Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:29 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:29 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi angen nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Cynhelir y cyfarfod hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd, ac eraill yn ymuno trwy gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, ble bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y cyfarfod, ac mae'r rheini wedi eu nodi ar eich agenda chi.
Welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. This meeting will be held in hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber, and others joining by video-conference. All Members participating in proceedings of the Senedd, wherever they may be, will be treated equally. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are noted on your agenda.
Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mabon ap Gwynfor.
The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Mabon ap Gwynfor.
1. Pa asesiad mae'r Llywodraeth wedi'i wneud o effaith cynnydd costau byw ar aelwydydd yn Nwyfor Meirionnydd? OQ57826
1. What assessment has the Government made of the impact of the rising cost of living on households in Dwyfor Meirionnydd? OQ57826

Wel, Llywydd, diolch yn fawr i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn. Bydd effaith yr argyfwng costau byw yn enfawr i aelwydydd yn Nwyfor Meirionnydd, yn enwedig y rhai tlotaf. Bydd lefelau incwm, sydd wedi eu llethu gan ddegawd o galedi, yn cael eu gostwng ymhellach gan doriadau i werth budd-daliadau, cynnydd mewn cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol a lefelau chwyddiant sy’n codi’n gyflym.
Well, Llywydd, thank you very much to the Member for the question. The impact of the cost-of-living crisis will be profound for households in Dwyfor Meirionnydd, especially the poorest households. Incomes suppressed by a decade of austerity will be further eroded by cuts to the value of benefits, rises in national insurance contributions and rapidly rising inflation.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Prif Weinidog am yr asesiad llwm iawn yna. Mae gwaith ymchwil gan Sukhdev Johal a Karel Williams o brifysgol Manceinion yn dweud rhywbeth tebyg, yn rhybuddio y byddwn ni'n gweld pris tanwydd i dai yn cynyddu £1,500 yr aelwyd, ar gyfartaledd, y flwyddyn; tanwydd cerbydau yn cynyddu £500 y flwyddyn; bwyd yn cynyddu dros 20 y cant. Mae hyn yn awgrymu y bydd costau blynyddol nwyddau elfennol bywyd yn cynyddu £3,000 y flwyddyn, a dydy hyn ddim yn ffactora chwyddiant cyffredinol ar nwyddau eraill. I bobl ar incwm isel, neu ar gredyd cynhwysol, bydd y £300 y mis ychwanegol yma yn amhosib iddyn nhw ei dalu. Mae'r economegydd Richard Murphy yn peintio darlun hyd yn oed yn fwy tywyll, ac yn amcangyfrif y gall 70 y cant o aelwydydd fynd mewn i ddyled.
Yn dilyn yr uwchgynhadledd y trefnodd y Llywodraeth ar yr argyfwng yma fis diwethaf, a wnewch chi fel Llywodraeth, a chithau, Brif Weinidog, ystyried trefnu rhywbeth tebyg, ond yn tynnu ynghyd y byrddau iechyd, y prifysgolion, y trydydd sector, a chyrff eraill all gynghori a chynorthwyo, er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr bod cymdeithas gyhoeddus yng Nghymru yn gwneud pob dim o fewn eu gallu i liniaru ar yr argyfwng yma?
I thank the First Minister for that grave assessment. Research by Sukhdev Johal and Karel Williams from Manchester university says something similar, warning us that we will see the cost of fuel for homes increasing by £1,500 per year; fuel costs rising by £500 a year; food increasing by 20 per cent. This suggests that the cost of essentials of life will increase by £3,000 per annum, and this doesn't take into account inflation on other goods. For people on low incomes or universal benefit, this additional £300 a month will be impossible to pay. The economist Richard Murphy paints an even grimmer picture, suggesting that 70 per cent of households could go into debt.
Following the summit organised by the Government on this crisis last month, will you as a Government, and you as First Minister, consider organising something similar, drawing together the health boards, the universities, the third sector, and other bodies who can advise and support, in order to ensure that civil society in Wales does everything within its power to mitigate this crisis?

Wel, diolch yn fawr i Mabon ap Gwynfor. Mae'r ymchwil mae e wedi cyfeirio ato gan y brifysgol ym Manceinion yn dod ar ben popeth arall rŷn ni wedi ei weld, gyda'r Resolution Foundation, yr Institute for Public Policy Research, ac yn y blaen, sy'n dangos yr un peth—yr effaith. Mae'r codiad mewn costau byw yn mynd i gael effaith enfawr ar bobl yma yng Nghymru.
Well, thank you very much to Mabon ap Gwynfor. The research that he refers to by Manchester university comes on top of everything else that we've seen, from the Resolution Foundation, the Institute for Public Policy Research and so on, which shows the same thing, namely the major impact the increase in costs of living is going to have on people in Wales.
My colleague Jane Hutt led a summit back in February, which drew over 150 people around the table together, to make sure that we had the best possible information from those organisations that provide services for people at the front line, and to make sure that public services were also preparing to play whatever part they could in responding to the emergency—and it will be an emergency—that faces so many families in Wales.
Arweiniodd fy nghyd-Weinidog Jane Hutt uwchgynhadledd yn ôl ym mis Chwefror, a ddenodd dros 150 o bobl o amgylch y bwrdd at ei gilydd, i wneud yn siŵr bod gennym ni'r wybodaeth orau bosibl gan y sefydliadau hynny sy'n darparu gwasanaethau i bobl ar y rheng flaen, ac i wneud yn siŵr bod gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hefyd yn paratoi i chwarae pa bynnag ran y gallen nhw wrth ymateb i'r argyfwng—ac fe fydd yn argyfwng—sy'n wynebu cynifer o deuluoedd yng Nghymru.
Wrth gwrs, os bydd cyfle i gael pobl rownd y bwrdd unwaith eto, a rhannu gwybodaeth a chynllunio gyda'i gilydd, bydd y Llywodraeth yn agored i wneud hynny.
Of course, if there will be an opportunity to get people around the table once again, to share information, to make plans together, then the Government will be open to doing that.
2. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am strategaeth frechu COVID-19 Llywodraeth Cymru? OQ57856
2. Will the First Minister provide an update on the Welsh Government's COVID-19 vaccination strategy? OQ57856

I thank the Member for that, Llywydd. The Minister for Health and Social Services published the latest COVID-19 vaccination strategy on 24 February. On 14 March, NHS Wales began the roll-out of spring boosters, starting with care home residents, along with the first vaccinations for five to 11-year-olds.
Diolch i'r Aelod am hynna, Llywydd. Cyhoeddodd y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol y strategaeth frechu COVID-19 ddiweddaraf ar 24 Chwefror. Ar 14 Mawrth, dechreuodd GIG Cymru gyflwyno brechiadau atgyfnerthu'r gwanwyn, gan ddechrau gyda phreswylwyr cartrefi gofal, ynghyd â'r brechiadau cyntaf i blant pump i 11 oed.
Thank you for that update, First Minister. Cwm Taf University Health Board is closing two of its community vaccination centres, including the one in Cynon Valley. For my constituents, the closest site now will be Merthyr Tydfil. There are real challenges around public transport links, and some of my constituents would need to catch four buses just to get there. What discussions is Welsh Government having with health boards to ensure that vaccination centres are accessible for all citizens in Wales, and what assessment has the Welsh Government made of the relationship between waning vaccination and rising COVID case numbers?
Diolch am y diweddariad yna, Prif Weinidog. Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf yn cau dwy o'i ganolfannau brechu cymunedol, gan gynnwys yr un yng Nghwm Cynon. I fy etholwyr i, y safle agosaf bellach fydd Merthyr Tudful. Mae heriau gwirioneddol o ran cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, a byddai angen i rai o fy etholwyr ddal pedwar bws dim ond i gyrraedd yno. Pa drafodaethau mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cael gyda byrddau iechyd i sicrhau bod canolfannau brechu yn hawdd eu cyrraedd i bob dinesydd yng Nghymru, a pha asesiad mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud o'r berthynas rhwng brechiadau yn gwanhau a'r cynnydd i nifer yr achosion COVID?

I thank Vikki Howells for that question, Llywydd, and I'll take her final point first, because, after a prolonged period of the number of people falling ill with coronavirus in Wales falling week by week, in the last 10 days we've seen numbers rising again, and not simply rising but rising rapidly and at an accelerating rate. Now, Wales continues to have the lowest incidence of coronavirus of any of the four UK nations, but the numbers that we are seeing are driving more people into hospital, and we've seen the very preliminary signs of more people needing intensive care as well. So, these are very concerning circumstances that we are having to face over this week, as we come to the end of the three-week review.
There are three factors that our advisers point to behind those numbers. The first, and the most significant, is the rise in BA.2—the variant of omicron that is even more transmissible than the original BA.1. There is the impact of vaccine waning, particularly amongst the oldest and most vulnerable parts of the population, because they were vaccinated first and they had their boosters first, and if there is any waning, it hits them first. And then there are the signs that maybe people are not as committed as they were earlier in the pandemic to taking those simple actions—mask wearing, social distancing, and so on, that continue to be, collectively, the most important actions we can take. So, that is part of why the continued vaccination programme is so important—the spring booster campaign, aimed at people aged over 75.
And the point that Vikki Howells made about needing to make sure that vaccination centres continue to be accessible to the whole population is, of course, a very important one. As we move into living safely with COVID, the number of centres is going to have to reduce, and we're going to have to release staff back into all the other important jobs that we expect them to be able to carry out within the health service. In the Cwm Taf health board area, there are significant numbers of people in those categories—3,400 people who will be vaccinated at home because they are housebound. And for people who have no access to their own vehicle and no access to public transport, then the 'vaxi taxi' scheme, operated through Age Connect—so a third sector-led scheme—will be available, to make sure that people in the circumstances set out by Vikki Howells aren't left without any means of accessing that vital vaccination.
Diolch i Vikki Howells am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd, ac fe wnaf i ateb ei phwynt olaf yn gyntaf, oherwydd, ar ôl cyfnod hir o nifer y bobl sy'n mynd yn sâl gyda'r coronafeirws yng Nghymru yn gostwng o wythnos i wythnos, yn y 10 diwrnod diwethaf rydym ni wedi gweld niferoedd yn codi eto, ac nid yn unig yn codi ond yn codi yn gyflym ac ar gyfradd sy'n cyflymu. Nawr, Cymru sydd â'r nifer isaf o achosion o'r coronafeirws o hyd o unrhyw un o bedair gwlad y DU, ond mae'r niferoedd yr ydym ni'n eu gweld yn gyrru mwy o bobl i'r ysbyty, ac rydym ni wedi gweld yr arwyddion rhagarweiniol iawn bod angen gofal dwys ar fwy o bobl hefyd. Felly, mae'r rhain yn amgylchiadau pryderus iawn y mae'n rhaid i ni eu hwynebu dros yr wythnos hon, wrth i ni ddod at ddiwedd yr adolygiad tair wythnos.
Ceir tri ffactor y mae ein cynghorwyr yn cyfeirio atyn nhw y tu ôl i'r niferoedd hynny. Y cyntaf, a'r mwyaf arwyddocaol, yw'r cynnydd i BA.2—yr amrywiolyn omicron sydd hyd yn oed yn fwy trosglwyddadwy na'r BA.1 gwreiddiol. Ceir effaith y brechlyn yn gwanhau, yn enwedig ymhlith y rhannau hynaf a mwyaf agored i niwed o'r boblogaeth, gan mai nhw gafodd eu brechu yn gyntaf a nhw gafodd eu brechiadau atgyfnerthu yn gyntaf, ac os oes unrhyw wanhau, mae'n effeithio arnyn nhw yn gyntaf. A cheir yr arwyddion efallai nad yw pobl efallai mor ymrwymedig ag yr oedden nhw yn gynharach yn y pandemig i gymryd y camau syml hynny—gwisgo masgiau, cadw pellter cymdeithasol, ac yn y blaen, sef y camau pwysicaf y gallwn ni, ar y cyd, eu cymryd. Felly, mae hynny yn rhan o'r rheswm pam mae'r rhaglen frechu barhaus mor bwysig—ymgyrch atgyfnerthu'r gwanwyn, wedi'i hanelu at bobl dros 75 oed.
Ac mae'r pwynt a wnaeth Vikki Howells am yr angen i wneud yn siŵr bod canolfannau brechu yn parhau i fod yn hawdd eu cyrraedd i'r boblogaeth gyfan, wrth gwrs, yn un pwysig iawn. Wrth i ni symud i fyw yn ddiogel gyda COVID, bydd yn rhaid i nifer y canolfannau leihau, a bydd yn rhaid i ni ryddhau staff yn ôl i'r holl swyddi pwysig eraill yr ydym ni'n disgwyl iddyn nhw allu eu cyflawni yn y gwasanaeth iechyd. Yn ardal bwrdd iechyd Cwm Taf, ceir niferoedd sylweddol o bobl yn y categorïau hynny—3,400 o bobl a fydd yn cael eu brechu gartref gan eu bod nhw'n gaeth i'w cartrefi. Ac i bobl nad oes ganddyn nhw ddefnydd o'u cerbyd eu hunain na'r gallu i ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, yna bydd y cynllun 'vaxi taxi', a weithredir drwy Age Connect—felly cynllun a arweinir gan y trydydd sector—ar gael, i wneud yn siŵr nad yw pobl yn yr amgylchiadau a nodwyd gan Vikki Howells yn cael eu gadael heb unrhyw fodd o gael y brechiad hanfodol hwnnw.
First Minister, I'm sure that I'm not the only Member to have started to receive a steady increase in e-mails from constituents asking when they're going to receive their fourth vaccination. This in itself is positive, of course, that people want to receive their next vaccination. I've heard, of course, your answer to Vikki Howells, in regard to the over-75s receiving that during the spring, but there are many people who are in that age group who are contacting me—and the same will be for other Members as well. And those who are not in that category will want to know when they are receiving their fourth jab as well. My concern is that pressure will be put on health services or GPs or doctors, with residents asking when they're going to receive their fourth jab. So, can you tell me what communication messages the Welsh Government is putting out, and what health boards are putting out, to make sure that people are updated as to when they are likely to receive that first, initial letter for that fourth jab?
Prif Weinidog, rwy'n siŵr nad fi yw'r unig Aelod sydd wedi dechrau cael cynnydd cyson i negeseuon e-bost gan etholwyr yn gofyn pryd y byddan nhw'n cael eu pedwerydd brechiad. Mae hyn ynddo'i hun yn gadarnhaol, wrth gwrs, bod pobl yn dymuno cael eu brechiad nesaf. Rwyf i wedi clywed, wrth gwrs, eich ateb i Vikki Howells, o ran pobl dros 75 oed yn ei gael yn ystod y gwanwyn, ond mae llawer o bobl sydd yn y grŵp oedran hwnnw sy'n cysylltu â mi—a bydd yr un fath yn wir i Aelodau eraill hefyd. A bydd y rhai nad ydyn nhw yn y categori hwnnw yn dymuno gwybod pryd y byddan nhw'n cael eu pedwerydd pigiad hefyd. Fy mhryder i yw y bydd pwysau yn cael ei roi ar wasanaethau iechyd neu feddygon teulu neu feddygon, gyda thrigolion yn gofyn pryd y byddan nhw'n cael eu pedwerydd pigiad. Felly, a allwch chi ddweud wrthyf ba negeseuon cyfathrebu y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cyfleu, a'r hyn y mae byrddau iechyd yn ei gyhoeddi, i wneud yn siŵr bod pobl yn cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ba bryd y byddan nhw'n debygol o gael y llythyr cychwynnol cyntaf hwnnw ar gyfer y pedwerydd pigiad hwnnw?

Thanks to Russell George for that question. As I said in my original answer, the spring booster campaign in Wales began last week, on 14 March, focusing on care home residents in the first instance. We expect, within a further three weeks, to have completed the bulk of care home vaccination. There will be some care homes, because of outbreaks, where there will be some further time needed, but the bulk of care home residents will have received that booster. And then we will continue with the rest of the population. It depends, as I know the Member is aware, on when you had your last vaccination when you get called, because a certain number of weeks have to elapse before it is safe and sensible for you to have the fourth vaccination. We will use all the normal means of communication—directly from health boards, using the Welsh Government's own social media channels, in which the leader of the opposition has shown considerable interest in recent times. We will be using those to make sure that we get that message across, and the key message in Wales is that you will be contacted by the health service; it doesn't rely on you going hunting for an appointment. The health service will come to you, and it will do it, as we've seen through the whole pandemic, very reliably and at the right moment for you.
Diolch i Russell George am y cwestiwn yna. Fel y dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, dechreuodd ymgyrch brechiadau atgyfnerthu'r gwanwyn yng Nghymru yr wythnos diwethaf, ar 14 Mawrth, gan ganolbwyntio ar breswylwyr cartrefi gofal yn y lle cyntaf. Rydym yn disgwyl, o fewn tair wythnos arall, y byddwn ni wedi cwblhau'r rhan fwyaf o'r brechu mewn cartrefi gofal. Bydd rhai cartrefi gofal, oherwydd achosion, lle bydd angen rhywfaint o amser ychwanegol, ond bydd y rhan fwyaf o breswylwyr cartrefi gofal wedi cael y brechiad atgyfnerthu hwnnw. Ac yna byddwn yn parhau â gweddill y boblogaeth. Mae'n dibynnu, fel y gwn fod yr Aelod yn ymwybodol, pryd y cawsoch eich brechiad diwethaf pryd cewch chi eich galw, gan fod yn rhaid i nifer penodol o wythnosau fynd heibio cyn ei bod hi'n ddiogel ac yn synhwyrol i chi gael y pedwerydd brechiad. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r holl ddulliau cyfathrebu arferol—yn uniongyrchol gan fyrddau iechyd, gan ddefnyddio sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun, y mae arweinydd yr wrthblaid wedi dangos cryn ddiddordeb ynddyn nhw yn ddiweddar. Byddwn yn eu defnyddio nhw i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n cyfleu'r neges honno, a'r neges allweddol yng Nghymru yw y bydd y gwasanaeth iechyd yn cysylltu â chi; nid yw'n dibynnu arnoch chi'n mynd i chwilota am apwyntiad. Bydd y gwasanaeth iechyd yn dod atoch chi, a bydd yn gwneud hynny, fel yr ydym ni wedi gweld drwy'r pandemig cyfan, mewn modd dibynadwy iawn ac ar yr adeg iawn i chi.
Diolch i lwyddiant y rhaglen frechu, mae cyfran y bobl sy'n dal y feirws ac sydd yn mynd yn ddifrifol wael yn gymharol is o'i gymharu â'r hyn y dylai fo fod, ond, wrth gwrs, mae yna gynnydd sylweddol, fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog, yn y nifer sydd yn dal y feirws ar hyn o bryd. Dwi'n clywed am drafferthion staffio mewn iechyd a gofal, ysgolion yn gyrru plant adref, un coleg addysg bellach â chymaint â chwarter y disgyblion â COVID ar hyn o bryd, a meithrinfa yn gorfod cyfyngu ar faint o blant sy'n cael mynd yno am y tro cyntaf drwy'r pandemig cyfan. O ystyried yr amgylchiadau yna, ydy'r Prif Weinidog yn cytuno efo fi mai'r peth synhwyrol i'w wneud yn yr adolygiad tair wythnosol nesaf ydy peidio newid y rheolau sydd gennym ni ar hyn o bryd, yn benodol o gwmpas gwisgo mygydau ac o ran hunanynysu? Ac a oes yna awgrym i'r rheini sy'n bryderus iawn am y cynnydd sy'n digwydd ar hyn o bryd am unrhyw gamau pellach a all gael eu cymryd hefyd?
Thanks to the success of the vaccination programme, the proportion of people who catch the virus and who become severely ill is relatively lower than it should be, but there is a significant increase, as the First Minister said, in the number of those who are catching the virus at present. I'm hearing about staffing issues in health and care, schools sending children home, one further education college with almost a quarter of the students with COVID at the moment, and a nursery having to limit the children who could attend there for the first time in the entire pandemic. Bearing in mind those circumstances, does the First Minister agree with me that the sensible thing to do in this next three-week review is to not change the rules that we currently have, specifically around wearing a face mask and self-isolation? And is there a suggestion for those who are very concerned about the current increase about any further steps that could also be taken?

Diolch yn fawr i Rhun ap Iorwerth. Mae'r sefyllfa rydym ni'n ei hwynebu yn ystod yr wythnos hon yn un heriol, onid yw hi? Wrth gwrs, rydym ni eisiau bwrw ymlaen â'r cynllun oedd gyda ni wythnosau yn ôl, ond mae'r cyd-destun yn newid. A dyna pam mae'r Cabinet wedi penderfynu aros tan ddydd Iau am y ffigurau diweddaraf ac am y cyngor diweddaraf gan y prif swyddog meddygol, ac yn y blaen, i'n helpu ni i wneud y penderfyniadau anodd yna. Mae'n bosib meddwl am ddyfodol ble gallwn ni symud ymlaen gyda rhai pethau ond cadw rhai pethau yn eu lle i ymateb i'r sefyllfa sy'n codi nawr. Rydym ni i gyd yn clywed am bobl sydd ddim yn gallu bod yn y gweithlu a'r effaith mae hynny'n ei chael ar wasanaethau cyhoeddus, ond mewn busnesau preifat hefyd.
Gyda'r bobl fregus, ysgrifennodd y prif swyddog meddygol mas at bob un ar y rhestr rai wythnosau yn ôl gyda'r sefyllfa ddiweddaraf. Y peth gorau gallwn ni i gyd ei wneud i helpu pobl sydd yn pryderu am fynd mas ar ôl cyfnod hir, a nawr yn clywed am beth sydd yn digwydd, yw i ddal i wneud y pethau rydym ni i gyd wedi dysgu eu gwneud: jest i ddefnyddio mygydau, cadw pellter cymdeithasol, parchu pobl. Os yw pobl fregus yn teimlo bod pobl eraill yn gwneud beth maen nhw'n gallu ei wneud, dwi'n meddwl mai hwnna yw'r help gorau gallwn ni ei roi iddyn nhw i godi hyder a dechrau mynd yn ôl i gymdeithasu a gwneud y pethau bob dydd sy'n bwysig iddyn nhw.
I thank Rhun ap Iorwerth. The situation that we're facing during this week is challenging, isn't it? Of course, we want to make progress with the plan that we put in place some weeks ago, but the context is changing. And that's why the Cabinet has decided to wait until Thursday for the latest figures and for the latest advice from the chief medical officer, and so on, to help us to make these difficult decisions. It's possible to think of a future where we could move on with certain things whilst retaining others in order to respond to the situation that's arising now. We've all heard of people who can't work and the impact that that has on public services, but also on private business too.
In terms of vulnerable people, the chief medical officer wrote to everyone on the list some weeks ago setting out the latest position. The best thing that we can all do to help people who are anxious about going out after a long period, and who are now hearing about what's happening, is to continue to do those things that we've all learnt to do: to use face coverings, to keep a social distance, to respect others. If vulnerable people feel that others are doing what they can, then I think that that's the best assistance we can provide in order to give them confidence to start socialising again and to do those everyday things that are important to them.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. First Minister, we often talk about the consequences of shutting down parts of the NHS to deal with coronavirus, which has left 20 per cent of the Welsh population on an NHS waiting list, and, of those 20 per cent, one in four people are waiting over a year. But none of those lists contain the waiting times for dentistry. The waits have become so chronic that we are seeing people having to fork out hundreds of pounds, if not thousands of pounds, or taking more drastic measures into their own hands to extract teeth.
I'd like to introduce you to Adam, who's from north Wales, who had a similar problem when he tried to access dental services in north Wales. He is a teacher in Bangor, and he tried time and time again to get registered with dental practices in Menai Bridge, Bangor, Llandudno, Penmaenmawr, Colwyn Bay, Caernarfon, and, on each and every occasion, he could not get registered, because the waiting times were in excess of two years at all those practices. Now, when we see dental treatments falling by 70 per cent over the last 12 months, do you agree with me that there is a genuine problem with capacity within the Welsh dental services and people's ability to register with NHS provision?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, rydym yn sôn yn aml am ganlyniadau cau rhannau o'r GIG i ymdrin â'r coronafeirws, sydd wedi gadael 20 y cant o boblogaeth Cymru ar restr aros y GIG, ac, o'r 20 y cant hynny, mae un o bob pedwar o bobl yn aros dros flwyddyn. Ond nid yw'r un o'r rhestrau hynny yn cynnwys yr amseroedd aros ar gyfer deintyddiaeth. Mae'r arosiadau mor gronig erbyn hyn ein bod ni'n gweld pobl yn gorfod talu cannoedd o bunnoedd, os nad miloedd o bunnoedd, neu gymryd camau mwy eithafol i dynnu eu dannedd eu hunain.
Hoffwn eich cyflwyno i Adam, sy'n dod o'r gogledd, a gafodd broblem debyg pan geisiodd gael gafael ar wasanaethau deintyddol yn y gogledd. Mae'n athro ym Mangor, a cheisiodd dro ar ôl tro gofrestru gyda phractisau deintyddol ym Mhorthaethwy, Bangor, Llandudno, Penmaenmawr, Bae Colwyn, Caernarfon, ac, ar bob un achlysur, ni allai gofrestru, gan fod yr amseroedd aros yn hirach na dwy flynedd ym mhob un o'r practisiau hynny. Nawr, pan fyddwn ni'n gweld triniaethau deintyddol yn gostwng 70 y cant dros y 12 mis diwethaf, ydych chi'n cytuno â mi bod problem wirioneddol o ran capasiti yng ngwasanaethau deintyddol Cymru a gallu pobl i gofrestru gyda darpariaeth y GIG?

Well, NHS dentistry is undoubtedly very challenged at the moment, Llywydd, but it's not so much a capacity issue; it is the circumstances under which dental treatment is carried out. We still have significant numbers of dentists in Wales carrying out NHS dental treatment, but they are simply not able to provide the volumes of treatment that they were in pre-COVID conditions, because, of all the things that the NHS does, the aerosol-generating procedures that dentistry relies upon are the most likely to spread COVID. Therefore, conditions continue to be that dentists have to reduce the number of patients they can see over a day, they have to have longer periods between appointments in order to carry out necessary cleaning, and that is resulting in the very difficult circumstances to which the Member referred.
There is recovery in dentistry. We're back up to about 70 per cent of the volumes that were possible prior to COVID. There are new ways of providing advice to people. I think there are over 2,000 people a week getting over-the-phone advice from their dental practitioner. And there are plans particularly to diversify the dental workforce, which will mean that the capacity we need in future can be brought on stream. In the meantime, the position will continue to be challenging. Despite there being more money in the system, the system isn't able to absorb the money that the health Minister made available to it in this calendar year. Because the money isn't the answer here. There just isn't the time in the day or the hands on deck to be able to do everything that we'd like to see done.
Wel, nid oes amheuaeth bod deintyddiaeth y GIG yn cael ei herio yn fawr ar hyn o bryd, Llywydd, ond nid yw'n gymaint o fater o gapasiti; mae'n ymwneud â'r amgylchiadau ar gyfer cyflawni triniaeth ddeintyddol. Mae gennym ni niferoedd sylweddol o ddeintyddion yng Nghymru o hyd sy'n cyflawni triniaeth ddeintyddol y GIG, ond nid ydyn nhw'n gallu darparu niferoedd y triniaethau yr oedden nhw'n eu darparu o dan amodau cyn COVID, oherwydd, o'r holl bethau y mae'r GIG yn eu gwneud, y gweithdrefnau cynhyrchu aerosol y mae deintyddiaeth yn dibynnu arnyn nhw yw'r rhai sydd fwyaf tebygol o ledaenu COVID. Felly, yr amodau o hyd yw bod yn rhaid i ddeintyddion leihau nifer y cleifion y gallan nhw eu gweld mewn diwrnod, mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw gael cyfnodau hirach rhwng apwyntiadau er mwyn gwneud gwaith glanhau angenrheidiol, ac mae hynny yn arwain at yr amgylchiadau anodd iawn y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod atyn nhw.
Mae adferiad ym maes deintyddiaeth. Rydym yn ôl i fyny i tua 70 y cant o'r niferoedd a oedd yn bosibl cyn COVID. Mae ffyrdd newydd o roi cyngor i bobl. Rwy'n credu bod dros 2,000 o bobl yr wythnos yn cael cyngor dros y ffôn gan eu hymarferydd deintyddol. Ac mae cynlluniau yn arbennig i arallgyfeirio'r gweithlu deintyddol, a fydd yn golygu y gellir cyflwyno'r capasiti sydd ei angen arnom ni yn y dyfodol. Yn y cyfamser, bydd y sefyllfa yn parhau i fod yn anodd. Er bod mwy o arian yn y system, nid yw'r system yn gallu amsugno'r arian y mae'r Gweinidog iechyd wedi ei roi iddo yn y flwyddyn galendr hon. Oherwydd nid yr arian yw'r ateb yma. Nid oes amser yn y dydd na'r gweithwyr ar gael i allu gwneud popeth yr hoffem ni ei weld yn cael ei wneud.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. You identified that there are challenges within the dental service across Wales, but there are in fact 83 fewer dentists working across Welsh health boards than there were in 2020. This is probably not helped by the Government's new NHS dental contract, which professionals—not myself—say reduces focus on regular check-ups, makes dentists choose between old and new patients, pays dentists based on out-of-date performance data and is funded by a falling amount, 15 per cent less than six years ago. That's according to the British Dental Association. In a letter from the chairman of the Dyfed Powys local dental committee sent to the health Minister, the committee has confirmed—again, it's not me saying this—that all practices in their area are unable to sign the proposed contract, which would result in a cut in capacity of 75 per cent on agreed existing levels. The chairman said—and again, this is the chairman saying it, not myself—that every member is unprepared to compromise on quality of care of their patients. That, as a group, is extremely concerning—that NHS dental services in west Wales are at risk of collapse as soon as next month. That's not me putting that there, that's the chair of the dental profession in the Dyfed Powys health board area. If you accept that there are challenges on this particular issue, why are you introducing a contract that would make the situation worse and potentially create dental deserts in certain parts of Wales?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Fe wnaethoch chi nodi bod heriau yn y gwasanaeth deintyddol ledled Cymru, ond mewn gwirionedd mae 83 yn llai o ddeintyddion yn gweithio ar draws byrddau iechyd Cymru nag yn 2020. Mae'n debyg nad yw hyn yn cael ei helpu gan gontract deintyddol newydd y Llywodraeth ar gyfer y GIG, y mae gweithwyr proffesiynol—nid fi fy hun—yn dweud ei fod yn lleihau'r pwyslais ar archwiliadau rheolaidd, yn gwneud i ddeintyddion ddewis rhwng hen gleifion a chleifion newydd, yn talu deintyddion ar sail data perfformiad sydd wedi dyddio ac yn cael ei ariannu gan swm sy'n gostwng, 15 y cant yn llai na chwe blynedd yn ôl. Mae hynny yn ôl Cymdeithas Ddeintyddol Prydain. Mewn llythyr gan gadeirydd pwyllgor deintyddol lleol Dyfed Powys a anfonwyd at y Gweinidog iechyd, mae'r pwyllgor wedi cadarnhau—eto, nid fi sy'n dweud hyn—nad yw pob practis yn ardal y cadeirydd yn gallu llofnodi'r contract arfaethedig, a fyddai'n arwain at doriad o 75 y cant i gapasiti ar y lefelau presennol y cytunwyd arnyn nhw. Dywedodd y cadeirydd—ac eto, y cadeirydd sy'n ei ddweud, nid fi fy hun—nad yw pob aelod yn barod i gyfaddawdu ar ansawdd gofal eu cleifion. Mae hynny, fel grŵp, yn peri pryder mawr—bod gwasanaethau deintyddol y GIG yn y gorllewin mewn perygl o fethu cyn gynted â'r mis nesaf. Nid fi sy'n dweud hynny, cadeirydd y proffesiwn deintyddol yn ardal bwrdd iechyd Dyfed Powys. Os ydych chi'n derbyn bod heriau o ran y mater penodol hwn, pam ydych chi'n cyflwyno contract a fyddai'n gwneud y sefyllfa yn waeth ac o bosibl yn creu anialwch deintyddol mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru?

I'm puzzled at the report of the letter, because, as from next month, dentists in Wales have a choice. They are able to take the new contract, but if they feel the new contract does not suit them they will be able to continue with the existing contract. Nobody is being forced to take the new contract. The new contract has been very carefully negotiated with the professional bodies. Many, many dentists believe it is far preferable to the existing contract because it allows them to carry out quality dentistry rather than the treadmill of UDAs—units of dental activity—that drive the existing contract and push dentists into doing routine check-ups, small procedures, rather than practising at the top end of their professional competence. The new contract rewards dentists for preventative work and for doing the things that you need a fully qualified dentist to do. But, if an individual practice believes that the existing contract is the one that works for them, then that will be available to them after 1 April.
Rwy'n pendroni ynghylch yr adroddiad am y llythyr, oherwydd, o'r mis nesaf ymlaen, mae gan ddeintyddion yng Nghymru ddewis. Gallan nhw gymryd y contract newydd, ond os ydyn nhw'n teimlo nad yw'r contract newydd yn addas ar eu cyfer nhw, byddan nhw'n gallu parhau â'r contract presennol. Nid oes neb yn cael ei orfodi i gymryd y contract newydd. Mae'r contract newydd wedi ei gytuno yn ofalus iawn gyda'r cyrff proffesiynol. Mae llawer iawn o ddeintyddion yn credu ei fod yn llawer gwell na'r contract presennol gan ei fod yn caniatáu iddyn nhw gyflawni deintyddiaeth o ansawdd yn hytrach na'r ffrwd o unedau gweithgarwch deintyddol sy'n ysgogi'r contract presennol ac yn gwthio deintyddion i gynnal archwiliadau rheolaidd, triniaethau bach, yn hytrach nag ymarfer ar ben uchaf eu cymhwysedd proffesiynol. Mae'r contract newydd yn gwobrwyo deintyddion am waith ataliol ac am wneud y pethau y mae angen i ddeintydd cwbl gymwys eu gwneud. Ond, os bydd practis unigol yn credu mai'r contract presennol yw'r un sy'n gweithio iddyn nhw, yna bydd hwnnw ar gael iddyn nhw ar ôl 1 Ebrill.
Clearly, the chair of the dental profession in the Dyfed Powys health board area really does feel that there is a potential for the collapse of services, hence why he has written on behalf of his members to the health Minister on this particular issue. We cannot forget how difficult it has been to access NHS dentistry before the pandemic. The British Dental Association said last year that access to services for new patients in Wales had more than halved since 2012, dropping to 15 per cent for practices accepting adult patients, and 27 per cent for children accessing dental services. We know that there's the new contract coming through. We know that there are concerns from the British Dental Association and representatives on the ground. We realise that there's a constraint on supply. What exactly can we look forward to over the next 12 months to make sure that those constraints are lifted and that people can access dental services? I've heard it from your backbenchers time and time again, when they've been questioning Ministers, that it's a problem from their own areas. This isn't just the Conservatives standing and saying this. This is across Wales, and action needs to be taken.
Yn amlwg, mae cadeirydd y proffesiwn deintyddol yn ardal bwrdd iechyd Dyfed Powys yn teimlo yn wirioneddol fod potensial i wasanaethau fethu, a dyna pam y mae wedi ysgrifennu ar ran ei aelodau at y Gweinidog iechyd ynghylch y mater penodol hwn. Ni allwn anghofio pa mor anodd fu cael gafael ar ddeintyddiaeth y GIG cyn y pandemig. Dywedodd Cymdeithas Ddeintyddol Prydain y llynedd fod mynediad at wasanaethau i gleifion newydd yng Nghymru wedi mwy na haneru ers 2012, gan ostwng i 15 y cant ar gyfer practisau sy'n derbyn cleifion sy'n oedolion, a 27 y cant ar gyfer plant sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau deintyddol. Rydym yn gwybod bod y contract newydd yn dod drwodd. Rydym yn gwybod bod gan Gymdeithas Ddeintyddol Prydain a chynrychiolwyr ar lawr gwlad bryderon. Rydym yn sylweddoli bod cyfyngiad ar gyflenwad. Beth yn union allwn ni edrych ymlaen ato dros y 12 mis nesaf i wneud yn siŵr bod y cyfyngiadau hynny yn cael eu codi a bod pobl yn gallu cael gafael ar wasanaethau deintyddol? Rwyf wedi ei glywed gan aelodau eich meinciau cefn dro ar ôl tro, pan fyddan nhw'n holi Gweinidogion, ei bod yn broblem o'u hardaloedd eu hunain. Nid dim ond y Ceidwadwyr sy'n sefyll ac yn dweud hyn. Mae hyn ledled Cymru, ac mae angen gweithredu.

There are a series of actions that the Welsh Government will be taking. I listened to the first question by the leader of the opposition. The teacher that he identified living in Bangor will be able to take advantage, I hope, of the new centre that will be opening in Bangor—a major new dental centre that will provide a new level of NHS dental provision to people in the north-west of Wales. We will continue to provide more money for dentistry next year—a further £2 million recurring provided by the health Minister to bolster dental provision. And we will, as I said to the Member, press ahead with the liberalisation of the profession. We need a different cadre of professionals in dentistry, able to do the routine work that you do not need a fully qualified dentist to undertake. We have seen in GP services a significant liberalisation of the profession. If you go to a GP surgery now, you are very likely to see the practice pharmacist, the practice physiotherapist, the practice nurse. There is a range of professionals who contribute to the team under the oversight of the general practitioner. We need the same approach in dentistry. We need the skills and abilities of our highly trained dentists to be devoted to doing the things that only a dentist can do, and then, alongside them, to have a wider spread of other allied professionals able to undertake aspects of dental care that don't need a fully qualified dentist, carried out under their supervision. In that way, we will be able to increase the capacity of NHS dentistry and make the best use of the most expensive and most highly qualified staff that we have in that field.
Ceir cyfres o gamau y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd. Gwrandewais ar y cwestiwn cyntaf gan arweinydd yr wrthblaid. Bydd yr athro a nodwyd ganddo sy'n byw ym Mangor yn gallu manteisio, rwy'n gobeithio, ar y ganolfan newydd a fydd yn agor ym Mangor—canolfan ddeintyddol fawr newydd a fydd yn darparu lefel newydd o ddarpariaeth ddeintyddol y GIG i bobl yn y gogledd-orllewin. Byddwn yn parhau i ddarparu mwy o arian ar gyfer deintyddiaeth y flwyddyn nesaf—£2 filiwn gylchol arall gan y Gweinidog iechyd i gryfhau'r ddarpariaeth ddeintyddol. A byddwn, fel y dywedais wrth yr Aelod, yn bwrw ymlaen â rhyddfrydoli'r proffesiwn. Mae angen gwahanol garfan o weithwyr proffesiynol ym maes deintyddiaeth, sy'n gallu gwneud y gwaith arferol nad oes angen deintydd cwbl gymwys arnoch i'w wneud. Rydym ni wedi gweld rhyddfrydoli'r proffesiwn yn sylweddol mewn gwasanaethau meddygon teulu. Os ewch chi i feddygfa bellach, rydych chi'n debygol iawn o weld fferyllydd y practis, ffisiotherapydd y practis, nyrs y practis. Ceir amrywiaeth o weithwyr proffesiynol sy'n cyfrannu at y tîm o dan oruchwyliaeth y meddyg teulu. Mae angen yr un dull arnom ym maes deintyddiaeth. Mae angen i sgiliau a galluoedd ein deintyddion hynod fedrus gael eu neilltuo i wneud y pethau dim ond deintydd sy'n gallu eu gwneud, ac yna, ochr yn ochr â nhw, i gael lledaeniad ehangach o weithwyr proffesiynol perthynol eraill sy'n gallu ymgymryd ag agweddau ar ofal deintyddol nad oes angen deintydd cwbl gymwys arnyn nhw, wedi'i gyflawni o dan ei oruchwyliaeth. Fel hynny, byddwn yn gallu cynyddu capasiti deintyddiaeth y GIG a gwneud y defnydd gorau o'r staff drytaf a mwyaf cymwys sydd gennym ni yn y maes hwnnw.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru nawr—Adam Price.
Leader of Plaid Cymru—Adam Price.

Diolch, Lywydd. First Minister, on Sunday, I and hundreds of others, including the Minister for Social Justice and the Counsel General, rallied and marched here in Cardiff as part of UN anti-racism day. We heard powerful testimony from family justice campaigners, from trade unionists and community activists, that spoke to the shared experience of structural racism faced every day by black people and other ethnic minorities here in Wales. In listening to those voices, I felt that all institutions in society, including political parties—my own party among them—had failed to properly acknowledge and address the systemic racism to be found in almost every sphere, from politics to health, to education and the economy. As a powerfully symbolic, but also practical, step to achieve that shared aspiration to become an anti-racist nation, will you commit to Wales joining Scotland in incorporating into law the UN's convention on the eradication of all forms of racial discrimination?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, ddydd Sul, fe wnes i a channoedd o bobl eraill, gan gynnwys y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol a'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol, ymgynnull a gorymdeithio yma yng Nghaerdydd fel rhan o ddiwrnod gwrth-hiliaeth y Cenhedloedd Unedig. Clywsom dystiolaeth rymus gan ymgyrchwyr cyfiawnder teuluol, gan undebwyr llafur ac ymgyrchwyr cymunedol, a siaradodd am y profiad cyffredin o hiliaeth strwythurol y mae pobl dduon a lleiafrifoedd ethnig eraill yma yng Nghymru yn ei wynebu bob dydd. Wrth wrando ar y lleisiau hynny, roeddwn i'n teimlo bod pob sefydliad yn y gymdeithas, gan gynnwys pleidiau gwleidyddol—fy mhlaid i yn eu plith—wedi methu â chydnabod a mynd i'r afael yn briodol â'r hiliaeth systemig sydd i'w chael ym mron pob maes, o wleidyddiaeth i iechyd, i addysg a'r economi. Fel cam symbolaidd pwerus, ond ymarferol hefyd, i gyflawni'r dyhead cyffredin hwnnw i fod yn genedl wrth-hiliaeth, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i Gymru ymuno â'r Alban i ymgorffori confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar ddileu pob math o wahaniaethu ar sail hil mewn cyfraith?

I thank the Member for that. It was very good to read the accounts of the march on Sunday—a march that Members here will know commemorates the Sharpeville massacre, which took place in 1960. It is fantastic, I think, to see that continuing to be commemorated here in Wales. I was able to talk to my colleague Jane Hutt, who opened the speeches at the rally, and I know that the Counsel General spoke when the marchers made their way down to the Senedd. I read accounts of what the leader of Plaid Cymru said at the march as well.
In our race equality action plan, the advice, I think, that we have drawn on from people with lived experience of racism is that we have to move beyond a commitment not to be racist to a commitment to be positively anti-racist in the way that we organise ourselves as political parties, as public services. That is there to be seen on all the pages, I think, of the redrawn plan—redrawn as a result of the consultation exercise that we've carried out. I am absolutely happy, of course, to discuss the specific point that the Member has raised and to do so with that group of people who we've been able to draw on so powerfully in shaping the plan, because it's their lived experience that speaks throughout it. It also responds, I hope, to their determination that the action plan should, as well as having some important declaratory and symbolic actions, be really a practical plan, that it focuses on those things that we can do, tangible and practical actions, grounded in fundamental change. That's what they tell us they really want to see happening here in Wales.
Diolch i'r Aelod am hynna. Roedd yn dda iawn darllen adroddiadau am yr orymdaith ddydd Sul—gorymdaith y bydd Aelodau yma yn gwybod sy'n coffáu cyflafan Sharpeville, a ddigwyddodd ym 1960. Mae'n wych, yn fy marn i, weld hynny yn parhau i gael ei goffáu yma yng Nghymru. Cefais gyfle i siarad â fy nghyd-Weinidog Jane Hutt, a agorodd yr areithiau yn y rali, ac rwy'n gwybod bod y Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi siarad wrth i'r gorymdeithwyr weithio eu ffordd i lawr i'r Senedd. Darllenais adroddiadau am yr hyn a ddywedodd arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn yr orymdaith hefyd.
Yn ein cynllun gweithredu ar gydraddoldeb hiliol, y cyngor, rwy'n credu, yr ydym ni wedi ei gael gan bobl sydd â phrofiad byw o hiliaeth yw bod yn rhaid i ni symud y tu hwnt i ymrwymiad i beidio â bod yn hiliol i ymrwymiad i fod yn gadarnhaol wrth-hiliol yn y ffordd yr ydym yn trefnu ein hunain fel pleidiau gwleidyddol, fel gwasanaethau cyhoeddus. Mae hynny i'w weld ar bob tudalen, rwy'n credu, o'r cynllun a ail-luniwyd—a ail-luniwyd o ganlyniad i'r ymarfer ymgynghori y gwnaethom ei chynnal. Rwy'n gwbl fodlon, wrth gwrs, i drafod y pwynt penodol y mae'r Aelod wedi ei godi ac i wneud hynny gyda'r grŵp hwnnw o bobl yr ydym ni wedi gallu manteisio arno mewn ffordd mor rymus wrth lunio'r cynllun, oherwydd eu profiad byw nhw sy'n siarad drwyddo draw. Mae hefyd yn ymateb, rwy'n gobeithio, i'w penderfyniad y dylai'r cynllun gweithredu, yn ogystal â chynnwys rhai camau datganol a symbolaidd pwysig, fod yn gynllun ymarferol mewn gwirionedd, ei fod yn canolbwyntio ar y pethau hynny y gallwn ni eu gwneud, camau pendant ac ymarferol, wedi eu seilio ar newid sylfaenol. Dyna maen nhw'n ei ddweud wrthym ni y maen nhw eisiau ei weld yn digwydd yma yng Nghymru.
On the same weekend as our anti-racism rally, South Wales Police, supported by the police and crime commissioner, decided it was an appropriate time to restart in the city centre the use of facial recognition technology that it had been forced to halt by the Court of Appeal because of concerns over its inbuilt racial bias. According to the UK Government's own biometrics and forensics ethics group, the lack of representation of ethnic minority faces in the training data on which the technology used by the police is based means it is more likely to identify innocent black people as criminals. This will exacerbate the racial disproportionality in rates of detention that you, yourself, have acknowledged. In Scotland, the use of this technology is banned for this reason. We lack the power to do so currently in Wales, but will you at least support the prohibition of its use on publicly owned land like the Senedd steps, where the rally was held on Sunday?
Ar yr un penwythnos â'n rali gwrth-hiliaeth, penderfynodd Heddlu De Cymru, gyda chefnogaeth y comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu, ei bod hi'n amser priodol i ailgychwyn y defnydd o dechnoleg adnabod wynebau yng nghanol y ddinas y gorfodwyd iddo ei hatal gan y Llys Apêl oherwydd pryderon ynghylch ei duedd hiliol cynhenid. Yn ôl grŵp moeseg biometreg a fforenseg Llywodraeth y DU ei hun, mae diffyg cynrychiolaeth wynebau lleiafrifoedd ethnig yn y data hyfforddi y mae'r dechnoleg a ddefnyddir gan yr heddlu wedi ei seilio arnyn nhw yn golygu ei bod hi'n fwy tebygol o nodi pobl dduon ddiniwed yn droseddwyr. Bydd hyn yn gwaethygu'r anghymesuredd hiliol mewn cyfraddau cadw yr ydych chi eich hun wedi eu cydnabod. Yn yr Alban, mae'r defnydd o'r dechnoleg hon wedi ei wahardd am y rheswm hwn. Nid yw'r grym gennym ni i wneud hynny yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd, ond a wnewch chi o leiaf gefnogi'r gwaharddiad ar ei ddefnydd ar dir cyhoeddus fel grisiau'r Senedd, lle cynhaliwyd y rali ddydd Sul?

