Y Cyfarfod Llawn
Yn y fersiwn ddwyieithog, mae’r golofn chwith yn cynnwys yr iaith a lefarwyd yn y cyfarfod. Mae’r golofn dde yn cynnwys cyfieithiad o’r areithiau hynny.
In the bilingual version, the left-hand column includes the language used during the meeting. The right-hand column includes a translation of those speeches.
Cyfarfu'r Senedd yn y Siambr a thrwy gynhadledd fideo am 13:30 gyda'r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Senedd met in the Chamber and by video-conference at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Prynhawn da a chroeso i'r Cyfarfod Llawn. Cyn i ni ddechrau, dwi angen nodi ychydig o bwyntiau. Cynhelir y cyfarfod hwn ar ffurf hybrid, gyda rhai Aelodau yn Siambr y Senedd ac eraill yn ymuno drwy gyswllt fideo. Bydd yr holl Aelodau sy'n cymryd rhan yn nhrafodion y Senedd, ble bynnag y bônt, yn cael eu trin yn gyfartal. Mae Cyfarfod Llawn a gynhelir drwy gynhadledd fideo, yn unol â Rheolau Sefydlog Senedd Cymru, yn gyfystyr â thrafodion y Senedd at ddibenion Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Bydd rhai o ddarpariaethau Rheol Sefydlog 34 yn gymwys ar gyfer y Cyfarfod Llawn heddiw, ac mae'r rheini wedi'u nodi ar eich agenda.
Good afternoon and welcome to this Plenary session. Before we begin, I want to set out a few points. This meeting will be held in hybrid format, with some Members in the Senedd Chamber and others joining by video-conference. All Members participating Senedd proceedings, wherever they may be, will be treated equally. A Plenary meeting held using video-conference, in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Welsh Parliament, constitutes Senedd proceedings for the purposes of the Government of Wales Act 2006. Some of the provisions of Standing Order 34 will apply for today's Plenary meeting, and these are set out on your agenda.
Yr eitem gyntaf, felly, y prynhawn yma yw'r cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Ken Skates.
The first item this afternoon is questions to the Minister for Social Justice, and the first question is from Ken Skates.
1. Pa asesiad y mae'r Gweinidog wedi'i wneud o'r effaith y bydd y toriad o £20 yr wythnos i gredyd cynhwysol yn ei chael ar gymunedau Cymru? OQ57034
1. What assessment has the Minister made of the impact that the £20-a-week cut to universal credit will have on Welsh communities? OQ57034

Analysis by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation shows that the brutal cut to universal credit is impacting on all communities in Wales. In every Welsh constituency, over a quarter of families with children have seen their income fall. To be taking money from our poorest families when bills are rising is shameful.
Mae dadansoddiad gan Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree yn dangos bod y toriad creulon i gredyd cynhwysol yn effeithio ar bob cymuned yng Nghymru. Ymhob etholaeth yng Nghymru, mae incwm dros chwarter y teuluoedd â phlant wedi gostwng. Mae mynd ag arian oddi ar ein teuluoedd tlotaf pan fo biliau'n codi yn gywilyddus.
Well, thank you, Minister, and I agree. Clearly, irrespective of the arguments for and against making the cut, making the cut will clearly have a very, very significant impact on many people in Wales. And, Minister, as you are aware, my north Wales colleague Jack Sargeant has spoken publicly and regularly in support of a trial to explore the feasibility of a universal basic income here in Wales. Are you able to provide an update on what progress the Welsh Government has made with regard to the launching of a trial and what consideration has been given to trialling UBI here in north Wales?
Wel, diolch, Weinidog, ac rwy'n cytuno. Yn amlwg, ni waeth beth fo'r dadleuon o blaid ac yn erbyn gwneud y toriad, mae'n amlwg y bydd gwneud y toriad yn cael effaith sylweddol iawn ar lawer o bobl yng Nghymru. A Weinidog, fel y gwyddoch, mae fy nghyd-Aelod yng ngogledd Cymru, Jack Sargeant, wedi siarad yn gyhoeddus ac yn rheolaidd o blaid cynnal treial i archwilio dichonoldeb incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol yma yng Nghymru. A allwch roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf ynglŷn â pha gynnydd y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud mewn perthynas â lansio treial a pha ystyriaeth a roddwyd i dreialu incwm sylfaenol cyffredinol yma yng ngogledd Cymru?
Well, can I thank Ken Skates for his questions? You will all have heard yesterday that the First Minister provided an update on the basic income pilot in response to his First Minister’s questions. He said, and I will repeat again to clarify,
'Subject to the resolution of remaining practical matters, including the interface of our basic income payments with the benefits system, we plan to introduce the pilot in the financial year...1 April 2022.'
And I will be issuing a ministerial update soon to provide more detail. But in response to your first question, of course, this is about alleviating poverty—basic income is about alleviating poverty. But it’s also about giving people more control over their lives, having a positive effect on mental health and well-being.
Wel, a gaf fi ddiolch i Ken Skates am ei gwestiynau? Bydd pob un ohonoch wedi clywed ddoe fod y Prif Weinidog wedi darparu diweddariad ar gynllun peilot incwm sylfaenol wrth ymateb i'r cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog. Dywedodd, ac rwyf am ailadrodd unwaith eto er eglurder,
'Yn amodol ar ddatrys y materion ymarferol sy'n weddill, gan gynnwys rhyngwyneb ein taliadau incwm sylfaenol â'r system fudd-daliadau, rydym yn bwriadu cyflwyno'r treial yn y flwyddyn ariannol...1 Ebrill 2022.'
A byddaf yn cyhoeddi diweddariad gweinidogol cyn bo hir i ddarparu mwy o fanylion. Ond mewn ymateb i'ch cwestiwn cyntaf, wrth gwrs, mae hyn yn ymwneud â lliniaru tlodi—mae incwm sylfaenol yn ymwneud â lliniaru tlodi. Ond mae hefyd yn ymwneud â rhoi mwy o reolaeth i bobl dros eu bywydau, a chael effaith gadarnhaol ar iechyd meddwl a llesiant.
Diolch, Weinidog. I'm sure everyone here has been contacted by somebody who has been impacted by the cuts in universal credit. I wanted to give one example: a Mrs D who contacted me recently. She said this, 'Last March, I was diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer. Overnight, I went from an independent, self-sufficient woman, counting the years to retirement, to a house-bound unemployable sixty-something reliant on benefits and the generosity of others. Universal credit was my safety net and I’m grateful that it was there when I needed it. However, this month, it feels like Boris Johnson has slashed a gaping hole in the bottom of it and I’m struggling to hold on.'
I appreciate that the Welsh Government has stepped up on many occasions to fill in the gaping hole left by the Tories' swingeing cuts, and the First Minister in particular received great credit and much praise throughout the pandemic for taking a different stance to the Westminster Government. This needs to happen again, Minister. Will the Welsh Government consider extending the discretionary assistance fund, which closed on 30 September, to help people like Mrs D and individuals who have been devastated by this cut. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch, Weinidog. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd pawb yma wedi cael clywed gan rywun y mae'r toriadau i gredyd cynhwysol wedi effeithio arnynt. Hoffwn roi un enghraifft: Mrs D, a gysylltodd â mi yn ddiweddar. Dywedodd hyn, 'Fis Mawrth diwethaf, cefais ddiagnosis o fath prin o ganser y gwaed. Dros nos, euthum o fod yn fenyw annibynnol, hunangynhaliol, a oedd yn cyfrif y blynyddoedd tan y gallwn ymddeol, i fod yn rhywun di-waith trigain a rhywbeth oed sy'n gaeth i'r tŷ ac sy'n ddibynnol ar fudd-daliadau a haelioni pobl eraill. Credyd cynhwysol oedd fy rhwyd ddiogelwch, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar ei bod yno pan oeddwn ei hangen. Fodd bynnag, y mis hwn, mae'n teimlo fel pe bai Boris Johnson wedi torri twll yn ei gwaelod ac rwy'n ei chael hi'n anodd dal fy ngafael.'
Rwy'n derbyn bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi camu i'r adwy ar sawl achlysur i lenwi'r twll a wnaed gan doriadau llym y Torïaid, ac mae'r Prif Weinidog yn enwedig wedi cael cryn dipyn o ganmoliaeth drwy gydol y pandemig am wneud safiad gwahanol i Lywodraeth San Steffan. Mae angen i hyn ddigwydd eto, Weinidog. A wnaiff Llywodraeth Cymru ystyried ymestyn y gronfa cymorth dewisol, a ddaeth i ben ar 30 Medi, i helpu pobl fel Mrs D ac unigolion y mae'r toriad hwn wedi cael effaith ddinistriol arnynt? Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch yn fawr, Rhys ab Owen, and you gave a very clear example—a human example—of great concern of the adverse impact already experienced by your constituent in terms of that cut of the £20 universal credit. And it is quite clear that we have to play our part to ensure that we can support those families. The UK Government may have abandoned these families, but the Welsh Government will not. So, it is the support that we give through our discretionary assistance fund, which is one route to helping these families that will face, as we know—and as we discussed in the Equality and Social Justice Committee this morning—a harsh winter to get the financial help they need to heat their homes and feed their children. And so, it is important that I am able to, as I have announced and as we discussed this morning, extend the flexibilities and extend the discretionary assistance fund through until March and then consider—as we move through this, and indeed the pandemic, as well as the cuts from UK Government—what impact that has in terms of taking the discretionary assistance fund forward.
Diolch yn fawr, Rhys ab Owen, a rhoesoch enghraifft glir iawn—enghraifft ddynol—sy'n peri cryn bryder, o'r effaith andwyol y mae torri'r £20 o gredyd cynhwysol eisoes wedi'i chael ar eich etholwr. Ac mae'n gwbl amlwg fod yn rhaid inni chwarae ein rhan i sicrhau y gallwn gefnogi'r teuluoedd hynny. Efallai fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi troi eu cefnau ar y teuluoedd hyn, ond ni fydd Llywodraeth Cymru'n gwneud hynny. Felly, mae'r cymorth a roddwn drwy ein cronfa cymorth dewisol yn un llwybr i helpu'r teuluoedd a fydd yn wynebu gaeaf caled, fel y gwyddom—ac fel y buom yn ei drafod yn y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol y bore yma—i gael y cymorth ariannol sydd ei angen arnynt i gynhesu eu cartrefi a bwydo eu plant. Ac felly, mae'n bwysig fy mod yn gallu ymestyn yr hyblygrwydd, fel y cyhoeddais ac fel y trafodwyd gennym y bore yma, ac ymestyn y gronfa cymorth dewisol hyd at fis Mawrth ac yna ystyried—wrth inni symud drwy hyn, a'r pandemig yn wir, yn ogystal â'r toriadau gan Lywodraeth y DU—pa effaith y bydd hynny'n ei chael o ran bwrw ymlaen â'r gronfa cymorth dewisol.
2. Pa gamau mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i annog amrywiaeth mewn cyflogaeth yn y sector cyhoeddus? OQ57042
2. What action is the Welsh Government taking to encourage diversity in employment in the public sector? OQ57042

This Government is committed to advancing equality, diversity and inclusion across the Welsh public sector. We're using all levers at our disposal and are committed to taking a social partnership approach to encourage and influence employers to take action to ensure a more diverse workforce.
Mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi ymrwymo i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ar draws sector cyhoeddus Cymru. Rydym yn defnyddio'r holl ysgogiadau sydd ar gael i ni, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddefnyddio dull partneriaeth gymdeithasol o annog a dylanwadu ar gyflogwyr i gymryd camau i sicrhau gweithlu mwy amrywiol.
Thanks, Minister. During a recent meeting of the Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee, it was revealed that only 4.2 per cent of staff employed in the Senedd identify as BAME. Now, of those—and pardon me for saying this, but I prefer the term 'ethnic minorities', so that's what I want to continue with in my question—ethnic minority members of staff, 81 per cent are in the lowest two pay bands. Given the Welsh Government's wish to ensure the public sector is inclusive and reflects the ethnic diversity of Wales, do you agree that the Senedd should lead by example, and what discussions have you had about increasing the number of ethnic minority individuals in senior roles here within the Senedd itself?
Diolch, Weinidog. Yn ystod un o gyfarfodydd diweddar y Pwyllgor Cyfrifon Cyhoeddus a Gweinyddiaeth Gyhoeddus, datgelwyd mai 4.2 y cant yn unig o'r staff a gyflogir yn y Senedd sy'n nodi eu bod yn Ddu, Asiaidd ac Ethnig Leiafrifol. Nawr, o'r staff—a maddeuwch i mi am ddweud hyn, ond mae'n well gennyf y term 'ethnig leiafrifol', felly dyna rwyf am ei ddefnyddio yn fy nghwestiwn—ethnig leiafrifol hynny, mae 81 y cant yn y ddau fand cyflog isaf. O ystyried dymuniad Llywodraeth Cymru i sicrhau bod y sector cyhoeddus yn gynhwysol ac yn adlewyrchu amrywiaeth ethnig Cymru, a ydych yn cytuno y dylai'r Senedd arwain drwy esiampl, a pha drafodaethau a gawsoch ynglŷn â chynyddu nifer yr unigolion ethnig leiafrifol mewn rolau uwch yma yn y Senedd ei hun?
I thank the Member for her question. And I think the fact that you're here now—. And we've all talked before about how visibility in public life is really important too, in terms of actually setting an example and not wanting to be the only one but the first of many, and to actually encourage people to put themselves forward as well, and to have a more representative Senedd not just in terms of the people in the Chamber, but the people who support us and work across the Senedd estate. So, the Welsh Government is very much committed to doing that, and I'm sure it's something—I was looking at the Llywydd as you were asking the question, too—for the Senedd Commission, but also I'm sure it's something that we can work on together, collectively, in a common aim and common ambition. And I'm sure the Member would be welcome to be part of that work as well.
Diolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiwn. A chredaf fod y ffaith eich bod yma nawr—. Ac mae pob un ohonom wedi siarad yn y gorffennol ynglŷn â sut y mae bod yn weladwy mewn bywyd cyhoeddus yn bwysig iawn hefyd, o ran gosod esiampl a pheidio â bod yr unig un ond y cyntaf o lawer, ac i annog pobl i gynnig eu hunain hefyd, a chael Senedd fwy cynrychioliadol nid yn unig o ran y bobl yn y Siambr, ond y bobl sy'n ein cefnogi ac yn gweithio ar draws ystad y Senedd. Felly, mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n sicr wedi ymrwymo i wneud hynny, ac rwy'n siŵr ei fod yn rhywbeth—roeddwn yn edrych ar y Llywydd wrth ichi ofyn y cwestiwn hefyd—i Gomisiwn y Senedd, ond rwy'n siŵr hefyd ei fod yn rhywbeth y gallwn weithio arno gyda'n gilydd, ar y cyd, fel nod cyffredin ac uchelgais cyffredin. Ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai croeso i'r Aelod fod yn rhan o'r gwaith hwnnw hefyd.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Mark Isherwood.
Questions now from party spokespeople. The Conservative spokesperson, Mark Isherwood.
Diolch, Llywydd. As chair of the cross-party group on fuel poverty and energy efficiency in previous terms, I'm working with National Energy Action, NEA Cymru, and the Fuel Poverty Coalition Cymru, to re-establish the cross-party group in the sixth Senedd. Our first meeting will take place via Zoom at 11 a.m. on Monday, 8 November—diary note for everybody, please—and I thank you for confirming your attendance as Minister for Social Justice. We recognise that tackling fuel poverty is a social justice issue, but we recognise that improving the energy efficiency of the homes of fuel-poor households in Wales will also contribute to climate change objectives in Wales. Given that fuel poverty sits within your portfolio, but energy efficiency sits within the portfolio of the Minister for Climate Change, how specifically are you co-ordinating action with her to ensure that the wider social justice goals in tackling fuel poverty are not lost in pursuit of climate change objectives?
Diolch, Lywydd. Fel cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dlodi tanwydd ac effeithlonrwydd ynni mewn tymhorau blaenorol, rwy'n gweithio gyda National Energy Action, National Energy Action Cymru, a Chynghrair Tlodi Tanwydd Cymru, i ailsefydlu'r grŵp trawsbleidiol yn y chweched Senedd. Bydd ein cyfarfod cyntaf yn cael ei gynnal ar Zoom am 11 a.m. ddydd Llun, 8 Tachwedd—pawb i roi nodyn yn eu dyddiaduron, os gwelwch yn dda—a diolch am gadarnhau y byddwch yn mynychu fel y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol. Rydym yn cydnabod bod mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd yn fater cyfiawnder cymdeithasol, ond rydym yn cydnabod y bydd gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni cartrefi tlawd o ran tanwydd yng Nghymru hefyd yn cyfrannu at amcanion newid hinsawdd yng Nghymru. O ystyried bod tlodi tanwydd yn rhan o'ch portffolio chi, ond bod effeithlonrwydd ynni yn rhan o bortffolio'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, pa mor benodol rydych chi'n cydgysylltu gweithgarwch gyda hi er mwyn sicrhau nad yw'r nodau cyfiawnder cymdeithasol ehangach wrth fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd yn cael eu colli wrth geisio cyflawni amcanion newid hinsawdd?
I thank Mark Isherwood for that question, and I do look forward to attending the cross-party group on fuel poverty. Clearly, this has to be addressed in a cross-Government way, so working very closely with the Minister for Climate Change, Julie James, and appreciating it from her perspective as being responsible for housing and tackling climate change. So, working together, particularly in relation to tackling fuel poverty, we did publish the plan to tackle fuel poverty in March of this year. We had a public consultation and, of course, many responses from those who will, I'm sure, be attending the cross-party group. But I think it's important just to outline—and this, obviously, alongside my colleague Julie James—our targets. And they are targets that, over the next 15 years, no household is estimated to be living in severe or persistent fuel poverty; no more than 5 per cent of households are estimated to be living in fuel poverty at any one time; and that we should look to the number of households that are at risk of falling into fuel poverty, and they should be halved, by more than 50 per cent, based on the 2018 assessment. What's crucial is that we need to make sure that 155,000 homes—that's 12 per cent of homes in Wales—have safe and comfortable home environments, and that's where our close working is so critically important.
Diolch i Mark Isherwood am ei gwestiwn, ac edrychaf ymlaen at fynychu'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar dlodi tanwydd. Yn amlwg, mae'n rhaid mynd i'r afael â hyn mewn ffordd drawslywodraethol, felly drwy weithio'n agos iawn gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, Julie James, a deall y mater o'i safbwynt hi fel yr un sy'n gyfrifol am dai a mynd i'r afael â newid hinsawdd. Felly, gan weithio gyda'n gilydd, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â threchu tlodi tanwydd, fe wnaethom gyhoeddi'r cynllun i drechu tlodi tanwydd ym mis Mawrth eleni. Cawsom ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus, gyda llawer o ymatebion, wrth gwrs, gan y rheini a fydd, rwy’n siŵr, yn mynychu’r grŵp trawsbleidiol. Ond credaf ei bod yn bwysig nodi ein targedau, a gwneud hynny, wrth gwrs, ochr yn ochr â fy nghyd-Aelod, Julie James. Ac maent yn dargedau lle nad amcangyfrifir, dros y 15 mlynedd nesaf, y bydd unrhyw aelwyd yn byw mewn tlodi tanwydd difrifol neu barhaus; nid amcangyfrifir y bydd mwy na 5 y cant o aelwydydd yn byw mewn tlodi tanwydd ar unrhyw adeg benodol; ac y dylem edrych ar nifer yr aelwydydd sydd mewn perygl o syrthio i dlodi tanwydd, a dylent gael eu haneru, fwy na 50 y cant, yn seiliedig ar asesiad 2018. Yr hyn sy'n hanfodol yw bod angen inni sicrhau bod gan 155,000 o gartrefi—sef 12 y cant o gartrefi yng Nghymru—amgylcheddau cartref diogel a chyfforddus, a dyna ble mae hi mor hanfodol bwysig ein bod yn cydweithio'n agos.
Thank you. The connection between fuel poverty and health is very real. Speaking here in November 2018, I noted that the annual cost to the Welsh NHS of treating people made ill by living in a cold, damp home was approximately £67 million, with health impacts caused by cold homes predominantly relating to cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Low temperatures also diminish resistance to infection and encourage damp and mould growth in the home. And cold indoor conditions have also been linked to poor mental health, resulting from anxiety and stress, and cold homes also exacerbate social isolation and reduce educational attainment, therefore crossing into social justice issues. Speaking at National Energy Action Cymru's fuel poverty conference in February 2019, I stated that your predecessor had told the cross-party group that the Welsh Government would be developing a cold weather plan in conjunction with Public Health Wales, and that a crisis fund and adoption in Wales of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guideline and quality standard on cold-related ill health and excess winter deaths would also be key to this. However, yesterday's statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on the Welsh Government's health and social care winter plan made no reference to fuel poverty. Given that winter is almost upon us again, what specific year-round cold weather resilience planning is the Welsh Government therefore taking to address this, as it relates to the cross-cutting issues in your social justice portfolio?
Diolch. Mae'r cysylltiad rhwng tlodi tanwydd ac iechyd yn real iawn. Wrth siarad yma ym mis Tachwedd 2018, nodais fod y gost i GIG Cymru o drin pobl sy'n cael eu gwneud yn sâl am eu bod yn byw mewn cartref oer a llaith oddeutu £67 miliwn bob blwyddyn, gydag effeithiau iechyd a achosir gan gartrefi oer yn bennaf gysylltiedig â phroblemau cardiofasgwlaidd ac anadlol. Mae tymereddau isel hefyd yn lleihau ymwrthedd i heintiau ac yn annog tyfiant llaith a llwydni yn y cartref. Ac mae amgylcheddau oer dan do hefyd wedi'u cysylltu ag iechyd meddwl gwael, yn deillio o bryder a straen, ac mae cartrefi oer hefyd yn gwaethygu ynysigrwydd cymdeithasol ac yn lleihau cyrhaeddiad addysgol, ac felly'n croesi i faterion cyfiawnder cymdeithasol. Wrth siarad yng nghynhadledd tlodi tanwydd National Energy Action Cymru ym mis Chwefror 2019, dywedais fod eich rhagflaenydd wedi dweud wrth y grŵp trawsbleidiol y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru'n datblygu cynllun tywydd oer ar y cyd ag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, ac y byddai cronfa argyfwng, ynghyd â mabwysiadu canllawiau a safon ansawdd y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol dros Ragoriaeth mewn Iechyd a Gofal yng Nghymru ar farwolaethau ychwanegol y gaeaf ac afiechyd sy'n gysylltiedig ag oerfel hefyd yn allweddol i hyn. Fodd bynnag, ni wnaed unrhyw gyfeiriad o gwbl at dlodi tanwydd yn y datganiad ddoe gan y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar gynllun iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y gaeaf. O gofio bod y gaeaf bron ar ein gwarthaf unwaith eto, pa gynlluniau penodol i wrthsefyll y tywydd oer drwy gydol y flwyddyn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i fynd i’r afael â hyn, fel y mae'n ymwneud â’r materion trawsbynciol yn eich portffolio cyfiawnder cymdeithasol?
Thank you, again, for that follow-up question. I've mentioned the plan to tackle fuel poverty, published earlier on this year. What's crucial about that is that we also have a fuel poverty advisory panel, which, of course, is attended by many of those who you are working with in terms of the cross-party group, and it is actually helping us to co-ordinate action to tackle fuel poverty in Wales. What's important, and linked to your first question, is the Warm Homes programme, and it's clear that there's a link between good health and well-being and also tackling fuel poverty. So, the Warm Homes programme, as you're aware, I know, includes the demand-led Nest scheme, which ends in March 2023, and the Arbed scheme, ending later on this year, and that's providing support for people most in need in terms of the Warm Homes programme.
But I think it's important to show that, for example, this is where schemes under the Warm Homes programme are subject to a maximum level of investment for each dwelling to maximise the impact of the scheme, and improvements not only for warmer homes, but also saving households on their annual energy bills, because that's what's so important about the free home energy efficiency measures that are now being implemented through the Nest scheme.
Diolch eto am eich cwestiwn dilynol. Rwyf wedi sôn am y cynllun i fynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd, a gyhoeddwyd yn gynharach eleni. Yr hyn sy'n hanfodol amdano yw bod gennym hefyd banel cynghori ar dlodi tanwydd, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn cael ei fynychu gan lawer o'r bobl rydym yn gweithio gyda hwy yn y grŵp trawsbleidiol, ac mae'n ein cynorthwyo i gydgysylltu camau gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd yng Nghymru. Yr hyn sy'n bwysig, ac mae'n gysylltiedig â'ch cwestiwn cyntaf, yw rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd, ac mae'n amlwg fod cysylltiad rhwng iechyd a llesiant a mynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd hefyd. Felly, mae rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd, fel y gwn eich bod yn gwybod, yn cynnwys cynllun Nyth, sy'n seiliedig ar alw, ac sy'n dod i ben ym mis Mawrth 2023, a chynllun Arbed, a ddaw i ben yn nes ymlaen eleni, ac mae hwnnw'n darparu cymorth i'r bobl fwyaf anghenus yn y rhaglen Cartrefi Clyd.
Ond credaf ei bod yn bwysig dangos, er enghraifft, mai dyma ble y mae cynlluniau o dan raglen Cartrefi Clyd yn cael y lefel uchaf o fuddsoddiad ar gyfer pob annedd er mwyn sicrhau bod y cynllun yn cael yr effaith fwyaf bosibl, a gwelliannau nid yn unig er mwyn cael cartrefi cynhesach, ond hefyd er mwyn arbed arian i gartrefi ar eu biliau ynni blynyddol, gan mai dyna sydd mor bwysig am y mesurau effeithlonrwydd ynni cartref am ddim sy'n cael eu gweithredu drwy gynllun Nyth yn awr.
Thank you, and whilst I welcome your comments about the Warm Homes plan, the question was specific to the cold weather plan, which NEA Cymru's annual fuel poverty monitor have called for for a long time, and which the Minister in the last Welsh Government accepted in 2019 and said the Welsh Government would be developing.
But, moving on, on 1 October, the energy price cap set by energy regulator Ofgem increased, driven by a rise in energy costs, with gas prices hitting a record high as the world emerged from lockdown. Although the price cap ensures that suppliers only pass on legitimate costs to customers, NEA Cymru warned that this rise would plunge 22,500 more households in Wales into fuel poverty this winter, and called for deeper protection and more direct financial support for low-income households this winter. How do you therefore respond to their subsequent statement that the Welsh Government has a vital role to play to support fuel-poor households across tenure to retrofit and upgrade the energy efficiency of their homes, and how will you respond to their call on the Welsh Government to expand the financial support available to assist those struggling to meet growing energy bills, as well as longer term investment in home energy efficiency, prioritising the poorest households in the least efficient homes?
Diolch, ac er fy mod yn croesawu eich sylwadau am gynllun Cartrefi Clyd, roedd y cwestiwn yn ymwneud yn benodol â'r cynllun tywydd oer, sy'n rhywbeth y mae monitor tlodi tanwydd blynyddol National Energy Action Cymru wedi galw amdano ers peth amser, ac y gwnaeth y Gweinidog yn Llywodraeth ddiwethaf Cymru yn 2019 ei dderbyn gan ddweud y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei ddatblygu.
Ond wrth symud ymlaen, ar 1 Hydref, cynyddodd y cap ar brisiau ynni a osodwyd gan y rheoleiddiwr ynni Ofgem o ganlyniad i'r cynnydd mewn costau ynni, gyda phrisiau nwy yn cyrraedd y lefel uchaf erioed wrth i gyfyngiadau symud gael eu codi ar draws y byd. Er bod y cap ar brisiau'n sicrhau mai costau dilys yn unig y mae'r cyflenwyr yn eu codi ar gwsmeriaid, rhybuddiodd National Energy Action Cymru y byddai'r codiad hwn yn arwain at 22,500 yn rhagor o aelwydydd yng Nghymru mewn tlodi tanwydd y gaeaf hwn, a galwasant am ddiogelwch cryfach a chymorth ariannol mwy uniongyrchol i aelwydydd incwm isel dros y gaeaf hwn. Sut rydych yn ymateb, felly, i'w datganiad yn dilyn hynny fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru rôl hanfodol i'w chwarae yn cefnogi cartrefi tlawd o ran tanwydd ym mhob math o ddeiliadaeth i ôl-osod ac uwchraddio effeithlonrwydd ynni eu cartrefi, a sut y byddwch yn ymateb i'w galwad ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ehangu'r cymorth ariannol sydd ar gael i gynorthwyo'r rheini sy'n ei chael hi'n anodd talu biliau ynni cynyddol, yn ogystal â buddsoddiad mwy hirdymor mewn effeithlonrwydd ynni cartref, gan flaenoriaethu'r aelwydydd tlotaf yn y cartrefi lleiaf effeithlon eu defnydd o ynni?
Well, of course, in response to your specific question, which I will respond to, about the cold weather plan, we will have a cold weather plan in place. I talked about our plan to tackle fuel poverty, and ,of course, all of these are interacting strategies and plans to tackle fuel poverty. But we'll be able to respond to that in terms of updating by the end of November.
This is where the Minister for Climate Change and I are working very closely together, and we are making our representations to the UK Government, which I hope you are as well. You're making representations to me, but representations need to be made to the UK Government in terms of tackling these issues. And, very clearly, we need to ensure that there is the funding available to enable us to play our part. And we'll look to see what happens in the comprehensive spending review announcements shortly.
But, also, on Ofgem itself, meetings held with the Minister for Climate Change, and representations that we're making, recognising that there will be an increase in the number of households facing fuel poverty, in fact, this was discussed fully in our Equality and Social Justice Committee this morning in terms of debt advice, and the fact that we are ensuring that not only are we reaching out with £20.1 million in the Nest scheme—100 per cent of installations completed by Wales-based installers, including apprenticeships—but we are looking to benefit entitlement checks, which, in themselves, through our income maximisation programme, are actually resulting in benefit take-up to support households who will be vulnerable; who will be vulnerable, because of those cuts that we've just been talking about from universal credit and the end of furlough, rising fuel prices and rising food prices too.
Wel, wrth gwrs, mewn ymateb i'ch cwestiwn penodol y byddaf yn ymateb iddo, ynglŷn â'r cynllun tywydd oer, bydd gennym gynllun tywydd oer ar waith. Soniais am ein cynllun i fynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd, ac wrth gwrs, mae pob un o'r rhain yn strategaethau ac yn gynlluniau rhyngweithiol i fynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd. Ond byddwn yn gallu ymateb i hynny drwy roi diweddariad erbyn diwedd mis Tachwedd.
Dyma ble y mae'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd a minnau'n cydweithio'n agos iawn, ac rydym yn cyflwyno ein sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU, ac rwy'n gobeithio eich bod chi'n gwneud hynny hefyd. Rydych yn cyflwyno sylwadau i mi, ond mae angen cyflwyno sylwadau i Lywodraeth y DU ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn. Ac yn amlwg, mae angen inni sicrhau bod cyllid ar gael i'n galluogi i chwarae ein rhan. A byddwn yn edrych i weld beth sy'n digwydd yn y cyhoeddiadau ynghylch yr adolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant cyn bo hir.
Ond hefyd, ar Ofgem eu hunain, cyfarfodydd a gynhaliwyd gyda'r Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd, a sylwadau rydym yn eu cyflwyno, gan gydnabod y bydd cynnydd yn nifer yr aelwydydd sy'n wynebu tlodi tanwydd, mewn gwirionedd, trafodwyd hyn yn llawn yn ein Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol y bore yma yng nghyd-destun cyngor ar ddyledion, a’r ffaith ein bod yn sicrhau nid yn unig ein bod yn rhyddhau £20.1 miliwn i gynllun Nyth—100 y cant o osodiadau'n cael eu cwblhau gan gwmnïau gosod wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys prentisiaethau—ond rydym yn edrych ar archwiliadau hawl i fudd-daliadau, sydd ynddynt eu hunain, drwy ein rhaglen pwyslais ar incwm, yn arwain at sicrhau bod aelwydydd agored i niwed yn manteisio ar fudd-daliadau i'w cefnogi; agored i niwed oherwydd y toriadau rydym newydd fod yn sôn amdanynt i gredyd cynhwysol a diwedd y cynllun ffyrlo, a phrisiau tanwydd a bwyd cynyddol hefyd.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Diolch, Llywydd. Minister, following on from the previous question, you may remember that I wrote to you earlier this summer when the news first emerged of the rises in fuel tariffs. I warned then of the impacts this would have on household budgets, especially in light of the Tory Government's decision to plough ahead with the removal of the universal credit uplift, despite knowing the harm that it would cause. The reason we are in this position is partly down to the incompetency of the Tory Government in Westminster in failing to invest in gas storage capacity, making the UK especially vulnerable to external shocks. For me, this underlines Plaid Cymru's plans to establish a home-grown energy company that would increase our resilience and reduce our reliance on external forces. The last few months have surely told us that we cannot rely on Westminster when it comes to energy supply. Is increasing our energy independence under active consideration in order to tackle fuel poverty and exorbitant prices? And, if not, why not?
Diolch, Lywydd. Weinidog, yn dilyn y cwestiwn blaenorol, efallai y byddwch yn cofio fy mod wedi ysgrifennu atoch yn gynharach yr haf pan ddaeth y newyddion gyntaf am y codiadau mewn tariffau tanwydd. Rhybuddiais bryd hynny am yr effeithiau y byddai hyn yn eu cael ar gyllidebau aelwydydd, yn enwedig yng ngoleuni penderfyniad y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd i fwrw ymlaen â chael gwared ar yr ychwanegiad i'r credyd cynhwysol, er eu bod yn ymwybodol o'r niwed y byddai hynny'n ei achosi. Rydym yn y sefyllfa hon yn rhannol oherwydd blerwch y Llywodraeth Dorïaidd yn San Steffan yn methu buddsoddi mewn capasiti storio nwy, gan wneud y DU yn arbennig o agored i siociau allanol. I mi, mae hyn yn tanlinellu cynlluniau Plaid Cymru i sefydlu cwmni ynni yma yng Nghymru a fyddai’n cynyddu ein gwytnwch ac yn lleihau ein dibyniaeth ar rymoedd allanol. Does bosibl nad yw'r ychydig fisoedd diwethaf wedi dweud wrthym na allwn ddibynnu ar San Steffan gyda'r cyflenwad ynni. A yw cynyddu ein hannibyniaeth ynni'n rhywbeth sy'n cael ei ystyried yn weithredol er mwyn mynd i’r afael â thlodi tanwydd a phrisiau afresymol? Ac os nad ydyw, pam ddim?
Well, thank you very much. And it's absolutely right and timely that these questions are coming about what role and power we have got, as a Welsh Government, in terms of tackling fuel poverty. We talked this morning about the perfect storm that is going to be hitting and affecting vulnerable families. So, we need to ensure that we can have as much of a grip and a hold and responsibilities in terms of taking this forward, in terms of energy supply and resources. Clearly, this is not entirely in my portfolio, although in the cross-Government way in which we work in the Welsh Government, I'm very clearly working with my colleagues the Minister and Deputy Minister for climate change on these issues.
Wel, diolch yn fawr. Ac mae'n hollol iawn ac yn amserol fod y cwestiynau hyn yn codi ynglŷn â pha rôl a phŵer sydd gennym, fel Llywodraeth Cymru, o ran mynd i'r afael â thlodi tanwydd. Buom yn siarad y bore yma am y storm berffaith a fydd yn taro ac yn effeithio ar deuluoedd agored i niwed. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau y gallwn gael cymaint o afael a rheolaeth a chyfrifoldebau â phosibl i allu bwrw ymlaen â hyn, o ran cyflenwad ynni ac adnoddau. Yn amlwg, nid yw hyn yn gyfan gwbl yn fy mhortffolio, ond yn y ffordd drawslywodraethol y gweithiwn yn Llywodraeth Cymru, rwy'n amlwg yn gweithio gyda fy nghyd-Aelodau, y Gweinidog a'r Dirprwy Weinidog newid hinsawdd ar y materion hyn.
Diolch yn fawr. Moving on to something that I've got an interest in: in recent months, Wales has welcomed refugees, following the sudden fall of the Afghanistan Government. It's hard to imagine the terror that they felt when fleeing their homes, and it's only right that Wales has played its part in proving to be a safe haven for some of these families. Over the last 20 years, WARD or the Wales Asylum Seeking and Refugee Doctors scheme has been a big success in supporting people to restart their professional lives here in Wales. They have done this by removing the barriers to gaining General Medical Council registration that is required to practice in the UK. The scheme has also saved a lot of money, since training new doctors costs around £230,000, whereas the WARD process costs around £30,000 for each doctor completing the scheme. Can this Welsh Government commit to helping more refugees and asylum seeking professionals to restart their careers by looking to expand the remit of the original WARD scheme to include other professionals, and help our NHS?
Diolch yn fawr. I symud ymlaen at rywbeth y mae gennyf ddiddordeb ynddo: dros y misoedd diwethaf, mae Cymru wedi croesawu ffoaduriaid, yn dilyn cwymp sydyn Llywodraeth Affganistan. Mae'n anodd dychmygu'r ofn a deimlent wrth ffoi o'u cartrefi, ac mae'n iawn fod Cymru wedi chwarae ei rhan wrth fod yn hafan ddiogel i rai o'r teuluoedd hyn. Dros yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf, mae WARD neu gynllun Meddygon Ceiswyr Lloches a Ffoaduriaid Cymru wedi cael cryn lwyddiant yn cynorthwyo pobl i ailddechrau eu bywydau proffesiynol yma yng Nghymru. Maent wedi gwneud hyn drwy gael gwared ar y rhwystrau rhag cofrestru gyda'r Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol, sy'n ofynnol er mwyn ymarfer yn y DU. Mae'r cynllun hefyd wedi arbed llawer o arian, gan fod hyfforddi meddygon newydd yn costio oddeutu £230,000, ond mae proses WARD yn costio oddeutu £30,000 am bob meddyg sy'n cwblhau'r cynllun. A all Llywodraeth Cymru ymrwymo i gynorthwyo mwy o weithwyr proffesiynol sy'n ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches i ailddechrau eu gyrfaoedd drwy geisio ehangu cylch gwaith y cynllun WARD gwreiddiol i gynnwys gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill, a helpu ein GIG?
Diolch yn fawr, Peredur, for that question. I was very proud to be health Minister when we started along that route, with the refugee doctors scheme, as we called it then, 20 years ago. And I always recall Aled Edwards reporting on how many of those refugee doctors we were supporting through language skills, through the scheme that developed, and which has now been replicated and followed, not in Wales, but across the UK and further afield, and how so many of those doctors who then got GMC recognition were working in the NHS across Wales and the UK. So, it is very important that we look to the opportunities and the scope of that scheme. It will be very much for the Minister for Health and Social Services—. In fact, I've raised that question with her, in terms of not just doctors, but other health professionals as well. But I would like to say that we do have the opportunities, again, with our Afghan refugees who come to join us here in Wales, many of whom have skills—their whole families; the husbands and wives have skills—as we've seen with the Syrian refugees, who are now playing their part, particularly in the NHS, and I certainly will be raising that point again about the scheme and how we can enhance it.
Diolch yn fawr am eich cwestiwn, Peredur. Roeddwn yn falch iawn o fod yn Weinidog iechyd pan ddechreuasom ar y llwybr hwnnw, gyda’r cynllun meddygon sy'n ffoaduriaid, fel yr oeddem yn ei alw bryd hynny, 20 mlynedd yn ôl. Ac rwyf bob amser yn cofio adroddiadau Aled Edwards ar faint o'r meddygon o ffoaduriaid hynny yr oeddem yn eu cefnogi gyda sgiliau iaith, drwy'r cynllun a ddatblygwyd, ac sydd bellach wedi'i efelychu a'i ddilyn, nid yng Nghymru, ond ledled y DU a thu hwnt, a sut yr oedd cymaint o'r meddygon hynny a gydnabuwyd gan y Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol yn gweithio wedyn yn y GIG ledled Cymru a'r DU. Felly, mae'n bwysig iawn ein bod yn edrych ar y cyfleoedd a chwmpas y cynllun hwnnw. Bydd yn fater i'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol—. Mewn gwirionedd, rwyf wedi trafod y cwestiwn hwnnw gyda hi, nid yn unig o ran meddygon, ond gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol eraill hefyd. Ond hoffwn ddweud bod gennym gyfleoedd, unwaith eto, gyda'r ffoaduriaid o Affganistan sy'n dod i ymuno â ni yma yng Nghymru, gyda llawer ohonynt yn meddu ar sgiliau—eu teuluoedd cyfan; mae gan y gwŷr a’r gwragedd sgiliau—fel y gwelsom gyda’r ffoaduriaid o Syria, sydd bellach yn chwarae eu rhan, yn enwedig yn y GIG, ac yn sicr, byddaf yn codi’r pwynt eto ynglŷn â’r cynllun a sut y gallwn ei wella.
Thank you, and thank you for taking that forward. Recently, I brought forward a debate on substance misuse. During that debate, the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being noted that the Government approach to substance misuse problems is firmly rooted in a health and harm reduction approach. Given this, how does the Welsh Government work with and engage with the police and crime commissioners to ensure this approach is translated into action with police on the ground? Specifically, how do the Government and the PCCs guide officers to identify substance misuse or addiction problems and to respond appropriately in line with the health and harm reduction approach?
Diolch, a diolch am fwrw ymlaen â hynny. Yn ddiweddar, cyflwynais ddadl ar gamddefnyddio sylweddau. Yn ystod y ddadl honno, nododd y Dirprwy Weinidog Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant fod dull y Llywodraeth o ymdrin â phroblemau camddefnyddio sylweddau yn canolbwyntio ar iechyd a lleihau niwed. O gofio hyn, sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio gyda'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu ac yn ymgysylltu â hwy i sicrhau bod y dull hwn yn cael ei drosi'n weithredu gyda'r heddlu ar lawr gwlad? Yn benodol, sut y mae'r Llywodraeth a'r comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu'n cynorthwyo swyddogion i nodi problemau camddefnyddio sylweddau neu gaethiwed ac i ymateb yn briodol yn unol â'r dull iechyd a lleihau niwed?
Well, thank you for that question. It's very timely again, because tomorrow I'm meeting with the lead PCC, police and crime commissioner, Dafydd Llywelyn, and I will be, and he will, I'm sure, be aware of questions asked to me this afternoon with my lead role in terms of policing. I co-chair with the First Minister the policing partnership board, and I have to say that, over the last 18 months, although we have been focusing on the impact of the pandemic and the support that the police forces have been giving to respond to the pandemic and to the very welcome expansion of our community police support officers, we also have had substance misuse clearly on the agenda. It is something where, particularly, the police forces, led often by the police and crime commissioners, are looking at prevention in terms of the role of our police services in Wales. And you know, we do focus on what are Welsh needs and Welsh circumstances, and I will be raising this again with Dafydd Llywelyn, the lead police and crime commissioner, when I meet him tomorrow.
Wel, diolch am eich cwestiwn. Mae'n amserol iawn eto, gan y byddaf yn cyfarfod â'r comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu arweiniol yfory, Dafydd Llywelyn, a byddaf i, ac yntau, rwy'n siŵr, yn ymwybodol o'r cwestiynau a ofynnwyd i mi y prynhawn yma gyda fy rôl arweiniol mewn perthynas â phlismona. Rwy’n cyd-gadeirio'r bwrdd partneriaeth plismona gyda’r Prif Weinidog, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, dros y 18 mis diwethaf, er ein bod wedi bod yn canolbwyntio ar effaith y pandemig a’r cymorth y mae’r heddluoedd wedi bod yn ei roi i ymateb i'r pandemig a chyflwyno nifer fwy o swyddogion cymorth cymunedol yr heddlu, sy'n galonogol iawn, mae camddefnyddio sylweddau hefyd wedi bod yn amlwg ar yr agenda. Mae'n rhywbeth lle mae'r heddluoedd, yn arbennig, dan arweiniad y comisiynwyr heddlu a throseddu, yn edrych ar atal o ran rôl gwasanaethau'r heddlu yng Nghymru. Ac rydym yn canolbwyntio ar beth yw anghenion Cymru ac amgylchiadau Cymru, a byddaf yn codi hyn eto gyda Dafydd Llywelyn, y comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu arweiniol, pan fyddaf yn cyfarfod ag ef yfory.
Mae cwestiwn 3 [OQ57061] wedi'i dynnu yn ôl. Cwestiwn 4, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Question 3 [OQ57061] is withdrawn. Question 4, Mabon ap Gwynfor.
4. A wnaiff y Gweinidog ddatganiad ar ddarpariaeth canolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol? OQ57059
4. Will the Minister make a statement on the provision of sexual assault referral centres? OQ57059
Rydyn ni'n parhau i weithio mewn partneriaeth â'r GIG, yr heddlu a'r trydydd sector i ddarparu mynediad at ganolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol yng Nghymru. Mae cydweithio fel hyn yn sicrhau bod y rheini sy'n dioddef ymosodiadau rhywiol yn cael cymorth, cefnogaeth a chyngor gan weithwyr proffesiynol profiadol, sydd wedi cael yr hyfforddiant priodol.
We continue to work in partnership with the NHS, the police and the third sector to provide access to sexual assault referral centres in Wales. This joint working ensures access to trained and experienced professionals for help and support, and to provide advice for victims of sexual assault.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, a dwi'n arbennig o ddiolchgar eich bod chi wedi ateb trwy gyfwng y Gymraeg. Mae'r canolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol yn cynnig gwasanaeth andros o bwysig i bobl fregus sydd yn amlwg wedi mynd trwy brofiadau erchyll. Rŵan, pan fydd rhywun yn edrych ar yr ystadegau ymosodiadau rhywiol, does yna ddim llawer o wahaniaeth rhwng y niferoedd o ymosodiadau rhywiol am bob 1,000 o'r boblogaeth yn ein cymunedau gwledig o'u cymharu â chymunedau trefol a dinesig. Er hynny, mae lefel y ddarpariaeth sydd ar gael yn ein cymunedau gwledig yn affwysol o isel, yn enwedig, felly, yng ngogledd Cymru. Dim ond un canolfan atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol sydd yng ngogledd Cymru gyfan, a honno ym Mae Colwyn. Mae'n bedair awr o siwrnai ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i rywun, er enghraifft, o Dudweiliog i Fae Colwyn neu o Harlech i Fae Colwyn. Weinidog, ydych chi ddim yn cytuno ei bod hi'n amser inni weld buddsoddiad mewn canolfan atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol arall yn y gogledd, a hynny mewn man mwy cyfleus i drigolion Gwynedd a Môn?
Thank you very much, and I'm particularly grateful that you answered through the medium of Welsh. These sexual assault referral centres provide a very important service to vulnerable people who clearly have gone through appalling experiences. Now, when one looks at sexual assault statistics, there isn't much difference between the number of sexual assaults for every 1,000 of the population in our rural communities as compared to urban communities. However, the level of provision available in our rural areas is appalling, particularly in north Wales. There is only one sexual health referral centre in the whole of north Wales, and that's in Colwyn Bay. It's a four-hour journey on public transport for somebody from Tudweiliog, for example, or from Harlech to Colwyn Bay. Minister, don't you agree that it's time that we saw investment in a sexual assault referral centre, a second in north Wales, in a place that is more convenient to the residents of Gwynedd and Anglesey?
Diolch yn fawr, Mabon ap Gwynfor, and thank you for putting that focus on our SARC programme. It is so important that we do have that access to sexual assault referral centres across the whole of Wales, and focusing particularly on rural Wales and north Wales, where you, obviously, are the representative. We do have robust collaborative working arrangements to ensure that there is that multi-agency response, which I know you recognise is crucial. We have a programme board, which oversees this in terms of the SARC provision across Wales. It's hosted in the NHS collaborative and, of course, it's all aiming to improve health outcomes for victims and survivors of sexual assault. The programme is actually based on a regional approach, so I will take this back in terms of the representations you're making today. We do have an integrated service already available in north Wales, but I think it's your points about distance and access to accredited facilities, for example, that are crucially important. I'll just, perhaps, also mention that this is something where we have a new regional hub being developed here in Cardiff, but that can be a model for the rest of Wales.
Diolch yn fawr, Mabon ap Gwynfor, a diolch am roi'r ffocws hwnnw ar ein rhaglen canolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol. Mae mor bwysig fod gennym y mynediad hwnnw at ganolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol ledled Cymru gyfan, gan ganolbwyntio'n arbennig ar gefn gwlad Cymru a gogledd Cymru, lle rydych chi, yn amlwg, yn gynrychiolydd. Mae gennym drefniadau gweithio cydweithredol cadarn i sicrhau ein bod yn cael yr ymateb amlasiantaethol hwnnw, sy'n hanfodol, fel y gwn eich bod yn ei gydnabod. Mae gennym fwrdd rhaglen, sy'n goruchwylio hyn o ran y ddarpariaeth o ganolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol ledled Cymru. Cydweithfa'r GIG sy'n ei drefnu, ac wrth gwrs, mae'r cyfan yn anelu at wella canlyniadau iechyd i ddioddefwyr a goroeswyr ymosodiadau rhywiol. Mae'r rhaglen yn seiliedig ar ddull rhanbarthol o weithredu, felly byddaf yn trosglwyddo'r sylwadau a wnaed gennych heddiw iddynt hwy. Mae gwasanaeth integredig eisoes ar gael gennym yng ngogledd Cymru, ond credaf fod eich pwyntiau ynglŷn â phellter a mynediad at gyfleusterau achrededig, er enghraifft, yn hanfodol bwysig. Fe soniaf hefyd efallai fod hyn yn rhywbeth lle mae gennym ganolbwynt rhanbarthol newydd yn cael ei ddatblygu yma yng Nghaerdydd, ond gall hwnnw fod yn fodel ar gyfer gweddill Cymru.
Thank you, Mabon, for asking this really important question. In our region, ahead of this year's White Ribbon events, I've been working with sexual violence charity, New Pathways, and it operates six of Wales's eight SARCs. They do an amazing job of supporting victims, overwhelmingly women and girls, and I'm pleased to say that they recently received new funding to support more people in more ways. But far too many victims are let down by the criminal justice system. Police and prosecutors need far more resources and training to expedite sexual assault and rape investigations in Wales. This is critical, not least because we know that lengthy court processes, combined with persistently and pitifully low conviction rates, put off victims from reporting those crimes. So, what discussions have you had, Minister, with Ministry of Justice officials about prioritising victims over perpetrators and improving swift access to justice?
Diolch, Mabon, am ofyn y cwestiwn pwysig hwn. Yn ein rhanbarth ni, cyn y digwyddiadau Rhuban Gwyn eleni, rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'r elusen trais rhywiol, Llwybrau Newydd, sy'n gweithredu chwech o wyth canolfan atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol Cymru. Maent yn gwneud gwaith gwych yn cefnogi dioddefwyr, menywod a merched yn bennaf, ac rwy'n falch o ddweud eu bod wedi derbyn cyllid newydd yn ddiweddar i gefnogi mwy o bobl mewn mwy o ffyrdd. Ond mae'r system cyfiawnder troseddol yn gwneud cam â gormod lawer o ddioddefwyr. Mae angen llawer mwy o adnoddau a hyfforddiant ar yr heddlu ac erlynwyr i gyflymu ymchwiliadau i ymosodiadau a thrais rhywiol yng Nghymru. Mae hyn yn hollbwysig, yn anad dim gan y gwyddom fod achosion llys hirfaith, ynghyd â chyfraddau truenus o isel a chyson o euogfarnau, yn atal dioddefwyr rhag rhoi gwybod i'r awdurdodau am y troseddau hynny. Felly, pa drafodaethau a gawsoch chi, Weinidog, gyda swyddogion y Weinyddiaeth Gyfiawnder ynghylch blaenoriaethu dioddefwyr dros gyflawnwyr, a gwella mynediad cyflym at gyfiawnder?
Well, I thank Joyce Watson for that question, and also in recognition of her diligent and long-standing commitment to addressing the needs of victims in terms of improving the sexual assault referral centres' provision. And also focusing particularly in terms of the need for justice for those victims and the importance, as I said in response to the first question from Mabon, of this multi-agency response. This is about how we prioritise our SARC services, and we need to ensure that the police and the Home Office play their parts as far as this is concerned, so we were also very pleased to support New Pathways in terms of additional funding and support.
But we have actually got to instil confidence in victims that, if they report, those who abuse will be held to account, and that's why, of course, in terms of the importance of us having influence and furthering that influence to more responsibility in the criminal justice system, it is so important that you raised this issue this afternoon.
Can I just say that it's also very linked to our violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence strategy, which we are developing the next phase of for the next five years? It's interesting that we are actually enhancing remote court hearing facilities, for example, across Wales, which I think we are helping to fund, or are funding, because we know how important it is for victims to present secure evidence safely by video link.
Wel, diolch i Joyce Watson am ei chwestiwn, ac rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod ei hymrwymiad diwyd a hirsefydlog i fynd i’r afael ag anghenion dioddefwyr o ran gwella darpariaeth y canolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol. A chanolbwyntio'n benodol hefyd ar yr angen am gyfiawnder i'r dioddefwyr hynny a phwysigrwydd, fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Mabon, yr ymateb amlasiantaethol hwn. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â'r modd y blaenoriaethwn ein gwasanaethau canolfannau atgyfeirio ymosodiadau rhywiol, ac mae angen inni sicrhau bod yr heddlu a'r Swyddfa Gartref yn chwarae eu rhan yn y cyswllt hwn, felly roeddem hefyd yn falch iawn o gefnogi cyllid a chymorth ychwanegol ar gyfer Llwybrau Newydd.
Ond mae'n rhaid inni feithrin hyder mewn dioddefwyr, os ydynt yn rhoi gwybod i'r awdurdodau, y bydd y rhai sy'n eu cam-drin yn cael eu dwyn i gyfrif, ac o ran pa mor bwysig yw hi fod gennym ddylanwad a'n bod yn defnyddio'r dylanwad hwnnw i sicrhau mwy o gyfrifoldeb yn y system cyfiawnder troseddol, dyna pam ei bod mor bwysig eich bod wedi codi'r mater hwn y prynhawn yma.
A gaf fi ddweud hefyd fod hyn yn gysylltiedig iawn â'n strategaeth trais yn erbyn menywod, cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol, y byddwn yn datblygu ei cham nesaf am y pum mlynedd nesaf? Mae'n ddiddorol ein bod yn gwella cyfleusterau gwrandawiadau llys o bell, er enghraifft, ledled Cymru, ac yn helpu i'w hariannu, neu yn eu hariannu, rwy'n credu, gan y gwyddom pa mor bwysig yw hi fod dioddefwyr yn gallu cyflwyno tystiolaeth ddiogel mewn modd diogel drwy gyswllt fideo.
5. Sut mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi gwasanaethau bancio cymunedol? OQ57038
5. How is the Welsh Government supporting community banking services? OQ57038
The Welsh Government supports credit unions that provide an alternative community banking service. We also work with LINK, which runs a financial inclusion programme to protect access to free cash for all, but especially for those in more deprived communities where there is a greater reliance on cash.
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n cefnogi undebau credyd sy'n darparu gwasanaeth bancio cymunedol amgen. Rydym hefyd yn gweithio gyda LINK, sy'n gweithredu rhaglen cynhwysiant ariannol i ddiogelu mynediad am ddim at arian parod i bawb, ond yn enwedig y rheini mewn cymunedau mwy difreintiedig lle ceir mwy o ddibyniaeth ar arian parod.
Many thanks, Minister, for your response there. Members across this Chamber, of course, will have supported their communities in attempting to keep banks in their own constituencies, and as we all know in this Chamber, the banks will perhaps receive those petitions and then go ahead and ignore, and banks will close. But, of course, I've been a long-time advocate myself, Minister, of a community banking model; I believe that there does need to be Government intervention, so I certainly support the Welsh Government's aims via Banc Cambria. This is an absolutely crucial project. I know, in a Government statement just before the election, Minister, the Government Minister, then Ken Skates, said that he hoped to be in a position to make further announcements in regard to Banc Cambria before the end of 2021. So, I wonder if you could provide any information today in terms of when that announcement will be brought forward, but particularly how Members can lobby for locations to be in their own constituencies. I've been a long-time advocate that those banks should be in place in my own constituency in towns like Llanidloes, Machynlleth and Welshpool, so I'll continue to lobby for those areas. But, Minister, can you provide an update—because I understand you will be the Minister responsible once Banc Cambria has been developed—in terms of supporting Members to ensure that Banc Cambria's locations are in areas across Wales that are most appropriate, and particularly those, of course, in rural constituencies like mine?
Diolch yn fawr am eich ymateb, Weinidog. Bydd Aelodau ar draws y Siambr hon, wrth gwrs, wedi cefnogi eu cymunedau drwy geisio cadw banciau yn eu hetholaethau eu hunain, ac fel y gŵyr pob un ohonom yn y Siambr hon, efallai y bydd y banciau’n cael y deisebau hynny ac yna'n eu hanwybyddu ac yn bwrw ymlaen â'u cynlluniau, a bydd banciau’n cau. Ond wrth gwrs, rwyf wedi dadlau dros fodel bancio cymunedol ers amser maith, Weinidog; credaf fod angen ymyrraeth gan y Llywodraeth, felly rwy'n sicr yn cefnogi nodau Llywodraeth Cymru drwy Fanc Cambria. Mae hwn yn brosiect cwbl hanfodol. Weinidog, mewn datganiad gan y Llywodraeth ychydig cyn yr etholiad, gwn fod Gweinidog y Llywodraeth ar y pryd, Ken Skates, wedi dweud ei fod yn gobeithio bod mewn sefyllfa i wneud cyhoeddiadau pellach mewn perthynas â Banc Cambria cyn diwedd 2021. Felly, tybed a allwch ddarparu unrhyw wybodaeth heddiw ynglŷn â phryd y gwneir y cyhoeddiad hwnnw, ond yn fwyaf arbennig, sut y gall Aelodau lobïo i sicrhau lleoliadau yn eu hetholaethau eu hunain. Rwyf wedi dadlau ers amser maith y dylai'r banciau hynny fod ar waith yn fy etholaeth fy hun mewn trefi fel Llanidloes, Machynlleth a'r Trallwng, felly byddaf yn parhau i lobïo ar ran yr ardaloedd hynny. Ond Weinidog, a allwch roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf—gan y deallaf mai chi fydd y Gweinidog a fydd yn gyfrifol pan fydd Banc Cambria wedi'i ddatblygu—er mwyn cefnogi'r Aelodau i sicrhau bod lleoliadau Banc Cambria yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf priodol ledled Cymru, ac yn enwedig, wrth gwrs, mewn etholaethau gwledig fel fy un i?
Thank you, Russell George. It is always good and important to drive things forward when we get that cross-party support for a proposal. It has been clearly supported by the Welsh Government, taking on the pioneering work of Ken Skates, and I also would say Jack Sargeant as well, who raised many questions on this point. But, I have to say that it is across this Welsh Parliament that Banc Cambria is seen to be a goal that we should be aiming for. Because the serious point is that we've got bank closures in all our consistencies on the high street. It's a continuing decline, and we have to ensure people have access to banking services. I've mentioned the credit union movement, and we're putting more and more funding and support into the credit unions.
Just a quick update: you know that we have direct discussions, as I think I've reported, between the regulator and the private sector financial institution, because the banking sector is tightly regulated, it is a reserved matter, and the establishment of the community bank is contingent on private sector delivery. But we're completely committed to the support and the creation of the community bank for Wales. I think it's important that we can acknowledge and keep raising the questions, recognising that we're working with the private sector. They're developing their commercial proposals in line with the regulatory approval process, and we are delivering operational plans in parallel with these regulatory assessments.
Diolch, Russell George. Mae bob amser yn dda ac yn bwysig gyrru pethau ymlaen pan gawn y gefnogaeth drawsbleidiol honno i gynnig. Fe'i cefnogwyd yn glir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gan ymgymryd â gwaith arloesol Ken Skates, a byddwn yn dweud Jack Sargeant hefyd, a gododd lawer o gwestiynau ar y pwynt hwn. Ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud bod pawb ar draws y Senedd hon yng Nghymru yn ystyried bod Banc Cambria yn nod y dylem anelu ato. Oherwydd y pwynt difrifol yw bod banciau'n cau yn gyson ar y stryd fawr ym mhob un o'n hetholaethau. Mae'n ddirywiad parhaus, ac mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau bod gan bobl fynediad at wasanaethau bancio. Rwyf wedi sôn am y mudiad undebau credyd, ac rydym yn rhoi mwy a mwy o gyllid a chefnogaeth i'r undebau credyd.
Un diweddariad cyflym: fe wyddoch ein bod yn cael trafodaethau uniongyrchol, fel rwyf wedi dweud, rwy'n credu, rhwng y rheoleiddiwr a sefydliad ariannol y sector preifat, oherwydd bod y sector bancio'n cael ei reoleiddio'n dynn, mae'n fater a gedwir yn ôl, ac mae sefydlu'r banc cymunedol yn dibynnu ar ddarpariaeth y sector preifat. Ond rydym wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i gefnogi a chreu banc cymunedol Cymru. Credaf ei bod yn bwysig ein bod yn gallu cydnabod a pharhau i godi'r cwestiynau, gan gydnabod ein bod yn gweithio gyda'r sector preifat. Maent yn datblygu eu cynigion masnachol yn unol â'r broses gymeradwyo reoleiddiol, ac rydym yn cyflawni cynlluniau gweithredol ochr yn ochr â'r asesiadau rheoleiddio hyn.
Mae o'n bryder mewn llawer rhan o Gymru ac i lawer o fudiadau bod y sector fancio i'w gweld yn troi eu cefnau ar fudiadau cymunedol. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod HSBC yn mynd i ddechrau codi ffi am gyfrifon cymunedol. Mae o'n rhywbeth y mae sawl un wedi cysylltu efo fi ynglŷn ag o—Merched y Wawr, er enghraifft, ac eisteddfodau lleol. Dwi'n annog pawb i arwyddo deiseb gan yr Aelod o'r Senedd a'r Aelod o Senedd Prydain dros Ddwyfor Meirionnydd yn galw ar y banciau i newid eu meddwl ar hyn.
Os ydy'r banciau am droi eu cefnau ar y cymunedau sy'n rhoi eu helw iddyn nhw, gadewch i ni fuddsoddi mwy mewn dulliau bancio amgen. Mae undebau credyd yn un model. Rydw innau hefyd yn gwybod bod Banc Cambria yn eiddgar i gynnig y math yma o becyn i fudiadau cymunedol. Ydy Llywodraeth Cymru wedi trafod efo'r criw y tu ôl i Banc Cambria y posibilrwydd o gynnig y pecyn yma a fyddai o gymaint o help i fudiadau? Hefyd, dwi yn disgwyl ymateb gan y Financial Conduct Authority i ohebiaeth gen i yn galw arnyn nhw i edrych i mewn i'r mater yma. Ydy Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd wedi trafod efo nhw neu'n ystyried gwneud hynny ar ran mudiadau cymunedol Cymru?
It is a concern in several parts of Wales and for many organisations that the banking sector appears to be turning their backs on community organisations. We know that HSBC is going to start charging a fee for community accounts. It is something that several people have contacted me about—Merched y Wawr, for example, and local eisteddfodau. I encourage everyone to sign a petition by the Member of the Senedd and the Member of Parliament for Dwyfor Meirionnydd calling on the banks to change their minds on this.
If the banks are going to turn their backs on the communities that provide them with their profits, let us invest more in alternative banking methods. Credit unions are one model. I too know that Banc Cambria is very eager to offer this kind of package to community organisations. Has the Welsh Government discussed with those behind Banc Cambria the possibility of providing this package that would be of so much assistance to organisations? I'm also awaiting a response from the Financial Conduct Authority to correspondence from me calling on them to look into this issue. Has the Welsh Government also discussed that with them or are you considering doing that on behalf of the community organisations of Wales?
I thank the Member. Rhun, thank you for raising that again, because this has been raised with me by many Senedd Members, that voluntary organisations are experiencing difficulties with regard to access to banking services. There are difficulties in terms of identifying an account that's free and suitable for the needs of a voluntary organisation, as well as even being able to open one in the first place. You've acknowledged the role of the credit unions, who can provide accounts and banking facilities to charitable organisations. I don't think everybody, perhaps, is aware of that. But also, many of you will know of the work of Purple Shoots, which is a pioneering microloans charity that's developed in Wales. They're now working very closely with credit unions to help them facilitate this.
We can't let the banks off the hook, as far as I'm concerned, on this, and we are meeting with them to, yet again, not just talk about the extent of the closures—we're all getting them daily, almost, aren't we—but the fact that this is excluding people and charitable organisations. We do, though, have an opportunity as well, with the third sector support that we've got from our county voluntary councils, along with the WCVA. They are establishing a community asset loan fund, and they are going to have funding that we are helping them with—a pot of £2 million in financial transaction capital. They can offer loans, for example, for organisations seeking to take on community assets. Also, they can get loans to help build up credit history for voluntary organisations. But I'm certainly going to be taking this back to the banking sector with my colleague Vaughan Gething as well. This is crucial. It's much reserved, but Banc Cambria is on its way.
Diolch i'r Aelod. Rhun, diolch ichi am godi hynny eto, oherwydd mae llawer o Aelodau'r Senedd wedi codi hyn gyda mi, fod sefydliadau gwirfoddol yn cael anawsterau wrth geisio mynediad at wasanaethau bancio. Ceir anhawster i gael cyfrif sy'n rhad ac am ddim ac sy'n addas ar gyfer anghenion sefydliad gwirfoddol, yn ogystal ag anhawster i allu agor un yn y lle cyntaf hyd yn oed. Rydych wedi cydnabod rôl yr undebau credyd, sy'n gallu darparu cyfrifon a chyfleusterau bancio i sefydliadau elusennol. Nid wyf yn credu bod pawb yn ymwybodol o hynny o bosibl. Ond hefyd, bydd llawer ohonoch yn gwybod am waith Purple Shoots, elusen microfenthyciadau arloesol sydd wedi'i datblygu yng Nghymru. Maent bellach yn gweithio'n agos iawn gydag undebau credyd i'w helpu i hwyluso hyn.
Yn fy marn i, ni allwn adael i'r banciau droi cefn ar eu cyfrifoldeb, ac rydym yn cyfarfod â hwy, unwaith eto, nid yn unig i siarad am nifer y banciau sy'n cau—rydym i gyd yn eu gweld yn ddyddiol, bron, onid ydym—ond y ffaith bod hyn yn eithrio pobl a sefydliadau elusennol. Fodd bynnag, mae gennym gyfle hefyd, gyda'r gefnogaeth trydydd sector a gawn gan ein cynghorau gwirfoddol sirol, ynghyd â CGGC. Maent yn sefydlu cronfa benthyciadau asedau cymunedol, a byddwn yn eu helpu gyda chyllid—£2 filiwn mewn cyfalaf trafodiadau ariannol. Gallant gynnig benthyciadau, er enghraifft, i sefydliadau sy'n ceisio caffael ased cymunedol. Hefyd, gallant gael benthyciadau i’w helpu i adeiladu hanes credyd ar gyfer sefydliadau gwirfoddol. Ond yn sicr byddaf yn mynd â hyn yn ôl i'r sector bancio gyda fy nghyd-Aelod, Vaughan Gething, hefyd. Mae hyn yn hollbwysig. Mae’n sicr yn fater a gedwir yn ôl, ond mae Banc Cambria ar ei ffordd.
Further to Russell's and Rhun's points, community banking is about high-street presence, which we are increasingly seeing banks walk away from over the last few years, if not decades. It's also about that free access to banking for community groups and charities. We are seeing HSBC as the latest one to take the money and run, and it is not good enough. So, I ask the Minister to make the strongest representations. Because I have had the response from HSBC to my letter to them; they have explained to me the commercial reasons why it's imperative that they don't provide free banking for these charitable and community organisations anymore. That is not good enough, and they are not the only ones. So, would the Minister join with me in making those strong representations back to HSBC? They may listen or not. But, if not, direct constituents of mine and others, people who believe in ethical, free banking for charities and community groups—it could be the credit unions, like Bridgend Lifesavers or Maesteg credit union; there are other banks and building societies out there who will do it—if they take the money and run, let's vote with our feet and leave them high and dry as well.
I ddilyn pwyntiau Russell a Rhun, mae bancio cymunedol yn ymwneud â phresenoldeb ar y stryd fawr, ac rydym wedi gweld mwy a mwy o fanciau’n diflannu oddi arnynt dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd, os nad degawdau, diwethaf. Mae hefyd yn ymwneud â mynediad rhad ac am ddim at fancio i grwpiau cymunedol ac elusennau. Gwelsom mai HSBC yw’r banc diweddaraf i fachu'r arian a diflannu, ac nid yw'n ddigon da. Felly, gofynnaf i'r Gweinidog gyflwyno’r sylwadau cryfaf. Oherwydd cefais ymateb HSBC i fy llythyr atynt; maent wedi egluro’r rhesymau masnachol pam ei bod yn hanfodol nad ydynt yn darparu bancio am ddim i'r sefydliadau elusennol a chymunedol hyn mwyach. Nid yw hynny'n ddigon da, ac nid hwy yw'r unig rai i wneud hyn. Felly, a wnaiff y Gweinidog ymuno â mi i gyflwyno’r sylwadau cryf hynny i HSBC? Efallai y byddant yn gwrando, efallai ddim. Ond os na wnânt, byth etholwyr uniongyrchol i mi ac eraill, pobl sy'n credu mewn bancio moesegol am ddim i elusennau a grwpiau cymunedol—gallai fod yn undebau credyd, fel Achubwyr Bywyd Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr neu undeb credyd Maesteg; mae yna fanciau eraill a chymdeithasau adeiladu a fydd yn fodlon ei wneud—os ydynt yn bachu'r arian ac yn diflannu, gadewch inni bleidleisio â'n traed a gwneud iddynt hwy ddioddef hefyd.
I would say to Huw Irranca-Davies that I think we all join that expression of almost despair about the way that the commercial banks have left our communities. We will be making those representations. I think that we could all repeat examples of the same kind that you describe, and the fact that there is no commitment to the community. What about corporate social responsibility, which there's supposed to be in terms of the private sector and the banking world?
