Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 10:01 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 10:01 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Bore da. Croeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi eisiau nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rhain wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda chi. Dwi eisiau atgoffa Aelodau fod Rheolau Sefydlog sy'n ymwneud â threfn yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn berthnasol i'r cyfarfod yma, ac yr un mor berthnasol i'r Aelodau sydd yn y Siambr ag i'r rhai sydd yn ymuno ar gynhadledd fideo.
Bydd y cyfarfod yn cael ei gynnal mewn fformat hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn y Siambr a rhai yn ymuno drwy gynhadledd fideo. Ar ôl ymgynghori â'r Pwyllgor Busnes, rwyf wedi penderfynu bydd Aelodau, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 34.14A-D, yn gallu pleidleisio o unrhyw leoliad drwy ddulliau electronig. Rwyf yn hysbysu hefyd fod y cyhoedd yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 34.15 wedi cael eu gwahardd rhag bod yn bresennol yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yma, fel sy'n ofynnol er mwyn amddiffyn iechyd y cyhoedd. Bydd y cyfarfod yn cael ei ddarlledu'n fyw a Chofnod y Trafodion yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn y ffordd arferol.
Good morning and welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are set out on your agenda. I would remind Members that Standing Orders relating to order in Plenary meetings apply to this meeting. They're equally applicable to Members in the Siambr as those joining virtually.
This meeting will be held in a hybrid format with some Members in the Senedd Siambr and others joining by video-conference. Having consulted with the Business Committee, I have determined that in accordance with Standing Order 34.14A-D, Members will be able to vote from any location via electronic means. I also note that in accordance with Standing Order 34.15, the public have been excluded from attending this Plenary meeting is required to safeguard public health. The meeting will be broadcast live, and a Record of Proceedings will be published in the usual way.
Yr eitem gyntaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Hefin David.
The first item is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Hefin David.
1. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ailagor y sector busnesau bach yng Nghymru yn raddol yn dilyn y cyfyngiadau symud oherwydd COVID-19? OQ55478
1. Will the First Minister make a statement on the gradual reopening of the small business sector in Wales following the COVID-19 lockdown? OQ55478
Llywydd, I thank Hefin David for that question. The reopening of the whole business sector in Wales has been carried out in consultation with businesses, representative bodies and trade unions to ensure that our approach to reopening is safe, proportionate and fair to businesses, workers and to customers. I announced further lockdown-easing measures and a supporting timetable on Friday of last week.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Hefin David am y cwestiwn yna. Cymerwyd y cam o ailagor y sector busnes cyfan yng Nghymru mewn ymgynghoriad â busnesau, cyrff cynrychioliadol ac undebau llafur i sicrhau bod ein dull o ailagor yn ddiogel, yn gymesur ac yn deg i fusnesau, i weithwyr ac i gwsmeriaid. Cyhoeddais gamau pellach i leddfu'r cyfyngiadau symud ynghyd ag amserlen ategol ddydd Gwener yr wythnos diwethaf.
As you can imagine, First Minister, Friday is a very busy day both on my Facebook page and by e-mail, where I've got questions about specific circumstances. I've had many questions, but I've picked two of the most frequently asked.
The first of those is regarding the ability for driving instructors to offer lessons: when will driving instructors be able to offer lessons, and by extension, when will test centres then be able to open? And the other most frequently asked question is children's play centres: when will children's play centres be able to open? And that includes such things as soft play.
Fel y gallwch chi ddychmygu, Prif Weinidog, mae dydd Gwener yn ddiwrnod prysur iawn ar fy nhudalen Facebook a thrwy e-bost, lle mae gen i gwestiynau am amgylchiadau penodol. Rwyf i wedi cael llawer o gwestiynau, ond rwyf i wedi dewis dau o'r rhai a ofynnwyd amlaf.
Mae'r cyntaf o'r rhain yn ymwneud â hyfforddwyr gyrru yn cael cynnig gwersi: pryd y bydd hyfforddwyr gyrru yn cael cynnig gwersi, a thrwy estyniad, pryd y bydd canolfannau prawf yn cael agor wedyn? A'r cwestiwn arall a ofynnir amlaf yw canolfannau chwarae i blant: pryd y bydd canolfannau chwarae i blant yn cael agor? Ac mae hynny'n cynnwys pethau fel chwarae meddal.
Llywydd, I thank Hefin David for both of those questions. I'm very pleased to be able to say, Llywydd, that we have reached an agreement with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency. I'm very grateful for their co-operation on this matter, and the discussions with them and the trade unions over the last week. As a result, I'm able to confirm today that we will introduce a phased restart in Wales, with driver and rider instructions commencing on 27 July, and tests—both theory tests and practical tests—phased in from 3 August onwards. And by doing it in that way, we can be confident that the reopening of driving lessons and testing in Wales will be done safely for everyone concerned, including those taking lessons and those conducting testing. The guidance will be provided in this instance, Llywydd, by the DVSA, and they will set it out together with a more detailed timetable on their website very shortly.
As for children's play centres, indoor children's play centres, Llywydd, there is no time as yet identified for them to reopen. They will be part of the discussions that we committed to during this three weeks with leisure centres and local authorities, and as soon as we are safely able to reopen those play centres indoors, then we will do so. Outdoor play areas, of course, are able to reopen from 20 July.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Hefin David am y ddau gwestiwn yna. Rwy'n falch iawn o gael dweud, Llywydd, ein bod ni wedi dod i gytundeb â'r Asiantaeth Safonau Gyrwyr a Cherbydau. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am eu cydweithrediad ar y mater hwn, ac am y trafodaethau gyda nhw a'r undebau llafur dros yr wythnos diwethaf. O ganlyniad, gallaf gadarnhau heddiw y byddwn ni'n cyflwyno ailgychwyniad graddol yng Nghymru, gyda hyfforddiant i yrwyr a beicwyr yn cychwyn ar 27 Gorffennaf, a phrofion—profion theori a phrofion ymarferol—yn cael eu cyflwyno'n raddol o 3 Awst ymlaen. A thrwy ei wneud yn y modd hwnnw, gallwn fod yn ffyddiog y bydd y broses o ailagor gwersi a phrofion gyrru yng Nghymru yn cael ei chynnal mewn modd diogel i bawb dan sylw, gan gynnwys y rhai sy'n cael gwersi a'r rhai sy'n cynnal profion. Bydd y canllawiau yn cael eu darparu yn yr achos hwn, Llywydd, gan y DVSA, a byddan nhw'n eu cyhoeddi ynghyd ag amserlen fwy manwl ar eu gwefan yn fuan iawn.
O ran canolfannau chwarae i blant, canolfannau chwarae i blant dan do, Llywydd, nid oes amser wedi'i glustnodi ar gyfer eu hailagor hyd yn hyn. Byddan nhw'n rhan o'r trafodaethau yr ydym ni wedi ymrwymo iddyn nhw yn ystod y tair wythnos hon gyda chanolfannau hamdden ac awdurdodau lleol, a chyn gynted ag y byddwn ni'n gallu ailagor y canolfannau chwarae dan do hynny yn ddiogel, yna byddwn yn gwneud hynny. Gall mannau chwarae yn yr awyr agored, wrth gwrs, ailagor o 20 Gorffennaf.
Bore da. First Minister, in reply to my questions last week, you said that I had not grasped the practicalities of reopening hospitality businesses, so I ask you: what do you say to Shibber Ahmed of the Blue Elephant restaurant in Llandudno, who documents that, 'This Welsh Labour Government is creating an unfriendly environment for the nation's hospitality businesses', as you continue to prevent his company from safely reopening indoor trade? What do you say to Laurie and Paul, two local north Wales hoteliers, who tell me that your actions risk turning our seaside resorts into ghost towns, as they have received an unprecedented number of cancellations following your own announcement last week? What do you say to Go North Wales, who've written to you and state, 'after 20 years of owning hotels successfully to a high standard, the Welsh Government have successfully broke us of cash, spirit and mind'?
First Minister, with projected turnover expected to be at 25 per cent of pre-lockdown levels, and the current uncertainties threatening up to 22 per cent of jobs in this sector, is it not you that has failed to grasp the reality and situation that is facing our hospitality businesses? And when are you going to provide some guidance or just some information, so that our hoteliers and our restaurants can actually get back to work? Diolch.
Bore da. Prif Weinidog, wrth ateb fy nghwestiynau yr wythnos diwethaf, dywedasoch nad oeddwn i wedi deall yr agweddau ymarferol ar ailagor busnesau lletygarwch, felly gofynnaf i chi: beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud wrth Shibber Ahmed o fwyty'r Blue Elephant yn Llandudno, sy'n nodi, 'Mae'r Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru hon yn creu amgylchedd anghyfeillgar i fusnesau lletygarwch y wlad', gan eich bod chi'n parhau i atal ei gwmni rhag ailagor masnach dan do yn ddiogel? Beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud wrth Laurie a Paul, dau o westywyr lleol yn y gogledd, sy'n dweud wrthyf i fod eich gweithredoedd yn peri risg o droi ein cyrchfannau glan môr yn drefi anghyfannedd, gan eu bod wedi cael nifer nas gwelwyd erioed o'r blaen o achosion o ganslo yn sgil eich cyhoeddiad eich hun yr wythnos diwethaf? Beth ydych chi'n ei ddweud wrth Go North Wales, sydd wedi ysgrifennu atoch chi ac sy'n dweud, 'ar ôl 20 mlynedd o fod yn berchen ar westai yn llwyddiannus i safon uchel, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi llwyddo i'n torri ni o ran arian, ysbryd a meddwl'?
Prif Weinidog, gan fod disgwyl i drosiant rhagamcanol fod yn 25 y cant o'r lefelau cyn y cyfyngiadau symud, a'r ansicrwydd presennol yn bygwth hyd at 22 y cant o swyddi yn y sector hwn, onid chi sydd wedi methu â deall y realiti a'r sefyllfa sy'n wynebu ein busnesau lletygarwch? A phryd ydych chi'n mynd i ddarparu rhywfaint o gyfarwyddyd neu ddim ond ychydig o wybodaeth, fel y gall ein gwestywyr a'n bwytai ddychwelyd i'r gwaith? Diolch.
Llywydd, well, the answer to those questions is that I think people are better advised to focus on those things they can do, rather than complaining about the things that they can't, because there is ample scope for all those businesses to now reopen in Wales, to reopen out of doors as from Monday of this week, and provided a success is made of that and coronavirus is still under control, to reopen indoors from 3 August.
The reports I have had from our hospitality and our tourism sector is that they have had a very good start indeed to the reopening of the season, with hundreds and hundreds of bookings being made in Wales. Those in the sector who are progressive and positive look at the things that they are now able to do and make a success of those, rather than writing letters complaining about the things that they're unable to do. In that way, they will be able to make a success of their businesses and of the sector.
Llywydd, wel, yr ateb i'r cwestiynau hynny yw fy mod i'n credu y byddai'n well i bobl ganolbwyntio ar y pethau hynny y gallan nhw eu gwneud, yn hytrach na chwyno am y pethau na allan nhw eu gwneud, gan fod digonedd o gyfle i'r holl fusnesau hynny ailagor yng Nghymru erbyn hyn, i ailagor yn yr awyr agored o ddydd Llun yr wythnos hon, ac ar yr amod bod hynny yn llwyddiannus a bod y coronafeirws yn dal o dan reolaeth, i ailagor dan do o 3 Awst ymlaen.
Yr adroddiadau yr wyf i wedi eu cael gan ein sector lletygarwch a'n sector twristiaeth yw eu bod nhw wedi cael dechrau da iawn yn wir wrth ailagor y tymor, gyda channoedd a channoedd o bobl yn trefnu gwyliau yng Nghymru. Mae'r rhai hynny yn y sector sy'n flaengar ac yn gadarnhaol yn edrych ar y pethau y maen nhw'n gallu eu gwneud erbyn hyn ac yn gwneud llwyddiant o'r rheini, yn hytrach nag ysgrifennu llythyrau yn cwyno am y pethau nad ydyn nhw'n gallu eu gwneud. Yn y modd hwnnw, byddan nhw'n gallu gwneud llwyddiant o'u busnesau ac o'r sector.
2. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i chwaraeon proffesiynol? OQ55449
2. Will the First Minister make a statement on Welsh Government support for professional sport? OQ55449
I thank Mike Hedges for that, Llywydd. Our economic resilience fund has been open for applications from professional sports organisations, and over £0.75 million pounds has been provided to the sector as a result.
Diolchaf i Mike Hedges am hynna, Llywydd. Mae ein cronfa cadernid economaidd wedi bod yn agored ar gyfer ceisiadau gan sefydliadau chwaraeon proffesiynol, a darparwyd dros £0.75 miliwn o bunnau i'r sector o ganlyniad.
First Minister, thank you for your response. I want to stress the importance of professional sport. Since March, professional sport in Wales has either not been playing or been played without spectators. Professional sports clubs like the Ospreys and Swansea City football club are major employers in Swansea, as well as their importance as ambassadors for the area and the provision of entertainment. There is an urgent need for financial support for professional sport until spectators are allowed to return, unless we're facing the horrendous prospect of having no professional sport below international level. What further financial support is the Welsh Government proposing to give to professional sport in Wales until spectators can return?
Prif Weinidog, diolch am eich ateb. Hoffwn bwysleisio pwysigrwydd chwaraeon proffesiynol. Ers mis Mawrth, mae chwaraeon proffesiynol yng Nghymru naill ai heb fod yn cael eu chwarae neu wedi cael eu chwarae heb wylwyr. Mae clybiau chwaraeon proffesiynol fel y Gweilch a chlwb pêl-droed Dinas Abertawe yn gyflogwyr mawr yn Abertawe, yn ogystal â'u pwysigrwydd fel cenhadon i'r ardal a'r ddarpariaeth o adloniant. Mae angen dybryd am gymorth ariannol i chwaraeon proffesiynol hyd nes y caniateir i wylwyr ddychwelyd, oni bai ein bod ni'n wynebu'r posibilrwydd erchyll o beidio â chael unrhyw chwaraeon proffesiynol o dan lefel ryngwladol. Pa gymorth ariannol pellach y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu ei roi i chwaraeon proffesiynol yng Nghymru hyd nes y caiff y gwylwyr ddychwelyd?
Well, Llywydd, as I said, we have already provided significant financial support to a number of professional sports organisations in Wales—over £0.75 million in total. I'm pleased to say that some of those beneficiaries are directly in the Member's own area. And we have announced an £8.5 million sports resilience fund, and £4.5 million of that is for national governing bodies, and that will be of assistance to the sector as well.
But I want to agree with what Mike Hedges said about the importance of professional sport, both as significant employers in parts of Wales, but also the part that watching and enjoying professional sport plays in the lives of so many of our fellow citizens. When we will be in a position to return to spectators in large numbers at those events, I think it's too early, I'm afraid, to be able to say that.
In the meantime, while professional sport played behind closed doors clearly doesn't have the atmosphere and the attraction that it would otherwise, it can, however, be done successfully. As someone who spent most of the weekend listening to the test match, it was as gripping as a spectator remotely as it would have been had the ground been full.
Wel, Llywydd, fel y dywedais i, rydym ni eisoes wedi rhoi cymorth ariannol sylweddol i nifer o sefydliadau chwaraeon proffesiynol yng Nghymru—cyfanswm o dros £0.75 miliwn. Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod rhai o'r buddiolwyr hynny yn uniongyrchol yn ardal yr Aelod ei hun. Ac rydym ni wedi cyhoeddi cronfa cadernid chwaraeon o £8.5 miliwn, ac mae £4.5 miliwn o hynny ar gyfer cyrff llywodraethu cenedlaethol, a bydd hynny o gymorth i'r sector hefyd.
Ond hoffwn gytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Mike Hedges am bwysigrwydd chwaraeon proffesiynol, fel cyflogwyr pwysig mewn rhannau o Gymru, ond hefyd y rhan y mae gwylio a mwynhau chwaraeon proffesiynol yn ei chwarae ym mywydau cynifer o'n cyd-ddinasyddion. Pryd y byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa i ddychwelyd at sefyllfa o wylwyr mewn niferoedd mawr yn y digwyddiadau hynny, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n rhy gynnar, rwy'n ofni, i allu dweud hynny.
Yn y cyfamser, er yn amlwg nad oes gan chwaraeon proffesiynol sy'n cael eu chwarae y tu ôl i ddrysau caeedig yr un awyrgylch a'r atyniad y byddai ganddyn nhw fel arall, gellir gwneud hynny yn llwyddiannus serch hynny. Fel rhywun a dreuliodd y rhan fwyaf o'r penwythnos yn gwrando ar y gêm brawf, roedd mor afaelgar fel gwyliwr o bell ag y byddai wedi bod pe byddai'r stadiwm wedi bod yn llawn.
First Minister, one way of supporting professional sport in Wales would be to relax the social distancing rules and allow Welsh stadiums to reopen. The chief executive of the English Rugby Football Union makes the point that reducing social distancing measures to 1m, which is the World Health Organization's recommendation and guidance, results in a capacity of 40,000 people in an 80,000 seater stadium, compared to fewer than 10,000 if 2m is adhered to. Given that the Welsh Rugby Union is facing forecast losses of some £107 million due to coronavirus, what discussions have you had with the WRU about introducing measures like relaxing social distancing measures to 1m to enable Wales to play its home matches in Welsh grounds?
Prif Weinidog, un ffordd o gefnogi chwaraeon proffesiynol yng Nghymru fyddai llacio'r rheolau cadw pellter cymdeithasol a chaniatáu i stadia Cymru ailagor. Mae prif weithredwr Undeb Rygbi Lloegr yn gwneud y pwynt bod lleihau mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol i 1m, sef argymhelliad a chanllaw Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd, yn arwain at gapasiti o 40,000 o bobl mewn stadiwm sydd ag 80,000 o seddau, o'i gymharu â llai na 10,000 os cedwir at 2m. O gofio bod Undeb Rygbi Cymru yn wynebu colledion rhagweledig o tua £107 miliwn oherwydd coronafeirws, pa drafodaethau ydych chi wedi'u cael gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru ynghylch cyflwyno mesurau fel llacio mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol i 1m i alluogi Cymru i chwarae ei gemau cartref ar feysydd Cymru?
Well, Llywydd, we've had a series of discussions with the WRU, and I've been involved directly in some of those myself. We are providing significant assistance already to the Welsh Rugby Union and are in discussions with them about further assistance that we may be able to provide.
The thought of 40,000 people coming together in a mass event is certainly not consistent with the approach to tackling coronavirus that we have had here in Wales. The risk that that would pose to the health of those people attending, and to those people who'd have to be employed in order to allow that to happen, is simply not within the realms of what a sensible approach to dealing with this global pandemic would suggest.
Wel, Llywydd, rydym ni wedi cael cyfres o drafodaethau gydag Undeb Rygbi Cymru, ac rwyf i wedi cymryd rhan uniongyrchol yn rhai o'r rheini fy hun. Rydym ni eisoes yn rhoi cymorth sylweddol i Undeb Rygbi Cymru ac mewn trafodaethau â nhw ynglŷn â chymorth ychwanegol y gallem ni ei ddarparu.
Yn sicr, nid yw'r syniad o 40,000 o bobl yn dod at ei gilydd mewn digwyddiad torfol yn gyson â'r dull o fynd i'r afael â'r coronafeirws a fu gennym ni yma yng Nghymru. Yn syml, nid yw'r risg y byddai hynny yn ei hachosi i iechyd y bobl hynny a fyddai'n bresennol, ac i'r bobl hynny y byddai'n rhaid eu cyflogi i ganiatáu i hynny ddigwydd, o fewn terfynau yr hyn y byddai dull synhwyrol o ymdrin â'r pandemig byd-eang hwn yn ei awgrymu.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Yn gyntaf heddiw, arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Questions now from the party leaders. First of all today, the leader of Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, last week, a study published by Oxford's Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science found that face coverings are effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 for the wearer and those around them, and this adds, of course, to a growing body of evidence that supports the same conclusion. The study further noted that after the World Health Organization announced the pandemic in mid March, some 70 countries immediately recommended the universal use of masks. To date, more than 120 nations now require mask wearing—that's more than 60 per cent of the world. They're mandatory in Scotland, as we know, in shops, and the same will be true in England from 24 July—a rather inexplicable delay, in my view.
Your careful approach, in terms of the easing of restrictions, has served well in many ways, but you now, I think, risk treading the line between being too cautious and being too slow on this issue. Why is Wales lagging behind when so many other countries have acted so decisively?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, yr wythnos diwethaf, canfu astudiaeth a gyhoeddwyd gan Ganolfan Leverhulme Rhydychen ar gyfer Gwyddoniaeth Ddemograffig bod gorchuddion wyneb yn effeithiol o ran lleihau lledaeniad COVID-19 i'r sawl sy'n eu gwisgo a'r rhai o'u hamgylch, ac mae hyn yn ychwanegu, wrth gwrs, at gorff cynyddol o dystiolaeth sy'n cefnogi'r un casgliad. Nododd yr astudiaeth ymhellach fod tua 70 o wledydd wedi argymell yn syth y dylid defnyddio masgiau yn gyffredinol ar ôl i Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd gyhoeddi'r pandemig yng nghanol mis Mawrth. Hyd yn hyn, mae mwy na 120 o wledydd yn gwneud gwisgo masg yn ofynnol bellach—mae hynny'n fwy na 60 y cant o'r byd. Maen nhw'n orfodol yn yr Alban, fel y gwyddom ni, mewn siopau, a bydd yr un peth yn wir yn Lloegr o 24 Gorffennaf ymlaen—oedi anesboniadwy braidd, yn fy marn i.
Mae eich dull gofalus, o ran llacio'r cyfyngiadau, wedi gweithio'n dda mewn sawl ffordd, ond rydych chi mewn perygl nawr, rwy'n credu, o droedio'r llinell rhwng bod yn rhy bwyllog a bod yn rhy araf yn y mater hwn. Pam mae Cymru ar ei hôl hi pan fo cynifer o wledydd eraill wedi cymryd camau mor bendant?
I just reject the language of lagging behind. We are doing the things that are right for Wales. That does not mean following anybody else just because they have done something that we have decided not to do.
Llywydd, if you would allow me, I just want to take a minute more than I normally would to explain the Welsh Government's position on this issue, given that it is a matter of public interest. First of all, it's important to think of the context here. Regulations require that any restriction on the liberty of Welsh citizens has to be proportionate to the public health risk that is faced.
What is the state of the virus here in Wales? Well, it is at its lowest ebb since the onset of the crisis. The positivity rate in the 7,000 tests a day that were carried out in Wales over the weekend was 0.25 per cent—one quarter of 1 per cent—or 20 tests out of 7,000 returning as being positive. By contrast, the positivity rate in Blackburn, where lockdown measures are being reintroduced, is 7 per cent—30 times the rate in Wales. Large parts of Wales didn't have a single positive case over the whole of last weekend—14 of the 22 local authorities, from memory, without a single reported positive case. The proportionality test: is it proportionate to require every Welsh citizen going into a shop to wear a face covering, when the virus is in such a low state of circulation here in Wales?
Then, the issue of shops. Well, shops are different in Wales because our regulations are different. Quite unlike across our border, we have had the 2m social distancing rule in regulations, and it remains the default position here in Wales: a legal obligation on businesses to take all reasonable measures to ensure a 2m distance. And, since Monday, there are now new legal obligations on shops to take a further set of mitigating measures where a 2m distance cannot be sustained, and letters have gone to all the major supermarkets yesterday ensuring that they are aware of the law in Wales and their obligation to adhere to it.
And then, finally, Llywydd, is it unambiguously and clearly advantageous that access to shops should be denied to those not wearing face coverings? Our chief medical officer's advice has not changed: they have a marginal utility but they also have identifiable downsides. Some people behave more riskily because they are wearing a face covering. Some people can't wear face coverings: people with lung conditions, people with asthmatic conditions. Some people are disadvantaged when others wear face coverings: the visually impaired, people relying on lip reading. And, once it's compulsory, it will have to be enforced. So, Llywydd, we keep it all under review. I've asked for further advice, for example, on suggestions that supermarkets in tourist destinations have been crowded over this last weekend as populations in those areas increase. Mandatory use of face coverings as part of a local lockdown, should that become necessary, would certainly be part of a potential repertoire here in Wales. And if the prevalence of coronavirus in Wales were to rise, our advice would be revisited. In the meantime, the position in Wales is that anybody going into a shop who wishes to wear a face mask is absolutely entitled to do so. Our advice is that, if it's crowded, you should wear one. But, should we made it mandatory in all the conditions I've described? Should we trespass on people's liberty to that extent? We haven't reached that point in Wales.
Rwy'n gwrthod yn llwyr yr ymadrodd ar ei hôl hi. Rydym ni'n gwneud y pethau sy'n iawn i Gymru. Nid yw hynny'n golygu dilyn unrhyw un arall dim ond am eu bod nhw wedi gwneud rhywbeth yr ydym ni wedi penderfynu peidio â'i wneud.
Llywydd, os gwnewch chi ganiatáu i mi wneud hynny, hoffwn gymryd munud yn hwy nag a fyddwn fel rheol i esbonio safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar y mater hwn, o gofio ei fod yn fater sydd o ddiddordeb i'r cyhoedd. Yn gyntaf oll, mae'n bwysig meddwl am y cyd-destun yn y fan yma. Mae rheoliadau yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i unrhyw gyfyngiad ar ryddid dinasyddion Cymru fod yn gymesur â'r perygl i iechyd y cyhoedd a wynebir.
Beth yw cyflwr y feirws yma yng Nghymru? Wel, mae ar ei lefel isaf ers dechrau'r argyfwng. 0.25 y cant—chwarter o 1 y cant—oedd cyfradd y canlyniadau positif yn y 7,000 o brofion y dydd a gynhaliwyd yng Nghymru dros y penwythnos, neu 20 prawf allan o 7,000 yn dod yn ôl yn rhai positif. Mewn cyferbyniad, 7 y cant yw cyfradd y canlyniadau positif yn Blackburn, lle mae cyfyngiadau symud yn cael eu hailgyflwyno—30 gwaith y gyfradd yng Nghymru. Nid oedd un achos positif mewn rhannau helaeth o Gymru dros y penwythnos diwethaf cyfan—14 o'r 22 awdurdod lleol, o'r hyn a gofiaf, heb yr un achos positif wedi'i adrodd. Y prawf cymesuredd: a yw'n gymesur ei gwneud yn ofynnol i holl ddinasyddion Cymru sy'n mynd i mewn i siop wisgo gorchudd wyneb, pan fo'r feirws mewn cylchrediad mor isel yma yng Nghymru?
Yna, y mater o siopau. Wel, mae siopau yn wahanol yng Nghymru gan fod ein rheoliadau yn wahanol. Yn wahanol iawn i'r sefyllfa ar draws ein ffin, bu'r rheol cadw pellter cymdeithasol o 2m mewn rheoliadau gennym ni, a dyna'r sefyllfa ddiofyn yma yng Nghymru o hyd: rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol ar fusnesau i gymryd pob cam rhesymol i sicrhau pellter o 2m. Ac, ers dydd Llun, ceir rhwymedigaethau cyfreithiol newydd ar siopau erbyn hyn i gymryd cyfres bellach o fesurau lliniaru pan na ellir cynnal pellter o 2m, ac anfonwyd llythyrau at bob un o'r prif archfarchnadoedd ddoe i sicrhau eu bod nhw'n ymwybodol o'r gyfraith yng Nghymru a'u rhwymedigaeth i gydymffurfio â hi.
Ac yna, yn olaf, Llywydd, a yw hi'n ddiamwys ac yn amlwg yn fanteisiol i wrthod mynediad i siopau i'r rhai nad ydyn nhw'n gwisgo gorchuddion wyneb? Nid yw cyngor ein prif swyddog meddygol wedi newid: mae ganddyn nhw fân fanteision ond mae ganddyn nhw anfanteision pendant hefyd. Mae rhai pobl yn cymryd mwy o risgiau oherwydd eu bod nhw'n gwisgo gorchudd wyneb. Nid yw rhai pobl yn gallu gwisgo gorchuddion wyneb: pobl â chyflyrau ar yr ysgyfaint, pobl â chyflyrau asthmatig. Mae rhai pobl dan anfantais pan fydd pobl eraill yn gwisgo gorchuddion wyneb: pobl â nam ar eu golwg, pobl sy'n dibynnu ar ddarllen gwefusau. Ac, ar ôl iddo ddod yn orfodol, bydd yn rhaid ei orfodi. Felly, Llywydd, rydym ni'n parhau i adolygu'r holl beth. Rwyf i wedi gofyn am ragor o gyngor, er enghraifft, ar awgrymiadau bod archfarchnadoedd mewn cyrchfannau twristiaid wedi bod yn orlawn dros y penwythnos diwethaf wrth i boblogaethau yn yr ardaloedd hynny gynyddu. Byddai defnydd gorfodol o orchuddion wyneb yn rhan o gyfyngiadau symud lleol, pe byddai hynny'n dod yn angenrheidiol, yn sicr yn rhan o repertoire posibl yma yng Nghymru. A phe byddai cyffredinrwydd coronafeirws yng Nghymru yn cynyddu, byddai ein cyngor yn cael ei ailystyried. Yn y cyfamser, y sefyllfa yng Nghymru yw bod gan unrhyw un sy'n mynd i mewn i siop sy'n dymuno gwisgo masg wyneb hawl i wneud hynny. Ein cyngor ni, os yw'n orlawn, yw y dylech chi wisgo un. Ond, a ddylem ni ei wneud yn orfodol o dan yr holl amodau yr wyf i wedi'u disgrifio? A ddylem ni dresmasu ar ryddid pobl i'r graddau hynny? Dydyn ni ddim wedi cyrraedd y pwynt hwnnw yng Nghymru.
The University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation recently projected the difference between universal use of face masks in the UK between now and November would be 20,000 additional deaths. On a proportionate basis, we would be talking about around a 1,000 deaths potentially in Wales. As part of the review that he's referred to, would he specifically ask the technical advisory cell and the chief medical officer to look at that study and whether it does have an evidential force that would suggest that we need to change the policy and we need to change it fast?
