Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon, a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol

Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee


Aelodau'r Pwyllgor a oedd yn bresennol

Committee Members in Attendance

Alun Davies
Carolyn Thomas
Delyth Jewell Cadeirydd y Pwyllgor
Committee Chair
Hefin David
Heledd Fychan
Tom Giffard

Y rhai eraill a oedd yn bresennol

Others in Attendance

Betsan Moses Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru
National Eisteddfod of Wales
Caryl Haf Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru
Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs
Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies Mudiad Meithrin
Mudiad Meithrin
Dr Ioan Matthews Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Efa Gruffudd Jones Y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol
National Centre for Learning Welsh
Iestyn Davies ColegauCymru
Mabli Jones Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg
Mabon Dafydd Undeb Myfyrwyr Prifysgol Bangor
Bangor University Students' Union
Meirion Davies Mentrau Iaith Cymru
Mentrau Iaith Cymru
Ruth Richards Dyfodol i'r Iaith
Dyfodol i'r Iaith
Siân Lewis Urdd Gobaith Cymru
Urdd Gobaith Cymru
Tegwen Morris Merched y Wawr
Merched y Wawr

Swyddogion y Senedd a oedd yn bresennol

Senedd Officials in Attendance

Lleu Williams Clerc
Martha Da Gama Howells Ail Glerc
Second Clerk
Osian Bowyer Ymchwilydd
Rhun Davies Ymchwilydd
Tanwen Summers Dirprwy Glerc
Deputy Clerk

Cofnodir y trafodion yn yr iaith y llefarwyd hwy ynddi yn y pwyllgor. Yn ogystal, cynhwysir trawsgrifiad o’r cyfieithu ar y pryd. Lle mae cyfranwyr wedi darparu cywiriadau i’w tystiolaeth, nodir y rheini yn y trawsgrifiad.

The proceedings are reported in the language in which they were spoken in the committee. In addition, a transcription of the simultaneous interpretation is included. Where contributors have supplied corrections to their evidence, these are noted in the transcript.

Cyfarfu’r pwyllgor drwy gynhadledd fideo.

Dechreuodd y cyfarfod am 09:30.

The committee met by video-conference.

The meeting began at 09:30.

1. Cyflwyniad, ymddiheuriadau a dirprwyon
1. Introductions, apologies and substitutions

Bore da. Gaf i estyn croeso i'r Aelodau a'r tystion i'r cyfarfod hwn o'r Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol? Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 34.19, rwyf wedi penderfynu gwahardd y cyhoedd rhag bod yn bresennol yng nghyfarfod y pwyllgor er mwyn amddiffyn iechyd y cyhoedd. Mae'r cyfarfod hwn yn cael ei ddarlledu'n fyw ar Oes gan unrhyw Aelodau fuddiannau i'w datgan? Dwi ddim yn gweld unrhyw Aelodau'n dweud bod ganddyn nhw.

Good morning, and welcome to Members and witnesses to this meeting of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee. In accordance with Standing Order 34.19, I have determined that the public are excluded from attending the committee's meeting in order to protect public health. The meeting is, however, being broadcast live on Do any Members have any declarations of interest? I don't see any Members indicating.

2. Ymchwiliad undydd ar y Gymraeg: Addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg
2. One-day inquiry on Welsh Language: Welsh medium education

Felly, mi wnawn ni symud yn syth at eitem 2, sef ymchwiliad undydd ar y Gymraeg, addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg. Gaf i ofyn i'r tystion, plîs, gyflwyno eu hunain ar gyfer y record? Mi wnaf i fynd at Dr Matthews yn gyntaf.

So, we'll move immediately to item 2, our one-day inquiry on the Welsh language, Welsh-medium education. May I ask the witnesses to introduce themselves for the record? I'll go to Dr Matthews first.

Bore da. Ioan Matthews, prif weithredwr y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

Good morning. I'm Ioan Matthews, chief executive of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

Diolch, Ioan. A Gwenllian nesaf.

Thank you, Ioan. Gwenllian next.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 09:31:14

Bore da, bawb. Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies ydw i, prif weithredwr Mudiad Meithrin.

Good morning, everyone. I'm Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, chief executive of Mudiad Meithrin.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Ac wedyn Iestyn.

Thank you. And then Iestyn.

Bore da, pawb. Iestyn Davies, prif weithredwr ColegauCymru.

Good morning. I'm Iestyn Davies, chief executive of CollegesWales.

Helo. Siẁd mae? Mabon Dafydd ydw i, a fi yw llywydd Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor.

Good morning. I'm Mabon Dafydd, and I am llywydd of Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Bangor.

Mae'n ffantastig i'ch cael chi i gyd gyda ni. Nawr, rydyn ni'n fyr iawn o amser y bore yma, felly byddaf i'n gofyn, os gwelwch yn dda, am gwestiynau ac atebion mor gryno â phosibl fel ein bod ni'n gallu cael cymaint ag sy'n bosibl i mewn. Yn amlwg, bydd nifer o'r pynciau fyddwch chi'n eu codi yn tynnu ein sylw ni atyn nhw, ac wedyn byddwn ni eisiau dychwelyd, mewn mwy o fanylder, i edrych ar y rheini yn y dyfodol. Ac, wrth gwrs, os oes pethau ychwanegol y byddwch chi eisiau eu rhoi mewn ysgrifen i ni ar ôl, byddwn ni’n croesawu hynny. Mi wna i fynd yn syth at Hefin David i ofyn ein cwestiynau cyntaf.

It's fantastic to have you all with us. We're very short on time this morning, so I will ask for brief questions and answers so that we can fit in as much as possible. Clearly, many of the subjects that you will raise will highlight the issues to us, and then we can return to them in more detail in future meetings. And, of course, if there's anything you want to add to your evidence in writing, then we welcome that correspondence. I'll move immediately to Hefin David, who has our first questions.

Felly, gaf i ofyn dau gwestiwn gyda'i gilydd, os gwelwch yn dda, Cadeirydd? Beth yw’r prif flaenoriaethau dros y pum mlynedd nesaf? A sut mae'r cytundeb cydweithio rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Phlaid Cymru yn cael effaith ar eich gwaith a'ch darpariaeth?

May I ask two questions together, please, Chair? What are your organisations' key priorities over the next five years? And how will the co-operation agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru impact the work and provision of your organisations?

Diolch, Hefin. Pwy bynnag sydd eisiau siarad, os ydych chi eisiau gwneud hyn, a byddaf i'n eich galw chi felly. Efallai fydd pawb ddim eisiau ymateb i bob cwestiwn, ond pwy sydd eisiau mynd yn gyntaf? Gwenllian, neu Dr Davies.

Thank you, Hefin. If you'd like to indicate when you want to contribute, and I will then call you. Perhaps not everyone will want to speak to every question, but who'd like to start? Gwenllian.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 09:32:58

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiynau yna. O safbwynt y flaenoriaeth dros y pum mlynedd nesaf, dwi'n meddwl bod y rhaglen lywodraethu wedi'i diwygio yn sgil cyhoeddi’r cytundeb cydweithio yn rhoi rhestr o flaenoriaethau clir iawn i ni fel mudiad ar ran y sector blynyddoedd cynnar a'r sector gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg. Mae gennych chi’r ymrwymiad yna i ehangu gofal plant i gynnwys plant dwy oed, sydd yn rhywbeth y byddwn ni'n ei groesawu, ac mae hefyd gennych chi'r ymrwymiad i ehangu gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg. Rŵan, mae’r ddau beth yna’n plethu'n glir iawn gyda chynlluniau strategol y Gymraeg mewn addysg, sydd, wrth gwrs, yn amserol iawn, yn cael eu cytuno a'u mireinio ar y funud, oherwydd rydyn ni'n gwybod mai gofal plant ac addysg gynnar cyfrwng Cymraeg ydy’r prif bont i mewn i’r sector addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg, sef y prif ffordd sydd gennym ni o greu siaradwyr Cymraeg newydd. Felly, mae o i gyd yn plethu i mewn efo gweledigaeth a strategaeth 'Cymraeg 2050'.

Y prif beth o'n rhan ni sydd, felly, yn deillio o'r ddau ymrwymiad yna ydy'r angen i ni gael cynlluniau radical a newydd o safbwynt denu pobl i mewn i’r gweithlu. Rydyn ni’n gwybod bod yna gryn sylw wedi bod o safbwynt cynllunio gweithlu yn y sector addysg statudol, ac mae'r un pwysau a’r un her wastad wedi bodoli, ac yn parhau i fodoli, o fewn y sector blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg. Wrth gwrs, mae’r ddau beth yn cydblethu, ac mae'r un yn dibynnu ar y llall. Felly, yn gynnar yn y flwyddyn newydd, mi fydd Mudiad Meithrin yn cyhoeddi dogfen fydd yn amlinellu rhai o’n hymyraethau a’n syniadau a’n cynlluniau ni i ni'n hunain fel mudiad, i'r sector addysg alwedigaethol, ac i Lywodraeth Cymru ac unrhyw un sy'n ymddiddori yn y maes yma ynglŷn â beth allwn ni ei wneud i ddenu mwy o bobl i ddod i weithio i'r sector blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg, oherwydd heb hynny all ddim un o'r cynlluniau yma gael eu gwireddu. Oherwydd, yn wahanol i ysgolion, os nad oes digon o staff mewn cylch meithrin, mae'n rhaid i'r cylch meithrin hwnnw gau; all o ddim darparu gwasanaeth ar y diwrnod hwnnw. Felly, mae gweithlu a chynllunio gweithlu yn un o'n prif flaenoriaethau ni dros y pum mlynedd nesaf oherwydd ei fod o'n cydblethu mor agos gyda'r ymrwymiadau newydd yna sydd yn y cytundeb cydweithio a'r rhaglen lywodraethu wedi'i diwygio. Felly, dwi'n gobeithio bod hynny'n ateb y ddau gwestiwn.

Thank you very much, and thank you very much for those questions. In terms of our priorities over the next five years, I think the programme for government, having been amended as a result of the co-operation agreement, does give us a very clear list of priorities as an organisation for the Welsh-medium early years and childcare sector. You have a commitment there to expand childcare to include children at two years of age, which is something that we welcome, and you also have a commitment to expand Welsh-medium childcare. Now, both those things dovetail very clearly with the Welsh in education strategic plans, which are currently being refined and agreed, because we know that Welsh-medium childcare and early years education is the main route into Welsh-medium education, and that's the main way we have of creating Welsh speakers. So, it all dovetails with the vision and strategy of 'Cymraeg 2050'.

The main thing from my perspective, which emerges from those two commitments, is the need for us to have new and radical plans to attract people into the workforce. We know that there's been some focus in terms of workforce planning in the statutory education sector, and the same pressures and the same challenges have always existed and continue to exist within the Welsh-medium early years and childcare sectors. Both of those things dovetail and are reliant on each other, of course. So, early in the new year, Mudiad Meithrin will publish a document that will outline some of our interventions and ideas and plans for us as an organisation, for the vocational education sector, and for the Welsh Government and anyone who's interested in this area, in terms of what we can do to attract more people to come to work in the Welsh-medium early years and childcare sectors, because without that, not one of these plans can be delivered. Because, unlike schools, unless you have adequate staff numbers in a cylch meithrin, then that cylch will have to close; it can't provide a service on that day. So, workforce and workforce planning is one of our main priorities over the next five years, because it dovetails so closely with those new commitments contained within the co-operation agreement and the amended programme for government. So, I hope that responds to both of your questions. 


Diolch. Gwnaf i ddod â Ioan i mewn, ac wedyn, Iestyn, gwnaf i ddod atoch chi. Ioan.

Thank you. I'll bring Ioan and then Iestyn in.

Diolch yn fawr. O ran y blaenoriaethau, byddwn i'n ategu'r hyn mae Gwenllian wedi'i ddweud am y rhaglen lywodraethu—mae'r coleg yn croesawu'r rhaglen yn fawr iawn, ac yn sicr hefyd y rhaglen ddiwygiedig sydd nawr wedi cael ei chyhoeddi, gan gynnwys yr ymrwymiad i gynyddu cyllideb y coleg yn ystod y cyfnod nesaf. Ac mae'r ymrwymiad hwnnw, byddwn i'n teimlo, yn gyson gyda blaenoriaethau'r rhaglen ei hun, sef i ddatblygu ac ehangu y gweithlu cyfrwng Cymraeg.

Byddwn i, yn fyr, yn gweld ein blaenoriaethau ni o dan dair thema: yn gyntaf, gweithredu'n llawn y strategaeth a'r cynllun gweithredu ar gyfer y sectorau addysg bellach a phrentisiaethau. Fe ehangwyd cyfrifoldebau'r coleg yn ddiweddar i gynnwys y sectorau hynny. Mae yna gynllun wedi'i lansio ers dwy flynedd. Dechreuwyd ei weithredu e'n ystyrlon y llynedd, ac rŷn ni'n edrych ymlaen at weld hynny'n datblygu a gweld ehangu'n sylweddol y cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr yn y sectorau hynny.

Yn ail, cryfhau a pharhau gyda'r gwaith yn y sector addysg uwch o ran prifysgolion, ac mae ein blaenoriaethau ni fanna yn ymwneud ag ehangu'n sylweddol nifer y myfyrwyr sy'n elwa ar ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Cymraeg.

Ac yn drydydd, cefnogi strategaeth iaith Llywodraeth Cymru yn ei hystyr ehangach ac, yn benodol, cynyddu ein hymwneud fel sefydliad â maes addysg gychwynnol athrawon, gan fod datblygu'r gweithlu addysg yn ei gyfanrwydd yn allweddol, a sicrhau digon o gyflenwad o athrawon i ddiwallu anghenion y cynlluniau addysg sirol. Mae'r themâu yma i gyd, fel mae Gwenllian wedi sôn amdanynt o ran y blynyddoedd cynnar a gofal plant, drwodd i'r sector statudol, a hefyd y strategaeth gweithlu ar gyfer ôl 16, mae'r pethau yma i gyd yn allweddol o ran sicrhau llwyddiant y strategaeth iaith yn ehangach.

Thank you very much. In terms of our priorities, I would certainly echo Gwenllian's comments on the programme for government—the coleg welcomes that programme very much, and the amended programme, which has now been published, including those commitments to increase the budget of the coleg in coming years. And that commitment, for me, is consistent with the priorities of the programme to expand the Welsh-medium workforce.

We see our priorities under three themes: first of all, fully implementing the strategy and action plan for further education and apprenticeships. The responsibilities of the coleg were expanded recently to include those sectors, and a plan was launched two years ago. It started to be implemented in a meaningful way last year, and we look forward to seeing that develop and to see a substantial expansion of opportunities for learners in those sectors.

And secondly is the strengthening and continuation of the work in HE with universities, and our priorities there relate to significantly expanding the number of students benefiting from Welsh-medium provision.

And thirdly, to support the Welsh Government's language strategy in its broadest sense and, specifically, increasing our interaction as an organisation with initial teacher training, because developing the education workforce in its entirety is crucial, and we need to ensure a sufficient supply of teachers to meet the needs of county education schemes. All of these themes, as Gwenllian mentioned in terms of early years and childcare, through to the statutory sector, and the workforce strategy for post 16, all of these things are crucial in ensuring the success of the language strategy more broadly.

Yn sicr, dwi'n cytuno, felly, efo Gwenllian ac Ioan. Os caf i ddweud, mae yna her strwythurol, a dŷn ni wedi sôn am y gweithlu addysg ac ymarfer dysgu. Buaswn i'n ategu at hynny gymwysterau a wnaethpwyd yng Nghymru i Gymru, i sicrhau bod modd a ffyrdd o asesu ar gael—elfennau strwythurol. Ond hefyd, ar yr un pryd, mae'n rhaid inni fod yn hollol ymwybodol o'r elfennau diwylliannol. Mae gyda ni ddwy her yn y sector, wrth gwrs, yn nhermau addysg alwedigaethol: diffyg parch tuag at y sgiliau galwedigaethol hynny a diffyg dealltwriaeth o rôl yr iaith yng nghyd-destun sgiliau a darpariaeth alwedigaethol. Nawr, mae hynny'n fwy na rhywbeth strwythurol; mae e'n rhywbeth diwylliannol mae'n rhaid inni fynd i'r afael ag e, rwy'n credu.

Yes, I would certainly agree with Gwenllian and Ioan. If I may say, there is a structural challenge, and we've mentioned the education workforce and teacher training. I would add to that qualifications, which are made in Wales for Wales, to ensure that there are assessment modes available. That's a structural element. But also, we have to be very aware of the cultural element. We have two challenges in the sector in terms of vocational education: a lack of parity of esteem for those vocational skills and a lack of understanding of the role of the language within vocational skills and provision. Now, that isn't just a structural issue; it's a cultural issue that we need to address too, I think.

Diolch, Iestyn. Mabon, oedd unrhyw beth roeddech chi eisiau—? Ie.

Thank you, Iestyn. Mabon, was there anything you wanted to add?

Ie, gwnaf i jest ychwanegu, roeddwn i'n meddwl byddai'n werth dweud bod angen cefnogi a sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn ffynnu o fewn y sector addysg, a hefyd bod undebau myfyrwyr Cymru a phrifysgolion Cymru yn blaenoriaethu'r iaith o fewn eu campysau penodol nhw. Mae enghraifft o hyn nawr yn digwydd lawr yng Nghaerdydd, a byddaf i'n sôn mwy, efallai, amboutu hwnna wedyn.

Yes, I would just add that I thought it would be worth mentioning that we need to ensure that the Welsh language is supported and prospers within the education sector, and that student unions and universities in Wales should prioritise the language within their own campuses. We have an example down in Cardiff, and I will perhaps mention that in more detail a little later.

Diolch, Mabon. Hefin, was there anything else you wanted to—? Yes.

Wel, beth yw'r flaenoriaeth i'r pwyllgor? Efallai ei fod yn ateb tebyg, ond pa feysydd polisi o ran y Gymraeg ddylai'r pwyllgor eu blaenoriaethu yn ystod y chweched Senedd?

So, what should the committee's priority be? Perhaps the answer will be similar to your initial answer, but what policy areas in terms of the Welsh language should the committee prioritise during the sixth Senedd?

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 09:39:47

Dwi'n meddwl, i ateb y cwestiwn hwnnw, mae maes trosglwyddo iaith yn mynd i ddod yn gynyddol fwy pwysig. Os ydyn ni'n edrych ar 'Cymraeg 2050', rydyn ni'n gwybod mai'r ail ddeilliant yn fanno ydy dyblu'r defnydd a wneir o'r Gymraeg, ac mae beth sydd yn digwydd o safbwynt patrymau iaith yn y cartref yn bwysig o ran trosglwyddo—hynny yw, rhoi—a beth mae rhieni yn ei wneud gyda'u plant, yn ogystal â beth sydd yn digwydd mewn cylchoedd meithrin ac ysgolion ac yn y blaen. Felly, dwi'n meddwl bod yr hyn fydd yn digwydd dros y blynyddoedd nesaf o ran trosglwyddo iaith, o ran nudge theory ac o ran dysgu a deall beth sydd yn digwydd mewn sectorau eraill o ran nudge theory ym maes trosglwyddo iaith, yn mynd i fod yn bwysig iawn i'r pwyllgor yma, a hefyd y Ddeddf addysg arfaethedig. Dwi'n deall, wrth gwrs, fod yna bwyllgorau eraill yn edrych ar faterion addysg, ond mae'n rhaid edrych ar y cwestiwn yma yn ei gyd-destun polisi iaith ehangach. Mae hynny'n rhywbeth sydd yn allweddol bwysig, dwi'n meddwl, o ran sicrhau unrhyw gynnydd o ran creu siaradwyr newydd, ac rydyn ni'n gwybod mai'r gyfundrefn addysg drochi neu'r gyfundrefn addysg Gymraeg sydd yn creu y mwyaf o siaradwyr Cymraeg. Felly, o ran y pwyllgor yma, byddwn i'n erfyn arnoch chi i ystyried edrych ar drosglwyddo iaith—hynny yw, patrymau iaith yn y cartref rhwng rhieni a'u plant—fel rhywbeth sydd yn gynyddol bwysig i Lywodraeth Cymru ar ôl cyhoeddi'r polisi flwyddyn ddiwethaf, a hefyd mater y Ddeddf addysg Gymraeg arfaethedig.

To respond to that question, I think language transmission will become increasingly important. If we look at 'Cymraeg 2050', we know that the second objective there is to double the use made of the Welsh language, and what's happening in terms of language patterns in the home is very important in terms of language transmission—that is, passing the language on—and looking at what parents do with their children, as well as looking at what happens in the early years and primary sector. So, I think what happens over the next few years in terms of language transmission, particularly in relation to nudge theory and understanding what's happening in other sectors in terms of nudge theory and language transmission, is going to be very important for this committee. There's also the proposed education Bill. I understand that other committees will be looking at education issues, but we do need to look at this issue in terms of the wider language policy context. That is crucially important, I think, in terms of ensuring any progress in creating new Welsh speakers, and we know that the immersion education system and Welsh-medium education create most Welsh speakers. So, for this committee, I would urge you to consider looking at language transmission—language patterns in the home between parents and their children—as something that's increasingly important for the Welsh Government, having published their policy last year, and also the issue of the proposed Welsh language education Bill.


Diolch, Gwenllian. Iestyn, a wedyn fe wnaf i ddod at Ioan. Iestyn.

Thank you, Gwenllian. Iestyn, and then I'll come to Ioan. Iestyn.

Diolch, Gadeirydd. Dwi'n cytuno, unwaith eto, ond, ar ochr arall y sbectrwm wedyn, fe nodwyd gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg, yn y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg yr wythnos diwethaf, yng nghyd-destun craffu ar y Mesur arfaethedig ar gyfer diwygio addysg ôl-16, gyn lleied o blant a phobl ifanc sydd yn derbyn eu haddysg hyd at 16 sydd yn mynd ymlaen wedyn, ar ôl 16, i gario ymlaen drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, yn enwedig, wrth gwrs, yn ein sector ni, sef maes addysg bellach. Felly, mae eisiau targed empirig, cryf yna ichi ei ddilyn. Y ddihareb yw, wrth gwrs, 'yr hyn sy'n cael ei fesur yw'r hyn sy'n cael ei wneud', onid e? Felly, mae'n bwysig, efallai, eich bod chi'n syllu ar y targed a'r ffigur hynny law yn llaw â'r ffigurau sydd yn ein helpu ni i ddeall trosglwyddo iaith.

Ac wedyn, wrth gwrs, mae'n bwysig inni ddeall pa mor llwyddiannus yw ein systemau Cymraeg i oedolion ni. Ar ôl i bobl gael profiad o'r ysgol a'r coleg, a chael cyfnod efallai y tu hwnt i addysg, yn eu harddegau, yn eu 20au, neu beth bynnag yw'r cyfle, i'r sawl sy'n dod mewn, pa mor addas a pha mor briodol yw'r addysg Cymraeg i oedolion hynny o ran sicrhau bod pobl sydd yn medru'r iaith, felly, yn cael ei defnyddio hi yng nghyd-destun y gweithle? Prin iawn yw'r ystadegau empirig dŷn ni wedi eu rhoi i chi yn ein cyflwyniad ni; mae popeth braidd ar hyn o bryd yn ansoddol—sut mae'n teimlo. Rwy'n credu bod eisiau inni weld a meincnodi y dilyniant hynny yn eithaf sicr, a bydd hwnna'n help i ni i gyd wedyn i ffocysu a gwella darpariaeth a gwella deilliannau ar yr un pryd. 

Thank you, Chair. Once again, I agree, but, on the other side of the spectrum, the Welsh Language Commissioner said, in the Children, Young People, and Education Committee last week, as they were scrutinising the proposed Bill on reforming post-16 education, how few children and young people who receive their education up to the age of 16 through the medium of Welsh then go on afterwards to study through the medium of Welsh, particularly in our sector of FE. So, we do need a strong and empiric target there. Now, it's said that what is measured is what is done, so it's important, perhaps, that you scrutinise those targets and figures alongside the figures that help us to understand language transmission.

And then, of course, it is important for us to understand how successful our Welsh for adults systems are. Once people have had experience of education within school and college settings, and then have a period outwith education in their teens or their 20s, for those who then return to education to undertake Welsh for adults courses, how appropriate is the provision in ensuring that those who do have Welsh language skills can use them in the workplace? There aren't many empirical statistics in our evidence to you; everything is somewhat qualitative at the moment—about how things feel. I believe we need to be able to benchmark that progression quite robustly, as that will help us all to focus and to improve provision and outcomes at the same time.

Diolch, Iestyn. Dwi'n ymwybodol bod hwn yn gwestiwn pwysig ac eang, ond dŷn ni'n mynd i orfod symud ymlaen mewn munud. Allaf i ofyn, Ioan neu Mabon, a oes unrhyw beth cryno fyddech chi'n gallu ei ychwanegu?

Thank you, Iestyn. I understand that this is an important and broad question, but we will have to move on shortly. Ioan or Mabon, are there any brief comments that you'd like to make?

Os caf i jest sôn yn fyr am gynllunio gweithlu, yn y sector addysg statudol mae yna gynllun 10 mlynedd yn cael ei baratoi o ran datblygu'r gweithlu addysg. I ba raddau mae'r Gymraeg yn rhan o hyfforddiant pawb sydd yn mynd i mewn i'r proffesiwn dysgu yng Nghymru? Mae hwnna'n gwestiwn sydd angen mynd i'r afael ag ef o ddifrif. Strategaeth debyg, fel roedd Iestyn yn dweud, ar gyfer datblygu gweithlu yn y sector ôl-16, a hefyd y cynlluniau datblygu gweithlu mewn sectorau eraill, gan gynnwys iechyd a gofal. Mae yna faes enfawr yn fanna, rwy'n gwybod, ond maen nhw'n bethau pwysig i gyd dwi'n credu.

If I can briefly mention workforce planning, in the statutory education system there is a 10-year plan being prepared in terms of developing the education workforce. To what extent is the Welsh language part of the training for everyone entering the teaching profession in Wales? That's a question that needs to seriously be addressed. A similar strategy, as Iestyn said, for developing the workforce in the post-16 sector, and also workforce development plans in other sectors, including health and care. That's a huge area, I know, but these are all important issues.

Diolch, Ioan. A oedd unrhyw beth byr y byddech chi eisiau ei ychwanegu, Mabon?

Thank you, Ioan. Was there anything you wanted to add very briefly, Mabon?

Na, mae'n iawn. Dim problem o gwbl. Diolch.

No, that's fine. Thank you.

Diolch yn fawr iawn am hwnna, Mabon. Os oes unrhyw beth dŷch chi'n meddwl wedyn dŷch chi eisiau ei roi inni mewn ysgrifen, byddem ni wrth ein boddau'n ei gael e. Diolch am hwnna. Fe wnawn ni symud ymlaen at Heledd Fychan.

Thank you very much. If you do think of anything subsequently that you wanted to say and could provide in writing, then we'd be grateful. Thank you. We'll move on to Heledd Fychan.

Diolch yn fawr iawn, a bore da i chi i gyd. Yn amlwg, rydych chi wedi cyffwrdd ag ôl-16, a dwi'n meddwl y buasem ni'n gallu cael sesiwn tair awr am hynny ar ben ei hun—gobeithio rhywbeth y medrwn ni ddychwelyd ato yn y dyfodol—ond eisiau gofyn oeddwn i os medrwch chi grynhoi, os gwelwch yn dda, prif effaith y pandemig yn benodol ar eich gwaith ar ddarpariaeth. Yn amlwg, roedd yna heriau cyn y pandemig, ond yn benodol o ran y pandemig ei hun, os medrwch chi—. Dwi ddim yn gwybod pwy sydd eisiau dechrau efo hynny. 

Thank you very much, and good morning to you wall. Clearly, you've touched on post-16 provision, and I think we could have a three-hour session just on that issue—I hope it's something we can return to in the future—but I wanted to ask if you could perhaps summarise the main impact of the pandemic on your work on provision. Clearly, there were challenges pre pandemic, but specifically in terms of the pandemic, if you could address those issues. I don't know who'd like to start.

Os caf i, efallai, Gadeirydd, yn amlwg, yn ein tystiolaeth rŷn ni wedi nodi effaith y pandemig. Mae'n debyg iawn i'r effaith ar ddarpariaeth unrhyw gyrsiau, yn enwedig cyrsiau galwedigaethol, ac mae'r Gymraeg yn cael ei 'wrap-o' i fyny i mewn i'r her ehangach honno o symud o ddysgu wyneb wrth wyneb i ddysgu ar-lein, yn enwedig mewn meysydd technegol. Ond rwyf i yn credu hefyd ei bod hi'n bwysig inni sylweddoli, fel ym mhob elfen o bolisi, mai dyna i gyd mae COVID wedi ei wneud yw goleuo rhai o'r heriau oedd gyda ni yn barod. Amlygu hynny y mae COVID wedi ei wneud yn hytrach nag efallai greu heriau newydd. Felly, dwi yn credu ei bod hi'n bwysig inni nodi her COVID, ond roedd yr heriau a'r problemau gyda ni cyn mis Mawrth 2020, ac mae'n bwysig ein bod ni'n derbyn hynny ac efallai nad ydyn ni'n defnyddio COVID fel esgus a'n bod ni'n mynd i wir wraidd yr her ac yn nodi hynny fel pe baem ni'n dal yn y cyfnod cyn COVID.

If I may start there, Chair, clearly, we outline the impact of the pandemic in our evidence. It's similar to the impact on the provision of any course, particularly vocational courses, and the Welsh language is all wrapped up in those broader challenges of moving from face-to-face learning to online learning, particularly in the more technical courses. I also think it's important that we understand, as in all areas of policy, that all COVID has done is to shine a light on some of the challenges that we already faced. COVID has highlighted those, rather than creating new challenges. So, I do think it's important for us to note the challenges of COVID, but we were facing challenges before March 2020, and it's important that we accept that and don't use COVID as an excuse and that we get to the real root of the challenge and look at that as if we were in a pre-COVID period.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 09:45:54

Dwi'n meddwl byddwn i'n ategu beth mae Iestyn wedi dweud. Mae'r pandemig wedi dangos pa mor fregus ydy rhai o'r systemau, cynlluniau a gweithdrefnau rydyn ni i gyd wedi eu cymryd mor ganiataol, ac mae'r pandemig a'i sgil-effeithiau wedi ein galluogi ni i weld hynny yn fwy eglur. Dwi'n meddwl bod yna elfen hefyd efallai o greisis existential ar lefel bersonol, lle mae unigolion wedi bod yn ailfeddwl pethau go sylweddol a sylfaenol ynglŷn â'u bywydau: lle maen nhw'n mynd o ran y dyfodol, lle maen nhw'n mynd o ran gyrfa ac ati, ac wrth gwrs mae hynny wedi effeithio ar bob diwydiant fel ei gilydd.

A mynd yn ôl at bwynt wnaeth Iestyn ynglŷn â diffyg data empirig, dwi'n meddwl bod hynny yn wir. Yn sicr, mae trio cael gafael ar faint o bobl sydd yn astudio prentisiaeth neu unrhyw gymhwyster ym maes gofal plant trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn her, ond dydy honno chwaith ddim yn her newydd ac mae'n rhywbeth y bydden ni'n hoffi mynd i'r afael â fo er mwyn deall hyd a lled y gwaith sydd angen ei wneud yn well a hefyd deall pa mor ystyrlon ydy'r ddarpariaeth honno. Hynny yw, mae'n iawn i rywun fod yn gwella eu sgiliau Cymraeg; rydyn ni i gyd eisiau gweld cynnydd ac rydyn ni i gyd ar gontinwwm iaith, ond mae yna skill set penodol iawn sydd ei angen er mwyn gallu gweithio mewn cylch meithrin drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Felly, pwy ydy'r unigolion yna o fewn ein system addysg bellach ni sydd yn meddu ar y sgiliau hynny, beth bynnag ydy iaith eu cymhwyster nhw, mewn gwirionedd? Felly, ie, dwi'n cytuno bod y pandemig wedi tynnu sylw at heriau a oedd eisoes yn y system mewn gwirionedd.

I think I'd echo what Iestyn's just said. The pandemic has highlighted how vulnerable some of our systems and plans are, and we've all taken those for granted for many years, and the pandemic and its impact have enabled us to shine a light on that. I think there's also an element of an existential crisis on a personal level, where individuals have been rethinking some fundamentals about their own lives and where they're going in terms of their future, where they're going in terms of their careers, and, of course, that's had an impact on every industry.

