Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da, a chroeso, bawb, i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn inni ddechrau, dwi angen nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Cynhelir y cyfarfod hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd, ac eraill yn ymuno ar gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, ble bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Llawn yma heddiw, ac mae'r rheini wedi eu nodi ar eich agenda.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. This meeting will be held in hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference. All Members participating in proceedings of the Senedd, wherever they may be, will be treated equally. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are set out on your agenda.
Yr eitem gyntaf, felly, y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Buffy Williams.
The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from Buffy Williams.
1. Pa gymorth sydd ar gael i blant sydd wedi dioddef cam-drin a chamfanteisio rhywiol? OQ57540
1. What support is available to children who have suffered sexual abuse and exploitation? OQ57540

Llywydd, the Welsh sexual assault service is led by the NHS, working with the police, social services and specialist third sector organisations. Together they aim to prevent sexual abuse and exploitation of children, to protect child victims and to support abused children into recovery.
Llywydd, mae gwasanaeth ymosodiadau rhywiol Cymru yn cael ei arwain gan y GIG, gan weithio gyda'r heddlu, gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a sefydliadau arbenigol yn y trydydd sector. Gyda'i gilydd, eu nod yw atal cam-drin rhywiol a chamfanteisio ar blant, amddiffyn dioddefwyr sy'n blant a chynorthwyo plant sydd wedi cael eu cam-drin i wella.
Child sexual abuse has wide-reaching and long-lasting effects on physical and mental health. Children who have suffered multiple traumas may develop post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. During the first six months of 2021-22, there was a 65 per cent increase in the number of National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children child sexual abuse and exploitation referrals, compared to the same six-month period during the previous year. The Welsh Government's action plan on preventing and tackling child sexual abuse is due to conclude during the summer of this year. With the knowledge that children who receive the correct support can recover without long-term effects, we need to keep the momentum going and prioritise the availability of integrated, child-centred specialist sexual abuse services for children. The Lighthouse in north London is one successful example of the Child House model, based on the Barnahus in Iceland, and is the only multi-agency child sexual abuse and exploitation support service of its kind in the UK. Will the First Minister evaluate The Lighthouse service and, using the evidence, explore providing the same service for children in Wales?
Mae cam-drin plant yn rhywiol yn cael effeithiau pellgyrhaeddol a hirhoedlog ar iechyd corfforol a meddyliol. Gall plant sydd wedi dioddef trawma lluosog ddatblygu anhwylder straen wedi trawma, iselder a gorbryder. Yn ystod chwe mis cyntaf 2021-22, bu cynnydd o 65 y cant i nifer atgyfeiriadau cam-drin rhywiol a chamfanteisio ar blant y Gymdeithas Genedlaethol er Atal Creulondeb i Blant, o'i gymharu â'r un cyfnod o chwe mis yn ystod y flwyddyn flaenorol. Disgwylir i gynllun gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru ar atal a mynd i'r afael â cham-drin plant yn rhywiol ddod i ben yn ystod haf eleni. Gyda'r wybodaeth y gall plant sy'n cael y cymorth cywir wella heb effeithiau hirdymor, mae angen i ni gadw'r momentwm i fynd a blaenoriaethu argaeledd gwasanaethau cam-drin rhywiol arbenigol integredig sy'n canolbwyntio ar y plentyn i blant. Mae'r Lighthouse yng ngogledd Llundain yn un enghraifft lwyddiannus o fodel Tŷ Plant, yn seiliedig ar y Barnahus yng Ngwlad yr Iâ, a dyma'r unig wasanaeth cymorth cam-drin a chamfanteisio ar blant amlasiantaeth o'i fath yn y DU. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog werthuso gwasanaeth y Lighthouse a chan ddefnyddio'r dystiolaeth, ystyried darparu'r un gwasanaeth i blant yng Nghymru?

Well, Llywydd, I thank Buffy Williams for those important points and that additional question. The interim report of The Lighthouse service is available, but the final evaluation report will not be available until later in this year. We look forward, of course, to seeing what that evaluation says. The basic premise of The Lighthouse model is that it is better to bring services to children rather than children have to visit multiple locations to receive services, and clearly there's a great deal to be said for that.
Picking up a model from an intensely urban part of London—five London boroughs contribute to The Lighthouse service—and simply dropping it in Wales seems unlikely to me to be the complete answer. In the interim report, Llywydd, it said that there were, on average, 29 referrals a month from the five London boroughs into that service. In Wales, the north Wales and south Wales services between them have an average of just over 19 referrals a month, which, in effect, would mean there would be a single centre for the whole of Wales, and that wouldn't deliver the basic premise of it being more convenient for young people. So, I think, as well as learning the lessons of The Lighthouse service and its success, we have to develop a hub-and-spoke model here in Wales, where there are specialist services for children in that awful position but where there are also services closer to their own homes, able to provide the sort of assistance I outlined in my original answer.
Wel, Llywydd, diolchaf i Buffy Williams am y pwyntiau pwysig yna a'r cwestiwn ychwanegol yna. Mae adroddiad interim gwasanaeth y Lighthouse ar gael, ond ni fydd yr adroddiad gwerthuso terfynol ar gael tan yn ddiweddarach eleni. Edrychwn ymlaen, wrth gwrs, at weld beth mae'r gwerthusiad hwnnw yn ei ddweud. Cynsail sylfaenol model y Lighthouse yw ei bod hi'n well dod â gwasanaethau i blant yn hytrach na bod plant yn gorfod ymweld â nifer o leoliadau i gael gwasanaethau, ac yn amlwg mae llawer i'w ddweud dros hynny.
Mae'n ymddangos yn annhebygol i mi mai codi model o ran hynod drefol o Lundain—mae pum bwrdeistref yn Llundain yn cyfrannu at wasanaeth y Lighthouse—a'i ollwng yn syml yng Nghymru yw'r ateb cyflawn. Yn yr adroddiad interim, Llywydd, roedd yn dweud bod 29 o atgyfeiriadau y mis ar gyfartaledd o'r pum bwrdeistref yn Llundain i'r gwasanaeth hwnnw. Yng Nghymru, mae gan wasanaethau'r gogledd a'r de rhyngddyn nhw gyfartaledd o ychydig dros 19 o atgyfeiriadau'r mis, a fyddai, i bob pwrpas, yn golygu y byddai un ganolfan ar gyfer Cymru gyfan, ac ni fyddai hynny yn cyd-fynd â'r syniad sylfaenol ei fod yn fwy cyfleus i bobl ifanc. Felly, rwy'n credu, yn ogystal â dysgu gwersi gwasanaeth y Lighthouse a'i lwyddiant, bod yn rhaid i ni ddatblygu model prif ganolfan a lloerennau yma yng Nghymru, lle ceir gwasanaethau arbenigol i blant sydd yn y sefyllfa ofnadwy honno ond lle ceir gwasanaethau hefyd yn nes at eu cartrefi eu hunain, sy'n gallu darparu'r math o gymorth a amlinellais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol.
Gareth Davies.
Gareth Davies.
Diolch, Llywydd, and it's great to be back in the Chamber. First Minister, unfortunately, the support services available in Wales continue to be woefully inadequate and we are letting our victims down. And whereas we are getting better, we still have a fair way to go. Trauma support has such long waiting lists it may as well not be there. So, First Minister, do you agree that, alongside the gold standard support, we should also be putting greater efforts into prevention? Will you ensure that all children's services adopt a trauma-informed approach, like they do in Scotland?
Diolch, Llywydd, ac mae'n wych bod yn ôl yn y Siambr. Prif Weinidog, yn anffodus, mae'r gwasanaethau cymorth sydd ar gael yng Nghymru yn parhau i fod yn druenus o annigonol ac rydym ni'n siomi ein dioddefwyr. Ac er ein bod ni'n gwella, mae gennym ni gryn dipyn i'w wneud o hyd. Mae gan gymorth trawma restrau aros mor hir fel nad oes pwynt iddo fod yno bron. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n cytuno, ochr yn ochr â'r cymorth o'r radd flaenaf, y dylem ni hefyd fod yn gwneud mwy o ymdrech i atal? A wnewch chi sicrhau bod pob gwasanaeth plant yn mabwysiadu dull gweithredu ar sail trawma, fel y maen nhw yn yr Alban?

Well, Llywydd, I agree, of course, that, particularly in an area like this, it will always be much better to prevent harm from happening than to try to help children to deal with the consequences of harm. I think the Member's question would be more helpful if he relied a good deal less on assertion and provided a little more evidence to underpin what he had to say, because I heard no evidence at all in the first part of his supplementary question, just a series of unsupported assertions.
In terms of trauma-informed practice, well, of course, we have the adverse childhood incident programme, established by my former colleague Carl Sargeant, which has done so much in Wales to make sure that front-line workers in the field of child protection, but far more than that, in housing, and in health, and in other front-line services, have that trauma-informed approach to the work that they do. So, on the substantive points that the Member makes—prevention on the one hand, trauma-informed practice on the other—I agree with what he said this afternoon.
Wel, Llywydd, rwy'n cytuno, wrth gwrs, y bydd hi bob amser yn llawer gwell, yn enwedig mewn maes fel hwn, atal niwed rhag digwydd na cheisio helpu plant i ymdopi â chanlyniadau niwed. Rwy'n credu y byddai cwestiwn yr Aelod yn fwy defnyddiol pe bai'n dibynnu llawer iawn llai ar haeru ac yn rhoi ychydig mwy o dystiolaeth i ategu'r hyn yr oedd ganddo i'w ddweud, oherwydd ni chlywais unrhyw dystiolaeth o gwbl yn rhan gyntaf ei gwestiwn atodol, dim ond cyfres o haeriadau heb dystiolaeth.
O ran arferion ar sail trawma, wel, wrth gwrs, mae gennym ni'r rhaglen digwyddiadau niweidiol yn ystod plentyndod, a sefydlwyd gan fy nghyn gyd-Aelod Carl Sargeant, sydd wedi gwneud cymaint yng Nghymru i wneud yn siŵr bod gweithwyr rheng flaen ym maes amddiffyn plant, ond yn llawer mwy na hynny, ym maes tai, ac ym maes iechyd, ac mewn gwasanaethau rheng flaen eraill, yn dilyn y dull o weithredu hwnnw ar sail trawma o ymdrin â'r gwaith y maen nhw'n ei wneud. Felly, ar y pwyntiau sylweddol y mae'r Aelod yn eu gwneud—atal ar y naill law, arfer ar sail trawma ar y llaw arall—rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd y prynhawn yma.
2. Pa sgyrsiau y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch cyllid ar gyfer seilwaith rheilffyrdd yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ57560
2. What conversations has the First Minister had with the UK Government regarding funding for rail infrastructure in north Wales? OQ57560

I thank the Member for that question, Llywydd. Welsh Ministers take every opportunity to raise with the UK Government their shameful neglect of investment in rail infrastructure in north Wales.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn yna, Llywydd. Mae Gweinidogion Cymru yn manteisio ar bob cyfle i godi gyda Llywodraeth y DU eu hesgeulustod cywilyddus o fuddsoddiad mewn seilwaith rheilffyrdd yng ngogledd Cymru.
Diolch. The Tory UK Government are investing just under £100 billion in HS2 rail infrastructure. If the Barnett formula were to be applied, Wales should be entitled to the population share of 5 per cent, which is £5 billion. Scotland will receive £10 billion. But because the UK Government says that the line from London to Birmingham is going to benefit Wales, we are therefore getting nothing. On top of this, a levelling-up funding bid was made to UK Government for investment on the Wrexham-Bidston line, which is desperately needed, but, again, the UK Government failed to deliver investment, and it will take significant time and resource to apply again for the local authority. All we are asking for is that Wales be treated fairly. First Minister, people in north Wales deserve their fair share of investment in the railway network—it is essential. What can we do for this to happen? Thank you.
Diolch. Mae Llywodraeth Dorïaidd y DU yn buddsoddi ychydig o dan £100 biliwn mewn seilwaith rheilffyrdd HS2. Pe bai fformiwla Barnett yn cael ei defnyddio, dylai Cymru fod â hawl i gyfran poblogaeth o 5 y cant, sy'n £5 biliwn. Bydd yr Alban yn derbyn £10 biliwn. Ond gan fod Llywodraeth y DU yn dweud bod y rheilffordd o Lundain i Birmingham yn mynd i fod o fudd i Gymru, dydyn ni'n cael dim. Ar ben hyn, gwnaed cais i Lywodraeth y DU am gyllid codi'r gwastad i'w fuddsoddi ar reilffordd Wrecsam-Bidston, y mae ei angen yn daer, ond, eto, methodd Llywodraeth y DU â darparu buddsoddiad, a bydd yn cymryd amser ac adnoddau sylweddol i'r awdurdod lleol wneud cais eto. Y cwbl yr ydym ni'n gofyn amdano yw bod Cymru yn cael ei thrin yn deg. Prif Weinidog, mae pobl yn y gogledd yn haeddu eu cyfran deg o fuddsoddiad yn y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd—mae'n hanfodol. Beth allwn ni ei wneud i sicrhau bod hyn yn digwydd? Diolch.

Llywydd, as the Member has said, Wales is treated anything but fairly when it comes to rail investment by the UK Government. At the last comprehensive spending review, arbitrarily the Treasury reduced the comparability factor under Barnett for the transport department in England from 89 per cent to 36 per cent, meaning, as the Member has said, Wales loses out on billions of pounds' worth of investment. It is nonsensical—absolutely nonsensical—to claim that, because there is a new service from London to Birmingham, somehow that means Wales has had its fair share of that investment. The Welsh Affairs Committee in December 2020, chaired by a Conservative Member of Parliament, with a majority of Conservative Members of Parliament on that committee, concluded that HS2 should be reclassified as an England-only project. And if that were the case, then of course Wales would get the £5 billion to which Carolyn Thomas has referred. Scotland, where comparability is conceded, will have £10 billion to invest in rail infrastructure in Scotland, every penny of which is being denied here to Wales.
And all of that comes on top of a decade of neglect of investment in the infrastructure here in Wales. You've heard the figures here before—2 per cent of the railway line in Wales is electrified. Do you know how much that means, Llywydd? Twenty-two miles—22 miles of the railway in Wales is electrified. It is pathetic, and it is the direct result of broken promises by the party opposite. There are things they could do, there are things that they should do. This Welsh Government, by contrast, Llywydd, goes on investing in rail services in north Wales. This year, we will increase services on the line between Wrexham and Bidston. Next year, we will provide new services between Liverpool and Llandudno. And the year after that, there will be new services from the north to Cardiff. Where the UK Government treats Wales with contempt when it comes to rail investment, this Government goes on investing in the north and in the rest of Wales.
Llywydd, fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, mae Cymru yn cael ei thrin yn unrhyw beth ond teg o ran buddsoddiad mewn rheilffyrdd gan Lywodraeth y DU. Yn ystod yr adolygiad cynhwysfawr diwethaf o wariant, yn fympwyol, lleihaodd y Trysorlys y ffactor cymharedd o dan Barnett ar gyfer yr adran drafnidiaeth yn Lloegr o 89 y cant i 36 y cant, sy'n golygu, fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, bod Cymru ar ei cholled o werth biliynau o bunnoedd o fuddsoddiad. Mae'n hurt—yn hollol hurt—i honni, oherwydd bod gwasanaeth newydd o Lundain i Birmingham, bod hynny rywsut yn golygu bod Cymru wedi cael ei chyfran deg o'r buddsoddiad hwnnw. Daeth y Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig ym mis Rhagfyr 2020, dan gadeiryddiaeth Aelod Seneddol Ceidwadol, gyda mwyafrif o Aelodau Seneddol Ceidwadol ar y pwyllgor hwnnw, i'r casgliad y dylid ailddosbarthu HS2 fel prosiect Lloegr yn unig. A phe bai hynny'n wir, yna wrth gwrs byddai Cymru yn cael y £5 biliwn y mae Carolyn Thomas wedi cyfeirio ato. Bydd gan yr Alban, lle derbynnir cymharedd, £10 biliwn i'w fuddsoddi mewn seilwaith rheilffyrdd yn yr Alban, y mae pob ceiniog ohono yn cael ei wrthod yma i Gymru.
Ac mae hynny i gyd yn dod ar ben degawd o esgeuluso buddsoddiad yn y seilwaith yma yng Nghymru. Rydych chi wedi clywed y ffigurau yma o'r blaen—mae 2 y cant o'r rheilffordd yng Nghymru wedi'i thrydaneiddio. A ydych chi'n gwybod faint mae hynny yn ei olygu, Llywydd? Mae dwy filltir ar hugain—22 filltir o'r rheilffordd yng Nghymru wedi'i thrydaneiddio. Mae'n druenus, ac mae'n ganlyniad uniongyrchol i dorri addewidion gan y blaid gyferbyn. Mae pethau y gallen nhw eu gwneud, mae pethau y dylen nhw eu gwneud. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru, ar y llaw arall, Llywydd, yn parhau i fuddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd yn y gogledd. Eleni, byddwn yn cynyddu gwasanaethau ar y rheilffordd rhwng Wrecsam a Bidston. Y flwyddyn nesaf, byddwn yn darparu gwasanaethau newydd rhwng Lerpwl a Llandudno. A'r flwyddyn ar ôl hynny, bydd gwasanaethau newydd o'r gogledd i Gaerdydd. Tra bod Llywodraeth y DU yn trin Cymru yn ddirmygus pan ddaw i fuddsoddi yn y rheilffyrdd, mae'r Llywodraeth hon yn parhau i fuddsoddi yn y gogledd ac yng ngweddill Cymru.
First Minister, I, too, want to see more investment from both the UK and Welsh Governments in north Wales in the rail infrastructure. One of the things I would very much like to see in my own constituency is a new railway stop train station in the Towyn and Kinmel Bay area. You'll be aware of the popularity of the Towyn and Kinmel Bay area as a resort: 50,000 holiday caravan bed spaces, and many of those people have to jump off the train in Rhyl or in Abergele in order to then jump into a car to get to the place where they want to get to. Now, if we're to make this modal shift in our transport, if we're to get the carbon emissions in transport down and provide real choice for people to get to their destinations, then a new station would make a big difference in that community. There used to be one; it was closed many years ago. It's time to re-establish it and re-invigorate rail transport in my constituency.
Prif Weinidog, rwyf innau hefyd eisiau gweld mwy o fuddsoddiad gan Lywodraethau'r DU a Chymru yn y gogledd yn y seilwaith rheilffyrdd. Un o'r pethau yr hoffwn ei weld yn fawr yn fy etholaeth i yw arhosfa drenau newydd yn ardal Tywyn a Bae Cinmel. Byddwch yn ymwybodol pa mor boblogaidd yw ardal Tywyn a Bae Cinmel fel cyrchfan: 50,000 o leoedd gwely mewn carafanau gwyliau, ac mae'n rhaid i lawer o'r bobl hynny neidio oddi ar y trên yn y Rhyl neu yn Abergele er mwyn neidio i mewn i gar wedyn i gyrraedd y man lle maen nhw eisiau cyrraedd. Nawr, os ydym ni eisiau newid dulliau teithio, os ydym ni'n mynd i ostwng yr allyriadau carbon mewn trafnidiaeth a chynnig dewis gwirioneddol i bobl gyrraedd eu cyrchfannau, yna byddai gorsaf newydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr yn y gymuned honno. Roedd un ers talwm; fe'i caewyd flynyddoedd lawer yn ôl. Mae'n bryd ei hailsefydlu ac ailfywiogi trafnidiaeth rheilffyrdd yn fy etholaeth.

Well, Llywydd, I don't doubt for a moment that the Member does wish to see additional investment in services in his own constituency. The Welsh Government does have an opportunity to bid to a UK fund to re-establish stations where they were closed, and, indeed, we did get one positive result out of that programme when it was last determined: a new station in St Clears in Carmarthenshire, which, I'm afraid, I remember being opened before it was closed very many years ago. And I'll say this to the Member, that the Welsh Government would be very happy to work with him and other local interests to make the case for a station in the Towyn and Kinmel Bay area, and then we will have to put that to the UK Government and hope for the best.
Wel, Llywydd, nid wyf i'n amau am eiliad bod yr Aelod eisiau gweld buddsoddiad ychwanegol mewn gwasanaethau yn ei etholaeth ei hun. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru gyfle i wneud cais i gronfa y DU i ailsefydlu gorsafoedd lle cawsant eu cau, ac, yn wir, cawsom un canlyniad cadarnhaol allan o'r rhaglen honno pan benderfynwyd ddiwethaf: gorsaf newydd yn Sanclêr yn sir Gaerfyrddin, yr wyf i, mae arnaf ofn, yn ei chofio yn cael ei hagor cyn iddi gael ei chau flynyddoedd lawer yn ôl. A dywedaf hyn wrth yr Aelod, y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn hapus iawn i weithio gydag ef a buddiannau lleol eraill i wneud y ddadl dros orsaf yn ardal Tywyn a Bae Cinmel, ac yna bydd yn rhaid i ni gyflwyno honno i Lywodraeth y DU a gobeithio am y gorau.
First Minister, can I thank you for your answers to these important questions about rail infrastructure in north Wales? The most straightforward way to address historic underfunding would, of course, be to devolve responsibilities and appropriate funding to the Welsh Government, and we do still await UK Government funds to level up our railways in north Wales. But, First Minister, can you assure us that the Welsh Government remains keen to invest in rail services and rail facilities where and when it can, be it redundant railway stations or through support for incredibly important groups, such as the Friends of Chirk Station, the Friends of Ruabon Station in my constituency?
Prif Weinidog, a gaf i ddiolch i chi am eich atebion i'r cwestiynau pwysig hyn am seilwaith rheilffyrdd yn y gogledd? Y ffordd fwyaf syml o fynd i'r afael â thanariannu hanesyddol, wrth gwrs, fyddai datganoli cyfrifoldebau a chyllid priodol i Lywodraeth Cymru, ac rydym ni'n dal i aros am gyllid Llywodraeth y DU i wella ein rheilffyrdd yn y gogledd. Ond, Prif Weinidog, a allwch chi ein sicrhau ni bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn parhau i fod yn awyddus i fuddsoddi mewn gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd a chyfleusterau rheilffyrdd lle a phryd y gall wneud hynny, boed hynny'n orsafoedd rheilffordd segur neu drwy gymorth i grwpiau hynod bwysig, fel Cyfeillion Gorsaf y Waun, Cyfeillion Gorsaf Rhiwabon yn fy etholaeth i?

Well, Llywydd, the union connectivity review that the UK Government established concluded that devolution had been good for transport—that when the decisions were made closer to where they would have their impact, better decisions were made. The report underlines the case that successive Welsh Governments have made for the devolution of responsibility in rail to the Senedd, accompanied though, as Ken Skates has said, by the funding that needs to go alongside that responsibility. Of course, the Welsh Government is keen to go on investing in the way that Ken Skates has outlined, Llywydd. I've had the opportunity to visit with him Ruabon station and to see the fantastic work that the friends of the station do there in maintaining it and making it such an attractive place to visit. For Transport for Wales, further improvements at Ruabon remain a priority: a new ticket vending machine, smartcard ticketing solutions to make sure that the station can be used as frequently as possible, both because it contributes to our active travel agenda and because it is a gateway to the tourism industry in that part of Wales with everything that it has to offer.
Wel, Llywydd, daeth yr adolygiad cysylltedd yr undeb a sefydlwyd gan Lywodraeth y DU i'r casgliad bod datganoli wedi bod yn dda i drafnidiaeth—pan wnaed y penderfyniadau yn nes at ble y bydden nhw'n cael eu heffaith, gwnaed penderfyniadau gwell. Mae'r adroddiad yn tanlinellu'r ddadl y mae Llywodraethau Cymru olynol wedi ei gwneud dros ddatganoli cyfrifoldeb dros reilffyrdd i'r Senedd, ynghyd fodd bynnag, fel y dywedodd Ken Skates, â'r cyllid y mae angen iddo fynd ochr yn ochr â'r cyfrifoldeb hwnnw. Wrth gwrs, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn awyddus i barhau i fuddsoddi yn y ffordd y mae Ken Skates wedi'i hamlinellu, Llywydd. Rwyf i wedi cael cyfle i ymweld â gorsaf Rhiwabon gydag ef ac i weld y gwaith gwych y mae cyfeillion yr orsaf yn ei wneud yno i'w chynnal a'i gwneud yn lle mor ddeniadol i ymweld ag ef. I Trafnidiaeth Cymru, mae gwelliannau pellach yn Rhiwabon yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth: peiriant gwerthu tocynnau newydd, atebion tocynnau cerdyn clyfar i wneud yn siŵr y gellir defnyddio'r orsaf mor aml â phosibl, oherwydd ei bod yn cyfrannu at ein hagenda teithio llesol ac oherwydd ei bod yn borth i'r diwydiant twristiaeth yn y rhan honno o Gymru gyda phopeth sydd ganddi i'w gynnig.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd y Ceidwadwyr, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Questions now from the party leaders. The leader of the Welsh Conservatives, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. First Minister, last month, numerous media outlets reported the discovery of the coal tip campaigner's damning document from 2014, which suggested that the Welsh Government at the time was prioritising the economy over safety where funding work would make a big difference to coal tips in the Valleys. This document says that the funding to reclaim coal tips was unlikely to be provided by Labour Ministers unless there was a business case. Specifically, it identifies Tylorstown tip, which was involved in a dangerous landslide in the devastating wake of storm Dennis in 2020, as one with stability issues for which there was no funding. You were obviously not the First Minister during this period, but you were of course a member of the Government. Do you regret the decision and the way this was handled by the Government at the time, First Minister?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, y mis diwethaf, adroddodd nifer o gwmnïau cyfryngau am ddarganfyddiad dogfen ddamniol yr ymgyrchydd tomen lo o 2014, a oedd yn awgrymu bod Llywodraeth Cymru ar y pryd yn blaenoriaethu'r economi dros ddiogelwch lle byddai ariannu gwaith yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr i domenni glo yn y Cymoedd. Mae'r ddogfen hon yn dweud bod y cyllid i adfer tomenni glo yn annhebygol o gael ei ddarparu gan Weinidogion Llafur oni bai fod achos busnes. Yn benodol, mae'n nodi tomen Tylorstown, lle bu tirlithriad peryglus yn sgil storm Dennis yn 2020, fel un â phroblemau sefydlogrwydd nad oedd cyllid ar eu cyfer. Mae'n amlwg nad chi oedd y Prif Weinidog yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, ond roeddech chi wrth gwrs yn aelod o'r Llywodraeth. A ydych chi'n gresynu at y penderfyniad a'r ffordd yr ymdriniwyd â hyn gan y Llywodraeth ar y pryd, Prif Weinidog?

Llywydd, there was no such decision.
Llywydd, nid oedd unrhyw benderfyniad o'r fath.
Well, there's an awful lot of politics being played by your Government in particular when it comes to funding and the safety of coal tips, First Minister, but the responsibility is devolved. It was actually your party in the original devolution settlement that devolved this responsibility, albeit I do accept that there are issues around legacy. Nevertheless, this could be funded and resolved by now.
The funding for the airport, for example, could have been used on coal tips, some £200 million plus. That is money that you chose to put into another project that could have been used to make coal tips safe in the Valleys. So, First Minister, given the substantial increase—. I can see you laughing, First Minister, but there are many communities in the Valleys who look at this as a nightmare situation for them and cannot sleep at night. So, you might chuckle, standing in this Chamber, First Minister, but it's not a laughing matter. You have the responsibility—
Wel, mae llawer iawn o wleidyddiaeth yn cael ei chwarae gan eich Llywodraeth yn enwedig pan ddaw i ariannu a diogelwch tomenni glo, Prif Weinidog, ond mae'r cyfrifoldeb wedi'i ddatganoli. Eich plaid chi wnaeth ddatganoli'r cyfrifoldeb hwn yn y setliad datganoli gwreiddiol mewn gwirionedd, er fy mod i'n derbyn bod materion yn ymwneud ag etifeddiaeth. Serch hynny, gellid fod wedi ariannu a datrys hyn erbyn hyn.
Gellid fod wedi defnyddio'r cyllid ar gyfer y maes awyr, er enghraifft, ar domenni glo, tua £200 miliwn a mwy. Mae hwnnw yn arian y gwnaethoch chi ddewis ei roi mewn prosiect arall y gellid bod wedi ei ddefnyddio i wneud tomenni glo yn ddiogel yn y Cymoedd. Felly, Prif Weinidog, o ystyried y cynnydd sylweddol—. Rwy'n gallu eich gweld chi'n chwerthin, Prif Weinidog, ond mae llawer o gymunedau yn y Cymoedd sy'n edrych ar hyn fel sefyllfa hunllefus iddyn nhw ac sydd ddim yn gallu cysgu'r nos. Felly, efallai eich bod yn chwerthin, yn sefyll yn y Siambr hon, Prif Weinidog, ond nid yw'n fater i chwerthin yn ei gylch. Mae gennych chi'r cyfrifoldeb—

Just get on with the question.
Ewch ymlaen â'r cwestiwn.
Well, there's no need to bite back, First Minister. You have the responsibility. You have the responsibility, you had the money and you had the choice to do it. Why haven't you done it?
Wel, nid oes angen brathu yn ôl, Prif Weinidog. Chi sydd 'r cyfrifoldeb. Chi sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb, roedd yr arian gennych chi ac fe gawsoch chi'r dewis i'w wneud. Pam nad ydych chi wedi ei wneud?

Well, Llywydd, what the Member has to say is absurd. He starts off with an accusation that turns out not to be true at all. There was never a funding application turned down by the Welsh Government because a funding application was never made. So, that's the first piece of nonsense that we should lay to rest this afternoon.
Then, the absurd suggestion that investment in the airport in Cardiff—and, of course, an investment that his party has always opposed, never interested in making sure that there is that essential piece of infrastructure for our nation available to us—that that could somehow have been diverted to coal tip safety.
Let me reply to his original point. The programme that he referred to was a programme set up under a Conservative Government in the 1980s, it was run by the Welsh Development Agency and it depended upon a business case. Well, fancy that, before you spend public money, you need a business case; £4.5 billion-worth, of course, of fraud leading to the resignation of a Tory Minister in London, without a business case in sight. We understand the way that his party goes about these responsibilities. Here in Wales, if you're spending public money, of course you would expect there to be a business case.
The truth of the matter as far as coal tip safety in Wales is concerned is this, Llywydd, that the standards that were required in the 1980s and 1990s are no longer suitable in an era of climate change. We've seen over the last two winters the effect of extreme weather events in Valleys communities. The UK Government has a responsibility to put right the legacy that we have seen here in Wales and they have refused to provide a single penny piece. That is the truth of the matter. No nonsense about airport money being spent of coal tip remediation will disguise the fact that the responsibility for putting right the legacy that we see in Wales—with all the history that we have here in Wales, with all the fear that that engenders in Valleys communities—relies on a UK Conservative Government, and the answer they give is, 'There's not a penny piece to help.'
Wel, Llywydd, mae'r hyn sydd gan yr Aelod i'w ddweud yn hurt. Mae'n dechrau gyda chyhuddiad nad yw'n wir o gwbl. Ni chafodd cais am gyllid ei wrthod gan Lywodraeth Cymru erioed gan na wnaed cais am gyllid erioed. Felly, dyna'r darn cyntaf o nonsens y dylem ni ei roi o'r neilltu y prynhawn yma.
Yna, yr awgrym hurt y gallai buddsoddiad yn y maes awyr yng Nghaerdydd—ac, wrth gwrs, buddsoddiad y mae ei blaid wedi ei wrthwynebu erioed, heb ddiddordeb erioed mewn gwneud yn siŵr bod y darn hanfodol hwnnw o seilwaith ar gyfer ein cenedl ar gael i ni—y gellid fod wedi dargyfeirio hwnnw rywsut i ddiogelu tomenni glo.
Gadewch i mi ymateb i'w bwynt gwreiddiol. Roedd y rhaglen y cyfeiriodd ati yn rhaglen a sefydlwyd o dan Lywodraeth Geidwadol yn y 1980au, fe'i rhedwyd gan Awdurdod Datblygu Cymru ac roedd yn dibynnu ar achos busnes. Wel, glywsoch chi'r fath beth, cyn i chi wario arian cyhoeddus, mae angen achos busnes arnoch chi; gwerth £4.5 biliwn, wrth gwrs, o dwyll yn arwain at ymddiswyddiad Gweinidog Torïaidd yn Llundain, heb achos busnes i'w weld yn unman. Rydym ni'n deall y ffordd y mae ei blaid yn mynd i'r afael â'r cyfrifoldebau hyn. Yma yng Nghymru, os ydych chi'n gwario arian cyhoeddus, wrth gwrs y byddech chi'n disgwyl cael achos busnes.
Y gwir amdani o ran diogelwch tomenni glo yng Nghymru yw hyn, Llywydd, nad yw'r safonau a oedd yn ofynnol yn y 1980au a'r 1990au bellach yn addas yn ystod oes y newid hinsawdd. Rydym ni wedi gweld dros y ddau aeaf diwethaf effaith digwyddiadau tywydd eithafol yng nghymunedau'r Cymoedd. Mae gan Lywodraeth y DU gyfrifoldeb i unioni'r etifeddiaeth yr ydym ni wedi ei gweld yma yng Nghymru ac maen nhw wedi gwrthod darparu un darn ceiniog. Dyna'r gwir amdani. Ni fydd unrhyw nonsens am wario arian maes awyr ar adfer tomenni glo yn celu'r ffaith bod y cyfrifoldeb am unioni'r etifeddiaeth yr ydym ni'n ei gweld yng Nghymru—gyda'r holl hanes sydd gennym ni yma yng Nghymru, gyda'r holl ofn y mae hynny yn ei achosi yng nghymunedau'r Cymoedd—yn dibynnu ar Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU, a'r ateb y maen nhw'n ei roi yw, 'Does dim darn ceiniog i helpu.'
You know full well that the UK Government have made money available for coal tip restoration, First Minister, so you've misled the Assembly there by saying 'not a penny piece' has been made available. But I would say to you, First Minister, when you talk about business cases, the business case for taking over the airport didn't prove very sound, did it? But, you've invested nearly £200 million in the airport, and continue to have to bail it out, time and time again. That would have been a significant down-payment on making coal tips safe across the Valleys communities.
Now, I'm prepared to work with you, First Minister, on this to make sure that communities the length and breadth of the Valleys can sleep easy at night and have those tips made safe by working with colleagues at both ends of the M4. But, to date, you have not brought a timetable forward and you have not lived up to your responsibilities. So, will you commit to working with me to make sure that we can put a timetable in place, so that communities that your backbenchers represent can have that safety and that confidence that the Government here is working in their best interest? Because it is your responsibility. That was part of the devolution settlement and the choices you made have not made that money available to make coal tips safe here in Wales, First Minister.
Rydych chi'n gwybod yn iawn fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi sicrhau bod arian ar gael ar gyfer adfer tomenni glo, Prif Weinidog, felly rydych chi wedi camarwain y Cynulliad yn y fan yna drwy ddweud bod 'dim darn ceiniog' ar gael. Ond byddwn yn dweud wrthych chi, Prif Weinidog, pan fyddwch chi'n sôn am achosion busnes, nad oedd yr achos busnes dros gymryd y maes awyr drosodd yn gadarn iawn, oedd e'? Ond, rydych chi wedi buddsoddi bron i £200 miliwn yn y maes awyr, ac yn parhau i orfod ei achub, dro ar ôl tro. Byddai hynny wedi bod yn flaendal sylweddol i wneud tomenni glo yn ddiogel ar draws cymunedau'r Cymoedd.
Nawr, rwy'n barod i weithio gyda chi, Prif Weinidog, ar hyn i wneud yn siŵr fod cymunedau ar hyd a lled y Cymoedd yn gallu cysgu'n dawel yn y nos a chael gwneud y tomenni hynny yn ddiogel drwy weithio gyda chydweithwyr ar ddau ben yr M4. Ond, hyd yma, nid ydych chi wedi cyflwyno amserlen ac nid ydych chi wedi cyflawni eich cyfrifoldebau. Felly, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i weithio gyda mi i wneud yn siŵr y gallwn ni roi amserlen ar waith, fel y gall cymunedau y mae aelodau eich meinciau cefn yn eu cynrychioli gael y diogelwch hwnnw a'r hyder hwnnw bod y Llywodraeth yma yn gweithio er eu budd pennaf? Oherwydd eich cyfrifoldeb chi yw hyn. Roedd hynny yn rhan o'r setliad datganoli ac nid yw'r dewisiadau a wnaed gennych chi wedi sicrhau bod yr arian hwnnw ar gael i wneud tomenni glo yn ddiogel yma yng Nghymru, Prif Weinidog.

