. The framework and national principles will ensure that our expectations for literacy are stretching and reflect the evidence on how we learn to read. We are working with partners, including local authorities, to ensure all schools and practitioners have access to the same high-quality training and support to teach literacy. Projects like Bangor University's research on the instruction of literacy and language project, RILL, backed by Welsh Government funding, are already making real progress in boosting reading skills. This project has provided free access to structured, evidence-based literacy programmes for young readers, and has already had positive impacts on their reading skills, which is why we've invested an additional £290,000 to expand this work.

The motion calls for the introduction of testing regimes. We already gather significant data on learners' reading skills. As Members know, we participate in PISA, which gives us information on the skills and knowledge of 15-year-olds in maths, reading and science, but that's by no means the only data we have. Our own mandatory online personalised assessments are taken by all learners from years 2 to 9. These provide teachers with robust information to help them plan for their learners' next steps, as well as providing us with national level information on how learners are progressing over time. We published the latest data and analysis on our summer exams a few weeks ago, and we're looking to develop national sample-based assessments to provide us with a deeper understanding of how the Curriculum for Wales is raising standards, including assessments for literacy. We'll be undertaking a trial with practitioners for an assessment toolkit to help schools screen learners' reading and wider literacy skills at key transition points from primary into secondary school—

Diolch, Janet. Nid wyf yn siŵr a wnaethoch chi wrando ar yr hyn a ddywedais nawr am y wybodaeth anghywir y mae eich grŵp yn ei hyrwyddo am anllythrennedd ymarferol, felly efallai yr hoffech chi fynd yn ôl i adolygu'r cofnod ar hynny.

Fel roeddwn i'n dweud, mae ein canlyniadau PISA wedi bod yn siomedig, ac maent yn dweud wrthym fod yn rhaid inni weithredu nawr i wella safonau llythrennedd yng Nghymru. Er bod adroddiadau Estyn wedi nodi—a ydych chi'n gwrando ar hyn, Janet—fod y rhan fwyaf o ysgolion yn cynllunio'n effeithiol i ddatblygu llythrennedd disgyblion a bod llawer o bobl ifanc 10 i 14 oed yn defnyddio sgiliau darllen sylfaenol yn dda, mae'n amlwg i mi fod yn rhaid inni wneud mwy. Mae llythrennedd yn ganolog i'n blaenoriaeth o wella safonau mewn addysg. Rydym wedi dechrau gweithio gyda phartneriaid i egluro ein canllawiau a'n cefnogaeth i sicrhau bod ein disgwyliadau'n glir i ysgolion a bod pwysigrwydd ffoneg yn fwy amlwg.

Ar y pwynt hwnnw, gadewch imi fod yn hollol glir: rydym yn disgwyl i ddysgwyr ddysgu dadgodio geiriau gan ddefnyddio ffoneg. Mae hyn yn cyd-fynd â'r dystiolaeth ddiweddaraf. Fodd bynnag, nid yw gallu dadgodio geiriau ynddo'i hun yn ddigon. Efallai y bydd dysgwyr yn gallu darllen testun yn uchel, ond os na allant amgyffred yr ystyr, ni fyddant yn dod yn ddarllenwyr rhugl. Lywydd, pan oeddwn yn dysgu Ffrangeg, pe bai fy athrawon ond wedi canolbwyntio ar ddadgodio, byddwn yn gallu darllen yr hyn a ysgrifennwyd, ond heb ddeall yr ystyr; ni fyddai gennyf syniad beth oeddwn i'n ei ddarllen. Dyma a olygwn wrth fabwysiadu dull cytbwys. Mae ffoneg yn floc adeiladu hanfodol, ond ni allwn anghofio'r strategaethau ehangach y mae'n rhaid eu cael ochr yn ochr â hyn, a rhaid i hynny gael ei yrru gan anghenion dysgwyr.

Roedd datganiad Estyn ar hyn yr wythnos diwethaf yn glir: mae ein hysgolion mwyaf effeithiol yn defnyddio ffoneg fel bloc adeiladu allweddol, ochr yn ochr ag ystod o strategaethau i sicrhau bod eu dysgwyr yn darllen yn rhugl a chyda dealltwriaeth. Yn wir, mae'r erthygl y mae Tom Giffard wedi cyfeirio ati wedi bod yn glir y byddech chi'n cael trafferth dod o hyd i ysgol nad yw'n defnyddio ffoneg. Rwyf wedi derbyn bod angen i'n canllawiau fod yn gliriach o ran y disgwyliadau ar gyfer ysgolion a sut y dylid gweithredu'r rhain yn ymarferol, ac mae'r gwaith hwnnw wedi dechrau. Ym mis Ionawr, byddwn yn cyhoeddi newidiadau i ganllawiau'r cwricwlwm sy'n egluro ein diffiniadau a'n disgwyliadau mewn perthynas â ffoneg a chiwiau. Rydym eisoes yn adolygu ein fframwaith llythrennedd a rhifedd i gefnogi athrawon i ddatblygu sgiliau llythrennedd ar draws y cwricwlwm, ac fel y cyhoeddais ym mis Gorffennaf, byddwn yn gosod y fframwaith ar sail statudol i sicrhau mwy o gysondeb ar draws ysgolion. Bydd y canllawiau hynny'n cael eu hategu gan ein gwaith ar sicrhau bod yr adnoddau ansawdd uchel presennol ar ffoneg a llythrennedd yn hygyrch i bob ysgol trwy Hwb. Bydd y rhain yn cael eu cyhoeddi yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf.

Rwyf hefyd am gydnabod y gwaith a'r ymarfer gwych sy'n digwydd yn y maes hwn mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru—ac a gaf i ddweud eto wrth Tom Giffard nad wyf erioed wedi beio athrawon am ddim o hyn; y cyfan a wneuthum yw canmol gwaith caled ein hathrawon yn y Siambr—gwaith a welais yn uniongyrchol ar fy ymweliadau ag ysgolion, mewn trafodaethau gyda phenaethiaid, ac mae amrywiaeth o astudiaethau achos eisoes ar gael i ysgolion ar Hwb i gefnogi eu dulliau. Byddaf yn sicrhau hefyd fod enghreifftiau pellach o'r defnydd effeithiol o ffoneg yn cael eu rhannu ar draws y system addysg cyn gynted â phosibl, a byddaf yn ysgrifennu at ysgolion y tymor hwn i dynnu sylw at yr adnoddau hyn.

Rydym hefyd yn datblygu egwyddorion cenedlaethol sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth ar gyfer addysgu llythrennedd yn effeithiol. Bydd y fframwaith a'r egwyddorion cenedlaethol yn sicrhau bod ein disgwyliadau ar gyfer llythrennedd yn ymestynnol ac yn adlewyrchu'r dystiolaeth ar y ffordd rydym yn dysgu darllen. Rydym yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid, gan gynnwys awdurdodau lleol, i sicrhau bod gan bob ysgol ac addysgwr fynediad at yr un hyfforddiant a chymorth o ansawdd uchel i addysgu llythrennedd. Mae prosiectau fel prosiect ymchwil Prifysgol Bangor ar addysgu llythrennedd ac iaith, gyda chefnogaeth ariannol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, eisoes yn gwneud cynnydd gwirioneddol ar hybu sgiliau darllen. Mae'r prosiect hwn wedi darparu mynediad rhydd i raglenni llythrennedd strwythuredig, seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i ddarllenwyr ifanc, ac mae eisoes wedi cael effeithiau cadarnhaol ar eu sgiliau darllen, a dyna pam ein bod wedi buddsoddi £290,000 ychwanegol i ehangu'r gwaith hwn.

Mae'r cynnig yn galw am gyflwyno profion. Rydym eisoes yn casglu data sylweddol ar sgiliau darllen dysgwyr. Fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, rydym yn cymryd rhan yn y profion PISA, sy'n rhoi gwybodaeth i ni am sgiliau a gwybodaeth plant 15 oed mewn mathemateg, darllen a gwyddoniaeth, ond nid dyna'r unig ddata sydd gennym o bell ffordd. Mae ein hasesiadau personol gorfodol ar-lein yn cael eu cyflawni gan bob dysgwr rhwng blwyddyn 2 a blwyddyn 9. Mae'r rhain yn rhoi gwybodaeth gadarn i athrawon i'w helpu i gynllunio ar gyfer camau nesaf eu dysgwyr, yn ogystal â rhoi gwybodaeth lefel genedlaethol i ni ar sut y mae dysgwyr yn datblygu dros amser. Fe wnaethom gyhoeddi'r data a'r dadansoddiadau diweddaraf o'n harholiadau haf ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, ac rydym yn bwriadu datblygu asesiadau cenedlaethol yn seiliedig ar samplau er mwyn rhoi dealltwriaeth ddyfnach i ni o sut y mae'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn codi safonau, gan gynnwys asesiadau llythrennedd. Byddwn yn treialu pecyn cymorth asesu gydag addysgwyr i helpu ysgolion i sgrinio sgiliau darllen a llythrennedd ehangach dysgwyr ar gamau pontio allweddol o'r ysgol gynradd i'r ysgol uwchradd—


I'll need you to draw your contribution to a close now, Cabinet Secretary.

Bydd angen ichi ddirwyn eich cyfraniad i ben nawr, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.

Thank you. Can I just say, then, Llywydd, in closing, that we know that we have work to do to support schools to improve the literacy skills of our learners? I am 100 per cent committed to doing that work. I also appreciate what Cefin Campbell said about cross-Government work on this issue and that he attended the technical briefing, unlike the Tory spokesperson, who would prefer to trot out misinformation about functional illiteracy in this Chamber. Diolch.

