Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:31 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:31 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Cynhelir y Cyfarfod Llawn hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gydag Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd, ac eraill yn ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, ble bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal heddiw. Mae pob Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rhain wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. A dwi eisiau atgoffa Aelodau fod y Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod hyn, ac yr un mor berthnasol i'r Aelodau sydd yn y Siambr ag ydyn nhw i'r rheini sy'n ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo.
Welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. This meeting will be held in a hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Siambr, and others joining by video-conference. All Members participating in proceedings of the Senedd, wherever they may be, will be treated equitably. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitute Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are noted on your agenda. And I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting, and apply equally to Members in the Siambr as to those joining virtually.
Cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog yw'r eitem gyntaf ar yr agenda, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Michelle Brown.
Questions to the First Minister is our first agenda item, and the first question is from Michelle Brown.
1. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i adeiladu'n ôl yn wyrddach ar ôl pandemig COVID-19? OQ55625
1. What plans does Welsh Government have to build back greener after the COVID-19 pandemic? OQ55625
Llywydd, I thank the Member for that question. Across the Welsh Government, we prepare for a green reconstruction post COVID. The actions we are taking will generate a more sustainable and resilient future economy, tackle the climate emergency, and address the decline in biodiversity.
Llywydd, diolchaf i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna. Ar draws Llywodraeth Cymru, rydym ni'n paratoi ar gyfer ailadeiladu gwyrdd ar ôl COVID. Bydd y camau yr ydym ni'n eu cymryd yn creu economi fwy cynaliadwy a chydnerth yn y dyfodol, yn mynd i'r afael ag argyfwng yr hinsawdd, ac yn mynd i'r afael â'r dirywiad i fioamrywiaeth.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. Your friends at the Trades Union Congress have said this green recovery must be good for the environment, and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales says that we have a once-in-a-lifetime—
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Mae eich ffrindiau yng Nghyngres yr Undebau Llafur wedi dweud bod yn rhaid i'r adferiad gwyrdd hwn fod yn dda i'r amgylchedd, ac mae Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru yn dweud bod gennym ni gyfle unwaith mewn oes—
Michelle, can I just stop you there? I think we might have missed the start of your supplementary question. If you can start again.
Michelle, a gaf i eich atal am funud? Rwy'n credu efallai ein bod ni wedi colli dechrau eich cwestiwn atodol. Os gallwch chi ddechrau eto.
Okay. Thank you for your answer, First Minister. Your friends at the Trades Union Congress have said that any recovery must benefit the environment and the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales says we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to come up with visionary ideas and transformative investment to address health, the economy, and the ongoing climate and nature crises, for the sake of Wales's long-term future. She says we need a new definition of prosperity based on well-being and a fairer, greener way of living. So, what's one of your imaginative ideas? Build yet another road—the red route—a road that won't preserve nature and the environment, as the TUC, the future generations commissioner and the Welsh people want, but will destroy it. You scrapped the M4 relief road because it would damage the environment in south Wales. So, it's a shame for the people of north Wales that you don't care as much about us, but instead care more about lorry drivers who want to cross into and out of Ireland. Initially, you said it was chosen because it was the cheapest option, but the cost estimate has already risen by £20 million. We need every penny we have to be spent on recovery projects. When will the Government stop the rhetoric and put the money towards projects that will help our recovery, and do so in a way that does not destroy forever ancient woodlands and farmland?
Iawn. Diolch am eich ateb, Prif Weinidog. Mae eich ffrindiau yng Nghyngres yr Undebau Llafur wedi dweud bod yn rhaid i unrhyw adferiad fod er lles yr amgylchedd ac mae Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru yn dweud bod gennym ni gyfle unwaith mewn oes i lunio syniadau gweledigaethol a buddsoddiad trawsnewidiol i fynd i'r afael ag iechyd, yr economi, a'r argyfyngau hinsawdd a natur parhaus, er mwyn dyfodol hirdymor Cymru. Mae hi'n dweud ein bod ni angen diffiniad newydd o ffyniant yn seiliedig ar lesiant a ffordd decach a gwyrddach o fyw. Felly, beth yw un o'ch syniadau llawn dychymyg? Adeiladu ffordd arall eto—y llwybr coch—ffordd na fydd yn diogelu natur a'r amgylchedd, fel y mae'r TUC, comisiynydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol a phobl Cymru ei eisiau, ond a fydd yn eu dinistrio. Diddymwyd ffordd liniaru'r M4 gennych chi gan y byddai'n niweidio'r amgylchedd yn y de. Felly, mae'n drueni i bobl y gogledd nad ydych chi'n poeni cymaint amdanom ni, ond yn hytrach yn poeni mwy am yrwyr lorïau sydd eisiau croesi i mewn ac allan o Iwerddon. Dywedasoch yn wreiddiol iddo gael ei ddewis oherwydd mai dyma'r dewis rhataf, ond mae'r amcangyfrif o'r gost eisoes wedi codi gan £20 miliwn. Rydym ni angen i bob ceiniog sydd gennym ni gael ei gwario ar brosiectau adfer. Pa bryd fydd y Llywodraeth yn rhoi'r gorau i'r rhethreg ac yn neilltuo arian i brosiectau a fydd yn helpu ein hadferiad, ac yn gwneud hynny mewn modd nad yw'n dinistrio coetiroedd a thir fferm hynafol am byth?
Well, Llywydd, I have with me here, as Members can see, the stakeholder briefing that was distributed to Members and others about the plans for development of the Flintshire corridor scheme. In case the Member hasn't had an opportunity to see that document, let me just assure her that it makes it clear that the stage we are at with the red route is a preliminary design process, which will look at all the environmental and engineering issues raised during consultation in more detail. The preferred route will be developed further as a result of that consideration, including environmental, traffic and economic appraisals, and, as the stakeholder briefing makes clear, all of that will be designed to minimise the impact of the improvements—the very necessary improvements—on local residents, the landscape, air quality and biodiversity. So, I don't dismiss for a moment the concerns that the Member has raised. They're right and proper ones, but the process that we are embarked upon is designed exactly to explore with local people and with local stakeholders the issues the Member raises and to resolve them in a way that takes account of those important matters.
Wel, Llywydd, mae gen i gyda mi yma, fel y gall yr Aelodau ei weld, y briff i randdeiliaid a ddosbarthwyd i Aelodau ac eraill am y cynlluniau ar gyfer datblygu cynllun coridor Sir y Fflint. Rhag ofn nad yw'r Aelod wedi cael cyfle i weld y ddogfen honno, gadewch i mi ei sicrhau ei bod yn ei gwneud yn eglur mai proses ddylunio ragarweiniol yw'r cam yr ydym ni arno gyda'r llwybr coch, a fydd yn edrych yn fwy manwl ar yr holl faterion amgylcheddol a pheirianneg a godwyd yn ystod yr ymgynghoriad. Bydd y llwybr a ffefrir yn cael ei ddatblygu ymhellach o ganlyniad i'r ystyriaeth honno, gan gynnwys arfarniadau amgylcheddol, traffig ac economaidd, ac, fel y mae'r briff i randdeiliaid yn ei gwneud yn eglur, bydd hynny i gyd yn cael ei ddylunio i sicrhau bod effaith y gwelliannau—y gwelliannau angenrheidiol iawn—cyn lleied â phosibl ar drigolion lleol, y dirwedd, ansawdd aer a bioamrywiaeth. Felly, nid wyf i'n diystyru am eiliad y pryderon y mae'r Aelod wedi eu codi. Maen nhw'n rhai cywir a phriodol, ond mae'r broses yr ydym ni wedi cychwyn arni wedi ei llunio yn union i archwilio gyda phobl leol a chyda rhanddeiliaid lleol y materion y mae'r Aelod yn eu codi a'u datrys nhw mewn modd sy'n cymryd y materion pwysig hynny i ystyriaeth.
First Minister, obviously if we are to build back and build back greener, it's important that businesses can survive the various stages of either regional or local lockdowns, or indeed national lockdowns. What confidence can you give businesses that they will be there at the end of this coronavirus outbreak, and in particular that, once we do suppress it now—the second time of asking—there's not going to be a third lockdown later in the winter, a fourth lockdown, which will have a massive impact on business and business confidence, as well as on liquidity of those businesses to be there to build back better, build back greener?
Prif Weinidog, yn amlwg os ydym ni'n mynd i adeiladu yn ôl ac adeiladu yn ôl yn wyrddach, mae'n bwysig y gall busnesau oroesi gwahanol gyfnodau cyfyngiadau symud rhanbarthol neu leol, neu gyfyngiadau symud cenedlaethol yn wir. Pa hyder allwch chi ei roi i fusnesau y byddan nhw yno ar ddiwedd yr argyfwng coronafeirws hwn, ac yn arbennig, ar ôl i ni ei drechu nawr—ar yr ail gynnig—na fydd trydydd cyfnod o gyfyngiadau symud yn ddiweddarach yn y gaeaf, pedwerydd cyfnod o gyfyngiadau symud, a fydd yn cael effaith enfawr ar fusnesau a hyder busnesau, yn ogystal ag ar hylifedd y busnesau hynny i fod yno i adeiladu yn ôl yn well, i adeiladu yn ôl yn wyrddach?
Llywydd, the Member makes two points there. He will welcome, I know, the announcement by my colleague Ken Skates of £60 million to help businesses specifically affected by the local health protection restrictions, and my colleague will be making a statement on the floor of the Senedd later this afternoon and will be able to explain more of the detail of that then.
The second point that Andrew R.T. Davies makes is about events further into the year. And there, what I want to say is this: that will depend, crucially, on the extent to which Welsh citizens continue to observe all the measures that will make a difference to further spikes in coronavirus in the future. So, the Government will do all the things that we can do. The health service, local authorities, public health organisations, the police—all those organisations that are working so hard to try and protect people and keep Wales safe—will play their part. But, in the end, coronavirus spreads when people meet together in circumstances that they shouldn't, when they travel unnecessarily, when they come into contact with others in ways that could be avoided, and the chances we have of avoiding further spikes and further local restrictions depends crucially on every one of us playing our part.
Llywydd, mae'r Aelod yn gwneud dau bwynt yn y fan yna. Gwn y bydd yn croesawu'r cyhoeddiad gan fy nghyd-Weinidog Ken Skates o £60 miliwn i helpu busnesau y mae'r cyfyngiadau lleol ar ddiogelu iechyd wedi effeithio arnyn nhw yn benodol, a bydd fy nghyd-Weinidog yn gwneud datganiad ar lawr y Senedd yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn yma a bydd yn gallu egluro mwy o'r manylion bryd hynny.
Mae'r ail bwynt y mae Andrew R.T. Davies yn ei wneud yn ymwneud â digwyddiadau yn ddiweddarach yn y flwyddyn. Ac yn hynny o beth, hoffwn ddweud hyn: bydd hynny yn dibynnu, yn hollbwysig, ar y graddau y mae dinasyddion Cymru yn parhau i gyd-fynd â'r holl fesurau a fydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i gynnydd i achosion o'r coronafeirws yn y dyfodol. Felly, bydd y Llywodraeth yn gwneud yr holl bethau y gallwn ni eu gwneud. Bydd y gwasanaeth iechyd, awdurdodau lleol, sefydliadau iechyd cyhoeddus, yr heddlu—yr holl sefydliadau hynny sy'n gweithio mor galed i geisio diogelu pobl a chadw Cymru yn ddiogel—yn chwarae eu rhan. Ond, yn y pen draw, mae coronafeirws yn lledaenu pan fydd pobl yn cyfarfod gyda'i gilydd o dan amgylchiadau na ddylen nhw, pan fyddan nhw'n teithio yn ddiangen, pan fyddan nhw'n dod i gysylltiad ag eraill mewn ffyrdd y gellid eu hosgoi, ac mae'r siawns sydd gennym ni o osgoi rhagor o achosion o gynnydd a chyfyngiadau lleol pellach yn dibynnu yn hollbwysig ar bob un ohonom ni yn chwarae ein rhan.
2. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'u cael gyda Phrif Weinidog y DU ynghylch cynigion Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer buddsoddi rhanbarthol yng Nghymru? OQ55600
2. What discussions has the First Minister had with the UK Prime Minister regarding the UK Government's proposals for regional investment in Wales? OQ55600
Well, Llywydd, no discussions have been offered by the Prime Minister on this matter. We discuss our plans with other UK Government Ministers, but progress remains slow, despite only three months remaining until EU funding enters its final phase.
Wel, Llywydd, nid yw Prif Weinidog y DU wedi cynnig unrhyw drafodaethau ynghylch y mater hwn. Rydym ni'n trafod ein cynlluniau gyda Gweinidogion eraill Llywodraeth y DU, ond mae cynnydd yn dal i fod yn araf, er mai dim ond tri mis sydd ar ôl tan y bydd cyllid yr UE ar ei gyfnod olaf .
Well, First Minister, I'm disappointed to find that no discussions have gone on at that very top level of Government, but I don't put it at your door whatsoever. In Wales, with our established reserved-powers model of devolution and the spending priorities flowing from clear, legally constituted policy framework underpinned by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, we can argue in the Senedd over the social and economic and environmental priorities, our success and failures, in an open and accountable and democratic way, and we do. But, I have a worry, First Minister. In England, prior to the last general election, we now know that nine out of 10 of the top beneficiaries of increased education spend were Conservative marginal seats in affluent areas. And the National Audit Office has revealed that some of the most deprived parts of England were left out of a £3.6 billion scheme to regenerate town centres. Sixty-one of those towns were chosen by Ministers led by the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick. All but one were Tory-held seats or targets.
So, First Minister, do you share my worries that, in the absence of clarity on the UK shared prosperity fund, the absence of engagement by the Prime Minister and the absence of a UK policy framework, there is a clear and present danger that Mr Johnson may be persuaded by those with—[Inaudible.]—and lack of understanding of devolution to view replacement EU funds as an opportunity for party political gerrymandering in Wales?
Wel, Prif Weinidog, rwy'n siomedig o weld nad oes unrhyw drafodaethau wedi eu cynnal ar y lefel uchaf honno o Lywodraeth, ond nid wyf i'n rhoi'r bai arnoch chi o gwbl. Yng Nghymru, gyda'n model cadw pwerau sefydledig o ddatganoli a'r blaenoriaethau gwario yn deillio o fframwaith polisi eglur, a gyfansoddwyd yn gyfreithiol, yn seiliedig ar Ddeddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, gallwn ddadlau yn y Senedd ynghylch y blaenoriaethau cymdeithasol ac economaidd ac amgylcheddol, ein llwyddiant a'n methiannau, mewn ffordd agored ac atebol a democrataidd, ac rydym ni'n gwneud hynny. Ond, mae gen i bryder, Prif Weinidog. Yn Lloegr, cyn yr etholiad cyffredinol diwethaf, rydym ni'n gwybod erbyn hyn mai seddi ymylol y Ceidwadwyr mewn ardaloedd cefnog oedd naw o'r 10 prif fuddiolwr y cynnydd i wariant ar addysg . Ac mae'r Swyddfa Archwilio Genedlaethol wedi datgelu bod rhai o rannau mwyaf difreintiedig Lloegr wedi cael eu gadael allan o gynllun gwerth £3.6 biliwn i adfywio canol trefi. Dewiswyd chwe deg un o'r trefi hynny gan Weinidogion dan arweiniad Robert Jenrick, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Dai, Cymunedau a Llywodraeth Leol. Roedd pob un ond un yn seddi yr oedd y Torïaid yn eu cynrychioli neu a oedd yn dargedau iddynt.
Felly, Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi, fel finnau, yn poeni, yn absenoldeb eglurder ynghylch cronfa ffyniant gyffredin y DU, yn absenoldeb ymgysylltiad gan Brif Weinidog y DU ac yn absenoldeb fframwaith polisi DU, bod perygl eglur presennol y gallai Mr Johnson gael ei berswadio gan y rhai sydd â—[Anghlywadwy.] —a diffyg dealltwriaeth o ddatganoli i ystyried cronfeydd i ddisodli rhai'r UE fel cyfle ar gyfer jerimandro pleidiol yng Nghymru?
Well, Llywydd, I think Huw Irranca-Davies makes a very important point, and he does so with all the authority of someone who has chaired our regional investment steering group, who chairs the European structural funds monitoring committee and chairs our European advisory group. So, the things that he says to the Senedd come with all the authority and the information that he has been able to draw together in those very important jobs.
Now, the plans for future investment in Wales that he has drawn up with those colleagues, a made-in-Wales arrangement reflecting international best practice, meeting the specific needs of different sectors and parts of Wales with greater delegation of decision making to regions, that is an approach that has been endorsed not simply by the Senedd, but by the all-party parliamentary group chaired by our colleague Stephen Kinnock at Westminster, the Welsh Local Government Association, Universities Wales, the Financial Standards Authority, the Confederation of British Industry, the Wales Council for Voluntary Action and independent think tanks like the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
The danger is now that, in pursuit of narrow sectional party political advantage, the UK Government is engineering a position where they will take decisions away from the democratically elected Senedd and put them in the hands of an unelected—as far as Wales is concerned—Secretary of State for Wales, and I'm afraid all the warnings that Huw Irranca-Davies has made this afternoon are very likely to turn out to be true unless we can stop those plans in their tracks, and we will be working as hard as we can to achieve exactly that.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod Huw Irranca-Davies yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn, ac mae'n gwneud hynny gyda holl awdurdod rhywun sydd wedi cadeirio ein grŵp llywio buddsoddi rhanbarthol, sy'n cadeirio pwyllgor monitro'r cronfeydd strwythurol Ewropeaidd ac sy'n cadeirio ein grŵp cynghori Ewropeaidd. Felly, mae'r pethau y mae'n eu dweud wrth y Senedd yn dod gyda'r holl awdurdod a'r wybodaeth y mae wedi gallu eu dwyn ynghyd yn y swyddi pwysig iawn hynny.
Nawr, mae'r cynlluniau ar gyfer buddsoddiad yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol y mae wedi eu llunio gyda'r cyd-Aelodau hynny, trefniant wedi'i wneud yng Nghymru sy'n adlewyrchu arfer gorau rhyngwladol, gan ddiwallu anghenion penodol gwahanol sectorau a rhannau o Gymru gyda mwy o ddirprwyo penderfyniadau i ranbarthau, mae hwnnw'n ddull sydd wedi ei gymeradwyo nid yn unig gan y Senedd, ond gan y grŵp seneddol hollbleidiol dan gadeiryddiaeth ein cydweithiwr Stephen Kinnock yn San Steffan, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru, Prifysgolion Cymru, yr Awdurdod Safonau Ariannol, Cydffederasiwn Diwydiant Prydain, Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru a melinau trafod annibynnol fel Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree.
Y perygl nawr yw bod Llywodraeth y DU, wrth geisio mantais bleidiol adrannol gul, yn llunio sefyllfa lle byddan nhw yn cymryd penderfyniadau oddi wrth y Senedd a etholwyd yn ddemocrataidd ac yn eu rhoi yn nwylo Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru nas etholwyd—o safbwynt Cymru—ac mae gen i ofn bod yr holl rybuddion y mae Huw Irranca-Davies wedi eu gwneud y prynhawn yma yn debygol iawn o fod yn wir oni allwn ni atal y cynlluniau hynny rywsut, a byddwn yn gweithio mor galed ag y gallwn i wneud yn union hynny.
First Minister, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report into the future of regional development and public investment in Wales found that the labour market links between the communities of mid Wales and south-west Wales weren't particularly very strong. That recommendation is of no surprise to me. The report proceeded to recommend that it would be beneficial to separate mid Wales from south-west Wales to create four distinct economic regions, as opposed to the current three. I wonder what considerations you and the Welsh Government have given to this particular recommendation and the other recommendations for regional investment within the OECD report.
Prif Weinidog, canfu adroddiad y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd ar ddyfodol datblygu rhanbarthol a buddsoddiad cyhoeddus yng Nghymru nad oedd y cysylltiadau marchnad lafur rhwng cymunedau'r canolbarth a'r de-orllewin yn arbennig o gryf. Nid yw'r argymhelliad hwnnw yn syndod o gwbl i mi. Aeth yr adroddiad ymlaen i argymell y byddai'n fuddiol gwahanu'r canolbarth oddi wrth y de-orllewin i greu pedwar rhanbarth economaidd ar wahân, yn hytrach na'r tri rhanbarth presennol. Tybed pa ystyriaethau yr ydych chi a Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu rhoi i'r argymhelliad penodol hwn a'r argymhellion eraill ar gyfer buddsoddi rhanbarthol yn adroddiad yr OECD.
Llywydd, I thank Russell George for that question. He draws attention to the very important OECD report that we commissioned, as part of, as I said earlier, our determination that regional economic development policy in Wales should be informed by international best practice. The report is being considered by the groups chaired by Huw Irranca-Davies, and that will inform our thinking in the Welsh Government and we will respond in full to the OECD's recommendations. But the point I make more generally, Llywydd, is this: that the report gives us in this Senedd—Members here—the opportunity to bring all their experience and local knowledge to bear on the way that these decisions are made in Wales. The idea that these decisions should be taken away from us and made by a person sitting behind a desk in Whitehall, who will know very, very little about mid Wales, south-west Wales or any other parts that need to benefit from our funding in future, I think poses a real danger to us and would mean that, in future, the sorts of questions that Russell George has very properly raised here this afternoon would no longer be part of our considerations or our decision making.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Russell George am y cwestiwn yna. Mae'n tynnu sylw at adroddiad pwysig iawn yr OECD a gomisiynwyd gennym ni, yn rhan o'n penderfyniad, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, y dylai polisi datblygu economaidd rhanbarthol yng Nghymru gael ei lywio gan arfer gorau rhyngwladol. Mae'r adroddiad yn cael ei ystyried gan y grwpiau a gadeirir gan Huw Irranca-Davies, a bydd hynny'n llywio ein syniadau yn Llywodraeth Cymru a byddwn yn ymateb yn llawn i argymhellion yr OECD. Ond y pwynt yr wyf i'n ei wneud yn fwy cyffredinol, Llywydd, yw hwn: bod yr adroddiad yn rhoi cyfle i ni yn y Senedd hon—Aelodau yma—gyfrannu eu holl brofiad a'u gwybodaeth leol at y ffordd y mae'r penderfyniadau hyn yn cael eu gwneud yng Nghymru. Mae'r syniad y dylai'r penderfyniadau hyn gael eu cymryd oddi wrthym ni ni a chael eu gwneud gan rywun sy'n eistedd y tu ôl i ddesg yn Whitehall, a fydd yn gwybod ychydig iawn, iawn am ganolbarth Cymru, de-orllewin Cymru nac unrhyw rannau eraill sydd angen elwa ar ein cyllid yn y dyfodol, rwy'n credu yn berygl gwirioneddol i ni a byddai'n golygu, yn y dyfodol, na fyddai'r mathau o gwestiynau y mae Russell George wedi eu codi yn briodol iawn yma y prynhawn yma yn rhan o'n hystyriaethau na'n penderfyniadau mwyach.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Paul Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, there's now been a series of important policy statements issued by Welsh Government Ministers to the media instead of this Chamber. Of course, it's vital that Members are given the opportunity to respond to Welsh Government announcements on behalf of the people of Wales. Last week, you chose to make an announcement to the media that affected hundreds of thousands of people right across south Wales. You failed to answer questions on the timings of your statement, and this week you've decided not to even turn up in person. First Minister, that disregard for Welsh democracy is unacceptable, and will you now guarantee that any future decisions will firstly be made in this Chamber so that, in the spirit of openness and transparency, elected Members will have the opportunity to appropriately scrutinise the Welsh Government?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, cyhoeddwyd cyfres o ddatganiadau polisi pwysig gan Weinidogion Llywodraeth Cymru erbyn hyn i'r cyfryngau yn hytrach nac i'r Siambr hon. Wrth gwrs, mae'n hanfodol bod Aelodau yn cael y cyfle i ymateb i gyhoeddiadau Llywodraeth Cymru ar ran pobl Cymru. Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe wnaethoch ddewis gwneud cyhoeddiad i'r cyfryngau a oedd yn effeithio ar gannoedd o filoedd o bobl ledled y de. Methoch ag ateb cwestiynau ar amseriad eich datganiad, a'r wythnos hon rydych chi wedi penderfynu peidio ag ymddangos yn bersonol hyd yn oed. Prif Weinidog, mae'r diystyrwch hwnnw o ddemocratiaeth Cymru yn annerbyniol, ac a wnewch chi sicrhau nawr y bydd unrhyw benderfyniadau yn y dyfodol yn cael eu gwneud yn y Siambr hon yn gyntaf fel y bydd gan Aelodau etholedig, yn yr ysbryd o fod yn agored ac yn dryloyw, gyfle i graffu yn briodol ar Lywodraeth Cymru?
Llywydd, you said in introducing this afternoon's session that every Member of the Senedd is equally able to participate, whether that is remotely or in person, so I will leave you to deal with the remarks that the leader of the opposition made about where people choose to take part in these proceedings.
I say to people in Wales all the time that they should avoid unnecessary journeys, and I believe that I'm equally able to answer questions in the way that we are doing now as I would be if I were in the Chamber. It is entirely wrong for the Government to ask people in Wales to take action in one direction and then not to behave in the same way ourselves. I think the Member is quite wrong to suggest that somehow, because I'm answering questions in the way that I am, that that is not satisfactory. But that's a point for you, Llywydd, I believe, rather than for me.
As to the other point, it's plainly nonsensical. I answer questions on the floor of this Assembly, I make statements on the floor of this Assembly absolutely regularly. I did so all the way through the recess, when his Government at Westminster wasn't available to answer a single question from any elected representative, and there's nothing at all that this Government has to apologise for or answer for in being available and answerable to the Senedd of Wales.
Llywydd, dywedasoch wrth gyflwyno sesiwn y prynhawn yma bod gan bob Aelod o'r Senedd yr un cyfle i gymryd rhan, boed hynny o bell neu'n bersonol, felly gadawaf i chi ymdrin â'r sylwadau a wnaeth arweinydd yr wrthblaid ynghylch ble mae pobl yn dewis cymryd rhan yn y trafodion hyn.
Rwy'n dweud wrth bobl yng Nghymru drwy'r amser y dylen nhw osgoi teithiau diangen, ac rwy'n credu bod yr un gallu gen i i ateb cwestiynau yn y ffordd yr ydym ni'n ei wneud nawr ag y byddai gen i pe bawn i yn y Siambr. Mae'n gwbl anghywir i'r Llywodraeth ofyn i bobl yng Nghymru weithredu mewn un cyfeiriad ac yna peidio ag ymddwyn yn yr un ffordd ein hunain. Rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod yn hollol anghywir i awgrymu, rywsut, gan fy mod i'n ateb cwestiynau yn y ffordd yr wyf i'n ei wneud, nad yw hynny'n foddhaol. Ond mae hwnnw'n bwynt i chi, Llywydd, rwy'n credu, yn hytrach nag i mi.
O ran y pwynt arall, mae'n amlwg yn lol. Rwy'n ateb cwestiynau ar lawr y Cynulliad hwn, rwy'n gwneud datganiadau ar lawr y Cynulliad hwn yn gwbl reolaidd. Fe wnes i hynny drwy'r toriad, pan nad oedd ei Lywodraeth ef yn San Steffan ar gael i ateb yr un cwestiwn gan unrhyw gynrychiolydd etholedig, ac nid oes unrhyw beth o gwbl y mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth hon ymddiheuro amdano na bod yn atebol amdano o ran bod ar gael ac yn atebol i Senedd Cymru.
Well, Llywydd, I'm not going to take any lectures off the First Minister. I put it to you, First Minister, that you can turn up to your Government offices in Cathays Park, but you can't turn up to the heart of Welsh democracy, which is also your place of work. And when it comes to making statements outside this Chamber, I'm afraid you've got a track record as a Government. More than 2 million people across Wales are now living under your Government's restrictions; the very least that you can do is offer their elected representatives a chance to question you on your decision making, and that's why firstly making statements to this Chamber is so important.
Now, there are some very real concerns about the impact of local lockdowns on people who are living alone, and it's vital that the Welsh Government looks at the restrictions with a view to finding some way of allowing single-person households to mix with another person. There has been little recognition of the serious impact that this could have on people's mental health, particularly given that so many single-person households have already had to shield for most of this year. And I know you've said that you're concerned about those elderly people living on their own who, at the moment, are not able to mix with anybody else indoors. Therefore, can you tell us what you’re doing about it, because you’re aware of the Scottish model that allows a single person to form an extended household with one other? Knowing how desperately isolated some people across Wales must be feeling, can you tell us why the Welsh Government hasn't already changed the regulations in relation to single-person households, as I'm sure you'd agree, we have to offer these people hope?
Wel, Llywydd, nid wyf i'n mynd i gymryd unrhyw bregethau gan y Prif Weinidog. Awgrymaf i chi, Prif Weinidog, eich bod yn gallu dod i swyddfeydd eich Llywodraeth ym Mharc Cathays, ond na allwch chi ddod i galon democratiaeth Cymru, sydd hefyd yn weithle i chi. A phan ddaw'n fater o wneud datganiadau y tu allan i'r Siambr hon, mae gen i ofn bod gennych chi gryn hanes fel Llywodraeth. Mae dros 2 filiwn o bobl ledled Cymru yn byw o dan gyfyngiadau eich Llywodraeth erbyn hyn; y peth lleiaf y gallwch chi ei wneud yw cynnig cyfle i'w cynrychiolwyr etholedig eich holi am eich penderfyniadau, a dyna pam mae gwneud datganiadau i'r Siambr hon yn gyntaf mor bwysig.
Nawr, ceir rhai pryderon gwirioneddol am effaith cyfyngiadau symud lleol ar bobl sy'n byw ar eu pennau eu hunain, ac mae'n hanfodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn edrych ar y cyfyngiadau gyda'r bwriad o ddod o hyd i ryw ffordd o ganiatáu i aelwydydd un person gymysgu â pherson arall. Prin fu'r gydnabyddiaeth o'r effaith ddifrifol y gallai hyn ei chael ar iechyd meddwl pobl, yn enwedig o gofio bod cynifer o aelwydydd un person eisoes wedi gorfod amddiffyn yn ystod y rhan fwyaf o eleni. A gwn eich bod chi wedi dweud eich bod yn pryderu am y bobl oedrannus hynny sy'n byw ar eu pennau eu hunain nad ydyn nhw, ar hyn o bryd, yn cael cymysgu ag unrhyw un arall o dan do. Felly, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni beth yr ydych chi'n ei wneud yn ei gylch, oherwydd rydych chi'n ymwybodol o fodel yr Alban sy'n caniatáu i un person ffurfio aelwyd estynedig gydag un arall? O wybod pa mor anobeithiol o ynysig y mae'n rhaid bod rhai pobl ledled Cymru yn teimlo, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pam nad yw Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi newid y rheoliadau o ran aelwydydd un person, oherwydd rwy'n siŵr y byddech chi'n cytuno, mae'n rhaid i ni gynnig gobaith i'r bobl hyn?
Well, Llywydd, I believe I'm at the heart of Welsh democracy now, and I'm answering the Member's questions, so I continue to fail to see what he thinks he has to complain about.
As for people who live in single-person households, I think that is an important issue. I've been discussing it with leaders of local authorities who are under local restrictions. I've been taking an interest in the Scottish model of doing so. It is being considered as part of the 21-day review that we carry out here in Wales. So, in Wales, we have stuck throughout to the pattern of reviewing our regulations every three weeks. That consideration for single-adult households is part of the current three-week review, which was discussed by Cabinet colleagues this morning. I'm hopeful that we will be able to complete the necessary regulations and the advice that we need to take from the chief medical officer and others in order to complete our consideration of it within the three-week review that culminates this week.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n credu fy mod yng nghalon democratiaeth Cymru nawr, ac rwy'n ateb cwestiynau'r Aelod, felly rwy'n dal i fethu â gweld beth mae e'n ei gredu sydd ganddo i gwyno amdano.
O ran pobl sy'n byw mewn aelwydydd un person, rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n fater pwysig. Rwyf i wedi bod yn ei drafod gydag arweinyddion awdurdodau lleol sy'n destun cyfyngiadau lleol. Rwyf i wedi bod yn cymryd diddordeb ym model yr Alban o wneud hynny. Mae'n cael ei ystyried yn rhan o'r adolygiad 21 diwrnod yr ydym ni'n ei gynnal yma yng Nghymru. Felly, yng Nghymru, rydym ni wedi cadw at y patrwm o adolygu ein rheoliadau bob tair wythnos. Mae'r ystyriaeth honno ar gyfer aelwydydd un oedolyn yn rhan o'r adolygiad tair wythnos presennol, a drafodwyd gan gyd-Weinidogion yn y Cabinet y bore yma. Rwy'n obeithiol y byddwn ni'n gallu cwblhau'r rheoliadau angenrheidiol a'r cyngor y mae angen i ni ei gael gan y prif swyddog meddygol ac eraill er mwyn cwblhau ein hystyriaeth ohonyn nhw yn yr adolygiad tair wythnos sy'n dod i ben yr wythnos hon.
First Minister, as more and more people across Wales are now living under stricter restrictions, it's absolutely essential that the Welsh Government's testing programme is as effective as possible, and that capacity is being used. Last weekend, you told us that, currently in Wales, we’re operating around 2,000 to 3,000 tests a day from Welsh capacity, which is even significantly under the 9,000 tests a day target the Welsh Government initially promised. And yet, a week earlier, you said that an additional 28,000 tests per week could be processed, with further capacity available to manage outbreaks across Wales.
First Minister, it's absolutely vital that the system is capable of responding to spikes in testing that arise from outbreaks, and yet you've made it clear that for Wales to reach its full capacity, it would be difficult on a day-to-day basis. Given that you've invested a further £32 million to speed up turnaround times for coronavirus test results, can you tell us what fundamental changes have been delivered to our laboratory services to increase their capacity and resilience, and what urgent steps are you taking to ensure that all labs in Wales are open and working? And more generally, how confident are you that Wales has a testing system that is capable of supporting our people over the winter months?
Prif Weinidog, gan fod mwy a mwy o bobl ledled Cymru yn byw o dan gyfyngiadau llymach erbyn hyn, mae'n gwbl hanfodol bod rhaglen brofi Llywodraeth Cymru mor effeithiol â phosibl, a bod capasiti yn cael ei ddefnyddio. Y penwythnos diwethaf, dywedasoch wrthym ein bod ni'n gweithredu yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd tua 2,000 i 3,000 o brofion y dydd o gapasiti Cymru, sydd hyd yn oed yn sylweddol is na'r targed o 9,000 o brofion y dydd a addawodd Llywodraeth Cymru yn wreiddiol. Ac eto, wythnos yn gynharach, dywedasoch y gellid prosesu 28,000 o brofion ychwanegol yr wythnos, gyda chapasiti ychwanegol ar gael i reoli cynnydd i achosion ledled Cymru.
Prif Weinidog, mae'n gwbl hanfodol bod y system yn gallu ymateb i gynnydd sydyn mewn profion sy'n deillio o gynnydd i achosion, ac eto rydych chi wedi ei gwneud yn eglur i Gymru gyrraedd ei chapasiti llawn, y byddai'n anodd o ddydd i ddydd. O gofio eich bod chi wedi buddsoddi £32 miliwn arall i gyflymu amseroedd derbyn canlyniadau profion coronafeirws, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa newidiadau sylfaenol sydd wedi cael eu cyflwyno i'n gwasanaethau labordy i gynyddu eu capasiti a'u cydnerthedd, a pha gamau brys ydych chi'n eu cymryd i sicrhau bod pob labordy yng Nghymru yn agored ac yn gweithio? Ac yn fwy cyffredinol, pa mor ffyddiog ydych chi bod gan Gymru system brofi sy'n gallu cefnogi ein pobl dros fisoedd y gaeaf?
Llywydd, I think if the Member wants to quote me he should try to do so accurately. I said at the weekend that the testing numbers this week would be over 5,000 and that it would rise to 8,000 within the Welsh system very shortly. The real struggle we face in the Welsh system at the moment are the problems faced by the lighthouse labs for which his party are responsible. Now, we've had an assurance from those lighthouse labs that they will be able to increase the service they provide to Wales from the 9,400 tests we currently have to 14,000 by the start of October and 19,000 by the start of November. I hope very much that that will turn out to be true and that the lighthouse labs will be able to return to the level of service that they were providing to Wales some four weeks ago. But if you want to know where the struggle in Wales has been over recent weeks, it has been in the pressure that the lighthouse labs system has come under and the difficulties that his Government at Westminster have experienced in coping with those pressures and putting that system back on track again.
