Answers to questions not reached in Plenary


Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

Questions For - First Minister

OQ61392 Tabled on 27/06/2024

What representations has the Welsh Government made to the UK Government about increasing public spending?

The Finance Cabinet Secretary has repeatedly made the case to successive Chief Secretaries to the Treasury and Chancellors for increased spending and budget flexibilities to support public services. UK Government decisions mean that this year our budget is £700m lower in real terms than expected at the last Spending Review.

Answered by First Minister | Answered on - 03/07/2024
OQ61396 Tabled on 27/06/2024

What assessment has the First Minister made of the impact that the different outcomes of the UK general election will have on the Welsh Government's budget?

The outlook for the public finances is expected to remain incredibly challenging whatever the outcome of the forthcoming UK General Election. We will have a clearer picture following the Election and once the next UK administration has set out its fiscal plans.

Answered by First Minister | Answered on - 03/07/2024
OQ61403 Tabled on 27/06/2024

Will the First Minister make a statement on the announcement that Kimberly-Clark is consulting on the proposed closure of its Flint site?

This is clearly a disappointing and unwelcome development for the business and its employees.  My officials are in contact with the company and will pursue discussions during the consultation process without pre-judging the outcome.

Answered by First Minister | Answered on - 03/07/2024
OQ61404 Tabled on 27/06/2024

What are the Welsh Government's immediate economic priorities for joint working with the new UK Government?

We want a more collaborative relationship with the incoming UK Government to help us support our ambitions for growth and jobs in Wales. We will be seeking early dialogue on a range of issues, including our priorities for replacement EU funding, trade, green energy jobs and skills.

Answered by First Minister | Answered on - 03/07/2024