NDM6975 - Opposition Debate

Tabled on 13/02/2019 | For debate on 20/02/2019

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes the current 'school services' indicator based assessment (IBA) formula which calculates how much funding each local authority notionally needs to spend on its schools.

2. Recognises:

a) the lack of transparency in the IBA formula and subsequent local authority school funding decisions; and

b) the public confusion surrounding how schools are individually funded via local authorities, regional consortia and specific Welsh Government grants.

3.  Calls on the Welsh Government to develop a comprehensible means of evaluating and communicating the effectiveness of all streams of school funding, in particular;

a) their impact on the attainment and other outcomes for learners;

b) staff support and development;

c) school standards; and

d) delivery against the objectives of wider Welsh Government policy.


NDM6975 - 1 | Tabled on 15/02/2019

Delete all and replace with:

1. Notes that the current 'school services' Indicator Based Assessment (IBA) formulae model the authorities’ relative need to spend on school services, given the funding available and making assumptions around council tax and prioritisation of spending.

2. Welcomes the recently published ‘Funding for schools’ guide that clarifies arrangements for funding schools

3. Recognises that all Welsh Government funding and policy guidance to local authorities, education consortia and schools support delivery in line with the ‘Our National Mission’ action plan to raise standards, reduce the attainment gap, and deliver an education system that enjoys public confidence.


Funding for Schools guide

Our National Mission