Can I ask the First Minister—? In relation to the care sector, we've heard from Care Forum Wales their expression of disappointment that they've not been given any assurances on whether weekly testing for staff will continue. Are you able today, First Minister, to allay the sector's concerns and announce your care home testing strategy going forward?
Rhagamcanwyd yn ddiweddar gan Athrofa Metrigau a Gwerthuso Iechyd Prifysgol Washington mai 20,000 o farwolaethau ychwanegol fyddai'r gwahaniaeth rhwng defnydd cyffredinol o fasgiau wyneb yn y DU rhwng nawr a mis Tachwedd. Ar sail gymesur, byddem ni'n sôn am tua 1,000 o farwolaethau posibl yng Nghymru. Yn rhan o'r adolygiad y mae wedi cyfeirio ato, a wnaiff ef ofyn yn benodol i'r gell cynghori technegol ac i'r prif swyddog meddygol edrych ar yr astudiaeth honno a pha un a oes ganddi rym tystiolaethol a fyddai'n awgrymu bod angen i ni newid y polisi a bod angen i ni ei newid yn gyflym?
A gaf i ofyn i'r Prif Weinidog—? O ran y sector gofal, rydym ni wedi clywed gan Fforwm Gofal Cymru eu mynegiant o siom nad ydyn nhw wedi cael unrhyw sicrwydd ynghylch pa un a fydd profion wythnosol i staff yn parhau. A allwch chi heddiw, Prif Weinidog, dawelu pryderon y sector a chyhoeddi eich strategaeth profi ar gyfer cartrefi gofal yn y dyfodol?
On Mr Price's first point, I've seen that study, and I'm very happy to ask the technical advisory group to look at it. At first reading, it does seem very implausible. We have managed in Wales to go from a position where we were reporting many tens of deaths every day to a position where there was no death at all reported in three or four days over the weekend, and during that period face coverings were never compulsory at all. So, how it is plausibly argued that we would have 1,000 extra deaths prevented simply by wearing face coverings—? At first reading, I found that very difficult to understand and to see the force of that argument, particularly when face coverings are nowhere near as much of a protection to you as sustaining a 2m social distance and doing the other things that have a greater impact on people's chances of contracting the virus. But, our technical advisory group is there to review evidence and I'm very happy that it should review that evidence as well.
This afternoon, Llywydd, my colleague Vaughan Gething will be answering a question, I understand, on care homes. He'll be able to explain the results of the analysis that we've been carrying out of the four weeks of weekly testing of care home staff—testing that revealed a prevalence of coronavirus amongst care home staff at 0.1 per cent, one person in every thousand. So, he will set out his conclusions as to what that means for testing in the care home sector in the weeks to come this afternoon, and what he will have to say will be the result of engagement directly with Care Forum Wales.
O ran pwynt cyntaf Mr Price, rwyf i wedi gweld yr astudiaeth honno, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i ofyn i'r grŵp cynghori technegol edrych arni. Ar y darlleniad cyntaf, mae'n ymddangos yn annhebygol iawn. Rydym ni wedi llwyddo yng Nghymru i fynd o sefyllfa lle'r oeddem ni'n adrodd am ddegau o farwolaethau bob dydd i sefyllfa lle na chafwyd marwolaeth o gwbl mewn tri neu bedwar diwrnod dros y penwythnos, ac yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw nid oedd gorchuddion wyneb erioed yn orfodol o gwbl. Felly, sut y gellir dadlau gyda hygrededd y byddem ni'n atal 1,000 o farwolaethau ychwanegol dim ond drwy wisgo gorchuddion wyneb—. Ar y darlleniad cyntaf, cefais hynny'n anodd iawn ei ddeall ac i weld grym y ddadl honno, yn enwedig pan nad yw gorchuddion wyneb yn agos at fod yr un amddiffyniad i chi â chadw pellter cymdeithasol o 2m a gwneud y pethau eraill sy'n cael mwy o effaith ar siawns pobl o ddal y feirws. Ond, mae ein grŵp cynghori technegol yno i adolygu'r dystiolaeth ac rwy'n hapus iawn y dylai adolygu'r dystiolaeth honno hefyd.
Y prynhawn yma, Llywydd, bydd fy nghyd-Weinidog Vaughan Gething yn ateb cwestiwn, rwy'n deall, am gartrefi gofal. Bydd yn gallu esbonio canlyniadau'r dadansoddiad yr ydym ni wedi bod yn ei gynnal o'r pedair wythnos o brofion wythnosol ar staff cartrefi gofal—profion a ddatgelodd mai 0.1 y cant oedd cyffredinrwydd coronafeirws ymhlith staff cartrefi gofal, un person o bob mil. Felly, bydd yn cyflwyno ei gasgliadau o ran yr hyn y mae hynny'n ei olygu i brofion yn y sector cartrefi gofal yn yr wythnosau i ddod y prynhawn yma, a chanlyniad ymgysylltiad uniongyrchol â Fforwm Gofal Cymru fydd yr hyn a fydd ganddo i'w ddweud.
I think the point in that study and, indeed, of other scientists who have vigorously supported the use of face masks, is, as you change the level of restrictions and you therefore lead to more people being in more contact, having a face covering is an additional measure that can then change the number of cases and, indeed, the number of deaths.
Can I just stay with the care sector? If the COVID crisis has taught us anything it's the value of that sector. Care workers have been at the forefront of the battle against the virus, as we know. Their tireless efforts have been hampered at times by the often disjointed dynamic between our health and care sectors and the fact that they're not fairly rewarded for their work. Isn't this the time, First Minister, as we begin to think about a post-COVID Wales, for a national integrated health and care service free at the point of need that will synchronise our most vital public services and give care workers the pay rise and the pay structure that they deserve by moving them onto NHS pay scales? Nothing is stopping this from happening, from political will. Do you share it?
Rwy'n credu mai'r pwynt yn yr astudiaeth honno ac, yn wir, gwyddonwyr eraill sydd wedi cefnogi'r defnydd o fasgiau wyneb yn frwd, yw, wrth i chi newid lefel y cyfyngiadau a'ch bod felly yn arwain at fwy o bobl mewn mwy o gysylltiad, bod cael gorchudd wyneb yn fesur ychwanegol a all newid nifer yr achosion ac, yn wir, nifer y marwolaethau wedyn.
A gaf i aros gyda'r sector gofal? Os yw'r argyfwng COVID wedi addysgu unrhyw beth i ni, gwerth y sector hwnnw yw hynny. Mae gweithwyr gofal wedi bod ar flaen y gad yn y frwydr yn erbyn y feirws, fel y gwyddom. Mae eu hymdrechion diflino wedi cael eu llesteirio ar adegau gan y ddynameg sy'n aml yn ddatgysylltiedig rhwng ein sectorau iechyd a gofal a'r ffaith nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu gwobrwyo'n deg am eu gwaith. Onid dyma'r amser, Prif Weinidog, wrth i ni ddechrau meddwl am Gymru ar ôl COVID, am wasanaeth iechyd a gofal integredig cenedlaethol sydd am ddim ar bwynt angen a fydd yn cysoni ein gwasanaethau cyhoeddus mwyaf hanfodol ac yn rhoi'r codiad cyflog a'r strwythur cyflogau y maen nhw'n eu haeddu i weithwyr gofal drwy eu symud i raddfeydd cyflog y GIG? Nid oes dim yn rhwystro hyn rhag digwydd, o ewyllys gwleidyddol. A ydych chi'n rhannu hynny?
Well, Llywydd, I understand the point that Adam Price made about the study. It's why I said in my original answer that I'd ask for further advice on suggestions that supermarkets had become particularly crowded in some parts of Wales. Because, if that were to be the case, then, the case for the wearing of face coverings is strengthened in those contexts. So, I understand the point that he made there.
Llywydd, we have had a major programme within the Welsh Government of paying for care, drawing on the work of Professor Gerry Holtham and the proposals that he has made. And, sharing many of the points that Adam Price has made this morning about the value of the sector and the need to make sure that the people who work in it are properly regarded and rewarded, we will use that work to take policy forward in Wales. And we do very much need to see, Llywydd, a policy conclusion from the UK Government—the Dilnot review now nearly a decade old and still nothing to show for it—because anything we do in Wales will inevitably be affected by changes in the benefit system, which Dilnot proposed, and would have an impact on Welsh citizens as well. So, a Wales-alone solution will not work, because the intersections with decisions made in non-devolved areas will be material, and we will want to make sure that our actions take full account of changes that are made across the border and we need to know what those changes are going to be.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n deall y pwynt a wnaeth Adam Price am yr astudiaeth. Dyna pam y dywedais i yn fy ateb gwreiddiol y byddwn i'n gofyn am ragor o gyngor ar awgrymiadau bod archfarchnadoedd wedi dod yn arbennig o orlawn mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru. Oherwydd, pe byddai hynny'n wir, mae'r ddadl dros wisgo gorchuddion wyneb yn cael ei chryfhau yn y cyd-destunau hynny. Felly, rwy'n deall y pwynt a wnaeth yn y fan yna.
Llywydd, bu gennym ni raglen sylweddol o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru o dalu am ofal, gan fanteisio ar waith yr Athro Gerry Holtham a'r cynigion y mae ef wedi eu gwneud. A, gan rannu llawer o'r pwyntiau y mae Adam Price wedi eu gwneud y bore yma am werth y sector a'r angen i wneud yn siŵr bod y bobl sy'n gweithio ynddo yn cael eu parchu a'u gwobrwyo'n briodol, byddwn yn defnyddio'r gwaith hwnnw i fwrw ymlaen â pholisi yng Nghymru. Ac mae gwir angen i ni weld, Llywydd, casgliad polisi gan Lywodraeth y DU—mae adolygiad Dilnot bron yn ddegawd oed erbyn hyn a does dim o gwbl y gellir ei ddangos ohono—gan y bydd unrhyw beth yr ydym ni'n ei wneud yng Nghymru yn cael ei effeithio yn anochel gan newidiadau yn y system budd-daliadau, a gynigiwyd gan Dilnot, a bydden nhw'n cael effaith ar ddinasyddion Cymru hefyd. Felly, ni fydd ateb ar gyfer Cymru yn unig yn gweithio, gan y bydd y rhyngblethedd â phenderfyniadau a wneir mewn meysydd nad ydynt wedi'u datganoli yn berthnasol, a byddwn ni eisiau gwneud yn siŵr bod ein camau yn rhoi ystyriaeth lawn i'r newidiadau a wneir dros y ffin ac mae angen i ni wybod beth fydd y newidiadau hynny.
Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Paul Davies.
The leader of the Conservatives, Paul Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, from 6 July, households in Wales have been permitted to join together to form an extended support bubble to enable families to reunite, meaning that people can form one extended household and meet indoors. That move was welcomed by many across Wales who, after months of being unable to see their loved ones, were finally able to spend some time with their families and with their friends. Given the pace at which so many changes are now being made, which now result in more and more people interacting with each other in outdoor and indoor spaces, perhaps it's time to consider the creation of further support bubbles, therefore. First Minister, can you tell us what scientific evidence is the Welsh Government using to underpin its policy on social bubbles? And can you also tell us what consideration the Welsh Government has given to further relaxing restrictions on this specific matter?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, o 6 Gorffennaf, mae aelwydydd yng Nghymru wedi cael caniatâd i ddod at ei gilydd i ffurfio swigen gymorth estynedig i alluogi teuluoedd i aduno, sy'n golygu y caiff pobl ffurfio un aelwyd estynedig a chyfarfod dan do. Croesawyd y cam hwnnw gan lawer ledled Cymru a oedd, ar ôl misoedd o beidio â chael gweld eu hanwyliaid, yn cael treulio rhywfaint o amser gyda'u teuluoedd a chyda'u ffrindiau o'r diwedd. O ystyried pa mor gyflym y mae cynifer o newidiadau yn cael eu gwneud erbyn hyn, sydd bellach yn arwain at fwy a mwy o bobl yn rhyngweithio â'i gilydd mewn mannau awyr agored ac o dan do, efallai ei bod hi'n bryd ystyried creu swigod cymorth pellach, felly. Prif Weinidog, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa dystiolaeth wyddonol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei defnyddio i ategu ei pholisi ar swigod cymdeithasol? Ac a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni hefyd pa ystyriaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei rhoi i lacio cyfyngiadau ymhellach o ran y mater penodol hwn?
Llywydd, I believe that the evidence that we are drawing on was set out in a technical advisory group paper that we published. I'll check whether it is published and, if it's not, I'm very happy to share the paper with the leader of the opposition. It's a detailed paper. It draws very much on experience in New Zealand as the basis for the proposals that we are following here in Wales.
We will keep that policy under review during the current three-week cycle, which we're already well into the first week of. We'll use the additional headroom we had during this three weeks to attend to the urgent calls from the tourism industry and from hospitality to reopen those businesses in Wales, and once we've taken those decisions, then the amount of headroom you have got left to do more in the space of extended households, or households coming together in the open air or indoors, is inevitably limited. Provided we are in a position, at the end of this three-week cycle, that coronavirus in Wales is still under control, to the extent that I've already described this morning, there will be new possibilities, and using some of that headroom for further relaxation of the restrictions on family and friends meeting will definitely be part of that consideration.
Llywydd, rwy'n credu bod y dystiolaeth yr ydym ni'n gweithredu arni wedi ei chyflwyno mewn papur grŵp cynghori technegol a gyhoeddwyd gennym ni. Byddaf yn gwirio a yw wedi'i gyhoeddi ac, os nad ydyw, rwy'n hapus iawn i rannu'r papur gydag arweinydd yr wrthblaid. Mae'n bapur manwl. Mae'n manteisio i raddau helaeth iawn ar brofiad yn Seland Newydd fel y sail i'r cynigion yr ydym ni'n eu dilyn yma yng Nghymru.
Byddwn yn parhau i adolygu'r polisi hwnnw yn ystod y cylch tair wythnos presennol, ac rydym ni eisoes ymhell i mewn i'w wythnos gyntaf. Byddwn yn defnyddio'r hyblygrwydd ychwanegol yr oedd gennym ni yn ystod y tair wythnos hon i roi sylw i'r galwadau brys gan y diwydiant twristiaeth a lletygarwch i ailagor y busnesau hynny yng Nghymru, ac ar ôl i ni wneud y penderfyniadau hynny, yna faint o hyblygrwydd sydd gennych chi ar ôl i wneud mwy o ran aelwydydd estynedig, neu aelwydydd yn dod at ei gilydd yn yr awyr agored neu o dan do, yn anochel yn gyfyngedig. Ar yr amod ein bod ni mewn sefyllfa, ar ddiwedd y cylch tair wythnos hwn, bod coronafeirws yng Nghymru yn dal o dan reolaeth, i'r graddau yr wyf i eisoes wedi'u disgrifio y bore yma, bydd posibiliadau newydd, a bydd defnyddio rhywfaint o'r hyblygrwydd hwnnw i lacio ymhellach y cyfyngiadau ar deuluoedd a ffrindiau yn cyfarfod yn sicr yn rhan o'r ystyriaeth honno.
First Minister, thanks to the people of Wales, significant progress has been made in limiting the spread of the virus in communities across Wales, which, of course, has allowed freedoms to have been relaxed in other areas. For example, a further set of coronavirus restrictions that have also been lifted in Wales, as you've just said, is in relation to self-contained accommodation, such as holiday cottages and caravans, reopening.
Wales's hospitality businesses across the country have also started reopening this week in outdoor areas, and many are looking at ways in which they can continue to comply with Government guidance when they reopen their internal spaces on 3 August. Therefore, given the immediate need to support hospitality businesses here in Wales, can you tell us what specific package of support the Welsh Government will provide in the short term? And will you also be bringing forward a specific strategy for the hospitality sector for both the medium and long terms to protect its sustainability and protect vital jobs? And what domestic tourism strategy is the Welsh Government developing so that we can maximise the amount of visitor spend and help support our tourism and hospitality businesses at this time?
Prif Weinidog, diolch i bobl Cymru, gwnaed cynnydd sylweddol o ran cyfyngu lledaeniad y feirws mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru, sydd, wrth gwrs, wedi caniatáu i ryddid gael ei ymestyn mewn meysydd eraill. Er enghraifft, mae cyfres arall o gyfyngiadau coronafeirws sydd hefyd wedi cael eu codi yng Nghymru, fel yr ydych chi newydd ei ddweud, yn ymwneud â llety hunangynhwysol, megis bythynnod gwyliau a charafanau, yn ailagor.
Mae busnesau lletygarwch Cymru ledled y wlad hefyd wedi dechrau ailagor yr wythnos hon mewn mannau awyr agored, ac mae llawer yn edrych ar ffyrdd y gallan nhw barhau i gydymffurfio â chanllawiau'r Llywodraeth pan fyddan nhw'n ailagor eu mannau dan do ar 3 Awst. Felly, o ystyried yr angen i gynorthwyo busnesau lletygarwch yma yng Nghymru ar unwaith, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa becyn cymorth penodol y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddarparu yn y tymor byr? Ac a fyddwch chi hefyd yn cyflwyno strategaeth benodol ar gyfer y sector lletygarwch yn y tymor canolig a'r hirdymor i ddiogelu ei gynaliadwyedd a diogelu swyddi hanfodol? A pha strategaeth twristiaeth ddomestig y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei datblygu fel y gallwn ni sicrhau bod ymwelwyr yn gwario cymaint a phosibl a helpu i gefnogi ein busnesau twristiaeth a lletygarwch yn y cyfnod hwn?
Well, Llywydd, tens of millions of pounds of support has already been provided both to the tourism sector and, separately and additionally, to the hospitality sector here in Wales. That's in addition to all the help that the sector has received from the UK Government through the furlough scheme, which has been very important indeed in both of those industries. And many, many further applications have been made to phase 2 of the economic resilience fund, which closed on Friday of last week, again from those sectors. So, the sectors have had very significant support from the UK Government and from the Welsh Government in recognition of the enormous impact the coronavirus has had on them.
Our immediate strategy has focused very much on getting the sectors reopened and getting them reopened safely, and that remains our focus over the next few weeks, because success needs to be made of these first steps in order that we can build on them further and continue to reopen the sector. And the resources of the Welsh Government, the staffing resources, our ability to engage directly with the sector has been very much focused on that strategy, getting these industries up and working again. Once we manage to do that successfully, then, of course, we will continue to work both with tourism and hospitality, together with them, to shape a future through the rest of this year that builds on whatever success we can achieve and allows them to go on earning a living in the way that they do, providing employment in the way that they do, and contributing into the Welsh economy in a very significant way.
Wel, Llywydd, darparwyd degau o filiynau o bunnau o gymorth eisoes i'r sector twristiaeth ac, ar wahân ac yn ychwanegol, i'r sector lletygarwch yma yng Nghymru. Mae hynny yn ychwanegol at yr holl gymorth y mae'r sector wedi ei gael gan Lywodraeth y DU drwy'r cynllun ffyrlo, sydd wedi bod yn bwysig dros ben yn y ddau ddiwydiant hynny. A gwnaed llawer iawn, iawn o geisiadau ychwanegol i gam 2 y gronfa cadernid economaidd, a ddaeth i ben ddydd Gwener yr wythnos diwethaf, eto o'r sectorau hynny. Felly, mae'r sectorau wedi cael cymorth sylweddol iawn gan Lywodraeth y DU a chan Lywodraeth Cymru i gydnabod yr effaith enfawr y mae'r coronafeirws wedi ei chael arnyn nhw.
Mae ein strategaeth uniongyrchol wedi canolbwyntio i raddau helaeth ar ailagor y sectorau a'u hailagor yn ddiogel, a dyna fydd ein pwyslais o hyd dros yr wythnosau nesaf, oherwydd mae angen gwneud llwyddiant o'r camau cyntaf hyn fel y gallwn ni adeiladu arnyn nhw ymhellach a pharhau i ailagor y sector. Ac mae adnoddau Llywodraeth Cymru, yr adnoddau staffio, ein gallu i ymgysylltu yn uniongyrchol â'r sector wedi canolbwyntio i raddau helaeth ar y strategaeth honno, cael y diwydiannau hyn yn gweithio unwaith eto. Ar ôl i ni lwyddo i wneud hynny yn llwyddiannus, yna, wrth gwrs, byddwn yn parhau i weithio gyda meysydd twristiaeth a lletygarwch, ar y cyd â nhw, i lunio dyfodol drwy weddill y flwyddyn hon sydd yn adeiladu ar ba lwyddiant bynnag y gallwn ni ei sicrhau ac sy'n caniatáu iddyn nhw barhau i ennill bywoliaeth yn y modd y maen nhw'n ei wneud, i ddarparu cyflogaeth yn y modd y maen nhw'n ei wneud, ac i gyfrannu at economi Cymru mewn modd sylweddol iawn.
First Minister, the gradual reopening of the hospitality sector in Wales provides further opportunities for people to socially interact with members from outside their households. I recently met with local hospitality businesses to discuss the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and the Welsh Government's regulations, and the message was clear: this year, most hospitality businesses are simply focusing on survival. Therefore, as restrictions continue to ease, it'll be crucial that we maximise the amount of spend locally in Wales, and I sincerely hope that the Welsh Government is refocusing its procurement practices to help our businesses recover. Wales's small and medium businesses need support now more than ever, and the Welsh Government must use any and all levers at its disposal to support businesses and champion local products and services. Therefore, First Minister, what new action is the Welsh Government taking in terms of its procurement practices to support Welsh businesses and help them recover? Could you also tell us what campaigning the Welsh Government is doing to encourage people to spend locally and support Welsh businesses to help rejuvenate local communities across the country? And, given the measures introduced by other countries across the world to support businesses, what consideration has the Welsh Government given to bringing forward financial incentives, such as business rate relief, to support Welsh businesses to recover from this pandemic?
Prif Weinidog, mae ailagor y sector lletygarwch yn raddol yng Nghymru yn cynnig rhagor o gyfleoedd i bobl ryngweithio'n gymdeithasol gydag aelodau o'r tu allan i'w haelwydydd. Cefais gyfarfod yn ddiweddar â busnesau lletygarwch lleol i drafod effaith barhaus COVID-19 a rheoliadau Llywodraeth Cymru, ac roedd y neges yn eglur: eleni, mae'r rhan fwyaf o fusnesau lletygarwch yn canolbwyntio ar oroesi yn unig. Felly, wrth i'r cyfyngiadau barhau i gael eu llacio, bydd yn hanfodol ein bod ni'n sicrhau bod cymaint â phosibl yn cael ei wario yn lleol yng Nghymru, ac rwy'n mawr obeithio bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn ail-ganolbwyntio ei harferion caffael i helpu ein busnesau i adfer. Mae busnesau bach a chanolig Cymru angen cymorth nawr yn fwy nag erioed, ac mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio unrhyw a phob ysgogiad sydd ar gael iddi i gefnogi busnesau a hyrwyddo cynnyrch a gwasanaethau lleol. Felly, Prif Weinidog, pa gamau newydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd o ran ei harferion caffael i gynorthwyo busnesau yng Nghymru a'u helpu i adfer? A allwch chi hefyd ddweud wrthym ni pa ymgyrchu y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i annog pobl i wario yn lleol a chefnogi busnesau Cymru i helpu i adfywio cymunedau lleol ar draws y wlad? Ac, o ystyried y mesurau a gyflwynwyd gan wledydd eraill ar draws y byd i gynorthwyo busnesau, pa ystyriaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei rhoi i gyflwyno cymhellion ariannol, fel rhyddhad ardrethi busnes, i gynorthwyo busnesau Cymru i adfer ar ôl y pandemig hwn?
Well, Llywydd, business rate relief is practically universal in these sectors at 100 per cent for the rest of this financial year, so there's nothing further we can do there, because they're not paying any business rates at all.
In terms of local spend and procurement, then the outstanding area in which we have been able to achieve new ground in this context is in personal protective equipment, where many Welsh businesses have answered the call that we made to help us to secure the necessary supplies of PPE for our health and social care sector—250 million items now issued, Llywydd, a million items being issued every day, 91 million items to social care alone. We wouldn't have been able to do that if we hadn't used our procurement in order to encourage Welsh businesses to convert what they were previously doing into the production of face masks, fluid-resistant gowns and other things that are now being supplied not just to Wales, but to other parts of the United Kingdom as well. I think that is a very good example of how, in a crisis, people can act really quickly, incredibly positively. We've been so grateful for what businesses in Wales have done in this area, and we want to do more of that, of course.
In terms of local spend, then the fact that our 'stay local' message in Wales wasn't lifted until just about a week or so ago means that people have indeed been spending locally in Wales during this pandemic, because that's where their lives have been led. I know that that, by itself, has managed to sustain a number of businesses who, without that local support, would not have been able to survive. I agree with what Paul Davies said: many businesses are indeed in survival mode at the moment. And our aim is to help them to survive so that when the better days come, they will be there to continue their previous success. But that survival has only been possible, in many contexts, because people have stayed local, because they have spent local and they've supported those local businesses.
Wel, Llywydd, mae rhyddhad ardrethi busnes fwy neu lai ar gael i bawb yn y sectorau hyn ar gyfradd o 100 y cant am weddill y flwyddyn ariannol hon, felly does dim byd arall y gallwn ni ei wneud yn hynny o beth, oherwydd dydyn nhw ddim yn talu unrhyw ardrethi busnes o gwbl.
O ran gwariant a chaffael lleol, yna'r maes eithriadol lle'r ydym ni wedi gallu ennill tir newydd yn y cyd-destun hwn yw cyfarpar diogelu personol, lle mae llawer o fusnesau yng Nghymru wedi ateb yr alwad a wnaed gennym ni i'n helpu i sicrhau'r cyflenwadau angenrheidiol o gyfarpar diogelu personol ar gyfer ein sector iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol—cyflwynwyd 250 miliwn o eitemau erbyn hyn, Llywydd, miliwn o eitemau yn cael eu cyflwyno bob dydd, 91 miliwn o eitemau i ofal cymdeithasol yn unig. Ni fyddem wedi gallu gwneud hynny pe na byddem ni wedi defnyddio ein prosesau caffael i annog busnesau Cymru i drosi'r hyn yr oedden nhw'n yn ei wneud yn flaenorol i gynhyrchu masgiau wyneb, gynau sy'n gwrthsefyll hylifau a phethau eraill sydd bellach yn cael eu cyflenwi nid yn unig i Gymru, ond i rannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig hefyd. Rwy'n credu bod honno'n enghraifft dda iawn o sut, mewn argyfwng, y gall pobl weithredu'n gyflym iawn, yn hynod o gadarnhaol. Rydym ni wedi bod mor ddiolchgar am yr hyn y mae busnesau yng Nghymru wedi ei wneud yn y maes hwn, ac rydym ni eisiau gwneud mwy o hynny, wrth gwrs.
O ran gwariant lleol, yna mae'r ffaith na chafodd ein neges 'aros yn lleol' yng Nghymru ei diddymu tan oddeutu wythnos yn ôl yn golygu bod pobl yn wir wedi bod yn gwario yn lleol yng Nghymru yn ystod y pandemig hwn, oherwydd dyna lle mae eu bywydau wedi cael eu byw. Gwn fod hynny, ynddo'i hun, wedi llwyddo i gynnal nifer o fusnesau na fydden nhw, heb y gefnogaeth leol honno, wedi gallu goroesi. Rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd Paul Davies: y cwbl y mae llawer o fusnesau yn ei wneud yw ceisio goroesi ar hyn o bryd. A'n nod ni yw eu helpu nhw i oroesi fel y byddan nhw yno i barhau eu llwyddiant blaenorol pan ddaw'r dyddiau gwell. Ond bu'r goroesiad hwnnw yn bosibl, mewn nifer o gyd-destunau, dim ond oherwydd bod pobl wedi aros yn lleol, gan eu bod nhw wedi gwario yn lleol ac wedi cefnogi'r busnesau lleol hynny.
Arweinydd Plaid Brexit, Mark Reckless.
Leader of the Brexit Party, Mark Reckless.
First Minister, you've overseen a significantly higher COVID-19 infection rate in Wales than in the rest of the United Kingdom, as well as a worse economic situation. Despite this, you've found time to lambast the UK Government over its Brexit responsibilities, twice using the crisis to demand they extend the transition period, as you've once again tried to block Brexit. Now, we see your Minister for COVID economic recovery turn his focus to attacking the UK Government over the Gender Recognition Act 2004. He attacks it for failing formally to responding to a Gender Recognition Act consultation, and, we're told, for
'repeatedly delaying publication of the review.'
Is it possible that the UK Government has had other priorities?
Prif Weinidog, rydych chi wedi goruchwylio cyfradd sylweddol uwch o haint COVID-19 yng Nghymru nag yng ngweddill y Deyrnas Unedig, yn ogystal â sefyllfa economaidd waeth. Er gwaethaf hyn, rydych chi wedi dod o hyd i amser i ddwrdio Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch ei chyfrifoldebau Brexit, ddwywaith gan ddefnyddio'r argyfwng i fynnu eu bod nhw'n ymestyn y cyfnod pontio, wrth i chi geisio atal Brexit unwaith eto. Nawr, rydym ni'n gweld eich Gweinidog adferiad economaidd yn sgil COVID yn troi ei sylw at ymosod ar Lywodraeth y DU ynghylch Deddf Cydnabod Rhywedd 2004. Mae'n ymosod arni am fethu ag ymateb yn ffurfiol i ymgynghoriad ar y Ddeddf Cydnabod Rhywedd, ac, fe'n hysbysir, am
ohirio cyhoeddiad yr adolygiad dro ar ôl tro.
A yw'n bosibl y bu gan Lywodraeth y DU flaenoriaethau eraill?
Llywydd, I'll try and pick something out of the question, if I can. Brexit certainly hasn't gone away, and Brexit is going to happen. All we are focused on is trying to help it to happen in a way that does not add a further layer of economic distress on companies in Wales who are already struggling, as Paul Davies said, to deal with the consequences of a global pandemic. That's all we're asking: simply that a disaster that nobody could have prevented is not made even worse by a disaster that is eminently preventable by the simple and straightforward course of action of asking for a short extension to the transition period to take account of the fact that, as the Member just said, people have been very busy doing other things. If that applies to the Gender Recognition Act, then surely it applies even more to a sensible approach to Brexit.
