Y Cyfarfod Llawn - Y Bumed Senedd
Plenary - Fifth Senedd
Cyfarfu’r Cynulliad am 13:30 gyda’r Llywydd (Elin Jones) yn y Gadair.
The Assembly met at 13:30 with the Llywydd (Elin Jones) in the Chair.
Galw'r Aelodau i drefn.
I call Members to order.
Yr eitem gyntaf y prynhawn yma yw cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog, a'r cwestiwn cyntaf gan David Rowlands.
The first item this afternoon is questions to the First Minister, and the first question is from David Rowlands.
1. Sut y mae'r Prif Weinidog yn asesu cynnydd o ran cyflawni'r ymrwymiadau sy'n ymwneud â datblygu economaidd a nodir yn y rhaglen lywodraethu? OAQ52286
1. How does the First Minister assess progress in delivering the commitments relating to economic development set out in the programme for government? OAQ52286

Well, the economic action plan sets out our approach to building a strong economy through futureproofing businesses and empowering our places and people to become more productive.
Wel, mae'r cynllun gweithredu economaidd yn nodi ein dull o adeiladu economi gref trwy baratoi busnesau ar gyfer y dyfodol a grymuso ein lleoedd a'n pobl i fod yn fwy cynhyrchiol.
One of the recommendations of the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report, 'City Deals and the Regional Economies of Wales', stated,
'There is a real danger that the creation of Regional Boards and structures to support them add an additional level of bureaucracy to economic development in Wales.'
We now understand that north Wales, south-west and mid Wales, and the South Wales East region, will have a regional officer to overlook the city and growth deals. Could the First Minister give an indication as to how these appointments are progressing, and also outline what he feels will be their full remit?
Nododd un o argymhellion adroddiad Pwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau, 'Bargeinion Dinesig ac Economïau Rhanbarthol Cymru',
'Mae perygl gwirioneddol bod creu Byrddau Rhanbarthol a strwythurau i’w cefnogi yn ychwanegu lefel ychwanegol o fiwrocratiaeth i ddatblygiad economaidd yng Nghymru.'
Rydym ni'n deall erbyn hyn y bydd gan y gogledd, y de-orllewin y canolbarth, a rhanbarth Dwyrain De Cymru, swyddog rhanbarthol i oruchwylio'r bargeinion dinesig a thwf. A allai'r Prif Weinidog roi syniad o sut y mae'r penodiadau hyn yn mynd rhagddynt, a hefyd amlinellu'r hyn y mae'n ei gredu fydd eu cylch gwaith llawn?

I understand that three are in place now. He asked the question about the structure. Well, where you have a regional deal, there needs to be a regional structure to deliver that deal; you can't rely on individual local authorities to do it working by themselves, but, by working together, and with other levels of Government, they can deliver the best outcome for the people who live in that area.
Rwy'n deall bod tri yn eu swyddi erbyn hyn. Gofynnodd y cwestiwn am y strwythur. Wel, lle mae gennych chi fargen rhanbarthol, mae angen strwythur rhanbarthol i sicrhau'r fargen honno; allwch chi ddim dibynnu ar awdurdodau lleol unigol i'w wneud gan weithio ar eu pennau eu hunain, ond, trwy weithio gyda'i gilydd, a chyda lefelau eraill o Lywodraeth, gallant sicrhau'r canlyniad gorau i'r bobl sy'n byw yn yr ardal honno.
First Minister, the new wave of technological advances in robotics and artificial intelligence will potentially have a huge impact on jobs, and this is a piece of work that we're currently doing in the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee. Now, I certainly want to see the Welsh economy take full advantage of the opportunities presented by automation. Now, I appreciate that the Welsh Government has appointed Phil Brown to carry out a piece of work in this area, but that's not to say that work can't be ongoing now, before he reports. Do you have a lead officer working on this within the Welsh Government, and, as this is an area that rightly crosses over a number of portfolios across Cabinet Secretaries, who is the lead Cabinet Secretary in this area?
Prif Weinidog, mae'n bosibl y bydd y don newydd o ddatblygiadau technolegol ym meysydd roboteg a deallusrwydd artiffisial yn cael effaith enfawr ar swyddi, ac mae hwn yn ddarn o waith yr ydym ni'n ei wneud ar hyn o bryd ym Mhwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau. Nawr, rwyf i'n sicr eisiau gweld economi Cymru yn manteisio i'r eithaf ar y cyfleoedd a gyflwynir gan awtomatiaeth. Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi penodi Phil Brown i gyflawni darn o waith yn y maes hwn, ond nid yw hynny'n golygu na all gwaith barhau nawr, cyn iddo adrodd. A oes gennych chi swyddog arweiniol yn gweithio ar hyn o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru, a, chan fod hwn yn faes sy'n croesi'n briodol ar draws nifer o bortffolios ar draws Ysgrifenyddion Cabinet, pwy yw'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet sy'n arwain yn y maes hwn?

Well, in terms of digital innovation, obviously Julie James has that role. This is more than just about economic development, of course. People tend to see innovation as a threat to jobs. It needn't be. And, of course, we have to understand that there are opportunities there in terms of transforming the way, for example, that the health service works. That's something that my colleague the Assembly Member for Llanelli has made very clear on a number of occasions. So, it's not just an issue of economic development, although it's an important part of the future, but it cuts across many, many areas of Government, and that's why, of course, it needs to be dealt with by somebody with a cross-Government responsibility in that area.
Wel, o ran arloesi digidol, Julie James sydd â'r swyddogaeth honno yn amlwg. Mae hyn yn fwy na dim ond mater o ddatblygu economaidd, wrth gwrs. Mae pobl yn tueddu i weld arloesi fel bygythiad i swyddi. Nid oes rhaid iddo fod. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid i ni ddeall bod cyfleoedd ar gael o ran gweddnewid y ffordd, er enghraifft, y mae'r gwasanaeth iechyd yn gweithio. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y mae fy nghyd-Aelod, yr Aelod Cynulliad dros Lanelli wedi ei wneud yn eglur iawn ar nifer o achlysuron. Felly, nid yw'n fater o ddatblygu economaidd yn unig, er ei fod yn rhan bwysig o'r dyfodol, ond mae'n torri ar draws llawer iawn o feysydd Llywodraeth, a dyna pam, wrth gwrs, y mae angen i rywun â chyfrifoldeb traws-lywodraethol yn y maes hwnnw ymdrin ag ef.
2. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am ddyfarnu masnachfraint rheilffyrdd Cymru a'r Gororau? OAQ52261
2. Will the First Minister make a statement on the awarding of the Wales and Borders rail franchise? OAQ52261
4. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog roi'r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am fasnachfraint rheilffyrdd newydd Cymru a'r Gororau? OAQ52285
4. Will the First Minister provide an update on the new Wales and Borders rail franchise? OAQ52285

Yes. Presiding Officer, I understand you've given your permission for questions two and four to be grouped.
Members will now be aware of the details of the new rail services contract, following the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport's written statement on Monday.
Gwnaf. Llywydd, rwy'n deall eich bod wedi rhoi eich caniatâd i gwestiynau dau a phedwar gael eu grwpio.
Bydd Aelodau yn ymwybodol erbyn hyn o fanylion y contract gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd newydd, yn dilyn datganiad ysgrifenedig Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ddydd Llun.
Okay. Diolch. Just before the recess, you announced the winner of the new Wales and Borders rail franchise, and it's already been pointed out that you have broken a manifesto commitment for a not-for-profit railway company. But it also seems now that you're privatising the infrastructure from the core Valleys lines as well, and that's a real concern after what happened the last time that the Conservatives privatised rail—in particular, we had the Hatfield disaster, which led to private companies running Railtrack and being abandoned, and the creation of Network Rail as a public body. So, what I'd like to know is whether you've had permission from Network Rail to privatise this infrastructure, and the real question really is: why can't it be kept in public ownership, and what will happen to the 1,600 people that Network Rail directly employs in Wales? Will your Labour Government be transferring these to the private multinational corporations?
Iawn. Diolch. Ychydig cyn y toriad, cyhoeddwyd enillydd masnachfraint rheilffyrdd newydd Cymru a'r Gororau gennych, a nodwyd eisoes eich bod chi wedi torri ymrwymiad maniffesto o gael cwmni rheilffordd di-elw. Ond mae hefyd yn ymddangos nawr eich bod chi'n preifateiddio'r seilwaith o reilffyrdd craidd y Cymoedd hefyd, ac mae hynny'n bryder mawr ar ôl yr hyn a ddigwyddodd y tro diwethaf y gwnaeth y Ceidwadwyr breifateiddio rheilffyrdd—yn benodol, cawsom ni drychineb Hatfield, a arweiniodd at droi cefn ar gwmnïau preifat yn rhedeg Railtrack, a chreu Network Rail fel corff cyhoeddus. Felly, yr hyn yr hoffwn i ei wybod yw pa un a ydych chi wedi cael caniatâd gan Network Rail i breifateiddio'r seilwaith hwn, a'r cwestiwn gwirioneddol mewn gwirionedd yw: pam na ellir ei gadw mewn perchnogaeth gyhoeddus, a beth fydd yn digwydd i'r 1,600 o bobl y mae Network Rail yn eu cyflogi yn uniongyrchol yng Nghymru? A fydd eich Llywodraeth Lafur chi yn trosglwyddo'r bobl hyn i'r corfforaethau amlwladol preifat?

No. First of all, it's probably right to say that our first preference would have been to have had a not-for-profit public sector organisation or body able to bid for the franchise. That was expressly ruled out by the legislation in Westminster, something that I didn't welcome, neither now nor at the time. What we have, however, is a service that will be an excellent service. It will improve capacity across the whole of Wales, and everybody will see a positive difference to services. He suggests that the network has been privatised. Well, we've talked to the rail unions, to the RMT—personally, I've talked to them—to the TSSA, and also to ASLEF. They understand the way forward. We have made sure, for example, there'll be a guard on every train, to add to passenger security and safety. So, we work with the unions in order to deliver a rail network that will be, I believe, the envy of the rest of the UK in future years, especially given the chaos that we see existing in some parts of England at the moment.
Na fydd. Yn gyntaf oll, mae'n debyg ei bod hi'n iawn i ddweud mai ein dewis cyntaf fyddai wedi bod cael sefydliad neu gorff sector cyhoeddus di-elw i wneud cais am y fasnachfraint. Cafodd hynny ei ddiystyru'n benodol gan y ddeddfwriaeth yn San Steffan, rhywbeth na wnes i ei groesawu, nawr nac ar y pryd. Fodd bynnag, yr hyn sydd gennym ni yw gwasanaeth a fydd yn wasanaeth ardderchog. Bydd yn gwella capasiti ar draws Cymru gyfan, a bydd pawb yn gweld gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i wasanaethau. Mae e'n awgrymu bod y rhwydwaith wedi cael ei breifateiddio. Wel, rydym ni wedi siarad â'r undebau rheilffyrdd, gyda'r RMT—rwyf i wedi siarad â nhw'n bersonol—gyda'r TSSA, ac gydag ASLEF hefyd. Maen nhw'n deall y ffordd ymlaen. Rydym ni wedi gwneud yn siŵr, er enghraifft, y bydd giard ar bob trên, i ychwanegu at ddiogelwch teithwyr. Felly, rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'r undebau er mwyn darparu rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd a fydd, yn fy marn i, yn achos cenfigen i weddill y DU yn y dyfodol, yn enwedig o ystyried yr anhrefn yr ydym ni'n ei weld sy'n bodoli mewn rhai rhannau o Loegr ar hyn o bryd.
This announcement is great news, particularly for many of us who campaigned for many years for the Ebbw Vale to Cardiff line to stop in Newport. It's gathered a lot of local support, including from the South Wales Argus, which has long campaigned on this issue, and it's a huge boost and will link communities across the region. I welcome the announcement that £800 million will be invested in rolling stock and that the franchise has committed to commissioning 148 brand-new trains for the next five years.
Yesterday's announcement stated that over half the new trains would be built in Wales. Can you give any further detail about what discussions are taking place with CAF Rail in Newport?
Mae'r cyhoeddiad hwn yn newyddion gwych, yn enwedig i lawer ohonom ni a ymgyrchodd am flynyddoedd lawer i reilffordd Glynebwy i Gaerdydd aros yng Nghasnewydd. Mae wedi ennill llawer o gefnogaeth leol, gan gynnwys oddi wrth y South Wales Argus, sydd wedi ymgyrchu ers amser maith ar y mater hwn, ac mae'n hwb mawr a fydd yn cysylltu cymunedau ar draws y rhanbarth. Croesawaf y cyhoeddiad y bydd £800 miliwn yn cael ei fuddsoddi mewn cerbydau a bod y fasnachfraint wedi ymrwymo i gomisiynu 148 o drenau newydd sbon dros y pum mlynedd nesaf.
Nododd y cyhoeddiad ddoe y byddai dros hanner y trenau newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu yng Nghymru. A allwch chi roi unrhyw fanylion pellach ynghylch pa drafodaethau sy'n cael eu cynnal gyda CAF Rail yng Nghasnewydd?

Well, the CAF investment is hugely significant. As the Member has said, it is a hugely important capital investment. It will create 300 highly skilled jobs in Newport as well. I can say that the operator and development partner is expected to procure long-distance rolling stock fleet from CAF. That rolling stock will be assembled at the CAF facility in Newport. Of course, the contractual arrangements will be a commercial matter between the ODP and CAF itself, but it's an excellent example of working together in order to deliver jobs in Wales. There's no doubt in my mind that one of the things that attracted CAF to Wales in the first place was the fact that we have an exciting programme of investment in our railways.
Wel, mae'r buddsoddiad CAF yn arwyddocaol iawn. Fel y dywedodd yr Aelod, mae'n fuddsoddiad cyfalaf aruthrol o bwysig. Bydd yn creu 300 o swyddi medrus iawn yng Nghasnewydd hefyd. Gallaf ddweud y disgwylir i'r gweithredwr a'r partner datblygu gaffael fflyd gerbydau teithiau hir gan CAF. Bydd y cerbydau hynny yn cael eu cydosod yng nghyfleuster CAF yng Nghasnewydd. Wrth gwrs, bydd y trefniadau cytundebol yn fater masnachol rhwng yr ODP a CAF ei hun, ond mae'n enghraifft ardderchog o gydweithio er mwyn darparu swyddi yng Nghymru. Nid oes amheuaeth yn fy meddwl i mai un o'r pethau a ddenodd CAF i Gymru yn y lle cyntaf oedd y ffaith bod gennym ni raglen gyffrous o fuddsoddiad yn ein rheilffyrdd.
Yesterday's statement by the economy and transport Secretary said that we'll see a second limited-stop express service every hour on the Wrexham to Bidston line from 2021 and, from 2022, see services stopping at Wrexham as part of a new two-hourly Liverpool to Cardiff service. How, therefore, do you respond to the statement made to me yesterday by rail user groups in north-east Wales that the two trains allocated to the route could be running an earlier service into Wrexham at around 8.30 a.m. and operating a more frequent service over the line during the evenings and on Sundays and that, provided that train crews can be sourced, this could be realised as early as December 2018 or the May 2019 timetable change?
Dywedodd y datganiad ddoe gan Ysgrifennydd yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth y byddwn yn gweld ail wasanaeth cyflym arosfannau cyfyngedig bob awr ar reilffordd Wrecsam i Bidston o 2021, ac o 2022, yn gweld gwasanaethau yn aros yn Wrecsam yn rhan o wasanaeth newydd bob dwy awr o Lerpwl i Gaerdydd. Sut, felly, ydych chi'n ymateb i'r datganiad a wnaed i mi ddoe gan grwpiau defnyddwyr rheilffyrdd yn y gogledd-ddwyrain y gallai'r ddau drên a neilltuwyd i'r llwybr fod yn rhedeg ar wasanaeth cynharach i mewn i Wrecsam am tua 8.30 a.m. ac yn gweithredu gwasanaeth amlach ar hyd y rheilffordd fin nos ac ar ddydd Sul a, cyhyd â bod modd cael gafael ar griwiau trên, y gellid gwireddu hyn mor gynnar â mis Rhagfyr 2018 neu'r newid i'r amserlen ym mis Mai 2019?

Yes, I mean these are all part of the discussions on timetabling, but the intention as the Member has rightly said is to improve the service on the Wrexham to Bidston line and indeed, due to the Halton Curve, further than that, of course, to discuss with Merseyrail the possibility of using the Mersey tunnel as well in order for trains to be able go straight into Liverpool. Those discussions will take place in order to allow that to happen. It's a long-held ambition for trains from Wrexham Central to go into Liverpool, but, of course, the Wrexham to Bidston service is amongst one of the first candidates for improvement that people will see, and we want to see that line develop even further in the future.
Ie, hynny yw mae'r rhain i gyd yn rhan o'r trafodaethau ar amserlennu, ond y bwriad fel y dywedodd yr Aelod yn briodol yw gwella'r gwasanaeth ar y rheilffordd o Wrecsam i Bidston, ac yn wir, oherwydd yr Halton Curve, ymhellach na hynny, wrth gwrs, i drafod gyda Merseyrail y posibilrwydd o ddefnyddio twnnel Mersi hefyd i drenau allu mynd yn syth i Lerpwl. Bydd y trafodaethau hynny yn cael eu cynnal er mwyn caniatáu i hynny ddigwydd. Mae'n uchelgais hirsefydlog i drenau o Wrecsam Canolog fynd i Lerpwl, ond, wrth gwrs, mae gwasanaeth Wrecsam i Bidston ymhlith un o'r prif ymgeiswyr ar gyfer gwelliant y bydd pobl yn ei weld, ac rydym ni eisiau gweld y rheilffordd honno'n datblygu hyd yn oed ymhellach yn y dyfodol.
One of the issues that was mentioned yesterday in press reports was that the payments made to the new franchisee will depend to some extent on their delivery of service, which sounds good. Now, some of the criteria that were mentioned included cleanliness, quality of service and punctuality, but one of the problems with the privatised rail services that we've had in the last 20 years is that, sometimes, with punctuality the rules can sometimes be avoided by trains being cancelled instead. I wondered whether that issue had been looked at with the awarding of the contract.
Un o'r materion y cyfeiriwyd ato ddoe mewn adroddiadau yn y wasg oedd y bydd y taliadau a wnaed i ddeiliad newydd y fasnachfraint yn dibynnu i ryw raddau ar eu darpariaeth o wasanaeth, sy'n swnio'n dda. Nawr, roedd rhai o'r meini prawf y cyfeiriwyd atynt yn cynnwys glendid, ansawdd gwasanaeth a phrydlondeb, ond un o'r problemau gyda gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd wedi eu preifateiddio yr ydym ni wedi eu cael yn ystod yr 20 mlynedd diwethaf yw, weithiau, o ran prydlondeb, y gellir osgoi'r rheolau weithiau trwy ganslo trenau. Roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a ystyriwyd y mater hwnnw wrth ddyfarnu'r contract.

No, that can't happen. We are aware of what happened at Northern Rail. We've ensured as part of the contract that rail operators cannot get out of their obligations simply by running fewer or no trains, and, of course, as part of the announcement, there will be simplified compensation arrangements for passengers who have to wait as well. So, we want to make the service as user friendly as possible, and it's exciting that the operator wants to do the same. They want to make sure that they work with us in order to build a rail network for the future. The days of 40-year-old trains running on the Valleys lines particularly—those days are coming to an end, and I'm sure that the people of the Valleys will be delighted to see that.
Na, ni all hynny ddigwydd. Rydym ni'n ymwybodol o'r hyn a ddigwyddodd yn Northern Rail. Rydym ni wedi sicrhau yn rhan o'r contract na all gweithredwyr rheilffyrdd osgoi eu rhwymedigaethau trwy redeg llai o drenau neu ddim trenau, ac, wrth gwrs, yn rhan o'r cyhoeddiad, bydd trefniadau iawndal wedi eu symleiddio i deithwyr sy'n gorfod aros hefyd. Felly, rydym ni eisiau gwneud y gwasanaeth mor ystyriol o ddefnyddiwr â phosibl, ac mae'n gyffrous bod y gweithredwr eisiau gwneud hynny hefyd. Maen nhw eisiau gwneud yn siŵr eu bod nhw'n gweithio gyda ni er mwyn adeiladu rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae dyddiad trenau 40 mlwydd oed yn rhedeg ar reilffyrdd y Cymoedd yn arbennig—mae'r dyddiau hynny yn dod i ben, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd pobl y Cymoedd yn falch iawn o weld hynny.
First Minister, I welcome the announcements made as a result of the Wales and borders rail franchise and the south Wales metro. I particular welcome the commitment to include half-hourly services to the Vale of Glamorgan line from 2022. I've been campaigning for this for many years, and, of course, you recall that the Welsh Government reopened the stations at Rhoose and Llantwit Major in 2005. First Minister, do you agree with me that a half-hourly service that calls at Rhoose station for Cardiff Airport will also improve access to the airport?
Prif Weinidog, rwy'n croesawu'r cyhoeddiadau a wnaed o ganlyniad i fasnachfraint rheilffyrdd Cymru a'r gororau a metro de Cymru. Rwy'n croesawu'n arbennig yr ymrwymiad i gynnwys gwasanaethau bob hanner awr i reilffordd Bro Morgannwg o 2022. Rwyf i wedi bod yn ymgyrchu am hyn ers blynyddoedd lawer, ac, wrth gwrs, byddwch yn cofio bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ailagor gorsafoedd yn y Rhŵs a Llanilltud Fawr yn 2005. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi y bydd gwasanaeth bob hanner awr sy'n galw yng ngorsaf y Rhŵs ar gyfer Maes Awyr Caerdydd hefyd yn gwella mynediad at y maes awyr?

Yes it will. I can also say that Transport for Wales, with support from the ODP, will also be procuring a bus service as part of an integrated approach to improving connectivity across the Vale of Glamorgan, connecting Barry and the airport, and that will be available no later than 1 January 2024.
Bydd, mi fydd. Gallaf ddweud hefyd y bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru, gyda chefnogaeth gan yr OPD, hefyd yn caffael gwasanaeth bws yn rhan o ddull integredig o wella cysylltedd ar draws Bro Morgannwg, gan gysylltu'r Barri a'r maes awyr, a bydd hwnnw ar gael erbyn 1 Ionawr 2024 fan bellaf.
I welcome the new contracts and particularly the long overdue new rolling stock for the Valleys lines, but also the reduction in fares for the upper Valleys, which will help many people get more opportunities to commute in and access jobs, particularly in Cardiff.
Could I just ask the First Minister to say something about the risks that may come from the contract in terms of the different approach to risk sharing? If we see passenger numbers and fares undershoot relative to expectations, what may be the implications for other Government services?
Rwy'n croesawu'r contractau newydd ac yn enwedig y cerbydau newydd ar gyfer rheilffyrdd y Cymoedd y mae'n hen bryd iddyn nhw gael eu cyflwyno, ond hefyd y gostyngiad i brisiau tocynnau ar gyfer y Cymoedd uchaf, a fydd yn helpu llawer o bobl i gael mwy o gyfleoedd i gymudo i mewn a chael mynediad at swyddi, yn enwedig yng Nghaerdydd.
A gaf i ofyn i'r Prif Weinidog ddweud rhywbeth am y risgiau a allai ddod o'r contract mewn o ran y gwahanol agwedd tuag at rhannu risg? Os byddwn yn gweld na fydd nifer y teithwyr a phrisiau tocynnau yn cyrraedd y nod o'u cymharu â disgwyliadau, beth allai'r goblygiadau fod i wasanaethau eraill y Llywodraeth?

We don't anticipate that at all. The last franchise was let on the basis that there would be no growth in passenger numbers. There was an enormous growth in passenger numbers, and we see now the overcrowding that takes place on so many services not just on the Valleys lines, but across many services that run on the Wales and the borders franchise network. We have built into the agreement the expectation that passenger numbers will rise, particularly but not exclusively passengers going through Cardiff Central, and the agreement is based on seeing an increase in passenger numbers. I can't see the numbers decreasing. I can't see that people will want to travel less or not travel into work. We must be careful to make sure, of course, that there is sufficient capacity over the next few years that people feel that there is a comfortable and good-value alternative to the car. But what we can't do is keep on building roads into our cities in the hope that that will resolve the issue of traffic. It can't be done without demolishing houses.
Nid ydym yn rhagweld hynny o gwbl. Gosodwyd y fasnachfraint ddiwethaf ar y sail na fyddai unrhyw gynnydd i nifer y teithwyr. Cafwyd cynnydd aruthrol i nifer y teithwyr, ac rydym ni'n gweld nawr y gorlenwi sy'n digwydd ar gynifer o wasanaethau, nid yn unig ar reilffyrdd y Cymoedd, ond ar draws llawer o wasanaethau sy'n rhedeg ar rwydwaith masnachfraint Cymru a'r gororau. Rydym ni wedi cynnwys yn y cytundeb y disgwyliad y bydd nifer y teithwyr yn cynyddu, yn enwedig ond nid yn unig teithwyr sy'n mynd trwy Caerdydd Canolog, ac mae'r cytundeb yn seiliedig ar weld cynnydd i nifer y teithwyr. Ni allaf weld y niferoedd yn gostwng. Ni allaf weld y bydd pobl eisiau teithio llai neu beidio â theithio i'r gwaith. Mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn ofalus i wneud yn siŵr, wrth gwrs, bod digon o gapasiti dros yr ychydig flynyddoedd nesaf, fel bod pobl yn teimlo bod dewis cyfforddus sy'n cynnig gwerth da am arian yn hytrach na'r car. Ond yr hyn na allwn ni ei wneud yw parhau i adeiladu ffyrdd i mewn i'n dinasoedd yn y gobaith y bydd hynny'n datrys y broblem o draffig. Ni ellir gwneud hynny heb ddymchwel tai.
Cwestiynau nawr gan arweinwyr y pleidiau. Arweinydd grŵp UKIP, Caroline Jones.
Now questions from the party leaders. The UKIP group leader, Caroline Jones.

Diolch, Llywydd. First Minister, the plans for the new Wales and borders franchise are very promising and a clear demonstration of what can be achieved by a true public-private partnership. The investment that will be pumped into our rail network over the next decade could not be achieved by the public sector alone. The biggest transformation will be in the south-east of Wales, with the metro delivering better transport links for our capital city. I hope the investment, though, will deliver improvements for the whole of Wales.
I note from the Cabinet Secretary's statement that the north-east metro is to be accelerated. What about the rest of north Wales? Will we see an end to situations that we saw when the cancellation of services between Llandudno Junction and Blaenau Ffestiniog were apparent?
Diolch, Llywydd. Prif Weinidog, mae'r cynlluniau ar gyfer masnachfraint newydd Cymru a'r gororau yn addawol iawn ac yn arwydd eglur o'r hyn sy'n bosibl trwy bartneriaeth cyhoeddus-preifat wirioneddol. Ni allai'r buddsoddiad a fydd yn cael ei wneud yn ein rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd dros y degawd nesaf gael ei gyflawni gan y sector cyhoeddus yn unig. Bydd y newid byd mwyaf yn y de-ddwyrain, gyda'r metro yn darparu cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gwell ar gyfer ein prifddinas. Rwy'n gobeithio, fodd bynnag, y bydd y buddsoddiad yn sicrhau gwelliannau i Gymru gyfan.
Rwy'n sylwi o ddatganiad Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet y bydd metro'r gogledd-ddwyrain yn cael ei gyflymu. Beth am weddill y gogledd? A fyddwn ni'n gweld diwedd y sefyllfaoedd a welsom pan roedd gwasanaethau rhwng Cyffordd Llandudno a Blaenau Ffestiniog yn cael eu canslo?

There are structural issues on the Conwy valley line, given the fact that it often floods, and we've seen that over the—. Well, not often; it has sometimes flooded over the past few years, and that is something for Network Rail to deal with in order to avoid that in the future. She asked, 'What will the rest of Wales see?' Better services on every railway line in Wales; more frequent services from Llandudno, as well, for example; we've already mentioned the Wrexham-Bidstone line; a proper hourly service on the central Wales line; more services on the Cambrian Coast line; station upgrades—the introduction of Bow Street station, an upgrade at Machynlleth together with the guarantee of the future of the loco sheds there; if we come down further south, an extra train on the Heart of Wales line; station improvements in Llanelli, in Carmarthen; more frequent services between Swansea and Fishguard Harbour. These are some examples of what will be done across the whole of Wales to ensure that everybody benefits.
Ceir materion strwythurol ar reilffordd dyffryn Conwy, o gofio'r ffaith ei bod yn aml yn dioddef llifogydd, ac rydym ni wedi gweld hynny dros y—. Wel, ddim yn aml; mae wedi dioddef llifogydd weithiau dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth i Network Rail ymdrin ag ef er mwyn osgoi hynny yn y dyfodol. Fe ofynnodd hi, 'Beth fydd gweddill Cymru yn ei weld?' Gwell gwasanaethau ar bob rheilffordd yng Nghymru; gwasanaethau amlach o Landudno, hefyd, er enghraifft; rydym ni eisoes wedi sôn am reilffordd Wrecsam-Bidstone; gwasanaeth bob awr gwirioneddol ar reilffordd y canolbarth; mwy o wasanaethau ar reilffordd Arfordir Cambria; uwchraddio gorsafoedd—cyflwyno gorsaf Bow Street, uwchraddio ym Machynlleth ynghyd â sicrhau dyfodol y siediau trenau yno; os byddwn yn dod i lawr ymhellach i'r de, trên ychwanegol ar reilffordd Calon Cymru; gwelliannau i orsafoedd yn Llanelli, yng Nghaerfyrddin; gwasanaethau amlach rhwng Abertawe a Harbwr Abergwaun. Dyma rai enghreifftiau o'r hyn a fydd yn cael ei wneud ledled Cymru gyfan i sicrhau bod pawb yn elwa.
Thank you very much. Thank you for highlighting how the whole of Wales will benefit.
Staying with the new franchise, I'm glad to see the commitment to retaining onboard toilets on all existing trains, and I hope that they will be fully accessible. There was little in the Cabinet Secretary's written statement about the accessibility of rail services other than on the south-east metro. We have to put an end to the situation whereby disabled passengers have to pre-plan and pre-book their journeys. Disabled passengers have been left stranded on trains, have been refused travel on trains, and that's if they can get access to the trains in the first place. Sixty-one of our train stations are defined as poor for accessibility in that they have no staff or insufficient wheelchair access or totally unsuitable wheelchair access. So, First Minister, what improvements will the new franchise agreement deliver to disabled passengers in Wales?
Diolch yn fawr iawn. Diolch am nodi sut y bydd Cymru gyfan yn elwa.
Gan aros gyda'r fasnachfraint newydd, rwy'n falch o weld yr ymrwymiad i gadw toiledau ar yr holl drenau presennol, ac rwy'n gobeithio y byddan nhw'n gwbl hygyrch. Ychydig iawn oedd yn natganiad ysgrifenedig Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am hygyrchedd gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd ac eithrio ar fetro'r de-ddwyrain. Mae'n rhaid i ni roi terfyn ar y sefyllfa lle mae'n rhaid i deithwyr anabl gynllunio ac archebu eu teithiau ymlaen llaw. Mae teithwyr anabl wedi cael eu gadael ar drenau, gwrthodwyd iddynt deithio ar drenau, ac mae hynny os gallan nhw gael mynediad at y trenau yn y lle cyntaf. Diffinnir chwe deg un o'n gorsafoedd rheilffordd fel bod yn wael ar gyfer hygyrchedd o'r safbwynt nad oes ganddyn nhw unrhyw staff neu fynediad annigonol ar gyfer cadeiriau olwyn neu fynediad cwbl anaddas i gadeiriau olwyn. Felly, Prif Weinidog, pa welliannau fydd y cytundeb masnachfraint newydd yn eu cynnig i deithwyr anabl yng Nghymru?

Fifteen million pounds has been allocated to improve accessibility, and every station on the franchise network will be made accessible.
Dyrannwyd pymtheg miliwn o bunnau i wella hygyrchedd, a bydd pob gorsaf ar rwydwaith y fasnachfraint yn cael ei gwneud yn hygyrch.
Thank you for that, First Minister. The new franchise holders, KeolisAmey, have indicated that half of all new trains will be assembled in Wales, and I ask: will they be built with Welsh steel? With the Trump administration's tariffs on steel, the Port Talbot steelworks stand to lose 10 per cent of their business, and with the electrification to Swansea abandoned, and it being all but abandoned with the tidal lagoon, if the steel sector is to get support in Wales, then it needs to come from Wales. So, what discussions have you had with the franchisees about using Welsh materials in addition to a Welsh workforce in the construction of new rolling stock for the Welsh rail network, the north-east metro and the south Wales metro? Thank you.
Diolch am hynna, Prif Weinidog. Mae deiliaid y fasnachfraint newydd, KeolisAmey, wedi nodi y bydd hanner yr holl drenau newydd yn cael eu hadeiladu yng Nghymru, a gofynnaf: a fyddan nhw'n cael eu hadeiladu gyda dur Cymru? Gyda thariffau gweinyddiaeth Trump ar ddur, mae'n debygol y bydd gwaith dur Port Talbot yn colli 10 y cant o'i fusnes, ac ar ôl troi cefn ar drydaneiddio i Abertawe, a'r morlyn llanw fwy neu lai ar ben, os yw'r sector dur am gael cefnogaeth yng Nghymru, yna mae angen i honno ddod o Gymru. Felly, pa drafodaethau ydych chi wedi eu cael gyda deiliaid y fasnachfraint ynghylch defnyddio deunyddiau o Gymru yn ogystal â gweithlu o Gymru i adeiladu cerbydau newydd ar gyfer rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd Cymru, metro'r gogledd-ddwyrain a metro de Cymru? Diolch.

We would encourage, of course, there to be as much sourcing of Welsh steel as possible. She has also raised two other important points in terms of steel tariffs and also the tidal lagoon. I can inform Members that I have written today to Greg Clark and suggested to him that the UK Government should make an offer in terms of the contract for difference to the tidal lagoon on the same terms as they made the offer to Hinkley. If it's right for Hinkley, it's right for Swansea. And she's right to point out that electrification was promised and then reneged on by the UK Government. The tidal lagoon has been talked down by the Secretary of State this morning and by others. Well, we have put money on the table and we have said today, 'Treat the tidal lagoon in the same way as you treated Hinkley.' We ask no more than that, and we believe that it would be possible for the tidal lagoon to move ahead on that basis. We await the UK Government's response with regard to that.
In terms of steel, there are two issues with steel. Firstly, of course, the tariffs that the US has imposed will create a situation where Welsh steel will become more expensive in the US market. What is not clear is whether that would in fact lead to a decrease in demand, given the fact that so much of the steel is not made in the US and has to be bought from outside anyway. Okay, we don't know what the effect of that will be, but of great concern as well is where the steel that was originally bound for the US market will end up. If it comes to Europe, it will create a glut of steel in Europe, the price will drop, and that will not be of benefit to the Welsh steel producers. So, I have said—I was in Washington and met with people there at the end of last week—that it's also important that the European Union now takes prompt steps, within weeks, not within months, to ensure that sufficient safeguards are in place to ensure that the price of steel is supported in Europe.
Byddem yn annog, wrth gwrs, bod cymaint o ddur Cymru â phosibl yn cael ei ddefnyddio. Mae hi hefyd wedi codi dau bwynt pwysig arall o ran tariffau dur a'r morlyn llanw hefyd. Gallaf hysbysu'r Aelodau fy mod i wedi ysgrifennu at Greg Clark heddiw gan awgrymu iddo y dylai Llywodraeth y DU wneud cynnig o ran y contract gwahaniaeth i'r morlyn llanw ar yr un telerau ag a wnaethant y cynnig i Hinkley. Os yw'n iawn i Hinkley, mae'n iawn i Abertawe. Ac mae hi'n iawn i nodi yr addawyd trydaneiddio gan Lywodraeth y DU cyn iddyn nhw fynd yn ôl ar yr addewid. Mae'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol ac eraill wedi tawelu unrhyw obeithion am y morlyn llanw y bore yma. Wel, rydym ni wedi rhoi arian ar y bwrdd, ac rydym ni wedi dweud heddiw, 'Dylech chi drin y morlyn llanw yn yr un modd ag y gwnaethoch chi drin Hinkley.' Dydyn ni ddim yn gofyn dim mwy na hynny, ac rydym ni'n credu y byddai'n bosibl i'r morlyn llanw symud ymlaen ar y sail honno. Rydym ni'n disgwyl ymateb Llywodraeth y DU ynglŷn â hynny.
O ran dur, ceir dau fater yn ymwneud â dur. Yn gyntaf, wrth gwrs, bydd y tariffau y mae'r Unol Daleithiau wedi eu cyflwyno yn creu sefyllfa lle bydd dur Cymru yn ddrytach ym marchnad yr Unol Daleithiau. Yr hyn nad yw'n eglur yw pa un a fyddai hynny'n arwain mewn gwirionedd at leihad i'r galw, o ystyried y ffaith bod cymaint o'r dur nad yw'n cael ei wneud yn yr Unol Daleithiau a bod yn rhaid ei brynu o'r tu allan beth bynnag. Iawn, nid ydym ni'n gwybod beth fydd effaith hynny, ond o bryder mawr hefyd yw ble y bydd dur a oedd ar gyfer marchnad yr Unol Daleithiau yn wreiddiol yn mynd yn y pen draw. Os bydd yn dod i Ewrop, bydd yn creu gormodedd o ddur yn Ewrop, bydd y pris yn gostwng, ac ni fydd hynny o fudd i gynhyrchwyr dur Cymru. Felly, rwyf i wedi dweud—roeddwn i yn Washington a chefais gyfarfodydd gyda phobl yno ddiwedd yr wythnos diwethaf—ei bod hi hefyd yn bwysig bod yr Undeb Ewropeaidd yn cymryd camau prydlon nawr, o fewn wythnosau, nid o fewn misoedd, i sicrhau bod mesurau diogelu digonol ar waith i sicrhau bod pris dur yn cael ei gefnogi yn Ewrop.
Arweinydd Plaid Cymru, Leanne Wood.
Plaid Cymru leader, Leanne Wood.

Diolch, Llywydd. How much profit are KeolisAmey expected to make out of Welsh rail passengers during the next 15 years?
Diolch, Llywydd. Faint o elw a ddisgwylir i KeolisAmey ei wneud ar draul teithwyr rheilffordd yng Nghymru yn ystod y 15 mlynedd nesaf?

Well, there are, of course, commercial matters that the leader of Plaid Cymru will be aware of. What I can say, however, is that for £150 million, KeolisAmey will deliver a rail franchise for Wales and the borders below the current cost of £185 million. It's a total investment of £738 million as well on phase 2 of the metro, and what we will see is, for the first time, a rail system that the people of Wales deserve and not the cast-offs of other networks.
Wel, ceir materion masnachol, wrth gwrs, y bydd arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn ymwybodol ohonynt. Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud, fodd bynnag, yw y bydd KeolisAmey, am £150 miliwn, yn darparu masnachfraint rheilffyrdd i Gymru a'r gororau am lai na'r gost bresennol o £185 miliwn. Mae'n fuddsoddiad gwerth cyfanswm o £738 miliwn hefyd yng nghyfnod 2 y metro, a'r hyn y byddwn yn ei weld, am y tro cyntaf, yw system reilffyrdd y mae pobl Cymru yn ei haeddu ac nid elfennau ail law o rwydweithiau eraill.
First Minister, there's been talk of this 3 per cent cap on profits, and if that is true, that is no cap at all. Because according to the rail industry's own trade body, the Rail Delivery Group, the average operating profit for a rail company is 2.9 per cent. So, this means that your cap is higher than the average profit margin for train companies. Putting that aside, the Wales and borders franchise doesn't commercially make a profit, so the only way that any rail company makes money is through Government subsidies. That means, First Minister, that you are paying profits out of our budget to the pockets of private shareholders.
Secondly, the idea that you won't pay a company if it doesn't meet its targets is hardly some kind of radical socialist policy because nobody pays for work that hasn't been done—it's as simple as that.
Now, page 20 of the manifesto on which you were elected promised that you would deliver a not-for-profit rail operator. You have failed—you've done the exact opposite. So, can you explain: if you believe that the only way to deliver a rail service that works for people in Wales is through a not-for-profit operator, why have you lumbered us with a second-rate private rail service for the next 15 years?
Prif Weinidog, bu sôn am y cap hwn o 3 y cant ar elw, ac os yw hynny'n wir, nid yw hwnnw'n unrhyw gap o gwbl. Oherwydd yn ôl corff masnach y diwydiant rheilffyrdd ei hun, y Rail Delivery Group, 2.9 y cant yw cyfartaledd elw gweithredu i gwmni rheilffordd. Felly, mae hyn yn golygu bod eich cap yn uwch na'r elw cyfartalog i gwmnïau trenau. Gan roi hynny o'r neilltu, nid yw masnachfraint Cymru a'r gororau yn gwneud elw yn fasnachol, felly yr unig ffordd y mae unrhyw gwmni rheilffordd yn gwneud arian yw trwy gymorthdaliadau gan y Llywodraeth. Mae hynny'n golygu, Prif Weinidog, eich bod chi'n talu elw allan o'n cyllideb ni i bocedi cyfranddalwyr preifat.
Yn ail, prin bod y syniad na fyddwch chi'n talu cwmni os nad yw'n bodloni ei dargedau yn rhyw fath o bolisi sosialaidd radical, oherwydd nid oes neb yn talu am waith nad yw wedi ei wneud—mae mor syml â hynny.
Nawr, addawodd tudalen 20 y maniffesto y cawsoch chi eich ethol ar ei sail y byddech chi'n darparu gweithredwr rheilffyrdd di-elw. Rydych chi wedi methu—rydych chi wedi gwneud yn union i'r gwrthwyneb. Felly, a allwch chi egluro: os ydych chi'n credu mai'r unig ffordd o ddarparu gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd sy'n gweithio i bobl yng Nghymru yw trwy weithredwr di-elw, pam ydych chi wedi ein beichio ni gyda gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd preifat eilradd am y 15 mlynedd nesaf?

Talking Wales down—talking Wales down yet again. Of all the people who have commented yesterday, the only party who have said 'This is a bad idea. It's going to be a second-rate network' is Plaid Cymru—it's The Party of Wales, apparently, who are saying this.
Now, there are legitimate questions, I understand that in terms of the way it works, but saying it's a second-rate network is simply not true. Have a look at what is being proposed for Wales and bear in mind that the delivery cost is a good £30 million below the current cost. So, actually, this is far better value for money than the current system with Arriva. She asks the question again: why is it not the case that this was set up as a not-for-profit—why is it not the case that a public sector operator is running the service? Because the law says so. That's why. She can't do it—your party can't do it. The reality is: she is saying to the people of Wales, 'We would have done something that actually we know legally we can't do', and that's not a particularly credible position, I would suggest.
For goodness' sake, let's all celebrate the fact we have an excellent rail service that is going to be set up across the whole of Wales, people will benefit from good value, new trains, air conditioning—all delivered by a Welsh Government working for the people of Wales.
Bychanu Cymru—bychanu Cymru unwaith eto. O'r holl bobl a wnaeth sylwadau ddoe, yr unig blaid sydd wedi dweud 'Mae hwn yn syniad gwael. Mae'n mynd i fod yn rhwydwaith eilradd' yw Plaid Cymru—Plaid Cymru, mae'n debyg, sy'n dweud hyn.
Nawr, ceir cwestiynau dilys, rwy'n deall hynny o ran y ffordd y mae'n gweithio, ond nid yw dweud ei fod yn rhwydwaith eilradd yn wir. Edrychwch ar yr hyn sy'n cael ei gynnig ar gyfer Cymru a chofiwch fod y gost gyflenwi tua £30 miliwn yn is na'r gost bresennol. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, mae hyn yn werth llawer gwell am arian na'r system bresennol gydag Arriva. Mae hi'n gofyn y cwestiwn eto: pam na chafodd hyn ei sefydlu ar sail ddi-elw—pam nad oes gweithredwr sector cyhoeddus yn rhedeg y gwasanaeth? Oherwydd bod y gyfraith yn dweud hynny. Dyna pam. Ni all hi ei wneud—ni all eich plaid chi ei wneud. Y gwir amdani yw: mae hi'n dweud wrth bobl Cymru, 'Byddem ni wedi gwneud rhywbeth yr ydym ni'n gwybod yn gyfreithiol na allwn ni ei wneud', ac nid yw hwnnw'n safbwynt arbennig o gredadwy, byddwn i'n awgrymu.
Er mwyn popeth, gadewch i ni i gyd ddathlu'r ffaith bod gennym ni wasanaeth rheilffyrdd rhagorol sy'n mynd i gael ei sefydlu ledled Cymru gyfan, bydd pobl yn elwa ar werth da am arian, trenau newydd, aerdymheru—y cwbl wedi ei ddarparu gan Lywodraeth Cymru sy'n gweithio dros bobl Cymru.
First Minister, a cap of 3 per cent will see profits to KeolisAmey in the region of between £100 million and £150 million from this contract. Whether you pay them now or in five years' time means that the Welsh taxpayer is putting money in the pockets of private company shareholders instead of reinvesting it back in our own rail network. That's £150 million that could have been spent on better trains, on more stations, on cheaper tickets.
Now, the Scotland Act 2016—[Interruption.]—contained a clause that explicitly allowed for the Scottish Government to procure a public sector rail operator. [Interruption.] One year later—
Prif Weinidog, bydd cap o 3 y cant yn arwain at elw rhwng £100 miliwn a £150 miliwn i KeolisAmey o'r contract hwn. Pa ydych chi'n eu talu nhw nawr neu ymhen pum mlynedd, mae'n golygu bod trethdalwyr Cymru yn rhoi arian ym mhocedi cyfranddalwyr cwmni preifat yn hytrach na'i ailfuddsoddi yn ein rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd ein hunain. Mae hynny'n £150 miliwn y gellid bod wedi ei wario ar drenau gwell, ar fwy o orsafoedd, ar docynnau rhatach.
Nawr, roedd Deddf yr Alban 2016—[Torri ar draws.]—yn cynnwys cymal a oedd yn caniatáu'n benodol i Lywodraeth yr Alban gaffael gweithredwr rheilffyrdd sector cyhoeddus. [Torri ar draws.] Flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach—
I do need to hear, and I'm sure the First Minister needs to hear, the leader of Plaid Cymru. So, can we please allow Leanne Wood to continue—please. Please.
Mae angen i mi glywed, ac rwy'n siŵr bod angen i'r Prif Weinidog glywed, arweinydd Plaid Cymru. Felly, a allwn ni ganiatáu i Leanne Wood barhau os gwelwch yn dda—os gwelwch yn dda. Os gwelwch yn dda.
Diolch, Llywydd. One year later, there was no such clause in the Wales Act of 2017. Despite this, your Government obediently voted to accept this new devolution deal from your friends in the Conservative Government at the UK level. Now, Plaid Cymru didn't dance to Westminster's tune. Plaid Cymru voted against that Bill. First Minister, do you now regret backing the Tories by voting for the deficient Wales Bill?
Diolch, Llywydd. Flwyddyn yn ddiweddarach, nid oedd unrhyw gymal o'r fath yn Neddf Cymru 2017. Er gwaethaf hyn, pleidleisiodd eich Llywodraeth yn ufudd i dderbyn y cytundeb datganoli newydd hwn gan eich ffrindiau yn y Llywodraeth Geidwadol ar lefel y DU. Nawr, ni wnaeth Plaid Cymru ddawnsio i dôn San Steffan. Pleidleisiodd Plaid Cymru yn erbyn y Bil hwnnw. Prif Weinidog, a ydych chi'n gresynu erbyn hyn cefnogi'r Torïaid trwy bleidleisio o blaid y Bil Cymru diffygiol?

Just over two years ago, we all sat in this Chamber and watched Plaid Cymru actively canvass the support of the Tories in order for the leader of Plaid Cymru to become the First Minister. [Interruption.] And now she lectures us about working with the Tories. Memories are incredibly short on the Plaid Cymru benches. If she asks me, 'Am I happy with every element of the last Wales Act?, the answer is 'no'. Of course it's 'no'. There are some elements of it that I don't like. But most of it is something that I think was worth supporting. I don't take the absolutist view that she takes of, 'Let's jump off the edge of the cliff and let's see what happens.' The reality is that there's more work to be done on devolution. We know that. I know she knows that.
But what we have delivered, in the constraints that we have, is a better value, better system that the people of the Valleys will support and the people of the whole of Wales will support. It will deliver a first-rate railway system for Wales—a first-rate railway system—the best rail system that has ever been produced for Wales, a system that will deliver the best trains, a system that will provide jobs for Newport—for CAF, with 300 jobs there—a system that will ensure that we meet our targets in terms of sustainability, in terms of job creation, in terms of economic growth. Why on earth can't Plaid Cymru just for once support something that is good for Wales?
Ychydig dros ddwy flynedd yn ôl, eisteddodd pob un ohonom ni yn y Siambr hon gan wylio Plaid Cymru yn mynd ati i ganfasio cefnogaeth y Torïaid er mwyn i arweinydd Plaid Cymru fod yn Brif Weinidog. [Torri ar draws.] Ac nawr mae hi'n pregethu wrthym ni am weithio gyda'r Torïaid. Mae'r cof yn arbennig o fyr ar feinciau Plaid Cymru. Os bydd hi'n gofyn i mi, 'A ydw i'n hapus gyda phob elfen ar y Ddeddf Cymru ddiwethaf?, yr ateb yw 'nac ydw'. 'Nac ydw' yw'r ateb wrth gwrs. Ceir rhai elfennau ohoni nad wyf i'n eu hoffi. Ond mae'r rhan fwyaf ohoni yn rhywbeth y credaf oedd yn werth ei chefnogi. Nid wyf i'n cymryd y safbwynt absoliwtaidd y mae hi o, 'Gadewch i ni neidio oddi ar ymyl y dibyn a gadewch i ni weld beth sy'n digwydd.' Y gwir amdani yw bod mwy o waith i'w wneud ar ddatganoli. Rydym ni'n gwybod hynny. Gwn ei bod hithau'n gwybod hynny.
Ond yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei ddarparu, yn unol â'r cyfyngiadau sydd gennym ni, system well, sy'n cynnig mwy o werth am arian y bydd pobl y Cymoedd yn ei chefnogi ac y bydd pobl Cymru gyfan yn ei chefnogi. Bydd yn darparu system reilffyrdd o'r radd flaenaf i Gymru— system reilffyrdd o'r radd flaenaf—y system reilffyrdd orau a gynhyrchwyd ar gyfer Cymru erioed, system a fydd yn darparu'r trenau gorau, system a fydd yn darparu swyddi i Gasnewydd—i CAF, gyda 300 o swyddi yno—system a fydd yn sicrhau ein bod ni'n bodloni ein targedau o ran cynaliadwyedd, o ran creu swyddi, o ran twf economaidd. Pam ar y ddaear na all Plaid Cymru gefnogi rhywbeth sy'n dda i Gymru dim ond am unwaith?
Arweinydd yr wrthblaid, Andrew R.T. Davies.
Leader of the opposition, Andrew R.T. Davies.

Thank you, Presiding Officer. I find myself with a group that's stuck in the middle here. Very often, it's good to be in the middle ground of politics, I find. So, I'll leave the extremists to debate amongst themselves on this.
First Minister, what is the Welsh Government's position when it comes to a second referendum, either on the deal that's negotiated around Brexit or on rerunning the referendum of June 2016?
Diolch, Llywydd. Rwy'n canfod fy hun gyda grŵp sydd wedi ei ddal yn y canol yn y fan yma. Yn aml iawn, mae'n dda i fod yn y tir canol ym myd gwleidyddiaeth, yn fy marn i. Felly, gadawaf yr eithafwyr i ddadlau am hyn ymysg ei gilydd.
Prif Weinidog, beth yw safbwynt Llywodraeth Cymru pan ddaw i ail refferendwm, naill ai ar y fargen sy'n cael ei tharo o ran Brexit neu ar ail-gynnal refferendwm mis Mehefin 2016?

We don't have a position on a second referendum. If you want my view, I do not believe a second referendum on the issue of Brexit is merited. There's been a referendum. Although, his party wanted a second referendum on devolution in 2005—I remember that—because they thought the result was too close. But I don't take the same view in that regard. So, we don't have a position as a Government. I think what's important now is to focus on getting the best deal for Wales and Britain as a result of Brexit.
Nid oes gennym ni safbwynt ar ail refferendwm. Os ydych chi eisiau fy marn i, nid wyf i'n credu bod ail refferendwm ar fater Brexit yn haeddiannol. Cafwyd refferendwm. Er, roedd ei blaid ef eisiau ail refferendwm ar ddatganoli yn 2005—rwy'n cofio hynny—gan eu bod nhw'n meddwl bod y canlyniad yn rhy agos. Ond nid wyf i o'r un farn yn hynny o beth. Felly, nid oes gennym ni safbwynt fel Llywodraeth. Credaf mai'r hyn sy'n bwysig nawr yw canolbwyntio ar gael y fargen orau i Gymru a Phrydain o ganlyniad i Brexit.
Did I hear you correctly there First Minister? You said you do not have a position as a Government. Because, obviously, two of your Cabinet colleagues signed a letter last week indicating that they wanted to see a referendum. I always assumed that Government operated on collective responsibility, and I have certainly heard you say on several occasions as leader of the Welsh Government that you do not support a second referendum. So, surely, there is collective responsibility, and Cabinet colleagues now, after you've signalled that you are leaving the office of First Minister, are running their own agendas. Why is collective responsibility not running on this particular issue?
A wnes i eich clywed chi'n iawn Prif Weinidog? Dywedasoch nad oes gennych chi safbwynt fel Llywodraeth. Oherwydd, yn amlwg, llofnodwyd llythyr gan ddau o'ch cyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet yr wythnos diwethaf yn nodi eu bod nhw eisiau gweld refferendwm. Tybiais erioed bod Llywodraeth yn gweithredu ar sail cyfrifoldeb ar y cyd, ac rwy'n sicr wedi eich clywed chi'n dweud ar sawl achlysur fel arweinydd Llywodraeth Cymru nad ydych chi'n cefnogi ail refferendwm. Felly, does bosib nad oes cyfrifoldeb ar y cyd, ac mae cyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet nawr, ar ôl i chi nodi eich bod chi'n gadael y swydd Prif Weinidog, yn dilyn eu hagendâu eu hunain. Pam nad yw cyfrifoldeb ar y cyd yn bodoli ar y mater penodol hwn?

I can't believe that he's chosen this ground to ask questions. Let's see, for example, the situation that happens in Whitehall? If you want to see a lame duck leader, have a look at Whitehall. What do we have there? We have factions briefing against each other in public. We have people like Boris Johnson openly criticising the Prime Minister about Brexit policy without any kind of penalty. He'd have been out on his feet if he'd have been in my Government, I can tell you that now. We now have this farce where a decision has been taken on Heathrow where carte blanche has been given to Cabinet Ministers to campaign against that, because there's not enough support in Cabinet to take a collective decision. And when it comes to collective responsibility, we are solid here compared to the anarchist collective that exists in London.
Ni allaf gredu ei fod wedi dewis y tir hwn i ofyn cwestiynau. Gadewch i ni weld, er enghraifft, y sefyllfa sy'n bodoli yn Whitehall? Os ydych chi eisiau gweld arweinydd cloff, edrychwch ar Whitehall. Beth sydd gennym ni yn y fan honno? Mae gennym ni garfanau yn briffio yn erbyn ei gilydd yn gyhoeddus. Mae gennym ni bobl fel Boris Johnson yn beirniadu'r Prif Weinidog yn agored ar bolisi Brexit heb unrhyw fath o gosb. Byddai wedi bod allan ar ei union pe byddai wedi bod yn fy Llywodraeth i, gallaf ddweud hynny wrthych chi nawr. Mae gennym ni'r ffars yma nawr lle mae penderfyniad wedi ei wneud ar Heathrow lle rhoddwyd rhwydd hynt i Weinidogion Cabinet ymgyrchu yn erbyn hynny, gan nad oes digon o gefnogaeth yn y Cabinet i wneud penderfyniad ar y cyd. A phan ddaw i gyfrifoldeb ar y cyd, rydym ni'n gadarn yma o'n cymharu â'r cymundod anarchaidd sy'n bodoli yn Llundain.
First Minister, I notice you didn't address my question about your own Government, and it was only some months ago that you sacked the Member for Cardiff Central from her role as Government oversight on the European committee because she didn't agree with Cabinet responsibility, as you interpreted it, because you said that her letter of appointment had collective responsibility attached to it. So, you sacked one of your backbenchers, but when one of your Liberal colleagues in the Cabinet or one of your leadership contenders here decides to break ranks with collective responsibility, you do not take any action at all. Is it not the case that it is one rule for one member of the Government and another rule for backbenchers, and you are the lame duck First Minister?
Prif Weinidog, rwy'n sylwi na wnaethoch chi ateb fy nghwestiwn ynghylch eich Llywodraeth eich hun, a dim ond rai misoedd yn ôl y gwnaethoch chi ddiswyddo'r Aelod dros Ganol Caerdydd o'i swydd fel goruchwylydd Llywodraeth ar y pwyllgor Ewropeaidd oherwydd nad oedd hi'n cytuno â chyfrifoldeb Cabinet, fel y'i dehonglwyd gennych chi, oherwydd dywedasoch bod cyfrifoldeb ar y cyd ynghlwm i'w llythyr penodi. Felly, fe wnaethoch chi ddiswyddo un o aelodau eich meinciau cefn, ond pan fydd un o'ch cyd-Aelodau Rhyddfrydol yn y Cabinet neu un o'ch cystadleuwyr am yr arweinyddiaeth yn y fan yma yn penderfynu gadael y rhengoedd o ran cyfrifoldeb ar y cyd, nid ydych chi'n cymryd unrhyw gamau o gwbl. Onid yw'n wir ei bod hi'n un rheol i un aelod o'r Llywodraeth a rheol arall i aelodau'r meinciau cefn, ac mai chi yw'r Prif Weinidog cloff?

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Well, let's just examine that. As I've said—[Interruption.] As I've said—[Interruption.] I mean, you've got to admire his brass neck. You've got to admire his brass neck more than anything else, and his ability to ignore the chaos that his party has created in London, and the fact that Cabinet Government as we know it doesn't exist, actually, in Whitehall under his party.
He asked the question: what's our view? Our view has always been, and I've said this many, many times in the Chamber, that any deal should be approved by the Parliaments—plural—of the UK. That's the situation. If that doesn't happen, well, it could well be there's another election. There would have to be another election. If there is then an inconclusive result, there'd have to be some way of settling it, but we're some way away from that. So, our view as a Government is quite simply this: let the Parliaments of the UK decide as to whether the final deal is a good one or not.
I come back again to his point. There's an element of incredible double standards in the Tory party, and let me say why. I don't advocate a second referendum on Brexit. I don't advocate that, because I remember his party saying in 1997 that the result of the devolution referendum was too close that there needed to be another referendum, and they stood on that manifesto commitment in a general election. And now they say, 'Well, of course, that was then, this is now.' I don't have that double standard; I argued against a second referendum then, I argue against a second referendum now on the issue of Brexit. When he wants to lecture us about our position, he needs to take a long hard look at his own party and the mess that the leader of the UK is in, the complete lack of planning, the complete lack of unity and the complete lack of a Government.
O diar, o diar, o diar. Wel, gadewch i ni ystyried hynny. Fel y dywedais—[Torri ar draws.] Fel y dywedais—[Torri ar draws.] Hynny yw, mae'n rhaid i chi edmygu ei ddigywilydd-dra. Mae'n rhaid i chi edmygu ei ddigywilydd-dra mwy nag unrhyw beth arall, a'i allu i anwybyddu'r anhrefn y mae ei blaid ei hun wedi ei chreu yn Llundain, a'r ffaith nad yw Llywodraeth Cabinet fel yr ydym ni'n ei hadnabod yn bodoli, mewn gwirionedd, yn Whitehall o dan ei blaid ef.
Gofynnodd y cwestiwn: beth yw ein safbwynt ni? Ein safbwynt ni erioed, ac rwyf i wedi dweud hyn lawer iawn o weithiau yn y Siambr, yw y dylai unrhyw gytundeb gael ei gymeradwyo gan Seneddau—lluosog—y DU. Dyna'r sefyllfa. Os na fydd hynny'n digwydd, wel, mae'n bosibl iawn y bydd etholiad arall. Byddai'n rhaid cael etholiad arall. Os bydd canlyniad amhendant wedyn, byddai'n rhaid cael rhyw ffordd o'i setlo, ond rydym ni'n bell i ffwrdd o hynny. Felly, yn syml iawn, ein barn ni fel Llywodraeth yw hyn: gadewch i Seneddau'r DU benderfynu ar ba un a yw'r cytundeb terfynol yn un da ai peidio.
Dychwelaf at ei bwynt eto. Ceir elfen o safonau dwbl anhygoel yn y blaid Geidwadol, a gadewch i mi ddweud pam. Nid wyf i'n dadlau o blaid ail refferendwm ar Brexit. Nid wyf i'n dadlau o blaid hynny, gan fy mod i'n cofio ei blaid ef yn dweud ym 1997 bod canlyniad y refferendwm ar ddatganoli yn rhy agos bod angen refferendwm arall, ac fe wnaethant sefyll ar sail yr ymrwymiad maniffesto hwnnw mewn etholiad cyffredinol. Ac nawr maen nhw'n dweud, 'Wel, wrth gwrs, roedd hynny bryd hynny, mae hyn nawr.' Nid yw'r safon ddwbl honno gen i. dadleuais yn erbyn ail refferendwm bryd hynny, ac rwy'n dadlau yn erbyn ail refferendwm nawr ar y mater o Brexit. Pan fydd ef eisiau pregethu wrthym ni am ein safbwynt, mae angen iddo edrych yn ofalus iawn ar ei blaid ei hun a'r llanastr y mae arweinydd y DU ynddo, y diffyg cynllunio llwyr, y diffyg undod llwyr a'r diffyg Llywodraeth llwyr.
3. Pa strategaeth y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei dilyn yn y dyfodol i wella cydlyniant cymunedol yn ne Cymru? OAQ52260
3. What future strategy will the Welsh Government follow to improve community cohesion in south Wales? OAQ52260

There are four objectives that we will pursue: firstly, building community cohesion at a national level; secondly, cohesion support at a regional level for isolated groups; thirdly, integration of new arrivals; and, fourthly, mitigating tensions and tackling hate crime.
Ceir pedwar amcan y byddwn ni'n mynd ar eu trywydd: yn gyntaf, datblygu cydlyniant cymunedol ar lefel genedlaethol; yn ail, cymorth cydlyniant ar lefel ranbarthol ar gyfer grwpiau sydd ar wahân; yn drydydd, integreiddio newydd-ddyfodiaid; ac, yn bedwerydd, lliniaru tensiynau a mynd i'r afael â throseddau casineb.
First Minister, policing is crucial to ensuring our communities are cohesive and enjoy good quality of life, and our police forces work with local authorities, health, housing and, indeed, the voluntary sector in close partnership, reflecting the fact that a large majority of police work concerns devolved responsibilities. Given that, and the very strong case for devolving policing that follows from it, what work will Welsh Government do to ensure that relevant issues are foreseen and explored in terms of future devolution of policing?
Prif Weinidog, mae plismona yn hollbwysig i sicrhau bod ein cymunedau yn gydlynol ac yn mwynhau ansawdd bywyd da, ac mae ein heddluoedd yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol, iechyd, tai ac, yn wir, y sector gwirfoddol mewn partneriaeth agos, gan adlewyrchu'r ffaith bod y rhan fwyaf o waith yr heddlu yn ymwneud â chyfrifoldebau datganoledig. O gofio hynny, a'r achos cryf iawn dros ddatganoli plismona sy'n dilyn ohono, pa waith y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei wneud i sicrhau bod problemau perthnasol yn cael eu rhagweld a'u harchwilio o ran datganoli plismona yn y dyfodol?

Can I thank the Member for his question? He is right to say that we have a long-standing position of supporting the devolution of policing and, of course, the commission on justice will be looking at further issues. It is important, of course, devolution or not, that we work with the police. We do that, whether it's through the civil contingencies forum, whether it's through other groups, for example looking at victim support, because we're committed to protecting and supporting victims of hate crime. So, we've provided funding to Victim Support Cymru to operate the national hate crime report and support centre. That funding will continue until at least 2020, and there do continue to be positive signs that victims are coming forward and are more confident in reporting.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn? Mae e'n iawn wrth ddweud bod gennym ni safbwynt hirsefydlog o gefnogi datganoli plismona ac, wrth gwrs, bydd y comisiwn ar gyfiawnder yn ystyried materion pellach. Mae'n bwysig, wrth gwrs, datganoli ai peidio, ein bod ni'n gweithio gyda'r heddlu. Rydym ni'n gwneud hynny, boed drwy'r fforwm argyfyngau sifil, boed drwy grwpiau eraill, er enghraifft ystyried cymorth i ddioddefwyr, gan ein bod ni wedi ymrwymo i amddiffyn a chefnogi dioddefwyr troseddau casineb. Felly, rydym ni wedi darparu cyllid i Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr Cymru i weithredu canolfan genedlaethol hysbysu a chymorth troseddau casineb. Bydd y cyllid hwnnw'n parhau hyd at 2020 o leiaf, a cheir arwyddion cadarnhaol o hyd bod dioddefwyr yn dod ymlaen a'u bod yn fwy hyderus o ran hysbysu.
First Minister, third sector organisations play a vital role in strengthening and actively promoting community cohesion as well as providing a link between public sector bodies and ethnic minority communities. For them to succeed, they need the support of the Welsh Government. So, will the First Minister outline how his strategy to improve community cohesion will utilise and support the third sector in Wales, please?
Prif Weinidog, mae sefydliadau trydydd sector yn chwarae rhan hanfodol o ran cryfhau a mynd ati i hyrwyddo cydlyniant cymunedol yn ogystal â darparu cyswllt rhwng cyrff y sector cyhoeddus a chymunedau lleiafrifoedd ethnig. Er mwyn iddyn nhw lwyddo, maen nhw angen cefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru. Felly, a wnaiff y Prif Weinidog amlinellu sut y bydd ei strategaeth i wella cydlyniant cymunedol yn defnyddio ac yn cynorthwyo'r trydydd sector yng Nghymru, os gwelwch yn dda?

Well, one of the things that we're looking at is whether we should update the community cohesion plan for the summer of this year to take account of recent rises in hate crime and the new challenges to community cohesion in Wales. I can confirm that we plan to publish the community cohesion plan and the tackling hate crimes delivery plan, so that as those plans are taken forward, they will take account of new evidence and fresh circumstances.
Wel, un o'r pethau yr ydym ni'n ei ystyried yw pa un a ddylem ni ddiweddaru'r cynllun cydlyniant cymunedol ar gyfer yr haf eleni i gymryd cynnydd diweddar i droseddau casineb a'r heriau newydd i gydlyniant cymunedol yng Nghymru i ystyriaeth. Gallaf gadarnhau ein bod ni'n bwriadu cyhoeddi cynllun cydlyniant cymunedol a'r cynllun cyflenwi ar fynd i'r afael â throseddau casineb, fel y bydd y cynlluniau hynny, wrth iddynt gael eu datblygu, yn cymryd tystiolaeth newydd ac amgylchiadau newydd i ystyriaeth.
There is definitely more that can be done on this front, First Minister, when you consider that the latest figures from the Home Office show that hate crimes are up by a fifth in Wales in just one year. The majority of the 2,941 offences recorded—and we know that there will be many more incidents that go unreported—are related to race or religion, and if you combine this with Nazi graffiti that has appeared in Cardiff and Newport in recent months, a worrying picture begins to emerge. We also know that Muslim women are disproportionately affected by hate crime. So, can you tell us: what can your Government do to provide targeted support, in particular for Muslim women, but to all others who are victims of hate crime and discrimination, and how can Welsh Government directly challenge this growing problem of hate crime?
Mae'n sicr bod mwy y gellir ei wneud yn hyn o beth, Prif Weinidog, pan fyddwch chi'n ystyried bod y ffigurau diweddaraf gan y Swyddfa Gartref yn dangos bod troseddau casineb wedi cynyddu gan ugain y cant yng Nghymru mewn blwyddyn yn unig. Mae mwyafrif y 2,941 o droseddau a gofnodwyd—ac rydym ni'n gwybod y bydd llawer mwy o ddigwyddiadau nas adroddir amdanynt—yn ymwneud â hil neu grefydd, ac os cyfunwch chi hyn â graffiti Natsïaidd sydd wedi ymddangos yng Nghaerdydd a Chasnewydd yn y misoedd diwethaf, mae darlun sy'n peri gofid mawr yn dechrau dod i'r amlwg. Rydym ni hefyd yn gwybod bod menywod Mwslimaidd yn cael eu heffeithio'n anghymesur gan droseddau casineb. Felly, a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni: beth all eich Llywodraeth ei wneud i ddarparu cymorth wedi ei dargedu, yn enwedig i fenywod Mwslimaidd, ond i bawb arall sy'n dioddef troseddau casineb a gwahaniaethu hefyd, a sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru herio'r broblem gynyddol hon o droseddau casineb yn uniongyrchol?

Well, as I said earlier on, we do fund Victim Support Cymru, and I said earlier on when that funding would continue until—at least 2020. Can I join with her in deploring the daubing of racist slogans on buildings, particularly, but not exclusively, in Newport? I know that she will share my strong condemnation of that. When it comes to reporting crimes, of course, there are two ways of looking at it: firstly, if there was an increase in reported crime, it may be that the actual level of crime has increased, but also it may be that people are more willing to come forward to report crime. It's always difficult to get underneath the statistics. From our perspective, we believe that more people are coming forward. There are not enough yet that report hate crime, and that's why, of course, we continue to support Victim Support Cymru, as I've said, and also, of course, to see how we can further evaluate the community cohesion plan in order to be more effective.
Wel, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, rydym ni'n ariannu Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr Cymru, a dywedais yn gynharach tan pryd y byddai'r cyllid hwnnw'n parhau—2020 o leiaf. A gaf i ymuno â hi o ran gresynu'r weithred o beintio sloganau hiliol ar adeiladau, yn enwedig, ond nid yn unig, yng Nghasnewydd? Gwn y bydd hi yn rhannu fy nghondemniad cryf o hynny. Pan ddaw i hysbysu am droseddau, wrth gwrs, ceir dwy ffordd o edrych ar y mater: yn gyntaf, os bu cynnydd yn nifer y troseddau a adroddwyd, efallai fod lefel wirioneddol y troseddau wedi cynyddu, ond efallai hefyd fod pobl yn fwy parod i ddod ymlaen i hysbysu am droseddau. Mae bob amser yn anodd cael at wraidd yr ystadegau. O'n safbwynt ni, rydym ni'n credu bod mwy o bobl yn dod ymlaen. Nid oes digon eto sy'n hysbysu am droseddau casineb, a dyna pam, wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n parhau i gefnogi Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr Cymru, fel y dywedais, a hefyd, wrth gwrs, i weld sut y gallwn ni werthuso'r cynllun cydlyniant cymunedol ymhellach er mwyn bod yn fwy effeithiol.
5. Pa gynlluniau sydd gan y Prif Weinidog ar waith i gefnogi cyflwyno technoleg 5G? OAQ52283
5. What plans does the First Minister have in place to support the roll-out of 5G technology? OAQ52283

We have appointed Innovation Point to advise, stimulate and develop activity on 5G in Wales, including opportunities to secure funding from the UK Government 5G test bed and trials fund.
Rydym ni wedi penodi Yr Arloesfa i gynghori, ysgogi a datblygu gweithgarwch o ran 5G yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys cyfleoedd i sicrhau cyllid o gronfa gwely prawf a threialon Llywodraeth y DU.
Thank you, First Minister. 5G, as you know, will be crucial to enable much of the innovation that will come out of the fourth industrial revolution. Without 5G, things like driverless cars and the internet of things simply won't be possible. In China, they've already established 5G test beds in 16 cities and predict that 5G will be commercially available in 2020. We've currently got plans for just one, in Monmouthshire. There's an opportunity to use the Swansea bay city region metro that's being proposed as a test bed for using 5G in Wales to develop a new type of metro in the west. So, what is the First Minister going to do to make sure Wales isn't left behind, and will he commit to ensuring that 5G will be commercially available in Wales by 2020, just like in China?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Bydd 5G, fel y gwyddoch, yn hanfodol i alluogi llawer o arloesedd a fydd yn dod yn sgil y pedwerydd chwyldro diwydiannol. Heb 5G, ni fydd pethau fel ceir hunan-yrru a rhyngrwyd pethau yn bosibl. Yn Tsieina, maen nhw eisoes wedi sefydlu gwelyau prawf mewn 16 o ddinasoedd ac maen nhw'n rhagweld y bydd 5G ar gael yn fasnachol yn 2020. Mae gennym ni gynlluniau ar gyfer un yn unig ar hyn o bryd, yn sir Fynwy. Ceir cyfle i ddefnyddio metro dinas-ranbarth bae Abertawe sy'n cael ei gynnig fel gwely prawf ar gyfer defnyddio 5G yng Nghymru i ddatblygu math newydd o fetro yn y gorllewin. Felly, beth mae'r Prif Weinidog yn mynd i'w wneud i wneud yn siŵr nad yw Cymru yn cael ei gadael ar ôl, ac a wnaiff ef ymrwymo i sicrhau y bydd 5G ar gael yn fasnachol yng Nghymru erbyn 2020, yn union fel yn Tsieina?

Well, some of that is outside of our control, but he asked the question properly: what are we doing as a Government? Would I can say to him is that Innovation Point have been working closely with local authorities to develop credible bids and they have done that with the Swansea and Cardiff city regions. The deadline is the twelfth of this month, but that work is ongoing, so it's not just Monmouthshire, but we look at how this can work for our city regions as well. I can say as well that Innovation Point is working with Digital Catapult to undertake the Wales element of a wider UK 5G mapping study. That's delivered an up-to-date comprehensive view of the emerging 5G system in Wales on both the regional and local level. So, as far as the north is concerned, Innovation Point have also been providing support to Bangor University in their efforts to establish a digital signal processing centre of excellence in the north of our country. So, Monmouthshire, yes, first, but looking now, of course, at Swansea and Cardiff and beyond.
Wel, mae rhywfaint o hynny y tu hwnt i'n rheolaeth, ond fe ofynnodd y cwestiwn yn briodol: beth ydym ni'n ei wneud fel Llywodraeth? Yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud wrtho yw bod yr Arloesfa wedi bod yn gweithio'n agos gydag awdurdodau lleol i ddatblygu cynigion credadwy ac maen nhw wedi gwneud hynny gyda dinas-ranbarthau Abertawe a Chaerdydd. Y deuddegfed o'r mis hwn yw'r dyddiad terfyn, ond mae'r gwaith hwnnw'n parhau, felly nid yw'n golygu sir Fynwy yn unig, ond rydym ni'n ystyried sut y gall hyn weithio i'n dinas-ranbarthau hefyd. Gallaf ddweud hefyd bod yr Arloesfa yn gweithio gyda Digital Catapult i gyflawni elfen Cymru o astudiaeth mapio 5G ehangach y DU. Mae hynny wedi darparu golwg gynhwysfawr a chyfredol ar y system 5G sy'n dod i'r amlwg yng Nghymru ar y lefelau rhanbarthol a lleol. Felly, o ran y gogledd, mae'r Arloesfa hefyd wedi bod yn darparu cymorth i Brifysgol Bangor yn ei hymdrechion i sefydlu canolfan ragoriaeth ar gyfer prosesu signalau digidol yng ngogledd ein gwlad. Felly, sir Fynwy, ie, yn gyntaf, ond yn edrych nawr, wrth gwrs, ar Abertawe a Chaerdydd a thu hwnt.
First Minister, can I welcome the fact that Monmouthshire will be chosen as a 5G test bed? I think the implications for rural connectivity are outstanding, and this announcement is a clear example of the UK Government delivering in terms of a digital strategy for Wales, and I look forward to how you're going to co-operate with it.
We've heard about the range of applications and these, to add to them, will go to smart farming with drones and using the internet to improve healthcare in the home and increasing manufacturing productivity, even as far as self-driving cars. So, what consideration are you giving to the impact that 5G technology will have on the health sector and public sector in Wales, first observing the practice in Monmouthshire?
Prif Weinidog, a gaf i groesawu'r ffaith y bydd sir Fynwy yn cael ei dewis fel gwely prawf ar gyfer 5G? Rwy'n credu bod y goblygiadau ar gyfer cysylltedd gwledig yn rhagorol, ac mae'r cyhoeddiad hwn yn enghraifft eglur o Lywodraeth y DU yn cyflawni o ran strategaeth ddigidol i Gymru, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at weld sut yr ydych chi'n mynd i gydweithredu â hi.
Rydym ni wedi clywed am yr ystod o gymwysiadau a bydd y rhain, i ychwanegu atynt, yn mynd i ffermio clyfar gyda dronau a defnyddio'r rhyngrwyd i wella gofal iechyd yn y cartref a chynyddu cynhyrchiant gweithgynhyrchu, cyn belled â cheir hunan-yrru hyd yn oed. Felly, pa ystyriaeth ydych chi wedi ei rhoi i'r effaith y bydd technoleg 5G yn ei chael ar y sector iechyd a'r sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru, gan arsylwi'r arfer yn sir Fynwy yn gyntaf?