Llywydd, rwy'n meddwl os yw'r Aelod eisiau fy nyfynnu y dylai geisio gwneud hynny yn gywir. Dywedais dros y penwythnos y byddai'r niferoedd profi yr wythnos hon dros 5,000 ac y byddai'n codi i 8,000 o fewn system Cymru yn fuan iawn. Y gwir frwydr sy'n ein hwynebu yn system Cymru ar hyn o bryd yw'r problemau sy'n wynebu'r labordai goleudy y mae ei blaid ef yn gyfrifol amdanynt. Nawr, rydym ni wedi cael sicrwydd gan y labordai goleudy hynny y byddan nhw'n gallu cynyddu'r gwasanaeth y maen nhw'n ei ddarparu i Gymru o'r 9,400 o brofion sydd gennym ni ar hyn o bryd i 14,000 erbyn dechrau mis Hydref a 19,000 erbyn dechrau mis Tachwedd. Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd hynny yn profi i fod yn wir ac y bydd y labordai goleudy yn gallu dychwelyd i'r lefel o wasanaeth yr oedden nhw'n ei darparu i Gymru tua pedair wythnos yn ôl. Ond os ydych chi eisiau gwybod ym mhle y bu'r trafferthion yng Nghymru dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, mae wedi bod yn y pwysau y mae'r system labordai goleudy wedi eu dioddef a'r anawsterau y mae ei Lywodraeth ef yn San Steffan wedi eu cael yn ymdopi â'r pwysau hynny ac yn rhoi'r system honno ar y trywydd iawn unwaith eto.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Plaid Cymru leader, Adam Price.
Diolch, Llywydd. Many of us will have been surprised and somewhat alarmed at the scenes from the top of Snowdon over the weekend, with long queues of people attempting to reach the summit with complete disregard, it would appear, for social distancing guidelines, but it raises a wider issue of course. Many of these will have been visitors and there's nothing set out in the guidelines at the moment that stops someone from a COVID hotspot elsewhere in the UK travelling to areas of Wales currently with low community transmission. Why is it the case, First Minister, that you can't travel from Aberafan to Abergavenny, but you can travel from Manchester to Mynytho?
Diolch, Llywydd. Bydd llawer ohonom ni wedi cael ein synnu a'n dychryn braidd gan y golygfeydd o ben yr Wyddfa dros y penwythnos, gyda chiwiau hir o bobl yn ceisio cyrraedd y copa gan ddiystyru yn llwyr, mae'n ymddangos, canllawiau cadw pellter cymdeithasol, ond mae'n codi mater ehangach wrth gwrs. Bydd llawer o'r rhain wedi bod yn ymwelwyr ac nid oes dim wedi'i nodi yn y canllawiau ar hyn o bryd sy'n atal rhywun sy'n dod o fan lle ceir nifer fawr o achosion o COVID mewn rhannau eraill yn y DU rhag teithio i ardaloedd o Gymru sydd â throsglwyddiad cymunedol isel ar hyn o bryd. Pam, Prif Weinidog, na chewch chi deithio o Aberafan i'r Fenni, ond y cewch chi deithio o Fanceinion i Fynytho?
Well, Llywydd, can I begin by agreeing with Adam Price that those were alarming pictures? Let me make a number of points in reply, however. To begin with, it's really important and we've had lots of anxiety over the summer in holiday destinations about people travelling from elsewhere in the United Kingdom and the risk that that might pose to the spread of the virus in those areas. Actually, the evidence has turned out to be much more positive than that and we don't have examples where the virus has got out of control in those holiday areas because it's been imported from elsewhere. So, I think it's very important to be guided by the evidence and the evidence is that that hasn't caused difficulties, and I think that that is a tribute to two things: it is because people have heard our message about, 'Visit Wales safely', and it's a tribute to the efforts that have been made in those communities to welcome people from elsewhere, which is so important to the local economy, while doing it in a way that does not cause a risk to public health.
However, I think the Member makes an important point. In Wales, when we get a hotspot area, we ask people not to travel outside that area other than for certain narrowly specified purposes, and going on holiday is not one of them. I wrote to the Prime Minister yesterday urging him to do the same in England. I don't think it is right for us to institute a set of border controls trying to prevent people from elsewhere visiting Wales: I think that would lead us into all sorts of anomalous and difficult territory. But I do think that as we act to prevent people who live in hotspots in Wales from travelling to England and taking the risk of the virus with them, so the Prime Minister in his capacity as the Prime Minister of England in this case ought to do the same to prevent people from English hotspots from travelling elsewhere in England to Wales or other parts of the United Kingdom because of the risk that that undoubtedly poses. I wrote to him yesterday asking him to do that, urging him to call a COBRA meeting for this week, as the First Minister of Scotland did at the weekend, and I look forward to a reply.
Wel, Llywydd, a gaf i ddechrau drwy gytuno ag Adam Price bod y rheini yn lluniau a oedd yn peri pryder? Gadewch i mi wneud nifer o bwyntiau mewn ymateb, fodd bynnag. I ddechrau, mae'n bwysig iawn ac rydym ni wedi cael llawer o bryder dros yr haf mewn cyrchfannau gwyliau ynghylch pobl yn teithio o fannau eraill yn y Deyrnas Unedig a'r risg y gallai hynny ei pheri o ran lledaeniad y feirws yn yr ardaloedd hynny. Mewn gwirionedd, mae'r dystiolaeth wedi bod yn llawer mwy cadarnhaol na hynny ac nid oes gennym ni enghreifftiau lle mae'r feirws wedi mynd allan o reolaeth yn yr ardaloedd gwyliau hynny gan ei fod wedi cael ei fewnforio o fannau eraill. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn cael ein harwain gan y dystiolaeth a'r dystiolaeth yw nad yw hynny wedi achosi anawsterau, a chredaf fod hynny'n deyrnged i ddau beth: y rheswm yw bod pobl wedi clywed ein neges am ymweld â Chymru yn ddiogel, ac mae'n deyrnged i'r ymdrechion a wnaed yn y cymunedau hynny i groesawu pobl o fannau eraill, sydd mor bwysig i'r economi leol, ond gwneud hynny mewn ffordd nad yw'n peri risg i iechyd y cyhoedd.
Fodd bynnag, rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig. Yng Nghymru, pan fydd gennym ni ardal â nifer fawr o achosion, rydym ni'n gofyn i bobl beidio â theithio y tu allan i'r ardal honno heblaw at ddibenion penodol cyfyngedig, ac nid yw mynd ar wyliau yn un ohonyn nhw. Ysgrifennais at Brif Weinidog y DU ddoe yn ei annog i wneud yr un peth yn Lloegr. Nid wyf i'n credu ei bod hi'n iawn i ni sefydlu cyfres o reolaethau ar y ffin yn ceisio atal pobl o fannau eraill rhag ymweld â Chymru: rwy'n credu y byddai hynny yn ein harwain at bob math o sefyllfaoedd anghyson ac anodd. Ond rwy'n credu, wrth i ni weithredu i atal pobl sy'n byw mewn mannau â nifer fawr o achosion yng Nghymru rhag teithio i Loegr a chymryd y risg o'r feirws gyda nhw, y dylai Prif Weinidog y DU yn rhinwedd ei swydd fel Prif Weinidog Lloegr yn yr achos hwn wneud yr un peth i atal pobl o fannau â nifer fawr o achosion yn Lloegr rhag teithio o fannau eraill yn Lloegr i Gymru neu i rannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig oherwydd y risg y mae hynny'n sicr yn ei hachosi. Ysgrifennais ato ddoe yn gofyn iddo wneud hynny, gan ei annog i drefnu cyfarfod COBRA ar gyfer yr wythnos hon, fel y gwnaeth Prif Weinidog yr Alban dros y penwythnos, ac edrychaf ymlaen at gael ateb.
First Minister, the summer has been an extremely anxious time for young people, as you know. As a consequence of the A-level debacle, many were left not knowing if they were going to university at all, let alone which one. Having arrived on campus last week, the worry now will be whether they will be allowed to return home for Christmas. Students like Meg, a first-year law student from Brecon, studying at Bath, need clarity. She says the message from the Government is clearly confusing and could definitely be communicated better, particularly for students who've moved to a different country with different regulations. So, can you answer these specific questions? To what extent is education exempt from rules allowing students to form new households? Can students studying and living in a restricted area in Wales but who live elsewhere return home? Can students studying and living in areas where no restrictions apply travel home, even if home is within an area of local restrictions? And finally, can students studying in one locally restricted area travel to another locally restricted area if this means getting home?
Prif Weinidog, mae'r haf wedi bod yn gyfnod pryderus iawn i bobl ifanc, fel y gwyddoch. O ganlyniad i'r llanast Safon Uwch, gadawyd llawer ohonyn nhw ddim yn gwybod a oedden nhw'n mynd i'r brifysgol o gwbl, heb sôn am ba un. Ar ôl cyrraedd y campws yr wythnos diwethaf, y pryder nawr fydd a fyddan nhw'n cael dychwelyd adref ar gyfer y Nadolig. Mae myfyrwyr fel Meg, myfyriwr y gyfraith blwyddyn gyntaf o Aberhonddu, sy'n astudio yng Nghaerfaddon, angen eglurder. Mae hi'n dweud bod neges y Llywodraeth yn amlwg yn ddryslyd ac yn sicr y gallai gael ei chyfleu yn well, yn enwedig i fyfyrwyr sydd wedi symud i wahanol wlad sydd â gwahanol reoliadau. Felly, a allwch chi ateb y cwestiynau penodol hyn? I ba raddau y mae addysg wedi'i heithrio o reolau sy'n caniatáu i fyfyrwyr ffurfio aelwydydd newydd? A gaiff myfyrwyr sy'n astudio ac yn byw mewn ardal dan gyfyngiad yng Nghymru ond sy'n byw mewn mannau eraill ddychwelyd adref? A gaiff myfyrwyr sy'n astudio ac yn byw mewn ardaloedd lle nad oes cyfyngiadau ar waith deithio adref, hyd yn oed os yw'r cartref mewn ardal lle ceir cyfyngiadau lleol? Ac yn olaf, a gaiff myfyrwyr sy'n astudio mewn un ardal sydd dan gyfyngiadau lleol deithio i ardal arall sy'n destun cyfyngiadau lleol os yw hyn yn golygu cyrraedd adref?
Llywydd, the rules governing young people in Wales are the same rules as govern everybody else. I am not prepared to single out young people for adverse treatment in the way that is sometimes being suggested. I agree with what Adam Price said in opening that second set of questions, that young people have had a very difficult time during coronavirus, and the Welsh Government with the sector in Wales is working very hard to make sure that even in these most difficult sets of circumstances, young people's welfare goes on being properly safeguarded, that their access to a high-quality education is preserved throughout this term, and that they are not treated any differently to any other Welsh citizen. And the answers to Adam Price's questions are that the rules that would apply to any person in Wales would apply to a young person who is studying as well, and all of that is available to people who need to have answers to those questions, both on the Welsh Government website, but also in the specific advice from different higher education institutions working hard to communicate to people who have arrived to study at them.
Llywydd, mae'r rheolau sy'n llywodraethu pobl ifanc yng Nghymru yr un rheolau â'r rhai sy'n llywodraethu pawb arall. Nid wyf i'n barod i bwyntio'r bys at bobl ifanc ar gyfer triniaeth andwyol yn y modd sy'n cael ei awgrymu weithiau. Rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Adam Price wrth agor yr ail gyfres yna o gwestiynau, bod pobl ifanc wedi cael amser anodd iawn yn ystod coronafeirws, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru gyda'r sector yng Nghymru yn gweithio'n galed iawn i wneud yn siŵr bod lles pobl ifanc, hyd yn oed yn y gyfres anoddaf hyn o amgylchiadau, yn parhau i gael ei ddiogelu yn briodol, bod eu gallu i gael mynediad at addysg o ansawdd uchel yn cael ei gadw drwy gydol y tymor hwn, ac nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu trin yn wahanol i unrhyw ddinesydd arall yng Nghymru. A'r atebion i gwestiynau Adam Price yw y byddai'r rheolau a fyddai'n berthnasol i unrhyw berson yng Nghymru yn berthnasol i berson ifanc sy'n astudio hefyd, ac mae hynny i gyd ar gael i bobl sydd angen cael atebion i'r cwestiynau hynny, ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru, ond hefyd yn y cyngor penodol gan wahanol sefydliadau addysg uwch sy'n gweithio'n galed i gyfathrebu â phobl sydd wedi cyrraedd i astudio ynddyn nhw.
On 4 September, First Minister, SAGE warned that there was a significant risk that higher education could amplify local and national transmission of COVID-19. The risk, they said, required national oversight, and once again, they identified testing as critically important. On 15 July, you said, 'Today we can carry out 15,000 tests a day.' On Sunday, you said, '15,000 is not a sustainable day-to-day target.' So as universities have been opening their doors, the testing system is failing, and if the problem is the lighthouse lab network, why did you buy into it and place your trust in it in the way that you did? Now, the advice from SAGE at the beginning of this month was that a co-ordinated outbreak response strategy should urgently be put in place between Government, HE institutions and local public health teams, but it seems currently, First Minister, there is no clear plan to support students, no clear plan to support the higher education sector. Christmas is only 12 weeks away; when can we expect that plan?
Ar 4 Medi, Prif Weinidog, rhybuddiodd SAGE bod risg sylweddol y gallai addysg uwch chwyddo trosglwyddiad COVID-19 yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol. Dywedasant fod angen trosolwg cenedlaethol o'r risg, ac unwaith eto, nodwyd ganddyn nhw bod profi yn hollbwysig. Ar 15 Gorffennaf, dywedasoch chi, 'Heddiw gallwn gynnal 15,000 o brofion y dydd.' Ddydd Sul, dywedasoch, 'nid yw 15,000 yn darged cynaliadwy o ddydd i ddydd.' Felly, wrth i brifysgolion agor eu drysau, mae'r system brofi yn methu, ac os mai'r broblem yw'r rhwydwaith labordai goleudy, pam wnaethoch chi gyd-fynd ag ef a rhoi eich ymddiriedaeth ynddo yn y ffordd y gwnaethoch chi? Nawr, y cyngor gan SAGE ddechrau'r mis hwn oedd y dylid gweithredu strategaeth gydgysylltiedig ar frys ar gyfer ymateb i gynnydd mewn achosion, rhwng y Llywodraeth, sefydliadau addysg uwch a thimau iechyd cyhoeddus lleol, ond mae'n ymddangos ar hyn o bryd, Prif Weinidog, nad oes cynllun eglur i gefnogi myfyrwyr, dim cynllun eglur i gefnogi'r sector addysg uwch. Dim ond 12 wythnos sydd tan y Nadolig; pa bryd y gallwn ni ddisgwyl y cynllun hwnnw?
Llywydd, that plan exists, and the Member is quite wrong to just spray around accusations that it doesn't exist when it very plainly does, and so very many people are working so hard to make sure that students in Wales are well looked after. He is quite wrong to say that the testing system is failing in Wales. We have over 100,000 students in Wales and about 100 of them have been tested as having a positive case of coronavirus. Of our TTP system, 93 per cent of close contacts continue to be contacted, 94 per cent of positive cases reached—85 per cent of those within 24 hours, 92 per cent within 48 hours. The system in Wales—and indeed the system in Scotland—is standing up to the testing time that we are going through. It's very much unlike what is happening elsewhere.
As far as the lighthouse labs are concerned, I was urged many times on the floor of the Senedd to make sure that Wales took full advantage of the capacity that it would provide to us. It was right that we should do that, and as I said, until a number of weeks ago, the system was serving Wales very well. We want to see that system restored. We want to see it back providing the volume of tests and the timeliness of tests that we know Wales needs. I urge UK Ministers to make sure that they do everything they can to put us in that position, and then we will be very glad indeed, again, to be part of that system, which is providing thousands of tests to Welsh people and is part of the infrastructure that we will all be relying upon as we go further into the autumn and winter.
Llywydd, mae'r cynllun hwnnw yn bodoli, ac mae'r Aelod yn hollol anghywir i ledaenu cyhuddiadau nad yw'n bodoli pan fo'n amlwg iawn ei fod, a bod cynifer o bobl yn gweithio mor galed i wneud yn siŵr bod myfyrwyr yng Nghymru yn derbyn gofal da. Mae'n hollol anghywir i ddweud bod y system brofi yn methu yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ni dros 100,000 o fyfyrwyr yng Nghymru ac mae tua 100 ohonyn nhw wedi cael eu profi fel achosion positif o coronafeirws. O'n system Profi Olrhain Diogelu, mae 93 y cant o gysylltiadau agos yn dal i gael eu cysylltu, cyrhaeddwyd 94 y cant o achosion positif—85 y cant o'r rheini o fewn 24 awr, 92 y cant o fewn 48 awr. Mae'r system yng Nghymru—a'r system yn yr Alban yn wir—yn gwrthsefyll y cyfnod anodd yr ydym ni'n byw drwyddo. Mae'n wahanol iawn i'r hyn sy'n digwydd mewn mannau eraill.
O ran y labordai goleudy, cefais fy annog droeon ar lawr y Senedd i wneud yn siŵr bod Cymru yn manteisio'n llawn ar y capasiti y byddai'n ei gynnig i ni. Roedd hi'n iawn i ni wneud hynny, ac fel y dywedais, tan nifer o wythnosau yn ôl, roedd y system yn gwasanaethu Cymru yn dda iawn. Rydym ni eisiau gweld y system honno yn cael ei hailgyflwyno. Rydym ni eisiau ei gweld yn ôl yn darparu nifer y profion a phrydlondeb y profion yr ydym ni'n gwybod sydd eu hangen ar Gymru. Anogaf Weinidogion y DU i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n gwneud popeth yn eu gallu i'n rhoi ni yn y sefyllfa honno, ac yna byddwn ni'n falch iawn yn wir, unwaith eto, o fod yn rhan o'r system honno, sy'n darparu miloedd o brofion i bobl Cymru ac sy'n rhan o'r seilwaith y byddwn ni i gyd yn dibynnu arno wrth i ni fynd ymhellach i'r hydref a'r gaeaf.
Arweinydd Plaid Brexit, Mark Reckless.
Leader of the Brexit Party, Mark Reckless.
First Minister, when you put Cardiff into local lockdown, and through the force of law required people to work from home if reasonably practicable, did you consider the potential impact of that on our proceedings in the Senedd? Now, if you're correct when you say Members are equally able to participate, whether remotely or in person, doesn't that imply that it is reasonably practicable for Members to work from home? And if Members take a different view, given that is law, may they be receiving a knock on the door from South Wales Police? You said earlier that, 'My colleague will be making a statement on the floor of the Chamber later today'. Can I infer from that that some Ministers will be coming in person to the Chamber, even if you will not yourself? And you haven't said whether you're speaking from a well-appointed hut at the rear of your garden, or whether you're speaking from your office in Cathays Park. If you are speaking from your office, then presumably you've determined it's not reasonably practicable to work from home, so why don't you come to the Chamber? And, overall, when you say people must work from home by law if reasonable practicable, would you ask people to do as you say, or to follow the examples set by our Presiding Officer and the leader of the opposition?
Prif Weinidog, pan wnaed Caerdydd yn destun cyfyngiadau symud lleol gennych chi, a thrwy rym y gyfraith ei gwneud yn ofynnol i bobl weithio gartref os oedd yn rhesymol ymarferol, a wnaethoch chi ystyried effaith bosibl hynny ar ein trafodion yn y Senedd? Nawr, os ydych chi'n gywir pan fyddwch chi'n dweud bod gan Aelodau yr un gallu i gymryd rhan, boed o bell neu'n bersonol, onid yw hynny'n awgrymu ei bod hi'n rhesymol ymarferol i Aelodau weithio gartref? Ac os oes gan Aelodau farn wahanol, o ystyried mai dyna'r gyfraith, a allen nhw gael cnoc ar y drws gan Heddlu De Cymru? Dywedasoch yn gynharach, 'Bydd fy nghyd-Weinidog yn gwneud datganiad ar lawr y Siambr yn ddiweddarach heddiw'. A allaf i gasglu o hynny y bydd rhai Gweinidogion yn dod yn bersonol i'r Siambr, hyd yn oed os na fyddwch chi eich hun? Ac nid ydych chi wedi dweud a ydych chi'n siarad o gwt â phob cyfleuster yng nghefn eich gardd, neu a ydych chi'n siarad o'ch swyddfa ym Mharc Cathays. Os ydych chi'n siarad o'ch swyddfa, yna mae'n debyg eich bod chi wedi penderfynu nad yw'n rhesymol ymarferol gweithio gartref, felly pam na wnewch chi ddod i'r Siambr? Ac, yn gyffredinol, pan eich bod chi'n dweud bod yn rhaid i bobl weithio gartref yn ôl y gyfraith os yw'n rhesymol ymarferol, a fyddech chi'n gofyn i bobl wneud fel y dywedwch, neu ddilyn yr esiampl a roddwyd gan ein Llywydd ac arweinydd yr wrthblaid?
Well, Llywydd, I can assure the Member that when the decision is taken to impose local restrictions in any part of Wales, then all aspects of that decision are carefully considered. It is for individual Members to make a judgment about how they stay within the law. It is reasonably practicable for me to work from my office in Cathays Park, because in order to be able to answer Members' questions, I need the support of staff in the Welsh Government, who help me to make sure that I am as well equipped as I can be to provide answers that Members have a right to expect. So, it is reasonably practicable for me to work from here because I live in Cardiff and need to cross no boundaries to get here. Other Members are bound by the regulations, just as every member of Welsh society in areas where local restrictions are in place, and I think people have an obligation to make sure that they are carefully considering the legal position they are in. I'm on the floor of the Senedd, Llywydd. As you made clear, virtual or physical participation is identical. I'm on the floor of the Senedd now answering questions. My colleague Ken Skates will answer questions remotely, and he will be on the floor as well.
Wel, Llywydd, gallaf sicrhau'r Aelod, pan fydd y penderfyniad yn cael ei wneud i gyflwyno cyfyngiadau lleol mewn unrhyw ran o Gymru, yna caiff pob agwedd ar y penderfyniad hwnnw ei hystyried yn ofalus. Mater i Aelodau unigol yw llunio barn ynghylch sut y maen nhw'n cydymffurfio â'r gyfraith. Mae'n rhesymol ymarferol i mi weithio o'm swyddfa ym Mharc Cathays, oherwydd er mwyn gallu ateb cwestiynau'r Aelodau, rwyf i angen cymorth staff Llywodraeth Cymru, sy'n fy helpu i wneud yn siŵr fy mod i mewn sefyllfa cystal ag y gallaf fod ynddi i ddarparu atebion y mae gan Aelodau hawl i'w disgwyl. Felly, mae'n rhesymol ymarferol i mi weithio o'r fan yma gan fy mod i'n byw yng Nghaerdydd ac nid oes angen i mi groesi unrhyw ffiniau i gyrraedd yma. Mae Aelodau eraill wedi'u rhwymo gan y rheoliadau, yn union fel pob aelod o gymdeithas Cymru mewn ardaloedd lle mae cyfyngiadau lleol ar waith, ac rwy'n credu bod rhwymedigaeth ar bobl i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n ystyried yn ofalus y sefyllfa gyfreithiol y maen nhw ynddi. Rwyf i ar lawr y Senedd, Llywydd. Fel y'i gwnaed yn eglur gennych chi, mae cyfranogiad rhithwir neu gorfforol yn union yr un fath. Rwyf i ar lawr y Senedd nawr yn ateb cwestiynau. Bydd fy nghyd-Weinidog Ken Skates yn ateb cwestiynau o bell, a bydd yntau ar y llawr hefyd.
First Minister, you say you're working from your office because it's reasonably practicable to do so, but isn't the law that you must work from home if it is reasonably practicable to do so? And given it's equally possible to participate remotely and physically, would not that be the case? Yet you choose not to come to the Chamber, just as you chose last week to make announcements not in the Chamber, but via the media. You say all these decisions and announcements and regulations that you keep on passing with great variety and regularity around coronavirus are carefully considered, on which note, could I ask whether your policy of making everyone leave pubs and restaurants at the same time is working to help us build herd immunity?
Could I also ask what is happening in terms of our democracy and proposals chaired by an official in your Government to consider postponing the election and extending the term of this Welsh Parliament beyond five years? Wouldn't that be extraordinary given the democratic norms that we have? In the United States, we see the first debate between the presidential contenders tonight. I note that Donald Trump wanted to delay the elections there, but that has been given very short shrift. Is it not the case that we need to vote next May, as required by law, and it would be quite wrong to extend our term further or to delay those elections? As one constituent of mine said today—and I wonder if you could answer this—if we can queue for the supermarket, surely we can queue to vote.
Prif Weinidog, rydych chi'n dweud eich bod chi'n gweithio o'ch swyddfa gan ei bod yn rhesymol ymarferol gwneud hynny, ond onid yw'r gyfraith yn dweud bod yn rhaid i chi weithio gartref os yw'n rhesymol ymarferol gwneud hynny? Ac o ystyried ei bod hi yr un mor bosibl cymryd rhan o bell ac yn gorfforol, onid yw hynny'n wir? Ac eto rydych chi'n dewis peidio â dod i'r Siambr, yn union fel y gwnaethoch ddewis yr wythnos diwethaf i wneud cyhoeddiadau nid yn y Siambr, ond drwy'r cyfryngau. Rydych chi'n dweud bod yr holl benderfyniadau a chyhoeddiadau a rheoliadau hyn yr ydych chi'n dal i'w pasio gydag amrywiaeth a rheoleidd-dra helaeth ynghylch coronafeirws yn cael eu hystyried yn ofalus, ac i'r perwyl hwnnw, a gaf i ofyn a yw eich polisi o wneud i bawb adael tafarndai a bwytai ar yr un pryd yn gweithio i'n helpu i feithrin imiwnedd torfol?
A gaf i ofyn hefyd beth sy'n digwydd o ran ein democratiaeth a chynigion a gadeiriwyd gan swyddog yn eich Llywodraeth i ystyried gohirio'r etholiad ac ymestyn tymor y Senedd Cymru hon y tu hwnt i bum mlynedd? Oni fyddai hynny'n rhyfeddol o ystyried yr arferion democrataidd sydd gennym ni? Yn yr Unol Daleithiau, gwelwn y ddadl gyntaf rhwng y cystadleuwyr arlywyddol heno. Sylwaf fod Donald Trump eisiau gohirio'r etholiadau yno, ond gwrthodwyd hynny yn gyflym iawn. Onid yw'n wir bod angen i ni bleidleisio fis Mai nesaf, fel sy'n ofynnol yn ôl y gyfraith, ac na fyddai'n iawn o gwbl ymestyn ein tymor ymhellach neu ohirio'r etholiadau hynny? Fel y dywedodd un o'm hetholwyr heddiw—ac rwy'n meddwl tybed a allech chi ateb hyn—os gallwn ni giwio i fynd i'r archfarchnad, siawns y gallwn ni giwio i bleidleisio.
Llywydd, the regulations in place in Wales do not require people all to leave the pub at the same time; indeed, it was a very deliberate decision not to do so. In England, everybody must be on the pavement at 10 o'clock at night, whether they are halfway through a meal or have just begun to drink. They must be outside at 10 p.m. and as you have seen in other places, that is clearly causing difficulties of public order and of public health. We decided to take exactly the opposite case here in Wales. People have time after 10 o'clock to complete what they are eating and drinking, and to leave in an orderly way, spread out over that period. Exactly the opposite case obtains in Wales to the one suggested in the question.
Llywydd, let me say that I am very committed to having an election in May of next year. That is absolutely the right thing; that is what I think should happen. It is not right that this Senedd should be extended beyond its current term. I feel very strongly that the Senedd needs a democratic refresh. The opportunity for people in Wales to decide whom they wish to represent them in future should be in their hands, and it should be in their hands in May of next year.
The only point I'd put to the Member is this: none of us knows what the state of coronavirus will be at that time. Just as I want there to be an election, I want there to be an election where every Welsh citizen feels confident about being able to participate, and is not put off from participation by fears that they may have about the risks that they would run to their health if coronavirus were once again to be at a very, very difficult pitch.
So, May is a very long way away, and none of us is in a position to be able to look into that crystal ball. I share the Member's determination that we should vote in May of next year, but I simply put that one point to him: that we want an election in which every Welsh citizen feels that they can go to the polling station and is not put off from doing so because the state of public health at the time might be very off-putting to them. It's just foolish not to be willing to contemplate that and to think about how we would cope with it were we to be faced by it.
Llywydd, nid yw'r rheoliadau sydd ar waith yng Nghymru yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i bobl i gyd adael y dafarn ar yr un pryd; yn wir, roedd yn benderfyniad bwriadol iawn i beidio â gwneud hynny. Yn Lloegr, mae'n rhaid i bawb fod ar y palmant am 10 o'r gloch yn y nos, pa un a ydyn nhw hanner ffordd drwy bryd o fwyd neu newydd ddechrau yfed. Mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw fod y tu allan am 10 p.m. ac fel yr ydych chi wedi gweld mewn mannau eraill, mae hynny'n amlwg yn achosi anawsterau o ran trefn gyhoeddus ac iechyd y cyhoedd. Fe wnaethom ni benderfynu mabwysiadu'r achos cwbl i'r gwrthwyneb yma yng Nghymru. Mae gan bobl amser ar ôl 10 o'r gloch i orffen yr hyn y maen nhw'n ei fwyta a'i yfed, ac i adael mewn ffordd drefnus, wedi'u gwasgaru dros y cyfnod hwnnw. Mae sefyllfa yn hollol i'r gwrthwyneb ar waith yng Nghymru i'r un a awgrymwyd yn y cwestiwn.
Llywydd, gadewch i mi ddweud fy mod i wedi ymrwymo yn llwyr i gael etholiad ym mis Mai y flwyddyn nesaf. Dyna'n sicr yw'r peth iawn; dyna a ddylai ddigwydd yn fy marn i. Nid yw'n iawn ymestyn y Senedd hon y tu hwnt i'w thymor presennol. Rwy'n teimlo yn gryf iawn bod angen adnewyddu'r Senedd yn ddemocrataidd. Dylai'r cyfle i bobl yng Nghymru benderfynu pwy y maen nhw eisiau i'w cynrychioli yn y dyfodol fod yn eu dwylo nhw, a dylai fod yn eu dwylo nhw ym mis Mai y flwyddyn nesaf.
Yr unig bwynt y byddwn i'n ei wneud i'r Aelod yw hwn: nid oes yr un ohonom ni'n gwybod beth fydd y sefyllfa o ran coronafeirws bryd hynny. Yn union fel yr wyf i eisiau cael etholiad, rwyf i eisiau cael etholiad lle mae pob dinesydd yng Nghymru yn teimlo'n hyderus ynghylch gallu cymryd rhan, ac nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu hatal rhag cymryd rhan gan ofnau a allai fod ganddyn nhw am y risgiau a fyddai'n cael eu peri i'w hiechyd pe byddai coronafeirws ar lefel anodd dros ben unwaith eto.
Felly, mae mis Mai ymhell iawn i ffwrdd, ac nid oes yr un ohonom ni mewn sefyllfa i allu edrych i mewn i'r bêl grisial honno. Rwy'n rhannu penderfyniad yr Aelod y dylem ni bleidleisio ym mis Mai y flwyddyn nesaf, ond gwnaf yr un pwynt hwnnw iddo yn syml: ein bod ni eisiau etholiad lle mae pob dinesydd yng Nghymru yn teimlo y gall fynd i'r orsaf bleidleisio ac nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu hatal rhag gwneud hynny gan y gallai'r sefyllfa o ran iechyd y cyhoedd ar y pryd fod yn annymunol iawn iddyn nhw. Mae'n hurt i beidio â bod yn barod i ystyried hynny a meddwl sut y byddem ni'n ymdopi ag ef pe byddem yn ei wynebu.
3. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cael gyda phartneriaid perthnasol ynglŷn a phrofiadau ymwelwyr yng Nghymru yn 2021? OQ55621
3. What discussions is the Welsh Government having with relevant partners about visitor experiences in Wales in 2021? OQ55621
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd, i Siân Gwenllian am y cwestiwn. Mae’r sector twristiaeth ac adfer profiadau ymwelwyr at y dyfodol yng Nghymru yn cael eu trafod mewn cyfarfodydd rheolaidd o’r tasglu twristiaeth. Mae’r Gweinidog a’r Dirprwy Weinidog sydd â chyfrifoldebau dros dwristiaeth yn mynychu’r cyfarfodydd hyn.
Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. The tourism sector and the future recovery of the visitor experience in Wales are discussed at regular meetings of the tourism taskforce, attended by the Minister and Deputy Minister with tourism responsibilities.
Rydyn ni wedi croesawu llawer mwy o ymwelwyr nag arfer i fannau twristaidd yn fy etholaeth i eleni. Maen nhw wedi dod â hwb haf bach Mihangel i'r economi leol, ond dydy'r profiad ar gyfer yr ymwelydd nac ar gyfer y boblogaeth leol ddim wedi bod yn bleserus ar bob achlysur—problemau parcio a theithio; ciwiau hir, a nid yn unig ar gopa'r Wyddfa; problemau sbwriel. Mae'r rhain i gyd yn cael effaith negyddol ar brofiad yr ymwelydd ac, wrth gwrs, yn creu rhwystredigaeth mawr i'r boblogaeth leol. Ydych chi'n cytuno bod yn rhaid canfod ffyrdd i reoli gordwristiaeth a bod gan y Llywodraeth rôl bwysig i'w chwarae drwy dynnu'r holl bartneriaid perthnasol at ei gilydd er mwyn cynllunio ymlaen at dymor llwyddiannus y flwyddyn nesaf?
We have welcomed far more visitors than usual to tourist areas in my constituency this year. They have brought a boost of a second summer to the local economy, but the experience for the visitor and the local population hasn't always been pleasant—parking problems; travel problems; long queues, and not just on the top of Snowdon; there are also litter problems. These all have a negative impact on the visitor experience and, of course, create huge frustration for the local population. Would you agree that we must find ways of controlling too much tourism and that the Government has a prominent role in bringing all of the relevant partners together in order to forward plan for a successful season next year?
Diolch yn fawr i Siân Gwenllian am y cwestiynau ychwanegol yna. Dwi'n cytuno â hi am y pethau rŷm ni'n trio cadw gyda'i gilydd. Mae'r diwydiant twristiaeth yn bwysig iawn yng ngogledd Cymru, ac mae'r ateb i'r problemau yn dibynnu ar dynnu pobl gyda'i gilydd, rownd y bwrdd gyda'i gilydd, a meddwl am sut dŷn ni'n gallu rhoi profiadau arbennig o dda i bobl sy'n dod aton ni, sy'n rhan o'r economi leol, ac ar yr un amser yn gwarchod y pethau mae pobl yn dod i Gymru i'w gweld ac i'w mwynhau.
A pan dwi'n siarad am bethau fel yna, Llywydd, allaf i jest ddweud—? Cefais i'r fraint o gymryd rhan ddydd Sul mewn seremoni i nodi'r garreg filltir ddiweddaraf yn y daith i sicrhau statws safle treftadaeth y byd i'r diwydiant llechi yng ngogledd-orllewin Cymru, a chroesawu i Gymru Frau Friederike Hansell ac eraill o UNESCO sy'n ymweld â'r ardal. Roedd hwnna'n dangos bod pobl ledled y byd eisiau dod i weld y pethau sydd gyda ni yma yng Nghymru, ond y peth pwysig yw ei wneud e mewn ffordd sy'n gwarchod y pethau maen nhw eisiau eu gweld, ac i dynnu mewn pobl leol, pobl yn y busnesau yna, rownd y bwrdd gyda'r awdurdodau lleol a Llywodraeth Cymru i gynllunio gyda'i gilydd am y dyfodol.
I thank Siân Gwenllian for her supplementary questions. I agree with her on the things that we are trying to keep together. The tourism industry is extremely important to north Wales, and the solution to the problems is dependent on bringing people together around the table to think about how we can give extremely good experiences to people who come to us, that are part of the local economy, and at the same time protect the things that people come to Wales to see and enjoy.
And may I just add there, Llywydd—? I had the privilege of taking part in a ceremony on Sunday evening to note the latest milestone in ensuring world heritage site status to the slate industry in north-west Wales, and welcoming Frau Friederike Hansell and others from UNESCO who were visiting the area. That shows that people throughout the world want to come to see what we have here to offer in Wales, but the important thing to do is to do it in a way that safeguards and protects the things they want to see, and to draw in the local people, and the people in the businesses, around the table with the local authorities and Welsh Government to plan together for the future.