I'm very well aware of the concerns that surround face recognition technology, and I think those concerns deserve to be taken very seriously. I know that my colleague Jane Hutt has had an opportunity to discuss this and allied matters with the lead PCC for Wales, Dafydd Llywelyn, and we will continue to make sure those concerns are properly represented to PCCs, and indeed to chief constables where it's an operational matter.
Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r pryderon sy'n gysylltiedig â thechnoleg adnabod wynebau, ac rwy'n credu bod y pryderon hynny yn haeddu cael eu cymryd o ddifrif. Rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Weinidog Jane Hutt wedi cael cyfle i drafod hyn a materion cysylltiedig gyda Phrif Gomisiynydd Heddlu a Throseddu Cymru, Dafydd Llywelyn, a byddwn yn parhau i wneud yn siŵr bod y pryderon hynny yn cael eu cyfleu yn briodol i'r Comisiynwyr Heddlu a Throseddu, ac yn wir i brif gwnstabliaid pan fo'n fater gweithredu.
While the spectre of fascism is stalking Europe again, the comedian Jimmy Carr is still refusing to apologise for implying that the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Gypsies at the hands of the Nazis was somehow something to be celebrated. Next Monday, he is performing in our capital city at St David's Hall. Welsh Gypsies are asking the venue to cancel the performance in solidarity with them. St David's Hall is owned and managed by Cardiff Council and subsidised by the Arts Council of Wales, which the Welsh Government funds. As First Minister, and indeed as leader of the Labour Party in Wales, will you ask the Labour leadership of Cardiff Council to agree to the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities' entirely reasonable demand, in the circumstances, that no publicly funded venue should be a platform for an unrepentant purveyor of racist tropes? If they refuse to do so, will you ask the arts council to urgently review the terms of its funding?
Er bod cysgod ffasgaeth dros Ewrop eto, mae'r comedïwr Jimmy Carr yn dal i wrthod ymddiheuro am awgrymu bod marwolaethau cannoedd o filoedd o Sipsiwn wrth law'r Natsïaid rywsut yn rhywbeth i'w ddathlu. Ddydd Llun nesaf, mae'n perfformio yn ein prifddinas yn Neuadd Dewi Sant. Mae Sipsiwn Cymru yn gofyn i'r lleoliad ganslo'r perfformiad mewn undod â nhw. Cyngor Caerdydd sy'n berchen ar Neuadd Dewi Sant ac yn ei rheoli ac mae'n cael cymhorthdal gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ariannu. Fel Prif Weinidog, ac yn wir fel arweinydd y Blaid Lafur yng Nghymru, a wnewch chi ofyn i arweinyddiaeth Lafur Cyngor Caerdydd gytuno i alwad cwbl resymol cymunedau Sipsiwn, Roma a Theithwyr, o dan yr amgylchiadau, na ddylai unrhyw leoliad a ariennir yn gyhoeddus fod yn llwyfan ar gyfer hyrwyddwr diedifar o ymadroddion hiliol? Os byddan nhw'n gwrthod gwneud hynny, a wnewch chi ofyn i gyngor y celfyddydau adolygu telerau ei gyllid ar frys?

The views attributed to the individual are absolutely unacceptable and would be condemned by anybody, I think, in this Chamber. We spoke only last week about our concerns for Gypsy/Traveller communities, and we discussed those at some length in the policing board for Wales, which my colleague Jane Hutt and I attended. If it were as simple as issuing an edict and putting things right, then of course we would be able to do that, but I know from what I have heard from Cardiff Council that it simply isn't as easy as that. The views expressed are abhorrent to my colleagues in Cardiff Council, as they are to all of us here, and I'm sure that those sentiments will be powerfully conveyed.
Mae'r safbwyntiau a briodolwyd i'r unigolyn yn gwbl annerbyniol a byddai unrhyw un, rwy'n credu, yn eu condemnio yn y Siambr hon. Fe wnaethom ni siarad yr wythnos diwethaf am ein pryderon ynghylch cymunedau Sipsiwn/Teithwyr, ac fe wnaethom ni eu trafod am gryn amser ym mwrdd plismona Cymru, yr oedd fy nghyd-Weinidog Jane Hutt a minnau yn bresennol ynddo. Pe bai mor syml â chyhoeddi gorchymyn ac unioni pethau, yna wrth gwrs byddem ni'n gallu gwneud hynny, ond rwy'n gwybod o'r hyn yr wyf i wedi ei glywed gan Gyngor Caerdydd nad yw mor hawdd â hynny. Mae'r safbwyntiau a fynegwyd yn wrthun i fy nghydweithwyr yng Nghyngor Caerdydd, fel y maen nhw i bob un ohonom ni yma, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd y teimladau hynny yn cael eu cyfleu yn rymus.
3. Pa waith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i leihau nifer y plant mewn gofal yng Nghymru? OQ57822
3. What work is the Welsh Government undertaking to reduce the number of children in care in Wales? OQ57822

Diolch i Rhys ab Owen am y cwestiwn. Mae gormod o blant yn cael eu cymryd oddi wrth eu teuluoedd a'u rhoi yn y system ofal yng Nghymru. Mae'r niferoedd wedi codi bob blwyddyn dros y ddau ddegawd diwethaf. Rhoddodd comisiwn Thomas ddadansoddiad pwerus o'r hanes trist hwn, a gyda'n partneriaid o fewn llywodraeth leol rydym yn parhau i fynd ar drywydd y polisïau a gynigiwyd ganddo.
Thank you to Rhys ab Owen for the question. Too many children are removed from their families into the care system in Wales. Numbers have risen year on year over the last two decades. The Thomas commission provided a powerful analysis of this unhappy history, and with our local government partners we continue to pursue the policies that it proposed.
Diolch yn fawr, Prif Weinidog. Dwi'n gwybod bod hwn yn rhywbeth sy'n agos iawn i'ch calon chi, a'ch bod chi wedi bod yn gweithio i drio ffeindio mas beth yw'r broblem.
Thank you very much, First Minister, and I know that this is something very close to your own heart, and that you have been working to try and identify the problem.
The recent research by the Children's Social Care Research and Development Centre at Cardiff University commissioned by the Welsh Government saw an increase of 87 per cent in the rate of children in care from 2004 to 2020. And what surprises me is the huge variation within local authorities—so, Torfaen, an increase of 251 per cent, whilst Carmarthenshire has no increase whatsoever—and the local variations between somewhere like Torfaen and Newport. The fact that a child in Torfaen is five times more likely to enter the care system than a child in Carmarthenshire is totally wrong. Now, this information is not new; as you mentioned, it was in the Thomas report, something I became aware of around four years ago. So, can we please have an update from your programme for government of what you're doing to reduce the risk of children entering the care system, and why do we have such a huge variation between local authorities in Wales? Diolch yn fawr.
Dangosodd y gwaith ymchwil diweddar gan y Ganolfan Ymchwil a Datblygu Gofal Cymdeithasol Plant ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru gynnydd o 87 y cant i gyfradd y plant mewn gofal rhwng 2004 a 2020. A'r hyn sy'n fy synnu i yw'r amrywiad enfawr o fewn awdurdodau lleol—felly, Torfaen, cynnydd o 251 y cant, ond ni fu unrhyw gynnydd o gwbl yn sir Gaerfyrddin—a'r amrywiadau lleol rhwng rhywle fel Torfaen a Chasnewydd. Mae'r ffaith bod plentyn yn Nhorfaen bum gwaith yn fwy tebygol o fynd i mewn i'r system ofal na phlentyn yn sir Gaerfyrddin yn gwbl anghywir. Nawr, nid yw'r wybodaeth hon yn newydd; fel y gwnaethoch chi sôn, roedd yn adroddiad Thomas, rhywbeth y gwnes i ddod yn ymwybodol ohono ryw pedair blynedd yn ôl. Felly, a allwn ni gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf, os gwelwch yn dda, o'ch rhaglen lywodraethu am yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei wneud i leihau'r risg y bydd plant yn mynd i mewn i'r system ofal, a pham mae gennym ni amrywiad mor enfawr rhwng awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr.

Wel, diolch yn fawr i Rhys ab Owen.
Well, thank you very much to Rhys ab Owen.
This is a really very significant matter of public policy here in Wales and he's absolutely right: the difference between different local authorities in Wales is absolutely striking and, to my mind, answers the point that is sometimes made that what the figures reflect are just different socioeconomic conditions in different parts of Wales. If that were the case, how would that explain the outstanding success of Neath Port Talbot council in more recent times in driving down the numbers that they have in care, with a further 21 per cent reduction in the last year alone? How does that explain why a council like Carmarthenshire has, throughout the period of devolution, succeeded in keeping its numbers down, while other councils with very similar characteristics have seen such sharp rises? Well, here are three possible explanations for it, Llywydd. One, and I think the most significant, is local practice cultures. It's just—. I was lucky enough to visit, with my colleague Julie Morgan, Carmarthenshire council and to talk to front-line workers and their supervisors, and the strength of the local culture, determined to do everything it could to keep families reunited, was, I think, the most powerful reason why it has had that success.
Then there is local leadership. In Neath Port Talbot, the point at which their numbers begin to fall is associated in my mind with the appointment of a new director of social services and a new leader of children's services, and they have demonstrated a powerful determination to turn around the pattern that they inherited as a council.
And then thirdly—and this is in the Thomas review, as the Member will know—there is the practice of the courts as well, and that varies from part of Wales to part of Wales, and we have to be able to draw into the conversation judges who sit in the family division. The president of the family division at a England-and-Wales level has recently said that it is the single most important issue in front of him to understand and address the rise in reception of children into care across the whole of England and Wales. And the position in Wales, Llywydd, is worse: we take more children away from their families in Wales, and we've done it at an accelerating rate compared to parts of England that look like comparable parts of Wales. That is why the issue is so urgent, but it's also why we can have some optimism about it. Things can be and are being done differently and we need that better approach to be adopted throughout Wales.
Mae hwn yn fater pwysig iawn o bolisi cyhoeddus yma yng Nghymru ac mae'n llygad ei le: mae'r gwahaniaeth rhwng gwahanol awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru yn drawiadol iawn ac, yn fy marn i, yn ateb y pwynt sy'n cael ei wneud weithiau mai'r cwbl y mae'r ffigurau yn ei adlewyrchu yw gwahanol amodau economaidd-gymdeithasol mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru. Pe bai hynny yn wir, sut byddai hynny'n esbonio llwyddiant eithriadol cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn fwy diweddar o ran lleihau'r niferoedd sydd ganddyn nhw mewn gofal, gyda gostyngiad pellach o 21 y cant yn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf yn unig? Sut mae hynny yn esbonio pam mae cyngor fel sir Gaerfyrddin wedi llwyddo, drwy gydol cyfnod datganoli, i gadw ei niferoedd i lawr, tra bod cynghorau eraill sydd â nodweddion tebyg iawn wedi gweld cynnydd mor sydyn? Wel, dyma dri esboniad posibl amdano, Llywydd. Un, a'r mwyaf arwyddocaol yn fy marn i, yw diwylliannau ymarfer lleol. Mae'n—. Roeddwn i'n ddigon ffodus i ymweld, gyda fy nghyd-Weinidog Julie Morgan, â Chyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin ac i siarad â gweithwyr rheng flaen a'u goruchwylwyr, a chryfder y diwylliant lleol, a oedd yn benderfynol o wneud popeth yn ei allu i gadw teuluoedd gyda'i gilydd, oedd y rheswm mwyaf grymus, yn fy marn i, pam mae wedi cael y llwyddiant hwnnw.
Yna ceir arweinyddiaeth leol. Yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot, mae'r pwynt lle mae eu niferoedd yn dechrau gostwng yn gysylltiedig yn fy marn i â phenodi cyfarwyddwr gwasanaethau cymdeithasol newydd ac arweinydd newydd ar gyfer gwasanaethau plant, ac maen nhw wedi dangos penderfyniad grymus i newid y patrwm y gwnaethon nhw ei etifeddu fel cyngor.
Ac yna'n drydydd—ac mae hyn yn adolygiad Thomas, fel y bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod—ceir arfer y llysoedd hefyd, ac mae hynny'n amrywio o un rhan o Gymru i'r llall, ac mae'n rhaid i ni allu tynnu barnwyr sy'n eistedd yn adran y teulu i mewn i'r sgwrs. Mae llywydd adran y teulu ar lefel Cymru a Lloegr wedi dweud yn ddiweddar mai'r mater unigol pwysicaf o'i flaen yw deall a mynd i'r afael â'r cynnydd yn nifer y plant sy'n cael eu derbyn i ofal ledled Cymru a Lloegr gyfan. Ac mae'r sefyllfa yng Nghymru, Llywydd, yn waeth: rydym yn tynnu mwy o blant oddi wrth eu teuluoedd yng Nghymru, ac rydym ni wedi gwneud hynny ar gyfradd sy'n cyflymu o'i chymharu â rhannau o Loegr sy'n edrych fel rhannau tebyg o Gymru. Dyna pam mae'r mater mor frys, ond dyna hefyd pam y gallwn ni fod â rhywfaint o optimistiaeth yn ei gylch. Gall pethau gael eu gwneud yn wahanol ac maen nhw yn cael eu gwneud yn wahanol, ac mae angen i'r dull gwell hwnnw gael ei fabwysiadu ledled Cymru.
First Minister, in June last year, it was reported that Wales has the highest proportion of children in the UK being cared for by the state. There were 7,170 children being looked after away from home in Wales, which is actually 1.14 per cent of the children. As you and my colleague Rhys ab Owen mentioned, the rate has increased significantly here in Wales, and this trend is a cause for concern, particularly the impact on the outcomes for children who are taken into care in terms of educational attainment, health, unemployment, homelessness and criminal justice. However, there are local significant variations across local authorities here in Wales. Evidence suggests that these differences are linked to the interaction between safeguarding practices, levels of deprivation and parental factors, and there tends to be a greater emphasis in Wales on finding permanent placements for children, rather than achieving reunification between birth families and their children, even though reunification is desired by many families.
So, First Minister, since the responsibility for children in care does not fall into social services departments alone—and I know you mentioned in your previous answer the focus is on local governments, as well as the courts—and that a range of agencies do in fact provide services for children and families at risk, what is the Government specifically doing to improve working practices to facilitate better experiences and outcomes for those who come into contact with these services? Thank you.
Prif Weinidog, ym mis Mehefin y llynedd, adroddwyd mai Cymru sydd â'r gyfran uchaf o blant yn y DU sy'n derbyn gofal gan y wladwriaeth. Roedd 7,170 o blant yn derbyn gofal oddi cartref yng Nghymru, sef 1.14 y cant o'r plant mewn gwirionedd. Fel y gwnaethoch chi a fy nghyd-Aelod Rhys ab Owen sôn, mae'r gyfradd wedi cynyddu'n sylweddol yma yng Nghymru, ac mae'r duedd hon yn destun pryder, yn enwedig yr effaith ar y canlyniadau i blant sy'n cael eu derbyn i ofal o ran cyrhaeddiad addysgol, iechyd, diweithdra, digartrefedd a chyfiawnder troseddol. Fodd bynnag, ceir amrywiadau sylweddol lleol ar draws awdurdodau lleol yma yng Nghymru. Mae tystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod y gwahaniaethau hyn yn gysylltiedig â'r rhyngweithio rhwng arferion diogelu, lefelau amddifadedd a ffactorau rhieni, ac mae tuedd i roi mwy o bwyslais yng Nghymru ar ddod o hyd i leoliadau parhaol i blant, yn hytrach nag ailuno teuluoedd biolegol â'u plant, er bod llawer o deuluoedd yn dymuno gweld ailuno.
Felly, Prif Weinidog, gan nad yw'r cyfrifoldeb am blant mewn gofal yn nwylo adrannau gwasanaethau cymdeithasol yn unig—ac rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi wedi sôn yn eich ateb blaenorol fod y pwyslais ar lywodraethau lleol, yn ogystal â'r llysoedd—a bod amrywiaeth o asiantaethau mewn gwirionedd yn darparu gwasanaethau i blant a theuluoedd sydd mewn perygl, beth mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud yn benodol i wella arferion gwaith i hwyluso gwell profiadau a chanlyniadau i'r rhai sy'n dod i gysylltiad â'r gwasanaethau hyn? Diolch.

Well, Llywydd, there are already things that we are doing as a Government. That includes the focus that my colleague Julie Morgan has brought to do this over the last three years. It includes working with the ADSS, the Association of Directors of Social Services, to promote the things that we know work in different parts of Wales. It's striking to me that in Carmarthenshire, which we mentioned earlier, there is a single director in charge of both education and social services, making sure that schools play their part in helping those families to stay together. In the budget that was passed on the floor of the Senedd here only last week, we have a new funding stream to provide advocacy for families at risk of having their children taken into public care, to make sure that, when those decisions are being made, the voice of the family is heard as powerfully as any professional involved in that decision. That's just one of a range of actions, Llywydd, that we are taking, and the determination of the Welsh Government to align ourselves with the need to reduce the number of children in public care in Wales is unwavering.
Wel, Llywydd, mae pethau rydym ni eisoes yn eu gwneud fel Llywodraeth. Mae hynny'n cynnwys y pwyslais y mae fy nghyd-Weinidog Julie Morgan wedi ei roi i wneud hyn dros y tair blynedd diwethaf. Mae'n cynnwys gweithio gyda'r Gymdeithas Cyfarwyddwyr Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, i hyrwyddo'r pethau yr ydym ni'n gwybod sy'n gweithio mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru. Mae'n drawiadol i mi, yn sir Gaerfyrddin, y gwnaethom ni sôn amdani yn gynharach, fod un cyfarwyddwr sy'n gyfrifol am addysg a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, gan wneud yn siŵr bod ysgolion yn chwarae eu rhan i helpu'r teuluoedd hynny i aros gyda'i gilydd. Yn y gyllideb a basiwyd ar lawr y Senedd yn y fan yma yr wythnos diwethaf, mae gennym ni ffrwd gyllid newydd i ddarparu eiriolaeth i deuluoedd y ceir perygl y bydd eu plant yn cael eu cymryd i ofal cyhoeddus, i wneud yn siŵr, pan fydd y penderfyniadau hynny yn cael eu gwneud, fod llais y teulu yn cael ei glywed yr un mor rymus ag unrhyw weithiwr proffesiynol sy'n rhan o'r penderfyniad hwnnw. Un yn unig o nifer o gamau yr ydym yn eu cymryd yw hwnnw, Llywydd, ac mae penderfyniad Llywodraeth Cymru i gysoni ein hunain â'r angen i leihau nifer y plant mewn gofal cyhoeddus yng Nghymru yn ddiwyro.
First Minister, would you agree with me that, when children are in residential care, the policy direction of Newport City Council is appropriate? Through its Project Perthyn, it's bringing provision of care for looked-after children back in-house, with out-of-authority placements returning to new Newport City Council homes. It's bringing those children back to their home areas, families and schools and providing top-quality care. Would you agree this is the right approach for our young people and in terms of the recent Competition and Markets Authority report on the children's social care market, which shows local authorities being overcharged by private providers, with profit margins of 22.6 per cent and average charges of around £3,830 per week?
Prif Weinidog, a fyddech chi'n cytuno â mi, pan fo plant mewn gofal preswyl, fod cyfeiriad polisi Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd yn briodol? Trwy ei Brosiect Perthyn, mae'n dod â darpariaeth o ofal i blant sy'n derbyn gofal yn ôl yn fewnol, gyda lleoliadau y tu allan i'r awdurdod yn dychwelyd i gartrefi newydd Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd. Mae'n dod â'r plant hynny yn ôl i'w hardaloedd cartref, eu teuluoedd a'u hysgolion ac yn darparu gofal o'r radd flaenaf. A fyddech chi'n cytuno mai dyma'r dull cywir ar gyfer ein pobl ifanc ac o ran adroddiad diweddar yr Awdurdod Cystadleuaeth a Marchnadoedd ar y farchnad gofal cymdeithasol i blant, sy'n dangos bod darparwyr preifat yn codi gormod ar awdurdodau lleol, gydag elw o 22.6 y cant a thaliadau cyfartalog o tua £3,830 yr wythnos?

Well, I do congratulate Newport council. Over the last decade, it has stood out as one of those authorities that has taken a range of actions to focus on helping families get through those difficult times that all families face, and where the repair of that damage, rather than rescuing children from it, is in the long-term interests of the child. And what they're doing in Project Perthyn is a very good example of that.
I want to pay tribute for a moment, Llywydd, if I could, to the children's commissioner Sally Holland, Professor Sally Holland, who's about to retire after seven years in that role, and there'll be an event here at the Senedd next week to mark that occasion. It's the power of her reports, reflecting the views of young people in care themselves, that lead this Government to have a commitment to eliminate private profit making from the care of children in Wales.
Now, the Competition and Markets Authority conclude from their report, which shows just how badly the market is working, that what you need is the market to work better. Of course, we conclude the opposite: what you need is not to have a market in the care of children. Markets are just not the right method to provide for those vulnerable young people. And the work that Newport is doing is very important in that.
Eliminating profit is about values as well as cost. It's about putting needs ahead of what is profitable. There's £10 million in the budget to help local authorities in this transition, in this transition, and amongst that will be—. I'm thinking of the point that Natasha Asghar mentioned; we now have plans in from six of the seven regional partnership boards, which we will fund, to create new regional centres where we can draw children, not simply keeping children in their own families, but we can draw children who are looked after outside of their county back into their county, closer to their families; we can draw children who are paid for very expensively outside of Wales closer to where those families live. Those regional centres will be really important in providing a resource where those young people can be looked after properly and successfully, and we're on a journey here, definitely, but I'm very encouraged to see that six of those seven regional partnership boards have put forward proposals and that we as a Welsh Government are committed to funding them.
Wel, rwyf yn llongyfarch cyngor Casnewydd. Dros y degawd diwethaf, mae wedi sefyll allan fel un o'r awdurdodau hynny sydd wedi cymryd amrywiaeth o gamau i ganolbwyntio ar helpu teuluoedd i fynd drwy'r adegau anodd hynny y mae pob teulu yn eu hwynebu, a lle mae trwsio'r difrod hwnnw, yn hytrach nag achub plant ohono, er budd hirdymor y plentyn. Ac mae'r hyn y maen nhw'n ei wneud yn Prosiect Perthyn yn enghraifft dda iawn o hynny.
Hoffwn dalu teyrnged am eiliad, Llywydd, os caf i, i'r comisiynydd plant Sally Holland, yr Athro Sally Holland, sydd ar fin ymddeol ar ôl saith mlynedd yn y swydd honno, a bydd digwyddiad yma yn y Senedd yr wythnos nesaf i nodi'r achlysur hwnnw. Grym ei hadroddiadau hi, sy'n adlewyrchu safbwyntiau pobl ifanc mewn gofal eu hunain, sy'n arwain y Llywodraeth hon i fod ag ymrwymiad i ddileu gwneud elw preifat ar ofal plant yng Nghymru.
Nawr, mae'r Awdurdod Cystadleuaeth a Marchnadoedd yn dod i'r casgliad yn ei adroddiad, sy'n dangos yn iawn pa mor wael y mae'r farchnad yn gweithio, mai'r hyn sydd ei angen arnoch yw i'r farchnad weithio yn well. Wrth gwrs, mae ein casgliad ni i'r gwrthwyneb: yr hyn sydd ei angen arnoch yw peidio â chael marchnad ym maes gofal plant. Nid marchnadoedd yw'r dull cywir o ddarparu ar gyfer y bobl ifanc agored i niwed hynny. Ac mae'r gwaith y mae Casnewydd yn ei wneud yn bwysig iawn yn hynny.
Mae dileu elw yn ymwneud â gwerthoedd yn ogystal â chost. Mae'n ymwneud â rhoi anghenion o flaen yr hyn sy'n broffidiol. Mae £10 miliwn yn y gyllideb i helpu awdurdodau lleol yn y cyfnod pontio hwn, yn y cyfnod pontio hwn, ac yn rhan o hynny bydd—. Rwy'n meddwl am y pwynt y soniodd Natasha Asghar amdano; rydym ni wedi derbyn cynlluniau bellach gan chwech o'r saith bwrdd partneriaeth rhanbarthol, y byddwn ni'n eu hariannu, i greu canolfannau rhanbarthol newydd lle gallwn ni symud plant, nid yn unig cadw plant yn eu teuluoedd eu hunain, ond gallwn ni symud plant sy'n derbyn gofal y tu allan i'w sir yn ôl i'w sir, yn agosach at eu teuluoedd; gallwn symud plant y telir amdanyn nhw yn ddrud iawn y tu allan i Gymru yn nes at ble mae'r teuluoedd hynny yn byw. Bydd y canolfannau rhanbarthol hynny yn bwysig iawn o ran darparu adnodd lle gellir gofalu am y bobl ifanc hynny yn briodol ac yn llwyddiannus, ac rydym ni ar daith yma, yn bendant, ond mae'n galonogol iawn gweld bod chwech o'r saith bwrdd partneriaeth rhanbarthol hynny wedi cyflwyno cynigion a'n bod ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i'w hariannu.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ddatblygu canolfan iechyd newydd yng Nghaergybi? OQ57829
4. Will the First Minister make a statement on the development of a new health centre in Holyhead? OQ57829

Diolch yn fawr i Rhun ap Iorwerth. Llywydd, rydym wedi ymrwymo i fuddsoddi mewn cenhedlaeth newydd o ganolfannau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol integredig ar draws Cymru. Yn y canolfannau hyn, bydd gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol rheng flaen yn cael eu lleoli gyda gwasanaethau eraill. Mae'r bwrdd prosiect sy'n arwain y drafodaeth am ddatblygiad o'r fath yng Nghaergybi yn parhau i gwrdd bob mis.
I thank Rhun ap Iorwerth. Llywydd, we are committed to investing in a new generation of integrated health and social care centres across Wales. In these centres, front-line health and social care centres will be co-located with other services. The project board leading discussion on such a development in Holyhead continues to meet monthly.
Nearly three years have passed since Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board had to take direct control of the Longford Road and Cambria surgeries in Holyhead, and, yes, it's been a period of unprecedented challenge for primary care everywhere. But, for nearly three years now, patients at those two surgeries have had to receive a standard of care way below what they should be able to expect. Yes, there's a new urgent primary care centre on the way to Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley, but that's different. And yes, the staff at Longford Road and Cambria are doing everything that they can in very, very difficult circumstances. But we need a new multidisciplinary primary healthcare centre that can attract staff and provide the necessary services, and we need it urgently. I've been pursuing this for, yes, nearly three years now, but, at a recent meeting with the health board, it became clear to me that things are moving very, very slowly indeed. Can the First Minister tell me when he would expect the people of Holyhead who are patients at those surgeries, to receive the standard of service that they should be able to expect? And what can he do to bring about that investment urgently—an investment that I've been calling for for such a long time?
Mae bron i dair blynedd wedi mynd heibio ers i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr orfod cymryd rheolaeth uniongyrchol dros feddygfeydd Longford Road a Cambria yng Nghaergybi, ac, ydy, mae wedi bod yn gyfnod o her na welwyd ei thebyg o'r blaen i ofal sylfaenol ym mhob man. Ond, ers bron i dair blynedd bellach, mae cleifion yn y ddwy feddygfa hynny wedi gorfod derbyn safon gofal ymhell islaw'r hyn y dylen nhw allu ei disgwyl. Oes, mae canolfan gofal sylfaenol brys newydd ar y ffordd i Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley, ond mae hynny'n wahanol. Ac ydy, mae'r staff yn Longford Road a Cambria yn gwneud popeth o fewn eu gallu o dan amgylchiadau anodd iawn. Ond mae angen canolfan gofal iechyd sylfaenol amlddisgyblaeth newydd arnom ni, sy'n gallu denu staff a darparu'r gwasanaethau angenrheidiol, ac mae ei hangen arnom ar frys. Rwyf i wedi bod yn mynd ar drywydd hyn ers, do, bron i dair blynedd bellach, ond, mewn cyfarfod diweddar gyda'r bwrdd iechyd, daeth yn amlwg i mi fod pethau yn symud yn araf iawn, iawn. A all y Prif Weinidog ddweud wrthyf pryd y byddai'n disgwyl i bobl Caergybi sy'n gleifion yn y meddygfeydd hynny, gael safon y gwasanaeth y dylen nhw allu ei disgwyl? A beth all ef ei wneud i sicrhau'r buddsoddiad hwnnw ar frys—buddsoddiad yr wyf i wedi bod yn galw amdano ers cymaint o amser?

Well, I thank the Member for that. I think the last time he asked me a question of this sort, I was able to tell him that there were plans to recruit new GPs to support the service in Holyhead, and I'm at least pleased to be able to tell him today that the three GPs who were expected to be recruited at that time have now all been recruited, the last one joining in January. I'm also glad to say that project Flex, which is a project being run in that part of Wales that offers flexible contracts to retired GPs—and we know that many GPs have retired early from the profession because of the pension arrangements forced on them by the UK Government—to find flexible ways in which they can come back into the workforce and to provide services, and there are already GPs in that category working in Holyhead.
The long-term answer is the one that Rhun ap Iorwerth has identified: the new centre. The note that I have had tells me that the board—the project board, not the local health board, the project board; it's not just the health board, it is the local authority, it is the town council, it is other local interests—they will go out to a public engagement in May. They've got to wait until then because of the local authority elections, but they've got to a point where they're able to go out and have that public engagement. There are a number of sites that they have in mind; they'll all be familiar to the local Member. They will then have to put that case to the regional partnership board and the regional partnership board will put its proposals to the Welsh Government. I don't think that there is a great deal that the Welsh Government can do to accelerate that process, because it has to be fair to everybody who may wish to make a bid for one of the new centres. But the process is now clear and I look forward to it resulting in a specific proposal that comes to Welsh Government that we will be able to consider with, I've no doubt, other compelling cases that will be made by other parts of north Wales.
Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am hynna. Rwy'n credu y tro diwethaf iddo ofyn cwestiwn o'r math hwn i mi, fy mod i wedi gallu dweud wrtho fod cynlluniau i recriwtio meddygon teulu newydd i gefnogi'r gwasanaeth yng Nghaergybi, ac rwyf i o leiaf yn falch o allu dweud wrtho heddiw fod y tri meddyg teulu y disgwyliwyd iddyn nhw gael eu recriwtio bryd hynny i gyd wedi eu recriwtio erbyn hyn, ac ymunodd yr olaf ohonyn nhw ym mis Ionawr. Rwyf i hefyd yn falch o ddweud bod prosiect Flex, sy'n brosiect sy'n cael ei redeg yn y rhan honno o Gymru sy'n cynnig contractau hyblyg i feddygon teulu sydd wedi ymddeol—ac rydym yn gwybod bod llawer o feddygon teulu wedi ymddeol yn gynnar o'r proffesiwn oherwydd y trefniadau pensiwn a orfodwyd arnyn nhw gan Lywodraeth y DU—i ddod o hyd i ffyrdd hyblyg y gallan nhw ddod yn ôl i'r gweithlu a darparu gwasanaethau, ac mae meddygon teulu yn y categori hwnnw eisoes yn gweithio yng Nghaergybi.
Yr ateb hirdymor yw'r un y mae Rhun ap Iorwerth wedi ei nodi: y ganolfan newydd. Mae'r nodyn yr wyf i wedi ei gael yn dweud wrthyf fod y bwrdd—y bwrdd prosiect, nid y bwrdd iechyd lleol, y bwrdd prosiect; nid y bwrdd iechyd yn unig ydyw, ond yr awdurdod lleol, cyngor y dref, y buddiannau lleol eraill—byddan nhw'n destun ymgysylltiad cyhoeddus ym mis Mai. Mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw aros tan hynny oherwydd etholiadau'r awdurdodau lleol, ond maen nhw wedi cyrraedd pwynt lle gallan nhw fynd allan a chael yr ymgysylltiad cyhoeddus hwnnw. Maen nhw'n ystyried nifer o safleoedd; byddan nhw i gyd yn gyfarwydd i'r Aelod lleol. Yna bydd yn rhaid iddyn nhw gyflwyno'r achos hwnnw i'r bwrdd partneriaeth rhanbarthol a bydd y bwrdd partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn cyflwyno ei gynigion i Lywodraeth Cymru. Nid wyf i'n credu bod llawer y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud i gyflymu'r broses honno, gan fod yn rhaid iddi fod yn deg â phawb a allai ddymuno gwneud cais am un o'r canolfannau newydd. Ond mae'r broses bellach yn eglur ac edrychaf ymlaen ati yn arwain at gynnig penodol a ddaw i Lywodraeth Cymru y byddwn ni'n gallu ei ystyried, rwy'n siŵr, gydag achosion cymhellol eraill a fydd yn cael eu cyflwyno gan rannau eraill o'r gogledd.
5. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith y gost gynyddol o fyw ar bobl yn Ne Clwyd? OQ57861
5. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the rising cost of living on people in Clwyd South? OQ57861

Llywydd, the cost-of-living crisis is affecting people across Wales, including in Clwyd South. Tomorrow’s spring statement must include actions to provide help for those least able to manage the crisis in the most essential aspects of daily life, widening access to food and to fuel for those who otherwise will be forced to go without.
Llywydd, mae'r argyfwng costau byw yn effeithio ar bobl ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys yn Ne Clwyd. Mae'n rhaid i ddatganiad y gwanwyn yfory gynnwys camau gweithredu i roi cymorth i'r rhai sydd leiaf abl i reoli'r argyfwng yn yr agweddau mwyaf hanfodol ar fywyd bob dydd, gan ehangu mynediad at fwyd ac at danwydd i'r rhai a fydd fel arall yn cael eu gorfodi i fynd hebddyn nhw.
Diolch, First Minister. And you will be aware, I'm sure, of data from the 'Crunch Point' report from Citizens Advice, which shows that 14.5 million people—one in five people in Britain—won't be able to afford their energy bills when prices rise in October, just as we enter winter. And by then, a single person in receipt of benefits will be spending up to 47 per cent of their universal credit on energy bills. Households on prepayment meters will be particularly hard hit, and so, of course, children, the elderly and disabled people are likely to face the harshest of winters unless action is taken.
First Minister, no Government should allow its people to freeze or starve, but that's exactly what's going to happen unless the Prime Minister and the Chancellor take immediate and dramatic action on energy costs. And I'm concerned that those who are struggling should not stay hidden, away from view, or deprived of essential support. First Minister, are you aware of what data is collected by energy companies regarding self-rationing of energy supplies, or indeed self-disconnection?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. A byddwch chi'n ymwybodol, rwy'n siŵr, o ddata o adroddiad 'Crunch Point' gan Cyngor ar Bopeth, sy'n dangos na fydd 14.5 miliwn o bobl—un o bob pump o bobl ym Mhrydain—yn gallu fforddio eu biliau ynni pan fydd prisiau yn codi ym mis Hydref, yr union adeg y byddwn ni'n cyrraedd y gaeaf. Ac erbyn hynny, bydd un person sy'n cael budd-daliadau yn gwario hyd at 47 y cant o'i gredyd cynhwysol ar filiau ynni. Bydd aelwydydd ar fesuryddion rhagdalu yn cael eu taro'n arbennig o galed, ac felly, wrth gwrs, mae plant, yr henoed a phobl anabl yn debygol o wynebu'r gaeaf llymaf oni chymerir camau.
Prif Weinidog, ni ddylai'r un Llywodraeth ganiatáu i'w phobl rewi na newynu, ond dyna'n union sy'n mynd i ddigwydd oni bai bod Prif Weinidog y DU a'r Canghellor yn cymryd camau dramatig ar unwaith o ran costau ynni. Ac rwy'n pryderu na ddylai'r rhai sydd mewn trafferthion aros yn guddiedig, o'r golwg, na chael eu hamddifadu o gymorth hanfodol. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n ymwybodol o ba ddata sy'n cael eu casglu gan gwmnïau ynni ynghylch hunan-gyfyngu cyflenwadau ynni, neu hunan-ddatgysylltu yn wir?

Well, Llywydd, I thank Ken Skates for that powerful additional question. Of course, he is right: in the spring statement tomorrow, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has an opportunity to do those practical things that would make the biggest difference in the lives of those people who need that help the most. My colleagues Jane Hutt and Julie James wrote, together, to the Secretary of State at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy back on 11 January, with six different practical actions that the UK Government could take that would lead immediately to relief for people who face the greatest challenge.
But, Llywydd, Ken Skates has identified, to my mind, one of the most concerning sub-groups within that population: people who rely on prepayment meters for their energy supply. The latest figures that I have suggest that prepayment-meter users will be spending £10 every day to top up their meter. If you're a single person living on benefits, you have £77.29 for the whole of the week for absolutely everything. So, they will not be paying £10 a day, they will be going without. That is the only way that they will be able to manage. Their bills will be rising from £1,309 currently to £2,017 after April.
And I'm afraid the answer to Ken Skates's question is that there are no figures kept of people who self-disconnect. For far too long, the energy companies have sheltered behind the comfortable fiction that people reliant on prepayment meters choose to disconnect, whereas we know perfectly well that it's the only way in which they are able to manage. And people face a very, very bleak winter in those circumstances.
Llywydd, some years ago, when I was involved in some university research on this matter, I was involved with the Fire Brigades Union, which published a report into child death numbers—child deaths caused by people forced to self-disconnect because they couldn't feed the meter, who used candles in bedrooms, where curtains caught fire and children died. You know, that is the circumstances in which many families in Wales will find themselves again after next month. If there's anything more urgent on the Chancellor's table, it's hard to imagine what it could be than making sure there is proper help for families facing those very, very bleak choices.
Wel, Llywydd, diolch i Ken Skates am y cwestiwn ychwanegol grymus yna. Wrth gwrs, mae'n iawn: yn natganiad y gwanwyn yfory, mae gan Ganghellor y Trysorlys gyfle i wneud y pethau ymarferol hynny a fyddai'n gwneud y gwahaniaeth mwyaf ym mywydau'r bobl hynny sydd angen y cymorth hwnnw fwyaf. Ysgrifennodd fy nghyd-Weinidogion Jane Hutt a Julie James, gyda'i gilydd, at yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn yr Adran Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol yn ôl ar 11 Ionawr, gyda chwe gwahanol gam ymarferol y gallai Llywodraeth y DU eu cymryd a fyddai'n arwain ar unwaith at ryddhad i bobl sy'n wynebu'r her fwyaf.
Ond, Llywydd, mae Ken Skates wedi nodi, yn fy marn i, un o'r is-grwpiau sy'n peri'r pryder mwyaf yn y boblogaeth honno: pobl sy'n dibynnu ar fesuryddion rhagdalu ar gyfer eu cyflenwad ynni. Mae'r ffigurau diweddaraf sydd gen i yn awgrymu y bydd defnyddwyr mesuryddion rhagdalu yn gwario £10 bob dydd i ychwanegu at eu mesurydd. Os ydych chi'n berson sengl sy'n byw ar fudd-daliadau, mae gennych chi £77.29 am yr wythnos gyfan ar gyfer popeth. Felly, ni fyddan nhw'n talu £10 y dydd, byddan nhw'n mynd hebddo. Dyna'r unig ffordd y byddan nhw'n gallu ymdopi. Bydd eu biliau yn codi o £1,309 ar hyn o bryd i £2,017 ar ôl mis Ebrill.
Ac mae arnaf ofn mai'r ateb i gwestiwn Ken Skates yw nad oes ffigurau yn cael eu cadw ar bobl sy'n hunan-ddatgysylltu. Ers llawer rhy hir, mae'r cwmnïau ynni wedi cuddio y tu ôl i'r ffuglen gyfforddus bod pobl sy'n dibynnu ar fesuryddion rhagdalu yn dewis datgysylltu, ond rydym yn gwybod yn iawn mai dyma'r unig ffordd y gallan nhw ymdopi. Ac mae pobl yn wynebu gaeaf llwm dros ben o dan yr amgylchiadau hynny.
Llywydd, rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, pan oeddwn i'n rhan o rywfaint o waith ymchwil prifysgol ar y mater hwn, roeddwn i'n ymwneud ag Undeb y Brigadau Tân, a gyhoeddodd adroddiad ar nifer y marwolaethau plant—marwolaethau plant a achoswyd gan bobl y gorfodwyd iddyn nhw hunan-ddatgysylltu gan na allen nhw fwydo'r mesurydd, a ddefnyddiodd ganhwyllau mewn ystafelloedd gwely, lle aeth llenni ar dân ac y bu farw plant. Wyddoch chi, dyna'r amgylchiadau y bydd llawer o deuluoedd yng Nghymru yn cael eu hunain ynddyn nhw eto ar ôl y mis nesaf. Os oes unrhyw beth mwy brys ar fwrdd y Canghellor, mae'n anodd dychmygu beth allai fod yn hytrach na gwneud yn siŵr bod cymorth priodol i deuluoedd sy'n wynebu'r dewisiadau llwm dros ben hynny.
6. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n cefnogi gweithwyr ifanc yng Nghymru? OQ57854
6. How is the Welsh Government supporting young workers in Wales? OQ57854

I thank Jack Sargeant, Llywydd, for that. Implementing the young person's guarantee, investing in skills, funding personal learning accounts, and making Wales a fair work nation are amongst the actions we are taking to support young workers in every part of Wales.
Diolch i Jack Sargeant am hynna, Llywydd. Mae rhoi'r warant i bobl ifanc ar waith, buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, ariannu cyfrifon dysgu personol, a gwneud Cymru yn genedl waith teg ymysg y camau yr ydym ni'n eu cymryd i gefnogi gweithwyr ifanc ym mhob rhan o Gymru.
Diolch yn fawr, Prif Weinidog. The Resolution Foundation recently carried out research that found, after COVID hit, people under the age of 34 are more likely to face unemployment or precarious work. I'm sure our colleague from across the Chamber Tom Giffard will have seen that I've used my own social media channels to reach out to young people, asking them for their own experiences. First Minister, what came back was not good reading.
One respondent told me that whilst working in the hospitality sector during the pandemic, they were discouraged from wearing a mask and told it would, and I quote, First Minister, 'affect tips for female workers'. Another young person talked about being forced into a fake and exploitative apprenticeship, stating, and again, I quote,
'They didn't even sign me up for the course, so I was just paid half the wage for the same work and got no training.'
A common issue many faced was precarious contracts, with one individual applying for a job advertised at 40 hours a week, only to receive an offer of a zero-hours contract.
First Minister, I can see that I'm out of time here, but I could go on. The research and the responses highlight clearly that we need more workplace protections and for employees to join a trade union. I'm going to continue this work and campaign for change. Will you join me, First Minister, in taking this message to the UK Government, that you can't level up by allowing poor employers to behave disgracefully like this?
Diolch yn fawr, Prif Weinidog. Yn ddiweddar, gwnaeth y Resolution Foundation waith ymchwil a ganfu, ar ôl i COVID daro, bod pobl o dan 34 oed yn fwy tebygol o wynebu diweithdra neu waith ansicr. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd ein cyd-Aelod ar draws y Siambr Tom Giffard wedi gweld fy mod i wedi defnyddio fy sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol fy hun i estyn allan at bobl ifanc, gan ofyn iddyn nhw am eu profiadau eu hunain. Prif Weinidog, nid oedd yn braf darllen yr hyn a ddaeth yn ôl.
Dywedodd un ymatebydd wrthyf, wrth weithio yn y sector lletygarwch yn ystod y pandemig, y cafodd ei hannog i beidio â gwisgo masg a dywedodd y byddai, a dyfynnaf, Prif Weinidog, yn 'effeithio ar gildyrnau i weithwyr benywaidd'. Soniodd person ifanc arall am gael ei orfodi i brentisiaeth ffug ac ymelwol, gan ddweud, ac eto, dyfynnaf,
'Wnaethon nhw ddim hyd yn oed fy nghofrestru ar y cwrs, felly roeddwn i'n cael fy nhalu hanner y cyflog am yr un gwaith heb gael unrhyw hyfforddiant.'
Un mater cyffredin a wynebwyd gan lawer oedd contractau ansicr, gydag un unigolyn yn gwneud cais am swydd a hysbysebwyd fel un 40 awr yr wythnos, dim ond i gael cynnig contract dim oriau.
Prif Weinidog, gallaf weld bod fy amser wedi dod i ben, ond gallwn barhau. Mae'r gwaith ymchwil a'r ymatebion yn tynnu sylw yn eglur at y ffaith ein bod ni angen mwy o amddiffyniadau yn y gweithle ac i weithwyr ymuno ag undeb llafur. Rwy'n mynd i barhau â'r gwaith hwn ac ymgyrchu dros newid. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi, Prif Weinidog, i gyfleu'r neges hon i Lywodraeth y DU, na allwch chi godi'r gwastad trwy ganiatáu i gyflogwyr gwael ymddwyn yn warthus fel hyn?

Well, Llywydd, I congratulate Jack Sargeant on the work that he's carried out himself with young people, and the points he makes have surely been given even more urgency in this last week by the actions of employers at P&O. There'll be people from his constituency, there in the north-east of Wales, who have earned their living in Liverpool, where P&O operate. I heard the former Conservative Minister Ros Altmann on the radio this morning calling for further action against the company, particularly a refusal to allow the parent company to become involved in the freeports plans of the UK Government. There's a practical way in which a Government could demonstrate its determination that the sorts of responses that you heard from Jack Sargeant there are not replicated elsewhere. We certainly call on the UK Government to use its reserved powers in employment rights to make sure that people's rights, young people's rights are properly respected in the workforce. And joining a trade union is the single most effective action that a young person can take to make sure that they have the help and the support that they would need, were they to face the sorts of circumstances that Jack Sargeant has outlined this afternoon.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n llongyfarch Jack Sargeant ar y gwaith y mae wedi ei wneud ei hun gyda phobl ifanc, ac mae'n sicr y rhoddwyd mwy o frys fyth i'r pwyntiau y mae'n eu gwneud yn yr wythnos ddiwethaf hon gan weithredoedd cyflogwyr yn P&O. Bydd pobl o'i etholaeth, acw yn y gogledd-ddwyrain, sydd wedi ennill eu bywoliaeth yn Lerpwl, lle mae P&O yn gweithredu. Clywais y cyn Weinidog Ceidwadol Ros Altmann ar y radio y bore yma yn galw am weithredu pellach yn erbyn y cwmni, ac yn benodol gwrthod caniatáu i'r rhiant gwmni gymryd rhan yng nghynlluniau porthladdoedd rhydd Llywodraeth y DU. Mae ffordd ymarferol y gallai Llywodraeth ddangos ei phenderfyniad nad yw'r mathau o ymatebion a glywsoch gan Jack Sargeant yn cael eu hailadrodd mewn mannau eraill. Rydym ni'n sicr yn galw ar Lywodraeth y DU i ddefnyddio ei phwerau a gadwyd yn ôl ym maes hawliau cyflogaeth i wneud yn siŵr bod hawliau pobl, hawliau pobl ifanc yn cael eu parchu yn briodol yn y gweithlu. Ac ymuno ag undeb llafur yw'r un cam mwyaf effeithiol y gall unigolyn ifanc ei gymryd i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn cael y cymorth a'r gefnogaeth y byddai eu hangen arno, pe bai'n wynebu'r mathau o amgylchiadau y mae Jack Sargeant wedi eu hamlinellu y prynhawn yma.
7. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi rhieni yng ngogledd Cymru gyda chost y diwrnod ysgol? OQ57858
7. How is the Welsh Government supporting parents in north Wales with the cost of the school day? OQ57858

Llywydd, our access fund, helping families with the cost of the school day, will enter its fifth year next month. Over that time, it has been progressively expanded. The latest development, a £100 uplift per child to help address this year’s cost-of-living crisis, was announced by my colleague the education Minister on 14 March.
Llywydd, bydd ein cronfa fynediad, sy'n helpu teuluoedd gyda chost y diwrnod ysgol, yn dechrau ar ei phumed flwyddyn y mis nesaf. Dros y cyfnod hwnnw, mae wedi cael ei hehangu yn raddol. Cyhoeddodd fy nghyd-Weinidog, y Gweinidog addysg, y datblygiad diweddaraf, sef cynnydd o £100 y plentyn i helpu i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw eleni, ar 14 Mawrth.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. Families in north Wales are feeling the pinch thanks to the Tory cost-of-living crisis. I welcome the additional support that the Welsh Labour Government has put in place to help with costs related to the school day. The additional funding to extend free school meals in holidays, the cash boost to help with school costs and the extension of the childcare offer will provide relief to those who are worried about the impact of rising costs. First Minister, do you agree with me and the money saving expert Martin Lewis that for those on the lowest incomes this cost-of-living crisis is not something that money management can fix, but is instead something that desperately needs UK Government intervention? Thank you.
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Mae teuluoedd yn y gogledd yn teimlo'r wasgfa diolch i argyfwng costau byw'r Torïaid. Rwy'n croesawu'r gefnogaeth ychwanegol y mae Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru wedi ei rhoi ar waith i helpu gyda chostau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r diwrnod ysgol. Bydd yr arian ychwanegol i ymestyn prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod gwyliau, yr hwb ariannol i helpu gyda chostau ysgol ac ymestyn y cynnig gofal plant yn rhoi rhyddhad i'r rhai sy'n poeni am effaith costau cynyddol. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi a'r arbenigwr arbed arian Martin Lewis nad yw'r argyfwng costau byw hwn yn rhywbeth y gall rheoli arian ei drwsio i'r rheini sydd ar yr incwm isaf, ond yn hytrach yn rhywbeth sydd wir angen ymyrraeth gan Lywodraeth y DU? Diolch.