As far as the Gender Recognition Act review is concerned, all we're asking the UK Government to do is to do what they've said they would do. Nothing else. They have carried out the review, they have promised to publish it, they have not done so. All we're asking is that they do what they said they would.
Llywydd, fe wnaf i geisio cael hyd i rywbeth o'r cwestiwn, os gallaf. Yn sicr, nid yw Brexit wedi diflannu, ac mae Brexit yn mynd i ddigwydd. Y cyfan yr ydym ni'n canolbwyntio arno yw ceisio ei helpu i ddigwydd mewn ffordd nad yw'n ychwanegu haen arall o gyfyngder economaidd ar gwmnïau yng Nghymru sydd eisoes mewn trafferthion, fel y dywedodd Paul Davies, wrth ymdrin â chanlyniadau pandemig byd-eang. Dyna'r cyfan yr ydym ni'n ei ofyn: yn syml nad yw trychineb na allai neb fod wedi ei hatal yn cael ei gwaethygu gan drychineb y gellir yn sicr ei hatal drwy'r weithred syml iawn o ofyn am estyniad byr i'r cyfnod pontio i gymryd i ystyriaeth y ffaith, fel y mae'r Aelod newydd ei ddweud, bod pobl wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn gwneud pethau eraill. Os yw hynny'n berthnasol i'r Ddeddf Cydnabod Rhywedd, siawns ei fod yn fwy perthnasol fyth i ddull synhwyrol o weithredu Brexit.
O ran yr adolygiad o'r Ddeddf Cydnabod Rhywedd, y cwbl yr ydym ni'n ei ofyn i Lywodraeth y DU ei wneud yw gwneud yr hyn y maen nhw wedi dweud y bydden nhw'n ei wneud. Dim byd arall. Maen nhw wedi cynnal yr adolygiad, maen nhw wedi addo ei gyhoeddi, nid ydyn nhw wedi gwneud hynny. Y cwbl yr ydym ni'n ei ofyn yw eu bod nhw'n gwneud yr hyn y gwnaethon nhw ddweud y bydden nhw'n ei wneud.
In many areas, First Minister, you've understandably made commitments as a Government that it has not been possible to carry through or that have had to be delayed because of the COVID crisis. I merely suggest that you allow and accept that similar pressures affect the UK Government. Wales voted for Brexit. You put forward your proposals on the area at the general election, and there's now a Conservative Government of a majority of 80. Surely you should accept that democratic decision.
We have certain areas that are devolved to Wales, and certain areas that are reserved. But again and again we see the Welsh Government failing to respect that settlement, failing to respect reserved powers. On gender recognition, I believe there are some difficult and challenging issues around balancing rights, but surely the way to deal with it for a reserved issue is to work within the framework set by UK Government, not declare a unilateral declaration of independence—instead, focus on the devolved powers you have, and making them work properly.
My concern with this, as so many others, is you lambast the UK Government over its exercise of reserved powers, yet complain when anyone criticises you in any way about what you do in a devolved context. You're always demanding more and more devolved powers, yet substantial numbers of people in Wales voted against devolution. Last time, those who supported it did so on the basis of an assurance on the ballot paper that
'the Assembly cannot make laws on…tax…whatever the result of this vote.'
Yet you, in cahoots with the Conservatives, broke that promise, and income tax powers were devolved without the promised further referendum. Isn't that why devolution in Wales is not settled, along with your refusal to respect reserved powers, and the fact that however much is devolved, it is never enough for politicians here?
Mewn sawl maes, Prif Weinidog, rydych chi, yn ddealladwy, wedi gwneud ymrwymiadau fel Llywodraeth na fu'n bosibl eu cyflawni neu y bu'n rhaid eu hoedi oherwydd yr argyfwng COVID. Y cwbl yr wyf i'n ei awgrymu yw eich bod chi'n cydnabod ac yn derbyn bod pwysau tebyg yn effeithio ar Lywodraeth y DU. Pleidleisiodd Cymru o blaid Brexit. Fe wnaethoch chi gyflwyno eich cynigion ar y pwnc yn yr etholiad cyffredinol, ac mae gennym ni Lywodraeth Geidwadol sydd â mwyafrif o 80 erbyn hyn. Siawns na ddylech chi dderbyn y penderfyniad democrataidd hwnnw.
Mae gennym ni rai meysydd sydd wedi'u datganoli i Gymru, a rhai meysydd sydd wedi'u cadw yn ôl. Ond dro ar ôl tro rydym ni'n gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn methu â pharchu'r setliad hwnnw, yn methu â pharchu pwerau a gadwyd yn ôl. O ran cydnabod rhywedd, rwy'n credu bod rhai materion anodd a heriol ynghylch cydbwyso hawliau, ond onid y ffordd o ymdrin ag ef ar gyfer mater a gadwyd yn ôl yw gweithio o fewn y fframwaith a bennwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU, nid gwneud datganiad unochrog o annibyniaeth—yn hytrach, canolbwyntio ar y pwerau datganoledig sydd gennych chi, a gwneud iddyn nhw weithio'n iawn.
Fy mhryder i gyda hyn, fel cynifer o rai eraill, yw eich bod chi'n lladd ar Lywodraeth y DU am y ffordd y mae'n arfer pwerau a gadwyd yn ôl, ac eto'n cwyno pan fydd unrhyw un yn eich beirniadu chi mewn unrhyw ffordd am yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei wneud mewn cyd-destun datganoledig. Rydych chi bob amser yn mynnu mwy a mwy o bwerau datganoledig, ond eto pleidleisiodd nifer sylweddol o bobl yng Nghymru yn erbyn datganoli. Y tro diwethaf, fe wnaeth y rhai a'i cefnogodd wneud hynny ar sail sicrwydd ar y papur pleidleisio
na all y Cynulliad ddeddfu ar...dreth...beth bynnag fydd canlyniad y bleidlais hon.
Ac eto, law yn llaw â'r Ceidwadwyr, torrwyd yr addewid hwnnw gennych chi, a datganolwyd pwerau treth incwm heb y refferendwm arall a addawyd. Onid dyna pam nad yw datganoli yng Nghymru wedi'i setlo, ynghyd â'ch penderfyniad i wrthod parchu pwerau a gadwyd yn ôl, a'r ffaith, faint bynnag sy'n cael ei ddatganoli, nid yw byth yn ddigon i wleidyddion yn y fan yma?
Llywydd, as I recall—and I may be wrong, because it's not always easy to keep up—the Member was a Conservative MP at the time that the Conservative Party broke what it had promised people in Wales about a referendum. He was a Conservative MP, he voted for the promise that was broken, and then he comes here to complain about it. There isn't a shred of credibility in what the Member has to say. Llywydd, I believe in assertive devolution, and that's the policy that this Government will pursue.
Llywydd, os wyf i'n cofio'n iawn—ac efallai fy mod i'n anghywir, oherwydd nid yw bob amser yn hawdd cadw'n gyfredol—roedd yr Aelod yn AS Ceidwadol ar yr adeg y torrodd y Blaid Geidwadol yr addewid a wnaed ganddi i bobl yng Nghymru ynglŷn â refferendwm. Roedd yn AS Ceidwadol, pleidleisiodd dros yr addewid a dorrwyd, ac yna mae'n dod i'r fan yma i gwyno am y peth. Nid oes llygedyn o hygrededd yn yr hyn sydd gan yr Aelod i'w ddweud. Llywydd, rwyf i'n credu mewn datganoli pendant, a dyna'r polisi y bydd y Llywodraeth hon yn ei ddilyn.
Cwestiwn 3, Carwyn Jones. Cwestiwn 3, Carwyn Jones.
Question 3, Carwyn Jones. Question 3, Carwyn Jones.
Wake up.
I thought I heard 'Caroline Jones'. Forgive me, Llywydd.
Roeddwn i'n meddwl fy mod i wedi clywed 'Caroline Jones'. Maddeuwch i mi, Llywydd.
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog amlinellu pa gymorth ariannol sydd ar gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru i fusnesau yng Nghymru? OQ55469
3. Will the First Minister outline what financial support is available from the Welsh Government to businesses in Wales? OQ55469
I thank Carwyn Jones for that question. Llywydd, our £1.7 billion business support package, which is equivalent to 2.6 per cent of our gross value added, complements other UK schemes and means that companies in Wales have access to the most generous offer of help anywhere in the United Kingdom during the coronavirus crisis.
Diolchaf i Carwyn Jones am y cwestiwn yna. Llywydd, mae ein pecyn cymorth busnes gwerth £1.7 biliwn, sy'n cyfateb i 2.6 y cant o'n gwerth ychwanegol gros, yn ategu cynlluniau eraill yn y DU ac yn golygu bod gan gwmnïau yng Nghymru fynediad at y cynnig mwyaf hael o gymorth yn unrhyw le yn y Deyrnas Unedig yn ystod argyfwng y coronafeirws.
Thank you, First Minister. Many businesses have contacted my constituency office to express their gratitude at the support that they've received from the Welsh Government and from the UK Government. There are still, however, some businesses who are concerned that they may not be able to access the support that they need, mainly microbusinesses. Would the First Minister then give an assurance that the support mechanisms will be kept under constant review to make sure that as much support as possible is available to as many businesses as possible?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Mae llawer o fusnesau wedi cysylltu â'm swyddfa etholaeth i fynegi eu diolch am y cymorth y maen nhw wedi ei gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru a chan Lywodraeth y DU. Fodd bynnag, mae rhai busnesau yn dal i bryderu efallai na fyddan nhw'n gallu cael gafael ar y cymorth sydd ei angen arnyn nhw, microfusnesau yn bennaf. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi sicrwydd felly y bydd y dulliau cymorth yn cael eu hadolygu'n gyson i wneud yn siŵr bod cymaint o gymorth a phosibl ar gael i gynifer o fusnesau â phosibl?
Llywydd, I thank Carwyn Jones for that supplementary question. As I've said previously in the Assembly, in the Senedd, we have tried to use our funds to complement the help that has been available through the UK Government schemes, and microbusinesses are one of those areas that we have focused on as a result. My colleague Ken Skates launched phase 2 of the economic resilience fund, Llywydd, as I mentioned—£100 million further to assist Welsh businesses. I know that my colleague Carwyn Jones will be interested to know that when the fund closed for applications on Friday of last week, the micro fund had received 5,524 applications, and if you totalled those applications up, that would have resulted in £54.2 million being applied for from the micro fund. The sole trader fund received 453 applications in the sum of £4.4 million, and I was very pleased myself to be able to launch the start-up business fund as part of phase 2 of the economic resilience fund, a £5 million fund. It could help up to 2,000 businesses to the tune of £2,500 each. All of those are aimed exactly at the sorts of businesses that Carwyn Jones has mentioned this morning, Llywydd, and I think are examples of the way in which we have tried to use our money to fill those gaps and to focus on those businesses that have slipped through the net of the large schemes that the UK Government has put in place, and use our money to the best effect.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Carwyn Jones am y cwestiwn atodol yna. Fel yr wyf i wedi ei ddweud o'r blaen yn y Cynulliad, yn y Senedd, rydym ni wedi ceisio defnyddio ein cyllid i ategu'r cymorth sydd wedi bod ar gael trwy gynlluniau Llywodraeth y DU, ac mae microfusnesau yn un o'r meysydd hynny yr ydym ni wedi canolbwyntio arnyn nhw o ganlyniad. Lansiodd fy nghyd-Weinidog Ken Skates gam 2 y gronfa cadernid economaidd, Llywydd, fel y soniais—£100 miliwn arall i gynorthwyo busnesau Cymru. Gwn y bydd o ddiddordeb i'm cyd-Aelod Carwyn Jones wybod, pan gaeodd y gronfa i geisiadau ddydd Gwener yr wythnos diwethaf, bod y gronfa microfusnesau wedi cael 5,524 o geisiadau, a phe byddech chi'n adio'r ceisiadau hynny at ei gilydd, byddai wedi arwain at geisiadau am £54.2 miliwn o'r gronfa microfusnesau. Derbyniodd y gronfa unig fasnachwyr 453 o geisiadau am swm o £4.4 miliwn, ac roeddwn i'n falch iawn fy hun o allu lansio'r gronfa busnesau newydd sbon yn rhan o gam 2 y gronfa cadernid economaidd, cronfa gwerth £5 miliwn. Gallai helpu hyd at 2,000 o fusnesau gyda hyd at £2,500 yr un. Mae'r rhain i gyd ar gyfer yr union fathau o fusnesau y mae Carwyn Jones wedi eu crybwyll y bore yma, Llywydd, ac rwy'n credu eu bod nhw'n enghreifftiau o'r ffordd yr ydym ni wedi ceisio defnyddio ein harian i lenwi'r bylchau hynny a chanolbwyntio ar y busnesau hynny sydd wedi llithro trwy rwyd y cynlluniau mawr y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi eu rhoi ar waith, a defnyddio ein harian i gyflawni'r effaith orau.
First Minister, what would be devastating economically would be the need for either a second lockdown or a localised lockdown, and one of the key measures that you've put in place is test and tracing. Your figures for returning the results from test and tracing are getting worse. The figures for 24-hour delivery are under a 50 per cent response rate, and for 48 hours only 66 per cent of tests are returned to the people who've put themselves up for a test. How are you going to improve these figures to get closer to the 90 per cent that most experts believe provides an effective testing structure that would protect us economically, and also our health?
Prif Weinidog, yr hyn a fyddai'n drychinebus yn economaidd fyddai'r angen am naill ai cyfyngiadau symud o'r newydd neu gyfyngiadau symud lleol, ac un o'r mesurau allweddol yr ydych chi wedi eu rhoi ar waith yw profi ac olrhain. Mae eich ffigurau ar gyfer dychwelyd y canlyniadau o brofi ac olrhain yn gwaethygu. Mae'r ffigurau ar gyfer darpariaeth mewn 24 awr o dan gyfradd ymateb o 50 y cant, ac mewn 48 awr dim ond 66 y cant o brofion sy'n cael eu dychwelyd i'r bobl sydd wedi cyflwyno eu hunain ar gyfer prawf. Sut yr ydych chi'n mynd i wella'r ffigurau hyn i ddod yn agosach at y 90 y cant y mae'r rhan fwyaf o arbenigwyr yn credu sy'n cynnig strwythur profi effeithiol a fyddai'n ein hamddiffyn yn economaidd, a hefyd ein hiechyd?
Llywydd, I agree with Andrew R.T. Davies that avoiding a second wave of coronavirus later this year is very important indeed to the health of businesses, as well to the health of the population, and it's why we have taken the approach we have here in Wales. And we are seeing in other parts of the world just how easily it is possible to move from a position of relative security to one where lockdown measures do have to be reimposed. So, I agree with his point there.
Our 'Test Trace Protect' system does need to return more tests more quickly, and we are working with the system for that to happen. We would have had better results at the end of last week if it hadn't been for the fact that one of the lighthouse labs, that we are now using in greater numbers, faced a series of difficulties last week that meant that their ability to return tests in 24 hours was compromised by the challenges that they faced. We are arranging for an enhanced courier service to make sure that tests are taken from the testing site to the laboratory more quickly and more regularly during the day. We are exploring with our Welsh laboratories ways in which they can turn those tests around more quickly.
In the meantime, the TTP system as a whole is, I'm pleased to say, working very well; 82 per cent of positive cases identified between 28 June and 4 July were successfully contacted, and 87 per cent of over 1,150 close contacts have been successfully followed up. And those figures compare very favourably with levels of successful follow-up that are being achieved elsewhere.
Llywydd, rwy'n cytuno ag Andrew R.T. Davies bod osgoi ail don o'r coronafeirws yn ddiweddarach eleni yn bwysig dros ben i iechyd busnesau, yn ogystal ag iechyd y boblogaeth, a dyna pam yr ydym ni wedi mabwysiadu'r dull yr ydym ni wedi ei fabwysiadu yma yng Nghymru. Ac rydym ni'n gweld mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd yn union pa mor hawdd yw hi i symud o sefyllfa o ddiogelwch cymharol i un lle mae'n rhaid ailgyflwyno cyfyngiadau symud. Felly, rwy'n cytuno â'i bwynt yn hynny o beth.
Mae angen i'n system 'Profi Olrhain Diogelu' ddychwelyd mwy o brofion yn gyflymach, ac rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'r system er mwyn i hynny ddigwydd. Byddem ni wedi cael gwell canlyniadau ddiwedd yr wythnos diwethaf oni bai i un o'r labordai goleudy, yr ydym ni'n eu defnyddio mewn niferoedd mwy erbyn hyn, wynebu cyfres o anawsterau yr wythnos diwethaf a oedd yn golygu bod eu gallu i ddychwelyd profion mewn 24 awr wedi cael ei rwystro gan yr heriau yr oedden nhw'n eu hwynebu. Rydym ni'n trefnu gwasanaeth cludo gwell i wneud yn siŵr bod profion yn cael eu cludo o'r safle profi i'r labordy yn gyflymach ac yn fwy rheolaidd yn ystod y dydd. Rydym ni'n archwilio gyda'n labordai yng Nghymru ffyrdd y gallan nhw ddarparu canlyniadau'r profion hyn yn gyflymach.
Yn y cyfamser, mae'r system 'Profi Olrhain Diogelu' yn ei chyfanrwydd, rwy'n falch o ddweud, yn gweithio'n dda iawn; cysylltwyd yn llwyddiannus gydag 82 y cant o achosion positif a nodwyd rhwng 28 Mehefin a 4 Gorffennaf, a gwnaed gwaith dilynol llwyddiannus ar 87 y cant o dros 1,150 o gysylltiadau agos. Ac mae'r ffigurau hynny'n cymharu yn ffafriol iawn â lefelau o gamau dilynol llwyddiannus sy'n cael eu cyflawni mewn mannau eraill.
Mae nifer o fusnesau gwledig, yn enwedig, dros y blynyddoedd wedi bod yn cael cefnogaeth ar gyfer eu busnesau drwy cynlluniau fel y cynllun datblygu gwledig, yr RDP, ac fe welon ni'n ddiweddar adroddiad gan Archwilio Cymru a oedd wedi amlygu bod yna gamweinyddu wedi bod gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar rai agweddau ohono—gwerth £53 miliwn wedi cael ei ddosrannu mewn ffordd oedd ddim â mesurau yn eu lle i sicrhau gwerth am arian. Mi gawson ni gadarnhad yn y pwyllgor datblygu cynaliadwy wythnos diwethaf y byddai yna disallowance; hynny yw, bod yna drafodaethau nawr yn digwydd rhwng y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd a Llywodraeth Cymru i adhawlio peth, os nad y cyfan, o'r arian yna.
Fyddech chi felly yn derbyn nawr ei bod hi'n amser i ni gael adolygiad llawn o'r modd mae'r RDP yng Nghymru wedi cael ei weinyddu, ac wedi cael ei ddefnyddio, er mwyn i ni fod yn hyderus ein bod ni wedi cael y gwerth am arian y dylen ni fod wedi cael am y buddsoddiad yma, yn enwedig o gofio bod eich Llywodraeth chi nawr yn bwriadu defnyddio'r model RDP, a'r modd y mae hwnnw yn cael ei weithredu, fel sail ar gyfer y cynlluniau rŷch chi'n eu dod gerbron ar gyfer cefnogi amaeth a rheolaeth tir cynaliadwy yn y dyfodol? Mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n dysgu gwersi.
A number of rural businesses over the years have been receiving business support through the rural development programme, for example, and we saw a recent report from Audit Wales that had highlighted maladministration by the Welsh Government on certain aspects of that—£53 million-worth had been distributed in a way that didn't have measures in place to secure value for money. We received confirmation in the rural development committee last week that there would be disallowance, and that there were negotiations now between the European Commission and the Welsh Government to recoup some, if not all, of those funds.
Would you now accept that it's time for us to have a full review of the way the RDP in Wales had been administered, and has been used, so that we can be confident that we have had the value for money that we should have had for this investment, particularly given that your Government now intends to use the RDP model, and the way that's implemented, as the basis for the plans that you're bringing forward for supporting agriculture and sustainable land management for the future? It's important that we learn lessons.
Wrth gwrs, dwi'n cytuno ei bod yn bwysig dysgu gwersi. Rŷn ni yn gwneud hynny, ac mae'r RDP yn cael pobl i edrych i fewn i beth rŷn ni'n ei wneud ar y lefel Ewropeaidd ac ar y lefel leol hefyd. Mae'n bwysig i fod yn glir ar beth roedd yr audit office wedi'i ddweud, Llywydd.
Of course, I agree that it's important that we do learn lessons. We are doing that, and also the RDP has people to look into what we are doing on the European and local level. It's important to be clear about what the audit office said.
What they said was that the processes didn't guarantee that value for money had been achieved, and we've improved those processes since. What they didn't say was that the schemes that were funded weren't value for money, because they never looked at the schemes at all, they simply looked at the process by which the schemes were funded. Quite a number of the schemes that they looked at have gone on to be award-winning schemes here in Wales, and beyond Wales as well. So, the report never said at all that the schemes themselves did not deliver value for money, they simply said that the process by which they were funded didn't give you a guarantee that the money had been spent in that way, and that's something we do need to attend to. Our focus, Llywydd, as well as learning lessons, is on trying to make sure that we have equivalent funding in the future to go on making those investments in the rural economy that the RDP has allowed us to make. And we're nowhere near having those guarantees from the UK Government, and it's not long now before that funding begins to run out.
Yr hyn a ddywedwyd ganddyn nhw oedd nad oedd y prosesau yn sicrhau bod gwerth am arian wedi ei gyflawni, ac rydym ni wedi gwella'r prosesau hynny ers hynny. Yr hyn na wnaethon nhw ei ddweud oedd nad oedd y cynlluniau a ariannwyd yn cynnig gwerth am arian, oherwydd ni ystyriwyd y cynlluniau ganddyn nhw o gwbl, dim ond y broses a ddefnyddiwyd i ariannu'r cynlluniau. Mae cryn nifer o'r cynlluniau a ystyriwyd ganddyn nhw wedi mynd ymlaen i fod yn gynlluniau arobryn yma yng Nghymru, a'r tu hwnt i Gymru hefyd. Felly, ni ddywedodd yr adroddiad erioed na wnaeth y cynlluniau eu hunain sicrhau gwerth am arian, y cwbl a ddywedwyd oedd nad oedd y broses a ddefnyddiwyd i'w hariannu yn rhoi sicrwydd i chi bod yr arian wedi ei wario yn y ffordd honno, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae angen i ni roi sylw iddo. Mae ein pwyslais, Llywydd, yn ogystal â dysgu gwersi, ar geisio gwneud yn siŵr bod gennym ni gyllid cyfatebol yn y dyfodol i barhau i wneud y buddsoddiadau hynny yn yr economi wledig y mae'r Cynllun Datblygu Gwledig wedi caniatáu i ni eu gwneud. Ac nid ydym ni'n agos at gael y sicrwydd hwnnw gan Lywodraeth y DU, ac nid oes llawer o amser erbyn hyn tan bydd y cyllid hwnnw'n ddechrau dod i ben.
4. Pa asesiad y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'i wneud o bwysigrwydd gorsafoedd radio lleol yng Nghymru? OQ55455
4. What assessment has the First Minister made of the importance of local radio stations in Wales? OQ55455
I thank Dr Lloyd for that. The Welsh Government recognises the importance of local radio stations in ensuring that the people of Wales have access to vital local news and information, which has been crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Diolchaf i Dr Lloyd am hynna. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cydnabod pwysigrwydd gorsafoedd radio lleol o ran sicrhau bod pobl Cymru yn gallu cael gafael ar newyddion a gwybodaeth leol hanfodol, sydd wedi bod yn hollbwysig yn ystod pandemig COVID-19.
First Minister, this week saw the final ever Sunday Hotline, presented by Kev Johns on Swansea Sound. The hotline had run for decades and was well valued by local residents, providing a unique opportunity for people to raise local issues of concern and to question local politicians. Sadly, the station will leave the airwaves in September, as part of a rebranding exercise. Now, there are more than enough UK-wide or regional networks, all reporting the same news, with the same presenters. What we are lacking is truly local radio that reflects local people's lives. Do you therefore agree that one way of reversing this loss is to devolve broadcasting to this Parliament and to develop our own local commercial radio station footprint here in Wales?
Prif Weinidog, darlledwyd y rhaglen Sunday Hotline, a gyflwynir gan Kev Johns ar Sain Abertawe, olaf erioed yr wythnos hon. Roedd y llinell boeth wedi gweithredu ers degawdau ac roedd yn cael ei gwerthfawrogi'n fawr gan drigolion lleol, gan gynnig cyfle unigryw i bobl godi materion lleol o bryder ac i holi gwleidyddion lleol. Yn anffodus, bydd yr orsaf yn gadael y tonnau awyr ym mis Medi, yn rhan o ymarfer ailfrandio. Nawr, mae mwy na digon o rwydweithiau DU gyfan neu ranbarthol, a phob un yn adrodd yr un newyddion, gyda'r un cyflwynwyr. Yr hyn sydd ar goll yw radio gwirioneddol leol sy'n adlewyrchu bywydau pobl leol. A ydych chi'n cytuno felly mai un ffordd o wneud iawn am y golled hon yw datganoli darlledu i'r Senedd hon ac i ddatblygu ein hôl-troed gorsafoedd radio masnachol lleol ein hunain yma yng Nghymru?
I agree with the points that the Member has made about the importance of local broadcasting. I appeared on the Kev Johns programme myself once, in the company of my colleague Mike Hedges, and a very good experience it was—a very skilful broadcaster, with a real rapport with his local audience, and very well able to convey the things that were of most concern to them.
My understanding, Llywydd, is that, though Swansea Sound will no longer operate in its name, the purchaser of the Wireless Group's local radio stations has not asked Ofcom for any change in the remit of that station. It will therefore be required, when it does reopen, to fulfil the original format, and that includes commitments relating to Welsh language programming and local news and information. And we will certainly be expecting Ofcom to ensure that those commitments are delivered in the way that the new station will operate, both for the benefit of Swansea residents and for those who surround that area.
The wider debate, Llywydd, is one we've had many times here on the floor of the Senedd and in Senedd committees. Our immediate focus is on making sure, as I say, that the obligations on the new owner to deliver a local service that successfully reflects the unique language, culture and concerns of the communities that the station serves—that those commitments are delivered upon. And we will be focusing on that, as I say, directly in communication with Ofcom itself.
Rwy'n cytuno â'r pwyntiau y mae'r Aelod wedi eu gwneud am bwysigrwydd darlledu lleol. Bûm i ar raglen Kev Johns fy hun unwaith, yng nghwmni fy nghyd-Aelod Mike Hedges, ac roedd yn brofiad da iawn—darlledwr medrus iawn, gyda pherthynas go iawn â'i gynulleidfa leol, ac yn ddigon abl i gyfleu'r pethau a oedd yn peri'r pryder mwyaf iddyn nhw.
Fy nealltwriaeth i, Llywydd, yw, er na fydd Sain Abertawe yn gweithredu yn ei enw mwyach, nad yw prynwr gorsafoedd radio lleol y Wireless Group wedi gofyn i Ofcom am unrhyw newid i gylch gwaith yr orsaf honno. Bydd yn ofynnol felly, pan fydd yn ailagor, cyflawni'r fformat gwreiddiol, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys ymrwymiadau yn ymwneud â rhaglennu Cymraeg a newyddion a gwybodaeth leol. A byddwn ni'n sicr yn disgwyl i Ofcom sicrhau bod yr ymrwymiadau hynny yn cael eu cyflawni yn y ffordd y bydd yr orsaf newydd yn gweithredu, er budd trigolion Abertawe ac ar gyfer y rhai sydd yng nghyffiniau'r ardal honno.
Mae'r ddadl ehangach, Llywydd, yn un yr ydym ni wedi ei chael sawl gwaith yma ar lawr y Senedd ac ym mhwyllgorau'r Senedd. Ein pwyslais uniongyrchol yw gwneud yn siŵr, fel y dywedais i, bod y rhwymedigaethau ar y perchennog newydd i ddarparu gwasanaeth lleol sy'n llwyddo i adlewyrchu iaith, diwylliant a phryderon unigryw y cymunedau y mae'r orsaf yn eu gwasanaethu—bod yr ymrwymiadau hynny yn cael eu cyflawni. A byddwn yn canolbwyntio ar hynny, fel y dywedais, mewn cyfathrebiad uniongyrchol gydag Ofcom ei hun.
First Minister, we've seen the great benefit of regional, local and indeed community radio during this crisis, bringing great comfort to many people as they have had to spend so much time at home, with local news and features. And I just wonder if you can do more to use procurement, help with training grants, and also public health messages, and putting as many as possible through these routes. The Welsh Government in the way it acts economically can help these vital networks.
Prif Weinidog, rydym ni wedi gweld budd mawr radio rhanbarthol, lleol a chymunedol, yn wir, yn ystod yr argyfwng hwn, wrth iddyn nhw ddod â chysur mawr i lawer o bobl gan y bu'n rhaid iddyn nhw dreulio cymaint o amser gartref, gyda newyddion ac eitemau lleol. Ac rwy'n meddwl tybed a allwch chi wneud mwy i ddefnyddio caffael, cymorth â grantiau hyfforddi, a negeseuon iechyd cyhoeddus hefyd, a rhoi cynifer â phosibl drwy'r llwybrau hyn. Gall Llywodraeth Cymru yn y ffordd y mae'n gweithredu yn economaidd helpu'r rhwydweithiau hanfodol hyn.
Llywydd, I agree with all of those points. We've used our advertising budget during the coronavirus crisis directly to place advertising with local radio, including Swansea Sound. We've done our best to offer as much access to those local outlets as possible so that they can use their platforms to make sure that people have the information that they need. And in the daily press conferences that we have been holding, Llywydd, we've had 12 local broadcasters regularly taking place—again, including Swansea Sound. And I, myself, have given interviews to 20 different local radio and local newspapers over the last three months, again just to make sure that they have direct access to the Welsh Government so we can support them in the work that they do.
We've repurposed our independent community journalism fund and seven publications in Wales have shared in £76,500 of funding to support them in the financial challenges they face, and we have helped two stations to have access to Ofcom's £400,000 community radio fund. Ofcom intend to launch, quite soon, the second iteration of that fund, and the Welsh Government will work with community radio stations in Wales to make sure that they have the best chance of securing funding from that source as well.