Good afternoon, First Minister. Please forgive me if I cut across anything you've already said; unfortunately, the translation wasn't working on my computer. Many of the visitor experiences in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire are provided by microtourism businesses, whether they are eco tree lodges in the forests of Carmarthenshire or small campsites and businesses along the Pembrokeshire Coast national park. Because they are very distinct and have a particular attraction to certain groups of people, they of course have been quite badly hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.
I did listen very carefully to your reply to Adam Price earlier about whether or not people should make a journey to see us, but I want to just read you something from Microtourism Wales, who say, 'Our members are now dealing with confused guests looking to cancel or change their holidays because they do not understand the local lockdown policies'. And yesterday, the economy Minister, during the Welsh Government press conference said, and I quote, 'It is vital that people consider carefully whether their journeys are required'.
Microtourism businesses in my patch are already financially under the water because of the earlier lockdown. Are you able to give them any other guidance as to what they should say when someone phones them up from either England or a different part of Wales and says, 'I'm going to cancel my two weeks in your treehouse in Carmarthenshire because I don't think I'm allowed to travel', or, even worse, they ask them whether they should travel or not, which puts the onus of making that decision on the operator?
Prynhawn da, Prif Weinidog. Maddeuwch i mi os byddaf yn torri ar draws unrhyw beth yr ydych chi wedi ei ddweud eisoes; yn anffodus, nid oedd y cyfieithiad yn gweithio ar fy nghyfrifiadur. Darperir llawer o'r profiadau i ymwelwyr yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro gan fusnesau microdwristiaeth, boed nhw'n eco-gabanau coed yng nghoedwigoedd Sir Gaerfyrddin neu'n safleoedd gwersylla a busnesau bach ar hyd parc cenedlaethol Arfordir Penfro. Gan eu bod nhw'n wahanol iawn ac yn atyniad arbennig i rai grwpiau o bobl, maen nhw wrth gwrs wedi cael eu taro'n eithaf difrifol gan bandemig COVID-19.
Gwrandewais yn ofalus iawn ar eich ateb i Adam Price yn gynharach ynghylch pa un a ddylai pobl wneud taith i'n gweld ni ai peidio, ond hoffwn ddarllen rhywbeth i chi gan Microdwristiaeth Cymru, sy'n dweud, 'Mae ein haelodau yn ymdrin erbyn hyn â gwesteion dryslyd sydd eisiau canslo neu newid eu gwyliau gan nad ydyn nhw'n deall y polisïau cyfyngiadau symud lleol'. A ddoe, dywedodd Gweinidog yr economi, yn ystod cynhadledd i'r wasg Llywodraeth Cymru, a dyfynnaf, 'Mae'n hanfodol bod pobl yn ystyried yn ofalus a yw eu teithiau yn angenrheidiol'.
Mae busnesau microdwristiaeth yn fy ardal i eisoes o dan y dŵr yn ariannol oherwydd y cyfyngiadau symud cynharach. A allwch chi roi unrhyw gyfarwyddyd arall iddyn nhw ynghylch yr hyn y dylen nhw ei ddweud pan fydd rhywun yn eu ffonio naill ai o Loegr neu o wahanol ran o Gymru ac yn dweud, 'Rwy'n mynd i ganslo fy mhythefnos yn eich tŷ pen coeden yn Sir Gaerfyrddin gan nad wyf i'n credu fy mod i'n cael teithio', neu'n waeth byth, maen nhw'n gofyn iddyn nhw a ddylen nhw deithio ai peidio , sy'n rhoi'r cyfrifoldeb o wneud y penderfyniad hwnnw ar y gweithredwr?
Well, Llywydd, I have tremendous sympathy for the businesses Angela Burns has highlighted. I was able myself to spend a short while in the holiday period in her constituency and could see just how hard people who earn a living through visitors were working to try and make up for the losses that they had sustained earlier in the year. So, the reoccurrence of coronavirus across the United Kingdom is inevitably very challenging for them. We do our best to communicate as clearly as we can through the different networks that we have, through the group that I mentioned in my answer to Siân Gwenllian that meets every week with the Welsh Government, to make sure that, through the regional tourist arrangements, we're conveying those messages.
Today, Ken Skates will make a statement on the floor of the Senedd, which will include a £20 million ring-fenced budget for hospitality and tourism, over and above the £27 million that the sector has been able to draw down from the first two iterations of the economic recovery fund. So, I hope that that will be of some help to the businesses that Angela Burns has highlighted. We were working hard with the sector to try to extend the season so that people would have been able to go on working for longer, and the difficulties that we are experiencing as the virus takes hold once again are a blow, both to those plans and to the hard-working people who have done so much to try to recoup something from the season for the businesses that they have worked so hard to build up.
Wel, Llywydd, mae gen i gydymdeimlad aruthrol â'r busnesau y mae Angela Burns wedi tynnu sylw atyn nhw. Llwyddais fy hun i dreulio amser byr yn ystod cyfnod y gwyliau yn ei hetholaeth hi a gallwn weld yn union pa mor galed yr oedd pobl sy'n ennill bywoliaeth drwy ymwelwyr yn gweithio i geisio gwneud iawn am y colledion yr oedden nhw wedi eu dioddef yn gynharach yn y flwyddyn. Felly, mae'n anochel bod dychweliad coronafeirws ledled y Deyrnas Unedig yn anodd iawn iddyn nhw. Rydym ni'n gwneud ein gorau i gyfathrebu mor eglur ag y gallwn ni drwy'r gwahanol rwydweithiau sydd gennym ni, drwy'r grŵp y soniais amdano yn fy ateb i Siân Gwenllian sy'n cyfarfod bob wythnos gyda Llywodraeth Cymru, i wneud yn siŵr, drwy'r trefniadau twristiaeth rhanbarthol, ein bod ni'n cyfleu'r negeseuon hynny.
Heddiw, bydd Ken Skates yn gwneud datganiad ar lawr y Senedd, a fydd yn cynnwys cyllideb wedi'i neilltuo gwerth £20 miliwn ar gyfer lletygarwch a thwristiaeth, yn ychwanegol at y £27 miliwn y mae'r sector wedi gallu cael gafael arno o ddwy fersiwn gyntaf y gronfa adfer economaidd. Felly, gobeithiaf y bydd hynny yn rhywfaint o gymorth i'r busnesau y mae Angela Burns wedi tynnu sylw atyn nhw. Roeddem ni'n gweithio yn galed gyda'r sector i geisio ymestyn y tymor fel y byddai pobl wedi gallu parhau i weithio'n hwy, ac mae'r anawsterau yr ydym ni'n eu profi wrth i'r feirws gydio unwaith eto yn ergyd, i'r cynlluniau hynny ac i'r bobl sy'n gweithio'n galed ac wedi gwneud cymaint i geisio adennill rhywbeth o'r tymor i'r busnesau y maen nhw wedi gweithio mor galed i'w datblygu.
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyfyngiadau COVID-19 yng Nghasnewydd? OQ55599
4. Will the First Minister provide an update on COVID-19 restrictions in Newport? OQ55599
I thank John Griffiths, Llywydd. Following a sharp increase in cases, local restrictions were introduced in Newport on 22 September. It is too early to make a definitive assessment, but the number of cases is starting to stabilise thanks to the efforts of local people. We monitor the situation daily and formally review local restrictions every week.
Diolchaf i John Griffiths, Llywydd. Yn dilyn cynnydd sydyn i nifer yr achosion, cyflwynwyd cyfyngiadau lleol yng Nghasnewydd ar 22 Medi. Mae'n rhy gynnar i wneud asesiad pendant, ond mae nifer yr achosion yn dechrau sefydlogi diolch i ymdrechion pobl leol. Rydym ni'n monitro'r sefyllfa yn ddyddiol ac yn adolygu'r cyfyngiadau lleol yn ffurfiol bob wythnos.
First Minister, it is important for people to know that complying with restrictions to drive down cases will result in timely easing of those restrictions when it is safe to do so. So, I hear what you say about some indications that matters are moving in the right direction, but is there anything more you can say about compliance and the effectiveness of the local measures and what that might mean for the timing of the lifting of those measures? And where people in local restriction areas had pre-booked holidays that are affected, will you do all that you can to ensure that the travel industry acts responsibly and provides full and unconditional refunds?
Prif Weinidog, mae'n bwysig i bobl wybod y bydd cydymffurfio â chyfyngiadau i leihau achosion yn arwain at lacio'r cyfyngiadau hynny yn brydlon pan fydd hi'n ddiogel gwneud hynny. Felly, rwy'n clywed yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud am rai arwyddion bod materion yn symud i'r cyfeiriad iawn, ond a oes unrhyw beth arall y gallwch chi ei ddweud am gydymffurfiad ac effeithiolrwydd y mesurau lleol a'r hyn y gallai hynny ei olygu i amseriad diddymu'r mesurau hynny? A phan oedd gan bobl mewn ardaloedd â chyfyngiadau lleol wyliau a drefnwyd ymlaen llaw sydd wedi'u heffeithio, a wnewch chi wneud popeth o fewn eich gallu i sicrhau bod y diwydiant teithio yn gweithredu'n gyfrifol ac yn darparu ad-daliadau llawn a diamod?
Llywydd, I thank John Griffiths for those points. I'm happy to confirm that the daily figures that I see and am advised on by our public health colleagues have continued to show a small but sustained fall in the number of cases in the Newport county borough council area. I spoke with the chief constable of Gwent Police twice last week and was encouraged by what she had to say about the level of compliance that is being seen in those local authorities subject to local restrictions, and she repeated a point made to me earlier about Caerphilly—that people in Newport want to do the right thing; they're not looking to find ways around the rules, they want to act within the spirit of the rules because they have understood that the more we do, the faster we will get on top of that local spike and the sooner we will be able to lift those restrictions. And I'm hugely grateful, both to the citizens of Newport, but also to local authority officers and the police service, for everything they are doing to help people to do the right thing.
We'll be reviewing restrictions on Thursday of this week and I will be discussing with my officials how we might begin, step by step, to lift those local restrictions. I cannot promise at all that we will be able to begin on that journey on this Thursday, but I want to make sure we are planning for the route out of those local restrictions with local people and with local agencies so we can communicate that clearly to people who live in those localities.
As to the second important point that John Griffiths raised about holiday arrangements, he will know that the Minister for Health and Social Services wrote earlier to the travel industry; he wrote again on 23 September. I am pleased that we have received a reply from the Association of British Insurers confirming that their members are committed to supporting their customers in the circumstances that John Griffiths set out and that they are expecting to pay out £275 million in cancellation claims. What we need to see are those general sentiments, encouraging sentiments, delivered on the ground in the lives of people who have found their holidays disrupted.
Llywydd, diolchaf i John Griffiths am y pwyntiau yna. Rwy'n hapus i gadarnhau bod y ffigurau dyddiol yr wyf i'n eu gweld ac yn cael cyngor arnyn nhw gan ein cydweithwyr ym maes iechyd cyhoeddus wedi parhau i ddangos gostyngiad bach ond parhaus yn nifer yr achosion yn ardal cyngor bwrdeistref sirol Casnewydd. Siaradais â phrif gwnstabl Heddlu Gwent ddwywaith yr wythnos diwethaf ac fe'm calonogwyd gan yr hyn yr oedd ganddi i'w ddweud am lefel y cydymffurfiad a welir yn yr awdurdodau lleol hynny sy'n destun cyfyngiadau lleol, ac ailadroddodd bwynt a wnaed i mi yn gynharach am Gaerffili—bod pobl yng Nghasnewydd eisiau gwneud y peth iawn; dydyn nhw ddim yn ceisio dod o hyd i ffyrdd o osgoi'r rheolau, maen nhw eisiau ymddwyn yn unol ag ysbryd y rheolau gan eu bod nhw wedi deall po fwyaf y byddwn ni'n gwneud hynny, y cyflymaf y byddwn ni'n gostwng y cynnydd lleol hwnnw i achosion a'r cynharaf y byddwn ni'n gallu diddymu'r cyfyngiadau hynny. Ac rwy'n hynod ddiolchgar, i ddinasyddion Casnewydd, ond hefyd i swyddogion awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaeth yr heddlu, am bopeth y maen nhw'n ei wneud i helpu pobl i wneud y peth iawn.
Byddwn yn adolygu'r cyfyngiadau ddydd Iau yr wythnos hon a byddaf yn trafod gyda'm swyddogion sut y gallem ni ddechrau, gam wrth gam, diddymu'r cyfyngiadau lleol hynny. Ni allaf addo o gwbl y byddwn ni'n gallu dechrau ar y daith honno y dydd Iau hwn, ond rwyf i eisiau gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n cynllunio ar gyfer y llwybr allan o'r cyfyngiadau lleol hynny gyda phobl leol a chydag asiantaethau lleol fel y gallwn ni gyfleu hynny yn eglur i bobl sy'n byw yn yr ardaloedd hynny.
O ran yr ail bwynt pwysig a gododd John Griffiths am drefniadau gwyliau, bydd yn gwybod bod y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wedi ysgrifennu yn gynharach at y diwydiant teithio; ysgrifennodd eto ar 23 Medi. Rwy'n falch ein bod ni wedi cael ateb gan Gymdeithas Yswirwyr Prydain yn cadarnhau bod eu haelodau wedi ymrwymo i gynorthwyo eu cwsmeriaid o dan yr amgylchiadau a nodwyd gan John Griffiths a'u bod yn disgwyl talu £275 miliwn mewn hawliadau canslo. Yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei weld yw'r teimladau cyffredinol hynny, teimladau calonogol, yn cael eu darparu ar lawr gwlad ym mywydau pobl y tarfwyd ar eu gwyliau.
5. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i roi i fusnesau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn ystod pandemig y coronafeirws? OQ55613
5. What support has the Welsh Government provided to businesses in Bridgend during the coronavirus pandemic? OQ55613
Can I thank Carwyn Jones, Llywydd? Four hundred and seventy-four Bridgend micro and small and medium-sized enterprises have been awarded funding through the Wales-only economic resilience fund, totalling £88.1 million, with at least 2,500 jobs safeguarded up until the present time. We will continue to support businesses throughout Wales to stay viable through the pandemic and to respond to the inevitable challenges of Brexit.
A gaf i ddiolch i Carwyn Jones, Llywydd? Dyfarnwyd cyllid i 474 o ficrofusnesau a mentrau bach a chanolig eu maint ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr drwy'r gronfa cadernid economaidd Cymru yn unig, yn dod i gyfanswm o £88.1 miliwn, gydag o leiaf 2,500 o swyddi yn cael eu diogelu hyd heddiw. Byddwn yn parhau i gynorthwyo busnesau ledled Cymru i aros yn hyfyw drwy'r pandemig ac i ymateb i heriau anochel Brexit.
I thank the First Minister for that answer. Businesses in Bridgend and across Wales, First Minister, will be very pleased to hear the announcement this week, from the Minister for Economy and Transport, of an extra £60 million-worth of funding for businesses across Wales as they continue to face the challenges of coronavirus. In terms of businesses in Bridgend and across Wales, how might they go about accessing that funding and accessing help, and what sort of sums might they be reasonably expected to receive as a result of those applications?
Diolchaf i'r Prif Weinidog am yr ateb yna. Bydd busnesau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a ledled Cymru, Prif Weinidog, yn falch iawn o glywed y cyhoeddiad yr wythnos hon, gan Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth, o £60 miliwn ychwanegol o gyllid i fusnesau ledled Cymru wrth iddyn nhw barhau i wynebu heriau coronafeirws. O ran busnesau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a ledled Cymru, sut y gallen nhw fynd ati i gael gafael ar y cyllid hwnnw a chael gafael ar gymorth, a pha fath o symiau y gellid disgwyl yn rhesymol iddyn nhw eu cael o ganlyniad i'r ceisiadau hynny?
Well, Llywydd, I thank Carwyn Jones for those supplementary questions. There's £140 million altogether in this third phase of the economic resilience fund. The eligibility checker for this latest phase will open on 5 October, and, of course, I hope that any business who, having seen the detail, think that may be eligible for help will make their way to that eligibility checker to make applications as soon as they are able to do so. Microbusinesses will be able to apply for up to £10,000; SMEs will be able to apply for up to £150,000; and large businesses will be able to apply for up to £200,000. Now, of course, there are conditions and rules that apply around all of that, but that gives, I hope, an indication of the sort of scale of help that will be available.
Llywydd, just to give another sense of how the scheme has been working: I answered questions here in the Senedd earlier in the summer about the £5 million fund that we launched at that time to provide help for particularly small businesses, sole traders and so on, and over £4 million of that £5 million has already been awarded. So, I think that that demonstrates that we have a system in place that is not only responsive to the needs of Welsh businesses, but is able to respond, as quickly as we are able to, to get the money from us and into their hands so that they can go on being successful businesses into the future.
Wel, Llywydd, diolchaf i Carwyn Jones am y cwestiynau atodol yna. Ceir cyfanswm o £140 miliwn yn nhrydydd cam y gronfa cadernid economaidd. Bydd y gwiriwr cymhwysedd ar gyfer y cam diweddaraf hwn yn agor ar 5 Hydref, ac, wrth gwrs, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd unrhyw fusnes sy'n credu, ar ôl gweld y manylion, y gallen nhw fod yn gymwys i gael cymorth yn dod o hyd i'r gwiriwr cymhwysedd hwnnw i wneud ceisiadau cyn gynted ag y gallan nhw wneud hynny. Bydd microfusnesau yn cael gwneud cais am hyd at £10,000; Bydd busnesau bach a chanolig yn cael gwneud cais am hyd at £150,000; a bydd busnesau mawr yn cael gwneud cais am hyd at £200,000. Nawr, wrth gwrs, ceir amodau a rheolau sy'n berthnasol yn gysylltiedig â hynny i gyd, ond mae hynna, gobeithio, yn rhoi syniad o faint y cymorth a fydd ar gael.
Llywydd, dim ond i roi awgrym arall o sut y mae'r cynllun wedi bod yn gweithio: atebais gwestiynau yma yn y Senedd yn gynharach yn yr haf am y gronfa gwerth £5 miliwn a lansiwyd gennym ni bryd hynny i ddarparu cymorth yn arbennig i fusnesau bach, unig fasnachwyr ac yn y blaen, a dyfarnwyd dros £4 miliwn o'r £5 miliwn hwnnw eisoes. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hynny'n dangos bod gennym ni system ar waith sydd nid yn unig yn ymateb i anghenion busnesau Cymru, ond sy'n gallu ymateb, cyn gynted ag y gallwn, i gael yr arian oddi wrthym ni ac i'w dwylo nhw fel y gallan nhw barhau i fod yn fusnesau llwyddiannus yn y dyfodol.
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gymorth ariannol Llywodraeth Cymru i fusnesau y mae pandemig y coronafeirws wedi cael effaith arnynt? OQ55591
6. Will the First Minister make a statement on Welsh Government financial support for businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic? OQ55591
I thank the Member for that, Llywydd. Our £1.7 billion business support package is the most generous offer of help anywhere in the United Kingdom. As I've said a number of times this afternoon, the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales will provide further details of phase 3 of the economic resilience fund in an oral statement later this afternoon.
Diolchaf i'r Aelod am hynna, Llywydd. Ein pecyn cymorth busnes gwerth £1.7 biliwn yw'r cynnig mwyaf hael o gymorth unrhyw le yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Fel yr wyf i wedi ei ddweud sawl gwaith y prynhawn yma, bydd Gweinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru yn rhoi mwy o fanylion am gam 3 y gronfa cadernid economaidd mewn datganiad llafar yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn yma.
Thank you, First Minister. I welcome what you've done already and look forward to hearing what the Minister has to say this afternoon. But I've been contacted by the owner of a small haulage firm working in the construction sector who needed financial support as building sites and quarries were closing due to the pandemic. He applied for the first phase of funding from the economic resilience fund shortly after it became available, only to find it'd been withdrawn because of the demand. He then contacted Business Wales, who advised him to seek funding through the self-employed scheme, which he did and received a small payment. When he applied for more funding from the ERF, he was refused because he had claimed from HMRC. My constituent said if he'd known this advice would make him ineligible for further ERF funding, he wouldn't have applied. First Minister, are you aware of more cases like this, and do you agree with me that it's simply not right that this firm is now under threat due to advice received from Business Wales?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Rwy'n croesawu'r hyn yr ydych chi wedi ei wneud eisoes ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed yr hyn sydd gan y Gweinidog i'w ddweud y prynhawn yma. Ond mae perchennog cwmni cludo nwyddau bach sy'n gweithio yn y sector adeiladu yr oedd angen cymorth ariannol arno gan fod safleoedd adeiladu a chwareli yn cau oherwydd y pandemig wedi cysylltu â mi. Gwnaeth gais am gam cyntaf y cyllid o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd yn fuan ar ôl iddo ddod ar gael, dim ond i ganfod ei fod wedi cael ei dynnu yn ôl oherwydd y galw. Cysylltodd wedyn â Busnes Cymru, a'i gynghorodd i geisio cyllid drwy'r cynllun hunangyflogedig, a gwnaeth hynny gan dderbyn taliad bach. Pan wnaeth gais am fwy o arian o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd, fe'i gwrthodwyd gan ei fod wedi hawlio gan Gyllid a Thollau Ei Mawrhydi. Dywedodd fy etholwr pe byddai'n gwybod y byddai'r cyngor hwn yn ei wneud yn anghymwys i gael mwy o arian o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd, ni fyddai wedi gwneud cais. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n ymwybodol o fwy o achosion fel hyn, ac a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi nad yw'n iawn bod y cwmni hwn o dan fygythiad erbyn hyn oherwydd cyngor a gafwyd gan Busnes Cymru?
Llywydd, I'm not, I'm afraid, familiar with the details of the specific firm to which the Member refers, but I'm very willing to pursue the points that she has made. If she would like to provide me with details of the firm and the concerns that lie behind the question that she's raised on their behalf this afternoon, I will certainly make sure that they are pursued. And I thank the Member for what she said in opening about welcoming the help that we are able to provide to businesses in Wales more generally.
Llywydd, nid wyf i'n gyfarwydd â manylion y cwmni penodol y mae'r Aelod yn cyfeirio ato, ond rwy'n barod iawn i fynd ar drywydd y pwyntiau y mae wedi eu gwneud. Os hoffai roi manylion y cwmni i mi a'r pryderon sy'n sail i'r cwestiwn y mae wedi ei godi ar ei ran y prynhawn yma, byddaf yn sicr o wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n cael sylw. A diolchaf i'r Aelod am yr hyn a ddywedodd ar y cychwyn am groesawu'r cymorth yr ydym ni yn gallu ei roi i fusnesau yng Nghymru yn fwy cyffredinol.
7. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i fynd i'r afael â TB buchol yng Nghymru? OQ55612
7. What plans does the Welsh Government have to tackle bovine TB in Wales? OQ55612
Llywydd, the Welsh Government continues to implement our TB eradication programme, addressing all sources of infection in a cattle herd. New herd incidence last year was the lowest for 15 years, with a 16 per cent decline in incidents in the 12 months to June 2020.
Llywydd, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i weithredu ein rhaglen dileu TB, gan fynd i'r afael â phob ffynhonnell haint mewn buches wartheg. Roedd nifer yr achosion newydd mewn buchesi y llynedd yr isaf ers 15 mlynedd, gyda gostyngiad o 16 y cant i ddigwyddiadau yn y 12 mis hyd at fis Mehefin 2020.
Thank you, First Minister. Now, in the 12 months to June 2020, 10,823 cattle were slaughtered due to bovine TB. Now, yes, I agree that is a 12 per cent decrease on the previous 12 months, however I was shocked to hear in the Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee the Minister describe this as 'the latest statistics are good.' Well, they are not good if you speak to the farmers across Wales. In fact, they are scandalous, especially as there has been a 56 per cent increase in new herd incidence in the low-risk areas of Wales during the last three years. Whilst 33,512 cattle have been slaughtered, only 16 licences have been issued to capture, mark and eradicate badgers to prevent the spread of this horrendous disease. First Minister, do you consider the latest statistics as being good and what more are you doing to minimise the spread of bovine TB amongst our wildlife? Diolch.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Nawr, yn y 12 mis hyd at fis Mehefin 2020, lladdwyd 10,823 o wartheg oherwydd TB mewn gwartheg. Nawr, ydw, rwy'n cytuno bod hynny'n ostyngiad o 12 y cant ar y 12 mis blaenorol, ond cefais sioc o glywed yn y Pwyllgor Newid yn yr Hinsawdd, Amgylchedd a Materion Gwledig y Gweinidog yn disgrifio hyn fel 'mae'r ystadegau diweddaraf yn dda'. Wel, dydyn nhw ddim yn dda os siaradwch chi â'r ffermwyr ledled Cymru. Mewn gwirionedd, maen nhw'n gywilyddus, yn enwedig gan y bu cynnydd o 56 y cant i nifer yr achosion newydd mewn buchesi yn ardaloedd risg isel Cymru yn ystod y tair blynedd diwethaf. Er bod 33,512 o wartheg wedi cael eu lladd, dim ond 16 o drwyddedau a roddwyd i ddal, marcio a difa moch daear er mwyn atal y clefyd erchyll hwn rhag lledaenu. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n ystyried bod yr ystadegau diweddaraf yn dda a beth arall ydych chi'n ei wneud i sicrhau bod lledaeniad TB mewn gwartheg ymhlith ein bywyd gwyllt cyn lleied â phosibl? Diolch.
Well, Llywydd, I think we have to encourage people in the sector who work so hard when we see a 24-consecutive-month decrease in new herd incidence, when we see that number being the lowest for 15 years, and in the first quarter of this year, the lowest in any quarter since figures began to be collected. So, it's important we encourage those people in the sector who are doing everything they can, including farmers, of course, to deal with this dreadful disease by demonstrating that the actions they are taking are having a positive impact, and that is exactly what the Minister was trying to do.
TB is a dreadful disease in cattle, and its impact on those farms who've had to see whole herds slaughtered is devastating, on people who've invested so much in those herds over so many years. The only way of tackling it is by tackling it on every front, through accurate testing, through high biosecurity standards, through individual herd action plans and investing in the science as we do at the TB centre of excellence at Aberystwyth. Those are actions that every part of the sector has to take some responsibility for implementing.
The Member said in her supplementary question to me that it was scandalous—the number of new cases that we are seeing in low-TB areas. But she will know that 82 per cent of new cases in those low areas are traced to cattle that are bought and brought into those areas, bringing TB with them. That's why high biosecurity standards, accurate testing and the other measures that I have mentioned all have their part to play, and in that way, we will succeed together in eliminating this dreadful disease from Wales.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni annog pobl yn y sector sy'n gweithio mor galed pan fyddwn ni'n gweld gostyngiad i nifer yr achosion newydd mewn buchesi 24 mis yn olynol, pan fyddwn ni'n gweld mai'r nifer honno yw'r isaf ers 15 mlynedd, ac yn chwarter cyntaf eleni, yr isaf mewn unrhyw chwarter ers dechrau casglu ffigurau. Felly, mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n annog y bobl hynny yn y sector sy'n gwneud popeth yn eu gallu, gan gynnwys ffermwyr, wrth gwrs, i ymdrin â'r clefyd ofnadwy hwn drwy ddangos bod y camau y maen nhw'n eu cymryd yn cael effaith gadarnhaol, a dyna'n union yr oedd y Gweinidog yn ceisio ei wneud.
Mae TB yn glefyd echrydus mewn gwartheg, ac mae ei effaith ar y ffermydd hynny sydd wedi gorfod gweld buchesi cyfan yn cael eu lladd yn ofnadwy, ar bobl sydd wedi buddsoddi cymaint yn y buchesi hynny dros gynifer o flynyddoedd. Yr unig ffordd o fynd i'r afael ag ef yw drwy fynd i'r afael ag ef ym mhob agwedd, drwy brofion cywir, drwy safonau bioddiogelwch uchel, drwy gynlluniau gweithredu buchesi unigol a buddsoddi yn yr wyddoniaeth fel yr ydym ni'n ei wneud yn y ganolfan ragoriaeth TB yn Aberystwyth. Mae'r rheini yn gamau y mae'n rhaid i bob rhan o'r sector gymryd rhywfaint o gyfrifoldeb am eu gweithredu.
Dywedodd yr Aelod yn ei chwestiwn atodol i mi ei bod hi'n gywilyddus—nifer yr achosion newydd yr ydym ni'n eu gweld mewn ardaloedd TB isel. Ond bydd hi'n gwybod bod 82 y cant o achosion newydd yn yr ardaloedd isel hynny yn cael eu holrhain i wartheg sy'n cael eu prynu a'u symud i mewn i'r ardaloedd hynny, gan ddod â TB gyda nhw. Dyna pam mae gan safonau bioddiogelwch uchel, profion cywir a'r mesurau eraill yr wyf i wedi sôn amdanyn nhw i gyd eu rhan i'w chwarae, ac yn y modd hwnnw, byddwn yn llwyddo gyda'n gilydd i ddileu'r clefyd ofnadwy hwn o Gymru.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8—Darren Millar.
Finally, question 8—Darren Millar.
8. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ddiogelwch ar y ffyrdd yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ55598
8. Will the First Minister make a statement on road safety in north Wales? OQ55598
Llywydd, I thank Darren Millar for that. Road safety remains a key concern for the Welsh Government. The Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales has overseen a review of safety issues on trunk roads, and at the other end of the spectrum, the Deputy Minister in that department is taking forward initiatives such as the roll-out of 20 mph speed limits, which, by themselves, will have an impact on road safety in north Wales and in other parts of Wales too.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Darren Millar am hynna. Mae diogelwch ar y ffyrdd yn parhau i fod yn bryder allweddol i Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae Gweinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru wedi goruchwylio adolygiad o faterion diogelwch ar gefnffyrdd, ac ar ben arall y sbectrwm, mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog yn yr adran honno yn bwrw ymlaen â mentrau fel cyflwyno terfynau cyflymder 20 mya, a fydd, ar eu pennau eu hunain, yn cael effaith ar ddiogelwch ar y ffyrdd yn y gogledd ac mewn rhannau eraill o Gymru hefyd.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. One of the consequences of the increase in people working from home is that we've seen a significant reduction in traffic on many of our roads, and, unfortunately, because there's less traffic, that has often led to an increase in speeding, and that is absolutely true on the A494 trunk road between Ruthin and Mold, much of which is in my constituency. We've had a number of serious accidents, unfortunately, some in which individuals have lost their lives, in the Llanbedr area, and also in the Llanberis area there's been a significant increase in speeding.
Can I urge you, First Minister, to work with the Minister responsible for transport to look at what additional measures might be taken on this particular stretch of road, including whether it may be viable to introduce average speed cameras, which seem to have been so effective in killing speed, rather than people, on dangerous roads elsewhere in the country?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Un o ganlyniadau'r cynnydd i nifer y bobl sy'n gweithio gartref yw ein bod ni wedi gweld gostyngiad sylweddol i draffig ar lawer o'n ffyrdd, ac, yn anffodus, oherwydd bod llai o draffig, mae hynny yn aml wedi arwain at gynnydd mewn goryrru, ac mae hynny'n gwbl wir ar gefnffordd yr A494 rhwng Rhuthun a'r Wyddgrug, y mae llawer ohoni yn fy etholaeth i. Rydym ni wedi cael nifer o ddamweiniau difrifol, yn anffodus, rhai lle mae unigolion wedi colli eu bywydau, yn ardal Llanbedr, a hefyd yn ardal Llanberis bu cynnydd sylweddol mewn goryrru.
A gaf i eich annog, Prif Weinidog, i weithio gyda'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am drafnidiaeth i ystyried pa fesurau ychwanegol y gellid eu cymryd ar y darn penodol hwn o ffordd, gan gynnwys pa un a allai fod yn ymarferol i gyflwyno camerâu cyflymder cyfartalog, sydd, i bob golwg, wedi bod mor effeithiol o ran lladd cyflymder, yn hytrach na phobl, ar ffyrdd peryglus mewn mannau eraill yn y wlad?
Llywydd, can I thank Darren Millar for those very important follow-up questions? Fatalities in north Wales in September have been very distressing, and I know that he's been directly concerned with some of them. I wanted to thank him for the letter that he sent in to the Minister at the end of August, and I know he's received a reply from Ken Skates specifically regarding road safety on the A494, measures that the Welsh Government has already taken and which need to be monitored now for their effectiveness, but to give him an assurance, as the letter did, that, if those measures are not effective, then other measures will be considered of the sort that he has set out, so that we can do everything we can together to make sure that lives, and young lives, are not lost on roads in north Wales.
Llywydd, a gaf i ddiolch i Darren Millar am y cwestiynau dilynol pwysig iawn hynny? Mae'r marwolaethau yn y Gogledd ym mis Medi wedi bod yn ofidus iawn, a gwn ei fod ef wedi ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â rhai ohonyn nhw. Roeddwn i eisiau diolch iddo am y llythyr a anfonodd at y Gweinidog ddiwedd mis Awst, a gwn ei fod wedi cael ateb gan Ken Skates yn benodol ynghylch diogelwch ar ffordd yr A494, mesurau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru eisoes wedi'u cymryd ac y mae angen eu monitro nawr am eu heffeithiolrwydd, ond hoffwn roi sicrwydd iddo ef, yn yr un modd â'r llythyr, os nad yw'r mesurau hynny'n effeithiol, yna caiff mesurau eraill eu hystyried o'r math y mae wedi'i nodi, fel y gallwn ni wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu, ar y cyd, i sicrhau nad yw bywydau, a bywydau ifanc, yn cael eu colli ar ffyrdd yn y Gogledd.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
And before we move on, just to say that I've been asked for a point of order at this point by Members, but I'll address the issue in this way. Firstly, all Members—Ministers and other Members—are fully participating equally in this Senedd, whether they do so virtually or here physically in the Chamber. And, secondly, to reassure Members here present this afternoon that you do so in line with regulations and guidance. Now, for the rest of this lengthy afternoon and evening of work that we have in front of us, let's focus on the content of what we have to say rather than where we may be saying it from.
A chyn inni symud ymlaen, dim ond i ddweud bod Aelodau wedi gofyn i mi am bwynt o drefn yn y fan hon, ond byddaf i'n mynd i'r afael â'r mater yn y modd hwn. Yn gyntaf, mae pob Aelod—Gweinidog ac Aelodau eraill—yn cymryd rhan lawn a chyfartal yn y Senedd hon, p'un a ydyn nhw’n gwneud hynny'n rhithiol neu yma'n gorfforol yn y Siambr. Ac, yn ail, i dawelu meddwl yr Aelodau sy'n bresennol y prynhawn yma eich bod yn gwneud hynny yn unol â rheoliadau a chanllawiau. Nawr, am weddill y prynhawn hir hwn a'r noson o waith sydd gennym ni o'n blaenau, gadewch inni ganolbwyntio ar gynnwys yr hyn sydd gennym i'w ddweud yn hytrach nag o ble y gallem ni fod yn ei ddweud.
The next item is the business statement. I call on the Trefnydd to make the business statement. And I'll also draw attention to the fact that this is scheduled by the Government for 15 minutes, but I have very many speakers, of all parties, wishing to contribute to this afternoon, so I put you on warning that you may not be able to be called, due to the 15-minute allocation of time for this item.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiad busnes. Rwy'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad busnes. A byddaf i hefyd yn tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod hyn wedi'i amserlennu gan y Llywodraeth am 15 munud, ond mae gennyf i lawer iawn o siaradwyr, o bob plaid, sy'n dymuno cyfrannu at y prynhawn, felly rwy'n eich rhybuddio efallai na fydd modd ichi gael eich galw, oherwydd y dyraniad amser o 15 munud ar gyfer yr eitem hon.
Y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad. Rebecca Evans.
The Trefnydd to make the statement. Rebecca Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd. There are several changes to today's agenda. The debate on the four Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 will take place immediately after this business statement and announcement. The debate on the Fisheries Bill legislative consent motion has been postponed until next week. And finally, the statement on maternity services and governance improvements at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board has been postponed until 13 October in order to accommodate a statement to update the Senedd on the local coronavirus restrictions. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae sawl newid i'r agenda heddiw. Bydd y ddadl ar bedwar Rheoliad Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) 2020 yn cael ei chynnal yn syth ar ôl y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes hwn. Mae'r ddadl ar gynnig cydsyniad deddfwriaethol y Bil Pysgodfeydd wedi'i gohirio tan yr wythnos nesaf. Ac yn olaf, mae'r datganiad ar wasanaethau mamolaeth a gwelliannau llywodraethu ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf wedi'i ohirio tan 13 Hydref er mwyn darparu ar gyfer datganiad i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Senedd am gyfyngiadau'r coronafeirws leol. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi ar y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, sydd i'w weld ymhlith papurau'r cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau'n electronig.