Diolch. A gaf i ddweud, felly, Lywydd, wrth orffen, ein bod yn gwybod bod gennym waith i'w wneud i gefnogi ysgolion i wella sgiliau llythrennedd ein dysgwyr? Rwy'n ymroddedig 100 y cant i wneud y gwaith hwnnw. Rwyf hefyd yn derbyn yr hyn a ddywedodd Cefin Campbell am waith trawslywodraethol ar y mater a'i fod wedi mynychu'r sesiwn friffio dechnegol, yn wahanol i lefarydd y Torïaid, y byddai'n well ganddo roi gwybodaeth anghywir am anllythrennedd ymarferol yn y Siambr hon. Diolch.

James Evans nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl.

James Evans now to reply to the debate.


Diolch, Llywydd. I think I'll try and lower the tone, I think, in the Chamber; I think it’s got a bit out of hand. We’re all very concerned about reading across our schools, because it’s vitally important that we do provide the highest quality education in all our schools right the way across Wales. And it is important that every child leaving a school, primary school, across Wales can read and also can write.

Tom Giffard opened the debate outlining that 20 per cent are functionally illiterate across Wales and that the current methods of teaching of reading across Wales are outdated. He also gave examples of how the current system is not fit for learners, and he quoted some academics in that as well, which actually really strengthened Tom’s argument. He also raised the changing positions of Welsh Government on this, and how the position has changed of Government. [Interruption.] I’ll take an intervention, Mike, as I’ve just come to the end of that bit.

Diolch, Lywydd. Rwy'n credu fy mod am geisio tawelu pethau yn y Siambr; rwy'n credu bod pethau wedi mynd yn afreolus braidd. Rydym i gyd yn bryderus iawn ynglŷn â darllen yn ein hysgolion, gan ei bod yn hanfodol bwysig ein bod yn darparu'r addysg o'r ansawdd gorau yn ein holl ysgolion ar draws Cymru. Ac mae'n bwysig fod pob plentyn sy'n gadael ysgol, ysgol gynradd, ledled Cymru yn gallu darllen a hefyd yn gallu ysgrifennu.

Agorodd Tom Giffard y ddadl drwy nodi bod 20 y cant yn ymarferol anllythrennog ledled Cymru a bod y dulliau presennol o addysgu darllen ledled Cymru wedi dyddio. Rhoddodd enghreifftiau hefyd o sut nad yw'r system bresennol yn addas i ddysgwyr, a dyfynnodd academyddion ar hynny, gan gryfhau dadl Tom yn fawr mewn gwirionedd. Nododd safbwyntiau newidiol Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn, a sut y mae safbwynt y Llywodraeth wedi newid. [Torri ar draws.] Fe wnaf dderbyn ymyriad, Mike, gan fy mod newydd ddod at ddiwedd y darn hwnnw.

There seems to be a belief that teachers teaching reading are teaching it in one methodology. If you go and talk to any primary school teacher, they’ll tell you they use lots of different methodologies in order to do it. Also, I think one of the real problems we’ve got, which we aren’t talking about, is lack of parental support in some cases.

Mae'n ymddangos bod yna gred fod athrawon sy'n addysgu darllen yn ei ddysgu drwy un fethodoleg. Os ewch i siarad ag unrhyw athro ysgol gynradd, fe fyddant yn dweud wrthych eu bod yn defnyddio llawer o wahanol fethodolegau i'w wneud. Hefyd, rwy'n credu mai un o'r problemau gwirioneddol sydd gennym, nad ydym yn siarad amdani, yw diffyg cefnogaeth rhieni mewn rhai achosion.

I think Mike just highlighted that cueing undermines phonics. This shows the inconsistencies across the situation across Wales, doesn't it?

Cefin Campbell then also rose to speak, and he spoke about the Welsh Government not being clear. You said, were talking, about targets—I’ll never get bored of you talking about targets, Cefin, I think it’s very, very important—and also about the PISA results and how we were bottom of the results again. I think you were right about that Welsh Government keep moving the goalposts all the time. If they don’t meet a target, they change the target. If they don’t meet it again, they change it again. That isn’t what we should be doing. If we set a target, we should be doing all we can to meet it, not changing the goalposts just to try and make Government look good whenever those results come out. You also mentioned about learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. I think it’s really, really important, that we support every learner across Wales, not just our learners who are more able, but also those learners from disadvantaged backgrounds who don’t get the opportunities that other people do. I think that’s very, very important. You also, finally, talked about how Estyn and Welsh Government have known about this problem for years but have done nothing to address it. So, I think it’s about time that we all did something in this Chamber to address our reading levels across Wales. [Interruption.] Yes, Laura. I’m going to run out of time in a minute, but, yes, that’s fine.

Rwy'n credu bod Mike newydd ddangos bod defnyddio ciwiau'n tanseilio ffoneg. Mae hyn yn dangos yr anghysondebau ar draws y sefyllfa ledled Cymru, onid yw?

Yna cododd Cefin Campbell i siarad, a dywedodd nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn glir. Fe ddywedoch chi, roeddech chi'n siarad, am dargedau—ni fyddaf i byth yn diflasu arnoch chi'n siarad am dargedau, Cefin, rwy'n meddwl eu bod yn bwysig iawn—a hefyd am ganlyniadau PISA a sut roeddem ni ar waelod y canlyniadau eto. Rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n iawn fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cadw i symud y pyst gôl drwy'r amser. Os nad ydynt yn cyrraedd targed, maent yn newid y targed. Os na fyddant yn ei gyrraedd eto, byddant yn ei newid eto. Nid dyna y dylem fod yn ei wneud. Os ydym yn gosod targed, dylem fod yn gwneud popeth yn ein gallu i'w gyrraedd, ac nid newid y targed i geisio gwneud i'r Llywodraeth edrych yn dda pryd bynnag y daw'r canlyniadau hynny allan. Roeddech chi hefyd yn sôn am ddysgwyr o gefndiroedd difreintiedig. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn cefnogi pob dysgwr ledled Cymru, nid dim ond ein dysgwyr sy'n fwy abl ond dysgwyr o gefndiroedd difreintiedig hefyd nad ydynt yn cael y cyfleoedd y mae pobl eraill yn eu cael. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn. Yn olaf, fe wnaethoch chi sôn sut y mae Estyn a Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwybod am y broblem hon ers blynyddoedd ond heb wneud dim i fynd i'r afael â hi. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n hen bryd i bawb ohonom wneud rhywbeth yn y Siambr i fynd i'r afael â'n lefelau darllen ledled Cymru. [Torri ar draws.] Ie, Laura. Mae fy amser yn mynd i ddod i ben yn y funud, ond mae'n iawn.

Sorry, just a really quick one. We’ve all heard today how important it is to get the right way of teaching our children reading, but do you agree with me it’s also very important that we support the parents, building on what Mike Hedges just said, and support them in teaching their children in the right methodology as well? Because parents might not be au fait with how to teach in phonics. I know that’s done in some schools, so sharing that best practice is very important, isn’t it?

Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, un bach cyflym. Rydym i gyd wedi clywed heddiw pa mor bwysig yw cael y ffordd gywir o addysgu darllen i'n plant, ond a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi ei bod hi hefyd yn bwysig iawn ein bod yn cefnogi'r rhieni, gan adeiladu ar yr hyn a ddywedodd Mike Hedges nawr, a'u cefnogi i addysgu eu plant yn y fethodoleg gywir hefyd? Oherwydd efallai na fydd rhieni yn gyfarwydd â sut i ddysgu ffoneg. Rwy'n gwybod bod hynny'n cael ei wneud mewn rhai ysgolion, felly mae rhannu'r arfer gorau hwnnw'n bwysig iawn, onid yw?

In the interests of time, yes, I agree with you.

Peter Fox highlighted the importance of this debate and how we’re letting young people down across Wales—that’s why we’ve tabled this debate today, because we want to improve the lives of young people across Wales—and also how we need to follow the evidence. And that’s what we should do in all our work here: follow the evidence. He also mentioned about some outdated systems and about the priorities, and we need to update our systems if we are to improve things across Wales.

Carolyn Thomas highlighted that this is top priority for Government. If it is a top priority for Government, let’s see some pace, let’s see some delivery, because we’re not seeing that currently. I know there’s a lot of pressure across Government, but if this is a top priority we need to make sure it is delivered. You also mentioned the work between Welsh Government and local authorities and about children’s well-being. From a personal perspective, on mental health and well-being, I think what can improve the mental health and well-being of our young people is making sure, yes, they leave school as well-rounded individuals and supported, but also that they can read and write to go into the working environment after and to go further with their education. That’s what I think is important for improving children’s mental health and well-being. I’m out of time already.

Natasha Asghar, you talked about how schools should be a place to develop our future generations, and it is important that we develop our future generations. You also talked about the Valleys and it being one of the worst areas across Wales for illiteracy, and that also needs to be worked on by the Government.

Then we went on to the Minister, and the Minister started by calling our motion inaccurate. I and my group disagree with what the Minister said. We had an intervention from Janet Finch-Saunders on the Minister, and it’s clear to say the Minister and Janet Finch-Saunders didn’t agree with each other. The Minister then outlined that Welsh Government do need to do more, and the Minister talked about a balanced approach, but she accepted that things weren’t quite right in areas and that guidance will be updated and that work has begun around that and there will be something put on a statutory footing that will address this. She also outlined some of the work that’s gone on with higher education establishments to gather evidence and work on this also.