To return to Iestyn's point on the lack of empirical data, I think that is an issue. Certainly, accessing figures on how many people are taking apprenticeships or any qualifications in Welsh-medium childcare is a challenge, but that's not a new challenge, and it's something that we need to address in order to understand the breadth of the work that needs to be done, and also to understand how meaningful that provision is. That's to say, it's fine for someone to improve their Welsh language skills; we all want to see that and we're all on a language continuum, but there's a very particular skill set needed in order to work through the medium of Welsh in a cylch meithrin. So, who are those individuals within our FE system who have those skills, whatever the language of their qualifications? So, yes, I agree that the pandemic has highlighted challenges that already existed in the system.

Gwnaf i ddod at Mabon yn gyntaf nawr, fel ein bod yn clywed gan Mabon, a wedyn gwnaf i ddod at Ioan. Mabon.

I will come to Mabon first, so that we hear from him, and then Ioan. Mabon.

Un peth yn bendant sydd wedi, efallai, amlygu dros y pandemig, ac ers y pandemig hefyd o ran myfyrwyr, efallai, yw mynd i'r afael â'r broblem, neu'r creisis efallai, iechyd meddwl sydd yn wynebu ein myfyrwyr yng Nghymru. Rwyf i'n credu yr oedd e'n bendant yn rhywbeth oedd yn cael ei ddelio ag ef tra oedd y pandemig efallai ar ei gryfaf, ond, ers i'r cyfyngiadau godi, rwy'n teimlo fel bod y ddarpariaeth efallai wedi mynd o dan y radar ychydig, a rhywbeth efallai a fyddai yn gallu cael ei hysbysebu o ran—yn enwedig gyda'r gwasanaeth cwnsela sydd ar gael drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg i fyfyrwyr a hefyd y gefnogaeth iechyd meddwl sydd ar gael drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg hefyd. Rwy'n credu bod hwnna yn sicr yn sgôp lle gallen ni edrych yn fwy i mewn i'r peth efallai. Yn sicr, y gwaith rŷn ni'n ei wneud o fewn undeb y myfyrwyr yw yn bendant i edrych i mewn i hynny mwy efallai, a sicrhau bod y myfyrwyr yn ymwybodol, efallai, o'r hawliau sydd gyda nhw o ran iechyd meddwl cyfrwng Cymraeg.

One thing that's certainly been highlighted throughout the pandemic, and since the pandemic too, in terms of students, is tackling the problem, or perhaps the crisis, in mental health facing students in Wales. I think that was something that was being dealt with whilst the pandemic was at its height, but, since restrictions have been lifted, I do feel that the mental health issue has gone under the radar perhaps, and is something that could be advertised, particularly in terms of the Welsh-medium counselling services available to students and also the mental health support available through the medium of Welsh. I think that is certainly something that we could look at in further detail, and certainly the work that we're doing within the students union is to look into that more and to ensure that students are aware of the rights that they have in terms of Welsh-medium mental health services

Gaf i jest ategu beth mae Mabon wedi ei ddweud? Mae hynny'n allweddol bwysig, a bod y gwasanaethau yna yn cael eu cynnal hefyd a'u hehangu yn flaenoriaeth. Mae e'n rhyfeddol, ac mae e'n deyrnged i fyfyrwyr, darlithwyr, hyfforddwyr, cymaint o weithgareddau sydd wedi gallu parhau mewn ffyrdd amgen yng nghanol yr argyfwng, wrth ymateb ar y dechrau fanna ac wedyn dod trwy hynny.

Un maes, fodd bynnag, lle rwy'n credu bod gen i rhywfaint o gonsỳrn ydy bod cyswllt personol yn dal i fod mor bwysig o ran annog myfyrwyr i astudio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a rhoi'r hyder iddyn nhw wneud hynny. Un peth sydd wedi ei golli, o bosib, dros y ddwy flynedd diwethaf, yw'r cyfle yna i gael y sesiynau un i un ac yn blaen ar ddechrau blwyddyn wrth i fyfyrwyr ddechrau ar eu cwrs. Nawr, mae'n anodd dweud ar hyn o bryd beth yw impact hynny, a dŷn ni'n gobeithio nad ydy hi'n mynd i fod yn broblem sylweddol, ond mae e'n risg, a dŷn ni ddim yn mynd i wybod yn union beth yw'r sefyllfa tan fod y data swyddogol ar gael maes o law. Ond efallai mai dyna un o'r prif heriau.

Ond, fel dywedodd Iestyn, dwi'n credu, mae angen inni hefyd barhau i fynd i'r afael â rhai o'r heriau sylweddol strwythurol yna oedd yn bodoli cyn y cyfnod yma. 

If I could echo what Mabon said, that's crucially important, and we need to ensure that those services are maintained and expanded too, and that's a priority. It's staggering, and it's a tribute to students, lecturers and trainers, how many activities have been able to continue in alternative ways through the pandemic, in that initial response and as we've come through that.

One area where I do think we have some concern is that personal contact is so important in encouraging students to study through the medium of Welsh and giving them the confidence to do so, and one thing that's been lost, perhaps, over the past two years is that opportunity to have those one-to-one sessions at the beginning of an academic year, as a student starts their course. Now, it's difficult to say at the moment what the impact of that will be, and we hope that it won't be a significant problem, but it is a risk, and we won't know exactly what the situation is until the official data is available in due time. But that's perhaps one of the main challenges.

But, as Iestyn said, I think, we also need to continue to tackle some of the significant structural challenges that existed prior to the pandemic.


Diolch. Gaf i ofyn un peth? Rydych chi wedi sôn ynglŷn â'r heriau o ran sgiliau a'r gweithlu dipyn. Ydych chi'n meddwl bydd y cyhoeddiad diweddar yma ynglŷn â throchi hwyr yn ddigonol o ran helpu efo hynny, neu fydd o'n gyfraniad—? Ydych chi'n meddwl y bydd yn cael effaith cadarnhaol o ran cefnogi hynny?

Thank you. Can I ask one thing? You mentioned challenges in terms of skills in the workforce. Do you think that the recent announcement on late immersion will be sufficient in terms of helping with that, or—? Do you think that it will have a positive impact in terms of supporting that?

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 09:50:31

Mae trochi hwyr yn bwysig, ond, i raddau, os caf i wisgo het sefydliadol Mudiad Meithrin, mae'n haws ac yn rhatach i drochi plant pan fyddan nhw'n ifanc iawn, iawn, oherwydd rydyn ni'n gwybod bod plant yn caffael iaith, ac ieithoedd mewn gwirionedd, mewn ffyrdd haws po ifancaf ydyn nhw. Dydy hynny ddim i ddweud does dim angen y cynlluniau trochi hwyr yna ar gyfer unrhyw blant sydd heb allu manteisio ar gael eu trochi yn ystod y blynyddoedd cynnar. Dwi'n meddwl bod gennym ni lawer i'w ddysgu o'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn y blynyddoedd cynnar, ac mi fyddwn i'n hoffi gweld bod y cynlluniau yna'n dysgu oddi ar y dulliau a'r methodolegau sydd ar waith o fewn y sector blynyddoedd cynnar ac, yn wir, yr hyn rydyn ni'n ei wneud drwy bartneriaeth efo'r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol, gyda chynlluniau dysgu iaith fel Clwb Cwtsh, er enghraifft. Ond dwi'n cytuno ei fod o'n mynd i wneud gwahaniaeth, ond mae hi'n haws os fedrwn ni ddal y plant pan ydyn nhw'n iau, ond bod yna rôl bwysig iddo fo ar gyfer unrhyw blant sydd wedi methu, am ba bynnag ag unrhyw reswm, â chael eu trochi yn Gymraeg pan oedden nhw'n iau. 

Late immersion is certainly important, but, to a certain extent, if I could wear my Mudiad Meithrin hat, it is easier and cheaper to immerse children at an early age, because we know that children acquire languages easier the younger they are. That's not to say that we don't need those late immersion plans for those children who haven't been able to be immersed during early years, but I do think we have a great deal to learn in terms of what happens in early years, and I would like to see that those plans learn lessons from the approaches and methodologies in place within the early years sector and, indeed, what we do in partnership with the National Centre for Learning Welsh, with programmes such as Clwb Cwtsh, for example. But I agree that it will make a difference, but it is easier if we can capture those children at an earlier age. But there's an important role for it for any children who missed out early on to be immersed in the Welsh language. 

Diolch yn fawr. Yn sicr, yn amlwg, mae'n haws mabwysiadu arferion iaith pan ydych chi'n ifanc. Mae pob un ohonon ni'n deall hynny, beth bynnag yw'r iaith rydyn ni wedi trio ei dysgu pan oedden ni ychydig yn hŷn, efallai, yn fwy aeddfed. Felly, mae hynny'n bwysig. Mae'n rhaid inni greu'r cyfleon, ac mae'r cynllun Cymraeg Gwaith yn esiampl dda o greu cyd-destun ble mae modd arfer, efallai, ac adfer ychydig defnydd o'r iaith, a hyd yn oed efallai dechrau dysgu'r iaith am y tro cyntaf. Mae'n bwysig dydyn ni ddim yn cwympo i mewn i'r hen drap, sef y naill neu'r llall. Mae'n rhaid inni ddeall fod hwnna'n gontinwwm, a chreu'r cyfleon i gyd. Felly, mae trochi yn beth pwysig. 

Ond, i ateb cwestiwn uniongyrchol Heledd, na, dwi ddim yn cytuno y bydd y cynllun trochi ei hunan yn helpu'r sefyllfa o ddarparu ac addysgu drwy gyfrwng yr iaith Gymraeg, boed hynny yn y sector blynyddoedd cynnar neu hyd yn oed yn y sector addysg gyffredinol, a fydd e ddim yn gwneud unrhyw wahaniaeth, rwy'n credu, yn y sector addysg ôl-16. Yr her fwyaf yn nhermau arfer dysgu a charfan o bobl broffesiynol sy'n gallu addysgu trwy'r Gymraeg yw'r ffaith does yna ddim cynllun o gwbl a dim gweledigaeth genedlaethol gan y Llywodraeth, a hefyd, felly, ddim gan y sector addysg ôl-16, y sector newydd PCET yma, sy'n mynd i ateb cymaint o broblemau yn ôl y Llywodraeth weithiau. Does yna ddim strategaeth na gweledigaeth i addysgu a sicrhau bod yna garfan o addysgwyr ôl-16 mewn unrhyw iaith. A wedyn mae'r Gymraeg, wrth gwrs, fel rydyn ni'n ei ddweud, jest yn cwympo allan o'r broses achos dyna le mae'r her fwyaf. Does yna ddim strategaeth i'r garfan a'r proffesiwn dysgu ôl-16 o gwbl, ac yn enwedig does yna, wrth gwrs, wedi hynny ddim strategaeth ar gyfer y Gymraeg yn hynny, chwaith. 

Thank you very much. Certainly, it's easier to acquire language at an early age. We all know that, whatever the language we've tried to learn as more mature adults perhaps. So, that's important. We need to create those opportunities, and Work Welsh is a good example, where we've created a context where you can restore language usage and perhaps even start to learn the language for the first time. And it's important we don't fall into the old trap of either/or. We have to understand that this is a continuum and provide all of those opportunities. So, immersion is important. 

But to answer the question directly, I don't think that the late immersion system will assist us in the early years or even in the general education sector, and I don't think it'll make any difference in the post-16 sector. The greatest challenge in terms of teaching practice and a cohort able to teach through the medium of Welsh is the fact that there is no programme in place and no national vision from Government, and neither is there among the new post-compulsory education and training sector, which is going to resolve so many problems, according to the Government. There is no strategy or vision to ensure that we have a cohort of post-16 educators in any any language, and then the Welsh language just falls out of the process, because that's where the major challenge lies. There is no strategy for that cohort in that post-16 profession, and therefore there is no strategy for the Welsh language there either. 

Ioan neu Mabon, ydych chi eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw beth?

Ioan or Mabon, anything to add?

Dim ond i ategu beth sydd wedi cael ei ddweud. Mae'r pethau yma i gyd yn cyfrannu, onid ydyn nhw, ond mae angen trawsnewid y sector addysg o ran sut mae'n cael ei gynllunio, ac mae datblygu gweithlu yn ei holl cyd-destunau, yn allweddol i hynny. 

Just to echo what's already been said. All of these things contribute, of course, but we need to transform the education sector in terms of its planning, and workforce development in all contexts is crucial to that. 

Iawn. Grêt. Heledd, bydd yn rhaid inni symud ymlaen mewn dwy funud, ond a oedd rhywbeth yn ychwanegol roeddech chi eisiau ei ofyn?

Okay. Great. Heledd, we will have to move on shortly, but is there anything else you wanted to add?

Na, mae hynny'n iawn. Diolch. 

No, that's fine. Thank you. 

Ocê. Gwnawn ni symud ymlaen at Alun Davies. 

Okay. We'll move on to Alun Davies. 

Diolch. Gaf i ddechrau lle mae Ioan wedi bennu? Roedd Ioan wedi sôn amboutu trawsnewid, ac wrth gwrs hanner y rheswm, neu y rheswm, am lansio'r targed o filiwn yn strategaeth Llywodraeth Cymru oedd i arwain at trawsnewid—trawsnewid sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn meddwl ac yn gweithredu; trawsnewid diwylliannol hefyd yn y ffordd rydyn ni i gyd yn meddwl. Ac roeddwn i eisiau gofyn i bob un ohonoch chi sut mae blaenoriaethau'r Llywodraeth wedi siapio, neu wedi newid, neu wedi arwain eich gwaith chi. Neu a yw e wedi cael unrhyw impact arnoch chi fel sefydliadau o gwbl?

Thank you. Could I start where Ioan finished? Ioan mentioned transformation and, of course, the reason for launching the target of a million Welsh speakers in the Welsh Government's strategy was to lead to a transformation—a transformation in how Government thinks and acts; a cultural transformation too in the way that we all think. And I wanted to ask each and every one of you how Government priorities have shaped or changed or have led your work. Or I could ask: has it had any impact on you as institutions at all?


Ie. Diolch yn fawr. Bydd Alun yn cofio, mae'n siŵr, fod adolygiad o'r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a gwaith y coleg wedi digwydd ar yr un pryd â lansio'r strategaeth miliwn o siaradwyr, a buasem ni'n gweld bod y penderfyniad i ehangu gwaith y coleg i'r sector addysg bellach a phrentisiaethau'n gysylltiedig yn uniongyrchol gyda'r polisi hwnnw. Oherwydd dyma'r sector—. Fel mae Iestyn wedi'i ddweud, dyma'r sector lle nad oes yna gynllunio cenedlaethol pwrpasol wedi bod—gyda rhai eithriadau—erioed mewn gwirionedd, ac felly mae rhoi cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr yn y sectorau hynny'n mynd i fod yn allweddol. Ac fel y dywedais i, dyna un o'n blaenoriaethu ni ar gyfer y cyfnod nesaf.

Yr ail beth y byddwn i'n ei ddweud, wedyn, ydy'r gweithlu addysg—i ddod nôl at hynny eto—a'r holl faes hyfforddi athrawon, mae yna her o ran recriwtio, byddwn i'n cydnabod hynny, ond mae yna her hefyd o ran sicrhau bod pobl sy'n hyfforddi i fod yn athrawon yn y sector statudol yng Nghymru, eu bod nhw i gyd yn derbyn hyfforddiant sgiliau iaith Gymraeg, fel bod hwn yn dod yn rhan greiddiol ymhen amser o'r proffesiwn yng Nghymru, ac, ochr yn ochr â hynny, bod yna strategaeth gweithlu ar gyfer y sector ôl-16 hefyd.

Yes. Thank you very much. Alun, I'm sure, will remember that a review of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and the work of the coleg happened simultaneously with the launch of the million Welsh speakers strategy, and I believe that the decision to expand the work of the college to further education and apprenticeships is directly related to that policy. Because this is the sector—. As Iestyn has said, this is the sector where there hasn't been national planning in a meaningful way—with some exceptions, it's never been the case—and so providing opportunities for learners in those sectors will be crucial. And as I said, that's one of our priorities for the next period.

The other thing that I would say, to return to the education workforce and the whole area of teacher training, is there is a recruitment challenge—I would acknowledge that—but there is also a challenge in ensuring that people who train to be teachers in the statutory sectors in Wales all receive Welsh language skills training, so that this becomes a core part, in time, of the profession in Wales, and, along with that, there should be a workforce strategy for the post-16 sector too.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 09:56:32

Mae'n hawdd bod yn sinigaidd am 'Cymraeg 2050' a'r targed yna o filiwn o siaradwyr a hybu defnydd, ond, yn bersonol, dwi'n credu ei fod yn well i roi gwynt a momentwm newydd, yn bendant, i waith Mudiad Meithrin. Mae yna dystiolaeth amlwg iawn o hynny yn y ffaith ein bod ni wedi cael buddsoddiad ariannol ychwanegol i wireddu cynllun Sefydlu a Symud, sef y cynllun sydd yn sefydlu cylchoedd meithrin newydd ac yn ehangu ar gylchoedd Meithrin sefydledig, gan felly ei gwneud hi'n haws i deuluoedd fod yn dewis gofal plant ac addysg gynnar. Mae pwyslais hefyd yng nghynllun strategol y Gymraeg mewn addysg 2022-32, CySGA, deilliant 1, ar greu'r galw, yn hytrach na mesur y galw, yn allweddol bwysig oherwydd mae o'n ffordd inni herio awdurdodau lleol yn enwedig i ddweud, 'Wel, does dim angen mwyach inni fod yn casglu'r dystiolaeth i chi ynglŷn â pha faint o deuluoedd sydd angen gofal neu addysg drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg; rydyn ni'n gwybod bod y galw yna.' Holl ethos y CySGA erbyn hyn, yn seiliedig ar 'Cymraeg 2050', ydy i greu'r galw, oherwydd ein bod ni'n gwybod bod y galw yn bodoli a heb gael ei dapio i mewn iddo fo.

Mae 'Cymraeg 2050' hefyd yn gosod targed hynod o uchelgeisiol ar gyfer y canran o blant fydd angen bod yn derbyn eu haddysg drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg er mwyn gwireddu'r targed yna o filiwn. Felly, mae cynyddu'r canran hwnnw yn gwneud gwir wahaniaeth ac yn rhoi pwysau ar bob un sydd yn cynllunio o safbwynt darpariaeth gofal plant ac addysg Gymraeg i fod yn cynyddu faint o blant sydd yn y system er mwyn cyrraedd y targedau yna. Ac rydyn ni'n gwybod yn barod bod yna fwlch o safbwynt cyrraedd y targed, ond dwi'n falch iawn o ddweud bod niferoedd y plant sydd yn derbyn eu haddysg drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ym mlwyddyn derbyn wedi cynyddu, sydd yn glod ac yn destament i'r hyn mae cylchoedd meithrin a meithrinfeydd dydd cyfrwng Cymraeg yn ei wneud, oherwydd rydyn ni'n gwybod bod yna ddilyniant pendant o'r sector nas gynhelir cyfrwng Cymraeg i mewn i ysgolion Cymraeg. Felly, i fi, mae 'Cymraeg 2050' wedi bod yn darged trawsnewidiol, ac mi fydd o'n parhau i fod cyn belled ei fod yn parhau i fod yn ein hymwybyddiaeth gymdeithasol, polisi ni fel cenedl.

It's easy to be cynical about 'Cymraeg 2050' and that target of a million Welsh speakers and promoting use, but, personally, I think it has provided wind in our sails, as Mudiad Meithrin, and provided new momentum. There is very clear evidence of that in the fact that we have had financial investment in order to deliver the Sefydlu a Symud programme, which establishes new cylchoedd meithrin and expands those that are already established, therefore making it easier for families to choose Welsh-medium childcare and early years education. The emphasis also in the Welsh in education strategic plan 2022-32, outcome 1, on creating demand rather than measuring demand is crucially important, because it's a way for us to challenge local authorities particularly to say, 'Well, we no longer need to gather evidence on demand for you in terms of the number of families that want Welsh-medium education; we know that the demand is there.' The whole ethos in terms of the WESPs now, based on 'Cymraeg 2050', is to create the demand, because we know that the demand is there and hasn't been tapped into.

'Cymraeg 2050' also sets an incredibly ambitious target in terms of the number of children who will need to receive their education through the medium of Welsh in order to deliver that target of a million Welsh speakers. So, increasing that percentage will make a real difference and will put pressure on everyone planning the provision of childcare and Welsh-medium education to increase the number of children in the system in order to reach those targets. And we know that there is already a gap in terms of reaching the target, but I am very pleased to say that the number of children in receipt of education through the medium of Welsh in the reception year has increased, which is testament to our sector, because we know that there is clear continuity from the non-maintained Welsh-medium sector into Welsh-medium schools. So, for me, 'Cymraeg 2050' has been transformational and will continue to be as long as it remains in our social awareness, our policy as a nation.

Ie. Byddwn i'n dweud, yn wir, mae'r targed wedi bod yn beth bositif, Alun, a phwy bynnag a wnaeth benderfynu y dylen ni gael targed felly, mor heriol, roedd e'n syniad da. Hefyd, mae'r ffaith bod gyda ni—

Yes. I would say that the target has been very positive, Alun, and whoever decided that we should have such a challenging target, it was a very good idea. Also, the fact that we have—

That's not going to get you anywhere with me—you know that. [Laughter.]

Mae'r ffaith bod yna statud a rheolau, Mesur y Gymraeg (Cymru) 2011, mae hynny'n beth pwysig. Dŷn ni'n derbyn bod statud a thargedau yn llunio ac yn llywio polisi ac mae hynny'n iawn. Dywedais i ar y dechrau, wrth gwrs, fod yna elfen strwythurol, a rŷn ni wedi crybwyll rhai pethau a all wella yn y cyd-destun yna. Rwy'n credu mai'r her fwyaf yw'r her ddiwylliannol ac nid jest yn nhermau parch tuag at, er enghraifft, addysgu a dysgu galwedigaethol versus academaidd yn bur, ond y pwysigrwydd dŷn ni'n ei rhoi—efallai'r gorbwyslais dŷn ni'n ei rhoi, bellach—ar ddiwylliant, fel y modd, fel y cerbyd, os liciwch chi, i sicrhau bod y targed o filiwn o siaradwyr yn cael ei gyrraedd.

Dwi yn credu—a dwi'n cyfrif fy hunan tu fewn i'r feirniadaeth yma—bod Gweinidogion, gwleidyddion, Aelodau Seneddol, ni—pobl y pethau, fel petai—ein bod ni'n or-ddibynnol ar ddiwylliant. Dŷn ni efallai ddim yn ystyried pa mor bwysig yw cymwysterau galwedigaethol i sicrhau bod Cymry Cymraeg a'r Cymry sydd am fod yn Gymry Cymraeg yn medru byw eu bywydau drwy gyfrwng yr iaith Gymraeg. Dŷn ni'n dal yn or-ddibynnol ar glocsio a chynganeddu i arbed yr iaith. Mae'n rhaid i ni dderbyn bod plymio a seiri coed a thorri gwallt yr un mor bwysig â dealltwriaeth o Weledigaethau'r Bardd Cwsg. Nes ein bod ni'n delio gyda hynny, dwi'n credu yn ddiwylliannol, fyddwn ni ddim yn rhoi'r cydbwysedd ac yn rhoi cyfleon i bobl sydd ddim yn gweld eu hunain, efallai, fel eisteddfodwyr neu bobl sy'n medru canu cerdd dant, fel rhywun sy'n medru derbyn a deall a defnyddio'r iaith, ac mae hwnna efallai yn mynd i roi mwy o gefnogaeth i'r math o waith y mae Mabon a'i gydweithwyr yn ei wneud er mwyn sicrhau bod yna ddealltwriaeth llawer mwy cyfoethog, yn eironig, o beth ydy rôl y Gymraeg yn ein cymdeithas ni.

The fact that there is statute and rules and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, that is very important. We accept that legislation and targets do steer policy and that is as it should be. I said at the outset that there is a structural element, and we've mentioned some things that could be improved in that context. I think the major challenge is the cultural challenge and not just in terms of respect for vocational versus academic learning, but the importance that we place—and perhaps the overemphasis that we place—on culture as the vehicle in ensuring that the target of a million Welsh speakers is delivered.

I do believe—and I count myself within this criticism—that Ministers, politicians, MPs, us, we are overly reliant on culture, and we don't perhaps consider how important vocational qualifications are in ensuring that Welsh speakers and those people who want to be Welsh speakers can live their lives through the medium of Welsh. We are still overreliant on clog dancing and poetry to save the language. We have to accept that plumbers and hairdressers and carpenters are just as important as having an understanding of Gweledigaethau'r Bardd Cwsg. Until we deal with that cultural issue, we won't provide that proper balance and provide opportunities for people who perhaps don't see themselves as those who sing cerdd dant or go to the Eisteddfod, as people who can understand and use the language, and that will perhaps provide more support to the kind of work that Mabon and his colleagues do in terms of ensuring that there is an enhanced understanding, ironically, of the role of the Welsh language in our society. 


Ar y pwynt yna, Mabon, rôn i'n gweld eich bod chi'n dadfiwtio'ch hunan. Oeddech chi eisiau dod mewn?

On that point, Mabon, I saw that you were unmuting yourself. Did you want to come in?

Rôn i jest eisiau dweud o ran undebau myfyrwyr, dwi'n credu bod un peth yn sicr, yw bod y Gymraeg wastad yn flaenoriaeth ac mae'n flaenoriaeth o fewn prifysgolion hefyd, buaswn i'n dweud. Dŷn ni mewn cyfathrebiad cyson gydag uwch dîm y brifysgol ym Mangor, a dwi'n credu o ran safonau'r Gymraeg yn y brifysgol, dwi'n credu bod hwnna'n sicr yn deillio o strategaeth 2050 ar gyfer miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg, ac mae e'n bendant yn rhywbeth mae'r uwch dîm yn cyfeirio ato'n gyson, ac mae'n rhywbeth dŷn ni fel undeb yn cefnogi, wrth gwrs.

A dwi'n credu, un peth hefyd dŷn ni'n edrych i mewn iddo, fel oedd Iestyn yn cyfeirio ato yn fanna: efallai nad yw clocsio a chynganeddu yn mynd i gynyddu nifer y siaradwyr Cymraeg, ond dwi'n credu un peth yn sicr dŷn ni'n edrych i mewn iddo yw ceisio gweld bod mwy o'r myfyrwyr sy'n dod mewn i Gymru yn dysgu'r iaith. Mae e'n bendant yn rhywbeth dŷn ni'n gweithio gyda ym Mangor, yn bendant, yw rhywbeth dŷn ni'n edrych mewn iddo o ran prosiectau gwahanol lle dŷn ni yn partneru myfyrwyr Cymraeg gyda myfyrwyr sydd eisiau dysgu'r Gymraeg, neu eisiau gwybod mwy am ddiwylliant y Gymraeg, a'u bod nhw'n cyfarfod dros rywbeth anffurfiol iawn, er mwyn gwybod mwy am y Gymraeg, mewn ffordd. Ac mae e'n sicr yn rhywbeth y gallwn ni edrych i mewn iddo, yn sicr, dwi'n credu.

I just wanted to say within students unions, I think one thing that's certain is that the Welsh language is always a priority and it's a priority within universities, too. We're in regular communication with the senior management team at Bangor University, and I think in terms of Welsh language standards in the university, and I think that certainly emerges from the 2050 strategy for a million Welsh speakers, and it is certainly something that the senior management team refers to regularly, and it is something that we as a union support, of course.

And I think one thing that we are looking into, as Iestyn mentioned there: perhaps clog dancing and strict-metre poetry won't increase the number of Welsh speakers, but one thing that we are looking into is seeking to ensure that more students coming into Wales do learn the language. It's certainly something that we're working on in Bangor, and it's different projects that we're looking at where we partner Welsh-speaking students with students who want to learn the language or understand more about Welsh culture, and then they can meet very informally in order to learn more about the language. And it's certainly something that we can look into for the future.

Ocê. Diolch am hynny. So, os yw'r targed ei hun wedi sbarduno'r ffordd o feddwl, a sut ydych chi'n meddwl amboutu'ch gwaith chi, ydych chi'n meddwl bod rhaglen waith y Llywodraeth yn y Senedd bresennol, hyd at 2026, yn ddigonol i gyrraedd y targedau, ac yn ddigonol i osod y fath o sylfaen fydd angen os ydyn ni o ddifri amboutu cwrdd â'r amcanion?

Thank you for that. So, if the target itself has changed the mindset and has changed how you think about your work, then do you think that the Government's work programme in the current Senedd, which runs up to 2026, is sufficient in terms of meeting these targets, and is sufficient in terms of laying the kinds of foundations that we will need if we are serious about achieving these objectives?

Os gallaf i ofyn am atebion mor gryno â phosibl, plis, i hynna, achos dŷn ni'n fyr o amser; roedd Ioan wedi dweud ei fod e eisiau dod mewn fan hyn.

If I could ask for as brief an answer as possible to that, please, because we are short of time. I think Ioan indicated.

Ie, dwi'n credu bod y rhaglen yn un uchelgeisiol, a'r hyn fydd yn allweddol yw i ba raddau mae'r dyheadau a'r bwriadau sydd tu ôl i'r rhaglen yn cael eu gwireddu. Jest un enghraifft yn sydyn: mae Iestyn wedi cyfeirio at y comisiwn trydyddol newydd fydd yn cael ei sefydlu; mae hwn yn mynd i fod yn gorff enfawr gyda chyfrifoldebau yn y sector ôl-16. Mae'r Bil drafft yn gosod cyfrifoldeb ar y comisiwn yma i fesur y galw ac i ymateb i'r galw am ddarpariaeth cyfrwng Gymraeg. Buaswn i'n dadlau bod angen cryfhau hynny'n sylweddol ac y dylai'r comisiwn fod yn sbarduno galw. Ac hefyd yng nghyd-destun y comisiwn, mae gan y comisiwn yma botensial i bwerau sylweddol iawn, pwerau er enghraifft i ad-drefnu darpariaeth chweched dosbarth. Mae angen sicrhau nad ydy e'n gallu gwneud hynny mewn cydberthynas â'r Gymraeg heb ymgynghori'n llawn ar impact unrhyw newidiadau ar y ddarpariaeth yn lleol. Mae hwn yn faes sensitif a chymhleth, y gwahanol sefyllfaoedd mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru. Ond dyna'r math o bethau penodol sydd angen eu gwneud i sicrhau bod y dyheadau tu ôl i'r rhaglen o ran y Gymraeg yn cael eu gwireddu.

Yes, I think the programme is ambitious, and what will be crucial will be to what extent the aspirations underpinning the programme are delivered. If I give you one quick example: Iestyn's already referred to the new tertiary commission that'll be established. This will be a huge body with responsibilities in the post-16 sector. The draft Bill places responsibility on this commission to measure demand and to respond to demand for Welsh-medium provision. I would argue that that needs to be strengthened substantially and that the commission should be encouraging demand. And in the context of the commission, this commission has the potential to take on major powers, to reorganise sixth-form provision, for example. We need to ensure that it can't do that in relation to the Welsh language without full consultation on the impact of any changes on local provision. This is a very sensitive and complex area, and the situation is different in different parts of Wales. But those are the kinds of specific things that need to be done in order to ensure that the aspirations underpinning the programme for the Welsh language are delivered.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 10:05:07

Dwi'n meddwl mai'r ateb gonest ydy ein bod ni ddim yn gwybod eto. Felly, yn sicr, mae'r ymrwymiad yna i ehangu'r cynnig gofal plant i gynnwys plant dwy oed, ac i ehangu'r cynnig cyfrwng Cymraeg, yn bethau a all fod yn drawsnewidiol o safbwynt y ddarpariaeth yn yr un ffordd, ac mae'r cynlluniau cyfalaf i gynnig gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg wedi bod yn allweddol bwysig dros y tymor diwethaf. Felly, dwi'n meddwl bod yna elfen o ddweud 'jury's out' ar y funud ynglŷn â pha mor drawsnewidiol gall y rhain fod er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni'n gweld y math o newid sydd ei angen. Felly, dwi'n meddwl bod y potensial yna, ond mae angen gweld y manylion ynglŷn â sut yn union mae'r cynlluniau yna i ehangu'r cynnig gofal plant cyfrwng Cymraeg yn cael eu diwallu. Mae yna ateb parod, sef, ehangu'r cynllun Sefydlu a Symud, sydd wedi'i brofi dros y tair blynedd diwethaf, ac sydd yn brawf o'r hyn sydd yn gallu cael ei wneud o fewn cylchoedd meithrin. 