Perhaps I could ask for, Trefnydd, a short statement perhaps from the economy Minister regarding the Ford closure, which, sadly, happened—and we were all waiting for it—last week, just to update us on the final findings of the taskforce there that was set up in order to assist the people working there to find jobs. When we're talking about £100,000 being put aside for this, it seems like pretty small potatoes compared to what we've heard of today. So, that would be very, very welcome.
I think I would also ask for a statement from the environment Minister, an update on her views on discrete support for zoos. I appreciate that we'll be hearing more about the economic resilience fund later on, but the specific demands of visitor attractions that are responsible for animal welfare need specific and close attention, because, obviously, whether an attraction is open or closed doesn't matter, they need the same staff and the same number of people—the same money, sorry—to support levels of animal welfare there.
And then, finally, could we have a letter or a statement, from the environment Minister again, regarding the management of the Kenfig nature reserve in my region? It's a globally important site. No-one has really been in charge of it since the local authority chose not to renew its lease last December, and, while Natural Resources Wales has had some activity there, the discussions between them and the site owners have broken down. Considering that this is an area of such—well, actually—global importance, not just national importance, I would hope that the Minister, with her overarching responsibilities for the environment, would have something important to say on this. Thank you.
Efallai y caf i ofyn am ddatganiad byr, Trefnydd, gan Weinidog yr Economi efallai, ynglŷn â chau Ford, a ddigwyddodd, gwaetha'r modd—ac roeddem ni i gyd yn aros amdano—yr wythnos diwethaf, dim ond i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf inni am ganlyniadau terfynol y tasglu yno a sefydlwyd er mwyn cynorthwyo'r bobl sy'n gweithio yno i ddod o hyd i swyddi. Pan fyddwn ni'n sôn am roi £100,000 o'r neilltu ar gyfer hyn, mae'n ymddangos fel swm eithaf bach o'i gymharu â'r hyn y clywsom heddiw. Felly, byddai hynny i'w groesawu'n fawr.
Rwy'n credu y byddwn i hefyd yn gofyn am ddatganiad gan Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ei barn hi ynghylch cefnogaeth ar wahân i sŵau. Rwy'n sylweddoli y byddwn ni'n clywed mwy am y gronfa cadernid economaidd yn nes ymlaen, ond mae angen rhoi sylw penodol a manwl i ofynion penodol atyniadau ymwelwyr sy'n gyfrifol am les anifeiliaid, oherwydd, yn amlwg, nid oes unrhyw wahaniaeth a yw atyniad ar agor neu ar gau, mae angen yr un staff a'r un nifer o bobl—yr un arian arnyn nhw, mae'n ddrwg gennyf i—i gefnogi lefelau lles anifeiliaid yno.
Ac yna, yn olaf, a fyddai modd inni gael llythyr neu ddatganiad, gan Weinidog yr Amgylchedd eto, ynghylch rheoli gwarchodfa natur Cynffig yn fy rhanbarth i? Mae'n safle sy'n bwysig yn fyd-eang. Nid oes unrhyw un wedi bod yn gyfrifol amdano mewn gwirionedd ers i'r awdurdod lleol ddewis peidio ag adnewyddu ei brydles fis Rhagfyr diwethaf ac, er bod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru wedi cael rhywfaint o weithgarwch yno, mae'r trafodaethau rhyngddynt hwy a pherchnogion y safleoedd wedi chwalu. O ystyried bod hwn yn faes o bwysigrwydd—wel, byd-eang—mewn gwirionedd, nid pwysigrwydd cenedlaethol yn unig, byddwn i'n gobeithio y byddai gan y Gweinidog, gyda'i chyfrifoldebau cyffredinol dros yr amgylchedd, rywbeth pwysig i'w ddweud am hyn. Diolch.
Thank you very much to Suzy Davies for raising those three important issues, and I will ask the Minister for economy and transport to write to colleagues with an update on the situation following the sad closure of Ford in Bridgend. I know that the taskforce has worked tirelessly to bring all of the partners together to intensify the efforts to support those who have been affected and to attract new investment and to generate local employment opportunities. And, of course, there's the legacy fund now, which is available for the community to access as well, but I think it would be helpful for the Minister to pull together all of those aspects of the work in order to provide interested colleagues with an update on that, so I'll ensure that that happens.
With regard to the support for zoos, as Suzy says, there is the opportunity, later on today, to potentially seek to raise that with the Minister for economy and transport. But, again, perhaps I would invite Suzy to write to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs with her specific concern about animal welfare as a result of the coronavirus.
And, again, on the issue of the Kenfig nature reserve, I will ask the Minister to write to you with an update to respond to the concerns that you've just raised.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i Suzy Davies am godi'r tri mater pwysig hynny, a gofynnaf i Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ysgrifennu at gyd-Aelodau gyda'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynghylch y sefyllfa ar ôl tristwch cau Ford ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Rwy'n gwybod bod y tasglu wedi gweithio'n ddiflino i ddod â'r holl bartneriaid at ei gilydd i ddwysáu'r ymdrechion i gefnogi'r rheini yr effeithiwyd arnyn nhw ac i ddenu buddsoddiad newydd ac i greu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth lleol. Ac, wrth gwrs, nawr mae'r gronfa etifeddiaeth yn bodoli, sydd ar gael i'r gymuned ei defnyddio hefyd, ond rwy'n credu y byddai'n ddefnyddiol i'r Gweinidog ddwyn ynghyd yr holl agweddau hynny ar y gwaith er mwyn rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i gydweithwyr â diddordeb ynghylch hynny, felly byddaf i'n sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd.
O ran y gefnogaeth i sŵau, fel y dywed Suzy, mae cyfle, yn ddiweddarach heddiw, i geisio codi hynny gyda Gweinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth o bosibl. Ond, unwaith eto, efallai y byddwn i'n gwahodd Suzy i ysgrifennu at Weinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig i fynegi ei phryder penodol o ran lles anifeiliaid o ganlyniad i'r coronafeirws.
Ac, unwaith eto, ar fater gwarchodfa natur Cynffig, byddaf i'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog ysgrifennu atoch gyda'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i ymateb i'r pryderon yr ydych newydd eu codi.
Many people have been left high and dry by their insurance companies after many places in the south were put into lockdown and people were unable to go on holidays. Now, some policies may have had small print preventing a payout due to COVID-19, but I know this isn't the case with all refusals. In one instance, one company told a customer that advice from the Welsh Government is irrelevant and they only accept advice not to travel from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Now, I hope your Government will agree with me that Welsh-imposed restrictions shouldn't be considered any less than Westminster-imposed ones. Will the Government, therefore, make a clear statement on the legal status of these restrictions in Wales and how they should impact on insurance policies? I know that representations have been made to the Association of British Insurers, but it wasn't clear from the First Minister's answer whether a legal statement, which I've asked for, has been made, and they don't appear to have made any guarantees with regard to refunds for all, and they absolutely should. It would be useful for us to have a statement to hear what else the Government can do to ensure that those people who are refused their holiday refunds get them.
Mae llawer o bobl wedi cael eu gadael yn ddiymgeledd gan eu cwmnïau yswiriant ar ôl i gyfyngiadau symud gael eu gosod ar lawer o leoedd yn y De ac nad oedd pobl yn gallu mynd ar wyliau. Nawr, mae'n bosibl bod rhai polisïau wedi cynnwys print mân yn atal taliadau oherwydd COVID-19, ond rwy'n gwybod nad yw hyn yn wir ym mhob achos o wrthod. Mewn un achos, dywedodd un cwmni wrth gwsmer fod cyngor gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn amherthnasol ac mai dim ond cyngor i beidio â theithio gan y Swyddfa Dramor a Chymanwlad y maen nhw'n ei dderbyn. Nawr, rwy'n gobeithio y bydd eich Llywodraeth yn cytuno â mi na ddylai cyfyngiadau wedi'u gorfodi gan Gymru gael eu hystyried yn llai na rhai sy'n cael eu gorfodi gan San Steffan. A wnaiff y Llywodraeth, felly, ddatganiad clir ynghylch statws cyfreithiol y cyfyngiadau hyn yng Nghymru a sut y dylen nhw effeithio ar bolisïau yswiriant? Gwn fod sylwadau wedi'u cyflwyno i Gymdeithas Yswirwyr Prydain, ond nid oedd yn glir o ateb y Prif Weinidog a oes datganiad cyfreithiol, yr wyf i wedi gofyn amdano, wedi'i wneud, ac nid yw'n ymddangos eu bod wedi gwneud unrhyw sicrwydd o ran ad-daliadau i bawb, ac yn ddiamau, y dylen nhw wneud hynny. Byddai'n ddefnyddiol inni gael datganiad i glywed beth arall y gall y Llywodraeth ei wneud i sicrhau bod y bobl hynny yn cael yr ad-daliadau gwyliau sydd wedi'u gwrthod iddynt.
Leanne Wood's right: it's absolutely so disappointing for people who have had their holidays cancelled as a result of the coronavirus and the regulations and restrictions that have had to be put in place. As the First Minister said, we have been taking this up directly with the insurance industry and we had a relatively positive response, I think, back from the industry body. But, as the First Minister and I think Leanne Wood has, also, said, those warm words now need to be translated into action and into payouts for the affected policyholders. But if there is a further update on that, I'll be sure to share that with Leanne.
Mae Leanne Wood yn gywir: mae mor siomedig i bobl bod eu gwyliau wedi'u canslo o ganlyniad i goronafeirws a'r rheoliadau a'r cyfyngiadau y bu'n rhaid eu rhoi ar waith. Fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog, rydym wedi bod yn codi hyn yn uniongyrchol gyda'r diwydiant yswiriant a chawsom ymateb cymharol gadarnhaol yn ôl, rwy'n credu, gan gorff y diwydiant. Ond, fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog ac rwy'n credu bod Leanne Wood wedi'i ddweud hefyd, mae angen troi'r geiriau teg hynny nawr yn weithredu ac yn daliadau i'r deiliaid polisïau yr effeithiwyd arnynt. Ond os oes diweddariad pellach ar hynny, byddaf i'n siŵr o rannu hynny gyda Leanne.
Can I ask for two oral Government statements—the first one on the provision of free school meals? We've had a number of written statements on the provision, of expanding it, and I'm very pleased with those, but could we have a full statement on exactly where we are? It's well known that my view is that free school meals should go through every holiday and, when children are not in school, they should still get free school meals, because they still have to eat when they're not in school. So, could we have a statement on that, and, second, and this is fairly apt at this time of the year, a statement on the use of fireworks throughout the year, especially this time of the year, and what the Welsh Government or local authorities can do to limit the use of fireworks? Because I can tell you, in Swansea East, not a month goes by without a firework display going off somewhere.
A gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad llafar gan y Llywodraeth—yr un cyntaf o ran darparu prydau ysgol am ddim? Rydym wedi cael nifer o ddatganiadau ysgrifenedig ar y ddarpariaeth, o ran ei hehangu, ac rwy'n falch iawn o'r rheini, ond a allwn ni gael datganiad llawn ar beth yn union yw'r sefyllfa o ran hynny nawr ? Mae fy marn i yn hysbys, y dylai prydau ysgol am ddim barhau trwy bob gwyliau a, phan nad yw plant yn yr ysgol, dylen nhw barhau i gael prydau ysgol am ddim, oherwydd mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw fwyta pan nad ydyn nhw yn yr ysgol. Felly, a allwn ni gael datganiad am hynny, ac, yn ail, ac mae hyn yn weddol addas yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn, ddatganiad am ddefnyddio tân gwyllt drwy gydol y flwyddyn, yn enwedig yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn, a'r hyn y gall Llywodraeth Cymru neu awdurdodau lleol ei wneud i gyfyngu ar ddefnyddio tân gwyllt? Oherwydd gallaf i ddweud wrthych chi, yn Nwyrain Abertawe, nad oes mis yn mynd heibio heb i arddangosfa tân gwyllt ddigwydd yn rhywle.
Mike Hedges is absolutely right on that second point. I think I also see those firework displays across Swansea on a regular basis as well. We do recognise that the cancellation of so many organised events this year does risk an increase in the use of fireworks in people's gardens. We know that the powers to make those regulations lie under the Fireworks Act 2003, and that rests with UK Government Ministers, which is why we're seeking to work really closely with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in Westminster, which is responsible for fireworks regulations. We're urging a really strong UK Government response to the recommendations that have been made by the recent House of Commons Petitions Committee report on fireworks, and officials in Welsh Government are also currently working with BEIS on public messaging for the upcoming bonfire season, and also with Global Action Plan to raise awareness of the air-quality impacts of bonfires and fireworks on Clean Air Day as well.
On the first issue, I know Mike Hedges absolutely recognises the vital role that free school meals play in terms of ensuring that children get that healthy meal and don't go hungry during unprecedented times, and particularly so over the course of the summer holidays. Since then, we've made available a further £1.28 million to help local authorities meet the additional costs of free school meals during the first two weeks of the autumn term, when some of the schools are adapting and having that more flexible approach to learning. Again, since then we've agreed funding of at least £420,000 so that those who are in receipt of free school meals will also continue to receive that provision if they aren't able to attend school for any reason, such as having to self-isolate and so on. So, we're trying to make sure that we think of all the different scenarios that children might be affected by.
Mae Mike Hedges yn llygad ei le ar yr ail bwynt hwnnw. Rwy'n credu fy mod yn gweld yr arddangosfeydd tân gwyllt hynny ledled Abertawe yn rheolaidd hefyd. Rydym yn cydnabod bod canslo cynifer o ddigwyddiadau a drefnwyd eleni yn peri'r risg bod pobl yn defnyddio tân gwyllt yn eu gerddi fwyfwy. Gwyddom fod y pwerau i wneud y rheoliadau hynny yn dod o dan Ddeddf Tân Gwyllt 2003, a Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU sy'n gyfrifol am hynny, a dyna pam yr ydym ni’n ceisio gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r Adran Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol yn San Steffan, sy'n gyfrifol am reoliadau tân gwyllt. Rydym yn annog ymateb cryf iawn gan Lywodraeth y DU i'r argymhellion a wnaed yn adroddiad diweddar Pwyllgor Deisebau Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar dân gwyllt. Ac mae swyddogion yn Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd wrthi'n gweithio gyda BEIS ar negeseuon cyhoeddus ar gyfer tymor y coelcerthi sydd ar ddod, a hefyd gyda'r Cynllun Gweithredu Byd-eang i godi ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch effeithiau ansawdd aer coelcerthi a thân gwyllt ar Ddiwrnod Aer Glân hefyd.
O ran y mater cyntaf, rwy'n gwybod bod Mike Hedges yn cydnabod yn llwyr y rhan hanfodol y mae prydau ysgol am ddim yn ei chwarae o ran sicrhau bod plant yn cael y pryd iach hwnnw ac nad ydyn nhw'n llwglyd yn ystod adegau digynsail, ac yn enwedig felly yn ystod gwyliau'r haf. Ers hynny, rydym wedi darparu £1.28 miliwn arall i helpu awdurdodau lleol i dalu costau ychwanegol prydau ysgol am ddim yn ystod pythefnos cyntaf tymor yr hydref, pan fydd rhai o'r ysgolion yn addasu a bod ganddyn nhw'r dull mwy hyblyg hwnnw o ddysgu. Unwaith eto, ers hynny rydym wedi cytuno ar gyllid o £420,000 o leiaf fel y bydd y rhai sy'n cael prydau ysgol am ddim hefyd yn parhau i gael y ddarpariaeth honno os na allan nhw fynychu'r ysgol am unrhyw reswm, fel gorfod hunanynysu ac yn y blaen. Felly, rydym yn ceisio sicrhau ein bod ni'n ystyried yr holl wahanol senarios a allai effeithio ar blant.
Can I firstly concur with the comments made by Mike Hedges regarding the need for greater regulation of fireworks? Two issues if I may, Llywydd: firstly, Trefnydd, I've been contacted by a number of constituents who are very concerned about the limited number of train carriages being used to get young people to and from Hereford Sixth Form College from Abergavenny station. Despite each child having paid for their season ticket in advance, I'm told that Transport for Wales have laid on buses that are totally inadequate, with no social distancing in operation whatsoever. I wonder if we could have a statement from the Minister for transport outlining any discussions he might have had with Transport for Wales and an explanation as to why young people do seem to be treated differently from adults in this regard.
Secondly and finally, Llywydd, the Musicians' Union have been very active on Twitter recently, and they've been raising some very extremely concerning statistics regarding the plight of musicians through the pandemic. Thirty-six per cent of musicians have no work at all; 87 per cent will be earning less than £20,000 per year. I know that Stephen Crabb has raised this issue in Parliament. Given that the arts are largely devolved to Wales, I wonder if we could have a statement from the Welsh Government as to what support is being given to the arts during this difficult time, particularly music. We know the importance that music has not just for musicians, but for all of us in terms of our mental health. I'm sure we want to listen to music, particularly at the moment, through the pandemic, and I think you'd agree with me that music deserves better.
A gaf i gytuno'n gyntaf â sylwadau Mike Hedges ynglŷn â'r angen am fwy o reoleiddio ar dân gwyllt? Dau fater os caf i, Llywydd: yn gyntaf, Trefnydd, mae nifer o etholwyr wedi cysylltu â mi sy'n pryderu'n fawr o ran y nifer cyfyngedig o gerbydau trên sy'n cael eu defnyddio i fynd â phobl ifanc i Goleg Chweched Dosbarth Henffordd ac oddi yno, o orsaf y Fenni. Er bod pob plentyn wedi talu am ei docyn tymor ymlaen llaw, rwyf wedi cael gwybod bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi darparu bysiau sy'n gwbl annigonol, heb gadw pellter cymdeithasol o gwbl. Tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Trafnidiaeth yn amlinellu unrhyw drafodaethau y gallai fod wedi'u cael â Thrafnidiaeth i Gymru ac esboniad ynghylch pam yr ymddengys bod pobl ifanc yn cael eu trin yn wahanol i oedolion yn hyn o beth.
Yn ail ac yn olaf, Llywydd, mae Undeb y Cerddorion wedi bod yn weithgar iawn ar Twitter yn ddiweddar, ac maen nhw wedi bod yn codi'r mater o ystadegau pryderus iawn am sefyllfa cerddorion drwy'r pandemig. Nid oes gan 36 y cant o gerddorion unrhyw waith o gwbl; bydd 87 y cant yn ennill llai nag £20,000 y flwyddyn. Rwy'n gwybod bod Stephen Crabb wedi codi'r mater hwn yn y Senedd. O gofio bod y celfyddydau wedi'u datganoli i Gymru, i raddau helaeth, tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch pa gymorth sy'n cael ei roi i'r celfyddydau yn ystod y cyfnod anodd hwn, yn enwedig cerddoriaeth. Rydym yn ymwybodol o bwysigrwydd cerddoriaeth nid yn unig i gerddorion, ond i bob un ohonom ni o ran ein hiechyd meddwl. Rwy'n siŵr ein bod eisiau gwrando ar gerddoriaeth, yn enwedig ar hyn o bryd, yn ystod y pandemig, ac rwy'n credu y byddech yn cytuno â mi bod cerddoriaeth yn haeddu gwell.
I thank Nick Ramsay for raising those issues. I will, if he doesn't mind, invite him to write to the Minister for economy and transport on that first issue, which relates to the number of train carriages to carry young people from Abergavenny station. I think that would be the quickest way to progress that particular query.
And then I absolutely recognise the impact that the coronavirus has had on those people who are working within the music industry, both in terms of organisations and choirs and so on, but also freelancers who earn their living through the music industry as well. That's why we're continuing to work alongside our music stakeholder group to understand the concerns and the impact of the coronavirus, and have also announced funding through the £53 million cultural recovery fund. So, I would advise organisations and individuals to explore whether some financial support might be available to them through that particular fund.
Diolch i Nick Ramsay am godi'r materion hynny. Os nad oes ots ganddo ef, byddaf yn ei wahodd i ysgrifennu at Weinidog yr economi a thrafnidiaeth ar y mater cyntaf hwnnw, sy'n ymwneud â nifer y cerbydau trên i gludo pobl ifanc o orsaf y Fenni. Rwy'n credu mai dyna fyddai'r ffordd gyflymaf o fynd ar ôl yr ymholiad penodol hwnnw.
Ac yna rwy'n cydnabod yn llwyr yr effaith y mae'r coronafeirws wedi'i chael ar y bobl hynny sy'n gweithio o fewn y diwydiant cerddoriaeth, o ran sefydliadau a chorau ac ati, ond hefyd o ran y gweithwyr llawrydd sy'n ennill eu bywoliaeth drwy'r diwydiant cerddoriaeth. Dyna pam rydym ni'n parhau i weithio ochr yn ochr â'n grŵp rhanddeiliaid cerddoriaeth i ddeall pryderon ac effaith y coronafeirws, ac rydym hefyd wedi cyhoeddi cyllid drwy'r gronfa adferiad diwylliannol gwerth £53 miliwn. Felly, byddwn i'n cynghori sefydliadau ac unigolion i wneud ymholiadau i weld a allai rhywfaint o gymorth ariannol fod ar gael iddyn nhw drwy'r gronfa benodol honno.
Today, I rode on an e-scooter, which is permitted to go on the roads under new regulations, and I wondered if we could have a statement on how we can extend that as another mode of transport to complement the reduction in public transport and, obviously, the necessary reduction in the use of private vehicles.
I'd also like a second statement from Lesley Griffiths, as the Minister responsible for food, as to what assessment the Welsh Government has made of the impact of a possible 'no deal' on the threat to food supplies that we currently import from Europe. And I wondered if that could be made to the Senedd.
Heddiw, fe yrrais i e-sgwter, sydd â chaniatâd i fynd ar y ffyrdd dan reoliadau newydd. Tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad ynghylch sut y gallwn ni ymestyn hynny fel dull arall o deithio i ategu'r gostyngiad mewn trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ac, yn amlwg, y gostyngiad angenrheidiol yn nefnydd cerbydau preifat.
Hoffwn i hefyd gael ail ddatganiad gan Lesley Griffiths, fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am fwyd, ynghylch pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith 'dim cytundeb' posibl ar y bygythiad i gyflenwadau bwyd yr ydym yn eu mewnforio o Ewrop ar hyn o bryd. A tybed a fyddai'n bosibl gwneud hynny i'r Senedd.
I thank Jenny Rathbone for raising both of those issues. I've also had the pleasure of trying out an e-scooter and it was a fantastically fun way to get around. I know that this is something that is being explored in various parts of Welsh Government. I understand that some of the issues that are proving more tricky lie around the licensing and regulation in relation to e-scooters, because those items sit with the UK Government. But I know it's something that the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport has been taking an interest in, and I will ask him to provide you with an update on his thinking in that regard.
And then, again, I will make sure that the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs is aware of your request for that statement on the specific issue of the impact of a potential 'no deal' Brexit on food supplies for us here in Wales.
Diolch i Jenny Rathbone am godi'r ddau fater hynny. Rwyf i hefyd wedi cael y pleser o geisio reidio e-sgwter ac roedd yn ffordd wych o fynd o gwmpas. Rwy'n gwybod bod hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n cael ei archwilio mewn gwahanol rannau o Lywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n deall bod rhai o'r problemau sy'n peri anhawster yn ymwneud â thrwyddedu a rheoleiddio mewn cysylltiad ag e-sgwteri, oherwydd mae'r eitemau hynny'n dod o dan Lywodraeth y DU. Ond rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn rhywbeth y mae Dirprwy Weinidog yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth wedi bod yn ymddiddori ynddo, a gofynnaf i iddo roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi am ei syniadau yn hynny o beth.
Ac yna, unwaith eto, byddaf i'n sicrhau bod Gweinidog yr Amgylchedd, Ynni a Materion Gwledig yn ymwybodol o'ch cais ynghylch y datganiad hwnnw ar fater penodol effaith Brexit 'dim cytundeb' posibl ar gyflenwadau bwyd i ni yma yng Nghymru.
Trefnydd, I'd like to ask for a statement from the Chief Whip in her role as Minister with responsibility for equalities, to update the Senedd about the position of the asylum seekers arriving in Penally. I understand that there were further disturbances, albeit, thank goodness, of a minor nature, yesterday. The Government will be aware of a very strongly worded letter that was written by the local health board, the county council, supported by local representatives and faith and civic society leaders in those communities, a copy of which has been received, raising grave concerns about the decision from the Home Office, about the ability particularly to provide the appropriate support, appropriate religious support, for example, and support through the medium of the appropriate languages, and also raising some specific concerns about the conditions of the buildings in which these men are going to be housed. Obviously, we know that the Home Office has not been helpful so far in this regard, but I would submit, Trefnydd, that if the Home Office remains obdurate, it becomes our responsibility as the citizens of Wales to ensure that those men being settled at Penally are supported and protected. So, I'd be grateful for a statement from the Chief Whip as to how the Welsh Government can work with the health board, the local authority and other local agencies to try and ensure that if those young men cannot be resettled in more appropriate centres, they are given the support that they need.
Trefnydd, hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Prif Chwip yn ei swydd fel y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am gydraddoldeb, i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Senedd ynghylch sefyllfa'r ceiswyr lloches sy'n cyrraedd Penalun. Rwy'n deall bod rhagor o aflonyddwch wedi bod ddoe, er ei fod, diolch byth, o natur ansylweddol. Bydd y Llywodraeth yn ymwybodol o lythyr wedi'i eirio'n gryf iawn gan y bwrdd iechyd lleol, y cyngor sir, gyda chefnogaeth cynrychiolwyr lleol ac arweinwyr ffydd a chymdeithas ddinesig yn y cymunedau hynny. Mae copi ohono wedi dod i law. Mae'n codi pryderon difrifol ynghylch penderfyniad y Swyddfa Gartref o ran, yn benodol, y gallu i ddarparu'r cymorth priodol, y gefnogaeth grefyddol briodol, er enghraifft, a chefnogaeth drwy gyfrwng yr ieithoedd priodol, a hefyd mae'n codi rhai pryderon penodol am amodau'r adeiladau lle caiff y dynion hyn eu cartrefu. Yn amlwg, rydym ym gwybod nad yw'r Swyddfa Gartref wedi bod o gymorth hyd yma yn hyn o beth, ond byddwn i'n awgrymu, Trefnydd, pe bai'r Swyddfa Gartref yn parhau i fod yn bengaled, mai ein cyfrifoldeb ni fel dinasyddion Cymru yw sicrhau bod y dynion hynny sy'n cael eu rhoi i setlo ym Mhenalun yn cael eu cefnogi a'u diogelu. Felly, byddwn i'n ddiolchgar am ddatganiad gan y Prif Chwip ynghylch sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru weithio gyda'r bwrdd iechyd, yr awdurdod lleol ac asiantaethau lleol eraill i geisio sicrhau, os nad oes modd adsefydlu'r dynion ifanc hynny mewn canolfannau mwy priodol, eu bod yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnyn nhw.
I'm very happy to speak to the Minister with responsibility for equalities on this point. I think, if I recall correctly, there's a question on this issue to the Minister for Health and Social Services tomorrow, so that might be an early opportunity to explore some of those issues further. But, as I say, I'll ensure that I do have that conversation with the Deputy Minister with responsibility for equalities.
Rwy'n hapus iawn i siarad â'r Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am gydraddoldeb ar y pwynt hwn. Rwy'n credu, os cofiaf yn iawn, fod yna gwestiwn ar y mater hwn i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yfory, felly gallai hynny fod yn gyfle cynnar i archwilio rhai o'r materion hynny ymhellach. Ond, fel y dywedais, byddaf i'n sicrhau fy mod yn cael y sgwrs honno gyda'r Dirprwy Weinidog sy'n gyfrifol am gydraddoldeb.
I'm looking for a statement on building safety, Minister. An EWS1 is a certificate checking the safety of the outside walls of a building—cladding, for example. Now, a resident of Marseille House in Century Wharf, Cardiff, has provided me with evidence that the EWS1 certificate for the building was signed off by an employee of the Mansion Group, with their headquarters in Cheadle, Cheshire, and the person who supposedly signed off this safety certificate has stated in writing that they did not carry out the inspection, they did not sign the form, they had no connection to Specialist Facade Inspections Ltd, based in Newbridge, and the signature on the letter is not the signature of the senior acquisitions surveyor. Now, in this, Specialist Facade Inspections Ltd say they are the victim as well, but the bottom line is that we have a safety certificate and I don't know who it's been signed by. And this really is a pressing matter now. So, I'd like a statement as to when the housing Minister will get a grip on matters, set up a taskforce and sort this out. Diolch.
Rwy'n gofyn am ddatganiad ar ddiogelwch adeiladu, Gweinidog. Mae EWS1 yn dystysgrif sy'n gwirio diogelwch waliau allanol adeilad—y cladin, er enghraifft. Nawr, mae un o drigolion Marseille House yn Century Wharf, Caerdydd, wedi rhoi tystiolaeth i mi fod tystysgrif EWS1 ar gyfer yr adeilad wedi'i llofnodi gan un o gyflogeion y Mansion Group, gyda'u pencadlys yng Nghainle, Swydd Gaer, ac mae'r sawl a lofnododd y dystysgrif ddiogelwch hon wedi datgan yn ysgrifenedig na wnaethon nhw gynnal yr arolygiad, na wnaethon nhw lofnodi'r ffurflen, nad oedd ganddyn nhw unrhyw gysylltiad â Specialist Facade Inspections Ltd, sydd wedi'i leoli yn Nhrecelyn, ac nad llofnod yr uwch syrfëwr caffael yw'r llofnod ar y llythyr. Nawr, mae Specialist Facade Inspections Ltd yn dweud eu bod nhw yn ddioddefwr hefyd, ond y gwir amdani yw bod gennym ni dystysgrif ddiogelwch ac nid wyf yn gwybod pwy sydd wedi'i llofnodi. Ac mae hwn yn fater pwysig iawn nawr. Felly, hoffwn i gael datganiad ynghylch pryd y bydd y Gweinidog Tai yn mynd i'r afael â'r materion, yn sefydlu tasglu ac yn datrys hyn. Diolch.
Well the situation that Neil McEvoy describes is clearly serious, so I would invite him to send that level of detail to the Minister for housing with regard to the concerns about the documents, how they have been processed and the tests that were undertaken in order to inform the signing of those documents. Clearly, that's not something that we can deal with in the business statement this afternoon. The Minister did provide a response to a debate on building safety just a couple of weeks ago, but I know that she's keen to progress this issue. So, if you do send that detailed information, I'm sure that she'll be able to advise on what might be the best course of action for the residents concerned.
Wel, mae'r sefyllfa y mae Neil McEvoy yn ei disgrifio yn amlwg yn un ddifrifol, felly byddwn i'n ei wahodd i anfon y manylion at y Gweinidog Tai ynglŷn â'r pryderon o ran y dogfennau, sut y cawsant eu prosesu a'r profion a gafodd eu cynnal i lywio'r gwaith o lofnodi'r dogfennau hynny. Yn amlwg, nid yw hynny'n rhywbeth y gallwn i ymdrin ag ef yn y datganiad busnes y prynhawn yma. Rhoddodd y Gweinidog ymateb i ddadl ar ddiogelwch adeiladu ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, ond gwn ei bod yn awyddus i ddatblygu'r mater hwn. Felly, os byddwch chi'n anfon yr wybodaeth fanwl honno, rwy'n siŵr y gall gynghori ar y camau gweithredu gorau ar gyfer y preswylwyr dan sylw.
Ac yn olaf, Alun Davies.
Finally, Alun Davies.
Thank you very much, Presiding Officer. I'd like to have a statement on prisons in Wales, to outline that prisoners do have a right to speak and use the Welsh language without facing either discrimination or abuse within the prison estate. That's a matter that has been brought up recently. But also, on prisoners leaving the secure estate, it's always an issue when homelessness is a major issue facing people, particularly during the winter months, but in the middle of a pandemic all those issues are much, much worse. We've seen a report recently from the Wales Governance Centre that outlined the extent of the crisis facing people leaving the secure estate in Wales, and it would be useful, I think, if we all had an update on the devolution of the prison service to ensure that we are able to provide joined-up services in a way that the Thomas commission recommended.
I would also like to have an opportunity to debate the report that was reported on the BBC this morning about the next elections for the Senedd in May. This is a matter for us as Members to determine. I do not believe that our election should be determined by deals behind closed doors or by small groups of individuals. It is a matter upon which we should all be able to vote on, debate and discuss openly. I believe—and I agree with the First Minister—that there must be an election in May and that the relevant authorities, be they Government or the Senedd Commission, must put in place the resources and the legal basis upon which that election may be conducted if circumstances remain very difficult, whether that's an all-postal ballot or another means of ensuring that the ballot is secure. But the ballot must take place, there must be an election in May, and we must have the opportunity to vote on that and to ensure that the people of Wales are not deprived of their democracy.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Llywydd. Fe hoffwn i gael datganiad ynglŷn â charchardai yng Nghymru, i amlinellu bod gan garcharorion yr hawl i siarad a defnyddio'r Gymraeg heb wynebu gwahaniaethu na chamdriniaeth o fewn ystad y carchardai. Mae hwnnw'n fater sydd wedi'i godi'n ddiweddar. Ond hefyd, o ran carcharorion sy'n gadael sefydliadau diogel, mae bob amser yn broblem pan fo digartrefedd yn fater sylweddol sy'n wynebu pobl, yn enwedig yn ystod misoedd y gaeaf, ond yng nghanol pandemig mae'r holl faterion hynny'n llawer, llawer gwaeth. Rydym ni wedi gweld adroddiad yn ddiweddar gan Ganolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru a amlinellodd faint o argyfwng sy'n wynebu pobl sy'n gadael sefydliadau diogel yng Nghymru, a byddai'n ddefnyddiol, rwy'n credu, pe bai pob un ohonom ni wedi cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddatganoli'r gwasanaeth carchardai i sicrhau ein bod yn gallu darparu gwasanaethau cydgysylltiedig mewn ffordd a argymhellodd comisiwn Thomas.
Hoffwn hefyd gael cyfle i drafod yr adroddiad a gafodd sylw ar y BBC y bore yma am yr etholiadau nesaf ar gyfer y Senedd ym mis Mai. Mater i ni fel Aelodau benderfynu arno yw hwn. Ni chredaf y dylai ein hetholiad gael ei benderfynu drwy gytundebau yn y dirgel neu gan grwpiau bach o bobl. Mae'n fater y dylem ni i gyd allu pleidleisio arno, ei wyntyllu a'i drafod yn agored. Credaf—a chytunaf â'r Prif Weinidog—fod yn rhaid cael etholiad ym mis Mai a bod yn rhaid i'r awdurdodau perthnasol, pa un ai'r Llywodraeth neu Gomisiwn y Senedd, ddarparu'r adnoddau a'r sail gyfreithiol ar gyfer cynnal yr etholiad hwnnw os bydd amgylchiadau'n parhau'n anodd iawn, boed hynny'n rhoi pleidlais drwy'r post i bawb neu'n ffordd arall o sicrhau bod y bleidlais yn ddiogel. Ond rhaid cynnal y bleidlais, rhaid cael etholiad ym mis Mai, a rhaid inni gael y cyfle i bleidleisio ar hynny a sicrhau nad yw pobl Cymru'n cael eu hamddifadu o'u democratiaeth.
Thank you to Alun Davies for raising both of those issues. I'll ensure that the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip is aware of that concern for a debate on prisons in Wales, but I know that the Minister for Housing and Local Government will also be keen to write to you with an update on the work that's been going on during the coronavirus epidemic to ensure that nobody is leaving prison onto the street, and what onward support we can offer to people once they have been put into suitable housing during this crisis, but to ensure then that they retain a roof over their heads as we start to move into the reconstruction phase.
I also completely agree that there must be an election in May, and we're absolutely planning and working on that basis. I haven't yet seen a copy of the report that has been referred to in the press, but it is, as the First Minister set out earlier, absolutely the basis on which we are planning—that there will be and must be an election in May.