I just wanted to assure colleagues and Members here today that Banc Cambria estimates that, subject to regulatory approval and investment, the community bank could be established in 2022—this won't be fast enough for us and for our communities, I know—with a customer launch in 2023. It's crucial that we get this right. But, we know that it will be about roll-out and the location of branches, and you'll all be wanting one, won't you, in your towns and communities. You have just got to stick with us and back us in progressing this in getting that ethical mutual banking arrangement with Banc Cambria.
Hoffwn ddweud wrth Huw Irranca-Davies fy mod yn credu ein bod ni i gyd yn cytuno â’r mynegiant hwnnw o anobaith bron ynglŷn â’r ffordd y mae’r banciau masnachol wedi gadael ein cymunedau. Byddwn yn cyflwyno'r sylwadau hynny. Rwy'n credu y byddai pawb ohonom yn gallu ailadrodd enghreifftiau o'r math o sefyllfa rydych yn ei disgrifio, a'r ffaith nad oes ymrwymiad i'r gymuned. Beth am gyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol corfforaethol, sydd i fod i'w gael yn y sector preifat a'r byd bancio?
Roeddwn eisiau sicrhau cyd-Aelodau yma heddiw fod Banc Cambria yn amcangyfrif, yn amodol ar gymeradwyaeth reoleiddiol a buddsoddiad, y gellid sefydlu'r banc cymunedol yn 2022—ni fydd hyn yn ddigon cyflym i ni a'n cymunedau, rwy'n gwybod—a lansio i gwsmeriaid yn 2023. Mae'n hanfodol ein bod yn cael hyn yn iawn. Ond gwyddom y bydd yn ymwneud â chyflwyno darpariaeth a lleoliad canghennau, a byddwch i gyd eisiau un, oni fyddwch, yn eich trefi a'ch cymunedau. Mae'n rhaid i chi aros gyda ni a'n cefnogi wrth inni ddatblygu hyn a sicrhau trefniant bancio cydfuddiannol moesegol gyda Banc Cambria.
6. A wnaiff y Gweinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y gronfa cymorth dewisol? OQ57056
6. Will the Minister provide an update on the discretionary assistance fund? OQ57056
The discretionary assistance fund continues to provide vital support to the most financially vulnerable people in Wales. Since March 2020, over 300,000 emergency payments have been made, totalling more than £20 million. I recently announced that the additional flexibilities provided throughout the pandemic will be extended until March 2022.
Mae'r gronfa cymorth dewisol yn parhau i ddarparu cefnogaeth hanfodol i bobl sydd mewn sefyllfa fregus yn ariannol yng Nghymru. Ers mis Mawrth 2020, mae dros 300,000 o daliadau brys wedi cael eu gwneud, gwerth cyfanswm o fwy na £20 miliwn. Cyhoeddais yn ddiweddar y bydd yr hyblygrwydd ychwanegol a ddarparwyd drwy gydol y pandemig yn cael ei ymestyn tan fis Mawrth 2022.
Thank you, Minister. With furlough ending, the devastating £20-a-week universal credit uplift cut and the national insurance increase, it seems that the UK Government cares little for the most vulnerable in our communities, heading into what will already be a tough winter. Thousands of families in Rhondda and across Wales will struggle. Thousands of families will be forced to make impossible decisions, like eating or heating.
I'm grateful to the Welsh Government for providing support through the discretionary assistance fund, and I'm grateful to the thousands of charities and community groups across Wales supporting families and children in poverty. Over the summer, the Welsh Government set aside funding for the successful Summer of Fun. Will the Minister explore the possibility of a similar scheme through the winter months for those hit hardest by the decisions of the UK Government, so that we see a winter of warmth not a winter of worry?
Diolch, Weinidog. Gyda ffyrlo’n dod i ben, y toriad dinistriol i'r £20 yr wythnos o ychwanegiad i'r credyd cynhwysol a'r cynnydd mewn yswiriant gwladol, mae'n ymddangos nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn poeni llawer am y rhai mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau, wrth i ni agosáu at yr hyn a fydd eisoes yn aeaf caled. Bydd miloedd o deuluoedd yn y Rhondda ac ar draws Cymru yn ei chael yn anodd. Bydd miloedd o deuluoedd yn cael eu gorfodi i wneud penderfyniadau amhosibl, fel bwyta neu wresogi.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar i Lywodraeth Cymru am ddarparu cefnogaeth drwy'r gronfa cymorth dewisol, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i'r miloedd o elusennau a grwpiau cymunedol ledled Cymru sy'n cefnogi teuluoedd a phlant sy'n byw mewn tlodi. Dros yr haf, neilltuodd Llywodraeth Cymru arian ar gyfer menter lwyddiannus 'Haf o Hwyl'. A wnaiff y Gweinidog archwilio’r posibilrwydd o weithredu cynllun tebyg drwy fisoedd y gaeaf i’r rhai sy’n cael eu taro galetaf gan benderfyniadau Llywodraeth y DU, fel ein bod yn gweld gaeaf cynnes yn hytrach na gaeaf o bryder?
Thank very much indeed, Buffy Williams, representing the Rhondda and the communities where you know the hardship that is already being experienced because of that cruel and senseless cut to universal credit. And let's remember, that £20 was going to be spent in the local economy as well as meeting the needs of those families. We discussed this this morning—I mentioned the Equality and Social Justice Committee because of the impact that these cuts will have on families and how vulnerable they will be. We’ve discussed fuel poverty today and we will, I know, recognise this in terms of the importance of the discretionary assistance fund.
We did put more money into the discretionary assistance fund because of the unprecedented need we had during the pandemic, but also those flexibilities for people who will have to—and surely they will need to—come back for more payments. I want to also just comment in terms of responding to your question about the impact. In terms of fuel poverty, we have agreed the reintroduction of fuel support for off-grid households from 1 October until 31 March 2022, which will allow many households who rely on costly oil and liquefied petroleum gas purchases to be supported this winter.
The Summer of Fun was a great opportunity, and across all our constituencies we know how children and young people and families really benefited from that. It wasn’t within my portfolio; I shall be sharing this question with the Minister for Health and Social Services. Because I think we do need to look, as the Deputy Minister for Social Services is doing—we are looking at our older generation and the impact on their health and well-being, as well as the impacts of senseless cuts that are coming from the UK Government.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Buffy Williams, sy'n cynrychioli’r Rhondda a'r cymunedau lle rydych yn gwybod am y caledi sydd eisoes yn cael ei brofi oherwydd y toriad creulon a disynnwyr i'r credyd cynhwysol. A gadewch inni gofio, y byddai'r £20 wedi cael ei wario yn yr economi leol yn ogystal â diwallu anghenion y teuluoedd hynny. Trafodasom hyn y bore yma—soniais am y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol oherwydd yr effaith y bydd y toriadau hyn yn ei chael ar deuluoedd a pha mor agored i niwed y byddant. Rydym wedi trafod tlodi tanwydd heddiw a gwn y byddwn yn cydnabod hyn o ran pwysigrwydd y gronfa cymorth dewisol.
Gwnaethom roi mwy o arian i'r gronfa cymorth dewisol oherwydd yr angen digynsail a welsom yn ystod y pandemig, ond hefyd yr hyblygrwydd i bobl y bydd yn rhaid iddynt—ac yn sicr, fe fydd angen iddynt—ddod yn ôl am fwy o daliadau. Hoffwn wneud sylw hefyd mewn ymateb i'ch cwestiwn am yr effaith. O safbwynt tlodi tanwydd, rydym wedi cytuno i ailgyflwyno cymorth tanwydd ar gyfer aelwydydd nad ydynt ar y grid o 1 Hydref tan 31 Mawrth 2022, a fydd yn caniatáu i lawer o aelwydydd sy'n dibynnu ar brynu olew costus a nwy petrolewm hylifedig gael eu cefnogi y gaeaf hwn.
Roedd menter Haf o Hwyl yn gyfle gwych, ac ar draws ein holl etholaethau, gwyddom fod plant a phobl ifanc a theuluoedd wedi elwa'n fawr ohoni. Nid oedd yn rhan o fy mhortffolio; byddaf yn rhannu'r cwestiwn hwn gyda'r Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol. Oherwydd credaf fod angen inni edrych, fel y mae'r Dirprwy Weinidog Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn ei wneud—rydym yn edrych ar ein cenhedlaeth hŷn a'r effaith ar eu hiechyd a'u llesiant, yn ogystal ag effeithiau toriadau disynnwyr a wneir gan Lywodraeth y DU.
Minister, according to evidence submitted to the Equality and Social Justice Committee, there are some challenges to be addressed. Karen Davies from Purple Shoots, a Responsible Finance provider, said that awareness of the fund is low and is not well promoted, and Shelter Cymru note that it has seen a significant number of applications to the discretionary assistance fund rejected, many due to a cap on the number of applications people can make. Does the Minister accept that these matters need to be addressed if people are to benefit from the scheme? Thank you.
Weinidog, yn ôl tystiolaeth a gyflwynwyd i'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, ceir rhai heriau i fynd i'r afael â hwy. Dywedodd Karen Davies o Purple Shoots, darparwr Cyllid Cyfrifol, fod lefel ymwybyddiaeth o'r gronfa'n isel ac nad yw'n cael ei hyrwyddo'n dda, a nododd Shelter Cymru eu bod wedi gweld nifer sylweddol o geisiadau i'r gronfa cymorth dewisol yn cael eu gwrthod, llawer ohonynt oherwydd cap ar nifer y ceisiadau y gall pobl eu gwneud. A yw'r Gweinidog yn derbyn bod angen mynd i'r afael â'r materion hyn os yw pobl yn mynd i elwa o'r cynllun? Diolch.
Thank you, Altaf Hussain. In my response to the question from Buffy Williams I did say, and I think this is important to acknowledge, that since March 2020 last year, over 300,000 emergency payments have been made—300,000—totalling more than £20 million. But I did say, in response to questions this morning at the Equality and Social Justice Committee, that we are looking at accessibility to the discretionary assistance fund. Clearly, as Members will know, it works very closely with Citizens Advice through the single advice fund. It does refer people who are most financially vulnerable for extra, additional advice to improve their circumstances. Local authorities have a key role to play as well. I think the evidence that people are accessing that funding is all-important. Actually, we have got this discretionary assistance fund here in Wales. Nothing like this exists in England. We have got it here, and we’ve actually made awards of over £91 million since the discretionary assistance fund opened. But we are looking at the evidence that’s coming through about how we can improve access to the discretionary assistance fund, and that, I think, will be helpful in terms of answering those questions and responding to evidence where we know people are at the sharp end and need to access these funds, particularly as we move into what will be, I’m sure, a very tough winter.
Diolch, Altaf Hussain. Yn fy ymateb i'r cwestiwn gan Buffy Williams, a chredaf fod hyn yn bwysig i'w gydnabod, dywedais fod dros 300,000 o daliadau brys wedi'u gwneud ers mis Mawrth 2020 y llynedd—300,000—gwerth cyfanswm o fwy nag £20 miliwn. Ond mewn ymateb i gwestiynau y bore yma yn y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, dywedais ein bod yn edrych ar hygyrchedd y gronfa cymorth dewisol. Yn amlwg, fel y gŵyr yr Aelodau, mae'n gweithio'n agos iawn gyda Chyngor ar Bopeth drwy'r gronfa gynghori sengl. Mae'n cyfeirio pobl sydd mewn sefyllfa fregus yn ariannol at gyngor ychwanegol i wella eu hamgylchiadau. Mae gan awdurdodau lleol rôl allweddol i'w chwarae hefyd. Credaf fod tystiolaeth fod pobl yn cael y cyllid hwnnw yn hollbwysig. Mae gennym y gronfa cymorth dewisol yma yng Nghymru. Nid oes unrhyw beth tebyg i hyn yn bodoli yn Lloegr. Mae gennym y gronfa hon yma, ac rydym wedi gwneud gwerth dros £91 miliwn o ddyfarniadau ers agor y gronfa cymorth dewisol. Ond rydym yn edrych ar y dystiolaeth sy'n dod drwodd ynglŷn â sut y gallwn wella mynediad at y gronfa cymorth dewisol, a bydd hynny, rwy'n credu, o gymorth wrth ateb y cwestiynau hynny ac ymateb i dystiolaeth lle gwyddom fod pobl yn ei chael yn anodd ac angen cael gafael ar yr arian hwn, yn enwedig wrth inni agosáu at yr hyn a fydd, rwy'n siŵr, yn aeaf caled iawn.
7. Pa drafodaethau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cael gyda Llywodraeth y DU ynghylch y gronfa gymorth a gyhoeddwyd ar gyfer aelwydydd sy'n agored i niwed dros y gaeaf? OQ57060
7. What discussions has the Welsh Government had with the UK Government regarding the support fund announced for vulnerable households over the winter? OQ57060
Wales will receive £25 million consequential funding related to the household support fund, and I've been working with ministerial colleagues to identify priorities for this funding, which will provide immediate support to vulnerable households over the winter. This includes help with rising domestic fuel prices. I will announce further details shortly.
Bydd Cymru'n derbyn £25 miliwn o gyllid canlyniadol sy'n gysylltiedig â'r gronfa gymorth i aelwydydd, ac rwyf wedi bod yn gweithio gyda chyd-Weinidogion i nodi blaenoriaethau ar gyfer y cyllid hwn, a fydd yn rhoi cymorth ar unwaith i aelwydydd sy'n agored i niwed dros y gaeaf. Mae hyn yn cynnwys cymorth gyda phrisiau tanwydd domestig cynyddol. Byddaf yn cyhoeddi rhagor o fanylion yn fuan.
Thank you for that answer. According to the UK Government's recent household support fund announcements, as the Minister alluded to, the Barnett formula will apply in the usual way, meaning that devolved administrations will receive up to £79 million of that £500 million. And, for Wales, that means we will receive just £25 million, as you've said. This, of course, when the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's analysis of the UK Government's stats shows that Wales consistently has the highest poverty percentages in the UK. Can the Minister outline how the Welsh Government will look to prioritise that funding from UK Government to the best of its ability? And can the Minister update us on when the Government is pushing for the devolution of welfare? We have yet another example here of why we can't leave the welfare state in the hands of the UK Government.
Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw. Yn ôl cyhoeddiadau diweddar Llywodraeth y DU ar y gronfa gymorth i aelwydydd, fel y nododd y Gweinidog, bydd fformiwla Barnett yn gymwys yn y ffordd arferol, sy'n golygu y bydd gweinyddiaethau datganoledig yn cael hyd at £79 miliwn o'r £500 miliwn hwnnw. Ac i Gymru, mae hynny'n golygu mai dim ond £25 miliwn a gawn, fel y dywedoch chi. Hyn, wrth gwrs, pan fo dadansoddiad Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree o ystadegau Llywodraeth y DU yn dangos mai Cymru sydd â'r canrannau tlodi uchaf yn y DU yn gyson. A all y Gweinidog nodi sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio blaenoriaethu'r cyllid hwnnw gan Lywodraeth y DU hyd eithaf ei gallu? Ac a all y Gweinidog roi diweddariad inni ynglŷn â pha bryd y mae'r Llywodraeth yn pwyso am ddatganoli lles? Mae gennym enghraifft arall yma i ddynodi pam na allwn adael y wladwriaeth les yn nwylo Llywodraeth y DU.
Diolch yn fawr, Luke Fletcher, for that important question. I've said this more than once standing here, I think, over the last week or so since we heard we'd got a measly, derisory £25 million. Twenty-five million. You know, this is £20 off in terms of the universal credit, £6 billion that has been wiped out, and a measly £500 million for the whole of the UK—£25 million for Wales. And one of the points that hasn't been made enough: it's a one-off. And everyone knows how difficult it is with one-off funding—£25 million—because you know that you can't sustain it into a long-term access to funding for people at the sharp end. So, that's why we're looking very carefully at how we can target this money, but also looking at ways in which we can continue, as I've said, flexibilities that we've got in terms of the discretionary assistance fund and also winter fuel systems for off-grid homes.
But your point about responsibility and powers in relation to devolution of welfare, clearly, I have said, and, indeed, responded to questions in recent times—and from yourself, I'm sure, Luke Fletcher—that we are committed not just to consider all the evidence and the reports that have been done in terms of the impact of devolution of the administration of welfare, which is, of course, alongside what's happened in Scotland. And we are now committed to taking that forward in terms of exploring the options, the opportunities, and, indeed, crucially—. And this always comes down to this issue about how we can be assured that we get finance with responsibility, because that's one of the key issues with the UK Government.
Diolch yn fawr am y cwestiwn pwysig hwnnw, Luke Fletcher. Rwyf wedi dweud hyn fwy nag unwaith yma, rwy'n credu, dros yr wythnos neu ddwy ddiwethaf ers inni glywed mai £25 miliwn yn unig a gawsom. £25 miliwn. Wyddoch chi, toriad o £20 oddi ar y credyd cynhwysol, £6 biliwn wedi'i ddileu'n llwyr, a £500 miliwn pitw ar gyfer y DU gyfan—£25 miliwn i Gymru. Ac un o'r pwyntiau nad yw wedi cael ei bwysleisio ddigon: taliad untro ydyw. Ac mae pawb yn gwybod pa mor anodd yw hi gyda chyllid untro—£25 miliwn—oherwydd fe wyddoch na allwch ei gynnal i sicrhau mynediad hirdymor at gyllid i'r bobl sy'n cael eu taro galetaf. Felly, dyna pam ein bod yn edrych yn ofalus iawn ar sut y gallwn dargedu'r arian hwn, gan edrych hefyd ar ffyrdd y gallwn barhau, fel y dywedais, â'r hyblygrwydd sydd gennym yn y gronfa cymorth dewisol a hefyd systemau tanwydd y gaeaf ar gyfer cartrefi nad ydynt ar y grid.
Ond ar eich pwynt ynglŷn â chyfrifoldeb a phwerau mewn perthynas â datganoli lles, yn amlwg, rwyf wedi dweud, ac yn wir, wedi ymateb i gwestiynau yn ddiweddar—a chwestiynau oddi wrthych chi, rwy'n siŵr, Luke Fletcher—ein bod wedi ymrwymo i ystyried yr holl dystiolaeth a'r adroddiadau a luniwyd ar effaith datganoli gweinyddu lles, sydd, wrth gwrs, ochr yn ochr â'r hyn sydd wedi digwydd yn yr Alban. Ac rydym yn awr wedi ymrwymo i fwrw ymlaen ag archwilio'r opsiynau ar gyfer hynny, y cyfleoedd, ac yn wir, yn hollbwysig—. Ac mae hyn bob amser yn ymwneud â sut y gallwn fod yn sicr ein bod yn cael cyllid gyda chyfrifoldeb, oherwydd dyna un o'r materion allweddol gyda Llywodraeth y DU.
8. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â throseddau casineb yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru? OQ57070
8. What action is the Welsh Government taking to tackle hate crime in south-east Wales? OQ57070
There can be no place for hate and crimes of this nature in the Wales we all want to see. A statement issued last week set out the range of preventative work, support for victims, and awareness-raising that the Welsh Government is delivering. We work closely with partners through our hate and community tensions board, community cohesion programme, and the national hate crime report and support centre.
Nid oes lle i gasineb a throseddau o'r math hwn yn y Gymru y mae pawb ohonom eisiau ei gweld. Roedd datganiad a gyhoeddwyd yr wythnos diwethaf yn nodi'r ystod o waith ataliol, cymorth i ddioddefwyr, a gwaith codi ymwybyddiaeth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei gyflawni. Rydym yn gweithio'n agos gyda phartneriaid drwy ein bwrdd troseddau casineb a thensiynau chymunedol, y rhaglen gydlyniant cymunedol, a'r ganolfan genedlaethol adrodd am droseddau casineb a chymorth.
Thank you very much, Deputy Minister. I was concerned to see that recent figures show homophobic hate crimes have tripled across the UK in the last six years. Indeed, up until 31 August this year, there were over 150 LGBTQ+ hate crimes reported to Gwent Police. How is the Welsh Government working to ensure that those who are victims of hate crime have the confidence to both come forward and report their experiences? And what is Welsh Government doing to engage with partners, such as Gwent Police, to eradicate the scourge of hate crime?
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Roeddwn yn bryderus o weld bod ffigurau diweddar yn dangos bod troseddau casineb homoffobig wedi treblu ar draws y DU yn ystod y chwe blynedd diwethaf. Yn wir, hyd at 31 Awst eleni, cafodd dros 150 o droseddau casineb LHDTC+ eu hadrodd i Heddlu Gwent. Sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithio i sicrhau bod gan y rhai sy'n dioddef troseddau casineb hyder i adrodd am eu profiadau? A beth y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i ymgysylltu â phartneriaid, megis Heddlu Gwent, i ddileu malltod troseddau casineb?
Well, I thank the Member for this important question, and I share with her the concern about the increase in numbers of recorded hate crimes. And this undoubtedly includes additional crimes taking place, but also it reflects better awareness of hate crime and increased confidence to report it, and better recording of such hate by police forces across Wales. And we very much, as you say, do take a partnership approach in Wales with our hate crime and community tensions board Cymru that engages all Welsh police forces, and that includes Gwent Police. And I know during National Hate Crime Awareness Week last week, Gwent Police and Victim Support's training and engagement officer for Gwent collaborated on an open training session to raise awareness of hate crime in the region.
But I think the raising-awareness aspect is really important, not just in terms of the forms that hate crime can take—so, whilst those physical attacks we've seen all too often reported these days are abhorrent, it also takes different forms: it can be verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment and bullying, and it can take place offline and online. And I think, really, it is important to talk about it to encourage more people to realise the different forms, but also to come forward.
Actually, this year, both myself and my wife were on the receiving end of a hate crime. In August, just after we launched the Welsh Government's draft LGBTQ action plan consultation, one morning, I woke up to correspondence, and the next day she got something very similar, urging us for the deliverance of the spirit from homosexuality. It told us it was time to abandon a homosexual lifestyle and leave one another, and then went on to reference things around conversion therapy. I'm sharing it today because I want to encourage more people to come forward. I'm grateful for the support that we had, both in terms of when we reported that, but also from my colleagues, in particular my colleague here—my ministerial colleague—and just to encourage others to come forward, to stand up to hate crime and to stamp it out in Wales.
Wel, diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn pwysig hwn, ac rwy'n rhannu ei phryder ynghylch y cynnydd yn nifer y troseddau casineb a gofnodwyd. Ac mae hyn yn ddi-os yn cynnwys troseddau ychwanegol sy'n digwydd, ond hefyd mae'n adlewyrchu gwell ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb a mwy o hyder i'w hadrodd, a bod troseddau casineb o'r fath yn cael eu cofnodi'n well gan heddluoedd ledled Cymru. Ac fel y dywedwch, rydym yn mabwysiadu dull partneriaeth yma yng Nghymru gyda bwrdd troseddau casineb a thensiynau cymunedol Cymru sy'n ymgysylltu â holl heddluoedd Cymru, ac mae hynny'n cynnwys Heddlu Gwent. Ac yn ystod Wythnos Genedlaethol Ymwybyddiaeth o Droseddau Casineb yr wythnos diwethaf, cydweithiodd Heddlu Gwent a swyddog hyfforddi ac ymgysylltu Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr Gwent ar sesiwn hyfforddi agored i godi ymwybyddiaeth o droseddau casineb yn y rhanbarth.
Ond rwy'n credu bod yr elfen godi ymwybyddiaeth yn bwysig iawn, nid yn unig o ran y mathau gwahanol o droseddau casineb—felly, er bod yr ymosodiadau corfforol a welsom yn cael eu hadrodd yn rhy aml o lawer y dyddiau hyn yn gwbl wrthun, ceir mathau eraill o droseddau casineb hefyd: gall fod yn gam-drin geiriol, bygythiadau, aflonyddu a bwlio, a gall ddigwydd all-lein ac ar-lein. Ac mae'n bwysig siarad amdano i annog mwy o bobl i sylweddoli bod yna fathau gwahanol o droseddau casineb, ond hefyd i roi gwybod amdanynt.
A dweud y gwir, eleni, dioddefais i a fy ngwraig drosedd gasineb. Ym mis Awst, ychydig ar ôl i ni lansio ymgynghoriad Llywodraeth Cymru ar y cynllun gweithredu LHDTC drafft Llywodraeth Cymru, un bore, dihunais i weld gohebiaeth, a thrannoeth cafodd hithau rywbeth tebyg iawn, a oedd yn ein hannog i ymwared â chyfunrywioldeb. Dywedodd wrthym ei bod yn bryd cefnu ar y ffordd gyfunrywiol o fyw a gadael ein gilydd, ac aeth ati i gyfeirio at bethau’n ymwneud â therapi trosi. Rwy'n ei rannu heddiw am fy mod eisiau annog mwy o bobl i roi gwybod am y pethau hyn. Rwy'n ddiolchgar am y gefnogaeth a gawsom ni pan wnaethom gysylltu â’r heddlu, ond hefyd gan fy nghyd-Aelodau, yn enwedig fy nghyd-Aelod yma—fy nghyd-Weinidog. Hoffwn annog pobl eraill i adrodd, i wrthsefyll troseddau casineb a chael gwared arnynt yng Nghymru.
Diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog a'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Deputy Minister and Minister.
Rŷn ni'n symud ymlaen nawr i'r eitem nesaf, sef y cwestiynau i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad, ac mae'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan Joyce Watson.
We'll move on to our next item, questions to the Counsel General and the Minister for the Constitution, and the first question is from Joyce Watson.
Thank you. I'm having problems here today.
Diolch. Rwy'n cael trafferthion yma heddiw.
1. Pa drafodaethau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cael gyda swyddogion eraill y gyfraith ynghylch yr ymgyrch i roi cydnabyddiaeth gyfreithiol i briodasau dyngarol? OQ57051
1. What discussions has the Counsel General had with other law officers regarding the campaign to grant humanist marriages legal recognition? OQ57051

I thank the Member for an important question. The Welsh Government supports the Law Commission's proposals for a framework that would allow non-religious belief organisations to conduct legally binding weddings. The Minister for Social Justice has written to the UK Government expressing support of these proposals and seeking this work being taken forward in a timely fashion.
Diolch i'r Aelod am gwestiwn pwysig. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi cynigion Comisiwn y Gyfraith ar gyfer fframwaith a fyddai’n caniatáu i sefydliadau anghrefyddol gynnal priodasau sy'n rhwymo mewn cyfraith. Mae'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi ysgrifennu at Lywodraeth y DU yn mynegi cefnogaeth i'r cynigion hyn ac yn ceisio sicrhau y bydd y gwaith hwn yn cael ei ddatblygu mewn modd amserol.
Thank you for that answer. You will be aware, of course, Minister, that there is legal recognition for humanist weddings in many other countries, but that is not the case for England and Wales. So, my question, then, to you is: are you pressing the UK Government to end the anomaly that currently exists with that legal recognition elsewhere, but not being afforded here in Wales and also in England?
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw. Fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol, Weinidog, fod cydnabyddiaeth gyfreithiol i briodasau dyneiddiol mewn llawer o wledydd eraill, ond nid yw hynny'n wir am Gymru a Lloegr. Fy nghwestiwn i chi, felly, yw: a ydych yn pwyso ar Lywodraeth y DU i gael gwared ar yr anghysondeb sy'n bodoli ar hyn o bryd gyda'r gydnabyddiaeth gyfreithiol honno’n bodoli mewn mannau eraill, ond nid yng Nghymru a Lloegr?
Thank you for that supplementary question. I should mention I am a member of Humanists UK. This is an issue that has been raised from time to time in this Chamber. We know that humanist marriages gained legal recognition in Scotland in 2005, in the Republic of Ireland in 2012 and in Northern Ireland in 2018, after a Court of Appeal decision. In Jersey 2019, in Guernsey 2021, and in the England and Wales jurisdiction it has been under review by the UK Government since 2013.
It is an irony, isn't it, that you can have a humanist funeral in Wales, but you can't have a humanist wedding? And I can confirm that—. If it's helpful, I can perhaps write, in conjunction with the Minister for Social Justice—well, if I confirm that I will write in the same terms that she has written, really, to give further support to the need for law reform in this area, and for, I believe, the devolution of this particular area to this Parliament. I think I can also mention that the Minister for Social Justice has met with Humanists UK yesterday. She's already confirmed that she will be writing again, and I'm more than happy to lend my support, if she thinks that's helpful, to that, and perhaps write jointly to the UK Government in respect of those two aspects: one, that reform needs to take place, but secondly, if the UK Government is unwilling to consider reform or to delay reform, despite the Law Commission work and the Court of Appeal judgment, that's a matter that could be devolved to us to take responsibility for.
Diolch am y cwestiwn atodol hwnnw. Dylwn sôn fy mod yn aelod o Humanists UK. Mae hwn yn fater sydd wedi ei godi o bryd i'w gilydd yn y Siambr hon. Rydym yn gwybod bod priodasau dyneiddiol wedi ennill cydnabyddiaeth gyfreithiol yn yr Alban yn 2005, yng Ngweriniaeth Iwerddon yn 2012 ac yng Ngogledd Iwerddon yn 2018, ar ôl penderfyniad Llys Apêl. Digwyddodd yn Jersey yn 2019, yn Guernsey yn 2021, ac yn awdurdodaeth Cymru a Lloegr, mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi bod yn adolygu’r mater ers 2013.
Onid yw’n eironig eich bod yn gallu cael angladd dyneiddiol yng Nghymru, ond na allwch gael priodas ddyneiddiol? A gallaf gadarnhau—. Os yw'n ddefnyddiol, efallai y gallaf ysgrifennu, ar y cyd â'r Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol—wel, gallaf gadarnhau y byddaf yn ysgrifennu i ategu’r hyn a ysgrifennodd hithau, mewn gwirionedd, i roi cefnogaeth bellach i'r angen i ddiwygio'r gyfraith yn hyn o beth a datganoli'r maes penodol hwn i'r Senedd hon. Rwy'n credu y gallaf hefyd sôn bod y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol wedi cyfarfod â Dyneiddwyr y DU ddoe. Mae hi eisoes wedi cadarnhau y bydd yn ysgrifennu eto, ac rwy'n fwy na pharod i gefnogi hynny, os yw'n credu bod hynny'n ddefnyddiol, ac efallai y gallem ysgrifennu ar y cyd at Lywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â'r ddwy elfen hynny: yn gyntaf, fod angen diwygio’r gyfraith, ond yn ail, os nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn barod i ystyried diwygio neu’n dymuno gohirio diwygio, er gwaethaf gwaith Comisiwn y Gyfraith a dyfarniad y Llys Apêl, fod hwnnw'n fater y gellid ei ddatganoli i ni ysgwyddo cyfrifoldeb drosto.
2. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol amlinellu sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'r sector cyfreithiol i sefydlu Cyngor Cyfraith Cymru? OQ57055
2. Will the Counsel General outline how the Welsh Government has been working with the legal sector to establish a Law Council of Wales? OQ57055
Thank you for that question on the law council of Wales. Since the beginning of 2020, we have been working closely with the legal sector to establish the law council for Wales, through discussions with the Law Society, commercial law firms and high-street practices, the bar, law schools, the judiciary and other leading representatives of the sector in Wales.
Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw ar gyngor cyfraith Cymru. Ers dechrau 2020, rydym wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r sector cyfreithiol i sefydlu cyngor cyfraith Cymru, drwy drafodaethau gyda Chymdeithas y Cyfreithwyr, cwmnïau cyfreithiol masnachol a chwmnïau cyfreithwyr y stryd fawr, y bar, ysgolion y gyfraith, y farnwriaeth a chynrychiolwyr blaenllaw eraill yn y sector yng Nghymru.
Thank you for your answer, Counsel General. I believe it is vital that legal education in Wales is firmly placed within the Welsh context and focuses on building an awareness of Welsh law. Ahead of the forthcoming meeting of the proposed members of its executive committee, can you outline your priorities for the remit of the law council?
Diolch am eich ateb, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Credaf ei bod yn hanfodol fod addysg gyfreithiol yng Nghymru mewn sefyllfa gadarn yng nghyd-destun Cymru ac yn canolbwyntio ar adeiladu ymwybyddiaeth o gyfraith Cymru. Cyn cyfarfod nesaf aelodau arfaethedig y pwyllgor gwaith, a allwch chi amlinellu eich blaenoriaethau ar gyfer cylch gwaith y cyngor cyfraith?
Thank you for that question, and as has been indicated, the establishment of a law council for Wales is one of the recommendations of the Thomas commission, and the recommendation also built on a call by Lord Lloyd-Jones for an institute for Welsh law to be established to promote the study of Welsh law and proposed a law council, but one with a wider remit than just legal education so that it would include a voice for the legal community in Wales by promoting awareness of the growing body of Welsh law, ensuring the provision of legal resources through the medium of Welsh and helping Welsh law schools to equip students with education and training to thrive in practice, but, in addition, that it would be an umbrella body to share resources, support training on Welsh law for the judiciary and professions and ensure collaboration and co-operative working to contribute to the development and sustainability of the legal sector. So, it is a vital sector, it's an important sector in terms of the Welsh economy, but it's also an important sector in respect of the growth and the development of Welsh law, and to that extent, the role of Welsh Government in this has been to work with and to facilitate the development of the law council for Wales, to give it support, but, of course, it will be a body that is independent of Government. But I have certainly given my commitment to giving any support I can to ensure that it is a success, because it is such an important development for Wales.
Diolch am y cwestiwn hwnnw, ac fel a nodwyd, mae sefydlu cyngor cyfraith i Gymru yn un o argymhellion comisiwn Thomas, ac roedd yr argymhelliad hefyd yn adeiladu ar alwad gan yr Arglwydd Lloyd-Jones i sefydlu sefydliad ar gyfer cyfraith Cymru i hyrwyddo astudio cyfraith Cymru ac argymhellodd sefydlu cyngor cyfraith, ond un â chylch gwaith ehangach nag addysg gyfreithiol yn unig fel y byddai'n cynnwys llais i'r gymuned gyfreithiol yng Nghymru drwy hyrwyddo ymwybyddiaeth o'r corff cynyddol o gyfraith Gymreig, gan sicrhau bod adnoddau cyfreithiol yn cael eu darparu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a chynorthwyo ysgolion y gyfraith yng Nghymru i arfogi myfyrwyr ag addysg a hyfforddiant i allu ffynnu yn eu gwaith, ond yn ogystal, byddai'n gorff ymbarél i rannu adnoddau, cefnogi hyfforddiant ar gyfraith Gymreig ar gyfer y farnwriaeth a'r proffesiynau a sicrhau cydweithio a gwaith cydweithredol i gyfrannu at ddatblygiad a chynaliadwyedd y sector cyfreithiol. Felly, mae'n sector hanfodol, mae'n sector pwysig i economi Cymru, ond mae hefyd yn sector pwysig i dwf a datblygiad cyfraith Cymru, ac i'r graddau hynny, rôl Llywodraeth Cymru yn hyn o beth fu gweithio gyda chyngor cyfraith Cymru a hwyluso ei ddatblygiad, rhoi cymorth iddo, ond wrth gwrs, bydd yn gorff sy'n annibynnol ar y Llywodraeth. Ond rwy'n sicr wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu unrhyw gymorth y gallaf ei roi i sicrhau ei fod yn llwyddiant, oherwydd mae'n ddatblygiad mor bwysig i Gymru.
Cwestiynau nawr gan lefarwyr y pleidiau. Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Darren Millar.
Questions now from party spokespeople. Conservative spokesperson, Darren Millar.
Diolch, Llywydd. Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution, will you make a statement on your Government's position on further devolution to Welsh regions and local authorities?
Diolch, Lywydd. Gwnsler Cyffredinol a Gweinidog y Cyfansoddiad, a wnewch chi wneud datganiad am safbwynt eich Llywodraeth ar ddatganoli pellach i ranbarthau ac awdurdodau lleol Cymru?
Well, our position on further devolution to local authorities is basically that we have a commission that is set up that will look at governance within Wales, the well-being of that governance, how it might move forward, how we might work to empower and support—I think the empowerment of communities and individuals within Wales, and I look forward, in due course, to the recommendations of the commission that has been established, which is going to be co-chaired by those I announced yesterday.
Wel, ein safbwynt ar ddatganoli pellach i awdurdodau lleol yn y bôn yw bod gennym gomisiwn wedi'i sefydlu a fydd yn edrych ar lywodraethu yng Nghymru, lles y llywodraethu hwnnw, sut y gallai symud ymlaen, sut y gallem weithio i rymuso a chefnogi—grymuso cymunedau ac unigolion yng Nghymru, ac edrychaf ymlaen, maes o law, at weld argymhellion y comisiwn sydd wedi'i sefydlu, ac a gaiff ei gadeirio ar y cyd gan y rhai a gyhoeddais ddoe.
Thank you for that answer, Minister. In your statement yesterday, both your written statement and oral statement, there was no reference to the further devolution of powers from Cardiff Bay to Colwyn Bay and other places across the nation. Isn't it a fact that your Government, over the years, has been a Government that has centralised powers down here in Cardiff Bay, rather than actually distributing them to the local communities who ought to have been able to make decisions for themselves? The fact of the matter is that people in the part of the country where I live in north Wales feel as though they have a Government that is remote and out of touch with them. We have the worst waiting times in our hospitals, we have poorer local authority settlements, we have road projects that are in the deep freeze. These are not the devolution dividends that people were promised. When can we expect to see the Welsh Government take devolution to the regions of Wales and to local authorities seriously?
Diolch ichi am yr ateb hwnnw, Weinidog. Yn eich datganiad ddoe, eich datganiad ysgrifenedig a'ch datganiad llafar, ni chafwyd unrhyw gyfeiriad at ddatganoli rhagor o bwerau o Fae Caerdydd i Fae Colwyn a lleoedd eraill ledled y wlad. Onid yw'n ffaith bod eich Llywodraeth chi, dros y blynyddoedd, wedi bod yn Llywodraeth sydd wedi canoli pwerau i lawr yma ym Mae Caerdydd, yn hytrach na'u dosbarthu i'r cymunedau lleol a ddylai fod wedi gallu gwneud penderfyniadau drostynt eu hunain? Y gwir amdani yw bod pobl yn y rhan o'r wlad lle rwy'n byw yng ngogledd Cymru yn teimlo bod ganddynt Lywodraeth sy'n bell ac allan o gysylltiad â hwy. Gennym ni y mae'r amseroedd aros gwaethaf yn ein hysbytai, mae gennym setliadau gwaeth i awdurdodau lleol, mae gennym brosiectau ffyrdd wedi eu rhewi. Nid dyma'r difidendau datganoli a addawyd i bobl. Pryd y gallwn ddisgwyl gweld Llywodraeth Cymru yn datganoli pwerau go iawn i ranbarthau Cymru ac i awdurdodau lleol?
I think it has always been the case that, within this Senedd, we have worked fairly in respect of across Wales and with a view to encompass all the views of the people of Wales. I do wonder whether you actually listened to the speech that I made yesterday, because in that speech and earlier statements, I'd always talked about how the ethos behind the commission is about the empowerment of people, it is about the empowerment of communities, and it seems to me you've totally disregarded what was said in order to, I think, make some cheap statement that is obviously one that has become part of the Conservative Party in Wales's mantra.
Credaf ein bod, o fewn y Senedd hon, bob amser wedi gweithio'n deg ym mhob rhan o Gymru a chyda golwg ar gwmpasu holl safbwyntiau pobl Cymru. Tybed a wnaethoch wrando ar yr araith a wneuthum ddoe, oherwydd yn yr araith honno a'r datganiadau cynharach, roeddwn yn sôn drwy'r amser sut y mae'r ethos sy'n sail i'r comisiwn yn ymwneud â grymuso pobl, mae'n ymwneud â grymuso cymunedau, ac mae'n ymddangos i mi eich bod wedi diystyru'r hyn a ddywedwyd yn llwyr er mwyn gwneud rhyw fath o ddatganiad tila sy'n amlwg wedi dod yn rhan o fantra'r Blaid Geidwadol yng Nghymru.
I can assure you I listened very carefully to what you had yesterday, and I didn't hear the words, 'devolution to regions and local authorities' at all. You talk about the empowerment of people and communities, but isn't it the truth that you’re simply after a power grab from local authorities and a power grab from the UK Government and that really is what the independent commission on the constitutional future of Wales is all about?
Can I ask you to ensure that, as an important part of the work stream of the independent commission, because it is not in the remit that you published yesterday—the very broad remit, if I might say so—? Can I ask that you specifically ask them and task them with looking at where appropriate powers should lie, including whether there should be that further devolution to Welsh local authorities, which are much closer to the people on the ground that they serve than this remote Welsh Labour Government, which has been centralising powers since 1999?
Gallaf eich sicrhau fy mod wedi gwrando'n astud iawn ar yr hyn a ddywedoch chi ddoe, ac ni chlywais y geiriau, 'datganoli i ranbarthau ac awdurdodau lleol' o gwbl. Rydych yn sôn am rymuso pobl a chymunedau, ond onid y gwir yw eich bod yn syml eisiau cipio pwerau gan awdurdodau lleol a chipio pwerau gan Lywodraeth y DU ac mai dyna yw hanfod y comisiwn annibynnol ar ddyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru?
A gaf fi ofyn ichi sicrhau, fel rhan bwysig o ffrwd waith y comisiwn annibynnol, oherwydd nid yw o fewn y cylch gwaith a gyhoeddwyd gennych ddoe—cylch gwaith eang iawn, os caf ddweud—? A wnewch chi ofyn yn benodol iddynt ystyried ble y dylai pwerau priodol fod, yn ogystal ag a ddylid datganoli ymhellach i awdurdodau lleol Cymru, sy'n llawer agosach at y bobl ar lawr gwlad na'r Llywodraeth Lafur anghysbell hon yng Nghymru, sydd wedi bod yn canoli pwerau ers 1999?
Well, I think it's probably true that you did listen to my statement yesterday, but you certainly didn’t hear what I said. And I certainly wonder what your understanding is of the concept of empowerment of people and communities. And I wonder what your understanding is of the broad objectives that were set, which are really about the future of Wales and the enhancement of Welsh democracy and to consider those issues that would lead to the improvement and benefit of the people of Wales.
Now, if you think it’s appropriate in a commission to actually start telling the commission what its conclusions should be from day one—well, that’s not my concept of what a commission is. I believe it is vitally important that the commission has the flexibility and discretion to address those broad objectives. And if you’re saying to a commission to go out and to engage with the people of Wales, well, you have to listen to the people of Wales and what they actually say, rather than tell them that this is what you’ve already determined is important for them. Now, that may be the Conservative way of approaching this, but I don’t think it is the way that many others of us in this Senedd actually think is appropriate for a commission.
Wel, mae'n debyg ei bod yn wir eich bod wedi gwrando ar fy natganiad ddoe, ond yn sicr ni chlywsoch yr hyn a ddywedais. Ac rwy'n meddwl tybed beth yw eich dealltwriaeth o'r cysyniad o rymuso pobl a chymunedau. A tybed beth yw eich dealltwriaeth o'r amcanion eang a bennwyd, sy'n ymwneud mewn gwirionedd â dyfodol Cymru a gwella democratiaeth Cymru ac ystyried y materion a fyddai'n arwain at wella pobl Cymru ac o fudd iddynt.
Nawr, os credwch ei bod yn briodol mewn comisiwn i ddechrau dweud wrth y comisiwn beth ddylai ei gasgliadau fod o'r diwrnod cyntaf—wel, nid dyna fy nghysyniad i o beth yw comisiwn. Credaf ei bod yn allweddol bwysig fod gan y comisiwn hyblygrwydd a disgresiwn i fynd i'r afael â'r amcanion eang hynny. Ac os ydych yn dweud wrth gomisiwn am fynd allan ac ymgysylltu â phobl Cymru, wel, rhaid ichi wrando ar bobl Cymru a'r hyn y maent yn ei ddweud mewn gwirionedd, yn hytrach na dweud wrthynt mai dyma rydych eisoes wedi'i benderfynu sy'n bwysig iddynt. Nawr, efallai mai dyna'r ffordd Geidwadol o wneud hyn, ond nid wyf yn credu mai dyna'r ffordd y mae llawer o bobl eraill yn y Senedd hon yn ei gredu sy'n briodol i gomisiwn.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Rhys ab Owen.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Rhys ab Owen.
Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. Cwnsler Cyffredinol, mae nifer ohonom ni yn fan hyn yn bryderus iawn am y cynnydd sylweddol yn nifer y Biliau y mae Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig yn ceisio eu pasio mewn meysydd datganoledig. Bydd nifer ar y meinciau yna yn gyfarwydd â’r adnod,
‘Yr hwn sydd ganddo glustiau i wrando, gwrandawed’.
Wel, gwrandawed ar hyn, y rheini ar feinciau’r Torïaid: yn y pedwerydd Senedd, wyth LCM; yn y chweched Senedd yn barod, 14 LCM. Mae rhai o’r Biliau, fel y Bil Cymwysterau Proffesiynol, yn rhoi pwerau i Weinidogion i newid Deddfau cynradd y lle hwn ac i newid Deddf Llywodraeth Cymru 2006. Dwi’n siŵr gwnewch chi gytuno gyda fi, Cwnsler Cyffredinol, ddylai setliad datganoledig ein gwlad ni ddim bod yn fympwy i Weinidog y Torïaid yn San Steffan. Beth ŷch chi, wedyn, felly, yn ei wneud i amddiffyn y Senedd rhag Llywodraeth Dorïaidd yn San Steffan sy’n ceisio tanseilio ein datganoli ni? Diolch.
Thank you, Llywydd. Counsel General, many of us here are very concerned about the significant increase in the number of Bills that the UK Government is trying to pass in devolved areas. Many on those benches will be familiar with the verse,
'He that hath ears, let him hear.'
Well, listen to this on the Conservative benches: in the fourth Senedd, there were eight legislative consent memoranda; in the sixth Senedd already, there are 14 LCMs. Some of the Bills, such as the Professional Qualifications Bill, give powers to Ministers to change primary legislation made in this place and to change the Government of Wales Act 2006. I'm sure you would agree with me, Counsel General, that the devolution settlement of our nation shouldn't be subject to the whim of a Tory Minister in Westminster. So what are you doing therefore to safeguard the Senedd from the Tory Government in Westminster, which is seeking to undermine our devolution? Thank you.
Well, I think the Member has made his points very, very well, and they’re ones that, certainly, I’m very focused on. And perhaps to add to some of the examples that he gave, I would also express concern that some of those pieces of legislation that we will need to consider, because of their implications for devolution, actually go to the heart of our democracy and the democracy of the United Kingdom—the proposals in respect of judicial review, the worst of which were actually removed by the previous Lord Chancellor. And I have this great fear that, from indications of things that are being said by the new Lord Chancellor, there is an intention to reintroduce that; the issue of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Sentencing Bill, which would be a significant restriction on the right of civic protest. And we see now even the intention to introduce legislation to actually significantly restrict the issue of human rights within our legal system. These are all things that I think we regard as very, very significant and very important, whether it be democracy within Wales, or whether it be democracy within the United Kingdom.
What I can tell the Member is that, in terms of the legislative consent system, of course there are areas where—pieces of legislation—there will be potential overlaps and so on, and so the process is one that is important, in considering where there may be mutual benefits or not, or where there may be intrusions into devolved responsibilities. But the fact of the matter is that what is happening at the moment, I believe, is an onslaught on devolved responsibilities, it is an attempt to undermine devolved responsibilities, and I believe it actually undermines the democratic mandate that we have.
So, in considering all legislative consent memoranda, and to get an understanding of the global impact of them collectively, as well as those other processes, such as memoranda of understanding, the sort of despatch box agreements, is to evaluate the impact that they have in every respect in terms of the devolution settlement, with a view that legislation on Welsh matters should be pursued within Wales itself. Where there are areas of common interest, it's on the proviso, except in exceptional circumstances, that it does not undermine devolution or result in a transfer of powers from this place. It is a very, very difficult environment. I am hopeful that maybe the inter-governmental review, and the outcome of that, may improve the situation. But, as I said yesterday in discussing these matters, they do not provide the fundamental constitutional floor that I think is one that we actually need, and one that the commission we were referring to just earlier I think will no doubt consider.
Wel, rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod wedi gwneud ei bwyntiau'n dda iawn, ac maent yn rhai yr wyf fi, yn sicr, yn canolbwyntio'n fawr arnynt. Ac efallai, i ychwanegu at rai o'r enghreifftiau a roddodd, byddwn hefyd yn mynegi pryder fod peth o'r ddeddfwriaeth y bydd angen inni ei hystyried, oherwydd ei goblygiadau i ddatganoli, yn mynd at wraidd ein democratiaeth a democratiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig—yr argymhellion mewn perthynas ag adolygiad barnwrol, y cafodd y gwaethaf ohonynt eu dileu gan yr Arglwydd Ganghellor blaenorol. Ac mae gennyf ofn mawr, o'r math o bethau a ddywedir gan yr Arglwydd Ganghellor newydd, fod bwriad i ailgyflwyno hynny; mater Bil yr Heddlu, Troseddu, Dedfrydu a'r Llysoedd, a fyddai'n gyfyngiad sylweddol ar yr hawl i brotest gyhoeddus. A gwelwn yn awr y bwriad hyd yn oed i gyflwyno deddfwriaeth i gyfyngu'n sylweddol ar fater hawliau dynol o fewn ein system gyfreithiol. Mae'r rhain i gyd yn bethau y credaf ein bod yn eu hystyried yn arwyddocaol a phwysig tu hwnt, boed yn ddemocratiaeth o fewn Cymru, neu'n ddemocratiaeth o fewn y Deyrnas Unedig.
Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud wrth yr Aelod, mewn perthynas â system y cydsyniad deddfwriaethol, yw bod yna feysydd wrth gwrs—darnau o ddeddfwriaeth—lle bydd gorgyffwrdd posibl ac yn y blaen, ac felly mae'r broses yn un sy'n bwysig, wrth ystyried ble y gallai fod manteision i'r ddwy ochr ai peidio, neu ble y gallai fod ymyrraeth i gyfrifoldebau datganoledig. Ond y gwir amdani yw bod yr hyn sy'n digwydd ar hyn o bryd yn fy marn i yn ymosodiad ar gyfrifoldebau datganoledig, mae'n ymgais i danseilio cyfrifoldebau datganoledig, ac rwy'n credu mewn gwirionedd ei fod yn tanseilio'r mandad democrataidd sydd gennym.
Felly, i ystyried yr holl femoranda cydsyniad deddfwriaethol, ac i gael dealltwriaeth o'u heffaith gyffredinol gyda'i gilydd, yn ogystal â'r prosesau eraill, megis memoranda dealltwriaeth, y math o gytundebau blwch dogfennau, golyga werthuso'r effaith a gânt ym mhob ystyr o ran y setliad datganoli, gyda'r farn mai yng Nghymru ei hun y dylid mynd ar drywydd deddfwriaeth ar faterion Cymreig. Lle ceir meysydd o ddiddordeb cyffredin, mae ar yr amod, ac eithrio mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol, nad yw'n tanseilio datganoli nac yn arwain at drosglwyddo pwerau o'r lle hwn. Mae'n amgylchedd anodd tu hwnt. Rwy'n obeithiol y gallai'r adolygiad rhynglywodraethol a'i ganlyniad wella'r sefyllfa. Ond fel y dywedais ddoe wrth drafod y materion hyn, nid ydynt yn darparu'r sylfaen gyfansoddiadol hanfodol sydd ei hangen arnom mewn gwirionedd yn fy marn i, ac un y bydd y comisiwn yr oeddem yn cyfeirio ato ychydig yn gynharach yn sicr o'i ystyried.
Diolch yn fawr. I want to stay with the legislative consent motions. I want to quote some wise words to you, Counsel General. They were written in March 2021, by the then chair of the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, in a letter to the environment Minister. These are the words:
'The arguments you have put forward to support the UK Parliament and UK Government legislating in devolved areas have often centred around issues of clarity and accessibility of the law or ensuring compatibility with policy in England. These are arguments in favour of not holding powers in this area at all and, in our view, they have no merit.
'We are concerned about the substantial and damaging cumulative impact of a succession of decisions that have been made which have resulted in the UK Parliament and UK Government legislating heavily on devolved matters within your portfolio.'
Well, I agree with those words, Counsel General, and of course they are your words. Now, do you still stand by those words, Counsel General, and, if so, why did you support giving consent to the Environment Bill last month, and what are your criteria for granting consent for future LCMs? Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch yn fawr. Rwyf am aros gyda'r cynigion cydsyniad deddfwriaethol. Rwyf am ddyfynnu rhai geiriau doeth i chi, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Fe'u hysgrifennwyd ym mis Mawrth 2021, gan gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Materion Cyfansoddiadol a Deddfwriaethol ar y pryd, mewn llythyr at Weinidog yr amgylchedd. Dyma'r geiriau:
'Mae'r dadleuon a gyflwynwyd gennych i gefnogi deddfu gan senedd y DU a Llywodraeth y DU mewn meysydd datganoledig wedi canolbwyntio'n aml ar faterion yn ymwneud ag eglurder a hygyrchedd y gyfraith neu sicrhau cydymffurfiaeth â pholisi yn Lloegr. Mae'r rhain yn ddadleuon o blaid peidio â dal pwerau yn y maes hwn o gwbl ac yn ein barn ni, nid oes unrhyw rinwedd yn perthyn iddynt.
'Rydym yn pryderu am effaith gronnol sylweddol a niweidiol olyniaeth o benderfyniadau a wnaed sydd wedi arwain at Senedd y DU a Llywodraeth y DU yn deddfu'n drwm ar faterion datganoledig o fewn eich portffolio.'
Wel, rwy'n cytuno â'r geiriau hynny, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a'ch geiriau chi ydynt wrth gwrs. Nawr, a ydych chi'n dal i arddel y geiriau hynny, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, ac os felly, pam y bu ichi gefnogi rhoi cydsyniad i Fil yr Amgylchedd fis diwethaf, a beth yw eich meini prawf ar gyfer rhoi cydsyniad i orchmynion cymhwysedd deddfwriaethol yn y dyfodol? Diolch yn fawr.
Well, firstly, I do stand by those words—they remain. I have always caveated, of course, when I've attended evidence sessions and so on, that there are, from time to time, areas where there may be benefits to Wales in pursuing a particular course of action, where there are either overlapping responsibilities—. Environment, of course, is one of those areas where there are major decisions that are taken at UK level that have direct impacts on Wales. And in all those approaches, we, I think, adopt the view of what is in the best interest of Wales, what is the best way of actually working to protect the environment, to develop where possible responsibilities within Wales that enable us to tackle the environment.
I understand the point that the Member is making, because sometimes these are very fine and difficult decisions, and there are, from time to time, circumstances where it is necessary, or where we give consent and perhaps it is not the most desirable circumstances in which we give consent, but, on weighing up all the circumstances, it is in the best interests of Wales to go down a particular road. They arise from time to time. But it does not move me away from those fundamental positions that you read out in that letter—ones that I still hold now—that one of our prime objectives is to preserve the integrity of devolution, and also to progress the integrity of devolution.
Wel, yn gyntaf, rwy'n arddel y geiriau hynny—maent yn aros. Rwyf bob amser wedi rhybuddio, wrth gwrs, wrth fynychu sesiynau tystiolaeth ac yn y blaen, fod yna feysydd, o bryd i'w gilydd, lle gallai fod manteision i Gymru o fynd ar drywydd camau gweithredu penodol, lle mae cyfrifoldebau'n gorgyffwrdd—. Mae'r amgylchedd, wrth gwrs, yn un o'r meysydd lle gwneir penderfyniadau mawr ar lefel y DU sy'n effeithio'n uniongyrchol ar Gymru. Ac ym mhob un o'r dulliau hynny o weithredu, rwy'n credu ein bod ni'n mabwysiadu'r safbwynt sydd er budd gorau Cymru, beth yw'r ffordd orau o weithio i ddiogelu'r amgylchedd, i ddatblygu cyfrifoldebau yng Nghymru, lle bo hynny'n bosibl, sy'n ein galluogi i fynd i'r afael â'r amgylchedd.
Deallaf y pwynt y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud, oherwydd weithiau mae'r rhain yn benderfyniadau astrus ac anodd iawn, ac o bryd i'w gilydd, ceir amgylchiadau lle mae'n angenrheidiol, neu lle rydym yn rhoi cydsyniad ac efallai nad dyna'r amgylchiadau mwyaf dymunol lle rydym yn rhoi cydsyniad, ond wrth bwyso a mesur yr holl amgylchiadau, dilyn y llwybr penodol hwnnw sydd orau i Gymru. Maent yn codi o bryd i'w gilydd. Ond nid yw'n fy nhroi oddi wrth y safbwyntiau sylfaenol yn y llythyr hwnnw—rhai rwy'n dal i'w harddel o hyd—mai un o'n prif amcanion yw diogelu uniondeb datganoli, a datblygu uniondeb datganoli hefyd.
Diolch yn fawr. And finally, you've touched on my last question already—those comments by Dominic Raab to change the Human Rights Act 1998 to allow some sort of a mechanism so that Ministers can correct court judgments. Now, Counsel General, do you agree with me that Dominic Raab must have forgotten one of his first constitutional lectures at university, because this goes to the very heart of our parliamentary democracy? The Senedd and the Westminster Parliament have powers already to amend law. It is not for Ministers to overrule court judgment simply because they don't like it, or simply because it's inconvenient to them. Does the Counsel General agree with me that it's not their role to do it, that it's not the role of any Minister to correct court judgment, and, if this does go ahead, it's a clear breach of the principle of separation of power and the rule of law? What conversation have you had with law officers to address this? Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch yn fawr. Ac yn olaf, rydych wedi cyffwrdd â fy nghwestiwn olaf eisoes—y sylwadau gan Dominic Raab i newid Deddf Hawliau Dynol 1998 i ganiatáu rhyw fath o fecanwaith fel y gall Gweinidogion gywiro dyfarniadau llys. Nawr, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a ydych yn cytuno â mi fod yn rhaid bod Dominic Raab wedi anghofio un o'i ddarlithoedd cyfansoddiadol cyntaf yn y brifysgol, oherwydd mae hyn yn mynd at wraidd ein democratiaeth seneddol? Mae gan y Senedd a Senedd San Steffan bwerau eisoes i ddiwygio'r gyfraith. Nid mater i Weinidogion yw diystyru dyfarniad llys am nad ydynt yn ei hoffi, neu am ei fod yn anghyfleus iddynt. A yw'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn cytuno nad eu rôl hwy yw gwneud hynny, nad rôl unrhyw Weinidog yw cywiro dyfarniad llys, ac os bydd hyn yn mynd rhagddo, mae'n amlwg yn tramgwyddo egwyddor gwahaniad pwerau a rheolaeth y gyfraith? Pa sgwrs a gawsoch gyda swyddogion y gyfraith i fynd i'r afael â hyn? Diolch yn fawr.
Can I thank the Member for those particular points? They are absolutely valid points and they've been made by a number of organisations within the legal profession, and we can put it this way: Parliament without the framework of the rule of law is effectively a dictatorship that is elected every five years. The rule of law is what sets the framework in which the exercise of power takes place. Now, that has always been my understanding of the way in which Parliament works and the importance of the rule of law. What has been proposed with regard to judicial review is basically a building on what was being proposed in legislation a year or two back, which was to allow Governments to act unlawfully, to allow Governments to actually breach their international obligations.
So, it is an issue that I had intended to discuss with Robert Buckland when he was Lord Chancellor. Unfortunately, my meeting was the day after he was sacked—not that it had any connection, the two. [Laughter.] But it is very concerning now that the new Lord Chancellor is making comments that indicate a reversal, I think, of the decision that had been taken by Robert Buckland after consultation. I will, in due course, be meeting with the Lord Chancellor, and I will make these points, but I have to express that these proposals, in conjunction with all those other pieces of legislation, in my view, collectively, are a significant undermining of civil liberties and democracy.
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am y pwyntiau hynny? Maent yn bwyntiau hollol ddilys ac fe'u gwnaed gan nifer o sefydliadau o fewn y proffesiwn cyfreithiol, a gallwn ei roi fel hyn: heb fframwaith rheolaeth y gyfraith, i bob pwrpas mae'r Senedd yn unbennaeth a etholir bob pum mlynedd. Rheolaeth y gyfraith yw'r hyn sy'n gosod y fframwaith ar gyfer arfer pwerau. Nawr, dyna fu fy nealltwriaeth erioed o'r ffordd y mae'r Senedd yn gweithio a phwysigrwydd rheolaeth y gyfraith. Yr hyn a gynigiwyd mewn perthynas ag adolygiad barnwrol yn y bôn yw adeiladu ar yr hyn a gynigiwyd mewn deddfwriaeth flwyddyn neu ddwy yn ôl, sef caniatáu i Lywodraethau weithredu'n anghyfreithlon, caniatáu i Lywodraethau dorri eu rhwymedigaethau rhyngwladol mewn gwirionedd.
Felly, mae'n fater yr oeddwn wedi bwriadu ei drafod gyda Robert Buckland pan oedd yn Arglwydd Ganghellor. Yn anffodus, cynhaliwyd fy nghyfarfod y diwrnod ar ôl iddo gael ei ddiswyddo—nid bod unrhyw gysylltiad rhwng y ddau beth. [Chwerthin.] Ond mae'n destun pryder mawr yn awr fod yr Arglwydd Ganghellor newydd yn gwneud sylwadau sy'n dynodi bod y penderfyniad a wnaed gan Robert Buckland wedi newid ar ôl ymgynghori. Maes o law, byddaf yn cyfarfod â'r Arglwydd Ganghellor, a byddaf yn gwneud y pwyntiau hyn, ond rhaid imi ddatgan bod y cynigion hyn, gyda'r holl ddarnau eraill o ddeddfwriaeth gyda'i gilydd yn tanseilio hawliau sifil a democratiaeth yn sylweddol yn fy marn i.
3. Pa gyngor cyfreithiol y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'i roi i Weinidogion Cymru ynghylch cyfrifoldeb am domenni glo risg uwch? OQ57039
3. What legal advice has the Counsel General given to the Welsh Ministers regarding responsibility for higher risk coal tips? OQ57039
I thank the Member for the question, again on a very important subject. The safety of our communities is paramount and we continue to work at pace to address coal tip safety. The Coal Authority and local authorities undertake regular inspections on the higher-risk tips and ensure any other maintenance works are identified.
Diolch i'r Aelod am y cwestiwn, unwaith eto ar bwnc pwysig iawn. Mae diogelwch ein cymunedau yn hollbwysig ac rydym yn parhau i weithio'n gyflym i fynd i'r afael â diogelwch tomenni glo. Mae'r Awdurdod Glo ac awdurdodau lleol yn cynnal archwiliadau rheolaidd ar y tomenni glo risg uwch ac yn sicrhau bod unrhyw waith cynnal a chadw arall yn cael ei nodi.
Thank you. Now, last week, you'll be aware that more disused coal tips in Wales were classified as now being at higher risk. Numbers are up from 295 to 327. Now, whilst I welcome the fact that inspections on higher-risk tips have commenced, the Welsh Government are still arguing over where the extra £500 million to £600 million needed over the next 10 to 15 years is going to come from. The Minister for finance, in passing the buck, is using the line that, as a pre-devolution issue, we need the UK Government to share responsibility and prevent another landslip from happening. However, the Law Commission's 'Regulating Coal Tip Safety in Wales' consultation paper states:
'In our provisional view coal tip safety falls within devolved competence.... Matters relating to the environment, flood risk management and land drainage are not reserved.'
So, do you agree with the view of the Law Commission that coal tip safety does fall within this devolved administration, and when will you be advising Ministers that they really do need to start looking at the funds to make these coal tips safe? Thank you.
Diolch. Nawr, yr wythnos diwethaf, fe fyddwch yn gwybod bod rhagor o hen domenni glo yng Nghymru wedi'u categoreiddio fel tomenni risg uwch bellach. Mae'r niferoedd i fyny o 295 i 327. Nawr, er fy mod yn croesawu'r ffaith bod archwiliadau o domenni glo risg uwch wedi dechrau, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn dal i ddadlau ynglŷn ag o ble y daw'r £500 miliwn i £600 miliwn ychwanegol sydd ei angen dros y 10 i 15 mlynedd nesaf. Mae'r Gweinidog cyllid, wrth drosglwyddo'r baich, yn defnyddio'r ddadl bod hyn, fel mater sy'n deillio o'r cyfnod cyn datganoli, yn golygu bod angen i Lywodraeth y DU rannu cyfrifoldeb ac atal tirlithriad arall rhag digwydd. Fodd bynnag, mae papur ymgynghori Comisiwn y Gyfraith, 'Rheoleiddio Diogelwch Tomennydd Glo yng Nghymru', yn nodi:
'Ein barn dros dro yw bod diogelwch tomennydd glo yn perthyn i gymhwysedd
ddatganoledig... Nid yw materion cysylltiedig â’r amgylchedd, rheoli risg llifogydd a draenio tir yn rhai a gedwir.'
Felly, a ydych yn cytuno â barn Comisiwn y Gyfraith fod diogelwch tomenni glo yn perthyn i'r weinyddiaeth ddatganoledig hon, a pha bryd y byddwch yn cynghori Gweinidogion fod gwir angen iddynt ddechrau edrych ar y cyllid i wneud y tomenni glo hyn yn ddiogel? Diolch.
Can I thank you for that interesting supplementary question and statement? You've very selectively chosen from the Law Commission report, because there is far more detail about the issues of complexity, about the complexity of law and the confusion of law since the privatisation of the coal industry and all the consequences since then, from the National Coal Board to British Coal, through the 1994 Act and then through to the Coal Authority now.
Perhaps in answer to that, I should take you back to your actual question, which was a question about the advice that's given with regard to responsibility for higher-risk coal tips. And, of course, the term 'responsibility' has a very broad understanding. There are various forms of responsibility, and I believe the UK Government has a responsibility—an ethical responsibility. I think it has a moral responsibility, and I believe it has a political and potentially a legal responsibility in the coal tips that exist. And I live in a constituency that has quite a number of these particular coal tips.
Can I say, I think it is an absolute disgrace that the UK Government continues not to accept that this issue of coal tip legacy is a pre-devolution issue aggravated by climate change? And I hear the sort of weasel words from the UK Government about this, and that you are repeating today, and I have to say to you, what message do you think you are giving to the people of the Valleys of south Wales, the people where these coal tips exist in those communities, with the total abrogation of any liability—ethical, moral or political—in respect of that? Now, the First Minister mentioned yesterday that this was one of key two issues that he raised with the Prime Minister. And I have to say, instead of this highly sensitive matter being a subject of contention, it ought to be a defining example of how the UK Government can work with us to develop effective benefits from inter-governmental working, particularly so in the context of the UK hosting COP26.
If the UK Government does not agree to a funding programme, we are going to have to find £600 million from budgets over the next 10 to 15 years—money that has come to us to build hospitals, to build roads, to build schools, and to do many other things. And I have to say to you, if there was ever an opportunity for a UK Government to be able to demonstrate to the people of Wales the dividend that comes with being in the United Kingdom, joint working with us on coal tips would surely be it. That is the test, I think, you should be taking back to your Government in Westminster, and, I think, the people of south Wales, the people who live in the communities where these coal tips are, will be listening very, very carefully to the response that comes from the UK Government on this moral, ethical and political issue.
A gaf fi ddiolch i chi am y cwestiwn atodol a'r datganiad diddorol hwnnw? Rydych wedi dewis yn ddetholus iawn o adroddiad Comisiwn y Gyfraith, oherwydd ceir llawer mwy o fanylion ynglŷn â chymhlethdod y gyfraith a dryswch cyfreithiol ers preifateiddio'r diwydiant glo a'r holl ganlyniadau ers hynny, o'r Bwrdd Glo Cenedlaethol i Glo Prydain, Deddf 1994 ac ymlaen wedyn at yr Awdurdod Glo yn awr.
I ateb hynny, efallai y dylwn fynd â chi'n ôl at eich cwestiwn gwreiddiol, a oedd yn gwestiwn am y cyngor a roddir ynglŷn â chyfrifoldeb am domenni glo risg uwch. Ac wrth gwrs, gellir deall y term 'cyfrifoldeb' mewn sawl ffordd. Ceir gwahanol fathau o gyfrifoldeb, a chredaf fod gan Lywodraeth y DU gyfrifoldeb—cyfrifoldeb moesegol. Credaf fod ganddi gyfrifoldeb moesol, a chredaf fod ganddi gyfrifoldeb gwleidyddol a chyfrifoldeb cyfreithiol o bosibl am y tomenni glo sy'n bodoli. Ac rwy'n byw mewn etholaeth sydd â chryn dipyn o'r tomenni glo hyn.
Os caf ddweud, rwy'n credu ei bod yn warth llwyr fod Llywodraeth y DU yn parhau i beidio â derbyn bod etifeddiaeth y tomenni glo yn fater sy'n deillio o'r cyfnod cyn datganoli a waethygir gan newid hinsawdd? A chlywaf y math o eiriau camarweiniol gan Lywodraeth y DU am hyn, geiriau rydych yn eu hailadrodd heddiw, a rhaid i mi ofyn pa neges y credwch eich bod yn ei rhoi i bobl Cymoedd de Cymru, y bobl y mae'r tomenni glo hyn yn bodoli yn eu cymunedau, gan osgoi unrhyw atebolrwydd yn llwyr—atebolrwydd moesegol, moesol neu wleidyddol—mewn perthynas â hynny? Nawr, soniodd y Prif Weinidog ddoe fod hwn yn un o ddau fater allweddol y bu iddo eu dwyn i sylw Prif Weinidog y DU. A rhaid imi ddweud, yn hytrach na bod y mater hynod sensitif hwn yn destun dadl, dylai fod yn enghraifft ddiffiniol o sut y gall Llywodraeth y DU weithio gyda ni i ddatblygu manteision effeithiol o weithio'n rhynglywodraethol, yn enwedig felly yng nghyd-destun y ffaith bod y COP26 yn cael ei gynnal yn y DU.
Os nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn cytuno i gael rhaglen ariannu, bydd yn rhaid inni ddod o hyd i £600 miliwn o gyllidebau dros y 10 i 15 mlynedd nesaf—arian sydd wedi dod ar gyfer adeiladu ysbytai, adeiladu ffyrdd, adeiladu ysgolion, ac i wneud llawer o bethau eraill. A rhaid imi ddweud wrthych, pe bai cyfle byth i Lywodraeth y DU allu dangos i bobl Cymru y difidend a ddaw yn sgil bod yn rhan o'r Deyrnas Unedig, mae'n sicr mai cydweithio gyda ni ar domenni glo fyddai hynny. Dyna'r prawf y dylech fynd ag ef yn ôl at eich Llywodraeth yn San Steffan yn fy marn i, ac rwy'n meddwl y bydd pobl de Cymru, y bobl sy'n byw yn y cymunedau lle mae'r tomenni glo hyn, yn gwrando'n ofalus iawn ar yr ymateb a ddaw gan Lywodraeth y DU ar y mater moesol, moesegol a gwleidyddol hwn.