I think the honest answer is that we don't yet know. So, certainly that commitment to expand the childcare offer to children of two years old, and to expand Welsh-medium provision, could be transformational in terms of provision, just as the capital proposals to increase Welsh-medium provision over the last term were. So, I think there is an element of saying, 'Well, the jury's out at the moment' in terms of how transformational this will be in order to ensure that we see the kind of change that we need. So, I think the potential is there, but we need to see the details as to how exactly those plans to enhance the Welsh-medium childcare offer are delivered. There is a clear solution to expand the Sefydlu a Symud plan, which has proved to work over the last three years, and is proof of what can be done within the cylchoedd meithrin.

Wel, yr ateb byr, Alun, yw 'na'. Dwi ddim yn credu ei fod e'n ddigon uchelgeisiol oherwydd y pethau yma mae Ioan a Gwenllian wedi'u dweud. Gallwn i bapuro ystafelloedd y tŷ efo'r strwythurau a dogfennau gweledigaethol, yn nhermau'r Llywodraeth. Y realiti yw gwreiddio hynny mewn polisïau—pethau bach, pethau manwl, cwestiynau o gwmpas beth ydy cynnwys, er enghraifft, y cymhwyster TAR ôl-16. Yn fanna dŷn ni'n profi pa mor dda a buddiol yw'r strategaeth a'r weledigaeth, ac ar hyn o bryd, fel mae Ioan wedi crybwyll yng nghyd-destun y Mesur PCET, dwi ddim yn gweld treiddiad y weledigaeth hynny lawr i wireddu ar lefel polisi ac ariannu a phethau cyffelyb â hynny.

Well, the short answer, Alun, is 'no', I don't think it's ambitious enough, for the reasons that Ioan and Gwenllian have said. I could paper my walls with structures and visionary documents from Government, but the reality is that we need to deliver that in policy. These are the minutiae, the questions around the post-16 qualifications. That's how we prove how beneficial the strategy and the vision can be, and at the moment, as Ioan mentioned, in relation to the PCET Bill, I don't see that vision permeating down and delivering at a policy and funding level.

Ocê. Sori, Delyth. Digon teg—pam? Beth ydy—. Rhowch enghraifft i fi, Iestyn, o beth ŷch chi'n sôn amdano.

Okay. Sorry, Delyth. Fair enough—why? Give us an example, Iestyn, of what you're talking about there.

Wel, dwi'n meddwl fy mod i wedi crybwyll dwy enghraifft yn barod, ac mae Ioan wedi gwneud un eisoes, sef, y Mesur arfaethedig PCET. Dyw'r Gymraeg ddim yn ddigonol ac yn ddigon cryf yn y perthynas rhwng y comisiwn a'r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, er enghraifft—dyw e ddim yn ddigon clir yng nghyd-destun hynny. Dwi wedi sôn eisoes am ddiffyg strategaeth ar gyfer addysg ôl-16 yn ei ehangder. Mae yna weledigaeth tu fewn i'r Mesur, ond dwi'n credu ei fod yn bwysig bod y Gweinidog yn cyhoeddi ei weledigaeth e tu hwnt i'r comisiwn, a bod y Gymraeg, wrth gwrs, yn rhan o hynny. Ac wedyn, mae'n rhaid i ni ddechrau edrych ar sut, er enghraifft, mae ariannu'r coleg, y ganolfan a mudiadau eraill fel yr Urdd, sut maen nhw'n mynd i'r her sydd wedi'i grybwyll eisoes o fynd tu hwnt i weithredu diwylliannol i weithredu economaidd, er enghraifft. Ble mae'r cwestiynau ynglŷn â'r defnydd o unrhyw gefnogaeth ariannol i fusnes, er enghraifft, drwy Business Wales, a darparu mwy o gyfleoedd i weithio trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg? Ar y lefel hynny, dwi'n credu, mae'n rhaid i chi sgrwtineiddio a chraffu'r hyn mae'r Llywodraeth yn ei gynnig ar hyn o bryd.

Well, I think I have mentioned two examples, and Ioan has mentioned it, too—the PCET Bill. The Welsh language isn't strong enough in that Bill. The relationship between the commission and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol isn't clear enough there. I've already talked about a lack of a strategy for post-16 education. There is a vision within the Bill, but I think it's important that the Minister makes public his vision beyond the commission, and that the Welsh language should be part of that. We also need to look at how funding of the coleg and other organisations, such as the Urdd and the centre for learning Welsh, how they face the challenge of going beyond acting on a cultural level to working economically. So, where are the questions on the use of any financial support for business, for example, through Business Wales, and providing more opportunities to work through the medium of Welsh? I think it's at that level that you need to scrutinise what the Government is proposing at the moment.

Diolch, Alun, a diolch, bawb. Rydyn ni mewn i'n dwy funud olaf ni o'r amser sydd gyda ni. Mae yna un cwestiwn arall, dwi'n gwybod, mae Carolyn Thomas eisiau gofyn. Os gallaf i ofyn am atebion mor gryno â phosibl i'r cwestiwn, sydd am gyllid, ac os oes yna bethau ychwanegol y byddech chi'n gallu danfon atom ni mewn mwy o fanylder mewn ysgrifen, byddem ni'n gwerthfawrogi hynny. Ond gwnawn ni fynd yn olaf at Carolyn Thomas.

Thank you, Alun, thank you, all. We're into our last two minutes. There is one question that Carolyn Thomas wants to ask. If I could ask for brief answers to this question on funding, and then if there's anything that you want to add to your evidence, you can do that in writing. We'd appreciate that, but we'll return to Carolyn Thomas.

Thank you. Sorry, I have to do it through the medium of English. So just a question about financial resilience going forward, both short and medium term. What funding commitments would you like to see within the 2022-23 draft budget in relation to your sector—just general funding commitments?

I'd also like just to put a question to you as well, going back a little bit. To learn a new language, I believe confidence and immersion in that language is really important, and it was interesting hearing from—was it Mabon?—that at university you're partnering up individual people who can speak through the medium of Welsh, and anybody that wants to learn. I think that's really good, just to do it on a one-to-one basis, learning with somebody who can buddy up is really important, as somebody who keeps trying to learn Welsh. So, just thoughts on that. Thank you.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 10:09:37

Ar y pwynt cyllido, o ran y sector gofal plant, mae yna adolygiad arfaethedig i fod yn cynyddu maint y buddsoddiad sydd yn digwydd. Felly, ar y funud, mae'r gyfradd cyllido yn £4.50 yr awr y plentyn. Mae o wedi aros, felly, ers 2017, ac rydyn ni'n dadlau y byddai cynyddu o i o leiaf £5 yr awr fesul plentyn yn gyfle i gyflogwyr bach fel cylchoedd meithrin a meithrin dydd i fod yn codi cyflogau gweithwyr, sydd mor allweddol i wireddu gweledigaeth 'Cymraeg 2050' i ddarparu gwasanaethau sydd yn hanfodol i'r economi sylfaen. Ac yn yr ystyr yna, dwi ddim cweit yn cytuno efo dadansoddiad Iestyn bod yna rwyg mor amlwg rhwng yr hyn sydd yn cael ei ystyried yn economaidd, yn sosioieithyddol ac yn ddiwylliannol. Dwi'n meddwl bod nhw i gyd yn cydblethu yn y pen draw, ac mae yna ddiwylliant mewn plymio, mae yna ddiwylliant mewn ffermio, mae yna ddiwylliant mewn torri gwallt. Felly, dyna fyddwn i'n ei ddadlau o ran yr hyn sydd ei angen ar y sector ydy mwy o fuddsoddiad ariannol yn y pethau systemig yna, fel y cynnig gofal plant, pa bynnag gyfrwng, er mwyn bod ni'n gallu cynnig gwell cyflogau. Bydd hynny'n gwneud y sefyllfa ariannol yn fwy cynaliadwy. 

O ran yr ail gwestiwn, rydyn ni'n gwybod, fel roeddech chi'n dweud, Carolyn, bod codi hyder unigolion i ddefnyddio iaith mor bwysig. Mae eu galluogi nhw i ddefnyddio'r iaith o ddydd i ddydd mor bwysig. Felly, mae cynlluniau sydd gan y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol fel Siarad yn bwysig, a Cymraeg Gwaith, fel mae Iestyn wedi ei ddweud eisoes, a chynlluniau fel Cymraeg i Blant a Clwb Cwtsh yn darparu llwyth o gyfleon gwahanol sydd yn ateb y galw mewn ffyrdd gwahanol hefyd.

On the funding point, in terms of the childcare sector, there is a proposed review that will increase the investment. At the moment, the funding rate is £4.50 an hour per child. That's remained the same since 2017, and I would argue that increasing it to at least £5 an hour per child would be an opportunity for small employers such as cylchoedd meithrin and day nurseries to increase the salaries of the workforce, which are so crucial in delivering the vision of 'Cymraeg 2050' to provide services that are crucial to the foundational economy, too. And, in that sense, I don't quite agree with Iestyn's analysis that there is such a clear split between what's considered to be economic, sociolinguistic and cultural. I think it all interweaves, and there is culture in being a plumber, in farming, in hairdressing. So, that would be my argument in terms of what's needed for the sector: more financial investment in those systemic things, such as the childcare offer, whatever the language medium, so that we can provide better salaries. That will make our financial position more sustainable. 

In terms of the second question, we know, Carolyn, that increasing individuals' confidence in language use is so important, and enabling them to use the language on a day-to-day basis is important. So, the National Centre for Learning Welsh schemes such as Siarad and Work Welsh are important, as Iestyn has mentioned, and also Cymraeg i Blant and Clwb Cwtsh provide all sorts of different opportunities that meet that demand in different ways, too.  


Oedd unrhyw un arall eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw beth? Ioan.

Anyone else with anything to add? Ioan. 

Ie, cytuno'n llwyr o ran ymbweru a rhoi hyder i bobl i ddatblygu sgiliau iaith ym mha bynnag ffyrdd. O ran cyllideb, ein blaenoriaeth ni ydy gweithredu'r strategaeth addysg bellach a phrentisiaethau. Ar gyfer cyllideb flwyddyn nesaf, rŷm ni wedi cynnig bod angen cynnydd o ychydig dros £1 miliwn—£1.1 miliwn—i fuddsoddi'n benodol mewn darlithwyr, hyfforddwyr ac aseswyr yn y sector ôl-16 a phrentisiaethau. 

I would agree entirely in terms of empowering and giving people confidence to develop their language skills in whatever context. In terms of the budget, our priority is to implement the FE and apprenticeship strategy. For next year's budget, we've proposed that we need an increase of a little over £1 million—£1.1 million—to invest specifically in lecturers, trainers and assessors in the post-16 and apprenticeship sector. 

Diolch. Mi wnaf i ddod at Mabon, ac wedyn yn olaf at Iestyn. Mabon. 

Thank you. I'll come to Mabon, then finally to Iestyn. Mabon. 

Diolch. Fe wnaf i drio cadw hwn mor gryno ac rwy'n gallu. Un peth o ran y gefnogaeth a fyddai'n gallu cael ei chynnig efallai i undebau myfyrwyr, neu undebau myfyrwyr Cymraeg yn fwy penodol efallai, fyddai'r gefnogaeth a allai gael ei rhoi i Brifysgol Caerdydd yn benodol, ble maen nhw ar y funud yn ymgyrchu i gael swyddog llawn amser cyfrwng Cymraeg, fel sydd i'w gael yma ym Mangor, yn Aberystwyth ac yn Abertawe. Rwy'n credu bod e'n dipyn o ffars, mewn ffordd, bod dim swyddog llawn-amser cyfrwng Cymraeg gyda Phrifysgol Caerdydd, fel prifddinas Cymru hefyd, ac rwy'n credu bod e'n rhywbeth a allai gael cynnig cefnogaeth, mewn ffordd, a rhywbeth y gellid bod yn edrych mewn iddo o ran y Llywodraeth hefyd. 

I'll keep this as brief as I can. One thing in terms of the support that could be provided to student unions, or Welsh student unions more specifically perhaps, would be support that could be provided to Cardiff University specifically, where at the moment they are campaigning to have a full-time sabbatical officer for the Welsh language, as exists here in Bangor, Aberystwyth and Swansea. I think it's a farce, if I'm honest, that there isn't a full-time Welsh-medium officer in Cardiff University, as the university representing our capital city, and I think that's something that certainly could be given support, and something that could be looked at by Government, too.  

Diolch, Mabon, ac yn olaf, Iestyn.

Thank you. Finally, Iestyn.

Diolch i chi gyd hefyd fel pwyllgor. I gloi felly, dwi yn nerfus ynglŷn â chodi clawr ar yr holl gwestiwn yma o ariannu addysg ôl-16 ar y Gymraeg. Mae'n bwnc llosg, mae'n un dyrys. Mae'r cymhlethdod rhwng gwahanol ffynonellau o ariannu tu fewn i'r ffynonellau ariannu addysg ôl-16, addysg bellach yn enwedig, yn gymhleth dros ben. Felly, mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar hynny yn ei ehangder. Mae ariannu'r Gymraeg, wrth gwrs, yn rhywbeth sy'n cael ei gyplysu efo ariannu mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig, ardaloedd gwledig a ble mae yna issuessparsity hefyd. Felly, mae angen i ni ei weld e yn ei ehangder. So, dyna'r peth cyntaf fuaswn i'n ddweud. 

Y peth olaf wedyn, i gloi, efallai, i Carolyn ac hefyd i Hefin a phwy bynnag arall sy'n cyflwyno, mae'r ateb yn nhermau dysgu Cymraeg yn syml: peidiwch byth â rhoi'r ffidil yn y to. Don't ever give up. Rydyn ni gyd yn ddysgwyr—we're all learners—felly diolch i chi am ddefnyddio eich Cymraeg chi gyda ni yn y pwyllgor heddiw, ac rwy'n credu beth bynnag yw'r neges ynglŷn ag ariannu, mae'n rhaid i ni atgoffa ein gilydd bod yr iaith Gymraeg yn berchen i ni gyd. Mae'n rhan o'n hetifeddiaeth ni, mae'n rhan o'n diwylliant ni a'n economi a phob elfen o'n bywyd, lle bynnag rŷm ni ar y continwwm iaith hynny. So, daliwch ati, bawb. 

Thank you all as a committee. To conclude, I am nervous about lifting the lid on this whole question of funding post-16 education and the Welsh language. It's a complex issue. There are complexities within the different funding sources within FE. It's all very complex indeed. So, we do have to look at this in its broader sense. Funding for the Welsh language, of course, is something that is linked to areas of deprivation, rural areas where there are issues of sparsity, too. So, we need to look at this in the broadest terms. 

Just to conclude, perhaps, in response to Carolyn and Hefin and whoever else is listening, the solution in terms of learning Welsh is simple: never give up. Don't ever give up. We're all learners, so thank you very much for using your Welsh with us in the committee today, and I think whatever the message is on funding, we need to remind each other that the Welsh language belongs to us all. It's part of our heritage, it's part of our culture, part of our economy and all aspects of our lives, wherever we are on that language continuum. So, do keep going.  

O, Iestyn, nodyn ardderchog i orffen arno. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi am hynny. Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn i bob un o'r tystion bore 'ma. Rydyn ni wedi cael cymaint o bwyntiau gennych chi mewn adeg fer, rwy'n gwybod. Bydd transgript yn cael ei anfon atoch chi i'w wirio. Rwy'n gwybod bod fi wedi sôn os oes yna bethau ychwanegol y byddech chi eisiau eu rhoi yn ysgrifenedig i ni, byddem ni'n amlwg yn gwerthfawrogi hynny'n fawr. Ac, rydych chi wedi sôn am nifer o bynciau y byddem ni rwy'n siŵr yn awyddus i ddychwelyd atyn nhw mewn mwy o fanylder dros y misoedd a'r blynyddoedd i ddod. Felly, dwi'n siŵr y byddwn ni'n siarad eto yn fuan, ond diolch yn fawr iawn i chi, a phob hwyl. 

That's an excellent note to finish on, Iestyn. Thank you very much for that. Thank you to all of our witnesses this morning. We've heard so much from you in a brief period of time. A transcript will be provided so you can check it. If there are any additional issues that you'd like to provide in writing, we'd appreciate that very much. And, you've mentioned a number of things that I'm sure we'd like to return to in more detail over the next months and years. So, I'm sure we will speak again soon. So, thank you very much, and all the best.

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies 10:15:03

Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Thank you.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Byddwn ni'n cymryd egwyl fer tan 10:25. Os gallai'r Aelodau fod nôl ymhen pum munud, plis, erbyn 10:20. 

Thank you. We will now take a short break until 10:25. If Members could return in five minutes, by 10:20.

Gohiriwyd y cyfarfod rhwng 10:15 a 10:25.

The meeting adjourned between 10:15 and 10:25.

3. Ymchwiliad undydd ar y Gymraeg: Sefydliadau dinesig Cymraeg
3. One-day inquiry on Welsh Language: Welsh language civic organisations

Croeso nôl i'n hymchwiliad undydd ar y Gymraeg. Gaf i ofyn i'n tystion nesaf gyflwyno eu hunain ar gyfer y cofnod, plis? Fe wnaf i fynd at Siân Lewis yn gyntaf.

Welcome back to our one-day inquiry on the Welsh language. May I ask our next witnesses to introduce themselves for the record, please? I will start with Siân Lewis.

Helo, bore da. Siân Lewis, prif weithredwraig Urdd Gobaith Cymru.

Hello, good morning. I'm Siân Lewis, chief executive of Urdd Gobaith Cymru.

Diolch, Siân. A Betsan nesaf, plis. 

Thank you, Siân. And Betsan next, please.

Betsan Moses, prif weithredwr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru.

Betsan Moses, chief executive of the National Eisteddfod.

Tegwen Morris, cyfarwyddwr cenedlaethol Merched y Wawr.

Tegwen Morris, national director of Merched y Wawr.

Diolch, Tegwen. A Caryl.

Thank you, Tegwen. And Caryl.

Caryl Haf, cadeirydd Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru.

Caryl Haf, council chairman of the Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs.

Mae'n lyfli eich cael chi gyda ni y bore yma. Dŷn ni'n fyr o amser, felly fe wnaf i symud yn syth at gwestiynau, os yw hynny'n ocê, ac fe wnawn ni fynd yn gyntaf at Hefin David.

It's lovely to have you with us this morning. We are short on time, so I will move immediately to questions, if that's okay, and we'll turn first to Hefin David.

Diolch, Gadeirydd. Gaf i ofyn beth yw eich blaenoriaethau allweddol dros y pum mlynedd nesaf? A sut mae'r cytundeb cydweithio rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Phlaid Cymru yn cael effaith ar eich gwaith a'ch darpariaeth?

Thank you, Chair. May I ask you what your key priorities are for the next five years? And also, how does the co-operation agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru impact your work and provision?

Diolch, Hefin. I'r tystion, os dŷch chi eisiau dod i mewn, os gallwch chi jest wneud hyn. Os dydych chi ddim eisiau ateb cwestiwn, mae hynny'n ffein hefyd. Siân yn gyntaf.

Thank you, Hefin. Witnesses, if you want to come in, just indicate. If you don't want to respond to every question, that's fine. Siân first.

Bore da. Diolch, Hefin, am y cwestiwn. Ein blaenoriaethau ni fel mudiad ydy cadw ein lefelau staffio ni ar draws y mudiad. Dŷn ni wedi cael ergyd enfawr oherwydd COVID a cholli llawer iawn o'r gweithlu. Dŷn ni yn ailadeiladu. Felly, sicrhau ein bod ni'n gallu parhau efo'r lefel staffio dŷn ni ei angen, er mwyn ymateb i'r galw cynyddol sydd ar gyfer anghenion plant a phobl ifanc Cymru drwy'r Gymraeg. Dŷn ni eisiau datblygu isadeiledd ein hadran prentisiaethau ni, sydd yn hollbwysig o ran cynnig hyfforddiant yn y Gymraeg i bobl ifanc. Adeiladu ar y gwaith dŷn ni wedi cychwyn ei wneud yn gymunedol. Mae yna ddiffyg iaith wedi bod ymysg plant a phobl ifanc Cymru oherwydd COVID. Mae'n hollbwysig eu bod nhw'n cael y cyfleon yna tu allan i oriau ysgol, ar benwythnosau a chyfnodau gwyliau, ac mae'r gwaith cymunedol yn hanfodol i hynny. Sicrhau ein bod ni'n gorffen ein gwaith cyfalaf yn y gwersylloedd, gwerth bron i £10 miliwn o fuddsoddiad, ac i barhau hefyd i ehangu ar ein cyfleoedd celfyddydol.

Mwy pwysig hefyd, neu'r un mor bwysig inni, ydy ein bod ni'n sicrhau ein bod ni'n fudiad cynhwysol. Dwi'n falch iawn ein bod ni'n gwneud hynny, ond efallai ein bod ni angen dweud ein stori yn well o'r hyn dŷn ni yn ei wneud. Ac o ran y cynhwysol, sicrhau ein bod ni'n agored iawn yn yr ardaloedd difreintiedig. Dŷn ni'n gweithio'n agos iawn mewn sawl ardal o fewn Ceredigion, lle mae yna dlodi gwledig sylweddol, yng Nghaerdydd—yn Grangetown, yn Splott, yn Adamsdown—ac ardaloedd Meirionnydd o dlodi, sef Tywyn a Blaenau Ffestiniog. Parhau'r gwaith ym Mlaenau Gwent, yn Wrecsam, yn Ninbych uchaf. Mae pob math o weithgareddau fel yna lle efallai nad ydy pobl ddim yn deall ac yn ymwybodol efallai.

Blaenoriaeth ydy'r gwaith efo anableddau, sicrhau ein bod ni'n parhau i fod on track i dderbyn y wobr aur am ein gwaith efo anableddau—yr unig gorff trydydd sector yng Nghymru sydd yn cyrraedd y brig yna ar hyn o bryd. Mae ein gwaith ar blant a phobl ifanc bregus, lle dŷn ni'n gwneud llawer iawn o waith yn ein gwersylloedd ni yn Llangrannog ac yng Nglan-llyn efo pobl ifanc bregus yn ein cymdeithas, yn parhau. Ein gwaith ni, yn amlwg, efo ffoaduriaid yn ein gwersylloedd ni, lle byddwn ni'n parhau i gadw'r cyswllt ar ôl iddyn nhw adael. A'n gweithlu ni; sicrhau ein bod ni'n gynhwysol iawn o ran ein gweithlu ni. Ac mae yna straeon o ddenu nifer iawn i'r gweithlu, yn enwedig drwy'r gwaith prentisiaethau, lle nad ydyn nhw wedi ymwneud â'r Gymraeg ar ôl gadael ysgol, ond drwy weithio i'r Urdd a thrwy'r gwaith o weithio yn y sector Gymraeg, maen nhw wedi codi hyder yn defnyddio eu Cymraeg nhw.

O ran y bartneriaeth rhwng Plaid a Llafur, wel, early days yw hwnna, dwi'n meddwl, i ni. Yn sicr, mae'r berthynas adeiladol iawn dŷn ni wedi'i chael efo Llywodraeth Cymru dros gyfnod y pandemig wedi bod yn achubiaeth i'r Urdd, a heb gefnogaeth y Llywodraeth yna, fyddai'r Urdd yn sicr ddim lle dŷn ni heddiw. Dŷn ni wedi cychwyn trafodaethau efo aelodau Plaid. Dŷn ni'n gobeithio cael eu cefnogaeth nhw i wireddu'r cynlluniau i barhau efo'r arian sylweddol dŷn ni ei angen i barhau efo'r refeniw staffio. Felly, ar hyn o bryd, trafodaethau cychwynnol sydd, ond does yna ddim addewidion pendant wedi dod ar hyn o bryd o ran y trafodaethau yna.

Good morning. Thank you for that question, Hefin. Our priorities as an organisation are to retain our staffing levels across the organisation. We suffered a huge blow because of COVID and we lost a number of staff. We are rebuilding. So, we need to maintain the necessary staffing levels, to respond to the increasing demand from children and young people through the medium of Welsh. We want to develop the infrastructure of our apprenticeships department in terms of our Welsh training provision for young people. We need to build on the work that we're starting to do on a community basis. There has been a lack of language usage among children and young people in Wales because of COVID. It's important that they have those opportunities outside school, on weekends and in school holidays, and the community work is crucial to that. We need to ensure that we complete our capital works in our centres and continue to expand on our cultural opportunities.

More important, or just as important to us, is ensuring that we are an inclusive organisation. I'm very pleased that we are doing that, but I think we need to tell our story better in terms of what we're doing. And in terms of inclusivity, we need to ensure that we are very open and active in deprived areas. We are working very hard in a number of areas, such as Ceredigion, where there is great rural poverty. We're working in Grangetown, Splott and Adamsdown in Cardiff, and in areas of poverty in Meirionnydd, such as Tywyn and Blaenau Ffestiniog. We're continuing with our work in Blaenau Gwent, in Wrexham, upper Denbigh. So, there are all sorts of those activities that perhaps people don't understand or aren't aware of.

Another priority is work with people with disabilities, ensuring that we continue to be on track for the gold award for our work with disabled children—the only third sector body in Wales achieving that at the moment. Our work with vulnerable young people and children, where we do a great deal of work in Llangrannog and in Glan-llyn with vulnerable young people, continues. Our work with refugees in our centres, where we look at how we maintain those links once they leave. And our workforce; we need to ensure that we're inclusive within our workforce. And we have stories of attracting a number of people to our workforce that haven't been involved with the Welsh language having left school, but through working with the Urdd and through the work of working in the Welsh-medium sector, it's increased their confidence in their use of the Welsh language.

In terms of the partnership between Plaid and Labour, well, it's early days for us. Certainly, the very constructive relationship we've had with the Welsh Government throughout the pandemic has been a saviour for the Urdd, and without that support then we wouldn't be where we are today. We have started discussions with members of Plaid. We hope to get their support to continue with the substantial investment that we need for staffing. So, at the moment we're in initial discussions, but there are no clear pledges that have been made in terms of those discussions.

Betsan, os ydych chi eisiau dod i mewn. Os gallaf i ofyn am jest ateb mor gryno â phosibl plis, achos dŷn ni'n eithaf—. Dwi'n gwybod bod lot o bethau i'w codi.

Betsan, if you want to go next. If I could just ask for brief responses, because we are short on time. I know that there is a huge amount to be covered.

Dwi'n credu, yn yr un modd, ailadeiladu'r corff. Mae COVID wedi bod yn andwyol iawn. Rŷn ni'n un o'r cyrff mwyaf entrepreneuraidd, gan mai 12 y cant rŷn ni'n ei gael o'r pwrs cyhoeddus. Pan rŷch chi'n edrych ar gyrff yn y portffolio gyda’r cyngor celfyddydau, mae'n 50 plws, felly mae yna wahaniaeth sylweddol. Dwi'n credu os byddech chi'n dyblu os nad yn treblu ein grant ni, bydden ni'n dal yn llawer mwy gwydn na chyrff y portffolio celfyddydol.

Dwi'n credu hefyd dyfnhau ein ymwneud ni yn y cymunedau, oherwydd mae gwir angen mynd nôl i wneud y gwaith hwnnw, y cyfleoedd hynny o fewn cymunedau. Yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yw'r prosiect cymunedol mwyaf yng Nghymru, ac yn wir, ym Mhrydain, ac felly mae'r ymwneud yna—. A hefyd y cyfleoedd yna. Felly, dwi'n mynd i orfod nodi un peth. Mi glywais i'r tystiolaeth ynghynt, a dwi'n credu bod yn rhaid newid y ffocws o un i'r llall. Dwi'n credu hefyd bod rhaid sicrhau bod gwir ddealltwriaeth o beth yw diwylliant. Mae diffiniad cul o ddiwylliant yn gallu bod yn ddamniol ac yn annheg.

A byddwn i'n dadlau hefyd bod gennym ni, megis brand Maes B—. Os ŷch chi eisiau gweld gwir newid gyda'r cyfleoedd—ac o fewn ein strategaeth ni mae hyrwyddo cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc yn un o'n blaenoriaethau ni, ac mae e hefyd yn sicr yn hyrwyddo'r cyfleoedd yna yn y bartneriaeth rhwng Llafur a Plaid. Dwi'n credu bod Maes B yn adnodd anhygoel ar gyfer hynny. Os oes yna un ffordd o sicrhau bod y Gymraeg yn iaith hyfyw, yn iaith fodern, yn gallu cael ei chydnabod a chael ei defnyddio, yna defnydd o adnodd megis Maes B sy'n bwysig. Fe wna i ddim ymhelaethu.

In the same way, I think we need to rebuild. COVID has been detrimental to us. We are one of the most entrepreneurial of organisations, because we have a 12 per cent contribution from the public purse. When you look at other arts organisations, it's more than a 50 per cent contribution. I think if you doubled or trebled our grant we would still be more robust.

I think we need to deepen our engagement in communities, because we truly need to return to do that work and provide those opportunities within communities. The National Eisteddfod is the biggest community project in Wales, indeed in Britain, so that engagement is important. And also these opportunities. I'm going to have to note one thing. I heard the earlier evidence, and I do think that we need to shift the focus from one to the other. We need to ensure that there is a greater understanding of what culture means. A narrow definition of culture can be damaging and unfair.

I would argue too that we have, such as the Maes B brand—. If you want to see a real transformation in terms of opportunities—and promoting opportunities for young people is one of our priorities, and promoting those opportunities is in the partnership between Labour and Plaid Cymru. I think Maes B is a great resource for doing that. If there's one way of ensuring that the Welsh language is a viable language, a modern language, that can be recognised and used, then I do think that the use of resources such as Maes B is most important. But I won't expand on that now.


Diolch, Betsan. Oes unrhyw un eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw beth? Caryl.

Thank you, Betsan. Does anyone else have anything to add? Caryl.

Dim ond i ategu beth roedd Siân a Betsan wedi crybwyll fanna, i ddweud y gwir, sef dod nôl â'r cymunedau at ei gilydd. Mae mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc yn ganolbwynt i fwyafrif o gymunedau ar draws Cymru. Wrth gwrs, dŷn ni'n mynd ar draws y 12 sir yng Nghymru, gydag aelodaeth rhwng 10 a 28 oed. Mae hefyd yn hollbwysig i iechyd meddwl yr amaethwyr yma eu bod nhw yn gallu trafod trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, ond hefyd wyneb yn wyneb. Dŷn ni wedi gweld colli hynny yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf. Ydyn, dŷn ni yn gallu cwrdd yn rhithiol fel ŷn ni'n gwneud heddiw, ond mae hwnna'n rhywbeth dwi'n credu lle gallwn ni fel mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc, yn ogystal â phawb arall sydd ar yr alwad yma heddiw, a'r Llywodraeth, fod yn cydweithio gyda'n gilydd er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr fod yr iaith Gymraeg yn cael ei phwysleisio wrth feddwl am iechyd meddwl pobl ifanc o fewn eu cymunedau nhw. Diolch.

Just to echo what Siân and Betsan said, really, that we need to bring communities back together. The young farmers are a focus for very many communities across Wales. Of course, we work across the 12 areas of Wales, with membership between 10 and 28 years of age. It's so important to the mental health of young farmers that they can discuss these issues through the medium of Welsh, but also do it face to face. That was lost over the past 18 months. Yes, we can meet virtually as we're doing today, but that is something that we as young farmers, as well as everyone else on this call today, and the Government, can collaborate on in order to ensure that the Welsh language is highlighted as we think of mental health issues of young people within their communities. Thank you.

Sicrhau llesiant ein cymunedau ac anelu at gyrraedd pawb drwy gydweithio gyda'n gilydd er lles yr iaith Gymraeg. Ac yn sicr mwy o fuddsoddiad mewn technoleg, a dealltwriaeth o'r angen am dechnoleg mewn lleoliadau megis neuaddau pentref yng nghefn gwlad, fel bod modd cynnal digwyddiadau hybrid i'r dyfodol.