Diolch i Alun Davies am godi'r ddau fater yna. Byddaf yn sicrhau bod y Dirprwy Weinidog a'r Prif Chwip yn ymwybodol o'r pryder hwnnw ynghylch dadl ynglŷn â charchardai yng Nghymru, ond gwn y bydd y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol hefyd yn awyddus i ysgrifennu atoch chi gyda'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y gwaith sydd wedi bod yn digwydd yn ystod epidemig y coronafeirws i sicrhau nad oes neb yn gadael y carchar ac yn cysgu ar y stryd, a pha gymorth y gallwn ni ei gynnig i bobl ar ôl iddyn nhw gael eu rhoi mewn tai addas yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn, ond sicrhau wedyn eu bod yn cadw to dros eu pennau wrth inni ddechrau symud i'r cyfnod ailadeiladu.
Cytunaf yn llwyr hefyd fod yn rhaid cael etholiad ym mis Mai, ac rydym yn cynllunio ac yn gweithio'n llwyr ar y sail honno. Nid wyf eto wedi gweld copi o'r adroddiad y cyfeiriwyd ato yn y wasg, ond fel y nododd y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach, dyna yn bendant y sail yr ydym yn cynllunio arno—y bydd etholiad ym mis Mai, a bod hynny'n angenrheidiol.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.24, oni bai bod Aelod yn gwrthwynebu, bydd y pedwar cynnig o dan eitemau 3, 4, 5 a 6 ar y Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Cymru) 2020 yn cael eu grwpio ar gyfer dadl ond gyda pleidleisiau ar wahân. Oes yna unrhyw wrthwynebiad i'r grwpio ar gyfer dadl? Dwi ddim yn gweld gwrthwynebiad i hynny.
I thank the Trefnydd.
In accordance with Standing Order 12.24, unless a Member objects, the four motions under items 3, 4, 5 and 6, on the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) 2020, will be grouped for debate but with votes taken separately. Does any Member object to the grouping for debate? I see no objection to that.
Ac felly dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i gyflwyno'r cynigion—Vaughan Gething.
And therefore I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services to move the motions—Vaughan Gething.
Cynnig NDM7396 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 10) (Rhondda Cynon Taf) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 17 Medi 2020.
Motion NDM7396 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 10) (Rhondda Cynon Taf) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 17 September 2020.
Cynnig NDM7383 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 8) (Caerffili) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 8 Medi 2020.
Motion NDM7383 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 8) (Caerphilly) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 8 September 2020.
Cynnig NDM7399 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Reoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 11) (Blaenau Gwent, Casnewydd, Merthyr Tudful a Phen-y-bont ar Ogwr etc.) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 22 Medi 2020.
Motion NDM7399 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 11) (Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport etc.) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 22 September 2020.
Cynnig NDM7395 Rebecca Evans
Cynnig bod y Senedd, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 27.5:
1. Yn cymeradwyo Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Swyddogaethau Awdurdodau Lleol etc.) (Cymru) 2020 a osodwyd yn y Swyddfa Gyflwyno ar 18 Medi 2020.
Motion NDM7395 Rebecca Evans
To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5:
1. Approves The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Functions of Local Authorities etc.) (Wales) Regulations 2020 laid in the Table Office on 18 September 2020.
Cynigiwyd y cynigion.
Motions moved.
Thank you, Llywydd. I formally move the four sets of motions containing regulations before us today, and ask Members to support them. These regulations were again introduced under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 through our emergency procedures to support our ongoing approach to tackling coronavirus. Members will know that the Welsh Government takes a careful and evidence-based approach to our strategy for dealing with coronavirus, including through the formal requirement to review the need for any of these requirements and regulations, and their proportionality, every 21 days.
Diolch, Llywydd. Cynigiaf y pedair cyfres o gynigion sy'n cynnwys rheoliadau ger ein bron heddiw yn ffurfiol, a gofynnaf i Aelodau eu cefnogi. Cyflwynwyd y rheoliadau hyn unwaith eto o dan Ddeddf Iechyd y Cyhoedd (Rheoli Clefydau) 1984 drwy ein gweithdrefnau brys i gefnogi sut yr ydym ni'n mynd ati ar hyn o bryd i ymdrin â'r coronafeirws. Fe ŵyr aelodau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i'r afael â'n strategaeth i ymdrin â'r coronafeirws mewn modd pwyllog sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, gan gynnwys drwy'r gofyniad ffurfiol i adolygu'r angen am unrhyw un o'r gofynion a'r rheoliadau hyn, a'u cymesuredd, bob 21 diwrnod.
The regulations we’re debating today were introduced over a period from 7 September to 17 September. They demonstrate the swift but necessary actions the Welsh Government has had to take to respond to the recent rise in the number of cases in certain parts of Wales. To ensure that we're equipped to do so, we’ve increased the powers of local authorities and implemented local restrictions in Caerphilly, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport. Those are the sets of regulations before us. Sadly, as I say, we’ve seen a sharp rise in the number of positive infection rates. Members will also be aware that we have now introduced further local restrictions across Llanelli, Cardiff and Swansea, which came into force at 6 p.m. on 26 September in relation Llanelli, and at 6 p.m. on 27 September in Cardiff and Swansea. Amendments to the principal regulations that apply to Cardiff, Swansea and Llanelli will be debated in the Senedd on 6 October. As we’ve set out in our coronavirus control plan, we have an approach of monitoring cases, and attempt to control localised outbreaks. The restrictions are based on the principles of caution, proportionality and subsidiarity. These measures are kept under constant review. I'll address each of the regulations being considered today in turn.
As a consequence of data demonstrating a rapid increase in COVID-19 cases in Caerphilly, to control the spread of the virus and protect public health across that local authority area, the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 8) (Caerphilly) Regulations 2020 were laid on 8 September. I'll refer to each of the subsequent regulations by the number of their amendment to the main regulations. These regulations prohibit households within the area from being part of an extended household or bubble with other households. Where a household from another area has formed an extended household with a household within the area, the household within that area is no longer treated as forming part of that extended household bubble. It prohibits residents of the area from leaving or to remain away from the area without a reasonable excuse. It requires residents of the area to return to work from home unless it is not reasonably practical for them to do so. And it prohibits people from outside of the area entering that area without a reasonable excuse. It requires people present in the area to wear a face covering when in an open premises, subject to the exemptions and exceptions, and it requires the restrictions and requirements introduced by the No. 8 amendment regulations to be reviewed on or before 24 September, and, if they are subsequently re-introduced, at least once every seven days thereafter. Finally, all premises selling alcohol in the local authority area have had additional restrictions applied, so they have to stop all sales of alcohol at 10 p.m. This was originally intended to be 11 p.m., however, based on advice to aid the prevention of the spread of the virus, an all-Wales restriction of 10 p.m. on the sale of alcohol has since been implemented for all licensed outlets.
On 17 September, the No. 10 amendment regulations were introduced to impose the same restrictions as I've described in Rhondda Cynon Taf as were introduced in the borough of Caerphilly. The evidence from recent weeks is clear: where we have seen increases in transmission rates, these have primarily resulted from people not observing social distancing and ignoring the previous restrictions. There has been a steep rise in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases within RCT. On 22 September, the No. 11 amendment regulations introduced the same restrictions in Blaenau Gwent, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport local authority areas for the same reasons.
Finally, the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Functions of Local Authorities etc.) (Wales) Regulations 2020 provide local authorities with powers to intervene as outbreaks occur so they can take action to close off land or individual local premises and stop local events. These came into force on 14 September. Broadly equivalent powers have been given to local authorities in England and Scotland by regulations made by the UK and Scottish Governments respectively. Under these regulations, a local authority may issue a premises direction, an event direction or a public place direction. These powers provide a means for local authorities to take effective preventative action where circumstances require it. Our current intention is that the principal regulations will expire at the end of the day on 8 January 2021. That is six months from when they were made and introduced. The regulations are therefore intended to expire on the same day.
Llywydd, as we all know, we all have a part to play in keeping Wales safe. These regulations are necessary to our continued efforts to tackle this pandemic and I ask the Senedd to support them.
Cyflwynwyd y rheoliadau yr ydym yn eu trafod heddiw dros gyfnod rhwng 7 Medi ac 17 Medi. Maen nhw'n dangos y camau cyflym ond angenrheidiol y bu'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd i ymateb i'r cynnydd diweddar yn nifer yr achosion mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru. Er mwyn sicrhau ein bod wedi'n harfogi i wneud hynny, rydym ni wedi cynyddu pwerau awdurdodau lleol ac wedi gweithredu cyfyngiadau lleol yng Nghaerffili, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Blaenau Gwent, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Merthyr Tudful a Chasnewydd. Dyna'r cyfresi o reoliadau sydd ger ein bron. Yn anffodus, fel y dywedais, rydym ni wedi gweld cynnydd sydyn yn nifer y cyfraddau heintio cadarnhaol. Bydd aelodau hefyd yn ymwybodol ein bod ni erbyn hyn wedi cyflwyno cyfyngiadau lleol pellach ar draws Llanelli, Caerdydd ac Abertawe, a ddaeth i rym am 6 yr hwyr ar 26 Medi yng nghyswllt Llanelli, ac am 6 yr hwyr ar 27 Medi yng Nghaerdydd ac Abertawe. Caiff gwelliannau i'r prif reoliadau sy'n berthnasol i Gaerdydd, Abertawe a Llanelli eu trafod yn y Senedd ar 6 Hydref. Fel yr ydym ni wedi nodi yn ein cynllun rheoli'r coronafeirws, mae gennym ni ddull o fonitro achosion, ac rydym yn ceisio rheoli achosion lleol. Mae'r cyfyngiadau'n seiliedig ar yr egwyddorion o bwyll, cymesuredd a sybsidiaredd. Caiff y mesurau hyn eu hadolygu'n gyson. Byddaf yn mynd i'r afael â phob un o'r rheoliadau sy'n cael eu hystyried heddiw yn eu tro.
O ganlyniad i ddata sy'n dangos cynnydd cyflym mewn achosion COVID-19 yng Nghaerffili, i reoli lledaeniad y feirws ac i ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd ar draws ardal yr awdurdod lleol hwnnw, cyflwynwyd Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 8) (Caerffili) 2020 ar 8 Medi. Cyfeiriaf at bob un o'r rheoliadau dilynol yn ôl rhif eu gwelliant i'r prif reoliadau. Mae'r rheoliadau hyn yn gwahardd aelwydydd yn yr ardal rhag bod yn rhan o aelwyd estynedig neu rhag ffurfio swigod gydag aelwydydd eraill. Pan fo aelwyd o ardal arall wedi ffurfio aelwyd estynedig gydag aelwyd o fewn yr ardal, ni chaiff yr aelwyd yn yr ardal honno bellach ei thrin yn rhan o swigen estynedig yr aelwyd honno. Mae'n gwahardd trigolion yr ardal rhag gadael neu gadw draw o'r ardal heb esgus rhesymol. Mae'n ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i drigolion yr ardal ddychwelyd i weithio o gartref oni bai nad yw'n rhesymol ymarferol iddyn nhw wneud hynny. Ac mae'n gwahardd pobl o'r tu allan i'r ardal rhag dod i mewn i'r ardal honno heb esgus rhesymol. Mae'n ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i bobl sy'n bresennol yn yr ardal wisgo gorchudd wyneb pan fyddant mewn safle agored, yn amodol ar yr esemptiadau a'r eithriadau, ac mae'n ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i'r cyfyngiadau a'r gofynion a gyflwynir gan reoliadau diwygio Rhif 8 gael eu hadolygu ar neu cyn 24 Medi, ac, os cânt eu hail-gyflwyno wedyn, o leiaf unwaith bob saith niwrnod wedi hynny. Yn olaf, mae cyfyngiadau ychwanegol wedi'u gosod ar bob safle sy'n gwerthu alcohol yn ardal yr awdurdod lleol, felly rhaid iddyn nhw roi'r gorau i werthu pob math o ddiodydd meddwol am 10 yr hwyr. Bwriadwyd i hyn fod yn 11 yr hwyr yn wreiddiol. Fodd bynnag, yn seiliedig ar gyngor i helpu atal lledaeniad y feirws, mae cyfyngiad ledled Cymru o roi'r gorau i werthu alcohol am 10 yr hwyr wedi'i weithredu ers hynny ar gyfer pob siop sydd â thrwydded i werthu alcohol.
Ar 17 Medi, cyflwynwyd rheoliadau diwygio Rhif 10 i osod yr un cyfyngiadau ag yr wyf wedi'u disgrifio yn Rhondda Cynon Taf ag a gyflwynwyd ym mwrdeistref Caerffili. Mae'r dystiolaeth o'r wythnosau diwethaf yn glir: lle yr ydym ni wedi gweld cynnydd mewn cyfraddau trosglwyddo, mae'r rhain wedi deillio'n bennaf o bobl yn peidio â chadw pellter cymdeithasol ac yn anwybyddu'r cyfyngiadau blaenorol. Bu cynnydd mawr yn nifer yr achosion o COVID-19 a gadarnhawyd yn Rhondda Cynon Taf. Ar 22 Medi, cyflwynodd rheoliadau diwygio Rhif 11 yr un cyfyngiadau yn ardaloedd awdurdodau lleol Blaenau Gwent, Merthyr Tudful a Chasnewydd am yr un rhesymau.
Yn olaf, mae Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Swyddogaethau Awdurdodau Lleol ac ati) (Cymru) 2020 yn rhoi pwerau i awdurdodau lleol ymyrryd wrth i achosion ddigwydd fel y gallant weithredu i gau tir neu safleoedd lleol unigol ac atal digwyddiadau lleol. Daeth y rhain i rym ar 14 Medi. Rhoddwyd pwerau sy'n cyfateb yn fras i'r rhain i awdurdodau lleol yn Lloegr a'r Alban drwy reoliadau a wnaed gan Lywodraethau'r DU a'r Alban. O dan y rheoliadau hyn, caiff awdurdod lleol gyhoeddi cyfarwyddyd safle, cyfarwyddyd digwyddiad neu gyfarwyddyd man cyhoeddus. Mae'r pwerau hyn yn fodd i awdurdodau lleol gymryd camau ataliol effeithiol lle bo amgylchiadau'n gofyn am hynny. Ein bwriad ar hyn o bryd yw y daw'r prif reoliadau i ben ar ddiwedd y dydd ar 8 Ionawr 2021. Mae hynny chwe mis o'r adeg y cawsant eu llunio a'u cyflwyno. Felly, bwriedir i'r rheoliadau ddod i ben ar yr un diwrnod.
Llywydd, fel y gwyddom ni i gyd, mae gan bob un ohonom ni ran i'w chwarae i gadw Cymru'n ddiogel. Mae angen y rheoliadau hyn ar gyfer ein hymdrechion parhaus i fynd i'r afael â'r pandemig hwn a gofynnaf i'r Senedd eu cefnogi.
Minister, thank you for your statement this afternoon. I do regret that it's not on the floor of the Senedd here, but I fully respect that whether you're virtual or in the Senedd it is a part of the proceedings of this institution. But I am concerned greatly by some of the assertions—in fact, an assertion from you today to me on Twitter—that by your actions you are keeping Wales safe, and I am not by attending these parliamentary proceedings. I'd like to seek clarification from you whether the regulations you have put before us today or the regulations that will come next week that cover Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, if you do attend a parliamentary sitting you would be breaking those regulations, because you've insinuated that in a tweet to me. So, can you point me where in these regulations I will be breaking those regulations by attending this Parliament, or indeed, Members of Parliament, such as Kevin Brennan, attending Westminster today, yet his parliamentary colleague from this institution is over in Cathays Park? I think that's an important question that you must answer if you're putting that assertion out there that parliamentarians are breaking the restrictions and not keeping Wales safe. We are all signed up to making sure that Wales is safe and we want to see the end of this virus. That is why today the Welsh Conservatives for the first time in tabling regulations will abstain on these regulations for the way that you're dealing with these matters in such a cavalier way.
I'd also like to seek clarification from you as well: do these regulations start the lockdown process on a more regional footing rather than a localised footing? Is it the case that there is now a lockdown time for pubs and social venues to shut, which is 10:20 rather than 10 o'clock? Because I notice in press comments that you put out last week that, actually, you would expect all social events to close by 10:20 rather than 10 o'clock. Is that included in the regulations or is that merely just your aspiration?
Again, I would ask to seek clarification as to which political leaders, political elected representatives are briefed on these regulations before they are made public, because again, on social media over the weekend, I did notice that some elected Members from other institutions were indicating that they'd spoken to the health Minister prior to these regulations coming out and being publicly available. That is unacceptable. Surely there is equality amongst elected Members, and Members, if they are briefed, should be briefed on an equal basis. I'd be grateful to understand how you go about briefing Members of an elected institution that isn't unanimously included in those briefings if they represent that particular area and play an important role in deciphering that information out to the communities they represent.
Gweinidog, diolch am eich datganiad y prynhawn yma. Mae hi yn ofid i mi na wnaed hynny ar lawr y Senedd yma, ond rwy'n llwyr barchu ei bod yn rhan o drafodion y sefydliad hwn p'un a ydych chi'n rhithwir neu yn y Senedd. Ond rwyf yn pryderu'n fawr am rai o'r honiadau—mewn gwirionedd, haeriad gennych chi heddiw i mi ar Twitter—eich bod, drwy eich gweithredoedd, yn cadw Cymru'n ddiogel, ac nad wyf i drwy fynychu'r trafodion seneddol hyn. Hoffwn ofyn am eglurhad gennych chi a yw'r rheoliadau yr ydych chi wedi'u cyflwyno ger ein bron heddiw neu'r rheoliadau a ddaw i rym yr wythnos nesaf sy'n cwmpasu Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg, os byddwch yn mynychu cyfarfod seneddol a fyddech yn torri'r rheoliadau hynny, oherwydd rydych chi wedi awgrymu hynny mewn trydariad ataf. Felly, a allwch chi fy nghyfeirio at ble yn y rheoliadau hyn y byddaf yn torri'r rheoliadau hynny drwy fynychu'r Senedd hon, neu yn wir, Aelodau Seneddol, megis Kevin Brennan, yn mynychu San Steffan heddiw, ac eto mae ei gyd-Aelod seneddol o'r sefydliad hwn ym Mharc Cathays? Rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n gwestiwn pwysig y mae'n rhaid i chi ei ateb os ydych yn cyflwyno'r honiad hwnnw bod seneddwyr yn torri'r cyfyngiadau ac nad ydynt yn cadw Cymru'n ddiogel. Rydym ni i gyd wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod Cymru'n ddiogel ac rydym ni eisiau gweld diwedd y feirws yma. Dyna pam heddiw y bydd y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig am y tro cyntaf wrth gyflwyno rheoliadau yn ymatal ar y rheoliadau hyn oherwydd y ffordd yr ydych chi'n ymdrin â'r materion hyn mewn modd mor ddi-hid.
Hoffwn hefyd ofyn am eglurhad gennych chi: a yw'r rheoliadau hyn yn dechrau'r broses o gyfyngiadau symud ar sail fwy rhanbarthol yn hytrach nag ar sail leol? A yw'n wir mai'r amser nawr i dafarndai a lleoliadau cymdeithasol gau o dan y cyfyngiadau yw 10:20 yn hytrach na 10 o'r gloch? Oherwydd sylwaf mewn sylwadau yn y wasg a wnaethoch chi yr wythnos diwethaf y byddech, mewn gwirionedd, yn disgwyl i bob digwyddiad cymdeithasol gau erbyn 10:20 yn hytrach na 10 o'r gloch. A yw hynny wedi'i gynnwys yn y rheoliadau ynteu ai eich dyhead chi yw hynny?
Unwaith eto, hoffwn ofyn am eglurhad ynghylch pa arweinwyr gwleidyddol, cynrychiolwyr etholedig gwleidyddol sy'n cael cyfarwyddyd am y rheoliadau hyn cyn iddynt gael eu cyhoeddi, oherwydd unwaith eto, ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol dros y penwythnos, sylwais fod rhai Aelodau etholedig o sefydliadau eraill yn nodi eu bod wedi siarad â'r Gweinidog iechyd cyn cyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn a chyn eu bod ar gael i'r cyhoedd. Mae hynny'n annerbyniol. Siawns nad oes cydraddoldeb ymysg Aelodau etholedig, ac y dylid briffio Aelodau, os cânt eu briffio, ar sail gyfartal. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar cael deall sut yr ydych yn mynd ati i friffio Aelodau sefydliad etholedig nad yw wedi'i gynnwys yn unfrydol yn y sesiynau briffio hynny os ydynt yn cynrychioli'r ardal benodol honno ac yn chwarae rhan bwysig wrth draddodi'r wybodaeth honno i'r cymunedau y maen nhw'n eu cynrychioli.
Rydym ni'n troi eto fan hyn at ran o'n busnes seneddol ni sydd wirioneddol yn arwyddocaol—efallai'r rhan fwyaf arwyddocaol o'n trafodaethau ni ar yr adeg yma. Mae'n ymwneud â'r Senedd yma'n trafod ac, fel rydw i'n disgwyl, yn rhoi sêl bendith i reoliadau sy'n gosod cyfyngiadau difrifol iawn eto ar ryddid unigolion ac ar gymunedau. O ran y rheoliadau yn eitemau agenda 3, 4 a 5 sy'n ymestyn cyfyngiadau COVID i ragor o siroedd, rydym ni yn mynd i fod yn cefnogi, ond—a rydw i'n gwneud y pwynt yma eto—mi ydym ni'n credu y dylid bod yn cyflwyno'r cyfyngiadau ar ardaloedd mor fach â phosib ac y dylid gweithredu yn hyper-lleol, os leiciwch chi, lle bod hynny'n bosib.
Rydw i hefyd yn annog ystyried yn ofalus iawn wahanol elfennau'r cyfyngiadau. Rydym ni'n edrych arnyn nhw yn eu cyfanrwydd, wrth gwrs, ac rydym ni'n cefnogi'r egwyddor gyffredinol, ond mae eisiau edrych yn fanwl iawn ar wahanol elfennau'r cyfyngiadau. Mae'n bosib bydd eisiau tynhau ymhellach, mewn rhai ffyrdd, beth sy'n digwydd ar ôl i'r tafarndai a'r bwytai gau am 10 o'r gloch a'r angen i wasgaru pobl heb iddyn nhw fynd i gartrefi ei gilydd ac yn y blaen, ond ar yr ochr arall, mae eisiau rhoi ystyriaeth ofalus iawn i'r impact ar les ac iechyd meddwl pobl ac ystyried camau, er enghraifft, i ganiatáu mwy o gyswllt i bobl sy'n debyg o ddioddef o unigrwydd. Mae'n bwysig cofio bod y cyfyngiadau yma'n cael impact ddofn iawn ar bobl o fewn ein cymunedau ni.
Hefyd, mae'n bwysig cofio ein bod ni'n delio â dull o ddeddfu sy'n llai na boddhaol. Dwi'n pwysleisio'r angen i ddod â'r rheoliadau yma o'n blaenau ni cyn gynted â phosib, ac er bod yna lai o oedi rhwng gweithredu'r rheoliadau a'u trafod nhw nag yr oedd yr wythnos diwethaf, rydyn ni'n dal yn fan hyn yn trafod rheoliadau ddaeth i rym mor bell yn ôl â 7 Medi, ac mae'n rhaid trio tynhau'r amserlen.
Ac efo eitem agenda 6, er mai technegol ydy o mewn gwirionedd, yn cywiro camgymeriad blaenorol, dwi yn nodi bod y pwyllgor deddfwriaeth wedi ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth Cymru i ofyn am eglurhad o pam bod angen i'r rheoliadau yma fod wedi dod i rym cyn iddyn nhw gael eu gosod gerbron y Senedd, ac mae yna ofynion clir iawn ar y broses ddylai gael ei dilyn yn Neddf Offerynnau Statudol 1946. Dwi'n nodi yn fan hyn fy niolch i'r pwyllgor hwnnw am eu gwaith nhw.
A'n olaf, tra mai beth sydd gennym ni yn fan hyn yng ngwelliannau 10, 8 ac 11 ydy cyfyngiadau newydd sy'n gofyn i drigolion yr ardaloedd dan sylw chwarae eu rhan nhw mewn ceisio gwaredu'r feirws, gadewch inni gofio bod yn rhaid i'r Llywodraeth chwarae eu rhan nhw hefyd, yn arbennig felly pan mae'n dod at brofion. Sortiwch y profion; sicrhewch eu bod nhw ar gael pan fydd pobl eu heisiau nhw; bod canlyniadau yn cael eu dychwelyd yn gyflym er mwyn cael dechrau'r gwaith olrhain, a gobeithio wedyn na fyddwn ni ddim angen cymaint o reoliadau fel y rhai sydd o'n blaenau ni heddiw.
We are again turning to a part of our parliamentary business that is truly significant—perhaps the most important part of our proceedings at this time. It relates to this Senedd discussing, and as I would expect, approving regulations that place very severe restrictions on the freedoms of individuals and communities. In terms of the regulations under items 3, 4 and 5, which extend COVID restrictions to more counties, we will be supporting these, but—and I do make this point once again—we do believe that these restrictions should be as localised as possible and that we should operate on a hyperlocal level wherever possible.
I would also encourage very careful consideration of different elements of the restrictions. We are looking at them in their entirety, of course, and we support the general principles, but we do need to look in great detail at various elements of the restrictions. We may need to tighten further what happens when pubs and restaurants close at 10 o'clock and the need to disperse people without them going to each other's homes and so on and so forth, but on the other hand, we do need to give very careful consideration to the impact on the well-being and mental health of people and to consider, for example, steps to allow more contact for people who are likely to suffer from loneliness and isolation. It's important to bear in mind that these restrictions have a great impact on people within our communities.
It's also important to note that we are dealing with a means of legislating that is less than satisfactory. I emphasise the need to bring these regulations before us as soon as possible, and although there has been less delay in terms of the implementation of the regulations and their debate than there was last week, we are still talking about regulations that came into force as early as 7 September, and we need to tighten that timetable.
And with agenda item 6, although it's technical in nature, correcting a previous error, I do note that the legislation committee have written to the Welsh Government to request clarity on why these regulations needed to come into force before they were laid before this Senedd, and there are very clear requirements on the process that should be followed in the Statutory Instruments Act 1946. I note here my thanks to that committee for their work.
And finally, whilst what we have here in amendments 10, 8 and 11 are new restrictions that require residents in the affected areas to play their part in trying to eradicate the virus, let's bear in mind that the Government has to play its part too, particularly when it comes to testing. Get the testing sorted; ensure that tests are available when people need them; that results are returned swiftly, so that we can start the tracing process, and then, hopefully, we will not need so many of these regulations.
Dwywaith dwi wedi anghofio galw Cadeirydd y pwyllgor deddfwriaeth, felly dyma ni ar y trydydd tro, dyma fi'n cofio i alw Cadeirydd y pwyllgor deddfwriaeth, Mick Antoniw.
I have twice forgotten to call the Chair of the legislation committee, so on the third time of asking, I call on the Chair of the legislation committee, Mick Antoniw.
Thank you, Llywydd. I had noted, and was waiting in anticipation. This is a report of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee in respect of the four sets of regulations, so it's a composite report. Members will know that the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2020 are the principal regulations on coronavirus in Wales, and the Senedd approved those regulations on 5 August 2020. We reported on the No. 8 amending regulations on 21 September, and yesterday we reported on the No. 10 and No. 11 amending regulations, together with the regulations related to local authority functions. We acknowledge that whilst we are debating these regulations today, the Welsh Government has also made further amending regulations, which, as I said last week, demonstrates the fast-moving nature of the Government's action on these matters.
The No. 8, No. 10 and No. 11 regulations all concern restrictions placed on specific communities. The No. 8 amending regulations came into force on 8 September and, as the Members will know, they introduce restrictions in respect of Caerphilly county borough as a local health protection area. Briefly, the restrictions cover extended households, prohibitions on movement away from and into the area, and requiring residents to work from home unless it is not reasonably practical for them to do so. Subsequently, the No. 10 amending regulations apply similar restrictions to Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council from 17 September, with an additional restriction requiring that all premises licensed to sell alcohol must not open before 6 a.m. and must close at or before 11 p.m. each day. And then from 22 September, the No. 11 amending regulations applied those same restrictions to the local authorities of Blaenau Gwent, Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil and Newport, and the No. 11 regulations also applied the restrictions on opening hours of licensed premises to Caerphilly county borough.
Now, in our reports, we drew attention to the lack of public consultations or regulatory impact assessments carried out in relation to the amending regulations, and also considered the Welsh Government's assessment of the extent to which any interference with human rights is justified and proportionate in pursuit of the legitimate aim of protecting public health. I therefore draw Members' attention to our reports on the amending regulations.
In our meeting yesterday, we also discussed the meaning of what constitutes 'a reasonable excuse' for the purpose of the regulations. This is an issue that many constituents who want to do the right thing have raised with us all. We believe that the Welsh Government should publish more detailed guidance on this matter and we will be writing to the Minister specifically on this point.
I now return to the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Functions of Local Authorities etc.) (Wales) Regulations 2020. These are regulations that came into force on 18 September. They provide local authorities across Wales with powers by issuing directions to relevant people to close individual premises or impose specific restrictions or requirements on them. They prohibit certain events, or types of event, from taking place, or impose restrictions or requirements on them, and also can restrict access to or close public outdoor events.
Our report makes four merits points, and I wish to highlight three of them briefly. Regulation 9 requires a local authority to have regard to any guidance issued by the Welsh Ministers about the regulations. Our third reporting point notes that the guidance in relation to these regulations does not appear to be published on the Welsh Government website, or at least it is not easily identifiable. We think that making the guidance available or more easily accessible would be a helpful aid for local authorities and members of the public wishing to understand the impact of these regulations. The regulations also require a local authority to take reasonable steps to give prior notice of a premises direction, event direction or public place direction. Our fourth reporting point identifies the difference in treatment between the types of notice in relation to matters set out in regulations 11 and 12, however, it is not clear why this distinction is necessary.
And then, finally, as we are aware, the Welsh Government has now written to the Llywydd, as required by the Statutory Instruments Act 1946, explaining why it was necessary for the regulations to come into force before they were laid before the Senedd. I'd welcome the observations of the health Minister on these points that I've raised on the local authority functions regulations. Thank you, Llywydd.
Diolch, Llywydd. Roeddwn i wedi sylwi, ac yn disgwyl yn eiddgar. Adroddiad gan y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad yw hwn mewn perthynas â'r pedair cyfres o reoliadau, felly mae'n adroddiad cyfansawdd. Bydd yr Aelodau'n gwybod mai Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Rhif 2) (Cymru) 2020 yw'r prif reoliadau ynglŷn â'r Coronafeirws yng Nghymru, a chymeradwyodd y Senedd y rheoliadau hynny ar 5 Awst 2020. Adroddwyd ar reoliadau diwygio Rhif 8 ar 21 Medi, a ddoe adroddwyd ar reoliadau diwygio Rhif 10 a Rhif 11, ynghyd â'r rheoliadau sy'n ymwneud â swyddogaethau awdurdodau lleol. Rydym yn cydnabod, wrth drafod y rheoliadau hyn heddiw, fod Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd wedi llunio rheoliadau diwygio pellach, sydd, fel y dywedais yr wythnos diwethaf, yn dangos pa mor chwim y mae'r Llywodraeth yn gweithredu ar y materion hyn.
Mae rheoliadau Rhif 8, Rhif 10 a Rhif 11 i gyd yn ymwneud â chyfyngiadau a gyflwynwyd ar gymunedau penodol. Daeth rheoliadau diwygio Rhif 8 i rym ar 8 Medi ac, fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, maent yn cyflwyno cyfyngiadau mewn cysylltiad â bwrdeistref sirol Caerffili fel ardal diogelu iechyd leol. Yn fyr, mae'r cyfyngiadau'n cwmpasu aelwydydd estynedig, gwaharddiadau ar deithio o'r ardal ac i mewn iddi, ac yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i breswylwyr weithio gartref oni bai nad yw'n rhesymol ymarferol iddyn nhw wneud hynny. Yna, mae rheoliadau diwygio Rhif 10 yn cyflwyno cyfyngiadau tebyg ar Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Rhondda Cynon Taf o 17 Medi ymlaen, gyda chyfyngiad ychwanegol yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i bob safle sydd wedi'i drwyddedu i werthu alcohol beidio ag agor cyn 6 y bore ac iddo gau am 11 yr hwyr neu cyn hynny bob dydd. Ac yna o 22 Medi, cyflwynodd rheoliadau diwygio Rhif 11 yr un cyfyngiadau i awdurdodau lleol Blaenau Gwent, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, Merthyr Tudful a Chasnewydd, ac roedd rheoliadau Rhif 11 hefyd yn cyfyngu ar oriau agor safleoedd trwyddedig i fwrdeistref sirol Caerffili.
Nawr, yn ein hadroddiadau, fe wnaethom ni dynnu sylw at y diffyg ymgynghori cyhoeddus neu asesiadau effaith rheoleiddiol a gynhaliwyd mewn cysylltiad â'r rheoliadau diwygio, ac ystyried hefyd asesiad Llywodraeth Cymru o'r graddau y mae unrhyw ymyrraeth â hawliau dynol yn gyfiawn ac yn gymesur wrth geisio'r nod cyfiawn o ddiogelu iechyd y cyhoedd. Tynnaf sylw'r Aelodau felly at ein hadroddiadau ar y rheoliadau diwygio.
Yn ein cyfarfod ddoe, buom hefyd yn trafod ystyr yr hyn sy'n gyfystyr ag 'esgus rhesymol' at ddibenion y rheoliadau. Mae hwn yn fater y mae llawer o etholwyr sydd eisiau gwneud y peth iawn wedi'i godi gyda phob un ohonom ni. Credwn y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru gyhoeddi canllawiau manylach ar y mater hwn a byddwn yn ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog yn benodol ar y mater yma.
Dychwelaf yn awr at y Rheoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Swyddogaethau Awdurdodau Lleol ac ati) (Cymru) 2020. Rheoliadau yw'r rhain a ddaeth i rym ar 18 Medi. Maen nhw'n rhoi pwerau i awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru drwy roi cyfarwyddiadau i bobl berthnasol gau safleoedd unigol neu osod cyfyngiadau neu ofynion penodol arnynt. Maen nhw'n gwahardd rhai digwyddiadau, neu fathau o ddigwyddiadau, rhag digwydd, neu yn gosod cyfyngiadau neu ofynion arnynt, a gallant hefyd gyfyngu ar fynediad i ddigwyddiadau awyr agored cyhoeddus neu eu cau.
Mae ein hadroddiad yn gwneud pedwar pwynt rhinwedd, a hoffwn dynnu sylw at dri ohonynt yn fyr. Mae rheoliad 9 yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i awdurdod lleol roi sylw i unrhyw ganllawiau a gyflwynir gan Weinidogion Cymru ynghylch y rheoliadau. Mae ein trydydd pwynt adrodd yn nodi nad yw'n ymddangos bod y canllawiau mewn cysylltiad â'r rheoliadau hyn yn cael eu cyhoeddi ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru, neu o leiaf nad yw'n hawdd dod o hyd iddynt. Credwn y byddai sicrhau bod y canllawiau ar gael neu ei bod hi'n haws cael gafael arnynt yn gymorth defnyddiol i awdurdodau lleol ac aelodau o'r cyhoedd sy'n dymuno deall effaith y rheoliadau hyn. Mae'r rheoliadau hefyd yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i awdurdod lleol gymryd camau rhesymol i roi rhybudd ymlaen llaw o gyfarwyddyd safle, cyfarwyddyd digwyddiad neu gyfarwyddyd man cyhoeddus. Mae ein pedwerydd pwynt adrodd yn nodi'r gwahaniaeth mewn triniaeth rhwng y mathau o hysbysiad o ran y materion a nodir yn rheoliadau 11 a 12, fodd bynnag, nid yw'n glir pam mae angen y gwahaniaeth hwn.
Ac yna, yn olaf, fel y gwyddom ni, mae Llywodraeth Cymru bellach wedi ysgrifennu at y Llywydd, fel sy'n ofynnol gan Ddeddf Offerynnau Statudol 1946, yn esbonio pam yr oedd angen i'r rheoliadau ddod i rym cyn eu cyflwyno gerbron y Senedd. Byddwn yn croesawu sylwadau'r Gweinidog iechyd ar y materion hyn yr wyf wedi'u crybwyll ynghylch y rheoliadau ynglŷn â swyddogaethau awdurdodau lleol. Diolch, Llywydd.
