Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Cofnodir y trafodion yn yr iaith y llefarwyd hwy ynddi yn y pwyllgor. Yn ogystal, cynhwysir trawsgrifiad o’r cyfieithu ar y pryd. Lle mae cyfranwyr wedi darparu cywiriadau i’w tystiolaeth, nodir y rheini yn y trawsgrifiad.
The proceedings are reported in the language in which they were spoken in the committee. In addition, a transcription of the simultaneous interpretation is included. Where contributors have supplied corrections to their evidence, these are noted in the transcript.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso, bawb, i’r Cyfarfod Llawn. Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma fydd y cwestiynau i’r Prif Weinidog, ac mae’r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mike Hedges.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary meeting. The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Mike Hedges.
1. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddarparu adroddiad cynnydd ar fetro bae Abertawe a gorllewin Cymru? OQ61825
1. Will the First Minister provide a progress report on the Swansea bay and west Wales metro? OQ61825

Diolch yn fawr. Transport for Wales are developing plans for up to seven new railway stations for the Swansea bay urban area, and these form part of our plans to improve public transport in south-west Wales, which will be shaped by the regional transport plan that is currently being developed.
Diolch yn fawr. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn datblygu cynlluniau ar gyfer hyd at saith gorsaf reilffordd newydd ar gyfer ardal drefol bae Abertawe, ac mae'r rhain yn rhan o'n cynlluniau i wella trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn y de-orllewin, a fydd yn cael eu llunio gan y cynllun trafnidiaeth rhanbarthol sy'n cael ei ddatblygu ar hyn o bryd.
Thank you for that response. The Swansea bay and west Wales metro has had considerably less discussion in the Senedd and in the media than the Cardiff city region metro and north Wales metro. Transport is as important into the Swansea city region as anywhere else in Wales. Will the First Minister provide an outline of the up-to-date plan for the Swansea city and west Wales region metro? Can it include the railway stations, bus interchange sections, and where buses and trains can be co-ordinated to aid passenger movement? In my constituency, I’ve got a railway station—the only Transport for Wales railway station—and the bus stops about a quarter of a mile away, which is fine in the summer, not so good when it’s raining. Can it also include a programme of work to identify when each stage is planned to be commenced and completed? Again, I reiterate that this scheme is very important to the area I represent, and, may I say, to the area you represent, First Minister.
Diolch am yr ateb yna. Mae metro bae Abertawe a gorllewin Cymru wedi cael cryn dipyn yn llai o sylw yn y Senedd ac yn y cyfryngau na metro dinas-ranbarth Caerdydd a metro gogledd Cymru. Mae trafnidiaeth yr un mor bwysig i ddinas-ranbarth Abertawe ag unrhyw le arall yng Nghymru. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi amlinelliad o'r cynllun cyfredol ar gyfer metro rhanbarth dinas Abertawe a gorllewin Cymru? A all gynnwys y gorsafoedd rheilffordd, adrannau cyfnewid bysiau, a lle gellir cydgysylltu bysiau a threnau i gynorthwyo symudiad teithwyr? Yn fy etholaeth i, mae gen i orsaf reilffordd—yr unig orsaf reilffordd Trafnidiaeth Cymru—ac mae'r bws yn stopio tua chwarter milltir i ffwrdd, sy'n iawn yn yr haf, ond ddim cystal pan fo'n bwrw glaw. A all hefyd gynnwys rhaglen waith i nodi pryd y bwriedir cychwyn a chwblhau pob cam? Eto, rwy'n ail-bwysleisio bod y cynllun hwn yn bwysig iawn i'r ardal yr wyf i'n ei chynrychioli, ac, a gaf i ddweud, i'r ardal yr ydych chi'n ei chynrychioli, Prif Weinidog.

Well, diolch yn fawr iawn, Mike, and just to say I think you're right—I don't think the metro in Swansea gets nearly as much attention as the south Wales metro, and it absolutely should. So, thank you for bringing that to our attention. The good news is that this area has been selected as the first area to implement bus franchising, pending the adoption of bus franchising powers. And let’s not forget that, when we talk about metro, we’re talking about trains and buses, and it’s really important. But, as I mentioned, it’s really exciting that there is a plan being developed, that they’re going to improve the links between Swansea and Pembrey and Burry Port, including a new station at Cockett. It also includes a new rail link between Swansea and Pontarddulais, and possibly new stations at Pontlliw, Felindre, Morriston, Llandarcy, Winch Wen and Landore. So, all of that is exciting, but, obviously, the money has to come from the United Kingdom because they are responsible for these kinds of structural funds. So, obviously, we are having a conversation and a discussion with the United Kingdom Government, and Transport for Wales is developing an outline business case for those proposed railway stations. You asked lots of other detailed questions; it’s probably best if we get you a proper briefing on those.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn, Mike, a dim ond i ddweud fy mod i'n meddwl eich bod chi'n iawn—nid wyf i'n meddwl bod y metro yn Abertawe yn cael yn agos at gymaint o sylw â metro de Cymru, ac yn sicr fe ddylai. Felly, diolch am dynnu ein sylw at hynny. Y newyddion da yw bod yr ardal hon wedi cael ei dewis fel yr ardal gyntaf i weithredu masnachfreinio bysiau, wrth ddisgwyl i bwerau masnachfreinio bysiau gael eu mabwysiadu. A gadewch i ni beidio ag anghofio, pan fyddwn ni'n sôn am y metro, rydym ni'n sôn am drenau a bysiau, ac mae'n bwysig iawn. Ond, fel y soniais, mae'n gyffrous iawn bod cynllun yn cael ei ddatblygu, eu bod nhw'n mynd i wella'r cysylltiadau rhwng Abertawe a Phen-bre a Phorth Tywyn, gan gynnwys gorsaf newydd yn y Cocyd. Mae hefyd yn cynnwys cyswllt rheilffordd newydd rhwng Abertawe a Phontarddulais, ac o bosibl gorsafoedd newydd ym Mhont-lliw, Felindre, Treforys, Llandarcy, Winch Wen a Glandŵr. Felly, mae hynny i gyd yn gyffrous, ond, yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid i'r arian ddod o'r Deyrnas Unedig gan mai nhw sy'n gyfrifol am y mathau hyn o gronfeydd strwythurol. Felly, yn amlwg, rydym ni'n cael sgwrs a thrafodaeth gyda Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig, ac mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn datblygu achos busnes amlinellol ar gyfer y gorsafoedd rheilffordd arfaethedig hynny. Fe wnaethoch chi ofyn llawer o gwestiynau manwl eraill; mae'n debyg y byddai orau os byddwn ni'n cael briff priodol i chi ar y rheini.
Mike is right—I don’t think we talk enough about the transformational potential of the Swansea bay and west Wales metro project. Now, obviously, as the south Wales metro region starts to take shape, and we start to see projects come on grid—come on the track, if you like—people will probably look in the Swansea bay region quite enviously at those projects beginning. So, one of the things Mike hit upon, which wasn’t addressed, is the timescales and the time frames for some of these projects, which seem very fluid, to put it kindly. So, will you ensure that residents are communicated with around the timescales and the time frames for these works, so that they know when this potentially transformational project is due to be delivered?
Mae Mike yn iawn—nid wyf i'n meddwl ein bod ni'n siarad digon am botensial trawsnewidiol prosiect metro bae Abertawe a gorllewin Cymru. Nawr, yn amlwg, wrth i ranbarth metro de Cymru ddechrau datblygu, a'n bod ni'n dechrau gweld prosiectau yn ymddangos ar y grid—yn ymddangos ar y cledrau, os mynnwch—mae'n debyg y bydd pobl yn edrych yn rhanbarth bae Abertawe â rhywfaint o genfigen ar y prosiectau hynny yn cychwyn. Felly, un o'r pethau y cyfeiriodd Mike ato, na roddwyd sylw iddo, yw'r amserlenni a'r cyfnodau amser ar gyfer rhai o'r prosiectau hyn, sy'n ymddangos yn amhendant, i'w roi yn garedig. Felly, a wnewch chi sicrhau y cyfathrebir â thrigolion ynghylch yr amserlenni a'r cyfnodau amser ar gyfer y gwaith hwn, fel eu bod nhw'n gwybod pryd y disgwylir i'r prosiect hwn a allai fod yn drawsnewidiol gael ei gyflawni?

Thanks very much. I know that the transport Secretary met with many Members from the region about the Swansea metro on 11 October. As I say, these are very much in development, and it’s important that they’re done by the local authorities working together. That’s the critical part of this, going beyond the immediate local authority area. So, on the timescale, first of all, we have to come up with a very detailed proposal, which is that outline business case that I talked about for those proposed railways stations. And then, in a sense, we have to pass it on to the UK Government. They have to pass it on to the UK Government with us, and it’s up to them then to get it into their programme. I know that those discussions are already happening. I think it’s probably also worth mentioning that Transport for Wales are also developing large-scale pilots for Swansea bay that will see the introduction of a fleet of hydrogen fuel cell buses, which is also something I hope you’ll welcome.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rwy'n gwybod bod yr Ysgrifennydd trafnidiaeth wedi cyfarfod â llawer o Aelodau o'r rhanbarth ynghylch metro Abertawe ar 11 Hydref. Fel y dywedais, mae'r rhain yn sicr yn y cyfnod datblygu, ac mae'n bwysig eu bod nhw'n cael eu gwneud gan yr awdurdodau lleol yn cydweithio. Dyna'r rhan hanfodol o hyn, mynd y tu hwnt i ardal uniongyrchol yr awdurdod lleol. Felly, ar yr amserlen, yn gyntaf oll, mae'n rhaid i ni lunio cynnig manwl iawn, sef yr achos busnes amlinellol hwnnw y soniais amdano ar gyfer y gorsafoedd rheilffyrdd arfaethedig hynny. Ac yna, mewn ffordd, mae'n rhaid i ni ei drosglwyddo i Lywodraeth y DU. Mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw ei drosglwyddo i Lywodraeth y DU gyda ni, a mater iddyn nhw wedyn yw ei gynnwys yn eu rhaglen eu hunain. Rwy'n gwybod bod y trafodaethau hynny eisoes yn digwydd. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n werth sôn hefyd bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru hefyd yn datblygu cynlluniau treialu graddfa fawr ar gyfer bae Abertawe a fydd yn arwain at gyflwyno fflyd o fysiau celloedd tanwydd hydrogen, sydd hefyd yn rhywbeth yr wyf i'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi ei groesawu.
2. Pa berthynas y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn ei rhagweld rhwng Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru a GB Energy? OQ61834
2. What relationship does the First Minister envisage between Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru and GB Energy? OQ61834

Following early discussions with UK Ministers, I envisage a very positive relationship with Great British Energy, Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru and our other energy delivery bodies, including Ynni Cymru. They are all trying to see how we can work together as we continue to drive forward renewable energy investment in Wales.
Yn dilyn trafodaethau cynnar gyda Gweinidogion y DU, rwy'n rhagweld perthynas gadarnhaol iawn gyda Great British Energy, Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru a'n cyrff cyflenwi ynni eraill, gan gynnwys Ynni Cymru. Maen nhw i gyd yn ceisio gweld sut y gallwn ni gydweithio wrth i ni barhau i fwrw ymlaen â buddsoddiad ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru.
Okay. It's interesting that you include Ynni Cymru, and that's great. But we have to recognise that the public is very wary of renewable energy, even though it's much cheaper than gas. So, in my view, the public sector needs to lead the way on demonstrating just how fantastic the benefits are. Unfortunately, there just are a few examples of the excellent work done by Morriston Hospital and its solar farm, which is generating at least a third of its energy and saving them over £2 million already. All public sector buildings have been given a target of net zero by 2030. Talking to public sector organisations, you'd think they weren't even aware of it. So, how is Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru going to give greater urgency to the public sector to embrace modern technology, reduce their energy bills and meet their net-zero carbon targets?
Iawn. Mae'n ddiddorol eich bod chi'n cynnwys Ynni Cymru, ac mae hynny'n wych. Ond mae'n rhaid i ni gydnabod bod y cyhoedd yn wyliadwrus iawn o ynni adnewyddadwy, er ei fod yn llawer rhatach na nwy. Felly, yn fy marn i, mae angen i'r sector cyhoeddus arwain y ffordd o ran dangos yn union pa mor wych yw'r manteision. Yn anffodus, dim ond rhai enghreifftiau sydd o'r gwaith rhagorol a wneir gan Ysbyty Treforys a'i fferm solar, sy'n cynhyrchu o leiaf traean o'i ynni ac wedi arbed dros £2 filiwn iddyn nhw eisoes. Rhoddwyd targed o sero net erbyn 2030 i bob adeilad sector cyhoeddus. O siarad â sefydliadau sector cyhoeddus, byddech chi'n meddwl nad oedden nhw hyd yn oed yn ymwybodol ohono. Felly, sut mae Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru yn mynd i roi mwy o frys i'r sector cyhoeddus groesawu technoleg fodern, lleihau eu biliau ynni a chyrraedd eu targedau carbon sero net?

Thanks very much. I think you're absolutely right to highlight the really good example that Morriston Hospital has demonstrated. They've had that using support from the Welsh Government energy service. So, for £5.7 million investment in that solar farm, they are managing to save about £0.5 million a year on bills. But, on top of that, they're saving a thousand tonnes of carbon a year. So, that's not insignificant. It is a really good model. We do have this model of invest-to-save, and I would encourage others to take up the opportunities that Morriston has given. It's probably important for us to underline the urgency of public sector bodies recognising that they do have a commitment to deliver net zero in the public sector by 2030. We've all been interested to see the Prime Minister today in Baku, in what is an important summit, also making a commitment to even more ambitious targets. The world is changing—you've got to just look at the climate around us to see that climate change is with us here and now. I'm very much looking forward to addressing the Future Energy Wales conference this afternoon, where, obviously, we'll be talking about our ambitions in relation to renewable energy in Wales.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rwy'n credu eich bod chi'n gwbl gywir i dynnu sylw at yr enghraifft dda iawn y mae Ysbyty Treforys wedi ei dangos. Maen nhw wedi cael hynny gan ddefnyddio cymorth gan wasanaeth ynni Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, am fuddsoddiad o £5.7 miliwn yn y fferm solar honno, maen nhw'n llwyddo i arbed tua £0.5 miliwn y flwyddyn ar filiau. Ond, ar ben hynny, maen nhw'n arbed mil tunnell o garbon y flwyddyn. Felly, nid yw hynny'n ddibwys. Mae'n fodel da iawn. Mae gennym ni'r model hwn o fuddsoddi i arbed, a byddwn yn annog eraill i fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd y mae Treforys wedi eu rhoi. Mae'n debyg ei bod hi'n bwysig i ni danlinellu'r brys i gyrff sector cyhoeddus gydnabod bod ganddyn nhw ymrwymiad i sicrhau sero net yn y sector cyhoeddus erbyn 2030. Bu diddordeb gan bob un ohonom ni mewn gweld Prif Weinidog y DU yn Baku heddiw, yn yr hyn sy'n uwchgynhadledd bwysig, hefyd yn gwneud ymrwymiad i dargedau mwy uchelgeisiol fyth. Mae'r byd yn newid—does ond rhaid i chi edrych ar yr hinsawdd o'n cwmpas i weld bod y newid yn yr hinsawdd gyda ni yma a nawr. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at annerch cynhadledd Dyfodol Ynni Cymru y prynhawn yma, lle, yn amlwg, y byddwn ni'n trafod ein huchelgeisiau o ran ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru.
Prif Weinidog, it's quickly becoming apparent that Labour's general election manifesto was not worth the paper it was written on. We were promised cheaper bills, but the energy price cap went up by 10 per cent last month. The £300 a month cheaper bills claim made by modelling firm Ember is said to be independent, but Ember was founded by Baroness Worthington, who was made a Labour peer by none other than Ed Miliband. But putting aside the fact that no-one can actually understand whether GB Energy is creating its own energy or not, can consumers expect cheaper bills under this Labour Government, or was that just another manifesto fib?
Prif Weinidog, mae'n dod i'r amlwg yn gyflym nad oedd maniffesto etholiad cyffredinol Llafur werth y papur y'i hysgrifennwyd ef arno. Addawyd biliau rhatach i ni, ond cynyddodd y cap prisiau ynni 10 y cant fis diwethaf. Dywedir bod yr hawliad biliau rhatach o £300 y mis a wnaed gan gwmni modelu Ember yn annibynnol, ond sefydlwyd Ember gan y Farwnes Worthington, a gafodd ei gwneud yn arglwyddes Lafur gan neb llai nag Ed Miliband. Ond gan roi o'r neilltu y ffaith na all neb ddeall mewn gwirionedd a yw GB Energy yn creu ei ynni ei hun ai peidio, a all defnyddwyr ddisgwyl biliau rhatach o dan y Llywodraeth Lafur hon, neu ai dim ond celwydd maniffesto arall oedd hwnnw?

Look, at the moment, we are in a position where, actually, a war in Ukraine had an immediate effect on the bills—[Interruption.]—wait a minute—on the bills in our country, and there is something you need to do about that in terms of security of supply. And if you can do security of supply and address the climate issue at the same time, then that is the way to go. And that's why we do have very ambitious targets, and that we have actually delivered significant amounts in relation to renewable energy already. Of course, when you're able to predict then in the longer term—and you're quite right, it's not going to happen overnight—the security of supply issue and the vagaries of the market that influence that we'll be able to control because we're closer and they're under our influence now to control. That's why GB Energy, I think, is a really significant contribution, and I'm really pleased that the discussions between our Government and GB Energy are going very well.
Edrychwch, ar hyn o bryd, rydym ni mewn sefyllfa lle, mewn gwirionedd, y cafodd rhyfel yn Wcráin effaith uniongyrchol ar y biliau—[Torri ar draws.]—arhoswch am funud—ar y biliau yn ein gwlad, ac mae rhywbeth y mae angen i chi ei wneud ynglŷn â hynny o ran diogelwch cyflenwad. Ac os gallwch chi sicrhau diogelwch cyflenwad a mynd i'r afael â'r broblem hinsawdd ar yr un pryd, yna dyna'r ffordd i fynd. A dyna pam mae gennym ni dargedau uchelgeisiol iawn, a'n bod wedi cyflawni llawer iawn o ran ynni adnewyddadwy eisoes. Wrth gwrs, pan fyddwch chi'n gallu rhagweld wedyn yn y tymor hwy—ac rydych chi'n gwbl gywir, nid yw'n mynd i ddigwydd dros nos—y mater diogelwch cyflenwad a mympwyon y farchnad sy'n dylanwadu ar hynny, byddwn ni'n gallu rheoli hynny gan ein bod ni'n agosach ac maen nhw o dan ein dylanwad ni nawr i'w rheoli. Dyna pam mae GB Energy, rwy'n credu, yn gyfraniad sylweddol iawn, ac rwy'n falch iawn bod y trafodaethau rhwng ein Llywodraeth ac GB Energy yn mynd yn dda iawn.
Can I thank the Member for raising this question? I think that avoiding the grid, like Morriston Hospital, using direct feed, is really important. The standing charge in north Wales is one of the highest across the UK, and I’m told it’s because of the grid infrastructure. I welcome that, in Wales, social housing has been built and retrofitted with solar and battery storage, avoiding the grid, thanks to Welsh Government funding and policy to help with cheap energy as well. First Minister, I’ve seen major energy infrastructure happening in north Wales, including wind and solar farms and battery parks. The people would like to see the benefit of reduced bills as well as energy security. Do you agree, going forward, that GB Energy could develop the ethos of Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru in Wales to ensure community benefit from major planning developments in the form, perhaps, of section 106 funding grants to make their homes warmer and self-sufficient with renewable energy?
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am godi'r cwestiwn hwn? Rwy'n credu bod osgoi'r grid, fel Ysbyty Treforys, gan ddefnyddio ffrwd uniongyrchol, yn bwysig iawn. Mae'r tâl sefydlog yn y gogledd yn un o'r uchaf ar draws y DU, ac rwy'n cael fy hysbysu ei fod oherwydd seilwaith y grid. Rwy'n croesawu, yng Nghymru, bod tai cymdeithasol wedi cael eu hadeiladu a'u hôl-osod â storfeydd solar a batris, gan osgoi'r grid, diolch i gyllid a pholisi Llywodraeth Cymru i helpu gydag ynni rhad hefyd. Prif Weinidog, rwyf i wedi gweld seilwaith ynni mawr yn digwydd yn y gogledd, gan gynnwys ffermydd gwynt a solar a pharciau batri. Hoffai'r bobl weld budd biliau llai yn ogystal â diogelwch ynni. A ydych chi'n cytuno, yn y dyfodol, y gallai GB Energy ddatblygu ethos Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru yng Nghymru i sicrhau budd cymunedol o ddatblygiadau cynllunio mawr ar ffurf, efallai, grantiau cyllid adran 106 i wneud eu cartrefi yn gynhesach ac yn hunangynhaliol gydag ynni adnewyddadwy?

Thanks very much, Carolyn. Our policy is absolutely clear: we expect all new energy developments to provide local benefit, whatever the nature of the developer. Community and local benefits should be used to meet local needs and priorities, and we’re discussing with the UK Government how support from GB Energy, under the local power plan, can build on and amplify the 15 years of support for local energy in Wales. We’ve got a lot of experience here through the energy service and now through Ynni Cymru. We’d expect major projects as well to be developed through Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru and to make sure that there’s an understanding that the local contribution is necessary.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Carolyn. Mae ein polisi yn gwbl eglur: rydym ni'n disgwyl i bob datblygiad ynni newydd ddarparu budd lleol, beth bynnag yw natur y datblygwr. Dylid defnyddio buddion cymunedol a lleol i ddiwallu anghenion a chyflawni blaenoriaethau lleol, ac rydym ni'n trafod gyda Llywodraeth y DU sut y gall cymorth gan GB Energy, o dan y cynllun pŵer lleol, adeiladu ar y 15 mlynedd o gymorth i ynni lleol yng Nghymru a'i chwyddo. Mae gennym ni lawer o brofiad yma drwy'r gwasanaeth ynni a nawr drwy Ynni Cymru. Byddem ni'n disgwyl i brosiectau mawr hefyd gael eu datblygu drwy Trydan Gwyrdd Cymru a gwneud yn siŵr bod dealltwriaeth bod y cyfraniad lleol yn angenrheidiol.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. First Minister, your hundredth day in office is on Thursday, and you rightly at the outset of taking up the office highlighted bringing waiting times down as being of top priority for the Government and that all agencies of the Government would work to that effect. You’ve listed several initiatives that you’ve brought forward, the most recent of which is the 50-day challenge that the health Minister announced yesterday, about getting early discharge from hospital for those who are better served in their own homes or in a community setting, thus creating more bed capacity for elective surgery. Can you highlight to me at the end of that 50 days what type of waiting times we will see and what type of percentage of beds will be occupied by people who would be better off in a community setting, because, at the moment, nearly 20 per cent of hospital beds in some hospitals are occupied by people who shouldn’t be in a hospital setting but could be better treated elsewhere?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, mae eich canfed diwrnod yn y swydd ddydd Iau, ac fe wnaethoch chi amlygu'n briodol ar ddechrau eich cyfnod yn y swydd lleihau amseroedd aros fel un o'r prif flaenoriaethau i'r Llywodraeth ac y byddai holl asiantaethau'r Llywodraeth yn gweithio i'r perwyl hwnnw. Rydych chi wedi rhestru sawl menter yr ydych chi wedi eu cyflwyno, a'r diweddaraf yw'r her 50 diwrnod a gyhoeddodd y Gweinidog iechyd ddoe, ynghylch cael rhyddhad cynnar o'r ysbyty i'r rhai y gellir eu gwasanaethu yn well yn eu cartrefi eu hunain neu mewn lleoliad cymunedol, gan greu mwy o gapasiti gwelyau ar gyfer llawdriniaethau dewisol. A allwch chi amlygu i mi ar ddiwedd y 50 diwrnod hwnnw pa fath o amseroedd aros y byddwn ni'n eu gweld a pha fath o ganran o welyau fydd yn cael eu meddiannu gan bobl a fyddai'n well eu byd mewn lleoliad cymunedol, oherwydd, ar hyn o bryd, mae bron i 20 y cant o welyau ysbyty mewn rhai ysbytai wedi'u meddiannu gan bobl na ddylen nhw fod mewn ysbyty ond a allai gael eu trin yn well mewn mannau eraill?

Thanks very much. You’re quite right—this is a very difficult nut to crack, I can assure you. I spent a lot of time trying to crack it. It’s not something unique to Wales; it’s something that people all over the United Kingdom are struggling with—people who are ready to be discharged from hospital but can’t, partly because of the fragility of the care sector, and that is difficult. Obviously, in Wales, we’ve increased the amount of money we pay to care workers. We introduced the real living wage, which has made a difference, and we spend considerably more on care in Wales than they do in England. That relationship between health and care is absolutely fundamental.
The 50-day challenge that the Cabinet Secretary for health has outlined I think is going to be a really critical part of what we do over this winter. What we know is that there are some bits of the system that work really well, and the plan here is to take the good bits and to roll them out—make them all do what we know works. There are some aspects that people do really well, other aspects that they don’t. How do we do that? It’s driving that challenge, making sure they know what they should be doing, when, and making sure that they drive that. So, obviously, getting people out of hospital will mean there are more beds for us to get on with planned care, but there’s also the planned care initiative, and the Cabinet Secretary has announced an additional £27 million or so to try and help with reducing the longest waits, and clearly we are very anxious to see those waits come down. It’s that focused attention, making sure that if they don’t deliver, they don’t get the money. It’s a very different approach, and I think that’s really important.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Rydych chi'n gwbl gywir—mae hon yn broblem ddyrys iawn, gallaf eich sicrhau chi. Treuliais lawer o amser yn ceisio ei datrys. Nid yw'n rhywbeth unigryw i Gymru; mae'n rhywbeth y mae pobl ledled y Deyrnas Unedig yn cael trafferthion â hi—pobl sy'n barod i gael eu rhyddhau o'r ysbyty ond na ellir eu rhyddhau, yn rhannol oherwydd breuder y sector gofal, ac mae hynny'n anodd. Yn amlwg, yng Nghymru, rydym ni wedi cynyddu faint o arian yr ydym ni'n ei dalu i weithwyr gofal. Fe wnaethom ni gyflwyno'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol, sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth, ac rydym ni'n gwario llawer iawn mwy ar ofal yng Nghymru nag y maen nhw yn Lloegr. Mae'r berthynas rhwng iechyd a gofal yn gwbl hanfodol.
Rwy'n credu y bydd yr her 50 diwrnod y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd wedi ei hamlinellu yn mynd i fod yn rhan hollbwysig o'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud dros y gaeaf hwn. Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wybod yw bod rhai rhannau o'r system sy'n gweithio'n dda iawn, a'r cynllun yma yw cymryd y rhannau da a'u cyflwyno—gwneud iddyn nhw i gyd wneud yr hyn yr ydym ni'n gwybod sy'n gweithio. Ceir rhai agweddau y mae pobl yn eu gwneud yn dda iawn, agweddau eraill nad ydynt. Sut ydym ni'n gwneud hynny? Mae'n fater o fwrw ymlaen â'r her honno, gan wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n gwybod beth ddylen nhw fod yn ei wneud, pryd, a gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n bwrw ymlaen â hynny. Felly, yn amlwg, bydd cael pobl allan o'r ysbyty yn golygu bod mwy o welyau i ni fwrw ymlaen â gofal wedi'i gynllunio, ond ceir y fenter gofal wedi'i gynllunio hefyd, ac mae'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet wedi cyhoeddi oddeutu £27 miliwn yn ychwanegol i geisio helpu i leihau'r arosiadau hiraf, ac yn amlwg rydym ni'n awyddus iawn i weld yr arosiadau hynny yn lleihau. Mae'n fater o'r sylw â phwyslais hwnnw, gwneud yn siŵr os na fyddan nhw'n cyflawni, nad ydyn nhw'n cael yr arian. Mae'n ddull gwahanol iawn, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn.
Thank you for the word soup, First Minister; I was looking for some real hard and fast targets, because in those 100 days since you’ve become First Minister, there have been an additional 9,000 pathways added to waiting lists here in Wales, there have been nearly 4,000 patients added to the 600,000 patients that are waiting for treatment in Welsh hospitals, and there have been nearly 1,000 patients added to the two-year wait, which you promised would be eliminated at the start of this year. So, I understand the pressures; we all understand that. I actually wish you well in your endeavours trying to bring these waiting times down, because at the root of all of these waiting time statistics are individuals. And, importantly as well, there are staff who are at their wits' end. So, I just ask a simple question: when the Cabinet are having these briefing papers, surely there's an outcome paper that says, 'If you do A, you will get B. If you do C, you will get D.' So, could you, in simple, layman's terms, say what exactly the figures will look like at the end of the 50-day challenge? People need respite, and the staff in particular need respite from the horrendous pressures they're facing. Give them some hope; give us those figures.
Diolch am y cawl geiriau, Prif Weinidog; roeddwn i'n chwilio am dargedau cadarn a phendant, oherwydd yn y 100 diwrnod hynny ers i chi ddod yn Brif Weinidog, ychwanegwyd 9,000 o lwybrau ychwanegol at restrau aros yma yng Nghymru, ychwanegwyd bron i 4,000 o gleifion at y 600,000 o gleifion sy'n aros am driniaeth yn ysbytai Cymru, ac ychwanegwyd bron i 1,000 o gleifion at yr arhosiad o ddwy flynedd, y gwnaethoch chi addo y byddai'n cael ei ddileu ar ddechrau'r flwyddyn hon. Felly, rwy'n deall y pwysau; rydym ni i gyd yn deall hynny. A dweud y gwir, rwy'n dymuno'n dda i chi yn eich ymdrechion i geisio lleihau'r amseroedd aros hyn, oherwydd wrth wraidd yr holl ystadegau amseroedd aros hyn y mae unigolion. Ac, yn bwysig hefyd, ceir staff sydd ar ben eu tennyn. Felly, rwy'n gofyn cwestiwn syml yn unig: pan fydd y Cabinet yn cael y papurau briffio hyn, siawns nad oes papur canlyniadau sy'n dweud, 'Os gwnewch chi A, fe gewch chi B. Os gwnewch chi C, fe gewch chi D. Felly, a allech chi, mewn termau syml, i bobl gyffredin, ddweud sut yn union y bydd y ffigurau yn edrych ar ddiwedd yr her 50 diwrnod? Mae angen seibiant ar bobl, ac mae angen seibiant ar y staff yn arbennig o'r pwysau erchyll y maen nhw'n eu hwynebu. Rhowch rywfaint o obaith iddyn nhw; rhowch y ffigurau hynny i ni.

Well, thanks very much. First of all, look, I absolutely understand the frustration of people who are on long waiting lists. People are in pain, and it's our responsibility to reduce that. And there have been massive strides in terms of the longest waits. They've come down significantly. The longest waits have come down a lot from, certainly, when I first because the health Secretary. But you can't do anything unless the staff are there to do it. So, one of the things within my first 100 days was to make sure that we delivered an above-inflation pay award to the hundreds of thousands of people who work in the NHS who are actually going to carry out those operations, because the morale in the NHS is really important. That was within the first 100 days.
And of course, there are other things that we've achieved during those first 100 days: free school meals rolled out to all pupils in maintained primary schools; we saw Tata, working with the UK Government, that additional funding—£13.5 million; we had local investment in museums and libraries; broadband connectivity, £12 million there; we've seen a £1 billion investment in Shotton; we've had the all-Wales fracture liaison service, and that's just September. So, there's a whole load of things that we've achieved in the first 100 days, and it is, actually, important that we look at what we can do in future in relation to bringing those waiting lists down. That announcement will reap significant benefits and, of course, we're working on the actual figures, what difference will it make. If they don't make the difference, then they won't get the money. That's critical. And we're working on what happens next, can we look to the budget next year, for example, to do more and what can we expect for that.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn. Yn gyntaf oll, edrychwch, rwy'n deall yn llwyr rhwystredigaeth pobl sydd ar restrau aros hir. Mae pobl mewn poen, a'n cyfrifoldeb ni yw lleihau hynny. A bu camau enfawr o ran yr arosiadau hiraf. Maen nhw wedi gostwng yn sylweddol. Mae'r arosiadau hiraf wedi lleihau llawer, yn sicr o'r adeg pan ddechreuais i fel Ysgrifennydd iechyd. Ond ni allwch chi wneud unrhyw beth oni bai fod y staff yno i'w wneud. Felly, un o'r pethau yn ystod fy 100 diwrnod cyntaf oedd gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n sicrhau dyfarniad cyflog uwch na chwyddiant i'r cannoedd o filoedd o bobl sy'n gweithio yn y GIG sy'n mynd i gyflawni'r llawdriniaethau hynny mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd mae'r ysbryd yn y GIG yn bwysig iawn. Digwyddodd hyn yn ystod y 100 diwrnod cyntaf.
Ac wrth gwrs, ceir pethau eraill yr ydym ni wedi eu cyflawni yn ystod y 100 diwrnod cyntaf hynny: cyflwynwyd prydau ysgol am ddim i bob disgybl mewn ysgolion cynradd a gynhelir; gwelsom Tata, yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU, y cyllid ychwanegol hwnnw—£13.5 miliwn; cawsom fuddsoddiad lleol mewn amgueddfeydd a llyfrgelloedd; cysylltedd band eang, £12 miliwn yn y fan honno; rydym ni wedi gweld buddsoddiad o £1 biliwn yn Shotton; rydym ni wedi cael gwasanaeth cyswllt toresgyrn Cymru gyfan, a mis Medi yn unig yw hynny. Felly, ceir llwyth o bethau yr ydym ni wedi eu cyflawni yn ystod y 100 diwrnod cyntaf, ac mae'n bwysig mewn gwirionedd ein bod ni'n edrych ar yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud yn y dyfodol o ran lleihau'r rhestrau aros hynny. Bydd y cyhoeddiad hwnnw yn arwain at fanteision sylweddol ac, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n gweithio ar yr union ffigurau, pa wahaniaeth y bydd yn ei wneud. Os na fyddan nhw'n gwneud gwahaniaeth, yna ni fyddan nhw'n cael yr arian. Mae hynny'n hollbwysig. Ac rydym ni'n gweithio ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd nesaf, a allwn ni edrych ar y gyllideb y flwyddyn nesaf, er enghraifft, i wneud mwy a beth allwn ni ei ddisgwyl am hynny.
I still haven't had a single figure from you, despite twice asking and wishing you well in your endeavours, because the consequences of the blockages in our health service were shown again down in west Wales, in Nantgaredig Rugby Club, where a player was left on the pitch for six hours because an ambulance could not come because they were tied up with other emergency calls or outside an A&E department.
Now, it can't be beyond the wit of the First Minister and the Government to come up with some numbers so that people can actually have confidence—[Interruption.]—that you're not chasing a social media post. I heard the delivery Minister commenting then. Perhaps you'd like to stand up, delivery Minister, and tell us what you're delivering, because this Government isn't delivering a reduction in waiting times.
I ask you now for the third time: given the points that you have put forward in your first 100 days, of this £28 million, of this 50-day challenge, how can we have confidence that waiting times will improve and pressures will abate on our hospitals and primary care? As I said to you, 9,000 pathways have been added to waiting times, 4,000 patients have been added to the waiting times overall, and 1,000 patients, nearly, have been added to the two-year wait. The figures are going in the wrong direction, First Minister. We're knocking on the door of deepest winter; give some hope to our health workers and give some hope to the patients of Wales.
Nid wyf i wedi cael yr un ffigur gennych chi o hyd, er i mi ofyn ddwywaith a dymuno'n dda i chi yn eich ymdrechion, oherwydd dangoswyd canlyniadau'r rhwystrau yn ein gwasanaeth iechyd eto i lawr yn y gorllewin, yng Nghlwb Rygbi Nantgaredig, lle gadawyd chwaraewr ar y cae am chwe awr oherwydd na allai unrhyw ambiwlans ddod oherwydd eu bod nhw'n brysur gyda galwadau brys eraill neu y tu allan i adran damweiniau ac achosion brys.
Nawr, ni all fod y tu hwnt i grebwyll y Prif Weinidog a'r Llywodraeth gyflwyno rhifau fel y gall pobl wir fod yn hyderus—[Torri ar draws.]—nad ydych chi'n mynd ar drywydd neges cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Clywais y Gweinidog cyflawni yn gwneud sylwadau yn y fan yna. Efallai yr hoffech chi sefyll i fyny, Gweinidog cyflawni, a dweud wrthym ni beth rydych chi'n ei gyflawni, oherwydd nid yw'r Llywodraeth hon yn cyflawni gostyngiad i amseroedd aros.
Gofynnaf i chi nawr am y trydydd tro: o gofio'r pwyntiau yr ydych chi wedi eu cyflwyno yn eich 100 diwrnod cyntaf, o'r £28 miliwn hwn, o'r her 50 diwrnod hon, sut allwn ni fod yn hyderus y bydd amseroedd aros yn gwella a bydd pwysau yn lleihau ar ein hysbytai a'n gofal sylfaenol? Fel y dywedais wrthych chi, ychwanegwyd 9,000 o lwybrau at amseroedd aros, ychwanegwyd cyfanswm o 4,000 o gleifion at yr amseroedd aros, ac ychwanegwyd bron i 1,000 o gleifion at yr arhosiad o ddwy flynedd. Mae'r ffigurau yn symud i'r cyfeiriad anghywir, Prif Weinidog. Rydym ni'n curo ar ddrws canol gaeaf; rhowch rywfaint o obaith i'n gweithwyr iechyd a rhowch rywfaint o obaith i gleifion Cymru.

Well, we have seen the longest waiters coming down, and I can tell you, in relation to the 50-day challenge, that we're asking the teams to target the people who have been in hospital for the longest 25 per cent of the time. So, that's 350 people against the 1,500 or so in terms of delayed discharges. So, there are your figures and, obviously, we are holding the health authorities to account in relation to those kinds of targets.
Wel, rydym ni wedi gweld yr arhoswyr hiraf yn lleihau, a gallaf ddweud wrthych chi, o ran yr her 50 diwrnod, ein bod ni'n gofyn i'r timau dargedu'r bobl sydd wedi bod yn yr ysbyty am y 25 y cant hiraf o'r amser. Felly, mae hynny'n 350 o bobl yn erbyn oddeutu 1,500 o ran oedi cyn rhyddhau. Felly, dyna eich ffigurau ac, yn amlwg, rydym ni'n dwyn yr awdurdodau iechyd i gyfrif o ran y mathau hynny o dargedau.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Plaid Cymru leader, Rhun ap Iorwerth.