We need to secure the well-being of our communities and aim to reach everyone through collaboration for the benefit of the Welsh language. And certainly we need more investment in technology, and a better understanding of the need for technology in locations such as village halls in rural areas, so that we can stage hybrid events for the future.

Pa feysydd polisi o ran y Gymraeg ddylai'r pwyllgor eu blaenoriaethu yn ystod y chweched Senedd? Efallai'r tri uchaf.

What Welsh language policy areas should the committee prioritise during the sixth Senedd? Perhaps you can give us the top three.

Dwi'n credu, o ran gwaith y pwyllgor, y gwaith sgrwtineiddio a sicrhau bod pobl yn cyflawni. Dwi'n credu mai hawdd iawn yw i gyrff a sefydliadau nodi dyhead am ddwyieithrwydd, ond eto i gyd, beth yw, o edrych a gwirio beth yw'r prosesau sydd mewn lle—? Er enghraifft, beth yw datblygiad yr unigolyn o ran ei yrfa drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg? Beth yw'r cyfleoedd? Dwi'n gweithio mewn sector anferthol, y sector digwyddiadau, ac eto i gyd beth yw'r cyfleoedd ar gyfer y Gymraeg o fewn hynny? Beth yw'r prentisiaethau sy'n gweithio? Hefyd, beth o ran yr artist unigol hefyd? Fel mae yna fodd iddo fe ddatblygu? Dwi'n credu bod yna gyfrifoldeb i wirio hynny. Hawdd iawn yw nodi geiriau blodeuog, ond beth yw, yn wirioneddol, y cyfleoedd sydd ar gael ar gyfer sicrhau bod rhywun yn gallu byw yn ddwyieithog? Ac yn yr un modd mae gwirio eich prosesau chi'ch hun, felly sicrhau, os ydych chi'n creu tystiolaeth drwy ddewis iaith—ydych chi'n gofyn i bawb gyfieithu eu tystiolaeth, neu ai ond y pobl cyfrwng Cymraeg? Felly, mae pethau fel yna. Sicrhau bod normaleiddio, ond hefyd bod yr un chwarae teg. Weithiau, mae yna ofyn yn hwy ar bobl os oes yna ddewis defnyddio'r Gymraeg. A hefyd edrych, os oes rhywun yn dweud fod ganddyn nhw broses ddwyieithog ac y gallwch chi ymgeisio mewn dewis iaith—ydy hynny wirioneddol yn cael ei wirio ac yn cael ei greu yn yr un modd? Felly, mae'r gwaith sgrwtineiddio a sicrhau—. A hefyd, mynd i'r afael a gweld ydy hwn yn gydradd. Ydyn ni wirioneddol yn normaleiddio dwyieithrwydd? A dwi'n credu mai dyna beth yw'r flaenoriaeth—[Torri ar draws.] 

I think in terms of the work of the committee, it's the scrutiny work and ensuring that people do deliver. It's very easy for organisations to set out aspirations for bilingualism, but, in looking and checking what processes are in place—. For example, what's the development of individuals in terms of career opportunities through the medium of Welsh? I work in a huge sector, the events sector, but where are the opportunities for the Welsh language within that sector? What apprenticeships are available? But also, in terms of individual artists, how can individual artists develop? I think that there is a responsibility for you to check all of that and to scrutinise it. It's very easy to hear warm words, but what are the real opportunities that exist in terms of ensuring that somebody can live bilingually? Likewise, checking your own processes is important. So, if you create evidence through language of choice—do you ask everyone to translate evidence, or is it just evidence provided through the medium of Welsh? So, we need to normalise, but we also need to provide fair play. Often, people are asked for more if they want to use the Welsh language. And also look, if somebody says that they have a bilingual process in place—is that really being implemented and delivered? So, that scrutiny work is important, and also tackling and seeing whether there is equality. Are we truly normalising bilingualism? And I think that's the priority—[Interruption.]


Gwaith ffantastig, Hefin. Caryl.

Excellent work, Hefin. Caryl.

Diolch. I fi, o ran y blaenoriaethau, os dŷn ni'n mynd am y tri uchaf y bore yma, mae'r tair C yn dod i'r meddwl yn syth i fi. Yr un cyntaf yw cydweithio. Mae hwnna'n rhywbeth rŷn ni fel mudiad yn ei wneud ar draws y 12 sir, ble rŷn ni'n cael, yn amlwg, y gefnogaeth ar gyfer yr iaith Gymraeg. Ond bod pob un ar draws pob sir yn gallu trafod gyda'i gilydd ynglŷn â sut mae nhw'n mynd ati i hybu'r Gymraeg o fewn eu hardaloedd nhw. Dwi'n byw yng Ngheredigion, sydd yn ardal Gymreigaidd iawn, ond mae gyda ni siroedd wedyn sydd mewn ardaloedd Seisnigaidd iawn. Mae'n braf i weld bod yna gydweithio gyda ni rhwng y siroedd yma er mwyn datblygu'r iaith Gymraeg o fewn ardaloedd sydd yn uniaith Saesneg mewn ambell i fan. Ond rŷn ni yn falch i ddweud fel mudiad eu bod nhw nawr dechrau cystadlu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, gyda chefnogaeth o siroedd eraill o fewn Cymru. Yr ail C i fi yw cyflawni hynny mewn ardaloedd ar draws Cymru, nid yn unig ardaloedd penodedig, ond cofio am Gymru gyfan, o'r gogledd lawr i'r de, o'r dwyrain i'r gorllewin hefyd, felly mae hynny yn hollbwysig. A'r trydydd C, wrth gwrs, yw Cymraeg i bawb. Does dim rhaid bod yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg i fod yn Gymro erbyn hyn. Ac mae hynny'n rhywbeth mae'n rhaid i ni bwysleisio. Dwi'n gweithio mewn siop amaethyddol. Mae gen i nifer o bobl sy'n dod mewn yn dysgu'r iaith, ond mae yna bobl yn cadw i'w cywiro nhw yn ormodol. Mae nhw yna i drio, a dwi'n credu ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni yn pwysleisio bod y Gymraeg ar gael i bawb. Diolch. 

Thank you. For me, if we're looking at a top three of priorities, then the three Cs in Welsh come to my mind. And that's collaboration—cydweithio—that's something that we as an organisation do across the 12 counties, where, clearly, we provide support for the Welsh language, but everyone across all counties can discuss how they promote the Welsh language within their particular areas. I live in Ceredigion, which is a Welsh-speaking area, but we have other counties that are more anglicised, of course. And it's good to see that there is collaboration between these counties in order to develop the Welsh language within those areas that are very anglicised in certain areas. But we're proud to see as an organisation that they are now competing through the medium of Welsh with the support of other counties. And the second issue is delivery—cyflawni—in areas across Wales, not just those designated areas; we need to think of the whole of Wales, from north to south, east to west. That is crucially important. And then, the third element is Welsh for everyone—Cymraeg i bawb. You don't have to be fluent in Welsh to be Welsh. And that is something that we must emphasise. I work in an agricultural supply store, and I have a number of customers who are Welsh learners, but people are constantly correcting their language. But they're doing their best, and it's important that we support those people and emphasise that the Welsh language belongs to us all. 

Diolch. Siân a Tegwen, mae'n flin iawn gen i, bydd rhaid i ni symud ymlaen achos mae cymaint o bethau dŷn ni angen eu trafod. Ond os oes yna bethau ychwanegol y byddwch chi eisiau eu hychwanegu ar ôl y sesiwn, byddwn ni wir yn gwerthfawrogi hynny. Os oes rhywbeth byr iawn dŷch chi eisiau ei ddweud, Siân.

Thank you. Siân and Tegwen, I'm sorry, we do have to move on because there are so many issues that we need to discuss. But if there's anything you'd like to provide to us in writing, then we would be grateful for that. If there's a brief comment you'd like to make, Siân. 

Dwi jest eisiau ategu beth mae Tegwen wedi ei ddweud. Mae gyda ni bryderon ynglŷn â chyllido strategol tymor hir y celfyddydau i blant a phobl ifanc. Mae'n fater o bryder mawr i ni dros y blynyddoedd, a dyw'r gwaith o drio adeiladu'r berthynas ddim wedi gweithio—wedi bod yn ymdrech ond heb weithio. Mae gyda ni arferion da gyda Sport Wales, ond mae'n rhaid i ni gael cefnogaeth cyrff cenedlaethol eraill i ddeall yr angen am ddarpariaeth Gymraeg, nid yn unig i blant a phobl ifanc, ond i bobl yn ein cymunedau, er mwyn bod yr iaith yn cael ei gweld yn iaith fyw. 

In supporting what Tegwen has said, I do have concerns about the strategic funding of the arts for children and young people in the long term. It's an issue of great concern over the years, and the work of developing these relationships has been a great effort, but hasn't necessarily worked. We have good practice with Sport Wales, but we need the support of other national organisations to understand the need for Welsh-medium provision, not just for young people, but for people in their communities, so that the language is seen as a living language. 

Diolch, Siân, mae hwnna'n rili bwerus. Diolch yn fawr iawn am hynna. Gwnawn ni symud ymlaen at Heledd Fychan. 

Thank you, Siân, that's powerful evidence. Thank you. We'll move on to Heledd Fychan. 

Jest i bigo i fyny ar bwynt Siân, ac efallai bod hyn yn berthnasol i'r holl gyrff. Ydych chi'n cael yr argraff eich bod chi'n cael eich gweld fel cyrff cenedlaethol yn yr un modd â mae'r llyfrgell genedlaethol ac Amgueddfa Cymru, o ran Llywodraeth Cymru, ond ddim yn cael eich ariannu i fod yn gyrff cenedlaethol?

Just to pick up on Siân's point, and this might be relevant to all the organisations represented. Do you get the impression that you are seen as national bodies in the same way as the national library or National Museum Wales are looked upon by the Welsh Government, but aren't perhaps funded to be national organisations in the same way?

Cwestiwn mawr iawn. Mae'r gefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn un cryf iawn, heb os, i'r Urdd. Fel y dywedais i ar y cychwyn, bydden ni ddim lle rydyn ni heddiw heb yr ymyrraeth yna pan ddaeth y Llywodraeth i fewn a'n helpu ni yn y gorffennol. Fel Betsan, o drosiant o £12 miliwn, 9 y cant roedden ni'n ei gael gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac 19 y cant roedden ni'n cael yn ei gyfanrwydd gan y pwrs cyhoeddus. Felly, mae yna dal llawer iawn o waith i'w wneud i bobl ddeall yn well beth yw gofynion yr Urdd. A dwi'n meddwl, yn aml iawn, mae yna stereoteip bod pobl yn meddwl am yr Urdd fel rhywbeth cerdd dantaidd. Gobeithio fy mod i wedi rhoi ryw fath o drosolwg i chi o sut rŷn ni'n gweithio ymhell, yn ehangach yn ein cymunedau ni na beth mae pobl yn ei feddwl. 

Ac mae hwnna'n wir wedyn am sut mae cyrff cenedlaethol cyhoeddus yn ein gweld ni. Mae yna ymdrech enfawr yn cael ei wneud i drio diwallu hwnna a newid agweddau. Ac mae yn straen. Mae gyda ni enghraifft berffaith o fodel partneriaeth dda iawn yr Urdd efo Sport Wales, Chwaraeon Cymru, lle mae nhw'n deall yr angen am y Gymraeg; mae nhw'n deall y gwaith mae'r Urdd yn gallu ei wneud yn ein cymunedau ni, a'r reach sydd gyda ni, ac oherwydd hynny, mae'r ariannu'n deg. Mae o'n gyson efo cyrff eraill, ac mae o'n deg. Mae yna bron £0.5 miliwn o arian cyhoeddus Sport Wales yn dod i'r Urdd, a drwy hynny, dŷn ni'n gallu cyflawni—mae yna 15,000 o blant yn wythnosol yn ymwneud â'n clybiau ni ar draws Cymru. Dŷn ni'n rhedeg prosiectau i bobl ifanc. Dŷn ni'n weithgar mewn gwaith gwirfoddoli, a dŷn ni'n gallu ehangu ar y ddarpariaeth yna oherwydd dealltwriaeth glir.

Dydy hwnna ddim yr un peth, mae'n rhaid i ni fod yn onest, yn y byd celfyddydol. A dwi wedi bod yn y swydd yma am bedair mlynedd nawr, ac rydyn ni wedi trio gwneud llawer iawn o ymdrech i gydweithio a thrafod a chael pobl i ddeall beth rydyn ni'n ei wneud, ond mae yna dal misconception neu ddiffyg ymrwymiad neu ddiffyg appetite i ddeall beth rydyn ni'n ei wneud. Felly, mae yna waith mawr o sgrwtineiddio, dwi'n meddwl, gan y Llywodraeth a gan y pwyllgor yma'n benodol i edrych ar sut y mae cyrff eraill weithiau yn chwarae efo'r gair 'dwyieithrwydd' yma, i drio ategu eu bod nhw'n gwneud y gwaith angenrheidiol efo'r Gymraeg, a dydy hwnna ddim bob tro'n digwydd.

That's a huge question, I have to say. The support from Welsh Government is very strong; there's no doubt about that. We wouldn't be where we are today without that intervention from Government in supporting us. Now, 9 per cent of our income comes from Welsh Government. We have a turnover of £12 million. We receive 19 per cent in total from the public purse. So, there's still a great deal of work to be done for people to better understand the Urdd. And I think there's often a stereotype of people thinking about the Urdd as being all about cerdd dant and eisteddfodau. I hope that I've given you an oversight of how we work far more broadly within or communities. 

And that is true about how the public national bodies see us. There's been a huge effort to change attitudes, and it is difficult. I have a perfect example of a partnership model with the Urdd and Sport Wales, where they understand the need for Welsh-medium provision; they understand the work that the Urdd can do in our communities, and the reach that we have, and because of that the funding is fair and consistent with other bodies. There's almost £0.5 million of Sport Wales funding coming to the Urdd, and through that we can deliver to 15,000 children on a weekly basis in our clubs across Wales. We run projects for young people. We are active in the volunteering sector, and we can expand that provision because of our clear understanding.

But that isn't the same, we have to be honest, in the arts sector. And I've been in post for four years now, and we've tried to do a great deal to co-operate and discuss and to get people to understand what we're doing, but there is still a misconception or a lack of commitment or a lack of appetite to understand what we do and what we deliver. So, there is a great job of work of scrutiny to be done by the Government and by this committee in looking at how other bodies sometimes play with this concept of bilingualism, to claim that they're doing the necessary work with the Welsh language, but that's not always the case.


Tegwen, roeddech chi eisiau dod i mewn.

Tegwen, you wanted to come in.

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn deg iawn. Mae'n anodd iawn i sefydliad fel ni, serch dydyn ni ddim yn targedu plant a phobl ifainc, yn amlwg rŷn ni'n cefnogi lot o blant a phobl ifainc trwy'n gwaith gwirfoddol ni yn yr eisteddfodau, yn yr amryw o ddigwyddiadau cymunedol rŷn ni'n eu cynnal. Ond ar ddiwedd y dydd, rŷn ni hefyd yn ffodus iawn o gyrff fel y Loteri Cenedlaethol am nawdd er mwyn gallu cynnal prosiectau. Ac o bosibl, efallai bod angen mwy o fuddsoddiad ar brosiectau cydweithio ar draws y sector—ein bod ni'n medru cynorthwyo'n gilydd yn fwy. Dwi hefyd yn credu bod y Llywodraeth yn barod i wrando. Felly, os oes gyda ni broblem neu os ydyn ni yn lobio—ac rŷn ni wedi lobio lot fawr iawn yn ystod y ddwy, dair blynedd olaf yma—mae yna atebion parod yn dod, ac  rŷn ni wir yn gwerthfawrogi hynny. Rŷn ni wedi derbyn, dwi'n credu, pedwar o ymatebion yr wythnos hon, ynglŷn â'r iaith, ynglŷn â diwylliant ac ynglŷn â'n pryderon ni am ddiffyg gwasanaethau iechyd trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yng Nghymru.

The Welsh Government is very fair. It's very difficult for an organisation such as ours because although we don't target children and young people, we obviously support a number of children and young people through our voluntary work in the eisteddfodau and in the numerous community events that we stage. But at the end of the day, we're also very fortunate to have bodies such as the National Lottery that provide funding to support our projects. Perhaps we need more investment in collaborative projects across the sector, so that we can support each other more. I also believe that the Government is ready to listen. So, if we do have a problem and if we do lobby—and we've lobbied a great deal over the past two or three years—then we do get a response, and we appreciate that very much. I think we've received four responses just this week, on the Welsh language, on culture, and on our concerns about the absence of Welsh-medium health services in Wales.

Mi fuaswn i'n dweud yn sicr bod y gefnogaeth rŷn ni'n ei chael wrth y Llywodraeth yn anhygoel, yn ddi-os. Ond o ran ariannu, dwi ddim yn credu bod yna degwch o ran fel y mae cyrff cenedlaethol cyfrwng Cymraeg yn cael eu hariannu yn yr un modd â chyrff cenedlaethol eraill. Felly, pe bai chi ddim ond yn edrych o ran cyrff cenedlaethol celfyddydol, mae yna ddiffyg andwyol rhwng yr hyn rŷn ni'n cael ein hariannu a'r hyn y mae cyrff eraill yn ei dderbyn. A phan rŷch chi'n edrych ar y comisiynu rŷn ni'n ei wneud, a'r gwaith rŷn ni'n ei wneud o ran ein cyrhaeddiad ni o fewn cymunedau, heb sôn am yr wythnos ei hun, buaswn i'n dweud, na, dyw e ddim yn hafal. Ond mae hwnna'n rhywbeth hanesyddol, ac mae hwnna'n rhywbeth, dwi'n credu, y mae angen gwirioneddol i edrych arno fe. Oherwydd, eleni, mi wnaethom ni—. Mi ofynnwyd i ni y llynedd, fe ddylwn i ddweud, i gynorthwyo corff arall wrth iddyn nhw geisio mynd i'r afael â llywodraethiant wrth iddyn nhw fynd trwy'r broses, oherwydd COVID, ac mi wnaethom ni wneud hynny. Felly, mi wnaethom ni wneud ein rôl fel corff cenedlaethol, ond dŷn ni ddim yn cael ein hariannu fel corff cenedlaethol.

I would certainly say that the support that we receive from Government is incredible—there's no doubt about that. But in terms of funding, I don't think there is parity in terms of how national Welsh-medium bodies are funded in comparison to those other national bodies. So, if you just looked at the national arts bodies, then there is a deficit in terms of our levels of funding and the funding that other bodies receive. And when you look at the commissioning work that we do, and the other work that we do in terms of our reach within communities, never mind the Eisteddfod week itself, I would say that, no, there is no parity. But that's a historic issue, and I think it is something that does need to be looked at. Because, this year, we—. Last year, I should say, we were asked to support another body as they tried to tackle governance issues as they went through the processes of COVID, and we did that. So, we played our role as a national body, but we're not funded as such.

Ie, rhywbeth yn debyg i fel roedd Betsan yn sôn, a dweud y gwir, mae mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc efallai'n cael ei ariannu mewn ffordd wahanol, ac wrth gwrs rŷn ni, fel y pedwar sefydliad sydd wedi bod yma heddiw, i gyd wedi bod trwy gyfnod anodd iawn yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf. Ac rŷn ni, fel mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc, yn anffodus wedi gorfod colli nifer o staff yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf, ac yn adeiladu hynny yn ôl ar hyn o bryd, ond drwy ariannu hynny ein hunain ar hyn o bryd hefyd. Felly mae'n holl, holl bwysig—. Mae gan y pedwar sefydliad yma yr un math o brosiectau o fewn eu cymunedau. Fel roedd Tegwen yn sôn, mae'n bwysig, bwysig ein bod ni'n pedwar—heb sôn am bawb arall sydd yn ein hardaloedd ni—yn dechrau cydweithio â'n gilydd, ac yn cydweithio â'r Llywodraeth, gan fod ein prosiectau ni, ambell waith, yn cydlynu â'i gilydd, heb ein bod ni'n sylwi efallai hefyd. Dwi'n credu bod yna le ar gyfer cefnogaeth ar gyfer rhywbeth fel hyn ar gyfer y dyfodol sydd o'n blaenau ni.

Yes, similarly to Betsan, truth be told, the young farmers movement may be funded in a different way, and, like the other four organisations that are here today, we've all been through very difficult times during the last 18 months. And we, as young farmers, unfortunately have had to make a number of staff redundant over the past 18 months, and we're building back at the moment, but we're funding that ourselves also. So, it's crucially important that—. All four organisations here today have the same kinds of projects within their communities. As Tegwen mentioned, it's important that we four organisations—without mentioning everyone else in our areas—do start to collaborate, and collaborate with Government too, because our projects do sometimes dovetail very neatly together without us realising that. I think there is room for support for something like this for the future that is ahead.

Diolch. Heledd. O, rŷch chi ar mute.

Thank you. Heledd. Oh, you're on mute.

Sori. Diolch yn fawr iawn. Jest eisiau gofyn, o ran edrych tuag at 2022—yn amlwg, deall yr heriau ac ati—ond eich cynlluniau chi ar gyfer cynnal gweithgareddau a digwyddiadau, a heriau i'w goresgyn.

Sorry. Thank you very much. I just wanted to ask, in terms of looking ahead to 2022—and I understand the challenges and so on—but what about your plans for staging events, and what challenges are you likely to face.

Ydych chi eisiau i fi fynd yn gyntaf? Mewn gwirionedd, rŷn ni wedi nodi y bydd yna Eisteddfod, ac mae yna gymaint o ddyheu am hynny. Fe wnaethom ni roi tocynnau Maes B allan—y tranche cyntaf—ac mi wnaethon nhw werthu allan o fewn pedwar diwrnod. Rŷn ni wedi rhoi'r ail don, ac mae'r rheini'n gwerthu allan. Felly, mae'n amlwg bod pobl yn dyheu am fynd nôl, bod yna faes, a phob dim. Ond y gwir amdani yw, rŷn ni'n fusnes, ac mae edrych ar fel y mae gwireddu, mae yna gostau ychwanegol ynghlwm â byw gyda COVID, ond hefyd mae chwyddiant yn effeithio arnom ni, mae hefyd cludiant yn effeithio arnom ni, ac mae criwio. Ac mae'n rhaid i ni gofio hefyd fod effaith COVID yn hir dymor. Oherwydd, beth sydd wedi digwydd yn y sector digwyddiadau, lle mae yna gymaint o bobl yn gweithio'n llawrydd yn y maes hwn, oherwydd bod yna—. Mi wnaethom ni geisio cynorthwyo'r artistiaid drwy gydol COVID yn creu drwy AmGen, ond, eto i gyd, o ran yr ochr dechnegol, mi oedd y gwaith wedi sychu, wedi diflannu. Ac felly, oherwydd hynny, mae nifer o bobl a fyddai'n gweithio yn dechnegol yn llawrydd yn y celfyddydau a digwyddiadau, maen nhw wedi mynd i weithio i gwmnïau teledu a phob dim, ac o'r herwydd mae yna argyfwng. Ac mae hwnna'n rhywbeth ble roedd yna sôn cynt, o ran cyfleoedd, mi fyddai fe'n wych pe bai modd i greu adnodd o ran cyfleoedd technegol cyfrwng Cymraeg yn digwydd, a'n bod ni yn gallu bwydo digwyddiadau. Am wlad fach, mae gennym ni gymaint o ddigwyddiadau arobryn, ac rwy'n credu bod hwnna'n rhywbeth a fyddai'n wirioneddol yn wych i allu ei greu yn y cyfnod yma.

Would you like me to go first? In reality, we have said that there will be an Eisteddfod, and there is so much desire for that. We put Maes B tickets on sale—the first tranche—and they sold out within four days. There is the second tranche and they're selling out quickly too. So it's clear that people are desperate to get back to the Eisteddfod field and so on. But the truth of the matter is that we are a business, and looking at how to deliver it, there are additional costs to living with COVID, but also inflation has an impact on us, transport costs also have an impact on us, as does finding crew. And we must bear in mind that the impact of COVID is long term. Because what's happened in the events sector, where there are so many people working on a freelance basis in this area, because there are—. Now, we tried to support artists throughout COVID through the AmGen projects, but from the technical side, the work had simply disappeared, it dried up. And, as a result of that, there are many people who would work on the technical side on a freelance basis in the arts and events sectors who have gone to work for television companies and so on and so forth, and therefore there is a crisis. And there was earlier mention of opportunities, but it would be wonderful if we could create a resource in terms of technical opportunities through the medium of Welsh, so that we could feed these events. As a small nation, we have so many wonderful events, and I think that would be something that would be wonderful if we were able to create such a resource at this time.


Mae gymaint o ddiffyg hyder ar hyn o bryd, yn enwedig ymysg pobl hŷn. Maen nhw wedi bod yn ymddiriedolwyr ar ein neuaddau pentref, ar weithgareddau, a nawr maen nhw'n ofni ailgychwyn oherwydd yr holl waith deddfwriaethol, papurau sydd angen iddyn nhw eu llenwi. Felly, mae hwnna'n bryder inni. Rydym ni'n dal llaw, rydym ni'n cyd-gerdded ar y daith yma mewn ffordd.

Mae'r banciau wedi gwneud ein bywyd ni yn andros o anodd dros y 12 mis diwethaf yma: HSBC wedi dechrau codi ar bob cyfrif cymunedol; nifer fawr o'r banciau wedi cau; gwasanaeth wyneb yn wyneb wedi diflannu; bron â bod gorfodaeth i fancio ar-lein. Nawr, mae gyda ni lot fawr, fawr o bobl ar draws Cymru sydd ddim ag adnoddau technolegol, neu sydd ddim â'r hyder i ddefnyddio technoleg i fancio ar-lein. Ac, felly, dŷn nhw ddim yn medru gweld pa gwmnïau cyfleustodau sy'n cynnig y radd orau. Mae yna ffermwyr, mae yna amaethwyr sy'n ofni llenwi ffurflenni ar-lein oherwydd eu diffyg hyder, eu diffyg dealltwriaeth nhw. A dwi'n credu bod wir angen inni edrych ar fuddsoddi o fewn technoleg, ond hefyd helpu'r bobl yna sy'n methu, pobl ag anghenion yn aml iawn, sydd ddim efo'r mynediad at dechnoleg ychwaith. Ac, yn ystod y COVID, un o'r pethau ddigwyddodd oedd bod llyfrgelloedd wedi cau, ac yn fanna roedd pobl yn medru mynd i ddefnyddio'r dechnoleg yn gymunedol, os nag oedd e gyda nhw yn bersonol.

Felly, dwi'n credu ein bod ni ar siwrne fregus tuag at 2022, ond rŷn ni'n hyderus. Rŷn ni'n treialu lot o weithgareddau hybrid ar hyn o bryd. Ac eto, y ffair aeaf newydd gael ei chynnal yn Llanelwedd, a'r gobaith nawr yw edrych ymlaen at y sioe a'r Eisteddfod, Eisteddfod yr Urdd. Mae pawb am weld digwyddiadau, ond bod y rheini yn cael eu cynnal mewn modd gofalus a diogel. 

There is such a lack of confidence at the moment, particularly among older people. They've been trustees in our village halls, they've been volunteering in activities, and now they fear getting involved again because of all the legalities, all paperwork they'd have to fill in. So, that's a concern for us. We do some hand-holding, and we walk shoulder to shoulder with them on this journey. 

The banks have made our lives exceptionally difficult over the past 12 months: HSBC have started to charge for all community accounts; a number of banks have closed; face-to-face services have disappeared; you're almost forced onto online banking. And we have a number of people across Wales who don't have the technological resources to do that, or don't have the confidence to use that technology for online banking. And, therefore, they can't see which utility companies offer the best rates, for example. There are farmers who fear filling forms online because of their lack of confidence and lack of understanding of the technology. And I think we really need to look at investment in technology, but also to help those people who can't access this, people with additional needs very often, who don't have access to technology. And, during COVID, one of the things that happened was that the libraries closed down, and that's where people could go to use the technology in their communities, if they didn't have it at home.

So, I think we are on a journey, a vulnerable position as we move towards 2022, but we are confident. We are trialling a number of hybrid activities at the moment. And we had the winter fair that's just been staged in Llanelwedd, and the hope is to have the Royal Welsh Show, the Eisteddfod, the Urdd Eisteddfod. Everyone wants to see those events, but events that are held in a safe manner. 

Diolch, Tegwen. Caryl, roeddech chi eisiau dod i mewn.

Thank you, Tegwen. Caryl, you wanted to come in. 

Efallai bod rhai ohonoch chi wedi gweld yn ystod y mis diwethaf mae'n amlwg bod digwyddiadau mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc yng Nghymru wedi ail ddechrau. Wrth gwrs, ni oedd y digwyddiad cyntaf o ran lefel eisteddfodol. Fe gawsom ni eisteddfod Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifanc Cymru yn cael ei chynnal ym mhafiliwn Pontrhydfendigaid ychydig dros rhyw fis yn ôl, ac, wrth gwrs, roedd e'n braf gweld yr aelodau yn ôl yn cystadlu wyneb yn wyneb gyda ni, fel roedd Tegwen yn sôn, yn y ffair aeaf, wrth gwrs, wythnos diwethaf hefyd. Ond rydym ni gyd yn bryderus, fel rydym i gyd ar y pwyllgor yma heddiw, am beth sydd yn mynd i fod o'n blaenau ni ar gyfer 2022.

Ac, fel roeddech chi, Betsan, yn sôn, mae'n rhaid inni edrych ymlaen ar gyfer y dyfodol. Mae'n rhaid inni fod yn dechrau rhoi rhyw fath o'r normalrwydd newydd yma i bobl. Ydy, mae'n mynd i fod yn wahanol, ond rwy'n credu, eto, os gwnawn ni gyd weithio fel tîm er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr bod pawb yn cael y cyfleoedd cywir, a'r cyfleoedd hynny yn ôl ar ein llwyfannau ni—. Does yna ddim un wlad arall, dwi ddim yn meddwl, yr un fath â Chymru sy'n rhoi'r cyfleoedd yma i bobl ifanc i fod yn lleisio'u barn a'r talent sydd gyda ni yma yng Nghymru. Dwi'n credu bod hwnna'n rhywbeth mae'n rhaid inni ddatblygu gyda'r digwyddiadau wrth ein bod ni yn mynd ymlaen, nid yn unig ym mis Ionawr 2022, ond dwi'n siŵr byddwn ni'n cael yr un drafodaeth ym mis Rhagfyr 2022. Rydym ni wedi clywed am yr amrywiolyn newydd yma, y cyfyngiadau newydd fydd yn dod, ond mae e'n holl, hollbwysig ein bod ni gyd yn cydweithio er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr, os oes yna newidiadau yn dod ar y funud olaf, ein bod ni'n dal yn gallu goresgyn rhain, a gwneud yn siŵr bod y digwyddiadau yma yn dod yn ôl, boed hynny ar ein sgrin ni, ond hefyd wyneb yn wyneb, ar gyfer cymunedau Cymru, i gryfhau ein cymunedau ni.

Perhaps some of you will have seen over the past month that the young farmers events in Wales have recommenced. We were the first event at an eisteddfod level. We had our Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs eisteddfod held in Pontrhydfendigaid pavilion a little over a month ago, and it was good to see members back competing face to face, as Tegwen mentioned, in the winter fair, of course, last week too. But we are all concerned, as I'm sure you are too on this committee, in terms of what we're facing for the future in 2022.

And, as you mentioned, Betsan, we do have to look forward to the future. We do have to start to actually work within this new normal. It is going to be different, but again, I think that if we all work as a team in order to ensure that everyone gets the right opportunities, and have those opportunities on our platforms—. I don't think there's another nation like Wales providing these opportunities for young people to express their views and to display their talents in Wales. And I think that is something that we must develop with these events as we move forward, not only in January 2022, but I'm sure we will be having the same discussions in December 2022. We've heard about this new variant, and the new restrictions that may be introduced, but it is crucial that we all co-operate in order to ensure that, if there are changes emerging at the last minute, we can still overcome those difficulties, and ensure that our events can come back, either on screen or face to face, for Welsh communities, in order to strengthen those communities. 

Diolch, Caryl. Siân. Os ydyn ni'n gallu dadfudo Siân. Grêt.