Llywydd, I thank Carolyn Thomas for the welcome that she has given to the latest actions that the Welsh Government is able to take. I visited a school in my own constituency on Friday last week in a very challenged community, where the welcome for the £100 extra per child was very warm indeed. It really will allow families to participate in the opportunities that the school can provide in a way that other families are simply able to take for granted. And this was a school, Llywydd, where the extended school day had been in operation, and it was great to see the enthusiasm of the staff in that school for the way in which that funding, that expanded day, had allowed them to put those opportunities in front of young people who simply wouldn't get them without that way of having them provided.
The Welsh Government, Llywydd, does so much in so many areas to leave money in the pockets of families who otherwise would have to pay for their prescriptions, for their free breakfasts, for their school uniforms—all those things that allow families to manage the other demands that we've been talking about this afternoon. The supplementary question, Llywydd, ended by Carolyn Thomas saying that the UK Government needs to take action itself, and I absolutely echo that, and as we've said already this afternoon, there's an opportunity coming for them tomorrow in the spring statement to demonstrate just what a Government with the interests of its population at heart can do to protect them.
Llywydd, diolch i Carolyn Thomas am y croeso y mae hi wedi ei roi i'r camau diweddaraf y gall Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd. Ymwelais ag ysgol yn fy etholaeth fy hun ddydd Gwener yr wythnos diwethaf mewn cymuned sy'n wynebu heriau mawr, lle yr oedd y croeso i'r £100 ychwanegol fesul plentyn yn gynnes iawn. Bydd wir yn caniatáu i deuluoedd gymryd rhan yn y cyfleoedd y gall yr ysgol eu cynnig mewn ffordd y gall teuluoedd eraill eu cymryd yn ganiataol. Ac ysgol oedd hon, Llywydd, lle yr oedd y diwrnod ysgol estynedig wedi bod ar waith, ac roedd hi'n wych gweld brwdfrydedd y staff yn yr ysgol honno at y ffordd yr oedd y cyllid hwnnw, y diwrnod estynedig hwnnw, wedi caniatáu iddyn nhw roi'r cyfleoedd hynny o flaen pobl ifanc na fydden nhw yn eu cael nhw heb y ffordd honno o'u darparu.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru, Llywydd, yn gwneud cymaint mewn cynifer o ardaloedd i adael arian ym mhocedi teuluoedd a fyddai fel arall yn gorfod talu am eu presgripsiynau, am eu brecwast am ddim, am eu gwisg ysgol—yr holl bethau hynny sy'n caniatáu i deuluoedd reoli'r gofynion eraill yr ydym ni wedi bod yn sôn amdanyn nhw y prynhawn yma. Daeth y cwestiwn atodol, Llywydd, i ben gan Carolyn Thomas yn dweud bod angen i Lywodraeth y DU weithredu ei hun, ac rwy'n ategu hynny yn llwyr, ac fel yr ydym ni wedi dweud eisoes y prynhawn yma, mae cyfle yn dod iddyn nhw yfory yn natganiad y gwanwyn i ddangos yn union beth y gall Llywodraeth sydd â buddiannau ei phoblogaeth wrth ei chalon wneud i'w diogelu nhw.
8. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am flaenoriaethau uniongyrchol Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y gwasanaeth iechyd yn sir Benfro? OQ57816
8. Will the First Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's immediate priorities for the health service in Pembrokeshire? OQ57816

I thank Paul Davies for the question, Llywydd. Immediate priorities for the health service in Pembrokeshire include delivery of the latest phase of the COVID vaccination programme and the continued restoration of wider, more routine services.
Diolch i Paul Davies am y cwestiwn, Llywydd. Mae'r blaenoriaethau uniongyrchol ar gyfer y gwasanaeth iechyd yn sir Benfro yn cynnwys cyflwyno cam diweddaraf rhaglen frechu COVID ac adfer gwasanaethau ehangach a mwy rheolaidd yn barhaus.
First Minister, earlier on today, in response to the leader of the opposition, you said that the new dental contract has been carefully negotiated, but like others, I've been contacted by local dentists in my constituency who are frustrated with changes to this contract and have warned that these changes could have a detrimental impact on the delivery of services in the Hywel Dda University Health Board area. Now, in a nutshell, the local health board is proposing to reduce practices' contract values to 25 per cent of the agreed existing levels, as well as targeting practices with additional targets and measures, and, of course, these changes will now come into force from 1 April. I listened very, very carefully to your earlier answers, but it's clear from the concerns I've received that dentists are worried about these changes that could have a negative impact on the delivery of services in Pembrokeshire. So, First Minister, what steps will you now take to alleviate these immediate concerns so that dentists in my constituency can provide much needed dental services?
Prif Weinidog, yn gynharach heddiw, mewn ymateb i arweinydd yr wrthblaid, gwnaethoch chi ddweud fod y contract deintyddol newydd wedi'i negodi'n ofalus, ond fel eraill, mae deintyddion lleol yn fy etholaeth i sy'n teimlo'n rhwystredig gyda newidiadau i'r contract hwn wedi cysylltu â mi ac wedi rhybuddio y gallai'r newidiadau hyn gael effaith niweidiol ar ddarparu gwasanaethau yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda. Nawr, yn gryno, mae'r bwrdd iechyd lleol yn bwriadu lleihau gwerthoedd contractau practisau i 25 y cant o'r lefelau presennol sydd wedi'u cytuno arnyn nhw, yn ogystal â thargedu arferion gyda thargedau a mesurau ychwanegol, ac, wrth gwrs, daw'r newidiadau hyn i rym nawr o 1 Ebrill. Gwnes i wrando yn ofalus iawn ar eich atebion cynharach chi, ond mae'n amlwg o'r gofidion yr wyf i wedi'u cael fod deintyddion yn poeni am y newidiadau hyn a allai gael effaith negyddol ar ddarparu gwasanaethau yn sir Benfro. Felly, Prif Weinidog, pa gamau y byddwch chi'n eu cymryd nawr i leddfu'r pryderon uniongyrchol hyn fel y gall deintyddion yn fy etholaeth i ddarparu gwasanaethau deintyddol y mae mawr eu hangen?

Llywydd, I do take seriously the points that the Member has raised. As I explained earlier, the Welsh Government's role is to fund the service, and we are doing that with additional investment next year. It is then for local health boards to carry out the direct negotiations with the people who provide those services. There are choices that dentists will be able to make, as I explained in my answers to the leader of the opposition. My response to the points that Paul Davies has raised is that those people who have those concerns need to be around the table with their local health board to reach a resolution that maximises the impact that the investment the Welsh Government is making can have on the provision of dental services to make sure that people in the Pembrokeshire area have access to the service that they need.
Llywydd, yr wyf i'n cymryd o ddifrif y pwyntiau y mae'r Aelod wedi'u codi. Fel yr eglurais i'n gynharach, rhan Llywodraeth Cymru yw ariannu'r gwasanaeth, ac yr ydym ni'n gwneud hynny gyda buddsoddiad ychwanegol y flwyddyn nesaf. Mater i fyrddau iechyd lleol wedyn yw cynnal y trafodaethau uniongyrchol gyda'r bobl sy'n darparu'r gwasanaethau hynny. Mae dewisiadau y bydd deintyddion yn gallu eu gwneud, fel yr eglurais i yn fy atebion i arweinydd yr wrthblaid. Fy ymateb i'r pwyntiau y mae Paul Davies wedi'u codi yw bod angen i'r bobl hynny sydd â'r pryderon hynny fod o amgylch y bwrdd gyda'u bwrdd iechyd lleol i ddod i benderfyniad sy'n sicrhau'r effaith fwyaf posibl y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei chael ar ddarparu gwasanaethau deintyddol i sicrhau bod pobl yn ardal sir Benfro yn gallu cael gafael ar y gwasanaeth y mae ei angen arnyn nhw.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, a dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad hwnnw. Lesley Griffiths.
The next item, therefore, is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the Trefnydd to make the statement. Lesley Griffiths.