Tomorrow will mark 55 years since the coal tip above Aberfan collapsed and killed a school full of children and teachers, and, in the 55 years since, the task of removing other coal tips from our mountainsides is still unfinished. I note that some have asked the Welsh Government to carry the burden of making these tips safe, a burden that should have been carried by Westminster decades ago. Counsel General, I'd instead ask you whether you will renew your calls on the UK Government to foot this bill of betrayal, since, after all, coal used to be known as black gold. The almost unimaginable wealth was taken from Wales, and we were left with the dust, the filth and catastrophe. Why should Wales have to pay to clear up the mess and the horror left behind?
Yfory, bydd yn 55 mlynedd ers i'r domen lo uwchben Aberfan lithro a lladd llond ysgol o blant ac athrawon, ac yn y 55 mlynedd ers hynny, mae'r dasg o gael gwared ar domenni glo eraill oddi ar lethrau ein mynyddoedd yn dal heb ei gorffen. Sylwaf fod rhai wedi gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ysgwyddo'r baich o wneud y tomenni glo hyn yn ddiogel, baich a ddylai fod wedi'i gyflawni gan San Steffan ddegawdau'n ôl. Gwnsler Cyffredinol, hoffwn ofyn i chi yn hytrach a fyddwch yn adnewyddu eich galwadau ar Lywodraeth y DU i dalu'r bil brad hwn, oherwydd, wedi'r cyfan, arferid galw glo yn aur du. Aethpwyd â chyfoeth na ellir dychmygu, bron, o Gymru, ac fe'n gadawyd gyda'r llwch, y budreddi a'r trychineb. Pam y dylai Cymru orfod talu i glirio'r llanast a'r arswyd a adawyd ar ôl?
Can I thank the Member for that further supplementary comment? I agree, and I believe that if the UK Government does not honour its obligations to the people in the mining communities who live with these coal tips, and accept the responsibility that is there, it will be an indication of yet another betrayal by the UK Conservative Government.
A gaf fi ddiolch i'r Aelod am y sylw atodol pellach hwnnw? Rwy'n cytuno, ac rwy'n credu, os nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn cyflawni ei rhwymedigaethau i'r bobl yn y cymunedau glofaol sy'n byw gyda'r tomenni glo hyn, a derbyn y cyfrifoldeb amdanynt, bydd yn arwydd o frad arall eto gan Lywodraeth Geidwadol y DU.
Cwestiwn 4, Janet Finch-Sanders.
Question 4, Janet Finch-Saunders.
I'm withdrawing this question, please.
Rwy'n tynnu'r cwestiwn hwn yn ôl, os gwelwch yn dda.
Is there any reason for withdrawing it at this late stage?
A oes unrhyw reswm dros ei dynnu'n ôl ar y cam hwyr hwn?
It's a very sensitive topic—something's arisen since. So, I won't be asking it, if that's okay.
Mae'n bwnc sensitif iawn—mae rhywbeth wedi codi ers hynny. Felly, ni fyddaf yn ei ofyn, os yw hynny'n iawn.
Okay. You've intrigued us with that reason. I must say that it's not good practice to be withdrawing a question at such a late stage, especially when you're in the Chamber at that point.
O'r gorau. Rydych wedi codi ein chwilfrydedd gyda'r rheswm hwnnw. Rhaid imi ddweud nad yw tynnu cwestiwn yn ôl ar gam mor hwyr yn arfer da, yn enwedig pan fyddwch yn y Siambr ar y pwynt hwnnw.
Ni ofynnwyd cwestiwn 4 [OQ57049].
Question 4 [OQ57049] not asked.
Cwestiwn 5, Rhys ab Owen.
Question 5, Rhys ab Owen.
5. Pa gamau y mae'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol wedi'u cymryd i sicrhau annibyniaeth cyngor cyfraith Cymru wrth y Llywodraeth? OQ57036
5. What steps has the Counsel General taken to ensure the law council of Wales's independence from Government? OQ57036
Thank you for the question on the law council of Wales. We have been clear from the outset that it is essential the law council is fully independent of Government. While we have facilitated its inception, the Welsh Government will not be a member of the council, and it will be for the council to determine its constitution and its working arrangements.
Diolch am y cwestiwn ar gyngor cyfraith Cymru. Rydym wedi bod yn glir o'r cychwyn ei bod yn hanfodol i'r cyngor cyfraith fod yn gwbl annibynnol ar y Llywodraeth. Er ein bod wedi hwyluso'r broses o'i sefydlu, ni fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn aelod o'r cyngor, a mater i'r cyngor fydd penderfynu ar ei gyfansoddiad a'i drefniadau gweithio.
I welcome the establishment of the law council of Wales. I think there's great potential there. As you mentioned earlier, a strong and sustainable legal sector in Wales is very important for several different reasons. It's been shown during the COVID pandemic how important technology is. And, in the legal sector, we haven't always been very good with technology, as you know, Counsel General. When I started in practice, several lawyers had never touched a computer, and the fax machine was used until very, very recently. Does the Counsel General agree with me that the law council should prioritise digital innovation and technical needs assessment as part of its work programme? Diolch yn fawr.
Rwy'n croesawu sefydlu cyngor cyfraith Cymru. Rwy'n credu bod potensial mawr yno. Fel y sonioch chi'n gynharach, mae sector cyfreithiol cryf a chynaliadwy yng Nghymru yn bwysig iawn am sawl rheswm gwahanol. Yn ystod y pandemig COVID dangoswyd pa mor bwysig yw technoleg. Ac yn y sector cyfreithiol, nid ydym bob amser wedi bod yn dda iawn gyda thechnoleg, fel y gwyddoch, Gwnsler Cyffredinol. Pan ddechreuais weithio mewn practis cyfreithiol, roedd sawl un o'r cyfreithwyr heb gyffwrdd â chyfrifiadur erioed, a châi'r peiriant ffacs ei ddefnyddio tan yn ddiweddar iawn. A yw'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol yn cytuno y dylai'r cyngor cyfraith flaenoriaethu arloesedd digidol ac asesiad o anghenion technegol fel rhan o'i raglen waith? Diolch yn fawr.
Thank you for the supplementary question. I think, by my understanding, there are still quite a few lawyers around who have never touched a computer, but I'm sure that changes with time.
I think you're absolutely right—we're already beginning to have the experience of the digital developments in terms of giving evidence, in terms of the transmission of evidence, digital use in the way in which documents are made available and accessible within courts and so on. My big concern—and it's an issue that I discussed when I visited the Cardiff Civil Justice Centre recently, and it's an issue I've discussed with others and will have in other discussions in due course with members of the judiciary—is the issue of accessibility and equality that emerges from it, because it's one thing for the lawyers to have their systems well digitised, but it's also, though, a question of ensuring that people have access to the courts, and that they also have the right, I think, to face-to-face court hearings, rather than digital ones, et cetera.
There may be circumstances in terms of how that is actually managed. But what is very clear at the moment is that, with the number of courts that have been closed, against the wishes of this Senedd, and I believe without any proper and adequate consultation processes, we now have large sections of many communities in south Wales that have very limited access. And they're being told that, of course, the way forward is digital access. Well, certainly in my constituency, and I know it's the same in other similar constituencies in south Wales and, I'm sure, many other areas, when you've got between 20 and 30 per cent of the population not actually having access, or regular access, to a computer, there are some serious equality issues that have to be raised.
There is no doubt, though, that there are opportunities in that. Just as we see opportunities arise within the provision of health services, it's the same with legal services. I remember the absolute horror when we were told we could have telephone hearings with district judges, and the shock and awe that that statement had. And, of course, within a matter of weeks, it had actually become something totally normal. Well, of course, we go much further than that, but of course it does require investment. Now, there are proposals and there is money that's been made available for that investment, but I think we have to ensure that it's tied in with the modernisation of the courts and on a very clear equality agenda. And that is an agenda that I intend to raise at every opportunity that I have.
Diolch am y cwestiwn atodol. Rwy'n credu, yn ôl fy nealltwriaeth i, fod cryn dipyn o gyfreithwyr o gwmpas o hyd nad ydynt erioed wedi cyffwrdd â chyfrifiadur, ond rwy'n siŵr fod hynny'n newid gydag amser.
Credaf eich bod yn llygad eich lle—rydym eisoes yn dechrau cael profiad o'r datblygiadau digidol mewn perthynas â rhoi tystiolaeth, o ran trosglwyddo tystiolaeth, defnydd digidol yn y ffordd y mae dogfennau ar gael yn hygyrch yn y llysoedd ac yn y blaen. Fy mhryder mawr—ac mae'n fater a drafodais pan ymwelais â Chanolfan Cyfiawnder Sifil Caerdydd yn ddiweddar, a mater a drafodais ag eraill ac y byddaf yn cael trafodaethau eraill yn ei gylch maes o law gydag aelodau o'r farnwriaeth—yw hygyrchedd a'r cydraddoldeb sy'n deillio ohono, oherwydd un peth yw i'r cyfreithwyr gael eu systemau wedi'u digideiddio'n dda, ond mae'n gwestiwn hefyd o sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu defnyddio'r llysoedd, a bod ganddynt hawl hefyd, rwy'n meddwl, i wrandawiadau llys wyneb yn wyneb, yn hytrach na rhai digidol, ac yn y blaen.
Efallai y bydd yna amgylchiadau sy'n pennu sut y caiff hynny ei reoli mewn gwirionedd. Ond yr hyn sy'n glir iawn ar hyn o bryd, gyda nifer o'r llysoedd wedi cau, yn erbyn dymuniadau'r Senedd hon, a heb unrhyw brosesau ymgynghori priodol a digonol yn fy marn i, yw bod gennym bellach rannau mawr o nifer o gymunedau yn ne Cymru â mynediad cyfyngedig iawn. A dywedir wrthynt, wrth gwrs, mai'r ffordd ymlaen yw mynediad digidol. Wel, yn sicr yn fy etholaeth i, a gwn ei fod yr un fath mewn etholaethau tebyg eraill yn ne Cymru a llawer o ardaloedd eraill rwy'n siŵr, pan fydd gennych rhwng 20 a 30 y cant o'r boblogaeth heb gyfrifiadur at eu defnydd, neu at eu defnydd rheolaidd, rhaid gofyn cwestiynau difrifol ynglŷn â chydraddoldeb.
Fodd bynnag, nid oes amheuaeth fod cyfleoedd yn hynny. Yn union fel y gwelwn fod cyfleoedd yn codi o fewn y ddarpariaeth o wasanaethau iechyd, mae'r un peth yn wir gyda gwasanaethau cyfreithiol. Cofiaf yr arswyd llwyr pan ddywedwyd wrthym y gallem gael gwrandawiadau dros y ffôn gyda barnwyr rhanbarth, a'r sioc a achosodd y datganiad hwnnw. Ac wrth gwrs, o fewn ychydig wythnosau, roedd wedi dod yn rhywbeth cwbl normal. Wel, rydym yn mynd yn llawer pellach na hynny wrth gwrs, ond mae'n galw am fuddsoddi. Nawr, mae yna gynigion ac mae arian wedi'i neilltuo ar gyfer y buddsoddiad hwnnw, ond credaf fod yn rhaid inni sicrhau ei fod ynghlwm wrth y broses o foderneiddio'r llysoedd ac ar agenda cydraddoldeb glir iawn. Ac mae honno'n agenda rwy'n bwriadu ei chodi bob cyfle a gaf.
6. Pa asesiad mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i wneud o faint o raglen ddeddfwriaethol Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig sy'n cyffwrdd ar feysydd datganoledig? OQ57065
6. What assessment has the Welsh Government has the made of the extent to which the UK Government's legislative programme touches on devolved areas? OQ57065
Thank you for the question. The cumulative impact of current UK Government Bills on the devolution settlement is very concerning. The Welsh Government is working with the UK Government to seek changes to those Bills that do not respect devolution.
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae effaith gronnol Biliau presennol Llywodraeth y DU ar y setliad datganoli yn peri pryder mawr. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n gweithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU i wneud newidiadau i'r Biliau nad ydynt yn parchu datganoli.
Diolch am yr ateb. Fel y gwyddoch, mae yna gynnydd sylweddol wedi bod yn nifer yr LCMs y tymor yma. Fydd y cyfreithiau yma ddim yn ddwyieithog, fyddan nhw ddim yn hygyrch ac, yn waeth fyth, fyddan nhw ddim yn cael eu craffu yn llawn gan y Senedd yma. Pa drafodaethau ydych chi wedi eu cael efo Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol a'ch cyd-Weinidogion yma i sicrhau na fydd y cynnydd yma yn yr LCMs yn parhau?
Thank you for that response. As you know, there's been a substantial increase in the number of LCMs this term. These laws won't be made bilingually, they won't be accessible and, even worse, they won't be fully scrutinised by this Senedd. So, what discussions have you had with the UK Government and your fellow Ministers here to ensure that this increase in LCMs doesn't continue?
Well, wherever UK Government legislation arises that has an impact on devolution or has a connection with devolved responsibilities, the issue of laying legislative consent memoranda arises. And, of course, these are an obligation; they're not a choice. I think the question that the Member rightly I think is getting at, though, is of course the nature of that legislation and the extent to which it intrudes or undermines the devolved responsibilities. And, of course, it also raises, doesn't it, the issue of the impact of the Sewel convention, which has been under much strain.
I will perhaps reiterate some of the points that have already been made, and one is that we have laid LCMs in relation to 14 bills. For seven of those bills, we have indicated that we are not able to recommend consent. We do carry on working with the UK Government in respect of making changes that might enable consent to be given. Those discussions occur between me and my counterpart in the UK Government. They also occur in connection with individual Ministers and legislation in their particular portfolios, and, of course, there is regular ongoing engagement between the officials of the Governments of the four nations of the United Kingdom.
Perhaps to repeat, the approach we have, which is our general principle, is that primary legislation within the Senedd's competence should be made and amended by the Senedd. We do, from time to time, have to take a pragmatic approach to using UK Government legislation to achieve our policy objectives where the opportunity to do so arises, and where it is sensible and advantageous to do so and it is in the interest of the people of Wales to do so.
Wel, lle bynnag y ceir deddfwriaeth Llywodraeth y DU sy'n effeithio ar ddatganoli neu sydd â chysylltiad â chyfrifoldebau datganoledig, mae'r mater o osod memoranda cydsyniad deddfwriaethol yn codi. Ac wrth gwrs, mae'r rhain yn orfodol; nid dewis ydynt. Credaf mai'r cwestiwn y mae'r Aelod yn ei ofyn serch hynny, yw natur y ddeddfwriaeth honno ac i ba raddau y mae'n ymwthio neu'n tanseilio'r cyfrifoldebau datganoledig. Ac wrth gwrs, mae hefyd yn codi mater effaith confensiwn Sewel, onid yw, sydd wedi bod o dan lawer o straen.
Rwyf am ailadrodd rhai o'r pwyntiau sydd eisoes wedi'u gwneud, ac un ohonynt yw ein bod wedi gosod gorchmynion cymhwysedd deddfwriaethol mewn perthynas â 14 o filiau. Ar gyfer saith o'r biliau hynny, rydym wedi nodi na allwn argymell cydsyniad. Rydym yn parhau i weithio gyda Llywodraeth y DU mewn perthynas â gwneud newidiadau a allai arwain at roi cydsyniad. Mae'r trafodaethau hynny'n digwydd rhyngof fi a fy swyddog cyfatebol yn Llywodraeth y DU. Maent hefyd yn digwydd mewn cysylltiad â Gweinidogion unigol a deddfwriaeth yn eu portffolios penodol, ac wrth gwrs, ceir ymgysylltiad parhaus yn rheolaidd rhwng swyddogion Llywodraethau pedair gwlad y Deyrnas Unedig.
Os caf ailadrodd, y dull gweithredu sydd gennym, sef ein hegwyddor gyffredinol, yw y dylai deddfwriaeth sylfaenol o fewn cymhwysedd y Senedd gael ei gwneud a'i diwygio gan y Senedd. O bryd i'w gilydd, rhaid inni fabwysiadu dull pragmatig o ddefnyddio deddfwriaeth Llywodraeth y DU i gyflawni ein hamcanion polisi lle mae'r cyfle i wneud hynny'n codi, a lle mae'n synhwyrol ac yn fanteisiol i wneud hynny a'i fod er budd pobl Cymru i wneud hynny.
But it's no accident, is it, Counsel General—I'm very grateful to Mabon ap Gwynfor for raising this absolutely important subject this afternoon—that we've seen a succession of LCMs that have no need for legislative consent, except that the UK Government want to erode the powers of this place, want to erode the competence of Welsh democracy, and want to ensure that our freedom to legislate is constrained as much as they're able to do so without simply legislating this place out of existence? And does this again ensure that there is more justification than ever for the statement you made yesterday on a constitutional convention to ensure that we have a constitution that we can be sure of? We've already seen changes to the settlement since we were elected six months ago. It's an intolerable intrusion on our democracy, and what we need to be able to do is to have a settlement that strengthens Welsh democracy and does not undermine Welsh democracy.
Ond nid damwain, Gwnsler Cyffredinol—rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn i Mabon ap Gwynfor am godi'r pwnc hollbwysig hwn y prynhawn yma—yw'r ffaith ein bod wedi gweld rhes o orchmynion cymhwysedd deddfwriaethol nad oes angen cydsyniad deddfwriaethol arnynt, ac eithrio'r ffaith bod Llywodraeth y DU am erydu pwerau'r lle hwn, am erydu cymhwysedd democratiaeth Gymreig, ac am sicrhau bod ein rhyddid i ddeddfu yn cael ei gyfyngu gymaint ag y gallant heb ddeddfu'r lle hwn allan o fodolaeth? Ac a yw hyn eto'n sicrhau bod mwy o gyfiawnhad nag erioed dros y datganiad a wnaethoch ddoe ar gonfensiwn cyfansoddiadol i sicrhau bod gennym gyfansoddiad y gallwn fod yn siŵr ohono? Rydym eisoes wedi gweld newidiadau i'r setliad ers i ni gael ein hethol chwe mis yn ôl. Mae'n ymyrraeth annioddefol ar ein democratiaeth, ac mae angen inni allu cael setliad sy'n cryfhau democratiaeth Cymru yn hytrach na thanseilio democratiaeth Cymru.
I thank the Member for those comments and I think he's absolutely right; it is no accident, in my view. When you look at the cumulative effect and the combination of legislation in particular areas, it seems to me there is a concerted strategy. I think it's a strategy that arises from the fact that we have a Government that basically dislikes devolution and thinks devolution was a mistake. What message does—[Interruption.] What message—[Interruption.] What message—? Well, to whoever says, 'What rubbish, we would only have to quote back to him the comments of the Prime Minister that were made and have been well published, and that he is well aware of. I think the difficulty comes from not only believing that devolution was a mistake—
Diolch i'r Aelod am y sylwadau hynny a chredaf ei fod yn llygad ei le; nid damwain yw hi, yn fy marn i. Pan edrychwch ar yr effaith gronnol a'r cyfuniad o ddeddfwriaeth mewn meysydd penodol, mae'n ymddangos i mi fod yna strategaeth gydunol ar waith. Credaf ei bod yn strategaeth sy'n deillio o'r ffaith bod gennym Lywodraeth sy'n casáu datganoli yn y bôn ac sy'n credu mai camgymeriad oedd datganoli. Pa neges sy'n—[Torri ar draws.] Pa neges—[Torri ar draws.] Pa neges—? Wel, i bwy bynnag sy'n dweud, 'Am rwtsh', ni fyddai ond yn rhaid inni ddyfynnu'n ôl iddo sylwadau Prif Weinidog y DU a wnaed ac a gyhoeddwyd yn eang, ac mae yntau'n ymwybodol iawn ohonynt. Rwy'n credu bod yr anhawster yn deillio nid yn unig o gredu bod datganoli yn gamgymeriad—
Allow the Minister to carry on with his response, please, in some quiet.
Gadewch i'r Gweinidog barhau â'i ateb mewn tawelwch, os gwelwch yn dda.
—not only that devolution was a mistake, but, actually, where you have a Government that fails to recognise the actual strength that comes from the decentralisation of power and the empowerment of people and communities, and how devolution is good for democracy, and it is a pity that we currently have a Prime Minister who has not only made those comments, but has never properly retracted those comments either. I take that to mean that he stands by those comments, and those are the comments that are guidance that go out to the remaining members of the Cabinet.
—nid yn unig fod datganoli'n gamgymeriad, ond mewn gwirionedd, lle mae gennych Lywodraeth sy'n methu cydnabod y cryfder gwirioneddol sy'n deillio o ddatganoli grym a grymuso pobl a chymunedau, a sut y mae datganoli'n dda i ddemocratiaeth, ac mae'n drueni fod gennym Brif Weinidog ar hyn o bryd sydd nid yn unig wedi gwneud y sylwadau hynny, ond sydd heb dynnu'r sylwadau hynny yn ôl yn iawn chwaith. Cymeraf fod hynny'n golygu ei fod yn arddel y sylwadau hynny, a dyna'r sylwadau sy'n arweiniad a aiff allan i weddill aelodau'r Cabinet.
7. A wnaiff y Cwnsler Cyffredinol ddatganiad am ymateb y Llywodraeth i'r argymhellion a wnaed gan y Comisiwn ar Gyfiawnder yng Nghymru? OQ57046
7. Will the Counsel General make a statement on the Government's response to the recommendations made by the Commission on Justice in Wales? OQ57046
I thank the Member for his question. I published a written statement on justice on 30 September, and, just over 10 days ago, I had the privilege of addressing delegates at the Legal Wales conference, during which I reaffirmed our commitment to pursue the case for the devolution of justice and policing.
Diolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn. Cyhoeddais ddatganiad ysgrifenedig ar gyfiawnder ar 30 Medi, ac ychydig dros 10 diwrnod yn ôl, cefais y fraint o annerch cynrychiolwyr yng nghynhadledd Cymru'r Gyfraith, pan wneuthum ailddatgan ein hymrwymiad i fynd ar drywydd yr achos dros ddatganoli cyfiawnder a phlismona.
I thank the Counsel General for that answer, and I'm sure Members will agree with me right across the benches in this Chamber that cuts to legal aid by the UK Government mean it is harder for ordinary people to access justice. I'm sure Members from right across the Chamber agree with me that access to justice should not just be for the wealthy. The Welsh Government does fund organisations to provide legal advice, and this really is a lifeline to many, and it is vital that that money spent is done so efficiently. Now, Counsel General, the 'Justice in Wales for the People of Wales' report recommended that, and I quote:
'The funding for legal aid and for the third sector providing advice and assistance should be brought together in Wales to form a single fund under the strategic direction of an independent body'.
Counsel General, do you agree with that recommendation and, if so, how quickly can we implement this recommendation?
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol am yr ateb hwnnw, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd yr Aelodau'n cytuno â mi ar draws y meinciau yn y Siambr fod toriadau i gymorth cyfreithiol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn golygu ei bod yn anos i bobl gyffredin gael mynediad at gyfiawnder. Rwy'n siŵr fod Aelodau o bob rhan o'r Siambr yn cytuno â mi na ddylai mynediad at gyfiawnder fodoli ar gyfer y cyfoethog yn unig. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ariannu sefydliadau i ddarparu cyngor cyfreithiol, ac mae hyn yn achubiaeth wirioneddol i lawer, ac mae'n hanfodol fod yr arian hwnnw'n cael ei wario'n effeithlon. Nawr, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, argymhellodd yr adroddiad 'Cyfiawnder yng Nghymru dros Bobl Cymru', ac rwy'n dyfynnu:
'Dylai'r cyllid ar gyfer cymorth cyfreithiol a'r trydydd sector sy'n rhoi cyngor a chynhorthwy gael ei ddwyn ynghyd yng Nghymru i ffurfio un gronfa o dan gyfeiriad strategol corff annibynnol.'
Gwnsler Cyffredinol, a ydych yn cytuno â'r argymhelliad hwnnw ac os felly, pa mor gyflym y gallwn weithredu'r argymhelliad hwn?
Well, thank you for that and, yes, I do agree with the recommendation. Of course, the recommendation was made within the context of the further devolution of justice. I'd also perhaps reaffirm the comments that you made with regard to the impact of cuts to legal aid. This is something I've raised nearly every time I've had meetings with relevant judiciary and law officers. It's a matter that is regularly raised in this particular Chamber, because we have, effectively, I believe, a two-tier justice system now: a justice system for those who can afford it and very little justice for those who can't.
We as a Welsh Government have stepped in with resources that were not intended for this in terms of the single advice fund that the Minister for Social Justice was referring to earlier, how important that is, but it is not a substitute for a properly funded justice system and a properly funded legal aid system. I hope, though, that the single advice fund and the investment that we are making into that support provides the base for the establishment eventually of a Welsh legal aid fund.
I think it is also worth referring to the comments that have been made recently by the previous Lord Chancellor, Robert Buckland, who basically talked about the way in which justice has been underinvested for decades, and I agree with that and I think the cuts in respect of legal aid were almost the worst example of that. But there is no doubt that there has been a long-term failure to evaluate the importance of the justice system and that the justice system is ultimately about the empowerment of people in our communities. So, I think it is another matter that comes back to a point that was made earlier in terms of the commission and the need for the review that is likely to be taking place.
Wel, diolch am hynny, ac ydw, rwy'n cytuno â'r argymhelliad. Wrth gwrs, gwnaed yr argymhelliad yng nghyd-destun datganoli cyfiawnder ymhellach. Hefyd, efallai, hoffwn ailddatgan y sylwadau a wnaethoch mewn perthynas ag effaith toriadau i gymorth cyfreithiol. Mae hyn yn rhywbeth a godwyd gennyf bron bob tro y cefais gyfarfod gyda swyddogion y gyfraith a'r farnwriaeth berthnasol. Mae'n fater sy'n cael ei godi'n rheolaidd yn y Siambr hon, gan fod gennym, i bob pwrpas, system gyfiawnder ddwy haen bellach: system gyfiawnder i'r rheini a all ei fforddio a fawr iawn o gyfiawnder i'r rheini na allant ei fforddio.
Rydym ni fel Llywodraeth Cymru wedi camu i'r adwy gydag adnoddau nas bwriadwyd ar gyfer hyn gyda'r gronfa gynghori sengl y cyfeiriodd y Gweinidog Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ati'n gynharach, pwysigrwydd honno, ond nid yw'n cymryd lle system gyfiawnder a ariennir yn briodol a system gymorth cyfreithiol a ariennir yn briodol. Rwy'n gobeithio, serch hynny, fod y gronfa gynghori sengl a'r buddsoddiad a wnawn yn y cymorth hwnnw'n darparu'r sylfaen ar gyfer sefydlu cronfa cymorth cyfreithiol i Gymru yn y pen draw.
Credaf ei bod hefyd yn werth cyfeirio at y sylwadau a wnaed yn ddiweddar gan y cyn-Arglwydd Ganghellor, Robert Buckland, a soniodd, yn y bôn, am y ffordd y tanfuddsoddwyd mewn cyfiawnder ers degawdau, ac rwy'n cytuno â hynny, a chredaf mai'r toriadau mewn perthynas â chymorth cyfreithiol oedd yr enghraifft waethaf, bron iawn, o hynny. Ond nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth y bu methiant hirdymor i werthuso pwysigrwydd y system gyfiawnder a bod y system gyfiawnder, yn y pen draw, yn ymwneud â grymuso pobl yn ein cymunedau. Felly, credaf ei fod yn fater arall sy'n gysylltiedig â phwynt a wnaed yn gynharach mewn perthynas â'r comisiwn a'r angen am yr adolygiad sy'n debygol o ddigwydd.
8. Beth yw cynlluniau Llywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â defnyddio cardiau adnabod pleidleiswyr yng Nghymru? OQ57067
8. What are the Welsh Government's plans in relation to the use of voter identification in Wales? OQ57067
I thank Jane Dodds for her question. The Welsh Government is committed to inclusive and accessible voting in Senedd and local government elections, and wants to encourage participation rather than to restrict it. We will therefore not be introducing voter ID measures in Wales for devolved elections.
Diolch i Jane Dodds am ei chwestiwn. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo i bleidleisio cynhwysol a hygyrch yn etholiadau’r Senedd a llywodraeth leol, ac yn awyddus i annog cyfranogiad yn hytrach na chyfyngu arno. Felly, ni fyddwn yn cyflwyno mesurau adnabod pleidleiswyr yng Nghymru ar gyfer etholiadau datganoledig.
Thank you so much, Counsel General, I'm very pleased to hear that because I, like you, am incredibly concerned at the Conservative Government's proposals in Westminster to pursue voter identification for reserved elections. Whilst I'm not going to rehearse the arguments for and against today, I remain totally opposed to these discriminatory measures. What I am concerned about, though, is that in a Welsh context these measures may create confusion about the need to carry photo ID to the polling stations for all elections in the United Kingdom, despite devolved and local elections in Wales retaining the much fairer system. So, could I ask you what plans the Welsh Government intends to put in place to mitigate the potential public confusion on this issue? Thank you. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch yn fawr, Gwnsler Cyffredinol, rwy'n falch iawn o glywed hynny gan fy mod i, fel chi, yn hynod bryderus ynglŷn â chynigion y Llywodraeth Geidwadol yn San Steffan i ddefnyddio mesurau adnabod pleidleiswyr ar gyfer etholiadau a gedwir yn ôl. Er nad wyf am ailadrodd y dadleuon o blaid ac yn erbyn heddiw, rwy'n parhau i wrthwynebu'r mesurau gwahaniaethol hyn yn llwyr. Yr hyn rwy'n poeni amdano, serch hynny, yw y gallai'r mesurau hyn, yng nghyd-destun Cymru, greu dryswch ynghylch yr angen i fynd â cherdyn adnabod i'r gorsafoedd pleidleisio ar gyfer pob etholiad yn y Deyrnas Unedig, er bod etholiadau datganoledig a lleol yng Nghymru yn cadw'r system lawer tecach. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn pa gynlluniau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu eu rhoi ar waith i liniaru'r dryswch cyhoeddus posibl ynghylch y mater hwn? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you. I've already indicated, I think, in the past the need for and my desire for and belief that we will have an electoral reform Bill within the term of this Senedd, the purpose of which will be to modernise our electoral system to improve accessibility, to learn from the lessons that exist internationally that can provide access to people, whether it be people with disability or in general, that reflects the modern society we live in.
I have to say that I have not seen any substantive evidential basis that would justify the introduction of ID cards. I believe it is an idea that has come from America. It is part of an agenda that is about restricting accessibility of voting for some of the poorer and most vulnerable within our communities. Now, when I say there's no evidential base, I'll give you an example from the data from the Electoral Commission: in 2019, across the UK, with the millions and millions of votes that were cast, there were a total of 595 cases of alleged electoral fraud investigated by the police. Only 142 of those were categorised under a voting category. One individual was convicted for using someone else's vote at a polling station, one individual received a caution for the same reason, and in Wales, there were 14 cases of alleged electoral fraud investigated by Welsh police forces in 2019, with only six of them relating to voting.
The Welsh Government's position is that we want to make elections as open and as accessible as possible. We want to find new ways to engage with voters to make sure they have every opportunity to participate in the democratic process, and as I've said, we intend to bring forward our own proposals for how to achieve this later in the sixth Senedd.
Diolch. Credaf fy mod eisoes wedi nodi yn y gorffennol yr angen am, a fy awydd a'm cred y byddwn yn cael, Bil diwygio etholiadol o fewn tymor y Senedd hon, a'i ddiben fydd moderneiddio ein system etholiadol i wella hygyrchedd, i ddysgu o'r gwersi rhyngwladol a all ddarparu mynediad i bobl, boed yn bobl ag anableddau neu'n gyffredinol, sy'n adlewyrchu'r gymdeithas fodern rydym yn byw ynddi.
Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud nad wyf wedi gweld unrhyw sail dystiolaethol o sylwedd a fyddai'n cyfiawnhau cyflwyno cardiau adnabod. Credaf ei fod yn syniad a ddaeth o America. Mae'n rhan o agenda sy'n ymwneud â chyfyngu ar hygyrchedd pleidleisio i rai o'r bobl dlotaf a mwyaf agored i niwed yn ein cymunedau. Nawr, pan ddywedaf nad oes sylfaen dystiolaethol, fe roddaf enghraifft i chi o'r data gan y Comisiwn Etholiadol: yn 2019, ledled y DU, gyda'r miliynau ar filiynau o bleidleisiau a fwriwyd, ymchwiliodd yr heddlu i gyfanswm o 595 achos o dwyll etholiadol honedig. O'r rheini, 142 yn unig a oedd wedi'u categoreiddio o dan gategori pleidleisio. Cafwyd un unigolyn yn euog o ddefnyddio pleidlais rhywun arall mewn gorsaf bleidleisio, cafodd un unigolyn rybudd am yr un rheswm, ac yng Nghymru, ymchwiliwyd i 14 achos o dwyll etholiadol honedig gan heddluoedd Cymru yn 2019, gyda chwech ohonynt yn unig yn ymwneud â phleidleisio.
Safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru yw ein bod yn dymuno gwneud etholiadau mor agored ac mor hygyrch â phosibl. Hoffem ddod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd o ymgysylltu â phleidleiswyr i sicrhau eu bod yn cael pob cyfle i gymryd rhan yn y broses ddemocrataidd, ac fel rwyf wedi'i ddweud, rydym yn bwriadu cyflwyno ein cynigion ein hunain ar sut i gyflawni hyn yn nes ymlaen yn y chweched Senedd.
Diolch i'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol.
I thank the Counsel General.
Yr eitem nesaf, felly, yw'r datganiad gan y Dirprwy Weinidog Newid Hinsawdd ar y metro, a dwi'n galw ar y Dirprwy Weinidog i wneud ei ddatganiad.
The next item, therefore, is the statement by the Deputy Minister for Climate Change on the metro, and I call on the Deputy Minister to make his statement.

Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. The climate emergency demands we change the way we travel. Seventeen per cent of Welsh carbon emissions are generated by transport, and as the UK Climate Change Committee makes clear, simply switching to electric cars will not meet the 2050 net zero target. We need to cut the number of journeys and get people to switch to more sustainable forms of transport too.
We fully recognise that this is not going to be easy. For some 70 years transport policy in the UK has favoured car travel over public transport, and as a result it is now easier for most people to hop in the car than it is to plan a journey using more sustainable forms of transport. That has to change. But for that to happen, we have to make the right thing to do the easiest thing to do.
Our Wales transport strategy sets out the steps we need to make to meet our target of 45 per cent of journeys by public transport or active travel by 2040. We are aiming to publish a new bus strategy around the end of this year, and a White Paper to follow, and a bus reform Bill this Senedd term.
Our active travel investment for short local trips is now the highest per head in the UK, and we are working with councils to identify safe local networks that will encourage people to leave the car at home and walk and cycle instead. Ten per cent of car journeys are under 1 mile in length, and many of those trips could be made on foot or by bike.
For medium and long-term journeys, rail has an important part to play. We need to see the £5 billion shortfall in rail investment from the UK Government made up in order to modernise our network. For our part, we have taken the Wales and borders franchise under public control and are working hard to stabilise it after the collapse in passenger numbers during COVID. As we plan the rail recovery, we must do it in tandem with the other sustainable modes, so that people can make their whole journey, door to door, by sustainable transport.
The Burns commission in south-east Wales has set a blueprint for how that can be done, and we want to scale that approach to other parts of Wales. In particular, I want to emulate the model where the Welsh Government and Transport for Wales have formed a single joint delivery unit with the local authorities, and an independent delivery board set up to drive performance and ensure progress. I’m pleased that Simon Gibson and Dr Lynn Sloman, both noted for their delivery focus, are serving as chair and vice-chair of the delivery board in south-east Wales.
Llywydd, I can announce that I have tasked my officials with creating a similar collaborative approach in north Wales too. We will create a north Wales metro delivery board, and I will be advertising for an independent chair and vice-chair to make sure we are being as ambitious as possible and to hold delivery partners to account, ourselves included. I would also like to see this model of partnership, co-design and shared leadership adopted by the four corporate joint committees across Wales as they take up their responsibility for regional transport planning over the course of this Senedd term.
The evidence from around the world suggests that if you want people to use public transport, it needs to be easy to use. In the parlance, it needs to 'turn up and go', and that's the design principle at the heart of our metro programme: frequent, seamless services connecting people with key destinations, and we've committed over £1 billion to our three metro programmes. Each is in different stages of development and we are today publishing updated maps showing the current ambition.
In the south-east, significant construction work is already under way, and in the next few years we'll increasingly see physical evidence of one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects to have taken place in Wales in modern times. A new bus station right next to the main train station is going up in Cardiff. Work has been going on over the summer on the core Valleys line to prepare it for the introduction of new tram trains. By 2024, there will be new tram trains offering fast turn-up-and-go services at around 50 stations on the Welsh Government's network, as well as new services being planned to double the frequency on the Ebbw Vale line through the Vale of Glamorgan, and to Maesteg.
In north Wales, we've put in place the foundations for a significantly improved rail and bus service and active travel through our £50 million of Welsh Government funding announcement. I recently saw for myself the plans at Wrexham General station to make it easier to change between rail and bus, helping connections between the north Wales coast and the more frequent Borderlands line services from next year at Shotton, alongside a new station at Deeside industrial park.
We've asked Transport for Wales to take on the development of the Swansea bay and west Wales metro to assist the local authorities in that area. This is at the earliest stage of development of the three metro key schemes, and I'm keen to increase the pace and the ambition for public transport in this part of Wales. Around £8 million has been allocated this year to deliver active travel and public transport schemes to support the Swansea bay metro programme. Preliminary work is being carried out to develop a potential hydrogen bus pilot in Swansea bay and Pembrokeshire, and new interchanges, including a new station at St Clears delivered by Transport for Wales, which will be in place by 2024, will offer real improvements to public transport in the area.
I've also recently commissioned work to develop a new programme for mid Wales to examine how our approach to the metros can be applied in this region and our more rural areas across the whole of Wales. We must learn from Germany and Switzerland that it's perfectly possible to have an effective public transport system in rural areas. It'll require a different approach to urban Wales, but it's absolutely doable with commitment. Car clubs and electric bikes will have a major role to play, as will demand-responsive transport, and in pilots across Wales, our Fflecsi service is offering access to public transport where previously there was none, opening up new opportunities for more people. We are now trialling Fflecsi in 11 areas, where we are seeing significant passenger growth and it has now been used for over 100,000 journeys. And we're committed to learn from it and to scale it.
Llywydd, delivering our metros is one of the most ambitious and complex programmes ever undertaken by the Welsh Government. The maps published today illustrate our emerging programmes. We have the capability, the expertise, the experience and the desire in Wales to progress at pace. In fact, we will not achieve our net zero ambitions if we don't. Diolch.
Diolch yn fawr, Lywydd. Mae'r argyfwng hinsawdd yn golygu bod yn rhaid inni newid y ffordd y teithiwn. Mae 17 y cant o allyriadau carbon Cymru yn cael eu cynhyrchu gan drafnidiaeth, ac fel y mae Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd y DU yn ei nodi'n glir, ni fydd newid i geir trydan yn unig yn cyflawni targed sero-net 2050. Mae angen inni leihau nifer y teithiau a chael pobl i newid i fathau mwy cynaliadwy o drafnidiaeth hefyd.
Rydym yn llwyr gydnabod nad yw hyn yn mynd i fod yn hawdd. Ers tua 70 mlynedd, mae polisi trafnidiaeth yn y DU wedi ffafrio teithio mewn ceir dros drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ac o ganlyniad, mae'n haws bellach i'r rhan fwyaf o bobl ddefnyddio ceir na chynllunio taith gan ddefnyddio mathau mwy cynaliadwy o drafnidiaeth. Mae'n rhaid i hynny newid. Ond er mwyn i hynny ddigwydd, mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau mai'r peth iawn i'w wneud yw'r peth hawsaf i'w wneud.
Mae ein strategaeth drafnidiaeth yng Nghymru yn nodi'r camau y mae'n rhaid i ni eu cymryd i gyflawni ein targed o 45 y cant o deithiau ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus neu drwy deithio llesol erbyn 2040. Rydym yn anelu at gyhoeddi strategaeth fysiau newydd oddeutu diwedd eleni, a Phapur Gwyn i ddilyn, a Bil diwygio bysiau yn ystod tymor y Senedd hon.
Ein buddsoddiad mewn teithio llesol ar gyfer teithiau lleol byr yw'r buddsoddiad uchaf y pen yn y DU, ac rydym yn gweithio gyda chynghorau i nodi rhwydweithiau lleol diogel a fydd yn annog pobl i adael y car gartref a cherdded neu feicio yn lle hynny. Mae 10 y cant o deithiau car o dan 1 filltir o hyd, a gellid gwneud llawer o'r teithiau hynny ar droed neu ar feic.
Ar gyfer teithiau canolig a phell, mae gan reilffyrdd ran bwysig i'w chwarae. Mae angen gwneud iawn am y diffyg o £5 biliwn mewn buddsoddiad rheilffyrdd gan Lywodraeth y DU er mwyn moderneiddio ein rhwydwaith. O'n rhan ni, rydym wedi dod â masnachfraint Cymru a'r gororau o dan reolaeth gyhoeddus ac rydym yn gweithio'n galed i'w sefydlogi ar ôl y cwymp yn nifer y teithwyr yn ystod COVID. Wrth inni gynllunio adferiad y rheilffyrdd, rhaid ei wneud ochr yn ochr â'r dulliau cynaliadwy eraill, fel y gall pobl gwblhau eu taith gyfan, o ddrws i ddrws, drwy drafnidiaeth gynaliadwy.
Mae comisiwn Burns yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru wedi gosod glasbrint ar gyfer sut y gellir gwneud hynny, ac rydym am ymestyn y dull gweithredu hwnnw i gynnwys rhannau eraill o Gymru. Yn fwyaf arbennig, rwyf am efelychu'r model lle mae Llywodraeth Cymru a Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi ffurfio un uned gyflawni ar y cyd â'r awdurdodau lleol, a bwrdd cyflawni annibynnol a sefydlwyd i hybu perfformiad a sicrhau cynnydd. Rwy'n falch fod Simon Gibson a Dr Lynn Sloman, ill dau'n nodedig am eu ffocws ar gyflawni, yn gwasanaethu fel cadeirydd ac is-gadeirydd y bwrdd cyflawni yn ne-ddwyrain Cymru.
Lywydd, gallaf gyhoeddi fy mod wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion greu dull cydweithredol tebyg yng ngogledd Cymru hefyd. Byddwn yn creu bwrdd cyflawni metro gogledd Cymru, a byddaf yn hysbysebu am gadeirydd ac is-gadeirydd annibynnol i sicrhau ein bod mor uchelgeisiol â phosibl ac i ddwyn partneriaid cyflenwi i gyfrif, gan gynnwys ein hunain. Hoffwn hefyd weld y model partneriaeth, cyd-gynllunio a rhannu arweinyddiaeth yn cael ei fabwysiadu gan y pedwar cyd-bwyllgor corfforedig ledled Cymru wrth iddynt fynd i'r afael â'u cyfrifoldeb dros gynllunio trafnidiaeth ranbarthol dros dymor y Senedd hon.
Mae'r dystiolaeth o bob cwr o'r byd yn awgrymu, os ydych am i bobl ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, mae angen iddi fod yn hawdd ei defnyddio. Mae angen gallu 'cyrraedd a gadael', fel petai, a dyna'r egwyddor gynllunio sydd wrth wraidd ein rhaglen metro: gwasanaethau di-dor, rheolaidd sy'n cysylltu pobl â chyrchfannau allweddol, ac rydym wedi ymrwymo dros £1 biliwn i'n tair rhaglen metro. Mae pob un ar wahanol gamau o'u datblygiad a heddiw rydym yn cyhoeddi mapiau wedi'u diweddaru sy'n dangos yr uchelgais cyfredol.
Yn y de-ddwyrain, mae gwaith adeiladu sylweddol eisoes ar y gweill, ac yn yr ychydig flynyddoedd nesaf, byddwn yn gweld mwy a mwy o dystiolaeth ffisegol o un o'r prosiectau seilwaith mwyaf uchelgeisiol i'w gynnal yng Nghymru yn y cyfnod modern. Bydd gorsaf fysiau newydd wrth ymyl y brif orsaf reilffordd yn cael ei chodi yng Nghaerdydd. Mae gwaith wedi bod yn mynd rhagddo dros yr haf ar linell graidd y Cymoedd i'w pharatoi ar gyfer trenau tram newydd. Erbyn 2024, bydd trenau tram newydd yn cynnig gwasanaethau 'cyrraedd a gadael' cyflym mewn oddeutu 50 o orsafoedd ar rwydwaith Llywodraeth Cymru, yn ogystal â gwasanaethau newydd sy'n cael eu cynllunio i ddyblu'r amlder ar reilffordd Glynebwy drwy Fro Morgannwg, ac i Faesteg.
Yng ngogledd Cymru, rydym wedi gosod y sylfeini ar gyfer gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd a bysiau gwell o lawer a theithio llesol drwy ein cyhoeddiad o werth £50 miliwn o gyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Yn ddiweddar, gwelais drosof fy hun y cynlluniau yng ngorsaf Wrecsam Cyffredinol i'w gwneud yn haws i newid rhwng trên a bws, gan helpu'r cysylltiadau rhwng rheilffordd arfordir gogledd Cymru a gwasanaethau amlach lein y Gororau o'r flwyddyn nesaf yn Shotton, ynghyd â gorsaf newydd ym mharc diwydiannol Glannau Dyfrdwy.
Rydym wedi gofyn i Trafnidiaeth Cymru ymgymryd â'r gwaith o ddatblygu metro bae Abertawe a gorllewin Cymru i gynorthwyo'r awdurdodau lleol yn yr ardal honno. Y gwaith hwn sydd ar y cam cynharaf yn natblygiad y tri chynllun metro allweddol, ac rwy'n awyddus i gynyddu cyflymder ac uchelgais ar gyfer trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn y rhan hon o Gymru. Mae oddeutu £8 miliwn wedi'i ddyrannu eleni i ddarparu cynlluniau teithio llesol a thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i gefnogi rhaglen metro bae Abertawe. Mae gwaith rhagarweiniol yn mynd rhagddo i ddatblygu cynllun peilot bws hydrogen posibl ym mae Abertawe a sir Benfro, a bydd cyfnewidfeydd newydd, gan gynnwys gorsaf newydd yn Sanclêr a ddarperir gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru, yn weithredol erbyn 2024, gan gynnig gwelliannau gwirioneddol i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn yr ardal.
Yn ddiweddar, rwyf hefyd wedi comisiynu gwaith i ddatblygu rhaglen newydd ar gyfer canolbarth Cymru i archwilio sut y gellir cymhwyso ein dull metro yn y rhanbarth hwn a'n hardaloedd mwy gwledig ledled Cymru gyfan. Mae'n rhaid inni ddysgu o'r Almaen a'r Swistir ei bod yn gwbl bosibl cael system drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus effeithiol mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Bydd angen ymagwedd wahanol tuag at y Gymru drefol, ond mae'n gwbl ddichonadwy gydag ymrwymiad. Bydd gan glybiau ceir a beiciau trydan rôl fawr i'w chwarae, ynghyd â thrafnidiaeth sy'n ymateb i'r galw, ac mewn cynlluniau peilot ledled Cymru, mae ein gwasanaeth Fflecsi'n cynnig mynediad at drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus lle nad oedd i'w gael o'r blaen, gan ddarparu cyfleoedd newydd i fwy o bobl. Rydym bellach yn treialu Fflecsi mewn 11 ardal, lle rydym yn gweld cynnydd sylweddol yn nifer y teithwyr, ac mae bellach wedi'i ddefnyddio ar gyfer dros 100,000 o deithiau. Ac rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddysgu ohono a'i ymestyn.
Lywydd, mae darparu ein metros yn un o'r rhaglenni mwyaf uchelgeisiol a chymhleth a gyflawnwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru erioed. Mae'r mapiau a gyhoeddwyd heddiw'n darlunio ein rhaglenni sydd ar y gweill. Mae gennym y gallu, yr arbenigedd, y profiad a'r awydd yng Nghymru i symud ymlaen yn gyflym. Mewn gwirionedd, ni fyddwn yn cyflawni ein huchelgeisiau sero-net os na wnawn hynny. Diolch.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (David Rees) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (David Rees) took the Chair.
I have a large number of people who wish to speak, and I therefore ask everyone to keep within their time allocation so that we can get as many in as possible, please. And I'm sure the Deputy Minister will also be succinct in his answers to the questions.
Mae gennyf nifer fawr o bobl sy'n dymuno siarad, ac felly gofynnaf i bawb gadw o fewn eu dyraniad amser fel y gallwn glywed cymaint ohonynt â phosibl, os gwelwch yn dda. Ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd y Dirprwy Weinidog hefyd yn gryno wrth ateb y cwestiynau.
Llefarydd y Ceidwadwyr, Natasha Asghar.
Conservative spokesperson, Natasha Asghar.
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer. Firstly, I thank the Deputy Minister for his statement today. I wish to put on record that the Welsh Conservatives do fully support the metro projects across Wales, but I do want to also just put in there that we don't think it's going to be a fully fledged solution to the environmental crisis. We do share your hope that it'll make it easier for people to use their cars less and use public transport more. However, we do have concerns that your Government is relying too much on the metro as an immediate transport solution for south Wales. I know you mentioned £750 million was being spent on south Wales and, as someone from south Wales, that's great, but just in comparison, £50 million for north Wales is a bit of a kick in the teeth for those people who live in north Wales.
Deputy Minister, I just want to give you an example. If I fall and trip right now and break my hand, a plaster will literally only help me to a certain point, but if I actually need a cast to resolve the issue that I have at hand, that's what we need here in Wales. We need a cast, something that's actually going to solve the problem of transport. Therefore, it's my belief that the economic benefits derived from the metro will be offset by the damage done by your failure to invest in improving our roads. As the planning inspector of the proposed M4 relief road said in 2019, if the south Wales metro were created overnight, it would only alleviate traffic by 5.9 per cent. So, I'd like to know: have your figures changed since then?
Your decision to freeze all new road building has been met with widespread dismay by businesses in Wales. The Road Haulage Association has criticised the move and said that Wales needs a fit-for-purpose road network to boost trade. You mentioned previously in a statement that one out of five people do not have access to a car. This is not me being difficult, but I'd very much like to know where you got the figure from, because my main concern is those four out of five that we haven't discussed and mentioned. So, Deputy Minister, do you feel that the south Wales metro may not actually solve all the transport problems of south Wales, and that we need an efficient, modern road infrastructure as well, side by side?
Your comments on new and improved bus services are welcomed by myself and many of my colleagues, but merely highlight the neglect and decline in bus services that has taken place under the Welsh Labour Government. Under your Government, the number of local bus journeys has fallen from 100 million in 2016-17 to 89 million in 2019-20. So, how will you deliver this promised increase in bus services? Six years ago, Wales replaced the bus service operators grant with the bus services support grant, with funding set at £25 million. It is shocking, therefore, that this fixed pot of £25 million has not changed since the BSSG inception. So, how will you deliver this promised increase in bus services when funding per passenger is inadequate and compares poorly with that provided for rail passengers?
I sincerely, from every ounce of my soul, welcome your comments on a new integrated ticketing system and flexible fare options, but can you advise what is the present position regarding my call for an all-Wales travel card, which received a positive response from the First Minister? Having spoken to those behind the Oyster card in London, we already have the system in place here in Wales and have the infrastructure to provide that all-important all-Wales travel card. I love the idea of having a debit card system here. The tap-and-go system would be fantastic for so many people across the board, but it would cost a lot of money and time. Do we have that time, Deputy Minister?
Finally, Minister, I agree that Wales needs new and improved train stations, and have supported calls for one at Magor and Undy. I'd like to know what discussions have you had specifically, or intend to have, with the UK Secretary of State for Transport, Grant Shapps, to make this a reality and deliver these vital links in the Welsh network chain right now. Thank you very much.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Yn gyntaf, diolch i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am ei ddatganiad heddiw. Hoffwn ddweud ar goedd fod y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn llwyr gefnogi'r prosiectau metro ledled Cymru, ond rwyf hefyd am ddweud nad ydym yn credu y bydd yn ateb cyflawn i'r argyfwng amgylcheddol. Rydym yn rhannu eich gobaith y bydd yn ei gwneud yn haws i bobl ddefnyddio llai ar eu ceir ac i ddefnyddio mwy ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Fodd bynnag, mae gennym bryderon fod eich Llywodraeth yn dibynnu gormod ar y metro fel ateb trafnidiaeth uniongyrchol ar gyfer de Cymru. Gwn ichi grybwyll bod £750 miliwn yn cael ei wario ar dde Cymru, ac fel rhywun o dde Cymru, mae hynny'n wych, ond mewn cymhariaeth, mae £50 miliwn ar gyfer gogledd Cymru yn dro gwael braidd â'r bobl sy'n byw yng ngogledd Cymru.
Ddirprwy Weinidog, hoffwn roi enghraifft i chi. Pe bawn yn cwympo ac yn baglu yn awr ac yn torri fy llaw, bydd plastr yn llythrennol yn fy helpu hyd at bwynt penodol yn unig, ond os oes angen cast arnaf i ddatrys y broblem, dyna sydd ei angen arnom yma yng Nghymru. Mae angen cast arnom, rhywbeth sy'n mynd i ddatrys problem trafnidiaeth. Felly, credaf y bydd y buddion economaidd a ddaw yn sgil y metro yn cael eu gwrthbwyso gan y difrod a wnaed gan eich methiant i fuddsoddi er mwyn gwella ein ffyrdd. Fel y dywedodd arolygydd cynllunio ffordd liniaru arfaethedig yr M4 yn 2019, pe bai metro de Cymru'n cael ei greu dros nos, ni fyddai ond yn lliniaru traffig 5.9 y cant. Felly, hoffwn wybod: a yw eich ffigurau wedi newid ers hynny?
Mae eich penderfyniad i rewi'r holl waith adeiladu ffyrdd newydd wedi'i wfftio'n llwyr gan fusnesau yng Nghymru. Mae’r Gymdeithas Cludo ar y Ffyrdd wedi beirniadu’r penderfyniad, gan ddweud bod angen rhwydwaith ffyrdd addas at y diben ar Gymru er mwyn hybu masnach. Fe nodoch chi mewn datganiad blaenorol nad oes gan un o bob pump o bobl fynediad at gar. Nid wyf yn ceisio bod yn anodd, ond carwn wybod o ble y cawsoch y ffigur hwnnw, gan mai fy mhrif bryder yw'r pedwar o bob pump nad ydym wedi'u trafod a'u crybwyll. Felly, Ddirprwy Weinidog, onid ydych yn teimlo efallai na fydd metro de Cymru'n datrys holl broblemau trafnidiaeth de Cymru, a bod angen seilwaith ffyrdd effeithlon a modern arnom hefyd, ochr yn ochr â hynny?
Mae eich sylwadau ar wasanaethau bysiau newydd a gwell yn cael croeso gennyf fi a llawer o fy nghyd-Aelodau, ond maent yn tynnu sylw at yr esgeulustod a’r dirywiad mewn gwasanaethau bysiau o dan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru. O dan eich Llywodraeth, mae nifer y teithiau bws lleol wedi disgyn o 100 miliwn yn 2016-17 i 89 miliwn yn 2019-20. Felly, sut y byddwch yn cyflawni'r cynnydd rydych yn ei addo mewn gwasanaethau bysiau? Chwe blynedd yn ôl, rhoddwyd grant cynnal gwasanaethau bysiau Cymru ar waith yn lle'r grant gweithredwyr gwasanaethau bysiau, gyda chyllid wedi'i osod ar £25 miliwn. Mae'n warthus, felly, nad yw'r pot sefydlog hwn o £25 miliwn wedi newid ers cychwyn y grant cynnal gwasanaethau bysiau. Felly, sut y byddwch yn cyflawni'r cynnydd rydych wedi'i addo mewn gwasanaethau bysiau pan fo'r cyllid fesul teithiwr yn annigonol, ac yn wael o gymharu â'r hyn a ddarperir ar gyfer teithwyr ar drenau?
Rwy'n croesawu o waelod calon eich sylwadau ar system docynnau integredig newydd ac opsiynau prisiau hyblyg, ond a allwch ddweud wrthyf beth yw'r sefyllfa bresennol mewn perthynas â fy ngalwad am gerdyn teithio Cymru gyfan, a gafodd ymateb cadarnhaol gan y Prif Weinidog? Ar ôl siarad â'r bobl a oedd yn gyfrifol am gerdyn Oyster yn Llundain, mae gennym y system ar waith eisoes yma yng Nghymru, ac mae gennym y seilwaith i ddarparu'r cerdyn teithio Cymru gyfan hollbwysig hwnnw. Rwyf wrth fy modd â'r syniad o gael system cerdyn debyd yma. Byddai'r system 'tapio-a-mynd' yn wych i gynifer o bobl yn gyffredinol, ond byddai'n costio llawer o arian ac amser. A oes gennym yr amser hwnnw, Ddirprwy Weinidog?
Yn olaf, Weinidog, cytunaf fod angen gorsafoedd trên newydd a gwell ar Gymru, ac rwyf wedi cefnogi galwadau am un ym Magwyr a Gwndy. Hoffwn wybod pa drafodaethau penodol a gawsoch, neu y bwriadwch eu cael, gydag Ysgrifennydd Gwladol y DU dros Drafnidiaeth, Grant Shapps, i wireddu hyn ac i ddarparu'r cysylltiadau hanfodol hyn yng nghadwyn rhwydwaith Cymru ar hyn o bryd. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
There was a series of questions there, and I'm mindful of the Deputy Llywydd's plea to keep the answers short, so I will do my best.
I'm getting a little tired of sharing platforms with Conservative spokespeople who call for us to take bold action on climate change and then the next day stand up in the Senedd and demand we spend billions of pounds on roads programmes. Those two things are not compatible, so how you explain that disconnect, I don't understand, because it's complete hypocrisy. That's what it is. It's hypocrisy. You cannot do both things at the same time. Now, you want us to spend £2 billion on a motorway through Newport, which, as we know, would increase traffic and car use, not decrease it as the UK Climate Change Committee tells us we need to do. Your figures on the metro are out of date, because the approach of the Burns commission has shown that an integrated approach of bus, rail and active travel, focused around the city of Newport, can achieve modal shift. It can achieve the same impact as the road for half the price.
You ask where we get the figures of 20 per cent of people not having a car. The answer is quite simple: the census. These aren't contested figures. These are well-established figures. In fact, additional figures from TfW show that 80 per cent of bus users don't have an alternative. So, investing in public transport is as much a social justice case as it is a climate change case.
The suggestion of the all-Wales travel card is an attractive one, but it simply can't be achieved with the fragmented, privatised system that her party has left us as a legacy, and that's why we're taking through the bus modernisation Bill. She may curse and say it's inconvenient that I point out the Conservative record on public transport, but we are living with the legacy of it 40 years on. The privatisation of the bus service was a disaster, and it makes it nigh on impossible to introduce the sort of changes we've seen in London, because in London the bus service was kept regulated in public ownership. That was not—[Interruption.]
Rydych wedi gofyn nifer o gwestiynau, ac rwy'n ymwybodol o gais y Dirprwy Lywydd i gadw'r atebion yn gryno, felly rwyf am wneud fy ngorau.
Rwy'n dechrau blino ar rannu llwyfannau gyda llefarwyr Ceidwadol sy'n galw arnom i roi camau beiddgar ar waith ar y newid yn yr hinsawdd a'r diwrnod wedyn yn codi yn y Senedd i fynnu ein bod yn gwario biliynau o bunnoedd ar raglenni ffyrdd. Nid yw'r ddau beth yn gydnaws, felly sut rydych yn esbonio'r datgysylltiad hwnnw, nid wyf yn deall, gan ei fod yn rhagrith llwyr. Dyna beth ydyw: rhagrith. Ni allwch wneud y ddau beth ar yr un pryd. Nawr, rydych am inni wario £2 biliwn ar draffordd drwy Gasnewydd, a fyddai, fel y gwyddom, yn cynyddu traffig a'r defnydd o geir, yn hytrach na'i leihau fel y dywed Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd y DU wrthym fod angen inni ei wneud. Mae eich ffigurau ar y metro'n hen ffigurau, gan fod dull comisiwn Burns o weithio wedi dangos y gall dull integredig o deithio ar fysiau, rheilffyrdd a theithio llesol, gyda'r ffocws ar ddinas Casnewydd, newid dulliau teithio. Gall gyflawni'r un effaith â'r ffordd am hanner y pris.
Rydych yn gofyn o ble y cawsom y ffigurau sy'n dweud nad oes car gan 20 y cant o bobl. Mae'r ateb yn eithaf syml: y cyfrifiad. Nid oes unrhyw un yn herio'r ffigurau hyn. Mae'r rhain yn ffigurau dilys. Mewn gwirionedd, mae ffigurau ychwanegol gan Trafnidiaeth Cymru'n dangos nad oes unrhyw ddewis arall gan 80 y cant o ddefnyddwyr bysiau. Felly, mae buddsoddi mewn trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn llawn cymaint o achos cyfiawnder cymdeithasol ag y mae o achos newid hinsawdd.
Mae awgrym y cerdyn teithio Cymru gyfan yn un deniadol, ond ni ellir ei gyflawni gyda'r system dameidiog, wedi'i phreifateiddio rydym wedi'i hetifeddu gan ei phlaid, a dyna pam ein bod yn cyflwyno'r Bil moderneiddio bysiau. Gall felltithio a dweud ei bod yn anghyfleus fy mod yn tynnu sylw at hanes y Ceidwadwyr mewn perthynas â thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ond rydym yn byw gyda'r etifeddiaeth honno 40 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach. Roedd preifateiddio'r gwasanaeth bysiau'n drychineb, ac mae'n ei gwneud fwy neu lai yn amhosibl cyflwyno'r math o newidiadau a welsom yn Llundain, oherwydd yn Llundain, cafodd y gwasanaeth bws ei gadw wedi ei reoleiddio ac mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus. Nid oedd hynny—[Torri ar draws.]
Can the Deputy Minister hold on a second? Members should listen to the answer. You've raised questions; please listen to the answer. And Government backbenchers, also listen to the answer, please. Deputy Minister.
A wnaiff y Dirprwy Weinidog aros am funud? Dylai'r Aelodau wrando ar yr ateb. Rydych wedi gofyn cwestiynau; gwrandewch ar yr ateb, os gwelwch yn dda. A'r Aelodau ar feinciau cefn y Llywodraeth, gwrandewch chi ar yr ateb hefyd, os gwelwch yn dda. Ddirprwy Weinidog.
In terms of the different levels of investment in different parts of Wales, as I made clear, we are in different stages of development. The south Wales metro has been in gestation for a very long time. We now need to make sure that it's matched across the rest of Wales. I hope she would have welcomed the announcement we made today of a delivery board for north Wales, with an independent chair, to challenge us all—local authorities, Welsh Government and Transport for Wales—to increase our ambition and increase our pace. Because, if, unlike her, I am sincere in delivering our net-zero commitments, we do need to shift resources from road building to public transport, and that's why we announced the roads review.
Ar y gwahanol lefelau o fuddsoddiad mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru, fel y dywedais yn glir, rydym ar wahanol gamau datblygu. Mae metro de Cymru wedi bod ar y gweill ers amser hir iawn. Mae angen inni sicrhau bellach ei fod yn cael ei efelychu ledled gweddill Cymru. Rwy'n gobeithio y byddai wedi croesawu'r cyhoeddiad a wnaethom heddiw ynglŷn â bwrdd cyflawni ar gyfer gogledd Cymru, gyda chadeirydd annibynnol, i'n herio ni oll—awdurdodau lleol, Llywodraeth Cymru a Trafnidiaeth Cymru—i gynyddu ein huchelgais a chynyddu ein cyflymder. Oherwydd, os wyf fi, yn wahanol iddi hi, o ddifrif ynglŷn â chyflawni ein hymrwymiadau sero-net, mae angen inni symud adnoddau oddi wrth adeiladu ffyrdd i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, a dyna pam y gwnaethom gyhoeddi'r adolygiad ffyrdd.
Llefarydd Plaid Cymru, Delyth Jewell.
Plaid Cymru spokesperson, Delyth Jewell.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd, a diolch, Gweinidog, am y datganiad. Roeddwn i eisiau gofyn yn gyntaf ichi am hyder y cyhoedd ynglŷn â defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn sgil COVID. Mae gwaith ymchwil Transport Focus yn dangos bod gwahaniaeth amlwg rhwng y rhai sydd wedi bod yn defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn ystod y pandemig neu'n ddiweddar a'r rhaid sydd heb. Mae'r grŵp olaf yn poeni llawer mwy am ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth eto ac maen nhw eisiau gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n teimlo'n hyderus bod y drafnidiaeth yn lân ac yn ddiogel ac yn barod i'w defnyddio. Mae'n glir o'r hyn dŷch chi wedi bod yn ei ddweud a beth dŷn ni i gyd yn ei wybod bod angen modal shift yn y sector er mwyn cyrraedd net zero, ond eto mae niferoedd mawr o bobl yn dal i bryderu am eu diogelwch. So, pa gamau y byddwch chi a'ch Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i sicrhau a rhoi hwb i hyder teithwyr er mwyn hybu'r defnydd yma o drafnidiaeth, yn enwedig ar gyfer y metro?
Thank you, Dirprwy Lywydd, and thank you, Minister, for your statement. I wanted to ask you in the first instance about public confidence in using public transport as a result of COVID. Research by Transport Focus shows that there's a clear difference between those who have been using public transport during the pandemic or recently and those who have not. The latter group are much more concerned about using transport again and they want to make sure that they feel confident that the transport provision is clean, is safe and is ready for use. It's clear from what you've been saying, and what we all know, that there needs to be a modal shift in the sector to achieve net zero, but still large numbers of people continue to be concerned about their safety. So, what steps will you and the Welsh Government take to inspire and increase travellers' confidence to boost the use of public transport, especially for the metro?
I also wanted to ask about accessibility, Minister, because obviously, we need to make it easier for people to actually use public transport. I note that you said that we need to make the right thing to do the easy thing to do. I welcome that, and I'd add to it as well: the safe thing to do. So, as well as making sure that we learn from what Sustrans say in terms of making sure that the first mile and the last mile are connected, what steps are you and the Government looking at and planning for in terms of making sure that walkways are well lit, that it is accessible and feels safe for women walking on their own, and older people who might feel nervous about falling as well if walkways aren't well lit—that kind of thing? How are you taking into consideration those areas?
Dirprwy Lywydd, I'm very aware of time, so I'll just ask one final question. Turning to decarbonisation and connectivity, you said, Minister, in your response to the Conservatives just now that we have a fragmented and privatised system, which is the legacy of how Westminster has left us in terms of public transport. There isn't a comprehensive rail network connecting the different parts of Wales, and north-south journeys have to be made through England. One of the major reasons for this is that not all responsibility for rail is devolved. So, could I ask you how you aim to address barriers to connectivity in terms of, yes, electrification, the grid limitations, capacity, things that were raised in our debate last week, but as well as that, the limited powers over rail infrastructure that we currently have, so that a fully decarbonised, connected transport network can become a reality?
Roeddwn yn awyddus hefyd i ofyn am hygyrchedd, Weinidog, oherwydd yn amlwg, mae angen i ni ei gwneud yn haws i bobl ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Sylwaf ichi ddweud bod yn rhaid inni sicrhau mai'r peth iawn i'w wneud yw'r peth hawsaf i'w wneud. Rwy'n croesawu hynny, a hoffwn ychwanegu hefyd: y peth diogel i’w wneud. Felly, yn ogystal â sicrhau ein bod yn dysgu o'r hyn a ddywed Sustrans ynglŷn â sicrhau bod y filltir gyntaf a'r filltir olaf wedi'u cysylltu, pa gamau rydych chi a'r Llywodraeth yn edrych arnynt ac yn cynllunio ar eu cyfer i sicrhau bod rhodfeydd wedi'u goleuo'n dda, eu bod yn hygyrch ac yn teimlo'n ddiogel i fenywod sy'n cerdded ar eu pen eu hunain, a phobl hŷn a allai deimlo'n nerfus ynglŷn â chwympo hefyd os nad yw rhodfeydd wedi'u goleuo'n dda—y math hwnnw o beth? Sut rydych yn ystyried y pethau hynny?
Ddirprwy Lywydd, rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r amser, felly rwyf am ofyn un cwestiwn olaf. Gan droi at ddatgarboneiddio a chysylltedd, fe ddywedoch chi, Weinidog, yn eich ymateb i’r Ceidwadwyr yn awr, fod gennym system dameidiog sydd wedi'i phreifateiddio, sef y sefyllfa a etifeddwyd gan San Steffan o ran trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Nid oes rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd cynhwysfawr yn cysylltu gwahanol rannau o Gymru, ac mae'n rhaid gwneud teithiau rhwng y gogledd a'r de drwy Loegr. Un o'r prif resymau am hyn yw nad yw'r holl gyfrifoldeb am reilffyrdd wedi'i ddatganoli. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn sut y bwriadwch fynd i’r afael â rhwystrau i gysylltedd mewn perthynas â thrydaneiddio, ie, cyfyngiadau’r grid, capasiti, pethau a godwyd yn ein dadl yr wythnos diwethaf, ond yn ogystal â hynny, y pwerau cyfyngedig sydd gennym ar hyn o bryd dros y seilwaith rheilffyrdd, fel y gall rhwydwaith trafnidiaeth cysylltiedig wedi'i ddatgarboneiddio'n gyfan gwbl ddod yn realiti?