Discussions are ongoing between the Cabinet Secretary, Julie James, and those in the health sector to see how 5G can benefit the health sector. As I said earlier on, we quite often see technology as something that primarily benefits the economy. It does, there's no question about that, but we know that there are opportunities in both health and education and other sectors to make sure that technology facilitates better working in the future.
Mae trafodaethau yn parhau rhwng Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, Julie James, a'r rhai hynny yn y sector iechyd i weld sut y gall 5G fod o fudd i'r sector iechyd. Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, rydym ni'n aml yn gweld technoleg fel rhywbeth sydd yn bennaf o fudd i'r economi. Mae hynny'n wir, nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth am hynny, ond rydym ni'n gwybod bod cyfleoedd ym meysydd iechyd ac addysg a sectorau eraill i wneud yn siŵr bod technoleg yn hwyluso gweithio gwell yn y dyfodol.
6. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru'n eu cymryd i gefnogi busnesau bach yng Nhrefynwy? OAQ52274
6. What measures is the Welsh Government taking to support small businesses in Monmouth? OAQ52274

Through Business Wales and the development bank, we are committed to supporting entrepreneurs, of course, and small and medium-sized enterprises across Wales. And our focus remains on innovation-driven entrepreneurs, jobs and the economy.
Trwy Busnes Cymru a'r banc datblygu, rydym ni wedi ymrwymo i gynorthwyo entrepreneuriaid, wrth gwrs, a busnesau bach a chanolig eu maint ledled Cymru. Ac mae ein pwyslais yn parhau ar entrepreneuriaid a ysgogir gan arloesedd, swyddi a'r economi.
Diolch, First Minister. Can I ask you, there was great concern about the introduction of the rate revaluation recently—last year, I should say. That revaluation had a mixed effect across Wales: some areas were far better off, others were not so good. Areas like mine in Monmouthshire and also the Vale of Glamorgan, Cowbridge, were badly affected. There is one business in Chepstow in my constituency that has seen its business rates rise from £4,500 per year to almost £8,000. I know that there were packages of support that were available, but those haven't helped all businesses, particularly that business in Chepstow, which is now in very serious difficulty. Can you tell me if you're going to revisit the rate revaluation and see how you can better provide support for businesses that have been badly affected like this?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. A gaf i ofyn i chi, roedd pryder mawr ynghylch cyflwyno'r ailbrisiad ardrethi yn ddiweddar—y llynedd, dylwn i ddweud. Cafodd yr ailbrisiad hwnnw effaith gymysg ledled Cymru: roedd rhai ardaloedd yn llawer gwell eu byd, nid oedd eraill yn gwneud cystal. Cafwyd effaith wael ar ardaloedd fel fy ardal i yn sir Fynwy a hefyd Bro Morgannwg, y Bont-faen. Ceir un busnes yng Nghas-gwent yn fy etholaeth i y mae ei ardrethi busnes wedi cynyddu o £4,500 y flwyddyn i bron i £8,000. Gwn fod pecynnau cymorth a oedd ar gael, ond nid yw'r rheini wedi helpu pob busnes, yn enwedig y busnes hwnnw yng Nghas-gwent, sydd mewn trafferthion difrifol iawn erbyn hyn. A allwch chi ddweud wrthyf a ydych chi'n mynd i ailystyried y broses ailbrisio ardrethi a gweld a oes ffordd well y gallwch chi ddarparu cymorth i fusnesau sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio'n wael fel hyn?

The difficulty is that if you revise the revaluation or go back to the former valuation, you end up with people having to pay more as a result of the fact that they pay less now. There are always people who pay more and there are always people who pay less. We've known that through revaluations over the years. What we look to do then, of course, is to provide support for those who need it most. I don't know the ins and outs of the situation of the business that the Member has described, but what I can say is that during the course of this year, we'll be providing around £210 million of rates relief to support businesses and other rate payers, and that means that more than three quarters of rate payers in Wales will see a difference. Indeed, more than half will pay no rates at all.
Yr anhawster yw os byddwch chi'n diwygio'r ailbrisiad neu'n dychwelyd i'r prisiad blaenorol, bydd gennych chi sefyllfa yn y pen draw lle mae'n rhaid i bobl dalu mwy o ganlyniad i'r ffaith eu bod nhw'n talu llai nawr. Ceir pobl sy'n talu mwy bob amser a cheir pobl sy'n talu llai bob amser. Rydym ni wedi bod yn ymwybodol o hynny trwy ailbrisiadau dros y blynyddoedd. Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud wedyn, wrth gwrs, yw rhoi cymorth i'r rhai hynny sydd ei angen fwyaf. Nid wyf i'n ymwybodol o union fanylion sefyllfa'r busnes y mae'r Aelod wedi ei ddisgrifio, ond yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud yw y byddwn ni'n darparu tua £210 miliwn o ryddhad ardrethi y flwyddyn hon i gynorthwyo busnesau a thalwyr ardrethi eraill, ac mae hynny'n golygu y bydd mwy na thri chwarter talwyr ardrethi Cymru yn gweld gwahaniaeth. Yn wir, bydd mwy na hanner na fyddant yn talu unrhyw ardrethi o gwbl.
7. A wnaiff y Prif Weinidog ddatganiad am strategaeth gyffredinol Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer ariannu llywodraeth leol? OAQ52266
7. Will the First Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government’s overall strategy for the funding of local government? OAQ52266

We support local government services through a mix of core revenue funding, capital funding and specific grants as appropriate. Our strategy continues to be to protect local government from the impacts of austerity within the resources available to us as a Government.
Rydym ni'n cynorthwyo gwasanaethau llywodraeth leol trwy gymysgedd o gyllid refeniw craidd, cyllid cyfalaf a grantiau penodol fel y bo'n briodol. Ein strategaeth o hyd yw diogelu Llywodraeth Leol rhag effeithiau cyni cyllidol yn unol â'r adnoddau sydd ar gael i ni fel Llywodraeth.
Thank you, First Minister. I think in these times of Tory austerity, the approach that the Welsh Government has taken is to be welcomed. I'm aware, of course, that, for the current 2018-19 budget round, less of this money was hypothecated or ring-fenced, therefore giving greater flexibility and discretion over local authority spending priorities.
From my recent questions to the education Secretary, you'll be aware that, in Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, this means that school funding is being cut and breakfast clubs are under threat, which is actually contrary to the council's own budget consultation in which the public said that schools and education were their No. 1 priority for the borough. So, do you agree with me that this must draw into question whether the Welsh Government can risk removing ring-fenced funding from any further priority areas, such as Supporting People, for example, if some local authorities are going to choose to cut in your determined priority areas?
Diolch, Prif Weinidog. Rwy'n credu yn y cyfnod hwn o gyni cyllidol y Torïaid, bod y dull a fabwysiadwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru i'w groesawu. Rwy'n ymwybodol, wrth gwrs, ar gyfer y cylch cyllideb 2018-19 cyfredol, bod llai o'r arian hwn wedi ei neilltuo neu ei glustnodi, gan roi mwy o hyblygrwydd a disgresiwn dros flaenoriaethau gwariant awdurdodau lleol.
O'm cwestiynau diweddar i'r Ysgrifennydd dros Addysg, byddwch yn ymwybodol, yng Nghyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Merthyr Tudful, bod hyn yn golygu bod cyllid ysgolion yn cael ei dorri a bod clybiau brecwast o dan fygythiad, sy'n mynd yn groes i ymgynghoriad cyllideb y cyngor ei hun pryd y dywedodd y cyhoedd mai ysgolion ac addysg oedd eu prif flaenoriaeth ar gyfer y fwrdeistref. Felly, a ydych chi'n cytuno â mi bod yn rhaid i hyn godi cwestiynau ynghylch pa un a all Llywodraeth Cymru gymryd y risg o dynnu cyllid wedi ei glustnodi o unrhyw feysydd blaenoriaeth eraill, fel Cefnogi Pobl, er enghraifft, os yw rhai awdurdodau lleol yn mynd i ddewis torri yn eich meysydd blaenoriaeth a bennwyd?

Well, the Member makes a fair point. We look, of course, to give as much flexibility as possible to local authorities and they are answerable to their electorates for the decisions that they take. I would've hoped that any local authority would see education as a very strong priority. I'm surprised to hear what the Member has said about her own local authority, and it is the case that local authorities need to demonstrate that, as they're given greater flexibility, they continue to prioritise spending in those areas where money is needed most. And education is one of those areas.
Wel, mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt teg. Ein nod, wrth gwrs, yw rhoi cymaint o hyblygrwydd â phosibl i awdurdodau lleol ac maen nhw'n atebol i'w hetholwyr am y penderfyniadau a wnânt. Byddwn wedi gobeithio y byddai unrhyw awdurdod lleol yn gweld addysg fel blaenoriaeth gref iawn. Rwy'n synnu o glywed yr hyn y mae'r Aelod wedi ei ddweud am ei hawdurdod lleol ei hun, ac mae'n wir bod angen i awdurdodau lleol ddangos, wrth iddyn nhw gael mwy o hyblygrwydd, eu bod nhw'n parhau i flaenoriaethu gwariant yn y meysydd hynny lle mae angen arian fwyaf. Ac mae addysg yn un o'r meysydd hynny.
The 'Reforming Local Government: Power to Local People' White Paper acknowledged directly that there is a need, First Minister, for a more fundamental review of the funding of local government. The current Green Paper also notes that local authorities have highlighted a number of additions in relation to funding. Reacting to the Green Paper, the WLGA states that it
'will continue to press the case for proper funding'
of authorities, and a number of our local authorities now remain committed to calling for appropriate and equitable longer term funding budgets. The Vale of Glamorgan note that there is a well-made case for changes to the formula, as do many other local authorities. When one considers the correspondence your Cabinet Secretary has received, but which he ignores—. He isn't listening now; he's actually preferring to completely ignore the question, and he is the Cabinet Secretary for local government. So, as well as ignoring those calls and ignoring this question today—. Will you liaise with and talk to your Cabinet Secretary, please, to ensure that there is a more sustainable funding model and formula to be established, going forward? It's the very least that our local authorities deserve.
Cydnabuwyd yn uniongyrchol yn y Papur Gwyn 'Diwygio Llywodraeth Leol: Grym i Bobl Leol' bod angen, Prif Weinidog, adolygiad mwy sylfaenol o gyllid llywodraeth leol. Mae'r Papur Gwyrdd cyfredol hefyd yn nodi bod awdurdodau lleol wedi tynnu sylw at nifer o ychwanegiadau o ran chyllid. Gan ymateb i'r Papur Gwyrdd, dywed CLlLC y bydd
yn parhau i ddadlau'r achos dros gyllid priodol
i awdurdodau, ac mae nifer o'n hawdurdodau lleol yn dal i fod yn ymrwymedig nawr i alw am gyllidebau ariannol tymor hwy priodol a theg. Mae Bro Morgannwg yn nodi bod achos da dros newidiadau i'r fformiwla, ac felly hefyd llawer o awdurdodau lleol eraill. Pan fydd rhywun yn ystyried yr ohebiaeth y mae eich Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi ei derbyn, ond y mae'n ei hanwybyddu—. Nid yw'n gwrando nawr; mae'n well ganddo anwybyddu'r cwestiwn yn llwyr, ac ef yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros lywodraeth leol. Felly, yn ogystal ag anwybyddu'r galwadau hynny ac anwybyddu'r cwestiwn hwn heddiw—. A wnewch chi gysylltu â'ch Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet a siarad ag ef, os gwelwch yn dda, i sicrhau bod model a fformiwla gyllido mwy cynaliadwy yn cael eu sefydlu, yn y dyfodol? Dyna'r lleiaf un y mae ein hawdurdodau lleol yn ei haeddu.

Well, I think the Vale of Glamorgan need to explain why they spend less on education than anywhere else in Wales, per head. That is under her party, and that is something that they will need to explain to their electorate. So, what I can say to her is this: that we fund local authorities at a level far higher than would be the case if they were in England, we have sought to protect them as much as we can, but it's inevitable that there will be difficulties and a squeeze of local authorities, because we are ourselves being squeezed. Can I suggest that she takes up the issue with her party in London, who continue to impose a squeeze, year after year after year after year, on Welsh Government, on the Welsh budget, while at the same time chucking £1 billion towards Northern Ireland to buy a handful of votes? That is how low the current UK Government have got—no strategy, all about buying votes.
Wel, rwy'n credu bod angen i Fro Morgannwg esbonio pam maen nhw'n gwario llai ar addysg nag unman arall yng Nghymru, fesul pen. Mae hynny o dan ei phlaid hi, ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth y bydd angen iddyn nhw ei esbonio i'w hetholwyr. Felly, yr hyn y gallaf ei ddweud wrthi yw hyn: ein bod ni'n ariannu awdurdodau lleol ar lefel uwch o lawer na fyddai'n wir pe bydden nhw yn Lloegr, rydym ni wedi ceisio eu diogelu cymaint ag y gallwn, ond mae'n anochel y bydd anawsterau a gwasgfa ar awdurdodau lleol, gan ein bod ni ein hunain yn cael ein gwasgu. A gaf i awgrymu ei bod hi'n codi'r mater gyda'i phlaid yn Llundain, sy'n parhau i orfodi gwasgfa, flwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn ar ôl blwyddyn, ar Lywodraeth Cymru, ar gyllideb Cymru, gan daflu £1 biliwn tuag at Ogledd Iwerddon ar yr un pryd i brynu llond llaw o bleidleisiau? Dyna pa mor isel y mae Llywodraeth bresennol y DU wedi gostwng—dim strategaeth, popeth yn ymwneud â phrynu pleidleisiau.
Un o brif ddadleuon eich Llywodraeth chi dros yr angen i ddiwygio llywodraeth leol yn y ffordd a gynigir yn y Papur Gwyrdd ydy'r angen i sicrhau cynaliadwyedd ariannol y cynghorau i'r dyfodol. Mae arweinwyr cynghorau ledled Cymru o bob lliw gwleidyddol yn cwestiynu'n gryf a fyddai uno'r cynghorau yn arbed arian. Felly, ar sail hynny, pa asesiad ariannol mae'r Llywodraeth wedi ei gwblhau er mwyn cefnogi bwriadau'r Papur Gwyrdd? Faint yn union ydych chi'n gobeithio ei arbed a dros ba gyfnod o amser? Beth fydd cost gychwynnol gweithredu'r ailstrwythuro yma?
One of the main arguments made by your Government over the need to reform local government in the way proposed in the Green Paper is the need to ensure financial sustainability of councils for the future. Council leaders the length and breadth of Wales of all political hues have strongly questioned whether merging councils would save money. So, on the basis of that, what financial assessment has the Government undertaken in order to support the objectives of the Green Paper? How much exactly do you hope to save, and over what period of time? And what will be the initial costs of implementing this restructuring?

Wel, mae yna gost os nad ydym ni'n edrych ar unrhyw fath o newid yn y system o lywodraeth leol. Ar un adeg, roedd chwe awdurdod lleol o fewn mesurau arbennig ynglŷn ag addysg. Roedd Ynys Môn wedi cael ei gymryd drosodd yn gyfan gwbl. Nawr, nid yw hynny'n dangos i fi fod pethau ar hyn o bryd yn gynaliadwy. Mae'n rhaid inni sicrhau o leiaf fod awdurdodau lleol yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd mewn ffordd ranbarthol. Nid yw'n ddigon da i awdurdod lleol i ddweud, 'Wel, nid ydym ni'n mynd i weithio gyda'r rheini sydd drws nesaf i ni.' Rydym ni wedi gweld, wrth gwrs, y gwahaniaeth mawr sydd wedi cael ei wneud yn addysg gyda'r consortia, ac nid oes un awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru yn gallu gweithredu yn iawn dros y bobl sydd yn byw tu fewn i'w ffiniau os nad ydyn nhw'n gweithio gydag awdurdodau eraill. So, mae arian yn bwysig—rydym ni i gyd yn deall hynny—ond mae'r modd mae pobl yn gweithio yn bwysig hefyd.
Well, there is a cost if we were not to look at any kind of reform in the local government system. At one point, there were six local authorities in special measures as regards education, and Anglesey had been taken over completely. That demonstrates to me that things are not currently sustainable. We must ensure that local authorities at least work on a regional basis together. It’s not good enough for them to say, 'We're just not going to work with those next door to us.' We’ve seen the great change and difference that has been made in education with the consortia, and no local authority in Wales can work properly on behalf of their people unless they collaborate with other authorities. So, funding is important—we all understand that—but the way in which people work together is also important too.
8. Pa gamau y mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn eu cymryd i amddiffyn a chefnogi'r diwydiant dur yng Nghymru? OAQ52284
8. What action is the Welsh Government taking to protect and support the steel industry in Wales? OAQ52284

We remain fully committed to supporting steel making in Wales and to ensuring a secure and sustainable future for the sector. We're working hard, of course, with Tata. If I could read to the Member the joint statement that we sent out last week with Tata Steel, which says:
We're working closely and constructively together to finalise the substantial public investment in the power plant at Port Talbot, which will reduce energy costs and cut carbon emissions. We remain fully committed to a secure and sustainable future for steel making at Port Talbot and this investment will play a significant part in this. We look forward to announcing the final go-ahead for the project and drawdown of funding in the near future.
That builds on, course, the substantial help that we've given to steel making in Wales, and rightly so, because we know how important steel making is to our economy.
Rydym ni'n parhau i fod wedi ymrwymo'n llwyr i gefnogi cynhyrchu dur yng Nghymru ac i sicrhau dyfodol diogel a chynaliadwy i'r sector. Rydym ni'n gweithio, wrth gwrs, gyda Tata. Os caf i ddarllen i'r Aelod y datganiad ar y cyd a anfonwyd allan gennym yr wythnos diwethaf gyda Tata Steel, sy'n dweud:
Rydym ni'n gweithio'n agos ac yn adeiladol gyda'n gilydd i gwblhau'r buddsoddiad cyhoeddus sylweddol yn yr orsaf bŵer ym Mhort Talbot, a fydd yn lleihau costau ynni ac yn lleihau allyriadau carbon. Rydym ni'n dal i fod yn gwbl ymrwymedig i sicrhau dyfodol diogel a chynaliadwy i gynhyrchu dur ym Mhort Talbot a bydd y buddsoddiad hwn yn chwarae rhan sylweddol yn hyn. Edrychwn ymlaen at gyhoeddi'r sêl bendith terfynol ar gyfer y prosiect a darparu'r arian yn y dyfodol agos.
Mae hynny'n adeiladu, wrth gwrs, ar y cymorth sylweddol yr ydym ni wedi ei roi i gynhyrchu dur yng Nghymru, yn gwbl briodol, gan ein bod ni'n gwybod pa mor bwysig yw cynhyrchu dur i'n heconomi.
Thank you, First Minister, for that answer and pre-empting my question, to an extent. But the sanction that has been imposed by the US on UK steel is going to have a major impact upon Port Talbot steel and steel products from elsewhere in Wales. Steel companies will look elsewhere, to other markets, which you've you already highlighted, to sell their steel and, therefore, the price of steel is likely to go down. This affects the profitability of steel, therefore, we need to address these matters, and you've already, thankfully, commented upon the leaked report that was mentioned in the press a couple of weeks ago about the £30 million investment in Tata for the power plant, so I can leave that one.
But you also, in your response to Caroline Jones, mentioned the actions that need to be taken to address the steel tariff issues. What are you doing as a Government to actually push those? Because it's important that we get this message across to the UK Government, and elsewhere, to ensure that actions are taken to protect our steel industry and the profitability of our steel industry. Otherwise, we will see damage done to our industry here.
Diolch, Prif Weinidog, am yr ateb yna ac am achub y blaen ar fy nghwestiwn, i raddau. Ond mae'r sancsiwn a orfodwyd gan yr Unol Daleithiau ar ddur y DU yn mynd i gael effaith fawr ar ddur Port Talbot a chynhyrchion dur o fannau eraill yng Nghymru. Bydd cwmnïau dur yn troi at fannau eraill, at farchnadoedd eraill, rhywbeth yr ydych chi wedi ei amlygu eisoes, i werthu eu dur ac, felly, mae pris dur yn debygol o ostwng. Mae hyn yn effeithio ar broffidioldeb dur, felly, mae angen i ni roi sylw i'r materion hyn, ac rydych chi wedi gwneud sylwadau eisoes, diolch byth, ar yr adroddiad a ddatgelwyd y cyfeiriwyd ato yn y wasg wythnos neu ddwy yn ôl am y buddsoddiad o £30 miliwn yn Tata ar gyfer yr orsaf bŵer, felly gallaf adael yr un yna.
Ond cyfeiriasoch hefyd, yn eich ymateb i Caroline Jones, at y camau y mae angen eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â'r materion tariffau dur. Beth ydych chi'n ei wneud fel Llywodraeth i wthio'r rheini? Oherwydd mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n cyfleu'r neges hon i Lywodraeth y DU, a mannau eraill, i sicrhau y cymerir camau i ddiogelu ein diwydiant dur a phroffidioldeb ein diwydiant dur. Fel arall, byddwn yn gweld niwed yn cael ei wneud i'n diwydiant ni yma.

Can I thank the Member for his question, and the many questions he's asked on behalf of his constituents, and rightly so? He asks what I have done. I was in Washington last week. I had several meetings there, including meetings with British embassy staff. We worked through what needed to be done next. It's not clear, because the US Government can be unpredictable, if I can put it that way. It's been made clear many, many times to the US that, actually, steel from Wales and steel from the UK does not pose a threat to the American steel industry. Many of the products that we export to the States are not made in the States. All that will happen is the price will go up for the American consumer. What we are not clear about is what effect there will be in terms of tariffs. I know in Trostre, for example, that exports to the US are a very profitable part of that business, and it's not clear, actually, whether Trostre will still be able to continue to sell to the US, if only for the fact the US doesn't produce what Trostre produces. But, as I said earlier on, what's hugely important is that we don't see steel that was previously bound for the US market ending up in the European market, causing a drop in the price of steel. That inevitably would not help in terms of the long-term sustainability of our industry.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiwn, a'r cwestiynau lawer y mae wedi eu gofyn ar ran ei etholwyr, a hynny'n gwbl briodol? Mae'n gofyn beth ydw i wedi ei wneud. Roeddwn i yn Washington yr wythnos diwethaf. Cefais sawl cyfarfod yno, gan gynnwys cyfarfodydd gyda staff llysgenhadaeth Prydain. Gweithiwyd drwy'r hyn y mae angen ei wneud nesaf. Nid yw'n eglur, oherwydd gall fod yn anodd rhagweld yr hyn y bydd Llywodraeth yr Unol Daleithiau yn ei wneud, os caf ei roi felly. Fe'i gwnaed yn eglur droeon i'r Unol Daleithiau nad yw dur o Gymru na dur o'r DU yn peri bygythiad i ddiwydiant dur America mewn gwirionedd. Nid oes llawer o'r cynhyrchion yr ydym ni'n eu hallforio i'r Unol Daleithiau yn cael eu gwneud yn yr Unol Daleithiau. Y cwbl fydd yn digwydd yw y bydd y pris yn cynyddu i ddefnyddwyr America. Yr hyn nad ydym yn eglur yn ei gylch yw pa effaith fydd yna o ran tariffau. Gwn yn Nhrostre, er enghraifft, bod allforion i'r Unol Daleithiau yn rhan broffidiol iawn o'r busnes hwnnw, ac nid yw'n eglur, a dweud y gwir, pa un a fydd Trostre yn dal i allu parhau i werthu i'r Unol Daleithiau, oherwydd y ffaith nad yw'r Unol Daleithiau yn cynhyrchu'r hyn y mae Trostre yn ei gynhyrchu. Ond, fel y dywedais yn gynharach, yr hyn sy'n hynod bwysig yw nad ydym ni'n gweld dur a oedd ar ei ffordd i farchnad yr Unol Daleithiau yn flaenorol yn cyrraedd y farchnad Ewropeaidd nawr, gan achosi gostyngiad i bris dur. Mae'n anochel na fyddai hynny'n helpu o ran cynaliadwyedd hirdymor ein diwydiant.
Yes, First Minister, I think, when it comes to the threat of the US tariffs, all UK Governments need to be working together and speaking with one voice on this and actually improving efforts, not least in getting these city deal moneys flowing, because, obviously, part of that, for the Swansea bay city deal, is the steel innovation centre. I take some reassurance from your comments on the power station. I think we were all slightly confused by the comment that the decision would not be made on that until after you'd left as First Minister, so perhaps you can reassure us that this money from last year's budget will be released as soon as possible. If you can give us a date for that, rather than 'we are working together', I think all Tata workers would be far more reassured.
Ie, Prif Weinidog, rwy'n credu, pan ddaw hi i fygythiad tariffau'r Unol Daleithiau, bod angen i holl Lywodraethau'r DU weithio gyda'i gilydd a siarad ag un llais ar hyn a gwella ymdrechion, nid lleiaf o ran cael arian y dinas-ranbarthau hyn i lifo, oherwydd, yn amlwg, rhan o hynny, i fargen ddinesig bae Abertawe, yw'r ganolfan arloesedd dur. Cymeraf rywfaint o gysur o'ch sylwadau ar yr orsaf bŵer. Rwy'n credu ein bod ni i gyd wedi ein drysu braidd gan y sylw na fyddai'r penderfyniad yn cael ei wneud am hynny tan ar ôl i chi adael fel Prif Weinidog, felly efallai y gallwch chi ein sicrhau y bydd yr arian hwn o gyllideb y llynedd yn cael ei ryddhau cyn gynted â phosibl. Os gallwch chi roi dyddiad i ni ar gyfer hynny, yn hytrach na 'rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'n gilydd', rwy'n credu y byddai holl weithwyr Tata yn llawer tawelach eu meddwl.

Nothing is on hold while I am the First Minister. As the Member can well imagine, I'm very keen to take decisions that help the people of Wales as quickly as possible. That is something that we intend to do once we're in a position to do so. With regard to Port Talbot, we ask people to judge us on what we've already done: the money that we've committed, the close working that we have had as a Government with Tata—not just in the UK but also in Mumbai as well. And she will have heard the joint statement that I read out in the Chamber that was made by both ourselves as a Government and by Tata.
Nid oes dim wedi ei ohirio tra fy mod i'n Brif Weinidog. Fel y gall yr Aelod yn hawdd ei ddychmygu, rwy'n awyddus iawn i wneud penderfyniadau sy'n helpu pobl Cymru mor gyflym â phosibl. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth yr ydym ni'n bwriadu ei wneud cyn gynted ag y byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa i wneud hynny. O ran Port Talbot, rydym ni'n gofyn i bobl ein barnu ni ar yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud eisoes: yr arian yr ydym ni wedi ei ymrwymo, y cydweithio agos yr ydym ni wedi ei gynnal fel Llywodraeth gyda Tata—nid yn unig yn y DU ond ym Mumbai hefyd. A bydd hi wedi clywed y datganiad ar y cyd a ddarllenais yn y Siambr a wnaed gennym ni fel Llywodraeth a chan Tata.
It was on the power plant that I wanted to ask further because, of course, I met with Tata and they said that they've obviously completed phase 1, but they've got three other stages to complete with regard to the replacement of the power plant, and we're talking here about US steel tariffs. Surely investment now is critical in the power plant in Port Talbot to ensure that we mitigate against any of the worst effects coming from those tariffs. So, I understand from their briefing that the heads of terms for the grant funding have not yet been agreed between you. Can you give us assurances that you will make that decision as soon as possible and that you will give us a clear outline as to when that decision will be made, so that progress can be put forward in Port Talbot on this particular scheme?
Ynghylch yr orsaf bŵer yr oeddwn i eisiau holi ymhellach oherwydd, wrth gwrs, cefais gyfarfod â Tata a dywedasant eu bod yn amlwg wedi cwblhau cam 1, ond mae ganddyn nhw dri cham arall i'w cwblhau o ran disodli'r orsaf bŵer, ac rydym ni'n sôn yn y fan yma am dariffau dur yr Unol Daleithiau. Siawns bod buddsoddi nawr yn hollbwysig yn yr orsaf bŵer ym Mhort Talbot i sicrhau ein bod ni'n lliniaru rhag unrhyw rai o'r effeithiau gwaethaf sy'n dod o'r tariffau hynny. Felly, rwy'n deall o'u briffio nad yw penawdau'r telerau ar gyfer y cyllid grant wedi eu cytuno rhyngoch eto. A allwch chi roi sicrwydd y byddwch chi'n gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw cyn gynted â phosibl ac y byddwch chi'n rhoi amlinelliad eglur i ni ynghylch pryd y bydd y penderfyniad hwnnw'n cael ei wneud, fel y gellir cyflymu'r cynnydd ym Mhort Talbot ar y cynllun penodol hwn?

The clear answer to that is 'yes'. Of course we want to make the decision as quickly as possible. Tata understand that as well, and she will have heard what was said as part of the joint statement that was issued between ourselves and Tata. I'm looking forward, of course, to the announcement when that can be done, and the drawing down of funding. Tata know that they have experienced a level of support, both financially and morally, from the Welsh Government. The situation is one of trust, and we want to make sure, of course, that we can make this announcement as quickly as possible.
'Gallaf' yw'r ateb amlwg i hynny. Wrth gwrs, rydym ni eisiau gwneud y penderfyniad cyn gynted â phosibl. Mae Tata yn deall hynny hefyd, a bydd hi wedi clywed yr hyn a ddywedwyd yn rhan o'r datganiad ar y cyd a gyhoeddwyd gennym ni a Tata. Rwy'n edrych ymlaen, wrth gwrs, at y cyhoeddiad pryd y gellir gwneud hynny, a darparu'r cyllid. Mae Tata yn gwybod eu bod nhw wedi cael lefel o gymorth, yn ariannol ac yn foesol, gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae'r sefyllfa yn un o ymddiriedaeth, ac rydym ni eisiau gwneud yn siŵr, wrth gwrs, y gallwn ni wneud y cyhoeddiad hwn mor gyflym â phosibl.
Diolch i'r Prif Weinidog.
Thank you, First Minister.
Yr eitem nesaf yw'r datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes, ac rydw i'n galw ar arweinydd y tŷ i wneud y datganiad. Julie James.
The next item is the business statement and announcement, and I call on the leader of the house to make the statement. Julie James.

Diolch, Llywydd. There are two changes to report to today's business. The Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport will make a statement on rail services and the south Wales metro shortly. And, later this afternoon, the Minister for Housing and Regeneration will make a statement on changes to the park homes commission rate. Additionally, the time allocated to the Counsel General's oral Assembly questions tomorrow has been reduced. Business for the next three weeks is shown on the business statement and announcement found among the meeting papers available to Members electronically.
Diolch, Llywydd. Mae dau newid i'w hadrodd i fusnes heddiw. Bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth yn gwneud datganiad ar wasanaethau rheilffyrdd a metro de Cymru cyn bo hir. Ac, yn ddiweddarach y prynhawn yma, bydd y Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio yn gwneud datganiad ar newidiadau i gyfradd comisiwn cartrefi parc. Hefyd, mae'r amser a neilltuwyd i gwestiynau Cynulliad llafar y Cwnsler Cyffredinol yfory wedi ei leihau. Dangosir busnes ar gyfer y tair wythnos nesaf ar y datganiad a chyhoeddiad busnes sydd i'w gweld ymhlith y papurau cyfarfod sydd ar gael i'r Aelodau yn electronig.
Leader of the house, could we have a statement from the public service Minister on the support and help that community councils and town councils have, and the guidance that the unitary authorities have in dealing with our town and community councils? In my own electoral region, I have a great difference in the level of community councils that are in the Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff and Rhondda Cynon Taf, and I find that, on each occasion, local authorities have a differing view on how they consult and how they engage with those community and town councils. It is really troubling to hear many community councillors say that they feel completely ignored and overlooked in what is the first rung in our democratic process. I'd be grateful to understand what role and what assistance and guidance central Government—in this instance, Welsh Government—give to the unitary authorities in Wales to make sure that there's a level playing field when it comes to that engagement and that consultation process on important announcements. Thank you.
Arweinydd y tŷ, a allem ni gael datganiad gan y Gweinidog gwasanaethau cyhoeddus ar y gefnogaeth a'r cymorth sydd gan gynghorau cymuned a chynghorau tref, a'r canllawiau sydd gan yr awdurdodau unedol o ran ymdrin â'n cynghorau tref a chymuned? Yn fy rhanbarth etholiadol i fy hun, mae gen i wahaniaeth mawr yn y lefel o gynghorau cymuned sydd ym Mro Morgannwg, Caerdydd a Rhondda Cynon Taf, ac rwy'n canfod, ar bob achlysur, bod gan awdurdodau lleol wahanol farn ar sut y maen nhw'n ymgynghori a sut y maen nhw'n ymgysylltu â'r cynghorau cymuned a thref hynny. Mae'n peri gofid gwirioneddol clywed llawer o gynghorwyr cymuned yn dweud eu bod nhw'n teimlo eu bod yn cael eu hanwybyddu a'u diystyru'n llwyr ar yr hyn sy'n ris cyntaf ein proses ddemocrataidd. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar o gael deall pa swyddogaeth a pha gymorth a chanllawiau y mae'r Llywodraeth ganolog—Llywodraeth Cymru yn yr achos hwn—yn eu rhoi i'r awdurdodau unedol yng Nghymru i wneud yn siŵr y ceir chwarae teg pan ddaw i'r ymgysylltu hwnnw a'r broses ymgynghori honno ar gyhoeddiadau pwysig. Diolch.
Yes, the Cabinet Secretary is happily nodding away at you, and I think he's indicating he'll be more than happy to bring forward a statement on this.
Iawn, mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn nodio'n hapus atoch chi, ac rwy'n credu ei fod yn dweud y bydd yn fwy na pharod i gyflwyno datganiad ar hyn.
Could I ask for a Government debate to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Wales becoming a Fairtrade Nation? That's something that—. I think we were the first in the world to have that status, and it's something that I think we should celebrate as an Assembly. But it'd be good to celebrate it with a Government debate, because we're using Government time then, which is good, because it's on a Tuesday, which is good, because it will get people's attention, but because we can also then interweave into that debate other work that the Government does in its own outreach Wales in Africa work and supporting fair trade in the wider sense of the word. I am given to understand that the Government has cut the money that goes to fair trade in Wales, so we can explore that as well. That wouldn't be such a good side of it, but I think, on the whole, we want to celebrate that we have the tenth anniversary tomorrow of Wales becoming a Fairtrade Nation.
Secondly, can I ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for health? I understand he's shortly to visit Welshpool hospital after the flooding, the very sudden flash flooding, that was had there about a week ago, and I want to thank those workers and medical staff and everyone who worked to overcome those difficulties. When the Cabinet Secretary returns, can we have at least a written statement from him about what experiences and lessons have been learned from that, particularly what resilience and planning may need to be applied for the future so that we can make sure—? You can't control the weather, but you can at least know the effect of such flash flooding and take that into account.
Finally, can I ask for perhaps an oral statement, I think, building on what the Cabinet Secretary just said earlier—sorry, the First Minister just said earlier—in questions around the future of the tidal lagoon in Swansea bay, something I know she is very interested in? We are hearing these very desperate rumours from Westminster of a lack of support at the UK Government level now for the tidal lagoon and some astonishingly ill-judged comments from Alun Cairns—ill-judged and completely incorrect, as it happens, in terms of his mathematics. If we can have a statement from the appropriate Minister—perhaps the First Minister himself—including a reference to the letter, which I have now seen, which he wrote today to Greg Clark—. And it would be good if that letter was now circulated, rather than by Twitter, directly to Assembly Members so that we can have a good look at it because, for the first time, I see an actual figure in this letter of £200 million offered by the Welsh Government. That has been rumoured in the past. I haven't seen it written down before. Certainly, as Chair of the Finance Committee, I haven't seen it in any budget papers before. An equity scheme, a co-financing scheme: a rather similar approach has been taken by the UK Government to Wylfa of course, in terms of building investment in energy infrastructure, and, of course, for the UK Government to come up with a contract for differences agreement similar to that for Hinkley Point C. All this is positive from the Welsh Government, but we need to understand how we can build this alternative approach now, which I'm sure will get support from all parts of this Assembly, as the Assembly has unanimously voted in favour of the principle of a tidal lagoon, subject to regulatory approval, as the letter does, in fact, say. What we really need is a Welsh-made plan B. This is a fantastic opportunity, not only for job creation, not only for energy generation in Swansea bay, but a technology that Wales can own and sell abroad and actually pioneer and take forward. I'm very much afraid that part of the reason that we're held back and not allowed to take this forward ourselves is that some people think that we should do what we're told and we shouldn't take the initiative in things like this. Well, I don't agree with that, and I think it's very appropriate that we have time here now to debate what an alternative plan could be: one made in Wales, one where we perhaps come as joint owners of such an idea as this, where we work with the company, with the private sector, but ultimately the people of Wales will also benefit then from the investment that the Welsh Government can do and bring the UK Government, perhaps shamefaced, but, at the end of the day, bring the UK Government to the table as well.
A gaf i ofyn am ddadl Llywodraeth i ddathlu degfed pen-blwydd Cymru yn genedl Masnach Deg? Mae hynny'n rhywbeth y—. Rwy'n credu mai ni oedd y cyntaf yn y byd i gael y statws hwnnw, ac mae'n rhywbeth yr wyf yn credu y dylem ni ei ddathlu fel Cynulliad. Ond byddai'n dda cael ei ddathlu â dadl Llywodraeth, oherwydd y byddwn ni'n defnyddio amser y Llywodraeth wedyn, sy'n beth da, gan ei fod ar ddydd Mawrth, sy'n beth da, oherwydd y bydd yn cael sylw pobl, ond oherwydd y gallwn ni hefyd gydblethu i'r ddadl honno y gwaith arall y mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei wneud yn ei gwaith allestyn drwy Cymru o Blaid Affrica, ac wrth gefnogi masnach deg yn ystyr ehangach y gair. Rwyf ar ddeall bod y Llywodraeth wedi torri'r arian sy'n cael ei roi i fasnach deg yng Nghymru, felly gallwn ni ymchwilio i hynny hefyd. Ni fyddai'r ochr honno mor dda, ond rwy'n credu, ar y cyfan, ein bod ni eisiau dathlu degfed pen-blwydd Cymru yn genedl Masnach Deg yfory.
Yn ail, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd? Rwy'n deall y bydd ef yn ymweld ag Ysbyty'r Trallwng cyn bo hir yn dilyn y llifogydd, y llifogydd fflach sydyn iawn, a ddigwyddodd yno ryw wythnos yn ôl, a hoffwn ddiolch i'r gweithwyr a'r staff meddygol hynny a phawb a oedd yn gweithio i oresgyn yr anawsterau hynny. Pan fydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn dychwelyd, a gawn ni o leiaf ddatganiad ysgrifenedig ganddo ynghylch pa brofiadau a gwersi a ddysgwyd o hynny, yn enwedig pa gydnerthedd a chynlluniau y byddai angen eu gweithredu ar gyfer y dyfodol er mwyn i ni allu gwneud yn siŵr—? Nid oes modd rheoli'r tywydd, ond mae modd gwybod effaith y fath fflachlifoedd o leiaf, a rhoi ystyriaeth i hynny.
Yn olaf, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad llafar efallai, rwy'n credu, gan adeiladu ar yr hyn y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet newydd ei ddweud—mae'n ddrwg gennyf, yr hyn y mae'r Prif Weinidog newydd ei ddweud—yn ystod cwestiynau ynghylch dyfodol y morlyn llanw ym Mae Abertawe, rhywbeth rwy'n gwybod y mae ganddi ddiddordeb mawr ynddo? Rydym ni'n clywed y sïon drwg iawn hyn o San Steffan am ddiffyg cefnogaeth ar lefel Llywodraeth y DU bellach ar gyfer y morlyn llanw a rhai sylwadau rhyfeddol o annoeth gan Alun Cairns—annoeth a chwbl anghywir, fel y mae'n digwydd, o ran ei mathemateg. Os gallwn ni gael datganiad gan y Gweinidog priodol—efallai y Prif Weinidog ei hun—gan gynnwys cyfeiriad at y llythyr, yr wyf erbyn hyn wedi'i weld, a ysgrifennodd heddiw i Greg Clark—. A byddai'n dda pe byddai'r llythyr hwnnw yn cael ei ddosbarthu nawr yn uniongyrchol i Aelodau'r Cynulliad, yn hytrach na drwy Twitter, er mwyn i ni edrych yn fanwl arno oherwydd, am y tro cyntaf, rwy'n gweld ffigur gwirioneddol o £200 miliwn yn y llythyr hwn a gynigir gan Lywodraeth Cymru. Mae sôn wedi bod am hynny yn y gorffennol. Nid wyf wedi'i weld wedi'i ysgrifennu mewn du a gwyn o'r blaen. Yn sicr, fel Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cyllid, dydw i ddim wedi ei weld mewn unrhyw bapurau cyllideb o'r blaen. Cynllun ecwiti, cynllun cyd-ariannu: mae dull gweddol debyg wedi ei gymryd gan Lywodraeth y DU ar gyfer Wylfa wrth gwrs, o ran buddsoddi mewn seilwaith ynni, ac, wrth gwrs, i Lywodraeth y DU lunio contract gwahaniaethau, cytundeb tebyg i'r hwn ar gyfer Hinkley Point C. Mae hyn i gyd yn gadarnhaol o du Llywodraeth Cymru, ond mae angen inni ddeall sut y gallwn ni ddatblygu'r dull amgen hwn yn awr, a fydd yn cael ei gefnogi, rwy'n siŵr, gan bob ochr o'r Cynulliad hwn, gan fod y Cynulliad wedi pleidleisio yn unfrydol o blaid yr egwyddor o forlyn llanw, yn amodol ar dderbyn cymeradwyaeth reoliadol, fel y mae'r llythyr, mewn gwirionedd, yn ei ddweud. Yr hyn sydd ei angen arnom ni mewn gwirionedd yw cynllun B wedi ei wneud gan Gymru. Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych, nid yn unig i greu swyddi, nid yn unig ar gyfer cynhyrchu ynni ym Mae Abertawe, ond hefyd ar gyfer technoleg y gall Cymru ei hun ei gwerthu dramor ac mewn gwirionedd ei harloesi a'i symud ymlaen. Mae arnaf ofn fawr iawn mai rhan o'r rheswm ein bod ni'n cael ein cadw'n ôl ac na chaniateir i ni fwrw ymlaen â hyn ein hunain yw bod rhai pobl yn meddwl y dylem ni ufuddhau ac na ddylem gymryd yr awenau gyda phethau fel hyn. Wel, dydw i ddim yn cytuno â hynny, a chredaf ei bod yn briodol iawn fod gennym ni amser yma nawr i drafod yr hyn a allai fod yn gynllun amgen: un a wnaed yng Nghymru, un lle efallai y byddwn ni yn gyd-berchnogion ar syniad o'r fath, lle rydym ni'n gweithio gyda'r cwmni, gyda'r sector preifat, ond bydd pobl Cymru ar eu hennill yn y pen draw, o'r buddsoddiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ond gan ddod â Llywodraeth y DU, efallai â'i phen yn isel, ond, ar ddiwedd y dydd, dod â Llywodraeth y DU at y bwrdd hefyd.
Yes, well, Simon Thomas, as usual, makes a number of very interesting points. I think the Fairtrade Nation anniversary is something that we hadn't overlooked. It's very important to celebrate it; I'm very happy to explore what we can do to bring forward an opportunity to do so. It's something we are all very proud of, and I completely take the point. I certainly am happy to look at how we can bring forward such an opportunity.
I'm sure that the Cabinet Secretary for health will want to update Members on the Welshpool hospital issues. I'll explore with him the best way of making sure that that update happens. I'm not entirely certain what the extent of that is, but I'm happy to explore how to do that with him.
On the tidal lagoon, I had the misfortune to overhear the Secretary of State for Wales, Alun Cairns, this morning on Radio Wales, and I thought that his actions were disgraceful. I think, to quote a Cabinet Secretary colleague of mine, 'With friends like that, who needs enemies?', as he was still trying to claim that he was a friend of the lagoon. I think the UK Government's behaviour over this has been disgraceful. The Hendry report made it extremely plain how it could be taken forward. There is absolutely no excuse for falling back on erroneous figures and poor analogies. The idea that anyone had ever proposed a like-for-like comparison with Wylfa and that, somehow, if you put Wylfa Newydd on a different footing, the tidal lagoon necessarily falls, or that, indeed, any old investment in Wales will do, and if it's in Wales it must be quite close to each other so it doesn't really matter if one is in the north or the south, which is the overwhelming impression I was getting from what he was saying, simply isn't good enough.
We are extremely proud of what we have done to try and ensure that the tidal lagoon goes ahead. We will very seriously continue to do that. The First Minister made his opinion extremely plain, both in First Minister's questions and as a result of that. I will make sure that is distributed to all Members, either by placing it in the Library or some other means. It is available. It's a public letter. We're very pleased to be able to support the lagoon. We're very sad that such a letter has been necessary today. I will say, though, that of course we have not yet had a decision. What we have had is a load of leaked stuff and rumours and Secretaries of State going on the radio to say things, but we have actually not had any decision. So, I would very much hope that the outpouring of outrage, really, at the proposed decision will make them think again and that we can indeed have the right decision. But we are certainly very much behind it, and I will certainly explore what we can do to make sure that Members can express their views very forcibly on the subject.
Ie, wel, mae Simon Thomas, fel arfer, yn gwneud nifer o bwyntiau diddorol iawn. Rwy’n credu bod ein pen-blwydd yn Genedl Masnach Deg yn rhywbeth nad ydym ni wedi ei anghofio. Mae'n bwysig iawn ei ddathlu; rwy'n hapus iawn i ystyried beth y gallwn ei wneud i greu'r cyfle i wneud hynny. Mae'n rhywbeth yr ydym ni i gyd yn falch iawn ohono, ac rwy'n derbyn y pwynt yn llwyr. Rwy'n sicr yn hapus i edrych ar sut y gallwn ni gynnig cyfle o'r fath.
Rwy'n siŵr y bydd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd eisiau rhoi diweddariad i'r Aelodau ar faterion sy'n gysylltiedig ag ysbyty'r Trallwng. Fe wnaf innau edrych gydag ef ar y ffordd orau o wneud yn siŵr bod yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf honno yn cael ei chyflwyno. Dydw i ddim yn gwbl sicr beth yw graddau hynny, ond rwy'n hapus i archwilio sut i wneud hynny gydag ef.
O ran y morlyn llanw, cefais yr anffawd i ddigwydd clywed Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru, Alun Cairns, y bore yma ar Radio Wales, ac roeddwn i'n meddwl bod yr hyn a wnaeth yn warthus. I ddyfynnu un o Ysgrifenyddion y Cabinet, 'â ffrindiau fel'na, pwy sydd angen gelynion?', wrth iddo dal i geisio honni ei fod ef yn gyfaill i'r lagŵn. Rwy'n credu bod ymddygiad Llywodraeth y DU yn y mater hwn wedi bod yn warthus. Roedd Adroddiad Hendry yn ei gwneud yn eithriadol o glir sut y gellid ei ddatblygu. Nid oes unrhyw esgus o gwbl ar gyfer droi yn ôl unwaith eto at ffigurau anghywir a chyfatebiaethau gwael. Mae'r syniad bod rhywun erioed wedi cynnig cymhariaeth debyg am debyg â Wylfa a, rywsut neu'i gilydd, os byddwch chi'n cynnwys Wylfa Newydd ar sail wahanol, yna bydd y morlyn llanw o reidrwydd yn syrthio, neu, yn wir, bydd unrhyw fath o fuddsoddiad yng Nghymru yn gwneud y tro, ac os yw yng Nghymru, mae'n rhaid bod y pethau hyn yn eithaf agos at ei gilydd ta beth, felly does dim ots wir os yw hyn yn y gogledd neu yn y de, sef yr argraff llethol a gefais o'r hyn yr oedd yn ei ddweud, nid yw hynny'n ddigon da.
Rydym ni'n hynod o falch o'r hyn yr ydym wedi'i wneud i geisio sicrhau bod y morlyn llanw yn mynd rhagddo. Byddwn ni'n parhau i wneud hynny o ddifrif calon. Mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi gwneud ei farn yn glir iawn, yn ystod y cwestiynau i'r Prif Weinidog ac o ganlyniad i hynny. Byddaf yn gwneud yn siŵr y caiff ei ddosbarthu i'r holl Aelodau, naill ai drwy ei roi yn y Llyfrgell neu drwy ryw ddull arall. Mae ar gael. Mae'n llythyr cyhoeddus. Rydym ni'n falch iawn o allu cefnogi'r morlyn. Rydym ni'n drist iawn y bu angen llythyr o'r fath heddiw. Fe ddywedaf i, er hynny, wrth gwrs, nad ydym ni wedi cael penderfyniad o hyd. Yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi'i gael yw llwyth o bethau wedi'u gollwng, a sïon, ac Ysgrifenyddion Gwladol yn mynd ar y radio i ddweud pethau, ond mewn gwirionedd nid ydym ni wedi cael unrhyw benderfyniad. Felly, byddwn i'n gobeithio'n fawr iawn y bydd y dicter aruthrol a deimlir, mewn gwirionedd, tuag at y penderfyniad arfaethedig, yn gwneud iddynt feddwl ddwywaith ac y gallwn ni gael y penderfyniad iawn yn wir. Ond yn sicr rydym ni yn gefnogol iawn ohono, a byddaf i yn sicr yn archwilio yr hyn y gallwn ni ei wneud i wneud yn siŵr y gall Aelodau fynegi eu barn ar y pwnc yn rymus iawn.
Leader of the house, the Vale of Glamorgan Council is proposing to reshape youth services in my constituency, which could result in the loss of up to 30 trained part-time youth workers. I understand that there has been no direct consultation with the young people, the Vale youth forum, or the elected youth cabinet, in line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. I also understand that the south Wales police commissioner hasn't been consulted in terms of the impacts on young people and prevention of crime. There has been no formal consultation with the trade unions representing the youth workers. I'd be grateful for a statement on this matter.
Arweinydd y tŷ, mae Cyngor Bro Morgannwg yn cynnig ail-strwythuro gwasanaethau ieuenctid yn fy etholaeth, a allai arwain at golli hyd at 30 o weithwyr ieuenctid rhan-amser hyfforddedig. Rwy'n deall na fu unrhyw ymgynghori â'r bobl ifanc yn uniongyrchol, Fforwm Ieuenctid y Fro, na chyda chabinet ieuenctid etholedig, yn unol â Chonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar hawliau'r plentyn. Rwy'n deall hefyd nad ydyn nhw wedi ymgynghori â chomisiynydd Heddlu De Cymru o ran yr effeithiau ar bobl ifanc ac atal troseddu. Ni chynhaliwyd unrhyw ymgynghoriad ffurfiol â'r undebau llafur sy'n cynrychioli gweithwyr ieuenctid. Byddwn yn ddiolchgar am ddatganiad ar y mater hwn.
Can I just say that I'm not aware of the circumstances surrounding that? I'd be very grateful if you'd share the circumstances with me, and I will explore what we can do once we have got the detail from you.
A gaf i ddweud nad ydwyf yn ymwybodol o'r amgylchiadau? Byddwn i'n ddiolchgar iawn pe byddech chi'n rhannu'r amgylchiadau â mi, ac fe fyddaf i'n ystyried beth y gallwn ni ei wneud unwaith y byddwch chi wedi rhoi'r wybodaeth honno i ni.
Nick Ramsay.
Nick Ramsay.
Hear, hear.
Clywch, clywch.
Diolch, Llywydd. Can I—? [Laughter.] Thank you for your support, Oscar. Can I concur with the comments of Simon Thomas earlier, when he spoke about the importance of celebrating Wales's Fairtrade status and, I think, the tenth anniversary? It's not just Wales that has achieved Fairtrade status. Abergavenny achieved status as a Fairtrade Town 11 years ago. I went and helped cut the cake last year. So, could we also congratulate all those towns and settlements across Wales that are also doing their little bit to feed into the Welsh fair-trade agenda and to support the overall message? There's a lot of hard work going on out there.
Secondly, and finally, I recently—. Those of you who follow my Facebook will have seen that I attended a series of workshops at the Gwent Angling Society open day, which was established to encourage people in Monmouthshire and south-east Wales to take up angling and to realise the benefits of it. I learned a lot. I specifically learned how calming an activity it is. It's recognised now that it's very good for mental health issues and for those suffering from stress, which is of course central to mental health awareness this year. So, I wonder if we could have a statement—I'm not entirely sure which Minister it would be, potentially rural affairs. Could we have a statement from the Welsh Government about what they're doing to support activities such as angling, but not exclusively, which don't just have a well-being effect on people's physical health, but also on their mental health as well?
Diolch, Llywydd. A gaf i—? [Chwerthin.] Diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth, Oscar. A gaf i gytuno â sylwadau Simon Thomas yn gynharach, pan soniodd am bwysigrwydd dathlu statws Masnach Deg Cymru, rwy'n credu, y degfed pen-blwydd? Nid Cymru'n unig sydd wedi cyflawni'r statws masnach deg. Enillodd y Fenni statws tref masnach deg 11 mlynedd yn ôl. Fe es i, a helpu i dorri'r gacen y llynedd. Felly, a gawn ni hefyd longyfarch y trefi a'r aneddiadau ledled Cymru sydd hefyd yn gwneud eu rhan i gyfrannu at agenda masnach deg Cymru a chefnogi'r neges yn gyffredinol? Mae llawer o waith caled yn digwydd dros y wlad.
Yn ail, ac yn olaf, yn ddiweddar—. Bydd y rhai ohonoch sy'n dilyn fy Facebook wedi gweld fy mod i wedi bod mewn cyfres o weithdai yn niwrnod agored Cymdeithas Bysgota Gwent, a sefydlwyd i annog pobl yn sir Fynwy a de-ddwyrain Cymru i ddechrau pysgota a gwireddu’r manteision. Dysgais i lawer. Yn benodol, dysgais ei fod yn weithgaredd sy'n gwneud i chi dawelu'ch meddwl. Cydnabyddir erbyn hyn ei fod yn dda iawn ar gyfer problemau iechyd meddwl ac ar gyfer y rhai sy'n dioddef o straen, sydd wrth gwrs yn ganolog i ymwybyddiaeth o iechyd meddwl eleni. Felly, tybed a gawn ni ddatganiad—dydw i ddim yn hollol siŵr pa Weinidog fyddai'n gwneud hyn, materion gwledig o bosibl. A gawn ni ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru am yr hyn y maen nhw'n ei wneud i gefnogi gweithgareddau fel pysgota, ond nid pysgota'n unig, sy'n cael effaith lesol ar iechyd corfforol pobl, ond hefyd ar eu hiechyd meddwl?
Of course I'm always very happy to congratulate every area of Wales that has made the effort to support fair trade. We're very proud to be a Fairtrade Nation, but of course it's impossible to be a Fairtrade Nation without the support of all of the little communities and voluntary groups and cities and towns—all sorts of communities across Wales—that come together to make that possible. I'm very happy to congratulate Abergavenny. There is a large list of other towns and communities that support it as well. And, as Simon Thomas also pointed out, it's an opportunity to buy very lovely goods, knowing that you're supporting a community of people who make those goods, who are being paid a fair wage, and they're getting a better deal, but it's also an opportunity to support the countries from which the goods come, by extending the hand of friendship and commerce to them. So, I'm more than happy to join with him in doing that, and, as I said to Simon Thomas, we'll explore an opportunity to have some sort of recognition of that celebration here in the Senedd.
In terms of angling, I'm very pleased to hear—I do not follow your Twitter account so closely, or your Facebook account so closely, that I'd noticed your visit to the anglers over the weekend, I'm afraid, but I'll chastise myself and pay more close attention in future. But of course the Member makes a very important point; a large number of outdoor activities, community activities and social activities are very beneficial to mental health. The Welsh Government is very cognisant of that, and it's very much part of our mental health strategy—that whole approach to mental health, including physical, community and social activities as an important part of that. The Member does a very good job in highlighting the efficacy of communities such as the angling community in supporting mental health projects of that sort.
Wrth gwrs, mae bob amser yn bleser gennyf longyfarch pob ardal yng Nghymru sydd wedi gwneud yr ymdrech i gefnogi masnach deg. Rydym ni'n falch iawn o fod yn Genedl Masnach Deg, ond wrth nid yw'n bosibl bod yn genedl Masnach Deg heb gefnogaeth pob un o'r cymunedau bach a grwpiau gwirfoddol a'r dinasoedd a'r trefi—pob math o gymunedau ledled Cymru—sy'n dod at ei gilydd i wneud hynny'n bosibl. Rwy'n hapus iawn i longyfarch y Fenni. Ceir rhestr fawr o drefi a chymunedau eraill sy'n ei gefnogi hefyd. Ac, fel y dywedodd Simon Thomas hefyd, mae'n gyfle i brynu nwyddau hyfryd iawn, gan wybod eich bod chi'n cefnogi cymuned o bobl sy'n gwneud y nwyddau hynny, sydd yn cael cyflog teg, ac yn cael bargen well, ond mae hefyd yn gyfle i gefnogi'r gwledydd o ble daw'r nwyddau, drwy estyn llaw o gyfeillgarwch a masnach iddyn nhw. Felly, rwy'n fwy na pharod i ymuno ag ef wrth wneud hynny, ac, fel y dywedais wrth Simon Thomas, byddwn yn chwilio am gyfle i gael rhyw fath o gydnabyddiaeth ar gyfer y dathliad hwnnw yma yn y Senedd.
O ran pysgota, rwy'n falch iawn o glywed hynny—dydw i ddim yn dilyn eich cyfrif Twitter mor agos â hynny, na'ch cyfrif Facebook ychwaith, fel y byddwn ni wedi sylwi ar eich ymweliad â physgotwyr dros y penwythnos, rwy'n ofni, ond byddaf yn fy ngheryddu fy hun ac yn rhoi sylw mwy manwl yn y dyfodol. Ond wrth gwrs mae'r Aelod yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn; mae nifer fawr o weithgareddau awyr agored, gweithgareddau cymunedol a gweithgareddau cymdeithasol yn fuddiol iawn i iechyd meddwl. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn ymwybodol iawn o hynny, ac mae'n rhan bwysig iawn o'n strategaeth iechyd meddwl—bod ymagwedd gyfan tuag at iechyd meddwl, gan gynnwys gweithgareddau corfforol, cymunedol a chymdeithasol yn rhan bwysig o hynny. Mae'r Aelod yn gwneud gwaith da iawn wrth dynnu sylw at effeithiolrwydd cymunedau megis y gymuned bysgota i gefnogi prosiectau iechyd meddwl o'r fath.
Can I ask the leader of the house for an urgent statement? Following very much in the footsteps of Simon Thomas's excellent contribution, it's about the Swansea bay tidal lagoon. Obviously, the reports over the last few days, as you will be aware, are hugely disappointing. In Swansea, obviously, electrification of the main railway line is now dead—we've got to make do with diesel trains in the future, whereas diesel is being phased out everywhere else because of health concerns. As you would know, there's huge support locally for the development of this tidal lagoon in Swansea, not just because of the environmental benefits, but also in terms of the economic potential here for Swansea and the rest of Wales in becoming a world leader in the field. A failure by the UK Government to back this scheme, flying in the face of their own Government-commissioned report by Charles Hendry, which called it a no-brainer last year, would be yet another shameful betrayal of Wales.
Given that this is of such strategic importance to Swansea, and the rest of Wales, it is vital that the Welsh Government outlines clearly what it has done in recent days to respond to speculation that the scheme is floundering. I hear what the First Minister said earlier, and also your earlier reply, but I still think we do need an urgent statement, so we can truly explore what is going on. In addition to what has been said, has the Welsh Government been trying to facilitate meetings with the UK Government and the developers in recent days, for example? Because we need to know what contingency plans the Welsh Government has in place, and whether it is prepared to look at innovative models of delivering this scheme, as Simon Thomas said. The Welsh Government could look to use their capital borrowing powers to invest in the Swansea bay tidal lagoon, for example, instead of the expensive black route for the M4 relief road. By setting up a publicly owned Welsh energy company, it could bring this project alive themselves.
Three weeks ago, in the legislative consent motion vote here to approve losing powers in the EU withdrawal Bill, Labour were rejoicing and proud to be unionist, and placing their trust in a UK Conservative Government. Now, of course, the downside of not being in charge of your own destiny is that decisions that are damaging to you, damaging to Wales, happen. Another kick in the teeth, as the First Minister said. How many teeth as a nation have we got left? The Labour Welsh Government needs to show how committed it is to delivering this scheme. If the UK Government does decide to betray Wales, then we need to think of ways in which we can deliver it without them. So, will you commit to an urgent statement on this vital issue?
A gaf i ofyn i arweinydd y tŷ am ddatganiad brys? Yn dilyn ôl-troed cyfraniad ardderchog Simon Thomas i raddau helaeth, mae'n ymwneud â morlyn llanw Bae Abertawe. Yn amlwg, mae'r adroddiadau dros yr ychydig ddiwrnodau diwethaf, fel y byddwch yn ymwybodol, yn peri siom enfawr. Yn Abertawe, yn amlwg, mae trydaneiddio'r brif linell reilffordd yn awr yn farw—bydd yn rhaid inni ymdopi â threnau diesel yn y dyfodol, tra bod diesel yn dod i ben ym mhobman arall oherwydd pryderon iechyd. Fel y gwyddoch, mae cefnogaeth fawr yn lleol ar gyfer datblygu morlyn llanw yn Abertawe, nid yn unig oherwydd y manteision amgylcheddol, ond hefyd o ran y potensial economaidd ar gyfer Abertawe a gweddill Cymru i ddod yn arweinydd y byd yn y maes. Byddai methiant Llywodraeth y DU i gefnogi'r cynllun hwn, yn wyneb yr adroddiad gan Charles Hendry a gomisiynwyd gan y Llywodraeth ei hunan ac a alwodd y cynllun yn ddewis cwbl amlwg y llynedd, yn weithred warthus arall a fyddai'n bradychu Cymru.
Gan fod hyn mor strategol bwysig i Abertawe, a gweddill Cymru, mae'n hanfodol bod Llywodraeth Cymru yn amlinellu'n glir yr hyn y mae wedi ei wneud yn y dyddiau diwethaf i ymateb i sïon bod y cynllun yn ymbalfalu. Clywaf yr hyn a ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach, a hefyd eich ateb yn gynharach, ond rwy'n dal i feddwl bod angen i ni gael datganiad brys, fel y gallwn ni edrych yn fanwl ac o ddifrif ar yr hyn sy'n mynd ymlaen. Yn ychwanegol at yr hyn sydd wedi'i ddweud, a yw Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ceisio hwyluso cyfarfodydd â Llywodraeth y DU a datblygwyr yn y dyddiau diwethaf, er enghraifft? Oherwydd, mae angen inni wybod pa gynlluniau wrth gefn y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi eu sefydlu, ac a yw'n barod i edrych ar fodelau arloesol i gyflawni'r cynllun hwn, fel y dywedodd Simon Thomas. Gallai Llywodraeth Cymru geisio defnyddio ei phwerau benthyca cyfalaf i fuddsoddi ym morlyn llanw Bae Abertawe, er enghraifft, yn hytrach na dilyn llwybr du drud ar gyfer ffordd liniaru'r M4. Drwy sefydlu cwmni ynni Cymru sy'n eiddo cyhoeddus, gallai'r Llywodraeth ei hun gael y prosiect hwn yn ôl ar ei draed.
Dair wythnos yn ôl, yn y bleidlais cynnig cydsyniad deddfwriaethol yma i gymeradwyo colli pwerau ym Mil ymadael yr UE, roedd y Llafur yn hapus ac yn falch o fod yn unoliaethol, ac yn gosod ei hymddiriedaeth yn Llywodraeth Geidwadol y DU. Nawr, wrth gwrs, anfantais o beidio â bod yn gyfrifol am eich tynged eich hun yw bod penderfyniadau sydd yn niweidiol i chi, yn niweidiol i Gymru, yn digwydd. Cic arall yn y dannedd, fel y dywedodd y Prif Weinidog. Faint o ddannedd sydd gennym ni ar ôl fel cenedl? Mae angen i Lywodraeth Lafur Cymru ddangos pa mor ymrwymedig yw hi i gyflawni'r cynllun hwn. Os bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn penderfynu bradychu Cymru, yna mae angen inni feddwl am ffyrdd y gallwn ni ei gyflawni hebddyn nhw. Felly, a wnewch chi ymrwymo i ddatganiad brys ar y mater hollbwysig hwn?
Well, I think I agreed with at least part of Dai Lloyd's speech on the subject of the tidal lagoon. I'm not entirely certain it was well placed in the business statement, Llywydd, but as I've said—
Wel, rwy'n credu i mi gytuno â rhan o araith Dai Lloyd ar y morlyn llanw o leiaf. Dydw i ddim yn siŵr iawn mai'r datganiad busnes oedd y lle iawn ar ei chyfer, Llywydd, ond fel rwy'n dweud—
I was generous.
Roeddwn i'n hael.
We will explore an opportunity to make sure the Senedd has the opportunity to express its very heartfelt views on this. I would, however, just say that, of course, as far as I'm aware, as I stand here, no actual decision has been made. We have had a series of leaks and trials and so on. I seriously hope that the UK Government has noted the appalling reception that its trial has had, and I therefore very much hope that they will come to their senses and make the decision that the Hendry report asked them to make. And I hope the benches opposite me are listening—because I know that they also support the project—and will be putting some pressure on their own Government in the UK to make the right decision.
So, they haven't made it yet, as far as I'm aware. I very much hope that they will not make that decision and that they will come to their senses. However, if we do have that decision then, of course, we will be in a position to act, and the letter sets out the fact that we are already making it extremely plain that we want this project to go ahead and that it's important to the people of Wales. As I said earlier, if a set of circumstances are good enough for Hinkley, then they ought to be good enough for Wales as well.
Byddwn yn chwilio am gyfle i wneud yn siŵr bod y Senedd yn cael y cyfle i fynegi ei safbwyntiau dwys iawn ar hyn. Byddwn i, fodd bynnag, yn dweud, wrth gwrs, hyd y gwn i, wrth imi sefyll yma, nad oes unrhyw benderfyniad gwirioneddol wedi'i wneud. Rydym ni wedi cael cyfres o ollyngiadau a threialon ac ati. Rwy'n mawr obeithio bod Llywodraeth y DU wedi nodi'r croeso oer iawn y mae'r treial hwn wedi'i gael, ac felly rwy'n mawr obeithio y byddan nhw'n dod at eu coed ac yn gwneud y penderfyniad y mae'r adroddiad Hendry wedi gofyn iddyn nhw ei wneud. A gobeithio bod y meinciau gyferbyn â mi yn gwrando ar hyn—oherwydd gwn eu bod hefyd yn cefnogi'r prosiect—ac y byddan nhw'n rhoi rhywfaint o bwysau ar eu Llywodraeth eu hunain yn y DU i wneud y penderfyniad iawn.
Felly, dydyn nhw ddim wedi gwneud y penderfyniad eto, hyd y gwn i. Rwy'n mawr obeithio na fyddan nhw'n gwneud y penderfyniad hwnnw ac y byddan nhw'n callio. Fodd bynnag, os daw'r penderfyniad hwnnw maes o law, wedyn wrth gwrs, byddwn ni mewn sefyllfa i gymryd camau, ac mae'r llythyr yn nodi'r ffaith ein bod ni eisoes yn ei gwneud hi'n eithriadol o glir ein bod ni eisiau i'r prosiect hwn fynd yn ei flaen a'i fod yn bwysig i bobl Cymru. Fel y dywedais yn gynharach, os yw set o amgylchiadau yn ddigon da ar gyfer Hinkley, yna dylent fod yn ddigon da ar gyfer Gymru hefyd.
The decisive vote in the Irish Republic last week to repeal the eighth amendment and overturn a near-total ban on abortion I think has been widely welcomed. I think it was really a momentous occasion, but it does highlight the fact that Northern Ireland is the only place in the UK and really almost the only place in Europe where abortion is not legal except in very extreme circumstances. I know that we have debated here in this Chamber about access to NHS abortions for Northern Ireland women in Wales, but does the leader of the house think there is any case for a debate about how we can ensure that Northern Ireland women are able to get access to abortions in the way that we are able to here? I know there are tricky devolution issues, but does the leader of the house have a view on how we could possibly express our view in this Chamber?
Rwy'n credu y bu croeso eang i'r bleidlais benderfynol yng Ngweriniaeth Iwerddon yr wythnos diwethaf i ddiddymu'r wythfed diwygiad a gwrthdroi'r gwaharddiad llwyr bron ar erthyliad. Credaf mewn gwirionedd ei fod yn achlysur pwysig iawn, ond mae'n amlygu'r ffaith mai Gogledd Iwerddon yw'r unig le yn y DU ac yn wir bron yr unig le yn Ewrop lle nad yw erthyliad yn gyfreithiol ac eithrio mewn amgylchiadau eithriadol iawn. Gwn ein bod wedi trafod yma yn y Siambr hon fynediad at erthyliadau i fenywod Gogledd Iwerddon drwy'r GIG yng Nghymru, ond a yw arweinydd y tŷ yn credu bod unrhyw achos ar gyfer dadl ynghylch sut y gallwn ni sicrhau bod menywod Gogledd Iwerddon yn gallu cael mynediad at erthyliadau yn yr un ffordd ag y gallwn ni yma? Rwy'n gwybod bod materion datganoli cymhleth yno, ond a oes gan arweinydd y tŷ farn ar sut y gallem fynegi ein barn yn y Siambr hon o bosibl?
Yes. The Cabinet Secretary for health has made it very plain that we have arrangements in place to ensure that women who do need to leave where they live and come to Wales in order to secure an abortion in the sad circumstances that they find themselves in—that that remains available. I'm very pleased that he's made that extremely plain, but clearly that's not optimal and people need the support of their families and of their communities around them as well. I'm afraid I think that the deal that the UK Government has done with the DUP means that any likelihood of us being able to secure change in terms of the devolution settlements overall and to have an evening of the playing field there is very unlikely at this point in time, but here in Wales we are very happy—and I'm pleased, as I said, that the Cabinet Secretary has reiterated this—to ensure that women who do need our medical assistance can get it.
I will just pay tribute to the campaigners on the eighth amendment in southern Ireland. I was very pleased to see that go through. I was a little startled—Llywydd, forgive me, I don't know this from my own understanding as I haven't had the chance to look at up—but I was startled to hear one of the campaigners saying that they had other things to do and that apparently the constitution of the Republic of Ireland says that a woman's place is better in the home, and she felt sure that they would now be able to get that amended as well. I'm appalled to find that it does say that, if that's true, and I hope that they'll be able to bring forward that amendment very shortly as well.
Ydw. Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd yn ei gwneud yn glir iawn bod gennym drefniadau ar waith i sicrhau bod menywod sydd angen gadael y lle y maen nhw'n byw ynddo a dod i Gymru i gael erthyliad pan fyddant yn canfod eu hunain yn yr amgylchiadau trist hynny—bod y trefniadau hynny'n parhau i fod ar gael. Rwy'n falch iawn ei fod wedi gwneud hynny'n glir iawn, ond yn amlwg nid yw'r sefyllfa honno yn ddelfrydol, ac mae angen i bobl gael cefnogaeth eu teuluoedd a'u cymunedau o'u cwmpas hefyd. Yn anffodus, rwy'n credu bod y fargen a wnaed rhwng Llywodraeth y DU a'r DUP yn golygu bod unrhyw debygolrwydd y byddwn ni'n gallu sicrhau newid yn y setliadau datganoli yn gyffredinol, i gael chwarae teg yno yn annhebygol iawn ar hyn o bryd, ond yma yng Nghymru, rydym yn hapus iawn—ac rwy'n falch, fel y dywedais, fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi ailadrodd hyn—i sicrhau y gallwn gynnig cymorth meddygol i fenywod sydd ei angen.
Gadewch i mi dalu teyrnged i ymgyrchwyr ar yr wythfed diwygiad yn ne Iwerddon. Roeddwn i'n falch iawn o weld hynny'n llwyddo. Roeddwn i'n synnu—Llywydd, maddeuwch imi, nid fy ngwybodaeth i fy hunan yw hyn gan nad wyf wedi cael y cyfle i ymchwilio i'r peth—ond cefais fy synnu i glywed un o'r ymgyrchwyr yn dweud fod ganddynt bethau eraill i'w gwneud yn awr, a bod cyfansoddiad Gweriniaeth Iwerddon yn dweud mai yn y cartref y mae lle'r fenyw, a'i bod hi'n teimlo'n siŵr y bydden nhw nawr yn gallu diwygio hynny hefyd. Rwy'n gresynu i glywed fod y cyfansoddiad yn cynnwys y fath beth, os yw hynny'n wir, ac rwy'n gobeithio y gallant ddwyn y diwygiad hwnnw yn ei flaen yn fuan iawn hefyd.
Leader of the house, may I ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for health on the work of the NHS counter fraud service within Wales? The former chief executive of the NHS counter fraud service has claimed that the NHS in Wales could be losing up to £200 million a year through fraud and that not enough is being done to tackle it. Last year, the service in Wales recovered just under £350,000, which is peanuts, really. Can I ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary on whether he agrees with the former chief executive about the scale of fraud in the Welsh NHS and what action he intends to take to address this issue, please?
Arweinydd y tŷ, a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd ar waith gwasanaeth atal twyll yn y GIG yng Nghymru? Mae'r cyn-Brif Weithredwr gwasanaeth atal twyll yn y GIG wedi honni y gallai'r GIG yng Nghymru golli hyd at £200 miliwn y flwyddyn drwy dwyll ac nad oes digon yn cael ei wneud i fynd i'r afael â hynny. Y llynedd, roedd y gwasanaeth yng Nghymru yn adennill ychydig o dan £350,000, sy'n biso drwy bach yn y môr, mewn gwirionedd. A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ar ba un a yw'n cytuno â'r cyn-Brif Weithredwr ynghylch graddau'r twyll yn GIG Cymru a pha gamau y mae'n bwriadu eu cymryd i fynd i'r afael â hyn, os gwelwch yn dda?
It's a very important issue, and I know that the Cabinet Secretary has seen the report in question. I think that the Member would be very well placed to ask him a question during oral Assembly questions to understand exactly what he's taking forward in the light of that report.
Mae'n fater pwysig iawn, a gwn fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi gweld yr adroddiad dan sylw. Rwy'n credu y byddai'n briodol i'r Aelod ofyn cwestiwn yn ystod cwestiynau llafar y Cynulliad i gael deall beth yn union y mae'n ei wneud yng ngoleuni'r adroddiad hwnnw.
Over recess, we saw the company Lush come out to support the Spy Cops campaign, which is a campaign to uncover the fact that many police officers, emanating from the 1980s to this day, were infiltrating campaign groups here in Wales and across the UK, impregnating women and having sexual relationships with women without them knowing that this was the case. Now, I wanted to understand what the Welsh Government's view is on this and whether you support me in expanding the inquiry to the rest of the UK—I understand that there is a judicial review to try and involve Northern Ireland—and also to expand the public inquiry to full disclosure. Because, at the moment, we simply do not know the extent to which this has affected Welsh life. I know that there are campaigners called 'Lisa Jones' and 'Deborah'—these are false names to protect their anonymity—who have had severe problems on a personal level as a result of these relationships with police officers. Now, this campaign is not to try and undermine the whole of the police force, and I think that needs to be made clear. But I also think that the most important issue here is that women's lives have been severely violated, and we should all be concerned about this and about, potentially, the news that we currently do not know about some Welsh stories in this regard. So, I would welcome a statement from Welsh Government to give support to those women who have been affected and support to the campaign.
Yn ystod y toriad, gwelsom y cwmni Lush yn mynegi ei gefnogaeth i'r ymgyrch Spy Cops, sef ymgyrch i ddatgelu'r ffaith bod llawer o swyddogion yr heddlu, yn y 1980au hyd heddiw, yn treiddio i grwpiau ymgyrchu yma yng Nghymru a ledled y DU, yn cael merched yn feichiog ac yn cael perthynas rhywiol â merched heb iddynt wybod bod hyn yn wir. Nawr, roeddwn i eisiau deall beth yw barn Llywodraeth Cymru ar hyn ac a ydych chi'n fy nghefnogi wrth ymestyn yr ymchwiliad i weddill y DU—rwyf ar ddeall bod adolygiad barnwrol i geisio cynnwys Gogledd Iwerddon—a hefyd i ymestyn yr ymchwiliad cyhoeddus i ddatgeliad llawn. Oherwydd, ar hyn o bryd, nid ydym yn gwybod i ba raddau y mae hyn wedi effeithio ar fywyd Cymru. Gwn fod ymgyrchwyr o'r enw 'Lisa Jones' a 'Deborah'—ffugenwau yw'r rhain i'w cadw'n anhysbys—sydd wedi cael problemau difrifol ar lefel bersonol o ganlyniad i'r perthnasoedd hyn â swyddogion yr heddlu. Nawr, nid bwriad yr ymgyrch hon yw ceisio tanseilio'r heddlu cyfan, ac rwy'n credu bod angen gwneud hynny'n glir. Ond rwyf i hefyd yn credu mai'r mater pwysicaf yma yw bod bywydau menywod wedi'u heffeithio'n ddifrifol, a dylai pob un ohonom fod yn pryderu am hyn ac, o bosib, am y newyddion nad ydym yn gwybod am rai o'r straeon o Gymru yn hyn o beth ar hyn o bryd. Felly, byddwn i'n croesawu datganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi'r menywod hynny sydd wedi dioddef a chefnogi'r ymgyrch.
Yes, we were all absolutely appalled when this news started to break a few years ago about some of these clandestine operations. One can only imagine the trauma that somebody goes through to discover that their partner isn't at all who they thought they were and that the whole of their lives, really, has been a sham. It's an outrageous way for any police force to behave in any country, never mind a democracy. I do not have the words to express how outraged I am about it. I'd be more than happy to explore with my Cabinet Secretary colleague for public services whether or not there are any outstanding issues in Wales and keep Assembly Members updated. If Bethan Sayed has any particular information she thinks would be helpful in that, we'd be very glad to have it.
Ie, roeddem ni i gyd wedi ein brawychu pan ddechreuodd y newyddion am y gweithrediadau cudd hyn ddod i'r amlwg ychydig o flynyddoedd yn ôl. Ni ellir dychmygu'r trawma y mae rhywun yn mynd trwyddo wrth ddarganfod nad yw ei bartner y person y dywedodd yr oedd o gwbl a bod ei fywyd cyfan, wedi bod yn gelwydd llwyr mewn gwirionedd. Mae'n ffordd warthus i unrhyw heddlu ymddwyn mewn unrhyw wlad, heb sôn am mewn democratiaeth. Nid oes gen i eiriau i fynegi pa mor ddig yr wyf i am y peth. Byddwn i'n fwy na pharod i ymchwilio gyda fy nghyd-Aelod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros wasanaethau cyhoeddus p'un a oes unrhyw faterion nad ydyn nhw wedi dod i'r amlwg yng Nghymru a sicrhau bod Aelodau'r Cynulliad yn cael y newyddion diweddaraf. Os oes gan Bethan Sayed unrhyw wybodaeth benodol y mae hi'n credu y byddai o gymorth yn hynny o beth, byddem yn falch iawn o'i chael.
Leader of the house, might we make some time to debate the national survivor engagement framework? The purpose of the framework is to ensure that survivors of violence against women are able to inform and influence Government work related to domestic abuse and sexual violence. The consultation closed in May. When the Government publishes its response, it would be good to have a question-and-answer session here in this Chamber. I'm sure that some Members will have seen and heard Germaine Greer's attention-seeking views on rape that were reported in the news last week. Comments like that, in my opinion, are dangerous, not least because they can damage and demoralise and undermine survivor engagement, but more importantly, at a time when people may need support, she is taking away from them, by her comments, if they are shared, the understanding and dignity that has already been removed from them. So, the national framework does aim to do exactly the opposite of what she tried to do, and that is to empower women to shape and guide the Government policies that affect them. So, I hope that we can make some time to have a reasoned debate while at the same time absolutely condemning that type of conversation here in Wales—in my opinion, just to draw attention to herself rather than serve any meaningful purpose whatsoever.
Arweinydd y tŷ, a gawn ni amser am ddadl ar y fframwaith cenedlaethol ar gyfer ymgysylltu â goroeswyr? Diben y fframwaith yw sicrhau bod y rhai sydd wedi goroesi trais yn erbyn menywod yn gallu llywio a dylanwadu ar waith y Llywodraeth yn ymwneud â cham-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol. Daeth yr ymgynghoriad i ben ym mis Mai. Pan fydd y Llywodraeth yn cyhoeddi ei hymateb, byddai'n dda cael sesiwn holi ac ateb yma yn y Siambr hon. Rwy'n siŵr y bydd rhai Aelodau wedi gweld a chlywed barn Germaine Greer a oedd yn ceisio denu sylw ar drais rhywiol a adroddwyd yn y newyddion yr wythnos diwethaf. Mae sylwadau fel hynny, yn fy marn i, yn beryglus, oherwydd gallan nhw niweidio a digalonni a thanseilio ymgysylltiad goroeswr, ond yn bwysicach, ar adeg pan fo angen cymorth ar bobl, mae hi'n tynnu oddi arnynt, drwy ei sylwadau, drwy eu rhannu, y ddealltwriaeth a'r urddas sydd eisoes wedi ei dynnu oddi arnynt. Felly, nod y fframwaith cenedlaethol yw gwneud yn gwbl i'r gwrthwyneb i'r hyn y ceisiodd hithau ei wneud, sef grymuso menywod i lywio ac arwain y polisïau Llywodraeth sy'n effeithio arnyn nhw. Felly, rwy'n gobeithio y gallwn ni neilltuo rhywfaint o amser i gael dadl resymegol ac ar yr un pryd, condemnio'r math hwnnw o drafodaeth yma yng Nghymru—yn fy marn i, dim ond i dynnu sylw at ei hun yn hytrach nag unrhyw ddiben ystyrlon o gwbl.
Yes, I think Joyce Watson makes a very good point, as she always does speak up for the survivors of these sorts of outrages. We will continue our ambitious plan to improve the response to all victims of abuse and to ensure that, across all our public services, there are highly skilled, prepared professionals, ready and able to offer survivors the help and support they need. We put survivors at the very centre of our response to all domestic violence, sexual violence and other crimes of violence, and I think it's very important that we do so. So, whilst not taking away—I understand that Germaine Greer was expressing her own view of her own experience and, fortunately for me, I didn't hear what she had to say, but we've learned very much through our extensive survivor engagement work that survivors respond to the experience very differently and in very different ways, and, for many, it has very long-term and serious consequences, as Joyce Watson pointed out. I think it's very important to take that on board.
Only this week I met with the police and crime commissioner—our previous colleague—Jeff Cuthbert, to discuss with him what was happening in Gwent on the review of rape cases that's currently ongoing. He was assuring me that they are very keen to make sure that all sides in the review of rape trials are properly represented, both the victims and survivors and, indeed, of course, that justice is served to those accused of rape and before conviction. I was very reassured by their holistic approach to that, and I've had several discussions with my colleague the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and Public Services around what we're doing in this regard as well. So, I think Joyce Watson makes a very important point, and we will be giving it very careful consideration in our forthcoming victim strategy.
Ie, rwy'n credu bod Joyce Watson yn gwneud pwynt da iawn, gan ei bod hi bob amser yn siarad ar ran goroeswyr y mathau hyn o warth. Byddwn yn parhau â'n cynllun uchelgeisiol i wella'r ymateb i holl ddioddefwyr cam-drin a sicrhau bod gweithwyr proffesiynol medrus iawn, yn ein holl wasanaethau cyhoeddus, sy'n barod ac yn gallu cynnig y cymorth a'r gefnogaeth sydd eu hangen ar goroeswyr. Rydym yn rhoi goroeswyr yn ganolbwynt ein hymateb i bob trais domestig, trais rhywiol a throseddau eraill o drais, ac rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn i ni wneud hynny. Felly, heb dynnu i ffwrdd—rwy'n deall bod Germaine Greer yn mynegi ei barn ei hun o'i phrofiad ei hun ac, yn ffodus i mi, ni chlywais yr hyn yr oedd ganddi i'w ddweud, ond rydym ni wedi dysgu llawer iawn trwy ein gwaith ymgysylltu helaeth â goroeswr bod goroeswyr yn ymateb i'r profiad yn wahanol iawn ac mewn ffyrdd gwahanol iawn, ac, i lawer, mae iddo ganlyniadau tymor hir a difrifol iawn, fel y nododd Joyce Watson. Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig iawn ystyried hynny.
Yr wythnos hon, fe wnes i gyfarfod â'r comisiynydd heddlu a throseddu—ein cyd-Aelod blaenorol—Jeff Cuthbert, i drafod ag ef beth oedd yn digwydd yng Ngwent o ran yr adolygiad sy'n mynd rhagddo ar hyn o bryd o achosion o drais rhywiol. Yr oedd yn fy sicrhau eu bod yn awyddus iawn i wneud yn siŵr bod cynrychiolaeth briodol ar bob ochr o'r adolygiad o dreialon trais rhywiol, y dioddefwyr a'r goroeswyr ac, yn wir, wrth gwrs, y cyflawnir cyfiawnder i'r rhai sydd wedi'u cyhuddo o drais rhywiol a chyn euogfarn. Cefais fy nghalonogi gan eu dull cyfannol o wneud hynny, ac rwyf i wedi cael nifer o drafodaethau â fy nghyd-Aelod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Lywodraeth Leol a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus ynghylch yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud yn hyn o beth hefyd. Felly, rwy'n credu bod Joyce Watson yn gwneud pwynt pwysig iawn, a byddwn yn ei ystyried yn ofalus iawn yn ein strategaeth dioddefwr sydd ar ddod.
I call for a Welsh Government statement on the issue of electrical safety and older people in Wales. At an Assembly event last November, over six months ago, the only charity dedicated to reducing and preventing damage, injuries and deaths caused by electricity, Electrical Safety First, launched their report, 'How can we keep older people in Wales safe?' With more than half of accidental house fires in Wales caused by electricity, their report found that older people are significantly more at risk than other age groups when it comes to electrical fires in the home. Older people represent over a third of electrical fire casualties, with people aged over 80 at least four times more likely than other age groups to have been a casualty in these fires. The number of people aged 80 or over is expected to double by 2035, with an estimated 50,000 people aged over 65 living with dementia. The majority of older people in Wales—about 80 per cent—own their own homes, most of which will be older housing stock that has never had an electrical safety fire check. Based on the research, the report makes a number of recommendations, the first of which is a call on the Welsh Government for a scheme delivering free five-yearly annual home electrical safety checks for people aged over 80, regardless of property tenure. However, they said that since they launched their report they have not seen any further progress made by the Welsh Government in addressing the issue and ensuring that it's a priority to reduce the number of older people affected by fires caused by electricity in Wales. Given their evidence-based concern, I hope that you will agree that a statement from the Welsh Government should be forthcoming.
Galwaf am ddatganiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar y mater o ddiogelwch trydanol a phobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Mewn digwyddiad Cynulliad fis Tachwedd diwethaf, dros chwe mis yn ôl, lansiodd yr unig elusen sy'n ymdrin â lleihau ac atal niwed, anafiadau a marwolaethau yn sgil trydan, Electrical Safety First, eu hadroddiad, 'Sut gallwn ni gadw pobl hŷn yng Nghymru yn ddiogel?' Mae mwy na hanner y tanau damweiniol yng Nghymru wedi'u hachosi gan drydan, a chanfu'r adroddiad fod pobl hŷn yn sylweddol fwy tebygol na grwpiau oedran eraill o ddioddef tân trydan yn y cartref. Mae pobl hŷn yn cyfrif am dros draean o'r anafiadau yn sgil tân trydan, ac mae pobl dros 80 oed o leiaf pedair gwaith yn fwy tebygol na'r grwpiau oedran eraill o gael eu hanafu yn y tanau hyn. Disgwylir i nifer y bobl 80 oed neu hŷn ddyblu erbyn 2035, gyda rhyw 50,000 o bobl dros 65 oed yn byw â dementia. Mae mwyafrif y bobl hŷn yng Nghymru—rhyw 80 y cant—yn berchen ar eu cartrefi eu hunain, a'r rhan fwyaf o'r rhain yn stoc tai hŷn nad ydyn nhw erioed wedi cael archwiliad tân diogelwch trydanol. Ar sail yr ymchwil, mae'r adroddiad yn gwneud nifer o argymhellion, ac mae'r cyntaf yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru am gynllun sy'n cyflawni archwiliadau diogelwch trydanol yn y cartref am ddim bob pum mlynedd i bobl dros 80 oed, ni waeth pa ddeiliadaeth eiddo sydd ganddynt. Fodd bynnag, fe wnaethon nhw ddweud ers lansio eu hadroddiad nad ydynt wedi gweld unrhyw gynnydd arall gan Lywodraeth Cymru i roi sylw i'r mater a sicrhau ei fod yn flaenoriaeth i leihau nifer y bobl hŷn y mae tanau trydanol yn effeithio arnynt yng Nghymru. O ystyried eu pryder sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn cytuno y dylai Llywodraeth Cymru gyflwyno datganiad.
Thank you for that. It's obviously a very important point. We've just announced the appointment of the new older person's commissioner, actually, and I'm sure the new commissioner will be taking a keen interest in this as well. The responsibility is spread amongst a number of Cabinet colleagues, so I will ensure that there's a co-ordinated response and we'll write to the Member with where the Welsh Government is at on that very important point.
Diolch ichi am hynny. Mae'n amlwg yn bwynt pwysig iawn. Rydym ni newydd gyhoeddi penodiad y comisiynydd pobl hŷn newydd, mewn gwirionedd, ac rwy'n siŵr y bydd gan y comisiynydd newydd ddiddordeb mawr yn hyn hefyd. Mae'r cyfrifoldeb wedi'i rannu rhwng nifer o gyd-Aelodau yn y Cabinet, felly byddaf yn sicrhau y ceir ymateb cydgysylltiedig a byddwn yn ysgrifennu at yr Aelod yn nodi'r sefyllfa yn Llywodraeth Cymru o ran y pwynt pwysig iawn hwnnw.
Last week, a woman who wanted help with her mother's personal independence payment assessment came to see me. The mother, a domestic abuse survivor, suffers from a range of conditions sustained as a result of a violent attack by her partner back in 2009. She's arthritic, she's got a range of skin conditions, internal organ problems, having been viciously attacked by a hammer and a Stanley knife and left for dead. Understandably, she also suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder.
Now, she was shouted at by a member of Capita's staff when trying to arrange a home visit for this PIP assessment. Capita has now accepted that a home visit is necessary, but they're unable to provide a suitable time around existing medical appointments, and if this next visit doesn't happen, then the PIP payments, the payments she is expecting, she faces losing.
Now, the callous and cruel nature of the benefits system is undeniable, and when you face such harrowing stories in your constituency surgery, you can see the human face of that tragedy first hand. It's not the way for a woman who has been treated in this way to be treated by the state. The devolution of welfare would allow the Welsh Government to mitigate many of the problems associated with this callous system. So, could the leader of the house therefore bring forward a debate or a statement on what can be done by this Government to alleviate the awful pain and suffering brought about by the current welfare system?
I have a second issue as well, and that's in relation to the Wales Governance Centre report out today, published with the University of South Wales, on the state of prisons in Wales. It concluded that the safety and state of prisons here is significantly worse than those in England, and, in fact, the number of recorded self-harm incidents and prison assaults in Wales has increased at a higher rate than in prisons in England since 2010, and there were more prison disturbances at HMP Parc in 2016 and 2017 than at any other prison in Wales and England. Thousands of prison officer posts have been cut, they face real-terms reduction in wages, and now staff and offenders are being put in danger as a result. Decisions about the Welsh prison estate should be taken in Wales and this evidence makes that clear. So, will the leader of the house bring forward a debate on the prison estate in Wales and how the Welsh Government can ensure that citizens who work as prison staff, or who are housed as offenders, are able to work or serve their sentences in a safe environment?
Yr wythnos diwethaf, daeth menyw a oedd eisiau cymorth ag asesiad taliad annibyniaeth personol ei mam i fy ngweld i. Mae'r fam, sydd wedi goroesi cam-drin domestig, yn dioddef amryw o gyflyrau parhaus o ganlyniad i ymosodiad treisgar gan ei phartner yn ôl yn 2009. Mae arthritis arni, mae ganddi amrywiaeth o gyflyrau croen, problemau â'i horganau mewnol, ar ôl dioddef ymosodiad treisgar â morthwyl a chyllell Stanley a'i gadael i farw. A hawdd yw deall ei bod hi hefyd yn dioddef o anhwylder straen wedi trawma.
Nawr, gwnaeth aelod o staff Capita weiddi arni wrth geisio trefnu ymweliad cartref ar gyfer yr asesiad PIP hwn. Mae Capita wedi derbyn bod angen ymweliad cartref erbyn hyn, ond nid ydyn nhw'n gallu rhoi amser addas oherwydd apwyntiadau meddygol sydd ganddi eisoes, ac os na fydd yr ymweliad nesaf hwn yn digwydd, mae'n bosibl y bydd hi'n colli'r taliadau annibyniaeth personol, y taliadau y mae hi'n disgwyl eu cael.
Nawr, ni ellir gwadu natur greulon a dideimlad y system fudd-daliadau, a phan fyddwch yn clywed hanesion dirdynnol o'r fath yn eich cymhorthfa yn eich etholaeth chi, gallwch chi weld wyneb dynol y trychineb hwnnw'n drosoch eich hun. Nid hon yw'r ffordd y dylai'r wladwriaeth drin merch sydd wedi ei thrin yn y ffordd hon. Byddai datganoli lles yn galluogi Llywodraeth Cymru i liniaru llawer o'r problemau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r system ddideimlad hon. Felly, a wnaiff arweinydd y tŷ gyflwyno dadl neu ddatganiad ar beth y gall y Llywodraeth hon ei wneud i liniaru'r boen ofnadwy a'r dioddefaint a ddaw yn sgil y system lles bresennol?
Mae gen i ail fater hefyd, ac mae hynny'n ymwneud ag adroddiad Canolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru a gyhoeddwyd heddiw, gyda Phrifysgol De Cymru, ar gyflwr carchardai yng Nghymru. Daeth i'r casgliad bod diogelwch a chyflwr carchardai yma yn waeth o lawer na'r rhai yn Lloegr, ac, yn wir, mae nifer yr achosion o hunan-niweidio ac ymosodiadau carchar a gofnodwyd yng Nghymru wedi cynyddu ar gyfradd uwch nag mewn carchardai yn Lloegr ers 2010, ac roedd mwy o helbulon carchar yn HMP Parc yn 2016 a 2017 nag mewn unrhyw garchar arall yng Nghymru a Lloegr. Mae miloedd o swyddi swyddogion carchar wedi'u dileu, maen nhw'n wynebu gostyngiad mewn cyflogau mewn termau real, ac mae staff a throseddwyr yn agored i berygl o ganlyniad i hyn. Dylai penderfyniadau ar gyflwr carchardai yng Nghymru gael eu gwneud yng Nghymru ac mae'r dystiolaeth hon yn gwneud hynny'n glir. Felly, a wnaiff arweinydd y tŷ gyflwyno dadl ar gyflwr carchardai yng Nghymru a sut y gall Llywodraeth Cymru sicrhau bod dinasyddion sy'n gweithio fel staff carchardai, neu'r rhai sydd wedi'u dal yn droseddwyr, yn gallu gweithio neu dreulio'u dedfrydau mewn amgylchedd diogel?
Yes, on that second one, I think we'd be very glad to bring forward a debate on the state of prisons as a result of that report. Those of us who have prisons in our constituencies, and I'm one of them, know very well from visiting what the conditions are like and what the problems are. It's long been our Government's ambition to have criminal justice devolved to Wales and one of the very real reasons for that is, actually, that the sentencing policies currently pursued by the UK Government are producing many of the issues that Leanne Wood draws attention to. It's not just what happens to people once they're in prison; it's why they're in prison in the first place and whether that's at all efficacious and what the purpose in a modern democracy of locking up quite so many young working-class men actually is.
And, to use very unparliamentary language, don't even get me started on the position of women in prisons, because that's a whole other debate as well. I think my Cabinet Secretary colleague and I have had many a discussion on this and would be more than happy to have that debate, because there are a range of issues contributing to the deleterious situation we find in our prisons, particularly the privatised Parc prison. So, I have a lot of sympathy with that and we have a lot to discuss here in the Welsh Government about the ragged edge of the devolution settlement and the difficulties that that's making in terms of what we can and can't do at the moment and why we need to have the devolution settlement sorted out in that regard.
In terms of the constituent with the complex PIP problems, my heart goes out to her. I have a surgery full of people who have similar problems very frequently. There's no doubt at all that the austerity programme pursued by the current UK Government is causing untold misery for individuals right across Britain, including in Wales. I disagree with her about the devolution of welfare. I think one of the sole purposes of the UK is for the redistribution of wealth from the south-east and London. It's a shame that it's currently in the hands of a Tory Government who have no such purpose. I'm not sure that administering a system that's appalling with very little of the money and empathy in it would actually ameliorate it very much. The Welsh Government has done an enormous amount, such as we can, to assist people, and I have some sympathy with why it seems attractive to do that and I have a lot of sympathy with the people who are caught up in the system. But I do urge the UK Government to stop its austerity programme because I believe that that political choice is very much at the heart of the discrimination that people with disabilities find themselves in in the UK today.
Ie, o ran yr ail un, rwy'n credu y byddem ni'n falch iawn o gyflwyno dadl ar gyflwr carchardai o ganlyniad i'r adroddiad hwnnw. Mae'r rheiny ohonom sydd â charchardai yn ein hetholaethau, ac rwyf i'n un ohonynt, yn gwybod yn iawn am gyflwr carchardai a'u problemau o ymweld â nhw. Bu'n uchelgais ers tro byd gan ein Llywodraeth i ddatganoli cyfiawnder troseddol i Gymru ac un o'r rhesymau gwirioneddol dros hynny yw, mewn gwirionedd, bod y polisïau dedfrydu a arferir gan Lywodraeth y DU ar hyn o bryd yn arwain at lawer o'r problemau hynny y mae Leanne Wood yn tynnu sylw atyn nhw. Nid yw'n ymwneud dim ond â beth sy'n digwydd i bobl pan fyddan nhw'n mynd i'r carchar; mae'n ymwneud â pham maen nhw yn y carchar yn y lle cyntaf ac a yw hynny'n gwbl effeithiol, a beth yw diben, mewn democratiaeth fodern, carcharu cymaint o ddynion ifanc dosbarth gweithiol mewn gwirionedd.
Ac, i ddefnyddio iaith anseneddol iawn, peidiwch â hyd yn oed dechrau sôn am sefyllfa menywod mewn carchardai, oherwydd dadl arall yw honno. Rwy'n credu bod fy nghyd-Aelod Ysgrifennydd Cabinet a fi wedi cael llawer o drafodaethau ynghylch hyn a byddwn i'n fwy na pharod i gael y ddadl honno, oherwydd bod amrywiaeth o faterion sy'n cyfrannu at y sefyllfa niweidiol a welir yn ein carchardai, yn arbennig yng ngharchar y Parc sydd wedi'i breifateiddio. Felly, mae gen i lawer o gydymdeimlad tuag at hynny ac mae gennym ni lawer i'w drafod yma yn Llywodraeth Cymru ynghylch yr amwysedd o ran y setliad datganoli a'r anawsterau y mae hynny'n eu cyflwyno o ran yr hyn y gallwn ni ac na allwn ni ei wneud ar hyn o bryd a pham mae angen i ni gytuno ar y setliad datganoli yn hynny o beth.
O ran yr etholwr â phroblemau cymhleth gyda'r taliad annibyniaeth personol, rwy'n teimlo'n fawr iawn drosti. Mae gen i gymhorthfa yn llawn o bobl â phroblemau tebyg yn aml iawn. Nid oes dim amheuaeth o gwbl bod y rhaglen gyni y mae Llywodraeth bresennol y DU yn ei dilyn yn achosi dioddefaint difesur i unigolion ledled Prydain, gan gynnwys yng Nghymru. Rwy'n anghytuno â hi ynghylch datganoli lles. Rwy'n credu mai un o unig ddibenion y DU yw ailddosbarthu cyfoeth o'r de-ddwyrain a Llundain. Mae'n drueni mai Llywodraeth Dorïaidd sy'n gyfrifol amdano ar hyn o bryd ac nad oes ganddi unrhyw ddiben o'r fath. Nid wyf yn sicr a fyddai gweinyddu system warthus ag ychydig iawn o'r arian a'r empathi ynddi yn lleddfu'r sefyllfa ryw lawer, mewn gwirionedd. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi gwneud llawer iawn, hyd eithaf ein gallu, i helpu pobl, ac mae gen i rywfaint o gydymdeimlad â pham mae'n ymddangos yn ddeniadol gwneud hynny ac mae gen i lawer o gydymdeimlad â phobl sydd wedi'u dal yn y system. Ond rwyf i'n annog Llywodraeth y DU i roi'r gorau i'w rhaglen gyni oherwydd fy mod i'n credu bod y dewis gwleidyddol hwnnw wrth wraidd y gwahaniaethu y mae pobl ag anableddau yn ei ddioddef yn y DU heddiw.
Firstly, can I request an update on Welsh Government action to help people working for Virgin Media? It has been reported in the South Wales Evening Post that employees have been refused time off to attend job tests and to attend job interviews, despite the fact that their jobs are seriously under threat. Has the Welsh Government taskforce been given access to Virgin Media and an opportunity to talk to the staff there in order to give them support? A loss of almost 800 jobs anywhere is bound to have a major effect on the local economy.
The second question I have is: have the Welsh Government any plans to implement immigration checks in the NHS in Wales? To refuse treatment to cancer sufferers and children would be massively inhumane. To fail to treat people who have highly contagious diseases would be a danger to each and every one of us living in Wales. So, can the Government give an assurance they're not intending to go down the direction of the NHS in England?
Yn gyntaf, a gaf i ofyn am ddiweddariad ar gamau gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru i helpu pobl sy'n gweithio i Virgin Media? Adroddwyd yn South Wales Evening Post bod amser wedi'i wrthod i weithwyr i fynychu profion gwaith ac i chyfweliadau am swyddi, er gwaethaf y ffaith bod eu swyddi o dan fygythiad difrifol. A yw tasglu Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael mynediad at Virgin Media a chyfle i siarad â'r staff yno i roi cymorth iddynt? Mae colli bron i 800 o swyddi unrhyw le yn sicr o gael effaith fawr ar yr economi leol.
Yr ail gwestiwn sydd gen i yw: a oes gan Lywodraeth Cymru unrhyw fwriad i gynnal archwiliadau mewnfudo yn y GIG yng Nghymru? Byddai gwrthod triniaeth i ddioddefwyr canser a phlant yn aruthrol o greulon. Byddai methu â thrin pobl sydd â chlefydau hynod o heintus yn berygl i bob un ohonom ni sy'n byw yng Nghymru. Felly, a wnaiff y Llywodraeth roi sicrwydd nad yw'n bwriadu dilyn yr un cyfeiriad â'r GIG yn Lloegr?
Yes, on that second one, the Cabinet Secretary for health has made it more than plain that we have absolutely no intention at all of charging for any treatment or care received in Wales for any asylum seeker, including those who have failed to get leave to remain. Welsh Government guidance to NHS Wales sets that out very clearly, and I applaud that policy for the reasons that Mike Hedges set out very succinctly there.
In terms of Virgin Media, the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport, I know, is meeting very soon with Virgin Media senior management to further discuss the plans for closure, the reasons behind the decision, and to offer what support we can to help reverse the decision if at all possible. The taskforce stands ready to support any affected staff if we're not able to reverse that decision. Officials have held recent meetings with both Virgin Media management and employer representatives to assess the current situation and offer assistance where at all appropriate. The collective consultation period, I understand, started on 23 May and will run for a minimum of 45 days. A counter-proposal from the employee representatives aimed at keeping the site open will be considered as part of this, and the Welsh Government has afforded assistance to the employee side in order to help put that counter-proposal together.
Ie, o ran yr ail bwynt, mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd wedi ei gwneud yn fwy na phlaen nad oes gennym unrhyw fwriad o gwbl i godi tâl am unrhyw driniaeth na gofal y bydd unrhyw geisiwr lloches yn ei dderbyn yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys y rhai sydd wedi methu â chael caniatâd i aros. Mae canllawiau Llywodraeth Cymru i GIG Cymru yn nodi hynny'n glir iawn, ac rwy'n cymeradwyo'r polisi hwnnw am y rhesymau y mae Mike Hedges wedi'u nodi'n gryno iawn yno.
O ran Virgin Media, gwn fod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth, yn cyfarfod yn fuan iawn ag uwch reolwyr Virgin Media i drafod y cynlluniau i gau'r cwmni, y rhesymau dros y penderfyniad, a chynnig unrhyw gymorth y gallwn i helpu i wrthdroi'r penderfyniad os yn bosibl. Mae'r tasglu yn barod i gefnogi unrhyw aelodau staff yr effeithir arnynt os nad ydym yn gallu gwrthdroi'r penderfyniad hwnnw. Mae swyddogion wedi cynnal cyfarfodydd yn ddiweddar â rheolwyr Virgin Media a chynrychiolwyr y cyflogwyr i asesu'r sefyllfa bresennol a chynnig cymorth os yw'n briodol. Rwyf ar ddeall y dechreuodd y cyfnod ymgynghori ar y cyd ar 23 Mai ac y bydd yn para am o leiaf 45 diwrnod. Bydd gwrthgynnig gan gynrychiolwyr y gweithwyr â'r nod o gadw'r safle ar agor yn cael ei ystyried yn rhan o hyn, ac mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi rhoi cymorth i ochr y gweithwyr er mwyn helpu i lunio'r gwrthgynnig hwnnw.
We debated the mud from outside Hinkley Point nuclear power station two weeks ago but we didn't get answers to some really serious questions. So, I want to pose again a question about the testing. In Kosovo, when mud was suspected of being radioactive, they tested using alpha spectrometry, gamma spectrometry and also plasma mass spectrometry. And yet, as to the mud that will be dumped not far from this building—and people 10 miles in-land will be breathing in particles from that mud; that's the scientific evidence that we've been given—why was it only tested using gamma spectrometry? And why on earth won't this Government direct Natural Resources Wales to retest the mud using the three methods that they use in other parts of the world when they suspect that mud is contaminated?
Fe wnaethom ni drafod y mwd o'r tu allan i atomfa Hinkley Point bythefnos yn ôl, ond chawson ni ddim atebion i rai cwestiynau difrifol iawn. Felly, rwyf eisiau gofyn cwestiwn unwaith eto am y profion. Yn Kosovo, pan oedd amheuaeth bod mwd yn ymbelydrol, roeddent yn ei brofi gan ddefnyddio sbectrometreg alffa, sbectrometreg gama a hefyd sbectrometreg màs plasma. Ac eto, ynghylch y mwd a gaiff ei wagu nid nepell o'r adeilad hwn—ac y bydd pobl mewn cwmpas o 10 milltir ar y tir mawr yn anadlu gronynnau o'r mwd hwnnw; dyna’r dystiolaeth wyddonol yr ydym ni wedi ei chael—pam mai dim ond â sbectrometreg gama y cafodd ei brofi? A pham ar y ddaear na wnaiff y Llywodraeth hon gyfarwyddo Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru i ailbrofi’r mwd gan ddefnyddio’r tri dull a ddefnyddir mewn rhannau eraill o'r byd pan fyddant yn amau bod mwd yn halogedig?
The Member brought this up with the Cabinet Secretary for rural affairs and the environment when she was here in the Chamber the week before recess, and they had a very comprehensive conversation between the two of them in which all of those issues were well covered.
Soniodd yr Aelod am hyn wrth Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr amgylchedd a materion gwledig pan oedd hi yma yn y Siambr yr wythnos cyn y toriad, ac fe gafodd y ddau ohonyn nhw sgwrs gynhwysfawr iawn gan roi sylw manwl i’r holl faterion hynny.
Can I ask for a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport on road safety? The leader of the house may be aware that this week is glaucoma awareness week and rates of glaucoma in Wales are pretty significant. Around 38,000 people in Wales suffer from glaucoma, with about 19,000 of those cases being undiagnosed and many of those cases will not be diagnosed until at least 40 per cent of peripheral vision has been lost. A number of Assembly Members sat on a simulator today to experience what it's like to have glaucoma as a driver, and I have to say, it's pretty unsafe. I think everybody crashed the car by the end of their time on the simulator. So, clearly, this is a big problem. I do know that the Welsh Government has a road safety framework. It doesn't mention in there the need for people to have regular eye tests. I know that I've written to the Cabinet Secretary in the past and that he's displayed on some of the roadside signs the need to have eye tests, but can I ask for a statement on the road safety framework, because I do think it needs to be refreshed with reference to eye tests in there so that we can make sure that our roads are as safe as possible?
A gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth am ddiogelwch ar y ffyrdd? Efallai y bydd arweinydd y tŷ yn ymwybodol bod yr wythnos hon yn wythnos ymwybyddiaeth o glawcoma ac mae cyfraddau glawcoma yng Nghymru yn eithaf uchel. Mae tua 38,000 o bobl yng Nghymru yn dioddef o glawcoma, ac nid yw tua 19,000 o'r achosion hynny wedi cael diagnosis a bydd llawer o'r achosion hynny’n mynd heb ddiagnosis hyd nes y bydd o leiaf 40 y cant o olwg ymylol wedi’i golli. Eisteddodd nifer o Aelodau'r Cynulliad ar efelychydd heddiw i brofi sut beth yw bod â glawcoma os ydych chi'n yrrwr, ac mae'n rhaid imi ddweud, mae'n eithaf anniogel. Rwy'n credu bod pawb wedi cael damwain car erbyn diwedd eu cyfnod ar yr efelychydd. Felly, yn amlwg, mae hyn yn broblem fawr. Rwy’n gwybod fod gan Lywodraeth Cymru fframwaith diogelwch ffyrdd. Nid yw hwnnw’n sôn am yr angen i bobl gael profion llygaid yn rheolaidd. Rwy’n gwybod fy mod wedi ysgrifennu at Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn y gorffennol a’i fod ef wedi arddangos ar rai o'r arwyddion wrth ymyl y ffordd bod angen cael profion llygaid, ond a gaf i ofyn am ddatganiad am y fframwaith diogelwch ffyrdd, oherwydd rwyf wir yn credu bod angen ei adnewyddu i gyfeirio at brofion llygaid fel y gallwn ni wneud yn siŵr bod ein ffyrdd mor ddiogel â phosibl?
The Cabinet Secretary is indicating to me that he's happy to work with our colleague the Cabinet Secretary for health to bring forward something as a result of the issues that the Member raises.
Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn awgrymu imi ei fod yn hapus i weithio gyda’n cyd-Aelod, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros iechyd, i gyflwyno rhywbeth o ganlyniad i'r materion y mae'r Aelod yn eu crybwyll.
Diolch i arweinydd y tŷ.
Thank you, leader of the house.
Yr eitem nesaf felly yw'r datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth ar y gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd a metro de Cymru. Rwy'n galw ar yr Ysgrifennydd i wneud ei ddatganiad—Ken Skates.
The next item is a statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport on rail services and the south Wales metro. I call on the Cabinet Secretary to make his statement—Ken Skates.