Diolch, Llywydd. There is one change to this week's business: the statement on the Commission on Justice in Wales and the Law Commission report on Welsh Tribunals has been postponed. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae un newid i fusnes yr wythnos hon: mae'r datganiad ar y Comisiwn ar Gyfiawnder yng Nghymru ac adroddiad Comisiwn y Gyfraith ar Dribiwnlysoedd Cymru wedi'i ohirio. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi ar y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, sydd i'w weld ymhlith y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau yn electronig.
Trefnydd, could I ask for two statements from the Minister for Health and Social Services, please? Firstly, I would like to request a statement regarding access to GP services. Recently, a constituent contacted me after their family tried to get an appointment at a GP surgery, only to be told that a nurse would call them back with a phone appointment arranged for three weeks after the person had tried to get an appointment. I understand that GPs are facing significant demands, as they normally do, but a number of constituents have raised with me their difficulties obtaining a GP appointment, and particularly the ability to see a doctor face to face. Not everyone can use a mobile phone or have access to the internet, so it's important that people can see their doctor in a timely manner in a way that meets their needs.
Secondly, Trefnydd, could I request an urgent statement regarding services at the Grange University Hospital? It's completely regrettable that I have to inform the Chamber of yet another heartbreaking story of a constituent who has been let down by issues at the hospital. That particular story involves a constituent's 99-year-old mother, who has since, sadly, passed away. She waited over eight hours for an ambulance to arrive with a broken hip. She then was forced to wait outside the hospital in a cold ambulance for a number of hours. Her daughter meanwhile tried phoning the hospital to find out what had happened, yet every department that she needed to contact didn't answer. I want to make clear that this is not the fault of staff, doctors and nurses, but of the lack of adequate structures in place, which need to finally be addressed by both the health board and the Welsh Government. The Government and the health board need to get a grip because people deserve better, and we shouldn't have to keep raising constantly these issues in the Chamber and finding that nothing is being done about them and no improvement. So, I regret, Trefnydd, that I will be raising these things further if we can't get a statement and some progress on these things. Thank you, Llywydd.
Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, os gwelwch yn dda? Yn gyntaf, hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad ynglŷn â mynediad at wasanaethau meddygon teulu. Yn ddiweddar, cysylltodd etholwr â mi ar ôl i'w deulu geisio cael apwyntiad mewn meddygfa, dim ond i gael gwybod y byddai nyrs yn eu galw'n ôl gydag apwyntiad ffôn wedi'i drefnu am dair wythnos ar ôl i'r person geisio cael apwyntiad. Rwy'n deall bod meddygon teulu'n wynebu galwadau sylweddol arnyn nhw, fel y maen nhw yn arferol, ond mae nifer o etholwyr wedi codi gyda mi eu hanawsterau wrth gael apwyntiad gyda meddyg teulu, ac yn enwedig y gallu i weld meddyg wyneb yn wyneb. Ni all pawb ddefnyddio ffôn symudol na chael mynediad i'r rhyngrwyd, felly mae'n bwysig bod pobl yn gallu gweld eu meddyg mewn modd amserol mewn ffordd sy'n diwallu eu hanghenion.
Yn ail, Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad brys ynghylch gwasanaethau yn Ysbyty Prifysgol y Faenor? Mae'n gwbl anffodus bod yn rhaid i mi roi gwybod i'r Siambr am stori dorcalonnus arall am etholwr sydd wedi'i siomi gan faterion yn yr ysbyty. Mae'r stori benodol honno'n ymwneud ag etholwr, mam 99 oed sydd wedi marw ers hynny, yn anffodus. Arhosodd hi dros wyth awr gyda chlun wedi torri i ambiwlans gyrraedd. Yna cafodd ei gorfodi i aros y tu allan i'r ysbyty mewn ambiwlans oer am nifer o oriau. Yn y cyfamser ceisiodd ei merch ffonio'r ysbyty i ddarganfod beth oedd wedi digwydd, ond ni wnaeth unrhyw adran yr oedd angen iddi gysylltu â hi ateb. Rwyf i eisiau'i gwneud yn glir nid bai staff, meddygon a nyrsys yw hyn, ond diffyg strwythurau digonol, y mae angen i'r bwrdd iechyd a Llywodraeth Cymru ymdrin â nhw o'r diwedd. Mae angen i'r Llywodraeth a'r bwrdd iechyd fynd i'r afael â'r ffaith bod pobl yn haeddu gwell, ac ni ddylem ni orfod parhau i godi'r materion hyn yn gyson yn y Siambr a darganfod bod dim byd yn cael ei wneud yn eu cylch a dim gwelliant. Felly, mae'n flin gennyf i, Trefnydd, y byddaf i'n codi'r pethau hyn ymhellach os na allwn ni gael datganiad a rhywfaint o gynnydd ar y pethau hyn. Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd.
I thank Peter Fox for those two requests. In relation to access to GP services, you'll be aware that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic constituents have been able to access their GP via telephone consultations, via video consultations. And, of course, it's not always a GP that somebody needs to see; it's really important that they see the most appropriate person, and sometimes that's not a general practitioner. But I do hope that we will be able to see far more face-to-face consultations taking place as we come out of the pandemic. And you're quite right—not everybody has access to technology, and it's a matter, I personally think, for each GP surgery to ensure that patients are able to access the services.
In relation to the Grange hospital, it was certainly horrific to hear your story about your constituent, and the Minister for Health and Social Services is in the Chamber and has heard that. I actually think you should write to her about the specific case, but the Minister will have heard the general points you made, both about the Grange hospital and the ambulance service.
Diolch i Peter Fox am y ddau gais yna. O ran mynediad at wasanaethau meddygon teulu, byddwch chi'n ymwybodol bod etholwyr, drwy gydol pandemig COVID-19, wedi gallu cael mynediad at eu meddyg teulu drwy ymgynghoriadau dros y ffôn, drwy ymgynghoriadau fideo. Ac, wrth gwrs, nid meddyg teulu yw'r un y mae angen i rywun ei weld bob tro; mae'n bwysig iawn eu bod yn gweld y person mwyaf priodol, ac weithiau nid yw hwnnw'n feddyg teulu. Ond rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn ni'n gallu gweld llawer mwy o ymgynghoriadau wyneb yn wyneb yn digwydd wrth i ni ddod allan o'r pandemig. Ac yr ydych chi'n hollol gywir—nid oes gan bawb fynediad at dechnoleg, ac yn bersonol, rwy'n credu ei fod yn fater, i bob meddygfa sicrhau bod cleifion yn gallu cael gafael ar y gwasanaethau.
O ran ysbyty'r Faenor, yr oedd yn sicr yn erchyll clywed eich stori chi am eich etholwr, ac mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn y Siambr ac wedi clywed hynny. Rwy'n credu y dylech chi ysgrifennu ati ynglŷn â'r achos penodol, ond bydd y Gweinidog wedi clywed y pwyntiau cyffredinol yr oeddech chi wedi'u gwneud, am ysbyty'r Faenor a'r gwasanaeth ambiwlans.
Mi hoffwn i gael datganiad ysgrifenedig gan y Gweinidog iechyd yn ymateb i bryderon sydd gen i ynglŷn ag arafwch bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr i ymateb i ymholiadau a chwynion. Mae yna un achos yn sefyll allan yn benodol, yn ymwneud ag ymholiad ar ran etholwraig sy'n dioddef o COVID hir. Rŷn ni'n dal i aros am ymateb llawn i ymholiad ers mis Mai 2021 am y driniaeth a'r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael iddi hi. Mae yna deulu arall yn aros ers mis Tachwedd am ymateb i gŵyn ar ran eu diweddar fam am y driniaeth a dderbyniodd hi tra'n glaf ar ward yn Ysbyty Gwynedd. Maen nhw'n bryderus iawn bod yna wersi sylfaenol am ofal sydd angen eu dysgu, ac yn rhwystredig iawn eu bod nhw'n dal i aros am atebion.
Mae yna lawer o enghreifftiau tebyg, mae gen i ofn. Ddylwn i ddim bod yn gorfod eu codi nhw yn fan hyn, mewn difri; dylen nhw fod yn cael eu datrys gan y bwrdd iechyd. Ond mi hoffwn i adolygiad gael ei gynnal o'r prosesau sy'n cael eu dilyn, ac i ddatganiad adlewyrchu canfyddiadau'r adolygiad hwnnw wedyn.
I'd like a written statement by the Minister for health in response to concerns that I have in terms of the pace at which the Betsi Cadwaladr health board has responded to enquiries and complaints. There's one case that stands out specifically, relating to an enquiry on behalf of a constituent who suffers from long COVID. We're still waiting for a full response to an enquiry from May 2021 about the treatment and support available to her as a constituent. There's another family waiting since November for a response to a complaint about the treatment their late mother received whilst a patient at Ysbyty Gwynedd. They have concerns regarding fundamental lessons about care that need to be learnt, and they feel very frustrated that they're still waiting for a response.
There are many similar examples, I'm afraid. We shouldn't be having to raise them here, if truth be told; they should be resolved by the health board. I'd like a review to be held of the processes being followed, and for a statement to reflect the findings of that review.
Thank you. I agree—timely responses are very important when we're dealing with very emotive issues quite often. I think that the most appropriate way forward would be for the Minister for Health and Social Services to raise this with the chair of Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board in their regular meetings.
Diolch. Rwy'n cytuno—yn eithaf aml mae ymatebion amserol yn bwysig iawn pan fyddwn ni'n ymdrin â materion emosiynol iawn. Rwy'n credu mai'r ffordd fwyaf priodol ymlaen fyddai i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol godi hyn gyda chadeirydd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn eu cyfarfodydd rheolaidd.
As the Welsh Government is now a supersponsor for receiving Ukrainian refugees, we do hope that we'll now be able to see people arriving in this country in order to take up the very kind offers that so many people across Wales have given. In light of the expected arrival of these people who really need our support, I wondered if we could have a statement from the economy Minister about whether or not it would be possible to allow greater flexibility in the ReAct funding criteria for allowing refugees to access English-for-speakers-of-other-languages lessons, which would also pick up the slack we have in some of our languages schools who haven't been able to recruit as may foreign students because of the enduring impact of COVID.
Gan fod Llywodraeth Cymru nawr yn uwch noddwr ar gyfer derbyn ffoaduriaid o Wcráin, rydym ni'n gobeithio y byddwn ni nawr yn gallu gweld pobl yn cyrraedd y wlad hon er mwyn manteisio ar y cynigion caredig iawn y mae cynifer o bobl ledled Cymru wedi'u gwneud. Yng ngoleuni cyrhaeddiad disgwyliedig y bobl hyn y mae gwir angen ein cefnogaeth arnyn nhw, yr oeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a allem ni gael datganiad gan Weinidog yr economi ynghylch a fyddai'n bosibl caniatáu mwy o hyblygrwydd yn y meini prawf ariannu ReAct ar gyfer galluogi ffoaduriaid i fanteisio ar wersi Saesneg ar gyfer siaradwyr ieithoedd eraill, a fyddai hefyd yn llenwi'r lleoedd gwag sydd gennym ni yn rhai o'n hysgolion ieithoedd nad ydyn nhw wedi gallu recriwtio cymaint o fyfyrwyr tramor oherwydd effaith barhaus COVID.
Thank you. As you're aware, the Welsh Government has indeed been given supersponsor status, and I know my colleague Jane Hutt, the Minister for Social Justice, has been working very closely and very hard with the UK Government to ensure that we are able to receive people from horrific circumstances who are in absolute desperate need. I know officials are working very closely with ESOL providers and the education sector right across Wales to assess what existing capacity in schools there are in the system, and to take any necessary action to ensure that they can provide that immediate and longer term support to those Ukrainians who come to Wales. That does include work to ensure those arriving have access to appropriate support, including housing, healthcare, childcare, education, benefits and employability, and that does include the ReAct programme.
Diolch. Fel y gwyddoch chi, yn wir, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael statws uwch noddwr, ac rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Aelod Jane Hutt, y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn ac yn galed iawn gyda Llywodraeth y DU i sicrhau ein bod ni'n gallu derbyn pobl o amgylchiadau erchyll sydd mewn gwir angen. Gwn i fod swyddogion yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda darparwyr Saesneg ar gyfer Siaradwyr Ieithoedd Eraill a'r sector addysg ledled Cymru i asesu pa gapasiti presennol mewn ysgolion sydd yn y system, ac i gymryd unrhyw gamau angenrheidiol i sicrhau y gallan nhw ddarparu'r cymorth di-oed a thymor hwy hwnnw i'r bobl hynny o Wcráin sy'n dod i Gymru. Mae hynny'n cynnwys gwaith i sicrhau bod y rhai sy'n cyrraedd yn gallu cael gafael ar gymorth priodol, gan gynnwys tai, gofal iechyd, gofal plant, addysg, budd-daliadau a chyflogadwyedd, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys rhaglen ReAct.
Trefnydd, I would like to ask for a statement from the Minister for Climate Change, outlining that she will not be looking at the issue of the 10 per cent charge in the private sale of park homes. I have talked to park home residents right across my constituency about this. This has been going on since 2013. Park home residents have been waiting nine years for this unfair charge to be removed from the statute book. Park homes are still allowed to demand 10 per cent of the sale price from private individuals who live in park homes. The Minister at the time, Rebecca Evans, decided, after much consultation, that the 10 per cent would be reduced to 5 per cent maximum over the course of five years—this was to be fair to both parties. So, can you ask the Minister to come to the Chamber to explain why she will not be looking at this again and why park home owners are being neglected and let down time and time again?
Trefnydd, hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, yn amlinellu na fydd hi'n ystyried mater y tâl 10 y cant sy'n ymwneud â gwerthu cartrefi mewn parciau yn breifat. Rwyf i wedi siarad â thrigolion cartrefi mewn parciau ledled fy etholaeth am hyn. Mae hyn wedi bod yn digwydd ers 2013. Mae preswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau wedi bod yn aros naw mlynedd i'r tâl annheg hwn gael ei dynnu o'r llyfr statud. Mae cartrefi mewn parciau dal yn cael mynnu 10 y cant o'r pris gwerthu gan unigolion preifat sy'n byw mewn cartrefi mewn parciau. Penderfynodd y Gweinidog ar y pryd, Rebecca Evans, ar ôl llawer o ymgynghori, y byddai'r 10 y cant yn gostwng i 5 y cant ar y mwyaf dros gyfnod o bum mlynedd—roedd hyn i fod yn deg i'r ddwy ochr. Felly, a wnewch chi ofyn i'r Gweinidog ddod i'r Siambr i egluro pam na fydd yn ystyried hyn eto a pham y mae perchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau'n cael eu hesgeuluso a'u siomi dro ar ôl tro?
I will certainly speak to the Minister for Climate Change. My understanding is that, with a huge number of programme for government commitments, et cetera, within her portfolio, this was something that she didn't feel she could give resources to, certainly for the short term, and then maybe the longer term in the term of Government. So, I will ask her if she would provide a written statement clarifying the position.
Yn sicr, fe wnaf i siarad â'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd. Yn ôl yr hyn yr wyf i'n ei ddeall, gyda nifer enfawr o ymrwymiadau'r rhaglen lywodraethu, ac ati, o fewn ei phortffolio, roedd hyn yn rhywbeth nad oedd hi'n teimlo y gallai hi roi adnoddau iddo, yn sicr ar gyfer y tymor byr, ac yna efallai'r tymor hwy yn nhymor y Llywodraeth. Felly, fe ofynnaf iddi a fyddai hi cystal â darparu datganiad ysgrifenedig yn egluro'r sefyllfa.
Gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad ysgrifenedig gan y Gweinidog iechyd yn amlinellu pa gamau y mae hi wedi eu cymryd ers i'r newyddion trasig am ddau ddigwyddiad difrifol arall yn uned fasgiwlar Ysbyty Glan Clwyd ddod i'r fei yr wythnos diwethaf? Mae'n rhaid i gleifion, eu teuluoedd, a'r cyhoedd yn Arfon, a thu hwnt, gael sicrwydd bod y Llywodraeth yn troi pob carreg i sicrhau bod yr uned yn ddiogel ac mai ateb dros dro ydy cynnal triniaethau yn Lerpwl. Mae'r ddau ddigwyddiad yma yn dod yn sgil adroddiadau damniol ac ar ôl i'r Gweinidog gyhoeddi bod yr uned mewn mesurau arbennig o ymyrraeth sylweddol. Onid ydy hi'n bryd codi'r lefel o ymyrraeth i'r lefel ddwysaf posib ar unwaith, yn hytrach na disgwyl dau fis arall, fel mae'n ymddangos y mae'r Gweinidog yn bwriadu ei wneud? Rydyn ni angen ein hargyhoeddi bod pob dim posib yn cael ei wneud, a bod hynny'n cael ei wneud ar fyrder.
May I ask for a written statement from the Minister for health, outlining the steps that she has taken since the tragic news of another two very serious incidents in the vascular unit at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd emerged last week? Patients, their families, and the public in Arfon, and beyond, need assurances that the Government is turning every stone to ensure that the unit is safe and that conducting treatments in Liverpool is a temporary solution. These two incidents come in the wake of damning reports and after the Minister announced that the unit was to be placed in special measures of significant intervention. So, isn't it now time to raise that level of intervention to the highest possible level at once, rather than waiting another two months, as the Minister appears to be doing? We need to be convinced that everything possible is being done, and being done as a matter of urgency.
Well, as I think you just referred to in your question, the Minister for Health and Social Services has given the health board three months to address these issues, with immediate effect. We are now one month into that, and I know she has had a first monthly update from the health board, and she also met with the chair of the health board to discuss the matter earlier this month. I know she was very disappointed to hear about further issues with vascular services, and certainly our thoughts are very much with the families who have been affected. I know, again, the Minister welcomed the support offered by Liverpool vascular service network, and will continue to monitor the situation very carefully. She'll be due a further update and I'm sure then will either reconsider or continue with the way that she has set out to the health board to manage the situation.
Wel, fel y credaf eich bod chi newydd gyfeirio ato yn eich cwestiwn, mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wedi rhoi tri mis i'r bwrdd iechyd ymdrin â'r materion hyn, i ddechrau ar unwaith. Rydym ni nawr fis i mewn i hynny, a gwn i ei bod hi wedi cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf fisol gyntaf gan y bwrdd iechyd, a gwnaeth hi hefyd gyfarfod â chadeirydd y bwrdd iechyd i drafod y mater yn gynharach y mis hwn. Rwy'n gwybod ei bod hi'n siomedig iawn o glywed am broblemau eraill gyda gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd, ac yn sicr mae ein meddyliau gyda'r teuluoedd yr effeithiwyd arnynt. Gwn i, unwaith eto, fod y Gweinidog wedi croesawu'r gefnogaeth sy'n cael ei gynnig gan rwydwaith gwasanaeth fasgwlaidd Lerpwl, a bydd yn parhau i fonitro'r sefyllfa'n ofalus iawn. Bydd adroddiad arall ar yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf yn dod iddi ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd naill ai'n ailystyried neu'n parhau â'r ffordd i reoli'r sefyllfa y mae hi wedi'i hamlinellu i'r bwrdd iechyd.
Minister, I'd like to ask for a statement on school meal standards at Ysgol Dyffryn Taf in Whitland, or rather the lack of standards. Recent reports in the press have shown some pretty disturbing images of undercooked and watery food, including meat, which has been served to pupils in recent weeks. And if that wasn't bad enough, many pupils and parents have said that the portion sizes are tiny, leaving the children hungry. We know how important it is to have a good meal, and a full stomach allows pupils to learn and also to concentrate, and, for some pupils, we also know that this will be their main meal of the day. It's been reported that many pupils have simply been going without lunch due to the poor quality of that food, and, according to the school website, the canteen is run by Carmarthenshire County Council. I understand that the headteacher is in talks with the local authority regarding the issue and hot meals have been suspended for the early part of this week. That, in my opinion, is totally unacceptable and pupils will not be able to access any hot food. It is a serious issue, and raises some serious questions that I would urge the Welsh Government to raise with the school and with the local authority. And it took pupils to share their images and their concerns on social media for them to realise that this food was completely inadequate and, in some cases, arguably, unfit for human consumption. So, following on from this scandal—and it is a scandal—I would also like to request that the Welsh Government makes sure that it's not happening in other schools across Wales, and that pupils are being offered nutritious, high-quality meals that actually are fit for human consumption and also fill them up.
Gweinidog, hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad ar safonau prydau ysgol yn Ysgol Dyffryn Taf yn Hendy-gwyn ar Daf, neu'n hytrach ynghylch y diffyg safonau. Mae adroddiadau diweddar yn y wasg wedi dangos rhai delweddau eithaf annymunol o fwyd heb ei goginio'n ddigonol a bwyd llawn dŵr, gan gynnwys cig, sydd wedi'i weini i ddisgyblion yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf. Ac os nad oedd hynny'n ddigon gwael, mae llawer o ddisgyblion a rhieni wedi dweud bod maint y dognau'n fach iawn, gan adael y plant yn llwglyd. Gwyddom ni pa mor bwysig yw cael pryd da, ac mae stumog lawn yn galluogi disgyblion i ddysgu a chanolbwyntio hefyd, ac, i rai disgyblion, gwyddom ni hefyd mai dyma fydd eu prif bryd o fwyd. Ceir adroddiadau bod llawer o ddisgyblion wedi bod yn mynd heb ginio oherwydd ansawdd gwael y bwyd hwnnw, ac, yn ôl gwefan yr ysgol, Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin sy'n rhedeg y ffreutur. Rwy'n deall bod y pennaeth mewn trafodaethau gyda'r awdurdod lleol ynglŷn â'r mater ac mae prydau poeth wedi'u hatal ers dechrau'r wythnos hon. Mae hynny, yn fy marn i, yn gwbl annerbyniol ac ni fydd disgyblion yn gallu cael unrhyw fwyd poeth. Mae'n fater difrifol, ac mae'n codi rhai cwestiynau difrifol y byddwn i'n annog Llywodraeth Cymru i'w codi gyda'r ysgol a gyda'r awdurdod lleol. A dim ond oherwydd bod disgyblion wedi rhannu eu delweddau a'u pryderon ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol y gwnaethant sylweddoli bod y bwyd hwn yn gwbl annigonol ac, mewn rhai achosion, mae modd dadlau nad oedd yn addas i'w fwyta gan bobl. Felly, yn dilyn y sgandal hwn—ac mae yn sgandal—hoffwn i ofyn hefyd i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau nad yw'n digwydd mewn ysgolion eraill ledled Cymru, a bod disgyblion yn cael cynnig prydau maethlon o ansawdd uchel sy'n addas i'w bwyta gan bobl a'u llenwi hefyd.
Thank you. I know the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language is aware of the case that you refer to, and obviously consuming a more nutritious diet during the school day is absolutely necessary for a variety of reasons, which you've referred to. Welsh Government has the Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards and Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2013. They set out the types of food and drink that may be provided during the school day and define the nutrient content of school lunches that are provided for pupils. And the whole point of that is to improve the nutritional standards that are served in schools across Wales, and to ensure that our children and young people are offered healthy food throughout the entire school day. I know the Minister's officials have been working with the local authority to make sure that this does not happen again, and it is really important that, if we look at any changes that are needed, the main thing is to look at how we have better compliance with regulations across Wales, and they will be looked at as part of monitoring of our school food.
Diolch. Rwy'n gwybod bod Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg yn ymwybodol o'r achos yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio ato, ac mae'n amlwg bod defnyddio deiet mwy maethlon yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol yn gwbl angenrheidiol am sawl rheswm, yr ydych chi wedi cyfeirio atyn nhw. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru Reoliadau Bwyta'n Iach mewn Ysgolion (Safonau a Gofynion Maeth) (Cymru) 2013. Maen nhw'n nodi'r mathau o fwyd a diod y gellir eu darparu yn ystod y diwrnod ysgol ac yn diffinio cynnwys maethynnau ciniawau ysgol sy'n cael eu darparu ar gyfer disgyblion. A holl bwynt hynny yw gwella'r safonau maeth sy'n cael eu gweini mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru, a sicrhau bod ein plant ni a'n pobl ifanc ni'n cael cynnig bwyd iach drwy gydol y diwrnod ysgol. Gwn i fod swyddogion y Gweinidog wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'r awdurdod lleol i sicrhau nad yw hyn yn digwydd eto, ac mae'n bwysig iawn, os ydym ni'n ystyried unrhyw newidiadau sydd eu hangen, mai'r prif beth yw ystyried sut y gallwn ni gydymffurfio'n well â rheoliadau ledled Cymru, a byddan nhw’n cael eu hystyried fel rhan o'r gwaith o fonitro ein bwyd ysgol.
I'm asking for a statement from the Welsh Government following the decision of the High Court yesterday not to accept the injunction it applied for in relation to ensuring the power can stay on at Baglan Energy Park until a new connection has been completed. Many of my constituents are employed in the numerous businesses that are based in the energy park, and this decision now puts their future on hold at a time when the cost-of-living crisis is already causing concern. Yesterday's decision now opens the door to the official receivers to start cutting off power to those businesses, and the implication of that could be the loss of over 1,000 well-paid jobs, as businesses are no longer able to continue operating. Therefore, it is important that the Welsh Government provides an update to the Senedd on what actions it will now take to protect those jobs in the local economy. This decision will also have a huge effect upon the environment and air quality as alternative energy sources are brought in, which will almost certainly be very poor for the environment.
Rwy'n gofyn am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn dilyn penderfyniad yr Uchel Lys ddoe i beidio â derbyn y waharddeb y gwnaeth gais amdani o ran sicrhau y gall y pŵer barhau ym Mharc Ynni Baglan tan fod cysylltiad newydd wedi'i gwblhau. Mae llawer o fy etholwyr i'n cael eu cyflogi yn y busnesau niferus sydd wedi'u lleoli yn y parc ynni, ac mae'r penderfyniad hwn nawr yn peryglu eu dyfodol ar adeg pan fo'r argyfwng costau byw eisoes yn peri pryder. Mae penderfyniad ddoe nawr yn agor y drws i'r derbynwyr swyddogol i ddechrau torri pŵer i'r busnesau hynny, a gallai hynny olygu colli dros 1,000 o swyddi sy'n talu'n dda, gan nad yw busnesau nawr yn gallu parhau i weithredu. Felly, mae'n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Senedd am y camau y bydd yn eu cymryd yn awr i ddiogelu'r swyddi hynny yn yr economi leol. Bydd y penderfyniad hwn hefyd yn cael effaith enfawr ar yr amgylchedd ac ansawdd yr aer wrth i ffynonellau ynni eraill gael eu cyflwyno, a fydd bron yn sicr yn wael iawn i'r amgylchedd.
Thank you. I know the Minister for Economy and his officials have been working very closely on this matter, and the Minister for Economy will be publishing a written statement today.
Diolch. Rwy'n gwybod bod Gweinidog yr Economi a'i swyddogion wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn ar y mater hwn, a bydd Gweinidog yr Economi yn cyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig heddiw.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Diolch, Trefnydd.
Diolch, Trefnydd.
Eitem 3 y prynhawn yma yw'r datganiad gan Weinidog yr Economi: bwrw ymlaen â'r genhadaeth i gryfhau ac ailadeiladu’r economi. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog, Vaughan Gething.
Item 3 this afternoon is a statement by the Minister for Economy: progressing with the economic resilience and reconstruction mission. I call on the Minister, Vaughan Gething.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Last year, my predecessor published our cross-Government economic mission. It was clear then that a return to business as usual was not an option. The response to the pandemic has accelerated many of the existing trends across decarbonisation, digitisation and the impact of an ageing population. For businesses, the pandemic also brought very real trauma. The resilience shown by so many is remarkable and serves as a testament to the creativity and passion that drives businesses across Wales.
The Welsh Government has since committed to progressing the mission in a new programme for government, and Members will recall the statement I provided on this last October. In that statement, I set out my ambition to create the conditions where more people feel confident about planning their futures in Wales. In the face of a volatile recovery, I also made clear our commitment to provide as much certainty as we can to help businesses plan ahead.
Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Y llynedd, cyhoeddodd fy rhagflaenydd ein cenhadaeth economaidd drawslywodraethol ni. Roedd yn amlwg bryd hynny nad oedd dychwelyd i fusnes fel arfer yn ddewis. Mae'r ymateb i'r pandemig wedi cyflymu llawer o'r tueddiadau presennol ar draws datgarboneiddio, digideiddio ac effaith poblogaeth sy'n heneiddio. I fusnesau, daeth y pandemig â thrawma gwirioneddol hefyd. Mae'r cydnerthedd sy'n cael ei ddangos gan gynifer yn rhyfeddol ac mae'n dyst i'r creadigrwydd a'r angerdd sy'n ysgogi busnesau ledled Cymru.
Ers hynny, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu'r genhadaeth mewn rhaglen lywodraethu newydd, a bydd yr Aelodau'n cofio'r datganiad y gwnes i ei roi ar hyn fis Hydref diwethaf. Yn y datganiad hwnnw, nodais i fy uchelgais i greu'r amodau lle mae mwy o bobl yn teimlo'n hyderus ynghylch cynllunio eu dyfodol yng Nghymru. Yn wyneb adferiad anwadal, eglurais i hefyd ein hymrwymiad i ddarparu cymaint o sicrwydd ag y gallwn ni i helpu busnesau i gynllunio ymlaen llaw.
As we know, in the weeks that followed, omicron turned economies back into emergency mode as we responded to the latest wave of COVID with actions delivered in partnership, based on evidence. This included a further round of business support with packages only available in Wales, such as the economic resilience fund. Similar funds, of course, were not available in England. Despite this setback, we have continued to move ahead with our mission to help create a stronger, greener and fairer Welsh economy. Earlier this month, I published a new plan for employability and skills backed by major investment in a more inclusive labour market, and Members will be familiar with that given the oral statement I made at the time. Against a difficult financial backdrop, I've had to make tough decisions to prioritise the job of narrowing the skills divide, helping more people to find work and boosting the career prospects of those already in work. We are investing £1.7 billion in the young person's guarantee. This package includes £366 million to help deliver 125,000 all-age apprenticeships within this Senedd term.
As you know, Deputy Presiding Officer, accessible childcare is crucial to a stronger, fairer economy. The Deputy Minister for Social Services has confirmed that we will expand our childcare offer to support more families. This means that more families, and women in particular, will benefit from improved employment prospects. We've also provided an additional £5 million for personal learning accounts, to help workers on low pay upskill in sectors experiencing labour market shortages, with examples ranging from HGV drivers to health and social care. I'm also working closely with my colleague the Minister for Education and Welsh Language on the progress of the establishment of the commission for tertiary education and research. This should put us in a better position to prioritise investments that improve educational attainment, develop the skills needed for good jobs, and inspire more ambitious career plans for people of all ages. Wales continues to have the most progressive student finance scheme in the UK, and we're keen to maintain this whilst considering how best to support an improved lifelong learning offer.
As I said in October, we want to ensure that our whole-Government approach allows more people to feel positive and ambitious about planning their future here in Wales. Graduate retention can help us in this mission, and we're working with partners to more effectively link students with the right opportunities at Welsh businesses. The new work route initiative offers international students the ability to stay in the UK and work for two years after they graduate. My ambition is that we can find ways for these workers to move on to full skilled worker visas so that we can go on benefiting from their contribution in a more dynamic Welsh economy.
As I have noted, this progress has been made in spite of the urgent response that omicron demanded of us. As CBI Wales have recognised, the Welsh Government’s approach to the pandemic has treated public health and economic growth as two sides of the same coin. Since the start of the pandemic, we have pulled every lever possible to back Welsh businesses. We reprioritised our budgets and repurposed funding to make sure financial support was available where it was needed most. As we move ahead, the new transition plan sets out how we will approach the task of living with coronavirus. We will continue to work on the basis of evidence, and that means working intensively this week to understand what the latest increase in cases means for the balance of harms that we currently face.
In recent months, we've also delivered schemes designed to support individuals and businesses to look ahead, including: the backing local firms fund, progressing our commitment to the foundational economy; a £1 million business start-up fund, focused on those not in employment, education or training; an extra £0.5 million to support and promote the social enterprise sector; and a £116 million package of non-domestic rates relief for retail, leisure and hospitality ratepayers in Wales. This is in addition to the publication of new regional economic frameworks to strengthen Wales’s distinctive economic regions and the refreshed economic contract.
Our economy has emerged from an unprecedented downturn due to the pandemic, and our unemployment rate continues to track lower than the rest of the UK. However, I remain deeply concerned by the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, and we are already seeing GDP forecasts for the UK being halved. Tomorrow, the Chancellor will make his spring statement, and I urge him to do more before the crisis spins completely out of control. The Welsh Government has stretched its budget to provide a further package of support worth more than £330 million, but the UK Government holds the key levers through the tax and benefit system.
Rising energy and fuel costs must now spur action to accelerate the transition to net zero. Tackling the climate and nature emergency as part of a just transition to net zero is also the overarching ambition of our new £8.1 billion infrastructure investment strategy. Our progress also risks being further held back by the UK Government's determination to deny Wales our promised share of EU replacement funds in full. At least £375 million per year should have been provided to the Welsh Government, but UK levelling-up plans will leave the Welsh budget £1 billion worse off by 2024.
Deputy Presiding Officer, in the coming days and months, we'll also be publishing a new remote working strategy followed by a strategic vision for retail, among wider actions. Our social partnership approach has a crucial role in everything we have achieved, and I look forward to working in partnership to support a team Wales recovery, built by all of us. Thank you.
Fel y gwyddom ni, yn yr wythnosau a ddilynodd, trodd omicron economïau'n ôl i fodd argyfwng wrth i ni ymateb i'r don ddiweddaraf o COVID gyda chamau gweithredu wedi'u cyflawni mewn partneriaeth, yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys cylch arall o gymorth busnes gyda phecynnau ar gael yng Nghymru yn unig, fel y gronfa cadernid economaidd. Nid oedd cronfeydd tebyg, wrth gwrs, ar gael yn Lloegr. Er gwaethaf y broblem hon, rydym ni wedi parhau i symud ymlaen â'n cenhadaeth i helpu i greu economi gryfach, wyrddach a thecach yng Nghymru. Yn gynharach y mis hwn, cyhoeddais i gynllun newydd ar gyfer cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau wedi'i gefnogi gan fuddsoddiad mawr mewn marchnad lafur fwy cynhwysol, a bydd yr Aelodau'n gyfarwydd â hynny o gofio'r datganiad llafar y gwnes i ar y pryd. Yn erbyn cefndir ariannol anodd, rwyf i wedi gorfod gwneud penderfyniadau anodd i flaenoriaethu'r gwaith o leihau'r rhaniad sgiliau, helpu mwy o bobl i ddod o hyd i waith a rhoi hwb i ragolygon gyrfa'r rhai sydd eisoes mewn gwaith. Rydym ni'n buddsoddi £1.7 biliwn yn y warant i bobl ifanc. Mae'r pecyn hwn yn cynnwys £366 miliwn i helpu i ddarparu 125,000 o brentisiaethau pob oed yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon.
Fel y gwyddoch chi, Dirprwy Lywydd, mae gofal hygyrch i blant yn hanfodol i economi gryfach a thecach. Mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wedi cadarnhau y byddwn ni'n ehangu ein cynnig gofal plant i gefnogi mwy o deuluoedd. Mae hyn yn golygu y bydd mwy o deuluoedd, a menywod yn arbennig, yn elwa ar well ragolygon cyflogaeth. Rydym ni hefyd wedi darparu £5 miliwn ychwanegol ar gyfer cyfrifon dysgu personol, i helpu gweithwyr ar gyflogau isel uwchsgilio mewn sectorau sy'n wynebu prinder yn y farchnad lafur, gydag enghreifftiau'n amrywio o yrwyr HGV i iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Rwyf i hefyd yn gweithio'n agos gyda fy nghyd-Weinidog, Gweinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, ar hynt sefydlu'r comisiwn ar gyfer addysg drydyddol ac ymchwil. Dylai hyn ein rhoi ni mewn gwell sefyllfa i flaenoriaethu buddsoddiadau sy'n gwella cyrhaeddiad addysgol, datblygu'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer swyddi da, ac ysbrydoli cynlluniau gyrfa mwy uchelgeisiol ar gyfer pobl o bob oed. Cymru sydd â'r cynllun cyllid myfyrwyr mwyaf blaengar yn y DU o hyd, ac rydym ni'n awyddus i gynnal hyn wrth ystyried y ffordd orau o gefnogi cynnig dysgu gydol oes gwell.
Fel y dywedais i ym mis Hydref, rydym ni eisiau sicrhau bod ein dull llywodraeth gyfan ni'n caniatáu i fwy o bobl deimlo'n gadarnhaol ac yn uchelgeisiol ynghylch cynllunio eu dyfodol yma yng Nghymru. Gall cadw graddedigion ein helpu ni yn y genhadaeth hon, ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda phartneriaid i gysylltu myfyrwyr yn fwy effeithiol â'r cyfleoedd cywir mewn busnesau yng Nghymru. Mae'r fenter llwybr gwaith newydd yn cynnig y gallu i fyfyrwyr rhyngwladol aros yn y DU a gweithio am ddwy flynedd ar ôl iddyn nhw raddio. Fy uchelgais i yw y gallwn ni ddod o hyd i ffyrdd i'r gweithwyr hyn symud ymlaen at fisâu gweithwyr medrus llawn fel y gallwn ni barhau i elwa ar eu cyfraniad mewn economi fwy deinamig yng Nghymru.
Fel yr wyf i wedi nodi, mae'r cynnydd hwn wedi'i wneud er gwaethaf yr ymateb brys yr oedd omicron wedi mynnu gennym ni. Fel y mae CBI Cymru wedi cydnabod, mae dull Llywodraeth Cymru o ymdrin â'r pandemig wedi trin iechyd y cyhoedd a thwf economaidd fel dwy ochr yr un geiniog. Ers dechrau'r pandemig, rydym ni wedi defnyddio pob dull posibl i gefnogi busnesau Cymru. Gwnaethom ni ailflaenoriaethu ein cyllidebau ac addasu arian at ddibenion gwahanol i sicrhau bod cymorth ariannol ar gael lle'r oedd ei angen fwyaf. Wrth i ni symud ymlaen, mae'r cynllun pontio newydd yn nodi sut y byddwn ni'n mynd ati i ymdrin â'r dasg o fyw gyda coronafeirws. Byddwn ni'n parhau i weithio ar sail tystiolaeth, ac mae hynny'n golygu gweithio'n ddwys yr wythnos hon i ddeall beth mae'r cynnydd diweddaraf mewn achosion yn ei olygu i gydbwysedd y niwed yr ydym yn ei wynebu ar hyn o bryd.
Yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf, rydym ni hefyd wedi darparu cynlluniau ac wedi'u cynllunio i gefnogi unigolion a busnesau i edrych i'r dyfodol, gan gynnwys: y gronfa cefnogi cwmnïau lleol, gan ddatblygu ein hymrwymiad i'r economi sylfaenol; cronfa cychwyn busnes gwerth £1 filiwn, sy'n canolbwyntio ar y rhai nad ydyn nhw mewn cyflogaeth, addysg na hyfforddiant; £0.5 miliwn ychwanegol i gefnogi a hyrwyddo'r sector mentrau cymdeithasol; a phecyn gwerth £116 miliwn o ryddhad ardrethi annomestig ar gyfer trethdalwyr manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch yng Nghymru. Mae hyn yn ychwanegol at gyhoeddi fframweithiau economaidd rhanbarthol newydd i gryfhau rhanbarthau economaidd unigryw Cymru a'r contract economaidd newydd.
Mae ein heconomi ni wedi dod allan o ddirywiad digynsail oherwydd y pandemig, ac mae ein cyfradd diweithdra yn parhau i dracio'n is na gweddill y DU. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n dal i bryderu'n fawr am yr argyfwng costau byw parhaus, ac yr ydym ni eisoes yn gweld rhagolygon cynnyrch domestig gros ar gyfer y DU yn cael eu haneru. Yfory, bydd y Canghellor yn cyflwyno ei ddatganiad y gwanwyn, ac rwy'n ei annog i wneud mwy cyn i'r argyfwng fynd allan o reolaeth yn llwyr. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymestyn ei chyllideb i ddarparu pecyn cymorth arall gwerth mwy na £330 miliwn, ond Llywodraeth y DU sydd â'r prif ddulliau drwy'r system dreth a budd-daliadau.
Rhaid i gostau ynni a thanwydd cynyddol nawr sbarduno camau gweithredu i gyflymu'r broses o drosglwyddo i sero net. Ymdrin â'r argyfwng hinsawdd a natur fel rhan o newid i sero net yw uchelgais gyffredinol ein strategaeth buddsoddi seilwaith newydd gwerth £8.1 biliwn hefyd. Mae perygl hefyd y bydd ein cynnydd yn cael ei ddal yn ôl ymhellach gan benderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i wrthod ein cyfran lawn o'r arian i gymryd lle arian yr UE a gafodd ei addo i ni. Dylai o leiaf £375 miliwn y flwyddyn fod wedi'i ddarparu i Lywodraeth Cymru, ond bydd cynlluniau codi'r gwastad y DU yn gadael cyllideb Cymru £1 biliwn yn waeth ei byd erbyn 2024.
Dirprwy Lywydd, yn y dyddiau a'r misoedd nesaf, byddwn ni hefyd yn cyhoeddi strategaeth gweithio o bell newydd ac yna gweledigaeth strategol ar gyfer manwerthu, ymhlith camau gweithredu ehangach. Mae gan ein dull partneriaeth gymdeithasol rhan hanfodol ym mhopeth yr ydym ni wedi'i gyflawni, ac edrychaf i ymlaen at weithio mewn partneriaeth i gefnogi adferiad tîm Cymru, wedi'i adeiladu gan bob un ohonom ni. Diolch.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Paul Davies.
Conservative spokesperson, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Dirprwy Llywydd. Can I thank the Minister for his statement today? As we start to adjust to life post pandemic, it's important that the right foundations are created in order to nurture and support Welsh businesses for the future, and it's not just a question of responding to the pandemic, but also tackling the long-standing issues that businesses across Wales have been facing, such as the climate emergency, inherent labour market inequalities, and competing in a more digitally connected world. Today's statement sets out some of the progress made on the Welsh Government's economic resilience and reconstruction mission, and whilst that progress is welcomed, there's always more that can be done.
Today's statement refers to some of the actions taken to support the foundational economy, such as the introduction of the backing local firms fund and the package of support for retail, leisure and hospitality ratepayers in Wales. In the wake of the pandemic, it's more important than ever that the Welsh Government invests in the foundational economy, as this investment has clear benefits in other policy areas and can help address our carbon footprint and reach the Welsh Government's net-zero target. However, it's important that good practice is shared and rolled out across Wales, so perhaps the Minister can tell us a bit more about how he's making sure that is happening, whether it's in relation to food procurement, the retail sector, or even social care.
Today's statement refers to the new transition plan, which will set out how the Welsh Government will approach the task of living with coronavirus. The Minister has said that the Government will continue to work on the basis of evidence, so perhaps I can tease out a bit more information from the Minister about the transition plan and the impact that it will have on businesses across Wales, and how their voices are being heard in the development of this plan. That's not the only plan that today's statement refers to, and I very much welcome the publication of the remote working strategy and a strategic vision for retail. However, it's vital that these strategies are forthcoming sooner rather than later. So, perhaps the Minister can tell us when these particular strategies are likely to be published.
The Welsh Government's economic resilience and reconstruction mission highlights our town centres, and rightly acknowledges that many of Wales's town centres demand urgent action. Our town centres are not just areas of business—they are the heart of our local communities, and it's crucial that action is taken to support them as they struggle against a backdrop of huge societal change. The Minister will be aware of the work done by Audit Wales last September on regenerating town centres, and more recently by the Federation of Small Businesses, which is right to call on the Welsh Government to walk the walk when it comes to acting creatively to tackle the scourge of empty units and tilting the balance in favour of our town centres. Therefore, I'd be grateful if the Minister could update us on the work being done to reverse the hollowing out of town centres and restore their vibrancy once again.
Today's statement refers to skills and employment, and I appreciate that there are a lot of reforms to the post-compulsory education and training sector with the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill. Today's statement also refers to graduate retention and how the Welsh Government is working with partners to more effectively link students with the right opportunities with Welsh businesses. The Minister will have seen that a recent pamphlet that boasts of relatively low rates of pay has recently been published by the Cardiff capital region, which describes Cardiff as having lower graduate salaries than Birmingham, London, Edinburgh and Glasgow, which will do nothing to increase graduate retention. Therefore, can he tell us what discussions are being had with the Cardiff capital region and all other stakeholders about graduate retention and how Wales is marketed?
As we rebuild post pandemic, it's also vital that the Welsh Government is attracting investment in a green recovery. We know that there are significant opportunities for the green industry and green technology. For example, hydrogen has the potential to provide delivery solutions across energy and transport sectors. It's vital that these sectors receive investment from the Welsh Government and, of course, the private sector as well. Let's not forget that Wales has established targets for 70 per cent of our electricity needs to be met by renewables by 2030. In light of the recent increase in energy prices, perhaps the Minister could tell us how the Welsh Government is prioritising work in this area and ensuring that these technologies and sectors are getting the resources that they need.
Therefore, in closing, Dirprwy Lywydd, there are several more questions that could be asked around the progress that is being made in relation to the economic resilience and reconstruction mission, but I won't try the Deputy Presiding Officer's patience. So, can I thank the Minister again for his statement outlining some of the work that is being done to create a more prosperous, greener and more equal economy? Thank you.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddatganiad heddiw? Wrth i ni ddechrau addasu i fywyd ar ôl y pandemig, mae'n bwysig bod y sylfeini cywir yn cael eu creu er mwyn meithrin a chefnogi busnesau Cymru ar gyfer y dyfodol, ac nid mater o ymateb i'r pandemig yn unig ydyw, ond hefyd ymdrin â'r materion hirsefydlog y mae busnesau ledled Cymru wedi bod yn eu hwynebu, fel yr argyfwng hinsawdd, anghydraddoldebau cynhenid yn y farchnad lafur, a chystadlu mewn byd sydd wedi'i gysylltu fwy yn ddigidol. Mae datganiad heddiw'n nodi rhywfaint o'r cynnydd sydd wedi'i wneud ar genhadaeth Cymru o ran cadernid ac ailadeiladu economaidd Llywodraeth Cymru, ac er bod y cynnydd hwnnw i'w groesawu, mae mwy y gellir ei wneud bob amser.
Mae datganiad heddiw'n cyfeirio at rai o'r camau sydd wedi'u cymryd i gefnogi'r economi sylfaenol, fel cyflwyno'r gronfa cefnogi cwmnïau lleol a'r pecyn cymorth i drethdalwyr manwerthu, hamdden a lletygarwch yng Nghymru. Yn sgil y pandemig, mae'n bwysicach nag erioed bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn buddsoddi yn yr economi sylfaenol, oherwydd bod gan y buddsoddiad hwn fanteision amlwg mewn meysydd polisi eraill a gall helpu i ymdrin â'n hôl troed carbon a chyrraedd targed sero net Llywodraeth Cymru. Fodd bynnag, mae'n bwysig bod arfer da'n cael ei rannu a'i gyflwyno ledled Cymru, felly efallai y gall y Gweinidog ddweud ychydig mwy wrthym ni ynghylch y ffordd y mae'n sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd, boed hynny o ran caffael bwyd, y sector manwerthu, neu hyd yn oed ofal cymdeithasol.
Mae datganiad heddiw'n cyfeirio at y cynllun pontio newydd, a fydd yn nodi sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymdrin â'r dasg o fyw gyda coronafeirws. Mae'r Gweinidog wedi dweud y bydd y Llywodraeth yn parhau i weithio ar sail tystiolaeth, felly efallai y caf ychydig mwy o wybodaeth gan y Gweinidog am y cynllun pontio a'r effaith y bydd yn ei chael ar fusnesau ledled Cymru, a sut y caiff eu lleisiau eu clywed wrth ddatblygu'r cynllun hwn. Nid dyna'r unig gynllun y mae'r datganiad heddiw'n cyfeirio ato, ac rwy'n croesawu'n fawr gyhoeddi'r strategaeth gweithio o bell a gweledigaeth strategol ar gyfer manwerthu. Fodd bynnag, mae'n hanfodol bod y strategaethau hyn ar gael gorau po gyntaf. Felly, efallai y gall y Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni pryd y mae'r strategaethau penodol hyn yn debygol o gael eu cyhoeddi.
Mae cenhadaeth cadernid ac ailadeiladu economaidd Llywodraeth Cymru yn tynnu sylw at ganol ein trefi, ac mae'n cydnabod, a hynny'n briodol, fod llawer o ganol trefi Cymru yn galw am weithredu ar frys. Nid meysydd busnes yn unig yw canol ein trefi—nhw yw calon ein cymunedau lleol, ac mae'n hanfodol bod camau'n cael eu cymryd i'w cefnogi wrth iddyn nhw frwydro yn erbyn cefndir o newid cymdeithasol enfawr. Bydd y Gweinidog yn ymwybodol o'r gwaith a gafodd ei wneud gan Archwilio Cymru fis Medi diwethaf ar adfywio canol trefi, ac yn fwy diweddar gan Ffederasiwn y Busnesau Bach, sy'n iawn i alw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i wneud yn ogystal â dweud pan ddaw'n fater o weithredu'n greadigol i fynd i'r afael â phla unedau gwag a throi'r cydbwysedd o blaid canol ein trefi. Felly, byddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe bai'r Gweinidog yn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ni ynghylch y gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud i wrthdroi'r broses o ddiberfeddu canol trefi ac adfer eu bywiogrwydd unwaith eto.
Mae datganiad heddiw'n cyfeirio at sgiliau a chyflogaeth, ac rwy'n sylweddoli bod llawer o ddiwygiadau i'r sector addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-orfodol gyda'r Bil Addysg Drydyddol ac Ymchwil (Cymru). Mae'r datganiad heddiw hefyd yn cyfeirio at gadw graddedigion a sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda phartneriaid i gysylltu myfyrwyr yn fwy effeithiol â'r cyfleoedd cywir gyda busnesau Cymru. Bydd y Gweinidog wedi gweld bod pamffled diweddar sy'n brolio cyfraddau cyflog cymharol isel wedi'i gyhoeddi'n ddiweddar gan brifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd, sy'n disgrifio bod gan Gaerdydd gyflogau is i raddedigion na Birmingham, Llundain, Caeredin a Glasgow, a fydd hyn yn gwneud dim i gynyddu nifer y graddedigion sy'n cael eu cadw. Felly, a wnaiff ddweud wrthym ni pa drafodaethau sy'n cael eu cynnal gyda phrifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd a'r holl randdeiliaid eraill ynghylch cadw graddedigion a sut y mae Cymru'n cael ei marchnata?
Wrth i ni ailadeiladu ar ôl y pandemig, mae hefyd yn hanfodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn denu buddsoddiad mewn adferiad gwyrdd. Gwyddom ni fod cyfleoedd sylweddol i'r diwydiant gwyrdd a thechnoleg werdd. Er enghraifft, mae gan hydrogen y potensial i ddarparu atebion cyflenwi ledled y sectorau ynni a thrafnidiaeth. Mae'n hanfodol bod y sectorau hyn yn cael buddsoddiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ac, wrth gwrs, y sector preifat hefyd. Gadewch i ni beidio ag anghofio bod Cymru wedi sefydlu targedau i 70 y cant o'n hanghenion trydan gael eu diwallu drwy ynni adnewyddadwy erbyn 2030. Yng ngoleuni'r cynnydd diweddar mewn prisiau ynni, efallai y gallai'r Gweinidog ddweud wrthym ni sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn blaenoriaethu gwaith yn y maes hwn a sicrhau bod y technolegau a'r sectorau hyn yn cael yr adnoddau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw.
Felly, wrth gloi, Dirprwy Lywydd, mae nifer o gwestiynau eraill y gellid eu gofyn ynglŷn â'r cynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud o ran y genhadaeth cadernid ac ailadeiladu economaidd ond ni wnaf drechu amynedd y Dirprwy Lywydd. Felly, a gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog eto am ei ddatganiad yn amlinellu rhywfaint o'r gwaith sy'n cael ei wneud i greu economi fwy llewyrchus, gwyrddach a mwy cyfartal? Diolch.
Thank you for the comments and the constructive tone of the response from the Conservative spokesperson. There are many things that we agree on as outline challenges that the country faces. We've talked regularly about the climate and nature emergency and the labour market inequality that the Member mentioned in his opening introduction, and our challenge is how we can address that, and the range of other priorities that he set out in his question. That's why the vision covers such a wide area, but it also points to lots of areas of opportunity and challenge for us to address.
On your specific points around the foundational economy, I'm sure the Member will be pleased to hear that, as a Government, we've had a Cabinet discussion around the foundational economy and the next stage of moving that forward—so, not just the money allocated in the budget to further support the foundational economy, but to do as the Member has suggested, in how we share good practice that exists already, but then how we reset a level of ambition. Foundational economy officials and our procurement officials are working together, and are looking to examine different parts of the Government and our activity alongside public services and the private sector. We're especially interested in what we've already done within the food sector. We're also interested in what more we can do with the food industry in its broadest sense, through the whole chain from growth, delivery and also food manufacturing as well, where we've added significant value already.
We're also looking to build on work that's already taking place within health and social care. Having been on the other side of this conversation not that long ago, I do know that work has carried on for a period of time to look at what the health service and social care can do as very large employers, as well as people who spend significant amounts of public money. There's really good practice already taking place, for example, in Hywel Dda. We're looking to learn what has worked well to further increase what we've been able to do by embedding social value as part of procurement contracts in the health service, and then to do more in both health and social care. I'll be more than happy to provide updates to the Chamber and perhaps the Member with another hat on, when he's chairing one of the scrutiny committees.
On the transition plan that we're working through about how to transition to the next stage of living with COVID, there are regular conversations with all of our stakeholders, including business groups as well, both with me directly, but also with officials. It's not just been the regularity of the 21-day review process in reviewing our regulations; it's the nature of the conversations we continue to have about how we can understand with as much predictability as possible what we're going to be able to do if we do continue to have a stable environment with COVID, and, as I said in my statement, the balance of harms—the direct harm from COVID with an increase in cases balanced against the alternative harm of the significant measures we've had to take in the past. That is very much what we're looking to do when we set out the balance of that in the rest of the forthcoming period.
That's also been part of the context in the conversation we've had, for example, about the retail strategy, and the position statement we published last week. I expect to be able to have the full retail strategy where we've been able to work with both trade unions and employers to be ready, hopefully before the end of May, for publication. We're also working together with the visitor economy, having moved from 'Let's Shape the Future', the recovery plan through COVID, to want to get back onto the longer term strategy to provide people with a welcome to Wales where we do properly take advantage of economic opportunities in a way that is sustainable for both communities and our environmental impact.
On town centres, the Deputy Minister for Climate Change is leading that work. We've maintained a 'town centre first' approach, not just in the economy, but across a range of other areas too. And you will no doubt look forward to hearing more from the Deputy Minister on the town centre delivery group, with a focus on restraining edge-of-town development and reuse, looking in particular at town-centre development in clusters and corridors and how the redevelopment of town centres and neighbourhoods can make sure that we really do have vibrant high streets and town centres.
And on your two final points—and I'll be as brief as I can, Dirprwy Lywydd—Cardiff capital region, I have had, as indeed have my officials, a range of conversations with them about their ambitions, and I think the way it has been reported has perhaps been miscast. I think that the Cardiff capital region are serious about saying that there are tens of thousands of graduates being produced every year from universities within the capital region. At present, graduate rates of pay are lower. Our ambition is to attract graduate employers to the capital region to raise rates of pay and to raise investment within this area. Those people, wherever they've come from previously, have a real experience of having lived and studied in Wales for a period of time. And as I said in my statement, I am keen that people who graduate from university in Wales see their story continuing in Wales, not just in their first job but indeed their longer term future. And who knows, they could be future Luke Fletchers, looking forward to get married in Wales in the near future.
And finally, on renewable energy, I have always been very clear about not just the potential to decarbonise the way that we generate and use power but the significant economic opportunity that comes alongside it, and that is very definitely part of the work I am already doing with the two Ministers for climate change, and I look forward to providing further updates with my colleagues in the near future.
Diolch am y sylwadau a naws adeiladol yr ymateb gan lefarydd y Ceidwadwyr. Mae llawer o bethau yr ydym ni'n cytuno arnyn nhw fel heriau amlinellol y mae'r wlad yn eu hwynebu. Rydym ni wedi siarad yn rheolaidd am yr argyfwng hinsawdd a natur ac anghydraddoldeb y farchnad lafur y soniodd yr Aelod amdano yn ei gyflwyniad agoriadol, a'n her ni yw sut y gallwn ni ymdrin â hynny, a'r amrywiaeth o flaenoriaethau eraill y nododd ef yn ei gwestiwn. Dyna pam y mae'r weledigaeth yn cynnwys ardal mor eang, ond mae hefyd yn cyfeirio at lawer o feysydd cyfle a her i ni fynd i'r afael â nhw.
O ran eich pwyntiau penodol am yr economi sylfaenol, rwy'n siŵr y bydd yr Aelod yn falch o glywed ein bod ni, fel Llywodraeth, wedi cael trafodaeth yn y Cabinet am yr economi sylfaenol a'r cam nesaf i symud hynny ymlaen—felly, nid dim ond yr arian sy'n cael ei bennu yn y gyllideb i gefnogi'r economi sylfaenol ymhellach, ond i wneud hynny fel yr awgrymodd yr Aelod, yn y ffordd yr ydym ni'n rhannu arfer da sy'n bodoli eisoes, ond wedyn sut yr ydym ni'n ailosod lefel yr uchelgais. Mae swyddogion yr economi sylfaenol a'n swyddogion caffael yn cydweithio, ac maen nhw'n bwriadu archwilio gwahanol rannau o'r Llywodraeth a'n gweithgarwch ochr yn ochr â gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a'r sector preifat. Mae gennym ni ddiddordeb arbennig yn yr hyn yr ydym ni eisoes wedi'i wneud yn y sector bwyd. Mae gennym ni ddiddordeb hefyd yn yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud gyda'r diwydiant bwyd yn ei ystyr ehangaf, drwy'r gadwyn gyfan o dwf, cyflenwi a hefyd gweithgynhyrchu bwyd hefyd, lle yr ydym ni eisoes wedi ychwanegu gwerth sylweddol.
Rydym ni hefyd yn bwriadu datblygu gwaith sydd eisoes yn digwydd ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. A minnau wedi bod ar ochr arall y sgwrs hon mor bell yn ôl, gwn i fod gwaith wedi parhau am gyfnod i ystyried yr hyn y gall y gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ei wneud fel cyflogwyr mawr iawn, yn ogystal â phobl sy'n gwario symiau sylweddol o arian cyhoeddus. Mae arferion da iawn eisoes yn digwydd, er enghraifft, yn Hywel Dda. Rydym ni'n awyddus i ddysgu beth sydd wedi gweithio'n dda i gynyddu ymhellach yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi gallu'i wneud drwy ymgorffori gwerth cymdeithasol fel rhan o gontractau caffael yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, ac yna gwneud mwy ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Byddaf i'n fwy na pharod i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Siambr ac efallai i'r Aelod gan wisgo het arall, pan fydd yn cadeirio un o'r pwyllgorau craffu.
O ran y cynllun pontio yr ydym ni'n gweithio drwyddo ynghylch sut i bontio i'r cam nesaf o fyw gyda COVID, ceir sgyrsiau rheolaidd gyda'n holl randdeiliaid, gan gynnwys grwpiau busnes hefyd, gyda mi'n uniongyrchol, ond hefyd gyda swyddogion. Nid yw dim ond yn ymwneud â natur reolaidd y broses adolygu 21 diwrnod sy'n adolygu ein rheoliadau, ond natur y sgyrsiau yr ydym ni'n parhau i'w cael o ran sut y gallwn ni ddeall gyda chymaint o ragweld â phosibl yr hyn y byddwn ni'n gallu ei wneud os byddwn ni'n parhau i gael amgylchedd sefydlog gyda COVID, ac, fel y dywedais i yn fy natganiad, cydbwyso'r niweidiau—y niwed uniongyrchol o COVID gyda chynnydd mewn achosion wedi'i gydbwyso yn erbyn niwed arall y mesurau sylweddol yr ydym ni wedi gorfod eu cymryd yn y gorffennol. Dyna'n union yr ydym ni'n bwriadu ei wneud pan fyddwn ni'n nodi cydbwysedd hynny yng ngweddill y cyfnod sydd i ddod.
Mae hynny hefyd wedi bod yn rhan o'r cyd-destun yn y sgwrs yr ydym ni wedi'i chael, er enghraifft, ynghylch y strategaeth fanwerthu, a'r datganiad sefyllfa y gwnaethom ni ei gyhoeddi yr wythnos diwethaf. Rwy'n disgwyl gallu cael y strategaeth fanwerthu lawn pryd yr ydym ni wedi gallu gweithio gydag undebau llafur a chyflogwyr i fod yn barod, cyn diwedd mis Mai gobeithio, i'w chyhoeddi. Rydym ni hefyd yn gweithio gyda'r economi ymwelwyr, ar ôl symud o 'Gadewch i Ni Lunio'r Dyfodol', y cynllun adfer drwy COVID, i fod eisiau mynd yn ôl at y strategaeth tymor hwy i roi croeso i bobl i Gymru pan fyddwn ni'n manteisio'n briodol ar gyfleoedd economaidd mewn ffordd sy'n gynaliadwy i gymunedau a'n heffaith amgylcheddol.
O ran canol trefi, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd yn arwain y gwaith hwnnw. Rydym ni wedi cynnal dull 'canol tref yn gyntaf', nid yn unig yn yr economi, ond ar draws amrywiaeth o feysydd eraill hefyd. Ac mae'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n edrych ymlaen at glywed mwy gan y Dirprwy Weinidog am grŵp cyflawni canol y dref, sydd yn canolbwyntio ar atal datblygiadau ar gyrion trefi ac ailddefnyddio, gan ystyried yn benodol ddatblygiadau canol trefi mewn clystyrau a choridorau a sut y gall ailddatblygu canol trefi a chymdogaethau wir sicrhau bod gennym ni strydoedd mawr a chanol trefi bywiog.
Ac ar eich dau bwynt olaf—a byddaf i mor fyr ag y gallaf i, Dirprwy Lywydd—prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd, yr wyf i wedi cael, fel y mae fy swyddogion yn wir, amrywiaeth o sgyrsiau gyda nhw am eu huchelgeisiau, ac rwy'n credu bod y ffordd yr adroddwyd arni wedi'i chamgyfleu efallai. Rwy'n credu bod prifddinas-ranbarth Caerdydd o ddifrif ynghylch dweud bod degau o filoedd o raddedigion yn cael eu cynhyrchu bob blwyddyn o brifysgolion yn y brifddinas-ranbarth. Ar hyn o bryd, mae cyfraddau cyflog graddedigion yn is. Ein huchelgais yw denu cyflogwyr graddedigion i'r brifddinas-ranbarth i godi cyfraddau cyflog a chodi buddsoddiad yn y maes hwn. Mae gan y bobl hynny, o le bynnag y maen nhw wedi dod o'r blaen, brofiad gwirioneddol o fod wedi byw ac astudio yng Nghymru am gyfnod. Ac fel y dywedais i yn fy natganiad, rwy'n awyddus i bobl sy'n graddio o brifysgol yng Nghymru weld eu stori'n parhau yng Nghymru, nid yn unig yn eu swydd gyntaf ond yn wir yn eu dyfodol tymor hwy. A phwy a ŵyr, gallen nhw fod yn Luke Fletchers y dyfodol, yn edrych ymlaen at briodi yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol agos.
Ac yn olaf, o ran ynni adnewyddadwy, rwyf i bob amser wedi bod yn glir iawn ynglŷn â nid yn unig y potensial i ddatgarboneiddio'r ffordd yr ydym ni'n cynhyrchu ac yn defnyddio pŵer ond y cyfle economaidd sylweddol sy'n dod ochr yn ochr ag ef, ac mae hynny'n sicr yn rhan o'r gwaith yr wyf i eisoes yn ei wneud gyda'r ddau Weinidog newid hinsawdd, ac edrychaf ymlaen at ddarparu mwy o'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i fy nghyd-Aelodau yn y dyfodol agos.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Luke Fletcher.
The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Luke Fletcher.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch, Weinidog, am eich datganiad. Does dim amheuaeth bod y ddwy flynedd diwethaf wedi bod yn her i'r economi, felly mae'n bwysig nawr ein bod ni'n edrych at y dyfodol er mwyn cryfhau'r economi a gobeithio diogelu yn erbyn y dyfodol y gorau rydyn ni'n gallu. Mae yna bethau i'w croesawu, wrth gwrs. Fel aelod o Bwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig, mae'n braf clywed bod gwaith yn digwydd ar yrrwyr HGV, er enghraifft. A hefyd dwi am ymuno â'r Gweinidog wrth alw ar y Canghellor i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw. Mae'n rhywbeth sy'n fy mhryderu i siẁd gymaint, a dwi wedi sôn yn y Siambr yn barod am fy mhryderon.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you, Minister, for your statement. There is no doubt that the past two years have been challenging for the economy, and therefore it's important that we do look to the future in order to strengthen our economy and hopefully safeguard for the future as best we can. There are things to welcome, of course. As a member of the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee, it's good to hear that there is work ongoing on HGV drivers, and I would also wish to join the Minister in calling on the Chancellor to tackle the cost-of-living crisis. It's something that is very worrying to me, and I've mentioned my concerns many times in the Chamber.
If I could start on the role of co-operatives, Wales was hit hard by the pandemic due to its relative income poverty compared to other UK countries. We know that the poorest communities have been affected most, with those in low-paid and precarious employment being most likely to be furloughed or lose their jobs. As we look to recover from the economic damage of the pandemic, we should be seriously looking at reconstructing the economy in a meaningful way to achieve long-term security, prosperity and fairness for households and workers. I believe, and I know many Members in this Chamber believe, that co-operatives must play a central role in this, at the forefront of our post-pandemic recovery. I therefore ask the Minister how he envisions the role of co-operatives in this reconstruction mission to create a more prosperous and resilient economy. Co-operatives are almost twice as likely to survive their first five years, compared to other types of businesses. They're also known to bring increases in productivity, workers' rights, job security and overall employment figures. Italy's Marcora law, which facilitates employee buy-outs, saved more than 13,000 jobs between 2007 and 2013, during the financial crash.
Looking at a case study from my own region, BIC Innovation Ltd, a consultancy firm that has offices in Bridgend, was supported by the Wales Co-operative Centre to restructure towards employee ownership. Since becoming employee owned, the firm has quadrupled its workforce over the three-year period. The founding director of BIC Innovation Ltd believes that being an employee-owned business has attracted new talent with diverse perspectives who provide different ideas, delivered improved services for clients and added value to the brand. Providing greater support for more co-operatives would clearly allow us to make gains, not just in employment figures, but in fair, meaningful work, and allow us to build community wealth as part of our recovery.
In June 2021, the Welsh Government committed to doubling the number of employee-owned businesses in Wales, and I wholeheartedly support this objective. But there is a point that I wish to raise with the Minister. In a scrutiny session of the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee with the Development Bank of Wales, there were uncertainties as to what additional funding would be available for the bank to pursue more employee buy-outs. If that additional funding isn't available, is the Minister confident that he will reach his target, or does he believe that additional funding is needed?