Diolch, Llywydd. Mae'r Prif Weinidog ei hun, cyn Weinidog iechyd, wrth gwrs, yn derbyn dyw'r NHS yng Nghymru ddim lle dylai fo fod ar ôl 25 mlynedd o Lywodraethau wedi’u harwain gan Lafur: y rhestrau aros; yr angen am ymyrraeth yn y byrddau iechyd; ac mae staff, wrth gwrs, yn gorfod gweithio mewn amgylchiadau mwy a mwy anodd. Nhw ydy curiad calon yr NHS, ac mae recriwtio effeithiol, y gallu i gadw talent, yn allweddol, efo cyflogau teg wrth wraidd hynny. Yr wythnos diwethaf mi wnaeth nyrsys wrthod cynnig cyflog diweddaraf y Llywodraeth Lafur. Mae'r Royal College of Nursing yn dweud hyn:
The First Minister herself, as a former health Minister, accepts that the NHS in Wales isn’t where it should be after 25 years of Labour-led Governments: the waiting lists; the need for interventions in health boards; and staff, of course, have to work in more and more difficult circumstances. They are the heartbeat of the NHS, and effective recruitment, the ability to retain talent, is crucial, with fair salaries at the heart of that. Last week, nurses rejected the latest pay offer made by the Labour Government. The Royal College of Nursing said this:
'this fails to match the safety-critical nature of their work and the extensive skills they bring to the NHS.'
'mae hyn yn methu â chyfateb i natur eu gwaith lle mae diogelwch yn hanfodol a'r sgiliau helaeth y maen nhw'n eu cynnig i'r GIG.'
Oes gan y Prif Weinidog gynllun ar gyfer datrys yr anghydfod yma? Ac os oes yna gynllun, beth ydy o?
Does the First Minister have a plan to resolve this? And if there is a plan, what is that plan?

Well, we greatly value the work that our nurses do in Wales, in the NHS, and they do so much to help provide that life-saving and live-changing care for people in what you rightly say is a very pressurised environment, and that's why we were pleased that we were able to offer an above-inflation pay rise this financial year—a 5.5 per cent increase—which was the same thing as the other unions accepted in Wales. The 'Agenda for Change' staff were on that. And I think it is important that we look at how we've changed the number of people who are agency workers, so we're doing what the RCN asked us to do, to put more people into substantive roles, rather than paying agencies. So, all of that is improving, and, of course, we'll always be open to discuss, with the RCN, about how we can come to a conclusion with this very difficult issue. But, obviously, budgets are tight, 5.5 per cent is an above-inflation pay rise, and, of course, it is what we've offered to other people in the NHS.
Wel, rydym ni'n gwerthfawrogi'n fawr y gwaith y mae ein nyrsys yn ei wneud yng Nghymru, yn y GIG, ac maen nhw'n gwneud cymaint i helpu i ddarparu'r gofal hwnnw sy'n achub bywydau ac yn newid bywydau i bobl yn yr hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud yn briodol sy'n amgylchedd lle ceir pwysau mawr, a dyna pam roeddem ni'n falch ein bod ni wedi gallu cynnig codiad cyflog uwch na chwyddiant y flwyddyn ariannol hon—cynnydd o 5.5 y cant—sef yr un faint â'r hyn a dderbyniodd yr undebau eraill yng Nghymru. Roedd staff 'Agenda ar gyfer Newid' mewn rheolaeth o hynny. Ac rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n edrych ar sut rydym ni wedi newid nifer y bobl sy'n weithwyr asiantaeth, felly rydym ni'n gwneud yr hyn y gofynnodd yr RCN i ni ei wneud, i roi mwy o bobl mewn swyddi parhaol, yn hytrach na thalu asiantaethau. Felly, mae hynny i gyd yn gwella, ac, wrth gwrs, byddwn ni bob amser yn agored i drafod, gyda'r RCN, sut y gallwn ni ddod i gasgliad o ran y mater anodd iawn hwn. Ond, yn amlwg, mae cyllidebau'n dynn, mae 5.5 y cant yn godiad cyflog uwch na chwyddiant, ac, wrth gwrs, dyna'r ydym ni wedi ei gynnig i bobl eraill yn y GIG.
We've had a description of what the Government says it has done, but, clearly, no plan, and I can't overemphasise how important it is that there is a plan now on pay, and on elements such as training and recruitment. The nursing agency bill, whilst it has come down a little, was still at a staggering £142 million last year. The RCN's 'Nursing in Numbers' report, published last week, tells us that that could pay for 4,677 full-time, newly registered nurses, and, if Labour fail to tackle the staffing crisis, that agency bill can only grow.
Now, I'm pleased that the nursing bursary has been extended for the 2024-25 academic year, though nothing beyond that, but, in what can only be described as a backwards step, Welsh Government has cut places on all nursing undergraduate courses for the first time in a decade. The number of nursing degree places agreed to by Welsh Government this year represents only between 50 per cent and 69 per cent of what health boards requested. Why has Government decided to risk making the staffing crisis worse by cutting student places?
Rydym ni wedi cael disgrifiad o'r hyn y mae'r Llywodraeth yn dweud ei bod wedi ei wneud, ond, yn amlwg, dim cynllun, ac ni allaf orbwysleisio pa mor bwysig yw hi fod cynllun nawr ar gyflog, ac ar elfennau fel hyfforddiant a recriwtio. Roedd y bil asiantaethau nyrsio, er ei fod wedi gostwng rhyw fymryn, dal i fod yn swm syfrdanol o £142 miliwn y llynedd. Mae adroddiad 'Niferoedd Nyrsio' RCN, a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf, yn dweud wrthym ni y gallai hynny dalu am 4,677 o nyrsys llawn amser, sydd newydd gofrestru, ac, os bydd Llafur yn methu â mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng staffio, dim ond tyfu gall y bil asiantaeth hwnnw.
Nawr, rwy'n falch bod y fwrsariaeth nyrsio wedi cael ei hymestyn ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2024-25, er nad oes dim y tu hwnt i hynny, ond, yn yr hyn y gellir ond ei ddisgrifio fel cam yn ôl, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi torri lleoedd ar bob cwrs nyrsio israddedig am y tro cyntaf mewn degawd. Mae nifer y lleoedd gradd nyrsio y cytunwyd arnyn nhw gan Lywodraeth Cymru eleni yn cynrychioli rhwng 50 y cant a 69 y cant yn unig o'r hyn y gofynnodd byrddau iechyd amdanyn nhw. Pam mae'r Llywodraeth wedi penderfynu peryglu gwaethygu'r argyfwng staffio trwy dorri lleoedd myfyrwyr?

Well, first of all, on the agency issue, the fact is that it's come down considerably—the amount of money we spend on agency—and the RCN have been very welcoming of the fact that that has definitely come down.
When it comes to nurse bursary, I think it is important to recognise that we have as many training places this year as were filled last year. So, if you think about how many came out last year, we're putting the same number in. So, you can have very ambitious targets. If you can't fill the number of people going in, because they're not applying for it, then, obviously, that becomes a problem. So, we're filling, we're providing, as many as were filled last year.
Wel, yn gyntaf oll, ar fater asiantaethau, y ffaith yw ei fod wedi gostwng yn sylweddol—faint o arian yr ydym ni'n ei wario ar asiantaethau—ac mae'r RCN wedi bod yn groesawgar iawn o'r ffaith bod hynny yn sicr wedi gostwng.
O ran bwrsariaeth nyrsys, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig cydnabod bod gennym ni gynifer o leoedd hyfforddi eleni ag a lenwyd y llynedd. Felly, os meddyliwch chi am faint ddaeth allan y llynedd, rydym ni'n rhoi'r un nifer i mewn. Felly, gallwch gael targedau uchelgeisiol iawn. Os na allwch chi lenwi gyda'r nifer y bobl sy'n mynd i mewn, oherwydd nad ydyn nhw'n ymgeisio amdano, yna, yn amlwg, mae hynny'n dod yn broblem. Felly, rydym ni'n llenwi, rydym ni'n darparu, cynifer ag a lenwyd y llynedd.
Where’s the plan to bring more people in? And why cap that number now, unless you feel that there's no hope in setting more ambitious targets for bringing new students in? Let me highlight more figures from the 'Nursing in Numbers' report. There are around 2,000 nursing vacancies in the Welsh NHS. That's why we need to bring more nurses in. Nurses in Wales are working more than 73,000 extra hours a week. No wonder the RCN say that workforce planning in Wales is under-researched and under-resourced. For years, Welsh Government didn't even publish statistics for the vacancy numbers in Wales, and they have failed to put a comprehensive and sustainable workforce plan in place.
Now, the Nurse Staffing Levels (Wales) Act 2016 was pioneering, but we can and should go further. We're still waiting, aren't we, for the statutory guidance around the Act that the RCN has long argued for, setting out how health boards and trusts should fulfil all their responsibilities under it. So, will the First Minister commit to strengthening the law on safe nursing staffing levels in Wales, so that the NHS provides an environment that is safer for patients and fairer for staff?
Ble mae'r cynllun i ddod â mwy o bobl i mewn? A pham capio'r nifer hwnnw nawr, oni bai eich bod chi'n teimlo nad oes unrhyw obaith o osod targedau mwy uchelgeisiol ar gyfer dod â myfyrwyr newydd i mewn? Gadewch i mi dynnu sylw at fwy o ffigurau o'r adroddiad 'Niferoedd Nyrsio'. Ceir tua 2,000 o swyddi nyrsio gwag yn y GIG yng Nghymru. Dyna pam mae angen i ni ddod â mwy o nyrsys i mewn. Mae nyrsys yng Nghymru yn gweithio dros 73,000 o oriau ychwanegol yr wythnos. Does ryfedd fod yr RCN yn dweud bod gwaith cynllunio'r gweithlu yng Nghymru wedi'i dan-ymchwilio ac nad oes ganddo ddigon o adnoddau. Am flynyddoedd, nid oedd Llywodraeth Cymru hyd yn oed yn cyhoeddi ystadegau ar gyfer niferoedd y swyddi gwag yng Nghymru, ac maen nhw wedi methu â rhoi cynllun gweithlu cynhwysfawr a chynaliadwy ar waith.
Nawr, roedd Deddf Lefelau Staff Nyrsio (Cymru) 2016 yn arloesol, ond gallwn a dylem fynd ymhellach. Rydym ni'n dal i aros, onid ydym, am y canllawiau statudol ynghylch y Ddeddf y mae'r RCN wedi dadlau drostyn nhw ers amser maith, yn nodi sut y dylai byrddau ac ymddiriedolaethau iechyd gyflawni eu holl gyfrifoldebau oddi tano. Felly, a wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ymrwymo i gryfhau'r gyfraith ar lefelau staff nyrsio diogel yng Nghymru, fel bod y GIG yn darparu amgylchedd sy'n fwy diogel i gleifion ac yn decach i staff?
Well, thanks very much. First of all, the number of vacancies in Wales in terms of nursing is down significantly on where it was before. We obviously have recruited hundreds of new international nurses, in part because of the memorandum of understanding that we had with Kerala, which I was very proud to sign, and I met many of those nurses in the Diwali event that I attended last week.
In relation to the nurse staffing level Act, a committee of this Senedd did a report into this—they took evidence from a number of people—and that committee report did not recommend extending the staffing level as was recommended by the RCN, and that was after hearing evidence from a number of sources, because we are keen to make sure that people work to the top of their licence. It is important that we use, perhaps, people who can help within the ward, who are not necessarily nurses, to do some of the work that releases nurses to do the work that only they can do. So, that is not something that was recommended by the committee and is not something that the Welsh Government is looking at at this point.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn. Yn gyntaf oll, mae nifer y swyddi gwag yng Nghymru o ran nyrsio wedi gostwng yn sylweddol o gymharu â'r sefyllfa o'r blaen. Rydym ni'n amlwg wedi recriwtio cannoedd o nyrsys rhyngwladol newydd, yn rhannol oherwydd y memorandwm cyd-ddealltwriaeth yr oedd gennym ni gyda Kerala, yr oeddwn i'n falch iawn o'i lofnodi, ac fe wnes i gyfarfod llawer o'r nyrsys hynny yn y digwyddiad Diwali yr oeddwn i'n bresennol ynddo yr wythnos diwethaf.
O ran y Ddeddf lefelau staff nyrsio, lluniodd bwyllgor y Senedd hon adroddiad ar hyn—fe wnaethon nhw gymryd tystiolaeth gan nifer o bobl—ac ni wnaeth yr adroddiad pwyllgor hwnnw argymell ymestyn y lefelau staffio fel yr argymhellwyd gan yr RCN, ac roedd hynny ar ôl clywed tystiolaeth o nifer o ffynonellau, oherwydd rydym ni'n awyddus i wneud yn siŵr bod pobl yn gweithio i frig eu trwydded. Mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n defnyddio, efallai, pobl sy'n gallu helpu o fewn y ward, nad ydyn nhw o reidrwydd yn nyrsys, i wneud rhywfaint o'r gwaith sy'n rhyddhau nyrsys i wneud y gwaith mai dim ond y nhw sy'n gallu ei wneud. Felly, nid yw hynny yn rhywbeth a argymhellwyd gan y pwyllgor ac nid yw'n rhywbeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn edrych arno ar hyn o bryd.
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog nodi nifer y cleifion a arhosodd am fwy na 24 awr am wely ar ôl cyrraedd yr ysbyty mewn ambiwlans? OQ61857
3. Will the First Minister state the number of patients who waited more than 24 hours for a bed after arriving at the hospital in an ambulance? OQ61857
Ym mis Medi 2024, roedd 1,497 o achosion lle roedd yn rhaid i gleifion aros am wely mewn ysbyty am fwy na 24 awr ar ôl cyrraedd adran frys mewn ambiwlans. Rŷn ni wedi nodi'n glir i'r byrddau iechyd beth yw ein disgwyliadau ni o ran gwelliant, a ddoe cafodd her 50 diwrnod y gaeaf ar gyfer gofal integredig ei lansio i gefnogi hyn.
In September 2024, there were 1,497 cases where patients were admitted to a hospital bed more than 24 hours after arriving at emergency departments by ambulance. We have stated clearly to the health boards what our expectations are in terms of improvement, and yesterday a 50-day winter challenge for integrated care was launched in support of that.
Diolch am yr ymateb.
Thank you for that response.
So, just to bring this down to people, last week a resident of mine was in touch to say that his partner had waited 36 hours in order to gain hospital admission. His partner spoke to the ambulance drivers and found that 11 out of the 12 ambulances in Carmarthenshire were actually waiting outside Glangwili hospital to admit their patients. This is a situation that all of us, I know, across this Siambr, see cannot continue. People are waiting in ambulances. People are waiting to be able to get into hospitals, and then people are waiting for ambulances to arrive to respond to them.
One of the key issues that we know is that we can't discharge people from hospitals as well, so we have problems at both ends of hospitals. In order to get people in, we need to discharge people, and that's about access and availability of social care packages. So, I just wondered: could you let us know how you are supporting local authorities here in Wales to be able to put social care packages together and have social carers ready to help those people to leave hospital? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Felly, dim ond i ddod â hyn i lawr i bobl, yr wythnos diwethaf cysylltodd u'n o'm trigolion i ddweud bod ei bartner wedi aros 36 awr er mwyn cael ei dderbyn i'r ysbyty. Siaradodd ei bartner â'r gyrwyr ambiwlans a chanfod bod 11 o'r 12 ambiwlans yn sir Gaerfyrddin yn aros y tu allan i ysbyty Glangwili i'w cleifion gael eu derbyn. Mae hon yn sefyllfa y mae pob un ohonom, rwy'n gwybod, ar draws y Siambr hon, yn gweld na all barhau. Mae pobl yn aros mewn ambiwlansys. Mae pobl yn aros i allu mynd i mewn i ysbytai, ac yna mae pobl yn aros i ambiwlansys gyrraedd i ymateb iddyn nhw.
Un o'r problemau allweddol yr ydym ni'n eu gwybod yw na allwn ni ryddhau pobl o ysbytai ychwaith, felly mae gennym ni broblemau ar ddau ben ysbytai. Er mwyn cael pobl i mewn, mae angen i ni ryddhau pobl, ac mae hynny'n ymwneud â mynediad ac argaeledd pecynnau gofal cymdeithasol. Felly, roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a allwch chi roi gwybod i ni sut rydych chi'n cynorthwyo awdurdodau lleol yma yng Nghymru i allu rhoi pecynnau gofal cymdeithasol at ei gilydd a chael gofalwyr cymdeithasol yn barod i helpu'r bobl hynny i adael yr ysbyty? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch, and can I just say that waiting 36 hours is wholly unacceptable under any circumstance, and it is important that health boards are aware of that? I know that the health Secretary is working very closely, making it absolutely clear what our expectations are as a Government, and that's part of the reason why he's introduced this 50-day challenge.
We have a home-first policy, and it is important that there is an understanding of the need for health boards to work really closely with local government in an integrated system. We do have the regional integration fund, £144 million—£180 million now—spent to try and make sure that they're working together. That's not an insignificant amount of money. And one of the things that I introduced when I was health Minister was the care action committee, a very action-focused group, which was very practical in terms of how do we get health and local authorities to work together. At the beginning, we had to work out where the problem was, because some people would say, 'It's them not us.' 'Right, let's get some data. Let's get all the data in the right place.' All of that has now been sorted out. We know where the problems are. We've identified what is likely to work quickly. Those 10 'These are the things you have to do, and, if you're not doing them, explain yourselves'—that has to be done in this next 50-day challenge, and hopefully that will get the system moving. You're absolutely right; it's that relationship with local government, making sure those care packages are available, and some of that is about making sure that we have enough care workers in our communities, that we have enough reablement workers within our communities as well, helping people get back on their feet, so they’re not dependent on large care packages, but they’re actually able to get back and to work within their own homes. All of those things are constantly being discussed with local authorities through things like the care action committee.
Diolch, ac a gaf i ddweud bod aros 36 awr yn gwbl annerbyniol o dan unrhyw amgylchiadau, ac mae'n bwysig bod byrddau iechyd yn ymwybodol o hynny? Gwn fod yr Ysgrifennydd iechyd yn gweithio'n agos iawn, gan ei gwneud yn gwbl eglur beth yw ein disgwyliadau fel Llywodraeth, ac mae hynny'n rhan o'r rheswm pam mae wedi cyflwyno'r her 50 diwrnod hon.
Mae gennym ni bolisi cartref yn gyntaf, ac mae'n bwysig bod dealltwriaeth o'r angen i fyrddau iechyd weithio'n agos iawn gyda llywodraeth leol mewn system integredig. Mae gennym ni'r gronfa integreiddio ranbarthol, £144 miliwn—£180 miliwn nawr—wedi ei wario i geisio gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n gweithio gyda'i gilydd. Nid yw hwnnw'n swm dibwys o arian. Ac un o'r pethau y gwnes i eu cyflwyno pan oeddwn i'n Weinidog iechyd oedd y pwyllgor gweithredu gofal, grŵp sy'n canolbwyntio'n fawr ar weithredu, a oedd yn ymarferol iawn o ran sut rydym ni'n cael iechyd ac awdurdodau lleol i gydweithio. Ar y dechrau, bu'n rhaid i ni weithio allan lle roedd y broblem, oherwydd byddai rhai pobl yn dweud, 'Nhw yw'r broblem, nid ni.' Iawn, gadewch i ni gael rhywfaint o ddata. Gadewch i ni gael yr holl ddata yn y lle iawn.' Mae hyn i gyd wedi cael ei ddatrys erbyn hyn. Rydym ni'n gwybod ble mae'r problemau. Rydym ni wedi nodi'r hyn sy'n debygol o weithio'n gyflym. Y 10 'Dyma'r pethau y mae'n rhaid i chi eu gwneud, ac, os nad ydych chi'n eu gwneud nhw, esboniwch eich hunain'—mae'n rhaid gwneud hynny yn yr her 50 diwrnod nesaf hon, a'r gobaith yw y bydd hynny yn dechrau symud y system. Rydych chi'n gwbl gywir; mae'n fater o'r berthynas honno gyda llywodraeth leol, gwneud yn siŵr bod y pecynnau gofal hynny ar gael, ac mae rhywfaint o hynny yn ymwneud â gwneud yn siŵr bod gennym ni ddigon o weithwyr gofal yn ein cymunedau, bod gennym ni ddigon o weithwyr ailalluogi yn ein cymunedau hefyd, gan helpu pobl i ddod yn ôl ar eu traed, fel nad ydyn nhw'n ddibynnol ar becynnau gofal mawr, ond eu bod nhw mewn gwirionedd yn gallu mynd yn ôl a gweithio yn eu cartrefi eu hunain. Mae'r holl bethau hynny yn cael eu trafod yn gyson gydag awdurdodau lleol trwy bethau fel y pwyllgor gweithredu gofal.
I’m grateful to Jane Dodds for raising this question in the Chamber here today, because I’m sure far too many of us around this Chamber have similar horror stories to that which Jane Dodds just outlined. Indeed, one of my constituents, Mr Binns, shared with me his 27-hour wait in A&E whilst experiencing severe chest pains, and I’m grateful to you, First Minister, for acknowledging that that’s not acceptable and that we need to see that change.
As you’ve outlined in your response to Jane Dodds, there are systemic issues at play here, and the whole system needs a certain level of concentration and effort to change. But there is some good news and there are other organisations, whether they're third sector or private sector, who have the capacity and are willing and able to provide support and capacity to unblock some of these blockages that we’re seeing at the moment. But they’re sharing with me that they’re experiencing, here in Wales, some unique resistance to engaging with these other sectors, so that those blocks can be unblocked very, very quickly.
So, I wonder if you’ll commit today, First Minister, to make a statement that outlines Welsh Government’s commitment to working both cross-sector and cross-border to ensure that capacity is created, so that patients aren’t waiting for these undue lengths of time in A&E.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i Jane Dodds am godi'r cwestiwn hwn yn y Siambr yma heddiw, oherwydd rwy'n siŵr bod gan lawer gormod ohonom ni o amgylch y Siambr hon straeon brawychus tebyg i'r un y mae Jane Dodds newydd ei hamlinellu. Yn wir, rhannodd un o'm hetholwyr, Mr Binns, ei arhosiad o 27 awr gyda mi mewn adran damweiniau ac achosion brys tra oedd yn dioddef poenau difrifol yn y frest, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi, Prif Weinidog, am gydnabod nad yw hynny yn dderbyniol a bod angen i ni weld y newid hwnnw.
Fel rydych chi wedi ei amlinellu yn eich ymateb i Jane Dodds, mae materion systemig ar waith yma, ac mae'r system gyfan angen lefel benodol o ganolbwyntio ac ymdrech i newid. Ond ceir rhywfaint o newyddion da a cheir sefydliadau eraill, boed yn y trydydd sector neu yn y sector preifat, sydd â'r capasiti ac sy'n barod ac yn abl i ddarparu cymorth a chapasiti i oresgyn rhai o'r rhwystrau hyn yr ydym ni'n eu gweld ar hyn o bryd. Ond maen nhw'n rhannu gyda mi eu bod nhw'n wynebu, yma yng Nghymru, rywfaint o wrthwynebiad unigryw i ymgysylltu â'r sectorau eraill hyn, fel y gellir cael gwared ar y rhwystrau hynny yn gyflym iawn, iawn.
Felly, tybed a wnewch chi ymrwymo heddiw, Prif Weinidog, i wneud datganiad sy'n amlinellu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i weithio ar sail draws-sector a thraws-ffiniol i sicrhau bod capasiti yn cael ei greu, fel nad yw cleifion yn aros am y cyfnodau diangen hyn o amser mewn adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys.

Thanks very much. I’m not aware that there is that difficulty, and if you’ve got any evidence to support that, I’d be grateful if you could send it on to the Cabinet Secretary, because what we know is that, actually, where we do need to work cross-border, that works reasonably well, and also in relation to the third sector, that is an important aspect of what we do and that’s why we’ve got this regional integration fund, which is really supporting people, in particular the third sector—I think they have a ring fence within that of about 19 per cent or so. So, this is not an insignificant amount of money, and these are people who are doing incredible work on our behalf.
The thing we’ve got to constantly remember is that the demand just keeps on going up. In September, we saw the second highest daily numbers of red calls reported since we started the particular reporting process that we have now five years ago, so it is important to recognise that. And one of the things I’m sure that will happen in the next few months is that we have this ministerial advisory group, who are from outside of Wales, who can come in and have an objective view on it. We’ve got Dr Tara Sood, who is an NHS England national speciality adviser for same-day emergency care, and Adam Roberts, who is currently director for urgent and emergency care operational insight. So, they can come and tell us what we could be doing differently. But, frankly, on some of these areas, we’re actually doing better than England, believe it or not.
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Nid wyf i'n ymwybodol bod yr anhawster hwnnw yn bodoli, ac os oes gennych chi unrhyw dystiolaeth i gefnogi hynny, byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech chi ei hanfon at yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, oherwydd yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wybod, mewn gwirionedd, yw lle mae angen i ni weithio'n drawsffiniol, mae hynny'n gweithio yn rhesymol dda, a hefyd o ran y trydydd sector, mae honno'n agwedd bwysig ar yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud a dyna pam mae gennym ni'r gronfa integreiddio ranbarthol hon, sydd wir yn cynorthwyo pobl, yn enwedig y trydydd sector—rwy'n credu bod ganddyn nhw tua 19 y cant neu fwy wedi'i glustnodi o fewn hynny. Felly, nid yw hwn yn swm dibwys o arian, ac mae'r rhain yn bobl sy'n gwneud gwaith anhygoel ar ein rhan.
Y peth y mae'n rhaid i ni ei gofio yn gyson yw bod y galw yn dal i gynyddu. Ym mis Medi, gwelsom yr ail niferoedd dyddiol uchaf o alwadau coch a adroddwyd ers i ni ddechrau'r broses adrodd benodol sydd gennym ni nawr bum mlynedd yn ôl, felly mae'n bwysig cydnabod hynny. Ac un o'r pethau yr wyf i'n siŵr fydd yn digwydd yn ystod yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf yw bod gennym ni'r grŵp cynghori gweinidogol hwn, sy'n dod o'r tu allan i Gymru, sy'n gallu dod i mewn a bod â barn wrthrychol arno. Mae gennym ni Dr Tara Sood, sy'n gynghorydd arbenigedd cenedlaethol GIG Lloegr ar gyfer gofal brys ar yr un diwrnod, ac Adam Roberts, sydd ar hyn o bryd yn gyfarwyddwr mewnwelediad gweithredol gofal brys ac argyfwng. Felly, gallan nhw ddod i ddweud wrthym ni beth y gallem ni fod yn ei wneud yn wahanol. Ond, a dweud y gwir, o ran rhai o'r meysydd hyn, rydym ni'n gwneud yn well na Lloegr mewn gwirionedd, credwch neu beidio.
4. Beth y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â'r mater o amseroedd aros ar gyfer asesu plant am gyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol fel awtistiaeth ac ADHD yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr? OQ61861
4. What is the Government doing to address the issue of waiting times for assessing children for neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism and ADHD in the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board area? OQ61861

Rŷn ni’n cymryd camau i leihau'r amseroedd aros hiraf. Mae'r galw am wasanaethau niwrowahaniaeth yn tyfu o hyd. Yn nes ymlaen y mis yma, bydd nifer o asiantaethau yn dod at ei gilydd mewn digwyddiad ailddylunio cyflym cenedlaethol. Bydd hwn yn gosod y sylfeini i sicrhau gwasanaethau cynaliadwy a fydd yn diwallu anghenion plant.
We are taking action to reduce the longest waiting times. Demand for neurodivergence services continues to grow. Later this month, multiple agencies will come together for a national rapid service redesign event. This will lay the foundations to secure sustainable services that will meet children’s needs.
Diolch ichi am yr ateb. Yn dilyn cais rhyddid gwybodaeth, dwi wedi cael fy syfrdanu, a dweud y gwir, gan y lefel o aros y mae plant yn y gogledd yn gorfod ei wneud. Mae 62 y cant o'r holl blant sydd wedi cael eu 'refer-io' am asesiad wedi gorfod aros dros flwyddyn am yr asesiad hwnnw. Mae 50 o blant wedi bod yn aros dros bedair blynedd, ac mae un plentyn wedi aros dros bum mlynedd a hanner am yr asesiad. Nawr, mae hynny’n hirach na gyrfa ysgol uwchradd y rhan fwyaf o ddisgyblion. Mae'r plant yma yn amlwg yn cael eu gadael i lawr—ie, gan y bwrdd iechyd, ond hefyd, os caf i ddweud, gan eich Llywodraeth chi, am fethu â mynd i'r afael â'r sefyllfa. Felly, pa mor fuan y gwelwn ni hyn yn newid, oherwydd dyma rai o blant mwyaf bregus Cymru ac maen nhw wedi blino aros, Prif Weinidog, ac maen nhw’n haeddu gwell?
Thank you for that response. Following a freedom of information request, I have been staggered, truth be told, by the waiting times experienced by children in north Wales. Sixty-two per cent of all the children referred for assessment have had to wait over a year for that assessment. Fifty children have been waiting over four years, and one child has waited over five and a half years for that assessment. Now, that is longer than the secondary school career of most pupils. These children are clearly being let down—yes, by the health board, but also, if I may say, by your Government, for failing to address the situation. So, how soon will we see this change, because these are some of the most vulnerable children in Wales and they are tired of waiting, First Minister, and they deserve better?

Na, dwi'n deall, a dwi'n deall pa mor frustrated bydd rhai o’r plant a’u rhieni nhw. Dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n rili bwysig inni ystyried y cyd-destun ŷn ni'n gweithio ynddo. Rŷn ni wedi gweld cynnydd o 59 y cant yn y galw am driniaeth am ADHD rhwng 2018 a 2026. Felly, mae hwnna yn alw eithriadol o uchel, ac yn amlwg mae’n cymryd amser i ni gynyddu nifer y bobl, achos mae arian ychwanegol wedi mynd i mewn—£6 miliwn yn ychwanegol wedi mynd i mewn. Dwi’n gwybod bod Betsi, er enghraifft, yn defnyddio’r arian ychwanegol maen nhw’n ei gael i gefnogi symudiad plant gydag ADHD o ysgolion cynradd i ysgolion uwchradd. Felly, nid jest ynglŷn ag asesiad yw e, ond mae peth o’r arian yna yn mynd tuag at sicrhau eu bod nhw'n gallu cael y gofal sydd ei angen arnyn nhw pan fyddan nhw’n mynd trwy’r newidiadau pwysig yna yn eu bywydau nhw. Felly, nid jest i mewn i’r asesiadau ac ati mae’n mynd, ond mae’n mynd i mewn i bethau ehangach na hynny.
No, I understand, and I understand how frustrated some of those children and their parents will be. I think it’s very important for us to consider the context that we’re working in. We’ve seen an increase of 59 per cent in demand for ADHD treatment between 2018 and 2026. So, that is extremely high demand, and evidently it's taking us some time to increase the number of people, because additional funding has gone in—an additional £6 million has been invested. I know that Betsi, for example, is using the additional funds that they receive to support the transition of children with ADHD from primary to secondary schools. So, it's not just about assessment, but some of this funding is going to ensuring that they can have the care that they need when they go through these important transitions in their lives. So, it's not just a case of investing in assessments and so on, it's wider reaching than that.
It's fair to say I agree with Llyr Gruffydd. In Aberconwy, I'm repeatedly now being told that children are having to wait a considerably long time. I raised this issue a year ago and Lynne Neagle, at the time, mentioned that it was not correct, that people were not waiting over 12 months, even. Well, we've seen that health boards across Wales have reported significant rises in referrals to neurodevelopment services. In the Betsi board, the waiting list for ADHD or autism spectrum disorder assessments surged from 2,753 in February 2022 to 5,163 by December 2023, the highest in Wales. So, with this in mind, First Minister, what are you thinking of doing to bring these numbers down quickly, and will you consider collaborating with English treatment centres to reduce these waiting times?
Mae'n deg dweud fy mod i'n cytuno â Llyr Gruffydd. Yn Aberconwy, rwy'n cael fy hysbysu dro ar ôl tro bellach bod plant yn gorfod aros cryn dipyn o amser. Codais y mater hwn flwyddyn yn ôl a soniodd Lynne Neagle, ar y pryd, nad oedd yn gywir, nad oedd pobl yn aros dros 12 mis, hyd yn oed. Wel, rydym ni wedi gweld bod byrddau iechyd ledled Cymru wedi adrodd cynnydd sylweddol i atgyfeiriadau i wasanaethau niwroddatblygiad. Ym mwrdd Betsi, cynyddodd y rhestr aros ar gyfer asesiadau ADHD neu anhwylder ar y sbectrwm awtistiaeth o 2,753 ym mis Chwefror 2022 i 5,163 erbyn mis Rhagfyr 2023, yr uchaf yng Nghymru. Felly, gyda hyn mewn golwg, Prif Weinidog, beth ydych chi'n meddwl ei wneud i ostwng y niferoedd hyn yn gyflym, ac a wnewch chi ystyried cydweithio â chanolfannau triniaeth yn Lloegr i leihau'r amseroedd aros hyn?

Well, if you think England has got this cracked, you'd better take another look, because the fact is that they've also seen a massive surge in the number of people who are requiring assessments and treatments—
Wel, os ydych chi'n meddwl bod Lloegr wedi datrys hyn, byddai'n well i chi gymryd golwg arall, oherwydd y ffaith yw eu bod hwythau hefyd wedi gweld ymchwydd enfawr i nifer y bobl sydd angen asesiadau a thriniaethau—
I'm glad that Dawn Bowden finds this funny.
Rwy'n falch bod Dawn Bowden yn meddwl bod hyn yn ddoniol.

—in relation to ADHD. Can I tell you that one of the things that we're trying to do, because of the massive surge that you talk about, is that, actually, we're going to have to think about how we do things differently? Because just doing more of the same is clearly not going to get us to where we need to be. So, we need to rethink what the pathway looks like, and that's why we've got this rapid service redesign event that's happening at the end of this month. It's going to bring together 180 people from all the sectors, and people with lived experience, to find solutions in terms of reducing waiting times and, more importantly, securing sustainable services. The NHS Wales Executive has also undertaken a review of children's neurodevelopmental services. So, we recognise there's a problem here, and the problem is, if anything, more significant in England, but we are trying to see how we're going to do things differently in the future, because more of the same in relation to this clearly won't be able to address that massive surge in demand that you yourself pointed to.
—o ran ADHD. A gaf i ddweud wrthych chi mai un o'r pethau yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud, oherwydd yr ymchwydd enfawr yr ydych chi'n sôn amdano, yw, mewn gwirionedd, y bydd yn rhaid i ni feddwl am sut rydym ni'n gwneud pethau yn wahanol? Oherwydd mae'n amlwg nad yw gwneud mwy o'r un peth yn mynd i fynd â ni i ble'r ydym ni angen bod. Felly, mae angen i ni ailfeddwl sut mae'r llwybr yn edrych, a dyna pam mae gennym ni'r digwyddiad ail-ddylunio gwasanaethau'n gyflym hwn sy'n cael ei gynnal ddiwedd y mis hwn. Mae'n mynd i ddod â 180 o bobl o'r holl sectorau ynghyd, a phobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd, i ddod o hyd i atebion o ran lleihau amseroedd aros ac, yn bwysicach, sicrhau gwasanaethau cynaliadwy. Mae Gweithrediaeth GIG Cymru hefyd wedi cynnal adolygiad o wasanaethau niwroddatblygiadol plant. Felly, rydym ni'n cydnabod bod problem yma, ac mae'r broblem, os unrhyw beth, yn fwy sylweddol yn Lloegr, ond rydym ni'n ceisio gweld sut rydym ni'n mynd i wneud pethau yn wahanol yn y dyfodol, oherwydd mae'n amlwg na fydd mwy o'r un peth o ran hyn yn gallu mynd i'r afael â'r ymchwydd enfawr hwnnw i alw y gwnaethoch chi eich hun gyfeirio ato.
5. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i hyrwyddo dull partneriaeth gymdeithasol o ran cyflogwyr ledled Cymru? OQ61850
5. How is the Welsh Government working to promote a social partnership approach to employers across Wales? OQ61850

We have a long-standing and successful commitment to the Welsh way of social partnership working. We've been promoting this across Wales through a series of engagement events and conferences, as well as online learning packages and other resources.
Mae gennym ni ymrwymiad hirsefydlog a llwyddiannus i'r ffordd Gymreig o weithio mewn partneriaeth gymdeithasol. Rydym ni wedi bod yn hyrwyddo hyn ledled Cymru drwy gyfres o ddigwyddiadau ymgysylltu a chynadleddau, yn ogystal â phecynnau dysgu ar-lein ac adnoddau eraill.
Thank you, First Minister. I must begin by declaring an interest as a proud member of Unite the Union. I really welcome the Welsh Government's social partnership approach and your work, alongside the UK Government, promoting the new landmark Employment Rights Bill. Unfortunately, though, as I've highlighted in the Chamber before, there are fire-and-rehire practices still going ahead in Wales as we speak. Unite the Union are currently in dispute with Oscar Mayer in Wrexham, as the firm are threatening to dismiss anybody who does not sign a new contract that could see them losing up to £3,000 a year in paid breaks and premium bank holiday pay. This would impact on 800 staff members, and I believe that they have sacked three employees over the weekend, which now brings it up to 35 employees. Will you join me in condemning Oscar Mayer and their treatment of workers in Wrexham? And what action will you be taking to stress to the company that such appalling practices have no place here in Wales?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddechrau drwy ddatgan buddiant fel aelod balch o undeb Unite. Rwyf i wir yn croesawu dull partneriaeth gymdeithasol Llywodraeth Cymru a'ch gwaith, ochr yn ochr â Llywodraeth y DU, yn hyrwyddo'r Bil Hawliau Cyflogaeth nodedig newydd. Yn anffodus, fodd bynnag, fel yr wyf i wedi ei amlygu yn y Siambr o'r blaen, mae arferion diswyddo ac ailgyflogi yn dal i ddigwydd yng Nghymru wrth i ni siarad. Ar hyn o bryd, mae undeb Unite mewn anghydfod ag Oscar Mayer yn Wrecsam, gan fod y cwmni yn bygwth diswyddo unrhyw un na wnaiff lofnodi cytundeb newydd a allai olygu y bydd yn colli hyd at £3,000 y flwyddyn mewn seibiannau â thâl a thâl gŵyl y banc premiwm. Byddai hyn yn effeithio ar 800 aelod o staff, ac rwy'n credu eu bod nhw wedi diswyddo tri chyflogai dros y penwythnos, sydd bellach yn dod â'r cyfanswm i 35 o gyflogeion. A wnewch chi ymuno â mi i gondemnio Oscar Mayer a'u triniaeth o weithwyr yn Wrecsam? A pha gamau fyddwch chi'n eu cymryd i bwysleisio i'r cwmni nad oes unrhyw le i arferion gwarthus o'r fath yma yng Nghymru?

