NNDM8411 - No Named Day Motion Debate

Tabled on 20/11/2023

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes that:

a) it is 10 years since the Welsh Government's planning inspectorate rejected Wrexham's local development plan;

b) the plan was rejected principally on the grounds of housing allocation numbers;

c) the council's second local development plan was based on population projections of a 20 per cent increase for the borough, later downgraded to 10 per cent;

d) the county’s population is static and predicted to fall;

e)  the plan was due to run from 2013-28 and so has just five years to run before it expires; 

f)  national policy indicates that when a plan is adopted, there should be at least 10 years of the plan remaining;

g)  every local development plan should be in harmony with the Welsh Government's 'Future Wales: the national plan 2040'; and

h)  the proposed Wrexham local development plan is in contravention of 'Future Wales: the national plan 2040'.

2. Calls on the Welsh Government to: 

a) acknowledge the democratic vote by Wrexham County Borough Council not to adopt the Wrexham Local Development Plan 2;

b) work with Wrexham County Borough Council by directing that the current local development plan be withdrawn and amended to ensure that the draft local plan is in harmony with 'Future Wales: the national plan 2040' and that it gains the full support of Wrexham elected members.

Wrexham Local Development Plan 2

Future Wales: the national plan 2040