I thank the Minister for his statement. I share Andrew R.T.'s disappointment that he's decided to make it from his office in Cathays Park; he's gone rather further from home to get there than he would to come to the Senedd. I do, though, appreciate we're slightly less delayed doing these regulations than some of the others that we've done before. It's our intention to vote against these regulations for the same reasons I gave last week. The Minister and Members will probably be pleased to hear that I'm not planning to repeat those reasons. May I, though, welcome Andrew R.T. Davies stating that the Conservatives will at least abstain on this set? He says it's the first time they've abstained—I think actually they did abstain on at least one set before. There were a lot of complaints from them about the cruel rule of 5 miles, even though I think they voted for the stay local law under which it was promulgated, but I think another set did attract their abstention at the time, so it's good to see they're now looking at these with a somewhat more critical eye than previously.
Could I ask the Minister—? As you know, Minister, I consider these regulations to be disproportionate and counter-productive, and I'd question how evidence based they are. I wonder, though, could I focus particularly on the three councils that have come in most recently? You set out some principles just now for the regulations we are looking at, and we're talking, at least in the case of Caerphilly, of a rapid increase in coronavirus regulations to justify the regs. The three latest councils that have come in though, it seems almost like you're filling in the gaps within the region. If you look at those councils individually, I just wonder if it can be justified on an individual basis. It strikes me they're even less justified than the other regulations. Take, for example, Torfaen, where one constituent has pointed out to me, at least on the basis of data that's publicly available to them as of yesterday, that we were seeing infections of no more than around seven a day in Torfaen, and generally it seemed you had been looking at a threshold of at least 20 per 100,000 before you considered restrictions, and that's the assessment you were putting on abroad as well. Why have you imposed such stringent regulations and lockdown requirements in Torfaen when the incidence of coronavirus seemed to be significantly below that?
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddatganiad. Rwy'n rhannu siom Andrew R.T. ei fod wedi penderfynu mentro i'w swyddfa ym Mharc Cathays; mae wedi mynd ychydig ymhellach o'i gartref i gyrraedd yno nag y byddai i ddod i'r Senedd. Er hynny, rwy'n gwerthfawrogi ein bod ychydig yn llai ar ei hol hi wrth wneud y rheoliadau hyn na rhai o'r lleill yr ydym ni wedi'u gwneud o'r blaen. Ein bwriad ni yw pleidleisio yn erbyn y rheoliadau hyn am yr un rhesymau a roddais yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae'n debyg y bydd y Gweinidog a'r Aelodau'n falch o glywed nad wyf yn bwriadu ailadrodd y rhesymau hynny. Fodd bynnag, a gaf i groesawu datganiad Andrew R.T. Davies y bydd y Ceidwadwyr o leiaf yn ymatal ar y gyfres hon? Mae'n dweud mai dyma'r tro cyntaf iddyn nhw ymatal—rwy'n credu eu bod wedi ymatal ar o leiaf un gyfres o'r blaen. Cafwyd llawer o gwynion ganddyn nhw am y rheol greulon 5 milltir, er fy mod yn credu eu bod wedi pleidleisio dros y gyfraith aros yn lleol a oedd yn gyfrwng i hyrwyddo hynny, ond rwy'n credu iddyn nhw ymatal ar gyfres arall ar y pryd, felly mae'n dda gweld eu bod bellach yn edrych ar y rhain gyda llygad ychydig yn fwy beirniadol nag o'r blaen.
A gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog—? Fel y gwyddoch chi, Gweinidog, credaf fod y rheoliadau hyn yn anghymesur ac yn wrthgynhyrchiol, a byddwn yn cwestiynu i ba raddau y maen nhw'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth. Tybed, serch hynny, a gaf i ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar y tri chyngor a gynhwyswyd yn fwyaf diweddar? Fe wnaethoch chi nodi rhai egwyddorion gynnau fach ar gyfer y rheoliadau dan sylw, ac rydym yn sôn, o leiaf yn achos Caerffili, am gynnydd cyflym mewn rheoliadau ynglŷn â'r coronafeirws i gyfiawnhau'r rheoliadau. Ond gyda'r tri chyngor diweddaraf a gynhwyswyd, mae'n ymddangos bron fel eich bod yn llenwi'r bylchau yn y rhanbarth. Os edrychwch chi ar y cynghorau hynny'n unigol, tybed a ellir cyfiawnhau hynny ar sail unigol. Mae'n fy nharo i fod hyd yn oed llai o alw amdanyn nhw ac am y rheoliadau eraill. Ystyriwch, er enghraifft, Torfaen, lle mae un etholwr wedi dweud wrthyf, o leiaf ar sail data cyhoeddus sydd ar gael iddynt o ddoe ymlaen, ein bod yn gweld dim mwy na thua saith y dydd yn cael eu heintio yn Nhorfaen, ac yn gyffredinol ymddengys y buoch yn edrych ar drothwy o 20 o bob 100,000 o leiaf cyn i chi ystyried cyfyngiadau, a dyna oedd y sail i'ch asesiad yn ymwneud â thramor hefyd. Pam yr ydych chi wedi gosod rheoliadau a gofynion cyfyngiadau symud mor llym yn Nhorfaen pan ymddengys hi fod nifer yr achosion o'r coronafeirws yn sylweddol is na hynny?
The Minister's, once again, taking a sledge hammer to crack a nut, in my view. Is it not inevitable when you relax restrictions that the risk of increasing infection is bound to occur? And, obviously, as we move towards winter, there's a higher risk anyway of any respiratory infection being contracted by individuals. It's overwhelmingly the case that where deaths from COVID are concerned they occur amongst older people. Forty per cent of the deaths are people over 85; 30 per cent in the age group of 75 to 84; and a further 15 per cent in my age group, 65 to 74; whereas the overwhelming bulk of the infections takes place in younger people, and they're not anything like as at risk. In fact, it's calculated that somebody over the age of 85 is 1,000 times more likely to die of COVID than somebody who's under 65.
So, these regulations are not proportionate, in my opinion, as the Minister says. What he has done—I wonder whether he'd agree with this—in fact is to turn south Wales in particular into a kind of series of gulags that constrain people within the boundaries of the local authority in which they live. They're not likely to be effective unless they're continued indefinitely, and we will carry on having lockdown after lockdown after lockdown if we don't accept the inevitable: that until a vaccine is effective and widely distributed, the risk of infection must continue.
Mae'r Gweinidog, unwaith eto, yn cymryd gordd i dorri cneuen, yn fy marn i. Onid yw hi'n anochel pan fyddwch yn llacio'r cyfyngiadau bod y risg o gynyddu haint yn sicr o ddigwydd? Ac, yn amlwg, wrth i ni ddynesu at y gaeaf, mae mwy o risg beth bynnag y bydd pobl yn dal unrhyw haint anadlol. Mae'n bennaf wir, lle ceir marwolaethau o COVID, eu bod yn digwydd ymhlith pobl hŷn. Pobl dros 85 oed yw 40 y cant o'r marwolaethau; 30 y cant yn y grŵp oedran o 75 i 84; a 15 y cant arall yn fy ngrŵp oedran i, 65 i 74; tra bod y rhan fwyaf o'r heintiau'n digwydd mewn pobl iau, ac nid ydyn nhw mewn perygl sylweddol o gwbl. Yn wir, cyfrifir bod rhywun dros 85 oed 1,000 gwaith yn fwy tebygol o farw o COVID na rhywun sydd o dan 65 oed.
Felly, nid yw'r rheoliadau hyn yn gymesur, yn fy marn i, fel y dywed y Gweinidog. Yr hyn y mae wedi'i wneud—tybed a fyddai'n cytuno â hyn—mewn gwirionedd yw troi'r de yn arbennig yn fath o gyfres o 'gulags' sy'n cyfyngu pobl o fewn ffiniau'r awdurdod lleol y maen nhw'n byw ynddo. Nid ydyn nhw yn debygol o fod yn effeithiol oni bai eu bod yn parhau am gyfnod amhenodol, a byddwn yn parhau i weld cyfyngiadau symud dirifedi os nad ydym yn derbyn yr anochel: hyd nes y bydd brechlyn yn effeithiol ac wedi'i ddosbarthu'n eang, rhaid i'r risg o haint barhau.
I'll be voting against the local lockdowns today. I don't think it is right to stop Welsh people from moving around our own country when the border, the ports and the airports are open, and open without testing as well. So, why should people from across the border with much higher rates of infection be allowed into Wales to travel freely, whilst Welsh people here, in some circumstances, cannot even travel to the next town? I'm not going to vote to lock down my own city and country but leave it open to everybody else to come here as they like.
We've already had talk of mandatory vaccines, curfews and even use of the army, and I'm not sure what science says that we need to close entertainment establishments at 10 p.m. Where is the science behind that? Why are DJs not allowed to play? We should be treating people like adults, because some businesses have tried really, really hard and have spent a lot of money on precautions. I, myself, went to Mocka Lounge in Cardiff and was extremely impressed by the precautions taken—very well organised. I know there are other places like that as well.
In these regulations there are so many contradictions. We have segregation in school, yet on the bus everybody mixes. There's little education about masks, in terms of how often you should change your masks. I see people walking around in visors, thinking that they're protecting themselves from breathing things in and protecting others from what they breathe out, but visors don't do that. Where are the bins for masks to be deposited and got rid of safely? Where are they? You see masks all over the floor.
The approach is chaotic and reactionary. I said in this Senedd in March that you cannot fight a pandemic without testing. The World Health Organization has told us from the very beginning, 'Test, test, test'; otherwise, it's like trying to put out a fire blindfolded. What we should be doing is thinking about processes and thinking about how we can protect the elderly and the vulnerable from picking up this virus. How do we shield people?
In essence, what we really must do is test. How many of us have been ill these last few months and don't know whether we've had coronavirus because the antibody test has not been available? How many of us have some kind of immunity to the virus but we don't know it? We're not going to get any further forward until we identify and isolate this virus. In the meantime, these lockdowns—there'll be another one and another one and another one. It will be unending, so I will not support the proposals today, and this is the first time.
Byddaf yn pleidleisio yn erbyn y cyfyngiadau symud lleol heddiw. Dydw i ddim yn credu ei bod hi'n iawn atal Cymry rhag symud o gwmpas ein gwlad ein hunain pan fydd y ffin, y porthladdoedd a'r meysydd awyr ar agor, ac yn agored heb brofion hefyd. Felly, pam y dylid caniatáu i bobl o dros y ffin sydd â chyfraddau heintio llawer uwch deithio'n rhydd, pan na all pobl Cymru yma, mewn rhai amgylchiadau, deithio i'r dref nesaf hyd yn oed? Dydw i ddim yn mynd i bleidleisio i gyflwyno cyfyngiadau symud yn fy ninas a'm gwlad fy hun ond ei gadael yn agored i bawb arall ddod yma fel y mynnont.
Rydym ni eisoes wedi sôn am frechlynnau gorfodol, cyrffyw a hyd yn oed defnyddio'r fyddin, ac nid wyf yn siŵr beth mae gwyddoniaeth yn ei ddweud ynghylch yr angen i ni gau sefydliadau adloniant am 10 yr hwyr. Ble mae'r wyddoniaeth sy'n sail i hynny? Pam na chaniateir i DJs chwarae? Dylem fod yn trin pobl fel oedolion, oherwydd mae rhai busnesau wedi ymdrechu'n wirioneddol galed ac wedi gwario llawer o arian ar ragofalon. O'm rhan fy hun, es i Mocka Lounge yng Nghaerdydd a chafodd y rhagofalon a gymerwyd argraff fawr arnaf—roedden nhw wedi'u trefnu'n dda iawn. Gwn fod lleoedd eraill fel hynny hefyd.
Yn y rheoliadau hyn mae cymaint o wrthddywediadau. Mae gennym ni wahanu yn yr ysgol, ac eto ar y bws mae pawb yn cymysgu. Ychydig iawn y mae pobl yn ei wybod am fygydau, o ran pa mor aml y dylech newid eich mygydau. Rwy'n gweld pobl yn cerdded o gwmpas mewn sgriniau wyneb, yn meddwl eu bod yn amddiffyn eu hunain rhag anadlu pethau i mewn ac amddiffyn eraill rhag yr hyn y maen nhw yn ei anadlu allan, ond nid yw sgriniau wyneb yn gwneud hynny. Ble mae'r biniau i roi mygydau ynddyn nhw a chael gwared arnyn nhw'n ddiogel? Ble maen nhw? Rydych chi'n gweld mygydau ar lawr ym mhobman.
Mae'r dull gweithredu yn anhrefnus ac yn adweithiol. Dywedais yn y Senedd hon ym mis Mawrth na allwch chi ymladd pandemig heb brofion. Mae Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd wedi dweud wrthym ni o'r cychwyn cyntaf, 'Profwch, profwch, profwch'; fel arall, mae fel ceisio diffodd tân gyda mwgwd dros eich llygaid. Yr hyn y dylem ni fod yn ei wneud yw meddwl am brosesau a meddwl am sut y gallwn ni amddiffyn yr henoed a'r rhai sy'n agored i niwed rhag dal y feirws yma. Sut mae gwarchod pobl?
Yn ei hanfod, yr hyn y mae'n rhaid inni ei wneud mewn gwirionedd yw profi. Faint ohonom ni sydd wedi bod yn sâl yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf a heb wybod a fu'r coronafeirws arnom ni oherwydd nad yw'r prawf gwrthgyrff wedi bod ar gael? Faint ohonom ni sydd â rhyw fath o imiwnedd i'r feirws ond na wyddom ni hynny? Nid ydym ni yn mynd i symud ymlaen ymhellach nes ein bod yn canfod ac yn ynysu'r feirws yma. Yn y cyfamser, mae'r cyfyngiadau symud hyn—bydd un arall ac un arall ac un arall. Bydd yn ddi-ben-draw, felly ni chefnogaf y cynigion heddiw, a dyma'r tro cyntaf.
Y Gweinidog iechyd i ymateb i'r ddadl—Vaughan Gething.
The Minister for health to reply to the debate—Vaughan Gething.
Thank you, Llywydd. I thank the Members for their contribution to the debate. I'll try to deal with each one in turn briefly. Starting with Andrew R.T. Davies, I obviously regret the approach that he and his group are taking. From what they say, they're abstaining not because they disagree with the measures or that the measures that are being put in place are somehow not appropriate, but it's a question about process rather than outcome in terms of how we keep people in Wales safe.
I can absolutely say, hand on heart, to any and every person in Wales that there is nothing cavalier in our approach. It takes a huge amount of time, energy and effort from Ministers, our officials and colleagues in local authorities, who also have incredibly difficult choices to make right across the political spectrum. We've worked very hard with them, with the police and, indeed, with our health service in coming up with and trying to understand the pattern of infection that is taking place. Rather than searching for conflict, I think that elected representatives should be searching for an answer to how we try to suppress the virus and to protect Wales from harm.
It's also worth confirming, of course, that we're taking an approach to making these regulations that takes account of our processes here in Wales. The main affirmative procedure requires these regulations to have the support of the Senedd or they fall. Of course, in England, the equivalent regulations are introduced by ministerial decrees without Parliament needing to vote on them. I think our process is absolutely democratically more superior and provides deliberate and regular scrutiny, as it is meant to do.
The First Minister confirmed the issues about travel and the travel restrictions. I am required to be here because it's not reasonably practical for me to do all of my job without a range of other officials here as well. On other days, I will be undertaking work from home, when it's reasonably practical for me to do so. In terms of briefing Members, if there's been an oversight in the Member not being contacted, then that is definitely something for us to look at. That is not a deliberate attempt. We make, again, great efforts to speak to elected representatives across the political spectrum when we are having to make these choices as well. And on the point about closing time for the hospitality trade, it is in the regulations; it's 10 o'clock for ending of the sale of alcohol, and 10.20 p.m. in the evening when those premises must close.
I take on board Rhun ap Iorwerth's points about looking for a local area within a council area where possible. That's exactly what we have done within Carmarthenshire, because Llanelli is a distinct area. If Llanelli was not part of Carmarthenshire we would not be contemplating taking action in Carmarthenshire looking at the rest of the rates that exist. We consider this every time we take forward the potential to introduce these regulations—whether it is possible to take an approach that is less than the whole local authority. On each occasion up to that point we found it wasn't really possible in line with the evidence of the spread of the virus across that local authority area.
These are local restrictions for the county, they're not regional ones. So, it doesn't mean you can travel anywhere you like across the wider south Wales area where the restrictions are in place. It's within the individual local authority in which you live—again, on the point about a reasonable excuse that I'll come to later for travel. We do have a regular conversations with local authorities about what we are doing and why, and that'll continue to be the case. It's a deliberately pluralistic approach that we take. We don't simply decide to impose these measures and then inform local authorities of our decisions afterwards. The Member will know, I'm sure, from his own contacts, that that's been a very deliberate and careful approach that we've taken.
On the point about testing that the Member made, we are now undertaking 10,000 to 11,000 tests a day across Wales. Now, 3,000 to 4,000 of those tests are Public Health Wales lab tests and we expect more of those to be introduced over the coming days as we both increase not just the number and access to places for testing to take place, but the volume of testing available as well. The Member will see, as we roll out not just more of those tests but the consistent lanes in drive-through centres I've previously announced, that also we're going to have a generation of walk-in centres, then we're also looking to have Public Health Wales tests available at those as well, to make sure we can not just plug the gaps being created by the lighthouse lab programme challenges at present, but we'll have extra capacity in any event within the field. We're also using our mobile testing resources as infection rates climb in different parts of Wales.
In terms of Mick Antoniw's points, on the point about reasonable excuse to travel, I think we've done all that we can in terms of trying to set out the guidance that is available about what is and isn't a reasonable excuse for travel. The challenge is that, if we provide even more extensive and detailed guidance, we'll end up with a thicket of rules, and it's a challenge for us. We will consider the points made in the reports from the legislation and justice committee, but we do need to think about when we get to a point when it's still practical for people to understand—and some of this does rely on the judgment of individual members of the public about what really is a reasonable excuse, to think about how they comply with the regulations rather than looking for a way to avoid them. And on your point about the local authority regulations and the guidance, we'll look at the guidance to see if that's there; I take on board your point and I'll check to see what is publicly available and where it is. I also take on board the point about the clerical error in the laying of the regulations—that was a one-off, and we have written to the Llywydd, I believe, to confirm that that is the case. We'll make sure that the committee are aware of that in the formal response to your report.
Turning to Mark Reckless, he is being consistent—I don't agree with him and he doesn't agree with me, but he's consistent in the position he's taken throughout the course of these regulations. In terms of the rising tide, to give you the example of Torfaen that he particularly focused upon, seven days ago, the rate per 100,000 in Torfaen was 22.3, today it's 47.9; you can see a significant increase in levels of the virus. And because we understand that the headline rates are likely to be an underestimation of the real position—and that's partly because of the lag in lighthouse lab testing—we can plot from that the level of people who may not be coming forward for testing.
The other point I think it's important to remember to look at is the positivity rates—the numbers of people in every 100 who are testing positive—and again, the rate in Torfaen has increased over the last seven and 14 days. It really does, I think, justify—and it's supported by all local stakeholders—the measures that have been taken. Admittedly, we'll debate and the Senedd will be asked to vote on those regulations for the Vale of Glamorgan, Torfaen and Neath Port Talbot in the future.
I think Neil Hamilton is, again, being consistent with his deliberately offensive reference in saying that south Wales had been turned into a gulag. I think people who have families who have suffered in actual gulags will find that deeply unpleasant and in no way an appropriate reference to make in the democratic choices that we are making here today, and in the threat that we face in a public health pandemic.
In terms of Neil McEvoy's comments, the challenge is broadly driven by indoor contact in hospitality venues, but in particular within the home. I think there was an attempt to say that we should not lock down areas and we should not introduce local restrictions within Wales, because others are not taking different action in other parts of the UK. I think doing nothing because others are not acting is to surrender our ability to make choices in Wales to protect and keep Wales safe. And I don't think that that's an appropriate course of action at all. I think there was also a misunderstanding of the point and the purpose of testing. I think that it may be worth his while reading the specific advice that we had from our technical advisory group. I think that may help with some of the comments he made. He then also said that it was important to isolate the virus, whilst demanding that we had no travel restrictions in place at all. I think that's entirely a real misunderstanding of what we are trying to achieve and the point and purpose of these regulations. So, a rather disappointing and misplaced contribution.
The regulations that have been debated today reflect the careful consideration of how we balance individual freedom with managing the continuing threat of coronavirus and it weighs very heavily on the minds of Ministers who are making these choices that we are making really significant choices about people's individual freedoms, whilst, of course, trying to do the right thing to keep Wales safe. Our approach has been guided as always be the advice of the chief medical officer and his department, our scientific advisers, the technical advisory group and the study they do of evidence from within Wales, across the UK and beyond.
As I said, I believe that we're taking specific and proportionate action in response to the rising tide of coronavirus cases within specific local authority areas. But, to finish, each one of us has a continuing responsibility to make choices and to follow the measures to keep us, our families, our loved ones and our communities safe. That means to keep a distance from each other when we're out and about, to wash our hands often and to work from home wherever possible. We need to wear a face covering in indoor public places, we need to stay at home if we've got symptoms and while we're waiting for a test result, and we need to follow any local restrictions that are in place. I ask Members of the Senedd to support these regulations and do our part, as elected Members, to help keep Wales safe.
Diolch, Llywydd. Diolch i'r Aelodau am eu cyfraniad i'r ddadl. Byddaf yn ceisio ymdrin â phob un yn ei dro yn fyr. Gan ddechrau gydag Andrew R.T. Davies, mae'n amlwg fy mod yn gresynu at ei ymagwedd yntau a'i grŵp. O'r hyn y maen nhw yn ei ddweud, maen nhw'n ymatal nid am eu bod yn anghytuno â'r mesurau neu nad yw'r mesurau sy'n cael eu gweithredu rywsut yn briodol, ond mae'n gwestiwn ynglŷn â phroses yn hytrach na chanlyniad o ran sut yr ydym yn cadw pobl yng Nghymru'n ddiogel.
Gallaf ddweud yn llwyr, yn gwbl ddidwyll, wrth bawb a phopeth yng Nghymru nad oes dim byd di-hid yn ein dull gweithredu. Mae'n cymryd llawer iawn o amser, egni ac ymdrech gan Weinidogion, ein swyddogion a'n cyd-Aelodau mewn awdurdodau lleol, sydd hefyd â dewisiadau eithriadol o anodd eu gwneud ar draws y sbectrwm gwleidyddol. Rydym ni wedi gweithio'n galed iawn gyda nhw, gyda'r heddlu ac, yn wir, gyda'n gwasanaeth iechyd wrth gynnal a cheisio deall patrwm yr haint sy'n amlygu ei hun. Yn hytrach na chwilio am wrthdaro, credaf y dylai cynrychiolwyr etholedig fod yn chwilio am ateb i sut yr ydym yn ceisio atal y feirws ac amddiffyn Cymru rhag niwed.
Mae'n werth cadarnhau hefyd, wrth gwrs, ein bod yn cyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn mewn modd sy'n ystyried ein prosesau yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r brif weithdrefn gadarnhaol yn ei gwneud hi'n ofynnol i'r rheoliadau hyn gael cefnogaeth y Senedd neu maen nhw'n methu. Wrth gwrs, yn Lloegr, cyflwynir y rheoliadau cyfatebol gan orchmynion gweinidogol heb i Senedd y DU orfod pleidleisio arnynt. Rwy'n credu bod ein proses yn well o lawer yn ddemocrataidd ac yn rhoi cyfle i graffu mewn modd bwriadol a rheolaidd, fel y mae i fod i'w wneud.
Cadarnhaodd y Prif Weinidog y materion yn ymwneud â theithio a'r cyfyngiadau teithio. Mae'n ofynnol i mi fod yma gan nad yw'n rhesymol ymarferol i mi wneud fy holl waith heb amrywiaeth o swyddogion eraill yma hefyd. Ar ddyddiau eraill, byddaf yn gwneud gwaith o gartref, pan fydd yn weddol ymarferol i mi wneud hynny. O ran briffio Aelodau, os na chysylltwyd â'r Aelod drwy amryfusedd, yna mae hynny'n sicr yn rhywbeth i ni edrych arno. Nid yw hynny'n ymgais fwriadol. Unwaith eto, rydym yn ymdrechu'n galed i siarad â chynrychiolwyr etholedig ar draws y sbectrwm gwleidyddol pan fo'n rhaid i ni wneud y dewisiadau hyn hefyd. Ac o ran y sylw ynghylch yr amser cau ar gyfer y fasnach letygarwch, mae hynny yn y rheoliadau; 10 o'r gloch ar gyfer rhoi terfyn ar werthu alcohol, a 10.20 gyda'r nos pan fo'n rhaid i'r safle hwnnw gau.
Derbyniaf sylwadau Rhun ap Iorwerth am chwilio am ardal leol o fewn ardal cyngor lle bo hynny'n bosibl. Dyna'n union yr ydym ni wedi'i wneud yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, oherwydd mae Llanelli yn ardal benodol. Pe na bai Llanelli yn rhan o Sir Gaerfyrddin ni fyddem yn ystyried gweithredu yn Sir Gaerfyrddin o ystyried gweddill y cyfraddau sy'n bodoli. Ystyriwn hyn bob tro y byddwn yn bwrw ymlaen â'r posibilrwydd o gyflwyno'r rheoliadau hyn—a yw'n bosib gweithredu mewn modd sy'n effeithio ar ardal sy'n llai na'r awdurdod lleol cyfan. Ar bob achlysur hyd at y cyfnod hwnnw, gwelsom nad oedd hi'n bosib mewn gwirionedd yn unol â'r dystiolaeth bod y feirws wedi lledaenu ar draws ardal yr awdurdod lleol hwnnw.
Cyfyngiadau lleol i'r sir yw'r rhain, nid ydynt yn rhai rhanbarthol. Felly, nid yw'n golygu y gallwch chi deithio i unrhyw le o'ch dewis ar draws ardal ehangach de Cymru lle mae'r cyfyngiadau ar waith. Mae'n berthnasol i'r awdurdod lleol unigol yr ydych yn byw ynddo—unwaith eto, o ran y sylw am esgus rhesymol y deuaf ato'n ddiweddarach ar gyfer teithio. Rydym ni yn trafod yn rheolaidd gydag awdurdodau lleol am yr hyn yr ydym ni yn ei wneud a pham, a bydd hynny'n parhau. Rydym yn mynd ati mewn sawl ffordd yn gwbl fwriadol. Nid penderfynu gorfodi'r mesurau hyn yr ydym ni yn ei wneud ac yna rhoi gwybod i awdurdodau lleol am ein penderfyniadau wedyn. Bydd yr Aelod yn gwybod, rwy'n siŵr, o'i gysylltiadau ei hun, ein bod ni wedi mynd ati mewn modd bwriadol a gofalus iawn.
O ran y pwynt am brofion a wnaeth yr Aelod, rydym ni nawr yn cynnal 10,000 i 11,000 o brofion y dydd ledled Cymru. Erbyn hyn, mae 3,000 i 4,000 o'r profion hynny'n brofion labordy Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a disgwyliwn i fwy o'r rheini gael eu cyflwyno dros y dyddiau nesaf wrth i ni gynyddu nid yn unig nifer y mannau profi a'r mynediad iddynt, ond faint o brofion sydd ar gael hefyd. Bydd yr Aelod yn gweld, wrth i ni gyflwyno nid yn unig mwy o'r profion hynny ond y lonydd cyson mewn canolfannau profi drwy ffenest y car yr wyf wedi'u cyhoeddi o'r blaen, y bydd gennym ni hefyd gyfres o ganolfannau galw heibio, yna rydym ni hefyd yn ceisio sicrhau bod profion Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru ar gael yn y mannau hynny hefyd, er mwyn sicrhau y gallwn ni nid yn unig llenwi'r bylchau sy'n cael eu creu gan heriau rhaglen labordai Goleudy ar hyn o bryd, ond y bydd gennym ni gapasiti ychwanegol beth bynnag o fewn y maes. Rydym ni hefyd yn defnyddio ein hadnoddau profi symudol wrth i gyfraddau heintio gynyddu mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru.
O ran sylwadau Mick Antoniw, ynghylch y sylw am esgus rhesymol dros deithio, rwy'n credu ein bod wedi gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu o ran ceisio nodi'r canllawiau sydd ar gael o ran yr hyn sydd yn esgus ac nad yw'n esgus rhesymol dros deithio. Yr her yw, os byddwn yn darparu canllawiau hyd yn oed yn fwy helaeth a manwl, y bydd gennym ni drwch o reolau yn y pen draw, ac mae'n her i ni. Byddwn yn ystyried y pwyntiau a wnaed yn adroddiadau'r pwyllgor deddfwriaeth a chyfiawnder, ond mae angen inni feddwl ynglŷn â phryd y byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa pan fo hi'n dal yn ymarferol i bobl ddeall—ac mae rhywfaint o hyn yn dibynnu ar farn aelodau unigol o'r cyhoedd am yr hyn sy'n esgus rhesymol mewn gwirionedd, i feddwl ynglŷn â sut maen nhw yn cydymffurfio â'r rheoliadau yn hytrach na chwilio am ffordd o'u hosgoi. Ac o ran eich sylw am reoliadau'r awdurdodau lleol a'r canllawiau, byddwn yn edrych ar y canllawiau i weld a yw hynny wedi ei gynnwys; derbyniaf eich sylw a byddaf yn gwirio i weld beth sydd ar gael i'r cyhoedd ac ymhle. Derbyniaf hefyd y sylw am y camgymeriad clerigol wrth gyflwyno'r rheoliadau—roedd hynny'n rhywbeth a ddigwyddiodd unwaith yn unig, ac rydym ni wedi ysgrifennu at y Llywydd, rwy'n credu, i gadarnhau bod hynny'n wir. Byddwn yn sicrhau bod y pwyllgor yn ymwybodol o hynny yn yr ymateb ffurfiol i'ch adroddiad.
Gan droi at Mark Reckless, mae'n gyson—nid wyf yn cytuno ag ef ac nid yw'n cytuno â mi, ond mae'n gyson yn y safbwynt y mae wedi ei arddel drwy gydol y rheoliadau hyn. O ran yr ymchwydd cynyddol, gan ddefnyddio enghraifft Torfaen y canolbwyntiodd yn benodol arni, saith diwrnod yn ôl, y gyfradd fesul 100,000 yn Nhorfaen oedd 22.3, heddiw mae'n 47.9; gallwch weld cynnydd sylweddol yn lefelau'r feirws. Ac oherwydd ein bod yn deall bod y prif gyfraddau'n debygol o fod yn llai na'r sefyllfa wirioneddol—ac mae hynny'n rhannol oherwydd yr oedi mewn profion yn labordai Goleudy—gallwn faentumnio o hynny nifer y bobl nad ydynt efallai'n dod o'u gwirfodd i gael eu profi.
Y pwynt arall rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig cofio ei ystyried yw'r cyfraddau cadarnhaol—nifer y bobl ym mhob 100 sy'n profi'n gadarnhaol—ac eto, mae'r gyfradd yn Nhorfaen wedi cynyddu dros y saith a 14 diwrnod diwethaf. Credaf ei fod mewn gwirionedd yn cyfiawnhau—ac mae cefnogaeth i hyn ymysg yr holl randdeiliaid lleol—y mesurau a weithredwyd. Rhaid cyfaddef y byddwn yn trafod ac fe ofynnir i'r Senedd bleidleisio ar y rheoliadau hynny ar gyfer Bro Morgannwg, Torfaen a Chastell-nedd Port Talbot yn y dyfodol.
Credaf fod Neil Hamilton, unwaith eto, yn gyson â'i gyfeiriad bwriadol sarhaus wrth ddweud bod de Cymru wedi'i throi'n gulag. Credaf y bydd pobl sydd â theuluoedd sydd wedi dioddef mewn gwir gulags yn gweld hynny'n annymunol iawn ac yn gyfeiriad cwbl amhriodol i'w wneud yn y dewisiadau democrataidd yr ydym ni yn eu gwneud yma heddiw, ac yn y bygythiad yr ydym ni yn ei wynebu mewn pandemig iechyd cyhoeddus.
O ran sylwadau Neil McEvoy, mae'r her yn seiliedig yn fras ar gyswllt dan do mewn lleoliadau lletygarwch, ond yn enwedig yn y cartref. Credaf fod ymgais i ddweud na ddylem ni gyflwyno cyfyngiadau symud mewn ardaloedd ac na ddylem ni gyflwyno cyfyngiadau lleol yng Nghymru, oherwydd nad yw eraill yn gweithredu'n wahanol mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU. Credaf fod gwneud dim oherwydd nad yw eraill yn gweithredu yn ildio ein gallu i wneud dewisiadau yng Nghymru i ddiogelu a chadw Cymru'n ddiogel. Ac nid wyf yn credu bod hynny'n gam gweithredu priodol o gwbl. Credaf fod camddealltwriaeth hefyd o amcan a diben y profion. Credaf y gallai fod yn ddefnydd da o'i amser petai'n darllen y cyngor penodol a gawsom ni gan ein grŵp cynghori technegol. Credaf y gallai hynny helpu gyda rhai o'r sylwadau a wnaeth. Dywedodd hefyd wedyn ei bod hi'n bwysig ynysu'r feirws, gan fynnu ar yr un gwynt peidio â chael unrhyw gyfyngiadau teithio o gwbl. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n gamddealltwriaeth gwirioneddol o'r hyn yr ydym ni yn ceisio'i gyflawni ac amcan a diben y rheoliadau hyn. Felly, cyfraniad braidd yn siomedig ac anaddas.
Mae'r rheoliadau sydd wedi'u trafod heddiw yn adlewyrchu ystyriaeth ofalus o sut yr ydym ni yn cydbwyso rhyddid unigol â rheoli bygythiad parhaus y coronafeirws ac mae'n pwyso'n drwm iawn ar feddyliau Gweinidogion sy'n gwneud y dewisiadau hyn ein bod yn gwneud dewisiadau gwirioneddol arwyddocaol ynghylch rhyddid unigol pobl, gan geisio gwneud y peth cywir, wrth gwrs, i gadw Cymru'n ddiogel. Mae ein dull gweithredu yn seiliedig, fel y bu erioed, ar gyngor y prif swyddog meddygol a'i adran, ein cynghorwyr gwyddonol, y grŵp cynghori technegol a'r astudiaeth a wnânt o dystiolaeth o Gymru, ledled y DU a thu hwnt.
Fel y dywedais, credaf ein bod yn cymryd camau penodol a chymesur mewn ymateb i'r ymchwydd cynyddol o achosion o'r coronafeirws mewn ardaloedd awdurdodau lleol penodol. Ond, i orffen, mae gan bob un ohonom ni gyfrifoldeb parhaus i wneud dewisiadau ac i ddilyn y mesurau i'n cadw ni, ein teuluoedd, ein hanwyliaid a'n cymunedau'n ddiogel. Mae hynny'n golygu cadw pellter oddi wrth ein gilydd pan fyddwn ni allan, i olchi ein dwylo'n aml ac i weithio gartref lle bynnag y bo modd. Mae angen i ni wisgo gorchudd wyneb mewn mannau cyhoeddus dan do, mae angen i ni aros gartref os oes gennym ni symptomau ac wrth i ni aros am ganlyniad prawf, ac mae angen i ni ddilyn unrhyw gyfyngiadau lleol sydd ar waith. Gofynnaf i Aelodau'r Senedd gefnogi'r rheoliadau hyn a gwneud ein rhan, fel Aelodau etholedig, i helpu cadw Cymru'n ddiogel.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog. Y cwestiwn, felly, yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 3? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Diolch. Felly, mae'r bleidlais o dan eitem 3 wedi'i gohirio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Thank you, Minister. The proposal is to agree the motion under item 3. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Thank you. Therefore, the vote is deferred until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 4? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Felly, dwi'n gohirio'r bleidlais o dan eitem 4 hefyd tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 4. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I will again defer voting under item 4 until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 5? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Felly, dwi'n gohirio'r bleidlais.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 5. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I will therefore defer voting.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig o dan eitem 6? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Oes. Felly, dwi'n gohirio'r bleidlais ar eitem 6 hefyd tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion under item 6. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes. I will therefore defer voting on item 6 until voting time too.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Mae hynny'n dod â ni nawr at gyfnod o doriad. Fe fyddwn ni'n torri am gyfnod byr i alluogi newidiadau i'r Siambr. Felly, torri'r darllediad.
That brings us now to a break. We will break for a brief period to allow changeovers in the Siambr. So, please suspend the broadcast.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 15:30.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 15:36, gyda David Melding yn y Gadair.
Plenary was suspended at 15:30.
The Senedd reconvened at 15:36, with David Melding in the Chair.
Order. Order. The Senedd is back in session.
Rwy'n galw am drefn. Mae'r Senedd yn eistedd unwaith eto.