Llywydd, there is a timetable in place, it's the timetable drawn up by the non-devolved Coal Authority, acting under the direction of the committee that I jointly chair with the Secretary of State for Wales. I don't need any lessons from the leader of the opposition here about working with others when I co-chair the group with the Secretary of State that has overseen this work. We have funded, however, not the UK Government, we have funded the extra work of the Coal Authority, and the Coal Authority tell us that the timetable is a 10-year timetable, that it will require between £500 million and £600 million over that period in order to carry out the remediation of coal tips in Wales, where the current standards are not fit for an era where climate change produces the sorts of impacts that we have seen in Tylorstown and in other parts of Valleys communities in the last two years.
So, the timetable is there. The work that's needed is there. What we lack is a single penny towards it. Now, the Member says I mislead the Senedd, which I don't take very kindly to, Llywydd, because I can tell you that I did not do anything of the sort. The money that we have received from the UK Government was to help with the emergency work that was necessary in Tylorstown. It is not a penny piece towards that long-term programme that the Coal Authority has recommended is necessary here in Wales. When the UK Government comes to the table to help Welsh communities, they will find a willing partner. In the meantime, this Senedd will have to find that money because I will not see coal communities go without the remediation that they require, and that money will have to come from money that otherwise is provided to us for schools, for hospitals, for transport infrastructure and all the other things that are devolved to this Senedd. And that's the solution that his Government, in the letters that they write to me, proposes that we should implement.
Llywydd, mae amserlen ar waith, sef yr amserlen a luniwyd gan yr Awdurdod Glo sydd heb ei ddatganoli, yn gweithredu o dan gyfarwyddyd y pwyllgor yr wyf i'n ei gadeirio ar y cyd ag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru. Nid oes angen unrhyw wersi arnaf i gan arweinydd yr wrthblaid yma am weithio gydag eraill pan fyddaf i'n cyd-gadeirio'r grŵp gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol sydd wedi goruchwylio'r gwaith hwn. Rydym ni wedi ariannu, fodd bynnag, nid Llywodraeth y DU, rydym ni wedi ariannu gwaith ychwanegol yr Awdurdod Glo, ac mae'r Awdurdod Glo yn dweud wrthym ni mai amserlen 10 mlynedd yw'r amserlen, y bydd angen rhwng £500 miliwn a £600 miliwn dros y cyfnod hwnnw er mwyn adfer tomenni glo yng Nghymru, lle nad yw'r safonau presennol yn addas ar gyfer oes lle mae'r newid hinsawdd yn achosi'r mathau o effeithiau yr ydym ni wedi eu gweld yn Nhylorstown ac mewn rhannau eraill o gymunedau'r Cymoedd yn ystod y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf.
Felly, mae'r amserlen yno. Mae'r gwaith sydd ei angen yno. Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n brin ohono yw yr un geiniog tuag ato. Nawr, mae'r Aelod yn dweud fy mod i wedi camarwain y Senedd, nad wyf i'n hapus iawn yn ei gylch, Llywydd, oherwydd gallaf ddweud wrthych na wnes i ddim o'r fath beth. Roedd yr arian a gawsom ni gan Lywodraeth y DU i helpu gyda'r gwaith brys a oedd yn angenrheidiol yn Nhylorstown. Nid yw'n ddarn ceiniog tuag at y rhaglen hirdymor honno y mae'r Awdurdod Glo wedi ei hargymell sy'n angenrheidiol yma yng Nghymru. Pan ddaw Llywodraeth y DU at y bwrdd i helpu cymunedau Cymru, byddan nhw'n canfod partner parod. Yn y cyfamser, bydd yn rhaid i'r Senedd hon ddod o hyd i'r arian hwnnw oherwydd nid wyf i'n fodlon i gymunedau glo fynd heb y gwaith adfer sydd ei angen arnyn nhw, a bydd yn rhaid i'r arian hwnnw ddod o arian a ddarperir fel arall i ni ar gyfer ysgolion, ar gyfer ysbytai, ar gyfer seilwaith trafnidiaeth a'r holl bethau eraill sydd wedi'u datganoli i'r Senedd hon. A dyna'r ateb y mae ei Lywodraeth ef, yn y llythyrau y maen nhw'n eu hysgrifennu ataf i, yn cynnig y dylem ni ei weithredu.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.
Leader of Plaid Cymru, Adam Price.

Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, nos Iau wythnos diwethaf, bues i mewn cyfarfod cyhoeddus yn fy etholaeth a alwyd yn sgil prynu fferm leol, Frongoch, gan gronfa fuddsoddi Foresight er mwyn plannu coed ac ennill credydau carbon. Mi oedd yna deulu ifanc yno oedd wedi gwneud cynnig i brynu'r fferm a ffermio'r tir nes bod Foresight wedi cynnig swm sylweddol yn fwy. Mae'n wir flin gen i orfod dweud hyn, Prif Weinidog, ond nid pantomeim yw hi pan fod cymuned gyfan yn cael ei 'gazump-io', ond trasiedi. Mi oedd angerdd yn y cyfarfod hwn a geiriau enwog Gwenallt am bentref gerllaw yn adleisio,
'Ac erbyn hyn nid oes yno ond coed... / Coed lle y bu cymdogaeth, / Fforest lle bu ffermydd'.
Mae Undeb Amaethwyr Cymru a'r NFU y bore yma wedi darparu gwybodaeth i ni sydd yn awgrymu bod hyn yn digwydd ar raddfa sylweddol, yn arbennig yn sir Gaerfyrddin, Ceredigion a Phowys. Ydy'r Llywodraeth yn foldon adolygu'r wybodaeth yma ar fyrder i ganfod gwir faint y broblem?
Thank you, Llywydd. First Minister, on Thursday evening last week I attended a public meeting in my constituency called in light of the purchase of the local Frongoch farm by the Foresight investment fund in order to plant trees and gain carbon credits. There was a young family there who had made a proposal to purchase the farm and to farm the land, until Foresight offered a substantially higher sum for the land. And I'm sorry to have to say this, First Minister, but it's not a pantomime when a whole community is gazumped; it is a tragedy. There was passion in this meeting and the famous words of Gwenallt about a nearby village echoed the meeting,
And now there is nothing there but trees... / Trees where there was community, / A forest where there were farms.
The Farmers Union of Wales and the NFU have this morning provided us with information that does suggest that this is happening at a substantial scale, particularly in Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys. Is the Government willing to review this information as a matter of urgency in order to find the real scale of the problem?

Wel, wrth gwrs, Llywydd, unrhyw wybodaeth sy'n helpu ni i weld maint y broblem, bydd hwnna yn ddefnyddiol. Mae'r wybodaeth sydd gen i yn mynd fel hyn:
Well, of course, Llywydd, any information that helps us to see the scale of the problem will be helpful. The information that I have goes like this:
In the first 10 windows of the Glastir woodland creation scheme, there were 1,121 beneficiaries. Thirty five of those had addresses outside Wales, and amongst those 35 are organisations like the Woodland Trust. Now, if there is further information that is available through the farming unions, then of course that would be very helpful, and I look forward to receiving it.
Yn ystod 10 ffenestr gyntaf cynllun creu coetir Glastir, roedd 1,121 o fuddiolwyr. Roedd gan 35 o'r rheini gyfeiriadau y tu allan i Gymru, ac ymhlith y 35 hynny mae sefydliadau fel Coed Cadw. Nawr, os oes rhagor o wybodaeth sydd ar gael drwy'r undebau ffermio, yna wrth gwrs byddai hynny yn ddefnyddiol iawn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at ei gael.
Ddwy flynedd yn ôl, cyhoeddodd yr Athro John Healey a'i dîm yn ysgol gwyddorau coedwig Prifysgol Bangor adroddiad oedd wedi ei gomisiynu gennych fel Llywodraeth, a oedd yn gosod mas dwy senario o berchnogaeth bosibl ar gyfer dyfodol coedwigaeth yng Nghymru. Senario 1, ac fe ddyfynnaf i yn Saesneg:
Two years ago, Professor John Healey and his team at the school of forest sciences in Bangor University published a report commissioned by you as a Government, which set out two scenarios of possible ownership for the future of forestry in Wales. The first scenario, and I will quote in English:
'transfer of larger land units...from agriculture to forestry...through the sale of whole agricultural land holdings...to forestry investors. This may cause concerns of loss agricultural cultural values and sub-optimal use of land resources'.
'trosglwyddo unedau tir mwy...o amaethyddiaeth i goedwigaeth...drwy werthu daliadau tir amaethyddol cyfan...i fuddsoddwyr coedwigaeth. Gall hyn achosi pryderon ynghylch colli gwerthoedd diwylliannol amaethyddol a'r defnydd is-optimaidd o adnoddau tir'.
A senario 2:
And the second scenario:
'smaller forest blocks within continuing agricultural land holdings as part of a strategy towards diversification of income streams for farm holdings. Such smaller and more isolated woodland patches may also have advantages for reducing risk of tree pathogen infection'
'capitalise on and enhance existing social capital in the farming sector, through co-operative management'.
'blociau coedwig llai o fewn daliadau tir amaethyddol parhaus yn rhan o strategaeth tuag at arallgyfeirio ffrydiau incwm ar gyfer daliadau fferm. Gall lleiniau coetir llai a mwy ynysig o'r fath hefyd fod â manteision o ran lleihau'r risg o haint pathogen coed.'
'manteisio ar gyfalaf cymdeithasol presennol yn y sector ffermio a'i wella, drwy reoli cydweithredol'.
Ydy Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod i ymrwymo i gefnogi'r ail fodel a gwrthwynebu'r cyntaf?
Is the Welsh Government willing to commit to support the second model and to oppose the first?

Wel, dwi'n meddwl, Llywydd, fod hanes beth rŷn ni wedi'i wneud dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn dangos mai'r ail awgrym yw'r un rŷn ni wedi mynd ati i'w wneud. Beth rŷn ni eisiau ei weld yw ffermwyr Cymreig yn arwain y ffordd, ffermwyr Cymreig yn plannu coedwig a pherchnogaeth yn aros yn lleol.
Well, I think, Llywydd, that the history of what we've done over recent years shows that the second suggestion is the one that we have pursued. What we want to see is Welsh farmers leading the way, Welsh farmers planting trees and ownership remaining local.
If every farmer in Wales were to plant 25 hectares of woodland, so, not the first solution that the Member—. Sorry, 5 hectares of woodland, I beg your pardon. If every farmer planted 5 hectares of woodland—mixed woodland, broadleaved woodland for carbon capture and productive woodland for house building here in Wales—we'd be well on our way to reaching the targets that we have to reach here in Wales because of climate change, while keeping wealth and control local. That would be exactly the sort of pattern that the Welsh Government would wish to see in future.
Pe bai pob ffermwr yng Nghymru yn plannu 25 hectar o goetir, felly, nid yr ateb cyntaf y mae'r Aelod—. Mae'n ddrwg gen i, 5 hectar o goetir, mae'n flin gen i. Pe bai pob ffermwr yn plannu 5 hectar o goetir—coetir cymysg, coetir llydanddail ar gyfer dal carbon a choetir cynhyrchiol ar gyfer adeiladu tai yma yng Nghymru—byddem ni ymhell ar ein ffordd i gyrraedd y targedau y mae'n rhaid i ni eu cyrraedd yma yng Nghymru oherwydd y newid hinsawdd, gan gadw cyfoeth a rheolaeth yn lleol. Dyna'r union fath o batrwm y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn dymuno ei weld yn y dyfodol.
Carbon asset stripping is a global phenomenon. Just before Christmas, the Australian Government proposed a ministerial veto on woodland carbon-credit developments over 15 hectares or where they make up more than a third of a farm. Are you prepared to consider amending the planning system or introducing a social and linguistic dimension to the impact assessment process to prevent conifer and spruce doing to our agricultural communities what second homes have done to our coastal ones?
The lesson of the second homes experience is that you cannot afford to wait. Once the agricultural land is lost, it will never come back. Once the carbon credits, so vital in our own journey to net zero, are extracted from Wales, they will never return. Will you examine urgently the proposal, again in a Welsh Government-commissioned report from 2014, of a Welsh carbon credit market, which would mean that credits generated by Welsh forestry could only ever be utilised by entities based in Wales?
Mae stripio asedau carbon yn ffenomen fyd-eang. Ychydig cyn y Nadolig, cynigiodd Llywodraeth Awstralia feto weinidogol ar ddatblygiadau credyd carbon coetir dros 15 hectar neu lle maen nhw'n ffurfio mwy na thraean o fferm. A ydych chi'n barod i ystyried diwygio'r system gynllunio neu gyflwyno dimensiwn cymdeithasol ac ieithyddol i'r broses asesu effaith i atal conwydd a sbriws rhag gwneud i'n cymunedau amaethyddol yr hyn y mae ail gartrefi wedi ei wneud i'n rhai arfordirol?
Gwers y profiad ail gartrefi yw na allwch chi fforddio aros. Ar ôl i'r tir amaethyddol gael ei golli, ni fydd byth yn dod yn ôl. Ar ôl i'r credydau carbon, sydd mor hanfodol yn ein taith ein hunain i sero net, yn cael eu tynnu o Gymru, ni fyddan nhw byth yn dychwelyd. A wnewch chi archwilio ar frys y cynnig, eto mewn adroddiad a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru o 2014, o farchnad credyd carbon yng Nghymru, a fyddai'n golygu mai dim ond endidau sydd wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru fyddai'n gallu defnyddio credydau a gynhyrchir gan goedwigaeth yng Nghymru?

Llywydd, I know that Adam Price will know that the Minister responsible has already established an expert group of people to help us to see how we can bring further investment into woodland creation in Wales in a way that does not lead to the sorts of damage that he identified, and he'll know that that group has many interests represented on it—Llais y Goedwig, Woodknowledge Wales, as well as experts like Professor Karel Williams of Manchester University.
That group has provided its recommendations to the Welsh Government, and it has a series of proposals that Ministers were discussing only last week: to reduce payment rates in the new woodland creation scheme for non-farmers, for example, to make sure that the money goes to people who are active farmers on the land here in Wales; the option of reducing payments in the new woodland creation scheme for people getting carbon credits, to deal with the point that the Member raised; and work to define less productive woodland, so that there is a future for Welsh farming in which it makes its contribution, through tree planting, to dealing with climate change, but does not intrude on land that could be used for productive, commercially saleable food production as well.
Now, that report does not recommend changes to the planning system, believing that it would be an ineffective way of dealing with the issues that the report was asked to respond to. But Ministers will take that forward, together with other ideas that are available from other sources, in order, as I said, to make sure that what we achieve here in Wales is tree planting on the scale that the Climate Change Committee recommends to us. The Climate Change Committee says that we must plant 86 million trees in Wales over the next decade, if we are to achieve net zero not by 2035 but by 2050. If we're to do that, we can only do it with the enthusiastic support of Welsh agriculture. In order to do that and to keep the support of communities of the sort that the Member referred to—and I was interested to hear about his meeting with local people in the Cwrt-y-cadno area—of course we have to make sure that we have that investment in a way that is owned locally. And I don't mean just physically owned, I mean owned in the sense of people wanting to support it as well, because that is the way in which we will be able to make sure that we meet our climate change ambitions without doing harm to local communities and the future of Welsh farming.
Llywydd, gwn y bydd Adam Price yn gwybod bod y Gweinidog sy'n gyfrifol eisoes wedi sefydlu grŵp arbenigol o bobl i'n helpu i weld sut y gallwn ni ddod â buddsoddiad pellach i greu coetiroedd yng Nghymru mewn ffordd nad yw'n arwain at y mathau o ddifrod a nododd, a bydd yn gwybod bod gan y grŵp hwnnw lawer o fuddiannau wedi'u cynrychioli ynddo—Llais y Goedwig, Woodknowledge Wales, yn ogystal ag arbenigwyr fel yr Athro Karel Williams o Brifysgol Manceinion.
Mae'r grŵp hwnnw wedi cyflwyno ei argymhellion i Lywodraeth Cymru, ac mae ganddo gyfres o gynigion yr oedd Gweinidogion yn eu trafod dim ond yr wythnos diwethaf: lleihau cyfraddau talu yn y cynllun creu coetir newydd i bobl nad ydynt yn ffermwyr, er enghraifft, i wneud yn siŵr bod yr arian yn mynd i bobl sy'n ffermwyr gweithgar ar y tir yma yng Nghymru; y dewis o leihau taliadau yn y cynllun creu coetir newydd i bobl sy'n cael credydau carbon, i ymdrin â'r pwynt a godwyd gan yr Aelod; a gweithio i ddiffinio coetir llai cynhyrchiol, fel bod dyfodol i ffermio yng Nghymru lle mae'n gwneud ei gyfraniad, drwy blannu coed, i ymdrin â'r newid hinsawdd, ond nad yw'n ymwthio ar dir y gellid ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer cynhyrchu bwyd cynhyrchiol, y gellir ei werthu yn fasnachol hefyd.
Nawr, nid yw'r adroddiad hwnnw yn argymell newidiadau i'r system gynllunio, gan gredu y byddai'n ffordd aneffeithiol o ymdrin â'r materion y gofynnwyd i'r adroddiad ymateb iddyn nhw. Ond bydd Gweinidogion yn bwrw ymlaen â hynny, ynghyd â syniadau eraill sydd ar gael o ffynonellau eraill, er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr, fel y dywedais, mai'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei gyflawni yma yng Nghymru yw plannu coed ar y raddfa y mae'r Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd yn ei hargymell i ni. Mae'r Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd yn dweud bod yn rhaid i ni blannu 86 miliwn o goed yng Nghymru dros y degawd nesaf, os ydym ni'n mynd i sicrhau sero net, nid erbyn 2035 ond erbyn 2050. Os ydym ni'n mynd i wneud hynny, gallwn ei wneud dim ond gyda chefnogaeth frwd maes amaethyddiaeth Cymru. Er mwyn gwneud hynny a chadw cefnogaeth cymunedau o'r math y cyfeiriodd yr Aelod atyn nhw—ac roedd yn ddiddorol clywed am ei gyfarfod â phobl leol yn ardal Cwrt-y-cadno—wrth gwrs mae'n rhaid i ni wneud yn siŵr bod gennym ni'r buddsoddiad hwnnw mewn ffordd sy'n mewn perchnogaeth leol. Ac nid wyf i'n golygu perchnogaeth ffisegol yn unig, rwy'n golygu perchnogaeth yn yr ystyr o bobl eisiau ei gefnogi hefyd, oherwydd dyna'r ffordd y byddwn ni'n gallu gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n cyflawni ein huchelgeisiau newid hinsawdd heb wneud niwed i gymunedau lleol a dyfodol ffermio yng Nghymru.
3. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am restrau aros orthopedig yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys? OQ57538
3. Will the First Minister provide an update on orthopaedic waiting lists in the Powys Teaching Health Board area? OQ57538

Llywydd, 4,433 Powys residents are waiting for orthopaedic treatment, of whom 2,532, or 57 per cent, are waiting for treatment in England. The number of Powys residents waiting over 36 weeks for orthopaedic treatment fell by 16 per cent between November 2020 and November 2021.
Llywydd, mae 4,433 o drigolion Powys yn aros am driniaeth orthopedig, ac mae 2,532, neu 57 y cant ohonyn nhw, yn aros am driniaeth yn Lloegr. Gostyngodd nifer trigolion Powys a oedd yn aros dros 36 wythnos am driniaeth orthopedig 16 y cant rhwng mis Tachwedd 2020 a mis Tachwedd 2021.
Diolch, First Minister. The number of people waiting for orthopaedic operations or assessments is increasing—the data is there—in the Powys Teaching Health Board area. This isn't just a Wales issue, this is a UK issue, with people waiting for operations. People are now living in day-to-day pain. A UK study found that 71 per cent of older people waiting for treatment said that their health had got worse during the pandemic. Many people are losing out on their lives and they're taking out private loans so they can access treatment in the private sector. I've been speaking to medical professionals across the NHS who believe that we need to look at having two specialist hospitals, one in south Wales and one in north Wales, that solely focus on orthopaedic care and rehabilitation, because the current model of every hospital doing everything is simply not working with the massive demands on surgery space. So, First Minister, would you consider looking at this model to get orthopaedic waiting lists down, so we can give those people in pain in Powys and right across the rest of Wales some hope and some light at the end of the tunnel? Diolch, Llywydd.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Mae nifer y bobl sy'n aros am lawdriniaethau neu asesiadau orthopedig yn cynyddu—mae'r data yno—yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Addysgu Powys. Nid problem i Gymru yn unig yw hon, mae hon yn broblem i'r DU, gyda phobl yn aros am lawdriniaethau. Mae pobl bellach yn byw mewn poen o ddydd i ddydd. Canfu astudiaeth yn y DU fod 71 y cant o bobl hŷn a oedd yn aros am driniaeth yn dweud bod eu hiechyd wedi gwaethygu yn ystod y pandemig. Mae llawer o bobl ar eu colled yn eu bywydau ac maen nhw'n cymryd benthyciadau preifat fel y gallan nhw gael triniaeth yn y sector preifat. Rwyf i wedi bod yn siarad â gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol ar draws y GIG sydd o'r farn bod angen i ni ystyried cael dau ysbyty arbenigol, un yn y de ac un yn y gogledd, sy'n canolbwyntio'n llwyr ar ofal orthopedig ac adsefydlu, oherwydd nid yw'r model presennol o bob ysbyty yn gwneud popeth yn gweithio gyda'r gofynion enfawr ar le llawdriniaeth. Felly, Prif Weinidog, a wnewch chi ystyried edrych ar y model hwn i leihau rhestrau aros orthopedig, fel y gallwn ni roi rhywfaint o obaith a rhywfaint o oleuni i'r bobl hynny sydd mewn poen ym Mhowys ac ar draws gweddill Cymru? Diolch, Llywydd.

The Welsh Government is willing to consider all the ideas that are there in order to help us to deal with the backlog that has built up during the COVID pandemic. James Evans is right; it is not a Welsh problem, it is a UK problem, and that's very much borne out in the Powys circumstances.
We've had this debate on the floor of the Senedd previously, and I'd just say to him what I've said to others: in Welsh geography, that sort of solution is challenging, because if you are to turn over an existing hospital entirely to cold surgery, planned surgery, then everything else that people rely on that hospital to do will no longer be available to them there. I had this debate with Paul Davies in the Chamber, and asked him then how he thought the people of Haverfordwest would react if Withybush were to become one of those two centres, because then, everything else that people go to Withybush for would not be available to them there.
I'm not certain myself that our geography lends itself easily to turning over a whole hospital to be a planned surgery centre. But what that doesn't mean is that we cannot begin to concentrate those facilities in particular hospitals, like the hospital in Llanelli, Prince Philip, like Neath Port Talbot Hospital, which is going to be doing more planned work, while it can still go on providing those other outpatient and other facilities that people rely on. I think there is a way of using the idea. I don't think it will be as simple as giving over a whole hospital, but the idea that we concentrate facilities where operations aren't cancelled because emergency work comes in and overtakes it and so on—I think there's merit in that, and it's definitely part of the way the Welsh Government is planning for the recovery that we need in the future.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn barod i ystyried yr holl syniadau sydd yno er mwyn ein helpu ni i ymdrin â'r ôl-groniad sydd wedi datblygu yn ystod pandemig COVID. Mae James Evans yn iawn; nid yw'n broblem i Gymru, mae'n broblem i'r DU, ac mae hynny yn cael ei gadarnhau yn bendant o ran yr amgylchiadau ym Mhowys.
Rydym ni wedi cael y ddadl hon ar lawr y Senedd o'r blaen, a byddwn yn dweud wrtho yr hyn yr wyf wedi ei ddweud wrth eraill: yn naearyddiaeth Cymru, mae'r math hwnnw o ateb yn anodd, oherwydd os ydych chi'n mynd i droi ysbyty presennol yn gyfan gwbl at lawdriniaeth oer, llawdriniaeth a drefnwyd, yna ni fydd popeth arall y mae pobl yn dibynnu ar yr ysbyty hwnnw i'w wneud ar gael iddyn nhw yno mwyach. Cefais y ddadl hon gyda Paul Davies yn y Siambr, a gofynnais iddo bryd hynny sut yr oedd yn credu y byddai pobl Hwlffordd yn ymateb pe bai Llwynhelyg yn dod yn un o'r ddwy ganolfan hynny, oherwydd wedyn, ni fyddai popeth arall y mae pobl yn mynd i Llwynhelyg ar ei gyfer ar gael iddyn nhw yno.
Nid wyf i'n sicr fy hun bod ein daearyddiaeth yn addas i newid ysbyty cyfan yn ganolfan lawdriniaethau a drefnwyd. Ond yr hyn nad yw hynny yn ei olygu yw na allwn ni ddechrau canolbwyntio'r cyfleusterau hynny mewn ysbytai penodol, fel yr ysbyty yn Llanelli, y Tywysog Philip, fel Ysbyty Castell-nedd Port Talbot, sy'n mynd i fod yn gwneud mwy o waith a drefnwyd, tra gall barhau i ddarparu'r cyfleusterau cleifion allanol eraill hynny a chyfleusterau eraill y mae pobl yn dibynnu arnyn nhw. Rwy'n credu bod ffordd o ddefnyddio'r syniad. Nid wyf i'n credu y bydd mor syml â neilltuo ysbyty cyfan, ond mae'r syniad ein bod ni'n canolbwyntio cyfleusterau lle nad yw llawdriniaethau yn cael eu canslo oherwydd bod gwaith brys yn dod i mewn ac yn ei oddiweddyd ac ati—rwy'n credu bod rhinwedd yn hynny, ac mae'n sicr yn rhan o'r ffordd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynllunio ar gyfer yr adferiad sydd ei angen arnom ni yn y dyfodol.
4. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o wasanaethau fasgiwlar yng ngogledd Cymru? OQ57582
4. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of vascular services in north Wales? OQ57582

Cafodd gwasanaethau fasgiwlar y gogedd eu had-drefnu yn 2019. Mae gwasanaethau arbenigol wedi cael eu datblygu yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, tra bod gwasanaethau fasgiwlar eraill yn aros yn Ysbyty Gwynedd ac Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam. Cafodd y model newydd ei gymeradwyo gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon a'r Gymdeithas Fasgiwlar.
Vascular services in north Wales were reorganised in 2019. Specialist services have been developed at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, while other vascular services remain at Ysbyty Gwynedd and Wrexham Maelor Hospital. The new model was endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons and the Vascular Society.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog am yr ateb. Lywydd, rai blynyddoedd yn ôl, roedd y bwrdd iechyd yn y gogledd efo rhywbeth i frolio yn ei gylch, sef gwasanaeth fasgiwlar Ysbyty Gwynedd, a oedd ymhlith y gorau o'i fath. Yna, am ryw reswm, fel rydych chi wedi sôn, y tu hwnt i fy nealltwriaeth i, ddaru rhywun yn rhywle, o dan reolaeth y Llywodraeth yma drwy'r mesurau arbennig, benderfynu canoli'r gwasanaethau yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Bellach, mae'r gwasanaeth fasgiwlar yn y gogledd yn dioddef problemau aruthrol, efo'r gyfradd uchaf o farwolaethau yn dilyn trychiadau, sef amputations. Ydych chi'n credu bod hyn yn dderbyniol? Yn sicr, dydw i ddim. Mae Siân Gwenllian, ein Haelod ni fan hyn ar feinciau Plaid Cymru, eisoes wedi galw am ymchwiliad cyhoeddus i mewn i'r canoli yma. Mae'n gywilyddus bod gwasanaeth a oedd ar un adeg ymhlith y gorau o'i fath ac i frolio yn ei gylch wedi disgyn i'r fath drafferthion. A wnewch chi sicrhau bod yna ymchwiliad cyhoeddus yn cael ei gynnal i'r canoli?
I thank the First Minister for that response. Llywydd, some years ago, the health board in north Wales had something to boast about, namely the vascular service at Ysbyty Gwynedd, which was among the best of its kind. Then, for some reason, as you have mentioned, beyond my understanding, somebody somewhere, under the guidance of this Government through special measures, decided to centralise services at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Now, the vascular service in north Wales is suffering huge problems, with the highest rate of deaths following amputations. Do you believe that this is acceptable? I certainly don't. Siân Gwenllian, our Member here on the Plaid Cymru benches, has already called for a public inquiry into this centralisation. It's disgraceful that a service that was at one point among the best of its kind has fallen to such a state. Will you ensure that there is a public inquiry held to the centralisation of services?

I think there are two things that have be distinguished here. There is the original decision to concentrate specialist vascular services at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. The Member said that that had happened 'for some reason' as though it was a trivial matter that had just been plucked out of the air. He will know perfectly well that the case for the concentration of specialist services was one, as I said in my original answer, strongly supported by the Royal College of Surgeons, supported by the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland, because of the evidence from elsewhere that specialist services have better results when you have people who carry out that work day in, day out and do those specialist things. Twenty per cent of services were to be carried out at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, leaving 80 per cent of vascular services still to be provided in Wrexham and in Bangor. Out-patient appointments, varicose vein procedures, diagnostics, review of in-patient vascular referrals and rehabilitation are still carried right across north Wales.
I don't myself believe that the model, as originally proposed and supported by the board and not opposed by the community health council, was the wrong one. [Interruption.] I know there are people who don't agree with that. I noticed that the Royal College of Surgeons in its report said that the constant undermining of the model by local criticisms has made the implementation of the model more difficult to achieve. [Interruption.] Well, this is what it says. I know you don't like it, but that is what it says. They said that the constant attempts to undermine the model have made its implementation more challenging, and that the undermining of the morale of people who are responsible for the services by those criticisms could lead in the end to poorer services for patients. You may not like it, but that is what the report says.
I distinguish myself between the model, which I think was the right one, and the implementation issues, which have to be put right. The original report—there's a two-stage report by the Royal College of Surgeons—identified a number of things that still needed to be done to make sure the patients in north Wales derived the maximum benefit from the new model. It remains the responsibility of the clinicians who lead that service, and the board, to make sure that the investment that has been provided—investment in the infrastructure at Glan Clwyd and in the specialist staffing of the service at Glan Clwyd—now delivers the benefits that the model was there to derive. If there's more to be done, then I look to the people who are responsible for the service to make sure that they learn the lessons from the Royal College of Surgeons and put anything that needs to be put right right, because the model itself is the right one for people in north Wales.
Rwy'n credu bod dau beth y mae'n rhaid gwahaniaethu rhyngddyn nhw yma. Ceir y penderfyniad gwreiddiol i ganolbwyntio gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd arbenigol yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Dywedodd yr Aelod bod hynny wedi digwydd 'am ryw reswm' fel pe bai'n fater dibwys a oedd wedi cael ei dynnu allan o'r awyr. Bydd yn gwybod yn iawn fod yr achos dros ganolbwyntio gwasanaethau arbenigol yn un, fel y dywedais yn fy ateb gwreiddiol, a gefnogwyd yn gryf gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon, gyda chefnogaeth Cymdeithas Fasgwlaidd Prydain Fawr ac Iwerddon, oherwydd y dystiolaeth o fannau eraill bod gwasanaethau arbenigol yn arwain at ganlyniadau gwell pan fydd gennych chi bobl sy'n gwneud y gwaith hwnnw ddydd ar ôl dydd ac yn gwneud y pethau arbenigol hynny. Roedd ugain y cant o wasanaethau i fod i gael eu darparu yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, gan adael 80 y cant o wasanaethau fasgwlaidd yn dal i gael eu darparu yn Wrecsam ac ym Mangor. Mae apwyntiadau cleifion allanol, llawdriniaethau gwythiennau chwyddedig, diagnosteg, adolygiadau o atgyfeiriadau fasgwlaidd cleifion mewnol ac adsefydlu yn dal i gael eu darparu ar draws y gogledd.
Nid wyf i fy hun yn credu mai'r model, fel y'i cynigiwyd ac y'i cefnogwyd yn wreiddiol gan y bwrdd ac na chafodd ei wrthwynebu gan y cyngor iechyd cymuned, oedd yr un anghywir. [Torri ar draws.] Gwn fod yna bobl nad ydyn nhw'n cytuno â hynny. Sylwais fod Coleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon yn ei adroddiad wedi dweud bod y tanseilio cyson o'r model gan feirniadaethau lleol wedi gwneud gweithredu'r model yn fwy anodd ei gyflawni. [Torri ar draws.] Wel, dyma mae'n ei ddweud. Rwy'n gwybod nad ydych chi'n ei hoffi, ond dyna mae'n ei ddweud. Dywedwyd ganddyn nhw bod yr ymdrechion cyson i danseilio'r model wedi gwneud ei weithredu yn fwy heriol, ac y gallai tanseilio ysbryd pobl sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaethau gan y beirniadaethau hynny, arwain yn y pen draw at wasanaethau gwaeth i gleifion. Efallai nad ydych chi'n ei hoffi, ond dyna mae'r adroddiad yn ei ddweud.
Rwy'n gwahaniaethu fy hun rhwng y model, a oedd, yn fy marn i, yn un cywir, a'r problemau gweithredu, y mae'n rhaid eu cywiro. Nododd yr adroddiad gwreiddiol—ceir adroddiad dau gam gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon—nifer o bethau yr oedd angen eu gwneud o hyd i wneud yn siŵr bod y cleifion yn y gogledd yn cael y budd mwyaf posibl o'r model newydd. Cyfrifoldeb y clinigwyr sy'n arwain y gwasanaeth hwnnw o hyd, a'r bwrdd, yw gwneud yn siŵr bod y buddsoddiad a ddarparwyd—buddsoddiad yn y seilwaith yng Nglan Clwyd ac mewn staffio arbenigol y gwasanaeth yng Nglan Clwyd—bellach yn sicrhau'r manteision yr oedd y model yno i'w sicrhau. Os oes mwy i'w wneud, yna edrychaf ar y bobl sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth i wneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n dysgu'r gwersi gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon ac yn unioni unrhyw beth y mae angen ei gywiro, oherwydd y model ei hun yw'r un iawn i bobl yn y gogledd.
Thanks to the Member for submitting this important question today. I also note that a fellow Member has a question on this topic tomorrow, so it's clearly a pressing issue for residents in north Wales. First Minister, as already outlined here, the vascular services have seen that significant change in north Wales. Mr ap Gwynfor has highlighted many of the issues that he's aware of, and I'm certainly aware of similar, with those changes. You mentioned, First Minister, a report by the Royal College of Surgeons; they've highlighted significant bed shortages and confusion over staffing levels, and they've outlined also a safety risk to patients in their report as well. Of course, members of the health board in north Wales have outlined progress being made to rectify this issue. But, First Minister, as you asserted, if there's nothing wrong with the model that is there at the moment, wouldn't you accept that a public inquiry would be a good step to restoring that much-needed public faith in this service? Diolch.
Diolch i'r Aelod am gyflwyno'r cwestiwn pwysig hwn heddiw. Sylwaf hefyd bod gan gyd-Aelod gwestiwn ar y pwnc hwn yfory, felly mae'n amlwg yn fater pwysig i drigolion y gogledd. Prif Weinidog, fel yr amlinellwyd eisoes yma, cafwyd y newid sylweddol hwnnw i'r gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd yn y gogledd. Mae Mr ap Gwynfor wedi tynnu sylw at lawer o'r problemau y mae'n ymwybodol ohonyn nhw, ac rwy'n sicr yn ymwybodol o rai tebyg, gyda'r newidiadau hynny. Fe wnaethoch chi sôn, Prif Weinidog, am adroddiad gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon; maen nhw wedi tynnu sylw at brinder gwelyau sylweddol a dryswch ynghylch lefelau staffio, ac maen nhw hefyd wedi amlinellu risg diogelwch i gleifion yn eu hadroddiad hefyd. Wrth gwrs, mae aelodau'r bwrdd iechyd yn y gogledd wedi amlinellu'r cynnydd sy'n cael ei wneud i ddatrys y broblem hon. Ond, Prif Weinidog, fel y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud, os nad oes dim o'i le ar y model sydd yno ar hyn o bryd, oni fyddech chi'n derbyn y byddai ymchwiliad cyhoeddus yn gam da tuag at adfer ffydd y cyhoedd y mae mawr ei hangen yn y gwasanaeth hwn? Diolch.