So, I agree with David Melding about the importance of the things that we can do to help, and I hope that I've been able to demonstrate that, in all the different things we're able to do, we have very much had local print and broadcasting outlets at the forefront of our thinking during the pandemic.
Llywydd, rwy'n cytuno â phob un o'r pwyntiau yna. Rydym ni wedi defnyddio ein cyllideb hysbysebu yn ystod argyfwng y coronafeirws yn uniongyrchol i osod hysbysebion ar radio lleol, gan gynnwys Sain Abertawe. Rydym ni wedi gwneud ein gorau i gynnig cymaint o fynediad â phosibl i'r allfeydd lleol hynny fel y gallan nhw ddefnyddio eu llwyfannau i wneud yn siŵr bod pobl yn cael yr wybodaeth sydd ei hangen arnyn nhw. Ac yn y cynadleddau dyddiol i'r wasg yr ydym ni wedi bod yn eu cynnal, Llywydd, bu gennym ni 12 o ddarlledwyr lleol ynddyn nhw yn rheolaidd—unwaith eto, gan gynnwys Sain Abertawe. Ac rwyf i, fy hun, wedi rhoi cyfweliadau i 20 o wahanol orsafoedd radio lleol a phapurau newydd lleol yn ystod y tri mis diwethaf, unwaith eto dim ond i wneud yn siŵr bod ganddyn nhw fynediad uniongyrchol at Lywodraeth Cymru fel y gallwn ni eu cynorthwyo yn y gwaith y maen nhw'n ei wneud.
Rydym ni wedi aildrefnu ein cronfa newyddiaduraeth gymunedol annibynnol ac mae saith o gyhoeddiadau yng Nghymru wedi rhannu £76,500 o gyllid i'w cynorthwyo yn yr heriau ariannol y maen nhw'n eu hwynebu, ac rydym ni wedi helpu dwy orsaf i gael gafael ar gronfa radio cymunedol Ofcom o £400,000. Mae Ofcom yn bwriadu lansio, yn weddol fuan, ail fersiwn y gronfa honno, a bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda gorsafoedd radio cymunedol yng Nghymru i sicrhau bod ganddyn nhw'r cyfle gorau o sicrhau cyllid o'r ffynhonnell honno hefyd.
Felly, rwy'n cytuno â David Melding am bwysigrwydd y pethau y gallwn ni eu gwneud i helpu, ac rwy'n gobeithio fy mod i wedi gallu dangos, yn yr holl wahanol bethau yr ydym ni'n gallu eu gwneud, bod gennym ni allfeydd argraffu a darlledu lleol yn flaenllaw yn ein meddyliau yn ystod y pandemig.
5. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gefnogi'r sector gweithgynhyrchu yng Nghymru? OQ55476
5. What actions is the Welsh Government taking to support the manufacturing sector in Wales? OQ55476
Llywydd, the Welsh Government's manufacturing manifesto was due to be published on 2 April. While formal consultation has not been possible because of the coronavirus crisis, the themes of the manifesto—skills, infrastructure, research and leadership, for example—continue to shape our support for the sector.
Llywydd, disgwyliwyd i faniffesto gweithgynhyrchu Llywodraeth Cymru gael ei gyhoeddi ar 2 Ebrill. Er nad yw ymgynghoriad ffurfiol wedi bod yn bosibl oherwydd argyfwng y coronafeirws, mae themâu'r maniffesto—sgiliau, seilwaith, ymchwil ac arweinyddiaeth, er enghraifft—yn parhau i lunio ein cymorth i'r sector.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. I look forward to the publication of the manifesto because it is critical. Welsh manufacturing has been the bedrock of much of our economy over the years, and actually over the centuries, and it's important. We need to keep that going. We have seen losses in Airbus, GE. Manufacturing has been hit by COVID very severely.
Now, the UK Government seems to have failed to actually consider manufacturing, and is not giving the support it should be giving. But this Welsh Government needs to give that support to ensure that it continues to thrive throughout the years ahead of us. Can you give me guarantees that the Welsh Government will continue to support manufacturing, particularly in areas that have faced difficulties, and I'll include steel in that area, as well as the aviation sector, so that we can continue to have the highly skilled, well-paid jobs in Wales that they've always supported?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Edrychaf ymlaen at gyhoeddi'r maniffesto gan ei fod yn hollbwysig. Mae gweithgynhyrchu yng Nghymru wedi bod yn sylfaen i lawer o'n heconomi dros y blynyddoedd, a dros y canrifoedd a dweud y gwir, ac mae'n bwysig. Mae angen i ni barhau â hynny. Rydym ni wedi gweld colledion yn Airbus, GE. Mae gweithgynhyrchu wedi cael ei daro gan COVID yn ddifrifol iawn.
Nawr, mae'n ymddangos bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi methu ag ystyried gweithgynhyrchu mewn gwirionedd, ac nad yw'n rhoi'r gefnogaeth y dylai fod yn ei rhoi. Ond mae angen i'r Llywodraeth Cymru hon roi'r gefnogaeth honno i sicrhau ei fod yn parhau i ffynnu drwy'r blynyddoedd sydd o'n blaenau. A allwch chi roi sicrwydd i mi y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i gefnogi gweithgynhyrchu, yn enwedig mewn meysydd sydd wedi wynebu anawsterau, a hoffwn gynnwys dur yn y maes hwnnw, yn ogystal â'r sector hedfan, fel y gallwn ni barhau i fod â'r swyddi hynod fedrus, â chyflogau da yng Nghymru y maen nhw wedi eu cynnal erioed?
Well, Llywydd, I'm very happy indeed to provide that assurance to David Rees. He's right, 10.7 per cent of Welsh employment takes place in the manufacturing sector, compared to 7.9 per cent of the UK employment in that sector. So, it's obviously of much greater importance to us here in Wales, and particularly to communities of the sort that David Rees so regularly speaks up for here on the floor of the Senedd.
I want to recognise where the UK Government has stepped in to help. On 2 July the emergency loan to Celsa, in the steel industry, was a very important decision and has helped to safeguard 800 jobs here in south Wales. But that is the example of what more is needed. We absolutely have to have sectoral employment protection schemes for steel, for automotive and for aerospace. Those are fundamental industries here in Wales. They face existential crises as a result of coronavirus, and each one of them needs a bespoke package of help from the UK Government in order to make sure that they are here the other side of this crisis, because the UK economy needs a steel industry, the UK economy needs a successful aerospace industry, and only the UK Government has that firepower, as my colleague Ken Skates has put it, to step in and provide help of the sort that is needed.
The Welsh Government will continue to do the things that we do—investing in skills, investing in research, helping with local investments that we can put in place, as we have with Tata in Port Talbot—but the nature of the crisis is such that it is a UK response that is needed and, sadly, we didn't hear anything of it in the summer statement of Wednesday last week.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n hapus dros ben i roi'r sicrwydd hwnnw i David Rees. Mae e'n iawn, mae 10.7 y cant o gyflogaeth Cymru yn digwydd yn y sector gweithgynhyrchu, o'i gymharu â 7.9 y cant o gyflogaeth y DU yn y sector hwnnw. Felly, mae'n amlwg yn llawer mwy pwysig i ni yma yng Nghymru, ac yn enwedig i gymunedau o'r math y mae David Rees yn siarad drostyn nhw mor rheolaidd yn y fan yma ar lawr y Senedd.
Hoffwn gydnabod lle mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi camu i mewn i helpu. Ar 2 Gorffennaf roedd y benthyciad brys i Celsa, yn y diwydiant dur, yn benderfyniad pwysig iawn ac mae wedi helpu i ddiogelu 800 o swyddi yma yn ne Cymru. Ond dyna'r enghraifft o beth yn rhagor sydd ei angen. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol bod gennym ni'r cynlluniau diogelu cyflogaeth sectoraidd ar gyfer dur, ar gyfer moduron ac ar gyfer awyrofod. Mae'r rheini yn ddiwydiannau sylfaenol yma yng Nghymru. Maen nhw'n wynebu argyfyngau dirfodol o ganlyniad i coronafeirws, ac mae pob un ohonyn nhw angen pecyn cymorth pwrpasol gan Lywodraeth y DU er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw yma ar ochr arall yr argyfwng hwn, oherwydd mae economi'r DU angen diwydiant dur, mae economi'r DU angen diwydiant awyrofod llwyddiannus, a dim ond Llywodraeth y DU sydd â'r grym hwnnw, fel y mae fy nghyd-Weinidog Ken Skates wedi ei ddweud, i gamu i mewn a darparu cymorth o'r math sydd ei angen.
Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i wneud y pethau yr ydym ni'n eu gwneud—buddsoddi mewn sgiliau, buddsoddi mewn gwaith ymchwil, helpu gyda buddsoddiadau lleol y gallwn ni eu rhoi ar waith, fel yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud gyda Tata ym Mhort Talbot—ond mae natur yr argyfwng yn golygu mai ymateb ar lefel y DU sydd ei angen ac, yn anffodus, ni chlywsom ddim am hynny yn natganiad yr haf ddydd Mercher yr wythnos diwethaf.
First Minister, yesterday's NatWest business activity index reported a contraction in business activity in the manufacturing sector as a result of ongoing lockdown measures. In their report, they state that many businesses have reported that the ongoing lockdown measures have stymied growth opportunities. They also report a drop in new orders, which was higher than the UK average, and a downturn in new business. They also go on to say that this weak client demand has affected the manufacturing sector from hiring employees, and this rate of contraction in employment has also outpaced, sadly, the UK average. What assessment has the Welsh Government done on how the slower rate of reopening the economy has impacted livelihoods and in particular the Welsh manufacturing sector?
Prif Weinidog, adroddodd mynegai gweithgarwch busnes NatWest ddoe grebachiad i weithgarwch busnes yn y sector gweithgynhyrchu o ganlyniad i gyfyngiadau symud parhaus. Yn eu hadroddiad, maen nhw'n dweud bod llawer o fusnesau wedi adrodd bod y cyfyngiadau symud parhaus wedi rhwystro cyfleoedd twf. Maen nhw hefyd yn adrodd gostyngiad i archebion newydd, a oedd yn uwch na chyfartaledd y DU, a dirywiad i fusnes newydd. Maen nhw hefyd yn mynd ymlaen i ddweud bod y galw gwan hwn gan gleientiaid wedi effeithio ar y sector gweithgynhyrchu o ran cyflogi gweithwyr, ac mae'r gyfradd grebachu hon mewn cyflogaeth hefyd wedi codi'n gyflymach, yn anffodus, na chyfartaledd y DU. Pa asesiad mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud o sut y mae'r gyfradd arafach o ailagor yr economi wedi effeithio ar fywoliaeth ac ar sector gweithgynhyrchu Cymru yn arbennig?
Well, Llywydd, I don't think you need to do a great deal of analysis to understand that it is not the pace of Welsh economy lockdown lifting that has had the effect on Airbus or on Tata. It's nonsensical to suggest it. Those are global industries and it is global trading conditions that have led to the decisions that those industries are making.
The pace of the lockdown in Wales has had no impact upon that whatsoever, and really it just doesn't stand up to any form of serious—[Interruption.] No, the report doesn't suggest that—it's just a Tory gloss here, trying to rescue some point that they think they can make, rather than anything serious at all. The crisis facing those industries—. Don't wave it at me. Just because you've got it doesn't mean to say that you've understood it, does it? And, clearly, you haven't understood it, because if you read what Airbus had to say, if you read what Tata have to say—they are not saying that the global crisis that they face has been derived from the pace at which the lockdown in Wales has been lifted. It would be absurd. It's an absurd proposition. The Member should know better than to make it here.
Wel, Llywydd, nid wyf i'n credu bod angen i chi wneud llawer iawn o ddadansoddi i ddeall nad cyflymder llacio cyfyngiadau symud Cymru sydd wedi cael yr effaith ar Airbus nac ar Tata. Mae'n hurt awgrymu hynny. Mae'r rheini yn ddiwydiannau byd-eang ac amodau masnachu byd-eang sydd wedi arwain at y penderfyniadau y mae'r diwydiannau hynny yn eu gwneud.
Nid yw cyflymder y cyfyngiadau symud yng Nghymru wedi cael unrhyw effaith ar hynny o gwbl, ac mewn gwirionedd nid yw'n gwrthsefyll unrhyw fath o—[Torri ar draws.] Nac ydy, nid yw'r adroddiad yn awgrymu hynny—dim ond sglein y Torïaid yn y fan yma yw hyn, yn ceisio achub rhyw bwynt y maen nhw'n credu y gallan nhw ei wneud, yn hytrach na dim byd difrifol o gwbl. Mae'r argyfwng sy'n wynebu'r diwydiannau hynny—. Peidiwch â'i chwifio ataf i. Nid yw'r ffaith ei fod gennych chi yn golygu eich bod chi wedi ei ddeall, ydy e'? Ac, yn amlwg, dydych chi ddim wedi ei deall, oherwydd pe byddech chi'n darllen yr hyn yr oedd gan Airbus i'w ddweud, os darllenwch chi'r hyn sydd gan Tata i'w ddweud—nid ydyn nhw'n dweud bod yr argyfwng byd-eang sy'n eu hwynebu wedi deillio o'r cyflymdra y mae'r cyfyngiadau symud wedi cael eu llacio yng Nghymru. Byddai hynny'n hurt. Mae'n osodiad hurt. Dylai'r Aelod wybod yn well na'i wneud yn y fan yma.
6. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i Gyfamod y Lluoedd Arfog? OQ55444
6. Will the First Minister make a statement on Welsh Government support for the Armed Forces Covenant? OQ55444
I thank Darren Millar for that question, Llywydd. The Welsh Government's support for the covenant was set out in the first annual report, published in May of last year. It set out actions in housing, health, education and employment. Further progress will be outlined in this year's annual report, to be laid before the Senedd in September.
Diolchaf i Darren Millar am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Nodwyd cefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r cyfamod yn yr adroddiad blynyddol cyntaf, a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Mai y llynedd. Roedd yn nodi camau gweithredu ym meysydd tai, iechyd, addysg a chyflogaeth. Bydd cynnydd pellach yn cael ei amlinellu yn adroddiad blynyddol eleni, i'w osod gerbron y Senedd ym mis Medi.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. Over the past few months we've seen our armed forces join the fight against the coronavirus here in Wales, doing some exceptional work in terms of helping with testing facilities, ensuring that there's adequate PPE delivered to key workers on the front line, and, of course, disinfecting ambulances in order to improve turnaround times. And I think it's important that we acknowledge that important role that the armed forces has played in the crisis.
One of the things that Wales has done extremely well, I think, is to take forward the agenda of honouring the armed forces covenant here in Wales, and one of the key parts of the commitment that the Welsh Government has made, of course, has been the delivery and support for armed forces liaison officers across the country. As you're aware, the funding for those posts comes to an end in March of next year, but I, and many others in this Chamber, on a cross-party basis, would like to see that support extended and those posts become permanent. Are you able to provide an update on the funding for those posts today?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Dros y misoedd diwethaf rydym ni wedi gweld ein lluoedd arfog yn ymuno yn y frwydr yn erbyn y coronafeirws yma yng Nghymru, gan wneud gwaith eithriadol o ran helpu gyda chyfleusterau profi, sicrhau bod digon o gyfarpar diogelu personol yn cael ei ddanfon i weithwyr allweddol ar y rheng flaen, ac, wrth gwrs, diheintio ambiwlansys i wella amseroedd gweithredu. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n cydnabod y rhan bwysig honno y mae'r lluoedd arfog wedi ei chwarae yn yr argyfwng.
Un o'r pethau y mae Cymru wedi ei wneud yn dda iawn, rwy'n credu, yw bwrw ymlaen â'r agenda o anrhydeddu cyfamod y lluoedd arfog yma yng Nghymru, ac un o rannau allweddol yr ymrwymiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei wneud, wrth gwrs, fu'r ddarpariaeth a'r cymorth i swyddogion cyswllt y lluoedd arfog ledled y wlad. Fel y gwyddoch, daw'r cyllid ar gyfer y swyddi hynny i ben ym mis Mawrth y flwyddyn nesaf, ond hoffwn i, a llawer o bobl eraill yn y Siambr hon, ar sail drawsbleidiol, weld y cymorth hwnnw yn cael ei ymestyn a'r swyddi hynny'n dod yn rhai parhaol. A ydych chi'n gallu rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cyllid ar gyfer y swyddi hynny heddiw?
Llywydd, I thank Darren Millar for that further question, and I absolutely want to endorse what he has said about the exceptional work that we have seen in Wales from our liaison with the armed forces in the coronavirus crisis. It's been a remarkable part of the story of the last three months, the way in which we have been able to draw on the assistance of armed forces personnel. I got used at one point to seeing a lot of people in fatigues in Cathays Park in a way we've never seen before, and that help is now gradually being withdrawn as the systems that the military have helped us to put in place in Wales are there and are sustainable into the future. So, I'm very pleased indeed to endorse what Darren Millar said there.
Llywydd, I wrote to the Member on 16 June, promising him an update on future funding for the armed forces liaison officers before the end of this term. And I'm very glad indeed, therefore, to be able to confirm this morning that the Minister Hannah Blythyn has made the decision to invest a further £275,000 for each of the next two years, from April of 2021, and that is to sustain the very valuable work that armed forces liaison officers have carried out. I know that this was an idea very strongly supported by my colleague Alun Davies, when these posts were created, and I know as well that Darren Millar has been a very strong supporter of the individuals in these posts. The individual armed forces liaison officer for north Wales, Llywydd, for example, has trained over 500 front-line staff since coming into post, and that has helped to raise awareness of the covenant, where this question started. I'm very glad, therefore, this afternoon—this morning; I'm so used to being here in the afternoon, Llywydd—this morning, very pleased to confirm that those posts will remain funded by the Welsh Government beyond April of next year.
Llywydd, diolchaf i Darren Millar am y cwestiwn ychwanegol yna, ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i ategu'r hyn y mae wedi ei ddweud am y gwaith eithriadol yr ydym ni wedi ei weld yng Nghymru o'n cyswllt â'r lluoedd arfog yn argyfwng y coronafeirws. Mae wedi bod yn rhan ryfeddol o hanes y tri mis diwethaf, y modd yr ydym ni wedi gallu manteisio ar gymorth personél y lluoedd arfog. Deuthum i arfer ar un adeg â gweld llawer o bobl mewn gwisgoedd dyletswydd ym Mharc Cathays mewn modd nad ydym ni erioed wedi ei weld o'r blaen, ac mae'r cymorth hwnnw yn cael ei dynnu yn ôl yn raddol erbyn hyn gan fod y systemau y mae'r lluoedd arfog wedi ein helpu i'w sefydlu yng Nghymru yn bodoli ac yn gynaliadwy ar gyfer y dyfodol. Felly, rwy'n falch dros ben o ategu'r hyn a ddywedodd Darren Millar yn y fan yna.
Llywydd, ysgrifennais at yr Aelod ar 16 Mehefin, gan addo y byddai'n cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am gyllid yn y dyfodol ar gyfer swyddogion cyswllt y lluoedd arfog cyn diwedd y tymor hwn. Ac rwy'n falch dros ben, felly, o allu cadarnhau y bore yma bod y Gweinidog, Hannah Blythyn, wedi gwneud y penderfyniad i fuddsoddi £275,000 arall ar gyfer pob un o'r ddwy flynedd nesaf, o fis Ebrill 2021 ymlaen, ac mae hynny er mwyn cynnal y gwaith hynod werthfawr y mae swyddogion cyswllt y lluoedd arfog wedi ei gyflawni. Gwn fod hwn yn syniad a gefnogwyd yn gryf iawn gan fy nghyd-Aelod Alun Davies, pan grëwyd y swyddi hyn, a gwn hefyd fod Darren Millar wedi bod yn gefnogwr brwd iawn o'r unigolion yn y swyddi hyn. Mae swyddog cyswllt unigol y lluoedd arfog ar gyfer gogledd Cymru, Llywydd, er enghraifft, wedi hyfforddi dros 500 o staff rheng-flaen ers dechrau yn y swydd, ac mae hynny wedi helpu i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r cyfamod, lle dechreuodd y cwestiwn hwn. Rwy'n falch iawn, felly, y prynhawn yma—y bore yma; rwyf i wedi arfer cymaint â bod yma yn y prynhawn, Llywydd—y bore yma, yn falch iawn o gadarnhau y bydd y swyddi hynny yn parhau i gael eu hariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru y tu hwnt i fis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf.
7. Pa asesiad sydd wedi'i wneud o sut y mae'r cyfyngiadau yn y gwasanaeth iechyd, a roddwyd ar waith i atal y pandemig, wedi effeithio ar y rhai y mae angen y GIG arnynt am resymau nad ydynt yn ymwneud â COVID-19? OQ55477
7. What assessment has been made of how restrictions in the health service, put in place to contain the pandemic, have impacted those needing the NHS for non-COVID-19 related reasons? OQ55477
Llywydd, exceptional measures have been needed to respond to the public health crisis we have faced in Wales. However, as the demand for coronavirus services reduces, non-COVID-19 services are resuming in all parts of the NHS.
Llywydd, bu angen mesurau eithriadol i ymateb i'r argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus yr ydym ni wedi ei wynebu yng Nghymru. Fodd bynnag, wrth i'r galw am wasanaethau coronafeirws leihau, mae gwasanaethau nad ydynt yn rhai COVID-19 yn ailddechrau ym mhob rhan o'r GIG.
Thank you for that answer, First Minister. The restrictions placed on maternity services have been particularly difficult for new and expectant parents. Expectant mothers are being told that they must attend anomaly scans on their own and that, even in the case of bad news, their partner can't be with them. Instead, they may be given written information they can go home with. Birthing partners are only allowed in once the mother has gone into established labour, and then they have to leave shortly after the baby's born. They're not allowed then to visit again. Even picking up their partner and new baby involves waiting outside, and, even if the baby needs to go into special care, only one parent is allowed in at a time to visit their newborn.
This particularly cruel restriction is in direct contravention of the advice issued during the pandemic by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, who say:
'At such a stressful time, it is important for both parents to be able to be present together, at least for part of the day'.
First Minister, similar restrictions are being lifted elsewhere in the UK. Scotland did so on Monday and their continuation here is causing anxiety to many parents to be. Can you tell worried, expectant parents across Wales when these restrictions will be lifted so they can, hopefully, share the joys of bringing a new life into the world, but also be with each other if they have to go through any heartbreaking experiences? And, on the off chance that they have been relaxed, why has no-one told the concerned expectant mothers?
Diolch am yr ateb yna, Prif Weinidog. Mae'r cyfyngiadau a osodwyd ar wasanaethau mamolaeth wedi bod yn arbennig o anodd i rieni newydd a'r rhai sy'n disgwyl plentyn. Dywedir wrth famau beichiog bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw fynd i sganiau anomaledd ar eu pennau eu hunain a, hyd yn oed pan fo newyddion drwg, ni chaiff eu partner fod gyda nhw. Yn hytrach, efallai y byddan nhw'n cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig y gallan nhw fynd â hi adref. Dim ond pan fydd y fam wedi mynd i esgoredigaeth sefydledig y caniateir partneriaid geni, ac yna mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw adael yn fuan ar ôl i'r babi gael ei eni. Dydyn nhw ddim yn cael ymweld eto wedyn. Mae hyd yn oed casglu eu partner a'u babi newydd yn golygu aros y tu allan, a hyd yn oed os bydd angen i'r babi fynd i ofal arbennig, dim ond un rhiant at y tro sy'n cael mynd i mewn i ymweld â'r baban newydd-anedig.
Mae'r cyfyngiad arbennig o greulon hwn yn mynd yn gwbl groes i'r cyngor a roddwyd yn ystod y pandemig gan y Coleg Brenhinol Pediatreg ac Iechyd Plant, sy'n dweud:
Ar adeg mor anodd, mae'n bwysig i'r ddau riant gael bod yn bresennol gyda'i gilydd, am ran o'r diwrnod o leiaf.
Prif Weinidog, mae cyfyngiadau tebyg yn cael eu llacio mewn mannau eraill yn y DU. Fe wnaeth yr Alban hynny ddydd Llun ac mae eu parhad yma yn peri pryder i lawer o ddarpar rieni. A allwch chi ddweud wrth ddarpar rieni gofidus ledled Cymru pryd y bydd y cyfyngiadau hyn yn cael eu codi fel y gallan nhw, gobeithio, rannu'r llawenydd o ddod â bywyd newydd i'r byd, ond hefyd bod gyda'i gilydd os bydd yn rhaid iddyn nhw fynd drwy unrhyw brofiadau torcalonnus? Ac, ar y siawns annhebygol eu bod nhw wedi cael eu llacio, pam nad oes neb wedi dweud wrth y mamau beichiog dan sylw?
Llywydd, I'm sorry, I just missed the very end of the question, but the points that were made in introducing the question are very real and important. All of us here will have heard from parents looking forward to the birth of a child and the additional pressure and indeed distress that they face because of the way that services have been provided during the crisis. But the answer as to why these restrictions have been in place is because of the particular vulnerability of people who are giving birth and the vulnerability of the new-born child; they've not been put in place for any reason other than to protect people's health. I can't give the Member, I'm afraid, a date in the way that she asks, because it won't be my decision; it will be the decision of clinicians, because it is the people who are in charge of the health of the mother and the baby who make the decisions here in Wales. And, when they are ready and they believe it is safe to do so, then of course they will want to lift some of those restrictions, because nobody wants to see them continue any longer than they need to.
Llywydd, mae'n ddrwg gen i, collais i ddiwedd un y cwestiwn, ond mae'r pwyntiau a wnaed wrth gyflwyno'r cwestiwn yn rhai real a phwysig iawn. Bydd pawb ohonom ni yn y fan yma wedi clywed gan rieni sy'n edrych ymlaen at enedigaeth plentyn a'r pwysau ychwanegol, a'r straen ychwanegol yn wir, y maen nhw'n ei wynebu oherwydd y ffordd y mae gwasanaethau wedi cael eu darparu yn ystod yr argyfwng. Ond yr ateb o ran pam mae'r cyfyngiadau hyn wedi bod ar waith yw oherwydd natur agored i niwed benodol pobl sy'n rhoi genedigaeth a natur agored i niwed y plentyn newydd-anedig; dydyn nhw ddim wedi cael eu rhoi ar waith am unrhyw reswm ac eithrio diogelu iechyd pobl. Ni allaf roi dyddiad i'r Aelod, mae arnaf i ofn, yn y modd y mae hi'n gofyn amdano, oherwydd nid fy mhenderfyniad i fydd hwnnw; penderfyniad i glinigwyr fydd ef, oherwydd y bobl sy'n gyfrifol am iechyd y fam a'r baban sy'n gwneud y penderfyniadau yma yng Nghymru. A phan fyddan nhw'n barod ac yn credu ei bod hi'n ddiogel i wneud hynny, yna wrth gwrs y byddan nhw eisiau llacio rhai o'r cyfyngiadau hynny, oherwydd nid oes neb eisiau eu gweld nhw'n parhau yn hwy nag y mae angen iddyn nhw ei wneud.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Finally, question 8, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
8. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gymorth i gynghorau tref a chymuned yn ystod y pandemig? OQ55474
8. Will the First Minister make a statement on support for town and community councils during the pandemic? OQ55474
Diolch i Rhun ap Iorwerth. Rydym yn cysylltu â'r sector i ddeall y pwysau sydd arno yn sgil COVID-19 er mwyn mynd i’r afael â phroblemau cyn gynted â phosibl. Mae cymorth amrywiol wedi'i ddarparu drwy reoliadau brys i alluogi cynghorau i weithredu'n ddiogel, yn effeithiol ac yn gyfreithlon, gan gadw'r egwyddorion o fod yn agored ac yn atebol.
May I thank Rhun ap Iorwerth? We are engaging with the sector to understand the pressures arising from COVID-19 to tackle problems as quickly as possible. A range of support has been provided through emergency regulations to enable councils to operate safely, effectively and lawfully, while retaining the principles of openness and accountability.
Diolch yn fawr am yr ymateb yna. Mae Cyngor Tref Caergybi wedi trio eu gorau dros y blynyddoedd i wella cyfleusterau i bobl y dref a'r ardal, ac un fenter sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn ydy ailagor sinema'r Empire. Fel gymaint o fusnesau, mi wnaeth yr Empire golli ei incwm yn llwyr oherwydd y pandemig. Mi wnaeth y cyngor gais am arian o'r gronfa gwytnwch economaidd, ond mi gafon nhw wrthod y cais hynny oherwydd bod y sinema yn cael ei redeg gan y cyngor a dydy o ddim yn endid busnes ohono fo ei hun. Mae hyn wedi creu problem fawr i'r cyngor. Mi gaiff sinemâu agor eto mewn cwpwl o wythnosau, ond mi hoffwn i chi ystyried un peth: mi fydd yna gyfyngiad ar eu gallu nhw i godi arian oherwydd na chawn nhw werthu bwyd a diod ar y ffordd i mewn. Mae hwnna'n un mater y byddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe buasech chi'n edrych arno fo. Ond, yn fwy cyffredinol, mi hoffwn i chi edrych ar y rheolau sydd yn golygu bod cyngor tref fel hyn wedi methu â chael gafael ar gymorth ariannol, achos dydw i ddim yn credu ei bod hi'n deg bod cyngor tref fel hyn yn cael ei gosbi am fod wedi trio creu menter ar gyfer eu pobl.
Thank you for that response. Holyhead Town Council has done its best over the years to improve facilities for the people of the town and the area, and one initiative that's been very successful is the reopening of the Empire cinema. Like so many businesses, the Empire lost its income entirely because of the pandemic. The council made a bid for funding from the economic resilience fund, but that was rejected, because the cinema was run by the council and wasn't a business entity in and of itself. This has created a major problem for the council. Cinemas will be allowed to open again in a few weeks' time, but I would like you to consider one thing: there will be a limitation on their ability to make money because they can't sell food and drink on the way in. That's one issue that I'd be grateful if you were to look at. But, more generally, I would like you to look at the rules that mean that a town council such as this has failed to access financial support, because I don't think it's fair that a town council like this one should be penalised for having tried to create an enterprise for its own people.
