NDM7289 - Assembly Debates

Tabled on 26/02/2020 | For debate on 04/03/2020

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the concerns about quality of care raised by relatives of Welsh patients in inpatient mental health units in England.

2. Believes that no patient experiencing mental health problems should be sent to units that are large distances from their family.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) ensure sufficient inpatient capacity for mental health services in Wales so that the outsourcing of care can be phased out;
b) have a plan for the repatriation of Welsh patients currently living in units in England;
c) place a ban on the Welsh NHS using units in England that have poor reports from the Care Quality Commission;
d) ensure that units outside of Wales receiving Welsh NHS money comply with Welsh inspection requirements.


NDM7289 - 1 | Tabled on 27/02/2020

Delete all after point 1 and replace with:

Calls on Welsh Government to:

a) ensure that distance from home is considered as a key factor for people who require specialist mental health in-patient support        

b) ensure robust arrangements are in place to monitor the quality and safety of placements in units in England, including collaborative working with the Care Quality Commission. 

NDM7289 - 2 | Tabled on 28/02/2020

Delete point 3 and replace with:

Calls on the Welsh Government to:

a) ensure all Welsh medium and high security mental health patients are placed in Wales unless in exceptional circumstances;

b) ensure sufficient medium and high security inpatient capacity for mental health services in Wales so that the outsourcing of care can be phased out;

c) ensure that Health Inspectorate Wales and the Care Quality Commission collaborate so that mental health units outside of Wales who receive Welsh patients are complying with inspection requirements;

d) introduce Senior Responsible Officers for medium and high security Welsh mental health patients to enable joint working between Welsh Health Specialised Services Committee and local health boards with a focus on the patient; and

e) ensure that communication plans must be put alongside treatment plans for medium and high security Welsh mental health patients to manage the expectations of the patient, their families and clinicians.