Thanks very much, Carolyn, and thanks for your work on this and for drawing it to the attention of the Senedd. I was very grateful to have been invited to address the Unite conference, the first policy conference for Wales, yesterday. And there, I was able to express again our serious concerns in relation to the company. We've asked for a meeting with the company, so that they can provide a full account of the current situation. I think that imposing inferior terms and conditions on workers through the tactic of fire and rehire is absolutely not consistent with our values of fair work and social partnership.
The fact is, however, that it is the UK Government who are in the position to change the legal framework in relation to fire-and-rehire practices, and I'm really pleased to see that that is something that will be addressed in the new Employment Rights Bill. And obviously, we are speaking very closely with them about that.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Carolyn, a diolch am eich gwaith ar hyn ac am dynnu sylw'r Senedd ato. Roeddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn o fod wedi cael fy ngwahodd i annerch cynhadledd Unite, y gynhadledd polisi gyntaf i Gymru, ddoe. Ac yno, cefais gyfle i fynegi eto ein pryderon difrifol ynghylch y cwmni. Rydym ni wedi gofyn am gyfarfod gyda'r cwmni, fel y gallan nhw ddarparu cyfrif llawn o'r sefyllfa bresennol. Rwy'n credu'n bendant nad yw gorfodi telerau ac amodau israddol ar weithwyr drwy'r dacteg o ddiswyddo ac ailgyflogi yn cyd-fynd â'n gwerthoedd o waith teg a phartneriaeth gymdeithasol.
Fodd bynnag, y ffaith yw mai Llywodraeth y DU sydd mewn sefyllfa i newid y fframwaith cyfreithiol o ran arferion diswyddo ac ailgyflogi, ac rwy'n falch iawn o weld bod hynny yn rhywbeth a fydd yn cael sylw yn y Bil Hawliau Cyflogaeth newydd. Ac yn amlwg, rydym ni'n siarad yn agos iawn â nhw am hynny.
For the record, I receive no donations from the trade unions. First Minister, you will be aware, I'm sure, that, despite recent attempts by this Government to sell social partnership as a unique Welsh way of working, it has been a cornerstone of European economies since the second world war, without the need for legislation to enforce it. Indeed, for example, in England, Scape, which was established almost—
Ar gyfer y cofnod, nid wyf i'n derbyn unrhyw roddion gan yr undebau llafur. Prif Weinidog, byddwch yn ymwybodol, rwy'n siŵr, er gwaethaf ymdrechion diweddar y Llywodraeth hon i werthu partneriaeth gymdeithasol fel ffordd unigryw Gymreig o weithio, ei bod wedi bod yn gonglfaen i economïau Ewropeaidd ers yr ail ryfel byd, heb fod angen deddfwriaeth i'w gorfodi. Yn wir, er enghraifft, yn Lloegr, mae Scape, a sefydlwyd bron i—
If we could have some silence, please, to hear Joel James's question. We're struggling to hear at the moment. Thank you, Joel.
Os gallwn ni gael rhywfaint o dawelwch, os gwelwch yn dda, i glywed cwestiwn Joel James. Rydym ni'n cael trafferth clywed ar hyn o bryd. Diolch, Joel.
Thank you, Llywydd. Indeed, for example, in England, Scape, which was established almost 20 years ago, has developed a social partnership portal for the construction industry, which allows buyers, suppliers and customers to quickly and easily see their local and national supply chains and brings forward a greater diversity of suppliers, as well as providing an opportunity to source contracts with social enterprises right across the country. So, as you can see, First Minister, we are lagging far behind. I'm not aware that any such similar portal exists in Wales, created by the Welsh Government, but I am aware of the great deal of time and expense that has been spent on having meetings and creating this legislation. Is there a social partnership portal in Wales, First Minister, such as the one developed by Scape, and if not, why not? Thank you.
Diolch, Llywydd. Yn wir, er enghraifft, yn Lloegr, mae Scape, a sefydlwyd bron i 20 mlynedd yn ôl, wedi datblygu porth partneriaeth gymdeithasol ar gyfer y diwydiant adeiladu, sy'n caniatáu i brynwyr, cyflenwyr a chwsmeriaid weld eu cadwyni cyflenwi lleol a chenedlaethol yn gyflym ac yn hawdd ac yn cyflwyno amrywiaeth ehangach o gyflenwyr, yn ogystal â rhoi cyfle i ddod o hyd i gontractau gyda mentrau cymdeithasol ledled y wlad gyfan. Felly, fel y gwelwch chi, Prif Weinidog, rydym ni ymhell ar ei hôl hi. Nid wyf i'n ymwybodol bod unrhyw borth tebyg o'r fath yn bodoli yng Nghymru, wedi'i greu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ond rwy'n ymwybodol o'r llawer iawn o amser a dreuliwyd a'r gost a wariwyd ar gael cyfarfodydd a chreu'r ddeddfwriaeth hon. A oes porth partneriaeth gymdeithasol yng Nghymru, Prif Weinidog, fel yr un a ddatblygwyd gan Scape, ac os nac oes, pam ddim? Diolch.

Well, thanks very much. We have lots of portals in the Welsh Government, where people can go and see what is available to them. And it is important, of course, that we encourage suppliers, in particular people like Airbus, for example, who are very keen to make sure that we get more Welsh suppliers to help them with their supply chain. So, some individual companies will do that and, obviously, those companies, if they work in social partnership, as a company like Airbus does, then we would encourage people and companies to go to those particular portals as well.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn. Mae gennym ni lawer o byrth yn Llywodraeth Cymru, lle gall pobl fynd i weld beth sydd ar gael iddyn nhw. Ac mae'n bwysig, wrth gwrs, ein bod ni'n annog cyflenwyr, yn enwedig pobl fel Airbus, sy'n awyddus iawn i wneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n cael mwy o gyflenwyr o Gymru i'w helpu gyda'u cadwyn gyflenwi. Felly, bydd rhai cwmnïau unigol yn gwneud hynny ac, yn amlwg, y cwmnïau hynny, os ydyn nhw'n gweithio mewn partneriaeth gymdeithasol, fel y mae cwmni fel Airbus yn ei wneud, yna byddem ni'n annog pobl a chwmnïau i fynd i'r pyrth penodol hynny hefyd.
6. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd y gaeaf hwn? OQ61863
6. What steps is the Welsh Government taking to tackle fuel poverty this winter? OQ61863

We are investing more than £30 million this year in the new Warm Homes Nest scheme to help tackle fuel poverty. We are also continuing to fund the Fuel Bank Foundation to support delivery of a national fuel voucher and heat fund scheme for those in fuel crisis.
Rydym ni'n buddsoddi mwy na £30 miliwn eleni yn y cynllun Cartrefi Clyd Nyth newydd i helpu i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd. Rydym ni hefyd yn parhau i ariannu'r Sefydliad Banc Tanwydd i gefnogi'r ddarpariaeth o gynllun talebau tanwydd a chronfa wres cenedlaethol i'r rhai sydd mewn argyfwng tanwydd.
Thank you, First Minister. The heartless decision by the UK Government to end the universal winter fuel payment will push many elderly people into fuel poverty this winter. Thankfully, the Welsh Government will receive an extra £1.7 billion via Barnett. This additional funding will now grant the Welsh Government the flexibility to address the forthcoming crisis. So, First Minister, will you commit to using a small proportion of this additional funding available to the Welsh Government to help those who will be forced to choose between heating and eating this winter?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Bydd penderfyniad dideimlad Llywodraeth y DU i roi terfyn ar daliad tanwydd cyffredinol y gaeaf yn gwthio llawer o bobl oedrannus i dlodi tanwydd y gaeaf hwn. Diolch byth, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn derbyn £1.7 biliwn ychwanegol drwy Barnett. Bydd y cyllid ychwanegol hwn bellach yn rhoi'r hyblygrwydd i Lywodraeth Cymru fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng hwn sydd ar fin ein cyrraedd. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio cyfran fach o'r cyllid ychwanegol hwn sydd ar gael i Lywodraeth Cymru i helpu'r rhai a fydd yn cael eu gorfodi i ddewis rhwng gwres a bwyta y gaeaf hwn?

Well, thanks very much, Altaf. We are intensely aware of how many people are struggling to pay their bills, and how the costs of energy have gone up. What I can tell you is that officials are fully engaged with the Department for Work and Pensions to drive up the numbers of those eligible to claim for pension credit. And what I'm pleased to say is that, as part of that, 6,600 people who are eligible in Welsh households are going to receive a letter asking them to apply for the benefit. If they apply for the benefit, and they are eligible for the benefit, obviously they will be able to get automatically that winter fuel allowance. That is something I hope you will welcome. And that, of course, goes on top of our other offers as a Welsh Government, like the Warm Homes Nest scheme and free advice for people through the Energy Saving Trust, for example.
Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn, Altaf. Rydym ni'n ymwybodol iawn o faint o bobl sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd talu eu biliau, a sut mae costau ynni wedi cynyddu. Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud wrthych chi yw bod swyddogion yn ymgysylltu'n llawn â'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau i gynyddu nifer y rhai sy'n gymwys i hawlio credyd pensiwn. A'r hyn yr wyf i'n falch o'i ddweud, yn rhan o hynny, yw y bydd 6,600 o bobl sy'n gymwys ar aelwydydd yng Nghymru yn derbyn llythyr yn gofyn iddyn nhw wneud cais am y budd-dal. Os byddan nhw'n gwneud cais am y budd-dal, a'u bod yn gymwys i gael y budd-dal, yn amlwg byddan nhw'n gallu cael y lwfans tanwydd gaeaf hwnnw yn awtomatig. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth yr wyf i'n gobeithio y byddwch chi'n ei groesawu. Ac mae hynny, wrth gwrs, yn mynd ar ben ein cynigion eraill fel Llywodraeth Cymru, fel cynllun Cartrefi Clyd Nyth a chyngor am ddim i bobl drwy'r Ymddiriedolaeth Arbed Ynni, er enghraifft.
7. Pa gamau pellach y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng costau byw ar gyfer y cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru? OQ61864
7. What further steps is the Welsh Government taking to tackle the cost-of-living crisis for the most disadvantaged communities in Wales? OQ61864

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i gefnogi'r cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig yng Nghymru gyda chostau byw, gan fuddsoddi bron i £5 biliwn rhwng 2022 a 2025 mewn rhaglenni sy'n helpu i gadw arian ym mhocedi pobl. Fis diwethaf, fe wnaethon ni gyhoeddi £1.5 miliwn arall ar gyfer canolfannau clyd, i gadw pobl yn ddiogel ac yn gynnes y gaeaf yma.
The Welsh Government continues to support the most disadvantaged communities in Wales with the cost of living, investing almost £5 billion between 2022 and 2025 in programmes that help keep money in people’s pockets. Last month, we announced a further £1.5 million for warm hubs, to keep people safe and warm this winter.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. The Welsh Labour Party exists for equality of opportunity and greater equality of outcome, to tackle the inequality in our society, which is still far too wide. But after 14 years of the previous UK Tory Government's austerity, public services are struggling and under great strain, and families in our most disadvantaged communities face a daily challenge to make ends meet, with far too many feeling unheard and, often, neglected and ignored.
The Bevan Foundation's snapshot of poverty this autumn found one in seven people across Wales are often or always struggling to afford the essentials. These circumstances, First Minister, feed alienation and allow politicians and political parties with a regressive bent to peddle populist and simplistic views in search of political advantage. Would you agree that, with the next Senedd elections not far away, it is vital that our Welsh Labour Government, and other progressive political parties, listen to and find new ways of addressing these issues and concerns? We must do this to improve public services and the standard of living of the most disadvantaged, because it is the right thing to do, and to ensure further progressive politics in Wales post 2026.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Mae Plaid Lafur Cymru yn bodoli ar gyfer cyfle cyfartal a mwy o gydraddoldeb o ran canlyniadau, i ymdrin â'r anghydraddoldeb yn ein cymdeithas, sy'n dal i fod yn rhy eang o lawer. Ond ar ôl 14 mlynedd o gyni Llywodraeth Dorïaidd flaenorol y DU, mae gwasanaethau cyhoeddus yn ei chael hi'n anodd ac maen nhw o dan straen mawr, ac mae teuluoedd yn ein cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig ni'n wynebu her ddyddiol i gael dau ben llinyn ynghyd, a llawer gormod yn teimlo nad ydyn nhw'n cael eu clywed ac, yn aml, eu bod wedi'u hesgeuluso a'u hanwybyddu.
Gwnaeth gipolwg ar dlodi Sefydliad Bevan yr hydref hwn ddarganfod bod un o bob saith o bobl ledled Cymru yn aml, neu bob amser, yn ei chael hi'n anodd fforddio'r hanfodion. Mae'r amgylchiadau hyn, Prif Weinidog, yn cyfrannu at ddieithrio ac yn caniatáu i wleidyddion a phleidiau gwleidyddol sydd â thuedd atchweliadol i bedlera safbwyntiau poblyddol a gor-syml wrth chwilio am fantais wleidyddol. A fyddech chi'n cytuno, gan nad yw etholiadau nesaf y Senedd yn bell i ffwrdd, ei bod yn hanfodol bod ein Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru ni, a phleidiau gwleidyddol blaengar eraill, yn gwrando ar y pryderon a materion hyn ac yn dod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd o ymdrin â nhw? Rhaid i ni wneud hyn i wella gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a safon byw y rhai mwyaf difreintiedig, oherwydd dyma'r peth iawn i'w wneud, ac i sicrhau mwy o wleidyddiaeth flaengar yng Nghymru ar ôl 2026.

Thanks very much. You're absolutely right, John, it is our responsibility to stand by those who are struggling, and there are a lot of people struggling today with the cost-of-living crisis. It hasn't gone away. It's now been baked in, and that's very difficult for people to be able to manage. That's why that significant contribution that our Government is putting in to support those who are struggling most is something that we should draw attention to. We've got our single advice fund, and that's helped more than 280,000 people from our most disadvantaged and marginalised communities to claim an extra £137 million. This is big money, just by telling people, 'Just go and claim what you're entitled to.' We've also got things like the council tax reduction scheme—again, this is something that doesn't exist in England—where you don't have to pay council tax. Over a quarter of a million people in Wales benefit from that.
And also, I think it's really important to note that we're not just concerned about those who are not working; we're also worried about the working poor. There are a lot of those around these days, and it is important that they recognise how we're stepping in to support them as well, especially those, perhaps, with young families. The free school meal to all primary learners I think is important. There's the fact that, in Wales, as well, you get free bus passes if you're over 60. And something that everybody takes for granted in Wales today is the free prescriptions. Well, don't take it for granted. This is something that seriously costs us a significant amount of money, but is there to support and protect everyone in Wales. I think it's really important that people understand it's a Labour Government that has made that happen—it's a Labour Government—and that's not happening across the rest of the United Kingdom.FootnoteLink
Diolch yn fawr. Rydych chi'n hollol gywir, John, ein cyfrifoldeb ni yw sefyll gyda'r rhai sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd, ac mae llawer o bobl yn ei chael hi'n anodd heddiw gyda'r argyfwng costau byw. Nid yw wedi diflannu. Mae wedi cael ei ymgorffori erbyn hyn, ac mae hynny'n anodd iawn i bobl allu ei reoli. Dyna pam mae'r cyfraniad sylweddol y mae ein Llywodraeth yn ei wneud i gefnogi'r rhai sy'n ei chael hi fwyaf anodd yn rhywbeth y dylem ni dynnu sylw ato. Mae gennym ni ein cronfa gynghori sengl, ac mae hynny wedi helpu mwy na 280,000 o bobl o'n cymunedau mwyaf difreintiedig ac ymylol i hawlio £137 miliwn ychwanegol. Mae hwn yn arian mawr, dim ond drwy ddweud wrth bobl, 'Ewch i hawlio'r hyn y mae gennych hawl iddo.' Mae gennym ni bethau fel cynllun gostyngiadau'r dreth gyngor hefyd—eto, mae hwn yn rhywbeth nad yw'n bodoli yn Lloegr—lle nad oes rhaid i chi dalu'r dreth gyngor. Mae dros chwarter miliwn o bobl yng Nghymru yn elwa ar hynny.
A hefyd, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn nodi nad ydyn ni ond yn poeni am y rhai nad ydyn nhw'n gweithio; rydyn ni hefyd yn poeni am bobl dlawd sydd yn gweithio. Mae yna lawer o'r rheini y dyddiau hyn, ac mae'n bwysig eu bod yn cydnabod sut yr ydyn ni'n cymryd camau i'w cefnogi nhw hefyd, yn enwedig y rheini, efallai, gyda theuluoedd ifanc. Rwy'n credu bod prydau ysgol am ddim i bob dysgwr cynradd yn bwysig. Mae yna'r ffaith, yng Nghymru, hefyd, eich bod yn cael pàs bws am ddim os ydych chi dros 60 oed. A rhywbeth y mae pawb yn ei gymryd yn ganiataol yng Nghymru heddiw yw'r presgripsiynau am ddim. Wel, peidiwch â'i gymryd yn ganiataol. Mae'n rhywbeth sy'n costio swm sylweddol o arian i ni, ond sydd yno i gefnogi a diogelu pawb yng Nghymru. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn bod pobl yn deall mai Llywodraeth Lafur sydd wedi sicrhau bod hynny'n digwydd—Llywodraeth Lafur ydy hi—ac nid yw hynny'n digwydd ar draws gweddill y Deyrnas Unedig.FootnoteLink
8. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am gyflwr cyllid llywodraeth leol? OQ61860
8. Will the First Minister make a statement on the state of local government finances? OQ61860

Mae’r awdurdodau lleol yn parhau i reoli eu cyllidebau ar gyfer y flwyddyn a datblygu cynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol. Yn ddiweddar, mae Archwilio Cymru wedi gwneud gwaith ar gynaliadwyedd ariannol pob awdurdod.
Local authorities continue to manage their in-year budgets and develop future work plans. Recently, Audit Wales has undertaken work on the financial sustainability of each authority.
Diolch yn fawr am yr ymateb yna.
Thank you very much for that response.
'Austerity is over'—those were your words in Plenary a couple of weeks ago. It left many of us speechless, but I'm sure that is nothing compared to the reaction it provoked among colleagues in local government. Take, for example, the Labour-controlled Caerphilly County Borough Council, where the decision to mothball the local authority's beloved Tudor mansion, Llancaiach Fawr, has been taken. They even contemplated shutting down the meals on wheels service, which caters for some of the most vulnerable residents in the county borough, until the outcry grew too loud. In the meantime, separate proposals to slash school transport and library provision have been announced. These are some of the difficult and austerity-driven decisions that are being made. So if austerity is over, First Minister, when will my constituents start to see it and feel it? When can we expect local government to have the cash it needs to bring local austerity to an end? Just saying it doesn't magically make it happen.
'Mae cyni ar ben'—dyna oedd eich geiriau yn y Cyfarfod Llawn ychydig wythnosau yn ôl. Gadawodd hynny lawer ohonom ni'n fud gan syndod, ond rwy'n siŵr nad yw hynny'n ddim o'i gymharu â'r ymateb y gwnaeth ei ysgogi ymhlith cydweithwyr llywodraeth leol. Er enghraifft, ystyriwch Gyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili sy'n cael ei reoli gan Lafur, lle mae'r penderfyniad i gau plasty Tuduraidd annwyl yr awdurdod lleol, Llancaiach Fawr, wedi'i wneud. Fe wnaethon nhw hyd yn oed ystyried dod â'r gwasanaeth pryd ar glud i ben, sy'n darparu ar gyfer rhai o'r trigolion mwyaf agored i niwed yn y fwrdeistref sirol, nes i'r brotest dyfu'n rhy daer. Yn y cyfamser, mae cynigion ar wahân i ddileu cludiant i'r ysgol a darpariaeth llyfrgelloedd wedi eu cyhoeddi. Dyma rai o'r penderfyniadau anodd sy'n cael eu gwneud ac sy'n cael eu hysgogi gan gyni. Felly os yw cyni ar ben, Prif Weinidog, pryd fydd fy etholwyr i yn dechrau ei weld a'i deimlo? Pryd allwn ni ddisgwyl i lywodraeth leol gael yr arian sydd ei angen arni i ddod â chyni lleol i ben? Ni wnaiff ddweud hynny'n unig ei wneud iddo ddigwydd.