Thank you. There were number of questions. Passenger demand is starting to return to the rail service. It's now at 66 per cent of pre-pandemic levels, which, clearly, is significantly lower, but it's increasing all the time and we are maintaining deep cleaning at stations and on trains. We've seen this trend right across the world, where post-pandemic confidence using mass transit is reduced, and that's not unexpected. It's one of the reasons why we're keeping support for the rail and bus industry at the levels we have done. But obviously, we want to taper that down as demand increases. So, we, frankly, have to feel our way. We're in an unprecedented public health crisis and we don't know what the future holds.
We are currently at alert level 0 and that allows public transport use, but we are encouraging social distancing. I do get very concerning reports of services where there is overcrowding and people aren't wearing masks and that is clearly shaking public confidence. But the law is clear: we want people to wear masks. We do have enforcement measures in place and we, each of us, have a responsibility to follow the law and follow public health advice. But clearly, we're in an incredibly difficult and unprecedented situation and we are monitoring it on a weekly basis.
In terms of the point about rail powers and barriers to connectivity, this is clearly a really important point. We want rail powers to be devolved. The UK Government are not engaging in that conversation. In fact, they're barely engaging in any conversation at all. Natasha Asghar asked me when I met Grant Shapps; I've failed to get an audience with Mr Shapps, he won't meet with us. So, there is definitely a disconnect here, which is very concerning for us achieving the ambitions we want. And as I said in the statement, we remain £5 billion short in the investment we need for rail infrastructure. So, it is an impediment on us achieving our net-zero ambitions, for sure, and I raised this with Sir Peter Hendy, the chair of Network Rail, recently. Clearly, these are political decisions by the UK Westminster Government; they talk of levelling up, but they don't deliver levelling up, and until they do, we will have these barriers that Delyth Jewell outlined. In the meantime, we have to try and address them with other things that we do have in our control, namely bus, in particular. That's why we are developing our bus strategy at the end of this year.
Diolch. Fe ofynnoch chi nifer o gwestiynau. Mae'r galw gan deithwyr yn dechrau dod yn ôl yn y gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd. Mae bellach yn 66 y cant o'r lefelau cyn y pandemig, sy'n is o lawer, yn amlwg, ond mae'n codi drwy'r amser ac rydym yn cynnal gwaith glanhau dwys mewn gorsafoedd ac ar drenau. Rydym wedi gweld y duedd hon ledled y byd, gyda llai o hyder mewn trafnidiaeth dorfol yn sgil y pandemig, ac nid yw hynny'n annisgwyl. Dyma un o'r rhesymau pam ein bod yn cadw cymorth i'r diwydiant rheilffyrdd a bysiau ar yr un lefelau. Ond yn amlwg, rydym yn awyddus i'w leihau wrth i'r galw gynyddu. Felly, a dweud y gwir, mae'n rhaid inni deimlo ein ffordd. Rydym mewn argyfwng iechyd cyhoeddus digynsail ac nid ydym yn gwybod beth fydd gan y dyfodol i'w gynnig.
Ar hyn o bryd, rydym ar lefel rhybudd 0 ac mae hynny'n caniatáu'r defnydd o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ond rydym yn annog mesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol. Rwy'n cael adroddiadau sy'n peri cryn bryder ynglŷn â gwasanaethau gorlawn a phobl ddim yn gwisgo masgiau ac mae hynny'n amlwg yn amharu ar hyder y cyhoedd. Ond mae'r gyfraith yn glir: rydym am i bobl wisgo masgiau. Mae gennym fesurau gorfodi ar waith ac mae gennym, bob un ohonom, gyfrifoldeb i ddilyn y gyfraith ac i ddilyn cyngor iechyd y cyhoedd. Ond yn amlwg, rydym mewn sefyllfa anhygoel o anodd a digynsail ac rydym yn ei monitro'n wythnosol.
Ar y pwynt ynghylch pwerau rheilffyrdd a rhwystrau i gysylltedd, mae hwn yn amlwg yn bwynt pwysig iawn. Rydym am i bwerau rheilffyrdd gael eu datganoli. Nid yw Llywodraeth y DU yn cymryd rhan yn y sgwrs honno. Mewn gwirionedd, prin eu bod yn cymryd rhan mewn unrhyw sgwrs o gwbl. Gofynnodd Natasha Asghar i mi pa bryd y cyfarfûm â Grant Shapps; rwyf wedi methu cael cyfarfod gyda Mr Shapps, mae'n gwrthod cyfarfod â ni. Felly yn sicr, mae datgysylltiad yma, sy'n peri cryn bryder i ni o ran cyflawni'r uchelgeisiau y dymunwn eu cyflawni. Ac fel y dywedais yn y datganiad, rydym yn dal i fod £5 biliwn yn brin o ran y buddsoddiad sydd ei angen arnom ar gyfer y seilwaith rheilffyrdd. Felly, mae'n ein rhwystro rhag cyflawni ein huchelgeisiau sero-net, yn sicr, a chodais hyn gyda Syr Peter Hendy, cadeirydd Network Rail, yn ddiweddar. Yn amlwg, penderfyniadau gwleidyddol gan Lywodraeth y DU yn San Steffan yw'r rhain; maent yn sôn am godi'r gwastad, ond nid ydynt yn codi'r gwastad, a hyd nes y gwnânt hynny, byddwn yn wynebu'r rhwystrau a amlinellwyd gan Delyth Jewell. Yn y cyfamser, mae'n rhaid inni geisio mynd i'r afael â hwy gyda phethau eraill sydd gennym o dan ein rheolaeth, sef bysiau, yn benodol. Dyna pam ein bod yn datblygu ein strategaeth bysiau ddiwedd y flwyddyn eleni.
On the alignment, Minister, between the metro and the delivery board for the Burns commission, I wonder if you could say a little bit more about how that is going to be ensured and achieved. We do have quite a few players involved, as you said. There's the Welsh Government, Transport for Wales, the local authorities, and then the delivery board, to deliver on the Burns commission strategy on behalf of the partners and with the partners.
There's the metro work, and there are the corporate joint committees. It's quite a task, I think, to make sure that there is good communication and joint ownership and vision that translates into actual measures on the ground. So, I wonder if you could say a little bit more about the process that's going to ensure that we do see effective delivery in that sort of scenario with that sort of set-up.
In terms of active travel, Minister, I think that it's fair to say that, sometimes, local authorities have struggled in terms of their own internal capacity to make sure that we get—
O ran yr aliniad, Weinidog, rhwng y metro a bwrdd cyflawni comisiwn Burns, tybed a allech ddweud mwy ynglŷn â sut y bydd hynny'n cael ei sicrhau a'i gyflawni. Mae nifer o sefydliadau'n ymwneud â hyn, fel y dywedoch chi. Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru, Trafnidiaeth Cymru, yr awdurdodau lleol, a'r bwrdd cyflawni, yn cyflawni strategaeth comisiwn Burns ar ran y partneriaid a chyda'r partneriaid.
Mae gennych y gwaith ar y metro, ac mae gennych y cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig. Credaf ei bod yn dipyn o dasg i sicrhau bod cyfathrebu da a chydberchnogaeth a gweledigaeth yn trosi'n fesurau gwirioneddol ar lawr gwlad. Felly, tybed a allwch ddweud mwy am y broses sy'n mynd i sicrhau bod hyn yn cael ei gyflawni'n effeithiol mewn senario o'r fath a chyda threfniant o'r fath.
Ar deithio llesol, Weinidog, credaf ei bod yn deg dweud bod awdurdodau lleol, weithiau, wedi'i chael hi'n anodd gyda'u capasiti mewnol eu hunain i sicrhau ein bod yn cael—
Will the Member conclude now?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddirwyn i ben?
Certainly—that we get the right quality and effectiveness. So, I wonder if you could say a little bit about how the Welsh Government, with partners, will ensure that that's achieved.
Yn sicr—ein bod yn cael yr ansawdd a'r effeithiolrwydd cywir. Felly, tybed a allwch ddweud rhywfaint ynglŷn â sut y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda phartneriaid, yn sicrhau bod hynny'n cael ei gyflawni?
Absolutely. I think that those are both strands of the same argument. Capacity and capability within local authorities is a real delivery constraint. That's why it's essential that local authorities work through the corporate joint committees to pool their resources. Then, we'll work alongside them, through Transport for Wales. James Price has said, as chief executive, that he wants TfW to be the servant of local authorities—to be the technical brain for them; that the accountability in decision making is local, but that we pool the delivery capability. I think that that is a sensible model.
As I say, I'm really encouraged by the Newport example. Through that Burns delivery plan, we are, I think, sketching out what can be applied to the rest of Wales. The Welsh Government has got a huge amount of work going on behind the scenes, which you won't have seen the result of yet. That is one of the problems that we have with the whole metro development. The lag between the planning and the technical work and the delivery is long, and people are tired of hearing the promises because they don't see anything for it.
But, we are definitely going to see a change with that for the south Wales metro in the coming year or so, and I think that we will see that in Newport too. The Welsh Government and the council and TfW are working very closely as one unit to design schemes, put them in for funding and then work on the delivery. So, I'm confident that the model is working, and we hope to scale it.
Yn sicr. Credaf fod y ddwy elfen yn agweddau ar yr un ddadl. Mae capasiti a gallu o fewn awdurdodau lleol yn gyfyngiad gwirioneddol ar gyflawniad. Dyna pam ei bod yn hanfodol fod awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio drwy'r cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig i gronni eu hadnoddau. Yna, byddwn yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â hwy, drwy Trafnidiaeth Cymru. Mae James Price wedi dweud, fel prif weithredwr, ei fod am i Trafnidiaeth Cymru wasanaethu awdurdodau lleol—i fod yn ymennydd technegol iddynt; fod yr atebolrwydd wrth wneud penderfyniadau yn lleol, ond ein bod yn cronni'r gallu i gyflawni. Credaf fod hwnnw'n fodel synhwyrol.
Fel y dywedaf, mae enghraifft Casnewydd yn galonogol iawn. Drwy gynllun cyflawni Burns, credaf ein bod yn braslunio'r hyn y gellir ei roi ar waith ar gyfer gweddill Cymru. Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru lawer iawn o waith yn digwydd y tu ôl i'r llenni, na fyddwch wedi gweld ei ganlyniad eto. Dyna un o'r problemau sydd gennym gyda holl ddatblygiad y metro. Mae cryn dipyn o oedi rhwng y cynllunio a'r gwaith technegol a chyflawni, ac mae pobl wedi cael llond bol ar glywed yr addewidion gan nad ydynt yn gweld unrhyw beth yn eu sgil.
Ond rydym yn sicr yn mynd i weld newid gyda hynny ar gyfer metro de Cymru yn ystod y flwyddyn neu fwy i ddod, a chredaf y byddwn yn gweld hynny yng Nghasnewydd hefyd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru a'r cyngor a Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn cydweithio'n agos iawn fel un uned ar lunio cynlluniau, gwneud cais am gyllid ar eu cyfer a gweithio ar eu cyflawni. Felly, rwy'n hyderus fod y model yn gweithio, ac rydym yn gobeithio ei ymestyn.
The people of Cardiff are certainly delighted that they are going to get their bus station back, because it has been a long road. So, that is going to be very exciting. Thank you for releasing these maps, because it is really useful to see what your priorities are up until 2029.
The Burns report is framed around using two of the four train tracks between Newport and Cardiff and beyond as the spine of the south-east Wales metro, yet I can't see anything around that on your map. I am particularly concerned about this because the bi-mode trains have been revealed as being seriously polluting by the Rail Safety and Standards Board. Passengers are imbibing air that is worse than on a busy urban roadside location. So, that's really bad news for Cardiff and for all the passengers who are going west.
So, is it that you have almost had to give up on the UK Government? Four years after cancelling—
Mae pobl Caerdydd yn sicr wrth eu boddau eu bod yn mynd i gael eu gorsaf fysiau yn ôl, gan fod hyn wedi cymryd cryn dipyn o amser. Felly, bydd hynny'n gyffrous iawn. Diolch am gyhoeddi'r mapiau hyn, gan ei bod yn ddefnyddiol iawn gweld beth yw eich blaenoriaethau hyd at 2029.
Mae adroddiad Burns wedi'i fframio o gwmpas defnyddio dau o'r pedwar trac trên rhwng Casnewydd a Chaerdydd a thu hwnt fel asgwrn cefn i fetro de-ddwyrain Cymru, ond ni allaf weld unrhyw beth ynglŷn â hynny ar eich map. Rwy’n arbennig o bryderus am hyn gan fod Bwrdd Diogelwch a Safonau'r Rheilffyrdd wedi datgelu bod trenau deufodd yn llygrol iawn. Mae teithwyr yn anadlu aer sy'n waeth nag aer mewn lleoliad trefol prysur ar ochr y ffordd. Felly, mae hynny'n newyddion drwg iawn i Gaerdydd ac i'r holl deithwyr sy'n teithio tua'r gorllewin.
Felly, a ydych chi bron â gorfod rhoi’r gorau i ddibynnu ar Lywodraeth y DU? Bedair blynedd ar ôl canslo cynlluniau—
Can the Member conclude now, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddirwyn i ben, os gwelwch yn dda?
—the electrification of the line to Swansea, they still haven't come up with their initial assessment of how they are going to improve the Wales rail infrastructure. Is there anything that you can say to tell us that that is not going to be a hole in the plans from the Burns report?
—i drydaneiddio'r rheilffordd i Abertawe, nid ydynt wedi cynnig eu hasesiad cychwynnol o hyd o sut y byddant yn gwella seilwaith rheilffyrdd Cymru. A oes unrhyw beth y gallwch ei ddweud i'n darbwyllo na fydd hynny'n dwll yn y cynlluniau o adroddiad Burns?
[Inaudible.]—capture everything that's going on, that's for sure. We do have bids in to the Department for Transport for work to deliver on the Burns report. We've been given encouraging noises when I've met with Ministers, but have yet to have any confirmation that we are going to get the funding. Without the funding, it's not going to be possible to deliver on the Burns report and address the congestion. So, on the one hand, they say they want to build a road, and Boris Johnson chastises us for not having built the road. We've come up with an alternative, come up with a former Treasury Permanent Secretary, endorsed by the chair of Network Rail, and the UK Government is failing to fund it. So, we are still hopeful that that will come forward, but I have nothing to report yet. But the Member is absolutely right that, without it, we're not going to be able to take polluting traffic off the roads.
[Anghlywadwy.]—dal popeth sy'n digwydd, mae hynny'n sicr. Mae gennym gynigion i'r Adran Drafnidiaeth am waith i gyflawni argymhellion adroddiad Burns. Rydym wedi clywed pethau calonogol wrth gyfarfod â Gweinidogion, ond nid ydym wedi cael unrhyw gadarnhad eto y byddwn yn cael y cyllid. Heb y cyllid, ni fydd modd cyflawni argymhellion adroddiad Burns a mynd i'r afael â'r tagfeydd. Felly, ar y naill law, dywedant eu bod yn dymuno adeiladu ffordd, ac mae Boris Johnson yn ein ceryddu am nad ydym wedi adeiladu'r ffordd. Rydym wedi cynnig dewis arall, cynnig cyn-Ysgrifennydd Parhaol y Trysorlys, sydd wedi'i gymeradwyo gan gadeirydd Network Rail, ac nid yw Llywodraeth y DU yn ei ariannu. Felly, rydym yn dal yn obeithiol y bydd hynny'n digwydd, ond nid oes gennyf unrhyw beth i'w adrodd eto. Ond mae'r Aelod yn llygad ei lle na fyddwn, heb y cyllid hwnnw, yn gallu dod â thraffig llygrol oddi ar y ffyrdd.
Thank you, Deputy Minister, for bringing forward this statement today. It is of course a very timely statement. Just a couple of weeks ago, I raised a question with you regarding the north Wales metro, in the Chamber, and I was really pleased to hear you agree with me that there should be urgency around the delivery of the metro in north Wales. And in light of this, I certainly welcome some further focus in my region, with the creation of a north Wales metro delivery board, which you've announced here today. I am disappointed, though, to not hear anything about an expanded proposal for north Wales. The current metro proposal for the region stops at Rhyl. Now, whilst Rhyl is a wonderful destination, the rest of north Wales needs a clearly supported strategy to mitigate current pressures for those living in the region, alongside our 26 million annual visitors, whilst also delivering a solution that contributes to the climate change challenge. So, Deputy Minister, how will you task this north Wales metro delivery board to deliver a north Wales metro that truly serves the region? Thank you.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Weinidog, am gyflwyno'r datganiad hwn heddiw. Mae'n ddatganiad amserol iawn wrth gwrs. Ychydig wythnosau'n ôl, gofynnais gwestiwn i chi yn y Siambr ynghylch metro gogledd Cymru, ac roeddwn yn falch iawn o'ch clywed yn cytuno â mi y dylai fod brys ynghylch darparu'r metro yng ngogledd Cymru. Ac yng ngoleuni hyn, rwy'n sicr yn croesawu rhywfaint o ffocws pellach ar fy rhanbarth, gyda chreu bwrdd cyflawni metro gogledd Cymru, fel rydych wedi'i gyhoeddi yma heddiw. Rwy'n siomedig, serch hynny, na chlywais unrhyw beth am gynnig estynedig ar gyfer gogledd Cymru. Mae'r cynnig metro presennol ar gyfer y rhanbarth yn dod i ben yn y Rhyl. Nawr, er bod y Rhyl yn gyrchfan gwych, mae gweddill gogledd Cymru angen strategaeth wedi'i chefnogi'n glir i liniaru'r pwysau presennol ar y rhai sy'n byw yn y rhanbarth, ochr yn ochr â'n 26 miliwn o ymwelwyr blynyddol, tra'n darparu ateb sy'n cyfrannu at yr her newid hinsawdd. Felly, Ddirprwy Weinidog, sut rydych chi am i fwrdd cyflawni metro gogledd Cymru fynd ati i ddarparu metro gogledd Cymru sy'n gwasanaethu'r rhanbarth mewn gwirionedd? Diolch.
Well I know that, as a former leader of a local authority in north Wales, Sam Rowlands will fully value the importance of local leadership, and the role that local authorities have in shaping these proposals. And that's why I think it's important to create this joint delivery mechanism, both for operational and for strategic means, so we can together increase the ambition. I met with the cabinet members from the north Wales economic ambition board recently, and put this challenge to them. I think there's still a focus with some on road-based schemes, but the message needs to get through that we need to shift our focus here. Again, there is a disconnect between, on the one hand, calling for us to meet net zero, and on the other hand being wedded to a way of thinking that is out of line with that vision. So, I'm very keen that we start looking seriously at the role that public transport can play as the workhorse of the transport system, and that we work closely with north Wales local authorities to design what's going to be right for their communities, so we can give people realistic alternatives to the car.
Wel, fel cyn-arweinydd awdurdod lleol yng ngogledd Cymru, gwn y bydd Sam Rowlands yn llawn werthfawrogi pwysigrwydd arweinyddiaeth leol, a'r rôl sydd gan awdurdodau lleol yn llunio'r cynigion hyn. A dyna pam fy mod yn credu ei bod yn bwysig creu'r mecanwaith cyflawni cyfunol hwn, ar gyfer dulliau gweithredol a strategol, fel y gallwn gynyddu'r uchelgais gyda'n gilydd. Cyfarfûm ag aelodau cabinet bwrdd uchelgais economaidd gogledd Cymru yn ddiweddar, a rhoddais yr her hon iddynt. Credaf fod ffocws o hyd gan rai ar gynlluniau ffyrdd, ond mae angen lledaenu'r neges fod angen inni symud ein ffocws yma. Unwaith eto, mae diffyg cysylltiad rhwng, ar y naill law, galw arnom i gyrraedd targedau sero-net, ac ar y llaw arall, i fod yn gaeth i ffordd o feddwl nad yw'n cyd-fynd â'r weledigaeth honno. Felly, rwy'n awyddus iawn ein bod yn dechrau edrych o ddifrif ar y rôl y gall trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ei chwarae fel ceffylau gwaith y system drafnidiaeth, a'n bod yn gweithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol gogledd Cymru i gynllunio'r hyn a fydd yn addas i'w cymunedau, fel y gallwn roi dewisiadau amgen realistig i bobl yn lle'r car.
Minister, you'll know where I'll be coming to at my concluding point on this, but can I just first of all say, I think this map, the document, the statement today shows that Welsh Government is serious about changing the whole conversation about shifting towards active travel, public transport—as you just described it: the workhorse of the way we travel about our communities, get to work, get to social events, and so on? And it does require us to put our political goodwill behind this as well, and to be consistent in arguing the case for this, so that people can have accessible, affordable, regular, frequent, universal ticketing, that they can hop from bus to bike and on to train, and get to the places they need to go, and design the communities around it.
But, Minister, you know where I'm coming. Maesteg is mentioned in the document, Maesteg is on the maps as well, in the emerging proposals up to 2029. I've been campaigning on this now for nearly a decade—not just since the time I was in the Senedd. Minister, will you meet with me, and local authority representatives, to discuss in further detail the proposals for Maesteg, so we can give our constituents timelines about when we'll deliver this? Diolch yn fawr iawn, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Weinidog, fe fyddwch yn gwybod beth yw fy mhwynt terfynol ar hyn, ond a gaf fi ddweud yn gyntaf, fy mod yn credu bod y map hwn, y ddogfen, y datganiad heddiw yn dangos bod Llywodraeth Cymru o ddifrif ynghylch newid y sgwrs gyfan am symud tuag at deithio llesol, trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus—fel rydych newydd ei ddisgrifio: ceffyl gwaith y ffordd y teithiwn yn ein cymunedau, cyrraedd y gwaith, cyrraedd digwyddiadau cymdeithasol, ac yn y blaen? Ac mae'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i ni roi ein hewyllys da gwleidyddol y tu ôl i hyn hefyd, a bod yn gyson wrth ddadlau'r achos drosto, fel y gall pobl gael tocynnau cyffredinol sy'n hygyrch, yn fforddiadwy, yn rheolaidd, yn aml, fel y gallant fynd o fws i feic ac ar drên, a chyrraedd y lleoedd y maent angen mynd iddynt, a llunio'r cymunedau o gwmpas hynny.
Ond Weinidog, fe wyddoch beth rwy'n mynd i'w ddweud. Mae'r ddogfen yn cyfeirio at Faesteg, mae Maesteg ar y mapiau hefyd, yn y cynigion sy'n dod i'r amlwg hyd at 2029. Rwyf wedi bod yn ymgyrchu ar hyn bellach ers bron i ddegawd—nid ers imi ddod i'r Senedd yn unig. Weinidog, a wnewch chi gyfarfod â mi, a chynrychiolwyr awdurdodau lleol, i drafod y cynigion ar gyfer Maesteg yn fanylach, fel y gallwn roi amserlenni i'n hetholwyr i nodi pryd y byddwn yn cyflawni hyn? Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
Naturally, I'm delighted to meet with the Member, and his local authority colleagues, to discuss the five options that we are currently looking at to increase the frequency of services on the Maesteg line as part of the phase 2 WelTAG process, which will be completed this financial year. All of the options being assessed include integrated transport hubs at Bridgend and Ewenny Road, and will consider the appropriate type of rolling stock for providing increased frequency of services. And I look forward to working with him to go through the detail of that.
Yn naturiol, byddwn yn falch iawn o gyfarfod â'r Aelod, a'i gydweithwyr yn yr awdurdodau lleol, i drafod y pum opsiwn rydym yn edrych arnynt ar hyn o bryd i gynyddu amlder gwasanaethau ar reilffordd Maesteg fel rhan o broses cam 2 yr arweiniad ar arfarnu trafnidiaeth Cymru a gwblheir yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Mae'r holl opsiynau sy'n cael eu hasesu yn cynnwys canolfannau trafnidiaeth integredig ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a Heol Ewenni, a byddant yn ystyried y math priodol o gerbydau ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau mwy mynych. Ac edrychaf ymlaen at fynd drwy'r manylion hynny gydag ef.
Minister, like others, I very much welcome both the statement and the scale of the ambition from the Welsh Government today. The last question took you to Maesteg; I'm going to take you to Ebbw Vale and Abertillery, and that will be no surprise to you at all. Could you ensure that the Ebbw Valley line is treated with equality in terms of the services and investment? We have not seen the devolution of the Ebbw Valley line, and we've seen the UK Government starve the Ebbw Valley line of investment, and I'm grateful to the Welsh Government for stepping in and filling the responsibility that is held by the UK Government on that. But we need equality of services and a timeline for development of new services. We also need links to the Grange. We've debated and discussed many times in this place over the years. If the Welsh Government is serious about this ambition, it cannot be making investments as large as the Grange, and then not ensuring there are public transport links to the Grange from across the area served by it, including Blaenau Gwent.
And my final point is in terms of the bus strategy and the Bill. I understood that this Bill would be brought forward in the first year of this Senedd, and so, it would be useful, I think, for Members to understand why there appears to be something of a delay because we need bus services re-regulated today. We are seeing the impact of that misguided Thatcherite policy today in Blaenau Gwent. The people of Blaenau Gwent want control of their buses back. Thank you.
Weinidog, fel eraill, rwy'n croesawu'r datganiad a maint yr uchelgais gan Lywodraeth Cymru heddiw yn fawr. Aeth y cwestiwn olaf â chi i Faesteg; rwyf am fynd â chi i Lynebwy ac Abertyleri, ac ni fydd hynny'n syndod o gwbl i chi. A allech chi sicrhau bod rheilffordd Glyn Ebwy yn cael ei thrin yn gyfartal o ran y gwasanaethau a'r buddsoddiad? Nid ydym wedi gweld datganoli rheilffordd Glynebwy, ac rydym wedi gweld nad yw Llywodraeth y DU yn buddsoddi yn rheilffordd Glynebwy, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar i Lywodraeth Cymru am gamu i'r adwy ac ysgwyddo'r cyfrifoldeb yn lle Llywodraeth y DU yn hynny o beth. Ond rydym angen gwasanaethau cyfartal ac amserlen ar gyfer datblygu gwasanaethau newydd. Rydym angen cysylltiadau ag ysbyty'r Faenor hefyd. Rydym wedi trafod sawl gwaith yn y lle hwn dros y blynyddoedd. Os yw Llywodraeth Cymru o ddifrif am yr uchelgais hwn, ni all wneud buddsoddiadau mor fawr ag ysbyty'r Faenor, a pheidio â sicrhau wedyn fod yna gysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ag ysbyty'r Faenor o bob rhan o'r ardal a wasanaethir ganddo, gan gynnwys Blaenau Gwent.
Ac mae fy mhwynt olaf yn ymwneud â'r strategaeth fysiau a'r Bil. Deallais y byddai'r Bil hwn yn cael ei gyflwyno ym mlwyddyn gyntaf y Senedd hon, ac felly, byddai'n ddefnyddiol, rwy'n credu, i'r Aelodau ddeall pam y mae'n ymddangos bod rhywfaint o oedi oherwydd mae angen i wasanaethau bysiau gael eu hail-reoleiddio heddiw. Rydym yn gweld effaith y polisi Thatcheraidd annoeth hwnnw ym Mlaenau Gwent heddiw. Mae pobl Blaenau Gwent eisiau rheolaeth ar eu bysiau unwaith eto. Diolch.
Well, Dirprwy Lywydd, there is not a Bill that is in the offing of the legislative programme that different campaigners don't want done in the first year of this Senedd term, and clearly we can't do them all in the first year of this Senedd term. So, the First Minister and the Counsel General are currently looking at the best way to manage that logjam. I would say that the pause does allow us a chance to be more ambitious, and we are now working with the local authorities and operators to see if we can design a bus Bill that is going to be more radical and more effective than the one that we previously had conceived. So, I think this is an exciting opportunity for us to up our ambition, and that is something we are definitely committed to do.
In terms of the Grange, I think the Grange is a case study of something we need to learn really and not allow this to happen again, and that's why I said in the statement why it's so important for the CJCs and the local authorities to come together and take their responsibilities seriously so they can plan transport alongside other services, so we're not creating out-of-town developments that aren't served by public transport. And, of course, in this instance, it's the Welsh Government itself—it's the NHS planning that is to blame for creating a large trip-generating site away from public transport networks. And never again I think we should say that this be allowed to happen.
And, so, I'm frustrated that we haven't been able to make greater progress in getting a bus service to the Grange as we have discussed previously. The latest update I have for the Member is that there is an hourly bus service, No. 29, operated by Newport Bus, that links the hospital to Cwmbran and Newport via Caerleon every hour, seven days a week. In terms of his specific point about the valleys he represents, then there will be a new direct bus service to the hospital from key centres in Blaenau Gwent, Torfaen, Caerphilly and Rhondda Cynon Taf in the next six months subject to funding being identified, and then we will be looking to see how we can bake that into the metro enhancements that we are planning. And I realise that is not as good as it should have been, and I apologise for that, but that is something we are still progressing.
And in terms of his final point about the rail links, as he knows, from this December, there will be an hourly service between Cross Keys and Newport, and we have given a £70 million loan to Blaenau Gwent to upgrade the infrastructure so that we can have a new service extending all the way from Ebbw Vale to Newport, which he's been campaigning for consistently, and it will now be delivered. And in terms of the Abertillery link, this is something that is the responsibility of the UK Government and it's not part of the devolved settlement. But our £70 million investment does create a spur to Abertillery which allows that investment to take place when the UK Government is finally willing to step up and support the network as it should.
Wel, Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid oes unrhyw Fil yn y rhaglen ddeddfwriaethol nad yw gwahanol ymgyrchwyr eisiau iddo gael ei wneud ym mlwyddyn gyntaf tymor y Senedd hon, ac yn amlwg ni allwn eu gwneud i gyd ym mlwyddyn gyntaf tymor y Senedd hon. Felly, mae'r Prif Weinidog a'r Cwnsler Cyffredinol ar hyn o bryd yn edrych ar y ffordd orau o reoli'r dagfa honno. Byddwn yn dweud bod yr oedi'n caniatáu inni gael cyfle i fod yn fwy uchelgeisiol, ac rydym yn awr yn gweithio gyda'r awdurdodau lleol a'r gweithredwyr i weld a allwn gynllunio Bil bysiau a fydd yn fwy radical ac yn fwy effeithiol na'r un a luniwyd gennym yn y gorffennol. Felly, rwy'n credu bod hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i ni gyflawni ein huchelgais, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth rydym yn bendant wedi ymrwymo i'w wneud.
O ran ysbyty'r Faenor, credaf ei fod yn astudiaeth achos o rywbeth y mae angen i ni ei ddysgu mewn gwirionedd a pheidio â chaniatáu iddo ddigwydd eto, a dyna pam y dywedais yn y datganiad pam ei bod mor bwysig i'r cyd-bwyllgorau corfforedig a'r awdurdodau lleol ddod at ei gilydd a chymryd eu cyfrifoldebau o ddifrif fel y gallant gynllunio trafnidiaeth ochr yn ochr â gwasanaethau eraill, fel nad ydym yn creu datblygiadau y tu allan i'r dref nad ydynt yn cael eu gwasanaethu gan drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Ac wrth gwrs, yn yr achos hwn, Llywodraeth Cymru ei hun—cynlluniau'r GIG sydd ar fai am greu safle mawr sy'n denu teithiau ymwelwyr o'r rhwydweithiau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Ac rwy'n credu y dylem ddweud na ddylid caniatáu i hyn ddigwydd byth eto.
Ac felly, rwy'n teimlo'n rhwystredig nad ydym wedi gallu gwneud mwy o gynnydd ar sicrhau gwasanaeth bws i ysbyty'r Faenor fel y trafodwyd gennym o'r blaen. Y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf sydd gennyf i'r Aelod yw bod gwasanaeth bws bob awr, rhif 29, yn cael ei weithredu gan Bws Casnewydd, sy'n cysylltu'r ysbyty â Chwmbrân a Chasnewydd drwy Gaerllion bob awr, saith diwrnod yr wythnos. Ar ei bwynt penodol am y cymoedd y mae'n eu cynrychioli, bydd gwasanaeth bws uniongyrchol newydd i'r ysbyty o ganolfannau allweddol ym Mlaenau Gwent, Torfaen, Caerffili a Rhondda Cynon Taf yn y chwe mis nesaf os gellir dod o hyd i gyllid, a byddwn yn edrych i weld sut y gallwn gydblethu hynny â'r gwelliannau metro rydym yn eu cynllunio. Ac rwy'n sylweddoli nad yw hynny cystal ag y dylai fod, ac rwy'n ymddiheuro am hynny, ond mae hwnnw'n rhywbeth rydym yn dal i'w ddatblygu.
Ac ar ei bwynt olaf am y cysylltiadau rheilffordd, fel y gŵyr, o fis Rhagfyr eleni ymlaen, bydd gwasanaeth bob awr rhwng Cross Keys a Chasnewydd, ac rydym wedi rhoi benthyciad o £70 miliwn i Flaenau Gwent ar gyfer uwchraddio'r seilwaith fel y gallwn gael gwasanaeth newydd yn ymestyn yr holl ffordd o Lynebwy i Gasnewydd, rhywbeth y mae wedi bod yn ymgyrchu drosto'n gyson, ac yn awr bydd yn cael ei gyflwyno. Ac ar y cysylltiad ag Abertyleri, cyfrifoldeb Llywodraeth y DU yw hwnnw ac nid yw'n rhan o'r setliad datganoli. Ond mae ein buddsoddiad o £70 miliwn yn hwb i Abertyleri sy'n caniatáu i'r buddsoddiad hwnnw ddigwydd pan fydd Llywodraeth y DU yn barod i gamu i'r adwy o'r diwedd a chefnogi'r rhwydwaith fel y dylai.
I do welcome the refreshing comments from the Deputy Minister on the inadequate public transport options to the Grange Hospital. There is a growing consensus on the need for urgent action to address the climate challenge emergency that our planet faces, although the Conservatives opposite remain confused despite Boris's change from orange to green.
The ambitious Wales transport strategy is ambitious, and the metro offers us real potential to make a difference alongside the other planned sustainable modes of door-to-door sustainable transport. We know that people are aware of the need to lessen car usage but, rightly, they ask for improved public transport alternatives, and I do welcome the progress on bus policy for Wales and that modal shift to follow. Deputy Minister, you note that the Welsh Government have committed a third more rail services to improve connectivity, despite totally non-existent UK infrastructural spend here in Wales—no electrification or other spend in that department from the UK Government. And, in Islwyn, we have seen—
Rwy'n croesawu sylwadau y Dirprwy Weinidog ar yr opsiynau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus annigonol i ysbyty'r Faenor. Mae consensws cynyddol ynghylch yr angen am weithredu brys i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng newid hinsawdd y mae ein planed yn ei wynebu, er bod y Ceidwadwyr gyferbyn yn parhau i fod yn ddryslyd er bod Boris wedi newid o oren i wyrdd.
Mae strategaeth drafnidiaeth Cymru yn uchelgeisiol, ac mae'r metro'n cynnig potensial gwirioneddol i ni wneud gwahaniaeth ochr yn ochr â'r dulliau cynaliadwy eraill o deithio o ddrws i ddrws. Gwyddom fod pobl yn ymwybodol o'r angen i leihau'r defnydd o'r car ond yn briodol, maent yn gofyn am well dewisiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus, ac rwy'n croesawu'r cynnydd ar bolisi bysiau i Gymru a'r newid dulliau teithio i ddilyn. Ddirprwy Weinidog, nodwch fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ymrwymo traean yn fwy o wasanaethau rheilffordd er mwyn gwella cysylltedd, er nad yw'r DU wedi gwario unrhyw arian ar seilwaith yma yng Nghymru—dim gwariant ar drydaneiddio na gwariant arall yn y maes hwnnw gan Lywodraeth y DU. Ac yn Islwyn, rydym wedi gweld—
Can you ask your question now, please?
A wnewch chi ofyn eich cwestiwn yn awr, os gwelwch yn dda?
I'm coming to that very swiftly—
Rwy'n prysur ddod at y cwestiwn—
Now, please.
Nawr, os gwelwch yn dda.
—how welcome the Ebbw Vale line to Cardiff is. Deputy Minister, what actions, then, can you and the Welsh Government take in order to meet with the UK Conservative Government to ensure that Wales receives that badly needed funding required to transform Wales's public sector infrastructure?
—cymaint o groeso y mae'r rheilffordd o Lynebwy i Gaerdydd wedi'i gael. Ddirprwy Weinidog, pa gamau y gallwch chi a Llywodraeth Cymru eu cymryd felly er mwyn cyfarfod â Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU i sicrhau bod Cymru'n cael yr arian mawr ei angen hwnnw i drawsnewid seilwaith sector cyhoeddus Cymru?
Well, we genuinely do want to work with them, and we do our very best to have constructive dialogue with them, but it's a bit of a one-way street at the moment, I've got to say. I did have a good meeting with, as I said, the chair of Network Rail recently, and I've met with some of the junior transport Ministers, but not with Grant Shapps himself. And their view is that we should be doing piecemeal bids to the UK Government to compete with all other parts of the UK for rail schemes. Our counter argument is: we have a share of the rail network, and we have a significantly smaller share of the investment that that share of the network requires. And, so, we think, we should, as of right, as from the population share and the track share as well, be getting a larger slice of the pie. They simply don't agree, and they simply will not act. So, I think that makes the levelling-up rhetoric hollow when it comes to Wales, and, in fact, they're making things worse by developing the high speed 2 line without giving us our population share; we do not get a Barnett share for that. So, not only, according to their own business plan, is that going to suck money out of Wales, high speed 2—let's be clear—is going to damage the Welsh economy. So, we get a negative effect to our economy; we don't get the population share that normally rail spend on an England basis would mean that we do get, so we're being short-changed, and they're not addressing their historic under investment in the Welsh rail network. So, I think it's a shameful story, and I would hope the Welsh Conservatives in this Senedd, instead of singing the old songs, would focus on being constructive and trying to get their own Government to stand up for Wales.
Wel, rydym o ddifrif eisiau gweithio gyda hwy, ac rydym yn gwneud ein gorau glas i gael deialog adeiladol gyda hwy, ond mae'n un ochrog ar hyn o bryd, mae'n rhaid dweud. Cefais gyfarfod da gyda chadeirydd Network Rail yn ddiweddar, fel y dywedais, ac rwyf wedi cyfarfod â rhai o'r Gweinidogion trafnidiaeth iau, ond nid gyda Grant Shapps ei hun. Eu barn hwy yw y dylem fod yn gwneud ceisiadau tameidiog i Lywodraeth y DU i gystadlu â phob rhan arall o'r DU am gynlluniau rheilffyrdd. Ein gwrth-ddadl yw: mae gennym gyfran o'r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd, ac mae gennym gyfran gryn dipyn yn llai o'r buddsoddiad sydd ei angen ar y rhan honno o'r rhwydwaith. Ac felly, credwn fod gennym hawl i ddarn mwy o'r gacen yn ôl y gyfran ar sail poblogaeth a'r gyfran o'r rheilffordd hefyd. Nid ydynt yn cytuno ac ni fyddant yn gweithredu. Felly, credaf fod hynny'n golygu bod holl rethreg codi'r gwastad yn wag mewn perthynas â Chymru, ac mewn gwirionedd, maent yn gwneud pethau'n waeth drwy ddatblygu rheilffordd high speed 2 heb roi ein cyfran ar sail poblogaeth i ni; nid ydym yn cael cyfran Barnett am honno. Felly, yn ôl eu cynllun busnes eu hunain, mae rheilffordd high speed 2 yn mynd i sugno arian allan o Gymru, ac mae hefyd—gadewch i ni fod yn glir—yn mynd i niweidio economi Cymru. Felly, gwelwn effaith negyddol ar ein heconomi; ni chawn y gyfran ar sail poblogaeth y byddem fel arfer yn ei chael drwy wariant ar y rheilffyrdd yn Lloegr, felly rydym ar ein colled, ac nid ydynt yn mynd i'r afael â'u tanfuddsoddiad hanesyddol yn rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd Cymru. Felly, credaf ei bod yn stori gywilyddus, a byddwn yn gobeithio y byddai'r Ceidwadwyr Cymreig yn y Senedd hon, yn hytrach na chanu'r hen ganeuon, yn canolbwyntio ar fod yn adeiladol a cheisio cael eu Llywodraeth eu hunain i sefyll dros Gymru.
As a previous cabinet member for Flintshire, I'd like to say that the Welsh Government has made huge investment in the north Wales metro, providing £17 million of funding to local authorities over the last year alone, and I've seen investment in cycle lanes, park and ride, electric buses, right across the region of north Wales. We've also put—. I know Flintshire's also put in a bid for the parkway station as well—for planning for that—and a bid to UK Government to build it. We also need investment in the north Wales railway line as well, which, again, leads back to the UK Government. We've had £17 million of investment from Welsh Government, but nothing, so far, from the UK Government under level-up funding, and they're still waiting to hear regarding this vital investment. So, we really need to push that and make it happen.
Last week, I also raised public awareness of all this funding that's taken place under the metro initiative. So, that's investment in Fflecsi transport—
Fel aelod cabinet blaenorol yn sir y Fflint, hoffwn ddweud bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud buddsoddiad enfawr ym metro gogledd Cymru, gan ddarparu £17 miliwn o gyllid i awdurdodau lleol dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf yn unig, ac rwyf wedi gweld buddsoddiad mewn lonydd beicio, cyfleusterau parcio a theithio, bysiau trydan, ar draws rhanbarth gogledd Cymru. Rydym hefyd wedi rhoi—. Gwn fod sir y Fflint wedi cyflwyno cais am orsaf barcffordd hefyd—cais cynllunio ar gyfer honno—a chais i Lywodraeth y DU i'w hadeiladu. Rydym angen buddsoddiad yn rheilffordd gogledd Cymru hefyd, sydd, unwaith eto, yn arwain yn ôl at Lywodraeth y DU. Rydym wedi cael buddsoddiad o £17 miliwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru, a dim byd, hyd yma, gan Lywodraeth y DU ar ffurf cyllid codi'r gwastad, ac maent yn dal i aros i glywed am y buddsoddiad hanfodol hwn. Felly, mae gwir angen inni wthio hynny a gwneud iddo ddigwydd.
Yr wythnos diwethaf, bûm yn codi ymwybyddiaeth y cyhoedd o'r holl arian sydd wedi'i fuddsoddi ym menter y metro. Felly, mae hwnnw'n fuddsoddiad mewn trafnidiaeth Fflecsi—
Can you ask your question now, please?
A wnewch chi ofyn eich cwestiwn yn awr, os gwelwch yn dda?
Yes, this is it: so, I'm asking can we have metro signage so people will understand the investment made in park and ride, the cycle links—how they all link together—investment in stations as well. I think that's really important. And, also, post COVID—
Iawn, dyma ni: felly, rwy'n gofyn a allwn gael arwyddion metro fel y bydd pobl yn deall y buddsoddiad a wneir mewn cyfleusterau parcio a theithio, y cysylltiadau beicio—sut y maent i gyd yn cysylltu â'i gilydd—buddsoddiad mewn gorsafoedd hefyd. Rwy'n credu bod hynny'n bwysig iawn. A hefyd, ar ôl COVID—
We need a question.
Rydym angen cwestiwn.
Post COVID, we need to encourage people to come back to using public transport as well. So, would you, Deputy Minister, make funding available for local authorities to be able to invest in properly advertising the metro, advertising timetables for buses and what's available for people, so they can gain confidence in using public transport again? Thank you.
Ar ôl COVID, mae angen i ni annog pobl i ddechrau defnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus unwaith eto. Felly, a fyddech chi, Ddirprwy Weinidog, yn sicrhau bod cyllid ar gael i awdurdodau lleol allu buddsoddi fel y gellir hysbysebu'r metro yn briodol, hysbysebu amserlenni ar gyfer bysiau a'r hyn sydd ar gael i bobl, fel y gallant gael hyder i ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus eto? Diolch.
I think the Member makes a really important point about providing people with information. The research shows that there are two barriers to people taking up public transport: one, is a lack of services, but the other is a lack of information and knowledge about the services that do exist. So, giving people targeted information is essential, and that is one of the things we’re looking at as part of the Wales transport strategy. As well as the infrastructure, how do we improve on what are called softer measures, encouraging measures? Signage and information are a key part of that. So, that is definitely something that we are developing further.
There is money already available to local authorities for active travel signage and route information if they want to apply for it. I must say, the picture across north Wales in local authorities applying for the funding is very patchy. Some local authorities haven’t put a bid in. So, there’s definitely funding available, and funding that we’re making available to all local authorities.
In terms of the point about signage for the metro development in particular, I will take that back and consider it. It’s a point that’s been made about other metro developments. As I said, this is a significant infrastructure programme—£1 billion of investment—and we do need to let people know that it's coming and it’s exciting, and it should help them think about changing their travel plans.
Rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn ynghylch rhoi gwybodaeth i bobl. Mae'r ymchwil yn dangos bod dau beth yn rhwystro pobl rhag manteisio ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus: y cyntaf yw diffyg gwasanaethau, ond yr ail yw diffyg gwybodaeth am y gwasanaethau sy'n bodoli. Felly, mae rhoi gwybodaeth wedi'i thargedu i bobl yn hanfodol, a dyna un o'r pethau rydym yn edrych arnynt fel rhan o strategaeth trafnidiaeth Cymru. Yn ogystal â'r seilwaith, sut y gallwn wella'r hyn a elwir yn fesurau mwy meddal, mesurau annog? Mae arwyddion a gwybodaeth yn rhan allweddol o hynny. Felly, mae hynny'n sicr yn rhywbeth rydym yn ei ddatblygu ymhellach.
Mae arian eisoes ar gael i awdurdodau lleol ar gyfer arwyddion teithio llesol a gwybodaeth am lwybrau os ydynt eisiau gwneud cais amdano. Mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, mae'r darlun ar draws gogledd Cymru, o ran yr awdurdodau lleol sy'n gwneud cais am y cyllid, yn anghyson iawn. Nid yw rhai awdurdodau lleol wedi cyflwyno cais. Felly, yn bendant, mae cyllid ar gael, ac mae cyllid ar gael i bob awdurdod lleol.
Byddaf yn ystyried y pwynt am arwyddion ar gyfer datblygiad y metro yn arbennig. Mae'n bwynt sydd wedi'i wneud am ddatblygiadau metro eraill. Fel y dywedais, mae hon yn rhaglen seilwaith sylweddol—£1 biliwn o fuddsoddiad—ac mae angen inni roi gwybod i bobl ei bod ar y ffordd a'i bod yn gyffrous, a dylai hynny eu helpu i feddwl am newid eu cynlluniau teithio.
Minister, you made reference earlier on to the need for Wales to have its population share. What about the population share of investment within Wales? You’ve referred to £1 billion having been invested or earmarked to date for these three metro projects, yet, of that £1,000 million, only £50 million has been allocated to north Wales. That’s a gross disparity in investment by your Welsh Labour Government. What are you going to do to make sure that there’s a fair share of investment coming to north Wales, rather than the insulting and paltry amount that you’ve suggested is going there today?
Weinidog, fe gyfeirioch chi'n gynharach at yr angen i Gymru gael ei chyfran ar sail poblogaeth. Beth am gyfran ar sail poblogaeth o fuddsoddiad o fewn Cymru? Rydych wedi dweud bod £1 biliwn wedi cael ei fuddsoddi neu ei glustnodi hyd yma ar gyfer y tri phrosiect metro, ac eto, o'r £1,000 miliwn hwnnw, £50 miliwn yn unig sydd wedi'i ddyrannu i ogledd Cymru. Mae hwnnw'n wahaniaeth mawr yn y buddsoddiad gan eich Llywodraeth Lafur yng Nghymru. Beth a wnewch i sicrhau bod cyfran deg o fuddsoddiad yn dod i ogledd Cymru, yn hytrach na'r swm sarhaus a thila yr awgrymoch chi ei fod yn mynd yno heddiw?
Well, Darren Millar never misses an opportunity to sow division and try and create a sense of grievance—
Wel, nid yw Darren Millar byth yn colli cyfle i greu rhwyg a cheisio creu ymdeimlad o anghyfiawnder—
This is your division that you've sown.
Chi sydd wedi creu'r rhwyg hwn.
It’s the first time I’ve heard him make a case for rail investment in north Wales. As I say, he’s normally obsessed with putting money into road-building schemes, despite then going on to plead for the plight of the red squirrel, which—by the way, if we don’t tackle change, biodiversity will be threatened. So, there’s a disconnect in his argument and his thinking too.
As I said, the state of the metros in different parts of Wales are different. We have to raise ambition and delivery right across Wales. That’s what our Wales transport strategy is about, which he hasn’t supported. That’s what our investment in the metro is about, which he hasn’t supported. And that’s what the announcement today about the delivery board for north Wales is about. I’d be grateful if he’d support that.
Dyma'r tro cyntaf i mi ei glywed yn cyflwyno achos dros fuddsoddi mewn rheilffyrdd yng ngogledd Cymru. Fel y dywedais, mae ganddo obsesiwn gyda rhoi arian i gynlluniau adeiladu ffyrdd, er ei fod yn mynd ymlaen wedyn i bledio dros drafferthion y wiwer goch—a gyda llaw, os nad awn i'r afael â newid hinsawdd, bydd bioamrywiaeth dan fygythiad. Felly, mae datgysylltiad yn ei ddadl a'i ffordd o feddwl hefyd.
Fel y dywedais, mae cyflwr y metros mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru yn wahanol. Mae'n rhaid inni wella'r uchelgais a chyflawniad ledled Cymru. Dyna hanfod ein strategaeth drafnidiaeth i Gymru, ac nid yw'r Aelod wedi'i chefnogi. Dyna hanfod ein buddsoddiad yn y metro, ac nid yw'r Aelod wedi'i gefnogi. A dyna yw hanfod y cyhoeddiad heddiw am fwrdd cyflawni metro gogledd Cymru. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe bai'n cefnogi hwnnw.
Thank you, Minister. I welcome the announcement of the delivery board, but it has to deliver. Now, it is clear to me that the UK Government are selling north Wales short by not electrifying the main line, so I would be interested to know what discussions you’ve had, Minister, about improving signals and signal crossings as a way of improving that line. I’d also like to understand what plans you and Transport for Wales have got to introduce bi-modal and tri-modal rolling stock in north Wales to help with the increase in frequency within the region.
Now, it was my understanding, Minister, that part of the metro was always rapid bus transit. Now, to me, without the red route, we will not have dedicated bus lanes to allow this to happen. Now, you have made some exemptions for roads in your review. Have you considered exempting the red route and its bus lanes?
And finally, Minister, do you support the efforts by the Mersey Dee Alliance to build a comprehensive active travel network? And with the glare of the Presiding Officer, I will end there. [Laughter.]
Diolch ichi, Weinidog. Rwy'n croesawu cyhoeddiad y bwrdd cyflawni, ond mae'n rhaid iddo gyflawni. Nawr, mae'n amlwg i mi fod Llywodraeth y DU yn gwneud cam â gogledd Cymru drwy beidio â thrydaneiddio'r brif reilffordd, felly byddai'n dda gennyf wybod pa drafodaethau a gawsoch, Weinidog, ynghylch gwella signalau a chroesfannau signal fel ffordd o wella'r rheilffordd honno. Hoffwn ddeall hefyd pa gynlluniau sydd gennych chi a Trafnidiaeth Cymru i gyflwyno cerbydau deufodd a thri modd yng ngogledd Cymru i helpu gyda'r cynnydd yn y ddarpariaeth o fewn y rhanbarth.
Nawr, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallais, Weinidog, roedd y rhan honno o'r metro bob amser yn cynnwys teithiau bws cyflym. Nawr, i mi, heb y llwybr coch, ni fydd gennym lonydd bysiau pwrpasol i ganiatáu i hyn ddigwydd. Nawr, rydych wedi gwneud rhai eithriadau ar gyfer ffyrdd yn eich adolygiad. A ydych wedi ystyried eithrio'r llwybr coch a'i lonydd bysiau?
Ac yn olaf, Weinidog, a ydych yn cefnogi ymdrechion Cynghrair Mersi a'r Ddyfrdwy i adeiladu rhwydwaith teithio llesol cynhwysfawr? A chyda'r Llywydd yn syllu arnaf, rwyf am ddirwyn i ben yn y fan honno. [Chwerthin.]
Well, I've got to say there’s nothing stopping the local authorities in north Wales from developing an ambitious active travel network now, nor indeed putting in bus lanes. That power has been there all along, and there’s money available to do it. So, that’s why I want to set up this delivery unit, so that we are acting far better together in pushing in the same direction.
The red route, as Jack Sargeant knows full well, is part of the roads review, and one of the purposes of the roads review is to look at how we can prioritise investment on maintaining existing infrastructure, but also creating the investment we need to create things like rapid transit bus routes and improvements in public transport more generally. So, I’m not going to guess what the roads review is going to come up with about the red route, but it’s in the pot with almost everything else to try to shift our direction of travel.
In terms of infrastructure, in terms of rail—trains, rather—on the north Wales network, we are currently progressing the class 230 trains for the Wrexham and Bidston line later this year, and we’ve introduced refurbished InterCity trains on services between north and south Wales, with increased capacity and better customer services. We’re trailing the testing of new trains around north Wales at the moment, and I’d be happy to write the Member with further details of what plans we have.
Wel, mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud nad oes unrhyw beth i atal yr awdurdodau lleol yng ngogledd Cymru rhag datblygu rhwydwaith teithio llesol uchelgeisiol yn awr, nac yn wir rhag creu lonydd bysiau. Mae'r pŵer hwnnw wedi bod yno drwy'r amser, ac mae arian ar gael i'w wneud. Felly, dyna pam fy mod eisiau sefydlu'r uned gyflawni, fel ein bod yn gweithredu'n llawer gwell gyda'n gilydd ac yn gwthio i'r un cyfeiriad.
Mae'r llwybr coch, fel y gŵyr Jack Sargeant yn iawn, yn rhan o'r adolygiad ffyrdd, ac un o ddibenion yr adolygiad ffyrdd yw edrych ar sut y gallwn flaenoriaethu buddsoddiad i gynnal y seilwaith presennol, yn ogystal â chreu'r buddsoddiad sydd ei angen arnom i greu pethau fel llwybrau bysiau teithio cyflym a gwelliannau i drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn fwy cyffredinol. Felly, nid wyf am ddyfalu beth fydd yr adolygiad ffyrdd yn ei ddweud am y llwybr coch, ond mae yn y pot gyda bron bopeth arall i geisio symud ein cyfeiriad teithio.
O ran seilwaith, o ran rheilffyrdd—trenau, yn hytrach—ar rwydwaith gogledd Cymru, rydym ar hyn o bryd yn datblygu'r trenau dosbarth 230 ar gyfer rheilffordd Wrecsam a Bidston yn ddiweddarach eleni, ac rydym wedi cyflwyno trenau InterCity wedi'u hadnewyddu ar wasanaethau rhwng gogledd a de Cymru, gyda mwy o gapasiti a gwell gwasanaethau i gwsmeriaid. Rydym yn cynnal profion ar drenau newydd o amgylch gogledd Cymru ar hyn o bryd, a byddwn yn hapus i ysgrifennu at yr Aelod gyda rhagor o fanylion am y cynlluniau sydd gennym.
Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a dwi'n gwerthfawrogi eich bod chi wedi caniatáu’r cwestiwn. Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r Dirprwy Weinidog am hyn. Dim ond rŵan dwi'n gweld y mapiau. Yr hyn sy’n drawiadol ydy’r diffyg buddsoddi ac absenoldeb unrhyw beth yn ein hardaloedd gwledig ni unwaith eto. Rŵan, dwi’n deall bod y mapiau’n edrych ar drenau, ond mae pobl ardaloedd gwledig yn fwy dibynnol ar drafnidiaeth breifat na thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus oherwydd absenoldeb trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn ein cymunedau gwledig. Felly, pa gynlluniau sydd gennych chi er mwyn ehangu'r ddarpariaeth drenau yn ein cymunedau gwledig, yn enwedig yn edrych ar y gorllewin—o Ynys Môn lawr trwy Feirionnydd, trwy Geredigion a sir Gaerfyrddin? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Thank you very much, Deputy Presiding Officer, and I appreciate the fact that you've allowed this question. Thank you very much to the Deputy Minister for the statement. It's only now that I see the maps, but what's striking is the lack of investment and the absence of anything in our rural areas once again. Now, I understand that the maps are looking at trains, but people in rural areas are more dependent on private transport than public transport because of the absence of public transport provision in those rural areas. So, what plans do you have to expand the provision of trains in our rural communities, especially looking at the west, from Anglesey down through Meirionnydd, Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire? Thank you very much.
Well, I think we should be more diagnostic, really, when it comes to public transport in rural areas. I know there is a fixation on heavy rail trains, but, in carbon terms, we've got very tough targets to have to meet. We have to increase emission cuts in the next 10 years more than we've managed in the whole of the last 30 years, and we have a finite amount of money to do that with. So, I think we need to make very hard-headed judgments about where the money we have can make best effect when it comes to carbon savings. And it's my view that spending over £1 billion on heavy rail in rural areas is not the best way to do that.
Now, I think we can achieve significant modal shift in rural areas using different modes. So, as I mentioned in my statement, if we look at the example of rural Germany or rural Switzerland, where they have flexi buses, as we're developing in Wales, they have electric bikes, they have car clubs—there's a whole range of other things that can be done quickly, far quicker than building a heavy rail route, to give people practical alternatives to the car that wouldn't cost as much and would enable us to hit our climate change targets in a way that diverting resources into schemes like these would not.
Wel, credaf y dylem fod yn fwy diagnostig, mewn gwirionedd, wrth ystyried trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus mewn ardaloedd gwledig. Gwn fod yna ffocws ar drenau rheilffordd trwm, ond o ran carbon, mae gennym dargedau anodd iawn i'w cyrraedd. Mae'n rhaid inni gynyddu'r toriadau i allyriadau yn y 10 mlynedd nesaf i raddau mwy nag y llwyddasom i'w wneud dros y 30 mlynedd diwethaf, a swm cyfyngedig o arian sydd gennym i wneud hynny. Felly, credaf fod angen inni wneud penderfyniadau anodd iawn ynglŷn â ble y gall yr arian sydd gennym gael yr effaith orau o ran arbedion carbon. Ac nid gwario dros £1 biliwn ar reilffyrdd trwm mewn ardaloedd gwledig yw'r ffordd orau o wneud hynny yn fy marn i.
Nawr, credaf y gallwn sicrhau newid sylweddol mewn dulliau teithio mewn ardaloedd gwledig gan ddefnyddio dulliau gwahanol. Felly, fel y soniais yn fy natganiad, os edrychwn er enghraifft ar gefn gwlad yr Almaen neu gefn gwlad y Swistir, lle mae ganddynt fysiau fflecsi fel rydym yn eu datblygu yng Nghymru, mae ganddynt feiciau trydan, mae ganddynt glybiau ceir—ceir ystod eang o bethau eraill y gellir eu gwneud yn gyflym, yn llawer cyflymach nag adeiladu llwybr rheilffordd trwm, i roi dewisiadau amgen ymarferol i bobl yn lle'r car na fyddai'n costio cymaint ac a fyddai yn ein galluogi i gyrraedd ein targedau newid hinsawdd mewn ffordd na fyddai dargyfeirio adnoddau tuag at gynlluniau fel y rhain yn ei wneud.
Ac yn olaf, Mark Isherwood.
And finally, Mark Isherwood.
Diolch. Three very short questions. You refer to the North Wales Economic Ambition Board. Given that the growth deal offer was originally a UK Government offer that the Welsh Government signed heads of terms in November 2019 with the UK Government, which is primarily focused on infrastructure and will be co-funded by the two Governments, the UK Government must already be involved in the north Wales metro, particularly on the infrastructure and cross-border connectivity. Can you confirm what that engagement is? Because I know it's sincere and ongoing from the other Government.
Do you recognise that many of the proposals in the north Wales metro actually predated the north Wales metro, coming, for example, from the economic ambition board's Growth Track 360 proposals, the proposals regarding Crewe station, which have now borne fruit, thankfully, and my connectivity with Welsh Government on behalf of rail user groups calling for the service improvements in Shotton and the new station at Deeside Parkway, which predated the announcements on the metro by many, many years?
And finally, will you join me in welcoming the announcement, at a devolved level, by Manchester in England, that the rail link from north Wales to Manchester Airport is now going to be the chosen option to be maintained as we go forward?
Diolch. Tri chwestiwn byr iawn. Rydych yn cyfeirio at Fwrdd Uchelgais Economaidd Gogledd Cymru. O gofio bod cynnig y fargen dwf yn gynnig gan Lywodraeth y DU yn wreiddiol, a bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi arwyddo penawdau'r telerau gyda Llywodraeth y DU ym mis Tachwedd 2019, cynnig sy'n canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar seilwaith ac a gaiff ei ariannu ar y cyd gan y ddwy Lywodraeth, mae'n rhaid bod Llywodraeth y DU eisoes yn rhan o fetro gogledd Cymru, yn enwedig mewn perthynas â'r seilwaith a'r cysylltedd trawsffiniol. A allwch chi gadarnhau beth yw'r ymgysylltiad hwnnw? Oherwydd gwn ei fod yn ddiffuant ac yn parhau o gyfeiriad y Llywodraeth arall.
A ydych yn cydnabod bod llawer o'r cynigion mewn perthynas â metro gogledd Cymru mewn gwirionedd yn rhagflaenu metro gogledd Cymru, ac yn deillio, er enghraifft, o gynigion Trac Twf 360 y bwrdd uchelgais economaidd, y cynigion ynghylch gorsaf Crewe, sydd bellach wedi dwyn ffrwyth, diolch byth, a fy nghysylltiad â Llywodraeth Cymru ar ran grwpiau defnyddwyr rheilffyrdd yn galw am y gwelliannau i wasanaethau yn Shotton a'r orsaf newydd ym Mharcffordd Glannau Dyfrdwy, a ddigwyddodd sawl blwyddyn cyn y cyhoeddiadau ar y metro?
Ac yn olaf, a wnewch chi ymuno â mi i groesawu'r cyhoeddiad, ar lefel ddatganoledig, gan Fanceinion yn Lloegr, mai'r cyswllt rheilffordd o ogledd Cymru i Faes Awyr Manceinion yw'r opsiwn a ddewiswyd ac mai hwnnw fydd yn cael ei gadw wrth inni symud ymlaen?
Well, clearly, the UK Government has a role to play in public transport in north Wales, and rail is not devolved. And, as has already been mentioned, the electrification of the north Wales line has yet to materialise. We have pushed for union connectivity funding for the delivery unit to push forward electrification of the north Wales line, and I'd appreciate Mark Isherwood's help in persuading his colleagues in Westminster to support his constituents, because they've not done that yet. We've also supported the bid by Flintshire County Council into the levelling-up fund, and we are still waiting to hear from that. So, there is absolutely a role, and we want to work constructively with the UK Government to make this happen.
The UK Government have published plans for a 'Great British Railways', as they're calling it, and properly done—and if it's not just flag waving, it is actually about improving delivery matters—properly done, that could improve partnership working. We supported the recommendation of the House of Commons Welsh Affairs Committee for a joint delivery board between England and Wales to take these things forward, and we'd very much like to work in partnership with them on that. But partnership is a two-way thing, and responsibility for rail infrastructure is not devolved, and the UK Government is not delivering.
Wel, yn amlwg, mae gan Lywodraeth y DU rôl i'w chwarae ym maes trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yng ngogledd Cymru, ac nid yw'r rheilffyrdd wedi'u datganoli. Ac fel y soniwyd eisoes, nid yw rheilffordd gogledd Cymru wedi cael ei thrydaneiddio eto. Rydym wedi pwyso am gyllid cysylltedd yr undeb er mwyn i'r uned gyflawni fwrw ymlaen â thrydaneiddio rheilffordd gogledd Cymru, a byddwn yn gwerthfawrogi cymorth Mark Isherwood i berswadio ei gyd-bleidwyr yn San Steffan i gefnogi ei etholwyr, oherwydd nid ydynt wedi gwneud hynny eto. Rydym hefyd wedi cefnogi'r cais gan Gyngor Sir y Fflint i gronfa codi'r gwastad, ac rydym yn dal i aros i glywed am y cais hwnnw. Felly, mae yna rôl i'w chwarae yn sicr, ac rydym eisiau gweithio'n adeiladol gyda Llywodraeth y DU i wneud i hyn ddigwydd.
Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi cyhoeddi cynlluniau ar gyfer 'Great British Railways', fel y maent yn ei alw, ac os caiff ei wneud yn iawn—ac os nad yw'n fater o chwifio baner yn unig, os yw'n ymwneud â gwella cyflawniad—os caiff ei wneud yn iawn, gallai wella gwaith partneriaeth. Gwnaethom gefnogi argymhelliad Pwyllgor Materion Cymreig Tŷ'r Cyffredin ar gyfer bwrdd cyflawni ar y cyd rhwng Cymru a Lloegr i fwrw ymlaen â'r pethau hyn, a byddem yn hapus iawn i weithio mewn partneriaeth â hwy ar hynny. Ond mae partneriaeth yn gweithio'r ddwy ffordd, ac nid yw'r cyfrifoldeb am seilwaith rheilffyrdd wedi'i ddatganoli, ac nid yw Llywodraeth y DU yn cyflawni.
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog, a diolch, bawb. Byddwn nawr yn atal y trafodion dros dro er mwyn caniatáu newidiadau yn y Siambr. Os ydych yn gadael y Siambr, gwnewch hynny'n brydlon. Bydd y gloch yn cael ei chanu dwy funud cyn i'r trafodion ailgychwyn. Dylai unrhyw Aelodau sy'n cyrraedd ar ôl y newid aros tan hynny cyn mynd i mewn i'r Siambr.
I thank the Deputy Minister, and thank you, everyone. We will now suspend proceedings to allow changeovers in the Siambr. If you are leaving the Siambr, please do so promptly. The bell will be rung two minutes before proceedings restart. Any Members who arrive after a changeover should wait until then before entering the Siambr.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 15:55.
Plenary was suspended at 15:55.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 16:06, gyda'r Dirprwy Lywydd yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 16:06, with the Deputy Presiding Officer in the Chair.
Croeso nôl. Yr eitem nesaf ar yr agenda yw cwestiynau i Gomisiwn y Senedd. Bydd y tri chwestiwn cyntaf yn cael eu hateb gan y Llywydd. Cwestiwn 1, Carolyn Thomas.
Welcome back. Our next item is questions to the Senedd Commission. The first three questions will be answered by the Llywydd. Question 1, Carolyn Thomas.
1. Beth mae'r Comisiwn yn ei wneud i ymgysylltu ag ysgolion yng Ngogledd Cymru? OQ57053
1. What is the Commission doing to engage with schools in North Wales? OQ57053
Mae tîm addysg ac ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc y Senedd yn cysylltu ag ysgolion ledled Cymru i gynyddu dealltwriaeth o waith y Senedd. Ers mis Ebrill 2021, mae dros 5,000 o bobl ifanc a gweithwyr addysg wedi cymryd rhan yn ein sesiynau addysg, sydd, oherwydd y pandemig, wedi cael eu cynnal ar-lein yn bennaf. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, mae ein gwaith ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc wedi canolbwyntio ar godi ymwybyddiaeth o etholiad y Senedd ym mis Mai ac annog pobl ifanc i sefyll yn etholiad Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ym mis Tachwedd eleni. Mae 56 o bobl ifanc o ranbarth y gogledd wedi enwebu eu hunain ar gyfer etholiad Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru.
The Senedd's education and youth engagement team engages with schools from across Wales to increase understanding of the Senedd's work. Since April 2021, over 5,000 young people and education professionals have engaged in our education sessions, which, due to the pandemic, have taken place predominantly online. Over the past year, our engagement work with young people has focused on raising awareness of the Senedd election in May and encouraging young people to stand in the upcoming Welsh Youth Parliament election in November this year. Fifty-six young people from the North Wales region have nominated themselves for the Welsh Youth Parliament election.
Thank you for that answer. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting schools across north Wales virtually and hearing the issues that are important to them. I have been contacted by the parent of a child in Ysgol Bryn Coch in Mold, who is disappointed that the child will be unable to visit the Senedd for an education visit in person during a school trip to Cardiff. I believe they fit it in with visits to other establishments as well in south Wales around here, so it's a really good trip to come from north Wales to south Wales. So, I think it's a real shame, and we should encourage children to be involved in our democracy from a young age, so it would be great if they could come and visit in person for that education visit. So, can I ask whether the Commission has plans to reopen the Senedd estate for education visits in person? Thank you.
Diolch am yr ateb hwnnw. Rwyf wedi mwynhau cyfarfod ag ysgolion ar draws gogledd Cymru yn rhithwir a chlywed am y pethau sy'n bwysig iddynt. Mae rhiant plentyn yn Ysgol Bryn Coch yn yr Wyddgrug wedi cysylltu â mi, yn datgan ei siom na fydd eu plentyn yn gallu ymweld â'r Senedd ar ymweliad addysg yn y cnawd yn ystod taith ysgol i Gaerdydd. Credaf eu bod yn ei gynnwys gydag ymweliadau â sefydliadau eraill yn ne Cymru, felly mae'n daith dda iawn i ddod o ogledd Cymru i dde Cymru. Felly, credaf ei bod yn drueni mawr, a dylem annog plant i fod yn rhan o'n democratiaeth o oedran ifanc, felly byddai'n wych pe gallent ddod ar ymweliad addysg yn y cnawd. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn a oes gan y Comisiwn gynlluniau i ailagor ystad y Senedd ar gyfer ymweliadau addysg yn y cnawd? Diolch.
Diolch am y cwestiwn, ac mae'n ddrwg gyda fi, wrth gwrs, fod y profiad yma ddim ar gael ar hyn o bryd i bobl ifanc a phobl ifanc mewn ysgolion oherwydd y pandemig a'r asesiadau risg ŷn ni wedi ymgymryd. Ond yr ydym ni yn bendant eisiau gweld dychwelyd pobl ifanc i'r ystâd yma, iddyn nhw gael y profiad o ddod yma i'w Senedd genedlaethol nhw yn ogystal â dysgu am ddemocratiaeth. Felly rydym ni yn edrych i weld pryd fydd yr asesiad risg yn caniatáu inni fod yn medru ailagor y ganolfan ar gyfer dysgu i bobl ifanc. Mae'n ddrwg gen i i'r ysgol benodol yma os nad yw e'n mynd i fod yn barod i wneud hynny o fewn cyfyngiadau'r pandemig ar gyfer y trip penodol yma, ond os na fydd e'r tro yma, gobeithio'n wir y bydd e'n fuan ac y bydd y profiad ar gael i bobl ifanc unwaith eto.