I don't believe that a public inquiry, with the length of time that it would take, would be of much benefit to patients in north Wales. What I think is that there is an independent review of the service carried out by the Royal College of Surgeons, and there is part 2 of that still to report. I expect that report to be taken seriously by the board and by the people responsible for the service so that the changes that have taken place in vascular services, not just in north Wales, as the Member says—. Vascular services have changed across the whole of the United Kingdom. It is a more specialist discipline than it used to be, and if you need not just the day in, day out vascular attention but specialist services, then you are better off as a patient being looked after by people who undertake those procedures all the time, rather than by people who do it every now and then as part of that wider range of duties that they undertake. That is the nature of modern medicine. It's challenging, because people inevitably see things changing and people are very attached to the service that they have. But right across the United Kingdom in vascular services this has been the pattern—specialist services brought together, and the more routine aspects continue to be carried out more locally. That's what the model provides. It is now, as I say, for those people who are responsible for that service, clinically responsible for it and responsible for it at a board level, to make sure that all the investment that has gone into it pays off in a better service for patients in north Wales.
Nid wyf i'n credu y byddai ymchwiliad cyhoeddus, gyda'r amser y byddai'n ei gymryd, o fudd mawr i gleifion yn y gogledd. Yr hyn yr wyf i'n ei gredu yw bod adolygiad annibynnol o'r gwasanaeth yn cael ei gynnal gan Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon, ac nid yw rhan 2 o hwnnw wedi adrodd eto. Rwy'n disgwyl i'r adroddiad hwnnw gael ei gymryd o ddifrif gan y bwrdd a chan y bobl sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth fel bod y newidiadau sydd wedi digwydd mewn gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd, nid yn unig yn y gogledd, fel y dywed yr Aelod—. Mae gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd wedi newid ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig gyfan. Mae'n ddisgyblaeth fwy arbenigol nag yr arferai fod, ac os oes angen nid yn unig sylw fasgwlaidd bob un dydd ond gwasanaethau arbenigol, yna mae'n well i chi fel claf dderbyn gofal gan bobl sy'n cyflawni'r llawdriniaethau hynny drwy'r amser, yn hytrach na chan bobl sy'n eu gwneud bob nawr ac yn y man yn rhan o'r amrywiaeth ehangach honno o ddyletswyddau y maen nhw'n eu cyflawni. Dyna natur meddygaeth fodern. Mae'n anodd, oherwydd mae'n anochel bod pobl yn gweld pethau yn newid ac mae pobl yn hoff o'r gwasanaeth sydd ganddyn nhw. Ond ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig gyfan dyma fu'r patrwm mewn gwasanaethau fasgwlaidd—gwasanaethau arbenigol wedi'u dwyn ynghyd, a'r agweddau mwy mater o drefn yn parhau i gael eu cyflawni yn fwy lleol. Dyna mae'r model yn ei ddarparu. Mae bellach, fel y dywedais, i fyny i'r bobl hynny sy'n gyfrifol am y gwasanaeth hwnnw, sy'n gyfrifol yn glinigol amdano ac sy'n gyfrifol amdano ar lefel bwrdd, wneud yn siŵr bod yr holl fuddsoddiad sydd wedi cael ei wneud ynddo yn talu ar ei ganfed fel gwell gwasanaeth i gleifion yn y gogledd.
5. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am fentrau Llywodraeth Cymru i ddatblygu sgiliau yn y gweithle ar gyfer dysgwyr mewn ysgolion uwchradd? OQ57561
5. Will the First Minister make a statement on Welsh Government initiatives to develop workplace skills for secondary school learners? OQ57561

Developing workplace skills runs as a thread across all areas of the new Curriculum for Wales. It prepares learners for later life by giving them the knowledge, skills and experiences to thrive in their future careers.
Mae datblygu sgiliau yn y gweithle yn rhedeg fel llinyn ar draws holl feysydd y Cwricwlwm i Gymru newydd. Mae'n paratoi dysgwyr ar gyfer bywyd diweddarach drwy roi'r wybodaeth, y sgiliau a'r profiadau iddyn nhw ffynnu yn eu gyrfaoedd yn y dyfodol.
Thank you, First Minister. The employer skills survey has reported that a wide range of skills and attributes are lacking among applicants for jobs within Wales, with over 84 per cent of vacancies partially caused by a lack of technical or practical competence, and 66 per cent partially caused by a lack of people and personal skills, such as the ability to manage one's own time and prioritise tasks. We all agree that a good academic education is important for the workplace, but we must recognise that these abilities can be wasted if a person does not have the complementary skills that are needed to obtain employment. This situation is made even worse if they have the wrong academic qualifications needed for the employment that they want. It seems obvious that a viable solution for tackling both youth unemployment and job recruitment is for high schools to have much better relationships with local businesses whereby these businesses are able to demonstrate directly to learners the skills and education that are required for jobs and to allow learners an opportunity to better understand how businesses work, what skills they need, and possibly, even open up the doors for better opportunities for employment.
To give an example, the Construction Industry Training Board, which represents a consortium of construction companies in Wales, has been very effective in opening doors to secondary school learners to experience active building sites and for them to take a behind-the-scenes tour to see the latest projects and building designs. A lack of adequate and relevant careers advice and work experience has always been a concern of mine and I believe that we can do better for our secondary school learners, providing longer integration into the workforce and by providing in-depth experiences of industry that will enable them to understand and develop the skills needed for employment. With this in mind, First Minister, what commitment will you give to ensure that secondary schools are proactively working with local businesses to integrate learners into the workforce while they're at school?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Mae'r arolwg sgiliau cyflogwyr wedi nodi bod diffyg ystod eang o sgiliau a phriodoleddau ymhlith ymgeiswyr am swyddi yng Nghymru, gyda dros 84 y cant o swyddi gwag yn cael eu hachosi yn rhannol gan ddiffyg gallu technegol neu ymarferol, a 66 y cant yn cael eu hachosi yn rhannol gan ddiffyg sgiliau pobl a sgiliau personol, fel y gallu i reoli eich amser eich hun a blaenoriaethu tasgau. Rydym ni i gyd yn cytuno bod addysg academaidd dda yn bwysig i'r gweithle, ond mae'n rhaid i ni gydnabod y gall y galluoedd hyn gael eu gwastraffu os nad oes gan rywun y sgiliau ategol sydd eu hangen i gael gwaith. Mae'r sefyllfa hon yn waeth byth os oes ganddyn nhw'r cymwysterau academaidd anghywir sydd eu hangen ar gyfer y gyflogaeth y maen nhw ei heisiau. Mae'n ymddangos yn amlwg mai un ateb ymarferol ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â diweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a recriwtio i swyddi yw i ysgolion uwchradd gael perthynas well o lawer â busnesau lleol lle mae'r busnesau hyn yn gallu dangos yn uniongyrchol i ddysgwyr y sgiliau a'r addysg sydd eu hangen ar gyfer swyddi ac i roi cyfle i ddysgwyr ddeall yn well sut mae busnesau yn gweithio, pa sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw, ac o bosibl, hyd yn oed agor y drysau ar gyfer gwell cyfleoedd ar gyfer cyflogaeth.
I gynnig enghraifft, mae Bwrdd Hyfforddi'r Diwydiant Adeiladu, sy'n cynrychioli consortiwm o gwmnïau adeiladu yng Nghymru, wedi bod yn effeithiol iawn o ran agor drysau i ddysgwyr ysgol uwchradd i gael profiad o safleoedd adeiladu gweithredol ac iddyn nhw gael golwg y tu ôl i'r llenni i weld y prosiectau a'r dyluniadau adeiladu diweddaraf. Mae diffyg cyngor gyrfaoedd a phrofiad gwaith priodol a pherthnasol wedi bod yn destun pryder i mi erioed ac rwy'n credu y gallwn ni wneud yn well ar gyfer ein dysgwyr ysgol uwchradd, gan ddarparu integreiddiad hwy i'r gweithlu a thrwy ddarparu profiadau manwl o ddiwydiant a fydd yn caniatáu iddyn nhw ddeall a datblygu'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer cyflogaeth. Gyda hyn mewn golwg, Prif Weinidog, pa ymrwymiad wnewch chi ei roi i sicrhau bod ysgolion uwchradd yn gweithio yn rhagweithiol gyda busnesau lleol i integreiddio dysgwyr i'r gweithlu tra byddant yn yr ysgol?

I thank the Member for that. I agree with a number of the points that he made; as well as the technical skills and academic qualifications that people need, it is often the human skills, the soft skills that get people into the workplace and allow them to make a success of that first experience. I also agree that the more that can be done to make sure that young people, in our secondary schools particularly, have access to work experience, to employers coming in to schools and colleges, the more opportunities there will be for young people, on the one hand, to learn about opportunities that are there for them, but, actually, also for employers to attract young people into those jobs.
Because, Llywydd, I think in the time that I will have been associated with devolution, we've seen a really profound change in this way, that, for a long time, what we thought the task was was to find jobs for young people to do, and, in future, I think the challenge is going to be to find young people to do the jobs, because we have fewer young people in Wales. We have more people of retirement age. You see the skill shortages that there are already in the Welsh economy, and employers are going to have to work harder to attract young people to come into the jobs that they need to be done. So, I think it's a two-way street in that way: it definitely benefits young people, but sensible firms of the sort that Joel James mentioned, who make those efforts, they know it's to their advantage as well, because they will be better able to attract those young people into their jobs of the future.
The Welsh Government has issued fresh guidance this month to schools on careers and work-related activity in schools, and, actually, Llywydd, a great deal does go on. In Career Discovery Week in July of last year, 146 secondary schools were involved; 177 secondary schools, or 85 per cent of the total, report, in Wales, that they have engagement with employers during the year, with eight out of 10 saying that they have multiple contacts with them. So, I agree with what the Member said about the need to build from that platform, because the more that we do to bring those two worlds together, the more there will be advantages for young people and the more there will be advantages for good employers as well.
Diolch i'r Aelod am hynna. Rwy'n cytuno â nifer o'r pwyntiau a wnaeth; yn ogystal â'r sgiliau technegol a'r cymwysterau academaidd sydd eu hangen ar bobl, yn aml y sgiliau dynol, y sgiliau meddal sy'n cael pobl i mewn i'r gweithle ac yn caniatáu iddyn nhw lwyddo yn y profiad cyntaf hwnnw. Rwyf i hefyd yn cytuno mai po fwyaf y gellir ei wneud i sicrhau bod pobl ifanc, yn ein hysgolion uwchradd yn arbennig, yn gallu cael profiad gwaith, i gyflogwyr ddod i mewn i ysgolion a cholegau, y mwyaf o gyfleoedd fydd i bobl ifanc, ar y naill law, i ddysgu am gyfleoedd sydd yno ar eu cyfer, ond, mewn gwirionedd, hefyd i gyflogwyr ddenu pobl ifanc i'r swyddi hynny.
Oherwydd, Llywydd, rwy'n credu yn yr amser yr wyf i wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â datganoli, ein bod ni wedi gweld newid dwys iawn fel hyn, sef, ers amser maith, yr hyn yr oeddem ni'n credu oedd y dasg oedd dod o hyd i swyddi i bobl ifanc eu gwneud, ac, yn y dyfodol, rwy'n credu mai'r her fydd dod o hyd i bobl ifanc i wneud y swyddi, gan fod gennym ni lai o bobl ifanc yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ni fwy o bobl o oedran ymddeol. Rydych chi'n gweld y prinder sgiliau sydd eisoes yn economi Cymru, a bydd yn rhaid i gyflogwyr weithio yn galetach i ddenu pobl ifanc i ddod i'r swyddi y mae angen iddyn nhw gael eu gwneud. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n stryd ddwyffordd yn y ffordd honno: mae'n sicr o fudd i bobl ifanc, ond mae cwmnïau synhwyrol o'r math y soniodd Joel James amdanyn nhw, sy'n gwneud yr ymdrechion hynny, maen nhw'n gwybod ei fod o fantais iddyn nhw hefyd, gan y byddan nhw'n gallu denu'r bobl ifanc hynny yn well i'w swyddi yn y dyfodol.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi canllawiau newydd y mis hwn i ysgolion ar yrfaoedd a gweithgarwch sy'n gysylltiedig â gwaith mewn ysgolion, ac, mewn gwirionedd, Llywydd, mae llawer iawn yn digwydd. Yn Wythnos Darganfod Gyrfa ym mis Gorffennaf y llynedd, cymerodd 146 o ysgolion uwchradd ran; mae 177 o ysgolion uwchradd, neu 85 y cant o'r cyfanswm, yn adrodd, yng Nghymru, eu bod nhw'n ymgysylltu â chyflogwyr yn ystod y flwyddyn, a dywedodd wyth o bob 10 eu bod nhw'n cysylltu â nhw sawl gwaith. Felly, rwy'n cytuno â'r hyn a ddywedodd yr Aelod am yr angen i adeiladu o'r platfform hwnnw, oherwydd po fwyaf y gwnawn ni ddod â'r ddau fyd hynny at ei gilydd, y mwyaf bydd manteision i bobl ifanc ac i gyflogwyr da hefyd.
6. Pa asesiad y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o effaith y gost gynyddol o fyw ar bobl yng Nghymru? OQ57562
6. What assessment has the Welsh Government made of the impact of the rising cost of living on people in Wales? OQ57562

Llywydd, this crisis will have a profound impact on thousands of Welsh families. Cruel and deliberate cuts to benefits, failure to counteract fuel price rises, and a decision to go ahead with a broken manifesto promise not to raise national insurance contributions demonstrates that this is a crisis made in Downing Street.
Llywydd, bydd yr argyfwng hwn yn cael effaith ddwys ar filoedd o deuluoedd yng Nghymru. Mae toriadau creulon a bwriadol i fudd-daliadau, methiant i wrthbwyso cynnydd mewn prisiau tanwydd, a phenderfyniad i fwrw ymlaen ag addewid maniffesto a dorrwyd i beidio â chynyddu cyfraniadau yswiriant gwladol yn dangos bod hwn yn argyfwng a grëwyd yn Stryd Downing.
Supermarket grocery bills have risen and will climb further, households could end up paying £700 per year more on energy costs, and the Tory national insurance tax hike looms on the horizon. The Office for National Statistics is changing the way that it reports on living costs, so we'll get a more accurate picture of the impact of Tory decisions in Westminster. They party; our communities pick up the bill. In contrast, Welsh Government policy, such as the winter fuel scheme, provides help. How else will your Government prioritise supporting people in Cynon Valley and throughout Wales who are most impacted by the cost-of-living crisis?
Mae biliau bwyd archfarchnadoedd wedi cynyddu a byddan nhw'n cynyddu ymhellach, gallai aelwydydd dalu £700 y flwyddyn yn fwy ar gostau ynni yn y pen draw, ac mae treth yswiriant gwladol y Torïaid yn ymddangos ar y gorwel. Mae'r Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol yn newid y ffordd y mae'n adrodd ar gostau byw, felly byddwn ni'n cael darlun mwy cywir o effaith penderfyniadau'r Torïaid yn San Steffan. Maen nhw'n cael partïon; mae ein cymunedau ni yn talu'r bil. I'r gwrthwyneb, mae polisi Llywodraeth Cymru, fel cynllun tanwydd y gaeaf, yn rhoi cymorth. Sut arall y bydd eich Llywodraeth yn blaenoriaethu cynorthwyo pobl yng Nghwm Cynon a ledled Cymru yr effeithir arnyn nhw fwyaf gan yr argyfwng costau byw?

I thank Vikki Howells for that important question, Llywydd, and I thank her for drawing attention to the winter fuel scheme, particularly on a day when my colleague Jane Hutt has been able to announce a doubling of the amount of help available from it—you know, a really fantastic thing to be able to do in the face of all the challenges that we know families in Wales will now have to live through. So, £200 available now. As of yesterday, Llywydd, there had already been 146,000 applicants for that fund, and over 106,000 applications had already been paid out. The application deadline has been extended to 28 February, and we want more people to come forward to take advantage of the scheme that will be available here in Wales, and only here in Wales.
And, Llywydd, in answer to Vikki Howells's wider question, that is just one element of a much broader package of help that we will go on providing to those families who see real difficulties ahead for them this year. The council tax benefit scheme, abolished in England, retained here in Wales—£244 million provided every year by the Welsh Government to make sure that the poorest families, the poorest households in our land, do not have to contribute to the council tax. The discretionary assistance fund, abolished in England, retained here in Wales, and for COVID reasons alone, Llywydd, has paid out over 280,000 payments at a cost of more than £19 million. And if you want to take just one example, Llywydd, the emblematic example, in April of this year, patients in England who find themselves unwell and need to get a prescription from their doctor will find it—[Interruption.] Patients in England—[Interruption.] Patients in England, Llywydd, who find themselves falling ill and who need help through a prescription will be paying £9.35 for every single item, and, in England, the Conservative Government will add to that by raising the age range at which prescriptions become free. Free at the age of 60 now, the plan is to raise it to 65—2.6 million more people later on in life will find themselves paying that £9.35, and not a single one of them, Llywydd, will pay that money here in Wales.
Diolch i Vikki Howells am y cwestiwn pwysig yna, Llywydd, a diolch iddi am dynnu sylw at gynllun tanwydd y gaeaf, yn enwedig ar ddiwrnod pan fo fy nghyd-Weinidog Jane Hutt wedi gallu cyhoeddi dyblu faint o gymorth sydd ar gael ganddo—wyddoch chi, peth gwych iawn i allu ei wneud yn wyneb yr holl heriau yr ydym ni'n gwybod y bydd yn rhaid i deuluoedd yng Nghymru fyw drwyddyn nhw nawr. Felly, mae £200 ar gael nawr. Ddoe, Llywydd, cafwyd 146,000 o ymgeiswyr eisoes ar gyfer y gronfa honno, ac roedd dros 106,000 o geisiadau eisoes wedi cael eu talu. Mae'r dyddiad cau ar gyfer gwneud cais wedi cael ei ymestyn i 28 Chwefror, ac rydym ni eisiau i fwy o bobl ddod ymlaen i fanteisio ar y cynllun a fydd ar gael yma yng Nghymru, a dim ond yma yng Nghymru.
A, Llywydd, i ateb cwestiwn ehangach Vikki Howells, dim ond un elfen yw honno o becyn cymorth llawer ehangach y byddwn ni'n parhau i'w ddarparu i'r teuluoedd hynny sy'n gweld anawsterau gwirioneddol o'u blaenau eleni. Mae'r cynllun budd-dal y dreth gyngor, a ddiddymwyd yn Lloegr, sy'n cael ei gadw yma yng Nghymru—£244 miliwn yn cael ei ddarparu bob blwyddyn gan Lywodraeth Cymru i wneud yn siŵr nad oes yn rhaid i'r teuluoedd tlotaf, yr aelwydydd tlotaf yn ein gwlad, gyfrannu at y dreth gyngor. Mae'r gronfa cymorth dewisol, a ddiddymwyd yn Lloegr, sy'n cael ei chadw yma yng Nghymru, ac am resymau COVID yn unig, Llywydd, wedi gwneud dros 280,000 o daliadau am gost o fwy na £19 miliwn. Ac os ydych chi eisiau cymryd un enghraifft yn unig, Llywydd, yr enghraifft nodweddiadol, ym mis Ebrill eleni, bydd cleifion yn Lloegr sydd yn sâl ac sydd angen cael presgripsiwn gan eu meddyg yn ei chael—[Torri ar draws.] Bydd cleifion yn Lloegr—[Torri ar draws.] Bydd cleifion yn Lloegr, Llywydd, sy'n sâl ac sydd angen cymorth drwy bresgripsiwn yn talu £9.35 am bob un eitem, ac, yn Lloegr, bydd y Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn ychwanegu at hynny drwy godi'r ystod oedran pan fydd presgripsiynau am ddim. Maen nhw am ddim yn 60 oed nawr, a'r bwriad yw ei godi i 65—bydd 2.6 miliwn yn fwy o bobl yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd yn cael eu hunain yn talu'r £9.35 hwnnw, ac ni fydd yr un ohonyn nhw, Llywydd, yn talu'r arian hwnnw yma yng Nghymru.
7. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog amlinellu cynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru er mwyn dathlu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi? OQ57549
7. Will the First Minister outline the Welsh Government's plans to celebrate St David's Day? OQ57549

Llywydd, diolch i Rhys ab Owen am y cwestiwn. Byddwn yn dathlu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi yma a thramor, gan fanteisio ar ein diwrnod cenedlaethol i godi proffil ac ymwybyddiaeth o Gymru ar draws y byd. Bydd fy amserlen i fy hun ar Ddydd Gŵyl Dewi yn cynnwys digwyddiadau rhithiol yn Japan a’r Almaen, a chyfarfodydd wyneb yn wyneb gyda chynrychiolwyr o Quebec, Canada a phartneriaid allweddol o Ewrop.
Llywydd, I thank Rhys ab Owen for the question. We will celebrate St David’s Day at home and overseas, using our national day to raise the profile and awareness of Wales across the world. My own St David’s Day schedule includes virtual events in Japan and Germany, and face-to-face meetings with representatives of Quebec, Canada and key European partners.
Diolch yn fawr, Brif Weinidog. Braf yw clywed y gwaith sy'n digwydd gyda'r Cymry ar wasgar. Mae'n ffordd arbennig i gynyddu proffil Cymru ledled y byd. Ond siom, er nid syndod, oedd darllen unwaith eto fod Llywodraeth San Steffan yn gwrthod creu gŵyl y banc ar ŵyl ein nawddsant, ond, wrth gwrs, nid dim ond y Torïaid sydd wedi ei wrthod; gwnaeth Llywodraeth Lafur ei wrthod nôl yn 2002, wedi cais gan y Cynulliad. Mae'n braf gweld cefnogaeth ar draws y pleidiau yma o blaid creu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi yn ŵyl y banc, a mawr obeithiaf fod hwn yn gallu bod yn rhan o'r chweched Senedd, ein bod ni'n creu'r gefnogaeth trawsbleidiol honno. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog annog cynghorau eraill, fel Cyngor Gwynedd, fel Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth, i roi diwrnod o wyliau i'w staff ar Ŵyl Dydd Dewi, ac ydy'r Prif Weinidog wedi siarad gyda'r Blaid Lafur yn San Steffan a chael ar ddeall fyddan nhw ddim yn gwrthod cais o'r lle hwn unwaith eto? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you very much, First Minister. It's good to hear the news of what is happening with the Welsh diaspora. It is a wonderful way to enhance Wales's profile across the globe. But it's a disappointment, but not a shock, to read once again that the Westminster Government is refusing to make St David's Day a bank holiday, but, of course, it's not just the Tories that have rejected this; the Labour Government also rejected the idea in 2002, after a request from the Assembly. It's good to see cross-party support here in favour of making St David's Day a bank holiday, and I very much hope that this can be part of the sixth Senedd, that we generate that cross-party support. Will the First Minister encourage other councils to, like Gwynedd Council and Aberystwyth Town Council, give a day's holiday to their staff on St David's Day, and has the First Minister spoken to the Labour Party in Westminster and has he been told that they wouldn't reject a request from this place once again? Thank you.

Wel, Llywydd, beth dwi eisiau ei weld yw'r cyfrifoldeb yn cael ei drosglwyddo i'r Senedd i ni fan hyn gael y cyfle i ddeddfu i gael Dydd Gŵyl Dewi fel gŵyl y banc. Yn nwylo'r Senedd, dwi'n meddwl, byddai'r lle gorau i gael y penderfyniadau yna. Maen nhw gyda'r bobl yn Lloegr, yn yr Alban ac yng Ngogledd Iwerddon yn barod. Dim ond yma yng Nghymru allwn ni ddim gwneud y penderfyniadau drosom ni ar y pwnc yna. A dwi eisiau ei wneud e fel yna achos dwi eisiau gweld gŵyl y banc i bob un o'r bobl yma yng Nghymru, nid jest pobl sy'n gweithio i gynghorau, nid jest pobl sy'n gweithio yn y sector gyhoeddus, ond pob un ohonom ni'n cael y cyfle i ddathlu Dydd Gŵyl Dewi fel yna, a dyna pam dwi eisiau gweld y pwerau yn nwylo Aelodau'r Senedd i wneud y penderfyniadau sy'n well i ni yma yng Nghymru ar rywbeth sy'n bwysig i bobl ledled Cymru fel Dydd Dewi Sant.
Llywydd, what I want to see is the responsibility being transferred to the Senedd for us here to have the opportunity to legislate to have a bank holiday on St David's Day. I think it's in the hands of the Senedd that would be the best place to make those decisions. They are with England, Scotland and Northern Ireland already. It's only in Wales that we can't make the decisions for ourselves on that subject. And I want to do it that way because I want to see a bank holiday for everyone here in Wales, not just people who work for councils or people working in the public sector, but all of us having an opportunity to celebrate St David's Day in that way, and that's why I want to see the powers in the hands of the Senedd to make those decisions that are better for us here in Wales on an important issue for the people of Wales such as St David's Day.
Ac yn olaf, cwestiwn 8, Jane Dodds. Reit, dydyn ni ddim yn clywed Jane Dodds ar hyn o bryd. Os safwch chi eiliad, rwyf i'n siŵr y cewch chi eich dadfudo. Dyna chi.
And finally, question 8, Jane Dodds. We can't hear Jane Dodds at th at the moment. If you'll just wait a second. Thank you.
8. Pa gymorth sydd ar gael i ffoaduriaid sy'n cyrraedd Cymru? OQ57563
8. What support is available for refugees arriving in Wales? OQ57563

Diolch yn fawr i Jane Dodds am y cwestiwn, Llywydd. Mae ein cynllun cenedl noddfa yn nodi'r cymorth y gall ffoaduriaid sy'n cyrraedd Cymru ddisgwyl ei gael. Mae hyn yn cynnwys y cyngor a’r gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen i leihau anghydraddoldeb, atal ansefydlogrwydd, helpu integreiddio a helpu pobl sy'n ceisio noddfa i greu dyfodol gwell iddyn nhw eu hunain ac i Gymru hefyd.
I thank Jane Dodds for the question. Our nation of sanctuary plan sets out the support that refugees arriving in Wales can expect to receive. This includes the advice and services needed to reduce inequality, prevent destitution, aid integration and help people seeking sanctuary to create a better future for themselves and for Wales.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. On Valentine's Day this month, we are being asked to have a heart for refugees in a show of love, friendship and solidarity with people who have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. It stands in stark contrast to the UK Government's approach in the Nationality and Borders Bill, and I know that our approach here in Wales stands again in stark contrast to that of Westminster's. First Minister, since 2010, more than 850 asylum-seeking and trafficked children and young people have been supported by the Scottish Guardianship Service. It's a service run by the children's charity Aberlour in partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council. The scheme is unique across the UK in offering continual one-to-one support in everything from navigating the gruelling bureaucracy of the asylum system to settling into their new communities. I wonder, First Minister, if this is something we could consider replicating here in Wales to ensure that no child or young person has to deal with the indignity and cruelty this Conservative Government seems hellbent on baking into our asylum system. Diolch.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Ar Ddydd Sant Ffolant y mis hwn, gofynnir i ni ddangos calon ar gyfer ffoaduriaid fel arwydd o gariad, cyfeillgarwch ac undod â phobl sydd wedi eu gorfodi i ffoi o'u cartrefi i chwilio am ddiogelwch. Mae'n gwbl groes i ymagwedd Llywodraeth y DU yn y Bil Cenedligrwydd a Ffiniau, ac rwy'n gwybod bod ein dull ni o weithredu yma yng Nghymru yn gwbl groes i ddull San Steffan. Prif Weinidog, ers 2010, mae mwy nag 850 o blant a phobl ifanc sy'n ceisio lloches ac sydd wedi cael eu masnachu wedi cael cymorth gan Wasanaeth Gwarcheidiaeth yr Alban. Mae'n wasanaeth sy'n cael ei gynnal gan yr elusen blant Aberlour mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Ffoaduriaid yr Alban. Mae'r cynllun yn unigryw ledled y DU o ran cynnig cymorth un-i-un parhaus ym mhopeth o lywio biwrocratiaeth lethol y system loches i ymgartrefu yn eu cymunedau newydd. Tybed, Prif Weinidog, a yw hyn yn rhywbeth y gallem ni ystyried ei efelychu yma yng Nghymru i sicrhau nad oes rhaid i unrhyw blentyn neu berson ifanc ymdrin â'r amarch a'r creulondeb y mae'n ymddangos bod y Llywodraeth Geidwadol hon yn benderfynol o'u gwau i'n system loches. Diolch.

Wel, diolch yn fawr i Jane Dodds, Llywydd.
I thank Jane Dodds, Llywydd.
There is an independent child trafficking guardian service in Wales, and many young, unaccompanied asylum seekers will meet the definition of being trafficked to the UK and therefore will be within the scope of this service, and it is similar, but not identical, I can see that, to the Scottish Guardianship Service. I'm very happy to look at whether there are aspects of the Scottish system that might usefully be replicated here in Wales. The general point that Jane Dodds began with, Llywydd, is a very important one: the impending tragedy of the Nationality and Borders Bill. Because that's what it will be for so many people who are recognised as having fled a well-founded fear of persecution and who will now find that Bill adversely impacting on the delivery of integration support in Wales, exacerbating destitution, increasing exploitation of migrants and illegal working in our communities, and those people who are already vulnerable will find their vulnerability increasing even further.
And we will see the visible signs of it here in Wales, we fear, in increases in homelessness, in impacts on public health, as people without recourse to public funds are likely to be fearful of coming forward for healthcare. Llywydd, there will be an LCM in front of the Senedd later this month particularly in relation to clauses 48 to 56 of the Bill, which we believe will restrict the ability of the Senedd to carry out our devolved responsibilities in relation to the youngest asylum seekers. The Welsh Government will be proposing to the Senedd that we withhold consent from those clauses, because they simply do not reflect the values and the beliefs that this Senedd, through our nation of sanctuary programme, has led the world in in many ways in making sure that we say that people who need help, and who need help by coming to Wales, will find us a welcoming nation, understanding of the traumas that they have experienced and determined to do what we can to help them set their lives on a new path, and, by doing that, to make their contribution to Wales.
Mae gwasanaeth annibynnol ar gyfer gwarchod plant sydd wedi eu masnachu yng Nghymru, a bydd llawer o geiswyr lloches ifanc, ar eu pen eu hunain yn bodloni'r diffiniad o gael eu masnachu i'r DU ac felly byddan nhw o fewn cwmpas y gwasanaeth hwn, ac mae'n debyg, ond nid yw'n union yr un fath, rwy'n gallu gweld hynny, i Wasanaeth Gwarcheidiaeth yr Alban. Rwy'n hapus iawn i ystyried a oes agweddau ar system yr Alban a allai fod yn ddefnyddiol i'w hefelychu yma yng Nghymru. Mae'r pwynt cyffredinol y dechreuodd Jane Dodds ag ef, Llywydd, yn un pwysig iawn: trychineb y Bil Cenedligrwydd a Ffiniau sydd ar ddod. Oherwydd dyna fydd e i gynifer o bobl y maen nhw wedi eu cydnabod eu bod wedi dianc rhag ofn haeddiannol o erledigaeth ac a fydd yn gweld y Bil hwnnw bellach yn effeithio'n andwyol ar ddarparu cymorth integreiddio yng Nghymru, gan waethygu amddifadrwydd, cynyddu nifer y mudwyr sy'n cael eu camfanteisio ac sy'n gweithio'n anghyfreithlon yn ein cymunedau, a bydd y bobl hynny sydd eisoes yn agored i niwed yn gweld eu bod hyd yn oed yn fwy agored i niwed.
A byddwn yn gweld yr arwyddion gweladwy o hynny yma yng Nghymru, mae arnom ni ofn, o ran cynnydd mewn digartrefedd, o ran effeithiau ar iechyd y cyhoedd, gan ei bod yn debygol y bydd ofn ar bobl nad yw arian cyhoeddus ar gael iddyn nhw i gael gafael ar ofal iechyd. Llywydd, bydd cynnig cydsyniad deddfwriaethol o flaen y Senedd yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn, yn ymwneud yn arbennig â chymalau 48 i 56 o'r Bil, a fydd, yn ein barn ni, yn cyfyngu ar allu'r Senedd i gyflawni ein cyfrifoldebau datganoledig mewn cysylltiad â'r ceiswyr lloches ieuengaf. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig i'r Senedd ein bod ni'n atal cydsyniad i'r cymalau hynny, oherwydd nad ydyn nhw'n adlewyrchu'r gwerthoedd a'r credoau y mae'r Senedd hon, drwy ein rhaglen genedl noddfa, wedi arwain y byd arnyn nhw mewn sawl ffordd i sicrhau ein bod ni'n dweud y bydd pobl y mae angen cymorth arnyn nhw, ac y mae angen arnyn nhw drwy ddod i Gymru, yn gweld ein bod ni'n genedl groesawgar, sy'n deall y trawma y maen nhw wedi ei wynebu ac sy'n benderfynol o wneud yr hyn a allwn i'w helpu i roi eu bywydau ar drywydd newydd, a thrwy wneud hynny, i wneud eu cyfraniad i Gymru.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
I thank the First Minister.
Y datganiad a'r cyhoeddiad busnes sydd nesaf. Dwi'n galw ar y Trefnydd i wneud y datganiad hwnnw—Lesley Griffiths.
The next item is the business statement and announcement. I call on the Trefnydd to make that statement—Lesley Griffiths.