Llywydd, dyw Cyngor Tref Caergybi ddim yn cael ei gosbi o gwbl. Maen nhw'n gallu rhoi cais mewn am arian o'r Llywodraeth, achos maen nhw'n gallu rhoi cais mewn i gael arian o'r swm o £78 miliwn rŷn ni wedi ei roi i'r sector achos bod y cynghorau yn colli incwm, ac mae'r gronfa yna ar gael nid jest i'r prif awdurdodau lleol, ond hefyd i gyngor lleol fel Caergybi. So, y cyngor gorau i'r cyngor yw i roi cais i mewn—maen nhw'n gallu ei wneud e; mae'r arian yna. Rŷn ni yn gwybod, rŷn ni'n ymwybodol, am y sefyllfa mae Caergybi yn ei wynebu, achos maen nhw wedi codi mwy na hanner yr incwm maen nhw'n ei ddosbarthu trwy godi incwm—wel, llai na hanner—trwy godi'r precept, so maen nhw, mewn ffordd, hollol wahanol i'r mwyafrif mawr o'r cynghorau lleol, ond mae'r gronfa yna ar gael iddyn nhw, a'r cyngor gorau iddyn nhw yw paratoi cynllun a rhoi'r cynllun mewn i weld os rŷn ni'n gallu eu helpu nhw yn y ffordd yna.
Llywydd, Holyhead Town Council is not being penalised at all. They can access funding from Government, because they could apply for funding from the £78 million that we have given to the sector because the councils are losing income, and that fund is available not just for the main local authorities, but also for a local council such as Holyhead Town Council. So, the best advice for the council is to submit an application or a bid for that money. We are aware of the situation that Holyhead is facing, because they've raised more than half the income they distribute by raising income—well, less than half—by raising the precept, so it's in a totally different situation to the vast majority of local councils, but that fund is available to them, and the best advice for them is to prepare a plan or a bid and submit that bid to see whether we can support them in that manner.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes. Dwi'n galw'r Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad hwnnw. Rebecca Evans.
The next item is the business statement and announcement. I call on the Trefnydd to make that statement. Rebecca Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd. There's one change to today's agenda: the motions on the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 6) Regulations and No. 7 regulations have been withdrawn, and draft business for the next three sitting weeks is set out in the business statement and announcement, which is available amongst the papers that have been made available electronically to Members.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae un newid i agenda heddiw: mae'r cynigion ar Reoliadau Diogelu Iechyd (Cyfyngiadau Coronafeirws) (Cymru) (Diwygio) (Rhif 6) a Rheoliadau Rhif 7 wedi'u tynnu'n ôl, ac mae busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos eistedd nesaf wedi'i nodi yn y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, sydd ar gael ymhlith y papurau sydd wedi'u darparu'n electronig i Aelodau.
I think it's a great shame, Trefnydd, that those particular regulations have been withdrawn without the opportunity for a debate on the action that has been taken on the coronavirus restrictions over the past six weeks in terms of the items that were contained in those restrictions, and I very much hope that the Welsh Government will reflect on providing an opportunity for Members of the Senedd to consider these matters perhaps in a different way through take-note debates in the future, prior to actual votes on regulations.
Can I call for two statements today, please, from the Welsh Government—the first in relation to tourism, in order to get some clarity on the reopening of permanent fairgrounds in Wales? I appreciate that the Welsh Government has taken the decision that, at the moment, funfairs must remain closed in Wales, but there are theme parks in Wales, which are allowed to open at the moment, and it does appear to be quite an inconsistency, when you consider that they're very similar sorts of operations in terms of making those facilities safe for people to visit. Businesses in my own constituency have lost quite a considerable amount of trade this last weekend, and I think it's imperative that we do whatever we can to make sure that they don't lose that business for future weekends. So, if we could have a statement on that, I'd be very grateful.
And, secondly, can I also call for a statement in relation to the future of local resilience forums in Wales? The National Association of Funeral Directors have called for a permanent presence on local resilience forums in order that they can be part of the planning process for future pandemics and other matters, so I think that should be considered and wonder whether we could have a statement on the matter. Thank you.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn drueni mawr, Trefnydd, bod y rheoliadau penodol hynny wedi'u tynnu'n ôl heb gyfle i gael dadl ar y camau sydd wedi'u cymryd ar y cyfyngiadau coronafeirws yn ystod y chwe wythnos diwethaf o ran yr eitemau a oedd wedi'u cynnwys yn y cyfyngiadau hynny, ac rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystyried rhoi cyfle i Aelodau'r Senedd roi ystyriaeth i'r materion hyn mewn ffordd wahanol, efallai drwy ddadleuon, i nodi mater yn y dyfodol, cyn pleidleisio mewn gwirionedd ar reoliadau.
A gaf i alw am ddau ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru heddiw, os gwelwch yn dda,—y cyntaf o ran twristiaeth, er mwyn cael rhywfaint o eglurder ar ailagor ffeiriau parhaol yng Nghymru? Rwy'n sylweddoli bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi penderfynu, ar hyn o bryd, fod yn rhaid i ffeiriau fod ar gau yng Nghymru. Ond mae parciau thema yng Nghymru yn cael agor ar hyn o bryd, ac mae'n ymddangos yn eithaf anghyson, o ystyried bod eu gweithredu yn debyg iawn o safbwynt sicrhau bod y cyfleusterau'n ddiogel i bobl ymweld â nhw. Mae busnesau yn fy etholaeth i fy hun wedi colli cryn dipyn o fasnach yn ystod y penwythnos diwethaf, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn hanfodol gwneud yr hyn a allwn ni i sicrhau nad ydyn nhw'n colli'r busnes hwnnw ar benwythnosau yn y dyfodol. Felly, os gallwn ni gael datganiad ar hynny, byddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn.
Ac yn ail, a gaf i hefyd alw am ddatganiad ar ddyfodol fforymau lleol Cymru Gydnerth? Mae'r Gymdeithas Genedlaethol Trefnwyr Angladdau wedi galw am bresenoldeb parhaol ar fforymau lleol Cymru Gydnerth er mwyn iddyn nhw allu bod yn rhan o'r broses gynllunio ar gyfer pandemigau yn y dyfodol a materion eraill, felly rwy'n credu y dylai hynny gael ei ystyried ac yn tybio a oes modd inni gael datganiad ar y mater. Diolch.
Thank you to Darren Millar for raising those issues and, of course, we had the opportunity to discuss the first issue that he raised, in terms of when we debate our regulations, at some length in the Business Committee earlier this week, and I know that there'll be some further discussions between the Llywydd and the Government on that particular issue looking ahead.
In terms of tourism, I'll certainly seek that clarity that you're requiring in terms of the permanent fairgrounds and ensure that we find the best way to update Members on that, because I think the point that you make is important. As we start opening up more and more of our economy, then clearly there will be individual cases and individual types of business who want more detail on what it means for them, so I'll pursue that on your behalf.
On the issue of local resilience fora, I know that the Minister with responsibility for local government will be, obviously, listening to this, and will be taking into consideration the future of those fora as we move forward out of the crisis phrase and into the stabilisation and recovery phases.
Diolch i Darren Millar am godi'r materion hynny ac, wrth gwrs, cawsom gyfle i drafod yn helaeth y mater cyntaf a gododd, o ran pryd y byddwn ni'n trafod ein rheoliadau, yn y Pwyllgor Busnes yn gynharach yr wythnos hon, ac fe wn i y bydd trafodaethau pellach rhwng y Llywydd a'r Llywodraeth ar y mater penodol hwnnw yn y dyfodol.
O ran twristiaeth, yn sicr, byddaf i'n ceisio'r eglurder hwnnw y gofynnwch amdano o ran y ffeiriau parhaol a sicrhau ein bod ni'n dod o hyd i'r ffordd orau o roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau ynghylch hynny, oherwydd rwy'n credu bod y pwynt yr ydych chi'n ei wneud yn bwysig. Wrth ddechrau agor mwy a mwy o'n heconomi, yna mae'n amlwg y bydd achosion unigol a mathau unigol o fusnes sydd eisiau mwy o fanylion am yr hyn y mae'n ei olygu iddyn nhw, felly byddaf i'n mynd ar drywydd hynny ar eich rhan.
O ran fforymau lleol Cymru Gydnerth, rwy'n gwybod y bydd y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am lywodraeth leol yn gwrando ar hyn, yn amlwg, ac y bydd yn ystyried dyfodol y fforymau hynny wrth inni symud ymlaen o'r cyfnod argyfwng ac i'r cyfnod sefydlogi a gwella.
Many community-based carers have worked right throughout the COVID crisis, and we know that staff and residents in care homes are being tested on a regular basis, whether they have symptoms or not. Carers who go into people's homes in the community are only tested if they're showing symptoms, which is a problem when we know that people can infect others when they don't show symptoms, and a single carer in the community can therefore infect potentially hundreds of people without even knowing that they're carrying COVID. So, can we have a statement on testing policy? Improved test and trace, we've been told, is key if we're to reduce the risk of a second wave; specifically, I'd like a statement that addresses this point about testing asymptomatic workers who come into close contact with the most vulnerable. We've got the spare testing capacity, and we have one chance to prevent a second wave—let's not waste that chance.
Mae llawer o ofalwyr yn y gymuned wedi gweithio drwy gydol yr argyfwng COVID, a gwyddom fod staff a phreswylwyr mewn cartrefi gofal yn cael eu profi'n rheolaidd, pa un a oes ganddyn nhw symptomau ai peidio. Mae gofalwyr sy'n mynd i mewn i gartrefi pobl yn y gymuned yn cael eu profi dim ond os ydyn nhw'n dangos symptomau, sy'n broblem pan rydym yn gwybod y gall pobl heintio eraill pan nad ydyn nhw'n dangos symptomau, ac felly gall un gofalwr yn y gymuned heintio cannoedd o bobl heb wybod ei fod yn cario COVID hyd yn oed. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad ar y polisi profi? Mae gwell system profi ac olrhain, dywedwyd wrthym, yn allweddol os ydym eisiau lleihau risg ail don; yn benodol, hoffwn gael datganiad sy'n rhoi sylw i'r pwynt hwn ynglŷn â phrofi gweithwyr asymptomatig sy'n dod i gysylltiad agos â'r bobl fwyaf agored i niwed. Mae gennym ni gapasiti profi sbâr, ac mae gennym un cyfle i atal ail don—gadewch inni beidio â gwastraffu'r cyfle hwnnw.
Thank you for raising this issue, and I do know that the Minister for health has been working on the next iteration of the testing strategy, and that there will be an announcement and publication along those lines very shortly. And, obviously, he will have heard what you've said in terms of community-based carers and how we ensure that tests are available for all of those people who would require them and benefit from them.
Diolch am godi'r mater hwn, ac rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog iechyd wedi bod yn gweithio ar fersiwn nesaf y strategaeth brofi, ac y bydd hysbysiad a chyhoeddiad am hynny cyn bo hir. Ac yn amlwg, bydd wedi clywed yr hyn yr ydych chi wedi'i ddweud am ofalwyr yn y gymuned a sut yr ydym ni'n sicrhau bod profion ar gael i'r holl bobl hynny sydd eu hangen ac a fyddai'n elwa arnynt.
I think, business Minister, we've all been very grateful to Ministers who have taken the time to make a series of public statements on what their response has been to the developing coronavirus crisis, and I think the communications of Welsh Government have been absolutely first class. The way that Ministers have enabled scrutiny to take place, both within the public arena and here, has been absolutely beyond comparison, particularly with the chaos on the other end of the M4. However, there are certain statements that should be made to this place first, and the need for parliamentary scrutiny is different to the need for public scrutiny. And particularly where statements are made that will involve changes to the law and changes to rates of taxation, they should be made to this place before they're made in the public environment, to enable that scrutiny to take place. So, I would seek the support of the Presiding Officer as well in these matters, protecting the rights of this Parliament, and of the Government in ensuring that statements are made to this place, and that the inevitable and correct public scrutiny that Ministers face can do so as well, but I don't believe it should happen instead of parliamentary scrutiny, and so I hope the Government will respond positively to that.
At the same, we also know that we are meeting twice over the summer months in order to take some decisions with regard to legislation; I strongly support the recall of this place to do that work. But I'm also aware, and I saw a story in the Financial Times on the weekend, that the United Kingdom Government is railroading legislation that could severely constrain the powers of this place and our right to exercise those powers. I hope that the Welsh Government and the Presiding Office will look favourably at any Member who seeks to raise these matters when we meet during August in order to deal with coronavirus regulations, because I do believe the threats from the United Kingdom Government to the powers that the Welsh people have sought to rest in this place are not something that we should wait to address. The right of this place to articulate its view should be given an opportunity during the summer months, if that is necessary.
Rwy'n credu, Trefnydd, ein bod ni i gyd wedi bod yn ddiolchgar iawn i Weinidogion sydd wedi rhoi o'u hamser i wneud cyfres o ddatganiadau cyhoeddus ar beth fu eu hymateb i'r argyfwng coronafeirws datblygol, ac rwy'n credu bod y cyfathrebu gan Lywodraeth Cymru wedi bod o'r radd flaenaf. Mae'r ffordd y mae Gweinidogion wedi galluogi bod craffu yn digwydd, o fewn y maes cyhoeddus ac yma, wedi bod y tu hwnt i gymhariaeth yn llwyr, yn enwedig gyda'r anhrefn ar ben arall yr M4. Fodd bynnag, mae rhai datganiadau y dylid eu gwneud i'r lle hwn yn gyntaf, ac mae'r angen am graffu seneddol yn wahanol i'r angen am graffu cyhoeddus. A phan fo datganiadau'n cael eu gwneud a fydd yn cynnwys newidiadau i'r gyfraith a newidiadau i gyfraddau trethiant, yna dylid eu gwneud gerbron y lle hwn cyn iddyn nhw gael eu gwneud yn y byd cyhoeddus, er mwyn galluogi'r gwaith craffu hwnnw i ddigwydd. Felly, byddwn i'n gofyn am gefnogaeth y Llywydd hefyd i'r materion hyn, gan ddiogelu hawliau'r Senedd hon, a'r Llywodraeth, i sicrhau bod datganiadau'n cael eu gwneud i'r lle hwn, ac y gall y craffu cyhoeddus anochel a chywir y mae'r Gweinidogion yn ei wynebu wneud hynny hefyd, ond nid wyf yn credu y dylai ddigwydd yn lle craffu seneddol. Felly rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Llywodraeth yn ymateb yn gadarnhaol i hynny.
Ar yr un pryd, rydym hefyd yn gwybod ein bod yn cyfarfod ddwywaith yn ystod misoedd yr haf er mwyn gwneud rhai penderfyniadau o ran deddfwriaeth; rwyf yn daer o blaid ailgynnull i wneud y gwaith hwnnw. Ond rwy'n ymwybodol hefyd, ac fe welais i stori yn y Financial Times ar y penwythnos, fod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn gweithredu deddfwriaeth ar frys a allai gyfyngu'n ddifrifol ar bwerau'r lle hwn a'n hawl ni i arfer y pwerau hynny. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru a Swyddfa'r Llywydd yn edrych yn ffafriol ar unrhyw Aelod sy'n ceisio codi'r materion hyn pan fyddwn ni'n cyfarfod yn ystod mis Awst er mwyn ymdrin â rheoliadau coronafeirws, oherwydd rwy'n credu nad yw'r bygythiadau gan Lywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig i'r pwerau y mae pobl Cymru wedi ceisio eu rhoi yn y lle hwn yn rhywbeth y dylem ni aros i fynd i'r afael â nhw. Dylid rhoi cyfle i'r lle hwn fynegi ei farn yn ystod misoedd yr haf, os oes angen.
I thank Alun Davies certainly for his opening remarks, in terms of the way in which the Welsh Government has embraced scrutiny and has been as open and transparent as possible throughout the crisis.
I take on board his criticism regarding the recent statement on land transaction tax. The only thing I will say is that the pace of decision making has been extraordinary, and the number of decisions that are taken on a daily basis is extraordinary. Of course, we only have very limited time in the Chamber, but I take on board the criticism that he's made, and I do share his concerns about the threat to devolution and to the powers of the Senedd in terms of the way in which the UK Government has sought to move forward through this crisis, but then also in terms of as we approach our exit, or as we approach the end of the year with the potential crashing out and a 'no deal' Brexit. So, there are, clearly, large areas of concern that we share there.
Rwy'n diolch i Alun Davies yn sicr am ei sylwadau agoriadol, o ran y ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi croesawu craffu ac wedi bod mor agored a thryloyw â phosib drwy gydol yr argyfwng.
Rwy'n derbyn ei feirniadaeth ynghylch y datganiad diweddar ar y dreth trafodiadau tir. Yr unig beth y byddaf i'n ei ddweud yw bod cyflymder y broses benderfynu wedi bod yn rhyfeddol, ac mae nifer y penderfyniadau sy'n cael eu gwneud bob dydd yn rhyfeddol. Wrth gwrs, nid oes gennym ond ychydig iawn o amser yn y Siambr, ond rwy'n derbyn y feirniadaeth a wnaeth ef, ac rwyf yn rhannu ei bryderon ynghylch y bygythiad i ddatganoli ac i bwerau'r Senedd o ran y modd y mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi ceisio symud ymlaen drwy'r argyfwng hwn, ond hefyd o ran y ffordd yr ydym ni'n nesáu at adael, neu wrth i ni nesáu at ddiwedd y flwyddyn gyda'r posibilrwydd o adael yn ddi-drefn gyda Brexit heb gytundeb. Felly, yn amlwg, rydyn ni'n rhannu meysydd sy'n peri pryder mawr.
Business manager, I would like to understand why the Government haven't tabled a statement today from the health Minister, who will be making, as I understand it, through the Government press conference, an announcement on the new testing regime that the Government are bringing forward. I did raise it with the First Minister, but it should be on the floor of the Chamber that the health Minister is making this statement and not from the comfort of the lectern in Cathays Park. It's just not good enough that such statements are being made from Cathays Park at 12:30, when I am currently advised on the internet that he will be talking about the testing regime, and we, as Members, are sitting here in the bay listening to other matters. This is a key part of making sure that there isn't a second spike or a second outbreak through the Government's programme, and to date the testing regime has failed miserably, as the figures I put to the First Minister show. Can you enlighten me as to why the health Minister is not making a statement to the Senedd, as opposed to the press conference in Cathays Park?
Secondly, can I seek clarity from you or someone within Government as to the guidance about marriages? In August, you will be able to get married in a registry office or a church, but, regrettably, you will not be able to get married at another venue that, traditionally, has been licensed for a wedding ceremony. I do believe that this is an anomaly, and I'd be grateful if the Government could look at this, because in my own South Wales Central area I have businesses that have converted properties to become marriage venues, yet they won't be able to undertake the ceremony at the facilities in which they've invested considerable sums of money. So, could I seek clarity as to why it is only registry offices and churches that will be able to perform weddings, as opposed to other venues that, traditionally, have been licensed to undertake such a ceremony?
Rheolwr busnes, hoffwn i ddeall pam nad yw'r Llywodraeth wedi cyflwyno datganiad heddiw gan y Gweinidog iechyd, a fydd, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, yn gwneud cyhoeddiad, drwy gynhadledd y Llywodraeth i'r wasg, ar y drefn brofi newydd y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei chyflwyno. Fe wnes i ei godi gyda'r Prif Weinidog, ond ar lawr y Siambr y dylai'r Gweinidog iechyd fod yn gwneud y datganiad hwn ac nid o gysur y ddarllenfa ym Mharc Cathays. Nid yw'n ddigon da bod datganiadau o'r fath yn cael eu gwneud o Barc Cathays am 12:30, pan mae'r we ar hyn o bryd yn rhoi gwybod imi y bydd yn siarad am y drefn brofi, ac rydym ni'r Aelodau yn eistedd yma yn y Bae yn gwrando ar faterion eraill. Mae hyn yn rhan allweddol o sicrhau nad oes ail frig neu ail achos drwy raglen y Llywodraeth, a hyd yn hyn mae'r drefn brofi wedi methu'n druenus, fel y dengys y ffigurau a gyflwynir gennyf i i'r Prif Weinidog. A allwch chi fy ngoleuo i ynghylch pam nad yw'r Gweinidog iechyd yn gwneud datganiad i'r Senedd, yn hytrach na'r gynhadledd i'r wasg ym Mharc Cathays?
Yn ail, a gaf i ofyn am eglurhad gennych chi neu rywun yn y Llywodraeth ynghylch y canllawiau ar briodasau? Ym mis Awst, byddwch yn gallu priodi mewn swyddfa gofrestru neu eglwys, ond, yn anffodus, ni fyddwch yn gallu priodi mewn lleoliad arall sydd, yn draddodiadol, wedi cael ei drwyddedu ar gyfer seremoni briodas. Rwy'n credu bod hyn yn anomaledd, a byddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe gallai'r Llywodraeth edrych ar hyn, oherwydd yn fy ardal i, Canol De Cymru, mae yna fusnesau sydd wedi addasu eiddo i fod yn lleoliadau priodasau, ac eto i gyd ni fyddant yn gallu cynnal y seremoni yn y cyfleusterau lle maen nhw wedi buddsoddi symiau sylweddol o arian ynddynt. Felly, a oes modd imi ofyn am eglurhad ynghylch pam mai swyddfeydd cofrestru ac eglwysi yn unig fydd yn gallu cynnal priodasau, yn hytrach na lleoliadau eraill sydd, yn draddodiadol, wedi cael trwydded i gynnal seremoni o'r fath?
On Andrew R.T. Davies's first point, I would just refer him to the answer that I have just given to Alun Davies, who raised a similar concern. But, in terms of the marriage ceremonies, I can reassure you that the Welsh Government is looking closely at the issue of how we can open up those other venues that are not registry offices or places of worship. As soon as we are able to say more on that, I can assure you that we will.
O ran pwynt cyntaf Andrew R.T. Davies, byddwn i'n ei gyfeirio at yr ateb yr wyf i newydd ei roi i Alun Davies, a gododd bryder tebyg. Ond, o ran y seremonïau priodas, gallaf eich sicrhau bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn edrych yn ofalus ar sut y gallwn ni agor y lleoliadau eraill hynny nad ydyn nhw'n swyddfeydd cofrestru nac yn addoldai. Pan fyddwn yn gallu dweud mwy am hynny, byddwn yn sicr yn gwneud hynny.
A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad ynglŷn ag arian i'r celfyddydau? Mae pryderon mawr wedi codi am y £59 miliwn a gyhoeddwyd ac a adroddwyd yn eang wythnos diwethaf. Mae'n ymddangos bellach nad ydy'r swm yma ar gael, ac nad oes yna ddim byd yn agos at y swm yma ar gael i sector y celfyddydau yng Nghymru wedi'r cwbl. Mae angen eglurer. I ddechrau, faint o arian fydd ar gael i'r sector? Yn ail, sut fydd unrhyw arian newydd yn cael ei rannu ar draws y celfyddydau? Mae'n hynod siomedig nad ydy'r eglurder yna ddim ar gael, a byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi cael datganiad buan gan y Llywodraeth, os gwelwch yn dda.
May I ask for a statement on funding for the arts? There are huge concerns that have been raised about the £59 million that was announced and broadly reported last week. It appears now that this sum of money is not available, and there's nothing near that sum available for the arts sector in Wales after all. We need clarity. First of all, how much money will be available for the sector? Secondly, how will any new funding be distributed across the arts? It's extremely disappointing that we don't have that clarity, and I would appreciate an early statement from the Government, please.
Yes, a great deal of work is going on in this particular area, and I know that my colleague the Minister for International Relations and the Welsh Language yesterday met with the Arts Council of Wales, which has been putting together a proposal, which would come forward, then, to Welsh Government with a view to drawing down some funding from the COVID reserve that we've established. I haven't yet seen that proposal, but, again, as soon as we do have a proposal we will seek to make an early decision in order to provide a statement with the clarity on the decisions that have been made.
Oes, mae llawer iawn o waith yn cael ei wneud yn y maes penodol hwn, ac rwy'n gwybod bod fy nghyd-Weinidog, Gweinidog y Gymraeg a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol, wedi cwrdd ddoe â Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, sydd wedi bod yn llunio cynnig, a fyddai'n cael ei gyflwyno i Lywodraeth Cymru gyda golwg ar gael rhywfaint o arian o'r gronfa COVID yr ydym wedi ei sefydlu. Nid wyf wedi gweld y cynnig hwnnw eto ond, unwaith eto, cyn gynted ag y bydd gennym ni gynnig, byddwn ni'n ceisio gwneud penderfyniad buan er mwyn darparu datganiad sy'n egluro'r penderfyniadau a wnaed.
Minister, I would associate myself with the remarks made by Alun Davies earlier. Last week, we saw £470 million of health board debts written off announced in a press conference and, as an Assembly Member representing a health board that has always operated in the black in one of the poorest parts of Wales, I would have liked the opportunity to scrutinise that.
However, my main reason for speaking today is to ask for a statement on the ongoing impact of lockdown on those living with dementia. Last week, the cross-party group heard from people living with dementia about the immense and heartbreaking impact that lockdown has had on their lives. It was sobering, it was hard hitting and it was very upsetting. I'd like to ask for a statement, as I've highlighted previously with the First Minister the high numbers of people dying from dementia not from COVID during lockdown. There are also continued concerns about lack of access to memory clinic assessments going forward, and it is crucial that that work is addressed as a matter of urgency. So, I'd like to call for that written statement, a detailed statement, as a matter of urgency. Thank you.
Gweinidog, rwy'n cysylltu fy hun â'r sylwadau a wnaeth Alun Davies yn gynharach. Yr wythnos diwethaf, cafodd £470 miliwn o ddyledion byrddau iechyd eu dileu mewn cynhadledd i'r wasg ac, fel Aelod Cynulliad sy'n cynrychioli bwrdd iechyd sydd bob amser wedi gweithredu mewn elw yn un o rannau tlotaf Cymru, byddwn i wedi hoffi cael y cyfle i graffu ar hynny.
Fodd bynnag, fy mhrif reswm dros siarad heddiw yw gofyn am ddatganiad ar effaith barhaus y cyfyngiadau symud ar y rhai sy'n byw gyda dementia. Yr wythnos diwethaf, clywodd y grŵp trawsbleidiol gan bobl sy'n byw gyda dementia am yr effaith anferthol a thorcalonnus a gafodd y cyfyngiadau symud ar eu bywydau. Roedd yn frawychus, roedd yn ergyd drom ac yn ofid mawr. Hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad, gan fy mod wedi tynnu sylw'r Prif Weinidog o'r blaen at y niferoedd uchel o bobl sy'n marw o ddementia, nid COVID, yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud. Hefyd mae pryderon o hyd am y diffyg cyfle i fanteisio ar asesiadau clinig cof wrth symud ymlaen, ac mae'n hollbwysig mynd i'r afael â'r gwaith hwnnw fel mater o frys. Felly, hoffwn i alw am y datganiad ysgrifenedig hwnnw, datganiad manwl, fel mater o frys. Diolch.
Okay, thank you. And again, I note the opening remarks that you made, and obviously I'll be having some further discussions with colleagues about this particular issue. But in terms of your request for a statement on dementia, I think the health Minister will have heard that particular request, and I'm sure that he'll be keen to share what the Welsh Government has been doing to support people with dementia through what's been an incredibly difficult time, and potentially especially more so for people who are living with dementia and their families. So, I will liaise with the health Minister on that particular issue.
Iawn, diolch. Ac unwaith eto, rwy'n nodi'r sylwadau agoriadol a wnaethoch, ac yn amlwg byddaf i'n cael rhai trafodaethau pellach gyda chydweithwyr ynghylch y mater penodol hwn. Ond o ran eich cais am ddatganiad ar ddementia, rwy'n credu y bydd y Gweinidog iechyd wedi clywed y cais penodol hwnnw, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn awyddus i rannu'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ei wneud i gefnogi pobl â dementia yn ystod y cyfnod hynod anodd hwn, ac o bosib yn fwy felly i bobl sy'n byw gyda dementia a'u teuluoedd. Felly, byddaf i'n cysylltu â'r Gweinidog iechyd ynghylch y mater penodol hwnnw.
I would like to endorse the request for the statement with regard to the testing of our social care workers and domiciliary care providers providing care in the community, in other words in their own homes. Last month, after several weeks of the care home testing debacle here in Wales, I asked the health Minister as to what steps they were taking to test those going into vulnerable people's homes. He agreed with my concerns and actually acknowledged that the WLGA have raised issues also. I've heard nothing since. So, I would like to endorse Leanne Wood's comments: can we have a detailed statement? I want to be advised of how many of those delivering care to our most vulnerable in their own homes have actually yet received a COVID-19 test. Thank you.
Hoffwn i ategu'r cais am y datganiad ynglŷn â phrofi ein gweithwyr gofal cymdeithasol a darparwyr gofal cartref sy'n rhoi gofal yn y gymuned, mewn geiriau eraill yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Fis diwethaf, ar ôl sawl wythnos o'r llanastr profi mewn cartrefi gofal yng Nghymru, gofynnais i'r Gweinidog iechyd pa gamau yr oedden nhw'n eu cymryd i brofi'r rhai sy'n mynd i gartrefi pobl sy'n agored i niwed. Roedd ef yn cytuno â fy mhryderon ac yn cydnabod bod Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru wedi mynegi pryderon hefyd. Nid wyf wedi clywed unrhyw beth ers hynny. Felly, hoffwn i ategu sylwadau Leanne Wood: a allwn ni gael datganiad manwl? Hoffwn gael gwybod faint o'r rhai sy'n darparu gofal i'r bobl sydd fwyaf agored i niwed, yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, sydd wedi cael prawf COVID-19 mewn gwirionedd. Diolch.
Again, I just would refer you to the answer that I gave to Leanne Wood in relation to the new testing strategy. But also, I will be sure after this session today to have that conversation with the health Minister with regard to the concerns that both you and Leanne Wood have raised regarding people who are working in the social care sector but are doing it within people's homes, so providing domiciliary care and other forms of support within the community.