Thank you very much for the question. I'm sorry, of course, that this experience isn't currently available to young people and those in school because of the pandemic and the risk assessments that we've undertaken. But we certainly want to see young people returning to this estate, so that they can have that experience of coming here to their national Senedd, their Parliament, as well as learning about democracy. So, we are looking to see when the risk assessment will allow us to be able to reopen the centre for learning for young people. We're sorry for that particular school if it's not going to be ready to do so according to the current pandemic restrictions for this trip that they're undertaking, but if it's not this time, then hopefully soon the experience will be available to young people again.
2. A wnaiff y Comisiwn ddatganiad ynghylch ei berthynas â bwrdd pensiynau cynllun pensiwn Aelodau o’r Senedd? OQ57041
2. Will the Commission make a statement on its relationship with the Members of the Senedd pension scheme's pensions board? OQ57041
Mae perthynas y Comisiwn â bwrdd pensiynau cynllun pensiwn Aelodau'r Senedd wedi ei chyfyngu i enwebu dau o'r pum ymddiriedolwr sy'n eistedd ar fwrdd pensiynau cynllun pensiwn Aelodau'r Senedd. Caiff dau ymddiriedolwr arall eu henwebu'n uniongyrchol gan Aelodau o'r Senedd ac mae'r un ymddiriedolwr arall yn annibynnol ac wedi ei phenodi gan y bwrdd taliadau. Mae'r Comisiwn yn talu cyfraniadau i'r cynllun pensiwn ar gyfradd a bennir gan actiwari'r cynllun ac mae'r Comisiwn hefyd yn cyflogi'r staff sy'n gweinyddu'r cynllun pensiwn ar ran yr ymddiriedolwyr.
The Commission’s relationship with the Members of the Senedd's pension scheme board is limited to that of nominating two of the five trustees who sit on the Members' pension scheme board. Two other trustees are nominated by Members of the Senedd and another independent trustee is appointed by the remuneration board. The Commission pays contributions to the pension scheme at a rate set by the scheme's actuary, and the Commission also employs the staff who administer the pension scheme on behalf of the trustees.
Diolch am hynny.
Thank you for that.
I raise this question due to an inquiry I've received from a constituent of mine regarding the Members' pension scheme, which is partially governed, as you say, by the Senedd pensions board. Politics and ethics are completely intertwined, and it's therefore crucial that the Senedd as an institution does not involve itself, even indirectly, in anything that is ethically questionable, for example, the nuclear weapons industry or manufacturers of other weapons banned by United Nations' treaties. Can the Commission advise how I might seek clarity on this, so that I can hopefully reassure my constituent that the Members' pension scheme does not invest in nuclear weapons companies or any other manufacturers of banned weapons? Diolch.
Rwy'n gofyn y cwestiwn hwn yn sgil ymholiad a gefais gan un o fy etholwyr ynghylch cynllun pensiwn yr Aelodau, sy'n cael ei reoli'n rhannol, fel y dywedwch, gan fwrdd pensiynau'r Senedd. Mae gwleidyddiaeth a moeseg wedi'u cydblethu'n llwyr, ac felly mae'n hanfodol nad yw'r Senedd fel sefydliad yn cynnwys ei hun, hyd yn oed yn anuniongyrchol, mewn unrhyw beth sy'n amheus yn foesegol, er enghraifft, y diwydiant arfau niwclear neu weithgynhyrchwyr arfau eraill a waharddwyd gan gytundebau'r Cenhedloedd Unedig. A all y Comisiwn ddweud sut y gallwn gael eglurder ar hyn, fel y gallaf obeithio tawelu meddwl fy etholwr nad yw cynllun pensiwn yr Aelodau yn buddsoddi mewn cwmnïau arfau niwclear nac unrhyw weithgynhyrchwyr arfau gwaharddedig eraill? Diolch.
Diolch ichi am y cwestiwn atodol yna. O ran gwybodaeth, mae gan y bwrdd pensiynau ddatganiad ar strategaeth fuddsoddi, ac mae'r datganiad yma yn ystyried ffactorau amgylcheddol, cymdeithasol a llywodraethiant corfforaethol. Oherwydd natur y berthynas led annibynnol sydd rhwng y Comisiwn a'r bwrdd pensiynau, byddwn i'n awgrymu eich bod chi'n codi'r materion penodol yma sydd gyda chi o ran buddsoddiadau'r cynllun gyda chadeirydd y bwrdd pensiynau. Dyna'r lle i fynd i gael y wybodaeth rydych chi'n chwilio amdani. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r bwrdd pensiynau yn cyhoeddi adroddiad a chylchlythyr i Aelodau ar eu gwaith nhw, ac mae hynny hefyd yn ffynhonnell o wybodaeth ar eu buddsoddiadau nhw a'u cyrhaeddiad nhw tuag at eu hamcanion nhw, ac maen nhw'r rhannu hynny gyda'r Aelodau, yr un diwethaf, dwi'n meddwl, ym mis Awst.
Thank you very much for that supplementary question. As a point of information, the pensions board has a statement on its investment strategy, and this takes into account environmental, social and corporate governance principles. And, because of the nature of the quasi-independent relationship between the Commission and the pensions board, I would suggest that you raise these specific issues that you have in terms of investments with the chair of the pensions board. That is the place to go to get the information you're seeking. And, of course, the pensions board publishes a report and newsletter for Members on their work, and that's also a source of information on their investments and delivery against their objectives, and they do share that with Members, and I think the last was published in August.
Can I thank Sioned Williams for the question and Elin Jones as Presiding Officer for her answer, part of which was going to be my question: do you agree with the following? What I will say, though, are two things: will the Commission, if they have any requests for informal discussions, refer them to either Nick Ramsay or me, who are the representatives of Members in here, so that we can have the informal discussion before the Member can have the more formal discussion with the board as a whole? I'm very happy to talk to any Members across the Chamber on this, and I'm sure Nick Ramsay would be as well. We're there to represent the views of Members and, as such, if Members have an issue, discuss it with us and then you or I, or Nick Ramsay, can raise it formally.
A gaf fi ddiolch i Sioned Williams am y cwestiwn ac Elin Jones fel Llywydd am ei hateb, ac roedd fy nghwestiwn yn mynd i fod yn rhan o hynny: a ydych yn cytuno â'r canlynol? Serch hynny, rwyf am ddweud dau beth: a wnaiff y Comisiwn, os oes ganddynt unrhyw geisiadau am drafodaethau anffurfiol, eu cyfeirio naill ai at Nick Ramsay neu fi, sef cynrychiolwyr yr Aelodau yma, fel y gallwn gael y drafodaeth anffurfiol cyn y gall yr Aelod gael y drafodaeth fwy ffurfiol gyda'r bwrdd yn ei gyfanrwydd? Rwy'n hapus iawn i siarad ag unrhyw Aelodau ar draws y Siambr ynglŷn â hyn, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddai Nick Ramsay hefyd. Rydym yno i gynrychioli barn Aelodau ac fel y cyfryw, os oes gan Aelodau broblem, trafodwch hi gyda ni ac yna gallwch chi neu fi, neu Nick Ramsay, ei chodi'n ffurfiol.
I almost feel as if I don't need to respond to that, because Mike Hedges has done his own publicity for himself and Nick Ramsay, who are the direct representatives of us as elected Members here on the pensions board. So, I thank Mike for making himself available for discussion informally with Members on the nature of the investments, but also, as I said, in addition to that informal raising of these issues with our representatives, any issue can be raised formally directly with the board in writing to the chair and the members.
Rwy'n teimlo bron fel pe na bai angen imi ymateb i hynny, oherwydd mae Mike Hedges wedi gwneud ei gyhoeddusrwydd ei hun iddo ef ei hun a Nick Ramsay, sef ein cynrychiolwyr uniongyrchol fel Aelodau etholedig yma ar y bwrdd pensiynau. Felly, diolch i Mike am sicrhau ei fod ar gael i drafod natur y buddsoddiadau yn anffurfiol gydag Aelodau, ond hefyd, fel y dywedais, yn ogystal â chodi'r materion hyn yn anffurfiol gyda'n cynrychiolwyr, gellir codi unrhyw fater yn ffurfiol yn uniongyrchol gyda'r bwrdd yn ysgrifenedig i'r cadeirydd a'r aelodau.
3. Pa waith y mae'r Comisiwn yn ei wneud i ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc 16 ac 17 oed am waith y Senedd, o ystyried eu bod wedi cael yr hawl i bleidleisio yn ddiweddar? OQ57068
3. What work is the Commission undertaking to engage with 16 and 17-year-olds about the work of the Senedd, given their recent enfranchisement? OQ57068
Diolch am y cwestiwn. Mae ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i ni yn y chweched Senedd. Yn dilyn ein hymdrechion i annog pobl ifanc 16 ac 17 oed i bleidleisio yn etholiadau'r Senedd ym mis Mai, mae swyddogion yn parhau i weithio gydag amryw grwpiau, academaidd a dinesig, i asesu effeithlonrwydd yr ymgyrch yn well. Ac mi fydd yna adroddiad o'r asesiad hwnnw ar gael i ni cyn bo hir.
Byddwn yn cynnal ein hail set o etholiadau i Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru ym mis Tachwedd 2021, lle bydd 285 o bobl ifanc yn sefyll yn yr etholiadau hynny. A gaf i annog pawb o Aelodau y Senedd yma i edrych pa bobl ifanc sydd wedi rhoi eu henwau ymlaen yn eu hetholaethau nhw, ac i annog pobl ifanc yn yr etholaethau a rhanbarthau hynny i gymryd rhan yn yr etholiad, a fydd yn cychwyn ar 1 Tachwedd ac yn rhedeg tan 22 Tachwedd?
Thank you for the question. Engaging with young people continues to be a priority for us in the sixth Senedd. Following on from our efforts to encourage young people aged 16 and 17 years of age to vote in the Senedd election in May, officials are continuing to engage with various academic and civic groups to better assess the effectiveness of the campaign. There will be a report from that assessment available to us very soon.
We will be holding our second set of Welsh Youth Parliament elections in November 2021, where 285 young people will be standing for election. And may I encourage every Member of the Senedd to look at which young people have submitted their names in their constituencies and regions, and to encourage young people in those constituencies and regions to take part in the election, which will begin on 1 November and will run until 22 November?
Diolch, Llywydd. The connection here is absolutely clear, because I wanted to ask about the Welsh Youth Parliament, which, as we know, was formed in 2018 and I'm sure we've all loved watching its development as a platform for young people to have their voices heard. And, yes, I would like to add to your encouragement to ensure that Members of the Senedd do try to encourage young people to engage in the elections for the youth parliament. I'm also aware of the efforts of the Senedd Commission in attempting to increase public engagement with young people in particular. In that spirit, would you be able to provide an update, please, on the work of the communications and engagement directorate in their engagement with young people in particular? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch, Lywydd. Mae'r cysylltiad yma yn gwbl glir, oherwydd roeddwn am holi ynglŷn â Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, a ffurfiwyd, fel y gwyddom, yn 2018 ac rwy'n siŵr ein bod i gyd wedi bod wrth ein bodd yn gwylio ei datblygiad fel llwyfan i bobl ifanc gael eu lleisiau wedi'u clywed. A hoffwn ategu eich anogaeth i sicrhau bod yr Aelodau o'r Senedd yn ceisio annog pobl ifanc i gymryd rhan yn yr etholiadau ar gyfer y senedd ieuenctid. Rwyf hefyd yn ymwybodol o ymdrechion Comisiwn y Senedd i geisio cynyddu ymgysylltiad y cyhoedd â phobl ifanc yn benodol. Yn yr ysbryd hwnnw, a fyddech yn gallu rhoi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf, os gwelwch yn dda, am waith y gyfarwyddiaeth gyfathrebu ac ymgysylltu mewn perthynas â'u hymgysylltiad â phobl ifanc yn benodol? Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Wrth gwrs, mae natur y gwaith yna o ymgysylltu â phobl ifanc wedi newid yn sylweddol yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf, gyda llai o bwyslais, wrth gwrs, ar ymweliadau a thrafodaethau uniongyrchol ac ymweliadau gyda'r Senedd yma, a mwy o bwyslais—yn wir, bron yn unig—ar gysylltiadau rhithiol. Ac wrth gwrs, mae hynny wedi caniatáu i hyd yn oed mwy o bobl ifanc i fedru cael y profiad yna o ddysgu ynglŷn â'n gwaith ni fel Senedd trwy wneud hynny yn rhithiol heb orfod teithio i Gaerdydd i ymweld â'r Senedd yn uniongyrchol. Ond fel y dywedais mewn ymateb i Carolyn Thomas, mae yna werth, wrth gwrs, unwaith y byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa i wneud, i gynnig y ddwy ffordd o gysylltu gyda'n pobl ifanc ni; gwneud hynny'n rhithiol, ar gyfer fwyfwy o bobl ifanc, ond hefyd cynnig yr adnoddau sydd gyda ni wrth ymweld â'r Senedd genedlaethol fan hyn. Mae eisiau'r ddwy agwedd ar gysylltu gyda phobl ifanc.
Of course, the nature of that work of engaging with young people has changed significantly during the past 18 months, with less emphasis, of course, on visits and direct discussions and visits to the Senedd, and a greater emphasis—almost solely, in fact—on virtual contact. And of course, that has enabled even more young people to have that experience of learning about our work as a Senedd through that virtual engagement without having to travel down to Cardiff to visit the Senedd directly. But as I said in response to Carolyn Thomas, there is value, of course, once we are in a position to do so, in offering both methods of engaging with our young people; doing that virtually for an increasing number of young people, but also offering the resources that we have in a visit to the national Senedd here. Both aspects of engagement with young people are needed.
Mae'n galonogol iawn gweld cymaint o bobl ifanc eisiau cymryd rhan yn Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru, ac mae'n amlwg bod diddordeb mawr gyda nhw mewn nifer o faterion fel yr argyfwng hinsawdd a materion cyfiawnder cymdeithasol. Braidd yn siomedig oedd y nifer wnaeth gofrestru i bleidleisio rhwng 16 a 17 oed, ac anghyson iawn oedd y niferoedd. Er enghraifft, roedd Caerdydd o dan y 35 y cant tra—dwi'n siŵr y byddwch chi'n falch i glywed hyn, Llywydd—roedd Ceredigion ymhlith yr uchaf yn 63 y cant. Ond pa waith mae'r Comisiwn yn ei wneud, efallai, i dargedu'r awdurdodau lleol yna ble doedd dim cofrestru uchel iawn ymysg pobl ifanc er mwyn sicrhau bod y bobl ifanc yma yn teimlo'n rhan o ddemocratiaeth Cymru ac yn cofrestru ar gyfer yr etholiadau lleol ac etholiadau Senedd nesaf?
It's very encouraging to see so many people who want to participate in the Welsh Youth Parliament, and it's clear that they have a great interest in a number of issues such as the climate emergency and issues around social justice. It was a little disappointing in terms of the number that registered to vote at 16 and 17 years old, and also the numbers were very inconsistent. For example, Cardiff was below 35 per cent whilst—I'm sure you'll be very pleased to hear this, Llywydd—Ceredigion was among the highest with 63 per cent. But what work is the Commission doing to target those local authorities where voter registration was low among young people to ensure that these young people do feel part of Welsh democracy and do register for local and Senedd elections in the future?
Mae'n wir bod y lefelau yna o gofrestru ar gyfer pleidleisio yn arwain lan at etholiadau mis Mai yn amrywiol, ac mae angen dysgu gwersi o pam fod hynny, a sut y gallwn ni wneud yn well ar gyfer hyrwyddo cofrestru a phleidleisio ar gyfer etholiadau 2026. Fel y dywedais i mewn ateb ynghynt, mae yna waith nawr gydag ambell i sefydliad academaidd a chyhoeddus yn digwydd i asesu llwyddiant ac ymwneud pobl ifanc gyda'r etholiad yna eleni. Ac felly fe fydd yna wersi i ni yn dod allan o'r asesiad yna, mae'n siŵr, ar gyfer blynyddoedd y dyfodol, yn enwedig ar y pwynt ŷch chi'n ei wneud ynglŷn ag amrywiaeth y lefel yna o gofrestru. Fe fydd yna adroddiad ar yr asesiad yna yn dod i ni ac yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn yr wythnosau nesaf yma, ac felly fe fyddwn ni'n gallu gweld beth yw'r dadansoddi ar y meysydd yma yn yr adroddiad hynny. Cawn ni drafod ymhellach, wedyn, sut mae gwella ar yr hyn wynebon ni nôl ym mis Mai eleni, gan gofio, wrth gwrs, fod yr etholiad yma a'n hymwneud ni â phobl ifanc wedi cael eu llesteirio rhyw gymaint gyda'r pandemig a'r anallu i drafod yn uniongyrchol â phobl ifanc yn yr ysgolion a'r colegau.
It is true to say that those levels of registration to vote leading up to the elections in May were diverse, and we need to learn lessons in terms of why that did happen, and how we can improve the promotion of registration for the elections in 2026. As I said in response to an earlier question, there is work to be done by various academic institutions and public organisations, and that work is being done to assess the success and engagement of young people with that election this year. And there will be lessons, then, for us emanating from that assessment, I'm sure, for coming years, particularly on the point that you make about the variation in that level of registration. Then there will be a report on that assessment that will be published in the coming weeks, and so we will be able to see what the analysis is of these areas in that report. We can discuss further, then, how we can improve the situation that we faced in May of this year, remembering, of course, that that election and our engagement with young people had been affected so much by the pandemic and the inability to discuss face to face with young people in their schools and colleges.
Cwestiwn 4, i'w ateb gan Joyce Williams. Jack Sargeant.
Question 4 is to be answered by Joyce Watson. Jack Sargeant.
4. A wnaiff y Comisiwn ddatganiad am y cymorth iechyd meddwl sydd ar gael i gyflogeion y Senedd? OQ57045
4. Will the Commission make a statement on the mental health support that is available to Senedd employees? OQ57045

Thank you, Jack, for your question. The Senedd Commission takes the well-being of Senedd Commission staff very seriously. It's been an area of particular focus throughout the pandemic when we've monitored mental well-being through frequent surveys and maintained regular contact with staff. There is an onsite occupational health professional who can provide a confidential source of support and referral to other services, and there's an employee assistance service providing advice and guidance to support mental well-being, including counselling if appropriate. That service is also available for Members and their staff. The Commission has established a mental well-being network that includes trained mental health first-aiders.
Diolch am eich cwestiwn, Jack. Mae Comisiwn y Senedd o ddifrif ynglŷn â lles staff Comisiwn y Senedd. Mae wedi bod yn faes ffocws penodol drwy gydol y pandemig wrth inni fonitro lles meddyliol drwy arolygon mynych a chadw cysylltiad rheolaidd â staff. Ceir gweithiwr iechyd galwedigaethol proffesiynol ar y safle sy'n gallu darparu ffynhonnell gyfrinachol o gymorth ac atgyfeirio at wasanaethau eraill, ac mae gwasanaeth cymorth i gyflogeion yn darparu cyngor ac arweiniad i gefnogi lles meddyliol, gan gynnwys cwnsela os yw'n briodol. Mae'r gwasanaeth hwnnw hefyd ar gael i'r Aelodau a'u staff. Mae'r Comisiwn wedi sefydlu rhwydwaith lles meddyliol sy'n cynnwys cynorthwywyr cymorth cyntaf iechyd meddwl hyfforddedig.
Thank you very much for that answer, Commissioner. It was just last Wednesday when I raised, through a number of media outlets, the issue of social media abuse, and it feels like aggression and violence are increasingly part of politics. This isn't right. It's certainly not the style of kinder politics that I wish to see, and many others in this Chamber wish to see. It was last Friday when we saw the horrific attack—and our thoughts are with the family and friends and colleagues of Sir David Amess, of course—and then it was just yesterday when we saw Michael Gove abused by an aggressive mob in the street. I send my warmest regards to him, and I do wish him well. But it's not just politicians who receive this abuse or aggression. Our staff are often the ones to read it and receive it, and this clearly has a toll on their mental health and well-being. So, can I ask you, Commissioner, what further support could be put in place to help our staff, to keep them safe, and to help them recover afterwards?
Diolch yn fawr am yr ateb hwnnw, Gomisiynydd. Ddydd Mercher diwethaf, bûm yn sôn, drwy nifer o gyfryngau, am fater cam-drin ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac mae'n teimlo fel pe bai ymddygiad ymosodol a thrais yn rhan gynyddol o wleidyddiaeth. Nid yw hyn yn iawn. Yn sicr, nid dyma'r math mwy caredig o wleidyddiaeth yr hoffwn i ei weld ac y mae llawer o rai eraill yn y Siambr hon yn dymuno ei weld. Ddydd Gwener diwethaf gwelsom yr ymosodiad erchyll—ac mae ein meddyliau gyda theulu a ffrindiau a chydweithwyr Syr David Amess, wrth gwrs—ac yna ddoe, gwelsom Michael Gove yn cael ei gam-drin gan giwed ymosodol ar y stryd. Rwy'n anfon fy nymuniadau gorau ato. Ond nid gwleidyddion yn unig sy'n cael eu cam-drin yn y ffordd hon neu sy'n dioddef ymddygiad ymosodol. Ein staff yn aml yw'r rhai sy'n ei ddarllen a'i dderbyn, ac mae'n amlwg fod hyn yn effeithio ar eu hiechyd meddwl a'u lles. Felly, a gaf fi ofyn i chi, Gomisiynydd, pa gymorth pellach y gellid ei roi ar waith i helpu ein staff, i'w cadw'n ddiogel, ac i'w helpu i ymadfer wedyn?
Thank you for that question. You're absolutely right; from day one of coming here you've called for a kinder politics, and you're right to do that.
In terms of the Commission, we do have a very long-term focus on mental well-being and reducing the perceived stigma. Employees are encouraged to bring their whole selves to work, and I think that is hugely important. Apart from all the other things that are done here, there's a regular pulse survey to monitor well-being rather than just attendance, which allows real-time responses by the executive board. Because very often, illness is monitored by people either being in a room or on a monitor or not, but that won't tell you anything about what's happening to the individual.
I think, in terms of going forward, there is a clear need, in my opinion—and I'm sure it'll be shared by others—to monitor what is being said online, and that if people are actually being directly approached or affected, for them to know that there is an avenue here in the Senedd for them to talk about that. I think overall we have to take responsibility ourselves in the way that we communicate—there's no question about that, either. But you're right—our staff usually are the first people to see the hatred and the vitriol, and that is not part of their role. So, moving forward, I'd be very happy to work with you, Jack, to take this to where it needs to be, and that's to resolve or at least limit some of this hatred. Thank you.
Diolch ichi am y cwestiwn hwnnw. Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle; o'r diwrnod cyntaf ichi fod yma rydych wedi galw am wleidyddiaeth fwy caredig, ac rydych chi'n iawn i wneud hynny.
O safbwynt y Comisiwn, mae gennym ffocws hirdymor iawn ar les meddyliol a lleihau'r stigma canfyddedig. Anogir gweithwyr i ddod â'u hunain i gyd i'r gwaith, a chredaf fod hynny'n hynod bwysig. Ar wahân i'r holl bethau eraill a wneir yma, ceir arolwg pwls rheolaidd i fonitro llesiant, yn hytrach na phresenoldeb yn unig, gan ganiatáu ymatebion amser real gan y bwrdd gweithredol. Oherwydd yn aml iawn, caiff salwch ei fonitro drwy fod pobl mewn ystafell neu ar fonitor neu beidio, ond ni fydd hynny'n dweud dim wrthych ynglŷn â'r hyn sy'n digwydd i'r unigolyn.
Wrth symud ymlaen, credaf fod angen amlwg yn fy marn i—ac rwy'n siŵr fod eraill yn rhannu'r farn honno—i fonitro'r hyn sy'n cael ei ddweud ar-lein, ac os cysylltir yn uniongyrchol â phobl, neu os effeithir arnynt yn uniongyrchol, dylent wybod bod llwybr yma yn y Senedd iddynt allu siarad am hynny. At ei gilydd credaf fod yn rhaid inni fod yn gyfrifol ein hunain am y ffordd y cyfathrebwn—nid oes amheuaeth ynglŷn â hynny chwaith. Ond rydych chi'n iawn—ein staff fel arfer yw'r bobl gyntaf i weld y casineb a'r chwerwder, ac nid yw hynny'n rhan o'u swyddogaeth. Felly, wrth symud ymlaen, byddwn yn hapus iawn i weithio gyda chi, Jack, i fynd â hyn i ble y mae angen iddo fod, sef datrys neu o leiaf gyfyngu ar rywfaint o'r casineb hwn. Diolch.
Fel rydyn ni wedi clywed, ers i Jack osod y cwestiwn hwn, mae wedi dod yn ofnadwy o amserol gyda beth ddigwyddodd ddydd Gwener diwethaf i Syr David Amess. Mae cymaint o gymorth wedi cael ei gynnig i ni fel Aelodau ers wythnos diwethaf i drafod diogelwch, ond mae ein haelodau staff ni—aelodau staff y Comisiwn, ond hefyd ein haelodau staff ni fel Aelodau—hefyd yn gorfod wynebu straen ac ofn, ynghyd â gorfod delio, fel mae Jack wedi bod yn sôn amdano, â thrais ar-lein, trolio a bwlio. Ond hefyd, o ran ein swyddfeydd, pa gymorth ychwanegol allwch chi ei roi, plis, i'n haelodau staff i ymdopi? Rwyf wedi clywed beth oeddech chi'n ei ddweud, Gomisiynydd, wrth Jack ynglŷn â'r stwff ar-lein, ond o ran diogelwch yn ein swyddfeydd, os gwelwch yn dda.
As we've heard, since Jack tabled this question it has become even more pertinent considering the events of last Friday. So much support has been given to us as Members since last week in order to discuss safety, but members of staff—Commission staff, as well as Members' staff, too—also have to cope with this stress and fear, and have to deal with, as Jack has said, online threats of violence, trolling and bullying. But also, in terms of our offices, what additional support can be given, please, to our members of staff to help them cope? I heard what you said, Commissioner, to Jack in terms of online safety, but safety in our offices as well, please.
You're absolutely right—there is significant support since last Friday; it's been fast-tracked, and is available to all Members and their staff here in the Senedd. They've made themselves readily available both in person and online. I think it's important that people take things seriously. Because I all too often hear people say, 'Well, I had this or that, but I didn't take it seriously'. Threats have to be taken seriously, and then they can be dealt with accordingly. So, that's the first message I'd like to send to Members and staff. But there is a dedicated health and well-being portal available, which is online, and there are self-help tips and adjustments that you can make. But I think perhaps what we really need here is some training on how to avoid the pitfalls and how to recognise, I think, for ourselves and our staff, what we can do—besides the 'delete' button, that is—to keep ourselves safe. I thank you for your question.
Rydych chi'n llygad eich lle—mae cefnogaeth sylweddol ers dydd Gwener diwethaf; mae wedi'i gyflymu, ac mae ar gael i'r holl Aelodau a'u staff yma yn y Senedd. Maent wedi sicrhau eu bod ar gael yn rhwydd yn y cnawd ac ar-lein. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig fod pobl o ddifrif ynglŷn â phethau. Oherwydd yn rhy aml o lawer clywaf bobl yn dweud, 'Wel, cefais hyn neu'r llall, ond ni wnes ei gymryd o ddifrif'. Rhaid bod o ddifrif ynghylch bygythiadau, a gellir ymdrin â hwy'n unol â hynny. Felly, dyna'r neges gyntaf yr hoffwn ei hanfon at yr Aelodau a'r staff. Ond mae porth iechyd a llesiant pwrpasol ar gael ar-lein a cheir awgrymiadau ac addasiadau hunangymorth y gallwch eu gwneud. Ond rwy'n credu efallai mai'r hyn sydd ei angen arnom yn fawr yma yw hyfforddiant ar sut i osgoi'r peryglon a sut i gydnabod drosom ein hunain a'n staff, yr hyn y gallwn ei wneud—ar wahân i wasgu'r botwm 'dileu', hynny yw—i gadw ein hunain yn ddiogel. Diolch ichi am eich cwestiwn.
Diolch, Joyce, and I apologise for giving you the wrong surname earlier on. The translator was right.
Diolch, Joyce, ac rwy'n ymddiheuro am roi'r cyfenw anghywir i chi yn gynharach. Roedd y cyfieithydd yn gywir.
Eitem 5, cwestiynau amserol. Yn gyntaf, Samuel Kurtz.
Item 5, topical questions. First, Samuel Kurtz.
1. Pa effaith y bydd adolygiad o ffyrdd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei chael ar welliannau sydd eisoes ar y gweill ar yr A40: ffordd osgoi Llanddewi Felffre i Redstone Cross? TQ572
1. What impact will the Welsh Government’s roads review have on improvements already in progress on the A40: Llanddewi Velfrey to Redstone Cross bypass? TQ572

As I confirmed to Joyce Watson in the climate change committee this morning, the A40 Llanddewi Velfrey to Redstone Cross project will not be reviewed by the roads review panel, and will proceed as programmed.
Fel y gwneuthum gadarnhau i Joyce Watson yn y pwyllgor newid hinsawdd y bore yma, ni fydd prosiect yr A40 Llanddewi Felffre i Redstone Cross yn cael ei adolygu gan y panel adolygu ffyrdd, a bydd yn mynd rhagddo yn ôl y rhaglen.
Thank you, Deputy Minister. That's really reassuring to hear after what you will understand has been a concerning weekend in west Wales due to a press report release that said to the contrary. Your office said, 'We understand the interest in this project. It is right for the scope of this review to be as broad as possible. Beyond that, we cannot predetermine the views of the panel', clearly indicating that the A40 project at Redstone Cross/Llanddewi Velfrey was part of the review. And on the floor of this Chamber to myself and to my colleagues, you gave assurances four times, and again today, which I'm very grateful for. The people in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire and Llanddewi Velfrey will be very grateful for this, as will the former Her Majesty's coroner, Mark Layton, who also called for this following a series of nasty fatal accidents on this dangerous stretch of road.
I am very thankful that this happened, and the reason that I bring it forward today is that this is about more than this project alone; this is about taking the assurances that Government Ministers give us as backbenchers and opposition Members—that we are able to take them at face value, that we are able to believe the assurances that we get to written questions and to oral questions here in the Chamber. As I said, Deputy Minister, I heard your response to my colleague Natasha Asghar earlier regarding the Conservatives and roads. This is about more than this road, Deputy Minister; this is about making sure that the information we receive as Members is correct, and that there is unnecessary conflict avoided when press reports are out saying that the contrary is true. So, I do welcome your commitment to this project. I know everybody in Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire will welcome it, businesses will welcome it, as will the community of Llanddewi Velfrey, who've been calling for this project for a number of years. Diolch.
Diolch ichi, Ddirprwy Weinidog. Mae hynny'n galonogol iawn i'w glywed ar ôl penwythnos pryderus yng ngorllewin Cymru, fel y byddwch yn deall, yn sgil datganiad i'r wasg a ddywedodd i'r gwrthwyneb. Dywedodd eich swyddfa, 'Rydym yn deall y diddordeb yn y prosiect hwn. Mae'n iawn fod cwmpas yr adolygiad mor eang â phosibl. Y tu hwnt i hynny, ni allwn bennu ymlaen llaw beth fydd barn y panel', gan ddynodi'n glir fod prosiect yr A40 yn Redstone Cross/Llanddewi Felffre yn rhan o'r adolygiad. Ac ar lawr y Siambr, rhoesoch sicrwydd bedair gwaith i mi a fy nghyd-Aelodau, ac eto heddiw, ac rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn am y sicrwydd hwnnw. Bydd y bobl yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro a Llanddewi Felffre yn ddiolchgar iawn amdano, yn ogystal â chyn grwner Ei Mawrhydi, Mark Layton, a alwodd am hyn hefyd yn dilyn nifer o ddamweiniau angheuol cas ar y darn peryglus hwn o'r ffordd.
Rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn fod hyn wedi digwydd, a'r rheswm rwy'n ei gyflwyno heddiw yw bod hyn yn ymwneud â mwy na'r prosiect hwn ar ei ben ei hun; mae'n ymwneud â chymryd y sicrwydd y mae Gweinidogion y Llywodraeth yn ei roi i ni fel aelodau o'r meinciau cefn a'r gwrthbleidiau—ein bod yn gallu ei dderbyn ar ei olwg, ein bod yn gallu credu'r sicrwydd a gawn i gwestiynau ysgrifenedig ac i gwestiynau llafar yma yn y Siambr. Fel y dywedais, Ddirprwy Weinidog, clywais eich ymateb i fy nghyd-Aelod, Natasha Asghar, yn gynharach ynghylch y Ceidwadwyr a ffyrdd. Mae hyn yn ymwneud â mwy na'r ffordd hon, Ddirprwy Weinidog; mae'n ymwneud â sicrhau bod y wybodaeth a gawn fel Aelodau yn gywir, ac osgoi gwrthdaro diangen pan fydd adroddiadau yn y wasg yn dweud mai'r gwrthwyneb sy'n wir. Felly, rwy'n croesawu eich ymrwymiad i'r prosiect hwn. Gwn y bydd pawb yng Ngorllewin Caerfyrddin a De Sir Benfro yn ei groesawu, bydd busnesau'n ei groesawu, yn ogystal â chymuned Llanddewi Felffre, sydd wedi bod yn galw am y prosiect hwn ers nifer o flynyddoedd. Diolch.
I'm very happy to clarify that when we announced the roads review, we made a distinction between roads that were within scope and those that were outside of scope. Those that were outside of scope were ones where contracts had been let. The phrase I used was that there were 'diggers in the ground'. Now, I think Mr Kurtz has interpreted 'diggers in the ground' rather literally and made a series of suggestions that there were not diggers in the ground—that work was not taking place. Both he and the local MP made a series of comments in newspapers and in the Senedd that suggested that perhaps we had wrongly categorised this scheme, and perhaps it ought to be within the roads review because work was not advanced. I took that very seriously, as I think I ought to—as to the point the Member had made to us.
The roads review panel, when it was set up by Dr Lynn Sloman, was working to terms of reference that said that projects would not be part of the review if the works were too advanced to cease. Given what Mr Kurtz said, we had a discussion with the panel on whether or not this was the case. The panel asked whether or not they would be able to look at the scheme as part of their review, and I have met with officials to understand the state of the scheme. And having looked at it, I'm satisfied that the road is, in fact, too advanced to cease. The cost of the road is around £80 million for a few sections; about £20 million of that has been committed and is not recoverable. Furthermore, if we were to delay the scheme any further, there's a real danger that the European funding would be lost entirely to Wales.
So, given that, my original statement stands. I think it was absolutely sincere when it was said, and, as I say, it was only after repeated questioning by Sam Kurtz that perhaps we'd got this wrong that we looked again at it. But having looked again at it, I'm satisfied that the original judgment is correct and that the road should go ahead.
Rwy'n hapus iawn i egluro, pan gyhoeddwyd yr adolygiad ffyrdd, ein bod wedi gwahaniaethu rhwng ffyrdd a oedd o fewn y cwmpas a'r rhai a oedd y tu allan i'r cwmpas. Roedd y rhai a oedd y tu allan i'r cwmpas yn rhai lle roedd contractau wedi'u gosod. Yr ymadrodd a ddefnyddiais oedd bod 'cloddwyr yn y ddaear'. Nawr, credaf fod Mr Kurtz wedi dehongli 'cloddio yn y ddaear' braidd yn llythrennol ac wedi gwneud cyfres o awgrymiadau nad oedd cloddwyr yn y ddaear—nad oedd y gwaith yn digwydd. Gwnaeth ef a'r AS lleol gyfres o sylwadau mewn papurau newydd ac yn y Senedd a awgrymai efallai ein bod wedi categoreiddio'r cynllun hwn yn anghywir, ac efallai y dylai fod o fewn yr adolygiad ffyrdd am nad oedd gwaith wedi dechrau. Roeddwn o ddifrif ynglŷn â hynny, fel y credaf y dylwn fod—ynglŷn â'r pwynt yr oedd yr Aelod wedi'i wneud i ni.
Roedd y panel adolygu ffyrdd, pan gafodd ei sefydlu gan Dr Lynn Sloman, yn gweithio yn ôl cylch gorchwyl a ddywedai na fyddai prosiectau'n rhan o'r adolygiad os oedd y gwaith yn rhy ddatblygedig i'w ddirwyn i ben. O ystyried yr hyn a ddywedodd Mr Kurtz, cawsom drafodaeth gyda'r panel ynglŷn ag a oedd hyn yn wir ai peidio. Gofynnodd y panel a fyddent yn gallu edrych ar y cynllun fel rhan o'u hadolygiad ai peidio, a chyfarfûm â swyddogion i ddeall cyflwr y cynllun. Ac ar ôl edrych arno, rwy'n fodlon fod y ffordd, mewn gwirionedd, wedi datblygu gormod i ddirwyn y gwaith i ben. Mae cost y ffordd oddeutu £80 miliwn am ychydig o ddarnau; mae oddeutu £20 miliwn o'r arian hwnnw wedi'i ymrwymo ac ni ellir ei adfer. At hynny, pe baem yn gohirio'r cynllun ymhellach, mae perygl gwirioneddol y byddai Cymru'n colli'r arian Ewropeaidd yn gyfan gwbl.
Felly, o gofio hynny, mae fy natganiad gwreiddiol yn sefyll. Credaf ei fod yn gwbl ddiffuant pan gafodd ei ddweud, ac fel y dywedais, dim ond ar ôl i Sam Kurtz holi dro ar ôl tro a allem fod wedi cael hyn yn anghywir y gwnaethom edrych arno eto. Ond ar ôl edrych arno eto, rwy'n fodlon fod y dyfarniad gwreiddiol yn gywir ac y dylai'r ffordd fynd yn ei blaen.
It was pleasing this morning, when I asked you the question in the Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, to have an answer that you’d already given actually before, so it seems. I travel this road—up and down—at least twice a week and I could clearly see that that work was ongoing. I’m not sure that I’d seen a digger exactly, but I could certainly see work. I was certainly there in traffic lights as well, which were holding traffic, quite rightly.
But I think what we’re seeing here is an £80 million investment in improving a road, carrying out a promise that we had made. And I do take some issue with the fact that what we are—you are, as Ministers—saying to people must be believable. Well, as far as I can see, it always was believable, because your answers were quite clear to those who wanted to listen. So, my final word on this is it seems to me that this is really much ado about nothing.
Pan ofynnais y cwestiwn i chi yn y Pwyllgor Newid Hinsawdd, yr Amgylchedd a Seilwaith y bore yma, roedd hi'n braf cael ateb yr oeddech eisoes wedi'i roi o'r blaen, yn ôl pob golwg. Rwy'n teithio ar y ffordd hon—i fyny ac i lawr—o leiaf ddwywaith yr wythnos a gallwn weld yn glir fod y gwaith hwnnw'n mynd rhagddo. Nid wyf yn siŵr a welais beiriant cloddio, ond yn sicr, gallwn weld gwaith. Roeddwn yn sicr yno mewn goleuadau traffig hefyd, a oedd yn dal traffig yn ôl, yn gwbl briodol.
Ond credaf mai'r hyn a welwn yma yw buddsoddiad o £80 miliwn mewn gwella ffordd, gan gyflawni addewid a wnaed gennym. Ac rwy'n anghytuno â'r ffaith bod yn rhaid i'r hyn rydym ni—rydych chi, fel Gweinidogion—yn ei ddweud wrth bobl fod yn gredadwy. Wel, hyd y gwelaf, roedd bob amser yn gredadwy, gan fod eich atebion yn eithaf clir i unrhyw un a oedd yn dymuno gwrando. Felly, fy ngair olaf ar hyn yw ei bod yn ymddangos i mi fod hyn yn llawer o ffwdan ynghylch dim.
Deputy Minister, do you want to add anything?
Ddirprwy Weinidog, a hoffech ychwanegu unrhyw beth?
I don't think there's anything to add. I thank Joyce Watson for her comments and I agree with her summary.
Ni chredaf fod unrhyw beth i'w ychwanegu. Diolch i Joyce Watson am ei sylwadau ac rwy'n cytuno â'i chrynodeb.
Diolch, Dirprwy Weinidog. Y cwestiwn amserol nesaf, Peredur Owen Griffiths.
Thank you, Deputy Minister. The next topical question is from Peredur Owen Griffiths.
2. Sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn mynd i'r afael â phryderon a morâl staff o fewn Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan yn dilyn cyhoeddi adroddiad beirniadol gan Goleg Brenhinol y Meddygon? TQ573
2. How is the Government addressing staff concerns and morale within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board following the publication of a critical Royal College of Physicians report? TQ573

I'm aware of this report and I spoke to the Royal College of Physicians about it when I met them in August. The health board is taking these findings very seriously and has drawn up an action plan to address the recommendations and I very much expect to be kept informed about progress on those actions.
Rwy'n ymwybodol o'r adroddiad hwn a siaradais â Choleg Brenhinol y Meddygon amdano pan gyfarfûm â hwy ym mis Awst. Mae'r bwrdd iechyd o ddifrif ynghylch y canfyddiadau hyn ac wedi llunio cynllun gweithredu i fynd i'r afael â'r argymhellion ac rwy'n disgwyl cael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y cynnydd ar y camau hynny.
Diolch, Gweinidog. Coverage of the Royal College of Physicians's report on the experiences of staff within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board made for some disturbing reading. It is unacceptable that trainee doctors and consultants are, and I quote, 'scared to come to work'. Andrew Goddard, the RCP president went as far as saying,
'During our virtual visit some trainees told us that they were scared to come to work, in case they lose their GMC number. In my eight years at the Royal College of Physicians I've visited hundreds of different hospitals—and I had never heard that before.'
The reason why staff are so frightened of losing their General Medical Council number is down to serious concerns about patient safety under the new hospital model, which sees workforce and patients moving between multiple sites that are under-resourced. Many of my constituents will be worried about this news, so I want to hear from you today what steps you have taken to improve patient safety within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. Can you provide the assurances that people in my region need? Furthermore, how are you addressing the legitimate concerns of hard-working staff who deserve better and should not be fearful of coming to work?
Diolch, Weinidog. Roedd adroddiad Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon ar brofiadau staff ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan yn annifyr iawn i'w ddarllen. Mae'n annerbyniol fod meddygon ymgynghorol a meddygon dan hyfforddiant, a dyfynnaf, 'yn ofni dod i'r gwaith'. Aeth Andrew Goddard, llywydd Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon mor bell â dweud,
'Yn ystod ein hymweliad rhithwir dywedodd rhai gweithwyr dan hyfforddiant wrthym eu bod yn ofni dod i'r gwaith, rhag ofn iddynt golli eu rhif Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol. Yn fy wyth mlynedd yng Ngholeg Brenhinol y Meddygon, rwyf wedi ymweld â channoedd o wahanol ysbytai—ac nid oeddwn erioed wedi clywed hynny o'r blaen.'
Y rheswm pam fod staff yn ofni y byddent yn colli eu rhif Cyngor Meddygol Cyffredinol yw'r pryderon difrifol ynghylch diogelwch cleifion o dan y model ysbytai newydd, lle mae'r gweithlu a chleifion yn symud rhwng sawl safle heb ddigon o adnoddau. Bydd llawer o fy etholwyr yn poeni am y newyddion, felly hoffwn glywed gennych heddiw pa gamau a gymerwyd gennych i wella diogelwch cleifion ym Mwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan. A allwch roi'r sicrwydd sydd ei angen ar bobl yn fy rhanbarth? Yn ychwanegol at hynny, sut yr ewch i'r afael â phryderon dilys y staff gweithgar sy'n haeddu gwell ac na ddylent ofni dod i'r gwaith?
Diolch yn fawr, and I took that report very seriously as well and was extremely concerned when I heard about it first-hand from the Royal College of Physicians when I met Dr Olwen Williams earlier on in the summer. I think we do need to remember the context in which those visits were taking place. We must remember that the Grange was opened ahead of time and that was partly as a result of responding to the pandemic. And it was because of that that perhaps the checks that would usually be made before you open a hospital, perhaps were not made in the way that usually would have occurred, and it was at that time or very soon after that that the visit took place by the Royal College of Physicians. And so, clearly, there are issues to address.
I'm very pleased that the action plan is very detailed—that the health board is taking it extremely seriously and that they have started looking very seriously at quite significant additional recruitment to take pressure off the staff who are currently there. But also, one of the issues that I'm particularly concerned about is the well-being of the staff, and certainly there is a review being undertaken in relation to that—a review of medical staffing. There are strategies to address that medical recruitment situation. There's a board, which will focus on staff well-being and engagement, and they'll be meeting face to face with representatives of the staff on a fortnightly basis now. There will certainly be some work to do in relation to patient flow at the Grange, and provision of safe care for children at other hospital sites in the health board area, in addition to the fact that there will be a focus on training and education. So, I am pleased to see the health board has certainly taken this seriously, but as I say I will be watching to make sure that what they said they're going to do is actually enacted.
Diolch yn fawr, ac roeddwn innau o ddifrif ynghylch yr adroddiad hwnnw hefyd, ac roeddwn yn hynod bryderus pan glywais amdano o lygad y ffynnon gan Goleg Brenhinol y Meddygon pan gyfarfûm â Dr Olwen Williams yn gynharach yn yr haf. Credaf fod angen inni gofio'r cyd-destun y cynhaliwyd yr ymweliadau hynny ynddo. Mae'n rhaid inni gofio bod ysbyty'r Faenor wedi agor yn gynnar, yn rhannol o ganlyniad i'r ymateb i'r pandemig. Ac oherwydd hynny, efallai na chwblhawyd y gwiriadau a fyddai fel arfer yn cael eu gwneud cyn ichi agor ysbyty, efallai na chawsant eu gwneud yn y ffordd a fyddai wedi digwydd fel arfer, ac ar yr adeg honno neu'n fuan iawn wedi hynny y cynhaliwyd yr ymweliad gan Goleg Brenhinol y Meddygon. Ac felly, yn amlwg, mae yna faterion yn codi sy'n galw am sylw.
Rwy'n falch iawn fod y cynllun gweithredu'n fanwl iawn—fod y bwrdd iechyd o ddifrif yn ei gylch a'u bod wedi dechrau edrych o ddifrif ar waith recriwtio ychwanegol eithaf sylweddol i leddfu'r pwysau ar y staff sydd yno ar hyn o bryd. Ond hefyd, un o'r pethau rwy'n arbennig o bryderus yn eu cylch yw lles y staff, ac yn sicr, mae adolygiad ar y gweill mewn perthynas â hynny—adolygiad o staffio meddygol. Mae yna strategaethau i fynd i'r afael â'r sefyllfa recriwtio meddygol. Mae yna fwrdd, a fydd yn canolbwyntio ar les ac ymgysylltiad staff, a byddant yn cyfarfod wyneb yn wyneb â chynrychiolwyr y staff bob pythefnos yn awr. Yn sicr, bydd rhywfaint o waith i'w wneud mewn perthynas â llif cleifion yn ysbyty'r Faenor, a darparu gofal diogel i blant mewn safleoedd ysbytai eraill yn ardal y bwrdd iechyd, yn ychwanegol at y ffaith y bydd ffocws ar hyfforddiant ac addysg. Felly, rwy'n falch fod y bwrdd iechyd yn sicr o ddifrif ynglŷn â hyn, ond fel y dywedaf, byddaf yn cadw llygad i sicrhau y bydd yr hyn y dywedasant y byddant yn ei wneud yn cael ei weithredu mewn gwirionedd.
A flagship hospital, Minister, is of course supposed to be leading by example, and we know that the question today is about the Grange hospital, which has the worst A&E waiting times of any hospital in Wales. Now, the report in question today talks about the unhealthy workplace and talks about staff frightened to go to work. Understaffed departments, staff burnout and low capacity all of course add significant risk to patient safety. Doctors have told the Government of course the concerns that they have for patient safety regarding the Grange hospital being open four months early, as it would mean that the hospital would be understaffed. So, concerns have been expressed about capacity being too low for the demand that needs to be met across south-east Wales. Now, I'm conscious that the previous health Minister said that it would be a great pleasure to announce that the Grange will open ahead of schedule, saying that it would provide more capacity and resilience. So, my question, Minister, is: what's your assessment? Is the Grange providing that resilience? I suppose, ultimately, in regard to the report today, can you tell the Chamber what lessons in particular you've learnt as a result of the report's findings?
Weinidog, mae ysbyty blaenllaw i fod i arwain drwy esiampl wrth gwrs, a gwyddom fod y cwestiwn heddiw'n ymwneud ag ysbyty'r Faenor, sydd ag amseroedd aros adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys gwaeth nag unrhyw ysbyty arall yng Nghymru. Nawr, mae'r adroddiad dan sylw heddiw'n sôn am y gweithle afiach ac yn sôn am staff sy'n ofni mynd i'r gwaith. Mae adrannau heb ddigon o staff, gorweithio ymhlith staff a chapasiti isel wrth gwrs yn ychwanegu risg sylweddol i ddiogelwch cleifion. Mae meddygon wedi sôn wrth y Llywodraeth ynglŷn â'u pryderon ynghylch diogelwch cleifion mewn perthynas â'r ffaith bod ysbyty'r Faenor wedi agor pedwar mis yn gynnar, gan y byddai'n golygu y byddai'r ysbyty'n brin o staff. Felly, mynegwyd pryderon ynghylch capasiti a'i fod yn rhy isel i ateb y galw ledled de-ddwyrain Cymru. Nawr, rwy'n ymwybodol fod y Gweinidog iechyd blaenorol wedi dweud y byddai'n bleser cyhoeddi y byddai ysbyty'r Faenor yn agor yn gynt na'r disgwyl, gan ddweud y byddai'n darparu mwy o gapasiti a chydnerthedd. Felly, fy nghwestiwn, Weinidog, yw: beth yw eich asesiad chi? A yw ysbyty'r Faenor yn darparu'r cydnerthedd hwnnw? Mae'n debyg, yn y pen draw, mewn perthynas â'r adroddiad heddiw, a allwch ddweud wrth y Siambr pa wersi penodol a ddysgwyd gennych o ganlyniad i ganfyddiadau'r adroddiad?
Thanks very much, Russell. We do hope that the Grange will become a flagship hospital, because we've spent a considerable amount of money on it; £358 million has been invested in this hospital to support the people of the Gwent area, and I do think that it's important that we remember the context in which it was opened. You must remember that, at the beginning of the pandemic, Gwent was one of the first places in the whole of the United Kingdom that was hit hardest by COVID, so having this hospital being able to take a bit of pressure off other hospitals in the area was a relief at the time. But of course, what it meant was that the recruitment that perhaps should have been done was not done in time. But you do, I think, need to remember the context in which we are working. I'm really pleased now, though, that the health board has understood that they do need to listen to the clinicians who have made their case very clearly through this report.
The Grange was initially designed as a specialist centre, and provision for general internal medicine wasn't prioritised, but it's clear that the local population are accessing the hospital in a different way from the way that was envisaged, and I think the plan now is to make sure that any new recruitment will, for example, help to establish a front-door-based frailty service, for example, which will be able to be led by a consultant and other senior therapists, which is a provision that wasn't envisaged. But sometimes you do need to respond to, actually, the way that the local population are using the facility, even if that wasn't the way that was envisaged in the first place. I know that the health board has done a huge amount of work to try and contact the local population, to try and point them in the right directions in terms of which hospitals they should be attending for what issues. We're still going through those teething problems. It's just that those teething problems, of course in the middle of a pandemic, have taken longer than they would have, probably, if we weren't in a pandemic.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Russell. Rydym yn gobeithio y bydd ysbyty'r Faenor yn dod yn ysbyty blaenllaw, gan ein bod wedi gwario cryn dipyn o arian arno; buddsoddwyd £358 miliwn yn yr ysbyty hwn i gefnogi pobl ardal Gwent, a chredaf ei bod yn bwysig inni gofio cyd-destun ei agor. Mae'n rhaid ichi gofio, ar ddechrau'r pandemig, mai Gwent oedd un o'r ardaloedd cyntaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig gyfan a gafodd ei tharo galetaf gan COVID, felly roedd yn rhyddhad ar y pryd fod yr ysbyty hwn yn lleddfu rhywfaint o bwysau ar ysbytai eraill yn yr ardal. Ond wrth gwrs, golygai hynny na wnaed y gwaith recriwtio y dylid bod wedi'i wneud mewn pryd. Ond credaf fod angen ichi gofio'r cyd-destun rydym yn gweithio ynddo. Rwy'n falch iawn yn awr, fodd bynnag, fod y bwrdd iechyd wedi deall bod angen iddynt wrando ar y clinigwyr sydd wedi cyflwyno'u hachos yn glir iawn drwy'r adroddiad hwn.
Cynlluniwyd ysbyty'r Faenor yn wreiddiol fel canolfan arbenigol, ac ni flaenoriaethwyd darpariaeth ar gyfer meddygaeth fewnol gyffredinol, ond mae'n amlwg fod y boblogaeth leol yn defnyddio'r ysbyty mewn ffordd wahanol i'r ffordd a ragwelwyd, a chredaf mai'r cynllun bellach yw sicrhau y bydd unrhyw recriwtio newydd, er enghraifft, yn helpu i sefydlu gwasanaeth eiddilwch wrth y drws blaen, er enghraifft, a fydd yn gallu cael ei arwain gan feddyg ymgynghorol ac uwch-therapyddion eraill, sy'n ddarpariaeth na ragwelwyd. Ond weithiau mae angen ichi ymateb i'r ffordd y mae'r boblogaeth leol yn defnyddio'r cyfleuster, hyd yn oed os nad dyna'r ffordd a ragwelwyd ar y cychwyn. Gwn fod y bwrdd iechyd wedi gwneud cryn dipyn o waith i geisio cysylltu â'r boblogaeth leol, i geisio eu cyfeirio i'r cyfeiriadau cywir o ran yr ysbytai y dylent eu mynychu ar gyfer eu problemau. Rydym yn dal i fynd i'r afael â'r problemau cychwynnol hynny. Ond mae'r problemau cychwynnol hynny, a ninnau mewn pandemig, wrth gwrs, wedi cymryd mwy o amser, mae'n debyg, na phe na baem mewn pandemig.
For those of us who have worked with the health board over the last decade in the design and building and construction of not only the Grange but also the model that it underpins, we have seen, over the last year, the national health service in the Aneurin Bevan area respond in a way that is quite magnificent to the suffering of people in this region. We've seen how people have worked and worked and worked hours, days, weeks and months to keep people in our communities safe, and I think we should be working with them and acknowledging the sacrifices that those public service workers have made over the last two years during this pandemic. And we should recognise that commitment and hard work that they've put in over this time.
For the Welsh Government, I believe there are two challenges facing it. First of all, the model. I think the model—the regional care model—is the right model and it's one that the Welsh Government has sought to pursue throughout the whole of my time here. And Members, mainly in the opposition parties, have always sought to prevent that from happening. I think there is a real issue about the provision of healthcare in this country, because it's the easiest thing in the world to say, 'Don't change anything; don't deliver anything new'. And we've seen that. I saw it as a Member for Mid and West Wales, I've seen it as a Member for Blaenau Gwent, and I've seen people standing up making speeches here without understanding the reality of the situation facing doctors, nurses and medical staff on the wards in the hospitals and in the health centres of this country. And Welsh Government needs to understand what the regional model does on a policy basis, and I'm not completely convinced that the Welsh Government has always done that, if I'm quite honest. And—
I'r rhai ohonom sydd wedi gweithio gyda'r bwrdd iechyd dros y degawd diwethaf ar gynllunio ac adeiladu nid yn unig ysbyty'r Faenor ond hefyd y model y mae'n sail iddo, rydym wedi gweld, dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, y gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol yn ardal bwrdd Aneurin Bevan yn ymateb mewn ffordd odidog i ddioddefaint pobl yn y rhanbarth hwn. Rydym wedi gweld sut y mae pobl wedi gweithio a gweithio a gweithio am oriau, dyddiau, wythnosau a misoedd i gadw pobl yn ein cymunedau'n ddiogel, a chredaf y dylem fod yn gweithio gyda hwy ac yn cydnabod yr aberth a wnaed gan y gweithwyr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus hynny dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf yn ystod y pandemig hwn. A dylem gydnabod eu hymrwymiad a'u gwaith caled dros y cyfnod hwn.
I Lywodraeth Cymru, credaf fod dwy her yn ei hwynebu. Yn gyntaf oll, y model. Credaf mai'r model—y model gofal rhanbarthol—yw'r model cywir, a dyna'r model y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ceisio'i ddilyn drwy gydol fy amser yma. Ac mae'r Aelodau, yn y gwrthbleidiau yn bennaf, bob amser wedi ceisio atal hynny rhag digwydd. Credaf fod problem wirioneddol ynghylch darparu gofal iechyd yn y wlad hon, gan mai'r peth hawsaf yn y byd yw dweud, 'Peidiwch â newid unrhyw beth; peidiwch â chyflawni unrhyw beth newydd'. Ac rydym wedi gweld hynny. Fe'i gwelais fel Aelod dros Ganolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru, fe'i gwelais fel Aelod dros Flaenau Gwent, a gwelais bobl yn codi i wneud areithiau yma heb ddeall realiti'r sefyllfa sy'n wynebu meddygon, nyrsys a staff meddygol ar y wardiau yn yr ysbytai ac yng nghanolfannau iechyd y wlad hon. Ac mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru ddeall yr hyn y mae'r model rhanbarthol yn ei wneud ar sail polisi, ac nid wyf yn gwbl argyhoeddedig fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud hynny bob amser, a bod yn onest. Ac—
Can I remind the Member that this is a question, not a speech?
A gaf fi atgoffa'r Aelod mai cwestiwn yw hwn, nid araith?
—the second point is important as well, because it's about the practical response of the Government to this report and to what is happening in the region. I believe that the Welsh Government needs to ensure that the Aneurin Bevan health board has the support that it requires in order to deliver this model. The Minister has recognised what is happening in the Aneurin Bevan region through introducing the new hospital model in the middle of a pandemic. That was a decision of Government; it was the right decision. But now, the Welsh Government needs to ensure that that model can actually work by providing additional help and additional support to the Aneurin Bevan health board so that those people who've sacrificed so much have the support from this Government that they require in order to deliver the services upon which we all have the right to rely.
—mae'r ail bwynt yn bwysig hefyd, gan ei fod yn ymwneud ag ymateb ymarferol y Llywodraeth i'r adroddiad hwn ac i'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y rhanbarth. Credaf fod angen i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan yn cael y cymorth y mae ei angen er mwyn cyflenwi'r model hwn. Mae'r Gweinidog wedi cydnabod yr hyn sy'n digwydd yn rhanbarth Aneurin Bevan drwy gyflwyno'r model ysbytai newydd ynghanol pandemig. Penderfyniad y Llywodraeth oedd hwnnw; dyna oedd y penderfyniad cywir. Ond yn awr, mae angen i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau y gall y model hwnnw weithio drwy ddarparu cymorth ychwanegol a chefnogaeth ychwanegol i fwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan, fel bod y bobl sydd wedi aberthu cymaint yn cael y cymorth sydd ei angen arnynt gan y Llywodraeth hon er mwyn darparu'r gwasanaethau y mae gan bob un ohonom hawl i ddibynnu arnynt.
Diolch yn fawr, Alun. I think you're absolutely right. I think that the approach of a kind of regional approach to medicine is something that we need to take very seriously. I think that people are prepared to travel to specialist centres, where they know that they're going to get expert support and expert advice, and that means that people do need to understand that that may not mean a very local hospital and that sometimes, they're going to have to travel a little bit to get that specialist support that they may be looking for.
But certainly, in terms of the practical response, we will expect Aneurin Bevan to step up here to respond to those people who, you set out very clearly there, have really stepped up during the pandemic, who have worked their socks off during this time and who, frankly, are exhausted, particularly when the staffing levels are not where they should be. And that's why I am particularly pleased to see that Aneurin Bevan has already given outline approval to address the issues of staffing at a cost of £1.5 million additional funding for that. So, that is money that they already have in their budget. It's about how they're going to spend it and I'm really pleased that they are genuine, I think, in their response to this report. But, as I say, we in the Welsh Government will be keeping our eye on this because I must say that it was very sobering reading from the Royal College of Physicians and certainly, we will be keeping an eye on it, partly because we simply have got to stand by those people who have given their all during this pandemic.
Diolch yn fawr, Alun. Credaf eich bod yn llygad eich lle. Credaf fod ymagwedd ranbarthol tuag at feddygaeth yn rhywbeth y mae'n rhaid i ni fod o ddifrif yn ei gylch. Credaf fod pobl yn barod i deithio i ganolfannau arbenigol, lle maent yn gwybod y byddant yn cael cymorth arbenigol a chyngor arbenigol, a golyga hynny fod angen i bobl ddeall efallai nad yw hynny'n golygu ysbyty lleol iawn, ac y bydd yn rhaid iddynt deithio weithiau er mwyn cael y cymorth arbenigol y gallent fod yn chwilio amdano.
Ond yn sicr, o ran yr ymateb ymarferol, byddwn yn disgwyl i fwrdd Aneurin Bevan fynd ati i ymateb i'r bobl sydd, fel y nodwyd yn glir gennych, wedi camu i'r adwy yn ystod y pandemig, sydd wedi gweithio mor galed yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, ac sydd, a dweud y gwir, wedi blino'n lân, yn enwedig pan nad yw'r lefelau staffio mor uchel ag y dylent fod. A dyna pam fy mod yn arbennig o falch o weld bod bwrdd Aneurin Bevan eisoes wedi rhoi cymeradwyaeth amlinellol i fynd i’r afael â phroblemau staffio ar gost o £1.5 miliwn o gyllid ychwanegol ar gyfer hynny. Felly, mae hwnnw'n arian sydd ganddynt eisoes yn eu cyllideb. Mae'n ymwneud â sut y byddant yn ei wario ac rwy'n falch iawn eu bod yn ddiffuant, yn fy marn i, yn eu hymateb i'r adroddiad hwn. Ond fel y dywedaf, byddwn yn cadw llygad ar hyn yn Llywodraeth Cymru, oherwydd mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, mae adroddiad Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yn sobreiddiol, ac yn sicr, byddwn yn cadw llygad ar y sefyllfa, yn rhannol am fod angen inni gefnogi'r bobl sydd wedi gwneud eu gorau glas yn ystod y pandemig hwn.
Minister, concerns about chronic understaffing at the Grange hospital have been circulating since the hospital opened in November 2020. On announcing the early date of the opening, the previous health Minister said that the facility would provide more capacity and resilience in the system. However, at present, the Grange hospital has the worst A&E waiting times in Wales, with fewer than 41 per cent of patients being seen within four hours, and this statistic is from August 2021.
Last month, it was reported that patients were waiting up to 18 hours to receive treatment and that 15 ambulances were waiting to hand over patients. In reply to Andrew R.T. Davies's written question last month, you said that it was the responsibility of the Aneurin Bevan health board to meet the needs of their community. So, Minister, will you now take immediate action to address the staff shortages and excessive workloads that are demoralising the workforce and put patients' safety at risk, before the inevitable increase of pressure on services made worse by the coming of winter? I did hear your previous answer, so I just wanted to ask you, as a request: will you now be monitoring the Aneurin Bevan health board? I hope that you will give us an assurance that you will come back to us in the Senedd and report the findings to us before Christmas, if you indeed are. Thank you, Minister.
Weinidog, mae pryderon ynghylch prinder staff cronig yn ysbyty'r Faenor wedi bod yn cylchredeg ers i’r ysbyty agor ym mis Tachwedd 2020. Wrth gyhoeddi'r dyddiad agor cynnar, dywedodd y Gweinidog iechyd blaenorol y byddai’r cyfleuster yn darparu mwy o gapasiti a chydnerthedd yn y system. Fodd bynnag, ar hyn o bryd, adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys ysbyty'r Faenor sydd â'r amseroedd aros gwaethaf yng Nghymru, gyda llai na 41 y cant o gleifion yn cael eu gweld o fewn pedair awr, ac ystadegyn ar gyfer mis Awst 2021 yw hwn.
Fis diwethaf, cafwyd adroddiadau fod cleifion yn aros hyd at 18 awr i gael triniaeth a bod 15 ambiwlans yn aros i drosglwyddo cleifion. Mewn ymateb i gwestiwn ysgrifenedig gan Andrew R.T. Davies fis diwethaf, fe ddywedoch chi mai cyfrifoldeb bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan oedd diwallu anghenion eu cymuned. Felly, Weinidog, a wnewch chi weithredu ar unwaith i fynd i’r afael â’r prinder staff a’r llwyth gwaith gormodol sy’n lladd morâl y gweithlu ac yn peryglu diogelwch cleifion, cyn i’r cynnydd anochel yn y pwysau ar wasanaethau waethygu dros y gaeaf? Clywais eich ateb blaenorol, felly hoffwn ofyn i chi, fel cais: a fyddwch yn monitro bwrdd iechyd Aneurin Bevan yn awr? Os byddwch, rwy'n gobeithio y gwnewch chi roi sicrwydd i ni y dowch yn ôl atom yn y Senedd a rhoi'r canfyddiadau i ni cyn y Nadolig. Diolch, Weinidog.
Thank you very much, Natasha. I'm very well aware of the issues around A&E, and I'm keeping a very close eye on the pressures in the system around A&E. That's why we have already made a significant addition in terms of recruitment to the Welsh ambulance service, which was significant not just last year—over 100 last year—but significantly more this year and more to come. Of course, you will be aware that we are also now getting the support of the army to help us out in this situation.
So, a lot of work is being put in place. But, as you say, the key issue here, and the key restriction, is staffing. That's why, as you have reported, we will be keeping an eye on what that staffing looks like. I know that there's a short-term strategy in terms of using the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin and the European gateway route to really try and do some immediate stuff in recruitment. So, there's a short-term approach that they're hoping to get into place very, very quickly; I know that there are 12 staff that they're trying to recruit via the European gateway route imminently. So, things are moving very quickly in this space, and I'm very pleased to see that, because, clearly, this report needs a response.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Natasha. Rwy'n ymwybodol iawn o'r materion sy'n ymwneud ag adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys, ac rwy'n cadw llygad barcud ar y pwysau yn y system mewn perthynas ag adrannau damweiniau ac achosion brys. Dyna pam ein bod eisoes wedi gwneud ychwanegiad sylweddol o ran recriwtio i wasanaeth ambiwlans Cymru, a oedd yn sylweddol nid yn unig y llynedd—dros 100 y llynedd—ond cryn dipyn yn rhagor eleni, a mwy i ddod. Wrth gwrs, fe fyddwch yn ymwybodol ein bod hefyd yn cael cymorth y fyddin bellach i'n cynorthwyo gyda'r sefyllfa hon.
Felly, mae llawer o waith yn mynd rhagddo. Ond fel y dywedwch, y mater allweddol yma, a'r cyfyngiad allweddol, yw staffio. Dyna pam, fel y nodwyd gennych, y byddwn yn cadw llygad ar y staffio. Gwn fod strategaeth tymor byr o ddefnyddio Cymdeithas Prydain ar gyfer Meddygon o Dras Indiaidd a'r llwybr Ewropeaidd i geisio gwneud rhywfaint o bethau ar unwaith ym maes recriwtio. Felly, maent yn gobeithio rhoi dull tymor byr ar waith yn gyflym iawn, iawn; gwn fod yna 12 aelod o staff y maent yn ceisio eu recriwtio drwy'r llwybr Ewropeaidd cyn bo hir. Felly, mae pethau'n symud yn gyflym iawn, ac rwy'n falch iawn o weld hynny, oherwydd yn amlwg, mae angen ymateb i'r adroddiad hwn.

Yn olaf, John Griffiths.
Finally, John Griffiths.
Diolch yn fawr. Minister, as we've heard, staff and services at the Grange are obviously under tremendous pressure. You mentioned the context of the pandemic, and, of course, we now have the context of ongoing COVID incidents and infections and hospitalisations, worries about a very significant flu season this winter, all of the backlog of treatments that we know about, and, of course, a very difficult emergency care situation, and difficulties in discharging to social care because of the staff shortages and pressures that they're under. So, I think that all of that means that the existing situation, which is really worrying, could get considerably worse. So, I am very pleased that you are going to take an ongoing interest in monitoring the position, because, obviously, there are considerable fears over the pressure that is yet to come.
Also, you mentioned the more complex general medical needs, Minister, which were not considered the province of specialised care at the Grange. But we do have quite a complicated model, I think, don't we, where staff and patients are moving between four hospitals. In hospitals like the Royal Gwent, they have minor injuries units now, but not accident and emergency. So, they haven't got the diagnostics and the treatments that can deal with the more complex general medical conditions. So, with the new model and some of the uncertainties and some of the responses that you've mentioned to those issues in play, it really does require Welsh Government, I think, to work very closely with the health board to make sure that all of these problems are overcome. It is a major challenge.
Diolch yn fawr. Weinidog, fel y clywsom, mae staff a gwasanaethau yn ysbyty'r Faenor yn amlwg o dan bwysau aruthrol. Fe sonioch chi am gyd-destun y pandemig, ac wrth gwrs, mae gennym bellach gyd-destun digwyddiadau COVID parhaus a heintiau a chyfnodau yn yr ysbyty, pryderon am dymor ffliw arwyddocaol iawn y gaeaf hwn, yr ôl-groniad o driniaethau y gwyddom amdano, ac wrth gwrs, sefyllfa anodd iawn gyda gofal brys, ac anawsterau wrth ryddhau i ofal cymdeithasol oherwydd y prinder staff a'r pwysau sydd arnynt hwy. Felly, credaf fod hyn oll yn golygu y gallai'r sefyllfa bresennol, sydd eisoes yn peri cryn bryder, waethygu'n sylweddol. Felly, rwy’n falch iawn y bydd gennych ddiddordeb parhaus mewn monitro’r sefyllfa, oherwydd yn amlwg, mae pryderon gwirioneddol ynglŷn â'r pwysau sydd eto i ddod.
