Oral Questions tabled on 10/07/2024 for answer on 17/07/2024

The Presiding Officer will call party spokespeople to ask questions without notice after Question 2.

Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office

OQ61463 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What is the Government doing to increase public sector pay in South Wales East?

OQ61448 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

How will the Cabinet Secretary co-operate with the UK Government to secure additional funding for Welsh railways?

OQ61453 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What is the Welsh Government doing to ensure that sufficient non-domestic rates relief is available to small businesses?

OQ61480 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the impact that the change of UK Government will have on the timetable for the Welsh Government budget?

OQ61455 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

How does the Welsh Government use its taxation powers to benefit communities across Wales?

OQ61457 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

How much extra funding does the Cabinet Secretary expect the new UK Government to make available to Wales?

OQ61481 (w) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the new UK Government regarding fair funding for Wales?

OQ61459 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care regarding additional funding for community health organisations?

OQ61454 (e) Withdrawn Tabled on 10/07/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the new UK Government regarding when it will make funding available to pay compensation to people in Wales affected by the infected blood scandal?

OQ61475 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What consideration has the Cabinet Secretary given to increasing funding for culture in the Welsh Government's supplementary budget?

OQ61474 (w) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning about increasing the budget allocations for tackling the housing crisis?

OQ61450 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What discussions has the Cabinet Secretary had with the Chancellor regarding the future of funding for Wales?

Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs

OQ61471 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

How will the Cabinet Secretary work with the new UK Government to improve river water quality in Wales?

OQ61466 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

How is the Welsh Government working with UK Government partners to support the beer and pubs industry?

OQ61479 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What steps is the Welsh Government taking to promote safe access to waterways?

OQ61477 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What action is the Welsh Government taking to address fly-tipping?

OQ61461 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What steps will the Cabinet Secretary take to encourage community action for nature?

OQ61472 (w) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What assessment has the Cabinet Secretary made of the success of the Welsh Government's policies to develop local food supply chains?

OQ61476 (e) Withdrawn Tabled on 10/07/2024

What are the Cabinet Secretary’s priorities for tackling the issue of dangerous dogs?

OQ61462 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary provide an update on the Government's plans to promote responsible dog ownership?

OQ61456 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

Will the Cabinet Secretary outline any discussions that have taken place with the new Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs since their appointment?

OQ61460 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What is the Cabinet Secretary’s strategy for dealing with toxic waste buried in landfill sites across Wales?

OQ61470 (d) Tabled on 10/07/2024

How is the Welsh Government supporting local authorities in South Wales West to meet net-zero targets?

OQ61446 (e) Tabled on 10/07/2024

What action is the Welsh Government taking to sustainably support farmers?