On diversity and fairness, it's widely accepted now, as we look to get people back into employment following restrictions, job losses and furlough, that young people, women, disabled people and ethnic minority communities will face particular difficulties in trying to re-enter the labour market, or when now entering for the first time. Within these groups, the impact of poverty, low household income and lower levels of education, as well as other disadvantages, will create further challenges for these individuals.
The disproportionate economic effect that the pandemic has had on these communities clearly shows that current policy is not enough to create an equal and fruitful economy for all in Wales. So, as we look at restructuring the economy to make it more equal, I wonder how the Minister, as part of this mission, intends to address the structural issues at the core of our economy that have allowed these groups to be more susceptible to unemployment and economic discrimination, and, moving forward, how we can ensure that our economy is more equitable.
Finally, on a green circular economy, the Minister has noted that one of the other outcomes of this mission should be a greener, more circular economy. We know that the jobs involved in these green, science, technology, engineering and mathematics industries are often dominated by non-working-class white men. What more will be done to ensure that the demographic gap in this type of employment does not worsen as we restructure our economy to make it greener? How can we ensure that women, ethnic minority communities, those from working-class backgrounds and other underprivileged groups are not left out of this green revolution in Wales?
And in keeping with my theme on fairness and improvements in employment, as we push for the green sector to grow, once again, I ask whether the Government will consider following the Scottish Government's lead in establishing a just transition commission to oversee the changes in our economy to ensure that no-one is left behind. Diolch.
Os caf i ddechrau ar swyddogaeth cwmnïau cydweithredol, cafodd Cymru ei tharo'n wael gan y pandemig oherwydd ei thlodi incwm cymharol o'i chymharu â gwledydd eraill y DU. Gwyddom ni yr effeithiwyd fwyaf ar y cymunedau tlotaf, gyda'r rheini mewn cyflogaeth â chyflog isel ac ansicr y mwyaf tebygol o gael eu rhoi ar ffyrlo neu o golli eu swyddi. Wrth i ni geisio gwella o ddifrod economaidd y pandemig, dylem ni fod yn edrych o ddifrif ar ailadeiladu'r economi mewn ffordd ystyrlon er mwyn sicrhau diogelwch, ffyniant a thegwch hirdymor i aelwydydd a gweithwyr. Rwy'n credu, ac yr wyf i'n gwybod bod llawer o Aelodau yn y Siambr hon yn credu hefyd, fod yn rhaid i gwmnïau cydweithredol chwarae rhan ganolog yn hyn, ar flaen ein hadferiad ar ôl y pandemig. Felly, gofynnaf i i'r Gweinidog sut y mae'n rhagweld rhan mentrau cydweithredol yn y genhadaeth ailadeiladu hon i greu economi fwy ffyniannus a chadarn. Mae cwmnïau cydweithredol bron ddwywaith yn fwy tebygol o oroesi eu pum mlynedd cyntaf, o'u cymharu â mathau eraill o fusnesau. Mae'n hysbys hefyd eu bod yn dod â chynnydd mewn cynhyrchiant, hawliau gweithwyr, diogelwch swyddi a ffigurau cyflogaeth cyffredinol. Arbedodd cyfraith Marcora yr Eidal, sy'n hwyluso prynu'r cwmni gan weithwyr, fwy na 13,000 o swyddi rhwng 2007 a 2013, yn ystod y chwalfa ariannol.
Wrth edrych ar astudiaeth achos o fy rhanbarth fy hun, cafodd BIC Innovation Ltd, cwmni ymgynghori sydd â swyddfeydd ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr, ei gefnogi gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru i ailstrwythuro ar gyfer perchnogaeth y gweithwyr. Ers dod yn eiddo i weithiwr, mae'r cwmni wedi cynyddu ei weithlu bedair gwaith yn ystod y cyfnod o dair blynedd. Mae cyfarwyddwr sefydlu BIC Innovation Ltd yn credu bod y busnes, o fod yn eiddo i weithwyr, wedi denu talent newydd gyda safbwyntiau amrywiol sy'n darparu syniadau gwahanol, wedi darparu gwell gwasanaethau i gleientiaid a gwerth ychwanegol i'r brand. Byddai darparu mwy o gefnogaeth i fwy o fentrau cydweithredol yn amlwg yn caniatáu i ni wneud cynnydd, nid yn unig o ran ffigurau cyflogaeth, ond mewn gwaith teg ac ystyrlon, ac yn caniatáu i ni ddatblygu cyfoeth cymunedol fel rhan o'n hadferiad.
Ym mis Mehefin 2021, ymrwymodd Llywodraeth Cymru i ddyblu nifer y busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr yng Nghymru, ac yr wyf i'n llwyr gefnogi'r amcan hwn. Ond mae pwynt yr hoffwn i ei godi gyda'r Gweinidog. Mewn sesiwn graffu Pwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig gyda Banc Datblygu Cymru, roedd ansicrwydd ynghylch pa gyllid ychwanegol fyddai ar gael i'r banc i chwilio am fwy o achosion o weithwyr yn prynu cwmnïau. Os nad yw'r arian ychwanegol hwnnw ar gael, a yw'r Gweinidog yn ffyddiog y bydd yn cyrraedd ei nod, neu yn ei farn ef, a oes angen arian ychwanegol?
O ran amrywiaeth a thegwch, mae'n cael ei dderbyn yn gyffredinol nawr, wrth i ni geisio cael pobl yn ôl i gyflogaeth yn dilyn cyfyngiadau, colli swyddi a ffyrlo, y bydd pobl ifanc, menywod, pobl anabl a chymunedau lleiafrifoedd ethnig yn wynebu anawsterau penodol wrth geisio ailymuno â'r farchnad lafur, neu wrth fynd i mewn am y tro cyntaf. O fewn y grwpiau hyn, bydd effaith tlodi, incwm isel aelwydydd a lefelau is o addysg, yn ogystal ag anfanteision eraill, yn creu heriau eraill i'r unigolion hyn.
Mae'r effaith economaidd anghymesur y mae'r pandemig wedi'i chael ar y cymunedau hyn yn dangos yn glir nad yw'r polisi presennol yn ddigon i greu economi gyfartal a ffrwythlon i bawb yng Nghymru. Felly, wrth i ni ystyried ailstrwythuro'r economi i'w gwneud yn fwy cyfartal, tybed sut y mae'r Gweinidog, fel rhan o'r genhadaeth hon, yn bwriadu ymdrin â'r materion strwythurol sydd wrth wraidd ein heconomi sydd wedi caniatáu i'r grwpiau hyn fod yn fwy agored i ddiweithdra a gwahaniaethu economaidd, ac, wrth symud ymlaen, sut y gallwn ni sicrhau bod ein heconomi'n decach.
Yn olaf, o ran economi gylchol werdd, mae'r Gweinidog wedi nodi y dylai un o ganlyniadau eraill y genhadaeth hon fod yn economi wyrddach a mwy cylchol. Gwyddom ni fod y swyddi sy'n gysylltiedig â'r diwydiannau gwyrdd, gwyddoniaeth, technoleg, peirianneg a mathemateg hyn yn aml yn cael eu rheoli gan ddynion gwyn nad ydyn nhw o ddosbarth gweithiol. Beth arall a gaiff ei wneud i sicrhau nad yw'r bwlch demograffig yn y math hwn o gyflogaeth yn gwaethygu wrth i ni ailstrwythuro ein heconomi i'w gwneud yn wyrddach? Sut y gallwn ni sicrhau nad yw menywod, cymunedau lleiafrifoedd ethnig, y rheini o gefndiroedd dosbarth gweithiol a grwpiau difreintiedig eraill yn cael eu hepgor o'r chwyldro gwyrdd hwn yng Nghymru?
Ac yn unol â fy thema ar degwch a gwelliannau mewn cyflogaeth, wrth i ni bwyso ar y sector gwyrdd i dyfu, unwaith eto, rwy'n gofyn a fydd y Llywodraeth yn ystyried dilyn arweiniad Llywodraeth yr Alban wrth sefydlu comisiwn pontio teg i oruchwylio'r newidiadau yn ein heconomi i sicrhau na chaiff neb ei adael ar ôl. Diolch.
Thank you for the comments and questions. Starting with your points about the co-operative economy, as you'd expect, being a Labour and Co-operative Member of the Senedd, it's something that I'm especially interested in. Of course, there are views across the Chamber. I recall Huw Irranca-Davies's debate on the potential for a Welsh Marcora law, and the work that I'm doing with him and the Wales Co-operative Centre to look at what is possible.
Some parts of the Marcora law in Italy aren't possible because we don't have all the powers within that. But, rather than saying, 'Here are all the things that I can't do', what I said in that conversation with Huw Irranca-Davies and the Wales Co-operative Centre is that I want to look at what we can do, to understand how that will help us to meet our target, not only to double the number of worker-owned businesses within this Senedd term, but what more we can do to give the co-operative economy a stronger role in our future. Because I recognise that there are a number of significant positives. And picking up from the Conservative questions earlier on, actually, if we're going to increase and improve the resilience of the foundational economy, actually, co-operatives have a large part to play, as well as being organisations that can run in medium- and large-sized businesses around the country as well. So, I'm very keen on the co-operative and mutuals sector.
I heard what you had to say about the development bank, and whether more funding would be needed. It's part of an ongoing conversation that we've had with the development bank, and the objectives that I've set for them for the rest of this term. I have to say that I've been broadly impressed with the way that the development bank have gone about being creative in meeting some of the challenges as we've come out of the crisis, and I'm looking forward to seeing them continue to invest. They have a strong reputation for providing not just finance, but advice alongside businesses as well. There are a number of specific areas where they already work. They have got a £25 million management succession fund, which is about management buy-outs. They've also got access for larger worker buy-outs for the flexible investment fund.
But, really, the main part of this will come down to the bespoke advice that people can get from, for example, the Wales Co-operative Centre. As I set out in my statement, I've recently increased a further £0.5 million to help the Wales Co-operative Centre. We've also been able, in a longer term project, to have the £11 million European regional development fund match fund a project that the Wales Co-operative Centre have run.
The challenge is that, as we move forward, post EU funding, those funds are under even more pressure than before, and, when I talked in my statement and in previous statements about the pressure that's on the budgets, that means that if I choose to carry on funding that area—and I do expect I'll have something to say about our work with the Wales Co-operative Centre for the future—there are other parts of what the economy department has been able to do in the past that we won't be able to do at the same scale and level, but I do think this is part of the answer to deal with some of the skills challenges you mentioned later on.
But the best answer, of course, is for an attack of common sense and fulfilment of very clear manifesto pledges on Wales and the rest of the UK not losing out on a penny of EU replacement funds. As it stands, the comprehensive spending review and budget sets out that every part of the UK that previously had EU funds is going to lose out to a significant degree. That said, I'm hopeful, although not certain, that the department for levelling up will reach a different position on the Welsh Government's role in discussion and decision making about those funds, while still continuing to make the case for the full amount of funds to be paid.
And that, I think, comes back to your final points. I appreciate that Scotland have a just transition commission. I don't think that a commission in itself will necessarily deal with all the issues we want; it's really about what we choose to do. And from a policy point of view, myself and the climate change Ministers are very clear that, in wanting to see a transition to a net-zero economy, there are real opportunities, but there has to be a just transition for people in work now. We don't want to throw a group of people onto one side and ignore the skills and experience they've got as we're looking to create new industries. That's particularly important given that we have a shortage of labour and skills, so we're going to need to make use of people who already have skills and certainly want an economic future as well.
It's also, though, why, in the employability and skills plan that we recently published, we were very clear that we are aiming more of our support at people furthest from the labour market. So, it doesn't mean we're not going to achieve our apprenticeship target. It doesn't mean we're not going to carry on investing in training and skills and people close to the labour market where we can make a difference. But, as the Department for Work and Pensions is more active in some of that space, we are looking to make sure that our interventions support people who are furthest away, and often people with a disability, often people that look like me, and often women who want to either return to the workplace or enter the workplace for the first time, and the fact that, whilst we have made real progress on dealing with our economic inactivity rates in Wales, we're still slightly behind the UK average. So, that's where we're looking to focus our attention and our efforts, and I hope that will aid not just part of the just transition in people who are already in work, but to get people into work who aren't currently at present.
Diolch am y sylwadau a'r cwestiynau. Gan ddechrau gyda'ch pwyntiau am yr economi gydweithredol, fel y byddech chi'n ei ddisgwyl, gan fy mod i'n Aelod Llafur a Chydweithredol o'r Senedd, mae'n rhywbeth y mae gennyf i ddiddordeb arbennig ynddo. Wrth gwrs, mae safbwyntiau ar draws y Siambr. Cofiaf ddadl Huw Irranca-Davies ar y posibilrwydd o gael cyfraith Marcora Cymru, a'r gwaith yr wyf i'n ei wneud gydag ef a Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru i ystyried yr hyn sy'n bosibl.
Nid yw rhai rhannau o gyfraith Marcora yn yr Eidal yn bosibl oherwydd nad oes gennym ni'r holl bwerau o fewn hynny. Ond, yn hytrach na dweud, 'Dyma'r holl bethau na allaf i eu gwneud', yr hyn a ddywedais i yn y sgwrs honno gyda Huw Irranca-Davies a Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru yw fy mod i eisiau ystyried yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud, i ddeall sut y bydd hynny'n ein helpu ni i gyrraedd ein nod, nid yn unig i ddyblu nifer y busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon, ond beth arall y gallwn ni ei wneud i roi rhan gryfach yn ein dyfodol i'r economi gydweithredol. Gan fy mod yn cydnabod bod nifer o bethau cadarnhaol sylweddol. A gan gyfeirio at gwestiynau'r Ceidwadwyr yn gynharach, mewn gwirionedd, os ydym ni eisiau cynyddu a gwella cadernid yr economi sylfaenol, mewn gwirionedd, mae gan fentrau cydweithredol ran fawr i'w chwarae, yn ogystal â bod yn sefydliadau sy'n gallu gweithredu mewn busnesau canolig a mawr ledled y wlad hefyd. Felly, rwy'n hoff iawn o'r sector cydweithredol a chydfuddiannol.
Clywais i'r hyn yr oedd gennych chi i'w ddweud am y banc datblygu, ac a fyddai angen mwy o arian. Mae'n rhan o sgwrs barhaus yr ydym ni wedi'i chael gyda'r banc datblygu, a'r amcanion yr wyf i wedi'u gosod ar eu cyfer am weddill y tymor hwn. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud bod y ffordd y mae'r banc datblygu wedi mynd ati i fod yn greadigol wrth ymateb i rai o'r heriau wrth i ni ddod allan o'r argyfwng wedi creu argraff fawr arnaf i, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at eu gweld yn parhau i fuddsoddi. Mae ganddyn nhw enw da am ddarparu nid yn unig gyllid, ond cyngor ochr yn ochr â busnesau hefyd. Mae nifer o feysydd penodol lle maen nhw eisoes yn gweithio. Mae ganddyn nhw gronfa olyniaeth rheoli gwerth £25 miliwn, sy'n ymwneud â rheolwyr yn prynu cwmniau. Mae ganddyn nhw hefyd fynediad i'r gronfa fuddsoddi hyblyg ar gyfer gweithwyr yn prynu cwmniau mwy.
Ond, mewn gwirionedd, bydd prif ran hyn yn deillio o'r cyngor pwrpasol y gall pobl ei gael gan Ganolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, er enghraifft. Fel y nodais i yn fy natganiad, yr wyf i wedi cynyddu £0.5 miliwn arall yn ddiweddar i helpu Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru. Rydym ni hefyd wedi gallu, mewn prosiect tymor hwy, cael arian cyfatebol cronfa ddatblygu ranbarthol Ewrop gwerth £11 miliwn ar gyfer prosiect y mae Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru wedi'i gynnal.
Wrth i ni symud ymlaen, yr her yw, ar ôl cyllid yr UE, fod y cyllid hwnnw o dan fwy byth o bwysau nag o'r blaen, a phan wnes i sôn yn fy natganiad ac mewn datganiadau blaenorol am y pwysau sydd ar y cyllidebau, mae hynny'n golygu, os ydw i'n dewis parhau i ariannu'r maes hwnnw—ac rwy'n disgwyl y bydd gennyf i rywbeth i'w ddweud am ein gwaith ni gyda Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru ar gyfer y dyfodol—mae rhannau eraill o'r hyn y mae adran yr economi wedi gallu'i wneud yn y gorffennol na fyddwn ni'n gallu ei wneud ar yr un raddfa a lefel, ond rwy'n credu bod hyn yn rhan o'r ateb i ymdrin â rhai o'r heriau sgiliau y gwnaethoch chi sôn amdanyn nhw yn ddiweddarach.
Ond yr ateb gorau, wrth gwrs, yw pwl o synnwyr cyffredin a chyflawni addewidion maniffesto clir iawn ar Gymru a gweddill y DU heb golli ceiniog o gronfeydd sy'n cymryd lle cyllid yr UE. Fel y mae ar hyn o bryd, mae'r adolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant a'r gyllideb yn nodi y bydd pob rhan o'r DU a oedd yn manteisio ar gronfeydd yr UE o'r blaen ar ei cholled i raddau helaeth. Wedi dweud hynny, rwy'n obeithiol, er nad yn sicr, y bydd yr adran ar gyfer codi'r gwastad yn dod i safbwynt gwahanol ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch trafod a gwneud penderfyniadau am y cronfeydd hynny, wrth barhau i gyflwyno'r achos dros dalu'r swm llawn o arian.
Ac mae hynny, rwy'n credu, yn dod yn ôl at eich pwyntiau olaf. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod gan yr Alban gomisiwn pontio teg. Nid wyf i'n credu y bydd comisiwn ynddo'i hun o reidrwydd yn ymdrin â'r holl faterion fel y byddem yn dymuno; mae'n ymwneud mewn gwirionedd â'r hyn yr ydym ni'n dewis ei wneud. Ac o safbwynt polisi, yr wyf fi a'r Gweinidogion newid hinsawdd yn glir iawn, wrth ddymuno gweld newid i economi sero net, fod cyfleoedd gwirioneddol, ond rhaid cael pontio teg i bobl sydd mewn gwaith nawr. Nid ydym ni eisiau taflu grŵp o bobl i'r naill ochr ac anwybyddu'r sgiliau a'r profiad sydd ganddyn nhw wrth i ni geisio creu diwydiannau newydd. Mae hynny'n arbennig o bwysig o gofio bod gennym ni brinder llafur a sgiliau, felly bydd angen i ni ddefnyddio pobl sydd eisoes â sgiliau ac yn sicr eisiau dyfodol economaidd hefyd.
Fodd bynnag, dyma pam, yn y cynllun cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau y gwnaethom ni ei gyhoeddi yn ddiweddar, yr oeddem ni'n glir iawn mai ein nod yw rhoi mwy o'n cefnogaeth i bobl sydd bellaf i ffwrdd o'r farchnad lafur. Felly, nid yw'n golygu nad ydym ni'n mynd i gyrraedd ein targed prentisiaeth. Nid yw'n golygu nad ydym ni'n mynd i barhau i fuddsoddi mewn hyfforddiant a sgiliau a phobl sy'n agos at y farchnad lafur lle gallwn ni wneud gwahaniaeth. Ond, gan fod yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn fwy gweithgar mewn rhywfaint o'r maes hwnnw, rydym ni'n ceisio sicrhau bod ein hymyriadau'n cefnogi pobl sydd bellaf i ffwrdd, ac yn aml pobl ag anabledd, yn aml pobl sy'n edrych fel fi, ac yn aml menywod sydd eisiau naill ai ddychwelyd i'r gweithle neu fynd i mewn i'r gweithle am y tro cyntaf, a'r ffaith, er ein bod ni wedi gwneud cynnydd gwirioneddol o ran ymdrin â'n cyfraddau anweithgarwch economaidd yng Nghymru, rydym yn dal ychydig y tu ôl i gyfartaledd y DU. Felly, dyna lle'r ydym yn ceisio canolbwyntio ein sylw a'n hymdrechion, a gobeithio y bydd hynny'n helpu nid yn unig rhan o'r pontio teg i bobl sydd eisoes mewn gwaith, ond i gael pobl i mewn i waith nad ydyn nhw ar hyn o bryd.
Alun Davies.
Alun Davies.
I'm grateful, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'm grateful to the Minister as well for his statement and I've been enjoying the discussion that's taking place here, but I find that the discussion is all about what Government is doing, and nobody has asked, 'Why is Government doing this?' I wonder whether Government has asked that question itself, because I've looked throughout the statements you've made through the programme for government, and I can't see any statement of intent. What is the point or purpose of policy, for example?
It's surprising that there is no mention of poverty in your policy at the moment. Now, if the reduction of poverty were a driver of policy, then you would take different decisions than if, for example—. Simply an emphasis on growth or GDP would drive very different decisions again. And unless we understand what the purpose of policy is, it's very difficult for us to hold you to account, Minister, and, at the same time, I see no objectives or targets of policy. So, you know, we've seen and there has been agreement across the Chamber that we want to see a fairer Wales, a greener Wales and the rest of it, but there is no idea anywhere about what that actually means in practice. What is the objective that you're seeking to achieve? How will you know if you've achieved a fairer Wales? How will we hold you to account for doing that? There is no timetable. There are no deadlines. There are no targets in the policy. And therefore, I find myself, both as a member of the Welsh Labour Party and as a Member of this place, at a bit of a loss as to how, over the four years, we can hold you to account for what you're saying today, what you said in October, what was published by the Government in December, and how, by the end of this five-year period, we will know, or you will know, whether you've achieved any of these ambitions or not.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog hefyd am ei ddatganiad ac yr wyf i wedi bod yn mwynhau'r drafodaeth sy'n digwydd yma, ond gwelaf i fod y drafodaeth yn ymwneud â'r hyn y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud, ac nid oes neb wedi gofyn, 'Pam mae'r Llywodraeth yn gwneud hyn?' Tybed a yw'r Llywodraeth wedi gofyn y cwestiwn hwnnw ei hun, oherwydd yr wyf i wedi edrych drwy gydol y datganiadau yr ydych wedi'u gwneud drwy'r rhaglen lywodraethu, ac ni allaf i weld unrhyw ddatganiad o fwriad. Beth yw pwynt neu ddiben polisi, er enghraifft?
Mae'n syndod nad oes sôn am dlodi yn eich polisi ar hyn o bryd. Nawr, pe bai lleihau tlodi yn sbardun i bolisi, yna byddech chi'n gwneud penderfyniadau gwahanol na phe baech, er enghraifft yn—. Byddai pwyslais ar dwf neu gynnyrch domestig gros yn llywio penderfyniadau gwahanol iawn eto. Ac oni bai ein bod ni'n deall beth yw diben polisi, mae'n anodd iawn i ni eich dwyn i gyfrif, Gweinidog, ac, ar yr un pryd, ni welaf unrhyw amcanion na thargedau polisi. Felly, yr ydym ni wedi gweld, ac mae cytundeb wedi bod ar draws y Siambr ein bod ni eisiau gweld Cymru decach, Cymru wyrddach ac ati, ond nid oes syniad yn unman ynghylch yr hyn y mae hynny'n ei olygu'n ymarferol mewn gwirionedd. Beth yw'r amcan yr ydych chi'n ceisio'i gyflawni? Sut y byddwch chi'n gwybod a ydych chi wedi cyflawni Cymru decach? Sut y byddwn ni'n eich dwyn i gyfrif am wneud hynny? Nid oes amserlen. Nid oes terfynau amser. Nid oes targedau yn y polisi. Ac felly, yr wyf i'n cael fy hun, fel aelod o Blaid Lafur Cymru ac fel Aelod o'r lle hwn, yn methu deall sut, yn ystod y pedair blynedd, y gallwn ni eich dwyn chi i gyfrif am yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud heddiw, yr hyn a ddywedoch chi ym mis Hydref, yr hyn a gafodd ei gyhoeddi gan y Llywodraeth ym mis Rhagfyr, a sut, erbyn diwedd y cyfnod hwn o bum mlynedd, y byddwn ni'n gwybod, neu y byddwch chi'n gwybod, a ydych chi wedi cyflawni unrhyw un o'r uchelgeisiau hyn ai peidio.
I thank the Member for his contribution. He is consistent on his point that he believes there should be more targets across a range of areas. My view is that of course poverty is a significant part of what we are looking to do and the fight against poverty. And actually, if we weren't interested in that, we wouldn't be looking to have interventions, for example, in the employability and skills plan, aimed at those people furthest from the labour market. We wouldn't have the significant aspects of the young person's guarantee that are looking to get people with lower skills, who are likely to be less well off, younger people who have yet to enter the world of work, to make sure they have an experience of the world of work and positive support. And there's part of the point about what is the Government doing, why are we doing this.
Well, apart from anything else, it isn't just about the improvement for the individuals and communities, and it isn't just about how we feel as a country; actually, without Government support and intervention, a range of things wouldn't happen. So, Business Wales wouldn't have been created on its own by the private sector. A range of areas that we've talked about that support the co-operative economy, if the Government wasn't active in that space, we can be very confident that those things wouldn't happen. And actually, what we're trying to say is this is partly about moving towards our national milestones, the national milestones we set out, the way that we want to be able to do business, and also, some of the metrics that we will use and we know we'll look to. So, for example, will we have made a difference on the levels of economic activity? Where will we be on employment? Where will we be on average wages? And crucially, the difference in different parts of Wales, which is a conversation I have regularly had with the Member and colleagues from Valleys constituencies about what difference are we making. Because we could make a difference to the national impact across the country and do nothing about economic inequality, and that's not where this Government is and it's certainly not where I am. I look forward not just to a conversation with the Member, but to being able to set out in more detail, as we move through this term, the progress I think that we will make and then making a difference to people's lives, in his community and others around Wales.
Diolch i'r Aelod am ei gyfraniad. Mae'n gyson o ran ei bwynt ei fod yn credu y dylai fod mwy o dargedau ar draws amrywiaeth o feysydd. Yn fy marn i, wrth gwrs, mae tlodi'n rhan sylweddol o'r hyn yr ydym ni'n bwriadu ei wneud a'r frwydr yn erbyn tlodi. Ac mewn gwirionedd, pe na bai gennym ni ddiddordeb yn hynny, ni fyddem ni'n ceisio cael ymyriadau, er enghraifft, yn y cynllun cyflogadwyedd a sgiliau, ar gyfer y bobl hynny sydd bellaf i ffwrdd o'r farchnad lafur. Ni fyddai gennym ni'r agweddau sylweddol ar y warant i bobl ifanc sy'n ceisio cael pobl â sgiliau is, sy'n debygol o fod yn llai cefnog, pobl iau nad ydyn nhw eto wedi mynd i mewn i fyd gwaith, i sicrhau bod ganddyn nhw brofiad o fyd gwaith a chefnogaeth gadarnhaol. A dyna ran o'r pwynt ynglŷn â beth mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud, pam yr ydym ni'n gwneud hyn.
Wel, ar wahân i unrhyw beth arall, nid yw'n ymwneud â'r gwelliant i'r unigolion a'r cymunedau yn unig, ac nid yw'n ymwneud â sut yr ydym ni'n teimlo fel gwlad yn unig; mewn gwirionedd, heb gefnogaeth ac ymyrraeth gan y Llywodraeth, ni fyddai amrywiaeth o bethau'n digwydd. Felly, ni fyddai Busnes Cymru wedi cael ei greu ar ei ben ei hun gan y sector preifat. Mae amrywiaeth o feysydd yr ydym ni wedi sôn amdanyn nhw'n cefnogi'r economi gydweithredol, pe na bai'r Llywodraeth yn weithgar yn y maes hwnnw, gallwn ni fod yn ffyddiog iawn na fyddai'r pethau hynny'n digwydd. Ac mewn gwirionedd, yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio'i ddweud yw bod hyn yn ymwneud yn rhannol â symud tuag at ein cerrig milltir cenedlaethol, y cerrig milltir cenedlaethol a gafodd eu nodi gennym ni, y ffordd yr ydym ni eisiau gallu gwneud busnes, a hefyd, rhai o'r metrigau y byddwn ni'n eu defnyddio a gwyddom ni y byddwn ni'n cyfeirio atyn nhw. Felly, er enghraifft, a fyddwn ni wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth o ran lefelau gweithgarwch economaidd? Ble fyddwn ni o ran cyflogaeth? Ble fyddwn ni o ran cyflogau cyfartalog? Ac yn hollbwysig, y gwahaniaeth yng ngwahanol rannau o Gymru, sef sgwrs yr wyf i wedi'i chael yn rheolaidd gyda'r Aelod a chyd-Aelodau o etholaethau'r Cymoedd ynghylch pa wahaniaeth yr ydym ni'n ei wneud. Oherwydd gallem ni wneud gwahaniaeth i'r effaith genedlaethol ledled y wlad a gwneud dim am anghydraddoldeb economaidd, ac nid dyna safbwynt y Llywodraeth hon ac yn sicr nid dyna fy safbwynt i. Rwyf i'n edrych ymlaen nid yn unig at sgwrs gyda'r Aelod, ond at allu nodi'n fanylach, wrth i ni symud drwy'r tymor hwn, y cynnydd rwy'n credu y byddwn ni'n ei wneud ac yna'n gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl, yn ei gymuned ef ac eraill ledled Cymru.
Diolch, Weinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf y prynhawn yma yw datganiad gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg ar safonau ac uchelgeisiau uchel i bawb. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog, Jeremy Miles.
The next item this afternoon is a statement by the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language on high standards and aspirations for all. And I call on the Minister, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Mae taclo effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad wrth wraidd cenhadaeth ein cenedl ym maes addysg. Dyna'r unig ffordd y gallwn ni lwyddo i gyrraedd y nod o sicrhau safonau uchel a dyheadau uchelgeisiol i bawb. Wrth wireddu'r weledigaeth hon, dwi wedi ymrwymo i osgoi defnyddio dulliau sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddiffygion; yn hytrach fe fyddwn ni'n canolbwyntio ar gamau cadarnhaol i helpu i wireddu potensial pob person ifanc mewn ffordd sy’n meithrin ac yn adlewyrchu eu dyheadau.
Ers i mi ddod yn Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, dwi hefyd wedi ei gwneud hi'n glir bod yn rhaid ystyried pob polisi addysg o safbwynt a ydyn nhw'n helpu i daclo effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad addysgol. Bydd angen dull system gyfan er mwyn llwyddo; dull sy'n cefnogi plant a phobl ifanc drwy bob cyfnod o'u haddysg: cyn ysgol, oedran ysgol ac ôl 16. Heddiw, fe fyddaf i'n amlinellu rhai o'r camau y byddwn ni'n eu cymryd yn y maes hwn, camau y byddwn ni'n adeiladu arnyn nhw yn y misoedd nesaf.
Mae tystiolaeth ymchwil ac arolygu yn dangos taw ansawdd y dysgu a'r addysgu yw'r dylanwad unigol pwysicaf ar lwyddiant dysgwyr yn ein system addysg. Mae hyn yn arbennig o wir am ein dysgwyr difreintiedig. Dwi am sicrhau ein bod ni'n dal i wella ansawdd y dysgu a'r addysgu, gan wneud hynny'n sail i gyflwyno ein cwricwlwm newydd.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. Tackling the impact of poverty on attainment is at the heart of our national mission in education. That's the only way we can succeed in our aim of achieving high standards and aspirations for all. In implementing this vision, I am committed to avoiding deficit approaches, but instead to focus on positive actions to help realise the potential of all young people in a way that nurtures and reflects their aspirations.
Since becoming Minister for Education and the Welsh Language, I have also made it clear that we must consider all educational policies through the lens of whether they help tackle the impact of poverty on educational attainment. We will need a whole-system approach to succeed that supports children and young people through all phases of their education: pre-school, school and post-16. Today, I will be outlining some of the actions we will be taking in this area, steps that we will build on in the coming months.
Research and inspection evidence reveals that the single most important influence on learner success within the education system is the quality of learning and teaching, and this is particularly true of our disadvantaged learners. I want to ensure that we continue to improve the quality of learning and teaching, and make sure that that underpins the introduction of our new curriculum.
We will work, Dirprwy Lywydd, with the Education Workforce Council and our initial teacher education institutions to ensure that the nature of educational disadvantage, its impact on educational achievement and how that can be overcome, is a prominent element of our initial teacher education programmes. We will also include this as a key feature of induction and of professional learning provision.
Our support staff play critical roles in our schools, with many already specifically employed to support teachers in dealing with the impact of poverty on pupil achievement. This is good practice. In order to strengthen further the capacity of teaching support staff to help address this priority, not only will we ensure they have access to high-qualify professional learning programmes, but we will also ensure that school leaders have access to clear guidance on the most appropriate way of deploying support staff to assist in overcoming educational inequalities.
We know how crucial the pupil development grant is to our schools. Evidence shows that since its introduction, its use by schools has improved over time. However, we know that there is still more that can be done to target this funding better. Whilst ultimately the use of this funding should be decided by schools, these decisions need to be more strategically influenced, better grounded in evidence and rigorously monitored for impact. We will therefore require schools to work closely with us, sharing their plans and how they intend to monitor impact, supported by further guidance on evidence-informed uses of the grant.
We know from research and inspection evidence that schools that couple effective learning and teaching with a focus on community engagement are most effective in overcoming the impact of poverty on educational attainment. We will therefore want to see schools operate as community-focused schools, reaching out to parents and carers and engaging with the whole community.
Over the coming months, we will invest £3.84 million in increasing the number of family engagement officers employed by schools, with part of their role to be focused on improving pupil attendance. We will also provide funding to trial the appointment of community-focused schools managers, and £20 million of capital investment to allow schools to develop further as community assets, making the school more accessible and open to its local community. We will also be working with local authorities and health boards to look to extend wraparound, multi-agency provision for learners in our most disadvantaged communities.
Dirprwy Lywydd, for some of our young people, their aspiration is to study the best courses at leading universities. The Seren network continues to go from strength to strength, supporting some of the brightest young people in Wales to succeed at university. In the next phase of Seren's life, we will focus on increasing the involvement in the network of learners from low-income households. University is not the pinnacle of aspiration for everyone, but your ability to reach that pinnacle, if you choose it, should not depend on where you embark from. And alongside this, I am also looking to provide greater access to independent careers advice for young people from low-income households in the latter years of primary education and at ages 13 and 16, so that they have the best possible information on the variety of paths that can lie ahead for them.
And leadership is crucial in all of this: the vision to ensure that that the very best learning and teaching is in place, the conviction that schools should operate as community assets and the tenacity to raise aspirations and to support learners and their families. Good leaders can make a huge difference. We will ask the leadership academy to bring more of a focus on supporting our more disadvantaged learners to flourish, and working with school improvement services, we will task them with supporting school leaders to deliver high standards and aspirations for all. We will also identify a cohort of headteachers and senior leaders who have had sustained success in overcoming the impact of poverty on educational attainment, and we'll ask them to work with us to support other schools and leaders collaboratively.
And finally, Dirprwy Lywydd, it will be essential that we regularly monitor progress at all levels of the system. We'll use a broad range of indicators to measure progress, while continuing to place a high importance on qualifications. Estyn will have a key role to play in both supporting and monitoring our plans, and this will include producing guidance that informs their inspection activity in this area, reporting annually on the progress being made by schools, colleges and other providers, providing further system-level feedback through thematic reviews, strengthening their focus on this area in the inspections of local authorities and the engagement work they do with school improvement services, and providing further support for schools.
Today, Dirprwy Lywydd, I've described just some of the actions we'll be taking in the coming weeks and months, and I look forward to sharing with the Senedd our progress on this journey. Every single child in a school in Wales deserves the best—the best of standards and the best of aspirations. And this is not a choice between equity and excellence in our schools. Dirprwy Lywydd, the hallmark of a good society is the ability to deliver both. We want schools that deliver high standards and aspirations for all, and the actions I've outlined today will set us on the path to that destination.
Fe fyddwn ni'n gweithio, Dirprwy Lywydd, gyda Chyngor y Gweithlu Addysg a'n sefydliadau addysg gychwynnol i athrawon ar gyfer sicrhau bod priodoleddau anfantais addysgol, ac effaith hynny ar gyflawniad addysgol a sut y gellir goresgyn hynny, yn elfen amlwg o'n rhaglenni addysg gychwynnol ni ar gyfer athrawon. Fe fyddwn ni hefyd yn cynnwys hon fel nodwedd allweddol o hyfforddiant sefydlu a darpariaeth ddysgu proffesiynol.
Mae ein staff cymorth ni â rhan hollbwysig yn ein hysgolion, a llawer ohonyn nhw'n cael eu cyflogi eisoes yn benodol ar gyfer cefnogi athrawon wrth ymdrin ag effaith tlodi ar gyflawniad disgyblion. Arfer da yw hyn. I gryfhau rhagor ar allu staff cymorth addysgu i helpu i fynd i'r afael â'r flaenoriaeth hon, fe fyddwn ni nid yn unig yn sicrhau eu bod nhw'n gallu manteisio ar raglenni dysgu proffesiynol cymwys, ond fe fyddwn ni'n sicrhau bod arweinwyr ysgolion yn gallu cael gafael ar ganllawiau clir ynglŷn â'r ffordd fwyaf priodol o ddefnyddio staff cymorth i helpu i oresgyn anghydraddoldebau addysgol.
Fe wyddom ni pa mor hanfodol yw'r grant datblygu disgyblion i'n hysgolion ni. Mae tystiolaeth yn dangos bod y defnydd a wneir ohono gan ysgolion wedi cynyddu dros amser ers iddo gael ei gyflwyno. Er hynny, fe wyddom ni y gellir gwneud mwy eto i dargedu'r cyllid hwn yn well. Er mai ysgolion ddylai benderfynu ar y defnydd a wneir o'r cyllid hwn yn y pen draw, mae angen i'r penderfyniadau hyn fod â dylanwadu mwy strategol arnyn nhw, wedi'u seilio yn well ar dystiolaeth ac yn cael eu monitro yn drylwyr o ran eu heffaith. Felly, fe fyddwn ni'n ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i ysgolion weithio yn agos gyda ni, gan rannu eu cynlluniau a sut y maen nhw'n bwriadu monitro effaith, a ategir gan ganllawiau pellach o ran defnydd o'r grant ar sail tystiolaeth.
Fe wyddom ni o dystiolaeth ymchwil ac arolygu mai ysgolion sy'n cyplysu dysgu ac addysgu mewn ffordd effeithiol gan ganolbwyntio ar ymgysylltu â'r gymuned yw'r rhai mwyaf effeithiol o ran goresgyn effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad addysgol. Felly, fe fyddwn ni'n awyddus i weld ysgolion yn gweithredu fel ysgolion bro, gan ymestyn allan at rieni a gofalwyr ac ymgysylltu â'r gymuned gyfan.
Dros y misoedd nesaf, fe fyddwn ni'n buddsoddi £3.84 miliwn i gynyddu nifer y swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd a gyflogir gan ysgolion, gan ganolbwyntio rhan o'u gwaith ar wella cyfraddau presenoldeb disgyblion. Fe fyddwn ni'n darparu cyllid hefyd i dreialu penodi rheolwyr ysgolion bro, ac yn rhoi £20 miliwn o fuddsoddiad cyfalaf i alluogi ysgolion i ddatblygu ymhellach yn asedau cymunedol, gan wneud ysgol yn fwy hygyrch ac agored i'w chymuned leol. Fe fyddwn ni'n gweithio hefyd gydag awdurdodau lleol a byrddau iechyd i geisio ymestyn darpariaeth cofleidiol, aml-asiantaeth i ddysgwyr yn ein cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig.
Dirprwy Lywydd, i rai o'n pobl ifanc, maen nhw'n dyheu am astudio'r cyrsiau gorau mewn prifysgolion blaenllaw. Mae rhwydwaith Seren yn parhau i fynd o nerth i nerth, gan gefnogi rhai o'r bobl ifanc fwyaf disglair yng Nghymru i lwyddo yn y brifysgol. Yng ngham nesaf bywyd Seren, fe fyddwn ni'n canolbwyntio ar gynyddu cyfranogiad dysgwyr o gartrefi incwm isel. Nid prifysgol yw pinacl dyhead pawb, ond ni ddylai eich gallu chi i ddringo at y pinacl hwnnw, os mai hynny rydych chi'n ei ddewis, fod yn ddibynnol ar eich man cychwyn chi. Ac ochr yn ochr â hyn, rwy'n ceisio ei gwneud hi'n haws hefyd i gael cyngor gyrfaoedd annibynnol i bobl ifanc o gartrefi incwm isel ym mlynyddoedd olaf addysg gynradd ac yn 13 ac 16 oed, fel bod y wybodaeth orau bosibl ganddyn nhw ynglŷn â'r amrywiaeth o lwybrau a all fod o'u blaenau nhw.
Ac mae arweinyddiaeth yn hanfodol yn hyn i gyd: y weledigaeth i sicrhau bod y dysgu a'r addysgu gorau ar waith, yr argyhoeddiad y dylai ysgolion weithredu fel asedau i'r cymunedau ynghyd â'r dycnwch i godi dyheadau a chefnogi dysgwyr a'u teuluoedd. Fe all arweinwyr da wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr. Fe fyddwn ni'n gofyn i'r academi arweinyddiaeth ganolbwyntio mwy ar gefnogi ein dysgwyr mwy difreintiedig i ffynnu, a gweithio gyda gwasanaethau gwella ysgolion, fe fyddwn ni'n rhoi'r dasg iddyn nhw o gefnogi arweinwyr ysgolion i gyrraedd safonau a chodi dyheadau pawb. Fe fyddwn ni hefyd yn nodi carfan o benaethiaid ac uwch arweinwyr sydd wedi cael llwyddiant parhaus o ran goresgyn effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad addysgol, ac fe fyddwn ni'n gofyn iddyn nhw weithio gyda ni i gefnogi ysgolion ac arweinwyr eraill mewn dull cydweithrediadol.
Ac yn olaf, Dirprwy Lywydd, fe fydd hi'n hanfodol ein bod ni'n monitro cynnydd yn rheolaidd ar bob lefel o'r system. Fe fyddwn ni'n defnyddio ystod eang o ddangosyddion i fesur cynnydd, wrth barhau i roi pwyslais mawr ar gymwysterau. Fe fydd gan Estyn waith allweddol o ran cefnogi a monitro ein cynlluniau ni, ac fe fydd hynny'n cynnwys cynhyrchu canllawiau sy'n llywio eu gweithgarwch arolygu nhw yn y maes hwn, ac adrodd yn flynyddol ar y cynnydd a wneir gan ysgolion, colegau a darparwyr eraill, gan ddarparu adborth pellach ar lefel system drwy adolygiadau thematig, gan ganolbwyntio mwy ar y maes hwn wrth arolygu awdurdodau lleol a'r gwaith ymgysylltu y maen nhw'n ei wneud gyda gwasanaethau gwella ysgolion, a rhoi cymorth pellach i ysgolion.
Heddiw, Dirprwy Lywydd, rwyf i wedi disgrifio rhai o'r camau y byddwn ni'n eu cymryd yn ystod yr wythnosau a'r misoedd nesaf, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at adrodd am ein cynnydd ni ar y daith hon gyda'r Senedd. Mae pob plentyn unigol mewn ysgol yng Nghymru yn haeddu'r gorau—y gorau o ran safonau a'r gorau o ran dyheadau. Ac nid dewis rhwng tegwch a rhagoriaeth yn ein hysgolion ni yw ystyr hynny. Dirprwy Lywydd, arwydd o gymdeithas iach yw'r gallu i gyflawni'r ddau. Rydym ni'n awyddus i ysgolion gyflawni safonau a dyheadau uchel i bawb, ac fe fydd y camau yr wyf wedi'u hamlinellu heddiw yn ein rhoi ni ar y trywydd iawn i wneud hynny.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Laura Jones.
The Conservative spokesperson, Laura Jones.
Diolch, Deputy Presiding Officer. Thank you for your statement, Minister. We welcome a lot of what you say, and hope to see it translate into making a difference. However, what I am concerned about is the timing and content of some of what you've said.
I'll start with how you've outlined community schools, our twenty-first century schools. I mean, that's been in progress since 2014—nearly a decade now—and it's only now that we're talking about ensuring that they're truly community schools. We all want them to be, but it's clear from the community schools, these twenty-first century schools, as you go around our schools, that that is not what's happening; they're closing when the school closes. So, it is definitely something that we need to look into. So, I'm hoping that the things you've announced today will actually make a difference in this regard, and schools will be used to their full capacity and what they should be used for to make them truly community schools.
Also within your statement—and I completely concur with the statement—the most important influence on a learner's success within the education system is the quality of learning and teaching—absolutely, 100 per cent. What concerns me is that teachers need more support, they need more training, and we need more teachers. We have a lack of teachers coming forward now, apart from the programme that you've put in place, which, unfortunately, is not going to continue.
We had a situation where we had Chwarae Teg's leadership group come in today—young ladies coming in, interested in going forward in politics. They were a wonderful group of ladies, but it was really interesting to ask them about their experiences of how they're seeing things at the moment, how their experiences of lockdown impacted on their learning, on teaching and that sort of thing. And what became very apparent to me was their concern, even though they thought that teachers were doing a wonderful job, which we all know that they are, about the lack of support that they are getting in terms of knowing what the exam content is going to be, what modules they can cut, and then the girls themselves were worried about revision and what they ought to revise. And although we don't like the term 'catch-up', they were talking about the fact that—they were from all over Wales—the quality of education when it was online in lockdown was poor, and they're finding that even if it was okay, they're redoing what they did during lockdown because a lot of people were offline, even though they said that they were online, it was a blank screen and no-one could see if they were there, they might not even have been listening, so they had to repeat the whole thing to ensure that everybody in that class got the learning that they should have had. And what they said to me, also, was that the people who had missed out were those from low-income families, as a rule, and obviously those people with parents who were working, so they couldn't keep an eye on their children and support their children at home during that time. And that massive element of catch-up, even though we don't like to use that word, was real; it was very real. And they found that it was a massive stress to them and that they weren't actually getting the mental health support that they need.
And all these things that you've announced today are fabulous, but we must go to the core of what is going on here, of what is going on in the classroom, whether teachers are having enough support, and whether learners feel supported themselves. And for me, today, I was shocked by the fact that very intelligent girls from all over didn't feel that that support was there. So, I think that that is something that we need to look into.
Also, then, the educational disadvantage and its impact on educational achievement. Our PISA results are the worst; it's an embarrassment to Wales, I would say, on a par with Soviet bloc countries. And then we've got the pandemic, which has exacerbated that massive attainment gap between those that we really need to be helping out.
All this is not painting a very good picture, and although what you've announced today is great, I think there's still so much that we need to be looking into. And also, have people still got the technical support that they need, the connectivity that they need, from low-income families, the ones who were suffering the most during the pandemic? Because a lot of things—as I'm aware from my own son in secondary school—are now online; there's Google Classroom, there's Google Meet for homework and revision. All these sorts of things need to be thought about in the round if we are truly wanting to up our attainment level. So, I'm just wondering if you could comment on all that, Minister.
I think I've got a—. Here we go: in 2019 and last year, traditional exams were set, the attainment gap at top A* GCSE grade stood at 5.3 points between those getting free school meals and those not eligible. The gap then reached 11.5 per cent in 2021. It's not painting a very good picture, Minister.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Diolch am eich datganiad, Gweinidog. Rydym ni'n croesawu llawer o'r hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud, ac yn gobeithio y bydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol. Serch hynny, yr hyn yr wyf i'n pryderu yn ei gylch yw amseriad a chynnwys rhywfaint o'r hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud.
Rwyf i am ddechrau gyda'r ffordd yr ydych chi wedi amlinellu ysgolion cymunedol, ein hysgolion ni ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Hynny yw, mae'r gwaith hwnnw wedi bod ar y gweill ers 2014—bron i ddegawd yn ôl erbyn hyn—a dim ond nawr yr ydym ni'n sôn am wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n ysgolion gwirioneddol gymunedol. Mae pob un ohonom ni'n dymuno iddyn nhw fod felly, ond mae hi'n amlwg o'r ysgolion cymunedol, yr ysgolion unfed ganrif ar hugain hyn, wrth i chi fynd o amgylch ein hysgolion ni, nad dyna sy'n digwydd; maen nhw'n cau pan fydd yr ysgol yn cau. Felly, mae hynny'n bendant yn rhywbeth y mae angen i ni ymchwilio iddo. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y pethau y gwnaethoch chi eu cyhoeddi heddiw yn gwneud gwahaniaeth yn hyn o beth, ac y bydd ysgolion yn cael eu defnyddio hyd eithaf eu gallu a gyda'r defnydd a ddylid ei wneud ohonyn nhw i'w gwneud nhw'n ysgolion gwirioneddol gymunedol.
Yn eich datganiad hefyd—ac rwy'n cytuno yn llwyr â'r gosodiad—y dylanwad pwysicaf ar lwyddiant dysgwr o fewn y system addysg yw ansawdd y dysgu a'r addysgu—yn union, 100 y cant. Yr hyn sy'n fy mhoeni i yw bod angen mwy o gymorth ar athrawon, mae angen mwy o hyfforddiant arnyn nhw, ac mae angen mwy o athrawon arnom ni. Mae gennym ni brinder athrawon yn dod i'r amlwg nawr, ar wahân i'r rhaglen y gwnaethoch chi ei rhoi ar waith, na fydd hi, yn anffodus, yn parhau.
Fe gawsom ni sefyllfa lle'r oedd gennym ni grŵp arweinyddiaeth Chwarae Teg yn dod i mewn heddiw—menywod ifanc yn dod i mewn, â diddordeb mewn symud ymlaen yn y byd gwleidyddol. Roedden nhw'n grŵp gwych o fenywod, ond roedd hi'n ddiddorol iawn eu holi nhw ynglŷn â'u profiadau nhw o ran sut maen nhw'n gweld pethau ar hyn o bryd, sut roedd eu profiadau nhw o'r cyfnod clo yn effeithio ar eu dysgu, ar addysgu a phethau o'r fath. A'r hyn a ddaeth yn amlwg iawn i mi oedd eu pryder nhw, er eu bod nhw o'r farn fod athrawon yn gwneud gwaith ardderchog, fel y gwyddom ni eu bod nhw, am y diffyg cefnogaeth sydd yn bod o ran gwybod beth fydd cynnwys yr arholiad, pa fodiwlau y gallan nhw eu torri allan, ac yna roedd y merched eu hunain yn poeni am adolygu a'r hyn y dylen nhw ei adolygu. Ac er nad ydym ni'n hoffi'r term 'dal i fyny', roedden nhw'n sôn am y ffaith—roedden nhw'n dod o bob rhan o Gymru—fod ansawdd yr addysg o safon wael pan oedd hwnnw ar-lein yn y cyfnod clo, ac maen nhw'n canfod, hyd yn oed os oedd hwnnw'n dderbyniol, eu bod yn ailwneud yr hyn a wnaethon nhw yn ystod y cyfnod clo oherwydd roedd llawer o bobl heb fod ar-lein, er eu bod nhw wedi dweud eu bod nhw ar-lein, roedd y sgrin yn wag ac ni allai neb weld a oedden nhw yno, efallai nad oedden nhw hyd yn oed yn gwrando, felly roedd hi'n rhaid iddyn nhw ailadrodd yr holl beth i sicrhau bod pawb yn y dosbarth hwnnw wedi cael yr addysg y dylen nhw fod wedi'i gael. A'r hyn yr oedden nhw'n ei ddweud wrthyf i hefyd oedd mai'r bobl a oedd wedi colli allan fwyaf oedd y rhai o deuluoedd incwm isel, fel rheol, ac yn amlwg y bobl hynny â rhieni a oedd yn gweithio, fel na allen nhw gadw llygad ar eu plant a chefnogi eu plant yn y cartref yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw. Ac roedd yr elfen aruthrol honno o ddal i fyny, er nad ydym ni'n hoffi defnyddio'r term hwnnw, yn wirioneddol; roedd yn wirioneddol iawn. Ac roedden nhw'n gweld honno'n straen enfawr arnyn nhw ac nid oedden nhw, mewn gwirionedd, yn cael y cymorth angenrheidiol o ran eu hiechyd meddwl.
Ac mae'r holl bethau hyn y gwnaethoch chi eu cyhoeddi heddiw yn wych, ond mae'n rhaid i ni fynd at hanfod yr hyn sy'n digwydd yma, o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, a hynny yw gofyn a yw athrawon yn cael digon o gefnogaeth, ac a yw dysgwyr yn teimlo eu bod nhw eu hunain yn cael eu cefnogi. Ac i mi, heddiw, fe gefais i fy syfrdanu gan y ffaith nad oedd merched deallus iawn o bob cwr yn teimlo bod y gefnogaeth honno ar gael. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n rhywbeth y mae angen i ni ymchwilio iddo.
Hefyd, felly, yr anfantais addysgol ac effaith hynny ar gyflawniad addysgol. Ein canlyniadau PISA ni yw y gwaethaf; maent yn embaras i Gymru, yn fy marn i, ar yr un lefel â gwledydd y bloc Sofietaidd. A'r pandemig wedyn, sydd wedi gwaethygu'r bwlch cyrhaeddiad enfawr hwnnw rhwng y rhai y mae gwir angen i ni fod yn eu helpu.
Nid yw hyn i gyd yn creu darlun da iawn, ac er bod yr hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei gyhoeddi heddiw yn wych, rwyf i o'r farn bod llawer eto y mae angen i ni ymchwilio iddo. Ac yn ogystal â hynny, a yw pobl yn dal i gael y cymorth technegol sydd ei angen arnyn nhw, y cysylltedd sydd ei angen arnyn nhw, i deuluoedd incwm isel, y rhai a oedd yn dioddef fwyaf yn ystod y pandemig? Oherwydd mae llawer o bethau—fel rwyf i'n ymwybodol ohonyn nhw oherwydd mae fy mab i fy hunan yn yr ysgol uwchradd—ar-lein erbyn hyn; mae yna Google Classroom, mae yna Google Meet ar gyfer gwaith cartref ac adolygu. Mae angen meddwl am yr holl bethau hyn yn gyffredinol os ydym ni'n dymuno codi ein lefel ni o gyrhaeddiad mewn gwirionedd. Felly, meddwl ydw i tybed a oes gennych chi sylwadau i'w gwneud ar hynny i gyd, Gweinidog.
Rwy'n credu bod gen i—. Dyma ni: yn 2019 a'r llynedd, gosodwyd arholiadau traddodiadol, roedd y bwlch cyrhaeddiad ar y radd A* TGAU uchaf yn 5.3 pwynt rhwng y rhai a oedd yn cael prydau ysgol am ddim a'r rhai nad oedden nhw'n gymwys i'w cael nhw. Yna fe aeth y bwlch yn 11.5 y cant yn 2021. Nid yw hynny'n creu darlun da iawn, Gweinidog.
You need to conclude now.
Mae angen i chi ddod i ben nawr.
Okay. Then you've got the Seren network as well, which is brilliant; I think that's a great way of doing things.
In conclusion, and my last question, Minister: the independent careers advice for young people from low-income families, which you want to target, how exactly are you going to do that, and why only that group? Thank you.
Iawn. Yna mae rhwydwaith Seren gennych chi hefyd, sy'n ardderchog; rwy'n credu bod honno'n ffordd wych o wneud pethau.
I gloi, a fy nghwestiwn olaf i, Gweinidog: y cyngor gyrfaoedd annibynnol i bobl ifanc o deuluoedd incwm isel, yr ydych chi'n dymuno eu targedu, sut yn union ydych chi am wneud hynny, a pham at y garfan honno'n unig? Diolch i chi.
I thank Laura Jones for the welcome she's given to the initiatives that have been announced in the statement today. In relation to the point that she opened on regarding community schools, she will know that there's a range of experiences in schools across Wales in terms of the extent to which they are able to, in their own circumstances—where they are on the journey, if you like. Some have the facilities to be able to do that, others may not, but they have practices that mean they are deeply connected with their local communities.
The Government has a commitment in the programme for government to make sure that we encourage community-focused schools across Wales, to which my announcement today will be a contribution. Some of that is around making school assets more accessible, and there's a significant capital investment today to support that. But some of it is about how the school connects with families and families of learners. We've seen a lot of good practice across Wales in using the pupil development grant to fund family engagement officers. What the support that I'm announcing today will enable is for that to be extended, because, obviously, schools are still in a very, very challenging situation responding to the effects of long periods of lockdown and absence from school. The investment that I'm announcing today will contribute to schools' ability to respond to that to support their learners.
The experience she described of speaking to the young women today very much echoes the discussions I have with learners in all parts of Wales in relation to their experience of the last two years. On the particular point that she made around support for exams, she will know, of course, that the Power Up resource that we've made available in schools, and that I hope she pointed out to the young women today, is available, because that contains a wide range of revision resources and a comprehensive source of information around the adaptations for exams, the adjustments to exam contents, the prior notifications in relation to exam content—all of those things that we hope will support our learners as they prepare for exams this summer.
She makes a very important set of points in relation to the well-being of pupils and how best to support schools in supporting learners. She'll know, of course, about the extent to which we've increased the whole-school approach to budget and financing over the next three years in order to help schools extend their provision to support learners in this space. The Education Policy Institute, as she will know, has noted, I think, the extent to which funding in Wales has been specifically weighted towards many of our learners who are more disadvantaged in this area, including in relation to the important point that she made about the extensive provision of digital connectivity and equipment, which I think is generally acknowledged in Wales as being pretty advanced, perhaps, compared to some other parts of the UK.
Finally, on the point that she made about progress historically, the fair way of describing progress historically, I think, is to say that in relation to both primary and key stage 3 attainment, the gap has, certainly prior to the pandemic, closed quite significantly. Obviously, there shouldn't be a gap at all, but the journey has been to close that gap. That has been less successful at GCSE. The interventions that I'm setting out today, some of which are based on things that we have understood, some of which are based on new learning, if you like, in particular, some of the things that we've learnt over the last two years, I hope and expect will make a very significant difference at that level as well.
Rwy'n diolch i Laura Jones am y croeso a roddodd hi i'r mentrau a gyhoeddwyd yn y datganiad heddiw. O ran ei phwynt agoriadol ynglŷn ag ysgolion cymunedol, mae hi'n gwybod y ceir amrywiaeth o brofiadau mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru ynglŷn ag i ba raddau y gallan nhw, yn eu hamgylchiadau eu hunain—eu cam nhw ar y daith, os hoffech chi. Mae'r cyfleusterau gan rai i allu gwneud hynny, efallai nad oes gan eraill, ond mae'r arferion ganddyn nhw sy'n golygu eu bod nhw â chyswllt dwfn â'u cymunedau lleol nhw.
Fe geir ymrwymiad gan y Llywodraeth yn y rhaglen lywodraethu i sicrhau ein bod ni'n annog ysgolion bro ledled Cymru, ac fe fydd fy nghyhoeddiad i heddiw yn cyfrannu at hynny. Mae rhywfaint o hynny'n ymwneud â gwneud asedau ysgolion yn fwy hygyrch, ac fe geir buddsoddiad cyfalaf sylweddol heddiw i gefnogi hynny. Ond mae peth o hyn yn ymwneud â sut mae'r ysgol yn cysylltu â theuluoedd a theuluoedd dysgwyr. Rydym ni wedi gweld llawer o arferion da ledled Cymru o ran defnyddio'r grant datblygu disgyblion i ariannu swyddogion i ymgysylltu â theuluoedd. Yr hyn y bydd y gefnogaeth yr wyf i'n ei chyhoeddi heddiw yn ei ganiatáu yw ymestyn hynny, oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae ysgolion yn parhau i fod mewn sefyllfa heriol iawn sy'n ymateb i effeithiau cyfnodau hir o gyfyngiadau symud ac absenoldebau o'r ysgol. Fe fydd y buddsoddiad yr wyf i'n ei gyhoeddi heddiw yn cyfrannu at allu ysgolion i ymateb i hynny er mwyn cefnogi eu dysgwyr.
Mae'r profiad a ddisgrifiodd hi o siarad â'r menywod ifanc heddiw yn adleisio'r trafodaethau i raddau helaeth a gefais i gyda dysgwyr ym mhob rhan o Gymru o ran eu profiad nhw o'r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf. O ran y pwynt penodol a wnaeth hi ynghylch cymorth ar gyfer arholiadau, mae hi'n gwybod, wrth gwrs, bod adnodd Lefel Nesa y gwnaethom ni ei ddarparu mewn ysgolion ar gael, ac rwyf i'n gobeithio ei bod hi wedi tynnu sylw'r menywod ifanc heddiw at hwnnw, oherwydd mae hwnnw'n cynnwys ystod eang o adnoddau adolygu ac yn ffynhonnell gynhwysfawr o wybodaeth am yr addasiadau ar gyfer arholiadau, yr addasiadau i gynnwys arholiadau, yr hysbysiadau ymlaen llaw o ran cynnwys arholiadau—yr holl bethau hynny a fydd, gyda gobaith, yn cefnogi ein dysgwyr ni wrth iddyn nhw baratoi ar gyfer arholiadau'r haf eleni.
Mae hi'n gwneud cyfres bwysig iawn o bwyntiau o ran llesiant disgyblion a'r ffordd orau o gefnogi ysgolion i gefnogi dysgwyr. Mae hi'n ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, i ba raddau yr ydym ni wedi ymestyn y dull ysgol gyfan o gyllidebu a chyllido dros y tair blynedd nesaf er mwyn helpu ysgolion i ymestyn eu darpariaeth ar gyfer cefnogi dysgwyr yn y maes hwn. Mae'r Sefydliad Polisi Addysg, fel y gŵyr hi, wedi nodi, rwy'n credu, i ba raddau y mae cyllid yng Nghymru wedi cael ei bwysoli yn benodol tuag at lawer o'n dysgwyr llai breintiedig ni yn y maes hwn, gan gynnwys o ran y pwynt pwysig a wnaeth hi ynglŷn â'r ddarpariaeth eang o gysylltedd ac offer digidol, yr wyf i o'r farn y caiff ei chydnabod yn gyffredinol yng Nghymru yn un dra datblygedig o'i chymharu â rhai rhannau eraill o'r DU, efallai.
Yn olaf, o ran y pwynt a wnaeth hi ynglŷn â chynnydd yn hanesyddol, y ffordd deg o ddisgrifio cynnydd yn hanesyddol, yn fy marn i, yw dweud, o ran cyrhaeddiad mewn ysgolion cynradd a chyfnod allweddol 3, fod y bwlch, yn sicr cyn y pandemig, wedi cau i raddau sylweddol iawn. Yn amlwg, ni ddylid bod â bwlch o gwbl, ond yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yw bod y bwlch hwnnw wedi cau. Mae hynny wedi bod yn llai llwyddiannus yn achos TGAU. Mae'r ymyriadau yr wyf i'n eu rhoi gerbron heddiw, rhai ohonyn nhw yn seiliedig ar bethau a ddeallwyd gennym ni, a rhai ohonyn nhw yn seiliedig ar yr hyn a ddysgwyd o'r newydd, os hoffech chi, yn arbennig, rai o'r pethau y gwnaethom ni eu dysgu dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, ac rwy'n gobeithio ac yn disgwyl y byddan nhw'n gwneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol iawn yn hynny o beth hefyd.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Heledd Fychan.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Heledd Fychan.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch, Weinidog am eich datganiad heddiw. Yn debyg iawn i Laura Jones, dwi'n meddwl bod rhaid i ni gydnabod y trawma parhaus i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc ni. Dydy'r pandemig ddim drosodd. Rydyn ni'n gweld niferoedd uchel o athrawon a phlant a phobl ifanc ddim yn yr ysgolion ar y funud, bod y sefyllfa yn parhau felly, a'n bod ni ddim eto yn y cyfnod lle rydyn ni'n gallu edrych yn ôl ac ailadeiladu. Er bod hyn i'w groesawu heddiw, dwi'n meddwl bod yna lot fawr, fawr o waith i ni barhau i'w wneud i gefnogi ein hysgolion ni yn yr amgylchiadau eithriadol o anodd, ynghyd â dysgwyr o bob oed.
Hefyd, mae'n rhaid i ni gydnabod, yn hanesyddol felly, bod hon wedi bod yn broblem ddirfawr cyn COVID, ac felly ein bod ni rŵan yn gweld bod yna gamau wedi mynd nôl o ran cyrhaeddiad a sicrhau'r dechrau cyfartal a theg i bawb. Efo cymaint o deuluoedd, fel rydyn ni'n ei wybod, efo'r argyfwng rydyn ni'n ei weld rŵan, efo pobl yn methu fforddio bwyd, trydan, ac ati, mae hynna i gyd yn mynd i gael effaith ar ein plant a'n pobl ifanc ni, a'r trawma maen nhw'n ei brofi adref, sy'n mynd i'w gwneud hi mor anodd iddyn nhw fod yn gwneud eu gwaith ysgol—yn medru ffeindio gofod diogel, cynnes, clyd, a'r sicrwydd o gartref, er mwyn medru gwneud y gwaith. Mae hyn i gyd yn rhan o becyn.
Dwi'n falch o'ch clywed chi'n canolbwyntio ar bwysigrwydd cymuned. Yn amlwg, community-focused schools yn Gymraeg ydy 'ysgolion bro'. Ond beth ydy 'bro', a sut ydych chi'n ei ddiffinio fo o ran model ysgolion yr unfed ganrif ar hugain? Oherwydd, yn aml, rydyn ni'n gweld yr ysgolion gwych newydd yma allan o gymunedau, a mwy o ddysgwyr yn gorfod teithio iddyn nhw. Mae o'n bryder mawr gen i, ac mi rydyn ni wedi trafod yn y gorffennol, y ffaith bod yn rhaid i ddisgyblion deithio ar fws i gyrraedd yr ysgolion hyn, hyd yn oed ysgolion cynradd, gan deithio milltiroedd i'w cyrraedd nhw. Mae rhieni wedi siarad â mi ynglŷn â'r ffaith eu bod nhw'n gorfod teithio ar ddau neu dri bws i gyrraedd eu plentyn o'r ysgol os ydyn nhw'n sâl, neu i fynd i'r ysgol i noson rieni, ac ati.
Er bod yr adnoddau yma'n agored rŵan mewn rhai o'r ysgolion hyn, ac y bydd yna fwy o adnoddau ar gael, os nad ydy'n disgyblion mwyaf difreintiedig ni'n gallu defnyddio'r adnoddau hyn, yna onid ydym ni'n gwneud y bwlch hyd yn oed yn waeth? Felly, oes yna gynlluniau yn rhan o hyn hefyd i fuddsoddi mewn trafnidiaeth, er mwyn sicrhau bod pawb—? Oherwydd mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn realistig rŵan; dydy 'cymuned' ddim yn golygu eich bod chi'n gallu cerdded i'r ysgol yn y model sydd gennym ni o ran ysgolion rŵan. Mae cymuned yn gallu bod yn eang iawn, a dydy o ddim yn golygu 'bro' i nifer o bobl. Felly, sut mae pob disgybl yn mynd i gael y fantais o'r buddsoddiad hwn, fel ein bod ni ddim yn gweld yr anghysondeb hwnnw'n parhau?
Thank you, Deputy Llywydd, and thank you for your statement today, Minister. Like Laura Jones, I think we have to recognise the ongoing trauma for our children and young people. The pandemic is not over. We're seeing high numbers of teachers, children and young people not in school at the moment, and that the situation remains, and we're not yet in a period where we can look back and rebuild. Although this is to be welcomed today, I do think there's a huge amount of work for us to be doing in supporting our schools in these exceptionally difficult circumstances, as well as learners of all ages.
Also, we must recognise, historically, that this has been a grave problem pre COVID, and that we are now seeing that we have taken some backward steps in terms of attainment and ensuring that equal start for all. With so many families, as we know, with the cost-of-living crisis we're seeing now, with people not being able to afford food and electricity, and so on, that's all going to have an impact on our children and young people, and the trauma that they experience at home, which will make it so difficult for them to be doing their school work—finding a safe, warm space and having a home in order to do that work. This is all part of a package.
I was pleased to hear you focusing on the importance of community. You mentioned community-focused schools; in Welsh, they're called ysgolion bro. But how do you define that in terms of the twenty-first century schools model? Because, very often, we see these excellent new schools outwith communities, and more learners having to travel to them. It's a great concern of mine, and we've discussed this in the past, that some pupils have to travel by bus to get to these schools, even primary schools, travelling many miles to get to them. Parents have spoken to me about the fact that they have to travel on two or three buses to collect their child from school if they're unwell, or to go to a parents evening, and so on.
Although these resources are now open in some of these schools, and there will be further resources available, if our most disadvantaged pupils can't take advantage of those resources, aren't we exacerbating the problem? So, are there plans as part of this to invest in transport too, in order to ensure that everyone—? Because we have to be realistic now; 'community' doesn't mean that you should be able to walk to school in the model we have in terms of schools now. A community can be vast, and it doesn't necessarily mean a particular small catchment. So, how is every pupil going to benefit from this investment, so that we don't see these inconsistencies continuing?
First and foremost, whilst acknowledging the need to raise education standards, there is also a clear need for post-COVID education recovery, as was mentioned by our colleague Laura Jones. Massive amounts of education has been lost already, so a certain amount of recovery needs to happen before actually improving standards. I know some investment has been made, but teachers and parents have told me that schools have struggled to be able to spend this money in the time that was available to them—that actually the resources or people weren't available to help them bridge that gap. Therefore, I would like to ask you, Minister, with regard to education recovery spending, how much has been spent so far, how has the money been spent specifically, and how has this helped with attainment? As we know, Wales is also embarking on a major curriculum change, as well as additional learning needs reforms, which will pose the biggest challenge to the schools standards agenda yet in terms of the scale of the ambitions for change. How does the Minister envision that the new curriculum will improve standards, and also, does the Minister believe that the school budgets and workforce are in place to respond to the pressures posed by these reforms, and, specifically, in both languages?
Yn gyntaf oll, gan gydnabod yr angen i godi safonau addysg, mae hi'n amlwg hefyd fod angen adfer addysg ar ôl COVID, fel soniodd ein cyd-Aelod Laura Jones. Collwyd oriau lawer iawn o addysg eisoes, felly mae angen rhywfaint o adferiad cyn gwella safonau mewn gwirionedd. Fe wn i fod rhywfaint o fuddsoddiad wedi cael ei wneud, ond mae athrawon a rhieni wedi dweud wrthyf bod ysgolion wedi ei chael hi'n anodd gwario'r arian hwn yn yr amser a oedd ar gael iddyn nhw—nad oedd yr adnoddau na'r bobl ar gael mewn gwirionedd i'w helpu nhw i bontio'r bwlch hwnnw. Felly, fe hoffwn i ofyn i chi, Gweinidog, ynglŷn â gwariant ar adfer addysg, faint sydd wedi cael ei wario hyd yn hyn, sut cafodd yr arian ei wario yn benodol, a sut mae hyn wedi bod o gymorth gyda chyrhaeddiad? Fel y gwyddom ni, mae Cymru ar drothwy newid mawr yn y cwricwlwm hefyd, yn ogystal ag o ran diwygiadau anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, a fydd yn golygu'r her fwyaf eto i agenda safonau ysgolion o ran maint yr uchelgeisiau ar gyfer newid. Sut mae'r Gweinidog yn rhagweld y bydd y cwricwlwm newydd yn gwella safonau, a hefyd, a yw'r Gweinidog o'r farn bod cyllidebau a gweithlu ysgolion ar waith ar gyfer ymateb i'r pwysau a achosir gan y diwygiadau hyn, ac, yn benodol, yn y ddwy iaith?
Mi wnaethoch chi sôn, Weinidog,
Minister, you mentioned that
our learners deserve the best, and they deserve to be able to access and use the best too.
mae ein dysgwyr ni'n haeddu'r gorau, ac yn haeddu gallu cael gafael ar y gorau a'i ddefnyddio hefyd.
Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr efo hynny, ac, wrth gwrs, yn croesawu unrhyw fuddsoddiad sydd yn mynd tuag at hynny. Ond, fel roeddwn i'n ei ddweud, mae'n rhaid i bob disgybl fedru manteisio ar hynny, a rhaid hefyd eu bod nhw'n gallu manteisio ar hyn yn y ddwy iaith. Ar y funud, dydy hynny ddim yn wir. Rydyn ni'n gwybod o wrando ar ein plant a'n pobl ifanc ni eu bod nhw ddim yn gallu cael mynediad i glybiau brecwast, clybiau ar ôl ysgol, ac ati, a rhai o'r cynlluniau yn yr ysgolion hyn. Mae'n rhaid i bawb ddim jest bod y gorau yna iddyn nhw i'w ddefnyddio, ond rhaid iddyn nhw allu eu defnyddio nhw hefyd os ydym ni am weld y newidiadau rydyn ni i gyd eu heisiau.
Of course, I agree with that, and would welcome any investment towards that. But, as I said, every pupil must be able to benefit from that, and we must also ensure that they should be able to benefit in both languages. At the moment, that isn't the case. We know from speaking to our children and young people that they can't access breakfast clubs, after-school clubs, and so on, and some of the programmes in these schools. Everyone should not only have access to the best, but they should be able to access the best, if we are to see the changes that we all want to see.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiynau hynny. Mae hi'n gwbl gywir i ddweud bod angen parhau i gefnogi ysgolion drwy'r cyfnod y maen nhw'n mynd drwyddo ar hyn o bryd, sy'n gyfnod sy'n parhau i fod yn heriol, wrth gwrs. Mi wnaeth hi ofyn tua'r diwedd am gadarnhad o'r hyn sydd wedi cael ei wario yn cefnogi'n hysgolion ni. Yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon, er enghraifft, mae yna ryw £278 miliwn o arian yn benodol ar gyfer yr ymateb i COVID, sy'n gynnydd dros y £220 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol flaenorol. Mae'r ffynhonnell arian honno wedi dod i ben o ran yr arian sy'n cael ei ddarparu i Lywodraeth Cymru gan y Llywodraeth yn San Steffan, ond, er gwaethaf hynny, yn cydnabod y pwynt mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud nad yw'r angen yn dod i ben, byddwn ni'n parhau i ariannu'r cynllun AAAS, sydd yn rhyw £37.5 miliwn y flwyddyn hon ac yn y dyfodol, a hefyd arian ar ben hynny i ymateb i'r anghenion sydd yn dod gan ddysgwyr gydag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol ac ati, ynghyd â'r arian wnes i sôn amdano yn yr ateb i Laura Jones, sydd yn mynd i gael ei fuddsoddi i ymateb i'r heriau o ran iechyd meddwl a llesiant yn benodol i'n disgyblion ni ac i staff ysgol. Byddaf yn gwneud datganiad pellach ynglŷn â hynny yn y diwrnodau sydd i ddod.
Mae'n iawn beth mae'r Aelod yn ei ddweud bod y pwysau o ran costau byw ar rai o'n disgyblion ni yn ddirfawr ar hyn o bryd. Felly, rwy'n gwybod ei bod hi'n cydnabod ac yn croesawu beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gallu gwneud o ran ehangu'r PDG mynediad i'r disgyblion hynny sy'n manteisio ar hynny er mwyn cyrraedd mwy o gostau ysgol, ynghyd ag ymestyn ein gallu ni i ddarparu prydau bwyd am ddim dros y gwyliau, ac, ar ben hynny, yr ymrwymiadau yn y cytundeb cydweithio gyda Phlaid Cymru, wrth gwrs.
Gwnaeth hi bwynt pwysig ynglŷn â'r gallu i bob disgybl fanteisio ar yr hyn rydym ni'n sôn amdano fe yn y datganiad heddiw. Wrth gwrs, holl bwrpas y datganiad yw sicrhau bod y cyfleoedd a'r ddarpariaeth ar gael i bob disgybl. Roeddech chi'n sôn am ysgolion newydd; roeddwn i gyda Sioned Williams yn agor ysgol newydd yn fy etholaeth i ddydd Gwener diwethaf, sydd yn enghraifft ddisglair iawn o adnoddau cymunedol ar gael i gymuned. Mae cyfran uchel o ddisgyblion yn yr ysgol honno yn cael prydau am ddim. Roedd e'n grêt i weld y ddarpariaeth o ran adnoddau chwaraeon, ond hefyd drama, cerddoriaeth ac ati, fydd ar gael iddyn nhw, wrth gwrs, ond hefyd i'r gymuned ehangach.
Mae'r pwynt mae hi yn ei wneud o ran trafnidiaeth, wrth gwrs, yn bwynt pwysig iawn. Rwy'n cydnabod fod hynny'n ffactor pwysig. Rydym ni wedi cael trafodaethau eraill o ran pwysigrwydd hynny, ac rwy'n gwybod bod Lee Waters, fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am drafnidiaeth, yn edrych ar beth mwy gellid ei wneud yn y cyd-destun hwnnw am y rheswm pwysig mae hi yn ei ddweud.
Y pwynt diwethaf i'w wneud yw bod y cwricwlwm yn gyfle i ni allu sicrhau bod mynediad gan bob plentyn i'r safonau uchaf. Mae e'n rhoi hyblygrwydd, mae'n rhoi'r gallu i ysgogi pob disgybl mewn ffordd sydd yn ymateb i'w profiad nhw a'u blaenoriaethau nhw. Rwy'n credu bod yr ysgolion sydd yn gweithio gyda mwy o deuluoedd o gefndiroedd difreintiedig yn croesawu'r datblygiad, oherwydd ei fod yn cynnig mwy o gyfleoedd iddyn nhw. O ran adnoddau, wrth gwrs, mae mwy gyda ni i wneud o ran athrawon a gweithlu addysg yn y Gymraeg. Rydych chi'n gwybod ein bod ni'n gweithio ar hynny gyda rhanddeiliaid ar hyn o bryd, ac yn bwriadu cyhoeddi'r cynllun drafft hwnnw ym mis Mai. O ran cyllideb ysgolion, gwnaf jest atgoffa'r Aelod bod y setliad llywodraeth leol eleni yn rhyw 9.4 y cant yn uwch nag yr oedd e llynedd. Mae'n hanesyddol yn yr ystyr hwnnw. Mae'r pwysau, wrth gwrs, ar awdurdodau lleol yn uchel hefyd, ond mae hynny'n darparu sail gadarn ar gyfer ariannu ein hysgolion ni.
I thank the Member for those questions. She's entirely right in saying that we need to continue to support schools through the period they're going through at the moment, which continues to be challenging, of course. She asked towards the end for confirmation of what's been spent in supporting our schools. In this financial year, for example, some £278 million has been spent specifically in response to COVID, which is an increase on the £220 million in the previous financial year. That funding source has come to an end in terms of the funding provided to the Welsh Government by the Westminster Government, but, despite that, and recognising the point that the Member makes that the need doesn't come to an end, we will continue to fund a scheme of some £37.5 million this year and in the future, and then there will be funding to respond to the needs of learners with additional learning needs, as well as the funding I mentioned in response to Laura Jones, which will be invested in responding to the challenges in terms of mental health and well-being among our pupils and school staff. I will be making a further statement on that in the coming days.
The Member is right in saying that the pressure in terms of cost of living on some of our learners is huge at the moment. I know that she recognises and welcomes what the Welsh Government has been able to do in expanding the PDG access to those pupils who are eligible in order to meet costs, as well as extending our free school meal provision over the school holidays, and, in addition to that, the commitments in the co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru, of course.
She made an important point on the ability of all pupils being able to benefit from what we mentioned in our statement today. Of course, the whole purpose of the statement is to ensure that the opportunities and the provision are available to all pupils. You mentioned new schools; I was with Sioned Williams opening a new school in my own constituency last Friday, which is an excellent example of community resources being available in that community, and a high percentage of pupils in that school are in receipt of free school meals. It was great to see the provision in terms sports facilities, but also drama, music and so on, that will be available to them, of course, but also to the wider community.
The point that she makes in terms of transport is a very important one. I recognise that that is an important factor. We've had other discussions on the importance of that issue, and I know that Lee Waters, as the Minister responsible for transport, is looking at what else can be done in that context for the important reasons that she outlined.
Just on a final note, I will say that the curriculum is an opportunity for us to ensure that every child has access to the highest standards. It provides flexibility, it allows all pupils to be encouraged in a way that responds to their priorities and their needs. I think that the schools that work with more families from disadvantaged backgrounds do welcome these developments, because it provides them with more opportunities. In terms of resources, of course, there is more do be done in terms of teachers and the education workforce working through the medium of Welsh. You will know that we are working on that with stakeholders at the moment, and are intending to publish that draft plan in May. In terms of school budgets, I will just remind the Member that the local government settlement is some 9.4 per cent higher than it was last year. It's historic in that sense. There is pressure on local authorities, of course, yes, but that provides a firm foundation for funding our schools.
Minister, I very much welcome your commitment to put rocket boosters under the ambition to make all schools community focused. Like Laura Anne Jones, I feel this is a little bit overdue, but it's really good to hear that you are really going to deliver on this. It's really important that what the taxpayer funds is available to the taxpayer, rather than this deficit model that keeps families outside the school and only allows in those that they select.
We clearly have some challenges. This week, I was contacted by a family whose child had been out of school for two years—two years. So, I very much welcome your commitment to have more family engagement officers, because we really do need to be proactively chasing people when they don't turn up. This particularly happens when children leave primary school and go to secondary school, and during COVID this has been, honestly, a fantastically difficult problem. But you can see the sort of work we have to do.
I'm privileged to be a governor at a school where faith, equity and excellence are the mission statements of the school. The faith bit is not about religiosity, it's about respect and celebration of each pupil, their strengths and weaknesses, their needs and talents, and the contribution they can make to our wondrous but very troubled world. As you would expect, St Teilo's affirms both equity—
Gweinidog, rwy'n croesawu eich ymrwymiad chi'n fawr iawn i roi mwy o dân o dan yr uchelgais i sicrhau bod pob ysgol yn canolbwyntio ar y gymuned. Fel Laura Anne Jones, rwyf innau'n teimlo ei bod hi wedi mynd braidd yn hwyr, ond mae hi'n dda iawn gen i glywed eich bod chi am gyflawni hynny mewn gwirionedd. Mae hi'n bwysig iawn bod yr hyn y mae'r trethdalwr yn ei ariannu ar gael i'r trethdalwr, yn hytrach na'r model diffyg hwn sy'n cadw teuluoedd y tu allan i'r ysgol a dim ond yn caniatáu'r rhai y maen nhw'n eu dewis.
Mae hi'n amlwg bod rhai heriau gennym ni. Yr wythnos hon, fe gysylltodd teulu â mi yr oedd eu plentyn nhw wedi bod o'r ysgol am ddwy flynedd—dwy flynedd. Felly, rwy'n croesawu yn fawr iawn eich ymrwymiad chi i gael mwy o swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd, oherwydd mae gwir angen i ni fynd ar drywydd pobl mewn modd rhagweithiol pan na fyddan nhw'n bresennol. Mae hyn yn digwydd yn arbennig pan fydd plant yn gadael yr ysgol gynradd ac yn mynd i ysgol uwchradd, ac yn ystod COVID mae hon, a dweud y gwir, wedi bod yn broblem hynod o anodd. Ond rydych chi'n gallu gweld y math o waith y mae'n rhaid i ni ei wneud.
Fy mraint i yw cael bod yn llywodraethwr mewn ysgol sydd â ffydd, tegwch a rhagoriaeth yn ddatganiadau cenhadaeth i'r ysgol. Nid yw'r sôn am ffydd yn ymwneud â chrefyddusrwydd, ond yn hytrach â pharch a dathlu pob disgybl, eu cryfderau a'u gwendidau, eu hanghenion a'u doniau, a'r cyfraniad y gallan nhw ei wneud i'n byd anhygoel ond cythryblus iawn ni. Fel y byddech chi'n ei ddisgwyl, mae ysgol Teilo Sant yn cadarnhau tegwch a—
You need to come to your question.
Mae angen i chi ofyn eich cwestiwn.
—and excellence in everything it does, and it has a commitment to not dumping individual pupils who become hard to teach, who may have difficult lives at home or who have additional learning needs.
So, I do hope that you can give a commitment that schools will not simply be allowed to get rid of kids who they think are going to cause them problems and particularly are going to affect their exam results, because I think this is an issue in some schools. It certainly doesn't happen in the school where I'm a governor, but we need to ensure that we have the right support for each child so we are able to meet their needs in every aspect. So, I hope that you'll be able to reassure us that you'll take action to stop schools who exclude pupils because they don't like the look of them.
—a rhagoriaeth ym mhopeth sy'n cael ei wneud yno, ynghyd ag ymrwymiad i beidio â chael gwared ar ddisgyblion unigol sy'n mynd yn anodd eu haddysgu, a allai fod â bywydau anodd gartref neu sydd ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol.
Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch chi'n rhoi ymrwymiad na fydd ysgolion yn cael gwared ar blant y maen nhw o'r farn eu bod nhw am achosi problemau iddyn nhw ac yn arbennig am effeithio ar ganlyniadau eu harholiadau, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod honno'n broblem mewn rhai ysgolion. Yn sicr, nid yw hynny'n digwydd yn yr ysgol yr wyf i'n llywodraethwr ynddi hi, ond mae angen i ni sicrhau bod y gefnogaeth iawn gennym ni i bob plentyn ar gyfer er mwyn gallu diwallu pob agwedd ar eu hanghenion. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch chi'n gallu ein sicrhau ni y byddwch chi'n cymryd camau i atal ysgolion rhag gwahardd disgyblion am nad ydyn nhw'n hoffi'r olwg sydd arnyn nhw.
The Member has made some very, very important points in her question there, and I'm glad to hear of the school of which she's a governor focusing so clearly on the importance of pupils being in school as the best environment in terms of their well-being, but, obviously, certainly the best environment in terms of their learning.
We've been doing a significant piece of work in relation to absence, not solely to look at the data, which is, obviously, publicly available, but to drill down beneath that into the experiences of school, as to why pupils are perhaps persistently absent and the kind of more qualitative information that is essential for us to understand if we are to put in place the right responses as a Government to support schools in making sure that pupils come back to school.
And some of that is around confidence in the sense of well-being in pupils, some of it is around—. You know, the last two years has been an experience where some families will have identified not being at school as part of the normal experience of a pupil. Well, that must not be allowed to take hold in the longer term, obviously. But that is not a short-term—. That is not a short-term challenge; I think we are going to need to be working on this consistently.
The point that she made around how we assess how schools are performing—actually, part of what I was referring to in my statement is broadening how we look at this in terms of a school's performance, if you like, and moving away from looking simply at exam results and looking at questions to do with attendance and exclusion and health and well-being in a much more holistic way, which I think captures the kind of priorities that Jenny Rathbone was spelling out in her question.
Fe wnaeth yr Aelod rai pwyntiau pwysig iawn yn ei chwestiwn hi yn y fan yna, ac rwy'n falch o'i chlywed hi'n sôn am yr ysgol y mae hi'n llywodraethwr ynddi sy'n canolbwyntio mor amlwg ar bwysigrwydd sicrhau bod disgyblion yn yr ysgol sy'n golygu'r amgylchedd gorau er eu llesiant nhw, ond, yn amlwg, yn sicr yr amgylchedd gorau o ran eu haddysg.
Rydym ni wedi bod yn gwneud darn sylweddol o waith o ran absenoldeb, nid yn unig i ystyried y data, sydd, yn amlwg, ar gael i'r cyhoedd, ond i edrych yn fanylach na hynny ar brofiadau'r ysgol, o ran yr achosion i absenoldebau parhaus disgyblion yn ogystal â'r math o wybodaeth fwy ansoddol sy'n hanfodol i ni ei deall os ydym ni'n awyddus i roi'r ymatebion cywir ar waith fel Llywodraeth i gefnogi ysgolion a gwneud yn siŵr bod disgyblion yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol.
Ac mae rhywfaint o hynny'n ymwneud â hyder yn ymdeimlad o lesiant y disgyblion, mae rhywfaint o hynny o amgylch—. Wyddoch chi, mae'r ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf wedi bod yn brofiad i rai teuluoedd o fod ag ymdeimlad o beidio â bod yn yr ysgol fel rhan o brofiad arferol disgybl. Wel, ni ddylid caniatáu i hynny wreiddio i'r tymor hwy, yn amlwg. Ond nid her fyrdymor yw honno—. Nid her fyrdymor mo honno; rwyf i o'r farn y bydd angen i ni fod yn gweithio ar hyn yn gyson.
Mae'r pwynt a wnaeth hi ynglŷn â'n dull ni o asesu sut y mae ysgolion yn perfformio—mewn gwirionedd, rhan o'r hyn yr oeddwn i'n cyfeirio ato yn fy natganiad yw ehangu ar sut yr ydym ni'n edrych ar hyn o ran perfformiad ysgol, os hoffech chi, a symud oddi wrth edrych dim ond ar ganlyniadau arholiadau ac edrych ar gwestiynau sy'n ymwneud â phresenoldeb a gwahardd ac iechyd a llesiant mewn ffordd lawer mwy cyfannol, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn amlygu'r math o flaenoriaethau yr oedd Jenny Rathbone yn manylu arnyn nhw yn ei chwestiwn hi.
Diolch, Weinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Eitem 5 heddiw yw'r datganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar y Ddeddf plant (Cymru).
The next item is item 5, statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Services on the children (Wales) Act.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Dwi'n hapus iawn i fod yma heddiw ar ddiwrnod hanesyddol i blant a'u hawliau.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'm delighted to be here today on a historic day for children and their rights.
I'm absolutely delighted that the Children (Abolition of Defence of Reasonable Punishment) (Wales) Act 2020 came into force yesterday. The Government has a long-standing commitment to children’s rights, based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our strong focus on children’s rights, and respecting children and young people as citizens in their own right, will help ensure their needs are met and their ambitions realised, making Wales a truly wonderful place to grow up in.
Consistent with our approach, and with the UNCRC article 19, children now have legal protection from all forms of violence. The law sends the message that no physical punishment is acceptable in Wales, making it clear and easy for everyone to understand: children should never be physically punished, under any circumstances. Terms like 'light smack' or 'loving smack' make light of physical punishment in a way that would be totally unacceptable if applied to adults. After decades of campaigning, I'm glad children in Wales now have the same legal protection from assault as adults. Children, who are more physically and emotionally vulnerable than adults, deserve nothing less. Simply put, big people shouldn’t hit little people.
The clarity in the law will provide a clearer and more consistent basis for practitioners to support parents to adopt positive forms of discipline. From the outset, we said we would put every effort into effective implementation of the Act and ensuring public, professionals and parents would be prepared for when the law changed. We've worked with many partners across key sectors, including health, education, local authorities, social services, police, the Crown Prosecution Service, youth justice, the third sector and community leaders, and I'm grateful for their determination to work collaboratively implementing the Act. And I would particularly like to thank the Children's Commissioner for Wales, Sally Holland, for her absolute commitment to this issue and for working steadfastly to promote and safeguard children's rights.
Hyfrydwch pur i mi yw bod Deddf Plant (Diddymu Amddiffyniad Cosb Resymol) (Cymru) 2020 wedi dod i rym ddoe. Mae gan y Llywodraeth ymrwymiad hirsefydlog i sicrhau hawliau plant, ar sail Confensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn. Fe fydd ein pwyslais cryf ni ar hawliau plant, a pharchu plant a phobl ifanc fel dinasyddion drwy eu hawliau eu hunain, yn helpu i sicrhau bod eu hanghenion nhw'n cael eu diwallu a bod eu huchelgeisiau nhw'n cael eu gwireddu, gan wneud Cymru yn lle gwirioneddol wych i dyfu fyny.
Yn gyson â'n dull ni o weithredu, a gydag erthygl 19 CCUHP, mae plant yn cael eu hamddiffyn yn ôl y gyfraith erbyn hyn rhag pob math o drais. Mae'r gyfraith yn anfon y neges nad oes unrhyw gosb gorfforol yn dderbyniol yng Nghymru, gan wneud hynny'n eglur ac yn hawdd i bawb ei ddeall: ni ddylai plant fyth gael eu cosbi'n gorfforol, o dan unrhyw amgylchiadau. Mae termau fel 'smac ysgafn' neu 'smac o gariad' yn bychanu effaith cosbi corfforol mewn ffordd a fyddai'n gwbl annerbyniol pe bai hynny'n digwydd yn achos oedolion. Wedi degawdau o ymgyrchu, rwy'n falch bod gan blant yng Nghymru yr un amddiffyniad cyfreithiol rhag ymosodiadau ag oedolion erbyn hyn. Nid yw plant, sy'n fwy agored i niwed yn gorfforol ac yn emosiynol nag oedolion, yn haeddu dim llai na hynny. Yn syml, ni ddylai pobl fawr daro pobl bach.
Fe fydd yr eglurder yn y gyfraith yn rhoi sail sy'n fwy eglur a chyson i ymarferwyr wrth gefnogi rhieni i fabwysiadu dulliau adeiladol o ddisgyblaeth. O'r cychwyn cyntaf, roeddem ni'n mynegi y byddem ni'n gwneud pob ymdrech i weithredu'r Ddeddf yn effeithiol a sicrhau y byddai'r cyhoedd, gweithwyr proffesiynol a rhieni yn barod ar gyfer y newid yn y gyfraith. Rydym ni wedi gweithio gyda llawer o bartneriaid ar draws y sectorau allweddol, gan gynnwys iechyd, addysg, awdurdodau lleol, gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, yr heddlu, Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron, cyfiawnder ieuenctid, y trydydd sector ac arweinwyr cymunedol, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar am eu penderfyniad nhw i gydweithio i weithredu'r Ddeddf. Ac fe hoffwn i ddiolch yn arbennig i Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru, Sally Holland, am ei hymrwymiad llwyr hi i'r mater hwn ac am weithio yn ddiwyro i hybu a diogelu hawliau plant.
The past two years since the Act was passed have been exceptionally challenging. Despite the pandemic, a phenomenal response from stakeholders has enabled us to achieve a huge amount since the first meeting of our strategic implementation group in May 2019. The Children, Young People and Education Committee were clear during scrutiny that, to ensure the Act benefits children and their families, we should make sure everyone is aware the law has changed and support parents to adopt positive parenting styles. An extensive multimedia communications and engagement campaign is ensuring maximum awareness of the law changes. Our campaign has included television and radio adverts, out-of-home print and digital advertising, and a national leafleting campaign. The campaign will continue post commencement to maintain levels of public awareness. Our dedicated website includes information for parents, other members of the public and professionals.
Children in Wales are working with us on an engagement plan, and resources to support awareness raising with children and information will be embedded within schools and existing initiatives, so it can be framed and discussed within a children's rights context, in an appropriate setting. As part of our engagement work, we've connected with groups and communities where there may be barriers to communication, and this has included producing resources in a range of languages and formats to suit a variety of needs. Alongside the campaign, we're providing a great deal of information, advice and support for parents, including through health visitors, our family support programmes and our 'Parenting. Give it Time' campaign.
Our parenting expert action group thoroughly reviewed the availability of parenting provision. Where gaps were identified, local authorities are working together and/or commissioning specialist support. Their comprehensive review of the 'Parenting. Give it Time' campaign has ensured it complements the Act, and parenting advice is available for parents with children from birth to 18 years.
We’ve worked with partners to consider the impact on professional processes. A practice guide, complementing existing safeguarding procedures, has been published, providing additional information for practitioners about safeguarding responses in relation to the Act. Ultimately, we want messages about the law to be embedded into existing services. We have therefore updated the Healthy Child Wales programme guidance so health visitors have information needed when talking with parents. And the law makes it clear: physical punishment of children is illegal. As acknowledged during scrutiny, a small number of individuals may be charged or prosecuted in circumstances where, prior to commencement, they might not have.
The Children, Young People and Education Committee's Stage 1 report recommended a scheme should divert cases away from the criminal justice system, where appropriate, with a focus on supporting parents rather than penalising them. So, working closely with police and local authorities, we've set up tailored parenting support, which can be offered as a condition of an out-of-court disposal and as a rehabilitative alternative to prosecution. Where police decide an out-of-court disposal is appropriate, parenting support can be offered to avoid re-offending. Welsh local authorities will receive up to £2.4 million over the next three years to fund this, in addition to almost £500,000 already received.
The support will encourage and help parents to adopt positive parenting techniques while making it absolutely clear that the physical punishment of children is unacceptable in all circumstances, and, from this point on, illegal. The Act places a duty on Welsh Government to publish a post-implementation report three and five years after commencement, or as soon as practicable after that. We've worked with police, social services, the Crown Prosecution Service and others to agree arrangements to monitor the impact of the Act on them, and we will continue to use representative surveys to track levels of public awareness and changes in attitudes.
So, I want to end by thanking those who've worked so hard to prepare for the commencement. This legislation represents a genuinely historic step in helping protect children's rights and their welfare. It sends a clear message about how, in Wales, we think about our children and young people, that we respect, we want the best for them and will do everything we can to make the experience of childhood as good as possible. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Mae'r ddwy flynedd a aeth heibio ers pasio'r Ddeddf wedi bod yn eithriadol o heriol. Er gwaethaf y pandemig, mae'r ymateb rhyfeddol a gafwyd gan randdeiliaid wedi ein galluogi ni i gyflawni llawer iawn ers cyfarfod cyntaf ein grŵp gweithredu strategol ym mis Mai 2019. Roedd y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yn eglur yn ystod y broses graffu y dylem ni wneud yn siŵr bod y Ddeddf o fudd i blant a'u teuluoedd, i sicrhau bod pawb yn ymwybodol bod y gyfraith wedi newid a chefnogi rhieni i fabwysiadu dulliau cadarnhaol o fagu plant. Mae'r ymgyrch gyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu amlgyfrwng helaeth yn sicrhau'r ymwybyddiaeth fwyaf bosibl o'r newidiadau yn y gyfraith. Mae ein hymgyrch ni wedi cynnwys hysbysebion teledu a radio, ac mewn print y tu allan i'r cartref a hysbysebu digidol, ac fe fu yna ymgyrch genedlaethol o ddosbarthu taflenni. Fe fydd yr ymgyrch yn parhau ar ôl dechrau'r newid ar gyfer cynnal cyfraddau ymwybyddiaeth ymysg y cyhoedd. Mae ein gwefan bwrpasol ni'n cynnwys gwybodaeth i rieni, aelodau eraill o'r cyhoedd, a gweithwyr proffesiynol.
Mae Plant yng Nghymru yn cydweithio â ni ar gynllun ymgysylltu, ac fe fydd adnoddau i gefnogi codi ymwybyddiaeth gyda phlant a bydd gwybodaeth yn cael ei gwreiddio mewn ysgolion a mentrau sy'n bodoli eisoes, fel y gellir fframio hyn a'i drafod yng nghyd-destun hawliau plant, mewn lleoliadau addas. Yn rhan o'n gwaith ni o ymgysylltu, rydym ni wedi cysylltu â grwpiau a chymunedau lle gellid bod rhwystrau o ran cyfathrebu, ac mae hyn wedi cynnwys cynhyrchu adnoddau mewn amrywiaeth o ieithoedd a fformatau sy'n addas ar gyfer amrywiaeth o anghenion. Ochr yn ochr â'r ymgyrch hon, rydym ni'n darparu llawer iawn o wybodaeth, cyngor a chefnogaeth i rieni, gan gynnwys gan ymwelwyr iechyd, ein rhaglenni cymorth i deuluoedd a'n hymgyrch 'Magu Plant. Rhowch Amser Iddo'.
Fe adolygodd ein grŵp gweithredu arbenigol ar fagu plant y ddarpariaeth sydd ar gael i rieni yn drylwyr iawn. Pan nodwyd bylchau, mae awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd a/neu'n comisiynu cymorth arbenigol. Mae eu hadolygiad cynhwysfawr o ymgyrch 'Magu Plant. Rhowch Amser Iddo' wedi sicrhau bod honno'n ategu'r Ddeddf, ac mae cyngor ar fagu plant ar gael i rieni â phlant o'u geni hyd at 18 oed.
Rydym ni wedi gweithio gyda phartneriaid i ystyried effaith hyn ar brosesau proffesiynol. Cyhoeddwyd canllaw ar gyfer ymarferwyr, sy'n ategu'r gweithdrefnau diogelu presennol, ac mae'n cynnig gwybodaeth ychwanegol i ymarferwyr ynglŷn ag ymatebion diogelu o ran y Ddeddf. Yn y pen draw, rydym ni'n dymuno i'r negeseuon am y gyfraith gael eu hymgorffori yn y gwasanaethau cyfredol. Felly, rydym ni wedi diweddaru canllawiau rhaglen Plant Iach Cymru fel y bydd y wybodaeth angenrheidiol gan yr ymwelwyr iechyd pan fyddan nhw'n siarad â rhieni. Ac mae'r gyfraith yn ei gwneud hi'n eglur iawn: mae cosbi plant yn gorfforol yn erbyn y gyfraith. Fel y cafodd ei gydnabod yn ystod y broses graffu, fe allai nifer fach o unigolion gael eu cyhuddo neu eu herlyn mewn amgylchiadau na fyddai wedi digwydd cyn y newid yn y gyfraith.
Roedd adroddiad Cyfnod 1 y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yn argymell y dylid bod â chynllun i ddargyfeirio achosion oddi wrth y system cyfiawnder troseddol, pan fo hynny'n briodol, gan ganolbwyntio ar gefnogi rhieni yn hytrach na'u cosbi nhw. Felly, gan weithio yn agos gyda'r heddlu ac awdurdodau lleol, rydym ni wedi sefydlu cymorth i fagu plant a addaswyd yn arbennig, y gellir ei gynnig fel amod i benderfyniad y tu allan i'r llys ac fel dewis amgen ar gyfer adsefydlu yn hytrach nag erlyn. Pan fydd yr heddlu o'r farn bod penderfyniad y tu allan i'r llys yn briodol, fe ellir cynnig cymorth magu plant i osgoi aildroseddu. Fe fydd awdurdodau lleol Cymru yn cael hyd at £2.4 miliwn dros y tair blynedd nesaf i ariannu hyn, yn ogystal â'r bron i £500,000 a roddwyd eisoes.
Fe fydd y cymorth yn annog ac yn helpu rhieni i fabwysiadu dulliau cadarnhaol o fagu plant gan fynegi gydag eglurder llwyr ei bod hi'n annerbyniol dan unrhyw amgylchiadau i gosbi plentyn yn gorfforol, ac, o'r pwynt hwn ymlaen, fe fydd hynny'n anghyfreithlon. Mae'r Ddeddf yn rhoi dyletswydd ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyhoeddi adroddiad ôl-weithredu dair a phum mlynedd ar ôl ei chychwyn, neu chyn gynted ag y bo hynny'n ymarferol wedyn. Rydym ni wedi gweithio gyda'r heddlu, y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron ac eraill i gytuno ar drefniadau i fonitro effaith y Ddeddf arnyn nhw, ac fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i ddefnyddio arolygon cynrychioliadol i olrhain cyfraddau'r ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith y cyhoedd a'r newidiadau o ran agweddau.
Felly, fe hoffwn i orffen drwy ddiolch i'r rhai sydd wedi gweithio mor galed i baratoi ar gyfer ei chychwyn. Mae'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn gam gwirioneddol hanesyddol o ran helpu i ddiogelu hawliau plant a'u llesiant nhw. Dyma neges eglur am ein hymagwedd ni, yng Nghymru, at ein plant a'n pobl ifanc ni, ein bod ni'n eu parchu nhw, a'n bod ni eisiau'r gorau ar eu cyfer ac y byddwn ni'n gwneud popeth sydd yn ein gallu i wneud y profiad o blentyndod mor llesol â phosibl. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Ar ran y Ceidwadwyr, Janet Finch-Saunders.
Conservative spokesperson, Janet Finch-Saunders.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer, and I think it is no secret and many know well here that I fully disagree with the children (Wales) Act, and I actually condemn any attempt to prioritise the criminalisation of good, loving and caring parents. With this Act, this Welsh Labour Government is now reaching further into the private lives of families, creating a nanny state, where Welsh Government think that they know best when it comes to the protection and safeguarding of our children.
The explanatory memorandum stated that the preferred option to
'Legislate to remove the defence of reasonable punishment in Wales'
would cost a total to our taxpayers of between £6 million and £8 million. Isn't it a shame, when children can't access dental services, when they can't access mental health services, that it's felt so important to actually bring this legislation in? So far, the Welsh Government has already spent just under £1.7 million. However, it seems that costs are spiralling. The Bill's supporting documentation included funding for an out-of-court parenting support scheme, to be used where the police decided it is more appropriate to do so, and I can tell you locally we have children that are falling through the safeguarding net because our departments don't have the resources now, Deputy Minister, so, this is just going to compound pressures.
Between £162,000 and £473,000 per year was initially allocated for the scheme, but the allocation in the 2022-23 draft budget is now nearly double that. In an effort to justify this doubling of costs, you stated to the Children, Young People, and Education Committee, and I quote:
'When we indicated a sum of money for this scheme, that was done without having done the intensive work that's been done since.'
Today, we learn that the budget has now jumped from £473,000 per year to £2.4 million—
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, ac rwyf i o'r farn nad yw hi'n gyfrinach ac mae llawer yn gwybod yn iawn yn y fan hon fy mod yn anghytuno yn llwyr â Deddf plant (Cymru) ac rwyf i'n condemnio, mewn gwirionedd, unrhyw ymgais i flaenoriaethu troseddoli rhieni da, cariadus a gofalgar. Gyda'r Ddeddf hon, mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur hon yng Nghymru yn ymestyn ymhellach fyth i fywydau preifat teuluoedd, gan greu gwladwriaeth nani, lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn credu mai hi sy'n gwybod orau am amddiffyn a diogelu ein plant ni.
Roedd y memorandwm esboniadol yn nodi y byddai'r opsiwn a ffefrir i
'Deddfu i gael gwared ag amddiffyniad cosb resymol yng Nghymru'
yn costio cyfanswm o rhwng £6 miliwn ac £8 miliwn i'n trethdalwyr. Onid yw hi'n drueni, pan nad yw plant yn gallu cael gafael ar wasanaethau deintyddol, pan na allan nhw gael defnydd o wasanaethau iechyd meddwl, fod cyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn cael ei ystyried yn beth mor bwysig mewn gwirionedd? Hyd yn hyn, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwario ychydig o dan £1.7 miliwn yn barod. Er hynny, mae hi'n ymddangos bod costau yn cynyddu fwyfwy. Roedd dogfennau ategol y Bil yn cynnwys cyllid ar gyfer cynllun cymorth y tu allan i'r llys ar gyfer magu plant, i'w ddefnyddio pan yr oedd yr heddlu yn penderfynu ei bod hi'n fwy priodol gwneud felly, ac rwyf i'n gallu dweud wrthych chi fod gennym ni blant yn lleol sy'n syrthio drwy'r rhwyd ddiogelu oherwydd nad yw'r adnoddau gan ein hadrannau ni nawr, Dirprwy Weinidog, felly, fe fydd hyn yn cynyddu'r pwysau arnyn nhw.
Fe ddyrannwyd rhwng £162,000 a £473,000 y flwyddyn ar gyfer y cynllun i ddechrau, ond mae'r dyraniad yng nghyllideb ddrafft 2022-23 bron ddwywaith cymaint â hynny erbyn hyn. Mewn ymdrech i gyfiawnhau dyblu'r costau hyn, roeddech chi'n dweud wrth y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg, ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'Pan wnaethom ni nodi swm o arian ar gyfer y cynllun hwn, cafodd hynny ei wneud cyn gwneud y gwaith manwl a wnaethpwyd oddi ar hynny.'
Heddiw, rydym ni'n dysgu bod y gyllideb wedi neidio o £473,000 y flwyddyn i £2.4 miliwn erbyn hyn—
Llyr Gruffydd a gododd—
Llyr Gruffydd rose—
Do you want an intervention?
A ydych chi'n gofyn am ymyriad?
No, there are no interventions to a statement.
Nac ydw, nid oes ymyriadau gyda datganiad.
Oh, it's a statement. Sorry.
O, datganiad yw hwn. Mae'n ddrwg gen i.
So, I'll be expecting the Member to come to a question soon.
Felly, rwy'n disgwyl i'r Aelod ofyn ei chwestiwn hi'n fuan.
—over the next three years. So, Deputy Minister, I do respect what you are trying to attempt in this, but I'm telling you here and now this will backfire, and it's just a shame that our children are being used in this way.
So, answer these questions if you wouldn't mind: will the Deputy Minister explain to this Senedd why she introduced a Bill, drove it to Royal Assent and, to quote you,
'without having done the intensive work'
that's had to be done since?
In fact, this is not the first time that you've been caught out with spiralling costs. Since the explanatory memorandum, the Bill has increased from a range of between £2.3 million and £3.7 million to £6.2 million and £7.9 million respectively. The revised regulatory impact assessment provides a total cost of awareness-raising activities of £2.8 million, previously described as being in a range of £1.3 million. And information on the out-of-court disposal schemes, not originally costed, was estimated at between £810,000 and £2.5 million. This legislation should be a lesson to all that costings need to be properly calculated and taken into account before agreeing to any new legislation. Question 2: will you clarify if the Act is now going to cost more than the highest estimate of £8 million and why you chose to waste such resources on legislation that gives control over enforcement to two reserved institutions, the Crown Prosecution Service and the police?
Thirteen years after the introduction of the smacking ban in New Zealand, a survey found that almost 40 per cent of mothers would still smack their child and 70 per cent would not report a parent if they witnessed them smacking their child on the bottom or the hand. Question 3: bearing in mind your commitment to use representative surveys to track levels of public awareness and changes in attitude, will you agree for the surveys to be answered anonymously, so to establish if parents continue to use reasonable chastisement and would not report a parent?
Deputy Minister, you know how strongly I and some of the Members on these benches feel. We do not believe that this legislation was necessary or required. I would like to thank all those parents who bring up their children in this era of a Welsh Labour Government with massive levels of child poverty, and they do so in a caring, loving and considered household. Diolch.
—dros y tair blynedd nesaf. Felly, Dirprwy Weinidog, rwy'n parchu'r hyn yr ydych chi'n ymgeisio i'w gyflawni yn hyn o beth, ond rwy'n dweud wrthych chi yma nawr y bydd hyn yn dod yn ôl i'ch brathu, ac mae hi'n drueni bod ein plant ni'n cael eu defnyddio fel hyn.
Felly, a fyddech chi cystal ag ateb y cwestiynau hyn: a wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog esbonio i'r Senedd hon pam y cyflwynodd hi Fil, ei ddwyn i Gydsyniad Brenhinol ac, i'ch dyfynnu chi,
'cyn gwneud y gwaith manwl'
y bu'n rhaid ei wneud ers hynny?
Yn wir, nid dyma'r tro cyntaf i chi gael eich dal allan gyda chostau cynyddol. Ers y memorandwm esboniadol, mae'r Bil wedi cynyddu o ystod o rhwng £2.3 miliwn a £3.7 miliwn i £6.2 miliwn a £7.9 miliwn yn y drefn honno. Mae'r asesiad diwygiedig o'r effaith reoleiddiol yn darparu cyfanswm cost gweithgareddau codi ymwybyddiaeth o £2.8 miliwn, a ddisgrifiwyd yn flaenorol fel rhai mewn ystod o £1.3 miliwn. Ac fe amcangyfrifwyd bod gwybodaeth am y cynlluniau i benderfyniad y tu allan i'r llys, nad oedd cost ar hynny'n wreiddiol, rhwng £810,000 a £2.5 miliwn. Fe ddylai'r ddeddfwriaeth hon fod yn wers i bawb bod angen cyfrifo'r costau yn briodol a'u hystyried cyn cytuno ar unrhyw ddeddfwriaeth newydd. Cwestiwn 2: a wnewch chi egluro a yw'r Ddeddf yn mynd i gostio mwy nawr na'r amcangyfrif uchaf o £8 miliwn a pham wnaethoch chi ddewis gwastraffu adnoddau o'r fath ar ddeddfwriaeth sy'n rhoi rheolaeth dros orfodi i ddau sefydliad a gadwyd yn ôl, sef Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron a'r heddlu?
Dair blynedd ar ddeg ar ôl cyflwyno gwaharddiad ar daro plant yn Seland Newydd, roedd arolwg yn canfod y byddai bron i 40 y cant o famau yn parhau i daro eu plant ac na fyddai 70 y cant o bobl yn adrodd am riant pe bydden nhw'n eu gweld nhw'n taro plentyn ar ei ben ôl neu ar ei law. Cwestiwn 3: o gofio eich ymrwymiad chi i ddefnyddio arolygon cynrychioliadol i olrhain cyfraddau ymwybyddiaeth ymhlith y cyhoedd a newidiadau o ran ymagwedd, a ydych chi'n cytuno i'r ymatebion i'r arolygon fod yn ddienw, ar gyfer gweld a yw rhieni yn parhau i ddefnyddio cosb resymol ac na fyddech chi'n adrodd am riant sy'n gwneud felly?
Dirprwy Weinidog, rydych chi'n gwybod pa mor gryf yw barn rhai o'r Aelodau ar y meinciau hyn, yn ogystal â minnau. Nid ydym ni'n credu bod y ddeddfwriaeth hon yn angenrheidiol nac yn ofynnol. Fe hoffwn i ddiolch i'r holl rieni hynny sy'n magu plant yn y cyfnod hwn yn ystod Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru gyda chyfraddau mawr iawn o dlodi plant, ac yn gwneud hynny ar aelwyd sy'n ofalgar, gariadus ac ystyriol. Diolch.
Well, I thank Janet Finch-Saunders for that contribution. I really wonder who she thinks that she is speaking for when you're continuing your opposition to this Act, and I'd like to remind her that when this law went through this Chamber we had very strong support from two members of her party and one particular Member was part of the core group that campaigned tirelessly for this legislation to be brought in, so she certainly doesn't speak for her party. I really think that you're on the wrong side of history, Janet. It cannot be right for a big person to be able to hit a little person, and that—[Interruption.]
Wel, diolch i Janet Finch-Saunders am y cyfraniad yna. Tybed o ddifri ar ran pwy y mae hi'n credu ei bod yn siarad pan fyddwch yn parhau â'ch gwrthwynebiad i'r Ddeddf hon, a hoffwn ei hatgoffa, pan aeth y gyfraith hon drwy'r Siambr hon, cawsom gefnogaeth gref iawn gan ddau aelod o'i phlaid hi ac roedd un Aelod penodol yn rhan o'r grŵp craidd a ymgyrchodd yn ddiflino dros gyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth hon, felly yn sicr nid yw'n siarad ar ran ei phlaid. Rwy'n credu mewn gwirionedd eich bod ar ochr anghywir hanes, Janet. Ni all fod yn iawn i unigolyn mawr gael taro unigolyn bach, a hynny—[Torri ar draws.]
I would like to hear the Deputy Minister give the answer to the questions you have asked.
Hoffwn i glywed y Dirprwy Weinidog yn rhoi'r ateb i'r cwestiynau yr ydych wedi eu gofyn.
I think this is a fantastic move by the Welsh Government. It has committed itself to children, and we're also in tune with the public. There was a survey—[Interruption.]
Rwy'n credu bod hwn yn gam gwych gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae wedi ymrwymo ei hun i blant, ac rydym ni hefyd mewn cytgord â'r cyhoedd. Cafwyd arolwg—[Torri ar draws.]
Excuse me, Deputy Minister. At this point in time, this is a statement. You asked questions to the Minister, the Minister is now required to respond to those questions. It is not a debate, and please remember that. There's no point of order about giving additional information; these are the questions you should have asked to the Minister at the time. Deputy Minister.
Esgusodwch fi, Dirprwy Weinidog. Ar hyn o bryd, datganiad yw hwn. Gofynnoch chi gwestiynau i'r Gweinidog, mae'n ofynnol yn awr i'r Gweinidog ymateb i'r cwestiynau hynny. Nid yw'n ddadl, a chofiwch hynny. Nid oes pwynt o drefn ynghylch rhoi gwybodaeth ychwanegol; dyma'r cwestiynau y dylech chi fod wedi eu gofyn i'r Gweinidog ar y pryd. Dirprwy Weinidog.
Yes. There was a YouGov survey yesterday that showed that 68 per cent of the public in England thought that this legislation should be introduced in England, and I think that you'll find that this is the way the mood is going. There was a time when physical punishment was accepted, but now, in all our surveys it shows that younger parents, younger families don't even consider physically punishing their children. In fact, most of them think it's illegal already, before we passed this Act. So, I really think that you, as I said, are on the wrong side of history.
But then, to go on to some of the other specific questions you asked: from 2016 to March 2022, the cost was £2.5 million and that was over six years, which I think is very reasonable, and the proposed expenditure for the next three years is £3.44 million, and that will cover the awareness raising and engagement and the out-of-court parenting support. I think what you fail to realise, Janet, is that this is the result of a huge amount of collaborative working, that we set up an implementation group when this law was passed and we worked in that implementation group so closely with the police and with the Crown Prosecution Service, so that we produced something that is a joint product, because that's how we want to do things in this Government; we want to work with our partners. So, we worked together to have the out-of-court disposal scheme, which I think is absolutely crucial because we want to give all the help we possibly can to parents, and we do. We think physical punishment is wrong, but along with making it illegal, we are there giving additional support to parents, and I said in my introduction how much money we're giving to the local authorities in order to help support parents, and that is additional money. So, I think that, as I said, every penny is worth it. And, you started off by really saying, 'Why on earth did we introduce this Bill?' We introduced this Bill to make sure that children have as good lives as they possibly can.
Do. Cafwyd arolwg gan YouGov ddoe a ddangosodd fod 68 y cant o'r cyhoedd yn Lloegr o'r farn y dylid cyflwyno'r ddeddfwriaeth hon yn Lloegr, ac rwy'n credu y gwelwch chi mai dyma'r farn gyffredin. Roedd adeg pan oedd cosb gorfforol yn dderbyniol, ond erbyn hyn, yn ein holl arolygon mae'n dangos nad yw rhieni iau, teuluoedd iau yn ystyried cosbi eu plant yn gorfforol hyd yn oed. Yn wir, mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw'n credu ei fod yn anghyfreithlon yn barod, cyn i ni basio'r Ddeddf hon. Felly, rwy'n credu mewn gwirionedd eich bod chi, fel y dywedais, ar ochr anghywir hanes.
Ond wedyn, i symud ymlaen at rai o'r cwestiynau penodol eraill y gwnaethoch eu gofyn: rhwng 2016 a mis Mawrth 2022, y gost oedd £2.5 miliwn ac roedd hynny dros chwe blynedd, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn rhesymol iawn, a'r gwariant arfaethedig am y tair blynedd nesaf yw £3.44 miliwn, a bydd hynny'n cwmpasu codi ymwybyddiaeth ac ymgysylltu a'r cymorth rhianta ar gyfer datrysiadau y tu allan i'r llys. Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn nad ydych yn ei sylweddoli, Janet, yw bod hyn yn ganlyniad i lawer iawn o gydweithio, ein bod ni wedi sefydlu grŵp gweithredu pan basiwyd y gyfraith hon a buom yn gweithio yn y grŵp gweithredu hwnnw mor agos gyda'r heddlu a gyda Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron, fel ein bod ni wedi cynhyrchu rhywbeth sy'n gynnyrch ar y cyd, oherwydd dyna sut yr ydym yn dymuno gwneud pethau yn y Llywodraeth hon; rydym yn dymuno gweithio gyda'n partneriaid. Felly, buom yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd i gael y cynllun datrysiadau y tu allan i'r llys, sydd, yn fy marn i, yn gwbl hanfodol oherwydd ein bod yn dymuno rhoi cymaint o gymorth â phosibl i rieni, ac rydym yn gwneud hynny. Nid ydym yn credu bod cosb gorfforol yn iawn, ond ynghyd â'i gwneud yn anghyfreithlon, rydym yn rhoi cymorth ychwanegol i rieni, a dywedais yn fy nghyflwyniad faint o arian yr ydym yn ei roi i'r awdurdodau lleol er mwyn helpu i gefnogi rhieni, ac mae hynny'n arian ychwanegol. Felly, rwy'n credu, fel y dywedais, ei bod hi werth bob ceiniog. Ac fe wnaethoch chi ddechrau drwy ddweud mewn gwirionedd, 'Pam ar wyneb y ddaear y gwnaethom ni gyflwyno'r Bil hwn?' Gwnaethom ni gyflwyno'r Bil hwn i sicrhau bod plant yn cael bywyd cystal â phosibl.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Heledd Fychan.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Heledd Fychan.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. If you follow the Conservatives' logic, then we don't need any laws at all. I disagree with that, and I think if we have laws to protect adults, then we should have laws to protect children, and I'm glad to be able to note that physically punishing children is now illegal in Wales after the new law came into force yesterday. And after all, you were right, Deputy Minister, to emphasise the rights of the child. This makes it clear that children—[Interruption.]
I think you don't get it, if I'm honest. I know that you're heckling here, but this isn't about not getting it; it is about the rights of the child. And, actually, if you speak to a child or if you've spoken to children, like I have done during school visits—[Interruption.] And I know you have children, but if you speak to those children, as I have done recently, they actually know that this is coming into effect. They welcome it. I think any increase in awareness that a child has rights has to be welcomed. And I think all the information campaigns are definitely getting through to children that they know that they finally have rights, and that's not true everywhere in the world. We can't lose sight of the fact that this is historic and right in Wales, and that this is an important moment. And really, it is common sense that children should be afforded the same protection from assault as adults. They are the most vulnerable members of our society and deserve equal rights in this space.
As the Deputy Minister has said, the law is now clear. It's making it easier for children, young people, parents, professionals and the public to understand, and it will go a long way in adding to the work already being done to make sure all children in Wales have the best start in life and to live the lives that they want to live.
And just to get this out of the way, if I may challenge the Conservatives' claim that the Act will lead to a Stasi culture—things we have seen in the press. This is not only ridiculous and historically ignorant, but it's also insulting to the victims of the Stasi regime and those living in repressive regimes all over the world today. To compare a protective measure designed to uphold the rights of our most vulnerable citizens with the oppressive tactics of a cold war-era police state is simply incomprehensible, and this doesn't really deserve further discussion.
So, with regard to the Act, both the police and the chief crown prosecutor for Wales have stated that the numbers of people charged or prosecuted would be very low, something that we know is very challenging, with violence against women and so on. So, in the same way, could the Deputy Minister please just reiterate what the central purpose of this legislation is, and how it will be enforced? And those working on the front line with responsibility for protecting children, including the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, social services and so on have stated that this Act will improve their ability to protect children living in Wales because it will make the law clearer.
We've heard, obviously, some opposition to the Act from Members today, but those are in a minority, luckily. And I think when you look at people trying to justify traditional methods of parenting, well those are outdated by now, and we need to send that clear signal to our children and young people and to parents everywhere.
Claire Campbell-Adams of the Mum's Shoulders blog said it was brilliant that the ban closes a loophole, but she did note her concern that it could make it more difficult for parents who need support to open up, so I welcome the commitment with that funding and so on. But I wonder if you could, perhaps, elaborate further in terms of how we can encourage people who need help to access that help, so that it's not something hidden then, that we are making sure that they access the services being made available.
I would just like to close by saying how we fully support this in Plaid Cymru. It is a historic moment, it is welcome, and it is about time that the rights of the child were acknowledged in this way.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Os byddwch chi'n dilyn rhesymeg y Ceidwadwyr, yna nid oes angen unrhyw gyfreithiau arnom o gwbl. Rwy'n anghytuno â hynny, ac rwy'n credu os oes gennym ni ddeddfau i amddiffyn oedolion, yna dylem ni gael deddfau i amddiffyn plant, ac rwy'n falch o allu nodi bod cosbi plant yn gorfforol bellach yn anghyfreithlon yng Nghymru ar ôl i'r gyfraith newydd ddod i rym ddoe. Ac wedi'r cyfan, roeddech chi'n iawn, Dirprwy Weinidog, i bwysleisio hawliau'r plentyn. Mae hyn yn ei gwneud yn glir bod plant—[Torri ar draws.]
Rwy'n credu nad ydych chi'n deall, a bod yn onest. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi'n heclo yma, ond nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â pheidio â deall; mae'n ymwneud â hawliau'r plentyn. Ac, mewn gwirionedd, os ydych chi'n siarad â phlentyn neu os ydych chi wedi siarad â phlant, fel yr wyf i wedi ei wneud yn ystod ymweliadau ysgol—[Torri ar draws.] Ac rwy'n gwybod bod gennych chi blant, ond os byddwch chi'n siarad â'r plant hynny, fel yr wyf i wedi ei wneud yn ddiweddar, maen nhw'n gwybod mewn gwirionedd fod hon yn dod i rym. Maen nhw'n ei chroesawu. Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid croesawu unrhyw gynnydd mewn ymwybyddiaeth bod gan blentyn hawliau. Ac rwy'n credu bod yr holl ymgyrchoedd gwybodaeth yn sicr yn cyrraedd plant a'u bod yn gwybod bod ganddyn nhw hawliau o'r diwedd, ac nid yw hynny'n wir ym mhob man yn y byd. Ni ddylem ni golli golwg ar y ffaith bod hyn yn hanesyddol ac yn iawn yng Nghymru, a bod hon yn foment bwysig. Ac mewn gwirionedd, mae'n synnwyr cyffredin y dylai plant gael yr un amddiffyniad rhag ymosodiad ag oedolion. Nhw yw aelodau mwyaf agored i niwed ein cymdeithas ac maen nhw'n haeddu hawliau cyfartal yn hyn o beth.
Fel y dywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog, mae'r gyfraith bellach yn glir. Mae'n ei gwneud yn haws i blant, pobl ifanc, rhieni, gweithwyr proffesiynol a'r cyhoedd ddeall, a bydd yn cyfrannu at y gwaith sydd eisoes yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod pob plentyn yng Nghymru yn cael y dechrau gorau mewn bywyd ac yn cael byw'r bywyd y maen nhw'n dymuno ei fyw.
Ac i gael hyn allan o'r ffordd, os caf herio honiad y Ceidwadwyr y bydd y Ddeddf yn arwain at ddiwylliant Stasi—pethau yr ydym ni wedi eu gweld yn y wasg. Mae hyn nid yn unig yn hurt ac yn hanesyddol anwybodus, ond mae hefyd yn sarhaus i ddioddefwyr cyfundrefn y Stasi a'r rhai sy'n byw mewn cyfundrefnau gormesol ledled y byd heddiw. Mae cymharu mesur amddiffynnol a gynlluniwyd i gynnal hawliau ein dinasyddion mwyaf agored i niwed â thactegau gormesol gwladwriaeth heddlu cyfnod y rhyfel oer yn annealladwy, ac nid yw hyn yn haeddu trafodaeth bellach mewn gwirionedd.
Felly, o ran y Ddeddf, mae'r heddlu a phrif erlynydd y goron yng Nghymru wedi datgan y byddai nifer y bobl sy'n cael eu cyhuddo neu eu herlyn yn isel iawn, rhywbeth yr ydym yn gwybod ei fod yn heriol iawn, gyda thrais yn erbyn menywod ac yn y blaen. Felly, yn yr un modd, a wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog ailadrodd beth yw diben canolog y ddeddfwriaeth hon, a sut y caiff ei gorfodi? Ac mae'r rhai sy'n gweithio ar y rheng flaen sy'n gyfrifol am amddiffyn plant, gan gynnwys yr heddlu, Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron, y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ac ati wedi datgan y bydd y Ddeddf hon yn gwella eu gallu i amddiffyn plant sy'n byw yng Nghymru oherwydd bydd yn gwneud y gyfraith yn gliriach.
Rydym ni wedi clywed, yn amlwg, rywfaint o wrthwynebiad i'r Ddeddf gan Aelodau heddiw, ond maen nhw mewn lleiafrif, yn ffodus. Ac rwy'n credu pan edrychwch chi ar bobl yn ceisio cyfiawnhau dulliau traddodiadol o fagu plant, wel maen nhw wedi dyddio erbyn hyn, ac mae angen i ni anfon y neges glir honno i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc ac i rieni ym mhob man.
Dywedodd Claire Campbell-Adams o'r blog Mum's Shoulders ei bod yn wych bod y gwaharddiad yn cau bwlch, ond nododd ei phryder y gallai ei gwneud yn anoddach i rieni sydd angen cymorth i fynegi eu hunain, felly rwy'n croesawu'r ymrwymiad gyda'r cyllid hwnnw ac ati. Ond tybed a allech chi, efallai, ymhelaethu ymhellach ar sut y gallwn ni annog pobl y mae angen cymorth arnyn nhw i gael gafael ar y cymorth hwnnw, fel nad yw'n rhywbeth cudd, ein bod ni'n sicrhau eu bod yn cael gafael ar y gwasanaethau sydd ar gael.
Hoffwn gloi trwy ddweud cymaint yr ydym yn llwyr gefnogi hyn ym Mhlaid Cymru. Mae'n foment hanesyddol, mae i'w chroesawu, ac mae'n hen bryd cydnabod hawliau'r plentyn fel hyn.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
Diolch, and thank you very much for that heartfelt support for this Act, and also for recognising that this is a historic moment.
In terms of the points that you made, I think it's important to stress that everyone's ability to protect children will be improved by this Act. This Act was widely welcomed by all the health professionals—the health visitors, the doctors—and everybody who works with children, including the social workers who work in a professional capacity with children, addressing the very difficult issues that we have to deal with. All of them said they wanted this Act to be passed. So, just addressing the Conservatives' opposition to this, they are speaking against what the professionals also think. They were almost completely united, the professionals were, that this is what they wanted.
And it does make it much easier, because parenting is very difficult, so I think we all have to recognise—. We all recognise how difficult parenting is, and we want to make it as easy as we possibly can for parents. I know how much I welcomed support, and I think that the support that we're offering here is, as I say, in addition. It's additional money, it's generous money—£810,000 per year to the local authorities for three years—to specifically concentrate on bringing a tailored response to an out-of-court disposal. So, it will be geared up to the particular individuals.
It needs to be very well thought out, because I can't say what a huge amount of preparation has gone into this Act. Since it was passed we've had two really intensive years, looking at all the issues that Heledd so rightly raises. I saw that clip on the television, with the worry about whether parents would be worried and wouldn't want to open up, and that's why I think it behoves us and the services to make it quite clear to them that we are putting in extra help for this. We want people to share what they feel, and I think we've just got to go on recognising that we do need to give support, because parenting is difficult. This isn't anything to do with the nanny state; the support we're giving is the support that we should give as a Government to our citizens.
So, I agree with Heledd: it's an absolutely great day. I'm thrilled that Wales is doing it, and I'm so glad for your support. Diolch.
Diolch, a diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am y gefnogaeth ddidwyll i'r Ddeddf hon, a hefyd am gydnabod bod hon yn foment hanesyddol.
O ran y pwyntiau a wnaethoch, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig pwysleisio y bydd gallu pawb i amddiffyn plant yn cael ei wella gan y Ddeddf hon. Croesawyd y Ddeddf hon yn eang gan yr holl weithwyr iechyd proffesiynol—yr ymwelwyr iechyd, y meddygon—a phawb sy'n gweithio gyda phlant, gan gynnwys y gweithwyr cymdeithasol sy'n gweithio'n broffesiynol gyda phlant, gan fynd i'r afael â'r materion anodd iawn y mae'n rhaid i ni ymdrin â nhw. Dywedodd pob un ohonyn nhw eu bod eisiau i'r Ddeddf hon gael ei phasio. Felly, i ymdrin â gwrthwynebiad y Ceidwadwyr i hon, maen nhw'n siarad yn erbyn yr hyn y mae'r gweithwyr proffesiynol yn ei gredu hefyd. Roedden nhw bron yn gwbl unedig, y gweithwyr proffesiynol, mai dyma'r hyn yr oedden nhw'n ei ddymuno.
Ac mae'n ei gwneud yn llawer haws, oherwydd bod magu plant yn anodd iawn, felly rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i bob un ohonom ni gydnabod—. Rydym ni i gyd yn cydnabod pa mor anodd yw magu plant, ac rydym yn dymuno'i gwneud mor hawdd ag y gallwn ni i rieni. Rwy'n gwybod cymaint yr oeddwn i'n croesawu cefnogaeth, ac rwy'n credu bod y gefnogaeth yr ydym ni'n ei chynnig yma, fel y dywedais, yn ychwanegol. Mae'n arian ychwanegol, mae'n arian hael—£810,000 y flwyddyn i'r awdurdodau lleol am dair blynedd—i ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar ddod ag ymateb wedi ei deilwra i ddatrysiad y tu allan i'r llys. Felly, bydd yn cael ei deilwra ar gyfer unigolion penodol.
Mae angen ei ystyried yn drylwyr iawn, oherwydd aeth cymaint o waith paratoi i mewn i'r Ddeddf hon. Ers ei phasio, rydym ni wedi cael dwy flynedd ddwys iawn, yn edrych ar yr holl faterion y mae Heledd mor briodol yn eu codi. Gwelais y clip hwnnw ar y teledu, gyda'r pryder ynghylch a fyddai rhieni'n poeni ac na fydden nhw'n dymuno mynegi eu teimladau, a dyna pam yr wyf i'n credu ei bod yn ddyletswydd arnom ni a'r gwasanaethau i'w gwneud yn gwbl glir iddyn nhw ein bod yn rhoi cymorth ychwanegol ar gyfer hyn. Rydym yn dymuno i bobl rannu'r hyn y maen nhw'n ei deimlo, ac rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni fynd ymlaen gan gydnabod bod angen i ni roi cymorth, oherwydd bod magu plant yn anodd. Nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â'r wladwriaeth faldodus; y gefnogaeth yr ydym yn ei rhoi yw'r gefnogaeth y dylem ei rhoi fel Llywodraeth i'n dinasyddion.
Felly, rwy'n cytuno â Heledd: mae'n ddiwrnod hollol wych. Rwyf wrth fy modd bod Cymru'n gwneud hyn, ac rwyf mor falch o'ch cefnogaeth. Diolch.
I do welcome the abolition of reasonable punishment Wales Act. It is a hugely significant day, and if we did follow the argument that we heard earlier from Janet Finch-Saunders—that the state is intervening in people's lives—well, I'm glad that they are, because if we followed that logic then the state wouldn't intervene in ending domestic abuse, and the state wouldn't have intervened in removing the right of teachers who brutalised children with the cane and the ruler and anything else that was in their hand. So, there are times when it is right for the state to intervene, and it's right that the state is intervening here. Children have a right to be treated equally. That is clear from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and we would have been an outrider if we hadn't changed that legislation.
You said, Minister, that it is not right that big people hit small people. I absolutely agree with you. The public agree with us, and my question to you is: the roll-out of positive parenting across Wales, which in itself is a fantastic wording, 'positive parenting', how and when will that be rolled out? I know it has started. And how will people be able to access that if they need that help?
Rwyf i yn croesawu Deddf Cymru i ddiddymu amddiffyniad cosb resymol. Mae'n ddiwrnod hynod arwyddocaol, a phe baem ni yn dilyn y ddadl a glywsom yn gynharach gan Janet Finch-Saunders—bod y wladwriaeth yn ymyrryd ym mywydau pobl—wel, rwy'n falch ei bod hi, oherwydd pe baem yn dilyn y rhesymeg honno, ni fyddai'r wladwriaeth yn ymyrryd i roi terfyn ar gam-drin domestig, ac ni fyddai'r wladwriaeth wedi ymyrryd i ddileu hawl athrawon a oedd yn trin plant mewn ffordd greulon gyda'r gansen a'r pren mesur ac unrhyw beth arall a oedd wrth law. Felly, mae adegau pan fydd yn iawn i'r wladwriaeth ymyrryd, ac mae'n iawn fod y wladwriaeth yn ymyrryd yma. Mae gan blant yr hawl i gael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae hynny'n amlwg o Gonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau'r Plentyn, a byddem ni wedi bod ar ein pennau ein hunain pe na baem wedi newid y ddeddfwriaeth honno.
Fe wnaethoch chi ddweud, Gweinidog, nad yw'n iawn i bobl fawr daro pobl fach. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â chi. Mae'r cyhoedd yn cytuno â ni, a fy nghwestiwn i chi yw: cyflwyno rhianta cadarnhaol ledled Cymru, sydd ynddo'i hun yn eiriad gwych, 'rhianta cadarnhaol', sut a phryd y caiff hwnnw ei gyflwyno? Rwy'n gwybod ei fod wedi dechrau. A sut y bydd pobl yn gallu cael gafael ar hwnnw os bydd angen y cymorth hwnnw arnyn nhw?
Thank you very much, Joyce, for your support for this legislation. I absolutely agree with your introduction, where you say it is right for the state to intervene, and the importance of the state protecting its citizens, I think, is absolutely crucial, and who could be more important to protect than the children?
I think you're also right in saying that, if we weren't doing this, we would be an outrider, because it isn't as if this is anything new. I think 63 states have already done this, and over 20 states are thinking of doing it, and this is something we have been discussing here in this Chamber for many years. I think near the very beginning of the Senedd there was a vote taken here by Members on this very issue, and there was agreement then, so there has been a majority in favour of abolishing this defence of reasonable punishment right since this Senedd started, so it's fantastic that we've reached the stage now that we're actually getting rid of it.
So, on the roll-out, the expert group that has been working on the issues, they've checked with each local authority how much support, how much resource they've got to help with the positive parenting, because we want that to be available all over Wales. Any gaps have been identified and, in order to address those gaps, the local authorities are working together to ensure that they have got people and resources there who will be able to work not only with those who have the out-of-court disposal, but also those who want help with parenting in a general sense. That is why we have put this extra money into it. I think this is a crucial part of the proposals we're putting forward today, that parenting support, which of course already exists, for example, in Flying Start, because Flying Start is one of the key areas where we do provide parenting support. I'm very pleased that, with the support of Plaid Cymru, we're working together to expand Flying Start. Parenting support as part of Flying Start will be expanded as part of the co-operation agreement. So, we are planning this roll-out, which, as Joyce Watson says, has already started. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Joyce, am eich cefnogaeth i'r ddeddfwriaeth hon. Rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â'ch cyflwyniad, lle rydych chi'n dweud ei bod yn iawn i'r wladwriaeth ymyrryd, ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n hanfodol bwysig bod y wladwriaeth yn diogelu ei dinasyddion, a beth allai fod yn bwysicach i'w amddiffyn na'r plant?
Rwy'n credu eich bod yn iawn hefyd wrth ddweud, pe na baem yn gwneud hyn, y byddem wedi bod ar ein pennau ein hunain, oherwydd nid yw fel pe bai hyn yn unrhyw beth newydd. Rwy'n credu bod 63 o wladwriaethau eisoes wedi gwneud hyn, ac mae dros 20 o wladwriaethau yn ystyried ei wneud, ac mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr ydym ni wedi bod yn ei drafod yma yn y Siambr hon ers blynyddoedd lawer. Rwy'n credu bron ar ddechrau'r Senedd fod pleidlais wedi ei chynnal yma gan Aelodau ar yr union fater hwn, ac yr oedd cytundeb bryd hynny, felly bu mwyafrif o blaid diddymu'r amddiffyniad hwn o gosb resymol ers i'r Senedd hon ddechrau, felly mae'n wych ein bod ni wedi cyrraedd y cam ein bod ni mewn gwirionedd yn cael gwared arno nawr.
Felly, o ran cyflwyno, mae'r grŵp arbenigol sydd wedi bod yn gweithio ar y materion, maen nhw wedi asesu gyda phob awdurdod lleol faint o gymorth, faint o adnoddau sydd ganddyn nhw i helpu gyda'r rhianta cadarnhaol, oherwydd ein bod yn dymuno i hwnnw fod ar gael ledled Cymru. Nodwyd unrhyw fylchau ac, er mwyn mynd i'r afael â'r bylchau hynny, mae'r awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd i sicrhau bod ganddyn nhw bobl ac adnoddau yno a fydd yn gallu gweithio nid yn unig gyda'r rhai sydd â'r datrysiad y tu allan i'r llys, ond hefyd y rhai sy'n dymuno cymorth magu plant yn gyffredinol. Dyna pam yr ydym ni wedi rhoi'r arian ychwanegol hwn i mewn. Rwy'n credu bod hyn yn rhan hanfodol o'r cynigion yr ydym yn eu cyflwyno heddiw, y cymorth magu plant hwnnw, sydd, wrth gwrs, eisoes yn bodoli, er enghraifft, yn Dechrau'n Deg, oherwydd Dechrau'n Deg yw un o'r meysydd allweddol lle rydym yn darparu cymorth magu plant. Rwy'n falch iawn ein bod, gyda chefnogaeth Plaid Cymru, yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd i ehangu Dechrau'n Deg. Bydd cymorth magu plant fel rhan o Dechrau'n Deg yn cael ei ehangu fel rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithredu. Felly, rydym yn cynllunio'r gwaith hwn, sydd, fel y dywed Joyce Watson, eisoes wedi dechrau. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog.
I thank the Deputy Minister.
Mae eitem 6, yr eitem nesaf, wedi cael ei ohirio.
Eitemau 7 ac 8 fydd nesaf. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.24, oni bai bod Aelod yn gwrthwynebu, bydd y ddau gynnig o dan yr eitemau yma, sef y Rheoliadau Cyd-bwyllgorau Corfforedig (Cyffredinol) (Cymru) 2022 a Gorchymyn Deddf Trosedd ac Anhrefn 1998 (Awdurdod Ychwanegol) (Cymru) 2022, yn cael eu grwpio i'w trafod ond gyda phleidleisiau ar wahan. Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad.
Item 6, the next item, has been postponed.
We will now move to items 7 and 8. In accordance with Standing Order 12.24, unless a Member objects, the two motions under items 7 and 8, the Corporate Joint Committees (General) (Wales) Regulations 2022 and the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Additional Authority) (Wales) Order 2022, will be grouped for debate but with votes taken separately. I don't see an objection.
Felly, fe wnawn ni gario ymlaen gyda hynny. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol i wneud y cynigion, felly. Rebecca Evans.
Therefore, we will proceed. I call on the Minister for Finance and Local Government to move the motions. Rebecca Evans.
Cynnig NDM7958 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau Cyd-bwyllgorau Corfforedig (Cyffredinol) (Cymru) 2022 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 1 Mawrth 2022.
Motion NDM7958 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Corporate Joint Committees (General) (Wales) Regulations 2022 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 1 March 2022
Cynnig NDM7960 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Orchymyn Deddf Trosedd ac Anhrefn 1998 (Awdurdod Ychwanegol) (Cymru) 2022 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 1 Mawrth 2022.
Motion NDM7960 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Additional Authority) (Wales) Order 2022 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 1 March 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynigion.
Motions moved.