Hefyd, fe sonioch chi am yr anghenion meddygol cyffredinol mwy cymhleth, Weinidog, nad ystyriwyd eu bod yn perthyn i gwmpas gofal arbenigol yn ysbyty'r Faenor. Ond credaf fod gennym fodel eithaf cymhleth lle mae staff a chleifion yn symud rhwng pedwar ysbyty. Mewn ysbytai fel Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent, mae ganddynt unedau mân anafiadau bellach yn hytrach nag adran ddamweiniau ac achosion brys. Felly, nid oes ganddynt y ddiagnosteg na'r triniaethau i drin cyflyrau meddygol cyffredinol mwy cymhleth. Felly, gyda'r model newydd a rhywfaint o'r ansicrwydd a rhywfaint o'r ymatebion y sonioch chi amdanynt i'r pethau hynny, mae gwir angen i Lywodraeth Cymru gydweithio'n agos iawn gyda'r bwrdd iechyd i sicrhau bod yr holl broblemau hyn yn cael eu datrys. Mae'n her fawr.
Thanks very much, John. You are quite right that we're not out of the woods yet in relation to the pandemic. The good news, of course, is that the translation of COVID cases into hospitalisations has been massively reduced as a result of our very successful vaccination programme. So, we're hoping not to see the kind of incidence that we saw in the first and second waves, where we are seeing very high incidence in our communities now.
You are absolutely right to draw attention to the fact that flu is also likely to be a big issue this winter. Those winter pressures are already with us, I'm afraid to say, because, partly, of the issue of trying to address that backlog, in addition to all of those other pressures. One thing that I think is key, and that you alluded to there, is the fact that new model is quite complicated. So, we do need to make sure that the people who have that hospital serving them in that area—they need to understand what the model looks like.
I have been in touch with Aneurin Bevan about this, really asking them to make sure that they reach out to the public, to make them very aware of where they should be going for what. My understanding is that they have done a lot of outreach work, that they have done leaflets to all households within the area, so that people should be aware. But there are always people who, in that moment of an emergency perhaps, haven't got quite an understanding of where they should go under those circumstances. So, we need to monitor the situation, John, that’s absolutely clear, and I can assure you that I will be making sure that I keep an eye on the follow-up to this report. And I’m sure the Royal Collage of Physicians will be revisiting this, just to make sure that everything has been implemented as promised.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, John. Rydych yn llygad eich lle nad ydym wedi cefnu ar y pandemig eto. Y newyddion da, wrth gwrs, yw bod nifer yr achosion o COVID sy'n arwain at gyfnodau yn yr ysbyty wedi lleihau'n enfawr o ganlyniad i'n rhaglen frechu lwyddiannus iawn. Felly, rydym yn gobeithio na fyddwn yn gweld y math o lefelau a welsom yn y don gyntaf a'r ail don, lle gwelwn lefelau uchel iawn yn ein cymunedau bellach.
Rydych yn gwbl gywir i dynnu sylw at y ffaith bod ffliw hefyd yn debygol o fod yn broblem fawr y gaeaf hwn. Mae pwysau'r gaeaf gyda ni eisoes, mae arnaf ofn, oherwydd, yn rhannol, y broblem o geisio mynd i'r afael â'r ôl-groniad, yn ogystal â'r holl bwysau eraill. Un peth sy'n allweddol yn fy marn i, ac rydych wedi cyfeirio ato, yw'r ffaith bod y model newydd yn eithaf cymhleth. Felly, mae angen inni sicrhau bod y bobl y mae'r ysbyty yn eu gwasanaethu yn yr ardal honno—mae angen iddynt ddeall sut un yw'r model hwnnw.
Rwyf wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â bwrdd Aneurin Bevan ynglŷn â hyn, gan ofyn iddynt sicrhau eu bod yn estyn allan at y cyhoedd, i'w gwneud yn gwbl ymwybodol o ble y dylent fynd ar gyfer beth. Fy nealltwriaeth i yw eu bod wedi gwneud llawer o waith allgymorth, gan ddosbarthu taflenni i bob cartref yn yr ardal, er mwyn i bobl fod yn ymwybodol. Ond mae yna rai pobl bob amser, mewn argyfwng efallai, heb ddeall yn iawn i ble y dylent fynd o dan yr amgylchiadau hynny. Felly, mae angen inni fonitro'r sefyllfa, John, mae hynny'n gwbl glir, a gallaf roi sicrwydd i chi y byddaf yn cadw llygad ar yr hyn sy'n dilyn yr adroddiad hwn. Ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd Coleg Brenhinol y Meddygon yn ailedrych ar hyn, er mwyn sicrhau bod popeth wedi'i roi ar waith fel yr addawyd.
Diolch, Weinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiadau 90 eiliad. Dim ond un heddiw, a galwaf ar Mabon ap Gwynfor.
The next item is the 90-second statements. There's only one today, and I call on Mabon ap Gwynfor.
Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi. Sefydlwyd Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri, 70 mlynedd yn ôl i'r wythnos hon. Eryri oedd un o’r pedwar parc cenedlaethol cyntaf a gafodd eu sefydlu yn y wladwriaeth hon, nôl yn 1951.
Nodau awdurdod y parc cenedlaethol ydy gwarchod a gwella harddwch naturiol, bywyd gwyllt a threftadaeth ddiwylliannol yr ardal, a hyrwyddo cyfleoedd i ddeall a mwynhau ei rhinweddau unigryw, arbennig. Mae Eryri wedi ysbrydoli cenedlaethau o bobl—y bobl sy'n byw yno, yn ymwelwyr, ynghyd ag artistiaid o bob math, drwy ysgogi cwestiynau, darganfod a meddwl am orffennol, presennol a dyfodol y darn arbennig yma o'n gwlad.
I nodi'r garreg filltir hon, mae'r parc wedi comisiynu Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru, Ifor ap Glyn, i ysgrifennu cerdd i nodi'r achlysur, ac mi orffennaf fy nghyfraniad drwy ddarllen darn olaf y gerdd ragorol hon:
'Be gawn ni gan Eryri?
Mesur ein hunain yn erbyn mynydd;
a newid ein cyflymder…
Deall mai byr yw ein hamser yma,
ond mawr ein cyfrifoldeb…
Ac yna, gwisgwn ein hwynebau instagram
ac awn am dro, gan gerdded mor ysgafn
nes gadael dim ond ôl ein traed
i loywi’r llwybr i’n plant.
A gwenwn wrth droedio’r
cynteddau creigiog hyn
gan fod eiliadau yma,
yn gallu goleuo oes.'
Thank you very much. Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri—Snowdonia National Park—was established 70 years ago this week. Eryri was one of the first four national parks established in this state, back in 1951.
The national park authority's aim is to protect and nurture natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage in the area, and to promote opportunities to understand and enjoy its unique, special characteristics. It has inspired a generation of people—the people who live there, visitors, as well as artists of all kinds, as they are moved to question, discover and think about the past, present and future of this special tract of our land.
To mark this milestone, the park has commissioned the National Poet of Wales, Ifor ap Glyn, to write a poem in honour of the occasion, and I'll conclude my contribution by reading aloud the last few lines of this wonderful poem:
‘What will we learn from Eryri?
To measure ourselves against mountains;
and to change speed…
To understand that our time here is short
but our responsibility huge…
Then, as we put on our Instagram face
and take a walk, we’ll tread gently
leaving only our footprints
to burnish the path for our kids.
And we’ll smile
as we enter these rocky portals
because moments here
can enlighten lifetimes.’
Symud ymlaen at yr eitem nesaf ar yr agenda, dadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod—Bil perchnogaeth cyflogai. Galwaf ar Huw Irranca-Davies i wneud y cynnig.
We'll move on to our next item on the agenda, the debate on a Member's legislative proposal—an employee ownership Bill. I call on Huw Irranca-Davies to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM7722 Huw Irranca-Davies
Cefnogwyd gan Joyce Watson, Luke Fletcher, Sarah Murphy, Vikki Howells
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn nodi cynnig ar gyfer Bil perchnogaeth gan weithwyr ar hyrwyddo pryniant a pherchnogaeth gan weithwyr
2. Yn nodi mai diben y Bil hwn fyddai:
a) deddfu ar gyfer cyfraith Marcora i Gymru i ddarparu'r fframwaith cyfreithiol, y cymorth ariannol a'r cyngor ar gyfer pryniant gan weithwyr;
b) rhoi dyletswydd statudol ar waith i ddyblu maint yr economi gydweithredol erbyn 2026 ac i fynd ati i hyrwyddo perchnogaeth a phryniant gan weithwyr;
c) rhoi cymorth a chyngor ariannol i weithwyr brynu busnes cyfan neu ran o fusnes sy'n wynebu cael ei gau i lawr neu ei leihau mewn maint ac i sefydlu cwmni cydweithredol i weithwyr;
d) sicrhau bod pob cwmni yng Nghymru sy'n cael arian cyhoeddus neu sy'n rhan o'r bartneriaeth gymdeithasol a chadwyni caffael moesegol yn cytuno i egwyddorion pryniant a pherchnogaeth gan weithwyr.
Motion NDM7722 Huw Irranca-Davies
Supported by Joyce Watson, Luke Fletcher, Sarah Murphy, Vikki Howells
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Notes a proposal for an employee ownership Bill on promoting worker buy-outs and employee ownership
2. Notes that the purpose of this Bill would be to:
a) legislate for a Welsh Marcora law to provide the legal framework, financial support and advice for worker buy-outs;
b) put in place a statutory duty to double the size of the co-operative economy by 2026 and to actively promote employee-ownership and worker buy-outs;
c) provide financial support and advice for workers to buy out all or part of a business facing closure or down-sizing and to establish a workers co-operative;
d) ensure that all companies in Wales in receipt of public funding or part of the social partnership and ethical procurement chains agree to the principles of worker buy-outs and employee ownership.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Diolch, Dirprwy Llwydd, and today we’ll explore not only what more can be done to promote employee ownership in Wales, but whether indeed we can introduce a workable Welsh Marcora law. And my thanks to the Business Committee for selecting this proposal for debate and to other Members of the Senedd for supporting the request. I’m looking forward to hearing the contributions today and the Minister’s response.
Now, I declare my interest as a Co-operative Party member and chair of the Senedd Co-operative Party group too. Yet this proposal, I know, has the support in other parties too and in the wider co-operative movement itself, and I look forward to hearing that today.
The Welsh Government programme for government, in the section entitled 'building a stronger, greener economy', reads, encouragingly:
‘We will create an economy which works for everyone, grounded in our values of progressive change—going forward together in the spirit of cooperation, not competition.’
Now, that’s welcome. It reflects the engagement that this Government had in the development of its manifesto with the co-operative agenda indeed. And as co-operation is embedded in the Government programme, which also again has a Minister for responsibility for co-operation, many co-operators as Ministers, and a record number of Co-operative Party Members on these benches too, the programme for government covering this sixth Senedd reiterates a manifesto pledge word for word, pledging to
‘provide greater support for worker buyouts’
‘seek to double the number of employee-owned businesses.’
That is real ambition. It’s hugely welcome. It is clear. It’s explicit. It’s in black and white on the printed page for all to see. But not every proposal can make it into a manifesto. We realise that. A manifesto, after all, is not unlike a programme for government—it’s a summary of months if not years of detailed policy development. It boils it down to the oven-ready, publicly digestible fundamentals of what a Government will do. It can’t contain every twist and turn of every policy debate in a windy hall in upper Cwmtwrch or from every Zoom brainstorming meeting crammed full of special advisers, special interest groups, policy wonks and blue-sky thinkers. But I draw the Minister’s attention to one little suggestion, a tiny one, which didn’t quite make it into those final, boiled-down, pared-down, slimline manifesto pledges, and that is to introduce a Welsh Marcora law, to legislate on employee ownership. Fellow co-operators like Christina Rees MP have tried to promote this in the UK Parliament, but they've drawn a blank. But could we do something like this here in Wales?
Where jobs and the local economy rely on one or two larger employers, particularly in manufacturing and industrial sectors, the collapsing or downsizing of just one or two companies can have a huge, disproportionate impact. Unemployment on this scale can have a scarring effect on those individuals, as well as their local communities, for decades. The first step of preventing people becoming unemployed in the first place is crucial. When businesses close or downsize in Italy, the birthplace of the Marcora law—it's great coming from a Welsh Italian here—workers have the right, and the financial support to back it up, to buy out all or part of the business and establish it as an employee-owned co-operative. This rescues either the profitable parts of the business, or even wholly profitable businesses where the margins have just been too small to meet external investors' expectations.
Italy's Marcora law was established over 30 years ago to divert the money that would otherwise be spent on unemployment benefits into retaining the jobs and continuing the economic activity. And it does this by providing workers at risk of redundancy when a business, or part of a business, is about to shut down with their unemployment benefits as a lump sum in advance to use as capital to buy out the business—we know this has happened in Wales in a different context, in a different way—as well as access to support and guidance to make it successful. Now, not only does this keep people in jobs and ensure businesses stay open and productive, it also means the economy over time can shift to a fairer economy, a more democratic structure, where employees themselves have a say and a stake in their workplaces.
Now, I know the Minister will say that this is difficult because of the reservation of powers to Westminster on employment and trade law; I understand that. But we do have powers over economic development, the social partnership, the economic contract, procurement, influence over companies who receive significant Welsh Government funding and more. We have levers that could prize open a Welsh Marcora law within our devolved competencies. And the Minister will rightly, I have to say, point today to the way in which this co-operative Welsh Government is already putting into action its support and funding for the co-operative economy, working alongside the Wales Co-operative Centre and the Development Bank for Wales and others, and we welcome that. But we argue that a Welsh Marcora law would help this Government in this ambitious aim to double the number of employee-owned businesses in Wales. And if he cannot say 'yes' to this proposal today definitively, then work with us to explore this further. Meet with me and the co-operative centre of Wales and others to see us, if we can explore this, to shape this proposal, because I say, 'Where there is a will, political will, then there can be a Welsh Marcora law.' And with those opening comments, I look forward to hearing from other Members.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd, a heddiw, byddwn yn archwilio nid yn unig beth arall y gellir ei wneud i hyrwyddo perchnogaeth gan weithwyr yng Nghymru, ond a allwn gyflwyno cyfraith Marcora ymarferol i Gymru yn wir. A diolch i'r Pwyllgor Busnes am ddewis y cynnig hwn i'w drafod ac i Aelodau eraill y Senedd am gefnogi'r cais. Edrychaf ymlaen at glywed y cyfraniadau heddiw ac ymateb y Gweinidog.
Nawr, rwy'n datgan buddiant fel aelod o'r Blaid Gydweithredol a chadeirydd grŵp Plaid Gydweithredol y Senedd hefyd. Fodd bynnag, gwn fod cefnogaeth i'r cynnig hwn yn y pleidiau eraill hefyd ac yn y mudiad cydweithredol ehangach, ac edrychaf ymlaen at glywed hynny heddiw.
Mae rhaglen lywodraethu Llywodraeth Cymru, yn yr adran o'r enw 'adeiladu economi gryfach a gwyrddach', yn nodi, yn galonogol:
'Byddwn yn creu economi sy’n gweithio i bawb, wedi’i gwreiddio yn ein gwerthoedd o newid cynyddol—gan symud ymlaen gyda’n gilydd yn ysbryd cydweithredu, nid cystadleuaeth.'
Nawr, rwy'n croesawu hynny. Mae'n adlewyrchu'r ymgysylltu a wnaeth y Llywodraeth hon wrth ddatblygu ei maniffesto gyda'r agenda gydweithredol. A chan fod cydweithredu wedi'i ymgorffori yn rhaglen y Llywodraeth, sydd hefyd yn cynnwys Gweinidog â chyfrifoldeb am gydweithredu, llawer o aelodau'r Blaid Gydweithredol yn Weinidogion, a'r nifer uchaf erioed o Aelodau'r Blaid Gydweithredol ar y meinciau hyn hefyd, mae'r rhaglen lywodraethu ar gyfer y chweched Senedd hon yn ailadrodd addewid o'r maniffesto air am air, gan addo
'Darparu mwy o gymorth i bryniant gan weithwyr'
'cheisio dyblu nifer y busnesau sy’n eiddo i weithwyr.'
Dyna uchelgais go iawn. Mae croeso mawr iddo. Mae'n glir. Mae'n eglur. Mae ar bapur mewn du a gwyn i bawb ei weld. Ond ni ellir cynnwys pob cynnig yn y maniffesto. Rydym yn sylweddoli hynny. Wedi'r cyfan, nid yw maniffesto mor wahanol â hynny i raglen lywodraethu—mae'n grynodeb o fisoedd os nad blynyddoedd o waith datblygu polisi manwl. Mae'n ei grynhoi'n hanfodion hawdd eu deall yr hyn y bydd Llywodraeth yn ei wneud. Ni all gynnwys pob manylyn ynghylch pob dadl ar bolisi mewn neuadd wyntog yng Nghwm-twrch uchaf neu bob cyfarfod taflu syniadau ar Zoom sy'n llawn o gynghorwyr arbennig, grwpiau diddordeb arbennig, arbenigwyr polisi a phobl sy'n meddwl heb orwelion. Ond tynnaf sylw’r Gweinidog at un awgrym bach, un bach iawn, na chyrhaeddodd addewidion main, bachog y maniffesto, sef cyflwyno cyfraith Marcora i Gymru, i ddeddfu ar berchnogaeth gan weithwyr. Mae aelodau eraill o'r Blaid Gydweithredol fel Christina Rees AS wedi ceisio hyrwyddo hyn yn Senedd y DU, ond yn aflwyddiannus. Ond a allem wneud rhywbeth fel hyn yma yng Nghymru?
Pan fo swyddi a'r economi leol yn dibynnu ar un neu ddau o gyflogwyr mwy o faint, yn enwedig yn y sectorau gweithgynhyrchu a diwydiannol, gall cau neu leihau maint un neu ddau o gwmnïau gael effaith anghymesur enfawr. Gall diweithdra ar y raddfa hon effeithio'n andwyol ar yr unigolion hyn, yn ogystal â'u cymunedau lleol, am ddegawdau. Mae'r cam cyntaf i atal pobl rhag dod yn ddi-waith yn y lle cyntaf yn hollbwysig. Pan fydd busnesau'n cau neu'n lleihau o ran maint yn yr Eidal, man geni cyfraith Marcora—mae'n wych fod hyn yn dod gan Eidalwr o Gymro yma—mae gweithwyr yn cael hawl, a chymorth ariannol i'w chefnogi, i brynu'r busnes yn gyfan gwbl, neu ran ohono, a'i sefydlu fel cwmni cydweithredol sy'n eiddo i'r gweithwyr. Mae hyn yn achub rhannau proffidiol y busnes, neu fusnesau cwbl broffidiol hyd yn oed lle mae maint yr elw wedi bod yn rhy fach i fodloni disgwyliadau buddsoddwyr allanol.
Sefydlwyd cyfraith Marcora yr Eidal dros 30 mlynedd yn ôl i ddargyfeirio'r arian a fyddai fel arall yn cael ei wario ar fudd-daliadau diweithdra i gadw'r swyddi a chynnal y gweithgarwch economaidd. Ac mae'n gwneud hyn drwy ddarparu eu budd-daliadau diweithdra fel cyfandaliad ymlaen llaw i weithwyr sydd mewn perygl o gael eu diswyddo pan fydd busnes, neu ran o fusnes, ar fin cau, i'w ddefnyddio fel cyfalaf i brynu'r busnes—gwyddom fod hyn wedi digwydd yng Nghymru mewn cyd-destun gwahanol, mewn ffordd wahanol—yn ogystal â mynediad at gymorth ac arweiniad i'w wneud yn llwyddiant. Nawr, mae hyn yn cadw pobl mewn swyddi ac yn sicrhau bod busnesau'n aros ar agor ac yn gynhyrchiol, ond mae hefyd yn golygu y gall yr economi newid dros amser i fod yn economi decach, yn strwythur mwy democrataidd, lle mae llais gan y gweithwyr eu hunain, a budd yn eu gweithleoedd.
Nawr, gwn y bydd y Gweinidog yn dweud bod hyn yn anodd am fod pwerau cyfraith cyflogaeth a masnach wedi'u cadw'n ôl gan San Steffan; rwy'n deall hynny. Ond mae gennym bwerau dros ddatblygu economaidd, y bartneriaeth gymdeithasol, y contract economaidd, caffael, dylanwad dros gwmnïau sy'n derbyn cyllid sylweddol gan Lywodraeth Cymru a mwy. Mae gennym ysgogiadau a allai arwain at gyfraith Marcora i Gymru o fewn ein cymwyseddau datganoledig. A bydd y Gweinidog yn tynnu sylw heddiw, yn gwbl briodol mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, at y ffordd y mae'r Llywodraeth gydweithredol hon yng Nghymru eisoes yn gweithredu ei chymorth a'i chyllid ar gyfer yr economi gydweithredol, gan weithio ochr yn ochr â Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru a Banc Datblygu Cymru ac eraill, ac rydym yn croesawu hynny. Ond rydym yn dadlau y byddai cyfraith Marcora i Gymru yn helpu'r Llywodraeth hon gyda'r nod uchelgeisiol o ddyblu nifer y busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr yng Nghymru. Ac os na all ddweud 'ie' terfynol wrth y cynnig hwn heddiw, gweithiwch gyda ni i archwilio hyn ymhellach. Dewch i gyfarfod â mi a Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru ac eraill i'n gweld a allwn archwilio hyn, a llunio'r cynnig hwn, oherwydd rwy'n dweud, 'Lle ceir ewyllys, ewyllys wleidyddol, gellir cael cyfraith Marcora i Gymru.' A chyda'r sylwadau agoriadol hynny, edrychaf ymlaen at glywed gan yr Aelodau eraill.
It's a pleasure to be speaking in support of the Member for Ogmore's legislative proposal today. He's a passionate champion of co-operative principles. I want to put on the record my membership of the Co-operative Party and also my role as chair of the cross-party group on co-operatives and mutuals.
In my contribution today, I want to briefly mention one very famous incident in my constituency that became the poster child for employee ownership. And, in many ways, the example I will mention is exceptional, but, in lots of others, it's emblematic of the transformational possibilities inherent in adopting a made-in-Wales Marcora law. And that example is Tower colliery. British Coal decided to close this last deep pit in south Wales in 1994, citing the dubious proposition that the mine was uneconomical. This led to a powerful backlash, a story that has been told elsewhere, perhaps most notably in the form of its own opera, but also in the MP for Cynon Valley Ann Clwyd's account of the struggle, including her famous sit-in deep underground. But British Coal was intent on closing Tower, callously putting people out of work, draining money from the local economy. However, within 10 days of the pit closing at the start of 1995, employees of Tower had put in place a bold and brilliant plan. Altogether, 239 miners, led by the National Union of Mineworkers and branch secretary Tyrone O'Sullivan, formed TEBO—Tower Employee Buy Out. Each contributed £8,000 from their own redundancies, enabling them to take over the colliery as a workers—
Mae'n bleser siarad o blaid cynnig deddfwriaethol yr Aelod dros Ogwr heddiw. Mae'n hyrwyddwr angerddol dros egwyddorion cydweithredol. Hoffwn nodi ar goedd fy mod yn aelod o'r Blaid Gydweithredol, yn ogystal â fy rôl fel cadeirydd y grŵp trawsbleidiol ar gwmnïau cydweithredol a chydfuddiannol.
Yn fy nghyfraniad heddiw, hoffwn sôn yn gryno am un digwyddiad enwog iawn yn fy etholaeth a ddaeth yn hysbyseb ar gyfer perchnogaeth gan weithwyr. Ac mewn sawl ffordd, mae'r enghraifft rwyf am sôn amdani'n neilltuol, ond mewn llawer o ffyrdd eraill, mae'n nodweddiadol o'r posibiliadau trawsnewidiol y byddai mabwysiadu cyfraith Marcora wedi'i llunio yng Nghymru yn eu darparu. A'r enghraifft honno yw pwll glo'r Tower. Penderfynodd Glo Prydain gau’r pwll glo dwfn olaf hwn yn ne Cymru ym 1994, gan nodi’r rheswm amheus fod y pwll glo yn aneconomaidd. Arweiniodd hyn at wrthwynebiad cryf, stori a adroddwyd mewn mannau eraill, yn fwyaf nodedig, efallai, ar ffurf ei hopera ei hun, ond hefyd yng nghofnod Aelod Seneddol Cwm Cynon, Ann Clwyd, o'r frwydr, gan gynnwys ei phrotest enwog o dan y ddaear. Ond roedd Glo Prydain yn benderfynol o gau pwll glo'r Tower, gan ddiswyddo pobl yn ddidostur, a gwaedu arian o'r economi leol. Fodd bynnag, o fewn 10 diwrnod ar ôl i'r pwll glo gau yn gynnar ym 1995, roedd gweithwyr pwll glo'r Tower wedi rhoi cynllun beiddgar a gwych ar waith. Gyda'i gilydd, aeth 239 o lowyr, dan arweiniad Undeb Cenedlaethol y Glowyr ac ysgrifennydd y gangen, Tyrone O'Sullivan, ati i ffurfio TEBO—Tower Employee Buy Out. Cyfrannodd pob un ohonynt £8,000 o’u tâl diswyddo eu hunain, gan eu galluogi i brynu'r pwll glo fel gweithwyr—
We appear to have lost Vikki Howells at this point in time. I'll just check in case it's a simple hiccup. It doesn't look like a simple hiccup. We'll come back to let Vikki finish her contribution. In the meantime, Luke Fletcher.
Ymddengys ein bod wedi colli Vikki Howells ar hyn o bryd. Fe edrychaf rhag ofn mai nam bach syml ydyw. Nid yw'n edrych fel nam bach syml. Fe ddown yn ôl i adael i Vikki orffen ei chyfraniad. Yn y cyfamser, Luke Fletcher.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'd like to thank Huw Irranca-Davies for tabling this motion for debate; it was one that I was more than happy to support. Like Huw and Vikki, who also supported this motion, I'm a proud Member of the cross-party group on co-operatives and mutuals. It's fair to say that co-operatives and social partnerships are widely accepted as the best way of ensuring that workers get a stronger voice in the workplace, and that they offer the best route to a more sustainable way of doing businesses. I've talked over the past few weeks about how, unless we change the way we run our economy, unless we are willing to change the way we do business, we can expect to go nowhere in tackling poverty and the climate emergency.
Co-operatives and social partnerships allow us to grow the Welsh economy in a sustainable way. We've seen countless times where we've needed greater support for worker buy-outs. They are familiar scenarios to us all: an owner of a business, for example, who has built that business from the ground up and is looking to cash in by selling, which, of course, is their right, or, of course, a business that might collapse. Either option can lead to a good business disappearing from Wales, and with it the jobs that they created. As Huw has rightly pointed out, worker buy-outs can provide us with a solution that keeps those jobs in Wales and keeps a business growing.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am gyflwyno'r cynnig hwn i'w drafod; roedd yn un roeddwn yn fwy na pharod i'w gefnogi. Fel Huw a Vikki, a gefnogodd y cynnig hwn hefyd, rwy'n Aelod balch o'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar gwmnïau cydweithredol a chydfuddiannol. Mae'n deg dweud bod cwmnïau cydweithredol a phartneriaethau cymdeithasol yn cael eu derbyn yn eang fel y ffordd orau o sicrhau bod gweithwyr yn cael llais cryfach yn y gweithle, a'u bod yn cynnig y llwybr gorau i ffordd fwy cynaliadwy o wneud busnesau. Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf soniais sut y gallwn ddisgwyl cyrraedd unman wrth ymladd tlodi a'r argyfwng hinsawdd oni bai ein bod yn newid y ffordd y gweithredwn ein heconomi, oni bai ein bod yn barod i newid y ffordd rydym yn gwneud busnes.
Mae cwmnïau cydweithredol a phartneriaethau cymdeithasol yn ein galluogi i dyfu economi Cymru mewn ffordd gynaliadwy. Rydym wedi gweld amseroedd di-rif pan oeddem angen mwy o gefnogaeth ar gyfer pryniant gan weithwyr. Maent yn senarios cyfarwydd i bob un ohonom: perchennog busnes, er enghraifft, sydd wedi adeiladu'r busnes o'r gwraidd ac sy'n awyddus i werthu, a dyna yw eu hawl wrth gwrs, neu fusnes a allai fynd i'r wal. Gall y naill opsiwn neu'r llall arwain at fusnes da yn diflannu o Gymru, a byddai'r swyddi a grëwyd ganddynt yn diflannu hefyd. Fel y nododd Huw yn gywir, gall pryniant gan weithwyr roi ateb i ni sy'n cadw'r swyddi hyn yng Nghymru ac sicrhau bod busnes yn dal i dyfu.
A wnaiff yr Aelod gymryd ymyrraeth?
Will the Member take an intervention?
Wrth gwrs, ie.
Of course, yes.
Mae gan Ddwyfor Meirionnydd hanes balch iawn mewn cwmni o'r fath efo hanes Antur Aelhaearn, wrth gwrs, ond ydych chi'n cytuno efo fi fod cwmnïau cydweithredol yn rhoi lles y gweithwyr a'r gymuned maen nhw'n eu gwasanaethu yn flaenaf, ac yn sicrhau bod mwy o bres cwmnïau cydweithredol yn aros yn yr economi lleol, ac felly ei fod o'n sefyll i reswm y dylid cefnogi a hyrwyddo cwmnïau cydweithredol o'r fath?
Dwyfor Meironnydd has a very proud history in such company with Antur Aelhaearn, for example, but do you agree with me that co-operatives do put the welfare of the workers and the community that they serve at the forefront, and ensure that more of the funding from the co-operative companies stays in the local economy, and that it stands to reason, therefore, that we should support and promote co-operatives?
Wrth gwrs; cytuno'n llwyr. Mae yna bwynt pwysig yn fanna o ran yr arian yn aros yn y gymuned leol.
Of course; I agree entirely. There's an important point there about the money staying in the local community.
And if I could take a second as well to say that the Italians are ahead of the game here, as Huw has pointed out, with the Marcora law. Evviva Italia. Between 2007 and 2013, the law helped to evolve businesses into worker co-operatives and saved over 13,000 jobs. Imagine how many jobs we could have saved over the years had we had a similar provision available for worker buy-outs here in Wales. And imagine the potential security we could have given to workers who would have known that the Welsh Government would be able to support them with buying out the business they worked for if that business and their livelihoods were under threat.
But Italy isn't the only example of where worker co-operatives have brought economic prosperity. Just look at the Basque Country, which was in the same position we find ourselves in today. The Basque Country had a long history of being the scene of industry, especially steel making, but most workers were poorly paid and struggling to get by. Due to time constraints, Dirprwy Lywydd, I won't go into the long history of the co-operative movement there, but we all know the end result through Mondragon. It was interesting, actually, to hear from representatives of the steel co-operatives of the Basque Country that their only complaint was that they wished they had done it sooner.
Finally, Dirprwy Lywydd, I was pleased to hear yesterday in the economy Minister's statement a commitment to strengthening and expanding the co-operative sector in Wales. But we have to ensure that we put words into action; we can't pay lip service anymore. And that's one of the reasons why I was so ready to support this motion. There are tangible and achievable asks set out within this motion that could help the sector to flourish in Wales. I would hope that the Senedd passes this motion, and I hope the Minister considers its contents seriously. Diolch.
Ac os caf roi eiliad hefyd i ddweud bod yr Eidalwyr ar y blaen yn hyn o beth, fel y nododd Huw, gyda chyfraith Marcora. Evviva Italia. Rhwng 2007 a 2013, helpodd y gyfraith i esblygu busnesau i fod yn gwmnïau cydweithredol i weithwyr ac achub dros 13,000 o swyddi. Dychmygwch faint o swyddi y gallem fod wedi'u hachub dros y blynyddoedd pe bai gennym ddarpariaeth debyg ar gael ar gyfer pryniant gan weithwyr yma yng Nghymru. A dychmygwch y sicrwydd y gallem fod wedi'i roi i weithwyr a fyddai wedi gwybod y byddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn gallu eu cefnogi i brynu'r busnes roeddent yn gweithio iddo pe bai'r busnes hwnnw a'u bywoliaeth dan fygythiad.
Ond nid yr Eidal yw'r unig enghraifft o ble mae cwmnïau cydweithredol i weithwyr wedi creu ffyniant economaidd. Edrychwch ar Wlad y Basg, a oedd yn y sefyllfa rydym ni ynddi heddiw. Roedd gan Wlad y Basg hanes hir o fod yn ganolfan ddiwydiant, yn enwedig cynhyrchu dur, ond roedd y rhan fwyaf o weithwyr yn cael eu talu'n wael ac yn ei chael hi'n anodd ymdopi. Oherwydd cyfyngiadau amser, Ddirprwy Lywydd, nid wyf am fanylu ar hanes hir y mudiad cydweithredol yno, ond mae pawb ohonom yn gwybod beth oedd y canlyniad terfynol drwy Mondragon. Roedd yn ddiddorol clywed gan gynrychiolwyr cwmnïau cydweithredol dur Gwlad y Basg mai eu hunig gŵyn oedd eu bod yn gresynu nad oeddent wedi'i wneud yn gynt.
Yn olaf, Ddirprwy Lywydd, roeddwn yn falch o glywed ymrwymiad ddoe yn natganiad Gweinidog yr Economi i gryfhau ac ehangu'r sector cydweithredol yng Nghymru. Ond mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau ein bod yn troi geiriau'n weithredoedd; rhaid inni wneud mwy na siarad bellach. A dyna un o'r rhesymau pam roeddwn mor barod i gefnogi'r cynnig hwn. Mae galwadau gwirioneddol a chyraeddadwy wedi'u nodi yn y cynnig hwn a allai helpu'r sector i ffynnu yng Nghymru. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y Senedd yn pasio'r cynnig hwn, a gobeithio y bydd y Gweinidog yn rhoi ystyriaeth ddifrifol i'w gynnwys. Diolch.
I want to thank Huw Irranca-Davies for bringing this legislative proposal to the Chamber today. As a fellow Member of the Wales Co-operative Party, this Bill is at the heart of our core values to share power and wealth. Employee ownership allows employees to have a stake in the organisation of the businesses and a share of the profits, promoting a responsive, innovative and motivated workforce. In tougher economic times, employee ownership can save jobs, rooting them in the communities and making them more resilient in the long term.
Welsh Government interventions such as the Welsh economic resilience fund were essential to the survival of the Welsh economy over the pandemic. As we move Wales forward, we must take these opportunities to work towards building an economy that creates secure and rewarding jobs, that benefits employees and the local communities that they serve. An employee ownership Bill could play a crucial role in that.
So, just to break it down and back all of this up with further evidence, according to the ownership effect inquiry chaired by Baroness Bowles, on an individual worker level, they can enjoy higher employee engagement, motivation and well-being, and top up their salaries by sharing in the capital value that they create. At a business level, employee-owned business have greater levels of productivity, they encourage employees at every level to drive innovation. For the wider economy, they are more likely to create and retain jobs that are rooted in our local areas, and then, for existing businesses, there can be minimal disruption for your business, particularly if you're advised by specialists, and there's no need to find a buyer, because your employees will already understand the potential of your business and will pay a fair price. Why wouldn't we want to do this?
However, one of the biggest barriers to more employee ownership, apparently, is the lack of awareness and knowledge available for businesses within the Welsh economy. As Luke Fletcher said, when businesses end up doing this, they think to themselves, 'Why didn't I do this sooner?' So, this is why I would like to say again how pleased I am to be discussing this today, so that an employee ownership Bill could potentially be part of Wales's recovery, creating an inclusive and resilient economy by growing employee and worker ownership, rather than lose jobs, our high streets and town centres. We now need cross-party support and investment if it is going to be a success for businesses and our local economies.
Hoffwn ddiolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am ddod â'r cynnig deddfwriaethol hwn i'r Siambr heddiw. Fel cyd-Aelod o Blaid Gydweithredol Cymru, mae'r Bil hwn yn ganolog i'n gwerthoedd craidd i rannu grym a chyfoeth. Mae perchnogaeth gan weithwyr yn caniatáu i weithwyr fod â rhan yn y gwaith o drefnu'r busnesau a chyfran o'r elw, gan hyrwyddo gweithlu ymatebol, arloesol a brwdfrydig. Mewn cyfnod economaidd anos, gall perchnogaeth gan weithwyr achub swyddi, eu gwreiddio yn y cymunedau a'u gwneud yn fwy gwydn yn hirdymor.
Roedd ymyriadau Llywodraeth Cymru megis cronfa cadernid economaidd Cymru yn hanfodol i barhad economi Cymru dros y pandemig. Wrth inni symud Cymru ymlaen, rhaid inni fanteisio ar y cyfleoedd hyn i weithio tuag at adeiladu economi sy'n creu swyddi diogel a gwerth chweil, swyddi sydd o fudd i weithwyr a'r cymunedau lleol a wasanaethant. Gallai Bil perchnogaeth gan weithwyr chwarae rhan hanfodol yn hynny.
Felly, i edrych yn fanylach arno a chefnogi hyn i gyd gyda thystiolaeth bellach, yn ôl yr ymchwiliad i effaith perchnogaeth a gadeirir gan y Farwnes Bowles, ar lefel gweithiwr unigol, gall gweithwyr fwynhau lefelau uwch o ymgysylltiad, cymhelliant a llesiant, ac ychwanegu at eu cyflogau drwy rannu yn y gwerth cyfalaf y maent yn ei greu. Ar lefel busnes, mae gan fusnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr lefelau uwch o gynhyrchiant, maent yn annog gweithwyr ar bob lefel i sbarduno arloesedd. I'r economi ehangach, maent yn fwy tebygol o greu a chadw swyddi sydd wedi'u gwreiddio yn ein hardaloedd lleol, ac ar gyfer busnesau sy'n bodoli eisoes, ni fydd llawer o darfu ar eich busnes, yn enwedig os cewch gyngor gan arbenigwyr, ac nid oes angen dod o hyd i brynwr, oherwydd bydd eich gweithwyr eisoes yn deall potensial eich busnes ac yn talu pris teg. Pam na fyddem am wneud hyn?
Fodd bynnag, un o'r rhwystrau mwyaf i fwy o berchnogaeth gan weithwyr, mae'n debyg, yw'r diffyg ymwybyddiaeth a gwybodaeth i fusnesau o fewn economi Cymru. Fel y dywedodd Luke Fletcher, pan fydd busnesau'n gwneud hyn yn y pen draw, byddant yn dweud wrthynt eu hunain, 'Pam na wnaethom hyn yn gynt?' Felly, dyma pam yr hoffwn ddweud eto fy mod yn eithriadol o falch ein bod yn trafod hyn heddiw, fel y gallai Bil perchnogaeth gan weithwyr fod yn rhan o adferiad Cymru, gan greu economi gynhwysol a gwydn drwy dyfu perchnogaeth gan weithwyr a chyflogeion, yn hytrach na cholli swyddi, y stryd fawr a chanol y dref. Mae angen cefnogaeth a buddsoddiad trawsbleidiol yn awr os yw'n mynd i fod yn llwyddiant i fusnesau a'n heconomïau lleol.
I see that Vikki Howells's connection has been re-established, and I call upon Vikki Howells to give her concluding remarks. I remind her she's got a minute left.
Gwelaf fod cysylltiad Vikki Howells wedi'i adfer, a galwaf ar Vikki Howells i roi ei sylwadau terfynol. Rwy'n ei hatgoffa bod ganddi funud ar ôl.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. So, Tower Colliery stayed operational until 2008, giving people work, keeping money in the local economy, and the tale of Tower, one of triumph, tenacity, and proving the coal board and the Department of Trade and Industry wrong, is remarkable. But the principle of supporting and enabling employee acquisition of the company is one that shouldn't be, and neither should the wider benefits that the operating model brought to the local area.
Community involvement via a liaison committee and a community benefit scheme for villages surrounding the pit, providing funding to groups and individuals and sustaining legacy projects, are all benefits that could be replicated in communities across Wales if we create a framework under which it's easier for employees to buy out the enterprise within which they work. Such a model would also, I suggest, go a long way towards creating the missing middle that is a key objective to developing the foundational economy in Wales. So, I hope that colleagues from around the Siambr can join me in supporting this proposal today.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Felly, parhaodd pwll glo'r Tower yn weithredol tan 2008, gan roi gwaith i bobl, cadw arian yn yr economi leol, ac mae hanes Tower, hanes o lwyddiant, dycnwch, a phrofi bod y bwrdd glo a'r Adran Masnach a Diwydiant yn anghywir, yn un eithriadol. Ond mae'r egwyddor o gefnogi a galluogi gweithwyr i gaffael y cwmni yn un na ddylai fod yn eithriadol, ac ni ddylai'r manteision ehangach a ddaeth i'r ardal leol yn sgil y model gweithredu fod yn eithriadol chwaith.
Mae cynnwys y gymuned drwy bwyllgor cyswllt a chynllun budd cymunedol ar gyfer pentrefi o amgylch y pwll glo, darparu cyllid i grwpiau ac unigolion a chynnal prosiectau etifeddiaeth, i gyd yn fanteision y gellid eu hailadrodd mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru os ydym yn creu fframwaith lle mae'n haws i weithwyr brynu'r fenter y maent yn gweithio ynddi. Carwn awgrymu y byddai model o'r fath hefyd yn gwneud llawer i greu'r canol coll sy'n amcan allweddol i ddatblygu'r economi sylfaenol yng Nghymru. Felly, gobeithio y gall cyd-Aelodau ar bob ochr i'r Siambr ymuno â mi i gefnogi'r cynnig hwn heddiw.
I'd like to start by thanking the Member for raising this debate and for the way in which he's put forward his argument. Though I recognise the reasons why the Member has brought forward these proposals, I nonetheless think that the Member is off-kilter on what the potential benefits of implementing a 1980s Italian-style Marcora law in Wales would be, and I'm also concerned that the Member is asking the Welsh Government to consider radical economic proposals when they are already struggling to implement current legislation that they've already agreed to.
As we all know in the Chamber, the UK Government is very open in its support for co-operative businesses and how they would like to grow the co-operative sector in this country. The co-operative employee-ownership model is seen by many in the United Kingdom, across all political spectrums, as being good for workers, local communities and businesses. Indeed, the Conservative UK Government has recognised this and has introduced a series of measures to support and protect the sector. One such example is the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, which has substantially cut the legal complexities involved in running co-operatives, and, alongside this legislation, we have seen an increase in the amount of withdrawable share capital a member can invest in co-operatives from £20,000 to £100,000. This has given a number of co-operatives in this country much needed and greater flexibility in raising capital.
Furthermore, I understand the UK Government has highlighted again and again that they're very much open to receiving credible proposals for this reform, and Her Majesty's Treasury continually engages with the co-operative sector to maximise its potential. My Labour colleagues should be looking at this route rather than trying to argue for what they see to be trendy European policies that are nearly 40 years old.
With specific regard to the introduction of the Marcora law in Wales, I think Members need to recognise that there are clear differences between the Italian and UK economies now and the Italian and UK economies of the 1980s. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development currently has UK unemployment at 4.7 per cent, whilst it was at 8 per cent in Italy prior to the introduction of the Marcora law. It then shot up to about 10 per cent and has averaged at that level ever since. It is currently at 9.3 per cent. Furthermore, in addition to the UK's comparatively low unemployment rate, we also have unprecedented levels of job support, helping those who find themselves unemployed back into work as quickly as possible. This means, according to the latest OECD data, that UK workers are less likely than Italian workers to be unemployed for substantial periods of time. This not only shows that there's a clear disparity between the two nations, but if there were any positive outcomes to the introduction of the Marcora law in Italy, these would not be felt as strongly in Wales. Welfare savings are often highlighted as one of the main benefits of the Marcora law, but since UK workers are considerably less likely to remain on long-term unemployment, it's far from clear whether or not a Marcora-style employment policy would deliver this for Wales.
So, let's bring this back into the realms of reality. Co-operative businesses purchased by workers in Italy under the Marcora law are part funded by three years' worth of surrendered unemployment benefits. So, basically, if the worker buy-out co-operative goes bust—
Hoffwn ddechrau drwy ddiolch i'r Aelod am gyflwyno'r ddadl hon ac am y ffordd y mae wedi cyflwyno ei ddadl. Er fy mod yn cydnabod y rhesymau pam y mae'r Aelod wedi cyflwyno'r cynigion hyn, rwy'n credu bod yr Aelod yn cyfeiliorni ynglŷn â beth fyddai'r manteision posibl o weithredu cyfraith Marcora Eidalaidd o'r 1980au yng Nghymru, ac rwyf hefyd yn pryderu bod yr Aelod yn gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru ystyried cynigion economaidd radical a hwythau eisoes yn ei chael hi'n anodd gweithredu deddfwriaeth bresennol y maent eisoes wedi cytuno arni.
Fel y gŵyr pawb ohonom yn y Siambr, mae Llywodraeth y DU yn agored iawn ei chefnogaeth i fusnesau cydweithredol a'r modd yr hoffent dyfu'r sector cydweithredol yn y wlad hon. Mae model cydweithredol perchnogaeth gan weithwyr yn cael ei weld gan lawer yn y Deyrnas Unedig, ar draws yr holl sbectrwm gwleidyddol, fel un da i weithwyr, cymunedau lleol a busnesau. Yn wir, mae Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU wedi cydnabod hyn ac wedi cyflwyno cyfres o fesurau i gefnogi a diogelu'r sector. Un enghraifft o'r fath yw Deddf Cymdeithasau Cydweithredol a Chymdeithasau Budd Cymunedol 2014, sydd wedi lleihau'n sylweddol y cymhlethdodau cyfreithiol sy'n gysylltiedig â rhedeg cwmnïau cydweithredol, ac ochr yn ochr â'r ddeddfwriaeth hon, gwelsom swm y cyfalaf cyfranddaliadau y gellir ei dynnu allan i'w fuddsoddi gan aelod mewn cwmni cydweithredol yn codi o £20,000 i £100,000. Mae hyn wedi rhoi llawer o hyblygrwydd mawr ei angen i nifer o gwmnïau cydweithredol yn y wlad hon allu codi cyfalaf.
At hynny, deallaf fod Llywodraeth y DU wedi tynnu sylw dro ar ôl tro at y ffaith eu bod yn barod iawn i dderbyn cynigion credadwy ar gyfer y diwygio hwn, ac mae Trysorlys Ei Mawrhydi yn ymgysylltu'n barhaus â'r sector cydweithredol i wneud y mwyaf o'i botensial. Dylai fy nghyd-Aelodau Llafur edrych ar y llwybr hwn yn hytrach na cheisio dadlau dros yr hyn y maent yn ystyried eu bod yn bolisïau Ewropeaidd ffasiynol sydd bron yn 40 mlwydd oed.
O edrych yn benodol ar gyflwyno cyfraith Marcora yng Nghymru, credaf fod angen i'r Aelodau gydnabod bod gwahaniaethau clir rhwng economïau'r Eidal a'r DU yn awr ac economïau'r Eidal a'r DU yn y 1980au. Ar hyn o bryd mae'r Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd yn nodi bod diweithdra yn y DU yn 4.7 y cant, tra'i fod yn 8 y cant yn yr Eidal cyn cyflwyno cyfraith Marcora. Cododd yn gyflym wedyn i tua 10 y cant ac mae wedi bod ar y lefel honno ar gyfartaledd byth ers hynny. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n 9.3 y cant. At hynny, yn ogystal â chyfradd ddiweithdra gymharol isel y DU, mae gennym hefyd lefelau digynsail o gymorth swyddi i helpu'r rhai sy'n ddi-waith i ddod o hyd i waith cyn gynted â phosibl. Mae hyn yn golygu, yn ôl data diweddaraf y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd, fod gweithwyr y DU yn llai tebygol na gweithwyr yr Eidal o fod yn ddi-waith am gyfnodau sylweddol. Mae hyn nid yn unig yn dangos bod gwahaniaeth amlwg rhwng y ddwy wlad, ond pe bai unrhyw ganlyniadau cadarnhaol i gyflwyno cyfraith Marcora yn yr Eidal, ni fyddai'r rhain yn cael eu teimlo mor gryf yng Nghymru. Yn aml, amlygir arbedion lles fel un o brif fanteision cyfraith Marcora, ond gan fod gweithwyr y DU yn llawer llai tebygol o barhau'n ddi-waith yn hirdymor, mae ymhell o fod yn glir a fyddai polisi cyflogaeth tebyg i Marcora yn cyflawni hyn i Gymru ai peidio.
Felly, gadewch i ni fod yn fwy realistig ynglŷn â hyn. Caiff busnesau cydweithredol a brynir gan y gweithwyr yn yr Eidal o dan gyfraith Marcora eu hariannu'n rhannol drwy ildio gwerth tair blynedd o fudd-daliadau diweithdra. Felly, yn y bôn, os yw'r cwmni cydweithredol a brynir gan y gweithwyr yn mynd i'r wal—
Can the Member conclude now, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddod i ben yn awr, os gwelwch yn dda?
—and a large proportion of these do, then workers will be unable to claim welfare benefits to support themselves and their families for up to three years. I suspect that very few people here have given this any thought, preferring to focus on the perceived benefits, rather than the cold, hard reality of the matter. I doubt Members here are seriously proposing that workers will have to surrender their welfare entitlements, but this is a fundamental part of the Marcora law.
Thus, if Members are genuine in their desire to develop co-operative businesses in Wales, they would be better off making credible proposals to amend current and existing legislation rather than trying to recycle 1980s economic policies that were originally put forward by a Government that collapsed under the weight of its own corruption. We will not be supporting this motion. Thank you.
—ac mae cyfran fawr o'r rhain yn gwneud hynny, ni fydd gweithwyr yn gallu hawlio budd-daliadau lles i'w cefnogi eu hunain a'u teuluoedd am hyd at dair blynedd. Rwy'n amau mai ychydig iawn o bobl yma sydd wedi ystyried hyn yn iawn, gan ffafrio'r ffocws ar y manteision canfyddedig yn hytrach na'r realiti oer, anodd. Rwy'n amau bod yr Aelodau yma'n cynnig o ddifrif y bydd yn rhaid i weithwyr ildio eu hawliau lles, ond mae hynny'n rhan sylfaenol o gyfraith Marcora.
Felly, os yw'r Aelodau yn ddiffuant yn eu hawydd i ddatblygu busnesau cydweithredol yng Nghymru, byddai'n well iddynt wneud cynigion credadwy i ddiwygio deddfwriaeth gyfredol sy'n bodoli eisoes yn hytrach na cheisio ailgylchu polisïau economaidd y 1980au a gyflwynwyd yn wreiddiol gan Lywodraeth a gwympodd o dan bwysau ei llygredd ei hun. Ni fyddwn yn cefnogi'r cynnig hwn. Diolch.
It's a very courageous man who seeks to defend the current economic policy of the United Kingdom Government. I notice that the business Secretary on the Today programme this morning didn't even rise to the challenge. In that contribution, Joel James described a 'cold, hard reality', and cold and hard is how it feels to be at the beck and call of UK economic policy at the moment. I'm not sure there are many people in Wales who feel that we are seeing the success of neoliberalism at the moment.
And in making that argument, of course, what he also does is to misunderstand fundamentally the nature of the Welsh economy for too many people and too many businesses. One of the great advantages of a co-operative approach to business and to economic organisation, of course, is a business that is rooted in a community, that is rooted in its place, that is rooted in seeking to deliver economic benefit for people in that community and not to extract wealth from that community. Those of us who grew up in the south Wales Valleys know all about the extraction of wealth, and we know all about what was left: grinding poverty and hopelessness was left, whilst the coal owners enjoyed a life of undreamt luxury and benefits from the labour of those people.
And let me say this, co-operatives offer us an alternative economic model that has the potential to root an economy in the creation of wealth for the first time for decades. My parents were born under a co-operative approach to healthcare. The Tredegar Medical Aid Society, the forerunner of the health service, was a co-operative. It was created by the workers of Tredegar in order to deliver healthcare when that was not provided by the state. And I believe that the Welsh Government—and this is what I'd look for in the Minister's response—has an opportunity here, within the settlement, to actually create co-operatives that can have a transformative impact, not only on the economy of Wales but on the communities of Wales as well.
Take, for example, what we're seeking to do in terms of transport. We've had a conversation this afternoon about public transport. We know there are opportunities for people to organise transport collectives in order to deliver the sort of public transport that we all want to see. We had conversations last week about energy policy. We know that there are opportunities for people to create energy co-operatives in different communities, to ensure that we have renewables able to match our ambitions both for climate policy and for social policy and to deliver the sort of energy revolution that we want to see. But I would like to see the Government go further as well. I can see that I'm not the only former fisheries Minister in this Chamber, and one of the things that I felt that the Government could look at, which we never had an opportunity to do in the past, was, for example, to ensure a collectivisation of quotas, to ensure that the fishing industry owned the quotas that they were able to deliver.
Dyn dewr iawn sy'n ceisio amddiffyn polisi economaidd presennol Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Unedig. Sylwaf nad oedd yr Ysgrifennydd busnes ar raglen Today y bore yma yn ymateb i'r her hyd yn oed. Yn y cyfraniad hwnnw, disgrifiodd Joel James 'realiti oer, anodd', ac oer ac anodd yw sut y mae'n teimlo i fod ar alwad polisi economaidd y DU ar hyn o bryd. Nid wyf yn siŵr fod llawer o bobl yng Nghymru yn teimlo ein bod yn gweld llwyddiant neoryddfrydiaeth ar hyn o bryd.
Ac wrth wneud y ddadl honno wrth gwrs, yr hyn y mae hefyd yn ei wneud yw camddeall yn sylfaenol natur economi Cymru i ormod o bobl a gormod o fusnesau. Un o fanteision mawr y dull cydweithredol o ymdrin â busnes a threfniadaeth economaidd, wrth gwrs, yw busnes sydd wedi'i wreiddio mewn cymuned, sydd wedi'i wreiddio yn ei leoliad, sydd wedi'i wreiddio wrth geisio sicrhau budd economaidd i bobl yn y gymuned honno a pheidio ag echdynnu cyfoeth o'r gymuned honno. Mae'r rheini ohonom a fagwyd yng Nghymoedd de Cymru yn gwybod popeth am echdynnu cyfoeth, a gwyddom bopeth am yr hyn a adawyd ar ôl: gadawyd tlodi ac anobaith ar ôl, tra bod perchnogion y pyllau glo'n mwynhau bywyd o foethusrwydd a manteision na ellir eu dychmygu yn sgil llafur y bobl hynny.
A gadewch imi ddweud hyn, mae cwmnïau cydweithredol yn cynnig model economaidd amgen inni sydd â'r potensial i wreiddio economi yn y broses o greu cyfoeth am y tro cyntaf ers degawdau. Cafodd fy rhieni eu geni o dan ddull cydweithredol o weithredu gofal iechyd. Roedd Cymdeithas Cymorth Meddygol Tredegar, a ragflaenai'r gwasanaeth iechyd, yn gwmni cydweithredol. Fe'i crëwyd gan weithwyr Tredegar er mwyn darparu gofal iechyd pan nad oedd yn cael ei ddarparu gan y wladwriaeth. A chredaf fod cyfle i Lywodraeth Cymru yma—a byddaf yn edrych am hyn yn ymateb y Gweinidog—o fewn y setliad, i greu cwmnïau cydweithredol a all gael effaith drawsnewidiol, nid yn unig ar economi Cymru ond ar gymunedau Cymru hefyd.
Er enghraifft, cymerwch yr hyn y ceisiwn ei wneud gyda thrafnidiaeth. Cawsom sgwrs y prynhawn yma am drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Gwyddom fod cyfleoedd i bobl drefnu cydweithfeydd trafnidiaeth er mwyn darparu'r math o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus rydym i gyd am ei gweld. Cawsom sgyrsiau yr wythnos diwethaf am bolisi ynni. Gwyddom fod cyfleoedd i bobl greu cwmnïau ynni cydweithredol mewn gwahanol gymunedau, i sicrhau bod gennym ynni adnewyddadwy sy'n cyd-fynd â'n huchelgeisiau ar gyfer polisi hinsawdd ac ar gyfer polisi cymdeithasol a chyflawni'r math o chwyldro ynni rydym am ei weld. Ond hoffwn weld y Llywodraeth yn mynd ymhellach hefyd. Gallaf weld nad fi yw'r unig gyn-Weinidog pysgodfeydd yn y Siambr hon, ac un o'r pethau y teimlwn y gallai'r Llywodraeth edrych arno, na chawsom gyfle i'w wneud yn y gorffennol er enghraifft, oedd sicrhau bod cwotâu'n cael eu cyfunoli, er mwyn sicrhau bod y diwydiant pysgota yn berchen ar y cwotâu y gallent eu cyflenwi.
Can the Member conclude now, please?
A wnaiff yr Aelod ddod i ben yn awr, os gwelwch yn dda?
I'm looking at Peter Fox; I had a good conversation with him earlier about his proposed food legislation. You know and I know that the agriculture industry uses—[Interruption.] We haven't got time to take an intervention. It uses collectives and uses co-operatives already. You know it works, I know it works. Tell Joel James that it works as well. Thank you.
Rwy'n edrych ar Peter Fox; cefais sgwrs dda gydag ef yn gynharach am ei ddeddfwriaeth fwyd arfaethedig. Fe wyddoch chi a minnau fod y diwydiant amaeth yn defnyddio—[Torri ar draws.] Nid oes gennym amser i dderbyn ymyriad. Mae'n defnyddio cydweithfeydd ac mae'n defnyddio cwmnïau cydweithredol yn barod. Rydych chi'n gwybod ei fod yn gweithio, rwy'n gwybod ei fod yn gweithio. Dywedwch wrth Joel James ei fod yn gweithio hefyd. Diolch.
Galwaf ar Weinidog yr Economi, Vaughan Gething.
I call on the Minister for Economy, Vaughan Gething.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to thank Huw Irranca-Davies for bringing forward today's debate. I should make clear that I, too, am a Welsh Labour and Co-operative member, as I have been since my election to this place in 2011. I think it is an important and a timely discussion, and I want to thank Members for their thoughtful contributions, including a note of disagreement in the Chamber. I particularly want to thank Vikki Howells in two parts for reminding us of the story of Tower, and not just what happened at the time that Tower was created as a worker-owned operation, but its continued future—what is now a fantastic business—and the structure and support it required to be successful, as well as the determination of its workforce to ensure that it was successful. In Wales, it's a good example of our strong commitment to social enterprise and the co-operative sector. The values that we lean on and the principles of social enterprise and co-operation were part of helping us through the COVID pandemic, and what I think will be part of helping to build the greener, fairer, more prosperous future that Alun Davies celebrated with us yesterday.
I want to see the sector continue to grow. We've demonstrated our commitment, as Huw Irranca has recognised, in the programme for government and the vision set out in ‘Transforming Wales through social enterprise’. That action plan was launched last year after being co-produced with social enterprises and support agencies here in Wales. Management buy-outs are already an important facet in any healthy business system. They provide the opportunity for businesses to grow and to continue, usually by retaining local ownership and commitment, as many Members have recognised. They're an important part of the foundational economy, but I should say of course that co-ops and mutuals are not simply local businesses; very large businesses can be worker-owned enterprises too, of which perhaps John Lewis is the most obvious example. But opportunities for co-operatives, especially through the succession route of Welsh business—[Interruption.] I'll just finish on this point. They will help keep these businesses based and owned by people in Wales. I'll take the intervention then make more progress.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn ddiolch i Huw Irranca-Davies am gyflwyno'r ddadl heddiw. Dylwn egluro fy mod innau hefyd yn aelod Llafur a Chydweithredol, fel y bûm ers fy ethol i'r lle hwn yn 2011. Credaf ei bod yn drafodaeth bwysig ac amserol, ac rwyf am ddiolch i'r Aelodau am eu cyfraniadau meddylgar, gan gynnwys nodyn o anghytundeb yn y Siambr. Hoffwn ddiolch yn arbennig i Vikki Howells mewn dwy ran am ein hatgoffa o stori Tower, ac nid yn unig yr hyn a ddigwyddodd ar yr adeg y crëwyd Tower fel gwaith sy'n eiddo i weithwyr, ond ei ddyfodol parhaus—yr hyn sydd bellach yn fusnes gwych—a'r strwythur a'r gefnogaeth roedd ei angen i lwyddo, yn ogystal â phenderfyniad ei weithlu i sicrhau ei fod yn llwyddiannus. Yng Nghymru, mae'n enghraifft dda o'n hymrwymiad cryf i fentrau cymdeithasol a'r sector cydweithredol. Roedd y gwerthoedd rydym yn pwyso arnynt ac egwyddorion menter gymdeithasol a chydweithredu yn rhan o'r hyn a'n helpodd drwy'r pandemig COVID, ac yn rhan o helpu i adeiladu'r dyfodol mwy gwyrdd, mwy teg a mwy llewyrchus a ddathlodd Alun Davies gyda ni ddoe.
Rwyf am weld y sector yn parhau i dyfu. Rydym wedi dangos ein hymrwymiad, fel y cydnabu Huw Irranca, yn y rhaglen lywodraethu a'r weledigaeth a nodir yn 'Trawsnewid Cymru drwy fentrau cymdeithasol'. Lansiwyd y cynllun gweithredu hwnnw y llynedd ar ôl cael ei gydgynhyrchu gyda mentrau cymdeithasol ac asiantaethau cymorth yma yng Nghymru. Mae pryniant gan reolwyr eisoes yn agwedd bwysig mewn unrhyw system fusnes iach. Mae'n rhoi cyfle i fusnesau dyfu a pharhau, fel arfer drwy gadw perchnogaeth ac ymrwymiad lleol, fel y mae llawer o'r Aelodau wedi'i gydnabod. Maent yn rhan bwysig o'r economi sylfaenol, ond dylwn ddweud wrth gwrs nad busnesau lleol yn unig yw cwmnïau cydweithredol a chydfuddiannol; gall busnesau mawr iawn fod yn fentrau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr hefyd, ac efallai mai John Lewis yw'r enghraifft amlycaf. Ond mae cyfleoedd i gwmnïau cydweithredol, yn enwedig drwy lwybr olyniaeth busnes Cymru—[Torri ar draws.] Rwyf am orffen gyda'r pwynt hwn. Byddant yn helpu i gadw'r busnesau hyn wedi'u lleoli yng Nghymru ac yn eiddo i bobl Cymru. Fe dderbyniaf yr ymyriad a gwneud rhagor o gynnydd wedyn.
Prior to coming to this place, I was proud to work in the mutual sector for more than two decades, and I strongly support the success of mutuals and co-operatives and the benefits they bring to our market economy. But the organisation I worked for crashed a few years after I left and had to be taken over by another organisation. So, do you recognise they're not a magic bullet, and unless they make a surplus, they won't thrive and survive, and that surplus is dependent upon customer service, competitiveness and financial prudence?
Cyn dod i'r lle hwn, roeddwn yn falch o weithio yn y sector cydfuddiannol am fwy na dau ddegawd, ac rwy'n cefnogi llwyddiant cwmnïau cydfuddiannol a mentrau cydweithredol yn gryf, a'r manteision a ddaw yn eu sgil i'n heconomi marchnad. Ond fe wnaeth y sefydliad roeddwn yn gweithio iddo chwalu ychydig flynyddoedd ar ôl i mi adael a bu'n rhaid i sefydliad arall ei brynu. Felly, a ydych yn cydnabod nad ydynt yn ateb i bob dim, ac oni bai eu bod yn gwneud gwarged, ni fyddant yn ffynnu ac yn goroesi, ac mae'r gwarged hwnnw'n dibynnu ar wasanaeth i gwsmeriaid, cystadleurwydd a darbodusrwydd ariannol?
No-one is arguing that co-ops or mutuals are a magic bullet and guarantee survival; that's always been the case. And I recognise of course that the Member is right to highlight that in the finance sector, there is a long tradition of successful mutuals, and a business model that I think is here to stay for the future.
We already have in Wales extensive support available for the sector. Employee Ownership Wales is part of the Social Business Wales programme funded by the Welsh Government and the now former European regional development fund as far as Wales is concerned—a successful programme that is of course at risk if that practical support in the form of European Union funds is not reprovided to Wales in the future. It currently provides fully funded bespoke advice to help decide if employee ownership and share schemes are the right solution for that business moving forward. In addition, we offer dedicated support through Business Wales, and that helps with succession planning options, including management buy-outs.
In addition to this, I've asked my officials to work with the sector to explore options on how we can further promote employee ownership and worker buy-outs with our wider stakeholders and businesses here in Wales, including the work that the Development Bank of Wales already undertakes. Whether it's the work that we've done in recent years with the ideas of the Welsh Co-operative and Mutuals Commission to make real the values of co-operative action across areas of Government, whether it's in social care, where we have legislated to support the development of not-for-profit providers and set up the integrated care fund to promote alternative delivery models, or whether it's in the foundation economy, we have already established new experimental funds to test innovative ideas and new ways of working that we hope can and will scale up within procurement. We have already used the powers of devolved Government here in Wales in a confident way, to work with partners like the Wales Co-operative Centre, and to take many of the ideas honed over the last century of this movement's work to make progressive change a reality and to improve the lives of working people.
We're committed to continuing this journey through the policy levers that we do have available here in Wales. If we were to introduce legislation in this area, more detailed discussions would be required to understand the benefit of doing so. I have an open mind on the question of legislation, but there is the very real practical challenge of both a packed legislative agenda, but also the balance of reserved and devolved powers that the Member identified in his opening.
The Government will abstain on the motion today, but Welsh Labour, including the very many Welsh Labour and Co-operative Members, will have a free vote. However, I do want to respond positively to what I think is the point and the purpose that the Member highlights in bringing this motion before us today: how can we and how will we double the size of employee-owned businesses in Wales within this Welsh Parliament term? Because I'll be very happy to take up his suggestion to sit down with him, with fellow co-operators and the Wales Co-operative Centre to discuss just how we do that in practice and fulfil our manifesto pledge.
Nid oes neb yn dadlau bod cwmnïau cydweithredol neu gydfuddiannol yn ateb i bob dim ac yn gwarantu bod busnes yn goroesi; felly y mae wedi bod erioed. Ac rwy'n cydnabod wrth gwrs fod yr Aelod yn iawn i dynnu sylw at y ffaith bod yna draddodiad hir o gwmnïau cydfuddiannol llwyddiannus yn y sector ariannol, a model busnes sydd yma i aros ar gyfer y dyfodol yn fy marn i.
Eisoes yng Nghymru mae gennym gymorth helaeth ar gael i'r sector. Mae Perchnogaeth Gweithwyr Cymru yn rhan o raglen Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru a ariannir gan Lywodraeth Cymru a chronfa datblygu rhanbarthol Ewrop, cronfa flaenorol bellach o safbwynt Cymru—rhaglen lwyddiannus sydd, wrth gwrs, mewn perygl os na chaiff y cymorth ymarferol ar ffurf cronfeydd yr Undeb Ewropeaidd ei ailddarparu i Gymru yn y dyfodol. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n darparu cyngor pwrpasol wedi'i ariannu'n llawn i helpu i benderfynu ai cynlluniau perchnogaeth gan y gweithwyr a chynlluniau cyfranddaliadau gweithwyr yw'r ateb cywir i'r busnes hwnnw wrth symud ymlaen. Yn ogystal, rydym yn cynnig cymorth penodol drwy Busnes Cymru i helpu gydag opsiynau cynllunio olyniaeth, gan gynnwys pryniant gan reolwyr.
Yn ogystal â hyn, rwyf wedi gofyn i fy swyddogion weithio gyda'r sector i archwilio opsiynau i weld sut y gallwn hyrwyddo perchnogaeth gan y gweithwyr a phryniant gan weithwyr gyda'n rhanddeiliaid a'n busnesau ehangach yma yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys y gwaith y mae Banc Datblygu Cymru eisoes yn ei wneud. Boed yn waith a wnaethom yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf gyda syniadau Comisiwn Cwmnïau Cydweithredol a Chydfuddiannol Cymru i wireddu gwerthoedd gweithredu cydweithredol ar draws meysydd Llywodraeth, boed mewn gofal cymdeithasol, lle rydym wedi deddfu i gefnogi datblygiad darparwyr di-elw a sefydlu'r gronfa gofal integredig i hyrwyddo modelau darparu amgen, neu yn yr economi sylfaenol, rydym eisoes wedi sefydlu cronfeydd arbrofol newydd i brofi syniadau arloesol a ffyrdd newydd o weithio y gobeithiwn y gellir eu hymestyn ym maes caffael. Rydym eisoes wedi defnyddio pwerau'r Llywodraeth ddatganoledig yma yng Nghymru mewn ffordd hyderus, i weithio gyda phartneriaid fel Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru, ac i gymryd llawer o'r syniadau a hogwyd dros y ganrif ddiwethaf o waith y mudiad hwn er mwyn gwneud newid blaengar yn realiti ac er mwyn gwella bywydau gweithwyr.
Rydym wedi ymrwymo i barhau â'r daith hon drwy'r ysgogiadau polisi sydd ar gael yma yng Nghymru. Pe baem yn cyflwyno deddfwriaeth yn y maes hwn, byddai angen trafodaethau manylach i ddeall y budd o wneud hynny. Mae gennyf feddwl agored ynglŷn â deddfwriaeth, ond ceir her ymarferol wirioneddol gydag agenda ddeddfwriaethol lawn, a hefyd y cydbwysedd rhwng pwerau a gadwyd yn ôl a phwerau datganoledig fel y nododd yr Aelod wrth agor.
Bydd y Llywodraeth yn ymatal ar y cynnig heddiw, ond bydd gan Lafur Cymru, gan gynnwys y nifer fawr o Aelodau Llafur a Chydweithredol bleidlais rydd. Fodd bynnag, rwyf am ymateb yn gadarnhaol i'r hyn y credaf yw'r pwynt a'r diben y mae'r Aelod yn tynnu sylw ato wrth gyflwyno'r cynnig hwn ger ein bron heddiw: sut y gallwn ni a sut y byddwn ni'n dyblu nifer y busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr yng Nghymru o fewn tymor y Senedd hon yng Nghymru? Oherwydd byddaf yn hapus iawn i dderbyn ei awgrym i eistedd gydag ef, gyda chyd-aelodau o'r Blaid Gydweithredol a Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru i drafod sut y gwnawn hynny'n ymarferol a chyflawni ein haddewid maniffesto.
Galwaf ar Huw Irranca-Davies i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Huw Irranca-Davies to reply to the debate.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I'll respond very briefly. Can I first of all just thank everybody who's taken part in this debate? It's been well worth while. I've enjoyed it all, and I'll try and respond briefly to some of the contributions, finishing with the Minister.