Thank you, Caryl. Siân. Could we unmute Siân? Thank you. 

Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at 2022. Mae'n hagweddau yn gwbl bositif. Mae gennym ni ganmlwyddiant i'w ddathlu, ac mae gennym ni lawer iawn o brosiectau uchelgeisiol a chyffroes ar y gweill. O ran ein gwasanaeth presennol ni, rydyn ni wedi dechrau ailadeiladu. Fe wnaethom ni gynnal cystadleuaeth pêl-rwyd cenedlaethol i ferched ysgolion uwchradd a cholegau yr wythnos diwethaf. Roedd 200 o ysgolion a cholegau wedi cymryd rhan. Roedd y gystadleuaeth yn orlawn. Rydyn ni wedi cyhoeddi ddoe y bydd yr eisteddfod, gyda chefnogaeth Llywodraeth Cymru, yn eisteddfod am ddim yn ein canmlwyddiant, ond hefyd yn eisteddfod mewn cae. Fel rwy'n dweud, mae nifer helaeth o weithgareddau cyffrous ar y gweill. Rydyn ni'n hyderus ein bod ni on track i gyflawni beth rydyn ni ei angen cyn belled ag y cawn ni'r gefnogaeth rydyn ni wedi ei chael dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf gan Lywodraeth Cymru—bod hwnna'n parhau. Mae'r gwaith prentisiaethau'n hanfodol ac yn mynd o nerth i nerth. Mae'r gwaith yn ein cymunedau wedi ailddatblygu ers bron i 10 mis bellach.

Dwi'n meddwl mai'r her i'r Urdd ydy sefyllfa'r gwersylloedd—mae yna ddim byd. Maen nhw'n ffynhonnell busnes pwysig i ni. Maen nhw'n creu trosiant bron i £6 miliwn ac yn adnodd pwysig o ran sut rydyn ni'n creu ein hincwm mewnol. Mae pethau'n fregus yn ein gwersylloedd. Yn amlwg mae sefyllfa gwersyll Caerdydd yn benodol yn iawn ar hyn o bryd, ond y gwirionedd ydy, mae ysgolion yn tynnu allan yn gyson iawn oherwydd sefyllfa COVID ac mae hwnna'n rhoi heriau wedyn o ran ein model busnes. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio, erbyn Medi nesaf, byddwn ni yn ôl i gapasiti llawn yn y gwersylloedd, gyda 50,000 o wersyllwyr yn dod, ond mae'n rhaid i ni droedio'n ofalus o ran hwnna a chadw ein bys ar y botwm yn ariannol a hefyd o ran y sefyllfa COVID. Mae o allan o'n dwylo ni'n llwyr; mae o allan o ddwylo'r ysgolion. Mae yna awydd yna i ddod yn ôl, ond mae yna bryderon o ran sut mae COVID yn gweithredu a sut maen nhw'n gallu dod nôl.

Felly, yn gyffredinol, mae yna lawer iawn o bethau da, hapus a phositif i edrych ymlaen atynt, ond yr her fwyaf i ni, efallai, o ran yr holl wasanaethau rydyn ni'n eu cynnig i blant a phobl ifanc, ydy'r gwersylloedd ar hyn o bryd.

We're looking forward to 2022 with great positivity. We have a centenary to celebrate, and we have a number of ambitious and exciting projects in the pipeline. In terms of our current service, we have started to rebuild. We had our national netball competition for girls from secondary schools and colleges last week, with 200 schools and colleges taking part. The competition was full up. Yesterday, we announced that the eisteddfod, with support from the Welsh Government, will be free entry in our centennial year, and it'll be held on an eisteddfod field. As I say, there are also a number of exciting projects in the pipeline. We're confident that we're on track to deliver what we need to deliver as long as we receive the support that we've had from the Welsh Government over the past two years—we hope to see that continue. The apprenticeship work is crucial and is going from strength to strength. The work in communities has been redeveloping over 10 months now.

The challenge for the Urdd is the situation with the residential centres—there is nothing. They are an important source of business for us. They create a turnover of almost £6 million and they're an important part of how we generate our internal income. The situation in our residential camps is vulnerable. Clearly the situation in terms of the Cardiff centre specifically is fine at the moment, but the reality is that the schools are pulling out regularly because of COVID and that creates challenges in terms of our business model. We hope that, by next September, we'll be back to full capacity in our residential camps, with 50,000 visitors, but we have to tread carefully there and keep our eye on the finances and also in terms of the COVID situation. It's entirely out of our hands; it's out of the hands of schools. There is a desire to return, but there are also concerns as to how COVID is developing and perhaps how they can return. 

So, generally speaking, there are a number of good, happy and positive things to look forward to, but the greatest challenge for us, perhaps, in terms of all of our services for children and young people, is our residential centres.


Diolch, Siân. Fe wnawn ni symud at Alun Davies.

Thank you, Siân. We'll move to Alun Davies.

Diolch yn fawr. Dwi eisiau dilyn beth oedd Siân yn ei ddweud mewn ffordd. Ynglŷn â'r cymunedau Cymraeg a chymunedau lle mae'r Gymraeg yn iaith bob dydd, ydy'r pandemig, ydych chi'n meddwl, yn eich profiad chi, wedi cael impact ar y defnydd o'r Gymraeg? Ydyn ni'n gweld cynnydd neu ydyn ni'n gweld y Gymraeg yn lleihau ambell waith? Dwi ddim yn gwybod. Achos, yn aml iawn, mae bywyd cymdeithasol y gymuned, os dŷch chi'n licio, yn dibynnu ar allu eich sefydliadau chi i weithredu a threfnu digwyddiadau, ac os nad ydych chi'n gallu gwneud hynny, wel, mae hynny'n mynd i gael impact wedyn ar y gymuned ehangach. So, roeddwn i'n tybio os ydych chi wedi gweld impact ar y defnydd o'r Gymraeg oherwydd hynny.

Thank you very much. I want to follow on from Siân's points in a way. In terms of Welsh-speaking communities and where Welsh is spoken on a daily basis, do you think the pandemic, in your experience, has had an impact on the use of the Welsh language? Have we seen an increase or a decline in the use of the Welsh language? I don't know. Because, very often, social life within a community does depend on the ability of your organisations to operate and arrange events within those communities, and if you can't do that, well then that's going to have an impact on the broader community. So, I was wondering whether you have seen an impact on the use of the Welsh language because of the pandemic.

Roedd Betsan wedi rhoi ei llaw i fyny yn gyntaf, felly Betsan ac wedyn Tegwen. Betsan.

Betsan indicated first, and then we'll come to Tegwen. Betsan.

Dwi'n credu yn sicr mae wedi cael impact negyddol, a hynny oherwydd dyw'r cyfleoedd ddim wedi bod yna i bobl ymarfer eu Cymraeg. Dwi'n credu mai un o'r pethau ŷn ni'n gallu gwireddu—pob un ohonom ni fel cyrff—yw'r cyfleoedd yna, ac yn arbennig pan fydd pobl yn dewis bod eu plant yn dysgu Cymraeg a phob dim a bod y cyfleoedd i ymarfer y Gymraeg neu i glywed y Gymraeg yn diflannu. Pan ŷn ni'n meddwl am greu Eisteddfod, mae pawb yn meddwl am yr ŵyl ei hun, ond mae'r gwaith yn y cymunedau cyn bwysiced, os nad yn bwysiced, am ddwy flynedd yn arwain at hynny. Felly, pan rŷch chi'n meddwl bod yna dros 1,750 o ddigwyddiadau yn digwydd mewn blwyddyn arferol ac mae'r rheini'n diflannu.

Fe wnaethom ni fynd ar-lein, ond eto i gyd, beth sydd yn rhaid cofio yw, yn enwedig o fewn cymunedau gwledig, fod yna ddiffyg o ran digidol a phob dim, ac felly nid ar chwarae bach mae mynd â stwff ar-lein. Mi wnaethom ni lwyddo i gynnal digwyddiadau, ond eto i gyd mi oedd yr hyn oedd yn digwydd o fewn cymunedau, a'r cymhathu cymunedol yna sy'n digwydd, sy'n hollbwysig ar gyfer cryfhau cymunedau, mi wnaeth hwnna fynd ar goll yn y cyfnod yma. Felly, mae'n hollbwysig bod yr ailadeiladu—creu'r cyfleoedd yna o'r newydd—yn cychwyn cyn gynted â phosibl.

I think certainly it's had a negative impact because those opportunities haven't been available for people to use their Welsh language and practice their Welsh. I think one of the things that we can deliver—all of us as organisations—is those opportunities, particularly when people choose for their children to be educated through the medium of Welsh and the opportunities to practice Welsh and to hear Welsh disappear. When we think of an Eisteddfod, everyone thinks about the festival itself, but the work in the community, over two years in the lead up to an Eisteddfod, is as important, if not more important. So, when you think that there are over 1,750 events taking place in a normal year and those disappeared.

We went online of course, but what you have to bear in mind is, particularly within rural communities, that there is a digital deficit, so taking things online is no mean feat. We managed to stage events, but what happens within communities, and that community cohesion that occurs, which is so important in terms of strengthening communities, was lost during this time. So, it's crucially important that that rebuilding work—the creation of those opportunities anew—restarts as soon as possible.

Yn sicr, mae yna ddirywiad o ran y cyfleoedd cymdeithasol. Fel arfer, rŷn ni'n cynnal rhyw 3,000 o weithgareddau wyneb yn wyneb. Gallaf ddweud, siŵr o fod, fod y rheini i lawr i ryw 1,000 yn ystod y flwyddyn sydd wedi mynd heibio, a bod nifer fawr o'r rheini wedi cael eu cynnal tu allan—rhai hyd yn oed mewn mart neu mewn sied. Felly, rŷn ni wedi addasu; rŷn ni wedi trawsnewid y ffordd rŷn ni wedi bod yn cyfarfod yn ddiogel, ond hefyd fel rŷch chi'n ymwybodol, mae yna bryder mawr hefyd o ran faint o dai sydd wedi cael eu gwerthu yn sydyn iawn mewn cymunedau Cymraeg, felly mae mewnlifiad wedi dod i nifer fawr o’n cymunedau cynhenid ni. Mae nifer fawr o bobl wedi cysylltu i ddweud bod pobl am newid enwau’r tai o’r Gymraeg i’r Saesneg. Mae hynny hefyd wedi codi pryderon pellach. Ond rŷn ni’n mawr, mawr obeithio, pan fydd hi’n ddiogel—ac rŷn ni yn treial ailgychwyn nawr—cynnal y gweithgareddau yma, bydd yna fomentwm newydd.

Un peth rŷn ni wedi sylweddoli yw bod lot fawr o ddysgwyr am siarad y Gymraeg, felly rŷn ni’n gwirfoddoli gyda dysgwyr ar draws Cymru, drwy’r cynllun Siarad, a dwi’n meddwl bod hynny’n braf iawn, i weld bod yna awydd o’r newydd, ac mae nifer fawr o’r bobl sydd wedi ymaelodi gyda ni ar-lein, neu Curo’r Corona ac yn y blaen, yn ddysgwyr ar draws y byd. Felly, mae wedi bod yn braf i gael golwg newydd ar y Gymraeg, mewn ffordd, efallai nid yn ein cymunedau mwy traddodiadol ni.

Yes, certainly there's been a decline in terms of the social opportunities to use the Welsh language. We usually stage around 3,000 face-to-face events. I can say that those are now down to around 1,000 during the past year, and many of those were staged outdoors—some even in an agricultural market or a shed. So, we have adapted; we've transformed the way that we've been able to meet safely, but as you're aware, there is also concern in terms of the number of homes that have been sold very quickly in Welsh-speaking communities. So, in-migration has put a number of our Welsh-speaking communities under pressure. Many people have contacted to say that people want to change the names of dwellings from Welsh to English, and that's a further concern. But we very much hope that when it will be safe—and we are trying to restart now—to hold our activities, there will be a new momentum.

One thing we have realised is that many Welsh learners want to use the Welsh language, so we are volunteering with learners across Wales, through the Siarad scheme, and I think it's wonderful to see that there is that new desire, and many people who have joined us online, or Curo'r Corona and so on, are Welsh learners from across the globe. So, it's been wonderful to have a new perspective on the Welsh language, perhaps not in our more traditional communities though.


Dim ond i gytuno gyda beth mae Betsan a Tegwen wedi’i ddweud, i ddweud y gwir. Mae wedi bod yn effaith negyddol ar gymunedau, nid yn unig y cymunedau cryf yn y Gymraeg, ond yn bendant yn y cymunedau yna sydd â nifer eang o ddysgwyr. Fel rôn i’n sôn ar gwestiwn Hefin yn gynharach, mae gyda ni’r siroedd lle maen nhw’n trin a thrafod mewn amrywiol ddigwyddiadau sut maen nhw’n cynnal rhywbeth er mwyn i'r siroedd mwy Seisnigaidd allu datblygu ar hyn yn y dyfodol. Fe welon ni fel mudiad—. Mae gyda ni dros 5,000 o aelodau yn arferol mewn blwyddyn arferol. Aethon ni i lawr i dros hanner yn ystod COVID, yn anffodus. Ond rŷn ni yn falch o nodi bod ni yn ôl yn ein rhifau arferol ar gyfer eleni. Ond mae hynny yn syth yn dangos bod yr effaith negyddol ar yr iaith Gymraeg yn syth, gan fod gyda ni lai o aelodau yn cystadlu, wyneb yn wyneb neu'n rhithiol. Pan oedd gyda ni’r cystadlaethau yn rhithiol, mae’n amlwg mai dim ein haelodau ni oedd yn cystadlu oedd ar yr alwad, lle, pan fyddwn ni wyneb yn wyneb, mae’r holl gymuned yn gallu dod at ei gilydd i weld beth sydd gan y mudiad i’w gynnig a, drwy hynny, yn dysgu'r Gymraeg wrth wneud hynny hefyd. Felly, byddwn i’n cytuno gyda Betsan a Tegwen—yn anffodus, mae COVID wedi bod yn gyfnod anodd i ni, ac mae wedi cael effaith negyddol ar yr iaith Gymraeg o fewn cymunedau. Ond, gobeithio, yn ystod y blynyddoedd sydd o’n blaenau ni, mi fydd hyn yn cryfhau gyda’r mudiadau sydd gyda ni yma o’n hamgylch ni. Diolch.

Just to agree with the comments made by Tegwen and Betsan. It has had a negative impact on communities, not just those strongly Welsh-speaking communities, but certainly in those communities where there are large numbers of Welsh learners. As I mentioned in response to Hefin earlier, we have counties where they discuss how they can stage things so that the more Anglicised areas can develop this good practice in the future. We as an organisation saw—. We have over 5,000 members in a normal year. We went down to around half of that during COVID. But we are pleased to note that we are back to our usual numbers for this year. But that just shows you immediately that there has been a negative impact on the Welsh language, because we had fewer members competing, either face-to-face or virtually. When we had those virtual competitions, clearly it was only our members who were competing who were on the call, whereas, when we're face to face, the whole community comes together to see what the young farmers have to offer and, in turn, they learn the Welsh language in doing so. Therefore, I would agree with Betsan and Tegwen—unfortunately, COVID has been very difficult for us, and it's had a negative impact on the Welsh language within our communities. However, I hope, in ensuing years, that we can build back to strength with the organisations here. Thank you.

Ocê. Dwi’n cytuno gyda’r dadansoddiad mae pob un ohonoch chi wedi’i gynnig, mewn sawl ffordd. So, beth ydyn ni’n ei wneud amdano fe? Achos mae’n un peth i wneud datganiad, 'Dyma’r math o sefyllfa dŷn ni’n ei hwynebu', ac mae hynny, frankly, yn ddigon rhwydd. Mae’n amlwg—rydyn ni’n dweud beth rydyn ni’n ei weld. So, beth ydyn ni’n ei wneud amdano fe, ydy’r cwestiwn sydd gen i. Dwi’n gwybod bod Delyth wedi dweud bod amser yn symud ymlaen, ond oes modd ichi ddweud un peth neu ddau beth y gall Llywodraeth Cymru wneud nawr, cyn inni weld Siôn Corn, i ateb y math o fygythiad dŷch chi wedi ei ddisgrifio?

I agree with the analysis provided by each and every one of you, in many ways. So, what do we do about that? Because it's one thing to make a statement that this is the situation we face. Frankly, it's quite easy to do that—we're just describing what we're seeing. But what are we doing about it? That's my question. I know that Delyth is going to say that time is tight, but could you give us one or two things that the Welsh Government could do now, before Father Christmas arrives, in order to respond to the kind of threat that you've described?

Buaswn i’n dweud bod y Llywodraeth wedi ymateb, ac un o’r pethau, o ran y datblygiad yn dilyn COVID, yw’r cydweithio yma—fel rŷn ni wirioneddol yn mynd i’r afael â’r cyfleoedd, fel rŷn ni’n creu partneriaethau gwell. Er enghraifft, rŷn ni ar hyn o bryd yn gwneud gwaith cymunedol o fewn Rhondda Cynon Taf. Rhan o’r gwaith yna yw cydweithio gyda phartneriaid ar lawr gwlad i sicrhau ein bod ni’n mwyafu y gwaddol sy’n digwydd gyda’r Eisteddfod, ond hefyd y cydweithio i gyrraedd yr Eisteddfod. Mae’r Eisteddfod yn anghenfil anferthol, ond hefyd mae’n gyfle anhygoel, oherwydd mae pobl yn cael profiadau unwaith-mewn-bywyd wrth fod ar y daith yma gyda’r Eisteddfod. Felly, mae sicrhau bod yr holl bartneriaid yn gallu cydweithio yn hynny yn digwydd er mwyn iddyn nhw allu hefyd elwa o’r cyfle. Felly, mae hynny’n un o’r pethau sy’n digwydd, a dwi'n credu mai'r Llywodraeth oedd yn arwain ar sicrhau bod hynny’n mynd i fod yn un o’r blaenoriaethau.

Dwi’n credu hefyd fod yn rhaid i ni flaenoriaethu’r rhaglen waith yna o ran yr ymwneud cymunedol. Rŷn ni wedi gweddnewid ein strategaeth a dweud, 'Dyna beth fydd un o’r prif flaenoriaethau', achos rŷn ni’n ymwybodol mai dyna yw’r gwahaniaeth sylweddol o ran ymarfer defnyddio’r Gymraeg a'r cyfleoedd, a hefyd ein bod ni yn eu rhoi i beuoedd gwahanol. Felly, mae gennym ni flaenoriaethau. Rŷn ni’n cydweithio gyda'r ganolfan dysgu Cymraeg o ran y dysgwyr. Rŷn ni’n cydweithio o ran Maes B gyda ieuenctid. Felly, rŷn ni’n sicrhau ein bod ni’n edrych ar y gwahanol ystod oedran a’r gwahanol gymunedau i'n wirioneddol fynd i'r afael â hyn.

I would say that the Government has responded, and one of the things, in terms of the development post-COVID, is this collaboration—how we really address opportunities and create better partnerships. For example, we are currently doing community work in Rhondda Cynon Taf, and part of that work is to work with partners on the ground in order to ensure that we make the most of the legacy of the Eisteddfod, but work to create that Eisteddfod. The Eisteddfod is a huge beast, but it's a great opportunity too, because people have once-in-a-life opportunities on this journey, so ensuring that all the partners can collaborate in that, so that they too can benefit from those opportunities is important. That's one of the things that's happening, and it was the Government that lead on ensuring that that was to be one of the priorities.

I also think that we need to prioritise that work programme, in terms of our community engagement. We've transformed our strategy and said that that will be one of the main priorities, because we are aware that that is the fundamental difference as regards using the language and having opportunities to do so, and that we also provide those opportunities in different spheres. So, we have priorities. We are working with the National Centre for Learning Welsh as regards learners. We are working with young people on Maes B. So, we're looking at the different age ranges and different communities to truly tackle these issues.


Diolch am hwnna. Bydd yn rhaid inni symud ymlaen mewn munud, felly os gallaf i ofyn i'r tair ohonoch chi jest am frawddeg, os yw hi'n bosibl.

Thank you for that. We'll have to move on in a minute, so if I could ask the three of you for just a sentence, if possible.

Buddsoddi mewn adeiladau cymunedol a sicrhau bod technoleg ar gael o fewn yr adeiladau cymunedol yna. Rŷn ni wedi colli ysgolion, rŷn ni wedi colli nifer o gapeli, eglwysi, tafarndai. Rŷn ni wedi colli'r gwaddol yna o adeiladau cymunedol. Mae angen buddsoddiad yn yr hyn sydd ar ôl i sicrhau eu bod nhw yno i'r dyfodol.

Investment in community buildings and ensuring that technology is available within those community buildings. We've lost some schools, we've lost a number of chapels, churches, pubs. We've lost those community buildings. We need investment in what's remaining to ensure that they are still there for the future.

Ie, mae 62 y cant o ysgolion Cymru yn ymwneud â'r Urdd; beth rydyn ni ei eisiau ydy gweld 100 y cant o ysgolion Cymru yn ymwneud â'r Urdd. Ac mae'r dylanwad yna'n gallu dod gan Lywodraeth Cymru, drwy eich adran addysg chi, i ofyn bod pob ysgol yn gwneud yr ymdrech arbennig i weld, o'r holl wasanaethau mae'r Urdd yn eu cynnig, sut gallan nhw fod yn rhan ohonon ni. Achos, weithiau, dyw access mewn i rai ysgolion, sydd ddim efallai efo'r athrawon sydd yn moyn ymrwymo efo'r Urdd, ddim yn wastad yno—felly, yr adran addysg yn rhoi'r alwad allan, adeg ein canmlwyddiant ni, fod pob ysgol yn ymwneud rhywsut neu'i gilydd efo gwasanaeth yr Urdd. Ac fe wnaiff hwnna blethu mewn, wedyn, i'r cyfleoedd cymunedol, y profiadau gwersylloedd, a'r ymrwymiad cyntaf i'r siaradwyr Cymraeg a'r dysgwyr—mae gyda ni lawer iawn o bethau. Ond, mae'n easy ask, dwi'n meddwl, Alun. Dwi'n siŵr y gallech chi a nifer o'r gwleidyddion sydd yma heddiw ddylanwadu ar Mr Miles i wneud i hynny ddigwydd.

Yes, 62 per cent of schools in Wales work with the Urdd; we want to see 100 per cent involved with the Urdd. And that influence can come through the Welsh Government, through the Government education department, to request that every school makes that effort to look at how they can become involved with our services. Because, sometimes, access into schools that don't necessarily have teachers who want to commit to the Urdd can be difficult. The education department, in our centenary year, could make a call that every school should become involved with the Urdd's services, and that will link in to community activities, our activities within our residential centres. So, I think that's an easy ask, Alun. I'm sure you and many of the politicians here today could influence Mr Miles in order for that to happen.

Diolch. Caryl, oedd gennych chi frawddeg fer, os yn bosibl?

Thank you. Caryl, just a sentence, if you could.

Ie, dim problem. Roedd hwnna'n gwestiwn mawr, Alun, i'w ofyn, ond, i ni fel mudiad, dwi'n credu mai'r cwpwl o eiriau fyddai 'buddsoddi', 'cyfathrebu', 'cydweithio' ac, wrth gwrs, 'addysg', er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ein bod ni i gyd yn dysgu oddi wrth ein gilydd wrth inni symud ymlaen hefyd. Diolch.

Yes, no problem. That was a major question, Alun, but, for us as an organisation, I think we need investment, communication, collaboration and education in order to ensure that we all learn from each other as we move forward. Thank you.

Diolch i chi i gyd. Fe wnawn ni symud at Tom Giffard.

Thank you very much. We'll move on to Tom Giffard.

Thank you, Delyth. Only the one question from me. I'm just curious to what extent you've worked with the Welsh Government to outline their international strategy, or worked within their international frameworks or networks. So, I'd be just as interested if you have or if you haven't, really—if you or your organisation have done that.

Siân, rŷch chi eisiau mynd yn gyntaf.

Siân, you wanted to go first.

Ie. Ryw ddwy flynedd yn ôl, fe wnaethon ni ddatblygu strategaeth ryngwladol i'r Urdd. Mi oedd yr Urdd yn rhyngwladol actif nôl ar gychwyn ei chyfnod, bron i 100 mlynedd yn ôl, ac rŷn ni'n awyddus iawn, ar drothwy ein canmlwyddiant, y byddem ni'n ailgydio. Mae yna gefnogaeth ariannol gan Lywodraeth Cymru i'n cefnogi ni yn ein neges heddwch ac ewyllys da, sydd yn ei chanfed flwyddyn y flwyddyn nesaf.

Rŷn ni hefyd â nifer iawn o brosiectau rhyngwladol rhwng colegau ar draws y byd a'n pobl ifanc ni. Rŷn ni eisiau mynd â'n pobl ifanc ni i fod yn llysgenhadon gwych i'r iaith Gymraeg ac yn llysgenhadon gwych i Gymru. Mae yna waith wedi bod yn digwydd efo prifysgol Alabama, efo prifysgol yn Norwy, efo teithiau i Batagonia, efo'r cydweithio sy'n digwydd â TG Lurgan yn Iwerddon, i enwi ond rhai. Ond mae'r weledigaeth o ran yr apêl ryngwladol i fynd â'n haelodau hŷn ni ar draws y byd i hyrwyddo'n diwylliant ni yn digwydd, ac mae cefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru i'r weledigaeth yna a dŷn ni'n ddiolchgar iawn amdani.

Yes. Some two years ago, we developed an international strategy for the Urdd. The Urdd was internationally active at the beginning, some 100 years ago, and we're very eager, as we move to our centenary, that we move in that direction once again. There is financial support available from the Welsh Government to support us in our message of peace and goodwill, which is in its hundredth year next year.

We also have a number of international projects between colleges across the world and our young people. We want to take our young people to be excellent ambassadors for the Welsh language for Wales. Work has been ongoing with the University of Alabama, with a university in Norway, with trips to Patagonia, with the collaboration with TG Lurgan in Ireland, to name but a few. But the vision as regards our desire to take our older members across the world in order to promote our culture is happening, and the Welsh Government support for that vision is something we're very grateful for.

Mi wnaethon ni fwydo i mewn i'r strategaeth. Dŷn ni ddim yn cael ein hariannu trwy'r adran ryngwladol, ond mae gennym ni brosiectau rhyngwladol. Felly, rŷn ni'n cydweithio â gwyliau eraill, yn partneru artistiaid ac yn creu cynnwys. Mi wnaeth hwnna ddigwydd, ac mae'n parhau i ddigwydd, drwy COVID, ac felly mae gennym ni strategaeth ryngwladol. Mae'n un o'n blaenoriaethau ni o ran ein strategaeth bum mlynedd ni.

Rŷn ni'n cydweithio hefyd yn agos iawn gyda Wales Arts International, sy'n rhan o Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Ond eto i gyd, dwi'n credu, wrth symud ymlaen, mae angen edrych ar beth yw blaenoriaethau'r strategaeth ryngwladol yna a beth yw'r cyfleoedd i bawb ar gyfer gwireddu hynny. Ond dwi'n credu, o ran y gwaith AmGen, yr hyn a wnaeth AmGen eleni brofi oedd bod yr adnodd yna'n hollbwysig o ran cyflwyno Cymru i'r byd. Ac, wrth gwrs, mae'n rhaid gweddnewid fel rŷn ni'n cyflwyno, oherwydd ble oedd Cymry'n mynd allan, rŷn ni bellach yn dathlu o fewn Cymru, ac yn edrych ar ryngwladoldeb Cymru. Ac mae hwnna'n brosiect rŷn ni'n gweithio arno ar hyn o bryd o ran straeon y gwahanol ddiwylliannau o fewn Cymru, fel ein bod ni'n gallu eu dathlu nhw fel rhan o'r Eisteddfod.

We fed into the strategy. We're not funded through the international relations department, but we do have international projects. So, we work with other festivals and we partner artists and create content. That happened, and it continued to happen, throughout COVID, and so we do have an international strategy. It's one of our priorities in terms of our five-year strategy.

We also work very closely with Wales Arts International, which is part of the Arts Council of Wales. But, in moving forward, I think we need to look at the priorities of the international strategy and what are the opportunities for all as regards delivering that. But, in terms of the AmGen work, what AmGen proved this year was that that resource was crucially important in terms of presenting Wales to the world. And we need to transform how we do that, because whereas it used to be a case of Wales going out, we are now celebrating within Wales, and looking at the internationalisation of Wales. And that is a project that we are working on at the moment, in relation to the different stories and cultures within Wales, so that we can celebrate them as part of the Eisteddfod.

Rhyngwladoldeb—mae hwnna'n air sy'n eithaf hwylus i'w ddweud. Diolch, Betsan. Caryl neu Tegwen, oeddech chi eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw beth?

Rhyngwladoldeb—that's not an easy word to pronounce. Thank you, Betsan. Caryl or Tegwen, did you have anything to add?

Rŷn ni wedi bod ar deithiau tramor yn y gorffennol, mae prosiectau o arian Ewropeaidd wedi bod yn digwydd gyda ni, a hefyd brosiectau lle rŷn ni'n cyfathrebu gyda gwledydd eraill, ond ddim yn rhan o'r strategaeth yma. Ond rŷn ni'n gobeithio ehangu ein gorwelion unwaith eto i'r dyfodol.

We've had overseas trips in the past, projects funded by European funding, and we've also had projects where we communicate with other nations, but not as part of this strategy. However, we hope to expand our horizons for the future.

Dŷn ni fel mudiad ddim yn cael ein cefnogi gan y strategaeth yma ar hyn o bryd. Mae e'n rhywbeth rŷn ni yn gobeithio edrych arno yn ystod y flwyddyn nesaf, gan ein bod ni fel mudiad, wrth gwrs, yn cynnig rhaglen ryngwladol i'n haelodau ni. Rŷn ni'n mynd i dros 35 o wahanol wledydd ar draws y byd, ac yn cynnig hynny ar gyfer ein haelodau ni, lle maen nhw'n llysgenhadon ar gyfer y mudiad, boed hynny am wythnos, am dri mis neu ar rai teithiau am flwyddyn. Felly, dwi'n credu bod yna gyfleoedd i gydweithio ar y strategaeth yma er mwyn cael gwybodaeth ynglŷn â Chymru ar draws y byd, wrth gwrs. Diolch.

We as an organisation aren't supported through this strategy at the moment. It is something that we hope to look at during the next year, because we as an organisation, of course, do provide an international programme for our members. We go to over 35 different nations across the world, and that provision is available for our members, where they act as ambassadors for the organisation, be that for a week, three months or even for a year. So, I think there are opportunities for collaboration on this strategy in order to get the information about Wales across the world. Thank you.


Diolch, Caryl. Tom, ydy hwnna'n ocê? Oedd unrhyw beth arall roeddech chi eisiau—?

Thank you. Tom, is that okay? Was there anything else you wanted to ask?

Grêt. Diolch. Fe wnawn ni symud yn olaf at Carolyn Thomas.

Thank you. We'll move finally to Carolyn Thomas.

Thank you. Is there anything else you'd like to raise regarding funding that you haven't mentioned already—just financial resilience going forward? The others previously stated they expect to lose around £40 million over the next two years, and the income is not anticipated to recover until 2024-25. So, in some of the evidence about—. Is there anything else we've not captured already?

Na, yn gyffredinol, mae'r wybodaeth am ein sefyllfa ariannol ni a'r arian grantiau cadernid ac ati rydyn ni wedi'i dderbyn yn y nodiadau rŷn ni wedi'u hanfon. Rŷn ni ar hyn o bryd â chais i Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi'r cyllid a gawson ni'r llynedd, oedd wedi sicrhau ein bod ni'n gallu ailadeiladu'r gweithlu. Dŷn ni'n gobeithio ein bod ni'n mynd i gael y gefnogaeth yna ar gyfer eleni, a fydd yn sicrhau bod ein gweithlu'n aros yn gyson ar gyfer y blynyddoedd i ddod. Dŷn ni hefyd wedi bod yn lwcus iawn i weld cefnogaeth gan Gyngor Gwynedd yn ddiweddar, a Glan Llyn, wedi dod â £0.5 miliwn o gyllid mewn i ailadeiladu'r gweithlu o fewn y maes awyr agored yn benodol yng Nglan Llyn, sy'n hanfodol bwysig achos mae yna brinder siaradwyr Cymraeg yn y maes yna. Ond, yn gyffredinol, rydyn ni wedi bod yn lwcus iawn efo'r gefnogaeth dŷn ni wedi'i chael. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyfrannu'n sylweddol i sicrhau bod yr Urdd yn parhau. Ond, yn hirdymor, dŷn ni eisiau mynd yn ôl i'r model busnes llwyddiannus oedd gan yr Urdd cyn COVID, lle oedd £9 miliwn o'n hincwm ni yn dod yn incwm o ffynonellau mewnol—creu'r incwm ein hunain. Ar hyn o bryd, dŷn ni ddim yn y sefyllfa yna, ond, yn hirdymor, dyna'r weledigaeth.