So, to conclude, Llywydd, because I know I'm out of time, I think it's very important in this Chamber that we recognise that we need to support our young people across Wales. We need to make sure that they come out of school being able to read and write, and we need to have a system put in place that supports our teachers to make sure we have the best outcomes for those young people in our schools, and that's why I advise everybody today to support our motion. Diolch.

Er mwyn arbed amser, ydw, rwy'n cytuno â chi.

Tynnodd Peter Fox sylw at bwysigrwydd y ddadl hon a sut rydym yn gwneud cam â phobl ifanc ledled Cymru—dyna pam ein bod wedi cyflwyno'r ddadl hon heddiw, oherwydd ein bod eisiau gwella bywydau pobl ifanc ledled Cymru—a hefyd sut y mae angen inni ddilyn y dystiolaeth. A dyna y dylem ei wneud yn ein holl waith yma: dilyn y dystiolaeth. Soniodd hefyd am systemau sydd wedi dyddio ac am y blaenoriaethau, ac mae angen inni ddiweddaru ein systemau os ydym am wella pethau ledled Cymru.

Tynnodd Carolyn Thomas sylw at y ffaith mai dyma yw prif flaenoriaeth y Llywodraeth. Os yw'n brif flaenoriaeth i'r Llywodraeth, gadewch inni weld rhywfaint o gyflymder, gadewch inni weld rhywfaint o gyflawniad, oherwydd nid ydym yn gweld hynny ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n gwybod bod llawer o bwysau ar draws y Llywodraeth, ond os yw hon yn brif flaenoriaeth mae angen inni sicrhau ei bod yn cael ei chyflawni. Roeddech chi hefyd yn sôn am y gwaith rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol ac am lesiant plant. O safbwynt personol, ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn a all wella iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol ein pobl ifanc yw sicrhau, ie, eu bod yn gadael yr ysgol yn unigolion cyflawn sy'n cael eu cefnogi, ond hefyd eu bod yn gallu darllen ac ysgrifennu i fynd i'r amgylchedd gwaith wedyn ac i fynd ymhellach gyda'u haddysg. Dyna'r hyn y credaf i sy'n bwysig ar gyfer gwella iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol plant. Mae fy amser ar ben eisoes.

Natasha Asghar, roeddech chi'n sôn sut y dylai ysgolion fod yn lle i ddatblygu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, ac mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n datblygu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Roeddech chi hefyd yn siarad am y Cymoedd a'r ffaith ei bod yn un o'r ardaloedd gwaethaf ledled Cymru am anllythrennedd, ac mae angen i'r Llywodraeth weithio ar hynny hefyd.

Yna aethom ymlaen at y Gweinidog, a dechreuodd y Gweinidog drwy alw ein cynnig yn anghywir. Rwyf i a fy ngrŵp yn anghytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd. Cawsom ymyriad gan Janet Finch-Saunders ar y Gweinidog, ac mae'n amlwg nad oedd y ddau'n cytuno. Yna amlinellodd y Gweinidog fod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud mwy, a siaradodd y Gweinidog am ddull cytbwys, ond derbyniai nad oedd pethau'n iawn mewn rhai meysydd a bydd canllawiau'n cael eu diweddaru a bod gwaith wedi dechrau ar hynny a bydd rhywbeth sy'n cael ei roi ar sail statudol yn mynd i'r afael â hyn. Nododd beth o'r gwaith sydd wedi digwydd gyda sefydliadau addysg uwch ar gasglu tystiolaeth a gwaith ar hyn hefyd.

Felly, i gloi, Lywydd, oherwydd rwy'n gwybod bod fy amser ar ben, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn yn y Siambr hon ein bod yn cydnabod bod angen inni gefnogi ein pobl ifanc ledled Cymru. Mae angen inni sicrhau eu bod yn gadael ysgol yn gallu darllen ac ysgrifennu, ac mae angen inni sefydlu system sy'n cefnogi ein hathrawon i sicrhau ein bod yn cael y canlyniadau gorau i'r bobl ifanc yn ein hysgolion, a dyna pam rwy'n cynghori pawb heddiw i gefnogi ein cynnig. Diolch.


Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, mae yna wrthwynebiad. Ac felly fe wnawn ni gynnal y pleidleisiau ar y cynnig yma yn ystod y cyfnod pleidleisio.

The motion is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there are objections. And we will defer voting until voting time.

Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.

Voting deferred until voting time.

Oni bai fod tri Aelod yn dymuno i fi ganu'r gloch, fe fyddwn ni'n symud i'r bleidlais gyntaf.

Unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, I will proceed directly to our first vote.

11. Cyfnod Pleidleisio
11. Voting Time

Mae'r bleidlais gyntaf nawr ar ddadl ar eitem 7, ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod; hwn oedd y Bil yn ymwneud â phrosesau cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu chwareli. Galw am bleidlais, felly, ar y cynnig a gyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 14, 15 yn ymatal, 18 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.

That first vote is on item 7, a debate on a Member's legislation proposal, a Bill relating to planning processes for quarry developments. I call for a vote on the motion tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 14, 15 abstentions and 18 against. And therefore the motion is not agreed.

Eitem 7. Dadl ar Gynnig Deddfwriaethol gan Aelod - Bil yn ymwneud Ô phrosesau cynllunio ar gyfer datblygu chwareli: O blaid: 14, Yn erbyn: 18, Ymatal: 15

Gwrthodwyd y cynnig

Item 7. Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - A bill relating to planning processes for quarry development: For: 14, Against: 18, Abstain: 15

Motion has been rejected

Mae'r bleidlais nesaf, felly, ar eitem 9; dadl y Ceidwadwyr ar ffermydd sy'n eiddo i'r cynghorau yw hwn. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 22, neb yn ymatal, 25 yn erbyn. Mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.

The next vote is on item 9, the Welsh Conservatives debate on council-owned farms. I call for a vote on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 22, no abstentions, 25 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed. 

Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 22, Yn erbyn: 25, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y cynnig

Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Council-owned farms. Motion without amendment: For: 22, Against: 25, Abstain: 0

Motion has been rejected

Gwelliant 1 sydd nesaf, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, neb yn ymatal, 22 yn erbyn. Mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i gymeradwyo.

I now call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, no abstentions, 22 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed.

Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 22, Ymatal: 0

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Council-owned farms. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt: For: 25, Against: 22, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been agreed

Felly, mae'r bleidlais olaf yr eitem yma ar y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio.

So, the final vote on this item is on the motion as amended.

Cynnig NDM8692 fel y'i diwygiwyd

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn cydnabod y cyfraniad gwerthfawr a wneir gan ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau o ran cefnogi cynhyrchiant bwyd a galluogi pobl ifanc i fentro i fyd ffermio

2. Yn croesawu’r ffaith y bydd y cynllun ffermio cynaliadwy ar gael i ffermwyr ar ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau ac y bydd yn cefnogi’r ffermwyr hyn.

3. Yn nodi mai mater i awdurdodau lleol Cymru yn y pen draw yw rheoli ffermydd sy’n eiddo i gynghorau.

Motion NDM8692 as amended

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises the valuable contribution that council-owned farms play in supporting food production and enabling young entrants into farming.

2. Welcomes that the proposed sustainable farming scheme will be accessible to and will support farmers on council-owned farms.

3. Notes that the management of council-owned farms is ultimately a matter for Welsh local authorities.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, naw yn ymatal, 13 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, nine abstentions, and 13 against. And therefore the motion as amended is agreed.

Eitem 9. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Ffermydd sy'n eiddo i gynghorau. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 13, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd

Item 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Council-owned farms. Motion as amended: For: 25, Against: 13, Abstain: 9

Motion as amended has been agreed

Mae'r pleidleisiau nesaf o dan 10, dadl y Ceidwadwyr ar addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion. Galwaf am bleidlais ar y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 13, neb yn ymatal, 34 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.

The next votes are on item 10, the Welsh Conservatives debate on the teaching of reading skills in schools. I call for a vote on the motion without amendment, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 13, no abstentions, 34 against. Therefore, the motion is not agreed.

Eitem 10. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion. Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 13, Yn erbyn: 34, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y cynnig

Item 10. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Teaching of reading skills in schools. Motion without amendment: For: 13, Against: 34, Abstain: 0

Motion has been rejected

Pleidlais ar welliant 1 yn gyntaf nesaf, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, bydd gwelliant 2 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Pleidlais ar welliant 1, felly. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, neb yn ymatal, 22 yn erbyn. Felly, mae gwelliant 1 wedi'i dderbyn. 

We will next vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. A vote on amendment 1. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, no abstentions, 22 against. Therefore, amendment 1 is agreed. 

Eitem 10. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion. Gwelliant 1, cyflwynwyd yn enw Jane Hutt: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 22, Ymatal: 0

Derbyniwyd y gwelliant

Item 10. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Teaching of reading skills in schools. Amendment 1, tabled in the name of Jane Hutt: For: 25, Against: 22, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been agreed

Mae gwelliant 2 wedi'i ddad-ddethol.

And amendment 2 is deselected.

Cafodd gwelliant 2 ei ddad-ddethol.

Amendment 2 deselected.

Gwelliant 3 fydd nesaf, yn enw Heledd Fychan. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 23, neb yn ymatal, 24 yn erbyn. Ac felly mae'r bleidlais wedi'i wrthod ar welliant 3.