First of all, to Joel. I welcome the contribution and the criticism of this as well, because we need that challenge. But I would simply say that those existing co-operatives that are now in place in every part of Wales are not part of the 1980s sandal-wearing agenda; they are in the most cutting-edge parts of the economy, working as employee-owned businesses and reaping the benefits that were described by Sarah Murphy and others. They're not some throwback to the past; they're actually a look ahead to the future. But I welcome his contribution.
Alun Davies in response curiously said there—he made an important point—that the co-operative approach here to, actually, employee ownership is about not extracting wealth from communities, as we've seen in the past with a free-for-all neoliberal agenda, or before there was even a neoliberal agenda, but actually rooting that wealth in the local economy, and recycling it amongst people who share the ownership of it.
Let me turn then to the comments that were made by Luke. I really welcome the support for this, Luke, and your membership of the cross-party group on co-ops and mutuals shows the spread of support for this sort of agenda. As you said, it's a solution to keep jobs in Wales, in the communities, keep the wealth in the communities, keep the jobs here as well—what you were laying out the other day, Minister, about keeping people working in Wales. What could be more attractive than having a share in the businesses and the companies they work for?
Sarah's comments—thank you so much for that contribution, as a fellow Co-operative Party member as well, as were others. You turned to Baroness Bowles's analysis based on the evidence there, and you rightly cited higher employee engagement, motivation and well-being, a more inclusive, transparent and effective model of governance, topping up the salaries by sharing the capital value of the companies that are involved, and stronger workforce retention, which we hear so much about today. This is what co-operative models of worker ownership actually do—greater levels of productivity and efficiency. Joel, this isn't a 1980s throwback, this is this century looking forward, genuinely.
If I turn finally to Vikki there, before the Minister. Vikki—[Interruption.] Sorry, did you want to—? Am I allowed to—? Yes.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Rwyf am ymateb yn fyr iawn. A gaf fi ddiolch yn gyntaf i bawb sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn y ddadl hon? Mae wedi bod yn werth chweil. Rwyf wedi mwynhau'r cyfan, ac fe geisiaf ymateb yn fyr i rai o'r cyfraniadau, gan orffen gyda'r Gweinidog.
Yn gyntaf oll, i Joel. Rwy'n croesawu'r cyfraniad a'r feirniadaeth hefyd, oherwydd mae arnom angen yr her honno. Ond byddwn yn dweud yn syml nad yw'r cwmnïau cydweithredol presennol sydd ar waith yn awr ym mhob rhan o Gymru yn rhan o agenda hipïaidd yr 1980au; maent yn y rhannau mwyaf blaengar o'r economi, yn gweithio fel busnesau sy'n eiddo i weithwyr ac yn elwa ar y manteision a ddisgrifiwyd gan Sarah Murphy ac eraill. Nid rhywbeth o'r gorffennol ydynt; maent yn perthyn i'r dyfodol mewn gwirionedd. Ond rwy'n croesawu ei gyfraniad.
Dywedodd Alun Davies mewn ymateb—gwnaeth bwynt pwysig—nad yw'r dull cydweithredol o sicrhau perchnogaeth gan weithwyr yn ymwneud ag echdynnu cyfoeth o gymunedau, fel y gwelsom yn y gorffennol gydag agenda neoryddfrydol a rhyddid i bawb wneud fel a fynno, neu cyn bod agenda neoryddfrydol hyd yn oed, ond yn hytrach, mae'n ymwneud â gwreiddio'r cyfoeth hwnnw yn yr economi leol, a'i ailgylchu ymhlith pobl sy'n rhannu perchnogaeth arno.
Gadewch imi droi felly at y sylwadau a wnaeth Luke. Rwy'n croesawu'n fawr y gefnogaeth i hyn, Luke, ac mae eich aelodaeth o'r grŵp trawsbleidiol ar gwmnïau cydweithredol a chydfuddiannol yn dangos lledaeniad y gefnogaeth i'r math hwn o agenda. Fel y dywedoch chi, mae'n ateb i gadw swyddi yng Nghymru, yn y cymunedau, cadw'r cyfoeth yn y cymunedau, cadw'r swyddi yma hefyd—yr hyn roeddech yn ei ddisgrifio y diwrnod o'r blaen, Weinidog, ynglŷn â chadw pobl i weithio yng Nghymru. Beth allai fod yn fwy deniadol na chael cyfran yn y busnesau a'r cwmnïau y maent yn gweithio iddynt?
Sylwadau Sarah—diolch yn fawr am y cyfraniad hwnnw, fel cyd-aelod o'r Blaid Gydweithredol hefyd, fel eraill. Fe wnaethoch droi at ddadansoddiad y Farwnes Bowles yn seiliedig ar y dystiolaeth yno, ac fe gyfeirioch chi'n briodol at lefel uwch o ymgysylltiad, cymhelliant a llesiant i weithwyr, model llywodraethu mwy cynhwysol, tryloyw ac effeithiol, ychwanegu at y cyflogau drwy rannu gwerth cyfalaf y cwmnïau sy'n gysylltiedig, a chadw gweithlu, y clywn gymaint amdano heddiw. Dyma'r hyn y mae modelau cydweithredol o berchnogaeth gan weithwyr yn ei wneud mewn gwirionedd—lefelau uwch o gynhyrchiant ac effeithlonrwydd. Joel, nid troi'n ôl at y 1980au yw hyn, dyma'r ganrif hon yn edrych ymlaen go iawn.
Os caf droi i orffen at Vikki, cyn y Gweinidog. Vikki—[Torri ar draws.] Mae'n ddrwg gennyf, a oeddech chi am—? A gaf fi—? Iawn.
Thank you for that intervention. The Conservative Party isn't against co-operatives. One of the fundamental things that we are against, really, with the Marcora thing that was brought in in the 1980s, was a Government-backed investment of 3:1, which was a substantial Government investment that was actually proven to break EU state-aid rules. That is one of the major issues we have here, if you're proposing that legislation. So, can you confirm what element of financial backing will you be expecting from the Welsh Government?
Diolch ichi am yr ymyriad. Nid yw'r Blaid Geidwadol yn erbyn cwmnïau cydweithredol. Un o'r pethau sylfaenol rydym yn ei erbyn, mewn gwirionedd, gyda'r peth Marcora a gyflwynwyd yn y 1980au, oedd buddsoddiad a gefnogir gan y Llywodraeth o 3:1, a oedd yn fuddsoddiad sylweddol gan y Llywodraeth, y profwyd ei fod yn torri rheolau cymorth gwladwriaethol yr UE mewn gwirionedd. Dyna un o'r prif bethau sy'n codi gennym yma, os ydych yn cynnig y ddeddfwriaeth. Felly, a allwch gadarnhau pa elfen o gefnogaeth ariannol y byddwch yn ei disgwyl gan Lywodraeth Cymru?
I'm really glad to hear that you're not opposed to the idea of employee ownership and co-operative models of worker ownership. I would just say to him, don't look back at that 1980s model. Actually look at working with us on what a new model would look like to achieve exactly the same end.
That brings me to Vikki Howells, who spoke to us in a tale of two halves, very like the Tower story itself—a group of people who came together, did an employee buy-out and actually gave two decades of further life to that, and are now reinventing it again for another era with the money that they've reinvested rooted in those communities—in the wealth of those communities. And look, if they can create an opera about this, which would seem such a mundane thing, we're in business, I'm telling you.
Finally, Minister, I'm delighted that in response you did lay out exactly what this Welsh Government is doing already, and it is extensive; it is huge, the ambition behind it, including working with the co-operative centre, the European funding that's currently going on, which we need to replace to go into this support, Business Wales, the Development Bank of Wales, and you'll explore more options. I was so delighted to hear you say you have an open mind on the question of legislation. In that case, Minister, as a fellow co-operator, let's sit down and discuss it.
Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed nad ydych yn gwrthwynebu'r syniad o berchnogaeth gan weithwyr a modelau cydweithredol o berchnogaeth gan weithwyr. Byddwn yn dweud wrtho, peidiwch ag edrych yn ôl ar y model hwnnw o'r 1980au. Edrychwch ar weithio gyda ni ar sut y byddai model newydd yn edrych er mwyn cyflawni'r un nod yn union.
Daw hynny â mi at Vikki Howells, a siaradodd â ni mewn dwy ran, yn debyg iawn i stori Tower ei hun—grŵp o bobl a ddaeth at ei gilydd, pryniant gan y gweithwyr a rhoi dau ddegawd o fywyd pellach i hynny, ac sydd bellach yn ei ailddyfeisio eto ar gyfer oes arall gyda'r arian y maent wedi'i ailfuddsoddi wedi'i wreiddio yn y cymunedau hynny—yng nghyfoeth y cymunedau hynny. Ac edrychwch, os gallant gyfansoddi opera am rywbeth a fyddai'n ymddangos yn beth mor ddinod, beth arall sydd i'w ddweud?
Yn olaf, Weinidog, rwyf wrth fy modd eich bod chi, wrth ymateb, wedi nodi'n union yr hyn y mae'r Llywodraeth hon yng Nghymru yn ei wneud eisoes, ac mae'n helaeth; mae'n enfawr, yr uchelgais sy'n sail iddo, gan gynnwys gweithio gyda'r ganolfan gydweithredol, y cyllid Ewropeaidd sy'n digwydd ar hyn o bryd, arian y mae angen inni ddod o hyd i arian yn ei le i fynd tuag at y cymorth hwn, Busnes Cymru, Banc Datblygu Cymru, a byddwch yn archwilio mwy o opsiynau. Roeddwn mor falch o'ch clywed yn dweud bod gennych feddwl agored ar fater deddfwriaeth. Os felly, Weinidog, fel cyd-aelod o'r Blaid Gydweithredol, gadewch i ni ei drafod.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid nodi'r cynnig? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.]
The proposal is to note the legislative proposal. Does any Member object? [Objection.]
We have an objection.
Mae gennym wrthwynebiad.
Felly, gohiriaf y bleidlais ar y cynnig tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
I will defer voting on the motion until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Detholwyd y gwelliannau canlynol: gwelliant 1 yn enw Lesley Griffiths, a gwelliant 2 yn enw Siân Gwenllian. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliant 2 ei ddad-ddethol.
The following amendments have been selected: amendment 1 in the name of Lesley Griffiths and amendent 2 in the name of Siân Gwenllian. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected.
Eitem 8, dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar recriwtio athrawon. Galwaf ar Laura Anne Jones i wneud y cynnig.
Item 8 is the Welsh Conservatives debate on teacher recruitment, and I call on Laura Anne Jones to move the motion.
Cynnig NDM7811 Darren Millar
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn cydnabod gwaith caled ac ymroddiad athrawon a staff ysgolion ledled Cymru drwy gydol pandemig COVID-19.
2. Yn cydnabod bod athrawon yng Nghymru yn parhau i wynebu pwysau digynsail wrth i ni symud allan o'r pandemig a gweithredu cwricwlwm newydd.
3. Yn credu bod y ffaith bod nifer yr athrawon yng Nghymru yn disgyn yn cael effaith andwyol ar allu dysgwyr i oresgyn effaith andwyol y pandemig ar eu haddysg.
4. Yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gyflwyno cynllun ar frys i hybu recriwtio athrawon, sy'n cynnwys:
a) gosod targedau i ddarparu 5,000 o athrawon ledled Cymru yn ystod y pum mlynedd nesaf;
b) ad-dalu ffioedd dysgu i'r rhai sy'n mynd ymlaen i weithio fel athrawon am o leiaf bum mlynedd yn ysgolion Cymru;
c) sefydlu gwasanaeth cynghori ar addysg i Gymru i wella mynediad i gyfleoedd cyflogaeth a sefydlu mwy o lwybrau i'r proffesiwn addysgu;
d) gwarantu o leiaf flwyddyn o gyflogaeth mewn ysgol neu goleg yng Nghymru i bob athro sydd newydd gymhwyso.
Motion NDM7811 Darren Millar
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises the hard work and dedication of teachers and school staff across Wales throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Acknowledges that teachers in Wales continue to face unprecedented pressures as we move out of the pandemic and implement a new curriculum.
3. Believes that falling teacher numbers in Wales will adversely impact the ability of learners to overcome the adverse impact of the pandemic on their education.
4. Calls on the Welsh Government to urgently bring forward a plan to boost teacher recruitment, which includes:
a) setting targets to deliver 5,000 teachers across Wales in the next five years;
b) refunding tuition fees for those who go on to work as teachers for at least five years in Welsh schools;
c) establishing a Welsh education advisory service to improve access to employment opportunities and establish more pathways into the teaching profession;
d) guaranteeing all newly qualified teachers with at least one year of employment in a Welsh school or college.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I'd like to move the motion laid before us in the name of Darren Millar. Moving to the amendments, amendment 1 we will not be supporting as it sets out to delete all after point 1 in our motion. This is a motion that puts forward a constructive plan that seeks to address the teacher recruitment and staff shortage crisis that we're currently facing in Wales. Of course, we would agree with the sentiments outlined in points 2, 3 and 4 of amendment 1, which are similar to the tone in our own motion, and I will go on to recognise some of the positive steps that the Welsh Government has taken. But point 5, Minister—I would certainly like some clarification from the Minister as to why this was even included. It's slightly confusing, and from my understanding—correct me if I'm wrong—education is fully devolved here in Wales. Teachers' pay is fully devolved here in Wales from 2018, as set out in the explanatory memorandum to the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (Wales) Order 2020.
As we're discussing teachers' pay in Wales, apart from trying to shift the blame to the UK Government and attempt to have another pop at them—which I know you enjoy doing as a Government, which is both draining and baffling in this case, and which, considering the point, is completely irrelevant to this motion—I can only think it's an attempt to hide the fact that you have no concrete plan in place to address the concerns that we, the unions and teaching staff at schools have raised time and time again,which are laid out in our motion today. I can't see that point 5, apart from being churlish, is offering any constructive comment to this Welsh Conservative motion and debate today, which is actually trying to make a difference to the lives of children and teaching staff here in Wales.
As for amendment 2, we'll also not be supporting this. It's a great shame that Plaid's amendment offers nothing new or constructive to add to our motion. It suggests deleting point 4, which is the main point in our motion and offers a constructive plan to support teacher recruitment and address staff shortages here in Wales. I can't disagree with any content within it, but by deleting our point 4, it would water down any positive suggestions that we are putting forward to the Government here today and, as such, we will not be supporting it.
I'll debate a point that needs to be made in this Chamber until I'm blue in the face, but I also give credit where credit is due, and this Government has made some efforts, as you've outlined, to improve teacher recruitment and staff shortages, but it's just not good enough—it's really not. In terms of teacher recruitment, if I was a teacher marking this Government's effort on teacher recruitment and staff shortages, I would add these comments: not a bad effort, but there is much room for improvement. You, the Welsh Government, make some aggressive amendments to our motion, but the facts are there. Wales is currently facing a teacher shortage crisis, and it is for this reason that we, the Welsh Conservatives, have brought this debate to the Chamber today to highlight this, and to ask you on behalf of the children and teaching staff in Wales, to make a plan to safeguard their education by improving teacher recruitment in Wales, and to do so as a matter of urgency due to the urgent need to do so.
I would like to at this point take this opportunity to pay tribute, Deputy Presiding Officer, to recognise the hard work and dedication of teachers and school staff across Wales, particularly during this COVID pandemic. It has been an exceptionally difficult time for them and pupils, and all teaching staff are continuing to do an exceptional job whilst facing continuing and increasing pressures. These pressures were apparent and prevalent well before the pandemic began, because of the chronic underfunding by successive Labour-led Welsh Governments. We acknowledge that teachers in Wales continue to face unprecedented pressures as we move out of the pandemic and implement the new curriculum. Through increased workloads, staff and pupil absences increasing due to COVID, and a significant impact on teachers' well-being, they are all hampering the roll-out of the new curriculum, as well as having an impact, of course, on staff recruitment.
I commend the work that you outlined last week in this Chamber that you're doing on mental health and supporting staff mental health, as a result of reacting to the crisis in schools that teaching staff are facing in terms of mental health: 82 per cent of school staff responding to a survey saying that it has a negative impact on their mental health. Teachers' workloads substantially increasing also raised concerns about staff burn-out. Schools have suffered people leaving the profession for some of these reasons that I've outlined already, and they are struggling to recruit new teachers, and thus have become overly dependent on supply teachers, as well as substantially and disproportionately increasing the workload of teaching assistants, as outlined by my colleague, Peter Fox, yesterday. It is clear that this Government need to bring forward a plan to boost teacher recruitment in Wales for a variety of different reasons. After two decades of Welsh Labour-led Governments, they have managed to oversee a decline in teachers' numbers of 10.3 per cent between 2011 and 2021, including a drop in numbers of teachers able to teach through the medium of Welsh—something my colleague will clarify later.
A clear plan is what we need from this Government: a clear plan to set targets to deliver 5,000 teachers across Wales in the next five years, to refund tuition fees for those that go on to work as teachers for at least five years in Welsh schools, and to guarantee all newly qualified teachers at least one year of employment in a Welsh school or college. Ambitious, but it's forward thinking, and we want that teacher recruitment and retainment in Wales. Are you wanting a—? No.
To achieve this, the Education Workforce Council could be given powers to accredit different roles into the profession, including allowing teachers from other countries to convert their qualifications to those permitting them to work in Wales. A lack of funding from this Welsh Government has hampered the ability of schools to employ sufficient numbers of staff. The National Association of Head Teachers have raised this as a very real concern, and it's just not good enough. We need fundamental reform of teacher recruitment, which is why we are calling on this Welsh Government to establish a Welsh education advisory service to improve access to employment opportunities and establish more pathways into the teaching profession. This will allow a new route for teacher recruitment by creating a new database of qualified teachers, allowing schools to more easily search for teachers and schools to fill vacancies, operated using data from the Education Workforce Council in Wales. Teachers could capitalise on this, then, by providing in-house continuous professional development, upskilling and reskilling, which would be a great opportunity.
I look forward to the Government's response to our debate today, and hearing the plans that they have to tackle this ongoing crisis and the legitimate concerns of our schools, and I hope Members across the Chamber can support our motion today.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Hoffwn gyflwyno'r cynnig a osodwyd ger ein bron yn enw Darren Millar. Gan symud at y gwelliannau, ni fyddwn yn cefnogi gwelliant 1 am ei fod yn ceisio dileu popeth ar ôl pwynt 1 yn ein cynnig. Mae hwn yn gynnig sy'n cyflwyno cynllun adeiladol i geisio mynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng recriwtio athrawon a phrinder staff sy'n ei hwynebu yng Nghymru ar hyn o bryd. Wrth gwrs, byddem yn cytuno â'r teimladau a amlinellir ym mhwyntiau 2, 3 a 4 gwelliant 1, sy'n debyg i gywair ein cynnig ni, a byddaf yn bwrw ymlaen i gydnabod rhai o'r camau cadarnhaol y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'u cymryd. Ond pwynt 5, Weinidog—yn sicr hoffwn gael rhywfaint o eglurhad gan y Gweinidog ynglŷn â pham y cafodd hyn ei gynnwys hyd yn oed. Mae braidd yn ddryslyd, ac yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf—cywirwch fi os wyf fi'n anghywir—mae addysg wedi'i datganoli'n llawn yma yng Nghymru. Mae cyflogau athrawon wedi'u datganoli'n llawn yma yng Nghymru ers 2018, fel y nodir yn y memorandwm esboniadol i Orchymyn Cyflog ac Amodau Athrawon Ysgol (Cymru) 2020.
Gan ein bod yn trafod cyflogau athrawon yng Nghymru, ar wahân i geisio gwthio'r bai ar Lywodraeth y DU a cheisio'u beirniadu unwaith eto—fel y gwn eich bod yn mwynhau ei wneud fel Llywodraeth, sy'n llesteirio ac yn drysu rhywun yn yr achos hwn, ac sydd, o ystyried y pwynt, yn gwbl amherthnasol i'r cynnig hwn—ni allaf ond meddwl ei fod yn ymgais i guddio'r ffaith nad oes gennych gynllun pendant ar waith i fynd i'r afael â'r pryderon rydym ni, yr undebau a staff addysgu mewn ysgolion wedi'u codi dro ar ôl tro, ac a nodir yn ein cynnig heddiw. Ni allaf weld bod pwynt 5, ar wahân i fod yn annymunol, yn cynnig unrhyw sylw adeiladol i'r cynnig a'r ddadl hon gan y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig heddiw, sy'n ceisio gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau plant a staff addysgu yma yng Nghymru.
Ar welliant 2, ni fyddwn yn cefnogi hwn chwaith. Mae'n drueni mawr nad yw gwelliant Plaid Cymru yn cynnig unrhyw beth newydd neu adeiladol i'w ychwanegu at ein cynnig. Mae'n awgrymu dileu pwynt 4, sef y prif bwynt yn ein cynnig sy'n cynnig cynllun adeiladol i gefnogi recriwtio athrawon a mynd i'r afael â phrinder staff yma yng Nghymru. Ni allaf anghytuno ag unrhyw ran o'i gynnwys, ond drwy ddileu ein pwynt 4, byddai'n glastwreiddio unrhyw awgrymiadau cadarnhaol a gyflwynir gennym i'r Llywodraeth yma heddiw ac o'r herwydd, ni fyddwn yn ei gefnogi.
Byddaf yn trafod pwynt sydd angen ei wneud yn y Siambr hon nes bod fy wyneb yn las, ond rwyf hefyd yn rhoi clod lle mae clod yn ddyledus, ac mae'r Llywodraeth hon wedi gwneud rhai ymdrechion, fel yr amlinellwyd gennych, i wella recriwtio athrawon a phrinder staff, ond nid yw'n ddigon da, nid yw'n ddigon da o gwbl. O ran recriwtio athrawon, pe bawn yn athro yn marcio ymdrech y Llywodraeth hon ar recriwtio athrawon a phrinder staff, byddwn yn ychwanegu'r sylwadau hyn: ymdrech weddol, ond mae llawer o le i wella. Rydych chi, Lywodraeth Cymru, yn gwneud rhai gwelliannau ymosodol i'n cynnig, ond mae'r ffeithiau yno. Mae Cymru'n wynebu argyfwng prinder athrawon ar hyn o bryd, ac am y rheswm hwn rydym ni, y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, wedi dod â'r ddadl hon i'r Siambr heddiw i dynnu sylw at hyn, ac i ofyn i chi ar ran y plant a staff addysgu yng Nghymru, ffurfio cynllun i ddiogelu eu haddysg drwy wella recriwtio athrawon yng Nghymru, a gwneud hynny fel mater o frys oherwydd yr angen dybryd i wneud hynny.
Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn yn awr i dalu teyrnged, Ddirprwy Lywydd, i gydnabod gwaith caled ac ymroddiad athrawon a staff ysgolion ledled Cymru, yn enwedig yn ystod y pandemig COVID. Mae wedi bod yn gyfnod eithriadol o anodd iddynt hwy ac i ddisgyblion, ac mae'r holl staff addysgu yn parhau i wneud gwaith eithriadol tra'n wynebu pwysau parhaus a chynyddol. Roedd y pwysau'n amlwg ac yn gyffredin ymhell cyn i'r pandemig ddechrau, oherwydd y tanariannu cronig gan Lywodraethau Llafur olynol yng Nghymru. Rydym yn cydnabod bod athrawon yng Nghymru yn parhau i wynebu pwysau digynsail wrth inni gefnu ar y pandemig a gweithredu'r cwricwlwm newydd. Drwy lwyth gwaith cynyddol, absenoldeb cynyddol staff a disgyblion oherwydd COVID, ac effaith sylweddol ar les athrawon, maent i gyd yn llesteirio'r broses o gyflwyno'r cwricwlwm newydd, yn ogystal â chael effaith, wrth gwrs, ar recriwtio staff.
Rwy'n cymeradwyo'r gwaith a amlinellwyd gennych yr wythnos diwethaf yn y Siambr hon ar iechyd meddwl a chefnogi iechyd meddwl staff, o ganlyniad i'r ymateb i'r argyfwng y mae staff addysgu yn ei wynebu mewn ysgolion mewn perthynas ag iechyd meddwl: 82 y cant o staff ysgolion yn ymateb i arolwg yn dweud ei fod yn effeithio'n negyddol ar eu hiechyd meddwl. Arweiniodd y cynnydd sylweddol yn llwyth gwaith athrawon at bryderon ynglŷn â staff wedi gorflino. Mae ysgolion wedi dioddef pobl yn gadael y proffesiwn am rai o'r rhesymau a amlinellais eisoes, ac maent yn ei chael hi'n anodd recriwtio athrawon newydd, ac felly maent wedi dod yn orddibynnol ar athrawon cyflenwi, yn ogystal â chynyddu llwyth gwaith cynorthwywyr addysgu yn sylweddol ac yn anghymesur, fel y nododd fy nghyd-Aelod, Peter Fox, ddoe. Mae'n amlwg fod angen i'r Llywodraeth hon gyflwyno cynllun i hybu recriwtio athrawon yng Nghymru am amryw o wahanol resymau. Ar ôl dau ddegawd o Lywodraethau Llafur Cymru, maent wedi llwyddo i oruchwylio gostyngiad o 10.3 y cant yn nifer yr athrawon rhwng 2011 a 2021, gan gynnwys gostyngiad yn nifer yr athrawon sy'n gallu addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg—rhywbeth y bydd fy nghyd-Aelod yn ei egluro yn nes ymlaen.
Cynllun clir yw'r hyn sydd ei angen gan y Llywodraeth hon: cynllun clir i osod targedau i ddarparu 5,000 o athrawon ledled Cymru yn y pum mlynedd nesaf, i ad-dalu ffioedd dysgu i'r rhai sy'n mynd ymlaen i weithio fel athrawon am o leiaf bum mlynedd yn ysgolion Cymru, ac i warantu blwyddyn o gyflogaeth fan lleiaf i bob athro newydd gymhwyso mewn ysgol neu goleg yng Nghymru. Uchelgeisiol, ond mae'n flaengar, ac rydym eisiau'r broses honno o recriwtio a chadw athrawon yng Nghymru. A ydych am—? Na.
Er mwyn cyflawni hyn, gellid rhoi pwerau i Gyngor y Gweithlu Addysg achredu rolau gwahanol i mewn i'r proffesiwn, gan gynnwys caniatáu i athrawon o wledydd eraill drawsnewid eu cymwysterau'n rhai sy'n caniatáu iddynt weithio yng Nghymru. Mae diffyg cyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru wedi llesteirio gallu ysgolion i gyflogi digon o staff. Mae Cymdeithas Genedlaethol y Prifathrawon wedi crybwyll hyn fel pryder gwirioneddol, ac nid yw'n ddigon da. Mae angen diwygio recriwtio athrawon yn sylfaenol, a dyna pam ein bod yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i sefydlu gwasanaeth cynghori ar addysg yng Nghymru i wella mynediad at gyfleoedd cyflogaeth a sefydlu mwy o lwybrau i'r proffesiwn addysgu. Bydd hyn yn caniatáu llwybr newydd ar gyfer recriwtio athrawon drwy greu cronfa ddata newydd o athrawon cymwysedig, gan ganiatáu i ysgolion chwilio'n fwy hwylus am athrawon ac ysgolion i lenwi swyddi gwag, wedi'i weithredu gan ddefnyddio data gan Gyngor y Gweithlu Addysg yng Nghymru. Gallai athrawon fanteisio ar hyn felly drwy ddarparu datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus yn fewnol, uwchsgilio ac ailsgilio, a fyddai'n gyfle gwych.
Edrychaf ymlaen at ymateb y Llywodraeth i'n dadl heddiw, a chlywed y cynlluniau sydd ganddynt i fynd i'r afael â'r argyfwng parhaus hwn a phryderon dilys ein hysgolion, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gall yr Aelodau ar draws y Siambr gefnogi ein cynnig heddiw.
Rwyf wedi dethol y ddau welliant i'r cynnig. Os derbynnir gwelliant 1, caiff gwelliant 2 ei ddad-ddethol. Galwaf ar Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg i gynnig yn ffurfiol gwelliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths.
I have selected the two amendments to the motion. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. I call on the Minister for Education and Welsh Language to formally move amendment 1, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths.
Gwelliant 1—Lesley Griffiths
Dileu popeth ar ôl pwynt 1 a rhoi yn ei le:
2. Yn mynegi ei diolchgarwch i’r gweithlu addysg cyfan am flaenoriaethu lles dysgwyr ac am ei ymrwymiad i weithredu’r cwricwlwm newydd er gwaethaf pwysau digynsail y pandemig.
3. Yn credu bod lles y gweithlu addysg o’r pwys mwyaf.
4. Yn cydnabod bod dysgu proffesiynol yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau gweithlu brwd o ansawdd.
5. Yn condemnio penderfyniad Llywodraeth San Steffan i rewi cyflogau’r sector cyhoeddus, ac effaith hynny ar athrawon ar adeg o bwysau digynsail ar y gweithlu.
6. Yn croesawu:
a) y cynnydd o 40 y cant yn y ceisiadau ar gyfer cyrsiau athrawon y llynedd.
b) y cynnydd o 15.9 y cant yng nghyflogau athrawon newydd yng Nghymru ers 2019, a’r cynnydd o 1.75 y cant y gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru helpu i’w sicrhau yng nghyflog pob athro eleni er gwaethaf y rhewi ar gyflogau’r sector cyhoeddus.
c) y ffaith bod cyllid ychwanegol Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol hon wedi helpu i baru dros 400 o athrawon sydd newydd gymhwyso ag ysgolion.
d) y ffaith bod ffocws Cymru ar ddysgu proffesiynol ymhlith athrawon wedi’i ddisgrifio fel rhywbeth eithriadol o gymharu â llawer o awdurdodaethau eraill OECD, ac yn darparu sylfaen gadarn i wella dysgu proffesiynol mewn ysgolion.
e) y ffaith bod Cymru yn arwain y ffordd â chanllawiau fframwaith statudol ar gyfer ysgol gyfan, sydd wedi’u dylunio i gefnogi lles staff yn ogystal â dysgwyr.
Amendment 1—Lesley Griffiths
Delete all after point 1 and replace with:
2. Expresses its gratitude to the entire education workforce for prioritising the well-being of learners and its commitment to implementing the new curriculum despite the unprecedented pressures of the pandemic
3. Believes the well-being of the education workforce is of paramount importance.
4. Recognises that professional learning is essential for a high-quality and motivated workforce.
5. Condemns the Westminster Government’s public sector pay freeze and the impact it has on teachers at a time of unprecedented pressure on the workforce
6. Welcomes that:
a) there was a 40 per cent increase in applications for teaching courses last year.
b) salaries for new teachers in Wales have increased 15.9 per cent since 2019 and that the Welsh Government helped deliver a 1.75 per cent pay rise for all teachers this year despite the public sector pay freeze.
c) Welsh Government additional funding this financial year has helped match over 400 newly qualified teachers with schools.
d) Wales’s focus on teachers’ professional learning has been found to be 'exceptional in comparison to many other OECD jurisdictions and provides a strong basis for the enhancement of professional learning in schools'.
e) Wales is leading the way with a statutory whole-school approach framework guidance, which is designed to support the well-being of staff as well as learners.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 1.
Amendment 1 moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Galwaf ar Siân Gwenllian i gynnig gwelliant 2, a gyflwynwyd yn ei henw.
I call on Siân Gwenllian to move amendment 2, tabled in her name.
Gwelliant 2—Siân Gwenllian
Dileu pwynt 4 a rhoi yn ei le:
Yn credu bod nifer fawr o ffactorau'n dylanwadu ar y ffaith bod nifer yr athrawon yn gostwng, gan gynnwys llwyth gwaith, biwrocratiaeth ddiangen, materion staffio a phersonél, prosesau arolygu, yn ogystal â materion sy'n ymwneud â chyllid a chyllidebu;
Yn credu ymhellach fod yn rhaid mynd i'r afael â materion recriwtio gan ddefnyddio dull gweithredu aml-elfen, gan ganolbwyntio ar werthfawrogi'r proffesiwn a chreu gwell amodau gwaith a chyfleoedd.
Amendment 2—Siân Gwenllian
Delete point 4 and replace with:
Believes that falling teacher numbers are influenced by a myriad of factors, including workload, unnecessary bureaucracy, staffing and personnel issues, inspection processes, as well as funding and budgeting related issues;
Further believes that addressing recruitment issues has to be a multi-pronged approach, focusing on valuing the profession and creating better working conditions and opportunities.
Cynigiwyd gwelliant 2.
Amendment 2 moved.
Diolch yn fawr. Y prif reswm ddaru i ni benderfynu cyflwyno'r gwelliant i'r cynnig heddiw oedd i dynnu sylw at y ffaith bod y mater o gadw athrawon—retention—yn fwy cymhleth ac amlochrog na materion yn ymwneud â staffio a phersonél yn unig; hynny yw, yn fwy eang na chwmpawd y cynnig yma. Wrth gwrs, mae materion personél a staffio yn bwysig, a ddylen ni ddim anghofio chwaith bod ymgyrch recriwtio yn hanfodol bwysig, ond mae angen i ni fuddsoddi mwy mewn ysgolion i gyflogi mwy o staff, os ydym ni wir am i'r Gymraeg ffynnu, os ydym ni wir am i'r cwricwlwm newydd lwyddo, os ydym ni am ddiwygio addysg dysgu ychwanegol yn llawn, yna mae realiti'r colledion addysg rydym ni wedi'u dioddef yn ystod y pandemig hefyd yn peri pryder mawr. Ac mae gwir angen i ni sicrhau bod cynllun ar waith i ateb yr her enfawr o adfer addysg.
Fodd bynnag, pan ddaw hi'n fater o roi hwb i'r gweithlu mewn gwirionedd, rhaid inni gofio bod yna resymau niferus pam fod pobl yn gadael y proffesiwn, ac ar hyn o bryd, mae un o bob tri athro yn rhoi'r gorau i'r ystafell ddosbarth o fewn y pum mlynedd gyntaf. Mae tystiolaeth o ymchwil helaeth, ac yn wir, synnwyr cyffredin yn awgrymu mai'r prif ffactorau sy'n pennu materion cadw yn y sector addysg ydy lles athrawon yn ogystal ag effeithiau llwyth gwaith, mesurau atebolrwydd, prosesau arolygu, biwrocratiaeth, cyllid a rheolau cyllidebu a diffyg cyfleoedd datblygu proffesiynol—ystod o faterion. Ac er mwyn sicrhau'r gweithlu addysg gryf sydd ei angen arnom ni yng Nghymru, mae'n rhaid i'r Llywodraeth ymateb i'r holl ffactorau sy'n sbarduno'r mater o gadw athrawon yn y gweithlu, a dyna pam rydym ni'n coelio bod angen dull aml-elfen i fynd i'r afael â'r materion recriwtio a chadw, mewn gwirionedd, cynllun sy'n canolbwyntio ar werthfawrogi'r proffesiwn a chreu gwell amodau gwaith a chyfleoedd i addysgwyr.
Mae'n fy nharo fi hefyd nad ydy cynnig y Ceidwadwyr yn cyfeirio at yr iaith Gymraeg. Mae yna brinder o dros 300 o athrawon cynradd Cymraeg a 500 o athrawon uwchradd cyfrwng Cymraeg, ac mae hynny'n destun pryder mawr. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyflwyno nifer o ymyrraethau gwahanol i geisio denu mwy i hyfforddi fel athrawon Cymraeg, ond, mewn gwirionedd, mae angen newidiadau mwy strategol a phellgyrhaeddol os ydym ni am newid y patrymau.
Mae materion ariannu a chyllidebu yn pwyso'n drwm ar athrawon ac arweinwyr ysgol, gan effeithio'n fawr ar eu lles ac felly, eto, ar y lefelau cadw, ac un ateb fyddai darparu cyllidebau tymor hwy ar gyfer addysg fel y gall ysgolion a lleoliadau addysg bellach gynllunio a defnyddio eu hadnoddau'n well, ac mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod cyllid yn cyrraedd y rheng flaen mewn modd effeithiol ac amserol.
Mae arolygon yn awgrymu nad ydy'r rhan fwyaf o athrawon yn teimlo fel pe bai eu lleisiau'n cael eu clywed gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ond er mwyn creu'r proffesiwn rydym ni am ei weld yn datblygu, er mwyn creu proffesiwn deniadol ac i hybu recriwtio a chadw, mae'n rhaid i Lywodraeth wrando ar athrawon ac arweinwyr ysgol. Ac mae angen hefyd i'n gweithwyr ni weld bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn pwyso am newid gwirioneddol mewn meysydd polisi ac arfer sy'n effeithio ar eu llesiant, yn ogystal â materion sy'n ymwneud efo'r llwyth gwaith, atebolrwydd, arolygu—yr holl faterion yma sydd yn rhoi pwysau sylweddol ar ein gweithlu ni.
Yn y tymor hir, mae'n rhaid inni ddatrys y broblem hon, neu rydym ni'n amddifadu ein plant ni a chenedlaethau i'r dyfodol o addysg sydd wirioneddol yn parchu'r gweithlu, a byddwn ni'n colli mwy a mwy ac yn colli un o'n hadnoddau mwyaf gwerthfawr ni fel cenedl, sef y gweithlu dysgu.
Thank you very much. The main reason we decided to table our amendment to the motion today was to highlight the fact that the issue of teacher retention is more complex and multifaceted than issues around staffing and personnel alone; it is broader than the scope of this motion. Of course, personnel and staffing issues are important, and we shouldn't forget that recruitment campaigns are also crucially important, but we need to invest more in schools in order to employ more staff, if we really want the Welsh language to prosper, if we want the new curriculum to succeed, if we want to reform additional learning needs education in full, then the reality of the losses in education that we've suffered during the pandemic are also a cause of great concern. And we truly need to ensure that there's a plan in place to meet the huge challenge of restoring education.
However, when it comes to a matter of giving the workforce a boost, we must bear in mind that there are myriad reasons as to why people leave the profession, and at the moment, one in three teachers are quitting the classroom within the first five years in post. Evidence from broad research and indeed, common sense tells us that the main factors related to retention problems in education are teacher welfare as well as workload issues, accountability issues, inspection processes, bureaucracy, funding and budgeting and a lack of professional development opportunities—a whole range of issues. And in order to secure the strong education workforce that we need in Wales, then the Government must respond to all of the factors that relate to teacher retention, and that's why we believe that we need a multifaceted approach to tackle recruitment and retention issues, a plan that focuses on appreciating the profession and creating better working conditions and opportunities for our educators.
It strikes me too that the Conservative motion doesn't make any reference to the Welsh language. There is a shortage of over 300 Welsh-medium primary teachers and 500 in the secondary sector, and that is a cause of great concern. The Welsh Government has introduced a number of interventions in order to try and attract more to train as Welsh-medium teachers, but in reality, we need more strategic and far-reaching changes if we are to change these patterns.
Funding issues and budgeting issues place a huge burden on teachers and school leaders, having an impact on their well-being and therefore on retention levels, and one solution would be to provide longer term budgets for education so that schools and FE can plan and better use their resources, and the Welsh Government needs to ensure that that funding reaches the front line in an effective and timely manner.
Surveys suggest that most teachers don't feel that their voices are being heard by the Welsh Government, but in order to create the profession that we want to see developed if we are to create an attractive profession to promote recruitment and retention, then the Government must listen to teachers and school leaders. And the workforce also needs to see that the Welsh Government is pressing for very real change in policy in practice areas that have an impact on their well-being, as well as issues related to workload, accountability, inspection—all of these myriad issues that do place huge pressures on our teaching workforce.
In the long term, we must resolve this problem, or we are depriving our children and future generations of an education that truly respects the workforce, and we will be losing more and more teachers and losing one of the most valuable resources that we have as a nation, namely, the teaching workforce.
Teaching is an honourable profession. We all have family members, friends and acquaintances who teach. We have all benefited from the hard work, dedication, effort and love that our teachers showed us from our early years and then when we became adults. We all hold fond memories and perhaps not so fond memories of our time in school. It is a vital time in our lives when we learn so much, not just academically, but about social situations, forming bonds with other people and learning what is and isn't socially acceptable. I have fond memories myself of school. I didn't quite enjoy school a lot of the time, but I can remember having quite lively debates with my teachers about world events, and it was always quite encouraging, and they always encouraged me to have a go and got me involved in the school council and tried to make a real difference for pupils. I do really appreciate the encouragement that I was given in school.
School years are vitally important for our development. They shape who we are. But, all too often we measure this in academic success—in GCSE and A-level results, and not the life skills that we develop while we are in school. We can all remember that teacher that went above and beyond and that inspired us and made us believe in ourselves. Having the right number of qualified teachers, assistants and school staff is vital.
We are currently experiencing a shortage of teachers qualifying and wanting to come to Wales to teach. This is no easy task to fix, Minister, and I don't envy any Government trying to get to grips with this issue. But, it has been going on for some years, and we need to seriously look at what is happening.
Are teachers underpaid? I would argue, absolutely—especially those who are newly qualified. It takes years to train to be an educator, and when qualifying, many just can't live the life that they deserve with the wages that they are on. With house prices currently out of control and the standard of living becoming evermore expensive, teachers simply aren't paid a wage that reflects the work that they do.
Mae addysgu yn broffesiwn anrhydeddus. Mae gan bob un ohonom aelodau o'r teulu, ffrindiau a chydnabod sy'n addysgu. Rydym i gyd wedi elwa o'r gwaith caled, yr ymroddiad, yr ymdrech a'r cariad y mae ein hathrawon wedi'i ddangos i ni o'n blynyddoedd cynnar ac wrth inni dyfu'n oedolion. Mae gan bob un ohonom atgofion melys, ac atgofion nad ydynt lawn mor felys efallai, o'n hamser yn yr ysgol. Mae'n gyfnod hollbwysig yn ein bywydau pan fyddwn yn dysgu cymaint, nid yn unig yn academaidd, ond am sefyllfaoedd cymdeithasol, ffurfio perthynas gyda phobl eraill a dysgu'r hyn sy'n dderbyniol yn gymdeithasol a'r hyn nad yw'n dderbyniol yn gymdeithasol. Mae gennyf atgofion melys o'r ysgol. Nid oeddwn yn mwynhau'r ysgol lawer o'r amser, ond gallaf gofio cael dadleuon eithaf bywiog gyda fy athrawon am ddigwyddiadau byd-eang, ac roedd bob amser yn eithaf calonogol, ac roeddent bob amser yn fy annog i roi cynnig ar bethau a fy nghael i gymryd rhan yng ngwaith y cyngor ysgol a cheisio gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol i ddisgyblion. Rwy'n gwerthfawrogi'r anogaeth a gefais yn yr ysgol yn fawr.
Mae blynyddoedd ysgol yn hanfodol bwysig i'n datblygiad. Maent yn siapio pwy ydym ni. Ond yn rhy aml rydym yn mesur hyn mewn llwyddiant academaidd—mewn canlyniadau TGAU a Safon Uwch, ac nid y sgiliau bywyd a ddatblygwn tra bôm yn yr ysgol. Gallwn i gyd gofio'r athro a aeth y tu hwnt i'r galw gan ein hysbrydoli a gwneud i ni gredu ynom ein hunain. Mae cael y nifer gywir o athrawon cymwysedig, cynorthwywyr a staff ysgol yn hanfodol.
Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn profi prinder o athrawon sy'n cymhwyso ac eisiau dod i Gymru i addysgu. Nid yw hon yn dasg hawdd i'w datrys, Weinidog, ac nid wyf yn genfigennus o unrhyw Lywodraeth sy'n ceisio mynd i'r afael â'r mater hwn. Ond mae wedi bod yn digwydd ers rhai blynyddoedd, ac mae angen inni edrych o ddifrif ar yr hyn sy'n digwydd.
A yw athrawon yn cael eu talu ddigon? Byddwn yn sicr yn dadlau nad ydynt—yn enwedig y rhai sydd newydd gymhwyso. Mae'n cymryd blynyddoedd i hyfforddi i fod yn addysgwr, ac wrth gymhwyso, ni all llawer ohonynt fyw y bywyd y maent yn ei haeddu gyda'r cyflogau y maent yn eu cael. Gyda phrisiau tai allan o reolaeth ar hyn o bryd a safon byw yn mynd yn fwyfwy drud, nid yw athrawon yn cael cyflog sy'n adlewyrchu'r gwaith y maent yn ei wneud.
Will you take an intervention?
A wnewch chi dderbyn ymyriad?
Yes, Joyce, I'll take an intervention.
Iawn, Joyce, rwy'n derbyn ymyriad.
I thank you for taking an intervention, and I note your comments about teachers' pay. So, does this mean that you disagree with your Government's public sector pay freeze, and that you welcome the 1.75 per cent teachers' pay rise that the Welsh Government has put in place?
Diolch ichi am dderbyn ymyriad, a nodaf eich sylwadau am gyflogau athrawon. Felly, a yw hyn yn golygu eich bod yn anghytuno â'r ffordd y mae eich Llywodraeth wedi rhewi cyflogau'r sector cyhoeddus, a'ch bod yn croesawu'r codiad cyflog o 1.75 y cant y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi'i weithredu?
Thank you, Joyce. Actually, teachers' pay is devolved to the Government. So, if you have an issue with what teachers are paid, I take it that you should have a look at the front bench and take it up with the Minister himself.
I do hope that the Government does look to ensure that teachers' wages are an issue that is dealt with, because we are finding recruitment to my area of mid Wales getting harder with the lack of affordable homes and available opportunities for these people. While recruitment in cities is attractive for young professionals, we need to ensure that Wales is an attractive place to work right across the country, both in urban and rural areas. We need a guarantee that all newly qualified teachers will get at least one year's employment in a Welsh school or college.
In rural communities, teachers are an integral part of the local community, and they should be valued for the immense role that they have in shaping our younger generations. Ever-decreasing school budgets are putting more and more pressure on teachers to deliver that high-quality education for less, and that puts a huge strain on teachers, headteachers and governors.
Finally, bureaucracy. This can be an overused word, but it is one that I find is said to me time and time again by teachers and others, along with 'overworked' and 'underappreciated'. The pathways into teaching need to be widened. For example, teachers in Wales need Bs in English and maths to teach in Wales. In England, they need Cs. This gives far more people the opportunity to train to be teachers. Many may consider a career in teaching in Wales, but just won't be able to qualify here because they didn't achieve a B grade when they were 16 years old. They may then choose to go on and do something else.
So, this does seem a backwards policy that restricts a number of amazing and talented teachers from teaching here in Wales, and we judge someone's job prospects and future career path on a test at 16. This is something that I think really needs to be addressed, and also to establish a Welsh education advisory service to improve employment opportunities and establish more pathways into the teaching profession.
I believe this—and a combination of factors—is affecting the recruitment of teachers, and that we need to seriously look at this. We need to deliver 5,000 more teachers across Wales in the next five years. Consistently, I hear Ministers in this place saying that they are trying to fix things. I hope that that is right, because our teachers are the people who help our younger generations develop the skills that they have to fix tomorrow's problems. Diolch, Deputy Llywydd.
Diolch, Joyce. Mewn gwirionedd, mae cyflogau athrawon wedi'u datganoli i'r Llywodraeth. Felly, os oes gennych broblem gyda chyflogau athrawon, dylech gael golwg ar y fainc flaen a chodi'r mater gyda'r Gweinidog ei hun.
Rwy'n gobeithio bod y Llywodraeth yn ceisio sicrhau eu bod yn mynd i'r afael â chyflogau athrawon, oherwydd rydym yn ei chael hi'n anos recriwtio i fy ardal yng nghanolbarth Cymru gyda'r diffyg cartrefi fforddiadwy a'r diffyg cyfleoedd sydd ar gael i'r bobl hyn. Er bod recriwtio mewn dinasoedd yn ddeniadol i weithwyr proffesiynol ifanc, mae angen inni sicrhau bod Cymru'n lle deniadol i weithio ledled y wlad, mewn ardaloedd trefol a gwledig. Rydym angen sicrwydd y bydd pob athro newydd gymhwyso yn cael o leiaf blwyddyn o gyflogaeth mewn ysgol neu goleg yng Nghymru.
Mewn cymunedau gwledig, mae athrawon yn rhan annatod o'r gymuned leol, a dylid eu gwerthfawrogi am eu rôl aruthrol yn siapio ein cenedlaethau iau. Mae cyllidebau ysgolion sy'n lleihau'n barhaus yn rhoi mwy a mwy o bwysau ar athrawon i ddarparu'r un addysg o ansawdd uchel am lai o arian, ac mae hynny'n rhoi straen enfawr ar athrawon, penaethiaid a llywodraethwyr.
Yn olaf, biwrocratiaeth. Gall hwn fod yn air sy'n cael ei orddefnyddio, ond mae'n un sy'n cael ei ddweud wrthyf dro ar ôl tro gan athrawon ac eraill, ynghyd â 'gorweithio' a 'thanbrisio'. Mae angen lledu'r llwybrau at addysgu. Er enghraifft, mae athrawon yng Nghymru angen gradd B mewn Saesneg a mathemateg i allu addysgu yng Nghymru. Yn Lloegr, maent angen gradd C. Mae hyn yn rhoi cyfle i lawer mwy o bobl hyfforddi i fod yn athrawon. Efallai y bydd llawer yn ystyried gyrfa mewn addysgu yng Nghymru, ond ni fyddant yn gallu cymhwyso yma am na chawsant radd B pan oeddent yn 16 oed. Felly, mae'n bosibl y byddant yn dewis mynd ymlaen i wneud rhywbeth arall.
Felly, mae hwn yn ymddangos yn bolisi gwael sy'n rhwystro nifer o athrawon anhygoel a thalentog rhag addysgu yma yng Nghymru, ac rydym yn barnu rhagolygon swyddi a llwybr gyrfa rhywun yn y dyfodol yn ôl prawf y maent yn ei gael yn 16 oed. Credaf fod gwir angen mynd i'r afael â hyn, a chredaf hefyd fod angen sefydlu gwasanaeth cynghori ar addysg yng Nghymru i wella cyfleoedd cyflogaeth a sefydlu mwy o lwybrau i mewn i'r proffesiwn addysgu.
Credaf fod hyn—a chyfuniad o ffactorau—yn effeithio ar recriwtio athrawon, ac mae angen inni roi ystyriaeth ddifrifol iddo. Mae angen inni ddarparu 5,000 yn fwy o athrawon ledled Cymru dros y pum mlynedd nesaf. Yn gyson, clywaf Weinidogion yn y lle hwn yn dweud eu bod yn ceisio datrys pethau. Rwy'n gobeithio bod hynny'n wir, oherwydd ein hathrawon yw'r bobl sy'n helpu ein cenedlaethau iau i ddatblygu'r sgiliau i ddatrys problemau yfory. Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd.
I would like to put on record my thanks to the teaching profession for their efforts to maintain education standards during this most challenging of periods. Sadly, teachers and school staff have had one hand tied behind their backs during this pandemic. Despite the Welsh Government's lack of leadership during the COVID-19 outbreak, educational standards haven't suffered the decline that many felt would occur. But, at what cost?
The toll that the pandemic has taken on pupils, teachers and staff has been monumental. While the vast majority of pupils will recover academically, the loss of face-to-face teaching will have had a longer term effect on their mental well-being and emotional development. For many communities, particularly many of those in my constituency of the Vale of Clwyd, online learning is not an option. It is not an option because there are simply no reliable broadband connections. Parents in many parts of the Vale of Clwyd do not have reliable internet, and many of those that have an internet connection don’t have the devices to support Zoom classes for their children as well as remote working for themselves. Even now, we are seeing entire year groups or even schools sent home for weeks on end due to COVID. The on-again, off-again nature of schooling impacts pupils, teachers and parents—all because the Welsh Government failed to get a grip on the pandemic sooner, failed to show leadership and failed to protect pupils and staff.
But it’s the toll taken on an already demoralised teaching profession that will have the biggest impact on our ability to educate future generations. Long before the SARS-CoV-2 virus found its first human host, teachers were leaving the profession in droves. One in 10 left over the past decade. My fear is that many more will leave as a result of the pressures they've faced over the past 18 months. Teaching unions and the Trades Union Congress have reported on the fear experienced by an overworked and exhausted profession—a profession let down by this Welsh Labour Government, a Government who delivered a botched COVID action plan, from a test, trace, protect system that failed to test, trace or protect, to passing the decision making on face masks on to schools. Teachers have effectively been abandoned by Welsh Ministers. If we don’t reverse the decline in teaching numbers, not only will we be abandoning whole generations to falling education attainment, but we will not be training the future medics and social workers that Wales badly needs. I therefore urge Members to support our motion and help ease the burden on our hard-working teachers. Diolch yn fawr.
Hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch i'r proffesiwn addysgu am eu hymdrechion i gynnal safonau addysg yn ystod y cyfnod heriol hwn. Yn anffodus, nid yw athrawon a staff ysgolion wedi gallu gwneud eu gwaith yn iawn yn ystod y pandemig hwn. Er gwaethaf diffyg arweinyddiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystod y pandemig COVID-19, nid yw safonau addysgol wedi dioddef i'r graddau y byddai llawer wedi'i ddisgwyl. Ond beth yw'r gost?
Mae'r effaith y mae'r pandemig wedi'i chael ar ddisgyblion, athrawon a staff wedi bod yn aruthrol. Er y bydd y mwyafrif helaeth o ddisgyblion yn gwella'n academaidd, bydd colli addysgu wyneb yn wyneb wedi cael effaith fwy hirdymor ar eu lles meddyliol a'u datblygiad emosiynol. I lawer o gymunedau, yn enwedig llawer o'r rheini yn fy etholaeth i yn Nyffryn Clwyd, nid yw dysgu ar-lein yn opsiwn. Nid yw'n opsiwn gan nad oes unrhyw gysylltiadau band eang dibynadwy. Nid oes gan rieni mewn sawl rhan o Ddyffryn Clwyd fynediad dibynadwy at y rhyngrwyd, ac nid oes gan lawer o'r rhai sydd â chysylltiad â'r rhyngrwyd ddyfeisiau i allu cynnal dosbarthiadau Zoom i'w plant yn ogystal â gweithio o bell eu hunain. Hyd yn oed yn awr, rydym yn gweld grwpiau blwyddyn cyfan neu hyd yn oed ysgolion cyfan yn cael eu hanfon adref am wythnosau bwy'i gilydd oherwydd COVID. Mae natur nôl ac ymlaen addysg yn effeithio ar ddisgyblion, athrawon a rhieni—a'r cyfan am fod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi methu sicrhau rheolaeth ar y pandemig yn gynt, wedi methu dangos arweiniad ac wedi methu diogelu disgyblion a staff.
Ond y dreth ar broffesiwn addysgu sydd eisoes wedi digalonni fydd yn cael yr effaith fwyaf ar ein gallu i addysgu cenedlaethau'r dyfodol. Ymhell cyn i'r feirws SARS-CoV-2 ddod o hyd i'w gynhaliwr dynol cyntaf, roedd athrawon yn gadael y proffesiwn yn eu heidiau. Gadawodd un o bob 10 yn y degawd diwethaf. Fy ofn i yw y bydd llawer mwy yn gadael o ganlyniad i'r pwysau y maent wedi'u hwynebu dros y 18 mis diwethaf. Mae undebau athrawon a Chyngres yr Undebau Llafur wedi sôn am yr ofn a brofir gan broffesiwn sydd wedi'i orweithio a'i orlethu—proffesiwn sydd wedi cael ei siomi gan Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru, Llywodraeth a gyflwynodd gynllun gweithredu COVID a oedd yn draed moch, o system brofi, olrhain, diogelu a fethodd brofi, olrhain na diogelu, i drosglwyddo'r penderfyniad ynglŷn â masgiau wyneb ymlaen i'r ysgolion. Mae Gweinidogion Cymru wedi cefnu ar athrawon i bob pwrpas. Os na fyddwn yn gwrthdroi'r dirywiad yn nifer yr athrawon, byddwn yn gadael i gyrhaeddiad addysgol cenedlaethau cyfan ddirywio, ac ni fyddwn yn hyfforddi'r meddygon a'r gweithwyr cymdeithasol y mae ar Gymru gymaint o'u hangen yn y dyfodol. Felly, rwy'n annog yr Aelodau i gefnogi ein cynnig a helpu i leddfu'r baich ar ein hathrawon gweithgar. Diolch yn fawr.
O gofio pwysigrwydd y ddadl hon y prynhawn yma, byddai'n esgeulus imi beidio â sôn am gyfraniadau pwysig ein hathrawon Cymraeg, yn enwedig yr athrawon mewn addysg gynradd ac addysg uwchradd sy'n gweithio’n ddi-baid i ddarparu addysg Gymraeg o'r radd flaenaf i bobl ifanc ledled Cymru—offeryn allweddol yn y gist offer os yw Llywodraeth Cymru am gyflawni 'Cymraeg 2050', ei strategaeth uchelgeisiol.
Ond, fel dywedodd Siân Gwenllian, mae’n adeg dyngedfennol ar gyfer recriwtio athrawon Cymraeg eu hiaith. Dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf, mae nifer yr unigolion sy'n hyfforddi i gymhwyso fel athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg wedi gostwng yn sylweddol flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn. Ar ben hynny, mae’r ffaith bod nifer gynyddol o athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg yn penderfynu gadael y proffesiwn o fewn 10 mlynedd ar ôl cymhwyso yn golygu bod ein hysgolion yn cyrraedd adeg dyngedfennol.
Mae’r gweithlu presennol o dan bwysau mawr, ond mae'n dal i lwyddo i ddarparu addysg o'r radd flaenaf yn yr ystafell ddosbarth. Mae’n dyst i’r oriau o ymroddiad ac ymrwymiad mae athrawon yn eu rhoi. Ces i fy magu yn sir Benfro, lle ces i addysg ddwyieithog. Gallaf ddweud yn bersonol mor fuddiol oedd y Gymraeg o ran fy addysg. Roedd yr athrawon a oedd gennyf fi, megis Barbara Lewis, Jane Griffiths neu Paul Edwards a Richard Davies, yn rhagorol, yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg fel ei gilydd. Roedd y gallu i newid rhwng y ddwy iaith yn rhoi tipyn o sbarc yn y wers, yn gwneud yr ysgol yn hwyl.
Ond, os na fydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu, mae’n bosibl y bydd y to nesaf o ddysgwyr yn colli'r profiad a ges i a llawer o bobl eraill yn yr ysgol. Rhaid inni dorri'r cylch lle mae pobl yn tyfu i fyny mewn tref fach, yn mynd i’r brifysgol agosaf ac yn dychwelyd i ddysgu yn yr un ysgol yr aethon nhw iddi. Sut ydyn ni'n recriwtio athrawon o'r tu allan i Gymru, sydd â phrofiad bywyd gwahanol? A pha gefnogaeth y gallwn ni ei rhoi iddyn nhw ar gyfer dysgu ac addysgu trwy'r iaith? Allwn ni ddim cau'r drws ar bobl o’r tu allan i Gymru sydd am ddysgu yn ein gwlad. Fel y dywedodd y coleg Cymraeg, mae'n rhaid inni fod yn strategol ac uchelgeisiol os ydyn ni am newid y patrymau sydd wedi cael eu hamlinellu yn yr araith hon. Diolch.
Given the importance of this afternoon's debate, it would be remiss of me not to touch on the important contributions of our Welsh-language teachers, in particular those in both primary and secondary education, who are working around the clock to deliver a first-rate Welsh-medium education to young people right across Wales—a key tool in the chest should the Welsh Government want to achieve their ambitious 'Cymraeg 2050' Welsh-medium strategy.
But, as Siân Gwenllian mentioned, it's a critical point in terms of the recruitment of Welsh-speaking teachers. Over the last five years, the number of individuals training to qualify as Welsh-medium teachers has been falling significantly year on year. On top of that, the rising rate of Welsh-medium teachers choosing to leave the profession within 10 years of qualifying means that our schools are reaching a crisis point.
The current workforce is overstretched, but it still manages to deliver a first-rate classroom education. And this is a testament to the hours of dedication and commitment from teachers. Now, I grew up in Pembrokeshire, where I received a bilingual education, and I can say personally how beneficial the Welsh language was to my schooling. The teachers that I had, such as Barbara Lewis and Jane Griffiths or Paul Edwards and Richard Davies, were excellent, in both in Welsh and English alike, and their ability to switch between both languages brought lessons alive and made school fun.
However, if the Welsh Government does not act, it's possible that the next generation of learners will miss out on the experience that I and many others received in school, and we must break the cycle where people grow up in a small town, they attend the closest university and they return to teach in that very same school in which they were taught. So, how do we recruit teachers from outside of Wales, who have different life experiences? And what support can we give them to learn and teach through the medium of the Welsh language? We cannot close the door on those from outside of Wales who wish to teach in our country. And as the coleg Cymraeg have said, we must be strategic and far reaching if the patterns outlined in this speech are to be changed. Thank you.
Galwaf ar Weinidog y Gymraeg ac Addysg, Jeremy Miles.
I call on the Minister for Welsh language and education, Jeremy Miles.

Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. As I start, I'd like to put on record my profound thanks once again to the entire education workforce for their incredible efforts in supporting our young people through these challenging times. Every one of us here today knows the important role that teachers and other school and college staff play in supporting young people's well-being, but, to do that, we must also support their well-being as well.
Supporting our education workforce's well-being is of paramount importance, and central to achieving this—and I welcome the acknowledgement by the Conservatives of this—is our whole-school approach to mental health and well-being. Yes, this supports learners, but it is more than that; it supports every single person involved in our education system. To help this work, we've commissioned Education Support, an expert organisation that supports mental health and well-being specifically for the workforce, and their project provides a range of bespoke services, including coaching and mentoring support for practitioners. This project will run throughout the 2021-22 academic year and will provide a range of services, ranging from resilience training, peer support groups and telephone support services, amongst other interventions. We've also supported an extension to the coaching and mentoring well-being project, developed by the regions in partnership with the Welsh Government last year.
Alongside our support for well-being, we know how important professional learning and development is to ensuring our workforce feel valued as professionals. Aligned with the professional standards, our national approach to professional learning creates a vision fit for our evolving education system, and integral to that approach is ensuring that professional learning is adequately resourced in terms of both funding and time for teachers, but also teaching assistants and school leaders. We are expecting a profound transformation in the way our practitioners and leaders think about their professional learning in light of the new curriculum and in the way we respond to the challenges of COVID. We will provide support to schools to enable them to make this step change.
To allow time and space for practitioners to work together across schools, record levels have been invested in professional learning since 2018. This has been awarded directly to schools to support curriculum implementation—an example of the funding to the front line that Siân Gwenllian was calling for in her contribution. It's my view that professional learning is an entitlement, backed by Government, that all teachers must have a right to, and I'm exploring ways that we can do more in this area to make this entitlement far easier to navigate, and we'll be updating Members further in due course.
We will continue to invest in a wide range of national programmes, including our professional enquiry programme, the teaching assistants learning pathway and the national professional qualification for headship. Alongside these is support for early career practitioners, our new Master's programme, the Welsh language sabbatical scheme and the national leadership offer. And when we talk to teachers, it's this sort of richer support offer that will help us to continue to increase teacher recruitment. All of this equates to a system where we invest in our practitioners and in their professional development.
We've worked with the OECD, which some Members have referred to in the debate, to evaluate the professional learning progress that we have been making. In recent weeks, they've declared that our focus on teachers' professional learning is exceptional in comparison to many other OECD jurisdictions, and, in their words, provides a strong basis for the enhancement of professional learning in schools.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Wrth i mi ddechrau, hoffwn gofnodi fy niolch enfawr unwaith eto i'r gweithlu addysg cyfan am eu hymdrechion anhygoel i gefnogi ein pobl ifanc drwy'r cyfnod heriol hwn. Mae pob un ohonom yma heddiw yn gwybod am y rôl bwysig y mae athrawon a staff eraill ysgolion a cholegau yn ei chwarae yn cefnogi llesiant pobl ifanc, ond er mwyn gwneud hynny, mae'n rhaid i ni gefnogi eu llesiant hwy hefyd.
Mae cefnogi llesiant ein gweithlu addysg o'r pwys mwyaf, ac yn ganolog i gyflawni hyn—ac rwy'n croesawu cydnabyddiaeth y Ceidwadwyr i hyn—mae ein dull ysgol gyfan o ymdrin ag iechyd meddwl a llesiant. Ydy, mae'n cefnogi dysgwyr, ond mae'n fwy na hynny; mae'n cefnogi pob unigolyn sy'n rhan o'n system addysg. Er mwyn helpu'r gwaith hwn, rydym wedi comisiynu Cymorth Addysg, sefydliad arbenigol sy'n cefnogi iechyd meddwl a llesiant yn benodol ar gyfer y gweithlu, ac mae eu prosiect yn darparu ystod o wasanaethau pwrpasol, gan gynnwys cymorth hyfforddi a mentora i addysgwyr. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn weithredol drwy gydol blwyddyn academaidd 2021-22 a bydd yn darparu ystod o wasanaethau, yn amrywio o hyfforddiant gwytnwch, grwpiau cymorth cymheiriaid a gwasanaethau cymorth dros y ffôn, ymhlith ymyriadau eraill. Rydym hefyd wedi cefnogi estyniad i'r prosiect hyfforddi a mentora llesiant, a ddatblygwyd gan y rhanbarthau mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth Cymru y llynedd.
Ochr yn ochr â'n cefnogaeth i lesiant, rydym yn gwybod pa mor bwysig yw dysgu a datblygiad proffesiynol i sicrhau bod ein gweithlu'n teimlo eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi fel gweithwyr proffesiynol. Yn unol â'r safonau proffesiynol, mae ein dull cenedlaethol ar gyfer dysgu proffesiynol yn creu gweledigaeth sy'n addas ar gyfer ein system addysg sy'n esblygu, a rhan annatod o'r dull hwnnw yw sicrhau bod digon o adnoddau ar gyfer dysgu proffesiynol o ran cyllid ac amser i athrawon, ond hefyd cynorthwywyr addysgu ac arweinwyr ysgolion. Rydym yn disgwyl trawsnewidiad dwfn yn y ffordd y mae ein haddysgwyr a'n harweinwyr yn meddwl am eu dysgu proffesiynol yng ngoleuni'r cwricwlwm newydd ac yn y ffordd rydym yn ymateb i heriau COVID. Byddwn yn rhoi cymorth i ysgolion i'w galluogi i wneud y newid sylfaenol hwn.
Er mwyn caniatáu amser a lle i addysgwyr gydweithio ar draws ysgolion, mae'r lefelau uchaf erioed wedi'u buddsoddi mewn dysgu proffesiynol ers 2018. Dyfarnwyd hyn yn uniongyrchol i ysgolion i gefnogi'r gwaith o weithredu'r cwricwlwm—enghraifft o'r cyllid i'r rheng flaen roedd Siân Gwenllian yn galw amdano yn ei chyfraniad. Yn fy marn i, mae dysgu proffesiynol yn hawl, wedi'i chefnogi gan y Llywodraeth, hawl y mae'n rhaid i bob athro ei chael, ac rwy'n archwilio ffyrdd y gallwn wneud mwy yn y maes hwn i wneud yr hawl hon yn llawer haws i'w llywio, a byddwn yn rhoi diweddariadau pellach i'r Aelodau maes o law.
Byddwn yn parhau i fuddsoddi mewn ystod eang o raglenni cenedlaethol, gan gynnwys ein rhaglen ymholiad proffesiynol, llwybr dysgu'r cynorthwywyr addysgu a'r cymhwyster proffesiynol cenedlaethol ar gyfer prifathrawiaeth. Ochr yn ochr â'r rhain mae cefnogaeth i addysgwyr yn gynnar yn eu gyrfa, ein rhaglen Meistr newydd, y cynllun sabothol iaith Gymraeg a'r cynnig arweinyddiaeth cenedlaethol. A phan fyddwn yn siarad ag athrawon, y math hwn o gynnig cymorth cyfoethocach a fydd yn ein helpu i barhau i gynyddu'r nifer o athrawon sy'n cael eu recriwtio. Mae hyn i gyd yn creu system lle rydym yn buddsoddi yn ein haddysgwyr ac yn eu datblygiad proffesiynol.
Rydym wedi gweithio gyda'r Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd, fel y nododd rhai o'r Aelodau yn y ddadl, i werthuso'r cynnydd rydym wedi bod yn ei wneud mewn perthynas â dysgu proffesiynol. Yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf, maent wedi datgan bod ein ffocws ar ddysgu proffesiynol athrawon yn eithriadol o gymharu â llawer o awdurdodaethau eraill y Sefydliad ar gyfer Cydweithrediad a Datblygiad Economaidd, ac yn eu geiriau hwy, mae'n darparu sail gref ar gyfer gwella dysgu proffesiynol mewn ysgolion.
Dros y flwyddyn a hanner diwethaf, mae'r newidiadau i batrymau gweithio arferol a'r tarfu mewn ysgolion wedi bod yn ddigynsail. Mae'r proffesiwn addysgu wedi ymateb i'r heriau hyn gan ddangos lefel anhygoel o hyblygrwydd a gwydnwch ac yn parhau i ddangos lefelau aruthrol o broffesiynoldeb. Gaf i helpu Laura Jones gyda'i phenbleth yn ei haraith hi? Mae'n gwbl annerbyniol bod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol wedi penderfynu rhewi cyflogau'r sector gyhoeddus ar adeg pan fydd cynifer o'n gweithlu ni wedi bod yn gweithio o dan yr amgylchiadau heriol hyn. Fodd bynnag, y pwynt yw, dŷn ni fel Llywodraeth wedi penderfynu darparu £6.4 miliwn tuag at gost y dyfarniad cyflog mewn ysgolion a cholegau chweched dosbarth y flwyddyn ariannol hon. Bu llawer yn dadlau yn erbyn datganoli cyflogau ac amodau athrawon, ond, yn y cyfnod byr ers i'r pwerau hyn gael eu trosglwyddo i Gymru, dŷn ni eisoes wedi dangos y gallwn ni wneud gwahaniaeth yma. Er enghraifft, ers 2019, mae cyflogau athrawon newydd wedi cynyddu 15.9 y cant—efallai nad oedd James Evans yn ymwybodol o hyn. Byddwn ni'n adeiladu ar y gwaith hwn i barhau i ddatblygu system genedlaethol fwy unigryw, sy'n decach ac yn fwy tryloyw ar gyfer pob athro.