No, generally speaking, information about our financial position and the grants that we received is in the information that we provided. We have made an application to the Welsh Government to maintain the support provided last year, which ensured that we could rebuild our workforce. We do hope that we will receive that support for this year that will ensure that our workforce is stable for the coming years. We've also been very fortunate to see support from Gwynedd Council, and Glan Llyn, bringing £0.5 million to rebuild the workforce in the outdoor pursuits sector in Glan Llyn, which is crucially important because there is a shortage of Welsh speakers in that area. But, generally speaking, we've been very fortunate with the support that we've received. The Welsh Government has contributed significantly to ensuring that the Urdd survives. But, long term, we want to return to the successful business model we had pre COVID, where £9 million of our income came from internal sources—we generated our own income. At the moment, we're not in a position to do that, but in the longer term that's the vision.

Buaswn i'n eilio hynny o ran pa mor ansicr yw'r tymor byr oherwydd, wrth gwrs, wrth inni fyw drwy COVID, mae yna oblygiadau, mae yna ansicrwydd o ran beth fydd yr incwm, a fel bydd cynulleidfaoedd yn ymateb. Rydyn ni'n ailedrych ar ein strategaeth farchnata ar gyfer edrych ar y to iau, oherwydd mae'r holl ymchwil sy'n dod i mewn ar hyn o bryd yn dweud bod y to hŷn yn llai parod i fynd i ddigwyddiadau mawr. Rydyn ni hefyd yn ymwybodol iawn o impact Eisteddfod yn enwedig wrth chwalu'r ystrydebau o ran beth yw diwylliant, beth yw iaith, a hefyd o ran cyfleoedd i bobl i wirioneddol brofi iaith hyfyw, iaith fodern. Yr impact yw'r maint yna.

Mi wnaethon ni weithio gyda'r Llywodraeth yn Llanrwst ar wneud diwrnod am ddim ar gyfer pobl ddifreintiedig a phobl oedd heb brofi yr Eisteddfod, ac roedd yr ymateb anecdotaidd o'r profiadau yna â phobl yn dweud, 'Mi oedd gen i rywfaint o atgasedd at yr iaith oherwydd doedd gen i ddim perthynas â'r Gymraeg.' Ac felly, o beidio mynd i'r Eisteddfod, mi oedd gyda nhw'r ystyriaeth ystrydebol yma o glocsio, o gynganeddu a rhywbeth oedd yn fwy traddodiadol. Ac o ddod i'r Eisteddfod a phrofi'r wefr yna o fod mewn 15,000 yn gwrando ar gerddorfa, yn gwrando ar bop a phob dim, mi oedden nhw'n dweud, 'Pam fy mod i'n wastad wedi teimlo dyw hwn ddim ar fy nghyfer i?' Petawn i'n gallu dwyn un o straplines y ffermwyr ifanc, 'You don't have to be one to be one', fel oedd e flynyddoedd yn ôl, does dim angen ichi siarad y Gymraeg i ddod i'r Eisteddfod a bod yn rhan o'r profiad yna.

Ac rwy'n credu hefyd, i fi, yr hyn sy'n bwysig wrth inni symud ymlaen yw sicrhau—. Rydyn ni'n un o wyliau pennaf—. Wel, ni yw prif ŵyl ddiwylliannol Ewrop ac rŷn ni'n un o brif wyliau'r byd, ac mae hynny oherwydd eich bod chi'n cael y profiadau anhygoel yna, mae'r cyfleoedd yno, a hefyd mae'r maes yn faes gŵyl lle mae yna 1,000 o ddigwyddiadau yn digwydd yn ystod wythnos Eisteddfod. I fi, mae'r profiad yno oherwydd rŷn ni'n gallu, law yn llaw â gwyliau mawr y byd, ddweud bod gyda ni ŵyl sylweddol yng Nghymru. Ond oherwydd yr ansicrwydd incwm, mae'n rhaid inni edrych ar beth yw'r blaenoriaethau, a'r gofid yw nad yw'r profiad yna'n mynd i fod yr un peth.

Hefyd, petasem ni'n edrych yn hirdymor, mi fuasem ni'n dweud bod unrhyw wlad waraidd yn sicrhau bod pobl yn gallu profi'u diwylliant nhw. Dyna beth yw tystiolaeth o wlad wâr. Ac felly, buaswn i'n dweud mai Eisteddfod gynaliadwy y dylai fod yn un o flaenoriaethau'r gwaith diwylliannol mae'r pleidiau wedi'i ddweud. Oherwydd, i fi, mae'n rhaid ichi roi cyfleoedd i bobl i brofi'u diwylliant nhw, ac, wrth gwrs, mae'r tocyn yn gallu bod yn rhwystr i hynny. Buaswn i'n teimlo bod hwnna'n flaenoriaeth er mwyn eich bod chi'n gallu cyrraedd y miliwn o siaradwyr, ond hefyd, defnyddio iaith, a bod yna gyfleoedd i bobl i weld eu bod nhw'n gallu bod ar y daith ieithyddol yma, bod un gair yn golygu'ch bod chi'n cychwyn y daith. Ac i fi, bod y profiad yn gynhwysol, a dyna beth yw'r Eisteddfod; mi allwch chi ddod i mewn i'r Eisteddfod a does dim eisiau ichi siarad gair o Gymraeg, ond mi gewch chi eich cofleidio, mi gewch chi brofi diwylliant ac mi gewch chi glywed yr iaith a gobeithio cael eich swyno.

I would second that in terms of the just how uncertain the short term is, because, as we live through COVID, there are implications and uncertainties on income and how audiences will respond. We are reviewing our marketing strategy in order to look at younger people, because all the research suggests that older people are less willing to attend major events. We are also highly aware of the impact of the Eisteddfod particularly in smashing those clichés around what language and culture mean and providing opportunities for people to experience a living, modern language.

We worked with the Government in Llanrwst to have free entry for one day for people from deprived backgrounds and people who hadn't experienced the Eisteddfod, and the anecdotal response from those experiences included people saying, 'Well, I had some ill-feeling towards the Welsh language because I didn't have any relationship with it.' So, not having attended the Eisteddfod, they had these clichéd ideas of poetry and clog dancing an things that are more traditional. But, in having attended and experienced that thrill of being with 15,000 people listening to an orchestra or to pop music, and everything else, they were asking, 'Why have I always felt that this wasn't for me?' So, if I could steal one of the young farmers' straplines from a few years ago, 'You don't have to be one to be done', in the same way, you don't have to speak Welsh to come to the Eisteddfod and to be part of that experience.

And, for me, what's important as we move forward is to ensure—. We are the main cultural festival in Europe, and we're also a major festival on a global level, and that's because you have those wonderful experiences and wonderful opportunities, and also the Eisteddfod field is a festival field where 1,000 activities and events are held during the Eisteddfod week. For me, it's that experience that means that we can, along with global festivals, say that we have a festival of significance here in Wales. But because of the income uncertainties, we have to look at our priorities, and the concern is that that experience won't be the same.

Also, if we're looking to the long term, I would say that any cultured country should ensure that people can experience their culture. That's the evidence of a civilised nation. So, I would say that a sustainable Eisteddfod should be one of the priorities of the cultural work undertaken. Because, for me, you have to provide people with opportunities to experience their own culture, and, of course, the ticket price can be a barrier to that. I would think that that is a priority in order to reach the million Welsh speakers, but also, to use the language, and that there are opportunities for people to see that they can be on a linguistic journey, that one word means that you have started that journey. And for me, that that experience is inclusive, and that is what the Eisteddfod is; you can come to the Eisteddfod and you don't need to speak a word of Welsh, but you will be embraced and you will experience culture and you will hear the Welsh language and hopefully, you will be enchanted by it.


Diolch, Betsan. Nawr, yn dechnegol, dŷn ni ddim jest mas o amser, ond dŷn ni dros amser. Os gallaf i ofyn am unrhyw sylwadau byr gan Caryl a Tegwen i gloi. Gwnawn ni ddod at Tegwen yn gyntaf.

Thank you, Betsan. Now, technically, we're not just out of time, we're over time. If I could ask for any brief comments from Caryl and Tegwen to conclude. Shall we go to Tegwen first?

Mae angen hyder, dwi'n credu, oherwydd ei bod hi'n gyfnod mor ansicr, ac mae'r buddsoddiad yna'n medru rhoi'r profiad a'r hyder i bobl i fedru cynnal ac i fedru parhau o fewn ein cymunedau ni ar draws Cymru, boed beth bynnag yw'ch cefndir chi. Felly, hyder a buddsoddiad.

I think we need confidence, because it's such a period of uncertainty, and that investment can provide people with the experience and the confidence to continue to work within communities across Wales, whatever their background. So, confidence and investment.

Diolch, Tegwen. Caryl i gloi.

Thank you, Tegwen. Caryl to conclude.

Ie, rhywbeth tebyg i beth y dywedodd Tegwen fanna, a dweud y gwir, sef y buddsoddiad a'r gefnogaeth yna ar gyfer mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc. Ni yw'r unig fudiad ar draws Cymru, os nad y byd, dwi'n credu, sydd yn cynnig yr holl gyfleoedd yma i'n pobl ifanc ni rhwng 10 a 28. Dwi ddim yn meddwl bod yna un mudiad arall sy'n gallu cynnig y siarad cyhoeddus, y barnu stoc, y rali, yr adloniant, y chwaraeon, ac yn y blaen—pob peth mae mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc yn ei gynnig—a chanolbwynt cymunedau gwledig yng Nghymru, a dyna'r cymunedau rŷn ni angen eu cefnogi yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf yma. Y rhain yw'r blynyddoedd tyngedfennol er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr bod dyfodol i'r iaith Gymraeg yng Nghymru yn y cymunedau hynny. Fel soniodd Tegwen gynnau, rŷn ni'n clywed am yr holl dai hyn sy'n cael eu gwerthu i bobl o'r tu allan; mae angen y gefnogaeth arnon ni, fel mudiad y ffermwyr ifanc, er mwyn ein bod ni'n gallu chwarae rhan bwysig iawn, iawn yn y gefnogaeth a gwneud yn siŵr bod yr iaith Gymraeg yn cael ei chadw yn y cymunedau, ond, yn fwy pwysig na dim, bod ein pobl ifanc ni'n cadw ac yn aros yn ein cymunedau ni ac yn cael y swyddi hynny ar gyfer y dyfodol hefyd. Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi.

Yes, similar to Tegwen, it's investment and support for the young farmers' movement. We are the only organisation across Wales, if not across the world, that offers this whole range of opportunities for our young people between the ages of 10 and 28. I don't think there is another organisation that can provide the public speaking, the judging stock, the rally, the entertainment, the sport—all of the things that the young farmers' movement provides—and a community focus in rural communities in Wales, and these are the communities that we need to support during these next few years. These are the critical years in ensuring that there is a future for the Welsh language in Wales in those communities. As Tegwen mentioned earlier, we hear about all of these homes that are being sold to people from outside the area; we, as young farmers, need support to play our very important role in providing support and in ensuring that the Welsh language is retained within those communities, but, most importantly, that our young people can remain within our communities and can access jobs there for the future too. Thank you very much.

Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi i gyd, fel tystion, am eich tystiolaeth y bore yma—ie, mae dal yn fore. Bydd transgript yn cael ei ddanfon atoch chi i'w wirio, ac fel rŷn ni'n ei ddweud, os oes yna unrhyw beth ychwanegol dŷch chi eisiau ei ddanfon atom ni mewn ysgrifen, byddwn ni'n falch iawn o'i gael e. Dwi'n siŵr y byddwn ni'n siarad gyda chi i gyd yn fuan eto, ond diolch yn fawr iawn am eich tystiolaeth.

Aelodau, fe fyddwn ni'n cymryd egwyl fer iawn, byddwn ni nôl am ugain munud wedi. Os gall yr Aelodau fod yn ôl erbyn eighteen minutes past, os gwelwch yn dda; os cewch chi bum munud, byddai hynny'n grêt. Ocê, gwnawn ni fynd i mewn i egwyl tan hynny.

Thank you all very much for your evidence this morning—it is still morning. A transcript will be sent to you so that you can check that, and if there's anything you want to add as evidence in writing, then we'd be very grateful for that. I'm sure that we'll be speaking to you all again, but thank you very much for your evidence this morning.

Members, we will now take a very short break, we will return at twenty past. If Members could return by 18 minutes past, please, so you have five minutes. Thank you, we'll go into a break.

Gohiriwyd y cyfarfod rhwng 11:13 ac 11:20.

The meeting adjourned between 11:13 ac 11:20.

4. Ymchwiliad undydd ar y Gymraeg: Sefydliadau dinesig Cymraeg
4. One-day inquiry on Welsh Language: Welsh language civic organisations

Bore da eto, a chroeso nôl i'n hymchwiliad undydd ar y Gymraeg. Gwnaf i ofyn i'n tystion nesaf gyflwyno eu hunain ar gyfer y Record. Fe wnaf i fynd at Ruth yn gyntaf.

Good morning, and welcome back to our one-day inquiry on the Welsh language. May I ask the witnesses to introduce themselves for the Record? We'll start with Ruth.

Helo, diolch am y cyfle i fod yma. Ruth Richards, prif weithredwr, Dyfodol i'r Iaith. 

Hello, thank you for the opportunity to join you. I'm Ruth Richards, chief executive, Dyfodol i'r Iaith.

Efa Gruffudd Jones, prif weithredwr y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol.

I'm Efa Gruffudd Jones, chief executive, National Centre for Learning Welsh.

Diolch, Efa. A Meirion.

Thank you, Efa. And Meirion.

Meirion Davies, prif weithredwr Menter Iaith Conwy, ond yn cynrychioli rhwydwaith y mentrau iaith heddiw. 

I'm Meirion Davies, chief executive of Menter Iaith Conwy, but representing the mentrau iaith network this morning.

Diolch, Meirion. Pan dŷn ni'n cael cwestiynau, os oes unrhyw un eisiau dod mewn ar gwestiwn, os byddech chi'n gallu jest gwneud hyn, a wedyn byddwn ni'n gwybod at bwy i ddod.

A chroeso i Mabli. Mabli, a fyddech chi'n gallu cyflwyno eich hunan, plis, ar gyfer y Cofnod?

Thank you, Meirion. If you could indicate when you want to answer a question, we'll know who to come to.

And Mabli has just joined us. Mabli, could you introduce yourself for the Record?

Ie, fi yw cadeirydd Cymdeithas yr Iaith, Mabli Siriol Jones.

Yes, I'm Mabli Siriol Jones, chair of Cymdeithas yr Iaith.

Diolch. Mae rhywun gyda rhywbeth ymlaen yn y cefndir, dwi'n meddwl, efallai. Roeddwn i'n gallu clywed—.

Grêt, fe wnawn ni symud yn gyntaf at Hefin David.

Thank you. Someone's got something on in the background, I think. I could hear—.

Great, we'll move first to Hefin David.

Diolch, Cadeirydd. Beth fydd eich blaenoriaethau allweddol dros y bum mlynedd nesaf, a sut fydd y cytundeb cydweithio rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru a Phlaid Cymru yn cael effaith ar y gwaith a'r ddarpariaeth?

Thank you, Chair. What are your key priorities for the next five years, and how do you think the co-operation agreement between the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru will impact your work and provision?

Pwy fyddai eisiau mynd yn gyntaf ar hynny?

Mabli, rôn i'n dweud ymlaen llaw, os ydych chi eisiau gwneud hyn pan rydych chi eisiau dod mewn, fe wnaf i ddod â chi mewn. Efa yn gyntaf.

Who'd like to start?

Mabli, I was saying earlier, if you could indicate when you want to come in. We'll start with Efa.

Grêt. Wel, diolch yn fawr iawn am y cwestiwn ac am roi sylw i'r Gymraeg yn eich pwyllgor y bore yma. O ran y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol, mae'r cyfnod diwethaf wedi bod yn gyfnod heriol a diddorol a chyffrous i ni. Byddwch chi'n gweld bod nifer y rheini sy'n dysgu Cymraeg wedi cynyddu dros y cyfnod diwethaf. Felly, o ran ein blaenoriaethau ni i'r cyfnod nesaf, dwi'n meddwl bod dau neu dri o flaenoriaethau clir iawn.

Yn gyntaf, datblygu ein hadnoddau digidol ni er mwyn hwyluso dysgu Cymraeg yn ddigidol i'r dyfodol. Mae hynny'n gallu arwain at bobl yn dysgu'n gynt os ydyn nhw'n hunan astudio, er enghraifft, a mynychu dosbarth rhithiol ar yr un pryd. Yn yr ail le, byddwn ni am flaenoriaethu denu mwy o ddysgwyr i ddysgu'r Gymraeg, a hynny mewn nifer o feysydd penodol, gan gynnwys rhieni, yr oedran 16 i 25, ac yn sicr yn dymuno gweld datblygu dysgu’r Gymraeg i bobl mewn gweithleoedd trwy weithleoedd. 

O ran y cytundeb cydweithio gyda Phlaid Cymru a'r Blaid Lafur, rydyn ni'n croesawu'r datganiad sydd yn hwnnw yn fawr y bydd gobeithio mwy o fuddsoddiad yn dod i'r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol dros y cyfnod nesaf, a byddwn ni'n gobeithio bod y buddsoddiad hwnnw yn gallu cael ei sianelu tuag at y blaenoriaethau dwi wedi sôn amdanyn nhw, ond efallai yn benodol i ystyried y ddarpariaeth i'r oedran 16 i 18, 18 i 25, a dysgu’r Gymraeg mewn gweithleoedd.

Felly, dwi'n gobeithio bod hwnna'n ateb cryno i'r cwestiwn, ond mae digon i wneud yn sicr, a digon o arwyddion bod modd i ni adeiladu ar y cyfnod diwethaf yn llwyddiannus.

Great. Well, thank you very much for that question and for covering the Welsh language in your committee this morning. In terms of the National Centre for Learning Welsh, the recent period has been challenging, interesting and exciting for us. You will see that the numbers learning Welsh have increased in recent times. So, in terms of our priorities, I think there are two or three clear priorities.

First of all, to develop our digital resources in order to facilitate Welsh learning digitally for the future. That can lead to people learning more quickly, if they study as individuals and attend virtual classrooms. Secondly, we would want to prioritise attracting more learners to learn Welsh in a number of specific areas, including parents, those between 16 and 25, and we certainly want to see the development of learning Welsh for people in workplaces through those workplaces.

In terms of the co-operation agreement between Plaid Cymru and the Labour Party, we welcome the statement contained within that that there will hopefully be more investment for the National Centre for Learning Welsh, and we would hope that that investment could be channelled towards the priorities that I've already addressed, but particularly considering the provision for that 16 to 18 age group, and the 18 to 25 age group, and the teaching of Welsh in workplaces.

I hope that's a succinct answer, but there's plenty to be done and plenty of signs that we can build on recent times successfully.

Diolch, Efa. Oes unrhyw un arall eisiau dod mewn ar hyn? Ruth, a wedyn gwnaf i ddod at Meirion.

Thank you, Efa. Anyone else? Ruth, and then I'll come to Meirion. 

Rydyn ni wedi cynhyrchu maniffesto ar gyfer y chweched Senedd, sef 'Troi dyhead yn realiti'. Mi wnawn ni rannu hwnna eto gydag aelodau'r pwyllgor. Yn fras iawn, y meysydd blaenoriaeth ydy: addysg, ac oherwydd hynny Cymraeg i oedolion; yn arwain o addysg, Cymreigio gweithleoedd a'r gweithlu; rydyn ni'n edrych ar economi ffyniannus, yn enwedig i gadarnleoedd y Gymraeg sydd wedi cael cymaint o effaith yn sgil COVID; sicrhau tirwedd ieithyddol Cymraeg, sef cynllunio ieithyddol manwl a bwriadus; cynllunio defnydd tir a chartrefi, sydd wrth gwrs yn fater mor llosg ar hyn o bryd; a sicrhau cyfryngau a diwylliant sydd yn cefnogi'r Gymraeg. Mae'r rhain i gyd yn ofynion eang ac amrywiol iawn. Ac i hwyluso hynny, mi rydyn ni hefyd yn pwyso am awdurdod ieithyddol hyd braich, sy'n gallu cydlynu pob dim, dod â'r holl arbenigedd a'r holl leisiau ynghyd. Dyna yn fras iawn ydy'n gobaith ni ar gyfer y Senedd nesaf, a thu hwnt.

We have produced a manifesto for the sixth Senedd, which is 'Aspiration and Achievement'. We will share that with members of the committee. Very broadly speaking, our priorities would be: education, and as a result of that Welsh for adults; leading on from education, we need to bring more Welsh into the workforce and the workplace; we're looking at a prosperous economy, particularly for the Welsh-speaking heartlands, which have been so badly impacted by COVID; we need to ensure a Welsh linguistic landscape, so that is detailed and meaningful language planning; we need to look at land use and homes, which is such a contentious issue at the moment; and to ensure a media and culture that supports the Welsh language. These are all very broad ranging and diverse objectives. And to facilitate that, we are also asking for a language authority at arm's length from Government that can co-ordinate everything, bring all of the expertise and all the voices together. So that, broadly speaking, is our hope for this next Senedd term, and beyond.


Bore da. O ran rhwydwaith y mentrau, i ddechrau, os gaf i gyfeirio at y cytundeb newydd, rydyn ni'n falch iawn bod yna symud wedi bod yn y maes tai. Mae hwn yn rhywbeth rydyn ni'n ei weld yn digwydd o'n blaenau ni, efallai yn enwedig yn yr ardaloedd mwy gorllewinol—bod cymunedau Cymraeg eu hiaith yn newid dros nos. Rydyn ni'n gweithio o fewn ein cymunedau. Dwi'n gweithio efo grŵp ym Mhenmachno yn fan hyn, yn sir Conwy, er enghraifft, ac rydyn ni'n gwybod erbyn rŵan bod 36 y cant o dai yn y pentref yna rŵan yn dai gwyliau neu'n dai gwag. Felly, mae angen symud ar hwnna yn arbennig o gyflym er mwyn sicrhau cynaliadwyedd cymunedau Cymraeg eu hiaith. Felly, roeddem ni'n falch iawn o weld hynna, ond mae yna broblem o ran demograffeg, symud—. Mae pobl yn symud i mewn i'r ardaloedd oherwydd y cyfleoedd i allu gweithio o adref hefyd. Ond, wrth gwrs, mae hyn yn gyfle o'n rhan ni, o ran y posibiliad o ddenu siaradwyr Cymraeg yn ôl i Gymru hefyd, felly mae'n rhaid i ni gofio hynna. So, mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar hynna.

O ran y blaenoriaethau o ran y mentrau, rydyn ni eisiau mynd i ymafael ag argymhellion yr adroddiad, 'Effaith COVID-19 ar Grwpiau Cymunedol Cymraeg', felly gweithio'n fwy dwys efo cymunedau. Rydyn ni'n teimlo, i sicrhau hyn, y buasai hi'n dda gallu sicrhau'r lefel gyllido sydd gennym ni ar hyn o bryd, achos mewn ffordd does yna ddim haws gofyn i ni wneud mwy o waith dwys heb yr adnoddau. Felly, pe baem ni'n gallu cadw'r cyllid sydd gennym ni, ac efallai cynyddu hwnna, y cyllid craidd, gan ein bod ni ddim wedi cael cynnydd ers tua wyth mlynedd mewn cyllid craidd.

Hefyd, rydyn ni wedi cyflwyno papur i'r Llywodraeth, yn dilyn un o'r argymhellion, er mwyn gallu gweithio mwy i sefydlu mentrau cymdeithasol cyfrwng Cymraeg sy'n darparu gwasanaethau sylfaenol, fuasai'n help, er mwyn rhai o'r pwyntiau sydd wedi cael eu codi ynghynt ynglŷn â darparu gwasanaethau sylfaenol cyfrwng Cymraeg, megis meithrinfeydd, gwasanaeth henoed, ac yn y blaen. Felly, mae gennym ni ddiddordeb mewn gweithio efallai y tu hwnt i jest y briff iaith, a gweithio efo'r adrannau eraill o fewn y Llywodraeth, megis economi, i gyrraedd hynna.

Ond mae hi wedi bod yn gyfnod heriol, a dwi'n falch o ddweud bod y mentrau wedi gallu ymateb. Fe ddaru ni fwy neu lai allu symud popeth roeddem ni'n ei wneud yn ein cymunedau, a'i wneud o drwy a thros y we. Felly, yn ystod y cyfnod clo, roedd yna dros 200,000 o ymwneud drwy rwydwaith y mentrau dros y we. Felly, roeddem ni'n falch iawn ein bod ni wedi gallu symud i hynna, a'n bod ni rŵan wedi gallu symud yn ôl i ryw fath o hybrid o bethau dros y we, a hefyd mwy o stwff go iawn yn dechrau digwydd yn ein cymunedau, a chael hynna nôl ar ei draed, a chael pobl nôl allan yna yn gwneud i bethau ddigwydd yn eu cymunedau, a chreu'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg.

Good morning. In terms of the mentrau iaith network, then, first of all, if I could refer to the new co-operation agreement, we're very pleased that there has been some movement on housing. This is something that we are seeing before our very eyes, particularly in the more westerly areas, where Welsh-speaking communities are changing overnight. So we're working within those communities. I work with a group in Penmachno in the county of Conwy, and we know that 36 per cent of the homes in that village are now holiday homes or are empty homes. So, we need to move on that very quickly in order to ensure the sustainability of Welsh-speaking communities. So, we were very pleased to see that within the co-operation agreement, but there is a problem in terms of demographics. People are moving into these areas because of opportunities to work from home, and that's an issue too. But it is an opportunity for us too, in terms of the possibility of attracting Welsh speakers back to our communities, and we must bear that in mind too, and work on it.

In terms of the mentrau's priorities, we want to get to grips with the report, 'The Effects of COVID-19 on Welsh Language Community Groups', so we need to work more with communities. And in order to ensure this, it would be good to secure our current funding levels, because you can't really ask us to do more intensive work without the necessary resource. So, if we could maintain our funding levels and perhaps increase our core funding, as we haven't seen an uplift in core funding for around eight years now.

We've also presented a paper to Government, following up on one of those recommendations, in order to work more to establish Welsh-medium social enterprises, providing foundational services that would be a help in addressing some of the points raised earlier, in terms of providing Welsh-medium services, such as nurseries, support for the elderly, and so on and so forth. So, we have an interest in working beyond our language brief, and working with other departments within Government, such as the economy department, in order to deliver that.

But it's been a challenging time, and I'm pleased to say that the mentrau have been able to respond. We more or less moved everything that we did within communities online. So, during the lockdown, there were over 200,000 engagements online with the mentrau network, so we're very pleased to have been able to move to that, and we're now moving back to a kind of hybrid arrangement, in terms of making provision online and also providing more face-to-face work within our communities. So, re-establishing that is a priority—getting people back out there, making things happen within their communities, and generating language use within those communities.

Diolch, Meirion. Mabli, oedd yna unrhyw beth roeddech chi eisiau ei ychwanegu?

Thank you, Meirion. Anything to add, Mabli?

Fe wnaethom ni gyhoeddi ein gweledigaeth ni ar gyfer y Llywodraeth newydd, sef 'Mwy na Miliwn, Dinasyddiaeth Gymraeg i Bawb', ac roedd hwnna'n dilyn trafodaethau roeddem ni wedi eu cael gyda mudiadau a phobl a chymunedau ar draws y wlad. A'r syniad y tu ôl i hwnna yw bod yna gonsensws ar y targed yna o filiwn, ond mae'n glir, mae pawb yn gweld nad yw'r Llywodraeth wedi gwneud yr hyn sydd ei angen er mwyn i ni gyrraedd y nod erbyn 2050. Ond mae pobl hefyd eisiau mynd ymhellach, felly mae 'Mwy na Miliwn' yn sôn am ddyfnhau'r agenda a chanolbwyntio ar ddefnydd o'r iaith ym mywyd bob dydd, yn ein cymunedau a'n gweithleoedd ni, a hefyd sicrhau bod pawb yn gallu cael mynediad i ddysgu a mwynhau'r Gymraeg.

Felly, rhai o'r galwadau penodol sydd mewn yn fanna ydy, edrych ar basio Deddf addysg Gymraeg i bawb, a dŷn ni wedi bod yn falch o weld y Llywodraeth yn ymrwymo at y ddeddfwriaeth newydd yna. Dŷn ni hefyd yn galw am sicrhau bod 80 y cant o athrawon newydd yn gallu dysgu trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cynyddu gwariant y Llywodraeth ar brosiectau i hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg, sefydlu menter ddigidol. A dŷn ni hefyd eisiau gweld gwersi Cymraeg am ddim i bawb a buddsoddiad mewn galluogi mwy o bobl i gael mynediad at yr iaith. A hefyd yn amlwg rhywbeth sydd wedi dod lot mwy i'r amlwg yn ystod y pandemig yw'r angen am fesurau i fynd i'r afael â phroblemau yn y farchnad dai, a dŷn ni'n galw am becyn eang o fesurau, gan gynnwys Deddf eiddo gyflawn.

A jest ar yr ail bwynt o'r cwestiwn ynghylch y cytundeb rhwng y Llywodraeth a Phlaid Cymru, rôn i'n falch iawn o weld yr ymrwymiadau yn y cytundeb yna achos mae'n adlewyrchu lot o'n prif alwadau ni—falch o weld yr ymrwymiad i sicrhau un continwwm dysgu Cymraeg go iawn, cap ar nifer yr ail dai mewn cymunedau, cefnogaeth i rymoedd darlledu i Gymru. Felly, ie, dŷn ni'n edrych ymlaen at weld gweithredu'r cytundeb yna a holl ymrwymiadau'r Llywodraeth.

We published our vision for the new Government, which is, 'More than a Million, Welsh Language Citizenship for All', and that followed discussions that we'd had with organisations, individuals and communities across the country. The idea underpinning that is that there is a consensus on that target of a million Welsh speakers, but it's clear that the Government hasn't done what's needed in order to reach that target by 2050. People also want to go further, so, 'Mwy na Miliwn', 'More than a Million', talks about enhancing that agenda and focusing on language use in daily life, in our communities, in our workplaces, and also ensuring that everyone can access Welsh learning, and that they can enjoy the Welsh language.

So, some of the specific demands within the document are: to look at passing a Welsh language education Act for all, and we've been pleased to see the Government commit to such legislation. We're also calling to ensure that 80 per cent of newly qualified teachers can teach through the medium of Welsh, for increasing Government expenditure on projects to promote the Welsh language, for a digital enterprise. We also want to see free Welsh language lessons for everyone and to enable more people to be able to access the language. And also something that has become far more apparent during the pandemic is this need for measures to address problems in the housing market, and we are calling for a broad-ranging package of measures, including a full property Act.

And just on that second point on the agreement between the Government and Plaid Cymru, I was very pleased to see the commitments within that agreement because it reflects many of our main demands—pleased to see the commitment to ensuring a Welsh-language learning continuum, a cap on the number of second homes in communities, support for the devolution of broadcasting powers to Wales. So, we look forward to seeing the implementation of that agreement and all the commitments made by Government within it. 


Diolch. Felly, pa feysydd polisi o ran y Gymraeg dylai'r pwyllgor eu blaenoriaethu yn ystod y chweched Senedd? Efallai allwch chi flaenoriaethu'r tri uchaf.

Thank you. So, what policy areas in relation to the Welsh language should this committee prioritise during the sixth Senedd? Perhaps you could give us a top three in terms of your priorities.