Diolch, Llywydd. I have no changes to this week's business. Draft business for the next three sitting weeks is set out on the business statement and announcement, which can be found amongst the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Nid oes gen i unrhyw newidiadau i fusnes yr wythnos hon. Mae'r busnes drafft ar gyfer y tair wythnos eistedd nesaf wedi ei nodi ar y datganiad a'r cyhoeddiad busnes, sydd i'w weld ymysg y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau yn electronig.
Diolch, Trefnydd, for your statement. Can I call for a statement on updates to the NHS COVID pass system, please? I've been contacted by a number of constituents in recent weeks, and I'm sure other Members across this Chamber have too, who had third jabs, as opposed to booster jabs, for the extremely vulnerable earlier than the booster jab campaign started, and, as a result of that, they're unable to access evidence of those third jabs on the NHS COVID pass system. That is causing them problems, especially when they want to undertake international travel. I think it is important that that system is updated as soon as possible, and it would be welcome if we were able to get a statement from the Minister for Health and Social Services to confirm that that will be the case.
Diolch, Trefnydd, am eich datganiad. A gaf i alw am ddatganiad ar yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am system pasys COVID y GIG, os gwelwch yn dda? Mae nifer o etholwyr wedi cysylltu â mi yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, ac rwy'n siŵr bod etholwyr aelodau eraill ar draws y Siambr hon wedi gwneud hefyd, a gafodd drydydd brechiad, yn hytrach na'r brechiadau atgyfnerthu, ar gyfer y rhai agored iawn i niwed yn gynharach na phryd dechreuodd yr ymgyrch brechiadau atgyfnerthu, ac, o ganlyniad i hynny, nid ydyn nhw'n gallu cael gafael ar dystiolaeth o'r trydydd brechiad hwnnw ar system pasys COVID y GIG. Mae hynny'n achosi problemau iddyn nhw, yn enwedig pan fyddan nhw'n dymuno teithio'n rhyngwladol. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y system honno cyn gynted â phosibl, a byddai'n dda pe baem yn gallu cael datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol i gadarnhau y bydd hynny'n digwydd.
So, we are waiting for the UK Government to decide on a change in the definition of fully vaccinated, and once that decision is made, it will enable us to make the digital changes necessary to allow boosters to show on the domestic COVID pass. Unfortunately, that date has been moved a few times.
You mentioned specifically international travel, and, again, the UK Government is due to consider if the definition of fully vaccinated for inbound international travel should include boosters, and whether there should be a time limit on primary courses, and we're expecting that decision the week beginning 7 February.
Felly, rydym ni'n aros i Lywodraeth y DU benderfynu ar newid y diffiniad o fod wedi eich brechu'n llawn, a phan fydd y penderfyniad hwnnw yn cael ei wneud, bydd yn ein galluogi i wneud y newidiadau digidol sydd eu hangen i ganiatáu i'r brechiadau atgyfnerthu ddangos ar y pàs COVID domestig. Yn anffodus, mae'r dyddiad hwnnw wedi ei symud sawl gwaith.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn yn benodol am deithio rhyngwladol, ac, unwaith eto, mae disgwyl i Lywodraeth y DU ystyried a ddylai'r diffiniad o fod wedi eich brechu'n llawn ar gyfer teithio rhyngwladol mewnol gynnwys brechiadau atgyfnerthu, ac a ddylai terfyn amser fod ar gyrsiau sylfaenol, ac rydym ni'n disgwyl y penderfyniad hwnnw yn ystod yr wythnos sy'n dechrau ar 7 Chwefror.
Trefnydd, I'd like to ask for two statements please. Firstly, as you'll be aware, in September 2021, the World Health Organization updated the global air quality guidelines for the first time in 16 years. Could we please have a statement from the Minister for Climate Change, outlining the Welsh Government's response to the new guidelines and how they will be incorporated into legislation here in Wales?
Secondly, can I request a statement from the Minister for health regarding updating COVID guidance for visiting in hospitals? A constituent of mine contacted me from her hospital bed. She recently gave birth to her premature daughter and her husband is only allowed to visit for two hours a day. Not only is she unable to be supported during a traumatic time, but also her husband is missing out on seeing his daughter. She asked me, 'Why is it fair that I can go to a rugby game with thousands of people soon for the six nations but I can't have my husband with me in hospital?' Different hospitals have different policies. Can we have updated guidance please to secure clarity and consistency for these parents?
Trefnydd, hoffwn i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad os gwelwch yn dda. Yn gyntaf, fel y gwyddoch chi, ym mis Medi 2021, diweddarodd Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd y canllawiau ansawdd aer byd-eang am y tro cyntaf mewn 16 mlynedd. A gawn ni ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, yn amlinellu ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i'r canllawiau newydd a sut y byddan nhw'n cael eu hymgorffori mewn deddfwriaeth yma yng Nghymru?
Yn ail, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog iechyd ynghylch diweddaru canllawiau COVID ar gyfer ymweld â phobl mewn ysbytai? Cysylltodd un o fy etholwyr â mi o'i gwely ysbyty. Rhoddodd enedigaeth i'w merch gynamserol yn ddiweddar a dim ond am ddwy awr y dydd y mae ei gŵr yn cael caniatâd i ymweld â hi. Yn ogystal â methu â chael ei chefnogi yn ystod cyfnod trawmatig, mae ei gŵr hefyd ar ei golled drwy fethu â gweld ei ferch. Gofynnodd i mi, 'Pam ydy hi'n deg y byddaf i'n gallu mynd i gêm rygbi gyda miloedd o bobl ar gyfer y chwe gwlad yn fuan ond ni allaf gael fy ngŵr gyda mi yn yr ysbyty?' Mae gan wahanol ysbytai bolisïau gwahanol. A gawn ni ganllawiau wedi eu diweddaru â'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf os gwelwch yn dda er mwyn sicrhau eglurder a chysondeb i'r rhieni hyn?
Thank you. I will ask the Minister for Climate Change to update Members around the World Health Organization air quality new guidance, because, as you're aware, we are looking at an air quality Bill and how it fits in with that.
In relation to your second point, I think you've just described another harm of COVID-19—we can only imagine, as a new mum, how difficult it is—but, as you say, it is a matter for each hospital and each health board to look at how they wish visiting to take place.
Diolch. Byddaf yn gofyn i'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i Aelodau am ganllawiau newydd ansawdd aer Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd, oherwydd, fel y gwyddoch chi, rydym ni yn edrych ar Fil ansawdd aer a sut y mae'n cyd-fynd â hynny.
O ran eich ail bwynt, rwy'n credu eich bod chi newydd ddisgrifio niwed arall COVID-19—ni allwn ni ond ddychmygu, fel mam newydd, pa mor anodd yw hi—ond, fel y dywedwch chi, mater i bob ysbyty a phob bwrdd iechyd yw ystyried sut y maen nhw'n dymuno i ymweliadau gael eu trefnu.
I would like to ask for two statements from the health Minister. The first one is regarding non-resuscitation in hospitals. I've been told by the COVID bereaved relatives group that non-resuscitation has been used without any discussion with relatives. Whatever your view on voluntary euthanasia, involuntary euthanasia must be a cause for concern. Can I ask the Minister for a statement on the use of do-not-resuscitate in hospitals and the safeguards that should exist?
The second statement I'm requesting is one that outlines the progress made to eliminating hepatitis C by 2030. Can the Minister in the statement indicate the number of patients that need to be treated each year, and how many were being treated each year pre-pandemic?
Hoffwn i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog iechyd. Mae'r cyntaf yn ymwneud â pheidio â dadebru mewn ysbytai. Mae'r grŵp perthnasau mewn profedigaeth yn sgil COVID wedi dweud wrthyf fod peidio â dadebru wedi ei ddefnyddio heb unrhyw drafodaeth gyda pherthnasau. Ni waeth beth yw eich barn ar ewthanasia gwirfoddol, mae'n rhaid i ewthanasia anwirfoddol fod yn destun pryder. A gaf i ofyn i'r Gweinidog am ddatganiad ar ddefnyddio'r drefn peidio â dadebru mewn ysbytai a'r mesurau diogelu a ddylai fod ar waith?
Yr ail ddatganiad yr wyf i'n gofyn amdano yw un sy'n amlinellu'r cynnydd sydd wedi ei wneud i ddileu hepatitis C erbyn 2030. A wnaiff y Gweinidog yn y datganiad nodi nifer y cleifion y mae angen eu trin bob blwyddyn, a faint oedd yn cael eu trin bob blwyddyn cyn y pandemig?
Thank you. Irrespective of whether a person does or does not have capacity, it remains absolutely essential that decisions relating to end-of-life care are made on an individual basis. It's unacceptable for advanced care plans, with or without do-not-attempt-resuscitation form completion, to be applied to groups of people of any description, and these decisions must continue to be made on an individual basis according to need. I know, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, both the chief medical officer and the chief nursing officer wrote to all health boards jointly to ensure that there was clarity around ethical decision making for people, and I believe a further joint letter reiterating this position was issued in March of last year. So, I will ask the Minister to consider whether a further letter is necessary.FootnoteLink
In relation to hepatitis C, I think there is a need, and I'm sure the Minister for Health and Social Services would agree, to invigorate the drive to eliminate hepatitis C in Wales. You'll be aware of the unprecedented response to tackling the pandemic and, of course, there has been a shift in resources, but I know the Minister has been working very closely with health boards right across Wales to look at recovery plans, and there was a national workshop held last Ocotber where a range of work streams were under way, looking at how we can prioritise our next steps. I was reading about hepatitis C in Wales, and we were the first country in the UK to achieve elimination in a remand prison, and that's Her Majesty's Prison Swansea, and I know we're looking at a roll-out in HP Berwyn in my own constituency, because we really do want to eliminate hepatitis C in our prisons.
Diolch. P'un a oes gan berson y gallu ai peidio, mae'n parhau i fod yn gwbl hanfodol bod penderfyniadau sy'n ymwneud â gofal diwedd oes yn cael eu gwneud ar sail unigol. Mae'n annerbyniol bod cynlluniau gofal uwch, gyda neu heb ffurflen peidio â dadebru wedi ei llenwi, yn cael eu defnyddio ar gyfer grwpiau o bobl o unrhyw fath, ac mae'n rhaid parhau i wneud y penderfyniadau hyn ar sail unigol yn ôl yr angen. Rwy'n gwybod, ar ddechrau pandemig COVID-19, fod y prif swyddog meddygol a'r prif swyddog nyrsio wedi ysgrifennu at bob bwrdd iechyd ar y cyd i sicrhau bod eglurder ynghylch gwneud penderfyniadau moesegol i bobl, ac rwy'n credu bod llythyr arall ar y cyd yn ailadrodd y sefyllfa hon wedi ei gyhoeddi ym mis Mawrth y llynedd. Felly, byddaf i'n gofyn i'r Gweinidog ystyried a oes angen llythyr arall.FootnoteLink
O ran hepatitis C, rwy'n credu bod angen, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn cytuno, i roi hwb i'r ymgyrch i ddileu hepatitis C yng Nghymru. Byddwch chi'n ymwybodol o'r ymateb digynsail i fynd i'r afael â'r pandemig ac, wrth gwrs, bu newid i ddefnydd adnoddau, ond rwy'n gwybod bod y Gweinidog wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda byrddau iechyd ledled Cymru i ystyried y cynlluniau adfer, a chafodd gweithdy cenedlaethol ei gynnal fis Hydref diwethaf lle'r oedd amrywiaeth o ffrydiau gwaith ar y gweill, yn ystyried sut y gallwn ni flaenoriaethu ein camau nesaf. Roeddwn i'n darllen am hepatitis C yng Nghymru, a ni oedd y wlad gyntaf yn y DU i gael gwared arno mewn carchar remánd, hynny yw Carchar ei Mawrhydi Abertawe, ac rwy'n gwybod ein bod ni'n ystyried cyflwyno'r cynllun yng Ngharchar ei Mawrhydi Berwyn yn fy etholaeth i, oherwydd ein bod ni'n wirioneddol awyddus i gael gwared ar hepatitis C yn ein carchardai.
Good afternoon, Trefnydd. I'd like to ask for an urgent Welsh Government statement regarding the upgrade of railway stock and the modernisation of trains in Wales. As we've already heard today, many people across Wales are trying to look at moving to using more public transport, supporting our environment and cutting carbon emissions. Of course, this is a significant part of the Welsh Government's programme for government. Nevertheless, it's clear to me, and from correspondence I receive from my residents, that the quality of rail stock and the age of trains in Wales doesn't always allow for this to be an easy choice. For example, on my way down to Cardiff here yesterday, the train noise on my four-hour journey from Rhyl, which has around 0.5 million passenger entries and exits a year, reached over 75 decibels, which is above the World Health Organization recommended levels for manufacturing workshops, and that was on a four-hour train journey. I'd be grateful if the Minister would provide a statement regarding this upgrade of train stock and the modernisation of trains in Wales. Thank you very much.
Prynhawn da, Trefnydd. Hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad brys gan Lywodraeth Cymru ynghylch uwchraddio stoc reilffyrdd a moderneiddio trenau yng Nghymru. Fel yr ydym ni wedi ei glywed eisoes heddiw, mae llawer o bobl ledled Cymru yn ceisio ystyried symud tuag at ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn fwy i gefnogi ein hamgylchedd a lleihau allyriadau carbon. Wrth gwrs, mae hon yn rhan bwysig o raglen lywodraethu Llywodraeth Cymru. Fodd bynnag, mae'n amlwg i mi, ac o ohebiaeth yr wyf i'n ei chael gan fy nhrigolion i, nad yw ansawdd y stoc reilffyrdd ac oedran trenau yng Nghymru yn caniatáu i hyn fod yn ddewis hawdd bob amser. Er enghraifft, ar fy ffordd i lawr yma i Gaerdydd ddoe, cyrhaeddodd sŵn y trên ar fy nhaith bedair awr o'r Rhyl, sydd â rhyw 0.5 miliwn o deithwyr yn ymuno ac yn ymadael â hi bob blwyddyn, dros 75 desibel, sy'n uwch na'r lefelau y mae Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd yn eu hargymell ar gyfer gweithdai gweithgynhyrchu, ac roedd hynny ar daith trên bedair awr. Byddwn i'n ddiolchgar pe bai'r Gweinidog yn darparu datganiad ynghylch y gwaith hwn o uwchraddio stoc drenau a moderneiddio trenau yng Nghymru. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you. Transport for Wales are working very hard on our programme for government commitment to deliver £800 million-worth of new rolling stock for our railways and to ensure that 95 per cent of train journeys are on new trains by 2024. And the first of these brand-new trains are already on test across north Wales—you may indeed have been on one—prior to their introduction into passenger service later this year. I did see your tweet, actually, about your journey down from north Wales, and, unfortunately, Transport for Wales did have to use alternative, lower quality stock on the 11.33 a.m. departure from Holyhead yesterday. So, unfortunately, the planned locomotive and carriage stock that they should have used was not available on this occasion.
Diolch. Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gweithio'n galed iawn ar ein hymrwymiad yn y rhaglen lywodraethu i ddarparu gwerth £800 miliwn o gerbydau newydd ar gyfer ein rheilffyrdd ac i sicrhau bod 95 y cant o deithiau trên ar drenau newydd erbyn 2024. Ac mae'r cyntaf o'r trenau newydd sbon hyn eisoes ar brawf ar hyd gogledd Cymru—efallai eich bod chi wedi bod ar un—cyn iddyn nhw gael eu cyflwyno i wasanaeth teithwyr yn ddiweddarach eleni. Gwelais eich neges trydar mewn gwirionedd am eich taith i lawr o'r gogledd, ac, yn anffodus, bu'n rhaid i Drafnidiaeth Cymru ddefnyddio stoc arall o ansawdd is ar y trên a adawodd Caergybi am 11.33 a.m. ddoe. Felly, yn anffodus, nid oedd y stoc drên a cherbydau arfaethedig y dylen nhw fod wedi eu defnyddio ar gael y tro hwn.
Minister, I'd like to call for two urgent statements, please, the first on access to NHS dentistry. We've known for some time that there's been something of a crisis in accessing NHS dentistry in communities across the country. But in Ebbw Vale at the moment, there's a real emergency, where NHS dentistry has been withdrawn, there's no access for children, for pensioners, to an NHS dentist, and there are many people contacting me today who really don't know where to turn. The health boards, we know, have a responsibility to deliver dentistry services, and I'd like to have a statement from the Welsh Government on what the Welsh Government is going to do to ensure that health boards deliver on that duty.
The second statement I'd like to ask for is a very urgent statement. We've spoken time and time again in this Chamber about how, during the pandemic, the Welsh Government has sourced personal protective equipment from Wales, from social enterprises across the country—in my constituency, in sir Fôn as well. And those people, who worked so hard, face losing their jobs, potentially even this week, because we are no longer ensuring that those contracts are awarded to social enterprises in Wales, maintaining work and employment in Wales and ensuring that some of the people who are furthest from the labour force have an opportunity to work for delivering for our NHS. It's an absolute emergency for those people, Minister, and I'd like to have a very urgent statement, this week—a written statement if you're not able to produce an oral statement tomorrow—to demonstrate that the Welsh Government is going to take action to ensure the continuity of employment for all of those people.
Gweinidog, hoffwn i alw am ddau ddatganiad brys, os gwelwch yn dda, a'r cyntaf ar fynediad i ddeintyddiaeth y GIG. Rydym ni wedi bod yn ymwybodol ers cryn amser y bu rhywfaint o argyfwng o ran cael gafael ar wasanaeth deintyddiaeth y GIG mewn cymunedau ledled y wlad. Ond yng Nglynebwy ar hyn o bryd, mae argyfwng gwirioneddol, lle mae gwasanaeth deintyddiaeth y GIG wedi ei dynnu yn ôl, nid oes cyfle i blant, i bensiynwyr, fanteisio ar wasanaeth deintydd y GIG, ac mae llawer o bobl yn cysylltu â mi heddiw nad ydyn nhw'n gwybod ble i droi. Rydym yn gwybod bod gan y byrddau iechyd gyfrifoldeb i ddarparu gwasanaethau deintyddol, a hoffwn i gael datganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar yr hyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru am ei wneud i sicrhau bod byrddau iechyd yn cyflawni'r ddyletswydd honno.
Mae'r ail ddatganiad yr hoffwn i ofyn amdano yn ddatganiad brys iawn. Rydym ni wedi sôn dro ar ôl tro yn y Siambr hon am sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru, yn ystod y pandemig, wedi dod o hyd i offer diogelu personol o Gymru, o fentrau cymdeithasol ledled y wlad—yn fy etholaeth i, yn sir Fôn hefyd. Ac mae'r bobl hynny, a weithiodd mor galed, yn wynebu colli eu swyddi, hyd yn oed yr wythnos hon o bosibl, oherwydd nad ydym yn sicrhau bod y contractau hynny'n cael eu rhoi i fentrau cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, gan gynnal gwaith a chyflogaeth yng Nghymru a sicrhau bod rhai o'r bobl sydd bellaf o'r gweithlu yn cael cyfle i weithio i gyflawni dros ein GIG. Mae'n argyfwng llwyr i'r bobl hynny, Gweinidog, a hoffwn i gael datganiad brys iawn, yr wythnos hon—datganiad ysgrifenedig os na allwch chi lunio datganiad llafar yfory—i ddangos bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn mynd i gymryd camau i sicrhau bod cyflogaeth yn parhau i'r holl bobl hynny.
Thank you. In relation to your second query, the Minister for Finance and Local Government recently made a statement on procurement, and I'm aware that you raised this specific issue during that statement and that you've also been in contact with the Minister for Economy's office. I'll ensure that you're updated on the matter, and I'll ask the Minister for finance and Local Government if there is any further update.
In response to your question around dentistry, you'll be aware that the Minister for Health and Social Services has put significant funding into dentistry—some additional funding—and that she's meeting monthly with health boards to see how we can improve access to NHS dentistry across Wales. The health boards will be able to invest that funding to address those local needs and issues.
Diolch. O ran eich ail ymholiad, gwnaeth y Gweinidog Cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol ddatganiad ar gaffael yn ddiweddar, ac rwy'n ymwybodol eich bod chi wedi codi'r mater penodol hwn yn ystod y datganiad hwnnw a'ch bod chi hefyd wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â swyddfa Gweinidog yr Economi. Byddaf i'n sicrhau eich bod chi'n cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y mater, a byddaf yn gofyn i'r Gweinidog cyllid a Llywodraeth Leol a oes unrhyw wybodaeth newydd arall.
Mewn ymateb i'ch cwestiwn ynghylch deintyddiaeth, byddwch chi'n ymwybodol bod y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wedi rhoi cyllid sylweddol i ddeintyddiaeth—rhywfaint o arian ychwanegol—a'i bod yn cyfarfod yn fisol â byrddau iechyd i weld sut y gallwn ni wella mynediad i ddeintyddiaeth y GIG ledled Cymru. Bydd y byrddau iechyd yn gallu buddsoddi'r cyllid hwnnw i ymdrin â'r anghenion a'r materion lleol hynny.
Trefnydd, could I request a statement from the Minister for health on the national roster review currently being carried out by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust? Specifically, I would like an update from the Welsh Government on what discussions officials have had with the ambulance NHS trust on potential plans to downgrade the ambulance stations in both Monmouth and Chepstow. This change has understandably caused concern within my constituency, as it may leave Monmouth and Chepstow with just one ambulance vehicle each. When each vehicle is out on call, this means potentially that there will be no ambulances to respond to a red call from either of these two stations. There is already great concern about the horrendous waiting times for ambulances in the area at the moment, and this threat to the service would make things worse.
Furthermore, it's my understanding that the plans to replace two what are rough old portakabins at the rear of the old ambulance station in Monmouth with a new building have also been shelved, and that doesn't bode well for the future of the service for many people looking in. I welcome that the chief executive of the Welsh ambulance trust has agreed to meet with me and the leader of Monmouthsire council abut the roster review and the trust's attempt to ensure that their resources are best placed geographically. However, I would be grateful, Trefnydd, if your Cabinet colleagues could look into this issue to help provide confidence to my constituents that an adequate ambulance service will still be available to them in the future and that staff will have access to the modern facilities that they need. Thank you.
Trefnydd, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog iechyd ar yr adolygiad cenedlaethol o'r roster sy'n cael ei gynnal ar hyn o bryd gan Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Gwasanaethau Ambiwlans Cymru? Yn benodol, hoffwn i gael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf gan Lywodraeth Cymru am y trafodaethau y mae swyddogion wedi eu cael gydag ymddiriedolaeth y GIG ambiwlans ar gynlluniau posibl i israddio'r gorsafoedd ambiwlans yn Nhrefynwy a Chas-gwent. Mae'n ddealladwy bod y newid hwn wedi achosi pryder yn fy etholaeth i, gan y gallai adael Trefynwy a Chas-gwent ag un cerbyd ambiwlans yr un yn unig. Pan fydd y ddau gerbyd ar alwad, mae hyn yn golygu, o bosibl, na fydd unrhyw ambiwlansys i ymateb i alwad goch o'r naill orsaf neu'r llall. Mae pryder mawr eisoes ynghylch yr amseroedd aros erchyll ar gyfer ambiwlansys yn yr ardal ar hyn o bryd, a byddai'r bygythiad hwn i'r gwasanaeth yn gwneud pethau'n waeth.
At hynny, rwyf i ar ddeall bod y cynlluniau i godi adeilad newydd yn lle'r ddau hen adeilad Portakabin garw yng nghefn yr hen orsaf ambiwlans yn Nhrefynwy wedi eu rhoi o'r neilltu hefyd, ac nid yw hynny'n argoeli'n dda ar gyfer dyfodol y gwasanaeth i lawer o bobl sy'n gwylio. Rwy'n croesawu'r ffaith bod prif weithredwr ymddiriedolaeth ambiwlans Cymru wedi cytuno i gyfarfod â mi ac arweinydd cyngor Trefynwy ynghylch yr adolygiad o'r roster ac ymgais yr ymddiriedolaeth i sicrhau bod eu hadnoddau yn y lleoliad gorau yn ddaearyddol. Fodd bynnag, byddwn i'n ddiolchgar, Trefnydd, pe gallai eich cyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet ymchwilio i'r mater hwn i helpu i roi hyder i fy etholwyr y bydd gwasanaeth ambiwlans digonol ar gael iddyn nhw o hyd yn y dyfodol ac y bydd gan staff fynediad i'r cyfleusterau modern sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw. Diolch yn fawr.
Well, I think you've done the right thing in asking for a meeting with the chief executive of the Wales ambulance services trust, who will be able to answer your specific questions. I am aware of the review that's currently being undertaken, and I am sure the Minister will await the outcome of that review before making a statement.
Wel, rwy'n credu eich bod chi wedi gwneud y peth iawn wrth ofyn am gyfarfod â phrif weithredwr ymddiriedolaeth gwasanaethau ambiwlans Cymru, a fydd yn gallu ateb eich cwestiynau penodol. Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r adolygiad sy'n cael ei gynnal ar hyn o bryd, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd y Gweinidog yn aros am ganlyniad yr adolygiad hwnnw cyn gwneud datganiad.
Good afternoon, Trefnydd. I wonder if I could ask for two statements, please, the first from the Minister for education on the decision of the UK Government to bring forward regulations to freeze the student loan repayment threshold. This will result in a real-terms increase in repayments for graduates on plan 2 student loans. I think it's important that we have clarity about the impact of that decision on graduates and student finance here in Wales.
The second statement I want is from the Deputy Minister for Climate Change on the decision—very worrying—to grant a licence for the extension of Aberpergwm coal mine, which is a huge backward step in our efforts to tackle the climate crisis. Could the Senedd, please, receive a statement about the decision to grant an extension, whether there is any further clarity about where power lies to intervene in this matter, whether the Government would consider a moratorium on all new coal mining in Wales, and what steps the Welsh Government is taking to acquire any powers it believes it does not have to prevent such applications in future? Diolch.
Prynhawn da, Trefnydd. Tybed a gaf i ofyn am ddau ddatganiad, os gwelwch yn dda, y cyntaf gan y Gweinidog addysg ar benderfyniad Llywodraeth y DU i gyflwyno rheoliadau i rewi'r trothwy ad-dalu benthyciadau myfyrwyr. Bydd hyn yn arwain at gynnydd mewn ad-daliadau mewn termau real i raddedigion ar fenthyciadau myfyrwyr cynllun 2. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig i ni gael eglurder ynghylch effaith y penderfyniad hwnnw ar raddedigion a chyllid myfyrwyr yma yng Nghymru.
Mae'r ail ddatganiad yr wyf i'n ei ddymuno gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar y penderfyniad—sy'n peri pryder mawr—i roi trwydded ar gyfer ymestyn pwll glo Aberpergwm, sy'n gam enfawr yn ôl yn ein hymdrechion i ymdrin â'r argyfwng hinsawdd. A gaiff y Senedd ddatganiad os gwelwch yn dda am y penderfyniad i ganiatáu estyniad, a oes unrhyw eglurder arall ynghylch ble mae'r pŵer i ymyrryd yn y mater hwn, a fyddai'r Llywodraeth yn ystyried moratoriwm ar yr holl waith cloddio glo newydd yng Nghymru, a pha gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i gael unrhyw bwerau y mae'n credu nad oes ganddi i atal ceisiadau o'r fath yn y dyfodol? Diolch.
Diolch. Regarding student loan repayment thresholds, you will probably be aware that Welsh Government officials do work with UK Government officials to look at the threshold in the repayments regulations, and UK Government do not need the agreement of Welsh Ministers to amend the repayment threshold, but they cannot impose that change on Wales. So, the Minister for Education and the Welsh Language will be looking at options in the coming weeks, and if there obviously is anything that he wishes to update Members on, I'm sure he will provide either a letter or a written statement.
Regarding the Aberpergwm mining licence, we've been very clear that we do not support the extraction of fossil fuels, and we're very much focused on the climate emergency. As the original licence here was issued before licensing powers were devolved to the Welsh Government, Welsh Ministers are not able to intervene in the licensing process and unfortunately, then, appropriately apply our Welsh policy. So, the Coal Authority did inform us on 11 October it is considering whether conditions attached to an existing licence for the mine have been discharged, and then, on 26 January, the Coal Authority updated its website confirming the application to decondition the licence had been approved.
Diolch. O ran trothwyon ad-dalu benthyciadau myfyrwyr, mae'n debyg y byddwch chi'n ymwybodol bod swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda swyddogion Llywodraeth y DU i edrych ar y trothwy yn y rheoliadau ad-daliadau, ac nid oes angen i Lywodraeth y DU gael cytundeb Gweinidogion Cymru i ddiwygio'r trothwy ad-dalu, ond ni allan nhw orfodi'r newid hwnnw ar Gymru. Felly, bydd y Gweinidog Addysg a'r Gymraeg yn ystyried yr opsiynau yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf, ac yn amlwg, os oes unrhyw beth y mae'n dymuno rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau amdano, rwy'n siŵr y bydd yn darparu llythyr neu ddatganiad ysgrifenedig.
O ran trwydded gloddio Aberpergwm, rydym ni wedi bod yn glir iawn nad ydym yn cefnogi echdynnu tanwydd ffosil, ac rydym yn canolbwyntio'n fawr iawn ar yr argyfwng hinsawdd. Gan fod y drwydded wreiddiol hon wedi ei chyhoeddi cyn i bwerau trwyddedu gael eu datganoli i Lywodraeth Cymru, ni chaiff Gweinidogion Cymru ymyrryd yn y broses drwyddedu ac, yn anffodus felly, gymhwyso ein polisi Cymru yn briodol. Felly, fe wnaeth yr Awdurdod Glo roi gwybod i ni ar 11 Hydref ei fod yn ystyried a yw amodau sydd ynghlwm wrth drwydded bresennol ar gyfer y pwll wedi eu cyflawni, ac yna, ar 26 Ionawr, diweddarodd yr Awdurdod Glo ei wefan yn cadarnhau bod y cais i dynnu'r amodau oddi ar y drwydded wedi ei gymeradwyo.
Let me begin by echoing the calls from Alun Davies today on the need for a statement on NHS dentistry. It's been an ongoing issue for some time, and we do need to understand how Welsh Government will work with the dentistry sector to increase accessibility for our constituents.