Diolch, Llywydd. I commend you to my written statement issued to Members yesterday. I am pleased to announce, following the completion of the statutory standstill period for the procurement of the operator and delivery partner for the Wales and borders rail service and south Wales metro, that Welsh Government has completed the formal contractual agreement and awarded the contract to KeolisAmey.
We are at a historic point for rail service provision and our partnership will revolutionise our rail network, bringing about transformational improvements to communities and people the length and breadth of Wales, and of course its borders. Our new rail service contract will focus on the heart of communities, ensuring services are accessible to all, with increased frequency of services, improved facilities and connecting people with jobs, health and leisure.
We have recently published our economic action plan. The people of Wales are a central focus of the interventions contained within the plan, supporting them to lead secure, healthy and rewarding lives, whether it’s connecting them to employment and other opportunities through quality infrastructure, equipping them with the skills they need, or supporting our economic foundations. KeolisAmey share this vision. They have demonstrated their commitment to bringing best practice in rail and light rail operations to Wales, investing in infrastructure, rolling stock and staff, and harnessing technology to deliver for the people, communities and economies of Wales.
I'd like to take this opportunity to personally thank staff at Transport for Wales and all those involved in the process in this truly remarkable example of a cross-Government approach to procurement. Transport for Wales will be responsible for managing the rail services on our behalf, and delivering our investment in rail and metro infrastructure, and together they will deliver this new transformative rail service that Wales can be proud of over the next 15 years.
Diolch, Llywydd. Tynnaf eich sylw at fy natganiad ysgrifenedig a gyhoeddwyd i’r Aelodau ddoe. Rwy’n falch o gyhoeddi, ar ôl cwblhau’r cyfnod segur statudol ar gyfer caffael gweithredwr a phartner darparu ar gyfer gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd Cymru a'r gororau a metro de Cymru, bod Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cwblhau’r cytundeb contract ffurfiol ac wedi dyfarnu’r contract i KeolisAmey.
Mae hwn yn gyfnod hanesyddol i ddarpariaeth gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd a bydd ein partneriaeth yn chwyldroi ein rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd, gan ddod â gwelliannau trawsnewidiol i gymunedau a phobl ar hyd a lled Cymru, ac wrth gwrs, y gororau. Bydd ein contract newydd ar gyfer y gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd yn canolbwyntio ar galon cymunedau, gan sicrhau bod gwasanaethau’n hygyrch i bawb, a bod gwasanaethau ar gael yn amlach, y cyfleusterau’n well a’n bod yn cysylltu pobl â swyddi, iechyd a hamdden.
Yn ddiweddar rydym ni wedi cyhoeddi ein cynllun gweithredu economaidd. Mae pobl Cymru yn ganolog i’r ymyriadau yn y cynllun, ac mae’n eu cefnogi i fyw bywydau diogel, iach a boddhaus, boed hynny drwy eu cysylltu â gwaith a chyfleoedd eraill drwy gyfrwng seilwaith o ansawdd, eu harfogi gyda'r sgiliau sydd eu hangen arnynt, neu gefnogi ein sylfeini economaidd. Mae KeolisAmey yn rhannu'r weledigaeth hon. Maen nhw wedi dangos eu hymrwymiad i ddod â’r arferion gorau o ran gweithrediadau rheilffyrdd a rheilffyrdd ysgafn i Gymru, buddsoddi mewn seilwaith, cerbydau a staff, a defnyddio technoleg i ddarparu ar gyfer pobl, cymunedau ac economi Cymru.
Hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch yn bersonol i staff Trafnidiaeth Cymru ac i bawb sy'n rhan o'r broses yn yr enghraifft hynod hon o ddull caffael trawslywodraethol. Trafnidiaeth Cymru fydd yn gyfrifol am reoli’r gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd ar ein rhan, ac am ddarparu ein buddsoddiad yn seilwaith y rheilffyrdd a'r metro, a gyda'i gilydd byddant yn darparu’r gwasanaeth rheilffyrdd trawsnewidiol newydd hwn y gall Cymru fod yn falch ohono dros y 15 mlynedd nesaf.
Can I thank the Cabinet Secretary for his statement, and I should also thank him for the briefing events that you put on yesterday afternoon and this morning, which were extremely helpful, so I thank you for that?
The awarding of the new rail franchise represents a multibillion pound opportunity and I, like you, Cabinet Secretary, want to make sure that every Welsh person benefits from that investment. I've yet to see the exact breakdown of how much has been invested by the Welsh Government and how much has been invested by the operator. I appreciate I may have missed this information in recent days, but I'd be grateful if you could outline the details of the funding profile of how much the Welsh Government and how much the operator will be investing in each year of the contract.
The contractor's relationship with Network Rail, of course, is crucial, and I'm wondering what alliance will be formed between the franchise operator and Network Rail. I wonder if you can outline what structures are going to be put in place to ensure there's a close working relationship between Network Rail and the contractor in the day-to-day running of the network, and, of course, with Transport for Wales as well.
I was particularly pleased to see the commitment in regard to 4G and 5G roll-out, with masts along the track, and I suppose that provides an example of the question I just asked with regard to Network Rail being responsible for one area, and the operator—the other, of course, Network Rail, owning the land around the track. And with regard to the improved mobile infrastructure, how will that dovetail with the Welsh Government's mobile action plan?
I do want to ask you about accessibility of toilets on trains. Of course, we know of the new legislation coming into force by 2020, and that some train companies are trying to get around the legislation on old Pacer trains by locking train toilets. I appreciate you've made some statements in this regard, but I would be interested in hearing from you, Cabinet Secretary, your views on how we guard against the unintended consequences of the persons with reduced mobility legislation, and a strong statement from you with regard to disability access to toilets on trains would be welcome.
And finally, could I ask you, Cabinet Secretary, to agree to a couple of points: to publish, in partnership, of course, with Transport for Wales and KeolisAmey, the opportunities that make clear to small and medium-sized enterprises in Wales every commercial opportunity over the coming years that the franchise presents; to provide updates on what additional measures Transport for Wales are taking to advertise the financial opportunities that the franchise represents; and, finally, to publish specific Welsh Government targets for the percentage of work won on this scheme by Welsh firms going forward? Thank you, Presiding Officer.
A gaf i ddiolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am ei ddatganiad? Dylwn hefyd diolch iddo am eich digwyddiadau briffio brynhawn ddoe a bore heddiw, a oedd yn hynod o ddefnyddiol, felly diolch ichi am hynny.
Mae dyfarnu'r fasnachfraint rheilffyrdd newydd yn cynrychioli cyfle gwerth biliynau a biliynau o bunnoedd ac rwyf fi, fel chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, eisiau gwneud yn siŵr bod pawb yng Nghymru’n elwa ar y buddsoddiad hwnnw. Nid wyf eto wedi gweld manylion faint yn union y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi ei fuddsoddi a faint mae’r gweithredwr wedi'i fuddsoddi. Rwy’n sylweddoli imi efallai beidio â sylwi ar yr wybodaeth hon yn y dyddiau diwethaf, ond byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe gallech chi amlinellu manylion y proffil ariannu o ran faint fydd Llywodraeth Cymru a faint fydd y gweithredwr yn ei fuddsoddi ym mhob blwyddyn y contract.
Mae perthynas y contractwr â Network Rail, wrth gwrs, yn hollbwysig, ac rwy’n meddwl tybed sut gynghrair a ffurfir rhwng gweithredwr y fasnachfraint a Network Rail. Tybed a allwch chi amlinellu pa strwythurau a gaiff eu rhoi ar waith i sicrhau bod perthynas waith agos rhwng Network Rail a'r contractwr i gynnal y rhwydwaith o ddydd i ddydd, ac, wrth gwrs, gyda Thrafnidiaeth Cymru yn ogystal.
Roeddwn yn arbennig o falch o weld yr ymrwymiad o ran cyflwyno 4G a 5G, gyda mastiau ar hyd y trac, ac mae’n debyg bod hynny’n enghraifft o’r cwestiwn yr wyf newydd ei ofyn o ran bod Network Rail yn gyfrifol am un agwedd, a’r gweithredwr—y llall, wrth gwrs, Network Rail, sy'n berchen ar y tir o amgylch y rheilffordd. Ac o ran y gwell seilwaith symudol, sut fydd hynny'n cydweddu â chynllun gweithredu symudol Llywodraeth Cymru?
Buaswn yn hoffi gofyn ichi am hygyrchedd toiledau ar drenau. Wrth gwrs, rydym ni'n gwybod am y ddeddfwriaeth newydd a fydd yn dod i rym erbyn 2020, a bod rhai cwmnïau trenau’n ceisio ymdopi â'r ddeddfwriaeth ar hen drenau Pacer drwy gloi toiledau'r trenau. Rwy’n sylweddoli eich bod wedi gwneud rhai datganiadau yn hyn o beth, ond byddai gennyf ddiddordeb clywed gennych chi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, eich barn ynglŷn â sut rydym ni'n gochel rhag canlyniadau anfwriadol y ddeddfwriaeth ar bobl gydag anawsterau symud, a byddai datganiad cadarn gennych chi ynghylch hygyrchedd toiledau ar drenau i bobl anabl yn cael ei groesawu.
Ac yn olaf, a gaf i ofyn ichi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, i gytuno ag un neu ddau o bwyntiau: i gyhoeddi, mewn partneriaeth, wrth gwrs, gyda Thrafnidiaeth Cymru a KeolisAmey, y cyfleoedd sy’n dangos yn glir i fusnesau bach a chanolig yng Nghymru yr holl gyfleoedd masnachol dros y blynyddoedd nesaf y bydd y fasnachfraint yn eu cyflwyno; i ddarparu diweddariadau ynglŷn â beth arall mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn ei wneud i hysbysebu’r cyfleoedd ariannol fydd yn dod yn sgil y fasnachfraint; ac, yn olaf, i gyhoeddi targedau penodol Llywodraeth Cymru o ran canran y gwaith a enillir ar y cynllun hwn gan gwmnïau yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol? Diolch, Llywydd.
Can I thank the Member for his questions and for welcoming the announcement that took place yesterday, and the details of the new Wales and borders franchise? We made sure through the scoring process of the procurement exercise that everybody in all parts of Wales and, indeed, the borders area, benefited from the new franchise arrangements. The scoring system was such that it ensured that the bidders were keen to demonstrate how they were going to bring transformative change to all parts of the Wales and borders area.
I think the Member is right to highlight the importance of a number of very significant issues that have been highlighted in recent times, including accessibility and toilets. I can confirm that every toilet on all of the trains will be PRM compliant by the time that they need to be. It's absolutely essential that lower emission PRM toilets are incorporated on all of the trains that will be operating and the ODP has given a very, very clear guarantee that that will happen. The First Minister earlier stated that £15 million will be made available for accessibility at stations across Wales for people who are of limited mobility. There are a number of stations that I know of personally, including my own station of Ruabon, that do not have step-free access, or additional access to step-only access. That will be resolved in the coming franchise arrangements. Every station within the metro area will also be step-free accessible. And in terms of toilets, there will be additional toilets on stations within the metro network to ensure that, for the solution within the core Valleys lines network, no passenger will have to wait more than 14 minutes in order to gain access to a universal access toilet.
The Member raises other important points regarding procurement opportunities for SMEs. We're in the process at the moment of engaging as many Welsh-based companies and borderland companies as possible in the process of identifying infrastructure development partner opportunities to ensure that we capture maximum opportunity for Welsh-based companies. In addition, Transport for Wales, of course, has been set up as a not-for profit-organisation. In the future, it's our anticipation that Transport for Wales will be able to let additional services on a not-for-profit basis to more Welsh companies, and it's also our expectation in the future that Transport for Wales will be able to take on additional responsibilities for other forms of transport management and infrastructure delivery—again being able, in doing so, to award more contracts for Welsh SMEs.
In terms of the work that the operation and development partner will be undertaking with Network Rail, there will be collaborative work taking place with Network Rail, but it will also be on the basis of work being undertaken on a collaborative basis with Transport for Wales as well. I'm pleased that Wales will be represented on the Network Rail national board by a member from Wales itself, ensuring that Wales has a voice on the Network Rail board. I think everybody would acknowledge in the Chamber that, in recent times, the Welsh rail network has not received the sort of infrastructure funding that it should rightly expect. I hope that in the next round, the next control period, that will be addressed, and certainly having Welsh representation on the board at Network Rail will be of assistance.
In terms of the roll-out of new technology, KeolisAmey have designed the roll-out of improved Wi-Fi, the installation of new masts, in line with our Superfast Cymru and mobile interventions to ensure that they don't duplicate them, but instead that we have seamless pathways from train to station to train in terms of Wi-Fi. I'm confident that given the investment that KeolisAmey are looking at placing within new and emerging technologies we will be able to see every train providing free access to Wi-Fi in the coming years. This will be a transformational franchise arrangement, and I'm keen to ensure that we maximise opportunities, not just for the businesses of today but also for new businesses who will be able to look at opportunities where there are new stations.
Now, one of the key benefits for many rural communities of this franchise agreement is the promise that has been made to invest in station buildings and in the landscaping of stations and in bringing stations back into use where they are currently not in use, and that could provide huge opportunities, particularly in rural communities, for new business start-ups at stations. I think many of us could point to a huge number of stations within the 247 station slab that exists on the Wales and borders network where there are opportunities to open up space to new businesses, whether it be in retail, whether it be in hospitality, whether it be in business design or creative industries. There are huge opportunities, and I'm particularly pleased to see a strong focus by the operator and development partner on that potential business area.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiynau ac am groesawu'r cyhoeddiad a wnaethpwyd ddoe, ynghyd â manylion masnachfraint newydd Cymru a'r gororau? Gwnaethom yn siŵr drwy broses sgorio’r ymarfer caffael bod pawb ym mhob rhan o Gymru ac, yn wir, yn ardal y gororau, yn elwa o’r trefniadau masnachfraint newydd. Roedd y system sgorio yn sicrhau bod y cynigwyr yn awyddus i ddangos sut yr oeddent yn mynd i drawsnewid pob rhan o ardal Cymru a'r gororau.
Rwy’n credu bod yr Aelod yn iawn i dynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd nifer o faterion pwysig iawn a amlygwyd yn ddiweddar, gan gynnwys hygyrchedd a thoiledau. Gallaf gadarnhau y bydd pob toiled ar bob trên yn cydymffurfio â rheoliadau PRM erbyn yr amser gofynnol. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol bod toiledau PRM allyriadau is wedi’u cynnwys ar yr holl drenau a fydd yn gweithredu ac mae’r ODP wedi rhoi sicrwydd clir iawn, iawn y bydd hynny'n digwydd. Dywedodd y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach y bydd £15 miliwn ar gael ar gyfer hygyrchedd mewn gorsafoedd ledled Cymru ar gyfer pobl sydd ag anawsterau symud. Rwy’n gwybod yn bersonol am nifer o orsafoedd, gan gynnwys fy ngorsaf fy hun, Rhiwabon, lle nad oes mynediad heb risiau, neu fynediad ychwanegol i fynediad grisiau yn unig. Caiff hynny ei unioni yn y trefniadau masnachfraint sydd ar droed. Bydd pob gorsaf yn ardal y metro hefyd yn hygyrch heb risiau. Ac o ran toiledau, bydd toiledau ychwanegol ar orsafoedd o fewn y rhwydwaith metro i sicrhau, ar gyfer y datrysiad o fewn rhwydwaith craidd rheilffyrdd y Cymoedd, na fydd unrhyw deithiwr yn gorfod aros mwy na 14 munud cyn gallu defnyddio toiled mynediad cyffredinol.
Mae'r Aelod yn codi pwyntiau pwysig eraill ynghylch cyfleoedd caffael i fusnesau bach a chanolig. Rydym yn y broses ar hyn o bryd o ymgysylltu â chynifer â phosibl o gwmnïau o Gymru a’r gororau yn y broses o ganfod cyfleoedd ar gyfer partneriaid datblygu seilwaith i sicrhau ein bod yn creu’r cyfle mwyaf posibl i gwmnïau o Gymru. Yn ogystal, mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru, wrth gwrs, wedi'i sefydlu yn fudiad dielw. Yn y dyfodol, ein disgwyliad yw y bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gallu gosod gwasanaethau ychwanegol ar sail nid-er-elw i fwy o gwmnïau Cymru, ac rydym hefyd yn disgwyl yn y dyfodol y bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn gallu cymryd cyfrifoldebau ychwanegol dros fathau eraill o reoli trafnidiaeth a darparu seilwaith—ac eto’n gallu, wrth wneud hynny, dyfarnu mwy o gontractau i fusnesau bach a chanolig Cymru.
O ran y gwaith y bydd y partner gweithredu a datblygu yn ei wneud gyda Network Rail, bydd gwaith ar y cyd yn digwydd gyda Network Rail, ond bydd hefyd ar sail gweithio ar y cyd â Thrafnidiaeth Cymru yn ogystal. Rwy’n falch y caiff Cymru ei chynrychioli ar fwrdd cenedlaethol Network Rail gan aelod o Gymru ei hun, sy’n sicrhau y bydd gan Gymru lais ar fwrdd Network Rail. Rwy’n credu y byddai pawb yn cydnabod yn y Siambr nad yw rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd Cymru, yn ddiweddar, wedi cael y math o ariannu seilwaith y byddai’n deg ei ddisgwyl. Rwy’n gobeithio yn y cylch nesaf, y cyfnod rheoli nesaf, y caiff hynny ei unioni, ac yn sicr bydd cynrychiolaeth o Gymru ar fwrdd Network Rail o gymorth.
O ran cyflwyno technoleg newydd, mae KeolisAmey wedi cynllunio proses i gyflwyno gwell Wi-Fi, gosod mastiau newydd, yn unol â'n rhaglen Cyflymu Cymru a'n hymyriadau ffonau symudol i sicrhau nad ydynt yn eu dyblygu, ond yn hytrach bod gennym ni gyswllt di-dor o drên i orsaf i drên o ran Wi-Fi. Rwy’n hyderus o gofio’r buddsoddiad y mae KeolisAmey yn bwriadu ei wneud mewn technolegau newydd y byddwn yn gallu gweld pob trên yn darparu mynediad Wi-Fi am ddim yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Bydd y trefniant hwn gan y fasnachfraint yn un trawsnewidiol, ac rwy’n awyddus i sicrhau ein bod yn cynyddu'r cyfleoedd, nid dim ond i fusnesau heddiw ond hefyd i fusnesau newydd a fydd yn gallu edrych ar gyfleoedd lle mae gorsafoedd newydd.
Nawr, un o fanteision allweddol y cytundeb masnachfraint hwn i lawer o gymunedau gwledig yw’r addewid a wnaethpwyd i fuddsoddi mewn adeiladau gorsafoedd ac mewn tirlunio gorsafoedd ac mewn ailddechrau defnyddio gorsafoedd lle nad ydynt ar hyn o bryd yn cael eu defnyddio, a gallai hynny ddarparu cyfleoedd enfawr, yn enwedig mewn cymunedau gwledig, i fusnesau newydd mewn gorsafoedd. Rwy’n credu y gallai llawer ohonom ni gyfeirio at nifer enfawr o orsafoedd o fewn y slab gorsafoedd 247 sy'n bodoli ar rwydwaith Cymru a'r gororau lle ceir cyfleoedd i agor lle i fusnesau newydd, boed hynny ym maes adwerthu, boed mewn lletygarwch, boed mewn dylunio busnes neu’r diwydiannau creadigol. Mae cyfleoedd di-ri, ac rwy’n arbennig o falch o weld pwyslais cryf gan y gweithredwr a'r partner datblygu ar y maes busnes posibl hwnnw.
I'll start, if I can, by referring to what the First Minister said earlier today in suggesting that Plaid Cymru somehow is doing Wales's rail down. I think we're all excited about the prospect of hopefully getting some more decent trains at some point. I have no doubt that KeolisAmey have put together a very impressive bid, and I congratulate them on landing this lucrative deal. So, is it—[Interruption.]
Rwy’n mynd i ddechrau, os caf, drwy gyfeirio at yr hyn a ddywedodd y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach heddiw i awgrymu rywsut bod Plaid Cymru wedi gwneud tro gwael â rheilffyrdd Cymru. Rwy’n meddwl ein bod i gyd yn llawn cyffro am y posibilrwydd o gael trenau mwy gweddus, gobeithio, ar ryw adeg. Nid oes gennyf amheuaeth bod KeolisAmey wedi llunio cynnig trawiadol iawn, ac rwy’n eu llongyfarch am sicrhau’r fargen broffidiol hon. Felly, ai—[Torri ar draws.]
There's no opportunity for an intervention, so the Member doesn't need to take it as an intervention.
Does dim cyfle am ymyriad, felly does dim angen i’r Aelod ei gymryd fel ymyriad.
So, Plaid Cymru doing Wales's rail down—the context is quite important here. It's successive Labour and Conservative UK Governments that have done Wales's rail down: the Conservatives, who've recently rowed back on electrification; 13 years of Labour Governments before them that failed to get any electrification done, north, south, east or west; a Labour Government—I think I'm right—that left us with the laughable zero-growth Arriva franchise—laughable, that is, if it wasn't so serious for the thousands of Valleys lines commuters squeezing onto trains, day after day, or north-south travellers sitting on trains for five hours that are really best suited for half-hour or hour-long journeys. So, yes, we're all excited about the prospect of new, fresher trains. I was on the enterprise and business committee in the last Assembly when we considered, in great detail, the dire straits—the dire state, actually—of the current rail system that we have in Wales. Passengers know that it's about time we had better trains, because they've seen pictures of what they have in other countries—they've been on holiday and they've travelled on trains more suited to this century rather than the middle of the last. So, I would urge the Government to be realistic in your expectations about how grateful people should be for what we have now, or what is being promised after suffering the service that they have done for so long.
Now, reading sections of the statement issued by you yesterday—and we're grateful for that statement—there's an element of sadness in many ways. The quality of the franchise deal is very, very important. The last franchise deal left us wanting for so much. We were told 15 years ago that we were having trains that weren't fit for the twenty-first century—we've still got those trains now. Even now we're told that one in every 20 journeys, for some years to come, will continue to be serviced by the current rusty, battered, out-of-date rolling stock that we currently have—[Interruption.] Well, you can clarify that, but 95 per cent travelling on new trains in a few years, you say—that still leaves one in 20 on the very old twentieth-century rolling stock that we currently have. You're having to wait until 2020, still, to have power supply charging points on trains, we were told in the statement yesterday. And again, one in 20 journeys won't have that basic necessity.
It was really important to learn from the mistakes of the last franchise and make sure that they weren't replicated this time around, and I'm not entirely convinced, yet, that those lessons have been learnt. You stated in your statement that onboard catering remains a key feature of services on the Wales and borders network. Anyone travelling north-south will tell you—apart from the one train a day, one northwards and one to the south, that has proper buffet facilities—anybody travelling on the usual trains, north-south, will tell you that the trains aren't suitable for those long journeys—five-hour journeys on trains suitable for short hops. I got on the train in Bodorgan—I would urge anybody to get on the train in Bodorgan, it's a station in a field in the middle of Anglesey; I feel very proud of our little station, but it's a good two and a half or three hours until we get a cup of tea served. And I remember asking Arriva, 'Why doesn't the tea trolley come on until Shrewsbury?', and the answer I got was, 'Because the franchise agreement said that the tea trolley shouldn't come on until Shrewsbury.' So, getting that franchise agreement right is absolutely vital. So, when you say that, in the new all-singing, all-dancing franchise deal,
'As a minimum, provision will be of the same level as that currently available',
that fills me with dread about my journeys from—. This is from your statement; I'm quoting from your statement yesterday. That fills people with dread, because people want to use the train more for north-south journeys, and people are looking for a better service. Being told that current provision of things like a cup of tea, a glass of water, on a five-hour journey shouldn't be too much to ask for in the twenty-first century.
Let me ask for your thoughts, also, on the role of the new system for bringing Wales together. Public transport isn't just about moving people from A to B. Surely, our new, visionary rail system for Wales should be about, effectively, bringing A and B closer together, building a network that ties different parts of Wales together. I see very little in that list of improvements that was published yesterday that shows us that we are creating here a genuine Wales-wide rail system. Of course there are improvements—I see the increase in train numbers on certain routes, on many different routes, and improvements for commuters, and new trains—and that's great, but where is the creation of the all-Wales rail system?
On the profit element, picking up on comments made by Leanne Wood earlier on, rail shouldn't have been privatised in the way that it was, but it is privatised. What I'm looking to see is real public control of the money that flows through the rail system. Could you give us more assurances about how we tie in improved performance, which we hopefully will get from the new operator, with how the money gained from that new performance will actually be driven back into the rail network? Those are the kinds of clarifications that we need now. We lost control of rail; rail became a cash cow. Companies were able to profit—still are able to profit. We need to make sure that this is watertight, and I'm still not quite yet hearing that this is total public control of rail in Wales.
On the question of not-for-profit rail operators, the First Minister said earlier, 'Well, we can't do it. The law says that we cannot have a public rail system.' What we can have, of course, and we investigated this in the last—[Interruption.] Thank you for the suggestion that I have a few seconds left. We looked in the committee in the last Assembly at the prospect of creating a not-for-profit vehicle, which certainly is allowable under legislation. Can you tell me, as a final question, what efforts Government made to look at the prospect of finding, developing, sourcing a vehicle for delivering rail not for profit? If you tried and failed, why did you still put it in your manifestos that you wanted a not-for-profit system? If you didn't try at all, well, what on earth were you doing, putting it in your manifestos? I'll leave it there. Thank you, Llywydd.
Felly, Plaid Cymru yn gwneud tro gwael â rheilffyrdd Cymru—mae’r cyd-destun yn eithaf pwysig yma. Llywodraethau olynol Llafur a Cheidwadol y DU sydd wedi gwneud tro gwael â rheilffyrdd Cymru: y Ceidwadwyr, sydd yn ddiweddar wedi camu'n ôl ar drydaneiddio; 13 blynedd o Lywodraethau Llafur cyn hynny a fethodd â gwneud dim trydaneiddio, gogledd, de, dwyrain neu orllewin; Llywodraeth Lafur—rwy’n meddwl fy mod yn iawn—a’n gadawodd â masnachfraint chwerthinllyd Arriva heb unrhyw dwf o gwbl—chwerthinllyd, hynny yw, pe na bai mor ddifrifol i filoedd o gymudwyr rheilffyrdd y Cymoedd sydd wedi’u gwasgu ar drenau, ddydd ar ôl dydd, neu deithwyr o’r gogledd i’r de sy’n eistedd am bump awr ar drenau sydd wir yn fwyaf addas i siwrneiau hanner awr neu awr. Felly, ydym, rydym ni i gyd yn llawn cyffro am y posibilrwydd o drenau newydd, mwy ffres. Roeddwn ar y pwyllgor menter a busnes yn y Cynulliad diwethaf pan fuom yn ystyried, yn fanwl iawn, sefyllfa enbyd—cyflwr enbyd, a dweud y gwir—y system rheilffyrdd presennol sydd gennym ni yng Nghymru. Mae teithwyr yn gwybod ei bod hi'n hen bryd inni gael trenau gwell, oherwydd maen nhw wedi gweld lluniau o'r hyn sydd ganddyn nhw mewn gwledydd eraill—maen nhw wedi bod ar wyliau ac maen nhw wedi teithio ar drenau sy’n addas i’r ganrif hon yn hytrach na chanol y ganrif ddiwethaf. Felly, byddwn yn annog y Llywodraeth i fod yn realistig yn eich disgwyliadau ynghylch pa mor ddiolchgar y dylai pobl fod am yr hyn sydd gennym yn awr, neu’r hyn sy'n cael ei addo ar ôl iddyn nhw ddioddef y gwasanaeth presennol ers cyhyd.
Nawr, wrth ddarllen rhannau o’r datganiad a gyhoeddwyd gennych chi ddoe—ac rydym ni'n ddiolchgar am y datganiad hwnnw—mae elfen o dristwch mewn llawer ffordd. Mae ansawdd y fargen fasnachfraint yn bwysig iawn, iawn. Nid oedd y fargen fasnachfraint ddiwethaf yn ddigon da am lawer o resymau. Dywedwyd wrthym 15 mlynedd yn ôl ein bod yn cael trenau nad oeddent yn addas ar gyfer yr unfed ganrif ar hugain—mae’r trenau hynny’n dal i fod gennym ni heddiw. Hyd yn oed nawr rydym yn cael clywed y bydd un o bob 20 o deithiau, am rai blynyddoedd i ddod, yn dal i gael eu gwasanaethu gan yr hen gerbydau rhydlyd, tolciog sydd gennym ni ar hyn o bryd—[Torri ar draws.] Wel, gallwch egluro hynny, ond rydych chi'n sôn am 95 y cant yn teithio ar drenau newydd ymhen ychydig flynyddoedd—mae hynny’n dal i adael un o bob 20 ar y cerbydau hen iawn o’r ugeinfed ganrif sydd gennym ni ar hyn o bryd. Rydych chi'n dal i orfod aros tan 2020, i gael cyflenwad pŵer i wefru ar drenau, dywedodd y datganiad ddoe wrthym. Ac, unwaith eto, ni fydd gan un o bob 20 siwrnai yr anghenraid sylfaenol hwnnw.
Roedd yn bwysig iawn dysgu o gamgymeriadau’r fasnachfraint diwethaf a gwneud yn siŵr nad oeddent yn cael eu dyblygu y tro hwn, ac nid wyf yn gwbl argyhoeddedig, eto, bod y gwersi hynny wedi cael eu dysgu. Dywedasoch yn eich datganiad fod arlwyo ar y trenau’n dal i fod yn un o nodweddion allweddol gwasanaethau ar rwydwaith Cymru a'r gororau. Bydd unrhyw un sy'n teithio o’r gogledd i’r de yn dweud wrthych—ar wahân i’r un trên y dydd, un tua'r gogledd ac un tua'r de, sydd â chyfleusterau bwffe priodol—bydd unrhyw un sy'n teithio ar y trenau arferol, o’r gogledd i’r de, yn dweud wrthych nad yw’r trenau’n addas i’r teithiau hir hynny—pump awr yn teithio ar drenau sy’n addas i deithiau byr iawn. Es ar y trên ym Modorgan—byddwn yn annog unrhyw un i fynd ar y trên ym Modorgan, mae'n orsaf mewn cae yng nghanol Ynys Môn; rwy'n teimlo'n falch iawn o’n gorsaf fach ni, ond mae'n ddwy awr a hanner dda neu’n dair awr cyn inni gael cynnig paned o de. Ac rwy’n cofio gofyn i Arriva, 'Pam nad yw’r troli te’n dod ymlaen tan Amwythig?' a'r ateb a gefais oedd, 'gan fod y cytundeb masnachfraint yn dweud na ddylai’r troli te ddod ymlaen tan Amwythig.' Felly, mae cael y cytundeb masnachfraint yn iawn yn gwbl hanfodol. Felly, pan ddywedwch chi, yn y fargen fasnachfraint newydd sbon danlli hon,
'Bydd lefel y gwasanaeth yn cadw o leiaf at ei lefel bresennol',
mae hynny’n codi arswyd arnaf am fy siwrneiau o—. Mae hyn yn eich datganiad; rwy’n dyfynnu o'ch datganiad ddoe. Mae hynny'n codi arswyd ar bobl, oherwydd hoffai pobl ddefnyddio mwy ar y trenau ar gyfer teithiau rhwng y gogledd a'r de, ac mae pobl yn chwilio am wasanaeth gwell. Cael gwybod bod y ddarpariaeth bresennol o bethau fel cwpanaid o de, gwydraid o ddŵr, ar daith pum awr; ddylai hynny ddim bod yn ormod i ofyn amdano yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain.
Gadewch imi ofyn am eich barn, hefyd, am gyfraniad y system newydd ar gyfer dod â Chymru ynghyd. Nid symud pobl o A i B yw unig swyddogaeth trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus. Does bosib na ddylai ein system rheilffyrdd newydd, flaengar ar gyfer Cymru fod yn seiliedig, yn y bôn ar ddod ag A a B yn nes at ei gilydd, gan adeiladu rhwydwaith sy'n clymu gwahanol rannau o Gymru at ei gilydd. Ychydig iawn yr wyf yn ei weld yn y rhestr honno o welliannau a gyhoeddwyd ddoe sy’n dangos inni ein bod yn creu system rheilffyrdd go iawn i Gymru gyfan. Wrth gwrs ceir gwelliannau—rwy’n gweld y cynnydd yn nifer y trenau ar lwybrau penodol, ar lawer o wahanol lwybrau, a gwelliannau i gymudwyr, a threnau newydd—ac mae hynny'n wych, ond ble mae creu system rheilffyrdd i Gymru gyfan?
O ran elw, i ddilyn y sylwadau a wnaeth Leanne Wood yn gynharach, ni ddylid bod wedi preifateiddio’r rheilffyrdd fel y digwyddodd, ond maen nhw wedi’u preifateiddio. Yr hyn yr hoffwn i ei weld yw rheolaeth gyhoeddus go iawn dros yr arian sy'n llifo drwy’r system reilffyrdd. A allech roi mwy o sicrwydd inni ynglŷn â sut yr ydym ni'n cyfuno perfformiad gwell, yr ydym yn gobeithio ei gael gan y gweithredwr newydd, â sut yn union y caiff yr arian a gawn ni o’r perfformiad newydd hwnnw ei ailfuddsoddi yn y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd? Dyna’r mathau o eglurhad sydd eu hangen arnom ni nawr. Gwnaethom golli rheolaeth dros y rheilffyrdd; aeth y rheilffyrdd yn beiriant pres. Roedd cwmnïau’n gallu gwneud elw—maent yn dal i allu gwneud elw. Mae angen inni wneud yn siŵr bod hyn yn hollol ddiogel, ac rwy’n dal i aros i glywed bod hyn yn rheolaeth gyhoeddus lwyr dros y rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru.
O ran gweithredwyr rheilffyrdd nid-er-elw, dywedodd y Prif Weinidog yn gynharach, 'Wel, ni allwn ei wneud. Mae'r gyfraith yn dweud na allwn ni gael system rheilffyrdd gyhoeddus.' Yr hyn y gallwn ei gael, wrth gwrs, a gwnaethom ymchwilio i hyn y tro diwethaf—[Torri ar draws.] Diolch am yr awgrym mai dim ond ychydig eiliadau sydd gennyf ar ôl. Buom yn edrych yn y pwyllgor yn y Cynulliad diwethaf ar y posibilrwydd o greu cyfrwng nid-er-elw, sy'n sicr yn rhywbeth a ganiateir o dan y ddeddfwriaeth. A allwch chi ddweud wrthyf, fel cwestiwn olaf, pa ymdrechion a wnaeth y Llywodraeth i edrych ar y posibilrwydd o ddarganfod, datblygu, ceisio cyfrwng i ddarparu rheilffyrdd nid-er-elw? Os gwnaethoch chi geisio a methu, pam rhoi yn eich maniffestos yr hoffech chi gael system nid-er-elw? Os na wnaethoch chi geisio o gwbl, wel, beth ar y ddaear yr oeddech yn ei wneud, yn ei roi yn eich maniffestos? Fe adawaf bethau fel yna. Diolch, Llywydd.
Can I thank the Member for his questions and his contribution? I think it's fair to say that his message was somewhat inconsistent with the message given earlier from the leader of his party, in terms of welcoming the franchise agreement. I should just point out that the new arrangements were described earlier this afternoon by the leader of Plaid Cymru as 'second rate'.
It's clear that the position of Plaid Cymru, with regard to letting this franchise, is such that they would have been in no other position, were they in power, other than to continue with the current franchise arrangements, because it is simply—[Interruption.] Because it is simply not possible to ensure that a public body is able to run the current rail network as it stands in law. We tried to change that law, as every party recognises. It could have been the case—a not-for-profit organisation could have won the contract if they had bid, but none did, and we clearly would still prefer nationalisation. However, within the straitjacket in which we operate, we believe that this is, by far, the best deal that could have been struck.
Indeed, Members of Plaid Cymru signed up to a report not long ago that stated that, if we were to reach the point that we're at today, we would have achieved heroic ambition. We've done that, and in having that position—one that is so intransigent as to not recognise that we need to be pragmatic with regard to the award of the rail franchise—it suggests that the only way forward for Plaid Cymru would have been to continue with the current arrangements, and the price of that would have been enormous: 16 per cent higher in terms of subsidies. So, the price that Plaid would have paid over the course of 15 years would have amounted to more than £300 million in addition: 16 per cent more. We're going to save 16 per cent as a consequence of the agreement that we've reached, and there would have been a continuation of the poor services that Members have already highlighted and, of course, the accumulation, annually, of profits of more than £28 million. That's a fact, if you'd continued with the current arrangements, and that's the only place you could have gone to, based on your current argument.
If Plaid Cymru can't welcome our having delivered what their own Members described as a heroic ambition, then surely—surely—there should be some recognition of the enormous benefits that will come to Wales as a consequence of this new franchise: £800 million more on rolling stock; £194 million more on stations; half-price tickets for 16 to 18-year-olds; half of the trains built in Wales. I think it's time to just recognise that, sometimes, we do deliver. We do deliver and we have done. We have delivered an excellent franchise arrangement for the people of Wales.
Profits were raised as an issue earlier, and by the Member now. The profit of 3 per cent was mentioned earlier, and 2.9 per cent. Well, if you look at what Arriva have been making in terms of profits: pre-tax profits in recent times have reached as much as 18.6 per cent; post-tax profits, 6.9 per cent; dividends of £20 million being paid to the parent company; just £3 million invested in—[Interruption.]
We did not sign that contract. That was not a Labour—. That was a non-departmental public body. They got it wrong. They got it wrong, and I'm on record on numerous occasions saying that they got it wrong. I wish those on that side of the Chamber would admit that they've been quick to criticise the way that we've gone about procuring this exercise on numerous occasions, but now is the time to be contrite because we have got it right for the people of Wales.
And in terms of the operator and development partner making a profit, well, it's interesting, because Keolis and Amey both have excellent track records in delivery. If you look at customer satisfaction, actually the two best performing networks at the moment in the UK, in terms of customer satisfaction, are the docklands light railway and the Manchester metro system—both operated by Keolis. And in terms of Amey: an excellent track record, as the Member should know, because one of the organisations that they work for is the Plaid-run Isle of Anglesey council.
In terms of quality, and the Member is absolutely right to say that it's all about the quality of provision—I'll forgive him for not having read all of the brief, because there is a substantial amount of information in there—but he said that people will have to ride on rusting rolling stock that we have now. The statement said that every train is going to be replaced, and that 95 per cent of all passenger journeys will be based on brand-new rolling stock by 2023. [Interruption.] No, the Member said we will still be operating rusting rolling stock that we have now. [Interruption.] No.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiynau ac am ei gyfraniad? Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n deg dweud bod ei neges yn anghyson braidd â’r neges a roddwyd yn gynharach gan arweinydd ei blaid, o ran croesawu'r cytundeb masnachfraint. Dylwn nodi bod arweinydd Plaid Cymru wedi disgrifio’r trefniadau newydd yn gynharach y prynhawn yma yn rhai ‘eilradd’.
Mae'n amlwg mai sefyllfa Plaid Cymru, o ran gosod y fasnachfraint hon, yw na fydden nhw wedi bod mewn unrhyw sefyllfa, pe baen nhw mewn grym, i wneud dim ond parhau â’r trefniadau masnachfraint presennol, oherwydd yn syml—[Torri ar draws.] Oherwydd yn syml nid yw'n bosibl sicrhau bod corff cyhoeddus yn gallu cynnal y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd presennol yn ôl y gyfraith. Rydym ni wedi ceisio newid y gyfraith honno, fel y mae pob plaid yn ei gydnabod. Gallai fod wedi digwydd—gallai mudiad nid-er-elw fod wedi ennill y contract pe baen nhw wedi gwneud cynnig, ond ni ddigwyddodd hynny, ac yn amlwg byddai gwladoli'n dal i fod yn well gennym. Fodd bynnag, o fewn y cyfyngiadau yr ydym yn gweithredu oddi mewn iddynt, rydym ni'n credu mai hon, o bell ffordd, oedd y fargen orau y gellid bod wedi ei tharo.
Yn wir, ymrwymodd Aelodau Plaid Cymru i adroddiad yn ddiweddar a oedd yn dweud, pe baem ni yn cyrraedd y pwynt lle’r ydym ni heddiw, y byddem ni wedi cyflawni uchelgais arwrol. Rydym ni wedi gwneud hynny, ac o fod â’r safbwynt hwnnw—un sydd mor ddi-ildio nes nad ydynt yn cydnabod bod angen inni fod yn bragmatig o ran dyfarnu'r fasnachfraint rheilffyrdd—mae'n awgrymu mai'r unig ffordd ymlaen i Blaid Cymru fyddai wedi bod i barhau gyda’r trefniadau presennol, a byddai pris hynny wedi bod yn enfawr: 16 y cant yn uwch o ran cymorthdaliadau. Felly, byddai Plaid, dros 15 mlynedd, wedi talu pris sy’n cyfateb i fwy na £300 miliwn ychwanegol: 16 y cant yn fwy. Rydym ni'n mynd i arbed 16 y cant o ganlyniad i'r cytundeb yr ydym ni wedi’i daro, a byddai’r gwasanaethau gwael y mae Aelodau eisoes wedi sôn amdanynt wedi parhau ac, wrth gwrs, bydd dros £28 miliwn o elw yn cronni bob blwyddyn. Mae hynny'n ffaith, pe baech chi wedi parhau gyda'r trefniadau presennol, a dyna’r unig beth y gallech fod wedi ei wneud, yn seiliedig ar eich dadl bresennol.
Os na all Plaid Cymru groesawu’r ffaith ein bod wedi cyflawni’r hyn a ddisgrifiodd eu Haelodau eu hunain yn uchelgais arwrol, yna does bosib—does bosib—na ddylai fod rhyw gydnabyddiaeth o'r manteision enfawr a ddaw i Gymru o ganlyniad i'r fasnachfraint newydd hon: £800 miliwn yn fwy ar gerbydau; £194 miliwn yn fwy ar orsafoedd; tocynnau hanner pris i bobl ifanc 16 i 18 mlwydd oed; hanner y trenau’n cael eu hadeiladu yng Nghymru. Rwy’n meddwl ei bod hi'n bryd cydnabod ein bod, weithiau, yn llwyddo. Rydym ni yn llwyddo ac rydym ni wedi llwyddo. Rydym ni wedi llwyddo i gyflawni trefniant masnachfraint ardderchog ar gyfer pobl Cymru.
Codwyd elw fel mater yn gynharach, a gan yr Aelod nawr. Roedd sôn am elw o 3 y cant yn gynharach, a 2.9 y cant. Wel, os edrychwch chi ar yr hyn y mae Arriva wedi bod yn ei wneud o ran elw: mae’r elw cyn treth yn ddiweddar wedi cyrraedd cymaint â 18.6 y cant; elw ar ôl treth, 6.9 y cant; talu difidendau o £20 miliwn i'r rhiant gwmni; buddsoddi dim ond £3 miliwn mewn—[Torri ar draws.]
Nid ni a lofnododd y contract hwnnw. Nid Llafur—. Corff cyhoeddus anadrannol oedd hwnnw. Gwnaethant gamgymeriad. Gwnaethant gamgymeriad, ac rwyf ar goedd droeon yn dweud eu bod wedi gwneud camgymeriad. Hoffwn pe bai’r rheini ar yr ochr honno i'r Siambr yn cyfaddef eu bod wedi bod yn barod iawn i feirniadu'r ffordd yr ydym ni wedi mynd ati i gaffael yr ymarfer hwn ar sawl achlysur, ond nawr yw'r amser i edifarhau oherwydd rydym ni wedi cyflawni hyn dros bobl Cymru.
Ac o ran y gweithredwr a'r partner datblygu’n gwneud elw, wel, mae'n ddiddorol, oherwydd mae gan Keolis ac Amey ill dau hanes rhagorol o ran cyflawni. Os edrychwch chi ar fodlonrwydd cwsmeriaid, yn wir, y ddau rwydwaith sy’n perfformio orau ar hyn o bryd yn y DU, o ran boddhad cwsmeriaid, yw rheilffordd ysgafn y dociau a system fetro Manceinion—Keolis sy’n gweithredu’r ddau. Ac o ran Amey: hanes rhagorol, fel y dylai’r Aelod wybod, oherwydd un o'r sefydliadau y maent yn gweithio iddynt yw Cyngor Ynys Môn o dan reolaeth Plaid.
O ran ansawdd, ac mae’r Aelod yn hollol gywir i ddweud bod ansawdd y ddarpariaeth yn hollbwysig—gwnaf faddau iddo am beidio â bod wedi darllen y briff i gyd, oherwydd mae llawer iawn o wybodaeth yno—ond dywedodd y bydd yn rhaid i bobl deithio ar y cerbydau rhydlyd sydd gennym ni nawr. Roedd y datganiad yn dweud bod pob trên yn mynd i gael ei ddisodli, ac y bydd 95 y cant o’r holl deithiau teithwyr yn cael eu gwneud ar gerbydau newydd sbon erbyn 2023. [Torri ar draws.] Na, dywedodd yr Aelod y byddwn yn dal i weithredu cerbydau rhydlyd sydd gennym nawr. [Torri ar draws.] Na.
Four years.
Pedair blynedd.
No. We will be replacing the units that currently operate on the north-south main line. We're going to be moving to freshly refitted and refurbished Mark 4 trains. Why? Well, because during the consultation process—and 1,300 people and organisations participated in that process—we were told that that much-valued service needed to be enhanced in terms of journey times and in terms of the quality of provision. And so, as a consequence, the bidders went out to look for the best rolling stock solutions. The Mark 4 is a class leader in terms of comfort. It is recognised as being one of the best trains in terms of passenger comfort and so, for that reason, they will be refitted and brought into use as soon as possible.
In terms of the new trains that will be operating, actually, the new diesel multiple units will be operating not in 2023-24, as the Member has just called across the Chamber. In north Wales, which I know the Member is very keen to see benefit from this exercise—. North Wales will be the first area to benefit from the new DMUs in 2022, and in terms of the north-south service that, again, the Member has referred to on a number of occasions, not only are we going to be maintaining the current service level, we are going to be improving it with bidirectional services.
The Member also said that the onboard catering offer is currently insufficient, and I agree. That's why I said that, as a minimum, provision should be maintained at the same level everywhere, and improved wherever possible. So, as a consequence, what the successful bidder has promised to do is to improve the catering offer on the service that the Member identified. But it's not just that service: the catering offer will be improved across the Wales and borders network. It's absolutely crucial that passengers expect a higher level of comfort, and a greater degree of catering offer. They wouldn't have got that if we had maintained the current franchise agreement, which is what the leader of Plaid Cymru would have to do, but they will get it with our franchise agreement.
And in terms of transport bringing people closer together, there are many examples of how people are going to be brought closer together in this. Transport for Wales will be a national not-for-profit organisation tasked with maintaining an oversight of the current franchise agreement and making sure that there are improvements in the network, carried out at speed and to budget. But in terms of some of the examples of how people are going to be brought closer together, from this December there'll be new services; there'll be changes introduced in 2019; and there'll be 22 per cent more Sunday mileage operations from 2019. Cardiff Central to Bridgend: a perfect example of how we can bring people closer together. There's going to be a consistent four-train-per-hour solution from 2019. I could go on. The list is there, ready for Members to see, if they wish. Every single service improvement demonstrates how we are uniting the country better, bringing people closer together and bringing people closer to their places of work more speedily as well.
In terms of profit, the Member is right, profit does need to be reinvested wherever, whenever possible. We are capping the profit margins of the operator and development partner, and all excess will be reinvested back into the network. We're going to be monitoring the performance of the operator, and we're also going to be looking at using break clauses as a means to ensure that they deliver against the proposals that they've outlined in their procurement bid.
In terms of the not-for-profit question—whether a not-for-profit organisation could operate the rail services—again, I must stress that there was nothing preventing a not-for-profit organisation from bidding. Unfortunately, one did not—[Interruption.] We were encouraging one, and indeed, it was in our manifesto. That's why we were encouraging a not-for-profit organisation. Sadly, none came forward.
The key point here, Llywydd, is the interest of passengers. That is what matters most, and we are delivering a first-class franchise arrangement for the people of Wales.
Na. Byddwn yn disodli’r unedau sydd ar waith ar hyn o bryd ar y brif reilffordd o’r gogledd i'r de. Rydym yn mynd i ddechrau defnyddio trenau Marc 4 sydd wedi’u hailosod a’u hadnewyddu. Pam? Wel, oherwydd yn ystod y broses ymgynghori—ac roedd 1,300 o bobl a sefydliadau wedi cymryd rhan yn y broses honno—dywedwyd wrthym fod angen gwella’r gwasanaeth gwerthfawr hwnnw o ran amseroedd teithio ac o ran ansawdd y ddarpariaeth. Ac felly, o ganlyniad, aeth y cynigwyr i chwilio am y cerbydau gorau i ddatrys y sefyllfa. Mae’r Marc 4 yn arweinydd dosbarth o ran cysur. Fe’i cydnabyddir fel un o'r trenau gorau o ran cysur teithwyr ac felly, am y rheswm hwnnw, byddant yn cael eu hailosod a byddwn yn dechrau eu defnyddio cyn gynted â phosibl.
O ran y trenau newydd a fydd yn gweithredu, a dweud y gwir, bydd yr unedau lluosog disel newydd yn gweithredu nid yn 2023-24, fel y mae’r Aelod newydd ddweud ar draws y Siambr. Yn y gogledd, y gwn y mae'r Aelod yn awyddus iawn i’w weld yn elwa o’r ymarfer hwn—. Gogledd Cymru fydd yr ardal gyntaf i elwa o’r unedau lluosog disel newydd yn 2022, ac o ran y gwasanaeth rhwng y gogledd a'r de y mae’r Aelod, eto, wedi cyfeirio ato ar sawl achlysur, nid yn unig y byddwn yn cynnal y lefel gwasanaeth bresennol, byddwn yn ei gwella gyda gwasanaethau i’r ddau gyfeiriad.
Dywedodd yr Aelod hefyd fod y cynnig arlwyo ar y trenau’n annigonol ar hyn o bryd, ac rwy’n cytuno. Dyna pam yr wyf wedi dweud, fel isafswm, y dylid cynnal y ddarpariaeth ar yr un lefel ym mhob man, a'i gwella lle bo hynny'n bosibl. Felly, o ganlyniad, yr hyn y mae’r cynigydd llwyddiannus wedi addo ei wneud yw gwella'r cynnig arlwyo ar y gwasanaeth a nodwyd gan yr Aelod. Ond nid dim ond y gwasanaeth hwnnw: caiff y cynnig arlwyo ei wella ar draws rhwydwaith Cymru a'r gororau. Mae'n gwbl hanfodol bod teithwyr yn disgwyl teithiau mwy cysurus, a gwell cynnig arlwyo. Ni fyddent wedi cael hynny pe baem wedi cadw’r cytundeb masnachfraint cyfredol, sef yr hyn y byddai’n rhaid i arweinydd Plaid Cymru ei wneud, ond byddant yn ei gael gyda’n cytundeb masnachfraint ni.
Ac o ran trafnidiaeth yn dod â phobl yn nes at ei gilydd, mae llawer o enghreifftiau o sut y bydd hyn yn dod â phobl yn nes at ei gilydd. Bydd Trafnidiaeth Cymru yn fudiad nid-er-elw cenedlaethol sy'n gyfrifol am oruchwylio’r cytundeb masnachfraint presennol a gwneud yn siŵr bod gwelliannau i’r rhwydwaith yn cael eu gwneud yn gyflym ac o fewn y gyllideb. Ond o ran rhai o'r enghreifftiau o sut y bydd hyn yn dod â phobl yn nes at ei gilydd, o fis Rhagfyr eleni ymlaen bydd gwasanaethau newydd; cyflwynir newidiadau yn 2019; a bydd 22 y cant yn fwy o filltiroedd ar ddydd Sul o 2019 ymlaen. Caerdydd Canolog i Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr: enghraifft berffaith o sut y gallwn ni ddod â phobl yn nes at ei gilydd. Bydd datrysiad cyson pedwar-trên-yr-awr o 2019 ymlaen. Gallwn roi rhagor o enghreifftiau. Mae’r rhestr yno, yn barod i Aelodau ei gweld, os ydynt yn dymuno. Mae pob un gwelliant i’r gwasanaeth yn dangos sut yr ydym yn uno’r wlad yn well, yn dod â phobl yn nes at ei gilydd ac yn dod â phobl yn nes at eu mannau gwaith yn gyflymach yn ogystal.
O ran elw, mae'r Aelod yn gywir, mae angen ailfuddsoddi elw lle bynnag a phryd bynnag y bo'n bosibl. Rydym yn capio elw’r gweithredwr a'r partner datblygu, a chaiff pob gormodedd ei ailfuddsoddi yn y rhwydwaith. Byddwn yn monitro perfformiad y gweithredwr, a byddwn hefyd yn edrych ar ddefnyddio cymalau toriad fel modd o sicrhau eu bod yn cyflawni yn erbyn y cynigion y maent wedi eu hamlinellu yn eu cynnig caffael.
O ran y cwestiwn nid-er-elw—a allai mudiad nid-er-elw weithredu’r gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd—unwaith eto, rhaid imi bwysleisio nad oedd dim i atal mudiad nid-er-elw rhag ymgeisio. Yn anffodus, ni wnaeth un—[Torri ar draws.] Roeddem yn annog un, ac yn wir, roedd hynny yn ein maniffesto. Dyna pam yr oeddem yn annog mudiad nid-er-elw. Yn anffodus, ni ddaeth un ymlaen.
Y pwynt allweddol yma, Llywydd, yw budd y teithwyr. Dyna sydd bwysicaf, ac rydym yn darparu trefniant masnachfraint o'r radd flaenaf i bobl Cymru.
Well, perhaps I ought to point out that those wonderful trains that Rhun ap Iorwerth referred to on the continent were probably paid for by the billions of pounds Britain has poured into Europe over the last 40 years.
But, to move on, can I thank the Cabinet Secretary for this statement, which gives a comprehensive overview of what the new franchise is expected to deliver over the coming years? I must say, there are some mouthwatering promises that should silence even the most critical of commentators. Enhancements to stations, rolling stock and vastly increased timetables augur well for the future of rail travel in Wales and the borders. The competitive dialogue process certainly seems to be justified by the commitments you have extracted from the winning franchisee.
We are, of course, very aware of aspirations as opposed to outcomes, so it is gratifying to know that you've put in place clauses allowing you to terminate contracts at the five and 10-year stage if the franchisee does not deliver as envisaged. There are many improvements to services' frequency and times that, together with the increased capacity provided by new and more numerous units of rolling stock, should provide the quality of service so desperately needed to improve passenger satisfaction.
There is just one note of disappointment, as a Member for south Wales, and that is, although you speak of extra services, better rolling stock and rail improvements to the Ebbw Vale line, there remains the notable omission of a commitment to a rail link into Newport. When I questioned Arriva Trains with regard to why this link could not be achieved, they indicated that the line was at full capacity with the service to Cardiff. Will the Cabinet Secretary indicate whether the new improvements to the Ebbw Vale line will at long last create enough capacity for this desperately needed Newport connection? Thank you.
Wel, efallai y dylwn nodi ei bod yn debygol y talwyd am y trenau gwych hynny y cyfeiriodd Rhun ap Iorwerth atynt ar y cyfandir â’r biliynau o bunnoedd y mae Prydain wedi’u harllwys i mewn i Ewrop dros y 40 mlynedd diwethaf.
Ond, i symud ymlaen, a gaf i ddiolch i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet am y datganiad hwn, sy'n rhoi trosolwg cynhwysfawr o'r hyn y disgwylir i’r fasnachfraint newydd ei gyflawni dros y blynyddoedd nesaf? Rhaid imi ddweud, ceir rhai addewidion deniadol iawn a ddylai tawelu hyd yn oed y sylwebyddion mwyaf beirniadol. Mae gwelliannau i orsafoedd a cherbydau ac amserlenni llawer iawn mwy yn argoeli'n dda i ddyfodol teithio ar y rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru a'r gororau. Mae’n sicr yn ymddangos bod modd cyfiawnhau'r broses ddeialog gystadleuol o edrych ar yr ymrwymiadau yr ydych chi wedi’u sicrhau gan y masnachfreiniwr buddugol.
Rydym, wrth gwrs, yn ymwybodol iawn o ddyheadau yn hytrach na chanlyniadau, felly mae'n braf gwybod eich bod wedi cynnwys cymalau sy'n caniatáu ichi derfynu contractau ar ôl pump a 10 mlynedd os nad yw gweithredwr y fasnachfraint yn darparu fel y rhagwelwyd. Ceir llawer o welliannau i amlder ac amseroedd gwasanaethau a ddylai, ynghyd â’r cynnydd mewn capasiti a ddarperir gan gerbydau newydd a mwy niferus, ddarparu gwasanaeth o’r ansawdd y mae ei ddirfawr angen i wella boddhad teithwyr.
Dim ond un nodyn o siom, fel Aelod o’r de, a hwnnw yw, er eich bod yn sôn am wasanaethau ychwanegol, gwell cerbydau a gwelliannau i reilffordd Glynebwy, un peth sy’n dal i fod yn amlwg wedi’i hepgor yw ymrwymiad i gyswllt rheilffordd i Gasnewydd. Pan holais Trenau Arriva pam na ellid cyflawni’r cyswllt hwn, dywedasant fod y rheilffordd yn llawn gyda'r gwasanaeth i Gaerdydd. A all Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ddweud a fydd y gwelliannau newydd i reilffordd Glynebwy o’r diwedd yn creu digon o gapasiti ar gyfer y cyswllt â Chasnewydd y mae ei ddirfawr angen? Diolch.
Can I thank the Member for his contribution, for his questions and for warmly welcoming the announcement, and can I thank him for on previous occasions also welcoming the process by which we have procured the Wales and borders franchise operator, that being competitive dialogue?
I think it's an interesting example of how, in carrying out an innovative and creative approach, we have been able to showcase to the rest of the UK how perhaps procurement of rail contracts should be carried out in the future. Up until now, the way that franchises have been let has been such that Governments have sent out a big transit van of specifications and then bidders have come back with a price, and that means of going about procuring a contractor has led to bidders being incentivised to just give the lowest cost return and, in doing so, often to provide an unsustainable provision. As a consequence, we've seen the failure of franchise arrangements across the UK. What we've done is turned that on its head and through a process of having a funding envelope and entering into competitive dialogue we've said to bidders: 'This is the envelope; this is the maximum sum of money available; what can you do for it?' And then we've stretched and stretched in order to ensure that we get the best possible arrangements, and I think that's why we've been able to extract such a positive deal for people the length and breadth of Wales.