Mae cynnig y Ceidwadwyr a gwelliant Plaid Cymru yn nodi bod nifer yr athrawon yn gostwng, ond mae hynny yn anghywir. Yn 2020-21, fe welon ni gynnydd o 40 y cant yn nifer y myfyrwyr a dderbyniodd lleoedd ar gyrsiau addysg gychwynnol i athrawon, o'i gymharu â'r flwyddyn flaenorol. Yn ôl y ffigurau cynnar, bydd lefel y recriwtio ar gyrsiau addysgu gychwynnol i athrawon ar gyfer 2021-22 yn parhau i fod yn uwch na'r lefelau a gafodd eu cofnodi yn 2019-20. Yn wir, roedd y data a gyhoeddwyd ym mis Ionawr eleni yn awgrymu bod gyda ni 435 yn fwy o athrawon nag yn 2019-20.
Over the past 18 months, the changes to normal working patterns and the disruption in school have been unprecedented. The education profession has responded to these challenges, showing an incredible level of flexibility and resilience and continuing to show excellent levels of professionalism. May I help Laura Jones with some confusion in her speech? It is entirely unacceptable that the UK Government has decided to freeze public sector wages at a time when so many of our workforce have been working under these challenging circumstances. However, the point is, we as a Government have decided to provide £6.4 million towards the cost of the pay award in schools and sixth form colleges this year. Now, many argued against the devolution of teachers' pay and conditions, but, in the brief period since those powers were transferred to Wales, we have already shown that we can make a difference here. For example, since 2019, new teacher salaries have increased by 15.9 per cent—perhaps James Evans wasn't aware of that. We will build on that work to continue to develop a national system that is more unique, fairer and more transparent for all teachers.
The Conservative motion and the Plaid Cymru amendment note that the number of teachers is in decline, but that is incorrect. In 2020-21, we saw an increase of 40 per cent in the number of students who accepted places on initial teacher training courses, as compared to the previous year. According to early figures, recruitment levels for initial teacher training courses for 2021-22 will continue to be higher than the levels recorded in 2019-20. Indeed, the data published in January of this year suggested that we had 435 more teachers than we had in 2019-20.
A wnewch chi gymryd ymyrraeth?
Will you take an intervention?
Gwnaf, yn sicr.
Yes, certainly.
Dwi'n clywed beth rydych chi'n ei ddweud o ran y nifer sydd ar gyrsiau dysgu cychwynnol yn cynyddu, a da o beth ydy hynny; y broblem fawr ydy bod un o bob tri yn gadael ar ôl pum mlynedd ac mai hwnna mewn gwirionedd sydd yn creu'r broblem fawr wedyn. Cadw'r athrawon ydy'r broblem fwyaf, a hwnna, does bosib, y mae angen ichi roi sylw iddo fo.
I hear what you say in terms of the numbers that are currently on initial teacher training courses increasing, and that's good to hear, but the problem is that one out of all three leave after five years, and it's that that's causing the major problem. It's about the retention of teachers; that's the main problem, and surely that's what you should be focusing on.
Wel, rôn i'n mynd i wneud sylw am gyfraniad Siân Gwenllian, ac rwy'n credu bod y cyfraniad a wnaeth yr Aelod yn trafod yr ystod o bethau sydd angen eu gwneud er mwyn cynnal y gweithlu—denu'r gweithlu yn y lle cyntaf, ond, hynny yw, cynnal y gweithlu yn y tymor hir. Mae'n iawn bod angen gwneud ystod o bethau ehangach. Rwyf wedi cyfeirio at rai o'r rheini yn fy araith i eisoes, ond fe wnaeth Siân Gwenllian a Samuel Kurtz hefyd sôn am yr heriau yn recriwtio o ran athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg, ac rwy'n derbyn bod angen gwneud mwy yn y maes hwn. Mae gyda ni waith ar hyn o bryd i ddylunio cynllun gyda'n partneriaid i ddenu mwy o athrawon cyfrwng Cymraeg i'n system, sydd yn gwbl hanfodol os ydym ni am gyrraedd ein targedau. Ond er bod y cynnydd rwyf wedi sôn amdano i'w groesawu, dŷn ni'n cydnabod bod angen mwy o waith o hyd, yn enwedig, hynny yw, yn y meysydd hynny lle mae recriwtio yn fwy heriol.
I ymateb i'r effaith mae COVID-19 wedi'i chael ar athrawon dan hyfforddiant, er enghraifft, dŷn ni'n buddsoddi dros £7 miliwn i gynnig lleoliadau gwaith tymor hir i athrawon newydd gymhwyso i fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r sialensau hynny. A chan weithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol, y rhanbarthau a Chyngor y Gweithlu Addysg, dŷn ni wedi llwyddo i ddod o hyd i ysgol addas ar gyfer dros 400 o athrawon newydd gymhwyso. Mae hyn yn rhoi capasiti ychwanegol i ysgolion, gan eu galluogi nhw i helpu dysgwyr i ddod dros y cyfnod diwethaf yma a datblygu'r cwricwlwm ar gyfer Cymru.
I gloi, Dirprwy Lywydd, mae cefnogi'r proffesiwn addysgu yn flaenoriaeth allweddol i'r Llywodraeth hon. I wneud hyn, dŷn ni'n buddsoddi mwy o arian nag erioed yn nysgu proffesiynol y gweithlu, dŷn ni'n cymryd camau i gefnogi eu lles, a byddwn ni'n parhau i wneud popeth yn ein gallu i ryddhau capasiti a chael gwared ar fiwrocratiaeth, fel y gallan nhw barhau i wneud yr hyn maen nhw'n ei wneud orau—hynny yw, ysbrydoli ac addysgu plant a phobl ifanc Cymru.
Well, I was going to make a comment on Siân Gwenllian's contribution, and I think she discussed a range of things that need to be done in order to support the workforce—to attract the workforce in the first instance, and to support them in the longer term. It's true that we need to do a range of different things. I've referred to some of those in my speech already, but Siân Gwenllian and Samuel Kurtz also mentioned challenges in recruiting to the Welsh-medium sector, and I accept that more needs to be done in that area. We do have some work ongoing in drawing up a plan with partners in order to attract more Welsh-medium teachers to our schools, which is crucial if we are to reach our targets. But, although the increase that I've mentioned is to be welcomed, we recognise that there is still more work to be done, particularly in those areas where recruitment is more challenging.
To respond to the impact that COVID-19 has had on teachers who are undergoing training, we are investing over £7 million to provide long-term placements to newly qualified teachers to tackle some of those challenges. And working closely with local authorities, the regions and the Education Workforce Council, we have found an appropriate school for over 400 newly qualified teachers. This creates additional capacity for schools, enabling them to enable learners to get over this recent time and to develop the curriculum for Wales.
To conclude, Dirprwy Lywydd, supporting the education profession is a key priority for this Government. To do this, we are investing more money than ever before in professional training, we are taking steps to support well-being, and we will continue to do everything we can to release capacity and to remove bureaucracy, so that they can continue to do what they do best—namely to inspire and educate the young people and children of Wales.
Galwaf ar Tom Giffard i ymateb i'r ddadl.
I call on Tom Giffard to reply to the debate.
Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. It's a real pleasure for me as a former teaching assistant to respond to this debate today. I think it's been a really interesting debate, with a lot of different perspectives on exactly what the problem is. And I was actually, in part, encouraged by the Minister's response to a number of the problems. Laura Anne Jones in her initial remarks talked about the over-dependence on supply teachers and the pressures that puts on teaching assistants—because it's important to remember that these shortages are not just shortages on a spreadsheet, they have real-life impacts in classrooms, and the effect that that has on existing staff I think Laura covered really well. She also mentioned about how we need more pathways into the profession. People with—. Not just—sorry, I can't remember who said it now—people who have left university only to return to teach in the school that they themselves learnt in, but people with life experience from other walks of life, and that's really important too. So, those are some of the things our motion today is looking to achieve.
Siân Gwenllian was right to say that the reasons for this teacher recruitment shortage are very complex indeed, and the point she made about teachers leaving the profession within the first five years was entirely correct. I was a little bit disappointed by the Minister's reaction to that particular intervention, because he mentioned there was more to do, but was very non-specific, I thought, about exactly what action he was taking to address that.
Samuel Kurtz spoke at length about the crisis with Welsh language teachers in particular, and if we don't tackle that problem, reaching the 2050 target of Welsh speakers becomes very, very difficult indeed. So, we need real action on that, and if you look at the age profile of a number of the Welsh language teachers that are currently in the profession as well, this is something that's worth looking at too. So, this is a problem that, if we don't tackle today, is only going to continue to get worse.
I particularly liked James Evans's contribution, because, going back to what I said earlier about numbers on a spreadsheet and the number of teachers in the profession, teachers have much more of a value than that. Teachers have a real-life impact on the pupils and the communities that they teach in. They teach more than just the curriculum, and, going back to what Laura said, that's why it so important that people with other life experiences get into the profession and teach, because we know the impact that they can have as well, because they become a real part of the communities they serve in.
And Gareth Davies was right, as well, to point out the effects that the pandemic has had on teaching. I'd wager that there aren't many professions, probably, over the last 18 months, that have had to change and adapt more than the teaching profession has had to do. So, I was encouraged then to hear the Minister—and I welcomed some of the things that the Minister said—talk about professional learning and development, and I welcome the investment he mentioned in that as well, because I think that is really important. But I do note that he talked a lot about the role that regional partnerships had in doing that, but, unfortunately, Estyn found that, whilst they did play a positive role, that was underdeveloped and patchy across Wales, particularly in our shared—in the part of the world that we represent—ERW region, which is another story in and of itself.
So, I just wanted to use my time today to focus on the new curriculum. Teachers in Wales are facing significant pressures to plan for and implement that new curriculum, which is adding to the workloads of many who are already overworked. Whilst a recent survey commissioned by the Welsh Government found very strong levels of commitment to the curriculum reforms among teaching staff, there were also significant concerns within schools about a number of key aspects concerning its implementation. It showed around half of the senior leaders were not clear about how assessment arrangements will change in their school following the reforms and what their school is required to do to plan their assessment arrangements. Only 21 per cent of school leaders believed they had sufficient time to prepare for the roll-out of the curriculum, with just over half of senior leaders disagreeing with the statement that:
'To date, sufficient time has been available within the school calendar to prepare for the new curriculum'.
Some schools are struggling to prepare for the new curriculum, with 13 per cent of school leaders believing that their school did not have sufficient staff capacity to design the new curriculum either, and this comes back to the point in our motion today that the Welsh Government should set that target, firm and in writing, of recruiting 5,000 new teachers over the next five years, because recruiting more staff can alleviate many of the concerns raised not just by us as politicians, but by teachers, parents and senior leaders alike.
One thing that has come across as a result of this lack of a target, vision and planning from the Welsh Government when it comes to teaching recruitment is how heavily reliant schools are now, as Laura Anne Jones said, on supply teachers because of the lack of other teachers in Wales. Schools in Wales spent approximately £250 million on supply staff across Wales from 2016-21, and, yes, supply teachers are a major lifeline for schools and they do a very good job, but that is not a long-term solution. Schools have had to deal with staff shortages and self-isolation, of course, over the last years of the pandemic, but this overreliance on supply teachers needs to end, and we need more permanent teachers in schools, more than anything, for the value that James Evans spoke about, which they can give in their schools as well.
So, I think we're stood at a crossroads today. Our motion is very clear—there is a plan to deal with it. This is a problem and it will not change overnight, but what I will say is the alternative is doing nothing, and doing nothing is what got us into this situation.
Diolch, Ddirprwy Lywydd. Fel cyn-gynorthwyydd addysgu, mae'n bleser mawr gennyf ymateb i'r ddadl hon heddiw. Rwy'n credu ei bod wedi bod yn ddadl ddiddorol iawn, gyda llawer o safbwyntiau gwahanol ar beth yn union yw'r broblem. Ac fe'm calonogwyd, yn rhannol, gan ymateb y Gweinidog i nifer o'r problemau. Soniodd Laura Anne Jones yn ei sylwadau cychwynnol am yr orddibyniaeth ar athrawon cyflenwi a'r pwysau y mae hynny'n ei roi ar gynorthwywyr addysgu—oherwydd mae'n bwysig cofio nad prinder ar daenlen yn unig yw'r prinder hwn, mae'n cael effaith go iawn mewn ystafelloedd dosbarth, ac rwy'n credu bod Laura wedi ymdrin yn dda iawn â'r effaith y mae hynny'n ei chael ar staff presennol. Soniodd hefyd ynglŷn â sut rydym angen mwy o lwybrau i mewn i'r proffesiwn. Pobl ag—. Nid yn unig—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, ni allaf gofio pwy a'i dywedodd yn awr—pobl sydd wedi gadael y brifysgol i ddychwelyd i addysgu yn yr ysgol y cawsant hwy eu hunain eu dysgu ynddi, ond pobl sydd â phrofiad bywyd o gefndiroedd eraill, ac mae hynny'n bwysig iawn hefyd. Felly, dyna rai o'r pethau y mae ein cynnig heddiw yn bwriadu eu cyflawni.
Roedd Siân Gwenllian yn iawn i ddweud bod y rhesymau dros y prinder o ran recriwtio athrawon yn gymhleth iawn yn wir, ac roedd y pwynt a wnaeth am athrawon yn gadael y proffesiwn o fewn y pum mlynedd cyntaf yn gwbl gywir. Roeddwn braidd yn siomedig ynghylch ymateb y Gweinidog i'r ymyrraeth benodol honno, oherwydd soniodd fod mwy i'w wneud, ond nid oedd yn benodol iawn yn fy marn i, ynghylch yr union gamau roedd yn eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â hynny.
Siaradodd Samuel Kurtz yn helaeth am yr argyfwng gydag athrawon Cymraeg yn arbennig, ac os nad awn i'r afael â'r broblem honno, mae cyrraedd targed 2050 o siaradwyr Cymraeg yn mynd i fod yn anodd iawn yn wir. Felly, rydym angen gweithredu go iawn ar hynny, ac os edrychwch ar broffil oedran nifer o'r athrawon Cymraeg sydd yn y proffesiwn ar hyn o bryd, mae hwn yn rhywbeth sy'n werth edrych arno hefyd. Felly, mae hon yn broblem a fydd yn parhau i waethygu os nad awn i'r afael â hi heddiw.
Roeddwn yn arbennig o hoff o gyfraniad James Evans, oherwydd, i fynd yn ôl at yr hyn a ddywedais yn gynharach am niferoedd ar daenlen a nifer yr athrawon yn y proffesiwn, mae athrawon yn llawer mwy gwerthfawr na hynny. Mae athrawon yn cael effaith go iawn ar y disgyblion y maent yn eu haddysgu a'r cymunedau y maent yn addysgu ynddynt. Maent yn addysgu mwy na'r cwricwlwm yn unig, ac i fynd yn ôl at yr hyn a ddywedodd Laura, dyna pam ei bod mor bwysig i bobl sydd â phrofiadau bywyd eraill fynd i mewn i'r proffesiwn ac addysgu, oherwydd gwyddom am yr effaith y gallant hwy ei chael hefyd, oherwydd dônt yn rhan go iawn o'r cymunedau y maent yn eu gwasanaethu.
Ac roedd Gareth Davies yn iawn, hefyd, i dynnu sylw at yr effeithiau y mae'r pandemig wedi'u cael ar addysgu. Byddwn yn mentro dweud nad oes llawer o broffesiynau, mae'n debyg, dros y 18 mis diwethaf, sydd wedi gorfod newid ac addasu mwy nag y bu'n rhaid i'r proffesiwn addysgu ei wneud. Felly, fe'm calonogwyd i glywed y Gweinidog—ac roeddwn yn croesawu rhai o'r pethau a ddywedodd y Gweinidog—yn sôn am ddysgu a datblygiad proffesiynol, ac rwy'n croesawu'r buddsoddiad a grybwyllodd yn hynny hefyd, oherwydd credaf fod hynny'n bwysig iawn. Ond nodaf ei fod wedi sôn llawer am rôl partneriaethau rhanbarthol wrth wneud hynny, ond yn anffodus, canfu Estyn, er eu bod wedi chwarae rôl gadarnhaol, nad oedd wedi'i ddatblygu'n ddigonol a'i fod yn dameidiog ledled Cymru, yn enwedig yn y rhanbarth a rannwn—yn y rhan o'r byd a gynrychiolwn—rhanbarth ERW, sy'n stori arall ynddi ei hun.
Felly, roeddwn eisiau defnyddio fy amser heddiw i ganolbwyntio ar y cwricwlwm newydd. Mae athrawon yng Nghymru yn wynebu pwysau sylweddol i gynllunio ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd hwnnw a'i roi ar waith, sy'n ychwanegu at lwyth gwaith nifer o athrawon sydd eisoes wedi'u gorweithio. Er bod arolwg diweddar a gomisiynwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru wedi canfod lefelau cryf iawn o ymrwymiad i ddiwygio'r cwricwlwm ymhlith staff addysgu, roedd pryderon sylweddol hefyd mewn ysgolion ynghylch nifer o agweddau allweddol yn ymwneud â'i weithredu. Dangosodd nad oedd tua hanner yr uwch arweinwyr yn glir ynglŷn â sut y byddai trefniadau asesu yn newid yn eu hysgol yn dilyn y diwygiadau na'r hyn sy'n ofynnol i'r ysgol ei wneud i gynllunio eu trefniadau asesu. Dim ond 21 y cant o arweinwyr ysgolion a oedd yn credu bod ganddynt ddigon o amser i baratoi ar gyfer cyflwyno'r cwricwlwm, gydag ychydig dros hanner yr uwch arweinwyr yn anghytuno â'r datganiad:
'Hyd yma, mae digon o amser wedi bod ar gael o fewn calendr yr ysgol i baratoi ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd’.
Mae rhai ysgolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd paratoi ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd, gyda 13 y cant o arweinwyr ysgolion yn credu nad oedd gan eu hysgol ddigon o gapasiti staffio i gynllunio'r cwricwlwm newydd chwaith, a daw hyn yn ôl at y pwynt yn ein cynnig heddiw y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru osod y targed, yn gadarn ac yn ysgrifenedig, o recriwtio 5,000 o athrawon newydd dros y pum mlynedd nesaf, oherwydd gall recriwtio mwy o staff leddfu llawer o'r pryderon a godwyd nid yn unig gennym ni fel gwleidyddion, ond gan athrawon, rhieni ac uwch arweinwyr fel ei gilydd.
Un peth sydd wedi codi o ganlyniad i'r diffyg targed, gweledigaeth a chynlluniau gan Lywodraeth Cymru mewn perthynas â recriwtio i'r byd addysg yw pa mor ddibynnol yw ysgolion yn awr, fel y dywedodd Laura Anne Jones, ar athrawon cyflenwi oherwydd prinder athrawon eraill yng Nghymru. Gwariodd ysgolion yng Nghymru tua £250 miliwn ar staff cyflenwi ledled Cymru rhwng 2016 a 2021, ac mae athrawon cyflenwi yn achubiaeth fawr i ysgolion ac maent yn gwneud gwaith da iawn, ond nid yw hwnnw'n ateb hirdymor. Mae ysgolion wedi gorfod ymdrin â phrinder staff a hunanynysu, wrth gwrs, dros flynyddoedd diwethaf y pandemig, ond mae angen i'r orddibyniaeth hon ar athrawon cyflenwi ddod i ben, ac yn fwy na dim mae arnom angen mwy o athrawon parhaol mewn ysgolion oherwydd y gwerth y soniodd James Evans amdano, gwerth y gallant ei gyfrannu i'w hysgolion hefyd.
Felly, rwy'n credu ein bod yn sefyll ar groesffordd heddiw. Mae ein cynnig yn glir iawn—mae yna gynllun i yndrin ag ef. Mae hon yn broblem ac ni fydd yn newid dros nos, ond y dewis arall yw gwneud dim, a gwneud dim yw'r hyn sydd wedi ein rhoi ni yn y sefyllfa hon.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
Y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn y cynnig heb ei ddiwygio? A oes unrhyw Aelod yn gwrthwynebu? [Gwrthwynebiad.] Gohiriaf y bleidlais felly tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
The proposal is to agree the motion without amendment. Does any Member object? [Objection.] I will therefore defer voting on this motion until voting time.
Gohiriwyd y pleidleisio tan y cyfnod pleidleisio.
Voting deferred until voting time.
Rŷn ni nawr yn cyrraedd yr amser ar gyfer pleidleisio, ond fe fyddwn ni angen cymryd toriad byr i gychwyn er mwyn paratoi ar gyfer y pleidleisiau hynny. Toriad byr, felly.
We now reach voting time, but we will need to take a short break to prepare for the voting. So, a short break.
Ataliwyd y Cyfarfod Llawn am 18:04.
Plenary was suspended at 18:04.
Ailymgynullodd y Senedd am 18:11, gyda'r Llywydd yn y Gadair.
The Senedd reconvened at 18:11, with the Llywydd in the Chair.
Dyma ni'n cyrraedd y cyfnod pleidleisio, ac mae'r bleidlais gyntaf y prynhawn yma ar y ddadl ar gynnig deddfwriaethol gan Aelod ar Fil perchnogaeth cyflogai. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Huw Irranca-Davies. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 28, 13 yn ymatal, 15 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i dderbyn.
That brings us to voting time, and the first vote this afternoon is on the debate on a Member's legislative proposal and employee ownership Bill. I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Huw Irranca-Davies. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 28, 13 abstentions, and 15 against, and therefore the motion is agreed.
Eitem 7 - Dadl ar Gynnig Deddfwriaethol gan Aelod - Bil perchnogaeth cyflogai: O blaid: 28, Yn erbyn: 15, Ymatal: 13
Derbyniwyd y cynnig.
Item 7 - Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - An employee ownership Bill: For: 28, Against: 15, Abstain: 13
Motion has been agreed.
Mae'r bleidlais nesaf ar ddadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig ar recriwtio athrawon. Dwi'n galw am bleidlais ar y cynnig, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Darren Millar. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 15, neb yn ymatal, 41 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi'i wrthod.
The next vote is on the Welsh Conservatives' debate on teacher recruitment, and I call for a vote on the motion, tabled in the name of Darren Millar. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 15, no abstentions, and 41 against, and therefore the motion is not agreed.
Eitem 7 - Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Cynnig heb ei ddiwygio: O blaid: 15, Yn erbyn: 41, Ymatal: 0
Gwrthodwyd y cynnig.
Item 7 - Welsh Conservatives' debate - Motion without amendment: For: 15, Against: 41, Abstain: 0
Motion has been rejected.
Gwelliant 1 sydd nesaf, ac os derbynnir gwelliant 1, bydd gwelliant 2 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol. Felly, pleidlais ar welliant 1, a gyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths. Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 29, neb yn ymatal, 27 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r gwelliant wedi'i dderbyn.
We will move now to amendment 1. If amendment 1 is agreed, amendment 2 will be deselected. I call for a vote on amendment 1, tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 29, no abstentions, 27 against, and therefore the amendment is agreed.
Eitem 7 - Gwelliant 1 - cyflwynwyd yn enw Lesley Griffiths: O blaid: 29, Yn erbyn: 27, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y gwelliant.
Item 7 - Amendment 1 - tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths: For: 29, Against: 27, Abstain: 0
Amendment has been agreed.
Mae gwelliant 2 yn cael ei ddad-ddethol.
Amendment 2 is deselected.
Cafodd gwelliant 2 ei ddad-dethol.
Amendment 2 deselected.
Felly, y bleidlais olaf, ar y cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio.
I therefore call for the final vote, on the motion as amended.
Cynnig NDM7811 fel y'i diwygiwyd
Cynnig bod y Senedd:
1. Yn cydnabod gwaith caled ac ymroddiad athrawon a staff ysgolion ledled Cymru drwy gydol pandemig COVID-19.
2. Yn mynegi ei diolchgarwch i’r gweithlu addysg cyfan am flaenoriaethu lles dysgwyr ac am ei ymrwymiad i weithredu’r cwricwlwm newydd er gwaethaf pwysau digynsail y pandemig.
3. Yn credu bod lles y gweithlu addysg o’r pwys mwyaf.
4. Yn cydnabod bod dysgu proffesiynol yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau gweithlu brwd o ansawdd.
5. Yn condemnio penderfyniad Llywodraeth San Steffan i rewi cyflogau’r sector cyhoeddus, ac effaith hynny ar athrawon ar adeg o bwysau digynsail ar y gweithlu.
6. Yn croesawu:
a) y cynnydd o 40 y cant yn y ceisiadau ar gyfer cyrsiau athrawon y llynedd.
b) y cynnydd o 15.9 y cant yng nghyflogau athrawon newydd yng Nghymru ers 2019, a’r cynnydd o 1.75 y cant y gwnaeth Llywodraeth Cymru helpu i’w sicrhau yng nghyflog pob athro eleni er gwaethaf y rhewi ar gyflogau’r sector cyhoeddus.
c) y ffaith bod cyllid ychwanegol Llywodraeth Cymru yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol hon wedi helpu i baru dros 400 o athrawon sydd newydd gymhwyso ag ysgolion.
d) y ffaith bod ffocws Cymru ar ddysgu proffesiynol ymhlith athrawon wedi’i ddisgrifio fel rhywbeth eithriadol o gymharu â llawer o awdurdodaethau eraill OECD, ac yn darparu sylfaen gadarn i wella dysgu proffesiynol mewn ysgolion.
e) y ffaith bod Cymru yn arwain y ffordd â chanllawiau fframwaith statudol ar gyfer ysgol gyfan, sydd wedi’u dylunio i gefnogi lles staff yn ogystal â dysgwyr.
Motion NDM7811 as amended
To propose that the Senedd:
1. Recognises the hard work and dedication of teachers and school staff across Wales throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Expresses its gratitude to the entire education workforce for prioritising the well-being of learners and its commitment to implementing the new curriculum despite the unprecedented pressures of the pandemic.
3. Believes the well-being of the education workforce is of paramount importance.
4. Recognises that professional learning is essential for a high-quality and motivated workforce.
5. Condemns the Westminster Government’s public sector pay freeze and the impact it has on teachers at a time of unprecedented pressure on the workforce.
6. Welcomes that:
a) there was a 40 per cent increase in applications for teaching courses last year.
b) salaries for new teachers in Wales have increased 15.9 per cent since 2019 and that the Welsh Government helped deliver a 1.75 per cent) pay rise for all teachers this year despite the public sector pay freeze.
c) Welsh Government additional funding this financial year has helped match over 400 newly qualified teachers with schools.
d) Wales's focus on teachers' professional learning has been found to be "exceptional in comparison to many other OECD jurisdictions and provides a strong basis for the enhancement of professional learning in schools".
e) Wales is leading the way with a statutory whole-school approach framework guidance, which is designed to support the well-being of staff as well as learners.
Agor y bleidlais. Cau'r bleidlais. O blaid 41, neb yn ymatal, 15 yn erbyn, ac felly mae'r cynnig wedi ei ddiwygio wedi'i dderbyn.
Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 41, no abstentions, and 15 against, and therefore the motion as amended is agreed.
Eitem 7 - Dadl y Ceidwadwyr Cymreig - Cynnig wedi'i ddiwygio: O blaid: 41, Yn erbyn: 15, Ymatal: 0
Derbyniwyd y cynnig fel y'i diwygiwyd.
Item 7 - Welsh Conservatives debate - Motion as amended: For: 41, Against: 15, Abstain: 0
Motion as amended has been agreed.
A dyna ni wedi gorffen y cyfnod pleidleisio. Mi fyddwn ni'n symud ymlaen nawr i'r ddadl fer.
And that concludes voting time. We will now move on to the short debate.
Mae'r ddadl fer heddiw i gael ei chyflwyno gan Samuel Kurtz. Felly, gwnaf ofyn i Samuel Kurtz i gyflwyno ei ddadl.
Today's short debate is to be brought forward by Samuel Kurtz, so I will invite Samuel Kurtz to take the floor.
Diolch, Llywydd, and I have agreed to give James Evans, Rhun ap Iorwerth, Peter Fox, Cefin Campbell and Alun Davies a minute each of my time. I would like to declare an interest before I begin.
The Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, known more commonly as Wales YFC, is a voluntary youth organisation and registered charity operating bilingually throughout rural Wales. My YFC life started as a spotty, brace-wearing 12-year-old dragged along to a club's panto practice by my older brother.
Diolch, Lywydd, ac rwyf wedi cytuno i roi munud yr un o fy amser i James Evans, Rhun ap Iorwerth, Peter Fox, Cefin Campbell ac Alun Davies. Hoffwn ddatgan buddiant cyn i mi ddechrau.
Mae Ffederasiwn Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru, a adwaenir yn fwy cyffredin fel CFfI Cymru, yn fudiad ieuenctid gwirfoddol ac yn elusen gofrestredig sy'n gweithredu'n ddwyieithog ledled y Gymru wledig. Dechreuodd fy mywyd gyda CFfI pan oeddwn yn llanc smotiog 12 oed a wisgai frêd, wrth imi gael fy llusgo i ymarfer pantomeim y clwb gan fy mrawd hŷn.

Oh no you weren't.
O, naddo ddim.
Oh yes I was. [Laughter.]
Now, a little older, with fewer spots but still with braces, I have the huge privilege of being Pembrokeshire YFC's chairman, and I'm proudly wearing my Pembrokeshire YFC tie today.
So why, then, have I in my first short debate in this Siambr felt the need to discuss Wales YFC? Is it the countless friends that I've made and continue to make through my involvement within this organisation? Is it the many skills that young people are able to learn and develop between the membership ages of 10 and 28? For me, as someone who has been through the movement, I think too few people outside of it actually fully understand, realise and appreciate what the YFC has to offer.
Wales YFC was founded in 1936, and there are 12 county federations across Wales. The oldest club is Clunderwen YFC, a stone's throw from my own constituency, in my neighbouring constituency, Paul Davies's, of Preseli Pembrokeshire. This club was founded in 1929 by Mr E.R. Phillips, whose name is now given to the trophy presented to the Pembrokeshire club that has contributed the most to charity and their local community.
In the year prior to COVID, Wales had 4,645 members. Sadly, and understandably, membership dropped by more than 50 per cent in the year 2020-21 to 2,173. However, we have already seen a host of members return to the movement in the last couple of months as restrictions allow, and the upper age limit has increased from 26 to 28.
Young farmers clubs provide a meeting place for young people in rural Wales to socialise, learn new skills, compete and experience new things. However, the name is a bit of a misnomer, because you don't actually have to be a farmer to be a young farmer. Naturally, while there are many competitions that lean towards agriculture, from farm safety and fence erecting to flower arranging and stock judging, there are also competitions such as the on-stage pantomimes and dramas, public speaking, sports competitions and many more. There really is something for everyone.
O, do fe wnaeth. [Chwerthin.]
Nawr, ychydig yn hŷn, gyda llai o smotiau ond yn dal i wisgo bresys, fy mraint enfawr yw bod yn gadeirydd CFfI sir Benfro, ac rwy'n falch o wisgo fy nhei CFfI sir Benfro heddiw.
Pam, felly, y teimlais yr angen yn fy nadl fer gyntaf yn y Siambr hon i drafod CFfI Cymru? Ai oherwydd y ffrindiau di-rif a wneuthum ac rwy'n parhau i'w gwneud drwy fy ymwneud â'r sefydliad hwn? Ai oherwydd y sgiliau niferus y gall pobl ifanc eu dysgu a'u datblygu rhwng 10 a 28 oed? I mi, fel rhywun sydd wedi bod drwy'r mudiad, rwy'n credu nad oes digon o bobl y tu allan iddo yn deall, yn sylweddoli ac yn gwerthfawrogi'n llawn yr hyn sydd gan y CFfI i'w gynnig.
Sefydlwyd CFfI Cymru yn 1936, a cheir 12 ffederasiwn sirol ledled Cymru. Y clwb hynaf yw CFfI Clunderwen, dafliad carreg o fy etholaeth i, yn etholaeth gyfagos Paul Davies o'r Preseli, sir Benfro. Sefydlwyd y clwb hwn yn 1929 gan Mr E.R. Phillips, y rhoddir ei enw bellach i'r tlws a gyflwynir i'r clwb yn sir Benfro sydd wedi cyfrannu fwyaf at elusen a'u cymuned leol.
Yn y flwyddyn cyn COVID, roedd gan Gymru 4,645 o aelodau. Yn anffodus, ac yn ddealladwy, gostyngodd yr aelodaeth fwy na 50 y cant yn y flwyddyn 2020-21, i 2,173. Fodd bynnag, rydym eisoes wedi gweld llu o aelodau'n dychwelyd i'r mudiad yn ystod y misoedd diwethaf wrth i'r cyfyngiadau ganiatáu, ac wrth i'r trothwy oedran uchaf godi o 26 i 28 oed.
Mae clybiau ffermwyr ifanc yn cynnig man cyfarfod i bobl ifanc yng nghefn gwlad Cymru allu cymdeithasu, dysgu sgiliau newydd, cystadlu a phrofi pethau newydd. Fodd bynnag, mae'r enw'n gamarweiniol braidd, gan nad oes raid i chi fod yn ffermwr i fod yn ffermwr ifanc. Yn naturiol, er bod llawer o gystadlaethau'n tueddu tuag at amaethyddiaeth, o ddiogelwch fferm a chodi ffensys i drefnu blodau a barnu stoc, ceir cystadlaethau hefyd fel y pantomeimau a'r dramâu llwyfan, siarad cyhoeddus, cystadlaethau chwaraeon a llawer mwy. Mae rhywbeth i bawb mewn gwirionedd.
Mae'r mudiad yma yng Nghymru yn ddwyieithog, gyda nifer o gystadlaethau yn y Gymraeg, gydag Eisteddfod y Ffermwyr Ifanc yn cael ei dangos ar S4C yn aml. Mae'r iaith a diwylliant Cymraeg yn cydblethu gyda mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc.
This organisation in Wales is bilingual, with a number of competitions through the medium of Welsh, with the Young Farmers Eisteddfod shown on S4C very often. The Welsh language and culture of Wales are dovetailed with the young farmers organisation.
While Wales YFC is a charity itself, its members are never shy of raising some much needed funds for other charities, both local and national. My favourite YFC memory was when I was one of 27 other members and supporters of Pembrokeshire YFC who cycled the 250 miles from Haverfordwest showground to our national annual general meeting in Blackpool, over four days. We were hosted by another YFC on our stopover in Oswestry, and upon arriving in Blackpool were greeted by cheering, slightly intoxicated, crowds. As the dust settled and the saddle sores healed, mine included, the total raised was £27,000, split between Prostate Cymru and Wales Air Ambulance.
The movement also offers accredited training and travel opportunities to far-flung corners of the world. It even offers what some would consider more simple things, such as how to chair a meeting successfully, and as a member of the Economy, Trade, and Rural Affairs Committee, I can see those excellent chairmanship skills in play as Paul Davies himself is a former young farmer member, and chairs the committee with excellent skills.
The constraints of the last 18 months, however, have meant that the movement has had to adapt. While club nights and competitions have moved online, young farmers didn't forget about their role in their locality. Throughout the pandemic, members across Wales served their local communities with distinction. Even before the first lockdown in March 2020, clubs were already organising shopping trips and prescription pick-ups for their most vulnerable neighbours. As the lockdown took hold, it was the YFC members, as part of the volunteer network, who supported our most rural and vulnerable. Members did this for no other reason than to support those who needed it, while, of course, many young farmers continued to farm the land, tend to their animals and look after their crops.
I was reminded of this when, on Sunday evening, at the Pembrokeshire YFC harvest thanksgiving festival, each and every club in the county donated a large hamper of food towards local food bank, PATCH. Even at a service where the young farmers could have easily sat back and been thankful for what they had, they were not only thinking of but supporting those who are far less fortunate—testament to the young farmers. Last week at the royal opening of the Senedd, Eleri George, past chairman of Pembrokeshire's Keyston YFC, was here representing her club as a COVID champion—a small acknowledgement of the many members who supported their communities throughout this time.
And that's really why I wanted to bring forward this short debate this afternoon on the YFC movement, because when some people want to tarnish the youth of today as selfish, lazy and rude, I can honestly say that those people must never have dealt with the conscientious, caring and selfless members of the young farmers clubs of Wales.
And if I may, Minister, listening on Zoom, I would like to link back to some of the points that your colleague the Minister for Economy mentioned in his statement yesterday. He talked about the Welsh Government's young person's guarantee, and how the Jobs Growth Wales+ programme would help to create life-changing opportunities for those who are not in education, employment or training. He also mentioned the value that supporting stronger local economies will have in helping to sustain the Welsh language amongst young people in rural Wales in particular. If this Government is looking for examples of where these aspirations are already in action, where young people are supported, their skills developed and the Welsh language sustained, then they need look no further than the YFCs of Wales, who've been producing conscientious young people in rural Wales for decades.
This afternoon's short debate for me has been a labour of love. I'm quite adamant that I wouldn't be here or be the person I am without the YFC, and for that, while some opposition Members may not be, I am eternally grateful. But how many young people out there could benefit from this organisation? How can we here help to support our local YFCs to recruit more members, improving the opportunities for those who may not have them? Therefore, I urge all Members listening to this debate, and what I can only imagine to be the many hundreds and thousands of people watching this debate live, to go and tell people that you know about what the YFC can offer the young people of Wales. And remember, you don't have to be a farmer to be a young farmer. Diolch.
Er bod CFfI Cymru yn elusen ei hun, nid yw eu haelodau'n colli cyfle i godi arian mawr ei angen ar gyfer elusennau eraill, yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol. Fy hoff atgof CFfI oedd pan oeddwn yn un o 27 o aelodau a chefnogwyr CFfI sir Benfro a feiciodd y 250 milltir o faes sioe Hwlffordd i'n cyfarfod cyffredinol blynyddol cenedlaethol yn Blackpool, dros bedwar diwrnod. Cawsom lety gan CFfI arall ar ein taith yng Nghroesoswallt, ac ar ôl cyrraedd Blackpool fe'n cyfarchwyd gan dorfeydd hwyliog, braidd yn feddw. Wrth i'r llwch setlo a'r briwiau beicio wella, yn cynnwys fy rhai i, y cyfanswm a godwyd oedd £27,000, wedi'i rannu rhwng Prostate Cymru ac Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru.
Mae'r mudiad hefyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd hyfforddi a theithio achrededig i rannau pell o'r byd. Mae hyd yn oed yn cynnig yr hyn y byddai rhai'n ei ystyried yn bethau mwy syml, megis sut i gadeirio cyfarfod yn llwyddiannus, ac fel aelod o Bwyllgor yr Economi, Masnach a Materion Gwledig, gallaf weld y sgiliau cadeirio rhagorol hynny ar waith gan fod Paul Davies ei hun yn gyn-aelod o'r ffermwyr ifanc, ac yn cadeirio'r pwyllgor gyda sgiliau rhagorol.
Fodd bynnag, mae cyfyngiadau'r 18 mis diwethaf wedi golygu bod y mudiad wedi gorfod addasu. Er bod nosweithiau clwb a chystadlaethau wedi symud ar-lein, nid anghofiodd y ffermwyr ifanc am eu rôl yn eu hardaloedd. Drwy gydol y pandemig, roedd aelodau ledled Cymru yn gwasanaethu eu cymunedau lleol yn ardderchog. Cyn y cyfnod clo cyntaf ym mis Mawrth 2020 hyd yn oed, roedd clybiau eisoes yn trefnu teithiau siopa a chasglu presgripsiynau ar gyfer eu cymdogion mwyaf agored i niwed. Wrth i'r cyfnod clo fynd rhagddo, aelodau'r CFfI, fel rhan o'r rhwydwaith gwirfoddolwyr, a gefnogodd ein pobl fwyaf gwledig a bregus. Unig reswm yr aelodau dros wneud hyn oedd er mwyn cefnogi'r rhai anghenus, ac wrth gwrs, parhaodd llawer o ffermwyr ifanc i ffermio'r tir, i edrych ar ôl eu hanifeiliaid ac i ofalu am eu cnydau.
Cefais fy atgoffa o hyn nos Sul, yng ngŵyl ddiolchgarwch CFfI sir Benfro, pam roddodd pob clwb yn y sir hamper mawr o fwyd tuag at fanc bwyd lleol, PATCH. Hyd yn oed mewn gwasanaeth lle gallai'r ffermwyr ifanc yn hawdd fod wedi eistedd yn ôl a bod yn ddiolchgar am yr hyn a oedd ganddynt, roeddent yn meddwl am y rhai sy'n llawer llai ffodus, ac yn eu cefnogi—sy'n dyst i'r hyn yw'r ffermwyr ifanc. Yr wythnos diwethaf yn agoriad brenhinol y Senedd, roedd Eleri George, cyn gadeirydd CFfI Keyston sir Benfro, yma yn cynrychioli ei chlwb fel hyrwyddwr COVID—cydnabyddiaeth fach i'r nifer fawr o aelodau a gefnogodd eu cymunedau drwy gydol y cyfnod hwn.
A dyna pam roeddwn am gyflwyno'r ddadl fer hon y prynhawn yma ar fudiad y CFfI, oherwydd pan fydd rhai pobl am ladd ar ieuenctid heddiw fel rhai hunanol, diog ac anghwrtais, gallaf ddweud yn onest na allai'r bobl hynny erioed fod wedi ymwneud ag aelodau cydwybodol, gofalgar ac anhunanol clybiau ffermwyr ifanc Cymru.
Ac os caf, Weinidog, wrth ichi wrando ar Zoom, hoffwn gyfeirio'n ôl at rai o'r pwyntiau y soniodd eich cyd-Weinidog, Gweinidog yr Economi, amdanynt yn ei ddatganiad ddoe. Soniodd am warant pobl ifanc Llywodraeth Cymru, a sut y byddai rhaglen Twf Swyddi Cymru+ yn helpu i greu cyfleoedd sy'n newid bywydau i'r rhai nad ydynt mewn addysg, cyflogaeth na hyfforddiant. Soniodd hefyd am werth cefnogi economïau lleol cryfach i helpu i gynnal y Gymraeg ymhlith pobl ifanc yng nghefn gwlad Cymru, yn enwedig. Os yw'r Llywodraeth hon yn chwilio am enghreifftiau o ble y mae'r dyheadau hyn eisoes ar waith, lle caiff pobl ifanc eu cefnogi, lle caiff eu sgiliau eu datblygu a lle caiff y Gymraeg ei chynnal, nid oes angen iddynt edrych ymhellach na chlybiau ffermwyr ifanc Cymru, sydd wedi bod yn cynhyrchu pobl ifanc gydwybodol yng nghefn gwlad Cymru ers degawdau.
Mae'r ddadl fer y prynhawn yma wedi bod yn llafur cariad i mi. Rwy'n eithaf siŵr na fyddwn yma ac na fyddwn y person ydwyf heb y CFfI, ac am hynny rwy'n ddiolchgar iawn, er nad yw rhai o Aelodau'r gwrthbleidiau efallai. Ond faint o bobl ifanc a allai elwa o'r sefydliad hwn? Sut y gallwn ni yma helpu i gefnogi ein clybiau ffermwyr ifanc lleol i recriwtio mwy o aelodau, gan wella'r cyfleoedd i'r rhai nad ydynt yn eu cael o bosibl? Felly, rwy'n annog yr holl Aelodau sy'n gwrando ar y ddadl hon, a'r hyn na allaf ond dychmygu yw'r cannoedd a'r miloedd lawer o bobl sy'n gwylio'r ddadl hon yn fyw, i fynd i ddweud wrth bobl eich bod yn gwybod beth y gall y CFfI ei gynnig i bobl ifanc Cymru. A chofiwch, nid oes raid i chi fod yn ffermwr i fod yn ffermwr ifanc. Diolch.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cyfle i gael cymryd rhan yn y ddadl yma, cyfle i ddweud gair neu ddau ac, yn syml iawn, eisiau dweud diolch ydw i heddiw yma—diolch am fudiad ffermwyr ifanc sydd yn cynnig gymaint o gyfleoedd i bobl ifanc yng nghefn gwlad Cymru, diolch am fudiad sy'n gwneud cymaint o gyfraniad at y gymdeithas wledig yng Nghymru, am fudiad sydd yn gwneud gymaint i hybu y Gymraeg yn y cymunedau hynny, a diolch, wrth gwrs, i'r byddinoedd o wirfoddolwyr rhyfeddol sydd yn cynnal y cyfan. Mae fy mhlant i fy hun wedi cael gymaint o gyfleon gwerthfawr drwy'r ffermwyr ifanc, ac mae o'n dal yn rhan bwysig o fywyd ein teulu ni. Ac yn y cyfnod diweddar yma, mae o wedi bod yn gynhaliaeth ac yn gefnogaeth i gymaint o bobl ifanc ac i'w cymunedau, ac mae eisiau i ninnau rŵan gynnig y gefnogaeth yna yn ôl i'r mudiad yn ei dro, wrth iddo fo wynebu'r heriau sydd wedi cael eu taflu ato fo drwy'r pandemig yma. Mae o, heb os, yn un o sefydliadau ieuenctid pwysicaf Cymru. Mae o wedi profi hynny tu hwnt i gwestiwn yn ei 85 mlynedd gyntaf, ac mi ddylem ni gyd fod yn ei hybu fo i sicrhau ei fod o'n cael dyfodol disglair hefyd.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to take part in this short debate, an opportunity to say a few words and, very simply, to say thank you. That's what I want to do today, to say thank you to the YFC that provides so many opportunities to young people in rural Wales, to say thank you for an organisation that makes such a contribution to rural society in Wales, for an organisation that does so much to promote the Welsh language in those communities, and thank you, of course, to the whole host of wonderful volunteers who support the whole thing. My own children have had so many valuable opportunities through the YFC, and it's still an important part of our family life. And in this recent period, it's been a support to so many young people and to their communities, and we now need to provide and offer that support back to the organisation in turn, as it faces the challenges that have been posed as a result of this pandemic. Without a doubt, it's one of the most important youth organisations in Wales. It's proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt in its first 85 years, and we should all be promoting it to ensure that it has a vibrant future too.
James Evans.
James Evans.
Diolch, Llywydd, and I hope you'll be flexible with my minute. I'd like to thank Sam Kurtz for giving a minute of his time today, but, more than that, I'd like to thank the whole of the YFC movement in Radnorshire for giving me the skills and the opportunity to be able to stand here today and speak in this debate. YFC does a huge amount of work to develop young people, from public speaking to helping charities, stock judging, teaching respect for communities and also finding your future love. [Laughter.]
YFC gave me the opportunity to represent my club of Rhosgoch at my county of Radnorshire, then to my country of Wales, and then national young farmers at the European council of YFCs. And to be able to represent young farmers from across the whole of England and Wales was a massive honour, and it was great. On Sunday, I was only giving back to an organisation that gave me so much by judging the public speaking competition, which was a fantastic standard, and well done to everybody involved.
YFC is a fantastic organisation, and personally I believe it is the best youth movement in the whole world. It's great, and I would like to thank everyone in the movement for the amazing work you do. As the previous YFC organiser for Radnorshire, Gaynor James, told me just after the election result, 'If it weren't for good old YFC, Evans, you wouldn't be where you are today.' And I'd like to confirm, if it wasn't for 'good old YFC', I definitely would not be here today. Diolch.
Diolch, Lywydd, a gobeithio y byddwch yn hyblyg gyda fy munud. Hoffwn ddiolch i Sam Kurtz am roi munud o'i amser heddiw, ond yn fwy na hynny, hoffwn ddiolch i fudiad CFfI yn sir Faesyfed am roi'r sgiliau a'r cyfle i mi allu sefyll yma heddiw a siarad yn y ddadl hon. Mae CFfI yn gwneud llawer iawn o waith i ddatblygu pobl ifanc, o siarad cyhoeddus i helpu elusennau, barnu stoc, dysgu parch tuag at gymuned a dod o hyd i gariad. [Chwerthin.]
Rhoddodd CFfI gyfle i mi gynrychioli fy nghlwb, clwb Rhosgoch yn fy sir, sef sir Faesyfed, ac wedi hynny yn fy ngwlad, Cymru, a'r ffermwyr ifanc cenedlaethol yng nghyngor Ewropeaidd y CFfI wedyn. Ac roedd gallu cynrychioli ffermwyr ifanc o bob rhan o Gymru a Lloegr yn anrhydedd enfawr, ac roedd yn wych. Ddydd Sul, roeddwn yn rhoi yn ôl i sefydliad a roddodd gymaint i mi wrth imi feirniadu'r gystadleuaeth siarad cyhoeddus, ac roedd y safon yn wych, a da iawn bawb a gymerodd ran.
Mae CFfI yn sefydliad gwych, ac yn bersonol rwy'n credu mai dyma'r mudiad ieuenctid gorau yn y byd i gyd. Mae'n wych, a hoffwn ddiolch i bawb yn y mudiad am y gwaith anhygoel a wnewch. Fel y dywedodd trefnydd blaenorol CFfI sir Faesyfed, Gaynor James, wrthyf ychydig ar ôl canlyniad yr etholiad, 'Oni bai am yr hen CFfI, Evans, ni fyddech chi lle rydych chi heddiw.' A hoffwn gadarnhau, oni bai am 'yr hen CFfI', yn bendant ni fyddwn yma heddiw. Diolch.
I'd like to congratulate the Member for Pembrokeshire for this—. Well, not the whole of Pembrokeshire; I can see Paul Davies bridling at me.
If it was possible to bottle the YFC, I think we'd have something you could sell and distribute worldwide. One of the great pleasures of life has been to work with young people preparing for a county rally, or watching some of the public speaking competitions, and I wonder how many marks we would have got this afternoon. And then, looking also at things like the drama festivals taking place. It's a fantastic organisation that does a fantastic job, and alongside the Urdd, I think we're blessed in Wales. We have two organisations that contribute so much to developing young people and to providing them with a fantastic start in life. What I would like to see is how we can continue to work with the YFC to ensure that not just the future of farming is safe, that the future of rural communities is safe, but that the future of this country is safe as well, and I think we all owe a great debt of thanks to the YFC for the work they do, day in, day out, and also for all the fun that they've been able to generate for many of us over too many years. Thank you.
Hoffwn longyfarch yr Aelod dros sir Benfro am hyn—. Wel, nid sir Benfro gyfan; gallaf weld Paul Davies yn gwaredu.
Pe bai'n bosibl potelu'r CFfI, rwy'n credu y byddai gennym rywbeth y gallech ei werthu a'i ddosbarthu ledled y byd. Un o bleserau mawr bywyd fu gweithio gyda phobl ifanc wrth iddynt baratoi ar gyfer rali sirol, neu wylio rhai o'r cystadlaethau siarad cyhoeddus, a tybed faint o farciau y byddem wedi'u cael y prynhawn yma. Ac edrych hefyd ar bethau fel y gwyliau drama sy'n digwydd. Mae'n fudiad gwych sy'n gwneud gwaith gwych, ac ochr yn ochr â'r Urdd, rwy'n meddwl ein bod wedi ein bendithio yng Nghymru. Mae gennym ddau sefydliad sy'n cyfrannu cymaint at ddatblygu pobl ifanc a rhoi dechrau gwych mewn bywyd iddynt. Yr hyn yr hoffwn ei weld yw sut y gallwn barhau i weithio gyda'r CFfI i sicrhau nid yn unig fod dyfodol ffermio yn ddiogel, fod dyfodol cymunedau gwledig yn ddiogel, ond bod dyfodol y wlad hon yn ddiogel hefyd, a chredaf y dylem i gyd fod yn ddiolchgar i'r CFfI am y gwaith y maent yn ei wneud, o un diwrnod i'r llall, a hefyd am yr holl hwyl y maent wedi gallu ei gynhyrchu i lawer ohonom dros ormod o flynyddoedd. Diolch.
Diolch i Sam am roi munud i gyfrannu i'r ddadl bwysig yma. Ie, mae'n rhaid i ni gydnabod cyfraniad aruthrol y clybiau ffermwyr ifanc am roi profiadau amhrisiadwy a sgiliau gydol oes i'n pobl ifanc ni. Fel dywedodd Alun Davies, rŷn ni wedi gweld cymaint o'r bobl ifanc yma yn datblygu i gyfrannu i'w cymunedau pan fyddan nhw'n hŷn ac yn dod i swyddi uchel iawn yng Nghymru, ac mae'r profiad maen nhw wedi'i gael gyda'r ffermwyr ifanc wedi bod yn aruthrol o bwysig.
Fel mae llawer wedi dweud, heblaw am fod yn un o'r dating agencies mwyaf llwyddiannus yng Nghymru, mae'r ffermwyr ifanc wedi rhoi gymaint o brofiadau i'm mhlant i. Yn anffodus, cefais i ddim o'r cyfle. Yn nyffryn Aman, doedd yna ddim clwb ffermwyr ifanc, yn anffodus, ond mae fy mhlant i wedi cael profiad arbennig o fod yn aelodau o glwb ffermwyr ifanc Llanfynydd, ac wedi cymryd rhan mewn eisteddfodau a siarad cyhoeddus a hyd yn oed tynnu rhaff a phethau mor wych â hynny. Fel dywedodd Sam, un o'r pethau sydd wedi codi fy nghalon i yw gweld y bobl ifanc yma yn ystod y pandemig yn mynd ati i gefnogi cymunedau, fel dywedaist di, drwy gasglu presgripsiwns a gwneud siopa ac yn y blaen.
Dau beth yn glou. Mae rhyw 70 y cant o holl glybiau ffermwyr ifanc yng nghanolbarth a gorllewin Cymru. Nawr, dwi ddim yn mynd i gael cyfle i fynd i weld bob un ohonyn nhw, ond fyddwn i yn leicio gweld nifer ohonyn nhw dros y blynyddoedd nesaf. Ond y peth pwysicaf hefyd yn yr ardaloedd yna yw bod y mudiadau yn cynnal drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ac yn croesawu dysgwyr mewn atyn nhw hefyd ac yn datblygu eu sgiliau nhw. Byddwn i'n mynd mor bell â dweud efallai taw'r mudiad ffermwyr ifanc yw un o'r mudiadau iaith pwysicaf sydd gyda ni yng Nghymru, a boed i hynny barhau i'r dyfodol. A dymuniadau gorau i'r ffermwyr ifanc.
Thank you to Sam for giving me a minute of his time to contribute to this important debate. Yes, we must recognise the huge contribution of the YFC, giving priceless experiences and skills for a lifetime for our young people. As Alun Davies said, we have seen so many of these young people developing and contributing to their communities when they're older and coming into very high positions in Wales, and the experience that they had with the YFC has been crucially important to them.
As many have already said, apart from being one of the most successful dating agencies in Wales, the YFC have given so many experiences to my children. Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity. In the Amman valley, there wasn't a YFC, but my children have had excellent experiences of being members of the young farmers at Llanfynydd, and taking part in eisteddfodau, public speaking competitions and even tug of war and things as great as that. As Sam said, one of the things that has been very encouraging to me is to see these young people during the pandemic supporting their communities, as you said, by collecting prescriptions and shopping and so on and so forth.
Just two things quickly. Some 70 per cent of all young farmers clubs are in mid and west Wales. Now, I'm not going to have the opportunity to visit all of them, but I would like to see many of them over the next few years. But the most important thing in those areas is that they hold their activities through the medium of Welsh and welcome Welsh learners and develop their skills too. I would go as far as to say that the YFC is one of the most important language organisations that we have here in Wales, and may that continue for the future. All the best to the young farmers.
I'd like to thank Sam Kurtz for giving me a minute of his valuable time. I feel amongst friends today as we talk about this subject that binds us all together and it demonstrates the strength of the YFC movement in bringing us together. That movement has always been a fundamental part of the rural community: as Alun says, a key element of the fabric that binds all that is special about country life. I suppose I'm going to hark back to an older generation. I too had spots in those days, as I was growing up in rural Carmarthenshire, a member of St Cynog's young farmers club in the village of Llangynog. It was a place that really helped my personal development, for all of the reasons we've heard today. I remember going along to those public speaking contests, to the stock judging, to the preparation for rally, for the tug of war practice, for all of those things. That was 50 years ago, and it's still going strong today. But as Sam said, the young farmers movement isn't just a movement for farmers; it's a broad church, and even back those 50 years ago, there were people from all walks of life there. It's a proud movement that has so much to offer the young people of Wales. It brings out the very best of them, instilling confidence in creating well-rounded, strong and socially adjusted citizens who have an empathy and a love for the wonderful environment and the economies around them. We should never lose sight of our young farmers' contribution to rural life, and be ready to support them wherever we can. Long may it continue.
Hoffwn ddiolch i Sam Kurtz am roi munud o'i amser gwerthfawr i mi. Rwy'n teimlo fy mod ymhlith ffrindiau heddiw wrth inni sôn am y pwnc hwn sy'n ein clymu ac mae'n dangos cryfder y mudiad CFfI wrth iddo ddod â ni at ein gilydd. Mae'r mudiad hwnnw bob amser wedi bod yn rhan sylfaenol o'r gymuned wledig: fel y dywed Alun, elfen allweddol o'r gwead sy'n rhwymo popeth sy'n arbennig am fywyd cefn gwlad. Rwy'n tybio fy mod am fynd yn ôl at genhedlaeth hŷn. Roedd gen innau smotiau hefyd yn y dyddiau hynny, wrth imi dyfu i fyny yng nghefn gwlad sir Gaerfyrddin, yn aelod o glwb ffermwyr ifanc Sant Cynog ym mhentref Llangynog. Roedd yn lle a helpodd fy natblygiad personol mewn gwirionedd, am yr holl resymau a glywsom heddiw. Cofiaf fynd i'r cystadlaethau siarad cyhoeddus, a barnu stoc, a pharatoi ar gyfer rali, ar gyfer ymarfer tynnu rhaff, ar gyfer yr holl bethau hynny. Roedd hynny 50 mlynedd yn ôl, ac mae'n dal i barhau'n gryf heddiw. Ond fel y dywedodd Sam, nid dim ond mudiad i ffermwyr yw'r mudiad ffermwyr ifanc; mae'n fudiad eang, a hyd yn oed 50 mlynedd yn ôl, roedd pobl o bob cefndir yno. Mae'n fudiad balch sydd â chymaint i'w gynnig i bobl ifanc Cymru. Mae'n amlygu'r gorau ynddynt, gan feithrin hyder wrth greu dinasyddion cyflawn, cryf a chymdeithasol sydd ag empathi a chariad at yr amgylchedd hyfryd a'r economïau o'u cwmpas. Ni ddylem byth golli golwg ar gyfraniad ein ffermwyr ifanc i fywyd cefn gwlad, a dylem fod yn barod i'w cefnogi lle bynnag y gallwn. Hir y parhaed.
Y Gweinidog nawr i ymateb i'r ddadl—Lesley Griffiths.
The Minister now to reply to the debate—Lesley Griffiths.

Diolch, Llywydd. Thank you very much, Sam Kurtz, for choosing such a fantastic topic for your first short debate. I'd like to thank other Members for their contributions too.
Through their activities, Wales's young farmers clubs provide unique opportunities for young people to develop their ambitions, their skills and their confidence, and these behaviours we know are absolutely invaluable as they look for employment, develop or take over an established farming business or seek to start new enterprises—or, indeed, become a Member of the Senedd, as we've heard from some of our new Members particularly today.
I think Sam raised a really important point when he said that sometimes, outside of the agricultural sector or our rural communities, young farmers clubs are a bit of a best-kept secret. I can't say that I was ever a member of a YFC, but I do remember—I'm trying to work it out—probably about 46 years ago being dragged to a local disco being run by a young farmers club, and the friend who dragged me there did indeed find her husband at the disco that night.
On Monday, my colleague Vaughan Gething, the economy Minister, started a conversation on the long-term demographic challenges facing the Welsh economy and the need to support our young people to make their future in Wales. So, I would like to reassure Sam, because he referred to that, that the role of Wales YFC is helping us achieve the same, and I think, going forward, will really be invaluable for us.
Our programme for government commits us to delivering our young persons guarantee, which is an ambitious programme that will aim to provide young people under 25 in Wales with support to gain a place in education or training, or support to get into work or self-employment. Wales already has many of the components in place to provide the basis for a good young persons guarantee. Young people have access to a wide variety of programmes that include traineeships, ReAct, community employability programmes, business start-up support and personal learning accounts, and partners such as YFC Wales do play a key part in supporting our young people to access such opportunities through the guarantee.
As a Government, we're also committed to developing an entrepreneurial culture, and through Big Ideas Wales, we want to inspire young people to be enterprising and help them on their journey to starting a business. Working with the YFC, Big Ideas Wales has provided inspirational role models for local meetings, providing business advice and support to their members looking to start a business. Similarly, the Welsh Government also continues to provide support for young entrants and those who want to enter the agricultural industry. Young people entering the industry ensure that a vibrant agricultural sector is maintained, ensuring employment opportunities so that young people can remain within their rural communities. It is essential, if we are to maintain viable and thriving communities, that young people have the confidence to achieve their ambitions within their rural communities.
The importance of this for the Welsh language was referred to by Sam and I don't think it can be underestimated, with the future of the language and our target of a million Welsh speakers by 2050 entwined with thriving rural communities. Our Welsh language division provides Wales YFC with a core funding grant of nearly £125,000 to promote and facilitate the use of the Welsh language within their programme of activities. This funding provides the Wales YFC office with over £63,000 to support their national initiatives and to fund a Welsh language development officer who is responsible for creating opportunities for young people to use the Welsh language, as well as supporting their members to become new Welsh speakers. The remaining £62,000 is distributed to all of the county federations, to be spent on specific activities to support the use of the language within each county.
We are all aware how significant a role the YFC plays in the lives of our young people in rural Wales—not least in recent years the steps that it has taken to raise awareness and mitigate the effects of mental health issues among its members. As a member of the Wales farm safety partnership, I know that the organisation has worked hard to reduce fatalities and accidents on farms by ensuring that its members are aware of how to reduce risks and also how to change behaviours.
When I received correspondence from the YFC last summer about the pandemic and the financial impact on the organisation, I asked my officials to meet with representatives of the organisation to explore possible avenues of support. I was pleased to hear that YFC was successful in its bid to the Welsh Government cultural resilience fund, having been awarded over £130,000 in 2020, with a further £87,000 awarded this year.
The enthusiasm and dedication of young people in Welsh agriculture and our wider rural communities is inspirational. As we have heard, there is no better example of this than during the pandemic. Even though the necessary COVID restrictions meant that clubs couldn't meet face to face, they continued to connect with each other and meet online. They supported their local communities by assisting and supporting those who were isolated and by helping key workers.
YFC members are a credit to their families, their clubs and wider rural communities. I am pleased that, as a Government, we continue to support the organisation, and I very much hope that Wales YFC, likewise, continues to support our young people who have a love for agriculture and rural life for many years to come. I look forward to many more entertaining and fun visits with YFC members over the coming months and years. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Diolch, Lywydd. Diolch yn fawr iawn, Sam Kurtz, am ddewis pwnc mor wych ar gyfer eich dadl fer gyntaf. Hoffwn ddiolch i'r Aelodau eraill am eu cyfraniadau hefyd.
Drwy eu gweithgareddau, mae clybiau ffermwyr ifanc Cymru yn cynnig cyfleoedd unigryw i bobl ifanc ddatblygu eu huchelgeisiau, eu sgiliau a'u hyder, a gwyddom fod yr ymddygiadau hyn yn gwbl amhrisiadwy wrth iddynt chwilio am waith, datblygu neu gymryd meddiant ar fusnes ffermio sefydledig neu geisio dechrau mentrau newydd—neu ddod yn Aelod o'r Senedd yn wir, fel y clywsom heddiw gan rai o'n Haelodau newydd yn enwedig.
Rwy'n credu bod Sam wedi gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn pan ddywedodd fod clybiau ffermwyr ifanc yn gyfrinach braidd, weithiau, y tu allan i'r sector amaethyddol neu ein cymunedau cefn gwlad. Ni allaf ddweud fy mod erioed wedi bod yn aelod o CFfI, ond rwy'n cofio—rwy'n ceisio meddwl—tua 46 mlynedd yn ôl, mae'n debyg, cael fy llusgo i ddisgo lleol wedi'i gynnal gan glwb ffermwyr ifanc, ac yn wir, fe wnaeth y ffrind a'm llusgodd i yno ddod o hyd i'w gŵr yn y disgo y noson honno.
Ddydd Llun, dechreuodd fy nghyd-Aelod, Vaughan Gething, Gweinidog yr Economi, sgwrs am yr heriau demograffig hirdymor sy'n wynebu economi Cymru a'r angen i gefnogi ein pobl ifanc i wneud eu dyfodol yng Nghymru. Felly, hoffwn dawelu meddwl Sam, oherwydd cyfeiriodd at hynny, fod rôl CFfI Cymru yn ein helpu i gyflawni'r un peth, ac wrth symud ymlaen, credaf y bydd yn amhrisiadwy i ni.
Mae ein rhaglen lywodraethu yn ein hymrwymo i wireddu ein gwarant i bobl ifanc, rhaglen uchelgeisiol a fydd yn anelu at roi cymorth i bobl ifanc o dan 25 oed yng Nghymru gael lle mewn addysg neu hyfforddiant, neu gymorth i gael gwaith neu ddod yn hunangyflogedig. Mae gan Gymru lawer o'r cydrannau eisoes ar waith i ddarparu'r sylfaen ar gyfer gwarant dda i bobl ifanc. Mae gan bobl ifanc amrywiaeth eang o raglenni at eu defnydd sy'n cynnwys hyfforddeiaethau, ReAct, rhaglenni cyflogadwyedd cymunedol, cymorth dechrau busnes a chyfrifon dysgu personol, ac mae partneriaid fel CFfI Cymru yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn cynorthwyo ein pobl ifanc i fanteisio ar gyfleoedd o'r fath drwy'r warant.
Fel Llywodraeth, rydym hefyd wedi ymrwymo i ddatblygu diwylliant entrepreneuraidd, a thrwy Syniadau Mawr Cymru, rydym am ysbrydoli pobl ifanc i fod yn fentrus a'u helpu ar eu taith i ddechrau busnes. Gan weithio gyda'r CFfI, mae Syniadau Mawr Cymru wedi darparu modelau rôl ysbrydoledig ar gyfer cyfarfodydd lleol, i ddarparu cyngor a chymorth busnes i'w haelodau sydd am ddechrau busnes. Yn yr un modd, mae Llywodraeth Cymru hefyd yn parhau i roi cymorth i newydd-ddyfodiaid a'r rhai sydd am ymuno â'r diwydiant amaethyddol. Mae pobl ifanc sy'n ymuno â'r diwydiant yn sicrhau bod y sector amaethyddol yn parhau'n egnïol, gan sicrhau cyfleoedd cyflogaeth fel y gall pobl ifanc aros yn eu cymunedau cefn gwlad. Os ydym am gynnal cymunedau hyfyw a ffyniannus, mae'n hanfodol fod gan bobl ifanc hyder i gyflawni eu huchelgeisiau yn eu cymunedau cefn gwlad.
Cyfeiriodd Sam at bwysigrwydd hyn i'r Gymraeg ac nid wyf yn credu y gellir ei orbwysleisio, gyda dyfodol yr iaith a'n targed o filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050 ynghlwm wrth gymunedau gwledig ffyniannus. Mae adran y Gymraeg yn rhoi grant cyllid craidd o bron i £125,000 i CFfI Cymru i hyrwyddo a hwyluso'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg o fewn eu rhaglen weithgareddau. Mae'r cyllid hwn yn rhoi dros £63,000 i swyddfa CFfI Cymru i gefnogi eu cynlluniau cenedlaethol ac i gyflogi swyddog datblygu'r Gymraeg sy'n gyfrifol am greu cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg, yn ogystal â chynorthwyo eu haelodau i ddod yn siaradwyr Cymraeg newydd. Caiff y £62,000 sy'n weddill ei ddosbarthu i bob un o'r ffederasiynau sirol, i'w wario ar weithgareddau penodol i gefnogi'r defnydd o'r iaith ym mhob sir.
Rydym i gyd yn gwybod pa mor arwyddocaol yw rôl y CFfI ym mywydau ein pobl ifanc yng nghefn gwlad Cymru—yn enwedig y camau y mae wedi'u cymryd yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf i godi ymwybyddiaeth a lliniaru effeithiau problemau iechyd meddwl ymhlith eu haelodau. Fel aelod o bartneriaeth diogelwch fferm Cymru, gwn fod y sefydliad wedi gweithio'n galed i leihau nifer y marwolaethau a damweiniau ar ffermydd drwy sicrhau bod ei aelodau'n ymwybodol o sut i leihau risgiau a hefyd sut i newid ymddygiad.
Pan gefais ohebiaeth gan y CFfI yr haf diwethaf am y pandemig a'r effaith ariannol ar y sefydliad, gofynnais i fy swyddogion gyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr y sefydliad i archwilio ffyrdd posibl o roi cymorth. Roeddwn yn falch o glywed bod CFfI wedi llwyddo yn eu cais i gronfa cydnerthedd diwylliannol Llywodraeth Cymru, ac wedi cael dros £130,000 yn 2020, gyda £87,000 arall wedi'i ddyfarnu eleni.
Mae brwdfrydedd ac ymroddiad pobl ifanc i amaethyddiaeth Cymru a'n cymunedau gwledig ehangach yn ysbrydoledig. Fel y clywsom, nid oes enghraifft well o hyn nag yn ystod y pandemig. Er bod y cyfyngiadau COVID angenrheidiol yn golygu na allai clybiau gyfarfod wyneb yn wyneb, roeddent yn parhau i gysylltu â'i gilydd a chyfarfod ar-lein. Cefnogent eu cymunedau lleol drwy gynorthwyo a chefnogi pobl a oedd wedi'u hynysu a thrwy helpu gweithwyr allweddol.
Mae aelodau CFfI yn glod i'w teuluoedd, eu clybiau a chymunedau gwledig ehangach. Rwy'n falch ein bod, fel Llywodraeth, yn parhau i gefnogi'r sefydliad, ac rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd CFfI Cymru, yn yr un modd, yn parhau i gefnogi ein pobl ifanc sydd â chariad at amaethyddiaeth a bywyd gwledig am flynyddoedd lawer i ddod. Edrychaf ymlaen at lawer mwy o ymweliadau difyr a hwyliog ag aelodau CFfI dros y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd nesaf. Diolch yn fawr iawn.
Dyna ni. Diolch i bawb am ddadl fer ardderchog. Dyna ddiwedd ein gwaith ni am y dydd heddiw.
Thank you very much for an excellent short debate, everyone. That brings today's proceedings to a close.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:37.
The meeting ended at 18:37.