Diolch, Hefin. Os gallaf ofyn am atebion mor gryno â phosibl, jest achos rŷn ni'n fyr o amser, os yw'n—. Dwi'n gwybod bod hyn yn eang. Efa, os ŷch chi eisiau dod i mewn yn gyntaf.

Thank you, Hefin. If I could ask for responses that are as brief as possible, because we are short on time. I know this is a broad topic. Efa, if you want to come in first.

Os ŷch chi eisiau gofyn am dri maes blaenoriaeth, o fy safbwynt i, rhywbeth o gwmpas hyfforddi gweithluoedd. Rŷch chi wedi clywed yn gynharach y bore yma am hyfforddi'r gweithlu addysg, addysg bellach ac addysg uwch, iechyd a gofal. Felly, mae yna rywbeth o gwmpas—. Mae gyda ni wrth gwrs ein cynllun Cymraeg Gwaith ni. Byddai hwnna'n gallu cael ei ehangu yn sicr, ond mae angen cydweithrediad cyflogwyr hefyd. Felly, mae Cymraeg yn y gweithle, dwi'n meddwl, yn un thema.

Rhywbeth sydd hefyd yn bwysig i'r ganolfan yw defnydd cymunedol o'r Gymraeg achos rŷn ni'n dysgu dysgwyr i ddefnyddio eu Cymraeg nhw—felly, p'un ai ydyn nhw'n dysgu yn y gweithle ac gallu yn defnyddio'r Gymraeg yn y gweithle; mae gyda ni hefyd rhaglen sylweddol o ddysgu'r Gymraeg yn gymunedol. Felly, mae sicrhau hyfywedd mudiadau diwylliannol cenedlaethol yn bwysig i ni er mwyn i ddysgwyr allu mwynhau defnyddio'r Gymraeg. Felly, mae yna rywbeth o gwmpas y pethau yna.

Y trydydd peth, efallai—mae Mabli wedi cyffwrdd arno fe nawr—yw'r syniad o gontinwwm ieithyddol. Ym marn y Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol, mae angen gwell cysylltiad rhwng dysgu'r ail iaith mewn ysgolion a dysgu'r iaith i oedolion. Ar hyn o bryd, dyw'r llwybr rhwng yr un i'r llall ddim yn hollol glir, ond dwi'n meddwl bod hwn yn mynd i fod yn flaenoriaeth i ni dros y cyfnod nesaf. Mae'r rheini sy'n dysgu'r Gymraeg drwy'r system addysg angen eu cynnal, eu cymell a'u datblygu. Rŷn ni i gyd yn parhau i ddysgu trwy'r amser, onid ydym ni, ond, ar hyn o bryd, dyw'r ddarpariaeth yna o'r cryd i'r bedd—dyw'r llwybrau ddim yn gwbl glir. Felly, dyna'r tair blaenoriaeth o fy safbwynt i, ac o safbwynt y ganolfan, mae'n siŵr.

Well, if you're looking for a top three, then, from my perspective, it would be something around training workforces. You heard earlier about training the education workforce in FE and HE and in health and care. So, there's something around—. Of course, we have our Work Welsh scheme. That could certainly be expanded, but we need the collaboration of employers in doing that too. So, Welsh in the workplace, I think, is one theme.

Another thing that is important to our centre is community use of the Welsh language, because we teach learners to use the Welsh language—so, whether they are learning in the workplace and can use Welsh in the workplace; we also have a substantial programme of community learning of Welsh. So, ensuring the viability of cultural organisations at a national level is important to us so that our learners can enjoy using their Welsh language skills. So, there's something around that.

The third thing, perhaps—and Mabli has touched on this—is this idea of ​​a linguistic continuum. In the view of the National Centre for Learning Welsh, we need better links between second-language learning in schools and teaching the language to adults. At the moment, the pathways aren't entirely clear and I think that this will be a priority for us over the next period. Those learning Welsh through the education system do need to be supported and encouarged and developed. We all continue to learn all the time, don't we, but, at the moment, that provision from cradle to the grave—the pathways are not entirely clear. So, those would be my three priorities, and the priorities of the centre, I would hope.

Diolch, Efa. Os gallaf fod hyd yn oed yn fwy hy gyda chi i gyd, os ydych chi'n gallu jest rhestru'r tri. Sori, rwy'n gwybod fod hyn yn rili anodd, ond o achos rŷn ni mor fyr o amser, os byddwch chi'n gallu rhestru tri.

Thank you, Efa. If I could be even more strict with you, if you could just list your three. Sorry, I know that this is very difficult, but we are so very short on time, so if you could just list your three priorities.

Ie. [Chwerthin.] Pwy sydd eisiau mynd yn gyntaf? Meirion a wedyn gwnaf ddod at Mabli.

Yes. [Laughter.] Who'd like to go first? Meirion and then Mabli.

Ie. Buaswn i'n hoffi pwysleisio defnydd o'r Gymraeg yn y gymuned. Heb y defnydd yna, dydy'r strategaeth 2050 ddim yn dal dŵr. Mae'n rhaid i bobl fod yn defnyddio'r Gymraeg ac mae'n rhaid bod yna gymhwysedd o fewn y cymunedau i wneud hynna.

Cytuno efo Efa—mae angen gwell plethiad rhwng y byd gwaith, y gweithlu a'r Gymraeg. Eto, mae hynna'n elfennol o ran creu'r continwwm o ran pawb sy'n cael addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg—mae eisiau iddyn nhw allu defnyddio'r Gymraeg fel sgil, neu mae'n beryg iawn eu bod nhw'n ei golli fo.

Y trydydd i ni—eto, mae'n rhaid i mi bwysleisio bod angen ymyrraeth yn y maes cynllunio a'r maes tai, yn enwedig yn y gogledd-orllewin a'r gorllewin lle mae'r Gymraeg dal yn iaith gymunedol. Mae yna or-ddibyniaeth ar dwristiaeth ac mae o'n cael effaith andwyol iawn ar gymunedau—wel, dim jest cymunedau Cymraeg eu hiaith, ond cymunedau o bob math. So, mae angen edrych ar hwnna'n eithaf sydyn.

Yes. I'd like to emphasise community use of the Welsh language. Without that use, the 2050 strategy isn't going to hold water. People do have to use the Welsh language and there has to be the ability within communities to do that.

I agree with Efa that we need better dovetailing between the workplace, the workforce and the Welsh language. Again, that is crucial in terms of creating the continuum for those who access Welsh-medium education—they need to be able to use the language as a skill, or they're at risk of losing it.

And third for us, I do have to emphasise that we need intervention in planning and in housing, particularly in the north-west and west where Welsh is still a community language. There is an over-reliance on tourism and that is having a very detrimental impact on communities—not just Welsh-speaking communities, but communities in general. We do need to look at that as a matter of urgency.


Buaswn i'n dweud y Ddeddf addysg Gymraeg newydd mae'r Llywodraeth yn mynd i gyflwyno; y cyswllt, fel mae pobl yn dweud, rhwng cynllunio a thai a'r Gymraeg ar lefel cymunedol; a wedyn buaswn i'n dweud hefyd sgriwtineiddio cynnydd y Llywodraeth ar eu targedau eu hunain yn y strategaeth 2050.

I would say the Welsh-medium education Act that the Government is to bring forward; the link, as everyone has said, between planning, housing and the Welsh language on a community level; and I would also say scrutinising Government progress on its own targets in terms of 'Cymraeg 2050'. 

Diolch, Mabli. O, roedd hwnna'n brilliant. Roedd rheini yn bwyntiau bwled. [Chwerthin.] Ruth.

Thank you, Mabli. Those really were bullet points. I'm very grateful for that. [Laughter.] Ruth.

Cytuno'n llwyr. Cymreigio'r gweithle—mae hwnna a gwersi Cymraeg—a hefyd mynd i'r afael â diffyg athrawon sydd gyda'r sgiliau a'r hyder i allu dysgu drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg. Dyna un. Yn ail beth, cefnogi ffyniant bröydd y Gymraeg yn sgil COVID a Brexit. Ac yn drydydd, rhwydweithio’r Gymraeg. Rydyn ni wedi clywed yn barod y bore yma fel y mae gwahanol fudiadau, fel mae angen yn y cyfnod heriol sydd ohoni, yn gwneud y mwyaf a chydweithio, a chael strategaeth a fframwaith i allu gwneud hynna. Dyna'r tri point. Un peth arall, mae'n ddrwg gennyf—mi ydyn ninnau, Dyfodol i'r Iaith, yn croesawu'r cytundeb diweddar yn arw ac yn edrych ymlaen i weld sut y bydd hynna yn datblygu.

I agree entirely. We need to work on bringing the Welsh language into the workforce, that and Welsh lessons, but also we need to tackle the shortage of teachers who have the skills and confidence to teach through the medium of Welsh. So, that's one. Secondly, to support Welsh-speaking communities following COVID and Brexit. And third, networking the Welsh language. We've already heard this morning how different organisations during these challenging times need to make the most of collaboration and to have a strategy and framework in place to allow that to happen. So, those are the three points. One other thing, if I may—and I do apologise—we in Dyfodol yr Iaith do welcome the recent co-operation agreement and look forward to seeing how it develops in future.

Diolch am hwnna, Ruth, a chyda llaw, cyn inni symud at Heledd Fychan, mae nifer o'r pynciau dŷch chi i gyd wedi eu codi, efallai y byddan nhw'n bethau y byddem ni'n gallu gweithio arnyn nhw ar y cyd â phwyllgorau eraill, naill ai addysg neu'r pwyllgor cymunedau a thai, ond maen nhw'n bethau y byddem ni, yn sicr, eisiau cydweithio arnyn nhw, rwyf i'n siŵr, neu ystyried hynny. Troi at Heledd Fychan.

Thank you for that, Ruth, and before we move to Heledd Fychan, a number of issues that you've raised are issues that we could work with other committees on, either the education committee or the communities and housing committee, but those are certainly things that we would want to collaborate on ourselves, I'm sure, and we will consider that. We'll now move to Heledd Fychan.

Diolch, Gadeirydd, a bore da ichi i gyd. Rydych chi eisoes wedi sôn am COVID; mae'n air sydd wedi dod i fyny lot. Oes yna unrhyw beth rydych chi eisiau ei ategu o ran yr heriau neu'r cyfleoedd yn sgil COVID ar eich gwaith, eich gweithlu a gwirfoddolwyr? A hefyd, gan fod amser yn brin, gwnaf i ofyn fy ail gwestiwn rŵan hefyd—y rhagolygon ar gyfer y gweithlu a gwirfoddolwyr o fewn eich sefydliadau chi ar gyfer 2022. Diolch.

Thank you, Chair, and a very good morning to you all. You've already mentioned COVID; it's a word we have heard mentioned many times this morning. Is there anything you want to add in terms of the challenges or opportunities as a result of COVID in terms of your work, your workforce or volunteers? And as time is short, I will ask my second question too: what's the outlook for the workforce and volunteers within your organisations heading into 2022?

Pwy sydd eisiau mynd yn gyntaf ar hynny? Efa.

Who'd like to start? Efa.

Neb arall yn cynnig—gwnaf i fynd. Diolch, Heledd, am y cwestiwn. Fel rwyf i wedi cyfeirio ato'n gynharach, mewn ffordd, mae'n stori ni o ran COVID yn un—sut allaf i ei ddweud e—cadarnhaol i raddau. Yn sicr, yn y cyfnod clo cyntaf, mi oedd pobl yn chwilio am rywbeth i'w wneud. Mae diffyg amser yn rhwystr i bobl ddysgu Cymraeg, mae hynny'n amlwg, a hefyd mae'r ffordd roeddem ni wedi gallu addasu i gynnig dysgu yn rhithiol, sydd wedi, erbyn hyn, ei sefydlu o fewn ein sector ni ac fe fydd e'n ddull a fydd yn parhau i'r dyfodol, yn golygu bod COVID efallai wedi prysuro technegau dysgu a dulliau dysgu a fyddai efallai wedi cymryd mwy o amser, ac sy'n golygu o hyn ymlaen fod mwy o ddewis yn mynd i fod i ddysgwyr y dyfodol o ran hunanddysgu, cyfuno hunanddysgu â dysgu mewn dosbarth yn rhithiol neu ar lein, neu mewn dosbarth. Felly, mae e wedi cynyddu'r dewis a chynyddu'r posibiliadau, felly mae hwnna'n rhywbeth cadarnhaol sydd yn mynd i bara i'r tymor hir.

Rydym ni wrth gwrs yn teimlo bod rhywbeth yn cael ei golli drwy fod pobl yn ymwneud â'i gilydd ar y we yn unig. Rŷn ni yn awyddus i bobl ddefnyddio'r Gymraeg mewn cymunedau hyfyw a dyna pam y gwnes i sôn yn gynharach fod sicrhau bod cymunedau a mudiadau yn ailgodi yn mynd i fod yn bwysig inni i'r dyfodol.

O ran yr effaith ar y sector ei hun, rŷn ni wedi gweld cynnydd yn y niferoedd sy'n dysgu, rŷn ni wedi gweld trawsnewid ac arloesi o fewn y sector o ran dulliau dysgu sydd yn mynd i fod yn gadarnhaol i'r dyfodol.

O ran dy ail gwestiwn di am wirfoddolwyr a gweithlu'r dyfodol, mae gyda ni ein cynllun Siarad ni, sy'n galw am bobl i wirfoddoli i dreulio 10 awr yn siarad gyda dysgwr, felly rŷn ni wastad yn chwilio am fwy o hynny ac mae modd gwneud hynny yn rhithiol. Mae gyda ni fwy o ddysgwyr na sydd o siaradwyr erbyn hyn, felly mae croeso i unrhyw un gofrestru ar gyfer y cynllun yna. Mae'n gynllun da iawn, iawn.

Ond, o ran y gweithlu ei hun, rŷn ni'n hyderus bod gyda ni weithlu da rŷn ni'n ei hyfforddi yn dda, ond mae gyda ni gynlluniau newydd—er enghraifft, yn y flwyddyn nesaf, byddwn ni'n darparu cwrs pythefnos o hyd ar gyfer myfyrwyr dros 18 i ddod i ddechrau ar y daith o fod yn diwtor Cymraeg i oedolion drwy roi cwrs iddyn nhw dros bythefnos yn yr haf nesaf, gan obeithio efallai denu pobl sydd wedi mynychu prifysgolion tu hwnt i'r ffin hefyd, er mwyn inni dechrau cynllunio ar gyfer gweithlu'r dyfodol, gan fod modd—. Rŷn ni'n awyddus i weld mwy o weithwyr llawn amser yn y sector, ond mae hefyd yn rhywbeth rŷch chi'n gallu cyfuno gyda gyrfa mewn maes arall. Felly, rŷn ni bob amser yn chwilio am fwy o bobl sydd am ddod yn diwtoriaid, ond does dim pryderon mawr gyda ni am hynny i'r dyfodol. 

Well, if nobody else is putting themselves forward, I will. Thank you for that question, Heledd. As I mentioned earlier, in a way, our story around COVID is positive, to a certain extent. Certainly, in the first lockdown, people were looking for something to do. Lack of time is a barrier for people wanting to learn Welsh, that's clear, and the way we were able to adapt our service to provide online learning, which has now been established within our sector and it will be a method that we continue for the future, meant that COVID has accelerated a move towards new methods of learning, and from now on there will be more options available to learners in the future in terms of self-learning and combining that with work done in virtual classes, online, or in classrooms. So, it's enhanced the options available and the possibilities available, so that's a positive that will be taken on into the longer term.

Of course, we do feel that something is lost when people engage online only. We are eager for people to use the Welsh language in viable communities, and that's why I mentioned that ensuring that communities and organisations do rebuild is going to be important for us in the future.

In terms of the impact on the sector itself, we've seen an increase in the numbers learning, we've seen a transformation and some innovation in the sector in terms of our learning methods, which will be positive for the future.

In terms of the second question on the workforce and volunteers for the future, we do have our Siarad programme, which asks people to volunteer to spend 10 hours speaking and conversing with learners, so we're always looking to develop that, and that can be done virtually. We have more learners than Welsh speakers, so anyone is welcome to register for that scheme. It's a very good scheme indeed.

But, in terms of the workforce itself, we are confident that we have a strong workforce that is well trained, but we have new plans—for example, in the next year, we will be providing a fortnight-long course for students over the age of 18 so that they can start that journey of becoming a Welsh language tutor by providing them with that training over a fortnight next summer, hopefully attracting people who will have gone to universities over the border too, so that we can start to plan our workforce for the future, because—. We're very eager to see more full-time workers in the sector, but it's something that you can combine with a career elsewhere too. So, we're always looking for more people who want to become tutors, but we have no major concerns on that for the future. 


Pwy sydd eisiau mynd nesaf? Unrhyw un? Meirion. 

Who would like to go next? Anyone? Meirion.

Ie. O ran COVID, fel roeddwn i'n sôn gynnau, rydyn ni wedi dysgu lot o ran beth fedrwn ni ei gynnal dros y we. Roedd angen i'r Gymraeg fod yn fwy gweledol dros y we, ac mae hynny wedi digwydd i raddau. Ac fel roeddwn i'n dweud, byddwn ni'n cadw rhai pethau oherwydd ei fod yn cyrraedd cynulleidfa newydd. Ond, o ran lefel cymunedol, gweithio efo phwyllgorau ar lawr gwlad a ballu, efallai ein bod ni wedi gorfod cymryd cam yn ôl am nad yw pobl yn ddigon hyderus i fynd allan yna. Felly, rydyn ni yn y broses o aildanio'r pwyllgorau yma rŵan. Mae rhai yn ymateb yn well na'i gilydd, yn dibynnu ar ystod oed ac yn y blaen. Felly, rydyn ni'n gobeithio o ran y rhwydwaith—. Rydyn ni wedi cael cais strategol llwyddiannus trwodd efo'r WCVA. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio cynyddu'r nifer o wirfoddolwyr sydd gennym ni eleni, creu cyfleoedd i weithio drwy'r Gymraeg ond dros y Gymraeg, felly, dyna'r ddau brif nod—bod pobl yn gallu gwneud hwnna yn eu cymunedau. 

O ran y gweithlu, mae'n gweithlu craidd ni—gwnaethon ni gadw'r gweithlu craidd trwy gyfnod COVID oherwydd, i raddau, grant sy'n cadw hwnna. Ond mi wnaeth llawer o'r gweithlu ehangach, sy'n cael eu cyflogi trwy efallai mentrau cymdeithasol rydyn ni wedi eu sefydlu, wedi gorfod efallai cau i lawr am ychydig. Er enghraifft, rydyn ni wedi sefydlu cwmni cyfieithu cymunedol, ac roedd yn rhaid iddyn nhw gau i lawr, ac roedd y feithrinfa roedden ni wedi ei sefydlu wedi gorfod rhoi ychydig o staff ar ffyrlo am ychydig. Ond mae'r busnesau yma nôl ac yn rhedeg rŵan, a dwi'n gobeithio hefyd fod yn gyfle inni edrych ar greu mwy o fusnesau o'r math yna hefyd. Felly, mae'r gweithlu yn cynyddu nôl hefyd. 

Yes, in terms of COVID, as I mentioned earlier, we've learned a great deal in terms of what we can do online. The Welsh language needed to be more visible online, and that's certainly happened. And, as I said, we will retain some of these things, because it does get to a new audience. But, in terms of the community level and working with committees on the ground, perhaps we've had to take a step back because people weren't confident enough to get out there. So, we're in the process of rebuilding these committees. Some are responding better than others, depending on age ranges and so on. So, we hope, in terms of the network—. We put in a successful strategic bid with the WCVA. We hope to increase the number of volunteers that we have this year so that we provide opportunities to work through the medium of Welsh but also to support the Welsh language, so those are the two main aims—that people will be able to do that in their communities. 

In terms of our workforce, our core workforce, we were able to retain the core workforce through COVID because it's grant funded, but much of the broader workforce employed through social enterprises that we've established have had to close down temporarily. For example, we established a community translation company, and they had to close down. The nursery that we had established also had to place some staff on furlough for a time. But these businesses are back up and running, and I do hope that it's an opportunity for us to look at creating more such businesses for the future too. So, the workforce is building back.

Diolch, Meirion. Ruth neu Mabli, a oeddech chi eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw beth?

Thank you, Meirion. Ruth or Mabli, anything to add?

ie. Yn amlwg, mudiad ymgyrchu gwleidyddol gwirfoddol ydyn ni, felly dydyn ni ddim yn darparu gwasanaethau neu weithgareddau fel y cyfryw. Felly, lot o beth rydyn ni wedi edrych arno o ran effaith COVID oedd y meysydd polisi a effeithiwyd arnyn nhw. Er enghraifft, yn amlwg, mae pawb yn ymwybodol o'r effaith ar y farchnad dai, yr effaith ar addysg Gymraeg a mynediad plant at weithgareddau Cymraeg. A dwi'n meddwl eich bod chi wedi cael digonedd o dystiolaeth y bore yma gan y mudiadau gwirfoddol Cymraeg sydd yma heddiw o ran sut mae e wedi effeithio arnyn nhw. Ac yn amlwg, mae'r Gymraeg yn iaith sy'n llwyr ddibynnol ar ymdrechion cymunedol a gwirfoddol er mwyn ei chynnal ar lawr gwlad. Felly, mae yn bryder, ac rydyn ni'n gobeithio gweld digon o gefnogaeth i'r sector i adfer y gweithgareddau yna.

Ond buaswn i'n dweud, o ran edrych ymlaen, i ni, dŷn ni wedi parhau i ymgyrchu yn ystod yr holl bandemig. Dwi yn poeni, dwi'n credu, am yr effaith ar ymwneud sifig yn ystod y pandemig ac wrth inni edrych ymlaen. Dŷn ni wedi gweld pethau fel awdurdodau lleol yn ceisio gwthio pethau trwyddo heb yr un prosesau ac ymwneud democrataidd y bydden ni'n gobeithio ei weld. A rwy'n meddwl hefyd jest yr effaith ar unigolion—yn amlwg, mae pawb wedi cael eu taro'n wael gan effaith COVID a'r cyfnodau clo, ac dŷn ni'n gweld weithiau llai o ymwneud yn y broses sifig, yn y broses ddemocrataidd a gallu pobl i wirfoddoli a chyfrannu at ymdrechion fel yna. A dwi'n meddwl bod pawb yn gwybod bod Cymru angen lot mwy o bethau fel yna, nid llai. Felly, dyna rywbeth i edrych mas amdano ar gyfer y dyfodol. 

Yes. Clearly, we are a voluntary campaigning organisation, so we don't provide services or activities as such. So, much of what we were looking at in terms of the impact of COVID was the policy areas that were affected. For example, everyone is aware of the impact on the housing market, for example, or the impact on Welsh-medium education and children's access to Welsh-medium activities. And I think you've had plenty of evidence this morning from those voluntary organisations who've been here today in terms of the impact that it's had on them. And, clearly, the Welsh language is a language that is reliant on community and voluntary efforts to support it on the ground. So, it is a concern, and we do hope to see adequate support for the sector so that they can rebuild those activities.

But I would say, in looking to the future, for us, we have continued to campaign during the pandemic, indeed throughout the pandemic. I am concerned about the impact on civic engagement during the pandemic and as we look to the future. We have seen things such as local authorities trying to push things through without the same scrutiny processes and the democratic engagement that we would hope to see. And also just the impact on individuals—everyone has been hit by COVID and the lockdowns, and we do see perhaps less engagement in the civic and democratic processes and people's ability to volunteer and to contribute to efforts such as those. And I think everyone's aware that we need far more of those things, rather than less. So, that is something to look out for for the future, I would say. 

Diolch, Mabli. Ruth, oedd unrhyw beth roeddech chi eisiau ei ychwanegu?

Thank you, Mabli. Ruth, anything to add?

Mae'n sefyllfa ni fel mudiad lobïo yn debyg iawn i Gymdeithas yr Iaith o ran y cwestiwn o ran gwirfoddolwyr. Dau beth sydd wedi ein taro ni. Un amlwg ydy'r argyfwng tai yn sgil COVID. Mae hynny wedi amlygu a dwysau, ac rydyn ni i gyd yn ymwybodol bod angen mynd i'r afael â hynny ar frys a bod eisiau ymatebion radical. Ac mae hwnna'n mynd i fod yn her hirdymor.

Mater arall, wrth gwrs, ac rydych chi wedi clywed hyn droeon yn barod, ydy fel y cafodd COVID effaith ar rwydweithiau Cymraeg. Mae adroddiad y comisiynydd wedi cyflwyno llun eithaf truenus. Dwi'n meddwl beth sy'n bwysig ydy bod rhywun yn cadw mewn golwg nid adfer beth oedd yn union cynt, ond bod rhywun yn dal yn parhau i anelu at dwf mewn defnydd cymunedol o'r Gymraeg. Dwi'n meddwl bod hwnna'n hollbwysig. Ac efallai hefyd ei bod hi'n amserol i ailedrych ar ganolfannau Cymraeg fel sefydliadau wrth ganol eu cymunedau, sydd yn addas i angen y gymuned honno, ac mae hynny'r un mor wir yng nghadarnleoedd y Gymraeg ac yn yr ardaloedd hynny lle mae yna siaradwyr Cymraeg sydd efallai ddim yn cael cymaint o gyfleoedd i ddefnyddio'r iaith.

Our situation as a lobbying organisation is very similar to Cymdeithas yr Iaith in terms of volunteers. Two things struck us. One obvious one is the housing crisis as a result of COVID. That has intensified and become far more apparent. We are all aware that we need to tackle that issue as a matter of urgency and that we need radical solutions. And that will be a long-term challenge.

Another issue, and you've heard mention of this already, is the impact that COVID had on Welsh language networks. The commissioner's report has painted quite a sorry picture. I think what's important is that one keeps in mind that we don't need just to simply restore what existed in the past, but that we continue to aim for growth in community usage of the Welsh language. I think that's crucially important. And perhaps it is timely too to look again at Welsh language centres as organisations at the heart of their community, which are appropriate to the needs of that community, and that is just as true in the Welsh-speaking heartlands as it is in those areas where there are Welsh speakers who perhaps don't have as many opportunities to use the Welsh language.


Diolch, Ruth. Mi wnawn ni symud ymlaen at Alun Davies.

Thank you, Ruth. We'll move on to Alun Davies.

Diolch yn fawr iawn. Mae pob un ohonoch chi, mewn sawl ffordd, wedi sôn amboutu'r impact mae'r pandemig wedi'i gael ar y Gymraeg ac ar gymunedau Cymraeg, a liciwn i ofyn ichi: ydych chi'n  meddwl bod rhaglen waith y Llywodraeth yn ymateb i hynny mewn unrhyw ffordd? Dŷn ni wedi gosod y targed o filiwn o siaradwyr, ac mae'r Llywodraeth wedi cyhoeddi ei rhaglen waith ar gyfer y Senedd yma. Ydych chi'n gweld bod y rhaglen waith yn ymateb i'r her?

Thank you very much. Every one of you, in a number of ways, has talked about the impact that the pandemic has had on the Welsh language and on Welsh-speaking communities, and I'd like to ask you whether you think that the programme for government responds to those concerns in any way. We've set this target of a million Welsh speakers, and the Government has published its work programme for this Senedd. Do you believe that that work programme responds to the challenge?

Don't all rush.

Ie. Galla i siarad am hynny ychydig, efallai. Fel mae pawb wedi sôn, y peth amlwg o ran effaith y pandemig ac ymateb y Llywodraeth iddo oedd yr effaith y mae wedi'i gael ar y farchnad dai, a dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig ein bod ni ddim yn anghofio bod penderfyniad Llywodraethau Prydain a Chymru i hepgor treth ar werthiant tai wedi helpu i wthio prisiau lan, felly mae e wedi cael effaith negyddol yn yr ystyr yna, a rydyn ni wedi gweld prisiau tai ar rent yn ffrwydro ym mhobman; pobl ifanc ddim yn gallu fforddio aros yn eu cymunedau. Mae wedi bod yn flaenoriaeth ymgyrchu fawr i ni, fel dwi'n siŵr eich bod chi wedi gweld, gyda miloedd yn dod i'n ralis ni ar y mater yma.

Ond buaswn i'n dweud ein bod yn croesawu’n fawr yr ymrwymiadau rydyn ni wedi'u gweld yn ddiweddar gan y Llywodraeth, rhai o'r mesurau sydd yn cael eu cynnwys yn y cytundeb gyda Phlaid Cymru, fel gosod cap ar nifer yr ail dai mewn unrhyw gymuned, cyflwyno treth dwristiaeth, edrych ar y posibiliad o reoli rhent, a hefyd mae ymgynghoriad gan y Llywodraeth wedi agor nawr sy'n edrych ar alluogi gorfodi caniatâd cynllunio er mwyn newid tŷ yn ail dŷ neu lety gwyliau, a rheoleiddio'r sector llety gwyliau.

Felly rydyn ni'n falch iawn o weld y camau hynny'n cael eu cymryd, a dwi'n meddwl ei bod hi'n bwysig nodi ar y mater yma yn benodol fod pethau wedi newid lot o ran lle'r oeddem ni yn y maes polisi yna gwpwl o flynyddoedd yn ôl, a rydyn ni'n falch o weld bod y pwyso gan bawb sy'n teimlo'n gryf am y mater yma rili wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth.

If I could address that, perhaps. Yes, as everyone's mentioned, the most apparent impact of the pandemic and the Government's response was the impact that it had on the housing market, and I think it's important that we don't forget that decisions taken by the UK and Welsh Governments to reduce taxation on the sale of homes has pushed the prices of homes up, so it's had a negative impact in that sense, and we've seen rental costs going through the roof everywhere and young people not being able to afford to stay in their communities. It's been a great campaigning priority for us, as I'm sure you will have seen, with thousands coming to our rallies on this particular issue.

But I would also say that we warmly welcome the commitments that we've seen recently from the Government, some of the steps included in the agreement with Plaid Cymru, such as placing a cap on the number of second homes in any community, introducing a tourism tax, looking at the possibility of managing rents, and also there's a Government consultation that's just been opened that's looking at enabling a requirement for planning consent to change a home into a holiday let or a second home, and regulating the holiday accommodation sector.

So, we're very pleased to see those steps being taken, and I do think it's important to note on this issue specifically that things have changed a great deal in terms of where we were in that policy sphere a few years ago, and we're pleased to see that the pressure applied by all who feel strongly about these issues has made a difference.

Diolch, Mabli. Oes rhywun eisiau—? Ie, Efa, ac wedyn mi wnaf i ddod at Ruth. Efa.

Thank you, Mabli. Anyone else? Efa, and than I'll come to Ruth. Efa.

Alun, os wyt ti'n holi am y rhaglen lywodraethu neu am y rhaglen weithredu 'Cymraeg 2050', dwi'n gallu siarad yn bennaf am y pethau sy'n effeithio ar y ganolfan yn y rhaglenni hynny. A dweud y gwir, dwi'n meddwl bod y pethau sydd yn y rhaglen lywodraethu, yn enwedig yr un diwygiedig, ac yn 'Cymraeg 2050' yn atgyfnerthu rhai o'r pethau dwi wedi bod yn sôn amdanyn nhw bore yma, sef yr oedran 16 i 25, cynyddu'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg mewn gweithleoedd, er y byddai modd dadlau, yn y rhaglen lywodraethu, mae e'n weddol annelwig. Mae e jest yn dweud 'cynyddu'—mae angen ychydig bach mwy o gig ar yr asgwrn, dwi'n meddwl, ar nifer o'r pwyntiau sydd yn y rhaglen lywodraethu. Mae e'n sôn am ehangu rôl y ganolfan a chynyddu'r cyllid, a dyw e ddim hollol glir i ba gyfeiriad, er bod yr adolygiad cyflym yn yr haf wedi rhoi awgrymiadau o ran hynny a'n gwaith ni wrth ymgysylltu â’r sector addysg, er enghraifft. Mae'r rhaglen lywodraethu yn sôn am ehangu'r gweithlu addysg sy'n gallu dysgu ac addysgu a gweithio drwy'r Gymraeg, a mae'n sôn am sefydlu un continwwm, er enghraifft. Felly, mae nifer o'r themâu yn y dogfennau yma. Rwyf i'n meddwl bod y cwestiwn yn fwy yn ymwneud â sut fyddan nhw'n cael eu datblygu a'u gweithredu, a faint o gyllid—. Mae cyllid yn rhan annatod o hyn. Mae yna linc rhwng faint sy'n gallu cael ei gyflawni a faint o gyllid sy'n cael ei roi, ac mae faint o flaenoriaeth sy'n cael ei rhoi i bethau, wrth gwrs, yn mynd i ddibynnu ar faint o gyllid sydd ar gael.