But, on a separate issue, it's clear from questions today that I'm not alone in having received many enquiries in respect of the challenges facing immunosuppressed people with boosters and third jabs for the COVID pass for international travel. Now, I've raised this with Welsh Ministers, and I thank them for some clarification, not least that, in relation to the issue of third primary doses for people who are immunosuppressed not showing up on the COVID pass for international travel, this relates to an issue with the way NHS England has been recording the third dose on the system. Now, I know that Welsh Government has been pressing for this to be resolved, with the health Minister, with the Secretary of State for health, and officials behind the scene doing their part, but could you clarify, Trefnydd, when we are likely to hear more on the resolution of this for our constituents, and could we then have a statement immediately when we hear of progress, to see that the matters have been resolved by the UK Government?
Gadewch i mi ddechrau drwy adleisio'r galwadau gan Alun Davies heddiw ynghylch yr angen am ddatganiad ar ddeintyddiaeth y GIG. Mae wedi bod yn fater parhaus ers cryn amser, ac mae angen i ni ddeall sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio gyda'r sector deintyddiaeth i gynyddu gallu ein hetholwyr i gael gwasanaeth deintydd.
Ond, ar fater ar wahân, mae'n amlwg o'r cwestiynau heddiw nad fi yw'r unig un sydd wedi derbyn llawer o ymholiadau ynglŷn â'r heriau y mae pobl sy'n imiwnoataliedig yn eu hwynebu o ran brechiadau atgyfnerthu a thrydydd brechiad ar gyfer y pàs COVID i deithio'n rhyngwladol. Nawr, rwyf i wedi codi hyn gyda Gweinidogion Cymru, ac rwy'n diolch iddyn nhw am rywfaint o eglurhad, yn arbennig o ran mater y trydydd dos sylfaenol i bobl imiwnoataliedig nad ydyn nhw'n ymddangos ar y pàs COVID ar gyfer teithio'n rhyngwladol, mae hyn yn ymwneud â mater o ran y ffordd y mae GIG Lloegr wedi bod yn cofnodi'r trydydd dos ar y system. Nawr, rwy'n gwybod bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn pwyso am ddatrys i hyn, a bod y Gweinidog iechyd, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros iechyd, a swyddogion y tu ôl i'r llen yn gwneud eu rhan, ond a allwch chi egluro, Trefnydd, pryd y byddwn yn debygol o glywed mwy am ddatrys hyn i'n hetholwyr, ac a gawn ni wedyn ddatganiad ar unwaith pan fyddwn yn clywed am gynnydd, i weld bod y materion wedi'u datrys gan Lywodraeth y DU?
Thank you. You will have heard my answer to Darren Millar. The third primary dose for people who are immunosuppressed has not been showing up on the COVID pass for outbound international travel because of an issue, as you say, with the way NHS England has been recording the third dose on the system. You're quite right that the Minister for Health and Social Services repeatedly pressed the Secretary of State for health around this issue and officials have been working very closely with the UK Government officials on this. So, we are continuing to work to push for these issues to be resolved as quickly as possible to enable third doses of the vaccine to be visible on the digital COVID pass, so people who are immunosuppressed can then use the COVID pass for international travel. So, as soon as that is accomplished—and you will have heard me say to Darren Millar that we hope later this month that will happen—the Minister for Health and Social Services will provide a written statement.
Diolch. Byddwch chi wedi clywed fy ateb i Darren Millar. Nid yw'r trydydd dos sylfaenol ar gyfer pobl sy'n imiwnoataliedig wedi bod yn ymddangos ar y pàs COVID ar gyfer teithiau rhyngwladol allanol oherwydd problem, fel y dywedwch chi, gyda'r ffordd y mae GIG Lloegr wedi bod yn cofnodi'r trydydd dos ar y system. Rydych chi'n hollol gywir bod y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol wedi pwyso dro ar ôl tro ar yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros iechyd ynghylch y mater hwn ac mae swyddogion wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos iawn gyda swyddogion Llywodraeth y DU ar hyn. Felly, rydym yn parhau i weithio i wthio i ddatrys y materion hyn cyn gynted â phosibl er mwyn galluogi trydydd dos o'r brechlyn i fod yn weladwy ar y pàs COVID digidol, fel y gall pobl sy'n imiwnoataliedig ddefnyddio'r pàs COVID ar gyfer teithio'n rhyngwladol. Felly, cyn gynted ag y caiff hyn ei gyflawni—a byddwch chi wedi fy nghlywed i'n dweud wrth Darren Millar ein bod ni'n gobeithio yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn y bydd hyn yn digwydd—bydd y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn cyflwyno datganiad ysgrifenedig.
I would yet again like to endorse a request from Alun Davies MS and Huw Irranca-Davies for a statement on the lack of provision of dental services. Certainly, in my consistency of Aberconwy it's a big issue and I'm currently meeting with GPs and they're feeling the strain of people requesting appointments when they're in agonising pain. So, really, it's something that—. It's an urgent statement that is required from the Minister.
I also believe there's another statement overdue, and that's from the Minister for Climate Change on dangerous cladding removal in Wales. We have so many high-rise residential buildings. Here in Cardiff, Celestia Action Group, owners of Redrow properties in Cardiff Bay, are fighting to get their developer to put right such serious building defects. They undertook a protest outside the Senedd over the weekend and they spoke out last week at the lack of action by the Welsh Labour Government following the positive development that we've seen in England. Just two weeks ago, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, wrote to the residential property developer industry asking for clear commitments from developers, including that they agree to make financial contributions this year and in subsequent years to a dedicated fund to cover the full outstanding cost to remediate unsafe cladding on 11m to 18m-high buildings, and also he's asked them to fund and undertake all necessary remediation of buildings over 11m in which they have played a role in developing.
I actually agree with the Secretary of State that it is neither fair nor decent that innocent leaseholders, many of whom have worked hard and made sacrifices to get a foot on the housing ladder, should be landed with bills they simply cannot afford to fix problems they did not cause. So, could you please obtain an urgent statement from the Minister for Climate Change, making a statement to this Senedd clarifying whether she is going to take the same bold action as Michael Gove and actually make sure that Wales is not failing and will stay hanging behind on this issue? [Interruption.] It's too important an issue. And the heckling is actually, quite frankly, disgusting.
Hoffwn i unwaith eto ategu cais gan Alun Davies AS a Huw Irranca-Davies am ddatganiad ynghylch diffyg darpariaeth gwasanaethau deintyddol. Yn sicr, yn fy etholaeth i yn Aberconwy, mae'n broblem fawr ac rwy'n cyfarfod â meddygon teulu ar hyn o bryd ac maen nhw'n teimlo'r straen oherwydd bod pobl yn gofyn am apwyntiadau pan fyddan nhw mewn poen ofnadwy. Felly, yn wirioneddol, mae'n rhywbeth—. Mae angen datganiad brys gan y Gweinidog.
Rwyf i hefyd yn credu bod datganiad arall yn hwyr, a hynny gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar gael gwared ar gladin peryglus yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ni gymaint o adeiladau preswyl uchel iawn. Yma yng Nghaerdydd, mae Celestia Action Group, perchnogion eiddo Redrow ym Mae Caerdydd, yn brwydro i gael eu datblygwr i unioni diffygion adeiladu mor ddifrifol. Fe wnaethon nhw gynnal protest y tu allan i'r Senedd dros y penwythnos ac fe wnaethon nhw siarad yn gyhoeddus yr wythnos diwethaf am y diffyg gweithredu gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru yn dilyn y datblygiad cadarnhaol yr ydym ni wedi ei weld yn Lloegr. Bythefnos yn ôl, ysgrifennodd yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Godi'r Gwastad, Tai a Chymunedau, y Gwir Anrhydeddus Michael Gove AS, at y diwydiant datblygu eiddo preswyl yn gofyn am ymrwymiadau clir gan ddatblygwyr, gan gynnwys eu bod yn cytuno i wneud cyfraniadau ariannol eleni ac yn y blynyddoedd dilynol i gronfa bwrpasol i dalu am y gost lawn sy'n weddill i adfer cladin anniogel ar adeiladau 11m i 18m o uchder, ac mae hefyd wedi gofyn iddyn nhw ariannu a gwneud yr holl waith adfer angenrheidiol ar adeiladau dros 11m lle maen nhw wedi chwarae rhan yn y gwaith o'u datblygu.
Rwy'n cytuno, mewn gwirionedd, â'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol nad yw'n deg nac yn weddus bod lesddeiliaid diniwed, y mae llawer ohonyn nhw wedi gweithio'n galed ac wedi aberthu i gael troed ar yr ysgol dai, yn cael biliau na allan nhw eu fforddio, i ddatrys problemau nad oedden nhw wedi eu hachosi. Felly, a wnewch chi gael datganiad brys gan y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, gan wneud datganiad i'r Senedd hon yn egluro a yw'n mynd i gymryd yr un camau beiddgar â Michael Gove a sicrhau mewn gwirionedd nad yw Cymru'n methu ac na fydd yn parhau i fod ar ei hôl hi o ran y mater hwn? [Torri ar draws.] Mae'n fater rhy bwysig. Ac mae'r heclo mewn gwirionedd, a dweud y gwir, yn ffiaidd.
I think you do need to come to an end now, thank you.
Rwy'n credu bod angen i chi ddod i ben nawr, diolch.
Yes. It's such an important issue—
Iawn. Mae'n fater mor bwysig—
No, no, you've come to an end now.
Na, na, rydych chi wedi dod i ben nawr.
Diolch, Llywydd.
Diolch, Llywydd.
Croeso. Minister.
Croeso. Gweinidog.
We have made significant strides to improve building safety in Wales following, obviously, the fire at Grenfell Tower, and that includes: we've removed unsafe ACM cladding from the majority of high-rise buildings in Wales at no cost to leaseholders, and the last remaining buildings now have work under way, so that's all the buildings; amendments to building regulations banning the use of combustible materials on the exterior of high-rise residential buildings, hospitals and care homes; and we've also made amendments under the Fire Safety Act 2021, which brought the external envelope of buildings within the remit of responsible persons.
In September, the Minister for Climate Change launched phase one of the Welsh building safety fund, which provides funding for fire safety surveys and the creation of building passports. That essential first phase really takes a holistic approach that goes beyond just cladding and will identify what measures and actions are required for multiresidential buildings, to make them as safe as possible. We've also provided £375 million over the next three years to support the remediation of building safety issues in multi-occupied residential buildings that have got existing defects, and just a couple of months ago, in December, the Minister for Climate Change announced the development of the leasehold support scheme, which is intended to support leaseholders who are experiencing significant financial hardship as a result of these issues. So, a huge amount of work is being done by Welsh Government.
Rydym ni wedi cymryd camau breision i wella diogelwch adeiladau yng Nghymru yn dilyn, yn amlwg, y tân yn Nhŵr Grenfell, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys: rydym ni wedi cael gwared ar gladin ACM anniogel o'r rhan fwyaf o adeiladau uchel iawn yng Nghymru heb unrhyw gost i lesddeiliaid, ac mae gwaith ar y gweill erbyn hyn ar yr adeiladau olaf sy'n weddill, felly dyna'r holl adeiladau; diwygiadau i reoliadau adeiladu sy'n gwahardd y defnydd o ddeunyddiau hylosg ar y tu allan i adeiladau preswyl uchel iawn, ysbytai a chartrefi gofal; ac rydym ni hefyd wedi gwneud diwygiadau o dan Ddeddf Diogelwch Tân 2021, a ddaeth ag amlen allanol adeiladau o fewn cylch gwaith personau cyfrifol.
Ym mis Medi, lansiodd y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd gam un cronfa diogelwch adeiladau Cymru, sy'n darparu cyllid ar gyfer arolygon diogelwch tân a chreu pasbortau adeiladu. Mae'r cam cyntaf hanfodol hwnnw yn defnyddio dull gweithredu cyfannol sy'n mynd y tu hwnt i gladin yn unig a bydd yn nodi pa fesurau a chamau gweithredu sydd eu hangen ar gyfer adeiladau amlbreswyl, i'w gwneud nhw mor ddiogel â phosibl. Rydym ni hefyd wedi darparu £375 miliwn yn ystod y tair blynedd nesaf i gefnogi'r gwaith o adfer materion diogelwch adeiladu mewn adeiladau preswyl aml-feddiannaeth sydd â diffygion presennol, ac ychydig fisoedd yn ôl, ym mis Rhagfyr, cyhoeddodd y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd y gwaith o ddatblygu'r cynllun cymorth i lesddeiliaid, sydd â'r bwriad o gefnogi lesddeiliaid sy'n wynebu caledi ariannol sylweddol o ganlyniad i'r materion hyn. Felly, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gwneud llawer iawn o waith.
Trefnydd, I'm sure you're aware that winning the UK City of Culture status would give Wrexham a huge boost in confidence and lead to enormous economic, social and cultural opportunities. I know that, as the local Member, you have been giving unwavering support, which is incredibly well valued. Could I ask for a formal message of best wishes from the Welsh Government as the bid reaches a critical moment, and of course as we await the visit by one of the twenty-first century's most iconic pop culture figures, Will Ferrell?
And may I also ask for a statement from the Minister for Economy updating Members on the economic resilience fund, on the Development Bank for Wales's COVID loan scheme, and on other forms of support from the Welsh Government for businesses during the pandemic, which may offer assurance that here in Wales, as a result of the Welsh Labour Government, there are stringent safeguards in place that are preventing the sorts of levels of fraud that we are witnessing in England and across the UK from the UK Government's bounce back loan scheme, which has led to more than £4 billion of taxpayers' money being claimed fraudulently as many taxpayers lay dying?
Rwy'n siŵr eich bod chi'n ymwybodol y byddai ennill statws Dinas Diwylliant y DU yn rhoi hwb enfawr i hyder Wrecsam ac yn arwain at gyfleoedd economaidd, cymdeithasol a diwylliannol enfawr. Rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi, fel yr Aelod lleol, wedi bod yn rhoi cymorth diysgog, sy'n cael ei werthfawrogi'n fawr iawn. A gaf i ofyn am neges ffurfiol o ddymuniadau gorau gan Lywodraeth Cymru wrth i'r cais gyrraedd adeg dyngedfennol, ac wrth gwrs wrth i ni aros am ymweliad gan un o ffigurau mwyaf eiconig diwylliant pop yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, Will Ferrell?
Ac a gaf i hefyd ofyn am ddatganiad gan Weinidog yr Economi i roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i'r Aelodau am y gronfa cadernid economaidd, am gynllun benthyciadau COVID Banc Datblygu Cymru, ac am fathau eraill o gymorth gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer busnesau yn ystod y pandemig, a allai gynnig sicrwydd yma yng Nghymru, o ganlyniad i Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, fod mesurau diogelu llym ar waith sy'n atal y mathau o lefelau o dwyll yr ydym ni'n eu gweld yn Lloegr a ledled y DU o gynllun benthyciadau adfer Llywodraeth y DU, sydd wedi arwain at hawlio mwy na £4 biliwn o arian trethdalwyr yn dwyllodrus wrth i lawer o drethdalwyr orwedd ar eu gwely angau?
Thank you. I am very pleased that the local authority that we share across our constituencies is applying for UK City of Culture 2025. I'm very happy to provide a formal statement of support from the Welsh Government. Just last Friday we held a conference, a virtual conference, to support the bid for one of the six visions that Wrexham have, and that was around being the UK centre for play, which of course is so important for our children and young people, and the First Minister opened that conference, so I'm very happy to provide another statement. The rumour about Will Ferrell coming to watch the football team that we both support, I think, is very much out there. We seem to be attracting some very famous people to the Racecourse these days.
In relation to your second, very important request for a statement, I'm sure the Member is aware that when we've been making emergency loans through the COVID-19 Wales business loans scheme, the Development Bank for Wales took steps to speed up the delivery of funding, whilst maintaining identity verification procedures to a very, very high standard, and that robust approach was really needed by DBW to make sure that we safeguarded public money. To be eligible for CWBLS, a business had to be trading for over two years, while the BBLS provided loans to companies that had to be engaged in trading since 1 March 2020, so, very, very quick. The DBW also applied standardised personal guarantees at a maximum of 20 per cent, and they capped the loans at £25,000 also, though they never supported by the applicant's principal private residence, which, along with that identity verification, mitigated some of the risks that were in place in pace of delivery. Therefore, this means that the risk of fraud with ours was far, far lower than compared to the bounce back loans and the coronavirus business interruption loan scheme, as they were audited accounts to scrutinise in the diligence process, and the DBW was not at risk from fraudulent new company registrations.
Diolch. Rwy'n falch iawn bod yr awdurdod lleol yr ydym ni'n ei rannu ar draws ein hetholaethau yn gwneud cais am Ddinas Diwylliant y DU 2025. Rwy'n hapus iawn i ddarparu datganiad ffurfiol o gefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Ddydd Gwener diwethaf cafodd gynhadledd ei chynnal, cynhadledd rithwir, i gefnogi'r cais am un o'r chwe gweledigaeth sydd gan Wrecsam, ac roedd hynny'n ymwneud â bod yn ganolfan chwarae y DU, sydd, wrth gwrs, mor bwysig i'n plant a'n pobl ifanc, ac agorodd y Prif Weinidog y gynhadledd honno, felly rwy'n hapus iawn i ddarparu datganiad arall. Mae'r sïon am Will Ferrell yn dod i wylio'r tîm pêl-droed y mae'r ddau ohonom yn ei gefnogi, ar led, rwy'n meddwl. Mae'n ymddangos ein bod ni'n denu pobl enwog iawn i'r Cae Ras y dyddiau hyn.
O ran eich ail gais pwysig iawn am ddatganiad, rwy'n siŵr bod yr Aelod yn ymwybodol, pan fyddwn ni wedi bod yn gwneud benthyciadau brys drwy gynllun benthyciadau busnes COVID-19 Cymru, fod Banc Datblygu Cymru wedi cymryd camau i gyflymu'r broses o ddarparu cyllid, gan gynnal gweithdrefnau dilysu hunaniaeth i safon uchel iawn, iawn, ac roedd angen gwirioneddol am y dull cadarn hwnnw gan Fanc Datblygu Cymru i sicrhau ein bod ni'n diogelu arian cyhoeddus. Er mwyn bod yn gymwys ar gyfer cynllun benthyciadau Banc Datblygu Cymru, bu'n rhaid i fusnes fod yn masnachu am fwy na dwy flynedd, ond y bu'r cynllun benthyciadau adfer yn darparu benthyciadau i gwmnïau yr oedd ofynnol iddyn nhw fod yn masnachu ers 1 Mawrth 2020, felly, yn gyflym iawn, iawn. Roedd Banc Datblygu Cymru hefyd yn defnyddio gwarantau personol safonol ar uchafswm o 20 y cant, ac roedden nhw'n rhoi terfyn uchaf o £25,000 ar fenthyciadau hefyd, er nad oedden nhw erioed wedi eu cefnogi gan brif breswylfa breifat yr ymgeisydd, a oedd, ynghyd â'r broses o ddilysu hunaniaeth honno, yn lliniaru rhai o'r risgiau a oedd ar waith o ran cyflymder y ddarpariaeth. Felly, mae hyn yn golygu bod y risg o dwyll gyda'n cynllun ni yn llawer, llawer is o'i gymharu â'r benthyciadau adfer a'r cynllun benthyciadau tarfu ar fusnes yn sgil y coronafeirws, gan fod cyfrifon wedi eu harchwilio ar gael i graffu arnyn nhw yn y broses ddiwydrwydd, ac nid oedd Banc Datblygu Cymru mewn perygl o gofrestru cwmnïau newydd twyllodrus.
I endorse the comments about the Wrexham city of culture bid and the will-he-won't-he Ferrell visit, but I also call for an oral statement on mental health services in north Wales. On 29 September, the health Minister told the Senedd that a piece of work to ensure that the recommendations of the 2013 Holden report, documenting the failings of a north Wales mental health unit,
'provided assurance that action was taken and remains in place against each of the recommendations of the report'.
This, despite a Healthcare Inspectorate Wales report the previous week confirming that the recommendations had not been met. On 8 December, the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being told the Senedd that
'The health board took action at that time to address the issues raised, and commissioned work to ensure that the Holden recommendations had been implemented.'
However, a Healthcare Inspectorate Wales report on 23 December confirmed that the issues raised by whistleblowers in 2013 were still in existence, including the profile beds used by patients to commit suicide in December 2020 and April 2021. The next day, North Wales Community Health Council's chief executive e-mailed me stating that,
'in the light of the recently released Holden report, we can be sure that Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board cannot be left to implement recommendations without close oversight.'
The ministerial code states that,
'It is of paramount importance that ministers give accurate and truthful information to the Senedd, correcting any inadvertent error at the earliest opportunity. Ministers who knowingly mislead the Senedd will be expected to offer their resignation'.
I call for a statement here from the Ministers identified accordingly.
Rwy'n ategu'r sylwadau ynghylch cais dinas diwylliant Wrecsam ac ymweliad posibl Will Ferrell, ond rwyf i'n galw hefyd am ddatganiad llafar ar wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yn y gogledd. Ar 29 Medi, dywedodd y Gweinidog iechyd wrth y Senedd fod darn o waith i sicrhau bod argymhellion adroddiad Holden 2013, sy'n cofnodi methiannau uned iechyd meddwl gogledd Cymru,
'yn rhoi sicrwydd bod camau wedi eu cymryd ac yn parhau i fod ar waith yn erbyn pob un o argymhellion yr adroddiad'.
Roedd hyn er gwaethaf adroddiad gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru yr wythnos flaenorol yn cadarnhau nad oedd yr argymhellion wedi eu bodloni. Ar 8 Rhagfyr, dywedodd y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Lles wrth y Senedd fod
'Y bwrdd iechyd wedi cymryd camau bryd hynny i fynd i'r afael â'r materion a gafodd eu codi, ac wedi comisiynu gwaith i sicrhau bod argymhellion Holden wedi eu gweithredu.'
Fodd bynnag, cadarnhaodd adroddiad gan Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru ar 23 Rhagfyr fod y materion a godwyd gan chwythwyr chwiban yn 2013 yn dal i fodoli, gan gynnwys y gwelyau proffil a gafodd eu defnyddio gan gleifion i ladd eu hunain ym mis Rhagfyr 2020 a mis Ebrill 2021. Y diwrnod wedyn, anfonodd prif weithredwr Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru e-bost ataf yn datgan,
'yng ngoleuni adroddiad Holden a gafodd ei ryddhau yn ddiweddar, gallwn ni fod yn sicr nad oes modd gadael Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr i weithredu argymhellion heb oruchwyliaeth fanwl.'
Mae'r cod gweinidogol yn nodi,
'Mae'n hollbwysig bod gweinidogion yn rhoi gwybodaeth gywir a gwir i'r Senedd, gan gywiro unrhyw gamgymeriad anfwriadol cyn gynted â phosibl. Bydd disgwyl i weinidogion sy'n camarwain y Senedd yn fwriadol gynnig eu hymddiswyddiad'.
Rwy'n galw am ddatganiad yma gan y Gweinidogion sydd wedi eu nodi yn unol â hynny.
Thank you. Well, the Minister for Health and Social Services is in the Chamber and will have heard your statement, and if she has anything further to add, I'm sure she will write to the Member.FootnoteLink I do think it's also an opportunity to mention, obviously, this Thursday, it's Time to Talk Day. It takes place, as we all know, on the first Thursday in February every year, and asks everyone to have a conversation about mental health. So, I just want to remind Members that it would be good if we could all think about that on Thursday.
Diolch i chi. Wel, mae'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn y Siambr ac fe glywodd hi'r hyn y gwnaethoch chi ei ddweud, ac os oes ganddi hi unrhyw beth arall i'w ychwanegu, rwy'n siŵr y bydd hi'n ysgrifennu at yr Aelod.FootnoteLink Rwy'n credu bod hwn hefyd yn gyfle i sôn, yn amlwg, ddydd Iau, y bydd hi'n Ddiwrnod Amser i Siarad. Mae hwnnw'n cwympo, fel rydym ni i gyd yn gwybod, ar y dydd Iau cyntaf ym mis Chwefror bob blwyddyn, ac yn gofyn i bob unigolyn gael sgwrs ynglŷn ag iechyd meddwl. Felly, fe hoffwn i atgoffa'r Aelodau mai da o beth fyddai i ni i gyd fyfyrio ar hynny ddydd Iau.
Finally, Jenny Rathbone.
Yn olaf, Jenny Rathbone.
Thank you very much, Llywydd. I'd like to ask for a statement from the Minister for health on the diagnosis and treatment of women with endometriosis. You will recall that, back in 2018, the recommendations of the endometriosis task and finish group were published. It seems like a million years ago, given all that's happened since, but I believe that the Welsh Government sought assurances from all the health boards that they were in a position to be compliant with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance on the treatment of endometriosis. And, we had a subsequent debate on endometriosis in the Chamber in October 2020. But, tomorrow, I'm going to be meeting Beth Hales, who will be handing in a petition with nearly 6,000 signatures, which paints a deteriorating picture of the situation, not least that the only accredited specialist endometriosis centre, which is in Cardiff, has lost one of its three endo specialist consultants. And, according to the petition, there are no plans to fill that vacancy. So, I'd be extremely grateful if we could have an update from the Minister on exactly how health boards are approaching the backlog for women who need diagnosis and treatment for endometriosis, and I'm sure that will help inform the Petitions Committee, who are going to have to provide a response to these petitioners as to how we in the Senedd and the Welsh Government are going to address what is obviously a very painful situation for many, many women.
Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, Llywydd. Fe hoffwn i ofyn am ddatganiad gan y Gweinidog iechyd ynglŷn â diagnosis a thriniaeth i fenywod ag endometriosis. Rydych chi'n cofio, nôl yn 2018, i argymhellion grŵp gorchwyl a gorffen endometriosis gael eu cyhoeddi. Mae hynny'n ymddangos fel myrddiwn o flynyddoedd yn ôl, o ystyried y cyfan sydd wedi digwydd oddi ar hynny, ond rwy'n credu bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gofyn am sicrwydd gan y byrddau iechyd i gyd eu bod nhw mewn sefyllfa i gydymffurfio â chanllawiau'r Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Ragoriaeth mewn Iechyd a Gofal o ran triniaeth endometriosis. Ac fe gawsom ni ddadl ddilynol ar endometriosis yn y Siambr ym mis Hydref 2020. Ond, yfory, fe fyddaf i'n cwrdd â Beth Hales, a fydd yn cyflwyno deiseb gyda bron i 6,000 o enwau arni, sy'n rhoi darlun o sefyllfa sy'n gwaethygu, yn arbennig oherwydd bod yr unig ganolfan arbenigol achrededig ar gyfer endometriosis, sydd yng Nghaerdydd, wedi colli un o'i thri ymgynghorydd arbenigol ar y cyflwr. Ac, yn ôl y ddeiseb, nid oes unrhyw gynlluniau i lenwi'r swydd wag honno. Felly, fe fyddwn i'n hynod ddiolchgar pe cawn ni'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf gan y Gweinidog ynglŷn â sut yn union y mae'r byrddau iechyd yn ymdrin â'r ôl-groniad o fenywod sydd ag angen diagnosis a thriniaeth ar gyfer endometriosis, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd hynny'n helpu i hysbysu'r Pwyllgor Deisebau, a fydd yn gorfod ymateb i'r deisebwyr hyn ynghylch sut yr ydym ni yn y Senedd a Llywodraeth Cymru am fynd i fynd i'r afael â'r hyn sy'n amlwg yn sefyllfa ofidus iawn i laweroedd o fenywod.
Thank you. We know, don't we, that endometriosis is a condition that affects a significant number of women. And, as the petition you referred to highlights, the impact on quality of life can be huge—really significant—and the diagnosis can take, unfortunately, a significant period of time. And I think, sometimes, there's a lack of understanding amongst the health profession around the condition.
I note that the women's health implementation group was set up back in March 2018; that was a ministerially directed group to consider reports into what could be used in relation to the condition. And, since it was established, it has been allocated £1 million a year to support its activities, and this funding has enabled a network of pelvic health and well-being co-ordinators to be in place in each health board. And, more recently, there's also been the recruitment of a network of specialist endometriosis nurses in each health board to develop national pathways. So, that could help to reduce diagnostic times across Wales, make sure women are supported, and make sure they get a timely diagnosis as well. You will have heard me say in an earlier answer around dentistry, and it's the same with endometriosis, the Minister is working very closely with the health boards to look at how we can clear the backlog as quickly as possible.
Diolch i chi. Fe wyddom ni, gwyddom, fod endometriosis yn gyflwr sy'n effeithio ar nifer fawr o fenywod. Ac, fel y mae'r ddeiseb yr oeddech chi'n cyfeirio ati hi'n tynnu sylw ato, fe all yr effaith ar ansawdd bywyd fod yn aruthrol—yn wirioneddol iawn—ac fe all y diagnosis gymryd cyfnod sylweddol o amser, yn anffodus. Ac rwy'n credu weithiau fod diffyg dealltwriaeth ymhlith y proffesiwn iechyd ynglŷn â'r cyflwr.
Rwy'n nodi i'r grŵp gweithredu iechyd menywod gael ei sefydlu yn ôl ym mis Mawrth 2018; grŵp a oedd yn cael ei gyfeirio gan weinidogion oedd hwnnw ar gyfer ystyried adroddiadau ynghylch yr hyn y gellid ei ddefnyddio o ran y cyflwr. Ac, ers ei sefydlu, fe ddyrannwyd £1 filiwn y flwyddyn i'r grŵp i gefnogi ei weithgareddau, ac mae'r cyllid hwn wedi galluogi rhwydwaith o gydlynwyr iechyd a llesiant y pelfis i fod ar waith ym mhob bwrdd iechyd. Ac, yn fwy diweddar, cafodd rhwydwaith o nyrsys endometriosis arbenigol ei recriwtio ym mhob bwrdd iechyd hefyd i ddatblygu llwybrau cenedlaethol. Felly, fe allai hynny helpu i leihau amseroedd diagnostig ledled Cymru, a sicrhau bod menywod yn cael eu cefnogi, a sicrhau eu bod nhw'n cael diagnosis mewn da bryd hefyd. Rydych chi wedi fy nghlywed i'n dweud mewn ateb cynharach ynghylch deintyddiaeth, ac mae'r un peth yn wir am endometriosis, sef bod y Gweinidog yn gweithio yn agos iawn gyda'r byrddau iechyd i ystyried sut y gallwn ni glirio'r ôl-groniad cyn gynted â phosibl.
Diolch i'r Trefnydd.
I thank the Trefnydd.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar lansio cronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol newydd ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Dwi'n galw ar y Gweinidog nawr, felly, i wneud ei datganiad, unwaith bydd hi wedi tynnu'r masg bant. Eluned Morgan.
The next item is a statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on the launch of the new health and social care regional integration fund. I call on the Minister to make the statement, once she has removed her mask. Eluned Morgan.