Thanks for that, but you may have noted that the budget is only about two weeks old. It does take a while to come through the system. What you will have seen is that we have had the biggest increase in real terms since the start of devolution. So it will come through, it will make a difference, there will be more money, and of course as a Government now we're trying to work out where exactly that should be prioritised. But in reality, of course, that doesn't hit the ground until April, as you're very well aware as somebody who knows how these budget systems work. So, of course local authorities are making their case to us, as are many other organisations in Wales, and we are very aware of the kinds of pressures they're under, particularly the kind of increase in demand that they're having to deal with, particularly in terms of care and children in care and housing, and all kinds of other areas. So we're very well aware that they are under pressure, but in Wales, they have not seen anything like the cuts that they've seen in England in local authorities over recent years.
Diolch am hynny, ond efallai eich bod chi wedi nodi mai dim ond tua phythefnos oed yw'r gyllideb. Mae'n cymryd amser i ddod drwy'r system. Yr hyn y byddwch chi wedi'i weld yw ein bod ni wedi cael y cynnydd mwyaf mewn termau gwirioneddol ers i ddatganoli ddechrau. Felly bydd yn dod drwodd, bydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth, bydd mwy o arian, ac wrth gwrs fel Llywodraeth nawr, rydyn ni'n ceisio penderfynu ble yn union y dylai hynny gael ei flaenoriaethu. Ond mewn gwirionedd, wrth gwrs, nid yw hynny'n cyrraedd tan fis Ebrill, fel yr ydych chi'n ymwybodol iawn fel rhywun sy'n gwybod sut mae'r systemau cyllideb hyn yn gweithredu. Felly, wrth gwrs, mae awdurdodau lleol yn cyflwyno'u hachos i ni, fel y mae llawer o sefydliadau eraill yng Nghymru, ac rydyn ni'n ymwybodol iawn o'r mathau o bwysau sydd arnyn nhw, yn enwedig y math o gynnydd yn y galw y maen nhw'n gorfod ymdrin ag ef, yn enwedig o ran gofal a phlant mewn gofal a thai, a phob math o feysydd eraill. Felly rydyn ni'n ymwybodol iawn eu bod nhw o dan bwysau, ond yng Nghymru, nid ydyn nhw wedi gweld unrhyw beth tebyg i'r toriadau y maen nhw wedi'u gweld yn Lloegr, mewn awdurdodau lleol, yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf fydd y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, a'r Trefnydd fydd yn gwneud y datganiad yma—Jane Hutt.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the Trefnydd to make the statement—Jane Hutt.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Mae un newid i'r agenda heddiw. Yn amodol ar atal y Rheolau Sefydlog, bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru yn arwain dadl ar y cofio. Mae hyn yn lle datganiad llafar. Mae busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf wedi'i nodi yn y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, sydd ar gael i Aelodau yn electronig.
There has been one change to today's agenda subject to suspension of Standing Orders. The Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales will lead a debate on remembrance. This is instead of a planned oral statement. Draft business for the next three weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which is available to Members electronically.
Can I call for a number of statements today? The first is a statement that's required from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services in relation to the departure of the director of finance at the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board. Many people in my constituency are absolutely outraged, frankly, that the director of finance is going to leave on favourable terms towards the end of the year, despite the fact that there were shocking things identified in the Ernst & Young report, which found that there was false accounting, irregularities and deliberate errors that were being made by individuals in the finance team. Frankly, it is shocking that people are allowed to depart when they should have been sacked. This is over two years since this report was made available to the board. It's a board that is in special measures under the control of the Welsh Government, and frankly, that you should be allowing this is totally unacceptable. So can we have a statement this week from the Minister responsible for the special measures arrangements so that we can hold the Welsh Government to account for its failure to act on this matter?
Can I also call for a further statement from the Cabinet Secretary in relation to the need for a frequent Act FAST campaign in relation to the symptoms of stroke? The Stroke Association was promised by the Welsh Government last October that you would be running a campaign in order to promote awareness of the face, arms, speech and time issues associated with stroke so that we could prevent people from coming to harm. They're getting on with this in other parts of the United Kingdom, but Wales seems to be dragging its feet, and there's no sign of any particular campaign taking place in the near future. So can we have an update on that and what the Welsh Government is going to do to address it? Thank you.
A gaf i alw am nifer o ddatganiadau heddiw? Y cyntaf yw datganiad y mae ei angen gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol am ymadawiad cyfarwyddwr cyllid Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr. Mae llawer o bobl yn fy etholaeth i wedi gwylltio'n llwyr, a dweud y gwir, bod y cyfarwyddwr cyllid yn mynd i adael ar delerau ffafriol tua diwedd y flwyddyn, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod pethau ysgytwol wedi'u nodi yn adroddiad Ernst & Young a wnaeth ddarganfod bod cyfrifyddu anwir, afreoleidd-dra a gwallau bwriadol yn cael eu gwneud gan unigolion yn y tîm cyllid. A dweud y gwir, mae'n frawychus bod pobl yn cael gadael pan ddylen nhw fod wedi cael eu diswyddo. Mae hi nawr dros ddwy flynedd ers i'r adroddiad hwn fod ar gael i'r bwrdd. Mae'n fwrdd sydd mewn mesurau arbennig o dan reolaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, ac a dweud y gwir, mae'r ffaith eich bod chi'n caniatáu hyn yn gwbl annerbyniol. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad yr wythnos hon gan y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol am drefniadau'r mesurau arbennig fel y gallwn ni ddwyn Llywodraeth Cymru i gyfrif am ei methiant i weithredu ar y mater hwn?
A gaf i hefyd alw am ddatganiad arall gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet o ran yr angen am ymgyrch cam NESA yn aml o ran symptomau strôc? Fe wnaeth Lywodraeth Cymru addo i'r Gymdeithas Strôc fis Hydref diwethaf y byddech chi'n cynnal ymgyrch er mwyn hybu ymwybyddiaeth o'r materion wyneb, breichiau, lleferydd ac amser sy'n gysylltiedig â strôc er mwyn inni allu atal pobl rhag dod i niwed. Maen nhw'n bwrw ymlaen â hyn mewn rhannau eraill o'r Deyrnas Unedig, ond mae'n ymddangos bod Cymru'n llusgo'i thraed, ac nid oes arwydd bod unrhyw ymgyrch benodol yn digwydd yn y dyfodol agos. Felly, a allwn ni gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am hynny a'r hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i'w wneud i ymdrin â hyn? Diolch.
Thank you very much, Darren Millar. As you know, of course, the matter of the resignation of the executive director of finance is an employment matter and it's therefore a matter for the Betsi Cadwaladr health board to respond to.
We're very aware of the importance of the Act FAST stroke campaign. Of course, we have our stroke pathway in Wales, which is well established and proven in terms of evidence, but, clearly, the importance of action in terms of stroke response is key. That's something that health boards will have to respond to, and, indeed, we support.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Darren Millar. Fel y gwyddoch chi, wrth gwrs, mater cyflogaeth yw ymddiswyddiad y cyfarwyddwr cyllid gweithredol ac felly mae'n fater i fwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr ymateb iddo.
Rydyn ni'n ymwybodol iawn o bwysigrwydd yr ymgyrch strôc cam NESA. Wrth gwrs, mae gennym ni ein llwybr strôc yng Nghymru, sydd wedi'i hen sefydlu a'i brofi o ran tystiolaeth, ond, yn amlwg, mae pwysigrwydd gweithredu o ran ymateb i strôc yn allweddol. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y bydd yn rhaid i fyrddau iechyd ymateb iddo, ac, yn wir, yr ydym ni yn ei gefnogi.
Trefnydd, hoffwn ofyn am ddau ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda. Yn gyntaf, hoffwn ofyn am ddatganiad gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet gyda chyfrifoldeb am iechyd. Yn dilyn cyhoeddi'r datganiad ysgrifenedig ddoe ynglŷn â'r her 50 diwrnod i helpu cleifion i adael yr ysbyty ac i wella gofal cymunedol, mae yna gymaint o gwestiynau gan Aelodau ar hyn. Dwi'n meddwl y byddem ni'n hoffi'r cyfle i drafod hyn ar lawr y Senedd, yn enwedig o ystyried yr heriau rydyn ni'n eu clywed o ran awdurdodau lleol.
Buaswn i hefyd yn hoffi gofyn am ddatganiad gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet gyda chyfrifoldeb dros dai ynglŷn â RAAC mewn tai preifat. Mi wnes i godi hyn efo'r Prif Weinidog yr wythnos diwethaf, ond mae yna broblemau yn parhau o ran y rhai sydd ddim gyda'r cyllid er mwyn talu am drwsio eu tai, yn arbennig felly pan fyddan nhw mewn stad o dai lle mae yna dai cymdeithasol, neu'n rhannu to, er enghraifft, gyda thŷ sydd gan gyfrifoldeb, dywedwch, Trivallis yn fy rhanbarth i, ond sydd hefyd yn eiddo i rywun efo tŷ preifat. Mae angen eglurder ar hyn. Mae yna arian ar gael yn yr Alban, a dwi yn pryderu bod y bobl sy'n dioddef oherwydd RAAC yn cael eu hanghofio gan y Llywodraeth hon. Byddwn i yn hoffi'r cyfle i ni gael trafodaeth ar lawr y Senedd o ran beth mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i'w cefnogi nhw.
I would like to ask for two statements if I may, Trefnydd. First, I would like to ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for health. Following the publication of the written statement yesterday on the 50-day challenge to help patients to leave hospital and to improve community care, there are so many questions that Members have on this. We would like the opportunity to discuss this in the Chamber, particularly given the challenges that we've heard about in terms of local authorities.
I'd also like to ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary with responsibility for housing on reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete in private housing. I did raise this issue with the First Minister last week, but there are ongoing problems in terms of those who don't have the finances to pay for repairs to their home, particularly when they are in an estate where there is social housing and they share a roof with a house that is in the care of Trivallis, for example, in my region, but also belongs to a priate homeowner too. We need clarity on this. There is funding available in Scotland, and I am concerned that those suffering because of RAAC are being forgotten by this Government. I would like the opportunity to have a debate in the Senedd in terms of what the Welsh Government is doing to support them.
Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiynau pwysig iawn.
Thank you very much for your very important questions.
Thank you particularly for raising again—it's been raised this afternoon—the NHS 50-day challenge, which is important. I've already shared with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care the request to move this forward into an oral statement. There was a written statement, of course, on the day it was announced, but the Cabinet Secretary would be very glad to have an oral statement on this. It's really important that we recall that this is a 10-point action plan to support more people who've experienced long delays in hospital to return home. It is a challenge for every part of Wales to adopt the 10 things that we know make the biggest difference in discharging patients safely, making the whole system more resilient and able to work more smoothly. So, we will, I'm sure, with the Business Committee's support, table that for an oral statement as soon as possible.
The Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government will have heard your question as well about RAAC in private housing. Obviously, this is something that relates to all private housing—owner-occupied and private rented sector. I'll certainly discuss with the Cabinet Secretary the opportunity to update and to respond to that question.
Diolch yn arbennig am ei godi eto—mae wedi'i godi y prynhawn yma—her 50 diwrnod y GIG, sy'n bwysig. Rwyf i eisoes wedi rhannu gydag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol y cais i symud hwn ymlaen i ddatganiad llafar. Roedd datganiad ysgrifenedig, wrth gwrs, ar y diwrnod y cafodd ei chyhoeddi, ond byddai'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn falch iawn o gael datganiad llafar ar hyn. Mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n cofio mai cynllun gweithredu 10 pwynt yw hwn i gefnogi mwy o bobl sydd wedi wynebu oedi hir yn yr ysbyty i ddychwelyd adref. Mae'n her i bob rhan o Gymru fabwysiadu'r 10 peth yr ydyn ni'n gwybod sy'n gwneud y gwahaniaeth mwyaf o ran rhyddhau cleifion yn ddiogel, gan wneud y system gyfan yn fwy cydnerth ac yn gallu gweithio'n fwy ddidrafferth. Felly, rwy'n siŵr, gyda chefnogaeth y Pwyllgor Busnes, y byddwn ni'n cyflwyno hynny ar gyfer datganiad llafar cyn gynted â phosibl.
Bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Dai a Llywodraeth Leol wedi clywed eich cwestiwn hefyd am RAAC mewn tai preifat. Yn amlwg, mae hyn yn rhywbeth sy'n ymwneud â phob math o dai preifat—y sectorau perchen-feddianwyr a rhentu preifat. Yn sicr, fe wnaf i drafod gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet y cyfle i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ac ymateb i'r cwestiwn hwnnw.
Please could I ask for two statements? The first one is in regard to the closure of Natural Resources Wales managed visitor centres, which we recently had a petitions debate on. Visitors, community groups and organisations interested in running them are extremely concerned that the NRW board, at a meeting last week, agreed to close them under the 'Case for Change' without discussion or consultation with the interested parties. Please could the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary give clarity, as he reassured us during the debate that they would not close and that consultation would take place?
The second is regarding having to renew blue badges for people living with lifelong conditions every three years. I know this has been raised and debated many times, but after meeting and hearing the heartbreaking distress of people affected, the trauma of having to fill in forms every three years, saying how ill their young person is who are never going to get better, when they have little time to concentrate on the task and are already living stressful lives, it appears to me that this is actually a social justice issue that happens to be delivered by transport. So, please would you meet with me and the Cabinet Secretary for transport to discuss how this can finally be achieved?
A gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad? Mae'r un cyntaf am gau canolfannau ymwelwyr sydd wedi'u rheoli gan Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, y cawsom ni ddadl deisebau arno yn ddiweddar. Mae ymwelwyr, grwpiau cymunedol a sefydliadau sydd â diddordeb yn eu cynnal yn bryderus iawn bod bwrdd CNC, mewn cyfarfod yr wythnos diwethaf, wedi cytuno i'w cau o dan yr 'Achos dros Newid' heb drafod nac ymgynghori â'r rhai sydd â buddiant. A allai'r Dirprwy Brif Weinidog a'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi eglurder, gan iddo ein sicrhau ni yn ystod y ddadl na fydden nhw'n cau ac y byddai ymgynghoriad yn cael ei gynnal?
Mae'r ail yn ymwneud â gorfod adnewyddu bathodynnau glas bob tair blynedd ar gyfer pobl sy'n byw gyda chyflyrau gydol oes. Rwy'n gwybod bod hyn wedi cael ei godi a'i drafod sawl gwaith, ond ar ôl cwrdd a chlywed trallod torcalonnus pobl y mae hyn yn effeithio arnyn nhw, y trawma o orfod llenwi ffurflenni bob tair blynedd, gan ddweud pa mor sâl yw eu person ifanc sydd byth yn mynd i wella, pan nad oes ganddyn nhw lawer o amser i ganolbwyntio ar y dasg ac eisoes yn byw bywydau llawn straen, mae'n ymddangos i mi fod hwn mewn gwirionedd yn fater cyfiawnder cymdeithasol sy'n digwydd cael ei ddarparu trwy drafnidiaeth. Felly, a wnewch chi gyfarfod â mi ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros drafnidiaeth i drafod sut y mae modd cyflawni hyn o'r diwedd?
Diolch yn fawr, Carolyn Thomas—cwestiynau pwysig iawn hefyd.
Thank you very much, Carolyn Thomas. They’re also very important questions.
Just in terms of your first question on NRW’s case for change, they have made that final decision in relation to the provision of retail and catering services at their three visitor centres. And our understanding is that NRW’s commercial team are engaging with local businesses and community groups as they explore the provision of opportunities for organisations to manage these services. I also understand that NRW have received informal expressions of interest from local businesses and community groups in taking over responsibility for the running of the retail and catering services at the centres. So, I know that—. I will share this, of course, with the Deputy First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary for climate change, but we expect engagement with interested parties to take place, to ensure there’s limited disruption to the services. And there are three public engagement sessions due to take place on 25, 26 and 27 November, at which formal expressions of interests will be opened. Just to make it clear, Llywydd, NRW will continue their management of these sites, and the centres themselves will remain open for walking, biking, play areas, car parking and toilet provision.
On your second question on blue badges, this is something on which I’m sure there would be willingness to meet with the Cabinet Secretary. And as you say, it is a matter that has been raised in this Chamber. It is a matter for social justice. It’s a matter in terms of local government responsibilities. It is very much a cross-Government matter. And, of course, we ask blue badge holders to reapply every three years, to maintain the integrity of the scheme, and ensure that those who are eligible have access to it. And that does include the need to reconfirm identify, proof of residence at each reapplication, and it can be challenging, the application process; we understand that. And, of course, local authorities are there to help. There have been many reviews of the blue badge scheme—reviews that have also been undertaken in the Senedd—focusing on eligibility, administration and enforcement. I think that we must see that it is something where there are major challenges for people living with particular impairments, such as degenerative conditions. In terms of better mobility and greater independence, blue badges are crucial, so we will take this forward in terms of looking at where we are in terms of understanding and evidence.
O ran eich cwestiwn cyntaf ar achos dros newid CNC, maen nhw wedi gwneud y penderfyniad terfynol hwnnw o ran darparu gwasanaethau manwerthu ac arlwyo yn eu tair canolfan ymwelwyr. A'n dealltwriaeth ni yw bod tîm masnachol CNC yn ymgysylltu â busnesau lleol a grwpiau cymunedol wrth iddyn nhw archwilio darparu cyfleoedd i sefydliadau reoli'r gwasanaethau hyn. Rwyf i hefyd yn deall bod CNC wedi derbyn mynegiadau o ddiddordeb anffurfiol gan fusnesau lleol a grwpiau cymunedol i gymryd cyfrifoldeb dros gynnal y gwasanaethau manwerthu ac arlwyo yn y canolfannau. Felly, rwy'n gwybod y bydd—. Fe wnaf i rannu hyn, wrth gwrs, gyda'r Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ac Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros newid hinsawdd, ond rydyn ni'n disgwyl y bydd ymgysylltu â phartïon â buddiant yn digwydd, er mwyn sicrhau bod y tarfu ar y gwasanaethau yn gyfyngedig. Ac mae tair sesiwn ymgysylltu â'r cyhoedd yn cael eu cynnal ar 25, 26 a 27 Tachwedd, lle y bydd mynegiadau o ddiddordeb ffurfiol yn cael eu hagor. Er mwyn ei wneud yn glir, Llywydd, bydd CNC yn parhau i reoli'r safleoedd hyn, a bydd y canolfannau eu hunain yn parhau i fod ar agor ar gyfer cerdded, beicio, mannau chwarae, parcio ceir a darparu toiledau.
O ran eich ail gwestiwn ar fathodynnau glas, mae hyn yn rhywbeth yr wyf i'n siŵr y byddai parodrwydd i gwrdd â'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet. Ac fel y dywedwch chi, mae'n fater sydd wedi'i godi yn y Siambr hon. Mae'n fater o gyfiawnder cymdeithasol. Mae'n fater o ran cyfrifoldebau llywodraeth leol. Mae wir yn fater trawslywodraethol. Ac, wrth gwrs, rydyn ni'n gofyn i ddeiliaid bathodynnau glas ailymgeisio bob tair blynedd, i gynnal uniondeb y cynllun, gan sicrhau bod gan y rhai sy'n gymwys fynediad ato. Ac mae hynny'n cynnwys yr angen i ail-gadarnhau hunaniaeth, tystiolaeth breswylio wrth ailymgeisio bob tro, a gall fod yn heriol, y broses ymgeisio; rydyn ni'n deall hynny. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae awdurdodau lleol yno i helpu. Mae llawer o adolygiadau wedi bod i'r cynllun bathodynnau glas—adolygiadau sydd hefyd wedi'u cynnal yn y Senedd—gan ganolbwyntio ar gymhwysedd, gweinyddu a gorfodi. Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni weld ei fod yn rhywbeth lle mae heriau sylweddol i bobl sy'n byw gydag amhariadau penodol, fel cyflyrau dirywiol. O ran symudedd gwell a mwy o annibyniaeth, mae bathodynnau glas yn hanfodol, felly fe awn ni ymlaen â hyn o ran edrych ar ble'r ydyn ni o ran dealltwriaeth a thystiolaeth.
I would also like to call for an oral statement here by the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales on blue badge parking permits, because people are being hurt. They’re not being told that they can appeal by local authorities. When they come to Members of the Senedd and are told they can, and refer it, they’re then faced with a 15-page form that many struggle to deal with.
During questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning in July, I spoke of the grave inconsistencies in efficiencies and the injustices arising from the Welsh Government’s blue badge scheme in Wales guidance for local authorities, and referred to the Senedd petition to make blue badge applications lifelong for individuals who have a lifelong diagnosis, submitted by Stronger Together for Additional Needs and Disabilities North Wales community interest company, who told the cross-party group on disability that they had discovered through research that local authorities were either unaware of lifetime awards, or had a different understanding of what it meant. After meeting STAND North Wales earlier this month, when families discussed their experiences and expressed the significance of a lifetime award for them, the civil servant in the Cabinet Secretary for transport’s team, with responsibility for blue badge policy, stated to them that he will now spend some time working through the issues that they raised, and discuss them with the Cabinet Secretary so that Welsh Government can respond in detail to them. But this critical issue merits more than that. It requires a statement to the full Senedd, and an opportunity for Members across the Chamber to question the Cabinet Secretary regarding this.
Briefly, if I may, I also call for a statement by the Minister for Mental Health and Well-being on the inclusion of deaf people in the 10-year mental health strategy for Wales. Yesterday the All Wales Deaf Mental Health and Wellbeing Group—a group of deaf and hearing professionals and charities—wrote to the Minister, saying they're keen to ensure that deaf people in Wales are really and truly part of the new mental health strategy for Wales. Wales is the only UK country without a deaf mental health service, and yet, deaf people are twice as likely to experience a mental health problem than hearing populations. They met as a group with you and other Ministers in October 2022, and have been told on several occasions to wait for the new mental health strategy. But, at this point, they are nervous that deaf people may be left behind, which has happened so many times before. Finally, during the consultation phase of the draft mental health strategy, deaf people in Wales were not identified as a marginalised group, and during the Minister's statement on mental health and well-being here in Plenary on 8 October, there was no mention about deaf people's mental health. They therefore urge the Minister to check the mental health strategy accordingly. And this, again, is such a serious matter, it merits a statement by the Minister to the full Senedd accordingly. I'd be grateful if you could seek to facilitate both those oral statements to the full Senedd accordingly.
Hoffwn i hefyd alw am ddatganiad llafar yma gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru ar drwyddedau parcio bathodynnau glas, oherwydd bod pobl yn cael eu brifo. Dydyn nhw ddim yn cael gwybod gan awdurdodau lleol eu bod yn gallu apelio. Pan fyddan nhw'n dod at Aelodau'r Senedd a chael gwybod y gallan nhw apelio, ac yn ei gyfeirio, maen nhw wedyn yn wynebu ffurflen 15 tudalen y mae llawer yn ei chael hi'n anodd delio â hi.
Yn ystod cwestiynau i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Dai, Llywodraeth Leol a Chynllunio ym mis Gorffennaf, siaradais i am yr anghysonderau difrifol o ran effeithlonrwydd a'r anghyfiawnderau sy'n deillio o ganllawiau cynllun bathodyn glas Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer awdurdodau lleol, a chyfeiriais i at ddeiseb y Senedd i wneud ceisiadau am fathodynnau glas am oes i unigolion sydd â diagnosis gydol oes, wedi'i gyflwyno gan gwmni buddiannau cymunedol Stronger Together for Additional Needs and Disabilities yn y gogledd, a ddywedodd wrth y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar anabledd eu bod wedi darganfod trwy ymchwil nad oedd awdurdodau lleol naill ai'n ymwybodol o ddyfarniadau am oes, neu fod ganddyn nhw ddealltwriaeth wahanol o'r hyn yr oedd yn ei olygu. Ar ôl cyfarfod â STAND y gogledd yn gynharach y mis hwn, pan drafododd teuluoedd eu profiadau gan fynegi arwyddocâd dyfarniad am oes iddyn nhw, dywedodd y gwas sifil yn nhîm Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros drafnidiaeth, sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb am bolisi cynllun y bathodyn glas, wrthyn nhw y bydd nawr yn treulio amser yn gweithio drwy'r materion a gafodd eu codi, a'u trafod gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet fel y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ymateb yn fanwl iddyn nhw. Ond mae'r mater hollbwysig hwn yn haeddu mwy na hynny. Mae'n gofyn am ddatganiad i'r Senedd lawn, a chyfle i Aelodau ar draws y Siambr holi'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ynghylch hyn.
Yn fyr, os caf i, rwy'n galw hefyd am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant ynghylch cynnwys pobl fyddar yn strategaeth iechyd meddwl 10 mlynedd Cymru. Ddoe, ysgrifennodd Grŵp Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant Byddar Cymru Gyfan—grŵp o weithwyr proffesiynol ac elusennau byddar ac sy'n clywed—at y Gweinidog, gan ddweud eu bod yn awyddus i sicrhau bod pobl fyddar yng Nghymru wir yn rhan o'r strategaeth iechyd meddwl newydd i Gymru. Cymru yw'r unig wlad yn y DU heb wasanaeth iechyd meddwl i bobl fyddar, ac eto, mae pobl fyddar ddwywaith yn fwy tebygol o wynebu problem iechyd meddwl na phoblogaethau sy'n clywed. Fe wnaethon nhw gyfarfod fel grŵp gyda chi a Gweinidogion eraill ym mis Hydref 2022, ac maen nhw wedi cael gwybod sawl tro i aros am y strategaeth iechyd meddwl newydd. Ond, ar hyn o bryd, maen nhw'n nerfus y gallai pobl fyddar gael eu gadael ar ôl, sydd wedi digwydd gymaint o weithiau o'r blaen. Yn olaf, yn ystod cyfnod ymgynghori'r strategaeth iechyd meddwl drafft, ni chafodd pobl fyddar yng Nghymru eu nodi'n grŵp sydd wedi'i ymyleiddio, ac yn ystod datganiad y Gweinidog ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant yma yn y Cyfarfod Llawn ar 8 Hydref, nid oedd sôn am iechyd meddwl pobl fyddar. Felly, maen nhw'n annog y Gweinidog i wirio'r strategaeth iechyd meddwl yn unol â hynny. Ac mae hyn, unwaith eto, yn fater mor ddifrifol, mae'n haeddu datganiad gan y Gweinidog i'r Senedd lawn yn unol â hynny. Byddwn i'n ddiolchgar os gallech chi geisio hwyluso'r ddau ddatganiad llafar hynny i'r Senedd lawn yn unol â hynny.
Thank you very much, Mark Isherwood, and thank you for also building on the question that was put by Carolyn Thomas on blue badges. I'm also interested in the issue and circumstances around appeals, and the concerns that have been expressed about understanding of the criteria, and lifetime awards opportunities as well. As I said, we've introduced updates and adjustments, which you're well aware of, having been involved in much of the scrutiny in terms of the blue badge. But also, those changes have come about as a result of engagement with stakeholders and healthcare professionals, as well as local government. And, obviously, you've got some feedback from meeting with people, confected in north Wales. So, I will draw this to the attention of the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales. And, of course, he will also have his oral Senedd questions next week, so there's an opportunity to raise it there as well. But it's brought, again, to the attention of the Government concerns about the way the blue badge—. The scheme, crucially, must ensure that those who experience barriers to their mobility can access on-street parking concessions.
So, I would also, in terms of your second question—. I think I can assure you, but I know that the Minister for Mental Health and Well-being will also want to respond positively to the call for the inclusion of deaf people in the new mental health strategy. It is an opportunity, as we work very much as we did in the disability rights taskforce, for co-production, and I'm sure that that will be the way forward in terms of the new mental health strategy.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mark Isherwood, a diolch i chi hefyd am ategu'r cwestiwn y gwnaeth Carolyn Thomas ei gyflwyno ar fathodynnau glas. Mae gennyf i ddiddordeb hefyd yn y mater a'r amgylchiadau sy'n ymwneud ag apeliadau, a'r pryderon sydd wedi'u mynegi ynghylch deall y meini prawf, a chyfleoedd ar gyfer dyfarniadau am oes hefyd. Fel y dywedais i, rydyn ni wedi cyflwyno diweddariadau ac addasiadau, yr ydych chi'n ymwybodol iawn ohonyn nhw, ar ôl bod yn rhan o lawer o'r gwaith craffu ar gynllun y bathodyn glas. Ond hefyd, mae'r newidiadau hynny wedi digwydd o ganlyniad i ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid a gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol, yn ogystal â llywodraeth leol. Ac, yn amlwg, mae gennych chi rywfaint o adborth o gyfarfod â phobl, wedi'i lunio yn y gogledd. Felly, byddaf i'n tynnu sylw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru at hyn. Ac, wrth gwrs, bydd ganddo hefyd ei gwestiynau llafar yn y Senedd yr wythnos nesaf, felly mae cyfle i'w godi yno hefyd. Ond mae sylw'r Llywodraeth yn cael ei dynnu eto at bryderon am y ffordd mae'r bathodyn glas—. Mae'n hollbwysig bod y cynllun yn sicrhau bod y rhai sy'n wynebu rhwystrau i'w symudedd yn gallu cael mynediad at gonsesiynau parcio ar y stryd.
Felly, byddwn i hefyd, o ran eich ail gwestiwn—. Rwy'n credu y gallaf i eich sicrhau chi, ond rwy'n gwybod y bydd y Gweinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant hefyd eisiau ymateb yn gadarnhaol i'r alwad am gynnwys pobl fyddar yn y strategaeth iechyd meddwl newydd. Mae'n gyfle, wrth i ni weithio, i raddau helaeth, yn yr un modd ag y gwnaethon ni yn y tasglu hawliau anabledd, er mwyn cyd-gynhyrchu, ac rwy'n siŵr mai dyna fydd y ffordd ymlaen o ran y strategaeth iechyd meddwl newydd.
Trefnydd, I'd like a statement, please, about the importance of libraries to education and well-being, and I'd like that statement to set out what support can be given to local authorities to keep libraries open. Across my region, library services face closure because of council cuts. Caerphilly council is proposing to close 12 libraries across the borough. I've had e-mails from constituents worried about losing their libraries in Nelson and Newbridge, Abertridwr, Aberbargoed. Libraries are not just places to borrow books: they're hubs for the community, a place where older people can go to escape loneliness, and a place of refuge for children and teenagers in holidays or after school. Now, I have concerns about how these closures could widen divisions, could punish people for being poor. But what I'm most worried about is how it could curtail young people's imagination and aspiration, how it could close down doors in children's minds, just as they're being formed. So, can the Government set out what support will be made available, and, urgently—the consultation in Caerphilly closes in December?
Trefnydd, hoffwn i gael datganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, am bwysigrwydd llyfrgelloedd i addysg a llesiant, a hoffwn i'r datganiad hwnnw nodi pa gymorth y mae modd ei roi i awdurdodau lleol i gadw llyfrgelloedd ar agor. Ar draws fy rhanbarth i, mae gwasanaethau llyfrgell yn wynebu gorfod cau oherwydd toriadau gan y cyngor. Mae cyngor Caerffili yn cynnig cau 12 llyfrgell ar draws y fwrdeistref. Rwyf i wedi cael negeseuon e-bost gan etholwyr sy'n poeni am golli eu llyfrgelloedd yn Nelson a Threcelyn, Abertridwr, Aberbargod. Nid llefydd i fenthyg llyfrau yn unig yw llyfrgelloedd: maen nhw'n ganolfannau i'r gymuned, yn fan lle y gall pobl hŷn fynd i ddianc rhag unigrwydd, ac yn lloches i blant a phobl ifanc yn eu harddegau yn ystod gwyliau neu ar ôl ysgol. Nawr, mae gennyf i bryderon ynghylch sut y gallai cau'r llyfrgelloedd hyn ehangu rhaniadau, gallai gosbi pobl am fod yn dlawd. Ond yr hyn rwy'n poeni fwyaf amdano yw sut y gallai gwtogi dychymyg a dyhead pobl ifanc, sut y gallai gau drysau ym meddyliau plant, wrth iddyn nhw gael eu ffurfio. Felly, a all y Llywodraeth nodi pa gymorth fydd ar gael, ac, ar frys—mae'r ymgynghoriad yng Nghaerffili yn cau ym mis Rhagfyr?
Thank you for raising this really important issue, Delyth Jewell, in terms of the future of our community libraries. In fact, this was one of the key features of the impact of austerity and reducing budgets over the last 14 years, when local authorities were having to make very difficult choices about the services that they provide and what they could safeguard. But also, it did prompt, of course, moves to look at other ways in which libraries could be provided through our community asset transfers. So, across Wales, and certainly in my constituency, many of the small community libraries now are actually run by local charities with the support of the library service. It varies around Wales; there are many different models. But you have a consultation, and I’m sure some of these models for the future will be considered.
And it is very true, as you say, that libraries are key to not just our children and young people and access to reading the children’s libraries, but to older people, to all generations. Recently, I visited the Ely and Caerau hub in Cardiff, which is the library, but it’s also got a cafe, it’s also got a children’s library, it’s got a job club, it’s got Citizens Advice, it’s got all of the things that a community needs, and I understand that actually more books are taken out now because it’s part of a hub. I think there are some good examples that local authorities have developed across Wales, and hopefully those will be taken into account in that consultation.
Diolch am godi'r mater pwysig hwn, Delyth Jewell, o ran dyfodol ein llyfrgelloedd cymunedol. Mewn gwirionedd, dyma un o nodweddion allweddol effaith cyni a lleihau cyllidebau dros y 14 mlynedd diwethaf, pan oedd yn rhaid i awdurdodau lleol wneud dewisiadau anodd iawn am y gwasanaethau y maen nhw'n eu darparu a'r hyn y gallen nhw ei ddiogelu. Ond hefyd, fe wnaeth ysgogi, wrth gwrs, gamau i ystyried ffyrdd eraill y byddai modd darparu llyfrgelloedd trwy ein proses o drosglwyddo asedau cymunedol. Felly, ar draws Cymru, ac yn sicr yn fy etholaeth i, mae llawer o'r llyfrgelloedd cymunedol bach erbyn hyn yn cael eu cynnal gan elusennau lleol gyda chefnogaeth y gwasanaeth llyfrgelloedd. Mae'n amrywio o amgylch Cymru; mae yna lawer o wahanol fodelau. Ond mae gennych chi ymgynghoriad, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd rhai o'r modelau hyn ar gyfer y dyfodol yn cael eu hystyried.