Item 7 is a statement by the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales: the economic resilience fund—phase 3. And I call the Minister, Ken Skates.
Eitem 7 yw datganiad gan Weinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru: Y Gronfa Cadernid Economaidd—Cam3. Ac rwy'n galw ar y Gweinidog, Ken Skates.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. As we have said before, the economic picture is stark and unstable, and its future path is intrinsically linked to that of the pandemic and, indeed, the end of the EU transition period. As the picture of the economic position emerges, this intricate balance between public health and the economy has been brought into even sharper focus over recent days, with the announcement of further national and local restrictions to control the spread of the virus as we enter the autumn and winter period. Given this fluid and rapidly evolving context, and as we look to find the balance between rescue and recovery, it's clear that there is a strong rationale for continued support for businesses, for people and for communities in Wales to help improve their short to medium-term prospects.
The UK Government's coronavirus job retention scheme, which will end next month, has been essential in protecting Welsh jobs, and it's delivered support at an unprecedented scale that can only be provided by the UK Government. We've consistently urged the UK Government to put in place new arrangements in parallel with the coronavirus job retention scheme being wound down. In particular, we've pressed for increased support for those sectors hit hardest, for greater efforts towards job creation as well as job security and more investment in training and skills, all of which would assist the economy to recover more rapidly.
Support should be offered to help workers who are being made redundant now, and those who will be made redundant in the weeks ahead, as current employment subsidy schemes disappear. More needs to be done to help people find new jobs and incentivise employers to hire workers. So we welcome the Chancellor's decision to extend the value added tax reduction for the hospitality and tourism sector until March 2021, to extend repayment deadlines for businesses that have deferred VAT and to provide more flexible terms for businesses that have taken out Government-backed loans. However, overall, the measures announced, unfortunately, are unlikely to be sufficient to prevent a large rise in unemployment in the months ahead. More needs to be done, and we will continue to press the UK Government to take bolder steps to assuring our economic recovery and supporting future prosperity for businesses and for people across the UK.
To date, our economic resilience fund has already supported 13,000 businesses, helping to secure more than 100,000 jobs for our citizens. Our £1.7 billion business support package, equivalent to 2.6 per cent of our gross value added, aims to complement and supplement other UK Government schemes, and means that companies in Wales have access to the most generous offer of help anywhere in the United Kingdom.
Now, following the principles of providing enhanced support, yesterday I announced that the Welsh Government is making an additional £140 million available to businesses to help them deal with the economic challenges of COVID-19 and the UK's impending exit from the EU. The funding from the third phase of the ERF will see wider support being provided to secure jobs and help businesses develop, as well as additional help for firms affected by local restrictions. This new phase of the ERF will see £80 million being made available to help businesses develop and secure the employment of their workforces, through business development grants, but they will require firms to commit some of their own resources in return. Some £20 million of this budget will be allocated to supporting tourism and hospitality businesses that I know are facing particular constraints and challenges as we enter the winter months. The scheme will also reward those businesses that create new job opportunities for under 25-year-olds. Meanwhile, an additional £60 million will be allocated to support in areas that are subject to local restrictions.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Fel y dywedwyd o'r blaen, mae'r darlun economaidd yn llwm ac yn ansefydlog, a'i lwybr i'r dyfodol yn gwbl gysylltiedig â chwrs y pandemig ac, yn wir, â diwedd cyfnod pontio'r UE. Wrth i'r darlun o'r sefyllfa economaidd ddod yn fwy amlwg, rydym wedi gorfod canolbwyntio'n llymach dros y dyddiau diwethaf ar y cydbwyso cymhleth hwn a geir rhwng iechyd y cyhoedd ar y naill law a'r economi ar y llaw arall, a chyhoeddwyd cyfyngiadau pellach yn genedlaethol ac yn lleol i reoli cylchrediad y feirws wrth inni fynd i mewn i gyfnod yr hydref a'r gaeaf. O ystyried y cyd-destun ansefydlog hwn sy'n datblygu'n gyflym, ac wrth inni geisio dod o hyd i'r cydbwysedd rhwng amddiffyn ac adferiad, mae'n amlwg fod yna sail resymegol gref dros barhau i gefnogi busnesau, pobl a chymunedau Cymru er mwyn helpu i wella eu rhagolygon yn y tymor byr a chanolig.
Mae'r cynllun i amddiffyn swyddi gan Lywodraeth y DU yn sgil coronafeirws, a fydd yn dod i ben y mis nesaf, wedi bod yn hanfodol i ddiogelu swyddi yng Nghymru, ac mae hwn wedi darparu cymorth ar raddfa ddigynsail y gellir ond ddod gan Lywodraeth y DU. Rydym wedi annog Llywodraeth y DU yn gyson i roi trefniadau newydd ar waith wrth i'r cynllun i amddiffyn swyddi yn sgil coronafeirws ddod i ben. Yn arbennig, rydym wedi pwyso am fwy o gefnogaeth i'r sectorau hynny sy'n cael eu taro galetaf, am fwy o ymdrechion i greu swyddi yn ogystal â diogelu swyddi a mwy o fuddsoddi mewn hyfforddiant a sgiliau, ac fe fyddai pob un ohonyn nhw'n cynorthwyo gydag adferiad cyflymach i'r economi.
Fe ddylid cynnig cymorth i helpu gweithwyr sy'n cael eu diswyddo ar hyn o bryd, a'r rheini fydd yn colli eu swyddi yn yr wythnosau i ddod, wrth i'r cynlluniau cymhorthdal cyflogaeth presennol ddiflannu. Mae angen gwneud mwy i helpu pobl i ddod o hyd i swyddi newydd a chymell cyflogwyr i gyflogi gweithwyr. Felly rydym yn croesawu penderfyniad y Canghellor i ymestyn y gostyngiad mewn treth ar werth ar gyfer y sector lletygarwch a thwristiaeth tan fis Mawrth 2021, i ymestyn terfynau amser i ad-dalu ar gyfer busnesau sydd wedi gohirio TAW a rhoi telerau sy'n fwy hyblyg i fusnesau sydd wedi cael benthyciadau a gefnogir gan y Llywodraeth. Serch hynny, yn gyffredinol, mae'r mesurau a gyhoeddwyd, yn anffodus, yn annhebygol o fod yn ddigonol i atal cynnydd mawr mewn diweithdra yn y misoedd i ddod. Mae angen gwneud mwy, ac fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU i gymryd camau sy'n fwy eofn i sicrhau ein hadferiad economaidd ni a chefnogi ffyniant busnesau a phobl ledled y DU i'r dyfodol.
Hyd yma, mae ein cronfa cadernid economaidd eisoes wedi cefnogi 13,000 o fusnesau, gan helpu i sicrhau mwy na 100,000 o swyddi i'n dinasyddion. Nod ein pecyn cymorth busnes gwerth £1.7 biliwn, sy'n cyfateb i 2.6 y cant o'n gwerth ychwanegol crynswth, yw atgyfnerthu ac ategu cynlluniau eraill gan Lywodraeth y DU, ac mae hyn yn golygu mai cwmnïau yng Nghymru sy'n cael y cynnig mwyaf hael o gymorth yn unman yn y Deyrnas Unedig.
Nawr, yn dilyn yr egwyddorion i ddarparu cymorth gwell, fe gyhoeddais i ddoe fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu £140 miliwn ychwanegol i fusnesau i'w helpu nhw i ymdrin â heriau economaidd COVID-19 ac ymadawiad arfaethedig y DU â'r UE. Fe fydd y cyllid o drydydd cam y Gronfa Cadernid Economaidd yn gweld cymorth ehangach yn cael ei roi i ddiogelu swyddi a helpu busnesau i ddatblygu, yn ogystal â chymorth ychwanegol i gwmnïau y mae cyfyngiadau lleol yn effeithio arnyn nhw. Fe fydd y cyfnod newydd hwn o'r Gronfa Cadernid Economaidd yn golygu y bydd £80 miliwn ar gael i helpu busnesau i ddatblygu a diogelu cyflogaeth eu gweithluoedd, drwy grantiau datblygu busnes, ond yn gyfnewid am hynny bydd gofyn i gwmnïau ymrwymo rhai o'u hadnoddau nhw eu hunain. Fe fydd tua £20 miliwn o'r gyllideb hon yn cael ei ddyrannu i gefnogi busnesau twristiaeth a lletygarwch y gwn eu bod yn wynebu cyfyngiadau a heriau penodol wrth inni wynebu misoedd y gaeaf. Yn ogystal â hynny, fe fydd y cynllun yn gwobrwyo'r busnesau sy'n creu cyfleoedd gwaith newydd i'r rheini dan 25 oed. Yn y cyfamser, fe fydd £60 miliwn yn ychwanegol yn cael ei ddyrannu i gynorthwyo ardaloedd lle mae cyfyngiadau lleol yn weithredol.
Finally, I am considering how to use the Development Bank of Wales to consolidate and secure long-term patient capital to small and medium-sized enterprises in Wales as we navigate through the coming months. The business development grants will be open to businesses of all sizes. Microbusinesses, those that are employing between one and nine people, will be able to apply for up to £10,000, on the condition that they match this with their own investment of at least 10 per cent. SMEs, those businesses that employ between 10 and 249 people, will be able to apply for up to £150,000. Now, small businesses will be required to match this with their own funds of at least 10 per cent, and medium-sized businesses with at least 20 per cent of their own funding. Large businesses, those that employ over 250 people, will be able to apply for up to £250,000, on the condition that they match this with their own investment of at least 50 per cent. There will be an element of discretion in the fund to enable higher levels of support for microbusinesses and SMEs in the tourism and hospitality industries.
The eligibility checker, for companies to find out if they can access funding from the third phase of the ERF, will be live next week. Companies that received grant funding through phase 1 and/or 2 of the ERF, or non-domestic rate-linked grants, could also be eligible for further support through the third phase of the ERF. A further £60 million, as I've said, will be provided to support companies that are forced to close or are materially impacted by the current local restrictions.
The nature of local restrictions may vary according to differing circumstances, and may create a financial pressure for the Welsh Government if it is not mitigated in full by any UK Government response. I can say, in designing this next phase of support, we carefully analysed the economic data and incorporated learning from other areas of the UK that have been subjected to local restrictions, including, importantly, Leicester and Aberdeen. We are conscious that introducing local restrictions will impact on local economies, on businesses and employees alike, and we are working with our local partners to explore ways in which businesses may need to be supported during this time to meet their needs and those of workers and communities.
Business Wales remains the first port of call for advice for businesses, and our existing range of financial support options for businesses still remains in place. COVID-19 is an issue affecting the whole of the UK. The UK Government has a continued role to play in shaping and providing local economic support. I'm in active dialogue with UK Government Ministers on this.
We are going through a time like no other. Coronavirus and the increasing risk of the UK reaching the end of the European Union transition period without a deal have placed incredible challenge on our businesses. This announcement, though, provides the reassurance that our businesses need at a time they need it most, that further support will be available. It also leaves us with the flexibility to respond to circumstances, as they may arise, which will be important over the coming tumultuous months. As a Welsh Government, we continue to do all that we can to back our businesses, our communities and our workers.
Yn olaf, rwy'n rhoi ystyriaeth i sut y gellid defnyddio Banc Datblygu Cymru i atgyfnerthu a sicrhau cyfalaf tymor hir i fusnesau bach a chanolig yng Nghymru wrth inni ymlwybro drwy'r misoedd nesaf. Fe fydd y grantiau datblygu busnes yn agored i fusnesau o bob maint. Fe fydd microfusnesau, y rhai sy'n cyflogi rhwng un a naw o bobl, yn gallu gwneud cais am hyd at £10,000, ar yr amod eu bod nhw'n cyfateb hynny â buddsoddiad ganddyn nhw eu hunain o 10 y cant o leiaf. Fe fydd BBaChau, y busnesau hynny sy'n cyflogi rhwng 10 a 249 o bobl, yn gallu gwneud cais am hyd at £150,000. Nawr, fe fydd yn ofynnol i fusnesau bach gyfateb hynny â 10 y cant o leiaf o'u harian nhw eu hunain, a busnesau canolig eu maint gydag o leiaf 20 y cant o'u harian nhw eu hunain. Fe all busnesau mawr, y rhai sy'n cyflogi dros 250 o bobl, wneud cais am hyd at £250,000, ar yr amod eu bod yn cyfateb hyn â'u buddsoddiad eu hunain o 50 y cant o leiaf. Fe fydd elfen o ddisgresiwn yn y gronfa i alluogi lefelau uwch o gymorth i ficrofusnesau a busnesau bach a chanolig sydd yn y diwydiannau twristiaeth a lletygarwch.
Fe fydd y gwirydd cymhwysedd, i gwmnïau gael gwybod a fyddan nhw'n gallu cael cyllid o drydydd cam y Gronfa Cadernid Economaidd, ar gael o'r wythnos nesaf ymlaen. Fe allai cwmnïau a gafodd arian grant drwy gam 1 a/neu 2 o'r Gronfa, neu grantiau annomestig sy'n gysylltiedig â chyfraddau, fod yn gymwys i gael cymorth pellach hefyd drwy drydydd cam y Gronfa. Fe fydd £60 miliwn arall, fel y dywedais i, yn cael ei ddarparu i gefnogi cwmnïau sy'n cael eu gorfodi i gau neu sy'n cael eu heffeithio'n sylweddol gan y cyfyngiadau lleol ar hyn o bryd.
Fe all natur cyfyngiadau lleol amrywio yn ôl amgylchiadau amrywiol, ac fe all hyn roi pwysau ariannol ar Lywodraeth Cymru os na chaiff ei liniaru'n llawn gan unrhyw ymateb gan Lywodraeth y DU. Gallaf ddweud, wrth gynllunio'r cam cymorth nesaf hwn, ein bod ni wedi dadansoddi'r data economaidd yn ofalus ac wedi cynnwys yr hyn a ddysgwyd mewn ardaloedd eraill yn y DU sydd wedi gweld cyfyngiadau lleol, gan gynnwys, yn arwyddocaol iawn, Gaerlŷr ac Aberdeen. Rydym yn ymwybodol y bydd cyflwyno cyfyngiadau lleol yn effeithio ar economïau lleol, ar fusnesau a gweithwyr fel ei gilydd, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda'n partneriaid lleol i archwilio ffyrdd o gefnogi busnesau yn ystod y cyfnod hwn i ddiwallu eu hanghenion nhw ac anghenion y gweithwyr a'r cymunedau.
Dylai busnesau o hyd fynd at Busnes Cymru yn y lle cyntaf i gael cyngor, ac mae ein hamrywiaeth bresennol ni o ddewisiadau ar gyfer cael cymorth ariannol i fusnesau yn parhau. Mae COVID-19 yn fater sy'n effeithio ar y DU gyfan. Mae gan Lywodraeth y DU swyddogaeth barhaol i lunio a darparu cymorth economaidd lleol. Rwyf wrthi'n cynnal trafodaethau gyda Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â hyn.
Ni welwyd cyfnod fel hwn erioed o'r blaen. Mae'r coronfeirws a'r perygl cynyddol y bydd y DU yn cyrraedd diwedd cyfnod pontio'r Undeb Ewropeaidd heb gytundeb wedi gosod her anhygoel ar ein busnesau ni. Eto i gyd, mae'r cyhoeddiad hwn yn rhoi'r sicrwydd sydd ei angen ar ein busnesau ni ar yr adeg y mae'r angen mwyaf amdano, y bydd yna gymorth pellach ar gael. Mae hyn yn rhoi'r hyblygrwydd inni ymateb i amgylchiadau hefyd, wrth iddynt ddod i'r amlwg, a fydd yn bwysig dros y misoedd cynhyrfus nesaf. Fel Llywodraeth i Gymru, rydym yn parhau i wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i gefnogi ein busnesau ni, ein cymunedau ni a'n gweithwyr ni.
Can I thank the Minister for his statement this afternoon and for, also, the additional support that he has announced to support businesses here in Wales? I do appreciate, Minister, as well, in your statement, your welcoming of the various schemes that the Chancellor has announced to support businesses across the United Kingdom. I'm sure that you will also agree with me, Minister, that measures such as the job support scheme will give employers the breathing space that they need to protect employees' jobs whilst navigating what is likely to be, as you have said, Minister, a very difficult winter. A subject to further protect businesses by extending loan deadlines and deferring VAT for tourism and hospitality sectors I think will also provide welcome benefit to many businesses here in Wales.
Turning to your statement, Minister, it's been my view that the funding that was provided by the UK Government to the Welsh Government should be allocated directly to businesses sooner rather than later to prevent businesses falling through the gap. I do appreciate that the Welsh Government has sought to mitigate some of the gaps and tailor certain policies with policies that have been brought forward by the UK Government. As of last month, I think I'm right to say—you will correct me if I'm wrong on this, but—only half of the £500 million from the economic resilience fund had actually been distributed. So, it would be useful to have a breakdown of that £500 million allocation: what was spent on phase 1 and phase 2, what was left over from phase 2, and how much, if anything, you expect to be left over at the end of phase 3.
I also welcome the news that £60 million will be specifically for areas where lockdowns have been reimposed, because I think businesses, specially smaller businesses and SMEs, need clarity on how to access the funds. I think it's crucial that those funds get to those businesses as soon as possible. If the funding is there, then it should certainly be distributed as quickly as possible, and perhaps you could tell us more about how these particular funds will be getting to the right businesses in a timely manner.
The Treasury announced that businesses in England that are required to shut because of local lockdowns will be able to claim £1,500 per property every three weeks. Now, I do appreciate that businesses are not required to close as part of local lockdown measures here, but that may be necessary, and also, effectively, some businesses are shut down by the restrictions in place. So, have you given any consideration to the introduction of a similar scheme here in Wales? I can see that wasn't mentioned in First Minister's questions and it wasn't mentioned in the statement, but I'm hoping that you might be able to give us some more information in that area.
We do need some targeted economic support for communities and different business sectors that are most adversely affected by the pandemic, and I appreciate you've ring-fenced funding for the tourism and hospitality sector, but I do wonder if you've considered specific support for other specific sectors.
I was a bit concerned—I've had some correspondence in regards to businesses being concerned that they have to, effectively, be unionised before receiving some funding. So, it would be helpful if you could perhaps allay some concerns of businesses in that regard, because, clearly, being part of a union is not always suitable for some businesses, employers or employees, and that would, obviously, disenfranchise quite a number of businesses across Wales.
Finally, I wonder what consideration has been brought forward for a more comprehensive spending review of priorities, perhaps looking at other areas within your portfolio that are perhaps less essential during this particular period in order to redirect funds appropriately during the pandemic, and I wonder what spending considerations you've given over the recent months in that regard. Thank you, acting Presiding Officer.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ddatganiad y prynhawn yma a hefyd am y gefnogaeth ychwanegol a gyhoeddodd ef i gefnogi busnesau yma yng Nghymru? Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi, Gweinidog, hefyd, yn eich datganiad, eich bod chi'n croesawu'r gwahanol gynlluniau a gyhoeddodd y Canghellor i gefnogi busnesau ledled y Deyrnas Unedig. Rwy'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n cytuno â mi hefyd, Gweinidog, y bydd mesurau fel y cynllun cefnogi swyddi yn rhoi'r cyfle sydd ei angen ar gyflogwyr i ddiogelu swyddi gweithwyr wrth inni ymlwybro trwy'r hyn sy'n debygol o fod, fel y dywedwch, Gweinidog, yn aeaf anodd iawn. Fe fydd rhywbeth i ddiogelu busnesau ymhellach, drwy ymestyn terfynau amser benthyciadau a gohirio TAW ar gyfer y sectorau twristiaeth a lletygarwch, yn fendith i'w chroesawu hefyd i lawer o fusnesau yma yng Nghymru.
Gan droi at eich datganiad, Gweinidog, fy marn i yw y dylai'r cyllid a ddarparwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU i Lywodraeth Cymru gael ei ddyrannu'n uniongyrchol i fusnesau cyn gynted ag y bo modd er mwyn atal busnesau rhag syrthio rhwng dwy stôl. Rwy'n sylweddoli bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ceisio lliniaru rhai o'r bylchau a theilwra rhai polisïau drwy bolisïau a gyflwynodd Llywodraeth y DU. Ers y mis diwethaf, rwy'n credu fy mod yn iawn i ddweud—fe wnewch chi fy nghywiro i os ydw i'n anghywir, ond—dim ond hanner y £500 miliwn o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd a gafodd ei ddosbarthu mewn gwirionedd. Felly, peth da fyddai cael dadansoddiad o'r dyraniad hwnnw o £500 miliwn: yr hyn a wariwyd ar gam 1 a cham 2, yr hyn a oedd dros ben o gam 2, a faint, os o gwbl, yr ydych chi'n disgwyl ei weld dros ben ar ddiwedd cam 3.
Rwy'n croesawu'r newyddion hefyd y bydd £60 miliwn ar gael yn benodol i ardaloedd sydd wedi gweld cyfnodau clo unwaith eto, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod angen eglurder ar fusnesau, yn enwedig y busnesau llai a busnesau bach a chanolig, ynghylch sut i gael gafael ar yr arian. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn hanfodol i'r arian hwn gyrraedd y busnesau hynny cyn gynted ag y bo modd. Os yw'r cyllid ar gael, yna fe ddylid ei ddosbarthu ar fyrder, yn sicr, ac efallai y gallech ddweud rhagor wrthym am sut y bydd yr arian penodol hwn yn cyrraedd y busnesau cywir mewn da bryd.
Fe gyhoeddodd y Trysorlys y gall busnesau yn Lloegr, y mae'n ofynnol iddynt gau oherwydd cyfnodau clo lleol, hawlio £1,500 fesul safle bob tair wythnos. Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli nad yw'n ofynnol i fusnesau gau fel rhan o fesurau cloi lleol yma, ond efallai y daw hynny'n angenrheidiol, a hefyd, i bob pwrpas, mae rhai busnesau yn cael eu cau gan y cyfyngiadau sydd ar waith. Felly, a ydych chi wedi ystyried cyflwyno cynllun tebyg yma yng Nghymru? Gallaf weld na soniwyd am hynny yng nghwestiynau'r Prif Weinidog ac ni soniwyd amdano yn y datganiad, ond rwy'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi roi rhagor o wybodaeth inni yn hynny o beth.
Mae angen rhywfaint o gymorth economaidd wedi ei dargedu ar gymunedau a gwahanol sectorau o fusnes yr effeithir arnynt fwyaf oherwydd y pandemig, ac rwy'n sylweddoli eich bod wedi neilltuo cyllid ar gyfer y sector twristiaeth a lletygarwch, ond tybed a ydych chi wedi ystyried cymorth penodol i sectorau penodol eraill.
Roeddwn i braidd yn ofidus—rwyf wedi cael rhywfaint o ohebiaeth ynglŷn â phryderon busnesau fod yn rhaid iddyn nhw, i bob pwrpas, berthyn i undeb llafur cyn iddyn nhw gael unrhyw arian. Felly, byddai'n ddefnyddiol pe gallech chi efallai dawelu rhai o bryderon busnesau yn hynny o beth, oherwydd, yn amlwg, nid yw bod yn rhan o undeb llafur bob amser yn addas i rai busnesau, cyflogwyr neu weithwyr, ac fe fyddai hynny, yn amlwg, yn difreinio cryn nifer o fusnesau ledled Cymru.
Yn olaf, tybed pa ystyriaeth a gafodd ei rhoi i adolygiad gwariant mwy cynhwysfawr o flaenoriaethau, gan edrych ar feysydd eraill o fewn eich portffolio chi, efallai, nad ydyn nhw mor hanfodol yn ystod y cyfnod penodol hwn er mwyn ailgyfeirio arian mewn ffordd briodol yn ystod y pandemig, ac rwy'n meddwl tybed pa ystyriaethau o ran gwariant a wnaethoch chi dros y misoedd diwethaf yn hyn o beth. Diolch, Llywydd dros dro.
Can I thank Russell George for his questions and very constructive and positive response to the statement today? Can I put on record my thanks to Russell George and all opposition spokespeople for the regular opportunity to discuss the economic crisis that we face? I find their contributions, their ideas and their critique very welcome indeed. There were a number of important questions that Russell George posed, but can I just say that he was absolutely right in identifying the Welsh Government's role as being a supportive role in terms of the work that we do with the UK Government in trying to save jobs? We are all in the business of trying to rescue businesses and save jobs right now. We are working closely together. I have very regular calls with UK Government Ministers, and I have to say that, on occasions, the UK Government has responded to the Welsh Government's critique and to the Welsh Government's calls for changes to systems, and they've done so in a positive way. I can identify one specific case where that's happened, and this is important in regard to the jobs support scheme. With regard to the coronavirus business interruption loan scheme, we called for a number of changes to be made and those changes were made, and, as a consequence of that, more Welsh businesses were able to secure support through that particular scheme.
I welcome the jobs support scheme, very much so. It's absolutely vital that we avoided a cliff edge at the end of October. However, in our immediate assessment of the jobs support scheme, it has become apparent that a number of sectors and a significant number of businesses may not be able to draw down the support required in order to avoid job losses—that the intervention rate may not be significant enough. Therefore, whilst I welcome the jobs support scheme, I'd also urge UK Government Ministers to keep an open mind, to be very vigilant as to whether the scheme is operating as intended, and, if not, to make the necessary adjustments to ensure that as many businesses and as many workers as possible benefit. As I say, that happened with CBILS, and I hope that it will happen, if necessary, with the jobs support scheme.
We always intended to deploy the economic resilience fund in phases. We simply couldn't have spent the £500 million in a single phase and expected businesses to weather a storm that could, and is likely to, last beyond the autumn of this year. It was always our intention, therefore, to retain funding for further rounds of support for business. I believe that is the right thing to do. We've allocated to date £480 million of the £500 million of the economic resilience fund. That, of course, is in addition to the £768 million that has been invested in businesses across Wales through the rates-related grant scheme. That means that we have £20 million in reserve, and that is important for a potential further round of local restrictions-linked support in the winter. I recognise that there's great urgency required in terms of how we deploy our funding, and Business Wales, as I said in my statement, will be going live with their eligibility checker next week. By the end of October, applications will have been made by businesses and I think, as we've shown in previous rounds of support, we'll be getting money out of the door into business accounts in no time at all once those applications have been processed.
I can confirm as well that we're operating pretty much the same scheme as has been utilised in parts of England in terms of the grants that are being made available. And I should just say that no business is—as Russell George rightly said, no business is forced to close by the regulations, but it may well be that business owners feel that there is no option but to close, because of a loss of footfall and custom, and therefore there is the likelihood of a serious loss of income, of turnover, and therefore, in turn, it's vitally important that we step in and support those businesses on a rolling basis.
We've modelled how many businesses we can support with the £60 million of the local lockdown fund. We believe that, based on the current scenario across Wales, the current landscape, we'd be able to provide two rounds of funding to businesses through local lockdown interventions. That's a very significant period of support, because each period would likely last three weeks, and therefore this takes us through to the new year, when I say—. And I've already said, we've got £20 million in our reserve to deploy potentially a further round. That £20 million could also be utilised for not so much sector-specific support, but any particular sub-regional activity that needs to take place, if there is a significant loss of jobs in a particular area. And we're working with local stakeholders, with local government leaders, to ensure that, where there is a particular challenge, we're able to deploy funds in that area, working closely together with local authority officials.
But there are other sectors that require urgent support—aerospace is perhaps the most obvious one. We've regularly called for a sector deal for aerospace, in light of the challenges that businesses are facing because of coronavirus. A taskforce has been established, led by Tom Williams, a superb expert in aerospace and aviation, and it's absolutely vital that we as a Welsh Government and the other devolved administrations play a full role in any activity concerning the response to the challenges that aerospace and aviation businesses face.
Can I just also touch on another important point that was raised? It's not true that union recognition is an absolute requirement of funding, because it's not always viable for union recognition in every instance, but what we have said is that, as a consequence of receiving economic resilience funds, it's absolutely vital that a business has signed up to the principles of the economic contract and then develops a firm economic contract. And, as part of the process of developing that firm economic contract, we have invited trade unions to engage with businesses that have benefited from the public purse. And I think that's absolutely right as we strive to build back better, as we strive to ensure that the recovery is just and fair. We make no apologies for doing all we can to support not just businesses but employees as well.
A gaf i ddiolch i Russell George am ei gwestiynau a'i ymateb adeiladol a chadarnhaol iawn i'r datganiad heddiw? A gaf i ddiolch ar goedd i Russell George a holl lefarwyr y gwrthbleidiau am y cyfle sy'n dod yn rheolaidd i drafod yr argyfwng economaidd sy'n ein hwynebu ni? Rwy'n croesawu eu cyfraniadau nhw, eu syniadau nhw a'u beirniadaethau nhw'n fawr iawn. Fe ofynnodd Russell George nifer o gwestiynau pwysig, ond a gaf i ddweud ei fod yn llygad ei le wrth nodi mai swyddogaeth gefnogol sydd gan Lywodraeth Cymru o ran y gwaith a wnawn ni gyda Llywodraeth y DU wrth geisio diogelu swyddi? Ein gwaith ni i gyd yw ceisio achub busnesau ac amddiffyn swyddi ar hyn o bryd. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos â'n gilydd. Rwy'n cael galwadau rheolaidd iawn gan Weinidogion Llywodraeth y DU, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud bod Llywodraeth y DU, ar adegau, wedi ymateb i feirniadaeth Llywodraeth Cymru a galwadau Llywodraeth Cymru am newidiadau i systemau, ac maen nhw wedi gwneud hynny mewn ffordd gadarnhaol. Fe allaf i nodi un achos penodol lle mae hynny wedi digwydd, ac mae hyn yn bwysig o ran y cynllun cymorth swyddi. O ran y cynllun benthyciadau amharu ar fusnes oherwydd coronafeirws, roeddem ni'n galw am wneud nifer o newidiadau ac fe ddigwyddodd y newidiadau hynny, ac, o ganlyniad i hynny, roedd modd i fwy o fusnesau yng Nghymru gael eu cefnogi drwy'r cynllun arbennig hwnnw.
Rwy'n croesawu'r cynllun i gefnogi swyddi, ydw wir. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol ein bod ni wedi osgoi dod â hwnnw i ben yn ddisymwth ar ddiwedd mis Hydref. Er hynny, yn ein hasesiad uniongyrchol ni o'r cynllun cymorth swyddi, fe ddaeth yn amlwg na fydd nifer o sectorau na nifer sylweddol o fusnesau, efallai, yn gallu cael y cymorth sydd ei angen i osgoi colli swyddi—efallai na fydd y gyfradd ymyrraeth yn ddigon mawr. Felly, er fy mod i'n croesawu'r cynllun cymorth swyddi, fe fyddwn i'n annog Gweinidogion Llywodraeth y DU i gadw meddwl agored hefyd, a bod yn wyliadwrus iawn fod y cynllun yn gweithredu fel y'i bwriadwyd, ac, os nad na, i wneud yr addasiadau angenrheidiol i sicrhau bod cynifer o fusnesau a chymaint o weithwyr â phosibl yn elwa arno. Fel y dywedais, fe ddigwyddodd hynny gyda'r Cynllun Benthyciadau Amharu ar Fusnesau oherwydd Coronafeirws, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n digwydd, pe byddai angen, gyda'r cynllun cymorth swyddi.
Roeddem bob amser wedi bwriadu defnyddio'r gronfa cadernid economaidd cam wrth gam. Ni allem fod wedi gwario'r £500 miliwn ar un cam a disgwyl i fusnesau ddod trwy'r gwaethaf a allai barhau y tu hwnt i'r hydref eleni, ac sy'n debygol o wneud hynny. Ein bwriad ni bob amser, felly, oedd cadw cyllid ar gyfer cylchoedd pellach o gymorth i fusnesau. Rwy'n credu mai dyna'r peth iawn i'w wneud. Rydym wedi dyrannu £480 miliwn hyd yn hyn o'r £500 miliwn o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd. Mae hynny, wrth gwrs, dros ben y £768 miliwn a fuddsoddwyd mewn busnesau ledled Cymru drwy'r cynllun grant sy'n gysylltiedig ag ardrethi. Mae hynny'n golygu bod gennym £20 miliwn wrth gefn, ac mae hynny'n bwysig ar gyfer cylch arall bosibl o gymorth lleol sy'n gysylltiedig â chyfyngiadau yn y gaeaf. Rwy'n cydnabod bod angen brys i benderfynu ar sut i ddefnyddio ein cyllid, ac fe fydd Busnes Cymru, fel y dywedais i yn fy natganiad, yn rhoi eu gwirydd cymhwysedd nhw ar waith yr wythnos nesaf. Erbyn diwedd mis Hydref, fe fydd ceisiadau wedi cael eu gwneud gan fusnesau ac rwy'n credu, fel yr ydym ni wedi dangos mewn cylchoedd o gymorth yn flaenorol, y byddwn ni'n gweld yr arian yng nghyfrifon busnesau mewn dim o amser wedi i'r ceisiadau hynny gael eu prosesu.
Gallaf gadarnhau hefyd ein bod ni'n gweithredu fwy neu lai yr un cynllun ag a ddefnyddir mewn rhannau o Loegr o ran y grantiau sydd ar gael. Ac fe ddylwn i ddweud nad oes unrhyw fusnes—fel y dywedodd Russell George yn gywir, nad oes unrhyw fusnes yn cael ei orfodi i gau gan y rheoliadau, ond mae'n ddigon posibl bod perchnogion busnes yn teimlo nad oes dewis ganddyn nhw ond cau, oherwydd diffyg ymwelwyr a chwsmeriaid, ac felly mae'n debygol y caiff incwm sylweddol iawn ei golli, o ddiffyg gwerthiant, ac felly, yn ei dro, mae'n hanfodol bwysig ein bod ni'n dod i'r adwy ac yn cefnogi'r busnesau hynny ar sail dreigl.
Rydym wedi modelu faint o fusnesau y gallwn ni eu cefnogi gyda'r £60 miliwn o'r gronfa cyfnodau clo lleol. Rydym o'r farn, yn seiliedig ar y sefyllfa bresennol ledled Cymru, y darlun presennol, y byddem yn gallu darparu dau gylch o gyllid i fusnesau drwy ymyriadau cyfnodau clo lleol. Mae hwnnw'n gyfnod sylweddol iawn o gefnogaeth, oherwydd fe fyddai pob cyfnod yn debygol o bara am dair wythnos, ac felly mae hyn yn mynd â ni drwodd i'r flwyddyn newydd, pan ddywedaf i—. Ac rwyf wedi dweud eisoes, mae gennym £20 miliwn yn ein cronfa wrth gefn i ddefnyddio un cylch arall o bosibl. Fe ellid defnyddio'r £20 miliwn hwnnw hefyd ar gyfer nid yn gymaint gymorth sy'n benodol i'r sector, ond unrhyw weithgarwch is-ranbarthol penodol y mae angen ei gynnal, os collir llawer o swyddi mewn ardal benodol. Ac rydym yn gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid lleol, gydag arweinwyr llywodraeth leol, i sicrhau, lle ceir her benodol, ein bod ni'n gallu defnyddio arian yn y maes hwnnw, gan gydweithio'n agos â swyddogion yr awdurdodau lleol.
Ond fe geir sectorau eraill y mae angen cymorth brys arnynt—y sector awyrofod yw'r un amlycaf efallai. Rydym wedi galw am fargen sector ar gyfer awyrofod yn gyson iawn, yng ngoleuni'r heriau a wynebir gan fusnesau oherwydd coronafeirws. Cafodd tasglu ei sefydlu, dan arweiniad Tom Williams, arbenigwr gwych ym maes awyrofod ac awyrennau, ac mae'n gwbl hanfodol ein bod ni, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, a'r gweinyddiaethau datganoledig eraill, â rhan lawn i'w chwarae mewn unrhyw weithgaredd sy'n ymwneud ag ymateb i'r heriau y mae'r busnesau awyrofod ac awyrennau yn eu hwynebu.
A gaf i hefyd gyfeirio at bwynt pwysig arall a gafodd ei godi? Nid yw'n wir fod cydnabod undeb llafur yn un o'r gofynion pendant ar gyfer cael cyllid, oherwydd nid yw bob amser yn ymarferol cydnabod undeb llafur ym mhob achos. Ond yr hyn y gwnaethom ni ei ddweud yw, o ganlyniad i dderbyn arian o gronfeydd cadernid economaidd, mae'n gwbl hanfodol bod busnes wedi ymrwymo i egwyddorion y contract economaidd ac yna ddatblygu contract economaidd cadarn. Ac, yn rhan o'r broses o ddatblygu'r contract economaidd cadarn hwnnw, rydym wedi gwahodd undebau llafur i ymgysylltu â busnesau sydd wedi elwa ar bwrs y wlad. Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n hollol iawn wrth inni ymdrechu i ddod 'nôl yn gryfach, wrth i ni ymdrechu i sicrhau bod yr adferiad yn un teg. Nid ydym yn ymddiheuro am wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i gefnogi nid yn unig y busnesau ond y gweithwyr hefyd.