Felly, i ateb dy gwestiwn di o ran ydy'r pethau sydd yn y rhaglen waith ac yn y blaen yn addas, wel, i fi, rwyf i'n meddwl y gallaf i ddweud o ran fy sefydliad i eu bod nhw, ond bod yna drafodaeth bellach i'w chael o ran beth yw'r sgôp a pha mor bell allem ni fynd â'r pethau hynny dros y cyfnod nesaf. Felly, wrth gwrs byddwn ni'n edrych ymlaen at drafod mwy gyda'r Llywodraeth am hynny. Dwi'n meddwl bod y themâu yn iawn; mae angen gwneud yn siŵr bod y themâu yn cael eu datblygu, bod targedau yn cael eu rhoi, bod y gwaith yn cael ei wneud yn gydlynus. Felly, dyna fy ymateb i ar ran y ganolfan i'r cwestiynau yna.

Alun, if you're asking about the programme for government or the 'Cymraeg 2050' strategy, I can speak particularly to issues related to the centre in terms of those programmes. I think the things in the programme for government, particularly the amended programme for government, and in 'Cymraeg 2050' do reinforce many of the things that I've talked about already this morning, namely that 16 to 25 age cohort, increasing the use of the Welsh language in workplaces, although one could argue that it's quite ambiguous in the programme for government. It just says 'increase'—you need a little more meat on the bone on many of those points within the programme for government. It talks about expanding the role of the centre and increasing its funding, but it's not quite clear where that's going, although the quick review in the summer did give some suggestions with regard to that and our work with the education sector, for example. The programme for government does talk about expanding the education workforce able to teach and work through the medium of Welsh, and it talks about establishing one continuum, for example. So, many of the themes are in these documents. I think the question is how they will be implemented and developed, and how much funding—. Funding's an integral part of this. There is a link between how much can be delivered and how much funding is provided, and how much priority is given to those issues will depend on the funding provided.

So, to reply to your question as to whether the things in the programme for government are appropriate, well, from the perspective of my organisation, yes, but there is further discussion to be had as to what the scope is and how far we can take those issues in the upcoming period. So, we look forward to having further discussions with the Government on that. I think the themes are right; we now need to ensure that they are properly developed, that targets are put in place, and that the work is done in a co-ordinated manner. So, that's my response from a national centre perspective to those questions.


Diolch, Efa. Ruth, oeddech chi eisiau dod i mewn? Os ydyn ni'n gallu dadfudo Ruth, plîs. Diolch.

Thanks, Efa. Ruth, did you want to come in? Could we unmute Ruth, please? Thank you.

Yn y gorffennol, rydyn ni wedi bod yn reit feirniadol o raglen waith y Llywodraeth, ar y sail, fel mae Efa wedi dweud yn barod, diffyg manylion a diffyg cyllid penodol ar gyfer bob cam o'r siwrne. Dwi'n credu bod yna fwy o fomentwm rŵan. Dwi'n meddwl bod y cytundeb wedi bod yn hwb, ac un ffordd rydyn ni'n gweld hynna ydy'r parodrwydd i wahanol adrannau weithio gyda'i gilydd i fynd i'r afael â phroblemau dyrys iawn megis yr argyfwng tai.

Un peth rydyn ni'n ei groesawu am y cytundeb ydy ei bod yn ymddangos bod y Gymraeg yn greiddiol. Mae hi'n rhedeg drwy sawl elfen ohono fo, ond dwi'n meddwl mai'r peth pwysig i'w gadw mewn golwg ydy bod 'Cymraeg 2050' yn rhaglen hirdymor. Mae'r gwaith yn mynd i fod yna tu hwnt i dair blynedd y cytundeb, a thu hwnt i gyfnod y Senedd. Felly, os oes yna ryw ffordd o sicrhau'r parhad yna, yna yn sicr mae hwnna yn rhywbeth sydd ei angen, o ran cynllunio hirdymor ac o ran ariannu hirdymor.

In the past, we have been quite critical of the Government's programme for government, on the basis, as Efa has said, of a lack of detail and a lack of designated funding for every stage of the journey. I think there is now more momentum. I think the co-operation agreement has been a boost, and one area where we can see that is the willingness for different departments to work together to address very complex problems such as the housing crisis.

One thing we welcome about the agreement is that it appears that the Welsh language is at its heart. It runs through a number of elements of the agreement, but I think the important thing to bear in mind is that 'Cymraeg 2050' is a long-term programme. The work will be ongoing beyond the three years of this co-operation agreement, and beyond the term of this Senedd. So, if there is some way of ensuring that continuity, then certainly that would be something that is required in terms of long-term planning and long-term funding, too.

Meirion, oedd unrhyw beth oeddech chi eisiau ei ychwanegu? Jest arhoswch am funud. Ie, grêt.

Meirion, anything to add? If you could just wait a moment. Yes.

Ocê, diolch. Os caf i yn sydyn, mae gennym ni'r rhaglen 2050, y cytundeb ac argymhellion yr adroddiad COVID hefyd, so dwi'n meddwl, rhwng y tri pheth yna, os ydy popeth yn cael ei weithredu, mae modd symud ymlaen yn sylweddol. Mae yna ychydig o bethau dwi'n teimlo sydd angen bach mwy o gig, yn enwedig yn ymwneud â'r Gymraeg a'r economi. Does dim llawer ar hynna o fewn y rhaglen lywodraethu. Buaswn i'n hoffi, efallai, bach mwy o eglurhad ar hynna, a rôl y mentrau o fewn hynna, felly, ac ein gallu ni wedyn i gynyddu gweithleoedd ar lawr gwlad, a chryfhau'r economi gylchol trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg yn ein hardaloedd. Fel rydych chi'n gwybod, am bob £2 mae'r Llywodraeth yn rhoi i'r mentrau iaith, rydych chi'n cael £6 yn ôl, felly. So, fel roedd Efa yn dweud, mae cyllid yn greiddiol. Os ydyn ni'n mynd i gynyddu ein llwyth gwaith ni, mae'n rhaid i'r cyllid gynyddu hefyd. Dyw hynna ddim yn eglur.

Ond hefyd dwi'n falch o weld bod yna bwyslais eto ar yr ardaloedd Cymraeg. Dwi'n teimlo bod yr ardaloedd yma'n hanfodol, ac mae eisiau gweld y berthynas rhwng yr ardaloedd Cymraeg yma a'r ardaloedd llai Cymraeg fel perthynas symbiotig, lle mae'r ddwy yn cefnogi ei gilydd fel sydd yn digwydd mwy, efallai, yng Ngwlad y Basg, lle mae yna well dealltwriaeth, lle mae'r ddwy wahanol ardal yn gweithio yn well efo'i gilydd. Ond dwi'n meddwl ein bod ni'n dechrau cyrraedd rhyw fath o ddealltwriaeth ar hynna, ond yn bendant mae angen mwy o bwyslais. Y peth sy'n anodd efo ardaloedd lle mae'r Gymraeg yn dal yn iaith gymunedol, dydych chi ddim ond yn cynnal iaith; i gynnal y Gymraeg, mae'n rhaid i chi gynnal y gymuned, ac mae hynna yn fuddsoddiad sylweddol.

Yes, if I could just briefly mention, we do have the 2050 programme, the agreement and the recommendations in the COVID report, so I think between those three things, if everything is implemented, then we can make significant progress. There are a few things that I think need a little fleshing out, particularly in relation to the Welsh language and the economy. There isn't much contained on that within the programme for government. I would like some clarity on that, and to understand the role of the mentrau within that, and our ability to increase the number of workplaces on the ground and to strengthen the circular economy through the medium of Welsh in our areas. As you know, for every £2 the Government provides to the mentrau iaith, you get £6 back, and as Efa said, funding is at the heart of this. If we are to increase our workload, then the funding has to increase, too. That isn't clear at the moment, as to whether it will happen.

I'm also pleased to see that there is emphasis on Welsh-speaking areas. I do think that these areas are crucial and we do need to see the relationship between these areas and the less Welsh-speaking areas as a symbiotic relationship, where both support each other, as happens perhaps more in the Basque Country, where there is a better understanding of where the two areas can come together and work together. But I think we are starting to get some sort of understanding there, but we certainly need more emphasis on that. What's difficult with areas where the Welsh language is still a community language is you're not just supporting the language; you have to support the community to support the language, and that takes significant investment.


Diolch, Meirion. Roedd Mabli eisiau dod nôl i mewn, dwi'n meddwl. 

Thank you, Meirion. Mabli, I think you wanted to come back. 

Ie, jest i ategu rhai o'r pwyntiau mae pobl wedi'u gwneud o ran y strategaeth iaith a'r targedau, a'r rhoi cig ar yr asgwrn yna. Dŷn ni ddim eisiau strategaeth 2050 i fynd yr un ffordd â phob strategaeth iaith arall dŷn ni wedi'i chael, sef rili bod yn fethiant. A dwi'n meddwl bod edrych ar y targedau addysg yn reit bwysig o ran enghraifft o lle mae hyn wedi digwydd. Roedd y Llywodraeth wedi methu eu targed o ran plant mewn addysg Gymraeg yn saith oed—roedd o'n 25 y cant erbyn 2015. Fe wnaethon nhw fethu hwnnw, felly fe wnaethon nhw leihau'r targed nesaf i 24 y cant erbyn 2021, ond maen nhw wedi methu â chyrraedd hwnnw hefyd. Os ydyn ni ddim yn mynd i'r afael â'r problemau yna yn y system addysg, ac os ydyn ni ddim yn cael deddfwriaeth addysg fydd wir yn gwneud gwahaniaeth, buddsoddiad yn y gweithlu a targedau statudol, dŷn ni ddim yn mynd i gyrraedd a gwneud y cynnydd mae'r Llywodraeth angen ei wneud nawr os ydyn ni'n mynd i gyrraedd y nod erbyn 2050.

Yes, just to echo some of the points made by others in terms of the language strategy and the targets, and fleshing those out. We don't want the 2050 strategy to go the same way as every other language strategy that we've had, which has really been failure. And I think that looking at the education targets is important in terms of an example of where this has happened. The Government missed its target in terms of children in Welsh-medium education at seven years of age—it was 25 per cent by 2015. They missed that, so they reduced the next target to 24 per cent by 2021, but they failed to reach that target, too. If we don't address those problems in the education system, and if we don't have education legislation that will really make a difference, investment in the workforce and statutory targets, then we won't make the progress that the Government needs to make now if we are going to reach that target by 2050.

Ocê. Alun, oedd yna unrhyw beth arall roeddech chi eisiau ei ychwanegu? 

Okay. Alun, anything else?

Dwi ddim yn credu bod amser gyda ni i fynd ar ôl hwn y bore yma, ond, Cadeirydd, liciwn i ddychwelyd at y pwnc yma a'r strategaeth Gymraeg, achos mae'r pwynt mae Mabli newydd ei wneud yn un pwysig. Ac mae Ruth wedi awgrymu yr un peth hefyd, nad oes pwynt gosod targedau os nad oes ffordd i gyrraedd y targedau, a dwi eisiau gweld targedau ar gyfer y Senedd yma gan y Llywodraeth, a dwi eisiau deall sut mae'r Llywodraeth yn mynd i gyrraedd y targedau. So, liciwn i ddychwelyd at hynny, os ŷm ni'n gallu.

I don't think we have time to pursue this this morning, but, Chair, I would like to return to this issue and to the Welsh language strategy, because of the points made by Mabli; they're important points. And Ruth has made similar suggestions too, that there is no point in setting targets if there is no way of achieving those targets, and I want to see targets for this Senedd set by Government, and I want to understand how the Government is going to deliver against those targets. So, I'd like to return to that, if we could.

Ie, buaswn i'n cytuno'n llwyr, achos roedd Ruth wedi dweud, nag oedd hi, bod y targed 2050, mae e tu hwnt i'r Senedd, felly mae e'n anodd i weld sut dŷn ni'n gallu ei brofi e. Rwy'n cytuno. Rwy'n siŵr byddem ni'n gallu trafod hwnna fel pwyllgor ond, yn sicr, buaswn i'n cytuno â chi, Alun. Rydyn ni mewn i llai na'r 13 munud olaf sydd gyda ni, ac mae dau Aelod yn dal angen gofyn cwestiwn. Felly, fe wnaf i ofyn am atebion mor gryno â phosibl, os gwelwch yn dda. Fe wnaf i fynd at Tom Giffard yn gyntaf.

Yes, I'd agree entirely, because Ruth said, didn't she, that the 2050 target is beyond this Senedd term, so it's difficult to see how we can test it. I agree. I'm sure that we as a committee can discuss that, but I would agree with you, Alun. We're into our last 13 minutes, and two Members have questions to ask. So, I will ask for succinct answers, if I may, and I will turn now to Tom Giffard.

Thanks, Chair. I'm just curious if you could outline any engagement you've had with Welsh Government with regard to their international strategy. So, I'd be just as interested if you haven't, as well as if you have, and the nature of that involvement would be useful as well. Thank you. 

Cwestiwn diddorol. Os ŷch chi'n holi am berthynas gyda'r uned ryngwladol, perthynas ffurfiol, wedyn nag oes, does dim. Fodd bynnag, mae gennym ni rai cysylltiadau rhyngwladol ein hunain, a byddwch chi hefyd yn synnu efallai i glywed bod gennym ni bobl ar draws y byd nawr yn ymuno â'n gwersi rhithiol ni. Mae gennym ni hefyd berthynas arbennig gyda chôr yn America sy'n cynnal gwersi eu hunain. Mae gennym ni hefyd berthynas gyda mudiad iaith yn Llydaw, ac rŷm ni'n rhannu adnoddau digidol gyda nhw. Felly, rŷm ni yn datblygu rhai cysylltiadau ac, wrth gwrs, rŷm ni'n trio dysgu gan wledydd eraill ac yn trio bod yn effro i unrhyw ymchwil sy'n dod gan wledydd eraill. Felly, mae'n rhan o'n ymgysylltu ni, ond o ran perthynas ffurfiol, ar hyn o bryd, na, ond yn sicr byddem ni'n croesawu. Does dim byd i rwystro pobl ar draws y byd rhag ymuno â'n gwersi ni nawr, ond wrth gwrs ein blaenoriaeth ni yw, a dwi'n gobeithio wastad fydd, dysgu pobl yng Nghymru i siarad a defnyddio'r Gymraeg.

It's an interesting question. If you're asking about our relations with the international relations department, we don't have any formal relations. However, we do have some international connections of our own, and you might be interested to hear that we have people across the world joining in our virtual lessons now. We also have an excellent relationship with a choir in America that hold their own Welsh language lessons. We also have a relationship with a language movement in Brittany, and we share digital resources with them. So, we are developing some connections of our own, and we're trying to learn from international experience and are aware of international research. So, it's part of our engagement as an organisation, but in terms of a formal relationship, no, we don't have that relationship. We would certainly welcome that. There is nothing to stop people across the world joining our lessons now, but our priority, of course, is and will always be to teach people in Wales to learn and use Welsh.

Does yna ddim cyswllt wedi bod, ond dwi'n credu bod yna sgôp i allu integreiddio'r Gymraeg i mewn i'r strategaeth ryngwladol. Ar hyn o bryd, wrth gwrs, mae jest yn ymddangos yng nghyd-destun Deddf Llesiant Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol (Cymru) 2015. Ond, yn sicr, dwi'n meddwl bod eisiau tynnu sylw at y diaspora Cymraeg a siaradwyr Cymraeg sydd tu hwnt i Gymru, a'r cyfraniad sydd ganddyn nhw i ddiwylliant, i'r economi, ac yn y blaen. Mae yna sôn am dwristiaeth antur. Beth am dwristiaeth iaith, lle mae modd dod draw i ddysgu a phrofi'r Gymraeg? Mae yna gymaint o waith i'w wneud hefyd o ran ein harbenigedd ni ar adfer a dysgu'r Gymraeg, a diwydiannau creadigol. Yr wythnos yma, wrth gwrs, mae yna gymaint o drafod wedi bod ar y ffilm Gwledd, a dylem ni fod gyda'r hyder i allu hyrwyddo ein hiaith yn greadigol, a hynny ar lwyfan rhyngwladol.292

There's been no engagement, no, but I do think that there is scope to integrate the Welsh language into the international strategy. At the moment, of course, it simply appears in the context of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. But, I do certainly think that we need to highlight the Welsh diaspora and Welsh speakers living outwith Wales, and the contribution that they have to make to the culture, to the economy, and so on. There is talk about adventure tourism. What about language tourism, where one could come to Wales to learn Welsh and experience the Welsh language? There is so much work to be done too in terms of our expertise in restoring and learning the Welsh language, and the creative industries. This week, of course, there's been so much discussion on the film The Feast, and we should have the confidence to promote our language on a creative level, and to do so on a global stage.


Diolch, Ruth. Meirion neu Mabli, a oedd un ohonoch chi—? Mabli, a wedyn Meirion.

Thank you, Ruth. Meirion or Mabli, did one of you—? Mabli, then Meirion.

Dŷn ni ddim wedi ymwneud â'r Llywodraeth yn ffurfiol ar hyn, ond jest i ddweud dŷn ni'n gweithio'n agos iawn gyda'n chwaer fudiadau ni mewn gwledydd eraill sy'n ymgyrchu ar faterion ieithoedd lleiafrifol, ac mae lot o'r polisi dŷn ni'n ei ddatblygu yn dod o'r gweithio ar y cyd yna, felly mae e yn rili bwysig o ran y gwersi dŷn ni'n gallu eu dysgu o lefydd eraill a hefyd yr esiampl mae Cymru'n gallu ei rhoi i rannau eraill o'r byd.

We haven't engaged with the Government formally on this, but just to say that we do work very closely with our sister organisations in other nations that are campaigning on minority language issues, and much of the policy that we develop does emerge from that joint working, so it is hugely important in terms of the lessons that we can learn from elsewhere, and also the example that Wales can provide to other parts of the world.

Rhywbeth tebyg. Dydyn ni ddim wedi cael cyswllt ffurfiol, ond fel rhwydwaith rydyn ni'n aelodau o'r NPLD, y rhwydwaith o fudiadau iaith ar draws Ewrop, felly mae gennym ni lot o gysylltiadau. Mae yna fynd a dŵad wedi bod rhwng y mentrau a llefydd fel Gwlad y Basg, Catalunya. Rydyn ni wedi gwneud rhywfaint o waith efo'r Wladfa dros y blynyddoedd. Ond ie, yn bendant, dwi'n meddwl bod yna bosibiliadau mawr o ran y diaspora, hyd yn oed yn denu pobl yn ôl i Gymru. Felly, ie, mae'n bendant yn werth ymchwilio i mewn i hynny. 

Something similar. We haven't engaged formally, but as a network we are members of NPLD, which is a network of language organisations across Europe, so we have a number of connections there. There has been a lot of engagement with the Basque Country, Catalunya. We have done some work with Patagonia over the years. But yes, certainly, I think there are great possibilities in terms of the diaspora, even attracting people back to Wales. So, yes, it's certainly worth looking into.

Diolch, Meirion. Tom, a oedd unrhyw beth arall roeddech chi eisiau gofyn?

Thank you, Meirion. Tom, was there anything else you wanted to ask?

Diolch, Tom. Yn olaf, fe wnawn ni fynd at Carolyn Thomas.

Thank you, Tom. Finally, we'll turn to Carolyn Thomas.

Just a question about funding. Would you like to raise anything that's not already been mentioned regarding funding for resilience going forward?

Os oes unrhyw un eisiau—. Dwi'n gwybod bod hyn wedi codi ychydig yn barod, ond os oes unrhyw un eisiau ychwanegu unrhyw beth nawr, mae croeso ichi wneud. Mabli.

If anyone would like to—. I know that this has been covered already, but if anyone has anything to add now, you're welcome to do so. Mabli.

Un o'n galwadau ni ar gyfer y Llywodraeth nawr yw i gynyddu'r buddsoddiad o wariant y Llywodraeth ar y Gymraeg i jest 1 y cant o gyllideb y Llywodraeth, a'r cyfan ar brosiectau i hyrwyddo'r Gymraeg. Byddai hynny yn gynnydd sylweddol o beth yw hi ar hyn o bryd, a byddai'n ein galluogi ni i edrych ar bethau fel creu rhagor o gynnwys digidol yn Gymraeg, prosiectau i gefnogi dysgwyr, hyrwyddo gweithgareddau hamdden ar lawr gwlad. Cwpwl o flaenoriaethau eraill, buaswn i'n dweud hefyd, ydy bod angen buddsoddiad sylweddol dros dymor y Senedd yma mewn hyfforddiant i'r gweithlu addysg a gofal plant. Mae llwyth o gynigion eraill gyda ni yn y ddogfen 'Mwy na Miliwn', ond buaswn i'n dweud bod rheini yn ddau beth dwi'n meddwl bod angen edrych arnyn nhw'n fuan.

One of our demands from Government now is to increase investment in Government spending on the Welsh language to 1 per cent of the Government's budget and to focus that on projects to promote the Welsh language. That would be a substantial increase on the current percentage and would enable us to look again at things such as creating more Welsh-medium digital content, projects to support learners, promoting leisure activities at grass-roots level. A couple of other priorities would be that we need significant investment over this Senedd term in training for the education and childcare workforce. There are all sorts of other proposals in our document 'More than a Million', but those are two things that need to be looked at urgently.

Jest tri pheth yn sydyn. Mi fuaswn i'n ddiolchgar iawn petaem ni'n gallu cadw y cytundeb Helo Blod, Cymraeg Byd Busnes, o fewn y rhwydwaith mentrau iaith er mwyn inni allu creu mwy o gynhwysedd i fynd ar ôl rhai o'r argymhellion COVID, sef gweithio'n fwy dwys o fewn cymunedau. Ni allwn ni ddim gwneud hynny, mewn ffordd, os oes gennym ni ddim mwy o adnoddau. Rydyn ni'n rhedeg 10 pwyllgor ardal yn y sir yma, ac ni fedraf i ddim rhedeg mwy. Does gennym ni ddim y staff i'w wneud o. Felly, buaswn i'n ddiolchgar iawn os oedd hynny'n cael ei ystyried, bod y cyllid Helo Blod yn dod o fewn i gyllid craidd y mentrau. Dydy cyllid craidd y mentrau ddim wedi cynyddu o gwbl yn yr wyth mlynedd diwethaf. Mi ydym ni'n llwyddiannus iawn yn dod â chyllid arall i mewn, fel dwi'n dweud, ond y mwyaf o gyllid craidd sydd gennym ni, y mwyaf o gyllid fydd yn dod i mewn eto.

Y pwynt olaf ydy, eto, y buaswn i'n hoffi ein bod ni ddim ond yn cael cyllid gan isadran y Gymraeg, ond ein bod ni'n pontio drosodd i adran yr economi, a fuasai'n ein helpu ni i weithredu cynlluniau economaidd sydd o fudd economaidd ond sydd o fudd i'r Gymraeg hefyd. Rydyn ni wedi cyflwyno papur i'r Llywodraeth yn gofyn am arian i beilota swyddog i'n helpu ni i sefydlu mentrau cymdeithasol newydd cyfrwng Cymraeg. Mae gennym ni ryw bum achos sydd yn frwd eisiau mynd. Felly, mi fuasai cael torri'r Gymraeg allan o jest portffolio y Gymraeg yn fantais, a gweithio'n agosach efo adrannau fel adran yr economi.

Just three things very briefly. We would be very grateful if we could retain the Helo Blod contract, Welsh in Business, within the mentrau iaith network, so that we can generate more scope to pursue some of the COVID recommendations, which is to work more intensively within communities. We can't do that unless we have more resources. We run 10 area committees in this area and we can't do more. We don't have the staff to do so. So, I'd be very grateful if that could be considered, that the Helo Blod funding could be included within our core funding. The core funding of the mentrau hasn't increased at all in the past eight years. We are very successful in bringing alternative sources of funding in, but the more core funding we have then the more we can generate ourselves. 

A final point is that I would like to see us not only receiving funding through the Welsh language division but that we also have relations with the economy department, which would help us to implement economic proposals, which would be economically beneficial but also beneficial to the Welsh language. We have presented a paper to the Government asking for funding to pilot an official to help us to establish new Welsh-medium social enterprises. We have around five cases that are ready to go. So, actually bringing the Welsh language out of the Welsh language portfolio and working more closely with other departments, such as the economy department, would be a step forward. 

Diolch, Meirion. Efa, roeddech chi eisiau dod i mewn hefyd.

Thank you, Meirion. Efa, you wanted to come in.


Ie, jest i wneud y pwynt amlwg, dwi'n credu, bod yna gysylltiad rhwng yr hyn rydych chi'n gallu ei wneud a'i ddarparu a'r cyllid rydych chi'n ei dderbyn. Felly, os oes angen gweld step change mewn unrhyw faes polisi, wedyn mae angen i'r penderfyniadau ariannol gyd-fynd â hynny. Dwi'n gwybod fy mod i'n dweud yr amlwg, a dwi ddim eisiau swnio fel ein bod ni i gyd yn cwyno drwy'r amser ein bod ni eisiau mwy o arian, ond mae e oherwydd ein bod ni'n gallu gweld bod derbyn buddsoddiad ychwanegol, fel cafodd y ganolfan ar gyfer y cynllun Cymraeg Gwaith—rydyn ni wir nawr yn gallu gweld ffrwyth y buddsoddiad hwnnw ac yn gallu gweld cymaint yn fwy eto y byddem ni'n gallu ei gyflawni o gael mwy o arian. Felly, mae'n gwestiwn o flaenoriaethu, mewn ffordd, i Lywodraeth Cymru. Rydyn ni'n gwybod bod wastad galwadau ar arian cyhoeddus, ac rydyn ni wedi clywed y bore yma, onid ydyn ni, bod y sector Cymraeg yn y bôn yn un creadigol, digon entrepreneuraidd, ond mae penderfyniadau ariannol yn bwysig o ran sut mae modd i'r sector Cymraeg gyflawni amcanion polisi'r Gymraeg. 

Yes, just to make the obvious point that there is a link between what you can do and what you can provide and the funding that you receive. So, if we do need to see a step change in any policy area, then the funding decisions need to run along with that. I know I'm stating the obvious, and I don't want to sound like we're all always complaining that we need more funding, but it's because we can see that that additional investment, as the national centre received for Work Welsh—we can see the outcomes of that investment and can see how much more we could have delivered if we had more funding. So, it's a question of priorities for the Government, in a way. We know that there are always demands on the public purse, and we've heard this morning that the Welsh language sector is entrepreneurial and very creative, but funding decisions are important in terms of how the Welsh language sector can deliver its policy objectives in relation to the Welsh language.  

Diolch, Efa, am hynny. Gwnawn ni fynd at Ruth i gloi, felly. 

Thank you for that, Efa. We will go to Ruth to close. 

Yn fras iawn, af i jest drwy beth roedden ni wedi rhoi fel sylwadau ar y gyllideb ddrafft eleni. Gwariant ar dwf addysg Gymraeg a chymreigio'r gweithle a'r buddsoddiad yn fanna i bobl ddysgu a gloywi eu hiaith. Cefnogi parhad a ffyniant y fro Gymraeg. Felly, buddsoddiad sylweddol hirdymor yn y cymunedau sy'n wynebu dyfodol anghynaliadwy yn sgil yr argyfwng tai a chyfleoedd lleol. A hefyd arian ar gyfer rhwydweithio'r Gymraeg mewn cymunedau. 

Very briefly, I'll just go through our comments on this year's draft budget. Expenditure on the growth of Welsh-medium education and bringing the Welsh language into the workplace and investment there so that people can improve their language skills. We need to support the Welsh-speaking heartlands. So, significant long-term investment in those communities that are facing an unsustainable future as a result of the housing crisis and the local opportunities available. And also funding for networking the Welsh language within communities. 

Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi, Ruth. Diolch yn fawr iawn ichi i gyd fel tystion am eich tystiolaeth y bore yma. Byddwch chi'n cael transgript drafft o'r hyn rydych chi wedi ei ddweud i'w wirio, a dwi'n siŵr y byddwn ni eisiau siarad â chi i gyd eto yn fuan iawn ynglŷn â nifer o'r pethau rydych chi wedi eu codi. Os oes unrhyw beth ychwanegol rydych chi eisiau cyflwyno'n ysgrifenedig i ni, buasem ni'n amlwg yn croesawu hynny hefyd. Ond, diolch yn fawr iawn ichi am hynny. Diolch yn fawr iawn. 

Thank you very much, Ruth. Thank you to you all as witnesses for your evidence this morning. You will receive a transcript of your comments so that you can check that, and I'm sure we'll be speaking to you all again on many of the issues that you've raised with us today. If there's anything you want to add as evidence in writing, we would obviously welcome that, but thank you very much for your contributions. Thank you very much. 

5. Papurau i'w nodi
5. Papers to note

Aelodau, gwnawn ni symud at eitem 5, sef papurau i'w nodi. Eitem 5.1, gwybodaeth ychwanegol gan Brifysgol Caerdydd yn dilyn yr ymchwiliad undydd ar y diwydiannau celfyddydol a chreadigol. Eitem 5.2, llythyr gan y Prif Weinidog at Gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Deddfwriaeth, Cyfiawnder a’r Cyfansoddiad am y cytundeb cysylltiadau rhyngsefydliadol ac uwchgynhadledd Cyngor Prydain-Iwerddon yng Nghymru. Eitem 5.3, ymateb Llywodraeth Cymru i adroddiad pwyllgor diwylliant y pumed Senedd, 'Ar gof a chadw? Adroddiad ar bwy sy’n cael eu coffáu mewn mannau cyhoeddus’. Ac yn olaf, eitem 5.4, gwybodaeth ychwanegol gan Gomisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru yn dilyn yr ymchwiliad undydd i dreftadaeth, amgueddfeydd ac archifau. Ydy'r Aelodau yn fodlon nodi'r papurau, neu oes gan unrhyw un unrhyw beth maen nhw eisiau ei ddweud yn gyhoeddus amdanyn nhw? Hapus i'w nodi? Mae'n edrych fel eich bod chi'n hapus i'w nodi. Ocê. Iawn. 

Members, we'll move to item 5, papers to note. Item 5.1, additional information from Cardiff University following the one-day inquiry on arts and creative industries. Eitem 5.2, a letter from the First Minister to the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee regarding the inter-institutional relations agreement and the British-Irish Council summit in Wales. Item 5.3, Welsh Government response to the report of the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee of the fifth Senedd, 'Set in Stone? A report on who gets remembered in public spaces’. And finally, item 5.4, additional information from Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales following our one-day inquiry on heritage, museums and archives. Are Members content to note those papers, or does anyone have anything they wish to state publicly on them? Are we happy to note? I think everyone is happy. 

6. Cynnig o dan Reol Sefydlog 17.42 i benderfynu gwahardd y cyhoedd o weddill y cyfarfod hwn ac o'r cyfarfod ar 15 Rhagfyr 2021
6. Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting and for the meeting on 15 December 2021


bod y pwyllgor yn penderfynu gwahardd y cyhoedd o weddill y cyfarfod, a'r cyfarfod ar 15 Rhagfyr, yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.42(vi).


that the committee resolves to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting, and the meeting on 15 December, in accordance with Standing Order 17.42(vi).

Cynigiwyd y cynnig.

Motion moved.

Felly, gwnawn ni symud ymlaen. Yn unol â Rheol Sefydlog 17.42, rwy'n cynnig bod y cyhoedd yn cael eu gwahardd o weddill y cyfarfod. Ydych chi, fel Aelodau, yn fodlon derbyn y cynnig? Ydych chi'n fodlon? Ocê. Gwnawn ni barhau, felly, yn breifat, a gwnaf i wrando i glywed ein bod ni'n breifat. 

So, we will move on to item 6. In accordance with Standing Order 17.42, I resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting. Are you as Members content with that? Everyone content? We will continue in private and I will await instructions to hear when we are in private session. 

Derbyniwyd y cynnig.

Daeth rhan gyhoeddus y cyfarfod i ben am 12:08.

Motion agreed.

The public part of the meeting ended at 12:08.