Unwaith eto, hoffwn eich cyfeirio at yr ateb a roddais i Leanne Wood ynglŷn â'r strategaeth brofi newydd. Ond hefyd, ar ôl y sesiwn hon heddiw, byddaf i'n sicr o gael y sgwrs honno gyda'r Gweinidog iechyd am y pryderon yr ydych chi a Leanne Wood wedi'u codi ynghylch pobl sy'n gweithio yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol ond sy'n gwneud hynny yng nghartrefi pobl, gan ddarparu gofal cartref a mathau eraill o gymorth yn y gymuned.
I'd like a statement on the testing of the nuclear mud from Hinkley Point nuclear power station, or the lack of it, really. We heard last week that an expert panel had been set up without a process of public application. I'm really concerned that some key experts in nuclear physics—scientists—have been left out of that group, which is a concern. But the very simple statement I want is, simply, if scientists are saying that the mud is contaminated with plutonium—they say they're convinced it's contaminated—why on earth isn't the Government insisting on the mud being tested for plutonium? It beggars belief. A very simple statement.
Hoffwn i gael datganiad ar brofi'r mwd niwclear o orsaf bŵer niwclear Hinkley Point, neu ddiffyg hynny, mewn gwirionedd. Clywsom yr wythnos diwethaf fod panel o arbenigwyr wedi'i sefydlu heb broses o gais cyhoeddus. Rwy'n bryderus iawn bod rhai arbenigwyr allweddol mewn ffiseg niwclear—gwyddonwyr—wedi cael eu hepgor o'r grŵp hwnnw, sy'n destun pryder. Ond y datganiad syml iawn yr wyf yn dymuno ei gael yw hyn: os yw gwyddonwyr yn dweud bod y mwd wedi'i halogi gan blwtoniwm—dywedant eu bod yn argyhoeddedig ei fod wedi'i halogi—pam ar y ddaear nad yw'r Llywodraeth yn mynnu bod y mwd yn cael ei brofi am blwtoniwm? Mae'n anghredadwy. Datganiad syml iawn.
Could I ask you to write to the Minister with that concern and with your suggestions of people who might have something useful to contribute to this debate?
A gaf i ofyn ichi ysgrifennu at y Gweinidog yn mynegi'r pryder hwnnw, gyda'ch awgrymiadau ynghylch pobl a allai fod â rhywbeth defnyddiol i'w gyfrannu at y ddadl hon?
I would like a statement about the new street layouts being introduced across Wales to support social distancing and rightly revitalising our town centres and helping us to socialise once again. But many of those layouts will present challenges to people with sight loss and they should, in my opinion, be equality impact assessed to ensure that they don't exclude the most vulnerable of people. The Royal National Institute of Blind People has proposed a coronavirus code of courtesy, and that, indeed, would help us all to develop mutual respect, to share spaces safely in what will now become the new normal. They and other charities are calling for the Welsh Government to raise public awareness of the challenge that social distancing will pose for disabled people.
I want to also, at the same time, thank all those people in local authority areas who've worked so hard to reorganise the streets in, very often, their own time, and the charities that have been involved in giving that advice. But what's imperative here is that the Government gives a clear statement about the respect agenda for all.
Hoffwn gael datganiad am y cynlluniau newydd ar gyfer strydoedd sy'n cael eu cyflwyno ledled Cymru i gefnogi ymbellhau cymdeithasol ac, yn briodol, i adfywio canol trefi a'n helpu ni i gymdeithasu unwaith eto. Ond bydd llawer o'r cynlluniau hyn yn cyflwyno heriau i bobl sydd wedi colli eu golwg, a dylid, yn fy marn i, asesu'r cynlluniau hyn o ran effaith ar gydraddoldeb i sicrhau nad ydynt yn eithrio'r bobl sydd fwyaf agored i niwed. Mae Sefydliad Cenedlaethol Brenhinol y Deillion wedi cynnig cod cwrteisi coronafeirws, a byddai hwnnw, yn wir, yn ein helpu ni i gyd i ddatblygu parch y naill at y llall, i rannu gofod yn ddiogel yn y normal newydd. Maen nhw ac elusennau eraill yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd o'r her y bydd ymbellhau cymdeithasol yn ei hachosi i bobl anabl.
Hoffwn ddiolch hefyd, ar yr un pryd, i'r holl bobl hynny yn yr ardaloedd awdurdodau lleol sydd wedi gweithio mor galed i ad-drefnu'r strydoedd yn eu hamser eu hunain, yn aml iawn, a'r elusennau a fu'n ymwneud â rhoi'r cyngor hwnnw. Ond yr hyn sy'n hanfodol yma yw bod y Llywodraeth yn rhoi datganiad clir am yr agenda parch i bawb.
I thank Joyce Watson for raising that and I agree completely with everything that she has said. The RNIB work, for example, is really important in terms of ensuring that, when we consider how we refocus the public realm, we do so in a way that is inclusive and doesn't cause unnecessary and additional trouble for people who are disabled, whether it be through visual impairment or other ways in which people become disabled, by the society that is around them. I think it really reminds us, doesn't it, of the importance of the social model of disability and the importance of adapting our society to ensure that everybody can play their part and do so in an inclusive way.
I know that the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip has taken a particular interest in this in terms of the advice that she is receiving and seeking from the equality sector, which can help ensure that, when we do adapt to the new normal, it's a new normal that is inclusive.
Rwy'n diolch i Joyce Watson am godi hynny ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr â phopeth a ddywedodd. Mae gwaith yr RNIB, er enghraifft, yn bwysig iawn, pan fyddwn ni'n ystyried sut yr ydym yn ad-drefnu'r amgylchedd i'r cyhoedd, i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gwneud hynny mewn modd cynhwysol a heb achosi trafferthion diangen ac ychwanegol i bobl sy'n anabl, boed hynny oherwydd nam ar y golwg neu fathau eraill o anableddau, gan y gymdeithas sydd o'u cwmpas nhw. Yn fy marn i, mae hyn yn ein hatgoffa ni am bwysigrwydd y model cymdeithasol o anabledd a phwysigrwydd addasu ein cymdeithas i sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu chwarae eu rhan a gwneud hynny mewn ffordd sy'n gynhwysol.
Fe wn i fod y Dirprwy Weinidog a'r Prif Chwip wedi cymryd diddordeb arbennig yn hyn o ran y cyngor y mae'n ei gael ac yn ei geisio gan y sector cydraddoldeb, a all helpu i sicrhau, pan fyddwn yn addasu i'r normal newydd, ei fod yn normal newydd sy'n gynhwysol.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
I thank the Trefnydd.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r cwestiynau i Weinidog yr Economi, Trafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Delyth Jewell.
The next item is questions to the Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales, and the first question is from Delyth Jewell.
1. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gwelliannau i'r M4 o amgylch ardal Twneli Brynglas yn y dyfodol? OQ55468
1. Will the Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government’s plans for future improvements to the M4 around the Brynglas Tunnels area? OQ55468
Yes, of course. We've accepted the first round of recommendations from the South East Wales Transport Commission and we're now undertaking the relevant statutory procedures to implement them. We also look forward to receiving further recommendations from the commission this year.
Gwnaf, wrth gwrs. Rydym wedi derbyn y rownd gyntaf o argymhellion gan Gomisiwn Trafnidiaeth De-ddwyrain Cymru ac rydym nawr yn ymgymryd â'r gweithdrefnau statudol perthnasol i'w gweithredu. Edrychwn ymlaen at dderbyn argymhellion pellach hefyd gan y Comisiwn eleni.
I thank the Minister for his answer. I'm sure that the residents of Newport will be pleased to see further progress in this area, and a proposal that will alleviate the congestion in the area while at the same time respecting the Senedd's commitment to reducing our carbon output.
Now, Minister, last week, Boris Johnson said that his UK Government intends to allow a bypass to be built over the Gwent levels. The decision about the bypass is a devolved matter and the Welsh Government, as you will know, took the decision last year that it would not be built on cost and environment grounds, following years of debate in this Senedd Chamber. It's perfectly clear to me that the UK Government would not be able to change this decision without introducing legislation in Westminster, overturning the relevant sections of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Could you tell me, Minister, what is the Welsh Government's analysis of the Prime Minister's threat? Do you think that he is serious about dismantling devolution, or is it your view that he was simply speaking off the cuff, displaying his famed ignorance one again? And can you give me an assurance that, were the UK Government to attempt to do this, the Welsh Government would be ready and willing to take the UK Government to the Supreme Court to prevent them from overturning Welsh democracy through diktat?
Rwy'n diolch i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd trigolion Casnewydd yn falch o weld y cynnydd pellach yn y maes hwn, a'r cynnig ar gyfer lliniaru'r tagfeydd yn yr ardal gan barchu ymrwymiad y Senedd i leihau ein hallbwn carbon ar yr un pryd.
Nawr, Gweinidog, yr wythnos diwethaf, fe ddywedodd Boris Johnson fod ei Lywodraeth ef yn y DU yn bwriadu caniatáu adeiladu ffordd osgoi dros wastadeddau Gwent. Mater a ddatganolwyd yw'r penderfyniad ynglŷn â'r ffordd osgoi, ac fel y gwyddoch chi, gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru y penderfyniad y llynedd na fyddai'n cael ei hadeiladu oherwydd y gost a'r effaith ar yr amgylchedd, yn dilyn blynyddoedd o drafod yn Siambr y Senedd hon. Mae'n gwbl amlwg i mi na fyddai Llywodraeth y DU yn gallu newid y penderfyniad hwn heb gyflwyno deddfwriaeth yn San Steffan, gan wyrdroi'r adrannau perthnasol o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. A wnewch chi ddweud wrthyf i, Gweinidog, beth yw dadansoddiad Llywodraeth Cymru o fygythiad y Prif Weinidog? A ydych chi o'r farn ei fod o ddifrif ynglŷn â datgymalu datganoli, neu a ydych chi'n credu ei fod yn siarad yn fyrbwyll, gan amlygu ei anwybodaeth enwog unwaith yn rhagor? Ac a wnewch chi roi sicrwydd i mi, pe byddai Llywodraeth y DU yn ceisio gwneud hyn, y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod ac yn eiddgar i fynd â Llywodraeth y DU i'r Goruchaf Lys i'w hatal rhag gwyrdroi democratiaeth Cymru drwy ddictad?
Well, I can assure the Member of the latter and I feel that it was nothing more than a political stunt. If the Prime Minister really does have £2 billion to spend on Welsh infrastructure, then he's welcome to do so and to do so swiftly; spending that money on rail infrastructure in the south, in mid Wales and in north Wales, making sure that we see electrified main lines, making sure that we see enhanced rail services to places like Ebbw Vale and Maesteg, and making sure that we see an improvement on the Wrexham to Bidston line. If he has £2 billion to spend in Wales, he can send it here to Cardiff Bay and we will spend it across the whole of Wales.
Wel, fe allaf i sicrhau'r Aelod o'r olaf ac rwy'n teimlo nad oedd hyn yn ddim mwy na gorchest wleidyddol. Os oes gan y Prif Weinidog £2 biliwn i'w wario ar seilwaith Cymru, yna mae croeso iddo wneud hynny a gwneud hynny ar fyrder; gan wario'r arian hwnnw ar seilwaith rheilffyrdd yn y De, yn y Canolbarth ac yn y Gogledd, a gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gweld trydaneiddio'r prif reilffyrdd, a sicrhau ein bod ni'n gweld gwasanaethau gwell ar y rheilffyrdd i leoedd fel Glynebwy a Maesteg, a sicrhau ein bod ni'n gweld gwelliant ar y rheilffordd o Wrecsam i Bidston. Os oes ganddo £2 biliwn i'w wario yng Nghymru, gall ei anfon yma i Fae Caerdydd ac fe wnawn ninnau ei wario ledled Cymru.
Transport Minister, can you hear me?
Gweinidog Trafnidiaeth, a ydych chi'n fy nghlywed i?
Carry on. We can hear you.
Ymlaen â chi. Rydym ni'n eich clywed chi.
Okay, good. Thank you. Sorry, Llywydd. Transport Minister, I agreed with Paul Davies earlier that Welsh businesses of all sizes, now more than ever post lockdown, need all the support that they can get from this Welsh Government. I strongly believe that decent transport infrastructure is key to revive an economy. Therefore, to revive our economy in south Wales, do you not agree that unclogging the main artery into south Wales and delivering on an M4 relief road would provide the much needed lifeblood to our Welsh businesses and tourism that it so desperately needs?
Our British Prime Minister did recognise the real need for the relief road. Your Welsh Labour MP for Newport West recognises the need for it. It was in your own Labour manifesto to deliver it. Our UK Prime Minister's even offered financial assistance to you to build it as it's been that necessary for our economy. Yes, it's a devolved decision, but isn't it time that maybe, just maybe, you actually deliver on your very own manifesto commitment that will encourage businesses to invest here, this side of the border, and would finally open up south Wales for business?
Iawn, reit dda. Diolch. Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, Llywydd. Gweinidog Trafnidiaeth, roeddwn i'n cytuno â Paul Davies yn gynharach fod angen i fusnesau Cymru o bob maint, yn fwy nag erioed o'r blaen wedi'r cyfnod cloi, gael yr holl gymorth y gallan nhw ei gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n credu'n gryf bod seilwaith trafnidiaeth addas yn allweddol i adfywio unrhyw economi. Felly, i adfywio ein heconomi ni yn y De, a ydych chi'n cytuno y byddai dadflocio'r brif ffordd i mewn i'r De a chyflawni o ran ffordd liniaru'r M4 yn rhoi'r chwistrelliad o fywyd cwbl angenrheidiol i'n busnesau ni a'n twristiaeth ni yng Nghymru lle mae angen dirfawr amdano?
Roedd Prif Weinidog Prydain yn cydnabod bod gwir angen cael y ffordd liniaru. Mae eich Aelod Seneddol Llafur Cymru dros Orllewin Casnewydd yn cydnabod yr angen hwnnw. Roedd cyflawni hyn yn eich maniffesto Llafur chi eich hun. Mae Prif Weinidog y DU hyd yn oed yn cynnig cymorth ariannol i'w hadeiladu gan ei bod mor angenrheidiol i'n heconomi ni. Ie, penderfyniad datganoledig yw hwn, ond onid yw'n hen bryd, efallai, ichi gyflawni eich ymrwymiad maniffesto chi eich hun a fyddai'n annog busnesau i fuddsoddi yma, ar yr ochr hon i'r ffin, ac a fyddai o'r diwedd yn agor y De ar gyfer busnesau?
Well, can I thank Laura Anne Jones for her question and welcome her to the Senedd? It's a pleasure to see her and to accept her first question regarding transport. I can assure the Member that we are awaiting the cheque from the Prime Minister—that £2 billion. When we receive it, we will spend it on transport infrastructure, making good the historic underinvestment, in particular on rail infrastructure, which is the direct responsibility of the Prime Minister, and I would invite the Prime Minister to, in a very humble way, accept that historic underfunding of rail infrastructure.
Now, in terms of the M4, I don't think a single Member in this Chamber would disagree with what you said about the need to ensure that congestion is addressed, and that's why we are taking forward the initial recommendations of the commission. I'd like to place on record, Llywydd, my thanks to Lord Burns for leading this important piece of work. Work is beginning, in the autumn, on the average speed control mechanisms along the M4 between junctions 24 and 28. Work has already begun on the recommendation that concerns additional lane guidance, and we have already recruited the additional traffic officers. Their new vehicles will be delivered in August.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Laura Anne Jones am ei chwestiwn a'i chroesawu hi i'r Senedd? Mae'n bleser ei gweld a derbyn ei chwestiwn cyntaf ynglŷn â thrafnidiaeth. Fe allaf i sicrhau'r Aelod ein bod ni'n aros am y siec gan y Prif Weinidog—y £2 biliwn yna. Pan fyddwn ni'n cael y siec honno, fe fyddwn ni'n gwario'r arian ar seilwaith trafnidiaeth, gan wneud yn iawn am y tanfuddsoddi hanesyddol, yn enwedig ar seilwaith y rheilffyrdd, sy'n gyfrifoldeb uniongyrchol ar y Prif Weinidog, ac fe fyddwn yn gwahodd y Prif Weinidog i dderbyn, mewn ffordd ostyngedig iawn, y tangyllido hanesyddol a fu ar y seilwaith rheilffyrdd.
Nawr, o ran yr M4, nid wyf yn credu y byddai unrhyw un o Aelodau'r Siambr hon yn anghytuno â'r hyn a ddywedwyd gennych am yr angen i ymdrin â thagfeydd, a dyna pam ein bod ni'n bwrw ymlaen ag argymhellion cychwynnol y comisiwn. Fe hoffwn gofnodi, Llywydd, fy mod i'n diolch i Arglwydd Burns am arwain y darn pwysig hwn o waith. Bydd gwaith yn dechrau, yn yr hydref, ar y mecanweithiau rheoli cyflymder cyfartalog ar hyd yr M4 rhwng cyffyrdd 24 a 28. Mae gwaith eisoes wedi dechrau ar yr argymhelliad sy'n ymwneud â chanllawiau ar lonydd ychwanegol, ac rydym eisoes wedi recriwtio'r swyddogion traffig ychwanegol. Fe fyddan nhw'n cael eu cerbydau newydd nhw ym mis Awst.
While many people across Wales and Westminster have their view on the Brynglas tunnels, it's my constituents who live with the pollution and congestion. Local traffic is not the main cause of this, but it's the people of Newport who are the ones who bear the brunt. Can the Minister ensure that when the south-east Wales transport commission produces its much-anticipated final report later this year, the Welsh Government will act on the findings to resolve this long-standing issue once and for all?
Er bod gan lawer o bobl ledled Cymru a San Steffan eu barn nhw am dwneli Bryn-glas, fy etholwyr i sy'n byw gyda'r llygredd a'r tagfeydd. Nid traffig lleol yw prif achos y rhain, ond pobl Casnewydd yw'r rhai sy'n dioddef fwyaf. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi sicrwydd, pan fydd comisiwn trafnidiaeth y De-ddwyrain yn cynhyrchu ei adroddiad terfynol hir ddisgwyliedig yn ddiweddarach eleni, y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu ar y canfyddiadau i ddatrys y mater hirsefydlog hwn unwaith ac am byth?
Can I thank Jayne Bryant for her question? First of all, in terms of air quality, it's a fact that air pollution is the largest environmental threat to public health in Newport and, indeed, beyond, and we'll be publishing our clean air plan for Wales very soon. The south-east Wales transport commission will be publishing their next report tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to reading that report, and we're also eagerly awaiting the final report later this year. I can assure the Member that we look forward to acting on appropriate recommendations that are contained within that report to alleviate congestion in and around Newport.
A gaf i ddiolch i Jayne Bryant am ei chwestiwn hi? Yn gyntaf oll, o ran ansawdd aer, mae'n ffaith mai llygredd aer yw'r bygythiad amgylcheddol mwyaf i iechyd y cyhoedd yng Nghasnewydd ac, yn wir, y tu hwnt i Gasnewydd, ac fe fyddwn ni'n cyhoeddi ein cynllun ni ar gyfer aer glân i Gymru yn fuan iawn. Fe fydd comisiwn trafnidiaeth de-ddwyrain Cymru yn cyhoeddi ei adroddiad nesaf yfory, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at ddarllen yr adroddiad hwn, ac rydym ni'n aros yn eiddgar hefyd am yr adroddiad terfynol yn ddiweddarach eleni. Fe allaf i sicrhau'r Aelod ein bod ni'n edrych ymlaen at weithredu ar argymhellion priodol yn yr adroddiad hwnnw i liniaru tagfeydd yng Nghasnewydd a'r cyffiniau.
2. Pa gymorth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gynnig i brentisiaid a'r rhai sy'n cymryd rhan mewn dysgu seiliedig ar waith, yn sgil yr effaith y mae COVID-19 wedi'i chael ar eu lleoliadau? OQ55451
2. What support is the Welsh Government offering to apprentices and those taking part in work-based learning whose placements have been affected by COVID-19? OQ55451
Well, can I thank Suzy Davies for her question and say that apprenticeship providers have been supported throughout the March to July period on the basis of average payments? Providers have developed, I'm pleased to say, online learning modules to ensure apprentices are able to continue to progress through their learning. We've also worked with learning providers and stakeholders to develop a published COVID-19 resilience plan for the post-16 sector.
Wel, a gaf i ddiolch i Suzy Davies am ei chwestiwn hi a dweud bod darparwyr prentisiaethau wedi cael cymorth drwy gydol y cyfnod rhwng mis Mawrth a mis Gorffennaf ar sail taliadau cyfartalog? Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod darparwyr wedi datblygu modiwlau dysgu ar-lein i sicrhau y gall prentisiaid barhau i ddatblygu gyda'u dysgu. Rydym hefyd wedi gweithio gyda darparwyr dysgu a rhanddeiliaid i ddatblygu cynllun cadernid COVID-19 wedi'i gyhoeddi ar gyfer y sector ôl-16.
Thank you for that answer. I notice you didn't mention new apprentices particularly, because they are going to be necessary to help the economy of Wales recover. But, as you say, we need to keep in mind our existing apprentices. I don't know what the position is in Wales at the moment. Are we looking at half our construction apprentices being furloughed, for example, as they are in England? How is the Welsh Government ensuring that existing apprentices are able to complete their apprenticeships rather than face redundancy? Perhaps some detail on that would be great. And how are they helping employers retain that talent on completion? Specifically, what are you doing to make sure that apprenticeships aren't going to be more inflexible than they currently are?
Diolch i chi am yr ateb yna. Rwy'n nodi na wnaethoch chi sôn yn benodol am brentisiaid newydd, oherwydd fe fydd angen y rheini i adfer economi Cymru. Ond, fel y dywedwch, mae angen inni gadw ein prentisiaid presennol mewn cof. Nid wyf i'n gwybod beth yw'r sefyllfa yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. A ydym ni'n ystyried ffyrlo i hanner ein prentisiaid adeiladu ni, fel y maen nhw'n gwneud yn Lloegr? Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn sicrhau bod prentisiaid presennol yn gallu cwblhau eu prentisiaethau nhw yn hytrach na'u bod yn wynebu diswyddiad? Byddai rhywfaint o fanylion o bosib am hynny'n wych. A sut maen nhw'n helpu cyflogwyr i gadw'r sgiliau hynny ar ôl gorffen y brentisiaeth? Yn benodol, beth ydych chi'n ei wneud i sicrhau na fydd prentisiaethau'n mynd yn fwy anhyblyg nag y maen nhw ar hyn o bryd?
Well, we're doing all we can to ensure that apprentices continue through their frameworks, even in these incredibly difficult times, and, if I can use one example, I'd point to Airbus, where we've been able to ensure that the apprenticeship scheme continues as planned, although, of course, start dates have been staggered due to reduced class sizes. But, we're also looking at a funding package to extend the training of year 3.
Now, in terms of redundant apprentices, providers should use their best endeavours to ensure that they find alternative employment for apprentices who are made redundant. We'll be monitoring, as you can imagine, and analysing data regarding apprenticeship redundancies, and we will consider any interventions and support that are required. The Member will be aware that I announced an additional £40 million from the economic resilience fund to help support people in terms of training, employability, and, of course, we'll be looking to that fund to support redundant apprentices in finding new opportunities to complete their training. I can assure the Member that we remain on target to create 100,000 all-age, high-quality apprenticeships during this Assembly term, and that is a pledge that we are proud to be able to commit to.
Wel, rydym yn gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i sicrhau bod prentisiaid yn parhau drwy gydol eu fframweithiau nhw, hyd yn oed yn y cyfnod anodd hwn. Os caf ddefnyddio un enghraifft, cyfeiriaf at Airbus, lle rydym wedi llwyddo i sicrhau bod y cynllun prentisiaeth yn parhau fel y'i cynlluniwyd, er bod y dyddiadau cychwyn yn digwydd fesul cam, wrth gwrs, oherwydd dosbarthiadau llai o faint. Ond, rydym yn edrych hefyd ar becyn ariannu i ymestyn yr hyfforddiant ym mlwyddyn 3.
Nawr, o ran prentisiaid a gafodd eu diswyddo, fe ddylai darparwyr wneud eu gorau glas i sicrhau eu bod nhw'n dod o hyd i waith arall i brentisiaid sy'n colli eu swyddi. Fe fyddwn ni'n monitro ac, fel y gallwch ddychmygu, yn dadansoddi data ynglŷn â diswyddiadau prentisiaethau, ac fe fyddwn ni'n ystyried unrhyw ymyriadau a chymorth sy'n angenrheidiol. Fe fydd yr Aelod yn ymwybodol fy mod i wedi cyhoeddi £40 miliwn ychwanegol o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd i helpu i gefnogi pobl o ran hyfforddiant, cyflogadwyedd, ac wrth gwrs, fe fyddwn ni'n edrych ar y gronfa honno i gefnogi prentisiaid segur i ddod o hyd i gyfleoedd newydd i gwblhau eu hyfforddiant. Fe allaf i sicrhau'r Aelod ein bod ni'n dal i fod ar y trywydd iawn i greu 100,000 o brentisiaethau o safon uchel ar gyfer pob oedran, yn ystod y tymor Seneddol hwn, ac mae honno'n addewid yr ydym ni'n falch o allu ymrwymo iddi.
Minister, can I thank you personally for your involvement and this Welsh Labour Government's involvement, because you've both been big supporters of the apprenticeship scheme? I know from experience how valued they are. You're right—it is now more important than ever before that we continue to support companies within north-east Wales to continue to provide apprenticeships and further training opportunities to keep as many skills in our region as possible. What financial support can you offer to make this happen?
Gweinidog, a gaf i ddiolch i chi'n bersonol am eich cyfraniad chi a chyfraniad Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru, oherwydd mae'r ddeubeth wedi cefnogi'r cynllun prentisiaeth yn fawr iawn? Fe wn i o brofiad pa mor werthfawr ydyn nhw. Rydych chi'n iawn—mae'n bwysicach nag erioed ein bod ni'n parhau i gefnogi cwmnïau yn y Gogledd-ddwyrain i barhau i ddarparu prentisiaethau a chyfleoedd hyfforddi pellach er mwyn cadw cymaint o sgiliau yn ein rhanbarth ni ag sy'n bosib. Pa gymorth ariannol yr ydych yn ei gynnig i wireddu hyn?
Can I thank Jack Sargeant for his question and restate my commitment to the apprenticeship programme? I'm pleased to say that we have one of the highest success rates anywhere in Europe concerning our apprenticeship provision in terms of apprentices going on to secure sustainable employment. That demonstrates the value of our system. We have not watered down or devalued the apprenticeship programme in Wales. Now, obviously, there will be many pressures on budgets as restrictions are lifted due to the Welsh Government's action in combating COVID-19, but we'll focus our apprenticeship investment in those areas of the economy that will best support the recovery. Officials are currently considering further measures to aid recovery and to support apprentices.
A gaf i ddiolch i Jack Sargeant am ei gwestiwn a datgan unwaith eto fy ymrwymiad i i'r rhaglen brentisiaethau? Rwy'n falch o ddweud bod gennym un o'r cyfraddau llwyddiant uchaf yn Ewrop o ran ein darpariaeth ni o brentisiaethau, hynny yw, prentisiaid sy'n mynd ymlaen i ennill gwaith sy'n gynaliadwy. Mae hynny'n dangos gwerth ein system ni. Nid ydym wedi glastwreiddio na dibrisio'r rhaglen brentisiaeth yng Nghymru. Nawr, yn amlwg, fe fydd yna lawer o bwysau ar gyllidebau wrth i gyfyngiadau gael eu llacio oherwydd camau gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru wrth frwydro yn erbyn COVID-19, ond fe fyddwn ni'n canolbwyntio ein buddsoddiad ni ar brentisiaethau yn y meysydd hynny o'r economi a fydd yn cefnogi'r adferiad yn y ffordd orau bosib. Mae swyddogion yn ystyried mesurau pellach ar hyn o bryd i gynorthwyo'r adferiad a chefnogi prentisiaid.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Russell George.
Questions now from the party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Russell George.
Diolch, Llywydd. My concern, Minister, is that Wales is unfortunately heading for a deeper recession. I certainly think we need to have trust in our businesses when it comes to implementing safe social distancing and reopening their premises to get the economy moving again. I wonder if you could let me know what assessment has been produced in regard to the slower approach of reopening the economy that the Welsh Government has overseen.
Diolch, Llywydd. Fy mhryder i, Gweinidog, yw y bydd Cymru, gwaetha'r modd, yn wynebu dirwasgiad dyfnach. Yn sicr, rwyf i o'r farn fod angen inni ymddiried yn ein busnesau ni o ran ymarfer ymbellhau cymdeithasol diogel ac ailagor eu hadeiladau er mwyn i'r economi ddechrau symud eto. Tybed a gaf i wybod gennych pa asesiad a wnaed o ran y dull arafach o ailagor yr economi o dan oruchwyliaeth Llywodraeth Cymru.
I'd like to thank the Member for his question, and if I can just say, first of all, that our more cautious approach in Wales has led to, as the First Minister has recently said, a positivity rate of just 0.25 per cent for all of those tests that are currently taking place. Compare that to Blackburn, where the rate is 7 per cent, 28 times higher. I'd ask any business in Wales, 'Would you prefer to be operating right now here or in Blackburn?' Our cautious approach is designed to prevent dangerous, damaging spikes and a second wave. That's why we've been cautious, that's why we have ensured that the long-term interests of the economy and businesses—the 260,000 businesses within Wales—are at the heart of our decision-making process.
Fe hoffwn i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn ef, ac os caf i ddweud, yn gyntaf oll, fod ein dull mwy pwyllog ni yng Nghymru wedi arwain, fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog yn ddiweddar, at gyfradd positifrwydd o 0.25 y cant yn unig ar gyfer yr holl brofion hynny sy'n digwydd ar hyn o bryd. Cymharwch hynny â Blackburn, lle mae'r gyfradd yn 7 y cant, 28 gwaith yn uwch. Fe fyddwn i'n gofyn i unrhyw fusnes yng Nghymru, 'A fyddai'n well gennych chi fod yn gweithio yn y fan hon ar hyn o bryd neu yn Blackburn?' Mae ein dulliau gofalus ni o weithredu wedi cael eu cynllunio i atal achosion peryglus, niweidiol ac ail don. Dyna pam rydym ni wedi bod yn bwyllog, dyna pam rydym ni wedi sicrhau bod buddiannau hirdymor yr economi a busnesau—y 260,000 o fusnesau sydd yng Nghymru—yn ganolog i'n proses ni o wneud penderfyniadau.