Diolch, Llywydd. I move the motions.
The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 provided for the creation of corporate joint committees to further drive collaboration across local government. In March 2021, the Senedd approved regulations establishing four new CJCs in Wales. Those establishment regulations were the beginning of a phased approach to putting in place the regulatory framework necessary for these new public bodies. In November 2021, a second tranche of legislation was approved by the Senedd, which continued to put in place the necessary powers and duties to underpin the operation of CJCs. The draft Corporate Joint Committees (General) (Wales) Regulations 2022 before us today represent the third tranche of regulations. These continue the application of the local government legislative framework that CJCs will operate in. These draft general regulations deal with CJCs' legislative framework concerning conduct, the appointment of substitute members and commercial activities. A number of minor provisions also relate to finance, legal proceedings, records and workforce matters. A consultation on these regulations ran between 10 November and 22 December 2021, and I'm grateful to those who responded, including colleagues in local government.
The draft Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (Additional Authority) (Wales) Order 2022 also forms part of the third tranche of statutory instruments that provide for the legislative framework of CJCs. This draft instrument amends the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. CJCs will be included in the list of authorities that must have due regard to crime and disorder prevention in the exercise of their functions. As always, the intent is that CJCs are treated as part of the local government family in Wales. These regulations continue to ensure that CJCs are largely subject to the same or similar powers and duties as local authorities in the way that they operate and are governed. Thank you.
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n cynnig y cynigion.
Roedd Deddf Llywodraeth Leol ac Etholiadau (Cymru) 2021 yn darparu ar gyfer creu cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig i hybu cydweithio ymhellach ar draws llywodraeth leol. Ym mis Mawrth 2021, cymeradwyodd y Senedd reoliadau yn sefydlu pedwar cyd-bwyllgor corfforedig newydd yng Nghymru. Roedd y rheoliadau sefydlu hynny'n ddechrau dull graddol o sefydlu'r fframwaith rheoleiddio sy'n angenrheidiol ar gyfer y cyrff cyhoeddus newydd hyn. Ym mis Tachwedd 2021, cymeradwywyd ail gyfres o ddeddfwriaeth gan y Senedd, a oedd yn parhau i roi'r pwerau a'r dyletswyddau angenrheidiol ar waith i ategu gweithrediad y cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig. Mae Rheoliadau drafft y Cyd-bwyllgorau Corfforedig (Cyffredinol) (Cymru) 2022 sydd ger ein bron heddiw yn cynrychioli'r drydedd gyfres o reoliadau. Mae'r rhain yn parhau i gymhwyso'r fframwaith deddfwriaethol llywodraeth leol y bydd y cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig yn gweithredu ynddo. Mae'r rheoliadau cyffredinol drafft hyn yn ymdrin â fframwaith deddfwriaethol cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig sy'n ymwneud ag ymddygiad, penodi aelodau dirprwyol a gweithgareddau masnachol. Mae nifer o fân ddarpariaethau hefyd yn ymwneud â chyllid, achosion cyfreithiol, cofnodion a materion yn ymwneud â'r gweithlu. Cynhaliwyd ymgynghoriad ar y rheoliadau hyn rhwng 10 Tachwedd a 22 Rhagfyr 2021, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r rhai a ymatebodd, gan gynnwys cydweithwyr mewn llywodraeth leol.
Mae Gorchymyn drafft Deddf Trosedd ac Anhrefn 1998 (Awdurdod Ychwanegol) (Cymru) 2022 hefyd yn rhan o'r drydedd gyfres o offerynnau statudol sy'n darparu ar gyfer fframwaith deddfwriaethol cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig. Mae'r offeryn drafft hwn yn diwygio Deddf Trosedd ac Anhrefn 1998. Bydd cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig yn cael eu cynnwys yn y rhestr o awdurdodau y mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw roi sylw dyledus i atal troseddu ac anhrefn wrth arfer eu swyddogaethau. Fel bob amser, y bwriad yw trin y cyd-bwyllgoaru corfforedig fel rhan o'r teulu llywodraeth leol yng Nghymru. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn parhau i sicrhau bod y cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig yn ddarostyngedig i raddau helaeth i'r un pwerau a dyletswyddau neu rai tebyg ag y mae awdurdodau lleol yn y ffordd y maen nhw'n gweithredu ac yn cael eu llywodraethu. Diolch.
Bydd y Senedd yn ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, fod Plaid Cymru wedi gwrthwynebu creu'r cyd-bwyllgorau corfforaethol yma nôl yn y Senedd ddiwethaf. Mae honno'n frwydr y gwnaethon ni ei cholli, wrth gwrs, ac felly os yw'r cyd-bwyllgorau yma am ddod i fodolaeth, yna mae angen iddyn nhw fod yn atebol i'r un safonau a disgwyliadau ag awdurdodau lleol, ac yn enwedig o ran safonau cod ymddygiad. Felly, dydyn ni ddim yn gwrthwynebu'r rheoliadau yma, ond dwi'n meddwl bod yna gwestiwn dilys jest ynglŷn â rôl Ombwdsmon Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus Cymru yn hyn o beth, a chwestiwn ynglŷn â'r goblygiadau cyllidebol o safbwynt gwaith yr ombwdsmon o roi'r cyd-gynghorau o dan oruchwyliaeth yr ombwdsmon, sef y peth iawn i'w wneud. Ond, mae yn fy synnu i bod yr asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol yn awgrymu nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn teimlo bod yna gostau ychwanegol, neu os oes yna gostau ychwanegol, y gallan nhw gael eu hymgorffori yn y gyllideb y mae'r ombwdsmon yn ei derbyn yn arferol. Byddwn i'n tybio bod gan y Pwyllgor Cyllid rhywbeth i'w ddweud ynglŷn a hynny. Fel cyn-aelod o'r pwyllgor, dwi'n ymwybodol iawn bod y cyrff yma sy'n cael eu hariannu yn uniongyrchol yn dod i ofyn am arian ac yn cael awgrym, efallai, fod angen ailedrych a dod yn ôl. Felly, mae cyllidebau yn dynn. Byddwn i hefyd yn tybio, gan fod y cyd-bwyllgorau yma ymhellach o'r ffas lo—hynny yw, yn uwch i fyny ac ymhellach oddi wrth cymunedau—fod y potensial am heriau neu issues yn codi ar rai materion yn uwch. Felly, byddwn i yn tybio bod yna fwy o waith yn cael ei gynhyrchu ar gyfer yr ombwdsmon, ac oni ddylid hynny gael ei adlewyrchu yn yr asesiad effaith rheoleiddiol? Dwi jest eisiau deall yn well beth yw rhesymeg y Llywodraeth i dybio bod hyn jest mor ddi-nod bod modd ei ymgorffori yn y gyllideb bresennol.
The Senedd will, of course, be aware that Plaid Cymru opposed the creation of these corporate joint committees in the last Senedd. That's a battle that we lost, of course, and therefore if these joint committees are to come into existence, then they need to be accountable to the same standards and expectations as local authorities, particularly in terms of code of conduct standards. So, we don't oppose these regulations, but I think there's a valid question on the role of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales in this regard, and a question on the budgetary implications of the the work of the ombudsman in placing the joint committees under the ombudsman's auspices, which is the right thing to do. But, it does shock me that the regulatory impact assessment suggests that the Government doesn't feel that there would be additional costs, or if there are additional costs, they can be incorporated into the budget that the ombudsman would usually receive. I would assume that the Finance Committee would have something to say about that. As a former member of that committee, I'm highly aware that these bodies that are directly funded do come to ask for funding and are told to go back and look at things again. Budgets are tight. I would also assume that, given these CJCs are further away from the coal face and further away from communities, the potential for challenges or issues arising is greater. I would assume, therefore, that there would be more work for the ombudsman as a result of that, and shouldn't that be reflected in the regulatory impact assessment? I just want to better understand the Government's rationale in assuming that it can be incorporated into current budgets.
Does gen i ddim siaradwyr eraill, felly y Gweinidog i ymateb.
I have no other speakers, so the Minister to respond.
Diolch, Llywydd. I thank Llyr Huws Gruffydd for raising this particular issue this afternoon. That is our assessment, based on our understanding of the likely workload and the likely impact of including CJCs within the auspices of the local government family. But, of course, we will want to keep all of these matters under review, and I know that the Finance Committee will be taking a particular interest in this. I will commit to having some further discussions with the Finance Committee to explore in due course whether they have any particular concerns about the way in which the RIA is coming to fruition, or otherwise, to ensure that we are making the appropriate allocations in respect of this work. But, it is our belief, at this point, that there will not be significant additional work for the public services ombudsman.
Diolch, Llywydd. Diolch i Llyr Huws Gruffydd am godi'r mater arbennig hwn y prynhawn yma. Dyna ein hasesiad, yn seiliedig ar ein dealltwriaeth o'r llwyth gwaith tebygol ac effaith debygol cynnwys cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig dan nawdd y teulu llywodraeth leol. Ond, wrth gwrs, byddwn eisiau parhau i adolygu'r holl faterion hyn, a gwn y bydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid yn cymryd diddordeb arbennig yn hyn. Byddaf yn ymrwymo i gael rhai trafodaethau pellach gyda'r Pwyllgor Cyllid i archwilio maes o law a oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw bryderon penodol ynghylch y ffordd y mae'r Asesiad Effaith Rheoleiddiol yn dwyn ffrwyth, neu fel arall, i sicrhau ein bod yn gwneud y dyraniadau priodol mewn cysylltiad â'r gwaith hwn. Ond, rydym ni'n credu, ar hyn o bryd, na fydd gwaith ychwanegol sylweddol i'r ombwdsmon gwasanaethau cyhoeddus.
Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 7? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu hynny? Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna o dan eitem 7 wedi'i dderbyn.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 7. Does any Member object? I don't see any objections. Therefore, the motion under item 7 is agreed.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Mae cwestiwn hefyd ynglŷn ag a ddylid derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 8. A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu hynny? Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad chwaith i hynny. Felly, mae'r cynnig o dan eitem 8 wedi cael ei dderbyn hefyd.
The next proposal is to agree the motion under item 8. Does any Member object? I don't see any objections. Therefore, the motion under item 8 is agreed.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Eitem 9 yw'r eitem nesaf, felly, a hwnnw yw Rheoliadau'r Dreth Gyngor (Anheddau Gwag Hirdymor ac Anheddau a Feddiennir yn Gyfnodol) (Cymru) 2022. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog Cyllid i wneud y cynnig yma—Rebecca Evans.
We move now to item 9, the Council Tax (Long-term Empty Dwellings and Dwellings Occupied Periodically) (Wales) Regulations 2022. I call on the Minister for Finance to move the motion—Rebecca Evans.
Cynnig NDM7959 Lesley Griffiths
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo bod y fersiwn ddrafft o Reoliadau’r Dreth Gyngor (Anheddau Gwag Hirdymor ac Anheddau a Feddiennir yn Gyfnodol) (Cymru) 2022 yn cael ei llunio yn unol â’r fersiwn ddrafft a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 1 Mawrth 2022.
Motion NDM7959 Lesley Griffiths
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves that the draft The Council Tax (Long-term Empty Dwellings and Dwellings Occupied Periodically) (Wales) Regulations 2022 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 1 March 2022.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Diolch. I welcome the opportunity to bring forward these regulations today. The Council Tax (Long-term Empty Dwellings and Dwellings Occupied Periodically) (Wales) Regulations 2022 increase the maximum level at which local authorities can set council tax premiums on dwellings occupied periodically—more commonly referred to as second homes—and on long-term empty properties, from 100 per cent to 300 per cent. The measures are part of a wider commitment to address the issue of second homes and unaffordable housing facing many communities, as set out in the co-operation agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.
Last summer, we consulted on local taxes for second homes and self-catering accommodation. This was one aspect of the Welsh Government's three-pronged approach to address issues of affordability and the impact that large numbers of second homes and holiday lets can have on communities and the Welsh language. The consultation formed part of a review of the current local tax legislation. We sought views and evidence from individuals and organisations on the discretionary powers that allow local authorities to levy a higher rate of council tax on second homes and long-term empty properties. We received almost 1,000 responses, reflecting a wide spectrum of interest.
The ability to charge additional council tax premiums has been welcomed as a mechanism that can help local authorities to mitigate the negative impacts that second homes and long-term empty properties can have on some communities. While many of the opportunities for addressing housing issues through premiums have not yet fully been realised, increasing the maximum level at this juncture will enable individual local authorities to decide a level appropriate for their local circumstances when the time is right for them. The powers come into effect from April 2023. Local authorities will be able to set the premium at any level up to the maximum, and they'll be able to apply different premiums to second homes and long-term empty dwellings. As now, it will be for individual authorities to decide whether to apply a premium and at what level to apply it. In making these decisions, each authority will need to make an assessment of the possible impacts on individuals, communities and the local economy. Local authorities should consult local people and home owners before introducing premiums, allowing a minimum period of 12 months between making its first determination to introduce a premium and the financial year in which it takes effect. I ask Members to approve these regulations today.
Diolch. Rwy'n croesawu'r cyfle i gyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn heddiw. Mae Rheoliadau'r Dreth Gyngor (Anheddau Gwag Hirdymor ac Anheddau a Feddiennir yn Gyfnodol) (Cymru) 2022 yn cynyddu'r lefel uchaf y gall awdurdodau lleol bennu premiymau'r dreth gyngor ar anheddau a feddiennir yn gyfnodol—y cyfeirir atyn nhw yn fwy cyffredin fel ail gartrefi—ac ar eiddo gwag hirdymor, o 100 y cant i 300 y cant. Mae'r mesurau'n rhan o ymrwymiad ehangach i fynd i'r afael â phroblem ail gartrefi a thai nad ellir eu fforddio y mae llawer o gymunedau yn eu hwynebu, fel y nodir yn y cytundeb cydweithredu rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Phlaid Cymru.
Yr haf diwethaf, buom yn ymgynghori ar drethi lleol ar gyfer ail gartrefi a llety hunanarlwyo. Roedd hon yn un agwedd ar ddull tair elfen Llywodraeth Cymru o fynd i'r afael â phroblemau yn ymwneud ag eiddo fforddiadwy a'r effaith y gall nifer fawr o ail gartrefi a llety gwyliau ei chael ar gymunedau a'r iaith Gymraeg. Roedd yr ymgynghoriad yn rhan o adolygiad o'r ddeddfwriaeth dreth leol bresennol. Gofynnwyd am farn a thystiolaeth gan unigolion a sefydliadau ar y pwerau disgresiwn sy'n caniatáu i awdurdodau lleol godi cyfradd uwch o dreth gyngor ar ail gartrefi ac eiddo gwag hirdymor. Cawsom bron i 1,000 o ymatebion, a oedd yn adlewyrchu ystod eang o ddiddordeb.
Mae'r gallu i godi premiymau treth gyngor ychwanegol wedi'i groesawu fel dull a all helpu awdurdodau lleol i liniaru'r effeithiau negyddol y gall ail gartrefi ac eiddo gwag hirdymor eu cael ar rai cymunedau. Er nad yw llawer o'r cyfleoedd i fynd i'r afael â materion tai drwy bremiymau wedi'u gwireddu'n llawn eto, bydd cynyddu'r lefel uchaf nawr yn galluogi awdurdodau lleol unigol i benderfynu ar lefel sy'n briodol ar gyfer eu hamgylchiadau lleol pan fydd yr amser yn iawn ar eu cyfer. Daw'r pwerau i rym o fis Ebrill 2023. Bydd awdurdodau lleol yn gallu gosod y premiwm ar unrhyw lefel hyd at yr uchafswm, a byddant yn gallu gosod premiymau gwahanol ar ail gartrefi ac anheddau gwag hirdymor. Nawr, mater i awdurdodau unigol fydd penderfynu a ddylid defnyddio premiwm ac ar ba lefel i'w osod. Wrth wneud y penderfyniadau hyn, bydd angen i bob awdurdod asesu'r effeithiau posibl ar unigolion, cymunedau a'r economi leol. Dylai awdurdodau lleol ymgynghori â phobl leol a pherchnogion cartrefi cyn cyflwyno premiymau, gan ganiatáu cyfnod o 12 mis o leiaf rhwng gwneud y penderfyniad cyntaf i gyflwyno premiwm a'r flwyddyn ariannol y mae'n dod i rym ynddi. Gofynnaf i'r Aelodau gymeradwyo'r rheoliadau hyn heddiw.
Galwaf Rhys ab Owen nawr i siarad ar ran y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad.
I call on Rhys ab Owen to speak on behalf of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee.
Diolch yn fawr i chi, Lywydd. Dwi'n hapus iawn i gyfrannu at y ddadl y prynhawn yma ar ran y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a'r Cyfansoddiad, ac yn dymuno'n dda i'n Cadeirydd, Huw Irranca-Davies, ar yr achlysur hapus o raddio ei fab, wedi cael ei ohirio droeon oherwydd COVID.
Buom yn ystyried y rheoliadau yma yn ein cyfarfod ar 14 Mawrth, ac mae ein hadroddiad i’r Senedd yn cynnwys tri phwynt rhinwedd i gyflwyno adroddiad arnynt. Roedd angen ymateb gan y Llywodraeth i ddau o'r pwyntiau hynny, ac roeddem yn ddiolchgar iawn i'r Gweinidog am roi'r ymatebion hynny mewn da o bryd inni fel pwyllgor ystyried a thrafod hynny cyn dod fan hyn ar lawr y Senedd.
Thank you, Llywydd. I am delighted contribute to this afternoon's debate on behalf of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, and I wish our Chair, Huw Irranca-Davies, well on the happy occasion of the graduation of his son, which has been postponed a number of times as a result of COVID.
We considered these regulations at our meeting of 14 March, and our report to the Senedd contains three merits reporting points. Two of those required a response from the Welsh Government, and we were grateful to the Minister for providing those responses in good time for us as a committee to be able to consider those before coming to the floor of the Chamber.
Our first merits point noted that the significant increase in the charging authority’s discretion, from 100 percent to 300 percent, appears to engage article 1 of the first protocol of the European convention on human rights. Whilst it is, of course, recognised and accepted that states can interfere with a citizen's possessions, in this case by increasing the council tax charge on long-term empty dwellings or dwellings occupied periodically, neither the explanatory memorandum or explanatory notes to the regulations—nor, it appears, the original consultation, in fact—sets out any specific consideration of the impact on convention rights. In addition, they do not state that the scheme implemented by the regulation is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim in this regard.
In its response to our report, the Government simply stated that they were satisfied that the regulations are compatible with convention rights. Well, that might be, and probably is the case, Gweinidog, but my colleague, last week, Alun Davies, spoke in this Chamber, again on behalf of the committee, and he on that occasion again raised concerns about the uninformative responses the committee are receiving when we question further the Welsh Government's obligation with regard to human rights and equality impact assessments. So, could we gently ask the Government to reflect further on these two comments, to ensure that in future we do receive a full explanation on these very important issues?
Nododd ein pwynt rhinweddau cyntaf fod y cynnydd sylweddol yn nisgresiwn yr awdurdod sy'n codi tâl, o 100 y cant i 300 y cant, yn ymddangos fel pe bai'n ymgysylltu ag erthygl 1 o brotocol cyntaf y confensiwn Ewropeaidd ar hawliau dynol. Er cydnabyddir a derbynnir y gall gwladwriaethau ymyrryd ag eiddo dinesydd, yn yr achos hwn drwy gynyddu'r tâl treth gyngor ar anheddau gwag hirdymor neu anheddau a feddiennir yn gyfnodol, nid yw'r memorandwm esboniadol na'r nodiadau esboniadol i'r rheoliadau—nac ychwaith, mae'n ymddangos, yr ymgynghoriad gwreiddiol, mewn gwirionedd—yn nodi unrhyw ystyriaeth benodol o'r effaith ar hawliau'r confensiwn. Hefyd, nid ydyn nhw'n datgan bod y cynllun a weithredir gan y rheoliad yn ffordd gymesur o gyflawni nod cyfreithlon yn hyn o beth.
Yn ei hymateb i'n hadroddiad, dywedodd y Llywodraeth yn syml eu bod yn fodlon bod y rheoliadau'n gydnaws â hawliau'r confensiwn. Wel, efallai fod hynny'n wir, Gweinidog, ond siaradodd fy nghyd-Aelod, yr wythnos diwethaf, Alun Davies, yn y Siambr hon, unwaith eto ar ran y pwyllgor, a chododd bryderon unwaith eto am yr ymatebion nad ydynt yn llawn gwybodaeth y mae'r pwyllgor yn eu cael pan fyddwn yn cwestiynu ymhellach rwymedigaeth Llywodraeth Cymru o ran hawliau dynol ac asesiadau o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb. Felly, a gawn ni ofyn yn barchus i'r Llywodraeth fyfyrio ymhellach ar y ddau sylw hyn, er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn y dyfodol yn cael esboniad llawn ar y materion pwysig iawn hyn?
Mae ein hail bwynt rhinwedd yn tynnu sylw at yr ymgynghoriad a gynhaliwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â’r rheoliadau, ac, yn benodol, at y modd y mae’r memorandwm esboniadol yn ymdrin â’r ymgynghoriad hwn.
Our second merits point draws attention to the consultation undertaken by the Welsh Government in respect of these regulations, and specifically how this is discussed in the accompanying explanatory memorandum.
Taking into account the very high number of responses to the consultation and the fact—probably hardly surprising—that the majority of those responses did not support the proposal to increase the percentage rate discretion, we were unclear why the approach was adopted in the regulations. In response, we were told that the Welsh Government has taken full account of all consultation responses, and that pursuing option 2, as it was described in the consultation, is a proportionate response in pursuit of the legitimate aim of furthering the Welsh Government’s commitments to reform. The committee is aware that our colleagues in the Local Government and Housing Committee have an inquiry on the policy merits—or otherwise—of what these regulations are seeking to achieve, and we look forward to that report.
Gan ystyried y nifer uchel iawn o ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad a'r ffaith—prin ei bod yn syndod mae'n debyg—nad oedd y rhan fwyaf o'r ymatebion hynny'n cefnogi'r cynnig i gynyddu disgresiwn y gyfradd ganrannol, nid oeddem yn glir pam y mabwysiadwyd y dull gweithredu yn y rheoliadau. Mewn ymateb, dywedwyd wrthym fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi ystyriaeth lawn i'r holl ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad, a bod mynd ar drywydd opsiwn 2, fel y'i disgrifiwyd yn yr ymgynghoriad, yn ymateb cymesur wrth geisio cyflawni'r nod cyfreithlon o hyrwyddo ymrwymiadau Llywodraeth Cymru i ddiwygio. Mae'r pwyllgor yn ymwybodol bod ein cyd-Aelodau yn y Pwyllgor Llywodraeth Leol a Thai yn cael ymchwiliad i rinweddau'r polisi—neu fel arall—i'r hyn y mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn ceisio'i gyflawni, ac edrychwn ymlaen at yr adroddiad hwnnw.
Mae ein pwynt rhinwedd olaf, Weinidog—ac fel dywedais i, doedd dim angen ymateb i'r pwynt yma—yn nodi, yn syml, y bydd y cynllun a bennir yn y rheoliadau yn debygol o arwain at gynnydd yn refeniw yr awdurdodau bilio trwy ddarparu gwasanaethau sy’n dod o dan ffi’r dreth gyngor. Mae'r rheoliadau’n rhagnodi drwy welliant y mecanwaith o gynyddu'r ffi honno, yn ôl disgresiwn pob awdurdod bilio.
Felly, dyna sylwadau'r pwyllgor cyfansoddiad. Diolch yn fawr i chi, Weinidog.
Our final merits point, Minister—and as I said, there was no need to respond to this point—notes that the scheme set out in the regulations will likely result in increased revenue to charging authorities for the provision of services covered by the council tax charge, and that the regulations prescribe by amendment the mechanism by which that charge can be increased at the charging authority’s discretion.
So, those are the committee's comments. Thank you.
I'd just remind Members to refer to my own declaration of interests form in terms of property ownership.
Now, these regulations stem from failure. Failure by successive Welsh Labour Governments to provide new homes: only 4,616 new dwellings completed in 2021, when the figure should have been 12,000. Failure to get empty homes back into use: there were 25,725 in 2017-18, 22,140 in 2022-23. Failure to ensure that Wales uses the planning levers that it already has to provide homes, not hotels, for our locals. There are over 7,000 people that have been pushed into homelessness and now living in temporary accommodation.
Now, from my own reading of the explanatory memorandum, the only positive impact that these regulations will have is that they will contribute towards the commitment in the updated programme for government 2021-26 to seek to review council tax, and they will contribute to the objective in the co-operation agreement to provide greater powers to local authorities to charge council tax premiums whilst increasing taxes on second homes.
The discretion given to local authorities to charge a premium is intended to be a tool to help local authorities to bring back long-term empty homes, and support local authorities in increasing the supply of affordable housing. However, there is absolutely no clarification as to how any extra revenue will be spent. As the explanatory memorandum makes clear, local authorities can use the funds as they see fit. In fact, there is clear lack of appetite and support for your proposals, and I think my colleague Rhys ab Owen MS there has just said about the 1,000 people out of 3.1 million who have responded and the proportion of those who are obviously against this, so it does beg the question why you seek to pursue this. To date, only half the authorities have chosen to apply premiums to long-term empty or second homes or both. Only 30 per cent of long-term empty dwellings in 2022-23 will pay a premium, and the majority of responses to the consultation did not support an increase in the maximum premium, so if you're going to ignore a consultation, what is the very point of it? You're just going to ignore the majority view.
Importantly, the consultation yielded limited evidence that stakeholders believe that increasing the maximum percentage could have a positive effect in addressing the issues presented by second homes. What we have here is a set of regulations that you and your coalition—oh, co-operation—partners in Plaid Cymru want, to try and make people think that you are fighting for more homes for local people. However, the reality is that this strategy is merely a facade to failure and flawed policy by socialists and anti—[Interruption.] Hang on. Hey, hang on. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I haven't finished yet. Anti-visitor nationalists. [Interruption.] And your pandering to Plaid comes at a great cost—administrative costs to the Welsh Government, tax collection, enforcement, complaints handling, costs to local authorities, and a cost to actual equality.
I was astounded to read the claim in the explanatory memorandum that the policy will contribute to a more equal Wales. There is absolutely nothing equal about the 300 per cent premium at all, and I would ask—as has been asked of me so many times—why did you suddenly pluck the figure of 300 per cent out of the air? That question—. What evidence, what data, what have you used, what information have you used, to just pluck that figure? You are punishing second home owners and feeding the fire of anti-visitor rhetoric in our nation. The Welsh Conservatives will be voting against these dangerous regulations today, and we will continue to champion the clear policies that we have been proposing since the start of the Senedd to ensure that we build homes—and, yes, homes—for local people. I ask the Senedd, or Welsh Parliament, to say 'no' to this false facade by Welsh Labour and Plaid, and to give other solutions a chance.
No. 1: let's address affordability by building more homes, with an emphasis on generating mixed communities. Two: remove the block on as many as 10,000 new homes, including 1,700 affordable, due to really inordinate Natural Resources Wales guidance on phosphorus. Three: work with our local authorities to better promote the empty homes loan. Four: review what steps can be taken to convert empty space above retail units into affordable, centrally located houses. Five: bring back into use public sector owned land and buildings that are spread across Wales that could actually be brought back into making good housing for those people who require them. Six: amend technical advice note 6 to allow for children of farmers who live at home but work elsewhere to more easily gain planning permission to build homes on family land. And seven: restore the right to buy in Wales, building houses for locals on the edge of communities, reinvesting sale proceeds into more social housing, and, if you protect those homes from sale for 10 years, you will actually have some good—[Interruption.]
Hoffwn atgoffa'r Aelodau i gyfeirio at fy ffurflen datgan buddiannau fy hun o ran perchnogaeth eiddo.
Nawr, mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn deillio o fethiant. Methiant Llywodraethau olynol Llafur Cymru i ddarparu cartrefi newydd: dim ond 4,616 o anheddau newydd a gwblhawyd yn 2021, pan ddylai'r ffigur fod wedi bod yn 12,000. Methiant o ran sicrhau defnydd newydd i gartrefi gwag: roedd 25,725 yn 2017-18, 22,140 yn 2022-23. Methiant o ran sicrhau bod Cymru'n defnyddio'r dulliau cynllunio sydd ganddi eisoes i ddarparu cartrefi, nid gwestai, i'n pobl leol. Mae dros 7,000 o bobl wedi cael eu gwthio i ddigartrefedd ac sydd bellach yn byw mewn llety dros dro.
Nawr, o'r hyn a welaf i o ddarllen y memorandwm esboniadol, yr unig effaith gadarnhaol a gaiff y rheoliadau hyn yw y byddant yn cyfrannu at yr ymrwymiad yn rhaglen lywodraethu ddiweddaraf 2021-26 i geisio adolygu'r dreth gyngor, a byddant yn cyfrannu at yr amcan yn y cytundeb cydweithredu i roi mwy o bwerau i awdurdodau lleol godi premiymau'r dreth gyngor a chynyddu trethi ar ail gartrefi yr un pryd.
Bwriedir i'r disgresiwn a roddir i awdurdodau lleol godi premiwm fod yn offeryn i helpu awdurdodau lleol i ddod â chartrefi gwag hirdymor yn ôl, a chefnogi awdurdodau lleol i gynyddu'r cyflenwad o dai fforddiadwy. Fodd bynnag, nid oes unrhyw eglurhad o gwbl ynghylch sut y caiff unrhyw refeniw ychwanegol ei wario. Fel y mae'r memorandwm esboniadol yn ei wneud yn glir, gall awdurdodau lleol ddefnyddio'r arian fel y gwelant orau. Yn wir, mae'n amlwg bod diffyg awydd a chefnogaeth i'ch cynigion, a chredaf fod fy nghyd-Aelod Rhys ab Owen AS newydd ddweud am y 1,000 o bobl allan o 3.1 miliwn sydd wedi ymateb a chyfran y rhai sy'n amlwg yn erbyn hyn, felly mae'n codi'r cwestiwn pam yr ydych chi'n ceisio mynd ar drywydd hyn. Hyd yma, dim ond hanner yr awdurdodau sydd wedi dewis gosod premiymau ar gartrefi gwag hirdymor neu ail gartrefi neu'r ddau. Dim ond 30 y cant o anheddau gwag hirdymor yn 2022-23 a fydd yn talu premiwm, ac nid oedd y rhan fwyaf o'r ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad yn cefnogi cynnydd yn y premiwm uchaf, felly os ydych yn mynd i anwybyddu ymgynghoriad, beth yw ei ddiben? Rydych chi'n mynd i anwybyddu barn y mwyafrif.
Yn bwysig, arweiniodd yr ymgynghoriad at dystiolaeth gyfyngedig bod rhanddeiliaid yn credu y gallai cynyddu'r ganran uchaf gael effaith gadarnhaol wrth fynd i'r afael â'r problemau sy'n deillio o ail gartrefi. Yr hyn sydd gennym yma yw cyfres o reoliadau yr ydych chi a'ch partneriaid clymblaid—o, cydweithredu—ym Mhlaid Cymru eisiau eu cael, i geisio gwneud i bobl feddwl eich bod yn brwydro dros fwy o gartrefi i bobl leol. Fodd bynnag, y realiti yw mai dim ond ceisio cuddio methiant a pholisi diffygiol yw'r strategaeth hon gan sosialwyr a gwrth—[Torri ar draws.] Arhoswch. Hei, arhoswch. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dydw i ddim wedi gorffen eto. Cenedlaetholwyr gwrth-ymwelwyr. [Torri ar draws.] Ac mae'r ffordd yr ydych yn ceisio boddio Plaid Cymru yn costio'n ddrud—costau gweinyddol i Lywodraeth Cymru, casglu trethi, gorfodi, ymdrin â chwynion, costau i awdurdodau lleol, a chost i gydraddoldeb gwirioneddol.
Cefais fy syfrdanu o ddarllen yr honiad yn y memorandwm esboniadol y bydd y polisi'n cyfrannu at Gymru fwy cyfartal. Nid oes dim byd o gwbl yn gyfartal ynghylch y premiwm o 300 y cant, a byddwn i'n gofyn—fel y gofynnwyd i mi gymaint o weithiau—pam y gwnaethoch chi dynnu'r ffigur 300 y cant allan o'r awyr yn sydyn? Mae'r cwestiwn hwnnw—. Pa dystiolaeth, pa ddata, beth ydych chi wedi'i ddefnyddio, pa wybodaeth ydych chi wedi'i defnyddio, i ddod at y ffigur hwnnw? Rydych yn cosbi perchnogion ail gartrefi ac yn annog rhethreg gwrth-ymwelwyr yn ein cenedl. Bydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn pleidleisio yn erbyn y rheoliadau peryglus hyn heddiw, a byddwn yn parhau i hyrwyddo'r polisïau clir yr ydym wedi bod yn eu cynnig ers dechrau'r Senedd i sicrhau ein bod yn adeiladu cartrefi—ac, ie, cartrefi—ar gyfer pobl leol. Gofynnaf i'r Senedd, neu Senedd Cymru, ddweud 'na' wrth y ffasâd ffug hwn gan Lafur Cymru a Phlaid Cymru, a rhoi cyfle i atebion eraill.
Rhif 1: gadewch i ni fynd i'r afael â fforddiadwyedd drwy adeiladu mwy o gartrefi, gyda phwyslais ar gynhyrchu cymunedau cymysg. Dau: tynnu'r bloc sy'n atal cymaint â 10,000 o gartrefi newydd, gan gynnwys 1,700 fforddiadwy, oherwydd canllawiau gwirioneddol anghymedrol gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ar ffosfforws. Tri: gweithio gyda'n hawdurdodau lleol i hyrwyddo'r benthyciad cartrefi gwag yn well. Pedwar: adolygu pa gamau y gellir eu cymryd i droi gofod gwag uwchben unedau manwerthu yn dai fforddiadwy, wedi'u lleoli'n ganolog. Pump: defnyddio tir ac adeiladau sy'n eiddo i'r sector cyhoeddus unwaith eto ledled Cymru y gellid eu gwneud yn dai da i'r bobl hynny sydd eu hangen. Chwech: diwygio nodyn cyngor technegol 6 i ganiatáu i blant ffermwyr sy'n byw gartref ond sy'n gweithio mewn mannau eraill gael caniatâd cynllunio i adeiladu cartrefi ar dir teuluol yn haws. A saith: adfer yr hawl i brynu yng Nghymru, adeiladu tai ar gyfer pobl leol ar gyrion cymunedau, gan ailfuddsoddi elw gwerthiant mewn mwy o dai cymdeithasol, ac, os ydych yn diogelu'r cartrefi hynny rhag cael eu gwerthu am 10 mlynedd, bydd gennych rywfaint o—[Torri ar draws.]
I think you're about to finish, Janet Finch-Saunders.
Rwy'n credu eich bod ar fin gorffen, Janet Finch-Saunders.
I am.
Don't listen to him. [Laughter.] Llyr Gruffydd.
Peidiwch â gwrando arno fe. [Chwerthin.] Llyr Gruffydd.
I mean right to buy is part of the reason that we're here discussing this, to be honest.
Yr hawl i brynu yw rhan o'r rheswm ein bod ni yma'n trafod hyn, a bod yn onest.
Gadewch inni gofio mai pwerau disgresiwn rŷn ni'n sôn amdanyn nhw fan hyn—peidiwch ag anghofio hynny. Pwerau disgresiwn sydd fan hyn, nid gorchymyn yn dweud, 'Defnyddiwch y pwerau yma', neu, 'Mae'n rhaid ichi roi'r pwerau yma ar waith.' Un elfen yw hon mewn ystod llawer ehangach o arfau posib y bydd ein hawdurdodau lleol ni yn gallu eu defnyddio. Mae'n rhaid ichi beidio ag edrych ar hwn ar ben ei hun, in isolation; mae hwn jest yn un elfen mewn ateb llawer iawn ehangach, a rhai ohonyn nhw, a dweud y gwir, yn rhai rŷch chi wedi cyfeirio atyn nhw nawr, er ei bod hi'n drueni ei bod hi wedi cymryd pum munud o negyddiaeth i ddod at gwpwl o bwyntiau adeiladol ar y diwedd. Ar ei ben ei hun, dyw hwn ddim yn silver bullet, a does neb yn awgrymu am eiliad ei fod e, ond mae e'n un arf ymhlith nifer y bydd awdurdodau lleol yn gallu ei defnyddio. 'Ymhlith nifer', dwi'n dweud, ac mae yna gamau eraill rŷn ni fel Plaid, wrth gwrs, yn eu cefnogi, yn cynnwys mynd i'r afael ag argaeledd tai, mynd i'r afael â fforddiadwyedd tai, newid y gyfraith gynllunio, edrych ar gynlluniau cofrestru statudol ar lety gwyliau, ochr yn ochr wedyn â defnyddio'r gyfundrefn drethiannol, er mwyn cychwyn delio, os caf i ddweud, â'r broblem yn yr ardaloedd lle mae'n argyfwng—ac mae eisiau cofio hynny hefyd. Ac 'argyfwng' yw'r gair, os caf i ddweud. Ac os ydyw hi'n argyfwng, yna mae angen ateb y Llywodraeth i adlewyrchu'r argyfwng hwnnw.
Dwi'n deall y pwynt roedd y pwyllgor yn ei wneud ynglŷn â hawliau dynol. Ond beth am hawliau dynol y bobl honno sy'n cael eu gyrru allan o'u cymunedau am eu bod nhw'n methu â fforddio tai—y cymunedau yma lle maen nhw wedi cael eu magu, lle maen nhw wedi cael eu codi, lle maen nhw'n galw'n gartref a lle maen nhw eisiau byw? 'Hawl i Fyw Adra' yw enw'r ymgyrch. Mae hawliau gan y rhai hynny sydd heb le i fyw. Felly, mi fyddwn i'n annog Aelodau i gefnogi'r cynnig yma fel un darn o'r jig-so, fel un rhan o'r ymdrech i ddelio â'r broblem, a rhoi opsiwn ychwanegol i awdurdodau lleol. Posib fydd nifer ohonyn nhw ddim yn ei ddefnyddio fe, ond mae e'n opsiwn i'r ardaloedd hynny lle mae'r broblem ar ei ddwysaf, ac mae'r ymateb o fan hyn yn mynnu ymateb o'r fath.
Let us recall that we're talking about discretionary powers here—don't forget that. These are discretionary powers. This isn't an order saying, 'Use these powers', or, 'You must implement these powers.' This is but one element in a far broader range of possible tools that our local authorities could adopt. You mustn't look at this in isolation; this is simply one element of a far broader solution, and some of those are ones that you yourself have referred to, although it took five minutes of negativity to come to some constructive points at the end. But, in isolation, this isn't a solution, and nobody is suggesting that it is, but it is one tool among many that local authorities can adopt. And I emphasise that it's one among many, and there are other steps that we as a party have supported in terms of tackling the affordability of homes, the amount of homes available, changes to planning, changes to statutory registration of holiday lets, and that is alongside the use of the taxation system, in order to start to deal with the problem in those areas where there is a crisis—and we must bear that in mind too. And 'crisis' is the word, if I may say so. And if it is a crisis, then the Government's solution needs to reflect that crisis.
I understand the point that the committee made on human rights. But what of the human rights of those people who are driven out of their communities because they can't afford homes in those communities—these communities where they've been born and raised, where they call home and where they want to live? The right to live at home—'Hawl i Fyw Adra'—is what the campaign is called. Those who have nowhere to live have rights too. So, I would encourage Members to support this motion as one piece of the jigsaw, as one part of the effort to deal with the problem, and to provide an additional option to local authorities. Many may not choose to use it, but it is an option in those areas where the problem is most intensive, and the response demands such a response.
Before I begin, I'd like to state that I'm speaking as a member of the LJC committee, but not on behalf of the LJC committee. I really want to build on the point earlier that Rhys made about equality impact assessments. It's more of a procedural point. But, Llywydd, I would like to ask the Minister about the lack of an equality impact assessment within the explanatory memorandum of these regulations. This is a fundamental point and one that applies to any decision to be made by the Government or the Senedd. Now, I understand that this is a procedural point, as I shared, but I still think that it's an important point to raise, because, regardless of what regulations are about, they still have an impact on people, potentially including those with protected characteristics.
The Minister will be aware of the various pieces of legislation that the Welsh Government is subject to regarding equalities. Indeed, under the Equality Act 2010 (Statutory Duties) (Wales) Regulations 2011, the Welsh Ministers must have appropriate arrangements for carrying out equality impact assessments. Yet, the explanatory memorandum simply states that:
'No negative impact on groups with a protected characteristic has been identified as a result of these Regulations.'
There isn't any additional information provided as to how the Welsh Government carried out an equality impact assessment for these regulations and whether it complies with legal equality duties. Minister, what arrangements has the Welsh Government made to comply with its equality duties when developing these council tax regulations? And if it has complied, where is the evidence of this? Surely, providing all of the information will help to improve Senedd scrutiny on not only these regulations, but future ones as well. Diolch, Llywydd.
Cyn imi ddechrau, hoffwn ddweud fy mod yn siarad fel aelod o'r Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad, ond nid ar ran y pwyllgor hwnnw. Rwyf wirioneddol eisiau adeiladu ar y pwynt a wnaeth Rhys yn gynharach am asesiadau o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb. Mae'n fwy o bwynt gweithdrefnol. Ond, Llywydd, hoffwn ofyn i'r Gweinidog am y diffyg asesiad o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb ym memorandwm esboniadol y rheoliadau hyn. Mae hwn yn bwynt sylfaenol ac yn un sy'n berthnasol i unrhyw benderfyniad sydd i'w wneud gan y Llywodraeth neu'r Senedd. Nawr, rwy'n deall fod hwn yn bwynt gweithdrefnol, fel y dywedais i, ond rwy'n dal i feddwl ei fod yn bwynt pwysig i'w godi, oherwydd, ni waeth beth yw ystyr y rheoliadau, maen nhw'n dal i gael effaith ar bobl, gan gynnwys y rheini sydd â nodweddion gwarchodedig o bosibl.
Bydd y Gweinidog yn ymwybodol o'r gwahanol ddarnau o ddeddfwriaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ddarostyngedig iddyn nhw o ran cydraddoldebau. Yn wir, o dan Reoliadau Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 (Dyletswyddau Statudol) (Cymru) 2011, mae'n rhaid i Weinidogion Cymru gael trefniadau priodol ar gyfer cynnal asesiadau o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb. Ac eto, mae'r memorandwm esboniadol yn nodi:
'Ni nodwyd unrhyw effaith negyddol ar grwpiau sydd â nodwedd warchodedig o ganlyniad i gyflwyno'r Rheoliadau hyn.'
Nid oes unrhyw wybodaeth ychwanegol yn cael ei darparu ynghylch sut y cynhaliodd Llywodraeth Cymru asesiad o'r effaith ar gydraddoldeb ar gyfer y rheoliadau hyn ac a yw'n cydymffurfio â dyletswyddau cydraddoldeb cyfreithiol. Gweinidog, pa drefniadau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u gwneud i gydymffurfio â'i dyletswyddau cydraddoldeb wrth ddatblygu'r rheoliadau treth gyngor hyn? Ac os yw wedi cydymffurfio, ble mae'r dystiolaeth o hyn? Heb os nac oni bai bydd darparu'r holl wybodaeth yn helpu i wella gwaith craffu'r Senedd nid yn unig ar y rheoliadau hyn, ond ar rai yn y dyfodol hefyd. Diolch, Llywydd.
Wel, bydd pawb yma yn ymwybodol o odidogrwydd Dwyfor a Meirionydd, yr etholaeth y mae gen i'r fraint anhygoel o'i chynrychioli. Ond tra bod ymwelwyr yn mwynhau prydferthwch rhyfeddol y lle, y gwir ydy bod teuluoedd yn gorfod crafu byw yno, efo incwm y pen ymhlith yr isaf yn y wladwriaeth a gwerth tai wedi saethu i fyny. Yn wir, yn ddiweddar, clywsom ni am gyt ar lan traeth Abersoch yn gwerthu am £200,000. Mae fy swyddfa i o dan y don ar hyn o bryd efo pobl yn cysylltu eisiau cymorth yn ymwneud â thai: rhieni ifanc yn ddigartref; rhieni sy'n gweithio yn y sector gyhoeddus, yn gweithio yn y sector breifat, yn ennill incwm ond yn byw'n ddigartref; babanod yn cael eu magu mewn tai cwbl anaddas, efo mamau, yn amlach na pheidio, yn gorfod cario'r goetsh i fyny efo'r siopa a'r baban yn y llaw, a gadael y goetsh i lawr er mwyn mynd i fyny i lofft tamp—tai yn gwbl anaddas ar eu cyfer nhw. O Aberdyfi, Beddgelert, Criccieth, Morfa Nefyn a phob cymuned arall rhyngddyn nhw, mae un o bob pedwar tŷ mewn llawer o'r cymunedau yma, ac weithiau un o bob dau o dai, yn eistedd yn wag am y rhan fwyaf o'r flwyddyn, tra bod y teuluoedd yma, yn magu'u plant mewn tai anaddas, yn orlawn efo neiniau a theidiau ac aelodau eraill o'r teulu ehangach, yn gorfod edrych ar y tai yn eistedd yn wag.
Fel y dywedodd Llyr, mae'n argyfwng ac mae'n gwbl anfoesol. Mae'n rhaid cymryd camau er mwyn datrys hyn, a dwi'n siarad ar ran pob un o'r bobl yma dwi wedi gweld yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf sydd yn byw mewn cartrefi anaddas, sydd yn ddigartref, a dwi'n croesawu unrhyw gam sy'n cael ei gyflwyno er mwyn ceisio cywiro'r anghyfiawnder enbyd yma.
Well, everyone here will be aware of the glory of Dwyfor Meirionydd, the constituency that I am privileged to represent. But, while visitors enjoy the incredible beauty of the region, the truth is that families have to scrape a living there, with income per capita among the lowest in this state and the value of homes having shot up. Indeed, we recently heard about a hut on the beach in Abersoch selling for £200,000. My office is deluged at the moment with people contacting me seeking support in relation to housing: young parents who are homeless; parents working in the public sector or the private sector, earning an income but who are homeless; babies being brought up in inappropriate properties, with mothers, more often than not, having to carry the pram up with their shopping and the baby to go up to a damp bedroom—housing that is entirely inappropriate for them. From Aberdovey, Beddgelert, Criccieth, Morfa Nefyn and every other community in between, one in four homes in many of these communities, and on occasion one in two houses, are vacant for most of the year, whilst these families, bringing up their children in inappropriate accommodation, full with grandparents and other members of the wider family, are having to look at these homes sitting empty.
As Llyr said, it is a crisis and it is entirely immoral. We must take steps to resolve this, and I speak on behalf of every one of these people I have seen over the past few weeks who are living in inappropriate accommodation or are homeless, and I welcome any steps brought forward in order to seek to address his huge inequality and injustice.
Today, I want to speak on behalf of those genuine tourism businesses that are going to be impacted by these regulations. I've been contacted by many genuine businesses that will be affected by this, with the increase in the days that they need to be let from 140 to 252. A lot of those businesses that genuinely set up their company so that people can come to Wales to enjoy our scenery, to spend money in our local areas, are very concerned that, if they do not meet the threshold for the amount of days let, their businesses will be forced to close, when those properties, which I'm sure you hope will go back on the open market, many of those are subject to planning restrictions, some of them are too big, they'll be too expensive and local people will not be able to afford them. And what I don't want to see is many businesses going bust, many businesses that can't afford to pay 300 per cent council tax, because that is what's going to happen.
When visitors come here, they are not going to have anywhere to stay. As my colleague Janet Finch-Saunders has said, this second home rhetoric has got to stop. The problem here is not second home owners, it's not people running genuine businesses, it's the Government here that have failed for years to build the houses that we need for our young people. This Government could abolish land transaction tax for young people. You could get on and build more houses. You could get rid of the phosphate regulations. But you haven't got a plan to address it. This is a typical socialist Government. The only way—[Interruption.] The only way you find of addressing problems is through tax, tax, tax. This is a tax on aspiration, it's a tax on tourism, and it's a tax against people visiting Wales. So, I suggest the Government gets on, builds more houses and puts policies in place that actually support young people to buy homes and not tax people off the face of this earth.
Heddiw, rwyf eisiau siarad ar ran y busnesau twristiaeth dilys hynny y bydd y rheoliadau hyn yn effeithio arnyn nhw. Mae llawer o fusnesau dilys y bydd hyn yn effeithio arnyn nhw wedi cysylltu â mi, ynghylch y cynnydd yn nifer y dyddiau y mae angen eu gosod o 140 i 252. Mae llawer o'r busnesau hynny a sefydlodd, yn ddiffuant, eu cwmni'n fel y gall pobl ddod i Gymru i fwynhau ein golygfeydd, i wario arian yn ein hardaloedd lleol, yn pryderu'n fawr, os nad ydyn nhw'n yn cyrraedd y trothwy o ran nifer y dyddiau o osod, y bydd eu busnesau'n gorfod cau, pan fydd yr eiddo hynny, a fydd, rwy'n siŵr, yn mynd yn ôl ar y farchnad agored, mae llawer o'r rheini'n destun cyfyngiadau cynllunio, mae rhai ohonyn nhw'n rhy fawr, byddant yn rhy ddrud ac ni fydd pobl leol yn gallu eu fforddio. A'r hyn nad wyf eisiau ei weld yw gweld llawer o fusnesau'n mynd i'r wal, llawer o fusnesau na allan nhw fforddio talu'r dreth gyngor 300 y cant, oherwydd dyna sy'n mynd i ddigwydd.
Pan fydd ymwelwyr yn dod yma, ni fydd ganddyn nhw unrhyw le i aros. Fel y dywedodd fy nghyd-Aelod Janet Finch-Saunders, mae'n rhaid i'r rhethreg ynghylch ail gartrefi ddod i ben. Nid perchnogion ail gartrefi yw'r broblem yma, nid pobl sy'n rhedeg busnesau go iawn, y Llywodraeth yma sydd wedi methu ers blynyddoedd i adeiladu'r tai y mae eu hangen arnom ar gyfer ein pobl ifanc. Gallai'r Llywodraeth hon ddiddymu'r dreth trafodiadau tir ar gyfer pobl ifanc. Gallech fwrw ymlaen ac adeiladu mwy o dai. Gallech gael gwared ar y rheoliadau ffosffad. Ond nid oes gennych gynllun i fynd i'r afael ag ef. Mae hon yn Llywodraeth sosialaidd nodweddiadol. Yr unig ffordd—[Torri ar draws.] Yr unig ffordd yr ydych yn ymdrin â phroblemau yw drwy drethi, trethi, trethi. Treth ar ddyhead yw hon, mae'n dreth ar dwristiaeth, ac mae'n dreth yn erbyn pobl sydd eisiau ymweld â Chymru. Felly, awgrymaf fod y Llywodraeth yn bwrw ymlaen, yn adeiladu mwy o dai ac yn rhoi polisïau ar waith sy'n cefnogi pobl ifanc mewn gwirionedd i brynu cartrefi ac nid trethu pobl oddi ar wyneb y ddaear hon.
Well, on a similar theme, to justify its announcement that any self-catering business unable—[Interruption.]
Wel, ar thema debyg, i gyfiawnhau ei gyhoeddiad y bydd unrhyw fusnes hunanarlwyo sy'n methu—[Torri ar draws.]
Can we just hear Mark Isherwood now, please? Can we have some silence?
A gawn ni glywed Mark Isherwood yn awr, os gwelwch yn dda? A gawn ni rywfaint o dawelwch?
To justify its announcement that any self-catering business unable to meet its increase to 182 days let annually will be removed from the business rate register and may have to pay a council tax premium of up to 300 per cent, your Government stated that respondents to the consultation, respondents representing the wider tourism industry, clearly support a change to the criteria and self-catering accommodation to be classified as non-domestic, and even more surprisingly, were of the view that the majority of genuine holiday accommodation businesses would be able to satisfy increased letting thresholds. Of course, since then, we've heard outcry from the sector across Wales.
Concerns have been raised with me by actual legitimate holiday-let businesses, and include, 'I have two holiday lets in the garden of our Gwynedd home. We're open all year, are fully booked during peak season, but usually only have weekend short-break bookings during the quieter months. I fear we will end up bankrupt.'
'The six holiday cottages that we have adjacent to our home have been our business for 25 years, and for businesses such as ours that do not meet the 182 days letting, how could council tax be charged on cottages that have planning permission that states that they can never be residential?'
'Our holiday cottage is 6m from our front door, so, clearly, it's not a second home and it actually specifies this on the title deed.'
'We've been trading for the past seven years, have exceeded 182 days let in four out of the seven years.'
So, we need to know what impact assessments the Welsh Government has therefore carried out of the consequences for legitimate holiday-let businesses, businesses that were established, in many cases, in response to calls by Welsh Governments since devolution for them to diversify within the rural economy—businesses that have properties that have never and will never be used as second homes. Diolch yn fawr.
Er mwyn cyfiawnhau ei gyhoeddiad y bydd unrhyw fusnes hunanarlwyo sy'n methu â bodloni ei gynnydd i 182 diwrnod o osod yn flynyddol yn cael ei ddileu o'r gofrestr ardrethi busnes ac efallai y bydd yn rhaid iddo dalu premiwm treth gyngor o hyd at 300 y cant, dywedodd eich Llywodraeth fod ymatebwyr i'r ymgynghoriad, ymatebwyr sy'n cynrychioli'r diwydiant twristiaeth ehangach, yn amlwg yn cefnogi newid i'r meini prawf a bod llety hunanarlwyo i'w ddosbarthu fel un annomestig, a hyd yn oed yn fwy annisgwyl, eu bod o'r farn y byddai'r rhan fwyaf o fusnesau llety gwyliau go iawn yn gallu bodloni trothwyon llety gwyliau uwch. Wrth gwrs, ers hynny, rydym wedi clywed protest gan y sector ledled Cymru.
Mynegwyd pryderon i mi gan fusnesau gwyliau dilys, yn cynnwys, 'Mae gennyf ddau lety gwyliau yng ngardd ein cartref yng Ngwynedd. Rydym ar agor drwy'r flwyddyn, yn llawn yn ystod y tymor brig, ond fel arfer dim ond archebion am wyliau byr penwythnos a gawn ni yn ystod y misoedd tawelach. Rwy'n ofni y byddwn yn fethdalwyr yn y pen draw.
'Mae'r chwe bwthyn gwyliau sydd gennym gerllaw ein cartref wedi bod yn fusnes i ni ers 25 mlynedd, ac i fusnesau fel ein un ni nad ydyn nhw'n bodloni'r 182 diwrnod o osod, sut y gellid codi'r dreth gyngor ar fythynnod sydd â chaniatâd cynllunio sy'n datgan na allant byth fod yn rhai preswyl?'
'Mae ein bwthyn gwyliau 6 metr o'n drws ffrynt, felly, yn amlwg, nid yw'n ail gartref ac mae'n nodi hyn yn y llyfr pryniad.'
'Rydym wedi bod yn masnachu dros y saith mlynedd diwethaf, wedi mynd dros 182 diwrnod o osod mewn pedair allan o'r saith mlynedd.'
Felly, mae angen i ni wybod pa asesiadau effaith y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cynnal o ran y canlyniadau i fusnesau gwyliau cyfreithlon, busnesau a sefydlwyd, mewn llawer o achosion, mewn ymateb i alwadau gan Lywodraethau Cymru ers datganoli iddyn nhw arallgyfeirio o fewn yr economi wledig—busnesau sydd ag eiddo nad ydynt erioed wedi'u defnyddio ac na fyddant byth yn cael eu defnyddio fel ail gartrefi. Diolch yn fawr.
Y Gweinidog i ymateb i'r ddadl. Rebecca Evans.
The Minister to reply to the debate. Rebecca Evans.