Amendment 3 is next, in the name of Heledd Fychan. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 23, no abstentions, and 24 against. And therefore amendment 3 is not agreed.


Eitem 10. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion. Gwelliant 3, cyflwynwyd yn enw Heledd Fychan: O blaid: 23, Yn erbyn: 24, Ymatal: 0

Gwrthodwyd y gwelliant

Item 10. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Teaching of reading skills in schools. Amendment 3, tabled in the name of Heledd Fychan: For: 23, Against: 24, Abstain: 0

Amendment has been rejected

Y cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio sydd nesaf, felly.

We will now vote on the motion as amended. 

Cynnig NDM8693 fel y'i ddiwygiwyd:

Cynnig bod y Senedd:

1. Yn cefnogi:

a) codi safonau darllen fel rhan o flaenoriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i godi safonau mewn ysgolion a cholegau;

b) ymgorffori llythrennedd ar draws pob maes dysgu fel rhan o'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru;

c) cymryd camau i wella’r broses o addysgu dysgwyr i ddarllen, gan gynnwys gwneud geiriad canllawiau yn gliriach lle bo angen; a

d) defnyddio asesiadau personol i gefnogi cynnydd dysgwyr o ran darllen, ac i gadw llygad ar welliannau yn genedlaethol.

2. Yn nodi bod y disgwyliadau o ran pwysigrwydd ffoneg eisoes wedi’u hamlinellu yng nghanllawiau statudol Cwricwlwm i Gymru.

3. Yn cydnabod bod yn rhaid i benderfyniadau am addysgu dysgwyr i ddarllen gael eu llywio bob amser gan yr hyn sydd orau i’r dysgwr.

Motion NDM8693 as amended:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Supports:

a) boosting reading standards as part of the Welsh Government’s priority to boost standards in schools and colleges;

b) embedding literacy across all areas of learning as part of the Curriculum for Wales;

c) taking action to improve the teaching of reading, including making the wording of guidance clearer where needed; and

d) using personalised assessments to support learner progress in reading and to track improvements nationally.

2. Notes that expectations on the importance of phonics are already set out in the Curriculum for Wales statutory guidance.

3. Recognises that decisions about the teaching of reading must always be guided by the best interests of the learner.

Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 25, naw yn ymatal, 13 yn erbyn. Mae'r cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.

Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 25, nine abstentions, 13 against. Therefore, the motion as amended is agreed. 

Eitem 10. Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Addysgu sgiliau darllen mewn ysgolion. Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 25, Yn erbyn: 13, Ymatal: 9

Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd

Item 10. Welsh Conservatives Debate - Teaching of reading skills in schools. Motion as amended: For: 25, Against: 13, Abstain: 9

Motion as amended has been agreed

Dyna ddiwedd ar y pleidleisiau am y dydd, ond nid dyna ddiwedd ar y gwaith.

That concludes voting for today, but our work continues. 

12. Dadl Fer: Sicrhau y gall pob plentyn ffynnu: Dathlu addysg amgen yng Nghymru
12. Short Debate: Ensuring all children can thrive: Celebrating alternative education in Wales

Mae yna un eitem arall i'w chyflwyno. Yr eitem yma yw eitem 12, y ddadl fer. Buffy Williams fydd yn cyflwyno'r ddadl fer, ac felly os gwnaiff yr Aelodau adael yn dawel. 

We have one remaining item, and that is item 12, the short debate. Buffy Williams will be presenting the short debate, so if Members who are leaving the Chamber could do so quietly. 

Buffy Williams, in your own time, to introduce your short debate.

Buffy Williams, yn eich amser eich hun, i gyflwyno eich dadl fer.

Diolch, Llywydd.

That would be handy, wouldn't it?

Education is one of the most powerful tools we have for shaping our futures. It provides young people with the knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to grow into confident, capable adults. Education is our best chance of gaining future employment and tackling poverty. Beyond the lessons, exams and grades, it helps us manage stress, teaches responsibility and allows us to make friends, creating connections that help us feel at home in our communities and within wider society.

It's important that we remember that every child is unique, shaped by their own experiences and backgrounds. From the busy streets of Cardiff to our rolling Valleys, all the way up to Ynys Môn, our children and young people are all unique in their own way. We need an education system that doesn't only allow for, but encourages this diversity. We can't adopt a one-size-fits-all approach to education, and I'm pleased that, in Wales, we don't.

For many students, there are barriers that make accessing education more difficult. Children with additional learning needs, for example, often face challenges that the mainstream system doesn't fully accommodate. Pupils from more deprived areas, where difficult home lives or community issues may add extra layers of stress, also struggle to thrive in standard school settings. There are crucial initiatives that aim to give every student in Wales a fair and equal chance at success, ensuring that socioeconomic background doesn't determine educational outcomes. The sustainable communities for learning programme, formerly the twenty-first century schools programme, continues to transform our classrooms and wider education infrastructure, creating modern learning environments. Universal free school meals mean that no child goes hungry, and can focus on their learning. And the education maintenance allowance provides essential financial support to students in further education, removing just some of the stresses of low income to make sure they're able to stay engaged and complete their studies.

Over recent years, we have seen education reforms implemented across Wales with the ambition of fostering even greater inclusivity, encouraging our children and young people to be more than just students. The new Curriculum for Wales is built around four key pillars: ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives; enterprising, creative contributors ready to play a full part in life and work; ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world; and healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society. Alongside these pillars, the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018 aims to further support inclusivity by ensuring that children with additional needs receive the tailored support they deserve. This legislation is a crucial step towards creating an education system that respects and nurtures the diverse talents and challenges of every student.

However, we also need to recognise that, for some children and young people, these initiatives still don't fully meet their needs. It can feel like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. For these children, traditional educational pathways may not be the best fit. This is where alternative education options become vital.

Diolch, Lywydd.

Byddai hon yn ddefnyddiol, oni fyddai?

Addysg yw un o'r arfau mwyaf pwerus sydd gennym ar gyfer siapio ein dyfodol. Mae'n rhoi'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r cyfleoedd sydd eu hangen ar bobl ifanc i dyfu'n oedolion hyderus, galluog. Addysg yw ein cyfle gorau i gael gwaith yn y dyfodol a mynd i'r afael â thlodi. Y tu hwnt i'r gwersi, yr arholiadau a'r graddau, mae'n ein helpu i reoli straen, yn dysgu cyfrifoldeb ac yn ein galluogi i wneud ffrindiau, gan greu cysylltiadau sy'n ein helpu i deimlo'n gartrefol yn ein cymunedau ac yn y gymdeithas ehangach.

Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn cofio bod pob plentyn yn unigryw, wedi'i siapio gan ei brofiadau a'i gefndir ei hun. O strydoedd prysur Caerdydd i'n Cymoedd bryniog, yr holl ffordd i fyny i Ynys Môn, mae ein plant a'n pobl ifanc i gyd yn unigryw yn eu ffordd eu hunain. Mae arnom angen system addysg sydd nid yn unig yn caniatáu, ond yn annog yr amrywiaeth hon. Ni allwn fabwysiadu dull un maint i bawb o addysgu, ac rwy'n falch nad ydym yn gwneud hynny yng Nghymru.

I lawer o fyfyrwyr, mae yna rwystrau sy'n gwneud mynediad at addysg yn anos. Mae plant ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, er enghraifft, yn aml yn wynebu heriau nad yw'r system brif ffrwd yn darparu ar eu cyfer yn llawn. Mae disgyblion o ardaloedd mwy difreintiedig, lle gall bywydau cartref anodd neu broblemau cymunedol ychwanegu haenau o straen, hefyd yn cael trafferth ffynnu mewn lleoliadau ysgol arferol. Mae yna fentrau allweddol sy'n ceisio rhoi cyfle teg a chyfartal i bob myfyriwr yng Nghymru allu llwyddo, gan sicrhau nad yw cefndir economaidd-gymdeithasol yn pennu canlyniadau addysgol. Mae'r rhaglen cymunedau dysgu cynaliadwy, rhaglen ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain gynt, yn parhau i drawsnewid ein hystafelloedd dosbarth a'n seilwaith addysg ehangach, gan greu amgylcheddau dysgu modern. Mae prydau ysgol am ddim i bawb yn golygu nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn llwglyd, a'i fod yn gallu canolbwyntio ar ei ddysgu. Ac mae'r lwfans cynhaliaeth addysg yn darparu cymorth ariannol hanfodol i fyfyrwyr mewn addysg bellach, gan gael gwared ar beth o straen incwm isel i sicrhau eu bod yn gallu parhau i gymryd rhan a chwblhau eu hastudiaethau.

Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, rydym wedi gweld diwygiadau addysg yn cael eu gweithredu ledled Cymru gyda'r uchelgais o feithrin mwy fyth o gynwysoldeb, gan annog ein plant a'n pobl ifanc i fod yn fwy na myfyrwyr yn unig. Mae'r Cwricwlwm i Gymru newydd wedi'i adeiladu o amgylch pedwar diben allweddol: dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy'n barod i ddysgu drwy gydol eu bywydau; cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy'n barod i chwarae rhan lawn mewn bywyd a gwaith; dinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus yng Nghymru a'r byd; ac unigolion iach, hyderus sy'n barod i fyw bywydau cyflawn fel aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas. Ochr yn ochr â'r dibenion hyn, nod Deddf Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a'r Tribiwnlys Addysg (Cymru) 2018 yw cefnogi cynwysoldeb ymhellach trwy sicrhau bod plant ag anghenion ychwanegol yn cael y cymorth wedi'i deilwra y maent yn ei haeddu. Mae'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn gam hanfodol tuag at greu system addysg sy'n parchu ac yn meithrin doniau a heriau amrywiol pob myfyriwr.