Ac mae'n wir iawn, fel y dywedwch chi, fod llyfrgelloedd yn allweddol nid yn unig i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc a mynediad at ddarllen llyfrgelloedd y plant, ond i bobl hŷn, i bob cenhedlaeth. Yn ddiweddar, ymwelais i â hyb Trelái a Chaerau yng Nghaerdydd, sydd yn llyfrgell, ond mae ganddo gaffi hefyd, mae ganddo lyfrgell i blant hefyd, mae ganddo glwb swyddi, mae ganddo Gyngor ar Bopeth, mae ganddo'r holl bethau sydd eu hangen ar gymuned, ac rwy'n deall bod mwy o lyfrau yn cael eu benthyg nawr oherwydd ei fod yn rhan o hyb. Rwy'n credu bod rhai enghreifftiau da y mae awdurdodau lleol wedi'u datblygu ledled Cymru, a gobeithio y bydd y rhain yn cael eu hystyried yn yr ymgynghoriad hwnnw.
I would like to join with Carolyn Thomas and Mark Isherwood in asking for a statement on blue badges. I’m sure that everyone wants to ensure that blue badges are not being abused. Can the statement explain why people with a degenerative condition need to complete the whole application form again, as opposed to confirming they still have the same condition? There are a number of conditions that people don’t get better from. 'I am still blind' would be an answer—they don’t actually need to fill the whole form in—or 'I still have MS.' I completed it for my 93-year-old father-in-law a few years ago, who was registered blind and could not have got anywhere near completing that form himself. If we want to help the people who need help, then we desperately need an oral statement explaining how we can simplify it for those who have got serious conditions.
The second oral statement I request is on the SA1 development in Swansea. This has been very successful, with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David acting as the development anchor, with both housing and businesses—including technological development, hotels and retail—opening on the site. It’s a very successful development on a brownfield site and can be used as an exemplar. Finally, could it contain an update on passing the development to Swansea Council, and support for the leaseholders on the site, and the work that needs to be done on the high-rise developments? Can you ensure that the people in the department that is responsible for it actually know they’re responsible for it, rather than passing my questions on to somebody else?
Hoffwn i ymuno â Carolyn Thomas a Mark Isherwood i ofyn am ddatganiad ar y bathodynnau glas. Rwy'n siŵr bod pawb eisiau sicrhau nad yw bathodynnau glas yn cael eu cam-ddefnyddio. A all y datganiad egluro pam mae angen i bobl sydd â chyflwr dirywiol lenwi'r holl ffurflen gais eto, yn hytrach na chadarnhau bod ganddyn nhw yr un cyflwr o hyd? Mae yna nifer o gyflyrau nad yw pobl yn gwella ohonyn nhw. Byddai 'Rwy'n ddall o hyd' yn ateb—nid oes angen iddyn nhw lenwi'r ffurflen gyfan—neu 'Mae gennyf i MS o hyd.' Fe wnes i ei llenwi ar ran fy nhad-yng-nghyfraith sy'n 93 oed ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, a oedd wedi'i gofrestru'n ddall ac na allai fod wedi mynd unrhyw le'n agos at gwblhau'r ffurflen honno ei hun. Os ydyn ni eisiau helpu'r bobl sydd angen help, yna mae gwir angen datganiad llafar arnom ni yn esbonio sut y gallwn ni ei symleiddio ar gyfer y rhai sydd â chyflyrau difrifol.
Mae'r ail ddatganiad llafar yr wyf i'n gofyn amdano ar ddatblygiad SA1 yn Abertawe. Mae hyn wedi bod yn llwyddiannus iawn, gyda Phrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn gweithredu fel yr angor datblygu, gyda thai a busnesau—gan gynnwys datblygiadau technolegol, gwestai a manwerthu—yn agor ar y safle. Mae'n ddatblygiad llwyddiannus iawn ar safle tir llwyd ac mae modd ei ddefnyddio fel enghraifft. Yn olaf, a allai gynnwys yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ar basio'r datblygiad i Gyngor Abertawe, a chefnogaeth i'r lesddeiliaid ar y safle, a'r gwaith y mae angen ei wneud ar yr adeiladau uchel? A allwch chi sicrhau bod y bobl yn yr adran sy'n gyfrifol amdani wir yn gwybod eu bod yn gyfrifol amdano, yn hytrach na throsglwyddo fy nghwestiynau i rywun arall?
Thank you very much for those two questions, Mike Hedges. You followed on on the blue badge line of questioning. I think I’ve responded already about the particular challenges for degenerative conditions, which, of course, can end up being permanent or actually worsen in terms of the impact on someone’s life. But also, the fact is, it’s very difficult for that person to actually be able to, at that point, make that challenging application. I think it is important to say that, at the point of diagnosis, even if a condition is progressive and degenerative, it may not yet impact on a person’s mobility to the extent required to meet the criteria for a blue badge, because it is about, as you know, how mobility is currently affected rather than just on the diagnosis. But one important point is that, recently, officials met with individuals with lived experience to better understand their perspectives, and we’re actively exploring the issues raised to see where improvements can be made. But, certainly, this again leads to an airing in this Senedd in terms of scrutiny and updating on that work.
On your questions about the SA1 Swansea waterfront project, which, of course, yes, is hugely successful, attracting significant investment, £250 million of private-public funding, University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s wonderful new Matrix development, and Coastal Housing, constructing 104 new affordable units next to the River Tawe, part funded through the social housing grant programme—. In terms of leaseholders, the Leasehold Advisory Service can help leaseholders to understand their rights and obligations, either in respect of the individual terms of their lease or in relation to legislation which may apply, for example, in relation to their service charges. I think it is important that that is tested in terms of the support from the Leasehold Advisory Service and, of course, in terms of tenants entering into lease agreements at SA1, contractual terms are laid out and a requirement for tenants to contribute to the wider estate service charge. But the Welsh Government also carries out, as you know, the estate-wide service charge services as a landlord, including maintenance and health and safety, and that's publicly procured. But, indeed, you've raised it now, and I hope that leaseholders can find some assistance and expert response from the Leasehold Advisory Service.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y ddau gwestiwn yna, Mike Hedges. Fe wnaethoch chi ddilyn trywydd cwestiynau am y bathodyn glas. Rwy'n credu fy mod i eisoes wedi ymateb am yr heriau penodol ar gyfer cyflyrau dirywiol a all, wrth gwrs, fod yn barhaol neu a all waethygu o ran yr effaith ar fywyd rhywun. Ond hefyd, y gwir amdani yw ei bod yn anodd iawn i'r person hwnnw allu gwneud y cais heriol hwnnw, ar yr adeg honno. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig dweud, ar adeg y diagnosis, hyd yn oed os yw cyflwr yn gynyddol ac yn ddirywiol, efallai na fydd yn effeithio eto ar symudedd unigolyn i'r graddau sy'n ofynnol i fodloni'r meini prawf ar gyfer bathodyn glas, oherwydd ei fod yn ymwneud â, fel rydych chi'n ymwybodol, sut mae hyn yn effeithio ar symudedd ar hyn o bryd yn hytrach nag ar y diagnosis yn unig. Ond un pwynt pwysig, yn ddiweddar, yw bod swyddogion wedi cwrdd ag unigolion â phrofiad bywyd i ddeall eu safbwyntiau'n well, ac rydyn ni wrthi'n archwilio'r materion a godwyd i weld lle y mae'n bosibl gwneud gwelliannau. Ond, yn sicr, mae hyn eto yn arwain at sylw yn y Senedd hon o ran craffu a diweddaru'r gwaith hwnnw.
O ran eich cwestiynau am brosiect SA1 Glannau Abertawe, sydd, wrth gwrs, ydy, yn hynod lwyddiannus, gan ddenu buddsoddiad sylweddol, £250 miliwn o gyllid cyhoeddus preifat, datblygiad Matrics newydd gwych Prifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, a Coastal Housing yn adeiladu 104 o unedau fforddiadwy newydd wrth ymyl Afon Tawe, wedi'u hariannu'n rhannol drwy'r rhaglen grant tai cymdeithasol—. O ran lesddalwyr, gall y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Lesddaliadau helpu lesddeiliaid i ddeall eu hawliau a'u rhwymedigaethau, naill ai o ran telerau unigol eu les neu o ran deddfwriaeth a allai fod yn berthnasol, er enghraifft, o ran eu taliadau gwasanaeth. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig bod hynny'n cael ei brofi gyda chefnogaeth y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Lesddaliadau ac, wrth gwrs, o ran tenantiaid sy'n ymrwymo i gytundebau les yn SA1, mae telerau cytundebol wedi'u nodi a gofyniad i denantiaid gyfrannu at dâl gwasanaeth yr ystad ehangach. Ond mae Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn cyflawni, fel y gwyddoch chi, y gwasanaethau tâl gwasanaeth ar draws yr ystad fel landlord, gan gynnwys cynnal a chadw ac iechyd a diogelwch, ac mae hynny'n cael ei gaffael yn gyhoeddus. Ond, yn wir, rydych chi wedi'i godi nawr, a gobeithio y gall lesddeiliaid ddod o hyd i gymorth ac ymateb arbenigol gan y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Lesddaliadau.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Can I ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for health on the Welsh Government's position on prostate cancer screening in Wales? Currently, of course, there is no provision for screening in Wales and similarly in other parts of the UK, despite, of course, prostate cancer being the most common cancer amongst men. Now, according to the cancer charity Prostate Cymru, the outdated NHS guidelines are actually putting lives at risk because, despite all men aged over 50 being entitled to a free prostate-specific antigen test, and younger, of course, if there's a family history of it, GPs are actually told not to raise the subject with men unless they have symptoms. Now, as was bravely highlighted, of course, by Sir Chris Hoy in recent weeks, in most cases there are no symptoms and by the time someone does present with symptoms, then the cancer will be much more advanced and potentially incurable. Now, I understand that the current risk of prostate cancer is one in eight men; if there is a family history, it's one in three. So, will the Welsh Government, please, take heed of Sir Chris Hoy's calls and look again at your position on prostate cancer screening in Wales?
This afternoon, I had the honour of meeting representatives of the Wampís Nation, an indigenous people living in the Peruvian Amazon, who are in the front line of the battle against climate change. They presented recommendations to us to present to you as a Government, including calling for a requirement for supply chains to be free from deforestation, supporting indigenous peoples in the Welsh Government's international strategy, supporting and promoting opportunities to learn between our respective nations, and also encouraging Welsh public sector pension funds to make sure that any lending or investments are free not only from fossil fuel, but from deforestation as well. So, could we have a statement from the Government responding to those calls from the Wampís Nation, in the hope, of course, that we can play our part more effectively in facing up to the climate change challenge that so many people are experiencing in that part of the world?
A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd ar safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru ar sgrinio canser y prostad yng Nghymru? Ar hyn o bryd, wrth gwrs, nid oes darpariaeth ar gyfer sgrinio yng Nghymru ac yn yr un modd mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU, er mai canser y prostad, wrth gwrs, yw'r canser mwyaf cyffredin ymhlith dynion. Nawr, yn ôl yr elusen ganser Prostate Cymru, mae canllawiau hen ffasiwn y GIG mewn gwirionedd yn peryglu bywydau oherwydd, er bod gan bob dyn dros 50 oed yr hawl i gael prawf antigen penodol i'r prostad am ddim, ac yn iau, wrth gwrs, os oes yna hanes teuluol, mae meddygon teulu yn cael gwybod i beidio â chodi'r pwnc gyda dynion oni bai bod ganddyn nhw symptomau. Nawr, fel y cafodd ei amlygu'n ddewr, wrth gwrs, gan Syr Chris Hoy yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion nid oes unrhyw symptomau ac erbyn i rywun ddangos symptomau, yna bydd y canser wedi datblygu'n fwy o lawer ac o bosibl ni fydd modd ei wella. Nawr, rwy'n deall mai risg bresennol canser y prostad yw un o bob wyth dyn; os oes hanes teuluol, mae'n un o bob tri. Felly, a wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru, os gwelwch yn dda, wrando ar alwadau Syr Chris Hoy ac ystyried eto eich safiad ar sgrinio canser y prostad yng Nghymru?
Y prynhawn yma, cefais i'r anrhydedd o gyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr Cenedl y Wampís, pobl frodorol sy'n byw yn ardal Amazon Periw, sydd ar reng flaen y frwydr yn erbyn newid hinsawdd. Fe wnaethon nhw gyflwyno argymhellion i ni i'w cyflwyno i chi fel Llywodraeth, gan gynnwys galw am ofyniad bod cadwyni cyflenwi yn rhydd o ddatgoedwigo, cefnogi pobloedd brodorol yn strategaeth ryngwladol Llywodraeth Cymru, cefnogi a hyrwyddo cyfleoedd i ddysgu rhwng ein gwledydd priodol, a hefyd annog cronfeydd pensiwn sector cyhoeddus Cymru i sicrhau bod unrhyw fenthyciadau neu fuddsoddiadau yn rhydd nid yn unig o danwydd ffosil, ond o ddatgoedwigo hefyd. Felly, a gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Llywodraeth yn ymateb i'r galwadau hynny gan Genedl y Wampís, yn y gobaith, wrth gwrs, y gallwn ni chwarae ein rhan yn fwy effeithiol wrth wynebu'r her newid hinsawdd y mae cymaint o bobl yn ei hwynebu yn rhan honno'r byd?
Diolch yn fawr, Llyr Gruffydd. Your first point, I think, is really important, for us to look again at prostate cancer, what consideration is being given to screening and the role and advice to GPs. I also heard an interview with Sir Chris Hoy and he is very reassuring but also encouraging men to go forward and to have those all-important checks. You have also contributed to that awareness raising this afternoon, Llyr, in a really important way. Obviously, I'll talk to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care about where we are, particularly listening to the prostate cancer charity in terms of our situation. But raising awareness is the key point—the starting point—isn't it, in terms of leading to a recognition that that's something they may wish to, or need to, share with their GPs if there are any concerns.
I'm very interested in your second question as well. The front line of climate change—. I wasn't able to hear those representations, but I know that the Counsel General and the Deputy First Minister themselves were engaged. It is the front line, as you say, that organisation, but, importantly—. I recall the Counsel General, when she was previously Minister for climate change, was able to help make a grant to the organisation—I think it was £50,000—which has made a huge difference in enabling some water facilities—a boat, a canoe—to enable children to access schooling. I'm only just reporting on what she was telling us earlier on today at another meeting. But I think it is very important that we recognise, with COP 29 going on today, that this is at the forefront of our understanding of the impact of climate change on the front line. This is the devastation that so many communities are facing, but we have got a responsibility, and the responsibility for Wales in the world and in our international strategies is clear to this Government.
Diolch yn fawr, Llyr Gruffydd. Mae'ch pwynt cyntaf, rwy'n credu, yn bwysig iawn, sef i ni edrych eto ar ganser y prostad, pa ystyriaeth sy'n cael ei rhoi i sgrinio a rôl meddygon teulu a'r cyngor iddyn nhw. Clywais i gyfweliad gyda Syr Chris Hoy hefyd ac mae'n galonogol iawn ond hefyd yn annog dynion i fynd ymlaen ac i gael yr asesiadau hollbwysig hynny. Rydych chi hefyd wedi cyfrannu at godi ymwybyddiaeth y prynhawn yma, Llyr, mewn ffordd hynod bwysig. Yn amlwg, fe wnaf i yn siarad ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ynghylch ble'r ydyn ni arni, yn enwedig o ran gwrando ar yr elusen canser y prostad am ein sefyllfa. Ond codi ymwybyddiaeth yw'r pwynt allweddol—y man cychwyn—onid ydyw, o ran arwain at gydnabyddiaeth bod hynny'n rhywbeth y gallen nhw ddymuno'i rannu, neu fod angen iddyn nhw ei rannu â'u meddygon teulu os oes unrhyw bryderon.
Mae gennyf i ddiddordeb mawr yn eich ail gwestiwn hefyd. Rheng flaen newid hinsawdd—. Ni fu modd i mi glywed y sylwadau hynny, ond rwy'n gwybod bod y Cwnsler Cyffredinol a'r Dirprwy Brif Weinidog eu hunain wedi cymryd rhan. Y sefydliad hwnnw yw'r rheng flaen, fel y dywedwch chi, ond, yn bwysig—. Rwy'n cofio bod y Cwnsler Cyffredinol, pan oedd hi'n Weinidog newid hinsawdd yn flaenorol, wedi gallu helpu i roi grant i'r y sefydliad—rwy'n credu mai £50,000 ydoedd—sydd wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr o ran galluogi rhai cyfleusterau dŵr—cwch, canŵ—i alluogi plant i gael addysg. Rydw i ond yn adrodd ar yr hyn yr oedd hi'n ei ddweud wrthyn ni'n gynharach heddiw mewn cyfarfod arall. Ond rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n cydnabod, gyda COP 29 yn digwydd heddiw, fod hyn ar flaen y gad yn ein dealltwriaeth o effaith newid hinsawdd ar y rheng flaen. Dyma'r dinistr y mae cymaint o gymunedau'n ei wynebu, ond mae gennym ni gyfrifoldeb, ac mae'r cyfrifoldeb am Gymru yn y byd ac yn ein strategaethau rhyngwladol yn glir i'r Llywodraeth hon.
Could we please have a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs on the increase in fly-tipping rates in Denbighshire currently, in response to the appalling roll-out of the Trolibocs system? I had a walk around Rhyl in my constituency on Friday and was appalled at the state of the town centre, both of private land and public land. There is rubbish, in some cases, up to 6 ft high, and this is as a result of the council being in a vicious cycle, where people are becoming frustrated at the lack of bin collections happening in the local area and are resorting to illegal methods of fly-tipping in the local area, which is causing huge concerns around public health and environmental issues. You've said previously, Trefnydd, in response to similar questions that I've posed to you, that we're the second biggest recycling nation in the world. Well, it wouldn't be the case in Rhyl and across Denbighshire at the moment, currently. This cost in excess of £1.2 million and was something that was orchestrated by the Welsh Government as far back as 2017-18. So, could I please have a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for climate change on what advice the Welsh Government is giving directly via themselves and through WRAP Cymru in order to remedy these problems, which are, sadly, only getting worse and causing much anxiety as we head towards Christmas time?
A gawn ni ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Newid Hinsawdd a Materion Gwledig ar y cynnydd mewn cyfraddau tipio anghyfreithlon yn sir Ddinbych ar hyn o bryd, mewn ymateb i'r cam ofnadwy o gyflwyno system Trolibocs? Fe wnes i gerdded o amgylch y Rhyl yn fy etholaeth i ddydd Gwener a chefais fy siomi'n fawr gan gyflwr canol y dref, ar dir preifat a thir cyhoeddus. Mae yna sbwriel, mewn rhai achosion, hyd at 6 troedfedd o uchder, ac mae hyn oherwydd bod y cyngor mewn cylch dieflig, lle mae pobl yn mynd yn rhwystredig oherwydd y diffyg casgliadau biniau sy'n digwydd yn yr ardal leol ac yn troi at ddulliau anghyfreithlon o dipio anghyfreithlon yn yr ardal leol, sy'n achosi pryderon enfawr ynghylch iechyd y cyhoedd a materion amgylcheddol. Rydych chi wedi dweud o'r blaen, Trefnydd, mewn ymateb i gwestiynau tebyg yr wyf i wedi'u gofyn i chi, mai ni yw'r ail ymhlith y cenhedloedd sy'n ailgylchu fwyaf yn y byd. Wel, ni fyddai'n wir yn y Rhyl ac ar draws sir Ddinbych ar hyn o bryd. Costiodd hyn dros £1.2 miliwn ac roedd yn rhywbeth a gafodd ei drefnu gan Lywodraeth Cymru cyn belled yn ôl â 2017-18. Felly, a gaf i ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros newid hinsawdd ar ba gyngor y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei roi yn uniongyrchol ei hun a thrwy WRAP Cymru er mwyn datrys y problemau hyn, sydd, yn anffodus, ond yn gwaethygu ac yn achosi llawer o bryder wrth i ni nesáu at y Nadolig?
Thank you for raising that question. It hasn't been raised for a number of weeks, so I would have understood that the changes for the recycling arrangements of Denbighshire County Council were bedding in and being now managed more effectively. But, unfortunately, from what you say, there are still major issues that are emerging. I will raise this with the Deputy First Minister and Minister for climate change so that we can have an update on the circumstances in Denbighshire.
Diolch am godi'r cwestiwn hwnnw. Nid yw wedi cael ei godi ers sawl wythnos, felly byddwn i wedi deall bod y newidiadau ar gyfer trefniadau ailgylchu Cyngor Sir Ddinbych wedi'u hymgorffori ac yn cael eu rheoli'n fwy effeithiol erbyn hyn. Ond, yn anffodus, o'r hyn yr ydych chi'n ei ddweud, mae yna faterion mawr sy'n dod i'r amlwg o hyd. Byddaf i'n codi hyn gyda'r Dirprwy Brif Weinidog a'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd fel y gallwn ni gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am yr amgylchiadau yn sir Ddinbych.
Good afternoon, Trefnydd. Could I request a statement, please, from the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales regarding the proposed cuts to the Heart of Wales line? The Heart of Wales line, for those of you who don't know, is a 120-mile rural railway line. It goes from Swansea to Shrewsbury and stops at 29 stations. Last week, over 100 residents and community leaders gathered in Knighton, speaking out against Transport for Wales plans to slash the services from five trains to four. Many people think that the Heart of Wales line is just for tourists, but it is an essential lifeline for rural communities. So, I would like to ask the Cabinet Secretary if he would rethink the plan to cut the fifth service and to go out and to listen to residents, all of whom spoke about how important this train service is to their lives. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Prynhawn da, Trefnydd. A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru ynghylch y toriadau arfaethedig i linell Calon Cymru? Mae llinell Calon Cymru, i'r rhai ohonoch chi sydd ddim yn gwybod, yn rheilffordd wledig 120 milltir. Mae'n mynd o Abertawe i'r Amwythig ac yn galw mewn 29 gorsaf. Yr wythnos diwethaf, daeth dros 100 o drigolion ac arweinwyr cymunedol ynghyd yn Nhrefyclo, gan godi llais yn erbyn cynlluniau Trafnidiaeth Cymru i dorri'r gwasanaethau o bum trên i bedwar. Mae llawer o bobl yn meddwl mai dim ond i dwristiaid y mae llinell Calon Cymru, ond mae'n achubiaeth hanfodol i gymunedau gwledig. Felly, hoffwn ofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a fyddai'n ailystyried y cynllun i dorri'r pumed gwasanaeth ac i fynd allan a gwrando ar drigolion, y siaradodd pob un ohonyn nhw am bwysigrwydd y gwasanaeth trên hwn i'w bywydau. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch yn fawr, Jane Dodds. Clearly, in terms of the Heart of Wales line, it is such an important transport facility in terms of not just your constituency but for Wales as a whole. It's very regrettable when services are removed, and it's also really important that services, actually, are improved on the Heart of Wales line. I understand that they will be improved by the provision of additional seating and cycle capacity, for example, on the services. But I can assure you that Transport for Wales are listening to passengers, key stakeholders, and changes to their service plans are based on this feedback, but I would hope that they also will be meeting with you, to ensure that you can raise these issues as a Senedd Member. And, of course, they did have a public meeting in Knighton on 7 November. But it is, again, a matter of what capacity can be prioritised and how we can safeguard and improve the services on the Heart of Wales line.
Diolch yn fawr, Jane Dodds. Yn amlwg, o ran llinell Calon Cymru, mae'n gyfleuster trafnidiaeth mor bwysig o ran nid yn unig eich etholaeth chi, ond i Gymru gyfan. Mae'n destun gofid mawr pan fydd gwasanaethau'n cael eu dileu, ac mae hefyd yn bwysig iawn bod gwasanaethau, mewn gwirionedd, yn cael eu gwella ar linell Calon Cymru. Rwy'n deall y byddan nhw'n cael eu gwella drwy ddarparu seddi ychwanegol a mwy o le ar gyfer beiciau, er enghraifft, ar y gwasanaethau. Ond gallaf eich sicrhau chi fod Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gwrando ar deithwyr, rhanddeiliaid allweddol, a bod newidiadau i'w cynlluniau gwasanaeth yn seiliedig ar yr adborth hwn, ond byddwn i'n gobeithio y byddan nhw hefyd yn cwrdd â chi, er mwyn sicrhau y gallwch chi godi'r materion hyn fel Aelod o'r Senedd. Ac, wrth gwrs, fe wnaethon nhw gynnal cyfarfod cyhoeddus yn Nhrefyclo ar 7 Tachwedd. Ond unwaith eto, mae'n fater o ba allu y mae modd ei flaenoriaethu a sut y gallwn ni ddiogelu a gwella'r gwasanaethau ar reilffordd Calon Cymru.
Just following on from your remarks to Llyr Gruffydd about the Wampís Nation delegation that was received by various people, I just wanted to celebrate the Creative for Climate Justice exhibition, which has been supported by CAFOD, Christian Aid, Oxfam and Send My Friend to School, and the passion with which these pupils explained why climate justice was so important, and the excellent presentational skills they had, which do us all credit. They really do get it, and it's really good that they're making this contribution to Climate Week, to coincide with COP29.
On a less optimistic note, I just wanted to raise my concern about the increasing number of attacks on grass-roots football referees. The one incident in St Mellons in Cardiff led to a strike by these referees earlier this month in protest at the really significant number of attacks they get. One in four referees have suffered physical abuse and nearly nine in 10 have suffered verbal abuse. These people don't do it for the money; they do it for the love of the game, so it really is depressing that, instead of increasing the opportunities for playing outdoor sports, we seem to be shrinking those opportunities because of the poor behaviour of some people. I wondered if we can have a statement from the culture Minister, who I know is absolutely passionate about grass-roots football, about what the Welsh Government can do, working with these grass-roots football organisations, as well as the FAW, to protect referees and try and double down on abuse to ensure that grass-roots football can continue to flourish.
Yn dilyn eich sylwadau i Llyr Gruffydd am ddirprwyaeth Cenedl y Wampís a gafodd ei derbyn gan amryw o bobl, roeddwn i eisiau dathlu'r arddangosfa Creadigol dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd sydd wedi cael cefnogaeth CAFOD, Cymorth Cristnogol, Oxfam a Send My Friend to School, ac angerdd y disgyblion hyn wrth iddyn nhw egluro pam mae cyfiawnder hinsawdd mor bwysig, a'r sgiliau cyflwyno rhagorol oedd ganddyn nhw, sy'n glod i bob un ohonon ni. Maen nhw wir yn ei ddeall, ac mae'n dda iawn eu bod nhw'n gwneud y cyfraniad hwn at Wythnos Hinsawdd Cymru, i gyd-fynd â COP29.
Ar nodyn llai optimistaidd, roeddwn i eisiau nodi fy mhryder am y nifer cynyddol o ymosodiadau ar ddyfarnwyr pêl-droed ar lawr gwlad. Arweiniodd yr un digwyddiad yn Llaneirwg yng Nghaerdydd at streic gan y dyfarnwyr hyn yn gynharach y mis hwn i brotestio am y nifer sylweddol iawn o ymosodiadau maen nhw'n eu hwynebu. Mae un o bob pedwar dyfarnwr wedi dioddef cam-drin corfforol ac mae bron i naw o bob 10 wedi dioddef cam-drin geiriol. Nid yw'r bobl hyn yn gwneud hyn am yr arian; maen nhw'n gwneud hyn oherwydd eu bod yn caru'r gêm, felly mae'n wirioneddol ddigalon, yn hytrach na chynyddu'r cyfleoedd ar gyfer chwarae chwaraeon awyr agored, mae'n ymddangos ein bod ni'n crebachu'r cyfleoedd hynny oherwydd ymddygiad gwael rhai pobl. Meddwl oeddwn i tybed a allem ni gael datganiad gan y Gweinidog diwylliant, sy'n gwbl angerddol am bêl-droed ar lawr gwlad, rwy'n gwybod, am yr hyn y gall Llywodraeth Cymru ei wneud, gan weithio gyda'r sefydliadau pêl-droed llawr gwlad hyn, yn ogystal â Chymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru, i ddiogelu dyfarnwyr a cheisio cynyddu ymdrechion i atal cam-drin i sicrhau y gall pêl-droed llawr gwlad barhau i ffynnu.
Thank you very much, Jenny Rathbone, and can I very quickly say 'thank you' again for acknowledging the Wampís Nation delegation, following on from Llyr Gruffydd, and also the Creative for Climate Justice champions, the young people, who we know, in our schools, can educate us about their understanding and awareness, and obviously others around the Chamber are also able to appreciate that?
Yes, we will raise with the culture Minister the very sad circumstances in terms of the referees and the impact of totally inappropriate behaviour. Everyone should feel very safe when they're participating in sport, and that's volunteers and officials as well as those who are playing it as the players. It's the lifeblood of grass-roots sport. I understand it's South Wales Football Association's jurisdiction for the referee in this situation, in terms of what's happened to referees, and they are taking action against the alleged perpetrators of the incidents. South Wales Police is investigating too. A meeting took place between the FAW, South Wales Football Association and Cardiff Referees' Society on 31 October, and that dialogue is remaining open to provide support and discussion around policies and campaigns to avoid this outcome in the future.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Jenny Rathbone, ac a gaf i ddweud 'diolch' yn gyflym iawn eto am gydnabod dirprwyaeth Cenedl y Wampís, gan ddilyn ymlaen o'r hyn ddywedodd Llyr Gruffydd, a hefyd hyrwyddwyr Creadigol dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd, gall y bobl ifanc, yn ein hysgolion ni, yr ydym ni'n gwybod, ein haddysgu ni am eu dealltwriaeth a'u hymwybyddiaeth, ac yn amlwg mae eraill o amgylch y Siambr hefyd yn gallu gwerthfawrogi hynny?
Gwnawn, fe wnawn ni godi gyda'r Gweinidog diwylliant yr amgylchiadau trist iawn o ran y dyfarnwyr ac effaith ymddygiad cwbl amhriodol. Dylai pawb deimlo'n ddiogel iawn pan fyddan nhw'n cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys gwirfoddolwyr a swyddogion yn ogystal â'r rhai sy'n ei chwarae fel y chwaraewyr. Mae'n anadl einioes chwaraeon llawr gwlad. Rwy'n deall mai awdurdodaeth Cymdeithas Bêl-droed De Cymru yw'r dyfarnwr yn y sefyllfa hon, o ran yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd i ddyfarnwyr, ac maen nhw'n cymryd camau yn erbyn drwgweithredwyr honedig y digwyddiadau. Mae Heddlu De Cymru hefyd yn ymchwilio. Cafodd cyfarfod ei gynnal rhwng Cymdeithas Bêl-droed Cymru, Cymdeithas Bêl-droed De Cymru a Chymdeithas Dyfarnwyr Caerdydd ar 31 Hydref, ac mae'r ddeialog honno yn dal yn agored i ddarparu cefnogaeth a thrafodaeth ynghylch polisïau ac ymgyrchoedd i osgoi'r canlyniad hwn yn y dyfodol.
Ac yn olaf, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
And finally, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, a'r cyntaf gan y Dirprwy Brif Weinidog ar ganfyddiadau cyhoeddiad Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru 'Achos dros Newid'? Fe fyddwch chi'n ymwybodol erbyn hyn fod Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru, yr wythnos diwethaf, wedi cyhoeddi eu bod nhw am gau gweithrediadau arlwyo a manwerthu Coed y Brenin, Bwlch Nant yr Arian ac Ynyslas? Wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n gwybod bod y canolfannau yma yn denu dros £30 miliwn i mewn i economi canolbarth Cymru. Mae'n rhaid i Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru ffeindio toriadau o £13 miliwn y flwyddyn yma, ac mae 10 y cant o hynny'n dod a gau'r gweithrediadau yma, felly mi fydd yna impact anferthol ar yr economi leol. Felly, buaswn i'n gwerthfawrogi cael datganiad efo asesiad o impact yr argymhellion yma, os gwelwch yn dda, yn y Siambr yma.
Yn ail, os caf i ddilyn ymlaen o'r cwestiwn ddaru iddo gael ei ofyn yn gynharach ar linell trên Calon Cymru, mae'r un fath yn wir efo llinell trên y Cambrian, lle mae yna doriadau'n mynd i fod ar y llinell yna sydd yn mynd i effeithio ar allu pobl i fynd i'w lle gwaith nhw. Mi ydw i wedi derbyn dwsinau o e-byst gan bobl sydd yn defnyddio'r trên yna i fynd i'w gwaith, ac maen nhw'n pryderu am eu gallu i gyrraedd eu gweithle, felly mi fydd yna effaith andwyol ar economi gorllewin Cymru efo'r toriadau arfaethedig yma. Felly, mi fuaswn i'n gwerthfawrogi eich bod chi'n edrych ar y ddwy elfen yna o ran llinell Calon Cymru a llinell y Cambrian, a gofyn i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet ddod ymlaen â datganiad, os gwelwch yn dda.
May I ask for two statements, please, with the first from the Deputy First Minister on the findings of the publication by NRW, 'Case for Change'? You will be aware that NRW, last week, announced that they will close visitor centre operations at Coed y Brenin, Bwlch Nant yr Arian and Ynyslas. We know that these centres attract over £30 million into the mid Wales economy. NRW has to find cuts of £13 million this year, and 10 per cent of those cuts will come from the closure of these facilities, so there will be a huge impact on the local economy. So, I would appreciate having a statement with an impact assessment in terms of these recommendations, please, in this Chamber.
Secondly, if I could follow on from the question asked earlier on the Heart of Wales train line, the same is true with the Cambrian line, where there will be cuts to services on that line that will impact on people's ability to get to their place of work. I've received dozens of e-mails from people who use that train to go to work, and they're concerned about their ability to get to the workplace, so there will be a detrimental impact on the economy of the west of Wales with these proposed cuts. So, I would appreciate you looking at both of those elements in terms of the Heart of Wales and the Cambrian line, and ask the Cabinet Secretary to bring a statement forward on the issue. Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Mabon ap Gwynfor. Of course, the question on the case for change was raised earlier by Carolyn Thomas, and I did make it clear that NRW have said that they will continue management of these sites, including the three visitor centres, of course including the sites that you refer to. They will remain open for walking, biking, play areas, car parking and toilet provision, but they're now also looking out for expressions of interest from businesses and community groups for taking over the retail and catering services at the centres.
Thank you again for raising an issue about transport in rural Wales, following on from Jane Dodds's question about the Heart of Wales line. You've now raised the Cambrian line and discussions that are taking place. I will speak to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales about this to make sure that Transport for Wales are listening to passengers, stakeholders, and I'm sure you will be feeding back representations that you've made—that have been made to you—and thank you again for putting this on to the record today.
Diolch yn fawr, Mabon ap Gwynfor. Wrth gwrs, fe gafodd y cwestiwn ynglŷn â'r achos dros newid ei godi gan Carolyn Thomas yn gynharach, ac fe wnes i egluro bod CNC wedi dweud y byddan nhw'n parhau i reoli'r safleoedd hyn, gan gynnwys y tair canolfan i ymwelwyr, gan gynnwys y safleoedd yr ydych chi'n cyfeirio atyn nhw, wrth gwrs. Fe fyddan nhw'n dal yn agored ar gyfer cerdded, beicio, meysydd chwarae, parcio ceir a darparu toiledau, ond maen nhw'n chwilio am fynegiannau o ddiddordeb erbyn hyn gan fusnesau a grwpiau cymunedol sy'n dymuno rhedeg y gwasanaethau manwerthu ac arlwyo yn y canolfannau.
Diolch i chi unwaith eto am godi mater ynglŷn â thrafnidiaeth yng nghefn gwlad Cymru, yn dilyn cwestiwn Jane Dodds am lein Calon Cymru. Rydych chi wedi codi lein y Cambrian nawr a'r trafodaethau sy'n mynd rhagddyn nhw. Fe fyddaf i'n siarad ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Drafnidiaeth a Gogledd Cymru ynglŷn â hyn i wneud yn siŵr y bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gwrando ar deithwyr, rhanddeiliaid, ac rwy'n siŵr y gwnewch chi roi adborth am ar achosion y gwnaethoch chi eu cyflwyno ger bron—a gyflwynwyd ger eich bron—a diolch i chi unwaith eto am roi hyn ar y cofnod heddiw.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
Thank you, Trefnydd.
Mae eitem 3 wedi'i thynnu'n ôl.
Item 3 has been withdrawn.
Felly, symudwn ymlaen at eitem 4, datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, Wythnos Gwrthfwlio: iechyd meddwl a llesiant dysgwyr. Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i wneud y datganiad, Lynne Neagle.
So, we'll move on now to item 4, the statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Anti-bullying Week: the mental health and well-being of learners. I call on the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Lynne Neagle.

Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you for the opportunity to talk about an issue that affects so many children and young people. As I've said in this Chamber before, I want our children to have positive experiences in school and to thrive in the nurturing and supportive environment school provides. Sadly, despite our best efforts, school is not a positive experience for all children and young people. Bullying continues to be a problem and it has a very real impact, particularly on children's emotional well-being.
This week, we mark Anti-Bullying Week, an important point in our calendar, when we can all stop and consider the impact bullying has. Today, we also mark Odd Socks Day, when we encourage everyone to wear odd socks, celebrating what makes us unique. Our differences should never be the reason for someone to be bullied or mistreated.
When I accepted the role of Cabinet Secretary for Education, I said well-being and good mental health will be the platform on which our education system will be built. Tackling bullying and its impact is a key priority for me. I want to send the message that bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. I also want to be clear that we will support the victim, and work with the perpetrator to recognise the harm they have done, helping them find a positive way forward.
For anyone unsure about the impacts bullying can have, recent data makes for stark reading. Last month, the key findings from the School Health Research Network secondary school dashboard were published. The Welsh Government funds this work, providing over £800,000 in the current year, and I believe it's one of the biggest surveys of children and young people in the UK. A hundred and thirty thousand learners in years 7 to 11 took part, from 200 Welsh secondary schools. It provides a wealth of intelligence on the health and well-being of children and young people, and we've now extended the survey to children in primary schools.
In relation to bullying, it highlights that almost 38 per cent of children and young people said that they had been bullied in the previous couple of months, up from 32 per cent in 2021. More than 40 per cent of girls reported being bulliedd, compared to over 30 per cent of boys.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i chi am y cyfle i drafod mater sy'n effeithio ar gynifer o blant a phobl ifanc. Fel rwyf i wedi dweud yn y Siambr hon o'r blaen, rwy'n awyddus i'n plant ni gael profiadau adeiladol yn yr ysgol a ffynnu yn yr amgylchedd o feithriniad a chefnogaeth y mae ysgol yn ei gynnig. Yn anffodus, er gwaethaf ein hymdrechion mwyaf ni, nid yw ysgol yn brofiad adeiladol i bob plentyn ac unigolyn ifanc. Mae bwlio yn dal i fod yn broblem ac mae hynny ag effaith wirioneddol iawn, yn enwedig ar lesiant emosiynol plant.
Yr wythnos hon, rydym ni'n nodi Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio, wythnos bwysig yn ein calendr ni, sy'n rhoi cyfle i ni aros i ystyried yr effaith mae bwlio yn ei chael. Heddiw, rydym ni'n nodi Diwrnod Hosanau o Bob Pâr, pryd rydym ni'n annog pawb i wisgo hosanau annhebyg i'w gilydd, i ddathlu'r hyn sy'n ein gwneud ni'n unigryw. Ni ddylai ein gwahaniaethau ni fyth fod yn rheswm dros fwlio neu gam-drin unigolyn.
Pan dderbyniais i swydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg, fe ddywedais mai llesiant ac iechyd meddwl da fydd y llwyfan y bydd ein system addysg ni'n cael ei hadeiladu arni. Mae mynd i'r afael â bwlio a'i effaith yn flaenoriaeth allweddol i mi. Rwyf i eisiau datgan y genadwri fod bwlio yn annerbyniol ac na ellir goddef hynny. Rwy'n awyddus i egluro hefyd y byddwn yn cefnogi'r dioddefwyr, ac yn gweithio gyda'r troseddwyr i gydnabod y niwed y maen nhw'n ei wneud, gan eu helpu nhw i ganfod ffordd ymlaen sy'n adeiladol.
I unrhyw un sy'n ansicr am effeithiau posibl bwlio, gellir darllen y data diweddar sy'n llwm iawn. Fis diwethaf, cyhoeddwyd canfyddiadau allweddol dangosfwrdd ysgolion uwchradd y Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd Mewn Ysgolion. Llywodraeth Cymru sy'n ariannu'r gwaith hwn, gan ddarparu dros £800,000 yn y flwyddyn bresennol, ac rwyf i o'r farn mai hwn yw un o'r arolygon mwyaf cynhwysfawr o blant a phobl ifanc yn y DU. Roedd cant a thri deg o filoedd o ddysgwyr ym mlynyddoedd 7 hyd 11 yn cymryd rhan ynddo, o 200 o ysgolion uwchradd Cymru. Mae'n darparu toreth o wybodaeth am iechyd a llesiant plant a phobl ifanc, ac rydym ni wedi ymestyn yr arolwg i blant mewn ysgolion cynradd erbyn hyn.
O ran bwlio, mae'n tynnu sylw at y ffaith bod bron i 38 y cant o blant a phobl ifanc wedi dweud eu bod nhw wedi cael eu bwlio yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf, 32 y cant yn uwch nag yn 2021. Dywedodd mwy na 40 y cant o ferched eu bod nhw'n cael eu bwlio, o'i gymharu â dros 30 y cant o fechgyn.
The data also shows upward trends within the strengths and difficulties questionnaire, which measures psychological problems: 42 per cent of girls scored high or very high, compared to 27 per cent of boys; over 26 per cent of students scored high or very high for peer problems; young people with low family affluence report lower life satisfaction, lower mental well-being and more psychological difficulties, compared to young people with middle or high family affluence; and, whilst mental well-being has improved slightly since 2021, with 22 per cent of young people reporting low well-being, compared to 25 per cent in 2021, it is still worse than in 2017 and 2019, when 18 per cent and 21 per cent of young people reported low well-being.
These trends are concerning and show that we cannot reduce our focus on children's mental health and well-being. We are making progress though our statutory guidance on a whole-school-approach to emotional and mental well-being. We've invested significantly to support the work, including £13.6 million in the current year. Funding supports school counselling services, delivering universal and targeted well-being interventions, and supporting our child and adolescent mental health service school in-reach service.
However, there is always more we can do, and supporting schools to implement the guidance remains a priority for me. The latest data shows that all but 24 secondary schools are now actively action planning to support their well-being needs. However, primary schools are making slower progress, with only 669—just over half—at this stage. This is something I will continue to focus on over the coming months to see how we can close the gap.
The link between bullying and mental health is well known. At its most extreme, young people have taken their own lives as a result of being bullied. This is a tragedy for the young life lost, for their family and friends, and for whole communities. Members of this Senedd will know that, for many years, I have been a champion of campaigns, organisations and individuals that seek to prevent suicide, especially young suicide. In April I hosted an online professional learning event for teachers and other staff to feel confident and competent when dealing with these emotionally charged issues in schools. The event provided staff with the initial listening skills to use to develop their confidence when faced with these issues. Four hundred and thirty individuals joined the online event, 'Finding our words: suicide and self-harm prevention', which is still available to view on our Hwb platform, demonstrating the strength of feeling and scale of the problem facing those working in our classrooms.
I want to continue to prioritise this issue, and will be exploring what more we can do in 2025 to support schools in line with our draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy. Alongside this, I want to commit today to updating our statutory anti-bullying guidance, 'Rights, respect, equality'. The document was originally published in 2019, and, whilst much of it remains relevant, it now needs to reflect the reality of life in modern Wales.
I believe Wales is an inclusive and tolerant country. However, I also recognise that we must be vigilant to those who would sow doubt and mistrust amongst us. The issues that occur in society are often played out in microcosm in our schools. In updating the guidance, I intend to strengthen it and ensure it helps to tackle racism in all its forms, supporting the requirements of the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan', tackle religious hatred, and tackle hatred towards our LGBTQ+ and transgender communities. I will bring forward the revised document for consultation as soon as we can.
None of us want to see bullying in our schools. Anti-bullying Week shines a spotlight on the issue, and I encourage all Senedd Members to engage and support schools in our constituencies during this week, inspiring our children to celebrate our differences and promote constructive relationships. Diolch.
Mae'r data yn dangos hefyd fod y tueddiadau ar i fyny yn yr holiadur cryfderau ac anawsterau, sy'n mesur problemau seicolegol: 42 y cant o ferched yn sgorio yn uchel neu'n uchel iawn, o'i gymharu â 27 y cant o fechgyn; roedd dros 26 y cant o fyfyrwyr yn sgorio yn uchel neu'n uchel iawn ar gyfer problemau cyfoedion; mae pobl ifanc sydd â chyfradd isel o gyfoeth teulu yn adrodd am gyfraddau boddhad bywyd is, cyfraddau llesiant meddyliol is a mwy o anawsterau seicolegol, o'i gymharu â phobl ifanc sydd â chyfraddau canolig neu uchel o gyfoeth teulu; ac, er bod llesiant meddyliol wedi gwella ychydig ers 2021, gyda 22 y cant o bobl ifanc yn nodi cyfraddau isel o lesiant, o'i gymharu â 25 y cant yn 2021, mae hynny'n parhau i fod yn waeth nag yn 2017 a 2019, pan oedd 18 y cant a 21 y cant o bobl ifanc yn mynegi cyfraddau isel o lesiant.
Mae'r tueddiadau hyn yn peri pryder ac yn dangos nad ydym ni'n gallu canolbwyntio llai ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant plant. Rydym ni'n gwneud cynnydd drwy gyfrwng ein canllawiau statudol ar ddull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin â llesiant emosiynol a meddyliol. Rydym ni wedi buddsoddi yn sylweddol i gefnogi'r gwaith, gan gynnwys £13.6 miliwn yn y flwyddyn bresennol. Mae cyllid yn cefnogi gwasanaethau cwnsela mewn ysgolion, a darparu ymyriadau llesiant cyffredinol wedi'u targedu, a chefnogi ein gwasanaeth mewngymorth iechyd meddwl plant a'r glasoed mewn ysgolion.
Serch hynny, fe geir rhagor i ni ei wneud bob amser, ac mae cefnogi ysgolion i weithredu'r canllawiau yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i mi. Mae'r data diweddaraf yn dangos bod pob ysgol uwchradd heblaw am 24 yn weithredol ar hyn o bryd o ran gwneud cynlluniau i gefnogi eu hanghenion llesiant. Serch hynny, mae'r cynnydd mewn ysgolion cynradd yn arafach, gyda dim ond 669—ychydig dros hanner—ar hyn o bryd. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y byddaf i'n parhau i ganolbwyntio arno dros y misoedd nesaf i weld sut y gallwn ni gau'r bwlch.
Mae'r cysylltiad rhwng bwlio ac iechyd meddwl yn adnabyddus. Ar ei waethaf, mae pobl ifanc wedi cyflawni hunanladdiad o ganlyniad i fwlio. Mae hwnnw'n drychineb oherwydd colli bywyd ifanc, i'r teulu a'r ffrindiau, a chymunedau yn eu cyfanrwydd. Fe ŵyr Aelodau'r Senedd hon, ers blynyddoedd lawer, i mi fod yn hyrwyddo ymgyrchoedd, sefydliadau ac unigolion sy'n ceisio atal hunanladdiad, yn enwedig hunanladdiadau'r ifanc. Ym mis Ebrill, fe gynhaliais i ddigwyddiad dysgu proffesiynol ar-lein er mwyn i athrawon a staff eraill deimlo yn hyderus a chymwys wrth ymdrin â'r materion dirdynnol iawn hyn a all godi mewn ysgolion. Roedd y digwyddiad yn darparu sgiliau cychwynnol o ran gwrando er mwyn i staff eu defnyddio nhw i fagu eu hyder wrth wynebu'r materion hyn. Fe ymunodd pedwar cant a deg ar hugain o unigolion â'r digwyddiad ar-lein, 'Dod o hyd i'r geiriau: atal hunanladdiad a hunan-niweidio mewn ysgolion', sydd ar gael o hyd i'w wylio ar ein platfform Hwb, sy'n dangos pa mor gryf yw'r teimlad a graddfa'r broblem sy'n wynebu'r rhai sy'n gweithio yn ystafelloedd dosbarth ein hysgolion.
Rwy'n awyddus i ddal ati i flaenoriaethu'r mater hwn, ac fe fyddaf i'n ymchwilio i'r hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud fel arall yn 2025 i gefnogi ysgolion yn unol â'n strategaeth ddrafft atal hunanladdiad a hunan-niweidio. Ochr yn ochr â hyn, rwy'n ymrwymo heddiw i ddiweddaru ein canllawiau gwrth-fwlio statudol, 'Hawliau, parch, cydraddoldeb'. Fe gafodd y ddogfen wreiddiol ei chyhoeddi yn 2019, ac, er bod llawer ohoni hi'n berthnasol o hyd, mae angen iddi fyfyrio ar y sefyllfa wirioneddol nawr o ran bywyd yn y Gymru gyfoes.
Rwy'n credu bod Cymru yn wlad gynhwysol a goddefgar. Eto i gyd, rwy'n cydnabod hefyd yr angen i ni fod yn wyliadwrus o'r rhai a fyddai'n hoffi lledaenu amheuaeth a drwgdybiaeth yn ein plith. Mae materion sy'n digwydd yn y gymdeithas yn codi yn aml ym microcosm ein hysgolion hefyd. Wrth ddiweddaru'r canllawiau, rwy'n bwriadu ei rymuso a sicrhau ei fod o gymorth wrth fynd i'r afael â hiliaeth o bob math, ac yn cefnogi gofynion 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol', ac yn mynd i'r afael â chasineb crefyddol, ac yn mynd i'r afael â chasineb tuag at ein cymunedau LHDTC+ a thrawsryweddol. Fe fyddaf i'n cyflwyno'r ddogfen ddiwygiedig ar gyfer ymgynghori cyn gynted ag y gallwn ni.
Nid oes neb ohonom ni'n dymuno gweld bwlio yn ein hysgolion. Mae Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio yn tynnu sylw at y mater, ac rwy'n annog Aelodau'r Senedd i gyd i ymgysylltu a chefnogi ysgolion yn ein hetholaethau ni yn ystod yr wythnos hon, ar gyfer ysbrydoli ein plant i ddathlu ein gwahaniaethau a hyrwyddo cydberthynas adeiladol. Diolch.
I'd like to place on record my appreciation for your statement this afternoon, Cabinet Secretary, to mark Anti-bullying Week. It's very timely and important and I personally believe that there is no place for bullying within any settings, particularly in regard to this context anyway. This statement has been delivered in the Senedd today, in the context of Anti-bullying Week, and of course this is intertwined with the mental health and well-being of learners. But the poorer mental health and well-being of learners is linked to a variety of factors that cannot be considered in isolation. So, I welcome an approach that directs focus on the myriad of issues in the Welsh education system, which all intersect with pupil and teacher well-being. When it comes to the Welsh Government's record on anti-bullying in schools, sadly the results have not matched the Government's expectations. The Welsh Labour manifesto for the 2021 Senedd elections vowed to
'protect our children and young people from hate crime and bullying',
specifically working with organisations such as Google, Facebook and Twitter to achieve this. The Cabinet Secretary, whilst Chair of the Senedd's children, young persons and education committee in 2021, welcomed the Welsh Government's commitment to ensuring schools have a legal duty to consider the mental health and well-being of children. Since this was enshrined, however, the mental health of pupils has declined, and reports of bullying in schools have only increased, so the Welsh Government have failed in that duty, unfortunately.
The School Health Research Network survey of 130,000 learners from years 7 to 11 across the 200 secondary schools in Wales demonstrated a regression from 2021 to 2023 on just about every metric of pupil well-being. The report found a growing sense of social isolation, with fewer young people saying they can rely on their friends, compared to data from 2017. This appears to be a growing trend following COVID, in which we've seen disappointing progress in assimilating pupils back to school following self-isolation. And this lack of support is also reflected in the shocking rise in behavioural issues in schools across Wales.
The well-being of educators is also declining, with 95 per cent of Welsh teachers reporting in 2023 that they had experienced physical abuse or violence from pupils. Eighty-six per cent of teachers report that this has affected their morale and enthusiasm for their job, with more than half of teachers in Wales experiencing stress and anxiety. It's important, therefore, that the Welsh Government takes a holistic approach that considers the well-being of both educators and learners and addresses all factors that are contributing to the decline, which will include bullying, social isolation, phone use in the classroom and poor behaviour.
To focus on bullying, the figures are equally disappointing, with the number of pupils in Wales reporting being bullied increasing from 6 per cent between 2021 and 2023, and the number of pupils that reported experiencing cyber bullying increasing by 3 per cent between 2021 and 2023. These results are higher than ever previously reported in the survey, which is deeply troubling, particularly three years on from the Welsh Government enshrining a legal duty to consider the mental well-being of children and protect them from hate. The reports also show a higher rate of girls being bullied than boys, with over 40 per cent of girls reporting that they experience bullying in schools in Wales. So, despite the warm words from the Welsh Government, we have seen a total lack of delivery when it comes to improving the mental well-being of our young people and reducing rates of bullying in schools.
I'd like to hear from the Cabinet Secretary more specific plans for delivery and how they expect to see results, and I'd like to see the Cabinet Secretary also lay out a broader plan of how all of these intertwined issues are being addressed. The concerning rise in poor behaviour is also undoubtedly linked to poorer pupil well-being, so it's important that the Welsh Government also addresses these as one. The Welsh Labour manifesto also pledged to work with social media organisations to tackle hate and protect our young people from bullying, so I'm also keen to hear from the Government what work has been undertaken by the Welsh Government to this end. And finally, I would like to hear how the Welsh Government plans to address the well-being of educators as well as students. The concerning data shows a decline in teacher satisfaction, which will have a negative effect on the education of learners and will, in the long run, cause significant problems with the recruitment and retention of teaching staff across Wales. I look forward to hearing your response, and thank you again for your statement this afternoon.
Fe hoffwn i gofnodi fy ngwerthfawrogiad o'ch datganiad chi'r prynhawn yma, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, ar gyfer nodi Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio. Mae hynny'n amserol ac yn bwysig iawn ac rwy'n credu fy hunan nad oes unrhyw le i fwlio mewn unrhyw sefyllfa, yn arbennig yn y cyd-destun hwn beth bynnag. Cafodd y datganiad hwn ei roi ger bron yn y Senedd heddiw, yng nghyd-destun Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio, ac wrth gwrs mae hyn yn cydblethu ag iechyd meddwl a llesiant dysgwyr. Ond mae iechyd meddwl a llesiant gwaeth ymhlith dysgwyr yn gysylltiedig ag amrywiaeth o ffactorau na ellir eu hystyried nhw ar eu pennau eu hunain. Felly, rwy'n croesawu dull sy'n canolbwyntio ar y llu o faterion yn system addysg Cymru, sydd i gyd yn croestorri â llesiant disgyblion ac athrawon. O ran hanes Llywodraeth Cymru am wrthsefyll bwlio mewn ysgolion, yn anffodus nid yw'r canlyniadau wedi cyd-fynd â disgwyliadau'r Llywodraeth. Roedd maniffesto Llafur Cymru ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd 2021 yn addo
'amddiffyn ein plant a'n pobl ifanc rhag troseddau casineb a bwlio',
gan weithio yn benodol gyda sefydliadau fel Google, Facebook a Twitter i gyflawni hynny. Roedd yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, pan oedd yn Gadeirydd pwyllgor plant, pobl ifanc ac addysg y Senedd yn 2021, yn croesawu ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod dyletswydd gyfreithiol ar ysgolion i ystyried iechyd meddwl a llesiant plant. Ers i hynny gael ei ymgorffori, serch hynny, mae iechyd meddwl disgyblion wedi gwaethygu, ac mae adroddiadau o fwlio mewn ysgolion dim ond wedi cynyddu, felly mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu â chyflawni o ran y ddyletswydd honno, yn anffodus.
Roedd arolwg Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd Ysgolion o 130,000 o ddysgwyr rhwng blynyddoedd 7 ac 11 ar draws y 200 o ysgolion uwchradd yng Nghymru yn arddangos bod atchweliad rhwng 2021 a 2023 o ran pob metrig o lesiant disgyblion, bron â bod. Roedd yr adroddiad yn canfod ymdeimlad cynyddol o unigedd cymdeithasol, gyda llai o bobl ifanc yn dweud eu bod nhw'n gallu dibynnu ar eu ffrindiau, o'i gymharu â data o 2017. Mae hi'n ymddangos bod honno'n duedd gynyddol yn dilyn COVID, ac rydym ni wedi gweld cynnydd siomedig o ran cymhathu disgyblion yn ôl i'w hysgolion yn dilyn hunan-ynysu. Ac mae'r diffyg hwn o gymorth yn cael ei adlewyrchu hefyd yn y cynnydd ysgytwol o ran materion ymddygiad mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru.
Mae llesiant addysgwyr yn gostwng hefyd, gyda 95 y cant o athrawon Cymru yn dweud yn 2023 eu bod nhw wedi profi camdriniaeth gorfforol neu drais gan ddisgyblion. Mae 86 y cant o athrawon yn mynegi bod hyn wedi effeithio ar eu hyder a'u brwdfrydedd yn eu gwaith, gyda mwy na hanner yr athrawon yng Nghymru yn profi straen a gofid. Mae hi'n bwysig, felly, fod ymagwedd gyfannol gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n ystyried llesiant addysgwyr a dysgwyr ac yn mynd i'r afael â'r holl ffactorau sy'n cyfrannu at y dirywiad, ac fe fyddai hynny'n cynnwys bwlio, ynysu cymdeithasol, defnyddio ffonau yn yr ystafelloedd dosbarth ac ymddygiad drwg.
I ganolbwyntio ar fwlio, mae'r ffigurau'r un mor siomedig, gyda nifer y disgyblion yng Nghymru sy'n adrodd eu bod nhw'n cael eu bwlio yn cynyddu 6 y cant rhwng 2021 a 2023, a nifer y disgyblion a oedd yn nodi eu bod nhw wedi profi seiberfwlio wedi cynyddu 3 y cant rhwng 2021 a 2023. Mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn yr arolwg yn waeth nag erioed o'r blaen, ac mae hynny'n peri cryn bryder, yn enwedig dair blynedd ar ôl i Lywodraeth Cymru ymgorffori dyletswydd gyfreithiol i ystyried llesiant meddyliol plant a'u hamddiffyn nhw rhag casineb. Mae'r adroddiadau yn dangos cyfradd uwch o ferched yn cael eu bwlio na bechgyn hefyd, gyda dros 40 y cant o ferched yn dweud eu bod nhw'n profi bwlio mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru. Felly, er gwaethaf geiriau teg Llywodraeth Cymru, fe welsom ni ddiffyg mawr o ran cyflawni wrth wella llesiant meddyliol ein pobl ifanc a gostwng cyfraddau bwlio mewn ysgolion.
Fe hoffwn i glywed oddi wrth yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am gynlluniau mwy penodol ar gyfer cyflawni a sut y mae'n disgwyl gweld canlyniadau, ac fe hoffwn i weld yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn cyflwyno cynllun mwy eang hefyd o sut y rhoddir sylw i'r holl faterion hyn sy'n cydblethu. Mae'r cynnydd sy'n peri pryder mewn ymddygiad drwg yn gysylltiedig â llesiant disgyblion mwy difreintiedig hefyd, felly mae hi'n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn i gyd gyda'i gilydd. Roedd maniffesto Llafur Cymru yn addo gweithio gyda sefydliadau cyfryngau cymdeithasol hefyd i fynd i'r afael â chasineb ac amddiffyn ein pobl ifanc rhag bwlio, felly rwy'n awyddus i glywed gan y Llywodraeth pa waith a wnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru i'r perwyl hwnnw. Ac yn olaf, fe hoffwn i glywed sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu mynd i'r afael â llesiant yr addysgwyr yn ogystal â llesiant y myfyrwyr. Mae'r data sy'n peri pryder yn dangos dirywiad o ran boddhad athrawon, a fydd ag effaith ddinistriol ar addysg dysgwyr ac a fydd, yn yr hirdymor, yn achosi problemau sylweddol gyda recriwtio a chadw staff addysgu ledled Cymru. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed eich ymateb chi, a diolch unwaith eto am eich datganiad y prynhawn yma.
Can I thank Gareth Davies for his welcome for the statement and his comments, some of which I agreed with? In particular, I agree with the fact that a lot of the issues we're seeing in schools are interconnected, and one of the things that I said when I came into post was that I wanted to see better join-up of a range of things that we're doing; so, behaviour is linked to mental health is linked to exclusions is linked to attendance, and we're trying to join up that work. Part of the work that the delivery board for the whole-school approach, which is jointly chaired by myself and Sarah Murphy, is doing is that we have a work stream there that is looking across the whole system of what we're doing to make sure that these initiatives are joined up.
You mentioned the duty on mental health. There was a duty as part of the Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021 to have regard to the mental health of children and young people in drawing up a curriculum. That's a world first, as far as I'm aware, and we have done that in Wales. And I think we have a good record; we have things in Wales that are just not happening over the border. So, we've got a whole-school approach to mental health, which is a work in progress, but we have that, and we've enshrined it in statutory guidance. We've had school counselling available for young people in Wales from year 6 to the end of secondary school. That's an entitlement that young people have in Wales; again, not something that's happened over the border. We've got CAMHS school in-reach in Wales, which we've invested over million £5 million in, with CAMHS professionals going into schools, working with the staff there, providing additional support for children and young people with more complexity, and we have invested over £13 million in that work just this year alone. So, I think that we have a good record, but there is more work to do.
And the increase that you've referred to in the numbers of children and young people reporting poor well-being is not because of a lack of commitment by this Government or action by this Government; I think it's symptomatic of the complexity of children and young people's lives. We know that the COVID pandemic had an impact on children and young people and we're still recovering from that, including in schools. So, I think we've got a good record, but we need to keep our foot down on the pedal on that.
And if I can say to you, Gareth, that a lot of the mental health issues affecting children and young—and indeed, which contribute to bullying—are due to poverty, and that is a direct result of your Government in Westminster—[Interruption.] No, no, no, no, no: this is a fact. You have led to many, many children growing up in homes where they are living in poverty. That leads to stigma and social exclusion. It is a fact. Now we've got a Labour Government in Westminster, albeit a very young one, I am confident that we will see things change, working with the Labour Government here.
You made some important points about the education workforce. I have always said—indeed, I said it to the headteachers' conference last week—that the education workforce can't support the mental health and well-being of children in schools if they are not in a good place themselves, so that's why our whole-school approach also applies to our education workforce. We're investing in support for the workforce, not just through Education Support, which is an organisation that we fund to support the workforce, but also school staff have been able to access the counselling service as well.
I also disagree with what you've said about the record on bullying. As I said today, we're looking to update the statutory guidance on bullying. The SHRN results are very concerning. I'm really proud that we've got SHRN in Wales; it's funded jointly across the Government and it is a really powerful way of listening to the voices of children and young people, and what it has said about bullying is really worrying. I'm going to be meeting the SHRN team shortly to talk about the findings and to talk about—. Schools have got access to that data, they have their own school report from SHRN, but I'm keen that, as a Government, we can look to use that data to make sure that we hone our policies more effectively. Thank you.
A gaf i ddiolch i Gareth Davies am ei groeso i'r datganiad a'i sylwadau ef, yr oeddwn i'n cytuno â rhai ohonyn nhw? Yn arbennig, rwy'n cytuno â'r ffaith fod llawer o'r materion a welwn ni mewn ysgolion yn cysylltu â'i gilydd, ac un o'r pethau a ddywedais i wrth ddod i'r swydd hon oedd fy mod i'n dymuno gweld ystod o bethau yr ydym ni'n eu gwneud yn cyd-fynd â'i gilydd yn well; felly, mae ymddygiad yn cysylltu ag iechyd meddwl sy'n cysylltu â gwaharddiadau sy'n cysylltu â phresenoldeb, ac rydym yn ceisio cydgysylltu'r gwaith hwnnw. Rhan o'r gwaith y mae'r bwrdd cyflawni ar gyfer dull ysgol gyfan, sy'n cael ei gadeirio ar y cyd gan Sarah Murphy a minnau, yn ei wneud yw bod â ffrwd waith yn y fan honno sy'n rhoi ystyriaeth ar draws y system gyfan o'r hyn yr ydym yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod y mentrau hyn yn cysylltu â'i gilydd.
Roeddech chi'n sôn am y ddyletswydd o ran iechyd meddwl. Roedd yna ddyletswydd yn rhan o Ddeddf Cwricwlwm ac Asesu (Cymru) 2021 ar gyfer rhoi sylw i iechyd meddwl plant a phobl ifanc wrth lunio unrhyw gwricwlwm. Honno oedd yr un gyntaf drwy'r byd, hyd y gwn i, ac yng Nghymru y digwyddodd hynny. Ac rwy'n credu bod gennym ni hanes da yma; mae gennym ni bethau sy'n digwydd yng Nghymru nad ydyn nhw'n digwydd o gwbl dros y ffin. Felly, mae gennym ni ddull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl, gwaith sydd ar y gweill ydyw hwnnw, ond mae hwnnw'n digwydd gennym ni, ac rydym ni wedi ymgorffori hwnnw yn y canllawiau statudol. Rydym wedi sicrhau bod cwnsela ar gael yn yr ysgolion i bobl ifanc yng Nghymru o flwyddyn 6 hyd at ddiwedd yr ysgol uwchradd. Mae gan bobl ifanc yng Nghymru hawl iddo; unwaith eto, nid yw hynny'n digwydd dros y ffin. Mae gennym ni fewngymorth CAMHS mewn ysgolion yng Nghymru, rydym ni wedi buddsoddi dros £5 miliwn yn hynny, gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol CAMHS yn mynd i mewn i ysgolion, gan weithio gyda'r staff yno, i ddarparu cymorth ychwanegol i blant a phobl ifanc sydd â mwy o gymhlethdodau, ac rydym ni wedi buddsoddi dros £13 miliwn eleni yn unig yn y gwaith hwnnw. Felly, rwy'n credu bod enw da gennym ni, ond mae mwy o waith i'w wneud eto.
Ac nid yw'r cynnydd y gwnaethoch chi gyfeirio ato yn niferoedd y plant a phobl ifanc sy'n adrodd am lesiant gwael yn bodoli oherwydd diffyg ymrwymiad gan y Llywodraeth hon na chamau gan y Llywodraeth hon; rwy'n gwybod bod hynny o ganlyniad i gymhlethdodau ym mywydau plant a phobl ifanc heddiw. Fe wyddom ni fod pandemig COVID wedi cael effaith ar blant a phobl ifanc ac rydym ni'n dal i ailgryfhau ar ôl hynny, gan gynnwys yn yr ysgolion. Felly, rwy'n credu bod enw da gennym ni, ond mae angen i ni ddal ein troed i lawr ar y sbardun yn hynny o beth.
Ac os caf i ddweud wrthych chi, Gareth, mae llawer o'r materion iechyd meddwl sy'n effeithio ar blant a phobl ifanc—ac yn wir, sy'n cyfrannu at fwlio—o achos tlodi, ac mae hwnnw'n ganlyniad uniongyrchol i'ch Llywodraeth yn San Steffan—[Torri ar draws.] Na, na, na: mae honno'n ffaith. Mae hynny wedi arwain at laweroedd o blant yn tyfu i fyny mewn cartrefi lle maen nhw'n byw mewn tlodi. Mae hynny'n arwain at warthnod ac allgáu cymdeithasol. Mae hi'n ffaith. Mae Llywodraeth Lafur gennym ni yn San Steffan nawr, er ei bod hi'n gynnar iawn, ac rwy'n hyderus y byddwn ni'n gweld pethau yn newid, gan weithio gyda'r Llywodraeth Lafur yn y fan hon.
Roeddech chi'n gwneud rhai pwyntiau pwysig am y gweithlu addysg. Fe ddywedais i bob amser—yn wir, fe ddywedais i hynny wrth gynhadledd y penaethiaid wythnos diwethaf—na all y gweithlu addysg gefnogi iechyd meddwl a llesiant plant mewn ysgolion os nad ydyn nhw mewn sefyllfa dda eu hunain, felly dyna pam mae ein dull ysgol gyfan yn berthnasol i'n gweithlu addysg hefyd. Rydym ni'n buddsoddi yn y gefnogaeth i'r gweithlu, nid yn unig drwy gyfrwng Cymorth Addysg, sef sefydliad yr ydym ni'n ei ariannu i gefnogi'r gweithlu, ond mae staff yr ysgolion wedi gallu cael mynd at y gwasanaeth cwnsela hefyd.
Rwy'n anghytuno â'r hyn a ddywedoch chi am yr hanes ynglŷn â mater bwlio hefyd. Fel roeddwn i'n dweud heddiw, rydym ni'n bwriadu diweddaru'r canllawiau statudol ynghylch bwlio. Mae canlyniadau'r Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd mewn Ysgolion yn bryderus iawn. Rwy'n falch iawn fod y Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd mewn Ysgolion gennym ni yng Nghymru; mae hwnnw'n cael ei ariannu ar y cyd ar draws y Llywodraeth ac mae'n cynnig dull grymus iawn o wrando ar leisiau plant a phobl ifanc, ac mae'r hyn a ddywedodd am fwlio yn peri pryder mawr. Fe fyddaf i'n cwrdd â thîm y Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd mewn Ysgolion yn fuan i siarad am y canfyddiadau a siarad am—. Mae ysgolion yn gallu cael gafael ar y data hwnnw, mae ganddyn nhw'r adroddiadau am eu hysgolion unigol oddi wrth y Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd mewn Ysgolion, ond rwy'n awyddus i ni allu, yn y Llywodraeth, geisio defnyddio'r data hwnnw i sicrhau ein bod ni'n mireinio ein polisïau ni'n fwy effeithiol. Diolch i chi.
Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet am y datganiad. Mae Plaid Cymru, wrth gwrs, yn cefnogi ymdrechion i leihau bwlio lle bynnag mae’n codi ei ben a gwella llesiant plant a phobl ifanc. Mi fyddwn ni yn craffu yn agos iawn ar waith y Llywodraeth yn y maes yma, gan ei fod yn faes mor eithriadol o bwysig.
Os caf i droi at y datganiad yn benodol, mae’n bryder bod nifer y plant, fel ŷn ni wedi clywed yn barod, sydd wedi dioddef bwlio wedi cynyddu o 6 y cant ers 2021, ond ar y llaw arall mae’n galonogol bod llesiant meddyliol plant a phobl ifanc yn gyffredinol wedi gwella ers 2021. Ond dydyn ni ddim wedi, wrth gwrs, dychwelyd i’r lefelau isel a welon ni cyn y pandemig.
Rwy’n nodi ymrwymiad yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet i ddiweddaru’r canllawiau gwrth-fwlio, ond dyw hyn ddim yn ymrwymiad newydd gan y Llywodraeth. Yn wir, dywedodd y cyn-Weinidog addysg ym mis Mawrth eleni, yn y Siambr yma, fod Llywodraeth Cymru, ac rwy’n dyfnynnu,
‘wrthi'n diweddaru ein canllawiau statudol ar wrth-fwlio i ysgolion’.
Felly, a fyddai modd i’r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet roi gwybod i ni pa gynnydd yn benodol mae’r Llywodraeth wedi ei wneud dros yr wyth mis diwethaf ar hyn, ac a allwn ni ddisgwyl canllawiau drafft wedi eu cyhoeddi cyn y Nadolig? Os na, wel, pryd, felly?
Dwi eisiau ffocysu yn fyr iawn yn fy nghyfraniad i ar effaith tlodi ar lesiant pobl ifanc a’r mater hefyd o hiliaeth mewn ysgolion. Fel y nododd y sefydliad Plant yng Nghymru mewn nodyn briffio:
‘Gall gwisg ysgol helpu i greu ymdeimlad o gymuned, perthyn a hunaniaeth.’
Ond i lawer o blant a phobl ifanc sy’n byw mewn tlodi, mae gwisg ysgol yn achosi straen ac yn gallu arwain at fwlio hefyd, yn enwedig pan fo costau gwisg ysgol gyda bathodyn yn gallu bod llawer uwch na gwisgoedd heb fathodyn. Rwy’n gwybod bod gan y Llywodraeth ganllawiau polisi gwisg ysgol, ond rwy’n pryderu a ydy’r polisi yn cael ei weithredu yn ddigon effeithiol, o ystyried bod nifer o blant yn wynebu stigma os nad ydyn nhw yn gwisgo’r gwisg ysgol gywir.
Dyma brofiad un disgybl sydd wedi dioddef y stigma yma. Fe ddywedodd, ‘Os wyt ti heb y wisg ysgol gywir, rwyt ti’n cael slip gwisg ysgol i fynd adref, ac os nad yw’r wisg yn cael ei chywiro, rwyt ti’n cael pwynt ymddygiad negyddol sy’n gallu codi i gael dy gadw i mewn ar ôl ysgol.’ Mae’n annerbyniol yn fy marn i fod disgyblion yn derbyn cosb fel hyn o ganlyniad i ddiffyg cydymffurfiaeth â pholisi gwisg ysgol, sydd yn gallu bod yn gostus i’r rhai sydd yn byw mewn tlodi. Felly, a fyddech chi fel Llywodraeth yn ystyried sicrhau bod gan bob ysgol fannau ailgylchu gwisg ysgol? A pha gefnogaeth arall gallwch chi ei rhoi i’r rhai sydd yn ei gweld hi’n anodd prynu’r wisg ysgol gywir gan gynnwys bathodyn? Ac a fyddwch chi fel Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn ystyried cryfhau gweithredu’r canllawiau ar wisg ysgol, er mwyn lleihau nifer y plant sydd yn wynebu bwlio o ganlyniad i hyn?
Yn olaf, i gloi, mae hiliaeth mewn ysgolion hefyd yn fater sydd yn anffodus wedi gwaethygu dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf. Mewn adroddiad gan y comisiynydd plant yn ddiweddar ar brofiad plant o hiliaeth, rhannwyd nifer o brofiadau erchyll gan ddisgyblion ar draws Cymru. Yn fy rhanbarth i, er enghraifft, dywedodd un person ifanc, a dwi'n dyfynnu, 'Cafodd fy ffrind sydd â chroen tywyllach na fi ei bwlio llawer, byddai pobl yn defnyddio'r gair N—yr N-word—yn ei herbyn hi.' A dywedodd unigolyn arall, a dwi'n dyfynnu eto, 'Dywedodd rhywun eu bod nhw ddim eisiau i fi eistedd drws nesaf iddyn nhw oherwydd lliw fy nghroen i. Fe wnes i jest symud i ffwrdd.' Mae hynny'n gwbl, gwbl annerbyniol yn ein hysgolion ni.
Felly, dwi’n siŵr byddech chi, fel yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, a phawb yn y Siambr yn cytuno bod yn rhaid i ni wneud mwy i fynd i'r afael â'r profiadau ofnadwy yma mae rhai plant yn eu dioddef. Felly, a fyddwch chi, fel Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, yn ystyried yr argymhellion a geir yn yr adroddiad gan y comisiynydd plant ar y mater yma, wrth ddiweddaru’r canllawiau newydd ar wrth-fwlio? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
I thank the Cabinet Secretary for the statement. Plaid Cymru, of course, supports efforts to reduce bullying whenever it arises and to improve the well-being of children and young people. We will be closely scrutinising the Government's work in this area, because it's such an important area.
If I could turn to the statement specifically, it is a concern that the number of children, as we've already heard, that have suffered bullying has increased from 6 per cent since 2021, but on the other hand it's encouraging that the mental well-being of children and young people is generally improved since 2021. But we haven't returned, of course, to the low levels that we saw before the pandemic.
I do note the commitment of the Cabinet Secretary to update the anti-bullying guidance, but this is not a new commitment from the Government. Indeed, the former education Minister said in March this year, in this Chamber, that the Welsh Government, and I quote, was
'in the course of updating our statutory guidance on anti-bullying for schools'.
So, could the Cabinet Secretary tell us what specific progress the Government has made over the last eight months on this, and can we expect draft guidance to be published before Christmas? If not, well, when?
I would like to focus very briefly in my contribution on the impact of poverty on the well-being of young people and the issue of racism in schools. As Children in Wales stated in a briefing note:
'School uniforms can help create a sense of community, belonging and identity.'
But, for many children and young people living in poverty, school uniforms cause stress and can also lead to bullying, particularly when the cost of school uniforms that have a badge on them can be much higher than the cost of uniforms without a badge. I know that the Welsh Government has policy guidance on school uniforms, but I am concerned as to whether the policy is being implemented effectively enough, given that many children do face stigma if they don't wear the correct uniform.
This is the experience of one pupil who has been stigmatised. The pupil said, 'If you don't have the correct school uniform, you receive a school uniform slip to take home, and if the uniform is not rectified, you receive a negative behaviour point that can lead to detention after school.' It's unacceptable, in my opinion, for pupils to receive that kind of penalty as a result of non-compliance with a school uniform policy, which can be expensive for those living in poverty. So, will you as a Government consider ensuring that all schools have school uniform recycling schemes? And what other support can you provide for those who find it difficult to buy the correct school uniform including a badge? And will you, as Cabinet Secretary, also consider strengthening the implementation of the guidance on school uniform, in order to reduce the number of children who are facing bullying as a result of that?
Finally, to close, racism in schools is also an issue that has unfortunately deteriorated over recent years. In a recent report by the children's commissioner on children's experiences of racism, a number of horrific experiences were shared by pupils from across Wales. In my region, for example, one young person said, and I quote, 'My friend, who has darker skin than me, was bullied a lot, and people would use the N-word against her.' Another individual said, and I quote again, 'Someone said that they didn't want me to sit next to them because of the colour of my skin. I just moved away.' That's entirely unacceptable in our schools.
So, I'm sure that you, as the Cabinet Secretary, and everyone in the Chamber will agree that we must do more to tackle these terrible experiences that some children suffer. So, will you, as the Cabinet Secretary, consider the recommendations included in the report by the children's commissioner on this issue, when updating these new anti-bullying guidance? Thank you very much.
Thank you very much, Cefin, for your welcome for the statement, and I welcome close scrutiny of our action in this space. And thank you too for recognising that there has been an improvement in well-being, but as you say, it's not back to pre-pandemic levels. So, there are some mixed messages in there that we need to consider very carefully.
I've been in post since March. I can tell you that we are working now on the bullying guidance, and I'm very happy to keep you updated on that. We'll do that as quickly as we can and, hopefully, go out to consult on the new guidance after Christmas.
You referred to the impact of poverty, which is very, very pertinent, and in particular the issues around school uniform. I've got a very long-standing bugbear about school uniform; it's something that has worried me greatly. Whenever I've posted something as a constituency MS about school uniform, it's had lots and lots of engagement, which tells me that it's something that really worries my constituents. You'll be aware that we did revise the guidance for schools on school uniform a year ago, but like you, I don't feel that I've got the assurance about implementation. So, we're currently looking now at the implementation, to make sure that that guidance is working. You'll probably be aware that the UK Labour Government is considering primary legislation in this space, and I'm keeping open the option of working with them on that, if we find that our guidance isn't being implemented. Lots of schools already have uniform recycling and that is something that we're continuing to encourage. But I am very keen, if necessary, to look at strengthening that guidance. I don't want any child to be penalised because their parents haven't got enough money to give them the correct item of uniform, and we have to work with schools on that to make sure that they are as inclusive as possible.
You referred to the issues of racism, and our review of the guidance will definitely take account of what we know are really worrying findings by the children's commissioner on racism. Obviously, as a Government, we're working on the 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan', which is being led by Jane Hutt. I went to school in the 1980s and we had very few children from black and minority ethnic communities in schools then, but actually, I was shocked when I saw some of the things that were happening in schools today. I really thought things had come on a lot, so it is shocking. We have considered the recommendations set out in the children's commissioner's report. We've accepted or partly accepted most of them. Some of the recommendations are challenging and will take a bit of time, because they involve data and often, when you're collecting data, that means changing regulations. But I'm committed to getting this right and it will be a key part of the review of the guidance to make sure that we bring it up to date and make it clear that racism in schools is not acceptable and that we want to stamp it out.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, Cefin, am eich croeso i'r datganiad, ac rwy'n croesawu'r craffu manwl ar ein camau gweithredu yn y cyswllt hwn. A diolch i chi hefyd am gydnabod y gwelliant a fu o ran llesiant, ond fel rydych chi'n dweud, nid ddaeth yn ôl i'r cyfraddau cyn y pandemig. Felly, mae rhai negeseuon cymysg yn hynny o beth y mae angen i ni eu hystyried nhw'n ofalus iawn.
Rwyf i wedi bod yn y swydd hon ers mis Mawrth. Rwy'n gallu dweud wrthych chi ein bod ni'n gweithio ar y canllawiau bwlio ar hyn o bryd, ac rwy'n hapus iawn i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi ynglŷn â hynny. Fe fyddwn ni'n gwneud felly cyn gynted ag y gallwn ni, ac rwy'n hyderus y byddwn ni'n mynd allan i ymgynghoriad ar y canllawiau newydd wedi'r Nadolig.
Roeddech chi'n cyfeirio at effaith tlodi, sy'n berthnasol dros ben, ac yn enwedig o ran y materion sy'n ymwneud â dillad ysgol. Mae gen i broblem hirsefydlog iawn ynglŷn â gwisg ysgol; mae'n rhywbeth sydd wedi peri llawer o ofid i mi. Bob tro rwyf i wedi cyhoeddi rhywbeth ynglŷn â gwisg ysgol yn rhinwedd bod yn AS yr etholaeth, fe gafodd hynny lawer iawn o ymgysylltiad, sy'n dweud wrthyf i fod hwnnw'n fater sy'n pryderu fy etholwyr i'n wirioneddol. Rydych chi siŵr o fod yn ymwybodol ein bod ni wedi adolygu'r canllawiau i'r ysgolion ar gyfer gwisgoedd ysgol flwyddyn yn ôl, ond fel chwithau, nid wyf i'n teimlo bod y sicrwydd gennyf i ynghylch gweithrediad hynny. Felly, rydym ni'n edrych ar y gwaith gweithredu ar hyn o bryd, i sicrhau bod y canllawiau hynny'n gweithio. Mae'n debyg y byddwch chi'n ymwybodol fod Llywodraeth Lafur y DU yn ystyried deddfwriaeth sylfaenol yn y maes hwn, ac rwy'n cadw'r dewis yn agored o weithio gyda nhw ar hynny, pe byddem ni o'r farn nad yw ein canllawiau ni'n cael eu gweithredu. Mae llawer o ysgolion yn ailgylchu gwisgoedd eisoes ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth yr ydym yn parhau i'w annog. Ond rwy'n awyddus iawn, pe byddai angen, i ystyried cryfhau'r canllawiau hynny. Nid wyf i'n dymuno i unrhyw blentyn gael ei gosbi oherwydd nad oes gan ei rieni ddigon o arian i roi'r eitem gywir o'r wisg iddo, ac mae'n rhaid i ni weithio gyda'r ysgolion ynglŷn â hynny i sicrhau eu bod nhw mor gynhwysol â phosibl.
Roeddech chi'n cyfeirio at faterion hiliaeth, ac yn bendant fe fydd ein hadolygiad ni o'r canllawiau yn ystyried yr hyn y gwyddom ni sy'n ganfyddiadau pryderus iawn oddi wrth y comisiynydd plant ynglŷn â hiliaeth. Yn amlwg, yn y Llywodraeth, rydym ni'n gweithio ar 'Gynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol', sy'n cael ei arwain gan Jane Hutt. Pan oeddwn i'n mynd i'r ysgol yn y 1980au, ychydig iawn o blant oedd gennym ni yn yr ysgolion bryd hynny a oedd yn dod o gymunedau du a lleiafrifoedd ethnig, ond mewn gwirionedd, fe gefais i sioc fawr pan welais rai o'r pethau sy'n digwydd yn yr ysgolion heddiw. Roeddwn i'n wir yn credu bod pethau wedi dod yn eu blaenau i raddau helaeth iawn, felly mae hyn yn ddychrynllyd. Rydym ni wedi ystyried yr argymhellion a nodir yn adroddiad y comisiynydd plant. Rydym ni wedi derbyn neu dderbyn yn rhannol y rhan fwyaf ohonyn nhw. Mae rhai o'r argymhellion yn heriol ac fe fyddan nhw'n cymryd peth amser, am eu bod nhw'n ymdrin â data ac yn aml, wrth i chi gasglu data, mae hynny'n golygu newid rheoliadau. Ond rwyf i wedi ymrwymo i wneud hyn yn iawn ac fe fydd yn rhan allweddol o'r adolygiad o'r canllawiau er mwyn sicrhau ein bod ni'n eu diweddaru nhw a'i gwneud hi'n eglur nad yw hiliaeth yn dderbyniol mewn ysgolion a'n bod ni'n eiddgar i sathru ar hynny.
Children's mental health is at an all-time low, with smartphones and social media being major contributing factors. They can be used to bully, manipulate and control, sending young people into an isolated world of despair, not thinking they can get out of it or go to somebody for help. There is currently an open petition to ban smartphones in all schools in Wales, with exceptions for exceptional circumstances. The petitioner points out that smartphones can lower self-esteem, trigger anxiety, and distract from opportunities to speak face to face. The Petitions Committee are looking to hold an inquiry into this matter. Cabinet Secretary, would you agree that a ban on smartphones in schools is something that should be considered going forward?