The Member is absolutely right about rolling stock needing to improve. More than 140 new trains will be provided for the network and, of course, more than half of those will be built in Wales. Every single one of the 247 stations will receive an upgrade. It's quite a fact, actually, that, in the current franchise arrangement over the last 15 years, we believe that approximately £600,000 has been spent on stations. In contrast, the figure will be £194 million in the next franchise—quite a contrast, and I think that again demonstrates why the previous franchise arrangement was unfit, whereas the current arrangements that we've agreed are superb for passengers and communities alike.
I'm pleased to be able to say to the Member that the South Wales Argus's campaign for Ebbw Vale to Newport services has been successful, and Members have achieved what they have wished to do over many years because within the franchise arrangement there will be a train per hour operating between Ebbw Vale and Newport. It's something that many people during the consultation exercise said they needed, they wanted, and I'm pleased that we've been able to provide it.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gyfraniad, am ei gwestiynau ac am roi croeso cynnes i'r cyhoeddiad, ac a gaf i ddiolch iddo am groesawu ar achlysuron blaenorol hefyd y broses yr ydym ni wedi’i defnyddio i gaffael gweithredwr masnachfraint Cymru a’r gororau, sef deialog gystadleuol?
Rwy’n meddwl ei bod yn enghraifft ddiddorol o sut, drwy ddefnyddio dull creadigol ac arloesol, rydym ni wedi gallu dangos i weddill y DU sut efallai y dylid caffael contractau rheilffyrdd yn y dyfodol. Cyn hyn, mae masnachfreintiau wedi cael eu gosod drwy i Lywodraethau anfon fan fawr o fanylebau ac wedyn bod cynigwyr wedi dod yn ôl gyda phris, ac nid yw’r ffordd honno o fynd ati i gaffael contractwr wedi cymell cynigwyr i wneud dim mwy na chynnig y gost isaf bosibl ac, felly, byddent yn aml yn darparu darpariaeth anghynaladwy. O ganlyniad, rydym ni wedi gweld methiant trefniadau masnachfraint ledled y DU. Rydyn ni wedi troi hynny ar ei ben a drwy broses o ddarparu amlen ariannu ac ymrwymo i ddeialog gystadleuol, rydym ni wedi dweud wrth gynigwyr: 'Dyma’r amlen; dyma’r swm mwyaf o arian sydd ar gael; beth allwch chi ei wneud ag ef?' Ac yna rydym ni wedi ymestyn ac ymestyn er mwyn sicrhau y cawn ni'r trefniadau gorau posibl, ac rwy’n meddwl mai dyna pam ein bod ni wedi gallu taro bargen mor gadarnhaol i bobl ar hyd a lled Cymru.
Mae'r Aelod yn hollol gywir bod angen gwella cerbydau. Darperir dros 140 o drenau newydd ar gyfer y rhwydwaith ac, wrth gwrs, caiff mwy na hanner y rheini eu hadeiladu yng Nghymru. Caiff pob un o'r 247 o orsafoedd eu huwchraddio. Mae'n dipyn o ffaith, a dweud y gwir, ein bod yn credu bod oddeutu £600,000 wedi'i wario ar orsafoedd yn y trefniant masnachfraint presennol dros y 15 mlynedd diwethaf. Ar y llaw arall, bydd y ffigur yn £194 miliwn yn y fasnachfraint nesaf—tipyn o gyferbyniad, ac rwy’n meddwl bod hynny'n dangos unwaith eto pam yr oedd y trefniant masnachfraint blaenorol yn anaddas, tra bod y trefniadau presennol yr ydym ni wedi cytuno arnynt yn wych i deithwyr a chymunedau fel ei gilydd.
Rwy’n falch o allu dweud wrth yr Aelod bod ymgyrch y South Wales Argus ar gyfer gwasanaethau o Lynebwy i Gasnewydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus, a bod yr Aelodau wedi cyflawni’r hyn y maent wedi dymuno ei wneud ers blynyddoedd lawer oherwydd o fewn y trefniant masnachfraint bydd un trên bob awr yn gweithredu rhwng Glynebwy a Chasnewydd. Mae'n rhywbeth y dywedodd llawer o bobl yn ystod yr ymarfer ymgynghori fod ei angen arnynt, fod ei eisiau arnynt, ac rwy’n falch ein bod wedi gallu ei ddarparu.
I warmly welcome this announcement. I think it's very positive and very exciting and will bring great benefits to Wales. I certainly welcome the method of procurement, which I think will result in a more passenger-focused service, and I congratulate the Cabinet Secretary on his achievement.
I just want to welcome particularly a certain—. I welcome the emphasis on introducing electric trains and the commitment to sourcing this from renewable sources—50 per cent from within Wales; I think that is a great step forward—and also the use of the tri-mode trains, which will minimise disruption on the Valleys lines.
My constituents in Cardiff North are always complaining about not being able to get on the trains or the trains being so crowded that they find the journey is very difficult, so I'm really pleased that there are going to be, I think it's 45 per cent, more seats in the peak morning travel time. So, I think that will be a huge help to my constituents in Cardiff North.
I'm also very pleased about the new stations that are being proposed. There's a new station being proposed called the Gabalfa station. Now, that is not exactly where I had expected it to be, and it's actually in Llandaff North ward. I welcome it, but I wondered if the Cabinet Secretary had any information about how a decision was made about where exactly to site it, because it's not exactly where I thought it would be, and whether that is set in stone as well. We certainly need a station in that area, but I think there would be benefits to it being in a slightly different place.
I was also very interested to see that there are plans to develop a metro spur link to Velindre cancer centre, which is something that I've been very keen to see, because, obviously, with the increasing numbers of people who are using the services of Velindre, particularly due to an ageing population, the more public transport we can get that's going straight into Velindre in this way, I think, will be ideal. So, I wondered if the Cabinet Secretary could provide any more details on the plans for the cross-Government working on this, which is referred to in his statement yesterday.
Lastly, I'd like to support your call for the Welsh Government to take on responsibility for the inter-city franchise between Wales and the rest of the UK.
Croesawaf y cyhoeddiad hwn yn fawr iawn. Rwy’n meddwl ei fod yn gadarnhaol iawn ac yn gyffrous iawn a bydd yn dod â manteision mawr i Gymru. Yn sicr, rwy’n croesawu’r dull caffael; rwy’n meddwl y bydd yn arwain at wasanaeth sy'n canolbwyntio mwy ar y teithwyr, ac rwy’n llongyfarch Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet ar ei lwyddiant.
Hoffwn roi croeso arbennig i un—. Rwy’n croesawu’r pwyslais ar gyflwyno trenau trydan a’r ymrwymiad i gael y trydan o ffynonellau adnewyddadwy—50 y cant oddi mewn i Gymru; rwy’n meddwl bod hynny'n gam mawr ymlaen—a hefyd defnyddio trenau tri-moddol, a fydd yn lleihau amhariadau ar reilffyrdd y Cymoedd.
Mae fy etholwyr yng Ngogledd Caerdydd bob amser yn cwyno nad ydynt yn gallu mynd ar y trenau neu fod y trenau mor orlawn nes bod y daith yn anodd iawn, felly rwy’n falch iawn y bydd, rwy’n meddwl, 45 y cant yn fwy o seddau yn y cyfnod prysur yn y bore. Felly, rwy’n meddwl y bydd hynny’n help mawr i'm hetholwyr yng Ngogledd Caerdydd.
Rwyf hefyd yn falch iawn am y gorsafoedd newydd a gynigir. Mae gorsaf newydd wedi’i chynnig o’r enw gorsaf Gabalfa. Nawr, nid yw honno yn union lle’r oeddwn wedi disgwyl iddi fod; a dweud y gwir, mae hi yn ward Gogledd Llandaf. Rwy’n ei chroesawu, ond tybed a oedd Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi cael unrhyw wybodaeth ynglŷn â sut y penderfynwyd ble yn union i’w lleoli, oherwydd nid yw'n union yn lle y meddyliais i y byddai, ac a yw hynny wedi’i gadarnhau hefyd. Yn sicr mae angen gorsaf yn yr ardal honno, ond rwy’n meddwl y byddai o fantais ei rhoi mewn lle ychydig yn wahanol.
Roedd hefyd yn ddiddorol iawn gweld bod cynlluniau i ddatblygu cyswllt cangen metro â chanolfan canser Felindre, sy'n rhywbeth yr wyf wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i’w weld, oherwydd, yn amlwg, gan fod niferoedd cynyddol o bobl yn defnyddio gwasanaethau'r Felindre, yn enwedig gan fod y boblogaeth yn heneiddio, rwy’n meddwl y byddai darparu mwy o drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus sy'n mynd yn syth i Felindre fel hyn yn ddelfrydol. Felly, tybed a allai Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet roi mwy o fanylion am y cynlluniau ar gyfer y gwaith trawslywodraethol ynglŷn â hyn, y cyfeirir ato yn ei ddatganiad ddoe.
Yn olaf, hoffwn ategu eich galwad ar Lywodraeth Cymru i gymryd cyfrifoldeb am y fasnachfraint rhwng dinasoedd rhwng Cymru a gweddill y DU.
Can I thank Julie Morgan for her questions and again for warmly welcoming the announcement?
I'm also delighted that the preferred bidder was able to bring forward very ambitious plans for reducing carbon emissions—a reduction of 25 per cent in the next five years—and, probably more importantly, the promise that 100 per cent of the electric to be used on the electrification of services will be renewable, and that 50 per cent will be sourced from Wales. With the tri-mode trains, with our battery-operated trains, I think we're demonstrating that Wales is trailblazing as the providers of twenty-first century electrification. Until recently, it's always been assumed that you can only electrify by installing a huge number of pylons, cables everywhere, but, actually, that's not the case. It was recently highlighted in the Welsh Affairs Select Committee's report that the potential of hydrogen and battery-operated trains today is enormous. Some countries, to be fair, have been operating those sorts of technological improvements for many years—Japan, for example, have been using that sort of technology for over a decade—but few in the UK. So, I'm delighted that Wales will be at the forefront of using renewable energy, using a new form of electrification, and trailblazing in that way.
I'm also pleased, as the Member highlighted, that we'll see a significant increase in capacity. I think the staggering fact that there will be a 65 per cent increase in the size of the fleet across the Wales and borders network and the metro area shows that there is huge, huge potential to meet now the expected passenger growth, which is currently standing at around about 74 per cent by 2030. So, clearly, what the bidder, what KeolisAmey, have provided within their procurement bid meets passenger expectations in terms of demand for seats.
In terms of the siting of new stations, well, this was carried out on the basis of the availability of land and property and the potential to integrate with other forms of transport—buses, active travel, strategic park and ride—and also the need to integrate with strategic land planning for new developments and, of course, the need to be positioned in strategically important areas for people to be able to gain access to them from home and from work. I'm happy to discuss further the siting of the particular station that the Member has highlighted, but the Member is absolutely right in pointing to the spur that will serve Velindre, that this is a great example of the integration of public services with public transport.
In terms of cross-Government working, I'm keen to continue dialogue with my colleagues, particularly in local government and in health and in planning, to ensure that, where there is social infrastructure being created, it matches perfectly the transport infrastructure that is also being planned for those areas.
A gaf i ddiolch i Julie Morgan am ei chwestiynau ac unwaith eto am roi croeso cynnes i'r cyhoeddiad?
Rwyf innau’n falch iawn bod y cynigiwr a ffefrir wedi gallu cyflwyno cynlluniau uchelgeisiol iawn ar gyfer lleihau allyriadau carbon—gostyngiad 25 y cant yn y pum mlynedd nesaf—ac, yn fwy na thebyg yn bwysicach, yr addewid y bydd 100 y cant o’r trydan i’w ddefnyddio i drydaneiddio gwasanaethau’n adnewyddadwy, ac y bydd 50 y cant ohono’n dod o Gymru. Gyda’r trenau tri-moddol, gyda’n trenau batri, rwy’n meddwl ein bod yn dangos bod Cymru yn arloesol fel darparwyr trydaneiddio i’r unfed ganrif ar hugain. Tan yn ddiweddar, y dyb erioed oedd mai’r unig ffordd o drydaneiddio fyddai drwy osod nifer enfawr o beilonau, ceblau ym mhobman, ond, a dweud y gwir, nid yw hynny'n wir. Yn ddiweddar tynnwyd sylw yn adroddiad y Pwyllgor Dethol ar Faterion Cymreig bod potensial trenau pŵer hydrogen a batri heddiw yn enfawr. Mae rhai gwledydd, a bod yn deg, wedi bod yn gweithredu’r mathau hynny o welliannau technolegol ers blynyddoedd lawer—mae Japan, er enghraifft, wedi bod yn defnyddio'r math hwnnw o dechnoleg ers dros ddegawd—ond ychydig iawn yn y DU. Felly, rwy’n falch iawn y bydd Cymru ar flaen y gad o ran defnyddio ynni adnewyddadwy, defnyddio ffurf newydd ar drydaneiddio, ac arloesi yn y ffordd honno.
Rwyf hefyd yn falch, fel y nododd yr Aelod, y byddwn yn gweld cynnydd sylweddol mewn capasiti. Rwy’n meddwl bod y ffaith syfrdanol y bydd cynnydd o 65 y cant ym maint y fflyd ar draws rhwydwaith Cymru a'r gororau a'r ardal fetro yn dangos potensial mawr iawn, iawn nawr i gwrdd â’r twf disgwyliedig yn nifer y teithwyr, sydd ar hyn o bryd o gwmpas 74 y cant erbyn 2030. Felly, yn amlwg, mae’r hyn y mae’r cynigydd, y mae KeolisAmey, wedi’i ddarparu o fewn eu cynnig caffael yn bodloni disgwyliadau teithwyr o ran y galw am seddi.
O ran lleoli gorsafoedd newydd, wel, penderfynwyd ar hyn ar sail argaeledd tir ac eiddo a'r posibilrwydd o integreiddio â mathau eraill o drafnidiaeth—bysiau, teithio llesol, parcio a theithio strategol—a hefyd yr angen i integreiddio gyda chynllunio tir strategol ar gyfer datblygiadau newydd ac, wrth gwrs, yr angen i’w lleoli mewn ardaloedd strategol bwysig i bobl allu eu defnyddio o'u cartrefi ac o'u gwaith. Rwy’n hapus i drafod ymhellach lleoliad yr orsaf benodol y mae’r Aelod wedi tynnu sylw ati, ond mae'r Aelod yn llygad ei lle wrth dynnu sylw at y sbardun a fydd yn gwasanaethu Felindre, bod hyn yn enghraifft wych o integreiddio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus gyda thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus.
O ran gweithio trawslywodraethol, rwy’n awyddus i barhau i drafod gyda'm cyd-Aelodau, yn arbennig mewn llywodraeth leol ac mewn iechyd ac mewn cynllunio, i sicrhau, lle mae seilwaith cymdeithasol yn cael ei greu, ei fod yn cyfateb yn berffaith i’r seilwaith trafnidiaeth sydd hefyd yn cael ei gynllunio ar gyfer yr ardaloedd hynny.
Cabinet Secretary, listening to Plaid Cymru today reminded me of an old foundry workers' union representative who, when his workers had been out on strike, went into negotiations. He came out afterwards and said to his members, a mass meeting of the members—he said, 'Well,' he said, 'brothers and sisters,' he said, 'I've negotiated an extra week's holiday pay,' he said, 'I've negotiated a 10 per cent increase, and not only that,' he said, 'you are only going to have to work on a Friday.' And the bloke at the back shouts out, 'What? Every Friday?' I can only presume that that was a member of Plaid Cymru because, listening to their comments today, it seems to me that there is not a single thing about this whole package that is of any benefit. Well, I can tell you that, certainly, in my constituency, having Transport for Wales, first of all, coming into Pontypridd, is going to significantly regenerate that town. It's already having that effect: 500 to 1,000 jobs. Having the new rolling stock maintenance within my constituency, in Taff's Well, creating several hundred jobs, is also something that is very much welcomed by the people of Pontypridd and Taff Ely. And the fact that we now have in Coleg y Cymoedd some of the best training programmes, and I'm glad to see that you attended Nantgarw in order to make the launch, is again very significant—very significant because, of course, some of us will remember that that was the site of the former Nantgarw colliery and coke works; what a regenerated area. Also there's the fact that, now, of course, the Treforest industrial estate station is going to move, and I'd like you perhaps to comment a little bit about the precise timetable and timescale for that move closer towards Nantgarw.
Could you also perhaps just outline the benefits that are going to be there, particularly for the 16 to 18-year-olds, in terms of the ticket regime, because that's been something of considerable benefit, and also perhaps at some stage whether you are considering the extension—as I declare an interest here—in the concessionary travel card for over-60s to the rail network as well?
Can I also ask you just for confirmation that there will definitely be, in accordance with the discussions with ASLEF and the RMT trade unions, guards on the trains? Because people want guards on the trains. They see them as being something that gives them security, gives them comfort and confidence in the rail network, and it's something that's been lost in other areas.
And can I then ask you one very final point? And that is, of course, that most of these trains will be up and running by 2023. We need to start preparing now for the next phase, and you'll know I've raised with you, of course, the issue of the railway line going up to Llantrisant. And, of course, I had a tweet earlier today saying that Nessie has at long last been sighted heading up towards the A470, and I've tweeted back saying, well, we hope Nessie's only stopping off and is now going to be heading up towards Llantrisant where we're all waiting to see her there.
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, mae gwrando ar Blaid Cymru heddiw wedi fy atgoffa o hen gynrychiolydd undeb gweithwyr ffowndri a aeth, pan oedd ei weithwyr wedi bod allan ar streic, i drafodaethau. Daeth allan wedyn a dweud wrth ei aelodau, cyfarfod torfol o’r aelodau—dywedodd, 'Wel,' dywedodd, 'frodyr a chwiorydd,' meddai, 'rwyf wedi negodi wythnos ychwanegol o dâl gwyliau,' dywedodd, 'rwyf wedi negodi cynnydd 10 y cant, ac nid yn unig hynny', meddai , 'dim ond ar ddydd Gwener y byddwch yn gorfod gweithio.' Ac mae’r dyn yn y cefn yn gweiddi, 'Beth? Bob dydd Gwener?' Mae’n rhaid imi dybio mai aelod o Blaid Cymru oedd hwnnw oherwydd, o wrando ar eu sylwadau heddiw, mae’n ymddangos i mi nad oes dim byd am yr holl becyn hwn sydd o unrhyw fudd. Wel, gallaf ddweud wrthych chi, yn sicr, yn fy etholaeth i, bod Trafnidiaeth Cymru, yn gyntaf oll, yn dod i Bontypridd, yn mynd i adfywio'r dref honno yn sylweddol. Mae eisoes yn cael yr effaith honno: 500 i 1,000 o swyddi. Mae’r gwaith cynnal a chadw cerbydau newydd yn fy etholaeth i, yn Ffynnon Taf, sy’n creu rhai cannoedd o swyddi, hefyd yn rhywbeth y mae croeso mawr iddo gan bobl Pontypridd a Thaf Elái. Ac mae'r ffaith bod gennym ni bellach yng Ngholeg y Cymoedd rai o'r rhaglenni hyfforddiant gorau, ac rwy’n falch o weld eich bod wedi dod i Nantgarw i’r lansiad, eto yn bwysig iawn—pwysig iawn oherwydd, wrth gwrs, bydd rhai ohonom yn cofio mai dyna oedd safle hen waith glo a golosg Nantgarw; am ardal wedi’i hadfywio. Hefyd mae’r ffaith, nawr, wrth gwrs, bod gorsaf Ystad Ddiwydiannol Trefforest yn mynd i symud, a hoffwn ichi efallai roi rhyw sylw am yr union amserlen a'r raddfa amser ar gyfer y symudiad hwnnw yn agosach at Nantgarw.
A allech chi hefyd efallai amlinellu’r manteision a fydd yno, yn enwedig i bobl ifanc 16 i 18 oed, o ran y gyfundrefn tocynnau, oherwydd mae hynny wedi bod o fudd sylweddol, a hefyd efallai rywbryd a ydych yn ystyried ymestyn—wrth imi ddatgan buddiant yma—y cerdyn teithio rhatach i bobl dros 60 oed i'r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd yn ogystal?
A gaf i hefyd ofyn ichi am gadarnhad y bydd yn bendant, yn unol â thrafodaethau ag ASLEF a’r undebau llafur RMT, gardiaid ar y trenau? Mae pobl yn hoff o weld gardiaid ar y trenau. Maent yn eu gweld yn rhywbeth sy'n eu cadw’n ddiogel, yn rhoi cysur a hyder iddynt yn y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd, ac mae'n rhywbeth sydd wedi’i golli mewn meysydd eraill.
Ac a gaf i wedyn ofyn ichi am un pwynt olaf cyn cloi? Sef, wrth gwrs, y bydd y rhan fwyaf o'r trenau hyn yn weithredol erbyn 2023. Mae angen inni ddechrau paratoi nawr am y cyfnod nesaf, a byddwch yn gwybod fy mod wedi sôn wrthych, wrth gwrs, am fater y rheilffordd yn mynd i fyny i Lantrisant. Ac, wrth gwrs, cefais neges drydar yn gynharach heddiw yn dweud bod Nessie o'r diwedd wedi cael ei gweld ar ei ffordd i fyny tuag at yr A470, ac rwyf wedi trydar yn ôl yn dweud, wel, rydym yn gobeithio mai dim ond aros ennyd y mae Nessie ac y bydd yn awr yn mynd i fyny tuag at Lantrisant lle’r ydym i gyd yn aros i’w gweld hi yno.
Can I thank Mike Antoniw for his observations and for his questions? I think he points to a very significant development in his own constituency, the establishment of Transport for Wales in Pontypridd. It could act as a perfect example of how we can use transport-related infrastructure, transport-related business, to drive economic growth across Wales. And I'm particularly keen to make sure that, from this franchise agreement, we draw out every possible opportunity to drive economic growth in an inclusive way across Wales.
I was also delighted that the launch of the new franchise took place at the Nantgarw rail facility, a facility that is bringing hope and opportunity to young people and, again, which will become an even more important facility in the years to come as a consequence of this very franchise agreement.
In terms of the timetable for the move that the Member highlighted, I can get the Member more details on that, but we are committed to doing the work that is required in a timely fashion to enable services to be running as expected and to the planned date of 2023.
In terms of concessionary travel for young people, of course, we are extending free travel from under-fives to under-11s. We are also offering reduced opportunities, or reduced fares, for 16 to 18-year-olds, halving the cost of tickets for 16 to 18-year-olds. And we're also going to be offering free off-peak travel to 11 to 16-year-olds that are accompanied by an adult on some services—again, crucially important for families to be able to be connected with one another, particularly at weekends, where they might want to go to watch a rugby match or a football match, or any other form of sport or cultural activity. And this precise benefit will apply to families and to friends alike. Current arrangements for over-60s will be maintained, and I do agree that it's vitally important that there is a guard or a second person on the train, not just for security, but for safety reasons as well.
And, in terms of moving beyond 2023, the metro is being designed in such a way that it can be extended, and I'm particularly keen to ensure that people in communities where there is a high proportion of people who can't yet easily access work on public transport are given the opportunity to do so in the future through extending the metro and, indeed, not just extending the metro in the south-east, but also right across Wales, seeing services extended through future investment in the infrastructure and in the trains that run on them.
A gaf i ddiolch i Mike Antoniw am ei sylwadau ac am ei gwestiynau? Rwy’n meddwl ei fod yn tynnu sylw at ddatblygiad pwysig iawn yn ei etholaeth ei hun, sef sefydlu Trafnidiaeth Cymru ym Mhontypridd. Gallai hynny fod yn enghraifft berffaith o sut y gallwn ddefnyddio seilwaith trafnidiaeth, busnes sy'n ymwneud â thrafnidiaeth, i sbarduno twf economaidd ledled Cymru. Ac rwy’n arbennig o awyddus i wneud yn siŵr ein bod, o'r cytundeb masnachfraint hwn, yn cymryd pob cyfle posibl i sbarduno twf economaidd mewn ffordd gynhwysol ledled Cymru.
Roeddwn hefyd yn falch iawn bod lansiad y fasnachfraint newydd wedi digwydd yng nghyfleuster rheilffordd Nantgarw, cyfleuster sy’n dod â gobaith a chyfle i bobl ifanc ac, unwaith eto, a fydd yn dod yn gyfleuster pwysicach fyth yn y blynyddoedd i ddod o ganlyniad i’r union gytundeb masnachfraint hwn.
O ran yr amserlen ar gyfer symud y soniodd yr Aelod amdani, gallaf gael mwy o fanylion i’r Aelod am hynny, ond rydym wedi ymrwymo i wneud y gwaith sy’n ofynnol mewn modd amserol er mwyn sicrhau bod gwasanaethau’n cael eu darparu rhedeg yn ôl y disgwyl erbyn y dyddiad arfaethedig 2023.
O ran teithio rhatach i bobl ifanc, wrth gwrs, rydym yn ymestyn teithio am ddim o blant dan bump oed i blant dan 11 oed. Rydym hefyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd rhatach, neu docynnau rhatach i bobl ifanc rhwng 16 a 18 mlwydd oed, gan haneru cost tocynnau i bobl ifanc 16 i 18 mlwydd oed. A byddwn hefyd yn cynnig teithio am ddim ar adegau tawel i blant 11 i 16 mlwydd oed sy'n teithio gydag oedolyn ar rai gwasanaethau—unwaith eto, yn hanfodol bwysig er mwyn cysylltu teuluoedd â'i gilydd, yn enwedig ar benwythnosau, pan fyddant efallai am fynd i wylio gêm rygbi neu gêm bêl-droed, neu unrhyw fath arall o chwaraeon neu weithgarwch diwylliannol. A bydd y budd penodol hwn yn berthnasol i deuluoedd a ffrindiau fel ei gilydd. Cedwir y trefniadau presennol ar gyfer pobl dros 60 oed, ac rwy’n cytuno ei bod yn hanfodol bwysig bod gard neu ail unigolyn ar y trên, nid yn unig ar gyfer diogelwch y trên, ond ar gyfer diogelwch teithwyr hefyd.
Ac, o ran symud y tu hwnt i 2023, mae'r metro yn cael ei lunio yn y fath fodd fel y gellir ei ymestyn, ac rwy’n arbennig o awyddus i sicrhau bod pobl mewn cymunedau lle ceir cyfran uchel o bobl na allant eto deithio i’r gwaith yn rhwydd ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus yn cael y cyfle i wneud hynny yn y dyfodol drwy ymestyn y metro ac, yn wir, nid dim ond ymestyn y metro yn y de-ddwyrain, ond hefyd ledled Cymru, a gweld gwasanaethau’n cael eu hehangu drwy fuddsoddi yn y dyfodol yn y seilwaith ac yn y trenau sy’n teithio arno.
We are out of time for this statement, but, given its importance, I'll extend the statement time slightly, but if I can call on Members to be succinct in their questions—. Nick Ramsay.
Mae ein hamser ar ben ar gyfer y datganiad hwn, ond, o ystyried ei bwysigrwydd, gwnaf ymestyn yr amser datganiadau ychydig, ond os caf alw ar Aelodau i fod yn gryno yn eu cwestiynau—. Nick Ramsay.
Just one question from me, diolch, Llywydd. I also welcome your statement, Cabinet Secretary, and thank you for arranging the briefing. I went to the breakfast one this morning, and it was inspiring stuff. We just need to make sure that it does work to plan, but what I saw was very positive.
Can I ask you in terms of the KeolisAmey commitment to disabled access at our railway stations and general accessibility? There have been ongoing problems with poor disabled access at Abergavenny station in my constituency for many years now, and certainly under Arriva's franchise. What discussions have you had with KeolisAmey around the problems at that particular station? What solutions are they proposing? Will the new franchise address these problems and how long will it be before people in Abergavenny see the improvements to access that that station so desperately needs?
Dim ond un cwestiwn gennyf fi, diolch, Llywydd. Rwyf finnau’n croesawu eich datganiad, Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, a diolch ichi am drefnu’r papur briffio. Euthum i'r un brecwast y bore yma, ac roedd yn ysbrydoledig. Mae angen inni wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn gweithio’n unol â’r cynllun, ond roedd yr hyn a welais yn gadarnhaol iawn.
A gaf ofyn ichi am ymrwymiad KeolisAmey i fynediad i bobl anabl yn ein gorsafoedd rheilffordd a hygyrchedd cyffredinol? Bu problemau parhaus gyda mynediad gwael i bobl anabl yng ngorsaf y Fenni yn fy etholaeth i ers blynyddoedd lawer bellach, ac yn sicr o dan fasnachfraint Arriva. Pa drafodaethau yr ydych wedi'u cael gyda KeolisAmey ynglŷn â’r problemau yn yr orsaf arbennig honno? Pa atebion y maent yn eu cynnig? A wnaiff y fasnachfraint newydd ddatrys y problemau hyn a pha mor hir fydd hi cyn i bobl yn y Fenni weld y gwelliannau o ran mynediad y mae eu hangen yn daer yn yr orsaf honno?
Can I thank Nick Ramsay for welcoming the announcement, and also thank Nick and every other Member who attended the breakfast briefing for taking part in that? Because I think it's important that we're able to share as much of the information as possible with Members, who I'm in no doubt will then pass on that information to constituents.
Disabled access was a key consideration, not just in the procurement exercise, but also in the work carried out by the economy and infrastructure committee when looking into the future franchise arrangements. I'm particularly pleased that no stations on the metro map will have step-only access. Every station will be addressed, and work will be carried out to ensure that disabled access is improved. Abergavenny is one of those stations that will see improvements. In addition, £15 million is being made available to improve access at stations outside of the metro area, again bringing opportunities for people to be able to access trains at stations that are currently prohibited to them.
In terms of the time frame, the work that is going to be carried out between now and 2023, when the metro services will be fully operational, will include the access work that is required. I don't know where exactly Abergavenny sits in terms of the timetable for infrastructure work that needs to be carried out, but I'll certainly write to the Member, and other Members, as soon as I can with details about the specific time frame during which those stations will be improved.
A gaf i ddiolch i Nick Ramsay am groesawu'r cyhoeddiad, a diolch hefyd i Nick a phob Aelod arall a ddaeth i'r cyfarfod brecwast briffio am gymryd rhan yn hwnnw? Oherwydd fy mod yn credu ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni'n gallu rhannu cymaint o wybodaeth ag sy'n bosibl gydag Aelodau, a fydd wedyn yn ddiamau yn trosglwyddo'r wybodaeth honno i etholwyr.
Roedd hygyrchedd i bobl anabl yn ystyriaeth allweddol, nid yn unig yn yr ymarfer caffael, ond hefyd yn y gwaith a wnaeth y pwyllgor economi a seilwaith wrth edrych ar drefniadau masnachfraint ar gyfer y dyfodol. Rwy'n arbennig o falch na fydd unrhyw orsafoedd ar y map metro â mynediad grisiau yn unig. Caiff pob gorsaf sylw, a bydd gwaith yn cael ei wneud i sicrhau bod hygyrchedd i bobl anabl yn gwella. Mae gorsaf Y Fenni yn un o'r gorsafoedd hynny a fydd yn gweld gwelliannau. Yn ogystal â hynny, mae £15 miliwn yn cael ei roi ar gael i wella hygyrchedd mewn gorsafoedd y tu allan i ardal y metro, gan eto gynnig cyfleoedd i bobl allu teithio ar drenau o orsafoedd nad ydynt ar hyn o bryd yn addas iddyn nhw eu defnyddio.
O ran yr amserlen, bydd y gwaith a gaiff ei wneud rhwng nawr a 2023, pan fydd y gwasanaethau metro yn llwyr weithredol, yn cynnwys y gwaith angenrheidiol o ran hygyrchedd. Nid wyf i'n gwybod ymhle yn union y daw'r Fenni o ran yr amserlen ar gyfer y gwaith seilwaith y mae angen ei wneud, ond byddaf yn sicr yn ysgrifennu at yr Aelod, ac aelodau eraill, cyn gynted ag y gallaf gyda manylion am yr amserlen benodol y bydd y gorsafoedd hynny yn cael eu gwella oddi mewn iddi.
Os caf i ofyn i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet—. Mae e newydd grybwyll rhai o'r ffyrdd y gall y fasnachfraint newydd arbed ar garbon; a wnaiff e gadarnhau yn benodol y byddwn ni'n gweld trenau sy'n defnyddio hydrogen fel rhan o'r cynllun yma dros y 15 mlynedd nesaf? Mae trenau o'r math eisoes yn rhedeg yn rhanbarthau o'r Almaen, ac mae'n ffordd, fel mae e wedi awgrymu, o neidio heibio'r cwlwm trydaneiddio sydd gyda ni ar hyn o bryd a chyflwyno rhywbeth gwell yn syth bin i bobl yng Nghymru.
Yr ail beth rydw i eisiau jest gofyn iddo fe yw ynglŷn â'r seilwaith ariannol sydd tu ôl i hwn i gyd. Rydym ni'n gwybod rhywfaint—nid y cyfan, achos mae'n fasnachol—ynglŷn â chostau, ond ddydd Gwener gwnaethoch chi gyhoeddi datganiad ysgrifenedig ynglŷn â thaliadau mynediad ar gyfer y rheilffyrdd, ac roedd e'n dda gennyf weld eich bod chi wedi dod i gytundeb erbyn hyn gyda Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol, ond nid yw manylion y cytundeb ar gael eto. A wnewch chi gadarnhau pryd fydd y manylion a'r cytundeb yn cael eu cyhoeddi fel bod modd i ni graffu ar hynny? Byddwch chi'n cofio, wrth gwrs, os nad ŷch chi'n dod i gytundeb, i bob pwrpas, y byddwch chi'n talu £1 biliwn dros 15 mlynedd er mwyn cael y mynediad o dan y system bresennol. Rydych chi'n dweud bod hynny'n dod i ben—grêt—ond rydych chi hefyd yn dweud eich bod chi wedi gorfod cytuno, o dan yr adolygiad cynhwysfawr o wariant presennol, i dalu dros £100 miliwn dros y ddwy flynedd nesaf. O ystyried bod Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol ond yn rhoi £125 o miliwn tuag at fetro'r de, mae hynny'n enghraifft, mae'n amlwg i fi, o roi mewn un llaw a chymryd gyda'r llaw arall. Nid yw Llywodraeth Cymru ddim fawr well o gyfraniad gan y Llywodraeth sydd yn dal yn gyfrifol—gan nad ydyn nhw wedi datganoli rheilffyrdd—am y rheilffyrdd drwy'r Deyrnas Gyfunol. A fedrwch chi jest rhoi bach mwy o gnawd ar y symiau hynny, a hefyd esbonio pryd byddwch chi'n cyhoeddi'r datganiad a chytundeb yn llawn, fel bod cyfle i ni, efallai, graffu yn ofalus iawn ar y cytundeb ariannol yma?
If I could ask the Cabinet Secretary—. He’s just mentioned some of the ways in which the franchise can cut down on carbon emissions; can he confirm specifically that we will see trains using hydrogen as part of this programme over the next 15 years? Such trains are already running in certain parts of Germany, and it’s a way, as he suggested, of skipping beyond the electrification problems that we have at the moment and introducing something better immediately for the people of Wales.
The second thing I want to ask is on the financial infrastructure underpinning all of this. We know some of the details, but not all of them, because it is confidential in terms of costs. But on Friday, you published a written statement on access payments for the railways, and I was pleased to see that you had come to an agreement now with the UK Government, but the details are not yet available. Can you confirm when those details and that agreement will be published so that we can scrutinise that? You will recall, of course, that if you don’t come to an agreement, then to all intents and purposes, you will pay £1 billion over 15 years in order to get that access under the current system. You say that that is coming to an end—excellent—but you also say that you have had to agree under the current comprehensive spending review to spend over £100 million over the next two years. Given that the UK Government is only giving £125 million for the south Wales metro, that is an example of giving with one hand and taking with the other. The Welsh Government is not much better off from the contribution from the Government that is still responsible—as they haven’t devolved the railways—for the railways across the UK. So, can you just give us a little more flesh on the bone in terms of those figures and explain when you will be publishing a statement on the full agreement, so that we have an opportunity to scrutinise that financial agreement very carefully?
Can I thank Simon Thomas for his questions? I think the use of hydrogen trains will be seen more widely in the years to come. They're still being tested in certain environments and on certain railways, but it's my view that we'll see far more examples of hydrogen trains on rail networks around the world in the next decade or so. They did not form any part of the bid from the franchise operator. However, should future excess profits be reinvested into new rolling stock, then certainly hydrogen trains could be considered, especially as we roll out metro concepts elsewhere in Wales. Instead, twenty-first century electrification—if you like, next generation electrification—has been utilised, with battery power. Some people still hark back to the days when pylons and cables signalled the future. Well, in a similar way to the way that iPhones and iPads show that you don't need to plug in your Apple computer, so too battery-operated trains show that you don't need to have cables everywhere. The next natural step might well be hydrogen—we don't know what the market will demand as of yet. But, certainly, as we examine the development of hydrogen trains and the reliability of them, it will be a key consideration for any future reinvestment in the rail network and any future reinvestment in rolling stock.
In terms of track access charges, I would be more than happy to write to Members with details of the agreement that was reached with the Secretary of State. I have to say that the Secretary of State and I have reached an agreement following what I think have been very positive discussions that have taken place since September 2017. The Member is absolutely right that the agreement with the Secretary of State addresses what was widely reported last year, where the Welsh Government would have been required to pay the UK Government over £1 billion over the next 15 years in track access charges. We've essentially prevented the Welsh taxpayer from having to shoulder the burden of the best part of £1 billion, and with the end to this adjustment payment we've agreed to a new arrangement, similar to the arrangement that is in place between the franchise operations in England and the Department of Transport, which also takes into account, of course, of the way that the Welsh Government is funded. This means, in turn, that the forecast access charge costs in the bid are what will be paid for the next 15 years. Due to the complications with the existing spending review, two further adjustment payments will be made up until 2020, as the Member identified.
It's worth reiterating that the Secretary of State for Transport has reconfirmed the UK Government will provide £125 million of funding towards the south-east Wales metro and the Department for Transport will fund the Welsh Government for England-only services as well. But I'm perfectly happy to provide more details on the agreement.
A gaf i ddiolch i Simon Thomas am ei gwestiynau? Rwy'n credu y bydd y defnydd o drenau hydrogen yn cael ei weld yn fwy eang yn y blynyddoedd i ddod. Maen nhw'n dal i fod dan brawf mewn rhai amgylchiadau ac ar rai rheilffyrdd, ond yn fy marn i byddwn yn gweld llawer mwy o enghreifftiau o drenau hydrogen ar rwydweithiau rheilffyrdd ledled y byd yn y degawd nesaf neu oddeutu hynny. Nid oedden nhw yn cynrychioli unrhyw ran o'r cynnig gan weithredwr y fasnachfraint. Er hynny, pe byddai elw dros ben yn y dyfodol yn cael ei ailfuddsoddi mewn cerbydau newydd, yna yn sicr gellid ystyried trenau hydrogen, yn arbennig wrth inni gyflwyno cysyniadau metro mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru. Yn hytrach, mae trydaneiddio'r unfed ganrif ar hugain—os mynnwch chi, trydaneiddio'r genhedlaeth nesaf—wedi cael ei ddefnyddio, gyda phŵer batri. Mae rhai pobl yn dal i hiraethu am y dyddiau pan oedd peilonau a cheblau yn arwydd o'r dyfodol. Wel, mewn ffordd debyg i'r ffordd y mae'r iPhone a'r iPad yn dangos nad oes angen ichi fod â'ch cyfrifiadur Apple wedi'i blwgio i mewn, felly hefyd y mae'r trenau batri yn dangos nad oes angen ichi gael ceblau ym mhobman. Efallai mai'r cam naturiol nesaf fydd hydrogen—nid ydym yn gwybod beth fydd y farchnad yn galw amdano eto. Ond, yn sicr, wrth inni archwilio datblygu trenau hydrogen a pha mor ddibynadwy ydyn nhw, bydd yn ystyriaeth allweddol ar gyfer unrhyw ailfuddsoddi yn y rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd yn y dyfodol ac ailfuddsoddi mewn cerbydau yn y dyfodol.
O ran taliadau ar gyfer defnydd o'r cledrau, byddaf yn fwy na pharod i ysgrifennu at Aelodau gyda manylion y cytundeb y daethpwyd iddo gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol. Mae'n rhaid i mi ddweud bod yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol a minnau wedi dod i gytundeb yn dilyn yr hyn sydd, yn fy marn i, wedi bod yn drafodaethau cadarnhaol iawn sydd wedi eu cynnal ers mis Medi 2017. Mae'r Aelod yn gwbl gywir fod y cytundeb gyda'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn ymdrin â'r hyn yr adroddwyd yn eang amdano y llynedd, pan fyddai angen i Lywodraeth Cymru fod wedi talu dros £1 biliwn i Lywodraeth y DU dros y 15 mlynedd nesaf mewn taliadau i ddefnyddio cledrau. Yn y bôn rydym wedi rhwystro trethdalwyr Cymru rhag gorfod ysgwyddo baich y rhan fwyaf o £1 biliwn, a chyda terfyniad y taliad cymwysedig hwn rydym wedi cytuno ar drefniant newydd, yn debyg i'r trefniadau sydd ar waith rhwng y rhai sy'n gweithredu'r masnachfreintiau yn Lloegr â'r Adran Drafnidiaeth, sydd hefyd yn cymryd i ystyriaeth, wrth gwrs, y modd yr ariennir Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae hyn yn golygu, yn ei dro, mai'r costau tâl a ragolygir ar gyfer y defnydd yn y cais fydd yr hyn a delir am y 15 mlynedd nesaf. Yn sgil y cymhlethdodau o ran yr adolygiad presennol o wariant, gwneir dau daliad addasedig pellach hyd at 2020, fel y nododd yr Aelod.
Mae'n werth ailadrodd bod yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol dros Drafnidiaeth wedi ailgadarnhau y bydd Llywodraeth y DU yn rhoi £125 miliwn o gyllid tuag at fetro de-ddwyrain Cymru ac y bydd yr Adran Drafnidiaeth yn ariannu Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer gwasanaethau Lloegr yn unig hefyd. Ond rwy'n fwy na pharod i roi mwy o fanylion ar y cytundeb.
Like colleagues on these benches, I'm very keen to celebrate all that you've managed to achieve. I think there are huge benefits from this new contract. Obviously, being able to buy our tickets on the phone and integrated ticketing so that the full journey is completed from when we go home to our destination and back again—that's all fantastic. And also being able to build our new carriages in Wales means that we can respond much more quickly when there's increased demand.
I've got one specific query. In your statement yesterday you talked about 45 per cent more seats being available going into Cardiff in the morning peak rush hour, and I just wondered if that's going to be sufficient given that we currently have 80,000 people commuting into Cardiff at the moment, which is completely unacceptable. It's going to be a much more productive use of their journey to work if they're sitting on the train composing their reports or reading their e-mails. So, I just wondered if that level of increase is sufficient given that we not only wish to see them coming in by train, but we need to see them coming by train for very good public health reasons as well.
Fel cyd-Aelodau ar y meinciau hyn, rwy'n awyddus iawn i ddathlu'r cyfan yr ydych wedi llwyddo i'w gyflawni. Rwy'n credu bod manteision enfawr yn deillio o'r contract newydd hwn. Yn amlwg, mae gallu prynu ein tocynnau ar y ffôn a thocynnau integredig fel bod y daith lawn yn cael ei chwblhau o phan fyddwn yn mynd o gartref i'n cyrchfan ac yn ôl eto—mae hynny'n gwbl wych. A hefyd mae bod â'r gallu i adeiladu ein cerbydau newydd yng Nghymru yn golygu y gallwn ymateb yn gyflymach o lawer pan fo'r galw yn cynyddu.
Mae gennyf i un cwestiwn penodol. Yn eich datganiad ddoe roeddech chi'n sôn am 45 y cant yn fwy o seddau ar gael i fynd i mewn i Gaerdydd yn ystod oriau brig y bore, ac roeddwn yn meddwl tybed a fydd hynny'n ddigon o gofio bod gennym 80,000 o bobl ar hyn o bryd yn cymudo i Gaerdydd, sydd yn gwbl annerbyniol. Byddai'n ddefnydd llawer mwy cynhyrchiol o'u taith i'r gwaith pe bydden nhw'n yn eistedd ar y trên yn llunio eu hadroddiadau neu'n darllen eu negeseuon e-bost. Felly, roeddwn yn meddwl tybed a fydd cynnydd o'r fath yn ddigonol o gofio ein bod nid yn unig yn dymuno eu gweld yn dod i mewn ar y trên, ond bod angen inni eu gweld yn dod ar y trên am resymau da iawn o ran iechyd y cyhoedd hefyd.
Can I thank the Member for her questions? The Member's absolutely right that new technology must be embraced by the operator. It is being embraced, and it's worth just sharing with Members more detail about the repayment system that will be operated. It will be automated, and so any passenger that's delayed by 15 minutes or more will get an automated reimbursement of the ticket fare. That's something that happens in some parts of Europe, and I'm delighted that we'll be introducing that arrangement here in Wales.
I am confident that the additional seat capacity will be sufficient for passengers, and it's worth also pressing home the point that there will be penalties for the operator for anyone who's having to stand for more than 20 minutes. In addition to there being increased capacity in terms of seats, there will also be additional capacity for bikes and other forms of transport taken on trains, including wheelchairs, because of course we need to integrate transport far better, and if you can't take a bike onto a train you're then not going to be able to cycle the short way, that final one mile, as it often is called, to work. There are also some exciting proposals contained within the franchise arrangement for that final mile to work, which I'll be pleased to be able to share with Members in the coming weeks.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei chwestiynau? Mae'r Aelod yn llygad ei lle bod yn rhaid i'r dechnoleg newydd gael ei defnyddio gan y gweithredwr. Mae hi yn cael ei defnyddio, ac mae'n werth i mi rannu gydag aelodau fwy o fanylion am y system ad-dalu a gaiff ei gweithredu. Bydd yn awtomatig, ac felly bydd unrhyw deithiwr a fydd yn dioddef oedi am 15 munud neu fwy yn cael ad-daliad ar bris ei docyn yn awtomatig. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth sy'n digwydd mewn rhai rhannau o Ewrop, ac rwy'n falch iawn y byddwn ninnau'n cyflwyno'r trefniant hwnnw yma yng Nghymru.
Rwy'n ffyddiog y bydd nifer y seddau ychwanegol yn ddigonol i deithwyr, ac mae'n werth tanlinellu'r pwynt hefyd y bydd cosbau ar gyfer y gweithredwr pan fo unrhyw un yn gorfod bod ar ei draed am fwy nag 20 munud. Yn ogystal â'r cynnydd yn nifer y seddau, bydd ychwaneg o le ar drenau ar gyfer beiciau a ffurfiau eraill o deithio a roir ar drên, gan gynnwys cadeiriau olwyn, oherwydd wrth gwrs bod angen inni integreiddio trafnidiaeth mewn modd llawer gwell, ac os na allwch chi roi eich beic ar y trên ni allwch wedyn fynd ar ei gefn y pellter byr hwnnw, y filltir olaf un honno, fel y'i gelwir yn aml, i'r gwaith. Ceir hefyd rai cynigion cyffrous yn y trefniant masnachfraint ar gyfer y filltir olaf honno i'r gwaith, a byddaf yn falch o gael eu rhannu â'r Aelodau yn ystod yr wythnosau nesaf.
Cabinet Secretary, thank you for your statement today. I'd like to place on record my thanks for delivering the extra capacity on the Ebbw Vale line, ensuring that the link will also stop in Newport. This is very welcome for the region and particularly for my constituency in Newport West. It was great to wake up to the South Wales Argus headline this morning saying, 'At last!', which I think sums up what many of us have been waiting for. Newport train station is the second busiest train station in Wales. Linking the Gwent valleys and parts of Newport such as Rogerstone and Rhiwderin to the city centre will help ease congestion on our roads.
It's vitally important that travelling by train is accessible and affordable to young people and I welcome the announcement that concessionary fares have been extended to include 16 to 18-year-olds. So, does the Cabinet Secretary agree that enabling young people to easily and affordably move around the region for education and employment opportunities not only encourages use of public transport but also contributes to the Welsh Government's plan for inclusive growth?
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, diolch i chi am eich datganiad heddiw. Hoffwn roi fy niolch ar y cofnod am gyflawni’r capasiti ychwanegol ar reilffordd Glynebwy, gan sicrhau y bydd y cyswllt yn aros yng Nghasnewydd hefyd. Mae hyn i'w groesawu'n fawr yn y rhanbarth ac yn arbennig yn fy etholaeth i yng Ngorllewin Casnewydd. Roedd hi'n wych cael deffro i ddarllen pennawd y South Wales Argus fore heddiw a oedd yn dweud, 'O'r diwedd!', a chredaf fod hynny yn crynhoi'r hyn y mae llawer ohonom wedi bod yn aros amdano. Gorsaf trenau Casnewydd yw'r ail orsaf trenau brysuraf yng Nghymru. Bydd cysylltu cymoedd Gwent a rhannau o Gasnewydd fel Tŷ-du a Rhiwderyn â chanol y ddinas yn helpu i leihau tagfeydd ar ein ffyrdd.
Mae'n hanfodol bwysig fod teithio ar drên yn hygyrch ac yn fforddiadwy i bobl ifanc, a chroesawaf y cyhoeddiad fod tocynnau rhatach wedi'u hymestyn i gynnwys pobl ifanc 16 i 18 mlwydd oed. Felly, a wnaiff Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet gytuno bod galluogi pobl ifanc i symud yn rhwydd ac yn fforddiadwy ledled y rhanbarth ar gyfer cyfleoedd am addysg a chyflogaeth nid yn unig yn annog defnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus ond hefyd yn cyfrannu at gynllun Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer twf cynhwysol?
Absolutely; I couldn't agree more. It's a shocking fact that, in some parts of Wales, a fifth of young people can't even get to their job interview because they can't afford the public transport required to get them to their interview. So, the half-price fares scheme for 16 to 18-year-olds will certainly assist in driving inclusive growth across Wales and ensure that more young people are able to get to job interviews and get to and from work.
The Member is absolutely right, Newport is the second busiest station within Wales, and it's going to be important that it, like every other station, receives a good amount of investment to maintain it as a visually pleasing station, but also one that utilises the very latest technology so that passengers are comfortable travelling on reliable services. I'm also pleased that there will be that hourly service between Ebbw Vale and Newport from 2021.
Yn hollol; allwn i ddim cytuno mwy â chi. Mae'n ffaith frawychus, mewn rhai rhannau o Gymru, na all un o bob pump o bobl ifanc hyd yn oed gyrraedd eu cyfweliad am swydd oherwydd na allan nhw fforddio'r cludiant cyhoeddus sydd ei angen arnyn nhw i gyrraedd eu cyfweliad. Felly, yn sicr bydd cynllun tocynnau hanner pris i rai 16 i 18 mlwydd oed yn helpu i sbarduno twf cynhwysol ledled Cymru a sicrhau bod mwy o bobl ifanc yn gallu cael cyfweliadau am swyddi a mynd yn ôl a blaen i'r gwaith.
Mae'r Aelod yn llygad ei lle, yng Nghasnewydd mae'r ail orsaf brysuraf yng Nghymru, a bydd yn bwysig ei bod hi, fel pob gorsaf arall, yn cael swm da o fuddsoddiad i'w chynnal fel gorsaf ddymunol i edrych arni, ond hefyd yn un sy'n defnyddio'r dechnoleg ddiweddaraf fel bod y teithwyr yn gyfforddus wrth deithio ar wasanaethau dibynadwy. Rwy'n falch hefyd y bydd gwasanaeth bob awr rhwng Glynebwy a Chasnewydd o 2021 ymlaen.
And finally, Darren Millar.
Ac yn olaf, Darren Millar.
Can I thank you for your statement as well? I'm very pleased that there will be some improvements in rail services in Wales. These have been long overdue in my opinion, as a regular traveller between north and south. I've just got a couple of questions, though.
I know that both you and I have been very keen to see the direct rail link established with Liverpool and that that is going to hopefully be on track in December of this year, which is extremely good news indeed. But one thing that you didn't mention in any of your statements that I could see was a reference to direct rail links to both Liverpool and Manchester airports, which of course are increasingly important as Wales becomes part of this global world economy. So, perhaps you could tell us whether there's going to be an increase in the frequency of journeys to Manchester Airport from north Wales, particularly with the PSO arrangements that you announced that you were investigating and the public service obligation support that you might be able to give to air links to those places.
Secondly, there is a train station that was closed a few decades ago in my own constituency, which I would like to see reopened, and that is the Foryd halt, which serves the area of Towyn and Kinmel Bay. You'll be aware of the huge popularity of Tywyn and Kinmel Bay as a tourist destination, with 60,000 bed spaces on caravan parks there. I believe that it's time to relook at the viability of the Foryd halt as an opportunity for improving green transport in north Wales, and I wonder whether you can tell us whether that is something that you'll be able to discuss with the new operator, given the bonanza in the cash available to improve and invest in new stations.
Just finally, whilst I welcome the extension to concessionary fares for 16 to 18-year-olds, of course it doesn't go as far as the proposals that we put forward in this Chamber some time back for our green card, which would give reduced rail fares to 16 to 25-year-olds, and, indeed, some concessionary bus opportunities as well. I wonder whether you've give any further consideration to those and how they might knit together with this particular scheme.
A gaf innau hefyd ddiolch ichi am eich datganiad? Rwy'n falch iawn y bydd yna rai gwelliannau mewn gwasanaethau rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru. Mae hi'n hen bryd yn fy marn i, fel un sy'n teithio'n rheolaidd rhwng y gogledd a'r de. Mae gen i un neu ddau o gwestiynau, er hynny.
Rwy'n gwybod eich bod chi a minnau wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i weld cyswllt rheilffordd uniongyrchol â Lerpwl yn cael ei sefydlu a bydd hynny yn digwydd gobeithio ym mis Rhagfyr eleni, sydd yn newyddion da dros ben. Ond un peth na wnaethoch chi sôn amdano mewn unrhyw un o'ch datganiadau hyd y gwelaf i oedd y cysylltiadau rheilffordd uniongyrchol i feysydd awyr Lerpwl a Manceinion, sydd wrth gwrs yn gynyddol bwysig wrth i Gymru ddod yn rhan o'r economi fyd-eang. Felly, efallai y gallech chi ddweud wrthym ni a fydd yna gynnydd yn amlder y trenau i faes awyr Manceinion o'r gogledd, yn enwedig o ran y trefniadau rhwymedigaeth gwasanaeth cyhoeddus y cyhoeddwyd gennych eich bod yn ymchwilio iddynt a'r cymorth i'r rhwymedigaeth gwasanaeth cyhoeddus y gallech chi ei roi i'r cysylltiadau awyr i'r mannau hynny.
Yn ail, mae gorsaf trên a gaewyd ychydig ddegawdau yn ôl yn fy etholaeth i, yr hoffwn ei gweld yn ailagor, a'r Foryd yw honno, sy'n gwasanaethu ardal Tywyn a Bae Cinmel. Byddwch yn ymwybodol o boblogrwydd mawr Tywyn a Bae Cinmel fel cyrchfan i dwristiaid, gyda 60,000 o welyau mewn parciau carafanau yno. Credaf ei bod yn bryd inni edrych eto ar hyfywedd y Foryd fel cyfle i wella trafnidiaeth gwyrdd yn y gogledd, a tybed a allech chi ddweud wrthym ni a yw hynny'n rhywbeth y byddwch yn gallu ei drafod gyda'r gweithredwr newydd, o ystyried y wythïen gyfoethog o arian sydd ar gael i wella a buddsoddi mewn gorsafoedd newydd.
Ac yn olaf, er fy mod i'n croesawu ymestyn tocynnau mantais i rai 16 i 18 mlwydd oed, wrth gwrs nid yw hynny'n mynd cyn belled â'r cynigion a gyflwynwyd gennym yn y Siambr hon beth amser yn ôl ar gyfer ein cerdyn gwyrdd, a fyddai'n cynnig tocynnau gostyngol ar y rheilffyrdd i rai 16 i 25 mlwydd oed, ac, yn wir, rai cyfleoedd i deithio'n rhatach ar fysiau hefyd. Tybed a ydych chi wedi rhoi ystyriaeth bellach i'r rheini a sut y gallen nhw gydblethu â'r cynllun arbennig hwn.
Can I thank the Member for his questions and for welcoming the procurement arrangements, and for his continued interest in key services in north Wales, including the north Wales to Liverpool service that will operate via the Halton Curve. I'll come to that point in a moment, but, first, I should also say that we are looking at direct north Wales services into Liverpool Lime Street using the Mersey tunnel. Using newly acquired bimodal rolling stock, we'd be able to operate through the Mersey tunnel direct from Wrexham to Liverpool, and not just Wrexham to Bidston. I think that would bring huge benefits to north Wales.
In terms of the north Wales to Liverpool services I'm pleased that, using the Halton Curve, there will be new services provided from north Wales through to Liverpool. The new Liverpool to Llandudno service, for example, in 2022 will be one of those services that uses the new Halton Curve, and as a consequence will be able to operate to Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Likewise, I'm also pleased to be able to share with the Member information concerning the other airport that serves north Wales on the English side of the border, which is Manchester Airport, and there will be new direct daily services from north Wales to Manchester Airport, again in December 2022. I'm also pleased to be able to say to the Member that they will be on brand-new made-in-Wales trains.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Aelod am ei gwestiynau ac am groesawu'r trefniadau caffael, ac am ei ddiddordeb parhaus mewn gwasanaethau allweddol yn y gogledd, gan gynnwys y gwasanaeth o'r gogledd i Lerpwl a fydd yn gweithredu drwy Halton Curve. Fe soniaf am hynny mewn eiliad, ond, yn gyntaf, ddylwn i ddweud hefyd ein bod yn edrych ar wasanaethau uniongyrchol o'r gogledd i orsaf Lime Street yn Lerpwl gan ddefnyddio twnnel Mersi. Gan ddefnyddio cerbydau daufoddol newydd, byddem yn gallu mynd drwy dwnnel Mersi yn uniongyrchol o Wrecsam i Lerpwl, ac nid dim ond o Wrecsam i Bidston. Credaf y byddai hynny'n dod â manteision enfawr i'r gogledd.
O ran y gwasanaethau rhwng y gogledd a Lerpwl, rwy'n falch, gan ddefnyddio Halton Curve, y caiff gwasanaethau newydd eu darparu o'r gogledd i Lerpwl. Bydd y gwasanaeth newydd o Lerpwl i Landudno, er enghraifft, yn 2022, yn un o'r gwasanaethau hynny fydd yn defnyddio llinell newydd Halton Curve, ac o ganlyniad bydd yn gallu mynd i faes awyr John Lennon yn Lerpwl. Yn yr un modd, rwyf hefyd yn falch i allu rhannu gwybodaeth â'r Aelod ynghylch meysydd awyr eraill sy'n gwasanaethu'r gogledd ar ochr Lloegr y ffin, sef maes awyr Manceinion, a bydd gwasanaethau dyddiol uniongyrchol newydd o'r gogledd i faes awyr Manceinion, eto ym mis Rhagfyr 2022. Rwyf hefyd yn falch o allu dweud wrth yr Aelod y bydd y rhain yn drenau newydd sbon wedi eu gwneud yng Nghymru.
Diolch i'r Ysgrifennydd Cabinet.
I thank the Cabinet Secretary.
Y datganiad nesaf yw'r datganiad gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ar ddiweddariad ar Fwrdd Iechyd Lleol Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr—Vaughan Gething.
The next statement comes from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services and an update on Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board—Vaughan Gething.