Diolch, Llywydd, and I'm grateful to those Members who have participated in today's debate. I'll just begin by responding to the points made on behalf of the LJC committee, and it is of course the case that the report identified two merits scrutiny points under Standing Order 21.3, and namely that is of political or legal importance, or gives rise to issues of public policy likely to be of interest to the Senedd. And, of course, in our response, we did state that we were satisfied the regulations are compatible with convention rights, and provided an explanation as to why option 2 of the RIA was pursued rather than option 1, and the committee did then go on to accept the Welsh Government's response, following advice from the Senedd lawyer, and confirmed that they were satisfied with the response. But I will give some reflection to the points raised on behalf of the LJC committee, both by Rhys ab Owen and also by Peter Fox this afternoon.
These regulations will give more flexibility to local authorities, and they can provide more support to local communities in addressing what are genuine negative impacts that second homes and long-term equity properties can have, and this is one of the levers that we have available to us to create a fairer system. And, as Llyr Gruffydd was saying, this is one tool amongst many. And, of course, it's imperative that we do use the tools that are available to us, and I think that Llyr Gruffydd and Mabon ap Gwynfor really set out why this is important that we do address this issue.
One of the other tools that we will have available to us is the matter of the thresholds for holiday lets. However, that's not what we are debating this afternoon. So, James Evans and Mark Isherwood will have their opportunity to contribute on those regulations in due course. There's currently a technical consultation open for response, so I'm sure that they'll take the opportunity to respond to that technical consultation, which is ongoing currently.
We will obviously continue to make every effort to increase the supply and the affordability of homes, and we've shown that commitment in the £1 billion of funding to build 20,000 low-carbon social homes, which was included in our final budget, approved on 8 March. And we're also taking important action to address the issue of empty homes, because we do recognise, of course, that empty dwellings, and particularly those that have been empty for long periods, can present real problems for local communities. We've taken a whole-system approach, backed by significant investment, to tackle these issues. In this financial year alone, we've made £11 million available to local authorities whose communities are affected by second home ownership and holiday lets, so that they can buy and renovate those empty homes for social housing. That's a really important intervention. And, in addition, we're recently received funding applications from Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire local authorities, seeking assistance with empty home purchases and renovations, and those applications are totalling more than £13.5 million.
Of course, local authorities can use the revenues raised from premiums to tackle issues affecting the local supply of affordable housing, including bringing empty homes back into use. A number of local authorities have already used the premium—to date, 11 of them have—to address the issues of long-term empty homes or second homes or both. Gwynedd and Swansea have set the premium at the current maximum, which is 100 per cent on homes, and that was from 1 April 2021. Pembrokeshire will do so from 1 April 2022, and the Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Pembrokeshire and Swansea have also set a 100 per cent premium on long-term empty dwellings. So, there's clearly an appetite here on the part of local authorities to engage with the new tool that we're providing them with, and they'll do so having consulted locally and having taken that decision within their councils at the time that is right for them, and set the level at the point that is right for them, and that's what these regulations today will enable them to do.
So, finally, as I outlined in my statement on council tax reform in December, it is our ambition that reforms to council tax are designed to ensure contributions from households are made as fairly as possible—dare I say, Llywydd, the socialist way—whilst also maintaining its role as a significant revenue stream, which, of course, helps to fund vital public services across Wales. Of course, I will continue to keep Members informed of developments. Diolch.
Diolch, Llywydd, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Aelodau hynny sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y ddadl heddiw. Rwyf am ddechrau drwy ymateb i'r pwyntiau a wnaed ar ran y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad, ac wrth gwrs mae'n wir bod yr adroddiad wedi nodi dau bwynt craffu rhinweddau o dan Reol Sefydlog 21.3, sydd o bwysigrwydd gwleidyddol neu gyfreithiol, neu'n codi materion polisi cyhoeddus sy'n debygol o fod o ddiddordeb i'r Senedd. Ac, wrth gwrs, yn ein hymateb, gwnaethom ddatgan ein bod yn fodlon bod y rheoliadau'n gydnaws â hawliau'r confensiwn, a gwnaethom egluro pam yr aethpwyd ar drywydd opsiwn 2 o'r Asesiad Effaith Rheoleiddiol yn hytrach nag opsiwn 1, ac yna aeth y pwyllgor ymlaen i gael ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru, yn dilyn cyngor gan gyfreithiwr y Senedd, a chadarnhaodd eu bod yn fodlon â'r ymateb. Ond fe wnaf fyfyrio rhywfaint ar y pwyntiau a godwyd ar ran y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad, gan Rhys ab Owen a hefyd gan Peter Fox y prynhawn yma.
Bydd y rheoliadau hyn yn rhoi mwy o hyblygrwydd i awdurdodau lleol, a gallant roi mwy o gymorth i gymunedau lleol wrth fynd i'r afael â'r effeithiau negyddol gwirioneddol y gall ail gartrefi ac eiddo ecwiti hirdymor eu cael, a dyma un o'r dulliau sydd ar gael i ni i greu system decach. Ac, fel yr oedd Llyr Gruffydd yn ei ddweud, dyma un offeryn ymysg llawer. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn defnyddio'r offerynnau sydd ar gael i ni, a chredaf fod Llyr Gruffydd a Mabon ap Gwynfor wedi nodi'n glir pam y mae'n bwysig ein bod yn mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn.
Un o'r offerynnau eraill a fydd ar gael i ni yw mater y trothwyon ar gyfer llety gwyliau. Fodd bynnag, nid dyna'r hyn yr ydym yn ei drafod y prynhawn yma. Felly, caiff James Evans a Mark Isherwood gyfle i gyfrannu ynghylch y rheoliadau hynny maes o law. Mae ymgynghoriad technegol ar agor ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer ymateb, felly rwy'n siŵr y byddan nhw'n manteisio ar y cyfle i ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad technegol hwnnw, sy'n mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd.
Byddwn yn amlwg yn parhau i wneud pob ymdrech i gynyddu cyflenwad a fforddiadwyedd cartrefi, ac rydym wedi dangos yr ymrwymiad hwnnw yn y £1 biliwn o gyllid i adeiladu 20,000 o gartrefi cymdeithasol carbon isel, a gynhwyswyd yn ein cyllideb derfynol, a gymeradwywyd ar 8 Mawrth. Ac rydym hefyd yn cymryd camau pwysig i fynd i'r afael â mater cartrefi gwag, oherwydd rydym yn cydnabod, wrth gwrs, y gall anheddau gwag, ac yn enwedig y rheini sydd wedi bod yn wag am gyfnodau hir, achosi problemau gwirioneddol i gymunedau lleol. Rydym wedi mabwysiadu dull system gyfan, wedi'i ategu gan fuddsoddiad sylweddol, i fynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn. Yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon yn unig, rydym wedi sicrhau bod £11 miliwn ar gael i awdurdodau lleol yr effeithir ar eu cymunedau gan berchenogaeth ail gartrefi a llety gwyliau, fel y gallan nhw brynu ac adnewyddu'r cartrefi gwag hynny ar gyfer tai cymdeithasol. Mae hwnnw'n ymyriad pwysig iawn. A hefyd, rydym wedi cael ceisiadau am gyllid yn ddiweddar gan awdurdodau lleol sir Gaerfyrddin a sir Benfro, yn ceisio cymorth gyda phrynu ac adnewyddu cartrefi gwag, ac mae'r ceisiadau hynny'n dod i gyfanswm o dros £13.5 miliwn.
Wrth gwrs, gall awdurdodau lleol ddefnyddio'r refeniw a godir o bremiymau i fynd i'r afael â materion sy'n effeithio ar y cyflenwad lleol o dai fforddiadwy, gan gynnwys defnyddio tai gwag unwaith eto. Mae nifer o awdurdodau lleol eisoes wedi defnyddio'r premiwm—hyd yma, 11 ohonyn nhw—i fynd i'r afael â materion cartrefi gwag hirdymor neu ail gartrefi neu'r ddau. Mae Gwynedd ac Abertawe wedi gosod y premiwm ar yr uchafswm presennol, sef 100 y cant ar gartrefi, ac roedd hynny o 1 Ebrill 2021. Bydd sir Benfro yn gwneud hynny o 1 Ebrill 2022, ac mae Ynys Môn, Gwynedd, sir Benfro ac Abertawe hefyd wedi gosod premiwm o 100 y cant ar anheddau gwag hirdymor. Felly, mae'n amlwg bod awydd yma ar ran awdurdodau lleol i ymgysylltu â'r offeryn newydd yr ydym yn ei ddarparu iddyn nhw, a byddan nhw'n gwneud hynny ar ôl ymgynghori'n lleol ac ar ôl gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw o fewn eu cynghorau ar yr adeg sy'n iawn iddyn nhw, a phennu'r lefel ar y pwynt sy'n iawn iddyn nhw, a dyna beth fydd y rheoliadau hyn heddiw yn eu galluogi nhw i'w wneud.
Felly, yn olaf, fel yr amlinellais yn fy natganiad ar ddiwygio'r dreth gyngor ym mis Rhagfyr, ein huchelgais yw bod diwygiadau i'r dreth gyngor wedi'u cynllunio i sicrhau bod cyfraniadau gan aelwydydd yn cael eu gwneud mor deg â phosibl—meiddiaf ddweud, Llywydd, y ffordd sosialaidd—gan hefyd ar yr un pryd, gynnal ei swyddogaeth fel ffrwd refeniw sylweddol, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn helpu i ariannu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hanfodol ledled Cymru. Wrth gwrs, byddaf yn parhau i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau am ddatblygiadau. Diolch.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes, felly fe fyddwn ni'n gohirio'r eitem ar gyfer y pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? [Objection.] There is objection, therefore we will defer voting under this item until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Ac rŷn ni'n cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio ac fe fyddwn ni'n cymryd toriad byr nawr cyn inni gynnal y bleidlais yma. Felly, toriad byr.
And we've reached voting time, and we'll take a short break now before we hold this vote. So, a short break.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 16:52.
Plenary was suspended at 16:52.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 16:56, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 16:56, with the Llywydd in the Chair.
Dyma ni'n cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio. Felly, mae'r unig bleidlais y prynhawn yma ar eitem 9 ar Reoliadau’r Dreth Gyngor (Anheddau Gwag Hirdymor ac Anheddau a Feddiennir yn Gyfnodol) (Cymru) 2022. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig yma, felly, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 36, neb yn ymatal, 13 yn erbyn. Felly, mae'r cynnig yna wedi'i gymeradwyo.
That brings us to voting time. The only vote this afternoon is on item 9, the Council Tax (Long-term Empty Dwellings and Dwellings Occupied Periodically) (Wales) Regulations 2022. I call for a vote on the motion tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 36, no abstentions, 13 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
Eitem 9. Rheoliadau’r Dreth Gyngor (Anheddau Gwag Hirdymor ac Anheddau a Feddiennir yn Gyfnodol) (Cymru) 2022: O blaid: 36, Yn erbyn: 13, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig
Item 9. The Council Tax (Long-term Empty Dwellings and Dwellings Occupied Periodically) (Wales) Regulations 2022: For: 36, Against: 13, Abstain: 0
Motion has been agreed
Dyna ni, dyna ddiwedd ar ein gwaith y prynhawn yma.
That concludes our proceedings for this afternoon.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 16:56.
The meeting ended at 16:56.