Mae iechyd meddwl plant yn waeth nag erioed o'r blaen, gyda ffonau clyfar a chyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ffactorau sy'n cyfrannu yn eang at hynny. Fe ellir eu defnyddio nhw i fwlio, trin a rheoli, sy'n gyrru pobl ifanc i fyd ynysig o anobaith, ac nid ydyn nhw'n credu bod dihangfa yn bosibl na throi at rywun arall am gymorth. Fe geir deiseb agored ar hyn o bryd yng Nghymru ar gyfer gwahardd ffonau clyfar ym mhob ysgol, gydag eithriadau ar gyfer amgylchiadau eithriadol. Mae'r deisebydd yn nodi y gall ffonau clyfar amharu ar hunan-barch, achosi pryder, a thynnu sylw oddi wrth y cyfleoedd sydd i siarad â phobl wyneb yn wyneb. Mae'r Pwyllgor Deisebau yn bwriadu cynnal ymchwiliad i'r mater hwn. Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, a fyddech chi'n cytuno bod gwaharddiad ar ffonau clyfar mewn ysgolion yn rhywbeth y dylid ei ystyried wrth symud ymlaen?
Thank you very much, Carolyn, for those comments. I really welcome the fact that the Petitions Committee is looking at these issues. The issues around mobile phones are complicated, I think. All schools currently are able to ban mobile phones in schools if they want to, and indeed, most schools don’t permit the use of mobile phones in the classroom. It was interesting, though, at the headteachers conference last week, that when we were looking at behaviour, they felt that mobile phones should be a matter for individual schools. So, there are different opinions on this, but I’ll look forward to hearing the evidence that comes out from your committee. Just to assure you that, as I said last week, we are publishing a behaviour toolkit to help schools, and that will include classroom management strategies and research on managing behaviour, including mobile phone usage in schools.
And just to say as well that you make important points about social media. I wouldn’t want to be a teenager growing up today. It is a really challenging environment. It’s not clear-cut with social media, because there are benefits as well as disadvantages for children and young people, especially those that are feeling isolated. One of the things our curriculum aims to do, through things like our relationships and sexuality education work, is to encourage children and young people to become discerning users of social media. For me, it’s really important that they know how to seek help as well if they’re upset about something that they’ve seen. We are doing lots of work on keeping children and young people safe online. We’ve got a dedicated area of Hwb. We’ve got a young persons reference group, which we’re currently refreshing, and there’s also lots of helpful information for parents about how to keep their children and young people safe.
But you’re right to raise it, and it’s something that we always need to keep under review. It’s why the whole-school approach is so important, because if kids are struggling, we want them to tell people that they’re struggling, whether that’s one of their friends, a teacher, school caretaker; it doesn’t matter, as long as they reach out for help.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, Carolyn, am y sylwadau yna. Rwy'n croesawu'r ffaith yn fawr iawn fod y Pwyllgor Deisebau yn ystyried y materion hyn. Mae'r materion sy'n ymwneud â ffonau symudol yn rhai cymhleth, rwy'n credu. Ar hyn o bryd, mae pob ysgol yn gallu gwahardd ffonau symudol mewn ysgolion os ydyn nhw'n dymuno, ac yn wir, nid yw'r rhan fwyaf o ysgolion yn caniatáu defnyddio ffonau symudol yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Roedd hi'n ddiddorol, serch hynny, yng nghynhadledd y penaethiaid wythnos diwethaf, pan oeddem ni'n edrych ar ymddygiad, eu bod nhw o'r farn y dylai ffonau symudol fod yn fater i bob ysgol yn unigol. Felly, mae'r farn yn amrywio ar hyn, ond rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed y dystiolaeth a ddaw o'ch pwyllgor chi. Dim ond gair i'ch sicrhau chi, fel dywedais i wythnos diwethaf, ein bod ni am gyhoeddi pecyn cymorth ymddygiad i fod o gymorth i ysgolion, ac fe fydd hwnnw'n cynnwys strategaethau rheoli ystafelloedd dosbarth ac ymchwil ar reoli ymddygiad, gan gynnwys y defnydd o ffonau symudol mewn ysgolion.
A dim ond gair bach hefyd i ddweud eich bod chi'n gwneud pwyntiau pwysig am y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Ni fyddwn i'n dymuno bod yn fy arddegau ac yn tyfu i fyny heddiw. Mae'r amgylchedd yn heriol iawn. Nid yw hi'n eglur gyda'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, oherwydd fe geir manteision yn ogystal ag anfanteision i blant a phobl ifanc, yn enwedig gyda'r rhai sy'n teimlo yn ynysig. Un o'r pethau y mae ein cwricwlwm yn ceisio ei wneud, drwy bethau fel ein gwaith ar addysg cydberthynas a rhywioldeb, yw annog plant a phobl ifanc i ddefnyddio'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol mewn ffordd ddeallus. I mi, mae hi'n bwysig iawn eu bod nhw'n gwybod sut i ofyn am gymorth hefyd pe bydden nhw'n pryderu am rywbeth a welon nhw. Rydym ni'n gwneud llawer o waith i gadw plant a phobl ifanc yn ddiogel ar-lein. Mae gennym ni safle penodol yn Hwb. Mae gennym ni grŵp cyfeirio ar gyfer pobl ifanc, yr ydym ni'n ei ddiweddaru ar hyn o bryd, ac fe geir llawer o wybodaeth ddefnyddiol i rieni hefyd ynglŷn â dulliau o gadw eu plant a phobl ifanc yn ddiogel.
Ond rydych chi'n iawn i godi hyn, ac mae'n rhywbeth y bydd angen i ni ei adolygu trwy'r amser. Dyna pam mae'r dull ysgol gyfan mor bwysig, oherwydd os yw plant yn ei chael hi'n anodd, rydym ni'n awyddus iddyn nhw ddweud wrth rywun eu bod nhw'n ei chael hi'n anodd, pe byddai hwnnw'n un o'u ffrindiau nhw, yn athro, yn ofalwr mewn ysgol; nid oes unrhyw wahaniaeth, cyn belled â'u bod yn gofyn i rywun am gymorth.
Diolch for your statement today, Cabinet Secretary. I’m pleased that this Anti-bullying Week is bringing much-needed awareness to the severe impact that bullying has on the mental health of its victims. The Welsh Government has pledged support, but I’m concerned that the problem is far from resolved. This week, I spoke to a very concerned constituent whose child suffered bullying at a school in Monmouthshire over a very long period of time. The family raised concerns with the school, but the bullying continued. This led to the child suffering from panic attacks. She was eventually kept out of school activities, which meant her not attending multiple lessons for months in the run-up to her GCSEs. She felt unable to stay on at the school to do A-levels, and her parents are convinced this has severely affected her mental health. Unfortunately, this isn’t an isolated case in this school.
Today, we should remember that bullying extends beyond the playground. It can happen in any setting, even the workplace, and its consequences are long lasting. What steps is the Minister taking to ensure that schools are adequately equipped, that training is available, and that people are supported to address bullying effectively and prevent situations like this from happening, and ensuring that schools work closely with parents as well? As we know, some schools and local authorities tackle this better than others. So, how will the Cabinet Secretary ensure that best practice is shared across Wales in this regard? Thank you.
Diolch am eich datganiad chi heddiw, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet. Rwy'n falch fod yr Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio hon yn dod ag ymwybyddiaeth y mae taer angen amdani o ran pa mor ddifrifol yw effaith bwlio ar iechyd meddwl y rhai sy'n ei ddioddef. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi addo cefnogaeth, ond rwy'n pryderu nad yw'r broblem wedi ei datrys o bell ffordd. Yr wythnos hon, roeddwn i'n siarad ag etholwr pryderus iawn yr oedd ei blentyn wedi cael ei fwlio mewn ysgol yn sir Fynwy dros gyfnod maith iawn. Fe gododd y teulu eu pryderon gyda'r ysgol, ond roedd y bwlio yn parhau. Arweiniodd hyn at y plentyn yn cael pyliau o banig. Yn y pen draw, fe gafodd ei chadw'r tu allan i weithgareddau'r ysgol, a oedd yn golygu nad oedd hi'n mynychu sawl gwers am fisoedd lawer cyn ei harholiadau TGAU. Roedd hi'n teimlo nad oedd hi'n gallu aros yn yr ysgol i astudio ar gyfer safon uwch, ac mae ei rhieni ni'n argyhoeddedig bod hynny wedi bod ag effaith ddifrifol ar ei hiechyd meddwl. Yn anffodus, nid hwnnw yw'r unig achos yn yr ysgol hon.
Heddiw, fe ddylem gofio bod bwlio yn ymestyn y tu draw i faes chwarae'r ysgol. Fe all ddigwydd mewn unrhyw leoliad, hyd yn oed y gweithle, ac mae ei ganlyniadau yn para am amser maith. Pa gamau y mae'r Gweinidog yn eu cymryd i sicrhau y bydd yr ysgolion wedi cael paratoadau digonol, bod hyfforddiant ar gael, a bod pobl yn cael eu cefnogi i fynd i'r afael â bwlio mewn ffordd sy'n effeithiol ac yn gallu atal sefyllfaoedd fel hyn yn gyfan gwbl, a sicrhau bod yr ysgolion yn gweithio yn agos gyda rhieni hefyd? Fel gwyddom ni, mae rhai ysgolion ac awdurdodau lleol yn mynd i'r afael â hyn yn fwy effeithiol na rhai eraill. Felly, sut fydd yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet yn sicrhau bod arfer gorau yn cael ei ymestyn ledled Cymru yn hyn o beth? Diolch i chi.
Can I thank Laura Anne Jones for those comments? I'm really sorry to hear about your constituent. Nobody wants to hear of children and young people being in that situation. Our guidance on bullying is statutory, and we expect all schools to have plans in place to tackle bullying, because it does, as you've outlined, have a huge impact. And as you've also said, it's not just about what happens in school, especially with social media. It's not like years ago, where you go home, shut the door, and that's it. People can access children and young people at all times, and that is incredibly worrying, and why the online safety work that I've talked about is so important. You also mentioned parents as well, and parents can help with this, but they can be a negative sometimes with social media, when things start to do the rounds on Facebook, and things like that.
You'll be aware that we've got our commitment to community-focused schools, which we're investing millions of pounds in, and I want to see that work roll out. It's vital that schools are able to make the connection with communities and with families. We've also invested £6.5 million this year in family engagement officers, who can work with families around the complex issues that are preventing some of those children and young people coming to school and thriving in school. I'm hoping that we will be able to extend that work as well, to try to make it more consistent across Wales. What I do give you an assurance on is that, as we refresh this guidance now, I will look at the issues around consistency and implementation, because it's not good enough to have the right policies, they've got to be implemented on the ground.
A gaf i ddiolch i Laura Anne Jones am y sylwadau yna? Mae hi'n flin iawn gennyf i glywed am eich etholwr chi. Nid oes neb yn hoffi clywed am blant a phobl ifanc mewn sefyllfa fel honno. Mae ein canllawiau ynglŷn â bwlio yn statudol, ac rydym ni'n disgwyl i bob ysgol fod â chynlluniau ar waith i fynd i'r afael â bwlio, oherwydd mae'n cael effaith aruthrol, fel gwnaethoch chi ei amlinellu. Ac fel y gwnaethoch chi ddweud hefyd, nid yw'n ymwneud â'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn yr ysgol yn unig, yn enwedig o ran y cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Nid fel yr oedd hi flynyddoedd yn ôl, pan oedd rhywun yn mynd adref, ac yn cau'r drws, a dyna hi wedyn. Fe all pobl gael mynediad at blant a phobl ifanc trwy'r amser, ac mae hynny'n peri pryder mawr, a dyna pam y mae'r gwaith diogelwch ar-lein yr wyf i wedi sôn amdano mor bwysig. Roeddech chi'n sôn am rieni hefyd, ac fe all rhieni helpu yn hyn o beth, ond maen nhw'n gallu bod ag effaith negyddol gyda chyfryngau cymdeithasol weithiau, wrth i bethau fynd o gwmpas Facebook, a phethau o'r fath.
Rydych chi'n siŵr o fod yn ymwybodol bod ymrwymiad gennym ni i ysgolion bro, yr ydym ni'n buddsoddi miliynau o bunnoedd ynddyn nhw, ac rwy'n awyddus i weld y gwaith hwnnw'n cael ei gyflwyno. Mae hi'n hanfodol bod ysgolion yn gallu gwneud y cyswllt â chymunedau a theuluoedd. Rydym ni wedi buddsoddi £6.5 miliwn eleni hefyd mewn swyddogion ymgysylltu â theuluoedd, sy'n gallu gweithio gyda theuluoedd ynghylch y materion cymhleth sy'n atal rhai o'r plant a'r bobl ifanc hynny rhag mynd i'r ysgol a ffynnu yn yr ysgol. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwn ni'n gallu ymestyn y gwaith hwnnw hefyd, i geisio cynnig mwy o gysondeb ledled Cymru. Yr hyn y gallaf i roi sicrwydd i chi yn ei gylch yw, wrth i ni adnewyddu'r canllawiau hyn nawr, y byddaf i'n ystyried y materion sy'n ymwneud â chysondeb a gweithrediad, oherwydd nid yw hi'n ddigon da i fod â'r polisïau cywir, mae'n rhaid eu rhoi nhw ar waith ar lawr gwlad hefyd.
My four-year-old went to nursery today wearing odd socks. And when she saw me putting on what she described as 'boring black socks', she decided she would pick some new socks for me. So, that's why I'm wearing brightly coloured socks and wearing Christmassy socks too—I'm not showing you, Cefin; don't look—one with a snowman and the other with Father Christmases. But thank you for your important statement, because bullying can impact people for decades to come, after school. As you've indicated in your statement, bullying is a problem that can affect all learners in Wales, but it's an issue that doesn't affect learners equally. In Cardiff, around a third of learners come from ethnically diverse backgrounds. And I was staggered to read a survey from 2020, which said that 61.5 per cent of learners had expressed stereotypes over skin colour, religion and nationality. What will the Welsh Government do with regard to doing more research to quantify the scale of this issue in Wales? Diolch yn fawr.
Fe aeth fy mhlentyn pedair oed i'r feithrinfa heddiw yn gwisgo hosanau o bob pâr. A phan welodd hi fy mod i'n gwisgo'r hyn yr oedd hi'n eu disgrifio fel 'sanau du diflas', fe benderfynodd hi y byddai'n dewis sanau newydd i mi. Felly, dyna pam rwy'n gwisgo sanau lliwgar ac yn gwisgo sanau Nadoligaidd hefyd—nid wyf i am eu dangos nhw i chi, Cefin; peidiwch ag edrych—un gyda dyn eira a'r llall gyda Siôn Corn. Ond diolch i chi am eich datganiad pwysig, oherwydd fe all bwlio effeithio ar bobl am ddegawdau wedyn, ar ôl dyddiau ysgol. Fel y gwnaethoch chi nodi yn eich datganiad, mae bwlio yn broblem sy'n gallu effeithio ar bob dysgwr yng Nghymru, ond mae'n fater nad yw'n effeithio ar bob dysgwr yn yr un ffordd. Yng Nghaerdydd, mae tua thraean o ddysgwyr yn dod o gefndiroedd ethnig amrywiol. Ac fe gefais i fy syfrdanu o ddarllen arolwg o 2020, a oedd yn nodi bod 61.5 y cant o ddysgwyr wedi mynegi stereoteipiau oherwydd lliw croen, crefydd a chenedligrwydd. Beth fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud o ran gwneud mwy o ymchwil er mwyn mesur ehangder y mater hwn yng Nghymru? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much. And well done on your odd socks—I'm glad that you listened to your four-year-old; they're obviously a very wise four-year-old you've got in your house. So, yes, absolutely, and what the odd socks thing shows is it's about difference, and what we want is our schools to be inclusive regardless of all those differences. I said in response to Cefin how seriously we're taking the children's commissioner's report and recommendations, and you'll be aware that one of the recommendations she made was around recording incidents of racism. You've got to have data to change things, in my experience—it's about having that sensible data. So, that is one of the areas that we're working on. It will take a little while, because there are also concerns about how you do it, and workload, et cetera, but I am very keen to get a clearer picture on that. And it's not just about racism. We know from the data that's come through the school health research network that young people who don't identify as either male or female also have high reporting of incidents of bullying. I want all our schools to be inclusive, welcoming places for all our young people. Because as you say, those experiences of bullying can last a lifetime and be really traumatic.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi. A da iawn chi am eich hosanau o bob pâr—rwy'n falch eich bod chi wedi gwrando ar eich merch bedair oed; mae hi'n amlwg fod gennych chi blentyn pedair oed call iawn acw. Felly, ie, yn hollol, a'r hyn y mae'r hosanau o bob pâr yn ei ddangos yw mai ymwneud â gwahaniaeth y mae hyn, a'r hyn yr ydym ni'n awyddus i'w weld yw ysgolion sy'n gynhwysol ni waeth beth a allai'r gwahaniaethau hynny fod. Fe ddywedais mewn ymateb i Cefin pa mor ddifrifol yw'r ystyriaeth yr ydym ni'n ei roi i adroddiad ac argymhellion y comisiynydd plant, ac rydych chi siŵr o fod yn ymwybodol mai un o'r argymhellion a wnaeth hi oedd cofnodi achosion o hiliaeth. Mae'n rhaid i chi fod â data ar gyfer newid pethau, yn fy mhrofiad i—mae'n ymwneud â bod â'r data synhwyrol hwnnw. Felly, dyna un o'r meysydd yr ydym ni'n gweithio arno. Fe fydd hynny'n cymryd rhywfaint o amser, oherwydd mae yna bryderon hefyd o ran sut y byddwch chi'n gwneud hyn, a'r llwyth gwaith, ac ati, ond rwy'n awyddus iawn i fod â darlun mwy eglur ynglŷn â hynny. Ac nid ymwneud â hiliaeth yn unig y mae hyn. Fe wyddom ni o'r data a ddaeth drwy'r rhwydwaith ymchwil iechyd mewn ysgolion fod pobl ifanc nad ydyn nhw yn uniaethu fel gwryw neu fenyw hefyd yn mynegi llaweroedd o adroddiadau am achosion o fwlio. Rwy'n awyddus i'n hysgolion ni i gyd fod yn lleoedd cynhwysol a chroesawgar i'n pobl ifanc ni i gyd. Oherwydd fel rydych chi'n dweud, fe all y profiadau hynny o fwlio bara am oes a bod yn ddirdynnol iawn.
Ac yn olaf, Jenny Rathbone.
Finally, Jenny Rathbone.
Thank you very much, and thank you very much, Cabinet Secretary, for your really long commitment to this issue. I think that’s really appreciated, and the investment you’re making in trying to get to the heart of the matter.
I want to also pay tribute to all those who are combating the bullying, racism and LGBTphobia that goes on in schools, as it does in the rest of society, because the work they do is so appreciated. In some schools, somebody being bullied may hesitate to seek help from that school in case it provokes further bullying. They don’t want to be seen going into the headteacher’s office or that of some senior person.
I’d really like to highlight my appreciation for the Hangout in Cardiff city centre, which is funded by Cardiff and Vale health board and delivered by Platfform, a mental health charity. It's open to anybody in Cardiff aged 11 to 18, between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays and 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the weekends. You can just turn up and it’s very friendly, nobody’s going to insist that you have to disclose, they wait for you to be ready to speak. So, that’s a fantastic service.
I’d just like to know what you plan to do about the 24 schools that still haven’t got a well-being policy. Because this idea that it only relates to schools where a significant number of people are in poverty is not the case; it’s in all schools. Therefore, all schools need to have a strategy for improving the well-being and the sense of community in all our schools.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, a diolch yn fawr iawn, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, am eich ymrwymiad o flynyddoedd lawer iawn i'r mater hwn. Rwy'n credu bod gwerthfawrogiad mawr o hynny, a'r buddsoddiad yr ydych chi'n ei wneud wrth geisio mynd at wraidd y mater.
Fe hoffwn i roi teyrnged hefyd i bawb sy'n ymladd yn erbyn bwlio, hiliaeth a ffobia LHDT sy'n digwydd mewn ysgolion, fel yng ngweddill y gymdeithas, oherwydd mae'r gwaith maen nhw'n ei wneud yn cael ei werthfawrogi yn fawr. Mewn rhai ysgolion, efallai y bydd rhywun sy'n cael ei fwlio yn oedi cyn ceisio cymorth gan yr ysgol honno rhag ofn y byddai hynny'n ysgogi bwlio ymhellach. Nid ydyn nhw'n dymuno i neb eu gweld nhw'n mynd i swyddfa'r pennaeth na swyddfa rhywun arall mewn awdurdod.
Fe hoffwn i dynnu sylw at fy ngwerthfawrogiad i o'r Hangout yng nghanol dinas Caerdydd, sy'n cael ei ariannu gan fwrdd iechyd Caerdydd a'r Fro ac a ddarperir gan Platfform, sef elusen iechyd meddwl. Mae'n agored i unrhyw un yng Nghaerdydd rhwng 11 a 18 oed, rhwng 3 p.m. a 9 p.m. yn ystod yr wythnos a rhwng 12 p.m. a 6 p.m. ar y penwythnosau. Fe all rhywun droi i fyny ac mae hi'n gyfeillgar iawn yno, nid oes unrhyw un am fynnu eich bod chi'n gwneud datgeliad, maen nhw'n aros i chi fod yn barod i siarad. Felly, mae hwnnw'n wasanaeth rhagorol.
Fe hoffwn i wybod beth rydych chi'n bwriadu ei wneud am y 24 ysgol nad oes polisi llesiant ganddyn nhw fyth. Oherwydd mae'r syniad bod hyn yn berthnasol yn unig i ysgolion lle ceir nifer sylweddol o bobl mewn tlodi yn anghywir; mae'n berthnasol i bob ysgol. Felly, mae angen i bob ysgol fod â strategaeth ar gyfer gwella llesiant ac ymdeimlad o gymuned ym mhob un o'n hysgolion ni.
Thank you very much, Jenny, and thank you for the kind words. I’m really glad you had the opportunity to visit the Hangout. I know of it and I’ve heard really great things about it. I haven’t had the opportunity to go there myself yet, but organisations like that are really important, where children and young people can go and ask for help.
It’s one of the reasons why we’ve also as a Government, as part of our co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru, invested in sanctuary provision, and some of those are community drop-in type provision, such as the one that you’ve referred to. We also fund things like Meic, which is the helpline for children and young people, and you know about '111 press 2', which can also be used by children and young people. I think it’s really important that we have as many opportunities as possible for children and young people to ask for help when they need it. That’s absolutely vital.
In terms of the schools that aren’t at the right stage in terms of the whole-school approach to mental health and the implementation of the guidance, we are continuing to drive that work. I do want to see more progress. I highlighted in my statement that there’s also a gap with primary provision, but I also feel that lots of primary schools do this work very naturally. Our whole-school approach is built on strong relationships, and they naturally have strong relationships because they’re with one class all of the time. It’s Public Health Wales who we fund—it’s around £700,000—to implement the guidance for us. I’ve been clear that I thought that secondary schools was where we needed to make the most progress. Sarah Murphy and I have got our delivery board tomorrow where we’ll be scrutinising Public Health Wales and the other work streams, and I really want to see everybody in Wales doing this.
I know we’re asking a lot of schools. This isn’t intended to be burdensome. It’s not about teachers becoming therapists. It’s about everybody recognising that a school where there’s a sense of belonging, agency and strong relationships is what enables good mental health to flourish.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, Jenny, a diolch i chi am y geiriau caredig. Rwy'n falch iawn eich bod chi wedi cael y cyfle i ymweld â'r Hangout. Rwy'n gwybod am hwnnw ac rwyf i wedi clywed pethau gwych amdano. Ni chefais i gyfle i fynd yno fy hunan eto, ond mae sefydliadau fel yna'n bwysig iawn, lle gall plant a phobl ifanc fynd i ofyn am gymorth.
Dyma un o'r rhesymau pam y mae'r Llywodraeth, fel rhan o'n cytundeb cydweithio â Phlaid Cymru, wedi buddsoddi mewn darpariaeth o noddfa, ac mae rhai o'r rhain yn ddarpariaethau o'r fath sy'n cynnig man yn y gymuned i alw heibio, fel yr un y gwnaethoch chi gyfeirio ato. Hefyd, rydym ni'n ariannu pethau fel Meic, sef y llinell gymorth i blant a phobl ifanc, ac fe wyddoch chi am '111, Pwyso 2', y gall plant a phobl ifanc ei defnyddio hefyd. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n estyn cymaint o gyfleoedd â phosibl i blant a phobl ifanc ofyn am gymorth pan fydd ei angen arnyn nhw. Mae hynny'n gwbl hanfodol.
O ran yr ysgolion nad ydyn nhw ar y cam cywir o ran bod â dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl a gweithredu'r canllawiau hyn, fe fyddwn ni'n parhau i ysgogi'r gwaith hwnnw. Rwy'n awyddus i weld mwy o gynnydd. Roeddwn i'n tynnu sylw yn fy natganiad fod bwlch o ran y ddarpariaeth oedran cynradd hefyd, ond rwy'n teimlo bod llawer o ysgolion cynradd yn gwneud y gwaith hwn eisoes mewn ffordd naturiol iawn. Cafodd ein dull ysgol gyfan ei seilio ar gydberthynas gadarn, ac yn naturiol mae cydberthynas gadarn ganddyn nhw am eu bod yn yr un dosbarth trwy'r amser. Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yr ydym ni'n ei ariannu—tua £700,000 yw hynny—i weithredu'r canllawiau ar ein cyfer ni. Rwyf i wedi egluro fy mod i o'r farn mai yn yr ysgolion uwchradd yr oedd yr angen mwynaf i ni weld cynnydd. Mae gan Sarah Murphy a minnau ein bwrdd cyflawni yfory lle byddwn ni'n craffu ar Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a'r ffrydiau eraill o waith, ac rwy'n wir awyddus i weld pawb yng Nghymru yn gwneud hyn.
Fe wn i ein bod ni'n gofyn llawer gan ein hysgolion. Ni fwriadwyd i hyn fod yn fwrn. Nid yw'n ymwneud â gwneud athrawon yn therapyddion. Mae'n ymwneud â chydnabyddiaeth gyffredin mai ysgol lle ceir ymdeimlad o berthyn, galluogedd a pherthynas gadarn sy'n galluogi ffyniant iechyd meddwl da.
Diolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Thank you, Cabinet Secretary.
Eitem 5 heddiw yw'r datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ar amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ar gyfer pleidiau gwleidyddol. Galwaf ar Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet i wneud y datganiad. Jane Hutt.
Item 5 today is a statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice on diversity and inclusion for political parties. I call on the Cabinet Secretary to make the statement. Jane Hutt.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n falch iawn fy mod heddiw yn gallu cyhoeddi ein canllawiau drafft ar gyfer pleidiau gwleidyddol, gyda'r nod o sicrhau bod ein cyrff democrataidd yn cynrychioli pawb yng Nghymru. Mae'r ymgynghoriad ar agor tan 7 Ionawr.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'm very pleased that, today, I am able to publish our draft guidance for political parties, with the aim of ensuring that our democratic bodies are representative of everyone in Wales. The consultation is open until 7 January.
The final guidance, when published next spring, will deliver on the Welsh Ministers' duty in section 30 of the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act 2024. The guidance also addresses the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform’s recommendation in their 2022 report that parties should be encouraged to publish diversity and inclusion strategies. It also responds to calls made for more transparency of diversity information about candidates for Senedd elections. In addition, the guidance encourages political parties to consider what action they can take towards achieving a gender-balanced Senedd through the use of voluntary quotas, taking into account the evidence that emerged during the scrutiny of the Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill, which indicated very clearly that a more representative Senedd will be a more effective Senedd.
The guidance is part of a wider package of reforms to make the Senedd fit for the twenty-first century and, importantly, to make democracy in Wales more representative and diverse, both at a local and Senedd level. From 2026 this Senedd will look and feel very different. I believe the guidance will help political parties in trying to make sure it represents the diversity of the people we are here to serve and to represent. We've engaged with a number of stakeholders, including the Senedd women’s caucus, over recent weeks, to listen to what they say and see as barriers to participation and to raise awareness of the consultation we're launching today. I am grateful to them for their engagement, and I thank Julie Morgan for her valuable support in meeting with as many stakeholders as possible.
I am confident that the guidance will be an important tool for parties to consider the actions they can take to contribute towards our shared ambition of a more representative and more effective Senedd. I would encourage parties to take account of it now, as they plan their selection processes for 2026. The guidance draws on some of the principles and practices that are commonplace in organisations looking to nurture a culture of diversity and inclusion and signposts political parties to information about relevant legal obligations that they should consider when taking steps to increase diversity.
The guidance is split into three parts, each with its own purpose, but with the overall aim of increasing diversity and promoting inclusion in political and public life. Part 1 of the guidance will support political parties to develop and publish their diversity and inclusion strategy. We would expect their first strategy to be published at least six months before the 2026 Senedd election. Part 2 sets out how parties can collect and publish diversity information relating to candidates for Senedd elections, and this information will establish a baseline and allow for tracking and monitoring by parties over time. It will also help them to identify and address under-representation. Part 3 of the guidance sets out how parties could implement voluntary quotas for women.
We remain committed to a gender-balanced Senedd. There is considerable international evidence that having more women in parliaments makes them more effective and that quotas can be effective in improving women’s representation. Some parties have had success in getting more women elected, but there is still some way to go. Women are an under-represented majority in this Senedd. By including the section on voluntary gender quotas in the guidance, I want all parties to recognise the importance of considering what action they may take to increase women’s representation. At the same time, we must make progress on the representation of other under-represented groups. The first two parts of the guidance are dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion in politics across a broad spectrum of characteristics and circumstances, including improving outcomes for those who suffer socioeconomic disadvantage and also realising our vision of a bilingual Wales. The guidance aims to ensure that political parties, and the public who they seek to represent, have better information on what representation looks like for different groups, so that political parties and others can consider what may be the most effective mechanisms for removing barriers to participation.
In developing the draft guidance, we’ve engaged political parties and heard many others speak about the barriers that make participation difficult for some people. Organisations giving evidence to the Reform Bill Committee, Dirprwy Lywydd, made it very clear that things need to change, including within parties, if we're to genuinely open the door to more diversity. Our stakeholders have helped us to identify broad principles that parties can adopt to be more inclusive, to remove barriers faced by people from diverse backgrounds and to effect change.
Welsh Ministers are under a duty to publish this guidance before 1 May 2025. However, I'm mindful that the Democracy and Boundary Commission Cymru is required to publish its final report on the Senedd constituencies for the 2026 election before April next year and the work that parties are doing to determine the selection processes for their candidates, so I am aiming to align publication of the final guidance with the final constituency boundaries.
We all know that guidance alone is not enough to ensure we achieve diversity in politics. This is why the Welsh Government is taking forward other measures, including implementing provisions in the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act 2024 to create a more inclusive politics. Building on our pilot access to elected office fund, the Act requires the Welsh Ministers to provide for a scheme of financial assistance to help disabled candidates who want to stand for election. The Act also paves the way for additional support for people who share certain characteristics, socioeconomic or other specific circumstances to stand.
In the recently refreshed 'Anti-racist Wales Action Plan', we also committed to collaborate with black, Asian and minority ethnic people across Wales to develop evidence-based, tailored support for candidates, while also building a broader pipeline of individuals interested in running for office. We have provided funding to the Equal Power Equal Voice programme and are exploring how we may be able to continue to support it. This funding has paid dividends, with success stories including former mentees gaining positions as councillors. Importantly, the programme is intersectional across different protected characteristics. This is crucial to all our equalities work now and in the future, ensuring that mentees of all backgrounds can be supported.
I am also aware of the very serious issue of harassment and abuse of election candidates and how this is on the rise, including at the recent general election. It is crucial that we tackle this issue to give all candidates the confidence to put themselves forward for election, knowing they will be protected if they do. We are working collaboratively alongside the other UK administrations to ensure measures are put in place to promote candidate safety, and the draft guidance highlights the role political parties have in supporting their candidates.
I have been encouraged over recent months by the real desire from all parties represented in this Senedd to see not only more women in politics, but greater diversity and inclusion across other characteristics and circumstances. There has been recognition from parties and stakeholders that action on multiple fronts is needed to achieve lasting change. We must use this commitment to achieve positive results for the next Senedd election and for all Welsh elections beyond that, and I encourage parties to use this guidance to support them in this ambition.
Bydd y canllawiau terfynol, pan fyddan nhw'n cael eu cyhoeddi'r gwanwyn nesaf, yn cyflawni dyletswydd Gweinidogion Cymru yn adran 30 o Ddeddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) 2024. Mae'r canllawiau hefyd yn mynd i'r afael ag argymhelliad y Pwyllgor Diben Arbennig ar Ddiwygio'r Senedd yn ei adroddiad yn 2022 y dylai pleidiau gael eu hannog i gyhoeddi strategaethau amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant. Mae hefyd yn ymateb i alwadau am fwy o dryloywder o ran y wybodaeth am amrywiaeth a roddir am ymgeiswyr ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd. Yn ogystal, mae'r canllawiau'n annog pleidiau gwleidyddol i ystyried pa gamau y gallan nhw eu cymryd tuag at sicrhau Senedd gytbwys o ran rhywedd trwy ddefnyddio cwotâu gwirfoddol, gan ystyried y dystiolaeth a ddaeth i'r amlwg wrth graffu ar Fil Senedd Cymru (Rhestrau Ymgeiswyr Etholiadol), oedd yn dangos yn glir iawn y bydd Senedd fwy cynrychioliadol yn Senedd fwy effeithiol.
Mae'r canllawiau'n rhan o becyn ehangach o ddiwygiadau i sicrhau bod y Senedd yn addas ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain ac, yn bwysig, i wneud democratiaeth yng Nghymru yn fwy cynrychioliadol ac amrywiol, ar lefel leol a lefel y Senedd. O 2026 ymlaen, bydd y Senedd hon yn edrych ac yn teimlo'n wahanol iawn. Rwy'n credu y bydd y canllawiau'n helpu pleidiau gwleidyddol i geisio sicrhau ei bod yn cynrychioli amrywiaeth y bobl rydym yma i'w gwasanaethu ac i'w cynrychioli. Rydym wedi ymgysylltu â nifer o randdeiliaid, gan gynnwys cacws menywod y Senedd, dros yr wythnosau diwethaf, i wrando ar yr hyn maen nhw'n ei ddweud a'i weld fel rhwystrau i gyfranogiad ac i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r ymgynghoriad rydym yn ei lansio heddiw. Rwy'n ddiolchgar iddyn nhw am eu hymgysylltiad, a hoffwn ddiolch i Julie Morgan am ei chefnogaeth werthfawr wrth gwrdd â chynifer o randdeiliaid â phosibl.
Rwy'n hyderus y bydd y canllawiau'n arf pwysig y gall pleidiau ei ddefnyddio i ystyried y camau y gallan nhw eu cymryd i gyfrannu tuag at ein huchelgais cyffredin o Senedd fwy cynrychioliadol a mwy effeithiol. Byddwn i'n annog pleidiau i ystyried hynny nawr, wrth iddyn nhw gynllunio eu prosesau dethol ar gyfer 2026. Mae'r canllawiau'n nodi rhai o'r egwyddorion a'r arferion sy'n gyffredin mewn sefydliadau sy'n ceisio meithrin diwylliant o amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ac yn cyfeirio pleidiau gwleidyddol at wybodaeth am rwymedigaethau cyfreithiol perthnasol y dylen nhw eu hystyried wrth gymryd camau i gynyddu amrywiaeth.
Mae'r canllawiau wedi'u rhannu'n dair rhan, pob un â'i phwrpas ei hun, ond gyda'r nod cyffredinol o gynyddu amrywiaeth a hyrwyddo cynhwysiant mewn bywyd gwleidyddol a chyhoeddus. Bydd Rhan 1 o'r canllawiau yn helpu pleidiau gwleidyddol i ddatblygu a chyhoeddi eu strategaeth amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant. Byddem yn disgwyl i'w strategaeth gyntaf gael ei chyhoeddi o leiaf chwe mis cyn etholiad Senedd 2026. Mae Rhan 2 yn nodi sut y gall pleidiau gasglu a chyhoeddi gwybodaeth am amrywiaeth sy'n ymwneud ag ymgeiswyr ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd, a bydd yr wybodaeth hon yn sefydlu llinell sylfaen ac yn sicrhau bod pleidiau yn gallu olrhain a monitro dros amser. Bydd hefyd yn eu helpu i nodi a mynd i'r afael â thangynrychiolaeth. Mae Rhan 3 o'r canllawiau'n nodi sut y gallai pleidiau weithredu cwotâu gwirfoddol ar gyfer menywod.
Rydym yn parhau'n ymrwymedig i gael Senedd sy'n gytbwys o ran rhywedd. Mae cryn dipyn o dystiolaeth ryngwladol bod cael mwy o fenywod mewn seneddau yn eu gwneud yn fwy effeithiol ac y gall cwotâu fod yn effeithiol wrth wella cynrychiolaeth menywod. Mae rhai pleidiau wedi cael llwyddiant wrth sicrhau bod mwy o fenywod yn cael eu hethol, ond mae tipyn o ffordd i fynd eto. Mae menywod yn fwyafrif heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn y Senedd hon. Drwy gynnwys yr adran ar gwotâu rhywedd gwirfoddol yn y canllawiau, rwyf am i bob plaid gydnabod pa mor bwysig ydyw eu bod yn ystyried pa gamau y gallan nhw eu cymryd i gynyddu cynrychiolaeth menywod. Ar yr un pryd, mae'n rhaid i ni wneud cynnydd o ran cynrychiolaeth grwpiau eraill sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol. Mae dwy ran gyntaf y canllawiau'n ymwneud â chynyddu amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant mewn gwleidyddiaeth ar draws ystod eang o nodweddion ac amgylchiadau, gan gynnwys gwella canlyniadau i'r rhai sy'n dioddef anfantais economaidd-gymdeithasol a hefyd gwireddu ein gweledigaeth o Gymru ddwyieithog. Nod y canllawiau yw sicrhau bod pleidiau gwleidyddol, a'r cyhoedd y maen nhw'n ceisio eu cynrychioli, yn cael gwell gwybodaeth am sut mae cynrychiolaeth yn edrych ar gyfer gwahanol grwpiau, fel bod pleidiau gwleidyddol ac eraill yn gallu ystyried beth allai fod y mecanweithiau mwyaf effeithiol ar gyfer cael gwared ar rwystrau i gyfranogiad.
Wrth ddatblygu'r canllawiau drafft, rydym wedi ymgysylltu â phleidiau gwleidyddol ac wedi clywed llawer o rai eraill yn siarad am y rhwystrau sy'n gwneud cyfranogiad yn anodd i rai pobl. Fe wnaeth sefydliadau a roddodd dystiolaeth i'r Pwyllgor Biliau Diwygio, Dirprwy Lywydd, ei gwneud hi'n glir iawn bod angen i bethau newid, gan gynnwys o fewn pleidiau, os ydym am agor y drws i fwy o amrywiaeth o ddifrif. Mae ein rhanddeiliaid wedi ein helpu i nodi egwyddorion eang y gall pleidiau eu mabwysiadu i fod yn fwy cynhwysol, i gael gwared ar y rhwystrau y mae pobl o gefndiroedd amrywiol yn eu hwynebu ac i sicrhau newid.
Mae dyletswydd ar Weinidogion Cymru i gyhoeddi'r canllawiau hyn cyn 1 Mai 2025. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n ymwybodol ei bod yn ofynnol i Gomisiwn Democratiaeth a Ffiniau Cymru gyhoeddi ei adroddiad terfynol ar etholaethau'r Senedd ar gyfer etholiad 2026 cyn mis Ebrill y flwyddyn nesaf a'r gwaith y mae pleidiau yn ei wneud i benderfynu ar y prosesau dethol ar gyfer eu hymgeiswyr, felly rwy'n anelu at alinio cyhoeddi'r canllawiau terfynol â ffiniau terfynol yr etholaethau.
Rydyn ni i gyd yn gwybod nad yw canllawiau'n unig yn ddigon i sicrhau ein bod ni'n cyflawni amrywiaeth mewn gwleidyddiaeth. Dyna pam mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwrw ymlaen â mesurau eraill, gan gynnwys gweithredu darpariaethau yn Neddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) 2024 i greu gwleidyddiaeth fwy cynhwysol. Gan adeiladu ar ein cronfa mynediad i swyddi etholedig beilot, mae'r Ddeddf yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Weinidogion Cymru ddarparu ar gyfer cynllun cymorth ariannol i helpu ymgeiswyr anabl sydd am sefyll etholiad. Mae'r Ddeddf hefyd yn paratoi'r ffordd ar gyfer cymorth ychwanegol i bobl sy'n rhannu nodweddion penodol, amgylchiadau economaidd-gymdeithasol neu amgylchiadau eraill sefyll.
Yn y ddogfen 'Cynllun Gweithredu Cymru Wrth-hiliol', a ddiweddarwyd yn ddiweddar, gwnaethom ymrwymo hefyd i gydweithio â phobl du, Asiaidd ac ethnig leiafrifol ledled Cymru i ddatblygu cymorth wedi'i deilwra ar sail tystiolaeth i ymgeiswyr, ac i adeiladu piblinell ehangach o unigolion sydd â diddordeb mewn ymgeisio am swydd ar yr un pryd. Rydym wedi darparu cyllid i'r rhaglen Pŵer Cyfartal Llais Cyfartal ac rydym yn archwilio sut y gallwn ni barhau i'w chefnogi. Mae'r cyllid hwn wedi talu ar ei ganfed, gyda straeon llwyddiant yn cynnwys mentoreion yn cael swyddi fel cynghorwyr. Yn bwysig, mae'r rhaglen yn groestoriadol ar draws nodweddion gwarchodedig gwahanol. Mae hyn yn hanfodol i'n holl waith cydraddoldeb nawr ac yn y dyfodol, o ran sicrhau bod mentoreion o bob cefndir yn gallu cael eu cefnogi.
Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol o'r mater difrifol iawn o gam-drin ac aflonyddu ar ymgeiswyr etholiadol a'r ffaith bod mwy o hyn yn cael ei weld, gan gynnwys yn yr etholiad cyffredinol diweddar. Mae'n hanfodol ein bod ni'n mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn er mwyn rhoi'r hyder i bob ymgeisydd sefyll ar gyfer etholiad, gan wybod y bydd yn cael ei ddiogelu os bydd yn gwneud hynny. Rydym yn cydweithio ochr yn ochr â gweinyddiaethau eraill y DU i sicrhau bod mesurau'n cael eu rhoi ar waith i hyrwyddo diogelwch ymgeiswyr, ac mae'r canllawiau drafft yn tynnu sylw at y rôl sydd gan bleidiau gwleidyddol wrth gefnogi eu hymgeiswyr.
Rwyf wedi cael fy nghalonogi dros y misoedd diwethaf gan awydd gwirioneddol yr holl bleidiau a gynrychiolir yn y Senedd hon i weld nid yn unig mwy o fenywod mewn gwleidyddiaeth, ond mwy o amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ar draws nodweddion ac amgylchiadau eraill. Cafwyd cydnabyddiaeth gan bleidiau a rhanddeiliaid bod angen gweithredu mewn sawl ffordd i sicrhau newid parhaol. Rhaid i ni ddefnyddio'r ymrwymiad hwn i sicrhau canlyniadau cadarnhaol ar gyfer etholiad nesaf y Senedd ac ar gyfer holl etholiadau Cymru y tu hwnt i hynny, ac rwy'n annog pleidiau i ddefnyddio'r canllawiau hyn i'w cefnogi yn yr uchelgais hwn.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at glywed barn pobl ar y canllawiau drafft dros yr wythnosau nesaf.
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and I look forward to hearing people’s views on the draft guidance over the coming weeks.
Thank you, Minister, for your statement and, indeed, the briefing that you provided to me prior to today. I have to say, as I expressed to you during the briefing that we had, that I'm rather disappointed at the lack of engagement that there has been since your statement that you made that you were withdrawing the gender quota legislation. You told us at that time that you wanted to engage positively with political parties to bring forward some guidance, and yet the only contact I received from your office prior to today's publication of the guidance was a request to attend a briefing with you, which was held yesterday. That isn't the sort of engagement that I wanted to see. I wanted it to be far more collaborative. But, nevertheless, that is where we currently are.
Now, as you know, I've long been calling for guidance as a tool in the armoury to be able to assist political parties in Wales in helping to ensure that they put up a slate of diverse candidates at the next Senedd election, and, indeed, at local elections and at UK parliamentary elections in the future. And having read the draft guidance, I think there's some very important work that has been done in its development, but I am a little bit disappointed that it does seem, once again, to overemphasise in particular gender diversity over and above other protected characteristics. Now, that's not to say that other protected characteristics are not referenced in the guidance, because, of course, as you've just said, and as is patently clear for anybody who reads the guidance, there are references to other aspects of diversity, but they're not sufficiently well emphasised, in my view.
You've said that you've had some engagement with stakeholders in the development of the guidance. As I say, I'm a political stakeholder—you've had no engagement with me prior to, literally, last night, and then today in this Chamber. Could you outline a little more the engagement that you've had with stakeholders? You gave me some references that you'd made last night, but, again, it seemed to be overly heavy on groups that were interested in gender diversity, and there seemed to be very limited engagement with others, such as faith groups, disability groups, although you'd had some engagement with Disability Wales, the older people's commissioner, young people's groups. All, again, seemed to be devoid of serious engagement—the sort of serious engagement that I would have hoped that the Welsh Government would try to take forward.
I know that the status of this guidance is going to be voluntary. Whilst there, obviously, is an obligation on you as a Minister to publish this guidance, and that is a statutory obligation, this, obviously, is going to be voluntary. But I will want to assure you of this, Minister: that I will do everything that I can to encourage my political party to engage in adopting some of the ideas and suggestions that are in this draft guidance. We will, of course, respond to the consultation. We will listen, as well, to the voices of other stakeholders as they participate in the ongoing consultation now, which will be completed in January too. We very much hope that when the final guidance is published, it will be more reflective of that broader range of characteristics that I have referred to you about.
One of the things that I would like to invite you to do, Minister, is to join me at a future meeting of the cross-party group on faith in order to have some engagement with the faith groups that attend those meetings; I think it's a very useful forum. I know that there has been some attempt to reach out, at least, to Cytûn and the Interfaith Council for Wales; you referenced those in our discussions last night. But I do think that some more serious engagement with groups like that, with some of the age-related groups and with some of the groups that are working hard to address other disadvantages that we also need to take into account, and barriers that we need to address, is something that I'd like to assist the Welsh Government in taking forward.
Just finally, if I may, I was very pleased to hear the reference to the continuation of an access to elected office fund for those with disabilities. I think the pilot has been a success, although we need to do more to raise awareness about the availability of that fund to assist people in overcoming barriers to becoming candidates for election. We must also make sure that it's broader in the future so that it includes the opportunity to overcome some of those other barriers to addressing the diversity challenge that we all face. So, I'd be very pleased if you could confirm that that is something that you will consider—the widening of that particular fund—in the future in your response to me. Thank you.