Diolch, Llywydd. In my statement on the 1 February this year, I confirmed that following the review by the Welsh Government, the Wales Audit Office and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales, under the escalation and intervention arrangements, that Betsi Cadwaladr university health board would remain in special measures.This week marks three years in special measures for Betsi Cadwaladr university health board. I want to update Members today on the progress made in some key areas during this period, the significant challenges that remain and the plans to work with the health board during the next phase of improvement.
Under the special measures arrangements, we have provided support to stabilise and recover the position in key areas of concern. This has included areas outlined for immediate action in 2015—on governance, leadership and oversight, mental health services, maternity services at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, and reconnecting with the public and primary care, including out-of-hours services. More recently, steps have been required in finance and some performance areas.
This support has involved a higher level of scrutiny and oversight, appointing key advisers to work alongside the board on leadership and governance, mental health services, primary care and the NHS Wales delivery unit providing targeted support. During the first two years, an additional £10 million of funding was provided to support action in key areas, including mental health and maternity services. In the past 12 months, investment to reduce waiting times has included a £1.5 million commitment towards the unscheduled care programme, and over £10 million of additional support in planned care that has helped to result in a 45 per cent reduction in people waiting over 36 weeks, compared to the end of December 2017.
Update reports from the health board and the Wales Audit Office and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales reviews did, during the first two years, evidence progress against the milestones and some evidence of recovery. The recent report from the Health and Social Care Advisory Service into the care and treatment provided on the Tawel Fan ward also reported on some recent progress, including key areas of work detailed in the dementia strategy and patient and carer support.
One of the substantive reasons that Betsi Cadwaladr was placed in special measures in 2015 related to major concerns in maternity services at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Due to the hard work of the staff and the support provided, this is a service area we have seen significant improvements in over the past three years. Following advice from the review, under the escalation and intervention arrangements, I announced earlier this year that it was de-escalated as a special measures issue.
Progress has also been made in other areas, including the management of complaints and concerns, with improved clinical oversight under the leadership of the executive director of nursing; in developing and delivering the mental health strategy in partnership with users and partners; improved performance in delivering Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 targets; restructuring the mental health team; and board governance processes.
Diolch, Llywydd. Yn fy natganiad ar 1 Chwefror eleni, cadarnheais yn dilyn adolygiad gan Lywodraeth Cymru, Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru ac Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru, o dan y trefniadau uwchraddio ac ymyrryd, y byddai Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr yn parhau i fod mewn mesurau arbennig. Mae'r wythnos hon yn nodi tair blynedd o fod mewn mesurau arbennig i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr. Hoffwn roi'r diweddaraf i'r Aelodau heddiw ar y cynnydd a wnaed mewn rhai meysydd allweddol yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, yr heriau sylweddol sy'n parhau a'r cynlluniau i weithio gyda'r bwrdd iechyd yn ystod y cyfnod nesaf o welliannau.
O dan y trefniadau mesurau arbennig, rydym ni wedi rhoi cymorth i sefydlogi ac adfer y sefyllfa mewn meysydd allweddol o bryder. Mae hyn wedi cynnwys meysydd a amlinellir ar gyfer gweithredu ar unwaith yn 2015—ar lywodraethu, arweinyddiaeth a goruchwyliaeth, gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl, gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, ac ailgysylltu â'r cyhoedd a gofal sylfaenol, gan gynnwys gwasanaethau y tu allan i oriau. Yn fwy diweddar, gorfodwyd camau yn y maes cyllid ac mewn rhai meysydd perfformiad.
Mae'r cymorth hwn wedi cynnwys craffu a goruchwylio mwy manwl, penodi cynghorwyr allweddol i weithio ochr yn ochr â'r bwrdd ar arweinyddiaeth a llywodraethu, gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl a gofal sylfaenol, gydag uned gyflawni GIG Cymru yn rhoi cymorth penodol. Yn ystod y ddwy flynedd gyntaf, darparwyd £10 miliwn o arian ychwanegol i gefnogi camau gweithredu mewn meysydd allweddol, gan gynnwys iechyd meddwl a gwasanaethau mamolaeth. Yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf, mae buddsoddi i leihau amseroedd aros wedi cynnwys ymrwymiad o £1.5 miliwn tuag at y rhaglen gofal heb ei drefnu, a dros £10 miliwn o gymorth ychwanegol mewn gofal wedi'i gynllunio sydd wedi helpu i arwain at ostyngiad o 45 y cant yn y bobl sy'n aros dros 36 wythnos, o'i gymharu â diwedd mis Rhagfyr 2017.
Tystiodd adroddiadau diweddaru gan y bwrdd iechyd a Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru ac Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru, yn ystod y ddwy flynedd gyntaf, i gynnydd o ran y cerrig milltir a rhywfaint o dystiolaeth o adferiad. Soniodd adroddiad diweddar gan y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ynglŷn â'r gofal a'r driniaeth a ddarparwyd ar ward Tawel Fan hefyd am beth o'r cynnydd diweddar, gan gynnwys meysydd gwaith allweddol y manylir arnynt yn y strategaeth dementia ac o ran cymorth i gleifion a gofalwyr.
Un o'r rhesymau pwysig y gosodwyd bwrdd Betsi Cadwaladr mewn mesurau arbennig yn 2015 oedd oherwydd pryderon mawr gyda gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd. Oherwydd gwaith caled y staff a'r cymorth a ddarparwyd, mae hwn yn faes gwasanaeth ble'r ydym ni wedi gweld gwelliannau sylweddol yn ystod y tair blynedd diwethaf. Yn dilyn cyngor yn yr adolygiad, o dan y trefniadau uwchgyfeirio ac ymyrryd, cyhoeddais yn gynharach eleni y cafodd hyn ei isgyfeirio o fod yn fater mesurau arbennig.
Gwnaed cynnydd hefyd mewn meysydd eraill, gan gynnwys rheoli cwynion a phryderon, gyda gwell goruchwyliaeth glinigol o dan arweiniad y cyfarwyddwr gweithredol nyrsio; wrth ddatblygu a chyflwyno strategaeth iechyd meddwl drwy gydweithio â defnyddwyr a phartneriaid; gwell perfformiad o ran cyflawni targedau Mesur Iechyd Meddwl (Cymru) 2010; ailstrwythuro'r tîm iechyd meddwl; a phrosesau llywodraethu'r bwrdd.
Daeth y Dirprwy Lywydd (Ann Jones) i’r Gadair.
The Deputy Presiding Officer (Ann Jones) took the Chair.
Since 2015 there has also been a continued investment in the estate and the services to ensure improved access and healthcare for the people of north Wales, with a number of these having been or due to be completed.
The major ongoing significant refurbishment work, involving over £160 million of capital investment on the Ysbyty Glan Clwyd site, is due to be fully completed in December this year, and the sub-regional neonatal intensive care centre, otherwise known as the SuRNICC, on the site is due to fully open this summer. Capital funding of almost £14 million has been provided to redesign, extend and improve the emergency and urgent care department in Ysbyty Gwynedd. Investments have also been made in two modular theatres at Wrexham Maelor Hospital and for environmental improvements to mental health wards as part of the drive to improve standards of care.
I recently announced £2.2 million of funding to convert a theatre at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd to a hybrid theatre capable of performing complex vascular surgery. That will bring benefits for patients, and is already increasing the attractiveness of the health board in terms of recruitment of consultants, with five vascular consultants successfully appointed and improvements in surgical training.
It's not only in hospital settings that capital funding is making a difference, of course. Investments in primary care are supporting priorities to improve population health across north Wales, reduce health inequalities and provide care for people closer to home. Over £14 million has been provided to develop integrated health and social care centres in Flint, Blaenau Ffestiniog and Tywyn that provide a range of integrated, co-located, health, social care and third sector facilities.
However, despite the investment and progress in some key areas, significant challenges remain, as reported in the Deloitte review findings and, indeed, the HASCAS report. They both highlighted continued concerns on governance, clinical leadership and service redesign. In the last 12 months, the Welsh Government has escalated the level of intervention in finance and some areas of performance due to substantial concerns on referral to treatment waiting times, unscheduled care and financial planning and management. I am intensely concerned with the decline in performance in these areas, and generally exasperated with the pace of progress by the health board on the milestones set for the first part of this calendar year and the continued lack of clarity on its plans for the future.
I was always very clear that the transformation at Betsi Cadwaladr would require a significant culture change to working in partnership, both externally and internally. This will require ongoing focus on board-to-ward engagement and a move from an underlying resistance to consistency in clinical practice in a variety of service settings, with strong professional oversight and clinical leadership. To deliver improved outcomes for its population, the health board needs to work in a systematic way, in partnership as one organisation at a local and regional level, and to play a full part on a national level.
During my regular visits and contact with the health board, I continue to be impressed by the commitment and hard work of staff to deliver quality patient care in a challenging environment and in the context of high-level negative reporting and attention. I take seriously the well-being of our NHS staff. Whilst sickness levels in Betsi Cadwaladr have been lower than the all-NHS Wales position for a number of years, and it is delivering a range of initiatives to support staff, we will continue to engage with the health board and trade unions on how we can better support our staff.
To ensure the health board delivers on its short and medium-term expectations swiftly, whilst also planning and undertaking transformational change, I published on 8 May this year the special measures improvement framework. This sets out milestones for the next 18 months in four key areas: leadership and governance; strategic and service planning; mental health; and primary care, including out-of-hours. I expect visible progress before the summer on the framework expectations, including a reduction in waiting times, responses to the recommendations set out in the HASCAS and Ockenden reports agreed and being actioned, recruitment to key positions completed, the additional capacity and capability required in place, and turnaround actions having a positive impact.
To support the improvements and drive forward the work in the short and medium term, the Welsh Government will provide more intensive support, with a team to work alongside the health board, and additional resources to further improve waiting times. This will include additional system leadership, turnaround and operational capacity support. We will also be increasing the NHS delivery and finance delivery units interventions to include individual unit members providing focused support on plans, intelligence and best practice. Advisory support will also continue under the special measures arrangements.
The intensive support will initially be directed towards supporting improved governance and accountability, focused joint working with clinicians and partners to deliver substantial improvements, especially in planned and unscheduled care, delivery on financial turnaround and working towards developing an integrated medium-term plan for 2019-2022. Adviser support will include continued guidance on leadership and governance from David Jenkins and Emrys Elias on assuring the development and delivery of the thematic quality improvement and governance plan for mental health services.
The next phase of the improvement journey will be led by a new chair from 1 September, following the appointment of Mark Polin, who will bring clear direction and leadership. He will lead a renewed board, with the recruitment of a new vice-chair and three independent members, and changes at the executive level, including a recently appointed new executive director of workforce and organisational development, and the imminent recruitment of a director of primary care and a director of strategy.
I will continue to hold regular accountability meetings with the chair and chief executive and I will attend the board meeting this Thursday to discuss progress. I will set out my clear expectations of the board to lead and deliver sustained positive change.
Ers 2015 bu buddsoddi parhaus yn yr ystâd a'r gwasanaethau i sicrhau gofal iechyd gwell a mwy hwylus i drigolion y gogledd, gyda nifer o'r rhain wedi neu ar fin cael eu cwblhau.
Mae disgwyl i'r gwaith ailwampio sylweddol parhaus, sy'n cynnwys dros £160 miliwn o fuddsoddiad cyfalaf ar safle Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, gael ei gwblhau'n llawn ym mis Rhagfyr eleni, ac mae disgwyl i'r ganolfan is-ranbarthol ar gyfer gofal dwys i'r newydd-anedig ar y safle gael ei hagor yn llawn yr haf hwn. Darparwyd cyllid cyfalaf o bron i £14 miliwn i ailgynllunio, ymestyn a gwella yr adran argyfwng a gofal brys yn Ysbyty Gwynedd. Buddsoddwyd hefyd mewn dwy theatr fodiwlaidd yn Ysbyty Maelor Wrecsam ac mewn gwelliannau amgylcheddol i wardiau iechyd meddwl yn rhan o'r ymgyrch i wella safonau gofal.
Yn ddiweddar cyhoeddais £2.2 miliwn o gyllid i drosi theatr yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn theatr hybrid ble byddai modd cyflawni llawdriniaethau fasgwlaidd cymhleth. Bydd hynny'n dod â manteision i gleifion, ac mae eisoes yn gwneud y Bwrdd Iechyd yn fwy deniadol o ran recriwtio meddygon ymgynghorol, gyda phum ymgynghorydd fasgwlaidd wedi eu penodi yn llwyddiannus a gwelliannau mewn hyfforddiant llawfeddygol.
Nid mewn ysbytai yn unig mae arian cyfalaf yn gwneud gwahaniaeth, wrth gwrs. Mae buddsoddiadau mewn gofal sylfaenol yn cefnogi blaenoriaethau i wella iechyd holl drigolion y gogledd, lleihau anghydraddoldebau iechyd a darparu gofal i bobl yn agosach at gartref. Darparwyd dros £14 miliwn i ddatblygu canolfannau gofal cymdeithasol yn y Fflint, Blaenau Ffestiniog a Thywyn sy'n darparu amrywiaeth o gyfleusterau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a thrydydd sector integredig i gyd yn yr un lleoliad.
Fodd bynnag, er gwaethaf y buddsoddiad a'r cynnydd mewn rhai meysydd allweddol, mae heriau sylweddol yn parhau, fel yr adroddwyd yng nghanfyddiadau adolygiad Deloitte ac, yn wir, yn adroddiad HASCAS. Amlygodd y ddau bryderon parhaus ynghylch llywodraethu, arweinyddiaeth glinigol ac ailddylunio gwasanaethau. Yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf, mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod yn ymyrryd yn fwy dwys ym maes cyllid a rhai meysydd Perfformiad oherwydd pryderon sylweddol o ran amseroedd aros am driniaeth, gofal heb ei drefnu a chynllunio a rheoli ariannol. Rwyf yn hynod bryderus am y dirywiad mewn perfformiad yn y meysydd hyn, ac wedi fy nghythruddo yn gyffredinol ag arafwch y cynnydd gan y Bwrdd Iechyd yn cyrraedd y cerrig milltir a nodwyd ar gyfer rhan gyntaf y flwyddyn galendr hon a'r diffyg eglurder parhaus ynglŷn â'i gynlluniau ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Roeddwn bob amser yn glir iawn y byddai angen newid diwylliant sylweddol ar y trawsnewidiad ym mwrdd Betsi Cadwaladr er mwyn gweithio mewn partneriaeth, yn allanol ac yn fewnol. Bydd hyn yn gofyn am bwyslais parhaus ar ymwneud rhwng y bwrdd a wardiau a chefnu ar ddiwylliant o wrthwynebiad sylfaenol i gysondeb mewn arferion clinigol mewn amrywiaeth o leoliadau, gyda goruchwyliaeth broffesiynol ac arweinyddiaeth glinigol gadarn. I gyflawni canlyniadau gwell ar gyfer ei phoblogaeth, mae angen i'r Bwrdd Iechyd weithio mewn ffordd systematig, mewn partneriaeth fel un sefydliad yn lleol a rhanbarthol, a chwarae rhan lawn yn genedlaethol.
Yn ystod fy ymweliadau a'm cysylltiadau rheolaidd â'r Bwrdd Iechyd, rwy'n parhau i ryfeddu at ymrwymiad a gwaith caled y staff i ddarparu gofal cleifion o safon mewn amgylchedd heriol ac yng nghyd-destun adroddiadau a sylwadau negyddol amlwg a blaenllaw. Rwyf o ddifrif ynglŷn â lles ein staff yn y GIG. Er bod cyfraddau salwch ym mwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr wedi bod yn is na'r sefyllfa yn y GIG ledled Cymru am nifer o flynyddoedd, a'i fod yn gweithredu ystod o fentrau i gefnogi staff, byddwn yn parhau i ymgysylltu â'r bwrdd iechyd a'r undebau llafur ynglŷn â sut y gallwn ni roi gwell cefnogaeth i'n staff.
I sicrhau bod y bwrdd iechyd yn cyflawni ei ddisgwyliadau tymor byr a thymor canolig yn gyflym, gan gynllunio a chynnal y broses o drawsnewid, cyhoeddais ar 8 Mai eleni y fframwaith gwella mesurau arbennig. Mae hwn yn nodi cerrig milltir ar gyfer y 18 mis nesaf mewn pedwar maes allweddol: arweinyddiaeth a llywodraethu; cynllunio strategol a chynllunio gwasanaethau; iechyd meddwl; a gofal sylfaenol, gan gynnwys gofal y tu allan i oriau. Rwy'n disgwyl cynnydd gweladwy cyn yr haf o ran disgwyliadau'r fframwaith, gan gynnwys lleihau amseroedd aros, cytuno ar ymatebion i'r argymhellion a nodir yn adroddiadau HASCAS ac Ockenden a gweithredu hynny, bod wedi recriwtio i swyddi allweddol, bod â'r capasiti a'r gallu ychwanegol sydd eu hangen, a bod y camau gweithredu yn cael effaith gadarnhaol.
I gefnogi'r gwelliannau a sbarduno'r gwaith yn y tymor byr a chanolig, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn darparu cymorth mwy dwys, gyda thîm i weithio ochr yn ochr â'r bwrdd iechyd, ac adnoddau ychwanegol i wella amseroedd aros ymhellach. Bydd hyn yn cynnwys cymorth ychwanegol o ran arweinyddiaeth system, trosiant a gallu gweithredol. Byddwn hefyd yn cynyddu'r hyn y mae'r GIG yn ei wneud ac yn cyllido unedau ymyriadau cyflenwi i gynnwys aelodau unedol unigol yn darparu cymorth sy'n canolbwyntio ar gynlluniau, gwybodaeth ac arfer gorau. Bydd cymorth cynghori hefyd yn parhau o dan y trefniadau mesurau arbennig.
Caiff y cymorth dwys i ddechrau ei gyfeirio at gefnogi gwell llywodraethu ac atebolrwydd, cydweithio penodol gyda chlinigwyr a phartneriaid i ddarparu gwelliannau sylweddol, yn enwedig mewn gofal wedi'i gynllunio a heb ei drefnu, cyflawni o ran trosiant ariannol a gweithio tuag at ddatblygu cynllun tymor canolig integredig ar gyfer 2019-2022. Bydd cymorth gan gynghorwyr yn cynnwys canllawiau parhaus ar arweinyddiaeth a llywodraethu gan David Jenkins ac Emrys Elias ynglŷn â sicrhau y caiff y cynllun gwella ansawdd a llywodraethu thematig ar gyfer gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl ei ddatblygu a'i gyflawni.
Bydd cam nesaf y broses wella yn cael ei arwain gan gadeirydd newydd o 1 Medi, yn dilyn penodi Mark Polin, a fydd yn rhoi arweinyddiaeth a chyfeiriad clir. Bydd yn arwain bwrdd newydd, gyda recriwtio is-gadeirydd newydd a thri aelod annibynnol, a newidiadau ar lefel weithredol, gan gynnwys cyfarwyddwr gweithredol newydd ar gyfer datblygu'r gweithlu a'r sefydliad a benodwyd yn ddiweddar, a chyfarwyddwr gofal sylfaenol a chyfarwyddwr strategaeth ar fin cael eu recriwtio.
Byddaf yn parhau i gynnal cyfarfodydd atebolrwydd rheolaidd gyda'r cadeirydd a'r prif weithredwr ac yn mynd i gyfarfod y bwrdd ddydd Iau yma i drafod cynnydd. Byddaf yn egluro fy nisgwyliadau clir i'r bwrdd arwain a darparu newid cadarnhaol parhaol.
Can I thank you, Minister, for your statement? But I have to say that it will bring precious little comfort to people in north Wales, because in spite of your claims of improvement, even in some areas, I do regret that that improvement is not being discerned by many of the patients in north Wales, and I think the statistics speak for themselves.
This is a health board that was put into special measures three years ago, and yet, over that period of three years, it has deteriorated in terms of its performance in its emergency department against the four-hour target, it has deteriorated in terms of the 12-hour target, the referral-to-treatment times have gotten worse for the 26-week target, and they've got more patients waiting in excess of a year for treatment than there were three years ago when this health board was put into special measures. In fact, they're not only worse than they were three years ago, they are the worst in Wales against all of those measures.
One of the other indications of the difficulties that the health board faces is in terms of its financial management, and you made reference to its financial management just now. Its deficit has ballooned from £26.6 million, in the year immediately prior going into special measures, to £38.8 million, in the financial year that we have just closed. And you may say that we're making more money available to deal with some of these aspects of performance, but the reality is that you clawed back £3.13 million just a few months ago. So, you can't give on the one hand, take it back with the other and expect improvement the other end, because it's not working. Your intervention simply isn't working.
You've claimed some progress on mental health, and yet, just a few weeks ago, we saw a HASCAS report that said that they couldn't guarantee that any situation would be different for a patient going into the system now than it was when the Tawel Fan ward scandal broke all those years ago. In addition to that, you made reference to complaints management processes improving. Well, I can tell you from my postbag, and no doubt other north Wales Assembly Members will too, that they are not hitting the 28-day target at all in terms of the Putting Things Right measure that's in place. In fact, many patients are waiting for years for their complaints to be addressed.
You made reference to primary care being improved. This, of course, was one of the key areas for which this health board was put into special measures, and yet we have seen general practitioners handing back the keys to their practices and bailing out of the system because of the pressures in it. And it's worse in north Wales than it is anywhere else. Now, I welcome the extra investment that's gone into some of the capital infrastructure, but when are we going to see some doctors so that people can get appointments with those doctors in their GP surgeries? They're not able to get them at the moment. You made reference to investment in some of the hospital estate. Again, I welcome the investment in the hospital estate, but where's the promised brand-new hospital in Rhyl, for example, in the Royal Alexandra, that was promised back in 2011? We're here eight years later, nearly, and there's no sign of any progress on that site—there's not a single bit of work that has been undertaken in terms of improving that particular site. Can you give us an update on that, Minister, perhaps, today?
You made reference to the fact that we need to turn this situation around. They've only just appointed a turnaround director. We're three years into the situation. Their mental health strategy was only signed off last November. This is not the sort of progress that the people of north Wales deserve. We need to see more rapid improvement in the Betsi Cadwaladr health board.
I want to pay tribute to the staff that are working hard, grafting on the front line, trying desperately to deliver the services that they want to deliver, but I'm afraid that there has been an absolute failure by the Welsh Government to sort the problems in this health board out over a three-year period, now. You've set out an 18-month period ahead in which to turn things around. This is probably going to be the longest example of any NHS organisation ever in the UK being in special measures for such a long period of time. I think that's a shameful thing for you and for the Welsh Government that you haven't managed to turn these situations around.
So, when are we going to see the improvements? When can we expect your targets, which you set as a Government, to be hit in terms of referral-to-treatment times, in terms of emergency department times? When can we see Betsi moving from being the worst in Wales to at least being one of the average ones in Wales in terms of performance against those things? And when are we going to see the fundamental improvements in mental health care that people expected a rapid result on in the wake of the Tawel Fan scandal?
One final question: you made reference in here to the need for them to accept the recommendations in the Ockenden report—I assume that that's the new Ockenden report, which is yet, of course, to be published. I assume, therefore, you've had sight of that report and the recommendations that it makes. When can we have sight of that report? When are we going to be able to see that? When are the public going to be able to see that, so that they can have some confidence in this system that is yet to deliver the improvements that they need to see?
A gaf i ddiolch ichi, Gweinidog, am eich datganiad? Ond mae'n rhaid imi ddweud na fydd yn rhoi fawr ddim cysur i bobl yn y gogledd, oherwydd er gwaethaf eich honiadau o welliant, hyd yn oed mewn rhai meysydd, mae'n ofid imi nad yw llawer o gleifion yn y gogledd yn gweld y gwelliant hwnnw, ac rwy'n credu fod yr ystadegau yn siarad drostynt eu hunain.
Dyma fwrdd iechyd a roddwyd mewn mesurau arbennig dair blynedd yn ôl, ac eto, dros y cyfnod o dair blynedd, mae wedi dirywio o ran ei berfformiad yn ei adran achosion brys yn erbyn y targed pedair awr, mae wedi dirywio o ran y targed 12 awr, mae'r amseroedd atgyfeirio-i-driniaeth wedi gwaethygu o ran y targed 26 wythnos, ac mae ganddyn nhw fwy o gleifion yn aros dros flwyddyn am driniaeth nag a oedd dair blynedd yn ôl pan roddwyd y bwrdd iechyd hwn mewn mesurau arbennig. Mewn gwirionedd, dydyn nhw ddim yn unig yn waeth nag yr oedden nhw dair blynedd yn ôl, nhw yw'r gwaethaf yng Nghymru o ran pob un o'r mesurau hynny.
Un o'r arwyddion eraill o anawsterau mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn eu hwynebu yw o ran ei reolaeth ariannol, ac fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at ei reolaeth ariannol gynnau. Mae ei ddiffyg wedi cynyddu o £26.6 miliwn, yn y flwyddyn yn union cyn cyflwyno mesurau arbennig, i £38.8 miliwn yn y flwyddyn ariannol sydd newydd ddod i ben. Ac hwyrach eich bod yn dweud ein bod yn neilltuo mwy o arian i ymdrin â rhai o'r agweddau hyn ynglŷn â pherfformiad, ond y gwir amdani yw ichi hawlio £3.13 miliwn yn ôl ychydig fisoedd yn ôl. Felly, ni allwn ni roi ar y naill law, a chymryd yn ôl gyda'r llall a disgwyl gwelliant y pen arall, oherwydd nid yw'n gweithio. Mae hi'n amlwg nad yw eich ymyriad yn gweithio.
Rydych chi wedi honni y bu rhywfaint o gynnydd o ran iechyd meddwl, ac eto, ychydig wythnosau yn ôl, gwelsom adroddiad HASCAS yn dweud na allent warantu y byddai unrhyw sefyllfa yn wahanol pe byddai claf yn mynd i mewn i'r system yn awr nag yr oedd pan dorrodd sgandal y ward Tawel Fan flynyddoedd yn ôl. Yn ogystal â hynny, fe wnaethoch chi ddweud bod y prosesau rheoli cwynion yn gwella. Wel, gallaf ddweud wrthych o'r negesau rwy'n eu cael, ac nid oes unrhyw amheuaeth y bydd Aelodau Cynulliad eraill o'r gogledd yn dweud hefyd, nad ydyn nhw'n cyrraedd y targed o 28 diwrnod o gwbl o ran y Mesur Gweithio i Wella sydd ar waith. Mewn gwirionedd, mae llawer o gleifion yn aros ers blynyddoedd i gael sylw i'w cwynion.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn bod gofal sylfaenol wedi gwella. Dyma, wrth gwrs, oedd un o'r meysydd allweddol pam y rhoddwyd y Bwrdd Iechyd mewn mesurau arbennig, ac eto rydym ni wedi gweld meddygon teulu yn rhoi'r allweddi yn ôl i'w meddygfeydd ac yn cefnu ar y system oherwydd y pwysau y mae'n ei roi arnynt. Ac mae'n waeth yn y gogledd nag yn unman arall. Nawr, rwy'n croesawu'r buddsoddiad ychwanegol a wnaed mewn rhai agweddau o'r seilwaith cyfalaf, ond pryd ydym ni'n mynd i weld mwy o feddygon fel y gall pobl gael apwyntiadau gyda'r meddygon hynny yn eu meddygfeydd teulu? Allan nhw mo'u cael nhw ar hyn o bryd. Fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at fuddsoddi mewn agweddau o ystadau'r ysbytai. Unwaith eto, croesawaf y buddsoddiad yn ystadau'r ysbytai, ond ble mae'r ysbyty newydd sbon yr addawyd yn y Rhyl, er enghraifft, yn y Royal Alexandra, a addawyd yn ôl yn 2011? Dyma ni yma wyth mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, bron, ac nid oes unrhyw arwydd o unrhyw gynnydd ar y safle hwnnw—nid oes unrhyw waith wedi'i wneud o ran gwella'r safle penodol hwnnw. Allwch chi ein diweddaru ni ar hynny, Gweinidog, efallai, heddiw?
Fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at y ffaith bod angen inni weddnewid y sefyllfa hon. Dim ond newydd benodi cyfarwyddwr trawsnewid maen nhw. Mae'r sefyllfa hon wedi bodoli ers tair blynedd. Llofnodwyd eu strategaeth iechyd meddwl dim ond fis Tachwedd diwethaf. Nid dyma'r math o gynnydd y mae pobl y gogledd yn ei haeddu. Mae angen inni weld gwelliant cyflymach ym mwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr.
Hoffwn dalu teyrnged i'r staff sy'n gweithio'n galed, sy'n torchi eu llewys ar y rheng flaen, yn ymdrechu'n daer i ddarparu'r gwasanaethau maen nhw eisiau eu darparu, ond mae arnaf ofn y bu methiant llwyr gan Lywodraeth Cymru i ddatrys y problemau yn y bwrdd iechyd hwn dros gyfnod o dair blynedd, bellach. Rydych chi wedi nodi cyfnod o 18 mis i drawsnewid pethau. Dyma fwy na thebyg fydd yr enghraifft hiraf o unrhyw sefydliad GIG erioed yn y DU mewn mesurau arbennig am gyfnod gyn hired o amser. Credaf fod hynny'n beth cywilyddus i chi ac i Lywodraeth Cymru, nad ydych chi wedi llwyddo i drawsnewid y sefyllfaoedd hyn.
Felly, pryd ydym ni'n mynd i weld y gwelliannau? Pryd allwn ni ddisgwyl gweld cyflawni eich targedau, a osodwyd gennych chi, y Llywodraeth, o ran amseroedd atgyfeirio-i-driniaeth, o ran amseroedd adrannau achosion brys? Pryd allwn ni weld bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr yn symud o fod y gwaethaf yng Nghymru i fod o leiaf yn un o'r rhai cyfartalog yng Nghymru o ran perfformiad yn yr agweddau hynny? A phryd fyddwn ni'n gweld y gwelliannau sylfaenol yn y maes gofal iechyd roedd pobl yn disgwyl canlyniad cyflym yn eu cylch yn sgîl sgandal Tawel Fan?
Un cwestiwn terfynol: fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio yma at yr angen am iddyn nhw dderbyn yr argymhellion yn adroddiad Ockenden—cymeraf mai adroddiad newydd Ockenden yw hynny, sydd eto, wrth gwrs, i'w gyhoeddi. Cymeraf, felly, eich bod wedi cael golwg ar yr adroddiad hwnnw a'r argymhellion y mae'n ei wneud. Pryd gawn ni gipolwg ar yr adroddiad hwnnw? Pryd y byddwn ni'n gallu ei weld? Pryd all y cyhoedd ei weld, fel y gallan nhw gael rhywfaint o hyder yn y system hon sydd eto i gyflawni'r gwelliannau y mae angen iddynt eu gweld?
I thank the Member for his comments with some questions provided, as well. I'll start with your final point about Ockenden 2, and no, I have not had sight of it; I'm making clear that I expect the health board to take seriously the report on reviewing and improving its governance and to deliver a real-time plan for improvement. I think it's entirely appropriate, because we expect that report to be provided this summer, for the health board to receive it and promptly deal with it, and for there to be a public board meeting at which they will set out their action plan in response to that.
The starting point, though, is that there is no cause for celebration that we approach the third anniversary of Betsi Cadwaladr university health board being in special measures. There is no hiding from the fact that it is not a cause for celebration that we are having this conversation at this point in time. I don't try to hide from the disappointment and from the way that staff will feel. It's not the situation that any staff want to be in, to continue going to work in an organisation that is labelled as being in special measures. That does not mean that every area of healthcare fails—far from it. There is real excellence—not just commitment from staff, but real excellence in the delivery of a wide range of healthcare services. The balance, though, is that we recognise there are still services within Betsi Cadwaladr that do need to improve significantly.
On primary care, one of the reasons why it went into special measures was in particular about out of hours, and I'm hopeful that we will see an improvement in primary care out-of-hours services during this next period of the improvement framework, and for that to be lifted out of special measures. The broader points you mentioned about those GP practices that have returned their contracts are part of a broader move across, not just Wales, but across the rest of the UK, and I don't think it's fair to label that change and the difficulty in managing that move as being part of the special measures arrangements. North Wales, just like other parts of Wales, have that challenge to manage, and that goes into other work that we have discussed in the Chamber, and I'm sure we will again—not just a new way to deliver local healthcare with the right numbers of doctors and other clinical members of staff, but how to organise those services to make it more attractive. For example, just before recess, we spoke about the challenges of indemnity and being able to move forward on that would make a really big difference right across the country, but, in particular, in north Wales too. About having the workforce being retained in different roles, whether they're staying in the profession or entering the profession, that would certainly help in out-of-hours arrangements too.
On the challenges you raise about financial management, and the challenges that the health board have with financial management, are not a special measures issue, but they're part of an increase in escalation and intervention. It is a point of real disappointment that they have not been able to deliver improvements in financial management, but I simply don't accept the point you attempt to make about the clawback on money for planned care improvements. We have done exactly as we have done with every other health board, in providing additional money from the £50 million improvement fund we have provided to NHS Wales; on having agreements about improvement to be delivered; and needing to reach those targets or not all of the money would be retained within that organisation. And it's exactly as we have done in other organisations this year and last year. They retained £10 million because they did reach a 45 per cent improvement in the 36-week waiters from the high point of December 2017. But we can't simply say, 'Have this money to improve and it matters not whether you reach that improvement or not, and we will treat you in an entirely different way in that regard to other health boards across Wales.'
In terms of the improvement I expect to see happen, as well as setting out an 18-month framework, I have been very clear that I expect to see continued improvement in unscheduled care, with the additional— . Not just resource in financial terms, but the support being provided by PricewaterhouseCoopers. And indeed, in my most recent visit to north Wales, I met with staff in Ysbyty Glan Clwyd who were talking about the way in which that was helping them to look again at what they were doing, and actually there were improvements in the way they felt they were working as a team. Meeting front-line nurses, alongside their consultant colleagues, was a very constructive and positive conversation, alongside the recognition they themselves want to deliver better care, and that would improve the working environment for them. So, they themselves recognise some improvement is taking place. They also recognise there is more to go, and part of our challenge is how challenging we are in holding them to account, as well as being supportive of the job that front-line staff do. But I certainly expect to see improvements in quarter 1 and quarter 2 of this financial year. I do not expect the health board to recede backwards, having reached an improvement at the end of the last financial and performance year to March 2018, to fall significantly backwards at the end of the first quarter. That would not be an acceptable position for the health board to be in. Part of the challenge is that they do have real problems in the significant rise in long waiters that took place over the last financial year. That was part of the reason why not only escalation arrangements changed, but there is now a heightened level of direct accountability with the chair and chief exec. That will continue until there is real and sustained improvement, and I make no apology for that.
I also want to reiterate and deal with your point on complaints management. I expect Assembly Members do get a postbag that talks about where complaints have not been well handled. That will always be the case. As an individual constituency Member, I get those complaints too, in my area. But actually, objectively, we definitely have seen an improvement in complaint management. That does not mean that everything is perfect, but it is absolutely in a better position than it was previously, and the executive director of nursing deserves real credit for her leadership in delivering some of that improvement, together with the team.
So, I expect improvements to take place over the 18-month framework that we've announced. I expect there to be more to say once the new chair is in place and we've recruited additional people, but also that the turnaround function, which I am—. I recognise the Member's frustration. I can assure you that I am frustrated myself that it's taken so long, having agreed to have a turnaround director, for that person to be in place with a team. That is also why, in my statement, I have outlined the additional steps that we will take to ensure that that turnaround function is actually in place, with greater operational grip within the organisation.
So, there are no places to hide and no attempt to hide from the position that the health board is currently in. I recognise the progress and real progress that has been made, and also I recognise the further progress that is absolutely required because the staff of the health board and the people of north Wales deserve nothing less.
Diolch i'r Aelod am ei sylwadau ac am y rhai cwestiynau a ofynwyd, hefyd. Fe wnaf i ddechrau â'ch pwynt olaf am Ockenden 2, ac na, nid wyf wedi cael cipolwg arno; rwy'n ei gwneud hi'n glir fy mod yn disgwyl i'r Bwrdd Iechyd gymryd o ddifrif yr adroddiad ynglŷn ag adolygu a gwella ei drefniadau llywodraethu a darparu cynllun amser real ar gyfer gwella. Rwy'n credu fod hynny yn gwbl briodol, oherwydd rydym ni'n disgwyl i'r adroddiad hwnnw weld golau dydd yr haf hwn, i'r bwrdd iechyd ei dderbyn ac ymdrin ag ef yn brydlon, ac y bydd cyfarfod bwrdd cyhoeddus lle byddant yn amlinellu eu cynllun gweithredu mewn ymateb i hynny.
Y man cychwyn, fodd bynnag, yw nad oes unrhyw achos i ddathlu ein bod yn nesáu at drydydd pen-blwydd Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr mewn mesurau arbennig. Nid oes cuddio rhag y ffaith nad oes achos i ddathlu ein bod yn cael y sgwrs hon ar hyn o bryd. Nid wyf yn ceisio cuddio rhag y siom a rhag y ffordd y bydd staff yn teimlo. Nid yw'n sefyllfa y mae unrhyw staff eisiau bod ynddi, parhau i weithio mewn sefydliad sydd â'r label arno o fod mewn mesurau arbennig. Nid yw hynny'n golygu bod pob maes gofal iechyd yn methu—ddim o gwbl. Mae rhagoriaeth gwirioneddol—nid yn unig mewn ymrwymiad gan staff, ond rhagoriaeth wirioneddol yn darparu ystod eang o wasanaethau gofal iechyd. Y cydbwysedd, er hynny, yw ein bod yn cydnabod bod gwasanaethau o fewn bwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr y mae angen iddynt wella'n sylweddol o hyd.
O ran gofal sylfaenol, un o'r rhesymau pam cyflwynwyd mesurau arbennig yn yr adran honno oedd oherwydd y gwasanaeth y tu allan i oriau yn benodol, ac rwy'n obeithiol y byddwn yn gweld gwelliant mewn gwasanaethau gofal sylfaenol y tu allan i oriau yn ystod y cyfnod nesaf hwn o'r fframwaith gwella, ac i hynny ddod allan o fesurau arbennig. Y pwyntiau ehangach hynny y gwnaethoch chi sôn amdanyn nhw, ynglŷn â meddygon teulu sydd wedi dychwelyd eu contractau, mae hynny yn rhan o duedd ehangach, nid yng Nghymru yn unig, ond yng ngweddill y DU, a dydw i ddim yn credu ei bod hi'n deg nodi'r newid hwnnw a'r anhawster o ran rheoli hynny yn rhan o'r trefniadau mesurau arbennig. Mae gan y gogledd, fel rhannau eraill o Gymru, yr her honno i'w rheoli, ac mae hynny'n wir am waith arall a drafodwyd gennym ni yn y Siambr, ac rwy'n siŵr y byddwn ni unwaith eto—nid dim ond ffordd newydd i ddarparu gofal iechyd lleol gyda'r nifer cywir o feddygon ac aelodau o staff clinigol eraill, ond sut i drefnu'r gwasanaethau hynny i'w gwneud yn fwy deniadol. Er enghraifft, ychydig cyn y toriad, buom yn siarad am yr heriau o indemniad a byddai gallu gwneud cynnydd ar hynny yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr iawn ar draws y wlad, ond, yn benodol, yn y gogledd hefyd. Ynglŷn â chadw'r gweithlu mewn swyddogaethau gwahanol, pa un a ydyn nhw'n aros yn y proffesiwn neu yn ymuno â'r proffesiwn, byddai hynny yn sicr yn helpu gyda'r trefniadau y tu allan i oriau hefyd.
Ynglŷn â'r heriau yr ydych yn eu codi o ran rheolaeth ariannol, a'r heriau sydd gan y bwrdd iechyd â rheoli ariannol, nid ydynt yn fater mesurau arbennig, ond maen nhw'n rhan o'r cynnydd mewn uwchgyfeirio ac ymyrryd. Mae'n siom fawr nad ydyn nhw wedi gallu cyflawni gwelliannau yn y maes rheoli ariannol, ond dydw i ddim yn derbyn eich honiad ynglŷn â hawlio arian yn ôl ar gyfer cynllunio gwelliannau gofal. Rydym ni wedi gwneud yn union fel yr ydym ni wedi gwneud gyda phob bwrdd iechyd arall, yn darparu arian ychwanegol o'r gronfa wella £50 miliwn yr ydym ni wedi ei darparu i GIG Cymru; ynglŷn â chyflawni cytundebau ynghylch gwella; a'r angen i gyrraedd y targedau hynny neu na fyddai'r holl arian yn cael ei gadw o fewn y sefydliad hwnnw. A dyna yn union yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi ei wneud mewn sefydliadau eraill eleni a'r llynedd. Fe wnaethon nhw gadw £10 miliwn oherwydd y gwnaethon nhw gyrraedd gwelliant o 45 y cant yn yr amseroedd aros 36 wythnos o'u cymharu â'r amseroedd sylweddol iawn ym mis Rhagfyr 2017. Ond ni allwn ni ddweud, 'Cymerwch yr arian hwn i wella a does dim ots os na fyddwch chi'n cyflawni'r gwelliant hwnnw neu beidio, a byddwn yn eich trin mewn ffordd hollol wahanol yn hynny o beth i fyrddau iechyd eraill ledled Cymru.'
O ran y gwelliant rwy'n disgwyl ei weld, yn ogystal â gosod fframwaith 18 mis, rwyf wedi bod yn glir iawn fy mod yn disgwyl gweld gwelliant parhaus mewn gofal heb ei drefnu, gyda mwy o—. Nid yn unig adnoddau ariannol, ond y cymorth a ddarperir gan PricewaterhouseCoopers. Ac yn wir, ar fy ymweliad mwyaf diweddar â'r gogledd, fe wnes i gyfarfod â staff yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd oedd yn sôn am y ffordd yr oedd hynny yn eu helpu i edrych eto ar yr hyn yr oedden nhw yn ei wneud, ac mewn gwirionedd roedd gwelliannau yn y ffordd y teimlent eu bod yn gweithio fel tîm. Roedd cyfarfod nyrsys rheng flaen, ynghyd â'u cydweithwyr ymgynghorol, yn sgwrs gadarnhaol ac adeiladol iawn, ochr yn ochr â'r gydnabyddiaeth eu bod nhw eu hunain eisiau darparu gofal gwell, a byddai hynny'n gwella'r amgylchedd gwaith ar eu cyfer. Felly, maen nhw eu hunain yn cydnabod bod rhywfaint o welliant yn digwydd. Maen nhw hefyd yn cydnabod bod rhagor i'w wneud, a rhan o'r her i ni yw pa mor heriol yr ydym yn eu dwyn i gyfrif, yn ogystal â bod yn gefnogol o'r gwaith y mae staff rheng flaen yn ei wneud. Ond rwy'n sicr yn disgwyl gweld gwelliannau yn chwarter 1 a chwarter 2 y flwyddyn ariannol. Nid wyf yn disgwyl i'r bwrdd iechyd gilio'n ôl, wedi cyrraedd gwelliant ar ddiwedd y flwyddyn ariannol a pherfformiad diwethaf a ddaeth i ben ym mis Mawrth 2018, i ddirywio'n sylweddol ar ddiwedd y chwarter cyntaf. Ni fyddai hynny'n sefyllfa dderbyniol i'r bwrdd iechyd fod ynddi. Rhan o'r her yw bod ganddynt broblemau gwirioneddol o ran y cynnydd sylweddol a fu mewn amseroedd aros hir dros y flwyddyn ariannol ddiwethaf. Roedd hynny'n rhan o'r rheswm pam na newidiodd y trefniadau uwchgyfeirio yn unig, ond nawr bod mwy o atebolrwydd uniongyrchol gyda'r cadeirydd a'r prif weithredwr. Bydd hynny'n parhau hyd nes y ceir gwelliant gwirioneddol a pharhaus, ac nid wyf yn ymddiheuro am hynny.
Rwyf hefyd eisiau ailadrodd ac ymdrin â'ch sylw ynglŷn â rheoli cwynion. Rwy'n tybio bod Aelodau'r Cynulliad yn cael llythyrau sy'n sôn am achlysuron lle nad ymdriniwyd yn dda â chwynion. Bydd hynny bob amser yn wir. Rwyf i, sydd hefyd yn Aelod etholaeth unigol, yn cael y cwynion hynny hefyd, yn fy ardal i. Ond mewn gwirionedd, yn wrthrychol, rydym ni yn bendant wedi gweld gwelliant o ran rheoli cwynion. Nid yw hynny'n golygu bod popeth yn berffaith, ond does dim dwywaith fod y sefyllfa'n well nag yr oedd o'r blaen, ac mae'r cyfarwyddwr nyrsio gweithredol yn haeddu clod gwirioneddol am ei harweinyddiaeth yn cyflawni rhai o'r gwelliannau hynny, ynghyd â'i thîm.
Felly, rwy'n disgwyl gweld gwelliannau dros y fframwaith 18 mis yr ydym ni wedi ei gyhoeddi. Rwy'n disgwyl y bydd mwy i'w ddweud ar ôl penodi'r cadeirydd newydd ac inni recriwtio pobl ychwanegol, ond hefyd bod y swyddogaeth drawsnewid, yr wyf—. Rwy'n cydnabod rhwystredigaeth yr Aelod. Gallaf eich sicrhau fy mod yn teimlo'n rhwystredig fy hun ei fod wedi cymryd cyhyd, ar ôl cytuno i gael cyfarwyddwr trawsnewid, i benodi'r person hwnnw a'i dîm. Dyna hefyd pam, yn fy natganiad, fy mod i wedi amlinellu'r pethau ychwanegol y byddwn yn eu gwneud i sicrhau bod y swyddogaeth honno mewn gwirionedd yn ei lle, gyda mwy o afael gweithredol o fewn y sefydliad.
Felly, nid oes unrhyw fannau cuddio nac ymgais i guddio rhag y sefyllfa y mae'r Bwrdd Iechyd ynddi ar hyn o bryd. Rwy'n cydnabod y cynnydd a'r cynnydd gwirioneddol a wnaed, ac rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod y cynnydd pellach sy'n hollol angenrheidiol oherwydd nid yw staff y bwrdd iechyd a phobl y gogledd yn haeddu dim llai.
Surely the time comes, after three years of special measures, when special ceases to be special and you move into a state of permanent underperformance. So, I think the key questions at this point in time are: what are the signs that patients should look for? What are the signs that staff should look for to show that Betsi Cadwaladr health board is getting back on track? Because, the evidence seems very thin currently.
Does bosib y daw'r amser, ar ôl tair blynedd o fesurau arbennig, pan nad yw arbennig yn arbennig mwyach ac rydych chi'n symud i gyflwr o danberfformio parhaol. Felly, credaf mai'r cwestiynau allweddol ar hyn o bryd yw: beth yw'r arwyddion y dylai cleifion fod yn chwilio amdanyn nhw? Beth yw'r arwyddion y dylai staff fod yn edrych amdanyn nhw i ddangos fod Bwrdd Iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr yn troi yn ôl at y trywydd cywir? Oherwydd mae'r dystiolaeth yn ymddangos yn brin iawn ar hyn o bryd.
Dirprwy Lywydd, mi ges i row yn gynharach am siarad am rhy hir, felly mi wnaf i gadw fy sylwadau i'n fyr iawn. Mae yna dair blynedd bellach ers cyflwyno'r stad yma o fesurau arbennig ac mae eich datganiad chi yn eithaf onest, a dweud y gwir, mai prin iawn ydy'r cynnydd sydd wedi bod yn y tair blynedd yna. Mi ydych chi'n defnyddio'r eirfa eich hunain: 'some evidence of recovery', 'some recent progress'. Rydw i'n meddwl y dylem ni fod yn gallu disgwyl ychydig mwy na hynny ar ôl tair blynedd.
Yr ydych chi’n disgrifio bod cefnogaeth y Llywodraeth yma wedi cynnwys lefel uwch o sgrwtini ac o oruchwyliaeth, o benodi ymgynghorwyr arbennig, ond y cwestiwn cyntaf ichi: a ydy hyn gyfystyr â’ch bod chi yn cymryd cyfrifoldeb am yr hyn sy’n digwydd ym mwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr ar ôl tair blynedd o fesurau arbennig? Beth rydw i’n ei weld ydy cleifion yn aros yn hirach. Mae’r ffigurau yn cadarnhau hynny—cleifion yn aros ymhell dros flwyddyn am driniaethau y maen nhw yn wirioneddol eu hangen er mwyn codi safon eu bywydau nhw; pobl sy’n aros yn llawer rhy hir am ofal iechyd meddwl; pobl ifanc yn aros yn rhy hir am ofal iechyd meddwl. Mae’r dystiolaeth i gyd yno, sy’n profi faint o ffordd sydd yna i fynd.
Ond mi ofynnaf i dri chwestiwn ichi. A ydych chi, fel Ysgrifennydd Cabinet, yn credu bod y strwythur presennol i ddelifro iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ar draws y gogledd, sef un bwrdd iechyd, saith awdurdod lleol, darparwyr allanol hefyd, yn ffit i bwrpas, os liciwch chi? Os nad ydyw o rŵan, a ydyw’r math yna o strwythur yn debyg o ddatblygu i fod yn ffit ar gyfer pwrpas yn y dyfodol agos? A ydych chi'n meddwl, fel ail gwestiwn, fod gwelliannau sylweddol i’r amseroedd referral to treatment ac amseroedd aros eich adrannau achosion brys yn bosib heb wellhad sylweddol mewn gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol, gan gynnwys gwelyau un gris i lawr o fewn y gymuned? Ac yn drydydd, mae’ch datganiad chi yn cyfeirio at ganolfannau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol newydd, ond a all y canolfannau i’r gwasanaethau yma wirioneddol ddelifro yr hyn y gallan nhw, mewn egwyddor, tra bod yna’r demtasiwn fawr yna ar y bwrdd i gario ymlaen i daflu arian at ysbytai, at lefel eilradd o ofal iechyd, er mwyn trio taclo amseroedd aros? Hynny ydy, bod arian yn cael ei sugno rhywsut i mewn i ryw bwll diwaelod. Oni bai bod modd delio efo hynny, sut ydych chi’n gallu cryfhau gofal sylfaenol? Achos dim ond drwy—rydw i'n meddwl—gryfhau gofal sylfaenol y gall bwrdd iechyd mewn ardal sydd, ar y cyfan, yn wledig, wella ei berfformiad yn sylweddol.
Deputy Presiding Officer, I was told off earlier for speaking for too long, so I’ll keep my comments very brief. There have been three years now since special measures were put in place and your statement is quite honest, truth be told, that very little progress has been made over those past three years. You use the words yourself: 'some evidence of recovery', 'some recent progress'. I think that we should be able to expect a little bit more than that after three years.
You describe that support from the Government has included greater scrutiny and oversight, of appointing specialist consultants, but the first question is: is this tantamount to you taking responsibility for what is happening at Betsi Cadwaladr health board after three years of special measures being put in place? What I see are patients waiting longer. The figures confirm that—patients waiting much more than a year for treatments that they genuinely need in order to improve their quality of life; people who are waiting far too long for mental health care; young people waiting far too long for mental health care. The evidence is all there, which proves how much further we have to go.
I'll ask three questions. Do you, as Cabinet Secretary, believe that the current structure to deliver health and social care across the north, with one health board, seven local authorities and external providers as well, is fit for purpose, if you like? If it's not now, is that kind of structure likely to develop to be fit for purpose in the near future? Do you believe, as a second question, that significant improvements to the referral-to-treatment times and waiting times for emergency departments are possible without improvements in social care services, including beds one step down in the community? Third, your statement refers to new health and social care centres, but can these centres and services genuinely deliver what they could, in principle, whilst there is that temptation for the board to continue to throw money at hospitals, at the secondary level of healthcare, in order to tackle waiting times? That is, that funds are sucked somehow into some kind of bottomless pit. If we can't deal with that, how can we strengthen primary care? Because I think that it's only through strengthening primary healthcare that a health board that serves a predominantly rural area can improve its performance significantly.
Thank you for the questions and the comments. I'm happy to state at the outset that I certainly don't see special measures as a permanent status or indeed something that could or should be normalised. It is absolutely different, not just to the rest of the healthcare system, but there is also the fact that there have been real improvements in some areas of activities that I've highlighted in my statement.
Mental health hasn't made quite the progress that we wanted it to. That actually highlighted some of the fragility in the structure of the service, in not just delivering a new strategy but, actually, a part of the hold-up in the improvement journey was due to the absence of a key member of staff. There was something then about the resilience of the whole service. We're now seeing further progress again being made in the wider mental health service. But, actually, maternity services, which were one of the big triggers for the board going into special measures, have come out of special measures. They've been de-escalated and that, in itself, is a positive, and not just for that service, but for other parts of the health board, to recognise that it absolutely is possible to de-escalate out of special measures—a very real and significant and sustained improvement to be made and recognised through the escalation and intervention measures and frameworks.
That should provide the assurance that members of the public and members of staff will want because this is not a process where politicians are making a decision for their own benefit, or for my benefit, to take the health board out of special measures. It's why we have a tripartite process involving Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and the Wales Audit Office. We'll continue to have that structure to make clear to the public and to the staff that there won't be the choices made simply to deal with the convenience of a politician within this Chamber.
When we talk about a description of consultants to assist and work around the board, actually, in the part of my statement where I talked about additional system leadership and support, we are talking about having extra pairs of hands around the board to help them do things that, currently, we don't think they're able to do, and not just to get them in through a short-term fix, but actually to have a more sustained position in recruiting not just figures to go to the health board, but the organisational culture in planning and delivery that we recognise is plainly required.
I'll deal with your three points in the questioning. I think the second two go into each other in some respects, but a straight answer to your first question about whether the structure is fit for purpose: I do not think that the challenges that the north Wales health board face are because it is a single health board across north Wales. Actually, when we had a previous consultation on this there was a very clear message from staff that they did not actually want to see the health board broken up into two or three constituent parts. So, I don't think that is a reason why the health board should not be able to perform to high standards. If you look at other health boards within the country, there is a significant geographic spread in Powys and in Hywel Dda, and the geographic spreads themselves are not the reasons why the health boards do or don't succeed, just as having a significant number of partners is not a reason why other health boards don't succeed, because in Gwent, where they have five local authority partners, they're actually one of the better performing health boards in the country. So, it isn't the size or the number of partners. But there is something about the culture and the operational ability and planning function within the health board to deliver improvement.
I'm pleased, in terms of your point about emergency department improvement, that you saw that as a system-wide challenge, because it absolutely is, both in primary care, about how people are supported to stay within their own homes—that's part of the reason we've invested in health and social care centres across the health board area, and that's a strategic choice we've made not just in north Wales but across the country—but also the link between what takes place in a hospital and with our colleagues in social care. Now, I'll have more to say on health and social care integration over the next week or so in taking forward a response to the parliamentary review. But we will need to see an improved way of working between social care partners and the health board, and that is absolutely true. That's something about how they plan and deliver services, as well as agreeing on what those services should be, and having a joint way to understand the health and care needs of their population, and then being able to meet them. I'm positive that we'll be able to support not just north Wales but other health boards and their local authority partners to do so, but I don't want to pre-announce matters that we'll go into at some length next week on more about the way in which we expect health and social care to work more closely together. But we already see a range of teams that exist across the country, including north Wales, where there is already recognition that they must work together to deliver improvements for services for citizens, regardless of whether that person has a need that is a social care need or a healthcare need, and it's not simply about getting people out of hospital quickly.
Your final point about health and social care centres, whether they might be able to deliver improvement without the further conversation with the health board about assigning priorities and sinking money into the hospital system—that's part of the challenge in running an integrated unplanned system. I do not expect health boards to simply be hospital provider trusts with a bit of something else tacked on to them. They are genuine, population health board—. They are genuine population health level organisations. That is a requirement that we have of them, and they must look more clearly at prioritising more and more of their primary healthcare—not just early intervention, but prevention work as well. We'll see more of that as we not just make budget choices, but in the conversation we'll have next week and through the rest of this term. There are clear examples of local authorities already being more engaged in and around those centres, not just in Tywyn and not just in Flint, where I did the formal opening of the health centre, and I was pleased to have the Member, the local Member for Delyn, there as well, and to actually meet members from the local authority who are already running services from that centre. And, indeed, when I visited Ysbyty Alltwen, again, seeing members of the local authority there from Gwynedd, they were talking about what they were already doing with healthcare staff there to take account of the health and social care needs. So, we are already seeing some of that partnership work on a local level, and our challenge now is to scale that up and to have a more considered and joined-up approach across the whole of the north Wales region, which every local authority recognises is good for them and their citizens, just as the health board do as well. But I recognise the challenge that the Member provides.
Diolch ichi am y cwestiynau a'r sylwadau. Rwy'n hapus i ddatgan ar y cychwyn nad wyf yn sicr ddim yn gweld mesurau arbennig yn statws parhaol nac yn wir yn rhywbeth y gallai neu y dylai gael ei normaleiddio. Mae'n gwbl wahanol, nid yn unig i weddill y system gofal iechyd, ond hefyd y ffaith y gwelwyd gwelliannau gwirioneddol mewn rhai meysydd o weithgareddau yr wyf i wedi tynnu sylw atyn nhw yn fy natganiad.
Nid yw iechyd meddwl wedi gwneud y cynnydd yr oeddem ni'n gobeithio amdano. Mae hynny mewn gwirionedd wedi amlygu rhai o agweddau bregus strwythur y gwasanaeth, nid yn unig o ran darparu strategaeth newydd, ond mewn gwirionedd, buwyd yn hirach na'r disgwyl yn gwneud gwelliannau oherwydd absenoldeb aelod allweddol o staff. Roedd rhywbeth wedyn ynghylch cadernid y gwasanaeth cyfan. Rydym ni nawr yn gweld cynnydd pellach eto yn y gwasanaeth iechyd meddwl ehangach. Ond, mewn gwirionedd, mae gwasanaethau mamolaeth, a oedd yn un o'r sbardunau mawr ar gyfer rhoi'r bwrdd mewn mesurau arbennig, yn dod allan o fesurau arbennig. Maen nhw wedi cael eu hisgyfeirio ac mae hynny, ynddo'i hun, yn gadarnhaol, ac nid yn unig o ran y gwasanaeth hwnnw, ond ar gyfer rhannau eraill y Bwrdd Iechyd, i gydnabod ei bod hi yn gwbl bosib isgyfeirio a dod allan o fesurau arbennig—gwelliant gwirioneddol a sylweddol a pharhaus i'w wneud a'i gydnabod drwy'r mesurau a'r fframweithiau uwchgyfeirio ac ymyrryd.
Dylai hynny roi'r sicrwydd fydd ei eisiau ar y cyhoedd ac aelodau staff oherwydd nid proses yw hwn lle mae gwleidyddion yn gwneud penderfyniad er eu budd eu hunain, neu ar gyfer fy mudd fy hun, i gymryd y bwrdd iechyd allan o fesurau arbennig. Dyna pam fod gennym ni broses tairochrog yn cynnwys Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru a Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru. Byddwn yn parhau i gael y strwythur hwnnw i'w gwneud hi'n glir i'r cyhoedd ac i staff na wneir dewisiadau dim ond er cyfleustra gwleidydd yn y Siambr hon.
Pan soniwn ni am ddisgrifiad o ymgynghorwyr i gynorthwyo ac i weithio gyda'r bwrdd, mewn gwirionedd, yn y rhan o'm datganiad lle siaradais am arweinyddiaeth a chymorth ychwanegol yn y system, rydym ni'n sôn am gael pâr ychwanegol o ddwylo i weithio gyda'r bwrdd i'w helpu i wneud pethau, ar hyn o bryd, nad ydym yn credu y gallan nhw ei wneud, ac nid dim ond i'w cael drwy ateb tymor byr, ond mewn gwirionedd i gael effaith gadarnach ar y sefyllfa recriwtio, nid dim ond ar ffigurau i fynd at y bwrdd iechyd, ond y diwylliant sefydliadol yn cynllunio a chyflawni rydym ni'n cydnabod sydd yn amlwg ei angen.
Byddaf yn ymdrin â'ch tri sylw yn y cwestiynau. Credaf fod perthynas rhwng y ddau olaf mewn rhai ffyrdd, ond ateb gonest i'ch cwestiwn cyntaf ynghylch a yw'r strwythur yn addas i'r diben: nid wyf yn credu bod yr heriau y mae bwrdd iechyd o ogledd Cymru yn eu hwynebu oherwydd ei fod yn un bwrdd iechyd sy'n gwasanaethu'r gogledd i gyd. Mewn gwirionedd, pan oedd gennym ni ymgynghoriad blaenorol ar hyn roedd neges glir iawn gan staff nad oedden nhw mewn gwirionedd eisiau gweld y bwrdd iechyd yn cael ei rannu'n ddwy neu dair rhan cyfansoddol. Felly, nid wyf yn credu bod rheswm pam na ddylai'r bwrdd iechyd allu perfformio i safonau uchel. Os edrychwch chi ar y byrddau iechyd eraill yn y wlad, mae byrddau iechyd Powys a Hywel Dda yn gwasanaethu ardaloedd daearyddol sylweddol, ac nid yw'r ardaloedd daearyddol eu hunain yn rheswm pam fod byrddau iechyd yn llwyddo ai peidio, yn union fel nad yw bod â nifer sylweddol o bartneriaid yn rheswm pam nad yw byrddau iechyd eraill yn llwyddo, oherwydd yng Ngwent, lle mae ganddyn nhw bum awdurdod lleol yn bartneriaid, maen nhw mewn gwirionedd yn un o'r byrddau iechyd sy'n perfformio orau yn y wlad. Felly, does a wnelo hynny ddim â maint neu nifer y partneriaid. Ond mae a wnelo hynny i raddau â diwylliant a gallu gweithredol a swyddogaeth gynllunio yn y bwrdd iechyd i sicrhau gwelliant.
Rwy'n falch, o ran eich sylw ynglŷn â gwella adrannau achosion brys, y gwelsoch chi hynny yn her ar gyfer y system yn ei chyfanrwydd, achos mae hynny yn hollol wir, mewn gofal sylfaenol, o ran sut y cefnogir pobl i aros yn eu cartrefi eu hunain—mae hynny'n rhan o'r rheswm pam ein bod ni wedi buddsoddi mewn canolfannau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn ardal y bwrdd iechyd, ac mae hynny'n ddewis strategol rydym ni wedi'i wneud nid yn unig yn y gogledd ond ledled y wlad—ond hefyd y cysylltiad rhwng yr hyn sy'n digwydd mewn ysbyty a chyda'n cydweithwyr ym maes gofal cymdeithasol. Nawr, bydd gennyf fwy i'w ddweud am integreiddio iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn ystod yr wythnos neu ddwy nesaf o ran datblygu ymateb i'r adolygiad seneddol. Ond bydd angen inni weld ffordd well o weithio rhwng y bwrdd iechyd a phartneriaid gofal cymdeithasol, ac mae hynny'n hollol wir. Mae a wnelo hynny i raddau â sut maen nhw'n cynllunio a darparu gwasanaethau, yn ogystal â chytuno ar union natur y gwasanaethau hynny, a chytuno ar sut i ddeall anghenion iechyd a gofal eu poblogaeth, ac wedyn i allu eu diwallu. Rwy'n ffyddiog y byddwn ni'n gallu helpu nid yn unig y gogledd ond byrddau iechyd eraill a'r awdurdodau lleol sy'n bartneriaid iddynt i wneud hynny, ond does arnaf i ddim eisiau cyhoeddi materion rhag blaen y byddwn yn eu trafod yn bur helaeth yr wythnos nesaf ynglŷn â sut y disgwyliwn i iechyd a gofal weithio'n agosach gyda'i gilydd. Ond rydym ni eisoes yn gweld amrywiaeth o dimau sy'n bodoli ar draws y wlad, gan gynnwys yn y gogledd, lle ceir eisoes cydnabyddiaeth bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw weithio gyda'i gilydd i wella gwasanaethau er budd dinasyddion, pa un a oes gan y person hwnnw anghenion gofal cymdeithasol neu anghenion gofal iechyd, ac nid ymwneud yn syml â chael pobl allan o'r ysbyty yn gyflym.
Eich sylw olaf ynglŷn â chanolfannau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a allan nhw gyflawni gwelliannau heb gael y sgwrs bellach honno gyda'r bwrdd iechyd ynghylch pennu blaenoriaethau a chwistrellu arian i'r system ysbytai—mae hynny'n rhan o'r her o redeg system integredig heb ei chynllunio. Nid wyf yn disgwyl i fyrddau iechyd fod yn ddim amgenach nag ymddiriedolaethau darparu ysbytai gydag ambell beth arall wedi ei ategu. Maen nhw mewn difrif, yn fyrddau iechyd ar gyfer y bobl—maen nhw mewn difrif yn sefydliadau iechyd ar gyfer y bobl. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth yr ydym ni'n gofyn ganddynt, ac mae'n rhaid iddyn nhw edrych yn fwy eglur ar flaenoriaethu mwy a mwy o'u gofal iechyd sylfaenol—nid dim ond ymyrraeth gynnar, ond gwaith atal hefyd. Byddwn yn gweld mwy o hynny wrth inni nid yn unig wneud dewisiadau ynglŷn â'n cyllideb, ond yn y sgwrs y cawn ni yr wythnos nesaf a thrwy weddill y tymor hwn. Ceir enghreifftiau amlwg o awdurdodau lleol eisoes yn ymgysylltu mwy â'r canolfannau hynny, nid yn unig yn Nhywyn ac nid yn unig yn y Fflint, ble agorais y ganolfan iechyd yn ffurfiol, a ble roeddwn yn falch o gael yr Aelod, yr Aelod lleol dros Ddelyn, yno yn ogystal, a gallu cwrdd ag aelodau o'r awdurdod lleol sydd eisoes yn rhedeg gwasanaethau o'r ganolfan honno. Ac, yn wir, pan ymwelais ag Ysbyty Alltwen, eto, gweld aelodau yr awdurdod lleol yno o Wynedd, roeddent yn sôn am beth yr oeddent yn ei wneud eisoes gyda staff gofal iechyd yna i ystyried anghenion gofal iechyd a chymdeithasol. Felly, rydym ni eisoes yn gweld rhywfaint o'r gwaith partneriaeth hwnnw yn lleol, a'n her yn awr yw cynyddu hynny a mynd ati mewn modd mwy ystyriol a chydgysylltiedig yn holl ranbarth y gogledd, y mae pob awdurdod lleol yn cydnabod sy'n dda iddynt a'u dinasyddion, yn union fel y mae'r bwrdd iechyd yn ei wneud hefyd. Ond rwy'n cydnabod yr her y mae'r Aelod yn ei chyflwyno.
Thank you for your statement, Cabinet Secretary, and for the progress update that you've just given to us. There doesn't seem to have been a great deal of progress. I see that the waiting list for planned care has reduced by 45 per cent in a relatively short space of time, and that's a really good headline figure. But let's put it into context, shall we? The reduction that the Cabinet Secretary is referring to is from just under 10,500 people waiting to just over 5,500. Of course, that's a big improvement, and I do commend the hard-working staff who have delivered that achievement, but it still means that nearly 6,000 people are waiting for more than nine months for planned care, and that's a terrible statistic, particularly when you put it against the other statistics that are coming out of Betsi Cadwaladr, such as that the orthopaedic waiting list has increased by 16 per cent over the last year, against a backdrop of a 5,000 per cent historic increase in that waiting list. And we can't forget, and we shouldn't forget, the 1,000 plus children and young people who are currently waiting between 12 and 18 months for a neurodevelopmental assessment, which is going to impact on their educational attainment.
So, you know, while the—. The Cabinet Secretary says there have been improvements in various things, including the management of complaints, clinical oversight, and developing and delivering the mental health strategy, so I would ask the Cabinet Secretary to quantify those improvements for the Members here today and for people in north Wales. It's all very well saying in your statement that there have been improvements, but can we have some figures? And can we have actually some detail on that, please?
The Cabinet Secretary has detailed the large sums of money spent on Ysbyty Glan Clwyd in particular, on the buildings and facilities there, but I remember that when Ysbyty Glan Clwyd was originally built it was considered by locals to be too large for the area. We were all a little bit suspicious of how big it actually was. But it's now clear that Betsi Cadwaladr, who are the people who have been responsible for that hospital over the years, haven't extended the facilities there to cater for an increased population. So, does the Cabinet Secretary agree with me that the vast amounts of money that he's having to spend on Ysbyty Glan Clwyd now are the result of successive Governments sticking their heads in the sand and failing to ensure that the facilities there kept pace with the likely population? What analysis has the Cabinet Secretary done to ensure that the money spent so far on Betsi is bringing real benefits rather than just assuming that there's a causal link between improvements and spend?
The Cabinet Secretary points out that a significant cultural change is required. I take your point there, but can you actually tell us what sort of cultural change is required, and what's currently wrong with the culture at Betsi Cadwaladr at the moment? And what measures are you putting in place to achieve that cultural change?
I totally agree with the Cabinet Secretary that the commitment and dedication shown by front-line staff at Betsi Cadwaladr is truly, truly impressive. These front-line staff go into this work to make a difference and to deliver, as you say, quality and compassionate care. But it must be truly, truly soul destroying to have institutional challenges thwart their efforts to do that, and it goes some way to explaining the levels of stress-related absence reported at Betsi Cadwaladr. So, given the number of staff going off sick with stress, what support can you tell us about, Cabinet Secretary, that there is in place, provided by Betsi Cadwaladr, to support front-line staff who are suffering from workplace stress?
I'd also be interested to hear what expectations you're going to place on the Betsi Cadwaladr board members, and, in particular, how are you actually going to incentivise that board to deliver on those improvements? Are they going to be at risk of possibly being removed from the board if the board doesn't perform properly? Are heads ever going to roll at Betsi Cadwaladr?
And then, turning finally to the anniversary of Betsi Cadwaladr going into special measures, you've had control of that health board now for three years. What lessons have you actually learned? Thank you.
Diolch ichi am eich datganiad, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, ac am y diweddariad cynnydd yr ydych chi newydd ei roi i ni. Nid yw'n ymddangos y bu llawer iawn o gynnydd. Rwy'n gweld bod y rhestr aros ar gyfer gofal wedi'i gynllunio wedi gostwng 45 y cant mewn cyfnod cymharol fyr o amser, ac mae hwnnw'n ffigur da iawn ar yr olwg gyntaf. Ond gadewch i ni roi hynny ei gyd-destun, ie? Mae'r gostyngiad y mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cyfeirio ato o ychydig o dan 10,500 o bobl yn aros i ychydig dros 5,500. Wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n welliant mawr, ac rwyf yn cymeradwyo'r staff gweithgar sydd wedi sicrhau'r cyrhaeddiad hwnnw, ond mae'n dal yn golygu fod bron i 6,000 o bobl yn aros mwy na naw mis am ofal wedi'i gynllunio, ac mae hwnnw'n ystadegyn ofnadwy, yn enwedig pan rydych chi'n cymharu hynny ag ystadegau eraill Betsi Cadwaladr, fel bod y rhestr aros orthopedig wedi cynyddu 16 y cant dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf, o'i gymharu â chynnydd hanesyddol o 5,000 y cant yn y rhestr aros honno. Ac ni allwn anghofio, ac ni ddylem ni anghofio, am y 1,000 a mwy o blant a phobl ifanc sydd ar hyn o bryd yn aros rhwng 12 a 18 mis am asesiad niwroddatblygiadol, sydd yn mynd i gael effaith ar eu cyrhaeddiad addysgol.
Felly, wyddoch chi, er bod y—. Dywed Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet y bu gwelliannau mewn rhai pethau, gan gynnwys rheoli cwynion, goruchwyliaeth glinigol, datblygu a gweithredu'r strategaeth iechyd meddwl, felly rwy'n gofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet roi ffigyrau ynglŷn â'r gwelliannau hynny i'r Aelodau sydd yma heddiw ac ar gyfer pobl yn y gogledd. Mae'n iawn dweud yn eich datganiad y bu gwelliannau, ond a gawn ni rai ffigurau? Ac a gawn ni mewn gwirionedd ychydig o fanylion ynglŷn â hynny, os gwelwch yn dda?
Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi manylu ar y symiau mawr o arian a wariwyd ar Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn benodol, ar yr adeiladau a'r cyfleusterau yno, ond rwy'n cofio pan adeiladwyd Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn wreiddiol roedd y bobl leol yn ei ystyried yn rhy fawr ar gyfer yr ardal. Roeddem ni i gyd braidd yn amheus o ba mor fawr oedd y lle mewn gwirionedd. Ond mae'n amlwg bellach nad yw Betsi Cadwaladr, sef y bobl a fu'n gyfrifol am yr ysbyty hwnnw dros y blynyddoedd, wedi ehangu'r cyfleusterau yno i ddarparu ar gyfer poblogaeth gynyddol. Felly, a yw Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn cytuno â mi bod y symiau anferth o arian y mae'n rhaid iddo eu gwario ar Ysbyty Glan Clwyd bellach yn ganlyniad i Lywodraethau olynol yn osgoi'r gwirionedd ac yn methu â sicrhau bod y cyfleusterau yno yn cyfateb i niferoedd tebygol y boblogaeth? Pa ddadansoddiad mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet wedi ei wneud i sicrhau bod yr arian a wariwyd hyd yn hyn ar fwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr yn arwain at fanteision gwirioneddol yn hytrach na chymryd yn ganiataol fod cysylltiad rhwng gwelliannau a gwario?
Mae Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet yn nodi bod angen newid diwylliannol sylweddol. Derbyniaf y sylw hwnnw o'r eiddoch, ond a allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni mewn gwirionedd pa fath o newid diwylliannol a ddisgwylir, a beth sydd o'i le ar y diwylliant ym mwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr ar hyn o bryd? A pha fesurau ydych chi'n eu rhoi ar waith i gyflawni'r newid diwylliannol hwnnw?
Cytunaf yn llwyr ag Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet bod ymrwymiad ac ymroddiad staff rheng flaen Betsi Cadwaladr yn drawiadol iawn, iawn. Mae'r staff rheng flaen hyn yn ymgymryd â'r gwaith hwn i wneud gwahaniaeth ac i ddarparu, fel y dywedwch chi, gofal tosturiol o ansawdd. Ond mae'n rhaid ei fod yn dreth enfawr ar yr enaid pan fo heriau sefydliadol yn rhwystro eu hymdrechion i wneud hynny, ac mae'n esbonio i raddau y niferoedd absenoldeb sy'n gysylltiedig â straen a gofnodwyd yn Betsi Cadwaladr. Felly, o ystyried nifer y staff sy'n mynd yn sâl o ganlyniad i straen, allwch chi ddweud wrthym ni, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, pa gymorth sydd ar gael, y mae Betsi Cadwaladr yn ei gynnig, i gefnogi staff rheng flaen sydd yn dioddef o straen yn y gweithle?
Hefyd byddai gennyf ddiddordeb clywed pa ddisgwyliadau yr ydych chi'n mynd i'w gosod ar aelodau bwrdd Betsi Cadwaladr, ac, yn benodol, sut ydych chi mewn gwirionedd yn mynd i gymell y bwrdd i gyflawni'r gwelliannau hynny? A ydyn nhw'n mynd i fod mewn peryg o bosib o gael eu diswyddo o'r bwrdd os nad yw'r bwrdd yn perfformio'n iawn? A fydd yna oblygiadau o gwbl i fwrdd iechyd Betsi Cadwaladr?
Ac yna, gan droi yn olaf at ben-blwydd Betsi Cadwaladr yn mynd o dan fesurau arbennig, rydych chi wedi rheoli'r bwrdd iechyd hwnnw bellach am dair blynedd. Pa wersi ydych chi mewn gwirionedd wedi eu dysgu? Diolch.
Thank you for the series of questions. And, just in terms of the challenges about planned care, I've never stated that the challenges of planned care have been resolved. Far from it. I've said exactly the opposite. The improvement that has taken place has only been part of the improvement required, which is why money was clawed back, which I'm absolutely clear is the right thing to have done, and to be clear that I expect to see further improvements through quarter 1 and quarter 2. So, there isn't any attempt to soft soap the remainder of the challenge that still exists, not just in the shorter term challenge of reducing waiting times, but also in the challenge of the medium term and actually having a more sustainable way of seeing and treating the healthcare need that exists within north Wales as well. So, this isn't a single shot about spending a lot of money to resolve the waiting list and everything will be fine; there is a larger challenge to deal with as well, which is why we are taking time to look at the revised, again, orthopaedic plan and the ophthalmology plan provided by the health board.
On your points made about supporting staff, just a few examples that you asked for on the services that are available: there is a range of counselling services, including the Lighten Up programme, mindfulness, stress control, resilience training and Schwartz Rounds. We also have a range of services being provided with Welsh ambulance services as well. So, there is a range of deliberate and specific programmes, and, again, that's why I say we work properly with trade union colleagues as well as the health board itself as the employer.
In terms of your points about complaints, I can tell you, for example, in terms of improvements, that 94 per cent of complaints have been acknowledged within two working days. That is a significant improvement on where we were some time ago as well. That is a real improvement that makes a difference to people making complaints. The challenge always is that, if you're the person who hasn't had your complaint acknowledged in good time, if you wait for longer than you should do, then actually that is the person most likely to come and see us as elected representatives. That's part of what we see. So, there is honesty about the improvement that has taken place in complaints handling.
In terms of an example of the cultural change required, you only need to look again at the Health and Social Care Advisory Service report itself, which noted some of the challenges in the cultural change between clinicians about their buy-in to a service. Now, there's a challenge there that doesn't just exist in one service, and you'll see this right across the national health service in every single part of the country. It's often difficult to persuade people who are used to working in one way to change and work in a different way, and yet we also know that some of the biggest and best advocates of change in delivering a service are actual front-line members of staff themselves, who recognise they could and should deliver a better quality of care.
In terms of your broader challenge about whether money has been wasted at Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, I'd say I don't think the money has been wasted. We will of course learn lessons from every large capital project that we undertake in looking at whether that amount of money and the way it was a capital project could have been better managed. I certainly expect there will be lessons to learn about the more effective management of the capital spend there, but I don't accept your broader point, your concern, that Ysbyty Glan Clwyd was too big when it was built. The challenge is how we continue to change the way our hospital estate works, the services run from it, and that that actually does keep pace with the changing way in which healthcare will need to change, and the twin moves that we've discussed many times before in this Chamber of some services coming into a specialist centre, and vascular surgery being an example of where some of the specialist services are coming into Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, for example, but regular vascular surgery is not being taken out of the other two centres within north Wales. But the money we've invested in the hybrid theatre has also helped with recruitment of people to go into that service as well. So, there is always more to learn about what has happened in the here and now, and always more for us to do. That is part of the joy and the challenge of doing this job and being involved in and around the national health service.
Diolch i chi am y gyfres o gwestiynau. A, dim ond o ran yr heriau ynghylch gofal wedi'i gynllunio, dydw i erioed wedi datgan fod heriau gofal wedi'i gynllunio wedi'u datrys. Ddim o gwbl. Rwyf wedi dweud yn union i'r gwrthwyneb. Mae'r gwelliant a fu wedi bod yn ddim ond rhan o'r gwelliant sy'n ofynnol, a dyna pam yr hawliwyd arian yn ôl, ac rwy'n gwbl glir mai dyna oedd y peth iawn i'w wneud, ac i fod yn glir fy mod yn disgwyl gweld mwy o welliannau drwy chwarter 1 a chwarter 2. Felly, nid oes unrhyw ymgais i ddiystyru difrifoldeb yr heriau sy'n bodoli o hyd, nid yn unig yr her tymor byrrach o leihau amseroedd aros, ond hefyd yr her tymor canolig ac mewn gwirionedd, cael ffordd fwy cynaliadwy o weld a thrin yr angen gofal iechyd sy'n bodoli yn y gogledd hefyd. Felly, nid un ymgais mo hon yn ymwneud â gwario llawer o arian i ddatrys y broblem rhestr aros ac yna bydd popeth yn iawn; mae her fwy i ymdrin â hi hefyd, a dyna pam ein bod ni'n cymryd amser i edrych ar y cynllun orthopedig sydd wedi ei ddiwygio, eto, a'r cynllun offthalmoleg a ddarperir gan y bwrdd iechyd.
Ynglŷn â'r sylwadau a wnaethoch chi am gefnogi staff, dim ond i roi'r ychydig enghreifftiau y gwnaethoch chi ofyn amdanyn nhw o ran y gwasanaethau sydd ar gael: mae amrywiaeth o wasanaethau cwnsela, gan gynnwys y rhaglen Lighten Up, ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, rheoli straen, hyfforddiant gwydnwch a Rowndiau Schwartz. Mae gennym ni hefyd amrywiaeth o wasanaethau sy'n cael eu darparu gyda gwasanaethau ambiwlans Cymru hefyd. Felly, mae yna amrywiaeth o raglenni penodol a bwriadol, ac, unwaith eto, dyna pam rwy'n dweud ein bod ni'n gweithio yn briodol gyda chydweithwyr yn yr undebau llafur yn ogystal â'r bwrdd iechyd ei hun, sef y cyflogwr.
O ran eich sylwadau ynghylch cwynion, gallaf ddweud wrthych chi, er enghraifft, o ran gwelliannau, bod 94 y cant o gwynion wedi'u cydnabod o fewn dau ddiwrnod gwaith. Mae hynny'n welliant sylweddol o'i gymharu â'r sefyllfa yr oeddem ni ynddi gryn amser yn ôl. Mae hynny'n welliant gwirioneddol sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth i bobl sy'n gwneud cwynion. Yr her bob amser yw, os mai chi yw'r person na fu cydnabyddiaeth i'ch cwyn mewn da bryd, os ydych chi'n aros am gyfnod hirach nag y dylech chi ei wneud, yna mewn gwirionedd dyna'r person sydd fwyaf tebygol o ddod i'n gweld ni, sef eu cynrychiolwyr etholedig. Mae hynny'n rhan o'r hyn a welwn. Felly, mae gonestrwydd am y gwelliannau a fu o ran ymdrin â chwynion.
O ran enghraifft o'r newid diwylliannol sydd ei angen, does ond angen i chi edrych eto ar adroddiad y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ei hun, sy'n nodi rhai o'r heriau yn y newid diwylliannol ymysg clinigwyr o ran cofleidio'r gwasanaeth. Nawr, mae her yn y fan honno nad yw'n bodoli mewn un gwasanaeth yn unig, a byddwch yn gweld hyn drwy'r gwasanaeth iechyd cenedlaethol ym mhob un rhan o'r wlad. Mae'n aml yn anodd perswadio pobl sy'n gyfarwydd â gweithio mewn un modd i newid ac i weithio mewn ffordd wahanol, ac eto fe wyddom ni hefyd mai rhai o'r dadleuwyr gorau o blaid newid wrth ddarparu gwasanaeth yw aelodau staff rheng flaen eu hunain, sy'n cydnabod y gallen nhw ac y dylen nhw ddarparu gofal o ansawdd gwell.
O ran eich her ehangach ynghylch a oes arian wedi'i wastraffu yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, byddwn yn dweud nad wyf yn credu fod yr arian wedi'i wastraffu. Byddwn wrth gwrs yn dysgu gwersi o bob prosiect cyfalaf mawr yr ydym ni yn ymgymryd ag ef i ystyried a allai'r swm hwnnw o arian a'r ffordd yr oedd yn brosiect cyfalaf fod wedi ei reoli'n well. Rwy'n sicr yn disgwyl y bydd gwersi i'w dysgu am reoli cyfalaf yn fwy effeithiol yn yr achos hwnnw, ond nid wyf yn derbyn eich pwynt ehangach, eich pryder, fod Ysbyty Glan Clwyd yn rhy fawr pan gafodd ei adeiladu. Yr her yw sut ydym ni'n parhau i newid y ffordd y mae ein hystâd ysbytai yn gweithio, y gwasanaethau a gânt eu rhedeg oddi yno, a bod hynny mewn gwirionedd yn gydnaws â'r newid yn y ffordd y bydd angen i ofal iechyd esblygu, a'r symudiadau dwbl yr ydym ni wedi eu trafod droeon o'r blaen yn y Siambr hon y caiff rhai gwasanaethau eu darparu o ganolfan arbenigol, gyda llawdriniaeth fasgwlaidd yn enghraifft o le mae rhai gwasanaethau arbenigol yn dod i Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, er enghraifft, ond nid yw llawdriniaeth fasgwlaidd rheolaidd yn digwydd yn y ddwy ganolfan arall yn y gogledd. Ond mae'r arian yr ydym ni wedi ei fuddsoddi mewn theatr hybrid hefyd yn helpu i recriwtio pobl i'r gwasanaeth hwnnw. Felly, mae yna wastad mwy i'w ddysgu am yr hyn sydd wedi digwydd yn y sefyllfaoedd yr ydym ni ynddyn nhw, ac mae yna wastad mwy inni ei wneud. Mae hynny'n rhan o'r llawenydd a'r her o wneud y gwaith hwn a bod yn rhan, ac yn elfen, o'r gwasanaeth iechyd gwladol.
Thank you. We have two more speakers and five minutes, so can I appeal for the speakers to ask just their questions, and can I ask the Cabinet Secretary just to answer the questions that he may be posed with? Mark Isherwood.
Diolch. Mae gennym ni ddau siaradwr arall a phum munud, felly a gaf i apelio ar y siaradwyr i ofyn eu cwestiynau yn unig, ac a gaf i ofyn i Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dim ond i ateb y cwestiynau a ofynnir iddo? Mark Isherwood.
Okay. Why do you believe that those waiting for more than four hours in A&E has shown a deterioration of 3 per cent over the last two years to what remains, sadly, the worst performing of all local health boards? You referred to management of complaints and concerns. How do you respond to concern not only evidentially from my casework, but from constituents, that we've seen a reversion to risk aversion and legalistic responses when, at the beginning of special measures, there was a positive move towards building bridges with constituents, with patients and ourselves, with round-table meetings to see if we could agree ways forward or resolutions to problems? You refer to the integrated health and social care centres at Flint, Blaenau Ffestiniog and Tywyn Memorial Hospital, and of course in most cases these replaced community hospitals with beds. When will your Government accept that the consequence of stripping out those community beds has put extra pressure on hospitals, our district general hospitals, on our GP practices, and has actually led not to enhanced care in the community, but to enhanced suffering in the community for too many when they can't get the support they previously called for?
You refer to the Tawel Fan HASCAS report, which Darren of course referred to earlier. In accepting that report, why have you apparently dismissed the concerns expressed by North Wales Community Health Council that most of the families they've spoken to over recent months and years have still not received clear answers to their questions and concerns? Why have you accepted the conclusion that care was good and that institutional abuse didn't happen when that's directly contradicted by Donna Ockenden's 2015 report, the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales report in July 2013, internal work on dementia care mapping in October 2013 and many other evidenced reports that previously had been accepted? We know, because—
O'r gorau. Pam ydych chi'n credu bod y rhai sy'n aros am fwy na phedair awr mewn unedau damweiniau a gofal brys wedi dangos dirywiad o 3 y cant dros y ddwy flynedd diwethaf i'r hyn sy'n dal i fod, yn anffodus, y bwrdd iechyd lleol sy'n perfformio waethaf? Fe wnaethoch chi gyfeirio at reoli cwynion a phryderon. Sut ydych chi'n ymateb i'r pryder nid yn unig o'r dystiolaeth sy'n deillio o fy ngwaith achos, ond gan etholwyr, ein bod ni wedi gweld dychwelyd at sefyllfa o osgoi mentro ac o ymatebion deddfol pan, ar ddechrau'r mesurau arbennig, cymerwyd camau cadarnhaol tuag at adeiladu pontydd gydag etholwyr, gyda chleifion a'n hunain, gyda chyfarfodydd bord gron i weld os gellid cytuno ar ffordd ymlaen neu ar atebion i broblemau? Rydych chi'n cyfeirio at ganolfannau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol integredig yn Y Fflint, Blaenau Ffestiniog ac Ysbyty Coffa Tywyn, ac wrth gwrs yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion roedd y rhain yn disodli ysbytai cymunedol gyda gwelyau. Pan fydd eich Llywodraeth yn derbyn bod canlyniad cael gwared â'r gwelyau cymunedol hynny yn rhoi pwysau ychwanegol ar ysbytai, ein hysbytai dosbarth cyffredinol, ar ein meddygfeydd teulu, ac nad yw hynny mewn gwirionedd wedi arwain at fwy o ofal yn y gymuned, ond at fwy o ddioddef yn y gymuned i ormod o bobl pan na allant gael y cymorth roedden nhw wedi gofyn amdano o'r blaen?
Rydych chi'n cyfeirio at adroddiad Tawel Fan y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, y cyfeiriodd Darren ato yn gynharach wrth gwrs. Wrth dderbyn yr adroddiad hwnnw, pam ydych chi mae'n ymddangos wedi diystyru pryderon Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru nad yw'r rhan fwyaf o'r teuluoedd maen nhw wedi siarad â nhw dros y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd diwethaf yn dal heb gael atebion clir i'w cwestiynau a'u pryderon? Pam ydych chi wedi derbyn y casgliad bod gofal yn dda ac na fu cam-drin sefydliadol pan gaiff hynny ei wrth-ddweud yn uniongyrchol gan adroddiad 2015 Donna Ockenden, adroddiad Arolygiaeth Gofal Iechyd Cymru o fis Gorffennaf 2013, gwaith mewnol a wnaed ynglŷn â mapio gofal dementia ym mis Hydref 2013 a llawer o adroddiadau tystiolaeth eraill a oedd eisoes wedi eu derbyn? Rydym ni'n gwybod, oherwydd—
Are you winding up, please? I did ask for a couple of questions and you're not being fair to the other speakers.
A ydych chi'n dirwyn i ben, os gwelwch yn dda? Fe wnes i ofyn am ychydig o gwestiynau, ac nid ydych chi'n bod yn deg â'r siaradwyr eraill.
Okay, well I'll conclude by asking what action you propose to take to ensure that the health board works better with third sector providers, who are delivering a wide range of services, but despite engagement, some of which I facilitated with some of those bodies, years later we're still waiting for new arrangements to go into place to ensure that proper commissioned services, which don't replicate or duplicate but enhance the experience for patients, are finally put in place.
Iawn, wel fe ddof i ben drwy ofyn beth ydych chi'n bwriadu ei wneud i sicrhau bod y bwrdd iechyd yn gweithio'n well gyda darparwyr y trydydd sector, sy'n darparu ystod eang o wasanaethau, ond er gwaethaf ymgysylltu, gyda minnau wedi hwyluso peth o hynny gyda rhai o'r cyrff hynny, flynyddoedd yn ddiweddarach rydym ni'n dal i aros am sefydlu trefniadau newydd i sicrhau y darperir gwasanaethau a gomisiynir yn briodol, ac nad ydyn nhw yn dyblygu nac yn ail-greu ond yn gwella'r profiad i gleifion.
On the final point, it's difficult to answer that without some particular examples. So, if you want to come to me with particular examples of where the third sector have been engaged or not engaged, that would be helpful, rather than more general involvement and engagement with the third sector in a wide variety of services, which I can't properly respond to.
On the point about the four-hour deterioration, we have seen a deterioration, and it's due to a range of factors that affect the health service around the UK. It's partly about an increase in demand, it's partly about the ability to have a more joined-up approach with primary care and social care. It's also partly about changing some of the leadership and the challenges within those departments. That's part of the improvement work that we've been doing.
Again, going back to the visit that I had in Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, they recognised that the work that was being done there—they could recognise that it was improving the position for them as staff and the care that they were able to provide. But if we're not able to have something to keep more people in their own homes successfully and get them out of hospital appropriately as well, then we'll continue to see a deterioration that is most recognised at the front door of our hospitals. So, actually, being able to deliver more effectively on resolving delayed transfers of care and moving people out of the hospital sector is a big challenge in the front-door problems that we see in every part of our system where we recognise it, including, and in particular, in north Wales. And again, I've never tried to hide from the fact that the challenges in the four-hour figure are there and are real for staff and patients as well.
I simply reject your assertion that we've seen enhanced suffering from the way in which we're trying to support a shift in local healthcare arrangements. The investment we're making in joint health and social care centres is delivering better care closer to home, and actually, we need to carry on with that journey—it's been validated by the advice and the challenge that we've had in the parliamentary review. We're not going to take a step back to the older provision that we have had, but we do need to think about how we invest in different capacity within our system. Some of that will be in social care, some of that will be in the residential sector, or in step-up and step-down facilities. And that's also why health and local government need to work more effectively together to commission and agree on the funding and provision of those services.
In terms of your point about Tawel Fan families and the report and the difference in the conclusion of the Ockenden and HASCAS reports, we've run through this on a previous occasion when I actually made a statement and answered questions on the HASCAS report. And again I've been clear that there was further information available in much greater clarity, volume and certainty to the HASCAS organisation, and it is understandable to see why, with different information being provided to them that was not available to Donna Ockenden, to be fair to her, when she undertook her first report, different conclusions have been reached. Individual families are still being worked through to have their individual reports provided to them and an explanation from HASCAS about the individual-level challenges they've seen. That is a process that will need to continue and is being worked through with the help of HASCAS and the families in question.
Ynglŷn â'r manylyn olaf, mae'n anodd ateb hynny heb rai enghreifftiau penodol. Felly, os hoffech chi sôn wrthyf i am enghreifftiau penodol o ble mae'r trydydd sector wedi cymryd rhan neu heb gymryd rhan, byddai hynny'n ddefnyddiol, yn hytrach na chyfranogiad ac ymgysylltiad mwy cyffredinol â'r trydydd sector mewn amrywiaeth eang o wasanaethau, na allaf ymateb yn briodol iddo.
Ynglŷn â'r pwynt ynghylch y dirywiad pedair awr, rydym ni wedi gweld dirywiad, ac mae hynny oherwydd amrywiaeth o ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar y gwasanaeth iechyd ledled y DU. Mae'n rhannol ynglŷn â chynnydd mewn galw, yn rhannol ynglŷn â gallu cydweithio'n well â gofal sylfaenol a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae hefyd yn rhannol ynglŷn â newid elfennau o'r arweinyddiaeth a'r heriau yn yr adrannau hynny. Mae hynny'n rhan o'r gwaith gwella yr ydym wedi'i wneud.
Unwaith eto, i ddychwelyd at yr ymweliad y bûm i arno yn Ysbyty Glan Clwyd, roedden nhw'n cydnabod bod y gwaith a oedd yn cael ei wneud yno—gallent gydnabod ei fod yn gwella'r sefyllfa ar eu cyfer nhw fel staff a'r gofal roedden nhw'n gallu ei ddarparu. Ond os nad ydym ni'n gallu gwneud rhywbeth i gadw mwy o bobl yn eu cartrefi eu hunain yn llwyddiannus a'u cael allan o'r ysbyty yn briodol yn ogystal, yna byddwn yn parhau i weld dirywiad sydd ar ei fwyaf amlwg ym mannau aros yr ysbytai. Felly, mewn gwirionedd, mae gallu darparu yn fwy effeithiol o ran datrys achosion o oedi wrth drosglwyddo gofal a symud pobl allan o'r sector ysbyty yn her fawr o ran y problemau a welwn ni o ran amseroedd aros ym mhob rhan o'n system pan rydym ni'n cydnabod hynny, gan gynnwys, ac yn benodol, yn y gogledd. Ac eto, nid wyf erioed wedi ceisio celu'r ffaith bod heriau yn y ffigur pedair awr a bod hynny yn effeithio ar staff a chleifion hefyd.
Rwy'n gwrthod eich honiad ein bod ni wedi gweld mwy o ddioddef oherwydd y modd yr ydym ni'n ceisio cefnogi newid yn y trefniadau gofal iechyd lleol. Mae'r buddsoddiad yr ydym ni'n ei wneud mewn canolfannau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ar y cyd yn darparu gwell gofal yn nes i'r cartref, ac i ddweud y gwir, mae angen inni barhau'r â'r daith honno—mae wedi'i dilysu gan y cyngor a'r her a gawsom ni yn yr arolwg seneddol. Nid ydym ni'n mynd i ddychwelyd i'r ddarpariaeth hŷn a oedd gennym ni, ond mae angen inni feddwl ynglŷn â sut yr ydym ni'n buddsoddi yng ngalluoedd gwahanol ein system. Bydd rhywfaint o hynny ym maes gofal cymdeithasol, bydd rhywfaint o hynny yn y sector preswyl, neu mewn cyfleusterau cam-i-fyny neu ofal llai dwys. A dyna hefyd pam mae angen i iechyd a llywodraeth leol gydweithio'n fwy effeithiol i gomisiynu a chytuno ar gyllido a darparu'r gwasanaethau hynny.
O ran eich sylw ynghylch teuluoedd Tawel Fan a'r adroddiad a'r gwahaniaeth yng nghasgliadau adroddiadau Ockenden a'r Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, rydym ni wedi trafod hyn ar achlysur blaenorol pan roddais ddatganiad ac ateb cwestiynau ynglŷn ag adroddiad y Gwasanaeth Cynghori. Ac unwaith eto rwyf wedi bod yn glir bod gwybodaeth ychwanegol ar gael i sefydliad y Gwasanaeth Cynghori, a honno'n llawer mwy eglur, cynhwysfawr a sicr, ac mae'n ddealladwy gweld pam, gyda gwahanol wybodaeth wedi ei roi iddynt nad oedd ar gael i Donna Ockenden, i fod yn deg â hi, pan wnaeth hi ei hadroddiad cyntaf, y daethpwyd i gasgliadau gwahanol. Mae'r broses yn dal i fynd rhagddo o ran gweithio gyda theuluoedd unigol er mwyn darparu eu hadroddiadau unigol iddynt ac i gael esboniad gan y Gwasanaeth Cynghori am yr heriau a welson nhw ar lefel unigol. Mae hynny'n broses y bydd angen parhau ag ef ac mae'r Gwasanaeth Cynghori a'r teuluoedd dan sylw yn helpu yn hynny o beth.
And finally, with a brief question, Janet Finch-Saunders.
Ac yn olaf, gyda chwestiwn byr, Janet Finch-Saunders.
Thank you. I'm just going to narrow it down now to orthopaedics, because I think it's fair to say that on record in this Chamber I've raised time and time again with you my concerns about how long people are having to wait purely for orthopaedic treatments. Only today, whilst I have been sat in this Chamber, I have received a letter from a constituent's daughter about her 85-year-old mother who has already been waiting 74 weeks for a knee replacement. Yes, get that now—an 85-year-old lady. She's been waiting 74 weeks for a knee replacement and has been told she can expect to wait some 106 weeks before she's even considered able to have that operation. This is a scandal. Now, I notice, Cabinet Secretary, that the future milestone requirement for April to September next year to provide evidence of continual, sustainable improvement on referral to treatment, with no patient waiting longer than 36 weeks for treatment, expressly excludes orthopaedics from this target. Why, when the majority of my health cases that come to me are where people can't walk, where they can't sleep, where they can't eat, where they're in terrible, terrible pain, where they're elderly, where they're young, where they're middle aged? Their quality of life is being abused, really, by your Government. So, will you tell me why, just why, have you excluded that from your targets? It's a shame.
Diolch. Rwyf am ei gyfyngu i orthopedeg, oherwydd rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n deg dweud ar goedd yn y Siambr hon fy mod i wedi crybwyll fy mhryderon wrthych chi dro ar ôl tro ynghylch faint o bobl sy'n gorfod aros am driniaethau orthopedig yn unig. Dim ond heddiw, tra bûm i'n eistedd yn y Siambr hon, rwyf wedi cael llythyr gan ferch etholwraig am ei mam 85 mlwydd oed sydd eisoes wedi bod yn aros 74 wythnos am ben-glin newydd. Ie, deallwch hynny—gwraig 85 mlwydd oed. Mae hi wedi bod yn aros 74 wythnos am ben-glin newydd a dywedwyd wrthi y gallai ddisgwyl aros rhyw 106 wythnos cyn iddi hyd yn oed gael ei hystyried i allu cael y llawdriniaeth honno. Mae hyn yn warthus. Nawr, rwy'n sylwi, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet, bod y gofyniad carreg filltir ar gyfer y dyfodol ar gyfer mis Ebrill i fis Medi y flwyddyn nesaf i ddarparu tystiolaeth o welliant parhaus a chynaliadwy o ran cyfeirio i driniaeth, gyda dim claf yn aros mwy na 36 wythnos am driniaeth, yn benodol yn eithrio orthopedeg o'r targed hwn. Pam, pan fo'r rhan fwyaf o achosion iechyd a ddygir i fy sylw yn rhai lle na all bobl gerdded, lle na allan nhw gysgu, lle na allan nhw fwyta, pan maen nhw mewn poen gwirioneddol ofnadwy, pan fo nhw'n hŷn, pan fo nhw'n ifanc, pan fo nhw'n ganol oed? Mae ansawdd eu bywyd yn cael ei esgeuluso, mewn gwirionedd, gan eich Llywodraeth. Felly, a wnewch chi ddweud wrthyf i pam, pam mewn difrif, ydych chi wedi eithrio hynny o'ch targedau? Mae'n drueni.
I really do reject the assertion that this Government is abusing people who are waiting for orthopaedic surgery. I think there is an entirely proper scrutiny process to undertake with questions to be asked about the challenges that do exist for your constituents and others, but I do not think that that sort of offensive statement helps anyone, and I don't think it helps a reasonable case that should be made about the improvement that is still required.
The reason why orthopaedics were not included within the 36-week target for improvement is that we know that they will simply not be able to achieve it within the timescale offered. We know that the extent of waits that are there to be resolved won't be achieved in that fashion, and I do not want to have an improvement target that is plainly unachievable. That does not mean that the health board should not improve. That does not mean that there is a lack of focus on the issue or a lack of awareness, and it is absolutely a matter that I've raised directly with the chair and the chief executive. It is absolutely something that I expect to see progress on, and it's part of my exasperation that I've expressed previously that, despite the clear and obvious challenges that have been raised, the health board do not have a signed-off orthopaedic plan, not just to deal with the shorter term challenges of getting on top of their waiting list, but also to have that more sustainable solution for the future.
And for all the entirely reasonable explanations about why they didn't do more over the last few months, the challenge is that actually the waiting list went out when it should not have done over the last year. That's where I expect to see further progress made and I know that I will face questions from Members in this Chamber and in committee until the length of waits that people are able to accurately recount are resolved and there are fewer and fewer people, until we do reach again a position where we don't have people waiting over 36 weeks and we certainly don't have people waiting more than 52 weeks for their treatment.
I ddweud y gwir rwy'n gwrthod yn llwyr yr honiad bod y Llywodraeth hon yn esgeuluso pobl sy'n aros am lawdriniaeth orthopedig. Rwy'n credu bod proses graffu gwbl briodol i'w gynnal gyda chwestiynau i'w gofyn am yr heriau sy'n bodoli ar gyfer eich etholwyr, ac eraill, ond dydw i ddim yn credu bod y math hwnnw o ddatganiad sarhaus yn helpu neb, a dydw i ddim yn credu ei fod yn helpu gosod achos rhesymol am y gwelliant sydd yn dal yn ofynnol.
Y rheswm pam nad oedd orthopedeg wedi'i gynnwys yn y targed o 36 wythnos ar gyfer gwella yw y gwyddom ni na fyddent yn syml yn gallu ei gyflawni o fewn yr amserlen a gynigiwyd. Gwyddom na ellir cyflawni'r cyfraddau amseroedd aros y mae angen eu datrys yn y modd hwnnw, ac nid wyf eisiau cael targed gwella sy'n amlwg yn anghyraeddadwy. Nid yw hynny'n golygu na ddylai'r bwrdd iechyd wella. Nid yw hynny'n golygu nad oes diffyg pwyslais ar y mater neu ddiffyg ymwybyddiaeth, ac mae'n sicr yn fater rwyf wedi sôn amdano yn uniongyrchol wrth y cadeirydd a'r prif weithredwr. Mae'n sicr yn rhywbeth y byddaf yn disgwyl gweld cynnydd yn ei gylch, ac mae'n rhan o fy rhwystredigaeth yr wyf wedi ei fynegi o'r blaen, er gwaethaf yr heriau clir ac amlwg a nodwyd, nad oes gan y Bwrdd Iechyd gynllun orthopedig wedi'i gymeradwyo, nid dim ond i ymdrin â'r heriau tymor byrrach o ymdrin â'u rhestrau aros, ond hefyd i gael yr ateb mwy cynaliadwy hwnnw ar gyfer y dyfodol.
Ac am yr esboniadau cwbl resymol ynghylch pam nad ydyn nhw wedi gwneud mwy dros yr ychydig fisoedd diwethaf, yr her yw mewn gwirionedd y rhyddhawyd y rhestr aros pan na ddylai fod wedi gwneud hynny dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Dyna ble rwy'n disgwyl gweld cynnydd pellach ac rwy'n gwybod y byddaf yn wynebu cwestiynau gan Aelodau yn y Siambr hon ac yn y pwyllgor hyd nes datrysir yr amseroedd aros y gall pobl eu disgrifio'n gywir a bod llai a llai o bobl yn aros, nes ein bod yn cyrraedd sefyllfa unwaith eto lle nad oes gennym ni bobl yn aros dros 36 wythnos ac yn sicr nad oes gennym ni bobl yn aros mwy na 52 wythnos am eu triniaeth.
Thank you very much, Cabinet Secretary.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet.
Yr eitem nesaf yw datganiad gan Weinidog y Gymraeg a Dysgu Gydol Oes—diweddariad ar flaenoriaethau'r iaith Gymraeg. Galwaf ar Eluned Morgan.
The next item is a statement by the Minister for Welsh Language and Lifelong Learning—an update on Welsh language priorities. I call on Eluned Morgan.