Diolch, Llywydd. Mae'n lyfli bod yn ôl yn y Senedd a gweld pobl lygad yn llygad am y tro cyntaf mewn sbel.
Thank you, Llywydd. It's great to be back in the Senedd and to see everyone face to face again for the first time in a while.
In August 2021, I approved a new five-year regional integration fund to support the continued development of integrated health and social care services in Wales. Today, I am pleased to be able to provide more detail on the fund and to officially launch the guidance that my officials have co-produced with regional partnership boards in order to prepare for the launch of the new fund on 1 April.
'A Healthier Wales' is our long-term plan for health and social care in Wales. It sets out a future vision of a whole-system approach to health and social care, which is focused on health and well-being, and, critically, on preventing illness. It recognises the regional partnership boards as key drivers of integration, empowering them to pool resources and expertise to deliver seamless, preventive models of care at a local, regional and national level.
During the COVID-19 pandemic and with support from the integrated care fund and transformation fund, regional partnership boards have developed new models of care that have proved invaluable, including rapid discharge from hospital to home and admission avoidance models. We know there's a problem already in terms of delayed transfer of care. Had we not had these models in place, the situation would have been a lot worse. Now, more than ever, joined up, integrated planning and delivery of services is crucial to help us as we continue with our COVID-19 response, that we build for recovery and we transform our health and care system.
I want to see Wales build on the good practice and partnership working that has developed across health, social care and the third sector over the past two years, and embed effective and preventative community solutions. The new regional integration fund will support this activity by further embedding existing national models of care, and by developing new ones for the identified priority population groups. The new fund will run from April 2022 to March 2027, and will develop national integrated models of care around six key thematic priorities. These are: community-based care, prevention and community co-ordination; secondly, place-based care, complex care closer to home; thirdly, promoting good emotional health and well-being; fourthly, supporting families to stay together safely and through providing therapeutic support for care-experienced children; fifthly, home from hospital; and sixthly, accommodation-based solutions.
I've listened to feedback from regional partners and to the findings from the independent evaluations into previous funds, which stated that short-term funding made transformation and integration difficult to achieve. In response, I have committed to an annual investment of £144 million for five years.
Ym mis Awst 2021, fe gymeradwyais i gronfa bum mlynedd newydd ar gyfer integreiddio rhanbarthol i gefnogi datblygiad parhaus y gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol integredig yng Nghymru. Heddiw, rwy'n falch o allu rhoi mwy o fanylion am y gronfa a lansio'r canllawiau yn swyddogol a gyd-gynhyrchodd fy swyddogion i gyda byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol i baratoi ar gyfer lansio'r gronfa newydd ar 1 o fis Ebrill.
Ein cynllun hirdymor ni ar gyfer iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru yw 'Cymru Iachach'. Mae'n cyflwyno gweledigaeth i'r dyfodol o ddull system gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, sy'n canolbwyntio ar iechyd a llesiant, ac, yn allweddol, ar atal salwch. Mae'n cydnabod mai'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yw ysgogyddion allweddol yr integreiddio, gan roi gallu iddyn nhw i gyfuno adnoddau ac arbenigedd ar gyfer darparu modelau gofal ataliol di-dor ar lefelau lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol.
Yn ystod pandemig COVID-19 a chyda chymorth y gronfa gofal integredig a'r gronfa drawsnewid, mae byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol wedi datblygu modelau newydd o ofal sydd wedi bod yn amhrisiadwy, gan gynnwys rhyddhau cleifion o'r ysbyty i'w cartref yn gyflym a modelau ar gyfer osgoi derbyn cleifion i ysbytai. Fe wyddom ni fod yna broblem eisoes o ran oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal. Pe na bai'r modelau hyn ar waith, fe fyddai'r sefyllfa wedi bod yn llawer gwaeth. Ac yn awr, yn fwy nag erioed, mae cynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau integredig a chydgysylltiedig yn hanfodol i'n helpu ni wrth i ni barhau â'n hymateb i COVID-19, â'n bod ni'n adeiladu ar gyfer yr adferiad a'n bod ni'n trawsnewid ein system iechyd a gofal.
Rwy'n awyddus i weld Cymru yn adeiladu ar yr arferion da a'r gwaith partneriaeth sydd wedi datblygu ledled iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a'r trydydd sector dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, ac yn ymgorffori datrysiadau cymunedol effeithiol ac ataliol. Fe fydd y gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol newydd yn cefnogi'r gweithgareddau hyn drwy ymgorffori modelau gofal cenedlaethol presennol ymhellach, a thrwy ddatblygu rhai newydd ar gyfer y grwpiau blaenoriaeth a nodwyd yn y boblogaeth. Fe fydd y gronfa newydd yn rhedeg o fis Ebrill 2022 i fis Mawrth 2027, ac fe fydd hi'n datblygu modelau gofal integredig cenedlaethol o amgylch chwe blaenoriaeth thematig allweddol. Y rhain yw: gofal yn y gymuned, atal a chydgysylltu cymunedol; yn ail, gofal yn seiliedig ar leoedd, gofal cymhleth yn nes at y cartref; yn drydydd, hyrwyddo iechyd a llesiant emosiynol; yn bedwerydd, cefnogi teuluoedd i aros gyda'i gilydd yn ddiogel a thrwy ddarparu cymorth therapiwtig i blant sydd â phrofiad o ofal; yn bumed, gartref o'r ysbyty; ac yn chweched, atebion ar sail llety.
Rwyf i wedi gwrando ar adborth gan bartneriaid rhanbarthol ac ar ganfyddiadau'r gwerthusiadau annibynnol o gronfeydd blaenorol, a oedd yn nodi bod cyllid byrdymor yn ei gwneud hi'n anodd trawsnewid ac integreiddio. Mewn ymateb i hynny, rwyf i wedi ymrwymo i fuddsoddiad blynyddol o £144 miliwn am bum mlynedd.
Bydd y cyfnod buddsoddi pum mlynedd o fis Ebrill 2022 yn sicrhau bod cynlluniau buddsoddi tymor hirach yn gallu cael eu sefydlu a'u gwireddu ar sail fframwaith canlyniadau penodol. Er mwyn dangos o ddifrif ein bod yn gweithio gyda'n gilydd ar integreiddio, mae Llywodraeth Cymru a'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol wedi creu dull graddedig o fuddsoddi. Bydd disgwyl i bartneriaid ddod o hyd i adnoddau cyfatebol yn gynaliadwy drwy gydol cylch bywyd y gronfa. Bydd hynny'n arwain at gymorth parhaus ar y diwedd ar gyfer modelau gofal integredig cenedlaethol.
Dwi wedi bod yn glir nad yw'r gronfa newydd hon yn barhad o'r cronfeydd blaenorol. Bydd angen i fyrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol ddangos bod yr arian yn cael ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer gwasanaethau integredig a fydd yn help i ddatblygu'r chwe model gofal cenedlaethol sydd wedi'u nodi. Bydd hyn yn ein helpu i gyflawni’r uchelgais sydd wedi'i nodi yn 'Cymru Iachach', sef i bobl gael gafael ar y gofal a'r cymorth iawn yn y lle iawn ar yr adeg iawn, ac i bobl gymryd rheolaeth o'u hiechyd a'u llesiant eu hunain i atal anghenion rhag gwaethygu.
Mae'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn dod â chynrychiolwyr iechyd, awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol, tai, y trydydd sector, dinasyddion a gofalwyr a phartneriaid eraill at ei gilydd i ddarparu gwasanaethau integredig yn effeithiol yma yng Nghymru. O dan Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014, eu diben yw gwella canlyniadau a llesiant pobl sydd ag anghenion gofal a chymorth, yn ogystal â'u gofalwyr. Bydd y gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol yn helpu'r bobl hynny yng Nghymru a fyddai'n elwa fwyaf ar fodelau gofal integredig. Bydd y grwpiau poblogaeth â blaenoriaeth yn cynnwys pobl hŷn, gan gynnwys pobl sydd â dementia, plant a phobl ifanc sydd ag anghenion cymhleth, pobl sydd ag anableddau dysgu a chyflyrau niwroddatblygiadol, gan gynnwys awtistiaeth, gofalwyr di-dâl a phobl sydd ag anghenion llesiant iechyd meddwl ac emosiynol.
Er mwyn sicrhau bod amcanion y gronfa newydd yn cael eu cyflawni, bydd fframwaith canlyniadau clir yn cael ei weithredu, gyda chanlyniadau a mesurau allweddol. Bydd cymunedau ymarfer yn cael eu sefydlu a fydd yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth rannu gwersi a helpu partneriaid i ddatblygu modelau gofal integredig cenedlaethol. Mae ein hymateb i'r pandemig wedi dangos beth allwn ni ei wneud a beth y gallwn ni ei gyflawni drwy gydweithio. Wrth lansio'r gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol, dwi'n benderfynol ein bod yn adeiladu ar y profiadau hyn wrth inni ddelio â'r heriau parhaus sydd o'n blaenau. Diolch, Llywydd.
The five-year investment period from April 2022 will ensure that longer-term investment plans can be established and delivered against a framework of set outcomes. To truly demonstrate a partnership approach to integration, the Welsh Government and regional partnership boards have co-produced a tapered approach to investment, with partners expected to sustainably source match resources throughout the life cycle of the fund. That will lead to ongoing support at the end for the integrated national models of care.
I have been clear that this new fund is not a continuation of the previous funds. Regional partnership boards will need to demonstrate that the money is being used for integrated services that will help to develop the six stated national models of care. This will help us achieve the ambition set out in 'A Healthier Wales', namely for people to be able to access the right care and the right support in the right place at the right time, and for people to take control of their own health and well-being to prevent the escalation of needs.
The regional partnership boards bring together health, social services, housing, the third sector, citizens and carer representatives and other partners to take forward the effective delivery of integrated services here in Wales. Under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, their purpose is to improve the outcomes and well-being of people with care and support needs, as well as their carers. The regional integration fund will support those people in Wales who would most benefit from integrated models of care. Priority population groups will include older people, including people with dementia, children and young people with complex needs, people with learning disabilities and neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism, unpaid carers and people with emotional and mental health well-being needs.
To ensure that the objectives of the new fund are being met, a clear framework of outcomes will be implemented, with key outcomes and measures. Communities of practice will be established that will play an essential role in sharing learning and supporting partners with the development of the national models of integrated care. Our response to the pandemic has shown what we can achieve by working together. With the launch of the regional integration fund, I am determined that we will build on these experiences as we deal with the ongoing challenges ahead of us.
Thank you for your statement this afternoon, Minister; it's good to see you in person after several weeks of more Zoom meetings than you can count. Integrating care should be about the outcomes, so why are we integrating care if not to provide top-quality care to every citizen of Wales? Healthcare needs and social care needs are so intertwined, both on a patient level and an organisational level. Minister, how will this new fund and new models of delivering care ensure better, more timely care for patients? How will co-produced plans with regional partnership boards address the shortage in care provision?
One only has to look at the dropping-off points outside our accident and emergency departments across the country to see the impact the crisis in social care is having on our NHS. In health committee last week, as part of our inquiry into hospital discharge, we took evidence that highlighted and underlined the impact delays were having. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine pointed out that during the past year, excessive waits at A&E may have contributed to nearly 2,000 excess deaths; 1,946 Welsh patients died because they couldn't be treated in time. Minister, how soon will the people of Wales see improvement and an end to these totally preventable deaths?
I welcome the emphasis being placed upon prevention, but that will not help the tens of thousands of people waiting for treatment today. We currently have hundreds of patients who are medically fit for discharge but can't be released home or into a care facility, simply because they have no care package available. I was shocked to learn that for a number of patients the delays have been measured in years, not weeks. Minister, do you agree with me that it's a damning indictment of where we are when local authorities are putting out adverts calling for volunteers to provide homecare services?
Successive Governments have so undervalued the caring profession that it's little wonder we struggle to fill vacancies. Without carers, we can't provide care packages; without care packages, we can't discharge patients; and without discharge we can't admit new patients. So, Minister, do you believe that regional partnership boards will be able to eliminate delayed transfers of care, or DToCs? Will they be able to address the staffing crisis?
Forgive me if I do sound a bit sceptical, but regional partnership boards have hardly covered themselves in glory in recent times. The auditor general found issues with the integrated care fund and raised concerns that regional partnership boards were failing to share best practice. Do you believe that regional partnership boards have delivered value for money? Minister, what safeguards will be in place to ensure that this new fund fares better than previous funds? How will this expenditure be managed and monitored? I welcome the position on developing new models of care and providing care closer to home, so how will regional partnership boards bring care closer to home? Will they adopt a hospital-at-home approach as suggested by the Royal College of Physicians and supported by my party?
And finally, Minister, you state that the fund will support the identified priority population groups. What about others with complex needs? Would they not benefit from such a step change in care? Thank you very much.
Diolch i chi am eich datganiad y prynhawn yma, Gweinidog; mae hi'n dda eich gweld chi yn y cnawd ar ôl sawl wythnos o gyfarfodydd Zoom dirifedi. Y canlyniadau ddylai fod wrth hanfod integreiddio gofal, felly pam rydym ni'n integreiddio gofal os nad i ddarparu gofal o'r radd flaenaf i bob dinesydd yng Nghymru? Mae anghenion gofal iechyd ac anghenion gofal cymdeithasol mor ymhlyg yn ei gilydd o safbwynt y cleifion a'r sefydliadau. Gweinidog, sut wnaiff y gronfa newydd hon a'r modelau newydd hyn o ddarparu gofal sicrhau gofal gwell ac yn fwy amserol i gleifion? Sut y bydd cynlluniau a gydgynhyrchir gyda byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn mynd i'r afael â'r prinder yn y ddarpariaeth o ofal?
Nid oes ond rhaid edrych ar y mannau gollwng y tu allan i'n hadrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys ledled y wlad i weld yr effaith y mae'r argyfwng ym maes gofal cymdeithasol yn ei chael ar ein GIG. Yn y pwyllgor iechyd yr wythnos diwethaf, yn rhan o'n hymchwiliad ni i ryddhau cleifion o ysbytai, fe gawsom ni dystiolaeth a oedd yn amlygu ac yn tanlinellu'r effaith yr oedd oedi'n ei chael. Fe nododd y Coleg Meddygaeth Frys Brenhinol y gallai gormod o ddisgwyl mewn adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys fod wedi cyfrannu at bron i 2,000 o farwolaethau ychwanegol yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf; bu farw 1,946 o gleifion yng Nghymru am na ellid eu trin nhw mewn pryd. Gweinidog, pa mor fuan y bydd pobl Cymru yn gweld gwelliant a diwedd ar y marwolaethau y gellid eu hatal yn gyfan gwbl?
Rwy'n croesawu'r pwyslais a roddir ar atal, ond ni fydd hynny'n helpu'r degau o filoedd o bobl sy'n aros am driniaeth heddiw. Ar hyn o bryd, mae gennym ni gannoedd o gleifion sy'n feddygol barod i'w rhyddhau ond na ellir eu rhyddhau nhw i'w cartrefi nac i gyfleusterau gofal, dim ond am nad oes ganddyn nhw becyn gofal ar gael iddyn nhw. Fe gefais i siom o glywed bod nifer o gleifion yn mesur eu hamseroedd aros nhw mewn blynyddoedd, ac nid mewn wythnosau. Gweinidog, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi fod honno'n feirniadaeth ysol o'n sefyllfa ni nawr pan fo'r awdurdodau lleol yn hysbysebu am wirfoddolwyr i gynnig gwasanaethau gofal cartref?
Mae Llywodraethau olynol wedi tanbrisio'r proffesiwn gofalu fel nad yw hi'n syndod ein bod ni'n ei chael hi'n anodd llenwi swyddi gwag. Heb ofalwyr, ni allwn ni roi pecynnau gofal; heb becynnau gofal, ni allwn ni ryddhau cleifion; a heb ryddhau'r rheini, nid oes posibl i ni dderbyn cleifion o'r newydd. Felly, Gweinidog, a ydych chi o'r farn y bydd byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn gallu cael gwared ag achosion o oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal? A fyddan nhw'n gallu mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng staffio?
Maddeuwch i mi os wyf i'n swnio braidd yn amheus, ond go brin fod byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol wedi ennill bri yn ddiweddar. Roedd yr archwilydd cyffredinol yn canfod problemau gyda'r gronfa gofal integredig ac fe gododd bryderon o ran byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn methu â rhannu arfer gorau. A ydych chi'n credu bod byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol wedi sicrhau gwerth am arian? Gweinidog, pa fesurau diogelu fydd ar waith i sicrhau bod y gronfa newydd hon yn llwyddo mwy na chronfeydd blaenorol? Sut caiff y gwariant hwn ei reoli a'i fonitro? Rwy'n croesawu'r sefyllfa o ran datblygu modelau newydd o ofal ac o ddarparu gofal yn nes adref, felly sut wnaiff y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol ddod â gofal yn nes adref? A ydyn nhw am fabwysiadu dull o gynnal ysbyty yn y cartref fel roedd Coleg Brenhinol y Ffisigwyr yn ei awgrymu ac mae fy mhlaid i'n ei gefnogi?
Ac yn olaf, Gweinidog, rydych chi'n dweud y bydd y gronfa hon yn cefnogi'r grwpiau â blaenoriaeth a nodwyd yn y boblogaeth. Beth am bobl eraill sydd ag anghenion cymhleth? Oni fydden nhw'n elwa ar newid mor sylweddol ym maes gofal? Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
Thank you, Gareth, and it's lovely to see you in person as well. I think it's really important to make sure that the outcomes framework is something that we are very focused on. The whole point here is that we've got to see deliverables at the end of this process. What is absolutely clear is the interrelationship between health and care, as you've pointed out. That is something that we've been very aware of. That's why we brought in an opportunity for that closer integration back in 2014, with the social services and well-being Act, and of course, the whole approach of the well-being of future generations Act is all also about long-term prevention, integration. So, all of those things are in place, and it's good to see that the UK Government is at last catching up with that philosophy and approach and we're seeing at least an aspect of that being developed in the Bill that's going through Westminster at the moment.
What's clear is that we have come a very long way through what we've learnt through the integrated care fund plans and the transformation fund plans. We are very keen, though, to learn from some of the lessons that were made clear and that were highlighted, as you suggested, by the auditor general. We are taking on board all of the points that they've made: timeliness on guidance, which is why you're seeing that guidance being published today, an alignment of multiple short-term funds, so we've knocked off several different funding channels here and we've put it all into one package, minimising duplication, strengthening those governance arrangements, better scrutiny, agree key outcomes, shared learning; all of that is absolutely now embedded into the next phase of the regional integration fund.
You talk about the difficulties with hospital discharges; there's nobody more aware of the problem than I am. We're still in a situation where we have about a 1,000 people in our hospitals who are ready for discharge. It's about that interconnection between the hospitals and the need to get them out into communities, making sure people are talking to each other. The Deputy Minister and I have been meeting on a weekly basis with local authorities to make sure everybody is singing from the same hymn sheet, to make sure everybody understands what needs to be done here. I think it is probably worth underlining that fundamental to this is the need for respect for people who are giving that care within our communities, and that means actually paying them properly. That's why we, from April, will be bringing in the real living wage, a manifesto commitment that we will be delivering from April—I'm very proud to see that happening—and the beginning of that process, to give respect to those people who are doing such sterling work in our communities.
However bad and difficult it is in Wales, I can assure you that it's a damn sight more difficult in England. I think it's been fascinating to watch in recent days how there's been this u-turn when it comes to vaccinations and now saying that actually, people who work in the NHS who haven't been vaccinated don't have to stop their jobs. But it's too late; they've already kicked out a whole load of care workers, so if there was a problem before, it's an even greater problem now in England. Of course, we are in a position where we already have very high numbers of our care workers who've been vaccinated; we'd like more of them to be boosted, but it's really important that we just keep on that pressure.
We do, of course, have lots of examples of things like hospital at home already across all parts of Wales. The whole purpose of this is to take those best practices and see how we can embed them and roll them out across the whole of Wales. Those kinds of examples, we do have lots of those already in Wales, but this is about embedding what works well.
Diolch i chi, Gareth, ac mae hi'n hyfryd eich gweld chithau yn y cnawd hefyd. Rwyf i o'r farn ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn i ni sicrhau bod y fframwaith canlyniadau yn rhywbeth y byddwn ni'n canolbwyntio llawer iawn arno. Yr holl bwynt yn hyn o beth yw y mae'n rhaid i ni weld pethau y gellir eu cyflawni nhw ar ddiwedd y broses hon. Yr hyn sy'n gwbl amlwg yw'r gydberthynas rhwng iechyd a gofal, fel roeddech chi'n dweud. Mae hwnnw'n rhywbeth yr ydym ni wedi bod yn ymwybodol iawn ohono. Dyna pam y bu i ni gyflwyno cyfle i integreiddio yn fwy clòs nôl yn 2014, gyda'r Ddeddf gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a llesiant, ac wrth gwrs, mae holl ymagwedd Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol yn ymwneud ag atal ac integreiddio hirdymor hefyd. Felly, mae'r pethau hynny i gyd ar waith, a da o beth yw gweld bod Llywodraeth y DU yn dal i fyny o'r diwedd â'r athroniaeth honno a'r dull hwnnw o weithredu ac rydym ni'n gweld agwedd, o leiaf, ar hynny'n cael ei datblygu yn y Bil sy'n mynd drwy San Steffan ar hyn o bryd.
Yr hyn sy'n amlwg yw ein bod ni wedi mynd ffordd bell iawn oherwydd yr hyn y gwnaethom ni ei ddysgu drwy gynlluniau'r gronfa gofal integredig a chynlluniau'r gronfa drawsnewid. Eto i gyd, rydym ni'n awyddus iawn i ddysgu rhai o'r gwersi a eglurwyd ac a nodwyd, fel roeddech chi'n ei awgrymu, gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol. Rydym ni'n ystyried pob un o'r pwyntiau sydd wedi eu gwneud: canllawiau cynnar, a dyna pam rydych chi'n gweld y canllawiau hyn yn cael eu cyhoeddi heddiw, aliniad llawer o gronfeydd byrdymor, felly rydym ni wedi cael gwared â sawl gwahanol sianel ariannu yma ac rydym ni wedi rhoi'r cyfan mewn un pecyn, i leihau dyblygu, a chryfhau'r trefniadau llywodraethu hynny, yn ogystal â chraffu gwell, cytuno ar ganlyniadau allweddol, dysgu ar y cyd; mae hynny i gyd yn cael ei ymgorffori erbyn hyn yng ngham nesaf y gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol.
Rydych chi'n sôn am yr anawsterau o ran rhyddhau cleifion o ysbytai; nid oes neb yn fwy ymwybodol o'r broblem nag yr wyf i. Rydym ni'n parhau i fod mewn sefyllfa o fod ag o gwmpas 1,000 o bobl yn ein hysbytai ni sy'n barod i fynd adref. Mae hynny'n ymwneud â'r rhyng-gysylltiad hwnnw rhwng yr ysbytai a'r angen i gael pobl allan i'w cymunedau, gan sicrhau bod pobl yn siarad â'i gilydd. Mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog a minnau wedi bod yn cyfarfod yn wythnosol gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau bod pawb o'r un feddwl, i sicrhau bod pawb yn deall yr hyn sydd angen ei wneud yn y cyswllt hwn. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n werth tanlinellu, yn debyg iawn, mai'r angen am barch tuag at y bobl sy'n rhoi'r gofal hwnnw yn ein cymunedau ni yw ystyr hyn, ac mae hynny'n golygu eu bod nhw'n cael cyflog teilwng. Dyna pam y byddwn ni, o fis Ebrill ymlaen, yn cyflwyno'r cyflog byw gwirioneddol, sy'n ymrwymiad maniffesto y byddwn ni'n ei gyflawni o fis Ebrill—rwy'n falch iawn o weld hynny'n digwydd—a dechrau'r broses honno, i roi parch i'r bobl hynny sy'n gwneud gwaith mor deilwng yn ein cymunedau ni.
Ni waeth pa mor wael ac anodd yw hi yng Nghymru, fe allaf i eich sicrhau chi ei bod hi gryn dipyn yn waeth yn Lloegr. Rwy'n credu iddi fod yn hynod ddiddorol i ni wylio, yn y dyddiau diwethaf, sut y digwyddodd y tro pedol hwn o ran brechiadau a dweud nawr nad oes yn rhaid atal swyddi pobl sy'n gweithio yn y GIG nad ydyn nhw wedi cael eu brechu. Ond mae hi'n rhy hwyr; maen nhw wedi troi carfan gyfan o weithwyr gofal allan, felly os oedd yna broblem o'r blaen, mae'r broblem hyd yn oed yn waeth nawr yn Lloegr. Wrth gwrs, rydym ni mewn sefyllfa lle rydym ni eisoes â niferoedd uchel iawn o'n gweithwyr gofal ni wedi cael eu brechu; fe hoffem ni weld mwy ohonyn nhw'n cael brechiad atgyfnerthu, ond mae hi'n bwysig iawn ein bod ni'n parhau i bwyso ar bobl.
Wrth gwrs, mae llawer o enghreifftiau gennym ni eisoes o bethau fel ysbyty yn y cartref ym mhob rhan o Gymru. Holl ddiben hyn yw cymryd yr arferion gorau hynny a gweld sut y gallwn ni eu hymgorffori nhw a'u cyflwyno nhw ledled Cymru. Y mathau hynny o enghreifftiau, mae llawer o'r rhain gennym ni yng Nghymru eisoes, ond ystyr hyn yw ymgorffori'r hyn sy'n gweithio yn dda.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhun ap Iorwerth.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd. Dwi innau'n teimlo'r angen i ddweud fy mod innau'n ei gweld hi'n braf iawn gweld y Gweinidog wyneb yn wyneb ar ôl rhai wythnosau o weithio'n rhithiol.
Diolch am y datganiad yma heddiw; mae croeso gofalus, croeso cyffredinol, gen i, yn sicr ar yr egwyddor. Rydym ni'n gytûn ar yr angen i integreiddio cymaint â phosib. Mae Plaid Cymru ers blynyddoedd lawer wedi cefnogi rhoi cronfeydd mewn lle er mwyn annog cydweithio rhwng iechyd a gofal. Dwi'n meddwl, er bod y Gweinidog yn dweud nad parhad o'r hen gronfeydd ydy hwn, dwi'n meddwl bod yr intermediate care fund yn rhywbeth a ddaeth allan o'r gyllideb rhwng Plaid Cymru a'r Llywodraeth rhyw wyth mlynedd yn ôl erbyn hyn. Roedd hwnnw'n integrated care fund ac mae hwn yn dilyn y trywydd hwnnw; dyma'r ymgorfforiad diweddaraf. Mi ddof i nôl at y cwestiwn yma o a ydy hwn yn rhywbeth cwbl newydd neu yn barhad. Dwi'n cytuno, yn sicr, lle mae yna arloesi yn digwydd a lle mae yna arfer da, fod angen i hwnnw gael ei basio'n well o ardal i ardal a hefyd gallu cael ei weithredu i'r hirdymor. Dwi'n meddwl bod yna ormod o broblemau efo cyllido byrdymor, sy'n golygu bod prosiectau da yn cael eu torri yn eu blas, ac, yn hynny o beth, dwi'n croesawu'r ffaith bod yna bum mlynedd o gyllid yn cael ei roi mewn lle dan y cyhoeddiad yma rŵan.
Un cwestiwn wnaeth gael ei ofyn gan adroddiad yr archwilydd, dwi'n meddwl, yn 2019 oedd y cwestiwn yma o beth yn union ydyn ni'n ei gael allan o hyn. Ydy, mae'r egwyddor yn gweithio, ond beth ddywedwyd mewn adroddiad rhyw dair blynedd yn ôl oedd
Thank you very much, Deputy Llywydd. I also feel the need to say that it's nice to see the Minister face to face again after some weeks of working virtually.
Thank you for this statement today; I give a careful but general welcome to the principle. We're certainly agreed on the need to integrate as much as possible. Plaid Cymru for many years has supported putting funds in place in order to encourage collaboration between health and care. I think, although the Minister said that this isn't a continuation of the old funds, I do think that the intermediate care fund was something that emerged from a budgetary agreement between Plaid Cymru and the Government some eight years ago. That was an integrated care fund and this is following the same design; it's the latest incarnation. I'll return to the question as to whether this is entirely new or a continuation of what's gone before. But I certainly agree that, where there is innovation and where there is good practice, that should be passed from one area to another more effectively and should be able to be delivered in the longer term. I think there are too many problems with short-term funding, which means that good projects are cut just as they're getting established, and, in that regard, I welcome the fact that five-year funding is being put in place as a result of this announcement.
One question that was raised by the auditor's report in 2019 was this question of what exactly do we get out of this. Yes, the principle works, but what was said in a report some three years ago was that
'the overall impact of the fund'—
'mae effaith y gronfa yn gyffredinol'—
the integrated care fund, hynny ydy—
the integrated care fund at that time—
'in improving outcomes for service users remains unclear, with little evidence of successful projects yet being mainstreamed.'
'yn parhau i fod yn aneglur o ran gwella canlyniadau i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaethau, ac nid oes fawr o dystiolaeth eto fod prosiectau llwyddiannus yn cael eu prif ffrydio.'
Felly, beth fydd yn digwydd yn wahanol y tro yma i sicrhau bod y canlyniadau i gleifion yn well? Achos mi allen ni gytuno drwy'r dydd ar egwyddorion, ond oni bai bod yr egwyddorion hynny'n troi yn rhywbeth sydd yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i gleifion go iawn, wel does yna ddim fawr o bwrpas iddyn nhw.
At y cwestiwn yma o ran ai parhad ynteu rywbeth newydd ydy o, mae'r Gweinidog yn dweud nad parhad ydy o, ond beth am y pethau hynny sydd yn gweithio'n dda dan y cronfeydd presennol? Sut mae sicrhau bod y rheini yn gallu trosglwyddo i'r gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol newydd yma? A hefyd mae yna bryder wedi cael ei leisio yn yr wythnosau a'r misoedd diwethaf, ers i'r cynllun yma gael ei grybwyll am y tro cyntaf, gan, er enghraifft, y trydydd sector a grwpiau eraill sydd â swyddi, er enghraifft, wedi cael eu cyllido'n rhannol gan y cronfeydd fu'n bodoli tan rŵan. Beth sy'n digwydd i'r rheini? Pa sicrwydd eto y bydd y pethau hynny sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth ac yn gweithio'n dda yn gallu parhau?
Un cwestiwn olaf, o bosib, gen i. Mae yna berig dan y prosiectau sydd wedi eu cyllido dan y cronfeydd hyd yma mai annog cydweithio maen nhw yn hytrach nag integreiddio go iawn. A lle mae'r cydweithio'n gweithio'n dda, wel, iawn, ond nid integreiddio ydy o. Dydy galw hwn yn integreiddio ynddo'i hun ddim yn sicrhau integreiddio. Felly, lle mae'r Gweinidog yn meddwl y mae hwn yn ffitio i mewn i'r agenda ehangach yna dwi'n eiddgar iawn i'w weld yn symud ymlaen yn gyflym i wirioneddol integreiddio'r gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal. Achos siawns mai dyna rydyn ni'n chwilio amdano fe, yn y pen draw. Dwi angen gwybod sut ydyn ni'n mynd i fod yn mesur, dan y cynllun sy'n cael ei amlinellu rŵan, ydy'r integreiddio yna wirioneddol yn digwydd, ynteu gam tuag at brosiect arall o integreiddio go iawn fydd hwn.
So, what will be different this time in order to ensure that the outcomes for patients are better? Because we can agree all day long on principles, but, unless those principles become tangibles that make a difference to patients, then there's not much purpose to them.
To turn to this question as to whether this is a continuation of something that's gone before or something new, the Minister said that it is new, but what about those things that have worked well under the current funds? How do we ensure that those can become part of this new integrated regional fund? Concerns have been raised, over the last weeks and months since this plan was first mooted, by the third sector and other groups who have posts partially funded by past funds. What happens to those? What assurance can you give that those things that have been making a difference and working well can continue for the future?
