Answers to questions not reached in Plenary


Answers are published in the language in which they are provided, with a translation into English of responses provided in Welsh.

Questions For - Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport

OQ61300 Tabled on 19/06/2024

How is the Welsh Government working to ensure the accessibility of public transport services?

Our national transport delivery plan sets out our plans to improve the accessibility of public transport in Wales, including investment in rail and legislation to allow the franchising of bus services. We want to develop integrated transport network that is accessible for all people in Wales.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport | Answered on - 27/06/2024
OQ61342 Tabled on 19/06/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had since his appointment with stakeholders on the work of the Burns delivery unit?

In addition to discussions with various stakeholders, I have met with the chair of the Burns delivery board to discuss their work to develop high-quality alternatives to the M4 around Newport. This includes new railway stations in the region and improvements to connections in and around Newport.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport | Answered on - 27/06/2024
OQ61348 Tabled on 19/06/2024

What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the adequacy of bus services in South Wales East?

Local authorities have a legal duty to provide public transport they deem socially necessary. We have provided the south-east Wales local authorities with in excess of £32 million through the 2024-25 financial year to support and protect bus services.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport | Answered on - 27/06/2024

Questions For - Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice

OQ61344 Tabled on 19/06/2024

How does the Welsh Government ensure that there are no barriers for disabled people to participate in elite sports?

Our programme for government commits the Welsh Government to promoting equal access to sports. This is reinforced in all our activities, making clear diversity, inclusion and equality are prioritised throughout the sector, ensuring barriers to participation are understood and overcome.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice | Answered on - 27/06/2024
OQ61345 Tabled on 19/06/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary make a statement on the number of independent sexual violence advisors available in north Wales?

There are 10 independent sexual advisers in post in north Wales. The posts are primarily funded by the Ministry of Justice, with two posts supported by the Welsh Government’s violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence budget.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice | Answered on - 27/06/2024
OQ61346 Tabled on 19/06/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on what the Welsh Government is doing to support volunteering?

The Welsh Government is committed to supporting volunteering across Wales. Our Third Sector Support Wales partners, which include local volunteer centers, our volunteering Wales grants and our newly upgraded volunteering Wales portal, are designed to make things easier for those who want to volunteer and the organisations that need them.

Answered by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice | Answered on - 27/06/2024