Diolch yn fawr, Dirprwy Lywydd. A gaf i ddechrau drwy ymddiheuro fy mod i wedi colli fy llais? Felly, fe wnaf i fy ngorau glas i gyflwyno'r datganiad ac i roi'r diweddariad i'r Senedd ar y camau rydym yn eu cymryd mewn perthynas â’r iaith Gymraeg.
Fel y byddwch chi’n ymwybodol, mae pwyslais Llywodraeth Cymru wedi bod ar greu safonau i greu hawliau statudol i bobl Cymru i gael mynnu rhai gwasanaethau cyhoeddus trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Roedd y symudiad yma o’r hen gynlluniau iaith i safonau yn symudiad pwysig. Erbyn heddiw, mae dros 120 o gyrff yn cael eu heffeithio gan y safonau. Roedd rhesymau da dros ganolbwyntio ar y sector cyhoeddus i gychwyn. Rhyngddynt, mae’r cyrff yma yn gyfrifol am y mwyafrif sylweddol o wariant refeniw Llywodraeth Cymru, sef £13 biliwn eleni. Ond, mae sawl peth wedi fy nharo i ers dod yn gyfrifol am yn portffolio yma.
Yn gyntaf, cododd y gwaith o ddatblygu’r safonau iechyd nifer o gwestiynau anodd ynghylch sgiliau Cymraeg y gweithlu a chapasiti cyrff i ddarparu gwasanaethau Cymraeg. Yn ail, mae’r broses o wneud a gosod y safonau yn llafurus, mae'n gostus, ac mae'n gymhleth, ac mae’r broses o ymchwilio i fethiannau yn hir ac yn orfiwrocrataidd. Ond, yn bwysicaf oll, mae nod uchelgeisiol Cymraeg 2050 o gyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr yn gofyn am newid cyfeiriad pendant. Mae’r nod yn un pellgyrhaeddol. Er mwyn llwyddo, rhaid i ni fod yn glir ynglŷn â sut i wario ein hadnoddau a'n hamser yn well.
Fel canlyniad, mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn datblygu Bil newydd, yn unol â’n hymrwymiad yn 'Symud Cymru Ymlaen'. Mae’r gwaith hwn yn datblygu’r cynigion a wnaethon ni yn y Papur Gwyn, 'Taro’r cydbwysedd iawn', a’r ymgynghoriad a gynhaliwyd y llynedd. Rhaid i’r Bil adlewyrchu ein dymuniad i ailgyfeirio adnoddau er mwyn cynyddu’r nifer o bobl sy’n siarad ac yn defnyddio’r Gymraeg, yn hytrach na chanolbwyntio cyfran sylweddol o gyllideb y Gymraeg ar gyflwyno safonau newydd a’u plismona.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. May I start by apologising that I have lost my voice? So, I will do my level best to put forward this statement and to give you the update on the steps that we are taking with regard to the Welsh language.
As you will be aware, the Welsh Government’s emphasis has been on making standards that create statutory rights for people in Wales to insist on some services in the Welsh language. This move from the old Welsh language schemes to standards is an important move. By today, over 120 bodies are affected by the standards. There were good reasons for concentrating at the outset on the public sector. Between them, these bodies account for the significant majority of the Welsh Government’s revenue spending, which is £13 billion pounds this year. But I have been struck by several things since becoming responsible for this portfolio.
First, the work to develop the health standards raised a number of difficult questions about Welsh language skills in the workforce and the capacity of bodies to deliver Welsh language services. Secondly, the process for making and imposing the standards is laborious, costly and complex, and the process for investigating breaches is long and overly bureaucratic. But, most importantly, the ambitious aim of Cymraeg 2050 to reach a million Welsh speakers requires an emphatic change of direction. The aim is far-reaching. In order to succeed, we must be clear about how we can better spend our resources and time.
As a result, the Welsh Government is developing a new Bill, in accordance with our commitment in ‘Taking Wales Forward’. This work builds on the proposals we made in the White Paper, ‘Striking the right balance’, and the consultation we held last year. The Bill must reflect our desire to redirect resources in order to ensure growth in the number of people who speak and use the Welsh language, rather than concentrating a significant proportion of the Welsh language budget on making and policing the standards.
A gaf i fod yn glir? Ni fyddwn ni ddim yn rhoi’r gorau i orfodi’r safonau. Rhaid i gyrff gyflawni eu dyletswyddau statudol. Ond, rwyf o’r farn ei bod hi bob amser yn well i ddefnyddio moron yn hytrach na ffyn lle bo hynny’n bosibl. Mae hwnnw'n gyfieithiad ofnadwy, onid yw e? Os oes rhywun yn gallu ffeindio idiom gwell, byddai hynny yn help i mi. Yn y maes ieithyddol, nid yw gorfodi yn debygol o weithio os nad allwn ni newid meddyliau a rhoi cefnogaeth i gyrff i gydymffurfio. Am y rhesymau hyn, rwyf eisiau ei gwneud hi’n glir na fyddwn ni yn cyflwyno mwy o safonau ar gyfer sectorau eraill am y tro. Yn hytrach, byddwn yn canolbwyntio ein hadnoddau ni ar ddatblygu’r Bil newydd. Mater i’r Prif Weinidog, wrth gwrs, fydd cadarnhau amserlen ar gyfer y Bil maes o law.
Fel rhan ganolog o’n cynigion, rydym yn bwriadu creu comisiwn y Gymraeg. Prif flaenoriaeth y comisiwn fydd hybu’r Gymraeg ar sail cynllunio ieithyddol pwrpasol. Rydym yn bwriadu mai’r comisiwn fydd hefyd yn gyfrifol am reoleiddio’r safonau, ond a gaf i bwysleisio na fyddwn yn rhwyfo nôl o’r safonau nac ar annibyniaeth y rôl rheoleiddio yn y corff newydd? Rydym am i’r comisiwn arwain newid diwylliant sylweddol. Os mai ein nod ni yw cyrraedd miliwn o siaradwyr, mae’n amlwg y bydd rhaid i’r comisiwn newydd yma wario rhan helaeth o’i amser yn dwyn perswâd ar fwy o bobl i ddysgu Cymraeg, i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg ac i ddewis addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg i’w plant. Nid oes gobaith gennym i gyrraedd y targed oni bai ein bod ni’n darbwyllo rhai o’r 80 y cant o’r boblogaeth sydd ddim yn medru’r Gymraeg i ymuno yn y daith bwysig yma. Rhaid hefyd sicrhau bod lot mwy o gyfle i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg. Rhaid i ni ddarbwyllo mwy o arweinwyr byd busnes, gwasanaethau cyhoeddus a'r gymdeithas sifil—boed yn siaradwyr Cymraeg neu beidio—i weithredu o blaid y Gymraeg neu mewn modd sy’n hwyluso defnydd o’r Gymraeg. Y comisiwn fydd yn arwain ac yn cydlynu’r gwaith hwn ar draws nifer o sefydliadau.
Rydym eisoes yn gosod seiliau cadarn i Cymraeg 2050. Rydym yn buddsoddi dros £2 miliwn ychwanegol dros ddwy flynedd yng ngwaith Mudiad Meithrin a Cwlwm, er mwyn datblygu darpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg yn y blynyddoedd cynnar. Drwy ymgyrch Darganfod Addysgu, mae’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yn hyrwyddo addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg i fyfyrwyr. O fis Medi, bydd cymhelliant newydd o £5,000 ar gael i ddenu mwy o fyfyrwyr i hyfforddi i addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu'n ddwyieithog. Ein nod ni yw cynyddu nifer yr athrawon sy’n gallu addysgu’r Gymraeg a phynciau eraill trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.
Mae rôl y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol mewn addysg ôl-16 yn allweddol er mwyn cadw’r rheini sydd wedi mynychu ysgolion Cymraeg yn siarad Cymraeg. Fe fydd hyn hefyd yn helpu sgiliau Cymraeg yn y gweithlu ac yn ateb anghenion cyflogwyr. Rydym hefyd yn buddsoddi £2.5 miliwn eleni yng nghynllun Cymraeg Gwaith a ddarperir gan y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol. Mae’r galw am y cyrsiau yn eithriadol. Yn ogystal â hyn, fe wnes i lansio cynllun Cymraeg Byd Busnes yn ddiweddar, cynllun sy’n gweithio gyda busnesau i’w helpu nhw i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg. A chyn hir, rwy’n bwriadu lansio llinell gyswllt er mwyn rhoi cymorth rhad ac am ddim i fusnesau ac i unigolion. Rwy’n disgwyl bydd y comisiwn arfaethedig yn ehangu’r math yma o waith i feysydd eraill.
Wrth gynllunio ar gyfer y comisiwn newydd, rwy’n ymwybodol bod tymor y comisiynydd presennol yn dod i ben fis Mawrth nesaf. Er mwyn sicrhau cyfnod pontio priodol rhwng y comisiynydd presennol a’r gyfundrefn newydd, byddaf yn cychwyn trefn penodiadau cyhoeddus ar gyfer comisiynydd newydd yn fuan. Bydd y person a benodir yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn adeiladu ar waith y comisiynydd presennol ac yn gosod seiliau cadarn i’r comisiwn newydd. Byddaf i heddiw yn ysgrifennu heddiw at y Pwyllgor Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a Chyfathrebu i’w gwahodd nhw i enwebu Aelod i fod ar y panel penodi.
Yn olaf, hoffwn i ddiweddaru Aelodau am gynlluniau strategol y Gymraeg mewn addysg, y WESPs. Nawr, cymeradwyais 15 o’r cynlluniau ar y 15 Mawrth eleni, ac yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad hwnnw, fe wnes i siarad yn uniongyrchol gydag arweinydd pob un o’r saith awdurdod arall er mwyn gosod allan y gwelliannau roeddwn i'n eu disgwyl cyn i mi ystyried cymeradwyo’r cynlluniau. Mae’r trafodaethau hynny wedi dwyn ffrwyth yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion. Mae un cynllun ychwanegol eisoes wedi’i gymeradwyo gennyf, ac rydw i'n obeithiol bod y gweddill yn agos iawn at gael eu cymeradwyo.
Rydw i'n cydnabod bod y daith wedi bod yn un rhwystredig ar adegau, ac rydw i eisiau diolch i bob awdurdod lleol am ddangos yr ewyllys i weithio gyda’r Llywodraeth er mwyn datblygu ac ehangu addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg yn eu hardaloedd. Edrychaf ymlaen at weld cynnydd pellach yn sgil nifer uchel y ceisiadau i’r rhaglen grant cyfalaf o £30 miliwn i ehangu addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg a gafodd ei chyhoeddi yn gynharach eleni.
Ym mis Chwefror, penodais Aled Roberts i arwain bwrdd cynghori annibynnol. Bydd y bwrdd yn gyfrifol am roi cyngor ar sut i weithredu argymhellion yr adolygiad brys o gynlluniau strategol y Gymraeg mewn addysg, a gyhoeddwyd yn 2017. Ac rydw i’n edrych ymlaen at dderbyn cyngor y bwrdd ar sut y gallwn ni gryfhau cynllunio addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg fel sail i gyrraedd 1 filiwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050.
Let me be clear: we will not stop enforcing the standards. Bodies must fulfil their statutory duties, but in my view it is always better to use a carrot rather than a stick wherever possible. That's a terrible translation, I know. If somebody can find a better idiom in Welsh, that would help me a great deal. In the field of language, enforcement is unlikely to be effective at bringing about long- term cultural change if we cannot change minds and support bodies to comply. For these reasons, I want to make it clear we will not be introducing more standards for other sectors for the time being. Rather, we will concentrate our resources on developing the new Bill. It is a matter for the First Minister, of course, to confirm the timetable for the Bill in due course.
A central part of our proposals is our intention to create a Welsh language commission. The commission’s main priority will be to promote the Welsh language on the basis of purposeful language planning. We intend that the commission will also be responsible for regulating the standards, but let me emphasise that we will not be rowing back on the standards or on the independence of the regulatory role of the new body. We want the commission to lead significant cultural change. If our aim is to reach a million speakers, it’s obvious that the new commission will need to spend a significant proportion of its time persuading more people to learn Welsh, to use Welsh and to choose Welsh-medium education for their children. There is no hope of reaching the target unless we persuade some of the 80 per cent of the population who don’t speak Welsh to join us on this important journey. We must also ensure there are many more opportunities to use Welsh. We must persuade more leaders in business, in public services and in civic society—whether they are Welsh speakers or not—to work for the Welsh language or in a way that facilitates the use of the Welsh language. The commission will lead and co-ordinate this work across a number of institutions.
We are already laying firm foundations for Cymraeg 2050. We are investing over £2 million extra over two years in the work of Mudiad Meithrin and Cwlwm in order to develop Welsh-medium provision for the early years. Through the Discover Teaching campaign, the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol is promoting Welsh-medium teaching to students. From September, there will be a new incentive of £5,000 available to attract students to train to teach through the medium of Welsh or bilingually. Our aim is to increase the number of teachers who can teach Welsh and teach subjects through the medium of Welsh.
The role of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol in post-16 education is essential in order to ensure that those who have attended Welsh schools keep speaking Welsh. This will help the Welsh language skills of the workforce and meet the needs of employers as well. We are also investing £2.5 million this year in the Work Welsh scheme of the National Centre for Learning Welsh. The demand for courses is exceptional. I also recently launched the Welsh for Business scheme, a scheme that works with businesses to help them to use Welsh. And soon, I intend to launch a helpline to give free assistance to businesses and individuals. I expect the proposed commission will expand this kind of work to new areas.
In planning for the new commission, I am conscious that the term of the current commissioner ends in March of next year. In order to ensure an appropriate transitional period between the present commissioner and the new regime, I will commence a public appointment procedure for a new commissioner shortly. The person who is appointed will play a key role, building on the work of the present commissioner and laying strong foundations for the new commission. I shall be writing today to the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee inviting them to nominate a Member to be part of the appointment panel.
Finally, I wish to update Members on the Welsh in education strategic plans, the WESPs. Now, I approved 15 plans on 15 March this year, and following that announcement, I spoke personally with the leaders of the other seven authorities in order to set out the improvements I was seeking before I could consider approving their plans. Those discussions have been fruitful in most cases. I have approved one further plan, and I’m hopeful that the remainder are close to being approved.
I recognise that the journey has been frustrating at times, and I wish to thank every local authority for their willingness to work with the Government in order to develop and extend Welsh-medium education in their areas. I look forward to seeing further progress following the high number of applications to the £30 million capital grant programme to extend Welsh-medium education, which was announced earlier this year.
In February, I appointed Aled Roberts to lead an independent advisory board. The board will be responsible for advising on how best to implement the recommendations of the rapid review of Welsh in education strategic plans published in 2017. And I look forward to receiving the board’s advice on how we can strengthen the planning of Welsh-medium education as the foundation for reaching 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050.
Rydw i yn yr un lle, Weinidog, ynglŷn â'r peswch yma.
Diolch am y datganiad yma. A gaf i jest ddechrau gyda lle rŷm ni'n cytuno, efallai? Mae'r broses ar gyfer gweithredu'r safonau yn gostus ac yn fiwrocrataidd a hoffwn—ac rwy'n fwy na bodlon—eich cefnogi chi gydag unrhyw ddiwygiad i hynny. Ond beth sydd hefyd yn gostus, wrth gwrs, yw gofyn i'r comisiynydd gynnal ymchwiliadau safonau ar gannoedd o sefydliadau o fewn rowndiau 3 a 4 yr amserlen, derbyn adroddiadau'r ymchwiliadau hynny yn 2016-17, ac wedyn ddim gweld unrhyw gamau gan y Llywodraeth ar gefn hynny. Felly, y cwestiwn cyntaf i fi yw: sut ydych chi'n mynd i ddefnyddio'r wybodaeth yn yr adroddiadau yna mewn unrhyw ffordd ystyrlon? Os yw'r adroddiadau hyn yn mynd, yn y bôn, yn syth i'r bin, neu os bydd hyn yn digwydd, wel, faint o arian ydych chi wedi'i wastraffu gyda'r broses yma?
Er yr hoffech feddwl bod y sefydliadau yna wedi dechrau paratoi ar gyfer cyrraedd y safonau newydd, maen nhw'n debygol o weld y cyhoeddiad heddiw fel esgus i atal gwneud mwy o hynny nawr, a jest atal beth maen nhw wedi'i wneud yn barod. Sut fyddwch chi'n gweithredu nawr—ac rydw i'n meddwl nawr—i'w hannog i barhau i fynd ymlaen â'u cynlluniau?
Nid oes dim byd newydd yn y datganiad i'm mherswadio o ran pwrpas creu comisiwn newydd, mae'n rhaid imi ddweud. Nid oedd yr ymatebion i'r ymgynghoriad yn ffafrio hyn, yn arbennig o ran opsiynau eraill, ac mae'n parhau i fi i fod yn gwbl aneglur pa mor annibynnol fydd y corff hwnnw. Ac mae hyn yn bwysig, achos os nad yw'n gwbl annibynnol, nid ydych chi'n datrys y broblem hon, sef na ddylai'r corff sy'n gwneud y rheolau fod y corff sy'n gorfodi'r rheolau, ac ni ddylai'r deddfwr fod yn orfodwr deddfwriaeth. Ar hyn o bryd, mae rhwystrau a gwrthbwyso yna: mae'r Llywodraeth yn gwneud y rheolau, mae'r comisiynydd yn eu gorfodi. Os nad yw'r comisiwn newydd hwn yn gwbl annibynnol ar Lywodraeth—. Nid yw hyd braich yn ddigon—mae'n anniogel o safbwynt cyfansoddiadol.
Fel y gwyddoch, mae gan y comisiynydd ddyletswyddau hyrwyddo hefyd, ac mae'r Gweinidog blaenorol, wrth gwrs, wedi ei gwneud hi'n anodd i'r comisiynydd gyflawni'r dyletswyddau statudol hynny, ond gellir eu hadfer. Felly, yn y bôn, beth yw’r gwahaniaeth rhwng eich comisiwn a’r comisiynydd? Beth sy’n eich atal rhag diwygio swyddfa’r comisiynydd yn lle ei disodli? Byddai diwygiad yn caniatáu i gomisiynydd arwain newid diwylliannol, ac rydym yn cytuno ar y dyhead hwnnw. Mae lle hefyd, fel rydym wedi trafod o’r blaen, i ehangu pwerau lled-farnwrol y comisiynydd i greu comisiynydd ieithoedd, i sicrhau nad yw deddfwriaeth hawliau’n cael ei gweithredu mewn ffordd wahaniaethol.
Diolch am y diweddariad ar y rhaglenni cyfredol. Mae’r cwymp yn nifer yr athrawon sy’n mynd ymlaen i addysgu Cymraeg, neu i addysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, i fi yn fygythiad clir a chyfredol i lwyddiant Cymraeg 2050. Rydym hanner ffordd, nawr, trwy dymor y Cynulliad hwn, ond dim ond nawr rŷch chi’n cyflwyno cymhelliant o £5,000 i helpu sortio hynny mas. Felly, pryd y gallwch chi ddweud bod gan y cynllun hynny effaith sylweddol? Achos rwy’n gwerthfawrogi beth rŷch chi wedi’i ddweud ynglŷn â’r cyfalaf, ond mae yna broblem yma gyda nifer y bobl sy’n fodlon gwneud y gwaith. Mae gyda fi yr un pryderon ynglŷn â’r gweithlu addysg ag y cawsoch chi ynglŷn â’r gweithlu iechyd. Mae'n dal yn broblem ac mae’n anodd wynebu hynny, rydw i’n credu.
Yn olaf, fel y gwyddoch, heb ymrwymiad gan y byd gwaith a chyflogaeth, ymhob sector, nid dim ond yn y sector preifat, i greu amgylchedd gweithio dwyieithog, mae gennym ni fygythiad clir a chyfredol arall i Cymraeg 2050. Felly, a allech chi ddweud tipyn bach mwy am y cynllun Cymraeg Gwaith? Beth sy’n eithriadol am y galw a beth yw’r lledaeniad daearyddol? Yn bwysicach, sut y gallwn ni fesur a fydd y galw’n mynd i gynhyrchu siaradwyr sydd tipyn bach mwy hyderus ac sy’n fodlon iwso eu Cymraeg yn amlach? Yn benodol, beth y dylech chi a ni ei ystyried yn ganlyniad da ym mentrau bach a chanolig? Diolch.
I’m in the same position as you, Minister, in terms of having this cough.
Thank you for your statement. Could I just start with the points on which we agree, perhaps? The process for implementing standards is expensive and bureaucratic, and I would like to—and I’m happy to—support you with any changes in that regard. But another thing that’s expensive, of course, is to ask the commissioner to hold standards investigations on hundreds of institutions within rounds 3 and 4 of the timetable, receiving those reports in 2016-17, and then seeing no steps taken by the Government as a result of that. So, my first question is: how are you going to use the information in those reports in any way that is meaningful? If these reports are essentially binned immediately, and if that happens, well, how much money have you wasted on that process?
Although you’d like to think that those institutions had started to prepare for delivering the new standards, they are likely to see today’s announcement as an excuse to pause that work that they’ve already commenced. So, how will you act now—and I do mean now—in order to encourage them to continue with their proposals?
There is nothing new in your statement to persuade me on the core purpose of the creation of a new commission, I have to say. The responses to the consultation didn’t particularly favour this over other options, and to me it remains entirely unclear as to how independent that new body would be. And this is important, because if it isn’t entirely independent, then you don’t resolve this problem, namely that the organisation making the rules shouldn’t be enforcing them, and the legislator shouldn’t be enforcing legislation. At the moment, there are barriers there: the Government makes the regulations and the commissioner enforces these. If this new commission isn’t entirely independent on Government—. Arm’s length isn’t sufficient here—it is then constitutionally unsound.
As you know, the commissioner has some promotional duties too, and the previous Minister, of course, made it difficult for the commissioner to deliver those statutory duties, but they could be restored. So, essentially, what is the difference between your commission and the commissioner? What precludes you from reforming the commissioner’s office rather than replacing it? Reform would allow a commissioner to lead the cultural change that we agree is required. There is also scope, as we’ve discussed in the past, to enhance the quasi-judicial responsibilities of the commissioner, to ensure that language regulations are not introduced in a discriminatory manner.
Thank you for the update on the current programmes. The decline in the number of teachers going on to teach Welsh or to teach through the medium of Welsh seems to me to be a clear and present danger to the success of Cymraeg 2050. We’re now halfway through this Assembly term, and it’s only now that you are introducing this incentive of £5,000 to help to sort that problem out. So, when will you be in a position to say that it’s had a significant impact? Because I appreciate what you’ve said on capital, but there is a problem here with the number of people who are willing to do this work. I have the same concerns about the education workforce as you had on the health workforce. There is still a problem remaining there and it remains difficult to deal with that, I think.
Finally, as you know, without a commitment from the world of employment, in all sectors, not just the private sector, to create a bilingual working environment, there is another clear and present danger for Cymraeg 2050. So, can you tell us a little more about the Work Welsh programme? What is exceptional about that demand and what is the geographical spread? Also, importantly, how can we assess whether that demand is going to create more confident Welsh speakers who are willing to use their Welsh more often? Specifically, what should you and us consider to be good outcomes in these initiatives in SMEs? Thank you.
Diolch yn fawr, Suzy. Rwy'n falch ein bod ni'n cytuno bod y system bresennol yn gostus, ei bod yn or-fiwrocrataidd a’i bod yn cymryd lot fawr o amser. Ond rydw i hefyd yn derbyn y ffaith bod lot o waith eisoes wedi’i wneud ar y cynlluniau newydd—y safonau yr oedd pobl yn disgwyl i ddod yn y dyfodol. Ni fyddwn ni'n stopio’n llwyr, ond byddwn ni'n treulio’r amser nesaf yma yn sicrhau ein bod ni’n rhoi blaenoriaeth i ddatblygu’r Bil, fel ein bod yn gallu symleiddio’r broses. Dyna yw’r syniad y tu ôl sicrhau ein bod ni’n cael Mesur newydd sydd yn edrych ar sut i symleiddio’r broses. Ond yn fwy na hynny, lot yn fwy na hynny, ac yn bwysicach o lawer, beth mae hyn yn ei wneud yw cymryd mewn i ystyriaeth y ffaith bod gyda ni bolisi i gael 1 filiwn o siaradwyr erbyn 2050. Os na fyddwn ni'n rhoi’r seilwaith yn ei le er mwyn sicrhau ein bod ni’n gweithredu tuag at y targed yna, wedyn fe fydd yn fwy anodd i ni gyrraedd y targed. Beth sydd wedi digwydd, ar hyn o bryd, yw bod cymaint o bwyslais wedi cael ei roi ar y safonau ac ar blismona’r safonau, a'n bod ni wedi colli golwg, rydw i’n meddwl, ar hyrwyddo a hybu. A dyna pam rŷm ni eisiau gweld y pwyslais gwahanol iawn yma ar hybu a hyrwyddo, yn arbennig o ran trial annog pobl, a dysgwyr yn arbennig, i ymgymryd â'r iaith Gymraeg.
Rydw i’n cymryd y pwynt ynglŷn â’r ffaith bod angen inni gael rhyw ffordd y tu fewn i’r comisiwn newydd yma—bod y plismona yma yn annibynnol ar Lywodraeth. Rydw i wedi bod yn glir iawn gyda fy swyddogion i fod yn rhaid inni gael system sydd hyd braich i ffwrdd o’r Llywodraeth, fel bod y plismona yna’n gallu digwydd hyd braich o Lywodraeth Cymru.
O ran y gweithlu, rydw i’n meddwl eich bod yn eithaf iawn. Beth sy’n ddiddorol gyda’r safonau iechyd yw, er bod pobl, yn gyffredinol, eisiau gweld y symudiad, mae’r broblem yn un ymarferol: nad yw’r boblogaeth yna i hyrwyddo. Os ydym yn cael cymaint o bobl i mewn i’r system ag yr ydym yn gobeithio, wedyn, dros amser, bydd y system yna yn newid, gobeithio. Ond rhan hanfodol o hynny yw cael pobl tu mewn i'n system addysg ni i addysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Dyna pam mae'r £5,000 yna yn hollbwysig i drial annog mwy o bobl i mewn i addysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Felly, rŷm ni yn gobeithio y bydd hyn yn newid y ffordd ac y bydd yn denu mwy o bobl i gymryd addysg a hyfforddi addysg trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ymlaen yn ystod y misoedd nesaf.
Thank you very much, Suzy. I’m glad that we agree that the current system is costly, that it’s overly bureaucratic and that it takes a great deal of time. But I also accept the fact that a great deal of work has already been done on the new plans—the standards that people expected to come in future. We won’t be stopping that work in its entirety, but we’ll be spending this next period of time ensuring that we prioritise developing the Bill, so that we can simplify the process. That’s the idea behind ensuring that we get a new Bill that looks at how to simplify the process. But more than that, much more than that, and far more importantly, what this does is that it considers the fact that we have a policy to reach 1 million Welsh speakers by 2050. If we don’t put the infrastructure in place to ensure that we work towards that target, then it will be more difficult for us to reach the target. What’s happened, at present, is that so much emphasis has been placed on the standards and on policing the standards that we have lost sight, I believe, on promotion and encouragement. And that’s why we want to see this very different emphasis on promotion and encouragement, particularly in terms of trying to encourage people, and learners in particular, to engage with the Welsh language.
I take the point with regard to the fact that we need to get some kind of way within this new commission—that this policing function is independent of the Government. I have been very clear with my officials that we need to get a system that is at arm’s length of Government, so that that policing function can happen at arm’s length of Welsh Government.
With regard to the workforce, I think that you’re entirely correct. What’s interesting with the health standards is that, even though people in general want to see this movement, the problem is a practical one: the population isn't there to promote. But if we do get as many people into the system as we want, then, over time, that system will change, hopefully. But a vital part of that is to get people into the education system to teach through the medium of Welsh. So, that's why this £5,000 is crucial to try to encourage more people into teaching through the medium of Welsh. So, we very much hope that this will change the way that we attract people to teach and train through the medium of Welsh over the coming months.
Fe gafwyd gwledd Gymraeg yr wythnos diwethaf wrth i gystadleuwyr Eisteddfod yr Urdd ddod at ei gilydd i ddathlu eu Cymreictod—pobl ifanc o bob rhan o Gymru, yn ddysgwyr ac yn siaradwyr iaith gyntaf. A'r nodwedd oedd yn eu huno nhw oedd hyder—hyder yn y Gymraeg a hyder yn eu Cymreictod. Rydw i'n credu bod hyder yn allweddol i ddyfodol y Gymraeg, a dyna pam rydw i'n anghytuno â'r cyfeiriad sy'n cael ei awgrymu gan eich datganiad chi heddiw.
Oes, mae eisiau dathlu, hyrwyddo, hybu, ac yn wir mae nifer o'r pethau sy'n cael eu crybwyll yn y datganiad heddiw yn bethau mae Plaid Cymru wedi eu sicrhau drwy gytundeb cyllideb—£2 filiwn i Mudiad Meithrin a'r buddsoddiad yng ngwaith y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Cenedlaethol—ond hefyd mae'n rhaid datblygu hawliau siaradwyr Cymraeg, i roi statws ac i greu mwy o hyder. Mae honno yn rhan bwysig o'r ymgyrch i greu 1 filiwn o siaradwyr. Mae'r gwaith wedi ei gychwyn, mae angen ei ledaenu, a law yn llaw efo hynny mae angen buddsoddi mewn ymgyrchoedd i hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg, mae angen buddsoddi mewn tyfu addysg Gymraeg, fel bod pob plentyn yn datblygu sgiliau yn nwy iaith ein gwlad ni, a'r rheini yn sgiliau llawn, ac mae angen buddsoddi i gynnal cymunedau lle mae'r Gymraeg yn iaith bob dydd. Y blaenoriaethau yna i gyd, o'u plethu efo'i gilydd, a fydd yn arwain at 1 filiwn o siaradwyr. Nid ydy gollwng un elfen, sef gwanio hawliau, er mwyn cyllido elfen arall yn strategaeth uchelgeisiol, ac nid ydy o'n debygol o lwyddo i gyrraedd y nod. Felly, o ystyried llwyddiant y safonau iaith hyd yma, pam ydych chi'n cefnogi ymgais i wanio, i lastwreiddio ac i wadu hawliau pobl Cymru i'r Gymraeg? Dyma ydy byrdwn eich datganiad chi heddiw yma.
Wrth lansio'r Papur Gwyn, mi oedd eich rhagflaenydd chi wedi gobeithio y byddai'r cynigion yn dod â chonsensws, ond ers hynny rydym ni wedi gweld chwalu'r consensws yna a'r gefnogaeth unfrydol a roddwyd i Fesur presennol y Gymraeg gan Aelodau'r Senedd yma yn 2011 yn diflannu, a'r bygythiad yn dod yn sgil darn o ddeddfwriaeth ar y Gymraeg a fyddai, mewn gwirionedd, yn mynd â ni nôl i Gymru 1993 y Torïaid, yn hytrach nag ymlaen i Gymru hyderus 2050 a'r 1 filiwn o siaradwyr.
Hoffwn i wybod, felly, faint o gefnogaeth sydd yna o blith siaradwyr Cymraeg i'r cynigion i wanhau'r hawliau. Yn yr ymgynghoriad cyhoeddus a gafodd ei gynnal y llynedd, dim ond 77—so, rydw i'n ateb eich cwestiwn chi i raddau fan hyn—dim ond 77 o'r 504 ymateb a oedd yn cefnogi'r cynnig i ddisodli'r comisiynydd efo comisiwn, sef 15 y cant o'r ymatebion. Mae yna farc cwestiwn mawr, felly, a oes yna unrhyw gefnogaeth i'r cynigion yma, heb sôn am gyfiawnhad i baratoi Bil.
Mae eich datganiad chi'n cyhoeddi'ch bwriad i benodi comisiynydd newydd, penodiad o saith mlynedd o dan Fesur y Gymraeg. Mi ydych chi wedi bod yn canmol effaith bositif y safonau. Rydw i'n credu mai un effaith positif yn deillio o'r safonau ydy creu gweithlu Cymraeg ar draws sectorau a chreu mannau gwaith Cymraeg. Felly, mae'n anodd deall pam y byddech chi am golli momentwm drwy beidio â chaniatáu i'r comisiynydd newydd fwrw ymlaen efo'r gwaith o osod rhagor o safonau. Mae safonau'r cwmnïau dŵr yn eistedd ar eich desg chi, mae'r cymdeithasau tai yn aros o hyd am safonau, ac, yn wir, mi allech chi basio Gorchmynion fory nesaf i ychwanegu cyrff o bwys at setiau o reoliadau sydd eisoes wedi cael eu pasio—cyrff megis Cymwysterau Cymru, Awdurdod Cyllid Cymru, comisiynydd cenedlaethau'r dyfodol, Addysg a Gwella Iechyd Cymru, ac yn y blaen. A gaf i awgrymu eich bod chi'n cadarnhau eich ymrwymiad i'r safonau drwy ddod â Gorchmynion i'r Cynulliad hwn ar y cyfle cynharaf?
Mae cynnal hygrededd y safonau a'r gyfundrefn sy'n gwarantu hawliau i'r Gymraeg yn allweddol, ac mi ydych chi'n sôn na fyddwch chi'n rhwyfo nôl o'r safonau, na chwaith ar annibyniaeth y rôl reoleiddio mewn unrhyw gorff newydd, ond mae eich cynigion chi am gomisiwn y Gymraeg yn golygu mai Llywodraeth Cymru fyddai'n gosod y safonau; Llywodraeth Cymru fyddai'n penodi aelodau'r comisiwn; Llywodraeth Cymru fyddai'n gosod ei gyllideb; Llywodraeth Cymru fyddai'n cymeradwyo ei gynllun strategol; a Llywodraeth Cymru fyddai efo'r grym i gyfarwyddo'r corff newydd yma. Rŵan, ai dyna'ch diffiniad chi o 'annibynnol'? Nid dyna ydy fy niffiniad i.
Rydw i'n gorffen efo un darn bach arall. O ran datblygu'r Gymraeg yn y sector breifat, mi gytunodd y Cynulliad hwn y llynedd y dylid ymestyn y safonau iaith i'r sector breifat. Heddiw, rydych chi'n sôn am ddarbwyllo arweinwyr busnes i ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg, ac y dylai'r comisiwn arwain ar hynny. Mi fuodd Bwrdd yr Iaith yn ceisio perswadio yn ddyfal am 15 mlynedd. Sut ydych chi'n credu y byddwch chi'n llwyddo i ddarbwyllo busnesau mawr efo'r foronen yma rydych chi'n sôn amdani hi, er bod y cyrff eu hunain, y busnesau eu hunain, yn dweud mai i orfodaeth yn unig y byddan nhw'n ymateb?
There was a feast of Welsh last week as competitors at the Urdd Eisteddfod came together to celebrate their Welsh identity—young people from all parts of Wales: learners and first-language speakers. And what united them was confidence—confidence in the Welsh language and confidence in their Welsh identity. I think that confidence is crucial for the future of the Welsh language, and that is why I disagree with the direction of travel suggested by your statement today.
Yes, we need to celebrate, promote, and indeed much of what is mentioned in the statement are things that Plaid Cymru have secured through a budgetary agreement—£2 million for Mudiad Meithrin and the investment in the National Centre for Learning Welsh—but also we must develop the rights of Welsh speakers, to give status and to provide greater confidence. That is an important part of the campaign to create 1 million Welsh speakers. The work has commenced and it needs to be developed, and along with that, we need to invest in campaigns to promote the Welsh language. We need to invest in developing Welsh-medium education, so that all children develop skills in both of our national languages, and we need to invest to support communities where the Welsh language is the language of daily communication. All of those priorities, brought together, will lead to 1 million Welsh speakers. Dropping one element, namely weakening rights in order to fund another element, isn’t an ambitious strategy and it isn’t likely to reach its aims. So, given the success of the Welsh language standards to date, why are you supporting an attempt to weaken, to dilute and to deny the rights of the people of Wales to the Welsh language? Because that is the thrust of your statement today.
In launching the White Paper, your predecessor had hoped that the proposals would bring about consensus, but since then we have seen that consensus destroyed and the unanimous support given to the current Welsh language Measure by the Members of this Parliament in 2011 disappearing, and the threat coming in the wake of a piece of legislation on the Welsh language that, in reality, would take us back to the Wales of the Conservatives in 1993, rather than the confident Wales of 2050 and the 1 million Welsh speakers.
So, I would like to know, therefore, how much support there is among Welsh speakers to these proposals to dilute rights. In the public consultation that was held last year, only 77—so, I'm answering your question to a certain extent here—only 77 of the 504 responses supported the proposal to replace the commissioner with a commission, which is 15 per cent of responses. There is a major question mark, therefore, as to whether there is any real support for these proposals, never mind any justification for the preparation of a Bill.
Your statement announces your intention to appoint a new commissioner, an appointment for seven years under the Welsh language Measure. You have praised the positive impact of standards. I believe that one positive impact emerging from standards is the creation of a Welsh-speaking workforce across sectors and creating Welsh-speaking workplaces. So, it's difficult to understand why you want to lose the momentum by not allowing the new commissioner to continue with that work of placing further standards. Standards on the water companies are on your desk, the housing associations are still awaiting standards, and, indeed, you could pass Orders tomorrow to add important organisations to sets of regulations that have already been approved—organisations such as Qualifications Wales, the Welsh Revenue Authority, the future generations commissioner, Health Education and Improvement Wales, and so on. May I suggest that you confirm your commitment to standards by bringing Orders forward to this Assembly at the earliest possible opportunity?
Maintaining the credibility of the standards and the regime that provides rights for the Welsh language is crucial, and you say that you won’t row back from the standards or the independence of the regulatory role of any new body, but your proposals for a Welsh language commission will mean that the Welsh Government will impose standards; the Welsh Government would appoint the members of the commission; the Welsh Government would set the budget; the Welsh Government would approve the strategic plan; and the Welsh Government would have the power to direct the new organisation. Is that your definition of ‘independent’? It isn’t my definition.
I will conclude with one further comment. In terms of developing the Welsh language in the private sector, this Assembly agreed last year that we should extend language standards to the private sector. Today, you are talking about convincing business leaders to use the Welsh language and that the commission should lead on that. The Welsh Language Board tried to persuade diligently for 15 years. How do you think you will convince large businesses with this carrot that you mentioned, even though the businesses themselves state that they would respond only to enforcement?
Diolch yn fawr, Siân. Fe fues i yn Eisteddfod yr Urdd yr wythnos diwethaf hefyd, ac rydych chi'n eithaf reit: roedd yna lot o blant yna a oedd gyda lot o hyder. Beth sy'n fy mhoeni i yw nid y plant a oedd yn yr Eisteddfod yr wythnos diwethaf, ond y cannoedd o filoedd sy'n mynd i ysgolion Cymraeg nad oedd yn yr Eisteddfod: rheini sydd ddim â'r hyder. Rheini yw'r rhai y mae'n rhaid i ni eu darbwyllo, a dyna pam rydw i'n meddwl nad yw gorfodi pobl i wneud pethau ddim yn mynd i'n elwa yn y pen draw. Mae'n rhaid i ni ddarbwyllo pobl mai dyma'r cyfeiriad cywir, a dyna pam mae'r newid pwyslais yma yn hollbwysig.
Rydw i eisiau ei gwneud hi'n glir nad ydym ni'n gollwng y safonau; nid ydym yn camu nôl o'r safonau. Bydd digon o waith gan y comisiynydd presennol, a'r un newydd, i sicrhau a gweithredu'r safonau iechyd newydd. Mae lot fawr o waith a fydd yn ymwneud â'r rheini. Ond, y gwahaniaeth yw y byddwn ni'n rhoi blaenoriaeth i hybu a hyrwyddo, ac nid wyf yn mynd i esgusodi fy hunan na Llywodraeth Cymru am hynny.
Roeddech chi'n dweud bod yr ymatebion rydym ni wedi'u cael i'r Papur Gwyn wedi bod yn wahanol. Beth ddigwyddodd, actually, oedd ein bod ni wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth a gwahaniaethu rhwng ymatebion sy'n rhan o ymgyrch ac ymatebion sy'n dod o unigolion. Ac o ran y rheini a ddaeth o unigolion, roedd yn glir bod y mwyafrif o blaid symud i system a fyddai'n rhoi blaenoriaeth i hybu a hyrwyddo.
A gaf i fod yn hollol glir? Nid Llywodraeth Cymru fydd yn gyfrifol am benodi'r person a fydd yn gyfrifol yn y comisiwn newydd am blismona'r safonau. Rydw i eisiau ei gwneud hi'n hollol glir, ac mae hwn yn rhywbeth rydw i wedi ei wneud yn glir iawn i'r swyddogion: mae'n rhaid i'r person yna fydd yn gyfrifol am blismona fod yn hollol annibynnol. Felly, nid y Llywodraeth fydd yn cymryd rhan yn y penodiad yna o'r person fydd â chyfrifoldeb. Diolch.
Thank you very much, Siân. I was at the Urdd Eisteddfod last week as well, and you’re quite right: there were many children there who had a great deal of confidence. But what concerns me is not the children who are were at the Eisteddfod last week, but the hundreds of thousands who go to Welsh schools who weren’t at the Eisteddfod: those who don’t have the confidence. They’re the ones we have to convince, and that’s why I do think that compelling people to do things isn’t going to benefit us ultimately. We have to convince people that this is the right direction and this is why this change of emphasis is vitally important.
I want to make it clear that we’re not rowing back on the standards; we’re not stepping away from them. The current commissioner and the new commissioner will have plenty of work to ensure, implement and enforce the new health standards. There’s a great deal of work related to those. But, the difference is that we will prioritise promotion and encouragement, and I’m not going to excuse myself or the Welsh Government for that. I’m not going to apologise on our behalf for that.
You’ll be aware that the responses that we’ve had to the White Paper have differed. What happened, actually, was that we differentiated between responses that are part of a campaign and responses that come from individuals, and with regard to those responses from individuals, it was clear that the majority were in favour of moving to a system that would prioritise promotion.
But may I be clear? It’s not the Welsh Government that will be responsible for appointing the person who will be responsible within the commission for policing the standards. I want to make it clear, and it's something that I have made very clear to officials: that person who is responsible for policing the standards has to be entirely independent. So, it’s not the Government that will take part in that appointment of the person who is responsible. Thank you.
In spite of the trenchant criticisms that have come from Siân Gwenllian, which I fully understand, today, I think it's important to recognise that there is widespread agreement around this Chamber about the direction of policy in which the Government is going. Although the style of the new Minister is perhaps somewhat different from the rumbustious style of her predecessor, I think she is being equally effective in a rather different way.
I think it's vitally important, if we are to marry the confidence that Siân Gwenllian was talking about amongst the naturally Welsh speaking population—if I can put it that way—with those who we have to bring with us on this journey to achieve the goals that we all set in the Cymraeg 2050 programme, as we extend the success of this programme beyond the redoubts of Welsh speaking in the west into areas that are predominantly English speaking, I think it's vital that the carrot rather than the stick approach should be emphasised, and so I very much welcome the direction of travel of the Government.
There isn't, of course, a great deal of substance in this particular statement, but I don't say that as a criticism; I think it's fair enough that the Minister should want to make a report on how she sees things going a few months after she has achieved office. I think it's very important that we should take a practical approach to the achievement of this objective. It's no good setting ourselves objectives that can't be reached, and it's no good setting up frictions, which are going to slow down the rate of progress that we all want to see. So, I don't blame Plaid Cymru at all for what they say, or even organisations like Cymdeithas yr Iaith for being frustrated at the pace of change. It's important that they should have their voice and they should keep up this criticism in order to make sure that they apply a stick to the Government, which is offering the carrot. So, it's important that we all have our voices, I think, listened to in a different way because we all want to achieve the same objective.
I do support the proposals to change to the commission from the commissioner, for reasons that the Minister herself has set out, and I do think it's important that the policing functions of the programme should be undertaken by those who are at an arm's length from Government. It's important that the Government should be the persuader, I think, and not the policeman of the system. That's the best way, I think, in which we will achieve that objective. We saw in the unfortunate confrontations, for example, in Llangennech last year, how problems of that kind can actually make it more difficult to achieve our objective, I think, in areas that are perhaps not quite so confident about the need to make progress in the directions that we all want to see. So, we want to try to calm passions and to achieve the maximum degree of consensus for the achievement of these goals.
There's one practical question I would like to ask the Minister. I very much approve of the incentivisation of teachers to teach through the medium of Welsh, to learn to teach through the medium of Welsh et cetera, but one thing we must ensure is that parents, in particular, don't think that this might be achieved at the expense of getting the best teachers for specific schools to teach their children. So, I wonder what the Minister can tell us about the way in which fears of that kind—unfounded as they may be—may be allayed.
Secondly, something that is not in the statement, but was in the Cymraeg 2050 programme. That set out ways in which targets could be achieved and, in particular, the aim of transforming Welsh language digital landscapes, with particular focus on landscape technology. Could the Minister provide us with an update on how the Welsh Government has taken proactive steps towards achieving this endeavour?
With that, I'll just say that I'm pleased with the way that the Government is developing this policy, and I do think that the practical approach, which her predecessor brought to this, which is now being extended by the current Minister, is the best way to achieve our common objective.
Er gwaethaf y beirniadaethau miniog sydd wedi dod gan Siân Gwenllian, yr wyf yn eu deall yn iawn, rwyf i o'r farn, heddiw, ei bod yn bwysig cydnabod y ceir cytundeb eang o amgylch y Siambr hon am y cyfeiriad polisi y mae'r Llywodraeth yn mynd iddo. Er bod arddull y Gweinidog newydd ychydig yn wahanol efallai i arddull hwyliog ei rhagflaenydd, credaf ei bod yr un mor effeithiol mewn ffordd ychydig yn wahanol.
Rwyf i o'r farn ei bod yn hanfodol bwysig, os ydym am briodi'r hyder yr oedd Siân Gwenllian yn sôn amdano ymhlith y boblogaeth sy'n siarad Cymraeg yn naturiol—os y caf ei roi felly—gyda'r rhai y bydd yn rhaid inni fynd â nhw gyda ni ar y daith hon i gyflawni'r nodau a nodwyd gan bob un ohonom yn y rhaglen Cymraeg 2050, wrth i ni ymestyn llwyddiant y rhaglen hon y tu hwnt i gaerau'r Fro Gymraeg yn y gorllewin i ardaloedd Saesneg eu hiaith yn bennaf, credaf ei bod yn hanfodol mai'r anogaeth y dylid ei phwysleisio yn hytrach na'r cerydd, ac felly rwy'n croesawu cyfeiriad teithio'r Llywodraeth yn fawr iawn.
Nid oes, wrth gwrs, fawr iawn o sylwedd yn y datganiad penodol hwn, ond nid wyf i'n dweud hynny er mwyn beirniadu; credaf ei bod yn ddigon teg i'r Gweinidog fod yn awyddus i adrodd ar sut y mae hi'n gweld pethau'n mynd rhagddynt ychydig fisoedd ar ôl iddi ddod i'w swydd. Rwy'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig iawn inni fod yn ymarferol ein hymagwedd wrth gyflawni'r amcan hwn. Nid oes pwrpas mewn gosod amcanion nad oes modd eu cyrraedd, ac nid oes pwrpas mewn codi cynhennau, a fyddai'n arafu cyfradd y cynnydd yr ydym i gyd yn dymuno ei weld. Felly, nid wyf i'n beio dim ar Blaid Cymru am yr hyn y maen nhw'n ei ddweud, neu hyd yn oed sefydliadau fel Cymdeithas yr Iaith am fod yn rhwystredig o ran cyflymder y newid. Mae'n bwysig iddyn nhw gael eu llais a dylen nhw ddal at y feirniadaeth hon i wneud yn siŵr bod eu bod yn ceryddu'r Llywodraeth, sydd yn cynnig anogaeth. Felly, mae'n bwysig y gwrandewir ar lais bob un ohonom, yn fy marn i, mewn gwahanol ffyrdd gan ein bod ni i gyd yn dymuno gweld yr un amcan.
Rwyf i yn cefnogi'r cynigion i newid i'r Comisiwn o'r Comisiynydd, am resymau a nododd y Gweinidog ei hun, ac rwyf i yn credu ei bod hi'n bwysig y dylai swyddogaethau plismona'r rhaglen gael ei wneud gan rai sydd hyd braich oddi wrth y Llywodraeth. Mae'n bwysig mai dwyn perswâd y dylai'r Llywodraeth ei wneud, yn fy marn i, ac nid plismona'r system. Honno yw'r ffordd orau, rwy'n meddwl, i ni gyflawni'r nod hwnnw. Gwelsom yn y gwrthdaro anffodus, er enghraifft, yn Llangennech y llynedd, sut y gall problemau o'r fath ei gwneud yn anos cyrraedd ein hamcan, rwy'n credu, mewn ardaloedd nad ydyn nhw efallai mor argyhoeddedig o'r angen i wneud cynnydd yn y cyfeiriad yr ydym i gyd yn awyddus i'w weld. Felly, rydym yn eiddgar i geisio tawelu'r dyfroedd a chael cymaint â phosibl o ddealltwriaeth gyffredin i gyflawni'r nodau hyn.
Mae gennyf i un cwestiwn ymarferol yr hoffwn ei ofyn i'r Gweinidog. Rwy'n cymeradwyo yn fawr iawn y cymhelliant i athrawon ddysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, i ddysgu sut i addysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ac yn y blaen, ond un peth y mae'n rhaid inni ei sicrhau yw nad yw rhieni, yn arbennig, yn credu nad oes modd gwneud hynny heb ei fod ar draul cael gafael ar yr athrawon gorau ar gyfer ysgolion penodol i addysgu eu plant. Felly, tybed beth allai'r Gweinidog ei ddweud wrthym am y modd y gellid tawelu ofnau—pa mor ddi-sail bynnag y bônt—o'r fath.
Yn ail, rhywbeth nad yw yn y datganiad, ond a oedd yn y rhaglen Cymraeg 2050. Roedd honno yn nodi ffyrdd ar gyfer cyflawni nodau ac, yn benodol, y nod o weddnewid tirweddau digidol Cymraeg, gyda phwyslais penodol ar dirwedd technoleg. A all y Gweinidog roi'r manylion diweddaraf inni ar sut y mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cymryd camau rhagweithiol tuag at gyflawniad yr ymdrech hon?
A chyda hynny, ni wnaf i ond dweud fy mod wedi fy mhlesio â'r ffordd y mae'r Llywodraeth yn datblygu'r polisi hwn, ac rwyf i o'r farn mai'r dull ymarferol, a gyflwynodd ei rhagflaenydd i hyn, ac sy'n cael ei ymestyn ymhellach gan y Gweinidog presennol, yw'r ffordd orau o gyflawni ein hamcan cyffredin.
Thank you very much, Neil. I think I'd like to make it clear that this shift of emphasis is so important if we are to reach that target. So, what we've done hitherto is to focus attention on the rights of Welsh speakers, and that's fine—that's good, and it's come a long way. We've really changed the environment, particularly in local government and in some universities. I understand it's been successful, but this shift of emphasis, if we want to get to the 1 million speakers, means that we have to start focusing on those 80 per cent who don't speak Welsh. Otherwise, we'll never get there—we'll never get there. So, we have to shift that emphasis.
We can't do everything. We only have a limited budget, and that's why it is important, I think, that there's an understanding that that's why we're doing this. There is no slowdown in terms of the momentum, in fact. What we're doing is to do it in different ways. So, for example, we've got this new Cymraeg Byd Busnes. We are giving support, and we've appointed 10 new people to go around Wales, to go into small and medium-sized businesses to say, 'Why don't you offer some services through the medium of Welsh? Why don't you make sure that your customers are aware that you have Welsh speakers?' It's that kind of practical help that, actually, people are looking for—a knowledge of who is able to speak Welsh.
It's unbelievable. I was with a couple of people recently, they'd known each other for four years and they had no idea that each other spoke Welsh. It was only when I started speaking to them independently that they understood. So, it's that kind of understanding and visibility for the Welsh language, which is not about forcing people. It's about making sure that we are changing the atmosphere and the way that people respond.
Cymraeg Gwaith is another thing, and there's a new helpline, so that we won't see the situation where we have these dreadful translations from English into Welsh. There's no reason why that should happen in the future because there will be support for that.
This £5,000 incentive I'm hoping will be for new teachers, not taking people from the English sector into Welsh. The idea is to encourage new teachers, and we could certainly do with that.
And, on the digital side, we are hoping that the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol is doing a lot of work on making sure that in FE, for example—. For the first time, the further education system is now being brought into the system. What we were seeing was a drop-off. People would come out of Welsh schools and they would lose their Welsh the moment they went into further education colleges. So, we are now changing that system, giving far more support to the further education system. It's happened in the universities already, and we are now moving into further education. So, I hope that that and the digital frameworks that are happening in the colleges and the universities will also be a part of that as well.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, Neil. Rwy'n credu yr hoffwn i ei gwneud yn glir pa mor bwysig yw'r newid hwn o ran pwyslais os ydym ni am gyrraedd y nod hwnnw. Felly, yr hyn yr ydym ni wedi'i wneud hyd yn hyn yw tynnu sylw at hawliau siaradwyr Cymraeg, ac mae hynny'n hollol iawn—mae hynny'n dda, ac mae wedi dod yn ei flaen yn sylweddol. Rydym ni wedi newid yr amgylchedd yn wirioneddol, yn arbennig mewn Llywodraeth Leol ac mewn rhai prifysgolion. Rwy'n deall iddo fod yn llwyddiannus, ond mae'r newid pwyslais, os ydym yn dymuno cyrraedd 1 miliwn o siaradwyr, yn golygu ei bod yn rhaid inni ddechrau canolbwyntio ar yr 80 y cant hynny nad ydyn nhw'n siarad Cymraeg. Fel arall, ni chyrhaeddwn ni fyth—ni chyrhaeddwn ni fyth. Felly, mae'n rhaid inni newid y pwyslais hwnnw.
Ni allwn wneud popeth. Dim ond cyllideb gyfyngedig sydd gennym, a dyna pam mae hi'n bwysig, yn fy marn i, y ceir dealltwriaeth mai dyna pam yr ydym ni'n gwneud hyn. Nid oes unrhyw golli momentwm, mewn gwirionedd. Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud yw ei wneud mewn ffyrdd gwahanol. Felly, er enghraifft, mae gennym y Cymraeg Byd Busnes newydd hwn. Rydym yn rhoi cefnogaeth, ac rydym wedi penodi 10 o bobl newydd i fynd o amgylch Cymru, i fynd i mewn i fusnesau bach a chanolig i ddweud, 'Pam na wnewch chi gynnig rhai gwasanaethau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg? Pam na wnewch chi'n siŵr fod eich cwsmeriaid yn ymwybodol bod gennych chi bobl sy'n siarad Cymraeg?' Y math o gymorth ymarferol, mewn gwirionedd, y mae pobl yn chwilio amdano—gwybodaeth am bwy sy'n gallu siarad Cymraeg.
Fyddech chi ddim yn credu'r peth. Roeddwn i gyda dau neu dri o bobl yn ddiweddar, ac roedden nhw wedi adnabod ei gilydd am bedair blynedd ac nid oedd ganddyn nhw syniad o gwbl eu bod i gyd yn siarad Cymraeg. Dim ond pan ddechreuais i siarad â nhw yn unigol y daethon nhw i wybod. Felly, dyna'r math o ddealltwriaeth ac amlygrwydd i'r iaith Gymraeg, nad yw'n ymwneud â gorfodi pobl. Mae'n ymwneud â gwneud yn siŵr ein bod yn newid yr awyrgylch a'r ffordd y mae pobl yn ymateb.
Mae Cymraeg Gwaith yn rhywbeth arall, a cheir llinell gymorth newydd, fel na fyddwn yn gweld y sefyllfa lle mae gennym ni'r cyfieithiadau ofnadwy hyn o'r Saesneg i'r Gymraeg. Nid oes unrhyw reswm pam y dylai hynny ddigwydd yn y dyfodol oherwydd bydd cefnogaeth ar gyfer hynny.
Bydd y cymhelliant hwn o £5,000 ar gyfer athrawon newydd, rwy'n gobeithio, ac nid i ddwyn pobl o'r sector Saesneg i'r sector Cymraeg. Y syniad yw annog athrawon newydd, ac yn sicr rydym ni angen hynny.
Ac, ar yr ochr ddigidol, rydym yn gobeithio bod y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yn gwneud llawer o waith i wneud yn siŵr mewn addysg bellach, er enghraifft—. Am y tro cyntaf, mae'r system addysg bellach yn cael ei dwyn i mewn i'r system. Yr hyn yr oeddem yn ei weld oedd gostyngiad mawr. Byddai rhai yn dod o ysgolion Cymraeg ac yn colli eu Cymraeg yn syth wrth fynd i'r colegau addysg bellach. Felly, rydym ni'n newid y system honno nawr, gan roi llawer mwy o gymorth i'r system addysg bellach. Mae hyn wedi digwydd yn y prifysgolion eisoes, ac rydym yn symud nawr at addysg bellach. Felly, gobeithio bod hynny yn ogystal â'r fframweithiau digidol sy'n digwydd yn y colegau a'r prifysgolion yn rhan o hynny hefyd.
Rwy'n croesawu'r datganiad gan y Gweinidog. Mae angen defnyddio'r iaith yn y gwaith, yn gymdeithasol, a gyda theulu. Pan fyddaf yn ymweld â Chaernarfon, Cymraeg yw iaith naturiol pobl mewn siopau, tafarndai ac ar y stryd. Fel y mae'r Gweinidog yn gwybod, cefais anhawster y llynedd i gael banc i dderbyn llythyr yn y Gymraeg. A yw'r Gweinidog yn cytuno bod angen mwy o gymunedau arnom fel Caernarfon? Sut y gallwn ni gyflawni hynny? Mae arnom angen mwy o gyrsiau prifysgol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Beth sy'n cael ei wneud i gyflawni hynny?
I welcome the Minister's statement. We need to use the Welsh language in the workplace, socially and within the family. When I visit Caernarfon, the Welsh language is the natural language of conversation in shops, pubs and on the street. As the Minister knows, I had some difficulty last year in getting a bank to accept a letter through the medium of Welsh. Does the Minister agree that we need more communities such as Caernarfon? How can we deliver that? We need more university courses provided through the medium of Welsh. What is being done to deliver that?
Diolch yn fawr, Mike. Mae dy Gymraeg di'n gwella pob munud, chwarae teg. Rwy'n falch eich bod chi wedi rhoi pwyslais ar bwysigrwydd defnyddio'r iaith. Dyna rŷch chi'n ei weld mewn cymunedau fel Caernarfon, wrth gwrs, a byddai'n dda gweld mwy o gymunedau fel Caernarfon. Y ffordd i sicrhau hynny, wrth gwrs, yw cynyddu nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg, a'r ffordd fwyaf hawdd i wneud hynny, wrth gwrs, yw drwy gynyddu'r nifer sy'n mynd i ysgolion Cymraeg. Dyna pam rydym yn pwysleisio'r cynnydd hwnnw rŷm ni eisiau ei weld mewn ysgolion Cymraeg, a dyna pam mae'r cynlluniau strategol hyn mor bwysig. Rŷm ni wedi gweld gwahaniaeth yn y safbwynt sy'n dod o lywodraeth leol tuag at y cynnydd yn nifer yr ysgolion y maen nhw'n barod i fuddsoddi ynddyn nhw o ran addysg Gymraeg.
Rŷch chi'n eithaf reit: mae pethau wedi newid eisoes mewn prifysgolion. Mae eisoes lot mwy o gyrsiau yr ydych yn gallu eu cymryd trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg achos ein bod ni wedi buddsoddi yn y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Rôl y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yw sicrhau bod mwy o gyrsiau ar gael. Fel rwyf eisoes wedi'i ddweud, fe fyddwn ni nawr yn symud ymlaen i weld os gallwn ni wneud yr un peth ym maes addysg bellach.
Thank you very much, Mike. Your Welsh is improving by the minute. I'm very pleased that you've emphasised the importance of using the language. That's what you see in communities such as Caernarfon, of course, and it would be great to see more communities like Caernarfon. The way to ensure this, of course, is to increase the number of Welsh speakers, and the easiest way to do that, of course, is by increasing the number who go to Welsh-medium schools. That's why we are emphasising this increase that we want to see in Welsh-medium schools, and that's why these strategic plans are so important. We have seen a difference in the stance of local government towards an increase in the number of schools that they are willing to invest in with regard to the Welsh language and Welsh-medium education.
You're entirely correct: things have already changed in universities. There are far more courses that you can take through the medium of Welsh because we have invested in the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. That's the role of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, namely to ensure that there are more courses available. But, as I've already said, we'll now be moving forward to see whether we can do the same thing with regard to further education.
Weinidog, beth ydych chi'n gallu ei ddweud heddiw am ardaloedd fel Dwyrain Casnewydd, lle mae'r iaith Gymraeg yn eithaf gwan? Pa gamau fydd y Llywodraeth yn eu cymryd i ddelio â'r materion hyn, yn enwedig yn Nwyrain Casnewydd ac ardaloedd tebyg yng Nghymru, i gefnogi'r iaith a'i gwneud yn fwy cryf yn y dyfodol?
Minister, what can you say today about areas such as Newport East where the Welsh language is relatively weak? What steps will the Government take in order to deal with these issues, particularly in Newport East and similar areas across Wales, in order to support the Welsh language and to strengthen it for the future?
Diolch yn fawr, John. Rwy'n gwybod bod eich cefnogaeth chi tuag at y Gymraeg yn frwd, ac rwy'n gwybod bod yna grŵp y tu fewn i Gasnewydd sydd yn ymgyrchu'n frwd i sicrhau bod mwy o gyfleoedd gan blant, yn sicr, i gael mynediad at addysg Gymraeg. Rwyf wedi bod yn ymweld â'r ysgol ragorol yn eich etholaeth chi yng Nghasnewydd, lle mae cymaint o bobl o ardal ddifreintiedig yn cael addysg arbennig drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Mae’r galw yna yn dod o’r gymdeithas. Mae Casnewydd yn un o’r ardaloedd hynny lle yr ŷm ni’n aros i weld a fydd llywodraeth leol yn barod i symud tamaid bach ymhellach ynglŷn â’i nod hi a’i ffordd hi o ddarparu addysg Gymraeg. Felly, rŷm ni’n aros i gael mwy o syniadau yn ôl oddi wrth lywodraeth leol yng Nghasnewydd.
Ond rydw i yn meddwl beth sy’n bwysig yw bod pobl yn deall nawr bod y strategaeth yma yn golygu nad ydym ni’n aros am i’r galw ddod o’r boblogaeth, ond ein bod ni’n arwain y galw, a dyna’r gwahaniaeth mawr y byddwn ni’n ei weld yn y dyfodol. Felly, rydw i yn meddwl ei bod yn bwysig hefyd ein bod ni yn rhoi help llaw i bobl, er enghraifft ym myd busnes, yn y siopau. Lle rŷm ni’n ymwybodol bod pobl yn siarad Cymraeg, cawn ni sicrhau ein bod ni’n gwybod pwy ydyn nhw a bod yna gyfle i bobl ddefnyddio’r iaith unwaith eu bod yn dod mas o’r ysgol.
Thank you very much, John. I know that your support for the Welsh language is very enthusiastic, and I know that there is a group in Newport that is campaigning to ensure that there are more opportunities for children in particular to have access to Welsh-medium education. I have visited the excellent school in your constituency in Newport, where so many people from a deprived area receive an excellent education through the medium of Welsh. That demand is there and it's coming from society. Newport is one of those areas where we are waiting to see whether local government will be willing to move a little bit further ahead with regard to their aims and their ways of providing Welsh medium education. So, we're waiting for more ideas from local government in Newport.