Diolch, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad ac, yn wir, am y briff y gwnaethoch chi ei roi i mi cyn heddiw. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud, fel y soniais wrthych chi yn ystod y sesiwn friffio a gawsom, fy mod i braidd yn siomedig gyda'r diffyg ymgysylltu sydd wedi bod ers y datganiad y gwnaethoch chi eich bod chi'n tynnu'r ddeddfwriaeth cwota rhywedd yn ôl. Fe ddywedoch chi wrthym bryd hynny eich bod am ymgysylltu'n gadarnhaol â phleidiau gwleidyddol i roi rhywfaint o arweiniad, ac eto yr unig gyswllt a gefais gan eich swyddfa cyn cyhoeddi'r canllawiau heddiw oedd cais i fynychu sesiwn friffio gyda chi, a gynhaliwyd ddoe. Nid dyna'r math o ymgysylltu roeddwn i eisiau ei weld. Roeddwn i eisiau iddo fod yn llawer mwy cydweithredol. Fodd bynnag, dyna lle'r ydym ni ar hyn o bryd.
Nawr, fel y gwyddoch chi, rwyf wedi bod yn galw ers tro am arweiniad fel adnodd i allu cynorthwyo pleidiau gwleidyddol yng Nghymru i helpu i sicrhau eu bod yn dewis rhestr o ymgeiswyr amrywiol yn etholiad nesaf y Senedd, ac, yn wir, mewn etholiadau lleol ac etholiadau seneddol y DU yn y dyfodol. Ac ar ôl darllen y canllawiau drafft, rwy'n credu bod yna rywfaint o waith pwysig iawn wedi'i wneud wrth eu datblygu, ond rwyf ychydig yn siomedig ei bod hi'n ymddangos, unwaith eto, eu bod yn gorbwysleisio yn benodol amrywiaeth rhywedd yn fwy na nodweddion gwarchodedig eraill. Nawr, dydy hynny ddim yn golygu nad oes cyfeiriadau at nodweddion gwarchodedig eraill yn y canllawiau, oherwydd, wrth gwrs, fel rydych chi newydd ei ddweud, ac fel sy'n amlwg iawn i unrhyw un sy'n darllen y canllawiau, mae yna gyfeiriadau at agweddau eraill ar amrywiaeth, ond does dim digon o bwyslais arnyn nhw, yn fy marn i.
Rydych chi wedi dweud eich bod chi wedi cael rhywfaint o ymgysylltiad â rhanddeiliaid wrth ddatblygu'r canllawiau. Fel y dywedais, rwy'n rhanddeiliad gwleidyddol—dydych chi ddim wedi cael unrhyw ymgysylltiad â mi, yn llythrennol, tan neithiwr, ac yna heddiw yn y Siambr hon. Allech chi roi ychydig mwy o amlinelliad o'r ymgysylltu rydych chi wedi'i gael gyda rhanddeiliaid? Fe gyfeirioch chi at rywfaint o'r ymgysylltu a oedd wedi mynd rhagddo neithiwr, ond, unwaith eto, roedd hi'n ymddangos mai grwpiau â diddordeb mewn amrywiaeth rhywedd oedd y rhain yn bennaf, ac roedd hi'n ymddangos mai ychydig iawn o ymgysylltu oedd wedi bod gydag eraill, fel grwpiau ffydd, grwpiau anabledd, er eich bod chi wedi ymgysylltu rhywfaint ag Anabledd Cymru, y comisiynydd pobl hŷn, grwpiau pobl ifanc. Roedd hi'n ymddangos, unwaith eto, nad oedd unrhyw ymgysylltiad difrifol wedi bod gydag unrhyw un ohonyn nhw—y math o ymgysylltiad difrifol y byddwn i wedi gobeithio y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio bwrw ymlaen ag ef.
Rwy'n gwybod mai canllawiau gwirfoddol fydd y rhain. Er bod yna ddyletswydd arnoch chi, yn amlwg, fel Gweinidog i gyhoeddi'r canllawiau hyn, a rhwymedigaeth statudol yw honno, mae hyn, yn amlwg, yn mynd i fod yn wirfoddol. Ond hoffwn eich sicrhau o hyn, Gweinidog: byddaf yn gwneud popeth o fewn fy ngallu i annog fy mhlaid wleidyddol i fabwysiadu rhai o'r syniadau a'r awgrymiadau sydd yn y canllawiau drafft hyn. Wrth gwrs, byddwn yn ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad. Byddwn yn gwrando, hefyd, ar leisiau rhanddeiliaid eraill wrth iddyn nhw gymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad parhaus nawr, a fydd yn cael ei gwblhau ym mis Ionawr hefyd. Rydym yn gobeithio'n fawr, pan fydd y canllawiau terfynol yn cael eu cyhoeddi, y byddan nhw'n adlewyrchu'r ystod ehangach honno o nodweddion rwyf wedi cyfeirio atyn nhw yn well.
Un o'r pethau yr hoffwn eich gwahodd i'w wneud, Gweinidog, yw ymuno â mi mewn cyfarfod o'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar ffydd yn y dyfodol er mwyn ymgysylltu â'r grwpiau ffydd sy'n mynychu'r cyfarfodydd hynny; rwy'n credu ei fod yn fforwm defnyddiol iawn. Rwy'n gwybod bod rhywfaint o ymdrech wedi'i wneud i estyn allan, o leiaf, i Cytûn ac i Gyngor Rhyng-ffydd Cymru; fe wnaethoch chi sôn amdanyn nhw yn ein trafodaethau neithiwr. Ond rwy'n credu bod ymgysylltiad mwy difrifol â grwpiau fel yna, gyda rhai o'r grwpiau sy'n gysylltiedig ag oedran a chyda rhai o'r grwpiau sy'n gweithio'n galed i fynd i'r afael ag anfanteision eraill y mae angen i ni eu hystyried hefyd, a'r rhwystrau y mae angen i ni fynd i'r afael â nhw, yn rhywbeth yr hoffwn i helpu Llywodraeth Cymru i fwrw ymlaen ag ef.
Yn olaf, os caf i, roeddwn i'n falch iawn o glywed y cyfeiriad at barhad y gronfa mynediad i swyddi etholedig i'r rhai ag anableddau. Rwy'n credu bod y peilot wedi bod yn llwyddiant, er bod angen i ni wneud mwy i godi ymwybyddiaeth am argaeledd y gronfa honno er mwyn helpu pobl i oresgyn rhwystrau i ddod yn ymgeiswyr ar gyfer etholiad. Rhaid i ni hefyd sicrhau ei bod yn ehangach yn y dyfodol fel ei bod yn cynnwys y cyfle i oresgyn rhai o'r rhwystrau eraill hynny i fynd i'r afael â'r her rydym i gyd yn ei hwynebu o ran amrywiaeth. Felly, byddwn i'n falch iawn pe gallech chi gadarnhau bod hynny'n rhywbeth y byddwch chi'n ei ystyried—ehangu'r gronfa benodol honno—yn y dyfodol yn eich ymateb i mi. Diolch.
Thank you very much indeed, Darren Millar. I was very pleased to be able to meet with you and brief you before I came forward with this statement, and also to say, most importantly, that this is draft guidance, and we've got this opportunity now over the next few weeks to fully engage and to get the feedback. I'm very much hoping that all of the parties here will be discussing this within their groups, within all of their networks and with their party executives, because, obviously, this is for the political parties that we are members of.
I think, just to say, that because this was, actually, a statutory duty in the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act, which, as you recall, we passed in July of this year, 2024—section 30—work had already started from officials. In fact, Mick Antoniw, as Counsel General, was leading it at that stage when he took the Bill through the Senedd. So, for example, officials had already engaged with a number of stakeholders on proposals for the draft guidance. There was a draft high-level document, shared with the Women's Equality Network Wales—WEN Wales—and the Electoral Reform Society in June, and, for initial feedback, a stakeholder workshop was held in July; a draft outline of the guidance shared in advance of every one. And, of course, this was officials engaging with these organisations. This is the kind of important balance, that this is a Government duty—so, officials and civil servants have been involved, in order to help inform us as a Ministers in terms of developing the guidance.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Darren Millar. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn o allu cwrdd â chi a rhoi gwybodaeth i chi cyn i mi gyflwyno'r datganiad hwn, a hefyd i ddweud, yn bwysicaf oll, mai canllawiau drafft yw'r rhain, ac mae gennym ni'r cyfle hwn nawr dros yr wythnosau nesaf i ymgysylltu'n llawn a chael yr adborth. Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd yr holl bleidiau yma yn trafod hyn o fewn eu grwpiau, o fewn eu rhwydweithiau i gyd a chyda phwyllgorau gweithredol eu plaid, oherwydd, yn amlwg, mae hyn ar gyfer y pleidiau gwleidyddol rydym yn aelodau ohonyn nhw.
Rwy'n credu, dim ond i ddweud, oherwydd bod hyn yn ddyletswydd statudol yn Neddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru), a gafodd, fel y byddwch chi'n cofio, ei phasio gennym ym mis Gorffennaf eleni, 2024—adran 30—roedd swyddogion eisoes wedi dechrau ar y gwaith. Yn wir, Mick Antoniw, y Cwnsler Cyffredinol, oedd yn arwain y gwaith ar y cam hwnnw pan aeth â'r Bil drwy'r Senedd. Felly, er enghraifft, roedd swyddogion eisoes wedi ymgysylltu â nifer o randdeiliaid ar gynigion ar gyfer y canllawiau drafft. Roedd yna ddogfen lefel uchel ddrafft, a rannwyd gyda Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Menywod Cymru—WEN Cymru—a'r Gymdeithas Diwygio Etholiadol ym mis Mehefin, ac, ar gyfer adborth cychwynnol, cynhaliwyd gweithdy rhanddeiliaid ym mis Gorffennaf; y rhannwyd amlinelliad drafft o'r canllawiau cyn pob un. Ac, wrth gwrs, swyddogion oedd yn ymgysylltu â'r sefydliadau hyn. Dyma'r math o gydbwysedd pwysig, dyletswydd ar y Llywodraeth yw hon—felly, mae swyddogion a gweision sifil wedi bod yn gysylltiedig, er mwyn helpu i'n hysbysu ni fel Gweinidogion o ran datblygu'r canllawiau.
I think it's really important to say, in terms of some of the stakeholders and interest groups that you've mentioned, at that high-level engagement in the summer, Disability Wales and Cytûn were—. They did meet with Cytûn. They met with Stonewall Cymru, WEN Wales, the Electoral Reform Society, Elect Her, the human rights advisory group. The Senedd political party panel—that's really important. That's facilitated by the Electoral Commission. I've met with them on more than one occasion, and, of course, they are the paid lead officials in your political parties, and they rotate the chair. But also we looked to the Children's Commissioner for Wales, Older People's Commissioner for Wales, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, the Welsh Youth Parliament. We reached out in order to try and get their views to help us develop this draft guidance, but now, of course, they have all got the opportunity to feed back, and many more.
I'd certainly be very pleased to come to meet with the cross-party group, the faith cross-party group. I'm actually, on Thursday, going to the Interfaith Council for Wales event, which I think some others are joining. I've been putting this into my speeches, wherever I can, to sort of forewarn and engage and get feedback. I think there's been huge disappointment about the fact that we haven't got statutory gender quotas, but I did make a commitment that we would consult and help guide—which it is, it's guidance—on voluntary quotas, and to make the point again about our commitment to a gender-balanced Senedd, and to go back about all of the tremendous work that was done, which, of course, was chaired by the Deputy Llywydd, in terms of the reform Bill, the electoral candidates Bill. So, it's absolutely feeding into what we're doing.
Just to say, in terms of the wider diversity and inclusion strategy, part 1 and part 2 are totally delivering on that diversity and inclusion strategy, because it is about—. There's a lot of in-depth, as you have seen, Darren, guidance about how parties can develop their strategies, and it covers all of the ground in terms of how they can guide them, to ensure that we do fully engage with them and guide them in terms of the ways in which they can develop those strategies. And I think you will see that there is in-depth guidance there on strategic planning, organisational culture, candidate assessment and selection, candidate support. I think it's quite—. It is unique, it is breaking new ground. It has drawn, for example, where it can, on where there has been other work done. But I would say one of the most important actions for parties to consider is to assign a dedicated equality and diversity co-ordinator or champion at an appropriate level of seniority. Each political party must do this to make sure that they can help develop this strategy.
The guidance looks at not only actions, but potential benefits. Also we, of course, as you've said, have got statutory duties now to ensure that we can address some of those barriers that have held people back. So, I can assure you that we're going to be spreading this draft guidance—the older people's commissioner—for all generations, and all interests and characteristics.
I thank you for your positive comments on the draft guidance. I think it is an opportunity for us as a Senedd to come together, to recognise that we have got an opportunity here, and I'm very keen in terms of not just the access to elected office fund for disabled people, which is having an impact, but that we look at that in terms of all opportunities—this has come through our discussions with EYST, with Race Council Cymru, not just Disability Wales, who have shown us how that's being used—but also looking at ways in which we can address some of those other barriers. I'm really conscious of the fact that when, I think, you were taking evidence in the Reform Bill Committee, there was this recognition that it wasn't just about quotas, it was beyond quotas, it was all the other strategies that we need to address. So, I've commented on that they're very clear in the guidance in terms of family-friendly policies, caring needs, all of the circumstances, and, particularly importantly, socioeconomic circumstances.
Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn dweud, o ran rhai o'r rhanddeiliaid a'r grwpiau buddiant rydych chi wedi'u crybwyll, yn ystod yr ymgysylltiad lefel uchel hwnnw yn yr haf, roedd Anabledd Cymru a Cytûn yn—. Fe wnaethon nhw gwrdd â Cytûn. Fe wnaethon nhw gwrdd â Stonewall Cymru, WEN Cymru, y Gymdeithas Diwygio Etholiadol, Elect Her, y grŵp cynghori ar hawliau dynol. Panel pleidiau gwleidyddol y Senedd—mae hynny'n bwysig iawn. Mae'r panel hwnnw'n cael ei hwyluso gan y Comisiwn Etholiadol. Rwyf wedi cwrdd â nhw ar fwy nag un achlysur, ac, wrth gwrs, nhw yw'r swyddogion arweiniol cyflogedig yn eich pleidiau gwleidyddol, ac maen nhw'n cymryd eu tro i fod yn gadeirydd. Ond hefyd fe edrychon ni at Gomisiynydd Plant Cymru, Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru, Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru, Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru. Fe wnaethon ni estyn allan er mwyn ceisio cael eu barn i'n helpu ni i ddatblygu'r canllawiau drafft hyn, ond nawr, wrth gwrs, mae gan bob un ohonyn nhw, a llawer mwy, gyfle i roi adborth.
Byddwn i'n sicr yn falch iawn o gael cyfarfod â'r grŵp trawsbleidiol, y grŵp trawsbleidiol ffydd. Yn wir, ddydd Iau, rwy'n mynd i ddigwyddiad Cyngor Rhyng-ffydd Cymru, ac rwy'n credu bod rhai eraill yn mynd hefyd. Rwyf wedi bod yn rhoi hyn yn fy areithiau, lle bynnag y gallaf, i raghysbysu ac ymgysylltu a chael adborth. Rwy'n credu bod siom enfawr wedi bod ynghylch y ffaith nad oes gennym ni gwotâu rhywedd statudol, ond fe wnes i ymrwymiad y bydden ni'n ymgynghori ac yn helpu i arwain—sef yr hyn mae'r canllawiau yn ei wneud, arweiniad ydyn nhw—ar gwotâu gwirfoddol, ac i wneud y pwynt eto am ein hymrwymiad i Senedd gytbwys o ran rhywedd, ac i fynd yn ôl at yr holl waith ardderchog a wnaed, a gadeiriwyd, wrth gwrs, gan y Dirprwy Lywydd, o ran y Bil diwygio, y Bil ymgeiswyr etholiadol. Felly, mae'n sicr yn bwydo i mewn i'r hyn rydyn ni'n ei wneud.
Dim ond i ddweud, o ran y strategaeth amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ehangach, mae rhan 1 a rhan 2 yn cyflawni'n llwyr ar y strategaeth amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant honno, oherwydd mae'n ymwneud â—. Mae yna lawer o ganllawiau manwl, fel y gwelsoch chi, Darren, ynghylch sut y gall pleidiau ddatblygu eu strategaethau, ac maen nhw'n cwmpasu popeth o ran sut y gallan nhw eu harwain, er mwyn sicrhau ein bod ni'n ymgysylltu'n llawn â nhw a'u harwain o ran y ffyrdd y gallan nhw ddatblygu'r strategaethau hynny. Ac rwy'n credu y byddwch chi'n gweld bod yna ganllawiau manwl yno ar gynllunio strategol, diwylliant sefydliadol, asesu a dewis ymgeiswyr, cefnogaeth i ymgeiswyr. Rwy'n credu eu bod nhw'n eithaf—. Maen nhw'n unigryw, maen nhw'n torri tir newydd. Maen nhw wedi ystyried, er enghraifft, lle y gallan nhw, lle mae gwaith arall wedi'i wneud. Ond fe fyddwn i'n dweud mai un o'r camau pwysicaf i bleidiau eu hystyried yw pennu cydlynydd neu hyrwyddwr cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth penodol â statws priodol. Rhaid i bob plaid wleidyddol wneud hyn i sicrhau ei bod yn gallu helpu i ddatblygu'r strategaeth hon.
Yn ogystal â chamau gweithredu, mae'r canllawiau'n edrych ar fuddion posibl hefyd. Hefyd, mae gennym ni, wrth gwrs, fel rydych chi wedi'i ddweud, ddyletswyddau statudol nawr i sicrhau ein bod ni'n gallu mynd i'r afael â rhai o'r rhwystrau hynny sydd wedi dal pobl yn ôl. Felly, gallaf eich sicrhau ein bod ni'n mynd i fod yn lledaenu'r canllawiau drafft yma—y comisiynydd pobl hŷn—ar gyfer pob cenhedlaeth, a phob buddiant a nodwedd.
Hoffwn ddiolch i chi am eich sylwadau cadarnhaol ar y canllawiau drafft. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn gyfle i ni fel Senedd ddod ynghyd, i gydnabod bod gennym ni gyfle yma, ac rwy'n awyddus iawn, nid yn unig o ran y gronfa mynediad i swyddi etholedig i bobl anabl, sy'n cael effaith, ond ein bod ni'n edrych ar hynny o ran pob cyfle—mae hyn wedi dod drwy ein trafodaethau gydag EYST, gyda Race Council Cymru, nid Anabledd Cymru yn unig, sydd wedi dangos i ni sut mae'r gronfa honno'n cael ei defnyddio—ond gan edrych hefyd ar ffyrdd y gallwn ni fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r rhwystrau eraill hynny. Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r ffaith pan oeddech chi, rwy'n credu, yn cymryd tystiolaeth yn y Pwyllgor Biliau Diwygio, fod yna gydnabyddiaeth nad oedd yn ymwneud â chwotâu yn unig, roedd yn mynd y tu hwnt i gwotâu, roedd yn ymwneud â'r holl strategaethau eraill y mae angen i ni fynd i'r afael â nhw. Felly, rwyf wedi nodi eu bod nhw'n glir iawn yn y canllawiau o ran polisïau sy'n ystyriol o deuluoedd, anghenion gofalu, yr holl amgylchiadau, ac, yn arbennig o bwysig, amgylchiadau economaidd-gymdeithasol.
This is all good stuff, but it has no teeth, and there's the rub. We can't know it'll make any change, and you even acknowledge that in your statement. And as Plaid Cymru's spokesperson on equalities, I want to take this opportunity to once again reiterate that, although any and all steps, of course, to try and ensure diversity in politics are always welcome, I am deeply disappointed at the rolling back by Welsh Government on the action that would have made the most significant and most immediate difference to the diversity and thus effectiveness of Welsh democracy, and that you're instead publishing this too little, too late guidance, which we know, those of us who are from underrepresented groups in politics, will not be as effective. You've undermined not only your own stated policy aims in discarding those strongest measures, but also the chance that we will ever be able to achieve those aims, given the current progressive majority in this Senedd. That is for the first female First Minister of Wales to reflect upon.
Failing to reflect our society properly not only makes the decisions made by our Senedd less effective, as you stated, it also makes them less legitimate and reinforces those barriers to elected office, compounding the perception that elected politics is the preserve of a certain type of person to the exclusion of others, which is leading to a dangerous and worrying mistrust in politics. That representation gap pervades our policies and our democracy. So, I agree with the under-represented groups identified in the guidance, and the emphasis on socioeconomic diversity is also crucial. The class ceiling, as it's called, is lowered in part by the fact that you need resources, time and money to become a candidate and to run a campaign. Those who can afford to take unpaid leave to campaign are at a distinct advantage to those potential candidates who could never afford to do so. The guidance proposes parties consider ways—consider ways—to support candidates who aren't able to fund parts of their campaign—childcare, transport—to get selected or elected, but there's not much detail there. These financial barriers that deter candidates from all under-represented backgrounds particularly affect women. So, will the Government fund new schemes to mitigate this, in line with the duties in the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act?
You talk about the Act paving the way to expand the elected office scheme, the Act's support scheme. It doesn't feel very urgent, so could you give us some more details on that? Do you agree with the recommendations of the Institute for Public Policy Research report, published on this matter in 2022, which suggested Government should legislate a right to run that ensures employers are legally obliged to allow people to take time off to run for elected office, not dissimilar to the model around jury service?
I welcome the focus on harassment. We know that can come both from the public and within parties. The guidance addresses this issue, saying the parties should create guidance, but also you're working with UK Government on measures to address this. So, what exactly are those measures? Currently, Wales has the lowest proportion of women councillors of all UK nations, and there is a lack of data on the roles women and other under-represented groups hold within parties, such as officers of local committees et cetera, and these are part of the candidate pipelines, aren't they? So, why doesn't the guidance go further on this, and how will the suggestion to collect and publish data be monitored?
How will the guidance work in collaboration and alignment with current projects to increase diversity, such as Disability Wales's access to politics grassroots network? And what extra funding will be available for groups who are doing this kind of work to facilitate the aims of the guidance?
So, I've outlined why I think it's too little. Now I'll explain why I think it's too late: because political parties, as we see in the news every day, are already discussing, even implementing, decisions on candidate selection. Candidates are already declaring their intention to stand. Voluntary guidance that won't be ready for months really isn't going to achieve that change for the Senedd elections of 2026. So, what conversations were held with the membership of parties likely to stand in Welsh elections before producing this guidance, and do you agree running this consultation over the Christmas period is far from ideal?
Laws that ensure fair representation are not just about political balance; they're about restoring trust in political institutions, showing that they stand with and for all communities. Plaid Cymru, I'm glad to say, is currently working on a proposal to try and ensure gender equality within our candidate selection for the 2026 election as a first step to fair representation. This will be decided upon shortly by our governing bodies. So, what progress has been made on adopting a voluntary quota system such as the one we would have seen in legislation, in your own party, Cabinet Secretary?
Mae hyn i gyd yn dda, ond nid oes ganddo ddannedd, a dyna'r drafferth. Allwn ni ddim gwybod y bydd yn gwneud unrhyw newid, ac rydych chi hyd yn oed yn cydnabod hynny yn eich datganiad. Ac fel llefarydd Plaid Cymru ar gydraddoldeb, hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn unwaith eto i ailadrodd, er bod unrhyw gamau, wrth gwrs, i geisio sicrhau bod yna amrywiaeth mewn gwleidyddiaeth yn cael eu croesawu bob amser, fy mod i'n siomedig iawn bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi tynnu'n ôl y camau a fyddai wedi gwneud y gwahaniaeth mwyaf arwyddocaol a mwyaf uniongyrchol i amrywiaeth ac felly i effeithiolrwydd democratiaeth yng Nghymru, a'ch bod, yn lle hynny, yn cyhoeddi'r canllawiau hyn, sydd ddim yn ddigon ac sy'n rhy hwyr, yr ydym yn gwybod, y rhai ohonom ni sydd o grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol mewn gwleidyddiaeth, na fyddan nhw mor effeithiol. Rydych chi wedi tanseilio nid yn unig eich nodau polisi datganedig eich hun wrth gael gwared ar y mesurau cryfaf hynny, ond hefyd y siawns y byddwn ni byth yn gallu cyflawni'r nodau hynny, o ystyried y mwyafrif blaengar presennol yn y Senedd hon. Dylai Prif Weinidog benywaidd cyntaf Cymru fyfyrio ar hynny.
Mae methu ag adlewyrchu ein cymdeithas yn briodol nid yn unig yn gwneud y penderfyniadau a wneir gan ein Senedd yn llai effeithiol, fel y gwnaethoch ei nodi, mae hefyd yn eu gwneud yn llai cyfiawn ac yn atgyfnerthu'r rhwystrau hynny i swydd etholedig, gan waethygu'r canfyddiad bod gwleidyddiaeth etholedig yn rhywbeth i fath penodol o berson yn unig ar draul y lleill, sy'n arwain at ddrwgdybiaeth beryglus a phryderus mewn gwleidyddiaeth. Mae'r bwlch cynrychiolaeth hwnnw yn treiddio i'n polisïau a'n democratiaeth. Felly, rwy'n cytuno â'r grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol a nodir yn y canllawiau, ac mae'r pwyslais ar amrywiaeth economaidd-gymdeithasol hefyd yn hanfodol. Mae'r nenfwd dosbarth, fel y'i gelwir, yn cael ei ostwng yn rhannol gan y ffaith bod angen adnoddau, amser ac arian arnoch chi i ddod yn ymgeisydd ac i gynnal ymgyrch. Mae mantais amlwg i'r rhai sy'n gallu fforddio cymryd absenoldeb di-dâl i ymgyrchu o gymharu â'r ymgeiswyr posibl hynny na allen nhw byth fforddio gwneud hynny. Mae'r canllawiau'n cynnig bod pleidiau yn ystyried ffyrdd—yn ystyried ffyrdd—i gefnogi ymgeiswyr sydd ddim yn gallu ariannu rhannau o'u hymgyrch—gofal plant, trafnidiaeth—i gael eu dewis neu eu hethol, ond does dim llawer o fanylion yno. Mae'r rhwystrau ariannol hyn sy'n atal ymgeiswyr o bob cefndir sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn effeithio ar fenywod yn arbennig. Felly, a wnaiff y Llywodraeth ariannu cynlluniau newydd i liniaru hyn, yn unol â'r dyletswyddau yn Neddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru)?
Rydych chi'n sôn bod y Ddeddf yn paratoi'r ffordd i ehangu'r cynllun swyddi etholedig, cynllun cymorth y Ddeddf. Dydy e' ddim yn teimlo fel bod llawer o frys, felly allech chi roi mwy o fanylion i ni ar hynny? Ydych chi'n cytuno ag argymhellion adroddiad y Sefydliad Ymchwil Polisi Cyhoeddus, a gyhoeddwyd ar y mater hwn yn 2022, a oedd yn awgrymu y dylai'r Llywodraeth ddeddfu hawl i sefyll mewn etholiad sy'n sicrhau bod rhwymedigaeth gyfreithiol ar gyflogwyr i ganiatáu i bobl gymryd amser i ffwrdd i ymgeisio ar gyfer swydd etholedig, nad yw'n annhebyg i'r model ynghylch gwasanaeth rheithgor?
Rwy'n croesawu'r ffocws ar aflonyddu. Rydyn ni'n gwybod y gall hyn ddod o'r cyhoedd ac o fewn pleidiau. Mae'r canllawiau'n mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn, gan ddweud y dylai'r pleidiau lunio canllawiau, ond hefyd eich bod chi'n gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU ar fesurau i fynd i'r afael â hyn. Felly, beth yn union yw'r mesurau hynny? Ar hyn o bryd, Cymru sydd â'r gyfran isaf o gynghorwyr benywaidd o holl wledydd y DU, ac mae diffyg data ar y rolau sydd gan fenywod a grwpiau eraill sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol o fewn pleidiau, fel swyddogion pwyllgorau lleol ac ati, ac mae'r rhain yn rhan o biblinellau'r ymgeiswyr, onid ydynt? Felly, pam nad yw'r canllawiau'n mynd ymhellach ar hyn, a sut y bydd yr awgrym i gasglu a chyhoeddi data yn cael ei fonitro?
Sut y bydd y canllawiau'n gweithio ar y cyd â phrosiectau cyfredol i gynyddu amrywiaeth, fel rhwydwaith llawr gwlad mynediad at wleidyddiaeth Anabledd Cymru, ac yn cyd-fynd â nhw? A pha gyllid ychwanegol fydd ar gael i grwpiau sy'n gwneud y math yma o waith i hwyluso nodau'r canllawiau?
Felly, rwyf wedi amlinellu pam rwy'n credu nad yw'n ddigon. Nawr byddaf yn egluro pam rwy'n credu ei bod yn rhy hwyr: oherwydd mae pleidiau gwleidyddol, fel y gwelwn yn y newyddion bob dydd, eisoes yn trafod, hyd yn oed yn gweithredu, penderfyniadau ar ddewis ymgeiswyr. Mae ymgeiswyr eisoes yn datgan eu bwriad i sefyll. Dydy canllawiau gwirfoddol fydd ddim yn barod am fisoedd ddim yn mynd i gyflawni'r newid hwnnw ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd yn 2026. Felly, pa sgyrsiau a gynhaliwyd gydag aelodau pleidiau sy'n debygol o sefyll yn etholiadau Cymru cyn cynhyrchu'r canllawiau hyn, ac a ydych chi'n cytuno nad yw cynnal yr ymgynghoriad hwn dros gyfnod y Nadolig yn ddelfrydol o bell ffordd?
Dydy cyfreithiau sy'n sicrhau cynrychiolaeth deg ddim yn ymwneud â chydbwysedd gwleidyddol yn unig; maen nhw'n ymwneud ag adfer ymddiriedaeth mewn sefydliadau gwleidyddol, gan ddangos eu bod yn sefyll gyda ac ar ran pob cymuned. Ar hyn o bryd, mae Plaid Cymru, rwy'n falch o ddweud, yn gweithio ar gynnig i geisio sicrhau cydraddoldeb rhywedd o ran yr ymgeiswyr fydd yn cael eu dewis ar gyfer etholiad 2026 fel cam cyntaf tuag at gynrychiolaeth deg. Bydd ein cyrff llywodraethu yn penderfynu ar hyn yn fuan. Felly, pa gynnydd sydd wedi'i wneud o ran mabwysiadu system gwota wirfoddol fel yr un y byddem wedi'i gweld mewn deddfwriaeth, yn eich plaid eich hun, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet?
Diolch yn fawr am y cwestiynau pwysig iawn.
Thank you very much for those very important questions.
I very much recognise the starting point that you make, about the fact that would you have sought the statutory underpinning of the gender quotas, but, of course, I think what is important is that we've now got—. We always had the duty anyway, within the Elections and Elected Bodies (Wales) Act 2024, to produce this diversity and inclusion strategy. I think it's interesting in the guidance, and you will see from the background, that we go back to 'A Parliament that works for Wales' and also the special purpose committee, all calling for that wider diversity, as well as being very committed to gender quotas and gender parity.
So, I think it is important that parties have—. There's nothing to stop political parties from publishing diversity and inclusion strategies or candidate diversity information, and we want all parties, we want to encourage all political parties, to take these steps on a voluntary basis. But we want with this guidance to have, hopefully, a degree of consistency in terms of their approach to this, and that's why we're publishing the guidance today.
We do believe it's a catalyst for change, this guidance. There is an appetite, of course, amongst parties to do more in this area, but, when we were taking the Senedd Cymru (Electoral Candidate Lists) Bill forward, there was a real desire coming back from all parties to see not only more women in politics but greater diversity and inclusion across other characteristics. And it was good to hear that political parties were already developing strategies, and you've mentioned Plaid Cymru developing their strategy in terms of women's representation. This guidance, I believe—. It is detailed. It is evidence based. It is going to help political parties take those practical steps to improve the diversity of candidates.
I think it's important just to say that, in terms of monitoring the guidance, there will be an opportunity after the 2026 Senedd election, through the review process that's provided in the Senedd Cymru (Members and Elections) Act 2024, to take stock of where we are. Within my statement and within the guidance, we will be expecting parties to be able to report on the data in terms of diversity of candidates within six weeks of the elections. Local government has already, under the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011, got that in place.
And I do agree entirely that we—. This is guidance for all Welsh elections. It's for all Welsh elections, so that's for Senedd and local government elections. And, of course, we've got some good examples in local government around job sharing of cabinet posts, and we're discussing that and it's in the guidance, and we're discussing that anyway in terms of a pilot on job sharing for committee Chairs. We do want to ensure the seventh Senedd will reflect on the diversity of the candidates that have come forward and been elected, and learn what's worked well, where we think further steps need to be taken. And there'll be full impact assessments undertaken in relation to the legislative provisions, which underpin this guidance, so we have a broad understanding of the impact on political parties and on various communities and groups. It's really important, as you say—and Darren Millar, of course, made this point too—that we support people with under-represented characteristics, socioeconomic challenges or specific circumstances, and so we're funding research into barriers, particularly those barriers in terms of those caused by socioeconomic circumstances.
Finally, because I know we've got many other questions, we will be offering a technical briefing to all Members. There's a technical briefing for political parties, and there'll be a briefing to the women's caucus as well. There will be workshops—externally organised workshops—during this period, so we are going to work at pace from today, and we hope you'll be able to join us in that effort.
Rwy'n sicr yn cydnabod y pwynt cychwynnol rydych chi'n ei wneud, am y ffaith y byddech chi wedi ceisio sail statudol ar gyfer y cwotâu rhywedd, ond, wrth gwrs, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig yw bod gennym ni nawr—. Roedd gennym ni'r ddyletswydd bob amser beth bynnag, yn Neddf Etholiadau a Chyrff Etholedig (Cymru) 2024, i gynhyrchu'r strategaeth amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant hon. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn ddiddorol yn y canllawiau, a byddwch chi'n gweld o'r cefndir, ein bod ni'n mynd yn ôl i 'Senedd sy'n gweithio i Gymru' a hefyd y pwyllgor pwrpas arbennig, sydd i gyd yn galw am yr amrywiaeth ehangach honno, yn ogystal â bod yn ymrwymedig iawn i gwotâu rhywedd a chydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau.
Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig bod gan bleidiau—. Does dim i atal pleidiau gwleidyddol rhag cyhoeddi strategaethau amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant na gwybodaeth am amrywiaeth ymgeiswyr, ac rydym am i bob plaid, rydym am annog pob plaid wleidyddol, i gymryd y camau hyn yn wirfoddol. Ond gyda'r canllawiau hyn, rydym am gael, gobeithio, rywfaint o gysondeb o ran eu hymagwedd at hyn, a dyna pam rydym yn cyhoeddi'r canllawiau heddiw.
Rydym yn credu eu bod yn gatalydd ar gyfer newid, y canllawiau hyn. Mae awydd, wrth gwrs, ymhlith pleidiau i wneud mwy yn y maes hwn, ond, pan oeddem yn bwrw ymlaen â Bil Senedd Cymru (Rhestrau Ymgeiswyr Etholiadol), roedd awydd gwirioneddol yn dod yn ôl gan bob plaid i weld nid yn unig mwy o fenywod mewn gwleidyddiaeth ond mwy o amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ar draws nodweddion eraill. Ac roedd hi'n dda clywed bod pleidiau gwleidyddol eisoes yn datblygu strategaethau, ac rydych chi wedi sôn am Blaid Cymru yn datblygu ei strategaeth o ran cynrychiolaeth menywod. Mae'r canllawiau hyn, rwy'n credu—. Maen nhw'n fanwl. Maen nhw'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth. Maen nhw'n mynd i helpu pleidiau gwleidyddol i gymryd y camau ymarferol hynny i wella amrywiaeth ymgeiswyr.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig dweud, o ran monitro'r canllawiau, y bydd cyfle ar ôl etholiad Senedd 2026, drwy'r broses adolygu a ddarperir yn Neddf Senedd Cymru (Aelodau ac Etholiadau) 2024, i bwyso a mesur ble rydym ni. Yn fy natganiad ac yn y canllawiau, byddwn ni'n disgwyl i bleidiau allu adrodd ar y data o ran amrywiaeth ymgeiswyr o fewn chwe wythnos i'r etholiadau. Mae llywodraeth leol eisoes wedi sefydlu hynny o dan Fesur Llywodraeth Leol (Cymru) 2011.
Ac rwy'n cytuno'n llwyr ein bod ni—. Mae'r rhain yn ganllawiau ar gyfer holl etholiadau Cymru. Maen nhw ar gyfer holl etholiadau Cymru, felly mae hynny ar gyfer etholiadau'r Senedd ac etholiadau llywodraeth leol. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae gennym ni enghreifftiau da mewn llywodraeth leol o rannu swyddi yn y cabinet, ac rydym yn trafod hynny ac mae e' yn y canllawiau, ac rydym yn trafod hynny beth bynnag o ran cynllun peilot ar rannu swyddi ar gyfer Cadeiryddion pwyllgorau. Rydym am sicrhau y bydd y seithfed Senedd yn adlewyrchu amrywiaeth yr ymgeiswyr sydd wedi dod ymlaen ac sydd wedi'u hethol, a dysgu beth sydd wedi gweithio'n dda, lle credwn fod angen cymryd camau pellach. A bydd asesiadau effaith llawn yn cael eu cynnal o ran darpariaethau deddfwriaethol, sy'n sail i'r canllawiau hyn, fel bod gennym ni ddealltwriaeth eang o'r effaith ar bleidiau gwleidyddol ac ar wahanol gymunedau a grwpiau. Mae'n bwysig iawn, fel rydych chi'n ei ddweud—ac fe wnaeth Darren Millar, wrth gwrs, y pwynt hwn hefyd—ein bod ni'n cefnogi pobl sydd â nodweddion heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol, heriau economaidd-gymdeithasol neu amgylchiadau penodol, ac felly rydym yn ariannu ymchwil i rwystrau, yn enwedig y rhwystrau hynny a achosir gan amgylchiadau economaidd-gymdeithasol.
Yn olaf, oherwydd fy mod i'n gwybod bod gennym ni lawer o gwestiynau eraill, byddwn ni'n cynnig sesiwn friffio dechnegol i'r holl Aelodau. Mae yna sesiwn friffio dechnegol ar gyfer pleidiau gwleidyddol, a bydd sesiwn friffio i'r cawcws menywod hefyd. Bydd gweithdai—gweithdai sydd wedi'u trefnu'n allanol—yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, felly rydym yn mynd i weithio'n gyflym o heddiw ymlaen, ac rydym yn gobeithio y byddwch chi'n gallu ymuno â ni yn yr ymdrech honno.
Diolch am eich datganiad, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
Thank you for your statement, Cabinet Secretary.
I welcome the publication of this guidance today, and whilst I've not had the opportunity yet to look at it in great detail, it is certainly something I will be encouraging others and organisations to engage with and participate in the consultation. One of the reasons why I chose to stand in this place, in the Senedd, was it was much more representative than elsewhere. And whilst that has slipped back, perhaps, recently, we want to be part of building that in the future. Because it doesn't just change the face of our politics, it changes the focus of it as well. We've talked about other protected characteristics as well and, as an out lesbian, I'm very much in the minority in this place still, and I'd like to see that diversity grow in the next Senedd, because it doesn't just make for better politics, it makes for better policies based on our lived experience.
I'd just like to touch on the points made in terms of the timing of the guidance, and that political parties have already either started or are looking at their process for selecting candidates for the enlarged Senedd in 2026. So, Cabinet Secretary, can I ask if you're aware of what appetite there is, or what conversations you've had, from all parties that are currently represented in this place for a commitment not just to agree in principle, but to implement in practice part 3 of the guidance around voluntary gender quotas?
Rwy'n croesawu cyhoeddi'r canllawiau hyn heddiw, ac er nad wyf wedi cael y cyfle eto i edrych arnyn nhw'n fanwl iawn, mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth y byddaf yn annog eraill a sefydliadau i ymgysylltu ag ef ac i gymryd rhan yn yr ymgynghoriad. Un o'r rhesymau pam y dewisais sefyll yn y lle hwn, yn y Senedd, oedd ei bod yn llawer mwy cynrychioliadol nag mewn mannau eraill. Ac er bod hynny wedi llithro'n ôl, efallai, yn ddiweddar, rydym am fod yn rhan o adeiladu hynny yn y dyfodol. Oherwydd, yn ogystal â newid wyneb ein gwleidyddiaeth, mae hefyd yn newid ei ffocws hefyd. Rydym wedi siarad am nodweddion gwarchodedig eraill hefyd, ac fel lesbiad sydd wedi dod allan, rwyf yn y lleiafrif yn y lle hwn o hyd, a hoffwn weld yr amrywiaeth honno'n tyfu yn y Senedd nesaf, oherwydd yn ogystal â sicrhau gwell gwleidyddiaeth, mae hefyd yn sicrhau polisïau gwell yn seiliedig ar ein profiad bywyd.
Hoffwn sôn am y pwyntiau a wnaed o ran amseru'r canllawiau, a bod pleidiau gwleidyddol naill ai wedi dechrau ar y broses o ddewis ymgeiswyr ar gyfer y Senedd fwy yn 2026 eisoes, neu'n edrych ar y broses honno. Felly, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, a gaf i ofyn a ydych chi'n ymwybodol o'r awydd sydd yno, neu pa sgyrsiau rydych chi wedi'u cael, gan bob plaid sy'n cael ei chynrychioli yn y lle hwn ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer ymrwymiad nid yn unig i gytuno mewn egwyddor, ond i roi rhan 3 o'r canllawiau ynghylch cwotâu rhywedd gwirfoddol ar waith?
Diolch yn fawr, and those are really welcome responses and points that you made in leading up to that crucial question about where we think we are going to move forward in terms of achieving gender parity in the Senedd and in the seventh Senedd elections. I think it is really important that we are looking at this from the point of evidence of under-represented groups in this Senedd. Clearly, in terms of under-represented groups, we don't reflect the population of Wales in terms of diversity. Women make up 51.1 per cent of the population of Wales, so, clearly, gender quotas and gender parity is what we should achieve for a fully representative Senedd. I think it's also important to recognise that this isn't going to change unless we have that commitment from political parties. Obviously, our different political parties are going to take this away, and the point about part 3 was to put down the guidance on voluntary gender quotas, and I hope you'll find that valuable.
I did also just—. So, we will, I'm sure, hear from our political parties, as we move through the next few weeks, questions about the implementation of gender quotas, and there'll be opportunities, obviously, with technical briefings and with our own engagement to look at that. Also, I want to look at this from an intersectional perspective in terms of the diverse women of Wales, particularly in terms of looking at gender parity and women's representation. I'm pleased to just announce that we're funding Elect Her. We've awarded funding for this financial year and I hope that will continue, with a full-time programme co-ordinator working solely in Wales. I think some of us were at the Elect Her event when women took over the Senedd last year.
Outreach activities, grass-roots organisations, the facilitation of a network of Welsh women in elected office, and the development of a series of resources and training courses as well. So, I think that will help to move things forward. But it is for political parties to consider the evidence, the guidance. It's draft, so we look forward to the response, and I would wish to publish this as soon as possible—and that's sort of responding to Sioned's question as well—after the end of the consultation period in January. But don't forget that we won't have the final, as I said, confirmation of boundaries until, probably, the end of March—it's 1 April that they have to deliver on that—but parties are already beginning their selection processes.
Diolch yn fawr, ac mae'r ymatebion a'r pwyntiau y gwnaethoch chi wrth arwain at y cwestiwn hollbwysig hwnnw ynglŷn â ble rydyn ni'n meddwl ein bod ni'n mynd i symud ymlaen o ran sicrhau cydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau yn y Senedd ac yn etholiadau'r seithfed Senedd, yn rhai i'w croesawu. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n edrych ar hyn o bwynt tystiolaeth grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol yn y Senedd hon. Yn amlwg, o ran grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol, dydyn ni ddim yn adlewyrchu poblogaeth Cymru o ran amrywiaeth. Mae menywod yn cyfrif am 51.1 y cant o boblogaeth Cymru, felly, yn amlwg, cwotâu rhywedd a chydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau yw'r hyn y dylem ni ei gyflawni ar gyfer Senedd sy'n gwbl gynrychioliadol. Rwy'n credu ei bod hefyd yn bwysig cydnabod nad yw hyn yn mynd i newid oni bai bod gennym ni'r ymrwymiad hwnnw gan bleidiau gwleidyddol. Yn amlwg, mae ein gwahanol bleidiau gwleidyddol yn mynd i fynd â hyn i ffwrdd, a'r pwynt am ran 3 oedd nodi'r canllawiau ar gwotâu rhywedd gwirfoddol, ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n fuddiol i chi.
Fe wnes i hefyd—. Felly, fe fyddwn, rwy'n siŵr, yn clywed gan ein pleidiau gwleidyddol, wrth i ni symud drwy'r wythnosau nesaf, gwestiynau ynghylch gweithredu cwotâu rhywedd, a bydd yna gyfleoedd, yn amlwg, gyda sesiynau briffio technegol a'n hymgysylltiad ein hunain i edrych ar hynny. Hefyd, rwyf am edrych ar hyn o safbwynt croestoriadol o ran menywod amrywiol Cymru, yn enwedig o ran edrych ar gydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau a chynrychiolaeth menywod. Rwy'n falch o gyhoeddi ein bod ni'n ariannu Elect Her. Rydym wedi dyfarnu cyllid ar gyfer y flwyddyn ariannol hon ac rwy'n gobeithio y bydd hynny'n parhau, gyda chydlynydd rhaglen amser llawn yn gweithio yng Nghymru yn unig. Rwy'n credu bod rhai ohonom ni yn nigwyddiad Elect Her pan gymerodd menywod y Senedd drosodd y llynedd.
Gweithgareddau allgymorth, sefydliadau llawr gwlad, hwyluso rhwydwaith o fenywod o Gymru mewn swydd etholedig, a datblygu cyfres o adnoddau a chyrsiau hyfforddi hefyd. Felly, rwy'n credu y bydd hynny'n helpu i symud pethau ymlaen. Ond mater i'r pleidiau gwleidyddol yw ystyried y dystiolaeth, y canllawiau. Rhai drafft ydyn nhw, felly edrychwn ymlaen at yr ymateb, a byddwn yn dymuno cyhoeddi hwn cyn gynted â phosib—ac mae hynny'n rhyw fath o ymateb i gwestiwn Sioned hefyd—ar ôl diwedd y cyfnod ymgynghori ym mis Ionawr. Ond cofiwch na fyddwn, fel y dywedais, yn cael y cadarnhad terfynol o ran ffiniau tan ddiwedd mis Mawrth, fwy na thebyg—mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw wneud hynny erbyn 1 Ebrill—ond mae pleidiau eisoes yn dechrau eu prosesau dethol.
There is a sizeable risk that the next Senedd will be the least gender balanced in history. That's not me saying that, that's the director of the Electoral Reform Society. So, in fact, your hope, Cabinet Secretary, that it will be more gender balanced may not be borne out. There is one political party that is not in the Senedd at the moment where there are considerable risks that we may not have women coming forward.
The evidence is clear: legislative gender quotas are the only way to achieve gender-balanced Senedds and parliaments. Back in September, I expressed my intense bitterness, sadness and upset that political expediency and party interests were prioritised over women's representation and democratic reform when it came to introducing gender quotas. Without quotas, Wales is left with a voting system that curtails choice, reduces accountability, and fails to guarantee that fair representation.
My question to you, Cabinet Secretary—and I do welcome your commitment to this area; I know that you personally are committed, but nevertheless your Government is not—is: what is your response? When in 2026 you talk about measurable outcomes and reviewing what political parties have done, can I ask you, is that going to be statutory or is it going to be voluntary, because if it's the latter, then it will hold no water whatsoever? Thank you.
Mae risg sylweddol mai'r Senedd nesaf fydd y lleiaf cytbwys o ran rhywedd mewn hanes. Nid fi sy'n dweud hynny ond cyfarwyddwr y Gymdeithas Diwygio Etholiadol. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, efallai na fydd eich gobaith chi, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, y bydd yn fwy cytbwys o ran rhywedd yn cael ei gadarnhau. Mae yna un blaid wleidyddol sydd ddim yn y Senedd ar hyn o bryd lle mae yna risgiau sylweddol na fydd gennym fenywod yn dod ymlaen o bosibl.
Mae'r dystiolaeth yn glir: cwotâu rhywedd deddfwriaethol yw'r unig ffordd o sicrhau Seneddau Cymru a seneddau'r DU sy'n gytbwys o ran rhywedd. Yn ôl ym mis Medi, fe fynegais fy chwerwder dwys, tristwch a gofid bod hwylustod gwleidyddol a buddiannau pleidiau yn cael eu blaenoriaethu dros gynrychiolaeth menywod a diwygio democrataidd o ran cyflwyno cwotâu rhywedd. Heb gwotâu, bydd Cymru'n cael ei gadael gyda system bleidleisio sy'n cwtogi ar ddewis, yn lleihau atebolrwydd, ac yn methu â gwarantu'r gynrychiolaeth deg honno.
Fy nghwestiwn i chi, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet—ac rwy'n croesawu eich ymrwymiad chi i'r maes hwn; rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi'n bersonol wedi ymrwymo, ond nid felly eich Llywodraeth—yw: beth yw eich ymateb? Pan fyddwch chi'n siarad am ganlyniadau mesuradwy ac yn adolygu'r hyn y mae pleidiau gwleidyddol wedi'i wneud yn 2026, a gaf i ofyn i chi, a fydd hynny'n statudol neu'n wirfoddol, oherwydd os mai'r olaf ydyw, yna ni fydd yn dal dŵr o gwbl? Diolch.