I'm grateful to the Minister for his statement today and for the positive engagement that he and Russell George have already referred to, across parties, during this crisis. And I'm very grateful that, in some of the announcements that the Minister has made today, he clearly has actively engaged with those discussions and has taken that on board, and particularly referencing here that I know that we've raised with him the potential impact of local lockdowns, and it's really pleasing to see the investment that he intends to make.
Can I begin by asking for a little bit more detail on the likely eligibility for local lockdown resources? It may very well be, as the Minister said in response to Russell George, that businesses aren't required to close, and some of them may not close, but the impact on their trading may be really severe. They may feel that it's better to keep going on, particularly if it's only, let's say, a three-week lockdown, but their profits may absolutely fall through the floor. So, is the Minister anticipating that businesses will have to actually close before they can apply for support, or will there be some potential flexibility there? And can he tell us a little bit more about how those local lockdown grants are likely to be delivered? The Minister, obviously quite rightly, says that Business Wales will be the first port of call for the bulk of the economic resilience fund, but I'd submit that there may be a case for local government to be involved there.
The Minister welcomes the job support scheme and, of course, everybody is glad to see the UK Government taking action, but, as the Minister has said, there are some businesses for whom that is not going to be helpful, that putting people potentially onto part-time work won't work.
I very much welcome the Minister's announcement of £20 million for tourism and hospitality businesses, but he also refers to businesses needing to use their own resources. Now, because of the impact that tourism and hospitality businesses faced earlier in the summer when they couldn't open at all, and, when they have opened in a responsible way, the business levels have dropped, and also, I'm sad to say, still some very bad practice by insurance companies of those businesses, some of those businesses, I would put it to the Minister, may very well not have resources that they can invest, and this would also be true for cultural businesses, like venues where gigs are held. So, I wonder if he can provide us with some reassurance that that will be taken into account and that, for those businesses that, for good reasons, don't have resources of their own to put in and may have exhausted their capacity to borrow, there will be some support available for them.
I wonder if he can tell us whether or not microbusinesses and sole traders are likely to benefit from this round. And I'd also like to ask whether the Minister is confident that Business Wales has got the capacity to deal with this new round of very welcome funding. We do need, as the Minister said himself, to get it out of the door.
Finally, I'm very pleased to hear the Minister say that he's in active dialogue with the UK Government. I wonder if that dialogue—and it might not be his portfolio, but across Government—includes ongoing discussions about increasing the borrowing powers of Welsh Government, because it seems to me that in the longer term—a good partnership with the UK Government is, of course, desirable—but longer term, Welsh Ministers may wish to make substantial investments that their current borrowing powers won't allow. The Minister mentions the specific sector of aerospace, and I wonder if his dialogues with the UK Government—I'm sure they do—relate to support for the steel industry, because that is beyond the current capacity of Welsh Government financially.
And finally, in those ongoing discussions with UK Government, can I ask the Minister once again if he will consider raising the case of those who have not been helped, particularly the people who were not helped by the furlough scheme? Some of them, of course, have successfully moved on, they're in other jobs, but some of them had to use all their savings. I've dealt with young people who've lost deposits for houses and people who've been partly self-employed who've had to spend their tax savings. So, can I ask him if he will agree with me that the campaign, ExcludedUK, does still have a case to make, and to ask the Chancellor whether there is any support that could be given to those who were not helped? I would, of course, ask if that could be done at a Welsh level, but I do understand what the Minister has said in the past about the capacity of the Welsh budget and needing to target support at keeping jobs going. But I think it is important for those many thousands of Welsh citizens who find themselves in that position at least that we acknowledge in this place that, by us, they are not forgotten.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog am ei ddatganiad heddiw ac am yr ymgysylltu cadarnhaol y cyfeiriodd Russell George ac yntau ato eisoes, sydd ar draws y pleidiau, yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn. Ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn ei fod ef, yn rhai o'r cyhoeddiadau a wnaeth y Gweinidog heddiw, yn amlwg wedi ymgysylltu'n weithredol gyda'r trafodaethau hynny ac wedi rhoi ystyriaeth i hynny, ac yn cyfeirio'n neilltuol yn y fan hon fy mod i'n gwybod ein bod ni wedi codi effaith bosibl cyfnodau clo lleol gydag ef, ac mae'n braf iawn gweld y buddsoddiad y bwriada ei wneud.
A gaf i ddechrau drwy ofyn iddo am ychydig mwy o fanylion am y cymhwysedd tebygol ar gyfer yr adnoddau ar gyfer cyfnodau clo lleol? Mae'n ddigon posibl, fel y dywedodd y Gweinidog mewn ymateb i Russell George, nad yw'n ofynnol i fusnesau gau, ac efallai na fydd rhai ohonyn nhw yn cau, ond efallai fod yr effaith ar eu masnachu nhw'n un ddifrifol iawn. Efallai eu bod nhw'n teimlo y byddai'n well iddyn nhw ddal ati, yn enwedig os mai dim ond, dywedwch, cyfnod clo o dair wythnos fydd gyda ni, ond fe all eu helw nhw ddiflannu'n llwyr. Felly, a yw'r Gweinidog yn rhagweld y bydd yn rhaid i fusnesau gau mewn gwirionedd cyn y gallan nhw wneud cais am gymorth, yn hytrach na chael rhywfaint o hyblygrwydd posibl yn hynny o beth? Ac a wnaiff ddweud ychydig mwy wrthym ni ynglŷn â sut mae'r grantiau cyfnod clo lleol hynny'n debygol o gael eu cyflwyno? Mae'r Gweinidog, yn amlwg yn gwbl briodol, yn dweud mai Busnes Cymru fydd y man cyswllt cyntaf ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd, ond rwy'n awgrymu y gallai fod yna achos o blaid cynnwys llywodraeth leol yn hyn o beth.
Mae'r Gweinidog yn croesawu'r cynllun i gefnogi swyddi ac, wrth gwrs, mae pawb yn falch o weld Llywodraeth y DU yn cymryd camau, ond, fel y dywedodd y Gweinidog, mae yna rai busnesau na fydd hynny'n ddefnyddiol iddynt, ac na fydd rhoi pobl ar waith rhan-amser o bosibl yn gweithio.
Rwy'n croesawu'n fawr gyhoeddiad y Gweinidog y bydd £20 miliwn ar gael ar gyfer busnesau twristiaeth a lletygarwch, ond mae hefyd yn cyfeirio at fusnesau y mae angen iddyn nhw ddefnyddio eu hadnoddau nhw eu hunain. Nawr, oherwydd yr effaith a wynebodd busnesau twristiaeth a lletygarwch yn gynharach yn yr haf, pan nad oedden nhw'n gallu agor o gwbl, a phan maen nhw'n agor mewn ffordd gyfrifol, mae lefelau'r busnes wedi gostwng. A hefyd, mae'n ddrwg gennyf ddweud, ceir arferion gresynus iawn o hyd gan gwmnïau yswiriant y busnesau hynny, i rai o'r busnesau hynny, ac rwyf am roi hyn gerbron y Gweinidog, mae'n ddigon posibl nad oes ganddyn nhw'r adnoddau i'w buddsoddi, ac fe allai hyn fod yn wir am fusnesau diwylliannol hefyd, fel lleoliadau i gynnal cyngherddau. Felly, tybed a wnaiff roi rhywfaint o sicrwydd inni y rhoddir ystyriaeth i hynny, i'r busnesau hyn nad oes ganddynt, am resymau da, yr adnoddau eu hunain ac efallai eu bod wedi cyrraedd terfyn eu capasiti i fenthyca, y bydd rhywfaint o gymorth ar gael i'r rhain.
Tybed a all ddweud wrthym ni a yw microfusnesau ac unig fasnachwyr yn debygol o elwa ar y cylch hwn ai peidio. Ac fe hoffwn i ofyn hefyd a yw'r Gweinidog yn hyderus bod gan Fusnes Cymru y capasiti i ymdrin â'r cylch newydd hwn o gyllid sydd i'w groesawu yn fawr. Fel y dywedodd y Gweinidog ei hun, mae angen i ni gael y cyllid i'r man priodol yn gyflym.
Yn olaf, rwy'n falch iawn o glywed y Gweinidog yn dweud ei fod mewn sgwrs â Llywodraeth y DU ar hyn o bryd. Tybed a yw'r sgwrs honno—ac efallai nad yw hyn yn ei bortffolio ef, ond ar draws y Llywodraeth—yn cynnwys trafodaethau parhaus am gynyddu pwerau benthyca Llywodraeth Cymru, oherwydd mae'n ymddangos i mi yn y tymor hwy—bod partneriaeth dda â Llywodraeth y DU, wrth gwrs, yn ddymunol—ond yn y tymor hwy, efallai y bydd Gweinidogion Cymru yn dymuno gwneud buddsoddiadau sylweddol na fydd eu pwerau benthyca presennol nhw'n caniatáu i hynny ddigwydd. Mae'r Gweinidog yn sôn am y sector awyrofod yn benodol, a tybed a yw ei sgyrsiau ef â Llywodraeth y DU—rwy'n siŵr eu bod nhw—yn ymwneud â chefnogaeth i'r diwydiant dur, oherwydd mae hynny y tu hwnt i gapasiti presennol Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannol.
Ac yn olaf, yn y trafodaethau parhaus hynny gyda Llywodraeth y DU, a gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog unwaith eto a fydd ef yn ystyried codi achos y rhai nad ydyn nhw wedi cael cymorth, yn enwedig y bobl nad oedden nhw'n cael cymorth gan y cynllun ffyrlo? Mae rhai ohonyn nhw, wrth gwrs, wedi symud ymlaen yn llwyddiannus, maen nhw mewn swyddi eraill, ond fe fu'n rhaid i rai ohonyn nhw ddefnyddio eu holl gynilion. Rwyf i wedi ymdrin â phobl ifanc sydd wedi colli blaendaliadau ar gyfer tai a phobl a fu'n rhannol hunangyflogedig sydd wedi gorfod gwario eu cynilion treth. Felly, a gaf i ofyn iddo ef a wnaiff gytuno â mi fod gan yr ymgyrch, ExcludedUK, achos i'w gyflwyno o hyd, a gofyn i'r Canghellor a oes unrhyw gefnogaeth y gellid ei rhoi i'r rhai na roddwyd cymorth iddyn nhw? Rwy'n gofyn, wrth gwrs, a ellid gwneud hynny ar lefel Cymru, ond rwy'n deall yr hyn a ddywedodd y Gweinidog yn y gorffennol am gapasiti cyllideb Cymru a'r angen i dargedu cymorth at amddiffyn swyddi. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig i'r miloedd lawer hynny o ddinasyddion Cymru sy'n eu cael eu hunain yn y sefyllfa hon, ein bod ni'n cydnabod yn y fan hon o leiaf nad ydyn nhw wedi mynd yn anghof gennym ni.
Can I thank Helen Mary Jones for her questions and her contribution, and can I say that Helen Mary Jones has had a hand in ensuring that the Welsh Government responds correctly and adequately to business needs? The regular conversations that we've had have helped to shape all three phases of the economic resilience fund, and I'm incredibly grateful for not just the support but the constructive criticism that has been offered.
I'm going to try to respond to all of the important queries that have been raised in the order that they were raised by Helen Mary Jones. First of all, with regard to eligibility, some businesses will not require co-investment. The £20 million fund for tourism and hospitality businesses allowed for discretion and therefore an 100 per cent intervention rate. It won't be necessary for all those businesses, therefore, who are applying for this support to co-invest. And I very much agree with Helen Mary Jones that a huge number of businesses in the tourism and hospitality sectors simply do not have any more financial resource to invest, and they've also in many instances exhausted all borrowing as well. Therefore, a 100 per cent intervention level will be required for many, many businesses.
In terms of eligibility and the question of whether businesses will be required to close, the answer is 'no'. Businesses will not be required to close in order to secure funding. They'll have to be able to prove that they've been materially affected over the course of local restrictions being imposed, and that will amount to a drop in turnover of at least 40 per cent. We're working incredibly closely with local government friends and colleagues in terms of administering this third phase of support. I have to put on record my thanks to local government colleagues for the tirelessness of their endeavours in making sure that the first two phases of the ERF and the rates related grants were administered swiftly, and that support in terms of signposting businesses towards Business Wales was done correctly as well.
I have to say that alongside the support that we announced yesterday, my friend and colleague Lord Dafydd Elis-Thomas also announced a £7 million fund for freelancers in the creative industries. This is proving to be a lifeline for many, many talented creative people, and I was delighted to see Dafydd Elis-Thomas make that announcement.
And in response to the question about where additional flexibility is required by the Welsh Government, the Minister for finance has regularly spoken of the need for Welsh Government to be able to operate with a greater degree of flexibility, to be able to borrow more, and so forth, and that position remains the case.
Steel is hugely important to the Welsh economy, and likewise automotive and aerospace businesses that are facing particular pressure and which require support beyond what the Welsh Government is able to afford. And in our regular discussions with UK Government counterparts, I impress upon Ministers the need to bring forward bold action to support these hugely important manufacturing sectors.
We'll also go on pressing the UK Government to be responsive and responsible in terms of supporting those who continue to fall through the gaps, who have yet to receive support that is absolutely required in order to ensure that their enterprises can survive this pandemic. I have to say that those discussions are not always fruitful, but equally, in many instances, as I outlined in my answers to Russell George, there have been positive responses on a number of occasions from counterparts, particularly within the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the Wales Office.
A gaf i ddiolch i Helen Mary Jones am ei chwestiynau a'i chyfraniad, ac a gaf i ddweud bod Helen Mary Jones wedi bod â rhan yn sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymateb yn briodol ac yn ddigonol i anghenion busnesau? Mae'r sgyrsiau rheolaidd a gawsom wedi helpu i lunio pob un o dri cham y gronfa cadernid economaidd, ac rwy'n hynod ddiolchgar iddi hi am nid yn unig y gefnogaeth ond y feirniadaeth adeiladol a roddwyd.
Rwyf i am geisio ymateb i'r holl ymholiadau pwysig a godwyd ganddi, yn y drefn y'u codwyd gan Helen Mary Jones. Yn gyntaf oll, o ran cymhwysedd, ni fydd angen cyd-fuddsoddi ar rai busnesau. Roedd y gronfa o £20 miliwn ar gyfer busnesau twristiaeth a lletygarwch yn caniatáu disgresiwn ac felly cyfradd ymyrraeth o 100 y cant. Ni fydd angen i'r holl fusnesau hynny, felly, sy'n gwneud cais am y cymorth hwn gyd-fuddsoddi. Ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â Helen Mary Jones nad oes gan nifer enfawr o fusnesau yn y sectorau twristiaeth a lletygarwch ragor o adnoddau ariannol i'w buddsoddi, ac maen nhw mewn llawer o achosion wedi cyrraedd terfyn eu capasiti i fenthyca hefyd. Felly, fe fydd angen lefel ymyrraeth o 100 y cant ar lawer o fusnesau.
O ran cymhwysedd a'r cwestiwn a fydd yn ofynnol i fusnesau gau, yr ateb yw 'na'. Ni fydd yn ofynnol i fusnesau gau er mwyn sicrhau cyllid. Fe fydd yn rhaid iddynt allu profi iddynt gael eu heffeithio'n sylweddol yn ystod cyfnodau clo lleol, a bod hynny'n golygu gostyngiad o 40 y cant o leiaf yn eu trosiant. Rydym yn gweithio'n eithriadol o agos gyda chyfeillion a chydweithwyr mewn llywodraeth leol o ran gweinyddu'r trydydd cam hwn o gymorth. Mae'n rhaid imi ddiolch ar goedd i gydweithwyr mewn llywodraeth leol am eu hymdrechion diflino i sicrhau bod dau gam cyntaf y Gronfa a'r grantiau sy'n gysylltiedig ag ardrethi wedi cael eu gweinyddu ar garlam, ac fe gyflwynwyd cymorth o ran cyfeirio busnesau at Fusnes Cymru yn briodol hefyd.
Mae'n rhaid mi ddweud, ochr yn ochr â'r gefnogaeth a gyhoeddwyd gennym ddoe, bod fy nghyfaill a'm cyd-Aelod, Arglwydd Dafydd Elis-Thomas, wedi cyhoeddi cronfa o £7 miliwn hefyd i weithwyr llawrydd yn y diwydiannau creadigol. Mae hon yn achubiaeth i lawer o bobl greadigol a thalentog, ac roeddwn i wrth fy modd o weld Dafydd Elis-Thomas yn gwneud y cyhoeddiad hwnnw.
Ac mewn ymateb i'r cwestiwn ynghylch lle bydd angen hyblygrwydd ychwanegol gan Lywodraeth Cymru, mae'r Gweinidog cyllid wedi sôn yn rheolaidd am yr angen i Lywodraeth Cymru allu gweithredu gyda mwy o hyblygrwydd, i allu benthyca mwy, ac yn y blaen, ac mae'r sefyllfa honno'n un sy'n parhau.
Mae dur yn eithriadol o bwysig i economi Cymru, ac yn yr un modd fusnesau modurol ac awyrofod sy'n wynebu pwysau arbennig ac sydd ag angen cymorth y tu hwnt i'r hyn y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei fforddio. Ac yn ein trafodaethau rheolaidd ni â chymheiriaid yn Llywodraeth y DU, fe fyddaf i'n pwysleisio'r angen i Weinidogion gyflwyno camau beiddgar i gefnogi'r sectorau gweithgynhyrchu hynod bwysig hyn.
Fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i bwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU hefyd i fod yn ymatebol ac yn gyfrifol o ran cefnogi'r rhai sy'n parhau i syrthio rhwng dwy stôl, nad ydyn nhw wedi cael cymorth eto y mae ei angen yn fawr arnynt i sicrhau y gall eu mentrau nhw barhau y tu hwnt i'r pandemig hwn. Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud nad yw'r trafodaethau hynny'n dwyn ffrwyth bob amser, ond yn yr un modd, mewn llawer o achosion, fel yr amlinellais i yn fy atebion i Russell George, fe gafwyd ymatebion cadarnhaol sawl gwaith gan gymheiriaid, yn enwedig o fewn yr Adran Busnes, Ynni a Strategaeth Ddiwydiannol ac yn Swyddfa Cymru.
Thank you, Minister, for your statement, and can I endorse Helen Mary's comments with regard to our ability to have discourse with you, which allows us some input and gives us greater insight into your thinking behind the Welsh Government interventions?
There is no doubt that these interventions will be welcome news for those many businesses who are struggling, not just to stay open throughout COVID, but to survive in the long term. My party acknowledges here that your support over and above that given by the UK Government has been invaluable, and I have had many businesspeople confirm this to me. In fact, I even had one tell me he was thinking of voting Labour for the first time. Of course, I had to talk him out of that one. [Laughter.]
However, figures speak for themselves: phase 1 is said to have saved 56,000 jobs, followed by a further 18,000 in phase 2. I think you may have better figures than that, actually, Minister. However, Minister, do you not agree these are simply short-term measures, a fact which can be seen if we look at the funds available to qualifying microbusinesses—that is £10,000 if they put up 10 per cent themselves? Ten per cent, I feel, is a reasonable figure to ask of those businesses, by the way. But £10,000, even for microbusinesses, will only sustain them for a short period. What they desperately need to do is to carry on trading at the levels prior to COVID.
It is crucial, therefore, Minister, that Government lockdowns are only initiated when absolutely necessary. I'm sure you will agree, Minister, that pressure on all business operations is mounting daily, and we know the consequences will last for a long period of time. So, again, Minister, I thank you for these latest interventions, but if we continue with these lockdowns, I fear a large proportion of the business community will be lost forever.
Diolch, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad chi, ac a gaf i ategu sylwadau Helen Mary ynglŷn â'n gallu i gael sgwrs â chi, sy'n rhoi rhywfaint o fewnbwn i ni ac yn rhoi mwy o ddealltwriaeth o'ch syniadau chi sydd wrth wraidd ymyriadau Llywodraeth Cymru?
Nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth na fydd yr ymyriadau hyn yn newyddion i'w groesawu i'r busnesau niferus hynny sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd, nid yn unig i aros ar agor drwy COVID, ond i oroesi yn y tymor hir. Mae fy mhlaid i'n cydnabod yn y fan hon bod eich cefnogaeth chi, sy'n fwy na'r hyn a roddwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU, wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy, ac rwyf wedi clywed llawer o bobl busnes yn cadarnhau hyn i mi. Yn wir, fe glywais i un yn dweud wrthyf ei fod yn ystyried pleidleisio i'r Blaid Lafur am y tro cyntaf. Wrth gwrs, fe fu'n rhaid i mi ei ddarbwyllo yn hynny o beth. [Chwerthin.]
Fodd bynnag, mae'r ffigurau yn siarad drostynt eu hunain: fe ddywedir bod cam 1 wedi arbed 56,000 o swyddi, ac yna fe arbedwyd 18,000 arall yng ngham 2. Rwy'n credu efallai fod eich ffigurau yn well na hynny, mewn gwirionedd, Gweinidog. Er hynny, Gweinidog, onid ydych chi'n cytuno mai mesurau tymor byr yw'r rhain yn unig, ffaith y gellir ei gweld os edrychwn ni ar yr arian sydd ar gael i ficrofusnesau cymwys—sef £10,000 os byddan nhw'n codi 10 y cant eu hunain? Rwy'n teimlo bod deg y cant yn ffigur rhesymol i'w ofyn i'r busnesau hynny, gyda llaw. Ond dim ond am gyfnod byr y bydd £10,000 yn eu cynnal nhw, hyd yn oed y microfusnesau. Yr hyn y mae angen mawr iddyn nhw ei wneud yw parhau i fasnachu ar y lefelau a oedd yn bod cyn COVID.
Mae'n hollbwysig, felly, Gweinidog, mai dim ond pan fydd hynny'n gwbl angenrheidiol y gorfodir cyfnodau clo gan Lywodraeth. Rwy'n siŵr y gwnewch chi gytuno, Gweinidog, bod pwysau'n cynyddu trwy'r amser ar bob busnes, ac fe wyddom ni y bydd y canlyniadau yn para am gyfnod hir. Felly, unwaith eto, Gweinidog, diolch i chi am yr ymyriadau diweddaraf hyn, ond os byddwn ni'n parhau gyda'r cyfnodau clo hyn, rwy'n ofni y bydd cyfran fawr o'r gymuned fusnes yn cael ei cholli am byth.
Well, can I thank David Rowlands for the way that he has endorsed our actions to date? I really am very grateful for the comments that he's made today. And, yes, our actions have led to a very significant number of jobs being secured: more than 106,000 to date through the first two phases of the economic resilience fund and, of course, 16,000 jobs have been secured through the support that was brought forward by the development bank.
Members will be aware of the current rate of unemployment in Wales: 3.1 per cent. That's a full 1 per cent less than the UK average. Now, we know unemployment is going to rise, it’s going to rise sharply, but that 1 per cent difference between the Welsh average and the UK average amounts, in real terms, to about 15,000 people—15,000 people who may well have been unemployed at this point in time had it not been for the added value that we've brought through the first two phases of the economic resilience fund. And as I said just yesterday, to put that into perspective, that's the entire working population of Brynmawr and Ebbw Vale, or of Mold and Buckley. It's a huge intervention and I'm proud of the jobs that we have therefore saved, and I'm proud of the businesses that we have kept alive during this incredibly difficult period. But all of that hard work and investment could have counted for nothing had the job retention scheme ended with a cliff edge at the end of October, and that's why the job support scheme's so very important, and why our third phase of the economic resilience fund has to complement the job support scheme.
Now, business development grants—that £80 million of support that I've outlined—are about building resilience and adapting to the economy of tomorrow, but we also recognise that in order to reach the economy of tomorrow, many businesses required bridges, bridges through the autumn and the winter, and that's why we're rolling out that £60 million of support for those businesses that are going to be faced in the coming weeks and months by local restrictions. As I said in my answers to Helen Mary Jones, we are not requiring any businesses to close in order to draw down that funding, just to demonstrate that they are materially affected, and the amount of support that's being offered is, I think, sufficient for businesses to be able to survive those difficult periods of restrictions.
Business development grants and the ask for match funding, I think, demonstrate our desire to be able to move beyond coronavirus in a way that recognises certain sectors have great opportunities for jobs growth, and therefore the requirement of a contribution from businesses is absolutely right if we are to ensure that we maximise opportunities for growth in those sectors that are resilient and that are able to emerge rapidly. But, equally, there are some hugely important sectors, such as tourism and hospitality, where the intervention rate will be 100 per cent because, as I've already said, businesses are simply not able to borrow any more money or are not able to invest any of their own resources in their survival and their adaptation to the new norm.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i David Rowlands am y ffordd y mae ef wedi cymeradwyo ein camau ni hyd yn hyn? Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn iddo am y sylwadau a wnaeth heddiw. Ac, ydynt, mae ein camau ni wedi arwain at ddiogelu nifer fawr iawn o swyddi: dros 106,000 yn ystod dau gam cyntaf y gronfa cadernid economaidd ac, wrth gwrs, diogelwyd 16,000 o swyddi drwy'r cymorth a gyflwynodd y banc datblygu.
Fe fydd yr Aelodau yn ymwybodol o'r gyfradd ddiweithdra yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd: 3.1 y cant. Mae hynny 1 y cant yn llai na chyfartaledd y DU. Nawr, fe wyddom ni y bydd diweithdra yn cynyddu, a hynny'n gyflym, ond mae'n ddigon posibl y bydd yna wahaniaeth o 1 y cant rhwng cyfartaledd Cymru a symiau cyfartalog y DU, mewn termau real, o tua 15,000 o bobl—mae'n ddigon posibl y gallai 15,000 o bobl fod yn ddi-waith ar hyn o bryd oni bai am y gwerth ychwanegol a gynigiwyd gennym ni drwy ddau gam cyntaf y gronfa cadernid economaidd. Ac fel y dywedais i ddoe, i'w roi yn ei gyd-destun, mae hynny'r golygu'r holl boblogaeth mewn gwaith ym Mrynmawr a Glynebwy, neu'r Wyddgrug a Bwcle. Mae'n ymyrraeth enfawr ac rwy'n falch o'r swyddi a achubwyd felly, ac rwy'n falch o'r busnesau yr ydym ni wedi eu cadw'n fyw yn ystod y cyfnod hynod anodd hwn. Ond fe allai'r holl waith caled a'r buddsoddiad hwnnw fod wedi mynd i'r gwellt pe bai'r cynllun amddiffyn swyddi wedi dod i ben yn ddisymwth ar ddiwedd mis Hydref, a dyna pam mae'r cynllun cefnogi swyddi mor bwysig, a pham mae'n rhaid i drydydd cam y gronfa cadernid economaidd ategu'r cynllun cymorth swyddi.
Nawr, mae grantiau datblygu busnes—yr £80 miliwn hwnnw o gymorth a amlinellais—yn ymwneud â meithrin cydnerthedd ac addasu i economi'r yfory, ond rydym yn cydnabod hefyd bod angen codi pontydd, pontydd drwy'r hydref a'r gaeaf, ar lawer o fusnesau er mwyn cyrraedd economi'r yfory, a dyna pam rydym ni'n cyflwyno'r £60 miliwn hwn o gymorth i'r busnesau hynny a fydd yn wynebu cyfnodau clo lleol yn ystod yr wythnosau a'r misoedd nesaf. Fel y dywedais i yn fy atebion i Helen Mary Jones, nid ydym yn mynnu bod unrhyw fusnesau yn cau ar gyfer cael cyfran o'r cyllid hwnnw, yr unig beth sy'n rhaid iddynt ei wneud yw dangos iddynt gael eu heffeithio'n fawr, a bydd maint y cymorth a gynigir, yn fy marn i, yn ddigon i fusnesau allu oroesi'r cyfnodau anodd hynny o gyfyngiadau.
Mae grantiau datblygu busnes a'r cais am arian cyfatebol, rwy'n credu, yn dangos ein hawydd ni i allu symud y tu hwnt i goronafeirws mewn ffordd sy'n cydnabod bod rhai sectorau â chyfleoedd ardderchog i feithrin swyddi, ac felly mae'r gofyniad am gyfraniad gan fusnesau yn gwbl briodol os ydym am sicrhau ein bod yn manteisio i'r eithaf ar gyfleoedd i dyfu yn y sectorau hynny sy'n wydn ac sy'n gallu ymddangos yn gyflym. Ond, yn yr un modd, mae rhai sectorau sy'n hynod bwysig, megis twristiaeth a lletygarwch, lle bydd y gyfradd ymyrraeth yn 100 y cant oherwydd, fel y dywedais i eisoes, na all busnesau fenthyca mwy o arian neu na allant fuddsoddi unrhyw gyfran o'u hadnoddau nhw eu hunain yn eu hymgais i oroesi ac addasu i'r normal newydd.
Now, I've got five Labour Members and one more opposition Member who wants to contribute, so just a minute, please. I do intend to call you all, this is an important statement, but we are pressed for time also this afternoon. Dawn Bowden.
Nawr, mae gennyf i bump o Aelodau Llafur ac un Aelod arall o wrthblaid sy'n dymuno gwneud cyfraniad, felly arhoswch funud, os gwelwch chi'n dda. Rwy'n bwriadu galw ar bob un ohonoch chi, mae hwn yn ddatganiad pwysig, ond mae'n gyfyng arnom o ran amser y prynhawn yma hefyd. Dawn Bowden.
Thank you, acting Presiding Officer. Can I thank you, Minister, for your statement and for the additional information you've given us today because I'm sure that the further grants and support that you've announced will assist a number of businesses in my constituency, many of which— particularly in the hospitality sector—have contacted me expressing serious concern about how they can continue to operate within the new local restrictions that now apply in Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney, however necessary these restrictions might be? So, the £60 million for businesses specifically in these areas is particularly welcome.
However, one issue that I've been considering closely is the plight of major activity attractions in my constituency, like BikePark Wales and Rock UK Summit Centre, given that the local restrictions in Merthyr Tydfil have taken away their customer base, which is primarily from out of county. You've talked about particular support for the tourist industry, so can you tell me whether any consideration is specifically being given to such businesses that provide activities predominantly either outdoors or in facilities that have very large internal spaces? For example, is it possible that some limited easing of travel restrictions could be considered to allow these businesses in the environments that I've outlined to seek some resumption of activity, or are you confident, given the additional information you've given us today, that the additional support measures that you've announced will be sufficient to get these particular businesses through the current phase of new local restrictions?
Diolch, Llywydd dros dro. A gaf i ddiolch i chi, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad ac am yr wybodaeth ychwanegol y gwnaethoch chi ei rhoi i ni heddiw? Oherwydd rwy'n siŵr y bydd y grantiau a'r cymorth pellach a gyhoeddwyd yn cynorthwyo nifer o fusnesau yn fy etholaeth i, y mae llawer ohonyn nhw—yn y sector lletygarwch yn arbennig—wedi cysylltu â mi yn mynegi pryder difrifol ynghylch sut y gallan nhw barhau i weithredu yn ystod y cyfyngiadau lleol newydd sy'n berthnasol ym Merthyr Tudful a Rhymni erbyn hyn, pa mor angenrheidiol bynnag y gallai'r cyfyngiadau hyn fod. Felly, mae'r £60 miliwn i fusnesau yn benodol yn y meysydd hyn i'w groesawu yn arbennig.
Fodd bynnag, un mater yr wyf i wedi bod yn ei ystyried yn ofalus yw trafferthion atyniadau gweithgareddau mawr yn fy etholaeth i, fel BikePark Wales a Chanolfan Gopa Rock UK, o gofio bod y cyfyngiadau lleol ym Merthyr Tudful wedi dihysbyddu eu cwsmeriaid nhw, sy'n dod yn bennaf yno o'r tu allan i'r sir. Rydych chi wedi sôn am gefnogaeth benodol i'r diwydiant twristiaeth, felly a wnewch chi ddweud wrthyf a roddir unrhyw ystyriaeth yn benodol i fusnesau o'r fath sy'n darparu gweithgareddau naill ai yn yr awyr agored yn bennaf neu mewn cyfleusterau sydd â safleoedd dan do mawr iawn? Er enghraifft, a yw'n bosibl y gellid ystyried llacio ychydig ar rai cyfyngiadau teithio i ganiatáu i'r busnesau hyn yn yr amgylcheddau a ddisgrifiais geisio ailddechrau eu gweithgarwch, neu a ydych chi'n hyderus, o ystyried yr wybodaeth ychwanegol y gwnaethoch chi ei rhoi i ni heddiw, y bydd y mesurau cymorth ychwanegol a gyhoeddwyd yn ddigonol i gario'r busnesau arbennig hyn drwy gam presennol y cyfyngiadau lleol newydd?
Well, can I thank Dawn Bowden for her question and say that we start from a position of prioritising public health? We have to ensure that we get the virus under control within those areas that are subject to local restrictions. That's crucially important not just to the well-being and welfare and health of people, but also to the well-being of local economies and the economies of communities that Dawn Bowden has identified.
In terms of support for activity attractions that rely on footfall from beyond their borders, we cannot, I don't think, make exceptions to the rule. It's absolutely vital that we remain consistent because businesses across all sectors, I think, could make a very, very valid case for exemptions from the rules, and once you allow one, then you open the door to others seeking exemption from local restrictions. Instead, we believe that it's more important to offer a pan-economic response, and that's what we're doing with the £60 million of funding, but equally we recognised that businesses such as activity attractions that form part of tourism and hospitality required additional support, and that is why we have a further £20 million available for businesses to be able to get through this difficult period.
But in terms of local restrictions, the support is provided on the basis of this being a short-term temporary measure to see businesses through a period of around three weeks. That is the aim for the local lockdown fund, and it's based on having learnt from places like Aberdeen and Leicester that have gone through the process of applying local restrictions and supporting businesses. We are confident that, based on successful models elsewhere, the model here in Wales will be successful in getting businesses through very, very difficult periods.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Dawn Bowden am ei chwestiwn hi a dweud mai ein man cychwyn ni yw blaenoriaethu iechyd y cyhoedd? Mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau ein bod ni'n rheoli'r feirws yn yr ardaloedd hynny sydd dan gyfyngiadau lleol. Mae hynny'n hollbwysig nid yn unig i fuddiannau a lles ac iechyd pobl, ond hefyd i les economïau lleol ac economïau'r cymunedau a nodwyd gan Dawn Bowden.
O ran cefnogaeth i atyniadau gweithgareddau sy'n dibynnu ar niferoedd yr ymwelwyr o'r tu hwnt i'w ffiniau, nid oes modd inni wneud eithriadau i'r rheol, yn fy marn i. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol ein bod ni'n parhau gyda chysondeb oherwydd fe allai busnesau ar draws pob sector, rwy'n credu, gyflwyno achos dilys iawn dros eithriadau i'r rheolau, a phan rowch chi ganiatâd i un, rydych chi'n agor y drws wedyn i rai eraill sy'n ceisio cael eu heithrio rhag cyfyngiadau lleol. Yn hytrach na hynny, rydym ni o'r farn ei bod yn bwysicach cynnig ymateb i'r economi gyfan, a dyna'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud gyda'r £60 miliwn o gyllid, ond yn yr un modd roeddem ni'n cydnabod bod yna angen cymorth ychwanegol ar fusnesau fel atyniadau gweithgareddau sy'n rhan o dwristiaeth a lletygarwch, a dyna pam mae gennym £20 miliwn arall ar gael i fusnesau i'w galluogi i fynd drwy'r cyfnod anodd hwn.
Ond o ran cyfyngiadau lleol, mae'r cymorth yn cael ei roi ar y sail mai mesur dros dro, byrdymor yw hwn i amddiffyn busnesau am gyfnod o ryw dair wythnos. Dyna nod y gronfa cyfnodau clo lleol, ac mae'n seiliedig ar yr hyn a ddysgwyd o ardaloedd fel Aberdeen a Chaerlŷr sydd wedi mynd drwy'r broses o gymhwyso cyfyngiadau lleol a chefnogi busnesau. Rydym ni'n hyderus, yn seiliedig ar fodelau llwyddiannus mewn mannau eraill, y bydd y model hwn yn llwyddo yng Nghymru wrth amddiffyn busnesau drwy gyfnodau anodd iawn.