Fodd bynnag, i rai plant a phobl ifanc, mae angen inni gydnabod hefyd nad yw'r pethau hyn yn diwallu eu hanghenion yn llawn o hyd. Gall deimlo fel ceisio ffitio peg sgwâr i mewn i dwll crwn. I'r plant hyn, mae'n bosibl nad llwybrau addysgol traddodiadol sy'n gweddu orau. Dyma lle mae opsiynau addysg amgen yn dod yn allweddol.


Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd i’r Gadair.

The Deputy Presiding Officer took the Chair.

Today, I'll be focusing on how we can ensure all children in Wales can truly thrive through alternative pathways. For children and young people who don't fit the mould, alternative education can be a lifeline. It offers them a way to reconnect with learning in an environment that better meets their needs. Whether it's through smaller classes, hands-on vocational training or specialised support, alternative education can help young people rediscover their potential. This short debate aims to celebrate the incredible work being done in alternative education across Wales, where many students are finding new paths to success.

Let me start by sharing the stories of two students, pupil A and pupil B. Pupil A came from a difficult background and had experienced lots of adverse childhood experiences. Pupil A did not access lessons and needed a lot of support. The concerns became present when pupil A was in year 7 with issues between friendship groups resulting in violence, threatening behaviour and lack of access to learning. Conflicts were also started with staff. Referrals to outside agencies were made. Pupil A was given a key adult and a time-out pass. 

During time out of lessons, pupil A was supported to complete an alternative qualification with behaviour and well-being staff during intervention time, along with emotional literacy support assistant sessions and behaviour and well-being monitoring. With behaviour continuing to be a problem, pupil A was assigned to a ready to learn registration and positively supported with lessons and literacy interventions. Improvements were made to pupil A's relationships with adults, relationships with other staff members were restored, and pupil A learned to recognise and was able to control uncomfortable feelings instead of lashing out. 

Pupil A was referred to a nurture provision where more qualifications were completed, alongside a nurturing, ELSA and thrive programme, which resulted in a further reduction in exclusion and isolation referrals. Pupil A left school happy and feeling supported, with qualifications including mathematics, English, Welsh, health and social care, and science, and has gone into college to study childcare and is currently on placement in a childcare setting. 

Pupil B joined the school in year 8 with a history of violence to peers and a complete disregard for authority. The concerns started almost immediately and continued throughout pupil B's time at school: physical violence resulting in police intervention, self-harm and a breakdown in home life. Pupil B's attendance was poor after the first year, with 70 per cent and 45 per cent respectively. Behaviour and well-being interventions were put into place, which offered pupil B some support, but the violence and refusal to access learning continued. Truancy became a significant concern when pupil B was accessing a minimum amount of lessons, spending time outside of school. There were many exclusions put in place, some of them very lengthy, with a very real risk of permanent exclusion from school.

The decision was made to offer a placement in a social, emotional and behavioural difficulties unit, where pupil B remained for the rest of their schooling. Extra qualifications were completed whilst having access to a small group, attending core lessons in the mainstream setting and accessing emotional support whilst in the unit. Attendance increased to 78 per cent, exclusions were reduced, and pupil B completed exams achieving three B-grade-equivalent grades, including maths, skills, science and English.

I could go on, but unfortunately I think I'd run out of time. These stories highlight the power of alternative education, but as much as these programmes are making a difference, there are still big questions about how we can do better. So, I want to put these questions to the Welsh Government.

It's clear that the earlier we identify students who could benefit from alternative education, the more likely it is that these students engage and remain engaged with education. Teachers on the front line can see which students are beginning to struggle and can pick up on behavioural problems, but we know that they're often stretched and don't always have the resources to identify issues early enough. Some schools are fortunate to have a dedicated family liaison officer, who will be better placed to identify potential students. So, my question is: what more can be done to support schools to identify pupils who would benefit from alternative education? Is there any additional support that can be provided to teaching assistants, like ELSAs, and how can the Welsh Government support local authorities and schools employ or create family liaison officer roles?

Moving on to cost, we know that alternative education can be expensive, especially for schools in more deprived areas. But, understandably, the provision charities provide is not cheap to run, and they of course need to cover their costs. How does the Welsh Government plan to support schools with the costs of this provision, to ensure that no child misses out on the support they need because of financial limitations? And does the Minister intend to meet with the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice to further discuss potential funding opportunities for charities or community groups?

Next, we have an incredible resource right on our doorstep: the hundreds of community groups, charities and businesses across Wales that could be supporting young people through alternative education. I know that many will already be involved in supporting their schools, through the community schools initiative, and others involved through the young person's guarantee. But many of these organisations still haven't been identified and aren't being utilised to their full potential. What steps can the Welsh Government take to better identify these community groups and businesses, and support them in becoming providers of alternative education? And as we consider the Welsh Government's young person's guarantee, how can we engage big businesses to offer work experience or apprenticeships as part of alternative education programmes?

We also need to talk about the role of Welsh language in alternative education. It's no secret that some Welsh-medium schools are anxious about losing pupils when it comes to further education, as they can't provide the same choice as neighbouring schools or colleges. The same can sadly be said about the lack of Welsh-medium alternative education options. I understand that the Cabinet Secretary will be working with the Cabinet Secretary for Welsh language to support Welsh-medium school sixth forms, working towards providing a broader range of post-16 education available in Welsh. Can I please ask if the same commitment can be made and work undertaken to ensure that Welsh language learners can access alternative education through the medium of Welsh?

Finally, I'd like to ask about the future of alternative education and the role that junior apprenticeships and colleges could play for students who don't thrive in a traditional academic environment. Junior apprenticeships offer a chance to learn practical skills while still continuing their education. What role does the Cabinet Secretary see junior apprenticeships and colleges playing in the future of education for students that traditionally would benefit from alternative education? And as we look to foster greater collaboration between schools and further education providers, how can we support stronger partnerships between schools and colleges, to identify and support students who would benefit from alternative education options earlier on?

We know that alternative education is making a real difference to the lives of young people across Wales, but there's so much more we can do to ensure that every child has access to the support they need. From helping schools identify students, to engaging more community groups and businesses, ensuring Welsh language provision, and expanding post-16 options, there's a lot on the table.

It would be remiss of me not to mention the amazing work of Kate Owen and her team at RCT council, especially through her work with young people as part of the Green Light project and the Gatsby initiative, and, of course, two fantastic individuals who support pupils through alternative education in Rhondda, Mikey Jones of Cambrian Village Trust and Michelle Coburn-Hughes of Ferndale Community School and the Fern Partnership.

I look forward to hearing how the Welsh Government plans to address these important questions so that we can continue building an education system that works for every young person in Wales. Diolch.

Heddiw, rwyf am ganolbwyntio ar sut y gallwn sicrhau y gall pob plentyn yng Nghymru ffynnu go iawn trwy lwybrau amgen. I blant a phobl ifanc nad ydynt yn ffitio'r mowld, gall addysg amgen fod yn achubiaeth. Mae'n cynnig ffordd iddynt ailgysylltu â dysgu mewn amgylchedd sy'n diwallu eu hanghenion yn well. Boed hynny drwy ddosbarthiadau llai o faint, hyfforddiant galwedigaethol ymarferol neu gymorth arbenigol, gall addysg amgen helpu pobl ifanc i ailddarganfod eu potensial. Nod y ddadl fer hon yw dathlu'r gwaith anhygoel sy'n cael ei wneud mewn addysg amgen ledled Cymru, lle mae llawer o fyfyrwyr yn dod o hyd i lwybrau newydd i lwyddiant.

Gadewch imi ddechrau drwy rannu straeon dau fyfyriwr, disgybl A a disgybl B. Roedd disgybl A yn dod o gefndir anodd ac roedd wedi profi llawer o brofiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod. Nid oedd disgybl A yn mynychu gwersi ac roedd angen llawer o gefnogaeth. Daeth y pryderon yn amlwg pan oedd disgybl A ym mlwyddyn 7 gyda phroblemau rhwng grwpiau cyfeillgarwch yn arwain at drais, ymddygiad bygythiol a diffyg mynediad at ddysgu. Roedd yn gwrthdaro â staff hefyd. Fe'i hatgyfeiriwyd at asiantaethau allanol. Cafodd disgybl A oedolyn allweddol a phàs amser allan. 

Yn ystod amser allan o'r gwersi, cefnogwyd disgybl A i gwblhau cymhwyster amgen gyda staff ymddygiad a llesiant yn ystod amser ymyrraeth, ynghyd â sesiynau gyda chynorthwy-ydd cymorth llythrennedd emosiynol a monitro ymddygiad a llesiant. Gydag ymddygiad yn parhau i fod yn broblem, cafodd disgybl A eu trosglwyddo i gofrestriad parod i ddysgu a'u cefnogi'n gadarnhaol â gwersi ac ymyriadau llythrennedd. Gwnaed gwelliannau i berthynas disgybl A ag oedolion, adferwyd eu perthynas ag aelodau eraill o staff, a dysgodd A adnabod a gallu rheoli teimladau anghyfforddus yn lle taro allan. 