But I do think that what's important is that people understand now that this strategy means that we are not waiting for the demand to come from the population, but that we're leading the demand, and that's the major difference that we'll be seeing in future. So, I do also think that it's important that we do give a helping hand to people, such as in the world of business, in the shops. Where we are aware that people do speak Welsh, it's important that we know who they are and that there is an opportunity then for people to use the Welsh language when they leave school.
Thank you.
Item 6 on our agenda is a statement by the leader of the house on the update on the Better Jobs Closer to Home programme, and I call the leader of the house, Julie James.
Eitem 6 ar ein hagenda yw datganiad gan arweinydd y tŷ ar y newyddion diweddaraf ynghylch y rhaglen Swyddi Gwell yn Nes at Adref, a galwaf ar arweinydd y tŷ, Julie James.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer.
When the First Minister formed this Welsh Government in May 2016, he made it clear that one of our central priorities as an administration would be to create better jobs closer to home. It was an instruction to all Ministers, across the Government, to spread opportunity across all parts of Wales and to use every devolved lever at our disposal to creatively support that ambition. That meant working in new ways, across ministerial portfolios and breaking down traditional Government silos to create meaningful job opportunities where the market was failing to do so. One of the most important responsibilities I was given at that time was to make further progress with a novel idea brought to us by the Wales Trades Union Congress to utilise the spending power of public procurement and, through the use of reserved contracts, use that lever to create jobs in areas of high employment need. The idea was a simple one, that, as well as providing new job opportunities for individuals who needed them, we could also put around those opportunities individualised packages of support and focus on the specific barriers that prevented them getting into work and then on into better paid work.
In many ways, the idea is not new. We have, across parties, talked many times about the potential of using the routine spending power of Government in this way. The challenge, as ever, is practically how to make that work on the ground. State-aid rules, procurement guidelines, contract law, European regulations and a whole suite of other practical barriers often stood in the way of turning what is a good idea into practical change in our communities. So, working with a talented and innovative team of officials in Welsh Government, together with social partners in the trade union movement and in industry, we have, over the last two years, been developing a series of pilot programmes that could help us overcome many of these practical problems and to test, through a small number of monitored commercial programmes in the Valleys taskforce area, a series of different models for how interventions of this kind could be taken forward.
The results of that work is what I present for Members here today: four pilots that we are now taking forward that, whilst on their own represent only a small fraction of the Welsh Government’s £6 billion annual procurement budget and total £15 billion overall budget, could, I believe, present us with an exciting lesson for how to harness the power of Government spending in future to usefully create more and better jobs closer to home.
The first of these pilots is working towards a specialist garment manufacturing hub. Working in partnership with the social sector, we will appoint a social enterprise to operate a manufacturing unit in Ebbw Vale making high-end, specialist garments. One example of the type of product this unit might look to produce would be outdoor protective work wear, using breathable and abrasion resistant textiles for use in industries such as road working. The manufacturing unit will operate as an intermediate labour market, centred on people, and, with the aim of increasing long-term employability in the surrounding area, supporting those with aspirations to enter, remain and progress in employment. The benefits of this approach are the reinvestment of profits back into the business or the local community, so that, when the business profits, society profits.
Barriers to employment have been considered, including how they can be overcome as a part of this pilot. The available factory unit location, for example, is situated within five minutes' walking distance of both bus and train links.
We have established a strong working relationship with the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone so that early indication of longer term employment opportunities can be fed through to people within the locality.
I am pleased to report that the appointment of a social partner is expected to be completed over the summer, and I expect the factory to be operational by autumn of this year. The initial intention is to employ 25 people, with the specification focusing on their progression to longer-term sustainable employment through training and on-the-ground industry working experiences.
We are working hard to develop further opportunities for this company to become a valued supplier within the public and private sectors and to increase its employment numbers. Where we can, we are using those levers that are available to use to assist this, for example from public sector contracts such as Transport for Wales—just one indicator of our commitment as Welsh Government to the pilots through our own contracting mechanisms.
The second pilot involves a unit producing traffic and commercial signage such as highway signs, street nameplates, safety signs and hoarding boards. This is an existing social enterprise that employs people with disabilities, and the aim is to increase the hours of work for the current workforce. The hours of work will be increased as a result of my Better Jobs team brokering discussions between the unit and supply chains across Wales to place orders with them. The discussions are mainly with first-tier contractors who receive public sector orders to complete works, rather than with buyers within the public sector. These suppliers are purposely targeted to trigger the social and community benefit terms and conditions embedded within public sector contracts and frameworks in line with our public procurement policy.
I am pleased that extra demand for this pilot’s products has already resulted in orders placed with the factory with two local authority main contractors, with the local authorities supporting my officials in these discussions, which I am grateful for. I'm also pleased to notify Assembly Members that Transport for Wales has stipulated the use of this factory for their signage requirements once the appointed operator enters the mobilisation stage of the new train operator contract. These orders are welcomed; however, to ensure financial stability within this organisation, shorter-term orders are also being explored by officials, and these include the Welsh Government administration estate contractor, the South Wales Trunk Road Agency and the Assembly Commission itself.
Re-engineered paint provides the business niche for the third pilot. My Better Jobs team is establishing a special purpose vehicle to re-engineer waste paint collected from local authority waste sites across Wales. This will bring together the patent owner for the re-engineering process and a local social enterprise to replicate their operation, which is currently based in Birmingham. They will operate the same process from the Bryn Pica eco park within Rhondda Cynon Taf council’s boundaries. This means that waste paint from Wales can be collected, re-engineered and re-used in Wales. This is aligned with our decarbonisation agenda—every litre of re-engineered paint will reduce embodied carbon in this product by 1.3 kg.
Early planning on the pathway to employment is under way, and the host organisation will be a social enterprise based in Merthyr Tydfil. My officials are also working with the Cardiff capital region skills partnership, who have highlighted a shortage of painter and decorator trades in their region.
Finally, the fourth of our pilot projects focuses on recycled paper. It is based on an existing social enterprise that employs disabled, homeless and previously long-term unemployed people and operates as an intermediate labour market. The company collects, sorts and shreds waste paper but needs more tonnage of paper to increase the opportunities for employment within the operation and to become financially self-sustaining. The team continues to work across the public sector raising awareness of this organisation and its services. I am very pleased that the team has already gained a commitment from a local authority to provide the company with more waste paper, which is an early success for this pilot.
Deputy Presiding Officer, I conclude with noting that each of the pilots has a different intervention mechanism, and all are placed within the Valleys taskforce area. This is purposely planned so that we have a tested range of commercial interventions in areas of high joblessness first, and that this test-bed of opportunity can be measured for its success, and, potentially, be replicated elsewhere in Wales.
I will happily keep Members updated on progress, and look forward to sharing the success of the pilots with you as they come to fruition. Diolch yn fawr.
Diolch i chi, Dirprwy Lywydd.
Pan ffurfiodd y Prif Weinidog y Llywodraeth Cymru hon ym mis Mai 2016, fe'i gwnaeth yn glir mai un o flaenoriaethau canolog y weinyddiaeth fyddai creu swyddi gwell yn nes at adref. Roedd yn gyfarwyddyd i'r holl Weinidogion, ar draws y Llywodraeth, i ledaenu cyfleoedd ledled Cymru gyfan ac i ddefnyddio pob dull o ddylanwadu datganoledig a oedd ar gael i gefnogi'n greadigol yr uchelgais honno. Roedd hynny'n golygu gweithio mewn ffyrdd newydd, ar draws portffolios Gweinidogol a chwalu seilos traddodiadol Llywodraeth i greu cyfleoedd swyddi arwyddocaol pan nad oedd y farchnad yn gallu gwneud hynny. Un o'r cyfrifoldebau pwysicaf a roddwyd i mi ar yr adeg honno oedd cynyddu ymhellach y syniad newydd a gawsom gan Gyngres Undebau Llafur Cymru i ddefnyddio pŵer gwario caffael cyhoeddus, a thrwy ddefnyddio contractau neilltuedig, defnyddio'r dull hwnnw o ddylanwadu i greu swyddi mewn ardaloedd lle mae'r angen am gyflogaeth yn uchel. Roedd y syniad yn un syml. Yn ogystal â darparu cyfleoedd gwaith newydd i unigolion oedd eu hangen nhw, gallem hefyd ychwanegu pecynnau cymorth unigol i gyd-fynd â'r cyfleoedd a chanolbwyntio ar y rhwystrau penodol sy'n eu hatal rhag cael gwaith a symud ymlaen i swyddi sy'n talu'n well.
Mewn nifer o ffyrdd, nid yw'r syniad yn newydd. Rydym wedi sôn sawl gwaith, ar draws y pleidiau, am y posibilrwydd o ddefnyddio pŵer gwario arferol y Llywodraeth yn y modd hwn. Yr her, fel erioed, yw sut i wneud hwnnw weithio'n ymarferol ar lawr gwlad. Roedd rheolau cymorth gwladwriaethol, canllawiau caffael, cyfraith contract, rheoliadau Ewropeaidd a chyfres o rwystrau ymarferol eraill yn aml yn ei gwneud hi'n anodd troi syniad da yn newid ymarferol yn ein cymunedau. Felly, gan weithio gyda thîm dawnus ac arloesol o swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru, ynghyd â phartneriaid cymdeithasol ym mudiad yr undebau llafur ac mewn diwydiant, dros y ddwy flynedd diwethaf, rydym wedi bod yn datblygu cyfres o raglenni arbrofol a allai ein helpu i ddatrys llawer o'r problemau ymarferol hyn a phrofi, drwy nifer fechan o raglenni masnachol wedi eu monitro yn ardal tasglu'r Cymoedd, cyfres o wahanol fodelau i weld sut y gellid datblygu ymyraethau o'r fath.
Canlyniadau'r gwaith hwnnw yw'r hyn a gyflwynaf i'r Aelodau yma heddiw. Rydym yn bwrw ymlaen â phedwar prosiect arbrofol. Er nad ydynt, ar eu pennau eu hunain, ond yn cynrychioli dim ond cyfran fechan o gyllideb caffael flynyddol Llywodraeth Cymru o £6 biliwn ac o gyfanswm y gyllideb gyffredinol o £15 biliwn, rwy'n credu y gallent gyflwyno gwersi cyffrous ynglŷn â sut i ddefnyddio pŵer gwario'r Llywodraeth yn y dyfodol mewn modd defnyddiol i greu mwy o swyddi a rhai gwell yn nes at adref.
Mae'r cyntaf o'r cynlluniau arbrofol hyn yn ceisio datblygu canolfan i weithgynhyrchu dillad arbenigol. Gan weithio mewn partneriaeth â'r sector cymdeithasol, byddwn yn penodi menter gymdeithasol i weithredu uned weithgynhyrchu yng Nglynebwy gan gynhyrchu dillad arbenigol ar gyfer pen ucha'r farchnad. Un enghraifft o'r math o gynnyrch y gallai'r uned hon ei gynhyrchu yw dillad gwaith diogelu awyr agored, gan ddefnyddio tecstilau sy'n gallu anadlu a gwrthsefyll crafiadau, ar gyfer eu defnyddio mewn diwydiannau megis gwaith ffordd. Bydd yr uned weithgynhyrchu yn gweithredu fel marchnad lafur drosiannol sy'n canolbwyntio ar bobl, gyda'r nod o gynyddu cyflogadwyedd hirdymor yn yr ardal gyfagos, a chefnogi'r rhai hynny sy'n dyheu am gael gwaith, ac aros mewn gwaith a datblygu. Manteision y dull hwn o weithredu yw'r gallu i ailfuddsoddi elw yn y busnes neu yn y gymuned leol, i sicrhau pan fydd busnes yn elwa bod y gymdeithas yn elwa hefyd.
Ystyriwyd y rhwystrau i gyflogaeth, gan gynnwys sut y gellir eu goresgyn drwy'r cynllun arbrofol hwn. Mae lleoliad yr uned ffatri sydd ar gael, er enghraifft, rhyw bum munud ar droed o'r cysylltiadau bysiau a threnau.
Rydym wedi sefydlu perthynas waith gref gydag ardal fenter Glynebwy fel y gellir rhoi gwybodaeth yn gynnar i bobl leol am unrhyw gyfleoedd cyflogaeth tymor hir.
Rwyf yn falch o adrodd y disgwylir cwblhau'r broses o benodi partneriaid cymdeithasol yn ystod yr haf, ac rwy'n disgwyl i'r ffatri fod yn weithredol erbyn hydref eleni. Y bwriad cychwynnol yw cyflogi 25 o bobl, gan ddisgwyl iddyn nhw symud ymlaen i gyflogaeth gynaliadwy tymor hwy drwy hyfforddiant a phrofiadau ymarferol yn y gweithle.
Rydym yn gweithio'n galed i ddatblygu cyfleoedd pellach er mwyn i'r cwmni hwn fod yn gyflenwr gwerthfawr o fewn y sectorau cyhoeddus a'r sectorau preifat a chynyddu nifer ei weithwyr. Pan allwn ni, fe fyddwn yn defnyddio'r dulliau dylanwadu hynny sydd ar gael i gynorthwyo yn hyn o beth, er enghraifft drwy gontractau'r sector cyhoeddus megis Trafnidiaeth Cymru — un arwydd yn unig o'n hymrwymiad fel Llywodraeth Cymru i'r cynlluniau arbrofol wrth inni ddefnyddio ein systemau contractio ein hunain.
Mae'r ail brosiect arbrofol yn cynnwys uned sy'n cynhyrchu arwyddion traffig ac arwyddion masnachol megis arwyddion priffyrdd, enwau strydoedd, arwyddion diogelwch a byrddau hysbysu. Mae hon yn fenter gymdeithasol sy'n bodoli eisoes ac sy'n cyflogi pobl ag anableddau, a'r nod yw cynyddu oriau gwaith y gweithlu presennol. Bydd yr oriau gwaith yn cynyddu o ganlyniad i drafodaethau, a gafodd eu trefnu gan fy nhîm Swyddi Gwell, rhwng yr uned a chadwynau cyflenwi ledled Cymru gyda'r nod o archebu oddi wrthynt. Mae'r trafodaethau yn bennaf gyda chontractwyr haen gyntaf sy'n cael archebion gan y sector cyhoeddus i gwblhau gwaith, yn hytrach na chan brynwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus. Targedir y cyflenwyr hyn yn fwriadol i sbarduno telerau ac amodau budd cymdeithasol a chymunedol sy'n rhan annatod o gontractau a fframweithiau'r sector cyhoeddus yn unol â'n polisi caffael cyhoeddus.
Rwyf yn falch fod y galw ychwanegol am gynhyrchion y prosiect arbrofol hwn eisoes wedi arwain at archebion o'r ffatri gan brif gontractwyr awdurdod lleol, gyda'r awdurdodau lleol yn cefnogi fy swyddogion yn y trafodaethau hyn, ac rwyf yn ddiolchgar am hyn. Rwyf hefyd yn falch o hysbysu Aelodau'r Cynulliad fod Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedi mynnu bod y ffatri hon yn cael ei defnyddio ar gyfer ei gofynion o ran arwyddion pan fydd y gweithredwr penodedig yn cyrraedd cyfnod teithiol y contract gweithredwr trên newydd. Mae'r archebion hyn i'w croesawu; fodd bynnag, i sicrhau sefydlogrwydd ariannol yn y sefydliad hwn, mae swyddogion yn ymchwilio i archebion tymor byrrach hefyd, ac mae'r rhain yn cynnwys contractwr ystâd gweinyddiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, Asiantaeth Cefnffyrdd De Cymru a Chomisiwn y Cynulliad ei hun.
Paent wedi'i ail-beiriannu yw'r agwedd arbenigol ar fusnes y trydydd prosiect arbrofol. Mae fy nhîm Gwell Swyddi yn sefydlu cerbyd dibenion arbennig i ail-beiriannu paent gwastraff a gesglir o safleoedd gwastraff awdurdodau lleol ledled Cymru. Bydd hyn yn dwyn ynghyd perchennog y patent ar gyfer y broses o ail-beiriannu a menter gymdeithasol leol i atgynhyrchu eu gwaith, sydd wedi ei leoli ym Mirmingham ar hyn o bryd. Byddan nhw'n gweithredu'r un broses o barc eco Bryn Pica o fewn ffiniau Cyngor Rhondda Cynon Taf. Mae hyn yn golygu y gellir casglu paent gwastraff o Gymru, ei ail-beiriannu a'i ailddefnyddio yng Nghymru. Mae hyn yn cyd-fynd â'n hagenda datgarboneiddio — bydd pob litr o baent sydd yn cael ei ail-beiriannu yn cynnwys 1.3kg yn llai o garbon wedi ei ymgorffori yn y cynnyrch hwn.
Mae cynllunio cynnar ar y llwybr i gyflogaeth yn mynd rhagddo, a menter gymdeithasol wedi ei lleoli ym Merthyr Tudful fydd y sefydliad sy'n lletya. Mae fy swyddogion hefyd yn gweithio gyda phartneriaeth sgiliau Prifddinas-Ranbarth Caerdydd, sydd wedi amlygu prinder busnesau paentio ac addurno yn y rhanbarth.
Yn olaf, mae ein pedwerydd prosiect arbrofol yn canolbwyntio ar ailgylchu papur. Mae'n seiliedig ar fenter gymdeithasol sy'n bodoli eisoes ac sy'n cyflogi pobl anabl, y digartref a'r rhai sydd wedi bod yn ddi-waith am dymor hir. Mae'n gweithredu fel marchnad lafur drosiannol. Mae'r cwmni'n casglu, trefnu a rhwygo papur gwastraff ond mae angen tunelli yn fwy o bapur i gynyddu cyfleoedd cyflogaeth o fewn y sefydliad ac er mwyn iddo fod yn hunangynhaliol yn ariannol. Mae'r tîm yn parhau i weithio ar draws y sector cyhoeddus i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r sefydliad hwn a'i wasanaethau. Rwy'n falch iawn fod y tîm eisoes wedi cael ymrwymiad gan awdurdod lleol i ddarparu mwy o bapur gwastraff i'r cwmni; mae hyn yn llwyddiant cynnar i'r cynllun arbrofol hwn.
Dirprwy Lywydd, yr wyf am gloi drwy nodi bod gan bob un o'r cynlluniau arbrofol wahanol fecanwaith ymyrraeth, a gosodwyd pob un o fewn ardal tasglu'r Cymoedd. Cynllunnir hyn yn fwriadol er mwyn inni gael amrywiaeth profedig o ymyraethau masnachol mewn ardaloedd o ddiweithdra uchel yn gyntaf, ac y gellir mesur llwyddiant y safle arbrofi cyfleoedd hwn ac, o bosibl, ei ailadrodd mewn mannau eraill yng Nghymru.
Byddwn yn hapus i hysbysu'r Aelodau am unrhyw gynnydd, ac edrychaf ymlaen at rannu llwyddiant y cynlluniau arbrofol gyda chi wrth iddynt ddwyn ffrwyth. Diolch yn fawr.
It is a matter of concern, particularly for Welsh Government, that, after 19 years of devolution, Joseph Rowntree Foundation's 'Poverty in Wales 2018' report found that the proportion of households living in income poverty in Wales remains higher than England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, and that poverty among couples with children has been rising since 2003.
Throughout the second, third and fourth Assemblies I routinely called on your predecessors to tackle the causes of disadvantage, poverty and deprivation, not simply treat the symptoms. I therefore welcome the recognition in your statement that practical change in communities needs to focus on the specific barriers that prevent individuals getting into work and then on to better paid work. Some of your predecessors didn't quite articulate that or acknowledge that in the same way.
However, as somebody who proudly previously worked in the non-profit mutual or social enterprise sector for more than two decades, I also recognise that they're not a golden bullet, that they can be run inefficiently, they can lose money, they can go bust, they can make people unemployed, as can a for-profit body and even sometimes public sector bodies—although, generally, they're not allowed to fail in the same way.
Given that, with Communities First, when the Wales Audit Office looked at Communities First in 2009, it produced a report identifying corporate governance failings in financial controls, HR controls and audit trails, what corporate governance checks and balances are you putting in place so the foundations are right, thereby maximising the chances for these social enterprises, often fledgling social enterprises, to rise and hopefully fly with their employees on board?
You talk about working with a talented and innovative team of officials in Welsh Government and social partners in trade union movements and industry. Given that the Wales Co-operative Centre is the body funded by Welsh Government to support the establishment and management of social enterprises, what involvement have you had with them, and also with the wider third sector, given the work that the Wales Council for Voluntary Action has done on successors to Communities First models in the future, community anchor organisations and so on, and also the work currently being done across Wales by the growing co-production network exactly in these sorts of areas?
How do you respond to the Bevan Foundation statement, following the ending of Communities First, that the programme
'did not reduce the headline rates of poverty in the vast majority of communities, still less
in Wales as a whole'
and that therefore a new programme
'should be co-produced by communities and professionals and not be directed top-down',
based on
'A clear theory of change that builds on people’s and community’s assets not their deficits'
and that
'local action should be led by established, community-based organisations which have a strong track-record of delivery and which have significant community engagement'?
They also said that if people feel that policies are imposed on them, the policies don't work. So, how can you assure the Assembly and others outside that, in addition to the initiatives you describe in your statement, you're embracing those approaches to ensure that we don't repeat the mistakes of the past?
I'll conclude by referring to an event I hosted in April here with the Bevan Foundation and Big Issue Cymru on prevention and inclusion, when I sat beside and introduced the founder of The Big Issue, Lord John Bird. How do you respond, perhaps, to his statement, quote, 'Too much time is spent analysing poverty, not enough on dismantling it, too much making people a little bit more comfortable being poor, too little bringing the poor into the equation' and, he said, 'We need to get poor people'—his words—'to change the way they think about poverty, to open up so they can encounter the problems around them, turning social security into social opportunity', and, finally, to his comment that 80 per cent of social intervention money is spent on emergency and coping, but almost nothing on cure, and that when considering social spending we must therefore always ask whether the social pound is prevention money?
Mae'n fater sy'n peri pryder, yn enwedig i Lywodraeth Cymru, fod adroddiad Sefydliad Joseph Rowntree 'Tlodi yng Nghymru 2018' ar ôl 19 mlynedd o ddatganoli, wedi canfod fod cyfran y teuluoedd sy'n byw mewn tlodi incwm yng Nghymru yn parhau i fod yn uwch nag yn Lloegr, Yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon, a bod tlodi ymhlith parau sydd â phlant wedi bod ar gynnydd ers 2003.
Drwy gydol yr ail, y trydydd a'r pedwerydd Cynulliad galwais yn rheolaidd ar eich rhagflaenwyr i fynd i'r afael ag achosion o anfantais, tlodi ac amddifadedd, ac nid dim ond trin y symptomau. Felly, croesawaf y gydnabyddiaeth yn eich datganiad fod angen i'r newid ymarferol mewn cymdeithas ganolbwyntio ar y rhwystrau penodol sy'n atal unigolion rhag cael gwaith a symud ymlaen i waith â chyflog gwell. Ni fynegodd rhai o'ch rhagflaenwyr hynny na chydnabod hynny yn yr un modd.
Fodd bynnag, fel un a oedd yn falch o fod wedi gweithio yn y sector cydfuddiannol di-elw neu fenter gymdeithasol am ddau ddegawd a mwy, rwyf hefyd yn cydnabod nad ydynt yn fwledi arian, ac y gellir eu rhedeg yn aneffeithlon, gallant golli arian, gall yr hwch fynd drwy'r siop. Maen nhw'n gallu gwneud pobl yn ddi-waith, fel y gall corff sydd er elw hefyd, a weithiau hyd yn oed cyrff y sector cyhoeddus—er, yn gyffredinol, ni chaniateir i'r rheini fethu yn yr un modd.
O gofio, gyda Cymunedau yn Gyntaf, pan edrychodd Swyddfa Archwilio Cymru ar Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yn 2009, ei fod wedi cynhyrchu adroddiad yn nodi methiannau llywodraethu corfforaethol wrth reoli arian, rheoli adnoddau dynol a thrywydd archwilio, pa rwystrau a gwrthbwysau llywodraethu corfforaethol ydych chi'n eu rhoi ar waith fel bod y sylfeini'n iawn, er mwyn rhoi'r cyfleoedd gorau posibl i'r mentrau cymdeithasol hyn, sy'n aml yn fentrau cymdeithasol newydd, i gychwyn a llwyddo gan sicrhau hynny i'w cyflogeion hefyd.
Rydych chi'n sôn am weithio gyda thîm talentog ac arloesol o swyddogion Llywodraeth Cymru a phartneriaid cymdeithasol mewn mudiadau undebau llafur a diwydiant. O gofio mai Canolfan Cydweithredol Cymru yw'r corff a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi sefydlu a rheoli mentrau cymdeithasol, pa gysylltiad gawsoch chi gyda nhw, a hefyd gyda'r trydydd sector ehangach, o ystyried y gwaith a wnaeth Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru ar olynwyr modelau Cymunedau yn Gyntaf yn y dyfodol, cyrff angori cymunedol ac ati, a hefyd y gwaith a wneir ar hyn o bryd ledled Cymru gan y rhwydwaith cyd-gynhyrchu sydd yn cynyddu yn union y math hyn o ardaloedd?
Sut ydych chi'n ymateb i ddatganiad Sefydliad Bevan, a gafwyd ar ôl i Gymunedau yn Gyntaf ddod i ben, sef:
Na wnaeth y rhaglen leihau'r prif gyfraddau tlodi yn y rhan fwyaf o gymunedau, a llai yng Nghymru gyfan
ac felly y dylai rhaglen newydd
gael ei chyd-gynhyrchu gan gymunedau a gweithwyr proffesiynol; ac na ddylai gael ei chyfarwyddo o'r brig i lawr',
yn seiliedig ar:
theori glir o newid sydd yn adeiladu ar asedau'r gymuned ac asedau'r bobl yn hytrach nag ar eu diffygion
a dylai:
gweithredu lleol gael ei arwain gan gyrff yn y gymuned sydd wedi eu sefydlu ac sydd â hanes cryf o gyflawni ac sydd wedi hen ymgysylltu â'r gymuned'?
Dywedodd hefyd, os yw pobl yn teimlo bod polisïau yn cael eu gorfodi arnynt, nid yw'r polisïau’n gweithio. Felly, sut y gallwch chi sicrhau'r Cynulliad ac eraill y tu allan, yn ogystal â'r mentrau a ddisgrifiwyd gennych yn eich datganiad, eich bod yn manteisio ar y dulliau hynny i sicrhau nad ydym ni'n ailadrodd camgymeriadau'r gorffennol?
Rwyf am gloi drwy gyfeirio at ddigwyddiad a lywyddais yma ym mis Ebrill gyda Sefydliad Bevan a Big Issue Cymru i drafod atal a chynhwysiant pryd yr eisteddais wrth ochr sylfaenydd The Big Issue, Arglwydd John Bird a'i gyflwyno. Sut ydych chi'n ymateb i'w ddatganiad tybed, a dyfynnaf, 'Mae gormod o amser yn cael ei dreulio yn dadansoddi tlodi, a dim digon o amser i'w drechu, gormod o amser yn gwneud pobl deimlo ychydig yn fwy cysurus ynghylch eu tlodi, dim digon i sicrhau bod y tlawd yn cael eu hystyried' a dywedodd, 'Mae'n rhaid i ni wneud i bobl dlawd '—ei eiriau ef—'newid y ffordd y maen nhw'n meddwl am dlodi, i agor eu llygaid er mwyn iddyn nhw weld y problemau a all ddod i'w rhan, gan droi nawdd cymdeithasol yn gyfle cymdeithasol', ac, yn olaf, ei sylw bod 80 y cant o ymyraethau cymdeithasol yn cael ei wario ar achosion brys ac ymdopi, ond bron dim ar wellhad, ac wrth ystyried gwariant cymdeithasol bod rhaid inni felly bob amser, ofyn pa un ai arian atal yw'r bunt gymdeithasol?
Well, I know the Member is extremely well intentioned in what he's seeking to do, and I'm just going to run through what the aims of this project are, and they are to use Government procurement spend in a market intervention where the market has really failed to produce any kind of employment opportunities in areas of very high unemployment, particularly in the foundational economy for people who face multiple barriers to work. Of course, we want to do that as part of an anti-poverty programme, but these are very specific, targeted pilots in order to see if any of these vehicles can produce the kinds of sustained employment engines that we hope to see to allow people to climb out of poverty in well-paid work. Because we know—and I'm afraid the benefits system that the Conservative Government at the UK level is currently implementing is exacerbating this—that poorly paid work actually drives people into severe poverty and mental health. A lot of the people who live in poverty are actually in work, so it's not for us to be creating poor working conditions. The whole point of this TUC initiative is to get people into better jobs, closer to their homes, so that we tick off a large number of things that I'm sure every Member in this Chamber shares. So, these four different pilots are all specifically designed to test a model that allows us to divert Government spend or to use the leverage of Government spend in order to produce those results that I'm sure we all want.
Gwn fod yr Aelod yn llawn bwriadau da yn yr hyn mae'n ceisio ei wneud, ac rwyf am drafod nod y prosiect hwn, sef defnyddio gwariant caffael y Llywodraeth wrth ymyrryd yn y farchnad pan fo'r farchnad wedi methu'n ddirfawr i gynhyrchu unrhyw fath o gyfleoedd cyflogaeth mewn ardaloedd o ddiweithdra uchel iawn, yn enwedig gyda'r economi sylfaenol ar gyfer pobl sy'n wynebu nifer o rwystrau wrth iddyn nhw geisio cael gwaith. Wrth gwrs, rydym ni eisiau gwneud hynny yn rhan o raglen wrth-dlodi, ond mae'r rhain yn gynlluniau arbrofol penodol iawn sydd wedi eu targedu er mwyn gweld os oes unrhyw un o'r prosesau hyn yn gallu cynhyrchu'r mathau o systemau cyflogaeth barhaus y gobeithiwn eu gweld er mwyn galluogi pobl i gamu allan o dlodi a chamu i mewn i waith sy'n talu'n dda. Oherwydd gwyddom—ac mae arnaf ofn fod y system fudd-daliadau y mae'r Llywodraeth Geidwadol ar lefel y DU yn ei gweithredu ar hyn o bryd yn gwneud hyn yn waeth—mewn gwirionedd mae gwaith gyda chyflog isel yn gwneud pobl yn dlawd iawn ac yn effeithio ar eu hiechyd meddwl. Mewn gwirionedd mae llawer o bobl sy'n byw mewn tlodi yn gweithio, felly ni ddylem ni greu amodau gwaith gwael. Holl ddiben y fenter hon gan y TUC yw rhoi pobl mewn gwell swyddi sy'n nes at eu cartrefi, fel ein bod yn cyflawni nifer fawr o bethau ac rwyf yn sicr bod pob aelod yn y Siambr hon yn rhannu'r dyhead hwn. Felly, mae'r pedwar cynllun arbrofol gwahanol hyn wedi'u cynllunio'n benodol i brofi model sydd yn caniatáu i ni ddargyfeirio gwariant y Llywodraeth neu ddefnyddio dylanwad gwariant y Llywodraeth i gael y canlyniadau hynny yr wyf yn siŵr ein bod i gyd eisiau eu gweld.
The concept of Better Jobs Closer to Home is one that Plaid Cymru supports fully. The outward migration of young people from the Valleys to other parts of Wales and to the UK is a blight on our communities and this problem is not isolated to the Valleys, because as we see in our predominantly Welsh-speaking communities in the west and the north of Wales, outward migration due to lack of economic opportunities is having a negative effect on the Welsh language as well.
Public procurement has been a major economic tool at the Welsh Government's disposal for several years now, and in recent years at least, the percentage of Welsh purchasing in the public sector has fallen. Even purchasing made by the Welsh Government itself, which it claims is leading by example, has fallen from 44 per cent to 41 per cent since 2015-16. So, can the leader of the house outline how this scheme fits into the wider Welsh Government public procurement strategy, and how you are going to turn around these rather disappointing figures?
The leader of the house indicated in her statement that state aid rules and the EU public procurement regulations have been a barrier to implementing this scheme. State aid and public procurement are both policy areas that are set to return to Westminster following the agreement between the Welsh and Westminster Governments on the EU withdrawal Bill. So, could the leader of the house indicate how these new barriers will impact this scheme both now and in the future?
We've just received a statement on the future of rail in Wales. A Government's transport investment plans reveal its intentions with regard to wider economic policies and, in particular, where the labour force is likely to be concentrated. The franchise agreement with the private for-profit operator KeolisAmey will see both literally and figuratively all lines from the Valleys effectively leading to Cardiff. I agree that investment is needed in public transport links to Cardiff and, indeed, within Cardiff as well—much needed. However, as I understand it, the joining of the Merthyr and the Rhymney lines to create the so-called circle line of the Valleys won't be included in the south Wales metro, which is in direct contradiction to your ambitions for creating better jobs closer to home. So, therefore, can the leader of the house please explain how the Welsh Government's wider transport policies are supporting your ambitions of creating better jobs closer to home?
Mae'r cysyniad Gwell Swyddi yn Nes at Adref yn un y mae Plaid Cymru yn ei gefnogi'n llwyr. Mae allfudiad pobl ifanc o'r cymoedd i rannau eraill o Gymru a'r DU yn aflwydd ar ein cymunedau ac nid yw'r broblem hon wedi ei chyfyngu i'r cymoedd, oherwydd fel y gwelwn yn ein cymunedau Cymraeg yn y gorllewin ac yn y gogledd, mae allfudo oherwydd diffyg cyfleoedd economaidd yn cael effaith negyddol ar y Gymraeg hefyd.
Mae caffael cyhoeddus wedi bod yn adnodd economaidd pwysig sydd ar gael i Lywodraeth Cymru ers sawl blwyddyn bellach, ac yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf o leiaf, mae canran y prynu yn y sector cyhoeddus yng Nghymru wedi gostwng. Mae hyd yn oed y prynu a wneir gan Lywodraeth Cymru ei hun, sy'n honni ei bod yn arwain drwy esiampl, wedi gostwng o 44 y cant i 41 y cant ers 2015-16. Felly, a all arweinydd y tŷ amlinellu sut y mae'r cynllun hwn yn gweddu i strategaeth caffael cyhoeddus ehangach Llywodraeth Cymru, a sut ydych chi'n mynd i wrthdroi'r ffigurau siomedig hyn?
Nododd arweinydd y tŷ yn ei datganiad bod rheolau cymorth gwladwriaethol a rheoliadau caffael cyhoeddus yr UE wedi bod yn rhwystr rhag gweithredu'r cynllun hwn. Mae cymorth gwladwriaethol a chaffael cyhoeddus yn ddau faes polisi a fydd yn dychwelyd i San Steffan yn dilyn y cytundeb rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Llywodraeth San Steffan ynghylch y Bil ymadael â'r UE. Felly, a all arweinydd y tŷ nodi sut y bydd y rhwystrau newydd hyn yn effeithio ar y cynllun hwn yn awr ac yn y dyfodol?
Rydym newydd gael datganiad ar ddyfodol y rheilffyrdd yng Nghymru. Mae cynlluniau buddsoddi mewn trafnidiaeth Llywodraeth yn amlygu ei bwriadau o ran polisïau economaidd ehangach ac, yn arbennig, lle bydd mwyafrif y llafurlu wedi ei leoli. Canlyniad y cytundeb masnachfraint gyda'r gweithredwr preifat er elw KeolisAmey yw y bydd yr holl reilffyrdd a ddaw o'r cymoedd yn ffigurol ac yn llythrennol yn arwain i Gaerdydd. Rwyf yn cytuno bod angen buddsoddi mewn cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i Gaerdydd ac, yn wir, o fewn Caerdydd ei hun hefyd—angen mawr. Fodd bynnag, yn ôl yr hyn a ddeallaf, ni fydd uno rheilffyrdd Merthyr a Rhymni i greu rheilffordd gylch y cymoedd fel y'i gelwir yn cael ei gynnwys ym metro de Cymru, sydd yn gwbl groes i'ch uchelgais ar gyfer creu swyddi gwell yn nes at adref. Felly, a all arweinydd y tŷ egluro sut y mae polisïau trafnidiaeth ehangach Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi eich uchelgais i greu swyddi gwell yn nes at adref?
Well, I'm glad that Leanne Wood started by saying she supports the initiative Better Jobs Closer to Home, and I wasn't entirely sure from the rest of her contribution quite how she supported it.
On the procurement strategy, I did not say it was a barrier; I said there were a number of things that we had to take into account when constructing a scheme that allowed the Welsh Government to use its procurement spend and its procurement levers to establish a market intervention in order to create employment for people who were experiencing serious employment barriers in areas of high unemployment. I completely agree with you that there are areas of high unemployment scattered around Wales, and that there are a large number of communities who have different barriers and different issues. What we are doing here is trialling four different pilot projects of different ways of intervening in the market, so that we can use them as genuine pilots to see whether they work, and to see whether they're scalable, or to see, for example, whether they're very specific place-based things, because there are some communities that would have a particular preponderance of skill and residual community feeling for a particular area, for example. One of these is the scheme in Merthyr that already exists, and we're hoping to get it to be a much larger enterprise using our leverage.
So, I didn't say that the rules were a barrier. I think the characterisation of what's going to happen as a result of where we are with the withdrawal Bill is not one I share at all. I really don't think a race to the bottom without any rules across the UK for how we would do state intervention in local industry, or how we would have procurement spending rules so that we didn't all start to compete each town with the other, each village with the other, would be a sustainable position. I'm sure the leader of Plaid Cymru doesn't really maintain that that's a situation that any of us could have. It's obviously in all of our interests to have a set of rules that allow us to support our local population and to get economic prosperity, whilst not indulging in a race to the bottom or a race to the top of the amount of money you have to offer every employer to come to your locality, and I'm sure she didn't mean to suggest that.
In terms of the transport system, of course we have looked very closely to see what the transport links for all of these hubs are, because a large number of the problems of, for example, the higher Valleys, are to do with the speed of transport links to employment hubs. But this isn't really about transport links; this is about getting the jobs in the place where the people already live, and especially for those with multiple barriers like people with caring responsibilities, who are mostly women, or people who have been economically inactive for some time. Any kind of transport cost or barrier can be a real issue. So, these are centred around trying to get local employment for local people. I'm very pleased with the pilots and I hope very much that I can come back and tell people a really good story this time next year when we've had a whole year to run, but if we can't tell that good story, at least we'll be able to transparently say what the issue was and how we might be able to rectify it using some of the levers at our disposal.
Rwyf yn falch bod Leanne Wood wedi dechrau drwy ddweud ei bod yn cefnogi'r fenter Gwell Swyddi yn Nes at Adref, ac nid oeddwn yn hollol sicr o glywed gweddill ei chyfraniad sut yr oedd hi yn cefnogi hynny.
O ran y strategaeth gaffael, ni ddywedais ei bod yn rhwystr; dywedais fod nifer o bethau yr oedd yn rhaid i ni eu hystyried wrth lunio cynllun sy'n caniatáu i Lywodraeth Cymru ddefnyddio ei gwariant caffael a'i dylanwad caffael i sefydlu ymyrraeth i'r farchnad er mwyn creu gwaith i bobl a oedd yn dod ar draws rhwystrau cyflogaeth difrifol mewn ardaloedd o ddiweithdra uchel. Cytunaf yn llwyr â chi y ceir ardaloedd o ddiweithdra uchel ledled Cymru, a bod nifer fawr o gymunedau sydd â rhwystrau gwahanol a phroblemau gwahanol. Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ei wneud yn y fan yma yw treialu pedwar prosiect gwahanol sy'n ymdrin â gwahanol ffyrdd o ymyrryd yn y farchnad, fel y gallwn eu defnyddio fel cynlluniau arbrofol gwirioneddol i weld pa un a ydynt yn gweithio, ac i weld a oes modd eu hehangu, neu i weld, er enghraifft, os ydynt yn bethau penodol wedi eu seilio ar leoliad, oherwydd fe fyddai gan rai cymunedau fwyafrif mawr o sgiliau penodol a theimlad cymunedol gweddilliol tuag at ardal benodol, er enghraifft. Un o'r rhain yw'r cynllun ym Merthyr Tudful sydd eisoes yn bodoli, ac rydym yn gobeithio ei droi yn fenter fwy o lawer drwy ddefnyddio ein dylanwad.
Felly, ni ddywedais fod y rheolau yn rhwystr. Nid wyf i'n credu bod y portread o beth fydd yn digwydd o ganlyniad i'r sefyllfa yn sgil y Bil ymadael yn un yr wyf i'n cytuno ag ef o gwbl. Nid wyf wir yn credu bod ras i'r gwaelod heb unrhyw reolau ledled y DU ar gyfer sut y byddem yn ymyrryd mewn diwydiant lleol, neu sut y byddem yn cael rheolau gwariant caffael rhag i drefi a phentrefi ddechrau cystadlu yn erbyn ei gilydd, yn sefyllfa gynaliadwy. Rwyf yn sicr nad yw arweinydd Plaid Cymru mewn gwirionedd yn dweud y byddai honno'n sefyllfa y gallai unrhyw un ohonom ei derbyn. Mae'n amlwg ei bod yn fuddiol i ni i gyd gael cyfres o reolau sydd yn caniatáu i ni gefnogi ein poblogaeth leol a chael ffyniant economaidd, heb gymryd rhan mewn ras i'r gwaelod neu ras i frig y swm o arian sydd gennych i gynnig i bob cyflogwr i ddod i'ch ardal leol, ac rwy'n sicr nad oedd hi'n bwriadu awgrymu hynny.
O ran y system drafnidiaeth, wrth gwrs, rydym wedi edrych yn ofalus iawn i ganfod beth yw'r cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth ar gyfer pob un o'r canolfannau hyn, oherwydd mae nifer fawr o'r problemau, er enghraifft gyda'r Cymoedd uwch, yn ymwneud â chyflymder cysylltiadau trafnidiaeth i ganolfannau cyflogaeth. Ond nid yw hyn yn ymwneud â chysylltiadau trafnidiaeth; mae hyn yn ymwneud â chael swyddi ym y man y mae'r bobl yn byw ynddo eisoes, yn enwedig y rhai sy'n wynebu nifer o rwystrau megis pobl â chyfrifoldebau gofalu, sydd yn bennaf yn fenywod, neu bobl sydd wedi bod yn economaidd anweithgar ers cryn amser. Gall unrhyw fath o gostau trafnidiaeth neu rwystr fod yn broblem wirioneddol. Felly, mae'r rhain yn canolbwyntio ar geisio cael gwaith yn lleol i bobl leol. Rwyf yn fodlon iawn â'r cynlluniau arbrofol ac rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y gallaf ddod yn ôl i adrodd stori wirioneddol dda yr adeg hon y flwyddyn nesaf ar ôl inni gael blwyddyn gyfan i weithredu, ond os na fydd stori dda gennym yna o leiaf gallwn fod yn dryloyw a dweud beth oedd y broblem a sut y gellid ei datrys drwy ddefnyddio rhai o'r dulliau dylanwadu sydd ar gael i ni.
I thank the leader of the house for this statement. Of course, UKIP welcomes any project that promotes employment opportunities in some of our most deprived areas. It is especially appropriate that it is in design to engage those who have not been employed for some time and that there is a mention of work for disabled people. However, on the subject of the disabled, would it not have been a good idea to have set up one of these pilot units to employ only disabled people, rather on the line of the Remploy factories, which were so tragically shut down over the last few decades? We know from enquiries made by the EIS Committee that Wales is significantly behind England in providing apprenticeships for unemployed people. Would the leader of the house consider setting up such units, that is those dedicated to employing people with all sorts of disabilities, as the project is extended? We would then be able to put people into work who would find it difficult to find employment in the purely private sector.
Diolch ichi arweinydd y tŷ am y datganiad hwn. Wrth gwrs, mae UKIP yn croesawu unrhyw brosiect sy'n hyrwyddo cyfleoedd cyflogaeth mewn rhai o'n hardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig. Mae'n arbennig o briodol ei fod wedi'i ddylunio i gynnwys y rhai hynny nad ydyn nhw wedi bod mewn cyflogaeth ers peth amser ac mae yna sôn am waith ar gyfer pobl anabl. Fodd bynnag, â sôn am bobl anabl, oni fyddai'n syniad da i sefydlu un o'r unedau peilot hyn i gyflogi pobl anabl yn unig, yn yr un modd â'r ffatrïoedd Remploy, a gafodd eu cau gwaetha'r modd dros yr ychydig ddegawdau diwethaf? Gwyddom o ymholiadau a wnaed gan Bwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau fod Cymru yn sylweddol ar ei hôl hi o'i chymharu â Lloegr o ran darparu prentisiaethau ar gyfer pobl ddi-waith. A fyddai arweinydd y tŷ yn ystyried sefydlu unedau o'r fath, hynny yw, unedau a fyddai'n benodol ar gyfer cyflogi pobl â phob math o anableddau, wrth i'r prosiect gael ei ymestyn? Byddem ni wedyn yn gallu cyflwyno pobl i'r byd gwaith a fyddai'n ei chael hi'n anodd dod o hyd i gyflogaeth yn y sector preifat.
Well, the issue about disabled people is a good one, and obviously one of the pilots in particular is looking to expand on a current operation that does employ a number of disabled people already. Actually, Remploy never employed only disabled people; there were always people in the management echelons, for example, who were not disabled.
What we're looking to do with these pilots is make sure that people have a range of opportunities for intermediate labour market opportunities. So, for example, if you take a garment factory, there will clearly be people who are producing the actual garments, doing the sewing, doing the cutting and so on, but there will also be people who are learning how to do the business production, the sales, the marketing, the running of the factory, the budgeting, the management and so on, and we are very insistent that all of those opportunities are available to all the people who are going through the intermediate labour market route, so that you don't just learn to be one of the things; you have a range of opportunities and you're able to try out your skills in a range of the opportunities available.
It's perfectly possible that some of the people who go in on the basis of being an intermediate route to another market may find that, actually, they're not able to move on and we may find that we have some sheltered employment for people with disabilities who aren't able to move on, but the aim is to ensure that everybody can go out and get a productive job, a better job closer to their home, with good, fair, working conditions and that these pilot schemes will be the engines of that skills increase. But, Deputy Presiding Officer, if, in themselves, they turn into highly competitive, large employers, then I will be delighted with that as an outcome as well.
Wel, mae'r mater ynghylch pobl anabl yn un da, ac yn amlwg mae un o'r unedau peilot yn benodol yn ystyried ehangu ar weithrediad presennol sydd eisoes yn cyflogi nifer o bobl anabl. Mewn gwirionedd, nid oedd Remploy byth yn cyflogi dim ond pobl anabl; roedd yna bobl yn y haenau rheoli, er enghraifft, nad oedden nhw'n anabl.
Yr hyn yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud gyda'r cynlluniau peilot hyn yw gwneud yn siŵr bod pobl yn cael amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd ar gyfer cyfleoedd marchnad lafur drosiannol. Felly, er enghraifft, os gymerwn ni ffatri ddillad, mae'n amlwg y bydd yna bobl sy'n cynhyrchu'r dillad eu hunain, yn gwnïo, torri ac ati, ond hefyd, bydd yna pobl sy'n dysgu sut i wneud y busnes cynhyrchu, y gwaith gwerthu, y gwaith marchnata, rhedeg y ffatri, y gwaith cyllidebu, y gwaith rheoli ac ati, ac rydym ni'n benderfynol iawn bod y cyfleoedd hynny i gyd ar gael i bawb sy'n mynd drwy'r llwybr marchnad lafur drosiannol, fel nad ydych chi'n dysgu dim ond un o'r pethau hynny; fe gewch chi amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd ac fe fyddwch chi'n gallu rhoi prawf ar eich sgiliau mewn amrywiaeth o gyfleoedd sydd ar gael.
Mae'n gwbl bosibl y gallai rhai o'r bobl sy'n dechrau yno ar y sail ei fod yn llwybr trosiannol i farchnad, yn darganfod, mewn gwirionedd, nad ydyn nhw'n gallu symud ymlaen ac efallai y byddwn yn gweld bod angen rhyw gyflogaeth warchodol i bobl ag anableddau nad ydyn nhw'n gallu symud ymlaen, ond y nod yw sicrhau y gall pawb fynd allan a chael swydd gynhyrchiol, swydd well yn agosach at eu cartref, ag amodau gweithio da a theg, ac y bydd y cynlluniau peilot hyn yn sbarduno'r cynnydd hwnnw mewn sgiliau. Ond, Dirprwy Lywydd, os byddan nhw, ynddynt eu hunain, yn dod yn gyflogwyr mawr, hynod gystadleuol, yna byddwn i wrth fy modd â hynny fel canlyniad hefyd.
Minister, I'd like to welcome the statement that you've made here today. As a representative of a Valleys community, you'll be aware of my long-standing passion in regenerating communities such as my own, and a key part of that absolutely has to be bringing better jobs closer to home. So, it's really good to see the detail that you've set out for us today, and I particularly welcome the work that's been done at Bryn Pica eco park in my constituency on one of these projects.
My question to you is around the foundational economy. We know that the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport is running some pilot projects around this, and, clearly, procurement is one essential strand of the foundational economy. What mechanisms are in place for cross-Government working on this, so that lessons that are learned from the Better Jobs Closer to Home pilot can be absorbed into those foundational economy pilots as well?
Gweinidog, hoffwn groesawu'r datganiad a wnaethoch chi yma heddiw. A minnau'n gynrychiolydd cymuned yn y Cymoedd, byddwch chi'n ymwybodol o fy angerdd hirsefydlog ar gyfer adfywio cymunedau fel fy nghymuned i, a does dim amheuaeth nad yw dod â swyddi gwell yn nes at adref yn rhan gwbl hanfodol o hynny. Felly, mae'n dda gweld y manylion yr ydych chi wedi eu cyflwyno i ni heddiw, ac rwy'n croesawu'n arbennig y gwaith sydd wedi'i wneud ym mharc eco Bryn Pica yn fy etholaeth i ar un o'r prosiectau hyn.
Mae fy nghwestiwn i i chi yn ymwneud â'r economi sylfaenol. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros yr Economi a Thrafnidiaeth yn cynnal rhai prosiectau peilot ar hyn, ac, yn amlwg, mae caffael yn un elfen hanfodol o'r economi sylfaenol. Pa ddulliau sydd ar waith ar gyfer gweithio traws-lywodraethol ar hyn, er mwyn i wersi a ddysgwyd o'r rhaglen Swyddi Gwell yn Nes at Adref gael eu hymgorffori yn y cynlluniau peilot hynny ar yr economi sylfaenol hefyd?
It's a very good point, and absolutely, we have a number of—. One of the reasons I'm the lead Minister for this is that it's a cross-Government working arrangement. I'm looking at my colleague Rebecca Evans who has been very involved in large parts of it as well. There are a number of Cabinet colleagues who've been involved in setting it up.
Absolutely, one of the reasons I was praising the team who have been instrumental in this is because their cross-Government working is excellent, and that's exactly what we're trying to do. We're trying to make sure that we have four distinct pilots that allow us to trial distinct interventions in the procurement market so that we can evaluate the strength of those interventions, their efficacy and how they work and that we can then spread them out as appropriate, or not—if we can grow them where they are. One of the things I'm very interested to know is whether they're place specific or whether we could pick the model up and put it down somewhere else in Wales and it might work.
So, there are a lot of things around. If you take the one that you mentioned at Bryn Pica with the paint re-engineering, one of the great things about that is that it reduces the carbon footprint, because the paint is travelling much less distance and so on, but it may well be that doing that once for the whole of Wales in that location isn't the best outcome and that another one in the north or in the west might be a better carbon footprint. There could be linked factories so that you have shared skills and all the rest of it. But I'm very interested to see how we can do that.
While we're on the subject of the Bryn Pica eco park, it's also good to see what a cluster can do. We've got the big anaerobic digester there, which is part of the Welsh Government's very successful food recycling programme. That generates electricity and heat, and of course, that gives us the opportunity to run factories and other things in that locality that benefit from that already generated recycled electricity and heat. So, there's a real virtuous circle to be had, and what we're looking to do here is have an intermediate market model that allows people to experience all of the skills and employment opportunities that such a cluster might bring, with two expectations for that: (a) that it will be able to grow and we'll be able to recycle far more items—paint in this instance, but a number of other items that Members, I know, are very interested in—and (b) that those people will gain very valuable high-level skills that will enable them to move into other jobs in our communities and increase the skills level overall, which, after all, we all know is one of the holy grails of life in the twenty-first century.
Mae hynny'n bwynt da iawn, ac oes wir mae gennym nifer o—. Un o'r rhesymau pam mai fi sy'n Weinidog arweiniol ar hyn yw gan ei fod yn drefniant gweithio traws-lywodraethol. Rwy'n edrych ar fy nghyd-Aelod, Rebecca Evans, sydd wedi bod yn ymwneud yn helaeth â rhannau mawr ohono hefyd. Ceir nifer o gydweithwyr yn y Cabinet sydd wedi bod yn rhan o'r gwaith o'i sefydlu.
Yn hollol, un o'r rhesymau yr oeddwn yn canmol y tîm sydd wedi bod yn allweddol yn hyn yw oherwydd eu bod yn gweithio yn draws-lywodraethol yn y modd mwyaf rhagorol, a dyna'n union beth yr ydym ni'n ceisio ei wneud. Rydym ni'n ceisio gwneud yn siŵr bod gennym bedwar cynllun peilot penodol sy'n caniatáu inni dreialu ymyriadau penodol yn y farchnad gaffael er mwyn i ni allu gwerthuso cryfder yr ymyriadau hynny, eu heffeithiolrwydd a sut y maen nhw'n gweithio, ac y gallwn ni eu lledaenu nhw wedyn fel sy'n briodol, neu beidio—os gallwn ni eu datblygu nhw lle y maen nhw. Un o'r pethau yr wyf yn awyddus cael gwybod amdano yw pa un a ydyn nhw'n benodol i le neu a allai weithio pe byddem yn defnyddio'r model yn rhywle arall yng Nghymru.
Felly, mae llawer o bethau yn digwydd. Os ydych chi'n cymryd yr un a grybwyllwyd gennych ym Mryn Pica gydag ail-weithio paent, un o'r pethau gwych am hynny yw ei fod yn lleihau'r ôl troed carbon, gan fod y paent yn teithio llawer llai o bellter ac ati, ond mae'n bosibl iawn nad gwneud hynny unwaith ar gyfer Cymru gyfan yn y lleoliad hwnnw fyddai'r canlyniad gorau, ac y gallai creu un yn y gogledd neu yn y gorllewin wella'r ôl-troed carbon. Gellid sicrhau bod y ffatrïoedd yn gysylltiedig er mwyn i chi gael rhannu sgiliau ac yn y blaen. Ond mae gen i ddiddordeb mawr i weld sut y gallwn ni wneud hynny.
A sôn am barc eco Bryn Pica, mae hefyd yn dda gweld yr hyn y gall clwstwr ei wneud. Mae gennym ni'r treulydd anerobig mawr yno, sydd yn rhan o raglen ailgylchu bwyd llwyddiannus iawn Llywodraeth Cymru. Mae hwnnw'n cynhyrchu trydan a gwres, ac wrth gwrs, mae hynny'n rhoi'r cyfle i ni redeg ffatrïoedd a phethau eraill yn yr ardal honno sy'n elwa ar y trydan a'r gwres sydd eisoes wedi'i gynhyrchu drwy ailgylchu. Felly, ceir cylch rhinweddol gwirioneddol, a'r hyn yr ydym yn edrych i wneud yma yw model marchnad drosiannol sy'n caniatáu i bobl gael profiad o'r holl sgiliau a'r cyfleoedd cyflogaeth y gallai clwstwr o'r fath eu cynnig, gyda dau ddisgwyliad ar gyfer hynny, sef: (a) bydd yn gallu tyfu a byddwn ni'n gallu ailgylchu llawer mwy o eitemau—paent yn yr achos hwn, ond nifer o eitemau eraill y mae aelodau, mi wn, â diddordeb mawr ynddyn nhw—a (b) bydd y bobl hynny yn ennill sgiliau lefel uchel gwerthfawr iawn a fydd yn eu galluogi i symud i swyddi eraill yn ein cymunedau a chynyddu lefel y sgiliau yn gyffredinol, sydd wedi'r cyfan, yn un o'r grealon sanctaidd ym mywyd yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain, fel y gwyddom ni i gyd.
And finally, Jenny Rathbone.
Ac yn olaf, Jenny Rathbone.
Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. I think it's a really interesting statement. I'm very pleased to hear about these four pilots, but I'm obviously a bit frustrated that we haven't been able to extend this further, because it's great that we're getting new businesses going into the Valleys, but for many of my constituents, having to travel more than half an hour is a real barrier to work, because the further you've got to travel, the more childcare you've got to pay for and the more difficult it makes the equation of being able to afford to go to work.
So, I'd really like to hear a bit more about the barriers to mainstreaming this, because I would've thought that it's something that the Federation of Small Businesses and the Wales Co-operative Centre would really be enthusiastic about. And it must be in line with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 that people are not having to normally travel more than half an hour to get to work, because it's bad for their health, it's not good for the environment and it's definitely not good for children, because the time taken means that it's time not being spent with your children. So, I'd be interested to hear what are the barriers we can overcome.
Diolch ichi, Dirprwy Lywydd. Rwy'n credu ei fod yn ddatganiad diddorol iawn. Rwy'n falch iawn o glywed am y pedwar cynllun peilot hyn, ond rwy'n amlwg yn teimlo'n rhwystredig nad ydyn ni wedi gallu ymestyn hyn ymhellach, oherwydd mae'n wych ein bod i'n cael busnesau newydd yn dod i'r Cymoedd, ond i lawer o fy etholwyr i, mae gorfod teithio mwy na hanner awr yn rhwystr gwirioneddol i weithio, oherwydd po bellaf y mae'n rhaid i chi deithio, po fwyaf y mae'n rhaid i chi ei dalu am ofal plant a pho anoddaf y mae'n gwneud yr hafaliad o allu fforddio i fynd i weithio.
Felly, mewn gwirionedd, hoffwn glywed ychydig mwy am y rhwystrau i'w brif-ffrydio, oherwydd byddwn i wedi meddwl ei fod yn rhywbeth y byddai Ffederasiwn y Busnesau Bach a Chanolfan Cydweithredol Cymru yn frwdfrydig iawn drosto. Ac mae'n rhaid iddo fod yn unol â Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015, nad oes yn rhaid i bobl deithio mwy na hanner awr fel arfer i gyrraedd y gwaith, oherwydd ei bod yn ddrwg i'w hiechyd, yn wael i'r amgylchedd ac yn bendant nid yw'n beth da i blant, oherwydd mae'r amser a gymer yn amser nad ydych chi'n cael ei dreulio gyda'ch plant. Felly, byddai gennyf ddiddordeb clywed beth yw'r rhwystrau y gallwn ni eu goresgyn.
The Member makes a number of points, which these pilots aim to look at. And I do emphasise the 'pilot' point here. I don't want to overemphasise the barriers that we faced in getting to this point, but it has not been simple to construct four separate pilots using different procurement and Government spend leverages in order to do this. I do pay tribute to the team that's managed to do it.
But I absolutely emphasise that what we're looking at here are genuine pilots, because I completely take the point that the Member makes: absolutely this is about better jobs closer—the 'closer' word is just as important—to home, for exactly that reason. We do not want people to have long commutes. Even where we're facilitating that, we still don't want that. And actually, what most of the communities in the more rural parts of Wales, and sometimes the inner cities—I also represent an inner city area that has similar problems—what people want is the ability to have a good job around the corner from their house so that they can have a work-life balance and they can have their caring responsibilities taken into account and their children can attend local schools and so on.
So, these pilots are very much designed to see whether they work and whether, as I said, we can then pick them up and put them down in other communities, perhaps as linked hubs, perhaps as a single business with multiple outlets—a number of possibilities. And we've worked closely with a whole range of stakeholders across the Government to get to where we are, and I'll certainly be looking forward to reporting back on the pilots and this whole issue of scalability and whether they're placeable and all the rest of it in about a year's time, when we've got some data from them.
Mae'r Aelod yn gwneud nifer o bwyntiau, ac mae'n nod gan y cynlluniau peilot hyn i geisio edrych ar y pethau hyn. Ac rwy'n pwysleisio'r pwynt 'peilot' yma. Dydw i ddim eisiau gorbwysleisio'r rhwystrau a wynebwyd gennym ni i gyrraedd y pwynt hwn, ond ni fu'n hawdd creu pedwar cynllun peilot ar wahân gan ddefnyddio gwahanol drefniadau caffael a gwahanol ysgogiadau gwariant y Llywodraeth er mwyn gwneud hynny.
Ond rwy'n pwysleisio'n bendant mai'r hyn yr ydym ni'n edrych arno yma yw cynlluniau peilot gwirioneddol, oherwydd fy mod yn derbyn yn llwyr y pwynt y mae'r Aelod yn ei wneud: does dim amheuaeth nad yw hyn yn ymwneud â chael gwell swyddi yn nes at adref —mae'r gair 'nes' yn un mor bwysig—am yr union reswm hwnnw. Nid ydym ni eisiau i bobl deithio'n bell i'r gwaith. Hyd yn oed lle rydym ni'n hwyluso hynny, dydyn ni dal ddim eisiau hynny. Ac mewn gwirionedd, yr hyn y mae'r rhan fwyaf o gymunedau yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf gwledig yng Nghymru, ac weithiau canol y dinasoedd—rwyf hefyd yn cynrychioli ardal canol dinas sydd â phroblemau tebyg—yr hyn y mae ar bobl ei eisiau yw gallu cael swyddi da rownd y gornel o'u tŷ er mwyn iddynt gael cydbwysedd gwaith-bywyd, a gallu rhoi ystyriaeth i'w cyfrifoldebau gofalu a bod eu plant yn gallu mynychu ysgolion lleol ac ati.
Felly, nod mawr y cynlluniau peilot hyn yw gweld pa un a ydyn nhw'n gweithio ac, fel y dywedais i, a allwn ni wedyn eu hail-greu mewn cymunedau eraill, efallai fel hybiau cysylltiedig, efallai fel un busnes â nifer o safleoedd—nifer o bosibiliadau. Ac rydym ni wedi gweithio'n agos gydag amrywiaeth eang o randdeiliaid ar draws y Llywodraeth i gyrraedd y fan lle'r ydym ni nawr, ac yn sicr fe fyddaf i'n edrych ymlaen at adrodd yn ôl ar y cynlluniau peilot a'r mater hwn o'r gallu i dyfu yn unol â'r anghenion a pha un a oes modd eu lleoli mewn mannau eraill, a phopeth arall ymhen rhyw flwyddyn, pan fydd gennym rywfaint o ddata oddi wrthyn nhw.
Thank you very much, leader of the house.
Diolch yn fawr iawn, arweinydd y tŷ.
Item 7 on the agenda this afternoon is a statement by the Minister for Housing and Regeneration on changes to the park homes commission rate, and I call on the Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Rebecca Evans.
Eitem 7 ar yr agenda y prynhawn yma yw datganiad gan y Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio ar y newidiadau i gyfradd comisiwn cartrefi mewn parciau, a galwaf ar y Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio, Rebecca Evans.