I thank you for your answer, Minister. Of course, this is not only about protecting public health, but it's also about protecting people's lives and livelihoods as well. In my inbox, you will find it's currently bursting with people telling me how regrettable it is that UK hasn't moved with the same approach across the UK, and this has caused, sadly, some unnecessary confusion that has put Welsh businesses at a disadvantage. Last week, the First Minister announced that indoor tourist attractions can open, but there doesn't seem to be much clarity on what can open and what needs to stay shut. So, I would be grateful if you could provide some clarity on that area today. In my view, there's absolutely no reason why a business shouldn't be able to reopen immediately, providing they do so with social distancing regulations and hygiene guidance in place.
It's also taken the Welsh Government over a week to make any announcement in regard to supporting the housing market by removing the burden of land transaction tax, but the announcement is nowhere near as generous as the UK Government has outlined for properties across the border. Minister, can you and the Finance Minister commit today to looking seriously at the tax levers that you have responsibility for, and lower or abolish any tax that stifles aspiration and, in doing that, give the economy a boost that it needs with immediate effect?
Diolch i chi am eich ateb, Gweinidog. Wrth gwrs, nid ymwneud â diogelu iechyd y cyhoedd yn unig y mae hyn, ond mae'n ymwneud hefyd â diogelu bywydau a bywoliaeth pobl hefyd. Mae fy mewnflwch i'n orlawn ar hyn o bryd o negeseuon gan bobl yn dweud wrthyf pa mor resynus yw'r ffaith nad yw'r DU wedi defnyddio'r un dull o weithredu ar draws y DU, ac mae hyn, yn anffodus, wedi achosi dryswch diangen sydd wedi rhoi busnesau Cymru dan anfantais. Yr wythnos diwethaf, fe gyhoeddodd Prif Weinidog Cymru y gallai atyniadau i dwristiaid sydd dan do agor, ond nid yw'n ymddangos y bu llawer o eglurder ynglŷn â'r hyn a all agor a'r hyn a ddylai aros ar gau. Felly, fe fyddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe byddech chi'n bwrw rhywfaint o oleuni ar y maes hwnnw heddiw. Yn fy marn i, nid oes yna unrhyw reswm o gwbl pam na ddylai busnesau allu ailagor ar unwaith, ar yr amod eu bod nhw'n gwneud hynny yn unffurf â rheoliadau ymbellhau cymdeithasol a chanllawiau hylendid.
Mae wedi cymryd dros wythnos hefyd i Lywodraeth Cymru wneud unrhyw gyhoeddiad ynglŷn â chefnogi'r farchnad dai drwy ddileu baich y dreth trafodiadau tir, ond nid yw'r cyhoeddiad yn agos at fod mor hael â'r hyn a amlinellodd Llywodraeth y DU ar gyfer eiddo dros y ffin. Gweinidog, a wnewch chi a'r Gweinidog Cyllid ymrwymo heddiw i edrych o ddifrif ar y dulliau trethu yr ydych chi'n gyfrifol amdanynt, a gostwng neu ddiddymu unrhyw dreth sy'n llyffetheirio brwdfrydedd a, thrwy wneud hynny, roi hwb angenrheidiol i'r economi, a hynny ar unwaith?
Can I thank Russell George for those questions? First of all, as to the tax level before we decided to increase the threshold, the threshold was the highest in any part of the UK, benefiting thousands of people who were purchasing properties who would not receive the same sort of support across the border in England or elsewhere in the United Kingdom. The decision that was announced by the business Minister and finance Minister yesterday will enable us to build thousands of additional social houses, enabling people who are currently homeless to have a roof over their head, and it's absolutely right that we do all we can as we build back better to create a more equal economy and a more equal society. We make no apologies for the decisions we are taking to empower and enable people to strive to be as good as they possibly can be in terms of their employment prospects.
Now, I can say to the Member that, contained within the wales.gov pages on coronavirus regulations is a comprehensive frequently asked questions section, and that provides all of the detail that might be necessary to businesses that are contacting, I know, not just Russell George, but many other Members, asking for answers in regard to those regulations. I would point every Member to those frequently asked questions pages.
We plan and then announce policy in Wales. We don't announce what we intend to do and then try to plan afterwards. We do not wish to play policy swingball in Wales, creating uncertainty, as has been created in England. When we make an announcement, we wish to stick to it.
A gaf i ddiolch i Russell George am y cwestiynau yna? Yn gyntaf oll, o ran lefel y dreth cyn inni benderfynu codi'r trothwy, roedd y trothwy'n uwch nag yn unrhyw ran arall o'r DU, ac o fudd i filoedd o bobl a oedd yn prynu eiddo na fydden nhw wedi cael unrhyw fath o gymorth dros y ffin yn Lloegr neu fan arall yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Fe fydd y penderfyniad a gyhoeddwyd gan y Gweinidog Busnes a'r Gweinidog Cyllid ddoe yn ein galluogi ni i adeiladu miloedd yn fwy o dai cymdeithasol, gan alluogi pobl sy'n ddigartref ar hyn o bryd i gael to uwch eu pennau, ac mae'n gwbl briodol ein bod ni'n gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu wrth inni adfer yn gryfach i greu economi fwy cyfartal a chymdeithas fwy cyfartal. Nid ydym yn ymddiheuro o gwbl am y penderfyniadau yr ydym ni'n eu cymryd i alluogi a grymuso pobl i ymdrechu i fod cystal ag y gallan nhw fod o ran gobeithion am gyflogaeth dda.
Nawr, fe allaf ddweud wrth yr Aelod, ar dudalennau gwefan Llywodraeth Cymru ar reoliadau coronafeirws mae yna adran eang o gwestiynau cyffredin, sy'n rhoi'r holl fanylion a allai fod yn angenrheidiol i fusnesau sy'n cysylltu â Russell George, ond â llawer o Aelodau eraill hefyd, yn gofyn am atebion mewn cysylltiad â'r rheoliadau hynny. Fe fyddwn i'n cyfeirio pob Aelod at y tudalennau o gwestiynau cyffredin.
Yng Nghymru, rydym yn cynllunio ac yn yna'n cyhoeddi polisi. Nid ydym yn cyhoeddi'r hyn yr ydym yn bwriadu ei wneud, ac yna'n ceisio cynllunio wedi hynny. Nid ydym yn trin polisi yng Nghymru fel gêm o 'swingball', gan greu ansicrwydd, fel sydd wedi digwydd yn Lloegr. Pan fyddwn ni'n gwneud cyhoeddiad, rydym yn awyddus i gadw ato.
Thank you for your answer, Minister. I wonder if you could commit to a date when the remainder of the economy can reopen. My question would be why stick so rigidly to the three-week reviews. If it's right to make a change now, then do it now. When announcements are made, I would appreciate it if clarity could be attached to those announcements. For example, I mentioned indoor tourist attractions. Andrew R.T. Davies in his comment today on the business statement mentioned wedding venues, an issue also raised with me. There doesn't seem to be that clear guidance available. I appreciate, Minister, you've pointed us to the frequently asked questions document on the Welsh Government's website. I often use that, and that's appreciated and that's helpful, but it doesn't always give—often it doesn't give—the clarity that businesses need. Ultimately, I would like announcements to be made with clear guidance attached to them so that my inbox isn't full, and social media isn't full, of those questions that follow. I appreciate you may say you've spoken to the industry, Minister, in putting guidance forward, but not all businesses are members of associations and trade bodies. So, announcements do need to be made with guidance attached and also communicated well to those particular sectors.
Diolch am eich ateb, Gweinidog. Tybed a fyddech chi'n ymrwymo i ddyddiad pan allai gweddill yr economi ailagor. Fy nghwestiwn i fyddai pam mae'n rhaid glynu mor gaeth i adolygiadau bob tair wythnos. Os yw'n iawn rhoi newid ar waith nawr, yna gwneud hynny nawr sydd ei angen. Pan wneir cyhoeddiadau, fe fyddwn i'n gwerthfawrogi eglurder ynghlwm wrth y cyhoeddiadau hynny. Er enghraifft, fe soniais i am atyniadau dan do i dwristiaid. Fe soniodd Andrew R.T. Davies yn ei sylw heddiw yn ystod y datganiad busnes am leoliadau i briodasau, ac mae hwnnw'n fater a godwyd gyda minnau hefyd. Nid yw'n ymddangos fod canllawiau clir ar gael. Rwy'n sylweddoli, Gweinidog, eich bod wedi ein cyfeirio ni at y cwestiynau cyffredin ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru. Rwy'n defnyddio honno'n aml, ac fe werthfawrogir honno ac mae hi'n ddefnyddiol, ond nid yw bob amser yn rhoi—yn aml nid yw'n rhoi— yr eglurder angenrheidiol i fusnesau. Yn y pen draw, fe hoffwn i gael cyhoeddiadau gydag arweiniad clir yn gysylltiedig â nhw fel nad yw fy mewnflwch i'n orlawn, ac nad yw'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn llawn, o'r cwestiynau hynny sy'n dilyn. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi eich bod yn dweud eich bod wedi siarad â'r diwydiant, Gweinidog, wrth gyflwyno canllawiau, ond nid yw pob busnes yn aelod o gymdeithasau neu gyrff masnach. Felly, mae angen gwneud cyhoeddiadau sydd â chanllawiau ynghlwm wrthynt ac sy'n cyfathrebu'n effeithiol hefyd â'r sectorau penodol hynny.
Can I thank the Member and assure him that there are dozens of guidance documents now available on the Government website? They are available for different types of workplaces. They are available for employers as well as for citizens, particularly for passengers on public transport. We've attempted to make the guidance as clear and as comprehensive as possible, and it is fully accessible to anybody wishing to seek guidance, whether they operate a business or whether they are accessing one.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod a'i sicrhau ef bod ugeiniau o ddogfennau canllaw ar gael ar wefan y Llywodraeth erbyn hyn? Maent ar gael i wahanol fathau o weithleoedd. Maent ar gael i gyflogwyr yn ogystal â dinasyddion, yn enwedig i deithwyr sy'n defnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus. Rydym ni wedi ceisio gwneud y canllawiau mor eglur a chynhwysfawr ag sy'n bosib, ac mae'n gwbl hygyrch i unrhyw un sy'n awyddus i gael canllawiau, os ydyn nhw'n rhedeg busnes neu'n ymdrin ag unrhyw fusnes.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Helen Mary Jones.
The Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Helen Mary Jones.
Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, you will be aware that there are hospitality businesses who at present do not have access to outdoor spaces to operate, and you'll also be aware of the steps that are being taken by local authorities to open up our public spaces to enable more businesses to trade outside, predominantly hospitality businesses. It is, of course, possible to do that in the short term by using exemptions to regulations that local authorities can use themselves, but the Minister will be aware that there is a very complex pattern of regulations, planning and highways issues that local authorities need to take into account if they wish to open those public spaces for businesses to trade longer term. Taking into account the points made earlier about the need to do that in a way that enables disabled citizens to be able to move about freely, will the Minister work with colleagues to consider using Welsh Government's emergency legislative powers to suspend some of that pattern of regulation, and to make it easier for local authorities, if they wish to do so, to permit hospitality and other businesses to trade outdoors longer term?
Diolch, Llywydd. Gweinidog, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol fod yna fusnesau lletygarwch nad oes ganddyn nhw le i agor ar hyn o bryd yn yr awyr agored, ac fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol hefyd o'r camau sy'n cael eu cymryd gan awdurdodau lleol i agor ein mannau cyhoeddus i alluogi mwy o fusnesau i fasnachu yn yr awyr agored, busnesau lletygarwch yn bennaf. Wrth gwrs, mae'n bosib gwneud hynny yn y tymor byr drwy ddefnyddio eithriadau i reoliadau y gall awdurdodau lleol eu defnyddio eu hunain. Ond fe fydd y Gweinidog yn ymwybodol fod yna batrwm cymhleth iawn o faterion o ran rheoliadau, cynllunio a phriffyrdd y mae angen i awdurdodau lleol eu hystyried os ydynt am agor y mannau cyhoeddus hynny i fusnesau allu masnachu yn y tymor hwy. O ystyried y pwyntiau a wnaed yn gynharach am yr angen i wneud hynny mewn ffordd sy'n galluogi dinasyddion anabl i symud o amgylch yn rhwydd, a wnaiff y Gweinidog weithio gyda chyd-Weinidogion i ystyried defnyddio pwerau deddfu brys Llywodraeth Cymru i ohirio rhywfaint o'r patrwm rheoleiddio hwnnw, a'i gwneud yn haws i awdurdodau lleol, os ydyn nhw'n dymuno, ganiatáu i letygarwch a busnesau eraill fasnachu yn yr awyr agored yn y tymor hwy?
Yes, I'll commit to doing just that. We wish to ensure that local authorities can make timely decisions and make appropriate changes to the public realm to enable businesses to operate in a viable way, even during these incredibly difficult times. And I can assure the Member that we hope to be able to enable businesses within the hospitality sector to open indoors from 3 August, provided we still have coronavirus under full control.
Iawn, fe ymrwymaf i wneud hynny. Rydym eisiau sicrhau y gall awdurdodau lleol wneud penderfyniadau amserol a gwneud newidiadau priodol i'r amgylchfyd cyhoeddus i alluogi busnesau i weithio mewn ffordd ddichonadwy, hyd yn oed yn ystod y cyfnod anodd iawn hwn. Ac fe allaf i sicrhau'r Aelod ein bod ni'n gobeithio y gallwn alluogi busnesau o fewn y sector lletygarwch i agor dan do o'r trydydd o fis Awst ymlaen, ar yr amod bod y coronafeirws yn parhau i fod dan reolaeth lawn gennym ni.
I'm grateful to the Minister for his answer. I think that he would agree with me that those outdoor spaces will continue to be useful to businesses, though; because of social distancing, they will be able to serve fewer customers indoors and that has an effect on their profit.
If I may turn now to the matter of those businesses that have not yet been able to receive support either from the Welsh Government or the UK Government, taking into account the point the Minister has made in the past that it may not be possible to help everyone. He will be aware that the start-up bursary fund has been very well received and subscribed to. The Minister in the past has made reference to the possibility of a hardship fund for those businesses—relatively small numbers, hopefully—that simply haven't been able to be helped elsewhere. But there seems to be some confusion now about whether he still intends to do that.
So, can I ask the Minister today whether the possibility of a hardship fund is still under consideration for that relatively small number of businesses who haven't yet been able to secure help? I'm sure that he would agree with me that while those businesses may not be hugely significant in terms of the economy overall, they are very significant to the business owners and the people who work in them, and the communities in which they operate.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb. Rwy'n credu y byddai ef yn cytuno â mi y bydd y mannau awyr agored hynny'n dal i fod yn ddefnyddiol i fusnesau, er hynny; oherwydd pellhau cymdeithasol, bydd ganddynt lai o gwsmeriaid dan do ac mae hynny'n cael effaith ar eu henillion nhw.
Os caf i droi nawr at fater y busnesau hynny nad ydynt wedi gallu cael cymorth naill ai gan Lywodraeth Cymru na Llywodraeth y DU hyd yn hyn, o ystyried y pwynt a wnaeth y Gweinidog yn y gorffennol na fydd modd helpu pawb. Mae ef yn ymwybodol bod y gronfa bwrsariaeth cychwyn busnes wedi cael derbyniad a chefnogaeth dda iawn. Mae'r Gweinidog wedi cyfeirio o'r blaen at bosibilrwydd cronfa caledi i'r busnesau hynny—niferoedd cymharol fach, gyda gobaith—nad ydynt wedi llwyddo i gael cymorth o rywle eraill. Ond mae'n ymddangos y ceir rhywfaint o ddryswch nawr ynghylch a yw'n parhau i fwriadu gwneud felly.
Felly, a gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog heddiw a yw'r posibilrwydd o gronfa caledi yn cael ei ystyried o hyd i'r nifer gymharol fach o fusnesau nad ydynt wedi gallu cael unrhyw gymorth eto? Rwy'n siŵr y byddai ef yn cytuno â mi, er nad yw'r busnesau hynny efallai yn arwyddocaol iawn o ran yr economi yn ei chyfanrwydd, eu bod nhw'n bwysig iawn i berchenogion y busnesau a'r bobl sy'n gweithio ynddyn nhw, a'r cymunedau y maen nhw'n gweithredu ynddyn nhw.
Can I thank Helen Mary Jones and say that we are certainly open to considering a hardship fund? It will be dependent on our assessment of the economic resilience fund, the latest phase of that particular intervention, but also it will be dependent on the UK Government's response to the UK Treasury select committee's recommendations, which concern the gaps that have been exposed through UK Government support. And we'll also be assessing the self-employment support scheme, because it does appear that many of those individuals that are being pointed to Welsh Government for advice are actually eligible for the self-employment support scheme.
Data just published today at 9.30 a.m. shows that 16 per cent of people who are eligible for the self-employment support scheme in Wales have not yet made an application. That amounts to tens of thousands of self-employed people who, I fear, perhaps are not aware that they are eligible for that important support scheme and instead are looking, first and foremost, to Welsh Government. But we have always been clear that the economic resilience fund is designed to complement, not duplicate, UK Government interventions. So, I would urge anybody who is self-employed to look first and foremost at the self-employment support scheme, and to apply as soon as possible, because we estimate that there could be around 30,000 people who are yet to benefit from that scheme.
A gaf i ddiolch i Helen Mary Jones a dweud ein bod ni'n sicr yn agored i ystyried cronfa caledi? Fe fydd hynny'n dibynnu ar ein hasesiad ni o'r gronfa cadernid economaidd, a cham diweddaraf yr ymyriad penodol hwnnw, ond fe fydd hefyd yn dibynnu ar ymateb Llywodraeth y DU i argymhellion Pwyllgor Dethol Trysorlys y DU, sy'n ymwneud â'r bylchau a ddaeth i'r golwg drwy gymorth gan Lywodraeth y DU. Ac fe fyddwn ni hefyd yn asesu'r cynllun cymorth hunangyflogaeth, oherwydd mae'n ymddangos bod llawer o'r unigolion hynny sy'n cael eu cyfeirio at Lywodraeth Cymru am gyngor mewn gwirionedd yn gymwys ar gyfer y cynllun cymorth hunan-gyflogaeth.
Mae'r data a gyhoeddwyd heddiw am 9.30 a.m. yn dangos bod 16 y cant o bobl sy'n gymwys ar gyfer y cynllun cymorth hunan-gyflogaeth yng Nghymru heb wneud cais eto. Mae hynny'n gyfystyr â degau o filoedd o bobl hunangyflogedig nad ydyn nhw, rwy'n ofni, yn ymwybodol eu bod yn gymwys efallai i gael y cynllun cymorth pwysig hwnnw ac yn hytrach yn edrych tua Llywodraeth Cymru am gymorth, yn gyntaf ac yn bennaf. Ond rydym bob amser wedi bod yn glir fod y gronfa cadernid economaidd wedi ei chynllunio i ategu, ac nid i ddyblygu, ymyriadau Llywodraeth y DU. Felly, fe fyddwn i'n annog unrhyw un sy'n hunangyflogedig i edrych yn bennaf ar y cynllun cymorth hunan-gyflogaeth, a gwneud cais cyn gynted ag y bo modd, oherwydd rydym yn amcangyfrif y gallai fod yna tua 30,000 o bobl nad ydynt yn elwa ar y cynllun hwnnw hyd yn hyn.
I'm grateful to the Minister for his answer, and I trust that Business Wales is providing that advice to self-employed people who contact them. I know efforts are being made to make the contact with businesses as simple as possible, but it can still be daunting. The Minister in his answer refers to the role of the UK Government in supporting business to deal with this crisis, and I think although there are faults with the schemes, we've all been grateful for those. But does the Minister share my frustration with the situation as it stands that the Welsh Government has to depend so much on the UK Government to respond appropriately to the needs of our businesses and our communities? Does the Minister ever look at the kind of fiscal autonomy that is enjoyed by some independent nations that would enable him and his ministerial colleagues to borrow and spend in ways that best suit our communities, rather than having to depend on a larger neighbour at the other end of the M4, who does not always fully understand the impact of their actions on our communities, and may not always share the priorities of this Welsh Government, this Parliament and this nation?
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r Gweinidog am ei ateb, ac rwy'n hyderus y bydd Busnes Cymru yn rhoi'r cyngor hwnnw i bobl hunan-gyflogedig sy'n cysylltu â nhw. Fe wn i fod yna ymdrechion ar hyn o bryd i wneud y cysylltiad â busnesau mor syml â phosib, ond fe all hynny fod yn frawychus o hyd. Mae'r Gweinidog yn ei ateb yn cyfeirio at swyddogaeth Llywodraeth y DU o ran cefnogi busnesau i ymdrin â'r argyfwng hwn, ac rwy'n credu, er bod diffygion yn y cynlluniau, fod pawb yn ddiolchgar am y rhain. Ond a yw'r Gweinidog yn rhannu fy rhwystredigaeth i gyda'r sefyllfa fel y mae hi, sef bod yn rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru ddibynnu cymaint ar Lywodraeth y DU i ymateb yn briodol i anghenion ein busnesau a'n cymunedau ni? A yw'r Gweinidog byth yn edrych ar y math o ymreolaeth gyllidol a fwynheir gan rai cenhedloedd annibynnol a fyddai'n ei alluogi ef a'i gyd-Weinidogion i fenthyca a gwario mewn ffyrdd sy'n gweddu orau i'n cymunedau ni, yn hytrach na gorfod dibynnu ar gymydog mwy o faint ar ben arall yr M4, nad yw bob amser yn deall effaith eu gweithredoedd yn llawn ar ein cymunedau ni, ac nad ydyn nhw bob amser yn rhannu blaenoriaethau Llywodraeth Cymru, y Senedd hon na'r genedl hon?
Well, I'd agree with the Member entirely, and the finance Minister has spoken on numerous occasions now about how we would be able to potentially do more if we had additional powers over borrowing and greater scope to intervene. I think what coronavirus has demonstrated is that the Welsh Government, even with its limited financial resources, has been able to make a huge difference to businesses. We estimate that something in the order of 34 per cent of businesses in Wales have sought support from Welsh Government or UK Government. The comparison with England speaks volumes; the figure across the border is just 14 per cent. That demonstrates the role that this Welsh Government has had in successfully hibernating businesses during the worst of coronavirus, and saving tens upon tens of thousands of jobs.
Wel, fe fyddwn i'n cytuno'n gyfan gwbl â'r Aelod, ac mae'r Gweinidog cyllid wedi siarad droeon erbyn hyn am y modd y gallem wneud mwy pe byddai gennym bwerau ychwanegol dros fenthyca a mwy o gyfle i ymyrryd. Rwy'n credu mai'r hyn a amlygwyd gan y coronafeirws yw bod Llywodraeth Cymru, hyd yn oed gyda'i hadnoddau ariannol cyfyngedig, wedi gallu gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i fusnesau. Rydym ni'n amcangyfrif bod 34 y cant o fusnesau Cymru wedi gofyn am gymorth gan Lywodraeth Cymru neu Lywodraeth y DU. Mae'r gymhariaeth â Lloegr yn siarad cyfrolau; dim ond 14 y cant yw'r ffigur dros y ffin. Mae hynny'n dangos y rhan sydd wedi bod gan y Llywodraeth hon yng Nghymru wrth aeafgysgu busnesau trwy'r gwaethaf o'r coronafeirws, ac arbed degau ar ddegau o filoedd o swyddi.
The Brexit Party spokesperson is not present, and therefore I'll move on to question 3—Mark Isherwood.
Nid yw llefarydd y blaid Brexit yn bresennol, ac felly fe fyddaf i'n symud ymlaen at gwestiwn 3—Mark Isherwood.
3. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi busnesau yng Ngogledd Cymru i ailagor o ganlyniad i'r pandemig coronafeirws? OQ55446
3. How is the Welsh Government supporting businesses in North Wales to reopen as a result of the coronavirus pandemic? OQ55446
We're doing everything possible to support businesses as they gradually reopen. We're providing comprehensive advice, guidance and support through our Business Wales service and the Welsh Government website. We've also supported almost 2,000 north Wales businesses through the first round of our economic resilience fund, totalling more than £33 million.
Rydym ni'n gwneud popeth sy'n bosib i gefnogi busnesau wrth iddyn nhw ailagor yn raddol. Rydym yn darparu cyngor, arweiniad a chymorth cynhwysfawr trwy ein gwasanaeth Busnes Cymru ni a gwefan Llywodraeth Cymru. Rydym wedi cefnogi bron 2,000 o fusnesau yn y Gogledd hefyd drwy rownd gyntaf ein cronfa cadernid economaidd, sydd werth dros £33 miliwn.
Wedding businesspeople tell me time is very quickly running out for wedding venues and the wedding industry as a whole. In a survey of Welsh wedding venues, 86 per cent said that clarity and a roadmap or timetable was of utmost importance to the survival of their business. Virtually every other sector has been given permission to open up, and large indoor wedding celebrations are allowed throughout most of Europe, and now even Northern Ireland. They said that without an announcement very quickly the situation for many venues will be irrecoverable. They said, 'I find the apparent lack of interest in the wedding industry in Wales absolutely extraordinary' and they said, 'We just don't have the time left to talk endlessly with no result.' There are so many jobs and businesses on the line, and yet with the correct management and messaging, they could all so easily be saved. How do you respond to them?
Mae pobl sydd â busnesau sy'n gysylltiedig â phriodasau yn dweud wrthyf bod yr amser yn prysur ddiflannu ar gyfer lleoliadau priodasau a'r diwydiant priodasau yn gyffredinol. Mewn arolwg o leoliadau priodasau Cymru, fe ddywedodd 86 y cant fod eglurder a map neu amserlen yn hollbwysig i oroesiad eu busnesau nhw. Mae bron pob sector arall wedi cael caniatâd i agor, ac fe ganiateir dathliadau priodas mawr dan do drwy'r rhan fwyaf o Ewrop, ac erbyn hyn yng Ngogledd Iwerddon hyd yn oed. Roedden nhw'n dweud nad oes modd adfer y sefyllfa mewn llawer o leoliadau heb gael cyhoeddiad yn gyflym iawn. Roedden nhw'n dweud, 'Mae'r diffyg diddordeb ymddangosiadol yn y diwydiant priodasau yng Nghymru yn gwbl resynus' ac roedden nhw'n dweud, 'Nid oes gennym yr amser ar ôl i siarad yn ddiddiwedd heb unrhyw ganlyniad.' Mae yna gymaint o swyddi a busnesau yn y fantol, ac eto i gyd, gyda'r rheolaeth a'r negeseuon cywir, fe ellid eu hachub i gyd yn hawdd. Sut ydych chi am ymateb iddyn nhw?
I'd say to the Member that we are acutely aware of the difficulties facing wedding venues, and I'd refer the Member to comments made by the finance Minister, the business Minister, just earlier. But I would also say to the Member that, as a direct result of having a Welsh Government, and having a Wales-only economic resilience fund, tens of millions of pounds—approximately £55 million, to be accurate—has been applied for by businesses in north Wales. In terms of hospitality businesses, more than £5.5 million has been awarded to hundreds of businesses in north Wales that simply would not have been able to get that support if they existed in England. We are going above and beyond what the UK Government is doing in England.
Fe fyddwn i'n dweud wrth yr Aelod ein bod ni'n ymwybodol iawn o'r anawsterau sy'n wynebu lleoliadau priodasau, ac fe fyddwn i'n cyfeirio'r Aelod at y sylwadau a wnaeth y Gweinidog Cyllid, y Trefnydd, yn gynharach. Ond fe fyddwn i'n dweud wrth yr Aelod hefyd, o ganlyniad uniongyrchol i gael Llywodraeth i Gymru a chael cronfa cadernid economaidd i Gymru yn unig, fod busnesau yn y Gogledd wedi gwneud cais am ddegau o filiynau o bunnoedd—tua £55 miliwn, a bod yn fanwl gywir. O ran busnesau lletygarwch, mae dros £5.5 miliwn wedi cael ei ddyfarnu i gannoedd o fusnesau'r Gogledd ac ni fyddent wedi gallu cael y cymorth hwnnw pe bydden nhw wedi eu lleoli yn Lloegr. Rydym yn mynd ymhell y tu hwnt i'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth y DU yn ei wneud yn Lloegr.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddiogelwch staff ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus? OQ55465
4. Will the Minister make a statement on the safety of staff on public transport? OQ55465
[Inaudible.]—to scale up public transport, Llywydd, the safety and well-being of all staff and passengers remains our priority. On 8 July, we updated our guidance for operators, helping them to understand how to provide safer workplaces and services for workers and passengers.
[Anghlywadwy.]—i ehangu trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, Llywydd, mae diogelwch a lles yr holl staff a'r teithwyr yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i ni. Ar 8 Gorffennaf, fe wnaethom ni ddiweddaru ein canllawiau ar gyfer gweithredwyr, gan eu helpu nhw i ddeall sut i ddarparu gweithleoedd a gwasanaethau mwy diogel i weithwyr a theithwyr.
Thank you, Minister. I was very pleased to hear the announcement from the First Minister on Monday that face coverings will become compulsory on public transport from the end of July. I hope that we will extend that to shop workers as soon as possible, personally. It was a very welcome announcement, it was something I'd asked for, it was something trade unions like Unite the Union had campaigned hard for. But of course we recognise too that it is not a silver bullet on its own, and that it is vital that measures like hand washing et cetera go along with the wearing of those face coverings. What steps will the Government take to ensure that there is a really clear understanding of the public in relation to not just wearing face coverings but the importance of taking other steps to protect themselves and other Welsh citizens? Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Gweinidog. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn o glywed y cyhoeddiad gan y Prif Weinidog ddydd Llun y bydd gorchuddion wyneb yn dod yn orfodol ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus o ddiwedd mis Gorffennaf ymlaen. Yn bersonol, rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn ni'n ymestyn hynny i weithwyr mewn siopau cyn gynted ag sy'n bosib. Roedd hwn yn gyhoeddiad a oedd i'w groesawu'n fawr, roedd yn rhywbeth yr oeddwn i wedi gofyn amdano, ac roedd yn rhywbeth yr oedd undebau llafur fel Unite wedi ymgyrchu yn galed drosto. Ond wrth gwrs rydym yn cydnabod hefyd nad yw hwn yn ddatrysiad hud a lledrith ar ei ben ei hun, a'i bod yn hanfodol bod mesurau fel golchi dwylo ac ati yn cyd-fynd â gwisgo'r gorchuddion wyneb hyn. Pa gamau wnaiff y Llywodraeth eu cymryd i sicrhau bod dealltwriaeth eglur iawn gan y cyhoedd o ran nid yn unig wisgo gorchuddion wyneb ond pwysigrwydd cymryd camau eraill i amddiffyn eu hunain a dinasyddion eraill yng Nghymru? Diolch.