One final question from me. There is a risk under the projects that were funded under the funds to date that they encourage collaboration rather than real integration. And where collaboration works well, well, all well and good, but it's not integration. Calling this integration in and of itself won't secure integration. So, where does the Minister think that this fits in to the broader agenda that I am very eager to see progress very swiftly to truly integrate health and care services? Because surely that's what we're seeking, ultimately. I need to know how we will measure, under the plan outlined today, whether that integration is truly happening, or is it a step towards another project of real integration.
Diolch yn fawr, Rhun. Dwi'n meddwl ei fod e'n bwysig nad ydyn ni'n taflu popeth o ran beth ddigwyddodd o'r blaen, achos roedd yna arfer da yn gweithio gyda'r ICF a gyda'r transformation programme hefyd. Felly, mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n cymryd hynny a'n bod ni'n cymryd yr arloesi. Ond y drafferth oedd, achos nad oedd pobl yn gweld bod yna barhad, doedden nhw ddim yn ei rhoi hi i mewn i'r mainstream, a dyna pam mae'r ffordd rŷn ni'n mynd i wneud pethau y tro yma'n mynd i fod ychydig yn wahanol. Bydd angen i bobl ddod â match funding at y bwrdd, ac mae hwnna'n golygu bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw roi lot mwy o'u harian eu hunain i mewn. A dwi'n gobeithio y bydd hwnna, wedyn, yn wirioneddol yn gweithio tuag at yr integreiddio yna rŷch chi'n sôn amdano, yn hytrach na jest cydweithio. A'r syniad, wedyn, yw bod pethau wedyn yn embedded. A'r peth arall yw, bydd tapering hefyd, felly, byddan nhw'n dechrau off gydag arian o'r gyllideb yma, ond y syniad yw y byddan nhw'n gweld y budd a byddan nhw'n symud arian o lefydd eraill i bethau maen nhw'n gwybod sy'n gweithio. Felly, dwi yn gobeithio—dyna'r syniad, ta beth—y bydd rhai o'r mesurau yna a oedd, fel yr oeddech chi'n ei ddweud, wedi'u dangos gan yr archwilydd cyffredinol—. Mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n dysgu o'r hyn welsom ni o'r blaen.
Mae yna enghreifftiau arbennig, dwi'n meddwl, o ble mae pethau wedi gweithio'n dda. Er enghraifft, yng Nghaerdydd, mae'r discharge hub, maen nhw wedi gwneud pethau fel cael full-time occupational therapist i wneud yn siŵr bod pobl yn gallu symud allan a bod rhywun on call drwy'r amser. A social prescribing—mae hwnna wedi bod yn hynod o lwyddiannus yng Nghaerdydd, gyda 10 clwstwr yn gweithredu gyda social prescribing nawr. Yng Nghwm Taf, mae gennym ni assisted technology programme, sydd yn ddiddorol, achos mae'n galluogi pobl hen, efallai, i aros yn eu cartrefi nhw ac mae yna system responsive, wedyn, os oes rhywbeth yn mynd o'i le. A'r un peth yng Ngwent, er enghraifft. Mae home first programme, a'r syniad yw ein bod ni'n rhoi'r hospital discharge yna mewn lle, a'r un peth yn Grange Hospital—home first. Mae'r rheini i gyd yn enghreifftiau o le rŷn ni wedi gweld pethau arloesol yn digwydd, maen nhw'n llwyddiannus, ond mae angen inni nawr weld bod pethau'n symud i mewn i fod yn mainstream. Yn y gogledd, byddwch chi'n ymwybodol o'r ICAN communiy mental health hub, sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus hefyd. Felly, mae lot o bethau da yn digwydd, ond rŷch chi'n eithaf reit, beth sydd angen nawr yw i gymryd yr ICAN model a gweld, 'Reit, pam na allwn ni weld hwn yn digwydd mewn llefydd eraill yn y wlad?'
Thank you very much, Rhun. I think it's important that we don't throw everything out, everything that's happened previously, because there was good practice that was happening with the ICF and the transformation programme as well. So, it's important that we do take that and we take the innovation. But the trouble was, because people didn't see that there was any continuity, they didn't mainstream it, so that's why the way we do things this time is going to be slightly different. People will need to bring match funding to the table, and that means that they will have to put a lot more of their own funding into it. And do I hope that that, then, will genuinely work towards that integration that you mentioned, rather than just collaboration. And the idea, then, is that things are embedded. And the other thing is that there will be tapering, so they will start off with funding from this budget, but then the idea is that they will see the benefit and they will move funding from other pots to the things they know that work. So, do I hope—at least, that's the idea—that some of the measures that, as you said, were shown by the auditor general—. It's important that we do learn from what we have seen previously.
There are very good examples, I think, of where things have worked well. For example, in Cardiff, the discharge hub has done things like had a full-time occupational therapist to ensure that people can move out and that there is someone on call all the time. And social prescribing has been very successful in Cardiff, with 10 clusters working with social prescribing. In Cwm Taf, we have the assisted technology programme, which is very interesting, because it allows older people to stay in their homes and there is a responsive system if anything goes wrong. And then in Gwent, we have a home first programme, and the idea is that we put that hospital discharge in place, and the same thing at the Grange Hospital—home first. These are all examples of where we have seen innovative things happening, they have been successful, but we now need to see that things move into the mainstream. In the north, you'll be aware of the ICAN community mental health hub, which has also been very successful. So, there are many good things that are happening, but you're right, what we need to do is to take the ICAN model and ask, 'Why can't we see this happening in other places across the country?'
I very much welcome the statement by the Minister on the social care regional integration fund. Integrated social care and health, with patients at the heart of provision, has got to be what we're all aiming for. I remember when Jane Hutt launched the first joint social services and health scheme over 20 years ago.
I've long called for focusing on preventing illness and hospitalisation. That's really got to be where we're moving towards, not waiting for people to be ill and then trying to make them better, or in some cases not, but trying to stop them needing to go in in the first place and stop them needing medication. I welcome that there is going to be a clear outcome framework; too often, money is spent on health with no measurable outcomes, it's just, 'Money spent on health is good, isn't it? It doesn't matter what it does with it.' I once said that if somebody stood outside a hospital and dropped pound coins down a drain, as long as it was health pound coins dropped down the drain, a lot of people would be saying how wonderful it is.
So, I think what I would like to ask—[Interruption.] What I would would like to ask is: will the Minister arrange for publication of the expected outcomes? I apologise to the Minister for this, because I'm going to be asking this on every single thing that the Minister and others bring forward: what are the outcomes? What are we hoping to achieve? And not, 'We've spent a lot of money; isn't it good?' What are we hoping to achieve and how can we see whether this works? And sometimes it won't, and I think that we've all got to be grown up enough, even on opposition benches, to realise that sometimes it won't work, but doing it is the right idea and we'll learn from what hasn't worked out properly.
And the last question I've got is: will the community support for hospitals at home be funded by this or will it be funded separately? Because, really, that has to be one of the best things we can do. It's been pushed forward by a number—by the Royal College of Physicians, by the royal college of geriatric medicine—that, actually, dealing with people at home, giving them the full service at home, is going to make them better quicker and it will improve outcomes considerably. So, is that funded by this, or will you be coming with another statement saying that it will be funded somewhere else?
Rwy'n croesawu datganiad y Gweinidog ar y gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol gofal cymdeithasol yn fawr iawn. Mae'n rhaid i integreiddio gofal cymdeithasol ac iechyd, gyda chleifion wrth galon y ddarpariaeth, fod yn rhywbeth i ni i gyd anelu ato. Rwy'n cofio pan lansiodd Jane Hutt y cyd-gynllun gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ac iechyd cyntaf dros 20 mlynedd yn ôl.
Rwyf i wedi galw ers tro am ganolbwyntio ar atal salwch a mynediadau i ysbytai. Mae'n rhaid i honno fod yn gyrchfan wirioneddol i ni, heb aros i bobl fynd yn sâl a cheisio eu gwella nhw wedyn, neu fethu â gwneud hynny mewn rhai achosion, ond ceisio eu hatal nhw rhag gorfod mynd i mewn yn y lle cyntaf a'u hatal nhw rhag bod ag angen meddyginiaeth. Rwy'n croesawu'r ffaith y bydd yna fframwaith canlyniadau eglur; yn rhy aml, mae arian yn cael ei wario ar iechyd heb unrhyw ganlyniadau mesuradwy, dim ond, 'Peth da yw gwario arian ar iechyd, onid e? Nid oes ots beth mae'n hynny'n ei gyflawni.' Fe ddywedais i un waith pe byddai rhywun yn sefyll y tu allan i ysbyty ac yn taflu darnau punt i lawr y draen, cyn belled â bod y rheini'n ddarnau punt ar iechyd a fyddai'n mynd i lawr y draen, fe fyddai llawer o bobl yn dweud pa mor ardderchog fyddai hynny.
Felly, rwy'n credu mai'r hyn yr hoffwn i ei ofyn—[Torri ar draws.] Yr hyn yr hoffwn i ei ofyn yw: a wnaiff y Gweinidog drefnu ar gyfer cyhoeddi'r canlyniadau disgwyliedig? Rwy'n ymddiheuro i'r Gweinidog am hyn, oherwydd rwyf i am ofyn yr un fath o ran popeth y mae'r Gweinidog ac eraill yn ei gyflwyno: beth yw'r canlyniadau? Beth rydym ni'n gobeithio ei gyflawni? Ac nid, 'Rydym ni wedi gwario llawer o arian; da iawn, onid e?' Beth rydym ni'n gobeithio ei gyflawni a sut y gallwn ni weld a yw hynny'n gweithio? Ac weithiau ni fydd hynny'n gweithio, ac rwy'n credu bod rhaid i bob un ohonom ni fod yn ddigon aeddfed, ar feinciau'r gwrthbleidiau hyd yn oed, i sylweddoli na fydd ein cynlluniau ni'n gweithio weithiau, ond ymgeisio i wneud felly yw'r syniad cywir ac fe fyddwn ni'n dysgu o'r hyn na weithiodd yn iawn.
A'r cwestiwn olaf sydd gennyf i yw: a fydd y cymorth cymunedol ar gyfer ysbytai yn y cartref yn cael ei ariannu gan hyn neu a fydd hynny'n cael ei ariannu ar wahân? Oherwydd, mewn gwirionedd, mae'n rhaid i hynny fod yn un o'r pethau gorau y gallwn ni ei wneud ni. Mae nifer o sefydliadau yn gwthio'r peth—Coleg Brenhinol y Ffisigwyr, Coleg Brenhinol Meddygaeth Geriatreg—sydd, mewn gwirionedd, yn ymdrin â phobl yn eu cartrefi, gan roi'r gwasanaeth llawn iddyn nhw gartref, ac yn gwneud iddyn nhw wella yn gynt ac fe fydd hynny'n gwella'r canlyniadau yn sylweddol. Felly, a gaiff hynny ei ariannu o hyn, neu a fyddwch chi'n dod gyda datganiad arall yn dweud y caiff ei ariannu o rywle arall?
Thanks very much, Mike. Certainly, in terms of prevention, that's very much the whole philosophy behind the 'A Healthier Wales' programme, which you will be aware of. And if the pandemic has shown us anything, it has shown that, actually, it's the people who are the poorest, it's the most disadvantaged, who've actually paid the greatest price. And so unless we start to address that issue of prevention, getting in early, getting in from a young age, we're unlikely to see any significant shift in terms of the longer term health outcomes unless we address those very early issues that are clear.
In terms of the outcomes, well, what we've got is six priority areas. So, there are six priority areas: community-based care; complex care closer to home; promoting good emotional health and well-being; supporting families to stay together; home-from-hospital services; accommodation-based services. All of those things are things that are very clear in terms of the priorities. When it comes to outcomes, what happens next is that we'll be sitting down with the regional partnership boards—we have a meeting with them tomorrow—and we'll start going through, 'Look, what are the outcomes that we're looking for?' It's really important that, actually, I think they need to own these outcomes as well. So, they need a sense of ownership; it's really important, I think, for us to develop those together.
But, certainly, in terms of hospital-to-home, you talk about the Royal College of Surgeons—you know, we're very much in agreement with them. And you can see, as one of the six priorities there, home-from-hospital services—. There's that, there is the home-from-hospital, which is key. But you're absolutely right, what we need to do is the prevention work beforehand, and that can also be funded from this funding here, the regional integration fund.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Mike. Yn sicr, o ran atal, dyna'r holl athroniaeth y tu ôl i raglen 'Cymru Iachach', yr ydych chi'n ymwybodol ohoni. Ac os yw'r pandemig wedi dangos unrhyw beth i ni, mae wedi dangos, mewn gwirionedd, mai'r bobl sydd fwyaf difreintiedig, y rhai mwyaf anghenus, yw'r rhai sydd wedi talu'r pris mwyaf mewn gwirionedd. Ac felly oni bai ein bod ni'n dechrau mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwnnw o atal, ataliaeth gynnar, o oedran ifanc, mae hi'n eglur na fyddwn ni'n debygol o weld unrhyw newid sylweddol o ran y canlyniadau tymor hwy i iechyd oni bai ein bod ni'n mynd i'r afael â'r materion hynny'n gynnar iawn.
O ran y canlyniadau, wel, yr hyn sydd gennym ni yw chwe maes blaenoriaeth. Felly, mae yna chwe maes blaenoriaeth: gofal yn y gymuned; gofal cymhleth yn nes at y cartref; hybu iechyd a llesiant emosiynol; cefnogi teuluoedd i aros gyda'i gilydd; gwasanaethau gartref o'r ysbyty; gwasanaethau ar sail llety. Mae'r holl bethau hyn yn bethau eglur iawn o ran y blaenoriaethau. O ran y canlyniadau, yr hyn sy'n digwydd nesaf yw y byddwn ni'n eistedd i lawr gyda'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol—fe fydd gennym ni gyfarfod gyda nhw yfory—ac fe fyddwn ni'n dechrau mynd dros, 'Edrychwch, beth yw'r canlyniadau yr ydym ni'n chwilio amdanyn nhw?' Mae hi'n bwysig iawn, mewn gwirionedd, rwy'n credu, eu bod nhw'n gallu perchnogi'r canlyniadau yn hyn o beth hefyd. Felly, mae angen ymdeimlad o berchnogaeth arnyn nhw; mae hynny'n bwysig iawn, yn fy marn i, wrth i ni ddatblygu'r rhain gyda'n gilydd.
Ond, yn sicr, o ran adre o'r ysbyty, rydych chi'n sôn am Goleg Brenhinol y Llawfeddygon—wyddoch chi, rydym ni'n cytuno â nhw'n gryf iawn. Ac fe allwch chi weld, fel un o'r chwe blaenoriaeth yn hyn, gwasanaethau gartref o'r ysbyty—. Mae hynny'n digwydd, fe geir y gwasanaeth gartref o'r ysbyty, sy'n allweddol. Ond rydych chi yn llygad eich lle, yr hyn y mae angen i ni ei wneud yw'r gwaith atal ymlaen llaw, ac fe ellir ariannu hynny hefyd o'r cyllid hwn yn y fan hon, y gronfa integreiddio rhanbarthol.
I definitely support your ambition for effective and preventative community solutions, and we doubtless need a great deal more prevention, as we've got 20 per cent of the population awaiting hospital appointments across Wales—that's a pretty devastating figure.
Anyway, two years ago, almost to the day, I visited the Cwm Taf neighbourhood nursing team just before the pandemic broke, and I witnessed the amazing specialist care delivered by and with the people who needed these services, which ranged from everything from people who needed wound care to people who needed palliative care to those who just needed support in understanding how to manage their condition, whatever it might be, in conjunction with their families and friends. Very much based on the Buurtzorg model of co-production, the pilot just demonstrated, in the evaluation, just how well this works, and I know that there is a commitment to spread that across the whole of Wales. So, how does this announcement today fit in with that ambition to ensure that every community has a self-managed neighbourhood nursing team, to ensure that people are kept out of hospital who don't need to be there?
Secondly, I'd just like to ask you about these community centres you're talking about. I was at the Co-operative Party's conference on Zoom the other day, and the First Minister was talking about 50 local community hubs, bringing health and social care together with other services, with citizens regarded as assets, to share their skills and combine in resolving the problems that that community faces. How does that—what the First Minister was talking about—link in with what you're talking about that's going to be led by these regional partnership boards?
Rwy'n bendant yn cefnogi eich uchelgais chi ar gyfer atebion cymunedol effeithiol ac ataliol, ac mae hi'n sicr bod angen llawer mwy o atal arnom, gan fod 20 y cant o'n poblogaeth yn aros am apwyntiadau ysbyty ledled Cymru—mae hwnnw'n ffigur deifiol iawn.
Beth bynnag, ddwy flynedd yn ôl, bron i'r diwrnod, fe ymwelais i â thîm nyrsio cymdogaeth Cwm Taf ychydig cyn i'r pandemig dorri, ac fe welais i'r gofal arbenigol anhygoel a ddarperir gan a chyda'r bobl yr oedd angen y gwasanaethau hyn arnyn nhw, a oedd yn amrywio o bopeth rhwng pobl yr oedd angen triniaeth ar eu clwyfau nhw hyd at bobl yr oedd angen gofal lliniarol arnyn nhw a'r rhai yr oedd angen cymorth arnyn nhw i ddeall sut i reoli eu cyflyrau, beth bynnag y gallen nhw fod, ar y cyd â'u teuluoedd a'u ffrindiau. Yn seiliedig iawn ar fodel cyd-gynhyrchu Buurtzorg, fe ddangosodd y cynllun treialu, yn y gwerthusiad, pa mor dda y mae hynny'n gweithio, ac fe wn i fod yna ymrwymiad i wasgaru hynny ledled Cymru gyfan. Felly, sut mae'r cyhoeddiad hwn heddiw yn cyd-fynd â'r uchelgais hwnnw i sicrhau bod gan bob cymuned dîm nyrsio cymdogaeth a gaiff ei hunanreoli, i sicrhau bod pobl nad oes angen iddyn nhw fod yno'n cael eu cadw draw o'r ysbyty?
Yn ail, fe hoffwn i eich holi chi am y canolfannau cymunedol hyn yr ydych chi'n sôn amdanyn nhw. Roeddwn i yng nghynhadledd y Blaid Gydweithredol ar Zoom y diwrnod o'r blaen, ac roedd y Prif Weinidog yn sôn am 50 o ganolfannau cymunedol lleol, gan ddod ag iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ynghyd â gwasanaethau eraill, gyda dinasyddion yn cael eu hystyried yn asedau, ar gyfer rhannu eu sgiliau nhw a chyfuno wrth ddatrys y problemau y mae'r gymuned honno'n eu hwynebu. Sut y mae hynny—yr hyn yr oedd y Prif Weinidog yn sôn amdano—yn cysylltu â'r hyn yr ydych chi'n sôn amdano a fydd yn cael ei arwain gan y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol hyn?
Thanks very much, Jenny, and, firstly, can I commend your enthusiasm for the Buurtzorg model, the neighbourhood district nursing model, which I know that you're very, very keen on? What we've got in relation to neighbourhood district nursing—. We have learnt some lessons from the Cwm Taf model. There's a lead nurse who has been appointed as part of the primary and community care strategic programme, and the idea is, because we've learnt that now, we're on a once-for-Wales approach, and one of the things that we're very keen to learn, as a result of what happened in places like Cwm Taf, is the e-scheduling—so, how you schedule tasks—and that's going to be rolled out to every health board in Wales by early May, I'm pleased to say. So, a national service specification for district nursing within community-integrated teams is being developed. That's slightly separate from what we're talking about here. So, I think it is important though that we understand that, actually, on all of these things, ultimately, people need to be co-operating even if they get their funds from different pots.
The 50 community hubs that you're talking about, which, of course, are part of our manifesto commitment, I think there are real opportunities to make sure that we use these as platforms to build that kind of local community support, and there's no reason why people can't be based in those community hubs as they develop, and I'm very keen to see those. We're developing proposals for where those are going to be, how they're going to be developed, how they're going to be financed, and all of that work is ongoing at the moment.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Jenny, ac, yn gyntaf, fe hoffwn i ganmol eich brwdfrydedd chi ynglŷn â model Buurtzorg, y model nyrsys ardal cymdogaeth, y gwn i eich bod chi'n frwdfrydig dros ben ynglŷn ag ef? Yr hyn sydd gennym ni o ran nyrsys ardal cymdogaeth—. Rydym ni wedi dysgu rhai gwersi o fodel Cwm Taf. Cafodd nyrs arweiniol ei phenodi yn rhan o'r rhaglen strategol gofal sylfaenol a chymunedol, a'r syniad yw, oherwydd ein bod ni wedi dysgu hynny nawr, ein hymagwedd ni o gael dull gweithredu Unwaith i Gymru, ac un o'r pethau yr ydym ni'n awyddus iawn i'w ddysgu, o ganlyniad i'r hyn a ddigwyddodd mewn lleoedd fel Cwm Taf, yw'r e-amserlennu—felly, eich dull chi o drefnu tasgau—ac fe fydd hynny'n cael ei gyflwyno i bob bwrdd iechyd yng Nghymru erbyn dechrau mis Mai, rwy'n falch o allu dweud. Felly, mae manyleb gwasanaeth cenedlaethol ar gyfer nyrsio ardal o fewn timau integredig cymunedol yn cael ei datblygu. Mae hynny ychydig ar wahân i'r hyn yr ydym ni'n sôn amdano yma. Felly, rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig, er ein bod ni'n deall, mewn gwirionedd, o ran y pethau hyn i gyd, yn y pen draw, fod angen i bobl fod yn cydweithredu hyd yn oed os ydyn nhw'n cael eu harian o wahanol gronfeydd.
Ynglŷn â'r 50 o ganolfannau cymunedol yr ydych chi'n sôn amdanyn nhw, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn rhan o'n hymrwymiad maniffesto ni, rwy'n credu bod cyfleoedd gwirioneddol i'w cael i sicrhau ein bod ni'n defnyddio'r rhain yn llwyfannau i adeiladu'r math hwnnw o gymorth cymunedol lleol, ac nid oes unrhyw reswm pam na all pobl gael eu lleoli yn y canolfannau cymunedol hynny wrth iddyn nhw ddatblygu, ac rwy'n awyddus iawn i weld y rhain. Rydym ni'n datblygu cynigion ar gyfer lleoliad y rhain, sut y byddan nhw'n cael eu datblygu, a sut y byddan nhw'n cael eu hariannu, ac mae'r holl waith hwnnw'n mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd.
Ac, yn olaf, Alun Davies.
And, finally, Alun Davies.
I'm grateful to you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Minister, I'm worried, and I hope you can reassure me. You're allocating £144 million a year for the next five years. That's over £700 million, and we don't know what we're going to get for it. That worries me. It worries me, because your starting point is that you're replacing previous funds, and I don't know what was delivered by those previous funds. The last plan available to us in Gwent was published for 2018-19. It didn't contain a single target, a single objective, or a single timescale.
Now, if we're to hold the Government to account for delivering on these matters, we need to know those things in advance, and we need to understand what the Government is seeking to achieve. We can all see the problem. It's the easiest thing in the world to describe the problem, and Members have this afternoon: you can see the ambulances outside the hospitals; you can see the people suffering; you can see the people who need the help and support. We can all describe the problems, but is the solution to all of those problems more committees and throwing money at those committees? I'm yet to be convinced, and I'm yet to be convinced because we've tried it before and it hasn't worked. And we've tried it before, and we've set these outcomes frameworks before, but what we've done is not set clear targets about what we want to achieve, but count what happened. And when you count what happened, you simply say, 'Well, we've done all of these different things.' And individual examples, local examples, are all very good, and it's not a criticism of any of those people who are working hard to seek to achieve different things locally—that's all admirable, to be supported—but it's not a policy, and it's not an ambition, and it's not a framework for policy, and it's not a framework for ambition.
So, my concern is that we have a broken system, but is yet another committee the way of repairing it? Twenty years of doing this has told us it isn't. And I'm concerned that we've got £700 million going into a system that desperately needs support, and before Mike Hedges corrects me, I mean the whole system not just the health part of it. It all needs support, but it needs support on the front line. What it doesn't need is another hierarchy that won't deliver on the front line.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i chi, Dirprwy Lywydd. Gweinidog, rwy'n ofidus, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallwch chi roi sicrwydd i mi. Rydych chi am ddyrannu £144 miliwn y flwyddyn am y pum mlynedd nesaf. Dyna dros £700 miliwn, ac nid ydym ni'n gwybod beth fyddwn ni'n ei gael amdano. Mae hynny'n fy mhoeni i. Mae'n fy mhoeni i oherwydd eich man cychwyn chi yw eich bod chi'n dymuno disodli cronfeydd blaenorol ac nid wyf i'n gwybod beth oedd y cronfeydd blaenorol hynny'n ei ddarparu. Fe gyhoeddwyd y cynllun diwethaf sydd ar gael i ni yng Ngwent ar gyfer 2018-19. Nid oedd hwnnw'n cynnwys yr un nod, yr un amcan, na'r un amserlen.
Nawr, os ydym ni am ddwyn y Llywodraeth i gyfrif am gyflawni'r materion hyn, mae angen i ni wybod am y pethau hynny ymlaen llaw, ac mae angen i ni ddeall yr hyn y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ceisio ei gyflawni. Fe all pob un ohonom ni weld y broblem. Y peth hawsaf yn y byd yw disgrifio'r broblem, ac mae Aelodau wedi gwneud hynny'r prynhawn yma: rydych chi'n gallu gweld yr ambiwlansys y tu allan i'r ysbytai; fe allwch chi weld y bobl sy'n dioddef; fe allwch chi weld y bobl sydd ag angen cymorth a chefnogaeth. Fe allwn ni i gyd ddisgrifio'r problemau, ond ai'r ateb i'r holl broblemau hynny yw mwy o bwyllgorau a thaflu arian at y pwyllgorau hynny? Ni chefais i fy argyhoeddi eto, ac ni chefais i fy argyhoeddi eto am ein bod ni wedi rhoi cynnig arni o'r blaen ac ni weithiodd hynny ddim. Ac rydym ni wedi rhoi cynnig arni hi o'r blaen, ac rydym ni wedi rhoi'r fframweithiau hyn o ran canlyniadau yn eu lle o'r blaen, ond nid ydym ni wedi pennu nodau eglur o ran yr hyn yr ydym ni'n awyddus i'w gyflawni, dim ond rhifo'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd. A phan ydych chi'n rhifo'r hyn a ddigwyddodd, rydych chi'n dweud, 'Wel, rydym ni wedi gwneud y gwahanol bethau hyn i gyd.' Ac mae'r enghreifftiau unigol, yr enghreifftiau lleol, i gyd yn ganmoladwy iawn, ac nid beirniadaeth mo hon ar unrhyw un o'r bobl hynny sy'n gweithio yn galed i geisio cyflawni gwahanol bethau yn lleol—pethau rhagorol yw'r rhain i gyd, sydd i'w cefnogi—ond nid polisi mo hwn, ac nid uchelgais mohono, ac nid fframwaith ar gyfer polisi mohono, ac nid fframwaith ar gyfer uchelgais mohono, ychwaith.
Felly, fy mhryder i yw mai system ddrylliedig sydd gennym ni, ond ai sefydlu pwyllgor arall yw'r ffordd o'i hatgyweirio hi? Mae ugain mlynedd o wneud fel hyn wedi dweud wrthym ni nad yw hynny'n wir. Ac rwy'n ofidus fod gennym ni £700 miliwn yn mynd i system y mae taer angen cymorth arni, a chyn i Mike Hedges fy nghywiro i, y system gyfan yr wyf i'n ei olygu, ac nid yr adran ohoni sy'n ymwneud ag iechyd yn unig. Mae angen cymorth arni hi yn ei chyfanrwydd, ond mae angen cymorth arni hi ar y rheng flaen. Yr hyn nad oes ei angen arni hi yw hierarchaeth arall na fydd yn cyflawni dim ar y rheng flaen.
Thanks, Alun. I've got to tell you that, actually, we have learnt a hell of a lot from the transformation fund, aspects of which have been extremely successful if you just look at some of the work that's been done on mental health in places like Gwent, some of the other examples I gave. We know that this approach works. I tell you what hasn't happened is it hasn't been mainstreamed, it hasn't been there for the long term. So, what we've had is lots and lots of good pilots. So, the issue is: how do you move from pilots to the mainstream? What we've got here is the opportunity to do that. We've got a five-year programme. We're telling them, 'If you want to play, put your money in your own pocket and you can play, because if you don't, you're not playing in this space.'
So, it's about bringing people together as well. And I think it's really important. This is not a new committee, Alun; this is a committee that's been around for a very long time that's come as a result of, actually, many, many years of people saying that we need to do things differently. This is what we've come up with. I'm certainly not in the business of throwing it all up in the air and saying, 'Let's start again.' We have something that works here. I think it's really important, and I've made it very clear to the RPBs that they need to be much more flexible, they need to be much faster, they need to be much more responsive—all of those things are absolutely crucial. And when it comes to the outcomes, that is what we're going to be discussing now, the outcomes framework—what do we get for this. And that's why what we'll be doing now in the RPB meetings is to make sure that we don't let any of this money go until we're absolutely sure about what we're going to get for it.
So, that outcomes framework, I think, is really important—that we develop that with them. It's much better if you work with people than if you impose something on them, because they're more likely to play the game with you. So, I think that, actually, we've got to take the best practice; there have been some great examples of best practice. We had that £6 million transformation fund, specifically to scale up hospital to home activity. We saw a difference there. Everybody is saying, 'We need more of this.' All of the royal colleges are saying, 'Do more of this.' That's our plan. But you're right, we need to count numbers—how many people have we managed to keep out of hospital as a result? Absolutely right, and that's what we'll be talking about in relation to the outcomes framework.
Diolch, Alun. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud wrthych chi ein bod ni, mewn gwirionedd, wedi dysgu toreth o'r gronfa drawsnewid, y mae agweddau arnyn nhw wedi bod yn hynod lwyddiannus os edrychwch chi ar rywfaint o'r gwaith a wnaethpwyd ar iechyd meddwl mewn mannau fel Gwent, a rhai o'r enghreifftiau eraill a roddais i. Fe wyddom ni fod y dull hwn yn gweithio. Fe ddywedaf i wrthych chi beth sydd heb ddigwydd a hynny yw nad yw hynny wedi cael ei brif ffrydio, nid yw wedi bod yn ei le i'r hirdymor. Felly, yr hyn a gawsom ni yw llawer o gynlluniau treialu da. Felly, y mater dan sylw yw: sut ydych chi am symud oddi wrth gynlluniau treialu i'r brif ffrwd? Yr hyn sydd gennym ni yma yw cyfle i wneud hynny. Mae gennym ni raglen bum mlynedd. Rydym ni'n dweud wrthyn nhw, 'Os ydych chi am chwarae, rhowch eich arian yn eich poced eich hun ac fe gewch chi chwarae, oherwydd os na wnewch chi, 'chewch chi ddim chwarae yn y lle hwn.'
Felly, ystyr hyn yw dod â phobl at ei gilydd hefyd. Ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn. Nid pwyllgor newydd mo hwn, Alun; pwyllgor yw hwn sydd wedi bod o gwmpas ers amser maith iawn a ddaeth i fod o ganlyniad i bobl yn dweud, mewn gwirionedd, am laweroedd o flynyddoedd, bod angen i ni wneud pethau mewn ffordd wahanol. Dyma'r hyn yr ydym ni'n ei gynnig. Yn sicr, nid oes unrhyw fwriad gennyf i daflu'r cyfan i fyny yn yr awyr a dweud, 'Gadewch i ni ddechrau eto.' Mae gennym ni rywbeth sy'n gweithio yn y fan hon. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn, ac fe'i gwnes i hi'n eglur iawn i'r byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol fod angen iddyn nhw fod yn llawer mwy hyblyg, mae angen iddyn nhw fod yn llawer cyflymach, mae angen iddyn nhw fod yn llawer mwy ymatebol—mae'r holl bethau hynny'n gwbl hanfodol. Ac o ran canlyniadau, dyna'r hyn y byddwn ni'n ei drafod nawr, y fframwaith canlyniadau—beth a gawn ni amdano. A dyna pam rydym ni nawr, yng nghyfarfodydd y byrddau partneriaeth rhanbarthol yn sicrhau nad ydym ni'n rhyddhau dim o'r arian hwn nes ein bod ni'n gwbl sicr o ran yr hyn y cawn ni amdano.
Felly, mae'r fframwaith canlyniadau hwn, yn fy marn i, yn bwysig iawn—ein bod ni'n datblygu hwnnw gyda nhw. Mae hi'n llawer gwell os ydych chi'n gweithio gyda phobl yn hytrach na gorfodi rhywbeth arnyn nhw, oherwydd maen nhw'n fwy tebygol o chwarae'r gêm gyda chi. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni gymryd yr arfer gorau; ac fe fu yna enghreifftiau gwych o arfer gorau. Fe gawsom ni'r gronfa drawsnewid o £6 miliwn, yn benodol i gynyddu gweithgarwch adre o'r ysbyty. Fe welsom ni wahaniaeth yn hynny. Mae pawb yn dweud, 'Mae angen mwy o hynny arnom ni.' Mae pob un o'r colegau brenhinol yn dweud, 'Gwnewch fwy o hyn.' Dyna yw ein cynllun ni. Ond rydych chi'n iawn, mae angen i ni rifo—faint o bobl yr ydym ni wedi llwyddo i'w cadw nhw o'r ysbyty o ganlyniad? Yn hollol, a dyna'r hyn y byddwn ni'n sôn amdano o ran y fframwaith canlyniadau.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Eitem 4 sydd nesaf, datganiad gan Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, ymchwilio i ddiwygio'r diwrnod ysgol a'r flwyddyn ysgol. Galwaf ar y Gweinidog, Jeremy Miles.
Item 4 is next, a statement by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, exploring reform of the school day and year. And I call on the Minister, Jeremy Miles.