Thank you, Deputy Presiding Officer. Shortly before recess, I published the summary of the responses to our consultation on the park homes commission rate and outlined my intention to reduce the maximum rate. I am pleased to be able to provide Members with further details about the pace and rate of change and of the wider actions I propose to take to support the park homes sector. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to the consultation and the financial analysis work—there were almost 400 responses. I would also like to thank the site owners who shared financial information with our independent financial analysts.
Members will be familiar with many of the arguments on both sides of this debate. I am sure that we all want to ensure viable, well-managed sites and see them continue to offer an attractive lifestyle to people who choose to live in a park home. The issue of commission rates on the sale of park homes is one of those issues that remain polarised. It has been debated for as long as people have used park homes as a permanent residence. In the 1960s, rates were typically around 20 per cent, reducing to their current rate of 10 per cent in the 1980s. Over the last 40 years, the sector has been transformed; park home living today bears little resemblance to park home living in the 1960s.
Establishing a consensus about the way forward has not been possible because views are so polarised. And gathering sufficient evidence on which to base a balanced decision has not been easy. I've deliberated long and hard, and I have challenged my officials and the sector to provide more and better evidence and analysis to ensure that we find a balanced and proportionate way forward that best supports park home living.
The evidence that we now have supports the view that the value of a park home is a combination of the value of the home plus the pitch on which it is sited. A park home on its own costs less than one already sited, particularly if sited on a well-run, attractive site with good facilities in a sought-after location. The costs to site a home can be significant. This has been a fundamental part of the argument in favour of the commission rate over the years.
It is clear that the current commission rate impacts significantly on people who own a park home. For some, the loss of equity from the sale of their homes is becoming a barrier to being able to sell and move on to alternative accommodation or accommodation that is more suited for them. Commission may also be deterring potential buyers from purchasing a park home, as they worry about the implications of losing 10 per cent of its value if they need to sell in the future. All of this poses a risk that park home living might become less attractive and cease to offer an alternative lifestyle choice.
The independent financial analysis carried out for the Welsh Government shows that commission is an important element of income for site owners, and especially so on smaller sites. Any decision about changes to the commission rate must therefore balance the potential benefits and risks to both parties—park home owners and the site owners. If a site was to become no longer viable, the owners would need to consider how to change their business model in order to make it sustainable, usually by seeking an increase in pitch fees. The ultimate risk is that if an unviable sites close, it will leave park home owners without a pitch and having to relocate their homes. This can be a complex and costly arrangement, and homes without a pitch can have a reduced value.
I am committed to ensuring everyone can access suitable, good-quality, secure and affordable homes. Reducing the maximum commission rate will help to remove the financial barriers for residents who want or need to sell. It will also help to ensure that potential buyers are not put off buying a park home because they're worried about how it will affect them, should they need to sell in future. However, I am mindful of the need to avoid placing sites at risk of closure, whilst also seeking to protect residents from steep and sudden increases in pitch fees. It's my intention to reduce the commission rate to a new maximum level of 5 per cent. This will be done by reducing the commission rate by one percentage point each year over a period of five years.
Diolch ichi, Dirprwy Lywydd. Yn fuan cyn y toriad, cyhoeddais grynodeb o'r ymatebion i'n hymgynghoriad ar gyfradd comisiwn cartrefi mewn parciau ac amlinellais fy mwriad i ostwng y gyfradd uchaf. Rwy'n falch o allu rhoi mwy o fanylion i'r aelodau am gyflymder a graddfa'r newid ac am y camau gweithredu ehangach y bwriadaf eu cymryd i gefnogi'r sector cartrefi mewn parciau. Hoffwn ddiolch i bawb a roddodd o'u hamser i ymateb i'r ymgynghoriad a'r gwaith dadansoddi ariannol—cafwyd bron i 400 o ymatebion. Hoffwn hefyd ddiolch i'r perchnogion safleoedd a rannodd gwybodaeth ariannol â'n dadansoddwr ariannol annibynnol.
Bydd yr Aelodau yn gyfarwydd â llawer o'r dadleuon ar ddwy ochr y ddadl. Rwy'n siŵr bod pob un ohonom ni eisiau sicrhau bod y safleoedd hyn yn hyfyw ac yn cael eu rheoli'n dda a'u gweld yn parhau i gynnig ffordd o fyw deniadol i bobl sy'n dewis byw mewn cartref mewn parc. Mae mater y cyfraddau comisiwn ar werthu cartrefi mewn parciau yn un o'r materion hynny sy'n parhau i hollti barn. Mae wedi'i drafod cyhyd ag y mae pobl wedi defnyddio cartrefi mewn parciau fel preswylfeydd barhaol. Yn y 1960au, roedd y cyfraddau arferol oddeutu 20 y cant, ac fe wnaethant ostwng i'w cyfradd bresennol, sef 10 y cant, yn y 1980au. Dros y 40 mlynedd diwethaf, mae'r sector wedi'i drawsnewid; mae byw mewn cartref mewn parc bellach heddiw yn gwbl wahanol i fyw mewn cartref mewn parc yn y 1960au.
Ni fu modd sefydlu consensws ynghylch y ffordd ymlaen oherwydd bod safbwyntiau pobl mor begynol. Ac ni fu'n hawdd casglu digon o dystiolaeth i seilio penderfyniad cytbwys arni. Rwyf wedi trafod yn hir ac yn drylwyr, ac rwyf wedi herio fy swyddogion a'r sector i ddarparu tystiolaeth well a mwy o waith dadansoddi er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn canfod ffordd ymlaen sy'n gytbwys ac yn gymesur ac sy'n cefnogi byw mewn cartrefi mewn parciau yn y modd gorau.
Mae'r dystiolaeth sydd gennym erbyn hyn yn ategu'r farn bod gwerth cartref mewn parc yn gyfuniad o werth y cartref ynghyd â'r llain y mae wedi'i leoli arno. Mae cartref parc ar ei ben ei hun yn costio llai nag un sydd eisoes wedi'i leoli, yn enwedig os yw wedi'i leoli ar safle deniadol sy'n cael ei redeg yn dda â chyfleusterau da mewn lleoliad dymunol. Gall costau lleoli cartref fod yn sylweddol. Mae hyn wedi bod yn rhan sylfaenol o'r ddadl o blaid y gyfradd comisiwn dros y blynyddoedd.
Mae'n amlwg bod y gyfradd comisiwn bresennol yn effeithio'n sylweddol ar bobl sydd yn berchen ar gartref mewn parc. I rai, mae colli ecwiti wrth werthu eu cartrefi yn dod yn rhwystr i allu gwerthu a symud ymlaen i lety arall neu i lety sy'n fwy addas ar eu cyfer. Gallai comisiwn hefyd fod yn atal darpar brynwyr rhag prynu cartref mewn parc, gan eu bod yn poeni am y goblygiadau o ran colli 10 y cant o'i werth os oes angen ei werthu yn y dyfodol. Mae hyn i gyd yn peri risg y gallai byw mewn cartref mewn parc ddod yn llai deniadol ac na fydd bellach yn cynnig dewis ffordd o fyw amgen.
Mae'r dadansoddiad ariannol annibynnol a gynhaliwyd ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru yn dangos bod comisiwn yn elfen bwysig o incwm perchnogion safleoedd, a bod hynny'n arbennig o wir ar safleoedd llai. Mae'n rhaid i unrhyw benderfyniad ynglŷn â newidiadau i'r gyfradd comisiwn felly sicrhau cydbwysedd rhwng y manteision a'r risgiau posibl i'r ddau barti—perchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau a pherchnogion safleoedd. Pe na byddai safle yn hyfyw mwyach, byddai angen i'r perchenogion ystyried sut i newid eu model busnes er mwyn ei wneud yn gynaliadwy, fel arfer drwy geisio cynyddu'r ffioedd am leiniau. Y risg yn y pen draw, os bydd safle anhyfyw yn cau, yw y bydd hynny'n gadael perchnogion cartrefi mewn parc heb lain ac yn gorfod symud eu cartrefi. Gall hyn fod yn drefniant cymhleth a chostus, a gall cartrefi heb lain fod werth llai o arian.
Rwyf wedi ymrwymo i sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu cael cartrefi addas, o ansawdd da sy'n ddiogel ac yn fforddiadwy. Bydd gostwng y gyfradd comisiwn uchaf yn helpu i symud y rhwystrau ariannol i drigolion sydd eisiau neu sydd angen gwerthu. Bydd hefyd yn helpu i sicrhau nad yw darpar brynwyr yn cael eu hatal rhag prynu cartref mewn parc oherwydd eu bod nhw'n poeni ynglŷn â sut y bydd yn effeithio arnyn nhw, pe byddai angen iddyn nhw ei werthu yn y dyfodol. Fodd bynnag, rwy'n ymwybodol o'r angen i osgoi rhoi safleoedd mewn sefyllfa lle maen nhw mewn perygl o gau, gan hefyd geisio diogelu preswylwyr rhag cynnydd serth a sydyn yn y ffioedd am leiniau. Mae'n fwriad gennyf i ostwng y gyfradd comisiwn i lefel uchaf newydd o 5 y cant. Caiff hyn ei wneud drwy weithredu lleihad o un pwynt canran yn y gyfradd comisiwn bob blwyddyn dros gyfnod o bum mlynedd.
Daeth y Llywydd i’r Gadair.
The Llywydd took the Chair.
The regulations to achieve this will be subject to the scrutiny of this Assembly by the affirmative procedure, and I will bring forward regulations at the earliest opportunity in the new year. I believe that this approach strikes a reasonable balance in protecting the interests of all parties. Reducing the commission rate gradually will help reduce the risks to the viability of some sites by providing site owners with time to adjust their business models to reflect this change, and I do accept that this adjustment may include increases in pitch fees for some. I have considered carefully the calls from some to use powers in the 2013 Act to restrict any potential increase in pitch fees, but I've decided against this course of action.
This process has highlighted a range of much wider issues relating to alleged poor practices by some site owners and variations in the implementation of the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013. I intend to issue refreshed information about park home living, focused on delivering accessible and clear guidance to all parties. Working with the sector, I will develop best practice materials and will look at how we can strengthen the role of LEASE in providing advice. I will work with local authorities to ensure that they adopt consistent approaches to site licensing and enforcement. We have a fantastic example of collaborative working in the private rented sector with Rent Smart Wales as the lead authority. I will explore what we can learn from this model that might benefit the residential park home sector.
Llywydd, we all want to see viable, well-managed sites that offer an attractive lifestyle choice for those who choose park home living. I believe that a phased reduction in the commission rate, supported by improvements in information, advice and support, and consistent standards and adherence to the current legislation, can help deliver just that.
Bydd y rheoliadau a fydd yn cyflawni hyn yn destun gwaith craffu gan weithdrefn gadarnhaol y Cynulliad hwn, a byddaf yn cyflwyno rheoliadau cyn gynted â phosibl yn y flwyddyn newydd. Rwy'n credu bod y dull hwn yn taro cydbwysedd resymol wrth ddiogelu buddiannau pob parti. Bydd gostwng y gyfradd comisiwn yn raddol yn helpu i leihau'r risgiau i hyfywedd rhai safleoedd drwy roi amser i berchnogion safle addasu eu modelau busnes i adlewyrchu'r newid hwn, ac rwy'n derbyn y gallai'r addasiad hwn gynnwys cynnydd yn y ffioedd am leiniau i rai. Rwyf wedi ystyried yn ofalus y galwadau gan rai i ddefnyddio'r pwerau yn Neddf 2013 i gyfyngu ar unrhyw gynnydd posibl mewn ffioedd am leiniau, ond rwyf wedi penderfynu yn erbyn y camau gweithredu hyn.
Mae'r broses hon wedi amlygu amrywiaeth o faterion llawer ehangach sy'n ymwneud ag arferion gwael honedig gan rai perchnogion safleoedd ac amrywiadau wrth weithredu Deddf Cartrefi Symudol (Cymru) 2013. Rwy'n bwriadu cyhoeddi gwybodaeth wedi'i diweddaru am fyw mewn cartref mewn parc, sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddarparu canllawiau clir a hygyrch i bawb. Gan weithio gyda'r sector, byddaf yn datblygu deunyddiau arfer gorau a fydd yn edrych ar sut y gallwn ni gryfhau swyddogaeth LEASE wrth ddarparu cyngor. Byddaf yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i sicrhau eu bod yn mabwysiadu dulliau cyson o drwyddedu a gorfodi safleoedd. Mae gennym enghraifft wych o gydweithio yn y sector rhentu preifat gyda Rhentu Doeth Cymru yn awdurdod arweiniol. Byddaf yn ystyried beth y gallwn ni ei ddysgu o'r model hwn a allai fod o fantais i'r sector cartrefi preswyl mewn parciau.
Llywydd, rydym ni i gyd am weld safleoedd hyfyw sy'n cael eu rheoli'n dda sy'n cynnig dewis ffordd o fyw deniadol i'r rheini sy'n dewis byw mewn cartref mewn parc. Rwy'n credu y gall gostyngiad graddol yn y gyfradd comisiwn, wedi'i gefnogi gan welliannau mewn gwybodaeth, cyngor a chymorth, a safonau cyson a glynu at y ddeddfwriaeth bresennol, helpu i gyflawni yr union beth hynny.
May I begin by commending the Minister for a careful and thoughtful approach to developing public policy in this area? It is a complicated area, as you've suggested. We clearly need a strong business model for park home owners. At their best, park homes and park home owners create a pleasant environment in which to live. Investment in facilities such as roads, grounds, common areas, needs an income flow that is reliable.
Generally, I think the Welsh Government's study of this area has been rigorous and even-handed, though there are still evidence gaps, as you indicated, Minister. I feel that the Welsh Government is proposing a way forward that could, at least in the Chamber, gain a consensus, because we do need to strike a balance, it seems, between commission fees at the moment and pitch fees, and this needs to be based on transparency, fairness, accountability, business viability and flexibility, and there have been some encouraging signs of progress here, in terms of the co-operation you've had with the sector and their more candid approach to revealing costs, because that is very important. I would say also that some form of flexibility in the future, where people may want to commit to a commission fee or a set fee when they sell, and then not face, perhaps, an increase in the pitch fee to reflect the general service costs that many people, say, in rented accommodation will be quite familiar with—. And I think we do have to remember that up to 80 per cent of the resale value achieved on park homes is because they're in a park home site, and if those mobile homes were not there, then they would lose a very substantial part of their current value. So, these issues are complicated.
So, we will support the Welsh Government's proposals, subject to their regular review. This is likely, in my view, to shift to higher pitch fees, and that will need careful monitoring to ensure that they're fair, and, as I have said, they need to be accountable and transparent, and also consult with the mobile home owners—very, very important. So, I have this question anyway: you say that you will issue refreshed information about park home living, and I just wonder whether it would be possible to go further and issue formal guidance so that it would have greater strength in regulating the key actors in this area, from the park home owners but also the local authorities that have enforcement responsibilities. But, in general, I do want to acknowledge that a lot of hard work has gone into this, and I do think you've come forward with a viable solution—certainly one that can now be fully tested—and the way you seek to introduce it by a 1 per cent reduction over five years, I think, again, is prudent. So, in general, I would give a welcome to your statement this afternoon.
A gaf i ddechrau drwy ganmol y Gweinidog am ymagwedd ofalus ac ystyriol tuag at ddatblygu polisi cyhoeddus yn y maes hwn? Mae'n faes cymhleth, fel yr ydych chi wedi awgrymu. Yn amlwg, mae angen model busnes cryf arnom ar gyfer perchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau. Ar eu gorau, mae cartrefi mewn parciau a pherchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau yn creu amgylchedd dymunol i fyw ynddo. Er mwyn buddsoddi mewn cyfleusterau megis ffyrdd, tir, ardaloedd cyffredin, mae angen llif incwm dibynadwy.
Yn gyffredinol, rwy'n credu y bu astudiaeth Llywodraeth Cymru o'r maes hwn yn drylwyr ac yn ddiduedd, ond mae'n dal i fod bylchau yn y dystiolaeth, fel y gwnaethoch chi awgrymu, Gweinidog. Teimlaf fod Llywodraeth Cymru yn cynnig ffordd ymlaen a allai, o leiaf yn y Siambr, ennill consensws, oherwydd mae angen inni sicrhau cydbwysedd, mae'n ymddangos, rhwng ffioedd comisiwn ar hyn o bryd a ffioedd am leiniau, ac mae angen i hyn fod wedi'i seilio ar dryloywder, tegwch, atebolrwydd, hyfywedd y busnes a hyblygrwydd, a bu rhai arwyddion calonogol o gynnydd yma, o ran y cydweithredu rhyngoch chi â'r sector a'u dull mwy gonest o ddatgelu costau, gan fod hynny'n bwysig iawn. Byddwn i'n dweud hefyd y byddai rhyw fath o hyblygrwydd yn y dyfodol, lle mae'n bosibl y bydd pobl yn dymuno ymrwymo i ffi comisiwn neu ffi benodol pan fyddant yn gwerthu, ac yna yn peidio ag wynebu, efallai, gynnydd yn y ffi am y llain i adlewyrchu'r costau gwasanaeth cyffredinol y mae llawer o bobl, dywedwch, mewn llety ar rent yn eithaf cyfarwydd â nhw—. A chredaf fod yn rhaid inni gofio bod hyd at 80 y cant o'r gwerth ailwerthu a gyflawnir ar gartrefi mewn parciau oherwydd eu bod ar safle cartrefi symudol, a phe na byddai'r cartrefi symudol hynny yno, yna byddent yn colli rhan sylweddol iawn o'u gwerth presennol. Felly, mae'r materion hyn yn gymhleth.
Felly, byddwn yn cefnogi cynigion Llywodraeth Cymru, yn amodol ar eu hadolygu'n rheolaidd. Mae hyn yn debygol, yn fy marn i, o symud tuag at ffioedd uwch am leiniau, a bydd angen monitro hynny'n ofalus i sicrhau eu bod yn deg, ac, fel yr wyf wedi dweud, mae angen iddyn nhw fod yn atebol ac yn dryloyw, a hefyd ymgynghori â pherchnogion cartrefi symudol—pwysig iawn, iawn. Felly, mae gennyf i'r cwestiwn hwn beth bynnag: rydych chi'n dweud y byddwch chi'n cyhoeddi gwybodaeth wedi'i diweddaru am fyw mewn cartref mewn parc, ac roeddwn i'n meddwl tybed a fyddai'n bosibl i fynd ymhellach a chyhoeddi canllawiau ffurfiol, fel y byddai ganddynt fwy o nerth wrth reoleiddio'r gweithredwyr allweddol yn y maes hwn, sef perchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau ond hefyd yr awdurdodau lleol sydd â chyfrifoldebau gorfodi. Ond, yn gyffredinol, rwyf i am gydnabod bod llawer o waith caled wedi ei wneud ar hyn, ac rwy'n credu eich bod wedi cyflwyno ateb hyfyw—un yn sicr y gellir ei brofi'n llawn yn nawr—ac unwaith eto, rwy'n meddwl bod y ffordd yr ydych chi'n ceisio ei gyflwyno fesul gostyngiad o 1 y cant dros bum mlynedd, yn ddoeth. Felly, yn gyffredinol, byddwn yn croesawu eich datganiad y prynhawn yma.
Thank you very much for your welcome for the statement. When I said in the statement that I had given long and hard deliberation to this issue, then I was absolutely serious because this has been a very difficult issue in terms of gathering the information that we need, in terms of both evidence and the views of the sector, which are so polarised that it has been very difficult to find a way forward that is fair and reasonable and proportionate, bearing in mind all of the different concerns that have been raised. But I think that we have found a way forward that will not be everything that everybody wanted, but, when you have such polarised views, it is very difficult to get to that kind of place.
It is important that we consider the role of pitch fees. I did decide against restricting pitch fees within the measures that I intend to take forward, and that is because I think that there are some important checks and balances already in place to ensure that pitch fee increases are proportionate. Any rise in pitch fees should be agreed between the site owner and the park home owners and the residents in the first instance, but if that agreement can't be arrived at, then the issue can be taken to the residential property tribunal for a determination. I think that is an important backstop, really, both for the site owners, should they need to increase pitch fees, but also to the residents as well to ensure that any increases in pitch fees are fair. Generally, an annual pitch fee review should not impose increases that are exceeding the relevant rate of the consumer price index without the residential property tribunal being engaged. So, again, there is that backstop, should there be any above that CPI level increases proposed.
You also mentioned the wider package of reforms, really. Actually, at the start of your contribution you said that, at its best, park home living can be a very attractive thing, and that's absolutely right, but, in our consultation and the work that we've done engaging with the sector, actually we've heard of stories and examples where park home living is not at its best by any stretch of the imagination. Many park home owners are excellent people, doing an excellent job for the people living in their park homes, but equally we have heard of some stories where the park home owners, despite the fit-and-proper-person tests that exist, are not providing the kind of service that we would want. That's one of the reasons why I intend to work with each of the local authorities in Wales to establish whether or not there is an appetite to create a voluntary lead authority amongst the local authorities in Wales to provide leadership and oversight on the issue of park home licensing. Officials are already starting to have those conversations with local authorities, and I'll certainly give further consideration to the suggestion that we introduce strengthened guidance as opposed to simply strengthened advice and information, in terms of the next steps forward.
Diolch yn fawr iawn am groesawu'r datganiad. Pan ddywedais yn y datganiad fy mod wedi rhoi ystyriaeth hir a dwys i'r mater hwn, roeddwn i o ddifrif oherwydd mae hwn wedi bod yn fater anodd iawn o ran casglu'r wybodaeth y mae ei hangen arnom, o ran tystiolaeth a barn y sector, sydd mor begynol, mae hi wedi bod yn anodd iawn dod o hyd i ffordd ymlaen sy'n deg ac yn rhesymol ac yn gymesur, o gofio'r holl bryderon gwahanol sydd wedi'u codi. Ond rwy'n credu ein bod wedi canfod ffordd ymlaen na fydd yn bopeth yr oedd ar pawb ei eisiau, ond pan fo gennych chi gymaint o hollt yn y farn, mae'n anodd iawn cyflawni hynny.
Mae'n bwysig ein bod yn ystyried rôl y ffioedd am leiniau. Penderfynais yn erbyn cyfyngu ar ffioedd am leiniau yn y mesurau y bwriadaf fwrw ymlaen â nhw, ac mae hynny oherwydd fy mod yn credu bod rhai rhwystrau a gwrthbwysau eisoes ar waith i sicrhau bod y ffi am y llain yn cynyddu yn gymesur. Dylid cytuno ar unrhyw gynnydd mewn ffioedd am leiniau rhwng perchennog y safle a pherchnogion y cartrefi mewn parciau a'r trigolion yn y lle cyntaf, ond os nad ydyn nhw'n gallu cytuno, yna gellir mynd â'r mater i'r tribiwnlys eiddo preswyl am benderfyniad. Rwy'n credu bod hwnnw'n gam pwysig wrth gefn, mewn gwirionedd, i'r perchnogion safleoedd, pe byddai angen iddyn nhw gynyddu'r ffioedd am leiniau, ond hefyd i'r trigolion yn ogystal i sicrhau bod unrhyw gynnydd yn y ffioedd am y llain yn deg. Yn gyffredinol, ni ddylai adolygiad blynyddol o'r ffi am y llain bennu cynnydd sy'n uwch na chyfradd berthnasol y mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr heb gynnwys y tribiwnlys eiddo preswyl. Felly, unwaith eto, mae'r cam wrth gefn hwnnw yn bodoli, pe byddai unrhyw gynnydd arfaethedig uwchlaw'r cynnydd hwnnw ar lefel y mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr.
Fe wnaethoch chi sôn hefyd am y pecyn ehangach o ddiwygiadau. Mewn gwirionedd, ar ddechrau eich cyfraniad fe wnaethoch chi ddweud y gall byw mewn cartref mewn parc, ar ei orau, fod yn beth deniadol iawn, ac mae hynny'n hollol gywir, ond, yn ein hymgynghoriad a'r gwaith yr ydym ni wedi'i wneud i ymgysylltu â'r sector, mewn gwirionedd rydym ni wedi gwrando ar straeon ac enghreifftiau lle nad yw byw mewn cartref mewn parc ar ei orau o bell ffordd. Mae llawer o berchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau yn bobl ragorol, sy'n gwneud gwaith ardderchog ar ran y bobl sy'n byw mewn cartrefi yn eu parciau, ond yn yr un modd rydym ni wedi clywed rhai straeon lle nad yw perchnogion safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau, er gwaethaf y profion person addas a phriodol sy'n bodoli, yn darparu'r math o wasanaeth y byddem ni'n dymuno ei weld. Dyna un o'r rhesymau pam yr wyf i'n bwriadu gweithio gyda phob un o'r awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru i sefydlu a oes yna awydd i greu awdurdod arweiniol gwirfoddol ai peidio ymhlith yr awdurdodau lleol yng Nghymru i roi arweinyddiaeth a goruchwyliaeth ar y mater o drwyddedu safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau. Mae swyddogion eisoes yn dechrau cynnal y sgyrsiau hynny ag awdurdodau lleol, a byddwn i'n sicr yn rhoi mwy o ystyriaeth i'r awgrym ein bod ni'n cyflwyno canllawiau cryfach yn hytrach na dim ond cryfhau cyngor a gwybodaeth, o ran y camau nesaf ymlaen.
The park home issue is an issue that does divide opinion, and I remember this well from my time on the Petitions Committee, where we had quite a debate at the time, a few years ago, from those who were park home residents and from those who run park homes. This is where we're at now, I think, in relation to this statement. So, there is a direct conflict, I think, between those running the park home sites and those who want and expect not to be penalised by choosing an alternative lifestyle. I want a healthy sector for the residents, but I also want that for the site owners and to try and resolve any issues in a civil way. I think all of us here today want to try and strike the correct balance in relation to this particular issue.
I do have some questions relating to the statement, and it's already been raised, I think, which is the biggest concern—the worry you express regarding pitch fees and any increase, which is probably potentially more than a possibility, I think. I do believe we have to guard against this prospect and any exorbitant and excessive fee increases. So, I'd like to ask you whether or not, from the financial analysis completed, you do expect a pitch fee increase and if you've made any estimate of what that might be. Given that you seem to expect a pitch fee increase in the statement—correct me if I'm wrong—is there any reason that you've decided not to use mechanisms available to limit fee increases now? I know, and I've heard your response to other Assembly Members, about the fact that there are talks that can happen between park home owners and those who run them, and there are legal avenues. But, of course, if this statement is going to potentially lead to an increase, then any thoughts that you have had on that spike and how that will affect the sector would be useful to hear or to be expanded on here today.
Again, like I said, I think it's important that we strike a balance, and I appreciate that some park home sites do rely heavily on commission sales, and it's in our interests to ensure that they don't close, obviously. Could you perhaps commit to revisiting this issue next year, if necessary, to make a decision on the nature and size of any pitch fees, if those are increased across the board as a result of any changes that have been announced here today?
Finally, could I ask you to outline how you expect local authorities to increase or improve inspection and licensing regimes? I note that, in your statement, you said that you would like to promote better working. So, could we have an idea as to how that would look in practice? You do reference Rent Smart Wales. How can that be used as a way to ensure that this area is more successful in how they work, ongoing?
Mae mater y cartrefi mewn parciau yn fater sydd yn hollti barn, ac rwy'n cofio hyn yn dda o fy amser ar y Pwyllgor Deisebau, lle y cawsom ni dipyn o ddadl ar y pryd, ychydig flynyddoedd yn ôl, gan y rheini a oedd yn breswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau a'r rheini a oedd yn rhedeg cartrefi mewn parciau. Dyma'r sefyllfa ar hyn o bryd, rwy'n credu, o ran y datganiad hwn. Felly, mae yna wrthdaro uniongyrchol, rwy'n credu, rhwng y bobl hynny sy'n rhedeg y safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau a'r rhai sy'n dymuno ac sy'n disgwyl peidio â chael eu cosbi am ddewis ffordd o fyw amgen. Rwyf i eisiau gweld sector iach ar gyfer y preswylwyr, ond rwyf eisiau gweld hynny hefyd ar gyfer perchnogion safleoedd, ac i geisio datrys unrhyw faterion mewn ffordd sifil. Rwy'n credu bod pob un ohonom ni yma heddiw yn dymuno ceisio cael y cydbwysedd cywir ar y mater penodol hwn.
Mae gennyf rai cwestiynau am y datganiad, a chodwyd eisoes, rwy'n credu, y pryder mwyaf—sef y pryder yr ydych chi'n ei fynegi ynghylch ffioedd am leiniau ac unrhyw gynnydd, sydd efallai yn fwy o debygolrwydd na phosibilrwydd, rwy'n credu. Rwy'n credu bod yn rhaid i ni ochel rhag y posibilrwydd hwn ac unrhyw gynnydd afresymol a gormodol yn y ffioedd. Felly, hoffwn i ofyn i chi, o'r dadansoddiad ariannol a gwblhawyd, a ydych chi'n disgwyl cynnydd yn y ffioedd am y llain ai peidio ac a ydych chi wedi gwneud unrhyw amcangyfrif o faint y cynnydd hwn o bosibl. O ystyried ei bod yn ymddangos yn eich datganiad eich bod chi'n disgwyl gweld cynnydd yn y ffi am y llain—cywirwch fi os wyf yn anghywir—a oes yna unrhyw reswm pam eich bod chi wedi penderfynu peidio â defnyddio dulliau sydd ar gael i gyfyngu ar gynnydd yn y ffioedd nawr? Rwy'n gwybod, ac rwyf wedi clywed eich ymateb i Aelodau eraill o'r Cynulliad, am y ffaith bod yna drafodaethau a all ddigwydd rhwng perchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau a'r rhai hynny sy'n eu rhedeg, a bod yna lwybrau cyfreithiol. Ond, wrth gwrs, os yw'r datganiad hwn yn mynd i arwain at gynnydd, yna os oes gennych chi unrhyw syniadau o'r cynnydd hwnnw a sut y bydd hynny'n effeithio ar y sector, byddai'n ddefnyddiol i chi sôn neu ymhelaethu ar hynny yma heddiw.
Unwaith eto, fel y dywedais, rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig inni sicrhau cydbwysedd, ac rwy'n sylweddoli bod rhai safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau yn dibynnu'n helaeth ar gomisiwn gwerthiannau, ac mae o fudd inni sicrhau nad ydyn nhw'n cau, yn amlwg. A allech chi efallai ymrwymo i ailystyried y mater hwn y flwyddyn nesaf, os oes angen, i wneud penderfyniad ar natur a maint unrhyw ffioedd am leiniau, os yw'r rhain wedi cynyddu yn gyffredinol o ganlyniad i unrhyw newidiadau sydd wedi'u cyhoeddi yma heddiw?
Yn olaf, a gaf i ofyn i chi amlinellu sut y mae disgwyl i awdurdodau lleol gynyddu neu wella trefniadau trwyddedu ac arolygu? Rwy'n nodi, yn eich datganiad, eich bod wedi dweud y byddech chi'n hoffi hyrwyddo gwell cydweithio. Felly, a allem ni gael syniad ynglŷn â sut beth fyddai hynny yn ymarferol? Rydych chi'n cyfeirio at Rhentu Doeth Cymru. Sut y gellir defnyddio hwnnw fel ffordd o sicrhau bod y maes hwn yn fwy llwyddiannus o ran sut y mae'n gweithio, wrth fynd ymlaen?
Thank you very much for those questions. During the consultation process, there were various issues that did come to light that were not directly related, necessarily, to the commission rates, but they were issues that local authorities need to be very much aware of in considering, as we move forward with this issue. Lack of information and understanding, even, about the mobile homes Act was a clear issue amongst people who were living in mobile homes, and also, confusion about who should be paying the fee to the site owner, confusion about where to get information, uncertainty about what local authorities can and can't do, uncertainty about where the level of responsibilities lie, and also confusion amongst some park home owners about what their own responsibilities were as well. So, I think there are several issues there, and several avenues for us to be pursuing.
In terms of what we would expect local authorities to do, I'll be working with local authorities to understand better their experience of the implementation of the mobile homes Act, to explore again: is it better guidance that is needed, or is it a more co-ordinated approach? I would hope that local authorities would have the discussion with officials about the idea for a lead authority. I think that would be helpful in terms of applying some kind of consistency across Wales. It's not something I would seek legal powers to do, but I think that it is something that can be agreed through local authorities. We do, as you say, have the example of Rent Smart Wales, which I think has been successful in terms of changing the landscape of the private rented sector, changing people's understanding of roles and responsibilities, changing people's understanding of who can be held to account and how, and so on. So, there's lots that we can learn there from the Rent Smart Wales experience, in terms of how we move forward with the issues about park homes.
Something that's become clear to me, actually, is that commission rates are only a small part of the issue, but they have become very much a focus for people's discontent in the sense that people who are, particularly, living on park sites where they don't have a good relationship with the park site owner feel extremely resentful that 10 per cent of their asset will be going to that individual or the individuals whom they don’t have a good relationship with, should they need to sell.
Something as well that we've been very mindful of is that many people who live in park homes are older. They see it as a great retirement option. Many people—not all—on park home sites are also vulnerable people. So, there needs to be an improved level, I think, of understanding about how we can better protect people who are living on park homes sites and work with them. I would encourage them to consider setting up residents' associations, where they are not already there, in order to pool their collective bargaining power and their influence power. That's something, again, that we can provide information on.
It surprised me, when I first became aware, that when you buy a park home there's no conveyancing involved in the way that there is when you buy a house. People can buy a park home with almost less information than if they were buying a second-hand car, which is a big worry in terms of the kind of commitment that people are taking on when they do buy park homes and don't necessarily have the information that they need in order to make that purchase.
So, I think that there's lots to do in terms of making park home living attractive, and it's important that we do that, because park home living actually can provide relatively affordable homes within some of the very high-cost areas of Wales, and they can also provide wonderful communities in which to live as well. We’ve had some fantastic examples in our consultation and our engagement of park home sites that are genuine communities, which people are very evangelical about living in. So, again, we balance that with the bad stories that we hear of poorly managed sites as well. So, there’s plenty to do in terms of working with those local authorities and in terms of ensuring that people have the kind of information and advice and support that they need when entering into these kinds of engagements, or agreements, I should say.
Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi am y cwestiynau hynny. Yn ystod y broses ymgynghori, daeth amryw o faterion i'r amlwg nad oedd yn uniongyrchol gysylltiedig, o reidrwydd, â'r cyfraddau comisiwn, ond roeddynt yn faterion y mae angen i awdurdodau lleol fod yn ymwybodol iawn o'r angen i'w hystyried, wrth inni fwrw ymlaen â'r mater hwn. Roedd diffyg gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth, hyd yn oed, am y Ddeddf cartrefi symudol yn fater amlwg ymhlith pobl a oedd yn byw mewn cartrefi symudol, a hefyd, dryswch ynghylch pwy ddylai fod yn talu'r ffi i berchennog y safle, dryswch ynghylch ble i gael gwybodaeth, ansicrwydd ynghylch yr hyn y caiff ac na chaiff awdurdodau lleol ei wneud, ansicrwydd ynghylch lefel y cyfrifoldebau, a dryswch hefyd ymhlith rhai perchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau am eu cyfrifoldebau nhw eu hunain. Felly, rwy'n credu bod nifer o faterion yn y fan yna, a nifer o faterion i ni fynd ar eu trywydd.
O ran beth y byddem ni'n ei ddisgwyl i awdurdodau lleol ei wneud, byddaf yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau lleol i ddeall yn well eu profiad o weithredu'r Ddeddf cartrefi symudol, i archwilio eto: ai gwell arweiniad sydd ei angen, ynteu dull gweithredu mwy cydlynol. Byddwn yn gobeithio y byddai awdurdodau lleol yn cael trafodaeth â swyddogion ynghylch y syniad o awdurdod arweiniol. Rwy'n credu y byddai hynny'n ddefnyddiol wrth sicrhau rhyw fath o gysondeb ledled Cymru. Nid yw'n rhywbeth y byddem ni'n ceisio pwerau cyfreithiol i'w wneud, ond rwy'n credu ei fod yn rhywbeth y gellir cytuno arno drwy awdurdodau lleol. Fel y dywedwch chi, mae gennym ni enghraifft Rhentu Doeth Cymru, sydd yn fy marn i wedi bod yn llwyddiannus wrth newid tirlun y sector rhentu preifat, newid dealltwriaeth pobl o swyddogaethau a chyfrifoldebau, newid dealltwriaeth pobl o pwy all gael ei ddwyn i gyfrif a sut, ac yn y blaen. Felly, mae llawer iawn y gallwn ni ei ddysgu yn y fan honno o brofiad Rhentu Doeth Cymru, o ran sut yr ydym ni'n symud ymlaen â'r materion sy'n ymwneud â chartrefi mewn parciau.
Rhywbeth sy'n dod yn amlwg i mi, mewn gwirionedd, yw mai rhan fach yn unig o'r broblem yw'r cyfraddau comisiwn, ond maen nhw wedi dod yn ffocws amlwg iawn ar gyfer anfodlonrwydd pobl yn yr ystyr bod pobl, yn arbennig y rheini sy'n byw ar safleoedd parc lle nad oes ganddyn nhw berthynas dda â pherchennog y safle parc, yn teimlo'n ddig iawn y bydd 10 y cant o'u hased yn mynd i'r unigolyn hwnnw neu'r unigolion hynny nad oes ganddyn nhw berthynas dda â nhw, pe byddai angen iddyn nhw werthu.
Rhywbeth hefyd yr ydym ni wedi bod yn ymwybodol iawn ohono yw bod llawer o bobl sy'n byw mewn cartrefi mewn parciau yn hŷn. Maen nhw'n ei ystyried yn ddewis ymddeol gwych. Mae llawer o bobl—nid pawb—ar safleoedd cartrefi parc yn bobl sy'n agored i niwed. Felly, mae angen gwell lefel, rwy'n credu, o ddealltwriaeth ynglŷn â sut y gallwn ni ddiogelu pobl sy'n byw ar safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau yn well a gweithio gyda nhw. Byddwn yn eu hannog i ystyried sefydlu cymdeithasau trigolion, os nad oes un eisoes yn bodoli, er mwyn cyfuno eu pŵer bargeinio a'u pŵer i ddylanwadu. Mae hynny, unwaith eto, yn rhywbeth y gallwn ni ddarparu gwybodaeth arno.
Roedd yn syndod i mi, pan ddechreuais ddysgu am y peth, nad oes unrhyw drawsgludo yn gysylltiedig â phrynu cartref mewn parc, fel sy'n digwydd pan fyddwch chi'n prynu tŷ. Gall pobl brynu cartref mewn parc â llai o wybodaeth bron na phe bydden nhw'n prynu car ail law, sy'n bryder mawr o ran y math o ymrwymiad y mae pobl yn ei wneud wrth brynu cartrefi mewn parciau heb fod ganddyn nhw o reidrwydd yr wybodaeth y mae ei hangen arnynt er mwyn ei brynu.
Felly, rwy'n credu bod llawer i'w wneud o ran gwneud byw mewn cartref mewn parc yn ddeniadol, ac mae'n bwysig inni wneud hynny, oherwydd mewn gwirionedd gall byw mewn cartref mewn parc ddarparu cartrefi cymharol fforddiadwy yn rhai o'r ardaloedd cost uchel iawn yng Nghymru, a gallan nhw hefyd ddarparu cymunedau hyfryd i fyw ynddyn nhw hefyd. Rydym ni wedi cael rhai enghreifftiau gwych yn ein hymgynghoriad a'n hymgysylltiad â safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau sy'n gymunedau go iawn, y mae pobl yn efengylaidd iawn ynghylch byw ynddyn nhw. Felly, unwaith eto, rydym ni'n cydbwyso hynny â straeon gwael yr ydym ni'n eu clywed am safleoedd a reolir yn wael hefyd. Felly, mae digon i'w wneud o ran gweithio gyda'r awdurdodau lleol hynny ac o ran sicrhau bod gan bobl y math o wybodaeth a chyngor a chymorth sydd eu hangen arnyn nhw pan fyddan nhw'n dechrau y mathau hyn o ymgysylltiadau, neu gytundebau, y dylwn i ei ddweud.
Thanks to the Minister for your statement today. I appreciate, from what you’ve said and from what the other contributors have said, that this has been something of a long-running issue. As you mentioned, opinions have tended to be polarised, particularly on the one particular issue of the commission rates. So, it has been a difficult job for you. I can see that that would be the case.
Now, you’ve stressed the need for balance—the need to strike a balance between differing interests—in your statement, and I think that’s of paramount importance, so I agree with you that that was what you needed to do. There is a need to protect the interests of the whole park home community. After all, we don’t want well-run parks to close down. You mentioned that many of the people who live in park homes tend to be older people. Well, there is already a shortage of suitable accommodation for older people in society in general, so we don’t really want to exacerbate that problem with contributing to well-run park home sites actually closing down. So, we do need to be very mindful of that danger.
I was made aware of some of the issues around park homes about a year ago when I was invited to visit one near Culverhouse Cross on the western fringe of Cardiff. So, I went on a bit of a tour of the park. I had fairly free access to various residents—they weren’t by any means hand-picked for me to speak to—and, in general, the residents seemed to enjoy living in that community, and they seemed to very much value the village-like feeling that they had from living there. So, we do need, again, to be aware that there are many well-run park homes where people are enjoying that particular kind of lifestyle. Now, I appreciate that that isn’t the full picture. There are probably homes that are not run as well, and you alluded to differing experiences that people have. I’m aware that there are poorly managed homes too, so we need to address that.
Now, the financial elements are interesting, because you’ve stated that you were given a lot of access by the site owners—they very much co-operated in allowing your independent financial analysts to look at the accounts. So, you did have those accounts available, and that was helpful in leading you to make a more informed judgment. So, I’m interested, actually, in your reasoning for lowering the commission on the sales. Now, I appreciate that you’re saying it’s going to be done over five years, so that is better than something sudden, but all the same, it is lowering the rates, and I wondered at the logic of it, given some of the other factors that you’ve said in your statement. You’ve pointed out that the average in the 1960s was around 20 per cent commission and that’s gone down to 10 per cent already. You’ve also mentioned a crucial factor: that the value of the homes is to a large extent made up of the pitch itself. So, by that logic, it’s sometimes puzzling to wonder why you might want to reduce the commission, because you’ve said that there’s the issue of the pitch fees, so if the site owners are now reasonably free to raise the pitch fees, the danger is that the residents could be facing increases in pitch fees, so that is then going to have to be managed as a separate problem. And if pitch fees aren’t raised, because they do have to go to these tribunals if they go above the consumer price index, then the danger, which is actually in your statement, is that many homes will actually not be viable and will close down. And also, when people lose their pitches, they could actually lose more equity in their home because they're having to leave their pitch. So, I wonder at your overall analysis of all these factors in deciding to reduce the commission. So, I would wish you to put a little bit more light on that.
I agree with you that residents' associations are always a good thing if they don't have them, so encouraging that is good. And your ideas about having more guidance are good, because I thought—now, this is something where you did educate me today—that these were relatively visible fees. I thought that this was not similar to things we've discussed recently here, like hidden freehold charges and access road charges. I thought that people, when they entered into these financial agreements, understood that it was 10 per cent commission, but from what you've said, there may be a lack of knowledge and people may be entering, again, like with these other issues, into financial agreements when they're not fully aware of what they're signing up to. So, I totally agree with the need to perhaps educate these people, and if you can put any more light onto that, I'd be grateful. Thank you.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog am eich datganiad heddiw. Rwy'n sylweddoli, o'r hyn yr ydych chi wedi'i ddweud ac o'r hyn y mae cyfranwyr eraill wedi'i ddweud, bod hyn wedi bod yn dipyn o broblem ers cryn amser. Fel y gwnaethoch chi ddweud, mae'r safbwyntiau yn dueddol o fod yn begynol, yn arbennig ar un mater penodol hwnnw sef y cyfraddau comisiwn. Felly, bu'n dasg anodd i chi. Gallaf weld bod hynny'n wir.
Nawr, rydych chi wedi pwysleisio'r angen am gydbwysedd—yr angen i sicrhau cydbwysedd rhwng y gwahanol fuddiannau—yn eich datganiad, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n hollbwysig, felly, rwy'n cytuno â chi mai dyna yr oedd angen ichi ei wneud. Mae angen diogelu buddiannau'r gymuned cartrefi mewn parciau gyfan. Wedi'r cyfan, dydyn ni ddim eisiau i barciau sy'n cael eu rheoli'n dda i gau. Fe wnaethoch chi sôn fod llawer o bobl sy'n byw mewn cartrefi mewn parciau yn dueddol o fod yn bobl hŷn. Wel, mae eisoes prinder llety addas ar gyfer pobl hŷn yn y gymdeithas yn gyffredinol, felly dydyn ni ddim mewn gwirionedd eisiau gwaethygu'r broblem honno a chyfrannu at gau safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau sy'n cael eu rhedeg yn dda. Felly, mae angen i ni fod yn ymwybodol iawn o'r perygl hwnnw.
Fe ddes innau'n ymwybodol o rai o'r materion ynghylch cartrefi mewn parciau tua blwyddyn yn ôl pan gefais fy ngwahodd i ymweld ag un ger Croes Cwrlwys ar gyrion gorllewinol Caerdydd. Felly, euthum ar dipyn o daith o amgylch y parc. Cefais fynediad eithaf rhydd at amrywiol drigolion—doedden nhw ddim wedi'u dewis yn arbennig i siarad â mi o gwbl—ac, yn gyffredinol, roedd yn ymddangos bod y trigolion yn mwynhau byw yn y gymuned honno, ac roedd yn ymddangos eu bod yn gwerthfawrogi'r naws tebyg i bentref a gynigiwyd iddynt drwy fyw yno. Felly, mae angen, unwaith eto, i ni fod yn ymwybodol bod yna lawer o gartrefi mewn parciau sy'n cael eu rhedeg yn dda lle mae pobl yn mwynhau y math arbennig hwnnw o ffordd o fyw. Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli nad yw hynny'n cyfleu'r darlun llawn. Mae'n debyg bod safleoedd nad ydynt yn cael eu rhedeg yn dda hefyd, a gwnaethoch chi gyfeirio at y profiadau gwahanol y mae pobl yn eu cael. Rwy'n ymwybodol bod cartrefi a reolir yn wael hefyd, felly mae angen inni roi sylw i hynny.
Nawr, mae'r elfennau ariannol yn ddiddorol, oherwydd rydych chi wedi datgan y rhoddwyd llawer o fynediad i chi gan berchnogion safleoedd—fe wnaethon nhw gydweithredu'n helaeth drwy ganiatáu i'ch dadansoddwr ariannol annibynnol edrych ar y cyfrifon. Felly, roedd y cyfrifon hynny ar gael i chi, ac roedd hynny o gymorth i'ch arwain chi i wneud penderfyniad mwy deallus. Felly, mae gennyf ddiddordeb, mewn gwirionedd, yn eich rhesymeg chi dros ostwng y comisiwn gwerthu. Nawr, rwy'n sylweddoli eich bod chi'n dweud ei fod yn mynd i gael ei wneud dros bum mlynedd, felly mae hynny'n well na rhywbeth sydyn, ond ar yr un pryd, mae'n gostwng y cyfraddau, ac roeddwn i'n rhyfeddu at y rhesymeg, o ystyried rhai o'r ffactorau eraill yr ydych chi wedi'u nodi yn eich datganiad. Rydych chi wedi nodi bod y comisiwn cyfartalog yn y 1960au tua 20 y cant ac mae hwnnw wedi gostwng i 10 y cant eisoes. Rydych chi hefyd wedi sôn am ffactor hollbwysig: bod gwerth y cartrefi i raddau helaeth yn seiliedig ar y llain ei hun. Felly, yn ôl y rhesymeg honno, mae hi braidd yn rhyfedd meddwl tybed pam y byddech chi'n dymuno gweld y comisiwn yn lleihau, oherwydd rydych chi wedi dweud bod yna fater o ran y ffioedd am leiniau, felly, os yw perchnogion y safleoedd bellach yn eithaf rhydd i godi'r ffioedd am leiniau, y perygl yw y gallai trigolion fod yn wynebu cynnydd yn y ffioedd am leiniau, ac fe fydd hynny wedyn yn gorfod cael ei rheoli fel problem ar wahân. Ac os na chaiff y ffioedd am leiniau eu codi, oherwydd bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw fynd i'r tribiwnlysoedd hyn os byddan nhw uwchlaw'r mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr, yna'r perygl, sydd mewn gwirionedd yn eich datganiad, yw y bydd llawer o gartrefi mewn gwirionedd yn anhyfyw a bydd safleoedd yn cau. A hefyd, pan fo pobl yn colli eu lleiniau, gallen nhw mewn gwirionedd golli mwy o ecwiti yn eu cartref oherwydd bod angen iddyn nhw adael eu llain. Felly, rwy'n rhyfeddu at eich dadansoddiad cyffredinol o'r holl ffactorau hyn wrth benderfynu lleihau'r comisiwn. Felly, hoffwn ichi roi ychydig mwy o oleuni ar hynny.
Rwy'n cytuno â chi bod cymdeithasau trigolion bob amser yn beth da os nad ydyn nhw eisoes yn bodoli, felly mae annog hynny yn dda. Ac mae eich syniadau chi am gael mwy o arweiniad yn dda, oherwydd roeddwn i'n meddwl—nawr, mae hyn yn rhywbeth y gwnaethoch chi fy addysgu yn ei gylch heddiw—bod y rhain yn ffioedd cymharol amlwg. Roeddwn i'n meddwl nad oedd hyn yn debyg i'r pethau yr ydym ni wedi eu trafod yn ddiweddar yma, fel ffioedd rhydd-ddaliadol cudd a thaliadau am ffordd fynediad. Roeddwn i'n credu bod pobl, pan oedden nhw'n sefydlu'r cytundebau ariannol hyn, yn deall fod yna gomisiwn o 10 y cant, ond o'r hyn yr ydych chi wedi'i ddweud, efallai fod yna ddiffyg gwybodaeth ac efallai fod pobl yn sefydlu, unwaith eto, fel gyda'r materion eraill hyn, gytundebau ariannol pan nad ydyn nhw'n llwyr ymwybodol o'r hyn y maen nhw'n cytuno iddo. Felly, cytunaf yn llwyr â'r angen i efallai addysgu'r bobl hyn, ac os gallwch chi roi mwy o oleuni ar hynny, byddwn yn ddiolchgar. Diolch.
Thank you very much for those questions. I'll start where you finished, in terms of the visibility of the requirement to pay the commission rate that people agree when they enter into their contract. Well, it is within the contract, but this goes back to the kind of issue I was talking about in response to Bethan Sayed, where there is no conveyancing. This is essentially laypeople, in most cases, entering into what is a very serious contract about one of the largest purchases, or the largest purchase, I imagine, that they will make in their lifetime, but they don't have the kind of legal advice that people who are buying a non-park home house would certainly expect to be seeking out. So, there's certainly an issue there. I mean, I've heard of cases, through the consultation period, where people only became aware of the commission rate, actually, when their friends sold their properties. So, this is something that many residents are not aware of.
In terms of why we want to reduce the commission rate, really it's about making and ensuring that park home living does continue to be an attractive choice for people. Again, that's partly about ensuring that we have affordable accommodation for people in what are often expensive rural areas where people who are often retiring into these homes would be priced out of the market. Park homes are often really suitable for people, as they get older as well. It's very rare to find bungalows, for example, on the market. There's a big lack of bungalows within the sector when people are trying to purchase homes, whereas park homes can often be really suitable for people as they become older. So, it's about helping people, really, move in and out of the park home sector, and keeping it a vibrant offer for people in terms of where they would like to live.
Bethan Sayed also mentioned the financial analysis work, as you did. Originally, we had 17 businesses offer to open their books to us, and I think that that is fantastic and it shows how far we've come in terms of the kind of relationship that we have been building up with the sector over many years. In the event, we were able to look at the books of 10, for different reasons—businesses changing hands in some cases prevented us from looking at the books, or the owners being unwell and so on. But having 10 was really good. What I will say, though, is that those 10 weren't necessarily representative of the sector as a whole; they certainly represent the micro and small end of the park home sector, and don't give us the picture, really, of what's happening in those park home sites that are much larger. But what the evidence did suggest strongly was that these smaller sites do rely on their commission fees in order to be sustainable, which is why we've taken such a phased approach over such a long period—five years—in order to give businesses no kind of shock to the system, but the ability to plan over that period.
Some businesses may look to alternative or new sources of income in order to increase the income of the site and may decide not to increase pitch fees, but there is that reassurance there that any pitch fee above the CPI would have to be agreed by taking it to the residential property tribunal. There would be an opportunity there for all of the issues to be considered—the viability and sustainability of the site, the views of and the affordability for tenants and so on—and all of these issues will be taken on a case-by-case basis by the tribunal. So, the tribunal will not make a ruling for Wales, across Wales. It will be certainly on the individual site basis.
I think I've managed to answer all of those questions that were raised.
Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi am y cwestiynau hynny. Fe wnaf i ddechrau lle y gwnaethoch chi orffen, sef amlygrwydd y gofyniad i dalu y gyfradd comisiwn y bydd pobl yn cytuno iddi pan fyddan nhw'n dechrau eu contract. Wel, mae'r gyfradd yn y contract, ond mae hyn yn mynd yn ôl at y math o fater yr oeddwn i'n sôn amdano wrth ymateb i Bethan Sayed, lle nad oes unrhyw drawsgludo. Dyma leygwyr yn y bôn, yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion, yn sefydlu rhywbeth sy'n gontract difrifol iawn am un o'r pethau mwyaf y byddan nhw'n ei brynu, neu'r peth mwyaf y byddan nhw'n ei brynu, byddwn i'n ei ddychmygu, yn eu hoes, ond nid oes ganddyn nhw'r cyngor cyfreithiol y byddai pobl sy'n prynu tŷ nad yw'n gartref mewn parc yn sicr yn disgwyl chwilio amdano. Felly, yn sicr mae yna broblem yn y fan honno. Wyddoch chi, rwyf i wedi clywed am achosion, drwy'r cyfnod ymgynghori, lle y daeth pobl yn ymwybodol o'r gyfradd comisiwn, mewn gwirionedd, dim ond pan oedd eu ffrindiau yn gwerthu eu heiddo. Felly, mae hyn yn rhywbeth nad yw llawer o drigolion yn ymwybodol ohono.
O ran pam rydym ni eisiau lleihau'r gyfradd comisiwn, mewn gwirionedd mae'n ymwneud â sicrhau bod byw mewn cartref mewn parc yn parhau i fod yn ddewis atyniadol i bobl. Unwaith eto, mae hynny'n rhannol yn ymwneud â sicrhau bod gennym lety fforddiadwy i bobl mewn ardaloedd gwledig drud ym aml, lle byddai pobl sy'n ymddeol i'r cartrefi hyn yn ei chael hi'n anodd fforddio prynu yn y farchnad dai arferol. Mae cartrefi mewn parciau yn aml yn addas iawn i bobl, wrth iddyn nhw fynd yn hŷn hefyd. Mae'n anghyffredin iawn i ddod o hyd i fyngalos ar y farchnad, er enghraifft. Mae yna ddiffyg mawr o fyngalos yn y sector pan fo pobl yn ceisio prynu cartrefi, ond gall cartrefi mewn parciau yn aml fod yn addas iawn i bobl wrth iddyn nhw fynd yn hŷn. Felly, mae'n ymwneud â helpu pobl, mewn gwirionedd, i symud i mewn ac allan o'r sector cartrefi mewn parciau, a'i gadw'n gynnig deniadol i bobl o ran lle y bydden nhw'n hoffi byw.
Soniodd Bethan Sayed hefyd am y gwaith dadansoddi ariannol, fel y gwnaethoch chi. Yn wreiddiol, cawsom 17 o fusnesau yn cynnig agor eu llyfrau i ni, ac rwy'n credu bod hynny'n wych ac mae'n dangos pa mor bell yr ydym ni wedi dod o ran y math o berthynas sydd wedi datblygu â'r sector dros lawer o flynyddoedd. Mewn gwirionedd, bu'n bosibl inni edrych ar lyfrau 10 busnes, am wahanol resymau—gwnaeth busnesau newid dwylo mewn rhai achosion, gan ein hatal ni rhag edrych ar y llyfrau, neu roedd perchnogion yn sâl ac ati. Ond roedd cael gweld 10 yn dda iawn. Fodd bynnag, yr hyn y byddwn i'n ei ddweud, yw nad oedd y 10 hynny o anghenraid yn cynrychioli'r sector cyfan; maen nhw'n sicr yn cynrychioli pen micro a bach y sector cartrefi mewn parciau, ond nid ydyn nhw'n rhoi'r darlun i ni, mewn gwirionedd, o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau hynny sy'n fwy o lawer. Ond yr hyn yr oedd y dystiolaeth yn ei awgrymu'n gryf oedd bod y safleoedd llai o faint hyn yn dibynnu ar eu ffioedd comisiwn er mwyn bod yn gynaliadwy, a dyna pam yr ydym ni wedi cymryd ymagwedd fesul cam dros gyfnod mor hir—pum mlynedd—er mwyn peidio â rhoi unrhyw fath o sioc i'r system i fusnesau, ond yn hytrach, rhoi'r gallu iddynt gynllunio dros y cyfnod hwnnw.
Efallai y bydd rhai busnesau yn chwilio am ffynonellau incwm amgen neu newydd er mwyn cynyddu incwm y safle ac efallai na fyddan nhw'n penderfynu cynyddu'r ffioedd am y lleiniau, ond ceir y sicrwydd hwnnw yno y byddai angen cytuno ar unrhyw ffi am y llain sy'n uwch na'r mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr drwy fynd â'r achos i'r tribiwnlys eiddo preswyl. Byddai cyfle yn y fan honno i bob un o'r materion gael eu hystyried—hyfywedd a chynaliadwyedd y safle, barn a fforddiadwyedd ar gyfer y tenantiaid ac ati—a bydd pob un o'r materion hyn yn cael eu hystyried fesul achos gan y tribiwnlys. Felly, ni fydd y tribiwnlys yn gwneud dyfarniad ar gyfer Cymru, ar draws Cymru. Bydd yn sicr ar sail safle unigol.
Rwy'n credu fy mod wedi gallu ateb yr holl gwestiynau hynny a godwyd.
Can I thank the Minister for your statement today? Following extensive consultation, as you said, on the commission rates for park homes and the impacts for park home owners and park home businesses in Wales, I've had strong representations regarding the current 10 per cent commission rate for park home residents who often find themselves constrained by their financial circumstances, as residents of park homes, in terms of resale costs. So, I welcome the measured way you've responded to this challenging situation with a reduction to 5 per cent over a period of five years. I also welcome the emphasis you've placed on the wider issues regarding park homes, which are critically important in terms of the engagement I've had over the years with park homes, in terms of best management, facilities, monitoring and inspection.
But, concerns have also been raised with me by park home residents regarding the impact of this reduction—for example, concerns that park home residents could be subject, as has already been said, to unacceptable rent increases, and whether those who paid the 10 per cent commission will be transitionally protected from those rent increases.
A gaf i ddiolch i'r Gweinidog am eich datganiad heddiw? Yn dilyn ymgynghoriad helaeth, fel y dywedasoch chi, ar y cyfraddau comisiwn ar gyfer cartrefi mewn parciau a'r effeithiau ar berchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau a busnesau cartrefi mewn parciau yng Nghymru, rwyf wedi cael sylwadau pendant iawn ynghylch y gyfradd comisiwn bresennol o 10 y cant i breswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau, sydd yn aml yn cael eu hunain wedi'u cyfyngu gan eu hamgylchiadau ariannol, fel trigolion cartrefi mewn parciau, o ran costau ailwerthu. Felly, rwy'n croesawu'r ffordd bwyllog yr ydych chi wedi ymateb i'r sefyllfa heriol hon â gostyngiad o 5 y cant dros gyfnod o bum mlynedd. Rwy'n croesawu hefyd y pwyslais yr ydych chi wedi'i roi ar y materion ehangach ynghylch cartrefi mewn parciau, sy'n hanfodol bwysig o ran yr ymgysylltu yr wyf i wedi'i gael dros y blynyddoedd â chartrefi mewn parciau, o ran y modd gorau o reoli, cyfleusterau, monitro ac arolygu.
Ond codwyd pryderon gyda mi hefyd gan breswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau o ran effaith y gostyngiad hwn—er enghraifft, pryderon y gallai preswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau fod yn wynebu, fel y dywedwyd eisoes, cynnydd annerbyniol mewn rhent ac a phryderon ynghylch a fyddai'r rhai hynny a dalodd y comisiwn o 10 y cant yn cael eu hamddiffyn dros gyfnod pontio, rhag y cynnydd hwnnw mewn rhent.
I thank you very much for those points. I certainly know that you, for many years, have been a champion of the park home residents within your own constituency. I know we've had meetings to discuss the concerns that your constituents have been raising with you as well.
I do hope that the fact that there is this backstop of the residential property tribunal will give some assurance to people—those people who are managing sites, and the owners of the sites, but also owners of the park homes as well—that any increases in pitch fees will be reasonable and proportionate, and certainly anything above the consumer price index would be something that would necessarily have to be taken to the tribunal.
I think it's important to remember that CPI was agreed when the Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013 came into force, and it was chosen as CPI because we realised that many residents are on fixed incomes from pensions or benefits, and those themselves are linked to CPI. So, that decision was undertaken in the first instance in order to be fair to the residents. Again, we have the five-year period now in terms of moving down to the 5 per cent, which will be halving the commission rate, and it will be, certainly, the lowest commission rate in the UK. So this will give businesses time to adjust, but also home owners time to consider their options as well.
Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi am y pwyntiau hynny. Rwy'n gwbl ymwybodol eich bod chi, ers lawer o flynyddoedd, wedi cefnogi preswylwyr cartrefi mewn parciau yn eich etholaeth eich hun. Gwn ein bod ni wedi cael cyfarfodydd i drafod y pryderon hynny y mae eich etholwyr wedi'u codi gyda chi hefyd.
Rwy'n mawr obeithio y bydd y ffaith bod y cam wrth gefn hwn, sef y tribiwnlys eiddo preswyl, yn rhoi rhywfaint o sicrwydd i bobl—y bobl hynny sy'n rheoli safleoedd, a pherchnogion y safleoedd, ond hefyd perchenogion y cartrefi mewn parciau hefyd—y bydd unrhyw gynnydd mewn ffioedd am leiniau yn rhesymol ac yn gymesur, ac yn sicr byddai unrhyw beth sy'n uwch na'r mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr yn rhywbeth y byddai'n rhaid ei gyflwyno gerbron y tribiwnlys.
Rwy'n credu ei bod yn bwysig cofio y cytunwyd ar y mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr pan ddaeth Deddf Cartrefi Symudol (Cymru) 2013 i rym, a dewiswyd y mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr oherwydd ein bod yn sylweddoli bod llawer o drigolion ar incwm sefydlog o bensiynau neu fudd-daliadau, a bod y pethau hynny eu hunain yn gysylltiedig â'r mynegai prisiau defnyddwyr. Felly, gwnaed y penderfyniad hwnnw yn y lle cyntaf er mwyn bod yn deg i drigolion. Unwaith eto, mae gennym ni'r cyfnod pum mlynedd bellach o ran symud i lawr i'r 5 y cant, a fydd yn haneru cyfradd y comisiwn, a hwn, yn sicr, fydd y gyfradd comisiwn isaf yn y DU. Felly bydd hyn yn rhoi amser i fusnesau addasu, ond hefyd amser i berchnogion cartrefi ystyried eu hopsiynau.
Finally, Joyce Watson.
Yn olaf, Joyce Watson.
Thank you. Diolch, Llywydd.
I thank you for your statement. We know that there are about 5,000 people in Wales living in park homes, and that the sector is heavily concentrated in Mid and West Wales, having around half of the country's sites in that particular region. So, for that reason, during the consultation period, I set about visiting and meeting owners and residents and it does need restating that there are considerable divides between the opinions whether you're a resident or whether you're an owner. It's not only a deep divide, but it's a long-running one, and it's been rumbling on for years and years. I remember sitting on the Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee and scrutinising the 2013 Act that gave more rights to residents, but of course didn't remove the 10 per cent. I was also a member of the Petitions Committee that Bethan talked about earlier.
I do welcome your phased approach, and I think that most people will do that. But I think the things that perhaps need addressing now—and I'm not going to ask you to reiterate the answer that you've given about the potential for increased rent—the question I'm going to ask, because you've mentioned it several times, is the right to be able to go to a tribunal, and whether that is cost-effective for people who might find themselves in this position, and, if you don't know the answer now, what the price of going down that road might be for a resident who might already be struggling.
I did see sites that were incredibly well run—I have to say that. I didn't visit any that were badly run, but I do know that there are sites that are badly run, and I do know that they have absent owners and poor management usually. So, I suppose my question there is about trying to enforce the rules that we already have. I do remember the fit-and-proper persons within that Act, whether it was an owner or a manager or an agent, that they had to meet that criteria as a fit-and-proper person to run that site. I know that the oversight of this, if I remember it right, rested with the local authority. So, I suppose that, in order for us to say that we've got legislation in place that ought to deal with the issues that people are already concerned about, we also need to know that that is working in the way that we hoped it would at the time of passing that Act. So, whether we've got any update on that would be useful. If we haven't, if we could look forward to having it any time soon.
Diolch. Diolch, Llywydd.
Diolch ichi am eich datganiad. Rydym ni'n gwybod bod tua 5,000 o bobl yng Nghymru sy'n byw mewn cartrefi mewn parciau, a bod y sector i raddau helaeth yn seiliedig yng nghanolbarth a gorllewin Cymru, a bod oddeutu hanner y safleoedd yn y wlad wedi'u lleoli yn y rhanbarth penodol hwnnw. Felly, am y rheswm hwnnw, yn ystod y cyfnod ymgynghori, dechreuais ymweld a chyfarfod â pherchnogion a phreswylwyr ac nid oes angen dweud eto bod rhaniadau sylweddol rhwng y safbwyntiau, p'un a ydych chi'n breswylydd neu a ydych chi'n berchennog. Mae'r rhaniad yn un dwfn, ond mae hefyd yn un hirfaith, ac mae wedi bod yn rhygnu yn ei flaen am flynyddoedd lawer. Rwy'n cofio eistedd ar y Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol a chraffu ar Ddeddf 2013 a oedd yn rhoi mwy o hawliau i breswylwyr, ond nad oedd wrth gwrs yn dileu'r 10 y cant. Roeddwn i hefyd yn aelod o'r Pwyllgor Deisebau hwnnw y soniodd Bethan amdano yn gynharach.
Rwy'n croesawu eich dull gweithredu fesul cam, a chredaf y bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn gwneud hynny. Ond rwy'n credu mai'r pethau efallai y mae angen mynd i'r afael â nhw nawr—ac nid wyf yn mynd i ofyn ichi ailadrodd yr ateb yr ydych chi wedi'i roi am y potensial ar gyfer cynyddu rhent—y cwestiwn yr wyf i'n mynd i'w ofyn, oherwydd rydych chi wedi ei grybwyll sawl gwaith, yw'r hawl i allu mynd i dribiwnlys, ac a yw hynny'n gost-effeithiol i bobl a allai ganfod eu hunain yn y sefyllfa hon, ac, os nad ydych chi'n gwybod yr ateb yn awr, beth fyddai cost mynd ar y trywydd hwnnw o bosibl i breswylydd a allai eisoes fod yn ei chael hi'n anodd cael deupen llinyn ynghyd.
Gwelais safleoedd a oedd yn cael eu rhedeg yn arbennig o dda—mae'n rhaid imi ddweud hynny. Ni ymwelais i ag unrhyw safle a oedd yn cael ei redeg yn wael, ond gwn fod yna safleoedd sy'n cael eu rhedeg yn wael, a gwn fod ganddyn nhw berchnogion absennol a threfniadau rheoli gwael fel arfer. Felly, mae fy nghwestiwn i yn ymwneud â cheisio gorfodi'r rheolau sydd gennym eisoes. Rwy'n cofio'r personau addas a phriodol yn y Ddeddf honno, boed yn berchennog neu'n rheolwr neu'n asiant, bod yn rhaid iddyn nhw fodloni'r meini prawf hynny fel person addas a phriodol cyn cael rhedeg y safle hwnnw. Gwn fod y gwaith o oruchwylio hyn, os cofiaf yn iawn, yn gyfrifoldeb i'r awdurdod lleol. Felly, mae'n debyg, er mwyn inni ddweud bod gennym ni ddeddfwriaeth ar waith a ddylai ymdrin â materion y mae pobl eisoes yn poeni amdanyn nhw, mae angen inni wybod hefyd bod hynny'n gweithio yn y ffordd yr oeddem ni'n gobeithio y byddai ar adeg pasio'r Ddeddf honno. Felly, byddai'n ddefnyddiol gwybod a oes gennym ni unrhyw ddiweddariad ar hynny. Os nad oes gennym ni, a allwn ni edrych ymlaen at ei gael yn fuan.
Great. Thank you very much for those comments. Again, I know that we've met to discuss the concerns that you've heard from residents in Mid and West Wales, both from the perspective of the people who are park home owners, but also from the perspective of the people who own the sites as well. So, you've certainly, I know, heard both sides of the argument and recognised, as I do, that there isn't any point really at which those views will come together. Overall, there is that clear and consistent divide. Most residents, of course, as you can imagine, would support the reduction or abolition of the fee, whereas all of the site owners who contributed to our consultation wanted to see the site fee maintained or the commission rate maintained at 10 per cent. So, there is that divide.
You're absolutely right that it has been some time now since the start of the implementation of the 2013 Act, and I do think that now is the time to be having those conversations with local authorities and others to understand really, in terms of monitoring and the implementation of the Act, what more can be done to ensure that people in park homes are getting the fair deal that they expect, and are being treated with respect and being treated with fairness by the people who own those park home sites as well. So, this is something that officials have already started their engagement on with local authorities who have been doing that, but certainly some of the experiences that we've heard through our consultation process do certainly make me think that actually, on some sites, people are not getting the kind of service that they deserve. That issue of how efficiently the fit-and-proper-person test is working for people needs to be something that we should be exploring in greater depth, and we'll certainly be doing that.
In terms of the costs for tribunal, I was desperately trying to put my hands on the table that includes all of those costs, which depend on the number of parties involved, but I will certainly write to you with the detail of that.
Gwych. Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi am y sylwadau hynny. Unwaith eto, gwn ein bod ni wedi cyfarfod i drafod y pryderon hynny yr ydych chi wedi'u clywed gan breswylwyr yng nghanolbarth a gorllewin Cymru, o safbwynt y bobl sy'n berchnogion cartrefi mewn parciau, ond hefyd o safbwynt y bobl sy'n berchen ar y safleoedd. Felly, rydych chi, yn sicr, rwy'n gwybod, wedi clywed dwy ochr y ddadl ac yn cydnabod, fel yr wyf i, nad oes unrhyw bwynt mewn gwirionedd lle bydd y safbwyntiau hynny yn dod at ei gilydd. Yn gyffredinol, ceir y rhaniad clir a chyson hwnnw. Wrth gwrs, fel y gallwch ddychmygu, byddai'r rhan fwyaf o breswylwyr yn cefnogi lleihau neu ddileu'r ffi, ond roedd pob un o'r perchnogion safleoedd a gyfrannodd at ein hymgynghoriad am weld y ffi safle neu'r gyfradd comisiwn yn cael ei chynnal ar lefel o 10 y cant. Felly, mae'r rhaniad hwnnw yn bodoli.
Rydych chi yn llygad eich lle i ddweud bod peth amser wedi mynd heibio bellach ers dechrau gweithredu Deddf 2013, a chredaf mai nawr yw'r amser i gael y sgyrsiau hynny ag awdurdodau lleol ac eraill i ddeall, mewn gwirionedd, o ran monitro a gweithredu'r Ddeddf, beth arall y gellir ei wneud i sicrhau bod pobl mewn cartrefi mewn parciau yn cael y fargen deg y maen nhw'n ei disgwyl, a'u bod yn cael eu trin â pharch ac yn cael eu trin â thegwch gan y bobl sy'n berchen ar y safleoedd cartrefi mewn parciau hyn hefyd. Felly, mae hyn yn rhywbeth y mae swyddogion eisoes wedi dechrau ymgysylltu yn ei gylch ag awdurdodau lleol sydd wedi bod yn gwneud hynny, ond yn sicr mae rhai o'r profiadau yr ydym ni wedi clywed amdanyn nhw drwy ein proses ymgynghori yn gwneud imi feddwl, mewn gwirionedd, nad yw pobl ar rai safleoedd yn cael y math o wasanaeth y maen nhw'n ei haeddu. Mae angen i'r mater hwnnw o ba mor effeithlon y mae'r prawf person addas a phriodol yn gweithio i bobl fod yn rhywbeth y dylem ni fod yn ymchwilio iddo mewn mwy o ddyfnder, ac yn sicr fe fyddwn ni'n gwneud hynny.
O ran costau'r tribiwnlys, roeddwn i'n chwilio'n wyllt am y tabl hwnnw sy'n cynnwys pob un o'r costau hynny, sy'n dibynnu ar nifer y partïon sy'n rhan o'r achos, ond fe wnaf yn sicr ysgrifennu atoch chi â'r manylion hynny.
Diolch i'r Gweinidog.
Thank you, Minister.
Yr eitem olaf, felly, yw'r cynnig i amrywio trefn ystyried gwelliannau Cyfnod 3 i Fil Iechyd y Cyhoedd (Isafbris am Alcohol) (Cymru). Rwy'n galw ar yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet i wneud y cynnig—Vaughan Gething.
The final item is the motion to vary the order of consideration of Stage 3 amendments to the Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Bill. I call on the Cabinet Secretary to move the motion—Vaughan Gething.
Cynnig NDM6732 Julie James
Cynnig bod Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 26.36:
Yn cytuno i waredu’r adrannau a’r atodlenni i Fil Iechyd y Cyhoedd (Isafbris am Alcohol) (Cymru) yng Nghyfnod 3 yn y drefn ganlynol:
a) Adrannau 1 i 9;
b) Atodlen 1;
c) Adrannau 10 i 29;
d) Teitl hir.
Motion NDM6732 Julie James
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales in accordance with Standing Order 26.36:
Agrees to dispose of sections and schedules to the Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Bill at Stage 3 in the following order:
a) Sections 1 to 9;
b) Schedule 1;
c) Sections 10 to 29;
d) Long title.
Cynigiwyd y cynnig.
Motion moved.

Yn ffurfiol.
Nid oes gen i ddim siaradwyr i'r cynnig, na chwaith ymateb gan yr Ysgrifennydd Cabinet i hynny. Felly, y cwestiwn yw: a ddylid derbyn cynnig? A oes unrhyw wrthwynebiad? Felly, derbynnir y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
I have no speakers to this motion, nor a response from the Cabinet Secretary. Therefore, the proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? The motion is therefore agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Derbyniwyd y cynnig yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 12.36.
Motion agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Daw hynny â'n trafodion am heddiw i ben.
That brings today's proceedings to a close.
Daeth y cyfarfod i ben am 18:39.
The meeting ended at 18:39.