Cyfeiriwyd disgybl A at ddarpariaeth anogaeth lle cwblhawyd mwy o gymwysterau, ochr yn ochr â rhaglen anogaeth, llythrennedd emosiynol a ffynnu, a arweiniodd at ostyngiad pellach mewn atgyfeiriadau gwahardd ac ynysu. Gadawodd disgybl A yr ysgol yn hapus ac yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi, gyda chymwysterau'n cynnwys mathemateg, Saesneg, Cymraeg, iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a gwyddoniaeth, ac mae wedi mynd i'r coleg i astudio gofal plant ac ar hyn o bryd mae ar leoliad mewn lleoliad gofal plant.

Ymunodd disgybl B â'r ysgol ym mlwyddyn 8 gyda hanes o drais at gyfoedion a diffyg parch llwyr at awdurdod. Dechreuodd y pryderon bron yn syth gan barhau drwy gydol cyfnod disgybl B yn yr ysgol: trais corfforol yn arwain at ymyrraeth yr heddlu, hunan-niweidio a chwalfa ym mywyd y cartref. Roedd presenoldeb disgybl B yn wael ar ôl y flwyddyn gyntaf, ar 70 y cant a 45 y cant. Rhoddwyd ymyriadau ymddygiad a llesiant ar waith, gan gynnig rhywfaint o gefnogaeth i ddisgybl B, ond parhaodd y trais ac ymddieithrio rhag addysg. Daeth triwantiaeth yn bryder sylweddol pan oedd disgybl B yn mynd i isafswm o wersi, gan dreulio amser y tu allan i'r ysgol. Rhoddwyd llawer o waharddiadau ar waith, rai ohonynt yn hir iawn, gyda risg wirioneddol o gael eu gwahardd yn barhaol o'r ysgol.

Gwnaed penderfyniad i gynnig lleoliad mewn uned anawsterau cymdeithasol, emosiynol ac ymddygiadol, lle arhosodd disgybl B am weddill eu cyfnod mewn addysg. Cwblhaodd gymwysterau ychwanegol tra oedd mewn grŵp bach, gan fynychu gwersi craidd yn y lleoliad prif ffrwd a chael mynediad at gymorth emosiynol tra oedd yn yr uned. Cynyddodd presenoldeb i 78 y cant, lleihaodd nifer y gwaharddiadau, a chwblhaodd disgybl B arholiadau gan ennill tair gradd gyfwerth â gradd B, yn cynnwys mathemateg, sgiliau, gwyddoniaeth a Saesneg.

Gallwn barhau, ond byddai fy amser yn dod i ben yn anffodus. Mae'r straeon hyn yn tynnu sylw at bŵer addysg amgen, ond er bod y rhaglenni hyn yn gwneud cymaint o wahaniaeth, mae cwestiynau mawr o hyd ynglŷn â sut y gallwn wneud yn well. Felly, rwyf am ofyn y cwestiynau hyn i Lywodraeth Cymru.

Po gynharaf y byddwn yn nodi myfyrwyr a allai elwa o addysg amgen, y mwyaf tebygol yw hi y bydd y myfyrwyr hyn yn cymryd rhan ac yn parhau i gymryd rhan mewn addysg. Gall athrawon ar y rheng flaen weld pa fyfyrwyr sy'n dechrau ei chael hi'n anodd a nodi problemau ymddygiadol, ond gwyddom eu bod yn aml dan bwysau ac nad oes ganddynt adnoddau bob amser i nodi problemau'n ddigon cynnar. Mae rhai ysgolion yn ffodus i gael swyddog cyswllt â theuluoedd dynodedig, a fydd mewn sefyllfa well i nodi myfyrwyr posibl. Felly, fy nghwestiwn i yw: beth arall y gellir ei wneud i gefnogi ysgolion i nodi disgyblion a fyddai'n elwa o addysg amgen? A oes unrhyw gymorth ychwanegol y gellir ei ddarparu i gynorthwywyr addysgu, fel cynorthwywyr cymorth llythrennedd emosiynol, a sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru gefnogi awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion i gyflogi neu greu rolau swyddogion cyswllt â theuluoedd?

Gan symud ymlaen at gostau, gwyddom y gall addysg amgen fod yn ddrud, yn enwedig i ysgolion mewn ardaloedd mwy difreintiedig. Ond yn ddealladwy, nid yw'r ddarpariaeth y mae elusennau'n ei darparu yn rhad i'w rhedeg, ac wrth gwrs mae angen iddynt hwy dalu eu costau. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu cefnogi ysgolion gyda chostau'r ddarpariaeth hon, er mwyn sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn cael eu hamddifadu o'r cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt oherwydd cyfyngiadau ariannol? Ac a yw'r Gweinidog yn bwriadu cyfarfod ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol i drafod ymhellach pa gyfleoedd cyllido posibl sydd ar gael i elusennau neu grwpiau cymunedol?

Nesaf, mae gennym adnodd anhygoel ar garreg ein drws: y cannoedd o grwpiau cymunedol, elusennau a busnesau ledled Cymru a allai gefnogi pobl ifanc trwy addysg amgen. Rwy'n gwybod y bydd llawer eisoes yn cefnogi eu hysgolion, drwy'r cynllun ysgolion cymunedol, ac eraill yn cymryd rhan drwy'r warant i bobl ifanc. Ond mae llawer o'r sefydliadau hyn yn dal i fod heb eu nodi ac nid ydynt yn cael eu defnyddio i'w potensial llawn. Pa gamau y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i nodi'r grwpiau cymunedol a'r busnesau hyn yn well, a'u cynorthwyo i ddod yn ddarparwyr addysg amgen? Ac wrth inni ystyried gwarant Llywodraeth Cymru i bobl ifanc, sut y gallwn ennyn diddordeb busnesau mawr i gynnig profiad gwaith neu brentisiaethau yn rhan o raglenni addysg amgen?

Mae angen i ni siarad am rôl y Gymraeg mewn addysg amgen hefyd. Nid yw'n gyfrinach fod rhai ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg yn bryderus ynghylch colli disgyblion mewn perthynas ag addysg bellach, am na allant ddarparu'r un dewis ag ysgolion neu golegau cyfagos. Yn anffodus, gellir dweud yr un peth am ddiffyg opsiynau addysg amgen cyfrwng Cymraeg. Rwy'n deall y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweithio gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros y Gymraeg i gefnogi darpariaeth chweched dosbarth yn yr ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg, gan weithio tuag at ddarparu ystod ehangach o addysg ôl-16 sydd ar gael yn Gymraeg. A oes modd gwneud yr un ymrwymiad a gwneud gwaith i sicrhau bod dysgwyr Cymraeg yn gallu cael mynediad at addysg amgen drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg?

Yn olaf, hoffwn ofyn am ddyfodol addysg amgen a'r rôl y gallai prentisiaethau iau a cholegau ei chwarae i fyfyrwyr nad ydynt yn ffynnu mewn amgylchedd academaidd traddodiadol. Mae prentisiaethau iau'n cynnig cyfle i ddysgu sgiliau ymarferol tra byddant yn parhau â'u haddysg. Pa rôl y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn gweld prentisiaethau iau a cholegau'n ei chwarae yn nyfodol addysg myfyrwyr a fyddai yn draddodiadol yn elwa o addysg amgen? Ac wrth inni geisio meithrin mwy o gydweithio rhwng ysgolion a darparwyr addysg bellach, sut y gallwn ni gefnogi partneriaethau cryfach rhwng ysgolion a cholegau, i nodi a chefnogi myfyrwyr a fyddai'n elwa o opsiynau addysg amgen yn gynharach?

Fe wyddom fod addysg amgen yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i fywydau pobl ifanc ledled Cymru, ond mae cymaint mwy y gallwn ei wneud i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael mynediad at y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. O helpu ysgolion i nodi myfyrwyr, i ennyn diddordeb mwy o grwpiau cymunedol a busnesau, sicrhau darpariaeth Gymraeg, ac ehangu opsiynau ôl-16, mae llawer ar y bwrdd.

Buaswn ar fai'n peidio â sôn am waith anhygoel Kate Owen a'i thîm yng nghyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf, yn enwedig ei gwaith gyda phobl ifanc yn rhan o'r prosiect Golau Gwyrdd a chynllun Gatsby, ac wrth gwrs, dau unigolyn gwych sy'n cefnogi disgyblion drwy addysg amgen yn y Rhondda, Mikey Jones o Cambrian Village Trust a Michelle Coburn-Hughes o Ysgol Gymunedol Ferndale a Phartneriaeth Fern.

Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu mynd i'r afael â'r cwestiynau pwysig hyn fel y gallwn barhau i adeiladu system addysg sy'n gweithio i bob unigolyn ifanc yng Nghymru. Diolch.


Every child is different, and we need to nurture their strengths and embrace their differences, so that, with the right support and kindness, they can be happy and flourish. It may not be through mainstream education, but through dance, music, sport or connecting to nature. It can be labour-intensive for targeted care and support, which is sometimes expensive and not always available because of cuts to public funding. It may be because they do not have the right support at home, at school or in friendship groups. But, often, that is all that is needed to enable someone to be confident to find their special power and to thrive.

Mae pob plentyn yn wahanol, ac mae angen inni feithrin eu cryfderau a chofleidio eu gwahaniaethau, fel y gallant fod yn hapus a ffynnu gyda'r gefnogaeth gywir a charedigrwydd. Efallai nad drwy addysg prif ffrwd, ond trwy ddawns, cerddoriaeth, chwaraeon neu gysylltu â natur. Gall fod yn llafurddwys o ran gofal a chymorth wedi'i dargedu, sydd weithiau'n ddrud, ac nid yw bob amser ar gael oherwydd toriadau i gyllid cyhoeddus. Gall fod oherwydd nad ydynt yn cael y gefnogaeth gywir gartref, yn yr ysgol neu mewn grwpiau cyfeillgarwch. Ond yn aml, dyna'r cyfan sydd ei angen i alluogi rhywun i fod yn hyderus i ddod o hyd i'w pŵer arbennig ac i ffynnu.

Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Addysg Bellach ac Uwch i ymateb i'r ddadl—Vikki Howells.

I call on the Minister for Further and Higher Education to respond to the debate—Vikki Howells.


Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'd like to thank Buffy Williams for tabling this short debate today, for the points that she's raised on access to education in Wales, and Carolyn Thomas for the points that she raised as well. I'd also like to join Buffy in paying tribute to the two young people whose achievements she's highlighted, and to the people who work so hard to support children and young people to access education and meet their potential.

As you know, the Cabinet Secretary and I have always been passionate advocates for our children and young people. We want all our children to thrive and to be supported by an education system that puts them first. When the Cabinet Secretary outlined her priorities for the education system in Wales in this Chamber in May, she said she wanted the whole system working together to improve standards and to raise attainment and to be ambitious for every single learner. And I'm pleased to be here today to recognise the steps being made towards that ambition by our education providers, and by those who support the education of some of our most vulnerable and sometimes most disengaged learners.

For most children and young people, access to education means attending a mainstream school. In their school, they will benefit from the teaching provided by our dedicated education workforce and, as the Member has highlighted, wider opportunities for social and emotional development. But, sadly, that is not the case for every child. There have always been some children and young people for whom a mainstream education experience has not worked—children who have struggled with the lessons, children who have felt that they're not able to learn the skills they need for the path they want to follow in later life, or children for whom the wider school experience has not been easy, enjoyable or something that they want to be a part of. In my own 16 years of experience as a secondary school teacher, that is something that I have seen up close and personal.

The education system here in Wales has always been able to flex to support these children and young people in some ways, but it is now having to flex more than ever and to deliver for more children than ever before. Sadly, the number of children experiencing difficulties attending school has increased since the pandemic, and the reasons for this are wide ranging. We have seen an increase in the number of children who have mental health challenges, behavioural issues, health challenges, and those struggling with emotionally based school avoidance. Cases like those highlighted by the Member are not as rare as they once were, and the issues our children and young people are presenting with are more complex, often requiring a multi-agency approach. The Member has highlighted a number of the programmes we've put in place to support children and young people to access education, including our Curriculum for Wales and our support for additional learning needs. I was also pleased to hear her mention our provision of free school meals, which is now seeing every primary school child entitled to a free meal, tackling hunger and supporting families at a time when we know many are struggling.

I would also like to draw attention to the work delivered through our whole-school approach to mental health and well-being. Well-being is critical for learning. If children feel anxious or scared, at home or in school, then they are not going to be able to fully engage with their lessons or thrive in education. Our whole-school approach to mental health and well-being recognises this. We've invested over £13 million in this financial year in supporting mental health and well-being provision through our whole-school approach. This is funding school and community-based counselling, training for staff and a variety of universal and targeted interventions, all of which are invaluable to our children and young people's well-being. However, it is important we recognise that, even with this support, mainstream education, as I've said, is not for all children, and services like those highlighted by the Member today are vitally important. That is why I would also like to pay tribute to the staff that work in our special schools, our pupil referral units, and who deliver what is called education other than at school, better known as EOTAS.

Just like mainstream schools, these schools and services are an essential part of our education system, ensuring children and young people receive a suitable and good-quality education. EOTAS provision in particular can be very flexible as it strives to meet the needs of the child. This can include home tuition, a place at a pupil referral unit, vocational courses delivered by further education institutions, or access to independent providers. EOTAS can also be delivered through a combination of these services, and could include spending some time in a mainstream school and at some of these wider services. It is about what is needed to support that individual child to learn, to thrive and to succeed. No child should be written off or denied an education because they do not fit the standard mould. Every child and young person has potential, and they should all be encouraged to realise their potential.

In her speech, Buffy Williams asked a number of questions. I was pleased to hear her highlight the importance of family liaison officers. This is a critical role for many children and families and for schools. I know they sometimes go by other titles, including family engagement officers and welfare support officers, and their work in supporting children is extensive. In this financial year, we are investing £6.5 million in supporting the work of family engagement officers. We've also recently established a national family engagement officer network to highlight the critical work they do and to provide more support to them. And through our community-focused schools programme, we are providing support and guidance to schools to work with families to support children and young people to thrive. Our community-focused schools are also working hard to engage the wider community, including local employers and colleges, in the way the Member described.

The Member talked about early identification of need. We know that there are many demands on EOTAS provision and that, sometimes, learners are having to wait too long to access the right support. We will be looking more closely at the data we hold on EOTAS provision, including EOTAS delivered through our pupil referral units. We want to ensure no child is waiting an excessive amount of time before they access the support they need. We also want to better understand the pressures local authorities and schools face in arranging EOTAS, and how we can improve that service. The Member may also be interested to note that we will be developing additional guidance to support local authorities in commissioning EOTAS provision, which will include advice on how to support providers to become accredited, and this could include the community groups mentioned.

In her speech, the Member referenced the issue some children have with regularly attending school. Every day matters in the education and development of a child or young person. Attendance is essential to achieving positive outcomes, and it is essential to delivering on the Welsh Government's priority of a sustained improvement in educational attainment. We are committed to raising attendance levels in all education provision, whether mainstream or not. Key to that is ensuring that our children and young people see the benefit of attending school and understanding how school or an alternative education provision will help them get to where they want to be. Junior apprenticeships are a part of that, as we know not all children engage with traditional courses or assessment, and I take on board also the Member's comments about Welsh-medium provision. This is something we have been looking at and will continue to work on with local authorities and other partners to improve.

As the Member has highlighted, investment in education provision is critical to ensuring the best outcomes for our learners, and that means investment in both mainstream and alternative provision. We recognise the financial pressures that are facing our schools, as the Cabinet Secretary said in this Chamber just last week, and, without repeating in detail what the Cabinet Secretary said last week, the Welsh Government does not fund schools directly. Local government set budgets for the services that they provide, including their schools. However, despite significant budget pressures, we've sought to protect school funding as much as possible. This includes safeguarding the levels of funding provided within the local authority education grant, directing £379 million to support our schools and local authorities in the current financial year, and this is in addition to grant funding for our demand-led schemes.

I would like to close by thanking the dedicated staff working to support all our learners, and particularly those children and young people who struggle to engage with education. Many of them go the extra mile to make sure these learners are not left behind, and they should be rightly celebrated for their dedication. Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd.

Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i Buffy Williams am gyflwyno'r ddadl fer hon heddiw, am y pwyntiau y mae hi wedi'u codi ar fynediad at addysg yng Nghymru, a Carolyn Thomas am y pwyntiau a gododd hithau hefyd. Hoffwn ymuno â Buffy i dalu teyrnged i'r ddau unigolyn ifanc y tynnodd sylw at eu cyflawniadau, ac i'r bobl sy'n gweithio mor galed i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc i gael mynediad at addysg a chyflawni eu potensial.

Fel y gwyddoch, mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a minnau bob amser wedi dadlau'n angerddol dros ein plant a'n pobl ifanc. Rydym am i'n holl blant ffynnu a chael eu cefnogi gan system addysg sy'n eu rhoi nhw yn gyntaf. Pan amlinellodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ei blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y system addysg yng Nghymru yn y Siambr hon ym mis Mai, dywedodd ei bod am i'r system gyfan gydweithio i wella safonau a chodi cyrhaeddiad a bod yn uchelgeisiol ar ran pob dysgwr yn ddiwahân. Ac rwy'n falch o fod yma heddiw i gydnabod y camau sy'n cael eu cymryd tuag at yr uchelgais hwnnw gan ein darparwyr addysg, a chan y rhai sy'n cefnogi addysg rhai o'n dysgwyr mwyaf agored i niwed ac sydd wedi ymddieithrio fwyaf rhag addysg.

I'r rhan fwyaf o blant a phobl ifanc, mae mynediad at addysg yn golygu mynychu ysgol brif ffrwd. Yn eu hysgol, byddant yn elwa o'r addysgu a ddarperir gan ein gweithlu addysg ymroddedig ac fel y mae'r Aelod wedi nodi, y cyfleoedd ehangach ar gyfer datblygiad cymdeithasol ac emosiynol. Yn anffodus, nid yw hyn yn wir am bob plentyn. Mae yna rai plant a phobl ifanc bob amser nad yw profiad o addysg prif ffrwd wedi gweithio iddynt—plant sydd wedi cael trafferth gyda'r gwersi, plant sydd wedi teimlo nad ydynt yn gallu dysgu'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt ar gyfer y llwybr y maent am ei ddilyn yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd, neu blant nad yw'r profiad ysgol ehangach wedi bod yn hawdd iddynt, yn rhywbeth dymunol neu'n rhywbeth y maent am fod yn rhan ohono. Yn fy 16 mlynedd o brofiad fel athrawes ysgol uwchradd, mae hynny'n rhywbeth y cefais gipolwg agos a phersonol arno.