Dirprwy Lywydd, in our mission to ensure an education system that delivers high standards and aspirations for all our learners, every policy, every decision of this Government can help tackle the impact of poverty on our young people's ability and chances to learn and to grow. But we can only do this if we support and value the well-being of all our learners and staff. Therefore, now is the right time to ask ourselves whether the shape of the school year and the school day helps us achieve these essential and collective goals. Is the long summer break advantageous for the academic and personal development of our more disadvantaged learners? Is the uneven calendar, particularly with a long autumn term, positive for staff well-being and avoiding burnout? Could we do more with how we support schools to plan their days and weeks, so that learners have greater opportunities to build academic, cultural and social capabilities?
We have gone too long without having a proper discussion on this issue. In fact, we have a school calendar virtually unchanged for 150 years, when the expectation on young people to combine studying with working on farms, in factories or supporting at home was far different to what it is today. The experience of the last two years has required us to look afresh at how we do many things. That has, obviously, been a necessity, but it's also an opportunity. So, now is the right time for a national discussion about the school year and day. We must explore how school time and how we use it best supports learner and staff well-being, narrows educational inequalities, and can better align with modern living and working patterns.
We are currently gathering views, perspectives and experiences on how we structure the school year. This includes hearing from learners, from families and the education workforce, but also the wider public and private sector, such as childcare, health services, tourism and transport. We have commissioned Beaufort Research to support us in taking this forward, so that we develop an extensive Wales-specific evidence base, and this work will inform our next steps.
To be clear, Dirprwy Lywydd, we are not considering changing the total number of teaching days or the amount of holiday. But we are listening to views on how we could schedule the school calendar differently, to ensure that we continue to support learner progression, to enhance staff and learner well-being, and align with contemporary ways of living. My initial conversations, and early feedback from this work, suggest that there is a real appetite to look at changing the calendar, and I will continue to gather views to help shape our next steps, in further discussions both here in the Senedd and beyond.
Turning to the school day, Members will recall that, in early December, I announced plans for a small-scale trial guaranteeing an offer to learners of additional well-being and learning activities over a 10-week period. Dirprwy Lywydd, I am pleased to confirm that these trials are now under way. Thirteen schools and one college, from five local authorities, have volunteered to take part in the trial, and more than 1,800 learners will benefit from a further five hours a week of additional enrichment sessions around the school day, including sports and arts, social activities, well-being support and academic programmes. We know from research that there be can be gains in attainment, as well as improved attendance, confidence and well-being from this kind of approach, especially for our disadvantaged learners. Programmes such as these trials, which provide stimulating additional sessions and support learners to re-engage with learning, can have a greater impact on attainment than those that are solely academic in focus.
Dirprwy Lywydd, yn ein cenhadaeth i sicrhau system addysg sy'n darparu safonau a dyheadau uchel i'n holl ddysgwyr, gall pob polisi, pob penderfyniad y Llywodraeth hon helpu i fynd i'r afael ag effaith tlodi ar allu a chyfleoedd ein pobl ifanc i ddysgu a thyfu. Ond dim ond os byddwn yn cefnogi ac yn gwerthfawrogi lles ein holl ddysgwyr a staff y gallwn ni wneud hyn. Felly, dyma'r amser iawn i ofyn i ni'n hunain a yw siâp y flwyddyn ysgol a'r diwrnod ysgol yn ein helpu i gyflawni'r nodau hanfodol a chyfunol hyn. A yw gwyliau hir yr haf yn fanteisiol i ddatblygiad academaidd a phersonol ein dysgwyr mwy difreintiedig? A yw'r calendr anwastad, yn enwedig gyda thymor hir yn yr hydref, yn gadarnhaol ar gyfer lles staff ac yn osgoi gorweithio? A allem ni wneud mwy o ran sut yr ydym yn cefnogi ysgolion i gynllunio eu dyddiau a'u hwythnosau, fel bod dysgwyr yn cael mwy o gyfleoedd i feithrin galluoedd academaidd, diwylliannol a chymdeithasol?
Mae gormod o amser wedi mynd heibio heb i ni gael trafodaeth briodol ar y mater hwn. Yn wir, mae gennym ni galendr ysgol heb ei newid fawr ddim ers 150 mlynedd, pan oedd y disgwyliad i bobl ifanc gyfuno astudio â gweithio ar y fferm, mewn ffatrïoedd neu gefnogi gartref yn wahanol iawn i'r hyn ydyw heddiw. Mae profiad y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf wedi gofyn i ni edrych o'r newydd ar sut yr ydym yn gwneud llawer o bethau. Mae hynny, yn amlwg, wedi bod yn anghenraid, ond mae hefyd yn gyfle. Felly, dyma'r amser iawn ar gyfer trafodaeth genedlaethol am y flwyddyn a'r diwrnod ysgol. Mae'n rhaid i ni archwilio sut y mae amser ysgol a'r ffordd yr ydym yn ei ddefnyddio yn cefnogi lles dysgwyr a staff yn y ffordd orau, yn lleihau anghydraddoldeb addysgol, ac yn gallu cyd-fynd yn well â phatrymau byw a gweithio cyfoes.
Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn casglu barn, safbwyntiau a phrofiadau ar sut yr ydym yn strwythuro'r flwyddyn ysgol. Mae hyn yn cynnwys clywed gan ddysgwyr, gan deuluoedd a'r gweithlu addysg, ond hefyd y sector cyhoeddus a phreifat ehangach, fel gofal plant, gwasanaethau iechyd, twristiaeth a thrafnidiaeth. Rydym ni wedi comisiynu Beaufort Research i'n cefnogi i fwrw ymlaen â hyn, fel ein bod yn datblygu sylfaen dystiolaeth eang sy'n benodol i Gymru, a bydd y gwaith hwn yn llywio ein camau nesaf.
I fod yn glir, Dirprwy Lywydd, nid ydym yn ystyried newid cyfanswm y diwrnodau addysgu na faint o wyliau fydd. Ond rydym yn gwrando ar farn ar sut y gallem ni drefnu calendr yr ysgol yn wahanol, er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn parhau i gefnogi cynnydd dysgwyr, i wella lles staff a dysgwyr, a chyd-fynd â ffyrdd cyfoes o fyw. Mae fy sgyrsiau cychwynnol, ac adborth cynnar o'r gwaith hwn, yn awgrymu bod awydd gwirioneddol i ystyried newid y calendr, a byddaf yn parhau i gasglu barn i helpu i lunio ein camau nesaf, drwy barhau i drafod yma yn y Senedd a thu hwnt.
Gan droi at y diwrnod ysgol, bydd yr Aelodau'n cofio y gwnes i gyhoeddi ar ddechrau mis Rhagfyr gynlluniau ar gyfer treial ar raddfa fach yn rhoi sicrwydd i ddysgwyr o gynnig gweithgareddau lles a dysgu ychwanegol dros gyfnod o 10 wythnos. Dirprwy Lywydd, mae'n bleser gen i gadarnhau bod y treialon hyn ar y gweill bellach. Mae tari ar ddeg o ysgolion ac un coleg, o bum awdurdod lleol, wedi gwirfoddoli i gymryd rhan yn y treial, a bydd mwy na 1,800 o ddysgwyr yn elwa ar bum awr ychwanegol yr wythnos o sesiynau cyfoethogi o amgylch y diwrnod ysgol, gan gynnwys chwaraeon a'r celfyddydau, gweithgareddau cymdeithasol, cymorth lles a rhaglenni academaidd. Rydym yn gwybod o ymchwil y gall y math hwn o ddull arwain at enillion mewn cyrhaeddiad, yn ogystal â gwell presenoldeb, hyder a lles, yn enwedig i'n dysgwyr difreintiedig. Gall rhaglenni fel y treialon hyn, sy'n darparu sesiynau ychwanegol ysgogol ac sy'n cefnogi dysgwyr i ailymgysylltu â dysgu, gael mwy o effaith ar gyrhaeddiad na'r rhai â phwyslais academaidd yn unig.
Ysgolion, gan gynnwys dysgwyr, sydd wedi dylunio’r gweithgareddau, ac rydym ni wedi cyd-weithio gyda’r WLGA i ddarparu ymgynghorydd ar lawr gwlad i gefnogi’r ysgolion, cynnig arbenigedd ac i leihau llwyth gwaith.
Mae’r ddwy flynedd diwethaf wedi dangos mor bwysig yw amgylchedd yr ysgol fel y lle y mae plant a phobl ifanc yn dysgu, yn tyfu ac yn teimlo’n saff. Mae pwysigrwydd y cysylltiad rhwng yr ysgol a’r gymuned ehangach wedi cael ei bwysleisio hefyd. Drwy’r rhaglen dreialu yma, mae ysgolion yn gallu ehangu eu cysylltiadau â phartneriaid lleol a chenedlaethol, i greu’r lle a’r cyfle ar gyfer gweithgareddau a phrofiadau eang, sy’n gydnaws â’n diwylliannau. Wrth inni symud ymlaen, y cysylltiadau hyn â’r gymuned ehangach, yr ymgysylltiad cryfach nag erioed â theuluoedd, a’r gwaith o gydleoli gwasanaethau allweddol fydd yn cefnogi ein hymgyrch i fynd i’r afael ag effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad addysgol, a sicrhau bod pawb yn anelu’n uchel.
Ond yn ogystal â chefnogi dysgwyr, mae hwn yn gyfle hefyd i ddod i ddealltwriaeth well a chasglu tystiolaeth. Fe fyddwn ni’n gwerthuso’r rhaglen dreialu, felly, ac rydyn ni’n disgwyl gweld y canfyddiadau cyntaf erbyn dechrau’r haf. Y nod yw datblygu ymhellach ein hystyriaeth o sut rydyn ni’n defnyddio ac yn strwythuro amser yn yr ysgol, a sut y gallai sesiynau ychwanegol wella lefelau lles a datblygiad academaidd, a chynyddu cyfalaf cymdeithasol a diwylliannol. Dwi wedi neilltuo hyd at £2 filiwn i gefnogi’r gweithgarwch cyfoethogi yma, ac fe fyddaf i’n rhoi mwy o wybodaeth i’r Aelodau ar hynt y gwaith yn ystod y misoedd i ddod.
Mae degawdau wedi mynd heibio heb inni gael sgwrs yng Nghymru o ddifrif am y ffordd rydyn ni’n strwythuro’r diwrnod a’r flwyddyn ysgol. Mae hynny’n llawer rhy hir. Rydyn ni, felly, yn gweithredu ar sail ein maniffesto, ein rhaglen lywodraethu a’r ymrwymiad yn ein cytundeb cydweithio i ymchwilio i’r opsiynau diwygio ac i feddwl am hyn o’r newydd, fel y gallwn ni leihau anghydraddoldeb addysgol, cefnogi lles dysgwyr a staff, a chreu trefn sy’n cyd-fynd yn well â phatrymau bywyd teuluol a gwaith modern.
Schools, including learners, have designed these activities, and we have also worked closely with the WLGA to provide an on-the-ground adviser to support the schools involved, to provide expertise and to help lessen the workload.
The last two years have shown how important the school environment is and continues to be, as the place where children and young people learn, grow and feel safe. The importance of the connection between the school and the wider community has also been highlighted. Through these trials, schools are able to expand their links with local and national partners, to create the space and opportunities for activities and experiences that are wide ranging and that are culturally accessible. As we move forward, it is these connections with the wider community, the even stronger engagement with families, and the co-location of key services that will support our mission to tackle the impact of poverty on educational attainment, and ensure that everyone has high aspirations.
But as well as supporting learners, this is also an opportunity to gather insight and gather evidence. So, we will be evaluating these trials, and we expect to have the initial findings in early summer. The aim is to further develop our thinking about how we use and structure time at school, and to consider how additional sessions might improve well-being and academic progression, and increase social and cultural capital. I have made up to £2 million available to support this enrichment activity, and I will update Members on the progress of this work in the coming months.
Decades have passed since we had a serious conversation in Wales about how we structure the school day and school year. That is far too long. We are, therefore, delivering on our manifesto, our programme for government and our commitment in the co-operation agreement to explore options for reform and to think anew, so that we can reduce educational inequalities, support the well-being of learners and staff, and create a system that better aligns with with contemporary patterns of family life and employment.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Laura Anne Jones.
Conservative spokesperson, Laura Anne Jones.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer, and, thank you, for your statement, Minister. Here we are again talking about another seismic change in education, which will have huge ramifications for years to come, if change is deemed to be necessary. There should be very positive changes if all this does go ahead. The current form of the school day has been around for decades, as you say, Minister, and was designed at a time to suit the needs of those, like my own family members, who were then working on the farm. But things have changed, changed and changed again since then, and the modern world moves at a fast pace, as we all know, and I do believe that the way we educate and how it's structured needs to adapt with the changing needs and wants of families, teachers, children and, of course, society at large, because of the wider impact that this change would have on them.
I strongly believe that our education system needs to adapt to reflect the needs of future job markets, locally, nationally, and now, also, internationally of course, with the opportunities that will come because of Brexit and opening ourselves up to the rest of the world, perhaps using the extra time to bring in the learning of new languages, as well as the new modern languages, but also perhaps the likes of Mandarin. Do we use the time for a greater focus on coding? Do we use it to enhance the physical activity and sport offering, which obviously would have a knock-on effect on obesity and the mental health of students? I'm just wondering, Minister, how you see the time being best used.
I also see in your statement that you say that you've commissioned Beaufort Research to take this forward. Obviously for about a decade now, the UK Government has been talking about changes to the school day, so would have done a lot of research on this already, and I was just wondering how much of that will be looked at—obviously that will Wales specific—and included in that. So, rather than reinventing the wheel, we can start with the evidence we've got and build on it.
I also see that it says here that the extra five hours a week of additional enrichment sessions will be around the school day. So, just wondering, 'around the school day', do you see these extra five hours being a blended approach, sort of intermittent, in between lessons, or do you see it just coming at the end of the school day? I'm just wondering what your vision is at the moment, Minister, before we see the evidence of what's happening. Also on that, you say that the activities have been designed mainly by schools at the moment. Obviously, in the future, I hope there will be a national approach, because obviously we want the offering of education to be the same for everybody. I think there would cause further disparity if we did it school by school on such a basis. But it's still interesting to me that the schools are designing it so far. I'd be interested to see what they're doing. Are they doing the blended approach? Are they doing it at the end of school day? I'm just wondering if you could enlighten us on that.
Also, I just wanted to ask about the £2 million. Obviously, it will be interesting to know how exactly that's been spent, and I suppose in the summer we'll see whether it's been spent wisely or not. But after 150 years of having the same systems, Minister, I do look forward to seeing the findings of this report. Thank you.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, a diolch i chi am eich datganiad, Gweinidog. Dyma ni eto yn sôn am newid seismig arall mewn addysg, a fydd yn arwain at oblygiadau enfawr am flynyddoedd i ddod, os bernir bod angen newid. Dylid gweld newidiadau cadarnhaol iawn os bydd hyn i gyd yn mynd yn ei flaen. Mae ffurf bresennol y diwrnod ysgol wedi bod ar waith ers degawdau, fel yr ydych chi’n ei ddweud, Gweinidog, ac fe'i cynlluniwyd ar adeg i ddiwallu anghenion y rhai hynny, fel aelodau fy nheulu fy hun, a oedd yn gweithio ar y fferm bryd hynny. Ond mae pethau wedi newid, newid a newid eto ers hynny, ac mae'r byd cyfoes yn symud yn gyflym, fel y gwyddom ni i gyd, ac rwyf i yn credu bod angen i'r ffordd yr ydym yn addysgu a’r ffordd y mae wedi ei strwythuro addasu gydag anghenion a dymuniadau newidiol teuluoedd, athrawon, plant ac, wrth gwrs, cymdeithas yn gyffredinol, oherwydd yr effaith ehangach y byddai'r newid hwn yn ei chael arnyn nhw.
Rwy’n credu’n gryf fod angen i'n system addysg addasu i adlewyrchu anghenion marchnadoedd swyddi yn y dyfodol, yn lleol, yn genedlaethol, ac erbyn hyn yn rhyngwladol hefyd wrth gwrs, gyda'r cyfleoedd a ddaw yn sgil Brexit ac agor ein hunain i weddill y byd, gan ddefnyddio'r amser ychwanegol efallai i gyflwyno dysgu ieithoedd newydd, yn ogystal â'r ieithoedd modern newydd, ond hefyd ieithoedd fel Mandarin efallai. Ydym ni’n defnyddio'r amser i ganolbwyntio'n fwy ar godio? Ydym ni’n ei ddefnyddio i wella'r gweithgareddau corfforol a'r arlwy chwaraeon, a fyddai'n amlwg yn cael effaith ganlyniadol ar ordewdra ac iechyd meddwl myfyrwyr? Rwyf i'n meddwl tybed, Gweinidog, sut ydych chi’n ystyried y bydd yr amser yn cael ei ddefnyddio orau.
Rwy’n gweld hefyd yn eich datganiad eich bod yn dweud eich bod wedi comisiynu Beaufort Research i fwrw ymlaen â hyn. Yn amlwg ers tua degawd bellach, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi bod yn sôn am newidiadau i'r diwrnod ysgol, felly byddai wedi gwneud llawer o waith ymchwil ar hyn eisoes, ac roeddwn i’n meddwl tybed faint o hynny y byddwch chi’n ei ystyried—yn amlwg a fydd yn benodol i Gymru—ac wedi ei gynnwys yn hynny. Felly, yn hytrach na dechrau o’r dechrau, gallwn ni ddechrau gyda'r dystiolaeth sydd gennym ni ac ychwanegu ati.
Rwy’n gweld hefyd ei fod yn dweud yma y bydd y pum awr ychwanegol yr wythnos o sesiynau cyfoethogi ychwanegol o amgylch y diwrnod ysgol. Felly, dim ond meddwl, 'o amgylch y diwrnod ysgol', ydych chi’n gweld y pum awr ychwanegol hyn yn ddull cyfunol, ysbeidiol o ryw fath, rhwng gwersi, neu ydych chi’n ei weld yn dod ar ddiwedd y diwrnod ysgol? Rwy'n meddwl tybed beth yw eich gweledigaeth chi ar hyn o bryd, Gweinidog, cyn i ni weld y dystiolaeth o'r hyn sy'n digwydd. Hefyd wrth sôn am hynny, rydych chi’n dweud bod y gweithgareddau wedi eu cynllunio gan ysgolion yn bennaf ar hyn o bryd. Yn amlwg, yn y dyfodol, rwy’n gobeithio y bydd dull gweithredu cenedlaethol, oherwydd mae'n amlwg ein bod ni'n dymuno i'r cynnig addysg fod yr un fath i bawb. Rwy’n credu y byddai gwahaniaeth pellach pe byddem yn ei wneud fesul ysgol ar sail o'r fath. Ond mae'n dal i fod yn ddiddorol i mi fod yr ysgolion yn ei gynllunio hyd yma. Byddai'n dda gen i weld beth maen nhw'n ei wneud. Ydyn nhw’n gwneud y dull cyfunol? Ydyn nhw’n ei wneud ar ddiwedd y diwrnod ysgol? Tybed a allech chi roi ychydig o oleuni i ni ar hynny.
Hefyd, roeddwn i eisiau gofyn am y £2 miliwn. Yn amlwg, bydd yn ddiddorol gwybod sut yn union mae hwnnw wedi ei wario, ac mae'n debyg yn yr haf y byddwn yn gweld p’un a yw wedi ei wario'n ddoeth ai peidio. Ond ar ôl 150 mlynedd o fod â'r un systemau, Gweinidog, rwy’n edrych ymlaen at weld canfyddiadau'r adroddiad hwn. Diolch.
Thank you, Laura Anne Jones, for your welcome for this set of trials. I think, as you say, when you talk about reinventing the wheel, we're trying to reinvent a system that has been in place in some ways for a very long time. But you are right to say that it's important to draw evidence from all sources, and there is a very rich seam of evidence both in other parts of the UK and internationally, as well as already in Wales in fact, about the benefits that can be derived from the sorts of approaches that are being trialled in this number of schools over the next 10 weeks.
You asked me about the range of things that I was hoping to see being trialled in schools, and you asked a specific question about how that might relate, for example, to the world of work and the broader economy. There is a range of activities that are being trialled. Some of that is around arts and music and dance, some of it's around sport, from rugby to judo, some of it is around cooking and the importance of food, and we are working with the Urdd. There is a variety of activities being trialled. Some of them have the sort of connection that she was specifying in her question around business and enterprise, robotics and coding, science, green technology—so, a really wide range of activities. We've just listened in the earlier statement to the importance being outlined in the Chamber of trying new things and being candid when some of them succeed and some of them don't succeed. I think that's part of what we're trialling here to see what the best mix is.
In terms of the vision for the use of those five hours, actually, one of the flexibilities we've given to schools is to deploy those five hours in a way that works for them. Obviously, putting an extra hour on each day is one of those options. I myself don't actually have a clear view at this point, because we do need to see what happens on the ground. In a way, it's the evidence of what works that needs to guide us here, given our objective, which is to make sure that our learners re-engage with learning and boost their sense of confidence and well-being, which we know will have a positive effect on progression and attainment.
You asked finally about a national approach, if you like. This is obviously a set of trials, isn't it, so there is guidance that has gone to schools about how best to design the activities, but the very heart of this is to see what can be designed locally. Some schools are working with local organisations, some with national organisations and so on, to get the best blend that works for their particular cohort of learners. But the opportunity here is to learn from what we discover over the next 10 weeks and find ways of extending that into the future.
Diolch, Laura Anne Jones, am eich croeso i'r gyfres hon o dreialon. Rwy’n credu, fel yr ydych chi’n ei ddweud, wrth sôn am ddechrau o’r dechrau, rydym yn ceisio ailddyfeisio system sydd wedi bod ar waith mewn rhai ffyrdd ers amser maith. Ond rydych chi’n iawn i ddweud ei bod yn bwysig casglu tystiolaeth o bob ffynhonnell, ac mae yna gasgliad cyfoethog iawn o dystiolaeth mewn rhannau eraill o'r DU ac yn rhyngwladol, yn ogystal ag eisoes yng Nghymru mewn gwirionedd, o'r manteision a all ddeillio o'r mathau o ddulliau sy'n cael eu treialu yn y nifer hwn o ysgolion dros y 10 wythnos nesaf.
Fe wnaethoch chi ofyn am yr amrywiaeth o bethau yr oeddwn i’n gobeithio eu gweld yn cael eu treialu mewn ysgolion, ac fe wnaethoch chi ofyn cwestiwn penodol am sut y gallai hynny ymwneud, er enghraifft, â'r byd gwaith a'r economi ehangach. Mae amrywiaeth o weithgareddau sy'n cael eu treialu. Mae rhywfaint o hynny yn ymwneud â'r celfyddydau a cherddoriaeth a dawns, mae rhywfaint ohono yn ymwneud â chwaraeon, o rygbi i jiwdo, mae rhywfaint ohono yn ymwneud â choginio a phwysigrwydd bwyd, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda'r Urdd. Mae amrywiaeth o weithgareddau yn cael eu treialu. Mae gan rai ohonyn nhw y math o gysylltiad y gwnaeth hi ei nodi yn ei chwestiwn ynghylch busnes a menter, roboteg a chodio, gwyddoniaeth, technoleg werdd—felly, ystod eang iawn o weithgareddau. Rydym ni newydd wrando yn y datganiad cynharach ar y pwysigrwydd sy'n cael ei amlinellu yn y Siambr ar roi cynnig ar bethau newydd a bod yn onest pan fydd rhai ohonyn nhw'n llwyddo a rhai ohonyn nhw'n methu. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n rhan o'r hyn yr ydym yn ei dreialu yma i weld beth yw'r cymysgedd gorau.
O ran y weledigaeth ar gyfer defnyddio'r pum awr hynny, mewn gwirionedd, un hyblygrwydd yr ydym wedi ei roi i ysgolion yw defnyddio'r pum awr hynny mewn ffordd sy'n gweithio iddyn nhw. Yn amlwg, mae rhoi awr ychwanegol ar bob diwrnod yn un o'r opsiynau hynny. Nid oes gen i fy hun farn glir ar hyn o bryd mewn gwirionedd, oherwydd bod angen i ni weld beth sy'n digwydd ar lawr gwlad. Mewn ffordd, mae angen i dystiolaeth o'r hyn sy'n gweithio ein harwain ni yn y gwaith hwn, o ystyried ein hamcan, sef sicrhau bod ein dysgwyr yn ailymgysylltu â dysgu a rhoi hwb i'w hymdeimlad o hyder a lles, a fydd, rydym yn gwybod, yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar ddilyniant a chyrhaeddiad.
Fe wnaethoch chi ofyn ar y diwedd am ddull gweithredu cenedlaethol, os hoffwch chi. Cyfres o dreialon yw hon yn amlwg, onid yw, felly mae canllawiau wedi mynd i ysgolion ynglŷn â'r ffordd orau o gynllunio'r gweithgareddau, ond wrth wraidd hyn mae gweld beth y gellir ei gynllunio'n lleol. Mae rhai ysgolion yn gweithio gyda sefydliadau lleol, rhai gyda sefydliadau cenedlaethol ac yn y blaen, i gael y cyfuniad gorau sy'n gweithio i'w carfan benodol nhw o ddysgwyr. Ond mae’r cyfle yma i ddysgu o'r hyn yr ydym yn ei ddarganfod dros y 10 wythnos nesaf a dod o hyd i ffyrdd o ymestyn hynny i'r dyfodol.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Heledd Fychan.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Heledd Fychan.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a diolch, Weinidog am eich datganiad. Yn fy rôl fel llefarydd Plaid Cymru ar blant a phobl ifanc, rwy'n edrych ymlaen at gydweithio efo chi ar y polisi hwn fel rhan o'r cytundeb cydweithredu rhwng fy mhlaid a'ch Llywodraeth.
Mae cryn dipyn o dystiolaeth rhyngwladol ynglŷn â diwygio'r diwrnod a'r flwyddyn ysgol yn bodoli eisoes—rhai enghreifftiau llwyddiannus, a rhai enghreifftiau llai llwyddiannus. Nid yw'n syndod bod effeithiau ymestyn amser ysgol felly'n dibynnu ar sut mae'r amser yn cael ei ddefnyddio. Mae tystiolaeth yr EPI yn dangos i ni fod ymestyn diwrnod ysgol yn fwyaf effeithiol pan ydym yn defnyddio staff presennol sydd wedi'u hyfforddi'n dda, wedi'u hintegreiddio i ddosbarthiadau a gweithgareddau sy'n bodoli eisoes. Mae hyn yn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth empirig gadarn, ac mae'n fwy effeithiol, yn ôl tystiolaeth, ar gyfer mathemateg. Cyn belled â bod y dull hwn yn cael ei ddilyn, mae cyllid ychwanegol i alluogi amser ysgol estynedig yn debygol o arwain at enillion cyson a chryf. O gofio bod y dystiolaeth a ddarparwyd yn dangos inni fod ymestyn dyddiau ysgol yn fwyaf effeithiol pan fyddwn yn defnyddio staff presennol sydd wedi eu hyfforddi'n dda, a allai'r Gweinidog amlinellu sut y mae'r £2 miliwn o gyllid ar gyfer y peilot hwn, yn ogystal â'r cyllid ehangach ar gyfer adfer addysg, yn cael ei ddefnyddio i sicrhau bod staff sydd wedi eu hyfforddi'n dda ar waith i sicrhau adferiad addysg effeithiol ac i fanteisio i'r eithaf ar y manteision posib o ddiwygio'r diwrnod ysgol?
Fe fyddwch chi hefyd yn ymwybodol bod nifer o randdeiliaid, gan gynnwys undebau ac athrawon, wedi codi pryderon nad dyma'r amser iawn ar gyfer unrhyw newidiadau megis ymestyn y diwrnod ysgol. Cafwyd ymateb cymysg gan undebau athrawon, gyda Neil Butler yn nodi a rhybuddio bod goblygiadau i lwyth gwaith athrawon, ac yn wir iechyd a diogelwch wrth i ysgolion barhau i gael trafferth gyda dygymod â COVID. Yn wir, mae rhai ysgolion gyda'r lefelau uchaf erioed o COVID yn ystod y pandemig ar yr amser hwn. Er eu bod, fel undebau, yn agored i newidiadau i'r diwrnod ysgol a'r flwyddyn ysgol, dywedodd UCAC eu bod, fel undeb, am sicrhau nad oes unrhyw niwed i delerau ac amodau athrawon. Felly, mae yna bryderon clir yma o ran llwyth gwaith, telerau ac amodau athrawon, ac iechyd a diogelwch o ran ymestyn y diwrnod ysgol a'r flwyddyn ysgol. Felly, a allai'r Gweinidog gofnodi ac ymateb i bryderon yr undeb tra'n cynnig rhywfaint o sicrwydd i athrawon na fyddant yn wynebu mwy o lwyth gwaith ac effeithiau niweidiol i'w telerau ac amodau?
Mater arall yr hoffwn ei godi ydy—. Tra fy mod yn croesawu'r ffaith fod y peilot yn mynd rhagddo, gaf i godi mater sy'n peri pryder i mi? Yn ôl y wasg dwi wedi ei ddarllen, roeddech chi eisiau gweld 20 ysgol yn bod yn rhan o'r peilot i ddechrau, ond dim ond 14 sydd wedi arwyddo i fyny i gymryd rhan. Dwi'n deall, o'r 14, yn ôl cyfweliad a roesoch chi i Radio Cymru cyn y Nadolig, nad oes unrhyw un o'r rhain yn ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg a bod yr ysgolion i gyd un ai yng Nghaerdydd, Bro Morgannwg, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Castell Nedd Port Talbot neu Flaenau Gwent. Un her sydd gennym o ran ysgolion gwledig ac ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg yn benodol yw bod eu dalgylchoedd yn ehangach ac felly bod disgyblion yn gorfod dibynnu ar ddal bws i'r ysgol, gan golli cyfle yn aml, hyd yn oed rŵan, i ymuno efo clybiau brecwast a chlybiau ar ôl ysgol. Felly, os ydy'r peilot yma i fod mor ddefnyddiol a thrylwyr â phosibl, a ninnau'n edrych ar newid rhywbeth sydd wedi bodoli ers 150 o flynyddoedd, oni fyddai'n werth i'r Llywodraeth edrych hefyd ar drio cael chwech o ysgolion ychwanegol sydd yn benodol yn yr ardaloedd sydd ddim yn cael eu cynrychioli, ac edrych o ran ysgolion cynradd ac uwchradd Cymraeg, os ydyn ni wir yn mynd i ddysgu gwersi o'r peilot hwn?
Yn gysylltiedig â hyn, mae'r pandemig wedi cael effaith andwyol iawn ar y Gymraeg, fel y gwyddom ni, ac mae wedi amddifadu nifer o blant o gefndiroedd di-Gymraeg rhag ei defnyddio'n rheolaidd ac yn naturiol. Heb os ac oni bai, mae hyn wedi cael effaith ar ddatblygiad dysgwyr ar eu ffordd i fod yn siaradwyr Cymraeg hyderus, ac mae'n bendant wedi cael effaith yn barod ar ein hymdrechion i gyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. A allai'r Gweinidog felly amlinellu sut y mae'n credu y bydd y cynlluniau i ddiwygio'r diwrnod a'r flwyddyn ysgol yn cefnogi defnydd cynyddol o'r Gymraeg? Yn ychwanegol at hyn, o gofio'r prinder ymddangosiadol o athrawon Cymraeg yng Nghymru, a allai'r Gweinidog egluro sut yr ydych chi a Llywodraeth Cymru yn anelu at sicrhau bod y gweithlu yn ei le i ddarparu'r amser dysgu ychwanegol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg?
Thank you, Deputy Llywydd, and thank you, Minister, for your statement. In my role as Plaid Cymru spokesperson on children and young people, I look forward to working with you on this policy as part of the co-operation agreement between my party and your Government.
A great deal of international evidence on reform of the school day and year already exists. There are some successful examples and some less successful. It's no surprise that the impact of extending the school day depends on how that time is used. Evidence from the EPI shows us that extending the school day is most effective when we use current staff who are well trained, integrated into existing classes and activities. This is based on strong, empiric evidence, and is more effective, according to evidence, for maths. As long as this approach is taken, then additional funding to allow an extended school day is likely to lead to wins that are strong and consistent. Given that the evidence shows that extending the school day is most effective when we use current staff who are well trained, can the Minister outline how the £2 million for this pilot, as well as the broader funding for education recovery, will be used to ensure that well-trained staff are in place to ensure effective educational recovery and to take full advantage of the possible benefits of reforming the school day?
You will also be aware that many stakeholders, including unions and teachers, have raised concerns that this isn't the right time for any changes such as extending the school day. There was a mixed response from the teaching unions, with Neil Butler noting and warning that there were implications for teacher workload and indeed health and safety as schools continue to have difficulty in coping with COVID. Indeed, some schools have the highest ever levels of COVID at this particular time. Although they as unions are open to changes to the school day and the school year, UCAC said that they as a union wanted to ensure that there won't be any damage to teachers' pay and conditions. Therefore, there are clear concerns in terms of workload, pay and conditions for teachers, and health and safety in terms of extending the school day and the school year. So, can the Minister respond to the unions' concerns whilst providing some assurances to teachers that they won't face a heavier workload and damaging impacts to their terms and conditions?
Another issue I'd like to raise is—. Whilst I welcome the fact that the pilot is proceeding, may I raise an issue that's a cause of concern to me? What I read in the press was that you wanted 20 schools to be part of the pilot initially, but only 14 have signed up to participate. I understand that of the 14, according to an interview that you gave to Radio Cymru before Christmas, not one of these is a Welsh-medium school, and all of the schools are either in Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan, Rhondda Cynon Taf, Neath Port Talbot or Blaenau Gwent. One challenge we have in terms of rural schools and Welsh-medium schools, particularly, is that their catchments are larger, and, therefore, pupils have to rely on bus travel to school, missing an opportunity, very often, even now, to join in breakfast clubs and after-school clubs. So, if the pilot is going to be as useful and transparent as possible, as we look at changing something that's been in place for 150 years, wouldn't it be worthwhile for the Government to look at trying to get an additional six schools that are specifically in those areas not currently represented, and look at Welsh-medium primaries and secondaries, if we are truly to learn lessons from this pilot?
Related to this, the pandemic has had a very detrimental impact on the Welsh language, as we know, and has deprived many children from non-Welsh-speaking backgrounds of the opportunity to use the language regularly and naturally. Without doubt, this has had an impact on the development of learners on their way to becoming confident Welsh speakers, and it has certainly had an impact already on our efforts to reach a million Welsh speakers by 2050. Can the Minister therefore outline how he believes these plans to reform the school day and year will support the increasing use of the Welsh language? In addition to this, given the apparent shortage of Welsh-speaking teachers in Wales, can the Minister explain how you and the Welsh Government are aiming to ensure that the workforce is in place to provide the additional teaching time through the medium of Welsh?
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiynau hynny. O ran y dystiolaeth, roeddech chi'n iawn i sôn am dystiolaeth yr EPI, sydd yn un o'r ffynonellau o dystiolaeth. Mae yna, wrth gwrs, fel roeddech chi'n ei gydnabod yn eich cwestiwn, amrywiaeth o enghreifftiau sydd yn dod o ffynonellau eraill, yn cynnwys yn rhyngwladol, sy'n dangos patrymau sydd o bwys inni wrth edrych ar sut i strwythuro, ar sut i brofi'r ffyrdd gwahanol yma o ymestyn y cyfleoedd i'n dysgwyr ni. Felly, mae gwneud hynny gyda staff addysgu yn un o'r fersiynau hynny, ond mae'n bosib gwneud hynny gydag amrywiaeth eraill, ac felly rydym ni'n profi'r holl opsiynau hynny, os hoffwch chi, o ran staff allanol, staff cynorthwyo, ynghyd ag athrawon hefyd. Felly, dyna ran o werth y treialon, os hoffwch chi, i weld beth yw'r canlyniadau o bob mix gwahanol.
Wrth gwrs, dŷn ni'n clywed y ddadl nad dyma'r amser iawn i dreialu hyn. Jest i'ch atgoffa chi, fel roedd eich cwestiwn pellach chi, efallai, yn cydnabod, treialon graddfa fach yw'r rhain. Mae gyda ni 13 o ysgolion ac un coleg. Mae pob un o'r rheini wedi penderfynu eu hunain eu bod nhw eisiau cymryd rhan yn y treial hwn. Felly, roeddem ni'n ddibynnol, os hoffwch chi, ar ysgolion yn cynnig i fod yn rhan ohono fe. Roedd hyblygrwydd o ryw lefel gyda nhw i ddewis pryd i ddechrau fe. Mae rhai wedi dechrau eisoes, mae'r rhan fwyaf yn dechrau'r wythnos hon, a bydd rhai yn dechrau ymhen rhai wythnosau. Felly, mae hyblygrwydd gyda'r ysgolion i ddarparu o fewn y cyfnod sydd yn siwtio eu hamgylchiadau nhw, ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r ddarpariaeth yn hyblyg yn ei hun o ran dylunio a darparu. Felly, mae elfen o'r hyblygrwydd yna'n gallu ymateb i rai o'r heriau, efallai, yr oeddech chi'n eu hawgrymu yn eich cwestiwn.
O ran y gofid am bwysau ar y gweithlu, dwi jest eisiau bod yn glir: nid newid telerau athrawon sydd wrth wraidd hyn o gwbl. Mae hi'n flaenoriaeth yn y cynllun hwn i sicrhau ein bod ni'n darparu gweithgareddau sydd o werth i'n dysgwyr ni. Nid cwestiwn o edrych ar y telerau yw e o gwbl. Dwi'n ddiolchgar i'r undebau. Mae rhai ohonyn nhw wedi ein helpu ni gyda'r canllawiau rŷn ni wedi eu darparu i'n hysgolion ni. Gallwn ni ddim gwneud unrhyw beth yn y maes hwn ond mewn partneriaeth gyda'r gweithlu addysg, gyda'r awdurdodau lleol ac ati. Felly, rŷn ni'n gweithio mewn ysbryd o bartneriaeth adeiladol yn hyn o beth.
Roedd gyda fi ystod, os hoffwch chi, o ysgolion y byddwn i wedi gweld yn ddelfrydol i gymryd rhan yn y treial, o 10 i 20, felly rôn i'n teimlo bod 14 yn taro'r cydbwysedd iawn yn hynny o beth. Rŷch chi'n iawn i ddweud, o ran dosbarthiad daearyddol ar draws Cymru, nad yw'n golygu bod ysgolion ym mhob rhan o Gymru. Byddwn i wedi hoffi gweld hynny, wrth gwrs, a byddwn i'n sicr wedi hoffi gweld ysgol Gymraeg yn gwirfoddoli i fod yn rhan ohono fe. Ond gan mai gwirfoddoli yr oedd yr ysgolion yn ei wneud, doeddwn i ddim yn gallu, wrth gwrs, gorfodi ysgolion i gymryd rhan. Dylwn i ddweud hefyd fod y canllawiau'n gofyn i ysgolion ddarparu rhyw elfen o weithgaredd allgyrsiol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, ac mae amryw o'r ysgolion wedi gwneud hynny fel rhan o hyn. Ond nid dyma ddiwedd y daith o ran profi'r ffyrdd gwahanol yma. Bydd gyda ni ddata, gwybodaeth a thystiolaeth o'r cyfnod hwn, ac wedyn mae hynny'n caniatáu i ni dreialu pethau pellach yn y ffordd roeddech chi'n awgrymu'n adeiladol iawn yn eich cwestiwn chi.
O ran sut mae hyn yn ymwneud â'r nod ehangach o sicrhau addysg Gymraeg yn fwy hafal, os hoffwch chi, rŷch chi'n iawn i ddweud fod yr effaith mae COVID wedi ei gael mewn rhai enghreifftiau—ddim yn gyfan gwbl y darlun—. Yn sicr mae wedi cael impact andwyol ar gaffaeliad a chynnydd rhai sydd efallai o aelwydydd heb y Gymraeg. Rŷch chi'n gwybod fy mod i wedi darparu cyllideb ar gyfer aildrochi i rai disgyblion sydd yn y sefyllfa honno a hefyd cefnogi rhieni yn eu penderfyniadau nhw i ddewis addysg Gymraeg i'w plant. Mae cyfle gyda ni fan hyn, onid oes e, i sicrhau gweithgaredd allgyrsiol drwy'r Gymraeg, sydd hefyd yn rhan, fel y cofiwch chi, o'r system newydd o gategoreiddio ein hysgolion ni. Mae'r elfen allgyrsiol hynny nawr hefyd yn bwysig o ran hynny. Felly, mae'r ddau bolisi'n gyson yn hynny o beth.
Mae'r sialens olaf y gwnaethoch chi sôn amdano, am sut i sicrhau bod gennym ni'r staff i addysgu ac i ddarparu gweithgareddau drwy'r Gymraeg, yn her sylweddol, fel rŷn ni wedi'i drafod ar achlysuron eraill. Rwy'n disgwyl tua'r gwanwyn cyhoeddi cynllun drafft. Dŷn ni wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'n rhanddeiliaid ar recriwtio'n gyffredinol i'r gweithlu addysg Gymraeg, a byddaf i'n hapus iawn i gael trafodaeth bellach gyda'r Aelod ynglŷn â hynny.
I thank the Member for the questions. In terms of the evidence, you are right to talk about the EPI evidence, which is one of the sources of evidence, as you acknowledged in your question. There is a variety of examples from other sources, including internationally, that show patterns that are important to us in terms of how to structure and how to test the different ways of extending the opportunities for learners. So, doing that with teaching staff is one of those versions, but it's possible to do with it with a variety of other things, so we're testing all of those options, if you like, in terms of external staff, assistants, and teachers as well. So, that's part of the value of the trials, seeing what the outcomes are in terms of every different mix.
Of course, we hear the argument that this is not the right time to trial this. Just to remind you, as your question acknowledged, these are small-scale trials. We have 13 schools and one college, and all of those have decided themselves that they want to take part in this trial. So, we were reliant on schools offering to volunteer for this, and they had flexibility in terms of when to start. Some have already started, the majority are starting this week, and some will start in the coming weeks. So, there is flexibility for the schools to provide within the period that suits their circumstances, and the provision is flexible in itself in terms of the design and provision. So, there is an element of flexibility in being able to respond to some of the challenges that you raised in your question.
Regarding the concern about pressure on the workforce, I just want to be clear: changing terms and conditions for teachers is not what this is all about. It's our priority to provide activities that are of value to our learners and we're not looking at terms at all. We're grateful to the unions. Some of them have helped with some of the guidance that we've provided to schools. We can't do anything in this area other than in partnership with the workforce and with local authorities, so we're working in the spirit of constructive partnership.
I had a range of schools that would have been ideal to take part in this trial, between 10 and 20, so I thought that 14 struck the right balance in that sense. You're right to say that in terms of geographical distribution around Wales it doesn't mean that there are schools in all parts of Wales. I would have liked to have seen that, and I would have certainly liked to have seen a Welsh-medium school volunteering to be part of it. But, given that the schools were volunteering, I couldn't force any schools to take part. I should also say that the guidance does ask schools to provide an element of extra-curricular activity through the medium of Welsh, and the majority of schools have done that as part of this. But this is not the end of the journey in terms of testing these different ways. We will have data, information and evidence from this period, and then that will allow us to trial further measures, as you suggested in such a constructive way in your question.
In terms of how this relates to the broader aim of ensuring Welsh-medium education on a more equitable basis, you're right to say that the COVID experience, in some examples, though it's not the full picture, has had a detrimental impact on the progress of some who are from non Welsh-speaking households. I have provided a budget for reimmersion for some of the students who are in that position and to support parents in their decisions in terms of choosing Welsh-medium education for their children. We have an opportunity here to ensure extra-curricular activities through the medium of Welsh, which is also a part, as you will remember, of categorisation of schools. That extra-curricular element is very important in terms of that. So, those two policies are aligned in that sense.
The final challenge that you mentioned, to ensure that we have the staff to provide activities and teach through the medium of Welsh, is a considerable challenge. As we've discussed previously, I do expect in the spring to publish a draft plan that we've been working on with stakeholders on recruitment generally for the Welsh-medium education workforce. But I'll be happy to have a further discussion with the Member on that.
Ac yn olaf, Darren Millar.
Finally, Darren Millar.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Minister, thank you very much for your statement. I do welcome the fact that you're looking at the school year and the school day, and I think, obviously, with any system that's lasted for 150-odd years, there's sometimes a very good reason for keeping it, and sometimes there may be a good reason for ditching it.
I notice that you've got a 10-week trial that's going to take place and that there will be an outcome from that trial in terms of feedback, but obviously 10 weeks is only a very small fraction of the whole school year, and in an area like mine, where the rhythm of the year is dictated largely by the tourism industry, there are many people who are concerned, particularly about changing the school year significantly and the impact that might have on their workforce, if they are tourism operators. I can see that you've made a clear commitment to engage with the private sector, including the tourism industry. Can you tell us what form of engagement that might be, just so that we can encourage tourism operators to take part in it?
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Gweinidog, diolch yn fawr am eich datganiad. Rwyf i yn croesawu'r ffaith eich bod yn edrych ar y flwyddyn ysgol a'r diwrnod ysgol, ac rwy'n credu, yn amlwg, gydag unrhyw system sydd wedi para am 150 o flynyddoedd, fod rheswm da iawn weithiau dros ei gadw, ac weithiau efallai y bydd rheswm da dros gael gwared arno.
Rwy'n sylwi bod gennych chi dreial 10 wythnos a fydd yn digwydd ac y bydd canlyniad i'r treial hwnnw ar ffurf adborth, ond yn amlwg dim ond cyfran fach iawn o'r flwyddyn ysgol gyfan yw 10 wythnos, ac mewn ardal fel fy un i, lle mae rhythm y flwyddyn yn cael ei bennu'n bennaf gan y diwydiant twristiaeth, mae llawer o bobl yn pryderu, yn enwedig ynghylch newid y flwyddyn ysgol yn sylweddol a'r effaith y gallai ei chael ar eu gweithlu, os ydyn nhw'n weithredwyr twristiaeth. Rwy'n gallu gweld eich bod chi wedi ymrwymo'n glir i ymgysylltu â'r sector preifat, gan gynnwys y diwydiant twristiaeth. A allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni pa fath o ymgysylltu y gall hynny fod, er mwyn i ni allu annog gweithredwyr twristiaeth i gymryd rhan ynddo?
Well, on the—. The Member's question is focused largely on the school year. I think, just to be clear, at this point we're at the stage of gathering the range of voices, if you like; the next step will be to see what the conclusion is of that process, and there will be an ongoing opportunity, if you like, for discussion and consultation with all affected sectors and parties. But in this early stage of those discussions there are round-tables happening with a range of sectors to test approaches, to test initial reactions to different shapes of the school year. So, at this point the sorts of things that are being tested, if you like, are whether a shorter summer holiday would make sense, whether a longer winter holiday might make sense, whether a more consistent approach to the spring, Easter, break makes sense, whether there's a case for better regularity between term times and holiday times. So, that's the sort of range of things that are being tested for people's reactions, really, at this point. But just to reassure you, I think I'm right in saying—I need to check, but I think—actually even this week there are round-tables happening with representatives of different sectors. But there'll be an ongoing dialogue in relation to what we hear from them.
Wel, o ran y—. Mae cwestiwn yr Aelod yn canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar y flwyddyn ysgol. Rwy'n credu, i fod yn glir, ar hyn o bryd ein bod ni ar y cam o gasglu'r ystod o leisiau, os hoffwch chi; y cam nesaf fydd gweld beth yw casgliad y broses honno, a bydd cyfle parhaus, os hoffwch chi, i drafod ac ymgynghori â'r holl sectorau a phartïon dan sylw. Ond ar y cam cynnar hwn o'r trafodaethau hynny mae cyfarfodydd bord gron yn cael eu cynnal gydag ystod o sectorau i brofi dulliau gweithredu, i brofi ymatebion cychwynnol i wahanol ffurfiau'r flwyddyn ysgol. Felly, ar hyn o bryd, y mathau o bethau sy'n cael eu profi, os hoffwch chi, yw a fyddai gwyliau haf byrrach yn gwneud synnwyr, a allai gwyliau gaeaf hirach wneud synnwyr, a yw dull mwy cyson o ran toriad y gwanwyn, y Pasg, yn gwneud synnwyr, a oes achos dros well rheoleidd-dra rhwng amseroedd y tymor ac amseroedd gwyliau. Felly, dyna'r math o bethau sy'n cael eu profi er mwyn cael ymatebion pobl, mewn gwirionedd, ar hyn o bryd. Ond er mwyn tawelu eich meddwl, rwy'n credu fy mod i'n iawn wrth ddweud—mae angen i mi wirio, ond rwy'n credu—hyd yn oed yr wythnos hon mae cyfarfodydd bord gron yn digwydd gyda chynrychiolwyr o wahanol sectorau. Ond bydd deialog barhaus mewn cysylltiad â'r hyn yr ydym yn ei glywed ganddyn nhw.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog. Byddwn ni nawr yn atal ein trafodion dros dro er mwyn caniatáu newidiadau yn y Siambr. Cofiwch, os gwelwch yn dda, os ydych yn gadael y Siambr, gwnewch hynny'n brydlon. Bydd y gloch yn cael ei chanu dwy funud cyn i'r trafodion ail-gychwyn. Dylai unrhyw Aelodau sy'n cyrraedd ar ôl y newid aros tan hynny cyn mynd i mewn i'r Siambr.
I thank the Minister. We'll now suspend proceedings to allow changeovers in the Chamber. If you are leaving the Chamber, please do so promptly. The bell will be rung two minutes before proceedings restart. Any Members who are arriving after the changeover should wait until then before entering the Chamber.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 16:02.
Plenary was suspended at 16:02.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 16:11, gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 16:11, with the Deputy Presiding Officer in the Chair.
Eitem 5 y prynhawn yma, datganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Partneriaeth Gymdeithasol: Mis Hanes LHDTC+. Galwaf ar y Dirprwy Weinidog i wneud y datganiad—Hannah Blythyn.
We'll move to item 5, a statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership: LGBTQ+ History Month. And I call on the Deputy Minister to make the statement—Hannah Blythyn.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. Each February, we mark LGBTQ+ History Month. It's a chance to celebrate and commemorate the contribution LGBTQ+ people have made to our communities and our country, to shine a spotlight on and rightly recognise the rich history, lives and experiences of LGBTQ+ people, to reflect on how far we have come and to redouble our efforts towards greater equality.
We can be proud of the progress that’s been made in the struggle for LGBTQ+ equality, from action to prohibit discrimination in goods and services to the end of the pernicious section 28 and equal marriage. In Wales alone, we are embedding LGBTQ+ inclusive education as part of the new curriculum. We have established a gender identity service to help our trans family to be their true selves. We became the first nation in the UK to offer pre-exposure prophylaxis free on the NHS. And we are well on our way to developing a ground-breaking LGBTQ+ action plan.
The freedoms and rights that we have today were hard fought for and hard won, but they are part of our relatively recent history. Within my lifetime alone, we could be fired, we couldn’t be ourselves and serve our country, we couldn’t be mentioned in classrooms, we were dismissed as a lifestyle choice, a curable disease, and an abomination to religion. In fact, when this institution first sat, we could still be denied in law service, somewhere to live and the right to marry the person we love.
In December, it was a privilege to host an event here at the Senedd for World AIDS Day, as we marked 40 years since the AIDS epidemic began. A lot has changed in the past four decades—HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, no longer has the impact it once had, and there is a commitment to eradicating new cases of HIV by 2030. Forty years ago, the gay community faced an avala