Well, thank you for that. I acknowledge that Lynne Neagle has been calling for this move for some time, but as the First Minister has set out in some detail earlier, these are difficult judgments and nuanced judgments with a balance of risks. We've been liaising closely with the trade unions, with the operators and with equality groups to work through the detail of this and how to make it operational, because as buses become more heavily used, it's going to be impossible to keep the 2m guidance being observed on buses. So, we're then looking to put in place a series of mitigation measures, including engineering changes, hand washing, sanitiser availability and so on, as well as face coverings. The face coverings alone, as Lynne Neagle acknowledges, is not a silver bullet, as she puts it. So, we've been working hard with the operators to make sure that awareness is raised about the package of things that need to be done to keep people as safe as we can.
Wel, diolch i chi am hynny. Rwy'n cydnabod bod Lynne Neagle wedi bod yn galw am hyn ers tro, ond fel y nododd y Prif Weinidog yn fanwl iawn yn gynharach, mae'r rhain yn ddyfarniadau anodd ac amlochrog gyda chydbwysedd o ran risgiau. Rydym wedi bod yn ymgysylltu'n agos â'r undebau llafur, gyda'r gweithredwyr ac â grwpiau cydraddoldeb i weithio drwy'r manylion am hyn a sut i'w weithredu, oherwydd wrth i fysiau weld mwy o bobl yn eu defnyddio, fe fydd hi'n amhosib cadw'r canllawiau 2m yn weithredol arnynt. Felly, rydym yn bwriadu rhoi cyfres o fesurau lliniaru ar waith wedyn, gan gynnwys newidiadau peirianyddol, golchi dwylo, diheintyddion ac ati, yn ogystal â gorchuddion wyneb. Nid yw gorchuddion wyneb yn unig, fel y mae Lynne Neagle yn ei gydnabod, yn ddatrysiad hud a lledrith, fel y dywed. Felly, rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n galed gyda'r gweithredwyr i wneud yn siŵr y codir ymwybyddiaeth am y pethau y mae angen eu gwneud i gadw pobl mor ddiogel ag y bo modd.
Minister, we've known for a long time that the risks associated with air travel are lower, because of the air filtering systems that planes are fitted with, and it looks now as though that sort of technology might be more widely available for other transport. Own Buses in Warrington is thought to be the first bus company in the world to install air cleaning devices across its entire fleet in order to protect its drivers from the risk of airborne transmission of COVID-19. Eighty-six AirBubbl air cleaning devices have been fitted, which filter more than 95 per cent of airborne viruses and contaminated particulates out of the air. It strikes me, Minister, that this is the sort of innovation that would help with dealing with the current pandemic, but is also a good innovation, moving forward, for its own sake anyway. So, is this the sort of technology that perhaps the Welsh Government could look at encouraging buses and perhaps other forms of public transport to adopt moving forward, to make sure that, yes, staff and drivers are protected, but also that it's as clean an environment as possible for the passengers on public transport?
Gweinidog, gwyddom ers amser maith bod y risgiau sy'n gysylltiedig â theithio awyr yn is, oherwydd y systemau hidlo aer a osodir mewn awyrennau, ac mae'n edrych nawr fel pe gallai technoleg fel hynny fod ar gael yn fwy eang ar gyfer trafnidiaeth arall. Credir mai bysiau Own Buses yn Warrington yw'r cwmni bysiau cyntaf yn y byd i osod dyfeisiau glanhau aer yn ei fflyd gyfan i amddiffyn gyrwyr rhag y perygl o COVID-19 yn cael ei drosglwyddo yn yr aer. Mae wyth deg a chwech o ddyfeisiau glanhau aer AirBubbl wedi cael eu gosod, sy'n hidlo mwy na 95 y cant o'r feirysau yn yr awyr a gronynnau heintiedig o'r awyr. Mae'n fy nharo i, Gweinidog, mai dyma'r math o arloesi fyddai'n helpu i ymdrin â'r pandemig presennol, ond mae hwn yn arloesi mewn ffordd dda hefyd, sy'n symud ymlaen, er ei fwyn ei hun beth bynnag. Felly, a oes modd i Lywodraeth Cymru annog bysiau ac efallai ddulliau eraill o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i fabwysiadu technoleg fel hyn wrth symud ymlaen, i sicrhau, ie, bod y staff a'r gyrwyr yn cael eu hamddiffyn, ond hefyd fod yr amgylchedd mor lân â phosib ar gyfer y teithwyr ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus?
Well, certainly we're interested in innovations and we'll be keen to look in detail at this example, and there are more low-tech innovations closer to home that have been developed. Edwards Coaches, for example, have been experimenting with plastic shields on their buses to try and get more passengers safely on them. And we're looking at all of these. As ever, the economics of the bus industry is challenging for these kinds of investments and we've been struggling with the operators to find a way to allow them to ramp up services with existing vehicles, given how fragile their business model is, how dependent they are on public subsidy, and how to balance the extra investment needed to put these measures in with their ability to trade as businesses.
Wel, mae gennym ddiddordeb yn sicr mewn arloesi ac fe fyddem yn awyddus i edrych yn fanwl ar yr enghraifft hon, ac mae rhagor o arloesi technoleg isel yn nes at adref sydd wedi cael ei ddatblygu. Mae Edwards Coaches, er enghraifft, wedi bod yn arbrofi gyda tharianau wyneb plastig ar eu bysiau nhw i geisio cael mwy yn teithio'n ddiogel arnynt. Ac rydym yn edrych ar bob un o'r rhain. Fel bob amser, mae economeg y diwydiant bysiau yn heriol i'r mathau hyn o fuddsoddiadau. Ac rydym wedi bod yn ymdrechu gyda'r gweithredwyr i ddod o hyd i ffordd o roi hwb i'w gwasanaethau gyda'u cerbydau presennol, o gofio pa mor fregus yw eu model busnes nhw, a pha mor ddibynnol ydynt ar gymhorthdal cyhoeddus, a sut i gydbwyso'r buddsoddiad ychwanegol sydd ei angen i roi'r mesurau hyn ar waith â'u gallu nhw i fasnachu fel busnesau.
5. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am ddatblygu metro Bae Abertawe a chymoedd y gorllewin? OQ55452
5. Will the Minister make a statement on the development of a Swansea Bay and western valleys metro? OQ55452
The Deputy Minister to respond.
Y Dirprwy Weinidog i ymateb.
Yes, indeed. We have been funding Swansea Council, Llywydd, to develop, with the region, a package of proposals to develop a south Wales metro. We have funded that to the tune of some £2 million in the last few years, and we're now looking to accelerate that by involving Transport for Wales to take forward the next stage.
Gwnaf, yn wir. Rydym wedi bod yn ariannu Cyngor Abertawe, Llywydd, i ddatblygu, gyda'r rhanbarth, becyn o gynigion i ddatblygu Metro De Cymru. Rydym wedi ariannu hynny hyd at ryw £2 filiwn yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac rydym yn bwriadu cyflymu hynny nawr drwy gynnwys Trafnidiaeth Cymru i symud ymlaen â'r cam nesaf.
Minister, development of a metro in Swansea bay and the western Valleys is vital in terms of reducing travel times and congestion in and around Swansea, and in terms of generating economic development in our Valleys communities. However, despite funding for a feasibility study being agreed in 2017, we have received very little in the way of Welsh Government updates on this scheme. Can you outline when you expect the feasibility study to be made public, and when you expect to make a decision on the scheme? And do you agree that it is important that light rail options in areas such as the Swansea and Amman valleys should form part of that feasibility work?
Gweinidog, mae datblygu Metro ym Mae Abertawe a'r Cymoedd gorllewinol yn hanfodol er mwyn lleihau amseroedd teithio a thagfeydd yn Abertawe a'r cyffiniau, ac er mwyn sbarduno datblygu economaidd yn ein cymunedau ni yn y Cymoedd. Serch hynny, er y cytunwyd ar gyllid i gynnal astudiaeth ddichonoldeb yn 2017, nid ydym wedi cael fawr ddim o'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynllun hwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru. A wnewch chi amlinellu pryd yr ydych yn disgwyl i'r astudiaeth ddichonoldeb gael ei gwneud yn gyhoeddus, a phryd yr ydych yn disgwyl gwneud penderfyniad ar y cynllun? Ac a ydych chi'n cytuno ei bod yn bwysig y dylai dewisiadau rheilffyrdd ysgafn mewn ardaloedd fel Cwm Tawe a Chwm Aman fod yn rhan o'r gwaith dichonoldeb hwnnw?
Well, I share the Member's interest in getting this proposal accelerated. I've had a long interest in developing a Swansea bay metro and I am frustrated at the progress to date. It's one the reasons why we've asked Transport for Wales, as part of the remit letter, to take a role in developing these proposals forward. There has, as I say, been work going on within the region by the local authorities themselves, and they have developed an initial package of measures, including new long-distance and local metro rail services along the currently under-utilised Swansea district line, which would offer reduced journey times from west Wales to Swansea and Cardiff and across the border.
The new metro service would, via new rail infrastructure and a number of new stations and strategic park-and-ride sites, connect Swansea, Neath and Llanelli together better. We're also, as part of it, looking at enhancing the expanding bus services in the Swansea bay region. And I agree with Dai Lloyd that that also needs to include light rail. Clearly, the Swansea bay context is different from the central Valleys metro context, where there already is far greater rail coverage and infrastructure. And to make a metro meaningful as a turn-up-and-go service in the south-west would need to go beyond looking at heavy rail, and a mixture of light rail, bus rapid transport, active travel and bus prioritisation measures.
Wel, rwy'n rhannu diddordeb yr Aelod o ran sicrhau y caiff y cynnig hwn ei gyflymu. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb mawr mewn datblygu Metro ym Mae Abertawe ac rwy'n teimlo'n rhwystredig o ran y cynnydd sydd wedi bod hyd yn hyn. Dyma un o'r rhesymau pam rydym wedi gofyn i Drafnidiaeth Cymru, yn rhan o'r llythyr cylch gwaith, fod â swyddogaeth wrth ddatblygu'r cynigion hyn. Fel y dywedais, mae gwaith wedi bod yn mynd rhagddo yn y rhanbarth gan yr awdurdodau lleol eu hunain, ac maent wedi datblygu pecyn cychwynnol o fesurau, gan gynnwys gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd Metro pellter hir a lleol newydd ar hyd rheilffordd ardal Abertawe, nad oes digon o ddefnydd ohoni ar hyn o bryd. Byddai hyn yn cwtogi ar yr amseroedd teithio rhwng y Gorllewin i Abertawe a Chaerdydd a thros y ffin.
Fe fyddai'r gwasanaeth Metro newydd, drwy seilwaith rheilffyrdd newydd a nifer o orsafoedd newydd a safleoedd parcio a theithio strategol, yn cysylltu Abertawe, Castell-nedd a Llanelli yn fwy effeithiol. Rydym ni hefyd, fel rhan o hyn, yn edrych ar wella'r gwasanaethau bysiau sy'n ehangu yn rhanbarth Bae Abertawe. Ac rwy'n cytuno â Dai Lloyd bod angen i hynny gynnwys rheilffyrdd ysgafn hefyd. Yn amlwg, mae cyd-destun Bae Abertawe yn wahanol i gyd-destun Metro'r Cymoedd canolog, lle ceir llawer mwy o wasanaethau a seilwaith rheilffyrdd eisoes. Ac er mwyn i'r Metro fod yn wasanaeth ystyrlon 'troi fyny a mynd' yn y De-orllewin, fe fyddai'n rhaid mynd y tu hwnt i edrych ar reilffyrdd trwm, a chael cymysgedd o reilffyrdd ysgafn, trafnidiaeth bws cyflym, teithio llesol a mesurau blaenoriaethu bysiau.
The impetus for the Swansea bay metro came from repeated calls in this Chamber for a transport system underpinning the city deal, and I'm pleased now that Transport for Wales is working with Welsh Government and local authorities to develop plans, particularly for that faster service to the west and south Wales.
I've made the case before that a parkway would certainly support that later aim as well as improve the opportunities for active travel and the type of rail that Dai Lloyd was talking about. I accept that this is a devolved matter, but finance from the UK Government is on the table for a parkway, so wouldn't it be sensible for Transport for Wales and the other partners to include the UK Government in—[Inaudible.]—because they are partners in the city deal, after all, rather than, perhaps, just present them with a bill at the end or claim lack of investment?
Daeth y symbyliad ar gyfer Metro Bae Abertawe yn sgil galwadau niferus yn y Siambr hon am system drafnidiaeth sy'n sail i'r fargen ddinesig, ac rwy'n falch nawr bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru ac awdurdodau lleol i ddatblygu cynlluniau, yn arbennig ar gyfer y gwasanaeth cyflymach hwnnw i'r Gorllewin a'r De.
Rwyf wedi cyflwyno'r achos o'r blaen y byddai parcffordd yn siŵr o gefnogi'r nod diweddarach hwnnw yn ogystal â gwella'r cyfleoedd ar gyfer teithio llesol a'r math o reilffyrdd yr oedd Dai Lloyd yn sôn amdanynt. Rwy'n derbyn mai mater a gafodd ei ddatganoli yw hwn, ond mae cyllid gan Lywodraeth y DU ar gael ar gyfer parcffordd, felly oni fyddai'n ddoeth i Drafnidiaeth Cymru a'r partneriaid eraill gynnwys Llywodraeth y DU yn—[Anghlywadwy.]—am eu bod nhw'n bartneriaid yn y fargen ddinesig, wedi'r cyfan, yn hytrach nag, efallai, gyflwyno bil iddyn nhw ar y diwedd neu honni bod diffyg buddsoddiad?
Well, I think, seeing a parkway at Felindre as an active travel measure is a bit of a stretch, Llywydd, but, certainly, as part of a broader network, it would have a benefit, and we've said that all along. What we don't want is to create a piece of infrastructure that is not linked in to a broader network. And certainly, Alun Cairns, when he was Welsh Secretary, was very keen in playing political games, in trying to present this as an attractive option, but, of course, without any of the thinking about how the services should be run. It's one thing providing funding for infrastructure, but unless you've got trains to run on it, it's pretty meaningless, and unless it links into Swansea city centre rather than bypassing the city centre and the other onward journeys, it would also make very little sense.
Now, I agree with Suzy Davies—as part of moving the conversation in the region from a city deal back to a city region, so it takes a more coherent approach rather than simply administrating a grant-funding pot, then transport does need to form of that vision. And I met, along with David T.C. Davies, the main representatives of the city deal last week.
The way the city deal has been set up by the UK Government is different from the way that the Cardiff city deal has been set up. It's about administrating a series of projects rather than taking a broader, pooled approach, which the Cardiff one has a greater flexibility for. So, we'd certainly be interested in a conversation about changing that if there was an appetite to do it. But, again, I emphasise, let's not overly focus on the city deal—that's a grant-funding mechanism—let's focus on the city region. Let's not just focus on Felindre as a park-and-ride, let's focus on a coherent, integrated network that links up all the pieces, rather than a nice little press release for one constituency the Conservative are hoping to target.
Wel, yn fy marn i, fe fyddai gweld parcffordd yn Felindre fel mesur teithio llesol yn gofyn am gryn dipyn o ddychymyg, Llywydd, ond, yn sicr, fel rhan o rwydwaith ehangach, fe fyddai'n fuddiol, ac rydym wedi dweud hynny ar hyd y daith. Yr hyn nad ydym ei eisiau yw creu darn o seilwaith nad yw'n cysylltu â rhwydwaith ehangach. Ac yn sicr, roedd Alun Cairns, pan oedd ef yn Ysgrifennydd Cymru, yn awyddus iawn i chwarae gemau gwleidyddol, wrth geisio cyflwyno hyn yn ddewis deniadol, ond, wrth gwrs, heb roi unrhyw ystyriaeth i sut y dylid rhedeg y gwasanaethau. Un peth yw rhoi cyllid ar gyfer seilwaith, ond heb drenau i redeg arno, mae'n ddiystyr, ac oni bai ei fod yn cysylltu â chanol dinas Abertawe yn hytrach nag osgoi canol y ddinas a'r teithiau eraill ymlaen, ni fyddai'n gwneud fawr o synnwyr ychwaith.
Nawr, rwy'n cytuno â Suzy Davies—fel rhan o symud y drafodaeth yn y rhanbarth oddi wrth fargen ddinesig yn ôl i ddinas-ranbarth, felly mae'n gofyn am ddull mwy cydlynol yn hytrach na gweinyddu pot o arian grant yn unig, ac mae angen i drafnidiaeth fod yn rhan o'r weledigaeth honno wedyn. Ac fe wnes i, ynghyd â David T.C Davies, gyfarfod â phrif gynrychiolwyr y fargen ddinesig yr wythnos diwethaf.
Mae'r ffordd y mae'r fargen ddinesig wedi ei sefydlu gan Lywodraeth y DU yn wahanol i'r ffordd y mae bargen ddinesig Caerdydd wedi ei sefydlu. Mae'n ymwneud â gweinyddu cyfres o brosiectau yn hytrach na defnyddio dull cyfun ehangach, ac mae gan yr un yng Nghaerdydd fwy o hyblygrwydd ar gyfer hynny. Felly, yn sicr fe fyddem ni â diddordeb mewn cael trafodaeth i newid hynny pe byddai awydd am hynny. Ond, unwaith eto, rwy'n pwysleisio, gadewch inni beidio â chanolbwyntio gormod ar y fargen ddinesig—mecanwaith i ariannu grantiau yw hwnnw—gadewch inni ganolbwyntio ar y ddinas-ranbarth. Gadewch inni beidio â chanolbwyntio ar Felindre fel gwasanaeth parcio a theithio yn unig, gadewch inni ganolbwyntio ar rwydwaith integredig a chydlynus sy'n cysylltu'r holl ddarnau, yn hytrach na datganiad bach melys i'r wasg ynglŷn ag un etholaeth y mae'r Ceidwadwyr yn gobeithio ei thargedu.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am gefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i liniaru tagfeydd ar ffyrdd a rheilffyrdd ym Mhencoed? OQ55440
6. Will the Minister make a statement on Welsh Government support for alleviating road and rail congestion in Pencoed? OQ55440
Yes, of course. We've previously awarded Bridgend council £300,000 in local transport grants to appraise options in Pencoed. This scheme would contribute greatly towards alleviating road and rail congestion in Pencoed and in the surrounding areas.
Gwnaf, wrth gwrs. Rydym wedi rhoi grantiau trafnidiaeth lleol o £300,000 i gyngor Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr cyn hyn i werthuso'r dewisiadau ym Mhencoed. Fe fyddai'r cynllun hwn yn cyfrannu llawer at liniaru tagfeydd ar y ffyrdd a'r rheilffyrdd ym Mhencoed ac yn yr ardaloedd cyfagos.
I thank the Minister for that response and for the continuing Welsh Government support and interest within this project. He'll be pleased to know that the meetings, chaired by myself and Chris Elmore MP, which bring together Network Rail, TfW, Bridgend County Borough Council, Welsh Government interest, but also the local town council, who have been a major champion of this, and along with an observer from the Secretary of State's office as well—. The secret of this is bringing all those parties together to unlock the split that currently goes right through the centre of Pencoed as a town and stymies both social and economic development.
So, in raising this question, I'm seeking the continued support of Welsh Government, who've helped to drive this forward with the feasibility study. And at the last meeting, the Minister will be pleased to know that we saw the second phase of that initial study completed, and it's pointing us in the right direction, but we will never get this done unless we also have Department for Transport and UK Government funded into it as well. So, will he also add his shoulder to that in his discussions with the Secretary of State for Wales and UK Ministers?
Rwy'n diolch i'r Gweinidog am yr ymateb yna ac am y gefnogaeth a'r diddordeb parhaus o du Llywodraeth Cymru i'r prosiect hwn. Fe fydd ef yn falch o wybod bod y cyfarfodydd, sy'n cael eu cadeirio gan Chris Elmore AS a minnau, yn dwyn ynghyd Network Rail, Trafnidiaeth Cymru, Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr, diddordeb Llywodraeth Cymru, ond y cyngor tref lleol hefyd, sydd wedi bod yn bencampwr pwysig yn hyn o beth, ac arsylwr o Swyddfa'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol hefyd—. Cyfrinach hyn i gyd yw dod â'r holl bartïon hynny at ei gilydd i ddatgloi'r hollt sy'n ymestyn ar hyn o bryd drwy ganol tref Pen-coed ac yn mygu datblygiad cymdeithasol ac economaidd fel ei gilydd.
Felly, wrth godi'r cwestiwn hwn, rwy'n ceisio cefnogaeth barhaus Llywodraeth Cymru, sydd wedi helpu wrth fwrw ymlaen â hyn gyda'r astudiaeth ddichonoldeb. Ac yn y cyfarfod diwethaf, fe fydd y Gweinidog yn falch o wybod inni weld ail gam yr astudiaeth gychwynnol honno'n cael ei gwblhau, ac mae'n ein llywio ni tua'r cyfeiriad iawn. Ond ni fydd hyn yn cael ei gyflawni byth oni bai fod yr Adran Drafnidiaeth a Llywodraeth y DU yn ei ariannu hefyd. Felly, a wnaiff yntau hefyd ysgwyddo peth o'r baich hwnnw yn ei drafodaethau ef gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru a Gweinidogion y DU?
Well, most certainly I will, and I'd like to thank Huw again for the question about this important project, which could make a huge difference in terms of connectivity and speedy transportation between communities in and around his constituency. We're continuing to engage, as I know the Member is aware, with Network Rail on taking forward this scheme. We've encouraged Network Rail to include the project on the list of proposals for funding under the Network Rail DfT light scheme. We've allocated funding, I'm pleased to be able to say, totalling more than £5 million in this financial year for the metro plus schemes, and I understand that Bridgend council will be progressing work through this funding opportunity. But as the Member has stated, rail infrastructure outside of the core Valleys lines is not devolved and still remains the responsibility of UK Government. So, it's absolutely vital that the UK Government invests in this area as it attempts to level up. Removing the level crossing at Pencoed would make a very significant difference indeed.
Wel, yn sicr, fe wnaf i hynny, ac fe hoffwn i ddiolch i Huw unwaith eto am y cwestiwn ynglŷn â'r prosiect pwysig hwn, a allai wneud gwahaniaeth enfawr o ran cysylltedd a chludiant cyflym rhwng cymunedau yn ei etholaeth ef ac o'i hamgylch. Mae'r Aelod yn ymwybodol, rwy'n gwybod, ein bod ni'n parhau i ymgysylltu â Network Rail ynghylch bwrw ymlaen â'r cynllun hwn. Rydym wedi annog Network Rail i gynnwys y prosiect ar y rhestr o gynigion am arian o dan gynllun rheilffyrdd ysgafn Adran Drafnidiaeth Network Rail. Rydym wedi dyrannu cyllid, rwy'n falch o allu dweud, sef cyfanswm o fwy na £5 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol hon ar gyfer y cynlluniau metro plus, ac rwy'n deall y bydd Cyngor Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr yn bwrw ymlaen â gwaith drwy'r cyfle hwn i gael ei ariannu. Ond fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, ni chafodd y seilwaith rheilffyrdd y tu allan i reilffyrdd craidd y Cymoedd ei ddatganoli a chyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU yw hwn o hyd. Felly, mae'n gwbl hanfodol i Lywodraeth y DU fuddsoddi yn y maes hwn wrth iddo geisio datblygu er gwell. Fe fyddai dileu'r groesfan ym Mhencoed yn gwneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol iawn.
7. Yng ngoleuni COVID-19, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad am effaith canllawiau ymbellhau cymdeithasol ar fusnesau yng Nghanol De Cymru? OQ55442
7. In light of COVID-19, will the Minister make a statement on the impact of social-distancing guidelines on businesses in South Wales Central? OQ55442
Well, whilst we recognise that the coronavirus pandemic is both a public health and an economic emergency, public health comes first. The worst thing that could happen to the economy is a second spike, which is why any rational approach has to be cautious. We'll consult with businesses and with trade unions to ensure that our approach is proportionate and fair to businesses and to workers.
Wel, er ein bod ni'n cydnabod bod y pandemig coronafeirws yn argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus ac yn argyfwng economaidd, iechyd y cyhoedd sy'n dod yn gyntaf. Y peth gwaethaf a allai ddigwydd i'r economi yw ail don, a dyna pam mae'n rhaid i unrhyw ddull gweithredu rhesymegol fod yn bwyllog. Fe fyddwn ni'n ymgynghori â busnesau ac ag undebau llafur i sicrhau bod ein dull ni o weithredu yn gymesur ac yn deg â busnesau a gweithwyr.
Thank you, Minister, for that answer. I appreciate public health needs to always come first and people's well-being safeguarded, but many businesses have come to me pointing out other countries' experiences and the World Health Organization's advice that 1m is an acceptable social distance. Here in Wales, we have 2m. What discussions within Government have now being undertaken to see where the line should be drawn, because businesses that are reopening are investing heavily in a 2m rule and obviously would have to reinvest if that was to change in the immediate future?
Diolch, Gweinidog, am yr ateb yna. Rwy'n deall bod angen i iechyd y cyhoedd ddod yn gyntaf bob amser a bod lles pobl yn cael ei ddiogelu. Ond mae llawer o fusnesau wedi dod ataf yn tynnu sylw at brofiadau mewn gwledydd eraill a chyngor Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd bod 1m yn bellter cymdeithasol sy'n dderbyniol. Yma yng Nghymru, mae gennym ni 2m. Pa drafodaethau sy'n cael eu cynnal o fewn y Llywodraeth erbyn hyn i roi ystyriaeth i ba mor bell y dylai'r llinell fod, gan fod busnesau sy'n ailagor yn buddsoddi llawer yn y rheol 2m ac yn amlwg byddai'n rhaid iddyn nhw fuddsoddi eto pe byddai hynny'n newid yn y dyfodol agos?
And that's precisely what happened across the border, and we would not wish to see businesses waste valuable resources on installing physical barriers, guides and signs that are not necessarily going to be in place for a significant period of time. The regulations are, of course, continuously under review in Wales, but it is absolutely clear that 2m of social distancing provides for better protection that 1m, and so, wherever possible, 2m must be adhered to.
Now, of course, we've already made the statement concerning public transport and I'd say that our cautious approach has been supported by funding to enable businesses to get through the worst of coronavirus, including the economic resilience fund, valued at £0.5 billion. If that had been a UK-wide scheme operated by the UK Government, it would have to have been a £10 billion fund to operate in the same way as the ERF.
Dyna'n union sydd wedi digwydd dros y ffin, ac ni fyddem yn dymuno gweld busnesau yn gwastraffu adnoddau gwerthfawr ar osod rhwystrau ffisegol, canllawiau ac arwyddion na fyddant yn eu lle am gyfnod maith o amser. Wrth gwrs, mae'r rheoliadau dan adolygiad parhaus yng Nghymru, ond mae'n gwbl glir bod 2m o ymbellhau cymdeithasol yn amddiffyniad gwell nag 1m, ac felly, lle bynnag y bo modd gwneud hynny, dylid cadw at 2m.
Nawr, wrth gwrs, rydym eisoes wedi gwneud y datganiad ynghylch trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ac fe fyddwn i'n dweud bod ein dull pwyllog ni o weithredu wedi cael ei gefnogi gan gyllid i alluogi busnesau i fynd drwy effeithiau gwaethaf coronafeirws. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y gronfa cadernid economaidd, sy'n werth £0.5 biliwn. Pe bai wedi bod yn gynllun i'r DU gyfan a'i weithredu gan Lywodraeth y DU, byddai wedi bod yn rhaid iddi fod yn gronfa o £10 biliwn i weithio yn yr un ffordd â'r Gronfa Cadernid Economaidd.
8. Pa fesurau sy'n cael eu cymryd i gefnogi trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yng Nghymru yn ystod y pandemig coronafeirws? OQ55448
8. What measures are being taken to support public transport in Wales during the coronavirus pandemic? OQ55448
We've put in place significant packages of financial support for bus and rail operators, as well as funding local authorities to introduce measures to improve safety and conditions for sustainable and active modes.
Rydym wedi rhoi pecynnau sylweddol o gymorth ariannol ar waith ar gyfer gweithredwyr bysiau a threnau, yn ogystal â rhoi cyllid i awdurdodau lleol i gyflwyno mesurau i wella diogelwch ac amodau ar gyfer dulliau cynaliadwy a gweithredol.
Deputy Minister, as I understand it, since the ending of the bus hardship fund, the bus emergency scheme is giving a revenue source to bus operators who obviously are dealing with vastly reduced passenger numbers at the moment, both because of the safety requirements, but also the lack of demand for bus services at the moment. But they are vital services for the long-term health of the economy and also for more active forms of travel and less congestion. So, what is the longer term plan to sustain our bus networks?
Dirprwy Weinidog, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, ers i'r gronfa caledi ar gyfer bysiau ddod i ben, mae'r cynllun brys ar gyfer bysiau yn rhoi ffynhonnell refeniw i weithredwyr bysiau sy'n gorfod ymdrin, yn amlwg, â gostyngiad mawr yn nifer y teithwyr ar hyn o bryd, oherwydd y gofynion diogelwch, ond hefyd brinder y galw am wasanaethau bysiau. Ond maent yn wasanaethau hanfodol i iechyd hirdymor yr economi ac ar gyfer dulliau mwy egnïol o deithio a llai o dagfeydd hefyd. Felly, beth yw'r cynllun tymor hwy i gynnal ein rhwydweithiau bysiau ni?