Mae'r system addysg yma yng Nghymru bob amser wedi gallu addasu i gefnogi'r plant a'r bobl ifanc hyn mewn rhai ffyrdd, ond bellach mae'n gorfod addasu fwy nag erioed a darparu ar gyfer mwy o blant nag erioed o'r blaen. Yn anffodus, mae nifer y plant sy'n cael anhawster i fynychu ysgol wedi cynyddu ers y pandemig, ac mae'r rhesymau dros hyn yn amrywio'n fawr. Rydym wedi gweld cynnydd yn nifer y plant sydd â heriau iechyd meddwl, problemau ymddygiadol, heriau iechyd, a'r rhai sy'n cael trafferth gydag osgoi ysgol am resymau emosiynol. Nid yw achosion fel y rhai a nodwyd gan yr Aelod mor brin ag yr oeddent ar un adeg, ac mae'r problemau sydd gan ein plant a'n pobl ifanc yn fwy cymhleth, yn aml yn galw am ddull amlasiantaethol. Mae'r Aelod wedi tynnu sylw at nifer o'r rhaglenni a roddwyd ar waith gennym i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc i gael mynediad at addysg, gan gynnwys ein Cwricwlwm i Gymru a'n cefnogaeth i anghenion dysgu ychwanegol. Roeddwn yn falch o'i chlywed yn sôn hefyd am ein darpariaeth prydau ysgol am ddim, sydd bellach yn golygu bod pob plentyn ysgol gynradd â hawl i bryd bwyd am ddim, gan fynd i'r afael â phroblem plant llwglyd a chefnogi teuluoedd ar adeg pan wyddom fod llawer ohonynt yn ei chael hi'n anodd.

Hoffwn dynnu sylw hefyd at y gwaith a gyflawnir drwy ein dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol. Mae llesiant yn hanfodol ar gyfer dysgu. Os yw plant yn teimlo'n bryderus neu'n ofnus, gartref neu yn yr ysgol, ni fyddant yn gallu cymryd rhan lawn yn eu gwersi na ffynnu mewn addysg. Mae ein dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol yn cydnabod hyn. Rydym wedi buddsoddi dros £13 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon i gefnogi darpariaeth iechyd meddwl a llesiant meddyliol drwy ein dull ysgol gyfan. Mae hwn yn ariannu cwnsela mewn ysgolion a chymunedau, hyfforddiant i staff ac amrywiaeth o ymyriadau cyffredinol ac wedi'u targedu, ac mae pob un ohonynt yn amhrisiadwy i lesiant ein plant a'n pobl ifanc. Fodd bynnag, mae'n bwysig ein bod yn cydnabod, hyd yn oed gyda'r cymorth hwn, nad yw addysg brif ffrwd, fel y dywedais, yn addas ar gyfer pob plentyn, ac mae gwasanaethau fel y rhai a nodwyd gan yr Aelod heddiw yn hanfodol bwysig. Dyna pam yr hoffwn dalu teyrnged hefyd i'r staff sy'n gweithio yn ein hysgolion arbennig, ein hunedau cyfeirio disgyblion, ac sy'n darparu'r hyn a elwir yn addysg heblaw yn yr ysgol (AHY).

Yn union fel ysgolion prif ffrwd, mae'r ysgolion a'r gwasanaethau hyn yn rhan allweddol o'n system addysg, gan sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc yn derbyn addysg addas o ansawdd da. Gall darpariaeth AHY yn enwedig fod yn hyblyg iawn wrth iddi geisio diwallu anghenion y plentyn. Gall gynnwys hyfforddiant yn y cartref, lle mewn uned cyfeirio disgyblion, cyrsiau galwedigaethol a ddarperir gan sefydliadau addysg bellach, neu fynediad at ddarparwyr annibynnol. Gellir darparu AHY hefyd trwy gyfuniad o'r gwasanaethau hyn, a gallai gynnwys treulio peth amser mewn ysgol brif ffrwd ac yn rhai o'r gwasanaethau ehangach hyn. Mae'n ymwneud â'r hyn sydd ei angen i gynorthwyo'r plentyn unigol i ddysgu, i ffynnu ac i lwyddo. Ni ddylid diystyru unrhyw blentyn na gwadu addysg iddo am nad yw'n ffitio'r mowld safonol. Mae gan bob plentyn a pherson ifanc botensial, a dylid annog pob un i wireddu'r potensial hwnnw.

Yn ei haraith, gofynnodd Buffy Williams nifer o gwestiynau. Roeddwn yn falch o'i chlywed yn tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd swyddogion cyswllt â theuluoedd. Mae hon yn rôl allweddol i lawer o blant a theuluoedd ac i ysgolion. Rwy'n gwybod eu bod weithiau'n cael teitlau eraill, gan gynnwys swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd a swyddogion cymorth lles, ac mae eu gwaith yn cefnogi plant yn helaeth. Yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, rydym yn buddsoddi £6.5 miliwn i gefnogi gwaith swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd. Yn ddiweddar hefyd, rydym wedi sefydlu rhwydwaith cenedlaethol o swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd i dynnu sylw at y gwaith allweddol y maent yn ei wneud ac i ddarparu mwy o gefnogaeth iddynt. A thrwy ein rhaglen ysgolion bro, rydym yn darparu cymorth ac arweiniad i ysgolion i weithio gyda theuluoedd i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc i ffynnu. Mae ein hysgolion bro hefyd yn gweithio'n galed i ymgysylltu â'r gymuned ehangach, gan gynnwys cyflogwyr a cholegau lleol, yn y ffordd y disgrifiodd yr Aelod.

Soniodd yr Aelod am nodi angen yn gynnar. Rydym yn gwybod bod llawer o alwadau am ddarpariaeth AHY a bod dysgwyr weithiau'n gorfod aros yn rhy hir i gael y cymorth cywir. Byddwn yn edrych yn agosach ar y data sydd gennym ar ddarpariaeth AHY, gan gynnwys AHY a ddarperir drwy ein hunedau cyfeirio disgyblion. Rydym am sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn aros am ormod o amser cyn iddynt gael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt. Rydym hefyd eisiau gwell dealltwriaeth o'r pwysau y mae awdurdodau lleol ac ysgolion yn eu hwynebu wrth drefnu AHY, a sut y gallwn wella'r gwasanaeth hwnnw. Efallai y bydd o ddiddordeb i'r Aelod hefyd y byddwn yn datblygu canllawiau ychwanegol i gynorthwyo awdurdodau lleol i gomisiynu darpariaeth AHY, a fydd yn cynnwys cyngor ar sut i gefnogi darparwyr i gael eu hachredu, a gallai hyn gynnwys y grwpiau cymunedol y soniwyd amdanynt.

Yn ei haraith, cyfeiriodd yr Aelod at y drafferth y mae rhai plant yn ei chael i fynychu'r ysgol yn rheolaidd. Mae pob diwrnod yn bwysig yn addysg a datblygiad plentyn neu berson ifanc. Mae presenoldeb yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol, ac mae'n hollbwysig ar gyfer cyflawni blaenoriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru o welliant parhaus mewn cyrhaeddiad addysgol. Rydym wedi ymrwymo i godi lefelau presenoldeb ym mhob darpariaeth addysg, boed yn brif ffrwd ai peidio. Rhan allweddol o hynny yw sicrhau bod ein plant a'n pobl ifanc yn gweld budd mynychu'r ysgol ac yn deall sut y bydd darpariaeth ysgol neu ddarpariaeth addysg amgen yn eu helpu i gyrraedd lle maent am fod. Mae prentisiaethau iau yn rhan o hynny, gan y gwyddom nad yw pob plentyn yn ymddiddori mewn cyrsiau neu asesiadau traddodiadol, ac rwy'n derbyn sylwadau'r Aelod am ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y buom yn edrych arno a byddwn yn parhau i weithio arno gydag awdurdodau lleol a phartneriaid eraill er mwyn gwella.

Fel y mae'r Aelod wedi nodi, mae buddsoddi mewn darpariaeth addysg yn hanfodol i sicrhau'r canlyniadau gorau i'n dysgwyr, ac mae hynny'n golygu buddsoddi mewn darpariaeth prif ffrwd ac amgen. Rydym yn cydnabod y pwysau ariannol sy'n wynebu ein hysgolion, fel y dywedodd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn y Siambr yr wythnos diwethaf, a heb fynd i ailadrodd yn fanwl yr hyn a ddywedodd, nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu ysgolion yn uniongyrchol. Mae llywodraeth leol yn gosod cyllidebau ar gyfer y gwasanaethau y maent yn eu darparu, yn cynnwys eu hysgolion. Fodd bynnag, er y pwysau cyllidebol sylweddol, rydym wedi ceisio diogelu cyllid ysgolion gymaint â phosibl. Mae hyn yn cynnwys diogelu'r lefelau cyllid a ddarperir o fewn y grant addysg i awdurdod lleol, gan gyfeirio £379 miliwn i gefnogi ein hysgolion a'n hawdurdodau lleol yn y flwyddyn ariannol bresennol, ac mae hyn yn ychwanegol at gyllid grant ar gyfer ein cynlluniau seiliedig ar alw.

Hoffwn orffen drwy ddiolch i'r staff ymroddedig sy'n gweithio i gefnogi ein holl ddysgwyr, ac yn enwedig y plant a'r bobl ifanc sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd ymwneud ag addysg. Mae llawer ohonynt yn cerdded y filltir ychwanegol i sicrhau nad yw'r dysgwyr hyn yn cael eu gadael ar ôl, a dylid eu dathlu'n briodol am eu hymroddiad. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.


Diolch, pawb. A daw hynny â'n gwaith ni heddiw i ben.

Thanks, everyone. That brings our work today to an end.

Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 19:09.

The meeting ended at 19:09.